BCC Minutes 03/16/1993 R Naples, Florida, March 16, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in ~OU~A~ SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Dwight Brock. Clerk of Courts; John Yonkosk¥, Finance Director; Annette Guevin and Sandy Hurley, Recording Secretaries; Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections; Neil Dorrtll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cu¥1er, County Attorney; Dave Weigel, Ramiro Manalich, Heidi Ashton and MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorneys; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom O//iff, Public Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director; Steve Garnell, Purchasing Director; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources.D/rector; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capita/ Projects Manager; Ken Baginski, Current Planning Manager; Stan Litsinger, Grow%h Management Section Chief; Roger Evans, Collier Co%tnty Health Unit Business Manager: Harry Huber, Technical Services Supervisor; Ed Kant, Transportation Senior Engineer; Sue Filson, Ad~inistrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 Tape (OS) APPROVED WITH CHANOKS March 16, 1993 Commioolonar Constantine moved, seconded by Couulaaloner Volpe end carFlod un&uinoual¥, to approve the agenda with the chmngee aa ~etailed on the Agenda Change Sheet and with tho fol3owing additional 2o Item #16El - Recommendation to award Bid #93-2010 for contract printing - Moved to #8E2. Item #16H4 - Recommendation to authorize reimbursement to the Chairman of the Marco Island Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee for expenses Incurred during attendance at the Beach Technolo~ Conference held February 10, 1993 through February 12, 1993 In St. Petersburg, Florida - Moved to #SH2. Page 2 Narch [6, [993 (~2) COII~IlT ~ - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED The motion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item #16. (SS) lt~ .4 MIIIUTP~ 0F TR~ R~GULAR M~ETING OF MARCH 2, 1993, AND SPECIAL M~ETI~G OF ~ S, 1993 - ~0~D Cosalseloner Volpe ~oved, ~econded by Co..tsstoner Norris and carried unanimously, to a~rove the Minutes of the R~i~ ~tt~ of ~ch i, 1993, ~d S~ctal ~tln~ of ~rch 3, 1993. (23~) Itsm ~ S~CI ~ - ~S~ED Colisstoner Volpe congratulated the following employee and presented her service award: Kellt Bedan, Museum - 5 years (isa) PItOCLAMATION D~SIG~ATINQ THE WEEK OF MARCH 14-20, 1993, AS NATIONAL MZDDI~F.t~L ~DOCATIONWE~E - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to Robert Spans from the East Naples Middle School, Coltssloner Constantine ~oved, ~econde4 by Comlaelonsr Yelps and c~rt~ ~l~ly, to adopt tho ~lmtton Nol~ttng the ~ek of ~rch 14-20, 1993, u Martell Mille ~1 Education ~ek. Page 3 March 16, 1993 (~1~) Rt(gldilllTIOl DBIG]IATZNG TH~ NEE][ OF ilAR~ 14-20, 1993, ~ ~ YO~ O001~ETSOVI~I~T~-ADOPT~D Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to Letitia Alvarran and Constance Byrne, Commissioner I~tth~m moved, leconded by Colltlltoner Norris and curl~ ~t~ly, to I~pt the ~oclmtlon ~t~t~ ~ ~k of ~ch 14-20, 1993, u ~ Y~ C~ Page 4 I~:E, CO(~I*ZTZON OF STAFF FOR OUTSTANDING &TTgIIDJLRC~ March 16, 1993 Tom Whltecotton, Human Resources Director, asked the Board to recoGTltze s group of employees with 10 or more years of service who have demonstrated outstanding attendance records. Commissioner Saunders congratulated the 35 employees named on the attached list and presented those in attendance with Certificates of Appreciation. Page TOUR ~tOOP FROM MOLDOVZA, UERAINE, W~LC0~D BY BCC March 16, 1993 Barbara Morton with the Naples Chapter of Friendship Force International, explained the purpose of her organization and intro- duced Anatoly Strezero from Moldovia, Ukraine, to the Board. Anatol¥ Strezero introduced each member of his group and briefed the Board on their home in Moldovta, Ukraine, an area in the former United Soviet Socialist Republic. BOX~ET ~ 93-193 THROUGH 03-196 - ADOPTED Comm~u~oner Volpe moved, meconded by