Ordinance 74-32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLXER COUntY ORDINANCE NO.74-13 BY AMENDING TIlE ZONTNG PEGULATIONS APPnlCABLE TO TIIE COASTAIJ AREA PLANNING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY DELI".TING SECTIONS 11o24 A-2 AGRICULTURE AND REPLACING SECTION 11.23 A-1 AGRICULTURE WITH A-AGRICULTUrb%L DISTRICT ~ AND P~OVIDING AN E~FEOTIVE DATE) WIIEREAS, the Coastal Area Plann.lng Commission has determined that in order to protect 'and conserv~ Agric. ultural Land the following standards shall be established. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF. coLLIER C6UNTY, FLORIDA~ SECTION ONE: 1. To amend the Zoning Regulations applicable to the Coastal Area Planning District of Collier.County, Rlorida, amending the Zoning Regulations by deleting Section 11.24 A-2 Agriculture District and placing Section 11.24 A-1 Agriculture District with foll6wiQg standards and the official Zonin~ Regulations described as . Exhibit A of Ordinance 74-13 is hereby amended accordingly~ -- SECTION 11.23 A- AQricultural District: DI~TRIdT PURPOSE: The A-Agricultural District is ~ntended'to apply to those areas, tho present.or prosp~cti~e use ~f which is primarily agricultural, pastoral or rura'l in nature'. This District .is designed to accommodate traditional · agricultural uses, outdoor r.ocreational activities, 'and con~ervation measures, wh~re appropriate, while ~ protectin.'g the rural areas of the County. The regulations in thf. s Distric.t"are ~ntended '. ' to permit a reasonable use of tho property, while at the same ti~e prevent the creatfo'n of.'conditions which would seriously endanger, d~age, or destroy the agricultu~al or environmental resources of Collier County: the pot. able water su.pply, or the wildlife resources of the County. USES PERMITTED.. '' ' . No building or structure, or p~rt thereof, shall~ be erected, alte'red o~ used, 6r lan'd or water used¥ in whole or in p. art, for. othem than· the follow~ng~ A. Principal ~ses= 'il), Single Family Rosi~'ence exgluding mobile homes except as p~r~.itte~ in 2,B.,. (2). (2) }lunti~g cabin subject to al~ building · code's and permits. · (3)' 'Wildlife ~anageme~t areas;" plant and wildlife conscrvancies, refuges, and sanctuaries. , (4) Agricultural ac6ivities, such as f~eld Grops, hortlculturef'fruit and nut production, fore,try, ranching, bee- (5) (6) keeping, poultry and egg production, mil~ production, animal b~eeding, raising, · training, st~b~ing or kenneling. 'Aquaculture and mariculture; ~ny'use clearly intenaed as a measure for conservation. The applicant shall have the affirmative burden of establishing such intent. Accessory Uses: (1) (2) Accessory uses and structures which are incidental to and. customarily a~sociat~d with uses ~ermitted in the District. A mobile home or trailer, used in conneqtion with the agricultura~ bses is permitted on a temporary basis oniy, not to exceed .% (3) the duration of tho sgricu~'bural use for which · the mobile home is permitted or for.thTee (3) years, whichever shall be the shorter, provtd- ing that a permit for su6h temporary use is ob-. t~ined frcm the Directo~, and ~urther providing ' that the applicant is utilizing, for such agricul- tural use a tract of ten (10')' acres ~r more, ex- copt that part lying in public road right~.-of-way. Such mobile homes or trailers shall hot be loca.'ted closer than one' hund'red '(100).' feet from any County h'ighWay line, .two hundred '(20'0) feet from any State high~ay, right-of-way, or five hundred (500) feet from any Federal highway right-Of-way The mobile home must be removed at t]ie termination of the permitted per%o~. '. . . M6bile home or trailer as a temporary residence while permanent residenqe is being ~onstructed. · Up6n issuance of a building'permit for the.con- struction of a permanent residence, the Director may issue ~ permit for ~ temporary use'of a mobil~ ho~e or trailer while permanent residence is being built. The duration of such permit shall be determined by the Director b~t in no case may'it extend ~eyond the expi~atioh.date of'the buildin~ .p~rmit or .t~ completion of.