2024-09 23 SALETax Deeds Sales List - Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
As of: 9/23/20243:11 PM
Sale Date TDA#Cert#Title Holder Property ID#Legal Description Min. Bid Status or Sold Amt
9/23/2024 24076 2022/326
GOLDA THARPS & GILBERT MINGO 00445520006 32 50 26 1,808.24$ 22,000.00$
9/23/2024 24079 2022/2456 EDMEE ESQUILIN EST 41508160003 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 91 W 75FT OF E 150FT OF TR 88 1,689.93$ 18,000.00$
9/23/2024 24087 2022/113 DORA B PINA 00120160008
3 47 29 S 65FT OF N 165FT OF E1/2 OF NW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF
SW1/4 LESS W 150FT, .22 AC 5,607.72$ REDEEMED
9/23/2024 24094 2022/2472 WILLIAM JACKSON 41614200006 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 92 W 150FT OF TR 45 OR 1996 PG 127 2,945.22$ 48,000.00$
9/23/2024 24097 2022/3051 MANGELLUZI FAMILY TRUST 60576007205 MONTEREY UNIT THREE LOT 66 22,700.48$ REDEEMED
9/23/2024 24099 2022/3986 HUGO PATRICIO GARRIDO CHEREZ & FANNY 78698105006 VALENCIA LAKES PHASE 4-A LOT 90 16,228.40$ REDEEMED
9/23/2024 24104 2022/2178 TARPON IV LLC 40073080004 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 67 S 180FT OF TR 114 3,919.03$ REDEEMED
9/23/2024 24108 2017/715 BETTY J MCINTOSH EST 00992000008
35 51 31 25% O G & M RIGHTS DESC AS: S1/2 SW1/4 NW1/4 &
N1/2 NW1/4 SW1/4 1,233.74$ 1,233.74$
9/23/2024 24112 2017/4129 KATRIX LLC 65070760001 PALMETTO PARK BLK 1 LOT 19 3,431.42$ 21,000.00$
9/23/2024 24113 2017/4130 TARPON IV LLC 65070800000 PALMETTO PARK BLK 1 LOTS 20 + 21 7,831.99$ 23,000.00$
9/23/2024 24114 2017/4226 DENTON II LLC 66930120007 PINE GROVE LOTS 3 + 4 10,170.39$ 24,000.00$
As of July 1, 2011, The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable deposit of 5% of the bid or $200,
whichever is greater,
at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full payment. F.S. 197.542(2)
Tax Deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collector’s office, for delinquent real estate taxes. The auctions are held on Monday’s (but not every Monday), in the Collier
County Courthouse Atrium, at 1:00 P.M. in the Collier County Government complex. The Clerk of Circuit Court’s office holds these auctions, but assumes no responsibility for any encumbrances or liens on the property. You
must be present at the auction or send a representative to bid for you. No phone call or electronic bids are allowed at this time.
Abbreviated list provided for convenience - May not show complete information or current redemptions.
TDA# is Tax Deed Application Number
Click on the TDA# to view the Property Information Report.