BCC Minutes 10/07/1993 J (w/Lee BCC)0070~ 7o JOINT HEETING LEE COUF~Y/COLLIER COUNTY OCTOBER 7, 1993 9:30 AH BONITA SPRINGS LIONS' CENTER 10370 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE A~enda Item Overvie~ by the Governmental Committee of ch· Bonita Springs Chanber of Consaerce Requested By Commissioner Judah 2. Issues of Innediate Concern A. Bi-County Transportation Study Results · Coordination and consistency at common HPO boundary B, Bonita Beach Road Videning · Ti~ing · Funding Consaiments · BeautificaCion C. Livingston/T~p~rial Connection · Corridor Limits · Facility Size (nt~ber of lanes) · T~ing, Funding D. Stor~vaCer Hanage~enC and Flood Control · Cooperative planning effort to address drainage in the vicinity of Carrell Road and Imokalee Road E. Disaster Preparedness · Improved coordination between counCies, including hurricane shelters in ~he vicinity of ~he county line Bonita Springs Chamber 3, Other Issues A. Vanderbilt Drive Videning · Ti~ing, Funding B. lOth University · Joint lobbying for funding · Potential programs to benefit the area Future Neeting Items A. Future north/south corridor east of 1-75 at County Line B. Coordination of U.S. 41 six laning aC County Line C. FDOT 1-75 Corridor $~udy/addicional interchange(s) Bonita Springs Chamber Bonita Springs Chamber Possible Opportunities for Regional Solid Vaste Processing and Disposal 6. Eminent Domain 7. Beach Pa~king/Fees/Design of the Bonita Beach Park Interlocal. Agreement vith Collier County at Bonita Beach Park Collier County Envir. Serv. Div. Commissioner Judah Collier County Pub. Serv. Ach. Comissioner Judah ;SOOK - X993R - B.O.C.C. ......... PAGE: 786 --- OCTOBER 07, 1993 A Joint Workshop of the Lee and Collier Countv Boards of County lion·rs was.held th~s date at the Bonita Springs Lions~ Center, wi~h the Commissioners present= i~.~' LEE COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY ~: John Manning, Chairman ~i~oth¥ J~ Constantine, Vice-Chairman ~. 1~a¥ Judah, Vice-Chairman ~onn Norris '~' John Albion Michael Volpe COMMISSIONERS MANN AND ST. CERNY FROM LEE COUNTY AND COMMISSIONERS MATTHEWS AND SAUNDERS FROM COLLIER COUNTY WERE ABSENT FOR THE ENTIRE MEETING. Chairman Manning called the meeting to order at 9=38 a.m. He welcomed the Collier County Commissioners and introduced Collier County Administrator W. Nell DorrX11 and Lee County Administrator Donald D. S~ilwell. Commissioner Judah thanked the Collier County Commissioners for att~nding and introduced Mr. Paul Pass, the Outgoing Chairman 9f the Bonita Springs Governmental Affairs Committee, who opened the amscusslon. 