BCC Minutes 05/18/1993 R Naples, Florida, May 18, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special distr~cts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. tn REGULAR SESSION tn Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: ALSO PRESENT: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews l:h~ight Brock, Clerk of Courts; Bob Best, Senior Administrative Assistant to the Finance Director; Annette Guevin and Sue Carney, Recording Secretaries; Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Dave Weigel, Assistant County Attorney; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Tom Ollfff, Public Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; John MadaJewskt, Project Plan Review Manager; Bob Blanchard, Growth Management Director; Ron Cook, Utilities Finance Director; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Director; Ed Gehring, Building Review & Permit Director; July Adarmes, Technical Services Supervisor for Project Plan Review; Deena Quinn, Real Property Supervisor; Keeth Kipp, Recycling Coordinator; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Sue FI]son, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections. Page May 18, 1993 Tape (173) AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES COmtesioner Norris noved, eeconded by Commteetoner Conetutine and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda with the changes ae detailed on the Agenda Change Sheet and with the following additional changee: Item #10F - Discussion of the public hearing regarding the Habitat Protection Ordinance - Added. Item #10G - Request to have the Board of County Commissioners conduct a workshop regarding the actions of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board and the Black Affairs Advisory Board - Added. Page 2 (250) CON~ENT AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED May 18, 1993 The motion for approval of the consent agenda is noted under Item #16. (26?) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 20, 1993 - APPROVED Comisaioner Matthews moved, seconded by Comisstoner Volpe and carried uzLmni~oualy, to approve the M~nutes of the Regular Meeting of April 20, 1993. (266) PRESENTATION OF AWARD PLAQUES BY MARY LOU WEISS FROM COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, ADULT AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION, TO MARY MORGAN, SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS AND JEAN BROWN, BUREAU OF FOP~ENSICS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFPtS OFFICE Mary Lou Weiss, representing the Adult and Community Education Division of Collier County Public Schools, thanked Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections, for the help she has provided tn the evenings by speaking to classes of future clttzens and explaining the advan- tages of registering to vote. She also thanked Mr. Jean Brown with the Bureau of Forensics and Technical Services of the Collier County Sheriff's Office, for his assistance tn fingerprinting those same future citizens, which is a requirement of their citizenship. (496) Item ~6A1 & 6A2 BUDGET ANENDN~NTS 93-265 THROUGH 93-289 - ADOPTED Commissioner Volpe referred to Budget Amendment 93-267, and inquired if the $17,000 ts the result of a cost overrun for the rewiring of l~ghts at Tommy Barfield Baseball Field? County Manager Dorrill suggested he will investigate and provide an explanation through separate correspondence, to which Commissioner Volpe agreed. Page 3 May 18, 1993 Commissioner Volpe ~oved, seconded by CoBtseloner Norris and carried unanimously, that Budget A~end~ente 93-265 through 93-289 be adopted. (~98) Item #6&3 BUD(lET AMENI~IENT RESOLUTION 93-32 - ADOPTED Commissioner Volpe ~oved, seconded by ¢oBtesloner Norrte and carried unantBousl¥, that Budget A~endment Resolution 93-32 be adopted. Page 4 May 18, 1993 KDUARDO GARCIA R~GARDING A BUILDING PERMIT - STAFF AND PETITIONERS TO M~ET AND WO~ OUT A BUILDING SCHEDULE County Manager Dorrill reported this item involves two members of the Garcia family, who are from Dade County and are experiencing problems associated with building permit issues. Eduardo Garcta explained he has received a letter from County Staff informing him that his permit is being cancelled due to the 18-month requirement. He said he has been unable to finish constructing his home in Golden Gate Estates, because he is trying to build the house on weekends and can only work on Saturdays because of Collier County's /aw prohibiting those activities on Sundays. He remarked both he and his brother have been working hard to finish both their houses. Ed Gehring, Director of Building Plan Review and Permitting, stated the conversation he held with Mr. Garcta informed him of his options. He said Staff has made no attempt to cancel the building permit. He indicated Mr. Garcia was informed of the requirements of the ordinance and, in accordance with the ordinance, he was asked for a building schedule. He explained if vertical construction does not progress once it is started, Staff expects to receive complaints and they need the answers for those complaints. Bernardo Garcia informed the Board that he is also building a house in Golden Gate Estates, along with his brother. He noted Mr. Gehring indicated to him that he must pour the slab and tie beam as well as install a roof on the structure, all within 90 days. He stated that is impossible for him and his family to accomplish. Responding to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. Gehrtng reported Mr. Bernardo Garcta must appeal to the Board of County Commissioners to extend his building permit at this point, because he has already been afforded the extensions authorized by Staff. Commissioner Saunders requested that Mr. Gehring meet with Messrs. Page May 18, 1993 Garcta to assist them with their building permit problems. This being a discussion item, no action was required. (?