Ordinance 74-42Approv,,d ns to /:orm and ].agality: Collier Coullty Attorney -191- SV. CTInN 1. 2. 3. ADOPTING S~ORT TITL~'~ 1 3 INTENT AND PURPOSE DEFINITI. ONS 3 4 General Abutting Property Acceptable Environmental Alteration Accessory Use or Structure 4 Alley 5 A_I teratlon $ Area of Environmental Sensitivity Automobile Off-Street Par. kin. g Spa ce s .. Automobile Service Station 5 Automobil~ Wrecking or Automobile Wrecking Yard ]]ar, Coca:tail Lounge, or Saloon Boarding Block Board 5 6 Boathouse, Private Boathouse, Commerckal 6 6 DEFINI'£ION~ (o0~'t) . ~ Bu~.ld.{n. · Butldablo Area Buildin.~, Height of a Building, Fx'ontmg~ of a. Building Line' Cafetoria Carport Change of Occupancy Child Care C~n%er County ' ''~ .' ' Clinic Med~ca1 or D~ntal Club, Private Club, Night. Cjuster ~ousing · ' ' Coastal Area.Rlanning District Commercial Fish~ry Completely Enclosed Building Conditional Use permi~ Contiguous Property ConstructiOn,· Actual ii PA~E 6 6 6 6 7 7 7. 7 7 8 8 DEFINITION~ ~(Con Conva lescan ~ l~omo ' CoveraGe of a Lo5 by Buildings Co~r~ Day Nurs~ . Density, Gross R~sidential ' Density, .NOt Resident/al Depth of a Lot Director ., '. :' Drive-In R~staurant or Refresh~ ment Stand Drive-In Bank (Or Financial Institution) Drive-In Theatre Drive-In Business ~elling, Generally ~elling, One Family or Single. Family Dwe11~hg, Multiple Family Dwelling Unit Environmental Quality Erected Fillfng Station Flood Pia].n lo 10 lO lo '10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 SECTION DEFINITION.~ Floodway Floor Ar~a Frontage of a Building Frontage of a Lot Garage ,. Parking Garage, Private Garage, Repair Garage, Storage Grade " Height of a Bu~ldlng ;;ome fo~ the Aged' H6spttal, Veterinary ~enoral ]lospital, Veterinary, Small Animal Hotel, Lodge, utc. ;rotel or Motel Unit l{ousu of Worship Junkyard Kenneling Landscap?d..Area Loading SpaCe, Off-Street Lot Fron%ag~ - iv PA~F. 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14. 15 15 15 15 15 16 SECTION ' D].~PINITIONS (con ' Lot Maasurement, Depth Lot Measurement, Width Lot of Record Lot Types . Mobile Mobil~ ;-~om~~ Park Mob~.le ~]ome SubdiVision Mobile ]{ome Mod~l Modular ;~ome Nigh% Club Non-Conforming Lot, S~ructure Use of La'nd, e~c. Nurs~ School Nursln~ Hom~ or Extended Occupied Office, Office, Professional Open .Space, Usable Parking Area, Off-S~ree~ 'PAGE 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 SEOTION Parking ~pace, Off-Street 'Planned Unit Development Porch Private Club.';.:.:, provisional Use Public ~esource Servant' ~ Quarters Service Stat:ton Setback Line Shoreline ,.'.:',. - -; . 'Sign Story Street Struc ture Townhouse or Rowhouse Trailer,- Trailer, Camping or Pop-Out Trailer,:,.Borse Trailer, Luggage or Utility Trailer, Travel Travel Trailer Park PAGE 19 19 2O 2O 2O 2O 20 2O 20 2O 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 .2! 22 SECTION Truck Stop Use uso of Land or Variance Yard, Generally Yard, Gulf' Yard, PACER 23 Yard, Side Yard, Rear Yard, Special Yard, Waterfront ESTABLISHmeNT OF ZONING DISTRICTS RULES FOR INTERPRETATION OM DISTRICT 23 24 24 :2,1 25 BOUNDARIES 28 APPLICATION OF DISTRICT RRGI;L~TIONS 30 SC~{EDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT RE. GULATIONS 1. V~s~b~ty at. Intersections in all Zoning Districts 2. Ac~"~s0ry Uzes and Structures 3. ExcluSion~~ 'from ];eight Limits Off-Stre~ Parking. wi~in a 32 35. 35 35 36 36 ,r '~ECTION Suildings to TTave Access Use of Re~idont~ally Zoned Proper~y for Access Parking, Storage, or Use of Major Recreational Equipment Parkinq of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas. Moving Structures . Essential Services ~';a terfront Property. Alcoholic Beverages 10. 11. 12. 13'. 14. Fallout'Sh01ters.~ Automotive Service Stations 15'. Base Setback Line Requirements 16. Fences,'Walls, and Hedges' 17. Boat or othe~ Floating Equipment Used as Dwelling Units 18. Regulation for the Construction and Operation of brlve-In Theatres 19. Miscellaneous Structures 20. Landscape~ Buffer Areas 21. Erection of More than One Principal Structure on a Lo'(, viii 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 40 42' 43 44 44 45 45 45 47 ~ECTION 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 16. 17. 18. 19. · 20. Alll}~A~'OV ENVIRONRENTAL SENSITIVITY SPECIAL REGULATION.g FOR SI?EC.TFIED ' AI~EAS IN AND AROUND NAP~,ES AIRP6RT BPECIAIJ DISTRICT PeR !GII) G~OUP IIOUS ING SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR 1{ATERFRONT YA It. DS SI'EClaT, PROVISIONS FOR ltOUS~NG OF LABOR " STRUCTU]tE.,S · ETC ._ TEMPORARY USE PERMITS RELATION ~0 STATE AND FEDERAL STATUTES A. Required State and/or Federal Perm,.ts ' , D. Development of kegtonal Impact C. Big Cypress Area of Critical Stat'e Concern OFF-STR]~ET PARKING AND' OFF-STREET LOADING ~QUIRF, D LANDSCAPING FOR OFF-STREET VEHICUY~R FACILITIES . SIGNS 'PAGE .54 6O 62 64 71 79 81 82 91' 97 ,qECTION 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 29. 30. me II. RS-3 llS-4 P~i-]. RESIDENTIAL-MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT ~M-].A RES IDENTIA L-MUI,T I-FAS II,Y DISTRICT RM-2 RE.q IDEN TIAL'-MUI,T I '-FAMILY DISTR~CT DISTRICT '~ RT'- RESIDENTIAL' TOURIgT DISTRICT GC - GOLF COURSE DISTRICT I,'VR - FISHING VIILLAGE ' MI{SD '-' MOBILE ;~OME'~UBDIVISION 108 109 109 112 118 ]131 133 135 'DISTRICT .... 137 ' MI-]RP - MO~ILF, }]0ME RENTAL' PARK 139 TTRV '- TRAVEL' TRAII,V,R - REC- RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PAl{I( DISTRICT 142 31. 32. 33. .34', 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. CD - CAMPGROUND DISTRICT PC "- PROFESSIONAL COMMF, RCIAL DIS'£R.T. CT CC - CONVENIENCE coM~,u!:RCIAL GRC -' GENEIIAL' RETAIL COMMERCITLL 'CI -' COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL' D]~STRICT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AI)M~NISTRATTON AND ~NPORCEM~NT, ETC. PLANNINC, COMMISSION - PO~FERM AND DUTIES UNDER ZONING ORDINANCP.' BOARD OF :ZONING APPEALS -' POXT/~,RS AND DUTIES UNDER ZONING ORD~rNANCE ECIJEDULE OP FEES' 7%ND' CIIARGES PROVISIONS OF ZONING ORDINANCE DLCLARED TO D~: MINIMUM OR ~XIMUM REOUIP, EMENTS PENALTIES FOR VIOLT~'.1.'ION PAGE ].,15 148 150 152 159 162 165 167 173 174 177 178 179 'SECTIOM 45. ~6. 47. '40. PROo"I~CUT];~; UNDF, R PREVIOUS Z,'3NING RF, GUI.,A'I'IONS SEPARAP,.I~I,ITY CLAUSE EFFECTIVE DATI9 . PAGE 181 182 3.[93 Al'ID WIII.:RI:A:i, Chapter .1 2!~'. 01, Florida .';t'atute~, COII~.(:I::I (JII ;I].[ COI}III.~.(.';L .fli ] ..OJ:J.d~l gC. llc:l'rtJ. ].)¢)%.!¢'17~; of po¥;er ti) pl. al) and rc)gu]ate tho us(:~ of land olld wet-.er; AND I,~IlEREAS, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida,,_. and adopt con)prehens:[ve plans for future development,~ ,. 'and adopt: ;~nd cafe.rca zc:lltng requlat:ions to aid' .ip iin~l~- mcmtJ, ng such adopted comprohens).vo plans; ~., [' ~, ..... AND W}IEREAS, Chapter 163, P;rt II, Florida St:atul:r~s, d~>claron that tht~ powar~ r/rani:od by such ac~:"~ ;Irc2 nuS, p]ement.al and cumulative of ~ther general ~,r s~e'- eS.al leg'i.r:lat:Jon on tho t;ubject; AND WIIE~AS, Chapter 67-1246, Laws of F].orida 1967, did confer on Collier County,Florida, the ~uthority t:o tmdertake comprehen~tJ, vo planning programs, prepare and ;~rlr~pl: c:nmp~-~llensive p].~ns for ftltura duv~'lopm~nt, and adop~ and enforce zoning ~ogula~.ions to aid ill implementing such adopted comprehensive plans; AND I';IIERI~A .... the Board of County Comm~.sltionc~rs of C~].]J~r Count.y, F:l.oricla, after pul:,lJe: notice ~,nd bear- ing did on September ~3,1974, adopt and incorpornte Chapter .1.63, Part IJ~ ~.~Stat%ltos, nnd Chapl:o~' 67-12,~6, Laws of l:'lorJ, da 1967, l./ith the stated J. ntel]tion of construing the sald act:s liberally to effectuate the purpose of coor- d].natud, adjusted, ~nd. h~rmonious development of the 0rea a~%d [o serv(~ the public health, safety, comfort:, order, ~ppet~rance, convenit2nce, morals, and tho general welfare; AND WI1EREAS, tho Board of County Co~lssion~rs of CO].i[(~J? ~ounty, F].t,tlti~t /.[ndr~ it m~'u~u:~d~y m~dui i.]~ ~,u- thor.try thus granted to adopt and enforce comprehensive zol~ing regulations for thoro unincorporated ]and~ and waters subject to the jurisdictSon of the County al~d lying .~n that ~,rea of the County del~omJ, nated as tho Arca Plannl;~g District, to tho end that the public health, si, fei.y, comfort, order, appearance, convenicnc.e, morals, and thc general welfare will b(~ served; AND WHEREAS, the Board Df County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida,and its recommendatory agents did {:ate action in tho manner proscribed by 10w, nnd did on September 17 , 1974, adopt a comprehensive plan for the~astal Area ~anning District; AIID WIIEREAS,' the Board o~ County Commiss~oners of Co].J.J.er County, Florida, and its recoI, lmendatory agents havo co~lfo)'mcd t6 :~].1 ~H-~plicable l,r¢)cech)ral requJreme~ts , of }.'].c)rida ].n~, and paYI-..i, cularly't]~o:;(: r~,qu.iremcnl:s relating to public not:ice and ~earJ. ng; .~. :.... AND {V}II::REAfi, ~33. a})p3ic:ablo ~ubsi:antJ~n r~quiro- meats of 3.~]%~ have been met~ NOW TI)EREi?ORE, ].U~ IT ORDAINED BY Till,', BOARD OF COUN'.I'Y COI.1).]]:.GSIO)IJi:]~:; OF CO],LIER COUNTY, FLORSDA: '£.1,o zoning regul, atJons for tho un.t. ncorporated ar¢:a o~: the Coastal Area Planning Distric~ of Cci. Ilar County Florida, '.adopt:od October 8, 1968,' as ~mended, and any or al]. zoni),g regulations in effect in the saJ. d area on ~.he day prior to the eff(~ctive date of this ordinance ;~re hereby re])6s].ef~ insofar as ~'hey ~H>p]y to tho said unincorporated area of the Coastal Area Pl~mnfng District, and the iollowi)')g language Js substituted therefore; Section 1. SHORT TITLE: Thi:: ordinance shall be known ;is ctL,~;d n.'.; tho "c'nl~ier County zoni~g Ordinance for the Coastal Area Pl~nn:'.ng Dis- trier." Sectsion 2. .~.~£.,,,.T) ' ")~ hN.D 1. It ~s the intent and purpose of this ordinance to e:~tnb]..~.nh and adopt comprehensive zoning governing the use of land and waters in the Coastal Area Plann.~r~g DJntrJct of Collier County. The regulatJo~s set out are bas'ed on a compreh¢:nsive plan for future devel- opment of ~]]e area, and are enacted (to protect, promo[:e, and improve: the public heal,:h, safety,, comfort, order, a]~pe,~r;mc{;, convenience, morals and general welfare of the residents of the area and of the 2. It is intended by this ordinance to accomplish and t¢ provide for efficJ, cncy and economy in .the process of future development and redevelopment~ appropriate use of lC, nd; presurvaLion, protection, conservation, and develop- ment of ~he natu~.'al resources of land, water, and air; con-. venience in circulation of traffic for the transport of people, goods, and commodities,, protection of persons and property in floodways and flood plains; healthful and con- venien-t distribution of population; adequa[:o and contin- uously maintained public facilities and utilities; pro- motion of amenities, both public and private, to main- tain and improve the quality of life for all res/dents; and development An accord with tho comprehensive plan.. 1. GC:rlf.'.r~:] | For the pul'peso of this zoning or¢lJ, nanca, certain~ ~'~,~}-'~r wnrd~: used ])er(~in shall J3n interpreted ' A. Tho word person includes a f~rm, organJ, z~tion, pnrtner]{]%~'.q~"trust, comps:ny, or corporation .B. ']'bc prescnt tense in~].udes the future tense, t]n" sJngu].nr nnmbcr ~Jicludes the plural, nnd tho C The word ab;ill is mandatory; the word D. '1'],e wor('{:~ un~>jl or p~!~]{ie~ include~ the words . E. '~he word ~(2~. ~clud~n ~h~ words Ri~, ~u~, or as well as other th.~n~6"'%?(~ucted or erected ground, attached to something bari. De location on the ground, or requiring construction or erection on the ground. G. The word l~,nd .includ{~s the words w~?~e~, marzh, )l. Terms not defined shall have the meaning cus- tomarily asslgnod to them. Ab~%tt~q Pro~ertie~: Abutting properties ara properties b~,vi~6ndary line or a portion of a boundary line in common %.;i th no intervening public street. ~tnblc Environmental Alteration: An ac- ceptable environmental ~q~r~~F an alte~ion in tho sonnbly s~afegu;~ds the environmental quality of the area as dote].'raJned ],y tho Board after public notice and ]]earing and consideration of the impact of a proposed environmental alter~t.i, on upon environmental quality. hccessg~ Use or Structure: An accessory use or structure is a u~:e or structure of a ~ature custo;narily in- cidental and subordinate to the principal use or structure and, re%less othe~;ise provided, on the same premises. On the i~a~le premises with respect to accessory uses and struc- tures' shall be construed ss moaning on the same lot or on a contiguous lot in the same ownership, Acre: An acre is nn area containing 43,560 . sguaro feet of area. Gross acreage is the total area of a lot or parcel of land measured within the perimeter bmmr:]ari(.,:'~ o£ th~.,. :!oh or parco.1, Not*. acroa,3o :[.", ~he total ar(.,a ~£ a .1.el: o].' ~rcc.']. me~;.:urod w.{.t;h~n tho porimeLor bm,~dariu:; t~[ t:ho lot or parcel but wit.]~ tho arcs of roads . and canal:; rmimght-of-way e×cluded. A1)~v: An alloy i.". a public or approve, el private: ......... acco.., to abutEing way w])i. ch af£or(ls only a secondary means of qs prol3crty and wi,ich J.s not intended for general traffic . circulation. ' Alto. ration: A].ter or alteration means any change in c. iz¢~, sl~ape, occupancy, character, or uso of a bttl].ding or ~ltructure. Area of )':l~v.ironmontal Sensttivit:.~: An area of cnviromuental ~;.-.['~]-~.{'t?~;'~.s an area of ].~nd and/or water where change in tho area red, siting from devo].opm~mt may deg~'ade th(~ environment of tho area be].ow pe~.i.~stb].a State, Federal, or County standards. An area of environmental ~:e]~J tivJty may be dove, loped, but only in accord with the provisions of tllis ordillance and applicable State and Federal standards. Au~.om~bJ.].e Off:.Itre~t Part:ir!f. st2ac_~e.: se~ Park- Space, Ofistreet. Aut-omobilc Service Station: An automobile service stat]i%~"~s an-e.~-~Ai~-~5~ whose prJ. nc.lp~,l business the ret:ail di$1>(:Ilsing of autolnobile f,lo.]s and oil. Automobile Wreckin~ or Automobt.le Wreckin.g. Yard: The term automobile wrecking or an automobile wrecking yard shall mean the dismantling, crushing, shredding, or di.~;i~ss('m~].i, ng of used motor vehicles or trailers, or the storage, :Isles, or dlu~ping, of dismantled, partially dis- mantle:d, ob,.:olete, or wrecked vehicles or their parts. Dar, Cocktail Lounqe~ or Saloon: A bar, cock- tail lounge, ~-r' s~-i-~-n-:~s-~ai~y ~S~bl~[~s)~ devoted pri- marily to the retailing and on-pro,scs consumption of malt, vinous, or other alcoholic beverages, or any place wi)ere any sign visible from pub].~c way~ i~ exhibited or displayed indicating that alcoholic beverages are ob- tainable for consumption on tho premises. Boardin~ IIouno.' A boarding house is an esta- bllshment wi~w}l..-~-6- ~3.~n'~-g--fo-~ four (4) or more persons where meals are regularly prepared and served for compensation and where foe3 is placed upon tho table family style, with- out service or ordering of individual portions from a menu. Block: A block is the iength of a street ? ~t'r('et~;. A block, ~tqcor(l.[ng to ~ho context, In~ty ~]so be ;~ l')~rcel or p~rce3s of land ~urround~d by public streets (o~'.her t:han a].leys) or other physical barriers Ruth az a Bo;~rd: Board m~0nm l:h~. Boord of Cou.ty Com- mi:;siol,ur:; oJ-.--~(5.[]icr County, Florida. );oath¢)u:;¢:, Privet;e: A privote ]',o(nth¢)ttse j.~ w~herway, 1,rovJding space for the housiDg of~a,,.boa% and accessories cu,:ternary thereto. A private boathouse may not ' be used for t:he purpose of human habitation. I~oat:hou.~;e, Commercial: A commercial bo;,thouse ~s a buil..di,~'~'{$'}%V.,-r-~, for a f.'ee, bo~ts are housed, launched, haul¢:d, r¢-q~aired, s(:rvic~:d, ma±stained, or stored. l:o:.,t.~or¢] ~)n,3 Way: A boa~'yard ;u3d .way is a pre- mists used ~s acont, h~.'rc~.~.~sL,H~lJ, sI~n~cnt for the pro,.,i .~,~n of ~]1.1 such f~(:il.ities and services as .are customary ar, d n(:c,'.,s.'.;ary to the construction, reconstruction, or repair, mai~')Lcnanco, or sale of boats, marinu engines .or marine cquipm~:nt, e~nd suppl,.es including, but not limited to, re:nj:a! cf covered or %~ncovered boat sllp.~ or doc]: space, unc],closc[t or enc~n::ed dry storage space, marine railways, or lifting or launching devices. .r,_U.~?;.'.'Jjj~.i[.: A building is any structure;, either temporary or perm[,~cn't, having a roof impervious to weath~.r, and used or bui].t for the shelter or enclosure of persons, ~u~imals, chaLtels, or property of any kind. This defini- ti.on .~;hal]. include te;)ts, awnings~ cabanas, or vehicles situat~:d on private property and servin'g in any way the fu~,~:tlt)~ o£ a building but does not include enclosure:~ not having a roof impervious to weather. ];uildnb]a Area: Bui].dable area means the portion of a lot or parcel remaining after required yards ]]ave been provided. Buildings may be placed in any part of the buildable area, but limitations on tho percentage of the lot that may be occupied by bui].dJngs may require open space within the bui ].dable area. Buildinq, Heiqht of a: ~e vertJ.cal distance from the curb level, or it.'~ equivalent, opposite the center of the front of a building to the highemt point of the under side of the ceiling beams, in the case of flat roof; to the dec); line of a mansard roof; and to the average level of the under side of the rafters be%ween th~ eaves and tho ridge of a gable, h~p o}: gambrel .roof. ~'H~ere no curb level has been 6 o.'~l:,'~b].~shed, the heJght of the. buJ.].ding may be mc~,nur~d from tl~e ~(:~r~ ol(~w:tJon of. ~1,o finished lot.gri~dc nt t:h~ front of the build.;nU.~ ,-. DuildJ. n~, I,~.onfnqo of n: Front~g~ of a build- Jag is that si. de of a bu.~].dlng Ll~at faces towz~rd the princi- pal rend, nt~'nol:, highway, or public way so,vi, ag tho buJ]dJ~g. In cnn{~s w]]c~ro tl~J.n test i~ tndetermJ, nato or cnnnot . ]~]..~ed, an for ,{nnt~nce whor~ there is a diagonal corner oJ~t]-;~]~c~ or whc~);o two s.{des of a bui]dJ, ng ]]av~ ontr;~nces of equal import~n~(:e and carry approzlmnte]y equal volumes of strJ. nn or automotive trnff].c, the D].~:ector shall so]c.c~ build- in~{ front~,gn on the bas~E of interior layout of the build- .Jag, traffic on adjacent streets, or other indicators avail- ~H~le. ]luiJ.¢li?_u__Line: The buildin.q line is the inner- most edge' - .... ~'-- of ~ny required yard or setback, as the case may be. Except n~ npecifica].ly provided by this zoning ordi- nance, Do 1-n,j.]di~]g or structure may be o~tend(:~ to occupy nny portien of n ~t ~treetwnrd or othe~n,:ise beyond the bui]d].ng line. ].:aves and overhangs may project a moximum of ]~ inches intD :u'~y rcquir{~d yard. Bui]dinq. ~.{te: A building site is the lot or portion of a lot or lots used for a structure, the total ;~rn~ of which site is asc):ibed to the building or structure for compliance wit]] this zoning ordinance: Cn£{:tor.[a: ~OO P, es ta~rant. C~,rp. ort: A carport is an acce:;sory structure or portion of s-~J.'~pal structure, conn,.sting of a roof and supportS, ag me;,bors such as columns or beams, unenclosed' · from t]~e ground to the roof on at leant two sides, and de- .~J.g~)~.d ui' u:~et3 fur the ~tor~g~ of mutur(lr'"ivt:n vuhlu.i~ owned and used by the occupants of the building to which it is accessory. Change of Occupancy: Change of occupancy means the dir, con ti~-~'~n~.~ an o>:~st~'ng us~ and tho substitution therefore of a uso of a different kind or cla~s. Change of occupnncy is not intendc)d to include a change of tenants or proprietors unless accompanied by a change in the type of does not ]nc]ude foster ]]omen. ¢:}?3'__t?i: ;.;c:e Ilouse of Worship. Count;~: County means the Count:y of Collier, Florida. t;~]. clinic is an ostablJshn~ent whc.~-r~ human patients, who are 'not lodged overnight are adm]ttnd for examination and treatmr~nb ],y one person or a group of persons practicing nny form of tile healing ~rts, wbctther such persons bo mod- J. ca3. docto.t't;, chiropractors, ost.eol.);)tl]s, chiropodists, DoturoL)ath:.:, optometrists, delltJstn, or al~y such pro- fc~?s]on, t]~c. i~ract'Jce of w)l.ich is regular:ed by t))e Staf. e c,P l.'l,,v.i~m. A lml~lic c3inJ. C in one operated by any govern- )n(~nLal c~rg;~:i, zal:.i, on for the beJ~ofit oi the general publ.lc. All ot:h{~r cling, cs are privat:e clJnScs. Club, Private: Private club mean.~ 'and includes tho~c~ nssociaLion:.: and.organiza~.{ons of a frame,mai or (:ial chi~racLer, llo'L oper;t%ed for profit, and to which public access or use :is res Lrictod. Tho tc~,l private cltfl> does not include cas:[nos, nightclubs, bo~tle clubs, or other similar ostablJ.shl,mntz opera[ed or maintai~cd for pre,fi t. Club, t'~.~g.h__~: A nigl~t club means a restaurant, diBJ:lg room, bar, or other similar establishment, providing £ood tn: refrc, r:hh;¢~nts wherein paid floor shown or other forms o.[' paid entertainment arc: provided for customers as a Dart of tile commer(:i~l enterpr.[se. C__l.)lster llonslnr/: Cjuster housing consists of tv~o (2) or more dv;elling structure, s,' each or two (2) dwolJ.~.ng units, with no d~clling unil: located above another dv~elling unit, on a parcel of 9round in single ownership at the time of development, with fronl.age on public s~reret or approved private str{,ot, i'c. ripheral yards for the total parcel or lot shall be as for single or multiple family dwe]..lings ill tho district in which the cjuster housing is to be erected. Coa.n~al Area Planninrl District~ The Coastal Area l?l~nnin.~ ~.~i'~,' e0 ~;l,.{~%7~~ng ordinance applie~, includes the following areas of the County as pre[:enl'ly constituted: Colnn~ercJ. al Fisher~: A commercial m premises, t~rut:Lur¢:, or ~;ita blishment tar *'.he ):eceivi/~g, proce[~f;infr, packaging, storage, aha v;holusale or ~o~all ~li~eribution and sole of food pro- 'ducts of {:]~o sen. may includo facil.{ties for tho dockJ;]g, loading and unload- ii,g; fue].J.;~g, icing, and provisioning of vez~e].s and for the drying and maintenance and storage of ne%s, buoy~, traps, and fJ. sh~ng ~equipment, ~ncluding boats used Jn tim activity. Comr~lt..'.t-.ely Enel. o.~ed Bu].ldinq.: A co;~p].el:ely enclosed bu.t~d.t~g .%~ a ~{~ld.%ng sel)~ra~x~d on all ~ic]~; from advances[' open spac(~, or from other buildings or other structurus, by a )..)e r;,v,lon t: roof and by exter~m' %~al].s or or exit doors. Conditional Use ];o. rmit:.' See Provisional Use. .c_o_n_~i..%%o._u..'i_?r__olLe~J:.¥..' See Abutting Properi:y. Cons%ruci:ion, hctut~l: Ackual construction in- cludes the p.~.,~..i'ng of construct:fan r~a'l'crials in permanent position and fa.~ten¢:d in a permanent manuer; e×cept that where d~:.~:olition, excavation, or removal of an ezisting structllre has been substantially begun preparatory to new construt:tion, such excavation, demolition, or rcn~oval ]m deemed %o be aciulal con:Itruction, providod that shall be cont.tnuously carried on until the con~pletion th~ nc? cvnutructie:l involved. Fill al:d thc insiallation of drui~liEte facilities shall be considered a part of coD~:truct.ton. Act:ual (:olli~ruc%ioll shall include only work begun under a w, lid building permi%. Conva].encon% I{ome~ Bee lqur~.ng llama. Coveraqe of n I~% b~ Buildin s: Tho coverage of a Iai; by ~f.ld.tngs' ~s that l.,erc(:nka!ia of lot area is covered or occupied by buildings, including accessory buildings, or thai: percentage of a lot that may be covered or occupied by b~:ildin9s, including accessory buildings, under t:he term~ of this zoning Ordinance. Court: A court is'an open space, other tl)m% a required yar~--,--6-~-the same lot.wif, h a building which is bounded'on t~.;o or more side.9 by the walls of sl~ch buJldi, ng. ~ court can contain shrubs, statuary, ~reos, and yard fur- nj. tuft. An inter:for court J.¢ ,~ court encl. o:.:e.d on all sides by the w~].]:; of a lml]ding or }>y ~al]r: m,d ].eL llm:n on wh.~.¢:}~ wall.. ,~re perm~t,.~.d. An e>:terior court is a court ope:sing on any J:'ront:, side, or rear yard. · Dens{t~, Cro~n R<,r. lidontia].: Gross residential .density mnnlw~ tire n~[~'r of ~]%~'~'~3. dweJlJ, ng units per- mitred per gross acre of land by this zoning ordinance. In tl~e detel'minaLion of'the number of residential dwelling unik:s to ~ permitted on a specie Job or parcel of' land, a fracbiona], unit shall not cntitle tho applicant to an addi- t:ional dwc].].ing unit (or a fractional unit of greater than f~f'ty percent (50%) shall entitle the applicant %o an addi- tional dwelling unit). DensJ.~.%,...~q~f:sidnntinl: Net rosidantial densit:y means ~q%e number o~'~~a), dwelling units per- m.i. ttcd per net acre of land by this zoninq ordinance. In thtt determination of the numl.mr of resJ. dantial dwel.llmg units to be pt~rmittod on a specific lob or parcel of lend, a f%'nctional unit,shall not entitle M%e applicant tc an add.ltJ, onal dwelling unit (or, a fractional unit of 9roatez' than fifty percent (50%) shall entitle the applicaut to an additional dwellJ.ng uni~). ~p~th of a ]mt: See Lot Measurement, Depth. Director: DirecEor i~ the Director 0f the De- par~ent' of Colnmun~y D~volopmcnb of Coll.~er County, Flor- ida. The Director is charged with the administration of this zonir, g ordinance. Drive-In Restau~:ant or Refreshment Stand: A premises where provision is made on the premis'es for the sell. il)g, dispensing, or servil]g of food, refreshmm]t:s, or bevoragcr~ in aut:omobi].~s and/or J.~ other than a comp].ete3y onc].oscd building on tho premises, including those esta- b!ishments where customers may serv~ themselves and may eat or drink tl~o food, refreshments, or beverages in automobiles on tho promises and/or in other than a completely enclosed building on t]~e premises. A rost:aurant which vides drive-in facilities of nny kind i1~ connect&on with regular restr~urant activities shall be deemed a drive-in restaurant for purposes of these zoning regulations. A barbecue stand or pit having %be charact,~risLics noted in this definition shall bo deemed n drive-in restaurant. Drive-In Sank (0r Final~oial Institution): A drive- fn ban~~,~I~Tt~.on proV]F~-d~e-in .1..0 to~]c~ service, where khe patron mal;oo ~ithdrawaln or doper;its or rec01ve0 other fJ. no,cial s~ryicos without departing from J}i.s. automotive vehicle. l)r.tv6~ln Th~::,l:re: A drl. v(:-in t.heatrc: is a place of ouEdor)r ;.:~scl,l[~Jy used ~oJ: th~ nhowi~g of plays, operas, mot. i~,~ i~cl-urcs, and similar forms of (,ntertainment wl,ich J.s da~;~g~cd to permit t'.h~ audJ. e;~cas to view the perfex]hence . from vehicle:, uarked.within the th~i~tre enc].osur~. Drivn-In ]hmln¢,~,s: A drive-in business J.s an or~tabli~hm¢:nt, other ti)an a drive-in restaurant or refresh- ment stand, a drive-.in bank or financial institution, or drive-in tba;~tro, where a patron is provldnd prodtict9 or servJcc.q without departing from ;ils '~u~.omoi:.i. ve vehicle. .~'[f~..]:½.~_!~, Generally.: IA.;~l].ing, generally, means al~y bull. dj. ag, or part thereof, occupied in %~hole or in part, a:; t]~(: residence or living quarters of one or more p(:r:~on~, pcrr.~ancnt3, y or t~:mporarily, continuously or traD- :]icnt].5', with cooking and sanitary facilities. Dwoll.tnq_, One Fi,mil_y_ or S.{nqle I.'~mi:l.y.: A OhO family or single family c%volling ~.~: a build]:ng c~mtaining only one d¥~e]].ing unit. For regulatory pur}',o~os the ~:erm i:: not to be construed as including mobile homes, travel trail, ers, )~ousing mounted on motor vehicles, t~nt:s, house- bonl:~, or other form~ of temporary or por~ab]a housing. ravelling, Nultipl~, I;'amil_y: A multiple family ¢]v;cll:~ng is ;] bulldzncl conta.tn~nq two (2) or more d%~olling units. Dwellinq, Mu].t~'lo l~.~,el].ing Use: For purposes of daue~nlng ¥~he~ler a lot ~s ~n multiple ~welllng ~o follo%~J, ng considerations, shall apply: a. 14ultiple~ dwellincl uses mav involvc~ dwellinq units intended ~o be rented and' maintained under central ownersh~D and management or coopera~.ive apartments, condominiums, al~d t])e like. b. l.;here an undivided lot contains more than one building and thc buildings are no~ so located ~at lots and yards con[orming to requirements for single or multiple family dwellings in the distric~ could be provided, the lot shall b(~ considered to be in multiple dwelling use if ther~ are two (2) or more dwelling units on the lot, even though the indlvidunl buildings may each contain less than t%;o (2) d%,;e 1 ling unit%s. o. S~rvant'n quarters shall not be considered as dwelling units in the computation of (b) above, d. Any multiple dwelling in which' dwelling unit.'.: are av,]Jlable for rental for periods of less than 11 woe):, s)~n].]. I)u con:.~idered a tourist home, a mo('el, motor ho[el, or ]l,~te~. 4~{ tho 'cz~so may ]~<,33.Sn,3..l~n~[~: A dwol].ing unit J.s a room or rooms connu<:ted together, con~tituting a separate, indepen- dent housek~:cping ost;,b3J, shmont for a fatal]y, for owner occu]);ulcy or for r(~}l{%a~, oI' lense on a wa(}};ly, monthly, or 3anger b.nsis, nnd physica]].y se}~arnted from any other roomy] or dwelling units %'filch may be in tho same structure, containing n].cc~pJ.ng and sanitary f~ncilities and one kitchen. Environmo))tal Quality: Environmental quality is the c]Sarz, cter or degree Of excellence or degradation tho total es{~entlal natnral resources of the area e..s mea- sured by the findings, and standards of the physical, natural, /}nd social sciences, the arts and techno3ogy, ~nd the quz~nt'.it~,Live guidelines of Feder~l, State, and County E~oct'od: Tho word erocl~ed includes built, co]~s't~:ucted, reco~structod, moved upon, or ;3ny physical operation on tho prem~.sefi required for building. Excava- tion fill, draJ. nnge, demolition of an existing structure, and the like shall be considered part of erection. (See Construction, Actual). F~mily: One or moro porsonn occupying a dwelling un~6vidzd, that unless all me~3ers are related by lnw, blood, adoption, or mnrriagc, no such f~lmily ~hall conta~.n over four (4) persons, but further provided that do- mestic servants employed on the premises may bo housed on the premises'w~thout being counted' as a separate or addit.~onal family or families. The term family shall not be cons'trued to mean a frate~%ity, sorority, club, monaste~ or convent, or institutional group. Filling Station: See Automobile Service Station. Flood Pla/n: The flood plain is that low- lying land that w~ll~6 covered by the flood waters of a watercourse ar{ a result of a twenty five (25) year sto~. Floodway: A floodway is a channel, whether man-made or natural, for diverting flood waters Floor Area 'Floor area is that area within a building hav~Dg a roof impervious to weather and accessible from the interior of the building, which is within a completely enclosed building. For purposes of ~%is ordinance, attics with a headroom of less than seven (7) feet, basements ' or basement space wh~ro the deiling is not moro than an average of forty eight (48) inches above the general finished and 12 graded .3¢:v(:1 of the adjacent portion of the lot, garages, porchus, patio?., carport~,:, unenc].osed sEairs or fire escape~, (~lew~t()r structures, cooling tower~, and parking structures ar~ not to be considered ns floor area. ~qU3~ of n Bu~l~: See Building Frontage. Frontn~e of a I,ot: See ~t Frontage. Ga:rnq~, Parking: A parking garage is a building or ~ort~on ti~JA'~"~f~f~5%'~l or used for temporary parking of motor .vehicles, and %.L{.th]n which gasoline nn<~ ol]m may be sold only to pa~king patrons of the garage. ~a~f[q, Private: A privatn garage is an acces- sory structure designed ur 'used for inside parking of pri- vate passenger vehicles, rocreatlon vehicles, or boats, solely ),y the occup~nts of the main building. A priva~;e garage at%ached to or a Nail of the main struch~a is to be considered part of the main building. An unattached private garage is to be considered as an accessory buildi,3~;. There can be no public shop or mechanical service in conD(.3c~;ion with a private garage. ~3~ag.