BCC Minutes 10/06/1992 R Naples, Florida, October 6, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such spec/a/ districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. In ~GULAR SESSION tn Building 'F" of the Government Complex, East Nap]es, Florida, with the following members present: (ABSENT) CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John ¥onkosky, Finance Director; Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Ne// Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; M&rJorla Student and Brenda Wilson, Assistant County At,torneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Robert Fahey, Solid Waste D/rector; Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator; Russell Shreeve, Housing Program Analyst; Bryan Milk, Planner; Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomllnson, Sheriff's Office. Page I Tape (4~) October 6, 1992 Co~eetonar Volpe ebeent, ee reflected b~ 4/0 votee C~ee/oner Hesse ~oved, ~econded by Col/se/oner Goodn/ght ~nd carrLed 4,/0, that the agenda be approved wlth the changes as det&Lled on the A~wn~a Change Sheet and the additional changes as dst&t/ed Item #6B Added - Report re Chairman's Salary Proposal and the Constitutional Officers. Item #16C18 - Moved to #8C1 - Request Board of County Commissioners to recreate the Information and Referral Blue Ribbon Task Force and appoint those previous members who wish to serve (Requested by the County Attorney). Page 2 Xtra ~A (170) GON~Ir~ ACt~)I'Z)& - AI~ROV~D AIIrD/OR ADOI~ October 6, 1992 Prior to the motion for approval, Mr. John Keschl raised concerns relative to the number of items and the dollar amounts of same being requested for approval on the Consent Agenda. Th~ motion for approval of the Consent Agenda ts noted under Item #16. Itn #i (333) NI~ OF THZ SPECIAL M~KTING OF SEPTII,~ZR 16, 1992, ~~ ~KTING OF S~ 22, 1992 ~ ~IN~ B~KT H~IRG OF SK~KR 23, 1992 - Couuiestoner Hume Bayed, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried 4/0, to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 16, 1992, Rsgulmr Meeting of September 22, 1992, and Ilnal Budget Hearing of September 23, 1992, es presented. ~:)ROCT.,ANATIOX D~SZG]IA~ZXG $1~N'DA¥, OC~05Z~ 11, ~992, AS A~AR~I~gSS DAY - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Contisloner Hesse moved, seconded by Conieetoner Ooodnight and carried 4/0, that the Proclmtlon designating Sunday, October 11, 1992, as ~ld ~le ~~ss ~y, ~ ~opted. Mrs. Chris Stretch accepted the proclamation on behalf of the Friends of the Bald Eagle, Inc. Page 3 October 6, 1992 X~e~SB PltOCLA~ATXON DEBIGNATING OCTOBER AS DO~STIC VIOL~CI A~ARENESS ~O~1~ AND lq~ ~ OF OCTOBER 18-24, 1992, AS PUF~LE RIBBON WgEX - ADOPTED Upon reading of the proclamation, Co~mAIsioner Shanahan Iov~d, eecon~ed b~ Coemilaloner Haase ~d c~r/ed 4/0, t~t the ~ocl~t/on deel~ting Octo~r ~ ~tc Violence A~enea~ Non~h ~d t~ ~ek of ~to~r 18-24, ~992, ~ ~ple Rlb~n Week, ~ adopted. Ms. Ltnda Winston, Executive Director, Shelter for Abused Women of OollLer Cowry accepted the proclamatLon. Page 4 (~4~) ~,(PT.,OtIZ S~VICES JU~RDS - October 6, 1992 Commissioner Goodntght congratulated the following Collier County enployees and presented their Service Awards: Bonnie Fauls, Agriculture - 15 years Sue A. Getter, Solid Waste - 10 years Evelyn McDonaugh, General Administration - 5 years Ire ~A1 · ~A2 (700) 92-484; 92-487/492; 92-495/499; AXD 92-501/504 - Coa~tmsloner c~r/~ 4/0, 92-501/504 It. ~ (~2) ~ ~ ~~ZON 92-3~ - ~D Commlmeloner Huss moved, seconded by Co~lseloner aoodnight and carried 4/0, that Budget A~endaent Resolution 92-35 be adopted. Page 5 October 6, 1992 A~,ALT~X$ OF ~ TO I~RV~ FOR CONTINGENCX~ - ~A~D Finance Director Yonkosky advised that he is now reporting last year's General Fund, Fund 113 and 301 Reserves tn addition to the current year. He noted that this will be taking place for