~o) Itam ,S&! RECOI~(KNDATION TO APPROVE EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.192 "BERKSHIRE LAKES, PARCEL E" - APPROVED July Adarmes, Technical Services Supervisor for Project Plan Review, informed the Board that this request for an excavation permit was denied by the Environmental Advlsory Board (EAB}. She said this ts a request to modify the existing permit by revising the con- figuration of three lakes into one lake for purposes of hauling the fill off-site. She reported the EAB by a vote of 3/3, denied the request because of red cockaded woodpecker (RCW) issues. She men- ttoned upon a site visit by Staff, they saw no problems and are recom- mending approval subject to stipulations. In answer to Commlsstoner Constantine, Ms. Adarmes explained one of the EAB members is familiar with the site and communicated concern with potential RCW problems. She said he requested information from the Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game Commission prior to approval. Bob Furlong with Wi/son, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., stated this ts merely a modification to an existing permit to consolidate three lakes consisting of 24.3 acres into a single lake of the same size. The following person spoke regarding this item: Chris Straton, EAB Addressing the concerns brought forward by Ms. Straton, Commissioner Constantine asked why will Staff until after extensive clearing of the site is completed before contacting the Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game Commission? He commented at that point, any wildlife will have been driven away. Mr. Furlong reiterated the petitioner has an existing excavation permit to clear 24.3 acres, and their only request this date is to consolidate that acreage. Commissioner Constantine asked what evidence of RCW activity has Page May 18, 1993 been seen? Ms. Straton stated another member of the EiB, Mr. Eric Worsham, stated when he visited the site, he found indications of RCW activity, but no one asked what those indications were. She stated the feeling was that the matter could be cleared up within 30 days through correspondence with the Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game Commission. John MadaJewski, Project Review Services Manager, clarified that Staff worked with Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., who provided convincing evidence that RCW's would not be affected by this clearing. Commissioner Matthews stated she does not see a problem with waiting to receive a letter from the Florida Fresh Water Fish and Game Commission to verify there is no evidence of RCW activity. Mr. MadaJewskt explained that Staff ks required to request tech- nics! assistance when it has been determined there is a species pre- sent. He said when it has not been determined, the Comprehensive Plan makes it very difficult for Staff to request technical assistance without merit. He said Staff has not been able to find the grounds in this particular case, to seek such technical assistance. Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris mnd carried 4/1 (Commissioner Matthews opposed), to approve Excavation Per. it No. 59.192. Item ,8B1 KECO~g~ENDATION TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE A NEW LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY, A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND SMILEY SUI~ERALLS, FOR UTILIZING A PORTION OF THE IMMOKALEE AIRPORT FOR THE SOLE FURPOSE OF STORING PRIVATE AIRCRAFT - APPROVED Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained this item is a renewal Lease Agreement with Mr. Smiley Summeralls for a site located in the southwestern segment of the Immokalee Airport. He said the one-half acre site will continue to be used for the storage of a small airplane. He noted the lease is for one year with an extension clause for one renewal year, and the rates change each year with a one percent increase. Page ? May 18, 1993 Commissioner Matthews communicated she requested this Item be removed from the consent agenda because of recent conversations about establishing an airport authority. She questioned whether a one-year lease, renewable for an additional year may possibly interfere with an airport authority, should one be established? She suggested if this is approved, would it be possible to approve this lease subject to the airport authorlty's five-year plan? Commissioner Volpe noted the lease contains a 60-day termination provision. The following person spoke regarding this Item: George Keller Commissioner Constantine ~oved, seconded by Co---lseioner Norris and carried unant.~ouml¥, to approve the Lease Agreement between Collier County and Saile¥ Su~aeralls. Page 8 May 18, 1993 (~¢~0) Ittm JSK1 P~ECOg~ENDATION TO REVIEW AN AGREEMENT WHICH PROVIDES FOR $100,000 FROM THE ~AC LAND TRUST TO PAY FOR A PORTION OF THE DESIGN AND ENGINEERING EXPENSES FOR T~E GOLDEN GATE ESTATES COMMUNITY PARK - CONTINUED UNTIL THE GOLDEN GATE ESTATES CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE HAS MET AND REVIEWED Deena Qutnn, Real Property Supervisor, recalled on March 30, ~993, the Golden Gate Citizens Advtsory Committee recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve the expenditure of $100,000 from the GAC Land Trust Fund. She said the funds were to be used for ttattng the design and engtneerlng of a community park on 56 acres located along Immokalee Road. She stated the funds were recommended by the commfttee to encourage development of the 56 acres vs. develop- ment of smaller parks along Golden Gate Boulevard. She reported this Item was continued for 30 days because earlier in the meettng of March 30th, the Board approved an item that directed Staff to purchase 15 acres adjacent to the Big Cypress Elementary School and to solicit property owners to determfne their interest in selling 10 acres located on Golden Gate Boulevard and loth Street S.E., for a community park. In addition, she said, the Board wanted to explore the best use of the 56-acre site. She advised the County Attorney's Office is currently researching legal issues regarding the lease and/or sale of the 56 acres, and the Parks and Recreation Department will be addressing tentative uses for the site at a future