1. OVERVIEW BY THE GOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE OF THE BONITA SPRINGS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE · ' . .Mr. Pass.pointed_out the ~ed foF thi~.typ~ of ~egt~nq to discus~ ~eqlonal issues ~n~.~ugges~ed tha~ tn~ nex~ ~eg~l~g_~e scne~uAed for.~h~r~aay, ~a~ 5, ~994, in ~onI~a.spFl~q~.' ~r..~ass ~e=axlea. tne many cnanqes that nave ~aKg~ place singe, th@ ~as= 3oint meeting of these two Boards. T~e following gentlemen were introauced b~ Mr. Pass= Mr. Dennis Gilkey, President, Bonita Springs Chamber of Commerce F. Joh~ Spear _ are Chief u~n ~o~rley . Mr. Fred Par~on, ~enera~ Manager, Bonita Springs Utilities large aerial mag.~f %he 9rea, erected.by ~he Bgn~ta ~prings Cha~ber. gf omm~Fg~, was_u~eg, au~ng_=ne_pF~sen=at~on =o_poAn= out ~p~lfic l~ca~xon~. · ~xlK@y ~o=e~.=n~ ~g~n. o= ~l~e a_Bi-gountX TraDspo~a=lon_~uuy nas ~eeD. scusse~ wl~hogt a~opt~oD Dy e~ner county. ~e pointed_out dl££erencee an 2010 Plans a~opted Dy each County. Mr. Gilkey briefly discussed Agenda Items 2, ~ and 4. 2. -ISSUES OF IMMEDIATE CONCERN A. BiiCou~.~y ~Fanspo.rtatioD ~tudy Rgsults i cooraAna=lo~ ana.~ns%etency at common MPO boundary B. ~o~t~ ~each ~oad wlaen~ng T~ml g Fund~na Commitments Beautification C. Liying~on/~p@Fial Connection .. corridor ~gc~llty_Si~@ (n~er of lanes) Tlmlng~ ~nainq D. Stormwa~er Manaa~ment and Flood Control Co~perativ_e p~ann~ng ef~o.rt t9 a~dress drainage in the vicinity of carrel1Koaa aha ~mmo~a~ee ~oaa E. Di~aster.~repar~ne~ . . ~mprovea coora~na=lon De=ween Coun~iee~ in~luding Hurricane Shelters in the vicinity of the county Line OTHER ISSUES A. Van~eFbilt_Dr~ye Widening Timing; ~Ll~gxng B. 10th University J_o.~nt_~o.bbyi~g for .fun.ding ~,ot~ntlax programs ~o oenef~ the area · ~'~ ........... D~ HI~ES OF ~00793~.- ................ OCTOBER 7~ 1093 PAGE: 787 --- A. Futu~9 NgFth/South Corridgr 9ast of 1-75 ak Cg~nty Line B. Cooralna=lon o~.U.S=.4~ Six La~lng. at goun~y blue. C. FDOT 1-75 Corrxaor s=uay/additionax xn=ercnange(s~ 'sted byMr='J°h~' ~pea~, C~-Chgirman, ~hamber Governmental Affairs Committee, as~x ¥ ~lre c~x~f u~n ~ourAe¥, revxewed ~ge~da ~te~s 2~ 3 and 4. .He 9pxned ~h~t StgFm ~a=er Management, F~ood ~on~¥oA and.D~as=eF. Pr~pare~ne~ are r~.e_~os= 9rama=~c_Assues.o~ =nls agenaa~ ~e.~xscussea =~e we=Aanas, the_clew o=.~ne ya=e~.aDa =ne_neea_zoF. ma~ag~men=_o=_~ne, are~ ea~= of ~r?~ Mr._~pear, ~o~ln~.