(L~3~i~: A repair garage is a building or pcrtion thereof, o~-hr~r than a prJ. vato, storage, or pnrking garage or automobile service station, designed or used for repairing, equipping, or servicing of motor ve- hicles. Such garages may also be used for hiring, renting, storing, or selling of motor vehicles. G~e, Sto~= A storage garage ~s a building or portion th~reo~-~e~l~ned and.used ezclus~ve].y for the storable of motor vehicles or boats, and within %.:hich tem- porary parking may also be.permitted. Gr~e~ See Building, Heigh~ o.f a. ]~ei~ht of n Buildin'~: See Building, Height of a. ]io~.f0r the ~: A home for the aged is a facJ. l~ty for'~]~e car~ of tho aged with'routine nur~in~ and/6r medical care and sup[~rvision provided. A home for the aged is in the nature of a nursing home, but %~ith clientele rqstricted to the aged. Hospi[:al: A hospital is a' building or group of buildings having facilities for overnight care of one or more human p~tients, providing services to in-Patients and medical care to the sick and injured, and %~hich may in- clude as related facilities laboratories, out-pati6nt services, training facilities, central service, facilitJ, es 13 and ::L::f£ f~lo.J.]itie.':,; provide,el, howe;vel:l;: flint any related hospital urn: and operation. A hospital is a~ instil:u- tio~l.,], use under 'these zoning reg,]ations. lh-:np.iLal, Vel:()rJ.lln:~ C, enera].: A veteyJ.~lary g:..ner~,l hos].~3'~%%l''i~q-,~n~]~t~'U~t~u~e o~' p~:"e~{se~ used primarily .mid c:~s~nltia]]y for the medical and surgical~ care of ill, injured, or dlt~(,bled a~J;nalo other: than ]lumens. . ~r~, }.;m~l]]. ~]Jl%.m;t~ hosp~.tal ~s any structure. or premises car(: of ii.l, disabled, or injured animals (other than h~ans) of no greater size thah the larger breeds of dogs. Toux'i:~t Court: The ter~s hotel: rlJotel, bo~tol, motor hotel, i~~~.~;'"].~-dT}~'~""touri.-.t court, are to be considered synonomous ~nd to n~(.~,n i, }u:~]d.tng or a group of bui].dlng~ in which slecp-accommod~:tions are offered to the public and intended pr]mari3.y for r¢:ntal to transients with daily charge, as di:.:t~:w.]u.ished from multiple family dwellings (apart~:~ent:s) ~[Dd 3-¢)om41~g or boarding houses, where r~.ntals are fo]: periods of a %~(~e]: or longer and occupancy is generally by residents ~'atber t?:.nn transients. Where more than twenty five (25%) oR t},¢: units in a hotel, motel, motor hotel, beat(:]., motor lodge or tourist court hav~ cooking facilities, such an operation shall be deemed a multiple f~mily dwelling and shall be subject to this zbning ordinal]ce as a multiple family dwe 1 ] lng. Hotel or Motel Unit: A hotel or motel unit is a un.~.t designed for transient occupancy al~d utilized for SOl,ara'he electric or water meters for any of the separate units in the hotel or motel. A hotel or motel unit may have cooking or eating facilities, but the number of such hotel or motel units in a hotel or motel shall be limited ns stated in the definition of "hotel, etc." A motel or hotel unit shall contain bathing and sanitary facilities. Interior swinging or sliding doors may be installed on closet~ and s~,nitary facilities in a hotel or mo~el unit, but there shall be no other doors other than those for entrance or exit to or from the unit; provided, connecting doors to other units and doors to patios or balconies are pe~isslble ~dor this requirement. House of WorshiR: A house of worship is a build- lng used as a place' of %,;orship and religious educat.{on, hnd for customary accessory uses, by a body or organization of religious believers. 14 Junk Yard:. A junk yard is a place, structure, or lot %.;here junk, w~s~e, discarded, sa].w~ged, or similar materials such as old metals, wood, slush, lumber, glass, pgu~,~r, rags, cloth, bagging, cordage~ barrels, container~, etc., are brought, bought, sold, exchanged, baled, packed, dis~ssemb].ed, stored, or hand]ed, including used lung)er ~nd building matx~.-ial yards, hous.ewreck~ng yards, heavy equip- meat ~:recking y~)rds, ~nd yards or places for. the storage, sole, or h~ndl;~ng of s~lvaged house wrecki~g or structur~l steel materials. This definition shall not include ~utomo- bile wrecking end automobile wrecking yards, or p~wn~hops and establir~hmo~ts for the sale, purchase, or storage of second- band cars,., clothing , salvaged machinery, furniture, radio~;, stoves, refrigerators, or similar household good~ ~n.~ ~ppli- ~,nccr~, a].] of which shall be usable, nor shall it apply to t]~e proccss.~.~]g of used, discarded, or salvaged materials indi- dent to manufacturing activity on tho same site'where such processing Kcnnolinq: I~enncl.~ng is the keeping of any dog or dogs, .'rog5%rf[~ jf n%u~er, for the primary purpose of sale, breeding, bogurding, or treatment, except in a general veteri- nary or sm~]ll animal veterJ, nal~ hospital, or the keeping of more than th~-ee (3) dogs, six (6) months or older, on premises used for residential purposes, or the keeping.of more than two (2) dogs on prol,ert~y used for indust:rJ, al or eommercia] purposes. ~%p3~3~)ed Area: An area which may be modified from its natural state and scenery %o contain or includc~ trees, shrubs and hedges, ground covers, lawn grass, vines, and other vegetative specimens so arranged as to give an aestheti6 effect. ~oad~n_~S~co, Offstreet: An offs~reet loading space is a space logically and conveniently located for p.~ckups and/or deliveries or for loading and/or unloading, scaled to delivery vehicles expected to bm used .and accessible to such vehiclo~ when required offstreet parking spaces are filled. (see Sec. 18.16) Loadin~ and UnloadingS: Space reserved for pick up and delivery of goods and merchandise together wi~h that space required for access thereto. ~t: For purposes of %his zoning ordinance, a lot is a parcel o--{-land of at least sufficient size to meet minimum requir~'~ments of the zonigg district in which it is located, for use, .coverage. , and area, {~nd to provide such yards and open spaces as are herein r~quired (provided that certain non- conforming lots of record at the effective date of these zon- ing regulations or their amendment ara exempted from certain of its provis.~ons under the terms of Section 15.2, Non-Con- forming Lots of Record).. S%lch lo[: bhall have frontage on a public street or on an approved pt.{vale street, as net ou~ Section 8.6 and may consist of: 15 b. R porLJ, ono[ n J,o~ o~ ~ueord~ c. /~ coml)ina~ion of comp]ute lots o~ record, or co~p]~te lots of record and port]on:~ of lo~ of record, or of port.tons of lots o~ re,ord. d. A parcel of land described L.y metes and bounds; provided tiler ~n nO case of divJ.~ion or combJna~J, on sha].]. any rcs]dual lot or parcel be created which does Dot meet . the requirements of these zoning regulations. Lot Fro!.~.~:!gc'_3_: The front of an interior lot is the {)o::tion ne,,rest tile street. For the purpose of deta:.~ninJ, ng yard xequircment:u on corner lots arid through .lots, all :]ides of a lot adjacent to ~;treets are to be c,mgiderod frontage, nnd yards shall bo as set out in this zoning ordJ.nanco. (S¢:e also DllJlding Frontage). Lot ;,~e,~su?~_~nq/!.~t,_D~eD~!: Depth of a Ici is con- sidercd l:o ],e thc: dJ.:3tm~ce bet~uon tile midpoJ, nt~ of fitr;~.i, ght lines connecting t]]r~ foremost pointt~ of the side lot l:ines in front nnd the rearmost points of th~ si. de lot lines J.n the l]ot Measurement, Width: Width of a lot shall be considered to be "~e distance bet%coon straight lines connectin,j front and rear lot lines at each side of the lot, mear, ured across tile rear of tile required front yard provided, howe:vet, ti,at width between aide lot lines at their foremost points (%.:here they .i. ntcrsect; with the street line) shall not bo .].ess t]~mn eight (80%) percent of the required lot width e;:cept in thc case of lots on the turn.~ng circle of a cul- de-sec, %.;bore the' e.ighty (80%) percent requirement shall not ,'.: I) Ply. Lot of Record: A lot of record is (1) a lot which is part cz a ,,~h%~a/.vision recorded in tile office of t],e Cl¢:rk of tll~ Circuit Court of Collier County, or (2) a lot or parcel described by metes and bounds, the descrip- tion of which has been so recorded ell or before the effective daLo of Lhis zoning ordinance. Lot Tk~p_c_s: The following J.s thc t~'rminology used J.n this zor, ing ordinance with reference to core, er ].o'[:.~;, interior lots, reversed frontage, lots and through lots. ~ corner lot ia defined as a lot located at: the intersection of rive or more streets. A lot l~butting on a curved street or streets shall be con- r. idered a corner lot if straight lines drawn from the foremost points of thc: side lot lines to the foremost poi'nh · of the lot meet nt an interior angle of less than 135 degrees. -3; ]3 ~ interior 3o{:s, defined as a lot other than a corner lot with only on(: frontage on a street. C = through J.~)t, defined ~m a lot other than a corn<}r lot with fron{;ago on mor~ than one street. ')'brough ].ot:s ;~buttiug two streets m~y be referred to as double front:;~ge )ets. D ~ rnversed frontage lot, defined ~ a ).et on whJ=ch the ~rontage iu at rJ. ght ~ngS. es or approximately right angles (interior anglo 3. ess th;m 135) to ~he general pz~t.i<crn Jn %he area. A reversed f~ontage ].et rosy else be a col-nar ]et (A-D) . and interior lot (B-D) or z~ %broqgh lo~ (C-D). Mor.~.na: A marina is an cst~bS.i~.hment with a waterfront l~"~.n.-~-~n fo): tho r~fuoling of %catorcr;,f~. used for recreationa2 and l%on-consmercial purposes, and providing minor repair services for such craft not necessitating ~'/~%e removal of w~torcraft from the.water or removal of ~ iDboz, rd o~' ou{.])oard engine from the watercraft. A marina may ])S3{3Vid{3 uncovered or covered stor;~ge ;md dry storage. A marina ma~, inc].ude, aD ~ccessory uses, a restaurant or sn4~cS: bar, loundry or sonitary facJ. lities, motel or boatel, su~sdries sto.,se, and ot]](~r customary acc<~smory facilities. A mar.ina doe~ ]not include facilities for. mechanical or 'structural repair, ex'copt as noted above, boat construction or rccon~:truction, boat or motor sales, dredge, barge, or other work dockage or {~ervico of any but recreational and non-co~ercial watercraft. ;.~obJ. l(- )lomb: A mo]Si].~, home is a detached single family dwell]5)g unit ~'~th all of tho following character- istics: (a) designed for long term occupancy, and containing sleeping accommodations, a flus)% toilet, a tub or shower bath, ~nd kitcl,cn~ facilities, with plumbing, a~d electrical connections provided for attachment to outside systems; (13) designed for transpor'tation after fabrication on streets or ]}ighways.on its own wheels, and (c) arriving at the site where it is to be. occupi.ed as a dwelling complete, including major appliances and furni~ure, and ready for oc- cupancy except for minor and incidental unpacking and assem- bly operations, location on Jacks or' other temporary or permanent foundations, connection to utilities and t]]e like. A travel trailer is not to be considered as a mobile home. Mobile. Home Park: A mobile.home park is a parcel of land wh¢..ro mobile home sites are rented or leased or offered for rent or lease for the parking of mobile homes for 3lying or slc:eping purposes, and including any ].and, buildings, structures, or facilities used by ithe occupants of mobile home:3 in tho mobile h6me park. 17 hold or afforded, for sale for tho [>~rking of mobile homos faf li%,ing cu' n]'eop~ng pu~pone[~, and including any lend, buildings, structuren, or f~cili~ieu used by the occupants of the mobile hom~ subdivision. Mob:Lln liom,.,~ Site: A mobile home site is a lot · o~: pnrccl o~: ].and witl~in a mobile home park or a mai,ilo ],~m~c sul)divi:~.ion which meets the requirements of this zoning ordinance and which J.n designated for %he accommodation of not' more than one mobile home. Model Home: A model home is a residential structuru used for demonstration purposes or sales promotion, not occup.i, ed ~,s a dwelling unit, and open to tho public for inspection. l.:odular )k,me: A modular home i~ a dwcll.ing unit, cons(:ruct<:d ~:[~""a-%-6~-~f-~?nuity, or .{.n parts of a total en- tity, wh:;.~l~ ~n constructed other than on the building site and ~.~hich is then mov,?d to and erected on the bu.llding site. A mDdular ]]omc must )',e constr%~cted to meet the st~3ndards of all Collier County construction codes and to the standards set by the State of Florida for ~uc]n col'}struction, A mobile home J.s not to be considered a modular borne unless its maker's name appears on the approved listing of such con~truutlo~ o~ the State of F3ol'idn. ('~bis listing is available in the Collier COunty Building ~partment). Mote].: So l!otel, etc. N.{_~qht Club: See Club, Night. Non-Con forming I.~ructurc of ],and and f'~i:ructun;~, Characterlstlcs_ o.l.U.se,._~tc. Nursery School~ See Child Care Center. Nursin~ Home or Extended Care Facil.it.y: A nu'rsing home' or extended care facility is a private home, in.~titution, building, residence, or other place, whether op- e;,;ated for profit or not, including those places operated by un.its of {.]overnT,~ent, which unddrtako, s through its own- ership or management to provide for a period exceeding twenty four (24) hours, maintenance, p~rsonal car(:, or nurning for three (3) or more persons not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who by reason of illn[:ss, physical infirmity, o1.' advancc~l age, are %nlable to cnro for thcm::olves; ]~rovided, that this definition shall include homes offerin~ serv].ces for less than throe (3) persons where the 3.0 ho.~.n are heid out to the pub]:t¢ to bo ¢:ntablinhmont:; whicl~ regular3y provid~ nursing and custodial services. (Sce also ]lame for tile Aqed). ~~[l: The word occupied ~ncludos arranged, designed, bull. t, altered, convertcd to ~ or intended to be used or acc'upi od. Office, Bur{incas: A business office is an office for such ~,ct:ix,i~L27:-%ls rer~l estate agencies, adver- tising agencJ.(~s (but not si. ga shop), insurance agencies, tr~]vo3, agm~cies and ticket sa]es, c])amber of commerce, credit bureau (buL not finance company), abstract and title .agunc:i~:s or insurance companies, stockbrok(~r, and t'.]3c~ like. It is charact('ristic o.f n bu~inuss office that reta~]. or wholc:s~lc} goods are not [~)]o%.~n %o o~? delivered f3-om the premises to a cust. omor. A hsrbc~r or beauky shop is not a business off/ce. Office, Professional: A professional office is nn off.ice fo'7--]~, use of a person or pc, rsons generally ti.ass J fled as professionalS, such as archltects, engineers, attor}~c~,~.:, oCCOUl%t[iD~, dockers, lawyers, dentists, pnyc]xJatr.Hsts, psycho3ogists, and the like. It is char- acteristic of profcs}~ional offices that display r~d~ertlsing is prohil~ited i',s unetlmical practice and that the use is c]marltctcr:]zcd princJpal].y by offering of consul, tire services. O~,n S~ Usable: Usable open space is that portion of a lot 6r p,~l~'-~ch can be u~od by the in- habitant:~ of the property for o%ltdoor living3, active or passive activith,, zmd/or recreation. Pack~qe Store: A package store is a plnc2 %.;hem alcoho'l-.'L-~-~6W:r-~O~'~ nrc dispensed or sold in containers ParkincI Area-Off-Strew:t: An area for thc tem- porary storage, and par):~ng of motor vehicles including the area required for adequate maneuvering space, access aisles or drives thereto. Park]n{_k_:~.~.ace-Off-Street: An area for the tem- porary stora~.---an---d p~{']~-I'n"~' of a mot6r vehicle, not less than ten (10) feet in width and twenty (20) feet in length, exclusive of the area required for access drives or aisles thereto. Planncd Unit Developme_n_~t: P3ot: See Lot. See Section 24. 19 }'cu'¢,h: A ))or¢:h i.,~' n ~oo£'od-ovcr space, wJ exterior wa].3 of a lmJ. ldJng~ wh:ich has no ond. o~uro ti,an tl~e o~:t(~rior wal].~ of ~;ucl', ]mi].ddn'g. Open i,g nlm].l no~ be considered nu enclosure. A patio unroofed projection from the outside wall of a buJ. ld.i. nq, w.ithgut any f. orm of enclozuro other than open me:~l~ ~creenlng.. Private Club: See Club, Private. Provir. iona3 Uso: A provisional, uqe J.s a line that would not 1)e" app~o))ri{at(~ generally or without restriction . throuOI~out u part, ce]ur zoning d]s~;rict or classification, but which if co~Lro].]c:d as to number, area, location, or re]a- tiaa t.o thr~ noJqhbo~:hood, would promote tho pub].4c heolth, na(oty, %.t~3 ~are, mor,~]n, order, comfort, convenience, nppc:ar- nnc(,, }~rcmporJ. ty c)r the gcnc. ral welfare. Such uses may }m pcvmis~.[b]c Jn a ~oning di~:trict or clsssificstJ.on as pro.- v.t~,.[o~l uses, if specific provir~ion for such provisional use J.s mad,: J.n %.his zests9 o):d.inzu]ce. (For procedur,: in securing provisJ, on~l est:s, see Sc~cticm 14) Publ~r. Resource: Land, air, water and wildl}.fe which ~s par]?j'~-'£h~.~Jb-]-f~6' 0oma.tn or which is within tho realm embracing inherent riuhLs that belong to tho community at ].urge ;,nd ~n which 'the community s],ar~s 'tile rig]ILs and !:eno.- £its of such rn[~ource. P. es{'auran't: A restaurant in on establisl,men~: where food .4.}~'-~]'~q~'[--from a menu, prepared and s(~rved for pay primarily for consumption on %be premises in a completely enc].o~cd room, unde~ roof of %ha main structure, or in'an interior court. A drive-in restaurant ~s not a restaurant.. A cafe[~or~a ~n a restaurant for the purposo of this zoning ordl)3armco. ~:}e~l o].so d~fJnition of Drive-'In Rcztaurant). So. rvi)13{;' s QllaI.'ters: Servant' s quarters ara dwelling uni%-~ locatecf-~'l~-~'~.dontial districts and utilized far domestic servants .employed on the. promises. Such units may be in either a pr'incipal or afl accessory building, but no such living quarte]:s shall be rented, ]eased, or ot],erwise be made available for compensation of ~ny kind e):cept in tho fomn of housing for se'fronts. :tory.ice Stat.ion: See Automobile Service. Station. Sot.back Line: A setback line is a line marking l:ho minimu~ ~-.,~ ['. ;m c,.~ between n right of way lille, property ].il)e, bulkhead line, .~;horoline, or otto): defined location and the b~:cjinn~ng point of a required yard or the buildable area, as this ordinance may requ~.re in thc particular case. 2O c()n~J~l~!r;~ti~n of the mean hJ.gh w;~or. ].i.r~e. On no~-t.~d~,], waLcr:~,' t])e si~ore].~no J.s determined ])y thc~ an- · ;~vc~r;~j~ w.~t:<}r level. I%oat ~{].Jptl and ol:]]er male-made or ~]d~nl:at.ions n~'e const'.rued ns lyJ. n~ ]nndwn~.d of the s]~(~rulJnc~ ~l,d ;~l'e construed ~1s upland when computing the lot the %~a[:erfront property. Sign: S(~n f;ect~oll 20.4 for dc~finition of Sign defJ. nJ. ti~7~"of the w~rious %ype~ of signs. · . S_~.Sy.: A story is ~:hat: portion of a building .{n- bc%woel~ a floor %,;hich is ca].culated an a part of buil:d'Jng's floor mrea and the floor or roof next ~bc~ve it. .~;tr(~t: A ntre(:~: is a public or approved private thoro~.]hfar[;"{.i]'~'4~6~ ~,ff()rd.q the pr:i~cipal mc;,ns of access to al.,utti)]g property. Sbrcet includes l~nes, ways, places, driw~, bE)u]~.~v~]rds, roads, ~venu~s, or other means of reg;~r('il~:s of. ~.~e descrJ.~tlv~ tuzm used. (sc.e Colli(:r County I,ond Development and Subdivision Regulations) . Structure: A structure is snything constructed or erected w],].ch r¢:~.uires a fi. xed location on the grouted, or in the g3;ound, or att:ac],ed to t~¢.n on or J~ tho. ground. 'l'o~.~ul~ou:~. ¢~r T~owhou~;o; Townho~se or ro%.'ho%~se three (3) or more sing].o family struct%lres separated by party walls or separated by not more than one inch from to',vnhouse. Tr;,i](:r/ P, oat: ~ boa~ trailer i0 a wheeled con- veyanc¢: drawn by el;her m~tive power for the transportation uf ~ singJe boa1:. ~],~]].c.]*, C.~%m~J.n~ o~. Pop-'O~lt: A camping trailer is a whee]ed'~%~Q%ya,--~%~lTa~.;~' ~. other motive power designed for ~:ravn], r~c~at.~on, and vacation use and w]xich is made up of elements which fol(tlinto a compact asne~)ly for travel. Trailer: Horse: A horse traJ.].or is a wheeled conveyance drswn by other motive power for th~ transporta- tion of not more than four (4) horses or other ~nimals. ity trailer lis a"~/0' co~a~ ~v,n by other motive powe.%; for the primary purpose of transporting gcneral goods, luggage, or household furnishings. ~ni].er~ Travel: A travel trailer is a vehicular, 21 ~t t:ravt, 1 t:ra.i.l(~r; (~) J.~ not mo~e khan ¢l[~e~ not: e>:coed 4,500 pountl~;. Travc:] '?ral.]er Park: Set: .qectJon 30. Truck Stop: A truck ;~op is an es['.ablishmen% where the princ.~pa]~'~S%-'}[~?¥;rimorl]y the refueling and servicing of trucL~ ;md trac['o~-tra.i]~u: rigs. Such establishments may have rc~:;i.~:ur~ints or snnck b;,rs ar~cl slc~eping ac:commod~tJ, ol~s for the dyJv(:r:; el ~;uch ove~:-the-romd equJ. pm~.nt and may pro- vide fac:J].J ties for the rep~ir and niaintonance of such or int¢:nck:d to be c~ccupi(:d or utilJ, z(:d or for %~hi.ch it is occ%~;~ie(l or m;lintaJn¢:d. Thc rise of land or wat~:r i~t the variou.'.; zoning districts is governed I)5, this zeal]inc.! ordinance. Uno cf Land or Water: The term use of land or water inc]ud¢;s uso of landt water surface, a~,d land under x~,ter in the Coastal Area P].;~nnl. ng District to the eztenk covered ]~y zonir~g (l.istrJ.ct~, ~nd ov(.r %.11].;.ct1 t]l(~ County h;,s juri~;dJ cries. Variegate: A vari,qnce .t.s a re.laxation of the terms of thi:; z¢~ni~-~.i'-oJ~Li'n'al,ce wh¢:z'e such varJ.~.~nce w.ill not be con- krary to khe pub].ic interesL ~nd where, owing to con,JStions peculiar to the property and not the result oi the ~ctionn of tl~e ;,p])].icant, ,q ].itoral enforcemgnt of this zoning ordi- Dance wou]tl resul[; .i.n unnecessary and undue hard~hip on the ]and'; n variance 5s authorized on]y for height, area, add size (~f structure or siz~ of yards l:nd open spaces. Es- tablisbmclt~ or expi~nsion of a U~;O otbonqJ, s~ prc,hibited or not permitted sha].l not be a].lo~nd by variance, nor shall a variance be gr,qntcd because of tire presence of non-.conformitJ_es J.r, the zoning clnssilication o~ district or adjoi, ning zoning classifications or districts. Yarq~.a Generally.: A yard, generally, is a required open space, other than a court, unoccupied and unobstructed by any structure or portion of a structure from thirty (30) inches ~bove the general g~'ounc.1 level of the graJed lot ward; provi, d¢:d, however, that fences, walls, h¢:dgcs, poles, posts, children's ~lay equipment, and other cu:;tomary yard 22 ].imiI'.i.)~g o)}~trucJtions to vizibility. (For explanation ns to how to mc~asurc~ va~:J, ous .types of yardf; on reclt;~r:gt]lar anti ncm-rectnngul/,r )6ts, nc:e iljustration, pagc~ ~ ). _Y.a.3~¢!3__~.:33.!...~i.: Any yard withJ, n Collier County abutt.!.ng the (lul Yard, Fro, at: A front yard is a yard extending bet¥/enr} s3de lot lines across tho fro;at of a lot adjoining 3'n ~he'case of through lots, unless the prcvai3.- lng front yt~rd, p;,ttern on adjo~.ning lots J. ndicates ot]]em.~ise, front yards s]}~]l be provided on o.ll frontages. Where <.ne of tl~e front y;,rds that would norm;~].ly be required on a throuoh 3o{: is Dot in keeping with t]~(} prevailing y;~rd pattern, {:))~ Di~'c~ctor may waive the requirement for the normal front y;.~rd a~,d substitute, therefore a special yard requirement wl:.iu3~ ~d~3.1 no{ exceed the nverng,~ o{~ the yards I,rOvidcd on adjc:cent lots. Ir, the case of corner lots, full depth front yards are required on both frontages. Dc}:,th of a required front yard shall be measured at r.ight nng],~s to n straight linn Joining the foremost po].n~:s of tl,e side lot lines. T;~e foremo~t point of the s]d(~ lo~: line, 5n tbn case of rounded property corners at street intersections, sh~ll bo assx:med to be the point ~% wh~c:h the ~:~de and front lot l~nes would have ;net with- out suc}~ roundJ, ng. Where lot~: in renident~al d~mtricts compris- ing fc~rty (d0) percent or more of the frontage on one side of ~ ~;trcet between ~]tersecting streets are developed with structures having ~n average front yard with ;, wlria- t~on of not more ~]an six (6) feet no building thereafter erected shall project beyo:%d the average line so estaD].ish- ed. ']'his provision applies in all residential d~s{~ricts. Yard< Side: A sidn yard is a yard eztending from the int~rxor ~r) line of tho requ.~red front, yard to the rear 3at line, or in the absence of any clearly defined rear lot line to the point on the lot far%heat from thc, intersection of the lot line involved wi%]~ the pub- lJc street. In thc ca.~e of through lots, sid~ yards shall extend from the rear lines of front yards required. In the ¢:a.,;n of corner lots, yards remaining after front yards have bt:eh established on both front.~ges shall be considered side y~]rds. Width of 'a required side yard shall bo measured in such a re;tuner thaL the yard. established is a strip of thc minimum width requ.ired by district regulations w/th its inner pe, rallel with the side lot line. 23 its ironer edge, p~,r~ll:Le3, wit. ii ~he. roar ].o~ Y3l!'j!~p2~3..~.{.t]~: In C;lSO of J. rregul;lrly shaped yar~L~ than c:re otl~e.~tise required in tho district, pro- vJ. diDg ]. 'J'h(: }')J. roctor al.].own on]y yardn t:hat are similar to yard:; rc:qu,ir(~('l elsewhere in ~:]~e same d~.~:tr].cL, al~d no evc'J~t ~]~ow:.; ye~%'ds ove~r %wenty five (25%) percent sn,u]..l.~ th;,r~ ~'o requ~.r~:d o].sewber(.~ in tho ~;amo dJ. st~'Jat. 2. 'l'he D.Lroctor allo%;$ only yards %hat ~chievo t:be ::~lmc~ p~)7~o:~t, a..~ required yards elsewhore Jn ~]'~e dls- trier. 3. tvhe izt~og~].~r sh~q,e is dt~u tO ~. ']'hcre is no rea~onnbla remedy %brough acquisi- tion of adjacent land. Yt~rd, Waterfront:: A water froDt yard is ~l yard the shere ].Jno. Wate~'fron~ property is hero, by defined property ~butt~ng on the Gulf of 14exico, buys, bayous, navJ. gab]e s%reams, and on mal%-ereated aana].~;, laken, or impounded reservoi~:s. For tho purpose of this ordJi~ance, ~my t.~:torfronl; yard except Yard,.Gulf shall be trea~:ad as 24 'FOR ,,)l.']."r(:.fA], ?,¢'~I,1]'h!(i of: Cell. for County in h¢:rnl')y divJclnd into ,'l.i..-.t:~'.;r~t:s or nil. ¢:,~U~]i,n;~:o.~:y mnLexir,:l fd~own ~hero. on, 3.~ J~:~:c~l,y ndol?ted 2. offJcJ, al Zoning At:] a:;. A. ):ach page of %])~: Ol'f:.~.cLal Zon:l.ng of t'bo C-)rmvl(t Cou'~%, ;md F:hall hear ~)'~e so~l of tl)e County OJ. Co],].J. cr tuadO): th(~ fo.IJ.ow.~g Wort'is: f:o ccrLJ, fy that th:is'~.s page.__ of the Offlc~.al Zo~'.:;.r~g A%]~: refe~:r~{d '[:o and ado}~tcd by ref(~r~nce . Col].;L~.)., Vic)ride, OrdJ.~nnce l;o of the County of ' ', ;.~OOptcd , 197___.." ~3, 'Phc }~)~m('ln~.ier~ o~ each ~,3 shnl], be sho',.~n on the O~.~:i. cial ZonJ.:lg Atlas an~. 'L1,e d';s'trict svmbol or symbols as set out in thJ. n zoning shall bc uscd to dt~dlgl]ate each 3. Chnnoe~ .~.n D;Lnt:r.'ie~: )%oundn.r:i.~:s. If, .~uacco].ann'~ "...c np]~licab], n prov~ sions ~n di~;'LvJ, ct boul~darien or other mat%er }>ortr~yed on the promp~']y o~ the Off~.cJ. al Zoning At].as nme~dment hnn been ~pproved by %he ~oard of County Com,nJt~sionern, w.{th tin eni:ry on ~:ho appropr~.a~-o pnge of t]~e Official :~or,~.ng A~las i~s follows: "On by Ordinance No. of the Co~n~L'.y of ~f~, the fo].].owin~I c])anges were made--in the Official Zonlnq A%las: (Dr~.ef de~Jcript:ion of nature of change)," which entry nha].]. ]}~ a%t:ested by the Clerk of %ho Circuit: Court. No amendme~,t to this zoning o~dinance whJ.(:h involves mz~t-.ter portrayed ~n the Official Zoning'Atlas shall become effc~ctive until such change and eh%fy has b~en madc~ on tho Official Zoning A~:~as in the manner h~rein se~ out; such chaDge s)']~l].l ])~ ~14~('le within 10 working d~,ys after the dste of adoptS.on of the ~mendment. 4. UnauH~o~:ized Channez Prohibited. 11o changes Of any nature shall be m~.,de '.{:n th(,- official Zoning AElas or 25 C,.,Y pub].J~))ed, the Of.~.{cl;,1 Zoning Atlas, which shall locatcd ;;.n the office of {~he Clerk of the Circuit Courf s)}al], be '/))<: fina] nui:)~orJ, t:y a~; tO tho cu~'ent :mn)~d and v.';3ter m]?e.') of the Coastal Area c>f t'l}e 6. R,;tention of J",nrljer ZonJncr MaDn or At) n~es~. All wh.icli hay<' ))~l,1 the forc-q an,l off ertl: O~ o.~ficJal ;~cnlJ.rmc~ tl~i:; zon;;nfl ordinance shall bo retained ns a pul~]ic re~ord and as a qui,le to tho zonJ. nq stn(:us of lanets and %,,ntc~n~ ]~r~or to such effective date. This provision c'nfor,:cml,:i].,i.'ty of ~.n)y maps or atlases )~av.l. ng the force ~.~.~Oc[: of official zonin9 maps or atlases in offcch at i.h~ Unto of mdo)~tJon of this zoning ordinance in tl~at po)'tion of Collier County outs/de the Coastal Area ]'lanning l)Jstrict. 7. ]lc:place,merit of O£f.~cJ. al ZonJ. ncL__At:].an. If tile Of£icin] Z<,n:,ng Atlos, or any page or pc)rt.~on thereof, beco:nes dam~qed, 3~r~{', deutroyad, or dlf[icuit to .interpret bV reason of the natu~re or n~mg~er of chanaes, · t])e Board o~ County Comrnlsslone~;n may 1)y reso].u.kion adopt u )mw Off/cia]. Zo))ing Atlas, o:c any psge or pages thereof. Tho nut: Off lc.iai go)).t.nU Ail. nc, or pn~o o~, pages tl)oruof, may correct draftinq or other errors or onlJs~ions in tl~e pti. el: Official goni~ul At]as, or pa~e or pages thereof, but no snch correction sl]all have the effech of amendj, nq th(~ original Official Z~nJng Atlas, or page ,~r pages thereof. If, in the process of adopting, n roDlace~ent Officln] Zonin9 Atlas, or any page or p;~ges thereof, district boundmries are chnnged or altered, then action in reqard to such chan%lo of district bound;~ries shall be l:oken only on the form of an amendment to thJ. s zoning ordinance. 'J'l)(~ new Off~.cJo] Zoning Atl:t~s, or p~,qe o~: pa~es thnre- of, shall br~ authenticmted ar4 for tho oriqtnal, with wording to the followlng effect: "This is to certify that this Official Zoning.Atlas (or page or pages thereof) d;~to, rl ns phil: r,~ destroyed, Ch¢~ pti.or Atlas or ~hereof romniDinq ~l~all be recr~rd, t:oqether wi. Lb ]?nrt:,nJ. nillg %o ~.~s adopkion or 27 Section 5. J. ndJcalx:s that district regu].ntiol%s D~rtah'~ing dJst'cict e::tend tbroug)]out tho. whole area surrounded ~y the ))oundd~y line. 2. k/here uncertainty ox.tst.'.,q ns t:O ~))~ boundarie~ voriatirm of at:tu~] location from mapped location would chanuc kht~ zoning st:atus of t, lot or parcel, in whiclt case. the }~ounda].~, shall be in~erpretefl in such a ~l,anner as to avoid cbangJ, ng %1~e zoning status of any ].et or part:c,]. Tn case of a street vacation, tlj(~ shall be construed as remaining tn its location e:~cept where ownership of the vacated street is divided other tJ~a~ al: the ce~t:e~:, in whJ. ch cage khe boundary shall construed as movinq with the ownership. B. lh]undaries J. ndicaked as aD~roximatalv 'fol]ow~n~ lot ~Jn(,~', mblic re (, I''-~ ', . · . ........ ~ . ~c p. p.r .v lines mid the like .,hail bc conntl, ued us J:o.~'[ng such .Lines; 1~]'~, howeve%:, t:ha~ where such boune]artes ara adjacent to a dc~dJ, catc, d strt.~t~t, a].].~y, hiqllway, or riqht of waV anrl. the zoning status of the street, hi0hway, alley, or of way J.s not indicated, tho boun0artes shall be construed as runnJ.~,g tO the middle of ~lle streot,,]liqhway, alley, or rJ. gh% t)f w~ty. In khe even~ of n%reet vacation, interpretation shall b(~ as provided in Section 5.2(A) above. C. Bound;~rios indicated as aDDroxJ.matelv follov,J, ng such City or Coun[;y D. Boundaries indicated an follof~.in(~ ma~n tracl:s. E. Boundaries indicated as fo]].owJ, nr~ ~hort~].ines of wat't:r ~:hall bt~ con~]:[,~d' as fei.].ow]lng SUCtl or centerlinen. In case of a change in nhoreline, or of the course or extent of bodies of water, the boundaries 28 nh;~l.] j-, O0~h"ThFllO¢l i1:1 ItlOYjilg ';¢'j.j'.l! '['.]10. ('.'hllrlq¢~ ~:}l(:J'(' :,'~(:}1 Itl~)V.j]]!l ~,,o11].~'] ,(:]~illl(.lO ~J110, :4011 j$']~.~ :~l'.;ll'.tl."j o.r i! 'jot oY ].'%ll'r.',t].; ;11,('.j j. rl ~;tlc]l (l. jl~0, tho j)ollllc']~ll'y :ij');I].]. ]'~0 J.~tc:rjsr,,l'c:d in ~,~)~ a mnnnor ~]:~ to 8v¢)J.O r:)mng.Lnq the ~On:i.)ig ::l-ntu:: 0£ ~u)y lot 0); }.7[.'(7~F/~"FnJ n,g I~rnn)d;~r.:ir.'s c)~ ~'!Jlt:)) i:hn ljmJ i:,q o? .ill):;isrllci:J ell Jn v,'l)i¢:;) 'b. hoy ¢:ntal; (:he: 1,od7 oF. wntr,,r tn .i:',tcrsecl:Jon wit. l~ olt,(:r ~..,.~l-,;l~:g bound,;~rle:.~ or w;i. th t;he .1. jmit::; or ]?.].),¥'..;.!).[.'.;.~1 Or c,n/'Li~:.l fnnl*.tlr~?r; Otl,c.'r than .t:hnnc,. cu].tnrd], f(~,stnrc:;, ¢:):oopt: wh(:~o 'varJ~t.ion of nctu~] ].(~ca'l'.J.r,:i f~oPl tUF,l~lx:d ,l.()¢~t:irJll WOU].¢'I C]l~tll[jcj I'h( ;tt:nl.~r~ r,~ 'a ](~1; or p~rcc,.]., anrl J)l mlC. h cnn(.,. ~))n),] )~: Jt~l'c:r),reted in st)c)) manner a~ to avoid c)lai'igir)g axt'c.mr, i,'j)).~.._o.):._l...c~.~:.tZq~.,'.~' '~.uct:,.cn't'orl ~n nt;h-)~araqrn))h (a) throuuh (q) above ::ball be constru;~:cl as be:lng parn.l.l~l to ¢;r a>:ten~ioJl:.