Board meeting. Ms. Qutnn continued, stating because Staff is pursuing the purchase of two park sites along Golden Gate Boulevard, Public Services Admtnlstrator Tom Olliff is requesting the $100,000 be expended for those future park sites. She sald in the event that request ls approved, it is her recommendation that the Board authorize the preparation of an agreement and.soltc]t a letter of no objection from Avatar Properties, Inc., concerning the expenditure of funds from the Trust Fund, prior to ftnallzing the agreement. Chuck Stephan, Chairman of the Golden Gate Estates Cttlzens Advisory Committee, requested the Board contlnue this item for 60 days Page 9 May 18, 1993 due to changes tn membership of the Committee. He explained the sitting Committee has not yet met to discuss this subject and w~ll not be meeting until May 24th. The following people spoke regarding this Item: George Keller Dawn Platt Matt Hudson Co---~sstoner Constantine moved, seconded by Coo~esioner Matthews and carried unanimously, to continue this ~tea until the new Golden Gate OttJzens Advisory Comtttes has revl~ed the re.est. It~ ~8E3 ~C~ATION TO ~ST~LISH A ~ I~E~ S~IC~ ~ FOR A~O~TED I~TION ~S - ~PRO~D Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, reported Staff has been advised by the Clerk of Courts of his Intent to dissolve Fund 504, which Is the internal service fund that operates the Glerk's MIS Data Processing Center, and which also contains a cost center for a portion of the Board's Office Automation and Information Systems budget. He said based on the Glerk's intention to collapse Fund 504, the County Manager's agency must gain approval from the Board to establish a new ~nternal service fund to continue charging subscribers for the cost of the Office Automation System. Clerk Brock explained he is dtssolvJng Fund 504 upon recommen- dation from the Clerk's external auditors that the Clerk should not have internal service funds on his books. Consequently, he said, at the end of FY 93, Fund 504 will be dissolved in an attempt to be equitable with the Board agencies that have operated within Fund 504 Jn the past, and a line item transfer of approximately $40,000 will occur. He noted excess reserves tn Fund 504 of approximately $70,000 from the total $110,000, will be transferred back to the Board's agen- cies as the fund ts collapsed. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Coutes~oner Volpe and carr~m~ 4/0 (Com~ee~oner Matthews out), to approve the reconendat~on Page 10 May 18, 1993 to establish a n~w Internal service fund for Automated Information Syst~. (2021) RECON~I~D&TIO~ TO UPGRADE COHI~UTER HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY NA~AGER~S AGENCY - STA~ RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED WITH MODIFICATION *** Comlsstoner Matthews returned to the meeting at this tile. '*' Leo Ochs presented a recommendation to upgrade the capacity of the Board's computer resources that are currently used to support office automation, automated building permit tracking and utility billing applications. He recalled tn December, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners approved a flue-year lease purchase agreement to acquire a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 6330 mid-range mtnf-computer to power the office automation system and the building permit tracking system on Horseshoe Drive. He reported at the time the system was acquired, It was sized to accommodate a maxtmum average of 200 con- current users and approximately 350 overall subscribers. He said over the Intervening years, the subscriber base has grown and several other applications have been added to the computer in response to individual department requests for program support. He indicated the end result of that load on the computer is the capacity has been depleted to the point where performance has fallen below acceptable standards. He stated the load created by the utility billing system has been removed from the system through the loan of a computer from Digital Equipment Corporation to the Utilities Division for the past six months, however, it must be returned to the manufacturer by the middle of June. He indicated that issue plus the capacity problem created by the number of office automation subscribers have resulted tn this recommendation to upgrade the hardware through the purchase of a VAX 7610 mid-range computer. He advised Staff Is recommending the system be procured on a 36-month lease/purchase arrangement at an interest rate of 5.95 percent and a monthly pay~nt of $14,032. He noted that amount is approximately $900 more than the current monthly lease O00P, : 28' Page 11 May 18, 1993 purchase payments, and the increase can be financed through the revenues currently being generated from subscribers on the office automation system, without an increase in fees. He mentioned this upgrade recommendation has been reviewed by the MIS Master Planning Committee and the Citizens Productivity Committee, who have all acknowledged the need for the upgrade. He commented Staff has also met on two occasions with Mr. Lenane, who the Board previously asked to assist and review new technology acquisitions being considered by Staff. He reported Mr. Lenane offered additional thoughts on possibly redesigning the system over the next few years to move to a more distributed system with more computing done on personal, desk top com- puters. Re acknowledged over time, that will free up the subject purchase to accommodate more of the systems that are currently running on the Clerk's equipment, which is also experiencing capacity problems. County Manager Dorrill notified the Board that Staff's recommen- dation has been modified to allow the Clerk to purchase the current computer system, rather than using it as a trade-in back to Digital Equipment Corporation. Clerk Brock communicated that he has evaluated the condition of the MIS Staff and the operations relating solely to the Clerk's Office. He reported he has come to the conclusion that in order to automate the Court system and provide a Minutes and Records Department that complies with contemporary standards, he must upgrade the Clerk's present system, which is over six years old. He said if the Board approves purchase of the VAX 7610, he would like to purchase the current system for the cost of the trade-in. He also stressed that by creating this additional machine in the MIS Department, the ability of the one current systems manager will be taxed to the limit. He notified the Board that he will be required to hire an additional systems manager for the extra workload. He concluded with a request that the Board sell its present equipment to the Clerk's Office, with the understanding there will be additional costs in personnel services Page May 18, 1993 tn order to upgrade the Clerk's system to an acceptable capacity. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Clerk Brock stated the ultimate objective is to remove the "mission critical applications", such as maintaining the financial records, Court records and the official records of Collier County, from the two old computer systems and place them onto the VAX 7610 in the data center. He said all non-mission critical functions will then reside outside of the data center, which is a more appropriate trend in the industry. Mr. Ochs assured Commissioner Volpe that this purchase fits into the emerging strategic plan for the data processing functions of the County. He agreed with Clerk Brock that the ultimate goal is reducing from two or three large mid-range computers to one mid-range computer that will support all mission critical applications, with office auto- marion, imaging and some of the other applications being handled through a distributed environment. Commissioner Constantine asked how will this plan of action limit the ability to work with other Constitutional Officers? Mr. Ochs advised that the technology being recommended will increase the processing power and will not change the operating system or the network that allows communication between the Constitutional Officers. Clerk Brock concurred, adding they are attempting through this distributive processing, to go an open system which will make com- munication between the Constitutional Officers easier to facilitate. Commissioner Volpe commented that it seems this issue was precipi- tated by the Clerk's decision that he could not accommodate the uti- lity billings. Clerk Brock responded that the utility billing application currently resides on loaner equipment from Digital Equipment Corporation, which will very shortly no longer be available to Collier County. He also stressed the inability of the office automation equipment to support the amount of concurrent users. C~sstoner Norris moved, seconded by Colissioner Saundere, to Page 13 May 18, I993 approve Staff'a recommendations for the lease purchase of a Digital VAX 7610 co~puter and associated equipment, with the modification that the VAX 6330 equipment wtll be sold to the Clerk for its trade-in value. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler stated that the basis for the waiver of Section XIII of the purchasing policy is sole source. County Manager Dorrill mentioned the equipment will be purchased on State contract. Mr. Ochs added the actual waiver is not on the State contract purchase and only relates to the lease purchase arrangement. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Ochs replied if this request is not approved, at the Board's next meeting, the Utilities Division will be requesting a computer, because they have no ability to process their bills after June 15th. Also, he said, the subscri- bers to the office automation system will find that the number of people who can log in at any one time will be limited. Tape #2 Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Ralph DeCarlo with Digital Equipment Corporation, stated his Company would be wi/ling to lease the equipment they are currently providing to the County at no charge. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. P~$~T$ O~ A ~J~T~ ~J~.AC.T~RI~ATIO~ $~Y TO ~ETE~Ih~ ~AJ~ITY O~ RECYCLABLES IN THE WASTE STREAM - REPORT ACCEPTED Keeth Ktpp, Recyc~ing Coordinator, explained the Waste Characterization Study was conducted from April /st to April 9th for single-family dwellings, and from April 21st to April 30th for multi- family units and businesses. He suggested this study should be repeated on a quarterly or semi-annual basis to more accurately deter- mine recyclables within the waste stream. ReferrinG to a pie chart tn the agenda package, he explained the various categories and their per- Page 14 May 18, 1993 centage of the waste stream in Coil/er County. He noted Staff has concluded that there is a sufficient amount of recyclables within the waste stream, but the ability to capture them and meet the goals of the old legislation ts highly unlikely. He remarked, however, that the Governor has recently the update to the Solid Waste Management Act which may mean Co/l/er County can meet the recycling goal through expanding the curbs/de program to include multi-family and businesses on a limited scale. Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator, communicated the Legislature has passed a Bill that Staff and the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) are still attempting to interpret. He said Staff is hoping to receive a policy document from DER within the next month. He mentioned the new legislation seems to ignore specific results, such as the capturing of specific percentages of the various waste stream categories. He said the new language states if a program is designed to recover a majority of newspaper, aluminum cans, steel cans, glass and plastic bottles, the requirements will be met. He indicated if DER allows Collier County to target those five materials, the minimum requirements will be met through only single and mu/ti- family units. He remarked if DER indicates Collier County must have a more reasonable capture rate, such as 40 to 50 percent, Staff believes that the County can reasonably meet the requirements if businesses are added to