BCC Minutes 11/03/1992 R Naples, Florida, November 3, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in &nd for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in RHOULA~ SESSION in Building "F" of the ~overnment Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hesse, Jr. Part,cia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky0 Finance Director; Annette Guevin and Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerks; Nail Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Richard Yovanovich, Martha Howell and MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director; Bob Fahey, So/id Waste Director: Dave Pettrow0 Development Services Director; Ron Cook, Utilities Finance Director; Mike MeNses, Budget Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor; Ken Baginski, Planning Services Manager; John MadaJewski, Project Review Services Manager; Stan Litsinger, Chief, Growth Management Section; Fred Reischl, Environmental Specialist; Russell Shreeve, Housing Program Analyst; Barbara Cacchione, Jeff Perry, Bob Mulhere; Mlchelle Edwards a~d Diane Holling, Planners; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page Tape (~2) :Item Novenber 3, 1992 ComLtooloner hun&ere moved, seconded by Conleeloner bee and caroled 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe out), to approve the agenda wL~h the changes as detailed on the Agenda Change Sheet and with the followlng 8ddlttmml change: 1. ~tem #16D! - Hodt~tcatlons to the Uttlt~¥ Billing Software Contract - Continued to 11/10/92, Page 2 (26S) Itel AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED November 3, 1992 The motion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item #16. (26g) Itn#4 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 39, 2992, REGULAR M~ETING OF OCTOBER 20, 1992, AND SPECIAL MEETING OF OCTOBER 21, 1992 - APPROVED Co-missioner H&eee moved, seconded by Colmtssloner Saundere and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Volpe out), to approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Octo~r 19, [992, Re~ir ~et~ng of Octo~r 20, 2992, ~ 5~c~a3 ~et~ng of Octo~= 22, 2992. (2s~) Itel D~S ~R I~, 2992 Commissioner Goodnight congratulated Dennis Laplow, Utilities Division, on being selected Employee of the Month for November, 1992, and presented him with a plaque in recognition, as well as a $§0 cash awerd. (s28) PIt0C~ANAI~ON DESIGNATING lq~E~OF NOVEMBER 1 - 3, 1992, AS VOIC! OF D~~ la ~ ~ST ~808g - ~=a Upon reading the proclamation, Co~teeloner Hames loved, seconded by C~teetoner GoodnLght and carried 4/0 (CouleeIoner Volpe out), to adopt the proclamation deetgnattng the week of Novelber ! - ?, 1992, es Voice of l:)elocracy Week tn VFW Poet #8089. Page 3 November 3, 1992 (42o) PROCLAMATION D~ZGNATING THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9 - 24, 1992, A~ YOUTH APPlt~CIATZON M~EK - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to W.S. "Bud" Wilhelm, Commtee/oner Seunderm moved, seconded by Comm/eeloner Bmsse ~ cml-tied 4/0 (Commleatonar Volpe out), to adopt the proc/mt/on dee/gnmtlng the w~ek of November 9 - 14, 1992, u Youth Appreciet/on Week. Page 4 (479) BUDGA'T~S 92-549 AND 92-552 - ADOPTED November 3, 1992 CoBmiastoner Huse moved, seconded by Conissionar Ooodnight and c&~ted 4/0 (Commissioner Yelps out), that Budget AMndMnte 92-549 ~zd 92-552 be adopted. (SOO) COOL COlCISSZOX8, INC., TIQgRTAIL BEACH CONCESSION, RIQUIBTING TO RETAIN &USTRALIAN PIIFgS - APPROVED #ITH STIPULATION Douglas Herbst, President, Cool Concessions, Inc., requested the Board allow him to retain six Australian Pines that provide shade for a picnic and concession area at Tigertatl Beach on Marco Island. Commissioner Saunders asked Mr. Herbst to present photographs in his possession, which he said give an accurate picture of the situation. Mr. Herbst, referring to the photographs (copies of which were not provided to the Clerk to the Board), explained three of the trees are incorporated into the deck. Commissioner Hasse asked if the Exotic Tree Ordinance would al/ow the Board to grant Mr. Herbst's request? County Attorney Cu¥1er communicated this would be an exempt pro- perty under the ordinance, because It was improved prior to the passage of the ordinance. Coemlaeloner Saunders ~mved, seconded by Comisatoner Goodnight, to approve the request by Cool Concessions, Inc., to retain the Au~tralian Pines located in the concession area at Tigsrtail Beach, recognizing the propert~ as exempt under the ordinance. ese Comtselonar Volpe arrived at this rise. ese Commissioner Goodnight asked that the motion be amended to impose a stipulation requiring the area to be continuously raked to prevent the growth of additional Australian Pines, and that the amount of those trees be limited to six. Page 5 November 3, 199R Co~issioner Saunders ~nded the motion, seconded by Co~iaaloner · oodnight ~nd c~rried unanimously, that the request be gr&ntad with the stipulation u noted above. (est) 1113113~ VILLIGI L~D SOlll~ ACRES REGIRDINB ROE IN(IRI$S IIlD EI31~$S - NODZFI:CATZO~ TO ~ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR RADIO ROAD II. PROVeD IN ~ ~ NOT TO RXCEED $12,000, AND STAFF TO EVALUAT~ L~I~ lq3RN ~ O~DIO ROAD Roland Warren, representing residents of Windjammer Village and Sunny Acres, explained his request concerns the widening and four- /ailing of Radio Road. He said of the seven mobile home parks in the area, all seem to have Ingress and egress with left and right turn opportunities, with the exception of Windjammer Village and Sunny Acres. Referring to a map on the bulletin board, he described the situation and his suggestions for correcting the problems for both Windjammer Village and Sunny Acres. He also mentioned residents are concerned with the unbroken speed on Radio Road for over three mtles from Santa Barbara Boulevard to Airport-Pulling Road. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald communicated Staff has met with Mr. Roland several times to address his concerns. He referred to a diagram on the bulletin board, explaining Staff's post- rich. He Indicated Staff recommends the Board accept Mr. Warren's proposal to modify the on-going construction contract to include opening up the median, and also constructing the east bound right turn lane, subject to the private property owner donating the necessary right-of-way to the County for that construction. He said that capa- city Improvement will accrue to all users of Radio Road. He remarked the associated cost ts approximately $11,000, and Staff believes it will be money well spent from a capacity standpoint. Referring to Mr. Warren's concerns with speed and traffic signal systems on Radio Road, he said Staff ts looking into that situation. He asked to be able to complete the project, sign It for 45 miles per hour, and see what the results are. Page 6 November 3, ~992 Co~miesioner Hasse asked if the concerns of Sunny Acrest residents wll! be solved with the above recommendation? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald responded in the negative. Ne said typically, where there are a small number of turning movements, Staff is recommending forcing a right turn in and right turn out while making provisions for those movements to go in the opposite direction by making U-turns. Commissioner Saunders agreed with Mr. Warren*s recommendation for a left turn deceleration lane. He asked if the Transportation Division has looked into the cost to provide that opportunity? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald said Staff is pro- riding for the storage for U-turn movement to the east of that site. He said the same thing can be done at that location if the people benefiting from that improvement are willing to share in the cost. Co~Liooloner Saundera moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahan, to approve the plan u delineated by Transportation Servlceo Admtn/rtrator Archibald on hie dtagrou; direct Staff to moot with Mr. Marren to evaluate the left turn lane heading wogt on Radio RomS, with the understanding if there la a public benefit, the Count~ should pur- ~ua that i~q~r~nt, but if it tm determined that it il ~ore of a prtvute ~enefit, the property owners in the area should be approached to ~ in the ¢omt. Commissioner Volpe asked if Staff is intending to modify an existing contract? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald replied in the affirmative, adding the suggestion that the Board direct Staff to include this modification in a change order, assuming the cost does not exceed a fixed amount of $12,000. Commiooloner Smundero mnendmd the motion, oeconded by Commissioner ~, to include the above Upon c~ll for the question, the motion carried unanimously. (1640) I~J, SOLUTI0Jl g2-~07. ~ ~ PR0~KD ~IkItlOF. ILT,,KE HOSP~TAL~ I:XI:MPT2~ ~ C:(:JSB~UJF~TY HOSP2TAL FRC~q ~00~ C,~A~[ ~ Page 7 November 3, 1992 TRAMSPORTATZOM IMPACT FKES AMD DXRECTIMG STAFF TO AMEND TH~ ~ATZOM IMPACT FKE ORDXMAMCE TO PROVIDE FOR AM 13[XMPTXOM FOR MOT-FO~-FR~3FIT FACILITIES DIRECTLY RELATED TO Hff~LTH CARE Commissioner Volpe recalled this item was continued from the meeting of October 27th, to provide Staff with sufficient time to pre- pare an analysis of traffic impacts for the proposed Immokalee health care facility. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald said the final analysis indicates total recommended road Impact fees tn the amount of $8&,461.22. Attorney George Vega, representing Naples Community Hospital, clarified they are asking for an exemption or a set-off from those fees, for services rendered to the County. He commented the EMS leaaes, the heliport and the write-off on EMS supplies more than exceed the recommended fees. He noted Naples Community Hospital ts a quasi-public hospital servicing the public in the Immokalee area, and Fecetvea public service grants from the federal government as well aa from the State of Florida. In response to Commissioner Shanahan, Transportation Servtcea Administrator Archibald said tf the asaumpttons tn the Transportation Impact Statement (TIS) are accepted, the Board will not necessarily be considering exempting the hospital, but substituting fees as part of a lettlement. 00~J~lllloner Volpe noted the EMS Impact Fee Ordinance contains provisions for exemptions, but there lo no similar provision In the Road Impact Fee Ordinance. County Attorney Cu¥1er concurred, pointing out there are two ways to h~dle thio situation. One way, he said, ts to enter Into an agreement recognizing as a set-off, the amount of money the hospital le contributing to the County in other forms; however, ultimately some other aource of funds will be required to pay for the Impact fees not being paid for by the hospital. He advised the second posaibtlity ts for the Board to amend the ordinance to set up a provision to adopt a p~e 8 November 3, 1992 resolution exempting an entity under certain criteria, as was done with the EMS Impact Fee Ordinance. Attorney Vega presented an example of language to amend the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance for the Board's consideration. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald reported Staff can proceed with refunding the difference between what the hospital has paid and what the TIS Indicates, roughly $143,000. He said the remaining $84,461.22, being requested would be subject to Board action In the immediate future. Commissioner Shanahan commented a lengthy debate took place regarding the language subsequently Included in the EMS impact Fee Ordinance to exempt the hospital. He asked what is wrong with that language with respect to the Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance? Attorney Vega stated the hospital would agree to that language, adding their proposal ts simply an attempt to address concerns of Commissioner Hesse that the EMS language ts too all-encompassing. The following people spoke regarding this Item: Dudley Ooodlette George Keller Frances Barsh County Attorney Cuyler clarified that the language in the EMS impact Fee Ordinance grants an exemption for a publicly owned govern- ment building. He said that exemption was not included in the new Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance. Commissioner Volpe expressed concern that the Board is considering exempting a not-for-profit health care provider, yet a government building must pay road impact fees. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained the Transportation impact Fee Ordinance has provisions for exemptions and vesting, but because the County is charging Impact fees based upon new tripe on the roadway, the only way an exemption can be processed is for the road Impact fee to be paid by the Board assuming that obliga- tion through another fund. Responding to questions raised by Mrs. Barsh, Ed Morton with November 3, 1992 Naples Community Hospital, stated the Immokalee health facility will be owned and operated by a public not-for-profit corporation, Community Health Care, Inc., which is the organization that owns Naples Community Hospital. He said the facility w~ll also be co- operated b~ Naples Co--unity Hospital, who w~ll be prov~ding the emergency room or urgent care services. He also remarked that as a public char~y, he suspects a request w~ll be made tha~ ~he facility no~ be subjected to the normal property t~es, which ~e consistent w~th all the public charities registered under the Naples Co~un~ty Hospital ~brella. ~es~o~r Sanders ~v~, seconded ~ Co~s~oner S~ ~d c~r~ ~~ly, t~t ~r~t to the ~S I~ct F~ Ordln~ce, Section 3.07, ~elo~r Contr~t~on Credit, the ~d fl~ t~t lapl~ C~W Hoo~tal ~ contrl~ted ~fflclent ~ ~ ~e of ~ild~np to ~li~ for the ~ent of all lgct fees for e~rgen~ ~lcal ~cee, ~d that the ~ard enter ~nto ~ ~~t ~o t~t effect; t~t Staff ~ directed to mnd the Tr~e~rtat~on I~ct Fee Ord~ to pr~lde ~ ~t~on for facilities directly relat~ ~o ~1~ cee; ~ t~t the ~ud fin~ that ~aplee Co~W Ho~tal pr~l~ a ot~ific~t ~nefit to health c~e in I~1~, t~refore, t~ ~ will ~ the road ~ct fee In t~ ~t 884,461.22; ~: ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1/8/93'~AA;~ Page November 3, 1992 Sharon Lyon stated she represents residents of South Tamiami Heights, which consists of Seminole Avenue, Osceola Avenue, Tamtami Lane, Caloosa Street, Okeechobee Street and Cherokee Street, with a total of 90 residential lots. She indicated a majority of area resi- dents have submitted two separate petitions requesting sidewalks and lighting. She requested that the County build sidewalks in their neighborhood, adding residents consider this a high priority due to concern for the safety of their 55 school age children. Commissioner Volpe recalled the County now has an employee whose primary responsibilities Involve prioritizing needed sidewalks. Planner Jeff Perry, MPO Coordinator, agreed that a planner has recently been hired to run the bicycle/pedestrian recreational path- ways program. He noted there is a process for taking requests from the public for sidewalks and bikepaths, which are typically analyzed on an annual basis, prioritized and presented to Board after con- sideration by the Citizens Advisory Committee to the MPO. He remarked this year, a special Recreational Pathways Advisory Committee is being established through the MPO, which will consider and prioritize all requests. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Perry stated Ms. Lyon's request has been placed on the list for consideration during the next funding cycle. Commissioner Volpe suggested a timeframe be established so that people can be apprised of when to file applications and also allow ttme for the citizens advisory group to properly consider requests such as this one. Mr. Perry stated his Department will be able to provide a descrip- tion of the process within the next two weeks as well as when the next Page 11 November 3, 1992 funding cycle will begin and when construction is likely to occur. County Manager Dorrill cautioned that unless the Board authorizes supplemental funding, construction is not likely to be seen for 12-14 months at the earliest. Mr. Perry agreed to present a status report to the Board of County Commissioners at the November 10th meeting. Ms. Lyon next presented a petition from a majority of residents requesting a lighting tax district be established. She indicated it ia their tmderstanding they will be taxed an additional $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value for this benefit. She asked that this request be expedited in order to meet the January deadline indi- cated by the Transportation Division. County Attorney Cuyler noted the Board must consider this request at a public hearing in December, rather than January. O~i~ton~ ~undera a~=ved, seconded by Co~lmmlon~r Shanahan, to dt~ ~t~f to ~e the a~r~r~ate ordtmce creatt~ a lt~tl~ t~ di~i~ for ~th T~t~I Heights in order t~t it ~ ~rtl~ for m ~lic ~~ ~fore t~ ~d of C~ ~issimrs tn ~e following person spoke regarding this item: Jo~ Cronen Cowry N~ager Dorrtll suggested that Staff be directed to prepare an ordtn~ce which will cons/der both sidewalks and lighting In a spe- cial t~lng district. Ns. Lyon co~ented ~t will be difficult for the residents to pay addtt~onal t~es for sidewalks, given the debts incurred during th~s past year tn assessments and t~pact fees to hook up to the County's s~er system. She Indicated her intention to inform residents so ~hey are prepared to evaluate both sidewalks and lighting at the public hearing. ~~ ~underm ~end~d t~ ~otio~, ~c~ by Page 12 November 3, 1992 Mm. Lyon requested a list of sidewalks and bikepaths recently built tn Collier County. FOR 120 DAYS - WITH STIPULATIONS Mike Davis, representing the Board of Directors of Swamp Buggy, Inc., explained the motorcross track and flea market at the Florida Sports Park are currently under red-tag condition and not operating. He 8aid there are three Issue8 involved in this situation, the first being the motorcross track. He requested the red-tag be pulled for 90 daye to allow the SDP modification process to be completed. He said the second issue ia the flea market which has been An operation for some t~me, but Is not specifically included In the PUD and Is ales not consistent ~tth the Growth Management Plan. He remarked the third part of the problem ts the current condition of a lake on the pro- party. Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, reported the motorcrooo track was not a permitted part of the PUD for the Florida Sports Park. He said Staff recommended the developer bring in the necessary SDP to be incorporated tn the PUD, which has been done and is moving through the process. He concurred with the petitioner's request to allow the motorcroes to continue until the SDP process is completed. ~o~Aone~ H~ooe moved, seconded by Cmimsloner Sa~Lnd~rm and carx-t~d un~ly, to allow the motorcroem track to continue O~tl~Bg for 90 d~ while the SDP tm being procemmed. Mr. Brutt explained with regard to the flea market, that retail 8ales are not allowed in the Florida Sports Park other than in con- Junction with the approved use of the PUD, i.e., the selling of food when an activity is taking place. He 8aid the strictly commercial retail operation of 20 booths in the flea market is beyond and above what Am permitted in the PUD. He added the Sports Park Is not within Page 13 November 3, 1992 an activity center, therefore, to make the flea market a legal use, Staff feels an amendment to the Growth Management Plan would be necessary. He asked for guidance from the Board on this Issue. Commissioner Shanahan suggested the Board allow the flea market to continue while the PUD and Growth Management Plan are being amended. Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director, commented an amendment to the Growth Management Plan would be difficult, because it would have to be tailored to either a specific use or a specific site. He noted this Board of County Commissioners has resisted both of those tn the past. He gave the opinion that one way to attempt to address the situation ts through the definitional issue, that perhaps flea markets are not typical retail enterprises. Mr. Brutt suggested if the Board ts considering allowing the flea ~arket to continue, that the amount of acreage be specified. Mr. Davis stated the Board of Directors would be In agreement to limiting the acreage for the flea market to 1.5 acres. David Pettrow, Development Services Director, asked that the Board direct Staff of Development Services, Long Range Planning and the County Attorney's Office to meet on this issue. C4xmLtoo~oner Shanahan moved, meconded by Comateatonar Saunderm, to extend the operation of the flea Mrket for 120 days on the current 1.5 ~re mite ~nd that Staff attempt to allow the flea Mrkat through a FOD~end~ento Commissioner Goodntght suggested that Mr. Pettrow look at a limited amount of acreage, the sale of new as well as used articles and placing a limit on the number of weeks per year the flea market may operate. Commissioner Volpe added the direction that Staff work towards a definition for a flea market ae well as hours of operation. Upo~ call for the question, the ~otion carried unani~ou~ly. Co~uatestoner Volpe noted having received a phone message from John Mada]ewskt, Project Review Services Manager, who indicates the lake being discussed ts scheduled to go before the Environmental Advisory Page 14 November 3, 1992 Board (EAB) on November 4th. He said Mr. MadaJewski is requesting the Board defer any action on the lake until the EAB has considered that item. It was the consensus that the issue regarding the lake be con- tinued to the meeting of November loth. (~2S~) HESOLUTXO~ 92-59e R~ PETITION PU-91-16, EXTENSIOX OF A CONDITIONAL US~ POR C~IELIN ~ ~R ~ ~SES OF A YA~ ~/OR ~A~ ~ ~ Community Development Services Administrator Frank Brutt explained Petition PU-91-16 is a request from Westinghouse Properties to extend for one year the Conditional Use of the Conk/in Point site, specifi- cally for the 35,000 square-foot structure. He concluded with Staff's recommendation to grant a one-year extension to Petit/on PU-91-16. Co~dNioner Ooodntght ~oved, seconded by Conissioner Hae~e ~nd CaZTi~ u~mimonel¥, that Resolution 92-598 be adopted exten~ing the Conditional U~e for Conkltn Point. Page 15 November 3, 1992 CJ~lfZVKT, I~Of~T 92-5 RE FETITION C-92-5, OUR LADY OF GUADALUI~ C~URCH I~IU~I~A I~IOIIT TO CONDUCT A CAI~IVAL FRON NOVENBER 25 ~qlltOUG~ NOVBMBEIt 29, 1992, ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS LOCATED AT 219 SOUTH 9T1~ Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, explained the petitioner has provided all necessary documentation with regard to the request to conduct a carnival on the grounds of Our Lady of Glladalupe Church from November 25 through November 29, 1992. He concluded that Staff recommends approval. Coma~uloner Goodnight ~oved, aeconded by Colm~Sa~oner ]Lm~e and caz~J~~ly, to approve Carnival Per~Lt 92-5. Page 16 November 3, 1992 (2301) ~ ~OR ~l~ I~JLT, R~XLXT&TXOM lvRO~ - JI~P~ J~ Russell Shreevs, Program Analyst with the Housing and Urban Improvement Department, explained this item was removed from the con- sent agenda due to an error in the body of the resolution. He directed attention to page 2, paragraph 2, stating the word "execute" Nlm left out. Re requested the Board approve the resolution as ~ended. Oommtimmioslm~ ~mnmh~nmov~, emcondmdl:~Comm/me/onmr Goodzll~ht ~ ~l~ ~t~ly, t~t ~molutlon 92-599 ~ m~pt~ o ~d~. :/. Page 17 ~ DICX,&.R:~ AID ORDXIAIC~ 92-86 /J,I]IDTIG OIU3]:ILICl 91-4"/, OOT,~XII ~ T.,XI'"X'ER, I~][D AID ~ C0lrl~O~ ORDXRAICI B~' I:XCX, ODXIIO JI, OA'flt, l~ltOl'lXO 13rlDr~ - ADOlfX'ID County Manager DorrJll explained this amendment is required to keep Oollter County eligible to receive in excess of $400,000 for cer- tain private lot clearing on Marco Island, to include canals where those canals ars part of private property. He said the Board has not yet determined whether or not to expend public funds to clean private lots, but he has received notices from both FEMA as well as the Fire Chief on Marco Island stating a concern that the normal enforcement mechanism takes too long, and the amount of trees to be cleared repre- sents a severe fare hazard in the coming months. He reported the FEMA representative has recommended the County amend the ordinance to indicate that the normal weed abatement and exotic tree ordinance never contemplated a poet-hurricane situation. He advised to do this, there ~st be a finding thai this constitutes an emergency to keep Collier County eligible for funding, followed by separate action to a~opt t~e ordinance. Cmmmlutoner Saundsrs moved, seconded by Commissioner Shanahanand carried u~animou~l¥, to declare an emergency and request the Board co~ m~blic hearing on the amendment to Ordinance 91-47. ~l~loner Shanahan moved, seconded t~ Comisaionar Saundera and carriedmmantmou~l¥, to close the ~ublic hearing. (~to~er ~hanahan moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Saundera and C~L~t~~ly. to mpprov~ the amend~ent to Ordinance 91-&7, that Oz~ 92-16 he adopted and entered into Ordinance Book ~II, ADXI~3 AID BXT. Z,X~G &GI~,.