BCC Minutes 04/20/1993 R Naples, Florida, April 20, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning ~ppeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the 0overnment Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Dwight Brock, Clerk; Bob Best, Administrative Assistant to the Finance Director; Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Annette Guev~n, Recording Secretary; Nell Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Admintstrator~Blll Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director; Bob Blanchard, Site Development Review Director; John MadaJewski, Project Plan Review Manager; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director; Mike McNees, Office of Management & Budget Director; Greg Mihalic, Affordable Housing Director; Russell Shreeve, Housing Program Analyst; Paul Brigham, Court Administration; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Charley Marshall, Sheriff's Office. Aprll 20, 1993 ~ ~rJ~ ~L~17, to a~r~e the ~en~ with t~ c~m ~ (4~0) from Hr. George Car~e, re~es~Lng that the d/scuss/on relating to the Polnte ~arco parking lot wh/ch As to be heard on 4/2~/93 be resche- duled to 5/4/93. This item does not appear on today's agenda. ~ c~ of t~ Co~/a~1on ~ to reec~le ~ ~/nte ~co ~~ lot le~ to 5/4/93. ~ &GELD& - AFI:'ROV1Z) &XD/OR &DOF~D Aprt~ ~0~ ~993 The notion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item ~!*I(rlIUTK~ 0P THE BUDGET WORKSHOPS OF MARCN 25 AMD 26, 2993 JIJ~D TIlE RIGULARMIZTI'JlG 0PMARCH 30, 1993 -AFPlt0VKD ~ 25 ~ 26, 1993 ~ t~ R~I~ ~tlng of ~ch 30, 1993. (~00) Zt~SA ~~TION DESI~ATING ~~ OP ~IL 25 TO ~Y ~, ~993 ~ COLLI~ CO~ ~I~ VI~I~ RI~S ~ - ~~D Upon reading of the proclamation, CoiLs. Loner Constantine m~md, xconded b~ C~/~toner Norr/. ~d c~rL~~L~ly, t~t t~ ~ocl~tL~ ~ot~t1~ t~ ~k of Apr/1 25 to ~ 1, 1993, u Coil/e= C~W Cr/~ V/ctt~ R/ghte ~k ~ adoptS. Hs. Ltnda ~tnston, Executive Director of Shelter for Abused ~omen of Col//er County, accepted the proclamation. "' 09 April 20, 1993 Commissioner Saunders congratulated and presented Service Awards to the fo/lowing Collier County employees: Wesley A. Hill, Community Development - John Boldt, Water Management - Robert Blanchard, Long Range Planning - David Chronister, Utiltttes/Wastewater - 15 years lO years 5 years 5 years (3~o) Ztma d~A2 ~Gd d~A2 BUDG~T~ 93-223/230 - ADOFTLD Bob Best, Administrative Assistant to the Finance Director, requested the adoption of Budget Amendments 93-223/230. Cc~/u~ner Volpe ~oved, ~econded I~ Co.~is.tone~ ~o~. ~ ~r2~~L~ly, tht ~t ~ntl 93-223/230 ~ ~pt~. (~0~) lt~A ~~ ~ ~0~ - ~ ~ ~UA~ ~~ ~ ~LICZ~ ~ Mr. Mark Minor described the Sterling Oaks Project as being located across U.S. 41 from the Audubon development. Be indicated that the subject site ts comprised of 250 acres. Mr. Minor stated that this project has gone through the Preliminary Subdivision Plat process and is currently under review by :.. Development Services for approval of Phase 1 construction, clearance ~,: and plat. Mr. Minor revealed that the Executive Summary iljustrates the areas to be filled and cleared. Community Development Services Administrator Brutt advised that the petittonerfs request could be granted with proper controls, however, staff would need to Investigate this matter and provide recommendations with regard to the size and staging of various pro- Jects. He remarked that specific guidelines need to be established to Page 4 April 20, 1993 alleviate wind and soil erosion. He requested that staff be given four weeks to complete the analysis and report back to the Board. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Brutt affirmed that the County's Building Construction Administrative Code states that these things may not take place until a building permit and other approvals have been obtained. c=l~ i/l (~l.iur k~lm ~), t~t mtaff ~ d$r~tH to (84~) lt~C Mr. Dick Siegel, President of the Greater Naples Civic Association, addressed the Commission with respect to County 8pending :.~ and taxation and the working relationship with the Constitutional ~'i Officers. Mr. Siegel provided recommendations regarding proposed policies as detailed tn the Executive Summary. Commissioner Saunders remarked that he has been meeting with the Constitutional Officers on a monthly basis. He noted that he has been advised that the working relationship between the Board of County Commissioners and the Constitutional Officers is as good or better than it has ever been. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he is receptive to the idea of the Board of County Commissioners meeting on a quarterly basis with the Constitutional Officers In an open forum to address various issues of concern. Commissioner Saunders stated that he will discuss with the Constitutional Officers the fo/lowing: desires as to whether It would be advisable to meet with the five Constitutional Officers, open to ,oo 12 Pags 5 April 20, 1993 the ~mbltc~ and whether the Constitutional Offlcera would desire having a formal meeting with the five Board of County Commissioners on :a quarterly basle. Co~tealonsr Volpe suggested that a request be made to the Constitutional Officers, asking them to participate tn the public disclosure process prior to submitting their budgets to Tallahaeeee. ~tell~Z~ Captain Strong, Commanding Officer of the Salvation Army, requested reimbursement of the impact fees which were paid for the Falily Services Center. He stated that these types of requeate should be ~ade prior to construction. He pointed out that application for reimbursement was made in February, 1992, however, for various reasons the request was never presented to the Board of County Commissioners. Captain Strong advised that construction of the project continued and the facility was dedicated on January 24, 1993 and the Center waa officially opened for families on February 8, 1993. Captain Strong revealed that the building ts a transitional living program. He noted that-this Is a family oriented program and ia basi- cally affordable housing. He Indicated that homeless families are taken in and housing is provided for up to a two year period. He advised that & program fee ts charged, based on 30~ of the residentsI adjusted gross Income. He revealed that the fo/lowing services are provided: free of charge child care; a latchkey program for school aged children; three meals per day~ and laundry facilities. Captain Strong stated that the Center ts comprised of 9 rooms for families and one room houses up to four single females. He affirmed that this Is a very needed program ts Collier County. Affordable Housing Director Mthaltc concurred that the Salvation Army did apply for an Impact Fee exemption on 2/2?/92, however, quali- fications for same were not met since requirements of the Impact Fee :!.3 Page 6 April 20, I993 Ordinances provided that grants or federal funds were to be Involved in the construction of the facility. He revealed that the funds received were for the operation of the facility. Nr. Nthaltc explained that the Salvation Army was eligible for Impact Fee reimbursement, however, by the time the Information was received the building permit had already been pulled. He Indicated that under the former Impact fee ordinances, the Center would still be eligible for reimbursement, I.e. 1/? of the fees over a seven year period. Mr. MIhalic recalled that. part of the problem was that the Salvation Army requested an exemption rather than reimbursement, and noted there was a mtscommunicatton tn terminology. He suggested that consideration be given toward reimbursing 1/? of the impact fees. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Mthaltc reported that the retmburseable amount Is $24,06?.?4. Mr. George Keller spoke with regard to this item. Captain Strong cited concurrence with receiving 1/? of the relm- bueeable amount of $24,000 over a seven year period. It w~e the con~en~u~ of tl~ Co~lselon for staff to Mttmr with r~d to ~T~nttn~ relief u reqnest~ ~nd to place this its on a f~tura (2sea) A~It~EMENT NITI[ NIL~ON, MILLER, BARTON · PKEE, INC., TO PIt0VlDE ~NGINEE~II~I SE~t~IC~ IN THE ~E~ C%~PltESS SECTION OF C0PELAND AND DEFELO~C0KPLIANCE~IIPERVISOR APPOINTED AS wPROJECT COORDIHATOR- A~ItEEMENTAPPROFKD NITH CHANGES Community Development Services Administrator Brutt recalled that staff applied for a Community Development Block grant for the Lee Cypress Section of Copeland to assist with street paving, Improved water supply, fire fighting facilities and sewage collection treatment facility. Mr. Brutt advised that a federal grant tn the amount of $650,000 has been obtained. He revealed that staff has gone through the nego- Page ? April 20, 1993 ~:: tlatlon selection proce.e for an engineering firm and Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, Inc. (~dBP) is the chosen firs. Mr, Brutt requested that the Co~u~lsslon approve the agreement with WMBP and that the Development Compliance Supervisor be appointed as the Project Coordinator. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Rousing Program Analyst Shreeve explained that the utilities are o~ned by Lee Cypress Water and Sewer Co-op and they establish their own rates. A discussion ensued with regard to the Agreement, Section 4.3. Commissioner Saunders suggested that the language tn the last sentence be changed to read "... upon the approval of the County Commission, the Consultant's compensation may be equitably adjusted, ..." Mr. Shreeve addressed Commissioner Matthews' concerns with respect to Article 2, "Additional Services" and Article 6 "Excluded Services". T~m ~ Ccmm/~loner Volpe ~ed, ~econded by Co~t~eLoner ~liorri~ m~d carried v.r~nLmou~iy, to appro~m the Agreement w/th WIl~on, Miller, B~rto~ & l~k, Xnc., Including the chang~ of the languag~ An ~rntence of ~ectton 4.3 and that the Development Compliance be et~o~nted u "FroJect Coordinator". Page 8 April 20, ~g93 e,. Re~oMmd= 10~40 A.M. - Reconvened= 11=00 A.M.'at Which ttBo Rocord/nG Secretary Ouevln replaced Deputy Clerk HOt~B~n ~e~ Assistant County Attorney Ra. tro Manaltch recalled several weeks ago, the Board directed Staff to re-analyze the 3uvenlle Dependency Contract Attorney Contract. He referred to the Executive Summary, stating the 856,300 request ts Itemized on page 2. He noted page 3 includes alternatives to this service by contract, concluding that at this time, the contract is the best alternat/ve. Zn a~wer to Commissioner Volpe, Mro Hanallch indicated one more contract extension Is available, through 1994, He sa/d he will need direct/on from the Board whether to re-Issue RFP'a or go through with the second contract extension. He relayed his belief that the County has obtained ~ competitive price through the contract attorney at this time. ~A~ ~1~1~, to a~r~ ~t for t~ ~Ale c~tr~t atto~ for t~ 1992 ~ 1993 contract (400) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Y 27, 1993, ~ D~~ ~ ~IDZNG ON ~CO IS~ ~ HOUS~ BI~ 1193, Commissioner Saundera communicated the Board of County Commissioners has no discretion concerning this item due to Art/cie l0 of the Special Act of the Legislature, which provides that this referendum election shall be held w/thin 120 days after approval b~ the State Legislature and An any case, no later than September 1, 1993. Commissioner Constantine mentioned his concern w/th the taxpayer8 of