BCC Minutes 02/02/1993 R Naples, Florida, February 2, 1993 .IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners In the county of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning the governing board(s) of such special districts as ~reated according to law and having conducted business met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION tn Building !ithejOovernment Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the '! =$iabers present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: PRESENT: 'Director; Ellis Hoffman and Annette Guevtn, Deputy Clerks; iDorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Frank ):Community Development Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Burr L. Saunders T/mothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts; John Yonkosky, Services Administrator; George Archibald, ,rtation Services Administrator; Tom Kuck, Transportation Jects Manager; Ed Kant, Traffic Operations Senior Engineer; ~McNees', Budget Director; Fran Stallings, Natural Resources ctor; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, · Utilities Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Management Director; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to ,7-~. ,. -~ ...~ and Lieutenant Byron Tomltnson, Sheriff's Office. Page ,~OV~D M~TH February 2, 1993 Volpe herod, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and ¥, to approve the agenda with the changes ,0n!:the A~en~a Chan~e Shear and with the following additional .Item #gA - Resolution confirming the intent of the BCC re the ,,(~ appointment of members to advisory boards and ?' boards - Added. .'~ ~, Item ~X~B~ - RecommendatAon to accep~ and approve the f~nal ne~otAated contract fee with Agnoll, Barber and Brundage, Inc. for design of four-lantng improvements to Vanderbilt ~(;~Beach Road between North Oulfshore Drive and U.S. 41 - Moved ' to ~8B1. [(~:.?. Item ~16Bl - ~eco=enda~ton to approve and execute a reta- [;;'"~ "bursable construction agreement with ~al-Nart Stores, Inc. for access improvements along 111th Aven~e to serve Plaza .::~:.~ PUD (PUD 89-31, Wal-Nar~ North) (Reference County Bid No. ~'L.. 92-1892) - Noved to ~8B2. {.'' Item ~16Cl - Reco~endatton that the Board of County ~?:~' [Co~tsstoners approve a budge~ amendmen~ to recognize and /'.:"appropriate insurance proceeds for the purchase off a replace- '"d:?:- .ment tractor for the Parks and Recreation Department - Noved ~,.~ Item ~16H6 - Reco~endatton that the Board approve ~ amend- :.~.': ~:. sent to the grant agreement for the ~tggtns Pass Inlet ~,~ ;. N~age~ent Plan - Noved to ~8H3. Page February 2, ~993 'AGENDA - APP~0VED A~D/0R ADOPTED 'motion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item TH~ ~GULAR M~ETING OF JANUARY 19, 1993 · :**,.~, ' ;-~ - APPROVED lo.er Volpe ~oved, seconded by Couutsstoner Norris and ~ly, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of ,!20' 2003. ~CE A~ - I~SENT~D .. oner Constantine congratulated and presented an Employee 'ice'Award to Tom Whltecotton, of Human Resources, for five years .With Collier County Government. ~ACTION '. OF ROOE~Ry BAY WETI~S ADVANCED IDENTIFICATION PROJECT - Veronica Fasselt of the United States Environmental Protection ~,, · ~ 7.,RegiOn IV, provided an informational slide presentation with d~t0 the Rookery Bay Wetlands Advanced Identification Project. rated that this program will streamline the permitting process n to determining and protecting the most s~gnlflcant wetland Introduced her team members, Dr. Tom Smith, Local Manager; Susan Davis of Rookery Bay: Tony Polizos District lontst; and Gary Lytton, Rookery Bay Environmental .ronmental Services Administrator Lorenz announced that the through this study would be valuable information to Page 3 February 2, 1993 :be'boundaries of a county NRPA. He advised that a workshop :'held to discuss the various efforts and rationale to propose 'ies. 