~],I:~]I~ W/:/"~ CO~X~R C0131E'/"~' U'~'X~X~X~S &.ID Fred Blostscher, Assistan~ Utilities Administrator, commented this agreement is between Collier County's Water-Sewer District and the Pa~e 18 Hovember 3, 1992 City of Naples for the provision of meter reading. He explained this will address discrepancies tn billing when a resident Is a City of Naples Water customer, while being a Collier County Sewer customer. He Indicated this agreement provides for County Staff to read the City's water meters once per month and bill those customers for that service along with the County's sewer service. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Bloetscher stated the City of Naples will pay Collier County $1,000 per month for one-half the cost of a meter reader. Mr. Bloetscher called attention to modifications proposed by the City of Naples to the proposed agreement. He said on page 2, paragraph 5, second sentence, the proposed language is "All ~deposits for' new accounts ...... " He stated on page 2, at the end of paragraph 8 and page 3 at the end of paragraph 12, the City has pro- posed the following language be added, "and remitted to the City within five working days of collection." He explained that language is in regards to the fees collected for the City. Finance Director Yonkosky recommended the language be amended to provide for remittance once per week rather than within five working days. Mr. Bloetscher stated he will communicate that change to the City Council. The following person spoke regarding this item: Douglas McOilvra Oo~l~tsmtoner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co~Issioner S&underm ~nd ~t~un~ni~on~ly, to approve the Meter Reading and Billing Agr~t between Collier County Water-Sewer Biatrtct and the City of N~lw~, with the changes u noted above. Page 19 November 3~ 1992 Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, stated three sealed bid proposals were received for the rental and/or maintenance of decorative plants limited to high traffic areas of County b~lildings. He concluded Staff is recommending Bid 92-1976 be awarded to Jeante's P/ant Care as the lowest responsive bidder to the specifi- cations. The following persons spoke regarding this Item: Frances Barsh ·red Tarrant Co~t~issioner Hasse communicated his concern with the information provided, which in his opinion does not indicate the lowest bidder as Jeante's Plant Cars. County Manager Dorrlll suggested if the Board would like this item continued, Staff will return with more information regarding whether Tropical Interiors was a responsive bidder. Commissioner Volpe suggested that other options be explored other than an outside contract, such as utilizing the County's Agricultural Extension Program. ~t~~/~1¥, to conttnna thta 1tn for further evaluation of ~ ~le~'~ton p~-oc~e~ ~n~ Staff to provide a~ttton~l tnfo~tton ~ alt.rn~ttv~a to ~n outatds co~t~act. · ~l~m~m~ at 12:S0 P.M. - Reconvwned at 1:~0 P.M. at w~tch · 1~ ~tT ¢1w~ W~F~=~ =~plac~d Deput~ Clerk ~u~tn.~ (~0~) ~ O~D~:H~K~. 1M/THW~LL~ POOLS ~R ~ CO~I~ ~A~ATIC Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director, reviewed that this item identifies a specific pricing and funding Page 20 November 3, 1992 recom~ndation for the addition of a plunge poo! for the Aquatic l~clllt¥ project. He noted that funding ts available from Fund 368 Reeervee In the amount of $186,000. ~i~ ~ ~v~d, ~econded by Cmlat~er ~t~t, to ~ ~ ~ ~o. 1 for t~ Collier Mr. Conrecode re~ested that a $50,000 change order limit be allc~eed in accordance with purchasing policies. for the question, the ~otion carried 4/1 (Co~atestoner Volpe~). CHANGE ORDER NOT RECEIVED Iii ~_FRK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF 1/8/93*~a~- Novenber 3, ~992 (~20) Ztem~20A it]r.~,OTZOi I0. 92-600 APPOINTZNG FI~D ZANILINSXZ TO T]~ ~(:X4ZL~SS Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant, reported that applications have been received for the vacancy on the Homeless Advisory Committee. Mrs. Ftlson summarized that Staff recommends appointing Fred Zawt/~nsk~ to fill the vacancy based on the need to have a represen- tative from Immokalee and his experience in managing a shelter. Gellaim~ 8ha.na.l~n ~cr~e~, seconded by Col]l~ss~oner Goodn~ght ~nd r. erT~edm~m~moull¥, to adopt Reao2ut/on No. 92-600 m~)o~nt~ng ,,oo,, 6,9 Page 22 Iovelber 3, 1992 (?~s) Mrs. Filson reported that she has received a letter from the City of Naples recommending Knute Hartman to fill the vacancy on the Contractors' Licensing Board. She reviewed that the Board has entered Into an tnterlocal agreement with the City of Naples indicating that the next two vacancies to arise on the Contractors' Licensing Board would be fi/led by someone from the City. Ck~d~lon~r 8hanahan ~0~ed, ~econded by Co.