BCC Minutes 03/23/1994 B (Budget Workshop) Nap]es. Florida, March 23. 1994 ~ ~. LET IT BE !~BERED, that the Board of County Comlssioners in ~d for th® County of Collier° and also acting as the Board of Zoning ~ &pp~ala and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as hav~ been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. In MORJ~SHOP SESSIOI ~n Building '~ #F" Of the Oovernasnt Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following nenb~ra present: CHAIRHAM: Timothy ~. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norrio (Absent) Mlchae! J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Sue Barblrettt0 Recording Secretary: Michael $nykmwkl, Acting Budget Director: Jean Ganzel, Budget Analyst: Ne$! Dorrlll, County Manager; Tom OilIll, Public Services &d~lnlatrator; Denise Coleman, Agriculture Director; Steve Brinkman, Park~ & Recreation Director; Martha Skinner, Socia! Services DArector~ ~ohn Jones, Library Director: Ron Jaaro, ~ussu~ Director: ~ ~chulz, Veterans Services Director: and 6ene Staudenmeler, Animal Control Director. Page Hatch 23, 1994 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 20, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, a workshop was held to review program budgets for 1994-95 fiscal year. ~#1 (0~) Dentes Coleman, Agriculture Director, stated that there are no changes in the Program Priorities Budget. She said that Base Level should be ranked "Essential" and Programs 2 through 5 "Discretionary-. (o6 ) :,: l)ubllc Sez~rtcee D~v~eLo~ Tom Olltff, Public Services Division, reported that there 18 no Base Level for this program. He stated that the operation of the administration office itself is a two person operation which has not ,~. changed from lest year. :. County Manager Dorrill remarked that the Administration Programs have been ranked "Essential". It was the consensus of the Board to rank the Administration Program "Essential". (og2) Steve Br/n~an, Parks and Recreation Director, indicated that Programs 1 through 14 should be ranked "Discretionary,, Mr. Brinkman stated that the new additions are referenced by Programs 15 through 22. He said that included the new facilities that are coming on line next year. Mr. Brinkman indicated that Program 15 would allow the employment of two maintenance persons for the Pelican Bay operation ' Mr. Brinkman revealed that Program 16 would allow for a Park Ranger to patrol Vanderbilt Beach and Clam Pass. Public Services Administrator Olliff reported that the Vanderbilt Beach Homeowners Association requested extra security at the parking lots. He said that the view of the parking lot As obstructed by langrovss that have grown between the parking lot and the road. He 0:3' Page 2 March 23, 1994 reported that the County is pursuing permits to cut the mangroves. In response to Commissioner Matthews, County Manager Dotrill replied that the mangroves will not fall under the safety permit because these mangroves grow along the south side of Vanderbilt Beach Road. He said that there is a great deal of community interest regarding the possible removal/trAmming of the mangroves. He stated that he believes that obtaining the trimming permit will be difficult. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brinkman confirmed that if a Staff person in the kiosk building would eliminate the need for the Park Ranger. County Manager Dotrill announced that the Issue of beach fees revenue wall be addressed in the tentative budget process. He noted that the tiered fee option will be discussed at this time. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 16 "Not Recommended". In response to Commissioner Norris. Mr. Olltff replied that Program 15 should be ranked "Essential" because it Is a 15 acre park that is under construction. Commissioner Matthews remarked that the same is true for the ~,~.'iImmokalee Pool Center. She said that In order to have a pool facl- · l~t¥, Staff is required to maintain it. In response to Comm~ssioner Norris, Mr. Brinkman stated that Progr~ 15 through 11 should be ranked "Essential" because they ~nvolve Capital Projects in the upcoming year. He said Program 22 will be on line later in the process. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the items should be ranked "Discretionary" because they are not essential to the operation of the County. L' Mr. Olliff stated that if that is the case, Programs 15 through 22 L i'should be ranked "Discretionary". Commimetoner Matthews suggested that another level of ranking be develo~d. She stated that there are a great number of services that are 'Discretionary" under the present ranking system and wall Page 3 March 23, 1994 COBS before ths Board later in the budgeting process when It Is not th/ Intention of the Board to revisit them. Couissloner Constantine commented that last year the definition for 'Discretionary' was a dire need for a service. Commissioner Constantine asked If any of these programs were man° dated by the Orowth Management Plan? Mr. Brinkman replied that many of the capital facilities are man- "~' 'dated by the Oro~th Hanagement Plan. Commissioner Matthews reiterated that if funds are spent on ~lldlng. the facility ~et ~ maintained. Co~tmmioner Hatth~e stated that she is ~ntroducing this am a thought process for next year me that Staff will not spend additional time trying to ~ultlfy an expenditure that the Board of County Commissioners knows will be eliminated. Martha Skinner, Social Services Director, explained that the budget priorities are the same as last year. She stated that the Base Lave2 ie "~mndated" and Programs 2, 3 and 4 are ranked "~ssenttal". Ns. Skinner explained that County Medicaid mandate dictates that the Count~/ must pay & portion of the cost of State Medicaid patients from Collier County that need hospital and/or nursing home care. She stated that it Is difficult to project how many people will need care '~.' or how long they will need It, but the amount budgeted Is No, Skinner stated that Medicaid Nursing Home Care cost is approximately $1700000.00. serving approximately 180 clients annually. Ns. Skinner explained that the Health Care Responsibility Act is obligation for all County's In the event that an Indigent person I~lst !