'esP0nse to Commissioner Norris, Ms. Fasselt stated that County is not required to participate in this project. She ~.that'the pro~ect is federally funded and will be ongoing whether "the county participates. He indicated that she believes it is ilCounty's best interest to participate in this program. g persons spoke with regard to this item: Westman Cawley on was required on this Item. ~O~.OOLLIEI~ ¢OUI~TY RE T~MPORARY USE PERMITS FOR BOAT AND VEHICLE - T~MPOKAI~/ USE PERMITS FOR ANNUAL AUCTIONS NOT TO EXCEED l~a..lTmm APPROVED :.Community Development Services Administrator Brutt stated that the dtstrtct tn which the YMCA of Collier County ts located does allow auctions. He Indicated that tn the past, the YMCA has pre- Its rsquests for auctions to the Board for approval. He that staff is suggesting that rather than having the YMCA b~fore the Board four times per year that perhaps an annual )royal be granted for the auctions and staff would review the rem- s.: permits to ensure that the requirements have been met with ~.parking, accesses, security, and traffic patterns. 'Mr~' Brutt recommended that the Board provide concurrence for the to conduct not more than four auctions per year and that staff ,ieW;the individual applications as they are presented. Kevtn Miller, General Director of the YMCA, stated that y]t~ree auctions per year are held with the possibility of a being 'added. He indicated that a schedule is being proposed include the first Saturdays in February, May and November )ections take place one week prior to the auction. '"'"' 000 10 .: ~,OOi PAC..,[ Page 4 February 2. 1993 Miller advised that the revenues generated from the auctions subsidize youth programs that benefit the community. Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe ~nd j~l~ly, that bl~et approval ~ ~ted for tempora~ for ~1 auctions not to exceed four ~r ye~ with ~ ~i~ ~ n~aff. .~I~OTXATED CONTRACT FE~ WITH AGNOLI, BARBER AND BRUNDAGE, INC. OF .FOUR-LANIIIG IMPROVEMEITTS TO VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD GULF~HOR~ DRIV~ AND U.S., 41 - APPROVAL OF OPTION ,3 IN transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that al relates to a contract with the firm of Agnoli, Barber and to undertake the design, permitting and support of right-of- ' 'acquisition of Vanderbilt Beach Road between U.S. 41 and Gulfshore He revealed that the design phase represents a total 8386,026, as outlined in the executive summary. Archibald indicated that staff is recommending an additional tAon"tn the amount of $24,940 for the landscape design of the entire Archibald advised that staff is recommending that the signal be done in-house. He explained that two signals need to ~ .... .gned a~ the intersections of U.S. 41 and Vanderbilt Beach .#~,~.~,~. - and'Vanderbilt Beach Road and Vanderb~lt Dr~ve. He ~nd~ca~ed this would result in a savings of $12,878. In addition, he ~nded that staff do the maintenance and traffic plan and the y traffic counts for volume da~a and hourly peak data. a~ the ~o~al contract amount would be $~50,972. CO~issAoner Cons~antine cited that he favors the deletion of 940-for the landscaping design and suggested that staff review ;~reas of s~milar design. ~er to Co~issioner Saunders, Mr. Archibald reporked that :.~ .. re property o~ers along this corridor that may have an Page February 2, 1993 subsidizing this project. ,,.... ~o~e~, VoIp~ moved, seconded by Co~mi~mtoner ~tth~ ~d ~~1~, to m~r~ ~t~on ~3 ~ reco~nd~ ~ ~taff ~d ~ ' , ll3'through~00 Page 6 February 2, 1993 CON~TRU=IION AGP~EEM~NT WITH WAL-MART STORES, INC. FOR A~ONO IllTH A~E}I1]~ TO S~V~ PLAZA 21 PUD - !:i'6o~mtsstoner Constantine voiced concerns with regard to situations .nvolvtng inconveniences to the motoring public when private entry ~nes.are.belng constructed. He recalled a recent project when some work was done during the morning and afternoon rush hour suggested that this type of work not be performed during hours of traffic, but rather during the evening hours when tC'~ts a~ a minimum. ~.