~ of s~ch featllro. I. Dintance,~; not spoc:Lflcal].v J.n¢licated on the OffJcJ. al Zon:Ll]g A(:Z(,S si]all be dc~i'orml:~orl hy t-.1)m st:ale rj,f lJ.-; l;t~.iI.'~ r..,~l lJJ(-: ),dUe of Lhc: AC.Tas ~ho~:ing the propt, rts' :i.n qUe;;tio~. · 3, Ca.~en' not covered by Sec'Lion 5.2 above.. In cases ,or st)'c:~t 1;:yout existing on the ground Js at variance with t]~nt shovgn on the Official Zoninq A%].as, tho Director r:ha].] Jntorpyet thc: Offlc:La]. Zonlno Atlas in accord with the ~.nL.ont and purpose of this zon~[ng ordinance. Appeal item time interpregation of tho Director si]all be only to the Board of Zoning Appoa].~. 4. Division of a I,ot of Record bY' a DJ. strict record at t]ln time tho boundary was established, and whore the division makes impractfcal tho reasonable use of tho lot, tho extension of the rog~].ations for either porti()n of the lot may be pa)~itted as a provisionsl use for not to e>:ceed fifty (50) feet beyond the district line into the remaining portion of t)]e lot. 29 be, ~r~rl cha].] aPT~].y unifo~ly 't(~ each cl;,~m or 1;:i,n:l of · sLructxlre, ~)~r~, or ]a~d o~ W~ltOr. ~>:cep~ a~ herein~lf~r p roy J. (h~d: 1.. ?c,~l~nq Aff~:cl:q,Use~. or ¢)o~uD;]ncv'. No buJ. ldin(~, ~)c:c':t)l~J.~]d, ~md l~o ])~lil(]J.ng, stl'~ct:ttro, or part %hereo~ sba].] }~creaJ.-her be erected, constructed], racomstru,;ted, C:o~fo]'mJty wit]L the rogu].a'tJons hero.l.n spc~(:ified for the ({;~st~J. ct :Ln whO. ch it is ]ocated. 2. Zon~q Af;'fe~::':= lh.,J~Tht ¢,f Structures, Por, ul. ak:;.,~n an(1 r~r;pecJa].ly A. To) exceed height, bulk, or floor area; ,B. To provide n greater n%umber of dwelling un itr:; C. To provide les~ lo~ ~trua I.)~-:r dwelling unit or to occupy a smal]e2' D. To occupy a greater percenta(fe of lot area; E. ']'o provide narrower or sma].ler yards, courts, or other open .~paceo; or F. To provide ]¢,nsor separation b~t.%qeen bu.ildings or structures or portionu of buildlDgs or structurOs. 3. Mu]ti]3~3e U::e of Req3.~F_d__~.Den Sl~a¢:~ Proh~hited. No part of a required yard or other requit'e,] open :q~uce, or rctqu~rod off-st:feet parking or off-street loadin¢! space, provided in uonlmction with o11a building, ~,tructure, or use shall ]~e included as meet:lng the reguiremcnts for any other bui]ding, structure, or use, except where specific provinion is made in this zoning ordinnncc. 4. Reduckion of Lot Area Prohibited. No lot or yard o~.is~! ;It ~he o~fc'.-~[~e date of this zoning ordSD~,nce n]lal:l thereafter be reduced tn size, dime;raj, on, or area belov; the minimum requirements set otlt herein, e):cop~ by ro;,son of ~ portion being acquit'ed for public use in any manner including dedication, condemnation, purcl~ase, and the like. Lots or yards created after the 30 31 1. ¢;c:r,,:~':,].. Di.,:trJct rn~p~].at:io~%s for tho Coast:al of DJ. si'.rJ, ct ]~(.qn]ntj. ons, hereby adoT>ted by reference ;mil dec:]areal Lo b~: a l'Jnrt of this zoning ordinance, providad J.n ~]ec:L:ion fl of this zoning ord:Lnnnc~ ontit].ud "Su]3pJ. c, mentary DJ. strJ. r:t Regulations," or ns otherw:[s~ ]~rOX'.[c]cd iD ~:l').i~ ZODil';~] ordinance. 2. OffJc:ia]..¢;el)edu]e, Locnt:ion anrl The 0f~ic].~i~'l]%~TiSiJ'~?E"i'~i%'E~EJ~Ent::Lot,~; for the the signature of the Chairm~n of tim )%onrd of tho COUlll:), Com:nin:::i.oners aud nld:ont'.od bv tthe Clerk of tiho CJ. rctEi, t Cout'[ ;.md ],ear:ing ~:hc seal of the County unr?~r thc fo]lcw;.t~U uur(]:]: "'J']~J.r~ :in t:o ~nr'l:ify tirol: 'th~u of %1m Coun~:y of Collier, F].or.tcla, adol?~ed , 197 " Tim O~f~cial Schedule of DJ. strict Regulate. OhS shall be located ~n the office of tho Clerk of the Circ~lii-. C~)u.,'L; ~.hJ.s (;c]lc:dule ~hn]l b~ the f.lnnl aul:]'~ori~:y as to t:be curren~: status of district rcgulat~on?~. 3. .C.}..)an...i~f:r; 'in th~, Offici~,l Schmd~]e off District Req~l].a~:Jol',;;. 'J'ho C)~.lclal Schedule of ~I~ ){eou].at~.ons ms sub]eot Lo a~endme;)t in the sam~ 7~onner as any other portion, of this zoning ordinance. Matt'.dr proponed to be d].r;tr]ci: line, column, and (if appl~ca1~].n) paragraph numbers of ~he f;chc:du]e. If, in accordance wi-I:h the provisions of this znn.{ng ordinance and applicable provisions of ~.'lo~'ida ].c,vz, chnnrjes are made in the prov:l~fons (~f Lbo Of Ziclal Schedule of Disi:rict Regulations, such changes shall be enternd prompL]y on t:be Official ~;chedule aft:or t:ha amendment has been approved by the Board of Coul~ty Co:nmiss~oners, wit]] an enfry as follow:-:: "On by Ordinance No. of foil. owing changes were made ~n tbc~ Official Schadulc of District Ragu:[ations: (Brief note of nature of cllan~e)," which entry sha].l I)c~ attested by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. No amendment to this zoning ordinauce which involve~ matter portrayed on 'the Official Scbedula of D].ntr:i. cl: l~ef[u]~tions sha].l becom~ effective until such chan(~d and cnt:~:y bas been. made in the manner herein set 32 out; :tach ch,'m~te sha].l O~ a~l;lJl~]~S~ [:))l., Board O~ Com'~ky CommL~;mLonc)~n may 5. DJ:;t:rJct:l, Di::t):ict.."., for I:he Coastal Area Plann:Ln9 ]~-i-:T,~'~:'.i.'c'~.'~ ns shown of Zo~'J.ing Regu].nt;ion.~; n)Icl as (l¢:].ine;H:erl on t}la Off.lcj.al .ZollJ. l)g Afl;J:3, ;)re as follows wj. tJi ti. ilea mid abbrev:LatJc:ns for :.:yml)o.1. pu~'posnr; n:3 indicated.' F,.'.;--1,2,3,4 RH-.1,1-A, 2 Single ),'amt].y RC..,4idcn%ial Hultiple Family DYa;llin.q PUl) Planned Unit Developn:~-mt RT Residential Tourist MI|RD Fishing Village. Ro:;idential Hobile Home Subdivtnion },ill RP Mobil6 )Iolna Rental Park PC Professim]al Commercial CC Convenien co. Co)~lmer cial GRC (;e. nernl Retail Commercial CI Con~erbJ al In~lu:;trial I Industrial GC Golf Course TTRV Travel Trailer RecreatJ. onal Vehic,le CD Campground' 33 ).: A · .. Agr] culture "l:csJ~lt~ni;:[al!y zol~d", or 13,1)rnseo]o(ty of silnil~r intent cc,~)F:tr~led tC> :[nclutle {:he fc)].~.owlr, g rl~.~l~rlct~:: RS-l, Dist'rlci.s. B. Wbc~re tho "zoned commerclally", "comlnerc}ally zonr~d", "commcrc:ial zoning", or pb~;~;eology nf similar intent arf~ used in th:i.s zoning ordinunc,:~, the phrases shall be const:rued include: PC; CC; GRC "zonq~('[ JDdlmtrj;,].]y", ".i~iOusgrJ. nl].y zoned", "in,]usl;rial zo:~inq", or pl~r~:;eology of: similar inl:en~ ttre u::ed in D, Where t:he phrases "a~ricultural di~tr.lct~," "zoned agr~cu].tural," "agriculturi,lly zoned," "aqricultura]. zoning,"~ or phraseolo~f of similar intent is used in this zonJ. r,g ord.~na;]co, I:he phrases shall bo cono'grued to include: A; 1~ B'istricts, 7. llnnut:hc))-Sz~d C)~;ul~ l?roh:[b~%od, l~o chan~es of DistrJ. ct llerjul~t~.ons r>~: ;iny matter sho~m~ thereon in ccmformStsy ~.':Llh %h~s zoning ordinance. Any unauthorized change of ¥~hn'tever kind by any person or. person~ shnll be considered n violation of this ~oning ordinance and punishable as prov~.cled by this zoning oroinance. D. l.'J. na]. Authority of Offic,{n'l Schedule. Roqardless of the ex~.'~tenco of purported copl, us ~ nl~ or part of Offi.c~al flchedu]e of l)intrtct Regulakions which m~5, from %ime to tlme bo pub].~hed or reproduce}d, %ho Official Bclmdule of District Regulations W)'~ ~m eli shall be locnted J.D the offJ. ca of the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall, be the fJ.l)al authority os to the r~gu].a%ions (,pplicable tllc various zoning distrJ, cEs herein established. 34 ~nannc, r ;::~ to 'obr:truut v.'~slon be%%~aen ;~ he~qht of (3) fc.,,'~: and o.i~lh? (2) fo('~t [~bovc tl~o centorlirm,; elrades of ~:]]o J~t.c~rsc]c~:J~ streets ~n tlm area boundr.~l st:rea[: ].:[nos of ~mch corner lots aI~d ~ llne joJ.~ing points ;l].ong said street lines forty (40) feet frola t:.1~ l)oS~h of ~nt~'r~:oc~:;[on. Parking ~n prohj, b~.t~d in ~n cut z?,.,,ny [;lid m,~Jr,'tninod wi'l:hin thc) ~hroe (3) eight (8) foo~: clearance re. gu~.remen't. Pos~s for ,..tx~.uzes, traffic control, and nome sirfnn, are I,erm:Jtted, so )on~. . ns Lbo sign. c~ eqUil,m. '~: in no~: wi~-hJn ~he }~:escr.{.bed clear 2 Location of Acco. snorv St:ruct..u~'es. str~ct~;r(::, ,,,d,~,t bo ¢:onstruc:t~:d ~mul%aneously wl~:h or follow~r'g Lbo construction oF. 'L:ho. princ~pal struet:ure and · shall c::W,.form %¢il;h l:ho. fo].]o~.~in9 setbacks and bulZding - " ACCESSORY STRUOTURI~S Pnrl:ing Garage- FRONT .REAR ,q I DT.: SP,.q 10 ' 15 ' ,qT RUCTU R'P. TO 1O' 2, Parking S ~:r TlC t~%r().e,- RI'~ 1 Story 3. P~,rkl~it.l ~: t.~:ucf, ur~,,- RM Multi-Story 35' 35' SPS 10' 35' 35' SPS *1/1 4. Swishing 1'ool- RS and Duplex SPS 1S' SPS N 5, Swimming Pool- RM & Commercial 35' 30' 15' '.fermi:: Courts- ]'rivate RS & Duplex . Po EPS .qPS 15 ' 35 J el w,r,l,t,,f,, TTplnl i~'f:,"~rrln' ACCE.,,.,O~Y ~TRI Courts- CommerCJ. nl 35 ' 35 ' SPS 20 ' (P rive te ) SP,q NA 10 ' ].0 ' 9. Docks NA NA 10 ' 10 ' 10. ut;ility lhlildings SPS .1 0' 10' 10' 11. Un] i:~ted Accesnory NA=Not ;',.py),l 'L(:ablo as Prin c:;.p~l Struct:uro *'1/].=1 foot acces:.,,ory Hoight:-~l foot of building separate:ion 3. E>:el. ur..ions Prom l-IeJ, rlht .7,~mit~. The heiqht ].imit,,ltions %-6-~inei'i in tke"-~c~l~of Dia%ricf. Regulations do not .apply to spires, be3. fricn, cupolas, flagpoles, antennas, water tanks, fire towers when . ~era'l:ed by a branch of government, ventilators, chimneys, ' feC~ st'.o'~'~io ntruc'bu~e~{, or tO other ~PI>ur~e~ancan usu;,].ly requ:lzcd to be placed ~bove tho roof level and not intended fnr human occupancy or to ai~ort control towern; provided, however, the heights of these structures or appuvtcnauc~es there?'o shall no~ exceed any height lJ. mJtations pzescribed by the Federal AvlatJon Agency or airpo]'t zoning regulations within the flight-approach zone of airl.)or~ss. 4. Exc.1.u:~Jons From Hole?hr L{mits-Off-Street Parkioq Wi. thin A 5~5~1]'~%%%73. In 'i~~es whor~ ~fr~tror-~- ~5~J~'~xS~g~,.~ pre%TI'rind within the primary building, the Director may waive tho maximum height roguiremnnts to the ex%ent necessary %o permit off-streef, pork.~ng ~.~i'thin the primary building; provided, ~;ha number of off-s%ree% parking spaces required by this ordinnnc~ for the use involved may not be reduced, nor may ~he wniver in height be greater than that Doeessa~ to provide for the off-street peri:lng within the prlma~ building. 36 l~tfl.,]..iu strc.,~b, or w.i~l~ acccs~ t:o an approved priw~te r:Lrc, c:l:, nnd al~ nt',ruct.~res nl~al], ba so ]oca~ad on loth fi~e protraction, an~] required off-stree[: l~arkin~. No :l. Ot 'maet] ng tho r~quJ remcnat~ of t:his zoning ordinance, wl~:ich dc, es not abut on at least one publ;].c sEree~: or ~p.],',x~vcC] })r.[vn~e streel~ for at lel]~: twenhy (20) loeb. Use of Rc;~.~tlon~:.~al]¥ Zoned Prop~rl:v for Acc~sn. "~A%~%~7' ~%':,~ ~' ]~ r~'?; :,.~f&~ a~]~3.~'' ~ 6 n~V~h ~E~ b%7 c]:.'~vcway, wc~].]:way~ or acc~rm purposes t:o any %',']'~ic:~ ~: non-rr'.:.:iden[:~al3, y zoned, or usad for any in[~);c)s:: and egro:~s to n use c>:ist:J, ng a~: 1:)lo offoct~.ve t]~J.~; ~,rdinanco which does not abut on a street. 7. P,nr]:j.r~r!, S%or;~q¢:, o.v U~e Of l~a~or clef:i.~ed os inc]u¢ling boa'Es nnd boat trailers, travel trni]ers, pickup campers or coaches (designed to be mounted on mntorized vehJ. c]r~s), motorized dwellings o]~ motor ]~omes, tent trailers, popout campers, houseboats, ,~n~ thu li];~, ~m~ cases or b~xos used foe CransDor~:ing r~-cr(~;ltJ, ona] equipmnnt, whe.l:her occupidd by suni% mcnt or not. No major recreational e~uipmcnt ~hall be used for living, slaeping, or.bo%u~keep~ng purposes when parked or stored on a residentially zonad lot or in any location not approved for such use. ;4ajor recreational 'equ~.pm~:nt may be parked or stored only in a rear yard or jna completely enclosed building or carport "or on davits or cradles adjacent to waterways" on residontia].ly zoned propc~rty; ]~rovlded, however, th~tt suuh (:quip~,,ent n',ay be 1,a~.'~-~,! nny~..,here on residenti, al premises for not to exceed twenty.-fouz- (24) hours durinq loadin(~ and unloadinQ. 8. Pa~-k:i.~q of Commercial Vehicles Jn Resldent~.al A. It shall bo un].mcful to park a commercial vehicle on any lot in a residcntial zoned district unless one of the following conditions exist: (].) The vel~iclo is engaged in a construction service operation on %ho si~o where J.t i~ parked. Tho vehicle must; be removed as soon as the construction or service activity has' been completed. (2) Tho vehicle is parked in a garage, c~qrport, or fully (inclosed nErucburo and cannot be seen from tho stroker serving ~he lot, 37 i:he main :'~I'r:.a'f:n'rr'~ an,l..i.'~; enclosed with.in a ve¢iot:,~t:iv¢, scrc':eni, n:l wh.t. ch'co~,ce;,].:.: I. he veh.~ela from t:ho vi.ow of his (4) Aul:omol~:[].c.s, vnns, pick-up truck~ having a ral:tw] ]o~<l c;uw~c::;ty of ].ess th;.~n one ton, r, hnll be c×emp.ted from tb]r~ OrdJn~]nce. 9. Hov~u¢! ~f~ B.il~'l.~nC:: or St~;u¢:ture~. No building or moved ~o c~noi:l)er locm(:~on on %1)() sam~ ].ob, I;uc)l buJ]df, ng or sl.rucburo ~hs).l ~her~after confo~ to all of tile a)'~p].J, cable provisions of this zouir)g ordi. nance (~n(l to ~,].1 othe)r opp].icab]o regulations, inc]uQJng but limited ~..o con~:truc%:i, on codes, of the County. h~rohy ~A~fined t'o include ~r,d be limited to water, e].ect:rical distribution ny~l:om~ and lines as well as sub.-si.nI:~on::, lift statio~, and similar instf,].lations necessury for tl)e perforn,ar~ce of theau services; Drcvide~J, howuver, that th:~s st~)uec~ion shall nob be deemed %o petmil: .~: a m~Iit~ of right thc location i~ a dj.strict of such fsci].~tJ.es as electric or gas gcners~in~ plants, .sewaqe %roatm~n% p];~n~, water pumping or water aerie'ti, on or t:raat:m~.~',% plant, c~b3.e v.is~on recepb~.on %'ewer al~d accompanying r'tr~,ctures, and similar facili%ies. This nub-section shall nob bo deemed to include the erection of structures fo~ commercial activities such as sales or ~(~ collection of bills ~'n districts from which such activil:ies would oSherw~se ]>e barred, nor shall th~s provisJ.on peL~it auy fncili%y requiring the storage of automotive va]%iclc:: overnight. Under th~s sub-section, where sLructures ~ra involved other than lines or cables, such structures shall nonform in~.:ofar as possible to the character of the dis~rJct in which they are located as to architecture and landscaping, with utilization of screening and buffering compatible w.[bh the district. 11. Waterfront Prop_qrt~.. A. (.alaul.;~t~on el Ar~.a for Dwel].ln~ Unit Densit~ ......... Land 3. yl;)g watem~'ard of the shorelzne, defined by S~ction 3, shall nob be calculated as a part of a lot ~n determining minimum lot or yard requirements, except ~,s tony be otherwise provided in this zoning or,lJ.n~,nco. In ~:he event a dike, sea wall, or o%her facility designed to prevent the intrusion of water provide'd to prot~ect the lot or yard ar(~a, the Director may been n]--U~oved ])~, i:1~¢: Boat'tl Of Cot;nt¥ Commls:~ioncrf~. Prior t'o notion by tho. ]]oard of ¢:ountv Co~miflsioners, P].a~mi,~q.. Colhnlis:;Jon sha.ll hold a pul.)].]c het~r.Jnq, and leal:t: 1'rial; to recomh~c:nding a location far a sale of .~ntm~.~r~, ~bo 1)'l~:nn~.t Co,tmin~inn shall fJn('l that the follt~v;:;)]r~., rCqUJ rcmen,..=, ]lave been inet: (]) 1.;o sucl, use sll~Jll be locatca with~.n .~,~ hundred ('%00) feet of m'ly established sc]'~oo]., church, or pul~].jc: park or playground. ']'he dist:ance of five hunrlrod (500) fee% shall bn manstn:ed ns tt~e short:erst distance bei'.v~een tho lot on w}~ich the school, church, or pub].]c park or play~round is lncaler] :,~:~] the lot on which tho alcoholic beverages are (2) No such use J~hall be located within five ]mm]rod (500) feet of any o):]sk~ng est~,blishment wl~ic]l r;nl] s n].t;u]~ol~ c .]]c.'vt~r~tles fey const%Im~tion on premises. The tlistanco o.~ flv(: ]lun(lred (500) feet sha].] ],e measu~cd as the shorEes~: distance between the lot on v.,h:[ch t'.he existing establishment ~s located and the lot; of wl,.i, eh t-lin Dlco]lo~o (S) The ~e w~ be cpmp~b~b~o with the m~ou~(l~ng u~e, o~ the neighborhood. (4) That~ m~y nuisance or hazard feat:ute involved is fluJtably separated and buffered from adjacent TlS O S. (5) That o~:cessive traffic will not be go~l~r~lt:e('l on ros.~.dentla] sLreets. (6) ']'hat {:he land and/or bullfights involved are ,]ocquaCo for the use. 39 ~lc~,holic bev~'~nO~s' ~'or connuml~t'.ion on ]nremJ.~os such r:o]:v].c{~ is inej(Ic'ntal ].o tl~o mn~.n m;e and for thc tlle fac].]:Lt.y. C. Any r(~r;t.r~uranl:, ho%el, motel or other co]~',ercJn] er~t:ni33. J. nhtm~nt herein ).j. cens~,r3 to sell any alcoho]ic )~c.~v(nFnge $)~n]l t~pon wrJ. ttcn clomm~d o¢ the DJ.rector m;,k~ or cause ko bo fnndn under oath a st..al;emmet itemizing %~'hat percentage of his gro~n receipts ere from the sale Of alcoholic 13. Aut,,},r)l)j.]e Sorv~c:n Stat~.ons. The followin,4 opco:atJon, fenc~.nq, ]ands6apil~g, park]neT ~nd permitted .......... ,..-~ .... ~ ['% ~ (1) I1;L},lmum Frontngo: Ar~ ¥~:omo,,: herr:ice station shall not bo located on 'a lot with ].ess thnn 150 feet frontage on a dedicated street or higkway. (2) H:inlmum Depth: 120 feet. B. l.iJ.1~imum Ii): Front yald setback - ).l..ty (50) (2) Side yard setback - Forty (40) feat. (3) ]lear yard se.kback - Forty (40) feet. (4) Canopy - Toll (10) feet beyond pump setback line. C. Gasoline P~nt)s: Ail gasoline pumps shall be located not l~ss thinl %~?~Y (3n) feet from any lob line; and shall be so arranged that motor vehicles shall not bo supplied or serviced while parked upon or overhanging any pllblic sidewalK, str~et, (.,l right. D. Driveways: ' '~)--'-~-f'[~dri. vewnyn providing ingress and egress from an automobtie service station shall be no ' more than thirty (30) foot wi.{~e. No more than one (1) curb cut shall be pe~itted for each fifty (50). f~,et .of frontage or major fraction thereof, along any street, road, or highway. (2) All lots located at intersecting streets must comply wi. th the State Department of Transportation Standards for curb openings and driveways. (3) No driveway shall be located nearer than th'l. rty (30) feet, as measured along tile property line, to any other driveway giving acco:Is to or from the same a~ltomnbile service s. tation. (4) .No alley shall be used as a p~rimarv means 'of ingress of egress. 4O I'~. ].'.u{'~"n)~'¢: and lb:~l;: No ;u%{:omobi.3. e :;e)'viee ..L~,' ' -r_el.- of a scl~o~l, public ])loy~r(%und, child care inst.itutJ.on for dcuendents or for chi],'~.'em, except where nu'ch proF,r.,rty in J.;~ ;u'~ohhcr bloc:k or on another s%L-eot wl~ich %h~ lc~t in qu~,nt:~on does nbut. ~;o].id dec.',n/..~tive material f:i.v~ (5) feet in ]3ei{}~t or wa3.1 of 3;~r, dr~ca~',ing (see SocLion 8 Pnrngra})l'm 21) must ]~ prov.{.d,:~d ~nd ]%ro;3er].y mair~t:nine(3. If t:bo nt;,tion ;{.~ sep.%ra[:ed fram the rasi(lenttal w. one by an allay, {'.h~ wn3.1 ::ha31 }',e er<.c{:ed s3. oug the alley lot line also. In addJ~<~nu, all ouLsidc trash areas for used tires, autto pn);Lts, n~l ot)m<~r items shall be one3.oned on all sides by a five (5) foot deco)r~tiv~ fence or wall which shall confo~n to al. 3. setback regulations. All walls and ,~(. bret:acted 1,y a fixed barrier to prevent v(:~]~ic].es from contaci:ing sales co)%<'Juc:ted on t)~e premises. ]I. Drninnqi~:. The entire lot, excludino nren occupied by [, buildln~, shall be properly drai)}ed nnd hz%rd su~'faced %~ith cohere(re or ))!an~ mixed bitun,~nous material, ezce)~t for %1~ required lnn<?scap~,c3 I. Parki~)<T Areas: Pa~'king areas will to the provisi~~ oJf ~cct~on lB of %h~ Ordinance. At no time shall repairs be performed in parkin~ areas. J. LalldscaDins: A mln:imum of t-wenty (20) percent of tl]}~--~ nrea shall bo landscaped, with a minimum of three (3) percent landscaped per lot side. K. General: In addi%ion to the retail dis- services may be rendered and sales made and Do other: (1) Sales and servicing of spark plugs, batteries, distributors and distributor parts; (2) Sales, servicing and repair of tires but not recapping or r~grooving; (3) Replacement of %va%erhoses, fan belts, brnke fluid, light bUlbs, fuses, floor mats, wiper blades, grease retainers, wheal bearings, shock absorbers, mirrors, and the likg; (4) Provision of %~ater, anti-freeze, and the like. (5) Washing and polishing and sale of~ automotive washing and polishing materials, but this provision does not permit ~ar 'laundries; (6) Providing and repairing fuel Dumps and lin'es; · (7) I41nqr .servicing ~and repair of (0)- Emergency wJ.r,'[l'~q repairs; (9) Providing rOl~air of brakes; (]0) Minor motor ;~djustmcnts nob involving r~moval of th~} head .o~ (11) Greasing and lubrication; (].2) Shies of cold drinks, candies, ~ob;~cco, a~d similar convenl, enco goods for service afl, ties cunt:or,tars, but strictly and only as acccr~sory and. i~cidcnta], to the principal bllsinoss (13) Provision of road maps and other il~ formation; (].4) No mec]]anical work sl'~al], be allowed "outside of the anti.ese,1 ~treas; (].5) Merchandise shal. 1 not be outside of the eDc].o~:cd area e::c~:pt on thc pump is]and; (].6) No automob'[le service station shall be per,~itted where any oil drainage fit or visible ap]~liance for any ~uc]~ l,U~l',r)nc othe~? ~.hn~ refuelJnq located witlli, n twenty (20) feet of any str(:et way or within forty-five (45) fcet of an~ dJ.stl'ich e>:cc)~t where such appliance or pit is located within a wholly enclosed building; (17) Uses l~ermissible at an aui'.omobila zervJ.ce station do not include major l~echan~.cal ired body work, straightening of frames or body parts, stal~m clt-:t~.[ng, painting, welding, storage of automobiles not ~n operating condition, operation of a commercial pa=ki~g lot or co~mmercial garage as an accessory use, or other work involving undue noise, glare, fumes, smoke, or ot~hor characteristics to an extent great:er than normally found in such stations. An automobi].e' service sta~:ion is not a facility for the sale of automobilu vu]~J, ules, ~ ~epalr 9a);;~ge, a car laundry, or a truck stop, 14. Fallout' Shelters. A. ]~~ (1) An above ground fallout shelter is one ~[~5V'above the natural grade of the .. property, excepting the foundation. (2) An llnderground fal]oul: shelter is one entirely below tho natural grade of the property, e;:coptil%g ven%~ not to exceed thirty- six (36) inches in height and entry ways not to exceed thirty-six (36) inches in height when in open position. No fsi. lout shelter may be erected on any lot on which there is .not a principal structure. A building permit is reguired for ali. permanent, fallou~ shelters. 1~. Location. One family fall. out shelter par lot is pemnit:}~51~n a~%y single family zoning district. 42 ~fter public mol.ice ~nd hoariu9 by' the ]'lnnnJ. nc.l cont:~ruct~:d :~n other r(,niden~;J.n], disbrJcts. in commcrcJ:~] amd indu. strJ. ftl zoning d~nt:ricts only and may ~ot be oct:spied for livi~g purl,oses. . C. S~,r.c'i. fic.'~i::ions. All fallout shelter~; shall .in accordance with tfl.aus ~.ssuad by tho OffJ.ce of Civil Deiensa. D. fl(~tbacks. Above grou%d fallout she].f:ers are r~ot I~(~rmi~'~:~,'~]~-front yardr: and are cons.iderc~d acccs~:ory u~es and must meet ~:]~e required setbacks for accessory u[:cs :;.1% t:)le district in which r;uch shelter loc;,Led. A fn]]out s]w~l'ter may be att:~c~ed to a principal building, )3rovJc]e~l it ~ne~:ts the same yard and setl,ack r~quLrem~nl:n ~,.:~ Clue }~rlncipn]. structure. I]ndeMgrou~'~d fallout nhc]~:.ern may be ].oca%cd anywhere o1% in question, eMcept iD n required front yard; provided, the entrance to the sh(~lter mud the vent pipes or st;~ckn are the only portio~s which are above ground or abo%o tl]~3 nor)n~] grade level. emergency u~e"~h%~L--'~fEFy shall not be used for dw~lling purposes excci?t J~ ew~erg~ncy and then only by occupan't:[~ oE the pr~.ncJpal buJl~l~n~. F. LmndmCZ~l:J. nq. All fallout shqlters shall be landscapod'"~(~JK"to~%% ~o appear obno~::;.ou~ or detrimental to the neighborhood. G. Tf~%or~rv Fallout Sl',el%ers, In the case of sincfle f~m;%%y~{,~-6'~l~"l.~7~l~j'~'~Ty7 ~ ~-~m,~o%rary fallout shelter may be cons-kructed outside of but attached to the dwelling unit during a period of international ~ensJ.on. The d~3nJ.gt~ and constructiotl ~n~ts~ be accordauce with pitons prescribed by 'b},u Office~ of Civil Defense and in subject to inspect.ton. A special permit must be obtained from thru Director prior to construction of a temporary si]citer. Temporary shelters must be removed from the premi~ta~ within th].r~:y (30) days af~zer the end of the period of international ten,ion. Failure ~:o do so is a violation of this zoning ordinance. 15. P, nse' Setback Line Requirements. Base setback lanes are-~.st~q~-is--h-6-d--'~"or ~-~.~"a--i-~'st:reets (a~ set out in this subsection or in a separate base setback line ordinance). AIl required yards set out in this zoning ordinance ~re to be measured from much base setback lines. Where no 5,~rd requirements are set out for a zoning district, no portion of' a structure, appurtenances thereto., sign, canopy, or parking area shall in%rude streotward beyond the base setback'line, except ;~s 43 r~].~ec.i.£ica]l.~ provided by In nl] cemm~rc].nl' n~d bui].dinU or othe~ ntrncture shall be er~.:cted within fcc:t.of the centerline of any street not been e~:tnb].]shed (as net out below or as set out in th~.~ bnse ~c. thack line ordin,~nce). 0n streets ns set out (on the base setback linc~ maps), setback ].inns are established ;~nd ~re detector.ned to be dist;~nccs indicated from the canter line of the st~'eet right of 3.6. Fenct,s. A. 1;'~} ncc.~ Res~denl:inl. '(~[I In any res.~dent~.al dj. strict no closed wall o~ fence ~]bul]. be erected or mointained within t%~,c~-y (20) feet from the corner intersection of stree~ r i g h t..o f.-way. (2) Fences or walls outside of front buildir~g line nhn].l ],e limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet. A fence or wall shall be limited to a m~,>:imu~n height of six .(6) feet in th~ re~{r and side y~ r d s. (3) No barbed wire, spire tips, sharp obJect~, or e~ectrically charged fences shall be erected in any re~:~dunbio] area or d].str]e~'. (4) Fences shall be treated as a structure for building permit j~urposea, and. a p~rmit shall be obt~ined prior to erection. SetbacRs shall remain measured from the princil?al structure. B. Fences ~n Non-Residential Districts. l~' Fe~',cc~S ~n'{;°lVi,~ agr~JT~l~urposes are exempt from height and ty]%e of construction. (2) Fenues in co~ercial and industrial the restrJ, ctJon tn be lifted if an extrcme emergency exists. T}~ County Commission is authorized to allow a w~riance in height. (3) Ail fences [:]~a].l be of sound, sturdy construction and not detract from the neighborhood. (4) Bnrb wire is nuthorized in all non- residential districts but shall be limited to three (3) strands. (5) ~.~o fence sh~ll block the view of passing motorists or pedestrianz so as to constitute a hazard. 17. ]]oats or Other F].oatinc.1 F, quipmant Used ns ]~.;el].in~! 5-r,.-~.~'-~-~. ]3oats or ot~er f].oat~ng equ~ment be.~ng us~-~% ~w~l~ng units or as commercial establishments may not anchor or tie up in waters under the jurisdict, ion ~4 oI~ t.h¢.; County ~o~r ]on[p,r.l:hnn f~t.~-o]ght (~fi) bourn, e>:copL ~t fac.'..]it~s ].octal:cd ~n zonin,l clint:r.(.cL~, par'- m.Lt'.tJn9 such use' add nt fnc:ilJ I;i(,S Wit)tip m~C]l dist:ricts dc, S.lg~o~l for such .u~;(, ~nrl mt~ci:~,ng Coun['y and Dt:~%to health r)~' 1)ri v(2-'111 'J']1(;,'l [',1'~,,'1 . .................. '~', .... ']"l~.~'T';~j'~:'~r.m mu:;t: be r;o orionted that the l',.i.cl;ur~ in nnt vin~b3c~ from nny ex:Lnt:in~ or proposed Il. Not more tl~an two (2) ozi%s ~hall be pro- %,ided f.o each access bigh~ay hut Stlch ox.{i: r,la~ be suit,nl,ly chanl~c].5, zr3Cl to provide for' right trnFflc 1;~uo :~h/Cl.]. bo l')c. rmitt:c,d for each t. raffic lane on t]}(~ h'Jgln.~ay ~vz{.i. lab].e l<o ve)'Jie]es leaving tl~o theai:re. C. I~O entranne or exit on a Stz~i?n };rJmary State ma~.nt:aJ, ncc3 system shall be wit:bin five hur, dn;~d (500) fcet of its intersection %~ith 4Jnother ms j (,r ~:; t::,:ce t. D. Sufficient area sba31 ]}e provided between hjghv/;)y and thc x, iov;ihg .area to provide storage space for vehicles equ~nl ~:o not less than twenty-five (25%) pc:~.'ccnt of t-he;ubrr~ c~H)acity and of %hn~ storage sp0ce so pr~,,,.;.(;~d r, oL 3es~: thnn %/:n (10%) percent 0~' C~,l,aC:it:y shall be provided ))el:%~oen the highway and the LiukeL booths. :fa n33. c:~sc~:, sufficient, st,.~r~go shall b{~ prov~.ded so that vehicles will not back up on to thc t.r~vel¢~d way of %be hig}~way. S%or~;e area shall )',e calculat'c~d on the bmsis of one (]) space per twentv- fJv<i (25) lJ3~(:al fc~(~[: of storage lane, E. An indivi{h]a], speaker shall be provided for each vehic]e. All upeak(~rs shall be equipped wit1% tho vahS cle. Speakers n',ust ;%et be au<3ible beyond the boundarie~ of the %heaLre lines. 19. Miscel3. anaous Structur~.s. School bus shelt(~.rs and bicycI-r.7~racq~: may be ~catcd in any d~strict. No adv,.u:t-.i:~ing sign shall be Dermitted on such structure~ wiLhout .approv~l of the Board. Locations add setbacks shall bc approved by the School Board o~ Collier County. ]3us stop bunr:hcs may be located in any district. NO adver[~ising sign shall be permitted on such structures. Te].ep]lone booths may be ].ocatod in any district. District setbacks are waived. 'Hail (and newsp~,per) delivery bo>:es amy be placed in accord w~th U.S. Post-al Service Regulations, and fire exempt from district setbacks. 20. Landsca..ped Buffer Areas. The use of properly 45 ~oo~ rt'quircp~(~l}l'~: ~:1,~1 I. bn inet un].osll otharwLse Spc~cif.'~cally (1) Tho ]nnd,,enlml bufC(n.' ,n~ea ~ha]l b~ not ].eu's than ten (10) f~,et in w.tdtl~ ma,~su~;ad at right ~mglen to proj:x:rJ:y ].]nc~r~ nnd shall ])e est~])].J.s]~cd a].ong the Chi:ire ]engtl] of and contiguoun to the designated (2) ']'l~e ~ron shall bo so deslgnad, plan%ed, mhd mL, iu'ta'il)ed as Ln l',a eighty (80%) percent or more oi~.'.c[u(:: bet%.:(en th:.:,:~e (3) and e~ght (8) fee% above ~,v(:roge grc)un%] lev(~], when vie'wad horJzon'l:ally. P]antinqs :~hn].]. be of a ze hud typo wll:;.c:h %.1i].1 insure the of the e:i.~ hty ([10%) parcont of)~city r~q~lJ, rement wit. bin (3) 'J'ypus and numher,~ of pl~nt~nq~ ].;u'i(]SCap('.(1 ].UlffOrS ~;}~D. 11 })e nul:,m.l, tted w.Lth app!icat~on dc~monstrat:intl ]~c~w %l~o buffer wi].l ])~ irFJgated and mnJ.~,b;~Jn(:d ~u the ful:uro, l'~here tl~ese zon~.ng rc(julatJ.ons r'(f*~Jl-c, o ]anncaped huff'er area or a].e;]~, no building ]?,.:.cut].'h ~)~]1 k,a issued %:itl'tout nuah data; (4) Failure to l~laintain the landscal}ed buffer aren as set out abgvt-~ shall be a violation of th;is zoning ordinance. B. SubstJ.'l:.ution for. LundscaDed Buffer Area. regulations, a six (0) foot high opaque structure set in a five (5) foot wide landscaped buffe~ area may substitui.ed for the six (6) foo~ high, planted buffer iu sul)scctlon, A %Z&3) above. C. Waivnr t~y Director. ?;hen tho Director finds that the publ:Lc ~:afety requires, he may waive or modify the buffer ruguiremcDts set out above at ~:tre~:t. and I~].ley frontages adjacent to any entrance; t]~e f.~ding of the Director shall be in writing and mhall be filed with the approved building permit. The finding s:~a].l ~demunst~ate thnt the buffer is not req%lired a certain ~umber of feet back from the street or alley entrance, in order to afford protect/on %o pedentrif~n o~ vuhlcu].~r traffic entering or le;Ivinq the lot on which the lnndschped buffer area is required by this zoning ordi~onc:e. D. Applica't~ou l~here Regulations' $~t Out zoning regu]a[:~.ons sc~ out a different buffering 46 or ,l ,',~f(oren~. ~.],1~' of bllf.'fer), tihen ~-hO. spnoifJc prov:i::'.oJ:.~ (',f t:1~)'.~e r(:gulatJ, onn n])pllcable to the particular tyl?~; of 1i:,,~ shall govern. - - ................... ~ ...... - ...................... ~-~--z -- . ~5~[.',~'g'Q~ p<~rm;;tted or r,~rm.tssib]o i~rJ. nc~.pn], uno may erc<:t:r,cl on a f;i]]~lo lot, })rovJdcd thor 5,~r~'l, o~'dJn~:~tce nrJ., met for cc, ch structur~ ns though it were on s:% ~ndiv~dual z~nd seporate lot. 47 Curtain aroa~.~ of l::nvironmontal So~j. tiviLy re- qutx:e spocJal regulation Lo protect, coDserve, and improve the eco].ogy of the particular are~ end the overall ecology of the Coastal Area Planning Di~:trict, and prevent thc, ir .use in a ma~nc~v which is contrary to the health, ~]afety, ~ud %.~o]l-bc]~g of th(~ coml~u~lity. Theso i~re~]s of environ- men'ha] ~-:uu~stt.4vJty are a unJ. elue natural resource bringing ccnmuercSnl, roc~:eational and aes~thetic benef]L~.