BCC Minutes 02/04/1992 W Nap]es, Florida, February 4, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners tn and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 12:37 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patrtcla A. Goodntght ALSO PRESENT: Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager; Kenneth Cuyler, County Attorney; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page February 4, 1992 WORKSHOP REGARDING STRATEGIC PLAN OVERVIEW - PRESENTED BY COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 3, 1992 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to conduct a workshop session regarding a strategic planning overview. County Manager Dorrill presented a brief introduction for the Strategic Planning Session to be held on February 10, 1992. He pointed out that last year there were so many goals identified that it became a problem to track them for a midyear or end of the year review. This year, Mr. Dorrill explained, there will be three top goals within each of the divisions for the Board to consider, and sub- sequently, the Board is to direct staff as to which is considered higher priority. Mr. Dorrill stressed that only the most important goals should be targeted and then each one should be assigned an indi- cator date to determine whether or not the goals are on or behind schedule. Mr. Dorrlll listed his own priorities for the executive offices for 1992. The first concept, he explained, is the modification of the county's current budgeting strategy to a 'Priority Budgeting System' He described this as a modified zero-based budget approach, and will require each agency manager, who is responsible for spending appropriations, to develop those in a program spending format, with the Board specifically identifying dollar amounts. He further explained that, for each program, it will show the personnel cost and the direct overhead associated with it, any fixed or operating capital cost for each program-spending area in the county, as well as a rela- tive priority of them (most important vs. least important spending aspects). Mr. Dorrill stated that the Board will then set in a policy fashion what it wishes to fund in the coming year, and establish priority spending (hence the idea of priority budgeting). He pointed out that this ts to be effective for the County Manager's agency in Page 2 February 4, 1992 '.: every instance where property taxes or ad valorem funds are used. Regarding the enterprise funds, he explained that they would be with- held in the first year, and wait until the second year, in order to give him enough tlme to do a thorough Job; only those ad valorem tax matters would be, in the first year of the implementation, changed over to Priority Budgeting. Mr. Dorrlll related that he had been questioned whether this would be required of the constitutional offi- cers; his response was that they should be advised of the process as it relates to property taxes, and indicated that it is voluntary, but strongly encouraged. Additional/y, Mr. Dorrill stated that he feels this budget is easier to understand, and that Mr. McNees, Budget Director, will be presenting the fiscal policy and the budget changes to the Board later this month. In response to Commissioner Volpe0 Mr. Dorrill explained that he has not discussed Priority Budgeting with the Sheriff's Department, and verified that the Sheriff's budget as well as all others except the tax collector's budget were integrated into the county budget. He noted that the tax co/lector is required to keep a percentage of every dollar that he collects as his own'fee, and the balance of the consti- tutional officers recelve a monthly draw, a 1/12 payment in advance of each month of the new fiscal year. Commissioner Volpe said he feels that if this budget policy is adopted, the other constitutional officers should be strongly encouraged to use the same format. Mr. Dorrill commented that he feels when the policy is implemented, it will benefit the public because they will be able to see and more easily understand what their money is being used for, program by program. County Manager Dorrill stated that he is enthusiastic about the new policy and feels the other agency managers will see the merits of it. Commissioner Volpe commented that this budgeting format is being used successfully in other areas. Mr. Dorrtll added that this propo- Page 3 February 4, 1992 sal was developed with the assistance of Jean Gansel, Budget Analyst, and the former Budget Director for the city of Clearwater. He said he believes that Clearwater has one of the more sophisticated budgeting reputations in the state, from a manager's perspective. The second consideration, Mr. Dorrlll mentioned, is the Q+ Program, which is an in-house quality program that was copied from a Japanese program and is currently used by Florida Power & Light. He explained that while the establishment of productivity teams is impor- tant in the first level, there is a second, higher level of produc- tivity planning with this particular issue, involving setting some internal policies as they relate to productivity and spending effort. He said this would be indicated in terms of internal productivity and continuing effort for efficiency. He related that the desired outcome would be to establish organizational goals and assign indicators that will relate to efficiency, and eventually this woUld indicate how efficient the Commission's goals are, where efficiency is being met and to what degree. In response to Commissioner Volpe's inquiry on what amount is budgeted for this Q+ Program, Mr. Dorrill said he feels it is less than a quarter of a million dollars. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrill explained that an in-house employee network of trainers has been established, rather '~ than having a long-term arrangement with a consultant or sending employees for seminar training. In answer to Commissioner Volpe's inquiry, Mr. Dorrill confirmed that the cost of the program is reduced already, due to the adoption of this year's budget. The final concept for consideration, Mr. Dorrill suggested, is to establish base levels of service for county operating expenses and enlarge the role of the municipal taxing districts. Mr. Dorrill further suggested that the increasing of the service levels of existing or expanded municipal service taxing and benefit units should be explored, and left to the discretion of the advisory boards. He Page 4 February 4, 1992 said he is seeing more and more people who want to spend more money and increase the budget for certain areas that go beyond basic county services. This concept would allow the public to determine how high a level of service they want for certain types of county services, he noted. Mr. Dorrill stated then, for example, a Pelican Bay community could approach the Commission and ask to be taxed at a higher rate for more municipal type of police protection service. Commissioner Saunders stated that, in his opinion, an MSTU for median beautification or street lighting is legitimate, but for anhallced zoning enforcement or police protection, there could be serious ramifications. He stated that he would like to see data on how this is handled in other communities. Mr. Dorrtll advised the Board that this is a novel concept and will require further research (i.e. studying other areas of Florida using this approach), but that it may, in the years ahead, aid in establishing tax and spending patterns. Mr. Hasse expressed concern for the people who may be taxed by this method and cannot afford it. Focusing on police protection, Mr. Dorrill explained that it is currently not spread evenly throughout the county, because the highest concentration of road patrol officers or Sheriff's deputies are in those areas where crime is the highest. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Dorrill replied that Tom Oonrecode with the Office of Capital Projects coordinates the MSTU's. Mr. Dorrlll finalized that at the Workshop on Monday, February 10, 1992, he will begin with each of the seven divisions and.they will be reporting to the Board their top three goals, in addition to the three priorities provided for the Executive Offices. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:10 P.M. Page 5