Collier County paying for the fifth ballot on thio /sous. Re said Page 9 April 20, 1993 the people of Narco Island should pay the costs themselves° Assistant County Attorney Meigel stated there ia no Statutory pro- vision specifying that Harco Island will be responsible for the referendu~ election, even if it is successful. He said this is a Legislative eandate upon Collier County. County Nanager Dorrlll suggested at Board direction, he can explore amending the beautification taxing district on Marco Island to Include this cost. carriod unme~mm~2y, to &~opt /Le~o2~t~ml 93-165 ordortn~ and callinga deter~ine if the qualified electors residing on,tn rcs Zsl~nd ~pprov~ House Bill 1193, establishing mhd organizing a municlp~llty to be knmm 88 the Gity of Msrco Island. Cogmimioner Constantine moved, seconded by~missione~htthewo ~nd failed l/{ (Co.missioners lo. Is, Volpe end ~aunderf oilseed), to dlz~t tl~ County M~z~r to ~plors t~xJ~G th~ lsl~4 fo~ th~ cost of ~fer~ elections, ~mi tbat faille, tl~ I~lslat~r~ ba ~sk~d to ~ tbs Statute ,00, 000,- l? Page 10 April 20, 1993 DZSCUS~ZONR~ F0Z~IATZOR 01 AN ADVZBORY BOARD CONC~]~ZN~ COUNTY TEC~IOLOGYFRO31CTS - COZrSENSUS ~0 EZPAB'DMI88ZOR STA~OFCOUNTY GOVE~BI~rf FROIK/CTZVITY C01~ZTTEE TO INCLUDE P~CRUITZ~G INDZVZDUAL$ g/TN EZPERTZSZ Z~ ~ARZOUS TECHNOLOGZE~ TO F0Z~ANAD~0C GROUP James Lennane proposed the Board consider the formation of an advisory board whose duties would be to Independently review large scale budget Items involving technology projects prtor to their coming before the Board of County Commissioners, I.e., helicopters, computer systems and digital radio systems. Commissioner Volpe agreed with Commissioner $aundera that the suggestion is a good idea, however, he ts not in support of the creation of another advisory board. He suggested the Productivity Committee be charged with gathering a pool of qualified people who would be called upon on an as-needed basle to review individual pro- Jects. The following person spoke regarding this ttem~ Jack Pointer It was the consensus of the Board that the mission statement of the County Government Productivity Committee will be expanded to Include recruiting individuals with expertise tn various technologies to form an ad hoc group for independent review of large ticket tech- nology projects, with the Board of County Commissioners determining which pro~ects to be reviewed. (lsoo) Item DI~'"I:~ZO~ OF ~ OFFER PROPOSED BT FLAZ]IT/FF'S COUJ~EL 11 F~31Z/BZ~/GILTFFZTH CONSOLIDATED TOURIST TAX CASES - 0FFE~ ~ County Attorney Cuyler reported Staff has been attempting to ana- lyze the monetary worth of the settlement offer. Re referred to m letter distributed to the Board from the firm of Hatter Secrest & Emery, counsel for the plaintiff. (Copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board.) He summarized the plaintiffs have offered m fixed fee to Page 11 Apr/! 20, 1993 the County of $500,000, and whatever remains of the $5.6-mlllton fund after subtract/on of costs for administration, legal fees and any clalu for those plaintiffs responding ma part of the claes action suit. He advised a few outstanding Issues include concern with the fact that the plaintiff ts not willing to place a cap on costs In this case, and whether they are amenable to capping legal fees. Re said the platnttff*e counsel has Indicated they will a~ree to whatever the court determines, although as part of the settlement offer, they are requiring the County to ettl~Ulate to a certain percentage methodology. He mentioned another issue te what happens to the remainder of the funds if the County ts unsuccessful on appeal. The following person spoke regarding this item: George Keller Attorney Timothy Parr~ with Harter Secrest & Emery, representing the plaintiff, explained