BCC Minutes 09/04/1991 B Naples, Florida, September 4, 1991 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in .and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. in BUDGET SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight VICE-CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ,.: ALSO PRESENT: Debby Farris and Ellte Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; 'Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Tom Olliff and Jennifer Pike, Assistants to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Mike McNees, i:}:[ Budget Director; Michae.1 Smykowskl, Edward Finn and Robert Bryne, ".[.:B. udge1~ Analysts; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Vince : Doerr, Chief of Ochopee Fire Control; David Davenport, Technical Services Coordinator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services .'Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; James Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Jr., Administrative Services Administrator; Don Hunter, Sheriff; Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office; Gayle Addison and Crystal ; -'-.'Bl&nkenship of the SherJff's Office. .... : 000 O1 ~..,. F l,r,r. Page 1 September 4, 1991 T~NTATIVE BUD~rr HEARING Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 1, 1991, as e,lidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the 1991-92 Tentative Budget. Referring to page ' of the Budget package, Budget Director McNees announced that the budget presented tonight requires a general fund :"' millage rate of 3.3910, which is a 7% increase over the rollback rate, '!' i.e. the rate which will generate the same dollars as were raised last by this year's property values. He explained that the county- millage rate is a combination of the general fund, water manage- ment fund, one mill capital outlay fund, and the water pollution :~control fund, that it is 4.4741, and represents what every taxpayer in let County will pay under these proposed taxes. He confirmed that ~nd ~1, called the Municipal Service Tax District (MSTD) General represents county general fund operations that only serve the '~lhcorporated area and reflects a .6569 millage rate, or a 47.5% . lj~ncrease. He stated there are four road districts ranging from .03 mills to .lS mills, with all districts experiencing a decline of bet- ~ween ~2.4~ and 18.4% under the rollback rate of last year. He expounded ~here are ~ number of improvement dls~rlcts rsn~ln~ from .~ mills to .39 mills, which represent taxpayer chosen items where the Board of County Commissioners has responded to their request and .established an improvement district. He related there are three fire ~ii .idistricts, the main being the Collier County Fire District, which is )r'oposing a 2 mill levy. Referring to page 2 of the Budget package, he verified there are forty-four lighting districts ranging in ~milla~e from .2829 to 2.18, with the primary lighting district being the Collier County Lighting District at .2829, which is a 20% increase i~'~ ..over last year's millage rate. He stated that the overall goal is to eliminate as many of the individual lighting districts as possible by folding them into the Collier County Lighting District. 03' He said that Page 2 September 4, lggl aggregate millage rate is a weighted average of all taxing units .'~nd taxing districts and leads to a millage rate of 5.1576, which is ?ban 8.8% increase over the rollback rate. Referring to page 3 of the ~.'?, package, he pointed out that the county-wide General Fund is proposed to be 72.5 million dollars, representing a 9.6% increase i~ 'over last year's budgeted General Fund dollars; that the '~ Oonstitutional Officers are budgeted to spend 52.5 million dollars, ~epresenting a 7.3% increase over last year; and that a total of all i{he Special Revenue Fund~ added to the debt service funds calculates i"-"-.to a bottom line total Collier County governmental budget of 253.4 ~Jmillion dollars, or 12.4% less than the 1990-91 adopted budget, and ~akes into account the current economic conditions, the slump in state gas and sales tax revenues, as well as the effects of the ongoing fiscal 1991 hiring freeze. He identified page 4 of the Budget package ae a summary of proprietary funds, which are those standing alone without benefit of tax revenues· the largest of which being the utili- division with a 24.,$% increase. He stated that the total in the proprietary fund budget is up to 147.6 million, or Gonunissloner Saunde=s stated that the increase in proprietary ~ :ft~/~ds is not something done to offset the small increase in the revenue funds, which Mr. McNees acknowledged as an accurate '~statement. Mr. McNees referred to the graphs on page 5 of the Budget ~'".i>package depicting a summary of appropriations for fiscal year 1992. In response to Commissioner Saunders questioning the debt ceiling : for the County, Mr. McNe. es confirmed that the current figures do not · :i'~'!'