BCC Minutes 06/14/1993 B (Budget Workshop) Naples, Florida, June 14, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in BUDGET WOR~S~0P S~$SION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: (Absent) CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine 3ohn C. Norris Michael 3. Volpe Bettye 3. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Annette Guevin, Recording Secretary and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator: Bob Blanchard, Growth Management Director; Dave Pettrow, Site Development Review Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director; Mike McNees, Budget Director: Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director; Martha Skinner, Social Services Director; Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Unit Director; Robert Demarest, Library Director; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director; Sandra Taylor, Real Property Director; Dan Pucher, Fleet Management Director; Skip Camp, Facilities Management Director; Steve Brinkman, Parks & Recreation Director; Denise Coleman, Agriculture Extension Director; ~ens Staudenmaler, Animal Control Director; Greg Mihalic, Affordable Housing Director; Ron Jamro, Museum Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Director; 3ohn MadaJewski, Project Plan Review Manager; Ken Baginski, Current Planning Mana.~er; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Section Chief; Roger Evans, Health Administration Business M&.~ager; 3elf Perry, Chief Transportation Planner; Diane Brubaker, Pt~blic Affairs Coordinator; Barbara Wescott, Information Systems Page 1 · June 14, 1993 Coordinator; Sandy Homeler, Golden Date Community Center Supervisor; Ed Mm~u~rm, Development Compliance Supervisor; Jean Gansel, Bob Byrne, Ed Finn and Mike Smykowski, Budget Analysts; and Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Page 2 June 14, 1993 Legal not/ce having been published in the Naples Daily News on Ju/le 10, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi/ed with the Clerk, a budget workshop was held ~o review Line Item Budgets for 1993-94. Mike McNees, Budget Director, advised the Board that the tentative mill&gas compared to the rollback ars not available for this meeting, b~/t w111 be provided before the next session. (?0) Jean Oans~l, Budget Analyst, e.platned the Contract Agencies are classified into two different typeg. She said the first group Inclu- des organizations which the County has a Statutory responsibility to fund or & Governmental or a quasi-governmental organization which the County has a history of funding. She noted the second group includes the social service agencies, for which the Board by policy has capped fug~dlng at $100,000 for FY 94. (loo) O~ll/e~ O~ntT P~bllc ~e&lth ~nlt Ms. Gansel referred to page 1 of the agenda package, stating that the Board, during the program prioritizing process, has ranked all the Health Unit's programs as Mandated. She said page 2 shows a net 1ncremae to the genera/ fund of 2.4 percent. She Indicated the pri- ory reason for the 1ncreaee ts due to a projected decrease in revs- Responding to Commissioner Matthews, Dr. Jane Polkowskt, Public Health Unit Director, explained the revenue has decreased due to a ~eduction in a State ~rant. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Dr. Polkowski replied that there ls no request mechanism for State funds. She said the State slmpl¥ !dentlfles the amount of funding the Public Health Unit will receive. Ms. Gansel noted this budge~ consists of $3,000, which is an annua! contribution for services involving tree care in urban Page June 14, 1993 forestry. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Tom Olliff, Public Services Ad~lnistrator, indicated he is not aware of the independent Fire Districts contributing to the cost of the County Forester program. Commissioner Norris asked what will be the effect if this funding ts cut? Mr, Olliff responded he must check whether the State will replace County funds if this is removed from the budget. County Manager Dorrtll stated this budget will be shown as a potential reduction, with a final decision by the Board at a wrap up session after all the workshops have been completed. (~) Ns. Oansel reported Staff is recommending an allocation of $6?0,300, which is the same as last year's budget. She said that reco~endation is based on prior Board directives to maintain alloca- tions for these types of organizations at the same level. David Schimmel, Executive Director of the David Lawrence Center, Inc., stated he is requesting a 5 percent increase over last year's funding because they have secured an additional million dollars from the State of Florida to operate an intensive psychiatric residential treatment center for children. Commissioner Volpe commented he cannot support a 5 percent increase in funding, when the Public Health Unit has increased by 2.4 percent. He said he may agree to an increase between zero and 5 per- cent. Couieeloner Matthews agreed with Com~issioner Volpe's position. Couleeioner Norris noted he is comfortable with Staff's recommen- dation, to which Commissioner Constmntine concurred, (~o) 0o111e'~ f~ol1 imd Nater District M~. Ganael communicated this District assists all Collier County res/dents with natural resource management. She advised Staff lo Page 4 June 14, 1993 reco~ending the sase allocation as FY 93, specifically, $17,300, although their request was significantly higher. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Tony Pollzo with the Soil ~nd Water District, explained the County provides funding for a part- time adatntstrattve assistant and some operating expenses. He said If the County removes its contribution from this program, their doors would be closed during business hours, because the field personnel are not at the office. He 8aid it will be difficult to conduct business with only a phone recorder. Co~lsetoner Constantine asked if the district receives any reve- nue from the requests received from residents7 Mr. Poltzo replied they are prohibited by federal law from charging for their services. Coutsstoner Volpe commented in his opinion, there ts a duplica- tion of effort between this District and the County's own agencies. He concluded that he will not support funding this program in FY 94. Co~tssloner Norris agreed with Commissioner Volpe's comments. Co~lsstoner Matthews questioned what will happen if the County does not provide its share of funding? Mr. Polizo Indicated that action may send a signal to the State and federal governments to cut their services. He said County funds help keep their doors open. It was the consensus to eliminate funding for the Collier Soil and Water District, with the stipulation that more information will be supplied regarding the services currently being provided by County agencies. (lslo) Ne. Ganeel noted all organizations which received funding in FY 93 have again requested funding, plus three additional groups. She said the Epilepsy Foundation and Child Care of South West Florida have been allocated an equal amount to the groups from the previous year, however, once again, the Naples Leadership School applied too late. Page June 14, 1993 Commissioner Constantine communicated the Board has been attempting to phase out funding of these types of requests, therefore, it dome not ~ake sense to add two new groups. He indicated his pre- ference is to rea/locate the $16,400 planned for the Epilepsy Foundation and Child Care of South West Florida, to those organiza- tions which have been funded in the past. It was the consensus to redistribute the funds as suggested by Commissioner Constantine. County Manager Dorrlll stated the new allocation to each organiza- tion will be $10,040. Bob Byrne, Budget Analyst, referred to page 26, stating there is ~ overall decrease of 3.8 percent in this budget. In response to Com~issioner Matthews, Mr. O//iff replied $50000 has been eliminated in discretionary funds. He also noted $2,000 has ~ulnually been contributed towards an exhibit at the State Fair, which hmo been el~mtnated In ~ 94. (~) Mr. Byrne explained personal services t8 above budget in this department primarily due to term/nation pay as well as the replacement for the Veterans Services Officer coming in at the control point. He Bentioned operating expenses have d,~clined due to the elimination of the department car. Commissioner Volpe questioned if the 3 percent increase in gross payTol! has been built into this de])artment, to which Mr. Olliff responded In the affirmative. Commissioner Volpe pointed out The Veterans Services Officer was hired at the control point. He asked if a three percent increase has been budgeted for that position? County Manager Dorrill stated if that increase has been budgeted, ~t can be removed. ,00K 000', 07 Page 6 June 14, 1993 Commissioner Volpe stated it should be removed, to which Comm~esioner Constantine concurred. Mr. Byrne referred to pages 30 and 31 of the agenda packet. He sa~d this budget has experienced an overall increase of § percent. He noted most of the costs are associated with electricity for additional facilities that will be coming on line. Commissioner Volpe questioned the status of the Indian Village, which is proposed to be a major undertaking. County Manager Dorrtll explained discussions have taken place with regard to formalizing the three Indian Days events that occur ~ually. He sa~d proposals concerning either the expanded Indian Village or the Native American exhibit hall may be discussed w~htn the next few weeks when the agreement for the Indl~ Days events is f ~nal lzed. In ree~nse ~o Co~lesloner ~atthews, Mr. Byrne replied with raged to capita/ outlay, $1,000 ha~ been included ~n the budget for historical artifact purchases ~d ~ additional $1,000 Is for software upgrades for the museum data base p~'ogram. Co~ssloner Ms,thews co,anted she has met with representatives of the Everglades C~y ~se~ who m~nttoned needing matching funds for a gr~. Ron J~o, Museum Director, rem~trked hie budget ~ncludes only a s~ll amo~ In electricity charges for that facility. Cowry M~ager Dorrlll no,ed those types of costs w~ll be addressed ~n a separate capital Improvement budge~. Mr. Byrne noted there is an exp~tnded request for Animal Contro for the FY 94 budget, requesting the addition of a Secretary II posi- t~on, because there is currently no clerical support at that facility. He said this request is being offset: by the reduction of a Park " Page ? June 14, 1993 Progra~ Leader. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the necessity of a full-t/me clerical position in this department. Xt was the consensus that the expanded request for a full-time Secretary II position will be reduced to a part-time pos/tton. Nr. Byrne stated this budget has declined by 5.5 percent due to elAIAnatton of two positions which were not reflected in the original budget. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Denise Coleman, Agriculture Extension Director, added there has also been a vacancy within her department. (82o) Mr. Byrne reported an overall decline of 2.1 percent in this budget, which he stated is due to a reduction in projected Medicaid N~raing Home, shelter and Health Cars Responsibility Act costs. (soa) Mr. Byrne presented the esttmat,~d amount of $100,O00 In County · atching funds necessary for this program for FY 94. He noted these grants are not In the County's fiscal year and are presented to the Board on an individual basle throughout the year. M~rtha Skinner, Social Services Director, noted with this local ~atch, Collier County ts receiving 3613,000 in grant money. Mr. Byrne noted this budget has Increased by approximately 10 per- cent due to an expanded service rec~lest for an additional Secretary II, the increased health care costs and the maintenance contracts associated with the Library automation system. Page 8 June 14, 1993 Co.missioner Matthews asked what has generated the Increase in libraz-~ materials since the preliminary budget was presented? Robert Demarest, Library Director, explained this budget request reflects a request for an additional $200,000 that was designed to be mn integral part of the Growth Management Plan. He recalled a change tn the Level of Service (LOS) standard was approved in 1992 by the Board of County Commissioners, and this figure represents the cost to deal with that change. He said it also provides a portion of the add- ltional funds required to purchase an opening day collection for the Qolden Qate Estates Branch Library. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Demarest stated there has only been one secretarial position since he has been associated with the Library for more than 14 years, and during that time, the Increase in workload has been staggering. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Demarest indicated without the addition of an Acquisitions Assistant, he will not have sufficient personnel to handle the increase in capital materials. He remarked this Is a requested position which is not included in the proposed b~dgmt because it has been listed as Not Recommended. {1oaT) Mr. Byrne indicated there has been an overall increase of 3.7 per- cent in this budget, mainly due to health costs and a vacancy. He noted capital outlay includes replacement of the Center's roof as well aa rep/acing the front doors to comply with ADA standards, (XSOT) Mr. Byrne referred to page 49, stating there has been an overall increase of 10 percent, with one expanded service request for a new basketball court at one of the parks. He 8aid Included in personal services are positions for the Golden Gate Aquatic Facility that are being phased tn during FY 93, which also explains the increase in operating expenses. ,oo 10 Page 9 June 14, ~993 Reml;onding to Commissioner Voll)e, Steve Brlnkman, Parks and Recreation Director, explained the revenues noted on page 49 do not factor in any beach parking fees, })er direction of the Board of County Commissioners. In answer to Commissioner Volp(~, Mr. Brinkman stated the Aquatic Facility is projected to incur operational costs of $592,000 per year, which will be offset by revenues of $100,000. He said the shortfall of $492,000 will be handled through the General Fund. Referring to page 51, the Parks and Recreation MSTD General Fund, Mr. Byrne noted there has been an increase in expenses of .5 percent, while there has been a large increase in revenues, resulting in a net decrease to the MSTD General Fund of 1.1 percent. He pointed out although the Program Leader position was eliminated from this fund for the benefit of the Animal Control department, there has not been a net change in the number of positions, because two part-time positions were combined into one full-time 3ob. Zd Finn, Budget Analyst, presented the budget for the Ad~inietrative Services Division. Commissioner Matthews questioned what has been done to decrease operating expenses by 4 percent in this fund? Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, replied that they have been able to reduce supply and operating costs slightly in each object code. Mr. Finn advised that due to the Clerk's intention to eliminate hie Internal Service Fund, a new Internal Service Fund has been created and included in this budget. He noted the forecast column includes 8125,000 in capital expenditures associated with the new com- ~ttter recently approved for purchase. He added the 850,000 in increased operating expenses are associated with paying the Clerk for Page 10 June 14, 1993 ~inteinlng that computer, which is a new line Item In the budget. Responding to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. McNeea etated this department has only two employees. He said one of those positions was tnxdgetsd at the control point during FY 93, who tn reality ts being paid $3,000 leas. Therefore, he said, with the increase tn health lneurance and the decrease tn the salary budgeted for the coming year, there is a net decrease tn personal services of .8 percent. (277e) Referring to pages 58 and 59, Idr. Finn explained the various per- sorulel changes that have taken place In this department, resulting tn personal services that are lower than tn FY 93. Answering Commissioner Matthewl~, Skip Camp, Facilities Management Director, stated operating expenae~ have decreased by more than 11 percent due to the re-bid of Janitor/a/ services, which saved approxi- mately $150,000. ll~t ~t Mr. Finn enumerated the capita] outlay expenditures forecasted tn this budget. He said there has also been a fairly large increase In operating expenses, tn large part due to heavy equipment repairs for equip~ent used at the landfill. Commissioner Volpe asked if the County has realized the projected aavlnge that were anticipated by bringing this work in-house? Mr. 0cha replied in the affirmative, adding since the program was initiated In FY 92, cumulative labor savings have amounted to $655,6'77. Mr. Firm next referred to page 63, stating this fund ts used to acctt~ulate funds put aside for the eventual replacement of motor pool vehicles. He indicated all revenues from this department are budgeted in the user departments. He remark.ed 43 vehicles are proposed for Page 11 June 14, 1993 replacement in FY 94, including approximately three EMS unite to be refurbished or replaced at a cost of 8150,000. Mr. Finn noted personal servicers in this department have not Increased significantly due to one tenured employee being replaced with a new person, Nr. Finn conented the only change in this budget Ie the upgrade of a part-time position to full-ttr~e. Mr. Oche explained this departnent currently consists of two full- }, time positions ~nd one person working 29 hours per week. :~. Mr. Oche following co~ments were Inaudible to the Recording Secretary. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Ochs stated part-time e~ployeee receive pro-rated leave benefits, but no health insurance. He said the expanded service reque~t of $4,200 to make this position full-time ie primarily due to health insurance costs. Co~mleeloner Volpe questioned ~hy this expanded service request wa~ not included tn the program pr;lortty budget? Mr. Oche stated there has been Increased activity tn the tours being provided to the public school system, the numbers of publica- tions, and Initiation of the automi~ted complaint tracking system. He Indicated at the present time, one of the two full-time positions covers the reception desk which mu~t be manned at all times. He said that leaves one remaining full-time employee and the part-time person to handle the tours, clerical work and complaints. Co~uateatoner Volpe questioned whether tours can be given by volun- teers? Diana Brubaker, Pub/lc Affairs Coordinator, indicated