Parcel 801 & 801APROJECT: Speding Court PARCEL: 801 and 801A DOC-.TO 52.50 CO~2~S t.O0 DRAINAGE EASEMENT IZ! 19H THIS EASEMENT. made and entered into ~is ~ day of ;" ', , ,' _, 19 . by ~LLIAM L. MORNIS AND PATRIClA I. MORRIS, husband and ~fe, as an estate by the entree, ~ose mailing address is 1035 SPYG~SS ~NE, NAPLES, FLORIDA ~102, as Grantor. and COLLIER COUP, a ~lifi~l su~i~sion of ~e S~te of Florida, ~ose mailing add~ess is 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples. Florida ~112, i~ su~ssors and assigns, as Gmntee. (Wherever used herein the terms 'Grantor" and 'Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.) WITNESSETH: Grantor, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee, a perpetual, non-exclusive, license, and privilege to enter upon and to install and maintain drainage and utility t'acJtities on the following described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: See attached Exhibit 'A' which is incorporated herein by reference. Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. THIS IS NOT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee logether with the right to enter upon said land, place, excavate, and remove materials for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining drainage and utility facilities thereon. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. The easement granted herein shall constitute easements running with the land and shall burden the lands desc~bed above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date, and year first above written. FIRST WITNESS (Signature) (Print/Na~e),~ S ECON. 2c~[l[l'~ig nature) William L Morris (Print Name) FIRST WITNESS (Signature) Ur~a Davis nature) (Pdnt Name) Patdcia I. Morris THIS CONVEYANCE ACCEPTED BY THE 1 eO;P,D OF COUNTY COMHISSIOfIEES, ] COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, d PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS .%a OR: 2431 PG: 2953 STATE OF "' ~. ' COUNTY OF . ~ ~ The foregoing Drainage Easement was acknowledged before me this -, day of ~" '~.., 1998, by William L Mords who is ~ersonally known ~o me' or who has produced · as identification. (Affix notodal seal) (Signa. ture o1' Notary) Lloda Davis (Pdnt Name of Notary) Commission # OF ,. ~ ~ion Expires: STATE COUNTY OF ,. The foregoing Drainage Easement was acknowledged before me this / day of ' ' *': .x.__, 1998, by Pat,=ia I. Morris who is personally known to-me or who has produced as identification. - .... (Affix notodal seal) (Pdnt Name of Notary) Commission # My Commission Expires: OR: 2431 PG: 2954 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (941) 774-8192 A R P I hi N T A RV PROJECT NO._ PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL I'I0.~ T! IE WEST TEN (Hr) FEET OF T! IE SOUTI i ~) FEET OF T! IE NORTI I 95 FEET OF A PORTION OF I.OT 69 OF THE PLAT TI IEREOF. NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FARMS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 20FTHE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FI.ORIDA. AND BEING MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIBED AS FOI.I.OWS: Ill:GINNING AT A I~)INT ON TIlE NOR]'II I.INE DJ: SAID TRAC'F 69,1)ISTANT 2155 FEEl' EASTOF TI IE NORTIIWEST CORNER TI IEREOF,CONTINUE EAST ON SAIl) NORTI! LINE FOR bio FI-.'EI'iTI IENCE DEFI. ECT RIGHT 1{9 DEGREES ~3 MINUTFS 5¢) SECONDS, R UN I lo. 71 FEET SOUT! ! ALONG TI [E WEST RIGI IT OF WAY LI NE OF 14TI:I.STREET NORTII; TI{ENCE DEFLEC'r