~tssloner ~se ~ c~z~i~un~ni~ou~ly, to adopt Resolution No. 92-601 ~ppotnttng ~nute ~ t~ th~ Contractors' Licensing BoArd. ~ 23 November 3, 1992 (Io?! ~te~ ~W~ISI~TION OF L~OAL ISSU~ R~LATINO TO TN~ CONSTRUCTION OF BOAT DOCEI AT TI~ THZ X~ITER~CTION OF S.R. 951 AND ISLK OF CAPRI ROAD - N0 ACTXOII TAKEN Commissioner Volpe reviewed that the proposal to construct boat docks at the commercial site located at the intersection of SR 951 and Isle of Capri Road was heard on October 13, 1992. Commissioner Hasse discussed that he ts in receipt of a letter from The Conservancy stating their concerns about the boat docks. Bill Branan, Director of The Conservancy, distributed copies of several letters to the Board (copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board). He reported that The Conservancy ts requesting that the Board of County Commissioners rescind its decision on October 13, 1992 regarding this issue, because under the Deltona Settlement Agreement, the Land Development Code Section 2.6.2 applies to the Petitioner. He suggested that Instead the Petitioner should request a time extension from the Army Corps of Engineers. Debbie Orshefsky, Attorne%, representing R & L Development and the property owners, acknowledged that The Conservancy has not raised any new issues and therefore has no basis for reconsideration. The fo/lowing people spoke to this item: Molly Magee Ted Below George Keller Charlotte Westman Elleen Arsenault Commissioner Shanahan commented that he appreciates the concerns of The Conservancy and The Audubon Society but that no new facts have been brought up that would allow the Board to Justify reconsideration. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler advised that no formal action is required for this issue. (2SSa) ~T~XO ~ Larr~ Basik referred to two letters, one from Ronald Webster, Attorney, and one from Douglas J. Snyder, P.A. He acknowledged that Page 24 November 3, 1992 there is confusion over the extension of certain permits for his San Marco project. He listed the permits as follows: SMP Permit (1), SDP Permits (3), Industrial Building Permit (1) and a Lake Excavation Permit. He noted that Staff's Interpretation ts that the extension only applies to the SMP Permit. Commissioner Saunders commented that Mr. Bastk and his legal coun- sel failed to notify the Board as to which permits Inevitably would require extensions. County Attorney Cuyler explained that Mr. Bastk's counsel has made certain representations to the bankruptcy court based on what they believe occurred at the Board of County Commissioner's meeting. T~pe ~4 $Co~lNtone~ Goodntght left the ~eeting et this tt~e. Mr. MadaJewkst stated that Mr. Bastk has made a mockery of the Countyms permitting system; he related that even though Staff follows the rules and is procedurally correct, Mr. Bastk still continues to return and ask concessions of the Board of County Commissioners which are not granted to anyone else tn Collier County. ~issioner Saundera ~oved, seconded by Co~tsetoner Shanahan and c~'~Ied 4/0 (Conissioner Goodnlght absent), that Mr. NadaJ~ki be directed to w~ite i letter to Mr. Bastk that will explain the follo~/ng: a) Mhen the SMP wa~ extended and for how long; ~t the i~l~act of the extension on the SMP Is on the SDPts; ~henthe SDP~s do expire and when they can be extended; d) ~h~t that t~pact is on the Lake Excavation Per. It and ho~ that e) That nothing el~e ha~ been approved, i.e. building per. its are not tn place and valid; and £) T~ gtvw d/rection to Mr. Batik u to the correct procedures to £ollo~ for h~vtng the building per. it re-instiTuted. eee~t~ at 2:50 P.M. - Reconvened at 3:05 P.M. ~Ntoner Goodnight reTurned to the ~eettng at this tt~e. (2s2) OltDlNJk~l~l NO. 92-8? AMENDING THE CAPITAL IMPR0VENERT ELEMENT OF TR~ GltOI~fN ~ PLAN - ADOPTED; RESOLUTION NO. 92-602 TR&NS'MITTING November 3, 1992 ~ TO THI DEPARTMKI~ OF C(:M~NITY AFFAIRS - ADOPTED; SECOND FUBLZC ~ TO BE HELD WITHIN 120 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF DCAtS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on October 7, 1992 and October 19, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from October 27, 1992. Start Litstnger, Growth Management Director, recognized that the proposed a~endments to the Capital Improvement Element will be sub- mitred to DCA for review. He clarified that this year Staff is Including proposed amendments to the following three level of service standards: 1. Jail Beds 2. Library Books Collection 3. Solid Waste Mr. Litsinger referred to the document package containing the amendments to the Capital Improvement Element and the update. Mr. Litsinger noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval of Staff's proposed amendments to the CIE including the pro- posed a~endments to the level of service standards, and requested that the Board reconsider their previous decision to fund drainage capita/ projects on a county-wide basis as opposed to relying on independent assessment districts. Mr. Litstnger reported that the proposed change for level of ser- vice standards for Library Books Collection, i8 a tiered system ranging from the current 1/capita to 1.25/capita In the fiscal year 1996-97. He reported the proposed change for level of service for Jail Beds from .0033 beds per capita to .0024 beds per capita. He noted that the only change on page CIE-11 is the deletion of the star,water runoff utility fee system revenue relating to the Capital I~provement Projects, which the Planning Commission recommends recon- sideration. He noted that page CIE-52 is a synopsis of the entire Capital Improvement Element. Paqe 26 Novembe~ 3, 1992 Robert Demarest, Library Director, presented an overview of the proposed amendments to Library Collection, noting that the propo- esl is a plan covering the next five years to bring'Collier County up to a etatewide average library collection. He reported that Collier County's collection ts substantially below the statewlde average library collection. He suuartzed that the Plan proposes to Incremen- tally tier the Collection System. Frank Cullen, President of Friends of the Library of Collier ,. County, spoke regarding the proposed level of service amendments to Library Collection. Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator, distributed a handout to the Board, su~uaarizlng the level of servtce for the Parks and Recreation Department. He noted that the impact fee was recently updated, which raised the cost of the level of service and in the future will Increase annually. Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director, discussed the three components of the Solid Waste Element as the requirement to have a ten year advanced manned supply available, a two year lined cell capacity constructed, and the per capita generation rate. He explained that currently eight years of lined cell capacity is constructed. Mr. Fahey explained that the per capita generation rate is the a~ount of material that ts buried divided by the population. He reported that Initially the per capita generation rate was targeted to '![!;: . be reduced from 1.?1 tons per capita to 1.55, however due to recycling afforts It has been reduced to 1.39 tons per capita. He added that if more ~atertal is recycled there Is less need to build retention faci- llties. ~"" Mr. Lttstnger noted that the only change to the Solid Waste i'I~ Element is the tons per capita and the corrected data analysis to sup- port lt. A m~e rwsult~d /n consensus to m~opt th~ ~tm to Pa~ 2T Oo~mtsmlo--,er ~an~ers ~nd c&rrted nn~nl~ously, to mtopt the mnd~nts to t~e level of service ~nd their tr~atttal to DCA. ~et~ Shanahan ~oved, aeconde~ by Ccmmisstoner Ruse ~nd =~Tt~ ~ntmon~ly, that Ordtn~nca No. 92-8? be adopted approving the up~atg ~ttsl I~rov~ent Ile~ent, and that the Ordinance be entsr~ into Os~~ l~ook ~o. aa. s0ommt~to~er S~undere left the seettng at this ttm.· Diane Holltng, Planner, reviewed the proposed amendments to the Traffic Circulation Element. She noted that changes within the text are dates which are updated annually, annual population figures, al/ new roadway figures and traffic volumes. Ms. Ho/ling Indicated that the major amendments to the Traffic Circulation Element are to the 9oals, objectives and policies, spe- cifically, page 35, the amendment to the right-of-way protection ordi- nance. She e~lained that after conferring with the County Attorney's Office it ~s determined that this Ordinance would be unconstitutional ~d Staff has ~9gested instead a Right-of-Way Preservation and Ao~tsltlon Program. Ma. Holltn~ referred to page 36, and reviewed the amendment to the Interch~ge Justification Report at the 1-75 interchange at Golden Oats Par~ay. Co~lsstoner Volpe ~esttoned the status of the $90,000 which w~ set aside from a sizable settlement to cover the cost for a consulter to prepare an Interchange Justification Report for a study at this Interchange. Jeff Perry said he would Investigate the matter ~d report back to the Board. A ~ ~te r~lt~ tn · co~e~ of 4/0 (Coutmst~e~ S~rs ~t) ~ ~ t~ pro~eed ~n~ents to the Traffic Ctr~latton Mtchelle Edwards, Senior Planner, reviewed the Future Land Use ~lement a~end~ents. Page 28 November 3, 1992 Ms. Edwards discussed the amendment to Policy 3.1,g, acknowledging that the intent is to remove the requirement for automatic reversion of zoning if construction does not meet the commencement of the construction deadline. She clarified that this a/lows the rezone to come back before the Board for reevaluation and reconsideration for the rezone, without an automatic rezone to a lower classification. Ms. Edwards reviewed Amendment B, an amendment to the completion date of the Industrial Land Use Study and the addition of language. Ms. Edwards reviewed Amendment C on page 89, amending Policy 5.1. Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director, reviewed that this policy has been amended every year since the Plan was adopted and has been the subject of fairly substantial debate in the past. In summary, Mr. Blanchard specified that the proposed language on pmge 90 is more specific as to what changes will be allowed, because it recognizes that all new rezones must be consistent with the Plan and also that PUD's especially DRI's may request changes as they go through butldout. He stipulated that the changes that would be per- mitred must meet three conditions: 1. the amount of nonresidential land uses would not be permitted to increase; 2. the residential densities would not increase; 3. the intensities of development allowed in the original appro- val would not be permitted to increase. Mr. Blanchard reported that currently, Collier County has a total of 202 Planned Unit Developments, of which 88 could be affected by this policy. He confirmed that the Planning Commission recommended approval with no changes. ~to~er Saunders returned to the ~eeting mt this ti~e.a Ms. Edwards continued her review of the amendments, noting the housekeeping Items and scrtvener's errors. She referred to page 104, which amends the Future Land Use Element Map. s~uioner Sannders left the ~eettng mt this tt~e.$ Dwight Nadeau, representing Lely Development Corporation and Page 29 November 3, 1992 Investors Real Estate Southwest, spoke to this issue, requesting an a~end~ent to the Future Land Use Map to rectify the urban boundary to correspond with Jurisdictional boundaries, referring to the Lely Lakes Project in East Naples. Barbara Cacch~one, Chief Planner, stated that the line was drawn based upon different maps, so var~ations to the boundary line could occur, and concurred with Mr. Nadeau. She added that this would be merely s map change, not a language change. Conditioner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co~issionsr GoodnIght and ~x-ried 4/0 (Commissioner Saunders absent), to find that this ts s unique olrcu~etance and to sccspt the adjustment to the boundary fros rural to~tzed, u recommended by Staff. Up~e~ taking a strums rots, Co~lsslonar Volpe ~oved, seconded by ~~i~e~e~ ~h~s~ahan and carried 4/0 (Commissioner S~unde~ absent), · o ~ the ~e~ents to the Future Land Uss Element, tncludln~ t~e [~ ~n~nt to the urban bo~, and to transmit tho~ Ms. Edwards reviewed the proposed amendments to the Immokalee Area Master Plan, which consist of primarily date changes and scrtvener's errors. She noted that Policy 11.1.9 has been deleted because It no longer applies to the Immokalee area. Upon taking a straw vote, Commissioner Sh~nahan Co~ai~lo~er Has~e and carried 4/0 (Co~-tsstoner Saunders absent), to ~ the pr~ ~end~ents to the I~okalee A~sa ~tsr Plan. ~~t~ ~ ~ved, saconde~ by ComIsslonar H~se and ~M 4/0 (~ssi~ner S~unders a~nt}, to *~ ~ ~tt all the r~t~ pro~s~ ~n~ntm of the ~r~h ~ PI~ to the ~~t of C~i~ Affairs. ~~i~ ~rs re~ to the ~ting Page SO November 3, 1992 c~z~Aed~m:~n/m~a~ly, to announce that · 8econd publ/c h~rLng Am to be held w/thl~ 120 ~ ot rece/pt of DC&'m recoBmendat/on~ for adopt/on ot thm mBendmemts. November 3, 1992 se. Co~a~ee~oner Saundere ~oved. seconded by Co~eatonar and carried 4/0 (Co~,,toner Vol~ out). that the foll~tng ~= t~ cogent agenda ~ approved ~d/or adopted: Ite~916A1 IRREVOCABL~ STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY FOR ~XCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.410 "COLLIER GRO NURSERY" See Pa es gO- ?