~r~sporta~ion Services Adminis~ra~or Archiba2d announced tha~ ~is in the process of amending Ordinance 82-9~, which relates ~o that Is done ~n pub/Ac rights-of-way. Referring to Constantine's suggestions, he revealed that he would like these types of requirements incorporated Into the amended ordi- ~iwhen it is presented to the Commission for adoption. Mr. Archibald pointed out that this agreement ts one where the iiOpSr Will build temporary turn lanes for the two lane scenario. ;Indicated that staff anticipates coming back to the Commission with }fa~':to extend the four lanes on 111th Avenue from U.S. 41 to 8th .He stated that staff will attempt to Incorporate the four tn such a fashion to address the concern of oapa- peak periods. answer to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Archibald reported that on the north side of the existing roadway has been -.Ha explained that staff ts anticipating the acquisition of on the north side and south side so that there ts suf- ~rtght-of-way for the four-lantng. '.Archibald stated that the value of the land that Wal-Mart is g to the county, will be the subject of an Impact fee credit. ii~ated that the county has the option of providing Impact fee .ta',to a landowner donating rights-of-way or roadway improvements February 2, 1993 ;ln the Comprehensive Plan as part of the arterial network. ~that he does not foresee refunding any dollars to the dave- , Ha'repOrted that there ts a net credit of $$80497.60, and the 's cost to construct of approximately $§5,000 will be subtracted :that figure. He revealed that the developer may use that credit McMurph¥ spoke with regard to this Item. [~sei~ner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Couissioner Matthew~ ~l~ly, to approve the a~aent with Wal-Mar~ Storee, J~t to t~ l~a~e ~tn~ ~ended to reflect that will ~ ~iven rather ~h~ pa~en~ for reA~rse~nt; c~A~te with the contractor re~ard~n~ the t~An~ of :~ct~on to ensure a minimal amount of interference with traffic. NOTE: DOCUMENT NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF JULY 1, 1993 Page 8 February 2, 1993 'Director Yonkosky advised that there are no Items action on the Clerk's Report. He requested that the .on:accept the Clerk's Report. · ~ . ~to~er Volpe ~oved, seconded by Co~tmatonar Norris ~nd ;ledi~m:f~m~ly, to accept the Clerk's Report. '(FI~THH II~%0EALEK LITTLE LHAKtUE BASEBALL ASSOGIATION, INC. FOR ~&T~D IN II~OEALEE TO BE UTILIZED AS A R~CREATIONAL DEED ACCEPTED WITH REVERTER PROVISION~ RESOLUTION 93-38, RE PAi~ER~NAINING ~TONY ROSBOU~H PARK" AND LITTLE LKAGU~ HAVING PRIORITIES - ADOPTED Services Administrator Olltff stated that this item Is a ~that the Board accept deeds for the Immokalee Little Facility. reported that a review of this site by the Parks ~ndtcates It would take $6,313 to upgrade the little league $4,000 for the Babe Ruth sized baseball field, He noted Real Property Division estimates the value of this property 600. He stated that the gxecuttve Summary outlines the cost of wh'ich Is necessary to accept the deed and bring the property standards similar to those of other County facilities. remarked that the executive summary contains attach- 'include two separate deeds: one with reverter language as by the Immokalee Little League; and another without the guage. 011iff stated that the Immokalee Little League ts requesting facility be maintained by the Collier County Parks name of the park remain unchanged; and that the Little ~ve sCheduling priority for field use. advised that staff ts recommending that the Board ~'aP'proprlate deed since this is a needed facility tn Page 9 February 2, 1993 and~is a valuable asset tn terms of the Growth Management Volpe suggested that the deed to the property be the reverter language. Matthews stated that she understands that the pro- '~that comprises this facility was raised from donations of the She divulged that she feels that the deed should ired with the reverter language. Satmders concurred with Commissioner Matthews. following persons spoke wlth regard to this item: e~eller Sharps Natthe~ ~ov~d, seconded by Commissioner Constantine ~Ti~ $/2 (Cstsst~ers Xorrts ud Vol~ op~sg), to accept wt~ t~ rmr~er pr~tston. ~nl~r htt~ vK, seconded ~ Coulsstoner Vol~ ud rl~~i~ly, t~t Resolution 93-38 ~ adopted with rewd to .moi b ~k re~lntn~ 'Tony Ros~u~h Parkn ~d tht t~ Little hi~e bye sche~lln~ priority for field use. Page 10 February 2, 1993 s,$ Recema 10:30 A.M. - Reconvened 10:45 A.M. 93-39 ~0I~ING/~I~ING ~S TO ~ PKLIC~ ~Y ~ ~I~ - ~D rattve Assistant to the Board Ftlson stated that this Item request to appoint five members to four year terms and two mem- to fulfill the remainder of vacant terms on the Pelican Bay MSTBU Committee. Fl/son indicated that resumes were received from those per- in the executive summary, and noted that staff is recom- ]/ng. the'appofntment/reappointment of the fo/lowing: Richard Alan Varley, George Werner, James McMurphy (reappotntment}, .Hoyt (reappotntment), Anthony P/res and Mary Lou Althoff. ~There were no speakers. '%C~toner Volpe ~oved, aeconded by Co~/ee/oner Norris ~~1F, to accept staff's reco~endatton to J~ H~, ~thon~ Ptree ~d Ma~ Lou Althoff to the Peltc~ ~..