BCC Minutes 06/28/1994 RNaples, Florida, June 28, 1994 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in RI~IILAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine VICE-CHAIRMAN: Betrye J. Matthews John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: MarIiyn Fernley, Sue Barbiretti and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerks: Nell Dotrill, County Manager; William Hargett, Assistant County Manager; John Yonkosky, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Wetgel and Ramtro Manallch, Assistant County Attorneys; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator: Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Plan Review Director: Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director; Dick Clark, Interim Community Development Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator: Mike Smykowskt, Acting Budget Director: Skip Camp, Facilities Management Director; Bert Karptnskt, OCPM Senior Project Manager: Russ Mullet, Transportation Engineer; Bob Nonnenmacher, Licensing Compliance Offtcerl Ray Bellows, Planner: Deputy Rosa Hernandez-Whlte, Collier County Shertff's Office; and Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Page I June 28, 1994 (40) AGINDA - APP'JtOVI. D NTI'~ CHANG~,S Cossdssioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried unanisously, to approve the agenda with the changes as detailed on the Agende Change Sheet, and the following additional item: 1. Xtem #SCX and Xtem #XOA - lmmokalee Pool issue to be heard at the same time. Page 2 June 28 ~ 1994 (17o) CO]I~FZ AOKNDA - aP~ROVXD aXD/OR aDOFleD The motions for approval of the consent agenda is noted under (180) Item #3 MIIIUTI~ OF THE GOLDEN GATE TOWNBALL NEETING OF NAY 18, 1994 - CONTINUED - NINUTIS OF R~GULkR!aETING 0FNAY 24, 1994 - APPROVED Commissioner Constantine requested that the minutes of the Golden Gate Townhall Meeting o~ May 18, 1994 be continued to allow additional time to peruse same. Cos~iesioner Volpe soved, seconded by Commissioner Natthews and carrieS unanimously, to approve the Nlnutes I~y 24, 1994. {201) Item ~ 8~RVICE ANARDS - PRESENTED Commissioner Saunders congratulated the rollowing employee for service with Collier County Government: Pamela Lows - 10 Years, Long Range Planning Presented (234) Item #4C1 PltQCLANATION RECOGNIZING THE ACHI~rENENTS OF ELIZABETH BOSWELl, - Upon reading of the Proclamation, Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and csrrled unanimously, that the Proclamation recogutzin~ the achievements of Elizsbeth ~oswell be sdopted, Page 3 June 28, ,1,994 (353) Xtem #B 94-420, 94-430, 94-448, 94-450/451 ~ 94-479 - Acting Budget Director Mike Smykowski requested adoption of the six (6) routine Budget Amendments as shown in the Executive Summary. Colliesloner Matthew8 moved, seconded by Coemlssioner Saunders and carried ~nanilously, that Budget Amendments 94-420, 94-430, 94-448, 94-450/451 and 94-479 be adopted. (363) Z~elal6 ~:8 ItZPORT - NO ACTZOR TAX:FJI' Co~misstoner Constantine stated that the Clerk's Report is for informational purposes only. (366) ltem taA1 FINAL PLAT OF "HAWESRIDGH UNIT TWO" - APPROVXD WITH ~ STZ~TZONS Coaalsslonar Seunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Batthaws and carried unanimously, that the final plat of Hawksridge Unit Two be apprvved. Page 4 June 28, 1994 (373) Item #SBZ ItIPORT ON FINANCIAL INPACT OF LAND DEVELOPNINT CODE PROVISIONS ON ROAD RIGHT-OF-NAY ACQUISITION AND REPORT ON RECON~NDATIONS FOR I~SOLUTION OF TIll ADVII~I FINANCIAL liePACTS - STAFF TO EVALUATI AND IXPEDITI VARIANCI PROCEDURES FOR AFFECTED PROPERTIES Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that sections of the Land Development Code (LDC) can create a financial Impact on road right-of-way acquisition and road Improvement programs of the County and State as non-conforming lots are created because of buffer, landscaping, setbacks, parking requirements, etc. He pointed out that an example is Section 2.1.13 which sets forth a minimum ten foot (10') set back which could cause damage exposure and require severance payments. Mr. Archibald explained that Staff is requesting direction from the Board for reducing the financial Implications of LDC provisions. Mr. Archibald stated that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is concerned with acquisition of property on East Tamlaml Trail from Davis Boulevard to Airport Road because the corridor is extremely narrow and studies Indicate the least costly approach is to acquire road rights-of-way on the north side without disturbing the south side except at Intersections. He explained that many property owners in this section will become non-conforming which can be addressed through formal waivers or exceptions. Mr. Archibald Indicated that the affected buildings could be extremely close to the right-of-way line which creates an aesthetic problem also. Mr. Archibald explained that one (1) of the two (2) draft ordi- nances provided to the Board addresses the vesting or non-conforming waiver for all condemnation action County wide and the other ordinance applies to only the corridor of U.S. 41 East on a site specific basis. He mentioned that effort has been made on County projects to minimize right-of-way acquisition and reduSe Impacts on the U.S. 41 East corri- dor. Page 5 June 28, 1994 Commissioner Matthews questioned why the LDC changes cannot be made In the Fall during the regular cycle? Mr. Archibald responded that the LDC is amended only twice a year and a time concern exists because, depending on timing of the amend- ments, four (4) to eight (8) months could be required before the changes are made. Commissioner Matthews voiced concern about taking action without having sufficient time to Investigate the affects that could be created for years to come. Mr. Archibald pointed out that direction from the Board to Staff is being requesting which could include providing Board members with each location at risk, what the risk entails and the short and long term impacts. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that problems created in the Naples Park area with business right on the highway must be avoided on the East Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41 East) where the burden of moving the business is shifted to the business owner who cannot afford the move, the business is maintained on the right-of-way line. Mr. Archibald stated that FDOT representative may wish to outline for the Board the financial implications involved. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Archibald explained that impacts, i.e. loss of parking and setbacks, can be relieved to some degree recognizing that severance damage and issuance of variances may be necessary. Commissioner Norris mentioned that concerns have been voiced by citizens that by relieving the properties from one {1) portion of the LDC will relieve the properties from the whole code, which Is not true. He questioned if waivers can be addressed on an individual property basis rather than amending an ordinance granting blanket waivers? Mr. Archibald responded in the affirmative but mentioned that the impact of reconfiguration or reconstruction of the properties is also an issue to be addressed. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald stated that the Page 6 June 28, 1994 City of Naples has already amended and/or drafted an amendment to their Land Development Code to provide for a waiver or exception for the properties on U.S. 41 from Davis Boulevard west. He explained that an estimate of right-of-way acquisition has been made under the best case scenario by FDOT. Nr. Archibald stated that authority will remain with the Board of County Commissioners if each piece of property is addressed on an individual basis in regard to the exception to waivers. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Norman Feder, FDOT represen- tative, stated that $9.3 million has been programmed for right-of-way acquisition and construction is scheduled for 1995-96. Mr. Feder explained that a 1.3 mile segment could cost up to $21 million in total and 8113 million is programmed in the five (5) year program In Collier County to meet statutory formula of equity. He mentioned that the work program will suffer if $12 million is utilized in the right- of-way acquisition process. Mr. Feder stated that a major Issue is the landscaping buffer and whether there is an assumption or desire by the Board to take the U.S. 41 widening and use it as a vehicle to create compliance with the LDC. He indicated that when the FDOT goes into Court, payment for any landscaping that might be removed, right-of-way taken, actual damages, property restructurtng, i.e. moving the building and provide parking can be recovered. Mr. Feder stated that this Issue will be heard by the Board again but the FDOT has been working with Staff for some time to address the concerns of the community and the use of transportation dollars to meet transportation needs. John Conrad, FDOT representative, stated that ultimately all the issues are decided in court and any entity that takes property is required to pay full compensation, I.e. land acquired at fair market value, severance damages. He explained that what ts being asked for today in no way impairs the land owner from receiving full compen- sation but would simply excuse FDOT from providing the required Page 7 .,Tune 28, 1994 landscape buffer which could necessitate providing parking space if the required 15 foot buffer were installed and encroached the parking area. Hr. Conrad pointed out that construction costs can be better controlled with regulatory relief. Nr. Conrad stated that when cases go to trial, the FDOT does not know whether a variance will be granted but a land owner can argue local code requirements and receive additional severance to comply with local codes. He explained that the land owner can then be granted a variance by the local government, thereby receiving money for damages and additional relief after the case is over. Hr. Conrad requested that the Board grant relief prior to the cases going to court to avoid spending additional funds which could better be used for road construction. Commissioner Volpe lnqutred as to what other State road projects are contemplated in Collier County wlthtn the next five (5) years beside U.S. 41 between Davls Boulevard and Airport road? Hr. Feder informed the Board that other projects included in the five (5) year program for Colller County lnclude sections of U.S. 41 between Airport Road and Rattlesnake Hammock Road and Rattlesnake Hammock Road to S.R. 951; He indicated that a County wide blanket ordinance is the 1deal situation. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Feder stated that the 2113 millton to be spent on Collier County roads assumes that the requested relief is in affect. Nr. Feder explained that $9.3 million is programmed for improvements to the sectlon of U.S. 41 between Davls Boulevard and Alrport Road but without relief the estimated cost is $20 to $21 mllllon. Commissioner Norrls voiced a concern for the negatlve aesthetic affect In the neighborhood. Hr. Feder acknowledged that the corridor is tight and wlll be tighter after six (6) lanlng has occurred but the subject area between Davis Boulevard and Airport Road already lacks landscaping regardless of efforts in the LDC to correct the problem. He polnted out that Page 8 June 28, 1994 only total redevelopment of the area would satisfy the LDC require- ments presently. Mr. Feder stated that he cannot stress enough the urgency regarding time. Commissioner Matthews Questioned whether the County can Initiate a variance rather than waiting for a petitioner to initiate same? County Attorney Cuyler informed that the FDOT is reQuesting, in affect, an overall variance. Commissioner Matthews stated that the Board has voiced a pre- ference to maintaining control and the possibility exists of having a Special Board meeting to address the variances at one time. Mr. Cuyler pointed out that the FDOT ts requesting that the variances be addressed prior to any court proceedings but nothing is in affect at the present time to address the variances all at one time. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that if the variances can be addressed along with the FDOT request, court cases may be deterred. Mr, Archibald stated that the LDC must be amended to provide for someone other than the property owner to process a variance. Mr. Archibald informed the Board that Staff would like direction to proceed either with a LDC amendment or an ordinance to allow for non-conforming situations where eminent domain action is taken for public facilities. In response to Conuntsstoner Volpe, Mr. Archibald indicated that the Assus has not been presented to the Collier County Planntng Commission because Staff is awaiting direction from the Board. Commissioner Matthews recommended a Joint City of Naples/Collier County workshop to assure a uniform corridor upon completion of the project. Commissioner Saunders stated that fairness to the property owner must be addressed to assure that the burden of road construction is not shifted from the public sector .to Individual property owners. He pointed out that the County does not want a situation where businesses Page 9 June 28, 1994 are too close to the road thereby creating the image that no planning took place and creating an aesthetic problem, Commissioner Saunders indicated that a blanket exception to the LDC could be unfair to pro- perty owners. He explained that the additional cost to public transportation must also be addressed because Collier County does not want to waste available funds. Commissioner Saunders stated that the solution may be addressing the issues on a case by case basis. Mr. Archibald stated that a prime example of two (2) party agreements is S.R. 951 where the County played an active role in the acquisition of rights-of-way. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that enough time exists if construction does not commence until lggS-g6. Nr, Feder pointed out that construction cannot start unless all rights-of-way are In hand and clear which requires a two (2) year pro- cess for the eminent domain process so time is of the essence. Commissioner Matthews recommended that Staff contact engineering firms with CAD systems to produce a video of what the corridor will look like after the six (6) lantng since aesthetics are so Important. The following persons spoke on this Item: Chrts Lombardo Chrts Straton Bruce Thaihelmet Bill Neron Donna Ftala sea Recessed: 10:20 A.N. - Reconvened: 10:40 A.N. at which time Deputy Clark Barbtrettl replaced Deputy Clerk Fernlay see Commissioner Saunders stated that there is presently a variance procedure for every LDC requirement. He suggested that staff expedite the variance procedure for every parcel of land effected on this road segment. He said that would provide public comment on each parcel. Commissioner Norris agreed with Commissioner Saunders. He said that he would like the ability to review each parcel on a case by case basis. He expressed concern regarding the fact that by granting these variances the property will have a non-conforming use on It which will render the property not useful. He suggested that the legal Staff explore the potential for having the variances extend through the life June 28, 1994 of the building# not through the current ownership. Commissioner Volpe agreed with Commissioner Norris. He stated that he believed that a computer enhancement of the area was being considered. He said that this discussion assumes that the Board wants to expedite the variances along this corridor. He said that the Board may want to use this as the vehicle to bring compliance with the LDC which is dons through the public hearing process. He said that he would like to see what the impacts are along this corridor. He stated that the State has already programmed this as if It is going to happen but they do not have funds available so a construction shortfall is possible. Commissioner Matthews stated that a computer enhancement would be helpful. Cosealsetoner Saunders moved to direct Staff to evaluate an expe- dited variance procedure for all the affected properties along this 1.3 mile corridor and to consider the aesthetic Impact of the area. Commissioner Saunders stated that sufficient public comment will be considered in the process. Commissioner Matthews stated that the non-conforming use for the life of the building as opposed to the owner would take some of the burden from the owner. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that Staff could pursue an LDC amendment that would develop a fast-track proce- dure for variances that would Include a hearing process before the CCPC and the BCC. Commissioner Saunders stated that the procedure should be brought before the CCPC and the Board. Mr. Archibald stated that the process will take six to nine months. Commissioner Norris seconded the motion on the floor. Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Review DIrector, stated that the ter- minology used for variances runs with the property Itself not the building or the landowner. He said that the status of these proper- Page 11 3u.ne 28, 1994 ties would be granted non-conforming to the LDC for which administra- tive remedies exist. He agreed that case-by-case basis is the best way to determine the impacts on each parcel of property. Commissioner Saunders stated that Staff has the flexibility to present a proposal that states that this variance will last for the useful life of the building. He said that the variance does not have to be in perpetuity. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 6/0. (658) Item #8C1 l~gVlgW OF OPTIONS FOR THE I~D4OKALES RECREATION CENTER AND POOL PROJECT - N/IN POOL, LOCKER ROOM, ACTIVITY POOL & SLIDE APPROVED; STAFF DIRECTID TO WORK WITH SCHOOL BOARD RE GY~ FACILITIES AND REPORT BACK IN 60 DAYS Public Services Administrator Olltff stated that Staff had been directed to bring the project back to the Board and present options. He said that the original bid for the project expires at the end of June, 1994. He stated that the County has received a commitment from the contractor to extend his bid prices until the end of July, 1994. He said that Staff is seeking direction for the construction that should be planned for this site so that negotiations with the contrac- tor can be completed before the end of July. Hr. 011tff described the site using a visual presentation. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Olltff explained that the middle school is approximately two blocks away from the site. He confirmed that there is a sidewalk from the middle school to the site. He said that the high school T/mnasium is approximately one-half mile from the site. Hr. Olltff stated that there are different costs associated with this project and are required regardless of any option of the construction. He said site work will cost $391,000.00 to bring this project up to code. He stated that engineering design work has been provided at a cost of 8240,000.00. He pointed out that the existing structures were built prior to Hurricane Donna and were renovated Page 12 3une 28, 1994 approximately twenty years ago. Mr. Olltff stated that the main pool that Is contemplated is a 25 meter by 25 yard pool similar to the Golden Gate facility. He said that the elide is an option. He described the activity pool as a 'kiddie pool" with sprinklers which is generally used for pre-school children. He explained that the gymnasium is the gym proper. He said that the locker rooms are the existing locker rooms which are located in a separate building. He explained that interconnecting construction includes the multi-purpose room and game room facilities. Mr. Olltff explained that the first option Is to clear the pro- perty at a cost of $200,000.00. He said that the second option is to refurbish the existing gym building only which would include rerooflng the exiting building, site work and rebuild the restrooms at a cost of 8691,000.00. He stated that the third option is to build an acti- vity pool and refurbish the existing locker room building at a cost of 81,155,000.O0. He pointed out that site work te Included in the cost of the options. He said that the fourth option is the main pool construction and refurbtshtng the existing locker room building at a cost of $1,579,000.00. He said that this option is similar to option three except for the addition of the main pool. He stated that the fifth option is the full recreation center Improvement without any pool construction at a cost of $1,663,000.00. He explained that the sixth option is the main pool, interconnecting