BCC Minutes 09/08/1993 B (Budget) Naples, Florida, September 8, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, thai the Board of County Commissioners tn and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. in BUDGET HEARING SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fo/lowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Annette Guevin, Recording Secretary and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Netl Dorrtll, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Dave Weigel, Hetdt Ashton, Richard Yovanovich and Martha Howell, Assistant County Attorneys; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Tom O//iff, Public Services Administrator; Norris IJams, Emergency Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Dave Pettrow, Site Development Review Director; Tom Conrecode, Capital Projects Director; Mike MeNses, Budget Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Director; Greg Mthaltc, Affordable Housing Director; Ed Gehring, Building Review and Permit Director; Dr. Jane Polkowskt, Co/l/er County Health Unit Director; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Bill Griffin, Emergency Services Administrative Manager; Roger Evans, Collier County Health Unit Business Managsr; Bob Syrns, MIchael Smykowski and Jean Gansel, Budget Analysts; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Shertfffs Office. Page September 8, 1993 !~ (~43) Mike McNees, Budget Director, stated this Is the first of two public hearings to precede adoption of the FY 94 Collier County Budget. He advised during this hearing, discussion will Include the tentative millage rates that would be tn place at this point, given all the changes made to the original proposed and the tentative budget: a summary of changes made to date to the tentative budget pre- sented earlier tn the year: public comment will be heard: and finally, the Board will adopt the amended tentative budget and set a date for the final public hearing tn two weeks. He noted as part of the changes to the tentative budget, Staff also has a few presentations as well as public Issues to be presented. Mr. McNees referred to page 3 of the agenda package, containing the tentative mtllages. He said the General Fund millage at this point ts set at 3.679, which represents a 14.8 percent Increase over the rollback rate. He 8tared although that Increase seems alarming, the rate Incorporates the addition of the ad valorem Capital Fund a8 well as the Water Management Fund Into the General Fund. He pointed out the total County-wide millage rate ts tentatively set at 2.8 per- cent below the rollback rate. He advised the aggregate rate, which Includes all special voter approved districts, ts tentatively 0.7 per- cent below the rollback rate. Mr. NcNees next referred to page 5, and explained a list of all the Items which have changed since the tentative budget was presented during July, either during regular Board meetings or budget workshops. Referring to Item #8 dealing with Commercial Paper, Commissioner Matthews recalled the Board directed SI-million to be applied tn order to reduce the principal payment. Commissioner Norris agreed that the Board wished to amortize $1-mlll~on worth of principal per year. Commissioner Volpe remarked $18-mlllton on the line of credit with SunBank has been freed-up with the bonds being sold. He wondered if September 8, 1993 the $X3-mlllion in Commercial Paper should be moved over to the line of credit tf the interest rates are lower. Mr. McNees indicated Staff will provide a further recommendation in the near future with regard to the Commercial Paper. Mr. McNees addressed changes to the General Fund on page 6, par- ticularly the updated and actual proposed turnbacks from the Clerk of Courts and the Tax Collector. He said Staff has been able to Increase proposed General Fund Reserves by $1.14-milllon. Because of those extra funds, he said, sales tax monies could be applied toward the retirement of the Commercial Paper debt without an impact on the General Fund. He indicated another option ts to use those unexpected funds to lower the mil/age rate. It w~s the consensus to use those funds to retire a portion of the Co~ercial Paper debt. Mr. McNees stated he will calculate SI-million in principal retirement, find out how much is left of the $1.14-mtllion and the Board can make a decision at the final budget hearing whether that amount will be applied to millage reduction or an Increase tn reser- ves. (g4o) DISCUSSION ITEMS Soil I Water Conservation Dlatrict Request David Wtlktson, Vice-Chairman of the Collier Soil & Water Conservation District, gave a presentation requesting that the Board continue to fund the District. In response to Commissioner Norris, Mr. Wtlktson detailed the ser- vices provided to County Departments by the Soil & Water Conservation District. He indicated approximately 5 percent of each work week ts spent on those services. He noted although they are requesting $36,471, of that amount, $11,589 is returned to Collier County for lease of office space. The following person spoke regarding this item: Larry Ingram Page 3 September 8, 1993 Commissioner Constantine commented Mr. Wilkison has tnd~cated a part-time Admin~strative Assistant position can adequately address the needs of the Dtstr~ct office. He indicated he has no objection to continue funding that