~ of a kind and al)und~n~e found nov:here else in thin HatJ.on. These at'c~ [umu;~l].y re]~uvlnb.le ben,fits tl~at are dependent upon the ma~nt(:nnnco o.E certain .conditions 1md ecologicu~l rt~li~['..~ sh~ps t:oun~] Jn t~u ucu].c~g.ical ~ystcm of Co!lic, t The ~)ur}',o~e of this speci01 regulation is to protect co~narvc.~ arcs~ of environmental sensitJvit, y wl~ila permitting t,ho[:c' types of (lovelot)m[~nL which will prev(~nt ecological chnng(, or d;-~mnge or hold s~ch change.~ to acceptable Are;~s of environmental sensitivity include, but are ~lcce:;s~rJ.]y ].Jm~.ted to, ma~grove swamp; coastal beaches; (~t~la~.'Jj~e ~'(~;~s; cs, pross domes, fresh wate~ mar~d'~es, and tidal marshes; aud naturnl drainage courses. Conserw~tJ. on goals for area~ of environmental sensitivity include but are not limited to: A. Prcservation of natural drainage ways; B. Reduction or eliminate.on of pollutant dis- charge into air or watar which would lower the pollutant level of air or water below permi~s.ible Federa]., State and local ~]overnm~ntal s'tan¢~ard~:; C. Preservation of eco]og~cal systems to the end that flora nnd fat:ua are cap;-~ble of vJ. ab].c reproduction j~, contiDu;ing tl~elr effective role in the lifo cbai~] their biologic eo]m~%unJ, ty; ' D. Conservation of the essential fresh and salt water resources of the Coastal Area P].anning District, 2. Establishment of Zonifiq Classification: AI% overlay zoning classification to be known as the Special Tre~tment District, and to be denominated the Official Zoning At]~.,s by the symbol "ST" together with the symbol of the b~sic zoDing district which it overlays, is hor(d~y established. This overlay clansif.%cat~on will be used foL' those la,Ids of environmental sensitivity where the ossontial ecology of thc lands cannot be preserved t'ion [;t~c:h ];)u~jls (>l:l,(,rv/i~s,, hold. u'.;<'~ p{~r)'.~iKtc, d c,r ).,c'2'mi.~;sJl',]e by provi. FlJon~ uso mlOer z~]:e I..Cy~,~it't:ea o~: ),,:~rm:i.~ni))le u~der thc basic zoning c]a~n~iJ, ic:,i.i(n~, tl~e fact that: such a uso or user; J.s permitted re;cs J.f [:))e ecolo~l'f of thc area involved would be sc:x, crely or su),::t.al]tJ.a].]y /)i~]t,aged t:h,:re)>y. Ara owner ot' laud 3.ocat'.t:cl %VJ.l:liJ]% an araa designa'l, od a:.~ "ST" n;ay elect: to /:r;,n:;far nj.; or some of t]lo residential den:;it.y of hJ.n "S'J.'" land t.u another properly, rathnr thnn d~tve!op the "ST" ;.ar)d9 in conformity %.;J.th those "ST" regu.- ]~tJ, on~;~. O~].y one such tram:for is l>ormttted. Such a transfer of resid~mt, ial density credit J s subject to the iol!o%v.i)~U cond:il':lonn: A. Tho tran~Ifc~r must be: to land noi: dcJs~g)',aked The t-ransfc~): mush be to land having at lc;tst: o~)c poi~L o~' contiguity v;i%h the land des.i, gnat;ed C. Tho land ¢er~:i!fnated "ST" )c, ur;t l)o used in conjm~ctJon v~:ith the land to which residential denr~ity c)',~(~.it'..ii~ being tra))aferred. The "S'['" land may be left in :il:~; n~:tural ntai:(~ or usud for limited recreation, el)on space, su~:fac:e drainage and spreader t~aten.;ays, effluant polishing ponds, scenic trails, and pro~ected wi].dlife habitats. D. Thc non-"ST" lnnd to which %)lo density tt'ans- fer In mnd~ must be developed under nite and development plan ~pprovn3 an set out tn Section 39.~ of these regulations. Tha transfer area Of "ST" land must be clearly ~hown on Lhe :;J..I-.o a~%d deve].opmcn~% ]')lal%. Such designatdd "ST" land may nok tho,=carter bo 1mod for transfer of rosid(mtial den[; i'ky. E. 'J'he f~c'f, of transfer for "ST" ].and along the i,pprovc)d dcvcloplllel)t pi. al'), for more t:])an tc)n (30) %lross ;,~c~:(~s of land 013 wl~oro tr0nsfer of don:;ity c:rt)dit is 49 ~nvo]ved undr~r ,qe~l:[c.,n 9.5 abOvo~ shnl.] bo r~,cnrd~d nj: t:he (>w,er'~ c>q~m;o in .~lm reooF(l:~'of tim Clerk o~ the Ci.~cu.i.i-. Cou~t: of (:o)~i.c~ Cculn~y~ ~.cKlcl:lle~ wi. th n cove:nest' a].[cri~Isicm, lmLJ. din~l or dcx, c~opment pnrm:it will :in tho fei:utc on ~.:uch l;.u~d i~xccpt as (1) In accoraance witl; the conditions of tho ,~pprov~d dave ].ol'r,~m~l: pc~rml t, (2) In accordm~cc with the conditions of '..a))provefi modifJ, c~t~on of the dew~lopment portal L. · The rocor(lek[ /:~:anni(ir of density, credit may not be amended or e>:l,unged from"thu ~)ul)lic records '6f the Clerk of th~ (li]'cuit Court of Collier County except by upan~Inou~: vote.,- ..}{y the Eoard. 1". Tl)e ),m>:J.m~m n].]ot;nb].e transfer cf dcnnJty usc crcdii, from L~ parcel of lnnd designnLed "Sq'" to cont.igu(ul:: i~roa not dcmJgn~tcd "ST" shall, be computed on tl~e l)asJl; Oi r.mc (1) ac:rtl of "ST" to one (1) acre of cOnt'..i, gurm:~ arcs not dasi. gnat:ed "ST" and shall be calculated nn tllc nu,r,.l~r of (lv;n]l:~llg un.i. tn wh~.ch t~re permiLt:c~d iH t]lc zoning (listr.ic:t t'o which t:hn crcdJ. L dons:kty :Ls.buing trans.- I.,2 rl'e d. In in~:%ances where a devo].opme~t consists of more "fiT" ].and than non--"S'l'" land, tho residential denn.ity of the e>rce:;sJvu "ST" l~md may be included in the transfer at th(~ rati o','of .R dwe].lJ.ng units for each additional gross acre of "ST" ].m~d J.n excess of the non-"ST" land. Wh~ro. land has a "ST" do.~ignation, is ten (]0) acre~ ¢)r less in gron~ ar~a~ and whore no transfer of Ore, rial density .~ involved ar~ ~t out in Section 9.5 nhnve~ tl~r~ h.i~'C~r?t~' m~y issu~ a development permit for a proposed clcvOlOl'.{ment. Prior to the issuance of any nuch dovolopma1~t permit, tl',e Director must make o finding that on{~ or mcn:e of tl~o following conditlom~ exist: A. Pr~:vious usage and developm(:nt of the sub- ject property' ]las altered tile origil~al environment in such a mlmr, cr that the proposed development will not further degrade t-l)r, envirorHnenta], qualJ, ty of thc~ site or surrounding areas thai-, might be affected by the proposed development. B. Previously existing major flora and fauna th~ site bas already been removed or altered to such a groe as to preclude any reasonable probability for ecolo- gical regeneration. C. Surface and/or rlatural drainage of the site ha~: already been channolized, paved, alLered, or improved and will not be further degraded as a result of t:ho pro- posed development. 5O correct t, ce,]c,fj~c~)l def~.cj, el~cJ.es whl. ch rosa) Lad from previous F. ']'b(~ pro]~osc~d dav~].o~,Inc~nt will utilixc e:tisting ;,.tio~] or modification of the e>:.q~ting l~tId forms, drainagc, flora or i~una on tho site. G. Vie]alien of tho term~ of a devc~].opma~]t permit .gr~n[:ed hy the Direc~or under this subsec[:ion shall bo vJo].ation of the terms of this zoning ordinance. W))cu"c: ].and ho5 a "~;'1'" (tc:signatfion, i~.more then den::.i, ty credit is involved und(~r Section 9.5 above, tho fo].3o',;J~g procedures and stitndards shall govern ~or the A. Pro-applie~t.iol% conference: Prior to the filiDg of a~ ar,)~licat:ton for dc~e]opnlo)~t aF~prova.) of "I-iT" land, fha ai~])].ica~]t ~.h;lll reqt~cst and hold a pre-nppi~cation confefe~%ce witl~ t)~: Director and al~propriate County staff. '~h<, ?~'c~-r,l~F~lir,:,t. io~ c:c~n:[erence ~s for the purpose o~ ~lU~(((~ncc ~)))(l J. nformation and for innuring insofar as may ),(? pc~F;:-~ib[Le Lhmt any (qJl'~].icat~on %~ill be in conformity with (:)'~ese regu]at'l, ons. No ~:pplication for deve].opmel~t ~]>proval t~'ill be ac:cei)~cd for formal procesuing nnd public hcnvings ur)ti3 the Planning Department has reviewed the ap)~lJ, cation to miuimum of t),Jr'ty (30) (lnys should be allowed for thi~ ])ha~:e of the review process. B. U]~on th(~ formal, filing of %he..application for development ~pp):0val, the al..plication and su],porting date ~)lall be r~farred to th(~ Environn%entfl]. Advisory Council snd the %later Managemen% Advisory Board for advice snd rocommend:~f, ic)n. Reports of these ~dvi~ory boardm sh~ll be filed at the time of p~lic hearing before the Planning Commission or prior thereto. Such reference shall not, howovcr, serv~ to delay the public bearing by the P].~n~n~ng Commission. The formal application for develop- merit mpproval shsll ~nclude fin Environmental ]mpact State- ment Hs required by Ordinal~co 74-36' and, where appropriate, Devclopmc, nt of Regiona~ Imt~act review data as under Chapter 3[:0.06, Florida Stal;utes, ~md a tree remow~l plan. C. 'J'he ln~b]..ie hearing shall bc held by the Plan- ning Commission and, upon the bearing, ~.~ shall )na):a its 51 B . ?_;j3.'c_l.~L.'.l: F.i)~a] ~c'tJ. ono. daw:].opine, at al?proval, u)~(lor ].).o,, with tha Don~d of County CommJ. ssJonr~[; A. (:ran~ tho npp].icntion an B. l)eib' t]m ;,.)~l~licn~.iou an prormnto~ or dJ tion~i ~nd ~afr:guarc]~t which may bo added, t~hall become the plun of dcvc].o].m~ent for the area involved. Any morlif:[cat:ion of the dnvo].opment p]m0n as opproved which t,;ould ~:ul:,stnntially alter the iht:ant and purpose dj:. thc:r:rJ "~:'j'" regulations reguirc%s procedure ~nd approval as fey n new u[,p].:ic:atio)~. ~linor )nodif.icatJ(JnS,%~ith~n the ~nt'c:~h ;'))c!..,tm~',,m,~,',. , (~ t-hc,::~ r~(lt~FL(ltioll~l may ))(~ m~clr~ by 10. Duration ired Effect of Devo]o,3meut Permit: Failure A. Unless other;lsd specified by tho Board, the approved development, p~zmit ~hall ezp~rn nnd bo two (2) years after the date of approval or as specified in [:))(.~ develop:ncnt po[raj, i:; providad, if developmen(~ prog)'eF;sing J.n full accord with ('.he terms of the approval, , developm~nt re,ny continue. The Board may, at the time of approval of t~))c develc, p~ent porm.~t, prescribe ti)ne limits for Lhe development and completion of stages of the project. B. Where a development pezmiL calls for staging, hss certified t)]a~ the previous stage has been accom- plished in full accord with ~le te~s of development )?e~nit approva 1. C. The Board may suspend or ~erm~nate develop- meal' approval and order the termination of the project upon a finding that tho Kev~loper has failed to comply with: (1) Timu l~mitat~ons prescribed in %he grant approw)l or (2) Any substontive provisions in the grant of ,~pproval relating to the character of the dew~lopment. D. When a deve].opme)lt permit hau been terminated under s~section C. above, tho Board may, upon application, ~u'[~horize the oppltcant to re-submit an npp].ication for d(3velo].)ment approval provisioned ;it any si.age of proc:edure of these "ST" regulations. No subscquant ])lan or reapproval shall effect an increase in ~' ' ' re.~ent).(~], density nor a decrease 52 in wntt:r quality ar; f~ob by the oriwin~l d~:volopmcmt per- m:;t approw~l. E. On due' c~use shown, t:Jmc lJ.mit}~ .in an np]~rovod 'devePopm~m~ p~rr, it may be extendod by the B['mrd for' not to.e~cc(pd a OhO yoar period. Whcro a rc,~J.dmlt:lal d~nsi, ty transfer i~: proposed "ST" land to whlcl~ t:h~ transfer is made shall to .hi. re and ('levelopmer~% plan approval a~ sok out ~n section 39,0 of this zoni~9 ord:innnca. · ' .12. ,~!~j.ui. rement to Pont Surety to Assnre ComI~letion of D~ve] Prior to the issuanc~ of a d~valopment peri. t, the developer shall ~pos% a surety to guarantee tile completion of tl,e improvements which sha].], satisfy tim fol].o%.;ing A. A nU~ty, in the form of a surety bond, tru::t d(~cd or osc~ow agroement or at:her secm:ity dt~vice, approved by t:l,e Board of Counky Commissioners shall be fi]ad with the Clerk oi the Circuit Court. Stlc]l sccurJ, ty dev.[ca coq, ar n% leant one hundred ten (1.10) p~r cent of all of the costs (,f all 'the required improvements, such as streets, sidewalks, drainage, canals, fill, publ.~c water, nnweragc, and solid waste disposal incl. udi~,9 E~gin~,_zzn~ and Ink, petitions, etc., as shown on the deve].opmenl: con- structJ,~n p].;ms. Cant est~mntcs'sha~l be preparad gist. ercd proEcssionnl ongineor of the State of F].orida and iq~proved by tJ~e County Engineer. Surety for complution sha] 3. be r~':viewed for cost estimates of thc work re~naini~]g to l:u cc)nil)lo~ , . ucd on ~n annual developer and approved by tile Board of County Co~insionors beyond the ~uratiou of tho pe~it, a revised cost estimate and adjusted amoumt of surety i:hall bo provided for the improvements to' be con',plated. Such security dcvic~ shall: (1) Be conditioned upon the faithful perfor- mm~ce by th(~ developer of all work required to complote all improvements and installations for tho d~velopment of stagc~s thereof, in complianco with the development: pez~it with a specifi(:d time; four (4) }%ears un]ess otherwise noted. (2) Be payable to, and for the indemnifica- tions of the County. 53 1. .]~.n_.t:.(:[~.l':~.~_~[!_~.l_J~..l!.E[,o_."~_q., Cert0::J.n aroa:~ Jn ~nc] oround the l~'.]Jlr:.':; A~ Vl,C)]'t.., C'ol. 1 i.c:r County, FJ. orJ dh, roquJ.r¢.? :;ln.('.~.~l rc~gu.lnh'ior~ to pj:dvcnlt }ldzar.(~ %./]l~.CJl endang('r the j~;ll'll.[~ O[ ].;~FId :lB ii:t; vici.nity and which, Jf of the ob- st'.rUcliic'm Lyp~:, re{h~ce the size of the area available for t.]~o ]nndJng, t'uk:ing of:Il, and maneu~ering of aircraft, thus tending t(, destroy or impair the utility of Airport and t]~e pu],]ic :i.n~.,estment therein. Accord.ingly, A. ']'}~e cr(~otJon or estab].ishmer}t of an ;lirport haxF, y('{ is a pub]ic nuJs;:ncc~ 4~nd m3 injury %o the County; B. It Js necessary to the public henlth, safety, and %/,,'l. fare th0t I:hc~ c.cotttion or t~xtensJ, on of ~J. rport'. C. To this erJd, regu].;ttion of ~li:cport .i S BC~,2:.lsary. D. In addition to the' rc%~}ulations applicable t3o ]nnd zoned a~J ]ndJ. cated in thc Official Zoning Atlas, the follcv..~]ng r{,gu].nt]ons are add~.tionully app]..~cnb]e lan(In in the v~.cin~ty of t]l~] Naplen Air].)orl: us indicated 6n th~30ffJ, cial Airport Zonfng Map of Coll]nr County. Lands ly.~ng within various zones as .~ndicatcd Official Airport Zoning ].lap are subject to the addi- tionnl requlat].ons set out in th'Ls section, 2. DefJn]tionn. The words and p~rases listed below sliall have t]~o ko.Llowing me;~nings un].ess the context hereof otherw.].ne rcquires: ~ ;,4,-,,~-{. - ~.~les Airport B. 2~%.~p~3~:133~3=~3!- The ~stablished e3evotion of tim highest point on the usuob]e landing area, heroby de'term]ned to be eight (fl) feet MSL. C. 6!~por~ ];nzard - Any structure, tree or use of lm~d which ol~structu the airspace required for, or otherwise ]~azardous to the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the airport. D. ~.~%3~- For the purpose of determining the limitn in all zones set forth in this Ordinance :.nd elew~tion unless otherwSne spocifit~d. E. Instrument Runway - A runway equipped or to bo equipped w}[t.l~' h' l>~e~J'.7)]~'lectronic navigation aid or lm~ding aid or other air navigation facilitSes suit- able to permit tho landing of aircraft by an instrument approach under restricted visibility conditSons. 54 with provist(3n of this Ordlnnllce or i~ amrnldmn~t; thereof. .~ n:;Lrum,:~n t runwny.. l'erl~n - Ai~ ind[vldual, fJ~'m, partnership, '' ' J' ~37~:9)L- The paved surfsce of an airDort land- ..'.3ng n'trip. ..... K. Structure - An object constructed or in- 'L. Tree - Any object of natural growth. and c~nical, u. one m~:~, be desi(lnated and regulated a~; herein au[-.l'~orized. Lands %~,.~tb~ the various aJ.~'port zone:; be designi~l'.ed on a. map or maple, adopted by the County Com- ~n:isniou ~s ~] amc~ndmen% to ~his resolution. The vl~rJous zol~es ar,~ hcrcl)y established ~l~d defined an fol].ows: A. ]n~{trumant A.l,3pronch Zones .- An instrument ins'Lr%~ent runway 22-4 for instrumenL l~ndings and take offs. The ~.nstru~uent npproacl% xone sh~ll have a width of 1,000 feet at a distance of 200 feet l-h~rtbeas~ 6f %he end of the rum~i~y, w~dcning thereafter uniformly to a width of .]6,000 f~ct at a ali. stance of 50,200 feet Northeast of the cnd (>f tim runway, its cemterline being tho continuation of {-I'~n ~.~,,~l:arl. J~e of the runway. An in~brument approach 7, one i[~ ef;t:~b].ishcd 'ak the Southwest end of the instru- menl: runway for in~trument lmlldJ, ngs and takeoffs. The in- strument approi~ch zone sha].l have a width of 4,000 feet ak a distance of 10,200 feet beyond tho end of the runt;ay, J.%~ conterl;,~, being the continuation of the cenkerline of the B. VP'R Apj~romch Zol)es - Visual flight zules ..%;idl'.h of 500 feet l~t a dil~tance of ~00 feet beyond each end of ru,]~ny 31-13, %~,idenil',g thereafter uniformly to a w~dth of ],500 feet at a distanc~ of 5,200 feet beyond each end of this ruuway. C. Tra~si~%ion Zones - Transition zones are hereby established adjacent to each instrument nnd VFR runway and approach zone ~n indicated on the ::ouing map. Transition ~ones symmetrically located on either ,i-de of runways have 55 v;,r~;d~ w.idth:; ~; :fl~own on tho z~n~ng m;',~. ~;afcb~ c~::t,'n,'l ,,,~',..,,~r,l ',.,~ ~ 3im~ ]50 ~,.,r,f. on eit't~ev ~.id~ r)~ c:cml;(:):.tJ)~' or I'1~. ~l.'H'~.'unw~,'/~ ~r t:l~o ](qqit~; Of /~UCJl rLmway })ltr.; 200.,~(m~ on onc]~ on(l; nnd ~{} ~o~ on c~i~hc,~ r;j.c](: (,[ I.h~: ccr~tcr.line nf t:l,r, .in::trulnont; runv,'qy, for t'he pnr;~.l]o] m,rl ].(:vol. wiLh nucl~ rumqoy cant: rlinos. The wurd from t:hr~ edges of [ha Fare. fy zoncm one (1) ~ool: vr:rt, ica]]y for each r~c~ven (7) feet horizontally to the l,O.~:nt whr~re th~,y inLur~:~ct the surface of tho ht~riy, ont;~]. zone. Furtlu3r, tl:al;~;ih~on zonr~r~ are cr%tablishod adjacent to both 5.nr;trument nnd VFR approach zones and those trnn- s~t;Jon zorl,.~s have va):iab].(~ widths, a~: shown on the zoning map. Such kl:,nnr~Jt'iq,n zones fl;Ir{2 symmo'trrJ, ca]ly with eJ. tber ~:J. do c)~ t:h~> ~'tlBW;]~, n[q~roi~c]] zoBos from tho base of foot ve):tSc;~ll.y for r:ach sc:x, cl~ (7) feed', horizont;~].]y to tl,c poir~m whu.rc tl,ey 5ntersect the surfaces o~ thc l~orizonta] znn~. AddS tion~l]y, transitSon zol~s are %al>]i~nr~d ;,,]jh~l]t 'tO the jBfl~'~'t~nloBt approach zono whcr~ J.t projoct:~ l;l~roug]'t nnd beyond tim limit:s of tl'm zor, c, c>:/;(mdSng a dSntance of 5,000 feet measured zontally from thc edge of tho inntrumc, nt npproach zr.~nc, ;~L ~rJ~g]~t a~g]es to the continuation of the center].ino of the D. llorizontul Zol~a - A horizontal zone is hereby c:~%ablisllc, c] ~,~"~-K~e-~%T~{'{~l{in an ova] with its c:c, ntors at tl~e on(tr~ r,f ~:he inst;rum~nt runway ~nd having a radiu:; of 5,000 feet. The horizontal zone ~doen not include t.hc inr;Crument and VI.'R approach zones and tho transition zones. E. ConS cal Zone - A conical zone is hereby enl:~:blisl'~ed rm thc ;.,rea that commences at the periphe~ of the hor~zonta], zone and extend outxqard therefrom a distancr~ of d,000 l'~ot. ']'he conical zone sha).l slope one (]) foot vertScal].y for each tweu'ty (20) foot hori- zontal3y. Tl~e con.~cnl gone dDos not include the instr~n%cnt approach zones nnd transition zones. 4. lloight ],.~mitat.Lon. .Ezeept a~q othem~i,';c: provided ih th.ls r},.~s'['l~lt'~)'l~ ;~(~ htrl~{cgure or tree shal], he erected, alterr~d, allowed to grow, or m iintained in any zone created by this Ord3. ntmce to a height in excess of the height limit herein est;]blished for such zone.' Such height limitations are hereby establJ.~;hed for each of tile zones in question ns follows: A. Instrumout Approach Zones - One (1) foot J.n height for each l:l. fty (,,0) feet .tn ]tor).zonl:al distance beginning at a po:iht 200 foot' from and at tl%e cenl'.erline e]ovation of the Horthoast end of 22-4, the runway, ar, d extending Northerly a distance of ].0,200 feet £r(~m thc: c, nd of tll~TM. rul~,,'ly; thc:l~c:t~ Nc~r~hom;t~]y one (]) OiJ~ (1) Lo,et .~.1~ ]~o'J.ght for (~tJch Lb:Ltl'y-.feller (34) foot .in ']~o~nt 10~200 fctc~l, from tJle B. VI,'R ~irj~ort: ~,proach ~one:~ - One (~) foo~ tnnce bog.inn~ng at n.point 200 feet fromm and itt the center- lJ. ne elevation of eat], end of.runway 31-13 and 6~xtending ~o ]poi]~tn 2,200 f(,el', fr~,m the ends of t]'ie runv;ay; thence one (].) foot in height fo:' each twenty (20) fe(3t in hori- zon~:al dJ.sJ,ancn ~u',d extending to a point 5,200 fact from the ends of ~:l~e runway. C. Trni~.l::J.on ZoJ~,n - One (]) foot in height for earl', :u:ve~-~':f)'-~%%~-~-"'~rizontal dj.s~:anca beginning the ccnt.~]tli~() of each runw~y, and e):t(:nding to a ]]eight of 150 f(-,(,t, above the airpoz-t ]Sg feet, :~,ow. mc;~,', sea level, lin addition to t])e fore- going, tJ,¢.ve Lire (~stabl~shud holght ].imitations of one (1) foot vorl:J, cal he.~ght for each seven (7) feet hori::ontal dj. si'ant(? m,~asu~ted from t:]~o edges of all approach zones lng uin.;c,~;d ~md ouk%,ard to the points whcre they Jntcr- sect the l~o~:i~ont~l surfac(:. ].'urthc;r, to tho l:c;rthcast, where tho Ji~trum,gnJ: approach zone projects through and beyond the conical zone, a height limit of one (1) foot for each seven (7) feet of horJ~,ontal distance shall be mi~int;~J, nc, d bugJnning ~t thc edge of the ~nntrument approach zone and extending a distanc(~ of 5,000 feet item the edge of tl%e i~[~t~'u~,~nt ;~ppro;.~ch ~.r~n~ measured normal to the centor].ine of the runway axtended. D. Hori:~on~.al Zone - One hundred fifty (150) feet abovc~ '-~ ................ ' or t.he a~.rl,ort elevatzon height of 1.8 feet ]:. Conical Zone .- one (1) foot in height for each ts~enty (~) l'cet of ]lorizontal distance beginning at the pcr~phcry of the horizont.~l zone, exteDding to a height of 350 feet above tho airport elevation. 5. U:~e Rest~'ic~ion. Notwith~'tm]ding any other provi- sions of %he zoning regulations, ,~o use may be made of land %~ithin the llorthenst ~nstrument approach zone established by this ordinance in such a manner as to create e]ectri- c,ql interference wi-th radio communication between the air- port and aircraft; make it difficult for flyers to distii%- guish between airport lights i~nd et:hers; result in glare in the oyes of f].yors using Che airpol't; impair visibility 57 .~n tl~e v.i.cJn~ :.5' of ti,(: a.irporL.oJ: othe~,,i::e en¢]nJ~gar tho l~,JI,'lJ'nU, %~]~Ji~g off, ¢)r matieuv¢)l.:jng ¢~f .aircr;]ft. 6 o Nnncnn £¢)r~nlt ~ ~';~, rOqrlJr(~ thc }'emov;ll~ l()~;cr.il~g o,1: o~hcr ch~;lgos or a:l. tcr- ~t.'iO~'~ of ~H]y sLr~lctu):~, or tre<~ ~1o~ coJ~fO]"~lJ~lc3 ~o or r)t.l~r~]-w~r;c, inte~f(~rc: %~j.%]1 tho continu0ncc~ of ~ny non- of .an.f ~t~uctuve, ~]]e cc~:~st):uct.~on or alteration of 'w~; begun prior to the effective date of this resoluhion, and ~s dilJ. geDtly prosecuLud. n. ~hirJi~.!~SL.~.~.~!_,~bJ~!D~i- Notwithst[%nding the preceding prov:i~::i, on of tl~J.~; ~ech~on, ~110 owner of any the ~nnha].];,t:ion, ope,.'at.i:on and ma~.nten~,nc:e thereon of such m~J~:k~-.:~ ;~d lig}x[.s as sh~l].l bc~ deemed necesr~ary by t}~c /,,~.port Avd:b,,~-~t:y ~f ~'.he City o~ Naples: to' indJ. ca[:e ~o thc opera, tot of ~.,;Lrcr~.~ft in the vicinity o~ the air- port %-he ]?r~nc~]'~co of such airport hazarc]s. Suc}~ mariners ~,~,(1 ].igbt:s shall bo .~r~s~-~,].].ed, operated ~nd maJntaJ, ned at t]~e exL~en[,e of tho Author].ty. 7. PnrmJ ~: ~'.'-~'C,.,c:'~ 1~,u - E~:cc'pt nn npn~ificallv provided berr~in Do mater.ia], cJl~gc shal~ be made in the use of land and no sl. ructurc or tree shall be erected, alter~d, planted or otherwise estnblinh~d Jn a~y zone hereby created unles~ a pt~rmit therc:~:o): ~:bal]. have bcen applied for and granted. ].;~c]~ ;q'~plicatJo~ for [~ permit shrill, indicate the purpose ior ¥:h;[ch the poFm~t J.s desired, %;~.t]1 suff~cicnt part~- cu3. ar%ty to permJ, t it to ])e det~rmJned whc~t]ler t]~c resultin%~ une, structure or Lree would confornl to the r(~gu]ations hePein l~rescr.'}bcd. If suc)~ determ~nat:ion ~s in thu atiir- matiue, the permit shall ba granted. (]) In t]~o area lying within the lim.~ ts of the hor~zont~l zone and tl~e conical zone, no permit shall be required for any tree or structure ].ess than 125 feet of vertical beJ. g]~t above the ground. (2) In the areas ].ying within the limits of the instrument nnd VFR approach zones but at a hori- zonta~ distance of no~: less than 3,000 feet from each end of th~ runwhys, no permit shall be required for any tree or shructurc less than fifty (50) feet of vertical height el)eve ~:ho (rround. (3) In the areas lying wi. thin the limits of the tra~ls].t.ton zones bcyond %he per, meter of the horJ.~onta]. zone, no permit sh~ll be requi~ed for any tree or structure ]ess than 150 feet: of vor~ical height above the ground. Noth3ng cont~%ined ~n any of the foregoi~]g cxcephions be tenth,rued ~ permitting or intcu~ding to permi~ any c(,~ml..~:u¢:l-Jon, (~]lo.,~'al:J. cm or t. lr(%./L]~ of all:! ul.rllCl.ur(; by |'his Or¢]'l,~,n'tt:o r';:¢:Ol,I; it.", f~c'l: fOJ.'th J.N $¢:¢:[.J. oi1 fl. hazard or po~;aLl: n ~.mconformlng uso, :~l:rucLu~.e, or t:rao re) aflr nav:ig,~tj.on t:ltan ~t WaS on Lite c:fioctJ, vo da('o of · th.if: ame:ndm,.~l: or any ;m,(:ndt,lun(::; therct'.o or titan ii'. ~s wl~e:n tJ,e apl,].ic;,tlon for a perm:it J:~ m;'.dn, l..'xct,.pt ,n:, indJ.- catcd, all nl',I~licatior~$ for rmc;h n permit: shall be granted, 59 wi].l 1)rod~:e Ihore us;~L'~Sc of dc~ve].nl),,,e~nt. 'J.'hir, S~cl:i.c,~ J.:~ intOTuled (:o aF, p:ty (:o p.urcc:]s of land of ir~nuff~.cicnt~ nizc ):c<.{~]ircn%ent:s fo%' pSnrm('~d re}:idential development under Section 2d of this Orc'tJ. nnnco. zo;iJ.l}g c].;J:;..::,.~..%catlon, 'Lo })e ~'~'~;','n aS t]l~ Grouj~ ]lntlsJ.]ng overlay dJ.~{.r~ct, nnd to be de)~ominnted on tho Official Z(,},'L~sg A{/.Si,.s bs, %11(~ sSq~,l'~oS. "Gll" in conjunctic}n w;].th thc, basic resid[:nb.(al F:5'n,bo]., .~m hcereby er;l;4, blished. Lands aru zone<3 Lo ~1~ c]amn.lficat~Jon or removed from t~}sz,t de~.~'ignnl:ion by ~)~e [,~;ocess of amc:ndme:st to %]~is zoning rx,tO:L~%a:lc:c~ zu'~d subj(~cl' t:<} the s~tzne procedures fo~' zJlnc, ndm~:i~t ar: for other zoning classifications. 3. Users Perm;LLc:d. Uses permJ.t-to:3 ~n any district wJth~ ~,)~ o~'x'-']'~3!~'--¢~'/.~"~i'J.~'sifJcal:ion are {:he .uses ]per- mitred or pcrmi, ssiblc by prov.i~lional u:.~e in tho basic ×on'lng cl~ssifi<:ation which the specific parcel holds; provided, ir, RS districts ].ands with Gl! overlay ]aah' inc].ud(..~ cS. unter and town houses in the C~}! development. 4. Procedure Dnd Ap.l~rovals. , ~'~' ~'.J'crri'(~.:~.-~---i'~ ~ ~el of land already carries opment plan is required ;.~s herein set out prior to be- ginnJ.ng any construction. An applicant having ]and that do~:s not hsvc a GIT over]ay desJ.gnation and d(:sirjng to dnve].Ol', a ~roup housing pr. eject musk submit ]n~s developmen~ plan as ~ ]part of his application for zoning ~.o ina].tx~e the Gl] desJgnatJon of his land. B. Procedure~ for appzoval of a developmant plan for a parcel already carrying a GH ovezlay desig- nation shall be as for an ap])3, icat. ion for rezoning. 5. Standz~rds for ]')ew3SoDment Pla~. h-l--'~.$~i~]%-i/<]iT~,q.5',.-~'6~7~lq.&t.-5--, 6'~:~-two (2) or more s't:ruct:ure~ of the type: perm.itt:ed in the basic r~:sJ, denl:ial zoning classification, subjec'{~'~o SecL~on 11.3 obove. 60 C.. 'J'hr: )>nrce]. of' ].and ~.s noL su})(liv~Ld(,d into rcqu.i, rem~,,,t.~: O[ tl',:[t: z'og~l]al:l.on tO tbt~ ~.l'~dlVJr]Ual of. beE dim, mt:Jori,nj r;[:~dard~ ara natJ. sfactt~ry t:o carry out the J~,l%~nt of and spJrlt ~f tlle Zoning Ord~.nnnce, n,~ch standards Iw, be specified by the applicant ;U~l,~ovt:d by the Counl:y Cr~mmis~.ot~, ~poD recommc~ndat~.on of t'.he I'l;'~nning Commlsf;Jon, if such standards ~,rc ]cnr~ tha~ o~:c requir~':d elscn.;herc in the same resident:iai ]". DJ.str~c~ re~lulat~.ons applicable ~t] banlc zon~q dcsiunal-.]on to other matt~rs than those :;ell out above shall be obr:erv,~d Jn ish~ c]e~eloDmonfi plan. G. Tho sL:andarrts and rocluiram~n]ts of St.~c%ion 39.t~ of ~1,i~ Zon.;.ng Ordinance shall apply to the dc:ve]opmc:nt plan. 6. ]!;f'~c. ct of Dr~v.~l_ojm,ant Plan Al~prova].. 1,1o issued except in conformity w:Lth the approved deve].o~ent l,lan. 61 1. :l~l~t:,':nl: nn<l, Pm~pmne. Whore in [:bc ~chc:¢lu]e of · ~ ..... ' ......: ~,' '~,,, of rlo~e3, opm~nb in wn~:or~on~ yards t:hc characl:er of waterfront (levolopmanl: wit:bout (;ot'rimcnt: to adjoin.in~ cz' ~e~r])y propertio~; or without damage to n pa)'ticu]~,~ ~mv;[rnnm~'n~:~l $:itm~t:ion. 'J'ho provinionn of this nc,~tion h~ve their greatest potential appl.icat::;on in planl~'i, ng f01.' ~.1o uso of tid(.,wate~: islands or areas of tho Coun-[:y of s~loh size and ].ocat~on purposc. If the pro~is;;.ons of this sec'[:~.on ara met, suc)~ provJ, n.ionr; govc~rn regardless of 6ny rcquircmant for wateriront l,a]'~; in tho distl'ict'involvcd. 2. S.il:e and l~ove].oDmm~t Plan ]Iocn~.{red. Bofo]:e a h,.i].C;i;,~ ~J~, l.',~J;i';;S!~%~J~'l-~T~E~ t:cr~,s of .t-his required ~,s sc~t oui: in Sectio~l 29.8 of this or~lJnance. 3. C.1;~nnJ. ficntlon of l';at¢.:rfro~t Lands an,t Buildinq l~¢,cnt:ion.--']'~6~']iDg:~ may not bu ~:rec~f waterwa~'d ul~der t'},.].~ ~ec~zon beyond tho following lira.its for the si. tuation~.; outlined: A. For watt~rfrcmt .].ands alcmg which a bulk- l:::::d linc b!~ h~rm ,~,~t:nh~{nhod, buildinqs may be erected out to but ack beyond fha bulkhead line. B. For wat:erfront lands n].o~,q whic]~ a;] off- nhore bu;;3.ding lim.i.~ line has been est:ab].ish(~d by tile Board, bui.'l, dings may bo erect:ed cub to b~lt not: beyond the build;lng ].imit: lina. C. For wat:erfron% lands along which neither a bulkhead nor a building limit line has been established, buildings may be erected out to bu~ not beyond the shoreline, as that shoreline exists prior to construc5ion. d. Ur:es. Since this section applies only to the placement of ~u].].dlngs zn wat:erfron% yards, thn3;e shall be no use parmitted under this section which is not permitted or ])c~i~:sJble in tho (tJstrick J. nvolved. A building approved under this section, however, may be attached to or made an inLegral part of a boat house or 62 doc,'1., ;ti. mm.h lm, nt hov.qc: o~' dock .t:~ pe~mJtt, ed or ~clrlitJ(.,n t:O t.l~o uc)~i:c~ntS O~ m~eh n p]nn hr.: reeluJrc~d placcm,~lH of the l'u;opo~c,d bu~]dlngn :Ln wat;o~r~ront: yarrt~ from %,h.ic'h tl~ey wcmld ol'.berwlm¢~ be axc:ludt~d will not (1) adve~se].y ~fi'ocl: ;~(ljoJ. n.{ng or nearby proper'l;iof; nor cause ])locl:.i.:';g of wet:ur view .i.n ~ny sttl~r:tia;ltJ, al degl'~e from ;,(ljoJ. nJn(I 0,: t3c~nrby ])roD~r~os, and (2) that nclverse enviro;~mc, i~tol effcctn will ensue as n result of ,bul]~J. ng p].mcoment as requested. 6. Eff~.,cl; of A1)Drow'd Si. to ~nd Dctvelor,mQl~t be iss~.d 1ruder this sect'Jon eXCC~pt in strict conformity with t]:(J terms ar, d conditions of tho approved 63 ::Ir.;c/:Jon ].3, .r;I~]".CIAL PIIOV.TSIO1]~ FOR HOUMTI~C, OF FAI~M i]ous:ing c~:~lt~,l.,l, isl:r~'l u~rlor t]lJ.s sect:ic,~ shall bo c~<(:3, u~.;:i, vc~ly for thr)t }~u)"])r.,~:o ;l~d no el;her. It JS in- ~;ect~o.. Z~ is tile intcl~t of ~:l'~.~.S section that for farm l~H30r sh~,ll be ~.n tho ~lature of planned dovelo[~men'L, ):,[,t w:{.t)% rcstrictions dosJgr~ed to mec~'g pccu].iz~r requ.iro~,',~r, ts.of th~ f~rm ]~]bor market and the necc:;sikie~ o'~ h~,alth, s;~fe'LS,, z~ld 9~]lel?ml we].fo~o of 2. Agricultu~'e: DefJrl(~r]. For t))e purpose ¢,f s<.,ctio)x, a~j.v3.ctl.ltT13.'e 3. s (](~.%ncd ;~f: thc cu]tlva~ion of {'.]~<~ soil, lt,<~ prc~d{:ctio]~ of cro~3~, and {sho rnising liv(~stoc]: for the p~,rl~r~se of sa3O. 'J'lne def~.nition includes the accessu~'y u~:e~ of pricking, ti'catalog, or stor.ln~l t13e p~?oducc raiscd on the pr(~mi~;es, buL s)la]l not brou,.]h[% from ol:i {:h<.) l)remisen un].oms Duch off-premises )~'oductio]] ~s under %]30 same ownership 4{]')(3 co]~trol. 3. S.~t¢: ~.ncl 'Developmant. Pla, R(~(luired. No coz~truction for thc }~ouf;lng el ia~3m .La,~or ~]]~L'I ]~ ~'~ted until a J.n ~:hJ.s section slid snctJ.on 39.~ o: this ordin~Dce. Any apl~/~at:icn for d~:vcl<~pmcu[~ to hou~;c fa;r,~% l&bor shall J. nc]ude Lhc ge:~erol data sot out in section 39.8 ~nd ~u add.~tJ, on t:])<~ data r~quired by this section 13. Upon t]~e ,nj,pi'oval. of fl site add development plan, no buildiug in conformity with such al~proved si. to and developme},t pl;~n, ~.und ~)o usu shsll bo made of farm labor housing subseq%~ent to construction ~}:cept ~n conformity with ti]at npl'}rovud site a~-id, devclopment plan. 4. ' Fa~n I,,',bor ¢;ommitteo. Tho pecu3.{ar ]~roblems creahed b~%~ ~~37-]~hous.~.ng farm labo)~, fllld the part.{.cular problem of housing trfl~3~;ient farm ]nbor, require that sl)ocial knowledge be brough% to the matter of approvJ, ng silo ~u3d dev(31opment pln;]s for farm labor .housing. Therefore, an advisory colmnittee is hereby 6~ .1,ribes' Com,,i.~ I'.l.r,c nn(1 :;ha,l]. ho. nppolnt;ed by I:lm Bon~'d Lo ,eryc, torm:~ of 4 y¢?ar:i, It nh;I.'ll bo I-he resp(m:'J'Jlxt].Jl.y of th~ l.','tvm 1,abr'~r c:tm,'.n.'