BCC Minutes 03/22/1994 R Naples, Florida, March 22, 1994 :.: LE? %? BE R~IEMBEREO, that the Board of County Connimmioners In for the Comity of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have.been created according to law and having conducted business set on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGUL&R S~SSI0N in Building F~.,~"of the Governsent Cosplax, East Naples, Florida, with the lashers present: CHAIP~AN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: ALSO '.PRESENT: Timothy J. Constantine Bettye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders Sue Barbiretti, Charlene Metz, Marilyn Fernle¥, $ecretarles~ Netl Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwarde, to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; George ~'chibald, Traneportatlon Services Adalnietrator: Dick Clark, 'Coa~mnlty Developsent Services Adstnlstrator; ?os Olltff, Public Adalnlstrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services ~lstrator; Wayne Arnold, Acting Planning and Engineering Chief; Nulhere, Acting Current Planning Director; Mike McNees, Acting Utllittss'Ad~inlstrator= Michael S~ykowski, Acting Budget Director; Clark, Acting Coaaunity Developsent Adstnistrator~ Stan Oro~th Management Chief; Ray Bellows, Ron Ntno, and Sam Planners; Barbara Cacchione, Chief Planner; Sue Fileon, Adainistratlve Assistant to the Board= ~d Deputy Kevin Nelson, '1 Office. Page I Hatch 22, ~994 &PPROVED WITH CHANGES Comaleeloner Norris moved. seconded by Coastseisner Volpe edunaniaousl¥, to appr~e the agenda with the ch~ge8 as ~ta~l~ on the Agen~ Chugs Sheet. Page 2 (2o4)/ ~ ~ - AFFR~ JUl"D/OR ADOI)TZD Hatch 22. 1994 lotion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item Ii:I:Iro"l'l~ ol, ~ !~,GUIdkR !(~.~l'IIG 0Y KJLRC]~ 1, 1994 - APPROV*E,D ;;'ColalllAOner Kltthl~ moved, leconded by Coi~lalIoner IorrIa and .... :':u~tlou~l¥, to approve the Mtnute~ of the Regular Neeting of l, 1994. FROCL&N&TION D~ZGN&TZNG THE NONTB OF APRIL, 1994, J~ C~ZLD ABUSl r10~~$ NONTH - ADOPTED Upon re~dlng the proc/a~ltton, Colmleatoner Conatanttne moved, leconded by Colmlastoner Saunders and carried unantmoual¥, that the on design&ting the month of April, 1994, ml Child Abule 'Prev~tlonJb~irenell )lonth be adopted. Sacqueline HcDonald and Susan 3o¥ Smellte of IDEAS accepted the )r~cla~atton. Page 3 March 22, 1994 PROCT~M~TZ'ON DBSZlYJ~AT[NG TU~SD&Y, I~ECH 22, :1994, &S GXOlqG~e BUSH AND ~(BUS~ D&Y - ADOPTED f ('f-Upon reading the proclaaatlon, Co-~leeloner Saundere moved, b~ Comtestoner !~atth~e and carried unant~oue:1y, that the Proclarion dee~gnatlng that Tueeda¥, March 22, :1994, aa George Bueh Barbara Buah Day be adopted. -Vickie Vaughn accepted the proclamation. ~.~.. ,'7 :1.2 ~***:~: * March 22, 1994 [te~ #8 !~:)O~' AM~MI:]I~3~5 94-2D?, 94-260, 94-263, 94-2~8, 94-283 ~ 94-286 - [.Commissioner Yelps ~oved, seconded by Canisstoner Norris and ~'~,.'carrle4 vn~ntmou. ly, to adopt ~dget ~n~nto 94-25~, 94-260, /~94-263, 94-2~8, 94-283 ~d 94-286. (48 ) Xt~ ~X Barbara Cacchtone, Chief Planner, recalled that the Marco Island Civic Association requested that a Master Plan for Marco Island be ,ped.' :~:::: Ms* Cacchtone remarked that Marco Island is a unique, geographt- situated community that was planned and zoned in the 1960"s. :She revealed that the Infrastructure requirements were not analyzed as what would occur based on the buildout potential. She stated that i'iths Issues regarding redevelopment in the event of a hurricane or as areas get older must be addressed. She reported that beach access i~;!~::and the impact of surrounding development is another subject that must i~":i:ibe reviewed. She remarked that the seasonal population of Marco varies by as much as 60~. She concluded that what is needed is great deal of input from the community as to the quality of life i{that is desired. "- Me. Cacchione stated that the project would take approximately two to complete. She said that an additional Senior Planner, at a of $42,000.00 including benefits, would be needed to accomplish project. She reported that the existing Staff does not have the to accomplish the project within the current and projected work'program. '::In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Cacchtone replied that ~lthough. Staff Is currently working on a buildout study, the Marco ~Ioland Master Plan would be a component of the study. .0K 000- 14 She said that Page Narch 22, 1994 he issues of redevelopment and beach access would not be addressed in buildout study. regard to comments made by Commissioner Yelps, Ms. Cacchione !Stated that redevelopment issues must be addressed for possible future b i dout. ,'Commissioner Saunders stated that he supports Staff's recommen- to do the master planning. He stated that the seasonal and population probably exceeds the Immokalee planning area. Commissioner Norris remarked that there are ongoing discussions iwhich will become part of this master plan if approved. He said that utilities planning is being discussed by several committees ~eously. He stated that this is a good opportunity to ,;>~fintegrate all these efforts into the planning process. Harold Vann spoke on the subject. !~/. Commissioner Volpe stated that although he supports the concept, 5e questions whether results could be obtained from existing resources as opposed to an additional full time employee. ~, Commissioner Constantine stated that he supports the idea of · master planning but shares Commissioner Volpe's concerns regarding ~lication of effort. i Ms. Catchions said that there would be no duplication of effort. :iShe indicated that the demographic information obtained for the buildout study would be utilized. She stated that the buildout study will not address the community consensus on objectives and policies. i~i.ii~ ,~In rssponse to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Cacchione presented a of projects for the current year, including the evaluation and appraisal of the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that the projects on .page '! are estimated to be completed with the existing Staff. She ,reported that everything listed on page 2 is beyond the capability of ,g Staff. She noted that this item will be heard at the budget :~;hearing.'of April 6, 1994. ,.':~ .'Ms. Cacchione pointed out that the use of consultants may result ,~he'payment for information already available. Page 6 March 22, 1994 i~tStan,Litsinger, Acting Long Range Planning Director, stated that :he;existing information will be combined with the participation of ~h~.Marco Island residents. He revealed that the master planning will additional resources. J!'L:.Commissioner Constantine asked if Captain Day's proposed plan 'cOuld be used for this situation? ii.'i.!,Mr. Litsinger stated that this is a specific, technical planning position. He said that he is unsure if there would be anyone with the specific ski/is necessary. Commissioner Volpe remarked that program priority budgeting has :inot yet been discussed for Community Development. He remarked that he believed that the consensus of the Board is to proceed with the master :planning of Marco Island because the community desires it. He suggested that the discussion of how this will be accomplished be ~:.':]' deferred until the budget meeting for Community Development. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Conlsaloner Volpe and jc~rte~mnt~usl¥, that Staff be directed to proceed with the pre- of · Master Plan for Marco Island. ~' County Manager Dotrill stated that Human Resourcesf recommendation regarding Captain Dayfs plan is due the week of April 4, 1994. ~) ~8A2 ~ B~]U~RDO GARCIA FOR EXTENSION OF BUILDING PERMIT N0. ~91-9000 - APPROVED WITH STIPULATION Dick Clark, Acting Community Development Administrator, stated /~i'that Mr. Garcia obtained a building permit in 1991. He reported that Mr. Garcia has had some family medical problems. Mr:. Clark stated that although he does not doubt Mr. Garcta~s sin- i:cerity, the structure is not yet past the tie beam stage He said ?=that the Ordinance requires that construction must be substantially ~leted* within 18 months and mandates that inspections be made. He stated that neither have been done. He revealed that this is the :ime the permit has expired. Page ? Hatch 22, 1994 ?Mr. Clark indicated that he recommends that the extension be denied, however, if the Board grants the extension the approval be ~"..contingsnt upon the applicant providing an affidavit of construction inspection schedule within 10 days and that a certificate of ilsriCh be provided within six months or by August 21, 1994. He ~&dded that another requirement be stipulated in the affidavit to state that the applicant agrees to remove the structure and debris by October 21, 1994 if he has not done so. ,~ In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr Clark confirmed that the applicant had never submitted a construction schedule. Commissioner Volpe commented that if the extension ts not granted, /who will remove the structure? Mr. Clark stated that the County would have the authority to remove it. '~. County Manager Dorrtll stated that he spoke briefly to the appli- cant prior to the meeting. He explained that the applicant provided eome medical evidence for the record regarding a member of his family. County Attorney Cu¥1er stated that the Ordinance requires that the be held prior to the expiration of the building permit. In response to Commissioner Constantine, County Attorney Cuyler (-~'Sta~ad that on prior occasions the building permits were extended. He stated that on one occasion the permit expired before the hearing, although the applicant had applied for the hearing. He said that in hat case the Board granted a "grace period" of a week to ten days. ]~'~' Bernardo Garcia, stated that he recently sold his home in Miami and the funds from this transaction will enable him to finish the conatr~ction of the home within six months. He briefly explained his ,'~edical problems. -'~ I~ response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Garcia stated that he would ' comply with the stipulation suggested by Mr. Clark. Comicloser Norris ~oved, seconded by Co.~iaaloner Saunders to the per~lt with t~ stA~lat/on t~ the applAc~t pr~Ade ~ w~thln 10 ~ys. Page 8 Hatch 22, 2994 ;..: ,.Mr. Clark emphasLzed that the reason for the stipulation is that could be injured on the property. .. Coeualssioner Saunders advised Mr. Garcia to meet with County 'If Cu¥1er to present his with the required schedules within ten d~¥e because the extension will be denied otherwise. Mr. Garcia stated that he understands the retirements and will In response to Co~-tsatoner Saunders, Mr. Clark indicated that the expired approximately 30 days ago. Mr. Cuyler reiterated that the hearing Is not In accordance with Ordinance at thls time. a;,~. in response to Co~lsatoner Constantine, Mr. Clark clarified that jc0~pletlon date would be six months from today's date. ,:'-)! Upon'call for the question, the ~otlon carried unanimously. 1848) FL~T OF 'Q~S P~JU~ AT L~GO V~RDE, [rlt~K EIGHT' - ~PPROV~D Coulsstoner Volpe stated that he requested that both Item #8A3 '-and #8A4 be removed from the consent agenda because the petitioner is [a client of his law office, therefore he must abstain froI voting on the two ltels. Commissioner ]~orrle ~oved, seconded by Copiestoner Natthews to · ppro~ the final plat of '~ueens Park at Lags Verde, Phase Eight'. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 (Couleeloner ab~tained). Harch 22, 1994 PLAT OF 'QUEENS PARK AT LA(10 VERDE, PHASE SEVENs - APPROVED This item was discussed with Item #8A3, see above. '-,:.... Comissionsr Norris moved, seconded by Co~missioner Matthews to hl&pprov~ the final plat of "Queens Park at Lags Verde, Phase Sayann. Upon cal! for the question, the motion carried 4/0 ,Volp~ &b~tained). Page ! 0 March 22, 1994 !'!/REPORT AND RECOJOIKNDATION ON MAJOR BRIDGE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS FOR ': C.R. 92 AND PALM RIVER/WIF. LOUGHBY ACRES SUBDIVISIONS - APFROVKD STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOE C.R. 92 BRIDGE; STAFF DIRECTED TO PURSUE ~:~ BEOOTIATIONS WITH SFWMD AND STATE AND REPORT BACK ON LAKELAND/PALM RIVER BRID~ES Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this · item addresses repairs on the C.R. 92 Bridge and the replacement of "the Palm River Bridge. i'[~:~:'i'i':." Mr. Archibald stated that there are no structural problems with ~the Goodland Bridge. He said that the fender system is over 25 years old and in need of repair. He reported that Staff is recommending -signing to assure notice to boaters that the fender system is in "dierepair, review cost options for the removal of the fender system and follow through if the work can be done for less than the $6,500.00 that Staff has recommended for this phase of work. tle indicated that this phase must be followed with the design of a replacement fender system. He suggested that concrete piles with wooden fender systems .~be used as a replacement. ~- Mr. Archibald requested that the Board direct Staff to proceed with the permitting and design of a replacement fender system, to proceed with bidding and present a report that would address the per- mirting issues, time, cost and funding sources. Transportation Services Administrator Arch/bald stated that this is a historic bridge that is used as a fishing pier. He requested that the Board consider as part of the design effort the removal of .~.... the existing bridge and constructing a fishing pier which will provide ,'> ~accese to the fender system of the existing bridge. He stated that ('/ the same plans and specifications used by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on replacing the fender system for the 951 Bridge will be used in this situation. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Archibald replied that the fishIn~ pier is recommended to be constructed immediately to the north would have access from the western shoreline. Page Harch 22, 1994 ~:"' :' Co~umleetoner Norris asked if it would be possible to avoid the i9 proposed No Wake zone under the bridge? ~...~:~" Transportation Services Administrator Archibald indicated that the No Wake zone is necessary for safety concerns due to the increase in the nulaber of boats in the area and the high rate of speed. He men- ~'i. tioned the long process involved in creating an Idle Speed zone. Couissioner Norris encouraged Staff to forego the Idle Speed zone at this time. Mr, Archibald announced that Staff is requesting authorization to install warning st~ns, remove some of the fender system up to the $6,500.00 a~ount, proceed with environmental and design permit activi- · ties in preparation of plans and specifications to replace the fender system. He ateted that as part of the design Staff could include a fishing pier that would extend from the western shoreline to the fender system on the west side of the channel. ~iuloner Norris ~ovad, ~econded by Co~Assloner Vol~ ~~ Staff rec~n~tAon. ~ call for t~ ~eetAon, the ~tAon Tranm~rtat~on Services Adslnlstrator Archibald reported that the second ite~ involves a canal along I~okalee Road In the vicinity of Pa~ River and Willoughby Acres. He stated that the South Florida -Water ~a~e~ent District (S~D) As considering the construction of ' water control structures both up ~d do~ stream. He said the State ~uld like to resova the Lakeland BrAd~e. He pointed out the State >'~ would then be required to replace At. Mr. Archibald announced that the issue that has been discussed whether the brid~e should be replaced in the same location or if the f~d~ should be rea~located to the bridge that would serve the future Livingston Road ali~ent, recognlzln~ the bridge at Lakel~d would be a 2-1~e facility and the brAd~e at Livingston would be a least a .4-1~e facility. Mr. Archibald stated that as a condition prior to ~y bridge remo- val, Piper Boulevard would be Interconnected and residents In Page 12 March 22, 1994 Acres and Palm River would have no less than two bridge &c~ese points at all times. . Com~issioner Volpe stated that after previous discussions with SFWMD, they would like the County to work with them and undertake the ¥ for the bridge work. '. Jack Pointer spoke on the issue. ; Commissioner Volpe moved to direct Staff to pursue with the State of Florida and SFNMD a cooperative effort for the reconstruction of Pall River Bride, re~oval of the Lakeland Bridge with relocation at Livin~ton Road. Seconded by Commiaeloner Matthews. Upon call for the question, the lotion carried 5/0. (2 s6) Itel ~10A DISCUSSION RE EAST NAPLES LIBRARY BRANCH - STAFF DIRECTED TO PURSUE OPTIONS Commissioner Volpe presented correspondence from Mr. Jim Smith, Chairman of the Collier Cultural and Education Center (CCE), and the Library Advisory Board. · Commissioner Volpe stated that the need for library expansion has 'been discussed on previous occasions. He said that it was brought to his attention that there is no opportunity for expansion at the East Naples Branch of the Collier County Library. Commissioner Volpe reported that he has discussed the possibility of additional land being made available for a new branch or a reid- cation of the East Naples Branch with Mr. Smith. Commissioner Volpe announced that the CC~- has generously offered an opportunity for the County to acquire at no cost, five acres of land located within a 50 acre parcel which is owned by the CCE. He · [said that he discussed the concept with the Library Advisory Board. .i "Comm~asioner Volpe asked the Board if there Is any Interest in giving direction to Staff to explore the opportunity for the East · Naples community? Commissioner Constantine stated that although he is not ~nterested Page 13 March 22, 1994 .'~n ~elocating the East Naples Branch, the area is growing. He iremarked that it may not be appropriate to build now, but if the pro- perry can be set aside it would be an excellent idea. Commissioner Volpe stated that it is ~mportant to note that this y is currently zoned for a library. The following people spoke on the subject: Earl C. Kegg Donna Ftalla George Keller Sharon D. Lyon Paul Bellofatto Dudley K. Chism ~..' Tape #2 Jim Smith, Chairman of the Collier Cultural and Education Center, ~:~.gave a brief history of the CCE. He stated that in 1981, the CCE '.'acquired 100 acres of land as a gift from the Lely Development Corporation. He explained that 50 acres was to be donated to Edison Community College and 50 acres was to remain in the stewardship of the CCE. He stated that through discussions with County Staff he was made aware of partnership programs used successfully in the State where Counties and Community Colleges share facilities. He reported that this type of program is a logical extension to Collier County and the use of the CCE~s site. Mr. Smith stated that the first phase of development includes a community theater and library. Commissioner Saunders expressed appreciation for the CCE's effort for the future of Collier County. He asked if the property would be :still be available in five to seven years? Mr. Smith replied the library that is being planned in the first phase is based on a time frame of 24 to 36 months. Commissioner Saunders stated that the requirement to accelerate the County's plans to 24 months is unrealistic. Commissioner Volpe stated that he is requesting the Board to direct Staff and the Library Advisory Board to report as to whether there are any opportunities available in the County's timetable. Commissioner Constantine recalled that a recent report from Mr. Olliff indicated that there are no opportunities that are feasible at 33' Page 14 March 22, ~994 "this time. He stated that there are no funds available in the next 24 months. ~..? Mr. Olliff pointed out that the capital budget for library funds i are generally funded from impact fees. He stated that the impact fee budget is committed with the Golden Gate Estates library within the next two to three years. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the Library Advisory Board meet with Mr. Smith and Commissioner Volpe to discuss and evaluate the ~. 