Comm~saloner fforr~a and cmrr~ed unanimously, t~t ~dge~ Wn~ntm 93-193 t~ough 93-X96 ~ ~ ~ CXVXC ~S~IATION, INC., ~Q~STXN~ ~I~ OF ~FILL Donna Fiala, President of the East Naples Civic Association, Inc., explained that her organ~zation has planned a day-long project to clean up the Naples Manor area along with help from the East Naples Kiwanis, East Naples Rotary, East Naples Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and students from Lely High School. She asked that the Board consider waiving the landfill fees for th~s worthy cause. County Manager Dorr~ll communicated Staff is recommending approval and asking for authorization to waive the fees and process the necessary budget amendment from the County General Fund to the So/id Waste Fund. ColmJ.~llon~r Norria ~c,~d, Nconded by Commtas~onar Matthe~ ~nd carried ~~, WO~XO~ g~-xO0 ~Z~ XS~ D.~. 4X, Page 6 March 16, 1993 Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, advised Staff has received a petition from businessmen located on Isle of Capri Road requesting that roadway, from Immokalee Road to U.S. 41, be renamed County Road 951. He advised Staff has contacted various ser- vice providers, including Cablevlston, the Postmaster, Golden Gate Fire Department, Florida Power and Light and United Telephone, and received no opposition to the request. Commissioner Volpe referred to a memo the Board received from Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections, tn which she has expressed concern with the fiscal impact of these requests. Commissioner Matthews mentioned she has spoken with Mary Morgan who indicated her concern is with changes being made and then revoked. The following people spoke regarding this item: Roy Tuff Russell Tuff Max Hasse ·nd c~-Tied ~1¥, to ~dopt Resolution 93-100 rena~tn~ Isle of C~p~t ~k~d, ~ I~okalee Ro~d to ~.S. 41, to County Ro~d 951. Page ? March 16, 1993 It~ l'V~'El3g OF CONYTf~ EQUlI'N~FT raO~ T~ DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPOP. ATION. FROM THg .TT&T~ CONTRACT, FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT~S CLINICAL AND ~TION MANAOEMENT SYSTEMS, USING THE COUNTY'S EXISTINO LINE OF CREDIT - APPROVED Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator, presented a request that the Board consider purchasing a computer hardware system for the County's Public Health Unit. He recalled in September or October of 1992, the Health Unit received notice that their current hardware system maintenance contract was going to increase significantly, as well as a good portion of it not being supported at all. He said at the same time, a new software system is being encouraged for use by local Health Departments by the State HRS Office. He recommended the purchase of a new hardware system, which will be able to communicate with systems being used by the Clerk of Courts, the County Manager's agency and the Supervisor of Elections. He stated he is recommending the current line of credit be utilized as the funding mechanism, noting the monthly cost will be less than what is currently being expended for the monthly maintenance contract. He Indicated the actual savings over a five-year period, in purchasing a new system as opposed to maintaining the old system, is $40,000. He pointed out the purchase has been structured in a way that the State pays for 77~ of the hardware costs, while Collier County retains ownership and pays 23~, or a total of $63,000 for a $274,000 system. Commissioner Saunders asked if consideration has been given to using reserves for this purchase, rather than borrowing from the line of credit? Finance Director Yonkosky replied Staff is suggesting the line of credit be utilized in order to obtain the State's share of funding for this purchase. Roger Evans, Public Health Unit Business Manager, explained further that the payments will be made from the Public Health Unit Trust Fund. He said through the construction of the contract between Page 8 March 16, 1993 the State and Collier County for Public Health Unit operations, when payments are