BCC Minutes 10/08/1991 R Naples, Florida, October 8, 1991 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members D, resent: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Patricia Anne Goodnight Michael J. Volpe Richard S. Shanahan Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ellte Hoffman, Debby Farrts and Wanda Arrlght, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrtll, County Manager; Tom Olliff and Jennifer Pike, Assistants to the County Manager; Ken Guylet, County Attorney; MaJorie Student, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director; Bob Mulhere, Bob Lord, and Sam Saadeh, Planners; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Fred Reischl and Kimberly Polen, Environmental Specialists; Leo Ochs, Admini,3trative Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utiliti,~s Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Office of Oapttal Projects Managemen'~ Director; Mike McNees, Budget DirecTor; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 October 8, 1991 #1 s~ ~A - APPROVED Commissioner Shanahah no~ad, ascended by Connieeisner Hasaa and carrt~ unantnously, that th.e agenda be approved ~ubJact to the following: Item #10C Added - Discussion regarding redistricting - Decision made to continue this item to 10/15/91 at 10:00 A.M. CONS~NT AGB~I1A - APPROVED A~O./OR ADOPTED The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda is noted under Item #16. ~MPLOY~N SERVICE AWARDS - P~gS~qTED Commissioner Shanahmn presented service awards to the following Collier County employees: Francisco R. L]orca, Road & Bridge/Dist. 2 Scott B. Fuller, Utilities/Wastewater Oper. - 10 years - 5 years Item 95B1 PROCLAMATION DESI(tNATINQ OCTOBER 8, 1991, AS NAPLES QUE~NS AND NAPLES ~tAVES SOFTBALL REC0(tNITION DAY - ADOPTED Manager Connie Ledbetter read the list of names Identifying the Naples Little Leagu~ Queens team members. Manager Robert Iamurri read : the list of names Identifying the Senior League Braves. Following reading and presentation of the Proclamation, Commissioner Hasse presented plaques to both ball teams. He acknowledged that McDonald's Restaurant provided each team member with a letter for a complimentary "Combo Meal". Co~aiastoner Sh~mah~n moved, seconded by Co~leeloner Hamme and carried unaatmly, that the Proclasseton Designating October 1991, am Naples Qume, ns and Naples Braves Softball Recognition Day be Page 2 October 8, 1991 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING TH~ WEEK OF OCTOBER 19-26'I'II, 1991, AS p~TXW~ST $~s S~TV WEEK - ~.DO~'rED Upon reading and presentation to Sandy Sanders, President of the Sunset Optimist Club, Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commtllloner Volp~ and carried unantloull¥, that the Pro,:l~tton Designating the week of October 19-26th, 1991, ae Optimist Bike Safety Week be ~dopted. October 8, 1991 ! PROCL,M~TZON D~SIGRATTNG OCTOB,~R 11, 12 ~ 13, 1991, AS COLEUS ~Y Upon reading and presentation to Mr. Joe C=tss, Chal=man of the Naples-Italian American Club, Co~leetoner Vo1~ move~, .econde~ ~ Co~/..toner S&undera and carried m~antmoumly, that the ProclamatJon Deetgnattng October 11, 12 ~.d 13, 1991, as Col~bus Day Weekend he ~dopted. Page 4 October 8, 1991 ~ ~:SUDGKT AMIFDMKNT$ 91-405/407,; 91-409/413; AND, 91-415/416 - ADOPTED Coatestoner H&see moved, seconded by Co~tsetoner Shanahen ~d c~rrted unanimously, to adop': Budget Amendments 91-405/~07; 91-409/413; and 91-415/416. FETITI~N P~-91-T, MARK LAMO~UX REPRESENTING FLORIDA CELLULAR RSA, LTD. PA~. REQ~STING A FROVI~IONAL USE 'b" OF SECTION 8.10 OF A-2 ZONIN~ DISTRICT TO ALLOW A C(H~NICATION TOWER FOR PROPI:RTY LOCAT]~D EAST OF U.S. 41 (TAMIAMI TRA:£L) W~ST OF AND ADJACENT TO SEABOARD COASTLINE RAILROAD AND NORTH OF WIGGINS PASS ROAD IN SEC. 1§, T48~;, ~25E, CONSISTING OF 4.56 AC~S - CONTINUED TO 10/22~91 Anthony Ptres of the Law Firm of Woodward, Plres & Anderson, P.A., appeared representing the NA Realty Trust, owners of the property com- monly known as "Imperial Lakes". He acknowledged having faxed a l~tter to the County Manager's Offt~:e protesting continuance of this ite~ from today's date to October 22nd (copy not provided for the reco]'d). He requested that the Board of County Commissioners hear this tten at today's meeting. In response to Commissioner Hesse, County Manager Dotrill ver:~fted that the Petitioner is not p~:esent today but is being represented by i ' Mr. Bruce Anderson. He expl~tined that the Petitioner's letter /~i~::.* requesting continuance of this item was received in time that it shown as being continued on the published agenda. He related the procedure ha~ been that when a request is received, it is forward~d to the Board of County Commissioners. He stated that in the immediale tn$tance the agenda was approved without acknowledging or changin~I the request that was made. In response to Commissioner Saunders' inquiry of whether or net it will be a hardship to continue this item until 10/22/91, Mr. Ptres~ ~eiterated they would like to have it heard today, but added it will not be a hardship other than the fact they are present today and ready &Dd able to proceed. County Attorney Cuyl.: pointed out that item 13B1 has, in fact, been continued and in or,der to hear the item today it would be Page 5 October 8, 199! l~eceseary to reopen and amend the motion in order to get it back today' e agenda. Commissioner Saunders su~gested the Petitioner should be lnfo]'med that he As to be ready for this item to be heard on October 22, 1991, as there will be no opportun:ity to again continue it. It was the consensus tha~: the Motion will stand. Xte~ #~ JAVI~ C~T~O, ~S~INO WINSCO BUILDERS, ~ C~E TO P~ ~(~ AS ~ ~ OL~ - STA~ DX~CTED TO ~EDITE ~I~ OF P~ Javter Castano of Winsco Builders distributed a copy of the l~:tter dated October 7, 1991 from Harvey Strauss, P.E., President of Alpha Engineering of Lee County, Inc. He explained that his firm, unde]3 contract to develop the prop,~rty, has applied for and been granted an application from HUD for a multi-family affordable housing comple:~. He confirmed that the Board of County Commissioners is being asked to allow the PUD document to change the 123 one-bedroom apartments and the 123 two-bedroom apartmen'~s to read "246 dwelling units". He referred to page 9 of the PUD, stating they want to delete the maximum floor areas for the one and 'two bedroom apartments and add, iJ?ill bedroom units with a maximum floor area of 1,000 sq. ft." He po:inted ~'~ .".~ out their application reflec'ts that both their one-bedroom and th;.~ee · - bedroom apartment~ exceed the maximum floor area currently shown :In · ' the PUD. ~' In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Castano reiterated that i'.ifi. his request Is for the Board of County Commissioners to direct staff 3:" to expedite the matter as qu:[ckly as possible in order that they night proceed with the project. Co~temioner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Coa~issioner Volpe, 1:o direct staff to e~.~edtte the review of this PUD. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Frank Brutt, Community ~ De::'~.lopmsnt Services Administrator, confirmed that staff is of ..:..' opinion there are no problems, r~.lating to the project and only mArtor b' chsnges need to be made to the PUD document. !; 181 15 Page 6 October 8, 199! In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brutt reported that the biggest difficulty regarding this matter is the required advertising dates, legal review, etc., and staff has already identified what needs to be done. "' Upon c&11 fo~- the question, motLon carried umanimously. Item ~ ': ~RT ~ ~ ~T - ~ ACQUISITION ~ING ~~ - ACCE~D/ ~ D~~ TO ~RT IN NO~ WI~ ~LL~-~ This item was discussed in conjunction with Item #8G1. Valerie Boyd introduced Eric Draper of The Nature Conservancy, stating that he has successfully managed five similar land acquisi- tion programs throughout the state. Eric Draper, Director of Government Relations for The Nature Conservancy, distributed a folder entitled "The Nature Conservancy" which included several brochures. He discussed the organization of a referendum election for land preservation, citing successful campaigns in fourteen other county elections, a number of which his organization was actively involved with. He reported that Dads County has appmoved within the last year or so a $90,000,000 program based upon a 3/4 mill t~u( increase; that Brevard County approved a $55,000,000 program based u~;on a 1/4 mill tax increase; that Hillsboro approved a $100,000,000 ~. <. p~-ogram based upon a 1/4 mill tax increase; and Seminole County > a~proved a $20,000,000 program based upon a ~/4 mil. tax increase. He confirmed that in each instance, the Nature Conservancy was involved early in the process helping the County organization to identify the environmentally endangered lands which needed to be purchased in order t(, get those lands listed on state land acquisition lists such as CARL and Save Our Rivers, and then guiding the actual referendum proce,~s ~:self. He added that, in some cases, his organization provided ~alue added services by helpin~ the counties to do the land acquisition itself. He explained th~,t the importance of the program Is due to the inability to regulate or purchase all the environmentally endangeFed land. He related ftnd!n9s that voters will not approve taxes to Page 7 October 8 1991 purchase environmentally endangered land unless a very specific 1.[st of lands proposed for purcha~3e is available, adding that Collier County is currently in the p~ocess of compiling such a list. He requested that the Board of County Commissioners allow the voters to decide whether preserving environmentally endangered lands is high enough priority that they are willing to vote a marginal Inch'ease in ad valorem taxes to fund a bonding program. He stated he is px'e- $ently working on the questionnaire for Collier County. He reported that Collier County has a strong history of voter support for tax · low as 40~ and as high as 94~. Increases and referendums when they are placed on the ballot. He con- firmed there is a lot of public support for the environment in Collier County, and that its demogra~,htcs closely match those seen in Pal~ Beach and Martin Counties. Discussion ensued regarding the percentage of land in Collier County that is held in public ownership, with percentages ranging as In response to Commissioner Saunders, William Lorenz, Environ- mental Services Administrator, confirmed that EPTAB (Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board) has been developing a set of lands tire data for each. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that the cost of the land which worthy of acquisition. He stated expectations are to be able to approach the Board of County Commissioners in mid-November regarding a ballot question, after first completing a report listing the total lands in Collier County that are potential acquisition sites and rela- ta to be acquired Is the determining factor regarding bond and tax issues. In response to Commisston~r Volpe, County Manager Dotrill con- fir,~ed that bonded Indebtedness will need to be part of ~he analysis ~. ~ to be made. He stated that, to his knowledge, the only general oblt- 9atl¢.n debt of Collier Co%unty is the $5,000,000 original Community Park Program. Mr. Lorenz pro9osed that 'the CREW Trust lands be given up to 17 Page 8 October 8, 199! $300000,000, depending upon the final number of the program, or, up to 25~. He suggested that perhaps this commitment should be incorpcrated into the ballot issue. He confirmed the intent to bring to the ~.oard of County Commissioners in the latter part of November or early December a Land Acquisition Ordinance which will identify a number of components which include: a selection committee to prioritize and rank the sites for acquisition based upon a number of environmental objectives and criteria which will be listed in the Ordinance; provision to acquire the land through either fee simple purchase, exchange, donation, conservation easement or transfer of development rights; allow the use of nonprofit organizations for negotiations; procedures for selecting, ranking and adding new sites as well as the negotiations, appraisals and actual purchase of the lands selected. He stated that all costs associated with acquisition, including any future land management costs and loss to the tax rolls should be iden- tified when presented to the Board of County Commissioners. He requested that the Board of County Commissioners accept the status report on the Development of an Environmental Lands Acquisition Program, direct staff to continue with program development consistent with the considerations identified in the Executive Summary and ~nvolve the County Attorney in drafting the required Ordinances and Resolutions. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Lorenz stated the current · thinking is that a referendum might be possible in March of 1992· Bill Branan f]'om The Conservancy voiced support for the proposal, adding that this particular tax will save taxes in the long run He pointed out the need for avoiding development of areas that clearly should not be developed in order to prevent the additional infrastruc- tur.~ burden for same. Gary Beardsley stated he does not want to come out against th~- referendum, but added he is teetering on that edge. He expressed con- cern that the County i~; behind in implementing its Comprehensive Land Plan due to inadequate staff, money and resources, and is considering Page 9 October 8, 1991 undertaking an acquisition program. He suggested the Board of County /Conuntsstoners cons/der the [,ubltc funding, proper staff, proper f/nan- and resources to impleme,nt the Comprehensive Land Plan. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated there are agencies on the federal, state and county levels to insure that land use is not destroyed. He expressed his opinion that the Board of County Commissioners is wrong if they think the voters will approve another 5% increase in taxes. He suggested the law should be left as is and the taxpayers money should not be spent ."chasing rainbows". Glenn Simpson, Chairman of EPTAB (Environmental Policy Techni.~al Advisory Board) provided background on what his organization is pre- sently doing and how it fits into the overall scheme. He explain.sd the purpose of EPTAB, Utilizing a satellite map of the entire county, 'he identified the ~,reas influencing the environmentally sensitive areas. He stated there are lands that are protected whose values are low and, therefore, as these lands are encumbered through either fee simple purchase or purchase and development rights, it is necessa~ry to be very prudent in the expenditure of dollars. He stated it is the intent to further identify these lands and have a specific list that when presented to the voters, they will see before them a c]~ar concise mechanism and in turn be able to decide whethe~ they want to invest their money to protect: these lands. Frances Barsh, speaking for TAG (Taxpayers Action Group of Collier County), questioned whether the Board of County Commissioners has read the book "Everglades River of Grass" She stated that tax money Is already being spent on preservation programs at various governmen~ levels. She questioned why it is necessary to go to the ballot and ask people to come up with $]0,000,000 to preserve more land. She commented that another consideration is the cost of putting an item on the ballot. Fred Tarrant, speaking for TAG (Taxpayers Action Group of Collier Page 10 ~ ;~ October 8, 199! ~.~ F}, concurred with the 2~emarks made by George Keller and Frances Barsh. He agreed this item ~s an important issue and deserves loltg : and careful consideration. After referring to early remarks made by Mr. Keller regarding buying a piece of land somewhere that cannot ever be developed as well as remarks by Me. Barsh, Conu~lssioner Saunders remarked that he feels the Taxpayer Action Group ce~'tainl¥ plays a significant role. Co~m~Lesioner Saunders mo~d, seconded by Commissioner Hesse, t:o accept the report regarding 1:he status on the Development of an . Znvlronaental Lands Acquisition Progrnu and to direct staff to return .