BCC Minutes 03/14/1994 B (Budget Workshop) Naples, Florida, March 14, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in .~. and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(a) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted buaineaa herein, let on this date at g:00 A.M. in #01t~$HOP SESSION in Building "F' of the government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: ALSO PRESENT CHAZRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine (Absent) VICE-¢HAII~V~N: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael ~. Volpe Burr L. Saunders Sue Barblrettt and Marilyn Fernlay, Recording Becretartem; Michael SmykowskJ, Acting Budget Director; Nell Dotrill, County Manager; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Servtcea Admintatrator; David Ruaaell, Acting Solid Waate Director; John Boldt, Water Managelent Director; George Yllmaz, Pollution Control Director; Tom :tlii[i~-[- Conracode, Office of Capital ProJecta Management Director Page March 14, lg94 ~:~';'~?" Legal notice having been published In the Maple. Daily ~ews on :'~' . March 10~ 1994. a~ evldenced ~ Affldavl~ of Publicetlon flied ~Jth .' . the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Acting Budget Director Smykowski explained the Departsentel budgets will be presented with the services ranked as "Mandated", "Ellentill", "Dlecretlonaz~/", or "liot Recommended". Mr. Saykowek! reported that "Mandated" services are those required by Federal, State or Local regulations. necessary to protect health and safety or necessary to maintain County capital asset value. He slid that the second category is "Essential" programs determined to be essential to the operations of the County. He stated that the third category Is "Discretionary; programs that are neither mandated nor considered to be essential, noting these programs are subject to revenue constraints. He explained that the fourth category Is "Not Rsco~a~ended" which reflects those program areas the ~ard deterlines not to ~ funded. Bill ~orenz, Environmental Services Administrator, explained that the ~aee Level Operating portion of the Solid Waste Program Is 73~ of the total budget. He explained tt Is made up of the lisplee Landfill and l~okllee Landfill operations. lie said that the recycling progreJs are also Included because they are ~andated by the State. ~e~ted tAa~ the ~p~t etaf~ o~ P]a~ng and A~nJ~t~at~on included. Mr. ~renz ~ounced that the second program 1l Mandatory Garbage Collection ~hlch Includes ~aste Nanagesent ~d I~okalee Dls~sal. i~lllned that this ~as not Included tn the Base Level ~cause the ~lrd of C~ty Co~lsstoners has adopted an Ordinance retiring ~an- ~ ~ee~nee to Co~m/es]onec Vo]pe. ~, Lorenz exp)~lned that 1.5 full tl~ ~loyeee m~e mllocmted to that p~og~a~ fo~ contract ~anage- ~nt ~d ~ntenlnce of the mandatory bJ]]lng functions. He ~e~a~ked ,0~ ~l,,[ Page 2 .'Solid Waste Department. f: Commissioner Volpe commented that he believes Mr. Conracode pro- ceased the assessment roll with changes. County Nanager Dorrlll revealed that Nr. Conracode processes the special assessments only. David Russell, Acting Solid Waste Director, emphasized that the docmaentatlon for every change Is processed through the Solid Waste Department. He mentioned that he requested additional personnel to address this workload on previous occasions. Comisstoner Volpe stated that the functions of the Solid Waste .**-~, Department, Tax Collector and Clerk of Courts should be consolidated. · County Nanager Dorrtll agreed to develop a consolidation proposal prior to the line Item budget consideration. Mr. Lorenz explained that the Transfer Stations serve as a con- venience for certain groups to dispose of waste when use of curbside service is not practical. He stated that the expenses of the Stations are greater than the revenue received. He said that the operating expenses are being subsidized by the tipping fees. Coviaeisner Saunders pointed out if the fees are Increased It would result In the Increase of illegal dumping. Commissioner Volps questioned whether the Naples Transfer Station could be consolidated with the Naples Landfill. Mr. Russell replied that It would be possible to relocate the Transfer Station at the entrance of the landfill. lie stated that he is not aware of any discussion between the City and the County regarding consoltdat ton. In response to Commissioner Norris, Hr. Russell Indicated that the Carnest~ Tryafar Station ts open Nonday, ~ednesday and Friday fros 8~00 A.N. to 5:00 P.N. He stated ~ha~ a reduction to one day is being considered. open daily, except for Sunday and ~ednesday. He stated that customers Page 3 I;~i;?:~-have ~uggested a Sunday and Monday closing. March 14, X994 CanalsSAcher Norris agreed with the suggestion. Mr. Lorenz stated that the next program is Nazardous Waste. He stated that two activities are accounted for in the program. Ne said one activity is Amnesty Days, adding that this year there were 1,050 '~"~ cleanout of the Nazardous Waste Collection Center at the Naples ~:: Landfill. He indicated that the budgeted amount of $150,000.00 is for the hauler to haul off the hazardous waste. Mr. Lorenz noted that the fifth program, Landfill Mining, saves the County from immediate closure of Cells 1 and 2 of the Naples Landfill. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Lorenz stated that the problem with the landfill mining ts that the County still cannot recover many materials that must be replaced in the lined cell. He said that the incremental benefit of providing additional space is beneficial. Mr. Lorenz Indicated that until the technical problem of separating mined material is resolved, too much material is being returned Into the lined cell to continue with mining concept. Ne said .that the because the County is avoiding the closure costs of Cella ! and 2, the economics work well for the current limited use of landfill mining. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Lorenz replied that the rates are set for the closure of the landfill. He indicated that if the Board decides to look for an additional site In Collier County for a new landfill the rates will have to be raised to acqutre the land for the new site. Xn response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Russell stated that an additional seven years may be gained with the present landfill mining activity. Ne indicated if landfill mining ts discontinued the land- fill will run out of space by the year 2001/2003, however, with mining, space would be available to the year 2010. Page · March 14, 1994 Mr. Lorenz announced that Staff'm ranking for Program 1 te "Mandatory", Programs 2, 3 and 4 are considered "Essential" and Program 5 lm considered "Discretionary". Commissioner Saunders stated that in terms of the upcoming fiscal year, the possible alternatives for Program 5, Landfill Mining, will not be Implemented for some time, therefore, Program 5 should be con- sidered "Essential". Mr. Lorenz agreed. ess Co~atsslonar Conltantlna left the ~eetlng at thtl time see In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrtl! stated If any agency reorganization is to occur it will be effective on October 1. (1322) li~/?~././ Mr. Lorenz noted tha~ the Base Level te 82~ of the Department's ~dget which constats of minimal administration of aquatic plant Mr. Lorenz described Pro~ras 2 as an enhancement of Level ~, which 640 acras ue~n~ additional herbicide drainage coverage. Mr. Lorenz stated that Program 3 Is the Ditch Bank Clearing $416,000.00, but due to prtvattzatton the cost is do~ to $85,000.00. Mr. Lorenz described Maintenance gaeemen~ as the fourth program. He stated that this ~e an ongoln~ program for the acquisition of matn- ten~ce easements ~d the ability to treat the secondary drainage Jo~ Boldt, Water Management Director, stated that Program 5, F~eld S~aff Support, add=eases the problem of ==~t~=a~ program~ tha~ Co~t~ Manager DorrtlJ stated tha~ he requested ~upp~e~ental Infor~tlon on this Item. He stated that he Initially showed ~t as . 'Not Reco~ended" ~t is w~lllng to review Staff's evidence to the contras. Page March 14, 1994 Couissloner Saunders stated that he does not have a probles lasvlng Program 5 as 'Discretionary". Nro Boldt stated that Program 6, ts a request for additional snh~cement for the Aquatic Plant Control Program which will Increase productivity. He said that additional funds are needed for herbicide products and the purchase of a mobile spray apparatus. County Manager Dotrill clarified that the mobile spray apparatus will be a s~ll, ATV-type vechtcle. Nr. Boldt explained that Program ?, Accelerated Ditch Bank Clearing, will provide for the clearing of the Infeststics of brazi- lian pepper. He noted that approximately 23 miles of canals are Infested. He said that the program Is currently funded at $85,000.00 which Is sufficient to clear 6.2 miles. He said that at thts rate, 5 years will be required to remove the Brazilian Pepper from the worst areas. He stated that at the same time the plant Is spreading rapidly throughout the County. He suggested accelerating the program from 5 years to 3 years in order to assure that the situation does not get out of hand. In response to Coutssloner Norris, Hr. Boldt revealed that Ditch B~nk Clearing Is privatized. County Manager Dorrlll revealed that there is a program In place. Commissioner Norris stated that he would like to see the problel addressed. He stated that he would like to see the ires ranked as 'Discretionary' In order to discuss it further. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Boldt confirmed that Progr~ I Is "~4andatory", Programs 2, 3, 4, and 6 are "~-ssentlal", [';i:~:, ~nd Programs 5 and ? "Discretionary". . }:?' ~', (1631) :;~' '~p~rt~ent~s other progr~s. Mr. ~orenz stated that the Base Level Is a 'Mandatory' Program which accounts for approximately 50~ of the Department's budget. Mr. Lorenz explained that the Base Level 1 Program consists of any quality control or assurance that must be provided for the He remarked that this program to also 000,,,.: 08 Page 6 March 14, 1994 sand~ted b~ the State. He reviewed the programs assigned to Base ~evel 1. He pointed out that funding for a certain amount of the pro~rmas is being reimbursed by the State and others are funded from ad-valorem taxes. Nr, Lorenz stated that Program 3 denotes that the Pollution Control Department is operating the Hazardous Waste Collection Program. He said funding will still come fro~ the Solid ~aste Department through tipping fees. Nr. Lorenz explained that Progras 4, Technical Assistance, provi- des a variety of County departments with technical Information In order to determine if a project should be done in-house. In response to Commissioner Volpe, George Yllmaz, Pollution Control Director, replied that State funding will be available in the next fiscal year. In response to Coulseloner Norris, Nr. Yt]maz confirmed that prl- vatlzatlon Is being considered for a number of operations0 epectfl- ~ cally the monitoring programs He stated that he will have a cost comparison by the end of the current fiscal year. Coulssloner Norris etated that he would like to see the cost cos- parleon as soon as possible because he believes that It could be contracted out on a fee basis. Cellosloner Volpe agreed with Commissioner Norris. In answer to Co~lssloner Norris, Mr. Smykowskl stated that $2.1 illlion Is devoted to the clean-up and restoration program funded the State for the contaminated petroleum sites. Mr. Yllsaz stated that Program 1 Is ranked as 'Mandatory" and Progru 2 is "Discretionary'. Hr. S~yko~aki revealed that Progra~ 2 would be ranked 'Nanda~ory' ~ definition because It Is administration of a local Ordinance. Nr. Yll~z reported that Prograns 3 and 4 are ranked '~ssential'. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. ¥tlmaz confirmed that a large &mount of the staff are production people as described on the organizational chart provided In the Program Package Summary. Page ? March 14, 3994 Zn reference to the organizational chart, Co~missioner Volpe questioned the need of four Senior Fiscal Clerks. Mr. Yllmaz stated that these positions are utilized tn budget pre- parat ion. Commissioner VOlDe asked if the office administration could be consolidated using computer technology? Mr. Ytlmaz confirmed that it would be possible. (2471) Hr. Lorenz ~ounced that the Natural Resources Department ha~ no Mr. Lorenz stated that the Level I Service program As comprised a~ 56~ of the tota~ department. He reported ~hat this Level of Service conrathe within the Growth Management Plan (GMP) two major programs: the continuation of the Natural Resource Protection Area programs and, depending on Board direction, the Habitat Protection Ordinance or review requirements of the OMP to address certain habitats. Mr. Lorenz reviewed Program 2, Technical Assistance. He stated that the Natural Resources Department is providing Internal support to various County departments on a variety of projects. Mr. Lorenz stated that Program 3, the Artificial Reef Program, denotes no Staff time. He said that the Artificial Reef Program is basically State funded. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Lorenz replied that the problem in increasing the Artificial Reef Program is not acquiring materials, but rather transporting and placing the materials. Mr. SmykowskI explained that at one time there was funding available but the decision was made not to fund this program with General Fund non-ad valorem taxes. Commissioner Norris remarked that this seems to be an economical way to Increase a recreational asset that would he heavily used. Mr. Lorenz stated that without donations to fund the cost of transport and placement it is Impossible to Increase the program at this time. Page 8 March 14, 1994 County Manager Dorrlll stated that Staff is evaluating a proposal to expand the Artificial Reef Program next year. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz replied that he is developing an option paper for the County Manager to determine whether the position of Natural Resource Director should be filled. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz confirmed that all of the office staff is reporting to him. He stated that secretarial sup- port is still necessary. Mr. Lorenz stated that Levels ! and 2 are ranked "Essential", and Level 3 is ranked as "Discretionary". Mr. Lorenz stated that the Administration consists of his position and a administrative secretary which provides the overall planning. He etated that it is ranked as "Discretionary". Commissioner Norris pointed out that under the County Manager's current structure this item should be ranked "Essential". **" Itscasa: 10:25 AN - Reconvenad: 10:33 AN At thta ttme Recording Secretary Fernlay replaced Recording Secretary Barblrett! **e (30~0) O~fice of Capital Projects Nanagement Tom Conracode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, stated that there are three (3) items in the proposed budget and the first Item is Base Level of Service. He explained that Base Level of Service provides those services necessary to support capital improve- ment elements and master plan projects and encompass administrative duties of project management, project accounting, correspondence, construction management, inspection and design. Mr. Conracode stated that the number of personnel required is R?.5, at a cost of $2,089,300 and represents 60 percent of the total proposed budget. He ranked this ltea as mandatory. Mr. Conracode stated that the second Item is Non-Capital Improvement Element Projects. He explained that 36 percent of the budget or $1,253,600 is involved in this Item and requires 16.5 employees to perform the duties which are nearly identical to the Base Level package in terms of staff activities but addresses those pro- Page 9 March 14, 1994 Jects not formally adopted Into the Growth Management Plan. He explained that examples of FY 94 non-CIE projects Include Tigertail Beach Parking Expansion, Immokalee Government Center Expansion/Renovation, Helicopter Hangar, Water Plant Odor Control and NSTU projects. He ranked this Item as essential. Commissioner Norris questioned whether economizing within the Office of Capital Projects Management by redtrecttng efforts, restruc- turing, or utilizing outside services have been considered? Mr. Conrecode stated that the department is analyzing how much more responsibility the department can undertake rather than having tt done externally. He explained that the consolidation of capital func- tions has allowed for economizing and better coordination on projects relating to water management, utilities, transportation, etc. He stated that the availability of talent makes it easy to address minor project issues rather than getting with a consultant and has resulted in Increased efficiency. He Indicated that Staff is also Investi- gating ways to become more cost effective by doing more projects in- house. Mr. Conrecode stated that a detailed summary is being prepared of how the first eight (8) months of economizing has worked and will be presented to the Board at the end of June. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Conrecode explained that the current total of capital projects Is $335.8 mlll~on over s number of years and project turnover is approximately $100-$120 million annually. He stated that of the $100 million, approximately $350,000 · Is for non-CIE projects. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Conrecode explained that he is operating at 3.5 percent under project cost for this fiscal year. Mr. Conrecode stated that item three (3) le Coastal/Inlet Projects ·nd represents four percent (4~) of the total budget or $139,300. He ranked this Item as discretionary. Commissioner Norris stated that the Coastal/Inlet Projects are essential to recreation needs in Collier County and the County ts Page 10 Hatch 14, 1994 obligated to perform these services for the citizens. He ranked this Lte~ as essential. Commissioner Volpe stated that while the projects are essential, the question ts who is providing the service. Mr. Conracode stated that there two full time employees indicated for the Coastal/Inlet Projects: one full time engineer and & fraction of a aecretary~s time and construction inspector's time. Commissioner Volpe questioned Jf Bill Neron is paid separately for the work he performs on the Marco Island Beach Renouriahment Project? ~ Mr. Conracode stated that Mr. Neron's time Is billed to the HSTU. · County Hanager DartIll stated that total dollar figures are pre- sented today and when the line Item budget Is presented, It will lndl- cate where the charge backs from the various MSTD funds occur. Mr. Sy~kowskl stated that under the Beach, Coastal, and Inlet Projects, the Statement of Revenue Impact indicates that the projects and staff time are funded by MSTU and tourist taxes. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrtll stated that Items designated as Discretionary or above will remain in place until the su~er budget hearings when the Board of County Commissioners recommend budget cuts, then the lowest ranked programs will be con- lidsred for elimination first. Nr. Sy~ko~skl stated that Items classified as Essential and Discretionary will be Included in the line Item budget process which .,~. will be reviewed by ~anagera In May and presented for Board of County '~:~" Coulssloners revle~ In June. County Hansget Dotrill stated that the Executive Office program budget Is unchanged from last year. He explained that the Base Level ~upport represents approximately 50 percent of the total budget and is .