~l:l..oo t,0 ,qe~l;~e ill o1'1 A. Y'o rc, v.~e',~ :;it:e one1 dc.~volopmen~ pl:~ns noeL-ion 39,8 of tb:L~ or¥lj.r~arl~o ill ~)l('. COntORt of farr,~ 1}. ]"rom time t'o time r(.'com:non~] such chnnges as i'[: m,'~y fool ,nppro))rinto fsi: changes in regulatJon.'.~ ro].fl'[-.ing 'Lo f;lrJn .labor C. 'J.'o ,.nc:.nr.l rc~¢:ommc,.l'~e]ul::;ons nnder pa~:ar:p'nl~l,s A arid B al)eve 'to tl,c? P:l~;:minc. l (.~OffilT~.e;,r;j.or, ~lnd to the ~OL;Z'd; ]3. U'o ar]x::L:~e ,'~;q,r~q~r'l.~ho. County officJa).:; tll(, ]?oard on onforr.'c'm¢.,rlt re,u/rt.'rs ro].ating t.o ].ab:-,J; bout., ;.n9 . S.i. t:c: ;., n:t 5~;(;i j.5}:,i'nq';;7C' 8eve]opment plans submi, t:t:e(l for farm labor ]musing, rl']]e l'lLIlllliIJ~.f C.o:;~ni;~r;J.On shall ta]:o )Do ~cLJon to approve: or reject ,,.;ubmitted plans until tho rocommcndat:ion of F,-Irm La]~nr Ccmmtitte(: has be¢;n received; provided, the P]ani~ing Con,re.isa.lan may act if such recoh',lnendation bas not% boon received within fifteen (].5) days of the receiph of such site and dcvolopmen~ pi. mis by the: Farm 1,abe( Committee. 6. 'Standards. In addition to the applicab]o reqnire, me~{t~l"~Jct~on 39.8 of this ordiDancc, site and devcfLopm~nt plans for farm labor housJ, ng shall meet tho following miniml,m standards: A, ]IJ. OllWay So'kbaC]:. Farm labor hon~:[nq shall be set batik a m:tn~.mum o~ one thousand (1,000) feet mci~surcd from the ;ica(est poln{: of construction to any State, Federztl, or CourtLy ][ighway right-of-way ].ine. B. t, lJnimum and M~x:J.mum Aro~. No on-site farm labor hoi]q;:,'fl'~j~ff~TfJf~:%b~r:f'z~T'i~'nd area throe (3) perc(~nt of t}~o gross nc(sage of the agricultural operation. Off-site farm labor housing for laborers shall have a land area of not less than one acre nor more titan ton (10) nero:;. C. UtJl.it.ies, Ail utilities must be ~.nstalled tis requil.'od by ~;tato and County regulations. 65 £ec:t I. or c,:~ch ]c~: or (lv;c.:l.l.J.~g unit ~or op¢:n (4) the 1;,yOUr of bu.ildir).q (5) actual yi~rd d.{.lflerJs.[onf3 (not lc, ss (6) size o.f units to be installed and :;pecJ. fic:~ l:ic~n of t;ype; (7) ut.~lity ].oc~t.{.ons, s~zcn, 0nd types, (5) typos of services to be p~3ovided. ];:. AJ,'tJ.~ri,~n;~] Sfir~rtdar(ls for Concret(~ B].oc:]~ par;qlral~h D above, ,~'~ opplJcant for sit:e l?la~'~ ~:pp~rovn] sh~t]l sh:,w the fol3. ow.t~9 cla{:rt for ;[iu'm labor ]lousing: (1) for each structure, Lhlrty (30) foot fron{", y~,.1'd, ton (10) foot side yard, (tad twcr}ty (20) foot:. ).'~ar yard, witlt yards measu]:c~d from street, ]~aving ~t ].east the nd. nimur~ separat.~on b~tween them; (2) for each d%oe].linef u~l]t, a minimum of o;~e ],undr:~d twenty (120) square foe~ of living area for t.ho first two (2) persons add an addi'2ional fifty (50) fee/: for e~c:h person ~:herof, fter for purposes only, prove, dad ohher ut.:J.].tzatlon of unilz ~::]~a].l requ:i]'o square fookmge of livJ. ng area ~'o meet mtnJmum ]~ousin0 stn1~<l~:rds of the State of (3) i.~rrltn~omc, nts for a manager, resident ~qDd on duty on tho pro;niscs; and (4) minimum ].o~: size Of six thou's~,nd (6,000) square feet with an average width of sixty (60) feet. F. Add.~t,~onal Ktandards for UtJ, l,~,~ation Mobile ]]omes ~c~ '/'ravel ~l~rs. In ad?~ to '~o ~K~z~J~[~2-'~']~&'~"~'~7~, an applicant for site deve]opmc~nt approval shall show the following data' where it J.s proposed to use mobile homes and/or travel trailers for farm labor housing: (1) arrangements for a mana¢~er, ~nd on duty on the premises; (2) no miming or interm'[ngli])g of mobile homes f~nd conventio;~al dwe].].tl)g construction, provid~d, thert.~ mu~.;t ]3e at ]o~,st a s:l~ty' (60). foot nopnra~:~on betwc.~en mobile homa and conventto~l dwelling complexes 66 {3) wil:hiU' ti,c: mobil,.-, )~,,r., co,i;,]c.x, ))tl.i]¢]J~v.I for ~;orvlt.:c~ )'~urj?o~c~: only ~md Dot occuI,Yi~lg nlay J.~c: (,r~ct;od; (4) eaC]~ inold.].e'hom~ or %r~vel ~railor shnll ],;,ye at ].r~ast ol~o h,n4rcd twenty (12D) ~.:rjt~ar,.* feet: of ].Jv.[;~9 ;,r(~i~ for the fir.st t.wo (2) pr~):nol]~ nrld fifty provJ('h:d obl~c,r ul':il.lzat.~on of the mobile homo .hou:~.{ng ~:i'an~lards of tho ~;l:ate of F]nr:i. da. ~,~obJ. le hmr,~3s or travel trailers m0y be uk:LlJzc, d for J~ousin{T migrol~t la],or J.n dormitory style provJ dod: (1) thn area of lar~d tO bO SO ut.J.].ixed ut.i.:'.izcd .... one for nleoping facilities, one for dining a~(] recreation use, and o~e for %1h.ilit~y purposes con- S'lShj. ng of shower~: and t~oilr'fi focillt.ieS; (3) ~c:h sleeping unit shnl] have mir, lmum d:[mcn~.:J(mu of twelve' (12) feet: by sixLy-five (65) iee't with a maximum sleeping.capa~i~ty of twelve (12) w~-tkers and with ]1o ]nixing of the sexes; (4) each cooking-din.inf~-~ecrenf.~ on shall, hav(~ minimum dimensions of t:%.;elvo (12) foot by sixty five (65) feet ~nd accom]nodate no moro than twenty .four (24) ].aboror~; (5) each utility.unit shall have minimum dimens;i.o;~n of twelve (!2) fcet by fo~ty fiv~ (45) feet and (6) the peripheral boundaries of the complex must be landscaped :~nd the interior surface of the colnp].c~x must be surfziced %;ith'a hard dustles~ material. 67 ,r;r'..C.'~iO)"l .'1 /{. .,Pl~('F'J]'g:l()'t~fll, 11,";]",:; fJ.r:~t ]~y-'th,~ Piannir;g Comrni~:sJon in the mann~r )~er~in sel~ ],rovJ.:,~.0r,~,l ~?'~';]~l'~'~/'b~]j~i~mitl:ed -~h~'oug{~ the D;J. rcctor .~ndJcat~.ng ~:l'le bas.~; in Lhis zoning ordinance under which the provJ~;io)'~a! usc is soug],t and st~ti;lg the grounds upon %.:l~J.ch iL J:; rcquu:~tcd, %.;.~l~h pr~rticu].ar reference to the types nf ~:Jnd.~.nq:; which il]lO I30~rd ln~::(t l,i~)to under secti(~n 1.4.] (d) ),%~low. 'J'hr'. ~ctjtlo)) shou](t i)lclude moterial nrJcessory to dcmt.,l)strat(.~ t'.)~;~[~ th~u 9,'ant 6f prov.is.(onnl ut, o wi3.].]~ in o)'djr, nnc~:, %,,.[.]1 not: ].,o injurious to tim I)eJ.g]'~bor})ogd or ~.,,,:3C, irc. :~uc:]: mn~,~';~,t ~,,t,y :Jnc].ude, but is not ].imitcd (]) si'lc 0;~d c'l(2vc:].Ol)lnCnt: plans ag an appropi.ate scale sI~ow.;~<~ l~'o)',o~;ed ]]!ace~nent of st~uctur~s on the pfeifer fy; ]nrovJ. s~o;'~s ~or J.r~gre~:s a~:d egress, off~;treot parking and off- ,, t~,"ee'k ]o~,(i~uq are;m, refu~%e and service ~rcas; ::nd required (2) ]:,]ar,:~ si:owing Fropn~:ad locations for utilities (3) ])~(ms for scrcc:~,ll',g and buffering with ell(:(.~ as fo type, dilae]lsions, a~d character; (~) proposed lnnd~caping and provisJ, o~s for trees i~rotccl:(:d by County rcgulat:ionr~; anti (5) prol~osc',] *:';[lnn and liflhl:ing, ~nclu~ing typo, additJ.on0], requ.~rc~cnts on specific provisional use~, the petJ. t~.ou should (]emorlst~ate that such rr:qulrements are met. ]3. Public ]learJnq. A public hearing shall b%~ held by the Planning Co;:0;L~ss.~om. Any party ~ay hppear pe~'sonally or by agc, nt or aLl.(~rnoy. C. Notice of Public Hearlng. Notice of public hearing public hcar.ing. Tho owner of the property for %~hich provi~ional use is sought or ];Js agent or attorney designafied by him on his petition shall be notified by mail. Notice of the public hearing shall be promincmtly posted on tho property for which provisional use ~.s ~.;ougbt. Notice of the public hearing shall be ;)r]vertJ. scd in a newspaper of general circulation in the 68 Cor, nl.y ;~t: .1,,~,::L one tlm~ aL .lna:~t: fifl:cc.n (.1.5) day:: prior to l:l~TM ],UI').I.J.C )l~',tll'.[ll~I, Nol. iec I":]IU~].]. be O.{Vr'.'I1 I,l~l~ ]~ll[IJ.J. Ov;~c:~':~ Ol" l>~Op¢,rl:.y ',,Ii I'l')i~! I:llrn¢: ]~uDdrc:cl (300) f~:cd,', o£ )~cnmdary lJ~,('~; of t:l~c. ]u'r~lmrtY fo~' wh]¢:h provJ:lional uno r(:(:u(:stc-d; ).,](:v.tded~ ]l¢):v(.:vc.r~ t:l')nt ~h(:rc: tho petil.:ioner ov.,ncr ¢)£ .Tn)~('l not i~]c.l.uded J.n 'l:.he pel:Jt:ion~.~:~ ]]c,:::itJ. o]~ and nuc. h ];~nd tibet .~s ~)ot i]~clnded :in thn pc~tJtion Jr: n part of or }n),)~lt,:d (300) ~oot: r¢,~.!,iremrmt: t, fila.l.1, be: mr.:~r;ut'e.d from tho. bo~,,',(l;~x'.t.c:s ol~ tho ~,l,p].:[cant'n ownorshJ]), including gl,(: la]id nc)i covo.~:¢:d by I)etit.~oymr's ]~el::[l:Jor~. For purpos,.%~ of p]?o\,{.:~i, ol), owrlor~l of adjncent or nearby propertie:; within the dinl:,nnc¢: ~:et out shall be de.c.mc(1 those whose ]]ames &pi)oar on thc: lat.(:::[: avai].i~b].e tax ro].l:~ of t]~o County. D. FJr, djnq.,;. ]:efor¢; al,y provJ:~ional u.,..:c, sha].l be ro¢.:ommcndcd f%~i"~]~r;.;x,a] re) the ]~o,'.,rd, t-Ii(: ];lanl).'i.];~.~ Commi. s:sion s],;,1] ~na]:r.: ~) wrJ. ttcm fir~dinc.! t)~at th'.', g):ant:i.ng of 'the provi- sion;~l usr~ ~.,.i.]1 not r, rl,,(:r:;ely af~c:,c'h t, ha tile pub].Jr.: J. ntc~rest al)d (~c:r. tJ. fyJ~::l tha~: thc spec~fJ.c r(:quiro, monts governing the J.~c]Jv~dtJ~l 1)r¢)\,.'l.::j.o],~l usc:, if ~l'~y, have bcc:n mci' l~y thc; pcl;j.f.{,~nc.r ,',lid that, £uzthor, l:atJ, sf. iict¢,ry pre)via;ion orrangc:n~un{. ]~i~s })eon n:ade COD¢:¢!.VzlirlC.| [])c.' £'ollo:'.'iD:! wile;re (q)p].J. cidl).].c~.: (1) CorqPlianee leith all e].cInents of Comprohan:~iv~. Plan; (2) .W.r, 51~¢,nn ,~r,d c;gre::s Lc) proper~:y al~d proposed structures tohereon with partlculor ref¢,rence to a',ltomotj.*.,o nnd pedc.¢,tr, ian safety and convonieuce, traffic fi. ow and co:'~trol, accc:.;s in case of fire or catast:rophe; (3) Off',-~treet parking and loading areas, where require, d, wit]] particular al:ten ti. on to the items in (2) above and economic, noise., glare, or odor cf fcc:ts of the spe¢:ial exce~uion on adjoining propurtics and p~'operties generally in the dist]'ict; (4) Refuse and service areas, with ])articular reference to the items in (2) and (3) above; (5) Ut.41ities, wit]] reference to locations, availabilit:y, and compatibility; (6) Screening g~nd buffering with reference to type, dimensions and character; (7) Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting with refer~mco to glare, traffic safety, economic effects, add compatibility and harmony with properi, ies in the district; (8) Required yards and other open space; (9) General compat.{bility with adjacent properties and other ])~'operty in the district; (10) Any special rcq%:iremcnt'.s set out in the Schedule of District Rogu].ations for the particular use involved.' 69 [orr, li~y ~)j.l.ll t. bjs':~r~.ing or(lj.n,~nae, A~y ])rovJ. sionn], u~.:o gilnll oxp~zO S.~X (6) months from th:~ (J~:to of 9~.'nl~L', %l]l].ells (~xtonded by nctJon of 13oard, Jf by thnt c'lal.e %11,3 Uso for %.;]):[C]'~ tho ].~rc~v~s.ional uss %.;a~ gr~n~c,d hns )lot J;ooli (:omliw:nced; and a provisJ, o]w[1, use shall exp.J3'o six (6) months follow.Lng the dj. scent.ii'lO;ace tile use for which the' provisional %lng warJ gr~mtod if thc use has I,of then been rc~eoinmenced. F. 1)en~l. If the Planning Commis~;Lon shall recom- mend don.~,~] oi~"~[~ovistollal use, it shall st~,te fully J.n its into ncco~nt th(~ foci:ors ~Jt~-od in section 14.1 (D) above, or ~.:uc:h of t]ic, m as n~ay be app].ic;~ble to thc~ action of denial, 2. St:L~tU~ C)f P]./~Dn.~g Co~mJ.~nion ]{eJ)OVt n]ld ~acon~mcnda- ~,'[J]'~]'on requirod above shnll bn adv.t~ory on]Ly and shall not }.<~ b.tn~n(j upon Lbo Doald of County Commissioners 3, ]'~(~;~"rl: h~:~Jr, n on P]n~lnin~ Commission Rcj~ort. Upon tj~mr,, tl,e Bo,nrd ,d]a].l hold a second public hearing with notice to be 9iveu as sci out in section 14.1 (B & C) above. 4. Fa~].ure of Board to Act. If a Planning Commission rccommendS:61~Tr~'r--]-~--~6-~%~ithin ninety (90) days of the data of c].0~Jng of tho public boating by thc Board, the ,~{'~'~,~, ......... ,... %.~,"~,'~ ....... which t?,~ report and s])a].l be deemed to have been denied, provided, the Boal;d may refer the petition to th~ Planning Commission for further study. 7O aclopi~ucl or amc:~(I~d, bu2 which would ba pro]'~il~iJ:cd, nha].l ,ot: be enlarged upon, o>:pandc~d, ~.n~cnt:ifJed, or strucL:u~.es or uses prohibited elsewhere J.n t:he same (]intr J.c J:. tO bo J.;',~tom]>atib]e with permitted usen :in the di~tric-~s involvc,~]. IL is Lbo intcnl: of tb~m ~OntDG. ordinance to ])k-oh~bit en]avg~-.m~,nt:, expansion or ex~6~,sion of non- conformities; t-.b~ existence of non-confo~itJes not bt} used as grounds for adding ot]~cr structures or uses prohibited elsewhor(~ in a zoning d:{strict. A non-conforming use of a structure, a non-conforming use of land or ~at~r, or a non-conform.{ng uso of a structure and land or vlater in combination sh~i].l not be e'nlarged or extended after the effective date of adoption or amendment of hh.{s zonlng ord~.nance by attachment on a structure or p~'em]ses of additional signs intended be read from off tho prcmises, or by the addition of other usc[; of a nature which would be prohibited generally in %he district involve[]. To avoid undue hard~dmip, nothing in this zonin~ ordinnnce shall be deemed to require a change in plans, construction, or designated use of any bull. dine[ on which actual construction was lawfhlly begun prior to the effective dal:e of adoption or amendment of this zoning ordinance ;Jnd upon %vhich actual building construction has been carried on without interruption, except for Just cause. Actual construchion im ]]o~oby defined t:o include tho placing of const:ruchion materials ~n permanent position and fi~sLened J.n a permanent manner. Where 71 shall b~. d~.o,,od..to.bo a(:Lu;~l construction, provided that wcu']: :;hall. 1~ carried on w.{kJ~out intorrup[:ion, ~. N(',rr-Otmform~nq ;LoLs of Racor~l, In ~llly a si~glc fomJJ, y dwelling nnd customary accessory bu.{].dings of xocord at the cffective dato of this zoning ordJ. nnnce, nokwiths'tn,dlr, g lJ. mJ. tatiol~s imposed by okher prov:Jsions ship and r}ot of contJ, nuo~:~ frontnfrn wJt.h other lots Jn or wJdLl~, or hot.h, that ore goneral]y applicnb].e in disl.ri~:l.,, l)}.'ov.~'',,e~'l tbnt yard dimon~ioun m~d other ~J.('lt]{, or both, of tho lot shall conform t'o tba regulations for t:h~ d.istxict in wl~J. ch such ].ot is located. VaJ:.'inncc of yard requirements sbal], be obta.inad on].y t:l~roug]~ ;:lq)ertl from 1;he Director to t:]'le Bonl'd of Zonin~f If two (2) or more lots or combi.nations 0f ).ors nnd pm~t:innn of' loth with cnnttuuou~ fron{'nCe in ownm.'Shil~ arc of record at the effective dht.e of this zoning oral:[henCe, and if all or part of the lots do not meet the rc~quirc~;'.,ents established for lot w.~dth or i~rea, or both, the ].0~d~ involved shall bn considered to be nn undivi,]{~d p~rcel for the purpos(3s of this zoning ordJ. nn~]ce, and no pod:ti, on of sold parcel shall ])e used or sold ~, n,a~mer t:}~at d.lm:i n.i shes complianco wl th lot: ;mr1 nr,,n ~-n~v,,,~r,,,~-., .-. .......... , C-~-~Dli-~lc:l.....,., ~, . · 13~' ~his ZOl%k~,, ordinance, nor :;hall any parcel be made which creates a lot with widt]l or area below the requirements s~oted in tbJ, s zonillg ordinance. 3. Non-Conforminq Uses of L+lI,ds or l;al.ers (or Land (~ of a{lopt~on or amendment of th~s zoning ordinance, lawful uae of lands or water~: exists whic]~ would be permitted undor Lhim zoning ordinance, and w]]ero use involves no .individual permanently-fixed structure with a replacement cost exceoding $1,000 a]~d no com- b]natien of I~ermmnently-fJxed ztructmres w.{th a com- bined rel)].acement cost. exceeding Sd,000, the use may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, 72 C. Di ~;cent:i nu;~uce. If USO aCti:',Ol~ j~r,])c:do:~ ~tc"C'eSS '[:O t:]~e premises) for a per.iod of mo.:c Lbnr~ nine'ly (90) consecutive dL, y~J, ~1~, subscquc.nh use 0f ~.:uch ]./~,({ L:h;~].l confo~:m t.c) t:he~ regu'l;~tioms tho pur)x>~es a)w] .in n maimer conforming to the regu].ations for thc. (l~r:tr~ch ;in which such ]and is located; provided, ])owovcr, t)13t ~]u).)(livision m~'~5, be blade wbJ. ch does not i)~crcz,[Je t. he (l~.gr(]e of nmi-conformity of the use. r,)- l';F,t:cr~ (Or !,nu,trJ w~tJ'~ )I',.nor Stz'uct~lr~s Oh.ty) .~n with minor s~ruetu~s on]y, ag 8e~ine8 ~n Section 15.3 z, bovc~, is hOlrCmi)y (lcclar~d to be a public nuirmnce and s])al], be: dlsconl:J~lued not later khan two (2) year's from the cf fee'Live d~)t'e of adopkion or amendment of these zomi)~9 regulai%ions. effective date of its adoption or nmendment tibet could unt be built ~,~,,Tcr th~s zoning ordinance by re~son of z'c:stz'.L(:i..J.o~s on lot area, lot covm~m{[~, heJ~lht:, verdun, location on t]~e lek, or .requirements o{:])e)- t:han uso coJ~- cerning %he structure, such structure ~nay be continued so lol,g as it remain ot:h(trw~.se lawful, subject to the fo]lowJl]g prov~sions: A. No such non-conforming s~rucJ:ure may be enlarged or altered ~.n a way which J. ncroases its non- confozinity, but shy structure or portion t))er(~of may ]30 altered to decrease its non-conformity; B. Should such non-conforming structure or non-conform:Ln9 portion of structure) be destroyed by any me~nm to ;~n ex-bent of more than fifty (50) percent 73 ~11 .inelJviflunl, pormnnen~:ly-fi>:od structure with rcp]tte'omc~nt c:onI: a'b or c:;;r2oodi, l~g.,.l."' ,000 or a comb:;.nat.ion of r, 2rra,qncnt]y-f:i~:cd strnctures wi. th a replacemenk ~. ]l,1]t))'flCl~e~)l('.~ l']xi.c:l~J.Ol~ n~.(l~f{('(O:l'r use 1~o1: pc~l'lnitted Ivy this zonJ. ng ordinallco. J.]) tho dlstri, ct in x.)l):;.cl; sue]] ut;e is located shall. ])e en].a)-qo.d, con~;[.~t~ct.ocl, raco;~strucl-.od, moved, or oltcrt:el, (:xccl~t in c)lang;i2~g the uae of the structure Lo ;~ u~;o )~:~rmJi;itctl in the ('{JstricL J.n %:)lich it is located. munJfcstly arranged or designed for such uno at the .cffect.i.~e date of adoption or amendment o'f Lbls zonJ. Dg ordJ. n:,nco. Any non-conforming use which occun~cd portion of a building not originally designed or J.nLt~y,rlc[] for such use Sbn]]. l~o'b bO o):tended to any be ex Lea(lad to c, ccupy any land outside the building, nor any adclJ, tionn], building on the same lot or parcel, nol: used for such non-confo~ing u~e aL the effective date of adop'k'ion c~r amendment of %Ilia zoning ordinance. C. 'C]Tnn~c in . onan~r' Owner.drip. may be a chal~go in tena,ncy, ownerslt~ or manageme{{k of a non-conforming use provided ti)ore is no chal~ge in Lbo nature or charactar of such non-conforming use. D. Chanqe in U~:e. If no structural alterations are made, any non-con~)rm/ng use of a structure, or of a structure trod pramises in combillation may be thai)ged to ano'Lher non-conformi{~g use of the samc~ character, or to tt rnolye rest. rioted but l~on-confc)rminci u:;e, provided the Board of Zonkng Al)pea)s, upon app].acat:con Director, shall find aft. er public notice ar)c] Eh;ti: t:be proposed use is equal or lac)re .approp.t'iate 74 t:o I:l~c dj r:l rJ ~:t t h,'ln l'.lm ox[~;l-.J ng non-'eonrorm'J ng w.[L.h tb~ .f.l~l;r.,~tt', nlld pU]rl.~Oa~ o~ t:h~r~ xo~L[.nO E. (~}umqe 'Ir) Conforh~Jn~ Uso RoquSros Fun:ute WI'I:J.C)'I ~1 ~On.-c:o~O~l(/ u~e j.f: supurnedod ]:)V a permitted uf;c shall tbc~:oaftor conform t;o ~:ho rocjul~tic)ns roi: tin? c'lJ~:tr.ict rim wnic}'~ such sbruc:lm~-e is located, perr, l~ t hod. ])'. l~/scon~J),u;mce. If any non-conform:l.l'lg acct:s:~ to tlm promJ.[ms) for a ]Jo]:;[od of f'.J.x (6) con~c~cl~tivu n~onths or for a period of eighteen m()nl:}~s during any 'U~Ico (3) yee~; period, thai structure, fir /~[*]Tt~(.';:ll~'O ~d prcmJ, son in combin;tt:ioD, nhnll t]lcl:,;;tfte): ])e txned c:.:(:~'pt in corx:formlty wi'th tim rcqulatJ, ons of the clio:trick in v)hJ.ch J.t in located. G. Snl~d:iv.~sion or St:~:uctural Adrl/t'ions. .Section 3.5.5 above), x.zhc~re t~uch major structures are used for nor)-confo)ming puvposet: as of tho' effective da'bt2 of adopt. Join or am(~ndmenk of this zoning ordinance, sba]]. not ]~ subd:[v.4dcd, nor shall any structures ])e addc. d on sucl) prcmlses, except for purposes and in a manner conforming[ to the regulations for tile district in wi}ich ]l. Dostruc:t'.ion of llajor Structure or Structures. };tl*uctz~r(~ or t;t:vucturcs, or to n majok- st:euct:ure St:rpt't,~rr, r~ ;,nfl prmm~se~: j.~ combination, rontoval or dcstruct.~on of the structuro or structures shall e].J.rainate the non-conforming stabus of th~ land. "Destruction" of the structure .For purposes of ~]lis sub-section is hereby defined os dnlnnge to nn extent of mere than fifty (50) percont of th~ assessed value at th.e timc of destruction. Upon rcmoval or destruction as sot out in %his paragraph, the use of ].aI~d and structures shall thereafter conform to the regulaLJ, ons for tho district in which such land J.s located. I. Nc)n-Con~ormJ. l~q U~::o~ in ]~esJ_d,:nL:i/~l D.~st:r~.cts ~3w~).~/~.!~.9_?~].[;or BuzJ. da!t3js I)es.zqncd ~or a ]-e~;m~.ttcd Use. In 75 ]'>art az' n].] o.t m;~inY ]*uJ. ldj. li(.I.'l (a~l rlr..'l.'{n,.~d J. ll 15.5 ah~'V'.~) ~t"h JcI~ I,~u.Lld:i l~,Ir: wrn:o or:i tlJ ~u~3.].y demi inld Jnl.rn~rlcd ~or ~u~y uno v,'b:i.~zh J.s l',,e~:m:i. Lt(~d J.n ].OCatCd with.i~ .{,~vc.~ (5) yoa~F~ from t:l)o dat:e nuc'h uno ].~c~cnm<~ non-(:onfo~'m~.n~f undo)? t)l~S zcm;i, ng ordinmlcn. J. I~tm..Cr~i~Corm~l~(~ Ur;on tn l~r~:irl~mtsl, n] ~)~. J. ll ~l]J ]'(::.S~(~C:TmC.L;.~.I. (,~.~;LI:.~ci.n~ any ~u~.~ct:~.ng~ o]' ::u)~:ti:anCin]].y nil o[ v,.i).[ch j.~ dcnJ. gnocl, ~?~mr, g~,d, or Cllt;trJcl.~ undo:,: tllJ.~g xoniu9 ordint,ncc~ chall be removed or ~.t shall, be alton:ed and converkod to a bui].dJng. dcnigl,c>d for a u::e pe~'m:i, tt-nd Jn the ro~;idcmtial d:l. strJ.ct J.n %~hJ.ch :it ~s located within six (6) months after p~rJod :is Lhe. date of thc orJ.g:i, na]. construction of buildJ, ng. The periods c)f t{me hero;la se% out are al(et]ave0 t:o con::;t.ituLe the roasonab.)e arnortiz~'kj.~n period of the normal, usefnl lifo. of each class of bui]di, ng and type of con;m:'t~'uction ~,bovo the found~t.~.ons, snJd types (~f co)'istruct.~.on br*~ng ns defined and specified ~.]~ thc Building Code of ColiC.er Co%tory. Typo I 'Firepr'oof Construction 40 years Type Fire-Resist,ire Con- stuction 30 years , Type, I]:I Ileavy Tinlber Con- struction 2b years Type IV Non-Combustibl¢~ Frame Construction 25 years Type V Ordinary Construction 20 years Typo VI Wood Fr~ne Construction 10 years K. ]~[[~et,~ of Remodeling or Addition P~'.i. or l~ecmnr, },'c.,n--Conio~:ming. ]:fr prior i:o 't:hc~ effective date st~Jnt, ia.l. ly all of ,n building de:~igned n~(1 util:i, zed for n use which is not permitted in thc district in which it ~s ].oc~['.ud has been remade]cd, or J.f an adr~J, tio)) at least equal in size (,r valuation ha$) bee){ (vt(:nched thereto, 76 t'l~c~n fur ~l('h'lj t J on . provis[o~r: of ~;c~ct:i.on 15.5 (J). ),a~.'l:il~f or o.Cf-sl-renl, lond.i.],g~ or othc~r matters pt~r- tainJ, ng t'<) 1'he use of ].a~d, r;truct.~res, and premif.~e~ ar~ mnde ~oi~-conforming by tbene zoning reg'.lat~on~ re:;:i.~ent;ia'L (3i:;'t:ciotr~, non-conforming removed w;[tb;i.n one year of the effective ('latr~ of w:i t.i~in 'the T,~r.~od of one ye;Jr such signs shall bo rondo to, confo~'m to the regu].atio:~s of the dis['ric~: in which 7. _R~jjn~r:; and I!a:J]~tell;~,n¢:n. On ally non-conforminq s-['.ructure or j~o~;[.~on of ~ structur~ apd on n~y ~tructure contnin.;.ng ~ non--conformlng ~se, work may be done in any period of twelve (12) conr;ectltive mon%hs on ordinary rep~irs, or on repair or replacement of non- ),earJ. n9 walls, fixtures, wiring, or plumbing to an extc:nt not. exceeding twenty (20) percent of tile outran% assessed valuation of the struc%uze (or of the non- confo~n~ng portion of the structure if a non-conforming portion of ~, structure ~s involved) , provided that cubic content of the structure ~xistinq at the date becomes non--conforming shall ~oL bo increased. 8. ' Non'-Conformlp_g .qtructuros Un'.~afe' ' ]]ecause Of or I~6~B~ a ~;tructure, or any structure containing a non-conforming use, becomeu physically unsafe or lawful due to lack of repairs or maintenance, and is dec]0red by ~])o du].y authorixed official of the County to be unsafe or unlawful by reason of physical condih]on, it shall not ~hereafher be restored, repaired, or built except in conforlni~y wit]~ tho regulations of the district in which it J.s locahed. 77 ,j coni:;.~lml.il,g n ;m,n-eon£orm'it~ff u::e., bo¢:omo.~ pllyr:ic,~lSy County charged w.lth ]u'ot:ect'ing the pub].J.c aa.Coty; unS.~wfu.l.,,..4~.: ;:', {.1ne result of: d:{m,'lge frOl'll destruct:ion, tho I,ercu}',tag(~ ~,f ~'...a',cre 3. imitations so{~ ouh Jn RoctJon 15.4 (B) or 15.5 (Il), :,n Lbr) case may be, shall appJ. y. condJ.i'4on of ~:u,':h ntruc:t%~rO or part thereof decl.~l~'.d to b~% unr;afc: by t:he building oflic:]al of the charged wi. th proteci.:~ng tho public safety. 11. Casual, 'i'OlrlpOril}ry, Or I].laqal Us(:. The casual temi,ort~ry, or .~.llc..g~.:l uno ~-f--'JT~,d or struct~r¢!.q, or. l~nd an~ z'.'-:.'ucl:'are:; .in c:ombination, shall not bo...~uf£..cient ~o o:;t;,b] i~.,h the e>:intenca of a non-¢onformlng ur;c; or Lo 0):~::;,"¢: r."~ghC:.: iD ~..~_ contj.~u;~n¢:o~ of such %~se. 3.2. Uses Under Prov.{slona]. l]:se .Prov.ts.~ons this zo~]i~q~ ordinance shall not be deemed a uno ~n ~;uch district, but nhall without further acP. ion 7O is tl~e j)~l.t,)~l: of I:)~.is zoni~,g ortljnnnc:c~ I:0 cl~:.;~:.i.f"y t:enlporary t~:O/: i~Fit'l I.~, )~:C)V.i.~:i~ J~O17 )')cu.l;liltt'.~ll[lt ed~nil)Jr:t'lri~k.~rm/ ~ncl con- hc, rr,.4.~ :;(.'t. (jill; tirl'lOl;Fl ' ',' '""~ . olh,.l_~,., ..... rE, r'c J. fjc~rl Jn this zc;~).ing i~ pc. ri.od )~t~'[; 'Lo cxc'c ',t, ].~ )nc, nLbs Lo a.1.].o',.1 promoi:5or}nl, h. Tei,,l:,c~'r,~:y on praT,~ino:;-I~e;tl Entat:o S/tie Offj. ces 13. 'l'eml>o;cary.sJ. gns, J.n conformity v.,it]~ all cur&-ent sign rog u ] c~'k'J, ons. E. Hol,iln ll0{'l~o or To]eviminn llquipment and Antennae. F. 'J'c,:nporary l.iobil(~ llome ns office or storage but not for rcmidancy o'kher than f¢,r a watchman or J rig, pub] .; c ut:J ] ~ ky construction, and pub] ia govcrnmont project.s. App].i. cnnts for tho temporary use permit sh;~[L], sub- mit: l~:l. ilns to the DJ. re:cLot ir, clic:aC~n~[ thc ilrca Jn wl).i.c:h iht2 teml>r~rary u::e l,Crm.i.t is t;o npr,.I.y, the nattlre of the usu TI,o DJmrc:c'~.or may grnnh or deny a temporary cons~ truct;i.on ~nd davelol.m~ent usa l.~ormit and in ac!dJ, tion, )'aay also stJ pulatt~: A. ']'r~ff.ic Safoky l..{easures. B. Add.~tlenal P;~rking Requirements C. L~mited Acl'ivity Hours D. Additional Lnndscaping for temporary pe[~it areas E. AddJ. EJ. onal on premise safeguards, which may J. nclude but not lJmlbod (1) 1Va tchman 79 cr~m]:x].:ianr:~ ~.~ tll thru' ecmr~it:i.or, n of tlm ~. Upon ~h~ termihat.i.(,n nF th~ fi. rut nnc yonr pc~rmit pc, rm~ t ~l.~t;;.~',fl t]h'~ r(:an(ul for exten[:J. On nnd t]~c time requJ):cd. Thc D.i.~:~c['or n,ny ~>;[er~,] the ]~crm;i~:, on a year to year ba:~s or 3. c~:~s, fo~' th(~ ('l~vc,lo}>rnr::%l' ].;~fo of the project. Such or m,:~y bt: ~mel%dc~d an dctc~nJ.)',ed .nece~:sary by tho If thc: tOlq~ormry xl~a iS not discon~:ir~ued upon cxl,J.~';,tJrm of t}l(~ pc:rm'~l:, ~.t :;hall bc d(~emed a v;i.o].atJon thc Zc~nJ. ng O:'dinanc~ and. sh~l].] bo subject: t.o tile penalties t h c~; ,3 i I L. 3. Tc';,~F,,q'c~:ry .~.~].o:-; hr, d Sport.~; ].:vents: In the case of ~;a]~n; .-,171 nimi3nr plJ.vate home salc~s), r;p,%ci~l .r~,nr,,,;;,hl~ t¥:o~weck }:~a):mit for such events and may J. nclucle thg ]'~la~:~'m~nt: o~ %ernDori:ry sJ.gn:~, ~orchundi~]e, tr~mpornvy structurcs ~;'~('[ r~cju:;)~j~c:r~', ml~d 't(m~}'~or~ry ~obile honle as office, but not fei' In makl])g suc]~ al,Dro%,,~l, t]'~c DJroc%or may LI,~, fol]cvn'iJJg ~',~qu~'c~.ents ~s he deaThS appropriate to the case: A. T)?~ffic Safety )4cusures B. Addit:ional Parking RequirarAants C. Limited Activity Hours D. Watchman, Fencing, Lighting E. Sanitary FacJ. litios F. A faithful perfo~mnance bond to gu~rmntee compli- snce ~CJth the conditionn' of the permit. If the temporary use is not discontinued upon expira- tion of the pmrmit, it shall be deemed a vio].ation of the Zoning Ordinance and snell be subject to the penalties therein. 0O .1.7. .H. I)~vt:3.o[m~o~L of] l~(~9~ontt3 :rml)aCt:: Whore n Cl'~U~L:er 3[;0.06, F].o.,.'idrJ ~;tntute:.~ a dc~v(~].c~j2mc~n[: of rcgionu~l C. Big Cyi~]-es:~ A:~:'e,, of Critical State Co~ccrn: 22F-3 F.I c~t':Lda ~.dm.ti~.';.:~ I:~:;,t:i. ve Code pJ:J. or 'to tile j [Jsu~nc~ of 8.l S¢.'cl:ion .).[I '"" ....."'"'"'" T"ATd':ING AI~I) ¢)I"~fiTRI':I,:T LOADING 3.. 'lr, l'r, rH:. Tt i:; thc: J.~to.n% of t;l~.~n zonj.n.q ordinal]co ~:h;,t'. %:1~ '~,]~.¥]~J~' h.?a].t~h, ~nf(H.:y, comfol;t, order, a[,pe~'al~Ce, (:onvc:nle}~ce, morlt][;, intere~.~t, and gcmeral %.~c~] ~aro requ;i.re t:l,at: evc:,"v bu:L]dJ]~g aud uso (~rected or ~.nstit:utod ~fter the e~fecLJv~ ('t~,t:(, oF ~.'hJ.s zoD~ug ord~a~]c~ sha].l be provided with adequate ot~r. trce~: parking i,tciliti~s for the use of occupants, (m~Dloy~:cn, visitors, customers, or pa~;rons. It is also the i~fi.ent u~ t:l~i~ zor~Dg.ordJ, nance that certain uses must provide ndequafi~'~ o~:~u, trc. et ].oadil~g ~:ncilities. Such of~stree~ pork- .~,ig and ofistreet l(:adJ, nf~ foc~lities shall bc maintained and co]~[-~.]~u~:d ~o 3cng a}~ %be ~Ta~n use co~t:inuos. (For defiDitions of "])~]fl:~ :]paul%, offstre~.~[:" and "loading space, offstreet" 2. 6;en¢?:~,]. Offstr(:.at parking and offstrcet .1. oad:i~,~.l nance. Conformin~ bu~ld~ng~ and u~es ex:[nbing ~ of thc, effect, irc, cl~,te of tbi~ zoning ordinance may b~ modernized, ;,l[:(~r~:d, or repa:~rcd without providing additional offsLrce~ )>ar)::i. ng or offr, frf:ct ]oadi)~g facilit'ios, pro~J, dJ~g there .i.r~ m) jl~c:,:c.;~:';,.: in .,~1oo~: arca or capacity or c]~ange in use ~,,h~ch %.~ou3.d rc.q~,J, rc i~dd.i.i.~cm;~l offstroet parking. ~';her(: a conformir?~ lm~]d:lng or use cxj.~:c.,fl as of t:hc c:fZcctive date of 'l:hls zon:l, ng n)~('l s~<::~ bui].ding or use is enlarged in floor area, volume, capacity, or si,ace 0CC%lpied, offstreet parkiT, g and offs[:~.'eet · loaRin(l ns spccJ, fJod in th~s zoning ordinance shall, be provJ, d~<'{ for the additional floor area, volume, capacity, Where a use and ])uild~g existed at tho effect:i.v~ date o~ this zoniDg ord,.hence and th~ usu J.~ offer tho effect:ire date o( this ordinance a~d where this ()rd~nance requires such later and c]~anged use to have greater ~:cquir(~d of fsi:reel: parking, %hen additional of f street parking si)ail bn provided ~or the la,ur al)d chl~n~cd u[:e to the of the dJ. fforencc between the later use and the prior use and as though both uses had been subject to this ordinance. 3. Off::trec, t Parkin_,q Facilites: Idantif:ication, Surfncinc. f_L Draln...~}.g(_~.., LTg)_l...t_:~!~_,q, A~cess. Required offs'Lreet ~:)arkJ. ng facilitcs shall A. Idant:i~ied as %o purpose and location wbcn clcarly cvident; B. Where five (5) or more spaces are required, surfaced with asphalt, bituminous, or concrete )~%atc~r]al and malntalnc~d il] smooth, dustless, and wall graded condition 82 b(~ loc:a'l:r:cl o:) t'he :';mu~ lo1: o)' p~ltcr:], thcty scrv[~ o1: may B. T~Iocl~ o:e'ffst',reet i',~.~rk,ing sp,nce must be direztly ~,cc,=mniblrz :from ;t ~,~Z..c.~," · '~,,' al]~y, or el:bet public ]:ight way or ~ccessJble by an adequate 'accc2s~; ais3. e or dr:J. v6:w;~y Ica. alii,,2 to' or ~.o,,, a street, al]o},, or (',~:her public ziq],l' of w~,y. ]';xcppt f()r single ~md two fa)~i]y dwcl3, irig~, all offst~t~r~l' T)a,'k.[i]q Zuci].itJ. es ~nust b~ SO arranged tllat: no outomobiJe shall ])ave to back onto any s~;.'~uL. I~o entrance pz' exit to ~) required offstroet parking area shall be closer than ten (10) foc~ %o a strce[: inters(~ctlon. 5. Offstrec. t P,~rk:i. nq: Plan~: ]~r.~L~.%ire,]. A plan shall for ;~nv bnJ.]ding or use that is required to provide offstreet parking ~;p,q('cs, other spacas in excess of roquircmellts, access ~lJ~.:lcs, i~nd drivewoys, relation, of Lhe offst~'eet p~rking f~lcilitie.~ to the uses or structures such facilities w]~ich tho sutomotive vehiclen of th~ parking orca will be discharged. of uses arc to ))c2 located in a sin¢.;:te, building, or where several t:ypes of u:~o.$ rnre to bo local:ed J n two (2) or more I)~lJ.].di]~g:~ on a $J. 1:c undo:i: sJ. nglo. own¢:rship or manage~.lcnt, the ccm~put:;~tJ.on or required o£fstreet; parkJ.ng .':p~%c, es :d]all ]~c the total of the severnl u.'.;es computed scpa%'a~.ely. ~3 zen]n9 ordinn))cc [:o )~cCluJ. r~ all uscJa ~0 provide offatre~t pc~r):in9, unle~-:s ~;l"e~;:i.f~¢: provisioD J.s ma('tc~ t.o tl~e contrary. fracLjr,na]. ~;]~acc, ti]mi such fractJ(,)) equal or great:ct than O~,c h~if (1;) S)~all require a full offstre(~t )',;~rki~g r.:pac,~. of mcf,~4urc':me~d:~:, the fei]lowing ru].c.~; shn].l app]y: A. Flocu' ~:rea lnuans, for l:he pt:fpo:its of th.is wa]].:~, t)r)]css ()'i:)~e):'wJse s)~,~c:JfJ, ca].]y indJcai:ed; " 11. In hOsl~J, tals, bassinet's do not count as beds; C. Zn stadiums, F;:pc~rts aromas, ];oa3~s of wort:hip, and ot]~cr places of l>ublJ, c a~,mhly %,:~].'c o~:cup~mts ul.