she con- tinue~ to look into the RSVP program to utilize those volunteers tn Page 12 June 14, 1993 conducting tours, but has been unsmcceeeful to date. She reported she ie &leo checking with the Naples Daily News regarding their list of volunteer services. Coulesioner Volpe suggested involving the Chambers of Commerce with the tours. Mr. Finn noted there has been & 4.9 percent increase in personal services tn this budget, directly attributable to the health insurance increases. He pointed out a sma/] decrease in operating expenses is the result of several small cuts In several areas. He called atten- tion to a small decrease in revenues due to the new manner in which the proceeds of the surplus auction are handled. ~~~t Mr. Finn explained the program priorities in this area have been broken do~n into two parts, the Administration portion and the o~eratlng costs associated with the Ieuaokalee Cemetery. He sald both sections are contained in the department budget detail on page 72. He reported a slight decrease has occurred in personal services because of the elimination of a Real Property Specialist, which should offset the decreases in revenue. He cautioned that the position may need to be revisited in the event the five-year road building program is acce- lerated. Com~tseloner Volpe inquired what services this department provides to the Constitutional Officers7 Sandra Taylor, Real Property Director, replied her department handles leasing substations for the Sheriff's Office and the clerical work &seoctated with those leases. She said they also work with the ~ulti-purpose training facility through the GAC Land Trust. She men- tioned the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector handle most of their own leasing, a/though her department monitors those leases. (~ee! Page 13 June 14o 1993 ~r. Finn reported the forecast expenditures Include $50,000 tn engineering fees for the Golden Gate Library. He said the balance of pllr~led expenditures Include the Sheriff's multi-purpose training facility and purchasing land for the Library. Commissioner Matthews questioned what effort ts being made to con- tinue selling land in This Trust? Me. Taylor responded the land is being advertised in the Naples Dally News and the Golden Gate Gazette, however, there has been no real activity. She noted of the remaining 800 acres, they are working with the Department of Natural Resources on the possible purchase of 250 to 300 acres south of Alligator Alley. (&lo) ~ & c~alt~ Insurance Mr. Finn pointed out the County's retained loss for each claim has been Increased from $2~,000 to 8100,000 and reinsurance costs have been reduced by the same 8100,000. He said this change, along with recent damage experienced as the result of Hurricane Andrew has dic- tated an Increase of 8125,000 for County paid property claims. Commissioner Volpe asked if this insurance ts bid each year? Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director, explained a broker selec- tion process was utilized for the plier year, primarily tn an attempt to reduce the amount the County was paying In commissions. Mr. Ocha reported County Attorn~y Cuyler has been tn touch with Mr. Walker regarding the issue of potential settlements on inverse condemnation case~ that may not be covered under the County's current liability or property programs. He indicated County Attorney Cuyler has asked that Mr. Walker begin to fund those as part of his property ~ casualty budget In FY 94. He stated the County Attorney ie pre- pared to address this Issue tn more detail during the Board's discussion of hie budget. Mr. Finn noted this budget has been increased by 8100,000. He said the insurance reserves have Increased considerably. He Indicated Page 14 June 14, 1993 one additional position, a Safety Analyst, has been requested to assist County departments in complying with OSHA requirements. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Walker recalled during the Utilities Division presentation, money was included in those budgets to hire consultants for this work. He said after looking into this issue, the cost of hiring a consultant would be far in excess of what it would cost to hire a person to handle the types of responsibilities involved. He r(~marked the dollar amount being reqalested ts the result of checking with other Counties to ascertain what they pay for this type of position. Commissioner Yelps questioned if this person will provide the training to all County depar,'ments? County Manager Dorrill replied other than a very small amount of Jaoney left in the Utility budgets for specialty type consulting needs, this ia the only occupational safety request being proposed. eeo I)01~~ Clerk Hoffm~n rapl~cod Recording SocrstL-~ Ou~vtn ltimk ~t - (~roup Health and %,ifs Insurance Administrative Services Administrator Ochs explained that the current 1992/93 budget contains approximately $6.1 million to pay medical claims under the Self-Funded Group Medical Program. He re~orTed that as a result of a combination of increased utilizat~on and medical inflation, it is projected that paid claims for the current fiscal year will be approximately $8 million. He indicated that staff will address this deficit at the Regular Board meeting on Juno lSth. With regards to next year's group medical budget, Mr. Ochs stated that ataff is projecting that paid claims will be approximately $9.8 million. He pointed out that in the 1991/92 and 1992/93 budget, the annual premium rate for single coverage ts $1,860 and the family pre- mtttB is $4,704. Mr. echo remarked that staff will be seeking direction as to a Page 15 June 14, 1993 rate increase for next year in order to generate $9.8 million. He noted th&t with no plan design changes or cost shifting beyond having employees contribute $300 per year towards the cost of dependent medi- cal insurance, annual rates for single coverage would be $2,280 and $7,296 for family coverage. He noted that the increase to the Board would be 52.9% for single coverage and 58,4~ for family coverage. Mr. Ochs offered the following alternatives in an attempt to reduce the current costs: 1. Cost shifting tn the cost from the Board to employees through direct contributions for dependent coverage. 