~ ~1~ Co~ttt~ ~ that Re~olut~on 93-39 Page 11 February 2, 1993 TO ~COGNIZE AND APPROPRIATE INSURANCE PROCEEDS FOR ~ OF & REPLAC~ TRACTOR FOR THE PARKS AND R~CRKATION Commissioner Matthews questioned the proposed cost of the new %~PUbltc Services Administrator 0//Iff explained that proceeds in the amount of $11,559 is the total cost of the ~toner Matthews ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and ~ously, to accept the recomndatton of staff to a~rove f ~t a~ropr~at~ng t~r~ce proc~ for the ~ee of a'~lac~nt tractor for the P~ ~d Recreation TO ADJUST TH~ 92/93 CARRY FORWARD FOR FUND 412 - Assistant Utilities Administrator Bloetscher related that this a request for a budget amendment relating to 92/93 carry for- fo~' Fund 422. He noted that changes were made to the Pelican Bay ,~. -'t~ Fees that were applied to Fund 408 and should be transferred to F~d 412. Oom~iutoner Natthewm moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and ~tmo~1¥, to approve the budget a~end~aent to adjust the forward for Fund 412. ~RVIcEs AGREEMENT WITH COASTAL ENGIITEERING CONSULTANTS, PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY BF. ACN. B~J'OBATZONANDMANAGEMENT PLAN - STAFF TO REPORT BACK MITHIN 42 AMENI~I~NT REQUESTS RE FUNDS 194, 195 AND 208 APPROVED; TDC RE BED TAX DOLLARS THAT WILL BE COLLECTED .Office of Capital Projects Management Director Conrecode advised %'thls item is recommendation for the Board to approve an agreement ~onal services for Coastal Engineering Consultants for Page 12 February 2, 1993 Ch~enourishment including the restoration and management plan. . :ecode recalled that in 1989 the Commission selected Engineering to perform the engineering services associated project. He remarked that this agreement has been reviewed i.&pproved by the Beach Nourishment/Maintenance Committee. He that the fiscal impact of this agreement is $523 100. Mr· Conrecode stated that staff is recommending approval of the ~em~nt for Professional Services with Coastal Engineering Lts to complete the preliminary design. Commissioner Volpe raised concerns with regard to approaching the o~eCt'in various phases in addition to the uncertainty of a budget :he"&vatlability of bed tax dollars. 'Mr. Conrecode reported that the Beach Renourishment Committee has review of a detailed analysis of the project cost over the ~ntire project life cycle and various options from different revenue He indicated that he would be happy to provide the Board ~.~u~.y desired additional information. ioner Constantine concurred with those concerns cited by Volpe, and noted that perhaps the request for approval of a<~Teement is premature. D~-/Michael Stephen provided the history of this project dating tol 1986. He explained that a $15 million working budget was ~ablished. He stated that a work document titled "The Environmental and Sand Source Report" will be used as a ~uideltne in the ~msnt of preliminary design alternative plans which will be the Board for approval. ...,.phen indicated that it ~s the intent to create a local ro~ental review committee made up of representatives from the onservancy and the County's Natural Resources Department, in order to any misunderstandings and maintaln communication on the project. i~'.Dr.' Stephen advised that it is estimated that the budgetary associated with this'project will not exceed the 60~ antici- .revenues coming in to the Tourist Development Council (TDC). He Page 13 February 2, 1993 ~chat'" one of the working elements of this contract is an a~es~ent 'of the phasing o~ construction. In an~er to Commissioner Matthews, Dr. Stephen re~lied Volpe voiced concern with regard to the three new of:the Commission not being actively involved in this process. StePhen stated that engineering costs are projected to be O00. for the preliminary design; $3§0,000 for final design; and .'for construction. ':Com~ieetoner Matthews cited concerns relative to the total number !