RIGIITgO DEGREES 06 MINUTES IO SECONDS. RUN WF-~TERLY I I 1.21 FEET,TIIENCE DEFLECT LEFT 26 DEGREES 3 I MINWIES 30 SECONDS.RUN SOUTHWESTERLY 32.18 FEET, TI IENCE DEFI.ECT RIGI IT, i 16 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 30 SECONDS.RUN NORTllERLY 12i06 FEET TO 'Fl [E POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING O015 ACRE (ILO0 SQUARE FEET). MORE OR LESS. PARCEl. PROFESSIONAL [3~JqD SURVEYOR #240~ OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS COLLIER COUNTY GOVERJlIIIi~NT COMPLEX ,~.~,,~ 3301 £ TAMIAMI TRAIL ~LES, FLORIDA 34112 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE OR: 2431 PG: 2955 Z OF~/- 3301 OF'FICE OF CAPITAL PROJEC2'S E~,.S'F TAMIAUl 'rRA~L NAPLES. FLORIDA 3-'1112 (94-'I) 774-8192 .SKETCH OF DESCP. IPTIOH SPERLING COURT STORM DRAIH PROJECT //31302 2155' TO t'lW COR LOT 69 LAKE J) P.O,O, ladlcatee Poln[ of Commencement 2) P.O.B, Indicates Polnl. of Beglnnlng $) Sec. [ndlcote~ Section 4) Twp. Indlcotes Townshlp 5) Rge. Indlcotes Ronge 6) R/W Indlcetes Right-of-way 7) All distances ora In feet <;nd decimals there<;f 9) Not volld unless signed ~nd seoled wr[h tho embossed seol of the profeeslo~l Iond surveyor 140' SPERLINC COURT MORRIS PROPERTY 'It tiS PARCEL 801 SPERS01.t~/O SHEET ! OF '- PG: 2956 OR: 2431 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112 (9.11) 774-8192 ,, A RIPTI r,l N T A SURV PROJECT HO. PROJECT PARCEL NO. TAX PARCEL tlO.~ Zjg~'/././q~ 0007 TI IE SOUTI I TEN ( 1 fi} FEET OF TI lE NOR'FI I 15 FEET OF A PORTION OF LOT fi') OF TI IE PI.AT TilEREOF.NAPLES IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S LITTLE FAR,MS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK ,2, PAGE ,2 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. AND BEING MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TIlE NORTI! LINE OF SAID TRACT 69,DISTANT 2155 FEET EASTOF TIlE NORTIIWEST CORNER TIIEREOF,CON~T1NUE EAST ON SAID NORTII I.INE FOR 140 FEET;TI IENCE DEFLECT RIGIIT 119 DEGREES 51 MINLrFES SECONDS. RUN I lo. TI ~:.ET SOt/TI{ ALONG TIlE WEST RIGIIT OF WAY LINE OF 14Tll STREET NORTII; THENCE DEFLECT RIGIIT 90 DEGREES 06 MINLFI~S SECONDS. RUN % '~.STERL¥ I 1121 FEET,TIIE~CE DEFLECT LEFT 26 DEGREES t MIN"OTES 30 SECONDS.RUN .~OLFFIIX%~S'FERLY 32. I$ FEET. TllENCE DEFLECT RIGIIT. 116 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 30 SECONDS,RUN NORTIIERLY 12f06 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING o o:t2 ACRE (1400 SQUARE FEET), XlORF. OR LESS. PARCEL 80 IA _ DATE: PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR //2406 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJE(.TS COLLIER COUNTY COVERI~[NT COMPLEX 350~ £ TAMIAMI 1RNL ~I~,PLES. FLORIDA 34112 *** OR: 2431 PG: 2957 *** i 3301 OFFICE OF CAPITAL PROJECTS EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 54112 (941) 774-8192 SKETCtl OF DESCRIPTION ° SPERLIHG COURT STORM DRAIN PROJECT #31502 2155' TO NW' COR LOT 69 ~ ~-, PARCEL 801A-~ "~ X~ 140' I ~- I '~"-10' DRAINAGE z ' EASEMEflT I L A K £ %, MORRIS PROPERTY t g\ ik W 111.21' 1) P.O.C. indicates Point of Commencement 2) P.O.B. indicates Point o! Ueginning 3) Sec. indicates Section 4) Twp, indicates Township 5) Rge. ir.Jicole:~ Range 6) R/W indicc~tes l~ight-of-wcj¥ 7) All disJarlces are in feet and dechnols thereof 9) riot ~olid unless signed and sealed with the embossed seal of the professional land surveyor PARCEL 801A THIS IS ONLY A SI<ETCH 02-20-98 [rix '~"~ '~SPERI 0~WG SHEET 1 OF 1