0CE's proposal. Commissioner Constantine stated that if there is no disagreement, a formal motion is unnecessary. Commissioner Matthews stated that because there is an elementary school and college in the area, the Library Advisory Board should ~ approach the college and see if a Joint agreement could be developed so that the County could provide books to the existing facilities. Commissioner Saunders stated that he agrees with Commissioner Matthews in that the emphasis should be purchasing books. ~'¥) · Commissioner Norris remarked that he supports the direction for 'the Library Advisory Board to pursue this issue. He said that he will consider any proposal with the exception of moving the current East Naples Library branch. · '' ~eceeeed 11:08 A.M. - Reconvensd 12:45 P.M. at which time Recording Secretary Merz replaced recording Secretary Fsrnley :'.' (690) ~:~:- SUBLEASE A~~ BY ~ BELEM ~Y HOW~D, SUBLESSOR, ~ TO~ CLI~ON, 5~LESSEE, FOR A PORTION OF THE PROPER~ LEASED TO H~ AT ~ I~O~LEE AIRPORT - APPRO~D Transportation Services Administrator Archibald revealed that this .petition is a sublease agreement to utilize the pasture land at the Immokalee Airport for a rodeo event. Mr. Archibald reported that Mr. Howard is indemnifying Collier County and providing insurance in the ~amount of $2 million dollars. ..,...~' Comm~leAoner Matthews moved, seconded by Couiseloner Norris, and · carrte~unanA~ouely, to approve the ~ublease. Page 15 Hatch 22, 1994 (73 ) Item #8G1 STAFF DZP.~CTED TO CONTINITE THE S~URCH FOR A NgW LANDFILL SIT; LOCATION Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz explained the decision process outlined in the flow chart on page 3 of the Executive Summary. Responding to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Lorenz indicated that Staff can provide an analysis with regard to the option of shipping the landfill waste out of the County. Mr. Lorenz disclosed that pro- posals can be solicited from a firm to ship it out of the County. In addition, Mr. Lorenz revealed that staff can provide an analysis of the general cost estimates to the Board of County Commissioners at any time. Mr. Lorenz commented that the landfill requirements are evaluated through the year 2050. He noted that the Board of County Commissioners will have a 50 year planntn~ period after the extsttng landfill reaches capacity by the year 2000. He declared that the total land area needed will be 2 square miles for planning purposes. Mr. Lorenz reported that a volume reduction technology providing an 80~ volume reduction will decrease the amount of land required from two (9) square miles to less than 0.6 square miles. Mr. Lorenz reported that Staff will present a summary of qualifications of the vendors who are proposing volume reduction technology within the next month. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz stated that Staff will report to the Board within six (6) months for a decision regarding selection of a vendor for the volume reduction technology, which will give the Board an indication of the amount of land that will be needed. Mr. Lorenz pointed out that elimination criteria has been added that states the new landfill site shall not be located any closer than one mile from the urban or the Estates areas designated in the Future Land Use Map. Mr. Lorenz disclosed that over 40 square miles are available for Page 16 March 22, 1994 ~ ..-a more detailed analysis of a landfill site within the County. He explained that Staff will provide the Board with a ranked short-list of sites that will be subjected to further transportation and engi- neering cost analysis, as well as environmental Impacts on the surrounding areas that are associated with each location. Hr. Lorenz explained that step #3 listed in the Executive Summary will require the Board's decision regarding whether outside consulting services are needed to complete the engineering and cost analysis of a short-list of sites. :::i(]'~' Commissioner Constantine voiced his concern that the consultants report on the short-list should be unbiased with regard to the advan- tages and disadvantages associated with each site. Mr. Lorenz declared that the 3-5 sites chosen for further analysis · .will be unranked. "' Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Lorenz stated that the loca- " -tton of the 40 square miles Identified by Staff are the areas north and south of Immokalee, and the Belle Meade area. Responding to comments made by Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Lorenz suggested that the Board should consider using the excess land purchased north of the existing landfill as mitigation for the new landfill site. Co~lssioner Norris moved, seconded by Co,rslesioner Volpe, and carried unantmly, to direct Staff to pursue the search for a new sits location. 9SD2 S~VICE AGReeMeNT WITH T~CH FOUNDA?ION - APPROVED Mike McNees, Acting Utilities Administrator, revealed that the Board entered into a three (3) party agreement allowing TECH Foundation, which operates the Step by Step Day Care Center, to con- nect to 2", 3,000 foot water line currently serving the David Lawrence Center through a bulk purchase service agreement with the Florida 'Cities Water Company (FCWC). Page 17 Harch 22, 1994 both the facilities. sion plans underway. ~r. HcNees stated that previously the Water-Sewer District was hesitant to allow the connection based on the fact that Staff was not convinced that the 2" water line will provide adequate service to He pointed out that both facilities have expan- Hr. McNees reported that Step by Step Is under the threat of an ,l~-Inent consent order by the DEP due to a failing well. Mr. McNeea declared that a provision in the agreement requires the County to charge less for the water than the selling price. Based on the fa/l/ng we~l, Hr. McNees requested approval of the connection as an lnterJm solution. ~e clarified tha~ the proposed County Facilities will be the permanent solution when ~t ~s completed ~n two {2) or three (3) years. Re pointed out that none of the neigh- bore are allowed to connect, and thee solution does no~ ~arantee an adequate supply of water. Mr. McNeea revealed that Step by Step will work with the County in '" terms of an assessment district, if other property owners become Interested in constructing a larger water line. He announced that he has received calls from interested property owners regarding water 'connection. Co~saloner Constantine clarified that the two (2) ~saues are that the 2- water line is inadequate, especially tn light of the faci- lities expansion plans, and that under the old agreement the County is charging less than the purchase price of the water. Mr. McNees reported that Step by Step will pay the price charged the County per 1000 gallons for water. He indicated concern that Step by Step ~ay decline participation in an assessment district upon receiving the water connection. ' Mr. Lawson, representing Step by Step assured the Board that the facility will participate In an assessment dlstrfct to provide water to the facility. He pointed out that Step by Step experienced a 43~ Increase in' the number of children in the course of one year. Mr. Lawson pointed out that many of the children are medically fragile. Page 18 March 22, 1994 ~Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNees affirmed that the agreement will be between the County, Step by Step, and the David Lawrence Center, and that the David Lawrence Center is in agreement with the conveyance and the connection. Commissioner Constantine clarified that Step by Step will be charged the same rate as the County to purchase water, and that through Step by Step's agreement for a special assessment district, the County will not be charged for an expanded line if the 2" water line is ina- :- dequate. Conlss~onsr Matthews Loved, seconded by Conissioner Volpe, and carried unanimously, to approve the Water Service Agreement. (1530) Item ~8G2 "I!