construction and reno- vation of existing locker rooms at a cost of 82,159,410.00. He stated that option seven is the total project without the raccluetball courts at a cost of 82,668,000.00. He explained that this option is recom- mended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. He said that the last option is the total project at a cost of $2,795,000.00. He said that the cost is the low bid that was received. Mr. Olliff suggested that the Board select one of the options and direct Staff to negotiate with the contractor. County Manager Dotrill etated that the County has contacted the School Board in an effort to determine If the School Board wishes to Page 13 June 28, 1994 participate and provide funds to aid the construction of the project. He said that the preliminary answer is negative, however, the Chairman of the School Board said that he would revisit the issue after the bid opening for the expansion and renovation of the Immokalee High School. He said that the Chairman seems willing to support the pool project if the School Board project comes in under budget. Mr. Dorrtll stated that the second issue is an expanded Joint facility agreement between the schools and the Board of County Commissioners where the County would have unrestricted use of their gym in return for unrestricted use of the swtmmtng complex. He said that there seems to be a good opportunity for this type of agreement. Commissioner Matthews clarified that there would be unrestricted after school use of the gym. She said that the School Board has offered to enter into an Interlocal Agreement utilizing the high school gym and the middle school multi-purpose room. Commissioner Saunders stated that he is concerned that the high school and the middle school would be using their own facilities so frequently that they would not be available to the general public. Conuntsstoner Matthews stated that the gyms would be available to Parks and Recreation on a not regular operating basis. She said that would not satisfy the needs of Parks and Recreation. Commissioner Volpe remarked that there is no gymnasium facility available to the public throughout the urban area. Commissioner Matthews stated that an Interlocal Agreement with the School Board is an excellent idea. She said that each party would absorb operating cost. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrlll stated that the Y.M.C.A. facilities are contemplated for Collier County in the near future. Commissioner Constantine stated that the primary target for the use of the gym facilities is children. He expressed concern regarding the duplication of facilities. Commissioner Matthews stated that much of the after school time is Page 14 .2. i-: :}.'. I June 28, 1994 really not available because of other school activities. Commissioner Volpe stated that 46~ of the population in Immokalee is under 18 years of age. The following people spoke on the subject: Tape Fred N. Thomas, Jr. Maria Santiago Trine Allarc David K. Lindsay Rev. Howard Allen Sr. Henry C. Tribble Betty Valcri Irma Slaughter 6eorge Flagler Aldrice Cummings Paula Grimaldo Peggy Dlaz Lucy Ortiz Ray. Bruce A. Pray Claudette Gillings Donnna Fiala St. Kitty Milson Nettle Phillips Commissioner Constantine stated that his vote on June 7, 1994, was not against recreation In Immokalee. He said that a pool in Immokalee ts clearly needed. He said his vote was against the contract for 3.2 million dollars. Commissioner Saunders referred to a report from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board which suggests that the Board of County Commissioners award the base contract for the total project with all add-on alternates other than the racquetball courts. Commissioner Constantine suggested that the Board of County Commissioners enter Into a formal agreement with the School Board that meets the Countyts needs before committing to refurbish the gymnasium portion. He said if the needs of the County cannot be met In that fashion, the refurbtshment should be approved. Commissioner Volpe stated that he agrees with Commissioner Constanttne~s concern. He said that there are ways to cooperate with the School Board. t In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Olltff explained that the difference between option two and four re. option six Is the Interconnection construction. He said that option two refurbishes the existing gym as a stand alone building, option four refurbishes the existing locker room as a stand alone building and does not Include the covered roof structure and the area that is proposed to be roofed. Commissioner Matthews stated that If the Board chooses to do Page 15 June 28, 1994 option two and four with A and B add/alternates the total would be 22,484,666.00. She said that option six would provide more area under roof for 82,374,076.00. She said that for approximately $100,000.00 less the County would gain approximately $300,000.00 In value. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Olltff stated that there are two existing restrooms outside the gymnasium. Cmlssloner Constantine moved to proceed with the main pool, refurbishing the existing locker room, activity pool, slide and to establish within 60 days the options available for the gym facilities after discussion with the School Board. In response to Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Constantine replied that his motion does not address the interconnect. Commissioner Norris stated that he agrees with trying to get more cooperation from the School Board. Commissioner Saunders stated that he would support the motion as long as a final decision on the gym Is made within 60 days. He asked If It Is posstble to proceed with the existing bid without the rerooflng of the gym. Nr. Olltff replied that a negotiated contract would be required. County Nanager Dotrill pointed out that minor additional engi- neering costs would be Incurred. Commissioner Natthews stated that proceeding with option six would provide economy of scale. She asked if the interconnecting con- cession could be made Into an add/alternate? County Manager Dorrtll stated that would be difficult to do. Commissioner Volpe asked if the motion could be amended to proceed with option six and negotiate with the School Board to develop an agreement within 60 days. County Manager Dorrlll pointed out that option six is only to build a pool. Commissioner Constantine reiterated that the motion includes the main pool, refurbIshtng the existing locker room, the activity pool and the slide. He asked what other than the Interconnecting activity Page 16 June 28, 1994 area is the difference in option six? Mr. Dorrill replied that option six includes all of the new construction. He said that option six would provide a single roof system from one end of the gym to the end of the locker room. Commissioner Matthews asked if there is a way to avoid committing to the final roof design and develop a direction in 60 days. County Manager Dorrill recommended that the Board proceed with option four with both add/alternates and reserve the right to come back and negotiate a supplemental agreement and change order to add the renovation of the gym and the final construction of whatever roof system is chosen. In response to Commissioner Matthews, the contractor agreed to extend the bid for 30 days. Commissioner Matthews stated that at this point the Board is con- sidering the authorization of option four with add/alternate A and B and to work with the School Board within 60 days to develop a consen- sus for the interconnecting concession. Cmissloner Norris seconded the motion on the floor. In response to Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Constantine stated that the County has budgeted funds of approximately $1,793,000.00. Commissioner Norris commented that three weeks ago a decision was made to take a closer look at this project. He said that today the Board is on the verge of authorizing most of the project with a savings of 1.5 million dollars. Commissioner Constantine confirmed that the motion intends to authorize option four, which is the main pool with add/alternates, refurbishing existing locker rooms, activity pool, slide and to meet with the School Board to discover what shared gynmastum uses will be available to meet the needs of the community within 60 days. He said that the total amount allocated today is approximately 81,793,000.00. Commissioner Matthews stated that the gymnasium roof Is leaking now. She asked if the motion could include some stabilization? Page 17 ~une 28, 1994 County Manager Dorrtll stated that could be evaluated under the existing facility maintenance budget. He said that he would report to the Board on July 19, 1994. Commissioner Matthews commented that she will support the motion but would prefer to go one step further. She said that she did not want to lose the economy of scale of what is available. She stated that she prefers option six. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. (g38) Xtem#lOk RXQOI~T FRC~ CUBI THAT TH~ COUNTY PROVZDB TRANSPORTATION OF CZTIZKNS IN II88)KAL~I TO TH~ GOLDgX 8ATE COBBUNITY POOL - APPR0VID Commissioner Matthews stated that she would like the Board to direct Staff to talk to the School Board about renting school buses to transport approximately 150 children twice a week to the Golden Gate pool for the months of July and August. She said that the cost to the County would be approximately $6,000.00. She said that because the children would pay admission to the pool, the actual cost to the County would be approximately $3,000.00. Commissioner Batthaws moved to provide transportation for citizens of Im~okale~ to the Golden Gate Community Pool. Seconded Commissioner Constantine. County Manager Dorrlll stated that the County currently buses children from each community park in the County once a week for children enrolled in the summer Recreation Program. Upon c811 for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Count7 Manager Dorrlll stated that a budget amendment will be prepared for this item. e$8 bcesled 12:40 P.M. - Reconvened 1:40 P.M. at which time Depute Clerk Hoffaan replaced Deputy Clerk Barbirettt (1027) Item eBB2 !tXCOlelINDATION 1~ SCHOOL ARF~ PATHWAY WORK FOR FY 9&/95 - STAFF I~ZCOJe~KNDATION AFPROVKD; STAFF TO NAXIHIZg WAYS TO BUILD PATHWAYS AND BRINg BACK REVISBD CASH FLOW PRO~SCTIONS Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that this Page 18 ~une 28, ~994 is recommending that the Board consider spending the remaining $100,000 tn funds for this year and move forward with a bid that would allow prices for the sidewalks and three different cross sections that could be applied at other locations throughout the County. He noted that staff is presently looking at 11 pathway locations. Mr. Archibald requested that staff be authorized to prepare the specifications, bid out the proposed work, return to the Board with bids for the various bikeways, in addition to providing unit prices to be added to the list if it is desirous to do two years worth of work at the end of the financial year. Mr. Archibald stated that staff is only recommending the projects on Attachment 2, as contained on Page 4 of the Executive Summary. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Archibald explained that these pathways will be constructed similar to sidewalks; placed as far away from the travel lanes as possible; and will be located primarily In residential areas. He cited two exceptions: the proposed pathway for the Manares School and the proposed pathway for Avalon School on Thomasson Drive. B/cycle/Pedestrian Coordinator Chapman voiced concerns with regard to the list, as presented by Transportation Services. She recalled that after the Board approved the Pathway Advisory Committee's recom- mended pathway prior/ties, it was anticipated that the Office of Capital Projects would provide cost estimates and preliminary engi- neering for all projects and only at a time of insurmountable conflicts, would projects be reviewed to be taken out of sequence. She advised that the list proposed by Transportation Services Is school related projects, however, they have been re-prtoritized and placed before all other projects. Be. Chapman explained that the message that is being sent out, Is that blcycltng and walking are chtldren's transportation modes and everyone else should get back into their cars where they belong. Commissioner Constantine stated' that the message that Is being sent out is that chtldren's safety Is the County's top priority. Page 19 June 28, 1994 Ms. Chapman presented a handout depicting crash statistics. She pointed out that children's safety with regard to getting to the store, parks and friends' houses, without the benefit of safe pathways and good traffic safety skills is a problem. Commissioner Constantine remarked that Golden Gate City is 2 miles x 2 miles, therefore, nowhere in this area is further than 2 miles away from a school. He noted that there are virtually no sidewalks In Golden Gate since it was designed prior to that requirement. He pointed out that this Is clearly an example of children trying to get to school where there are no sidewalks and they are riding and walking in the road. Ms. Chapman stated that the group with the greatest number of bicycle and pedestrian crashes involve persons between the ages of 25-34 years old. She noted that it is imperative to provide pathways · that lead to common destinations and are useful to everyone, not only ',' the children. ;,-, Ms. Chapman explained that the bottom line is that there are !,. unfunded projects and these are all are non-school related. She pointed out that the priority list approved by the Board, includes Roberts Avenue in Immokalee. She Indicated that Immokalee Is reported to have ~0~ - 60X of Its population walking and blcycltng as the pri- mary mode of transportation. Ms. Chapman cited if these Important priorities are not funded In the sequence as prtortttzed, the County Is not providing a good transportation service for everyone in need of btcycltng and walking facilities. She requested that the Board fund and construct the path- ways as prtortttzed by the Pathway Advisory Committee. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Chapman stated that 8100,000 would on3y fund two or three projects. Ms. Chapman r~vealed that that the first project proposed for construction Is Thomasson Drive, which is 1/3 of the total amount of available funding. She pointed out that this is an ISTEA funded pro- Ject to be constructed next year with state and federal dollars. She Page 20 June 28, 1994 noted that the Pathway Advisory Committee has voiced concern that the County would move forward with construction of this facility and spend 1/3 of the funds when the project would be constructed next year with federal and state funds. Mr. Archibald explained that this is one of the advantages of bidding out the work. He indicated that the issue of finance and how the $100,000 will be used is the subject of the bid results when they are presented to the Board. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Archibald explained that the $38,000 Thomasson Drive project will be brought back to the Board with two different scopes. He revealed that one scope is for approxi- mately $6,000 and the other scope would be $35,000. He stated that it may make very good sense to postpone the project and do this as a state project under ISTEA funding. He noted that there is a short segment between Bayshore Drive and Pine Street that may be appropriate for purposes of providing an interim school pathway. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald affirmed that Attachment 1 is a l~sting of the projects previously adopted by the Board. He reported that Attachment 2 is comprised of projects from the adopted list that serves schools and that staff is recommending to use the available funds between the current time and September. Responding to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Chapman replied that she is requesting that the Board defer priority #1 for one year and possibly Priority #4. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the top five priority pro- Jects indicate pathways on both sides of the road. He questioned whether one side of the road could be deferred so that other projects could be done as well. Ms. Chapman replied in the affirmative, noting that it is not practical to place facilities on both sides of the road, particularly in Golden Gate, where a pathway will not connect to anything. With regard to the Thomasson Drive project, Commissioner Volpe recalled that a group of concerned citizens came to the Board early on Page 21 June 28, 1994 in this process and they were referred to the Pathways Advisory Committee and advised that there would be a certain priority to address the needs of the children in that area. He remarked that Ha. Chapman is now suggesting that this project be deferred and questioned whether this has been discussed with the residents of that area. Ha. Chapman replied that she has not discussed this issue with the residents. Mr. Archibald reported that he has had meetings with the residents and part of their concern is that some type of facility be constructed on Bayshere going to the west since there is a large apartment complex with many school children gaining access to the roadway. He suggested that before the Board makes a decision, it may be beneficial to see the price and have staff present same for consideration. Commissioner Norris questioned whether staff's recommendation is to approve the short list (Attachment #2) to send out to bid and make a final decision at a later date, to which Mr. Archibald replied affirmatively. In addition, Mr. Archibald remarked that staff is requesting authorization to prepare the specifications in July, send out to bid, and come back to the Board in August. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Smunders and carried unanimously, to approve staff's recomndation; and staff directed to maximize ways to build the pathways and bring back revised cash flow projections. (X885) Item RICOITSIDKRATXON OF THZ lSTEA ENKANCKMKNT 8RANT APPLICATION FO~ KVKRGLADIS CORRIDO~ MANAGEMENT FLAN (C.R. 29 FROM U.S. 41 TO CHOZOLOSKrE ISLAND) - COIQ4ITMKNT OF 823,800 LOCAL CASH MATCH APPROVED Commissioner Saunders noted that discussions relative to this item have been held many times in the past. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Conissioner Volpe and carried 3/2 (Commissioner Norris and/Commissioner Constantine opposed), to approve the grant application and the funding in the amount of 823,800. Page 22 {lg37) INTIXaGINCY AGREINKFr BETWEEN COLLIKR COUNTY AND THE STATE OF FLORIDA DIPaRTMINT OF CORRECTIONS FOR THE USE OF INRATIS FRON HEllDRY COP~XCTrONAL INSTITUTION FOR PUBLIC WORKS PR0~ECTS - APPROVZD Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that thls 1tom relates to the rolling over of a standard one year agreement with the Hendry Correctional Institution. Nr. Archibald stated that the program presently Is one in which staff anticipates utilizing the Inmates for right-of-way Improvements. Ccaalmsioner Saundars moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carrledunamimously, to approve the lnteragencyAgrsemmnt between Collier County and the State of Florida Department of Corrections for the use of Inmates from Hendry Correctional Institution for public works projects. Page 23 ~une 28, Z~94 (:g84) Xtem 18C2 CONTRI~T ANIIENENT BETWEEN SERVICES FOR SENIORS AND INTERIM HEALTH CA~X FO~ kDDXTIONAL CLZINT IN NONE SUPPORT SERVICES - APPROVED Public Services Administrator 0111ff requested Board approval for a contract amendment in the amount of $13,415 with Interim Health Care for additional client in home support services. Mr. Ollifr remarked that no new funding is required. He explained that monies will be moved from the personnel portion of the budget to the operating portion of the budget. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Conissloner Constantine and carried unanimously, to approve the contract amendment for the contract between Collier County and Interim Health Care for client in hose support matrices. 