~e 9ls=a~c~ =Fom ~O~l=a sp~xDg~ =o_~ne ~w? .gFrxcane sgex=ers (~nree ~aKs~M£emen¥~ry Sg~o~A aDg_~aFro~_co£lxer ~lgh ~c99oAl, ~ugges=~d that ~ee.. uou~=y cqns%aeF, x~ zeasxoAe 1D =ne ~.xpa~sxon ~= ~n~ ~oDlt~.Sprxngs ~egFea=lon Ce~=~r~ aesxg~xng it as a H~rrxcane ~nel=~r~ xnoAu~e~ xn nxs pres~n=a=lon was ~ Drle£ overvle~ o~ 9he n~as of_the new unxversity and the expansion of the ~outh~es~ F~oriaa An=e.rna=Aongl Airport. He encouraged that meetings of ~his type De nela on a regular ~asls. _. Mr. Pa~s conclud~ the presentation.by thanking the Staffs for their ~oope~a=xo~. Uslng_a g~apnxc,. Mr= Spear notea all the PUD's and DRI's approved =rom ~ort myers sour~ nnrough ~apxes. .. Reqar~ing golligr Cgu~ty~s.Eco~omi? Elemgntz Commissioner Volpe. .qg_~syxon~d t~e=x~p~=~o_fr_n~ xngusg~xgl.a~ve~opm~Dg, algog_Old US 41. Chaxrman ~ann~ng ugg~s~ea_=na~ A~eO uouD~y Aamx~x~ra=or S=XAWeAA ~orward to Collier county A.dmx~xs=ra~or uq. rril~,.Le9 go~n~y.~ Draft Element~ he also described DCA's reluctance =o reauce Angus=tiaA Aana acreage. T ........ ~F:_Scg~_~_~ilb~rt~on,.Deputy D~r~c~or, Lee Cogngy Department of r~nsporu~xon, responulng =o uommlssloner Juaan, gave a sca=us report on: US 41 Six Laning Segments around Island Park and the Alice area will be first on line ~_u~_tI_~e_~~ E~s~ T~rry Street T project fg~ ranking ~=u~ ~erry_~uF~= ~o ~orAscre¥ -_l~wer prA~rx=y uorKscrew =o AAXCO area - prelect ~or ran~lng Imperial/Livingston Connection n~ied~s.a ~os~bl~_p~o~ct fgr.~he_add$~$on~ $o~5 Local Optign ~ ~x - ~u xs ~n ~e_~uA~ ~xnancxaAA~ ~easxDAe ~Aan ~rom the County ~ln~ to Terry Street, it is in the Needs Plan from Terry Street to corAscrew . .. Commi~siqDer ~9~R~ ac.kgowl~dg~ t~t. Col~ier_Coug%y is ~aviDg.. . permit~xng_an~ ruoaxn~ axz~xcu~=x~s xn ~n~ ~xvxngsnon ¢orrxaor. _Mr. ~9~ed~=? ~n~ux.ry_~ro~ co.mmx~sxgneF.voApe, regar~ng this corridor. Chairman ~aDnxng.~=a=ea_yna= .bee county xs AooKxng xn=o sOUthern connectors into the An=erna=lonal Alrpor=. S Mr. Chip. Mgrri~m (Lee CouDty) 9n~ Mr. Mik~ S19ytgn (goll~er County), out,west Florida. wa=er ~gnagemen~.uxs=rl~, respRnae~ ce.Inquiry =rom Commxssloner ~gaan regaralng f~ooalog_proolem~.. Mr~ ~errA~m' repor%.ed on_the Stormwater Mas=er Plan. of t~e A~p~rl&l River wa=eysneg, wn~cn was aoDe within the l~mits, of Lee County. ~ s=a=~d t~gt the ~grlc~=~r~ lnterests_ln_thSs. ~r@a ngve oeen.very coopera~xve. MF. ~lay=o~ aescrlDea now flow po=en=xaA is Dexng xncreasea an~ the work on various canaAs. Mr. im vender, Dir ct r, Planning and C nstruction i ion, maKlng.th~ R~creacA9~ uen=~F a ~u~rx~an~ ~hel~er, ~=$=~d that his.su s= on verv Drell~lnary, wSth no. aa=a at_the, prese~t.~xm9. An_gnswgr ~hou%d b9 . aval~%leforuflxs t~me~ an,~u~9~p~9_~eems;M.ur, cons=ruc=xon oz =ne Kecrea=lon center is pAannea i . _ Chairma~ Manning dg~cri~ed the A11.M~zgrd.MSBV. ~r. Jghn ~il~on, Lee oun~y ~merqe0cy ~nagemen~ u%Fgg=or~ F~spgnae9 =o_%nq~.xry £ro~ c9~mxssxooer orrxs rega~dxnq toe ~ompa=Ab~lx=~o£ ~09 =wo.coun~xes. ~om~__uDxca=xon systems._ e~pondinq =o CO_mmlssxoner reADe, ~r. ~lson aesqFlbed the Mu=ual Aid A~reemen= e=ween ail the ~outhwest FlorXda coun=xes regaraxng Emergency Management. Mr. DRAFT MINUTES OF 100793W. - 1993R - B.O.C.C. OCTOBER 7, log3 PAGE= 788 --- son descFibgd fgr_gomgissio~er Volpe the EMS ~el~qopt~r. arFang~men~.gnd ~aaresd to cnec~ ~u= =~e type ox agreement~ ~gu~=y 4a~.Anls=r~=~r Dorr~l . ,.