2. Plan design changes tn the deductible, out-of-pocket limits on expenses, or percentage of co-payments. 3. Obtaining a handle on the cost of the service as it is pro- vtded or delivered by the medical Industry. *** Co~tuton~r Volp~ arrived mt this County Manager Dorrill announced that a combination of things will have to be done: plan changes to increase the deductible and Increase the rate of co-pay2ent; and defining what an eligible Emergency Room visit ~ould be. In answer to Co~tsstoner Norris# Risk Management Director ~alker advised that the average annual cost per employee~ per year# is &pproxi~ately 54,200. He Indicated that §0~ of the costs are tn hospl~aliz&tlon type services. Mr. ~alker revealed that a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) &rrange~ent would substantially reduce these costs. He Indicated that a proposal has been received from one PPO~ desiring to come Into the area. He reported that after analyzing the County's data for the first seve~ months of this year~ the PPO advised that $3?9,000 could be saved for this seven month period on hospital costs. Mr. ~alker indicated that he has met with representatives from Naples Coca, unity Hospital and they would like to enter into an agreement to work with staff to attempt to manage the County's health care coats, however~ they have not provided any dollar figures. County Manager Dorrlll s~ated that he would like to receive final Page 16 June 14, 1993 reco~aendations relative to this issue prior to the Board's vacation within the next two weeks. Mr. Walker advised that he needs to meet with the Constitutional Officers to discuss the PPO issue and the plan design issues before coming back to the Board for a final decision. Mr. McNees stated for purposes of the Tentative Budget, staff will continue to assume the worst case scenario, as reflected in the figures as presented. ~~ ~l~l~nt A~lnlatratloa Budget Analyst Ed Finn called attention to Pages 80 and 81 of the packet. He noted that the intent is to offset some of the ad valorem Costa of this Department with 113 funds. Mr. Finn stated that Pages 82 and 83 reflect the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council budget which is state mandated and based on population estimates. Mr. Finn explained that Pages 84 and 85 contain the Housing and Urban Improvement budget. He pointed out that the forecast amount of $?SO,O00 for impact fees represents the current outstanding liabili- ties for the payment of impact fees, including the hospital in Iuokalee and the Expanded Service of 8450,000 is the number deter- mined by the Board during the Program Priority review. Greg Mlhaltc, Affordable Housing Director, spoke to the issue of submitting the County's Housing Assistance Plan to the State, and the rejection of same. He advised that the Plan will be presented to the Oo~m~ission on June 22nd and re-submitted to the State by the end of the month. Mr. Mihsltc expladned that he had hoped that the County could reimbllrse itself with SKIP monies for impact fee relief that was granted during this fiscal year, however, the State has denied this Page 17 June 14, 1993 request. He revealed that the State will not allow the County to rl~mburme itself for anything that was done, prior to approval of the SHIP Plan. Commissioner Volpe remarked that he does not support including $450,000 in the budget for impact fee waivers. Commissioner Oonstantine concurred. Commissioner Matthews voiced concerns with regard to commitments that have been in the current fiscal year ~n the amount of $730,000 and now being informed that those funds are not available. Commissioner Norris suggested that a budget amendment be prepared if a~d when the funds become availa'31e. Mr. McNees revealed if there is any expectation of any significant ex~enditure, beyond the SHIP funds, ~he contingency reserves for Fiscal 94 in the Unincorporated General Fund are only $380,000, noting that the $4§0,000 is larger than the reserve in that fund. He indi- cated that it is not as responsible to budget nothing as it would be to leave whatever reasonable expectation would be. The consensus of the Commission was not to commit additional ad valorem dollars for impact fee waivers since there Is already a commitment of $730,000. Mr. Finn noted that Page 86 reflects Fund 121, Urban Improvement Grant. Me reported that the Forecast column Includes expenditures for rehabilitating rental properties in Naples Manor. He stated that the budget for next year is carry forward funds from prior programs as well as additional reimbursement from prior years' settlement and these funds are being placed in reserves, pending a determination as to where the carry forward came from. Mr. Finn stated that Page 87 details the Block Grant Fund 321. He d~vulged that the Forecast programs include the Copeland water and eewer pro~ect, low interest loan program for Hurricane Andrew victims, and the Immokalee Airport/Industrial Park project funded by a Department of Commerce Grant. Page 18 June 14, 1993 Mr. Finn called attention to Page 88, detailing the Code Inforcement program budget. He pointed out that the "Microfilming of Records' was not reviewed as part of the Program Budgeting. He noted that this program is included in the Expanded column in the Tentative Budget. In answer to Commissioner Volp~, Code Enforcement Supervisor Clark advised that the storage space that had been utilized for the 50,000 cases per year is no longer available and offices are being used for storage. Mr. Clark explained that the additional Housing Code Investigator position is dove-tailing with Mr. Mihalic's problem area of sub- standard housing. He noted that 30 structures have been targeted to be demolished in the Cope/and area alone. He reported that 11 units have recently been demolished in Is~okalee and another 40 units are targeted for same. He revealed there are approximately 500 sub- et~u~dard thnite that are not demoltshable but need to be brought up to County standards and this takes a lot of investigative and code enfor- cs~en~ effort. Budget Analyst Finn stated that the MPO program budget begins on Page 91. He indicated that Page 92 reflects a sizeable increase in personal services which is attributable to moving the Bicycle Pedestrian Program into