[].[ze bcnch(,s, pews, or other ~;i)%~i3mar sealing z~rrangcmonts, c4,ch twcmty-.four (24) lineal inches of such seatisg facilities counts as one se~Jt; D. Requirements based on )lumber of cmp].oyoos or persons employed or working in ah eskablis))mant must be c].e~rly m~rkcd ;md'reserved for the use of such emp].oyees or workers. When the nulnber of omp].~)yeca increases after the bui].di))g or structure J.s occupied, then tile (:mount of of~- stveok par);ing provided must be increased in ratio to the increase of the numhc:r of employees, 11. Offstrr:et Park.in~: M.i.n~pmm Re¢{u~irclnent. lrrespec- tJ.v(~ of any othc:r recj~Je~~' this zoning ordinance, each add ovcu:y separate individual store, office, or other bus,ness shall be prey.ideal with at least one offsercet parking space, unless specific provision is made to the contrary. 12. o.("fst:reek Parl~-'i. ml: Encroachments prol~il,ited. Required J~:~5'l-:.'~"a'6~-~?J'i-'k-J.,",;~-:~p~---'~'c".-e~--:[lla--i'3--. b--J .,so :,o'6~J that no automotive vr'.hicle wbc:n parked shall ]lave any portion of sucil vehicle ove]:hang.l, ng or encroaching on public: righk of way or the property of another. If necessary, %.:hec:l stops .{n ~ ):,UL]cI.'[~,J oc:c:u)~:l, cd by ;t n,')n-coJ~.fo~:~,dng u:;(.~, no and ul]L J .1 t]~O r -,, . .~,~, . full. ju:(,vJl;ion [{n" o~fstre(.t, p~rkin9 facilitJe:.~ ].s ,q.~.r~g] c: J.'nmily dy;cl.] :i n.'.[: Two (2) ~;paces ~,;ithin the. buildim3 se ~buck line · ].'ami ly 'J'wo (2) spac(:s per dwclli~g unit l.'~l- 2 Mu] tip].:'. Fare'; ly Dwcl 1.i n.q One and one-half (1%) s~accs per dwolling unit Town or ]~ovl ho~]f~o.: Two (2) spaces for each dwelling ur, it Mobil(: ]h~me Par]c, Sub-- division: See Section 13.28 r, 13.29 Motel, hotel: Oho and erin half (1.~) spaces p¢;r unit for the first one hundred (100) units plus one (1) space for each additional unit th(~reafter. Hospitals: Nursing home, home for thc: aged, con- Two (2) spaces per patient bed. One. space per two (2} beds One space for cac:h ~.;o (2) seats in chapel or auditorium of: pub3ic a:;ue.r,l'~ly ti'mn Fho,.~. linl:¢,.d Senior lligh School: Medicn]., D~-,r,l'nl Office: Other or Business Office:. Restaurant (other tl~an Df.ire-In), Bnr, Night C]ub: On(? sp.~cu for {~.acb throe; (3) se:its; or one (1) upace per forty (~0) nquawe feel of tlse grons fi.eot area whichevr.~r is g~oater. Two (2) npaco?, for each classroom or of fie(: .voor~, ]~].un one npace for each 150 s~Inare f~et of scatJ, ug nfo;, (j.nc].uding ninles.) :iD any attdit:orinr0, qymnasium, or cnfetorium Jnte)~ded to be u~;ed as n place of assc:n~b].y, but wi'icrc seating J.s not pecman~ntly fixed, Pc.~rmanently fj.;u%d seating shz, ll be as for sta~J, um, etc. abo~e As for elementary and junior sob. eel s e>:copt: ~.~¢.:ven (';) np;,c:c:s for each classroom or off/ce room. One space for each doctor, ~lurse, or employee, plus two (2) spaces for each con:mltation, practico and/or e×amining room. One (1) :q?ace per ].50 squnre feet .of gross ~ioor area for 3,006 sqt,arc fcet nnd one (1) space for each i]ddit.{onal 250 square feet' of gross floor are~ above 3,000 square feet. One spnce for each two (2) seats in public rooms, whether seatJ, ug is fixed or move~ble or one (1) space, per thirty {30) squnre fe.~t of the gross floor area whichever is greater 06 1;, : l'n11]'."lnl::: (DrJv¢;-Tn) r ].",.{::{. ~(.)t,r'{ ;n~ '9jttt'/ ¢:[c. '- A~l.t'3 c:tl] I't~J:;1.'; 11,';o,%: l.')oy l,{ur~,c:'ry, K:[ ,q;,r t.r '~): Pr].v;~hf, C'l. ul):¢,, or Golf or CounLr.V Cltd); · Librnry, Ccmmm~,.{. ty Fat:i]..~.t,v (not: othurw.i, se .'1 !': l-,,n % . I4ori na : Dh. ncc:, Art, I.h~sic Stnd.i.o: Art Ga.]].ery or Museum: ('n,o (il.) ::j-)ace pre.' I:hi;'ty (3,3) ::qunre f(,<,l ¢,£' [:]~(; Cl).'~:::; £1oOr orca. Tv:o (2) ~;pac(:r; for ¢:~,c]J c:mp.]oyc(~ plus adequ~,t:e provision for loading and unlo~dJn%! children off the ~;tr¢~ot du3:il)g peak hOtV,:S. 1 ;;pace for unch 'three. (3) seats or one: space for each 250 squ;n=e feet of gross floor area, whichc:ver is greotor, OJ~o npz. cc for each ~,3,~r (4) ur{its. 023c,' space for each t~;o (2) seats in public rooms, or ode space for c?nch 200 ~rea in club graa tcr. 0f gross floor area, or one space for each three (3) scats, whichever is greater. Two (2) space:; for each three (3) boat slips or moorings, One space for each 300 square feet of gro:;~ floor area. One space for each 250 square feet of floor area open to the public. 07 r ]h¢'l"lt :~{ r)l.'¢':It ~1]~,.'i OLJI<L}' 111'l*' 'l..~..';t. r3('l (.'h'.~tT!rll(.?T(.'; ').1. t1."!r,O, ' or ~ny parl' ,t'],c,):eo~ r~.~ the .qro:;n evo~;y adOj. L';c,~)l 400 ~:quarc feet: As for nommerci,',.! c.~r eskL, l.,l~ ~hment:, l~.~'ovJ0, cd oF~, or fin..mcial institU[o.;.on Drov;[d~nt; drive-in faci]..[t.ies must prove] of a s:['Le ~.md development,. plan und~.r .qec'tion 39.~,. at the cstabl~nbmc:nt, plus one space for ~:acb t,./<, em]>lo'./ees 'at peak shift, plus one spnce for each 4,000 square feet of ~1oo]~ area. 3. nth: r.: tr i a .3. Ac.' Liv:]. {:y (noL othc:rwise lis*cd): !]por {2..~ }.]vol', [:s: One space for eae)l veh~.cl.e based on the premi~c:s, plus one space for each employer: on p,.:nk shift plus one spnce for each 1,500 square feet of gross floor area. In the case of a st~](lium or other sporting facil.ity which operates on a seasonal bn;~is, tho required offstr~et parking may bO provided on h tcm2~orary ha~F¢ a~d need no~ bo }~erm~{nent]y designated, paved, drz'.:Lnod, or landt;csped provided a temporary permit for its seasol~a! use has been approved and issued by the Director. 8O VC'h.i.~]]r'~ C'l~fJ;l~j('.~! .i~ 1111]c','t(lJ)~ ¥;.'i3.1 DC, I; unCl;O~lC]l x.~ I:h t, ll~, l',ul)lid ~:~,, Of :.~l:r,'utr; ant1 a],l. eys ILY pedc)~;t'r.i.;~nn and sup[.,lic'd ;~l~(] mnrinlsnjuc~d. .When any structure is uDla].' ::(1 or airy us(' (~:.:tonclod :.:o t)]aL l.ho s.ize of tho rc, ml]t:i, ng ].(qu.m.), .., of. :~u.v~,~.'i:. ].oaclJl~q space, tho full amcnmt of .retch o.f. %Ira I)uilJ]i~9 it sen'yes and shall be arranged for convunienL ;:~¢1 soL'c..iilUr,,:~;n ahd ogress by ~o'tor truck ansi/or trailer ].7. Offst.,'not T,oadinq: P].an~ Rc,(p~rcd.. A plan sho]l bc ~sul-,nJ 't [: ~,c't' '~.';~[~]~ ~g'~?~Tq-~;~].'~}j~{'7i~{ ~o~' ?{' [/%~J.'ding portal t for facj].:J, tJc'~:.. JJ~e t~].~]~ si,a3], accurately designa~:e 'tho required off nj. fcc:'[' :lo~,d.ing J3paccs, access thereto, cl.i.mensJ ~or r~.,qn~'r~h"Z~i~'E'f:6J~-'k~Ta;TJ~"l~K~:~T~;T~ with the requi~'e,,~nts of this ocd:i, nancc~ shall no'b bo reduced j n arrm or chang,~d to any other use uil]es~t the permitted or permissible use that it St':rVOS iL; ''' ' o~fstrcet loading is ])rovJ..dcd in accordance with the require- mci]ts o~ Lh.is ordinance. ] 9. _Of]~qt__~l¢:qt_ .T.:g_a!l.]i..n,J__]je_q~2ir31~?:!Lt..,: 'L Of f street loading spaces sho],l be p'ro'vir.]~:d ,',nd Inaz~fit'~,].nc~ as follows: A. Each retail store, warc:liouse, wholesale establish- merit, indu.,.;trial activity, terminal, market, restaurant, £uneral ]]oma, laundry, dry' cleaning establishment, or similar usc., which has ~n aggregate floor area .5,000 ):,ut: not: ov¢:r 10,000 1 O('IC~.LiOII/J] 2~;/(1[)0 sq. f~. over 50,000 ~:(i. t~t. or ],~ajc.)r frnct.ion D.. For each mu].'i:~)~]o ch;all:iJ~g ~,~c.L.li't:y h~tvir;g at twm~ty (20) c],,.~o]lJn~ UniL~ hUE ~0~ ~vor ~J.~ty (50) unitr:: u~l(: r:l,~(:('. ],'nr each )~tl].t.~)',~Lc~ (]~.l~]:i.~']U ~;lCJli~y ovcr f.i. fl~y (50) (lv,,(-~].~;-)g t~nJ.L-r;: onc.~ n/?.:.c:e, plur; one ~pac:e eat, Il ~(ldJ. t:Jo)',~]l J:ifl:y (50) dwe].]..i.n~ tu,J. ffs~ or major ~acLJ. on t)lcrco~. C. For c~',cl~ ~,~,dj.l:c)r~um, ccmventJ, o]) ]~al]., ~>:]~.f. bitJon hall, ])c::;i~J.t.,:~l, ~:anit'~,~'~,,,, %.;t~l~:a~/c~ J.r~stJ. tut.{o)~, or similar use x.:}]:i.c]) ]'~:s an aggrcuute grosr~ floor nrca et: Over 5,000 sq. ft. but not over 20,006 sq. ft,: o:%e spoce; plus for coch ~dditional 25,000 hq. ft. (over 20,~00 ft'..) or major frach~on thereof; ode space. D. For fac5 ]..~ ties '~.n paragraph:.: (A), (~:), and (C) above not of- suffJ, cJ. cnt size to mee~: t. ho minimums therein set out, each suc], facilit:y shall provide: offsLrcet loa~]i~g on tho property, J.n i~ccorc] with secJ:ion 18.16-1~ of ~:his ordinance, t.o insure that no de]ix, eries or shj. p;nent of goods or products will rc~qu:J, re tho u~';Or ]lowcver temporary, of any public: righ'[: of way or requ.~.rcd offstreet paEkiDg space for the l~ar)[ing o~ o dc]J. vc~ry vch.~c]e. E. For any uso not specifically ment.Loned, th~ require-. mcmt:ione(I and to w]'J.iC]] thc uJ~mcmtioned use is similar shall apply. 90 pla:/ o£ ~' m; afl.1 t.¥]w..,q of' vol~i.c].c:~, 1.~ont:n, or. ]~eavy f;n,~ily mind lv,,o f,nm.[]l.5, c'twe]lings ux~ j. nF/ivJdua]]3' p].;iti:c~d Cu' 0(:)1c~1; ~:.l,m(l~r d(:.vJcces. ~t, ()tl.l/',t'r'. Plant mai:or.ia,Is used to i.11..,:, ~;O(li:i.e)ll )ntl:;t meet tho f31:andarels al'~l flt~,)lC'ld~YdS lfO17 )furscry plunt:~," T, arL I, 2963, 1, ]'l. Trcos:. Ill troop: shall be srJacie:~ haviml a,n average mat[~l~'l]'~'-sl'.)read or crown of greoLor than f'ifkccn ( "~ . . 1.J, fact J.n the Collier County area ond having trunk{s) V:hFLCh can be maintained in n clean conclit:~.on ovar five (S) fec:t of clear wood. Traes having average m~lturc ~q'~)xnad of crown less %han'fifl:een (].5) f~ c~ ;~,:,5' L",: r,u ....... ~t tad , ej .... crc:abc tl)~ <~qg~iva:l.c:r~t of a fift':e~n (3 5) foo% r:ro,,:n ~,p3'(:acl. (Alt:hough palm trees )nay bo utilized as part: o{ n ].ondi;c;u~Jn!I ))lan, palms F, hn.ll llOk bO t~tilized J.n fu:lfill:im.I ~,'u',' t'h;m t-hi~-l-y (307.) percont Of the of seven (7) foot J,n hoight n~ time 06 planting. Species of trees wh(,se roots are ]~no%,m to cause dam,qgo to pub].ic roadways, scwor or water systems, or l-o public facilities arn nob l',ormltt'~:d in lt]ndscaped areas l:oquirnd by these rcg u ].a ti o)~n. C. Shr~tbr: and II~delcm. Shrubs shall be a minimum Of bWO (2) fn~:t' 111 ll(.]~]lg~ when mea..tlrods ab ti. ma of pl;Jnt:')nil. )Italics, wh(~ro require/l, shall be Dlan~ed ond vJsut, 1 scrota', within a maximu,n of one {1) yenr aft:er t.i.)nc: of m 91 '.,i:1¢~1 Jl'~ ¢:o]~jtlr~cl'iorl v.'i.[I1 £cnlc~C:;f :'l(;l'~,?m,':,. C, 1; W,'Lll.q mC?C:l: I;1Cf,";.ic,:~]. b,', r.l:.i c,r rc~ot.[:c¢:nl¢,.Dt;; ~.:;; ~T)¢'c:..if:~ ed, J':, (i'~'(',IIY,~ COV,"~'F;, T~Jl¢~'rr: U:;Cc]/ rT,'"Otlg¢'~ over :~]..1. or l,i';,/'f! Of'"i.i~'if ]/;.~rtui.t'cd a~:r:a, I~ILI:;L lm ¢:C)I,tt}iLc, i'.c: C~OVc'J',~u.H'. 'J']l(~.~' ,~,II;I]..1 ].~,?. U:.;er'! 1/ii. Il a ,';:;mJ.]i~r ]);ltmfc', In ho .';nnl:nnoo ,';l~/t;ll :Ii'fmc: o~: gravel O~: ;'",y ......... ~trt*;f'l~'j.;~l..,q:~:OlO~¢l. (:eVe. l:,'; 1.<, lH:J..].i"~.c'~" for t'Jlan Lwcnty (20%) Jllhl'CCll'k o6 the roqu.t, rorl in ~.],o¢::;.cs no~:;,':.;.'~"l~T'~i'~v~';~.'~ in pc:rm,.;lic:nL' ]awn:; in the ,,0o :dm.l] ira,',c:0'J :; [:c U~:ou~d cc..voroiI~'~ un,ill )')crmanorll: co,/c',.t'age ach.i.~veO. G. )-,rollil~l:~d ~'t'ctes, Thr~ fo].lo:.~ing tree:.'.: arc :;pccifica]./y i~'~atT{'}';j"{:.'/,~¥'-l"[--6]~-use l:or ;'ncc ting any land- scap,i)'~.t rc:c.lniremcnt in)dar t:hJ.s coc'kion: (.I.) ltl"¢~t~:.:r:(lll~:t:j.t! p;ll)yrJ fora ( Paper mulberry) (2) Causuarinacene (au,';tra;~ian Pine) (3) Entc?r,.,lobiom (;y~;].ocal.)pum (Eat- tree) (4) I.,(-. 1 aleuca leu¢',adendra , ~.., h¢...L~a az¢:daracb (Chinabr~rry tr(.~c) (6) Sc]~.inus %erebintl~infolius (Brazili&n Pe. pper free.) (Florida Holly) }l, I':>:J. ntinW PI. lint: 14a~,~rJal. In met:ting 0! .Lnn(I~;¢:;lp.Lllg .'~ ollz--sEree~ vehJ c',~lar J. aCl.l, lt:.~, ~, tile Dire. citer fllay po]?l!lJ.t tl,qc*, Of hcaJ. t))y. l~]ant, matc.via~ ~xistJn{I on a sJ.~o prior 1:o site dcvel- opm:.,nt. In ac doing, the Director may adjust the applicai:ion o£ t.hc: siren(lards of these regulations to a.T]o',,, credi~ ~k~z' ,'-;u(:li e×.i. sLing p].,'mt mat:er~al, prn~r.~¢'lcd, ]lo may not p~"3',,it thc reduction of requJ, rc,d of ,h ].andncal.~C,d area, reduct:ion :in nufllbc:l.q of tree:; or :;]]rubs requJ, r(..d, or otherelements of ti'jo, se rogulat±oIm. Re. moT,al of trees is subject f.o the Count:y Tree' Pro- tect;[on Ordinance. 3. Lanr]s(~ope Plan Approval. Prior t:o the issuance of any bu~k.l~i~-:[]~--i~]~l~Zl~'~[{~:,~ ~'or sincIlc f/ally r~.r two far.~ly dw~:llings on individually platted lots), an applJ.cant who~<e development is covered by tbc~ requJren:eni:s of I:]]Js Section 19 shall submit a landsc,~pe plnn to the Director. The p]nn slm].l b{: drawn to suitnble scale, indicate the local:ion and r.;ize of buildings, if 92 I.'~'(.:l:jVr, (l*,Vi(h',:;r ;,l~(n/ t:)l~1 )~1::~:~r)¢I Of V/,iI'~:'I.' eLiS?l? v¢.,l].i('.ll];ll" 1.11;¢., ,'11: Q ,"1,,-| ,. ~lOC'.~.!:~."] ,'~))a dr.i. vc,w;:y::, mid ',';)~ovl locat. Jon ¢)F. ;~l,l,:l..icntri~m (~]; i.,~t'i.t iol~ for other pnrm:i.t: ?.¢~ll';q~l O]'d.[)lol~C.'C, )~tll; lie IJ$('~ ):(.'¢]t~J.]:(:(] ,',)~],.,.'ov~:]. w;; i.}n')uL: ;q~cc'J. fJc nppr,)val o£ H!.IC]l ].anclar:;,p:in.q 4. ]';:.ni.al].al::iou, Pr. is): tO tho .'[;;:.;n[.ulce of any ]and::'~r,r, 1.~,r.: Jn ;:ccc, rdnnce wit:h thin ~ect:.imOn 19, ~,11 re- Cl~li.~'r;d la))d:.<::'.)'~:i;:,j t.m:;t be p.1;.,nt'.c~d and in place, an sot oul. iii Lh(: .~,il:.t:;c;U,.i.)~¢.l I~1,~, ~.~)l, ls,1;~,',.'C:~l ur:~Ic~' .c~r,~'lc, n ]9.3. A].I ]',in(ii: mai..( r..i.;~]..~: rn~2a.e be .~n;:'f.n].]cd :i.n ;.tee:oral wLl.h ;lc:- do. vel. si,c.( have r,rc, vcnt:ed i;nq~ed:i.a%(TM. pl.,nz~ting, the pc'r)n'kt, m~.,y ;i.nsuc ~ tc,mporary cert~ifJ, cate of:' occupancy; corl:a.~n, w:i. thn noLorizcd stsatcmcnL by thc: devclor, mr tln~;: h(,' will bear all coshs of \,ncnting occupancy, in- clu(]il~g any cour~ and ].ega]. fees t:he County may incur, J.f t:he )~].f:~l:mi. ng:; )',ava not boer, installed by the (late scL' in tflm t,~m[',or,nry certificate of occurmncy. 5. ~:aJntcmance. 'l']~e or:nor shall be respon.qJbJ, e f:or 'is]in c~,'~:~{7-[~{iS~i'~,~,;'.~.l~tcn~nce al,d t%pke(:p of all r(:qt~ired land.'.;uap;it,g, I,'equired land:reaped areas shall bo main- t,n;i.n(~d a~: ~11 times to present ;~ healty, alive, ne'.at, and o);der]y appearance fo]: persons passiDq on pt~blic ways and shall be kc, pt: fr¢;e of rofu:;¢; and debri.q. Any ]?].ant mat¢.ri:l].s of whatuocver type or ]:J.nd re. quJred by rhone regulatiolls shall be topi. aced within thirty (30} da .... if they die 6. l)¢,ve].oDFa(:))l: S(:;mdard:~. n. n~qu.C~!T:'a'hT,;.4&'t:6'aii'i:.,'tn.q. Adjacent ~:0 Vehicular ],:~q))ts of Way. On any parce.~ prov.~(l:~.nq an oil-st.(eot ])h.cJ;3. l~[f ;~]'r~zl o], o'l-.her VC'hlOtl]ar Il.JO arc;:a where such in:e;., wi].] not be entirely screened vimut].ly by ;u~ r.ight of w:,y, exc].ud:i, ng alley~ (except wi,dfc proDertien 93 ~0ol 2., .;.r)(~:'..c:;pc, hart.Jot (,f i~t ].m.a,:L: two (2) r,uch ],;,~:r;Lcr but );~t:~'! not be: ~pn¢:ed tnn (]0) feet grass, grotmd covul', or et:])er l~.ndl,cape trcatr. Y.:nt, (Se,,, D. R¢:clu~.}.'ed Vehi. c;~t].,3r Uso La~%dsnar~j. nq ~d']acent OJ.~.-.tstr(:¢~i~ ),.t): ]: ;,.)~ J,]:oa or o~:]ler v(:hlcu[Lar u~,.~. 1;~nd::cap:i~]cJ S)n':ll be: provided bnt~.,,ecrJ ~3UC]I il).'e,'l all¢] inter:lot.property ]..';nes as follo,.,:s: foot '.'n w.i.'li.], )'an.~r;urcd at: rJghf. ;]ng].o~ t.o the propcrt:y lines m:~d ].et;trod along ~nd parn.~3, el to t:he property l:i.)',r'n Sbo]]. };(:' :L;~nclscmped t:O il]c.].u¢~e an averngc.~ of tre,., f'or each f:;.gty (50) linear fuet of L~uch interior prop¢:rt'.y line or fraction thereof. Such ~re,.)s shall locat¢:d betwe(:n the common lot line and the off-street pav;:in.'j area or oi-bo]: vehicular use area. Each such tree shall be; p.lunted in at ].e,~st twenty--five (25) square fe(:t of plant, lng area with a minimum d~.'nension of nt ].east: five (5) feet. In addition to the roqui~,ed tree.q, e;:c]'! Stlc:h pi. eating area sb~,].l be ].an¢lscapcd ~ith ~3r,'l:~L~;, great,Icl cove~: or o'[:her landscape material, eluding l)iJvinsl. (2) W]~(-,re :;uch area abuf~ propor~y zonnd or, in facl:, us<,O prim~rily for residential o): ins[:itut~onal purpo::es, and for ~hat: por.tion of such area not enl~Jr¢:ly 94 ~,~ ~:.ivc (h) ~..:,.t. ~,,.it~,:in tt.~o (2) yor,',:~ .rcqui.,'('d I.]',;'~:<~ (3) foot. ]l'[[Ih p].~lrl].CC] lmf:Fc'~r, l',~:ov:lrlr'[l that arc~s ~:djr, crmt ,Io public: r.igh~ o~ way nm'l :; nt:ev:i or ),)l:O~'t'~' ]Jl'~(~f; ~:C'~: out ~hove, land~c:ap~n9 ~m~:t be ;~rovj,~c.,.? l"c~r 121o i:~tcl:J.c'r of ~J19 (1) Of.[-nt:~rtmk p:tr):i~!r areas sl~a].l ht~x,o ill ].oas't: 'lion (].O) ~;qunrO foot Of interior ].andacap.[~(I for tun (]0) r.quaro leek of ~Lm]d~capecl a:r:oa for each fJ. vc~ )mnd~:od (500) sUul-~ro fcc:'L or fraction tbereo~ of pavcd al'ca .fr,r tl,e first: fifty L]loumand (50,000) sqtlare fool of pnvc'd area plus ben (10) zquare feet of paved for cacb one t]~ouf:cm[] (1,000) square feet o:[ paved arcs or fraction ~hcreof over fifty thousan[] (50,000) square foot. Whcre the property contains both parking ~].'~as may ba separated for tho th(~ ol:}~or vchicular uso areas by total ,umbra: of parkJl]g spaces by three hundr(:d (300) and lild~t~:act'.:ing the resulting fipure from ibc total square fool. ago of paved (2) Each separate landscaped area shall cent:sin a minimum of fifty (50) squ~,re feet and shall bava a minimum d:lmension of aE least five ('5) feet and sh;,ll .include at least one (1) tree, with tho re]naJ.n~ng area adequately landscaped with si)rubs, ground cover, or other landscaping mar. oriel ]~ot to ezcecd t%zo and one half (RI;) feet in llei.ght. The %oral number of trees shall not be less than one for each hundred (300) square feet or fraction thereof of rcquired iai:cfi.or ].z~ndsca].~:[~%l area. Such landscaped areas si)al1 95 '- oo c 'z... PgL,- rucju,i.rcd ;inLc..rjov ].;u'ldr;c,,l~iJ~g wl, i. cI~ :;.'~ .]l,r,d:'~:ui,,:c'; ;~rc::, r),' wr, Jhv,,:ty may J.)/~ lx',l:L c~opLh c~'i c'ucl~ ,",',er: l:.im.1 }';;~:,ri;:iug (5) Wh~revnr ;~ e¢)m:u(,,~ c:ommO;~ l]:r'o/,urt, y ].i.)~¢? ::hal ] ).,c,. dc:t.(:.r,'nin¢:d ])y t'l~c: · L.: ..,, ...... t..': ' 'LL', .... _ ....... ~' , "'. - · - ac(:e:;:::.~ay ~ntc'r~crct:.~ a l?u/.)-~i~c r:].g,lL-ok-w::y, ;Cl. 1 .lan(l-. avia:; of },rop~ri:y on boll, sJ.d~n of an ~'eeo,'.;~t';,ny fo~'~nOd by thc .tr,.tc:r[:c~c:t:L.~n of c:c:c)) :~.~.clo of:' thc: accc,:::',;.::',y aec'! publ:i.c rig.)Jt-of-u~,¥ lines w.i.t:)'~ two bo:Lng t.('u (10) f¢~et in lcnu'l:h ~:L'om 'hh¢,, poin-b of inter- $(~¢~Jon and tho gh:lrd :::ldo being n line connecting thc end:; o.f the two oLlJ()r .qJ(]O.~; pr¢)vldc:d that trees hav~n:j .l~mb,,~ or. ~ol~tage (~x~ond ~nto tho eror~-vicdbi]..~:y area SO at3 ;}O~ LO Cr(~tltO a (:~taf;[:.i.C }loz~rd. (.:>:cop% required grnss or ground cover, s]~a].l nob be lo- cated closer i.han three (3) feet from Che edge of any l'tl)en 'the subject property abugs '[:he in'Lcr.~ecbion of two or more public rights-of-way, the provisions of 5ection 8.1 sba'L1 apply. 7. .;.q?.pl~.ab~.liLy_~ T}m provisions of this so. ction ::)]all apply to all new off-~treot park:lng or other vchiculnr uso areas. At such tim(-', as existing off- s~reet par]ting or other vehicular use ureas are enlarge({ or e~panded, such provisions shall ~p}.)ly to th~ p)~avious ex.i. st:i)]g areas as well as tho now areanl 9G ch;~vrsc~e~ ~ ~: aJ] ~;j~:'~ wllich m:W bo parr,~iS{:c~d ns ;~ ~ni.n .' Zncz-c,rmc~d numbcv~.: and ml. ze of s.l. gnr;, as well ,n~ cerl:a.in tyI)es r~f 1.i. gt,-~.i~g, r]J. ni:ract the ;~tte)~t.ir)r) c)f mol:orJsts and ].,,'..r?ost]:jz~n~ aDd' :i uLo~fer~: %..':;.t]~ t~:nffi(: safety, l'n- doi:r~r:i:s fro;;] the er~joym~nt ~mnd ))len~ur(~ .i.n the natural nce~,.ic beav,.ty of ~he County, an(I J.~ t%lrI~, injur:iously f~ff~:c(.~¢ lshe <'~co:',on',ic wc3.1-beJng of tho cJ.i.'.Jzc:nry. It is J.r):c'tu?cc] t:o providg for tho rc~gu].~ltJ, ort of tyj)¢~s, r;:Lzes, ;md t'~ prov.ic]e fei: c~:rtnJn ty])or;, sizes,. ]OC;~(::iO~'~;, iITiCI ch:]rr,~.:tcr ¢,f ofJZ-..].~]r/-mJ, sc~ sicJx~S. A. All s~{]ns I~ust con'l:o).'m to tho Folderol, State, · l:)~e Sodt'.hcrn. :;t:andard ]lui. lclJ. l~g C(,d~ whcJr(~ 1~, ~;ig~S (,~e(:ted by thc: Federal, St:~]~c~ uz' gov(~l'~,men%s arc Dot z'egu]atod by this Article. C. ]]o sign shsll be placed or ])ermitted i~s pr.i]~c.'~l,v] u~:e o,, any vacant propurty, .in nny zoning district, e;-:ct~pt as l.)rovJ, dlczd for i~% t:his C)rd:Jnnncc. D. A13 sJ~[ns shall adh(:rc to the required bacl:s and sha].l be ].ocat:.ed within the ))c~tted building ;~rr.:,, e~:c(~:,[' rmt.rancc and gate si~ns %~hich roam be locsted at property lines. E. Entranc(~ and exit signs may be placed at appro- priate places, but not in %ho right-of-way. ~. '2he area of a s.ign ~d]all be measured from the out~:i(le edger~ of O~o sign or tho sign fr/mle, whichever great%er, excluding the area of the supporting structuras prov.~ded thai. ~he supporting ~ructuros nre no% u~ed for advertising purpose:; ahd are of an area ~qua] to or less than the permitted sJg~ class area. D. Double faced signs ~:hall be measured by only one side if both sides are advertising the same bu~;.[ness, commodity, ~r s(~wvice. C. Height - t},e vertical distance from the aver- age crown of %ho road or the finished eleuation at the 97 (-)jr {.11(' :,'i,~lll~ Or ~l:; ~tJ.'~'lllff,t ¢;t7 Flill~j~Ol'l;ili~,Sj' FIL1Ju¢.'I;U}'O Wjl.'i¢:liovc;r j:) Il' I I. bl~; J?, ,' 4. ].'r:l"lhJ J.~ ;ilu",J F'Or;:; ,qlld T",:.:¢:l;q')t:J. rm:. ~'~ ..... /{*'iiT'i'/i:i:i I'. ~.'¢]r'"7~"~j'c'i';-;:i'l~:]]')")~;:. :Lr:suc:d b~ the ]).[);(.~r:l.~; p:,',it~'~' l'() 1.!1o .~:;~l.1;trlco oJ~ a ])Ll.~.!;~,. Bt.j p('/rhljt. (:~Ue .,'~3.,"~r~ (',l~:T:,r J. X;:I.T.]i OL' l.ke (:(d. lJor Cou:~l:y BuJ ]ding Code) '¢,[ ;l ]~l~.i.].c]j. ll,'.l j,.':r';tlj, l. ;i~ ),'(*.qllj..r.O(] jrI ,~:]C,c~..'{t.~t't /j~ Of t]li:~ LT. ]:::~,',~lm.~l'~.t)l'lf; - fL'JiF! l~.r;].].o'../inEj 5j.g]'l.'.i in,"ly O]:L,(g(:O(~, wi('}loljL' ;3. j~c:r.)n.~_tt .';ll~,'~jf',r2t:, llov,'t?vo.r.~ LO al.'J. iA','(~ ',.'; ~:,!~,,,,',' i'.','.('4' j.:: for l>Vl>.l, iq;t c)'i;zrj, i'.;,l)3r:, cduoatJo~,,,~ ~r. r(~lmiClio1):; :il~- s I:i tutic.m.'.; ]oc;t I.JL'(I o1~ tier.,. ).,rom[ ::c:,': r):L: :~,i'-' :' .;.~:ntj. tut:ious t '.~) ~.,,,,,-4 '~ ~ ,,,,4 ,,-,i-,.;~ ~ ..... , .... ::I:5' C:.'B:l.ctrL:r:L.i i)r~}jt'c;: groLmd nit. H,;. (4) ()c¢:ul,rtl:Jon:~l sign:; d¢:not:J.~g only the name, g'lJl?.'(i't ;ll.llll),.)¢:l, :.md bu.'.iJ.nt,,Js of an t>c:cul');]nt: Jr) a comrnorcitk3. ).~U5 ]eli r, gt ).~Ilb] .i ,.; J )):qt.."Lt'.llt'..i enO] building t m' c3wo3 ling which do ,eL: c..xcc:(.c'l kv;o (?) :;qunrr: feet .~)'l al:ea. (5) i)<~r,,or~;ll signs or (.ab3.e,...,t names of build- iB(.l,rJ itllr] dote of ercction'w)lcn Olli; J, ll{;O oBy Infl!lOZlZ'y .qur-- fLIce O): WI}el} c(m:;kru¢:tc:d o~ bronze or other incombustible mm to ~' .i. a ] n. (6) · 'PraffJc or other munJ¢:ipal, county, state or f(:dera]. ::J. gl~s, legal notices, rlti.l, road crossing sigDs, d/rog:...: .,.:j gns, and such temporary, om¢;rgenc.V or BOl]4%tlVel:- t'J:;Jng r;Jgnt: n'..~ tomy be: ~,)~t?roved by thc-: Board. ('/) One ground or wall "I.'or .qalc:" or "For !.lc:or" nigr. pC.i: l;,ni'C::-i. O.~ pz't,j:,~'~t)' ~vlzt~]l :~tlch :gigo bas an area per face of not moro than four (4) sqt]~nre feet. Such ,sign shall 71ot: |)<: ].ocate¢l v/ith/n fJ. fteen (15) feet of any pro]:.crty line except in colmnol:eJal or .industrial dis- trJ ctr.~. (P.) ldantJfJ, cation signs at the entrnnce drJ. v<: of res.L¢lcnccs, estates, and ranches, which do not exceed two (2) nguare feet Jn area. (9) Non-advorti:.~ing dJ. rcctionaJ signs or syml,o].s ("entrance", "e>:i['". , "caution", "slov.,", "no tre.<:pn.qsJng'', otc.) locater] on and pertaining to a parcel of pr:ivy, to properly, no;lc' to exceed tv,'o (2) square fee~: in area. 5. Definitions. For the purpose of t:his .qcction, the c]On<'~.l J I n bt,::.i.,,t,:~: z~dvc;'l:Jr'.f:d ~n t-.h;~.k, sign J.r; no longcr ~o ]c))~[l~:~' tl(JJ)J[I }~t,:.tJ.i]ess itt: that I~. ~,.!'!x!!::~:.t:.i.[;_~_n.*,.I...';...';z..q?! - A :;Jqn <qJ. rc:utJng att¢:],tJ, on ducLr.;d, ::;old ¢)r eric:rod, ¢.~Jthe3- oil di~;pl~,y t.]~oy:cc~n, ~:ktt~ntc:r] ul,on or &~ttdchcd to real propert, y, upon %;h~:h any ),o:.;[:,:r, bi]J, pr~r, tJ. Dg, paJr~l:..inc, davict: or c~thcr ;,rq'~c.rt'.i:;cm,.j)lt may )3~ plncc, d, ponte:d, pa.i. nt;tld, tacl;r~d, n;,i.l~¢{, or otl{erx¢ise imstened, affixed, or dJsp].ay- ed; }2rovidc~d, b~,;:cver, t]t;,t naid k. erm s]i;~lJ, not include D. AnJm,,i¢,d .q!q)~:.; - A sign %:J. tql act;Jori or move- mt~n4t, who't her"'~],'~;' 'iJ]i]~'l~.f~',~f-~'iuhtn, color I;. D.i]ll,'.~4ir<3g - A~} off.-lpr¢:mi.qe sic. In of more one bu}~dred (100) sc~l]la)'c feet:. An5, fr~,m~q.Jork for signs p. rodt~.cc.d, mm~;,~.[~,ck~r(:cl, or furni~.:hecl mt ~t pl;~ce othey tbcm th~', ]oc~li;jr~ Of S~c'h F. Bulk P¢.:rmit - A permit insued for any number of ]?oliti. cal sJg~,.q. G. ~{U}_cl[5,_ - A pcrman.ent roof. skructura that does no5 project over public property, which may ]30 free- sknndin¢[, aLk,~chod to a building, or supped-ted in whole or .i.n ))art by a bui].di.ng. I1. Comhinat:Jon S.i~.n_- A sign which is made up of two (2) or more :;ign$, exclus.ive of billboards. · I. Con~.~/nation ]:a~nn Si¢~ - A temporary sign used for the purpo]~' ~ ]{del~'l~5~l,~j~'f~ o~qner o~.' operate{' of a farm and the procluc% produced on tho farm which sign may also ~ncidentalJy identify tho coBtrac¢ buyer of t]}c pro- duct. J. Con:;t~Tuctln~ Si. on - A temporary sign place in adv~mce of'~&~t{~.J~'~'-~Uuildin9 or structure indicat- ing {:lie nant~ of tho building or structura, i:he architects, thc conl. r;.,ctors ;~nd obi)er information regarding the build- ing or sf:ructure. 99 · I.I. Donl)].n Faco. d :;.tgn - h n:i.qn having two (2) disp].ay ::urF~;~--7?7[['~-~)i:.-Ti~.Tc'~.7:;-~[a~.'ily dJ. splayJ~q the saran copy, ~M~Jc:h ;~.rc u:-;um'~)y Patella:I, and back to back and not more than 24" apnrL. N. DOU~:,~O l),;cJ..or SJqn - Two (2) or more billboards erected :;o th'J'({-~-~i-~'-6]{'-~cTi{"~f thc: other. Oo ]?arm Orqaniz;;t:Jon f.ljqn .- A ~.{gn used for the 1,,,,';,,',';', n,'" .4n'~?6.-~Z37~37! pa,,rah~ mt:il-, ~'ik.' a farm organ.~zatJon, and the like. supportn or t'hr, ground neparated from referred to an Ground Sign - Section 2301.2}~, ~tanG,rd FmJ. ldi~g Code). Q. Gate 03: Entrance g.iq_n_ - A sigrL attached t:o an entrance gate or ~:ntrance structure which identifies a permitted use. R. In(l.!!.!4..t_rj~l~_??..p~q.x- - ~ group 0£ industrial floor area on ground floor and:located on commonly owned property shar.~Dg primary access frola a publle street and connected together by private internal streets. S. .~J~:!or Inter::c..mt.{on - :['he intersection of a Federal, State, or County T. I~ar..quee Z-'A' roofing structure, projoctir, g over an entrance U. H_L~)..'flue. e Siq~_~ - A sign attached to or constructed on a m~rquo, o. V. Multf-Faco f;icjn - A sign which J..q made uI.) df three: (3) or mo.,:e faces. wi:J. cli ),y .~t:s h(..:[gl,l:, ~qdar(~ foot z~re;t, locatJo~, 1]r~o or structural SUpl~t. does not conform with the reclt~iremc~nts of ~)J.f; :3cot'.ion. Y,. ~3ff--1~rc, mi.,.:o ,qi¢!n - A t~J. gn not locut¢:d on the same. acti.~it-.y bain(/ identJfJ~,el or adve~'tJ, sed. ¥. or,.-l'rcuni:;c: S.~qn -. A sign containing COl}5' retatin,3 on ly-~¢~ ==t'.i'~6'-]~.~';[.i~]{: busin¢:ss, product, sorvJ ce, or ,nct.i.v.iI:y ¢:o]~¢3ucted or sold on th(: same premises as that on %.;]~icil the si.qn dcsig¥,~t-.r~d :~s ])e. inu temporary. B}). P~.!itical S.ic~n - A sign promotinq, advert~jsing, CC. Portable Siqrt -- )% Silgo ;'~ot affi×cd to the ground or to a Htruc't~]f(~. o~: only affixed by n~e,nns of ticdown strap.~. DD. Pro']ectinn Sion - A sign mounted on the ver- tical surface of ~--~ldlng or structure .~n such a manner ~:bat ,~]]. of the display surfaces are not parallel to t]~e supportin9 structure. EE. Pub.]ic Service Si_0_q - A sign designed to render a public service such as but no limited to "tim,.~ and tem- perature'' signs and "fla:~hing news" ~,igns. Such signs may not include any advertising whatsoever on them unless such advertising co~r. plie.q wi. th all of the requirements of this Ordinance. I,'F. Roof S:~n - Any sign. erected or constructed upon a roof ~,~-~1' ~r'6~e%'ting wholly or partially above the crown of the roof. GG. Safety SJ.~n - A sign used only for tho purpose of iden~:ifyin'g a~nd-q.,'arl~'fng of dangers. I111. Sandw.q.ch siq_n.- See Portable Sign. II. Shopj)ing Center, Plaza or /4ail - A group of two or more retai-~'-~'~'-.uc-7,~?v-~.~ce esta-[~.l.~s~]~-~-.nt of more than 25,000 square feet gross floor area on ground floor and located on commonly owned property, phoring the same par]c- ins facilities and connected together by common walks, 101 }:t:. :'.[t?./:~Ll.:,_F_r£?![Oj[t - 'Jq~at portion of the exl;c,r.i ~,r liq]~]:'~[ ~';'~;r;*.{~-nedl tu J. llumJ, nate a si. Oil or a .structure. R'N. '.['t,) :~c, rarv Sjt,n - A :.:iOn inten¢l(,d to sdve--"-'~.t.~ ..... ot:}~eJ ..,~,.c.la]. Qvenf.:; on a tcmpo/.'ary basi~; for a designated ;H}y C:>:[:ofJ. oz' %;;tJ.:k (3~: it bu.Llding or structure and which I,~].ia;l]~~3 Lo ,~l~d ~o'.]t:c:'t;~ }~ot ]~orc [:hlu~ ~.{.%tllI'.ecut (18) ~not ~'xLc}~d m~}re ti;on si:: (6) J. nchcs ~bove the l?arnpet' or roof (').C the bu'Jlding on which it is located. SJ. gDs which are on t~rchitectural projection~ %;hJch do not exte~}d more than si;: (6) inches above the roof mr parapet wall of the buildJ.}}g are wall :;igns. A. Class "A" (Billboard.~) (3.) Over one hundred (100) square feet minimum. (2) Five hu'ndred (500) square feet maximum. B. Class "B" (1) One hundred (100) square feet ma×imum. C. Cla:~:; "C" (1) Forty (40) square feet maximum. D. Class "D" (1) Twelve (12) square foot ma>:imum. E. Clans "E" (1) Si;: (6) square feet max.i..mum. 102 C;. C'],~:~:: "(;" (:l.) Two (~) ~:qun~ feed: Om~ ¥:n]~ sign ~.il:h nn nroa not moYe t.h~n tw~nt:y (20) J.t.~oP;~] }1%Hl~}'f'I'I (lO0) fc'C~J; Of ~rou~n%:~ wit:h a maximum ~.~ron of 250 sqL~a r,:: :feo t. (2) On~ (1) c:lnr:r; 'II" on ooch major ontrancc.~ ~o dew,]c,;,~,~,m[ (~.:,~::Lmum of ~:v'o (2)) (a) Free ~:tnnding (b) Entr~,.,,t~.~ o~ gate sign (3) One Class "D" p0r non-con~ol~ning use (4) One Cl~,ss "E" on-prom,.se ~ign per non-rcsidun- (a) Onn Class "C' wall sign a(luertising only the nmnc of a Mult~..-Vamily re:-~J, dentimL Duilding. B. ~]..!.qnn ~n RT-Resident~al Tour~s% District: (1) Hax:~%~-"lq'~lht-. Twenty five (2) O~(: C].a~m "B" on-premise (~,) Free Standing comb.~nation (b) Fre~ Standing and One Clas~l "H" on-premise sign: (a) ?/all (b) Harguoe-Hax]mum projec%ion six (6) inches C. ~j.(,ns ~n CC-Convoniencm Commercial Distr.~ct. ~) Max~mur,~ lleight - 12 feet (2) Permitted Per use: (a) Service Stations (I) 1 Class "C" Free Standing Sign and (II) I Class "C" ~al]. Sign (b) All other permitted uses (I) 1 Class "H" Wall Sign D. Siqns ~n PC aud ~RC DJ str~ctn. ]'f~- ~%- Cl~,.,s 11 on-p~em~.,e r:J. gn (No maximum hc~ight) 103 (1,) llaL'q~ (M;,...i~im P~. etlon nj): (6) inchcm (2) O,'~e C'lh~:6 "B" o,.-pr~.,.,';~c ~,::;~ (I.'or ].o~s wt{h one htu'~FI ,','d rh~x.[mm,~ l:cl. ght ,- I;wenty E.ix,c (25) Ccc:l., ( ] ) Wa 11 t'wc n t:y five (.1.) l.'.,u:~.~,um l:,:~:,g~,t- twcnL:y t.tvc (25~ ~ee.~. Mini- (2.) Onu Cla:.~,'; "A" (Bi.1]board) only on vat,mt prr~- pc:,'ty w.lt!~ or, o hundred (100) fcr:t or ir, ore of frontage ,nnd subject (31 ('~nc: Clan:; "]I" on-pre;raise :;Jgn (a) ',','a ] (b) Marquee (I.ta>:imur,~ proj~.cl:ion six (6) Jnch,-'s ¢)n¢; (.'..1. ar.;:: "B" on-p~temimc mifln (For ~,m~drc~:~ i.;ff.y (~50) feet oz more of fronfage · (~) Frco $1:andiiwj (4~ One (%) D~re¢:to.ry ,q.'ign .1. ocatcd at oath main en- '[:~:,'mcc F.r(~)n each different public street, Suul~ Di]:c:ctc~ry Sign may not e::ccmd 2L,(' squar~ fuuL in area. ~j!..,j~r; in GC - Golf Cour::e District. (1) Iiaxi,mm lteight - twelve []~2]'--feat (2) eno Class "]~" on-premise sign at the cntrance (a) Wn] 1. Gate (c) Free SL~lnding G. Siqn~; in A--AqrJm]].t:ure Di'.~t. ric~.. (2) One or morc~ Class "A" (}~il].bc)ards on vacant A-proport. y and subject to the provisions of Section 20.8) (3) One Class "B" per frontage ~,nd only for per- m.ittcd agricultural uses: (a) Free Standing' (4) One C].asn "C" per frontage mid only for per- mitred non-agricultural uses: (a) Wnl] (b) Free Stal~ding (c) Dulletin B~ard (d) Narquen"maximum projection six (6) inches 104 9. l'o:l J i'J c:~.'l ,q; q r,:.:. tJ. onn. f;t,c'h ]:o].iL'.:ic~,]. signs J:]lo]l be removed w.it]tin a (2) %.;tek ],cried foJ. lo~J.l~g the portJcular e]ecI..[on that J.]