~f~ch. er 9.xpounaga.gn ngw emergencies aye.nanalea aha =ne neea zor con=lnuea worm on ~ne pos=-axsas=er recovery peraoa. Mr. Georqe R..Arc~iba~d, Direcgor~ CollieF County TFansgor~atign . Sery. ices, responded to.inqua..ry Roaa and Vanaerbllt Drove. ne ~=a=ea =nat FDOT_has =unaea xn =next ~lve Year Work. Plan_two ~eg~.ents_gf ~S 4~=.(1)_th~ ex=~n~ign.o~ the six laning (rom north ~f Pipe R~dge Kgad.to =9~ ~mmg~l~ ~9aa, ~cqegu&e9 a~_~_DOT !995 %Sme=FAme~ (~) =rom I.mmoAalee.~oa sega. eh9 of Bonl%a ~9c~ Ko,d, gom~_assl~D~_quugn_~nqq_ared if Cgl$~r county is Feagy.=9.prgc~eq ~A=9 .i~.e cogn=y ~or ~¥~/~4 ragq=-o= wgy ac~uls~=aon. ~r. AFqnloa~a ~=a=ea =na=.~nere_ls 9nly.gpe_con~ern~a 99~cel on ~he collier County saae aha ~ney are wormang closely wl=n ~ee county coT. 5. POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR REGIONAL SOLID WASTE PROCESSING AND DISPOSAL Mr. Bill Lorenz. Collier County En¥ironmental Services Administrator, opened this discussion. He stated that Collier Countyts Landfill will reach ~hpacity by the e~ of ~he y@ar 2000.. He s~ggested t~a~ th_e C~un~ies Join £orcgs 9~ a r~.cy~lang ~uc~=aon_c~m~a~n~ _An Fesp~nse.=o.co~mass~oner ..... Cons=~n=a~e~ cna~.rman manning state9 =na=.~ne.~ee ~o~n=y.a~c~nera=oF Wll~ De a= ~apgcity.~ezgre.=ge year 2900~_.g~gxrman ~a~oang e~ao~rg~ea on 9be ~gng =e.rm ~gs=er ~lan.=na= a~gluaes_AaDa=llllng,.asn.al~posa~, o~==e.ry COllection a~a . aa~pgsal_ana, re_cyclxnq. ]chairman manning lnyA=~d.~ee county Staff ~o work with ~oAlaer county s~a~f.~o 9ey~lgp a~_gp~roggh =n~= Doth go~n=aes can o~nefSt_ ~Fom. It. vas poln=ea 9u=_=na~ mu~=a-~a~A4y 9Da con~omlDlUmS ~r~ comlng.xn=9 =ne recygll~gproqra~ a~ ~ee_cou~=y a= =nls =~me. AF~ ~arry.Jonnson~ ux~ec=or. Lee Cqvn=y_sg~d W~s=e_u~pa_r~men=. ~espgna~4_¥o ~es=lons r~sed by mr..co,rill ~ggaraang COll%eF county's Kegu~s=. =oF ~galaza~9=%ons r~gargang prequglifyang zarms on a varae=¥ o=.oa~posal~ecnnologl~s~ unaar~.an. Man~ang.~ggges=ed that a copy of the aDuttXng lanaowners' agreement De sent =o Ar. uorrLAA. 6. EMINENT DOMAIN · . . Commi~sioDeF ~u~gh e.xpla~ne4 the ~ces~ fe~s pa$~ ~he~_aqquiring ~aghg-gF-way._ ~e.s=a~a ~nat =ne~egx~n~l (19pnlDg uovDgal ara~ea_a. _ ~eso%u=~on ~n=9.rma~g .~ne "powers =na=.oe".gz.=ne. an~.qua=aes of =ne ~xnen= po~aan.~a~_a~ ~ne.~=a~ o~.F19rida~ .