~ reflect a large amount of debt for the county. ~3 . Referring to the Employment Summary on page 6 of the Budget · Mr. McNees stated that the total number of county employees i~ifunded by this budget i~ 1,999, which reflects a 1.7% increase in ?}i¢oullty employees over the 1991 adopted budget. He added that, of this :/!figure, six positions are budgeted but not funded. He pointed out 04 Page 3 ~,~< : September 4, 1991 3.2~ increase in positions under the County Manager as well as the "~.!' ~4~ increase in total positions for the Constitutional Officers. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. McNees verified that '~he budget presented today assumes that all frozen positions are ~<';f~lnded as of October let. Commissioner Saund~,rs relayed his understanding that it is to the 'discretion of the Board of County Commissioners to lift the hiring '"freeze based on economic information provided, to which Mr. McNees confirmed that is indeed his understanding as well. Mr. McNees reiterated that, for budget purposes, these positions are funded but the money may not be spent. In response to Con~issioner Saunders regarding the hiring freeze, Manager Dotrill verified that he does not contemplate any ..changes until after the holidays. Mr. McNees referred to the graph on page 7 of the Budget package which compares growth in the county work force relative to growth in ..Collier County population. ~-~'.i. ~ Mr. McNees identified page 8 of the Budget package as the sum- of appropriations for the General Fund, which is the county-wide taxing fund. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNees verified that of the ~eneral Fund budget approximately ?.5% is placed into contingencies. 'He reiterated that the Board of County Commissioners set as a matter budget policy a 5% contingency reserve plus an additional 1.5 :!:]':~mt i i ion. r,'" ....- Commissioner Saunde~:s related that an attempt is being made to avoid raising taxes in o]:der to have an arbitrarily high reserve. :::{3.. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNees confirmed that the So~th Florida Water Mana~;ement budget which appears on the public's Notice of Tentative Taxe~ is not included in the budget being pre- isented today as the Boar([ of County Commissioners has no ability to that in anyway. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrill stated Page 4 September 4, 1991 ~:_that the largest amount of bonded indebtedness is approximately 25 [ion dollars with respect to a sales tax revenue bond which was sold to build the county Jail and Justice center facility. In reply to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. McNees confirmed that the tentative budget includes the money that the public health unit requested in its entirety. Following discussion regarding the amount available in the ten- tatire budget, Commissioner Saunders concluded there is $185,000 in .the contract agency fundl~ which can be reduced, that the Board of Gounty Commissioners mad~ some suggested changes during a recent workshop, and that the fi[nal decision will be made two weeks from now. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. McNees confirmed that <'"' 'the tentative budget ref].ects $185,000, the adoption of which was the last official in public meeting action taken by the Board of County Commissioners. He confirmed his intent to do a walk through of the proposed changes to the tentative budget suggested by the Board of County Commissioners thrcugh the workshop process. He explained that action taken during tontght's meeting will be adopted by Resolution and will become a part of the proposed final budget. Budget Analyst Smykowskt stated that pages 11 through 24 contain budget resolutions which document all changes to the tentative ibudget which was originally submitted back in July. Referring to page 11 of the Budget package, Mr. Smykowskt reported that reductions in the vehicle for hire program have been 'made In the amount of $17,400; that emergency services increased ,800; that contract ag,.~nctes were reduced $7,200 resulting in a net ",~{i~.a~ended budget at this point of $177,900; that contingency reserves decreased $2,800; that there was a transfer to other funds of $10,000 which is the matching pot'rich of the bicycle/pedestrian coordinator program; and that there was a decrease of transfer to the EMS fund by ~U% amount of $28,800, all of which results in a net decrease in !"-:'.