the settlement offer. Ne &leo stated it ts inappropriate for them to fix legal fees because that decision rests solely with the courts. Cee~/e~toner Voll>e ~:~'ed, seconded b~ Co~atlelon~r Norris and carrlM ~ly, to ~t ~ mttl~t offer ~ ~ pla/n- Co~tsstoner Hatthe~s stated her preference that negotiations con- tinue toward a better ~ettlemen~, however, iff that does not come about, ~d the County fails tn its appeal, she would like those people who paid the tour/st t~es ~o receive a sl~tfftcant port/on bach, rather th~ t~e attorneys. ~l~ ~0-166 ~INQ ~ ~ ~OR, ~ ~~ OF ~~'~ ~~ CO~CIL - ~ Sue FI/son, Administrative Assistant to the Board, explained the Children's Services Council currently has two vacancies. She noted the ordinance requires the submission of at least three names for each Page 12 April 20, 1993 vacancy, however, she has received only four applications for appoint- Commissioner Volpe indicated he is not ~upporttve of appointing people to an Inactive committee, and ~uggested the Board look Into amending the existing ordinance since tt no longer seems appropriate with the defeat of the referendum tn 1992. Commissioner Norris d~sagreed, sta~lng the fact re~tne an ordA- n~ce As ~rrently ~n place re~lrlng the applications be ~b~ltted to the Governor. ~il~'l ~~ C~cil. Co~leeloner Saundera objected to directing Staf~ to take official action to amend or repeal the ordinance prior to wASh nembers off the Co~cA1. Co~Aseloner Matthews suggested Staf~ gather tnfor~Clon ~d ask C~cil ~enbere to die,se with the Board what their pl~ are the next ~ years. Cowry Manager Dorrlll agreed To co~un~cato with the Children's Se~tces C~cil. He also pointed ~ he will be returning groups of advlso~ boards b~ functional c~assAftcatAon, for of whether ~hey should be maintained ~n existence, ~d this com- mittee will fall ~der the human se~lces catego~. 3993 Commissioner Saunders communicated this request ts for waiver of the $30 per hour fee for utilization of the park facilities at the Immokalee Airport Park. Ms. Cuba Gib/In, Program Coordinator for the Redlanda Christian Migrant Association, explained they are planning a ,aJor fundraiser to provide scholarships for graduating seniors. She asked for a waiver of the customary fees for using the Immokalee Airport Park. Co~tntor~r Coutantim moved, .¢onded b~ Co~mllliOneZ' ]lorrll Christian NLgr~nt Association to uae the l~l~ Alert ~k. (24~) Zt~ ~OD Co~issioner Constantine referred to Draft 5.5 of his proposed Collier County Airport Authority Ordinance. He briefly outlined its purpose, concluding that Collier County has three very under-utilized assets in Its airports at Everglades City, Immokalee and Marco Island. Collier C~untFAirport AuthoritT Ordinance. Commissioner Volpe ~uggested this proposal say be acm.what prema- ture, tn that Collier County has only recently received the deed to the Marco Island Airport. He added the Board of County Commissioners needs to plan the future of the airports and be .ora involved in the process than ia proposed tn Draft 5.5. Commissioner Saunders suggested the Board direct Staff to prepare an ordinance along the lines of Draft 5.5, for advertisement and a public hearing. He said he ts not prepared to approve this concept at this meeting, because an evaluation by the County Attorney must be forthcoming and he would like to reserve his right at the public 20, 2993 hearing to suggest changes. In response to Commissioner Hatthews, County Attorney Cuyler stated hie office has seen this draft and tt ts being worked on. He requested the Board allow him time to study It more thoroughly, adver- tise for a public hearing and return In six weeks. Commissioner Hatthe~a Indicated she ta fully supportive of uti- lizing the airports as well as being tn favor of some type of depen- dent authority. Ce~ais~i~e~r Constantine wAthdre~ the ~otton. Commissioner Volpe reiterated hie concern that the Draft, as writ- ten, does not give the Board of County Commissioners the ability to approve a ~aster plan, only to budget for what the Airport Authority has already decided. The following people spoke regarding this Item: Dudley Goodlette Tape ~ John Betzler Stephen Price Denise Smith Raleigh Beach George Keller Co.