~:..-.:. ~n November for fo~low-up. Conunt$sioner Saunders em~,hasized that comments made by Ms. Barsh regarding investigation of other funding sources and by M~. Keller regarding assurance that lands to be purchased are not properties which could never, under any circumstances, be developed anyway are important considerations. Commissioner Volpe stated he is troubled by the priorities tha.t -:~.-. have been established here and the commitments made regarding the Growth Management Plan. He s;tated lie would like to see the infor- mation regarding whether the~.e will be an overlap between properties ~,.:'. on the CARL list and other similar acquisition programs. He '?...):i requested, as part of the final presentation, to see how some of these other Ordinances may suppleme.nt compliment or interrelat~ with the " lands being considered for ad[dition to an acquisition list. Upon call for the questic.n, the motion carried unant~u81¥ STATUS IllPORT ON DKVELOPMKNT OF KNVIRONMKNTAL LANDS ACQUISITION · __P~RO(]R~M - ACCEPTED AND STAFF TO RETURN IN NOVKMBKR WITH FOLLOW-UP This item was discuss,?d ]n conjunction with Item #7A. CoBn~sotoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Hasse 8~d ¢arT~od unanimously, to a,.'ce~.t the report regarding the s~atus on the D~/oplJent of an Enviror~uental Lands Acquisition Pro,ram and to d~Foct staff to return in November for follow-up. It~ #8111 Page : October 8, 199! (~0NTIt.&CT FOR BID 110. 91-1765, N/GGXRS PASS !,I&TIIT~N&RCE DR~DGI*NG' Thomas E. Condecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, conf/rmt~d that staff's reco~endation is to award the contract for the r~alntenance dredginG of Wiggins Pass to the low bidder, Florida Dl'ed~e a Dock, Inc. in the amount of $187,040.00 .and that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Budget Amendme.~ts as well as any other action which Js necessary as a result of thJ:~ action, JncludJn~ authorization for the Chairman to execute the In response to Co~ss~oner Hasse, Mr. Conracode conf~rmed that h~s staff will supervise Coastal Engineering Consultants, who in ':urn will .be supervising all acti~/ities during construction. In reply to Commissioner Shanahan Mr. Conracode verified tha~: the contribution from the Wlggtm~ Pass Conservancy in the amount of $~05,O00 is conditioned on a successful completion of the project Co~tss~oner Shanahah stated that, although he is in favor of the pro,act, he is concerned about The Conse~vancy,s contingency to e~crow money until successful compilation of a very difficult Sob. He expressed a desire to see The Conservancy 3otn with Collier County instead of withholding the money in hopes that the County can success- fully complete the proSect. County Attorney Cuyle~ ca,uttoned the Board of County Commissioners they should keep in mind that this situation might be the subject of lit/gat/on with the prior contractor. ee D~I~At~ Clerk Arright replaced Deputy Clerk Farrls at thte time ,s Dr. Michael Stevens, Executive Vice President of Coastal Engineering Consultants and the Senior Scientist for Coastal Englneertllg, outlined a bJ.~lef history and design of the project as well as the credentials of Coastal Engineering Consultants and him- self. He reported that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers produced a datafled project report In 1979 on improvements for small boats at WiGGins Pass. He noted that this report proposed three alternatives Page 12 October 8, 1991 for the Wiggins Pass channel alignment which were essentially the same. He explained that the major problem with the Corps' proposal was the size of the outer channel and second the dredging of the interior channel at Water Tu:ckey Bay. He emphasized that the proposal caused problems environmentally which resulted in the report, The Wiggins Pass Navigational Dr~dgtng and Beach Nourishment Project, by the Coastal Engineer Consultants dated December 1, 1982. He pointed out that both of the aforementioned documents define essentially the same channel alignment throu~lh the outer shoals of the Gulf of Me):ico which Is based on a large volume of technical information and results in shoaling of sand Into the inlet channel of 18,000 cubic yards of sand annually at Wiggins Pass. He advised that the Corps requires maintenance dredging every four to five years and the Coastal Engineer Oonsultants require dredging every two years because the opening l~ somewhat smaller. He asserte.~ that the pass will always; need to b.~ dredged periodically for main'tenance purposes. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Stevens advised that a ~pe- clfic monitoring program is required by the DNR permits. He provided to the Board surw~y profiles of the Pass for 1984, 1985, 1987 and 1989. He cited that there is nothing unique about the pass compar!~d to others. He referred to ae]'lal photos of Wiggins Pass from 1952, the 1960's, and 1989 which show a similar alignment to the Gulf, however, the maintenance dredging will make the pass consistent. ]n quoting from the Department of Resources, Dr. Stevens noted, "the ~ro- posed pro~ect is not expected to have an adverse Impact on the beach and dune system; the proposed project is not expected to Interfere with public beach access; the Inlet channel is appropriately designed -_.:;~. as a navigation project at a coastal barrier inlet; and the beach fill Is appropriately designed as beach renourtshment and to :gerve as mitt- gatto~ for potential shor,.~line erosion Impact to adjacent property." Zn referring to photus south of the Inlet, Dr. Stevens pointed out that the photos reveal hard bottom material. Dr Stevens emphasized that the proposed alignment of the Wiggins CC, O 22 Page 13 October 8, 199! ?~.Pass dredging is the same as that of the 1983 alignment which was 'idredged in approximate 60 da~s and completed March 26, 1984. He pro- vtded to the Board graphs documenting the 1984 dredging and noted the Importance of dredging in th.~ same location. He stated that it tf~ not inappropriate to expect the dredging at Wiggins Pass to be comple':ed in two months based on the dl:edgtng records of a pass completed In Charlotte County. Dr. Stevens conferred theft in examination of Florida Dredge and Dock, Inc., their past exper.ience provides that they can complete the project as stated. He empha~lized that the design as proposed is feasible and pointed out tha~: maintenance will be required in the future which will require a Ilanagement plan to the Individual State agencies. He reported that he has available to the Board should they wish to obtain a copy, a full[ chronology of meetings and discussions starting in 1989 with the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commt~ston and the U.S. Interior Fish a~d Wildlife Commission regarding the environmental concerns and the protection of the wildlife in reference to the subject pa~s. He related that all the required permits are being complied with. Dr. Stevens concluded that the proposed channel is designed to meet the needs of the existing boat traffic, to be consistent and responsive to the environmental constraints, and functional and hydrologically effective and efficient. He recommended that the E.oard of County Commissioners proceed expeditiously with the Wiggins Pass dredging proposal. ~:': Commissioner -~;hanahan questioned how important the turbidity mont- ~:~' toting will be to this project. D=. Stevens responded that at the ,,,'~ location of the pass into the gulf the turbidity monitoring is not as ~!~:. important as it would be if the dredging were taking place in the i'~ · interior channels. He noted that if turbidity does take place, it is a ~gnal to stop ~he dredging and added that this monitoring is a ~ recFairement of the dredging process. ..'..~ ,' .: ':'::" George Keller, President of the Collier County Civic Federation, Page 14 October 8, 1991 expressed his concern regarding the $130,000 monitoring of the first /tdredging which was not complete and asked if the same people will monitor the proposed pro~ect? He commented that since it is a safety issue for boaters, a competent monitoring staff should be secured. Dick Lydon suggested that the Board of County Commissioners either vote to lower the tax appraisal of property effected by not dredging Wiggins Pass or vote for the dredging and provide to the property owners some of what they are paying for. Terry Glosser, Commodore of the Boat Club at Wiggins Bay, empha- sized the safety and welfare of the boater at Wiggins pass and noted urged the Board to proceed with the dredging. Don Pickworth spoke in support of the proposed dredging empha- sizing the safety necessity for boaters. He pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan for the County provides for these needs. Roy Evans, resident of Bonita Springs, explained the importance of the flushing action provided by the pass to the residences and the fish living inland of the pass. He urged the Board to proceed with the dredging. Emily Maggto related her concerns regarding the funding of the the unsafe conditions of the said pass using specific examples. He proposed pro~ect in that she feels it is flawed and the taxpayer should not be required to continue to fund this pro3ect. She claimed that there are no statistics which support that the dredging of Wiggins Pass will contribute to boating safety. She disclosed the volume of pro3ects permitted which have turned into environmental fiasCOeS. She quoted from a internal letter from the Dept. of Natural Resources which implies that the proposed action of dredging Wiggins !i.~' Paa~ is little more than a short term measure and withholds support of !~/~; ~he ~roposed action. She: inferred that the dredging of Wiggins Pass ~i;i~ wil~ destroy the Conse~'~ancy's estuary as well as the natural plan of ;~.'i/ nature. In referring to a Southw(~st Regional report, Mrs. Maggio noted that the channel that already exists should be improved and i. Page 15 navigational aides should be provided there. October 8, 1991 She questioned whether the post monitoring of the first dredging was ever accomplished. She concluded that the pass which exists should be continued and there ts no reason to change it. She provided to the Board a package of material regarding the dredging issue. Tai~e ~ Keith Sowers, resident of Vanderbilt and past President of Wiggins Conaervanc¥ stated that the residents of Vanderbilt have done all that has been required of them including obtaining the money to proceed with this dredging. He questioned why this project is not being allowed to move forward. Art Jacob, resident of Vanderbilt Beach, stated that with a total of 1500 boat accommodations available in the Wiggins pass area the Importance of completing the dredging of Wiggins Pass is of high priority for the safety of the boaters and for the environment. He admitted that the dredging over the past year failed for many reasons and asserted that in proceeding with a new contract the credentials of the bidders should be carefully reviewed and monitoring should be done on a regular basis. Paul Harvey, resident of Wiggins Pass, rebutted some of the com- ments and suggestions of Mrs. Maggie. He pointed out the shallowness of the pass and the difficulty of navigating it even for boaters that are knowledgeable of Wiggins pass. He noted that the 1984 dredging of Wtggins pass did not fall, however, the lack of monitoring and main- Tenance has resulted in the requirement to redredge the pass. Commissioner Hasse concurred that Wiggins Pass should be dredged. }:e mdded though that the :$187,000 should not be used for this purpose unless there is proper monitoring of the project and follow-up matn- 'tenalice. mr. Harvey provided the background of the last dredging project at Wl~:(ns Pass and the inadequacy of the contractor. He emphasized that the design is fea=~lble for this pass. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Harvey indicated that 000 25 Page 16 October 8, 1991 staff, Coastal Engineering, The Conservancy, and he will be monitoring the proposed dredging project at Wiggins Pass Pat Pitcher, representing the Local Cypress Chapter of the Issac Walton League of America, stated that they are in opposition to the dredging of Wiggins Pass. She noted that the pass is constantly changing depending on the time of year, the tides, the winds, etc. which is something that will not change. She commented that the County taxpayer should not have to pay for this dredging. Dr. Stevens interjected at this time to clarify the selecting of 'the contractor for the proposed dredging and the responsibility of the monitoring of the procedure which is part of the contract. Mr. Conrecode advised that he will be on the site monitoring the progress of the project to ensure that payment is made on what has been completed as well as to ensure that the project will be completed Ed Buckler, resident of Vanderbilt and acting President of Wiggins Pass Conservancy, c~ted tha~ W~gg~ns Pass ~s a valuable asset for Collier County in a whole. He .arffued on that with the number of pro- ~ects allowed by the County in the Vanderbilt area, it is the County's and navigable. Commissioner Shanahan commented that the questions by the Couat¥ are to assure that the right design is proposed, the right contractor ~s selected, the r~ght monitoring and maintenance ~ystem ~s provi,~ed, a~d the right financing program te in place. He related that if the Conservancy is convinced tha': all these issues have been satisfied then it should release tt'~; money and proceed with the dredging. After the comment by Mr. Buckler that the Wiggins Pass Conservancy's contract with ':he County provides that the monies f~.'om the Conservancy will be released after successful completion of the d~:e.J~;ing of Wiggins Pass, commissioner Volpe questioned if there £s a possibility to renegottate this contract to provide the funding rl:qutred? Mr. Buckler afflr~ed that this possibility does exist, but Page 1 ~ ,:'the dredginG should not be held up for this. October 8, 1991 Ken Humtston, representing Conkiln Point Development Corpora':lon, urged the Commissioners to approve the dredging project for Wiggins Pass. He concurred that a :regularly scheduled maintenance progr;~m is Pequired in order to have a successful continually dredged pass. Frances C. Barsh, repre~enting the Taxpayer Action Group, ar!~ued that the taxpayers of Colli~:r County should not be involved in f~ndtng a project that will benefit a selected area. She recommended th~:~t the burden of the cost for the dredging be placed on the boaters and the benefactors of this project. Charlotte Westman, representing herself on this subject, sta~ed her opposition in proceeding[ with this project and concurred wit[. the statements made by Mrs. Maggto. Betty Gatttell, restdeni of Vanderbilt Beach, pointed out theft this will be an on-going project because of the constant shifting' Conciseloner Volpe indicated th~ the issues of concern regarding the subject project have been satisfactorily answered except for the financing. Mr. Conrecode indicated that there remains $57,242 in boater ~'egistratton fees for this p:roJect as well as the $105,000 in esc::ow from the Oonservancy. :~,,i, In response ~o Commissioner Saunders, Oounty Manager Dotrill affirmed that wt=h the autho::izatton of the Board of County Commissioners additional boa~:er registration fees can be used for the proposed project. Commissioner Saunders ad~tsed that he prefers to use the boat~:r ,,registration fees for fur,dini; rather than use the Capital Improve,:~ent Com.-tsstoner Saunder~ stated that he is willing to proceed wtlh the .'~ropossd project, howevex', is not willing to commit to a long term project to keep the pass open. unless a feasible maintenance plan ]s derslopped. Page 18 October 8, 1991 : Mr. Harvey commented that his understanding is that $3§0,000 ~f the Tourist Development Tax :aoney is to be allocat~:d for the main- tenance of the County's passes. c~ ~~ly, to a~3 B~d No. 9~-1765, W~g~ns Paee ~int~ ~gt~, to Florida Dredge & ~ck, Inc., with the ~~ t~t there Is .approxi~tely $57,O00 ~vailable fro~ the ~ ~ietratl~ f~ for f~ding of this project; that Staff '~ d~ed to ~ with the Wt.