amount. Co~mtme~onar Constantine ~ovsd, seconded by Coutestoner Saundere to approv~ 817,300 to continue funding the Soil & Water Conservation District at th~ ~ level aa 1~' 93. In answer to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Wtlktson stated the $17,300 does not include the off,ce equipment being requested, Including an appropriation of $5,500 for a new copy machine. Commissioner Volpe noted the District rents space at the County's Agricultural Center and suggested they explore sharing the copier belonging to the Agriculture Department. Mr. Wilkison indicated that is acceptable to the District. Commissioner Volpe stated he cannot support the motion because tn his opinion, there may be a duplication of effort. Upon call for the quest/on, the ~ot~on ca~=~ed 3/2 (Comieelonere Volpe ~ndRorrts opposed). Co..un/t~ Development - Request to Continue Operation of the I.~okalee Off/cs Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator, pro- vided the Board with a handout describing the s~tuation in Immokalee. He recalled during the budget dellberattons, the Board was looking for ways to save the County money, and a suggest/on was to Investigate closing the off/ce tn Immokalee. He noted an offer was received from a banking facility for a smal! office, rent free, and another oppor- tunity was presented to move to another off~ce at a reduced rate. He advised as a result of a request from Commissioner Matthews, he and a Staff member met at the Immokalee Off/ce with both Planning Commission members and over 20 members of the construction industry who have requested that the County maintain the off/ce. He said Staff per- formed a detailed analysts for approximately 15 days of the number of persons coming ~nto the office plus the amount of business that the Page 4 September 8, 1993 office generates, resulting in his recommendation that a full-time operational office be maintained In Immokalee. He noted the total revenue generated by that office this year will be approximately $100,000 while the cost of operation is $62,000. He said analyses were made of moving to either the Fire Station or the bank, however, both options contain only one-half of the needed space. He concluded with a request to continue the operation and continue looking for more adequate County space. Comissioner Matthews Loved, second.d by Cont~mioner Constantine and carried unanimously, that the operation of the Im~okalee Office be continued. Mr. Brutt next referred to page 20 of the agenda package, and detailed his ~ustiftcation for requesting an Office Assistant II posi- tion in the Building Plan Review and Permitting Department. He said he feels the revenue to be generated by the Subscription Service, Records Research, Blue Print Copy and Microfilm Surcharge fees approved at the September 7 meeting will more than pay the cost for that position, which will also provide a tremendous service to the public. Commissioner Matthews asked if the fees approved at the September 7 meeting have been included tn the FY 94 budget? Mr. McNees responded in the negative and suggested those revenues and the cost for this position be added and brought back at the final hearing for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Constantine suggested the Board continue the position they established tn the workshops, and not fund this position. Commissioner Matthews disagreed, stating this is an enterprise fund. She said the purpose of this department ts to serve the public, and the public pays for that service. She remarked the Board ham Just instituted new fees that the public will be paying for, and without this position they may not get those services. She Indicated her pre- ference that Mr. McNees Include the fee revenue and this position in the budget for discussion at the final hearing. Page 5 September 8, 1993 It wa~ the conmenwum to continue this discussion to the final hemrAng. Tr~spor~at~on Services Administrator Archibald provided the Board with a h~dout that outlines the North Naples Roadway District bo~- dartes as well as the expenditures to date. He said th~s project ~s currently on hold, but there have been expenditures in the past for env~ro~enta~ permitting and some of the design work as well a~ land ac~ts~ton expenditures. In sugary, he ea~d, this D~strtc~ currently has a value of $41,3~9,000 and Staff ~e proposing a three mill t~ for the second year which will produce approximately $124,000. He noted ~his evening's d~scuss~on concerns the share pa~d by Imperial Phase V, an 80-acre development within ~he MSTU District bo~dar~es, which represents 150 lots both developed and ~developed, wl~h a total assessable value of over $10-m~lllon. He pointed out because tha~ area has been developed and the remainder of the MSTU ~e undeveloped, ~t represents approximately 25 percent of the area as a whole. He stated their share of the $124,000 ~ roughly $32,000. In response to Co~lss~oner Matthews, Transportation Services A~lnlstrator Archibald advised tha~ Phase V consists of 80 acres while the entire Dlstr~ct is ~n excess of 3,000 acres. ~er~n~ Co~ssloner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler explained ~he normal legal analys~s for Inclusion ln~o a MSTU must ~ake Into con- stderat~on if the properties receive even a m~nlma/ benefit. He sa~d the Board has d~ecretion tn that area In determinln~ a minimum