BCC Minutes 03/25/1992 B Naples, Florida, March 2§, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and ales acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on thio date at 5:10 P.M. in BUDQET WORKSHOP SESSION tn Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Flor!da, with the ' following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Patrtcta A. Goodnight Max A. Hasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders AY,SO PRESENT: Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, ~' County Attorney; Jeff Perry, MPO Director; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Director; Tom : Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director; George Archibald, Transportation Administrator; Mike McNees, Budget Director .:,. Gary Stover, Courthouse Security; George Drobinskt, Probation ~ Director; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Jean Gansel, Michael Smykowskt, and Ed Finn, Budget Analysts; Kathryn Lieb0 Guardian Ad v-item Coordinator; Clndt Rives, Court Counselor; Sue Ftlson, Ad~inistrattve Assistant; and Deputy Jim Waller, Sheriff's Office. Page March 25, 1992 BOD~ETING NOR~SHOP - PROGRAM BUD~NTING FOR COURT AGENCIES AND OFFICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 County Manager Dorrill stipulated that this workshop commences the Board's review of the various program budgets that have been prepared from the modified zero-based concept. He reminded the Commissioners that this is the first of two reviews that the Board will have. He noted that in June the Financial Budgets will be presented which will show the typical line item summaries that will result from the Program Budgets that have been Identified. In response to Commissioner Volps, County Manager Dorrill explained that Base Level Services involve a series of criteria - State or Federal Mandate, part of an existing county adopted ordinance or absolutely necessary to maintain minimum asset value - and in order to be An the Base Level Budget one of the three has to be met. Michael McNees, Budget Director, advised that this is the first time the Board is utilizing the Program Budgeting Process. He noted that there are two forms of Program Activities the Board would be reviewing: a) one set of those activities is going to be called base level activities. These are in 3 types - those activities that are mandated by state, federal or local law, those activities that protect the health and safety of the population, and those activities that maintain capita/ asset value b) the other type of program involves everything else In referring to the Handbook, Mr. McNees explained that the blue page ie the first page for each department, and represents an overview of the Program Budget for that department. Mr. McNees noted that the second page following the blue page fur- ntahes a description of the Base Level of Service for that department, and the description lists certain specific statutes and Justification for Inclusion in the Base Level of Service. He added that this page also includes a Statement of'service Level that indicates if only the Base Level is funded, what the consequences will be, and a Statement of Personnel Impact that shows the number of full time equivalent employees that are required to fund this service. 02 Page 2 March 25, 1992 ,~ . Referring again to the blue page, page one, Mr. McNees briefed the Board that some of the Programs will show a total on this page of 100~, which means that the proposal for next year is the same level of effort as in fiscal 1992. He mentioned that some departments will be asking for more than 100~, some less. $ Co~Auio~er Blunders entered the workshop at this time, 5:20 P.M.· In orienting the Board on taxes and revenues, Mr. McNees expressed that if the Board chose to fund all departments in the review sessions that have tax-supported budgets to the lO0~ fiscal 1992 level, or to the 100~ effort at fiscal 1993 costs, there would be no increase over the rollback rate. In simpler terms, Mr. MoNees stated that if everything is funded at the 100~ level, there will be a zero percent increase over the rollback rate. County Manager Dorrill added that when the Board begins the tradi- tional budget review process and a tentative budget is submitted, there will be some overall percentage increases or an indication in dollar terms will be seen, and the purpose is to give the Board a point of reference in terms of cutting or adding programs. He sum- marized that the focus is to cut and add by program, and actually deal in dollar amounts that correspond to programs. Jean Gansel, Budget Analyst, related that after reviewing each department, she requested the Board evaluate the programs as follows: 'M' for mandatory, 'E' for essential, 'I' for important, or 'NF' for not funded. Paul Brigham, Court Administrator, presented a handout to the Board (copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board) indicating the yearly case filings, the level of activity in the Courts and how It continues to grow, as well aa ~n organizational chart for the ~udt- Mr. Brigham noted that within the Base Level of Service ts the Ouardtan Ad Lltsm Program which Is mandated by Florida Statute 61.403, Page 3 March 2§, 1992 the Mediation and Arbitration Program that is mandated by Florida Statute 44, and the Interpreter Services mandated by Florida Statute 90 plus a host of other Florida Statutes. Mr. Brigham reported that the basic task and the priority for Court Administration itself is to provide the courtrooms the sche- duling of daily services and afford the administration of the