BCC Minutes 09/07/1993 RNaples, Florida, September ?, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Comnlsstoners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R~ULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunder8 VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volps Bettys J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Dwight Brock, Clerk of Courts; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Ar~nette Guevtn, Recording Secretary and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Dave Weigel, Richard Yovanovich, Martha Howell, Tom Palmer and MarJorle Student, Assistant County Attorneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Norris IJams, Emergency Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Bob Blanchard, Orowth Management Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Management Director; Dr. Jane Polkowski, Collier County Health Unit Director; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director; Oreg Mlhallc, Affordable Housing D~rector; John MadaJewski, Project Plan Review Manager; Stan Litsinger, Growth Management Section Chief; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital Projects Manager; Peter Bolton, Chief Helicopter Pilot; Jeff Perry and Wayne Arnold, Planners; Diane Flagg, Emergency Services Education Quality Control Manager; Roger Evans, Collier County Health Unit Business Manager; Jerry Naal, Capital Engineering Projects Manager; Sue Fl/son, Administrative Assistant to the Board; Sheriff Don Hunter and Deputy Byron Tomltnson, Sheriff's Office. i'00 000 , ,'. O! Page September 7, 1993 ~tesJonor M~tth~ mGm;ed, seconded by ConJasloner Yelps and carr~edunm~imouo2¥, to approve the agenda with the changes u dotallad on the Agenda Change Sheet and with the following additional 2. Item #12C2 - Ordinance repealing Collier County Ordinance No. 84-44, as amended, commonly referred to as the County Manager Ordinance - Continued to 9/28/93. Page 2 COBSKJFT A(3Z~IDA - APPROFED AND/0RADOP'L"~) September 7, 1993 The motion for approval of the consent agenda lo noted under Item #16. (SSS) Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commtesloner Matthews and carried unanimously, to approve the Mtnutee of the Regulo~ IMtLng of August 17, 1993, Budget #orbhop of August 17, 1993, and Rogul8~ Mooting Of A~lOt 24, 1993. PROCL~TXON DE~ZGJL&.TZ~G SKPTHMBKR 7, 1993, AS ~ QUKKNB AND NAPLES BRAVES SOFTBALL RKC0~XTXON DAY - ADOPTED Upon reading the proclamation Cou-leeloner ~orrll m:wed, lacondld by ComLtaetonor MatthM and carrSed unanimously, that Al Page 3 September 7, 1993 CouisoLoner Matthews congratulated the following employee and presented hie service award: Thomas Settee, Code Enforcement - S years (630) ~ ~ 93-440/441; 93'455/456; 93-458/463; 93-465; A~ID 93-467/471 - ADOPTED CommAmsioner Yelps moved, seconded by CouuLssioner NorrAm and carried unlnlmou~ly, to adopt Budget Mndm4nts 93-440/441; 93-455/456; 93-458/463; 93-465; and 93-467/471. (6~0) ~]FTZX1M F13LLNC~J~ XJlYORXAT~ON ~NCLC~)~N~ C0~L~ER COUNTY ENTI:RPRXSE FUNDS AS OF JU~Y 31, 1993 - PRESENTED Finance Director Yonkosky presented interim financial information, including lO-month budget-to-actual reports for the County-wAde general fund and the unincorporated area general fund; 10-month budget-to-actual revenue reports for impact fees, major developments, service charges and landfill fees; lO-month budget-to-actual revenue for local gas taxes and major Intergovernmental revenues; and a sche- dule of pooled cash by fund as of July 32, 1993, (980) xzs0L~rxox 93-3es APPROVXNe USE AXD DXSTRXBUTXON OF TH~ PKELXMZNARY OFFICIAL STATIMENT FOR SALE OF THE SPKCIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS FOR THE PINK RID~I INDUSTRIAL PARK AND NAPLES PRODUCTION PARE MSTBUtS - Finance Director Yonkosky requested the Board adopt a resolution to approve the form of the Preliminary Official Statement (POS) which will be distributed in connection with the special assessment bonds for the Pine Ridge Industrial Park and Naples Production Park MSTBU'o. Ns said before this POS can be distributed to the various underw~t- Page 4 September 7, 1993 tars, the Board ~ust approve the form, or the finality of the form, in accordance with rules of the Securities and ~xchange Conisston (BEC). He noted the Board will be presented with a bond purchase agreement, the award agreement and the authorization resolution at the next regu- lar meeting. Mark Samet, Collier County Financial Advisor, commended Staff on achieving a rating from Standard & Poor's of Investment Grade "BBB", which results in the property owners paying a much lower interest rate. Contssioner Constantine questioned why property o~ers were not allowed to pay a partial prepa~ent of the assessment? Mr. S~et explained the Importance of the cash flow ts the unt~e nature of this financing, and Collier County has no previous experience that would allow some historical basis for determining the success of the cash flo~s. Thereffore, he said, they attempted structure ~ Issue that was sufficiently well ~derstood to receive the investment grade rating. He concluded a reasoned Jud~ent could not be made as to how to structure an Issue that would permit an ~de- termtned n~ber of people to prepay at various points In time, ~ythtng other than ~he full Co~tsstoner Conot~ttne co~untcated his concern with not allowing property o~ers to prepay a portion off their assessment and suggested this item be continued until the next meeting to explore any possible opport~ttles. Co~issloner Volpe tn~tred If the property o~era will have the opportunity to prepay their assessments tn full at ~y time, to which Mr. S~e~ responded tn the affirmative. ca~ 4/1 (C~oo~oner CortiSOne Stat~t ~or ale of tb ~cial uooomnt In. trial Pek nd Naples ~oduc~ton Page 5 September 7, 1993 Item dr'IA CITIZENS FOR A SAFE WEIOHBORHOOD, INC. - PINE RIIME, HICKORYROAD, CAR/CA ROAD TRAFFIC - STAFF TO REPORT BACK IN 30 DAY~ NE(lARDING OPTIOJ~ FOR ZITElltlM SOLUTION Anthony P. Plres, Jr., of Woodward, Ptres & Anderson, stated he represents a not-for-profit organization known as Citizens for a Safe Neighborhood, Inc., whose primary purpose ts for the creation of a safer neighborhood known as the Pine Ridge Subdivision and protection of the Pine Ridge Subdivision from intrusive through-traffic generating by the action or Inaction of governmental authorities. He explained their concern ts the result of the Increased traffic volumes resulting after January, 1993, by virtue of opening Hickory Road and Cartca Road North and South Cartca Road. He requested that the Board close North Carica Road; keep South Cartca Road closed; keep Center Street as ts; and reduce the volume of traffic Into Pine Ridge to that level in existence prior to January, 1993. He noted they are merely asking that the Board recognize the adverse affect on this neigh- borhood caused by the Increase of Intrusive traffic that did not exist prior to the Implementation of the most recent p/an. He presented to the Board and detailed a packet of Information containing traffic counts taken at various locations over various t~mes tn the Pine Ridge Subdivision and on it8 fringe. He concluded By requesting that the Board direct Staff to devise a program to eliminate the adverse through-traffic, working with the Citizens for a Safe Neighborhood and the P~ne Ridge Civic Association Traffic Committee, and to bring back a report within 30 days. Commissioner Constantine questioned if traffic counts are available of other neighborhoods? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald responded tn the affirmative, adding that the traffic on Hickory Road ts similar to what ts being experienced tn other neighborhoods, for example, Lakewood Boulevard, Palm Drive and St. Andrews Boulevard. Commissioner Constantine suggested if Hickory Road ts turned Into Page 6 September 7, 1993 a one~way roadway, the through-traffic would be reduced by roughly 60 percent. Be asked if that suggestion would be acceptable to the neighborhood? Mr, Ptres recalled that scenario was proposed by Transportation Services Administrator Archibald and briefly discussed with some of the residents; however, they feel it will not alleviate the situation and in fact, believe it will aggravate the situation with those who live within the Pine Ridge Subdivision being inconvenienced. The following people spoke regarding this item: Eric Baker Sally Barker Couuiesioner Volpe remarked there are a number of areas throughout the County where safety on local roads is an issue. He said the stan- dard should not be set that, because local roads are being used for cut-through traffic, it then becomes acceptable throughout the com- munity. He said the Board strives in numerous ways to protect the integrity of residential neighborhoods and should explore oppor- tunities to minimize the impacts of traffic. Contutsstoner Saunders recalled when he voted to open the areas at Carica Road, it was anticipated that Vanderbllt Beach Road would be extended at least from U.S. 41 to Ooodlette-Frank Road in a timely fashion. He said that project will eliminate the problem being experienced tn this neighborhood and the planning, design and construction of that segment of roadway should be expedited. He asked if Mr. Pires has discussed that suggestion with his client as a solu- tion to the problem? Mr. Pires indicated his client is in support of expediting construction of that roadway as a long-range ultimate solution to the cut-through traffic. However, he said, this neighborhood needs an interim solution. Commissioner Constantine recalled when the decision was made in ~anuar~ to open the entrances, a discussion took place concerning eva- luating this situation for a period of time and perhaps instituting traffic control devices as necessary. Page 7 September 7, 1993 Transportation services Administrator Archibald advised that Staff looked at a aeries of different alternatives, and each one has pros and cons. He stated at this point in time he is not recommending any of them, because he can foresee that each one of the scenarios may create a condition that is less safe than the current situation. The following people spoke regarding this Item: Suzanne Jackson Oeorge Keller T~ler Day Coati.loner Volpe ~vwd, ascended b~ Coltsetoner Matthese~, to direct Staff to return tn 30 days with a report on available to alleviate problen~ concerning the through-traffic in the Pine Subdivision. Commissioner maunders commented the action being proposed will be an Interim solution. He suggested consideration be given to expe- diting the construction of Vanderbtlt Beach Road from U.S. 4! to Goodlette-Frank Road as a long-term solution. Commissioner Constantine recalled his support for the five-cent local option gas tax was predicated upon that se~unent of roadway not being Included tn the five-year road program. Upon call for the question, the notion carried In response to Commissioner Saunders, commissioners Norris, Matthews and Volpe Indicated they support direction to County Attorney Cuyler to research, with regard to the vote approvtn9 the five-cent gas tax, whether any work, such as right-of-way acquisition or planning, can be done on the Vanderbtlt Beach Road Extension. Commissioner Volpe further suggested that any contractual obliga- tions with regard to that project also be identified ~n the report. *** Depot-~ Clark Hoffnan replaced Recording Sacretar~ Ouevin at this tiaa L~O J. ~VATORI 1~ LELY BAREFOOT BF~CH LAND MANAG~M~IT PLAN - NO Attorney Leo Salvator! stated that he is representing the Lely Barefoot Beach Master Homeowners Association. Re noted that he is September 7, ~993 appearing on behalf of the Barefoot Beach Preserve Management Plan. Mr. Salvatort advised that the State owns the premises commonly known as Barefoot Beach Preserve and the state has leased these pro- parties to the County for a term of fifty years. He revealed that the lease requires that the County adopt a management plan relative to the operation and maintenance of the Preserve and that this plan be approved by the state. Mr. Salvatort recalled that In January, 1993, an agreement was reached between the County Commission and the Homeowners Association with regard to access to the Preserve. He noted that subsequently, the state visited the plan and requested that a sign be placed at the Intersection of Bonita Beach Road and Lely Beach Boulevard advising members Of the public they may proceed to the Preserve without stopping at the security gate. Mr. SalvatorI Indicated that tn July, 1993, the Commission voted 3/2 in favor of the turnaround point being at the Preserve entrance as opposed to the gatehouse. Attorney Salvatort called attention to his letter of August 4, 1993, to