~.'approprtations of $17,400. He pointed out that the offset reflected page 12 of the Budget l,ackage results in the net decreased revenues September 4, 1991 $17,400 as well. Mr. McNees stated that all these resolutions are not contained in the public package beyond this point. He confirmed that he will be to answer any questions regarding same. Mr. Smykowski identified page 13 of the Budget package as the Tax Collectors tentative budget. He explained that page 14 reflects the MPO budget, which shows an increase of $31,000 to fund the one post- tion added to the bicycle/pedestrian coordination program. He · explained that page 15 i~ the Regional Park Impact Fee Budget, which ':'!reflects a decrease of one proposed project by $170,000 as well as "~ncreased reserves by $170,000. He identified page 16 as the EMS Impact Fee Fund reflecting a total of $98,700. He explained page 17, the water/sewer capital fund, adding that pages 19 and 20 are budgets for the individual water and sewer capital projects. He confirmed that page 18 is the water/sewer debt service budget with an adjustment which reflects actual debt service requirements estimated at this time. He referred to pages 21 and 22, the solid waste budget and man- i. datory collection budget, respectively, which reflect budget changes .discussed and tentatively' approved at the solid waste workshop held i~,'~;'last month. Referring to page 23, the EMS Fund, he stated there was ~ .%..:..an increase of $28,800 which represented the transfer of one position. He explained that page 24 reflects the final resolution for the Fleet Management Department and, even with an addition of fourteen posi- ~'1%tlons, reflects a net decrease in the Fleet budget of approximately ',,, In reply to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. McNees stated that the ;overall governmental budget is decreasing by 1276 while the overall y fund budget is increafling by approximately 25~6, with the [aggregate millage rate, being the weighted average of all taxing ';'~fnits, increasing by approximately 8% over the rollback rate. He '?Jl reported that the county-wide tax levy is increasing by approximately 6.5~ over the rollback. Commissioner Volpe reflected that this year's budget has 07 Page 6 September 4, 1991 >;,,/,. '.: ,',idecreased fifteen million dollars from last year's budget, and Mr. i:.i<McNees confirmed his ob,3ervattons are correct. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that last year's budget reflected large capital expenditures for buildings which have been constructed. ' ':' Duke Hart, representing the Greater Naples Civic Association, /'i-read a letter he purported to have previously forwarded to each Commissioner, copy of which was not presented for the record, concluding that proposed budgets should be restrained in order that ~' ~ millage rates applied to assessed property values will produce indivi- 'Ji?'~dual taxes in the same amounts as the current year, and suggested that <i <the consolidation of data processing throughout county government, /-/including the constitutional officers, into one central department will result in major savings. Commissioner Saunders stated he feels that the County has perhaps !.,~ done even better than what Mr. Hart suggested would be adequate. In reply to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. McNees stated that looking -'only at ad valorem taxes, in addition to what is being collected for new construction on the tax roll, an additional 6.3% is derived from existing taxpayers. He .added, however, that the 6.3% is an average '. even though there is no "average" taxpayer. .. Mr. Hart stated it is frightening to find out that one house selling at an odd rate far beyond what is anticipated means that your value goes up. '~:* ~, Col. John E. Beebe, Jr., President of the President's Council of 3Property Owners Association of Collier County, asked for a show of 'hands of those with property taxes which are lower than last year's. He concluded that less than 10~ of those present raised their hands. He made numerous suggestions regarding ways to cut the budget prior to .resorting to increased taxation. "'<'>[~' Commissioner Shanahan remarked that most every attempt by the ~:Board of County Commissioners to save money results in another move- merit and another action. He acknowledged that Col. Beebe has made Page 7 September 4, 1991 several good suggestions, some of which the county has already )lemented. He questioned 0ol. Beebe regarding his ideas on the 1¢ ,.sales tax and a referendum in 1992 with same being earmarked for roads and stormwater utility. Col. Beebe suggested a 5 year program being impl~mented subject to referendum at additional 5 year intervals, if the public wants to utilize this method of payment. Commissioner Volpe reported that the Tax Collector, at came up with some interesting statistics, i.e. in Collier County there are approximately 173,000 assessed pieces of property within the County, 94,000 of which pay less than $500 per year in ad .:"valorem taxes which translates into approximately 46% of the rest- dents of Collier County. Commissioner Saunders questioned how many vacant lots are repre- sented in the 94,000. He added that the real issue involves the number of residences in Collier County. He reiterated Col. Beehe's suggestion to do everything possible to be efficient and to save ~.'