~t.io~e~ Constantine ~, seconded by Co.~i.stone~ Ioz~l., to 41re~t the C~--W lttorn~y to drmft . ordAna~ce h4se4 o~ Drl£t a.~ for a ~t Alert iuthorl~ ~ ~ln~ It ~ck tn ~ ~i~ co.tsslon.r He,thews agreed .ith Co--issioner Volpe'. concern ~tth reDard to the .stet plan betn~ nbJect to Board of County Co.tsstoners' approval and asked that It be included tn the proposed ordln~ce. Co.tsstoner Yelps au~gested the Board be given an opportunity to see a re-draft of the ordinance tn the tntervenin~ period before ~ advertised public hearing. He also ~enttoned his concern ~tth the proceed bondtn9 capacity of this authority ~d ~ha~ they will pledge for ~rr~tng .oney. Csi.i~ Io~t. ~ c~l~ ~tmly, t~t a ~aft of t~ pr~ Pa~e ~5 April 20, 1993 (12~) BOARD TO RY, CONSZD~3tVACATZOI FrL'ZTZON OF XXX4~IIO Com~lsstoner Norris explained that during a previous meeting, the Board dented a petition flied by the United Church of Narco Island to vacate Romans Terrace. He said during the discussion, the church was not prepared to deal with certain Issues, in particular, ~ubmisston of a master plan of development for the future. He reported tn the interim, they have developed a plan and have requested to be allowed to re~urn to the Board for reconsideration at the Hay 18th meeting. County Attorney Cu¥1er noted the church has met the ttmeltnes of the reconsideration ordinance. UniM ~ o~ Nm~co Island fo~ ~cation of Rol~no Tarz~cm. (~so) Smith Thompson presented to the Board a proposal for fair alloca- tion of taxes and interest earntnga tn Fund 259. He r/called Fund 159 was established as an island-wide N.B.T.Uo on Narco Island for three specific purposes, one of which has never been addressed, namely, public beach access. He noted a petition ts scheduled to be heard by the Board on May 4th with regard to the disposition of Fund 159, however, because he will be unable to be present, he requested to be heard at this meeting. Zte~OB DI~IOWOFlt~ B~WXTIPI~V~WT~It~ I TO DOIta~ LAID J~R&BOAT M o~rT33JUED TO APRZL 27, 1993 Co-missioner Saundere relayed a request to continue this ~tem for one week. OOO,, 28 Apz*11 20~ sgg~ Legal notice having been pvbltshed tn the Naples Daily News on April 4, and April 11, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. County Manager Dorrtll explained this request ts to accommodate one of the final parcels to incorporate the S-curve at the north end of Santa Barbara Boulevard, to eliminate what is now a series of two 90 degree angle turns. Commissioner Saunders stated the public hearing ts closed. In answer to Commissioner Saundera, County Manager Dorrtl! replied Staff ia reconunending this purchase agreement in lieu of an order of taking. Coumissioner Matthews questioned why the County is not taking only the portion it needs? She said this is a recommendation to buy the entire 2.5-acre parcel, with the County using the portion needed for the roadway, maintaining all 2.5 acres whale giving FP&L an easement for their power lines. Assistant County Attorney Beidi Ashram explained in the nego- tiations with FP&L, they were Insistent that the County take the pro- per~. She said I~P&L wants to have all the rights of a fee owner to the property, without being the fee owner. She indicated this is a business decision the Board Rust make, depending on how badly the County needs the property, and the cost of