83' Page 24 J~3,ne 28, 1994 (2122) RESOLUTIONS 94-460/462, AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION THE F~E SINPLE TITLE FOR ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY TO COMPLETE THE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY SIX LANING PROJECT (FROM GOODLETTX-FRANK ROAD TO AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD INCLUDING THE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD AND THE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD) - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Commissioner Saunders remarked that the purpose of this item is to accept the properties by gift, purchase or condemnation. Cmlsstoner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris to authorize the acquisition by gift, purchase or condemnation the fee simple title for road rights-of-way to complete the Golden Gate Parloamy six laning project, thereby, adopting Resolutions 94-&60/&62. Commissioner Matthews stated that she understands that recent changes have been made to the condemnation rules and these would be in the County's benefit. County Attorney Cuyler advised that these changes affect cases that are filed after October 1, 1994. He noted that staff's needs are to move forward on the subject properties. Office of Capital Projects Management Director Conrecode explained that it ls likely that staff will file within the next 60 days. County Attorney Cuyler reported that It is difficult to analyze upfront what the savings would be by filing at this time as opposed to filing on October 2, 1994. Cosaiseionmr Matthews amended the motion to include the stipula- tion that if there is an intent to file before October 1, 199&, staff to provide · cost of benefit analysis. Commissioner Volpe noted that the Executive Summary makes reference to Golden Gate Boulevard. Mr. Conrecode stated that this is an error and will be corrected to reflect Golden Gate Parkway. Commissioner Saunders accepted the amendment to the motion and Commissioner Norris concurred with ease. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Page 25 June 28, 199& (2405) Irma SeN2 !t~)LUTIOFS 94-463/466, AUTHORIZING TEE ACQUISITION BY GIFT, PURCHASE OR CO]IDEMNaTION THE BASEMENT INTERESTS FOR DRAINAGE, MAINTENANCE, tsWDSCaq, MITIGATION AND TD(PORARY CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES TO COMPLETE TB~ GOLDEli GATE PARKWAY SIX LINING PROJECT (FROH GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD TO AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD INCLUDING TEE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD AND THE INTERSECTION IMPROV~BVTS AT GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION This Item was discussed In conjunction with Item 18H1. OmissioniT Saunders/oved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, that Resolutions 94-463/466 be adopted subject to the stilmlation if there is an Intent to file before October 1, 199&, staff to provide a cost of benefit analysis. BOOK 00 PAr-,~ ~"- Page 26 ',2 COUNTT ADITINISTRATOR AUTHORIZATION TO APPROV~ CERTAIN AGENDA ITEMS DURXNG TH~ BOARDwE SUMMER RECESS - APPROVED Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously, to authorize the County Administrator to approve budRet amendments, emergency and consent items during the Board'e 8131288r &'I-,,,'!,F'I · 2KLECTXON 0Y INVESTMENT BANKING TEAM FOR PROPOSED CURRENT ItSFUNDING OF 2~RXB2 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVEMB~T BONDS - WILLIAM R. HOU~N 8KLECT~D AS SENIOR MANA2ERI AND M~RRIEL LYNCH AND SMITH BARNEY TO SERVE AS Assistant County Manager HarEerr announced that following the Boardwe June 7, 1994 authorization, the Finance Committee solicited a Request for Proposal from five members of its underwriting team. He advised that the proposals were distributed to each member of the Finance Committee who rated and tabulated same. Mr. HarEerr stated that based upon the tabulation. the Finance Committee recommends that the firm of William R. Hough be selected as the senior book running manager and that Merrill Lynch and Smith Barney be selected as co-managers. Mr. Hargett pointed out that the criteria for rating each firm can be found on Page 3 of the Executive Summary. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Hargett explained that the Finance Committee previously recommended a negotiated sale which would allow the County the opportunity to select the time to enter the market, but noted he could not advise at this time that it would be advantageous to enter the market next week. Mr. Marc Samet, Financial Advisor, remarked that because this is a current refunding, the earliest time the refunding could be executed is within 90 days of the October 1 call date of the Series 1986 bonds. Commissioner Volpe noted that one issue that makes good sense is to try to market some of these sejurittes locally to allow the oppor- Page 27 tunlty for the community to invest in same. He questioned with the selections that have been made whether there is the opportunity for local people to Invest in these types of securities. Mr. Samet replied that there is the opportunity for local people to invest in these securities since two of the three firms have offi- ces in Naples. In addition, he reported that there has always been a selling group available comprised of local firms in Collier County in order to distribute bonds to residents and local orders have been made priority orders. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders to '~rovs the recomndatton of the Finance Committee, appointing WillismR. Hough, as senior manager, and Merrill Lynch and Smith · arne~ as co-managers. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Samet advised that in the past, staff and the Board have been apprised of market conditions so that it Is not an emergency and the date to go to market will be sche- duled. Commissioner Constantine recalled previous conversations about keeping the team concept, but noted that the terms of the members expired earlier this year and in fairness to other underwriters there should be a requallftcatton process to allow others to compete. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he supports the team approach and requested that minutes of the Finance Committee meetings be provided to the Commission. ~pon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. (3264) Item laH6 PaCQIQIIMDATION TO AWARD BID #94-2216 TO SUPaTY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FO~ T~X COd2xxuCTION OF THE EMS HZLICOPTER HAlTeAR - CONTINUED TO JULY lg, 1994 Commissioner Constantine suggested that this Item be continued until after the Board's summer recess. He advised that he has been involved in an ongoing discussion that may provide an option, but noted he is unable to discuss same at this time. .oo. 000 205 Page 28 June 28, 1994 Office of Capital Projects Management DIrector Conrecode advised that there is a problem, in that the bid is for a period of 60 days. He revealed that the 60 day time period will expire at the end of July. He indicated that the current time frame for building the pro- Ject entails vacating the existing facility in November. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether it is possible to receive a further extension of time on the bid. Mr. Conrecode replied that he is certain that staff can receive an extension of time on the bid. County Manager Dorrtll explained that the Board may have to enter into an extension of the current lease for the hangar on Airport Road. It m the consensus of the Commission to continue this item to a~xly 19, 1994. (SSS5) ltem tlOB Bt~SOLUTION 94-467, APPOINTING JACK BAXTER, CHARLES RAY AND GARY WILSON TO T~I ~VIRONM~NTAL POLICY TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Ftlson stated that EPTAB is recommending the appointment of Gary Wilson and that Jack Baxter and Charles Ray be placed In the next cycle. She noted that staff is recommending the appointments of Charles Ray and Gary Wilson. Ms. Fllson advised that three terms wtll be expiring on September 30, 1994 and noted that a press release has been issued. Commissioner Norris stated that there are three vacancies and three applications have been received. Commissioner Matthews advised that the three applicants responded to a press release for one position and the other two positions became open after the press release. She indicated that at this time, EPTAB is requesting that only one applicant be appointed, preferably Mr. Wilson, who is a land use attorney and that the other two positions be re-advertised. Commissioner Constantine stated that tt is unfair for those appli- cants who have submitted resumes to be placed back in the pile to be considered during the next vacancy cycle. 0130 Page 29 June 28, 1994 C~ tswiener Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner $aunders and carried-n-- t _M sly, that Resolution 9&-467 appointing Jack Baxter, Charles !tsy and Gary Wilson ha adopted. NOTE: RESOLUTION NOT PROVIDED TO CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 8/17/94 :,,.' .o"; 0t]0 P,~ 207 Page 30 June 2Be 1994 Tapm #4 Ztma#lOC County Manager Dorrlll stated that on 3une 23, 1994, the Board received correspondence from the Public Service Commission (PSC) as tt pertains to the County's role to work through the local Environmental Public Health Section of the HRS Department to better coordinate required connection to private sewage utility systems where they exist. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the PSC is asklng for a response w~thtn a certain period of time. He suggested that a cover letter be forwarded to the PSC advising that a response wlll be forth- comlng after the Board's summer recess. !OTK: LETTER NOT PROVIDIED TO CLERE TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 8/17/96 Page 31 3une 28, 1994 (67) ltem111~ DISCUSSION P/DEPARx,-~ex OF SPECIAL ASSESSNXrfS - CONTINUXD TO 7/19/94 Due to the lateness of the hour, Commissioner Saunders advised that Clerk Brock is requesting that this item be continued to 3uly 19, 1994. (64) ltfmlllB i~/SOLUTION 94-468, FINDING FIDLAR & CHAI~BERS AS SOLE SOURCE FOR PURC~J~ OF CKRTAIN BALLOT TABULATION EQUIPNENT UPGRADE AND AUTHORIZING FURCHASE OF SANE - ADOFrED; AND RESOLUTION 94-468-A, PI~OVIDING FINDINGS AND ASSURANCES TO THE DIVISION OF ELECTIONS RE COUFPfeS PURCK&SE OF VOTING SYSTEI4S UPGRADE - ADOPTED tamalesloner Norris Roved, seconded by Cassiastoner Saundera and carrled~nanimously, that Resolution 94-468, finding Fidlar & Chambers u sole source for County purchase of certain ballot tabulation equip- sent upgrade and authorizing purchase of same be adopted; and that Pasolutlon 94-468-A, providing findings and assurances to the Division of Ilections regarding the County's purchase of votlng systems upgrade bead opted. .o. 000 209 Page 32 3',,,~.e 28, 19~4 see Recess 2:40 P.M. - Reconvened 2:53 P.M. (100) PUBLIC CO!l..a~ ~Y CONTRACT AGENCIES - COMMENTS HEARD Commissioner Constantine stated that there are number of persons wishing to address the Board with regard to the Contract Agencies. He noted that the Intent at the Budget Workshop was certainly not to silence anyone. He explained that there will be an opportunity for public comment when the Budget Hearings are conducted in late August or September, but noted comments are welcomed at this time. The following persons spoke with regard to the Contract Agencies: Herb Anderson, representing United Way Fred Zawllinski, representing Immokalee Friendship House Vlc Brtttain, representing Catholic Social Services Michael Kaiser, representing CARES Nancy Frees, representing CARES Jerry Paxton, representing CARES Frances Barsh, representing TAG Denies Praz, representing Project Help Beth Knake, representing Project Help Dr. Don Thomsen, representing The Salvation Army Laura Altaratz, representing TECH - Step by Step Doris Scott, representing Tri-County Seniors Angie Squcciarini, representing Trt-County Seniors Rev. Dr. John Lindell, representing St. Matthews' House see At this time, Deputy Clerk Fernley replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman see (xsx4) ltem#12B1 ORDINaleel 94-33 RE PETITION R-94-3, DAVID S. WILKISON OF MZLKIS0N AND ASSOCIATES REPRESENTING JOHN JUMP REQUESTING A REZONE FROM RSF-3 TO C-4 FOR FROFERrY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF S.R. 29 AND 9TH STREET NOR~fH, IMMOKALEE, IN SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on June 9, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Ray Bellows, Project Planner, stated that the intent of this petition Is to unify the zoning on the subject property that is bisected by a zoning boundary line with the first 100 feet from S.R. 29 zoned C-4 (1.3 acres) while the remaining 5.7 acres are zoned RSF-3. He explained that the petitioner has no immediate plans for ,oo 000 , 21 Page 33 June 28, 1994 development of the entire site, however, a possible maximum buildout of the property is estimated to be 70,000 square feet for retail facilities. Mr. Bellows Indicated that the subject site is located wtthln a Commerce Center-Mixed Use designation of the Inunokalee Master Plan and the designation is intended to serve as a major employment center for the conununtty. He mentioned that the petition is consistent wtth the Immokalee Master Plan and the traffic impact indicates that no level of service standards will be adversely affected. Mr. Bellows stated that no letters of objection have been received for Petition R-94-3 and the Collier County Planning Commission reviewed the petition on June 2, 1994 with a recommendation for approval subject to Staff's stipulations. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bellows informed that on the southeast corner of the subject property, one (1) parcel is expected to be developed with a fast food drtve-thru restaurant which could not be developed with the zoning line cutting through the parcel so the fezone is important for the southeast parcel. David Wtlkison of Wtlkison and Associates, representing John Jump, stated that there is a convenience store on the northeast corner of the Intersection of S.R. 29 and 9th Street North, a fast food restaurant on the southeast corner, vacant commercial on the southwest corner and some existing uses on the subject property. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Wllkison explained that there are four (4) legally described parcels under the same ownership that consist of the one parcel of land on which the petitioner is requesting rezontng. He indicated that the commercial zoning line is 100 feet from the north right-of-way of S.R. 29 which is not suf- ficient depth for a commercial parcel and the petitioner wishes all the conti~uous land to be under C-4 zoning. Commissioner Constantine questioned the vote by the Collter County Planning Commission and requested that the vote be indicated in the Executive Summary in the future. 000 215 Page 34 June 28, 1994 Mr. Bellows stated that the vote at the Planning Commission was 5/0 to approve. Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review Director indicated that the vote by the Collier County Planning Commission will be included in future Executive Summaries. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bellows explained that Stipulation A of the Agreement with the petitioner addresses future access to Parcel A. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Wllkison indicated that Parcel A could be utilized by governmental facilities such as relo- caring the post office to a larger site from downtown Immokalee. Commissioner Norris pointed out that Parcel A has residential on both sides which could create problems by abutting C-4 zoning. Mr. Wilkison mentioned that the property to the west is the R. Roberrs Estates PUD and is a multi-family parcel zoned RMF-12. He stated that the property to the north is an excavator equipment yard. Commissioner Volpe stated that a PUD in the Immokalee community would be nice to show what uses would be appropriate and sensitive to the adjoining neighborhoods. He indicated that there are some fairly intense uses allowed in the C-4 zoning district and the difficulty he has with the fezone is not knowing exactly how the property will be utilized. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Matthews voiced concern regarding the future use of Parcel A because of the various uses with C-4 zoning and questioned what uses have been approved for the adjacent PUD? Mr. Bellows informed the Board that multi-family zoning is adja- cent to the subject property within the Roberrs PUD. Mr. Wilkison explained that to the west is approved multi-family, commercial on the frontage and some residential single family close to Roberrs Avenue exist within the Roberrs PUD. Mr. Bellows informed the Board that the equipment yard is a legal non-conforming use. Page 35 June 28, 1994 Commissioner Saunders stated that Page 1 of the Executive Summary indicates that the rezoning to C-4 is consistent with the Immokalee Naster Plan and the option of a straight rezone or a PUD is a decision the property owner makes. He explained that if all the LDC require- ments are applied to the requested straight rezone, the outcome will be similar to that of a PUD. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that he has concerns with regard to the issue of compatibility. C~ issionsr Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Natthews sad carried 4/1 (Cmtseloner Volpe opposed), that Ordinance No. 94-33 be ad~pted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 66. lt'w~/12Cl !tlSOLUTIINI 94-469 P,I PETITION SNR 94-1RENANING GOODLAND DRIVE TO "VIITAgl EAT DRIVI" LOCATED ON NAP, CO BEACH UNIT 15, SECTION 15, TOIII'BK[P 82 SOUTE, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDk, IN ORDER TO [Lll[INAT[ NIM~ DUPLICATION AND CONIrOSION IN THE CASE OF AN EMERGENCY - Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 12, 1994 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. .. Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review DIrector, stated that the street name change is being requested by Staff and no objec- tions have been voiced to the proposed change. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Cc~aissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Natthews and carrledunxnisously, that Petition SNR 94-1 be approved, thereby ad~ptingResolution 94-469. Page 36 ]:tes e~2c2 O!tDINa31CI 94-34 M(gNDING 0RDINAIICE NO. 90-105, THE COLLID COUIrrY COIITt~l~t~I LICI!rSlNG BOARD ORDINANCE - ADOPTXDWITH CHANGES Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 9, 1994 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Bob Nonnenmacher, Contractor Licensing Investigator, stated that the proposed amendments to Ordinance 90-105, the Collier County Contractors' Licensing Board, are the result of numerous workshops and will allow the ordinance to be consistent with Florida Statute 489. He explained that the changes clarify and more specifically address the scope of work In certain trade categories. Mr. Nonnenmacher indi- cated that the new trade category of Tree Removal and Trimming has been added and Occupational Licenses will be sent by certified mail and grandfathered In as long as a certificate of Insurance and a current occupational license is produced. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Nonnenmacher informed the Board that all categories are required to take a two (2) hour business and law course because 87 percent of businesses fall due to management problems rather than the capabilities of the contractor, so Block and Associates changed the requirements to two (2) hours rather than one (1) hour. He Indicated that this change will not affect existing licenses. Commissioner Volpe recommended that the next time the contractors renew licenses, they should be Informed that they must meet the requtrements. County Attorney Cuyler indicated that the problem is if the holder of a Certificate of Competency fails the test, the County could affect their livelihood. Commissioner Constantine questioned if there is a way to phase in the program over time? .oo, OC]O 219 Page 37 June 28, 1994 Mr. Nonnenmacher informed that the testing is required only one time at the time of origination only. ConunissAoner Volpe suggested that perhaps existing license holders could be required to attend the course but not be tested in order to upgrade management skills. Mr. Nonnenmacher stated that State Statute and County ordinance require license holders to attend continuing education courses. mr. Cuyler indicated that if language needs to be adjusted as a result of the tree trimming discussion, the County Attorney's Office will need authorization to effect the change as part of the approval process. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that Page 7 of the Executive Summary, Paragraph, reads "General Contractor requires forty- elght {48) months experience with a passing grade on a six (6) hour test..." and questioned experience in what? Mr. Nonnenmacher responded that the 48 months experience require- ment is in general contracting in the construction of homes. Commissioner Matthews stated that the sections on building contractors and residential contractors read the same and do not designate what experience is required. Mr. Nonnenmacher stated that the experience requirements are set forth in State Statutes and experience would include a number of year in a particular field, i.e. plumbing, electrical, general contracting. Commissioner Matthews stated that the sections relative to general, residential and building contractors experience needs to be more specific. C~meloner Saunders moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Matthews end c~rx'le~ unanimously, that Ordinance 94-34 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 66 with the changes of specifying experience Fe~x~irements for general, residential and building contractors. (8061) ltmmel2C3 R~8OL~r~XOM 94-470 R~ PETITION AV-94-006 VACATING k 60 FOOT ROAD RImHT-OF-WAY PLATrID AS STREET AND DRIV~ (THAT PORTION OF CREEK AV~NI~2 LYING ~JtSTERLY OF LOT 12, AND THE WESTERLY 35 F~ET OF LOT 18), C.W. HUDDLESTONtS SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 100 OF Pa~e 38 ,T~L,-~.e 28, ~994 RECORDS 0Y COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on June 12 and June 19, 1994 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Russ Muller, Transportation Engineer, stated that Petition AV-94-006 is a request for the vacation of a 60 foot road right-of-way located in the Rock Creek Campground and is requested to clarify prior Board action because of a mistake in the legal description in two (2) similar adjacent vacations, thereby clearing title for the owner. He indicated that no letters of objection have been received. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Natthews and carTied 4/0 (Commissioner Saunders out), that Petition AV-94-006 be %¥&o~._d, thereby adopting Resolution 94-470. Page 39 June 28, Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on June 12, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review Director, stated that this petition is for a sign variance and is requested by Target Stores for property located in the southwest quadrant at the intersec- tion of Pine Ridge Road and Airport Road. Mr. Arnold indicated that the petitioner is requesting three (3) signs rather than the one (1) permitted sign and the square footage of the stgns will increase to 280 square feet from the permitted 250 square feet. He stated that Staff has reviewed the request but cannot find any hardship to warrant approval of the petition. Boyd Hippenstiel, representing Target Stores, stated that the st~n variance is being requested to allow the store to identify the pharmacy facilities and garden center service. He explained that the primary concern is to identify the pharmacy facilities which is located within the large retail store facility and is unique to a large facility. Mr. Htppenstiel mentioned that the garden center has a separate entrance which is located approximately 300 feet from the main entrance to the store. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Arnold indicated that no variances have been granted to similar facilities. Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the first page of the Executive Summary indicates that "the petitioner has stated that these two additional signs are necessary to advertise services offered at the store." and that other stores, similar in size and type of 000 226 Page 40 business services offered, with only one (1) sign. June 28, 1994 He questioned what differentiates this situation from others? Mr. Hfppenstfel mentioned that Bealls Department Store, located within the same shopping plaza, has another shop called Outlooks which has a separate sign with a separate entrance but to the same store as the two are interlocked. He stated that Target Stores has a difficult time understanding why special consideration was given to another store in the same shopping center. Mr. Htppensttel stated that the Target Store front is much larger than the majority of stores in Collier County with the garden center having a separate entrance and its own checkout lanes. He indicated that neither of the requested two (2) additional stgns will be visible from the main highway as the building sits back over 700 feet and the area around the shopping center Is heavily landscaped. Mr. Htppenstiel explained that the signs are meant to direct traf- fic once inside the shopping center to the closest entrance for the garden center. Mr. Htppenstiel explained that the sign presently on the building is a trademark logo and restrictions prevent grouping additional signs with the Target Store sign. He pointed out that Code allows 20 percent of the building frontage for signage, not to exceed 250 square feet, and if the variance is granted, less than three per- cent (3~) of the total area of the building will be utilized. ,: Tape#S i.,. Commissioner Norris questioned why Bealls Department Store has ~i':.-' two (2) signs? Mr. Arnold stated that the Bealls Department Store and Outlooks have separate entrances with open archways which allow customers to pass through Internally but the stores are permitted as two (2) ', separate business entities. ~:. Mike Temme, Target Stores Manager, stated that the reason for requesting the additional signs is that Target Stores adopted a policy to advise guests of the services provided and direct them to the Page 41 . i. June 28, 1994 proper entrance. Mr. Temme pointed out that the Bealls Department Store and Outlooks may be permitted as two (2) separate businesses but have only one accounts payable operation as does Target Stores. Commissioner Constantine stated that Bealls Department Store is not germane to Target Stores and if Bealls is violating Code, the Issue needs to be addressed by the County. He pointed out that the pharmacy sign wtll serve no purpose other than to advertise since a separate entrance does not exist but the garden center sign could be considered since Target Stores would still be within the allowable 250 square footage. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Htppenettel informed that the developer restricts what can appear on the signs which ltst the stores within the shopping center located on Airport Road and Pine Ridge Road. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Temme responded that the garden center interior will not be visible from the parking lot because the store is located in the center of the shopping facility which could constitute a hardship. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Commiealoner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried &/O (Commissioner Saunders out] that Petition SV-9&-2 be deaied based on Staff findings and the recommendations as listed in the Executive Summary. (328) ltem#lSAl PBTITXONV-94-9, LARRY EILDRETH OF AVALON ENGINEERING, INC., !tIPI~ISENTXNG THE BAILEY COMPANY, REQUESTING A TEN (10) FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE AIRPORT ROAD SETBACK REQUIREMENT OF FIFTY (50) FEET TO FORTY (&0) FEET FOR PARCEL 'C" IN THE PINE RIDGE CROSSINS SHOPPING CENTER/FALLS OF NAPLES PUD - DENIED Legal notice having been published In the Naples Dally News on June 12, 1994, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Ray Bellows, Project Planner, stated that the Petitioner is 000 228 Page 42 June 28, 1994 requesting a ten foot (10') variance from the fifty foot (50~) requirement to forty feet (40') for Parcel "C" in the Falls of Naples PUD. He indicated that the subject parcel Is an out parcel located within the Pine Ridge Crossing Shopping Center, on the east side of the PUD and north of the entrance. Mr. Bellows Informed the Board that the Petitioner intends to construct a restaurant but building configuration and desired level of parking is such that the building needs to be located within 40 feet of Airport Road. Mr. Bellows stated that strict application of rules for granting a variance suggests that circumstances present in this case do not result from a land related hardship or conditions unique to the pro- perty. He Indicated that in analyzing impact of the building to the remainder of the PUD, there would be no measurable impact if the variance Is approved. Commissioner Constantine questioned the meaning of the statement in the Executive Summary which reads "...there Is no traditionally based public welfare...other than it seemed like a good idea at the Mr. Bellows Informed that the statement relates to development standards for PUD which may vary to meet the needs of the developer rather than based on the C-4 zoning district. Commissioner Volpe pointed out that aesthetics were a con- sideration when the Board approved the subject PUD with the setback requirements. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Wayne Arnold, Acting Site Development Review Director, stated that the setbacks are 25 feet for the out parcel at the Carillon Shopping Center. Commissioner Volpe indicated that concessions were made as part of the PUD relative to square footage, along with residential uses permitted, and he is not inclined to approve a variance if a land related hardship does not exist. Larry Hildreth of Avalon Engineering, representing the Bailey Page 43 June 28, 1994 Company, stated that this request is a reduction from 50 feet to 40 feet. He explained that the Bailey Company purchased the property without a full copy of the zoning resolution and noticed the 50 foot setback with a ten foot (10') right-of-way reservation and assumed that the ten feet (10'} was subtracted, leaving a 40 foot setback. Nr. Htldreth Indicated that the seller of the property was contacted and also Interrupted the setback the same way. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Hlldreth explained that the building would have been designed with the 50 foot setback had the owners realized that requirement. He Informed that one (1) other par- cel is affected by the 50 foot setback requirement. Nr. Hildreth pointed out that the Planning Commission recommended approval of this petition because this is a reasonable request. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Coemtealoner Volpe moved, seconded by Conisstoner Natthaws and carried 4/0 (Comalesioner Saundars out), that Petition V-94-9 be Ztela#llJt2 - Continued Indefinitely Ztlla e1314 -- Continued to Nesting of 3uly 26, 1994 (603) Itssill ~OlltDOFCOU_.,x COleIZSSZONERS' CONNUNZCATIONS Commissioner Harthews stated that she is meeting with the Florida Association of Counties IFAC) at 8:30 AH on Wednesday, 3uly 28 and Assistant County Hanager Hargett has prepared a letter containing information regarding the Article V costs to Collier County which is approximately $3.5 million per year. She mentioned that Hr. Hargett is to supply the construction costs for the Courthouse in which the County must provide space and is also a part of the cost. Commissioner Matthews indicated that Lee County Commissioner Warming is running for the Third Vice President of the FAC and Commissioner Constantine has requested, via memorandum, that the Board of County Commissioners support Mr. Manning for the position. No :,, Page 44 June 2~, 1994 objections were voiced regarding support for Nr. Manning as Third VIce President of the FAC. Commissioner Constantine requested that recommendations for appointments to advisory boards come only from the affected advisory board and not from Staff. Sse C~islioBer Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried~manimously, that the rollowing items under the consent agenda be vyFxvv-d and/or adopted, except for Items #16A14, #16A17 and #16A19 which were approved and/or adopted by separate motion. see see Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner ~atthewe and carried &/0 (Commissioner Volpa abstained), that Items #16A14, #16A17 and 116&19 9ndsr the consent agsnda be approved and/or adopted. see Itea ll6~t /~IPT~ 0F~taTBI~ FACILITIES FOR NAPLES NATIONAL GOLF CLUB, [q[L~l Ill - WIT~ THE STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SU~t&RY #16A2 FINJL~ PLAT OF "GREY OAKS UNIT SEVEN" AND ACCEPTANCE OF TRE C0,oxxtn, xlON AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT OF SUBDIVISION IMPROva~-a~R'~S - THE 2TIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUIet~RY Item #16A3 FINAL PLAT OF "GREY OAKS UNIT SIX," AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS - WITH THE 8TIFULATIONB as LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUBt&RY ltwmel6A4 P~W.~OLUTION 94-448 AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, INiAI~M3~, MATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN GREY OAKS UNIT TBREE, ~ OF TI~ MAINTENANCE SECURITY, AND ACCEPTING THE MAINTENANCE I~iS~O_.aIBXLITY ~OR THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMFROV~-~s'xS THAT aJtl N~T REQUIRED TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Sse Page Item RESOLUTION 9&-449 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF TEl ABAx...~x OF FUBLIC NUISANCE, COMPLIANCE SERVICES CASE NO. falll6-OS~, RECORD OWNERS: JOSEPH ANKROM AND GINA PATRICCA Ztem el6a6 See Pages Page 45 June 28, 1994 RISOLOTXOI 94-450 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR TIFE COST OF TH~ aaaTTMZXT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, COMPLIANCE SB~VICES CASE NO. 21103--003, I~CORD OWletS: !~ITH MC CAIN AND BARBARA MC CAIN lq~SOLUTION 94-451 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF ABAT~MZlIT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, COMPLIANCE SERVICES CASE 30226-083, R~CORD OWNER: HUBERT BIRD Item #16AS · ATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR RESOLUTION 94-249, ROBERT D. BAUMAN, ET UX Item #lea9 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR RESOLUTION 91-79, FRANK S. AND CARRIE Item el6&10 - Deleted ItemsleA11 RISOLOTION 94-452 AUTHORIZING FRZLIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROAIXIAY, DIULXIIAGB, IIATERJJlDSEWZR IMPROV~-~xS IN GROVES ROAD AND ACCEPTING ~ litREVOCABLE F, BTT~R OF CREDIT FROM THE DEVELOPER FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADMAT, DRAI!IAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROV~-~RxS FOR A MINIMUM OF OITEYEAR-WITHTH~ STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THX EXECUTIVE ST~QqARY Item #16A12 FINAL PLAT OF =SAN MIGUEL" AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AG~ts~M~ OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS -WITH THE STIPULATIONSAS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Item #16A13 RESOLUTION 94-483 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DEEKER ESTATES A RZFLAT OF A FORTION OF A PREVIOUSLY RECORDED PLAT KNOWN AS GOLDEN GATE ISTATBI TINIT NO. 33 AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE A~ OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS - WITH THE STIPULATIONS LISTED Item ILIA14 lq~SOLTJTXON 94--454 RE RECORDING OF THE FINAL PLAT OF "LELY RESORT FHASE AID GIUIMTING FRZLIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF TFFE ROAEWAY, DRAINAGE, Page 46 ~une 28, ~994 IIkTTRMIDSIIIERIMPROVENENTS -WITH THE STIPULATIONS LISTED IN TllX Item ll6&15 &CCEPTMICl OF THE SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERNIT NO. 59.481 "DOVE POliTe LOCITED IN SECTION 28, T485, R26E - WITH THE STIPULATIONS LIST~DINTNIsJ~uu~IVE SUTeikRY See Pages NOTE: SECURITY ROT PROVIDED TO CLERK TO BOARD 0EelC~ AS 0~ 8/17/94 ltem lleJL1S ACCEFTMIC~ OF MATER FACILITIES FOR GROVES ROD - WITH THE STIPULATIONS LISTED IN TI~EXECUTIVZ SU~9~Y NOTE: DOCUHKNTS ~OT KKCKIVKD IN C~KK~ TO BOAKD OFFICE AS 0F 8/17/9~ Ite~ 116&17 &CC~FTMICE OFMkTKR AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR LELY RESORT, PHASE 10 - WITH T![E STIPULATIONS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUNNARY See Pages ltem116A18 AUTHORIZATION OF THE SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR RESOLUTION 94-178 NETTLE Du~IOODPHILLIPS Item l16A19 leESOLUTION g4-455 RE RECORDING OF THE FINAL PLAT OF "LELY RESORT TINs MID GRANTING PRELININARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DIZ&II&GI, NATER AND SEWER XMPROVENENTS - WITH THE STIPULATIONS LISTED See Pages Item #16&20 ItSSOLUTION 94-456 1~ PRELININARY ACCEPTANCE OF TH~ ROADWAY AND INULINA81 ~ FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "COLLINS SUBDIVISIONw - WIT!!STIPUTATIONS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUNNARY ltes#lSBl BUDGET FOR THE DESIGN PHASE OF THE GOODLAND BRIDGE FENDER SYSx~! IN THE ANOUNT OF 898,500.00 (WORE ORDER CEC-2-S) Ires #16C1 !~UEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR ROUTINE AND EMERGENCY IRRIGATION REPAIRS RELATIVE TO ALL FACILITIES WITHIN THE COLLIER COUNTY PARK .oo 000 233 Page 47 iL...'-'.. ~ ITSTIm- aS TaZ axour: OF 81,500,00 .Tune 28, 1994 tl6DI lID 19&-2204 FUR CHLORINATOR EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TO EAST SIDE & 2XJFFLY IN THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL ANOURT OF 2100,000.000 ~TII~FLATBD FINAL JUDGEMENT RELATIVE TO LAND ACQUISITION FUR TH11NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL MATER TREATMENT PLANT - IN THE AMOUNT OF 817,897.56 Itma t16D3 IIARDSBIP aSSISTANCE PROGlUM,! ASSESSMENT DEFERRAL FUR 199& ltem l16D4 SA~UUxXON OF THE SATISFACTIONS OF NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGRBIMEITTOsa&~D PAYMENT OF WATERAND/OR SEWER IMPACT FEES FUR BINlARD aND IST~LLE ALSTON; GENEVA L. BURTON; LLOYD SHEKHAN AND DAVID AND IAS~II DORII~O~; BRAD & PHYLLIS ESTES; CARLO MID LORETTA FRASCA; [RIC AID KRISTI GEIUI~D; BERT & WANDA HAWKINS; s~a~ HUMPKRIES, WANDA lu~KI!~, AID PXARL HUMPHRIES; JILL J. IRMINGER; JDG INVESTMENTS; PAMIL& 3. EURTH; PATRICIO AND MARTA MARTINEZ; PINEBROOK LIMITED PARTIE!IS~IP; EONALD AND KATHLEEN RUBECK, THOMAS AND JOANlIE RYAN, JOHN AND LEOLA RYAN, AND LAWRENCE RYAN; EDWARD AND LEANN THOMAS; RICHARD AND MICHKLLE YOUNG ~ AND ANTHONY AND DOROTHY VAZZANA See Pages Item lie11 OBTAIN BOARD EXAMINATION OF THZ SUFFICIgNCY 0F BONDS OF COUNTY- OFFIClJtS '~ See Pages ANARDBXD ~94-2215 FUR THE PURCHASE OF A TRUCK MOUNTED PLATFORM LIFT TO ACTION FABRICATION AND TRUCK EQUIPMENT, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF 824,995.00 Item#leG1 ~ OF A!tOLL-0FF REFUSE TRUCK AS SPECIFIED IN BID 194-2208 FROM WALL&Cl rlTERIATIONAL TRUCIS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT 0F AUT!!~SIZ&TION FUR TB~ CHAIRMAN TO SIGN LETTER OF INTENT RELATIVE TO PARTICIPATION IN THE COLLIER COUNTY BEACH RESTORATION AND ltem#16H2 See Page PaGe 48 3une 2S, 1994 AUTHOIW/ZATION OF A WORK ORDER WITH AGNOLI, BARBER AND BRUNDAGE, INC. UNDER THE ANNUAL REGISTERED LAND SURVEYING SERVICES AGREEMENT (RFP · 93-2040) TO OBTAIN "AS-BUILT" DATA FOR COUNTY ROAD 951 IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000.00 See Pages Item #16H3 ANARD THE CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FIELD AND LABORATORY T~STING SERVICES AS A PRELININARY STEP IN THE DESIGN AND PEI~J[ITTING OF THE FOUR-LANING OF GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD FROM C.R. 951 RUNNING BAST APPROXIMATELY 5 1/4 MILES TO SECOND STREET, N.E. - WORE ORDER 8~&N-1 W/LAW ENGINEERING IN THE AMOUNT OF 819,446.00 See P:,es . ~ a. ~ - -._3 ..~ / Item e16H4 8TIPULATID ORDER AS TO THE DEFENDANT 'S ATTORNEY FEES FOR THE EASEMENT ACQUISITION ON PARCEL NUMBERS 346, 346.1, 29, AND 29 · 1, LOCATED IN THE PIN~ RIDGX IRX#U~x~tlAL PARK M.S.T.U. IN THE AMOUNT OF 86,712.50 Item #16R5 - This item has been deleted. Item l16E6 ~ FOR FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES BETWEHN COLLIER COUNTY AND EAYNOND JAMES AND ASSOCIATES, INC. See Pages Item #16H~ RISOLgTXON 94-457 AND RESOLUTION 94-458 RE EXPENDITURES FOR THE 1994 AT yOUR SIRVICE GOVERNMENT DAY AND THE KANDU (PUBLIC ASSISTANCE TZLs~.O_~ LINE) see P~e~ a 5za- ,~ ~,5" Itwm#16J NISCKLLaN~OU~ COKRESPONDERCH - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence was f~led and or re~erred as presented by the Board o~ County Commissioners: -- 0O0 ~,~. 235 Page 49 June 28, 1994 Item #1631 *~i~LIalCATE8 0Y CO!tRHCTION TO TH~ TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED 1993 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY No, Date 162 06/02/94 1993 REAL PROPKRTY 191 06/15/94 192 06/16/94 193 06/20/94 Item#1632 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR TH~ SERVICES OF TH~ PUBLIC DEFENDER lte lleL1 ~OLUTIOM g4-459 R~ SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN R~SID~NTIAL ~ IliaIRWIN TH~ COUNTY HAS R~CEIVED PAYMENT AND SAID LIENS ARE 2ATISFXED Xll FULL FOR THE 1991 SOLID WAST~ COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL 2ERVICli2 81~CIAL ASSESSMENTS Item M16L2 - Thte 1tam has been continued to the aeettng of July 19, leg4. ee$$8 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the leet~ng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - T~me: 4:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APP~-ALS/EX or as corrected