BCC Minutes 04/07/1992 B Naples, Florida, April 7, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners tn and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s} of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 4:40 P.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patrtcia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Annette Guevin and Debby Farrls, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Pike, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Wetgel, Assistant County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Jay Reardon, Emergency Services Administrator; Bob Blanchard, GrowTh Planning Director; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Director; Mike MeNses, Budget Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor; Jeff Perry, Transportation Growth Planner; Ed Finn, Bob Byrne and Mike Saykowski, Budget Analysts. 0.[ Page April 7, 1992 FJ[1~Ol~I'~ ~uIxlrl~ ~RF~HOP - CON~I'I~IUED FROM MARC~ 25, 1992 Ed Finn, Budget Analyst, reminded the Board that the focus of this presentation Is on establishing the Board's priorities for the depart- ments presenting their program budgets. He explained the budgets are defined as either Base Level Service or Program Package. The Base Level Service, he said, must meet the following criteria: mandated by federal, State or local law, necessary for public health and safety or 'necessary to maintain capital asset value. He stated the Program Packages are services that do not fit Into the definition of the Base Level Service. He noted at the conclusion of each department's pre- sentation, the Board will be asked to provide Staff with direction by grouping the programs into tiers, namely, Mandatory, Essential, Important or Not Funded. Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director, Indicated his presen- tation of the Growth Planning Department will not include the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), which will be presented by Jeff Perry as a separate budget Item for consideration. He summarized the Staff ranked projects in priority order, explaining #1, #2 and #3 represent 100~ of the current 12 FTE's. Co.missioner Volpe commented an additional 32% over and above the Base Level Service is being requested. He suggested that adjustments be made to address the Economic Element and the Butldout Study within existing funding. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Blanchard stated four positions will be added if all their recommendations are approved. Commissioner Volpe suggested the Board assign Mandatory for Staff Ranked Pro3ect #! and Essential for #2 and #3. He said #5 and #7 should be ranked Important and somehow factored into #2 and #3. He Indicated all others should be classified as Not Funded. Planner Jeff Perry, MPO Coordinator, explained almost the entire MPO Program ts mandated by either federal, State or local government Z2. April 7, 1992 laws. He referred to the MPO Program Budget handout provided to the Board, stating to operate the same organization in FY 93 that is in place this date, he will need $35,500 less from the County because of increases in federal funding. He stated local matching funds of $19,500 from Fund 111 will be necessary to receive $206,000 tn federal ~atching funds, however, he will be obligated to do a number of things in return for that money. Commissioner Volpe suggested that Staff Ranked Project #5 be moved ahead of #4. County Manager Dorrill asked the Board to reco~nize that if all projects are approved, three employees will be added. sis Co~isstoner Sh~nah~n left the ~eetlng at this tt~e $1e Growth M~e~ent Department Stan Lltstnger, Growth Management Director, Indicated five FTE's is the absolute minimum number of employees necessary, based on the criteria mandated by federal, State and local laws. He referred to page 57, stating two positions have been proposed for elimination under the reorganization plan. Commissioner Volpe agreed that the Base Level which Is currently being provided at 100~ is mandated under the Growth Management Plan. Devel~t Services, Co~pliance Services Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor, explained the services provided by his Department. He said tn 1990, with 14 employees, they were able to take a proactive approach to code enforcement; however with three positions frozen, response time to complaints has increased from 48 hours to six to 21 days. s.I D~p~tF Clerk Fmrrts replaced Deputy Clerk auevln at this time iii Regarding the staff's rankings, Mr. Clark explained the base level of enforcement is 78~, which is 100% of the existing personnel which totals eleven. He advised the #2 ranking, Minimum Housing Ordinance Enforcement, is presently funded but vacant due to the freeze, and he recommended the filling of that position to allow a proactive approach Page 3 April ?, 1992 to enforcement. He expressed concern for the #3 ranking, the Convenience Store Ordinance and upgrade for unsafe structure removal. He suggested that #6 could be substituted for #4, depending on priority and desire of the Board of County Commissioners. He expressed a concern regarding the Derelict Boat Removal Program the State has invited the County to participate in, but which it has not provided funds for. In re#pones to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Clark stated that if his department were at its 1990 approved levels, it could get back to its 48 hour period of response, even with the additional Ordinances which have been adopted in the interim. He added that it is possible to get back to within a five day response time. Commissioner Hesse pointed out the importance of the Compliance Service Department. Commissioner Saunders concluded #! through #4 are mandatory pur- · ~%ant to staff's definitions, adding that #5 and #6 are at least essential, if not mandatory as well. In response to Commissioner Volpefs question of whether Mr. Clarkts department could perform staff rankings #! through #4 with the eleven people currently employed, Mr. Clark answered in the negative. Regarding rankings on these programs, Commissioner Goodnight stated that #1, #2 and #3 are "M", #4 and #5 are "E", and #6 is "M", reminding everyone that #4 and #6 have been switched. Budget Analyst Finn stated that service upgrade II reduces the response time to 48 hours. ese t~ C~Issioner Hesse's leaving the ~eetlng at this tim, the ~ w~e lost ~nd, therefore the ~eeting was mutomtica11¥ adjourned at 6:40 P.M., ~nd no minutes were taken of Co~unit¥ Development Servic~ A~tntstrator Brutt'a presentation of the pro~Tu priorities for ~ ~t~ ~ld Urban I~r~e~nt Npart~nt *** Page 4