Public Services Administrator O//Iff, containing an offer from the Lely Barefoot Beach Master Association to the County, rela- tive to a compromised position as to the manner tn which traffic would be monitored at the Preserve. Be announced that his client ts willing to provide the funding necessary for an additional ranger, to be employed by the County. Mr. Salvatori explained that the ranger would be located mt the gatehouse during the busy tourist season from November 1, through April 15. He noted that this person~s purpose would be to advise the public at such time the preserve parking lot is full. He pointed out that this person would be notified by the a/ready employed County Ranger, via walkie-talkie and at that time, the sign would be posted and traffic would be turned around at the security gate. The following persons spoke with regard to this Item: Leon Etsenbud A. T. Felsberg Anthony Ptres, Jr. Page 9 September 7, 1993 George Keller Emily Maggio Susan O~ens Kathleen Geiger Oe~i~t~ne~ ~orrtm ~ved, to forward to the ~ov~rnor and ~bl~t, ~2ut~ $~$cat~ng ~t t~ C~ C~e~on a~r~ t~ pr~- ~ ~tl~ An ~. Salvatorl'e letter of l~t 18, 1993. ~bl~c Services Administrator Oll~ff stated that currently the County has a Plan wherein visitor's proceed directly to the Preserve entrance. He remarked that the Homeowners Association proposes to fund an additional ranger to be located at the guardhouse. He advised that the State's Land Management Advisory Council see~s to favor an idea if the Job duty of the Ranger is only to post a sign for the public's convenience, to advise that the parking lot Is full, however, they are adamant about not having the public stopped in any way at the guardhouse. Tlm~mt~o~ failed for lack of · second. No Actionma~ taken. (2460) STAFF T~ PK~)C~D ~ITR REQUEST FOR FROPOSALS TO PROCURE SERVICES TO ASSIST III TH~ DEVELOPMENT OF AN IFI~RATED COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR THE COI~qI~ITY IY~F~EO~ SERVICES DIVISION - APPROVED Community Development Services Administrator Brutt requested that the Board grant approval for his staff and the Purchasing Department to solicit RFP's for a consultant to assist with the computer need activities of his Division. Mr. Brutt recalled a presentation made by the Clerk of Court's in June, 1993, at which time the Board gave approval for the Clerkts Office to enhance computer operations between the various agencies within the County. He noted that a recommendation was made for the Division to go back and review the activities that could be accomplished. He revealed that the Q+ Team provided · detailed eva- luation in this regard. Bob Blanchard, Director, Site Development Review Department, remarked that approval was given for the Clerk of Courts to purchase Page 10 September 7, 1993 additional software and hardware to improve their interconnecttvtty with all the other Constitutional agencies data processing systems. He indicated that this was a very necessary item to be considered, however, it did not provide a complete picture of all the program benefits and cost estimates that would accrue to the county from a County-wide computer network. He noted that this did not address the needs that were identified through the County Manager's quality Improvement Program, especially for a computer network proposed for the Community Development Services Division. Mr. Blanchard explained that the Q+ Team from the Community Development Services Division has spent a considerable amount of time cataloging the ~ultlple computer systems that exist within the five Departments. He reported that there are ten different software programs that run on five different hardware systems. He remarked that the Team identified over 30 manual systems that could be con- siderably enhanced by automation. Mr. Blanchard remarked that Board direction to the Development Services staff in June, was to return with a proposed Scope of Work, which is included in the Executive Summary, to recruit technical assistance to define software and hardware needs to develop an integrated computer system for the Division. Mr. Blanchard stated that the Quality Improvement Team pursued assistance from internal MIS managers, however, it was the decision of those managsrs that they did not have the resources to provide the necessary support for this particular project. Mr. Blanchard pointed out that included in the agenda package, ia a proposed procurement schedule reflecting that a program could be up and running by early 1995. He requested that the Board approve the proposed Scope of Work and direct staff to proceed in advertising the RFP. Commissioner Constantine applauded staff's effort to integrate the computer system. Christine Ramsay spoke with regard to this Item. Page ~ (~o7,) September ?, 1993 Coem/eelo~e~ Constantine ~ov~d0 ~econded t~ Co~IesIone~ IorzAs ~n~ c~r~Aed u~am/mou~l¥, to approve staff's recommender/on u con- I~COOOJXIII~T/Oll TO B3rl~R ZIITO A SI~CZAL FOU~DATZOll Iv~R~T COIITR&CT N/TH I~STZ~I~BOU~Z C0OOa~/Tl~ OF ILtPLIS, INC. - BT T~ CO~FT~ ATTOI~Yt S 0~ZIC~ Community Development Services Administrator Brutt explained that this item is a recfoeet for a "Special Foundation Perm/t" contract. He advised that the construction codes allow this activity to take place pr/or to the time the main building permit is granted. Hr. Brutt referred to Page I of the Executive Summary, listing seven conditions that must be met by the contract with regard So the Foundation Permit Procedure. He affirmed that all conditions have been met, with the exception of No. 5, which is the signing of a contract between the Owner and Collier County. He noted that the a~reement has been drafted by the County Attorney's office and staff requests that the Chairman execute same. Hr. Brutt advised that there is a $320,000 security bond. Comm/estoner Volpe moved, seconded b~ Co~nlsslonez Norris and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Constantine out), to &pprov~ the issuance of a Spectal Foundation Per, It to #estlnghouss Communities of Nsples Inc., ~ubJect to entering Into the agreement which ha~ been prel~red, reviewed and approved by the County Attorneyts off/ce. -. 000,'-. 25 Page 12 September 7, 1003 "- ltem d~A3 R~SOLIFTZOII 93-366, REVISED BUILDZN0 PER~ZT FEB SCHEDULE - ADO~ Community Development Services Administrator Bruit recalled that during the budget review process, it was noted that the Community Development Services Division provide8 services to the total County that are presently being supported from building permit fees. Mr. Bruit advised that the Development Services Committee and staff have reviewed the various fees for copying, researching, subscription services and microfilm charges. Mr. Bruit called attention to Page 13 of the Executive Summary, listing the various fees which staff Is recommending to be incor- porated Into Building Permit Fee Schedule. There were no speakers. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Conimsioner Volpe and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Constantine out), that Resolution 93-366 be adopted, revising tho Building PArBit re. Schedule. Se~~ 7o xgg~ Receeo 12:lO P,M, - Reconvened l:lO P,M. eeo Affordable Housing Director Kthaltc advised the Board of possibi- lities for deferring or waiving Impact fees for affordable housing and potential funding alternatives, aa reflected In the Executive Summary. He noted when impact fee waivers or deferrals are granted, the County must directly or Indirectly make up this money for the capital facili- ties which are required to be constructed. He explained that the County may indirectly pay for Impact fee waivers and deferrals by Increasing other sources of funding. Mr. Mlhalic stated that a major source of funding could be the interest earned on the Impact fee fund balances which for 1993 is estimated to be approximately $1 million, as depicted in Attachment "C# of the agenda package. In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Mihaltc stated that under the Growth Management Plan, the County ts mandated to do certain things to assist affordable housing, i.e. reduce developmental charges such as impact fees. In addition, he remarked that sites must be provided for a sufficient amount of affordable housing for everyone In the County by 1995. Addressing Commissioner Norris' concern relative to an over supply of affordable rental units, Mr. Mihaltc pointed out that the Section Ktght Rental Subsidy Program, offered through the Collier County Housing Authority, has a waiting list of over 200 people in need of rental assistance since they are not tn affordable housing units. He indicated that he does not believe there ts an over supply of affor- dable housing units on a rental basle. Mr. Mthalic explained that the definition tn the Growth Management Plan for qualifying Individuals Is persons of up to 120~ of the median Page 14 September ~, 1993 Income, i.e. a family of four with income of 850,000 per year or less. He cited that the impact fee waiver and deferral ordinances use lower Income levels with a maximum of 80~ of the median Income or $33,500 for a family of four. Co~isstoner Norris remarked that he would like to see an Inven- tory done in the community of the affordable housing unite to determine whether additional units are needed. The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Charles Smith Bl~ce Anderson Co. Isotoner Volpe Indicated that he understands that 80~ of the births at Naples Community Hospital are born to indigents. He quest- ioned whether the problem will be solved In terms of addressing the needs of those persons spending more than 30~ of their income on housing. Mr. Mthaltc reported that he does not expect to address everyone's needs, but noted he will make an affirmative effort to reduce that number. Co.isotoner Matthews questioned whether projected interest was included at the time the studies were done to establish Impact fees. County Attorney Cuyler advised that to his knowledge, projected interest was not included In the studies since it did not have to be taken Into account as part of the ~alculattons and secondly, whatever revenues were needed as a result of impact would be there, but tt was not known what that account would be. In response to Comntssloner Matthews, County Attorney Cuyler -!' stated that he does not see anything Illegal or Inappropriate to fund ~': the Impact fee waivers and deferrals from the interest, but suggested :'i~/~ that the Interest be dedicated from a given impact fee account to a waiver of those types of impact fees. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the Interest earned on road impact fees collected within a District 2 would have to remain within that district, to which County Attorne,y Cuyler replied in the affir- mative. Commissioner Volpe stated that he has a problem In this Page 15 September 7, 1993 regard because there ia a need for housing in other areas of the com- munity other than in the fastest growing areas of the County. He noted that the Immokalee community will not have the available funds to meet its housing needs. Commissioner Volpe cited that agriculture and citrus are the largest industries in Collier County. He noted that the issue of affordable housing exists throughout the community, however, it pri- marily exists in the rural area of the County. He remarked that these industries are not subsidizing the people they are bringing to the community who are impacting upon the system that the County is trying to ~upport. He suggested that any consideration of addressing affor- dable housing needs to involve the agricultural and citrus con- munities. Be remarked that this is a fairness and equity issue. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that studies have been done indicating that agricultura! areas are generally receiving a return on their tax dollars of approximately 30~ and urban areas are receiving about 61.30 on every dollar that is paid in. She cited that It is unfair to say there is an equity problem and that agriculture ia not doing its share. Commissioner Matthews suggested that research be done as to whether the interest within the road district funds could be moved between the various districts. County Attorney Cu¥1er stated that Mr. Mlhalic may need additional time to deternine the amount of money in each fund and what to ~uggest to the Board in terms of waivers. Commissioner Volpe stated that he concurs with Commissioner Natthews'e suggestion, noting that has vote will be deternAned based upon the legal right of interest staying within a road district. Commissioner Norris remarked that the number of needed unite is unknown and suggested that an inventory be done before any further directives are given. Commissioner Constantine concurred with Commissioner Norris. Commissioner Saunders stated if interest earnings are used to iii Page 16 September 7, 1993 compensate for the impact fee waivers, he would like to see the Xmnokalee Habitat For Humanity reimbursed for the permits they have already pulled and those that may be pulled within the next 30-60 days. Comalesioner Volpe voiced opposition to selling additional density to raise money for affordable housing. He stated that discussions previously were held with regard to commercial linkage fees, i.e. Walmart, K-Mart, Publix, and suggested that perhaps there is a way that they could help pay for the workers they employ within the com- munity. Commissioner Saunders remarked that there appears to be a consen- sus in ~upport of the concept of exploring all alternatives that are available. Mr. Mthaltc advised that he will be meeting with the County Attorney's office with regard to identifying how the Interest earnings Bay be used. ese lteco~ding Secretary Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk Ho£f~mn at this ti~e ese Iteu d~&8 PIt~'S~]g'fATXO~ O~ ~ l~ 93 ANNUAL UPDAI'~ ~ II~VENTOR~ R~PORT O~ PUBLIC ~ACXLXTX~ (AUX.) AS PROVXDED FOR X~ SECTXON ?.20~ ~ ADEQUATE I~YB~XC ~ACX~XTIE~ ORDXNAH'CE NO. 90-24 - 5TA~I~ REC01OIENDA~XO]I~ APPROVED Start Lttstnger, Growth Management Section Chief, presented the Fourth Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR), which is required by the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. He explained Staff will identify the public facilities Inventories on hand against the adopted level of service (LOS) standards, both in Category "A" and "B" facili- ties. He indicated Staff will propose facilities to be constructed In the next five years and recommend revenue sources. Mr. Litsinger referred to page 6 containing a summary of the Category "A" County arterial and collector roads. He said these roads are al/ LOS variable "D" to "E", are binding on the issuance of deve- lopment orders In the next 12-year period and result in the need to Page 17 September 7. 1003 construct $67,423,000 worth of new capital construction in concurrency driven road programs tn the next five-year period. He detailed the various funding sources to be utilized for Category "A" facilities. He noted Attachment A ts a Transportation Existing Conditions Report which reiterates information previously presented to the Board at the gao tax hearings and other presentatJons on transportation. Be explained Attachment B ts the database outline of projects, both existing and adopted LOS standards and proposed improvements. He next referred to Attachment C, which ts the list of projects for construction tn the FY 94-98 period, and for which Staff ts requesting direction to Include tn the fifth CIE update and amendment. He stated page 17 contains Exhibit D, a summary of capital revenue for road construction for a 10-year period. And final/y, he said, Attachment E on page 18 ts a schematic schedule of the road Improvement schedule for each of the individual road projects proposed for the CIE Element. Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Planner Jeff Perry explained the only portions of CIE Project #'s 61, 62 and 63 in the current five- year program are the preliminary engineering work. He said actual construction will not commence until after 1998 - 2000. Commissioner Constantine noted page 18 should be corrected to delete reference to Isle of Capri Road, which ts now known as County Road 951, to which Mr. Lltetnger agreed. Commissioner Saunders asked If County Attorney Cuyler has researched the Issue under discussion earlier tn the meeting with regard to any portion of Vanderbtlt Beach Road being Included tn the five-year program? County Attorney Cuyler stated the gas tax ordinance contains the following language, "The proceeds of the additional five-cent local option gas tax that pertain and shall be d~strtbuted to Collier County shall not be used for any Collier County roads or road Improvements that are not concurrency required tn FY 94". Re said the language excludes use of the five cent optional tax, however, he has not had an opportunity to Investigate whether the Board has the ability to use Page 18 September 7, 1993 other sources of revenue to fund that project. Mr, Litainger suggested the Board has the ability to add or delete projects at the transmittal hearing, which will take place tn approxi- mately 30 days. CmmLioolone~ Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthew~ and cez~todunmntmouoly, to include the County road pro,acta ~tatad on Att~Bent C, tn the Fifth Annual CIE Update and Amenduent to be transmitted to DCA In October, 1993. Mr. Lttetnger next referred to page 23, Category "A" Recreation Facilities and asked for direction to Include the Indicated projects tn the Fifth Annual CIE Update and Amendment. He also requested that Staff be directed to prepare a Growth Management Plan amendment to revise the LOS Standard for Recreational Facilities from $122 to $168 per capita to reflect current construction value of the adopted Recreation Facilities Standards Required Inventory. He concluded with a recommendation that the Construction Cost Index (CCI) factor be used to maintain per unit value of required facilities to present value, and that the CCI be the same as used tn the prior fiscal year County budget, which was 3.1 percent. Commissioner Yelps inquired where approximately $2-alllton will be expended tn FY 94 on athletic fields? Steve Brtnkman, Director of Parks and Recreation, reported the expenditure for athletic fields will be either at the East Naples Communtt~ Park where 11-12 acres remain vacant, or the new South Naples Community Park if the County Is able to secure the land. Answering Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Brinkman stated the existing Immokalee Middle School ts being renovated Into a recreation center with a pool, which accounts for the $1.2-millton budgeted on community pools. ~t~ M~tthm ~ov~d, ~ccr~dad by Cow~leelo~e~ NOFFt8 ~ .carried 4/1 (Cc~/~toner Volpe opposed), to approve the d~rectton The following person spoke regarding this item: Page 19 September 7, 1993 Eric Baker Responding to Mr. Baker, Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated a two-party agreement exists between the Board of County Commissioners and Westinghouse Communities, Inc., and as part of that obligation, Westinghouse is proceeding with the environmental permitting for the extension of Vanderbilt Beach Road, a8 well as water ~anegement and right-of-way activities. He stressed those are ongoing activities at the expense of Westinghouse Communities, which at so~e point tn time wi1! represent credits on their behalf. Continuing, Mr. Lltsinger orated page 27 deals with Community Park Land, Category A facilities. He said in the five-year period covered, 47 acres are proposed for acquisition, with approximately 32 acres for the South Naples Community Park and the possession of 15 acres dedi- cated in Pelican Bay. He concluded there are no foreseen deficiencies during the five year period tn Community Park Land. Mr. Litsinger next referred to Category A Regional Park Land faci- lities on page 29 and Category A Drainage Canals & Structures on page 33, stating no Board action ts required at this time. Mr. Litsinger stated in the Category A Potable Water System on page 36, 8.2 additional mega-gallone per day of capacity are planned for construction in FY 94-98, which will give the County a surplus of capacity through the end of the next l0 years. He asked the Board to direct Staff to include planned FY 94-98 projects in the Fifth Annual CIE Update. 0** Comtsmtoner Constantine left the Meting at thio time. ese In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Assistant Utilities Administrator Fred Bloetscher responded a third tank ts not being proposed at the Carlca Road site. Re said an additional tank will be built with the future expansion of the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, which will result tn an excess of 30-million gallons of storage on the County-wide system, or approximately 1.5 days storage during peak season. Cc~uto~er Volpe ~ved, seconded b~ Conissioner Matth~w~ ~ September carried 4/0 (Oo~l/eetoner Con~tanttn~ out), to tncludm Planned CXE 94-09 ~roJe~te tn t~ ~%fth ~1CXE U~te ~d ~~t to ~ Mr. LitoAnger adv/oed the Category A Sewer Treatment and Collection System, North Cowry, has no plied expano/on during 94-98 ~d no Board action i8 re.ired. He indicated the South S~er Treatment and Collection System has a planned e~s/on of 8 megs-gallons per day during the ~ 94-98 period. He asked for direc- tion ~o include The e~ansion in ~he planned ~ 94-98 projects. ~soi~r htthM ~ved, oeconded ~ Co~A~io~r NoFFAo c~i~ 4/0 (~A~oA~or Co~t~tAne ~t), to Include the pl~ CIE ~ 94-9~ ~J~t~ An tho Fifth Anal CIE U~te ~ ~t to ~it~ to ~A ~ Octo~r, 1993. Mr. LitsAnger co~unlca~ed Catego~ A Solid ~aoTe facilAt~e8 are contained on page 43, adding ~rrent ac~AoitAon pla~ed during ~he ~rren~ period ts 20 addi~ional acres a~ ~he current l~dfAll 8A~e. He no,ed wi~h ac~AsAtion of the additional 20 acres, sufficient 10-year raw l~d supply As ~ticipated into the next century. He asked for direction to include this project An the Fifth A~ual CIE Update. c~l~ 4/0 (C~i~Aoner Coat.tine ~t), to inclu~ PI~ CIE 94-98 ~J~t~ in the Fifth A~i CXE U~te ~d bn~t to Mr. Lttstnger presented Category A Solid ~aste, 2 year lined cell capacity at the adopted LOS per capita. He said 1,389,000 tons ' add~tlonal cell e~s~on As planed, and asked the Board to include tht~ /ten tn the Fifth A~ual CIE Update. c~i~ 4/0 (C~oet~er C~t~ttne ~t), to Ancl~ PI~ CX~ Si-g0 ~3~0 ~ ~ Fifth ~1 CIE ~to nd Wmt to Hr. Lits~nger next referred to the Category a facilities, Page 21 September 7, ~903 including Jail, government buildings, libraries, library collection and EMS, which are not concurrency driven. He said Staff has recom- mended projects to eliminate any deficiencies and in some cases, recommended that no action be taken at this time. ! Commissioner Volpe questioned why a $26-mlllion general obligation bond to finance the County Jail expansion is still necessary when the capacity of the Jail is being under utilized and federal prisoners are being housed locally? Mr. Litslnger explained last year the Board lowered the LOS from .0033 to .0024 beds per capita based on recommendations from the Corrections Committee relative to economies of scale and better uti- lization of space; however, based on the existing LOS standard, Staff anticipates the need to construct an additional 256-bed expansion in FY 94-95. He said that means planning a general obligation bond (GOB) referendum in approximately 12 months. Commissioner Volpe referred to discussions that have been taking place regarding a regional Jail facility and asked tf Staff has looked to be a participant in that type of activity as opposed to building the planned expansion? Mr. Litsinger commented it is his understanding that Sheriff Hunter is not an advocate of that system. Tom Conrecode, Director of Capital Projects Management, added Staff has not been involved tn any of those discussions. Commissioner Saunders communicated the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners serves on a Criminal Justice Committee, and that committee evaluated the regional Jail concept several years ago. He said there were a variety of reasons why it would not work out, and it was not a question of whether Sheriff Hunter would or would not be tn favor of the concept. Co~tmsion~r ~tthe~ moved, seconded by Commiealone~ Norris ~nd c~rried 4/0 (Co~miealoner Con~tantins out), to include Category B CXE proJec~m ~n tbs Fifth~nnu~l CIE Update ~nd A~endm~nt to be tr~m~ltt~d to DCA in October, 1993. Page 22 (27~0! · September 7, ~993 lqI~X~JI~ATZOI~TOAMKND Till FY 92-93 CONTRACT BKTleKKN COLLZI:RCOUJlTqf AIIDTffEC~:JLLZKRCOUITYPUBLZC KEALTH UNZT - CASH FLONRBSI3t'VES JlOTTO KXCKKD $250,000 131' COUJlTYrUNDS TO BK NAIIFTAZIFED ZN TRUST F011D RKSI3t'VE AT EACH F~SCALYIAR-KlqD Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator, explained the Collier County Public Health Unit recently underwent an audit and one of the findings within that audit concerned the contributions made by the County each year, of which any unspent funds at the end of that year are kept by the Health Unit tn their Trust Fund. He said the Trust Fund ts used for cash flow reserves and perhaps .for capital projects that may come up during the course of a year. He Indicated Staff was requested to provide an opinion of the audit, and based on all other County departments and those of the Constitutional Officers, has found that unspent funds are turned back over to the