a curbside program. He concluded that Staff will be working closely with DER to solicit their interpretation of the new /egis/a- tion, because it will be difficult to delineate a recycling program until their policy document is available. Mr. Lorenz stated once DER's interpretation is received, Staff will be returning to the Board with a series of alternatives, ranging from the minimum requirements of the State to more ambitious programs and their related costs and benefits. Mr. Lorenz recalled in January, 1993, the Board directed Staff to obtain bids on an interim mu/ti-family program. He said bids were sent and a pre-bid meeting was held, however, Waste Management indi- Page 15 May 18, 1993 cated they felt the County had not continued to negotiate with them according to their contract. He reported the County Attorney's Office ruled that Staff needed to spend more time negotiating with Waste Management for a multi-family or commercial type of program, and those negotiations are now in progress. He indicated his hope that Staff will be returning within the next month with a proposal from Waste Management, at which time the Board has the option of either accepting that proposal or again directing Staff to go out to bid for that type of program. Mr. Lorenz communicated Staff has also held initial pre-proposal meetings with other vendors with regard to the Materials Reclamation Facility (MRF) concept. He said those attempts have been put on hold until a clear understanding of the new legislation ~s tn hand. Commissioner Constantine questioned how the reclamation rates of Collier County compare to other counties7 Mr. Lorenz responded under the old legislation, Collier County had a 17 percent rate of recycling, and received a rating of 21 out of 67 counties. He said in terms of reducing the amount of material going to the landfill, Collier County was first or second in the State, but did not receive credit for that because of the old legislation. Commissioner Volpe asked if businesses currently have a voluntary recycling program, is there any way for the County to claim credit? Mr. Lorenz stated the County receives credit for whatever data can be collected from businesses, however, that information is sometimes difficult to get. Mr. Kipp added part of the new legislation requires recycling businesses provide information to the State, who in turn will provide that data to the County. He said those businesses have not been willing to work with the County, because once the County has that information, it becomes public record and is then available to their competitors. He indicated that will not happe~ with the information being provided to the State, rather than the County. The following people spoke regarding this item: Page 16 May 18, 1993 Bob Krasowski Brad Cornell Commissioner Matthews inquired what will happen if Collier County does not meet the required recycling percentage? Mr. Kipp replied grant funding may be withheld from both the State and the federal government. He said grant funding for the current year totals $16-mtllton. Commissioner Matthews referred to a material known as glass-phalt, which she stated if proven effective, will greatly reduce the amount of colored glass going to the landfill. She also mentioned having investigated a pelletizing operation in Maryland and Virginia, and suggested that type of alternative also be looked at, which may increase trash pick-up by 50%. Mr. Lorenz communicated a survey is now being compiled to test the sentiment of residents to determine how much they would be willing to pay for these types of benefits. It was the consensus to accept the report as presented. (328?) Item #1OD TRIBAL POSITION ON THE LAND DIUF~LOPMENT CODE RI~QUIRING INDIANS TO OBTAIN PERMITS PRIOR TO HARVESTING CYPRESS TREES FOR CHIOKEE CONSTRUCTION - STAFF AND INDIANS TO WORK OUT PLAN AND EXPLOR]~ CHANGES TO ~ LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Steve Terry, Land Resources Manager for the Mtccosukee Tribe, exhibited a slide presentation depicting the harvesting process of cypress trees for chickee construction. He concluded by asking the Board to amend the Land Development Code (LDO) to exempt Native American chtckee builders from the requirement to obtain permits for that work. The following person spoke regarding this item: O.B. Osceola, Sr. Commissioner Saunders clarified that the request is not to waive the fee, but to exempt South Florida Native Americans from being required to obtain a permit to harvest cypress trees for chtckee hut construction as long as they have permission from private property Page 17 May 18, 1993 o~ers. Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Director, provided the Board with an example of the present circumstances. He said on May 1?th, both the Sheriff's Office and Code Enforcement Staff were called to Golden Gate Estates regarding five separate incidents of cypress clearing by Indians. He said there is no uniformity of purpose among the Indians. He explained his Staff and the Deputies were told by three of the Groups that the Indian Representatives do not represent them and they do not care what agreement is made. He indicated the Indians stated they will not respect other people's property because it is Indian property as far as they are concerned. Mr. Terry explained he represents the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida, while Mr. Osceola is a member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. He noted some Indians for personal reasons prefer not to belong to either Tribe, and are usually referred to as either the Independent Indians or the Traditional Seminoles. Commissioner Norris commented the issue is that the Board of County Commissioners is being asked to waive fees for a particular group of people. Commiss~oner Saunders agreed, but added there is a precedent as noted ~n the Position Paper submitted by the Miccosukee Tribe. He referred to page 20 of the agenda package, containing Florida Statute 581.187, which states that all Florida Indians shall be exempt from the prohibitions and