made out of the Trust Fund, they are made in a way that reflects a shared cost opportunity. Therefore, he said, by making payments to the line of credit from the Trust Fund, State funds are pul/sd along with County funds in the overall monthly payment. Commissioner Volpe questioned if this purchase may be delayed and Included tn the budget for FY 94? Hr. Evans responded that the system is non-functioning for all intents and purposes with the exception of some very basic elements. He said they have been very successful in retrieving unused Unisys equipment from other public health units as their equipment breaks down; however, trade out Unisys equipment is no longer available. He said Collier County's ~ublic Health Unit is at the point where they no longer have automated support for their activities. The following people spoke regarding this item: Richard Laymon Doug McGilvra csu-x'led ~m~nis~m~l¥, to ~pprove tl~ purchase of Digital ~qulp~nt Corporation equtlment on behalf of the Public Health Unit. for repl~ceisent co~mter ~ystam for the Clinical ~nd Infozlation ~t 8F~te.~' operation through the Hun B4nk Line of Credit. (232o) K~I~]IDATXON TO E][~CUTE A LIMITED USl LXC~JISI AORK~XKNT WITH C~DAR BAT MARINA, INC., APPROVING T~ US~ OF COUNT~ P~OP~RT¥ FOR OF ~ PA~EING, STO~AGE OF BOAT T~AXL~S AND OCCASIONAL STO~AG~ OF BOAT~ - D~]iIED Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, presented a recommendation to approve a Limited Use License Agreement with Cedar Bay Nartna, Inc., for use of a portion of the Marco Island Transfer Station site. He said the entire Transfer Station consists of 1.83 acres and is currently zoned C-5. He noted Development Services Staff has advised that the requested use would be permitted upon approval of a Site Development Plan. He mentioned two County departments Page 9 March 16, 1993 currently conduct operations on the subject site; the Solid Waste Department stockpiles mulch in this location and the Transportation Department stockpiles fill material on a portion of the site. He indicated the terms of the proposed License Agreement requires Cedar Bay Marina to relocate both of those materials to a different location on the site that is satisfactory to Staff. He remarked this Limited Use License Agreement is for an initial term of six months with an option for an additional six-month renewal if they live up to all the terms and conditions specified. He added Cedar Bay Marina is pro- posing to pay the County $250 per month for this use and also provide some site improvements, including landscaping, graveling the parking lot and improvements to the turn radiuses into the Transfer Station site from the Cedar Bay property. He concluded Staff is recommending approval of this request. In response to Commissioner Norris, Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director, referred to a site plan which he provided to the Board. He indicated both the mulch area and the Road and Bridge storage area would have to be modified to allow the proposed use. He said if the requested use is limited to one year, Staff will be able to accom- modate the necessary changes. Commissioner Volpe asked what is the purpose of entering into this Limited Use License Agreement? County Manager Dorrill reported this request is being made in con- Junction with the Cedar Bay Marina construction. Tom Kuck, Transportation Capita/ Projects Manager, mentioned the Road and Bridge Department is utilizing the subject site for storage of material, and they may be forced to find another location if this Agreement is approved. Commissioner Matthews questioned why this property will be rented for $250 per month when the Executive Summary indicates a value of $480 per month utilizing comparable sales in the area? Mr. Ochs suggested the rental fee takes into consideration the benefit of the proposed improvements to the property. Page 10 March 16, 1993 The following people spoke regarding this item: Nalter Donovan George Keller Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts, advised