~ndatory. Nr. Dotrill explained that the Service To The Public And To The Board of County Co~lasloners item and the Board of County !.3 Page 11 March 14, 1994 Comissloners Agenda Preparation and Board Related Items represent the expanded management service to both the public and overall agency and weekly Board meeting agenda, special meeting agenda and executive sum- mar~ processes. He stated that these two items are considered Essential. Mike Sy~kowskt, Ac~lng Budge~ Director, stated that there are six (6) progr~ packages Involved with the Office of ~anaoesent and Budge~ (OMB) with the first one, Base Level of Service, representing prepara- tion of the budget Jn compliance with the Truth in Millage Act and requires approximately 3.5 full tJ~e e~plo~ees. He ranked this tte~ as H~datory. Mr. S~owskt stated that the Enhanced Budget Preparation and Control ~te~ Is a more comprehensive program antailing the line process, the budget workshops, department detail disclosure, review of budget amendments, monitoring of revenues and expenses, etc. and represents the work effort currently being provided. He ranked this item as Essential. Mr. S~lrmkowski explained that the third item, Total quality Management, is a continuation of the Quality Zmprovement Program admi- nistration and the goal for the coming year ks to have 30 percent of the team complete a comprehensive quality Improvement program to more effectively and efficiently perform County services. He ranked this Item as Essential. Mr. Sy~kowski stated that item four {4) is entitled Enhanced Budget Preparation and Control, Level 1, and requires one half of a full time employee. He explained that since a Budget Analyst position was added in 1988, the County budget has increased by $100 million with 42 additional funds to review and monitor on an on-going basis. He explained that the department i8 developing efficiency and productivity measures and has also assumed some work previously per- formed by the Finance Department which includes preparation of weekly budget amendments and resolutions, quarterly public hearing documents Page 12 March 14, 1994 and maintenance of all budget amendment files. He pointed out that this Item also provides greater opportunity for professional develop- ment training to staff members. He ranked this item as Essential. Mr. Symkowskl stated that the Management and Productivity Analysis item Includes special research and management consulting projects prl- · . marlly In between budget preparation cycles and includes privatizing, departmental process studies, user fee analysis, etc. He pointed out that this item also includes centrally administered programs such as securing FEMA and State reimbursements for storm related damage. He ranked this item as Discretionary. Mr. Symkowskt stated that the last program is Research, Public Information, and Committee Staff Support which Includes research and analytical services to complete surveys required by elected and appointed officials, State and Federal agencies, County department directors, various citizens groups and member of the public. He explained that this item requires one half {1/2) of a full time employee. lie ranked this Item as Discretionary. In response to Comntsstoner Volpe, County Manager Dorrlll stated that one half (1/2) of a secretarial position and half time (1/2) of the Assistant to the County Manager position within his budget and one half [1/2) of a full time employee in the OMB budget Is dedicated to assisting the public and the Board of County Commissioners. Conuntssioner Volpe questioned if an opportunity for combining the two operations Is available? Mr. Dotrill explained that there are two (2) completely different types of Issues handled by each of those offices, i.e. OMB for finan- cial and budget Information and the County Manager's office handles mainly complaint resolutions or requests for information other than financial. Mr. Dotrill announced that the Health Department budget workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, 1994 from 11:00 A.M. to P.M. but needs to be rescheduled because of an engagement at 11:30 A.M. that members of the Board of County Commissioners are attending. Page 13 Narch 14~ 1994 I~ was the consensus of the Board that the Health Department budget be heard on Monday, March 21, 1994 from 12:00 PoM. to 1:00 PoMo There belng no further business for the Good of the County, the ~eetJng ~ae adjourned by Order of t~e Chalr -Tlme: 10:55 AM. Page 14