~Ollars available for the beach restoration in Naples and Beach, the Marco Island project and the Pass maintenance. if caution is not exercised, there will not be sufficient illars-to go around. She indicated that she would like to see a pro- 5 - X0 year budget and the allocation for each portion of what .ntended.. Saunders remarked that it appears that the majority Commission is uncomfortable with the contract as presented and ~ted that direction be given to staff with regard to bringing the tact back to the Board. ~n~tantXne ~ved, ~condad by Co~ieeXoner ~ dX~t~ to provide a~ltXo~l ~nfo~tl~ ~d c~ ~ck w~th r~d to the total ~d~et ~d pay ~t sche~le of ~.:l~~le of t~ project; test~n~ of inl~d sources for ~d ~d ~~; ~d a bre~d~ of when add~tio~l en~neerln~ following persons spoke with regard to this Item: :George Keller Westm~ for the ~eetion, the ~tAon c~r~ed ~~1~. in.ce Director Yonkosky announced that the first check relating Page 14 February 2, :1993 .i · i~,;flret distribution of tourist development taxes has been I/from the Tax Collector. He noted that the existing adopted Funds 195 and 208 is for the old 3~ tourist tax. He racom- that the monies tn Fund 195 be transferred to Fund 208. ~Yonkosk¥ requested that Funds 194 and :195 be utilized for the of the 40~ and 60%. ' '' L ' ~ Norris ~oved, seconded by Co~.tssioner Volpe and 'led ~t~ou~ly, to approve the Budget A~end~ent requests with ,to ~ 194, 195 and 208. Co~mt~J. oner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Com. tssloner Matthews and ~2~nt~ou~ly, that staff ~ directed to ~rk with the T~1st ~C~l ~d the A~/~o~ ~d with regard to developing ~ts ~r the next 5-7 ye~s tnvolvtn~ ~d t~ dollus that mll~t~. Dr, Nicholas Anthony, District Eight Program Supervisor requested ,that the Board accept the Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Plan which ,presents a fair statement of need as to what needs to be done. C4~e~i~t~r Volpe ~ovad, seconded by Co~t~loner lorrl~ ~ ' .d' ' f .~l~ly, to accept the Dl~trict Right D~g, Alcohol ~d (:119) .;'; :- Xtra. d~OH2 3N OF 1993-94 BUDGET POLICIES & PROCEDURES - ACCEPTED WITH Budget Director McNees advised that direction is being sought with ~egard to the program budgeting process that was instituted last year a Pilot basis. He recommended that this system be Implemented for ge~.: , under the County Manager in conjunction with the prior tegicI Planning process for the Fiscal 1994 Operating Plan. i~Ao~er C~tantAno ~ov~d, seconded by Co,isotoner Norris Febz'~lry 2, 1993 ,ed u~an~mously, that atari prepare program budgeting to be M m strategic planning tool for Fiscal ~1994, and that the Public ~/~ Untt be included, as requested by Dr. Polkowsk~. , McNees explained the proposed budget polices and procedures as in the executive summary. He called attention to the infla- rate graph, which indicates a 3.5~6 increase and noted that th~s "should reflec~ an increase of "Mr. McNees stated that a salary admin~stration policy is not being at this point. :McNees called attention to Page 9, Item #8 of the Executive '~i"~.HS. indicated that what has historically been the one mill ~ital 'improvement fund is .54 mi/Is this year. He suggested that ~ 1/2 mill continue to be levied for pay as you go capital improve- less that portion of the fund to be allocated for a ton Bond Issue or to replace the sales or gas tax to make ~he'.'CIE deficit in roads. ~.Mr; McNees pointed out that Item #13 on Page lO should read: Impact fee exemptions will be funded by available cash generated stamps or State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) money, if Mr McNees referred to Page 10, Item #1?, and noted that this item be 'discussed during the program workshops. He remarked that the of contract agencies this year is $143,§00, however, staff ll?%be:'requesting a dollar amount in the FY 94 budget to be allocated ,~:~ agencies. :?~~t~ C~stantine .~'~d, ~econded by Co~tssionsr ~o~rt~ ~o tll'}Neron Page 16 February 2, 1993 :,]teg~r~d/n~ Secretmrlr Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman a~ thte t~ cee THAT TH~ BOARD APFROV~ AN ~ TO TH~ GRANT FOR T~ M/GGIFS PASS INLET MANAGEMENT PLAN - APPROVED ?~<i. Commisstoner Matthews noted pass management has been identified as i~p~ogram that may be funded out of Tourist Development Tax funds. ~She asked if the 25~ to be paid by Collier County for the Wiggins Pass InletlManagement Plan is eligible for those tax dollars? Toa Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director, replied in · however, it may be eligible in the future. He explained tie item is a stipulation of the County's permit for the most recent edging of Wiggins Pass. Co~ieetone~ Matthews commented the dredging of Wiggins Pass is a'trench in which beach sand is collecting, only to be back out. She asked if anything can be done to stabilize this program? Mr~ Conrecode advised this study w~ll accomplish that by deter- .the fl~ rates and sand migration rates along with many other [:which will tell the County in detail what ts happening and how to h~dle the s~tuatton. ~t~r ~tt~ ~, seconded ~ Co~tssloner Vol~ c~t~ ~t~1~, to m~r~e the ~n~nt to the .~ Nt~t~ Pus Inlet M~agement Page February 2, 1993 93-40 CONFIRMING THE BOARD'S INTENT RI~GARDING THE AND SERVICE OF M~MBERS TO VARIOUS ADVISORY BOARDS AND AND ~UASI-JUDICIAL BOARDS, AND ESTABLISHING, Ie~-E~TABLI~NING, RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING SUCH APPOINTMENTS AND .) ',:Cotu~ty Attorney Cuyler communicated an argument was raised in of one of the County's advisory boards regarding the legality of boards due to c~rcum:.,tances surrounding their adoption into the Development Code. He indicated his disagreement with that argu- but in an abundance of caution he ts requesting the Board adopt confirming and rat~f¥ing their intent regarding the ~polntment and service of members to various County boards. '.C~,~on~r Volpe ~oved, seconded by Cou~ss~oner Norris and :C~Ti~llllan~OU~Iy, tO a~pt Resolution 93-40 confir~ng the ~d~s ~dt~ t~ a~tntlent ~d se~tce of ~m~re to v~t~l ~dvi~o~'F boards and co~-issions and quas~-;Jud~cial boards, and re-e~tabllshlng, rattfylng and conf~r~lng such :35 Page ! 8 February 2, 1993 ~)~ ,... 93-41 APPOINTING HAB'CY CARD'FIFKLL 7*0 THE LILLY GOLF KST&TKS Cos~isstoner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Contsotoner l~tthews ~nd .,,.c~ted m~nt~ously, to adopt Resolution 93-41 appointing N~ncy ~edinell to the L~I¥ Golf Estates Bentlftcstton &dvteor~ Committee. Page 19 February 2, 1993 93--42 L~:~OT]ITING I'z]r~ I~BERS TO ~ CO~ ~ ~~ - ~~; ~ ST~ DZ~CTED TO ~p~ ~ ~ O~XN~CE ~GING ~T~A~S TO ~~ ..Sue Ftlson, Administrative Assistant to the Board presented a to appoint eight members to serve two-year terms on the County a.t Productivity Committee, and one member to fulfill the c' of a vacant term. She noted members have requested that the .nance establishing this Committee be amended to remove the words : member" tn order that each appointee be regular members. · "..' C~l~A~n~r Con~tantina ~oved, seconded b~ Colissioner Norris · ~~ ~~1~, to adopt Resolution 93-42 a~lnt~ng ~v~d S. Ni~, T~ L. H~cock, ~c Gartner, N~ld, Riced R. R~e~, Ro~rt D. La~rd, David R. Craig ~d ~~ V~to~a to the C~ G~e~ent ~o~ct~vlty Corette. ~~r Vo~ ~, seconded ~ Co~sstoner ~tth~ ~d '~ ~~ly, to d~rect the C~ Atto~ to pr~e ~t to ~~ce 9~-~0 to rede the Page 20 February 2, 1993 BOARD TO $1eND A L~TT~R TO GOVERNOR CHILES R~QU~STING ~0~ BK ~D ~OM ~ C~ LIST ~R 1993 The fo/lowing people spoke against the proposal, stating the Board should have an advertised public hearing to consider this issue before (ianY action is taken; the project is currently ranked No. 48, there- ~e, .the County will not be provided the funding for acquisition this ('and'if the project is removed from the CARL List, it may never ~,] Gary Lytton Bill Branan (and Tape #4) ~!: i~' , :The following people spoke in favor of requesting the Governor to :~emove the Belle Meade Project from the CARL (Conservation And :'..~-~. ton Lands) List, citing the area may not be sufficient to meet State's objectives; annual loss of $1.! mil/ton in ad valorem taxes to the County; concern for Marco Island and Goodland residents ,will be left without an evacuation route; there has been no analy- to Justify this purchase; the project boundaries need to be ~edeftned; there will be no harm done if the project is deferred for Ii,year; and many of the areas within the project are not wetlands: ~J0e Townsend Paul Giovanetti ~Al, Perktns Cliff Schneider Jim~McTa Saunders asked the Board to keep in mind that this Page 21 ect has been brought up under Public Couent and there ts a limit what the Board can do with no particular notice or advertisement. f)~. '.Commissioner Matthews indicated she is inclined to ask the to delay the Belle Meade Project for one year due to the regulations placed on the area, the report p/acing the project ..,.the CARL List is flawed, and the fact that residents in the area ;hays shown a will~ngness to cooperate and work out the problems. ~!