BCC Minutes 07/28/1992 R Naples, Florida, 3uly 28, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created accordinG to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R~GULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan (ABSENT) Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: 3im Giles, Clerk of Courts; 3ohn Yonkosky, Finance Director; Debby Farris and Annette Guevin, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel, Ramlro Manalich, Dennis Crontn, Richard ¥ovanovich and MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Dave Pettrow, Development Services Director: Russ Muller, Transportation Engineer; Jeff Perry and Ray Bellows, Planners; Stan Lttsinger, Growth Management Director; Tom Conrecode, Director of Office of Capital Projects Management; Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director; Robert Wiley, Engineering Pro3ect Manager; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; Sheriff Don Hunter and Deputy Dennis Huff, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 Tape :~/-' &GEII~A - AFl'ROVED WITH CHANGES July 28, 1992 Cmanieeloner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Connisstoner Hesse and carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the changes ae detailed on the Agenda Change Sheet with the exception that the request to have Ite~ 12(C)(5) heard at 2:00 P.M. was not ~rantsd. Page 2 (o27~) lt~#3B CONSENT A~NDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED July 28, 1992 The motion for approval of the Consent Agenda is noted under Item (02?9) Item #4 MINUTES OF THH BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' REGULAR MEETINGS FROM JUNE 16, 1992, 3URg 23, 1992 ARD 3UNE 30, 1992; BUDGET M~ETINGS FROM JUN~ 18, 1992 AND JUNE 19, 1992; AND SPECIAL MEETINGS FROM JUNE 22, 1992 AND JUN~ 29, 1992 - APPROVED Comtelloner Shanahan moved, seconded by Coltsstoner Hesse and carried A/O, to approve the Minutes from the Regular Meetings of June 16, 1992, J~lne 23, 1992 and June 30, 1992; Budget Meetings from June 18, 1992 ~ June 19, 1992; and SpeciAl Meetings from June 22, 1992 and June 29, 1992. lte~ ~' -' ~ S~RVICE &MARD - PRESENTED Commissioner Hesse congratulated the following Collier County employee and presented her with a service award: Evelyn J. Ferguson, Utillties/Admin. - 5 years (OSl0) PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING AUDREY JOHNSON FOR HER OUTSTANDING AND ~[EMPLARY EFFORTS AS THE FAIR MANAGER OF THE COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION, INC. AND AS A RESIDENT AND REPRESENTATIVE OF COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the Proclamation to Audrey Johnson, Co~teatoner Goodntght moved, seconded by Colissioner Hasle and carried 4/0, to adopt the Proclamation recognizing Audrey Johnson for her outstanding and exemplary efforts as the Fair Manager of the Collier Cc~xnty A~ricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc. and as a resi- dent ~nd representative of Collier County. Page 3 July 28, 1992 (041~) Zt~a PROCLA~ATION UCO~NIZING VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR H~ROIC EFFORTS ~D D~DXC~TION TO S~ING TH~ COI~IUNITY - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the Proclamation, Commissioner Shanah~n ~d, seconded by Commissioner Hesse and carried 4/0, to &dopt th~ Proclamation recognizing various individuals for their heroic efforts &nd ~dtcatton to se~tng the '1'4 Page 4 July 28, 1992 (0~gO) die, A1 ~ d~GA2 92-371/375; 377; 379/385 &RD ADHIN. - ADOFI~D Co~/eetoner Goodnight moved, ee¢onded by Co~issloner Hmsee and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendments 92-371/375, 92-377, 92-3?9/92-388 an~ A~min. be adopted. XIgT~I~LM FXILJUICXAL INFORMATION - PP~SENTED/NO ACTION REQUiReD Finance Director Yonkosky disclosed that included among these interim reports are the 9 month budget to actual reports, a 9 month budget to actual revenue report for impact fees and ma3or Developmental Service charges, and a 9 month budget to actual revenue report for local gas taxes and major intergovernmental revenues as well as a schedule of pooled cash by fund as of 6/30/92. He confirmed there is nothing unusual in the reports this month and announced that, regarding the road impact fees, several Budget Amendments have been adopted with the modifications to appear tn next month's report. In response to Commissioner Volpe's inquiry regarding expenditures of impact fees, County Manager Dorrill divulged that expenditures are shown on the quarterly budget reports and that these reports can be furnished on a monthly basis if the Board of County Commissioners so desires. Commissioner Volpe expressed a desire to see the monthly reports provided by Finance Director Yonkosky and the quarterly reports pro- vided by County Manager Dorrlll consolidated. (0784) It~m UTABLX~IiM~NT OF SEPTeMBeR 8, 1992 AS PUBLIC ]tE. kRING DAT~ FOR ADOPTX~ OP TH~ COLLIER COUNT~ FIRE PREVENTION CODE ORDINANCE, ADO~A'IR AND AMENDING NFPA 1, AND NFPA 101THH LIFE SAFETY CODE - Community Development Services Administrator Brutt relayed staff's recommendation to establish September 8, 1992 as the public hearing date for adoption of the Collier County Fire Prevention Code Page 5 3uly 28, 1992 Ordinance, adopting and amending NFPA i and NFPA lO1, the Life Safety Code, adding that these particular Codes have not been updated since 1986. ~tutoner Shanahan moved, seconded by Commt··tonar Hmsse and carried 4/0, to approve a public hearing to be held on September 8, 1992 for adoption of the Collier County Fire Prevention Coda 0rdt~ance. (ca4?) Ite~ mai ESTA~LISRM~NT OF SlPT~MBER 8, 1992 AS PUBLIC HEARING DAT~ FOR ADOPTION BY O~DINANC~ OF ~ TO THE COLLIER COUNTY BUILDINa CONSTRUCTION ADgIINI~T~ CODE - APPROVED Community Development Services Administrator Brutt affirmed the need to establish a public hearing date to adopt an Ordinance to amend the Collier County Building Construction Administrative Code, as there is a conflict between it and the Collier County Personnel Rules. Cobbie·toner Hawse moved, seconded by Co---t·eioner Shanmhmn and carried 4/0, to approve · public hearing to be held on September 8, 1992, for &doption by ;Umend~ent to the Collier County Building Oon~ion Ad~inietrative Code. (o8os) FY 92 AI3JUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPORT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES (AUIR) AS P~OVID~D FOR IN SECTION ?.2 OF THE ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE NO. 90-24 - CATEaORY "A" PRESENTED/PORTIONS OF CATegORY "B' PRES~]~f~D WITH REMAINDER CONTINUED TO MEETING OF AUGUST 4, 1992 Growth Management Department Director Lttsinger gave a broad over- view of the FY 92 Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (AUIR), i.e. the annual State of the County Report on the level and availability of public facilities relative to concurrency and growth management issues as well as available revenues. He explained staff is proposing three level of service standard amend- ments, and identified page 5 of the agenda package as a summary of the FY 92 AUIR facilities as well as existing, adopted and proposed reve- nues. Regarding Category "A" facilities, he suggested separate Page 6 July 28, 1992 motions and votes on staff recommendations. Regarding Category "B" facilities, he proposed a unified motion and vote. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Litsinger confirmed that in FY 93-97 the projects reflected in the report do not identify specific developer contributions beyond impact fees. Mr. Lttsinger identified page 8 of the agenda package as the AUIR summary form for County arterial and collector roads, and proceeded to briefly explain same. He relayed staff's recommendation to include all the County road improvements appearing on Attachment "C" of this report in the fourth annual CIE Update and Amendment. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Mr. Litslnger explained the concept of a revenue bond backed by covenant to budget and appropriation. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Planner Jeff Perry referred to page 13 of the agenda packet, Collier County Transportation Planning Database Capacity Analysis, and explained several of the listed pro- jects. He relayed his understanding that all the impact fees collected in the City of Naples impacting Golden Gate Parkway come to the County and are not subject to the Agreement that the County has with the City of Naples. Mr. Litsinger explained page 9, State Roads (Category A), of the agenda package and, referring to page 19 of the package, pointed out that projects #50 and #51 are state road projects which the County is required to advance monies for temporarily during the five year period. A brief question and answer period ensued regarding the status of roads funded in the state road program. C, olltlllon/~ Shlnm.hl.n ~kovtd, ~conded by Co,--,~lllonlr ~oodntght and c~ed 4/0, to include those p~oJects mppea~lng on Attachment "C", report pagee 14 through 16, An the Fourth Annual CIE Update and Referring to page 23 of the report, Mr. Llt$inger explained the July 28, 1992 status of the Recreation Facilities Program. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Litsinger divulged the basis of growth rate computations for purposes of parks and recreation. Upon Commissioner Volpe questioning the figure shown for Community Centers, page 28 of the agenda package, Planner Laverty explained that the chart indicates all the Community Center's except for those found in Community Parks #7 and #8, are previous deficiencies identified at the time of plan adoption. In response to Commissioner Volpe's questions regarding agenda pages 33 and 34, Public Services Administrator Olliff addressed the issue of duplication of available facilities. C~/sai~ner Shanahan moved, seconded by Co~umissioner Hasme ~d c~r~ 4/0, to d~rect staff to ~nclude Identified CIE Projects ~93-97 for ~ ~d Recreations tn the Fourth A~i CIE U~te ~d Referring to pa~e 29 of the a~enda package, Community Park Land, Mr. Lits~n~er announced there are plans to add two additional com- m~tty parks within the five year period. Brief discussion ensued regardin~ placement of proposed co--unity parks, at which time Public Services Adminlstrator Ollfff stated staff will brtn~ back information re~arding which parks need to be built to meet the hl~hest population needs. There be~n~ no further ~esttons on Community Park Land, Co~oo~oner H~oe ~ved, seconded by Con~ootoner S~ ~d c~r2~ 4/0, d~rocttn~ staff to ~nclude ~dent~fted projects ~n the F~th ~1 CIE U~te. Referring to page 28 of the report, Regional Park Land, Mr. Lltstn~er confirmed no action on the part of the Board of County Co~tssloners i~ required. Mr. Lttstnger referred to page 32 of the report, Drainage Canals & Structures, and pointed out the future development level of service ts the 25 year, 3 day storm synopsis version. He relayed staff's racom- Page 8 July 28, ~992 mendatton for Board direction to remove CIE Projects Nos. 291 through 299 from the Fourth Annual CIE Update and Amendment in keeping with recent Board of County Commissioners decisions on drainage capital !?i funding. .... Engineering Project Manager Robert Wiley gave a brief update of ' Project 291. !i-;' C~tut~ner Shanahan moved, seconded ~ Co~tsstoner ~ ud c~ 4/0, to ~lete CIE ~o~ecte Nos. 291 through 299 fro~ the F~ ~1 CIE U~te ~d ~n~nt. Referring to page 34 of the report, Potable Water System, Mr. L&tstnger confirmed the needed improvements a~e fully funded through system development fees and/or user fees. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Assistant Utilities ~. Admin~strator Bloetscher summarized CIE Project Nos. 846 and 848. C~tes~oner S~ ~v~, aeconded ~ Co~tsstoner G~lght ~ c~r~ed 4/0, to include 1dentil&ed projects ~d delete ~denttfled projects from the Fourth ~ual CIE U~ate ~d ~en~nt. Mr. Lttstnger identified page 37 of the report as the North County Sewer Treatment and Collection System with a projected surplus at the end of the five year period and a funding source of system development fees, &mpact fees and/or user fees. ~ee~r S~~ ~ved, aeconded ~ Co~smtoner G~ght ~d ~~ 4/0, to dtrec~ staff to include the "CIE ~ 93-97" pro- ~te ~ t~ F~th ~uml CIE U~te on the S~er Tremt~nt ~d Coll~tt~ ~te~ mt North Co~. Mr. Lttstnger identified page 39 of the report as the South County . Sewer Treatment and Collection System, also exhlbltJng a surplus at J' the end of the five year period covered as a result of a proposal to add 8,000,000 gallons pe~ day tn treatment capacity tn the South County area. He relayed staff's recommendation to include the .~ 8,000,000 gallons of additional capacity in the South County in this .'. Fourth Annual CIE Update. ~.