~volv~d. E. A bulk parr,~it for political sJ. gns of Cla~s D,]q,V, t~v G in:,y be app~'ovad by thc Zoning. AdminJsi.ratJ. t~n. C. Fail. ufo to remove and clean-up tb(: pcxmitted sign~: ¥;itl%Jn the-[-x.,o (2) v;aek pcrJ. od will ~.esull: ~n vi. el. aLien of th.is regulation. 10. T'rohJb.~t'c~r] Si(tn:. in n].l District:;. · B. Neon type sign~: 'in all hue (km'n'nercial C. ]~ortab].c signs except in accordance %;ith the proviz;ions of ~;ect. ion ].6 of t:his Ordinance. 1). f;trip ligl~t:ing F:. l~oof F. Banners or f.ly.qng paraphernalia, except nn officio] ].'c~dor~], ~;ta~:e, Counhy, or City flag. G. Any r;J.gn khak is contemptJb].c, vile, obsccne, degrading or tic-hi'acting from the surrounding neig],borhood an detorm;lned by co:nmunity standards. 1~. Any sign ¥;hich constJLutes a traffJc hazard or a detrJ, m~ant: to Ll-affic safety by reason of J.f~: size, loc;Jl:~on, movement, contoDt, coloring, or method of i].lu- mJi~at.~o:l, or by ol~;!'.~;uctJ, ng f. hc vision of (]rivers, or by obi;[.fueLing or dctvacting from l:he vJ.sibi]ity of any o.f- f~cJ. al l'raffJc co]l'k:-ol device by divertil~g or tending Lo .105 I].n::l~'l~,.I 'l itltjl'~:, ~,~; ~'v()]v:J~l~l ].i. gh~ J.~: i,roh~.biL,~d in any I,,.,~,. ~. ~,,.~,,',~,,,'. ,,*, ,.~,,,, ,.,,v ,,,. ~,,. ,,,,-,", "~,,~.", r'Lg!~ .-<,C..~;~y oF ;my ~.;l'):'~:~(-:t.~ ):and or ])ub]:ic: v'a~,, cc:copt a~ J. ,Signn c:~'c:cted au public )',r,~;~,'):ty otl,~r tl~an ):~:..~J:l] l' t'.l~c J¢).].'lo\..,Jl,(.I ;.;iOn?, al'bc.r mi oJJ.-sJ, bn (,£ t,hc: nubj~<:t, l,remJ;.;c'n: ;:. I)izectionn]., safely, p. nd at:her sig,l.~; of a non- (1) 'J']',C: :~.~gn i:; ]lgC:gfJi~;~.~'),' .~.]{ ~]]0 ]~tl):J :J Ct (2) Tl,e sign J.:; o~ four (4)' squ~re feet ~n (5) feet. (3) 'l'l~c-' maximum ]i¢.~ighb is nob %o ¢:~:c¢;¢.~d five (4) T?,¢: sJ. gn is a minimum distance of f.ifteen (15) fn~t to any r;Jght~-of-way. ]1. 'J'empora~'5' Sions. 'J'he DJ. re:all:or may, .{n specinl an cst,nl)]J~;h,-m%ent or activity hnving a grand open.~nff.or sj)ecial (:v(~nt. Suc]i signs shall: (].) De permitted for not more ~:han ~vc~n (7) cn]endar days in o1%5' :~J.>: (6) month p~riod, (2) 5l,n].l be err, ct~ed in a manner satisfactory I'.o the }):J~;ecJ'.(j]y to in~ure ~ga~;,st hazazd to thc ;~fl~lic. 'l'h.~s l)rovJ:;~r){~ i~ riot a]Dp].icahle to sa]es held l)y priwJt.c: pccr[~ons, sucli sales not ba.iDg subject t.o the collection sa].e~s tax under the Lm.;s of ].'].(~rida. The Eoard may, in ~% may rcas~n~b].y require for the erec'LJc~n and maintenance o.f temporary signs ~ot conforming %o %'he ~:CqUi','eT.'~eDtS of tbJ. S zon.i, ng ordJ. llnnc<:. S%1c1~ temporary ]'3errants ~;]%n].]. bo for a spec:i fie pe):j..od of t:Jme, at'. t:he end of which tlm sign ~:l~n].l be rcmow, d. The pnrm:Lt'tee ~fl~a:l.] 1{ay thu sm',~e fee for o ]~erm~t. for sgch temporary sign a~; J.s requi):od of 106 ¥,'hjcl: r:uc:h sj. 9~) ~;ba3. l bo found~ wJ'hhir~ t'.hr;kt:y (30) clays af{:c,3' wr.ittcr, ))c,~.il'Jcat4on by thc~ D:i. rcJ:to;,'. lcgtlla{'(,d un('"..~n' t'.ho:;e zol')il~l rc'gu].~JkJ, o~s Js Ltl}safe3 or J. nscc,tt](,, or if, ~l}>ar, don<~d~ or is a ~:o]la~e i:O L:hr~ ]')tlblJc, or ir.: ~ot lnaJ.~rl:ainced J.n a~cordance wJ.l:h {:]]~.: section, he ~)~,13. give ~,'ritl:en ))otice to t:l~e perltli, kt.(:e thereof. ] f [.:~c ix:trait:Lc,, fa;].3,: ~'.~, remove, alter ov repair n.i~;n, wJ.t}}~ t.h~r%y (30) duys ~zft:ar such )~otJce, no ~s to the 1)c:rmi.ttee or pearson }laving 'the right to u~e illl(] scml;Jon of Cite proport:y upon wJJic]l the sign in .]_3. Term.in;-~t~on llecn,,i:remc:nt;: for Iqon-¢;o~lforming ,qJ~rns. A, A.I..I. )IO2~-COI'J~OL')ll~II9 t;OPlpO2711~~ sign~, 2:C~-- VOI'~J.D(I or Wh{3Jlillq siclns, wind r:.~qnn, ]',nnnars, porb. al~3.c sj. gnr,, l~O~;ta]:,](~ .i.].lumil~ated signs, and signs displz,y.i)~g f]il~;h:%ng or Jntcrmitt~mt 3ightn s]~a].l bo romovod or to ecru.Corm w.i.i'hln three (3) molJtl~s o[ the date on v~]~i(:h ~hey !.,(,c~,me no]~.-conforn~.il~g. ]%. S.igns in violation of Scction 20 aha, il be rcm~vod within one (3) year from the dato of the.i~; no2%-- conl ormi ky, C, All other no)n-<:onforming signs and advortising strucLuvcs s]mhll bo. fli. scontinugd or mado 'L'o confo)mn within fivo (5) years fi?om the dako of their ]]on-conformity. 14. Co]lfl.i. ck with ,qtal'¢: or 1.'(~deral Rcciul. al:ions. requiromonks of this Ordinance wou]d result in the construction 037 m;tinlJcu~ance of ;ul o%~t:(]oor advoKt;:i, sing sign or st)'uct:ura in rio]al:ion of any exi. stin9 Coun[-y, Stat~-~ or Federal law or regu].ai:ion, thor, sucl~ permit sh,-}ll not be issued. 107 eec u:i on 2.~. !L".:.'I:J;'.''.~i!:.''.l;'.L~.;~_!'.~_.'~.h?.:!,j~.!' 3.. I.);i:,{'~:.ic:.i. /a",'Iw,,';r:, 'J'l~c.,:,,.: di.';t.vict.r~ a',:c~ .i;'~tcnfh::d I.c', ;~l).~.ly '~[,';,'r'~.,';'[:}'"~'),i' :7."l'[i~]o f:;1,x't.'l'y r(:::j~';,~:l~C:~ '.'hj.,c:h con- T,tL.L].(~:I. II.Q Co/h~ ~'m{~ ]*);~\',.". lOW fo)'m 30 t'h~: C¢';,1]:LOF ('.r)t~llL.~/ ' " '' . . (h...,,']]Jl~g 1.uti k il'~t.,".'~I.';J.i'.V. 'J'ho n&t'uJ:,:: c)f tho ]~ol~:~:'~'.5' :J.,-; l~;'~:;J~:;.~l.ly the r:amo Jn n.'l] £cu',r VOv:i;~(:J,.)D ;.~l.]]¢,~tcj %1~ },t~;-:l.r ~' ' ;md ol.)l(.,~ .i)!,v,Ctdj.~)'l.(: n'.'c.d:: o~ nuC:h arr_,al~ ~):e l~orln;ii_ls(:d or ,~.:~1):j.m.C;' iLO 'U,".~,:t'Y. ',.¢:,'l:J¢'~1'.: ;H'~¢'J ,l:'erlHJ. '~1...1,,..I ..... ~.,,',' DC:C(:SF31'.:r,¥ tO )m(..',"'Wx'c: ;~.,/I p.woi'.r:(:'l: 'l:br:ir s.il~U].r~' J:';:,ni].y be:l]) 5.m]CLc:~;',::;;i. %he: com]').vc,.Iiol~:;iv(: plnn of Collie]' ' f,,.,: (;;:l~cr th:::'~ i'l;e A. Po.r]nit:l:(:d P:L"J. nc,;it)a]. Use:: and (2) Pub.l.ic par'l;:.:, public playgrounds, ]'mb'L.ic pl;~yfie.ld:% arid commonly owned open space. B. Porm.i.f.(.od A¢:co:.~sorv Uses and gtruct:urrm. (J.) I rlva't'.u boot }~ou;.:¢::~ ~ncl ¢~)~-~s, w.tt:h or W:[~.hOC~L bo; l: ]~oi:3~'S, Oil canal o:: wnto. rway, .lots, m~t'. i'n.~t,'udJ.~U mo~.-,~ 'tl~an .five (5) feel into l:]m, canal or v:ate~:way; e.'.:cc.]..,t it such canal or waterway has a wJ(Jth of: one ])ul'l(]l'Od (100) f~)C:k- or more, thc doc:I( rllay protru¢ie not leo.r,: fh:,n Lwcn[:y (20) fc~ :into suc]~ canal or water- way, pro\,J¢]ing, ]]o¥:e:ver ~:bat no boat or boat houne is u:;e¢l ~,r.( a l:e.uidonce. (2) Customary accessory unc:s and st:ruotures, :including pti. rate garages. (3) SJ.r.[n:~ as pr~.rmitted in Section 20. (d) A mode]. ]lomo sba].l be'. ' , ' ' p¢.rml.tte¢~ in z-csid[,.nl:ia], zon(:d c'li[;~'.]'ic[; :in co. njunction with t]tc ])romoL~on of a ].e...~¢~¢:nC.~.al dc'v¢:lopmen%. Such model hohtc nbn].l b,': p¢:rmil:tc,.d fo]: a per.iod of two (2) years. A n;od,?l homo J.n a resid¢:r, tJal zoned disC:riot shall be convcrtc:d '~:o a r(:sidence ,~t the end of the two (2) year perioc]. C. ProvJ. sJona] Uses. The fo].]owJ, nc.! unc..q 1.08 (1) ~i.u.imum Iht- nrta rc~qu~romenL: - 43,560 (~.) (3) (,':) ))r:)'~i.h of £ron~; yard - >'iffy (50) fo;ct r:e k).,., :'l;. (1,) l~)~l~ o.r:::i(Ic, y,,.).'o - 'i'h~rty (30) · yard - Fil't4/ ((l) ' Cu;'ner lO'iF, - ¢)n loi:F; wl,ic:h ¢,n mo::c~ t:l',:~t~ oz)c, stvec~t, tim ~ron'b yard :]),a~]..t ))e con-- gide~:'c(} 'Ir)be tl~onc y;~rrls which al)ut 0:) khe si:ret:ts add klm .~.cmr::in:i. ntl y:~):c'J~.; shall, hr, conmLdc)'cxl 1:o ))n r::i.r*ic~ yards. See ~;(.,c~itm 8,2 for accczzory (,~) One r,'Lory - 1,5fi0 nquare fact. (b) TwO Ul:Ory - 1,~I00 nquare feet. (5) lklximum lm~ght ~f ntructt~re: 'H~irky (30) feet, above thc finished g)'ade of the lot. Accenso&'y bui].d:;rqjL, ].i::,ihed to twenty (20) feet, above the fin:i, shcd 5;::;~!c of thc ].c~L. (6) ;,i:inJmu)n off.-st, rcot parking: Sec Sect:ion 10. B. RS"- 2. lJ.'~ 14J. nimum ].et; area requirement - 20,000 (2) ;4inimum loL w.{dth - 120 fact au measured at ti)c) frrmk y/~rrt n~t:bac~k (3) H.inimum yard requireraents: (;t) Depth of front: y;~rd - Forty (40) feet nct:l)u(:):. feet sctback. £(:et set-).,ack, (b) l)epth of sidu yard - Twc:nty (20) (c) l)epth of ::ear yard - Thirty (30) (ri) C'.ornc, J: lots ON ].ets whJcl'J abut mort; t lhqn on(,,',..I...c. at,'v, ' t:he J]rOl)t yard gllal] bc 109 (c) Scm SocL~ on Accc~r.::x,.,'y },Vti.Ld[n'.]:: ].im].i,':d kO %v'cnky (2(I) ff.,r:l., above '(j~} ....;,%.i. nimur:! lot. area rcqu" .... '" '- .L].el,..~,~.- 10,000 (ll;) :f:c:e t. ±cet. (b) !)eptl~ of. side yard - FJ~t,.~en (c) Depth of rear yard - Th:;rC?/ (30) (d) Corn_~r lots - On lots %'h~ch abut on mr)¥~: %ban one ghr,')ek the front yard nhal] ].,a con- s.i. dc~:(~(l t:o bo i:h(>~e yardn v,,hj.c:h abut orl the sl.rcet:s and ti)c: rc'm[:Jning y;,rd~ shall be considel'ed to bc ~:Jde yarRs. (e) .See Section 8.2 for (a) One story - 1,200 aqua):,', (b) Two ::Lory - 1,600 [:quare feet. (5) Mi,~rlmum heiCI]]t of structure: Thirty (30) locH: alcove the fJ. nished gra0e of [:he lot. Accessory building:.J limited ~o %went. y (20) foot above: '[:hc finished grade of thc ].o'L. (6) Hinimum off-street parking: See Sect'ion D. ]~S-4. -(~)"- MJ. llJmum lot area requJ, rcmcmt - 7,500 square (2) rlin:Lmum lot widt.h: (a) Corner ].et:;; -- Sc'vcnty-f~vc (75) f¢:c:t a:; mc, nsurcd at the front yard sctbacl: (b) 3:nt:orior lots - S<:v~.nhy (70) fec, t a:.: n~easurcd at the front .yar(I setback li~,e. (b) )mirth O~ t:J. de yard .. One story, Iscvtzl~ al)d or)e-))(~] I' ('7b) fecl.; two iI('c~ry, tx.,n (10) foci'. (c) I)o)~l.1, of rear y;,J:d - 'J'v~eni'y (20) id) Cor]v~r loI:~ ~ On ].oLs which ,qbu~ ia) See f;oct'JoD [~.2 for nccensory (4) l,i~))Jmum fJoor a)Tc)a of prJ. l,cJ. pal ia) One ~-;to~y- HO0 squ,'~ro .Ct-et:. (b) tPwo ~:t:ory - 1,200 squ;tre fooL. (5) ;4ax:Lmum ho:i. ght of princil,al L:'~ruct:ure: 'J'b.[ri:y (30) feet ~,t)uve tho fJ.n:L~.hc:d tlr;'~clc: of t'),e ].Ok. Accc'I:F:o'r~' ),l:lldSl~(i:.; ].ihl:i.t:ed tO LWel,l:y (20) ('eel: nbove thc I.:inlnht..d Ora(ha of the lot. (6) IlJ.IIJ.lUOI!I 6ff-s~ree~ pa'cl:,ing: See 1].I .: tl,e ).,o] :i.c.i <.:; nncl o/)ject.~vc'~; o E tl',u C(,umprcl~un~;ive l.'lan. for ot. hcz- kl~;,n t.),c follow:lng: (2) S~gns as (~) Non-comm~cJ.al boar. launchinq ~,nd multiple dock:i~g ~acil. itios. C. ProvisJon~l n,.~..,,,.~o and Stru(:kures. The fo3. ] ov:J ng t, se}75fi,q~r q5~%~,~{.~i2~5'~ 66-~'"~b'"~hc provi siena of Secl:ion 14 of th:i.n OrO:lnance as follows: (2) Civic nnd cu].hurnl facilities. (3) 1R~creatiol,a] clubs intended t:o serve the t~u]:zounding re:~idential area. 3. l.~ni;num Lot Area each dwe].]ing ma:Lt. 4. llin~mum T,ot Width. As measured at %be front A. One hundred (100) feet meam~red at the front yardi net:back line. l-:--qT6iS171T-6~'i~{:g'Jk-'~%-r Thirty-five (35) feat. 112 or one-ha]f. (::) t.hc, Ilo J9111: c~ Lho l>uj.'.L,'l'].n~l~ C. D,q)LI~ (~J Jh~ir Yard .- )~'~ .... '.N~'(.;' L~','-~':f~i)'"'?b~'C'-~'fr-~'~-]~al C (~-~) &ho sum of E],~: he; 9l',t :: of tho adjacent si:rtlcl.~trr:r.: ¥;hichc'~,'oJt be X'~ .... ;/f., ~5 -'75'[ ~5,' :;:,:7 ~:'6 ;.'i'E"'J' L ;:" 'E ;i'L;]Y T: :3 F']' .i'.{7~;'T "(; ;,-.'; '~:. Of t:llr.: ],oh. 9, b'liYt.Lh~l".lN { ' ' .... <' O... -',, I.Z ¢.~. ,. Park :; l~cT · /',. /Is I,(~(j'~:I:L'~:CI 'L)'l SecJ:~on ]O O£ thir.; O];d.lnanca, t'bey iil'c %.'C'J.]. served }',y lmb]ic and con~morcJ, al and c:(~].lector sl:roat'.n. It is intended to) utilize this thc: ]>9].[cJ.(~z; Ll]'~c] ol.,ject. J. ven oftlJ~ Comprel~cnnJ.ve with the pz'ov.Lnicm~ a.E the 115-4 P.lstr.i.c[:. (2) l.h~].tJ-Family dwellings in acc:nrc]anco ¥;l.t'.h the provisions oft:he RM-]. ])inbrick. (2) S:igna as pc~rm:i l: tad Jn r;ecf. Lon 20. f c, 1. ]. o',.: i r,~ u ~ c, ~" 5~i~; '1.,7 ;" i" CF,~ a i~Ci{~.;;i' ']Ji'iY~l'L~': C 't: 5-~'h e p ~:o v J. [~ ~ 11.3 114 2, P¢:Z,'q:; tt','(J. 1.1:;(.:!~ ~',t~<'l ,ql'.rur'hure. r;. H¢~ lmj] ding ¢.u.' u,~,.:,.i, o:7 '~.Ind ch; w,:lJ:c:r un('¢l~ ill V:I'}O'Io o1: J. ll f. or other th:m t'.]~c £ol.l(:-,,Jng: '( ':L'I .... b'l~;'£ ~7;;;;-i £-~9-"ii'F.' Jci':';':.;L; !F:'~"ti E6;r;- il'ni'l ........ (2) S:i.(.~)l:j tls p,.,)'lnJtzt:or] ill Sc;cL.:ion 20 rc.q:i, den.t'.'ia] zo:q¢,8 di:;tri.ct: in ccmjuctJon wJt:h fha pro- m:d:ion of a rc.c, iclent:ial dc:ve].opmm'~t. Suc)~ mud(:l horac :.;ho)l ).,e pormit, l:c,.d for n period ¢)f two (2) ync..r'4. A ~aodt:]. home :in ~ residential zoned district .~;hall b~ converted to a residence, at the end of tho two (2) 5,ear peri.od. (4) i~o,~-t:t,,.m,urt;Jul boaL laar, cl,.;.i~9' faci]i!:,i¢-'."., and multipl, e docking facilities, fo1 ] m.:J. nd u.",o, ra-i;','55:'T~:"ql~:~:l-CiT. E b."~q'-¥Cdf".,3'i,36.'L--i~-'~':.Ko provi S i of goof:ion 14 of this O~:dlnoncn. (1) Churc]~es iDcl~lding child care c¢:nter:~ (2) Chi].~'[ care cc, nt(:rn. (3) Educat.{onal facJ. litJ.¢:s e>:c].usi~e of col!egos m~d universities, (4) Civic and cultural facl].itJ, es. (5) Recreational clubs 3. HinJ. mum Off.-St:raat Parl;in~. As per of th.i:; ,-I c r c. 115 I - · ,.' Jl I.])O ,r-;~lll]t-~ )')'):~-(;C] [.])C"'~'C :~J~,t].]. ]3C~. ~Z¢~\'J.¢](~(] L~ .1.1. Hin:i. mnrn A~:ea for ]goch l)~.;r~l.l:inq Unit. 4,500 square A. All ~-.otally ertclosed floors.of the !)rinc.ip~l bui3d:Lngs excr.:l)t tl~e ground level f].(~()r. rOOJJF;t scrccll (')~cJLo::Llrr2s, porches and l>alcol).Lcs silni.lar part,(ms of buS.]d'Lngs shrill not be Jnclufied). B. Pi'trk:Jng structures except thc ground lcvcl floor. C. Acccs~;ory bui].d]ngs except t'.1m ground level fi. eot. D. '2hr~ entire land area of the lo[: on which the princJ.l>al bui].ding J.s located. .12. Inform;~tional l:o. quirement?,. The f.~.linq of the A. f; J.[:e pi.si]. B. 'J'yp:Jc~]l floor plans. C. l::].Cvdl:~OnS (for s].l identical :~[:ructures, one t:ypica], elev~tJ.on s)'l~,ll suff~(:(~). 13.6 3.17 ~n9 J:ltc~ l" ;' ',,~c' '11~'~'L'.' I)~'V'C'~IOI ' . . . : r )l~."-']'LII)'--I~J:-~t):iC[ l.'~zc)loc'l.:Ln:~ l.t~.: ]wd~].jc .i.rrkck~Sl:r SO Lhf, L: B. A more Oc~t;irable environment raay bc accomplir;l~ed thau x:ou]cl b~.~ pOSL:i]31C th)suugh strict applic;~t-ion of tire ,:,.;~,]~,:u;~ rc:q~.i~.'c'~,r:,~tr~ of this zoning o}?(t.iI'~illlco. C. I,a~(i may ))c l:accl ~:oro ~ffic:J.~ntlv, rc.~uli'.i, ng s:]~a~Llor rK, t,...,orkl; of uti.].itic:a nnd [;trueL~ with com.:cquent D. Tho J.n~pact of ~ parkicular planned unit develop- mc.rtl, on t:h(: PYe~::o,'~t ~,~(] projocLod popu].af~ion, ccono;;,y, ]and uric pattern, l.a:: bo:~e, street t;yzteln, i~{,c] pub].Jc facility net:~.;c~rk(::) o.f the County muy be ca~'eful].y evaluai:cc] feint.ire su(~]l dove]olaf:to:lit. E. App].ioatior~ of Planned Unit Develop~:~ent tech- nigiuos I:o a gix, en tract w/Il: (1) permit ].arga scale development (or redevelop- In(mt:) wh:lch features amenil:~.e, and excel].cnce in the form of var~ati~-~s Jn sik.ing, mi:.:od land uses an~/or varicd dwel]..~ng t:yl~cs, as well. as ado. pt:ation to and conservation of tr~pogri~phy aJ~d other natur~l cha~'actcrist, ics of the land involved; (2) cncnurage ha~oJ~ious davolopmon~ o~ tha site and the surround:lng areas, community facilit.les, and patterns o;[ vehicular and pedestrian circulation. 2. Plnnnr:t] t.lnit: Devo.].ol~m¢:nt: Defined. A p].anned unit dovoYF~;F,',;~%'C"T~"i,~/~Z,]3~;'~'i~'~'~5 as a contiguous track land not lo/.;s than five (5) acres .i,l'l SiZe In]dar unified ].18 ;.i'~'l~'( ).,~"O'~,'j::.i:',,', W]'l.i..~:l'l i¢ .I/lOW :.:ilLi].] ~]'~)).I.~' (.J¢:~lrg.~r~'tJ.:l ? t() C())l)~.I { (~.~ ]',(VI V/C(~ll ~']1('[1(" ,.1' , ," ', ,,c.c~.c]. PUD prov.lsJons and (ic]~c:ral ~.:p(..c.ial rc:qu.,.,,t...on., sh~,ll apply. The eLar~d;.irds afl couaa:Lr~cd horc:jl~ ,lnd L]'~o P[}I) 9~1i~,:-: and ~l:andarda ncloptcd an para of t)~c.'~;O rorttll;'~t.'}C~;')S. . si)al.1. ;tppJ. y. t:r~ tho crei:l..i, on of PUD l)j.~t.z.m'call a)~,.] {.;~ t'i,u J~'u;ll~co of bu.iJdi~g permits and certificates of oc(.Iq,.tncy .i.:, ,' . ,,tic,] districts. 4. p 3 ,';n;~,'.d Unit Whcrc~ ])(u'm;,;.l.~;,'l: PUll D].atrlot~; tl]lO Of%:iC.iO]. ZOI~.tIqT At]as wl]crc (:l'aetn of .land suii:oblo in locat.:;o~l, oxtcy~l., add character for tho strtlctt~rc~ and uses proposed are to be p]~,m~ed dnd dCve].opo~[* according to the proccdurcS and requirements heroin net out. mc:nfs add 1,J.l.,Jl:a~]~s: 'file following'gc, tu.'ral r[:quir~'mmnl:s and Yf~T.{~;~i~ii~i"~J]~Y'5.~'~gly in Pul)dis~:rictn approved under the tort, w% alit] provi::ions uf Lhen~ regul, ntJonr;: A, t,niflod Ccn',krol: All land iucJuded for purpose of dcvo]opmen]~'"~$'jT[31[~[["L-'[;UJi-distzict shall be ownccl or under.' the col~tro], o~ tile ~q)l.~].icant: foF such zonJ. ng designation, wlicthe.r thaL appl. Jcant: be an Jnd.i. vidual, partnersh:[t), or corpo]Sakio]~, or a group of JndJ.vJdtla].st partnership:], or corporal:ions. The ap]~licall: filial. 1 preso;~t, iii'ill evidence of the u.u.il'j.(K~ control of the entire area within ~he propo~;od PUD district and sha].l si;ate agreement that, if he proceeds with the pruposcd deveJ, op:,e~t, he will: 1.1.9 O.L' maJlli;aincd at.: genc.~';,.1 public e>lpcq3~c:; (3) l).~nd h:Lr~ succm, sors Jn tit:le to any cornmj, t- ~:~(.mt:n mnde u;,(lc): (3) ;~n,l (2) prcmac,,3:Lng, ]~,. J,~,~:l'er ]'!;~n: Any app:ljcaticm for rc~>:c)ning (3) A ~t~' dcvelopm:mt r)Ja]~, r3,:awn to nc:a].e, which ::}~a33 Jnd.icat:,:: (al the tit3.e of the project and riamt~ of dove.1 oper; (b) nc:ale, da[.(~t north arrow, ann general ].oca[:.icm r,;op ~:hc,w.]~}g re]a~'.ionnhil*, of the lTite to suc}~ fac:il.ii.iota ~n hig}'~w~',ys, shoppJn9 il.rOilS, c~ltural comr.,lc~a~,, (c) boundaries of the ~;ubjcct property, all e..~.., ting skreet~.~, ].)uJ. ldl. ngs, wake~cuurses, (~asemonts, ~;ectiop lintel;, al~d olh~.>r imj~orkont physic~ll fcaturcs wJ. thJ. I, and adjoin- ing tlw~ propn:;cd project; (d) [:he proI)ose~ uso of all land wi~.h.in the l')roj,;.c:t, bounda~J, cs, incllld;Lng [:lie loc~it.ioll.and function of areas propo~.:ed to be dedicaLed or rcscrved for community and/ or pub].i.c uso; (al the approximate lgcation of all proposed structures, open space, landcaping, and o~f-straet parking and off-street loading area~:; (fl Lbe ].ocat:ion and size (as appropriate) o~ a3.] exist:i-.'I.,.~ and rr'r~'~n~"d--... (Tva~r)aget water, se~er, and other utili'cy provJn.ior, s; and ' (gl tho local:ion and naturc of ail other ex~sting public faci]itJ, es, such as schools, parks, fire stations, and the like; (h) information about e>:is[:ing vegetative cover and soil conditJ, onn in sufficient detail to indicate suitability, for proposcd structures and uses: (il a plan for pcdest~'ian nnd vehj. cula~r circulation showing tho general locations, widths, and 120 (n) ;~ sl,riL:clne:nl. '[ndical:[n0 how i~Dd v;hy the ]'u'o],m~4('<l )u:oj~(:{' (:cm~p]']r:~; wit]) ))];tnnil)g nl')d devolo}~mf:n(: objc~c:~.~v(,s (l)) a ge)~e.rn] r.h'mc):ipt'ion o~ the (7r) tel:al acz'eaqe 5~n,,oJ. vc.d in the in:oj c,t~ l:, (JZ[)' tl~e nn,r, bar o~7 ac:rcs devoted to l:be 1' I ~',n l:ogc'['.ho:,: w:; [ l~ til~, ]'c'spec ti. ye ).~r:rcentage of total proj ncrooU{~ rrzl.)rt'~;enL'cd ].,y each cnl'.o(lory of ut;e, u]~J.t.~; .invo3. vcd and 'Lhc corresponding c,vo.r.',~ll project density J.n (]~,,c~].]Jf)g un~.i.r; per 9ro~:s acre, (~V) thc mjnumum design ~tandardn re- nJ.;:c, i})t~.~n.'~l r;troetn nr, d )'>odestrinn ways, open si,ace i"."o- visions, offstl-'c'et parkJ.)}g, ~J. fll3~;, and landscnp.[ng, and (V) dwel].ing unit dcnsitics for each rrmiclpnt;J.a 1 cxm~poncint. (c) a proposed schrzdule of development which .qdenEJ. fi,~s 'tllc~ antici}w~tcd project and <:omponan~; stare and ,~rvn,alr.{-,4~, (1~:~'~:t ,.~.-,~r.. O~ ~ .~ .,'A,'-'-~. ~ .... ............... G(. ,',..L,t ...... 'l~t ;illd ].ocatJon of com,n~n open space to bo I>rovided at or by each stage; nr)d (d) a staLelnnnt al~d/or m~p indioating which strokers or rob:ds (and pcdcstriar, %;ays as al.)proprJ, at(~) arc proposed for public Wonr~rnhJmD ~lI](] Inaink(}t)anco, and whether npl,rov~m3 .1~: s;ong'.)t ar: part of tho /daster Plnn for pvivat:e roads, J.f any wihh~,n the commu)~j.l:y. (4) As d<:tcrmined by the DJ. rectort Schcmatic archiLec'hnral drawing~ {floor plans, elevations, perspectives) of all p~:opon{'d nt~n]ctu~;er: and improvements, except sing].e fam/Jy residences and related accessory bui]dJng as approprJate~ (5) ~.g~:cc.ments, provisions, or covenants which gow~rn the use, mainLcr}once, ~nd continued protec{:j, on of the ))].al'med u)lJt devr2].opmcu~t and any of its COhnnon areas or faci- ].iti(~s. 1.2,1. c'h~'.jgn or ),];:l~;~Jnfl ]'>rc',ce::i~: cdl~c;:h.'i.on mn(l c. rpc, L'.i~'~,(tc tu qual'J.~y ~Or ~u].l hnCn:l.~ot'~l~JI~ (b) a 3;',~3:.:cu.J~e ;~t.'ob~t.c'c:t who (l) n p,:ac't.ic.{ng civil ];;c~.nsc. d by the Stair: of I,'lorJd~,, or (lJ') a pract.{.cJng architect liccnucd Ally cC:;IPnO:~ c,T,:~l ::1":~C;C' cs.' conlmor~ f~ciJ:it:.[e:': enLaI)lj~;i)ed (:nl'~'~bl.i~:h ~,;'; orO~nJ.z,~tion for 'hlle owners1)J.p and of ;.~S' cox,~,,o~, ope;; s.;l:.r~ce end/or com,r:on f~:r'i].J.'h.i~;, %..,;;.:~c.,, ,:~:c,>l,',. to ;;n c':r~c'.nizat~,',~ cc, uceivcd and ostab].ished to o?D ,n,,rl m;,'in1:nj.n tim c'OlnmOn open space or comm~Jn facilitJ('s. ]]o%,)o~er, tb(~ conditlor~s of transfer shall conform to adopted Mnutc, r Plnn. (b) I~] f.]')e event thnt the organ:Jza~:J, on after i:l,e est~blis]]lncnt of thc, p]aDned unit dc~ve].oj~m,.'nt fail Lo mu.i.J~L,,J.J~ thc c,:m:;~u;~ ujJ~::n ~;;,huc c,.~ cu.ua~,J~ .:,:,~:Jllt. it~i, rc:,l~:O~h'~],<Lo (~1'(l(~1; [~1'16[ (:c~ndit~or~ .i.h mccorc'lanca wii:h t:l)a adopt:ed /.:a~;t~.~: P.lnr, of deve]oT:ment, the I)irect:or may r:~,rvc ~..,ritten DotJc. e u])~:) such orgonizntion and/or the o~-;ncrs or residents of t]]e planned unit dcve].opm~uit and ]~old ~, public bearing. If def~c{nneJ.cs of maintenance a~o not. corrected within thirty (30) (];~ys afl:e~ S[lch notice and hearing, the biructor sb~,ll call upon any public or private agency to maintain the common open ul)ace f(?r a period of one ye0r. l~]]on t],e Director del:er,nines that ~:he subject organization is not prepared or able to mai. stain the common open ~:pace or costa)on f~cilitJ, os, such pubJJc o~; priw~te agency ~:hall continue maintenance for yearly periods. (c) The cost of such mnJ. nt~mana(~ by agency sha].] bc assessed proportJ, o:~ally against the properties wi. thin the pi. armed unit d(:vclo]:,mi~nt th0t have a rJg]'lt of onjoy;',',cnL ~)f. the common open space or common facilities and ]22 jl~'['.,,~(lr:('( }~J/;J.L:;~t';;)..~ J:c~~ }TOt~;i(]Cl'll:j.;.~]. tl~;e~; /~)1(] ])~ ]~O~;C'~; C:Onl;t.~l~Jl~q C[):nm(::rcJ.~i). rt.H:aJ]. ('))' nF, rv.[ce /t{:~:JvJ. LJe~; j,r~.,'.,: ,Ii ),'; I h,-, )'~'vi e',; of a]2l)].~ c:a I:.[0]'::,: fO)' ];(:ZOI~.~'~ I:o PUl); t.i.c)n n. A. l..oc;~tJcm. PDD dis-kz'icts shal), be so ]oeat(:d as ]'CU;j.t]C]I~LJ;J]. tlSC~:; nha]l be five .(5) C. (2]~a]-nc:i.=,r o~ the ~;.;.to. Any )~ropone(] PUD ':;hn:l..t }.)c s:Ul 'k;[l?i}="f'C~'"'~i'&;~6']-/~.~{[~q';]~-'j n tho )nnnner proposed witl)oul: undue ]l;,~;~arc]z: to pe]yson:; or prol)cu:ty, on or off thc trac(:, fro;a ]~rc)l',o}.,J. lity of flooding, w.i. nd or wnkor eronion, md.~u.i.clc'l~CC: o~: :;!.ip;.)jng of the soil, or subsiclenc:(~ of bui)d- Jn~1:: or 0t'.1:c)1: ~:;'[:~'uCt:ur(:~t~ or facj. litieg. Condition of soil, ,qlq)ro})}':;.:~l:~-' to b~t)) ):Jnd and part:em of use or uric:s; inter, deal. 'J'l~e nit:e niJt,]] aJsc) cc)ntail~ ntlffjc:i, ont ;.:idt]~ ond depth to D. Llso~: P¢,rmittn~. The folJowing uses sl~all bo permittc<:~ in ]Zt]tS~37~it:5~L:c:-~?~.~l)c"n l:]~eS' are sht)wn orJ the Plan o:F dcv~)l(q')mo))l: udopted b:/ the Boa~-d for such d'i.t;tl'.icl:n: (1) D;,Ye].lings of any variety or combination of types. (2) Acc(->ssory bu:[]dings and accessory uses. (3) Common public nnd private open ~;paces. (4) PnrJ;s, playgrounds, com)nunity ccnter, or OtlJe]: rOCl:()/]t'.:iOl~ O3: ~;OCi~J]. f~ICJ, l. J ty OWl]o(] a2](] operated by ~L ]~on-pro.fj.t o:t:g&~nJ, zatJ c;n. (5) ]~c~c)'co'L:Lolla] facilities such nn m.:.immi])g, t(u~nis, and cot]nt~:y clubs. 123 (.lO) ];J~ 0 ].'t)D O~ :Fj;l~l:y (50) O.C)'O.~ o:,~;r,ro itl ponfmt or g~'cmD of cc']~]]'~ot~cnts s}l,tt].l no~ r)>:cooc] t)~c~ n~n:<imum dr)~s.i. Ly pcr]%~.L[cd :i.:} 'Lhe zone distrJ, ct the use most closely (2) 'J'be ]?].npnJng Ccm:nJssjon ,;nay rcc()mmend dov.{;~t~.on~; (3n dcns;i.ty or e>:tent of devo]c'~f.',mcnt %.:lmu it has (a) CroaL'o inconvenient or unsLtfe access I'o thc PIN'3; 037 (b) Create ~:raffic congestJ, on in the (c) Plocc a burden on parks, recroationol . , ].l,.~.e., which serve or o.t'c;:r;, :.:cboc~]s oncl o~:h~r pub].'Lc fltci '"" a];o ].>r(>posc:d to sol'vc~ tho PUD~ (d) lie Jn conf]icb %cJ.th the genoral inton~ and ]~rovJ.$;J.o)~s c)f tho ComprehonsJ.ve Plan; (o) Crci~te n thrca~ to properEy or ~ncur zlbnorntal ])ublJc e);l)er:~:o J.n areas subjec:'t I:o ~atural hazl]rds. (3) Thc ovornll dc;miry of a PUD sbc]l] be cnlctJ].~t:ed by (]:;vJd;Lng the nunlber of dwelli]lg unit;; by the 124 ~'I,;:1 l dY',:: ]. ] j. rmr.) tm~:it not (2) 'J'l~c mim~mm'~[~]~-,'" ";.or,~ bd:t%.,c(,n the bu:ild.ing ~nd thn ])ropcrl:y. ]..~]~e shu:L1 be onc:--]~a/f (];) tho ]eJgbL of '[:he bt/.i.]djng, bul: in no c,,e';c: slli~]], tl-,o C]:[G'['./lllC:O )~(~ ions t]1~111 twenty (20) fact. .......... . "' .LO,JCl lrlg rcouJ~'(.),~,~)~[; sh[,.l) ],c ;~ Cc r conlj?ar;]i)].e us('s F:et out in Soctiou on or w.lt:Jdn nny )'mbl..i.c o)7 pri',.,ate road or travc].way F;hal]. be cc)unt'c~4 in J.'u]..f'J]]..[ng t:hr.~ ~:(2qt,j_rer't ]~ttlnbor of spaces. I,~ncl- scapi~)g io]: vehJ. cu3.ar areas shall be as set out in SccLion 19 of this zoning ordinance. r;l~aCC~. O))c~)) ¥.'~:LC']: ;,)'~1 }30yOnd tho ]~e~]:j.lll(~(]~ C)f t]iO I;J. Lo 3.25 RECORDER'8 N[E~O~' l.~ltbillty Typing ol"~ Pdnllnlt (2) Fences, wal].s, or vegetat:ivc screeching at edges o:C l'tl~) (]i.r;l:~-.icts sha)l ))O T)tovJ.ded where needed t:o pro(:c, cl: rc~nJ.(;,.u~'l:s from m~d=~slrab].c views, lighti]~g, ]~oise or ot]icr ;.~dvc, r~:c. off-site .~]f].uel~ces, or to proLc:ct residents of ;:(l~o.~]~Jm~ c:jr:t'r.~:t:~: from ~.~mil~r Dos:;ible inf].ucnces from fJ.r:;t--flor~r zcr;Jd(mLJ, al oc(:up~:it windo',.; ]ov(-:ls, ]ii p~rt~c~].ar off-struu~ ]:,~];).::;ng arc:a:] for f.'ivo or tnnr(~ c,q.~:s, scrv;Lce areas fcn~ lo.'ldJng or unloa~]j.i]g vohic].os other thai) ))assengcrs, add areas for stor~,ge and cai. icc%ion o:f' trash ancl garbage shall Oovo~o]..)~c:hl: ]~l;~)J i:or a [)l}J) (]~sJ:]:.~.Ct Fha].l In'OVJ. r{~ for safe, effici(,nt, co;iv~nicnt, ~n(] harmonJ, ous g].'oT,pir~gn of structTtrcs, uso~: ~ml facilJ.[:ios, and for a])pr]')~J.;it:e relation of inside nnd oul~s.~dc~ bui]dJ]~gn to i]~to)~c'led uses and strutural (1) SLreets, ,]vivc~.:, nnd p~rkJ, ng and areas sh;~31 p.~rovJ.({e ~]afo ~nd convcmJ, cnt access to dwc:lling ~JJ%:J.I:L: ~ud.]',rojccL: fa(:J, lJ.t:.~ es ,. and for service s~]d ].26 'l [~l i l'i.(:j,".-' .it .iF: l)',tt.::',.Clt::~ CI::tL ;.:iCh'[ri Lb:: ~'c ;,~,)'l-.i o:~:; ~':-]"-~'-~'~J~{' D.L::trict, ,'all uti3.] ~.i¢,~, i>:cl~ldj rig tel. c, pl~oue, {'.'?.".'~:".''U!: C::],'I',2, ::,~]:~. c.lcct:r.~c, al s:)':;hc..~u:.; uh,:.]l ].,u 5. n:;L::~].~Lr:d urJClurg~:o,~l~d; lcro',,~cl(.,d, jloY:c:ver, ~lppktl't(~l'LallCC:l l:O thC:SO (l¢:\'elOl,::~'J~'l. or ]](:c¢::::;~r), 'Lo scl'viCe ;]~:eas outsj.(Ic: thc district )nay ):,c c;:c,.:nlJtc~d f.,:cnn ~hJ.s recluJrc:m¢~it~. t. ltu fuJ. lt,~,i;~g spcc~:[~3, prate(lures: A. Pre;,l.?~)JJc;itJ.oh Col~fol:ei%c,3: Pti. al: to ~:Ub;ih[Lhi}~g n~d off:i.r~J.;~l:; invo3Y<:d J.l] t.]~(~ J;evic~c ;lnr] processing of ~uclt ;]plTlJ. cations and ]-ol;~l:c:d m~t.crJ, al.s. ti'lie app3.ic;~nt is fu~:tl~r uncouraged to sul~mit a t~ntL~txivc l~nd usc) skutch plan for reviuw' ;~t. th~ ct:m])[cucncc, ;~;3cl to obh;~in inEorn];~kion on any projected St;ilto 3;cr]~:i. rr~::e])tr:, o]: aLl,er m;~ttcrs their ;~]ay ~ffect the col]ff~l:ctllco should *.~tldlcss, ])tlJ: ~O[ be linli~ed to, such mcxtl.ers 127 ]~"~,i''C~. ~111'~ ~;~i 1',~1~1~r'~'~1~,! I1~:~;~I~ ~IV'I I'.~~ ~'l~l'(,'nl, Cf l.l~t: J:Jl(.' ('JUV(][J (Ii ~;ilr~ll J'. · (3) ti'h,', n;~Luce/ d~.,L:.{gn~ ,:~m'l ,:U~,r(~F~rJ;,[ (b) 'J'~:' ab:~]J~y o.f' ~hc.~ r~ubje~ l',~:(H~c:cl'y and ],)t-;;[:.: vc'qL;Jvc,c': t:l~rL:~:' f;~c;:[O~[ (,l) 7~ny ;~dflitJ. on~ informr:t. Jon an m,'v~, ]..,a Lime (~ ai',y 1)ul~lj.(: ]loreil~, SJhl]l bo ~ubmit. t:/:(] ko th~ D.ireef. or ;z~ ],(:/:~l: Len (10) wc:'cl:s ;i.n advanc(~ of the rcr.tuir~d l~ub.l~.c }l,2,qL'Jng before tho Pla;ming Co,,:m.i.:,:;ion on :.;uc]~ ;l]~;~3. i.c:,nt:i.~n. ]'roh~'l~'.~ng con- fo)'c:;',c(~: r,~:,)' b(, bc~Jl(t ])nl.t;~:(m the api~].ic~nt and/of County. 'j'ilm ]',Url)O~:e of [.mc'.h ])ze]~earJ. ng c, ou Cerc:~?c~: sbct].l be t]inSc or o[:},er o])plJcable re(julaLionn, and/or to spccifJ, ca]]y nny jus~:~,f~a]:,le v~:ri;ttt, ion[: fi'alit the ;,pp].J. caticm of r:uc]~ rr:gt;la'h:i.(m~:. :Cf such confc'renccr~ be ha]d, recommendat:ions for c])ange :[n tho app]J.c:atJon, Z-la::;i:er of devc3opmant, or required stat:emcnt:4 ~;]~aJ.]. bo not do¥;n in writing, and shall )~c:comc part of tho pt~blJ, c rcno];('J in the casa. All ~:uc]', rcccmmcnd~hio]~s shall be ;;up]?orfcd ]~y wrJtt, cn, sl:aEcd roaso~s for tlu~ l:,]:oposnG c]~ar~c]c:. The ,~p~,):ic:;:u[: si,all, writJ],g tile rea~:ons therefore. AIl such rosl~oDL:(~s~ by thc: al3}~]..[C41Jit r:hal], b(~ iDc].uded il% tho record of the case. ct.il ic{~,~ (',J' ~;lll 1~ ;:~:',' [:;r.:'l'~' ]'<);Irrt :q1~1] ] L1~~ hh~(]C' ,i )1 ,,,l.r.[ 'J; ;i notic(' :~hu:t.:~ ~', , ~(i'gT,/; '~,; ~"]' '~{~'~ F.'7.~' 'J]~',';?[ ];,:]"'[~ ',] L;','.~ cn:(~ thc: ]'].;~n';.n'.l C(;;a:,.;::~,J('~l ~, [')~c~ ~,pplj.~:aLi~m [.L)~F ]:~;'.(~lJ]'~l to PUD. (1) T])(, ~;~;t~ti.~:i].J. Ly c'~ tbc~ ~rc..a for l.l~o typ~ ~ ):;i.l.J jc ill)(] DCL'~),[J~ (]~',~)h,~J~ ~ ~,'.~',~,:~. ~ ~,,,~..'~ ~ . - .int;'.[~ .,~:n~.:,' or for ;~u~cnc]mcu'~ts in tho:.;e pxcq~c)~;cO, par[:J.c:u.l, ariy rain::,'] ;iL ],u])].J(: O:,:]~O. nSO .... ' ('.yp~ [.b;~]]. be m.:Jd(~ 0]'~])/ ~[l'er Conn~l]ti~tJ.(~n with ~]~c County t, J' t~.~]- ~ ,t,V. (lcvcJc, im~<:]~[ v)it'h thc (l~:t].s ant] objoctJ, v~:r; Of the (4) Conformity w.i. tli PUD rcuu]atJons, or (l(~sj~,q]~](, mo:l.i, fJ(:;mtini~ of m~ch ].(=~gu].atiohs jn tho ].)artJ. cular caL:C, b~,f]od on d~.,tormi~ahJon that such n~o~llf.ications are jushif.~c.d as n'~c:cd:iDg ])ub]Jc pul:poses ]:o n degree at least equiv/,].c:nl: t:o l~:er[,1 spplJca~J, on of such rogulntions. G. ~}j.O_n_j3y_JjRfl!(!: Unless t:he apD].Jcat:Lon wJ. Lhdrav/~ by th(~ app:lica]~h, the ]]o~,rO shall., upon receipt of thc P].n~r~Jr~!] Cc~m,.uJ:.;r;ion roco1~mondglhJ, or~, advert::Lse z~)~d hold pu]~]..ic he~,rin9 on hhe iipplication. The nohice and [;]]~13.]. ],C' Olq (2]1C~ /,].~]'~]jC:~tgj. O)'~ [lFJd l~;:~;(:.er Plan of )30;,]:'('1 [;]lrl]l c~J('J')g~ gj'a)~l', the ]'.,]:~]~os()('t re:zoning to PUD; deny 129 ]fi. (]]~a~:q,'~s h,~"; l',v. lrndh,,cn'|~. The Board upon recom-- .~,mnd,TMt.i.~r,-]~='l~~ ']~]'~5~:7~]~'-~%;{{~%~3Ssic)~,, may approve minor chnngc~[; ;iU Lhe )c:c:al:ic,n, n3. tJ.n9 Or )),2.tglJt of IDt~J].dJ. ngs, st:)'ucturr..:;, and ~h~prOV~)i~:l]5 ~uthor.~.zc-x3 by the ndo}~ted Plan of (JcVc]C)l.)~nc~hL fo~' a (]cs.~gnate~ PJ~}.)district, proviclc~t 7~. /2')CrC~;;SC~ ~.1~(~ C:tl])() Of ;iny b'di].c]ill~1; the of st]:tlcJ:uvc~H; t.])c: ]ltU~]3o); of dwelling t~nits; c)r r]cnnities ]). Cl',c~go ~)~), per;i.mctcr bcmndary of thc pl~iDncd Ll~t (ICrc:lop;hr,nj:. C. l~0;~)';¢;',11(~0 ~ll'ly lot, ])loc]f, bLIJ. lc]J.]l~l t]:~C(:, Of COnlHIO]~ C,:)(.'I~ n?;ICO or co1~1~1o]] facility as sl~ow;~ on the adop[:ed l,;aS t:(~r ]'lan. l'].;]n; E. Change locmt:.ion or azaou;~ts of lan:] devoi:cd to specif.~.cd l~,nd une~: on the ~ldo]'~l:ed t4ast(.r F. C:han~e the .{n~;ci]t of tile ].~ostcr Plzln of develop- mo]it ~)~; ;~do]~(:ed ]~)~ ,the l~onrr]. 130 2. P!::!:!.t:;.Lt,:.q U~.:'.; ;:nfl ,qt'v~t~'Lurr','-:. 1,'o bu:tl(!ir, q :;t:~'~,c; ~; utc:, m' ~,c.~ ~:~'. 'I:hc~',"c .:~':i..-;- 'i~i";W ',.'.i.'~f:,Z,'"~7~ ~,~.: t.,..,~;, ~t'l :' O~: ~::~,':(l t O~: ].,1~1'..~ ¢~3.' ~;',]'~tC.'].' tL%'(2t~ t i)'t ~';]IF)?,.C~ 0): :ill A. ],s¢~..l?lq.i ],'.l,c'/I I"J'j.]'IC:J.T).Zt."l. IJ::r,S ';,),.l (.~[-~ 14uJ 't:n.-f',"n:w~ J.y ,'.,v.,c..,J.]..%ng'~, · (2) IiOt¢:l:;r m.'ct¢:].~:, ,~pa:,~.~f.~r.:~L: hOtc'ln. ~nO multj.])].e d,Dc]t.~ng fzz(:;i] ( .'] ) ]~(:(:'l:O;~ t.i.onal c::l ubs intel)dod (:o serve: . ('Ilo ;;U)'I'OHI~¢]J.]%.q ro:;,i <'l('.nt:i;~.]. a:r'r.:Ft. (/]) ,q]~O]):;, ])Or'sOl, iiI. ,qt-')"Vir~¢: eat';.n9 o'2 drJ. r)):ing ¢::;L:i,bli:;l:me):lir, d/;llcJrqi and ent'¢..:,;L/~J.r,m¢,.]ll: F.;)c;].~t'.:.r,:.:, m~ctim3 rooms ~All('] botol, hotc. l or motol * .' ,gcc:t:.lc, n:~ 8.]2 (IT)(] 18 of. this ()rCli;~ance. C. l'c~]:m]t:f, cc] Provisio;']:~]. 13s<::.; ar~<t f;t:Ft]cl:urtes. ]?rovJ. F;j.OI]S Of ,q¢;c:tJo1] 3.4 aS fn'lloun: (1) Cl~u~ches and ol:h¢,~: p]~]cc:s of (2) (3) Fr;itc:rnal nDd social clubs, subject t:o thc p~:ovj, sjon:; o£ Suc['.J.¢)n 8.12 of this Orr]J.na:~ce. 3 Ma::J mum D(;~.'