~he residence, whichever is the sooner. Ce Prior to tho t$suance of a final certificate of occupance., the mobile home 'or trailer must be removed from the premises. Provislon~l. Uses: (1) Oil and ga.s extraction and related pro- · (2) (3) cessing and production. Earth Mining and re%ated proce~sing. Churches and pla~es of worship. .(4) Private landing strips for gen6ral .. aviation.' ' Sac.mills, provided that no 'sawmill shall bo loca~%d ~loser than 1,000 feet from any County, State,.or 'Federal property or highway right-of-way. ~emetertes. (6) ' '-D. ' Provisional Use Review Prior to the granting of a provisignal use, the BCC'sha1%% review· ~ach provist~na% use and make th~ following findings: '' (a) Tha~ the pettgion meet~ all t~e' · applicable requirements for the ',granting of a provi~£~nal use as · set forth in Art.icle VII of this Ordinance. . (b) That all activities such as road drainage and water tmp. ounding, removal of soil, trees, and other on- .$~te natural phenomenon are dona so as tQ enhance, conserve, and benefit t~e habits, breeding, and adaptation of the living Plant and. anlmal organisms i~ the Dts~'rict.. 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: A. Ail permitted or provisonal uses unless .othez~.~iso specified -5 Acre~ MINIMUM YARDS: .... A. Front - Sev6nty-five. (./5) feet '~etback. B. 'Side - Ten (10) percent of the width of the lot not to exceed a maximum requirement 'of fifty (5.0) feet. C. Rear - Seventy-five' (75) feet setback. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: Three hu~.'dred (300) feet. MINIMUM FLOOR. AREA: A.. ];unting Cabin Four hundred (400) square feet. · B. Single-Family Residences - Eight hundred'(800). .. .s~uare feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: .Thirty (30} feet above the fin'ished gra~, except for. access6ry structures suc~ as ~Xlos and windmtlls~ SIGNS= .'. AS permitted by all appli~a~l@"sign requlations. PROVISION FOR NON-CONFORMING LOTS OF ]~CO~D:. o Any lot or parcel which was re~rd~d prior to .t{%e adop- tion of this OrdinaDce.~nd which lot or pgrc~l does not , mee~ the minimum width and lot. area r?quirements as a r~- .suit of. the pass~ge of th~s O~dina'nce shall be considered as a legal non-conforming' lot and shall be eligible for the issuance of a building permit provided all the other requirements of this Ordihance and the Florida Statutes. are me~. '' ·.' .'.Conill'ct, Severance ~ Construction and Penalty.' '. :. , . " In 'Lhe event.~his Ordinance conflicts with o6her applicable law, the more.restrictive shall apply. If any p,4rt of.'this Ordinance con- flicts with any part, it shall be severed and. the remainder shall have · f~ll force 'and effect and be liberall~..cohs, trued.. . , .. 'If"any section, ' ;~section,. s~'ntence, clause, phrase or port~°n · .of ~his Ordinance is, for any reason held. invalid 'or unconstitutional by Any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of th= remaining portion thereof. '~ ": The' provisions of this Or~nance'shal~ be deemed an exercise Of :the police power of Collier County for the protection 'of the publf6 · 'health, safe~ty, and welfare.and therefore shall b~ liberally construed to accomplish that. purpose and implement the legislative intent and .. declaration. · .' ' ' ' ' ' : "... ' ' . . ' ::" '.':If s~ch a 4iola~ton'ts co~t~n~ing,' each' day's ~rioia&io~ or ~epa.~te act shall be a s~parate offense. . .'.' ' .. ... . .. : .; '. . :' · : ' ; ' ·' · SECTIO:; THREE: ', ; · '~ " , '... 'Effectiv'e Date. · ...... ."·:' . ' ': This 'Ordinance shali b'e'com~ eff~ctive upon ~e6elpt of not'ice that At is' filed with the Secretary of State, . .' ~ated: "8-2'0'~74 · ...' :.' ....." .' .~6ARD OF COUNTY CO¥~4~SS~ONERS . '. . :' .,.. COLLIER COUNTY~ FLOR/DA ' ATT'EST:. ' ' ' ':" . ' MARCJLRET T. SCOTT : ' . .'. : y of Circuit .Co t ' :. '... Cliffo~rd ~nz~i, Chairman. ' '.lerk ,. . Approved aR to form and leg'~l~ty~ ' · _ :· . · '~ .. · .. .': . · . .., ". 'Davi mers.on BrUnet . . . ' j : .- · .. Co1'1i9r CountY.Attorney ,-, .. . , ...... ,...:r,'<,~.~, ' . . , '~ '*"~' ~, ' '." .:"' '.. · ,'. . "' ' ' .... ':."''" .... · ';? . ' ":'""~ ' ' '"" 'l~i~"" ' ' ':' ' ..... ..... ..: '. ', -'6-.'' .':..~. . "'. :,:. ', ' ;'...'.'.' * ' . ~'~f; ... .' .. . -.