Ordinance 74-26~ "['{'.~' J "-' ; :'~'~ O~INANCE ~ENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE TRACT A: A portion of Section 19 and 20, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, and of Tract N, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT I4AP, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 20, Pubtic Records of Collier County, Florida, more partlcularly described as Follows: . From the Northwest corner of said Tract N, run S OO°21'28~'W, a~ong the Wesl line of .~aid Tract N, for 300.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence S 89°32'32"E, for 1128.62 Feet; thence S 89°26'35"E, for 2626.89 feet, to a point on curve; thence 479.46 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 4000 Feet and sub- tended by a chord having a length of 479.17 feet and bearing N 86'17'~0"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 439.88 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 550.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428.25 Feet and bearing S 74'13'39"E, to a point of compound curvature; thence 1134.44 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1OOO.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 1074.58 feet and bearing S 18'48'59"E to a point of compound curvature: thence 478.07 Feet along the 'arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 380.00 feel and subtended by'a chord having a length of 447.16 Feet and bearing S 49°43'26"W to a point o~ compound curvatpre; thence 717.29 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to~e~orth, having a radius of 4000.00 feet and subtended by a chor~',ba~,ng a length of 716.33 Feet and bearing N 89'O~'52"W to a p~Jht~f rew]rse curvature~ thence 136.87 feet along the arc of ~'ur~,~ · concave to the South, havlno a radius of 500.OO feet and~iub-.. tended by a chord having a length of 136.44 feet and bea~ S 88'11'50.5"W to a point of c~pound curvaturel thence ~.~ feet 'along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast,' ~v' ara ius of 200.00 Feet and subtended by a chord 'having ~'l'e~th 'of 305.76 Feet and bearing S 30'30'06.5"W to a.polnt of reverse curvature; thence 55.94 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 300.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 55.86 feet and bearing S 13'58~03~5"E to a point on curve; thence 435.78 feet along the arc of curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 696.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428,70 feet and bearing S 78°43138.5"W; thence N 42°30'OO'1W, f6r 92.85 feet; thence N 13°28' 10'lW, for 376.46 feet to a point of '~urvature; thence 484.48 feet along the arc of a curve, con,ave to the Southeast,.having a radius of 250.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 412.15 feet and bearing N 42°O2'53"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 927.34 feet along the arc of.a curve, concave to the North, having a radius of 2400.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 921.59 feet and bearing N 86°29'46''E to a point on curve; thence 569.19 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 200.00 feet and subtended ~by a chord haying a length of 395.64 feet and bearing N 71°31'41"E to a point of compound curvature; thence 432.09 feet'along the arc of a curve, conc~ge. to the Southwest, having a radius of 1200.00 feet and subtended by a chord hav[ng a length of 429.76 feet and bearing N 20°19'O5"¥1 to a point of compound curvature; thence 348.64 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 323.10 feet and b~aring N 69°O2'54"~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 862.04 feet along the arc of ~ curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 1760.OO feet and subtended by chord having a length of 853.45 feet and bearing S 86°34'O6"~rI to ~ pnlnt of reverse curvature; thence 999.31 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 18OO.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 986.52 feet and bearing S 84~41~44"~'I to a point on curve; thence 730.19 feet along the prc of a curve~ concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 190.OO feet and subtended by a chord having .a length of 356.86 feet and be~nr~ng S 31~21'56"¥1 to o point on curve; thence 445.41 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to th~ Northeast, having a radius of 2400.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 444.77 feet and bearing S 40~41'OO"E to a point of tangency~ thence S 46~OO'OO"E, for 410.OO feet; thence. S 13°28'10"E, for 470.00 feet; thence S 42°30'OO"E, for 177.50 feet to a point on curve; thence 194.76 feet along the nrc of a curve, concave, to the Southeast, having a radius of 696.00 Feet and subtended by ~ chord having a length of ~94.13 feet and bearing S 26°11 ~35.5"¥1 to a point of reverse curvature; thence 310.83 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, hng[ng a radius of 435.00 feet and subtended by a chord havin~la8 length of 304.26 feet and bearing S 38°38'50"~V; thence N 1 O'58"~, for 754.74 feet to a point of curvet~re~ the~ce 148.71 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 320.