."dollars. John B. Lepore stated that the bottom line is that the assessed ..valuation of one's prope~ty has increased approximately 12% while the ge rate has increased 7%, for an aggregate of 19%. He questioned 'how a 13% increase in ta;:es can be Justified in light of a 6-7% cost of living increase. He questioned why, if the budget is going down 15 million dollars and the assessed valuation has gone up 12%, the ,millage rate has not gone down. [:ii . Re~jardtng the mtlla~e issue, Mr. McNees stated that the average of property increased in assessed valuation 5% instead of the i2% cited by Mr. Lepore. He stated that the 5% increase in the indi- '.vidual average assessed valuation together with the 6.3% increase of rollback represents tax increase to the average taxpayer. He con- '.~';ii~firmed that the total county budget, including all revenue sources and :![~11 funds, is nearly three hundred million dollars, of which less than one hundred million dolla¥s are raised through ad valorem taxes. 09 Page 8 September 4, 1991 Donald L. Price questioned the purchase of the helicopter as pro- posed by Sheriff Hunter. He requested a review of the Sheriff's budget on a line by line basis with serious consideration of zero based budgeting being given, as well as public accountability for fund disbursement and positive productive cuts to this year's budget. Hank Shuster, representing Royal Harbor Homeowners Association, '.quoted several percentages of increases, concluding that taxes have 'Increased 300% within the past two years. He questioned why Marco residents should be experiencing a reduction in taxes as they are water front properties. Commissioner Saunders reminded everyone that the Board of County Commissioners did pass a Resolution supporting the Save Our Homes !~/ Petition and forwarded letters to elected officials in Tallahassee expressing support which would have capped the increase in assessed valuation of homestead property to 3~ per year. He stated that although the county-wide millage rate is going up .6%, the statistic 'doesn't mean anything when you are paying §0~ increase in taxes. i/.! Scott LaPcite (phonetic) indicated the solution to the problem of ~'budget concerns can be addressed by cutting government spending, .!!:starting at the top. Jerry Brown, representing Turnbury Homeowners Association, !addressed the Board of County Commissioners regarding Fund 711, Tax .'.''Code 136, Turnbury Subdlvision's Street Lighting MSTU. He stated it .is their consensus to request a deferral of one year for any decision .regarding the implementation of street lighting for their subdivision. ~'He purported to have received Transportation Services Administrator ¥1;:.Archibald's concurrence in the matter. He related that he has pre- ~** viousl¥ directed a letter to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the baseball stadium proposed to be built, copy not provided ,/!:~ ~0r the record. Commissioner Saundems reitera~ed that the Board of County ~,~ommisstoners has gone on record that the cost of the baseball faci- ooo, . lo Page 9 September 4, 1991 ~t¥ will be borne by the 1% Tourist Tax fully. In answer to Grace F. Meaney regarding his comments that 46% of taxpayers are paying $§00 or less, Commissioner Volpe stated that is countywide. He explained that number is a countywide assessment roll .showing the number of assessed parcels, both improved and unimproved, all of whom are taxpayers. Referring to page 7.4 of the Budget package, Ms. Meaney questioned the employees reported under Fleet Management during a hiring freeze. County Manager Dotrill explained that 90% of the time private industry is more competitive and efficient than government, but in this particular instance the county's budget was $100,000 lower than the budget submitted by the private concern. He related that the Board of County Commissioners has tentatively decided to adopt the county's budget at a $100,000 dollar savings in the coming year over the proposed budget from the private company and, thus, there are ele- .'