~tns Pass Co~e~ to dishes the p~s~Btll~ of ~le~ng e~rly from eecr~ the $10~,000 for ~dl~g of Clerk Noffnan replaced DeputF Clerk Arri[~hi at thlm time''' ~ ~ ~SD WI~ ~INfl OF SUB-S~RIES 2, 3 ~ 4 OF ~-~ DIS~I~ ~O~CT Mr. Marc Samet, Financial Advisor, reported that the Commission previously authorized staff to proceed with the new money issue of the water/sewer bonds of approxi~ately $31 million to fund various water lad wastewater i,provement projects He noted thai: this issue will be priced in the ~tddle of October. Mr. Samet stated that t~ exempt rates have improved during past month, and noted that h,~ and the finance committee have been ~ooking at refunding posstbi.[ittes of existing water-sewer debt, :~pe- cificall¥, three series of tile County's Bi-Modal project bonds, Series and 4. He indicated that these series mature in 2016 and ha,~e interest rates of ? 80X ar, d V.90~ He recommended that the Count,.~ ' F, roceud to combine a refumdt~g these three series of bonds with the ~ew money issued that wtl% b~ priced and presented to the Commtss:{on · .t the meeting of October 22, 1991. Mr. Eamet explained that the purpose of this item t~ to revie~ the financing and that staff, financing team, Including bond counsel and himself be authorized to work to combine the refunding Issue, as Page October 8, 1991 with the new money issue. He reported that if money rates · of interest remain the same, the net present value savings to the County will be approximately $1 million. He indicated the additional cost savings, by combining the refunding issue with the new money issue, will be approximately $35,000 - $50,000. Mr. Samet indicated that if the market rates of interest go away, he would not be coming back to the Commission with a refunding propo- ffal. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Finance Director Yonkosky advised that the finance comnittee in conjunction with the Financial Advisor monitors all the other bond issues He reported that he does · g~Tle~ ~i~ously, that the C~tty~e ftn~ctng te~ ~m authorized ~o not belleve that it would be advantageous to refund the other bond issues. ~t~toner Shanaban ~o~d, seconded by Cow-lesion,st Hasse sad proceed with refunding of Sub-series 2, 3 and · of the ~ater-Sewer District Project ~onds u part of the County's Watur-S~r District, 0~DINA][CI[ 91-95, R~ PETITION PUD-91-1, ROBERT L. DUANE OF HOLE, MONTES AND A~OCIAT~$, I~C., REPRESK1TTIN(I EARL AND SHIRLEY FR~I, REQUESTIN~ A FLANI~D UNIT D~V~OPMKNT APPROVAL FOR RADIO SQUARE PUD I~OCATED AT THE I~CTION OF RLDIO ROAD A~D DO~A STREET (COMPANION TO PETITI0~ $NP-91-10) - ADOPI~ED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS AS AMENDED Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News ca September 19, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication ftlei with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an Ordtnanc-~ .' , -~'mend.ing Ordinance 82-2, by changing the zoning classification from .~ - A-2 ~o "PUD" Planned Unit Development known as Radio Square PUD, "'' located at the intersectic.n of Radio Road and Donna Street. ',!f'~ Plalmer Saadeh presen~ed Petition PUD-91-1 and Companion Petition iiii[?!'.· SI.~P-~l-10. He advised that the petitioner desires to rezone a 9.¢ %/: acr~ parcel from A-2 to an Industrial PUD to be subdivided into 12 tracts: 10 tracts for an industrial business park with a mix of office, storage, %~arehcuse, light manufacturing and wholesale uses; Page 29 October 8, 1991 ;ions tract for wat~:r detentten, water management and buffer zone; ~!"/and one tract for right-of-way. Mr. Saadeh explained that the subject property is located within -'.~;i an urban area adjacent to light industrial zoning, noting that Naples ' Lumber Is located to the west, and Corporate Square Street Is across the street and to the north. He reported that the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan allow:~ for new industrial land uses outside the designated industrial district if certain cri- teria is met. He Indicated that the Petitioner ha~ met the criteria identified in the FLUE, and therefore, the petitloll is consistent with the Growth Manage=.ent Plan. Planner Saadeh stated that the subject property is adequately served by public utilities, water and sewer. He r~:ported that all reviewing agencies have recommended approval of the: two companion petitions, subject to the stipulations incorporated into the PUD tocu- ~ent, Mr. Saadeh announced that staff has received no correspondenc,~, either for or against the two petitions. He noted that the Planning Commission reviewed the peti'tions on September 19, 1991, and by a vote of 5/0 recommend conditional approval of same, subject to the stipula- tions incorporated Into the PUD document. Commissioner Hesse quest.[oned whether there will be any tmpac': on the residential area, to which Mr. Saadeh advised that this PUD have little impact on the re~identtal area. He indicated that the language in the PUD takes ca:re of the needs of the neighboring proper- ties. Mr. Robert Duane, repres,~nttng the petitioners, related that ~:he ~ub]ect property has fxont:ag,~ on Radio Road In addition to frorite:is onto Donna Street. He disclosed that there Is a single family ar,~a ]n:~;.'.ed immediately to the e~st. Mr. Duane read a letter into the record from Mr. Frank Cooper. representing the Coconut Cre,~k neighborhood. He noted that Mr. Hooper's letter Indicates sul)port of the proposed project and all.irma Page 2 ;1 that the petitioner has made: changes to the plans to meet the radii- dents desires that Radio Sql~are be complimentary to the neighborhood. Mr. Duane stated that access has been limited to right in and right out from Radio Road= ~trchitectural standards have been included in Tracts 2, 3, 5, 6 and 10 to provide a better interface with the neighborhood; limitations h~tve been placed on the hours of operation, loading and unloading; locations of burglar alarm and air conditioning systems and numerous other requirements. There were no speakers. ~aleelo~er ~mndere ~, second~ ~ Coatestoner S~ ~d Commissioner Volpe quesiioned whether there is a sufficient amount of right-of-way for the four-laninG of Radio Road in the area of this willing to provide same for the four-lan~ng of Radio Road. project. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald replied that the roadway alignment In the subject area is being redesigned to reduce the right-of-way requirements. He indicated that a construction ease- ment may be required and questioned whether the petitioner would be He noted that this easement would be approximately 10' - 15' in width and would be for construction purposes only. Mr. Duane stated that hia client is amenable to Mr. Archibald's request, noting that he has already offered that contribution to :Real Property Management. C~d~Aoner ~mndere ~ed, seconded by Co---issioner Volpe ~ad car~'ig un~ni~ouel$~, to approve Petition PUD-91-I, ~ubJect to the sti- lml&tl~ tncorporl~ted into 'the PUD document and the additional s'~tpu- l&ttm~ ~tth respec~ to the conetruction easement, and that the ~' :i' Or~t/~.~'e ~ nu~be].ed ano ti'=le bel~ ~ adopted ~d entered Into OI~IN~CE 91-95 AN ORDINANCE A~IENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 050111; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLAS:;IFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED RE~IL PROPERTY FROM $.-2 TO "PUI)" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS RADIO Page October 8, 399! ROAD SQUARE PUD FOR A BUSINESS PARK FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT ~HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF RADIO ROAD (C.R. 856) AND DONNA STREET, LOCATED Il! SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 9.4 ACRES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. R~OLUT/~ 91-698, R~ P~'fZTXON SMP-91-10, ROBERT L. DU~K O~ HOL]~, ~q~~ A ~I~SlOR ~$~R P~ ~OV~ ~R ~OP~ L~A~D AT ~ ~~~ CO~ OF ~ I~S~IOR OF ~DIO RO~ ~ ~A Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News September 22, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fth~d with ~he Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Pet/t/on SMP-91-10, filed by Hole, Montes ~ Associates, Inc., representing Earl ~d Shirley Frye, retesting Subdivision Master Plan approval fo~ Radio S~are, located at the intersection of Radio Road and Donna Street. This item was heard in conjunction with Petition PUD-91-1, a~ discussed above. ~sst~r Sanders m~d, seconded ~ Co~tmmtone~ S~~ c~1~ ~t~1~, that the ~bltc heartn~ ~ closed. C~t~t~r S~ere m~, seconded ~ Co~tsstone:r S~~ ~d c~t~ ~t~1F, t~t Petition S~-91-10 ~ appr~ed, thereof ~t~ ~letto~ 91-69~. 000 32 October 8, 1991 *,tin e~.~B2 !'!"?* ' IqE~OL~:~ 91-699, ~ ~ITION ~-91-11, G~ORG~ L. V~&~ OF YO~iG, FI~ ~~ ~ ~Z~ DISTRI~, I~Q~STING A PRO'7~SION~ US~ FOR A Plainnet Mu]here advised that th~s item is a request for a provi- sional use pursuant to Section 8.10.b (Essential Services) within the R:SF-3 2oning district for a fire station to be located at the inter- s,~.ction. of Vanderbilt Drive and Ninth Street East. He indicated that the petitioner wishes to construct a 8,400 square foot fire station w.ith a possible future expansion of approxtma'tel¥ 2,O00 square feet. H~.· related that the fire station as proposed, would cons:[st of living ~arters for up to 12 people, including kitchen and sanitary facilt- t:[es, storage space and truck bays. Mr. Mulhere stated that all reviewing agencies have reviewed this petition and reco~,end approval, subject to the stipulations as con- t~tned in the Agreement Sheet. Mr. Mulhere remarked that on September 19, 1991, the Planning Commission heard this petition, and with a vote of 4/1, recommended {~' County ~,cquirtng same at some future point in time 35 approval of same, subject to staff's stipulations as noted Jn the A~:reement Sheet. He reported that the CCPC deleted one stipulation tk~at was included in the Agr,~ement Sheet relating to the dedication of 2~.' of =lght-of-way along Vanderbilt Drive. Co=missioner Volpe quest;~oned whether the right-of-way is required a~ part of the contemplated four-lantng of Vanderbilt DrJve. T~lsportation Services Administrator Archibald replied that this pro~ect has a sideyard that is adjacent to the expansion of the Vand~rb~[lt Drive alignment. He stated that currently there is 100' of right-of-way and t~lcally, :!5' from each side of the roadway is ~egutre¢[ to obtain 150'. He reported that the fire station has made some provision for reserving 25' for future right-of-way dedication. ~e sugg~!sted that it may be appropriate to tie this condition to the Page 24 October 8, 1991 Co.~utssioner Volpe questioned whether there has been a con- i' ti~mplat,~d arrangement between EMS and the North Naples Fire Dtstrtc~ with re:Jpect to space for an ambulance. Attorney George Varnadoe replied that he understands that an EMS vehicle will be housed at the: facility at no charge. Plsuner Mulhere noted that the housing of an EMS vehicle ts not included in the stipulations, but noted that this can be ·included as an addit:tonal stipulation. Comttsstoner Volpe stated that he appreciates the offer of making the epa¢:e available for an EMS vehicle and suggested that perhaps In the futt~re staff could explore an Interlocal agreement with the North Nipples l~tre District, similar to what has been done with Marco Island and the East NaI.,les Fire Dlstrlct. Oom~lsstoner Volpe questioned whether there are any long term ,plans fc,r locating a Shertff's Substation in the subject area, to which County Manager Dorrt/1 replied that there currently are substa- rt. one withtn each Commission District which coincide with the opera- tl, onal district approach used, by the Sheriff for road patrol. He announced that the North Naples Emergency Services Complex will be provldet[ and located in Pelican Bay but there is no need to add another Sheriff's facility further north toward the County line. With regard to ~he 25' right-of-way for the future four-lantng of Viaderbtlt Drive, A:tornel! George Varnadoe explained that this is ~'e,served. for the County's acquisition at the Petitioner's cost of the i?,!!:," ll.nd. ~e noted tha~ he believes there is a constitutional Issue ~'' re, lattn~ to dedicatt..g that property since the money for fire protec- [';: tlon is raised throttgh taxes and for that Issue alone. He noted that '-'. ~,:-. ~'~?~i if that money is us~:d for building roads or other things there will be ;,-'111:' a r~al problem. He indicated that there is no rational nexus required ~' ~he courts relating to the Fire Dtstrtct's impact on the road system and the dedication of right-of-way since there Is no direct connection to Vanderbilt Drive. He announced that there will be a 10 Page 25 October 8, 199! crew working 24 hour shifts and it is anticipated that there will only be 3 emergenc,! calls pe2' each 24 hour shift, resulting in a very low impact on the traffic situation. In ]~esponse to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald reported that when th~ Road Impact Fee Ordinance was revised last year, a provision was included to waive impact fees for certain governmental activities. He remarked that typically, s~taff would look at the value of the r.ight-of-way dedication and determine whether there is some kind of c~-edit a~d come to an agreement. He indicated that since impact fees would nct apply to this use, staff's concerns are twofold: if the use .i~ apprcved, the value of the property on a unit price basis may change; and if the County has to acquire that prope. ty at a later t~me, it will pay a larger amount to merely go through the mechanics of same. ~e suggested that perhaps the petitioner could commit to a pl, ice if he is willing to sell the property at the price that was incurred at the time of the purchase. Attorney George Varnadoe advised that his client is willing to sell the property to the County at exactly the squa]-e foot basis that was paid to purchase same. ~,? - :~,.', Mr. Paul Lapham, Bonita/Hickory Shores Civic Association, President, cited support of the fire station and noted that the Bonita Shores area is in need of fire protection. Mrs ~tly MaggJo stated 'Zha~ the subject location is in a cornmet- V?: ct~l zone and the ~ropose,l ft::e statlon would assure the respons~ tt~e ~'?~:' that ts needed in the Bonita/Hickory Shores community. Co~missioner Saund~rz mowed, seconded by Commissioner Haaae and ¢a:~r~e~ ~nI~K~U~i¥, tO appro~,e Pet~tlon PU-9~-ll, subject to the sti- ~.imt~o~u! me limted in the Ag2~eement Sheet and additional conditions r~l&t~ve to the facility houa~lng an EMS vehicle, and if the 25' right- of-~l.¥ Aim tO be mc,~uired in the future, it would be sold to the County aC tbe e3mct p~er ~uare foot basis that the land was purchased by the Page 26 O¢:tobt:r 8, 1991 RECOb[W~IIDiTI'OR THAT ~E I~PRKTATION OF THK GRO~'H ~AG~ P~ BE ~D ~ ~E ~5ION O'.F ACTIVI~ CE~ER USES B~O~ THE ACT~VI~ C~ ~~Y IN ~E ~ ~ USE ELE~ - I~E~ IS NOT TO ~I~IILY INC~SE ACTIVIT/ CE~ERS BY 25~; CO~ ATTO~Y TO W~ ~AGE TO REJECT Con~nuntty Development Se::vtces Administrator Brutt requested that the Corunlseton support the G::owth Management Planning staff's tnterprt~tatton of an issue relative to the size of Activity Centers. He advtl3ed that a decision was rendered by Staff and an appeal was submitted on August 14, 1991.. by Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, relative to the fact that staff did not feel that Activity Centers should be allowed to expand to a great extent. Mr. Brutt explained that the Future Land Use Element states: "If any proilect is 75% within an Activity Center, the entire pro3ect shall be: considered to be within the Activity Center." He indicated that this provision of the Plan is known as the "75" Rule. He reported that the* Growth Planning Department's Interpretation of this language is that this provision sk~uld: only be applied when parcels proposed for development represent a n,tnor expansion of the Activity Center Boundary. He noted that the language was included in the Plan because It was recognized that Activity Center boundaries do not always correspond to property lines. Mr. Brutt announced that it was never anticipated that the 75~ · , ~,',: r~31e would be used to allow wholesale increases in 'the size of 'ii.. Activity Centers. He remarked to allow the appllcation of this provt- sion to any project which develops on a parcel of land that happens to Growth Planning Director ~Slanchard explained that staff has Interpreted the language in tile Plan to be that the provision should be applied only when parcels of property proposed for Activity Center ex~end beyond an Activity Center may possibly allow up to as much as a increase in the 40 acres square which was discussed ~everal years when this plan was being developed. He requestt~d that the Cor~i~sion approve the Growth Management Plan's interpretation of this Page 27 October 8, lggl ~i'types of development represent a minor expansion of Activity Center boundaries. He affirmed that the language was included in the Plan z~tnce it was recognized that the boundaries do not always correspond with property lines. Mr. Blanchard pointed out that with the exception of three Interst.ate Activity Centers, the Growth Management Plan specifically defines what an Activity Center should be: "All of the same con- figuration and size - square, 1/2 mile on a side, measured from the center point of the tntersec'lton, totaling 160 acres." In addltlon, i!~iA he revealed that the Plan provides language that "If any project is located 75~ within an Acttvti:y Center, the entire project shall be i[~.:..: considered to be within that Activity Center." ,. ', Mr. Blanchard stated tha~: It was never anticipated that the 75% ';[~', rule would be used to allow a wholesale Increase of size of Activity ['-" Centers. He indicated that to permit any project which develops on a :~/[.;:,]parcel that happens to extend beyond an Activity Center's boundary, ~::[]'~l.'.regardless of how far thv, t parcel extends outside the Activity Center, ~<[:i ~[- could conceivably result in a 25% increase to any or all Activity Centers in the County. He di~lged that instead of being 160 acres in size, the potential is to have Activity Centers that are 200 acres in s.~ze. He noted that it is clear that the intent of the language is to limit the size of Activity Centers. Mr, Blanchard referred to two displayed maps, depicting examples of: a single parcel whose property boundaries go well beyond the A¢:ttvtt~' Center Boundary and another showing two fezones that made use of the 7'5% rule and did so a~,proprtately. Mr. Blanchard advised that the Activity Center concept was lnt~o- '.?, du.ced in. an effort to reallocate the existing commercial pattern from !:i i)i: the ;inear pattern, and the large amount of PUD commercial that -~t!(... c~u.rrently exists to concentrating commercial types of development/high Intensity development at the major Intersections throughout the i~ii'. be 100~ commercial, they will be commercial in nature. County. He explained that while Activity Centers are not: designed to He noted that Page 28 October 8, 1991 ::.the reallocation was based on the anticipated rezonlng of vacant par- ~'~:' eels that were inconsistent with the Future Land Use Map and was to be ~' done through the zoning teevaluation program. He Indicated that out of 3,300 acres of vacant commercial property only 746 acres were 13ub- ~ect to zoning teevaluation as a result of the ordinance, as adopted. J~/ lie revealed that there are approximately 350 acres that are still eli- gible fo~ rezonlng and will be presented to the Commission later in the yea~. ~"~: M~. Blanchard announced that w~th~n the Activity Centers as desi~ated on the map, staff has estimated that there are app~oxina- ~ . rely ~,000 ac~es that could be ~ezoned commercial om Activity Center '.":'.;:level of uses. He remarked that it is clear from these figures and ~.-- the definition of an Act]vital Center that the expansion of same should not be allowed. He Fecom;,~en,~ed that the Commtsslon uphold the ~?'?: ~nte~p~etat~on of the Growth Management Plan Jnd]ca. ting that the 75~ · .~ ~le should only be applied ~+hen parcels that are proposed for :",, Activttlr Center types of development represent a minor expansion of ~:?'~;Jthe Act.tvtty Center boundary. In addition, he recommended that based upon a Plan Amendment which was transmitted to DCA, that direction be given to staff to clarify the lan~age pertaining to the 75~ rule. ~: .'. Mr. Michael Fernandez, of Agnolt, Barber ~ Brundage, Inc., replied that he does believe that sta~ff's response is consistent to his interpretration of the Land Use Element which reads: " If any pro- ~ect is ~5~ within an Activity Center, the entire project shall be considered to be within the lcttvtty Center." He noted that he sees no stlpu, lattons or any other comments relative to that stn~lar state- M~. Fernandez p~esented ~a~ous examples relative to th~s issue ~ {(:~p~ nc,t p~ovided to the Cle~k's Office). He ~efe:~red to fou~ ~ad~ants, totaling ~60 ac~es. He indicated that included ~n the fou~ pat~cels fs p~opemty which is not developable but has right-of-way, ~_; not~ng that each of these has an intersection of major highway which '~' do detract substantial acreage from these Centers. He noted that when Page 2 9 October 8, 1991 these intersections are developed to the maximum extent they will eventually evolve and they do approach 2§~ of that entire Activity · Center. Mr. Fernandez pointed oul: that an amendment to the Comp Plan ~i provtde~ that if an owner owens an entire parcel under the Master Plan Activity! concept, he can recover that area which was lost in the right-of-way areas. He expl(ttned that the 25% rule does not apply to the ent:[re 40 acres, but it does apply to the portion that the owner : OWTIS. Mr. Fernandez spoke to the Issue of a single land owner falling %~nder the ?§% rule. He Indicated that the provision in the Plan allows ~ 25~ increase, and suggested that if the intent is something other tkan 25%, the rule should be changed. Mr. Fernandez gave an example of three individual land owners coming in at different times. He announced that each of these land o ers could apply ru . and it wou d ne,mi ab e aan,w each of these o~ers the 25~ ~ule but not extend sane to an individual Mr. ?ernandez reminded the Commission that 25~ of the 40 acres disappea:rs with the roadways. He indicated that the, re is a provision ~nder the Master Plan concept which allows a project to recoup that area. Call:tng attention to amendment CP-91-2 which is being forwarded to DCA Mr Fernandez explained that projects that do not meet the 75~ rule are allowed to be within activity centers. Commissioner Volpe stated that he does not believe that the Intent was e~er to allow for the recoupment of property that may be acquired for right-of-way. He indicated that the intent is to allow a project to develop out in an orderly w~y to accommodate slight deviations in the plan for the parcel. Mr. Fernandez advised that the project that he is involved with would need the Increased density that is allowed within an activity center in order to result In a successful project and one that would Page 30 October 8, 199! .~rk wil~htn the bounds of a nixed used development. He noted that miter the right-of-way delet][ons, 32 acres remains in this project. Mr. Blanchard reported that when the activity centers were origi- nally dt~fined in the Plan, It was clear that they were measured from the cenl:er point of the intel'section, which included any potential or extstin~! right-of-way within the 160 acres square. Mr. Fernandez remarked that if there is unwritten verbiage, i.e. 10~, 12~$ or 15%, the consultants in the market need to be made aware of same. County Attorney Cuyler replied that in these types of cases, the County has to look at more than a provision and the intent of same. ~e rema]rked that he believes it is appropriate for the Commission to direct staff to clarify the language in order for Mr. Fernandez to i..i~ receive the type of clarification he is looking for. " Mr. George Keller, President, Collier County Civic Federation, revealed that he feels that staff's verbiage is too loose. He suggested that the language ,.~tate that "the property may not be increased more than 10%." Attorney Charles Lehman explained that he is representing a pro- perry o~mer who will be affected by staff's interpretation. He noted that if the language is to be interpreted, it can only be done in favor of the property owner. He indicated that if staff's position is to approve, he believes the procedure that is being used is Incorrect. Me reported that the Rule clearly states: "If any project is 75% within an Activity Center, the entire project shall be con- sidlered to be within the Activity Center." He remarked that the language in the "Rule" has gc,ne through the public ihearlng process and h~s been discussed at great length. Commissioner Saunders revealed that it appears that a reasonable interpretation would be that the 25% Rule applies as it relates to p]roperts' lines in existence ¢,n the date of adoption of th~ Activity Center (:oncept which would prohibit a person owning land inside an activits, center from going ou.t today and buying 25% more land outside Page 31 October 8, 1991 the acttvlt¥ center to expand his project. Mr. Lehman replied that he does not concur with Commissioner Saundel.s' interpretation of the language. He expressed that he does not believe there is anything prohibiting a property owner from acquiring additional property outside the Activity Center. He noted that the rule is in derogatlcn of private property rightly. He revealed that the case law Is very clear, in that, the language must be construed in a manner which Is favorable to the propeltry owner. He reported that the Commission Is not making an lnte]rpretatton by sup- porting staff's position, but instead, an amendment is being made and there is a specific procedure for amending the Comp Plan. In answer to Commtssione~ Saunders, County Attorney Cuyler advised that th.~ Commission could ch.~nge the ordinance to be effective retroactively. He disclosed that the Commission has the right to interpret the document and suggested that after an interpretation has ~.i"';:; been made, that staff be tns':ructed to clarify the provision. <: Attorney George Varnadoe suggested that the 0o~ntsston look at this ts~ue on a project by p~oJect basis rather than looking at hypo- tethicals to test the boundairy rules. He stated that the language needs to be clarified but should not effect projects that are already in the pipeline. Mr. Varnadoe remarked thitt if one persons owns the entire 40 acre qtladran1: he is allowed to move the boundaries around as long as he :i'{,'.~... do~s not exceed the other criteria. He noted that an additional way to approach this Is adding ¢c.mmerctal uses beyond what was con- templat~d at the time of adoption. He indicated that minor Increases c¢~ld be, added in the activity centers but the 75% Rule would be a~x~d as a mathematical formula but not to allow 'the amount of commercial to increase in activity center quadrant. Mr. Blanchard replied that Mr. Varnadoe's sugge~tton may be a good idea, but cited concerns as to whether this would make an assumption that everything within the activity center boundary may be commercial. He noted that the real test on a case by case basis is whether it Page 32 October 8, 1991 ':should be co~nerctal at all. Attorney George Varnadoe, remarked that he is not sug~jesttng that · here be a full 40 acres of commercial in each quadrant, but anything outside. the activity center Itself would not be allowed to be commer- cial unless the other 40 acres would be comprised of other uses. Mr. Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., pointed out that squares do not necessarily make sense when they are applied to real world conditions. He Indicated'that at the time the concept of activity centers was discussed, an arbitrary boundary of 160 acres s:quare was agreed upon and the 25~ rule was Included to all some discretion when the Commission Is considering land use petitions. He noted since that time, two additional flex provisions have been added. He concurfred that the langua!;e as written is very clear, however, it is only the admission to com~: before the Commission and request a land use change through the zontn.([ process. He indicated that each of these petitions have to come before the Board and is evaluated on its ~rn merits. He suggested theft the language remain as written. Oommissioner Saunders recalled that several years ago there was a case in which the Court ruled. that in certain cases the word "shall" m,.~ans "nay" and the word "may" means "shall". He called attention to the language "...the entire project shall be consid,~-red to be within the activity center apply the 75% rule" and noted that if the word "~hall" means "may" it provides flexibility for a case by case review and does not mean that someone may go out and aroit]:arlly buy 25~6 more l~nd and make the argument that they have to be per~itted to be within the mc~tvlty center. He lndt.-ated that based on the equities involved in ~he revlew by staff, they :nay be considered to be part of the actt- v~ t'.{' :enter. Co~i~slone~ Volpe stated that if the language is Interpreted tn the mann,~ that staff tnte~pr,~ts same, an amendment to the Growth Ma~nagement Plan would not be necessary. that ~ Jnt~t of the 75~ ~le l~age is that the ~rd "shall" to Page 33 October 8, 1991 · .lntende~ to ~ean 'lay" and that staff ~e directed to en~age in a revie~e ~a~ed on all the facts aeaociated with each particular project u p~t~ to the~; ~d ~t the Co~t~ A~torne~ ~end the Mr. Blanchard advised that the appeal ~s based on the term "project" versus the term "~,arcel" Commissioner Saunders remarked that he has always felt that the ~¢ord "project" really refers to the parcel of land. He indicated that staff and the property owners have been given flexibility. He explained if a property owner assembles a parcel and is not pleased with the outcome of the application of the 75% Rule he has a remedy in court. HFE~LADES CITY AIRPORT ~AYO~T PLAN AS PREPARED BY NMJ/~"F.~2~'gD-JOHN$ON ENGINEERS, INC. AND STATUS RBPORT ¢)N THE FUTURE P~AN~ FOR TH~ AIRPORT PROPERI'Y - PLAN APPROVED AS PRESENTED Transportation Services .Administrator Archibald explained that the subject Airport occupies approximately 29 acres An Everglades City. He indicated that the airport currently does not have any zoning but does h~ve a 2,400 foot runway! which was built with grant funds tn 1968. Mr. Archibald noted that the information provided as part of the report from the consultants indicates that the Everglades Airport should ]:ematn an airport since it provides for a basic utility airport service. In addition, he re~Lated that the report addresses a series of ~.as~{~r planning functions. He affirmed that the airport is adja- c,~nt to ~he National Parks Service which is in the process of a large e:cl~:~sion and this facility would become an asset to them. Mr. Archibald explained that the report as submitted, provides a good guide for the master use. of the site long term: T-Hangers, industrial related use, and laxiways to improve service. With respect to the issue of financing, Mr. Arclhibald stated that the County currently spends approximately $4,500 annually for the Page 34 October 8, lggl system, operations of the rotating beacon, and keeping a phone £n service. He announced that the only real revenue is derived from the rental of apron spence and T-Hangers which amounts to a few hundre{[ dollars per year. He revealed that staff has received appro- val of the report and the airport layout plan from FDOT. Mr. Archibald revealed that staff is in the process of working with the City of Everglades to develop a long term lease, noting that the master plan will be an important element of th~ same. Mr. Archibald recommended that the Commission approve the airport layout plan which would alleN the County or a subsequent lessee to work through the County in obtaining Federal and State funds for improvements at the airport. He disclosed that it would be advan- tageous to have another entity operate the facility. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Mr. Archibald replied that the City of Everglades has expre,;sed an interest in leasing the site from .the Comity. Conualssioner Volpe stated that the opportunity for growth in the future .in the Everglades area is limited, noting that he does not see :,% the demand for this facility, nor the economic advantage of same. He ~ndIcat~d that there is a private airstrip at the Port-of-the-Islands. Mr. Archibald advised that staff pursued the grant to have the ~tudy dcne for the following reasons: determine if the property ~:; should he utilized for something else: have a maste:r plan that could .i'./- be used as a yardstick to measure what is going on and control a ~eusee through this report: and without an approved airport layout plan, federal and state grants could not be applied for. Commissioner Shanaban ~o~d, seconded by Co~mts~ioner ~asee and c~ .&/~ (Co~ssioner Vol]~e opposed), to accept and approve the A~po~t ;r~yout Plan, as preeemted. ~$~ !be~SS: 4:00 P.M. - Rscollvened: 4:10 P.M. at which time Deputy CI~]~ Fartie replaced I~lt¥ Clerk Hoffman see ~~~K OF A ~I~O~ CRO~;SIN~ AT PANELS RO~ - ~ A~I~S October 8, 1991 This item was discussed in conjunction with Consent Agenda Item #16A2. George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator, reported that ~ollier County has built and operates a small railroad spur for the purposes of delivering goods, adjacent to which is the crossing called "Pagels Road and Railroad crossing". He explatne{~ that a developer is in the process, as part of companion Item #16A2, of completing all the planning for the development of an industrial park on the east side of the rail:road. He stated that the railroad is .~'~' requiring that, as part of the development, payment is due for the ;' Installation of a railroad s.[gnal system as well as utility line ~,~ ' as maintenance of same. installations underneath the railroad embankment. He explained that the Agrl;ement of Undertaking provides for the developer and property owner of the properties on tile east side of the railroad and/or the u:ltlmat~: Homeowners Associat.~Lon to be responsible to Collier County mid the railroad for the installation of the signal improvements and mllintenance of same. He stated the developer has agreed to pay for the cost of the signal systems being required by the railroad as well He stated there is an Escrow Agreement where funds halve been placed in an account in an amount which exceeds al~proxtmately 110% of all allowed costs, and an Amendment Agreement between the railroad and Collier County undertaking the permits that will as provisions for other utilities in the future. Mr. Archibald reiterated that staff is requesting approval of the Agreement of Undertaking and the License Agreement, authorization for 'thl Chairman to execute same, and approval of the plat (Companion Item 'O16A2), which includes the Escrow Agreement. Perr'y Peep/es of Hatter :~ecrest & Emery confirmed that the en,,]ine~r on the project is present today as well as one of the owners 'of the pmo.Ject. He referred '~o the Agreement of Undertaking, pointing ~ouT the last and next to the last paragraphs of same wherein the Owner and Owners' Association assum~s and agrees to perform all the obltga- Page 36 October 8, lg91 tions ¢,f the County as provided in the License Agreement and Amendment thereto and provides for an Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit to be furnished. He pointed out the provision in the Ag:~eement of Undertaking whereby the County will be absolved of all l~ab~l~ty upon the termination of the Agreement. CormiNfonet Shanahmn ~oved, mecondedb¥ Co-~ilm~oner Volpe and c~d ~n~n~ou~ly, ~o mpp~e ~he two A~eemen~ relative ~o lmpro- Page 37 October 8, 1991 ~;Xl"K,I~"J.~:~ Jl~:~lX~l~XOl~ - D:K~CU$S~rD _ COUIII~ )~kI~G~R ~Z~, CO~ cos ~ County Manager Dotrill confirmed that staff's basic analysls and reco~endation has been that the acquisition of the Golden Gate Avatar .: o~ed facfltty can easily be incorporated within the ext:sttng customer ~ base for the County Regional Utility System. He reported that the ~*~ item relat/n~ to Marco does not appear able to be incorporated and the "~.';:~ COSt /dent/fled for same appears to point to the fact the system needs to be both owned and operated as a subdistrict to the County Regional Utility System and that, at frome point in time, the rate impact needs to be identified. He reiterated his previous recommendation that a town hall or public hearing workshop be conducted on Marco with the residents and current customers of the system to determine the consen- sus fee].lng prior to the County proceeding further. Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher briefly summarized the history of the proposals relating to both the Golden Gate facility and the }{arco facility. He confirmed that the Marco facility is a much larger utility with significant needs, some immediate and some in the future, regarding water supply and wastewater provision. He /:~:L;'. stated the options facing the Board of County Commissioners include doing nothing and trying to acquire the system in one of various ways, !~i,:~..?~ includin!; negotiation and condemnation. In r,.~ply to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bloetscher s;tated that at the ~i meetl'.,~g of June 4th, the Board of County Commissioners requested the County Manager and the County Attorney's Office provide information deTalltnii what the options wel'e and what the necessary steps would be. ~f'~, He stated the redested information was provided to the Board of . County 0o~ts8toners in the form of a memorandum from the County ~. Attorney's Office, copy not provided for the record. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Codnty Manager Dotrill f;;;~.jsuggesteft[ that ~he Marco Island utility should not be incorporated [~. T' Into the rate base and capital improvement plan for the regional wa~er Page 38 October 8, 199! ~nd s~wer system, but instead should be operated, owned and developed separately as a subdistrict. Mr. Bloetscher stated on,: of the concerns considered for the June 4th study was whether an adverse impact would be created on all the other customers. Comat$sioner Saunders expressed concern regarding the acquisition of the Marco Island utilitie~. He referred to page 6 of the agenda package stating he feels its:Is 2 through § under "Advantages of Public ~nershtp" are nonexistent. He contradicted Item § saying there may, in fact, be a si~nificant increase to the Ratepayers due to the acquisition. Co-,itsstoner Shanahah st~ted he can see benefits to the acqulsi- tion of the Marco Island Utilities. Stul,py Harris, an attorney with a law firm in Orlando, suggested that the. Board of County Comn.issioners should become well informed before venturing out into the area of eminent domain. He stated the 7-..;: .standard is very much in favor of the property owner due to the system ':i' being built on a free enterprise system. Utilizing posters, he tden- t~fted his client as the largest free enterprise privately owned sewer ,i;: end water utility operator In the State of Florida. He reported that ::' free enterprise does a better Job than government in areat~ customartly run by free enterprise. He s',,ggested it will be ill advised for any county commission to opt to condemn property prior to finding out if the legitimate needs and goal~ can be met in the public sense by Inter local type agreements with his company. He expressed a willingness to come to the ne!lottatlng table in good faith to work with the Board of County Commissioners to do things which cannot be i". done by ~tther entity individually. He suggested that, prior to public hearings or Incurring any major expenses, the process be allowed 1:o take place for a couple of months. He discussed the poten- tial costs associated with the County's condemnation of property on Marco Island and, utilizing a chart reflecting the breakdown of said costs, el~timated costs of aoq~tisttton via eminent domain .law could run Page 39 October 8, 1991 e~ high as $150,000,000. He stated his organization is willing to enter into agreements providing for the sharing of aquifer storage with the Oounty as well as c,~ete and operations, and to be a customer of the County for water, etc. He suggested that the County explore the possibility of reaching agreements as opposed to condemnation. Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher pointed out that the Board o[ County Coulsstoner:3 is not being asked to make a decision today r,egardtng the acquisition of the Marco Island Utilities through condemnation. Geo:~ge F. Keller, Prestd,:nt of Collier County Civic Federation, stated ~hat private enterprince is the answer, adding that the history of the country is that most ~untctpallttes do run their own water and a.~we r s,~stems. Comatsstoner Saunders hypothesized that the Marco Island Utiltty System could be acquired and the impact would be $5.00 per month lncreas~ to the ratepayers and questioned whether Mr. Keller would be willing to pay that $5.00 per' month increase, to which Mr. Keller a~swered in the affirmative. Mr. Keller stated he has been contacted in the last couple of weeks b%, people in the North Naples area unhappy with the utility bills they have been receiving, some running as high as $120.00 per month fc:r water and sewer. lie stated that, if he was getting water and s~w~:r, he would want the Public Service Commission monitoring the ~mo'~utt he could be charged. ~.,ttorney George L. Varna~.oe suggested that the Board of County Commissioners should decide today whether to condemn the Marco pro- Commissioner Shanahan stated he agrees with some of the remarks made by Stumpy Harris, but disagrees with the numbe:~s he presented. He stated the intent is to consider the regional plan of the County and to consider the possibility of acquiring utilit.[es which may, in fact, enhance the service ability and rate structur~ of the County. He stated there are a variety of ways to determine public opinion Page 40 ,.- · :'. October 8, 1991 ¥~nd suggested the Board of County Commissioners is obligated to deter- mine the water and wastewater needs of the community. Commissioner Hasse concurred with Commissioner Shanahan~s remarks. He requ,~sted more verification of the fibres presented. Go~lssioner Volpe stated he is supportive of assembling a team provided it can be done with.In the existing County Government. Comity Attorney Cuyler r,~commended that the Board of County Commissioners not direct county staff to negotiate this matter. Comaisaloner Volpe cammen,ted that what comes to mind regarding assembling a tea· is a batte~.y of attorneys, engineers, etc. which he cannot ~[ustify at this point in the process. Coulit¥ Attorney Cuyler interjected that the reason Commissioner Volpe thinks of these types of experts is because they are the very ones necessary to evaluate the type of system in question and identify the basis upon which negotiations should be founded. Co~m~tsatoner Saunders voiced agreement with Commissioner Volpe, stating he is not prepared t¢, spend money on experts. He recommended it is a~,propriate to let staff know that the Board of County Commissioners is interested Jn accomplishing certain objectives and, in turn, solicit from staff the ultimate goals to b,e considered in te=~ns of the utility systems individually. Co~lsstoner Volpe raised the Issue of what the team being con- te~plated will be comprised of. Stunpy Harris stated his organization will not negotiate on acqn'.,lsttion. He explained that what is being offered is an interlocal optnioa. Commissioner Hasse pointed out that each utility syt~tem is to be . -looked at as separate entities. what neither can do alone. Conditioner Shanahah hayed, seconded by Cosatsmtom~r Hasaa, to continue dt·logue with Southern States Utilities, ~saeg~le the fra- ~e~k of · fact ftndin~ tea= without expense and a~scarCatn public Page 41 October 8, 1991 Commissioner Shanahan concurred with Commissioner Kasse, stating he takes exception to the idea that Marco Island is driving the 'discussion. In response to Commlssio:aer Hasse, Commissioner Shanahah verified that his motion does not include a mandate regarding assembling a team, but merely suggests consideration of the framework of a fact finding team without expenditure. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Commissioner Shanahah clarified that his recommendation is for Fred Bluetschef, Assistant Utilities Direcrum, Ken Cuyler, County Attorney, and County Manager Dotrill to return ~ith suggestions regal'ding the framework of what an acquisition team should look like and wha,t the potential costs of acquisition might be,. After further discussion regarding whether or not the Intent is to assemble an acquisition team at this point, Commissioner Saunders stated that Commissioner Shanahan has interpreted his motion ade- quately, I.e. that there will be a framework of a team, which is a fact finding team and not an acquisition team. Upon cmll for the qu~mtloa, the ~otton carried ~unantmousl¥. Zt~m#~Dl '2'I:~~ co!ls'r~c'rxoN ~,A,s~rr As PART OF ~ U.S. 42 ]fORTS WATER ff:~-Iiir ~'~ - (:x)lrrI~O TO 10/22/91 Fred Bluetschef, lsststan'~ Utilities Administrator, explained that staff is seeking acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of a tempol..ary construction easement agreement granted by Germsin Properties of Columbus, Inc. for a water main on U.S. 41 North. He stated the easement is scheduled to expire on January 1, 1992. In response to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Bluetschef confirmed that there are eagles in the l,ubJect area which could pose a potential problem. In response to Commissioner Saunders Mr. Bloetscher reported that th,e Germa~ins resisted giving lhe County an easement beyond the January ~992 date. Page 42 October 8, 1991 Ken Cobb, General Counsel for Getmain Corporation, stated his client is willing to coopera're with the County. He explained the reason for the time limitati(m is a desire to avoid having to redo landscaping which is current:[y taking place and would probably have to be redone should it be neces~,ary for the Jack and bore work to take place at a later time due to the situation manifested by the eagles locatfni! in the area. In response to Commissioners Hasse and Shanahan, Mr. Bloetscher stated staff feels the site for the Jack and bore work is located out- side the 1500 ft. requirement relative to the environmental situation and is ;,ursuing verification. Environmental Specialist Kimberly Po]en reported a meeting is i~:.:: . indeed scheduled for Thursday to consider the wildlife concerns. 5? · '!' )'i: (~uill:io~er Saunders ~d, ~eco~ ~ Co~i.s~one, r Vol~ ~d ?!'." ~t~ ~l~lF, to continue this tte~ ~ttl the ~ttng of .... t -22, 1991. :.--~ ... ~.: ~ ~ - . ~'jf:.. RE~011.01-7OO, I~ BOARD P,~Y ~ CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL : ..- pa~.f incr,:ases awarded on employee anniversary dates and based on Job pel, fc'.'mance. He reported tha~: the total cost of these adjustments, }[-. lncludtnl; fringe benefits, is approximately $170,OO0. He reflected th~%t 3.51S of the §~ appropriated in 1992 will be used to continue the :~"% pay-for-performance system and employee merit program, adding that '~..'j employeei~ will be eligible fo~' Increases ranging from 0-8%. He estl- :a:. : mated the total cost for 1992 to be $1,184,000. He relayed staff's ~:"'~-recommendation for Board approval of a Senior Environmental Specialist po~ltton to be added to the class titles at pay range 118. In response to Commissioner Volpe regarding the number of posi- · 105 Leo Ochs, Administrative :Service Administrator, explained that the Board of County Commissioners has appropriated 5% of personal services in its 1992 budget to fund a comb/nation of mandated state retirement increases, pay plan market adjustments, as well as individual merit Page 43 October 8, 1991 Which will be subject 'to the maintenance adjustment, Mr. Ochs :i-[answered that 35 position tt'tles will be affected and that 83 employe,~e occupy those posit.lon titles. In :response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs stated that the average increase is $2,038 and includes the fringe benefit factor of '. 30~. Fred Tarrant referred to the unemployment rate In Collier County ;and voiced opposition to going forward ~tth Increases for the County eaployeus, In response to Commissioner Volpe, Budget Director HcNees verified that tht: $300,000 In additional personnel and related salary cuts was not dele, ted from the budget. ~t~ 4/1 (~tesi~er Vol~ o~sed), to a~rove the ~y ~d clsift~tt~ pl~ for flscll ye~ 1991/92, there~ a~pttng ~l~tla Page 44 October 8, 1991 HIRING FItL'~ZE AND BUDGET SAVINGS RE]PORT - ACCK~ This item was discussed ;in conjunction with Item #10B. Co~3ty Manager Dotrill r~ported that, as a result of the hiring freeze, total year end sayin,is were $1,523,585; $461,8S4 of which was ~n the (:ounty General Fund a~l it relates to ad valorem property taxes. He explained that throughout the year the hiring freeze has ranged from a ~ow of 55 employees to a high of 70 employees, and presently is at 69. He reflected that from the 1987/88 fiscal year to-date there has been a population increa~:e in Collier Gounty of 26.8% and, during that same period, the number of County employees attributable to the Board of County Commissioners increased 23.?~. He added, however, that the? employees covered by the General Fund increased by only 15%, mild the total number considered management employees increased by He stated that, on a per capita basis, in 1988 there was one employee for every 178 c~t~zens in Collier County and that this year there is one employee for every 184 citizens. He pointed out that Collier County has created as well as inherited various new service divisions d%~ring that time. He reported that it has been budgeted for the / 'h~r~ng freeze to continue through the first quarter of the year ~::!i resulting in an estimated savings of $285,000 in additional employee ;, ,? ~larles. I,~ r,~sponse to Commisslon,:r Hasse, County Manager Dorrtll .~ explained there was an employ,.,e that resigned from a Chie~ Envtronm,.~ntal Specialist post'~ion with the vacancy being :included in the hiring freeze, but also b,:ing downgraded to a lower position. In r,~ply to Commissioner ][asse, County Manager Dotrill in the h:[rtng freeze as well as resignations and new community centers 118 Page 45 '.~ acknowledged that the three departments which are most affected at !i?[~.i,' this tlm~: are the library pos:[ttons, as a new library is being opened · with few~:r employees today th~m in 1987; Parks and Recreation Department, as currently 10~ ¢~f all positions are vacant and included October 8, 1991 being constructed; and Code Enforcement. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether statistics were available relating to the number of managerial employees per population, to which Co~mty Manager Dotrill suggested caution should be used in com- paring counties as all counties may not have the same needs and there- fore the same departments an,~ division of employee's positions. He !~tated h~ will be happy to have staff pursue determination of what a normal ratio might be. Comsissioner Saunders st,~ted that some of the comments being made are verF relevant to Item #lOB. He commented that comparing Collier County to other counties which might be overstaffed is a :fruitless exercise. He added that it is more important to evaluate the employment structure, look~n!; at all upper level staff positions, and determine whether it is possible ~nd feasible to consol/date the func- tions of upper level staff, with the aim of overtime eliminating some of those positions. He cited the example of the Public Services Administrator position which has been vacant since January 11, 1991. He explained a Department Head has been serving as the Division Administrator for over eight months without a noticeable reduction in service from that department. Comm~ssioner Saunders ex, pressed concern that the Board of County Commi~sioners is looking at the overall picture and asking the County Manager to reduce budgets and freeze positions, which he is success- fully accomplishing, without considering the long term effect in terms of 2moklng at the overall pe~sonnel structure. He referred to the memorandum included in the agenda package and identified as Item #lOB, stating that same ~nc]udes s~lggestions he feels appropriate for the Board of County Commissioner:~ to consider. He expressed a desire to be able to assure the public that the Board of County Commissioners is /00king at its management po~itions, saving taxpayer dollars wherever possible, consolidating func::ions wherever possible, and fine tuning ~overnm~ntal operations. Co~L'~,ox~r Smunda~-a ~o~, seconded by Co.,~sa~oner Volpe, to Page 46 October 8, 1991 d11~l~ Cmmty Mm~ger Dotrill to p~tde t~ ~d of C~l.~ wl~ tnfo~tt,=n a~te to all~ then, ~tng etrate- gtc pl~, to ~l~te all u~r 1~1 etaff ~tt~om~ wtth the aim of ~ B~ of C~ty Co~t,sstoners dete~intng where, c~11.~tt~ of ~ctto~ might oc~r ~d ~rhaps altering ex~tng ~ml st~c~re. It was the consensus that there should be an evaluation of all co~ty Jobs by the County ~anager. Count~ H~ager Dotrill voiced concern with the mot/on, as for- mulated, stating he objects to the Board of County Commt~stoners eva- luattng ~d deciding what the organizational structure of the exe~ttve branch ~ill be. He agreed the Board of County Commissioners ts entitled to Information relating to what the functJons~ oF lndlvtdual positions are, that it can revest him to evaluate a potential for con- solldatton from a check and balance standpoint. Zn response to Commissioner Saunders, County Attorne~ Cutler stated he t5 prepared to look at the County Hanager Ordinance and render an optnton regarding the right of the Board of Count~ Commis~toners to e~fect or invoke organizational change~. Co~n~y Hanager Dotrill v'otced concern relating to the concept o~ ~e~o-ba~sed budgeting. He stated that zero-based budgeting a~ the local level, as defined and contained in avallable literature, as been a dtsma~l failure tn this co~.ntry. He proposed that an alternative Prt?:lt:y Program Budgeting, which allows identification o~ costs asso- ciated with each government~tl program. Cosmlsstoner Saunders confirmed there ts need to prioritize the county programs to determtn~ which are Important. He reiterated that ~he re~est is ~or the Count:~ Hanager to identify a method oF doing Just that. Commissioner Saunders e~:pre~sed concern over the continual loss of sta]~f ~n departments wht~:h dtrectlU service the citizens o~ Collier Co~ty while not expertenct~g a simultaneous reduction tr~ the upper level ~taff positions. Page 47 October 8, ~m ~ll for the qu~et~on, ~otion failed 2/3 (Cents,stoners Zt~ I)Z~~ Or V~Z~B B~' ~O~S~S - CO~ ~AOER DI~D TO ~,~ ~ ~~, ~R ~OB CONSOLIDATION This l~em was discussed in conjunction with Item ~8H2. Hasme moved, leconded by Commissioner Shanaban and that the County Manager provide the requelted tnfor~mtion reg~rding Priority Progrm~ Budgeting and concerns iden- tifie~ In the ~a~orandum from Commissioner Saunders dated September 25, 1991 ~d Identified as Item #lOB on today's agenda, ~nd that the ~mty,&ttorn~y render an opinion regarding the Jurisdiction of the ~3ard of County Commissioner, s over Job consolidation. ~tlsoloner Shanahen ~,ed, seconded by Conicstoner Hesse and ciu-rle~ umaalao~sl¥, to aCCelPt the County Manager's Report and place e,,e ~~: 6:10 P.M. - ]~con~n~: 6:20 P.M. at which time ~m~ Clerk ~rlghi rel~lac~ ~W Clerk Ferris Co~lsstoner Goodnight as,ted at this time if there were any peti- tioners present who would like to defer their petition until October 15, 1991, and if so they shou. ld see Assistant to the County Manager 'Pike. !tlr~A~T ~ ~/DERATIOll OF PETITION POD-SO-/(/) FOR OSPRKY'S Bruce Anderson of Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Benton, P.A. stated that the reason for the request for reconstderatton of the sub- Ject petition Is due to the a~parent misunderstanding of the traffic impact posed by the subject project. In response to Commtssion.~r Hasse, County Attorney Cu¥1er informed ~:).' that Co=mtsstoners Volpe, Shanahen or Hasse can make the motion for a rehearin~ of this item. Mr. Anderson advised that although County staff has found the petition to be in non-compliance, the petitioner has agreed to a Page 48 October 8, ~991 schedule outlined in the correspondence provided to County Manager Dotrill, dated Septelaber 25, 1991, regarding the four-laning of Davis Boulevard. He read a statement from the Comprehensive Plan Density Rating System which provides for affordable housing. Geo~:ge Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, noted that the petition was not denied because of a traffic concern but rather because of the incompatibility with the surrounding projects in the area. He recommended theft the subject petition not be reheard. Bil'~[ Holley, representing the homeowners at Moon Lake, reminded the Com,ltsstoners of the number of people who were present in opposi- tion to the subject petition when it was originally heard and added that they would all have been here tonight had they known this was being requested to be reheard. He urged the Commissioners not to r~hear l:his item. No mction was taken on th. ts item. (~DII~A~ 91-9~, I~TITION PU~87-48(1), ALAN REYNOLD~ OF NILSON, NI~, BAItTON ~ ~, INC., ~S~ING SO~N D~O~ ~., ~~~ A ~ZO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AS SOn--ON DI~~ AT N~ES ~R ~ ~SE OF ~P~ING ~ ~ ~ ~~' ~ ~ P~ ~ TO A~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~S~ P~ ~ ~C~S~ ~ R~ISlONS TO ~K ~ISTING ~C~ - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on S~ptember 19, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition PUD-87-48(l), requesting a rezone from PUD to PUD known as Southampton Development at Naples for the purpose of repealing the current PUD document and Master Plan (Ordinance No. 88-53) and to adopt a new PUD document and master plan made necessary by revisions to the existing documents. Planner Lord indicated the subject petition is a companion to Item #12C5, Petition SMP-91-8. He stated that Alan Reynolds representing Southampton Development Corporation is requesting a fezone from PUD to PUD as well as a subdivision master plan for the Southampton Development located behind the Greentree Shopping Center at the Page 49 October 8, 1991 "Southwemt corner of Inunokalee Road and Airport Road. He Informed that the ~ubJect site is currently vacant with an existing PUD zoning for the Southampton Development. He related that to the north and across Immokalee Road there is a mix of RSF-3, RMF-12, C-1, and RMF-16; to the east and across Airport Road is vacant C-4 property, developed RSF-2 and RSF-3; to the sout]~ is RSF-3, single family homes; and to the west is the North Naples community park zoned RO and a developed industrial parcel. Mr. Lord noted that the ,:hanges reflect the new configuration for the golf course and a redistmibution of housing types while holding constant the total number of dwelling units first approved. He indi- cated that other admintstrat:[ve changes to the PUD document were the addition of the sunset claus(~, monitoring, polling places and other appropriate references to platting, site development plans and rela- tionships to timing of permitting and applicable standards. Mr. Lord advised that th~ proposed project has a density of 2.55 units ~or acre and is consistent with the Future Land Use element of the Growth Management Plan. He reported that the changes are in the best interest of the pro~ect and the surrounding uses. He pointed out that the golf course has been changed to act as a buffer between the commercial shopping area and the adjacent multi-family units. Mr. Lord commented that Jf the companion SMP is approved it will j,% allow the property owner to ~;ubdivide the property into 178 lots and · ~' othec tracts for residential development. ::~,:~; Mr. Lord advised that Sou.thampton at Naples is a 313 acre planned .~ ur~it development. He noted *hat the subject site design is structured by several existing conditions which include the location of 3urtsdic- i"i;~ tional wetlands and the need to separate the residential units from '.'11~ilthe Gree~ntree Shopping Center. He disclosed that the proposed pro3ect ~ will be a gated development from the Immokalee Road and Airport Road ';',L' entranc~.s. He affirmed that the subject property has adequate public .~' facilit~es and services to support the proposed residential density. ;jl. He added. that it is compatible and complimentary to the surrounding Page 50 land uses. October 8, 1991 He related that ~:he proposed 2.5 density per acre Is less that allowed under the Futurl~ Land Use element. Mr. Lord noted that the concerns and st~pulations of all relevant agenttel3 have been listed in the revised PUD document. H,e reported that staff is of the belief that the proposed changes will not change the int~nt of the original PUD document. He advised that the CCPG fo~arded both subject petltlons to the Board of County Commissioners with the reco~endatlon of approval with a unanimous vote, subject to staff~s stlpulattons. He added that no correspondence has been received in opposition to the subject petitions. Commissioner Volpe ~est]oned whether the change in the mix of dwellln~; ~tts will impact the traffic? Mr. Lord revealed that the proposed change will effect ]ess trips. Ca=Tie4 ~tmou~l¥, tO cloea the public hearing. Saunders moved, seconded by Cow-issioner Hmsse ~nd that the Ordinance as numbered and titled be ~ted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 48: ORDINANCE 91-96 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP(S) NUMBERED 8§26N AND 8526S; BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM "PUD" TO "PUD", PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS SOUTi~AMPTON AT NAPLES, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF NAPL:ZS-IMMOKALEE ROAD, APPROXIMATELY ~/4 F~iLE WEST OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD, AND ON THE WEST SIDE OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD, APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE SOUTH OF NAPLES-IMMOKALEE ROAD, IN SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 313.5 ACRES; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~:)i~ !~,lFfXt~191-701, R~ FrfITl0l! SMP-91-8, ALAN REYNOLD~ OF WILSON, MTfE,~,--IM~TO~ & FE~X, INC., ]LEPRESENTING SO~fH&MPTON D~,OP~KNT C~P., ~~/4~ &PI=RO~AL OF SUBDIVI~ION M&ST~R PLAN FOR ~O~CHAMPTON Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearin~ was opened to consider Petition SMP-9I-8, filed by Alan Reynolds of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Page 51 October 8, 1991 Inc. 0 representing Southampton Development Corp., requesting approval of subdivision for Southampton. This item was heard in conjunction with the above Item #12B2. ~~l~r S~unders ~, ~econd~ ~ Co~i~1one~ Vol~ ~d ~t~ ~~ly, to close the ~bltc hearing. ~iel~r Vol~ ~, second~ ~ Coatsstoner ~as~ ~d ~i~ ~i~ly, that ~titton ~-91-8 ~ a~rov~, there~ g~t~ ~lutta 91-701. Page 5 2 October 8, ]99! 91-702, F~TXTXON CCEL-91-3, TODD HNRBST OF COOL CO~'~XO~, XNC., I~FR~$~NT£NG COLLIER CO~ C~!ISSXOI~, ~~ON OF A D~CK, A~I]~G, ~ S~ ENCLOS~ AT ~E TIG~TAIL ~5I~ ~, ~CO B~CH - ~O~D Leg.a/ notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed · .- with th~ Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition ]~.~! CCSL-91--3, filed by Collier county Commissioners, upon the request of !j!',: its Tlg~rtail Beach Park Facility Concessionaire, Todd Herbst of Cool Concessions, Inc., requestinf! a Coastal Construction Setback Line variance, as required by Ordinance 75-19, as amended, to allow 1) an extstln{[ concession stand, 2] construction of wooden decking, and 3) construction of a screen enclosure around the concession stand at Tigertail Beach County Park, located in Section 7, Township 52 South, Eange 26 East, Marco Island. Environmental Specialist Retschl stated that the petitioner is requesting a variance from tke Coastal Construction setback line for decking and screen enclosure around the existing concession stand at Tigertail Beach. He informed. that staff recommends approval, subject to staff stipulations as listed in the executive summary. Doug Herbst, the petitioner, cited that he is requesting a waiver of number 3. of staff's stipulations because the Australian pines will provide a much needed shade for the concession area. D{r. Herbst agreed with the suggestion by Commis,~ioner Goodnight to leave the existing trees, but remove any seedlings in the future. "' Commissioner Shanahan pointed out that by ordinance people are '%'~::' being required to remove their Australian pines from their' lots. i ". In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Herbst explained that the , ' decking is to provide access to the concession stand for the han- <':'~ dicapped and to improve it in general for the public. He provided "'' photographs of the existing concession stand. Mr. Reischl responded to Commissioner Shanahah by recommending that the exotic ordinance be upheld which provides for a three year Page 53 October 8, 1991 program. ~l~olone~ Shanahah ~ed, ~econded by Coam~e~oner Saunder~ c~i~! ~tnly, t~t the ~bltc he~tn~ ~ cloe~. ~~i~r ~ders ~, ~econded ~ Co~teelone= ~tght f~l~ 2/3 (~les~onez~ Sh~, Vol~ and ~t~tim ~L-91-3 ~ a~r~wd, ~bJec~ to n~rs 1. ~d 2. of stl~lati~, ~t deleting the r~re~n~ of 3. ~~ the re~val of the Austral~ p~nee. ~ui~loner Vol~ ~v~, eecond~ ~ Coolse~oner ~i~ly, to a~r0n ~t~t~on CCSL-91-3, ~bJecT to the i! ooo Page 54 October 8, 1991 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition CCSL-91-6, filed by Bayshores of Vanderbilt Beach Condominium, repre- sented by Ervin J. Kidd, Jr., Kidd Construction, Inc., requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line, as required by Ordinance 75-19, as amended, to allow construction of a chtckee and the ret.atnment of a deck addition which has been constructed on the propert'F of Bayshores of Vanderbilt Beach Condominium, further described as Lots 44, 45 and 46, Block A, Replat of Unit 1, Conners Vanderbilt Beach Estates, in Section 29, Township 48 South, Range 25 East. Environmental Specialist Polen explained that the existing deck on thl'ough Petition CCSL-84-110. She advised that the retainment of the existtnl; deck and the propos(:d construction of the chtckee is con- aletent with the variance conditions in the ordinance as well as objective 11.4 of the Colliel' County Growth Management Plan, CEm~.~...~rvi~,tton Coastal Management Element; therefore, staff recommends al)prova:l of the subject petit/on, sub3ect to stipulation~ 1. through 5. as 1.~sted In the executivE: summary. In ]~esponse to Commissioners Hasse and Volpe, Ms. Polen advised that thE: proposed chickee and deck will not Interfere with public access 1:o the beach. Ervin J. Kidd, Jr., the t,ettttoner, clarified that the proposed construction is to the side ~nd will not protrude onto the beach. Mr. Kidd responded to Con~tssloner Volpe by informing that to the South of the proposed constr~ctton is a single family house and a beach access from a condominium complex. Page 55 ¸4, October 8, 1991 Colatssloner Volpe potnt,.-d out that at least one obJ,.~ctton has been re,=etved regarding the ,3ubJect petition becaus'-e of the closeness of the proposed construction to the single family residence. Mr. Kidd revealed that he dtd not kno~ that there was any oppostt:[on to this petition and that he had beeu in contact with the adjoin:[rig property O~Hler. Mr. Kidd indicated that ~:here Is a row of trees blocking the chtckee from the residence. Ms. Polen pointed out that the trees are Austral:[an Pines which are rl:qutred to be removed as stated In one of the stipulations included by staff. She noted that the ~'eplantlng of native dulls vegetation is al!~o stipulated, however, will not provide the same: height buffering as the Australian Pines. Ms. Polen etated in answ~:r to Commissioner Volpe that an addi- tional t~ttpulatton can be added stipulating the exact type of tree to be p/anted for buffering. Ml~. Polen affirmed that if the: variance is not grailted the Australian P~nes will not be required to be removed if they were present prior to 1980. Co~lt~lonex- Volpe moved, seconded b~ Coutseloner Ilssee ~nd c~-mied m~ani~ou~ly, to clos~ the public hearing. Co~i~stoner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Co~tsstoner Hi~se ~nd c~Tled S/2 (Commissioners SI~nal~n and Sanders op~s~), to deny P.l., [~~I~ PA~ICIA [~ILLI~, ~U~I, ~QUESTIN(t ~OV~ OF ~ ~ OF ~S NAY ~ST, ~OXI~LY 1/2 MILE NOR~ OF ~ I~~ OF ~KS-I~EE ROAD ~ AI~RT-P~LIN~ ROAD - Legltl notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Septemb~r 22, 1991, as evtdel~ced by Affidavit of Publication filed with thl~ Clerk, public heartItS was opened to consider Petition SMP-19-G flied by William C. McAnly and Associates, representing Patrlcit~ Williams, Trustee, ~:e~esttng Subdivision Mas~er Plan appro- val for Falcon Pointe, locat~d on the East side of Cypress Way East, Page 56 October 8, 1991 ..'approxli~ately 1/2 mlle north of the intersection of Naples-Immokalee Road and Airport-Pulling Road{, consisting of 22.43 acres. PlaJ~er Saadeh informed that the petitioner is proposing to sub- divide m 22.43 acre parcel in,to 35 single-family residential lots. He advised that the subject petition is consistent with the Growth Management Plan, and all reviewing agencies have given their approval subject to their stipulations listed in the agreement sheet. He noted that the subject project is served by public services and facilities such as roads, water, sewer and utilities. He reported that staff has that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed the subject peti- tion on September 19, 1991 and voted 5/0 to forward the petition to the Board of County Commissioners with the recommendation of approval :'~'.' received no letters of objection to the proposed project. He cited ;: i s~abJect to staff's stipulations In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Saadeh affirmed that access ~.~.i,!.. to the proposed subdivision is from Cypress Way East. Mr. Murphey council for the petitioner, pointed out on a display · map an existing ditch along the boundary which is not used for drainage by the project. He explained that staff has imposed as part of the approval process to have this existing ditch dedicated as an em~ement. He noted that the petitioner's position is that there is no rational nexus between the dedication of this drainage easement and the development of the subdivision. He advised that the petitioner is agreeable to providing the easement, but requests that the County a~sist in making the ditch more pleasing aesthetically to the resi- dents of the planned subdivision by paying for the tubes to be placed in the ditch so the petitioner can cover it. County Manager Dotrill Indicated that it would be in the County's ".. ' best interest to remove the stipulation for the dedicated easement and ": leave the ditch as is. Mr. Saadeh affirmed that he was unaware that the petitioner was ~. reguesting compensation for the easement as stipulated in the agreement sheet. Page 57 October 8, lg9! County Manager Dotrill suggested that if the petitioner Is not willing to concur with the a~Ireement sheet as submitted, the subject pe~tition be continued for two weeks to clarify the issue with staff. Mr. Nadeau, representing th'e o~er, noted that continuance to a d~te ce=~taln would be prefer]~ed. ~~~ Vol~ ~v~,. ~cond~ ~ Co~ss~oner Sm~derm and ~~ ~l~y, to cont:~nue Petition ~-9~-~ ~til Octo~r 22, 1S~1 at 0~30 A.M. 01--97, ClOtTING T~HII MAFT~KS FROD~CTION PAIq~ S~t~T LIGHTING Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Septemhart 17, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider an ordinance creating the Naples Production Park Street Lighting Municipal Service Ts~tng Unit. Office of Capital Projects Management Director Conrecode stated that on December 19, 1990, at a meeting of the Naples Production Park Property Owners Association, an interest was expressed to create a te~tng district to provide and maintain street lighting improvements in and along those streets w~thtn Section 36, Townshlp 49 South, Range 25 East. He advised that on March 1, 1991, a petition was sent to all the p~o;,erty owners involved as to their preference, and resulted in 7~.Y percent of the property owners being in favor of the proposed ox'dtnance. Mr. Conrecode informed that with the acceptance of the said petition by the Board of County Commissioners on July 23, 1991, the subject ordinance was properly advertised for adoption. Mr. Conrecode cited that based upon the initial installation of >i t~nty-seven lights with an additional installation of seventeen lights over a five year period. it is estimated that the annual cost of providing and maintaining such an installation would be approxima- tely $6.00 per $100,000.00 taxable property valuation. He reported · that staff recommends approval of the subject ordinance. 000 i36 Page 58 October 8, I991 ~dssto~r ~asme moved, s~cond~t by Co-~teetoner Saundere ~d ~t~ ~~ly, to clo~ t~ ~bltc hearing. ~1~ ~lnly, t~t the be ~g ~ ~tered Into CTdin~ce ~k No. 48: O[~I~CE 91-97 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE UNIT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE UNIT; PROVIDING FOR PURPOSE AND POWERS; PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ESTIMATES OF EXPENSES AND TAXATION RATE; PROVIDING FOR TAX ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Tape Item F~TITIOI! &-91-7, ROBERT E. B(IN~ OF R/IMPHREY & KNOTT, P.A., R~P~II[8 SOUTRI~RT ON ~i ~Y, ~Q~STIRG ~ ~MINIf~Tl~ ~P~ OF ~ I~I~/ZO~NG DIggeR'S DECISION ~T ~CKS ~8T BE IN CO~I~ ~ i USE ID~IiFIED ~ ~E LKLY ~KF~T B,~CH ~D AS A P~~ ~I~IP~ USE ~ ~T ~ ~O~SED ~AT ~CKS WILL REQUI~ 0~-~ P~ING AS ~OVID]~D ~R BY ~ COLLIER CO~ ZONING O~~ ~T P~ING IN ~ RIG~-OF-WAY WILL NOT BE P~I~ED - P~ ~ BK ~~KD IN RXG~-OF-WAY A~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 22, 1991, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition A-91-7, filed l~! Robert Bone of Humphrey & Knott representing Southport on the Bay, requesting an Administrative Appeal of the Planning/Zoning Director's decision that docks must be in conjunction with a use Iden- tified by the Lely Barefoot ~Beach PUD as a permitted principal use and that th,s proposed boat docks will require off-street parking as pro- vfded for by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance; that parking in the right-of-way will not be permitted, for property located on the following described property: Lot 56, 58 and 59 of Southport on the Bay and Southport Cove Drive ad3acent, in Southpor~: on zhe Bay. In response to Community Development Services Administrator Brutt, Commissioner Goodnight informed that the petitioner will present his case first. Mike Raider, Director of Planning with Humphrey & Knott in Ft. Myers, advised that approxi~ately three years ago Lely Barefoot Beach 137 Page 59 October 8, 1991 initiated a permitting process to construct docks for the benefit of single-family home owners who did not have direct access to the water. He noted that the permitting' process has only recently been completed which has provided a Corps cf Engineers' permit granted December 12, 1991, a DER exemption granted on October 19, lg89, and a DNR letter of consent granted April 17, 1991. Upon receiving the said required per- mits, Mr. Raider informed that the petitioner submitted an application for a dock extension to construct nine boat docks. ee~ I~ty Clerk Fartie replaced Deputy Clerk Arrighi at thim tim Michael Roeder presented a copy of his letter to the Board of County Co~uaissioners dated October ?, 1991 summarizing their position on this issue. He pointed out that the PUP documents for Southport on the Bay, specifically the 66 acres contained in Tract H, states that principal uses will be basically single-family or multi-family resi- dential, and accessory uses will be docks, either individual or com- mon. He argued that the original PUD documents anticipated this common dock situation. He reflected that the lake easement is as good a piece of common property as can be found in the subdivision for that v~ry purpose. He explained that, even though the docks are primarily for the benefit of people without water access, everybody in the sub- division has the right to use the docks and, therefore, they are clearly an accessory use to the entire subdivision. He reported there are ~Iready fifteen houses in the subdivision, which constitutes the p;~inclpal use being in place even though the primary beneficiaries of the dcc'k are not there yet. Regarding the issue of parking, he con- f~rmed ~heir position is that, as accessory uses, there is no parking reqxxirement for these docks. He added, however, that should staff m~ndate that parking will be provided and his client is willing to provide that parking, then they should be able to provide parking in the right-of-way of The private drive adjacent to Lot #$6, which is approxi~ately 150 feet from the easement to the dock. He reported that the Property Owners Association supports the propo~ed solution for parking in the right-of-way. Page 60 October 8, 199! < ~.- · In :response to Commissioner Saunders, County Manager Derrill verified that parking is re~lired for the common areas in subdivisions where there are amenities pu::ely for use by the subdivisions them- selves. Ken Beginski, Planning S~rvices Manager, explained that the last adopted Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance afforded specific provi- sions for accessory or recreational facilities within developments. Frmtk Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, reported that the Zoning Ordinance does not allow parking on the right-of-way. Mr. Roeder interjected that the Ordinance prohibits required parking being placed in the right-of-way. In l.eply to Commissioner Saunders' question regarding parking in the right-of-way, County Attorney Cuyler stated that the right-of-way is still a travelled right-of-way even if it is private. In l'esponse to County Manager Derrill, Jim Davis of Coasta~ Engfneez'ing stated that the issue at hand is in no way affiliated with the Lely Barefoot Beach Club. Mr. Roeder stated there s~re already approximately twenty docks on Barefoot Boulevard attached to the parkway and have no parking :? h provide~l for them. ~d~iemer ~unders ~owwd, seconded by Co~alasioner Voll~e, To ~i~ ~ki~ as this As, a recreatio~l ~e ~t all~ ~ld ~kAr~, to ~ pr~Aded in the, rA~ht-off-~y. In z'esponse to Mr. Roeder's inquiry regarding whether this addresses the issue in dispute related to accessory uses, Mr. Brutt reitera*ed that staff's interpretation is that there is a need to pro- vide a c'o~mon recreational area with a replat or amend th(: PDA to cover the issue Conmdssioner Saunders questioned whether it is possib./e to permit con~truction of the docks and parking but direct petitioner to amend any documentation which should be amended, to which Mr. Brutt answered in the affirmative. 0oo. :139 Page October 8, ~991 C~m~lon~r S&-~dere ~ended ham ~tion to reflect t~t the t~ ~t~ ac~mo~ ~em ~ ~n remol~ in light of the fact t~t m l~ ~t of the rmmldmntlml co--try to County Attorney Cuyler stated that Collier County does not intend docks, ~less set out ~n the PUD, to be part of the conservation ease- ment. In response to 0o~tssloner Volpe, ~ounty Attorney Cuyler reflected that most conservation easements are dedicated to Collier Co~ty w~th the maintenance obllgatton running to the homeowners asso- clarion. Mr. Roeder stated that ts what has been done in the ~edtate lnst~ce. ~m ~11 fo~ the ~stton, ~tton cmr~l~ ~t~ly. ~. ~&R., ~~Z~G A FROVISZO~ U~ ~b~ OF S~10R 8.10 (~SSE~IAL ~~) OF ~ &-2 ZONING F~ ~~ ~&~ ~ST OF U.S. 41 (T~I~I ~IL) ~OXI~TELY 350 FE~ ~ OF ~ I~SE~IO~ OF ~~ ~LLZ~ RO~ A~ ~ICE S~ - ~I~ ~ 9:30 A.N. OR 10/15/91 ~e~ ~me ~ed, seconded ~ Co~tsetoner Sh~ ~d ~~ ~t~ly, to continue this tte~ to the ~ettng of Octo~ Commissioner Volpe reported being contacted by a number of indivi- duals dimsatisfied with the 'utility rate increases. He suggested directing staff to look into the issue of 1-1/4" meter on single family residences as a number of persons have called reporting that their bills have gone from alpproximately $30 per month to $190 per month. County Manager Dotrill confirmed he will report via interoffice mail or at the Board of Gounty Commissioners meeting what has been Page 62 October 8, I991 Commissioner Goodnight ,expressed there is a need for direction in reference to the Hispanic a:ad Black Advisory Committees. She related that requests made by the committees include copies of tile EE04's, complaints. regarding employ,~es over the last three years, a list of all projects and programs receiving federal and state fullds, copies of all Co%lnty Affirmative Action, information to assist them in eva- luating the effort by Collier County relating to equal opportunity · employment, list of Collier County capital improvement projects to- date according to whether federally funded, state funded, type of i.~./~.:.;'~ neighborhoods, etc. It was the consensus that there are limitations In time and available staff to comply with these requests. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, County Manager Dotrill con- flrmed that the only allowance made for travel Is when same is deter- mined to be relevant and previously approved by the Board of County Commissioners and approved for reimbursement by the County Manager. County Manager Dorrtll suggei~ted that the Information which is r~adtly available be provide,! to the advisory boards. *** Commissioner Shahahem ~rved, seconded by Co--tastoner ~ ~tg mtmly, that the foll~lng tte~ ~der the con- ~ ~ ~ a~r~ed lmd/or adopted: i'111~ FINA~ P~T OF "EMBASSY NOOD$ GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB AT BR~TONNE PAR~, 1. ,: That the final plat not be recorded until the required tmpro- · vements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the incompleted improvements and .i that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2.~..:.', Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction ~'i! and Maintenance Agreement, and Holdback Agreement. 3.:i~'J That no building permits be Issued until the final plat is ;~.~ recorded. 4. ~ Prior to the Board of County Commissioners granting prelimi- nary acceptance of Phase Three, the emergency access road shall be constructed and by separate document, appropriate easement granted for said access, unless a Planned Development Amendment is approved by the Board of County Commissioners to delete the requirement fox' emergency access. See Pages /~: ~ /~ Page 63 October 8, 1991 PLAT OF 'RAILHEAD %NDU~,STRIAL PARK' - WITH STI. PTILATIOI~3 Accept the Construction, Maintenance and Escrow Agreement as security to guarant,me completion of the subdivision improvements. 2o Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Railhead Industrial Park". Authorize the Chairnan to execute the attached Construction, Maintenance and Esc~:ow Agreement. 4e That no Certificatel~ of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. See Pages . /5,~.~--"" /~/ Ite~ Fc~SOL~T]:~ 91-698 PROVIDING ]~)R TH~ TERMINATION OF C~RTAZ]~ SURFACE D~AIN~: wm~EM~NT~ (S.D.E. eS) AS RECORDED ON THE BRIARWOOD UNIT ONE PLATt FI.~T BOOK 18r PAGE 40; PUBLIC RKCORDS OF COLLIKR C.0UNTYr FLORIDA See Pages /~ Item ~'lld.4 '. R~~0~ 91-696 PROVIDING IOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, ;':' W~TK3~ AID SEWER IMI~R(YVEMENTS IN eGLNNVIEW PLACE AT PELICgJ! BAY" See Pages &C;GEPTAICE OF ZRRZVOCABLE STANDBY LKTTK~ OF CREDIT UP TO AN AGGREGATE OF $~,8~0.00 I~R 13~AVATION PKI~(IT NO. 59.424 "WILS]~IRE ~ATI~ IN SECTION Sl, TC~mSBIP 48r SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST . The water facilities to serve the project cannot be placed into service and no Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the Florida Department of Environmental Re(julation furnishes a letter authorizing the placement of the sewer system into service and approving the water distribution system for service; and, Bacteriological testlng has met the County's requirements; and, The Fire Flow requirements of the project have been satisfied, and the Fire District furnishes a letter accepting the fire hydrant for ownership and maintenance; and, Receipt of payment of water usage from Utilities for bac- teriological testing. 77.' Xt~ eli&7 ,' RECOILED IN OR BOOK 1716 PAGES 1959 - 1968 mel 000 ;,-.? 142 Page 64 October 8, 1991 ~, ACClPTAIII~ OF ~IJIKV~CABLK STUIDBT LETTER OF CREDIT UP TO All AGGREGATE '..~ ': OF 010,160-.00 FOR EXCAVATEOH FKlqg~T NO. 59.433 m]l~ MATERFORD", LOCATIO, 13l SB~I~OBI 32r TOWNS. HIP 49 $OUTHr RANGE 25 EAST COIITll~IdIClOTRIVIKM PHASK 07 BIDS FOR IMMOKALKK AIRI~ORT T-HANGARS, BID JO. 90-1657, PB3FDING OUT~0MK OF KIP~RO~AL PKRMITTIN~ It~a ~IZC1 &pPLTCAI'Z~ FOR GZbtzrf THROUGE GAKRETT COtI~URITIE$ FUND FOR PARKS AND It~"~TXO~ ~ R~CREATIOR PROGRA~ TO BE H'ELD AT GOLDEJ~ GATE A.tqlvf~'~011 FOIt ~ T'~ROU~! COt!HI:~TT'FOURDATION OF COLLIER COUNTY ~ffJ~&IID!~"q~IkTION SUI~Q~t R,~CREJtTION PROGRJU~! TO BE H~.,D AT AGII]I~IT FOIl LI~IAL SKRVICKS ASSOCI&TKD M~TII CONDK~D~ATIOI! OF KAS~q~IITS FOR T~I =~OLDEII GATK WKLL7~D KXFAIIS~ON, PHASE III' FROJKCT - NOT TO See Pages &IQt!11~ ~F BXD ~91-1761 TO G~NI~UtL C&RBON CORPOR&TION OF PAT~SON, N~ _3l~S_ KY, .X!I ~ JIJEOIFIIT OF 1152,~800.00 ~Yl~l' 07 SIX (6) H~NDH~LD RADIOS ~ 7IELD CAS~S ~' '. F. ~:.' IE!~O:Z~T]I:I~I 01-697 FIIOVZDXNG ]~OR 7~I~ !?,~SZOII OF PKRSONNKL RULKS AND See Pages LIbel Jt4~ B~ B~J~ VIDe, ~XR~ C~I~ ~ COLLX~R ~, A ~XTXC~ ~DXVX~]:O~ OF ~ ~A~ OF ~ORIDA, ~ICH ~XD~I ~ ~ ~~ ~DXC~ S~ICE S~STATION ~A~D AT 8901 ~ T~I ~IL - ~500 P~R BI 000, , ,:143 P,,ge October 8, 1991 Off ~ MEDICAL $KRVXCKS COLLECTION A~ C~SSlON $T,14~.~ ~ PA~ 0F ~OX~Y 811,500.00 L.IC~ &GRE~N'I' BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND CO~qERCIAL · ~tI~, INC., I~LO~IN~ FOR CO~9~RCIAL CLEAN UP X~. 'S U~K OF C()UNTY-O~IggD FROPERTY FOR TH~ PKrRPOSK OF FOR SOLID WAST~ COLLKOTION - MONTHLY RENTAL OF $91.43 See Pages /~3-- /~_~ Itm ,1631 1989 TAX ROLL No. Date 9125/91 :t990 TAX ROLL No. 284/288 ;2 tltlW ~ ~ ZNMATK NOS. 68279t 36524 AND 74023 Date 9/25-26/9! · ]~I~:I~C'~T,~k.!I,~13!~ COKI~PONDENCE - FILED AND/OR RKYKRRKD The following miscellaneous correspondence was flied and/or rofe~re¢! to the various depaFtments as indicated below: Memorandum to James C. Giles, Clerk of Courts from Ken B. Cuyler, County Atto]~ney, dated 8/26/91 re Legal Ads in Spanish. Copies to Board of County Commissioners and filed. Notification of Ful:[ Committee Meeting October 7, 1:30 P.M., Room 214, Capitol, ]:e Community Affairs 1992 Legislative Initiatives. Copie, to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brut:t, Board of County Commtssioner~ and flied. Letter w/enclosure 1:o "Elected and Appointed Officials and Interested Citizens" dated 9/24/91 from William E. Sadowski, Secretary, State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, re Rule of the Depal~tment of Community Affairs Division of Resource Planning and Management Chapter 9J-31 Local Government Land Dev~lopment Regulation Assistance Program (1991-92). Copies 1;o Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Board of County Commissioner%~, Bob Blanchard, Stan Litsinger and filed. Notice of Proposed ]lulemaktng'dated 9/20/91 from Florida Department of Environmental Regulation re Rule Chapter Nos. 17-767~ 17-660= 17-302~ 17-2; and 17-312. Copies to Neil Dorrill, Frank Brutt,. Bill Lorenz and filed. Page 66 October 8, 1991 Letter from Jon M. Xglehart, Environmental Specialist, Florida Dept. of En~ironmental Re~ulation, dated 9/23/91 to Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, re Collier County - W%~R, File No. 112025815. Copies to N. Dotrill, Harry Huber and filed. Letter from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Re~llation, Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, to John F. Barber of Agnoli, Barber & Brundage, Inc., dated 9/18/91 re Modification Permit Number: CO-280 M1, Permittee: Westinghouse Communities of Naples, Inc., with enclosure of Final Order Administratively Approving Modification of a Permit for Construction or other Activities Pursuant to Section 161..053, F.S. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and filed. Letter from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, to Patricia I. Donoghue of Classic Design Pavers, Inc., dated 9/18/91 re Permit Number: CO-342 ATF, Permittee: Louise C. Curtis, el: al., with enclosure of Final Order Administratively Ap~roving Permit for Construction or other Activities Pursuant to Section 161.053, F.S. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and filed. 10. Letter from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Reg~lation, Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, to Scott A. Ford, Assistant Branch Manager of Anchor/American Engineering Company, dated 9/24/91 re Notice to Proceed, Permit Number: C0-328; Permittee Name: Marco Beach Hotel, Inc., with enclosure of Final Order Administratively Approving Permit for Construction or other Activities Pursuant to Section 161.053 F.S. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and filed. Letter from Tony D. McNeal, Engineer, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Re~[lation, Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, to Jeffrey A. Nunner of Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc., dated 9/20/9! re Notice to Proceed Withheld Approval of Governox' and Cabinet Permit: C0-322; Permtttee's Name: Julius Fiske, Trustee. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz amd filed. Notification of Approved Permit Pursuant to Section 161.053 OR 161.052, Florida Statutes, from Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, dated 9/~!0/91 for Permit Number: 03252 CO; Applicant: Russell K. Danset. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz and filed. 11. Notification of Appx'oved Permit Pursuant to Section 161.053 OR 161.052, Florida Statutes, from Florida Dept. of Natural Resources, dated 9/]8/91 for Permit Number: 02846 CO; Applicant: Andrew R. Plumb. Copies to Nell Do,'rtll, Frank Brutt, Bill Lorenz ~md filed. 12. Letter from Darrell W. Smith, Administrator, Planning and Budgeting, State of Florida Department of Revenue, dated 9/19/91 addressed to Abe Skinner, Colller County Property Appraiser, re final calculation of 1991-92 salary. Copy to Board of County Commissioners and filed. 13. Financial StatementE~ for Big Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District dated 9/30/90 from W~ntzel, Berry, Swope, Hendricks & Alvafez, P.A. Copy to Board of County Commissioners and filed. 14. Notification of regularly scheduled monthly meetlngs, Special District Reporting, Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 19901-91, Page 67 October 8, 1991 16. 17. 18. Bond Service, Rebuttal Letter, and Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 1991-92 for BIg Corkscrew Island Fire Control and Rescue District. Copies to Board of County Commissioners and filed. Letter from Donald R. Peterson, Fire Chief of Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District dated 9/25/91 to Division of Ad Valorem Tax, "TRIM" Compliance, with accompanying Resolution and Certificate of Budget Adoption and Tax Levy. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Jay Reardon and filed. Memorandum from Catherine M. Rtehm to Sue Buck dated 10/1/91 re Miscellaneous Correspondence - BCC Agenda with accom- panying Fiscal Year 1991/92 meeting dates and outstanding bond status for Golden Gate Fire Control & Rescue District. Filed. Letter to Board of County Commissioners from Thomas P. McKimm, President of Florida State Underground, Inc., dated 9/23/91 re certification of completion of sewer system located within Lake San Marino. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Mike Arnold and filed. Letter from Guy L. Carlton, Tax Collector of Collier County to P. Anne Goodnlght, Chairman of Board of County Commissioners, date~ 9/38/91 re "Errors and Insolvencies" List for the Tax Year 1990. Filed. 19. Minutes Received and Filed: 20. 21. A. Environmental Policy Technical Advisory Board of 9/9/91. B. Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee of 9/3/91. C. Collier County ]?arks and Recreation Advisory Board Agenda of 9/25/91 and Minutes of 8/28/91. D. CCPC Agenda for 10/3/91. Notice to Owner dated 9/20/91, to Collier County from Thomas P. McKimm, President of Florida State Underground, Inc. for Drainage for the Radio Road Widening Phase I under an Order given by Harper Eros,, Inc. Copies to Neil Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkos~ky and filed. Notice to Owner dated 9/26/91 to Collier County from Francine Wilenins, Agent for Linder Industrial Machinery Co. for various rental equipment for Radio Road Widening Phase I under an Order given by Florida State Underground, inc. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. 22. 23. 24. Notice to Owner dated 9/13/91 to Collier County from Quality Industries Inc. & Irrigation for the complete irrigation system at N. Naples Community Park, New Phase, under an Order given by Cornerstone General Contractors. Copies to Netl Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. Notice to Owner dated 9/20/91 to Collier County from R. Waterfield, Agent for M. M. Systems Corporation, for steel SS panels for Collier County Library on Central Avenue, under an Order given by Crowther, Inc. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkos]¢y and filed. Notice to Owner dated 9/24/91 to Collier County from Francine Wilenins, Agent for ]~1ortda Irrigation Supply, Inc., for pipe, fittings, cont]~ollers, heads and valves for the North Naples Community Park on Immokalee Road under an Order given Page 68 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. October 8, 1991 by Quality Industries & Irrigation. Copies to Nell Dorrtll, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and flied. Notice of Nonpayment "Revised" dated 9/24/91 to Collier County from Gary A. P/as, Credit Manager of Ajax Paving Industries, Inc. for asphalt materials, equipment, labor and trucking for the Collier Village-Infrastructure at Immokalee. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Steve Camell, John Yonkosky and filed. Notice to Owner dated 9/20/91 to Collier County from Patricia Shields, Credit Manager of Krehltng Industries, Inc., for concrete and/or all other related bulldinE materials for pro- perty at N. Horseshoe Drive. Copies to Nell Dotrill, Steve Carnell, John Yonko~k¥ and filed. Letter dated 9/11/9:t from Gary L. Moyer, Manager of Port of the Islands, to John A. Yonkosky, Nell Dotrill & Sonia Crockett re Fiscal %fear 1992 meetings of Board of Supervisors of the Port of the Island Community Improvement District. Filed. Letter dated 9/20/91. to John Yonkosky from Sheriff Don Hunter re interest earningt. for Payroll Operating, Shertff's Operating, State Boi~rd of Administration and Investment of September Appropriation in the aggregate amount of $400,146.23. Filed. Revised budget for the operation of the Collier County Shertff's Office for' fiscal year beginning 10/1/91 and ending September 30, 1992 ~ubmttted by Sheriff Don Hunter to the Board of County Co~misstoners and dated 9/25/91. Filed. Letter dated 9/27/91 to Patricia Anne Goodnight, Chairperson of Board of County Commissioners, from Timer Powers, Interim Executive Director of South Florida Water Management District, with accompanying Certificate Tax Levy South Florida Water Management District and South Florida Water Management District Resolution No. 91-37. Copies to Nell Dotrill Abe Skinner, Board of County Commissioners and filed. Memorandum to Sue Buck from Catherine M. Reihm dated 9/30/91 as well as letter fr9m E. Barrett Atwood, St., Deputy Department Director-Finance, Department of Finance & Administration, Souti~ Florida Water Management District dated 9/26/91 to 3ohn A. Yonkosky re placement on BoaI'd of County Commissioners agenda of: South Florida Water Management District: Annual Financial Report - FY 1990, (s. 189.418) - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Units of Local Government Report; Management Letter with Rebuttal - FY 1990; Registered Office and Agent (s. 189.416); Schedule of Regular Meetings - FY 1992 (i;. 189.417); Description of Outstanding Bonds - FY 1990 and FY 1991 (s. 189.418) - Series 1985 Official Statement and Series 1986 Official Statement. Filed Page 69 October 8, 1991 There being no further ~Dus~ness for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: ?:46 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EM OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL '~ :: ~6se.mlnutes~pproved by the Board on ..:.as pres~nt~p:'~ or as corrected Page 70