the Board that issues have been raised in discussions with the County Attorney and the Finance Director, with regard to the propriety of this Agreement. He asked for an opportunity to resolve those issues before a decision Is made on this request. Commissioner Matthews communicated her concern with the potential liability of storing non-County vehicles on the subject site without fencing. Commissioner Norris suggested two County departments are currently uti//zing the site for their operations. He also mentioned Cedar Bay Marina has already received two variances from the County in con- nection with their operation and the Marco Island Taxpayers Association Is opposed to the request. ~tone~ Norris ~ed, seconded t~F Com~taeloner Matthews ~nd c~rTle~nt~on~ly, that the request for a Limited Use License ~t with ~ Bay ~1~, Inc,. ~ (3417) ~T~OB TO ~ B~D ~93-2010 FOR ~0~ Commissioner Volpe remarked he asked that this item be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. He noted some of the work is being proposed to be awarded to the School Board. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director, stated the School Board ts being recommended for award of a portion of the Job, because their work and equipment are very com- parable to other printers the County procures services from in this area. He suggested as the School Board ts awarded printing work, that it be done incrementally, hand-in-hand with private sector competition so that Staff knows at ail times the cost effectiveness and efficiency of the items being purchased. Page 11 March 16, 1993 ¢o~tsstoner Volpe suggested that Staff explore the possibility of an lnterlocal agreement for the exchange of services between the County and the School Board. Commissioner Yelps ~oved, seconded by Co~leetoner Constant/ne ~d c~rt~ ~t~ly, to mppr~m Staff recognitions mm noted In the hntt~ l~ In the a~rd of Bid ~93-2010. sss ~es~: 10:30 A.N. - Reconvened: 10:45 i.~. at which Recording Secret~ ~ley replaced Recording Secret~ ~evtn. Ta~ ~2 lt~ ~C~TIOM TO ~0~ ~ i~~ FOR ~O~SSION~ S~VICES ~ ~~IMG CO~T~S, INC. TO C~~ ~ D~I~ ~ ~ CO~IER C0~ B~CH ~ST0~TION ~ ~~ ~ - CO~ ~ ~L 6, 1993 Jack Wadsworth Frank Blanchard Fred Tarrant Joseph Herms Jon Statger County Attorney Cuyler commented on additional Issues that deal with the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA), and suggested a one week continuance on the consideration and approval of this contract. Commissioner Saunders questioned if one week will be sufficient time, to which County Attorney Cu¥1er replied he prefers two weeks. The fo/lowing people spoke regarding this Item: George Keller Arthur Neumann Michael Stephen Ron Penntngton Commissioner Norris questioned Director of Office of Capital Projects Management Tom Conrecode, If the permitting should be completed in house? Tom Conrecode replied that he is not familiar with the proce- dure. Commissioner Norris advised staff to research the procedure and submit by the next meeting. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Herms stated there would be a savings if a cooperative effort takes place between city and county personnel to obtain permitting and identify inland sand source. Page 12 March 16, 1993 Commissioner Saunders advised the Board that due to the amount of research this item should be returned to the Board tn three weeks. Be also gave direction to the staff to prepare materials for the Board regarding permitting in house, legal questions concerning the bidding process, the issue of the sand source, the trucking of the sand and the Tourist Development Tax. He also advised Dr. Stephen to explain to the Board how the contract is necessary in terms of the design pro- cese. T~e con~en~u~ of the Board was to conttnne this lte~ to April 6, 1993. R~SOLUTXON 93-101 APPOINTING SEV~N MEMBERS TO TH~ COLLXER COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson stated Ordinance #93-2 was adopted January 12, 1993. She stated the seven member com- mittee was created to provide reports