~'! 'Commissioner Norris commented that through the Growth Management and the various requlatory agencies already tn place, there ts protection for the subject area. He indicated it is not cost February 2, 1993 ~/or Prudent to spend millions of dollars for additional pro- =tction tha%'may not be necessary. 'Coemissioner Volpe agreed that a letter should be sent to the Governor to ask that the project be deferred !( cOmmiSsioner Saunders communicated he has worked with the CARL :' ... a number of years, and one of the ways that projects ulti- te~y receive funding is that they are placed on the list and over a ',-.~., of time, they work their way to the top. He mentioned he is concerned with the way this subject has been brought before the ' He noted there has been no Staff input only the two different des.presenting their arguments. ~,;..,~ . Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthev~ and Ca~Tie~ 4/1 (Oo~nLestoner Saundere opposed) that the Board of Count~ ,'~nm~mLo~e~m oend I latter to the Oovernor, tha Cabinet, and each ~tate~°IP~'e~ent&tiv~, requesting the Bells Meade project be renoved f~oat.~ OJ~L ~st for the reasons stated above. £ 45 Page 22 February 2, 1993 Z~CU~ION OF COUNTY CO~ISSION SUMMER SCHEDULE - BOARD OF COUNTY IN RECESS ON JULY 6TH AND JULY 13, :1993 Commissioner Matthews recalled hearing many comments during her that the Board should operate more like a business and should down for any period of time. She suggested during the summer that individual members schedule time off when necessary, insuring that a quorum is always present, to which Commissioner concurred. 'County Manager Dorrtll communicated Staff needs the time during :.Board's annual summer recess to adequately prepare the budget. it is very difficult to simultaneously maintain the paperwork for the public hearing process while preparing and Ding budgets. He Norris ~ovad, seconded by Commlmstoner Constantine · nd C~Tie~ 3/2 (Co~issionsrs Volpe and Matthews opposed), that the Co~dssion will be in recess on July 6th and July 13, 1993. 2474) BOA~D OF COUNTY CO~gISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS ~C°mmtsstoner Volpe Informed the Board that candidates for the ;Pr~idency of the Tenth State University will be in Collier County, .f0ne at a time, on the following days in February: the 5th, 9th, 12th, 19th and 23rd. He said a breakfast for each candidate will be at the Collier Athletic Club at 8:30 A.M. He encouraged Board to meet with each of the candidates. .~,~ In response to Commissioner Matthews, County Manager Dorrill he will check if the traffic study has been completed on the ~A~nai"l~ght-- at Clubhouse Lane and Airport-Pulling Road. ~?f'[ Commissioner Matthews communicated she has visited Lely Barefoot in order to look at the gatehouse, the roadway and the preserve. remarked she is not comfortable with the sign tn place on Bonita road, because it ts warped, the lettering is light grey on white Page 23 February 2, 1993 ~can barely be read, and the sign is partially covered by shrubs. said it would be very difficult for the average citizen to find Manager Dorrill agreed to insure that appropriate signage place. He said what Is being contemplated is a large, wooden, Sign similar to those in place in front of each of the com- park sites. He noted the signs are typically dark green and te in color. Additionally, he said Staff is contemplating putting :d, municipal, aluminum, green signs on both the east and wes~ ,roaches on Bonita Beach Road, indlcat~ng the location of Lely Beach Park. Co~lssloner Constantine remarked he has been researching the y of a Utility Authority for Collier County, and will be ~ro~tding the Board with the information he has gathered. ~ee Cm~sel~er Vol~ ~, ~econded ~ C~t~t~ ~d carried 5/0, t~t the foll~ng ~te~ ~der ~he coneen~ age~ ~ a~roved ~d/or adopted: #lPA! 0F~AT~ AND SE~ER FACILITIES FOR ISLE VERDE AT PELICAN BAY STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN THE ~X~CUTIVE ,~:. OR Book Pages DOCUMENTS NOT RECEIVED IN THE ~::~-" CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF · 16A2 JULY 1, 19.93 OF WATER A~D SEIIE~ FACILITIES FOR POI~I'E VERDE AT PELICAN ~FZTN ~TIFDLATIONS AS DETAILED IN ~ EX~CUTIV~ SUI~ARY OR Book Pages DO~rMENTS NOT RECEIVED IN THE CLERK TO BOARD OFFICE AS OF JULY 1, 1993 OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR SILVER LAE~S, PHASE I - .STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN TH~ EXECUTIVE SDI~ARY It~m ~le&4 93-32 ~I~ANTING PI~ELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF ~ RO~Y, WAT~ ~ SEWER IMi~R~S FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "SILVER ONE - WITH THE STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN TH~ ~CUTIVE See Page; _&-? Page 24 February 2, 199~ OF MATKR AHD 5EMKR ~&CILITIE~ FOR PELICAN BAY UNIT TWELVE i(~F.~TONHCOURT) -WITH STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN THE EXECUTIVE OR Book Pages ,,~' See Pages NOTE c DOCt/NENTS NOT RECEIVED IN CLERK TO ':' BOARD OFFICE AS OF JULY 1, 1993 Xt~a #X6A6 ~DRAINA~I, ~AT~R AND ZEN~ IMPROVEMEFFS FOR TH~ FINAL PLAT OF 'POINTE ,.VERDE AT PELICAN BAY' - WITH STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IF TH~ EXECUTIVE See Page , .~ ~OLUTION 93-34 ~KANTING FR~LIMINARY ACCE~CE OF ~ RO~AY, ~I~, ~ ~ S~ I~O~S FOR ~ FIN~ P~T OF 'ISLE AT ~IC~ ~Y" - ~ STI~TIONS ~ DETAIL~ IN ~ ~C~I~ R~OL~TXON 93-36 R~CORDING THE FINAL P~AT OF '(~RACE COld, UNITY' '< !. See Page~ Ite~ R E~OLUTION 93-37 AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TH~ DEPA~I~ENT OF TRAN~PORTATION AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR EMERGENCY KEPAI~ TO THE WINTE~B~YBRID~E OVER SMOKEHOUSE CREEK (ERID~ NO. ) ~ID ~9~-1996, 'SIGN FACES, ~, CORRERS AND BRACE~TS' FOR FISCAL LTEAR,.1992/93 - &MARDED TO MUNICIPAL SUPPLY AND SIGN CO. IR THE &MOUNT $9,200 i.'r~em d~16B3 - ~ to #8B:I Ztma.'#16B4-- Moved to #8132 Page 25 ~ISDI ~[CI[&II~I ORDER TO. 1 (FZ~&L) TO ~ COTSI~P, UCTIOT CONI~I~ WITB $/~18 & :ZIC. ]~)R ~ :1~!!0~ R0&D FORCE M&IN PRO3~CT - IT ~ ~ ]31D13~~ OF 'Zt~ ~16D2 '.CI]~f/FZC&TI~ OF COR]~CTZOT TO ~ 1992 EAST AND 50UTH COUIlTY SE~ ~ SATI~FACTIOT OF TOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PATM~NT OF '~ENER IMPACT ~ES ~R ~ G. BECK "' ~' ~: See Pages :*'.'Item ,16D4 NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGReEMeNT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF S~ IMPACT-'PIIS* FOR VERNON FLO%I~3~, J]~. '~ AFFII~MITG ADDENDUM TO EME:RGENC~ MHDICAL SERVICES MATCHING GRANT ~CONDITIONS February 2, 1993 NO. ! TO THE CONTRACTUAL S~RVICE AGREEMENTS WITH THE GO~DEN ~ATEFIItE CONTROL DISTRICT AND EAST NAPLES FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT FOR FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF COLLIER COUNTY !~' See Pages ~:P~' -- ~ ~BID'~g3-1995 TO B.P.S. EQUIPMENT RENTAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF A TRAILER .)~3U)~I'ED AERIAL BOOM LIFT TO BE USED FOR LANDSCAPING IMPROV~]~ENTS AND BTI~i/T LIGHT MAINTENANCE WITHIN PELICAN BAY - IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,630 !.BID ~92-1973 TO E.B. SI)~ONS ELECTRICAL, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ]t0AD~JkY LIGHTING FOR PELICAN BAY UNIT 17, OA~ HAVelOCK DRIVE - IN THE 01 013,29~ f, '- J6ove~{ to ~8H3 ~?~f:~ ~.:~ .... ~R CO~ION TO ~ T~ ROLLS ~ ~S~ ~ ~ 1989 TANGIBLE TAX ROLL No. 156 ~o~. 86/80 Dated 1/26/93 1992 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Dated 1/15 & 1/27/93 1992 'a. 87/99 LNo. 103 Xtemm..,16J2 Dated 1/11 - 1/25/93 Dated 2/1/93 ~AT/~FACTION OF LIENS FOR SE~VIUNS OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER M~CELLAN~OUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Page 27 February 2, 1993 ~i~'The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and or 'eferred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners. Page 28 ~.:: .., February 2, 1993 There' being no further business for the Good of the County, the was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:35 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN a~roved by the Board on or as corrected Page 2 9