2024-08-26 SALETax Deeds Sales List - Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
As of: 8/26/20241:47 PM
Sale Date TDA#Cert#Title Holder Property ID#Legal Description Min. Bid Status or Sold Amt
8/26/2024 24039 2022/2240 TARPON IV LLC 40476000005 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 73 E 180FT OF TR 72 OR 670 PG 665 4,261.57$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24047 2022/2475 KATHERINE DELGADO 41615280009 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 92 E 180FT OF TR 58 3,565.38$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24050 2022/1550 JOSE M BRETON 35762880009 GOLDEN GATE UNIT 2 BLK 43 LOT 5 70,842.72$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24064 2022/1306 FRANK S & HALINA T IANNO 28431080008 COUNTRYSIDE AT BERKSHIRE LAKES SEC 1, BLK C LOT 39 15,115.68$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24066 2022/1910 TARPON IV LLC 38783560004 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 41 W 150FT OF TR 32 2,584.71$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24071 2022/2476 KATHERINE DELGADO 41616280008 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 92 W 180FT OF TR 69 3,565.38$ REDEEMED
8/26/2024 24073 2022/152 FREDERICK A REID ET AL 00135840009
9 47 29 COMM SW CNR OF SW1/4 OF SE1/4 OF SEC 9, N
325.65FT TO POB, N 287.90FT, S89 DEG E 167.74FT, S 287.90FT,
N89 DEG W TO POB 1.11 AC OR 1755 PG 570 2,014.61$ 42,000.00$
8/26/2024 24075 2022/322 KEMP & ASSOCIATES 00444240002
32 50 26 COMM AT W1/4 CNR OF SEC, N 2 DEG E 150.91FT, N 59
DEG E 1898.59FT TO POB, N 59 DEG E 150FT, S 30 DEG E
300FT, S 59 DEG W 150FT, N 30 DEG W 300FT TO POB 1.03 AC
OR 470 PG 678 1,794.11$ 44,000.00$
As of July 1, 2011, The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable deposit of 5% of the bid or $200,
whichever is greater,
at the time of the sale, to be applied to the sale price at the time of full payment. F.S. 197.542(2)
Tax Deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collector’s office, for delinquent real estate taxes. The auctions are held on Monday’s (but not every Monday), in the Collier
County Courthouse Atrium, at 1:00 P.M. in the Collier County Government complex. The Clerk of Circuit Court’s office holds these auctions, but assumes no responsibility for any encumbrances or liens on the property. You
must be present at the auction or send a representative to bid for you. No phone call or electronic bids are allowed at this time.
Abbreviated list provided for convenience - May not show complete information or current redemptions.
TDA# is Tax Deed Application Number
Click on the TDA# to view the Property Information Report.