approxima- tely the next six weeks until such time that all the budget amendments from last year are adopted. It~m ~GD (730) A~ ~ l~~ D~S~S~ C~ - ACCEDED Ms. Phyllis Jones of Coopers & Lybrand called attention to the report, as detailed in the Executive Summary. She indicated that based on the work that was performed, the amounts as reported, are considered reasonable. Me. Jones stated that her firm has been provided assistance to the Immokalee Disposal Company in finding a new accountant that can put together the records for 1992 tn a more complete manner. She advised that she believes that the reporting for next year will be positive. ~leeloxx~r Saundmre moved, seconded b~ Conteetonmr Huu and c~rl~ 4/0, to accept the Re~rt aa prepared ~ C~ra ~ Lybr~d. SEE PACES ~/- ~B (sea) ~RT OOXO~XXO S~Y ~O~S~ ZOX ~E COXSTZ~ZON~ O~ZC~ - ~A~ ~ ~P~ ~ ~R ~E C~l~'S SIGNA~ ~ ~ 8780 PAY County Manager Dorrtll revealed that Chairman Volpe met on October 1st with Supervisor of Elections Morgan, Tax Collector Carlton and Property Appraiser Skinner who have agreed and consented to the Board's $780 pay raise, on average, for the coming year. He indicated that the individual disbursement of funds is at the discretion of the Constitutional Officers. Mr. Dorrill stated that the $780 will result in no more than 3%, Page 6 October 6, 1992 Including the adjustment for retirement, notlng that this will result in all overall reduction in the budgets relating to spending for pay increases. Mr. Dorrlll advised that the Constitutional Officers requested that he prepare a memo for the Chairman's signature, acknowledging their mgreement to alleviate any confusion with regard to the disbur- sement and use of those funds. C~m~mst~ner Hasse moved, seconded by Co.missioner Saunters ~ri~ 4/0, t~t t~ ~mr pre.re a ~ for ~e, ~ ~ f~r4~ ~o ~he Cona~i~u~Aonal Officers r~ardAn~ the 0780 ~PI~. X~u ~A - (1002) J. ~ ~ ~ TX~X~e or ~A~ ~ PA~S - ST~ TO ~R PA~ or X~A~ Mr. BIll Hoover of Butler Engineering, representing Povia- Ballantine Corporation, requested that the Commission direct staff to amend the necessary ordinances so that impact fees are payable at the time of Certificate of Occupancy rather than at issuance of building permits. He stated that impacts are not generated until after the Certificate of Occupancy is received. He reported that financial institutions are reluctant to finance impact fees at the beginning of a project and additionally, this would stimulate the economy by acti- vating many stalled projects. Mr. Hoover advised that he contacted 18 counties within the State of Florida. He reported that he found on the East Coast all but two counties require that impact fees be paid prior to the issuance of building permits, however the reverse holds true on the Gulf Coast. He indicated that he provided staff a copy of the survey results. Mr. Gary Butler related that his client has a ? story mid-rise project in Bay Forest, noting that they are experiencing difficulties with the bank in obtaining funding for the impact fees. He requested Page ? October 6, 1992 that the Commission consider an Irrevocable Unconditional Letter of Credit in lieu of impact fees at the time the building permit is issued. He related that during the present economic times, there are many people struggling to support their families and this would generate $5-6 million worth of income to local enterprises. Mr. Butler indicated that it would take approximately 4-5 months to amend the current ordinance and suggested that an emergency ordi- nance be adopted in the interim. County Manager Dorrill stated that he concurs that the request should be explored but questioned whether early payment of impact fees would result in an increase in the economy. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Finance Director Yonkosky reported that the provider of the Irrevocable Letter of Credit would require a security or an Interest in the asset. Commissioner Saunders remarked that he does not object to staff looking into the timing of the payment of Impact fees, but noted he opposes an emergency ordinance. The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Mr. George Keller Mr. Ron Capello Co~i~eioner Hames moved, seconded by Commtssion~r Ooodnight and cml'tied 4/0, that staff explore and review the possib~lit-f of the of an Xrrevocable Letter of Credit for payment of i~pact fees and report back in three weeks. Xte~ #mA1 FINAL FLAT OF 'LKLY RESORT PHASE TEN" - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Community Development Services Administrator Brutt explained that the next three items pertain to the Lely Resort. He affirmed that these items would normally appear on the Consent Agenda. He requested that the Commission approve the final plat of Lely Resort Phase Ten; acceptance of the water and sewer facilities for Pinnacle Cove, Phase II; and granting preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, Page 8 October 6, 1992 water and sewer Improvements for the final plat of Pinnacle Cover Phase II. Co~iss~oner ~se mo~ed, seconded b~ Coamtss~onsr Goodnight and c~t~ 4/0, to ~r~e the fill plat of "~ly ~rt P~ Ten", ~l~t to ~ stl~latlo~ ~ detailed in t~ ~eattve ~. Page 9 October 6, 3992 (2062) ACC'~:~ 0~ MA'I"~ AND SEWER ~AC[~IT~E$ FOR PINNACLE COVe, PHASE - ~ ~TH STIPULATIONS This Item was discussed tn conjunction with Item 8A2. Ccmmiesioner Goodntght moved, eeconded by Couiseloner HUN ~nd carrAed 4/0, to accept the water and ss~eer facilities for Pinnacle Cc:~-*I, ~ XX, ~ubJect to the stipulation~ a~ contained in the Executiv~ Su~a~f. Recorded in OR Book~ Pages ~ ******ROTE: DOCENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS %t~ ~ OF DECEMBER 22, 1992'********* (2983) ~S0L~XON 92-~39, 6~ZX0 ~LIXZX~ ACCE~CX O~ ~ R0~Y, ~~, ~ ~ S~R I~O~S FOR ~E FIN~ P~T OF "PI~ACLE C~ (~E ~)' - ~ED S~CT TO STI~TIONS This item was discussed in conjunction with Items SA! and 8A2. Coati.loner Goodnight ~oved, seconded by Couieeioner Hasee and c~r~ 4/0, to ~ prelili~ accept~ce of ~he ro~, ~ai~gl, ~ter ~ ~r l~r~e~nts for the final plat of "Pi~cle [~ ~)', there~ adopting Resolution 92-539, ~bJect ~o tio~. Page lO October 6, 1992 ):tm ~ ]t~O~2TIO~ 92-540, ICC~ING CO~U~I~'~ DNVELOPMENT BLOCK G~tNT UNDER ~IC~ll ~ - ADOPTED WITH CHA~G~S Housing Program Analyst Shreeve advised that the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has made changes which will allow Collier County to obtain grant funds to assist those businesses with damages as a result of Hurricane Andrew. Mr. Shreeve called attention to changes in the resolution, as drafted. He revealed that the last three digits in the Grant Number should be "A02"; language in first paragraph, last page, changed to read ..." on behalf of the County, and to sign such documents..." Mr. Shreeve stated that a representative from DCA will be present at a public hearing to be held on Thursday, October 8. He indicated that any loans that are made out of this grant will be secured. He explained that a participating party agreement will be presented to the Commlsslon for approval, with respect to anyone borrowing money from this grant. Co~aissioner Saundarm ~oved, meconded b~ Co~tseloner ~s~ ~d c~i~ 4/0, ~t the C~ ~er act on ~lf of the ~ard of C~ C~eei~re to a~lnlster a Comity ~lo~nt Block 0r~t, to pf~lde l~s to ~slneeees d~ged by ~ric~e ~dr~ ~d t~t ~lut~on 92-540 ~ a~pt~ ae ~nd~. Page 11 .? October 6, 1992 Item ~8B1 (222a) ~TIO]I TO INCR,EASE 1"HZ NUMB~. OF GAC RO&D$ BEING IMI:)ROV~D BID NO. 91-1759 - APPROVXD Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this Item Is a recommendation Involving the GAO road program and efforts to continue the upgrading of the ltmerock roads tn Golden Gate Estates to a paved road condition. He noted that the current contract with APAC ts underway, which means that ten roads will be upgraded to paved road standards. He Indicated that staff ts recommending that the contract be expanded, specifically, the unit prices for priming and sanding a road and the unit prices for paving a road. Mr. Archibald advised that the unit prices under the annual contract versus the unit prices under the current contract represent the following differences: $.2?