Ordinance 72-10 tate December 18, 1972 'Mr. Ben D. Driver Fiscal Officer Board of County Commissioners Collier County Courthouse Naples, Florida 33940 Dear Mr. Driver: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge your letter of December 15 and copies of Collier County Emergency Ordinance No. 72-10, which was received in this office on December 18, 1972. The extra copy showing the filing date is being returned for your records, Kindest regards. Cordially, NK/bh RICHARD (DICK) STONE Secretary of State Chief, Bureau of Laws Enclosure BOOK 1 PAGE 160-A ~oi. ~ 72-1o ' ' AN EMEROEN~Y ORDINANCE AKENDINO SECTION 13-2 OF COnE CO LI a COUNt. LOm DA TO RmUL TS OPS URNSmO WITHIN MILE OF THREE (3) OR MORE OCCUPIED D~FELLINGS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: Section 13-2 of the Code of Collier County, Florida, be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 19-2 Burnin~ ~arbage and trash prohibited--Purposes. The Board of County Commissioners find and declare that the open burning of garbage, trash, grass, weeds, debris, and other natural growth and refuse of any kind in certain areas of said County pollutes the atmosphere and is detrimental and dangerous to the health, safety and welfare of the Citizens of Collier County. (1) It shall be unlawful for any natural or artificial person to cause, permit, allow, suffer, or condone the open burning of garbage, trash, debrie~ grass, weeds, wood, or other material o~" natural growth; dead or alive; severed or _~ ~_ 'TI unsevered, ~_~ a. Within the confines of any subdivision or development a plat of which has been or is recorded in the public records of Collier County, Florida; or . b. W. ithin one-quarter (~) of a mile of three~ "' (3) or more occupied dwelling units or a transient lodging establishment without a permit issued by the County Manager or his designee. (2) Permit; application, appeal: A burning permit may be obtained by letter application to the County Mana6er, desc.ribing the location, number of dwellings within $ mile, quantity and type of material to be burned, the time(s) and date(s) the applicant desires to burn material, precautions that shall be taken to minimize hazards, smoke and fumes, and the name, address and telephone n,~bers of the applicant and owner of the property involved. (3) The County Manager or his designee shall, prior to issuance or denial of any permit, consider the information contained in the application in conjunction wAth the prevailing winds, weather including humidity and inversion conditions, and the probability of hazards or obnoxious smoke and/or fumes. (4) Appeal: Any person adversly affected by a decision ~ ~ County Manager in the enforcement or interpre- o ~ tation of this ordinance may appeal by filing a \ %\~ . ~ written notice of appeal to the County Commission ,~k3\~ %~ ~\ with a copy to the County Clerk within ten (10) days / ~ ~ after such decision. Such person may present facts /~ O ~ ~ ~ w supporting his position after which the decision of '- . ~ '~u~the County Commission shall be final. ' i Conflictin~ Provisions:' In the event this ~rdlnance conflicts with other law, the more restrictive shall apply to the extent of such conflict. Penalty: Any person upon conviction of Vi'olatlng this ordinance shall be subject to the penalties_provided for a misdemeanor by Section 125.0~9 of the Florida Statutes for each offense. SECTION TWO: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is, for amy reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the validity of the remaining portion hereof. .SECTION THREE: The Clerk is instructed to forward a certified copy of this ordinance duly executed to the Department of State as soon as practicable by United States Registered Mail Special Delivery; and to cause the Title and Section ! to be published. SECTION FOL~: Should this ordinance conflict with other law the more restrictive shall apply. SECTION FIVE: Be it declared that an emergency exists and the immediate enactment of this ordinance is necessary, therefore, notice requirements are waived and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon m~iling to the Secretary of State. 1 A 'i59 ' DONE THIS 12th DAY OF December , 1972. ATTEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT ......,.k~,~,\ !,~...~ ~., ah i~OOK' ' ORDAIB'ED BY TEE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS$IONEP~, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA.