BCC Minutes 02/08/1994 R Naples, Florida, February 8, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(e} of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business ~':-:' herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building ? ' "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the ;' following members present: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders Sue Barbiretti, Marilyn Fernley and Charlene Merz, .Recording Secretaries; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, ~ Attorney; Heidi Ashton, Ramtro Manalich, and Davtd We/gel, · Assistant County Attorneys; Tom Olllff, Public Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator: Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director; Wayne Arnold, Acting Chief of Planning and iEngineertng; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Mike McNees, Office of Management & Budget Director; Dick Clark, Comm~lty Development Services Administrator; Ron Jamro, Museum Director; Greg Mthaltc, Affordable Housing Director; Norris IJams, · Emergency Services Administrator; Ken Pineau, Emergency Management '. Director; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; David i!'i Russell, Acting Solid Waste Director; Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections; Abe Skinner, Property Appraiser, Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Crystal Ktnzel, Sheriff's Office; Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Rosa Hernandez '~' White, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 ;* February 8, 1994 T~#I · Itel #2 ~*' &G~ND&.- &PlYROVeD M/TH CH&]I~gS Comieeloner NorrAe ~oved, eeconded b~ ComaAeeloner Xatthe~e ' ~d c~r~ ~iouely, to approve the agenda w~th the ch~gel II detlll~ on the Agen~ Ch~ge Sheet. Page 2 Fs!:)ruar7 8~ lgg4 ~,: ' The motion for approval of the consent agenda is notE,d under Item #16 · :Xtest #3 :i:'MI~]TES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1993, AND REGULAR ". MEETING OF JANUARY 25, 1994 - APPROVED Comtestoner M~tthews loved, seconded by Cellseisner Norris and c~rted unanllouely, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Decalbar 9, 1993, and Regular Meeting of January 25, 1994. /;(239) Xtel MIRIAM OCHELTREE, CO~UNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, EMPLOYE~ OF THE MONTH FOR F~BRUARY, 1994 - RECOGNIZED 0o.mmtsstoner Constantine congratulated and presented Miriam Ocheltree, Community Development Division, as employee of the month for February, 1994. ;~. ¢~llllonsr Constantine ~oved, seconded by CoBlsltoner Matthews .:and carrted unanllouely, that Mtrtma Ocheltree be reco~nized as e~ployae of the month for February, 1994. '(280) Itel #4B SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Conuntsstoner Matthews congratulated the following employees and ! p'resented their service awards: Lumpsung Walsh, 10 years, Utilities/Wastewater - Presented Paul Brigham, 5 years, Court Administration - Presented ,. Barbara L. Brown, 5 years, EMS - Not presented ~0; ",.:, ~Itel FRIENDSHIP FORCE, AN AMBASSADOR GROUP FROM LATVIA - PRESENTED Commissioner Saunders Introduced Lorraine LLgner, D/rector of the Friendship Force, to the Board of County Commissioners. 09 Page 3 February 8, 1994 Co~lsstoner Saunders explained that the Friendship Force was ~:establtehed by President Carter during his administration to encourage ~', trust and friendship among nations. Me. Ligner stated that the program is an enjoyable experience. She presented the group of visitors from Latvia and Estonia to the Board. Commissioner Saunders welcomed the group and offered any (%:assletance that may be needed during their stay in Collier County. ..., ~ATION~ EDUCATION ~EK - Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to Charlotte Gore, Director of James Lorenzo Walker Vocational-Technical School, Conieelonar Vclpe .oved, eeconded by Copiestoner Norris ~nd carried un~n;~mously, tl~t the Proclmtton designating the week of Febmry 13-19, 1994, aa Vocational Education Week be adopted. Page 4 Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to Bert Paradts, Comtesloner Norris ~oved, seconded h~ ComtseAoner Saunders and carried unani~ouely, that the Procl~uaatton deet~ating the week of Fsbr~r~ 13-20, 1994, ae Collier Harvest Week 1~ adopted. Page (728) BUD(3~T ~S 94-278 AXD 04-106 - ADOPTED February 8, 1994 Co~mieeloner Matthews moved, seconded by Co~missionsr Norris and carried unanimously, to adopt Budget A~and~ents 94-178 and 94-196. (748) Ztel #8&1 HURRICANE LOAN EXPENDITURES FOR GOODLAND BAY MARINA - RECIPIENT FOUND TO BE IN DEFAULT AND DIRECTED TO REIMBURSE INAPPROPRIATE AMOUNTS WITHIN 30 DAYS Greg Mlhaltc, Affordable Housing Director, explained that the Board directed staff to prepare a report on expenditures for Hurricane Andrew repairs for Goodland Bay Marina. He gave a brief history of the circumstances under which a low interest loan was granted to the marina. He reported that the Board directed an investigation. · ~r. Mihalic stated that Community Development Block Grant (CDBG} -funds can be used for many purposes, however, under the hurricane loan agreement, the Board of County Commissioners limited these funds to Hurricane Andrew repair. He recalled that the Board authorized a maximum loan amount of $110,000.00, and staff has tracked $92,000.00 of insurance proceeds for additional hurricane repairs. He noted that Goodland Bay Marina expended $191,000.00 of their money for marina expansion. Mr. Mihalic addressed the issue of Goodland Bay Maril~a not complying with County code as evidenced by a certain Code Compliance document. He emphasized that the document relates to an adjoining site that the marina was leasing. He assured the Board that before any payments on the loan are paid, Code Compliance is to be contacted i] · to insure that the site is in compliance. Mr. Mihalic confirmed that although Goodland Bay Marina did adver- · . rise its new facility, the fees associated with expansion did not come -~ from insurance payments or Community Block Grant funds. Mr. Mihaltc remarked that when Staff visited the site two months after the hurricane, all foliage was stripped away. He said that Page 6 : ;' February 8, 1994 !/Staff did not verify the size. species or count of the original ii;:::foltage. He stated that the marina was allowed to replace what was .... thought to be appropriate. He announced that an expenditure of ~' $R,RO0.18 was incurred for this Item. Mr. Mihalic announced that Goodland Bay Marina was reimbursed $?,913.07 for moving the above ground elect~ical lines to underground lines. He stated that it has come to his attention that out of the six lines, two lines went to an adjoining site. He remarked that one- third of the $7,913.07 could go to proration to pay for improvements not on the loan site. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Mlhalic replied that the lines are replaced above ground as they originally were, it · would most likely be lees expensive, but under ground lines are more pre~.ttcal for safety reasons. Mr. Mihallc remarked on the issue of whether CDBG funds were used to pay Mr. Andrews, an unlicensed laborer on the project. He stated that Mr. Andrews was initially paid approxi~ately $4,000.00, but that was later backed out because there was no substantiation of his work. He explained that after further investigation, Mr. Andrews was paid approximately $900.00 as an employee working on site repairs at ':Goodland Bay Marina. ~'i' In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Mihalic confirmed that ~'' $900.00 was an appropriate expenditure. Mr. Mihaltc explained that Goodland Bay Marina was reimbursed $21,745.00 which was paid to Galaxy Electric Contractor to run electrical power to the docks and 23 shore power stations. He stated that 17 of the docks existed prior to the hurricane. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Mihalic replied that the marina had minor electricity prior to the storm but did not have indi- vidual units at each dock, which is a great improvement and is · necessary to bring the facility up to code. He clarified that ~'~ , Goodland Bay Marina paid $5,460.00 for electricity for the six new docks. Page 7 February 8, 1994 Mr. Mihaltc stated that a work order was issued to Allied Crane to set up a travel lift at the marina that did not exist prior to the hurricane. He said that the amount of the work order is $?2?.§0 which is an inappropriate expense under the loan agreement restrictions. Mr. Mihalic reported that after investigating two invoices from ABL Boat Lifts for a total of $4,974.90, it was determined that the invoices were for new boat lifts, not damaged lifts as previously per- ceived. - Mr. Mihalic commented that the designer for the site development 'plan said that he billed only for plans for the loan site, not for the adjacent site for which he billed the owner separately. He added that Mr. Quinell advised that the docks he replaced are the same length, width and height as the original dock. Hr. Mihalic reported that in regard to parking facilities, the CounTy reimbursed the marina $12,000.00 for payments to Griffith Paving for repair of the road and parking lot from storm damage. He explained that additional invoices for $26,000.00 were paid by Goodland Bay Marina for parking lot expansion. Mr. Mihalic stated that this loan has generated over 2,000 pages of invoices with matching checks and requirements. He revealed that Mr. Law has spent $191,O00.00 of his own and borrowed monies for the expansion of the fac!lity. Mr. Mihalic stated that there is approximately $40,000.00 of addi- riohal unaudited invoices from Goodland Bay Marina and approximately · '.$40,000.00 undisbursed on this loan. .. Mr. Mihalic stated that the Board has several options: allow the expenditures to date and consider them to be within the parameters of the loan agreement; develop a proration, however, the $8,314.00 found to be inappropriate reimbursements could be the basis of that proration; or, decide that the funds were used for non-hurricane repairs and proceed to foreclose on the loan. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Mihalic confirmed that i! he has discussed these options with the County Attorney's office and Page 8 February 8, 1994 was advised that the County would be exposed to some liability because of stipulations in the loan agreement. Heidi Ashton, Assistant County Attorney, explained that the Board could consent to the use of the funds for expansion or find the appli- cants in default while giving them an opportunity to cure the default. Commissioner Volpe stated that a determination must be made on whether there is a default on the loan. Mr. Locker, representing Goodland Bay Marina, confirmed that .payments to ABL Boat Lift and Allied Crane Service should not have been included. He questioned the issue of the electrical costs because it is logical to install the lines underground. Commissioner Volpe clarified that he does not have a problem with ..-'underground Installation, but questioned the two additional lines to the adjacent site. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Locker reluctantly agreed ..that there are some expenditures that were not expended in accordance with the loan, from the standpoint that approval from the lender was ~required. Ms. Ashton stated that if the default mechanism is chosen, there are three options that can be taken: the recipient repay the approxi- · imate $8,300.00~ the 88,300.00 could be reduced from the remaining .amount yet to be distributed; or require additional invoices to account for the $8,300.00 used from private financing. Commissioner Constantine stated that specific criteria had been set and the criteria has not been met. Commissioner Norris agreed that the Board was very specific in that the loan would be used for hurricane damage repair and anything other than that was not the intent of the Board of County Co~issioners. ." Commissioner Saunders revealed that it his belief tha% the Board .(~[may either ratify the expenditures retroactively or indicate that the expenditure of $8,314.00 is inappropriate and ask for reimbursement. The following people spoke on the subject: Page 9 February 8, 1994 Traugott Smith Phil Chafe In response to Commissioner Volpe0 Mr. Mihalic confirmed that once the loan has been closed out, both Housing and Urban Improvement and 'Finance will provide an analysis to see that funds are used ~"approprtately. Cm~lssioner Norris moved, that the loan be found In default ~nd t~t the applicants be offered the appropriate time to cure the default. · " Commissioner Saunders suggested that the motion reflect that the $8,S14.00 of expenditures is not in compliance with the terms of the ~ioan agreement and that the applicant is required to reimburse that amount. County Attorney Cu¥1er stated that the motion should identify to what extent and why the applicants are In default. He added that ..there are two opt/one: reimbursement or deduction from future payments. Commissioner Norris agreed to amend hie motion. Commissioner Norris moved that the loan be found In default and th&t the loan recipient be offered $0 days in which to repay the $8,314.00. Seconded by Commissioner Volps. Commissioner Constantine suggested that the State Attorney's Office be made aware of the possible misrepresentation. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. In response to Mr. Mthaltc, Commissioner Norris clarified that the Intent of the motion is to have the default cured before additional invoices are paid out. Commissioner Constantine directed County Attorney Cuyler to for- ward the appropriate information to the appropriate agency. 2662)~ 1994-95 BUIM3KT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ADOPTRD AND SUJ~R RECESS SCHEDULED FOR Tll~ WEEKS OF JULY 5, JULY 12 AND AUOUST SO, 199& Mike McNees, Budget Director, stated that the purpose of this discussion is to direct Staff on general policy and procedures to be Page 10 February 8, 1994 ~'used in the development of the 1995 fiscal budget. He noted that the ~.Constttuttonal Officers have been invited to add their input He :~:.:'indicated that members of the Greater Naples Civic Association are /.also in attendance. ~' Mr. McNees indicated that the budget package includes Program i'~Budgeting which is a modified zero based budgeting and a valuable ::!)tool, but is something that is not used every year for every depart- i;j~.i .ment. He asked if the Board wishes to continue with the full annual evaluation of programs for each department or implement a system that selects certain departments for closer scrutiny. Commissioner Constantine stated that he desires to continue the '.:/present system of evaluating all the departments. Commissioner Volpe asked if there are any alternative budgeting methods that could be used? }tr. McNees stated that departmental base budgets are mandated. He i~[[ Confirmed that other budget systems can be pursued, but pointed out f'~'that more time would be necessary to investigate the alt,~rnatives. Commissioner Saunders announced that zero based budg~ting has been used effectively for two years. He agreed that the present system should continue. ;f:i'i .Commissioner Norris concurred but voiced concern regarding the budgeting. to investigate the essential portions of the budget. Commissioner Matthews stated that she shares that concern. She suggested an innovative system that has been used in other parts of the Country. She reported that this system would select one or two 'departments and develop outcome budgeting as opposed to priority She explained that the departments would be allowed the amount they believe is necessary to complete the program~3 expected of i i~them, and if they are efficient and save money, the savings would be 'shared between the members of the department in the form of a bonus and enable them to acquire items on an "equipment wish list". Commissioner Saunders commented on the possibility of inflated budgets in this system. Page 11 February 8, 1994 Commissioner Volpe revealed that the policy needs further investi- gation. Commissioner Constantine announced that it is the consensus of the i.Board to develop program budgeting for all departments. ~'~/i': Mr. McNees stated that one of the base assumptions of program budgeting is that the Board will not devote a great deal of effort ~into the base level of services. He noted that part of the budget package refers to "Gain Sharing" which is similar to the program suggested by Commissioner Matthews. It was the consensus of the Board to pursue the development of alternative budgeting systems. Mr. McNees stated that a carryforward Is an estimate of the excess · irevenue above expenses from the previous fiscal year. in response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. McNees stated that a one time saving may be achieved by budgeting attrition savings. He ~:~ . reported that the State mandates that the County can only appropriate 95~ of the revenue predicted, which leaves 5~ identified as a carryforward. He revealed that a 5~ contingency reserve is ;~11'.established for all operating funds. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNeee stated that 4~ has been used as an estimate of new construction and tax rolls. .. Robert Byrne, Budget Analyst, explained that the basis for the assumption on the growth rate is based on keeping the trend steady. Mr. Byrne stated that the rate of growth ~n revenue is difficult tO anticipate due to the fact that it depends on the revenue source. Mr. MoNees pointed out that Item G, on page 12, states that when a is charged for a service a surcharge will be added for that ser- !/]/~iCe to non-residents. He stated that the concept is good but dif- f,. ficult to enforce. Commissioner Constantine announced that it is consensus of the · Board that Item G remain a part of the budget process. Mr. McNees noted that in the last few years the Board has set the Page 12 February 8, 1994 rollback Rillage rate as the target aimed for when developing the [~,/budget. He asked if this is still appropriate? Commissioner Constantine announced that It to the consensus of the Board to have the rollback millage rate remain as the target. Mr. McNees stated that Staff recommends budgeting 6.§~ of gross :.,...payroll for pay plan maintenance, general wage and merit pay adjust- (Rents. Administrative Services Administrator Ochs explained that 2~ will be set aside for pay plan adjustments, noting that no pay plan adjust- Rents have been made in the last two fiscal years. He said that proposed for general wage adjustments, adding that the total base per- centage Increases equaled S~ for the past two fiscal years. He stated that 1.SX is proposed for merit pay increases for those employees who .! exce,~d standard performance. "!.::"'.Y County Manager Dorril! reported that the concept of the pay for ~erformance aspect is to limit through a bell curve, assessment hAltry for employees. He revealed that he is presently proposing a lump sum one ttme bonus that would not be added to base pay. Commissioner Constantine stated that he prefers that 3~ be set aside for increases. He stated that average employees could expect a i!~:': 3~ increase, employees that are weak in Job performance could expect a ~ increase, and outstanding employees could possibly get a 5~ ~.' ~ increase. [~. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Dotrill re, lied that a ~,-bell curve w~ll be applied on D~vtston level with the ' Administrator accountable to see that the assessment is fair. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs reported that 6.5~ of the forecasted payroll is $2,245,453.00. He said that this amount backs out of personal services health insurance and workeres compen- . satIon because these costs are not tied directly to base wage '7~i'increases. Commissioner Volpe asked how the additional revenue ~rlll be raised to support the increase in Enterprise Funds in order to ~upport a 6.§~ Page February 8, 1994 -. Mr. McNees replied that ad valorem taxes would not be the only 'evenue source. i"i Commissioner Volpe stated that he cannot Justify a 6.5~ salary ~:~ncrease based upon a 4~ increase in revenue. 6"" Mr. McNees reiterated that there are other factors ~.n developing a .budget ~ '/'-. Mr. Dorrtll agreed that other factors effect budget development. Commissioner Constantine recalled that the Board desired merit ~/tncreases based on a bell curve. Mr. Ochs stated that the Board redested a combination general wage adjustment and merit program, that the plan be maintained, and ~.th&t the performance review process be reviewed while limiting the (;, · ~ .;n~b~r of merit ~ncreases that could be presented. Commissioner Constantine stated that to combine wage adjustments and merit adjustments is acceptable, noting that this suggestion recommends that everyone will get a 3~ Increase. He suggested if 3~ ~.ts budgeted, every employee will get an increase and the level of the increase will depend on what type of Job each person is doing. He stated that to give a 3~ cost of living increase and beyond ie :ti::inappropriate. Commissioner Matthews stated that she would like to incorporate i!:safe~uards to insure if an employee has done an exceptional Job that year, the exceptional work will continue. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Commissioner Constantine ~'[explained that by using a bell curve, the low end of the curve would represent a 1~ increase, the vast majority of employees would get 3~ the few outstanding employees will have the opportunity to be at ~ ' the high end at 5~. He concluded that this would average out to a 3~ ' increase. , In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Ochs stated that the ?average salary is $2§,000.00, the median salary is $22,000.00. ,' Commissioner Saunders commented that a 1~ Increase is so small Page 14 · ~ February 8, 1994 ~h~t the average employee may seek employment elsewhere. He stated ~that he As in favor of keeping salary costs down, but the way to achieve that is to Increase efficiency and reduce the number of !~ ! employees where possible. He said he prefers an across the board 3~ '1%'/increase and an additional 2~ that could be used for the merit ncrease. .~' Mr. Ochs noted that applying a hell shaped curve to ratings that .'include below standard, standard and above standard, would not reflect a bell shape because new employees are on a probationary period and if :hey are below standard at the end of that period they are dismissed. 'f',~" Commissioner Norris stated that the Division Administrators should · have the discretion to withhold the 3~ cost of living inc=ease. .' Commissioner Matthews pointed out that Increased premiums in ?.:hee!th care is equated to a salary increase. She stated that the :!:~ Cou~'~ty pays for the employees health Insurance. ''' At this tiu Recording Secretary Fernlay replaced Recording Secretary B~rbirstt! e,, The following persons spoke on this item. Adolfo Gonzalez Dick Baker Bernie Young 'Commissioner Volpe suggested that pay raises include a dollar ~.amount to supplement a cost of living adjustment to address the dif- ference between middle management employees maki~g a higher salary tha~ the lower paid employees. :!~':'. Commissioner Saunders stated that setting a base pay Increase, whether it be a percentage or dollar figure, cannot be accomplished 'today but how much money is available for pay plan Increases .:land adjustments should be established and Staff should be directed to :investigate alternatives. !!~: Commissioner Matthews explained that the six and one half percent '~(6.5~} total adjustment figure is lower than the eight percent (82) last year but that she is uncomfortable with a/locating percentages today without knowing what the pay plan adjustments will accomplish. Mr. MeNess explained that Staff is requesting approval of the six Page February 8, 1994 .~[~ .. and one half percent (6.5~) allocation today and will present further details during Budget Workshops on how that percentage will be adml- nistered. Mr. McNees stated that this percentage will also govern or [ be used as a recommendation for what the Constitutional Officers will budget for salary increases. Mr. Ochs stated that the marketplace is surveyed for the maximum ')!i'~i'salary range for particular positions and then compared to the Collier County salary range for similar positions. Mr. Ochs explained that Staff is recommending that salary ranges be adjusted based on the sur- vey data but if no adjustments are required, the percentage allocated for those adjustments will not be utilized. Commissioner Matthews stated that the Greater Naples Civic 'Aeagctatton has pointed out several times that the Collier County thtrd and fourth year managers are earning more than the private sector. Mr. Ochs e~platned that Collier County Administration and the . Board has utilized the Florida League of Cities Salary Survey for benchmarking, particularly in middle management positions. He stated that 75 to 80 percent of employees are recruited from other areas within the State of Florida. Commissioner Norris stated that he does not agree that an across the board cost of living increase is unfair to the lower paid employees but is actually the most fair way to adjust for inflation. Commissioner Matthews explained that the CPI index increases are attributed to Increases in housing and clothing costs and not discre- · ttonary spending. ~;.~.i[,,~' In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs explained that two years ago 35 classifications were adjusted out of 250 due to payroll maintenance. Mr. Dorrlll explained that it may have been five or six (5-6) years since the majority of classifications were evaluated against other city and county pay scales. Tape#S Page 16 February 8, 1994 ~'.; Mr. 0cha explained that when adjustments are deemed necessary, !/:they are Implemented at one time and not over a period of time. Commissioner Volpe stated that the two percent (2~) allocated for maintenance could be reduced to one percent (1~) and if discrepancies · are found, the adjustments could be phased in. !i~11~:i Mr. Ochs Indicated that the pay plan maintenance information ? should be complete by April and those figures may Indicate that a i./i..decrease is possible in the percentage allocated. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs replied that the three percent (S~) allocation relates to cost of living increases and the one and one half percent (1.§~) allocated for merit ~ncreases repr,~aents an estimate of what is necessary to provide meaningful mer.tt incentives for those employees who qualify under the provisions :as outlined. Mr. Ochs explained that more emphasis can be placed on merit "/'~ncreases than on general wage adjustments if the Board directs Staff to do so. Commissioner Volpe stated that more emphasis should be placed on performance and less on cost of living adjustments. Commissioner Matthews stated that she is concerned with the !11. employees on the lower scale because their spending is more for cost '-of living than discretionary. It was t~e consensus of the Board that more amphakim be placed on .' performance and lees on cost of living adjustments and that the m~x and one half percent (6.5~) be utilized Initially, recognizing that the Board would like to see the percentage lowered. see Ratams: 12:07 PM - Raconvenad: 1:08 PM ~e It wa~ the consensus of the Board that Staff coBpars the County · ~eelf ~n~ured progra~ to the private Industry to assure that the County ":'~m ~av~ng ~oney. Mr. Dotrill stated that the Board has requested preparation of an interlocal agreement between the Board of County Commissioners and the Constitutional Officers concerning proposals for future Insurance and Page 17 February 8, 1994 ~..i'that he will assure that the comparison between the self Insured plan and private industry is Included. · Mr. MeNess stated that Item VIII.A addresses users fees for beach fillparking and was discussed and direction given to Staff to renegottate ,,'[[the Agreement with the City of Naples regarding fees at its regular meeting on January 18, 1994, '~'? ~ Xt ~ the con~enaua of the Board for Staff to pra~ent options 'regarding parking fees at all Collier County beach and w. ater recreational parking facilities. : . Commissioner Matthews stated that an analysis and o~inion was requested from County Attorney Cuyler's office whether a tiered beach parking payment system using available ad valorem funds .is feasible. Commissioner Volpe stated that options to be consid,~red should include using beach parking fees to fund additional access points which is being done in Lee County. ~/i". ~ Tom allIll, Public Services Administrator, stated that the 'options Staff prepared previously Included only existing beach parking access locations, fees necessary to pay for maintenance and associated costs. Mr. allill explained that alternate sites for beach access parking or those types of funding issues were not addressed. Mr. DorrI11 stated that additional options ~ill be available for the Board to evaluate when the Parks and Recreation budget is pre- sented during Budget Workshops. Mr. Dorrill explained that a per- petual trust fund can be established for beach parking fees earmarked ~.for beach parking access. ?)~'.~i .Mr, McNees stated that Item VIII.B addresses user fees for water :;:!and sewer. He explained that water and sewer rates are currently being studied by Staff and recommendations for rate changes will be made separately, prior to the budget being completed. Mr. Dorrill stated that an increase in water or wastewater fees not expected. He explained that increased fees for the water reuse effluent program may occur due to renegotlation of expiring agreements. Page 18 February 8 1994 ',': :,., Mr, McNeee stated that Item VIII.C addressee user fees for Emergency Medical Services. Mr. McNeee explained that a 50/50 funding .using ad valorem taxes and user fees have been adopted in the past :% but that last year 55 percent in ad valorem taxes and 45 percent user fees were realized. Norris I Jams, Emergency Services Administrator, requested that EMS have the opportunity to present the option of accepting Medicare ~asstgnments before the Board makes a final decision on ~hat alternate f~ffunding sources to adopt. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Dotrill explained that the study was completed approximately three (3) months ago regarding ,11. the proportion that City residents pay for Emergency Medical Services. i-~i Mr. Dorrill stated that some dialogue continues between the City and .Country on the subject but that the Board of County Commissioners will ultimately have to balance the user charges against the remaining sub- sidy. He indicated that if the usual user fee ie lowered to the allowable Medicare rate, the ad valorem portion will increase and the objects to what they feel is a resulting inequity because of the ~un related activity. Commiss~oner Matthews explained that third party billing is a consideration with the Emergency Medical Services department but is '.:not Involved with the Sheriff'e Office and Fire Department. Mr. I Jams stated that 47 percent of Emergency Medical Services users are Medicare age. He explained that savings can be realized by accepting Medicare assignments because the billing process is elimi- nated but the $150 assignment is below the average user fee. Commissioner Volpe recommended utilizing a service availability i~.charge rather than ad valorem taxes and then maximize that with the !':' third party payor. Mr. Dotrill explained that the complexity and cost to administer ['11 .,an annual assessment of 500 units is very expensive and has a high ,potential for error. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Dotrill replied that Page 19 February 8, 1994 waste assessments are not added to the tax roll and those assessments are only sent to eligible residential customers. Commissioner Norris pointed out that the County could not collect !)i!,'ad valorem t.xes from winter visitors that do not property but still utilize the Emergency Medical Services. It was the coneen~ue of the Board to have the EM$ bndget include .!~ · a number of r~venue assu~ptions ae they affect ad valorels taxes. Mr. McNees stated that Item IX addresses Capital Project ~.:.iBudgeting Policies and includes a restatement of the Board's five (5) :!,'years CIE plan preparation. Mr. McNees stated that approximately five (5) mills have been ' -~lev~ed in the past couple years which is now in the General Fund for ad vslorem support of capital projects. He explained that $4 million :of the $8 million is committed to roads funding in FY 95 and the remaining will be available for capital projects funding. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. McNees stated that the $8 million figure Includes the City of Naples. Mr. Dorrtll stated that Dr. Woodruff has not proposed any CIE :' projects within the City limits which the County t~tll be funding, but he will notify him of the County's budget criteria. Mr. Dorrill ~ stated that the Naples City Landing is one area which Dr. Woodruff has ~' mentioned in the past as needing expansion and/or renovating. Mr. ' Dorrill Indicated to Dr. Woodruff that the only way the Board could consider funding of the project ts if Collier County is responsible for construction administration and an Interlocal Agreement existed wherein the County would receive credit and/or ownership of the improvements made. It ~ the consensus of the Board to budget .5392 mills. Mr. McNees stated that it has been the Board's policy for a number of years that all capital projects previously approved for which no construction contract was awarded by March 31 must be resub- mitted to be considered for funding in the next fiscal year. He '.explained that Staff will continue with that policy unless otherwise Page 20 ili., February 8, 1994 '. ~Mr. McNeee stated that Item X addresses a number of miscellaneous ltems'~'ilMr. McNees explained that Staff will continue to review appropriate services for either privatizing or for them to be brought '~/~back in-house whichever te most cost effective. Mr. McNees informed the Board that budgeting of attrition is an (~'Atem that has been discussed at length in other budget forums and it ~ts something that the Civic Association recommends. Mr. McNees stated that budgeting one percent (l~) attrition of total personal services i~i[/iexpenses directly under the Commisston's control will result in (approximately $400,000 and about 1/3 to 1/2 will be ad valorem ~mpacted. Mr. McNees stated that he would not recommend exceeding :i~thrLa percent (S~) and the range on actual expenditures in salaries is .!:;1111 frol~ 9! percent to 99 percent for the various divisions. Mr. McNees explained that th~s is a one-time budgetary sav~ngs only. Commissioner Constantine stated that it will be difficult to com- mit to the three percent (S~) but a $400,000 savings is appealing. Mr. McNees pointed out some divisions, such as EMS, actually spend 99.5 percent of their salary budget. Commissioner Matthews stated that she would like to see the per- centage per department rather than set a flat percentage. Mr. McNees stated that it can be presented by fund because that how At will be budgeted, but it is not feasible to present it by ~artment because it will be too small a unit. ~ ..' Mr. McNees explained that the amount, rather it be $400,000 or As utilized to pay severance expenses such as vacation pay-outs ~!~'and whatever benefits we are obligated to pay for but do not budget. Commissioner Matthews stated that the financial statements pre- pared by the County auditing firm has a liability for accrued vacation sick leave. i~Mr. MeNess explained that the County does not make an for vacation and sick leave. Commissioner Volpe questioned if the Constitutional Officers tra- Page 2! February 8, 1994 ,'dittonally budget for attrition or at 100 percent? Mr. McNeea stated that he does not believe that they budget for attrition. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. McNees replied that the work Involved in saving the $400,000 is more than the overall savings "is worth g~ven a one time effort. · Commissioner Saunders stated that the money is not actually ~, savings, it Is money that goes back into reserves and the reserves .., must be maintained at a certain level. ~.u Commissioner Matthews stated that the ad valorem taxes will have · to be raised to make up the difference the second year because it is a one time savings only. Commissioner Volpe stated that Collier County ~s required to set ast,le five percent (§~) for reserves and five percent (5~} for con- ttngency reserves so it does not make sense to budget 100~ of salaries since the required reserves are already in place. Mr. McNees explained that the five percent {~) of the revenue that cannot be appropriated represents forced conservatism by the State of Florida and cannot be touched. He indicated that the five percent (5~) contingency reserve can be utilized to make up the dif- ' ference. It ~ the consensus of the Board to budget two percent Mr. McNees stated that Item X.C addresses indirect service · charges wherein non-general fund departments pay for services rendered by general fund departments and it is recommended that the County con- · .ttnue this policy. ~,. Mr. McNees stated that contract agency funding was reduced 50 tn 1994 and the Board indicated that the funding would be 'reduced another 50 percent th~s year and no new applications would be solicited or considered. It Wa~ the con~en~us of the Board that the contract a~en~ ~ng ~ r~c~d 50 ~rcent ~d no n~ appl~cat~o~ ~ solicited or ~': Fabrulry 8~ lgg4 f . Mr. McNees stated that the recommendation by the Greater Naples Civic Association for reduced Increase In worker compensation reserve will be addressed during review of the Risk Management budget. Mr. McNees stated that the Board of County Commissioners vacation schedule n~eds to be established in order to develop a budget )/calendar. !'::([ It wa~ the conaan~us of the Board to achedule Its vmcation for · Jlaly 5, J~ly ~2 i~ld Au~st 30, ~994. , CITIZEN REqUEST FOR ACCESS ACROSS COUNTY-OWNeD LAND ADJACENT TO MENTOR DRIP, IN NILLOU~HBYACKES - ST~ TO ~OCKKD WI~ ~UATION ~ ~BILI~ OF CO~IN~ TO ~SS WAY ~ST ~ ~PORT ~ TO ~ ~0F CO~ C~ISSI0~RS Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that legal access to a /and-locked parcel lying between Palm River and Willoughby Acres has been requested across County-owned /and. Mr. Archibald .explained that the two (2) five acre parcels are located immediately · ·.north of tho Mentor Drive subdivision, east of Cypress Way and west of ,.~,Kirkland Avenue. Mr. Archibald etated that the applicant ks requesting to gain access directly to the east at Cypress Way which will require Staff to contact the Condominium, Palm Crest Villas, to reach an agreement for access, or to gain access across County owned lots which were acquired from the subdivision to the south, Willow West. Mr. Archibald explained that the lots were acquired for extending Airport Road north :~'..10f Immokalee Road. .,., Mr. Archibald informed the Board that Staff is requesting 90 days ,its contact Palm Crest Villas regarding acquisition of property to pro- vide access to Cypress Way similar to the subdivision immediately to the north, or whether to consider a two party agreement between the County and the developer to provide access through the two County ' ~wned lots. . ~ Commissioner Matthews stated that transportation problems can be Page 23 February 8, 1994 by utilizing the land for extending Airport Road. Commissioner Volpe questioned why Staff would be utilized to negotiate between two (2) private property owners to provide access? Mr. Archibald explained that part of the plan for extending .Airport Road north provided for an interconnect to both Palm River and ~!';i(~llloughby Acres and that proposition and this proposition are one in .the same. Mr. Archibald stated that the issue may be resolved by the '!ipending law suit. ~:~' Mr. Archibald indicated that if no conclusions for connecting to )x-as Way are reached in 90 days, then a two party agreement will be br'cught back to the Board to utilize the County-owned property. Co~isstoner Matthews loved, meconded by Conissionm~ Volpe and ca~l'Aed unanAnoumly, that Staff proceed with evaluation and feasibi- ,lity of connecting to Cypress Way East and report back to the Board ;:Of~CountyCo~aleeionere. · STATUS OF I~P7tOV~q~T3 PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED FOR THE ROSEMARY ':.'* C~METE~T - ~TAFF TO DETERMINE TYPE AND COST OF APPROPRIATE i;.' IMPR~ AND REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO)~(I:SSIONERS Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator, stated that in September 1993, the Board approved an improvement plan for the Rosemary Cemetery which included sodding, irrigation, a central monu- ment and fencing. Mr. Olltff stated that on December 22, 1993, the site was designated as being historically significant and all improve- ments must go through the County~s Historic and Archaeolos~ical J Preservation Board (HAPB). .~'::, Mr. Olltff explained that the HAPB has approved County plans for .!:improvements with substantial modifications, I.e. Florataz~ sod not be ,~.utiltzed, no Irrigation system be installed, and fencing to be period )e. Mr. 011tff stated that the period fencing Is similar to wire i."ltvestock fencing. . Mr. Olltff pointed out that decisions of the HAPB can be appealed i.::.. by an aggrieved party for a final decision to the County Commission and ,00, 000,, : :32 Page 24 Februar? 8, 1994 ~-. ~in'~hia case, Collier County owns the property. Arthur Lee spoke on this item. Mr. ellill explained that to date the County has spent $2,666 to ";i'remove gravel from the site but has not entered into any other contracts for the improvements previously authorized. Ron Samre, Museum Director, stated that a native Bermuda grass is being investigated and that it to possible that no fence existed ')- 'when the cemetery was moved to Its present site. Mr. Jamre explained that Staff can research and find the answers on what is historically appropriate. Mr. Olliff stated that the Rosemary Cemetery is not a tremen- ' dou~ly valuable historic site because this is not the original grave site; it was moved from downtown. Co~immioner Volpe noved, seconded by ContsuIoner Saunders and carTied 4/0 (Co~Imsioner Constantine out), that ~taff d,~tsr~ine the tF~el of i!~rovementa to be ~ada to the Rose~ Ce~ete~ ~r ~ldeli- ~s of a historical site and re~rt findings to the ~ard of C~ In response to Mr. Derrill, Mr. Jamre explained that the HAPB has recommended no irrigation system because it may intrude on the shallow grave sites and the long term detrimental affect of water on the · coquina grave markers. Mr. Jamrs stated that provisions have been made to water the site when necessary. Ite~ ~D1 - Continued to February 15, 1994. (2~86) Xte~ 800 MHZ RADIO SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CONTRACT WITH CO~]NXCATXONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $37,062 - APPROVED Norris IJams, Emergency Services Administrator, pointed out that a three percent (3~) discount is allowable if the contract is renewed i: .and payment made by February 27, 1994, reducing the amount from '."$38,208 to $37,062. Collimmtone~ S&underm moved, leconded by Commlssion~r Norril and 33 Page 25 carried unanimously, to renew the 800 MHZ radio ~ystea ~alntenance Xtm~ ~ - Deleted ? (2885) :!DX~"I~IXOrlIIt,~(3~JtZ)XNG ~:l"g]t~O~]lC'~ SHELTER SUPPLXKS Ken Pineau, Emergency Management Director, stated that a media release asking for blankets was very successful and that there is enough community support to alleviate a shortage. Mr. Pineau pointed out that Collier County is unique in that it provides cots for the homeless also. Mr. Pineau stated that blankets, pillows and sheets are needed for Collier County special need shelters even though those persons ~needing this type shelter is requested to bring their own bedding. Mr. Pineau explained that storage is a problem at the present time. Mr. Pineau etated that the two (2) trailers he presently utili- zes were built in 1962 and are stationary. Mr. Pineau informed the Board that he would like to purchase three (3} portable trailers at a ~..' ;cost of approximately $3,800 each with funds from the State Emergency · Management Trust Fund for storing blankets, pillows, sheets, cots and oxygen cascade systems. Mr. Pineau stated that each trailer will be ?'x?'xlS' and there will be one available for each of the special need shelters once the Lely High School shelter is activated. .;Xtra ~G~ - Continued to February 15, 1994 '..Xtee~H2 NAIV~It OF FEES FOR ~ POSTING OF AN EMS AMBULANCE AT TH~ 6qlALLENGE GOLF TOD~ TO BX HELD AT THE VINEYARDS OF NAPLES F~BRU~Y 14 THROU~ F~RUAR~ 20, 1994 - APPROVED Oo~llaloner Saunders ~oved, asconded by ¢o~IssIonsr M~tthews and carrle~ unanimously, to waive the fees for the ~sttng of ~ ~ ~l~=e at the C~11enge Golf T~ent to ~ held at the Vineyards of N~lee fr~ Feb~ 14 thr~gh Feb~ 20, 1994. (3290) 'S~ION.'OF CO~T~ TO ~OVIDE ~ ~UIRED ~O~SSION~ S~VICES ~ C~ ~ CO=I~ CO~ B=~ ~STO~TION ~ ~,,O~ ~ - .:~. ,. Fsbz'u~ry 8 ~ lgg4 ,~;;~Fff g3-2:127 ANARDED TO COASTAL ENC~XNE~RINC~ CONSULTANT$~ XNC. AND STAFF ~GOTX&T~ CC~J~fRACT Tom Conracode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, ~ that a member of the Beach Renourishment CommittE~e, a member of :the Purchasing Department, two (2) members of the Capital Projects Management Office and a member of the Natural Resources Department · comprised the Consultant Selection Committee. · ..'~. ~ In response to Commissioner Volpa, Mr. Conracode replied that approximately $500,000 is budgeted for this phase of the work. Commissioner Saunders loved, seconded by Commiestoner Norris and ~-cmrl'Aedunanimoumly, that RFP 93-212~ ~ awarded to Coastal -'~g~~ C~lt~ts, Inc. ~d Staff to negotiate I contract. BXLL O~ SALZ TO T~U~m TS~ ~ARC0 TSLA~D B~ACa R~'NOURXSaMENT DU~Z ::.:;'. ItlLL.~OV~tS TO ~ UX=LA~D FROP~RTY 0W~ERS - APPR0WD Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, stated that the County constructed approximately l§O feet of dune walkovers to preserve the dune system which protects the beach. Mr. Conracode informed the Board that the Marco Island MSTU funded the construction of the walkovers. County Attorney Cuyler explained that transfer of o~mership and '~"~tability for the structures was a condition of the permits Tape#4 · Dave Wetgel, Assistant County Attorney, stated that the walkovers are either extensions of previously existing we/karats prior to the i)'~renourtshment project or were required to be provided as part of the project because of beach expansion and dune creation. He explained that the original walkovers were accesses to private property for the residents or patrons of the hotels. ; ~.: Mr. Weigel stated that it has been the County~s position that ~t ';~]!never owned the we/karats and these documents make it official that they are not publicly owned. CoIlIIltO~lr Saunders loved, seconded by Co--lesions= Matthews Page 27 F~bruary a~ ~gg4 a~d car~Aed un~n:l~ou~ly, to ~r~fer the Marco ~d ~ach r~~h- ~t ~ ~l~rs to the upl~d pro~r~ ~ers ~ bill o~ sale. IOTK: DOCUHRNTATION NOT RKCEIVRD IN CLKRK TO BOARD OFFICK AS OF MAY 9, 1994 Pa~e 28 February S, 1994 '~F~OLUT~ON 94-56 ~ SUPPORT OF ~OUS~ BILL 101 ER ~C0~ OF '~:', A~~ ~S IN ~IL~ D~~ ~ O~ CASES - ~D Ramtro Manaltch, Assistant County Attorney, stated that House Bill 101 is currently pending in the Legislature and is a bill which plugs a loop hole tn the Statutes by clarifying that anyone receiving ':'court appointed services in dependency and other Juvenile matters will first have to be found indigent and the court will have con- ttnutng Jurisdiction to assure that anyone found later not to be indi- gent, will be assessed the charges for what the County paid for the court appointed counsel. Mr. Manaltch explained that the Attorney's Office ts requesting .!/adoption of a resolution tn support of House Bill 101 and authortza- tton for a letter to be sent to the legislative delegation and interested organizations statewide to support this measure. Saunders moved, seconded by Coulssloner Volpe and cmrriedu~mtmouoly, to support House Bill 101, thereby adopting 94-56. Page 29 Adm~nistrative Assistant to the Board Fileon informed the Board that this item is to appotnt five {5) members to serve four (4) year ',terms. '~ "-,. ~ selection of the ~elbere for appotnt~ent to the Pelican Bay Page 30 ' ' February 8, :1994 ,::Itel eXOB Commissioner Matthews etated that the recently negotiated contract with County Attorney Ken Cuyler provides for a three year :contract with a three (3) month intent to renew or negottste clause. Commissioner Matthews explained that a 60 day notice of intent to resign is required during the three (3) year period of the contract. Commissioner Matthews indicated that severance pay is six (6) ~.!~.)i]~onths during the first year and four (4) months for the second and third years. Commissioner Matthews explained that expenses covered include membership dues in the Florida and Collier County Bar Associations, travel and subsistence outside of Collier County. ' ' Commissioner Matthews stated that benefits are the sazae as for .all Collier County employees. Commissioner Matthews explained that a five percent (5~) Increase in salary has been requested because of the substantial difference between the County Administrator's and the County Attorney's salaries, and no increase was received in 199! and 1993. Commissioner Matthews !indicated that the County Attorney will not receive the three percent (3~) or greater increase in October 1994 and the escalation clause will not become affectire until March 2, 19~5. She explained that on .the anniversary date of the contract, the salary will be adjusted to reflect (1) the minimum cost of living increase granted to other :~..( County employees or (2) an Increase equal to the percentage change in i 'the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or (3) an increase of three percent *?(3~), whichever is the lowest amount. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Comm~ssioner Matthews ~xplained that the salary figure listed in Section 3.a. includes the ~-' five percent (5~) increase. Commissioner Matthews stated that the contract includes a two percent (2~) deferred compensation contribution because the County Page 31 ~"!~' ' February 8, 1994 '-i~ Attorney is not Included in the Senior Management Service Class in the ... State of Florida Retirement Program which would allow for an addi- tional three percent (3~) retirement benefit. · Commissioner Constantine stated that the term of the contract i,", should be for two (2) years with an option for a one (1} year exten- ~ sion with two (2) months severance pay if the contract is not renewed ~'.:; for the third year which is the same as the County Manager's contract. Commissioner Matthews explained that the County Manager's i]]. contract allows for four (4) months severance pay If renewed for the i~ third year. Commissioner Constantine stated that the five percent (§~) !/'~.'~increase ts too large and the two percent (2~) deferred compensation i..? Is not necessary Just because the County Manager has that benefit Cottnt¥ Attorney Cuyler stated that his increases in the past :three (3} years have been zero percent (0~) two and one half percent ~.~:~.(2.5~) and zero percent (0~). ~,,. Commissioner Saunders stated that this contract will become · "effective March 1, 1994 and there will be no increases until March l, 1995. Commissioner Saunders stated that the terms of the contract are going to be changed to reflect a two (2) year contract with a one (1) year option to renew and if the County Attorney ts fired during the third year, he will received four (4) months severance pay and no severance pay if the contract is not renewed after the three (3) years. Commissioner Matthews explained that if the contract is not renewed after two (2) years, then the County Attorney will receive ,.two (2) months ~everance pay. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the County will be respon- ;,slble for payment of the Attorney,s required annual 30 huurs of .. ng legal education? ., Mr. Cuyler responded that a set dollar amount is a/located to all County professionals for attendance at appropriate local seminars and Page 32 February S, 1994 normally attends seminars granting CLE credit utilizing those Co~atae~or~r ~tth~e ~ovad, seconded by Coulaalone~ Vo~p~ ~nd c~r~ ~/1 {C~tm~oner Const~tlne optsad) to accept the contract ~~ Collier C~ty ~d Ke~eth B. ~yler, C~ty Attorn~, with ~ct~ 2, Te~ of E~lo~ent, ch~ged to reflect t~t the contract ~':[: ~ri~ ~e for ~ (2) years w~th ~ option to extend for one (1) year ~ 8~on 5, Te~tton ~d Sever~ce Pay, ch~ged to reflect that ~f t~ c~tract te te~ted after ~ {2) years, then ~eo (2) months 1' ~r~ce w~11 ~ ~d, thereby adopting Resolution 94-58. Page 33 February S, 1994 OF THE OVERALL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (OEDP) I~KPORT AND R~QUEST THAT THE ECONOMIC DKVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION CONSIDER THE OKDP AS SATISFACTORY FOR COLLIER COUNTY tS USE - APPROVED Commissioner Constantine stated that the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, who receives grants through the Economic Development Administration (EDA), is requesting that the Board of '~'.County. Commissioners send a letter to the EDA endorsing the Overall ~:.Economic Development Program (OEDP) report and requesting that the be considered as satisfactory for Collier County's use. .:':.:.!,, Coemlesioner Volpe Roved, seconded by Conniestoner Norris and carried 4/0 (Coeziselonar Saunders out) to authorize the Chairman to ~.*.et~n · letter of andersenant. Its· #10D - Continued to February 22, 1994 Z~em'#10E OF NK~SPAPER FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF THE DELINQUENT TAX ROLL - 'NAPLES DAILY NEITS SELECTED Steve Carne//, Purchasing Director', stated that the tax col/actor (requested that the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to Florida i~iDepartment of Revenue re~ulations, select the newspaper of publication ~o advertise the delinquent tax roll. Mr. Camell explained that the largest newspaper of circulation ~:for maximum exposure should be utilized. Mr. Camell stated that the ~les Daily News is offering to advertise the tax roll at' a discount i?.of approximately 75 percent. ' : Commissioner Saunders ·eyed, seconded by Commissioner Matthews ' and carried unanimously, that the Naples Daily News be selected as the newspaper of publication to advertise the delinquent tax roll. .see Recessed: 3:00 P.M. - Reconvened: 3:25 P.M. at which tiaa Recording Secretary Metz replaced Recording Secretary Fernlay see · ( los) Item ~2C3 ,~' RESOLUTION 94-59 RE RATE RESOLUTION MODIFICATION REDUCIN0 THE CONSTHUCTION/DKMOLITION DISPOSAL FEK AND KSTABLISHIN~ THE MANDATORY ' MULTI-F,~(ILY RECYCLIN~ COLLKCTION FK~ - ADOPTED 50 Page 34 February! 8, 1994 "Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 'January 23, 2994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. ,' Mr. David Russell, Acting Solid Waste Management Director. 'announced that this item addresses previous Board action on reducing the Construction/Demolition Disposal Fee and establishes the multi- ."'family recycling collection fee. ~; Co~attsetoner Saunders ~ovsd, seconded by Couisetone~ Matthes~ to ~-..?~qrrov~ the R~te Resolution ~odificatlon reducing the construction/demolition disposal fee and establishing the ~andatory multt-fmuily ~ecycltng collection fee. The following person spoke on the subject: Frances C. Barsch ?"Responding to Ms. Barsch's question, Mr. Russell stated that the new contract reduces the construction/demolition recycling expense to the County by $5.00 per ton. He noted the savings are then passed on .to the contractors. Mr. Russell reported the contract is for a two year term with renewal options. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Norris replied that these savings will be passed on to the homeowner by the contractor who factors the savings Into the ?cost of building the home. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the people who have :,existing homes have nothtog to do with the Issue. He ex91ained that i..,ithls Rnterprtse Fund is for waste material being generated through construction/demolition materials. He disclosed, that if those expen- ses decrease, the charge can be reduced for the service provided. Commissioner Matthews disclosed Collier County charges $25.00 per ton tipping fees for residential waste, while most other counties twice that amount. Upon call for the question, the ~otlon carried unanlatou~l¥, thereby ~dopttng Resolution 94-59. Page 35 ~'22C4 February 8, 1994 lt~IOLUTION 94-60 SNTTINO FORTH THE INTENT TO USZ TH~ UNIFORNI~"I'HOD OF ~CO~~ ~ S~C~ AS~ES~ FOR COLLECTION OF NON-~ V~O~ B~I~CA~ON OF ~TION~ FACILITIES ~ ~DI~ ~S, ~I~ OF CO~VATION OR ~ES~ ~S ~ DEBT S~ICE ON O~~IN~ ~ ~A~ BO~S ~R ~ P~LIC~ ~Y SERVICES DIVISION - ~D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 10, 17, 24, and 31, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication f/led with the Clerk, public hearing was op,~ned. ..~:: ~. Mr. James Ward, Division Administrator for Pelican Bay Services, ~.announced that this Item is to utilize the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector for collecting the non-ad Valorem Assessments for 1994. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. CoesaiNioner Saunders ~rved, seconded by Comaissionfir Volpe, and ca~$ed 4/0 (C~l~Loner ~tth~ ~t), that Resolution 94-60 letting forth ~ts ~nt~t to ~e the Un~fo~ Method of co~lect~n~ non-~ ~o~ ~~te w~th~n the Pe~c~ ~y ~c~pa~ S~ce. T~ ~d ~f~t ~t ~ adopted. Page 36 February 8, 1994 Irma ~12C5 ~.~ESO~,,IFTXON 94-~1 RB PET/TZON ~NR-93-3, WIr. T.,TAM F. BART~TJ., REQUESTTR'G **~ ~I'REBT .IZIIJ~ CH&NG~ FRON COI~B~'RCE STREET TO ~0UTHB&¥ DRIVE LOCA~ IN VANDB:RBIr.? BEACH CENTER 5UBDTVZSZOR - ADOPT,.,~D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Datl~ News on January 23, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with · the Clerk, public hearing was opened. i:.'* There were no public speakers. Commissioner Saunders closed the public hearing. Ccmm/sston~v Saundera ~oved, aeconded by Co~tesiona~ Volpe, and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Natthews out), that Resolution 94-61 re z~':~'P~titlon~lR-93-3 b~ adopted. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 23, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with ill. the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Wayne Arnold, Sen/or Planner, advised this request is for a s/de yard setback reduction from the required 15 feet to ?.5 feet to allow the applicant to Install a mooring piling at the existing dock fact- ~*:ltty. Planner Arnold stated the applicant currently moors a boat at the dock, however, a boat lift cannot be installed without the Installation of a second mooring p/ling. Planner Arnold announced that the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this issue and unanimously recommended approval. Commissioner Volpe noted there are letters of object/on from the owners in the the Lids Club, a condominium across the waterway. Mr. Arnold remarked that the complaints are related more to aesthetics and the view versus the impact on their development. He further stated that nine of the other 18 docks already have boat lift facilities and one more would not cause any additional Impact. Commissioner Norris commented that the piling would not extend out any farther than it would if a boat was docked there without the lift. There were no public speakers. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Cmee~eetm~er N~rrls ~ovad, seconded by Commissioner Volpe And =ar~te~ 4/0 (C~tlltOner ~tthm ~t}, t~t Resolution 94-62 re ~t~t~ V-93-3~ ~ a~pted. Page 38 February 8, 1994 · TAFF.. DZI~CTED TO FORNARD A LETTER TO Tire U.S. CORP5 OF ENGINEERS ~ ~ ~~ON OF ~ TI~ P~IOD ~ ~~ TO ~ITS ~~ ~ FI~ OF ~0~ IN ~LD~ GA~ Commissioner Matthews presented an update on the U.~. Army Corps of Engineers, noting that opposition by the EPA has been registered with the Corps regarding permits for clearing and filling one acre of property in Golden Gate Estates. ~ '~i - Commissioner Matthews suggested the intent is to lift the general permit completely, which would cause citizens desiring to build a home in Golden Gate Estates to seek a separate U.S. Army Corps permit. She ' said she was advised by Mr. Bergman of the U.S. Army Corps that this action could e~tend the permit period up to 12 months due to the Increased permitting needed. She Indicated that Mr. Clark, Acting ~('(.:Communtty Development Services Administrator, sent a letter requesting '-.'~an extension of the comment period, in order to provide the Board of County Commissioners time to work with the U.S. Army Corps, to keep the general permit in place. Commissioner Matthews explained that without a request for an extension, the Board would not have time to .'check into the matter. Commissioner Saunders asked if the extension has been granted, to which Commissioner Matthews replied she did not know, but, Mr. Bergman Ji agreed to make a telephone call to Miami to request that the Board be '.!"allowed the extension. ~ . Co~miseloner Constantine stated that he is concerned because the letter states "the County would like to have the opportunity to pro- vide a proposal to the Corps", adding that last week the Board of /.. County Commissioners decided to take no action. ' Commissioner Matthews disagreed, stating the Board of County ~Commtastoners decided they did not have enough time or sufficient ~'[informatton regarding the issue to take any action. Commissioner Constantine emphasized that the letter expressed the desire of the County, when it was not what the entire Board had Paga 39 ffebruary 8, 1994 ,reseed. County Manager Dotrill voiced his concern regarding the EPA's Involvement which would seriously affect property rights and the time ~lt would take to obtain a permit. Commissioner Volpe remarked that the Chairman's point Is well made, ./.'and recalled expressing his concern at the Strategic Planning Session :.)~?wtth regard to Staff's failure to bring this issue to the Board well ~in advance of the deadline. .~'* '.* Commissioner Volpe suggested Commissioner Matthews pursued the matter primarily because these are her constituents, however, he recognized that orderly procedure should have been followed. :17, A brief discussion ensued regarding the appropriateness of :..Commissioner Matthews direction. In response to Commissioner Norris' inquiry, Commissioner Matthews ~:'.iexplatned that the general permit allows the home builder to clear or 8,000 square feet of their lot in Golden Gate Estates. If that ,:permit Is lifted, every homeowner will have to go to the Army Corps of Engineers and petition for a separate permit, which could extend the process of building their home 9 to 12 months. C~lsetoner Saunders moved, seconded !~, Commissioner Volpe and 'CaZTt~d unani~ously, to direct Staff to forward m letter to the U.S. Ar~FCcrrpe of ~ngineere requesting an extension of the tt~e period, ["' ~nd-~h~r~ Et~T£ report back to the Board in two weeks. (920)- ,COHRICTIOIlI~A!tDII~ ~ OF CODE ENFORC~XENT BOARD MEmBer Administrative Assistant to the Board Fileon corrected her pre- sentation made at the February ! meeting, declaring the appointment made to the Code Enforcement Board is for three years, as opposed to ~:::':the four year term she previously stated. ~S~rI~ATEGIC PLANNINO WORKSHOP TO BE HKLD FEBRUARY 28, 9:00 A.M. AT Administrative Assistant to the Board Ftlson informed the Board that the meeting for the next Strategic Planning Workshop will be held Page 40 February 8, 1994 ~:~t the Museum on Monday, February 28, 1994, at 9:00 A.M. (925) ,~ ..... FOR AIRPORT AUTHORITY TO BE INTERVIEWED ['~? ' MS. Ftlson informed the Board that she has received four resumes i::!for the position at the Marco Airport Authority, stating that only two applicants are from Marco Island and meet the qualifications. Commissioner Constantine scheduled an appointment for Interviews · to be held at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, February 15, 1994, during the ~:.Re~ular Board meeting. /~i SE~TFF'S OFFICE TO DO AN ASSESSMENT RE~RDINO SECURITY ~S~S ~R County Manager Dorr~11 announced that he met with the Shertff's · .'~ Department to discuss security provisions for the Board of County Commissioners and executive offices. He reported the Sher~ff~a Office has been requested to do an assessment of security on the third floor of Butld~n~ "F" and report back with recommendations. H~ stated that ;!~reltmtnary Information will be available this Friday. ~iI Mr. Dotrill noted the Sheriff's Department suggested several things that can be done, short of ~hystcal security, such as electronic ; .doors. In addition to doing the requested assessment and making recom- mendations. the Sherlff~s Department will also give advise for home security, if the Board or ~embers of their families should receive a threat. · ;,,,, $'$ Colmtlitoner NorrII moved, seconded b~ Commileloner ~'" ~~ ~d carried unanimously, that ~he following It~ under '!, ~ coziest &~enda be approved and/or adopted: ess ACC~FTANC~ OF~AT~R FACILITIES AND SECURITY FOR COCO BAY AT P~LICAN BA~ -- WITN ~TI~DLATIONS AS LISTED IN_THE EXECUTIVE $UMMAHY / O · 'MATIR'FACILITZES ACCEPTANCE FOR PIPKR'S GROVE, PHASE Z-B - WITH N0.~E: DOGUMENTS NQT RECEIVED AS OF ~A! 9. ~99% Page 41 February 8, 1994 See Page ~'/ Item #16&4 ACC~FTANC~ OF PKRFORMANCK BOND ~R ~SC~ZN~ FOR Sl~ D~~ ~. g2~8 'C~XLLON ~CK' ACCEPTMIC~ OF ~RKKVOCABLK LETTER OF CREDIT FOR LANDSCAPING SKCURITY FOR SZTI DKVKLOP!q]E31T FLA~ NO. 92-22 "FIKLDSTOIFK VILLAC31e, PILiLSK See Pages //~(~_ .//~C~ Ztem~16&6 - ¢ontAnued to February 15, 1994 FINAL PLAT Or 'RKPLAT OF TRACT 77, GOLDEN GATE - ICZTH STIPULATIORS AS LISTED IR THE ]EXECUTIVE Item ,16A8 AUTHORIZATIO~ lq~ RKCORDING OF FINAL PLAT OF "GRKKN HERON ACRES" - ~ITH STIFULATIONS AS LISTED IN TH~ EXECUTIVE SU!~ARY Ztem~l~&10 ~OLUTZO~ 94-55A AUTHORIZING T/~ FINAL PLAT OF "GERMA~ MOOD~" AND ~3[~I'XOIIOF CO~STRUCTIOR AND MAINTENANCK &GRE~NNT - WZTB 8TZPUT~TZONSAS LISTED IN THg K]I~CUTZVg SUMMARY February 94-64 AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE NOT TO EXCEED ONE IK~NDI~ED '" "I~IltT~DOLLAI~ TO PURCHASE A PLAQUE TO RECOGlqlZE OUTST&NDING VOLUNTEER i:": S~rV]C~ O,T~ C~USA G~XCL~ CIWC GROUP Ite~ #36C2 ~FRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO THE PARKS AND REC~EATION · DEPAKTM~NTTO OPERATE ADDITIONAL SU~r~R CAMP LOCATIONS AT EAST NAPLES MIDDLI SCIKXSL, VIN]~fA~DS AND BIO CYI~RESS EL~3~ENTARY SCHOOLS ~ AM]~IDMEIT ~COGNIZING AN ADDITIONAL $47,716 IN STATE AID TO FY94 ~C~ON OF TH~ SATISFACTION O, NOTICE OF PRONISE TO PAY AND ~A~R~!~IT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF SEWER IMPACT FEES FOR E.G. AND JANET CKETELLA, NANNETT~ KLEIN AND TIMOTHY FReeMAN GERHARDT, MILLIAM AND PATRICIA OONNE~ING, CHARLES K~LLKR, AND MArTIN AND MARIA WR~ST Ite~ ~6D2 BID PROCESS NAIVED AND AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE A GORMAN-RUPP ~'LIFT ~TATION FROM BLANKENSHIF AND ASSOCIATES, INC. - IN THE l I I SUIT 0T $33,900.00 'ACCEFTAII~E OF A T~NANCYATWILL R~LATIONSHIPWITH COLLIER ENTERPRISES ~f :.REALTY ~I~K~F, INC. (LESSOR) ON A MO~ TO M0~ ~SIS ~R ~ :.' ~I~TION ~' O~I~ SPACE ON HO~KSHOZ DRI~ ~I~ IS ~Y Item #16E2 ',:'::~XECUTIOI OF C01TRACT #ITH 0~AL HEALTH S~VICES 0F ~0R~DA, INC. (RFP See Pages /~} iT" //7 BID ~'93-2106 AIgARD~D TO MODERN AIR CONDITIONING, INC. FOR THE ~ OF THE AIR CONDITIONING UNIT~ AT THE THE GOLDEII (lATE LIBelS"f- IN TH~ AMOUNT OF 817,463.00 Item el6H1 - 14oved to Item #8H3 I~. #'~ 6H2 OF J PURCHASE ORDER TO ~ORIDA ~ i LZG~ C~ ~R ~ 75 Page 43 :*: · February 8, 1994 BID'JR3. 94--2138 FOR NAFLZS LAHDFILL STO~~ Z~O~, ~SE IX ?~JJ[~ ~ ~x~, INC. - ZN ~ ~ OF 068,222.84 Xtra #16H4 - Moved to Item #8H4 Xtra #16H5 AUTHORZZATZO!I OF ~ 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BZDDZ~ ~SZ~ ~ ~IM ~R BUILDING B ~0VATION CORRKSPONDKNCK - FXLKD AND/OR RKFKRRKD The following miscellaneous correspondence was flied and or referred as presented by the Board of County Commiss~onere: '75 Page 44. 1993 TAX ROLL 01/26/94 1993 TANGIBLE P~I~ONAL PROFERTY .:,., No. Date 01/21/94 01/25/94 · 1993-120/122 ;1993-124/125 :*~: ,.// ~ There being no further business for the Good of the Count~, the aeeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:55 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD,S, OF SPECIAL D=RICTS UNDER ITS ,_ ,,fT ~pproved by the Board on ~j or as corrected Page 45