.:i ;.'-5' P¢,rm~ 4'mt'ed. arid motel unigr,: and 'al~,qrl:ment hol'els whJ. c:h do not cookJl~f fltO:L].it:JC:S j.~ t)~O ctwelJing units $,;hall be ~hirty (3D) dwelling uni. ts ],(n: gl:o~s acre. 3.3]. '1. ),iir~.i!mnu l.'](,r,:,' r.n-c:a fo.n' 3"r~eh r~w~llq~q Un:it. :Lng ur~i'L.~< wit-.h <:oo3:i.nS{ facJ 3 itie:; - I"J. vc~ ~ac;i.15l'i('.r.;.-. '.l'}~';,:o )mi'mdb'ut1 (300) square g~-;:d(:. Seventy-five (75) fcc:l: al,ox, e ]0. H.i n5mn:n be ),:,:ov.~(~';i-':~'Ob-"<'~)--~¥i~T~gT-iS~'6'~"~fa~&q.x:,d ~rc,:, for ecwd~ r;quc,re ~ool; of ofl'-~;/:reet pmr];:i.ng area which may j nC].U('lO ally Ordi. n;-~,~uc. '.rim prenerw, eion of existing nntJ.ve v~gnt, ation is poi'mitt,ed ~,,hen nuc:h use is not in conf:tict: with Chapter 13 oF ;he Col].~cr Cour)J:y Cod¢~ of Laws and Or0inancc:. ]?.. L:i~:';.t.nticm em g.ig]~s. AS required in ,qec{:ior~ 20. of th is o3TJ',lF,"i',~%L- ............ 132 ,qt'('.{:5o:: 26, C¢" (';r~),F CO1]R~4]'; D.I., Jla. CI ()~- ;;i..:~. nc;,.'.L,'J.~, (>.~:' I~;~):L'. 'bh(:.;~'('¢)J:~. :tidal ] I:,e o:r¢'Ot:o,.'l, JCo)." (.'~L-i:c:.u ; )'l~J)) Il;c! .[o] l{~t.,'i.r~(.1: ~. ]_ '..~: ~: ?.' '[. '~j [ ,.~ '.,? l._~' L7 .:JLc :_;.' (;o.'L f P~,:,',,~:;~ 'l',..(1 /':c?o.:::~r)~'~, U:~,?:, ;j~,cl (.I.) L:.lub)..")~:,L:.q~ ))]'¢)--:;JlO;)~ ))l';ic:J:l(;(: )';:r,(./c.' ~,l'~cJ r.}L]~(.':l.' C~::",:(m~L:'v.'.,, ,:lOCC;:;SO.r'V !l:j[,:4 of gO]J' (:("~!)':.~t'L:, (.1)' C)!]!('" '2''':'";."I ;}.C,IY)C;J. (.'d) .qb;.:.;.1 J. ¢'c,.'rl,~l(!~'¢:.i.;.t]. C'..qL'.L;~i)) J r:l'uPr:it'k:'; , coc:kta:i'l ]ol,r:,.j(,.;, ;:~l,:[ :';:i.),li],q:c 'usc':;/ :LT~tom'~c.:¢'l '{:(~ :;er\,('. j;;.,L~.o:l~, c,:~ ti,c gO.]:F. (:our:Jo or or'hot j')~]'l.]JL'J..~:o('1 (3) /:Imi::L]c).~oard c:ou):'i':;~ ten,J:, cc, urir;~ (4) $:;.qn.n a~ p'.~.rmitL:c.d i)l ~neC:i.on 20 of I:)i:[L; 3. P).,'t,: A~r,~:co\,,~l R~ClU:i.ri,m,,ntn, Pllms for L))C' Wmi. l'h I:hc: a)'q~rovc,d p);)rm :md ~;l~C:C::LfJca~J. tm. 'J'be ]lW~l)nc:), tlr; i~ nubai.vir;ic',n plat. (2) l)u:L]d:i, ng~ uha].l bo ::al'):,ac:k a m:[n:tmum o~ fJ.,[[:y (50) fno~ from abutt:ir:g resJcl(:;)tJ, al d.i.~tr~cl:n L]d(:), ~]?C:i'l f;h~l].]. })~) ;~pproi~r:lr)('c~~ (3) I,';gbt:Jn9 faailit:ten shal3, be J,n a manner whic:]~ ~,,i. l l protec:t roadways: ;:nd ]33:Opf:3Y[.J.~3 ~')'O)ll /]J,):(}Ci: glaro or o(:her Jni:el'fc>rc, l~ce. 3.33 :;1:x'u,': J:u)'c~""~z i':: .;: '~Z" Eii',.:.i~"['};'L:;'-' .'_{J;?;':J.~'J." '~,/.,' }J'rc, c I:or~, al 0~; 1,::,'~], !;~¢i r'~- ~';,L('~ u;.:,:,J.~ ;in wJJo).r.~ o~ {r~ p,'~;~.'..f.'O;~' oL),;,) tl',:',n 'ki~c' 'J'v:O'-Jr';.:'mJ.] y );(:f:j C'Jf,V~¢IC . l.!u).i::Li:,J c f'~:n:i.,l.y )'c::cLdcnc,.', l',rov:',.(';:~ ~:~J.',:: :..):u'L.'L co)~.;'ol:m 1-4) ttt~r., )~:ttov.Ll;Jr)rts of! t:}~: PJ'l-2 (5) Ch~?;c]'lo:~ ,'il'if] othel' p,laco:: o~ v:ors,hJ]), Civic and cul(m).~.',], facilitie:~. (7) 'T~:a~].'.;Jcl)t lodging facJ. litJ. c:.,~. c ]. rib ,';. (2) Priwit:o bo;~l: launching facilJt:i, as ond mu].t~l'~3e doct]tJ.U.~l aycas, Jl%clud,i. ng 'Lho~o uses for cl~arltor ]3UF:Jl~.:::~ Or ))~11;~'~' ).)o;1Lts, w]'~Cn operated by ~)]c~ residents hud ~:~ructu~.e~ for fishing equi)?ment, when used by t'l~o re::idcnL~l of th,') p~'inc:Lpal use, (4) Boat y(Iv(l and Way when used ~y the (5) Sign~ r:ubjeut to tl,e provisions oE C. ProvJs:ionn3 llr:(:s and ~;t-ruct.uvos. q']lo following m ]..~5 []. '.l ' v,' k) -- 'J: ; l l h i 'l '.¢ J'~t.,.qJ(i,'~lr:c'- G,O0('l :;,q,4;lJrc' 4. ).~.in'im,.'4'q T,c',L WJdi'h. /'.. ,"; i: : L:;;, (((,) i(;c't, m:- r,',onm~rr'd y,~', ,': :*c,I ,:,,.:1:] '1 n(,. )~,, ;;r,).,;.:lC. ),(.,m:.r.~ -- :l.J;.;t.y (6(1) fc':~:'h 5 ].l~;:;m~n',l ;I,ot' Covernq¢.. ~'ift.y (50) l)crccti,'t. feet. X'. l ~rTi~ [} i' 'J£"-'~."']7c):;i'l'.--~? iT.'D '",'T,.; t: b:: ek .. B. D~):,Lll of ,,.l,..u .,,.o c,. S,.'.,.,'~ac ;.. C. l),,])th o~ ](:;ar Ynrd ;;utback.- ~,m;,ty (20) Five t,;~ fce~- T~ :~'.]1L ~,, (20) ]1. /lu:m. ti-dwc:l].il~g rosidcnco.- 400 square .foot per (l',.~(:] :l.;i.)'~!l un:Lb. i'ive (45) Lc.;:t:. 9. H:L~:;.mum Off-St:re:et Parking. X-: ...... X%-'-L:'rT:'BiZ;J--iTC~.Z. EiT:[Bn 18 of this OrdJ nance. 136 5. 14i hi. mum W i. cl t-.l~. A. /,lob.LI.r~ the front yard ~c:tback linch. S:lxl:y (60) fo:et measured at fo.¢2 t. · Mj.r~:i.hUlm Y, 'cd.,. A. 'bc:pt'h c't l.,ront Yard- B. Dep'kh of :Side Yard- C. l)c.:pkh of Renr Yard- Twenty-five (,25) feet:. Seven and one--half (7~'$) Ten (10) feet. A. Ho}.~:,..1. c: h:~n~c:- .,lX hundrc:d (GO0) squ,~ro feet:. 137 RECORDER'S MEMO~ lzllbility et wrltlng, Typing ] O. 1.~¢.n;~,~:,,n ()[£-;',t'~'c c'l. t~nr]::[nq, TWo (2) ~T)~cc~: per ~..,u.].[l ~ n~l ~f~[.i ir -~.:l['i c.~l~"~'t)[.~:' }{,? '~,~:'c'i' on 17.1~c' ~1 ot Lht~y nrc, 3.38 }") ) ..... l: PjP[ Y/[' ]~'5~:,Y~.~ ~ ................................. (1) l~arJ.~,as, couutry c3ubs, yc:ch~ c3. ul'.,s. (2) (:Jr:Lc ()r c~O. tu)'ol (3) C'hurche~:. (50) lU.r(~r'nt or more of [.1,~: .... ' "' c).oa:'~U ~u]c~(:~(:/;, beauty ~.;)~ops ;.,nd ba~-bor sbr~p:';, may be perm:i.f.L'c~(] Jn mc)l'~].a., homo rental pa].",:s sul,jcct 'to thc follov.'ir, q. re:.;trJc[.i~)~,n: Such as tab] J.~:h:uont~: m,c tho par];J.~9 azca pr:i.mari]y ~:c, lated 'Lo thair op~ratJ, oF, si;all not occupy mo'~'c t:h~n I-ch (30) 1.~.2:,,cc~t of thc: area s~b(n'r]'Ln,~'['r~ ;:o fi]lo .ref;J.[ku~LJ.a]. tree j',;,~;];; ~;h;,].l bo ].ocatc(], cla[;.ignod, tl~o e>;c]usivo tr;,(Ic of L'.hc sc.~rvJce nc. cxls of' por;4ol):.; resi(ling in ~1,(~ par):; and sh,~31 pre~.u,nL no x,:i.~:.il,lr~ evidence of theJ. r or wnS' out~:Ldc t'lm ]',a~:k. (b) ).Snb~]a Home S~]ea, ))uuv~d~.ng ~].].owing restr:ict~OllS be me'k: (a) Such uses shall not occupy more titan t(~n (].0) percent of the area of the pa%-]: or two (2) acres, wh.l. cJiever ]~e smaller. (b) The (mtF;j. da (li:~l)].ay area r, hal] be mixed l~itum'i, uoun mat:erial a>:cept (lcsJ.r;fl:~lc> ].andsc;q~od areas; whi. ch z-:ha].l be: sc,i)~rn'bed f'rcnn all paved (C) A V:isUa]. buffer sha3] l)e provJ(lc~d ;%):OllllC] Jh6) al:Ca of outni('lc) dJ.::p].ay adjacent t.o ro:uJ, dc, ntJa] BOOX 409 ?~.-- "IX: ;~'iri~--6'~,-' 'i'; ~; (g{ t--9,-i~?.(" '"'"[Y~"-('D5" C. Dni,!h of l:~a:: Yard - eigl'H: (~) I:cct }':. ];'rom pul~].ic ~rrmts .- Lwa~y F, Vl'~m~ bnildLng or s~rgct:u~es - 7. .]~'.L\[~.?'o0 Pacrent'.icm Ar(;?,. Thc'. fol.]owing amounk of land or wnt'r:r :;1,~13. be r;et: aside and develoj>ad for .t-c~crea- A. 9']~rae ]~undr~wl (300) ~;quara feel for eaclt lot fo]: Ll]u firs[: one ]lu)~dz~d (]00) lots. B. Two ]l~ndrcd (200) scjuaz'c fe~f. for each ].ot C. One half (~) o~ the water nurfac~a within tho park may be credited toward t'.hc required recreation area, e>:cep-t that at ]cast fifty (50) p(,.rccnh of the requ~]:ed recreatio;i area shall be land area. 8. 3/(~__(]u.l.r(~d Buffers. Vistla] scroen~: are required in 1.40 l.w<')l!.V (:'.C,) ~C 'L J J) A. 'i.\..,o (2) :;l.~;~<:t"~ per dv:(;1].:[~)g unit shall bc ]-)rovit]{:d, ].(,c~:i'.ed w:[thi~ t:]~o L, ound~rius of thc I~. All commercial, tw~cF: and ot])t~r, uses ~cc:esso~%' 1. o 'tho par]: [;]~a].l cc)reply with tl~e ]?rovit;ions of Section ][( 11..(..'.q):']?~:L~)_.c..?=. Ali. )~IIRP erected after the effective dal:e (>f tl,i.:; o.rdi, nonco shnll conlply with all. of l.]3Js ord'in;,n(:o. 1.]o I$IIRP that exists on the effective dmL,.~ eL l.l-~.i~ or/li)~Lmcc~ s]~;,].l bo a].t:ere, d ~:o ns t-o p)'c~vide [.) ].~;~t'.r [][',or(':e of c~nformi, ty with tim provisions of this ~;C~C(:J.o~% l'.),;:n c~:.:J~;i:e~(] 0~ t'.he c~f.13ct:t..[vo dale of th.ks or-- dinancc. L;mcl ;:lrondy zoned l~lII(P which does not meet the opmen~: sd~n].] conform wi. Lb ail otImr regu]atJonn of this 14] C. Provisir, nal Ut:es. T]~e l')Orm:i l:l:od r; u!:,.} c cz k to'kLh~ l~rovJ.~';j, onr; (,f: Sccfl:~ou 14 of thi~; (] ~ HarJna[;; country clubs, yacht clubs. (X) C~vJc o); cult'.ufa] (3) C],uzcl]c~: nnd o[:hc:r l~].aces of worship, (4) Ul~on cc)rap]cf:ich', of all ]equil'cd J.n,i:~rovo- 'n]onL:~; r).[' tht) '{".I'~V p,'~rk, cor}'~(~]~J.cnce cstab].J.[;hmcnLs of a Jng a~.fcl~(;ic~s, beauty sholvf; and bar]'~nr sho]'~;,may ]~e permitted in 'P'J'RV park:; f.;ubjoct to 'th(~ fo1] O'.zJ ng rc~:.:LrJ, ch.i ()rig: Such esLol_,jl, jsl~ctmct;~l:u, and 'l:hc parkJ, rig l]~'ea prJ.ma]:J.l.y rel~ll:ed thc.L]: o]~¢~r,ltJo;~; si]all HOI: OCCtJl.)y lnoro tl~i:n five (5) per- co,It of tko p/}vk; sh~].l be subordinate to the use and char- actcl' of the pork; shall be located, de~;ig~t~d, ill,ti J.~Lol~ded to s~xt7x,e the e>:cluqive trade of tl~e sorv.~co needs of the pol'~:our; ro~;id:ir~g ii% tlm }~nl'):; Ltlld sl]a].], pre~;ollt no vis]b].e evi~]c:r~co of th,~i~' comme~cJ.,~], c]]aroctcr fz?om ~lly portion of ;~:~y public: ::~zroet or wsy outside t]~r~ park. (5) Travel trailer rocreatior, n] vehicle sa].(.~r;, sul)j(~c¢: to the fo].lov;ing requ~remr.~nt~:: (a) Such uses shall not occupy nit, re th;.tl~ five (5) pc~rcr:'r,t of t)~e ~,re0 of the p,~rk w]]J. chcvo r bet .142 :i;])a]] }~,'.: ;i)) ;,c(:o~(]a)le;o. v,,.LtJl ;q)p);(>',,/,(~ pJa)'):; ;:nd :;i~.2c. J. A. I;i. llSJ,u.n ::r<';, of log -' 1,200 B. l,~;iniiro:',: w.idhh of .lot .- tv,'m~t.:/ (20) feel: \'u:Ji,i(,.i.t: J)iIVJ;. :;i).'~'i.]. ]~aw.: ;;,.!.}I;[,T,U;;1 (')'[: t'..','..',l~., (20) a¢,"r'c;; o.LF ii:nd. '/, l~cq~:;i re:c] A. 'J'v:t~ }ltm~.rcu (20i'1) '.:quare f:ae:L for each .1. or~. for t)~c: £ir~'L CmO )')t:n¢lred (100) 1. oL.q. · B. One hund~:'ed fi£ty ],c)L :i~) c'>;c:c.s:; of one h'm~CD.'c'O (tl)(.)) .Lots. C. One ba].f (.~) of t:]le wa~ter. ,qurfnco. witl~;in tile except thor et least fiI:ty (50) p~rcent of the required recreation area shall be ].arid area. D. .[2Lq.tQ27£.<L__P2f~f.'.£A. VJ.sunl ~;creena are requJ, xed 5n the fc~].lowincj nrc:as: A. T);.trki~lg ,nrc;] adjacent: to tho entrance nnd o>:it:-way az-cay, as may bc required undc~r Sect;ion 18 of Or(l~ nanc:o. B. T'.pRV pnr]:s fron~.ing on a highwny ~:h;:.ll pro- vide and maintn;in a clear area not less than twc:nty (20) )>y n~:rJx'i, n9 and dr':i',arkin9 vehicles. There c,]~it].] ;:d(]ii::;c,l,a.'[ ].a~,d~;c;q~c,d arc:a of five (5) re'aL :[D~g].Oo t]~o entire .143 ] %. C:~,:.,-~'l -~ .q~,r.r.. It:ti ~".('.',{\~ pn.~;}::: e~;(,r'.'l ,,¢] i~£1'('r ~.11o. cffo~:L:i va'"c"(,'::i:,.Z"'c.";""("b.! .': ordJ nar:cc: ::h;:l ~ r:o]~:p!y ~:itl'. al! on ifil. c.,£~(.'c:tJ, vc'. dab'.: of thi.,.: o:udJ.nu, nc,.:'~ t:llr, ]).~'OVJ::Jo,,!.: OJ5 t'.}i~: .e,C~:t:iO~l '[;J/;ll'~ ~.>:i:::l.c..d (m 't.hc' c:~f":',."- t:JvO c'l~,(": Of '[:b;i.n or(l:Ln:,n~:~., .Land ~,:hJch c]o~r.; not-. rnr'{et t:l~e ;~c)?cago zc:cl~irer,qcili:r~ cl<:ve:l¢~l~t.'d; ho;,,'evt-.'~;, k. hc: dcvc:]Lop~,ic.mt s!-,i,]l, conform w:k'th 144 .~:crm~,,,,~h~l..':~ tx'r';,:.,.~ ,;'? ~'u;;:i~l,:,l~cy ¥:)li.].," c,~mL',;iugr v,.'r, nt ion- ;;. !Ir;r,:: I',';',,;~ '~c1, },:~) ))P~].di¥~!i o'r; ,';t:.r',~¢:t..~Lr(:~ I ;:, , ;'~., :,ii,' L I' I,r, ~';']~(',(' , ~,';~ ~.l.~.,.',~r.,,.t 0)7 I.;r;:.(:, (,~: of a ~:,.'w';'Ar.;'¢:.~ ;-,] l~;.'/:u,'o j nct.q.i~qj.'rlr~, :;toy:ct:; ~ ]};~.;',(;~"¢ pY.ir;.,ri.]5' :,-~rl,,l,::rq Lo tiro.ir Ol~:r;,iJOnr; :;:'~;:1] tu,'cc(., t.i~,~n 1(~1 (].(1) ):,or.c:c'~llL; of t.llr.' a)r(:n il~','ld' \,']l]~II,'."d;"'.' I?(~. (1~) :Such c, skal;.',.i:;Jtt,,':nt.:~ :;'.l::ll .(c) All co;',m',?rcial ur;o:; nnd ].8 of. th.ir: All coh,~,~r~rcrj ;t [ (;~u,~,bJ_ut,~d;; nllaZ], mr..',;- ~'l~r: i~¢~].]l ov.'l 1',. ;tl.ni~,~,um ctm'q].qround size - ten (I0) ,~crcr.:. 1.5. bLinin;u~l v:id'l:l; -- 600 feel m¢:~:surcd yar¢l s0t'1~;',¢:1: .1 inc · C. ISa~:.4mu,n d¢,n.qi%y- N~nn (9) lc, ts (hcrcinaf'kor c;i]lnd ¢;alrq.~r~ii'(:) per act(,, g~to:;.q donsity. Gro:;:; den~;ity (l]or ¢:;ulq~g~ound only) is d;)fincd as tho number of cm,lpnJtes J. nc]udJ, ng cnmpsikos, utility areas, natural area'tr.;, aro~,r.; ;uq(I oth(-:r :~ulu, I)Ort:ing 1). [l(~cTui]:cd F;lci].itJc:';: (]) Snn].tary facil]tic:~, including f].u:;h dj, ..... _ .. ..,~n~:r~ of ('vc~rS' c~m~psitc ~t3 ~IDJ)~TOVC'd I)V the Collier CoLlrlL~' ]'k~a].tll Dopart-.mcnl:. ],ig]tt.j.~g nhnl], be provided ],15 D. At 1(';l:':t tU.'r:lll'.y (20) p,,:~tne]l{: Of the LOI:f-~I ]C;~:;t tWO (2) .,.c:~t. ],.~.¢311 ('t may bo l(~t'. ;Ll: 3.'.., co;~L;.~ining a~: ]ear:i: G00 ::<j~lar<: feut for erczci:Ji~g G. ]~C) c;,m].)J, ng vehicle, or camping cquil.~mcmt shall bc ur:u<~ for human habitaticui for a j)e):.Lod excc:cding sJ.~ty (60) con:~(~c~,tivo day~:. The intone of th:i.s provJ, sion .i.s to prohjl>it uhe use of camping arc;,s for p(:rm,~anont or scmi-pc, rmr:nen~ u:;u as a dwelling. ]{. E~(:]] separate campsite shall contain a Jmum of 3,600 :;qunr(~ 1. Each campground sh,~ll reserve a~ least five. (25) percent of its Lei. al area ~n nL~tur~,l op~n o;:cl, ud~.ng perJnK.:~:cr screeching. Suc]] open space may include uti].~ty nj'cas, n(]m~.nisL'.ra~'~on bui](Jing:~, comme]:cial arcos ant] slmila~: actJvitien. 'i' RECOEDER'~ ~E~O: l,~llbillt,/ ilctivJ k/lc,:, ;,Iff[ ]~l~r~';;'kc))yz;c.:r;, prf~,.'J(ied kb:ii.: (1)) r;c~].cl, c:::cc'pL inc::icqel~L:~l t.(~ dc:vc].opr,~ci,b acLJ. vitic~;. (9) uti]:Liy ol:fjcc'~;. ii~;noc:; n kc,(i w:Li, h u~;c,s pr'~rm:i k'[:c(i in t:h:i ~; diJ.~.:Lrick, Sect:ion ].4 of (1) Colleg(~S and Un]ver~;J. kies, (2) Automob.ile Scrv].ce Stations .- withouk repairs, (3) l,~oi:el~, ]']o[:e]m, m%d t'ran[;ic.mt ].odclJ. ncl (tV,'C].].J~g ~lJ.t;:; });.~VJI~O n m~.i.],lul:l ](',k area of kell (]~1) acrc~r; ior l:hc~ I 'l. l.~c~::.~nV:m llr':iql~t: O~ $~:):u(~I:L'~'(:~. Nor:c:. 20 o£ t:]~;;:~ 3.49 (7) P~;5' c,' ,' ani;~g - c:o]] '~'l':ln(i nnO del;irc, fy (g) Food (10) :lk;e cream (12) ].ound;,~:[~:;~ Self Ser':J~e only. (14) Po~;k (].5) JI~t>~IJY sl~oIm '-radio, T~Z, [:mall. (]7) V(~l:crJl'~/;ry ti. iii.icg - No outsi¢le 4. 5. Zoned /xrc';~. Two (2) None. I,~ t:h Nono. ]50 (]5) t.' )'l j :: ( }J'¢/ I~,}}(:{' , ] 2. !.L'_.:~.[!.i..[.t:cr. ?S,':>:'[r:u:::: hr.:.';91-:l. £i Ei:ce:~ (].!;} feet:, any ~.,..:..-; dun t.:[i,].~y zonc, d )'r,:Ol',C,r I.y. ¢1i.~;1,] ;:LV o:i. ;r.:l'('J'ti~/~dii.:¢o. Arc:an. rc,;~r yard :in erisa of interior lc>t~ and ill cf, sc of (:ornor or t:iirou(iti ].(>t:s. mill.,. ,.I ('2.) (4) Art. (7) (9) (10) (]2) (]4) (2..,) (].6) or (20) (22) (24) Awning Shops. Da]:er'y [.;hc]):~. Danks anc't ]"inancial Inst.;itutiol~:;. Barbc:r ancl I%c:~u~ty Shops. Bat:l, r, ut~p].y }~ic:5, c3(~ /iai. es at~d Services. Doe]: SLores. ]h]n:i.t]C:~;S llachine Se]3vice. Carpc:l: Sales -- Not iric].u(ling Churc:bes nnd ot]:er placos of worship. CloLhi]~g Cock ha.i]. I,oungos. C(r.~c,,,c.r c ia ! f;cboot s. ('.o;~fcct:;Lonory & Candy Stores. De].icc~ tessens. 1 :;2 (25) ( ;! 9 ) ( 3 o ) ( :~ 1. ) (:',4) (:;5) (:~'?) po;:mit:Itc:d. -- Sub j,.'.,c t - Not i ncl ud:i (50) ],a:mclric:;, Self Sukv.lc~; Only. (53) ],Lquor (56) (56) l~rhetn, Food. (57) ~,~., rko t :.:, i.icat. (59) 1~ ].].enet'y Shops. ( 60 ) Ho't e.I. s. (61) Mot:inn Picture Theatres. (63) (64) Hew Car Dn;l]ershi].u~ - Outside displny (65) N(~w:; Storen, (66) Off]cc, Supply ((;7) Paint and W,'~l.lp,'~per (68) Pc:t (69) }-'et Snpply Shops. (70) Photogra])l~Jc'Lquil)lucmt Stores. 3.53 ,,' ( ¢'/~) ( ,, ? ) 74 '1 ;, 7 6 · / '? ,q'l ( ~ !t, ) (9o) ( 9 ;~ ) (92) (~) :-;cJ11;I]?l~ .f'CC'['. ,J;IT,:,';:; [ ] (')C)]: ,:J]:('~'l (')~'1 C]1.' ¢'~ ~,1/'1('J ~'.'Lo0]'. 'J';~.: ;1 ¢l(~:,';r,i :,; ;~ . V(.'i~;;O].(, }:,,...~lLal. -. At~LoulobJ]nn l':nt'.ch n. nd Precjn.l. on Innlsrum¢.,~:L .RopaJr nc:car:: :(,r:,' U:.: e?"lT~[;.~.'-F;t~!j-e{.-.tq':'~?~ii~:'C6i;'~Fi"..C.]q~%',,'~5~r~:'TE Cci( ¥,',.'J.[:)i 'Lhc~ u:;c~,"~; )'.Cl'itlit~:(.'.(.] ill 'J .I',. J_ F, 'r,~ ,e .F o .1. iav.'.;, r:U' '~ ir ;~ T;'-~ ~:j ~ "l'~'( ;'-ii' ~. J!~'~:'L'{{ }J, ~I-'- ':?;U'i ):i-e-~ ' t~.-' ~ D" j-~ F'-6 ~,-~:'." cfi F;cc:t.:t¢,,~ ]'~ r~E t.!lJ;; (3) :'h.~]?F':;n'.; Ccmt.:-::~ ..- :lc:'u than 25,000 r;¢{u;l]:r, .F(:c,i] (Ifc':;:: f].(~c)]" A]7(t;: (.)T~ g~;,i)Ul~r] ~.].OOr. (2.) C¢).~,lmet:¢'Jal h'ec.l:e~at;i(fl'~ - Oubdoor. (3) Dr.i.vc- ] n :['bcatres. 5. ],.linJmum ward Rec.ruircmon.[:s.. foet J.n which no ]'~a]:k:ing nha]l bo allovmd nor any B. 1)017t1] i,lJnJ11~:l:T~ Of fi. Mc (5) f(~Ot ~.;J.t:h unobsCruc~od i)a:.;:~age from fro~]L to roar .C. DcptlJ of ]~ear Yurd Se~l)a~k - T%~enty-five (25) fec:t. No rr::a]: y,~]rd requJ, red for marinas. fJ c~r,~'. ].0 LJh/J.l:;.;'(;~'n ()n [l';qn,; AS .requ:;rerl :Ln ,';c:ct::ion 20 · . ............. .~' ..... ..~.~,.~. '_ .. '. . r)i: 'J.tl.i !'. I 155 i~]'(~ ~I~'IL('I~],'~: l,,~ ']~t:~L~'~ ~' ,'~ ~';~l~rl~ 0~ ~'Oh~'d:~.U~'.{;~1 I~:(~ ~tcl.:iv:i.t.:'~O~: X.'l,jcl~ art' {',:,,.l~at:i.b~r' x:.i'~:!'~ Lhc, 1,o3 ir:Jcl:; (P.) (9) (] 5 (2t. 7 (1 2 (19 power saws, c:tc. (20) (22) (2 :~) (2~) (2~) (26) Commr. r(:ial B¢,;~t: .qto~:ago - l]on Waterfront. Co)r,,nc:rcial .Boat Yard. Communications ]';quJpmc~t Rep~ir. Contractors Storage-- EquJ.pn~c~nt Rentals - I,cluding Lawn mowers;, Feed and Grain Sales. Furniture Refinishing (;a:; Static)ns v;J. th Rel.~ai Gu~r;mni l'.h, I,il~oll f;upp]y Shops. 3.56 (2'/) (2;':) ~ 3o) (:~.t) (3:!) (:c,) ( 3 '; ) o.Y fc,l,':";~:aL;i}~,! .;), (',.,mp.lcl<:!y ¢:llc],'~;;.'d i~u.i.l/{'21:U, (,~)~) ]'ri}:t..¢))9, lJL}~<,.:~:';:i,l~J])g, ]:,~b3. J.r;))/;.]~g :.tot",::,' <)f f.].c:;'~:'<d>:{,~ 3. Jq~l[d;;~ ~;ubjc'ct t'o. I:],(' oJ' I]~..: (':,~;~l:5' c,v F;[:z.,Lc~ l.'J. rC Cc)a[':.:, (dL;) (m-k(Io(~,; r:lorc:;dc', y;~'cds []r;d .I. ot:;, l.~rov.idod, :::hal). ];<){: ])ol-Jni k wi:c~c];Ji',g yard~ (iht:It]dj ng alti:omol~ 3~.: wreck- },u:i.ldi:;g /.u:tcrJ;'~l:;, jun): /~ukc,mOt:ivo vohJc]c'r:, or y:ccond~ Su}~]~]'i.,?n, 3um!.)cr and buiJ. dJng r;upl~].icm, monur,v,nts, a~]({ ~jmJ- (47) C;erv.i. co oska])li~;J)}nc~]~t:.; cnto3'J, ng to commn];ce ~)~(l J)l(l~r~try J. Dt:]ll<l.i. Jlg ].i. nol~ Sl12:>pl'y, ..fro:kghC movorr:, cotmnun- ;llld illlSr~n }1,q~.]5;, otl?]oylr:rmk ~O/lC:y~ r;J. gn con,iwl~y, .157 Y3l.().t'o(; (.)3- <Ii ~:}"] ;:~" C. D,:'I,II~ c)f l/_,,]: ]al'd '- '.~.:c, nt'y-f:ive (25) rent l). Uale;.,:3'l Bt -- '~/:13{:y-fjvo (25) aa:sc:;',v,r)'t oy ]-;x'i.l~'ond fll.)ov(: ['.l~o fJllJ }.:})':d g.t'o(l<~ of tim Jot. 9 J,Jm'Jt:4)Pionc; on ~.icms. ~1<,0 ~act:i. on 20. (:~) , .., . ~,. (7) (;az c~. ~c.: [,erx, Jce (10) t4ar:tl~a:~, C:Olm,lorcia 1 (1 .I.) PriDt;i ng and (].2) Repair shopn. (]3) RO~;(.,a ~c1: and 1.59 A. 1),:-'i)L)z (;,[i ]."Ft}}I[ Y(I.)?(.I .qet.l);l{:}, '- fc:c'L c:Xc:ept, l'.l~i~l: no roar ~,i~rCl ~:}la]l 1.)(~ ].c:t;3 t:ha:~ Z:i. ft:y (50) 1~c:~ of i,n ~,but.t'.'ing .rer:.i. dn~t'i;)liy zo:',oc] lot. I~. N;~t:c:r.lrt,r~ .- 'Pw~nty Five (25} /Itl (J))~l[l~'.;~)l,[J I'OSj fi'till i LI]. }:/)liE' ] C'~* ~0 ~,t2 L)i)ClC]{ .~1 ];c'C.{~}.'J 1'(2(~ ]., 0 [)0 .1.60 162 .1G 3 / ~., .i · ~ _. ' · 1. G 7 lS.;,:,~c.t:o~. ~..I-~ t::il~(l ti,,;t. Lhc: p.roi~;:,scM use o~ tt]e :;t.m;c:knre or .1.6 P, I~ I~! 'i'" ' : {~' I,,i, ~,1 }'YlC,~{'(:{. ;J:;'; LH(' 1',,'"] ("'~i:..:Llt::; L,,,.'].~:o.,. )vi'( ....... ' ~'~,.-,,',, [r~ ~-.Y~,:~;'.,;,qr{ ,..], (4) ~l:{v.','~; a}~] ~o;.;~] ~)yo'~c,~ ~ ir) )~(~.., F:)~r,)~ ~';c~'::,:':'~ [;,c:.i] J.t.L(':; nz-e {:o bt, l)~:~,Vi,'l,"rl ;~l'ul Dr:l- C(~mm"~;~ i:;~(' 'l J IC~ ~,.,~_.l.] r~ot I)c~C:o}m~ ;t fll(.~:O ].J./tlJJ. J. il:~' for ] '/0 j'r.l!!: Jr'~3." :v(:,~:r'r:',!'~oll )-',;rti:l:il.'i~';;, 'iF (I ';) ;,,,r I~ .'::Ir'IS ~ ic)l~',] tl.n! ;~, i':,],:.~, I,'1 ,';~,: , :.1 .',l',.'h..~.l :' .'.: ~:..'~ ]-' 1 ,",.;:l.i.L, (; I'r~- I.)~,:' ],,':l'l:j,'3,~"l.,;r ~,',c: ,~.i i','i I,,, i),v~',lv. 'i. iii,'.,,',': (;), (4), (f;), ;~l~,l (!;) ;l).,c.,v~' :.11,,]] 1':': ~ ; ;.,"'. ,~" ,: :ff (. ,. : .'i .,:t t'.ccu'] ::~11"',.' .'.,,O:v., (:D.'r.]l'~':'(:',:'., Oi' ,'ICC~]ii '['C'¢'t.. I: r: ir'~:], < 'ii,' I:ir,','i '~..~ : l(~ I'l,r' l~i,. L:;(~C [~ .L::!'d': ].,','t: I¢'!.[JiU 1~:'" ~i L':~ il~ .I, ,,~" , , , , :.:,.': ;::,!. 'l', .'~,.';",','.~,' I1~,, t,~l~' ~:Yi,; (IL.'v,':'Jr~ : ' , c',',,;: ;i ~ ~""'; ,~):i '; . :.: \ ..... ~;, ,': ~ :; ;';;I ;,:,'.: iI'', t .;' ':;::~' r~," ~" '::C.]'cl ;~'~ t ~., ,u],};.;'~,',,'~'~ ;:]'~ )lT~,'.'~'. ~.,;:~ ~c.)~,,::; ;,,.,~"., ~,,' ',~'., d~.~'/ ~" Il'Ir' .f'(~]'~','";i~J ,'l.;.~;t~,!r(l:',,. II' '"!.,i,~'; .:: ('r...g."':F;~.:l t~b;tl I .";]1'..',; .[~* ill, J.,.',::~)',," i:h~'? (]) r;~'; 5ic;.('.!g"... ,~f ;:',',:~L,:".'.',r':~h:: on ¢,:.znor::l~ip (:,"~Ilt'l:O'l r~.r L)!(.' ('l,'\.')i[[,)'i']'i'tl':t~L u),~i '[;'J']]'.]!':[~.i.i'.',,_~')[ii:"V'"(,;'' cv,ll:]:i L'~or;;: ()i,t::~ ',;Ix,':.', c:o' 'l:.";n J';,,':j ]..i L:[o:;, or c.'on,t:!f,m .1.~tlu'~:; Lo .in'.:uY(' '; ul:,., ',_' 3_i ,3,i.I :.~,'> k.),,_' (?t,x~;.5' (2~ ...." ..... - ........................ ' ,' ,' ,,, · ,""~' l'~,-~r::;', n[: ll,r. ;~h:l r~.:l.;~t ';~ ~:1 i.I) t~) 1.1,,: C.:o~i~;l.y':; co,,nl.,r(:h~:nr;ivc: l~,"oix-.~,'c(l ::: ~'ucl t,x: c.~'C -th'<::t.::. ~Ti;,'-(/i-t ~-'[-];,:7rtr:i cu] ar rof,'.rc, nc~' ;~l,tr)z~ol;ix,¢, i~,d p'.'(l('.~;l'ri;,ll f:,',[t:l:y, sC,'p~lT,'lt.[oll (:J'! ;,uhomot:Jvc I:~'i'..,f.f':[c ;~r,,] },(~dcr:i:~'.t;}n nut] oi:hc:r tr;~:[£.'i.¢.'., 'Lr;~f:C.i.~: f]o:,' £:ODI2];O.'].i }:Y'CIV.(.c;.~"-Jll of :.c:.rv.i. cc.,.; am: serv.'[cinu of -I'r;~i:3ic: i ](.'..., L)]:(t Colll':,7o]~ itt:cc':;:; ill C[l.";c: 0~. .[:j:tTO 017 171 3. '7 2 1 '/3 Dot })O c(:,~t]-~ry i'.o thc' ]mb]J.c intoro:;L whore, (n,,ing to npa-- cJal con(li f. J. on:; (l;l,. Acts Cll ]74 lit wrltl,,j, Typlnf of', PrtMtnl~ JJ u?athracto~, in lid. doeuuteul I$ Z(',l~;l:,rj ',,)l(~i)f;:ll,',' ;:?p,t'~.'t )i~AI' ]),..' 9,",.~tJt"'(] llfllf";:; (~) ;'.', ii !,'n 1'( t:.[ I. i, ,p , ~ V.LC;J:I'('n },u!~.li~ I, ..;v:i~,; .i.:~ ¢1:i~,,~, ;~; I(~;,r;L f.i.ft't~(,ll (].5) d;:y~; .iii (3) ]'nl~.l:l.c )l:.,/~r.inq. g']~(~ publJ, c httar:i.r,g r:hal.] ):::~ )~(:]dl.t)~ t')u:~ );,.,;,.r('l oJ Z(:n.i. ng AI',I':oaJl~;. hny (6) C[,~,~;:;(;(:v;~lio~:;. 'j')~o Boar/I of. :;tr::~'~".:/l:: j~ ;~;;!.4~',(~ ,~ (L"l'~'~'r,~J]lu~;';.()~l (m ill)~/· (a) f';):,('c} i: 1. c())t(l'{C';.Oll:, ;:i~tl O>:;:.[' %.'))jCl) ;,'t'~' i',o(:uJ J~.{' [:{) [:]ioJJiill(J~ S[}'llC:I.li'L(: {:L'v,h o.Y :,'.;(;~)';':, c::')m~r~or, 3y Onjoyc:c'l 1'5' o'L!)cr ].,rol:,...~:hJ.c~:: 01~ I'l~r' (d) Th{~ vnr:i.r)ncc, .if qran'l:(.:d, js the m:i~)jnun,, vi~r:i.,mc:o ileal: wiS. 1 rniDtc }?oss.ib]o tho (e) (;r~nLing Lhe v;~rianco ruqu:.;~t.c:d ~.~.Ll] jncjt;, o)' st)'uc'l:~{r,';; il{ thc t;onlc zoning districL; (f) 'J'ht~ gronL Of tho varJ. nncc wi].] O~'(]~)',;~)lC:O, v/J. Jl.L ]lOt bo :i.)~jtiriot)s to tho Ito.i~]hl~)orl~,:~ot~, or oLhurv.,J::c detrJr.~t.l}l:,'~l to t:l~t~ ))Ul)).jc vJel~nyr~. (5) CondS't::ior~r; nnd tlafeguards, In 9ranL.tng OI15' Vitl'J, htSCO t:bO Board of Zoning Al~pea].r; may prcsci:J, be 0pl).rc,T,r.iaLc conditi, ou~; ond salegu~,rd~; in co)'~folnd. I;y with t])t::4t~ zo}lJng rcguli~t:[ons;, il~c].tld{Dg I,ut not ].5. mit:ed rr:n~;c,ni:l~].e I;JhlC~ limits xqi'l;h;[il ~eh.ic:l~ thC~ t~ct:~oB for which vt~rianc:e j.s r,~quJ, rcd sl~a].l be begun or compl(:ted, or both. Vj.o].;.it'ion of ~;tmr'li conditJonz i:tBd st~fegtlardt;, when part of thc 'tc. rmn undc. r which tho variance is granted, shall .1.75 2 -- pub]it ncd:i~'r., and h(:ar.ing that t'be pro)~or.',c~C uso COl't[O:Cl~lJ]~g t.~:~r) ail(] tll.?,~ ~])e ~'C]].[LtJOtl Of the St:I:UC'C:L1)'(~ to requ.ir(~ [)pi-)ro;~rJ.mt(~ cor, dlitions mhd s~.fcguard~ in accord %¢it:l~ fhc :i.)~tr.nt and purpo~:e of these zoning regulations. P(~t::itJ. r~n unrk'r th:i.s su~sr~ctJon shall be to the D~rector for tran~mii:ta], to t:he ]1onrd of Zo)~i)lg Appeals. AppeaLs may, so long as such nut. lo, J.** ir, c()nfo:,-r',iky the terms of this zoninU oral.in,race, reverr~c or affirm, whol].y or partly, or amy m~c]ify tl~e order requ.iremen~, d(~cision, or dotermina~t'inn ap].)oalecl from and may make such order, requi~:emcnt, decision, or determination as ought to be mode, and to that e~,d shall have the powers of the Director from w]lnln t:he appeal is taken. In m~tters of review, the concurring votes of a major- ity of a].l members of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be necessary to reverse any order, I'oquir~ment, decision or determination of the Director, or to decide J.n favor of the pe%itioner on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this zoning ordinance. 4. Appenls fr¢~m Board o~ Zonin~ Appeals Decisions. Rev.iew of decisJ, ons of the Boa~;d of Zon3. ng Al)peals shall be as set out in nection 28-18 of the Collier County Code or Ordinal~ce~: and ~pp].ic;,b].e law of R].orida. (Sp. Acts. 67-1246 ~].8). 176 c:~ th,., co~'t' oi: :~,l')~icc~L [o),:; or p,.:l:;itic~ns m;:do under rr'j~'co:.;c, ul. l'h~, ,neE~it'l O~BL. o:~ ~oquj.roCI lc:gal 'J. nVO].vc:,~ ]l~ tho ~rc~c:c:~r, ing Of al;,plic'.i',tJoD~ al~d (:ha:,'~c::; l:;:..red may bo cl';angc~d by ]'o~:o]~'lt;;r~ of: (.}~c }~ocsJ'd al';d i~O l~O[: ~:v,~,jcee '~:o ehe pro.- Co].'l;ic:, C,,~('.b' 1.U' ils duly aui:ho)':iv.c.d aCle~c~es O~ ofj.;e:r:'c;. ;:~-(; C.:>:(,;r.~',. frola i.l~c'. ]'~;t~qenl: o~ thc:: ~c:~,;~ or Un(,:;] thc al~p],i~al-Jle feces or c:l~rcje~ },,~,',' ].-'..)~ p:~]d :[~2 f'u't]., no nc't:~.on Of c~ny typ~' o~' kind ]77 and ,c;;]fr~Clt~a~.'('lr; (~:.;- r;I]~t].:L p:ty aZ]. 1~ u :i. ]. ,~.". ~; r.l,." t:r u~ ",m .~.' e , :;hit] ]. ]~:C(':VCTIt k]'l¢~ ecJ~.tj.t:;~l:,].C: i.:,::l:i¢.'~]~, at; '1.5, 179 mil lO0 .JLSI sJ c]o~'r',d f:lr~: b.y ~}~o ].':l. ann:tng Comm.iss:i. on J.n tl~e manner C:}l;~.'gOS ;IS ]~]XrC: J.~ee)~ o:~t;~b].J.n}le(] by the ]lo;lrd. No n]~plJcatJon for zoning amendment sba].l l.)e hfe*ird by kl}e l'q. annJ. ng Commiss:ion until 'such fearn.and charges 2. Nokj;co (;~!nora].ly. NO r¢:quc':~, for mzch tJ~ne an r,~%.ic(~ of a public hog, ring on the pro- posed am:mdmc.,~t: has been given to t.l~u cJltJzcms of tho Courlty by pu})]J.cat.:ion of a notice of ~h(: l~earing in a ~)cwspnpc:]: of ge)~e):'al circulal:ion Jn the County, ].o;3st fifteen (15) days in advanco of the public hea r J n9, .3. Noklc¢~ Whr,re Proj)oJ~ed Am~nd1~,enl:. W¢)u]d Chanqo shall be posked on tho land w]lJoJ} J.s the I:tll)joc% of I'.}}c~ he:~r.{~)g ~,t least, fifteen (15) days ].~r~or Co the date of the })ublJ. c lmarJng by tll{3 Plarmilqg Commission. 183 t 2 , 387 -- /~ )q.l)::l,'l,/', 11)2)',12~l-]<'2 f'~);!('F,l.'l]Jll'2G 'l'lll,: ll1.:Z(~:.]'ll,:(; OJ,' tho lmhl:ic. l~oi:ir'c ::,1' thc 1.:imo nn~l l~]nc:~ o~ t:he pul~3.:ir: ]J~rJlnq agcnL co: attoi'ney~ .i.[ any. ]-B' 't}~c ]?:L,tnl':;i.~qI Co:=mi.r;::ion ~;ha].]. bt, ~ont st: ]east fJ frees o~vnc:J'r; of p)yol::c:~-ky ~,Jtzi~J.n t-l~:ae hundred (300) fJcc~ O~ Lhe pz'op0rty ]inor~ of the land for wh:ich rezoning sougl~t; ]~r~n, Jdcd, ho,~ever, t:hat: %~here the app] J. cant and i:uch lnn,1 i'll)~It% iS not :i}~c3.uded in the aPl)].icat:ion J.s a ])a~=t of Of ;]<{:joJ. ns i:ho pnrco~L for %chi. c/) real]est ]ln~ndror'l (300) fOOt requirement shall bo mca~;urcd from tile bound.q~Jo::; of the app]Jcank"s owncr~:b.i.~), includinq the lend not covered by applicant: '.s a]~plicai::iol:. For the p~rpgsr~ of this recluJ.remank, thc I~m~,:::; addr(~r¢r;er: of property owr, ers shall be rlccmcd appearing on the latest tax rolls of Col;Lier County. 4. l,]at~nincLC~omm:isr:ion ]Icori. n(f and ]~el')ort )~ZJZ(~t~].]]~'-~-'I~T proposed amendment w:i~hir: 120 days from tile (late ~:he npp].Jcation for amendmenl: .is El]ed with ti'u, Director. Ihl].c,~:s a lODgO~ ti1110 the ]'.limning Commlr;sJ. cm shall fJ.]e its 104 (. 1~¢, 1:'~ ~,);r,':r.,cl ¢:)l;)llC!r.: j. I) 1"0] ~: [:;i.()1'~ 1:0 LI)e fo] ](n,~ A. 171'~c~k1'~(~r t.)~r~ )a:'~)'JC, c;c~cl c')l;n)gc: Would bo con.- I). '.i')',c )'~rq>u~l.~i':L(,~) Oons:Llty pattern ~;ivgl ;~; ~-:c]ic)o]{:~, ut':il:l.l'.~e~.;, stroctr:~ el:c:, .i ] ].og:ic~-,] ;I y d,"rr,.m j.~ re:La'b:i, rm I'.o m:.:J.r;t.tn~f c:ondJ t:i c, nf. )1. 1'~]~e'tl~or the l')ropo:~ed (:])ango will c~eate affoct pub].ic sa,.eLy; I. I'~]'{(.~t]~er i:h~ proposed change will. create a draJ.nagc~ problem; J. Whet]~er the pro]'~osed change will seriously roduce lJ. ght al,:l air bo ~djacent ],. l'~)]tdhel' the l~):o)'~osod (:l')~ngc: w.i]l ctciarz'r)nl', to fl)c, :i.mprovcmccnt: oz' development of adjnccmt I'1. W]lc, L:her l:h(, proposed change wi. IlL a gr~mnt of s}>c-'cJ,::l ])rJ.v.~].ege to z~n indLvldual ovzner contrasb,':d v;it.h t)m public welfare; N. Whether Lhere are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accord v;ith exisJ, n zo n ,ing; O. Whet:bet the change suggested iF; OUt: of scale l,/j. tt]~ thc ))or:ds of tho neJg])l~o~:]lc)od o~: tho County; adequaLe sit:e:.; in the County fQr %he propos,~d x~:c d.istk-ici:s n],rencly po~3mi~ting such use. 105 2 , 58B- lliJ I'.::Cl Urn:r; mC:~:l.tJ I.he fcn~gc~Jng rocjg.Jrc;'~lCmLr:r each fol ~ o?,, i. nil stctnrla ,:d r:: /~bF:~t.;/V~E 1.;>;.ll.':'y:itl~G COII;.1UI]YtP~ I"Ar.:3'l,)'L'Ill.q ~I'ID (].) l':t,,~JCJI:,;l], or Connty Syst¢:ut (2) ]'run::h'i,':r:d ,%,,'.;t;cmr.; and ]).istrj (:l'.s undo.): Cotmty Con (3) l':viv,:,.tx: C.c~}tral 3 Point:; (4) l".rlvate Wr::] 1 ]. Point (5) 0 Point s (:]) ;'hmicip;,1 (.n.' County System or i,r:iw~tc: :;y~:tem w.i.t:h PlaT)t and Collccl;ion System I)odici~ted tO Colin f:y 5 'Points (2) Frandhisr:d Systems nnd Spoclal DJst.rict:; under County Control 4 Points (3) Private Syntems with Collection Systems o]~.!y Dedicated to County Points '(4) l'r:Lwztr; Syntcm 3 Points (:;) Acc:al?table: Septic System:; 1 Point (6) Other 0 Poi.nfs lf16 1-'ro;,:imJl'y tc~ E::'~:;LiI~U Ari:c,)-.ia] ;l:; (3) l'?:i.l:l~:Ln I l'lilc o'[ ArEc:ria]. (4) Over l M:i.lc, of Art:c:r:l. al )%d \, J..~ o.v]' l'lr, v J.ronn:cn kal Comp,'cki]~:[] i ty (]) A!?~'ovcd by gnviromn(~ntal Ad'vi .~oty (2) Not AlU,roved by Ei1N,:trollmont:al Advi:,o~.y Cc)tlncil F~re (1)WiLhi~ Fi~e District and within 2 ~41]es of I,'~rc]~ouse (2) WJ. thi~ Fire Dis~'r~ct and betwecm 2 and 3 Mi/es of Firehouse (3)Within F.irr, D~n.;-~-i~ and over 3 Miles of Firebouso (d) Othor Exinting Community P~rk~, or Rec);ea- tJonal Facility in Conjunction with Public Schools. (1) W.~['hJ.n 1 Milo with bicycle path side, wa lk s 0 5 )"oinks 5 Po.L)~ts 0 Poi nfs 5 Points 3 Point 1 Poln [: 0 Points 3 PoJ. t~t's *For D¢~filrJ:Ltion Se(: Pago 189 1 U 7 .(?,) 1,']:(,:q ] ~o 2 H;lc,'.; wJ.tl'. (4) OI l.':r .1. 5 (2) :;c)',,oC.,). wJ I:h(,uL b:Lcy¢:.'Lc ly. tth (3) Within .qchoo] .qJ. tc; w.i.tll b±oyclc~ pa't:h or sJ. clc.'\.,'a] k 3 Po '[ n I: s 3 Poi nkn (5) S(:l~r;,~,.q witl,ouk Bicycle: Path or k:.Ld awa.1.]: 2 Points (6) ].'ro;a 1 to 2 Hilas of Exlcting ......... w.lLl~ Bicycle Path or ,q:i. dcwa ].k 2 PoJ. n'ks (7) OtlJe~: 0 Points l,;osq uito Coni:rol (1) Adjaccnt to existing si)ray area (2) l'lit:hJn exJ.:;t:inq Hosquiko DJsl:ric:i: but. not a¢ljacent, to exi~:t::Lng spray area 2 Points 1 Poiut Any petition rccelving a rating of 31 po:Lnk, s :.;hnll ¢']etnr~ilined to harm exi~ting community facilikien and services for klm resJdcnt.i, al d~.r,s.';.ty anJ/0r permit.Led 188 'J'he 1~;;I. ~ L;icmc r' m:.,y I'.,rc'~vi 4c, ail r;r.~yx,:i c:c'~: 1,.:,..~ bec. ri ],~:ov i.<h':d ;~1: pub'.[ }x,~n l~'~:ovic~c(i aL 'l.hc privet:cf oxpan:.~c~ (3) Pont. ;~ rmr,:,L'y :in linu of coif, pitted :iml~rOv:'mont's (4) ~)kll~;:~: ,':~:('tq~l'::)~]O t;O J3CC. .q'.' :;'J'l.'.i i Cb'. Cc,)~n[:~:dt~ll ),:~y ~.'ccom:nc?nd t:o ~:l~a Board o~ C¢,un~y a ].'UI) ¢],::vc:l.op,,~:t~l: ~,')~iul't .t.a in acoot'clance with tba pol.:icior; nnri obje,;t.iw~n of tho Comp~rnhc~nnivc~ PI. aD in a].l ol:ho~- rcalsc, ct.s. B, 'l'J,e ),:,cd and juntif-lcatlon for the change; thc ]:u~;p~;~.,r; and oI~jcctiv~s of the County's comprel,:~nsiva p]ann~in9 program and to the Comprc}:onsive Plan, with ;,)?co!,r;.atx. cc)ns.i, dc]'abion as Lo v;]leLlm.,:' the propm[;ed change %:i.]]. I;u~;khc~r tl]e purposes of: this zol',~ng o)~dJrxmco tu]r] oLher CouIlky code:s, rqgu~.at:ions, and acbions dc:a:;.gncd to .~mp~.cll!orit 'the Coraprehcnt;ivc~ Plan. ~,Community Pav):s: Size: 10 to 50 Acren (10 Aero Min.imum). ,qtandard: 2.5 Acres per 3.,000 persons. Pr:imal'y User Group: Above. 12 Years. )~ormal Location: hd.j~con~ to a school. User mode o1: tran?..]~ork~ti.on: · "Bike--to", "Drive-to" park. I.la'in Ackivi'ty: Playground, ball field:~, %ennin courts, etc. .1.89 Yc~:,.' bbc:~:' .c. L~('~:~,, ~0. ],.]~n:['LtaL:.'iO)~[.: on the Rc~uli:J.r,q 0~' ~ ..~,p ........ ..I...]~(t ~'Ol:t'y tJ'oUt,,,,lCt .... (40,(:D0) ~,(]uar~ fae~ of ,lroa and two hu,~:'~rc~(J (200) l'eoJ: of ,.~', sh;~].] nc,l: Co;~.~co). any further (:L) ' ' ~ (2) ConniOor an ~pplJca(:io~] for any ot:l~c~ }:J.ct of rc:.:c)n~r,g or .ny ])art oz' ail of t:1~e n;m,e 1)rt,10~rt-y for a par:[od o~ si;~ (6) monLhs from ~:]]e dnte of ~uch .~1. W~:i.v~:: of 'J':Lmo Limit's. Tho e:J~nc~ limil:~ of sub- ~oct. ion .LO,r; ~,,~ox'c~ ~;~y T:e vms. red by t.hx'oo (~) nf~irm~tiv~ vo~:e, of thc, l~ocn:d when such ~etion J.~: dcr. m~d noce~s~ry t-o pr,aver,(: :L.:iu~.:l:i(ze or t:o fao:iI:Lt:ate t'.ho proper 190