BCC Minutes 03/25/1993 B (Budget Workshops) Nap/es, Florida, March 25, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fo/lowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney: Mike McNees, Budget Director; Jean Gansel, Mike Smykowskt, Ed Finn and Bob Byrne, Budget Analysts; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director; Steve Carnell, Purchasing D/rector; Jeffrey Walker, Risk Management Director; Bob Blanchard, Long Range Planning Director; Greg Mihalic, Affordable Housing Director; Deena Quinn, Real Property Supervisor; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Gary Stover, Court Security Coordinator; Ed Maguire, Development Compliance Supervisor; Ed Gehring, Building Review and Permit Director; Jim Ward, Pelican Bay Services Division Administrator; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor; Dave Pettrow, S~te Development Review Director; Barbara Pedone, Executive Secretary to the County Manager; and Sue Fi/son, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Oi Page Hatch 25, 1993 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on March 21, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Workshop was held regarding a review of Program Budgets for 1993-94. Budget Director McNees explained that Departmental budgets will be presented with the services of same ranked as "Mandated", "Essential", or "Discretionary". Mr. McNees reported that "Mandated" services are those required by State, Federal or County regulations; necessary to maintain the value of a capital asset that the County has already purchased or construc- ted; or something pertaining to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Collier County. Mr. McNees requested that the Commission review and rank the programs associated with each budget as "M" = "Mandated", "E" = "Essential", "D" ~ "Discretionary" or "NR" = Not Recommended. (~s) Administrative Services Administrator Ochs stated that the Acl~inistrative Services Division provides the primary administrative, technical and management support services to the County Manager's Agency in addition to all agencies within County Government relatlng to insurance programs and workman's compensation. He reported that services are provlded through eight operating areas. J~lnistrmtlve Services Division Nr. Ochs advised tha~ this Division is comprised of himself and an admtnlstratlve secretary. He noted that the primary responsibilities Include executive level management for the division Including strate- gic ~d operational 91anntng, budgeting and staff performance manage- ment. Nr. Ochs Indicated that if the Commission desires to aalntatn an Administrative Services Division, this ~ould be an [ssenttal service. The consensus of the Board ~as that this is an Essential service. Page 2 March 25, 1993 Mr. Ochs remarked that this Department provides support to approximately 340 subscribers to the Board's Automation System including word processing, electronic messaging, spread sheet and other computer software programs and applications. He indicated that this Is an Essential service. Budget Analyst Ed Finn advised that staff considers the Base Level Service as Mandated, however, the other programs could fall into the Essential category. Consensus of the Board was as follows: Base Level - Mandated; User Support Services - Essential; and New Product Development - Discretionary. Mr. Ochs stated that this Department provides building maintenance and repair functions for approximately 1 million square feet of County facilities. In addition, he indicated that this Department also pro- rides telecommunication services, janitorial services on a contract basis, main campus grounds maintenance on a contract basis and a number of capital renovation pro3ects on various facilities. He noted that he considers this as an Essential service. A discussion ensued with regard to services being provided in- house versus contractual services. The consensus of the Commission was that the Base Level Services are Mandated and Building Maintenance Special Services are Essential, however, the $195,000 for Grounds Maintenance will be evaluated during the budget hearings. Hr. Ochs announced that th~s Department maintains 720+ piece~ of non-Motor Pool equSpmenk and 180 Motor Pool vehicles. He indicated that he ranks the Hotor Pool Cap~ta~ Recovery Program as ~ssentia~. The Co~isston concurred ~ith the Base Level ranktng of Mandated and ~ssentia[ for the Hotor Pool Capital Recovery Program. Page 3 March 25, 1993 Mr. Ochs reported that this Department consists of a staff of six which is down two positions from last year. He noted that a series of base level services are provided, primarily in the areas of employee recruitment and selection, pay and classification administration, per- formance appraisal management, disciplinary and other personnel policy related matters. He indicated that staff's ranking is Mandatory for Base Level Service and Discretionary for the remaining Programs. The Board concurred with staff's rankings. Public Aff&~rs Mr. Ochs remarked that there ts no Base Level mandated service in this Department. He indicated that these programs are Discretionary. Consensus of the Board was that the ranking for the Central Switchboard & Reception Services be Essential and the other Services remain as Discretionary. Purcha~ing Mr. Ochs advised that Base Level Services identified by staff include processing/review of