~':' ~ss~ner Haese move, seconded by Co~/ssioner ~o~ght ~d Page 9 Ju~¥ 28, ~992 carried 4/0, to approve staff's reco~ndations. Tape ~2 Mr. Lttsinger indicated page 41 of the Report, Solid Waste (Category A), represents the acreage standard, and acknowledged plans to acquire 270 additional acres during the five year time frame. He relayed staff's recommendation to include these acreage acquisitions in the Fourth Annual CIE Update. C~issioner Hmsse moved, seconded by Commissioner Shmnahmn and carried 4/0, to approve staff's recouendations. Mr. Litsinger explained that page 43 of the report, Solid Waste (Category A), represents the 2 year line cell capacity at a disposal rate of 1.55 tons per capita, and confirmed plans to add an additional 200 cell ton capacity in the five year time frame covered. He confirmed the need to include the identified additional projects and to prepare the necessary Amendment materials to amend this level of service standard. C,~dssioner Shmnmhan moved, seconded by Commissioner Hesse and carried 4/0, to ~n(! the line cell capacity and required production tn &ccor~mnce with staff's hereinabove referred to reco~endmttons. Mr. Litsinger began a review of Category B facilities by referring to page 46 of the report and identified same as County Jail facili- ties. He relayed staff's recommendation to lower the level of service standard to 3 beds per capita and then discount further to 2.4 beds per capita on the assumption that the committee's reports are carried forward. He confirmed the funding source has remained a general obli- gation bond referendum for any Jail expansion. He announced pages 47 and 48 represent a comparison between the .0033 beds per capita and .0024 beds per capita. Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management, explained the efficiencies deal with the processing of arrestees. Mr. Litslnger reiterated the need to establish whether or not the Board of County Commissioners will direct staff to amend the level of service standard in the amendment cycle presented in September, 21' Page 10 July 28, 1992 whether it is desirous to include the 256 bed addition in the CIE and whether or not to continue with the current funding source. Mr. Litsinger conveyed the rationale for calculating the level of service standards. Commissioner Volpe requested a separate motion on direction to staff to return with a report regardin9 the lowering of the level of service and analysis of the population figures being utilized for such analysis, and Com~/seloner Hu~e so moved, seconded by Good~A~ht ~d carried 4/0. Mr. Lttsln~er suggested d~rection to staff to present a proposed amendment tn September to include the 256 bed addition, which can be reviewed in conjunction with the level of service amendment standards to be presented. C~~o~r 8~~ ~ved, ~econded ~ Co~tsmAoner c~rA~ 4/0, to include the 255 ~ds ~t resets the right to the ~r ~ on the ~nfor~t~on to ~ provided ~ staff ~n ~pt~r. Mr. Litstnger revealed the current identified revenue source this project is the general obligation bond referendum. Following brief discusslon, Oo~ssioner S~ ~, seconded ~ C~ss~r ~se ~d c~r~ed 4/0, to ~nclude the r~enue ~e to the length of time required for discussion of the remaining Category B items, it was the consensus to continue this item to the Aurar 4, 1992 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. ese ~: 10:50 A.M. - Reconvened: 11:10 A.M. (0~4~) It~lZB2 ~ITI~ ~92-2, ~ DAVIS ~ULEV~ LIMITED P~SHIP ~Q~STING A ~ZO~ ~ "A" A~ICUL~ TO ~ TO BE ~ ~ "VICTORIA ~ING ~~~ ~' ~R PROPER~ LOCATED ON ~E NOR~ SIDE OF DAVIS ~~ - CO~I~D TO AUGUST 11, 1992 Commissioner Volpe conveyed Petitioner's request for a continuance of this item to August 11, 1992. Page July 28, 1992 Co~ieeioner Shanahan moved, seconded by Comissioner Hae~e and carried 4/0, to continue Petition PUD-92-2 until August 11, 1992. (0930) ~O~TION ~R T~ EST~LIS~ OF A COLLIER CO~ DEP~~ OF ~ O~I~ - CO~ ~AOER TO ~S~ EST~LISHINO A CO~ITION IN ~A~ ~ ~LIC SECTORS TO SEEK ~ATI~S Henry C. Trtbble presented a Joint proposal from the Black Affairs Advisory Board and Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board for the creation of a Department of Equal Opportunity. He directed the distribution of additional materials (copies not provided for the record), and read excerpts from a letter dated September 14, 1991 from Larry Word. (Tapes #2 and #3 malfunctioned at this time) Mr. Tribble responded to some of the more frequently voiced objec- tions to establishment of a Department of Equal Opportunity, among which is included the objection that there is not enough money. He concluded that Collier County has not taken actions deemed appropriate to obtain positive results to comply with civil rights requirements. He referred to an article from the May 