Ordinance 74-34ORDINANCF. NO, 74-34 AN ORDINAt.:CE AMENDING COLLIER COUNT~ ORDINANCE N0.74-]3 BY ADDING E-2 AGRICULTURAL ESTATES DiSTRiCT AND PROVIDING AN ~[.'FECTIV]': DATE~. WIIEREAS, the Coastal Area Planning Commission has 'determined that the following zoning district shall be established. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY .TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF. C6LLI~R COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: 1. To amend the Zoning Regulations applicable to the Coastal Area Planning District of Collier County, Florida, amending the Zoning Regulations by adding Article 11.37 of the Official Zoning Regulations described as Exibit A of'Ordinance 74-13 is hereby amended accordingly: · SECTION' 11 . 37.' E-2 AGRICUI.TURAL ESTATE' DISTRICT 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: -~'. The provisions 6f this District are intended to provide a low d'ensity semi-rural use Of the land .along wi'th its vocational agricult.-' ural use. USES PEFuMITTED: No building or ~tructure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land . 6r water used, in who'le or in part, 'for oth6r than the following: . .. A, Principal Uses: (1) Single dwelling units which conform to 'the Collier County Building Code, Accessory Uses: ' (1) A. ccesso, ry uses and structures Which are'incidental to and customarily associat.ed with the uses permitted in the district. (2) Field crops'ra, ised for consumpt, ion · of the p~ople residing on the land. (3) Keepin~ of fowl or poultry not_'.to .~ exceed~ twent~-five (2.5) in total ;nun,:er, provided such fowl or'puul- · try are kept' in an enclosure located .B. (4) lot line and a~ least one hundred (100) feet'from any existing ~esi- .dence located on adjacent property. Keepi'Ug of horses n6t to exceed one (1) per acre. hgy roofed structure for shelter of such animals shall be no less than 'fifty (50) feet from any lot line or closer than one C0 hundred (100) feet to 'any exist~.n.g residence, located on adjacent pr~p- er.ty. No open fec~. l'ot storage for '..animals' shall be p'ermitted. Provisio~al Uses: ~.he following uses may 'be permitted sub'ject to the provisions of Article VII of this Ordinance: (1) 'Churche~ and other places of worship, (2) Cemeteries. (3) Schobls and colleges.'. MINIMUM LOT AREA! Two add one-quarter (2¼) acres. . ' 4, 'MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE':. The combined'area occupied by all buildings and roofed ,struct- ures shall not exceed ten (10) percent of ~he area 6f the plot. MINIMUM LOT LINE DIMENSION: One hundred fifty (150) feet. 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front ya.r'd setback - Seventy. five (75) feet. . B. Si~e yard setback - 10% of the width of the lot not to exceed" a maximum requirement" of 30 feet. C. Rear yard setback - Sovent~ five (75) feet. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: A. One story residence - 1,000 square feet. B. ~.;o s.tory re'sidence - 1]'200 square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT.' Thirty. (30) feet above grade. SIGNS: As permitted in Article XI of this Ordinance. 10..PROVISIQN FOR NON~CONFO~.IING LOTS OF RECORD: Any lot or parcel which was recorded prior to the adoption of this Section and which lot or parcel does not meet th~ minimum width and lot area requirements as 'a result of'the passage of this Sectioh shall'be considered as a legal non-conforming lot and s~all be e~igible for the issuance of a building per- mit provided it can me~t all other require- ments, of this Ordinance and sanitation require- ments set forth iD the Florida S~atutes.,, ' ' SECTION TUO: .: , ' . '" . .. . ' t~ ti "' lty ' .'.Conf].ict, Severance t Cons uc on and Pena . ~. . ~ · , :.' In 'tho event this Ordinance conflicts 'with o~'her appl~c'able law, the more .restrictive shall apply. If ~ny part of this Ordinance con- fl.~.cts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall hav~ ' full force 'and effect and be liberally.construed: '. ,. · If'any se6tion, ~ubsectio'n,..s~'n'tence, clause, phrase or portion of L-his Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid o'r unconstitutional by &ny court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof; ." . '. ': The' provisions of this 6rdtnance 's~a11 be deemed an exercise of police power of Collier County for the protection of the public .health, safety: and welfare and therefore shall b~- liberally construed ~co accomplis~ that..purpose and implement the legislative intent and .. .declaration. ' ': '.. . .' ' .. . . ." '-'. shcha ,:,iolab;ion co t .nC;in ,"e. ch' day's vlol tion or seva. ,te ac~ sh~ll be a s6parato offense. ' · . '. .. ; .: · · · . ~ , . :' ~,, : . ..' · . . SECTIO:1 THREE: ' ' : : · ' ' ' '. " '.. Effective Date. '.'' ~ ..:',*.. : .. '-. , ': . . 'f.'. . '. ~. . ' . · · '>. This O~dinance shall b'ecom~ effective upon ~e6eipt of n'o~'ice that 'it is' filed with the Secretary of State. .' Dated: 8:20-74 ., .'" ".' 'BOARD' OF COUNTY C0~v~4ISSIONERS ... COLLIER COUI~T¥, FLOR~iDA .. C].er~,-~of Cf=cuff C0%~t ' .' '. ' ''~ Cliff6¥~Wenzel;' C~irma~ " ....,,,./.,, .[;>,~s.u O/' '., //--'). . .. ' · ' ~' ' '.: · , .... .,,:. ~,~ .. . . · .... ..., ':' ~:'. ~.:"D~U~ ~le~k ,' Approved as to form and legality.' -....,.: ,.....: :... . .. "' '-";."::~'. i" ~!~" ',"'' ' .... DaVid ~.mers~n Brunet " . " : :.. "~ .',?.~?~,:",..-. .'.'' '.' ....... Collier County Attorney '. .'' · '.. · :, .... .,>_ ,,:,~,,.'..... ,-..' . ..-... . . . · . .. : · ., .. . · . ' ' ' '~''.~4"'' %' ' ~',~.'%" ' ° ' ' ' '' * ... . .*; '' '~. '~ '' ~. ,' . .~"1 . ,,,,! , · . . . . · ,' , .... ' . , ~,,.;.' · . ' , ., · · * · : : ' . , , .,. '. . .,. :...'. ,... . 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