eminent domain against the cost FP&L ts proposing tn this agreement. Responding to Commissioner Matthews, Assistant County Attorney Aehton stated thio ia the last parcel the County needs in order to begin construction of the Santa Barbara S-curve, which has been Page 17 Ap~I! 20, 1993 delayed for slx ~onths because of the on-going negotiations with IP&L. C~i~lo~e~Volpe ~v~d, seconde~ b~ ~i~ton~ ~o~1~ ~ Page 1993 Con~t~nttne ~nd c~z-~l~d 5/0, th~ the follo~tng lt~ ~nd~. the cm~t ~ be mpp~ov~d ~nd/o~ ~o~ted~ ''' C~*S ~ ACCKFTED AS SECURITY FOR LAIIDSCAPZJI'G Di~IT,,4P~Ff FLA~ JO. 90-256A "CC~BqUNITY SCHOOL" ~ r-i:zaA alp CRKDZT ACC"gI~"ED A~ BKCURZTY FOR LA,11D~CAPI'NG FOR SXT~ ~VI:~OPM~3JT FLA~ NO. 88-104& "FIRST NATXONAL BAltiC OF IAPLE~ See Pagea Item #16&3 93-162 RKLLIkSING THZ MAINTENANCE :BEC~ITYAJFD GRA]ITZJI~ F/ILILLACCKFT~ OF TH~ROADMAY, DIqAIJlAGK, MATKRAJFD SKWKR ~ FOR TI~ F/KAL PLAT OF "BI3~SHZRg LAKES UN/T SIX" See Page ~tem ~16&4 93-163 ACCKPTZRG ZRRIVO~&BLE LK/TKR OF CRKDZTAS M&~ Sr~'*URZT~AIFD GRABBING lvRKLZMZN~AC~~ OF TH:E DR&ZI&I3E AJ~DM&TKR ZMPR~ FOR TH~ FRO3ZC'FI3IOWR&S "TKE AT B&R:F/KLD BAY", A PORTZO~ OF MARCO BIJtCH UNZT 5 see Page /~ Item d~l 6B1 0UPPLIMKIrTAL AGI~KIMI3rT J~O. g ~ ~-~RZ~, Z~., ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-~Z~G ~ B~ U.S. 41 ~ ~lO R0~ (~ ~ ~ ~. 66033) - IN w~ ~ 0r $44,230.13 ~teu ~16B2 / / / RIZ~B~E OF ESCROW, LESS COUITY COSTS, FOR TH~ S(~JAi~/V&R/-CAI~/ZNFERIAL GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD ZMPROVlMnTS ~tot#lSB4 ~Og OF TI~ FLORIDA DKPARTMIFf OF TRAISPORTATZO~ (FDOT) S.R.29 MITZ"ATIOI PROJECT~ FR(~I ST-DEVKLOPMKJlT PI3q~TTZJ~] SUB3'KCT TO STZ FOT, ATIOJrS 3:tern ,16C1 ~OJ~OFTH~VETKItU~t TPJLWSPORTATZON~SERVZCEf AaRKIME:IIT W1TH~ COLLI'I:R G(X:~ITYVETI:RAIS' CC)~lfCZL~ Rr, COBVKY&W~ CFI' TzTr.,,K TO THII'STIIP, AlrS*COq:~Cl~LFORTHIVIHICLEDOJL~'fI~BYTHE~* ApFt! 20, 1903 ~ BZD PROCESS MATV~D fOR CKIFTRALZ~ TRAZIITJI~3 OF U'TTLZTZKS DZV'ZSZOJI* PKRSOIIIKL TH:Rf~GH THI J'LORZDA MATER Jr POLLUTZOM COMTROL OIFKRATOt~ Af~OCZATZOM Ztmm 'I*RACT~ OGg~)AIT - 1]i THI AN00]IT Or 046,016 JI:I3L"T~OI* O~ BiD ~'91-1706 FOR ~ ZJrS'TJ~T,&TZ0W OF AB' ZRRZ(LILTZOJI* rt, WTm~ AT ~ REOZOIAL RA'rKR TRLILTMKB'T FZ. JLUT Ztem #16D8 MOT*rOI OY PROM/Sl TO PAY AID AGRKI:XZIT TO I:X'I'XID P&TMEFf OF SKWKR See Pages ~- ~-~ ~ Xtmm ~'3, 6D~ · ATZ~ACTZ~ OF JK)TZCE OF PROMZSK TO PAT A,W'D AGRKKMZ]~ TO KXTKJFD PATMIIT crF SIDtER ZMPACT ~ FOR LEORARDO AIFD BZCEJlT& GOFZ&L.K~. JIBMM&W JUID BrFTY 3'EFFI~KY, JOAB' A., Jq'~Rr'n~, PAVE, JLWD MARZJJFWK MYI:1qS. Ztmm SeePages CKR'TZIPTCATI~ OF ~~ ~ ~ 1991. 1992 ~ 1993 SOLXD ~ Xtmm ff16111 See Pages '7'/-- Page 20 20, ~993 ~ ~ BIO. · OB' COJlTRACT ilO. 91-3.779 WZTII HUKGKL CUSTOM HOI~'S J'OR BBAC! ~ Oi~I:RAT1'OIlB Oil MARCO I'SLABID, AIID JFK~ TEJl PKRCKFr Zt~ The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed end or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 21 April 20, 1093 Item ~1~31 :1990 TAX ROL'r- 333 04/08/93 1991TJ~ ROLL 233 04/08/93 1992 TAX ROLL o4/o8/op 1902-115 1992 TJUIGZ~T.~ 04/08/93 FOR ~RV/CE~ OF T~ I~7BZ, ZC ~ See Page. ~0~193o1~4 M&/VI~tG TI~ DELZNQUE]IT&HOUitT OF $5,00 OR~S&~OF 3JUIU&]tT 26, 2993, ON ~ 2991 SOLID M&ST~ COLLECTION Jt~M:I:FI~ &lID FROVI"D/II~ FOR kPPROVAL OF SATISFACTION OF LIENS ON T~ &CCOUtlT~WZT~ $S.O00IIL~S &~ OF 3kNU&RY 26, 1993 A~D ALL LZENEDACCOUilT~ Til&T ~VE P&ZD IX FULL See Pagee~ There being no further bus/ness for the Good of the County, the meetAng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:05 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX .~,,' OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF ~. SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS - ..... CONTROL ,~e~e.mlnu~e~ approv d ~ the Board on as predated ~or as corrected Page 22