2023-08-28 SALETax Deeds Sales List - Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
As of: 8/28/20231:55 PM
Sale Date TDA#Cert#Title Holder Property ID#Legal Description Min. Bid
Status or
Sold Amt
8/28/2023 23021 2021/53 MARTIN C VILLAGOMEZ/ROSA LEON 00080000004 32 46 29 3,419.56$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23023 2021/452 AMBROCIA ANDRADE 00768000009 20 51 27 3,466.15$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23026 2021/2177 WILLIAM & GERTRUDE EDMONDS 39955720008 GGE UNIT 65 E 105' TR 48 3,921.96$ 36,000.00$
8/28/2023 23029 2021/2075 JOHN A & NANCY B GILBERT 39327280008 GGE UNIT 50 N 150' TR 70 3,797.41$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23030 2021/2777 GREGORY LAST 52790000342 KEY ROYAL A CONDO UNIT 135 6,503.09$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23031 2021/2786 FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ 53002320007 KINGS LAKE UNIT 3 BLK Q LOT 5 164,860.37$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23032 2021/1143 ANGEL SOM 24690000742 BOUGAINVILLAS A CONDO UNIT 37 7,250.82$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23034 2021/1928 MILDRED M HUSTON 38724240008 GGE UNIT 40 W 180' TR 55 2,714.40$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23035 2021/2129 BLOCKWELL GROUP LLC 39718520005 GGE UNIT 61 E 150' TR 72 3,097.42$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23039 2021/1043 DENISE LEWIS 21968201221 AMARANDA AT FIDDLER'S CREEK LOT 92 17,298.99$ REDEEMED
8/28/2023 23050 2021/2427 FRANK MOORE 41342680008 GGE UNIT 88 W 150' TR 34 2,397.10$ REDEEMED
As of July 1, 2011, The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable deposit of 5% of the bid or $200, whichever is greater, at the time of
Tax Deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collector’s office, for delinquent real estate taxes. The auctions are
Abbreviated list provided for convenience - May not show complete information or current redemptions.
TDA# is Tax Deed Application Number
Click on the TDA# to view the Property Information Report.