bids, proposals, contract administration, management of purchase requisition and ordering systems, transfer and disposal of surplus property and administration of the central copier system. Mr. Ochs indicated that the Contractual Savings Program is Not Recommended by the Manager. Purchasing Director Carnell reported that the Productivity Committee recommends a more active central roll in obtaining more centralized contracts that can be shared by multiple county depart- ments to consolidate the efforts of many of the operating departments. He remarked that better pricing should be obtained in many instances and some of the purchasing work will be taken from the various depart- ments so those persons can devote more of their time and effort to their central Job descriptions. The consensus of the Commission resulted with the rankings being Base Level - Mandatory, Contractual Savings - Not Recommended, and Office Supply/Copier Coordination - Discretionary. Page 4 March 25, 1993 Re&l ProD~rt~ M~n~aement/Admtnlstr&tion Mr. 0chs explained that there are a host of Base Level Services associated with this Department. He indicated that the Base Level ranking is Mandated and the Airport Management/Operation Grant Administration ts Essential. Mr. 0chs related that there are four programs ra~ed by staff tn this Department. He pointed out that Base Level ts to maintain the current maintenance and management activity including trash and gar- bape collection, surveying services, water/sewer service, manaptng the sales of lots and worktn9 with Social Services relative to the burial lots for tndtpents. The Co~tsston concurred with the rankings as listed: Base Level - Mandated; Landscaping (entrance) - Essential; and Expanded La~ Maintenance and Caretaker (1 position) - Not Recommended. I~M~ it~rt t ~erulades Airart Deena Qutnn, Real Property Supervisor, detailed the Base Level Service associated with the Immokalee Airport and Everglades Airport. Consensus of the Commission was that of a Mandatory ranking. Risk ~e~nt Mr. Ochs advised that this Departmen~ ts staffed by five persons. He reported that the Base Level Service ts to maintain the property/casualty, ~eneral liability and workers' compensation pro,rams. He noted that the Group Benefits Program Is an Essential f~=tton of this Department. The Board concurred that the Base Level Service Is Mandatory and the Group Benefits Program ts Essential. ~ O~ C~ Administrative Assistant to the Board Fllson stated that the Base Level Service ts Mandatory, Community Involvement is Essential and Professional Development Is Discretionary. Co~tsstoner Saunders suggested that the NACO membership dues be Page 5 March 25, 1993 flagged to be discussed during the budget hearings. The consensus of the Commission was Mandatory for Base Level, Essential for Community Involvement and Discretionary for Professional Development. (2~! ¢~W&ttorn~ County Attorney Cuyler remarked that there are la FTE~s in his Department, In answer to Commissioner Saunders, he indicated that other than the Code Enforcement and Contractors' Licensing Boards, his staff attends meetings and provides assistance to a number of various other advisory boards. He related that the PlanninG Commission 'uti/i- zes one attorney the better part of a day, not including the questions resulting from the meeting, preparing for the meeting or anything else. Commissioner Saunders stated that there needs to be a mechanism to evaluate the 41 advisory boards and then make a determination as to which of those should be eliminated. A discussion ensued with respect to the County Attorney's staff meeting, coordinating and resolving legal issues raised by the public, constitutional officers and Judiciary. Tape #2 County Attorney Cuyler indicated that the Base Level is Mandatory, Staff Ranked #3 and #4 are Essential and the Advisory Boards are part Essential and part Discretionary. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether there is a possibility to physically locate at Community Development Services one or two attor- neys who would be available on a continual basis for any issues that may arise. County Attorney Cuyler replied that he believes this would be a disaster, but noted he will be working with Mr. Brutt to accomplish a better working relationship. Commissioner Volpe suggested that Staff Ranked #3 be Essential and Discretionary. The Consensus of the Commission was as follows: Base Level - Page 6 March 25, 1993 Mandatory, Staff Ranked #2 and #3 - part Essential and part Discretionary and #4 - Essential. (SOO) County Probation GeorGe Drobinskt, Chief Probation Officer, explained that Probation is the alternative to incarceration. He noted that his Department ts responsible, through the Courts, to monitor Individuals who are sanctioned to probation. He announced that Base Level Supervision is Mandatory and Public Service/Technical Support is Essential. The Commission concurred with Mr. Drobinski's rankings. co==t security Gary Stover, Court Security Coordinator, stated that the primary function of this agency is to provide service under mandate of Judicial Administrative Order. He indicated that Base Level is Mandatory, Customer Service and External Security are Mandatory, Enhanced Security is Mandatory and Additional Security is Mandatory. The consensus of the Commission was that Base Level is Mandatory and the remaining three programs be ranked Discretionary. Witness M~n&Gement/Victtm