bene- fit. He ~nd~cated this is a s~tuatton where ~f there ~e reasonable, competent evidence to support a dec/sion that Phase V e~ther remain ~n or be removed from the Dtstr~c~, ~he Board will be upheld. Co~ss~oner Volpe remarked regard~n~ a m~nlmum benefit, L~vln~s~on Road Is no~ in place; and most ~mportantly, there ~s no co~ector ~d probably will never ~ a connector between thee Phase V ~d the future alignment of Llvln~ston Road. County Attorney Cuyler communicated the fact tha~ the road ~s not 07  Page 6 September 8, 1993 yet built does not preclude them from the MSTU, which la usually established to pay the pre-construction costs. Transportation Services Administrator Archibald noted with regard to the expenditures to date, those contracts were entered into with the recognition that they would be reimbursed in part from the NSTU or from the District. He said the County is following through with those initial commitments and ts pursuing the preliminary planning and design as well as some of the permitting activities. He asserted there is still a very good possibility that this will be connected to the future road. The following people spoke regarding this Item: Nllliam F. Teuber Herbert C. Oehlers Co~mlssioner Volpe said Phase V property owners are paying a disproportionate share of the cost of this NSTU. He asked the Board to consider etther adjusting the rate they pay or deleting them entirely from this Transportation Services Administrator Archibald pointed out when this development was approved, certain stipulations and restrictions were imposed. He said park of the stipulations recognized that the development would pay Its share the future when a special assessment is proposed, giving credit to those who paid an inordinate amount can be considered. Co~niesioner Volpe suggested there should be an opportunity to provide some immediate relief to these taxpayers. Commissioner Saunders communicated this discussion should be included on a regular Board agenda. Co~lssioner Volpe proposed that the millage be reduced from the maxi~ru~ of three mills. Co~a~aa~on~ Volpe ~ov~d, seconded by Co~mtssionar Norl'tl ~nd carr~edun~n~ou~ly0 to reduce the millage for the North Naples Ro~ ~TU to one mill for 1~ 94. Sabal Pail toad Joe Townsend, President of the Sabal Palm Association, asked the 08 September 8, 1993 Board to raise the millage rate for the Sabal Palm Road MSTU. He said the Board recently approved a lev~ of three mills, however, the expected funds from that levy will not be sufficient to pay the ser- vices of Attorney Tim Ferguson. He reported $55,000 would be gained from a lev~ of l0 mills which is a logical, realistic budget to pay the legal costs and permitting for a three-mile road. Tape ~ The following people spoke regarding this item: Timothy W. Ferguson Kenneth J. Sleeth Commissioner Saunders stated he does not believe the Board of County Commissioners can legally impose a greater millage in the coming fiscal year. Mr. McNees pointed out there is a provision in the State Statute that allows the millage to be raised at this point. He said the Property Appraiser has stated, however, it cannot be done given the time constraints. County Manager Dorrill suggested the Board take this request under advisement, schedule proper notice for affected owners of record within the District and direct Staff to develop alternatives. It ~ the COl~8ensu8 to direct Staff as suggested by County Nanag~ Dorrtll. Tr&n~portation Division - Median Maintenance Crew Mr. McNees called attention to a proposal from the Transportation Division of $101,000 for a median maintenance crew. He recalled when It was reviewed by the Board, $52,000 of that request was placed In the MSTU Road Districts with the remaining amount left tn the Transportation Fund. He indicated when the discretionary Items were discussed at a subsequent workshop, the Board directed that the $101,000 be cut from the budget. He asked for clarification on whether to cut the entire median maintenance crew, consisting of a crew leader and three maintenance workers, or fund that expense, one- half through the MSTU Road Districts and one-half through the Transportation Division. 0.9 Page 8 September 8, 1993 It ~s th~ consensus that the $101,000 wi1! remtn in the budget, one-half in th~ ~TU Road Districts ~d one-~lf tn the Tr~tatton Dtvt~l~, w/th a tr~sttlon over t/me of that e~n~e into the Road General T~tce Roberta Platt, President-elect of the Shelter for Abused Women of Collier Cowry, expounded on the services provided and the dire need for funding for her organization. She asked the Board to restore their original request for $20,000 tn assistance for FY 94. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Ms. Platt stated the County has appropriated $10,000 for the Shelter for the coming year. Co~tsstoner Constantine recalled It was the consensus of the Board ~o reduce the appropriations of all the contract agencies, with intention of slowly deleting these expenses entirely. Co~tsstoner Volpe stated these services are provided through the County's Social Services Agency and tn his opinion, charitable contri- butions should be handled other than through the involuntary contribu- tion of t~ dollars. Ms. Platt asserted these services are not being duplicated on the County level. She pointed out Lee County ts contributing $165,000 to run a similar Shelter. Co~isstoner Saunders co~untcated he has always supported contract agency f~dtng. He said his rationale for supporting public f~dtng ts that the particular agencies that have been funded tn the past are those that provide a quasi-governmental function. He remarked he would like to see the Board reinstate the previously budgeted amount of $150,000 for contract agencies, which will mean an increase of $50,000 to the proposed budget. It ~ ~e co~e~ that no chugs ~ ~de to the ~dget at this ese ~ty Clerk Hoff~ replaced Recording (1055) The following additional persons spoke at this time: iO Page 9 September 8, 1993 Fred Zawilinski, representing lmmokalee Friendship HOuse Dick Siegel, representing Greater Naples Civic Association Lucy Ortiz Doug HcGilvra Commissioner Constantine questioned the current status of the employee hiring freeze, to which County Manager Dorrill replied that 66 positions are currently frozen, and noted that the primary dif- ference is the new positions that were hire~ within the past 3-4 months in anticipation of the second County Water Treatment Plant. Commissioner Constantine stated that he is in favor of reviewing the positions that have been frozen and l:hose that the County has gone without fi/ling for a period of time and possibly eliminate same. County Manager Dorrill advised that he will provide the latest freeze report to the Commission. Commissioner Saunders suggested that this item be placed on the September 14, 1993 agenda. Commissioner Saunders revealed that he has been contacted by several local engineering firms with respect to the consolidation of the Engineering Division, indicating that this will not work. He requested that County Manager Dorrill provide an analysis as to how this will work. County Manager Dorrill replied that he responded to 'the Board's request to evaluate that consolidation with the primary concern being there is four different departments that are building things. He remarked that there is no reason that a project engineer in one department could not be responsible for a utility water or sewer main project and/or park construction or solid waste related project. In addition, another directive of the Board was that of the remaining force of engineers or project managers and the amount of design work to be done tn-house and to show the elimination of outside consulting work. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Dorrill advised that there is actually a decrease in the number of employees as per 1,000 capita analysis for each of the last five years. He noted there le Page 10 September 8, 1993 approximately the same number of county employees per capita as that of ten years ago. He remarked that the Constitutions! Officers currently have more employees than the Board has. Commissioner Volpe stated that it would be helpful tf Mr. Siegel and others would identify specific programs that they believe should no longer be provided by County Government. Mr. Siegel replied that he is happy to accept this challenge. Commissioner Saunders suggested that Mr. Siegel offer various alternatives as to how the County could cut spending. Discussion ensued with regard to the funding of the Immokalee Clinic. Budget Director McNees recalled that the Board proposed for this year to fund the shuttle service but not the clinic. He reported that the difference in the FY 1993 budget is an additional $263,800 to fund the assistance program. He indicated that the transport budget for FY 1994 is $24,100. Commissioner Saunders suggested that County Manager Dorrill pro- vide information before the final budget hearing as to the impact of not funding the clinic. Commissioner Saunders announced that the public comment section of the agenda is closed. I~SOLUTION 93-3?2 AMENDING TH~ TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FY93-94 - ADOPTED Budget Director McNees requested that the Commission adopt the Resolution amending the Tentative Budget and/or adopting the Amended Tentative Budget as amended with the back-up provided on Page 8 of the Agenda Package. He reported that this puts into place the changes that were detailed prior to this hearing and subsequent to the adop- tion of the Tentative Budget. He explained that any changes made during this hearing will be presented to the Board in Resolution form at the Final Budget Hearing in conjunction with any changes that are made at that time. Co~issioner Norris ~oved, eeconded by Commtaaloner Constantine ~nd c~.riedun~niloualy, that Resolution 93-3?2 !~ adopted, ~ending the Tentative Budget for FY 1993-9&. Page September 8, 1993 Mr. McNees read Into the record the tentatively amended, but adopted Total county-wide millage rate of 3.7146 which ts 2.8~ below the rollback rate and the tentative aggregate rate of 4.4603 which lo 7~ below the rollback rate. Mr. McNees announced that the Final Public Hearing on the FY 1993-94 Collier County Budget will be conducted on Wednesday, September 22, 1993 at 5:05 P.M. in the Third Floor Boardroom. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:55 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS . · CONTROL .~', .. ~,,~L~ ~£ -. ~ t,~... /. ~" · '~s .' ' '%.? ": A~ES~= ...//... ,~.'. ~ [, .,~ URT L. SAUCERS, · . , , -.?....,;- . ~.. , . ';;~ ~'u~n~.a~oved bU ~he Board on '~.((- ~.. ~ '. S~ .~',~.. as~,presen~ .~~ or as corrected CHAIRMAN Page 12