non- Judicial functions of the court. He noted that the Base Level of Service does not include the support staff, but he said they are just as important. County Manager Dorrill emphasized that this is a zero-based con- cept, and this procedure would reveal the positions that are mandated. Commissioner Goodnight suggested and the Board concurred to eva- luate the Base Level Service as M and Staff Rank 2 as E. The Board directed County Manager Dorrill to research Staff Rank 2, specifically the switchboard operator's position, for alternatives. Cynthia Rives, Court Counseling, stated that the function of the Court Counseling Program is to provide: 1) state mandated evaluations to county and state probation, and is ~dated by Florida Statute 948; 2} evaluations for the Myers Acts which are individuals that have been picked up and are in Jail, mandated by Florida Statute 396; and 3) evaluations to the Judges for civil cases, such as divorce, child custody, domestic violence or repeat violence cases. She stipulated that the Base Level of Service requires two full-time e~ployeee. Paul Brigham reported that they are looking into incorporating this Program into Court Administration. Co~missioner Volpe stated that this Program ts essential at a Base Level.. George Drobinskl, Probation Director, stated that the Probation Department's authority to conduct their Base Level of Service is man- dated by Florida Statute Chapter 948, with duties Including: March 25, [992 1)'the ~upervtsion of defendants placed on county probation by the Judiciary; 2) conduct pre-sentence investigations; 3) placement and supervision of defendants court ordered or referred to work public service; 4) monitor collection and distribution of restitution pay=~nts of all probationers court ordered to this condition. Mr. Drobinski noted that within staff rank 2 there are 4 positions and these positions allow the Probation Department to continue with the amount of service that is required for the probationers and the public. Mr. Drobinski related that his staff consists of a department director, department supervisor, 8 probation officers, 4 senior office assistants, and the balance of 20 consists of Office Assistant I and ii positions. County Manager Dorri11 pointed out that the cover sheet shows 110~, which includes the new programs that are being requested, or 10~ beyond what is now available. Mr. Drobinski discussed staff rank 3 which is the Intensive Supervision Program and explained that this was recommended in 1990 by the consultant who was working in conjunction with the correctional planning committee. He recalled that the intent of this program is to monitor the more serious offenders who could otherwise be routed out of the Jail system. He noted that although it would go beyond what ie atatutorily provided for on standard probation, which is once a month that a defendant is ordered to report to probation, fear of detection ie enhanced as there are 3-5 contacts weekly. He stressed that user fees are generated from this program, and the defendant that is placed on probation pays the probation fees, so it ie intended to eventually be a self-supporting agency. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Drobinski clarified that the individuals targeted for this program will be the multiple offen- ders, for example third time DUI offenders, or individuals who have a prior history of violation of probation. He expressed that the fear 000 05 Page 5 March 25, 1992 of detection is very important· In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Drobinski reported that 10~ of the Jail inmates or 50 defendants would be al/ that would be recom- mended as candidates for Intensive supervision, and that the higher risk offenders would be supervised by one probation officer and one senior office assistant would be providing technical support for that In response to Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. Drobinski reported that the current average cost to house an inmate in the Jail is $44 per day. He specified that there will be a financial savings with this program because the individuals will be routed out of the Jail system auld back Into the community and the labor force. Commissioner Shanahan suggested, and the Board concurred to rate Staff Rank 1 as 'M', Staff Rank 2 as 'E' and Staff Rank 3 as 'E' ll~ M~M~ent/VtctlmAsltst~nca Dep~rt~ent Joanna Beaird, with the Witness Management/Victim Assistance Department presented their budget. She explained that her department mandated by Florida Statute 43.35 for witnesses and Chapter 960 for vlctt;s. She related the following responsibilities of her depart- 1) to coordinate all court appearances including pretrial con- ferences, trials and hearings for all witnesses in criminal cases, and includes all the law enforcement agencies; 2) to secure Information placing witnesses on standby, so that they do not have to appear In court, and contacting an employer if his/her employee must miss work; 3) assist victims through the court system - if defendants are sent to state prison victims are kept advised of parole hearings and release of inmates. Ms. Beaird stated that there are 5 full-time employees in her :' department. She noted that Staff Rank 2, the Juvenile Program, ts mandated under Florida Statute and the department will be required to handle those cases, with the addition of I full-time employee. County Manager Dorrtll related that this department's ultimate responsibility to to minimize unnecessary witness appearances. March 25, 1992 The Board evaluated the Base Level of Service as 'M' and the