.yen employees proposed to be hired as a result of that attempt to save the $100,000. $$$]~F~ Clerk Hoffman replaced Deputy Clerk Farris at this timee'e Mr. Fred Tarrant, 175 3rd Street South, reported that his taxes have tripled in the last seven years and questioned what his taxes will be in the next seven years. He remarked that the public servants are living better than the taxpayers who support that base, noting · that County spending needs to be cut. He suggested that the Commission stand up to s:pecial interests groups and say "No". Mrs. Viola Barkley voiced concerns with regard to the assessed value of her property. ~ommissioner Saunders suggested that she file a formal objection to her assessment with the Property Appraiser. Sheriff Hunter addressed the proposed expenditure for the new iihelicopter. He advised that the current Bell 47 Helicopter is a small ~[bubble helicopter with two seats and has worked well for 15 years. He .i~ndicated that this is a 1967 aircraft and is no longer serviceable. He advised that the Sheriff's Office has been attempting to sell the /helicopter and use those dollars for a more appropriate vehicle. He ~age 10 September 4, 1991 that the helicopter is to be used for the search of missing hostage taking situations, riots, dive rescue team capabili- ties, and deploying narcotics deputies to remote areas where marijuana 'i8 grown. Mr. Mark Churney re~,orted that statewide, there are 37 counties 'i~'.flytng aircraft, 21 of ~,htch are flying helicopters. He advised that iLee County currently operates two Hughes 300 helicopters, one Hughes 500 helicopter and a ftaed wing aircraft. He reported that Collier [/{ ' County is the only law enforcement agency that has an aircraft based in its Gounty. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter stated that '$168,000 is being requested in this year's budget for the purchase of the helicopter in addition to $168,000 for the next six years. Commissioner Hasse pointed out that he does not want to spend any ,,.!money for a helicopter and is anxious to cut the budget, however, ~noting that the expenditure for same will be one of the best things .that could be done for Collier County Law Enforcement to protect the citizenry. ~' ~<~ With respect to the ~3hooting range, Sheriff Hunter explained that es are required by the State of Florida to qualify with hand '~11n8 and other weapons to protect the liability of the citizens of ~11ier County. He indicated that the Sheriff's Office currently occupies space at the Landfill but County staff has advised that this site must be vacated for further landfill development, in addition to ~ethane gas concentration around firearms being extremely dangerous. ~He reported that after ar~ exhaustive survey of available lands, it has ~been revealed that there is an available site on Oil Well Grade Road i~i~between Immokalee and Naples. He announced that In a grand Jury situation, it must be de~onstrated that the deputies have practiced and qualified in real life situations. A discussion ensued with regard to the air conditioning/heat ~tem in Building "J", window replacements relative to security in {i/B~ildtn~ "J", renovatton~ in Building "A", laundry and kitchen renova- September 4, 1991 in Building "3". Sheriff Hunter stated that his overall budget for this year is .:.:~.6.9~ which is below the guidelines as set forth by the Commission. Commissioner Saunders requested that Sheriff Hunter provide research with respect to the helicopter and other surrounding com- munitles before the final budget hearing. Mr. John Greco, Owner, Cove Inn Coffee Shop, stated that his taxes .have increased 300% in eight years. He announced that he has tried to Sell his business on hi,3 own but has been unable to do so. He remarked that he is pa¥:[ng $1,500 per year in taxes on his property which has a true value of $100,000. He offered a solution which would prevent the elderly froz~ having to move out of their homes: forgo the ' increase in the elderly's taxes until they actually sell to profit on 4~:ithe purchase price. Commissioner Volpe advised that there is a procedure available, ' . 'where payments may be deferred under certain circumstances, showing a ~'[' hardship. Mr. Ed Scheerer, member of TAG, suggested that between now and the ~.time of the final budget hearing that each line item in the budget be {,.~ reduced by 10~. Mr. Robert Blascoe, representing Cocoon Homeless Shelter for Women and Children, advised that during the past year 38 women and children here gone through the program and they are now in their own housing, 'working and paying taxes. In addition, he remarked that his organlza- 'tion pays for medical problems, and prescriptions which alleviates these people having to go the Health Department for services. He noted that these peoples are middle class families who are losing ;~!':itheir homes, and not woods people. He stated that the requested ,~.~.dollars are very important due to the economy. .% Mrs. Suzanne Fuhrmanm stated that she is the 19th graduate of 0oooon. She explained tlhat she became homeless in December, 1990, .