/square yard for priming and sanding (annual contract) and $.13/square yard under the bid contract which represents a 51~ savings. He noted that paving under the current contract is $1.32/square yard versus $1.65/square yard under the annual contract, representing a 20% savings. Mr. Archibald revealed that the contractor has agreed to extend the low unit prices to added roadways, under his contract, assuming that each project ts one road amounting to approximately one mlle. Mr. Archibald requested that the current contract be amended to add two roads to be constructed by the contractor and three roads to be constructed by Collier County. ColBlleloner HlJle lloved, seconded by Commissioner Goodlltght and CaXTle~ 4/0, tO accept staff's reco~aendatton. It~ ~B2 (2700) ~TION FOR STAFF TO FROCKED NITH FEE REGOTIATION~ WITI~ DESIGN ~fUDZO~ ME~T, INC., FOR PIN~ RIDGE ROAD MEDIAN LANDSCAPING rm~~ (u.s. 4~ TO C.R. S~) -~FaOVgO Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that as a result of direction from the Board, staff went through the consultant Page 12 October 6, 1992 selection process to gain the services of e landscape architect for median improvements on Pine Ridge Road. He revealed that staff pre- pared Requests for Proposals, noting that nine firms responded, however, seven firms qualif~ed and were reviewed by the Consultant Selection Committee. Mr. Archibald reported that Design Studios, West, Inc. was ranked the #l firm. Mr. Archibald requested that the Commission approve the Consultant Selection Committee's short list of the three h~ghest qualified firms; and authorize and direct staff to commence with contract design fee negotiations with Design Studios West, Inc. as the number one ranked firm. Coa~lsaloner Goodntght ~oved, ~econded by Co~tseloner Has~e and ~~ 4/0, to a~rov~ staff's reco~endation as outllned in the (SO2S) ~sou~o~ g2-~41, XZC~L~T~Xa A B~ ~Gaox T&SX ~OXCX CO~~ TO County Attorney Cuy]er advised that the resolution as drafted, contains one typogr&phlcal error. He stated the resolution references Ordinance 86-4 and this should be changed to reflect Ordinance 86-41. County Attorney Cuyler read into the record, Items "b", "c" and "d", under "The purpose, powers and duties of the Blue Ribbon Task County Attorney Cuyler stated that the appointed members of the Committee will be listed in the body of the resolution which are currently listed in one of the "Whereas" clauses. Re recommended that the resolution be adopted. ~~l~r ~e~ ac~d, 8econd~ by Co~le~loner la--ri ~d ~rig i/O t~t ~lut~on 92-541 ~ adopted ~ ~n~. Page 13 October 6, 1992 Xt~B ~1Col~'t to 10/20/92 Xtem ~1 - Deleted BZD ~. 92-2963 ~ & 1987 27' ~STON ~R - ~gD TO B~Z-R-~ Commissioner Saunders announced that this item relates to a sealed bid with reference to a boat. He revealed that he submitted a bid, however, was an unsuccessful bidder. He indicated that he has been advised by County Attorney Cuyler that he does not have a conflict of issue in this regard and may vote on this item. Acting Emergency Services Administrator Plneau explained that this item is a recommendation to declare a l?' Boston Whaler as surplus, and to award the bid of same to Breez-N-Bye Yacht Service. Mr. Ptneau reported that 24 inquiries were sent out and on September il, 1992, three bids were received with the highest bidder being Breez-N-Bye Yacht Service. He requested that the Board declare the l?' Boston