Board at the end of the year and held in the general fund or used to help calculate the next yearte budget and taxes. He reported the recommendation was made that the Health Unit should, at the end of each contract year, return any unexpended funds to the County. He also noted all departments with cash flow problems or a need for capital purchases are required to present a request to the Board of County Commissioners for supplemen- tal funds. He advised this item was reviewed by both the Budget Office and the County's Finance Director, and both agree the same pro- cess should be followed by the Health Unit. He concluded that this ia a policy decision of the Board. Commissioner Norris asked what ts the typical amount of unspent funds each year by the Health Unit? Ro~er Evans, Business Nanager for the Collier County Health Unit, explained the Trust Fund consists of both State and County funds. He reported the County's side of the Trust Fund reserve on July 31 was $174,898. He said on September 30, 1992, the County portion was 8105,000, and $255,000 on September 30, 1991. Page 23 September ?, 1993 Responding to Commissioner Volpe, Hr. Evans advised State funds in the Trust Fund on ~uly 31 were 8976,8461 on September 30, 1992, the figure was $342,7111 and on September 30, 1991, there was a negative $129,766. He noted of the current $976,846 figure, $300,000 in grant funds are included in the Trust Fund with the Health Unit acting as a grant administrator, therefore, the correct figure Is $6?6,000. The following people spoke regarding this item: Dr. ~ane Polkowski Dr. Htlliu P. Laschetd Nyra Shapiro Dr. Denise Heinemann Dorothy H. Fitch Co--lsatoner Norris asked tf the funds are required to be returned ~to the County's general fund at the end of each year, will that action result in a savings to the taxpayer? Conuaisstoner Volpe suggested although that It an Important Issue, another key question Is who ts authorizing the expenditure of those monies and ts Collier County getting credit for the remaining funds? Dwight Brock, Clerk of the Circuit Court, stated the County is not getting credit for those funds. He explained in the budgeting process that the Health Unit undergoes In presenting Its budget and receiving funds from the County, neither he nor Budget Director HcNeee has any way of knowing whether or not the Heath Unit takes Into consideration that they will have remaining funds on hand as a carryover. He said the primary Issue ts one of control, and whether that control should rest in the hands of the Board of County Commissioners or those who control the Trust Fund. He said that ts a policy question the Board ~ust decide. Hike HcNees, Budget Director, suggested a compromise position be taken of establishing an amount of funds as a cash flow reserve for the Health Unit to handle their cash flow problems. Coaissioner Hatthewe agreed that It ts evident the Health Unit hua cash flow problem and supported Hr. HcNeee' suggestion to establish a cash flow reserve, although she is unsure what ~uaount should be established. Page 24 September 7, 1993 Mr. Evans reported within the State-wide contract utilized for the Trust Fund Reserve, lo a recommendation to maintain a balance of percent of the operating budget, which equates to approximately $625,000 in Collier County. He suggested that ts a very reasonable figure. Commissioner Saundere ~oved, that the Public Health Trust Fund be Commissioner Matthews suggested that the reserve be maintained in a not to exceed amount of $250,000. ~d~t~ ~zndera a~endea] the ~otion, leconded b~ M~t~, to z~lect that at the beginning of each fiscal ~, the Trust Fur, d will not exceed $250,000 in Count~ fund~. Commissioner Volpe asked for an assurance that the cash flow reserve will be applied toward the next fiscal year's budget. Comiseloner Saunders reiterated that the motion is to maintain the status quo, but to limit the County contribution to $250,000 at the beginning of each fiscal year. Clerk Brock questioned where will the monies tn that reserve be held? Mr. Evans advised that the Trust Fund Reserve is administered by the State, however, the County has equity in that Fund. He said the Fund is invested in interest-bearing accounts, and the earned interest is credited toward both the State and County sides of the Trust equal to their proportionate share of the Fund. Clerk Brock ~uggested if the funds are all maintained in Collier County, they will be Invested wholly to the benefit of the County but still be available to the Health Unit to meet any demands that may arise. Mr. Evans reiterated, of the portion of the Trust Fund owned by the County, that same portion of accrued interest is applied to the County. ~:mo~/l £o~ the question, the motion c~t~ 4/1 (Cmmm/mmione~ volp~~). Page 25 September 7, 1993 eel D~putyOlerk Hoffman replaced Recording Secretary Ouevln mt thio tt~e see (17oo) THE STATUS OF THE COLLIER COUHTYLIBRARY - NO ACTION Count~Manager Dorrtll announced that he has received a letter from Mr. Frank Cullen, President of Friends of the Library concerning the resignation or forced resignation of the Director of Libraries. County Manager Dorrill stated that Mr. Cullen'o letter requests that the Library Advisory Board be requested to review and make recom- mendations concerning the administrative organization of the Library system and that Mr. Demarest have a fair and equal opportunity to assume a place in a reorganized system. Mr. Dorrill remarked that he has prepared an overview and spoken to each commissioner individually. He advised that his review of the Library Director's position and resignation ts one of Intent and one of organizational fairness. He stated that Mr. Demarest, tn some areas, is a good Librarian. He noted that the intent of the per- fornance evaluation was and ts to reassign him to an area that suite hie ability. He explained that the position that allows this is a temporary transfer to the position of Senior Librarian which ts the highest position under the Director of Libraries. #tth regard to fairness, Mr. Dorrill reported that there are approximately 50 department or division managers who manage their individual departments and the same ts required of the Library Director. He indicated that the Library has been supported by the Board with an increase of 20~ In staff and an increase of over $700,000 tn Its operating budget tn the last four years. County Manager Dorrtll advised that Mr. Demarest has tendered his resignation which has been accepted by his immediate superior. He remarked that Mr. Demarest was not fired and was not threatened to be fired. He revealed that he was asked to step down from a position to one wh*re he can be the most effective. He Indicated that he may Page 26 September ?, 1993 reconsider hie resignation, if he desires. Co--ieeIoner Saunders stated that concerns have been expressed that Mr. Demareet called him and asked for assistance in this regard. He clarified for the record that Mr. Demarest did not call him, but rather that he called Mr. Demarest, when returning from an out of town trip and learning of this Issue. He revealed that he co~unicated to Mr. De~arest that he had always been very impressed with hie caliber, professionalism and dedication to the Library System. He explained that he related to Mr. Demarest that he was uncertain whether there ~as any possibility for this matter to be overturned or changed, noting that he did want to be Involved In thts Issue if he or Mr. Dorrtll had a problem In this regard. He reported that he persuaded Mr. De~arest to allow this issue to be raised. Contsstoner Saunders remarked that the forced resignation of Mr. Demmreet has generated more press coverage, letters to the Editor in the newspaper, and more letters to the County Commission than any other single issue he can recall. Commissioner Saunders referred to Mr. Demarest's appraisal forms for the period 8/29/92 - 2/28/93, indicating that he ia overloaded by work projects; does everything he can to meet the public's demands; communication skills - rated excellent; customer service - rated excellent; initiative and adaptability - rated superior; problem solving and decision making - rated good; Job skills - rated below standard. He then read the list of deficiencies. Commissioner Saunders stated that he was advised by County Manager Dorrlll on September 5, 1993, that he would propose to Mr. Demarest, that he accept a Senior Librarian position. He explained that this position wnuld result in a $13,000 per year pay cut, and communicated sa~e to Mr. Dorrtll. Commissioner maunders expressed that he Is facing a crisis in hie confidence of Public Services Administrator Olltff and County Manager Dorrill. He noted that he believes the wrong person was disciplined and the wrong person was asked to resign. Page 27 September 7, ~993 Commissioner Saundere referred to a letter from Jan Loper, President of The Information Integrators, suggesting that the Commission acknowledge that the decision to remove Mr. Demarest was premature considering the fact that he was not on a formal Improvement program; apologize to Mr. Demarest and reinstate him as the Director of the Library reporting to the County Manager~ place Mr. Demareet on a formal Improvement program with specific performance objectives - starting nowl and make it possible for one of his staff members to assu~e the role of administrative assistant. County Nanager Dorrlll stated that Nr. Demarest was asked to step down from the position and has been offered the best position available wlthtn the Library organization. He cited that this is the maxl~ru~ extent under the Board's policy that he has, and noted that he cannot give special pay increases or hake special exceptions outside the Board's policy. He explained that the fact that he ts trying to accommodate Mr. Demarest and find the best position in the library for him la an indication that attempts are being made to acco~uaodate him in his personal financial situation. Kr. Dorrlll advised that Nr. Demarest's current Salary is $51,000 and the Senior Librarian position would pay $40,500. Comiaetoner Natthewe remarked If the State Library recommended reorganization, this matter should have come before the Board in order for the Library organization to run smoothly. the COU.nt~', at a departmental level. Comlssloner Natthews remarked that she ia uncertain that she knows of anyone who could have done all the tasks required that Nr. Demarest has accomplished. She pointed out that this person came to his supervisor, requested an assistant which he did not get and now ha ts being discharged. County Manager Dorrtll explained that there are no assistants In Page 28 A discussion ensued with regard to Mr. Demareet's degree tn Library Sciences and whether he had any management training. Mr. September 7, 1993 Dorrill replied that he did not know whether Mr. Demareet had outside ~anagement training. The follmeing persons spoke with regard to thio item: Frank Cullen Stewart Smiley Bob Krasoweki Millard Carnrtck Joseph Magis (w/petition signed by 479 registered voters - Not provided to the Clerk's Office) Co~-iseloner Saunders advised that under the system of personnel ~attera and the County Manager's Ordinance, the County Commission can- not tell Mr. Dorrlll what to do in terms of this employee. He cited that he believes Nr. Olliff made a mistake and Nr. Dorrtll has made a mistake by ratifying same. Commissioner Saunders stated that he believes the County has lost Nr. DeRareet and doubts he will take a $10,000 a year pay cut. He noted that the Library System will suffer, the public will suffer and the County Commission will suffer. No action was taken on this item. Recks 5:05 P,M. - Reconv~ned 5;20 P.M. (iS&O) Ztem~SB1 ~ FORRIGHT-OF-~AY DOGTZON CREDZT/ACCKSS COXSTRUCTZON/ZMPACT F~~[~~TWlTRtt~L-~M~ ~TORES ON 111TH AVENUE NORTR - J~tOV~D~ OV~RoP&Iq~Ff ZNTI~ JtNOUFf OF 015,253 TO BI REFUNDED Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that this item Involves a two party agreement between the County and Wal-Mart relating to four important Items. Hr. Archibald stated that the landowner, Wal-Nart, ia dedicating ' to the County right-of-way for the widening of Illth Avenue between U.S. 41 and 8th Street. Additionally, if the County four-lanes that .'. segment of the roadway, the developer would like the County"e contrac- tor to construct the turn lanes for them, at their cost. Mr. Archibald announced that the developer to entitled to an .,,- Impact fee credit and subsequent refund, as set forth in the '.