~OEALEE LANDFILL AT STOCKADE ROAD - CELL 2, PHASE II LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM" BID #94-216! AND APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT TO USE RESERVE FUNDS FOR THIS CONTRACT - AWARDED TO COPELAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $348,664.84 Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator, announced that this item is requesting the award of Bid #94-216! to Copeland Development Corporation in the amount of $348,664.84 to install a leachate collection system in the existing lined leachate lagoon at the Immokalee Landfill. Mr. Lorenz disclosed that the leachate lagoon was originally intended for conversion to a lined cell for receiving waste. Con~ssioner Volpe Loved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, and carried unanimously, to award B~d #94-216~ to Cope/and Development Corporation ~n the amount of $348,664.84 subject to all Staff recom- mendmtions. -(Z598) Item #8H2 SHORT LIST OF FINANCIAL ADVISORY FIRMS PRESENTED - A.G. EDWARDS & SONS, INC.~ RAYMOND JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC.; AND SUNTRUST PUBLIC FINANCE ACCEPTED AND STAFF DIRECTED TO SET UP INTERVIEW PROCESS FOR APRIL 12, 1994 Michael McNees, Acting Utilities Administrator, presented the Board with the results of the selection process for a replacement of 000,, , 71 Page 29 March 22, 1994 the existing financial advisor, Raymond James & Associates, whose contract expires on April 1,1994. Mr. McNees stated that out of 80 proposals, nine (9) firms were ;'~: reviewed resulting in the unranked short-list of three (3) firms. He ' ~, stated that Staff recommends acceptance of the short-list, and that ?.' they be directed to schedule presentations to the Board. Responding to questions asked by Commissioner Volpe, Mr. McNees -;/; revealed that Suntrust Public Finance served as financial advisor for the County prior to the existing advisor. : Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris, and · " carried unanimously, to direct Staff to bring back the three (3) firms .'-'.' for the interview process at the April 12, 1994 meeting. (1720) Item t8H3 WORK ORDER DGG-2 WITH DALY GONGALEZ GROUP, INC. UNDER THE CURRENT ANNUAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DESIGN, PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION PHASE ASSISTANCE FOR BUILDING "H" - THIRD FLOOR EXPANSION PROGRAM - APPROVED Senior Project Manager Bloetscher presented a work order for the Daly Gongalez Group, Inc. to complete work that will allow for the completion of mechanical work on a portion of the third floor, Building "H", in order to provide an office for the EMS Headquarters. He pointed out that the current EMS Headquarters lease on Terrace Avenue expires in July. Co~mieeloner Norris moved, seconded by Conisotoner Matthews, and carried unani~muely, to approve the.work order. Page 20 March 22, 1994 R.P.P. ~93-2059 RE THE GOLDEN GATE ESTATES COI~UNITY PARK - SURVEY HONE ONLY AMAKDED TO AGNOLI, BARBER · BRUNDAGK, INC.; STAFF TO EXPLORE NONE TO BE PERFO!~MED IN-HOUSK AND BROUGHT BACK ON APRIL 12, 1994 S4~tor PTo]sct MAnager, Bert K~rpinskL, explained that the recom- mendation is to award the design contract for the Golden Gate Comumuntty Park to Agnoli, Barber and Brundage, Inc., in the amount of 8~36,850.00. In response to ~est~ons ra~sed Karpinsk~ rep[ied that some of the work will be performed ~n-house on th~m contract. Mr. Karp~nsk~ anno~ced that Staff has a tS~e schedule to meet for const~ction. He disclosed that ~n order to accelerate the process to meet the deadline, Staff reco~ends awarding the contract to A~o]~, Ba~r ~d B~ndage, Inc. Co~]ssloner Constantine pointed out that a park ~s an example of a pro~ect that can be done by the County engineers. Co~ty Manager Dotrill revealed that th~s ~tem can be b=ought back ~n two weeks to g~ve Staff t~me to eva[uate the p=o~ects that are ~ng dons ~n-house. Co~mm~oner Norris recalled that the plane from other parks can be ~nterchanged. Mr. Karp]nsk~ agreed that ~tems such as tennis courts and racquet- ball courts can easily be duplicated. He noted that primary buildings such as the bat~ouse cannot be duplicated and w~l~ need a new floor plan. Co~ty Manager Dorril~ declared that the County o~s the des~ prints fo= the co,unity center buildfngs and that the County can use those prints for ~y standard co,unity center building. C~~r Vol~ ~md, smconded ~ Co~mm~oner Norrim, to con- tl~ t~ Jt~ to the ~et~ng of Apr~ ~2, ~994, ~d d~rect Staff to M=. Karp~nsk~ reported that the survey work cannot be performed Page 22 March 22, 1994 in-house. ?, '. County Manager Derrill requested that the Board authorize those services that cannot be performed in-house at this time. Co~tseloner Volpe a~ended his motion to continue the item to explore those services that can be performed in house, and approve the ~w~rd of the contract for wurve¥ work only at the Golden Gate Comity Park to A~noli, Barber and Brundage, Inc. Seconded by Conisstoner Norris, and carried unanimously. (1940) UPDAT~ 0FMARCO ISLAND CABLE, INC.~S APPLICATION - STAFF TO CONTINUE WORKING ON ITEM FOR TWO WEEKS Assistant to the County Manager, Jennifer Edwards, announced that the discussion regarding the Marco Island Cable application has been advertised as a public hearing scheduled for April 5, 1994. She declared that the consultants recommend that the applicant and the existing cable operator be given the opportunity address their con- cerns today. Ms. Edwards pointed out that Staff is progressing with the agreement, and that the Issues regarding the personal ~uarantee language, the boundaries of the service area, and confirmation that the Lee County poles can support the additional cable, are in the pro- cess of being finalized. In reply to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Edwards commented that hearing the cable representatives concerns today will expedite the Issue. She disclosed that this will provide Staff the opportunity to resolve those Issues, and to finalize the agreement that will be pre- sented to the Board in two weeks. The following people spoke on the subject. Bill Gaston Ken Feucks Co~aIseloner Norris moved, that the Board direct Staff to continue worktn~ on this item for the next two weeks. in response to comments made by Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Gaston 7.9 Page 22 March 22, 1994 assured the Board that there is no intention of trafficing with regard to the franchise license. He pointed out that Federal Law states that there can be no transfer of control of a new franchise for a period of three (3) years. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. ~'': (2399) Item #lOB DIS~USSION REGARDING INDEPENDENT WATER/SEWER AUTHORITY - STAFF TO ADVERTISE PUBLIC HEARING WITHIN 42 DAYS; TO BRING BACK A ROUGH DRAFT TO ESTABLISH A DEPENDENT AUTHORITY ONE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING; AND COUNTY ATTORNEY TO RESEARCH BCC AUTHORITY REGARDING DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Commissioner Saunders explained that this issue is continued from the March 8, 1994 meeting. He clarified that the intent of this item is not to reduce the authority of the County Manager or the Division Administrator regarding water and sewer operations. ' Commissioner Saunders revealed that the need to develop a board of experts to assist the BCC in the day to day operations of the water/sewer department is supported by an audit performed by Coopers & Lybrand. Commissioner Saunders reported that a recommendation to establish a dependent authority has been received from the Economic Development Council (EDC) and the Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Saunders referred to a draft presented by the EDC suggesting that the creation of an authority pursuant to Chapter 88-499 Florida Statutes, which states "under the special act creating the current water and sewer board, the BCC as the governing body has the power to create administrative or operational advisory boards and committees and delegate any and all of its powers and duties to such advisory boards and committees". He declared that utilizing this pro- cess as recommended by the EDC will result in a substantially easier process in developing the authority. He pointed out that the authority will be a dependent authority, as opposed to an independent authority. Commissioner Saunders stated that the dependent authority will have final decision making authority in the delegated Jurisdic- ,oo OOOPA 80 Page 23 March 22, 1994 . ~ rich. Commissioner Saunders communicated that the BCC will retain Jurts- · diction regarding major Issues such as rates and charges for service, the location and/or expansion of water/sewer plants, eminent domain issues, approval of the annual budget of the dependent authority, any issues involvlng bonded indebtedness, and possibly contractual agreements over a certain dollar amount. Referring to the EDC draft, Commissioner Saunders reported that the proposed draft is an excellent starting point, but that he disagrees with the recommendation to appoint an executive director who will report directly to the dependent authority. He revealed that this proposal will eliminate the County Manager and the administrator from the chain of command. He suggested that the chain of command remain in tact in terms of the County Manager and the division admi- nistrator. Commissioner Saunders explained that the concept is to acquire a panel of experts with experience in water and sewer operatfons. He noted that this group can dedicate substantially more hours to the issues of water and sewer operations, thereby eliminating potential problems associated with those operations. Commissioner Constantine expressed that he would like to see the authority of the dependent authority go further than that of an advi- sory board with limited powers. Commissioner Saunders agreed with Commissioner Constantine, with the exception of those major issues mentioned previously. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that the issues regarding rates, sites, and contractual agreements will remain under the Jurisdiction of the Board regardless of what the Board decides. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that the airport authority is a model that can be used to determine the chain of command rather than htrtng a new position. The following people spoke on the subject: Tape George F. Keller Bill Barton Page 24 March 22 1994 Hr. Barton explained the procedures that will accomplish the objectives without significantly limiting the authority of the depen- dent authority. Responding to Commissioner Volpe tnqutry, Mr. Barton stated that consideration has been given to including stormwater under the depen- i.~~*. dent authority, however, It Is a decision that Is separate and apart from the Initial creation of the dependent authority. Mr. Barton agreed with Commissioner Volpe that the creation of this authority will promote economic development In Collier County. Co--is·loner Constantine suggested that the proposed authortty's limitations be clearly defined, that the expertise required for a position on the authority be defined, and that the executive directors role be deftned. ~lssloner ~udere moved, seconded by Costsstoner Natthews, to direct Staff to advertise · public hearing for an Ordtnanc· creating the dependent authority pursuant to Section 518, Chapter as-199 of the llortda Statutes; that emphasis be placed on the the qualifications of the candidates for the authority; that the definition of the authority of the executive director be discussed and expanded upon; that It ta Included in the draft that tha BCC, through the approval of the amth~rtt~'s tmd~, will have final decision smiting authority on ts~ ~uch a~ plant loomrios and expansions, the Issuance of bond tndebtedz~es~, and that rates and char~ss ~ill be approved by tha BCC dur~ ~ ~nm~l budget approval process or the five-year mter Co--lsstoner Norris stated that he is unconvlnced regarding the necessity of relieving the Board of the day to day details, noting that It ~ay be possible to add them to the consent agenda. He further stated concern regarding the executive director. Saunders ~odlfted the sotion to direct Nr. Cu¥1er to advertiN for · public hearing ~lthln 42 days, and to prepare · rough draft Ordinance to be brought beck before the BCC no lesl th~n one mk prior to the public hearing am a discussion Item. Page 25 March 22, :I994 County Manager Dorrlll contended that his understanding is that the Board does not have the ability to delegate away the administra- tive power of the County Manager, or to appoint an executive director outside the Florida Statute. Coralsstoner Saunders a~ended the ~otton to Include direction that the County Attorney research the authority required by State Statute. Commissioner Saunders requested that the county attorney inform the Board regarding its authority within two (2) days. A discussion ensued regarding the legality of the authority of the executive director. Upon call for the question, the ~otlon carried unanl~usly. (62o) DISCUSSION l~E M~ETING WITH THE FCC - SIX PART PROCEDUR~ NOT ACCEPTED BY FO~; AND FCC DEADLINES OUTLINED Commissioner Matthews reported that prior to her meeting with the FCC, she forwarded a letter proposing a six (6) part procedure for making the 800 MHz system operational. She explained that it included installing repeaters on