Assistance Joanne Beaird, Witness/Victim Services Coordinator advised that her Department coordinates all court appearances, for witnesses subpoenaed in criminal cases, as mandated by Florida Statutes. The consensus of the Commission was that these services are Mandated. ¢,ourt Counseling Paul Brigham, Court Administrator, reported that this program is Mandatory, based on Florida Statutes. The Commission concurred with the Mandatory ranking of this program. Court ~lntstratton Mr. Brigham announced that this Department provides various non- Judicial activities if the courthouse, Including the supervision of Page 7 March 25, 1993 the County-funded departments of Witness Management, Court Security, Court Counseling and County Probation. He noted that mediation, arbitration and interpreter services are provided as required by State Statute. A discussion took place with regard to the possibility of com- bining the switchboard operation with the switchboard operation for overall County government. Mr. Brigham advised that he does not believe it is possible to combine the switchboard operation. He noted that this person acts as judicial receptionist and provides message service for the individual Judges' offices. In addition, he remarked that the switchboard operator provides answering for the various departments in the courthouse. It was the consensus of the Commission that this program be ranked as Discretionary. (~0¢0) Pelican Bay Services Administrator Ward briefed the Board on the various programs within his Department. It was the consensus of the Commission that these services are Essential. (12co) Coms~Untty I)~velopment Administration Community Development Services Administrator Brutt related that the Base Level Service is Mandated and the Management Operations and Special Assignments program ts Essential. The Commission concurred with the rankings, as detailed by Mr. Brutt. South~st Florida Regional Planning Council Mr. Brutt stated that this Is a Mandatory Service and the Commission concurred with same. Hou~ ~nd Urban I~prove~ent Greg Mlhalic, Affordable Housing Director stated that this Department has been created to meet the Goals and Objectives of the Growth Management Plan to provide Affordable Housing In the County. He affirmed that the Base Level Services are Mandated through the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan. He indicated that Page 8 March 25, 1993 Staff Ranked 2, provides staffing to the Affordable Housing Commission in trying to meet their objectives and noted this is an Essential Service. Mr. Mihalic reported that the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Housing Loans and Grants is Essential. Mr. Mihalic explained that the Economic Development program is Discretionary. He remarked that he believes the program Identifying Substandard Housing, Mobile Home Sites and Immokalee Housing Plan is Discretionary, however this program is Not Recommended by the Manager. The consensus of the Commission with regard to these programs are: Mandatory for Base Level Services; Essential for Affordable Housing Commission; Essential for Affordable Housing Trust Fund Housing Loans and Grants; Discretionary for Economic Development; and Not Recommended for the last program. A discussion ensued with regard to Affordable Housing Impact Fee Waivers and Deferrals. Mr. Mihalic advised that there is $900,000 in Impact Fee waiver requests and $2.45 million in Impact Fee deferrals. The Commission concurred with the working figure of $450,000 for Affordable Housing Impact Fee Waivers and ranking same as Discretionary. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Mihalic contact the County Attorney's office for definitive legal advice and ~uidance. (2sso) Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor stated that the Base Level Service is mandated by enforcement of various ordinances to provide investigated and enforcement resources for most of the County. He indicated that the Staff Ranked #2 Item, Response Time Reduction "A" would reduce response time to ? to 14 days and the Staff Ranked #3 Item would reduce response time back to the current level of two to four days. Mr. Clark advised that the Minimum Housing Code Investigation is in need of an upgrade. He reported there is 350-400 sub-standard Page 9 March 25, 1993 housing unite in Immokalee and there is an increase in the excessive number of occupants in the migrant homes. The Commission concurred with the program rank/ngs as follows: Base Level - Mandatory; Response Time Reduction "A" and Response Time Reduction "B" - Essential; Minimum Housing Code Investigations - Essential; and Vehicles for Hire Program - Mandatory. (273S) Contractors' Licensing Mr. Clark advised that two investigators and two clerical staff provide the licensing for 3,000+ contractors within the City and County. He remarked that the investigators provide investigative ser- vices for the fraud and all other unlicensed complaints and prosecu- tions in court. He indicated that the personnel and support costs are funded by the license fees. The consensus of the Board was that this program is a Mandatory service. (28oo) Dev~Z~t Co~lAa~ce Ed Maguire, Development Compliance Supervisor, remarked that the Base Level of operation provided through this program is all the inspection services related to Development Orders. He indicated that there is a need to increase staff in the Building Inspection