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 147.37 feet and bearing N 31°29'45"W, to a point of tangency; thence N 44°48'32"\.1~ for 1566.81 feet to a point of curvature; thence 65.49 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of · 1aa.aa feet and subtended by a chord h~vin.q a length of 64.33 feet and bearing N 26~O2'49.5"W to a point of reverse curvature; thence 72!.~f feet ~lono the arc of a curve, concave to the South- east, having a radius o~ 190.OU feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 359.81 fe(~t and bearing S 63°57'10"W to ~ point on .the Westerly boundary of said Tract N; thence N 44°48'32"9/, along said Westerly boundary, for 280.00 feet; thence N 62°27'24"W, conti.nuing along said boundary, for 8~6.18 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 84.529 acres more or less. TRACT B: ~. A portion of Sections 20 and 21, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, a port;on of Tract N, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT I4AP, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 20, Pub1 Records of Collier County, Florida, and'all of Lots 11, !2 and 13; Block 29, Lots 1 and 2, Block 30 apd Lot 1, Block 31, Lely Golf Estates St. Andrews East, as recorded in Plat Bock IO, Page 98, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: From the Point of Beginning at the South- west corner of said Lot 11, Block 29~ St. Andrews East~run 236.17 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the SouthweSt,,. having a radius of 520.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 234.15 feet ancL bearing H 43°32'16"W to a point: of tangency; thence N 56°32'56"W, for 460.46 feet; (the last two courses lying along the Northeasterly Right~or-d/ay llne of Forest Hills Boulevard, as shown on said plat of Lely Golf Estates St.., Andrews East~) thence N 33°27'04"E, for 100.00 feet to a point of curvature: thence 294.46 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 640.09 .feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 291 .87 feet and bearing N 46°37'54"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 374.24 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 515.O0 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 366.06 feet and bearing N 38°59'40"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 854.46 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, ha~ing a radius of 616.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 787.59 feet and bearing lq 57°54~52"E to a point on curve; thence 154.12 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 3OO.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 152.43 feet and bearing S 21 °34'O9"V~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 218.89 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 300.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 214.O7 feet and bearing S 15°23~O4"~¢ to a point of compound curvature; thence 392.55 feet along arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 200.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a. length of 332.51 feet°o and bearing S 61°44'49"E to a point at tangencyj thence N 62 1'26"E, for 495.O0 feet to a point of curvature; thence 403.37 feet along the arc of a cur. va, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 12OO.OO feet ,and subtended by a chord having a length of 40!.47 feet and bearing N 71°39'13"E to a point of tangency; thence N 81°I7'OO"E, for 245.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence 777.95 Feet along the arc of a 'curve, concave to the ..... --.Northwest, having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 743.54 feet ~nd bearing N 51°34'OL~"E to a point of compownd curvature; thence 886.67 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the ~est, having a radius of 12OO.OO.feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 866.64 feet and bearing N 00°4J ~O4"E to a point of rever~e .curvature: thence 518.87 feet along the~arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 350.00 Feet and subtended bva chord having a length of 472.64 feet and :earing N 21°59'1:~"E to a point of compound curvature; thence 391.66 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 1OOO.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 389.16 feet and bearihg N 75°40'37"E to a point of reve'rse curvature; thence 376.07 feet along the arc of 'a curve, concave to the North- west, 'having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length ot: 372.14 feet and bearing N 72°3'1~57,'E to a point on curve; thence 229.30 feet along the .arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, havin9 a radius of 291 .20 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 223.42 feet and bearing S 44045'47.5"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 330.17 feet along the arc of a curve~ concave to the Southwest~ having a radius of 1560.