and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding policies, operations, finances and services that are being provided by the Collier County Public Health and to the citizens of Collier County. She noted a press release was Issued and resumes were received from 15 citizens. She stated the stipulation ts that one member will be appointed from each commission district and two members at large to represent the County. The following person spoke regarding this item: Ed Schaefer Commissioner Norris suggested the nomination of Pamela Cox from District One. Commissioner Matthews suggested the nomination of James Penczykowski from District Five. Commissioner Volpe suggested the nomination of Ann Campbell from District Two. Commissioner Constantine suggested the nomination of Dick Mount from District Three. Page 13 March 16, 1993 Commissioner Saunders suggested the nomination of Charles Rhoades from District Four. Commissioner Volpe suggested the nomination of Dr. William Lascheid as an at large member. Commissioner Matthews suggested the nomination of Dr. Denise Hsinemann as an at large member. Cc~eelonmr Volpe ~oved, ~econded by Co~lmmtoner Norris ~d ~ k~ ~ Collier C~t~ ~bllc Health Unit Page 14 March 16, 1993 RE~OT, UTZ~ 93-102 SUPPORTING ~ ZIP CODE C~UI'GE IN THE ~ SHCTOR OF Commissioner Volpe advised the Board the reasons for the suggested change of the zip code In the Bonita Shores, Little Hickory Shores and Barefoot Beach area. He said the residents feel separated from Collier County and referred to the letters of support from the 911 coordinator and Ms. Morgan who is the Supervisor of Elections. He Indicated Chief Jones from the Naples Fire Department sent a letter to the appropriate authorities requesting the consideration of the change in the zip code. Coa~lssioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris to · npport the zip code change. Commissioner Saunders opposed the motion until all public speakers had been heard. Oe~/Ntoaer Volpe indicated that he would table the motion. eeo ltoce~s: 12:20 P.M. - Reconvened: 1:35 P.M. at which tim D~puty Clerk Hoff~an replaced Recording Secretary Hurley Tape e3 The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Charles Pickett Barbara Donsky Andy Clements Richard Timbers Emily Maggto Jane Hogg Supervisor of Elections Morgan explained that whether the desire to have the change made to a Naples zip code or adding a new zip code to Bonita Springs distinguishing the Collier County side of the line, will not be her decision. She indicated that the National Voters' Registration Bill provides that as people become licensed drivers of the State, they become registered voters of the state, however, the problem comes from the point of time when those notices are forwarded to the Elections Office. She noted if the zip code for the Bonita Springs area Including the Collier County side of the line is exactly Page 15 Hatch 16, 1993 the sa~e as it is for the majority of the people from Lee County, those registrations will be forwarded by the Driver License Bureau to the Lee County Supervisor of Elections and those people will be unable to vote on election day and they will bring suit against her and not Lee County. Co~Lteetoner Volpe ~oved to re~ove from the table the ~otlon that m t~l~d, seconded by Co~tsetoner Norris, ~nd carried unanimously. Commissioner Volpe remarked that the Board of County Commissioners has never been pro-active in endorsing support for a change in zip code but cited that the Board has heard good reasons as to why a reso- lution should be supported asking that the Postmaster General give consideration to the change In the zip code. C4~s~lm~ Volpe restated hie original ~otlon to ~dopt the reso- lution smp~o~ttng the change, ~ub~tt ~ to the Poetmter ~nd ~ ~osa. Seconded by Co--testoner ]orrte and c~rrted unant- Page 16 March 16, 1993 (lOOO) HI]~ TO TH~ CHAIRMAN OF TH~ MARCO ISLAND BEACH RENOURISRMENT ADVI~OI~f CO~XTTE~ FOR EXPENSES INCURRED AT ~ BEACH TECHNOLOGY CONFEREI[C~ - R~IMBUltSEMENT APPROVED; STAFF TO CONSULT ~ITR FINANCE