section, noting that currently the structural inspectors are doing 28.42 inspections per day per man. Mr. Maguire addressed the convenience of the coupon type permits which will have a revenue impact and add~tional impact on the demand for Inspections. The Commission concurred that the rankings for programs within this Department are as fo/lows: Base Level - Mandatory; Building Inspections (25 per day) - Essential; Building Inspections (20/day) - Not Recommended; and Stormwater Runoff and Landscape/Irrigation Inspections - Not Recommended. Tape ~ tm~ldSu~ Plan Review Kd Gehring, Building Review and Permit Director, stated that the Base Level of Service is to review plane and issue building permits as ~00~ 000 PA~£ I1 Page !0 March 25, 1993 mandated by the State of Florida. He reported that last year 19,000+ building permit applications were processed. Mr. Gehring indicated that the Staff Ranked 2 program is Addressing which provides for assigning street addresses for permit applicants and researching legal descriptions. He announced that this service is Mandatory. Mr. Gehring advised that the Staff Ranked 3 program is the Ordinance Update and Required Plan Review, noting that this is an Essential service. Mr. Gehring remarked that Providing a full service effort in the area of public information is the Staff Ranked 4 program. He requested an Engineering copier which will duplicate plans in-house. He affirmed that user fees will fund this program. He noted that he considers this to be a Discretionary service. Mr. Gehring pointed out that the Microfilm Building Plans and Records Service is the Staff Ranked 5 Program and this is an Essential Service. The consensus of the Commission relating to this Department was as follows: Base Level - Mandated; Addressing - Mandated; Ordinance Update and Required Plan Review - Discretionary; Provide a Full Service Effort in the area of Public Information - Discretionary; and Microf~lm Building Plans and Records - Discretionary. Site Development Review Director Pettrow explained the functions of th~s Department. The Commission concurred with the rankings of this department as follows: Base Level - Mandated; Department Administration - Essential; Planning Assistance (Front Counter} - Essential; Zoning Checks (Occupational Licenses) - Essential; Planning Assistance (Immokalee Area) - Discretionary; and Special Assignments - Discretionary. (878) Bob Blanchard presented the proposed budget for the Long Range Planning Department. He described the Base Level Service, as broken March 25, 1993 into three parts as reflected in the budget package. He concluded, citing that Staff Ranked 4, Economic Element is not a Mandated Element under State Statute, but noted this is important since incentives are provided to local governments having an Economic Element since this would allow additional occupational license fees to be applied on eco- nomic projects. Mr. Blanchard recommended a Discretionary rating for the Economic Element Program. The consensus of the Commission was to rank the Base Level as Mandatory; Growth Management Plan Implementation Mandatory; Technical Support for Current Planning Section Essential; Economic Element Discretionary; Technical Support for Other County Agencies Not Recommended; Existing Land Use Map Not Recommended; and Technical Support for Other County Agencies (Non-mandated Programs) Not Recommended. Metropolitan Planning Oraanlzatton .(MPO] On behalf of Jeff Perry, MPO Coordinator, Bob Blanchard detailed the proposed budget for the MPO. He called attention to the Statement of Revenue Impact, noting minimal impact on the County since the majority of this program is grant funded. The Commission concurred that the rankings for programs within the MPO budget are as follows: Base Level - Mandatory; Bicycle/Pedestrian - Essentialp Miscellaneous Projects - Discretionary; TD Trip/Equipment Grant - Essential; and Transit Feasibility Study - Essential. (le60) county Manager ~orrill cal~ed atte~tion ~o Page ~? of the Budget Package. ~e stated that Base Level is Mandatory. ~e indicated that the Becond level is general administration of the agency a~d the third level reflects the costs for advertisings in the newspaper, Board agenda and the agenda index. He reported that the second and third ra~ked programs are ~ssential. Page 12 March 25, 1993 The Commission concurred with the rankings as recommended by the Manager. (207S) Ottic~ o~ ~~ant end S~d~et ~ike ~cNees advised ~hat Base Level for his ~epartment includes the preparation of a balanced budget as required by State law. He explained the functions of the programs associated with this office. The Commission concurred that the rankings for this Department are as follows: Base Level Service - Mandatory; Enhanced Budget Preparation, Control and Public Information - Essential; Total Quality Management - Discretionary; Staff/Departmental Assistance - Discretionary; and Productivity/Management Studies - Discretionary. (2270) Offl=e of Capital Projects Management Tom Conrecode announced that Base Level includes the administra- tion for Capital Improvement Element projects that are part of the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Conrecode explained the remaining four programs within this budget and recommended an Essential ranking. The Commission concurred with the rankings as provided by Mr. Conrecode. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:05 P.M. Page 13