Whaler as surplus and award Bid No. 92-1963 to Breez-N-Bye Yacht Service. AQxgmlnrr ~ co~zgR COOXTY AX~ THE r~m4 or ~ ~. Hoyzx fOR ~ M~V~SORY SZ~CES, P~CAf SAY S~CES ~q~S~OX - ~~ County Manager Dorrtll recalled that in accordance with the adopted budget for the Pelican Bay Services Division, he was desirous of removing from the county payroll, the District Manager and the com- pany that formerly provided district management services to the Independent Pelican Bay District. County Manager Dorrill advised that a management agreement has been prepared for the services provided to the Pelican Bay Service Division, noting that this reflects the increased responsibility for the District Manager to assume responsibility for the expanded landscape provisions and the crew of same. Mr. Jim Ward affirmed that he concurs with County Manager Page 14 Oci:ober 6, 1992 Dorrtll'e co~eni:s and assured thai: his firm, in i:erms of providing services, will work closely with the Manager. Co~m~uto~r ~un&rs ~, ~eco~ed ~ Cmt~to~r G~tght ~ ~l~ 4/0, to a~r~e the contract with the fi~ of G~ L. ~r for ~nt ~tso~ me. Ices relative to the ~llc~ ~y k~tm Dtvtsi~. Page October 6, 1992 Ztm ~& (Se22) ~fAFF TO ~ NITH AN APPEAL TO THE SECOND DISTRICT COURT OF ~ ZN TH~ CASE OF COLLIE~ COUNTY V. HEUMAXE~, ET AL.; COUNTT &TTO~:~it"f TO DrI'EI~I~I~ ~ ISSUE CAN BE RESOLVED AWD R~PORT B~CK IR County Attorney Cuyler explained that this item details the history of the acquisition of the North County Water Treatment Plant. He noted that this issue was not settled after the Order of Taking, and It w&l necessary to go to a Jury trial to determine ultimate com- pensation. He Indicated that the purpose of the Executive Summary is to recommend that the Board authorize Staff to proceed with an appeal to the Second District Court of Appeals in this regard. County Attorney Cuyler called attention to Pages 1 and 2 of the Executive Summary, detailing the three bases upon which the eminent domain counsel for the County believe that there is a reasonable to good position to be successful in an appeal to the Second District Court of Appeals. Ta~e~2 Attorney Thomas Bolf, representing the property owners in this condemnation case, advised that the Judgment was for $530,000 plus interest, noting that the initial deposit was $340,000. He indicated that no one was happy with the verdict. He suggested that this matter be resolved now, rather than going through another process again. He indicated that this case would not be resolved until some time in 1994. Mr. Boll explained that the Offer of Judgment was for $490,000, however, the Jury verdict was $530,000. He revealed that the real issue is the severance damages. Mr. Boll stated that the appraisers' figures range from $300,000 - $1.3 million for total compensation and up to $1 million on severance damages, with the final award being $225,000. Mr. Boll related that the County's cost to appeal will be $25,000, $8,000 for transcription, and the cost of the property owner's attor- Page 16 October 6, 1992 heys fees. County Attorney Cu¥1er advised if this case is remanded, and the County is successful, the severance damage fig~ure will be zero. Co~m~esioner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Conissioner Ooodnight and CIZTIid 4/0, t~t staff proceed with the ap~al; t~t the C~ty Atto~ ~t with ~. ~lf to dete~lne whether the ~tter c~ ~ feebly r~lved ~d re~rt ~ck to the Co.lesion in ~o ~. It~ ~10A (~7~) HOUSIN C~ISSION - ~D Administrative Assistant to the Board Fi/son stated that on October 1, 1992, Alan D. Reynolds' term expired on the Affordable Housing Commission. Ms. Filson indicated that a press release was issued and resumes were received from five applicants. She announced that staff is recommendinG the re-appointment of Alan Reynolds for a three year term, to expire on October 1, 1995. Col~issioner