penalties of Section 581.185, which provides for the preservation of native flora of Florida. Commissioner Volpe pointed out if this exemption is granted how will Staff know if private property owners have consented to the har- vestinG of cypress on their properties? Mr. Clark suggested if approved, that the exemption contain a requirement that the person cutting the trees must have the written permission of the owners in hand. Mr. Terry agreed that a provision such as suggested would not be unreasonable. Page 18 May 18, 1993 Commissioner Volpe offered a further suggestion that prior to Indians harvesting on private lands, they be required to file the written authorization of the owners with the Code Enforcement Department. The fo/lowing person spoke at this time: Tina Osceola It was the consensus that Staff will meet with the Indians to work out a plan and e~lore changes to the LDO to ~rant mn exe~q~tion to Native A~ertcans from the requirement to obtain permits prior to har- vesting cypress trees for chickee construction. ese Recessed: ~1:40 A.M. - Reconvened: 12:40 P.M. at which ti~e Recording Secretary Carney replaced Recording Secretary Ouevtn *** *** Courts.toners Saunders and Volpe out *** (2~) Ite~H2 MID-YEAR REPORT ON MAJOR COUNTY REVENUES Budget Director, Mike McNees, gave a six month update on major revenues in three areas, Intergovernmental Revenues, Enterprise Fund Revenues and Impact Fee Revenues. Mr. McNees described the Revenue Report noting that under Intergovernmental Revenues four of the reve- nue sources are within 5% mid-year of the projected budget and stated that it is expected that all the State Shared Revenues will be on budget or ahead based on the six month information. Regarding Enterprise Fund Revenues, Mr. McNees cited that the County is behind approximately 13~ in Water Revenues, projecting that to be approxima- tely 20~ for the year. He said the Utilities staff explained the shortfall is due to conservation rates and the delay in the completion of the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. He explained that budget amendments to Water Operations may be necessary to make up for this budget shortfall. Regarding building permit fees, Mr. McNees projected a year end shortfall of approximately 16%, and clarified that an additional $900,000.00 was brought in at the end of 1992 due to the fact that many people applied for building permits in advance Page 19 May 18, 1993 of the road impact fee increase. Mr. McNees indicated a substantial shortfal! in each of the Road Impact Fee Funds for exactly the same reason, in each case the excess fees in 1992 offset the variances for the first part of this year. He stated that he foresees no budget amendments at this time, however, if the shortfalls continue and are larger than the excess from last year, it may be necessary for budget amendments. · '' Commissioner Volpe arrived at this In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. McNees explained that the sewer revenue is so great due to the increase in customer base which makes it difficult to budget those revenues accurately. County Manager Dorrill specified that half the new sewer customers are not water customers. Commissioner Norris questioned if the sewer customers were being overcharged and whether those charges should be adjusted? Mr. McNees replied that the situation would have to be monitored closely over the next few months and that an adjustment may have to be made. Commissioner Matthews stated that it is unfair that the sewer customers subsidize a water system that is not collecting the fees expected. (3222) ItaB KESOLUTIOH 93-203 APPOINTING JOSEPH FRENI, JR. TO THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson reported that one appointment is necessary due to the resignation of Charles Popper. Ms. Filson stated that a press release was issued and resumes were received from six applicants, noting there are no recommendations for appointment. She noted that one applicant, Mr. Schomacker is a resi- dent of Fort Myers, and according to Ordinance 86-41 is not eligible for appointment. ColamAsmioner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, to Page 20 Nay ~8, ~993 appoint $o~ph Frenl, Jr. of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel to the Tourist Dev~l~t Council. Commissioner Norris suggested the appointment of Michael Watklns, who is a long t/me res/dent. Upon call for the quest/on, the mot/on carried 3/1, (Co~lastoner Norris opposed and Comm/aa/oner Saunders out), thereby adopting P~solution 93-203. Page 21 ~ay ~8, 1993 Itn#lOB I~ESOLUTION 93-204 APPOINTING VIN DEPASQUALE TO THE TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Ftlson stated that one appo/ntment is necessary to fulfill the remainder of a vacant term, expiring on December 31, 1993. Ms. F/lson reported that a press release was issued and two resumes were received, she advised that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is recommending the appointment of Hr. Vtn DePasquale. Conisstoner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried 4/0, (Contsalonar Saunders out) to appoint Yin DePaaquale to the Park~ and Recreation Advtsor~ Board, thereby adopting Resolution 93-204. Page 22 May 18, 1993 Ite~ #lOC RESOLUTION 93-205 APPOINTING ROBERT R. RADOVICH, ANTHONY M. LEIGH AND PAUL J. MULLER TO THE HOMELESS ADVISORY BOARD - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Fi/son reported that the subject of this item is to appoint three members to serve 4 year terms, on the Homeless Advisory Committee. She informed the Board that a press release was issued and five resumes were received, she advised that the Homeless Advisory Committee is recommending the appointment of Robert R. Radovich and the re-appointment of John Lindell and Brenda DeJong. Ms. Filson noted that John Lindell and Brenda DeJong did not submit resumes prior to the April 2, 3993, deadline. In answer to Commissioner Norris, Ms. Filson stated that Mr. Lindell and Ms. DeJong were disqualified because their resumes were not received prior to the deadline. The following people