~ agreement. Page 29 September 7, 1993 Mr. Archibald communicated that the developer to due a refund for over-payment of Impact fee8. He affirmed that the PUD and the Impact Fee Ord~n~ce both Indicate that credits are do and there are provl- · ~on~ for the ref~d. He noted th~s agreement ~8 In the Co~ty*o favor, o~nce the refund would not oc~F until after const~ctlon ~s completed ~d the cost would be subtracted from the credits that are acc~ng. Mr. Archibald detailed the following costs: net r~ght-of-way ~ese the area for turn l~es has a value of $T3,244.60; estimated turn l~e const~ctton has a value of $55,000; over-pa~ent of Impact feea based up~ a TIS ~bmttted by the developer's consultant Indicates $15,253. He re,Fred that the net affect represents a credit to Wal-Mart In the ~t of $33,49~.60 that will acc~e as a pa~ent after the four- l~ng oc~s. Mr. Archibald e~la~ned that the Cowry would be using the develo- p., .:(?j.. ~rts dollars ~TL1 ~ch time as the f~r-l~Lng lo completed, h~er, the developer has rese~at~ons ~n th~8 regard. Attorney Tom GarlXck, representXng Wal-Mart, advised that hXe clXent has paid Xmpac~ fees ~n advice, Xn excess of what the County Xs ~ed ~d is entitled to a refund. He stated that the Cowry was paid $258,5T~ Xn September, 1992 and Wal-Mart contended that this ~o~t should be $243,318. He lndXcated that Xt was subse~ently agreed that Wal-Mart's faire was correct, with a difference of $15,253. He noted that he does not v~ew this as an impact fee credit, but rather over-pa~ent, ~d repasted ~ ~endment to the agreement for ~ned~ate relm~rsement In thio regard. Mr. Garrick cal~ed attention to the Impact fee credits, as pro- v~ded ~n the Ord~n~ce. He noted that h~o client agrees w~th the obll~t~on to donate 32* of r~ght-of-way ~d the donation of 8~e ~o ~ credited t~ard ~mpact fees, at the end of conot~ct~on. He revealed that the Co~ty le well protected, ~n that, the estX~ted cost of the work Xs $~,000 ~d the amount of the impact fee credXt Xs 873,000. ~¢." Page 30 September T, 1993 Hr. GarlAck requested reimbursement off 815,253 which was over- paid. Commissioner Saundere questioned whether the only outstanding Issue at this time is the payment of the $15,253 over payment, to which Hr. Archibald replied in the affirmative. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Hr. Archibald advised that the County will be holding In excess of $88,000 in credits against $58,000 tn work to be done. Cold.loner Constantine moved, seconded by Co~tsslon~r Natthews and cax~iedunani~msl¥, to approve the a~reeaent and that the $15,253 over-palment b~ reimbursed t.~edtately. Page 31 September 7. 1993 (logo) INFORMATION RI FIRE CONSOLIDATION TO BE SOLICITED FROM STKKRINO COJO(ITTK~, UNION AND STAFF AND B~OU6HT BACK IN EIXNKEKS Emergency Services Administrator IJams announced that the Executive Summary contains a hypothetical plan relating to fire con- solidatlon. He Indicated that thio information has been shared with the steering committee, fire commissioners and the fire chiefs. Commissioner Constantine cited that it appears that some of the administrative duties will be centralized, duplication is being cut out, al~d some of the management lo being cut out without affecting the actual fire fighters or safety people who are protecting the public. He noted that these efforts could result tn a savings of $1.25 million. Co~missloner Matthews remarked that she takes issue to that state- ment. She indicated that cutting out the meat of the middle manage- ment tn the fire departments is not a good Idea. She explained that the captains and assistant chiefs are line officers and they go to the fires and direct the ftrefighters on how to put the fires out. Commissioner Matthews pointed out that there ts a Chief, Batallton Chief and then the ranks drop all the way down to Lieutenant. She noted that the fire department survives with the officers moving up through the ranks with progressively steady training. She revealed · She does not understand how a Lieutenant can be made a Batallton Chief overnight. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether an evaluation has been made with regard to equipment consolidation and the location of same. Mr. I~ams replied that this has been done and he will provide the Infor- mation to the Commission. Commissioner Matthews remarked that the County t8 currently divided into eight or nine fire districts and each receives a separate I.S.O. (Insurance Services Office) rating, however, If consolidation approved there will be one I.S.O. rating for the entire County. The following persons spoke with regard to this Item: Page 32 September 7~ ~993 Chief Don Petereon Richard Gibbons 'Leo Rodgere Tom Cannon Chief J. C. Nutley 'Cc~A~Ac~a~ Constantine ~, seconded ~ Co~AeeA~ Vol~ to ~ ~r t~ ieee of fare conciliation ~d staff to a~itl~l infom~lon within 42 Co~issioner Ma~hewa suggested ~ha~ much more informa~Aon be obtained by soliciting the Steering Committee for the Fire Departments and Fire Chiefs to provide a consolidation program; solicit the unions to put together a consolidation program; request that Mr. XJams pro- vide a program that would work better than the report presented; and all three parties work together to reach a consensus and move forward from that point. Upon call for the question, the notion failed 2/3 (Commissioners Norris, ~atthewa and Saundere opposed). Co~nteeloner Natthews noved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and carried a/2 (Commissioners Norris and maunders opposed), to obtain con~olidatlon plane from the Steering Committee, Onion~ and Count~ Government, putting them together by coneensue withln eAx~eek~ and giving th~ public the opportunity to vote on e~. · '' Recording Secretary Guevln replaced Deputy Clerk Hoff~an at this tame. sis (8es) Xtn ~0HI AUT~ORXZATXON FOR TH~ CHAII~AN TO SX~N A LETTER TO TH~ NATIONAL S~RVXC~ DI~t~CTOR I~'tDING PXLT - APPROVED Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and carriedunaninouel¥, to authorize the chairnan to sign a letter to the National Park Service Director regarding federal Pa~aent In Lieu of Ta~em (PXLT). Page 33 September ?, 1993 I~.~3~,OTXOII 9~-367 lt~ TOURIST TAX C&TEGORY C :I'U'IDING - ADOPTI~; N~011glM~&YZOII O~ '/1rE TOURI~I' DNV~.,O~ COUICI~ A.TD FI~IDXMg I:J~lSlOlB RIGARDXMG PROPOSALS SUBMXTTKD FOR TOURIST TAX FUNDllg 11'T1~ TOURISH GRMIT PROGRAH (CATEGORIES BARD C) - APPROV'&D; Alii) CAI'~8ORTA 1TKMS DKrKRRKD I*ROMTHK AUGUST 24, 1993, BCC MKL*TXWG - - APPROVED Michael Smykowski, Senior Budget Analyst and Staff Liaison to the Tourist Development Council (TDC), recalled on August 18, the TDC met and reviewed Category B and C proposals for Tourist Tax funds. He said there are also four items which were deferred from the August 24 BCC meeting in beach renourishment and pass maintenance which need to be addressed. He asked the Board to review the TDC recommendations for Categories B and C, waive minor irregularities in the applications received and Bake final funding decisions for those categories; make final funding decisions regarding the Category A proposals deferred from the August 24 meeting; authorize necessary Budget Amendments to fund approved projects; authorize the County Attorney's Office to proceed with preparation of contract documents; establish separate funds to assure proper accounting of expenses and revenues received in Categories B and C; and adopt a resolution establishing a new calendar for proposals to be submitted in Category C, which the TDC recommended be reopened. Commissioner Saunders noted in Category B, one proposal has been recommended by the TDC for $875,000. Mike Matktns with the Collier County Tourism Committee (CCTC), explained his group is made up of the five Chambers of Commerce in Collier County, the Naples Area Accommodations Association, the Naples Visitors Bureau and the Narco Island Convention and Visitors Bureau. Commissioner Constantine questioned how those eight entities will apportion the funds? Mr. Watktns said the CCTC is divided into two branches, one called the North County which Is Naples, Golden Gate and lmmokalee; and the other is the South County, or Everglades City and Narco Island. Ne OO0 174 Page 34 September 7, 1993 advised those ~wo entities have separate marketing plans to promote Collier County overall as a destination. Mr. S~fkowskt pointed out that during the course of this year, Staff anticipates receiving approximately $661,000 of revenues Category B. He said the proposal from the CCTC Is for $8?5,000, therefore, collections commencing October 1 will be utilized to make the full award. Conntsstoner Constantine suggested the award be ltmtted to wha- tever ts collected during the current fiscal year, to which Couualsstoners Volpe and Matthews concurred. Mr. Natktns Indicated that would be acceptable, and asked that the funds be split 60/40 between the two sub-entities. Co~t~ioner Con~tanttne ~oved, seconded by Cmtaaton~r ·nd c&r~edm~nl~ou~ly, that the propoul from the Collier CounW Tou~t~O~e~ttt~ for Category B fund~ be approved and llaAted to fund~ c~llectedd~ng FY 93. Co,missioner Saunders reported the TDC received several applica- tions for Category C funds. He said the Florida Sports Park has requested 823,600 and Woodstds Lanes has asked for $2?,500. He Indi- cated the Trop~cool application was not complete and the Philharmonic was received late, therefore, they must resubmit their requests. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Commissioner Saunders explained the Board voted at the August 24 meeting to reopen the advertising for Category C funding because of the relatively number of projects requested. He said the late and Incomplete appli- cations will be given a chance to reapply, as well as any others wishing to submit requests for funding. Commissioner Constantine asked why there ts a difference tn the amounts being requested and approved for funding for the Flor/da Sports Park and Noodetde Lanes? Co~alssloner Saunders explained the Florida Sports Park requested an increase for additions! advertising, and the Woods/de Lanes appltca- t/on contained a request for trophies for a tournament, which ars not Page 35 September 7~ ~993 ~s ~k ~ ~i~ ~s tn t~ total ~ of ~0,844. Co~iss/oner Constantine asked what timeframe has been establAshed for the new re~ests for Catego~ C f~ding? It ~s the consensus that new applications for TDC f~ding in Catego~ C ~st be received by October 20 ~d wall then be reviewed by the T~ on Novem~r ~ ~d placed on the BCC agenda for approva~ on N~m~r ~6. Oo~LBlLoner Siu~er8 continued, 8tatUng the f~na~ items =on=em ~our ~ach renourLshment and pass maintenance isles that were con- tinued · o t~Js meetLn~ due to a 2/2 vote of the Board on Auger 24. He BaLd the fLrs~ three, Clam Pass Park, Barefoot/Bonita Beach Park ~d V~derbLlt ~a=h Park are relatively 8ma~l items for repa~r8 to t~e ~e 8yste~ following some reoent storms. He indica~ed he L8 a~ainst f~dLng those items with TDO f~ds because he believes they would more appropriately be f~ded from the General ~nd. He advised that was also the philosophy of the TDC ~n referen=e to those ~tems. Oo~LssLoner Volpe recalled he ~s Ln favor of f~dLn~ those pro- 3e=t8 ~=ause they pertain to storm protection. In re--nme to Co~8s/oner Matthews, Capital Engineering Pro]ecrm M~ager ~erry Xeal repl~ed over the past two years, Staff has completed d~e re.ir, revegeta~on and other improvement8 at Barefoot and V~de=bJlt Beach Parks. He sa~d part of that work was e~LgLble for ~ Boney from the Sta~e. He indicated after the work was =omp~eted, a storm destroyed part of t~e d~e ~d there Ls no money in the ~dget for additional repairs. He co~ented his ~derstand~ng of Oate~ A L8 that Lt ~8 a County-w~de beach pro~r~ for saving the ~ach, protecting the dune system ~d revegetating after storm events. He said those e~endLtures are not normal maintenan=e items such as depreciation of the parking lots or boardwalks. Page SS ~f carrlod 4/1 (Coum~o~ioner Saunders opposed), to ~~ Cat~ C ~ f~ Cln ~o ~k, ~ef~t/~ta ~ach ~k ~d ~er~ng Contsstoner Norris, Mr. ~eal 8tared the emphasis for ~ach ren~r~ent ha8 been ~o renour~oh Naples Beach. Ho oa~d C~ba8 Pass w~ll be due for 8tud~ ~d permitting for bre~ater~ once the monitoring process ha8 been completed ~n the next two He re.fred the State has recently Indicated they w~3l provide ~t lo~ee ~ t~e ~ 9(-9S ~n~e to~ the C~a~ae ~o~ect, ~h~ch ~e chugs ~n the~ ~e~t~on o~ one ~o~th ago. ~e ~e~o~te~ ~ thee ~o- ~ect ~ ~e~t~en ~t thee t~e ~y Co~e~ cowry, the State ~e~e ?