this budget and out of the other MPO budget. MlmO Coordinator Perry advised that the Planner that ie developing the Bicycle Pedestrian Program is funded with a 50/§0 State Grant, County Match. He reported that this program is being moved into a Federal Program and will now be funded with 90~ federal funding and 10~ local satch. He noted that this position is being moved from one cost center to another, however, there is no increase in the number of staff positions. Page 19 June 14, ~993 Mr. Perry communicated that four personal computera, funded 90~ with federal monies, will replace seven year old computers. Mr. Finn called attention to Page 94, Miscellaneous Grants of the MPO. He pointed out that the Forecast column details expenditures for the completion of aeveral grant related programa, i.e. Comprehensive Plan Consistency Study, Transportation Plan Update and Transit Feasibility Study. Mr. Finn stated that the Program budget for Long Range Planning begins on Page 96. Calling attention to Page 98, he remarked that the $4,900 Capital Outlay ts for two 486 computers that have been ~rchased this year, funded with revenue from the City of Naples for the ~mle of ~ps. Mr. Finn announced that the current service budget reflects an increase for one Engineering Technician that previously had been budgeted in Fund 113, doing addressing functions. He Indicated that this position is responsible for providing general addressing related services. Mr. Finn remarked that revenue sources for this department include & $15,000 transfer from the Community Development Fund for mapping services as well aa department revenue which is generated from ade- quate public facilitiea fees. In response to Co,missioner Vo]pe, Site Development Review Director Blanchard advised that the Economic Development Element is an optional element and does not have to be adopted as part of the Growth ~agemen~ Plan, but instead, it could be adopted by ordinance and be¢om an Economic Development Plan for the County. Mr. Finn mnnounced that the Fund Summary for Community Development Je detailed on Page 99. He related that for the last three years, the revenue source for thia fund (113) which is principally building per- mits, has taken a down turn. He indicated that building permit reve- nues for this year are significantly below what was anticipated in the Page 20 June 14, 1993 adopted budget. He stated that the current service budget Includes a mil increase tn permit fees slnc,9 this ts what is anticipated to be generated next year. Co--unity Development Services Administrator Brutt provided various suggestions and recommendations with regard to Building Permit Fame. He remarked that staff is reco~uaending that the office be closed since only three l~ermits per day are being processed. Be advised that a 12' x 12' room in the fire station can be rented for $280 per month and this would be a cost savings of $60,000 per year. He divulged that services would continue to be provided to that area however, the costs would be reduced. Nr. Brutt recommended increasing the fees, associated with the record room. Ed Magulre, Development Compll(tnce Supervisor explained the ~nm~ct~on process and the ~ssuance~ of permits. Co~lssloner Volpe stated that staff i~ asking that the budget be appr~ed, in anticipation of approving an increase in ~ees, noting he d~s not ~derst~d the Justification o~ same. Nr. B~tt revealed that there t~ an $800,000 di~erence between Nr. McNeee explained that staff's plan to deal with this deficit involves fee increasem and this wo~ld be budgeted, however, if at a ~uture date the Co~ss~on chose tc decline the revenue structure, Mr. B~tt ~d the Budget Office would need to determine what to do in this reg~d. Nr. F~ advised that ~n the event the Board does not approve the feem am presented, the shortfall would ~ncrease ~rom ~200~000 to 860~,000 ~d th~s would be made up by fund reserves. Mr. Finn announced that Pages 100 and 101 reflect this depart- ment'm budget detail. He pointed out that one Engineering Technician position has been transferred to Long Range Planning, reducing costs Page 21 June 14, 1993 ~F $33,900. In addition, he related that one clerical position has been transferred to the Clerk's office to perform cashiering func- tlons. He noted that one Customer Service Agent and funding for the I~mokalee office have not been included in this budget for a savings of $61,800. Mr. Finn divulged that increases in operating expenses Include $22,000 for MIS charges, $8,800 for copying charges, 810,800 for training and miscellaneous office operating costs. Mr. Finn advised that the expanded service is necessary to lease an engineering copier and the hiring of a clerical position. He noted that the copier w~ll pay for itself and the clerical position will allow for the creation of a mailing! list program to notify users of the department and advise of changes in the Code and permitting pro- cedures. He remarked that subscription fees will be charged to the st%bscribers and it is anticipated that $27,000 will be generated. Th6 consensus of the Commission was not to include the expanded funding as requested. Budget Analyst Finn announced that this department deals with development and building. He reported that the decrease in Personal Services is due to a large decrease in other salaries and wages. He noted that the decrease in operating expenses is attributable to reallocating building related costs to a new building operation cost center, reductions in the indirect service charge as a result of last year's reorganization, reclassifying a Project Planner posit/on to a Planner II and eliminating a $52,000 surveying contract by providing surveying services with existing staff. 