spoke regarding this item: John Lindell James Proud Peter Hewitt Coltsstoner Norris moved, seconded by Cow~tsstoner Matthews, and carrie(] S/1 (Commissioner Volpe opposed and Co~isaioner Saundera out) to appoint Robert R. Radovich, Anthony M. Letgh and Paul J. Muller to the Homelus A~visory Committee, thereby adopting Resolution 93-205. Page 23 May 18, ~993 Tape ~ (~29) Ztem #20~ RESOLUTION 93-206 APPOINTING GILMORE P. SCHOLES TO THE MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE - ADOPTED Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson remarked that a press release was issued, and three resumes were received. She noted that the Marco Island Beautification Advisory Committee recommends the appointment of Gilmore P. Scholes. Co~se~oner Norris, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, and carried 4/0 (Cow~issloner Saunders out) to appoint G~lmore P. Scholes to the Marco Is/and Beautification Advisory Com~ttee, therefore ~dopt~ Re~olut~on 93-206. Page 24 May 18, 1993 It~ #IOF PUBLIC I~ARING REGARDING THE HABITAT PROTECTION ORDINANCE - CCPC TO MEET ON JUNE 10, 1993 AND BCC TO MEET ON JUNE 16, AND JUNE 29, 1993 County Attorney Cuyler advised the Board that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) delayed consideration of the Habitat Protectfon Ordinance and the amendments to the Land Development Code until June 14, 1993 at which time they will have a workshop meeting. Commissioner Volpe voiced his concern regarding the Department of Community Affairs possible lawsutt, and inquired whether the CCPC could possibly meet before June 14, 1993. County Attorney Cuyler suggested that the Board may want to con- sider setting time limits themselves and directing the Advisory Boards to react in a certain amount of time. William Lorenz, Administrator of Environmental Services, reported that Staff dtd not have the opportunity to give their presentation and that the CCPC wanted more wrttten information for their review. County Manager Dorrill agreed that the CCPC be given notice of a deadline. Co~missioner Volpe emphasized that the CCPC should act and have their recommendation ready for the Board so that the first advertised meeting could be held on June 2, 1993. After a brief discussion tt was decided that the CCP¢ schedule an emergency session in the briefest amount of time possible. Tape H4 (2339) County Attorney Cuyler reported that the CCPC could meet on June 10, 1993, which would allow the Board of County Commissioners to meet June 16, 1993 and June 29, 1993 at 5:05 P.M. Conissionsr Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews, carried 4/0, {Commissioner Saunders out) that the Collier County Planning Co~mtssion will meet on June 10, 1993 to consider the Habitat Protection Ordinance and the amendments to the Land Development Code. Tmpe H3 (1226) Item HIOG Page 25 May 18, 1993 WOItF.~HOP REGARDING THE ACTIONS OF THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD AND THE BLACK AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD TO BE HELD AT REGULAR BCC MEETING Commissioner Constantine acknowledged the ~etter Commissioner Saunders received from the Black Affairs Advisory Board requesting a workshop on June 22, 1993 to discuss their proposal for an Equal Opportunity Commission. Commissioner Volpe inquired whether this could be discussed at a regular meeting and Commissioner Norris reminded the Board that it had previously been decided that this item would be heard at a regular meeting. County Manager Dorrill noted the budget workshops along with a ~otnt meeting with the City Council scheduled for June. After a brief discussion it was decided that the proposal would be discussed at a regular meeting. Item~12C1 RESOLUTION 93-20? TO VACATE A 60 FOOT ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PLATTED AS ROMANO TERRACE AS LOCATED ON THE PLAT OF MARCO BEACH UNIT 3 - ADOPTED Ruse Muller of the Transportation Services Division explained that this item is m reconsideration of Petition AV-92-020 for the vacation of an existing road known as Romano Terrace on Marco Island. He noted that this Item had been continued from March 23, 1993 based on the Board of County Co~mtssioners directive of April 20, 1993. Mr. Muller described the location of the property and the reason for the request. He reported that Staff reco,~ends denial. The fo/lowing people spoke regarding this Item: Dave Brunet Warren Wheeler Sam Turtel John Oberg Paul Hoy Tape #4 Ltnda Ceroltak John Prout Linda Garcla Don Miller Vic Dekonschln Bill Lambert Michael Hughes Ed Clark Catherine Prout Desmond Garcia Ron Junta In response to Commissioner Norris, County Attorney Cuyler replied that if a condition ts made part of the approval of this vacation and Page 26 May 18, 1993 the Church agrees to sign a deed restriction, it may be possible to legally forbid the use of the lots for parking, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald responded affir- matively to Commissioner Volpe's question as to whether Romans Terrace is required for public use and convenience. County Attorney Cuyler clarified the legal parameters by stating that the term "vacation" is used in two statutes; in this case the closing of the road must be in the public's best interest, in the other statute "public convenience" is a factor in determining public benefit. In response to Commis~ioner Volpe, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald maintained that there is a general public benefit to eliminating Romans Terrace by eliminating a roadway from the county maintenance system. Commissioner Volpe inquired if this vacation could be approved with the condition that other than Lot l, Block 81, that if any other lots are used for any other purpose other than single family residen- ces, the property that is being vacated would revert to the public. County Attorney Cuyler indicated that the petitioner would have to agree on record to such a stipulation. Commissioner Constantine asked Mr. Mil/er if he would agree to the "reverter" clause suggested by Commissioner Volpe. Mr. Brunet agreed as Attorney for the