30, 1992 edition of the Marco Island Eagle under the headline of "Rape Victim Describes "Latin" Assailant" He distributed pictures regarding the South Beach access on Marco Island. Mr. Tribble conveyed the recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners instruct staff to create a Department of Equal Opportunity to be implemented in proposed phases over the next four- to-five years, and to include the funding of Phase I and six months of Phase II in the FY 92/93 budget. The fo/lowing persons spoke to this issue: John J. Keschl Claudette Gillings Jeanne Brooker (Read letter) Cax.olyn S. Willis Bernado A. Garcla Frank Rodriguez John 3. Keschl Tape ,5 Larry Word Charlotte Tribble *Robert A. Sommer for Gil Erlichman * distributed handout Myra Shapiro (Read letter) 'Victor A. Valdes * distributed handout Melinda P. Riddle Clerk Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk Farrts at this tt~e ..... 00~ .... ',"IWW' Page 12 July 28, 1992 The following people spoke regarding this item: Henry C. Trtbble Larry Word Frances C. Barsh Herbert Cambridge In response to Commissioner Hasse, County Manager Dorrill stated there are always opportunities to improve in everything that is done. He mentioned a monthly reporting system has been created for him to individually track every person who applies for employment. He said he is most interested in generating qualified applicants, because he does not subscribe to tokenism or a quota system. He noted a conscious effort has been made in the past year to seek out young, black professionals, and the County has been fairly successful at that effort. Commissioner Volpe indicated he would like to see alternatives rather than immediately creating another layer of government. He asked that Staff generate analysis of what other communities in the State have done to address the concerns that have been identified. He noted there are only three of 67 Counties in Florida that have created a separate department. Commissioner Shanahan agreed that he cannot support spending several hundred thousand dollars to create a separate department. He suggested a coalition be developed in the private and public sectors to expand the advisory committees. Commissioner Goodnlght indicated a Joint City/County Commission is needed on this subject. She agreed the County does have problems, but she is not ready to commit this kind of money at this point in time. Commissioner Hasse concurred with his fellow Commissioners, adding the advisory boards and Staff should be directed to work together regarding complaints from the general public. It was the consensus that the County Manager will pursue a coali- tion of both the private and public sectors to look for alternatives to the creation of a separate department. Commissioner Volpe asked the County Manager for a reasonable period of time for the Board to expect a response. Page 13 July 28, 1992 County Manager Dorrill suggested he be given the opportunity to question his Staff, a cross-section of existing minority employees and the two advisory boards for their proposals, and he will report back to the Board in a reasonable timeframe. Commissioner Volpe added this subject will be placed on the agen- das of the next quarterly Joint meetings of the County with the School Board and the City of Naples. '$* lt~ce~ed: 1:38 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:53 P.M. ''' (s~o). P~RL~UL~H ~ FOR THE ACQUISITION OF P~CEL 109 OR I~Eg RO~ (~~ ~. 66041) - CO~I~D TO AU~ST 4, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. lte,ldl;e, B2 PURCHA~I AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PARCKL 107 ON X)~K)KALKS ROAD (PROJICT No. 66041) - CONTINUKD TO AUGUST 4, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. Item d~B3 PURCHASE AGREEME]FT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PARCEL 106 0N II~OF~tLKE ROAD (PROJECT No. 66041) - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (3250) Xtemd~B4 AN EA~EMKIT TO ACQUIRE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CONSTRUCT FOUR-LANE ~PltO%~I~3fTB UPON I~BqOKALEK ROAD (C.I.E. PROJECT NO. 006, ~ATIO~ PROJECT NO. 66041) - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (3260) DISCUB~IO~OF AI~UIFKR STORAGK AND R~COV~RY PROGRAM FOR CANAL RUNOFF AND ACCOMP~ FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH BIG CYPRESS BASIN BOARD - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (3260) RI~ISION TO THE TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEK EFFECTIVE DATE - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 2992 Page 14 July 28, 1992 It was the consensus to continue this item to August 4, 1992. Iteit~l~B1 ~ - ~~ ~ AU~ST 4, 1992 O~ltesi~ner Goodntght ~oved, seconded by Co=~lssioner Shanahlfl and c~zTte4 4/0, to continue this item to Au~mt 4, 1992. (32so) Item e12C1 I~EC0~IENDATION TO ESTABLISH A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR ADOPTION OF THE 1991 ~TANDARD BUILDINO, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND GAS CODE AS PUBLISHED BY TH~ ~)UT~ERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC. - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 Co~atsetoner Goodntght ~oved, seconded by Co~aissioner Shanahan 4/0, to continue this item to August 4, 1992. Item e12C2 RE$OL1FTXONTO DELETE THE PROCEDURE FOR INTKRPRETATIONAS PROVIDED FOR II T~ ~NEP~L FT~UI REQUIREMENT~ SECTION OF TH~ GROWTH MANAGEMEIFT PLAN AND ~PT,&CK IT MITH THE PROCEDURE FOR INTERPRETATIONS AS OUTLINED IN DMSI~I 1.6 OF THE COLLIER COURTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - CONTIRUED TO &I;~U~T 4~ 1992 C~atutoner Goodntght moved, seconded by Contsstoner Shanahan ~nd CexTted 4/0, to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (32~0) Xte~ ~12C3 A I~OLUTXON TO AMEND RESOLUTION NUMBER 92-265, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ~ FOR TI~ COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVKLOPMEITT CODE, TO ADD F~S FOR INT~I~I~TATIOI~ OF THE GROMTH MANAGEMENT PLAN - CONTINTT~D TO AUGUST 4, 1992 C~tsst~ner Goodntght ~oved, seconded by Conisstoner Shanahan and carried 4/0, to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (32~o) · · Item ~12C4 R~)E~rfXO~ ~ING AMXJF~S(E]F~S TO THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 ADOPTHD '~ - CONTI~K~ TO AUGUST 4, 1992 i. C4~mm/utoner GoodntGht moved, seconded by Co--issioner Shanahan · mM em~rietl 4/0, to continue this item to Auguit 4, 1992. ~TI~ A-92-2, ~ ~ S~I~ 0F COL~I~ C0~ ~Q~STING ~ ~~~ ~ OF ~ D~O~ S~CKS DI~R'S DICISION l)~ge 15 July 28, 1992 THAT A FET CREMATORIUM IS NOT AN ALLONABLE USE CUSTOMARILY A~SOClATED WITH A HUMAN~ SOCIETY - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 Commissioner Goodnight ~oved, seconded by Co~issioner Shanahan mad Cm~Tted 4/0, tO continue this itel to August 4, 1992. (3250) PETITION FDP~--92-3, NAPLES LA,ND YACHT HARBOR, INC., REQUESTING A VARIAle~I FltOgl TH~ MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION ON LOT 216-B, NAPLES L~[D YA~NT N~/tBOR HOBILE HOM~ CONDOMINIUM - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 Caaat#i~a~r ~x~aight ~oved, seconded by Co~iseloner Shanahan al~ el=Tied 4/0, to continue this itel to August 4, 1992. (3250) PETITION V-92-17, ~APLES MARBLE COMPANY, INC., REQUESTING A FRONT YARD VARIAIC~ AT 396~ PROGRESS AVENUE - CONTINUED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 ¢o~i#ion~r Goo&night ~oved, seconded by Co~ieeloner Shanahan ·nd C~-Tied 4/0, to continue tht~ ite~ to Au~st 4, 1992. (S2~O) It. ~13A4 ~ITIO~ V-92-16, COLLI~ CO~ WATER-S~R DIS~ICT, ~Q~STING A ~ ~ V~I~CE ~R PROPER~ L~ATED SO~ OF I~EE RO~, ~J~ ~ ~ ~T SIDE OF THE ~0~SED E~ENSION 0F G~DLE~E-~ ~ - C~I~D ~ AUGUST 4, 1992 Oea~/sei~ner Ooodnight loved, seconded by Co~ieeioner Shanahan ~ CmlTled 4/0, tO continue this ite~ to Au~st 4, 1992. (S2~O) X~ ~1~ ~ITX~ ~-92-~, COLLI~ C~ WAT~-S~R DIS~ICT, ~Q~STING ~XTX~ ~E ~R A S~GE ~~ P~ ~R ~OP~ ~A~D ~ ~ X~EE RO~, ~JACE~ TO ~E ~ST SIDE OF ~X~ OF G~DL~E-~ RO~ - CO~I~ED TO AUGUST 4, 1992 ~iesi~r Goodnight moved, seconded by Co~iesioner Shanahan carried 4/0, to continue this item to August 4, 1992. (S250) Item PETITION CU-92-6, R.L. SC-'~M~CKPEPER, INC., REQUESTING CONDITIONAL USE FO~ ACC~O~T U~ZS ~ A ~CH ~R A CHILD C~ CE~ER ~R ~0~ ~A~ ~II ~ NO~T QU~ OF GOODLE~E-~ R0~ ~ ~ ~ - ~I~D TO AUGUST A, 1992 Page 16 July 28, 1992 ~t~i~ ~t~ht ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahln I~d ~l~xtmd 4/0, to continue this item to August 4, 1992. FR~LIN/ilA~T A~I(ENT ROLL AS TB~ FINAL ~SES~ ROLL ~ ~ION OF ~ ~ ~ ~N-~ V~O~ ~SESS~ ROLL ~R ~SES OF ~ILIZ~ ~ ~I~ ~OD OF COLLECTION WI~IN ~E EUCLID ~ ~ A~S RO~SIDE I~O~S ~ICIPAL SERVICE BE~FIT ~IT ~R ~ ~U~ION OF RO~SIDE I~RO~S - CO~I~D TO 8/4/92 Legal notice having been published tn the Nap]es Daily News on July 7, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Tr~nsportation Services Administrator Archibald briefed the Board : ) on the history of this project, which began in 1988 at the request of .:. area residents. He noted the district boundary includes not only the Willoughby Subdivision and the adjoining subdivision, but also those unimproved parcels of land which have had their access either on Lakeland or Euclid Avenues. In referring to a handout provided to the Board, he stated the total project cost is $790,765.73, which is less than the estimated $900,083.20, however the number of equivalent ~ dwelling units has been reduced, resulting in an increased assessment per equivalent dwelling unit from $740.20 to $777.55. He mentioned as a result of the financing plan, which is currently planned over a three year period, bond counsel has recommended minor revisions to the resolution, and the County Attorney's Office will need to finalize any revisions. He explained the requested changes to the resolution. The following people spoke regarding this item: Walter Goolsby ~Ui'. Ken Waltson Beth Nelson ~ . Jim Meerpohl 3ack Nipper · ;~ ' B.W. Sargent Joseph Trupiano ~ . . Connie Sheehan Due to the amount of time required to complete this item, and because of the imminent loss of a quorum, it was the decision of the Board to continue this item to the meeting of August 4, 1992. G4:mm/~t~ez' Sh~nahan ~ved, seconded by Commissioner H~e and P~e 17 July 28, 1992 c~rried i/0, to ¢o~tinu~ thte item to ~ u t9 fJrmt Item on that (297e) ~ ~ B~ CO~I~ CO~ ~ ~ ~ORZD& D~P~ O~ ~ ~&I~ - CO~Z~D ~ AO~S~ 4, 1992 County Attorney Cuyler informed the Board that he has contacted the Department of Community Affairs and they have agreed that the Board may postpone hearing this item until the meeting of August 4, 1992. It was the consensus to continue this item for one week. (SOSO) l~]~OLb~ZOff 92-399 FOR CAPITAL IHPRO~ BORD REFtTRDI~G - ADOPTED Mark Samet with Raymond James & Associates, the County's Financial Advisor, recalled the Board adopted a resolution at the meeting of July 21st, regarding the Preliminary Official Statement (POS) for the Series 1992 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bond Issue which refunds the previous capital improvement issue of 1988. He said at that time, the target was a 5% net present value savings for the County. He reported the municipal bond market has rallied while the Treasury market did not change, resulting in an opportunity of 5.5% net present value savings. Commissioner Volpe communicated his concern with the amount of legal fees from underwriters' counsel and bond counsel, which total $30,000. Mr. Samet agreed this is not a very large or complex issue, however, the time invested must be considered. County Attorney Cuyler and Finance Director Yonkosky agreed that the $15,000 fee for bond counsel is reasonable. Co~m~ssioner Volpe reiterated he will not support $30,000 in coun- sel fees on this issuance. Page 18 July 28, 1992 John Stokes with Nabors, Giblin and Ntckerson, provided the Board with a resolution. He explained by adopting this award resolution, the Board is agreeing to sell the bonds to Smith Barney at the prices and based on the interest rates explained by Mr. Samet, and is authorizing the Chairman to sign whatever other documents are neces~;ary to conclude the transaction. Col~i~toner Shanahmn ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Hlsee and carried 3/1 (Cole~testoner Volpe opposed), to adopt Resolution 92-399 bond counsel. ~00~ Page 19 July 28, 1992 (2~0) ~ESOL~X~ g2-~O SUPPORTING T~K ~PLICATION OF COLLIKR N~KSC~K '~S ~ ~ ~ ~ C~I~ ~S~ ~ WI~ ~ STA~ OF ~ ~~ OF A~I~~ ~ CONS~ SE~ICES, DIVISION OF ~~ ~ I~ICATING ~T COLLIER CO~ WILL ~I~IN SAID ~O~CT Vicky Vaughn, Executive Director of Collier Naplescape '90's, pre- sented a request for the Board to support their application to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for a grant of $20,000 for the Bayshore Drive Median Enhancement Program. She indicated the grant package requires a resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners be submitted supporting the application and indicating the intent of the Board to execute a memorandum of agreement with the state to maintain this project. She noted the project must be completed by September, 1993. C~tulox~er Hm~e ~oved, meconded b~ Couillioner Shmz~mhan carri~ 4/0, to adopt Relolutton 92-400 su]~porting the &~pltc&tion of C~11t~ I~pl~cmi;~ '90'l fo= ~n Urban and Com~unit¥ Forestry Grant. Page 20 JuJ¥ 28, 1992 · oo ~iastoner Goodnight ~ovsd, seconded by Coutsstonsr ~ ~mi carried 4/0, that the following tteu under the Con- ~t ~ be approved and/or adopted: *** Item #lldil ICCEF~ OF CH~C~ AS SECITRITY FOR I/NDSCAPI]G FOR $I~ DEVELOPMENT PLAN )K). 