Staff '.Rank 2'as 'E'. ' Gary Stover, with the Courthouse Security Department, reviewed that Collier County Court Security was initiated in Building L in October, 1990, to fill a void created when the Sheriff removed the full-time road deputies from the security check point. He mentioned that the department consists of 10 employees. Mr. Stover clarified that the Base Level of Service is mandated by Judicial Administrative Order. He commented that no one enters the building without going through the security check point. He verified that the operating hours are presently ? A.M. to 1! P.M., but the Base Level of Service requires 7 A.M. to ? P.M. He indicated that there are after-hour functions that are held in Building L. County Manager Dorrill expressed that those evening meetings could be held in the Board meeting room in building F, and eliminate the need for the extended hours. Commissioner Saunders suggested and the Board concurred to eva- luate Base Level of Service as 'M' and Staff Rank 2 as 'E' and direct County Manager Dorrtll to investigate if the Board Meeting Room could be used for those evening functions and what problems may be created Bo~rd of County Commissioners DopertBont Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant, reported that the Base Level of Service consists of ~ elected officials end one full-time employee, and staff rank 2 consists of two full-time employees. Commissioner Shanahan suggested and the Board concurred that Base Level of Service is *M', Staff Rank 2 is 'Et, and Staff Rank 3 is ret. Barbara Pedone, Kxecutive Secretary, reported that this department Is mandated by the County Manager's ordinance, and Base Level of 07 Page 7 March 25, 1992 · ~::Servtca consists of three full-time employees; Staff Rank 2, requires l~ full-time employees; and Staff Rank 3 requires ~ full-time employee. Me. Pedone reported that the County Manager has already eliminated one position, the Asststsnt to the County Manager. Commissioner Saunders ~tated he is not convinced that the County Manager needs an Assistant County Manager. Commissioner Shanahan suggested that Staff Rank ! should be rated ~tandatory, Staff Rank 2 should be essential, and Staff Rank 3 should be essential, to which the Board concurred. Mike McNees, Budget Director, reported that the Base Level of Service represents only what It would take to create a balanced budget &ccordtng to Florida Truth tn Millage Law. He added that Staff Rank 2 includes the preparation of the line item budget and a full budget document consistent with the standards set by the Government Finance Officers' Association. Concerning Staff Rank S, Quality Improvement, he reported that th~e program will require one full-time employee. Mr. McNees noted that Staff Rank 4, Departmental Assistance, includes a wide variety of services such as rate structures, deter- mining revenue solutions for departments, and other miscellaneous ser- vices. In concurring with Commissioner Goodnight, Mr. McNees noted that th~e department does quite a bit of work for the Florida Association of Counties In reviewing legislation and research work. Commissioner Shanahan suggested the fo/lowing evaluation: Base Level of Service ts 'M', Staff Rank 2 is 'E', Staff Rank 3 ts 'I' and Staff Rank · ts 'I', to which the Board concurred. ~!Off~oe of Capita/ Projects Tom Conrecode, Director of Office of Capital Projects Management, described the Base Level of Service as follows: Page 8 March 25, 1992 .~anage~ent function for all the current CIE Projects and the County's municipal service taxing unit projects, as well as small projects under the architectural and engineering services contracts. Mr. Conrecode reported that Staff Rank 2 18 Construction Management Inspection and requires two full-time employees who attend construction meetings and perform construction inspection and super- vision on the countywide projects including county park projects, some environmental projects, and industrial park projects. Mr. Conrecode captioned Staff Rank 3 as Special Projects and explained this program involves miscellaneous projects, i.e. Tigertail Beach, Clam Pass mitigation and improvements at the Vanderbilt Beach. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Conrecode confirmed that he will provide the Board with an organizational chart of his depart- Bent. Mr. Conrecode related Staff Rank 3 is Project Planning and described this as the seeds and fertilizer for the projects that are going to start next year. He expressed that this would include some preliminary design work and leg work for permitting so that next year the projects can be started immediately, when funding becomes available. Mr. Conrecode related that Program Package 4 is also Project Planning and will serve the County throughout the early stages of a /"project, by covering planning and design functions for various depart- manta in the County. He finalized that Staff Rank 5 is Project Reporting and encompasses the progress reports on capital projects, as well as the quarterly report of the Capital Projects Status Report. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Base Level of Service be ranked 'M~, Staff Rank 2 is 'E', and Staff Ranks 3,4 and 5 are 'I', to which the Board concurred. Mr. Delaney stated that the biggest threat to our American way of life is our own government and if the Board can keep a restraint on the government, the public will have been served. Page 9 Hatch 2§, 1992 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the ~eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:35 P.M. ~ 000~,~ 10 Page 10