~l sent to a hospital outside the County. Ns. Skinner indicated that the Indigent Burials program consists of approximately 50 persons annually. No. Skiltrier explained that the budget amount for Abused Children - 000,,','. 05 Page 4 March 23, 1994 Medical ~xa~ Is lower than last year's because applicants are encouraged to apply for Medicaid. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Ms. Skinner stated that in the event that a family member comes to claim someone interred through the Indigent Burial program, the family member must reimburse costs and pay for removal costs. Me. Skinner reported that the Services of Seniors program provides · way to have elderly citizens in the County live in their own homes. She explained that the County matches State and Federal Grant funds. She maid that this program has approximately 350 clients per year. Me. Skinner explained that the Emergency Medical Assistance program is designed for citizens who need medical care, have no funds available and do not qualify for assistance. Ms. Skinner stated that Emergency General Assistance provides for for those citizens who have been ill and cannot work. She said that In the event they are unable to obtain shelter, this program will pay for short-term, emergency shelter. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Skinner confirmed that the Base Level program be ranked "Mandatory", program 2, 3 and 4 'Essential". (820) John Jones, Library Director, presented a report to the Board. (Copy not provided to the Clerk's Office). He reported that the main library serves approximately 1,000 persons each day. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Jones replied that the library system utilizes a large number of volunteers. He pointed out that training for a volunteer costs the same as a salaried employee. Commissi~ner Norris commented that the statistics in the report reveal that Collier County has an outstanding library staff that serve the public in a cost effective manner. Mr. ellIll pointed out that at times the current library staff could not accomplish the work if it were not for volunteers. 06 Page 5 March 23, 1994 Nr0 Jones stated that If the system had not been automated, ear- ii' vice would not be at the high level that It is. Nro Jones revealed that approximately 65~ of the ~uvenIle popula- tion is based in the Golden Gate Estates area. He stated that he is requesting 4.5 employees in that area branch so that the hours may be extended and a strong Children's Program may be enacted. Commissioner Constantine asked if the Professional Librarian and the Children's Specialist positions that are requested could be incor- porated? Hr. Sones replied that Children's Speciallet's primary respon- sibility would be to the children's program. Nr. Olltff pointed out that this branch will also be the largest ~ In the County. He revealed that due to staffing constraints most of the branches are closing at 7:00 p.m. He said that he would like the hours extended so that the working population could take advantage of the system. He added that if the hours are extended, a staff of more ~'; than one person should be available for security reasons. , Commissioner Saunders agreed. He stated that any County faci- lity should have more than one person on duty. ~.. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 7 "Essential", · Commissioner Constantine suggested that Programs 1 through 6 be :~ ranked "Essential/Discretionary". ~' In response to Commissioner Matthews, Jean Ganzel, Budget Analyst, replied that the $388,?00.00 budgeted for Program 3 is for 10 full ~ :'..time employees only. ~!~ Mr. Jon,~8 commented on the Importance of automation to the library -,. system. He stated that the hardware and network support Is available through the Data Processtng/M.I.S. Department. He revealed that there Is no systems help available. He revealed that one employee who had been hired to catalog Is now training on the automation system. He explained that he Is requesting a position to handle the automation system. Commissioner Constantine commented that although he appreciates Page 6 March 23, 1994 the work that must be accomplished, he questions the need for a full time employes. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 8 "Discretionary". In response to Commissioner Constantine, County Manager Derrill replied that he did not recommend Childrents Programming because it historically has been provided by the Friends of the Library to pre- sent puppet shows and story telling for children. He suggested that if the Friends of the Library chose not to provide for this program, corporate sponsorship could be investigated in lieu of having ad- valorem taxes fund it. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 9 "Not Racouended". Mr. Jones emphasized that the North branch of the library is being overwhelmed. Mr. Olliff pointed out that the circulation for the North branch Is 6 times the State average. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program l0 "Kssenttal/Dtscrettonar¥". Mr. Dotrill explained that he did not recommend program 11 as It pertains to the audio/visual room. He remarked that he believed that the i~mediate priority was opening the Golden Oates Estates Branch. Mr. Olltff remarked that the use of personal computers at the library branches has grown into a public reliance and expectancy. He mentioned that some people run their business with the use of the library computers. In response to Commissioner constantine. Mr. Jones replied that the position being requested would provide technical support to main- tain these computers. County Manager DartIll proposed a contract with the provider for repairs and patron assistance. CantssiGner Norris suggested the Implementation of a user fee. CamsIsotoner Matthews agreed with the suggestion and suggested Page 7 March 23, 1994 ~tlmt · log be kept to track who the users are and the amount of time *~ that $s being used. Commissioner Constantine stated that the personal computers should stay in place. He disagreed with the user fee because It would be difficult to differentiate between a student doing homework and a person using the computer for his business. Mrs allIll pointed out that it Is difficult to charge for any library services because the State library system has stringent rules regarding service fees. He suggested that because this Item le ranked 'D~scretlonar¥~ and will be part of the budget process, Staff will provide addltlon&l Information. Commissioner Constantine recalled that the Board had previously rlnked an Item aa 'Not Recommended" but agreed to review additional lnforlmtlon to Justify the program. He suggested the same in this The coneenlus of the Board was to rank Program ll "Not RecoBmended', but agreed to review additional information. It was t~m consensus of the Board to rank Program 12 'Discretionary". Commissioner Norris stated that because Programs 13 through 16 have been ranked "Not Recommended" by the County Manager that the BoLrd rink the~ 'Discretionary/Not Recommended" at this time. Commissioner Kitthews requested ~ore ~nforaation on the expanded o~rat~ng hour~. It ~ the consensus of the ~ard to rank Progras 13 "DlecrltJonau/Not Recouended', Program 14 "Discretionary/Not Reco~nded', Progra~ 15 '~ot Recapended', and Progra~ 16 'Dlecretlona~/Rot Recapended'. ~'~' Ron 3~o, ~leu Director, stated that the progru prior/t/es are basically the same as the previous year'a. Mr, ~alro remarked that the request for a Collection Curator was Page 8 March 23, 1994 &leo requested last year. He stated that there has been no Increase In~ueeua staff in the last five years although responsibilities have Increased. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Nr. Jamrs replied that funding from the Friends of the Huesum appears promising. Nr. Jamro stated that Programs I through 6 should be ranked "Discretionary". Conissioner Constantine suggested that Programs 1 and 2 be ranked "Essential", Programs 3, 4, and 5 "Discretionary". Nr. Dotrill stated that he considered Program 6 as "Not Rsconended". He remarked that one person is responsible for coor- dinating field trips and curriculum activities for the Collier County school system. It was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 6 "Not Recoaended", but agreed to review any additional Information. Mr. Olllff suggested that the Board of County Commissioners approach the Collier County School Board with a request for funding assistance. · Veteraz S rvJcee Lew Schulz, Veterans Services Director, stated that the program priorities have remained the same as last year's. Xt was the consensus of the Board to rank Programs I and 2 "Essential". ;:'; (s4si) ,~...Ani~al Control Mr. Olllff reported that Programs 1 through 5 be ranked "Essential". He explained that the compliance rate of neuter/spaying program is 72~, Program 6 would provide an additional employee to enforce the additional 25~ compliance. see Om~iasioner Saunders left the meeting at this ti~e Gens Staudenmaier, Animal Control Director, stated that the adop- tion mechanism is not computerized. Mr. Olllff confirmed that It Is a manual process at this time. He ,oo, 000,, , lO Page 9 March 23, 1994 stated that exceptions to compliance are tracked and letters are sent to those Individuals who are not in compliance. ~t was the consensus of the Board to rank Program 6 "Not Recommended". Nr. Olllff revealed that the Collier County Animal Control Departsent 1s serving approximately 5,000 more persons per employee than any of the County's surveyed. ~n reference to Program ?, Commissioner Constantine suggested that a temporary worker could be hired to input the Initial computer tnfor- ~ation. Commissioner Natthews agreed with the suggest/on. Zt was t2e consensus of the Board to rank Programs ? and 8 ', "Discretionary/Not Recommended". (407 It ~s the consensus of the Board to rank Programs I and 2 'Essential~. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the nesting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - 11:00 A.M. Page 10