~e aA~uoed ~9 ~ne ~ropgse4 legi~l~t~on Delnq ara=tea DY=ne ~Aoraaa Assocaa=aon o~ Court=xes. commxssaoner duaan reau6sted t~at_Lg. 9 And collier County Comm~sioneFs 9tt@n~ ~he vgFigus oo:%mitt~ xn ~aAAanas~ee_=o. xmpr~ss_up9~ =ne State ~gxsAa=ure.~na= ~espgns~ole r~=grm neeas ~o.og. maa~ to.tn9 curr~n~ .E~.lnent Domain Law.. gommxssloner volpe sugges=ea =nat c~mmx~sxoner duaaD's.recommendation De 9~mperea;.~ha~ t~.~re ls~a.~ch ~rogo~r ~ss~. Cg~misslone~.Alb~oo pointed 9ut =no9 FlorAaa %s =ne.mos~.l~o~ra% state_An.the no=ach r~gAraxnq ~mxnent uomaan. Chaarman Aannxna no=ed =nat ne as the chairman of the suocomm~ttee of the Florida Association. of Counties on Grow~.h Management Issues that has worked on this issue. He stated that it has now oeen moved to the Finance and Tax ~ubgo.mm~gtee. He noted, ghat FAC is watching the Private Property Rights AegasAa=aon very care=ulAy. .. ... Follo~ing.a ~hort break, ~he.gba~.rman cal~d the ~e~9~ng ~ack. to ~rae¥ w%=n all. co.m~.lSSloner~ present w%=9 =n~ exgep~aon.of.colAaer county commassloners matthews and ~aunaers aha ~ee county commxssaoners St..Cerny and Mann. 7. BEACH PARKING/FEES/DESIGN OF THE BONITA BEACH PARK . _ ' Mr. Thomas W. Olliff, Colliqr go~nty Publig Services Administrator, ~avised~that ~hei~.F~gent~y passed_Buu~e= ~s predicated 9n 9.n9 ~egch_parking =ge.s~s~m. _~r~.wa~laa~ ~am~.on~.~ee county Deputy co~n=y_A~manas=rA~or, s=a=ea =n~t ~on~9 ~eacn.~ar~ ~IAI open 4a~ua.ry l& 1994,_~1th 87 parKang J ~pac~..tees w~$$ ~e co~%e~=~a D~ a.mgFk ~as=er tcu~ren=ly u~ed_ht B~.wman s ~eacn}= =nere.wa~l De_a.=%cK~= aha vas~=ors cgn PgY ~ro~ one =o_~our nouF~. This ~ill be iuplem~n=ea a~ ~anu~ry. A~cess o~e as ~o pe.open~d~ ~Vparml~g will be removed to carl Jonnson mark. ~oDlta ueach ~arm is scneauled to close ~t ~vsk._ Re~pon~in~ to C~mm~on~ Ngrrl~, MF. ~ammond 9dvise~.ghgt 9 yearly =n9 a~gun=_of ~35.90. gom~ssag~er Jgaag_aayase9 =nat_be9 cgun=y wall_prpvaae a Trolley ~ervace zrom ~prangs wlaza =o =ne ueacn, up =o carl'Jonnson marK, DRAFT MINUTES OF 100793W. - 1993R - B.O.C.C. OCTOBER 7~ 1003 ......... PAGE: 789 --- a connector to For~_.My~rs Begch, ~n.respons9 to. Co_mmi~s~ongr_Volpe, Mr. ,n. a~reed to have Mr. ~o~er ueslarAals, ~ee county ASSiSgAD= ¢gun=y i trAtor, meet wi~h_Cqll~er Couhty DqT_ S~aff ~9 aiscu~s_~n%s PAge. _ .s ioner Albion pein=es out the need =or incentives aha axsincen=ives =or .zsns ~s~ng th9 T~9~l~y ~ystem..Mr..Hammo~d ~gat~d t~at_the only begch access pgin=s ~ha= W}AA_De ~ark_Mas~er~a are_~gnl=a ~eacn,.AgC~SS T~n~ uYnn Hall Park and ~owman s ~e~cn. uomm~ssioner vo£~e expresses integer= ~n.~h9 way .L~.e County. vs~ TDC funas, Lee County Attorney James G. Yaeger aavisea =nat r_~ere are £xmi~s. 8. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH COLLIER COUNTY AT BONITA BEACH PARK _ Commissioner. Volpe qugstigned, th9 opport_unigy $gr.agrgemgnt on_t~i~ subject. Mr. William aammond,.~e9 ¢ou~:y Deputy that this hasn't been discusses since Memruary and.~oere_are, some to Sit down and discuss. M~ Thqmas.W~ Ollif~, Co%$xer coqn~y PubAig ~e.ryxqes Administrator, usinq a grapglc_oz a 9olnt deslgn,.a~c~s~a ~ne problem.=ngp. 9rose.gver thg. ~o11~ cgun~ ~asement. ~He_opi~ea.:na= ~ngre aKe o~por~u~x=xes ~9 Feaxsg~s9 ~ls s.um]ec=~ An re~ponse.~o ~ommissio~er.vo~pe, ~r. ~ammg~a. agvlsed ~na~_~n9 w~=er A~g.~gwer issue nas been reso~vea; =ney are provlaea ~nrough ~onx=a springs U=lAX=y. 9. OTHER ITEMS Commissiongr VolRe r@ques~e~ dialoque wi~h Lge gounty ~egarding . . Juvenile crime. Chairm~n ~anDAng_s=a=9~ t~a.tL99 co~n=y.%Dves=ga apprgxxma:exy $750,909.09 of CDBG fuDas_in.~ne quveDAle ue~gn~ion.~ggxi%~y.' comm½ssxoner.. Ma~n ng~peo secur9 State ~unglng zgF =ne.c~pl~al. ano.=ne zlrs= year:~ opera:loD ano maln:ena~ce; ~ee. county ~s.=o =ne. po~:.oz c99oslng a_programma~%c, approacn 9nd ts%king.:9 a n~u~u3er_o~ ye~9ors. ~.aov%~ed_~nat L~:.e coun=y_wgu%o ~e nappy co sena an lnrgrmgcxonaA oFxez~Dg o~ c~%s si=ugh%on= ae sugggs=ea_oe~lgoegs fro~ both. Com~lsslons ge~.=ogg:ngr =9 ~scuss.=ols zrgm. a.poAlcy standpoint. Chairman manning, respo991ng =o cgmmlsslone~ ¥oApe, s=9=e~ ~nat CltAzen_. Committees. Staff, the ~neriff and Chief.Ju~oe Thomas Keese of the Twentieth. Judicial CiNcui9, Os well 9s 9ther ~ggncles tha9 %nte~ag~ in th~ Juvenile crime 9rgnas 9~e 1Dvgived. Comm%S~loner yolpe_~ugges=eu upoa=lng each other on ln:erac=lon metween now an~ r~e next mss=lng. th - . CollieF County Admi~st~at@r. Dorri. l~.SnquSred if the .Boar~, throggh 9. To~rls~ Developmgnt gouncl~,.~ 9olng any~_91~g in Kespgnse =9 ~ng_nega=lve ~umllcSty_£ro9 rece~=_qr~m9 relate~ issues, gn~l_rman ~gnnln~ no=ed =nat the =co~omlo ~e¥91op~eng. ulvl~lgD na~ Deg~ sepaFa=~.£rom =ne TDC..The TDC has~ . Dositioneu l=se£z. =nrou~n =n9 aover=lsemeD=s mglng.us@~, '~to_9leF~ the res: cz the Countr~ and the World that we are considere~ a £amll¥ ~es=lna=lon; yes there is g~Sme; however,_wg, gre taking spme.v~ry agg~e~sl~e.~teps."_ Mr. ~gr~ill s~a=e~ that ~De uol~gr.~Dg ~ay 9e ~D:eres=e~_ln z9%low~ng _~ee[s lead. chairman Rannlng £ur~ner no=e~ =nat ~ee county nas a ~ost ulsas:er ~un~. ~ach_Commi~s%o~gr e.xpyessed.~pprec%ation t9 th9 Lions~and .t~e Bonita Beach Chammer zor scneauAlng =nxs meeting aha proposxng ~ne heX: mee=xng on May 5, 1994. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m. 'ATTEST: CHARLIE GREEN, CLERK Deputy Clerk Chairman, Lee County Commission DRAFT MINUTES OF 100793W.- ................