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 329.55 feet an~l bearing'S 61'15.28.~"£; thence S 3{;°48'20"W, for 130.OO feet to a point on curve; thence 145.OI feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1430.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 144.95 feet and bearing S' 52°17'22"E to a'polnt of tangenc¥;, thence S 49°23'O4"E, for 11 .12 feet to a point of curvature; thence 43.15 feet along {he arc of a curve, con- cave to the Southwest, having a radius of 930.00 feet and sub- tended by a chord having a length of. 43.15 f~et and bearing S 48°O3'19"E to a point on curve; thence 558.02 fe'et along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of.'~;,,. 190.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 378.O1 feet and bearing S 35°OO'OO:'E to a point on curve; thence 235.75 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius o1: 930.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 235.12 feet and bearing S 16°00~42.5"E to a po'i'nt bn .curve: thence 550.72 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southea'~t, having a 'radius of 190.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 377.20 feet and bearing S O8°21tOI'~1 to a point on curve; thence 99.76 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 350.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 99.42 feet and bearing S 43~37'O8.~"W to.a point of tangency; thence S 51°47'O4"¥/~ for 1189.78 feet to a point on curve; thence 261 .63 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 490.00 feet end subtended by a chord having a length of 258.54 feet and bearing N 15°17'47"V~; thence West, for 130.OO feet t.o a point on curve; thence 237.78 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 620.00 feel: and subtended by a chord having a length'of 236.32 feet and bearing N 10°59'13"E~ thence N 83°58'46"E, for 207.25 feet to a point of curvature; thence 503.85 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 375.OO Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 466.80 feet and bearing N 45°29'18"E to a point of compound curvature: thence 429.29 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the ~lest, having a radius of 2440.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428.74 feet and bea~ing N O1°57'25"E to a point of tangency; thence N O3°O5'00"W, for 415.98 feet to a point of curvature~ thence 442.82 feet along the arc of a curve, conceve to the Southwest, ha~lng a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended .by a chord having a length of 391 .21 Feet and bearing N 51°52'30"~/ to a point of tangency~ thence S 79°20'00"¥~, for'121 .06 feet to a point of curvature; thence 374.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended by a ~hord having a length of 342.58 feet and b~aring S 38°O7'30"W to a point of tangency~ thence S O3°O5!OO1'E~ for 400.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence 681.89 feet along the arc of a curve, concave.to the Northwest', having a radius of 1800.00'f'e'et and subtended by a chord havingalc~nqthoF677.82 feet and bearing S O7°46'O9"¥~; thence S 68*Oib3,~"E, for 130.96 feet to a point on curve; thence 78.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave .to the Southeast, having a radius of 680.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 77.96 feet and bearing S 18°41 '16"W~ thence N 74'35'54"W, for 130.00 feet to a point on curve; thence 692.93 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 810.O0 feet and subtended 5y a chord having a length of 671.99 feet and bearing S O9°O6'20"E~ thence S 51°47'O4"¥/, for 262.61 feet to a point of curvature; thence 49.73 feet along the arc of ~ cu'rve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 920.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 49.72 feet and bearing S 50°14'lO"W' to a point on curve; thence 191.83 feet along the.arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 430.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 190.24 feel: and bearing N 55°57'41"W to a point on curve; thence 33.33 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 420.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 33..32~ feet and bearing N 16°28'll''E to a point of tangency; thence N 14°11'48"E, for 103.18 feet to a point of curvature; thence 486.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Sout'hwest, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 363.93 'feet and bearing N 59°04'51"W to a point of reverse curvature; ' ' thence 151.58 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 150.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 145.21 feet' and bearing S 76°35'25"W to a point of reverse curvature; thence 148.52 feet along the . arc of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 250.'00.' feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 146.35 fee~' and bearing S 88°31'10"~'1 to a point of tangency; thence S 71°30'00"W, for 516.00' feet to a point of curvature; thence 399.43 feet along. the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 280.