9e~el~t ~lSe~ce/~ork Referring to Pages 106 and 107, Mr. F~nn noted that there is a a~mll increase ~n Personal Services, however, there is a reduction in aa/aries due to staff changes, offsetting the increase in health June 14, 1993 insurance. In addition, ha remarked that termination pay was budgeted l&et year end those persons have the employ of the County and ter- latnmtiun pay is not being re-budgeted. Mr. Finn affirmed that operating expenses are increased due to reallocatlng the indirect service charge as part of last year's reorganization. He reported increases in motor pool charges to reflect the actual miles driven by the vehicles and increases in dues and memberships in the training budget. Mr. FI~ sta~ed that the capita/ expenditure An the amount of $2,200 is for a laser level. Mr. Finn advised that this budget reflects slx clerical positions that provide clerical support for Compliance Services as well as Contractors Licensing. He remarked that the decreases In Operating Expenses are attributable to reallocattng the indirect service charges, reallocatlng $72,000 In operating expenses that have moved into Mr. Clark's fund and eliminating a facility rental charge. Mr. Finn explained that this budget Includes two people, noting mi1 Increases in operating costs. He related that the Personal Sarvlca cost ts dua to health and salary increases which are fairly a~all. He affirmed that this department has offsetting revenues through Contractors Licensing, which more than pays for Itself. (2008) ~W ~lol~ent - Bntldi~ Operations Mr. Finn stated that this budget contains the Community Development fund's portion of building costs on Horseshoe Drive, i.e. electricity, garbage disposal, water, sewer, etc. In addition, this ~mdgmt also Includes the Fund 113 portion of debt service on that lmtldtng. (SO'rS) ~ Zollnd ~ti£1c~tion N.S.T.U. Page 23 June 14, 1993 J~udget Analyst Byrne referred to Page 142, advising that this I:)~dgat reflects a decrease of -121G, and a decrease of -2§~ in ad valorem taxes, mainly due to using contract maintenance for the impro- ve~ent~. (si~) Mr. Byrne stated that Page 143 contains the budget for the Pine Ridge Industrial Park M.S.T.U. He announced that co~struction is anticipated to be completed this year. He remarked that an ad valorem tax will be levied in FY 94 for the ongoing maintenance cost of the water nanagement system. ~t~ ktlfiatton Mr. Byrne advised that thio fund reflects monies that have been accumulated and will be returned to the property owners. Mr. Blrrne remarked that this project is anticipated in FY 93. He indicated that the FY 94 coots are maintenance related. He pointed out that there 18 a slight decrease In ad valorem taxes. A discussion ensued with regard to Reserves tn the amount of $32,000. County Manager Dorrtll suggested that staff provide Infar- ction &a to whether these monies are being set aside for future pro- Jects. Mr. Byrne stated that this is a similar situation to Pine Ridge Industrial Park. He reported that the project will be completed tn FY 93 ~nd the costs are for ongoing maintenance. (ss?s) Sebe3 l)u~m Boed lUL~en~lon M.O.T.U. Mr. Byrne advised that Page 147 reflects the Sabal Palm Extension and tho money being spent tn FY 93 and a small amount of monies being Page 24 June 14, 1993 received in FY 94 and placed in Reserves until a resolution is arrived Lely Os.If F,m~etee k~utiflcmtion M.S.T.U. Mr. Byrne reported that Page 148 is the budget for Lely Golf Estates Beautification which reflects a small decrease in ad valorem taxes. He indicated that the operating expenditures are essentially for ~aintenance on the various improvements. Mr. Byrne stated that the improvements for FY 93 have been collated for this project. He remarked that FY 94 shows a decrease in ad valorem which is all maintenance. (saTe) ~--tl£1~mtton N.S.T,U. Mr. Byrne pointed out that the budget for this project ts detailed on Page 150. He noted that the operating expenses in the FY 94 budget are contracted landscaping maintenance and OCPM administrative ser- vices. He explained that Reserves are being accumulated for the next phase of the project. ~lo,gkoo Xol~d N.S.T.U. Mr. Byrne announced that this fund Is being closed out. ~ Xeleimd lBee~h l~z~rt~hB4mt N. S. T. O. Mr. Byrne reported that this project's operating expenses Include beach raking operations, payments for the Marco Island Park Ranger and OCP~ administration services, which are financed through monies carried forward. County Manager Dorrlll remarked that this application t8 currently before the TDC and the carry forward figure will be revised. its) Mr. Byrne stated that there ts no activity anticipated during FY 93/94. Page :2 5 June 14, 1993 Budget Analyst Smykowskl stated that this budget begins on Page 140. He called attention to the line item budget on Page 141, and noted that the principal Item of significance Is the reimbursement revenue from MSTU's decreasing substantially tn FY 94 due to the completion of the Pine Ridge Industrial Park and the Naples Production Park projects. He noted that there Is a corresponding Increase in funding from Capita/ Revenue Fund 196 to keep the department's net cost to the Genera/ Fund revenue at zero. (1TS) Budget Analyst Byrne pointed out that the Pelican Bay MSTU program budgets are shown on Page 154. He stated that the Pelican Bay Water Management budget ts reflected on Page 15§ with an overall 5.§~ increase due to the capital outlay for the replacement of a truck and aeration fountains. (108) Mr. Byrne stated that the Right-of-Way Operations are detailed on Page 156, showing several expanded services including: annual flower planting program, beach cleaning program and landscape maintenance, totaling $?3°500. He Indicated that an additional maintenance worker Is anticipated to do some additional planting and rakings. Mr. Byrne advised that Page 157 contains the Fund Summary for Fund 109. He pointed out that a change needs to be made To the Reserves figure. He noted that $120,100 should replace the $70,300 figure, and the new assessment figure should be $1,162,800. (soo) Pelt~ B~F Street Lighting Mr. Byrne remarked that Page 158 reflects the Pelican Bay Street Lighting budget which ts supported by ad valorem taxes. He revealed Page 26 June 14, 2993 that a portion of the maintenance worker's cost is included aa well aa ~onies for a street sign replacement program. Mr. Byrne explained that Page 159 reflects Debt Service on the PBID Water Management Bond. He revealed that the budget proposes to redee~ all outstanding bonds over a two year period. (~) Budget Analyst Gansel called attention to Page 260, noting that the Board ranked its programs as "Mandated" and "Essential", and the PTofsesional Development program as "Discretionary". Ma. Gansel reported that Page 161 