church, with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees Chairman and also the President of the church. Commissioner Constantine closed the public hearing. Co~iastoner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine, to grant Petition AV-92-020 with stipulations as discussed, to include the f~n~ing that it is in the public's best interest and the simulta- neous acceptance of utility easements, thereby adopting Resolution 93-207. Russ Muller explained that an existing sanitary sewer runs under Romans Terrace. Upon cmlling for the question, the motion carried 4/0 (Conditioner Saunders out). Page 27 May 18, 1993 Item ~14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATION Commissioner Volpe asked Mr. Cuyler when the codfftcatton of existing ordinances will take place. Mr. Cuyler indicated he would check and report his findings to the Board. Commissioner Volpe inquired as to what Advisory Boards have their own stationary and business cards, and County Manager Dorrlll indi- cated he would check and report his findings to the Board. Commissioner Matthews stated that she would be unavailable to attend the Budget hearing scheduled for June 16, 1993. It was the consensus that the Budget Workshops would be held on June 14, June 21, and June 23, 1993. Commissioner Matthews revealed that she has received a number of telephone calls complaining about an area called Pipers Pasture regarding odor, vultures and suspected illegal dumping which could possibly affect the groundwater. County Manager Dorrtll stated that Pipers Pasture is approved and permitted for sludge disposal and inspections are done regularly, but he will investigate the situation and report his findings to Commissioner Matthews before the end of the week. *** Counissioner Matthews moved, seconded by Cow=tssloner Norris Matthew~ and carried 5/0, that the following items under the con- ael~t agenda be approved and/or adopted: Ite~91~A1 THE FINAL PLAT OF "NORTH COLLIER INDUSTRIAL CENTER" - WITH THE STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY See Pages Ite~ ~16B1 deleted It~16B2 STATUTORY DEED RELINQUISHING COLLIER COUNTY'S UTILITY INTERESTS AS SET FORTH IN THE WARRANTY DEEDS FOR TRACTS 85 AND 86 IN NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK See Pages 0'~' C~ Item ~16B3 moved to ~SB1 45 Page 28 ~a¥ 18, 1993 SATISFACTIONS OF NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PAFME~T OF SEWER IMPACT F~ES FORMARK AND RHONDA DICKE~N AND CATEY Item #IGD2 FINALIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONT~ACT WITH D. N. HIGGINS, INC. FOR THE EAST AND SOUTH NAPLES COLLECTION SYSTEM CONTRACT NO. 3, AND UTILITIES AD~INISTRATOR TO EXECUTE SAID FINAL PAYMENT Item ,16D3 FINALIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH D. N. RIGGINS, INC., SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL SYSTEM, CONTRACT NO. 4 MASTER PUMP STATION CONTRACT, AND UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE SAID FINAL PAYMENT Item BID ~93-2020 FOR ELECTRICAL PA~TS AND SUPPLIES - AWARDED TO RICHARDS ELEC/~RIC, CON~0LIDATED ELECTRIC AND GRAYBAR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Item916G1 CE~TIFIC&TES OF CORRECTION TO THE 1992 AND 1993 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SI~CLIkL ASSESSMENT ROLLS Itwm~16G2 See Pages ~ -- 7/ MID-%EAR ADJUSTMENTS TO WATER MANAGEMENT CIP BUDGET (FUND 325) Item ~16G3 BID ~93-2034 FOR GORDON RIVER AMIL GATES REPAIR AND REHABILITATION - AWARDED TO MITCHELL & STARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT OF 854,800 Item I~ROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE RENOVATION AND EXPANSION DESIGN OF THE IMMOKALEE RECREATION CENTER - WITH THE #! RANKED FIRM OF BARANY, SCIiMITT, WEAVER, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $235,702 Item#16H2 WORE ORDER UNDER TH~ PELICAN BAY SERVICE DIVISION'S CO3RRENT PROFESSIONAL ENGIITEERING AGREEMENT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON & PEEK IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000, TO PHEPARE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE AND FOR DE~T SERVICE FOR THE OUTSTANDING PRIOR PELICAN BAY IMPR0~ DISTRICT BONDS Page 29 May 18, 1993 Item#16H3 STIPULATED FINAL JUDGMENT RELATIVE TO THE EASEMENT ACQUISITION OF PARCEL NUMBERS 270 AND 104.1B/62?B AS ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, DRAINAGE UTILIT~ AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS LOCATED IN THE NAPLES PRODUCTION PARK M.S.T.U. Ite~#1611 RESOLUTION 93-202 REAPPOINTING ED GAUTHIER, ROBERT ALLEN, PHILIP KEYES, DON VANDERBAAN, ED MAGERO AND TIM NEVAREZ; AND APPOINTING CYITTHIA OtCONNOR, CARL HANKINS AND MELINDA PANIAGUA RIDDLE TO THE SOUTI~6~ST FLORIDA PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL, INC. See Pages ~;~)' ~' / Ira ~16J MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following m~scellaneous correspondence was filed and or referred as presented by the Board of County Commfsstoners: Page 30 May 18, 1993 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO TEE TAX ROLLS AS PP~ESENTED BY THE P~OFERT~APPRAISER 1989 TAX ROLL No. Date 302 05/06/93 1990 TAX ROLL 334 05/05/93 1992-137 Item ,16El 1992 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 05/12/93 BUDGET AMEHT~I~NT RECOGNIZING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT AM3~RD J~P-93-04-03-11 IN THE AMOUNT OF $122,675 Item ,16K2 1991/92 FUND 602 CARRYFORWARD P~ECOGNIZED; CONFISCATED T~UST FUNDS TO I~ROVIDK FORDING FOR TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT, CRIME PT. EVENTION, N~IGHBORHOOD WATCH AND DEFRAYING THE COST OF COMPLEX INVESTIGATIONS - IN THE &MOUNT OF $147,553 Itw~916K3 SATISFACTION OF LIEN DOCUMENTS FILED ON REAL PROPERTY FOR THE ABATEME]IT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE See Pages 72- 7q There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 3:40 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL .: ,- :. ';< . %.:~-j ': ,.~ * , .... ~ BURT L. SAUNDERS CHAIRMAN ~hese 'l~'e. a~ed by the Board on ~~~ /~/~ as presented ,,' ] ~ or as corrected . )OOK O{~OPIG[ 50 Page 31