91-139 ~$&LVATION AR~Y~ - IN TH~ &MOUNT OF $1,603.00 Itmm ACC~KPT~ OF IRRI~OCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITI ~ PLAN N0. 92-10 "SECOND STREET PLAZA" - IN THE ANOUFF 0Y $$2,620.S0 See Pages JM~C~PTJL~CI OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SZ"['~ I~'~[,0~ FLAIl NO. 92-39 "OWL ~K NURSKRYWEST' - IN ~ ~ OF $2,400.00 See Pages ~-~-) Item 916&5 ACCEPTJLN~ 0F I~ABLE LETTER OF C~DIT AS SEC~I~ ~R ~C~ING ~ ~I~ ~~ ~ N0. 92-21 "C~0VA ~S" - IN ~ ~ 0F $S,5~.00 Item ~16A6 MAT~ ~ SEMKR I,E&S~S FOR QUAIL WEST, UNIT ONE, PH&SE A ***DOCL%~NT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OR Book Pages OF 11/30/92'**** Itn .1#7 ~SOLI~X~ 0~-390 JtK FINAL PLAT OF 'GOLDKN GATE ESTATES UNIT 13 TRACT 149 J~FL~T' * See Pages "'~" & 5 ACCEPTABICI OF CASHIER'S CHECK AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE DKFKLO~ PLAN NO. 92-71, PHASE I "PROFESSIONAL CENTER OF NAPLES' - IN T HI AMO~FFF OF $2,975.00 Page 21 July 28, 1992 ~A~1 OF IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AS SECURIT~ FOR LANDSCAPING ~ S11~ ~ PT, AN NO. 92-71, PHASE II · PROFESSIONAL ~ OF IAPLI~" - 111'TIll AMOUNT OF $4,421.00 See Pages It~l ~1,B2 ~ to #8B2 'It~ ~ ~ to 8B4 ~~ ~I~ ~ SO~ TASK ORDER ~3 ItIITH PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT (P MC), GANNETT FL~]~I~ ~I]INEERS AND PLANNERS TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND IN~I~L'I~ON ~E~VIOES FOR AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD/C.R. 31 (U.S. 41 TO RADIO ROAD) A~D BUDGET AMENDHERT TO FUND THIS TASK ORDER See Pages c~&6 ~' O~ V5 Ite~ ~1~ contlnuod to 8/11/92 ~1~D1 ~I~~ F~ ~ ~TI~ TO ~S~ ACQUISITION OF P~ ~ 5,S ~ 5.4 (DI~ON) IN ~ ~T ~ SO~ N~S S~T~ Itfu ~16D2 See Pages *****DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 11/30/92'****** ORDER MITH TH~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION - FISCAL IMPACT 0360.00 See Pages 3~- 33~ ~ CONCERNING THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF ITE~P3 ASSOCIATED WITH THE COU~T~ AO~'EION OF JUNE 27, 1992 AND AWARD OF BID ~392-1910 TO THE CITY OF ~ FOR $500.00- NET REVENUES IN THE AMOUNT OF 877,678.18 AMARD OF BID ~92-1853 FOR WATKR TREATM]~FT SERVICES FOR THE AIR ~IDTT~OJr~II~ GOOLI]~3 T0%~3~S AT THE MAIN GOVKKNMKNT CKNTK~ TO NATKR July 28, 1992 BIDS RI~IIVKD UNDER BID 92-1934 FOR ASPHALT AND RKLATKD ITB3~ FROM ~ ~ITN FLORIDA PO~ER AND LIGHT THROUGH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF ~ Ik~FAI~ FOR RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNDS ~ OF $ ACRK~ FROM MR. AND MRS. JOHN N. NCCLUNG FOR EXPANSION OF T~ ~ F,~N~I~ILL - 920,500 PLUS CLOSING COSTS NOT TO KXff~ED $200.00 It# ,16G3 ~X~T A~RKEMKNT AND ACCEPTANCE OF CONVEYANCE FROM M~. ADAMS WHICH IS ~ TO TH~ EXPANSION OF THE LELY BRANCH CANAL - $500 PLUS RECOIDI~I~ ~ OF $16.50 It~ 1%84 See Pages ~LI~ A~D EDUCATION AS NELL AS WASTE TIRE QUARTERLY ~KNT REPORTS See Pages ~0/' 3/~3 Itm~ ~1611 ~ ~ ~B S58-N AND DI~IO~ TO ST~ TO K~CT I~L~ATION C~T~I~ OF CORI~CTION TO TR~ TAX ROLLS AS PRES~I~D BY TR~ PiI~P~I~JkPT~ISER'S OFFICE 1991 TANflBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Io. Date Page 23 1991-115/117 July 28, 1992 07/15/92 - 07/16/92 · ~"I']U~LI~ ]~}R I)llml&'X'~ RO8. 68973 AN~D 63255 The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 24 July 28, 1992 ..U'A~ OF C~TFISC&TE:D TRUST FUND~ BI' TR~ SHERIFF' S OFFIC~ TO PROCUR~ B~INF~T ~ FOR TH~ 50RIDA D~P~ OF TRAN~3PORT&TION A~%RD AL-~i--OS--01--06 IN T~ AWOU~T OF $90,000 · I[~TZ'(~ Ole ~?I~F&CTION OF LI~N ~ FOR NUI$IIt%'I IBI~'IM[I~ TO TH~ FLORIDA DEPAR'Iq,~NT OF H]~ALTH AND ~I~'~CE~, OFFICE OF B:MERGENCY MEDICAL S~R'VICE~J FOR DISPATCH TRAINING SeePages There being no further bustness for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:10 P.M. -,:;,. f,- '.%,~t,. f;U .?~ ' -4<,'. ~':"L. ".'". %~ ~s~;.,,` ..~ ,.~, . .,. _, .. ' ~ ~l~es approved by the Board on ' ?--;'~3-~ , as presented or as corrected BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL MICHAEL ~.~OLPE, CHAIRMAN Page 25