each channel, sending out a call signal, and notifying the FCC that the system is operational. She revealed that the FCC informed her that this procedure is not adequate. She announced that the FCC rules require that the system be legitimately constructed and properly used for its desired purpose. Commissioner Matthews revealed that an outline was formulated regarding the deadlines for the system. She reported that the deadline to identify the funding and to have a vendor under contract is September 30, 1994; September 30, 1995 an update report is due regarding the Board's progress; October 24, 1995 license renewal is due, which answers the question of the waiver extending the license period, which it does not; and September 30, 1996 the system is to be operational and notification given to the FCC that it is operational. Regarding funding, Commissioner Matthews pointed out that funding mechanisms can be incorporated within the contract from the vendor. Page 26 March 22, 1994 Commissioner Matthews confirmed that 70 units per channel ts con- sldered fully loaded, however, if the County fails to have the system operational, or falls to have 70 units on a channel, the FCC reclaims the channels at 100 units per channel. Commissioner Matthews informed the Board that the FCC has a new program entitled Finders Preference. She revealed that radio channels in different geographical areas have become extremely limited, and that the FCC permits private sector companies that are 1ooktng for channels to assess the efficiency of operations that are currently underway, and if they find inefficiently operated channels, they can seek permission with the FCC to obtain those channels for themselves. She disclosed that the Board has no fear from the private sector, that another public safety sector within the State could challenge the County and obtain the channels. She indicated that she will be receiving a letter from the FCC regarding the rejection of the six step process and she noted she would confirm to the FCC in writing the above referenced four dates. es, Recess: 12:45 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:03 P.M. At this t~le RecordAng Secretary Yernley replaced Recording Secretary Metz 000 (91e) Iteu#12B1 ORDINANC~ 94-13 RK PETITION NO. R-93-10, RAMON AND JOSE RODRIGUEZ REQUESTING A RKZONK FROM A-HMO-RURAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT WITH MOBILE HOME OVERLAY TO MH-MOBILE HOME DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON LOT 2lB LAKE TRAFFORD FARM ROAD, IMMOKALEE, CONTAINING FIVE (5) ACRES MORE OR LK$S - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March S, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, a public hearing was opened. Ron Nino, Senior Project Planner, stated that the area in question is rapidly taking on the characteristics of a developing urban environment even though most of the land ~s zoned Agricultural with a mobile home overlay. He explained that the Immokalee Area Master Plan designates this area as a low density urban area with a base density of four (4) dwelling units per acre but because of the Page 27 .?/., March 22, 1994 :[.tnftll criteria, lands in this area would qualify for seven (7) dwelling units per acre. Mr. NIno pointed out that If the petition is approved, it will be consistent with the Immokalee Area Master Plan and the Gollter county Growth Management Plan, with the conditions for approval as contained In the proposed ordinance. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ntno replied that the par- cels can be sold, developed as a mobile home park, or divided into 20 lots as fee simple lots but, if divided into lots, the petitioner would be required to subdivide under the County subdivision regula- tions and meet all infrastructure requirements. Mr. Nino explained that the conditions of approval require that the property will not be further developed after two (2) mobile homes are placed thereon until sewers are available and if subdivided into three (3) or more lots, the petitioner is required to participate in a municipal service district to Improve the quality of Trafford Farm Road. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously, that Ordinance 94-13 re Petition No. R-93-10 be mdopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 65. Item #12Cl I~ESOL~TION 94-189 ~ PETITION S~-94-2, WILLI~ C. BRI~, REQUESTIN~ A N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ST~ ~ OF WILLOWICK DRI~ TO ~~Y WAY" ~I~ IS ~A~D ~P~0XI~TELY 640 ~ET EAST OF ~E~D A~ IN ~E ~~Y ~IVISION - ~ED Legal notlce having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 6, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, a public hearing was opened. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Co~/ssloner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carr~ednnm~t~ousl¥, that Petition SNR-94-2 be approved, thereb~ adopting Resolution 94-189. Page 28 Hatch 22, 1994 %tm #12C2 - ~o~ttm~d to April 5, 1994 mttng. ~ID~ ~ R~OL~ION~ 94-06, 94-08/11 ~ZNG ~lSC~ ~ Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on March 9, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, a public hearing was opened. Mr. Smykowskl explained that each of the BAR*o presented have previously been reviewed and approved by the Board and the public hearing te required pursuant to Chapter 129.06, Florida Statutes. Coutssioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Norris ~oved, seconded by Coulsstoner $~rundsrs and c~rrtedu~ual~u~ly, that Budget A~end~ent Reaolutton~ 94-06, 94-08/11 opted. 87 Page 29 March 22, 1994 'Itwm ~13A1 R~SOLUTION 94-190 RE PETITION FDPO-94-2, WILLIAM LAWRENCE, REQUESTING A 3.5 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION OF TEN (10) FEET N~VD AS REQUIRED BY FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION ORDINANCE NO. 8?-80 ON PROPKRTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 623 OF ISLE OF CAPRI NO. 3, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 66, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 6, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, a public hearing was opened. Ray Bellows, Project Planner, stated that the petitioner is requesting the variance in order to construct a 37.5 square foot bathroom and shower for use as a pool side facility. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Conmteetoner Matthews and carried unanimously, that Petition FDPO-94-2 be approved, thereby adopting Resolution 94-190. 93 Page 30 · , March 22, 1994 /ten #13A2 94-191 RE PETITION CU-93-19, ROBERT L. DUANE OF HOLE, &ASSOCZ&T~S, INC., ~S~ZNG COLLIER CO~ S~L ~, CO~ZTZON~ USE "4' OF ~E MOBILE HO~ ZONING DISTRICT ~ZC OR ~ZVATK,' FOR ~ PROPKR~ ~O~ZNG ~ST ~ZN (S.R. 29), MI~AY BK~ 7~ ~ 9~ S~KTS, ~LKK, OF ~OXI~TKLY 20,500 SQU~E ~ET - A~KD Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on March 6, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, a public hearing was opened. Se~ $aadeh, Project Planner, stated that this petition came before the Board on November 16, 1993. Coralsstoner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commtoeloner Saundere moved, seconded by Conissloner Nettie and carrted unantBousl¥, that Petition CU-93-19 be approved, thereby adoptl~Resolutton 94-191. 