reflects the total budget for the Board. She remarked that the primary increase in the Operating ~ense is due to an additional $5,000 for travel. Administrative Assistant to the Board Filson recalled that she sent a seso to each commissioner providing information from the National Association of Counties (NACO). It was the consensus of the Commission to delete the membership duse for NACO, but retain membership in the Florida Association of Count ~es. c~ty Ms. Sansel reported that Page 162 details the County Attorney's Prof~'u Priorities. She noted that this budget is increasing 2~ and includes $125,000 for outside legal counsel. She stated that 820,000 is included as an Expended Service which is an additional 4~ salary increase for the attorneys. A discussion ensued with regard to the services provided by out- side counsel. Ooniaaloner Volpe remarked that two vacant positions have recently been filled and suggested that if another attorney'a position should become vacant within the next twelve months, that County Page 27 June 14, 1993 Attorney Cuyler come back to the Board before filling same. Conissionsr Volpe stated that he does not support the 4~ increase for tho attorneys. Commissioner Constantine concurred. CoLtnt¥ Attorney Cuyler explained that he needs to make one salary mdJnotuent in addition to hiring a summer clerk. He noted that this would reduce the $20,000 for the 4~ increases to $5,000. The Board concurred with County Attorney Cuyler's request to make one salary adjustment and the hiring of a summer clerk. (1070) Nm. Gansel called attention to Page 164, noting that this budget provides for a Clerk in Everglades City. She stated that this posi- tion performs a wide variety of County services, i.e. tax collecting, issuing license plates, library dispatching and boat licenses. Ms. Oansel pointed out that this budget includes Items that do not approprimtely belong In mnother budget, I.e. unemployment compen- sation, audit, tax deed sales and postage for the tax bills. Finaflcs Director Yonkosky explained that this position involves a clerk who performs functions for the Board of County Commissioners, Library, Clerk, and Tax Collector's representative. He Indicated that this person travels to the Courthouse Complex once a week, submits requests to obtain license plates and boat licenses, picks up and de/Avers library books and returns to Everglades City. Mr. Yonkosk~ advised that this position was tn the Clerk's budget for several years, however, about ? or 8 years ago, the Board took the funding of that position back due to the amount of paperwork Involved. The consensus of the Commission was to "flag" this item and Mr. Yonkosk¥ to provide a listing of the activities performed by this clerk. Commissioner Volpe questioned the $60,000 for contractual mail eel-vice. Finance Director Yonkosky reported that this service has been provided by the Clerk on behalf of the Board of County Page 28 June 14, 1993 Commissioners and the Board has provided the funding. He stated that the Clerk ts recouendtng that rather than the Board contract with him to perform a service, the Board should perform that service itself. Ne advised that the Clerk ts recommending that this service be prtva- tized. Finance Director Yonkosky explained that the Clerk's office will dep&rtmentall¥ move the mall among the various departments. He r~rted that In order to obtain the Board's accounts payable and invoices, a separate post office box will probably be established and the ~atl will be picked up each day. Mr. Yonkosky addressed the functions currently provided through the ~tlroom. Be remarked that Collier County is one of the very few counties where the mall service function is not under Board control. In answer to Com~tssioner Volpe, Finance Director Yonkosky advised that included in the $60,000 is a prtvattzatlon for all the Board departments. He stated that this would be an arrangement with an out- aide entity bid under an RFP to pick up and deliver mall, tn addition to I~Lklng Inter-off/ce deliveries. He pointed out that all mail would be put into a facility at the bottom floor of each building. County Manager Dorrtll suggested that this Item be flagged until Clerk Brock presents his budget. advised that Pages 166 and 167 include the Tourist Develoiment Tax budget. She noted that the revenues projected are based on the prior tax that was collected and year to date revenues. She related that all revenue that had been collected from the 30 tax has been transferred to a separate fund. Ms. Gansel explained that Fund 195 is for the 60~ for beach rsnourtsh~ent and Fund 196 ts for the 40~ tourist promotion. Ms. Gansel referred to Page 168, the County Manager's budget. atated that the programs in that department have been ranked as 30 Page 29 She June 14, 1993 ~M&ndated' or "Essential". Me. Genes1 indicated that Page 169 contains the dollar budget, reflecting a 4.2~ increase. She noted that Page 170 includes Board tel&ted activities which shows a -4~ reduction primarily due to a lesser number of agendas being printed as well as a per cost reduc- tion. A discussion ensued with regards to the printing costs of the &genda. Commissioner Volpe remarked that the Naples Daily News gets &l! the legal advertisements for the County and they are not wi/ling to do any ¢oBugunit¥ service, i.e. publishing the agenda. Count~ Manager Dorrill recalled that in recent history the Naples Daily News did print the agenda as a community service. He indicated that the current costs are the cheapest rates available as opposed to l~u%n~ng the agenda as a legal ad. Comuissionor Volpe suggested that the Manager look into the posst- bil~ty of running the agendas on the TV, via Colony Cablevision. Count~ Manager Dorrill advised that he will look into Commissioner Volpo's suggestion and report back. Ms. Ganoel called attention to Pages 17! and 172 of the packet. She rel)orted that some of the programs were ranked as "Mandated" and #lasential#, however, during the program prioritizing, 8oma of these were ranked "Discretionary". Ms. Gansel remarked that the overall increase in this department b~dget ~s TheFe being no further business ~or the Good of the County, the meeting waa ad~ouFned by Order o~ the Chair - Time: 5:00 P.M. Page 30