D~ I~E AFFROPRIATE FUND FOR REIMBURSEMENT Commissioner Volpe remarked that prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners is required under the ordinance, before these expenditures have been incurred. He indicated that the reimbursement in this regard ts to come from Fund 159 which is the County-wide MSTU for beach access. Office of Capital Projects Management Director Conrecode reported that there are two methods for prior approval with respect to this matter: Board approval prior to payment versus Board approval prior to attending the beach restoration seminar. Mr. Conrecode explained that he understands that Fund 159 is tem- porarily funding, on a loan type basis, certain Improvements to per- form the Marco Island beach restoration program, of which a portion will be repaid through the tourist development tax when it becomes available. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Conrecode consult with Finance Director Yonkosky to determine the appropriate funding source. Co~eeloner Norria ~oved, seconded by Comisatoner M~tthew~ and c~xTiedvnanl~ously, to approve the reiabureement; Mr. Conracode to COrA~ult with the Finance Director to determine the appropriate fund for rei~b~x~ement. (lei0) Ite~ el0D IV.~OL~]TZON 93-103, APPOINTING CHARLES ANDREMB AND $. D. ALLEN, JR. TO Administrative Assistant to the Board Fllson indicated that this item Is a request for the appointment of two members to serve two four year terms on the Code Enforcement Board. Mrs. Fi/son stated that Charles Andrews and Mark Strain's terms expired on February 4, 1993. She remarked that a press release was Page 17 March 16, 1993 issued and applications have been r~cetved from those persons as listed in the Executive Summary. Mrs. Ftlson pointed out that she received the resume from J. D. Allen, Jr. after the deadline date. Code Enforcement Director Clark advised that he received Mr. Allen's resume 1-1/2 - 2 weeks before the deadline late, but was received in Mrs. Fi/son's office after the deadline date via internal mai/. Commissioner Matthews recommended the reappointment of Mark Strain and the appointment of Thomas Killen. Commissioner Constantine recommended the reappointment of Charles Andrews and the appointment of J. D. Allen. Commissioner Norris concurred with Commissioner Constantine's recommendation. Commissioner Volpe suggested the appointments of J. D. Allen and Max Hasse. Commissioner Saunders recommended that Mark Strain and Charlte Andrews be reappointed. ~t~ioner Constantine ~oved, seconded by Co~Issloner Norris ~ o~rted 4/1 (Co~tsstoner Matthew~ opposed), that Resolution 95-10S be ~dopted, reappointing Charlte Andr~ and appointing J. D. Allen to ~he Code Enforcement Board. Page ~8 March 16, 1993 (17~0) RESOF.~JTIOBJ 93-104, APPOINTIN(J JAMES PROUD AND MELVIN FORBIS TO THE ~ ADVISORY CO9OiITTKE - ADOPTED Ad~intotrative Assistant to the Board Filson stated that thio item is a request to appoint two members to serve the remainder of vacant terms on the Homeless Advisory Committee. Mrs. Filson announced that a press release was issued and six applicants submitted resumes. She advised that staff is recommending the appointments of James D. Proud and Melvin Forbis. Commissioner Saunders stated that he received a telephone call from Aggte Meyers requesting that Dr. Richard Bingham be considered for appointment to this committee. Cemmloolone~ Volpe moved, seconded by Commlos~oneF Muttbows and ClXTtI~IZ~I~I/IOUli¥, that Resolution 93-104 be &~opted, ~ppotnttng 3m D. FToud ~nd Melvin Forbts to the Homo/ess Advisory Comttteo. ,%, 3O Page 19 March 16, 1993 STIFUL&T~DSrTTT, IJ~T AGRKKM~TWITH THE DKPARTMXJlT OF COJOiUNITY AFFA/II:B, SEMKLL H. CORKRAR, CITIZENS POLITICAL COIOIITTKK AND 3AMES K. Legal notice having been published in the tIaples Daily News on March 5, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi/ed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Growth Management Section Chief Litsinger recalled on January 6, 1993, the Board held a public hearing to review