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a 1. ength of 366.41 feet and boaring S 3~)°37'591'W to a point of compound curvature; thence 157.87 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 157.58 feet and bearing S 16°15'51"E to a point of compound curvature; thence 391.19 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of' 355.32 feet and bearing S 65°23'50"E to a point of tangency; thence N 71 °30'O0"E, fo,: 550.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence 331.61 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, h. aving a radius of 620.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 327.67 feet and bearing N 56°I0'40"E to a point of compound curvature; thonce 102.02 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 420.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 101.77 feet and bearing' N 33°53'50"E to a point on curve; thence 166.72 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest'having a radius of 370.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 165.31 feet and bearing S 56°05'23"E to a point on curve~ thence 375.34 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 920.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 372.74 feet and bearing S 33°15'45.5"W to a point of tangency; thence S 21°34'30"W, for 267.27 feet to a po,Lnt on curve; thence 776.'67 feet along the arc of a curve, concava to the Southeast, h~ving a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 338.27 feet and bearing S 22°15'43"W to a poi.nt on curve; thence 190.01 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to t.he Northwest, having a radius of 230.00 feet and subtended by. a chord having a length of 184.66 feet and bearing S 56°01'01.5"W to a point of tangency; thence S 79°41~04'M, for 165.73 feet; thence N 10°18'56"W, For 28.52 feet to a point on curve; thence 813.36 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord haven9 a length of 32,0.00 feet'and bearing S 79°41'04"W; thence S 10°1~'56"E, for 28.52 feet; thence S 79~41'04'M, for 200.11 feet; thence N 10°!8'56"W, for 24.59 feet to a point on curve; thence 813.36 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 320.00 feet and'bearing S 79°41'04"W; thence'S 10°18'56"E, for 24.59 feet; thence S 79°41'04'M, for _ 84.64 Feet to a point of curvature; thence 81.73 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, havi~ng a radius of 14866.16 feet and s~,btended by a chord havlng a length of 81_.73 feet'and bearing S 79°31 '37"¥1; thence N i1°14'50'!W, for 75.83 . feet ~o a point on curve; thence 813.36 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord havin'g a length of 320.00 feet and bearing S 78°45'10"W; thence S ll~14'50"E, for 75.83 feet to a poi'nt on curve; thence 205.12 feet along the arc of a'curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 14866.16 feet and ' subtended by a chord having a length of 205.12 re.et and' bearing S 77°44,27,,W to a point .on the Easterly bounda~-y oF said 8lock 29, Lely Golf ~'states St. Andrews East; thence N 12°39,16,,W, along said E.-~sterly boundary, for 610.00 feet to a point oF curvature; thence 202.75 feet along the arc of a curve, concave · to the Southwest, having a radius of 650.00 Feet and subtended .'. by a chord having a length of 201.93 'feet and bearing N 21°35'26',W; thence S 59°28'24,,W, for 130.00 Feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 117.188 acres more or less. ' Excepting herefrom Lots 11,12 and 13, Block 29 Lots 1 and 2, Block 30, Lot 1, Block 31 all of Lely Golf Estates St. Andrews East which is to .be rezoned from "SF-3" to "GC". SECTION ~';O: ~ ' ' ' ·.' ' ' .Confiict, Severance , Construction and Penalty. : In ~he event this Ordinance conflicts with other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any.part of this Ordinance con- flicts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall have full force and effect and be liberally c6nstrued. 'If'any section,!subsectio'n, s~ntence:, clause, phrase or portion · of ~his Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid o'r unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of thm remaining portion thereof. .' . The provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed an exercise of .'the police power of Collier County for the protection of the public ,...h~alth, safe~y and welfare and therefore shall b~ liberally construed to accomplish that purpose and implement the legislative intent and .declaration. ' " : 'If s~ch a violation is continuing, each' day's ~ioiation or separate act shhll be a separate offense. SECTIO?~ THP~E: Effective Date. ' This· Ordinance shall become effective upon'~eceipt of notice that it is filed with the Secretary of State. Dated: 3~iy 16 ~'. ATTEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT 'BOAFJ) OF COU~;TY COM~4ISSIONERS ......... ~LmRIDA · By: ' · .' '~~,' · .~'f.~-";z~t" -~'/' ' ' .D~vid Emerson Br.uner Col'lief County Attorney