~hrou~h no fault of her own. She revealed that she and her three i'~hildren were in the Shelter for 10 weeks, noting that Gocoon gave her Page 12 September 4, 1991 opportunity to get 3n her feet and become mentally and emotionally re. She indicated that the residents of this facility share the : cooking and cleaning and are provided with counseling, if needed. Ms. Marjorie Buckalew affirmed that if it had not been for Cocoon she would be living under the stars. She indicated that she is a pro- "fessional woman with a 12 year old son. She revealed that due to poor health she lost her hom,:. She stated that she has experienced the opportunity of going th]:ough the program and has seen assistance pro- : vided to many other wom(.~n and children which enables them to collect :themselves, save some money and go out on their own to start over again. ~.~':.' Mr. Russ Baisley di~;closed that he is impressed with the Cocoon program. He related theft he has observed Mr. Blascoe on the telephone getting people to donate services, having furniture moved into , ~'?storage, and families being maintained rather than broken up, He that this program is a common sense approach which allows people who have fallen out of the system to get back on their feet. He indi- cared that he has seen people come out of this program and fall right back in to the mainstream of society where they be/ong. Commissioner Shanahah cited that based on the input of the speakers, it appears that the budget needs to be reduced considerably. He suggested that consid~rattons be given to working toward reductions "between now and the final budget hearing. Commissioner Saunder~ noted that one approach may be to look at :]~.:,the aggregate increase of the rollback millage rate of 8.8~ and the ~aneral Fund increase of S.3% over the rollback millage rate and to ~onsider no increase ove~ the rollback millage rate. He stated that this would send a message to the c:ommunit¥ that the Board of County i~ommissioners has done everything possible to reduce taxes. " Commissioner Saunder,s ~oved, seconded by Conissioner Shanaban that the County Manager ~md the Constitutional Officers be directed that the policy for this year will be a O~ increase in the rollback Pa~e i 3 i' September 4, 1991 ~'~.~11~ rate and that l~teolution 91-569 adopted. Commissioner Volpe recalled that discussions have been held .~/" relating to the Policy of'the Board with respect to Contingency Funds. ~/~>iHe suggested that the Commission look at what is conservatively needed for a proper budget and if possible, reduce the contingencies below 7.5~;. ' ' Commissioner Volpe called attention to the discussions relative to ::?~the Gontract Agencies and Public Health. He noted that these issues been hotly debated and there has been a human cry from the pro- /perry owners who are losing their homes. He indicated that a policy has been adopted to cap these at $1§O,O00 and the Commission has gone ~'fi'.~in the opposite direction. He requested that serious consideration be .ii'~/given to cease funding for some of these contract agencies. ~" Commissioner Volpe stated that final closure has not been reached ~.'~ with regard to the addlt~onal $130,000 requested by the Public Health ~' Unit and suggested that .consideration should be given to reducing some of the expenditures for 'these programs. Commissioner Saunder:~ remarked that he believes that the Manager has done a good Job in p~-esenting a budget with very llttle fat. He )explained that to make further cuts at this point, will cut into the services to be provided. He reported that possible items to be cut be the Sheriff's hel:[copter, pay increases, employee benefits and :~the number of County employees. He suggested that the Manager provide regarding any further cuts, if possible but that the tentative millage rate remain as i:: is. ... County Manager DorriJl announced that in order to meet a O% crease over rollback, $4 million w~11 need to be cut from the · He advised tha't he will need to lean towards proportionate reductions. ~ ©mll for the qu~stion, the motion carried unanimously. ~..' Budget Director McNees announced that the millage rates will be <.3~' ~dvertised as listed in ~he Resolution. Mr. McNees advised that public hearing for the Pelican Bay Page 14 :'., September 4, lggl )rovement District Budget will be held on September 11, lggl, at 6:30 P.M. at the BancFlorida Building and the final public hearing for the Collier County Budget will be held on September 18, 1991, at 5:05 P.M. at the Collier County Government Center. Page 15 September 4, 1991 ~,:~i,:, There being no further business for the Good of the County, the ~. meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 8:25 P.M. . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~[ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX , OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF ~: · SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL PATRIGIA~~HAIRMAN .~nute~ approved by the Board on t~,%~'&L" or as corrected Page 16