2023-04-24 SALETax Deeds Sales List - Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
As of: 4/21/20232:37 PM
Sale Date TDA#Cert#Title Holder Property ID#Legal Description Min. Bid
Status or
Sold Amt
4/24/2023 20041 2018/3332 PIETRO SPAGNUOLO 52790002926 KEY ROYAL A CONDOMINIUM UNIT 924 15,232.25$ REDEEMED
As of July 1, 2011, The high bidder shall post with the clerk a nonrefundable deposit of 5% of the bid or $200, whichever is greater, at
Tax Deed sales are the auction of property on which tax certificates have been sold by the Tax Collector’s office, for delinquent real estate taxes. The
Abbreviated list provided for convenience - May not show complete information or current redemptions.
TDA# is Tax Deed Application Number
Click on the TDA# to view the Property Information Report.