~ 9e~ce~t st the ~o~e~ ~nveste~. ~ ~ ~let ~t ~3~ ~ t~e ~t oZ ~320,000. ~M ~ ~ &ttO~l Ott~ce to ~ ~tb ~t~ B d ~ ~ ~ ~lut~ 93-367 eltab~h~ng a n~ cal~ fo~ ~lo to ~ ~itt~ tn Cat~ C. Page 37 September 7, 2993 93-368 BSTABLZSIIZHG THE TERMS O~ Oi~ZCB IPORMKMBER8 0~ ~ COLL:[I:RCOOIITYAZII~ORT &OTHORZ'Z'Y - A.DOIPrKD Page 38 9eptember ?. ~993 93-369 AUTHORTZI'MG APPL~CATION TO TH~ FCC FOR CKRT~I~CATTON Co--isotoner Saundere recalled this Item was continued from the August 24 meeting due to a 2/2 vote. Co-~tosioner Matthews reported she has reviewed the videotape from that meeting and read the minutes and has decided to vote tn favor of applying for certification from the FCC. Commissioner Constantine communicated he has been pureuaded to change his vote on thio matter durtng the Intervening time, to which ' Commissioner Norris concurred. The following l~eople spoke regarding thio Item: Fram Och~ Bob Krasowekt Ken Fucho · nd e~-z~,nant~ou~ly, to ~lopt Resolution 93-369 anthorAztng c~tim to the FCC fo~ cez~c~f~cation to regulate ba~tc c~ble Page 39 September 7, lgg3 RKSOL~T~OB~D~ll~3 THAT & RKQUKST TO COMBIIFK ALL OF COLLIER COUBTYtS TWI3rTY-~ (27) RADIO CKAIFAXLS UBDKRCALLSI01~WI~,K 955 BK FORMARDKD TO THI ~ COJOIUHICATIONS COJO(ISSIOW - REQUEST POSTPONED County Attorney Cuyler noted this Item was continued at the Board's request from the August 24 meeting. He advised the County Attorney's Office ts not strongly recommending approval of this request. Contsstoner Saunders remarked he supports continuing this discussion until after the Issue of the extension has been granted the FCC based on concerns raised by Sheriff Hunter that by filing the application for consolidation, a confusing situation will be created with the FCC. Commissioner Constantine stated he was Involved tn a telephone conference with the Sheriff, Mr. Regtec of the FCC and the com- munications committee. Be referred to a transcript of the conver- satton~hich he suggested clearly indicates this request will not confuse the Issue, Cosmtsstoner Volpe pointed out the Division of Coammntcattons seems to be quite supportive of consolidation. Commissioner Norris suggested there t8 no time constraint on con- solidatton, but there Is on the extension. He stated he ts In favor of postponing this Issue. ~tmt~ l~rrts ~oved, to postpone · request to co~In~ all 27 tbs In response to Commissioner Constantine, Sheriff Hunter commented the telephone conversation with Mr. Regtec was very confusing, however, he recalls Mr. Regtec stating he cannot rule on the waiver request until he has an engineering report on the new 27 frequency system being proposed. In answer to Commissioner Saunders, Assistant County Attorney Tom Palmer said tn his opinion this request will not create a problem with Page 40 September 7, 1903 the fCC, because the application definitely contemplates a combined · ~stem of 27 channels being used on one radio system. County Attorney Cuyle~ pointed out the information hie office receiving is also from Mr. Regtec. Conissioner maunders asked if there will be any problem con- tInuing this consolidation request until after the extension granted? Assistant County Attorney Palmer stated there will be no problem with the FCC, however, he cautioned there would be a problem if there Is au¥ implication that by keeping two callstgns, the County ts con- templattng the possibility of two separate radio systems. Caam/amt~ Norris amended the motion, seconded by Co,missioner · sm~l~l, to Bmk~ cla~ that it ts tho intent of tho Board to ccmblne the ~lo ~ · later point in time. Contsstoner Yelps asked If the Sheriff is In favor of con- eoltdattng the 27 channels under one callst~n? Sheriff Hunter communicated he will provide an answer to that question after he has received a legal determination from the FCC regarding his eligibility to apply for a radio system. The following person spoke regarding this item: Sack Pointer Commissioner Norris Inquired If Mr. Pointer has ever presented himself in writing or orally as representing the Board of County Commissioners, to which Mr. Pointer replied In the negative. Couulssioner Norris referred to the transcript of the aforemen- tioned phone conference, which contains statements made by Nr. Regiec that Mr. Pointer presented himself as representing the Board of County CoB~lssionmrs. Commissioner Norris asked Assistant County Attorney Palmer to · obtmin fro~ Nr. Regiec, his position on how Nr. Pointer represented . ":.:' :.himself to the FCC. ~ c~ll £o~ ~ ~t~, t~ ~tt~ c~1~ 4/1 · Commissioner Volpe pointed out the Sheriff has requested a legal opinion on whether he is entitled to apply to the FCC for licensee. Ha asked what Aa the Board's position on this issue, considering the Board ham previously stated It Is the entity to which the licenses belong? Commissioner Saunders stated the Board will look to County Attorney Cuyler and County Manager DorrIll to insure the licenses are protected. .. County Attorney Cuyler asked for clarification, that the Board Intends for his office to do anything and everything to protect the Board of County Conunieetoners being the licensing entity, even If that stand is at cross purposes with the Sheriff? Commissioner Saundere recalled that was the prior direction of the Board. FKlqJ[IT ~J~JJBCZ TO BE ALLOWED O~ 37 SPECXFXC LOTS UHTXL 3/3X/94, Commissioner Norris stated during the intervening time 8inca this issue wee last discussed, he has found that many of the affected pro- party ownerm were unaware that the Corps of Army Engineers8 permit will expire on September 29, 1993. He asked the Board to work with the Corpm to help the owners of 37 specific lots within the Deltona Settlement Agreement. Be said the Corps has verbally promised to try to pursue the matter If the Board of County Conntsoloners Rakes a con- cession on its part to allow clearing and f~lltng prior to building CogI~II~ IorTim ~ved, seconded I~Z ComatmmloneF Conltntlne, to al]o~clear~ug and f~lltng o~ cart&tn leto on improved streets " wAth~ ~ Doltonm Settlement Agreeuent area in unt$cipetton of Page 42 September 7, 1993 In ~ns~er to Contsstoner Volpe, Commissioner Norris stated the ·otton concerns only the 37 lots previously discussed. Conissioner Volpe suggested a finite time limit be Imposed. Responding to Conlsetoner Norris, Mr. Alex de Parry communicated it ts his belief that the Corps of Engineers will extend their permit until December 31, 1993, on a selective basis, for specific lots. He said At will be an administrative extension to the permit because they typically do not grant permit extension. Conlestoner Norris suggested that he amend the motion to allow clearing and falling until December 31. Nr. de Parry advised discussions ~ust take place between the Corps Attorney and the County Attorney, which may take an extended period of time. He said if those discussions ars not concluded for two months, the property owners will be In the same situation as today. C:kNILt~lOn~' ~ts ~mended the ~otton, seconded by Co~tnioner ~t~, to allo~ clewing ~nd filling on the specified lots~nttl The roll.lng people spoke regarding this Item: Patrick Meals Chris Straton Alex de Parry County Attorney Cuyler for clarification, stated the subject lots are the group of lots previously discussed. He recalled having men- tioned at that time that the primary concern of his office Is that this direction ia not tn accordance with Collier County ordinances and he continues to be concerned that other lot o~ers may be able to argue for the same right to clear their lots. He specified the sub- Ject lots are elthtn the Deltona Settlement Agreement area, are platted, have surfaced roads and they have been sold tn some cases to private owners. He noted another concern is that he is unsure exactly ho~ ~mny lots are being discussed. John MadaJei~mkt, Project Review Services Manager, com~unicated Staff supports the direction of the Board, however, is concerned that 'there Ae no established vehicle for this action. Be concluded this Page 43 . September ?. 1993 ~l~Ue mu.t be dealt ~ith very cautiously. (1233) ~ 0S-61AI,II3~rD~ OOLL~Iq COO"R"I'YOltDIW~ 8S-44, A,~ ~, Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 18, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Commissioner Saunders advised that he signed the contract earlier this date concerning the County Manager's employment agreement. He said that agreement sets forth a procedure for dismissal of the County Manager which does not become effective until and unless the County Manager ordinance is amended. He noted the amendments to this ordi- nance begin on page 3.K., where the Assistant County Manager has been added to the list of the types of employees that are confirmed by the Board. Conunissioner Volpe suggested "the" be changed to "an" before Assistant County Manager in the above referenced paragraph. The Board concurred with the above amendment. Commissioner Saundere next referred to page 4, Section Three, part 1, which provides that the County Manager "may" be given a fixed term by resolution, ordinance or contract. It was the consensus to approve the above noted amendment. Commissioner Saunders stated on page 5, the entire procedure within the ordinance dealing with disciplining of the County Manager has been eliminated, leaving a simple majority vote of the Board. He said that has been changed by County Manager Dorrill's contract which provides for a notice period. In response to concerns expressed by Commissioners Matthews and Volpe, Commissioner Saundere suggested within paragraph 2 on page 5 that language similar to the following be added, "Xn reference to the dismissal of the County Manager, this provision Page 44 September 7, 1993 applies unless altered by the County Manager's contract". Conu~ieetoner Saunders referred to page 6 of the proposed ordi- nance, stating Section Five, dealing with the amendment and repeal procedure which currently requires a 4/5 vote of the Board to make any changes, has been deleted. The following people spoke regarding this item: Dorothy Fitch Bob Kraeowskl Commissioner Sounders stated the public hearing is closed. Com~llltonir Norris moved, seconded by Contoatoner Constantine ~nd c&rrled un&ntmou~ly, to adopt Ordinance 93-61 w/th the ~ddttton~l mnd~enta u detailed above, and that the ordinance be entered Ants Ord/nance Book No. 63. P~TITION A-93-6, JOSEPH AND SUSAN NARINARO REQUESTING AN ~~IIUtTI~FB APPEAL OF TH~ SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DXRECTORtS DECXSZON THAT NO CR~DXT ~OULD BE ALLO~ED FOR ~XCESS PAR](XNG PROVXDND BY ~r~SI~TS ~ULRZNA UNDER PRZOR ORDZNANCE(S) &lID/OR DEVELOPI~NT ORDER APFRovar.(s) &lID THAT Ally EXPANSXON MUST XNCLUDE ADDXTZONAL PAR](ZNG AS REQUIRED BY DZV~SZON 2.3 OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - DENZED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 8, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Commissioner Sounders recalled thio issue has recently been debated In relation to the appeal of Gold's Gym, which was denied by the Board. Anthony Pireo, Jr., representing Joseph and Susan Mariners, called attention to one difference with this appeal and that filed by Goldte Gym. He explained when the Site Development Plan (SDP) was approved under the Code tn existence at that time, his client provided parking in excess of the required parking by 20 spaces. He said by the time hie client went through the State agencies and received approval for the docks, then came hack to amend the SDP, the rules had changed. He indicated 100 percent of the existing parking t8 now required under the current regulations, and added parking spaces must be provided for Page 45 -: f- September 7, ~993 ~ .any additional uses. He contended it is his opinion that the excess parking previously provided is adequate to take care of the current parking requirements. COBniSsioner Hatthews questioned if the 20 additional spaces were provided in contemplation of the docking facilities, to which Mr. PAres responded in the affirmative. He said there was a delay of approximately 2.5 years in getting the permits from State and federal agencies. The following person spoke regarding this item: Molly Magee Conuaissioner Saunders stated the public hearing is closed. Commissioner Matthews moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, to deny Petition A-93-5 based on the interpreta- tion of the Site ~evelopnent RevAew DArector. ooo Deputy Clerk Soffnan replaced Recording Secretlry Guevin (22~0) Ztem~13A2 R~-~OLO/'ZO~ 95-3?0 ~ I~ITZOR ~-93-12, H/S~ZTS I~ST&ORM~/HJLRZR& PAKXX~I~ SPACES TO SERVE THXRTY-TWO ADDXTXONAL BOAT SLIPS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 251 CAPRX BOULEVARD, LOTS 455-462, ISLES OF CAPRI - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Suly 25, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the ~-,..Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Arnold provided copies of the proposed resolution with ex~tbtte and a letter from the applicant dated August 4, 1993, Planner Arnold referred to the applicant's previous petition rela- tive to the waiver. He advised that the applicant had anticipated moving forward with the boat dock facilities separately and therefore, provided 20 additional parking spaces. He remarked that staff's posi- tion in this regard relates to the site plan which was approved An 1989 and dad not reflect any additional boat slips. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Arnold stated that the applicant has received state permitting approvals for the proposed 32 Page 46 September ?, 2993 additional docks, however, loca! approvals have not been received since there ia no parking for same. Co~aissioner Saunders remarked that Mrs. Molly Magee's comments from the previous petition also apply to this item. Attorney Anthony Pires, Jr., representing the petitioner, announced that the following persons will be providing testimony con- cerning this issue: Mr. Marinaro re hie acquisition of the site; Gerald Gronvold who will provide evidence that providing the addi- tional boat slips without having the additional parking spaces does not pose a transportation, traffic or parking problem; and Todd Turrsll, relating to coasta! engineering and marine biology regarding peraitting at the State level. Attorney Plree presented for the record, Minutes of Suns 8, 1993, approval of Gold's Gym variance request for parking; Executive Summary of June 8, 1993, for Petition V-93-8 re Gold's Gym; Petition filed by Gold's Gym for the variance; SDP Pre-Application Meeting Notes with regard to the amendment from November 30, 1992; and qualifications of Gerald L. Gronvold. Mr. ~oseph Mariners stated that he purchased this property in 1986 and immediately began making improvements to the site. He reported that it took from 1988-199! to receive permits from the County. He recalled at the time he received SDP approvals, he had 20 additional parking spaces. He noted that he met with Planning Services Manager Baginski who was aware of the additional parking spaces and that an application was ready to be submitted to DNR and DER for approval of additional dock slips. He announced that it took three years to receive approvals at the state and federal levels. He advised that he would not have expended the monies to go through the state and federal process if ha did not have the parking. Mr. Mariners remarked that at the time of the SDP, he was informed that he did not have sufficient parking, and therefore, purchased the .property to the East, which then brought the plan into compliance relative to the existing parking. He indicated that he ts now being Page 47 September 7, 1993 penalized since the ordinance was amended during the period of time the application was at the state and federal levels. Commissioner Yelps questioned whether there is an opportunity to acquire additional property for parking or possibly a shared parking arrangement with a neighbor. Mr. Narinaro explained that there is a single family residence located to the south, and the property owner to the east intends to do something with that site. He advised that there is no property to purchase. At this time the Co.mission accepted Mr. Todd Turrell as an expert In coastal engineering, marine biology and siting and permitting of docks. Mr. Turrell stated that he wa8 hired to obtain the permits for the docks three years prior to the final approval by the Governor and Cabinet. He explained that a Channel marking program and manatee awareness exhibits have been worked out with the Rookery Bay Aquatic Preserve In addition to obtaining permits from DER, DNR, Corps of Knglneers and EPA. He noted when he began his mission three years ago, Nr. Nartnaro had adequate parking, however, the rules changed while going through the process. Nr. Gerald Gronvold of Barr, Dunlop and Associates, Inc., reported that after reviewing the parking lot ingress and egress to the site, he sees no problem. He noted that the parking areas are similar to three individual lots and he does not see any circulation or pedestrian problems. He stated that the additional boat slips should not create a problem, since the parking Is figured on the peak use of the restaurant and marina. He remarked that the peak hours for the marina would occur during the day and peak hours for the restaurant would occur during the evening when many of the boats would be gone. Mr. Gronvold advised that it ts his opinion that the construction of the additional slips would not cause a problem at the marina. Nr. Ptree pointed out that this property ts located in a commer- cial dtstrtct with surrounding existing commercial uses and has been a restaurant and marina for over 25 years. Page 48 September ?, ~993 Mr. PAres remarked that as opposed to the Gold's GIm situation, ~/:-.~ thAe site currently has parking of 100~ of the required level, as it · exists today. He revealed that at the time of the Gold's Gym peti- tion, there was a deficiency of 39 spaces. Attorney Pires affirmed that the additional slaps further the Policies of the Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Oro~th Management Plan. He indicated he believes this petition coopliee with the procedure requirements An the LDC for variances and the use sought is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Pires presented a letter of no objection from Betty Keays0 who is a neighboring property owner. Attorney PAres stated to deny this variance would deny the petA- ;~::". rasher a special privilege granted to another similarly situated pro- perry owner. He requested that the variance petition be granted to · fulfill the need and demand. Mrs. Molly Magee spoke at this time. Commissioner maunders announced that the public hearing is closed. Commissioner Volpe stated that land related hardships are part of the considerations to be reviewed tn matters of this nature. He indi- cated that he understands the petitioner desires 32 additional boat 'slips with no additional parking. Tape ~8 Co,missioner Volpe moved, to deny Petition V-93-12, blll~ upon tho , objective criteria, since there does not a~pear to b~ · land related 'hardship. Notion failed for lack of a second. Cc~nt~lione~ Constantine noved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and CaZTtnd 4/1 (Colaissionor Volpe opposed), to approvl Petition V-93-12, thereby adopting Resolution 93-3?0. Page 49 September ?, 1993 (xso) ';;' ~: lq~LTr'fTOI 93-3?2, aZ p~T"f'rOX C13--92--.&, T, eZT.,,r.,:ZAI4 Sa:XlC:a'VZC~ o], TIXPWT~, IBC., RIq~ESTZI~0 KXTKNBZ0][ OF A C01DZTZONAL USTM FOR A CL~ IYKVI~OFMK~ IX "SPOOIBILL COVE" - ADOPTED Couutssioner Saunders stated that this is a request to extend an existing Conditional Use for an additional one year period. Planner Arnold related that the petitioner has received site deve- lopment plan approval. He noted that there were some manatee protec- t: tlon issues, however, they have been resolved and the applicant is :;!i moving forward. Nr. Arnold advised that staff is recommending approval of the one .. year extension, am requested. Com~tselone~ Iorrls ~ved, seconded by Commissioner Constantine ~nd c~i~d unani~msl¥, that Petition CU-92-4 be approved, thereby ~dopting Re~olutlon 93-371. Page SO September 7, 1993 · (2oo) Ztm~ ~OB2 lqZC~B~HDATI01THAT THe BOARD OF COUHTY C01~IZSSIOHKI~ APFROVR THE SKLECTZOH 0F LAirD SURVKYZHG FIRMS, RFP #93-2040 - CONTINUED TO 9/8/93 AT 8:00 P.M. Commissioner ConotantLns moved, seconded by Commissioner Yelps and carrLed unanLmouoly, tl~at Item #8B2 be continued to September 8, 2993 st 8:00 P.M. Ztend~B3 RICOOMI3IDATIONTO APPROV~ AND EXECUTE &MOIFTH-TO-MOIFTll LEASE AORKIMKHT BITMKEI COLLZKR COUIFTY AHD JACK JOHNSOH, ~R., FOR A PORTZOH OF TIFE Z)~OEALKE AZRPORT FOR THE PURPOSE OF CATTLE GRAZZHG - CONTINUED TO 9/8/93 AT S:O0 P.M. ComLiesioner ConotantAne moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carried UnInLBouoiy, that Item #8B3 bo continued to September 8, 1993, mt 8:00 P.#. Iteu#D1 ASSZOJOJKFf OF EFFLUENT A~ FROM COLLIER DEVELOPMEFF CORPORATION TO COLLIKR~ RESERVE COUNTRY CLUB, ZHC. - CONTINUED TO 9/8/93 AT 8:00 P.M. Commissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Yelps and carried unanimously, that Item #8D1 be continued to September 8, 1993, at 8.*00 P.M. Zteu ~8D2 AMZIDMEFT NO. OXR TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGRKKMZHT WITH HOLE, MONTES AID ASSOCIATES, THC. FOR MASTKR PUMP STATIONS 1.03 AND 1.07 - COJITISIUKD TO 9/8/93 AT 5:00 P.M, Commissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Yelps and ca~riedunan~nouol¥, that Iteu #8D2 be continued to September 8, 1993, mt S:O0 P.N. 1~~KJEST BOARD AFFROVAL TO AMARD BID d~93-2087, AS 350B2 KKLXCOPTKR SPJLRI PARTS, TO BULLDOG AXRLXHES, INC. - CONTXBUKD TO 9/8/98 AT 5:00 P.M. Goum:tletoner Constantine moved, carrted uneniBouoly, at 5:00 P.M. seconded by Commissioner Volpe and that Item #8F2 be continued to September 8, logs, Page 51 COIBTRUCTZ01 OF llZLICOPTKR IlMIG&R ARD MORX ORDER UNDER THE AGRIB:MXBT FOR PItOF~S~I~ SKRVICKS FOR A DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE - CONTINUED TO 9/8/93 AT S:O0 P.M. CoBm/sstoneF Constant/ne moved, seconded by Com~/ss/onsF Vo/pe end c~Led .n&U/B~Uly, that Ttem #8r3 be continued to September 8, 1993, mt S:O0 P.N. Item ~5 REC08OIENDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONKRS AMARD BID · 93-2055 TO P~H CONSTRUCTION CORP. FOR TH~ CONSTRUCTION OF TH~ COLLIER NORTH LIBRARY ADDITION/RENOVATION - CONTINUED TO 9/8/93 &T 5:00 P.M. Commissioner Constant/ne moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and corrlodunanlmly, that Item #8H5 be continued to September 8, 1993, at 5:00 P.M. ese CoBRLss/onsr Volpe Boved, seconded by Con/ss/oner Cat&ut/no and carried 5/0, that tho following itenoundsr tho consent agenda be approved and/or adopted: Item#IS&/ C&SHIER*B CHECK &CCKPTED AS SKCURZTY FOR KXCAVAT/OR PERMIT ~0. 59.474 "SI"ZI~,ZIG Ztem#16&2 mo~zoN 93-362 GRAINING FINAL ACCIPTANC~ OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER I'MFROV~'~I'S FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "MOODLAK~" - MITR TH~ STZPUL&T~0WS AS LISTED IN THE EXECUTIVE S~ See Page. ~5'7 - .~, :.5",~' Item ,16A3 ZRRIV0C&BL~ STAIDBY LETTER OF CREDIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY FOR IXCAV&TZ01PKRMZT NO. 59.477 WBRIAR~OOD UNIT TWO' Item #16&4 See Page STANDBY LKTTKR OF CREDIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY AND PRKV~OUBLYPROVIDED CIlXCK RELEASED FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.478 "PILZCANI4ARS~" Item #16A5 I~qA~0CABLI STANDBY LKTTKR OF CRKDIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.479 'PINE RIDGE CROSSINGS' BOOK OCO~'Aq~2~9 Page 52 See Pages SeptembeF 7, 1993 ~.e P.ge. o?g 7- o2 70 FXMJ~ PLAT OF ~*B~qTARMOOD UMZT T~O'* - MI[TH THE STIPULATIONS AS LZSTKD · IN THI IXECUTIV~ SUtP. ARY Se. Psge. ~71 - ~ ?~ Ztmm #16&8 Item See Pages PLAT OF 'MATKRFORD EST&TKSu - M/TH TH~ STIPULATIONS AS LISTED IN ~e, Page, ~ 7 7-~? I~'IMAL FLAT OF '*PL'LICAH MARSH UNIT ONE" Ttem #16B1 ONE-YEAR EXTKI~ZON OF KXZSTZNG MAZNTENANCE MKMORAHDA OF AGR,KKI~NTS WITH THE FT,,OR~DA DKPARTMKIFr OF TRANSPORTATZOR (FIX)T) FOR ROADMAY Slle~ 11~3 AND MEDT~L~ MOWING AT SKLECTKD LOCAT/ONS ~THIN COLLIKR COOBTY Ita,16B2 QUZTCL&IM DKB:D RE PETITION AV-03-00! VACATING AND REPLACING & PORTION '0Y &UTIL~~~ LOCATED 0N A PARCEL 0Y LA]ID LYING ZR 8KCTZON 22, Xtmm ~J. fB3 (~FXTCL~ 1~ RE FNTITIOll AV-03-005 VACATIMG AMD IL~CX'MG A PORT'rOM OF & ~ mDI~MT LOCATW, D OW & PARc~r., OF LAIRD LYIWG XN $~eCTXON 15, TOMJISIiZP 48 SOOTH, RANGK 26 EAST See Pages Xtem~16B4~rvod to #8B2 Ita#16B5 ,oow Page 53 September 7, 1993 STAFF rISID33~S COBF/~ RB:L&T/VE TO REFUND 0Y TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FI~ 0VlSZP&TMI3Ff, AID $6~300 F/FURDKD TO THE DKVKLOI:~RS 0FKSTKYAIR PARTL~LIq~FUWD Or THE ¢OLLIKR COUNTY ROADWAY IMPACT I~Z FOR TH~ NORTH COLLZKRAIZI4A~ G~dZNZO - ZNTH~ AMOUNT Or 81,648 moved to #8B3 STZIRYLAT~DFZNAL 3UDGMKHT FOR PARCEL NOS. 128 JdlD 130, T.C.L. ZJlCOR.DORATED, CIRCUIT COURT CASE NO. 88-2869-CA-01-NLB, S.R. 951 FOUR LANIB~ B3(ZNZNT IX)MAIN CASE Ztme#16B9 SUPPLIMB~Tar. &GRKKMKNT NO. 5 CORRKCTING SUPPLKMXHTAL AGRK~ NO. WITH CH2M HILL, INC., DUE TO A SCRIV'KNKR*S KRROR FOR fINAL DKSIGN SKRV/CES FOR PINE RIDGE ROAD SiX TARING ZMPROVKMK]ITS (SUNCTZON U.S. TO 3UIPSTZON C.R. 32), COUFfY CIE PRO3ECT NO. 024 ,ce Page. 311 -- 313 Ztem STZFULATI3) lJ'ZIqAL ~ IN CO~T CAS~ NO. 91-2600-CA-01-~B ~R P~ 27-T, ~ ~ES RO~AY DZS~I~ (LIVINGSTON RO~) - IN ~ ~ ~ 0140,600 BXD d~O3"208g F~R GAC ROAD CONBTRUCTION AMARDKD TO APAC-Irf, ORXDA, XNC. ZIS'T~EAMOUJlT OF AGRKKMKITMITN TH~ DIVISION OF LIBRARY ARD INFORMATION SKRV/CES, IYKPARTMERT OF STATE, FOR A LIBRARY SKRVICKS AND CONSTRUCTION ACT TITLE TO PRC~ZDE & BILINGUAL PROFESSIONAL LIBRARIAN ST2~KI~SINO THZ BRANCH OF TKK COLLZKR COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY Ztw~ ~16C2 See Pages 2//"~'* 3/7 OLDER AMI:RZCANB ACT COHTRACT ~ d~O01 OAA 3-93 BETWAXNTH~ BOARD Ol C(XJFrYCOItB4ZSSZOHKRS A]fl3 TH~ A]t~AG~]IC~ ON AGZNG OF SOOTH C'ENTRAL Zt~ ,1~CS RKSOLUTION 95-S63 ISTABLISNING TH~ TKRMS OF OFFICE FOR THE COLLIKR CoUIrTY FUB~F, IC H~&r. TH UN/T ADV/SORY BOARD ,o.. p.g. September 7, 1993 See Pages TR&ISl~R OF lq:JNDS fROM THX $OCXAL SKRVXCKS B~DGKT TO 8KRV/CKS SK]FJ;ORS ¢OJOffiWZTY CAR~ fOR TH~ KLDKRF, Y FORD - XN THZ AMO~RT OF 080,000 ~tem#16D1 moved to #8D1 Ztem#16D2 ~ IIO. OIK TO ~ PROI~SS/ORAL SKI~ICKS &~ M/TH Ztem#16D8 See Pages AMK]II]MKNT NO. 3 TO TH~ PROFESSIONAL SKR~ICKS AGREEMENT NITH HOLK, MONTES & ASSOCIATES FOR THE GOLDEN GATE WKLLIPIKLD EXPANSION - IN THR ,LMOOJlT OF $63,630 Ztmuffl61:)6 contlnuod to 9/14/93 : . Ztom ff16D7 JlOTZCB OF PROMISE TO PAY AJlDAGRKKMK:]FT ?O KXTK]FD PAYMKIIT OF SL~KR IMPACT FEES FOR JOSEPH AND LORRY 3ACKSON Item #16D0 ~ORE IFI~q~qT~V~S TO THE NORTE COUJlTY RKGTONAL MATKR TRKATMKNT PLA]IT COIIBI~q~3TZOJ COJlTlq&CT W/TH GRK&T MON~qXRT CORSTR~CTZOR COMP&JlY See ~ages ./~3~7-,~.,~7 BID ~93-2086 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SECURITY FENCING AT TH~ COLLIKR COU~I'Y SHERIFF'S I~TLTIPURPOSK TRAINING FACILITY AWARDED TO CKNTIIRY IPENC~ CO. - 11 THE AMOONT OF 820,950 BI]DG]ET AM~NJ]M~NT APPROPRIATING THE MAINTENANCE SERVICES REVENUES IN KXCK~S OF TIIZIR B~T)GKT - IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,999 September 7, 1993 ltd #~S ~a-206~ TH]tOUml ~a-2078 fOR ~ISCAL YEAR ~9~3/~¢ AMAR~ED Bid #93-206! for Analytlca! Services - to lEA, Inc. Bid #93-2062 for Underground Utilities Supplies - to various ven- dors Bid #93-2063 for Asphalt & Related Items - to APAC Florida, Inc.; Better Roads, Inc.; and Harper Bros., Inc. Bid #93-2064 for Bagged Ice Service - to Nap]es Ice Company Bid #93-2065 for Concrete & Metal Culvert Pipe - to various ven- dors Bid #93-2066 for Ltmerock, Ftl! & Related Items - to various ven- dors Bid #93-2067 for Emergency Electrical Services - to Phelps Electric Bid #93-2068 for Portable Toilet Rental - to $. H. Craft Portable Bid ~93-2069 for Tee Shirts - to Screen Printing Unlimited B~d #93-20?0 for Herbicides for Aquatic Plant Control - to Helena Chemical Company; Terra Southern Corporation; and United Horticultural Bid #93-207! for Herbicides/Pesticides/Fungicides - to various vendors Bid #93-20?2 for Fertilizer Purchase and Delivery - to Producers Leco Fertilizer Company Bid #93-2073 for Grass Seeding Services - to Haters Nowtng and Grassing, Inc. Bid #93-2074 for Daily Cover & FI]! Naterta] for Landfills - to Naples Recycling Resources, Inc.; Sands Ltd.; and Southern Sand & Stone Bid #93-20?5 for Gasoline & Diesel Fuel - all bids rejected Bid ~93-2076 for Turf Purchase & Delivery - to Leo's Sod and Golden Gate Nursery Bid #93-2077 for Contractual Services/Traffic Signals - to Hid-Continent Electric BLd #93-20?8 for Concrete Traffic S~gnal Poles - to Ntd-Conttnent Electric LII~T~DUBE LICK~BE AGI~EHENT BKTNEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COIM~SSZONEIt~ JIJID COOL CRUISEI~ OF NAPLES, INC., A NON-PROFIT ~,ORIDA CORPORAT~OM, IN ORDER TO UTILIZ]~ THE GOLDEN flAT~ COI~/U~ITY CENTER PROl~]t~f FOR TI~ PURPOSE OF PUBLIC PAR~ING ~ VENDOR DISPLAY FOR A $~EVEMT ON ~ANUARY 22, 2994 See Pages PROVIDE FUNDS FOR PRK~XOUSLYAPFROVKD COUMTYo$ ADM~IFXSTRATXVK 800 MHZ TI~R~XO ~36,768 ItOU#161~Uoved to #8F2 BID d~9~-2082 FOR IT'EMS OX'DER THE EXERGERCY ~lC~ B~Z~S ~~ ~~ LIST - ~ED TO V~XOUS ~~ Page 56 September 7, 1993 ..,Zt:eu d~26F4 moved 1:o #8F3 ~ ~ ~ 020,875; ~ BZD ~93-2051 ~R A S~O~OT~- 052,265.75 C~RI~r~C&/~S OF COI~C~ION TO ~ 1991, 1992 JLRD 1993 SOL/DM&SI~ ·COT. T~C/~C~81~gCTJ~ ASS~SSI4~ ROL~S See Pages 374-- Item ~'1~4 continued to 9/21/93 Itu d~/6H1 BID~g3--2082 FOR MKDIANAND SKLKCTKD PUBLIC AREA GROUNDS MAIIFTKNANCE FOR TH~ 330JOEALK~ BKAUTIFICATION M.S.T.U. AMARDED TO A PKRSONAL TOUCH LAMN BIRVICH, INC. - IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT OF 025,401.74 MORE 0RD~ CHC-1 WITH COASTAL KNGINKKRING CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR SURFEY/JG SB3qVICKS RELATED TO THE MARCO ISLAND BKACH RXNODRISHMKNT M~NTTQR2]I~ J~RYI~q~MEJITS - IN THE AMOUNT OF 823,720 MZSC~:T.T.131~00S CORReSPONDeNCE - FILED AND/OR REFKRRgD ~he following miscellaneous correspondence was filed and or referred ae preeented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 57 September 7, 1993 CIITXFxCATI~ (FF CORI~CTXOJ~ TO TH~ TAX ROLLS AS PRKS~ BY THE ~ AFFRAXSER 2ggo TAX ROLL Date 339 08/25/93 245/246 lggl TAX ROLL 08/16/93-08/25/93 150/151 1992-158/1992-160 Xtmd~6J~ ':EXTRAeAXNTI~E FOR ii, MATE NOS. 54409 AHD 58590 1992 TAX ROLL 08/16/93-08/25/93 1992 TA~IXBLE PKRSORAL PROPERTY 08/10/93-08/20/93 ~ATI~ACTIO~ OF LZEN FOR ~2~VIC~ OF TIlE PUBLIC S.o P.ge. (i 8AT~BFAC~I'ON OF LXH DOCUN~WTS FXLED ON RF, AL PROPERTY FOR TR~ ;',A~AT'BI~IIT O~FUBLZC I~OZSAIIUE eeo Receoeod: 9:10 P.M. September 7, 1993 - Roconvened: S:00 P.M. September 8, 2993 mt which tim Recording Secretary ~uevin replaced Deputy Clerk Hoff~an *00 eeo Commissioner ~tthM ~ not preoent at thio tim. 00* Co.missioner Constantine noted he requested that thio item be removed from the consent agenda, however, his questions have since Page 58 September 8, 1993 been answered, Comn~ssioner Norris ~oved, seconded by Coniesioner Constantine and carried 4/0 (Co~sBloner ~th~ ~t), to ~rd the ~d ~~g Contract to A~olL ~r & B~dage, Coastal ~gLneerlng C~I~Ts, Inc., Portelli-R~ A~soctites, HLlkLnson ~ NLI~, N~ller, ~ton & Peek, Inc., ~d luthorLze the C~L~ to mte th c~tracts. Co~missioner Volpe commented this item involves 100 acres at the Immokalee Airport to graze cows. He questioned what was the process used to determine this land as surplus land for lease and if the ren- tal amount of $85 per month ie competitive? Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained this lease must meet the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements for the unit price. He said the unit price of approximately $10 per acre per year was reviewed and approved by the FAA. He indicated the FAA requires, when there is a non-aviation use, that there will be a certain minimum lease payment for ground over a certain period of time. He stated the $10 per acre per year is not only approved by the FAA, it represents the figure which has been used on other similar leases within the airport property. He noted this ia simply a renewal of an expired lease, the subject area ts fenced in, lies in the very north end of the airport and will be ideal for thio particular use for a number of years. He added this ts a month-to-month lease and the County reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time. sss Com~sstc~er Matthews entered the meeting at this time. Co~mieeloner Constantine inquired if this item should be reviewed by the Airport Authority before approval by the Board of County Conieolonere? · : County Manager Dorrtll advised the Airport Authority has reviewed Page 59 September 6, 1993 and approved thAo Htem. He also RentHoned thHs tenant erected the fsncHng on the property. CoJestAoeHone~ NorrH8 moved, aaconded by CouulsaHoner ConotantHne and ca~Hedunanimouel¥, to approve and execute a Bonth-to-month lease agreemmt between CollHer CounW and Jack Johnson. Jr., for a portHon of the Xmkalas AHrport, for the purpose of cattle grazHng. Page 60 September 8, 1993 .(~so) ASSZGIIM~ OF ~CISTING ~F/'LU~XT &GR~XT FRON COLLI~. DKV~LO~ CORPOI~TZONTO COLLZERt8 RESERVE COUNTRY CLUB, INC. - APPROVED Commissioner Volpe indicated he understands that the Utilities Division Is attempting to have a unified agreement for the sale of effluent. He also noted within this agreement, the cost remains at two centa per thousand gallons as opposed to the new rate of 13 cents. Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator, explained this is an assignment of an existing effluent agreement which calls for two cents or whatever rate ts currently In effect. He agreed the Board has adopted a rate of 13 cents per thousand gallons. He concluded this assignment will carry the sane terms and conditions forward. Assistant County Attorney Richard Yovanovich noted the agreement contains a provision allowing rates to change upon 30 days written notice to the user. Mr. Bloetecher reported he will insure the rate being charged the current rate. Oe~a~NAoner Volpe ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Norris ~nd carrled 1/0 (Commioalonmr Constantine out), to approve the a~elgnment of an e~i~cing effluent agreeeent fron Collier Develol~ent Corporation ~ tO Co2AA~'o Rooor~o Count~'y Club, Inc. Page September 8. ~993 (~74) AMEHIBilITIK). ONE TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACFRL'B34XJFL* WITH HOLE, MONTES &ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR MASTKR PUMP STATIONS 1.03 ABD 1.07 - Co~issioner Constantine questAoned if work such aa pump stations and ~aeter pu~p stations will be included in the proposed Capital Projects Division to be discussed at the next meeting? County Manager Dorril! reported in general, pump stations will be included. Mr. Bloetscher added he anticipates that pu~p stations similar to this itel will be done tn-house under the new reorganization, with agreements for consultant services for the more complex stations. C4~admioner Constantine ~oved, ascended by Coa~lelioner Norris and c~ted unenimly, to approve ARendment No. One to the pro- £elslonll oe~vtcee agreement with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., for Narte Pump Stations 1.03 and 1.O?. Page 62 September 8, 1993 ]t~EST TO ANARD BID #93-2087, A~ 350B2 RELICOPTER SPARE PARTS, TO ~.AXI~I]~8, ZNC. - APPROVED Comlssioner Constantine noted approval of this item will authorize the purchase of emergency parts from the lanufacturer and · ward all non-emergency orders to Bulldog Airlines. He commented it has been his experience that the manufacturer often charges 200-300 percent over the cost of other vendors. He questioned if there are any vendors who provide 24-hour AOG service other than the manufac- turer? Peter Bolton, Chief Helicopter Pilot, explained Collier County has been using the manufacturer for the past year for all A0G require- ~.i~ manta. He said they have never charged anything extra for emergency orders. Cosm~uloner Constantine ]aoved, leconded by Coma~attoner Norrtl and carried unau~mmsly, to award Bid #93-208? for the ter~ of one yea~ to Bulldog AJrltnee, Inc., for all non-e~ergency helicopter spare part p~r~; and authorize St·fl to continue to purchase d~rect fro~ the ~nufacturer, A~ertcan Eurocopter Corporation, all e~ergency ~ patti and any other patti that Bulldog Airlines, Inc., ti unable .... (log) APPROVAL TO COI~TRUCT A IXELICOPTEREAN~tR AI(D ~~ A~ O~~ ~ A~ FOR ~0~SSION~ S~ICES ~ ~TA~ i ~S~ZA~S ~l~S FOR ~ DESI~ OF ~ S~~ - C~~D ~ 9/14/93 Commissioner Volpe commented discussions have taken place regarding alternatives to the existing hangar space. He recalled the County ha8 not yet entered Into a new lease with the Naples Airport Authority, therefore, it may be premature to engage the services of an architect to begin designing a new hangar. Diane Flagg, Education Quality Control Nanager with ENS, explained the State has Identified $45,000 for the purpose of designing · hangar Page 63 September 8, 1993 for the helicopter. She said if those funds are not encumbered by September 30, they are sent back to the State. She stated meetings .have taken place with the Naples Airport Authority, although Staff has not engaged in any type of lease arrangement. However, she reported the Airport Authority has offered the south quadrant as a site for the County to construct a facility at an excellent rate compared to the present rate. Co,missioner Constantine asked if this item can be delayed for one week to investigate whether another alternative to the Naples Airport can be explored? No. Flagg agreed this Item may be postponed for one week, but added Ihs has checked with all other previously discussed options in addition to other facilities that might be for lease and has received negative results. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Volpe and carrt~dunant~usl¥, to continue this Ares to 9/14/93. isis) ltem d~H~ R~COtO(KIrDATXON THAT TH~ BOARD AMARD BID 4t93-2055 TO POH CONSTRUCTXON CORPORATXONFOR TH~ CONSTRUCTXON OF THE COLLXKR NORTH LXBRARY ADDXTXON/RI3~OVATXON - APPROVED Contssioner Constantine reported his questions concerning this Item have been answered. O~tNtoner Constantine ~oved, seconded by Coaleeloner Yelps c~i~ ~~1~, to ~d Bid ~93-2055 to P~ Const~ction Co~ratt~ fo~ the co~tnctlon of the Collier North Llbr~ Page 64 September 8, ~993 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 5:25 P.M, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~URT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN presented or as corrected Page 65