and hear comments on several proposals to settle the aforementioned case. He indicated that in the meantime, staff and counsel have worked on a final stipu- lated agreement. Mr. Lttstnger referred to the Executive Sununary, Page 1, "Considerations", and noted that the Administration Commission will rule and issue a Final Order in this matter on April 13, 1993 and until June 1, 1993 to adopt the necessary remedial amendments to the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Lltslnger pointed out a change to the language in the Agreement, Page 4, Paragraph 4, Changes in Law. He advised that an additional sentence has been added, leaving discretion to the County as to whether it would want to amend the Plan to follow any less stringent requirements in the concurrency area in the Growth Management Act should they be enacted by the Legislature. Mr. Lttsinger remarked that staff and counsel are recommending that the Commission approve the Stipulated Agreement. Assistant County Attorney Student stated that she has reviewed the Agreement and recommends approval of same. The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Bill Neron Fred Tarrant There were no other speakers. Commtootoner Matthews move, seconded by Commtamtoner Norr/m and carried unmn/mou81¥, to close tho publtc hearing. Page 20 March 16, 1993 In response to Commissioner Matthews, Hr. Lttstnger reported that 851 million is the deficit which appears in the adoption of the Fourth Annual CIE Update. Coati.loner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Co--laeloner 14atth~el smd ~l~ 4/1 (~t~l~r Const~ttne ~s~), to a~r~ the ati~l~tg kttl~t ~~nt. OCO ,; :32 Page 21 DZBCU'B~ZOII' CO~"'~OfzIrG PO~SZBT.~ ZMPR~S TO AG:~NDA AZlD IqZrfING Commissioner Saunders indicated that the purpose of this item is to hold a discussion relative to possible improvements to the agenda and meeting procedure. Commissioner Saunders called attention to the memo from Tom Conrecode, suggesting that consent agenda items being removed and placed on the regular agenda be made known to the County Manager a day or so in advance of the meeting to enable staff to be present to answer any questions. The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Frances Barsch Bill Neron Bettte Oulacstk The following is a listing of additional suggested procedural improvements, as discussed by the Commission: adhere to the printed agenda, as often as possible; land use Issues to be heard on the 1st and Srd Tuesdays of the month beginning at l:00 P.M.; staff agenda items to be heard prior to land use issues; motion and second to close public hearings to be researched by the County Attorney; presentation of Executive Summaries by staff to be brief; public hearings to be held on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month; general public interest Items to be heard after 2:00 P.M.; consent agenda items to be removed and placed on regular agenda to be done on Monday; time certain items to be accompanied by request from Board office; Public Petitions to be limited to a specific amount of time and any backup material to be provided tn advance; and recess around noon for lunch. There was no action taken on this item. · ee C4:x~mm~one~ Nor~s moved, eeconded ~ CommteeJ~,~ne~ Volpe · ~d c~z~'Led 6/0, t~t the following ite~ under the con~ent ~nd~ b~ ~ ~nd/or adopted: * * * Itm S'ECOIEZTT ~ FOR LANDSCAPING FOR SITE DEVELOPM~t3~ PLAN NO. 92-120 ~ ('~'~'~":'[ 44 Page 22 March 16, 1993 LOCAL (J~ ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE KMTKRPRXSK CHICK &CCKPTKD AS SECURITY FOR LANDSCAPXN8 FOR SXT~ DlVlLOgq~B3rT PLAW ilO. 02-88 "PROaRESSIVE Aa'fO' m~oJl 93-97 Iff~CORDZNG THE FINAL PLAT OF "COMCORD AT TH~ VXMKYAIX)S* - ~TH THE STIPULATIONS AS NCFT~D XM THE ~XECUTZVB 8X~P. ARY Xtem ~16~6 SeePage RESOLOTXOM 93-98 RIGARDTNG TH~ FINAL PLAT OF "SILVER OAKS" - k*XTH ~HE STXPO~aTXOMB AJ NOTED IN TH~ KXKCOTIVB SUIOt&RY SeePaGe /tem#16B1 PURCKASE AGRB:I:MKNT ~ ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONVEYANCES OF REAL PROPERTY IJrTKl~l~ FOR PARCKL 142 RKCKSSARY FOR THE COMPLETION OF TR&M~PORT&T/OM ~I~'VXC~ PRO3ECT RUNBER 66041 (II.lOCKE RO&D KXPAI~IXO~) - IM TEK AMOUNT OF 896,917.60 PLUS $535 FOR TXTLK XMSURANCK Xtmm ~16B2 See Pages 71-7g LXM/T~D OBI LZCKMSE AGRKEXEHT BKTMEKN TH~ BOARD OF CO~ ~~X~ ~ ~W L~ ~R ~ ~ZLX~TXOW OF ~ X~KK A~ ~ ~ ~ST ~STIV~ RODEO ~ ~CH 25 ~OU~ W~ 29, lOgS See Pages lte~16~$ JOI'MT PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH THE IMMOKALKK WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR MilL~MJLI'N CONSTRUCTXON COMCURRKRTLY~ AND PANT OF WKSTCZ,OX ~ ZIlF~~, COU]TI"Y CX~ PRO3~CT NO. 026 Xtem ~l~C1 See Pages Page 23 March 16, 1993 A~ZATION TO AFFLY FOR TI~ SU~R FOOD S~RVZCE PRO.tAM ~ FNO~ THI ~T&T~ OF FI, O~ZDA TO FROVZDE LUNCI~S FOR II~OEALF~, EVI~6LADES AND ~ ~ R~."I~,ATZON PARTICIPANT~ WAIVER OF TH~ PA~ AND I~CRKATION N~NTAL I~E FOR TH~ II~OEALE~ AIRPORT PA~E F~ T~ HAI~?E~T F~STIVAL zz'fx~zo~ ~ FOR ~ PASS P~X CONCZSSZON Sm~VICZS W~T~ TaZ ASSOC~OF OY U~XT OW~X~S OF T~ aZGISTWt aOT~L AT P~ZC~m MY, INC. SOrE SOORC~ P~RCHASK FROM ELLIS K. PHELPS & COMPANY OF REPAIR PARTS AID MATKRZAF~ FOR APPROVXD FLYGT SUBMERSZBLE LIFT STATION ~ - ZN THE~fII~TEDA~OUNT OF 060,000 Ztm~16D2 KEIL"'I]TI~ OF TEK NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AID AGRKEMKNT TO EXTEND PA1~I~I~ OF ~ ZIlPAGT ~IES FOR DAVID ALLEN GALLIOJI See Pages cV- ¢? See Pages //~ -- /,~ ~' E~UT~ OF THE ~ATISFACTZON~ OF NOTICE OF ~ISE ~ PAY ~ ~ ~ PA~ OF S~ ~A~ ~S ~R B~Z~ M. ~ P. ~, ~ ~ T~IK ~I~0N, MIlL ~ ~ISCZ~ ~, ~ ~ RZ~ ~, BLO~L ~ ODKLL ~L~, ~ Page 24 March 16, 1993 ST~PUL~TI~ ~ 3UIXIMEHT RELATIVE TO EASKMKIFF ACQUTSITIO~S OR PARCELS 4.13o 4.14, 4.15 AIFD 4.16 TN THE EAST AND SOOTH NAPLES PROJICT - DISTRTCT ! ST*XIR3L&TKD FXIAL 3UI:)GMEHT RKLATIVK TO WA,SKi(KIlT ACqUISITIO~ OH PARCKL 5.69 Zig TMI lAST AMD SO~FT'H N&I'LES SANITARY SKMKlq PROJECT - DISTRICT 1 LAIRD PLABSf]3~ KXFIRT ~TIIZSS SKRV~ KXPKNSJ~S FOR NORTll COUI~TY JI~OTOOr,&L MITER TRIATMENT PLJO~T KMINKNT DOMAIN CASK - Ilq THE NOT TO ~ Ano~rf o~ 02o, ooo Iteu#lSI1 Bored to #8E2 B:01XJWT ~ RECOGIIZZZMG &DDZTZOMAL KSTZIttlkTKD ~ &lid ~ III THI IPLKKT MA~&~ FUND (521) - ZN THZ JtMOUMT Or $180,000 Ite~ ~16F1 SOLI SOURCI FURCHASK FROM ZOLL IKKDICAL CORPORATION OF ZOLL MXDZCAL CA.q/DXAC IWOIrXTOR/lYI:rIBRILLATORS AMD RKLAT~ KQUIPMKHT - ZR TH~ AMOUNT OF BID ~0~.-.i'007 FOR ~ SALE OF TH~ SURPLUS TAYLOR HKLICART AMARDED TO ~ IqlkSIBM~ - ZM THX &MOUMT OF $750 Zte~ ~161~ - #$tbd~mm Item ~1N1 ~:RTT_J~C&TB:S O~ COR3EECTZOII TO THE 1991 JLWD 1993 $OLZD M~STE CO~IOJr ~ ~ ROLLS See Pageo Page 25 March 16, 1993 BT~J~idI~IDOII~KR AS TO DKFKNDAHT'S ATTOKIFrF FEES AIID COSTH FOR Till llrBlIITKIZITOIOIPARCJ~,IIVNBIB~ 38.1, 38.2 JUIDTHI SO~TH 35 IP~RT ~ ~ IIUJ~KRS 346 ~ 346.2 LOCATED ZN ~ P~Irl RZIMI TII~UB~IX6L PLu~#.S.T.O. - I~ THI &J~O~T 0Y $6°627.20 r~*II~JL~TKDORDSR AB TO DKFKNDANT*S &TTORNKY FKKS AND COSTS FOR T]~ EAJlMBIrT Ad~STTIOII ON PARCEL II~MBKRS 177, 19~, 194.1, 381 AND 1~3 LOCaTeD I~TH~ ~ RZIXtE INIKISTRIAL PARK #.S.T.U. - II THE ~ OF ~~ONII~TH~ CURRENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AGH~Ff ~ ~LI, ~ · ~A~, INC., ~R ~IC~ ~ ~~ ~ OF 97,500 See Pages 15'1 Xte~ The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and or referred &s presented by the Board of County Commissioners, and the following item as detailed below: Notice to Owner dated March 1, 1993, to BCC from Tincher concrete Construction, Inc., for concrete curb and related items for the Conklln Point Boat Launch, bid #92-1965/Bid #BeN 1388696, under an order given by Grtfftth Paving. Copies to Steve Camel1 and John Yonkosk¥. Page 26 March 16, 1993 ~I~"iFI~TES OP OORI~CTZON TO THE '.tAX ROILS aS PRESEFrZD ~ TH~ 1986 TAX ROLL ]~. D~te 236 02/26/93 115/116, 118/120 1992-98/1992-102 1992 TAX ROLL 03/01/93-03/05/93 1992 TAJ~IBL~ PERSONAL PROPERTY 02/26/93-03/01/93 4479! ~ 60422 SATISFACTIOBI~ OF LZKN fOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:15 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL BURT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN Page 27