98' Page 31 Xtma #14 ~OA,,R,D 0~' ~ CC)1141~ESZO~~ COI~U~ICATIOM~ 14~rch 22, 1994 Couissloner Constantine stated that Naples DaLly News had an article regarding the North Road Affordable Housing Agreement which stated that a compromise called for the County to contribute $100,000 cash toward the project but the discussion was actually that through various waivers and/or deferrals that are currently available, there !~¥ t~ the equivalent of $100,000 value. Coulamloner Matthews presented the Travel Section of the Mashington Post dedicated entirely to Southwest Florida. see ~mlo~r Morris moved, .co~ed ~ Co. lmsloner Vol~ ~d c~$g =~ly, t~t th foll~lng ttm ~der t~ co~t ~e~ ~ ~ ~/or ~t~: *** ,.. ,.0.. Item &CC1D~I~ OF R~L&C~rF ~~ ~ aCrILaN' - s.. lt~ ~1~ - ~ to lt~ ~~ ~ ~Z~ 23, T48S, ~~ OF ~ B[~l~ ~R ~C~lNG ~R SITE D~O~ See Pages It~ Page 32 ~arch 22, 94-173 !rE FINAL PLAT OF 'FIELDSTONE VILLAGE' 1994 See Page !t~OLUT~O~ 94-1T4 FROVXDXEG FOR ASSESSliEST OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE &B~TI~Ff OF A ~IC ~I~CE - C~LI~CE S~VICES CASE NO. 94-175 FROVIDING ~R AS$~S~ OF LI~ ~R ~ COST OF ~ OF & ~IC ~IS~CE - C~LI~CE S~ICES C~E ~ ~ - 30~ 3. B~O~ See Pages Item ~OLUTZON 94-178 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSM~3(T OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE ABAT~I~31T OF A ~LIC ~IS~CE - CO~LI~CE SKRVICES CASE N0. 30802~40 ~ ~ - ~IE (D~OD) ~ILLI~ Item #16ASF See Pages /J ~- /~__~ ? R~8OLUT~O~ 94-139 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSP~qlT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE ABAT~I~IT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE - C0~PLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. ~0805-025 !t~COltO ~ - CAROL A. PXNKALLA Xtem#16ASG See Pages R~SOLUTZON 94-180 PROVIDING FOR ASSESS~qENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE A~tI'~T OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE - CO!~PLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. 30805--027 !~COI~D OWNER - CAROL A. PINKALLA Page 33 Hatch 22, 1994 RKSOT, UT~0~ 94-181PR(~'IDING FOR ASSESSMEFf OF LIE~ FOR THE COST OF THE ABATIMKIT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE - COMPLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. 3081~-001 !t~CORD ~ - WILLIE MAE POSTELL RL~OLUT~ON 94-182 FROVIDING FOR ASSESSMXIFT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE ABA~ OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE - COMPLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. 30812-107 RECORD OWNER - DINO VKLOPULOS R~43~OT~ON 94-183 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FORT HE CO~T OF THE ABAT~N~WT OF A P~BLIC NUISANCE - COMPLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. S0809-115 RL'ORD OM~KR - ROBKRT E. WILLIAMS AND 3UDY S. JACKSON itE~O~UTION 94-184 R~ FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROAD~AY, DRAINAOE, WATER AND ~ IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "CRYSTAL LAKE RV RESORT, See Page ACCEPTANCE OF CASHIER'S CHECK FOR WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR STONEGAT~ AT EAGLE CREEK, PHASE ORE, TRACT B-5 - WITH STIPULATIONS AS LI~FT~D IWTHE EXECUTIVE SUI~ARY See Page / ~--/ OR Book 1934 Pages 14 - 33 ACC~PT~ OF ZI~RNVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FOR RECORDING TIFE FINAL P~,AT OF "B~.ZAI~ROOD UNIT T~O* - WITH STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN TH~ Item #16B1 RZ~OLUI~ON 94--185 ~ ~ILI~TION 0F AIRSPAC~ ~0~ ~ I~EE ~ ~ ~ ~TIC ~ICK BOX FOR 0~ ~ Item#16B2 R~OLUTZON 94-186 ~ RESOLUTION 94-187 RE EXTENDING EXISTING MAZWTENAZlU~vM~0RANDA OF AGREEMENTS WITH FDOT FOR ROAD~AY SWEEPING AND Page 34 March 22, 1994 LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, TITLE ! GRANT Item #1~C2 &UTNORIZATION TO DISPOSE OF PATHOLOGICAL INCINERATOR LOCATED AT THE BID NO. 94-21SS FOR TEMPORARY DAY T~BOR SERVICES - AWARDED TO MM~L~3~EIt, FINDER~ PERSONNEL AND ALL STATES BID NO. 94-2147 "i~:~L'I, ~ STATION MAXIFFKRARCE AND ~gS' - AW~KD ~ OLeiC ~XES, XNC. XN ~ ~0~ Or 042,200.00 LIMITED U~ LZC~N~E AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BCC AND ROTARY CLUB OF NAPLES - GOLD~I GATE, INC., APPROVING THE USE OF COUNTY-OWNED PROPERTY FOR T~A]IJ~Ay. BASS TOURNAMENT ON MARCB 26, 1994 See Pages Item #I~G1 - Deleted Item APPROVAL OF C~/~2~!~CATES OF CORRECTION TO THE 1992, 1993, AND 1994 SOLZDW&STI COLLECTION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS, AUTHORIZE See Pages Item AFFRC~JLL OF CERTI~CATES OF CORRECTION TO TEE 1992, 1993, AND 1994 BOLIDItLST~ ~LLECTION S~ClAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS, AUTHORIZE Pag.s _Fa - 3/0 Ztem #1~G4 R~SOT, UTZC~ 94-289 lt~ ADDITION OF ~l~ TO ~ 1994 C0~I~ CO~ ~~ ~ ~ COLLE~ION S~CI~ ~SES~ ROLL ~ ~I0X s.. P.g.. CH&]I~ Ol[D~]t NO. ONE TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH MITCHELL & · TAEE (X)I~TItl~'TION C0~PANY IN THE AMOUNT OF $66,947.76 FOR ~ ~ Pa~ 35 22, 1994 ~ ~&l~0]l $.17 & U.S. 41 ~:)RCS It&IN C0RSTRUCTION PRO3ECT Xtel#lSF~ LFF~tOVJ~ O/JLDDZTZO]EJLL SERVICES BT AGNOL/, BARBER AXD BRU]iDAGE, 111TIZJNOUIT O~ $10,228.25 JUID AUTHORIZE TIrE TRJUiIPORTATX0N SERVICES &~NI~Z~T~tTO I~ZCUTZ SUPITLICN~ITJtL A~ FOR ADDITIONAL &JD !~ITT~I~ ~CES FOR /I2TH AVEXl~ FOUR LANIRG Ite~l~ll~ - Deleted lte~l~[4- Deleted 10~ ~~~ ~~ I ~W CO~U~ION CO., IN ~ ~ OY ~B,OI?,~, BZD ~. 94-2168 ~te~ ~1S~6 - Continued to 4/5/94 Lt~ltO~&~ O~ AGlI~E:RT~ WIT~ SOUTHERN STATES UTILXTY SERVICES, XNC. FOR T]~ l~tOV~S1011 0, MATER ~ SEI~:R SEXVICE TO TI~ KEY NARCO COI~IUNX~ ~ DXSTltlCTJU/D ~ GOODLAND MATER DISTRICT See Pages DOCUHERT NOT RECEIVED AS OF rAT 9, 1994 Continued to 4/5/94 ~4-2259 TO BARA,I~, SCBXZTT, NU, VER ARD PA.RTXZRS, INC. ARD I::J13~3"rB~3~rRAcT ~FOlt1'1~ D~Z~ OF ~ GOLD~ GA~ C~Z~ ~ ~~ ~ XX ~ ~ O~ 8125,031.00 Zte~ e263 M/~Z~]I~ CC)~I~Si~ND~ICl - FIL~I) &XD/OR RXTER]tgD 1'he following miscellaneous correspondence was f/led and/or referred el preaented by the Board oF County Commissioners: 108 Page 36 March 22, 1994 CIRTXrICATL9 OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESEFIID BY THE PROPIRTYAPPRAXSKR 1993 TAX ROLL Io. Date 188/162 02/24/94 - 03/09/94 1992 TAX ROLL I0. Date 171/173 02/24/94 1991 TAX ROLL I0. Date ~61/262 02/24/94 1990 TAX ROLL Io. Date S50/351 02/24/94 1989 TAX ROLL I0. Date S0S/309 02/24/94 Item#16K1 See Pages Page 37 Hatch 22, 1994 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting w&e adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:20 P.H. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DIS~T~ICTS UNDER ITS CONTW ,. z~el &pproved by the Board on prelected or as corrected Page 38