Ooodnight loved, leconded by Commissioner Halle and cmrrte~ 4/0, to accept staff's recol~lendation to re-appoint Alan D. ~TI~)I~I to the Affordable Housing Co~ulission, and that Resolution 92-542 ~e m~opted. Puge 3.7 October 6, 1992 Xt~ ~IOB (e2o) R~OT~rf/OI 92-643, APPOX~f/IG 3A~S PRASCH TO TI~ ZSL~$ OF CAFRX FXI~ CONTROL DX~'I~TCT ADVISORY CO~IZ/'I~E - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Ftlson remarked that this item is a request to appoint one member to fulfill the remainder of a vacant term, expiring on December 31, 1993, on the Isles of Capri Fire Control District Advisory Committee. Ms. Flleon advised that on September 1, 1992, Robert Cochran resi- ~ned from this committee. She indicated that a press release was issued and resumes were received from two persons. She reported that staff is recommending that James C. Prasch be appointed to fulfil/ the remainder of Mr. Cochran's term expiring on December 31, 1993. Commissioner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co-~tssioner Haeee and carried 4/0, to accept staff's reco~aendation to appoint Saree C. Pr~h to fulfill the reminder of the vacant tsm on the Islae of C~prt lire Oontrol District Advisory Co~lttee, thereby adopting October 6, 1992 (660) ~SOLOTION 92-544, RECO~Q~DATION TO TI~ ~OVER~OR, THE APPOINTMENTS OF LI~tAS~t~, NANCY ~MAN & EDNARD FERGU$ON, JR. TO THE CHILDREN'S COUNCIL - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Fllson stated that the pur- pose of this item ts to forward at least three applications to the Governor for consideration of the appointment of one member to serve on the Children's Services Council. Ms. Filson divulged that there currently is one vacancy on this col~tttee due to Alma Cambridge's term which expired on September 30, 1992. Ms. Filson indicated that a press release was Issued and 30 appli- cations were forwarded to interested citizens and ? completed appltca- tioni being received. Ms. Filson requested that the Commission recommend at least three a~pltcants to forward to the Governor for consideration of appointment to fill the current vacancy on the Children's Services Council. Commissioner Saunders recommended that Linda Ashman's application be forwarded to the Governor. Commissioner Hasse recommended that Nancy German's application be forwarded to the Governor. Commissioner Shanahan recommended that the application of Edward Trevor Ferguson, Jr. be forwarded to the Governor. C(~BI/eeioner Slvndere ~ed, seconded by Co~ltestoner Shanahan and clz~ted 4/0, that the application~ of Lindm Aih~an, N~ncy ~ezllen end ~ Trevor Fergulon, Jr., be forwarded to the Governor for con- i~d4~ltion of &ppo~nt~ent on the Children's Services Council, Ind that Iteeol=tt~ *2-544 be ~dopted. Page 19 October 6, 1992 DZ~'I~ZOII ~ ~ I;~RCE]rf TOURIST DKVELO~ TAX - RESOLUTION ~ ~ 2~ TAX '1"0 BE PI~$~NT~D ON 10/13/g2; MANAGER TO DEVELOP l'~lq:~~ ~ FOR TEE PUBLIC; 1~ STRAM BALT.~ TO BK DZSCU$SKD ON Co~mlssioner Saunders advised that he met with the City Council on October 6, 1992 regarding the importance of the 2~ Tourist Development Tax in addition to generating information to the public in reference to the ballot question. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the County Manager generate lnfor~ation to the public with respect to what the ballot question entails. Mr. George Keller spoke with regard to this item. Co~dlaloner S~au~dars ~oved, seconded by Collsstonsr Shanahan and C~-Tie~ 4/0, that a resolution ~upportlng the 2~ Tourist Development T~x ~ drafted to be submitted to the local ~edia; and that the County Man~I' ~lop a one page tnfor~ational sheet for the public, without sp~ public funds to pro~ote County Attorney Cuyler advised that his office will prepare a resolution to be presented to the Commission on October 13, 1992. Commissioner Hasse questioned whether Commissioner Saunders would agree to information relative to the 1¢ Straw Ballot being Included tn the Informational packet. Commissioner Saunders indicated that these are two separate issues and should be addressed separately. Co.missioner Shanahan suggested that a discussion relative to the 1~ straw ballot be held on October 13, 1992. PUBLIC ~ ON ~ TOPICS Mr. William Carroll, Chief Ranger, Big Cypress National Preserve spoke with regard to Consent Agenda Item #16F1: Recommendation to accept a proposal by Cellular One of Southwest Florida to construct a co~munications tower at the Ochopee Fire Station. Mr. Carroll voiced Page 20 October 6, 1992 opposition to the construction of this tower. Mr. Larry Basik requested clarification with regard to the two year extension relative to San Marco Park. Consensus of the Commission was that the County Attorney meet with Mr. Baslk to clarify and resolve the matter. Item #12Cl Coa't to 10/20/92 ~ O~ COUJ[TT CO~(ZSSIOII~R~' COI~gUNZCATZ01~ Commissioner Saunders recalled previous discussions with regard to the development of an independent water/sewer authority. County Attorney Cuyler advised that his office provided the Board with a comprehensive memo, however, there had been no further action since that time. He indicated that he will provide the Commission with another copy of the memo. Cou/%ty Manager Dorrlll announced that the Lely High School Road issue is scheduled for the agenda of October 20, 1992. A discussion took place with regard to the horticultural pick-up for the residents of Marco Island. Commissioner Shanahan suggested that residents with debris, resulting from Hurricane Andrew, that has not been packed up, should call County staff and so advise. Collnty Manager Dorril] stated that a Strategic Planning Workshop will be held on Friday, October 9, 1992, from 9:00 A.M. - Noon, on the 2nd Floor of the Public Services Building. ~Ntoner ~me moved, seconded by Co--.lslioner Goodnlght and c~rried 4/0 (Cc~tssioner Volpe mbsent), that the following unde~ the Coas~nt Agenda be approved and/or Bdopted: ItEVI~D DEV~LOI~I~NT PLANS FOR 'NAPA BOULEVARD AT THE VINEYARDS" - ~ T1~ TR~ ~flPl~JtTIO~S COIlT&II~D I~ THE EXECUTIVI SUI~IARY Item JalPA2 ACC~l~JZII%l OF SgCURITY FOR ~XCAVATION PBiRNIT N0. 59.460 "THI~ MAL-NART ~ liAFL~ STORI~" See Pages Page 21 October 6, 1992 FINAL I~aT OF '~AIL NEST UNIT ONE, BLOCK B* - SUBJECT TO THE ~TXON~ CONTAINED IN TH~ KX~CUTXVH SUI~ARY Item PX6&4 F~MAL FLAT OF "~L WEST UNIT ONE, BLOCK A" - SUBJECT TO THE STXIMY~T~O~ CO~&IN~D IN ~ ~I~ S~ ~t~ PI6A5 YIMAL FLAT 0Y '~UAIL W~ST UNIT ONE, BLOCK C" - S~CT T0 ~E It~ ~'16A9 ACCEFTANC~ OF $IEWER FACILITIES FOR COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK, PHAS~ II - ~UBJ~CT TO THE STIPULATION CONTAINED IN THE EXECUTIVE CONTIIIU~ OF TH~ FRESENT AVIATION FUELING CONTRACT BETWEEN CHEVRON U~A, IIIC. AND TH~ MARCO ISLAND AIRPORT 0N A NONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS FOR AVIATION FIYEL$ AND OTHER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS - FORMAL BID PROCESS Item ,16B3 - Moved To #8B3 It# ,1~C1 A~ FOR THE 1992-93 FUNDING COFI'RIBUTION TO COLLIER AIDS KESOURCE~ AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, INC. (C.A.R.E.S.) IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,000 See Pages A~F.E~M~IT FO~ THE 1992-93 FURDIIG CONTRIBUTION TO THII DAVID LAk'RENCE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $670,284 County Manager Dorrtll advised that arrangements have been made to make quarterly payments tn advance, to this Agency, in accordance with Florida Statutes. ~OOK r~OPM,.-. 55 Page 22 October 6, 1992 See Pages Item ~1~C3 ~ FOR ~ 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION T0 HOSPICE OF NAPLES, INC. IN THE AMO~NT OF 815,500 See Pages __~__~ff~ Ite~ #1~4 A~ FOR T~E 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO I~O~EE ~I~HIP H~, I~. I~ ~ ~ OF 815,500 See Pages __.~__~~~ T~ 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO ~O~CT ~P, INC. 0F 815,500 Item A(tltE~NT FOR THI[ 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO ST. MATTHEWfS HOUSE IN T~[ A~OU~T OF $16,500 ,ee Page. lO/./o 4~ FOR TR~ 1992-93 FUNDINQ CONTRIBUTION TO ~E S~VATION ~ See Page. /~-_/o9 Item ~1~C6 AGRE~J~IT FOR TR~ 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE SHELTER FOR ~N~ ~ 0Y COLLI~ C0~, INC. IN HE ~0~ 0F $15,500 Item #1~C9 ~ FOR THE 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO TOTAL EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE M&R&GEMENT (T.E.A.M,) IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,200 Item 916C10 ~ FOR TIIE 1992-93 FUNDING CONTRIBUTION TO THE TRAINING AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER FOR THE HANDICAPPED (T.E.C.H.) IN THE AMOUNT OF See Pages //~- /a/,, October 6, 1992 Item ~/~Cll &(tR:~][~ ~ C~:~II~ OF C~.~H ~:)R ~ 1992-93 ~RG CO~ZB~ION ~ ~~ ~ZOR 8~ICE~ IR ~ ~ O~ $15,500 Ttem #16C12 ACCEPTANCE OF T]~ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ]IPOR_IiiS'I'~R See Page, /3? GItAFf TH~tOUGI~ ~ITY FOUNDATION OF COLLIER COUNTY FOR BUS TR,tI~POItTATIO~ FOR A SUlkiER RECRKATION PROGRAM TO BE HELD AT GOLDEN See Pages BID II~G~LRIT~ tlilqlD iRD BID ~92-1956 FOR TH~ PORCHJkSE OF AIR CONDZTIOI~ 01~ AT GOLDEN GAll CO~I~ITY C~NTgR &MARl)ED TO NOD~RN AIR ~I'I"IC)NING' INC. IN TH~ &NOURT OF $28,916 Itea Jl~Cl? COT~IDi~III~E ~CEOOL BO&RD &ITTI~ORIZ~D TO PROVIDg PRI~P~ I~3OD FOR Item ~1~:::1~ Norad To #8Cl Item ~1~I)1 - Co. tin. ad To 10/23/92 · UD~T~ TO TRAN~I~R ~ TO OPeRaTING BUDGET Item #181 ~ BrFM~EN THE COUNTY AND THE BARRON COLLIER COMPANY FOR TH~ INSTALLATION OF TNO ABOVE GROURD FUEL TANKS AT THE CARNESTOMI~ SKERIFF' $ STATION October 6, 1992 See Page ACCEPTED REGARDING EMERGENCY PURCHASES RELATED TO HURRIC~ Itn ,1~1 PI~OPO~JJ, B~' C~LLULAR ONE OF SOUTI[WEST FLORIDA TO CONSTRUCT A COI~I~/CATIONS TOMER AT OCHOPEE FIRE STATION Item #1~1 - Deleted Itn ~16G2 AGKE~NT RENEM&L NITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRORMERTAL R~.&TION (FDA) FOR PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION SITE CLEAR U~ &CTIVITIES lt~#lSG3 See Pages CO]IT~bCT ~ENEMAL MITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO)D(ENTAL K~3UT.&TZON (FD~R) TO CONTIEIIE TO PERFORM PETROLEUM STOKAGE FACILITY ASS~]IT~ NITNIN THE COUNTY Item 916H1 wI~N&Y [JLND~.Jk~ING MEMORANDUM OF AGRKEKKNT NITH THE F~ORIDA D~P~ OF TRANSPORTATION FOR TH~ MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. Item ,1~w2 CKANGH ORDER TO VA~DER~ILT BAY CONSTRUCTION FOR ADDITIOHAL SERVICES TO TK~ ~OLD~31 GAT~ LIBRARY ADDITION IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $5,398.50 See Pages Item ~llHt - Deleted[ ~DGHT ~ &PPROVED RECOGNIZING PROJECTED CARRY FORMARD FOR ~~ X~ ~ 301; ~ 306; ~ 307; ~ 345; ~ ~ 319 *****NOTE: DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD O~'FI~"'A~'O~' DECEMBER 22, 1992'****** MZ~'IL~%~i~ CO~,RE~PORDE]ICE - FILED The following miscellaneous correspondence as presented by the Board of County Commissioners was filed: Page 25 October 6, 1992 Ira #1631 CHAII~IAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATE FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS FR~SENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE No. 217 No. 319 Ira #1632 1991 TAX ROLL 1990 TAX ROLL Date 09/23/92 Date 09/23/92 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO.'S 63523, 17070, 58348, 61070, AND 47951 Item ,16Xl API~ROVAL OF A BUDGET AMENDNENT TO RECOGNIZE ADDITIONAL REVENUE FOR FISC&L YEAR 1991/92 IN TH~ &MOUNT OF $32,400 IN THE E-911 EMERGENCY PHONE ~STEM (199) FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:30 A.M. ATTEST%... .-, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECI~ DISTRICTS UNDER ITS as preAch'ted J/or as corrected Page 26