Ordinance 73-17October 8, 1973 Mr. Ben D. Driver, C.P.A. Fiscal Officer Board of County Commissioners Collier County Naples, Florida 33940 Dear Mr. Driver: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge your letter of October 3, an official and a duplicate copy of Collier County Emergency Ordin- ance No. 73-17, which was received tn this office on October 8, 1973. The duplicate copy showing the filing date is being re- turned for your records. Kindest regards. Cordially, RICHARD (DICK) STONE Secretary of State (Mrs.) :.~flcy Kavanaugh Chief, Bureau of Laws NK~mcp ~nclosure BOOK 1 PAGE 251-A q3-j ? COMMERCIAL OFFICES AND SIGNS, PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR REVIEW, A PENALTY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BF~ 1T ORDAINED BY ~[F. P,~ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIEP, COUNTY, FLOR1DA: SECTION ONE: 1. Temporary Recreation permits. The Board of Zoning Appeals may, after investigation, notice and a hearing grant a temporary permit for an exhioition, fair, horse show, rodeo, rogattR, race or similar activity provided that: a. There is no available building within tho area for tile use, and b. Sufficient parking and loading and unloading space is assured, and ~ c. Sufficient setback' lines are prescribed, and~. d. Proposed sanitary, facilities are approved b~ tile Health Department and -,,~ e. A bond satisfactory to the Board is posted ~ guarantee that the area is returned to a condition ~ acceptable to the Board. 2. ~empora~y Conntruction and Development Permits. In the case of real estate or other commercial or development pro- Jects or construction of public roads in any zoning district, tile Developer may request a Temporary Use Permit for a period not to exceed 12 months, to allow promotional, storage and fabrication activities which are needed during construction and sale o~ the project. The following uses may be permitted under the terms of such a temporary permit: a. On-premise real estate sales offices; b. Equipment and ,:onstruction materials, stoP~ge, processing and fabrication facilities; c. Temporary offic~ space for persons engaged in the development; d. Temporar7 .'.', ::'~'~.~.iise signs; e. Radio equipment and antennae. An applicant shall submit ~lans, in accordance.with Section'S.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, to the Planning Department indicating the area, the use, activities requested and the time period requested. The Planning Department shall grant or deny a temporary use permit and may stipulate the following conditions: ~[~ 1) Traffic safety measures; '%~ ~ 2) Parking re~,.~irement;. ,~ _ _1_~- 3) Limited activity hours; ~nnj~. 4) Additional landscaping for temporary permit _ areas, "~ g ~ ~) Addit. oaal on-premise securit, a~d he,lth ~ ~ ~e measures, wllich may include but not be limited r "~t°a:::::m°n' fencing, lighting and sanitary 3. If need for the temporary uso should extend beyond the time limit of tile permit, application must be filed fei' an extension stating tile reason and tho time required. An extension shall not exceed 6 months. SECTION TWO: 'It shall be unlawful to continue such temporary uso after expiration of tile permit without having filed a request for extension. SECTION THREE: Severance. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or .portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed ~ separate, distinct and independent ~provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of ' ~e remaining portion her~.~f. SECTION FOUR: Conflict, In the event this Ordinance conflicts with other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any part of this Ordinance conflicts with any part, it shall be severed and the ~omainder shall have the full force in effect and bo liberally construed. SECTION FIVE: E~or~ency. ~ it declared that an emergency exists and the immediate enactment of this Ordinance is necessary, therefore, notice requirements are waived and this Ordinance shall take effect immediate upon its placement in the United States Mail to the Secretary of State. · ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISDIONERS ~ ~~ OF COL~..~.~.~,~UNT~,.~F..~..~IDA ~ ..~~ --Clii'~Fd Wonzel, C~trman .~.~,r~3~'" -' .'[~ David rmerson Brunet '~i?,'~.V; '."C~ Collier County Attorney O~t~inal and duplicate mailed to the ~ocre~ar7 of Certified Mail No. this 2nd day of October, 1973. Ben D. Driver, C.P.A. Fiscal Officer, Deputy Clerk. -2-