/ Item #26A2 RRCORDIJM OF TH~ ·IR&L PL&T O· "CROSS &CRKS" RESOLUTION 92-590 &PPROVING FOR RECORDING THE FIN&L PL&T OF "MERRITT SUBDMSION" See Page Item #26A4 RESOLUTION 92-591 ACCEPTING IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AS SECURITY AND APPROVING FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "QUAIL WEST UNIT ONE. BLOCE D REPLAT' - WITH TH~ STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE See Pages q3 "" /6~ Item ~16A5 ItESOLUTION 92-592 ACCEPTING IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AS SECURITY JENDAFFROVING FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "QUAIL WESTUNIT ONE. BLOCE~ E AND · I~PLAT" - WITH THE STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THE Item #26A6 moved to #8A5 Item #16A7 MATER AND Item See Pages / /3 -- //~-~ Ztem d~16&.9 ItE~4Y~OTZOI 92-593 ~ING ~R ~CO~ZNG ~ FIN~ P~T OF "GOLD~ ' ~ ~A~ ~T lO. 30 ~ 77" November 3, 1992 See Page [ I 7 RFSOLUTXON 92-594 APPROVING FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF 'MAJESTIC PIN~ AT NILLOU~HB~" AND GRANTING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADIIAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SD~ER IMPROVEMENTS - WITH THE STIP~YLATION~ AS LISTED IN THH EXECUTIV~ SU~WG~RY It~#l&l~ll See Pages NAT~R AID ~ FACILITIES ACCKI~I~D FOR HERITAGE PINES - I~ITH THE ffIP~FL~T~OII~ AS LISTED IN TH~ mcTflV~ s~ltt~Y ~oe*lq~i~: ~ NOT RECEIVED IN ~ TO B0~RD OFFICE AS 0F [/8/93 Item e16&12 RESOLUTION 92-595 APPROVING FOR RECORDING TH~ FINAL PLAT OF 'EH~ITAOE PXN~" AND ~RANTIN~ PRELIHINARY ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, NAT~A~D ~ IMPROVEMENTS - WITH THE STIPULATIOII~ AS LXST~D XNTH~ mCUTIV~ ~ Ilea ~16&13 See Pages RE~OLUTION 92-595 ORANTING ~LIMINANY ACCEPTANCE OF TH~ ROADIIAY, DRAINAge, ItATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR TH~ FINAL PLAT OF ISLAND ESTATES - WITH THE STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN TH~ mCOTIV~ ~ See Page /~ ~ NATE~ AJD SDI~t FACILITIES ACCEPTED FOR TIG~ IS~ E~A~ AT ~Y ~ - ~ ~ ~I~TIO~ ~ LIS~D IN ~ ~~ ~ Item ,I~B1 TNAFr~c SIaAL REV~SION/UPURADES IN CON~CTION WITE THX ONGOZNG Fao~ ~zsza~s A~D CAm~ FO~t~aD FOR PROJECT #11 - IN Tax a.ou~r OF ~ I~OTIATED LANDSCAPH ARCHITEC~qIRE DESIGN FEES FOR PINE RIDGE ROAD MEDIAI LAID~CAPING IMPROVEMENTS (U.S. 41 TO C.R. 31), CIE PROJECT NO. 014, NITN TH~ NO. 1RANEED FI]~M, DESIGN STUDIOS WEST, INC. - IN ~ MAXIMUM U]I~P SUM FIXED PRICE AMOUNT OF $21,500 Item #16B3 CO~ AMENDNENT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON AND PE~E, INC., FOR THE RATTL~NAE~-HAI~I~E ROAD IMPROVEMENT COI~RIDOR BET~I~KN JUNCTION~ U.S. 41 AND C.R. 951, CIE PROJECT NO. 017 - IN THE AMENDED MAXIMUM LUMP SUM I~XIDPR/f3~AMOURT OF 9581,493.36 November 3, 1992 KITI31SZ~ OF MNZSFKRINO PIJlZS KXCAVATION FERMIT/CORDITIONS TO ALT, OM DTZL~-ATZON OF EXCESS ~ILL ON ZI~IOKALKK ROAD, OOODLKTTE-FRABE ROAD &lID LZVIIeSTONROAD BID ~91-1919 FOR ~ ~ ~ - ANARDED TO CR~HL FORD T1UtCTOR COMPAZr~ IN ~ ANOURT OF ~92-1918 LRD J~92-1920 FOR TR~ I~PLAC~(gNT PURCHJ~E Or ~ (2), ~ ~ ~ DK~ - ~~ TO R~S ~-~L ~ S~S CO., INC. - Il ~ ~ OF 87,829.85 Item el~C1 conttnu~d to 31/17/92 COFfZIR~TZOI O~ &N ALTI:RRATI PURCIL~II'G PROCKDURK FOR CAPITAL I31~R~OV~II31T PRO3~C'f~ FROGRAM THROUGH THE FRIENDS OF THE COTJ,11~ ~ NU~,I, INC. Irma el~D1 conttnu~ to ,11/10/92 Xtma ~I~D~ c~mtlnu~d to 11/10/92 · ~Xte,~ #lIDO ~'-~'.:~BXD ~tgl-IHO FOR r-IQUID AND DE-MATKRKD SLUDGE DISPOSAL - AMARDKD TO Xte~#16D4 WOR~ ORDKR UZlD~R T~g CUZUt~RT ARROAL FROF~S$IONAL S~RVIC~ A~ MZT~ ~0L~, ~ JLRD A~$OCZA~, INC., FOR PROF~SSZONAL ~GZN~RZNG D~ZIIN, i~RMZTTZNG AND CONSTRUCTION CORTR&CT ADMINZSTR&TZON FOR RFT~OFZTTZ~ ~ZSTZNG NORTH COUNTY SLq~R &I~EA PU~P ST&TZO~ M/TH ~ - IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $47,000 l~e~ d~lSD6 $33,STO See Pages /~'~'" /-~ 7 · TO PROF~SSZONAT. S~K~ICES AGKEEM~NT W/TH 30~D~SON IIC., FOR S.R. 951 MATE~ MAIN PROJECT - IN TH~ AMOUNT OF " Page 34 November 3, 1992 OHAlJa~ ORDER NO. 3 TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH CARDINAL ~OIFTRACTORS, INS., FOR THE CARICA TANK IMPROVEMZ3TT PROJE6'T - IN THE AM0~BrT OF $53,001 See Pages IA~-° /¢~ BID ~-lgT4 FOR TH~ ~E OF A S~LUS 22' AQU~T ~AT - ~2~D ~ ~ ~ ~-~IS~ ~ ~-BID Item BI~ ~9~-~9~9 FOR SALE AND R~MO~AL OF A SURPLUS RADIO TOWER - AMARDED TO M/LJ~/AM¢. HAFII~S IN THE AMOUNT OF Item~16ES =onttnued to 11/10/92 Itu e16N4 moved to ~8E1 Item 916FI FIELD INTKRNBNIP AGRKMNT BETWEEN COLLIKR CO~ ~RGEN~ ~DIC~ · ~I~ D~~ ~ EDISON CO~I~ COLLEGE See Pages Item #16H1 deleted ~ ORDER NO. 3 TO CONTRA~T NO. 91-1701 WITH T.A. FORSBKRG INC. OF FLORII~A, FOR COHNTR~CTION OF IMPROVEM~RTSFORTHKNAPLESPROD~OTION PARE M.S.T. & B.U. SOLE SOURCI ORDKR DIRECTED TO ~0RZDA ~R ~ LZG~ ~R ~K~ZC~ S~ MT~ ~ S~ ~ CO~IN ~I~ ~AT ~ FACILI~ Item #16H0 F/SCAL 1902 YEAR-KHD B~DGKT AMX]I'DMKNTS Item ,16J WISGILLANEO~S CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence was f/led and/or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: November 3, 1992 C~tT/I~C&TT~ OF CORRECTZOR TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRES]~NTED BY TH~ FROP~RTY&PFR&IS~R 1989 TAX ROLL IO. Date 295 10/22/92 1990 TAX ROLL 321/322 1991 TAX ROLL 10/22/92 - 11/02/92 219/220 10/22/92 - 11/02/92 1991TANGZBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1992 TAX ROLL 10/16/92 001/004, 6/9, 011/017 20/022 10/19/92 - 11/02/92 1992 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPER~Y 1992-1/1992-2 10/19/92 · IkTZSFJ~TZOI OF LIgNS FOR S~%q/ICES OF ~ PUBLIC See Pages Page 36 November 3, 1992 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS MICHAEL J.~OLPE~ CHAIRMAN Page 37