Ordinance 74-12 ORDINANCE NO. 74~-1~ AN .ORDI~;ANCE ESTABLISHI~;G TIlE "COASTAL PLAN- NING AREA" OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; ADOPTING THE ATLAS OF MAPS DESCRIBING TIlE ZONING DISTRICTS WITIIIN TIlE COASTAL AREA PLANNING ARE~A~ PROVIDING FOR CHANGES TO SUCH ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING APPEAL, PENALTY, CONFLICT, SEVERANCE AND CONSTRUCTION CLAUSES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Coastal Area Planning Commission has received petitions, advertised, held public hearings and recommended zoning area and.district boundaries to be approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, and ~!EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners in public hearings have approved and adopted such zoning districts and caused the same to be entered upon the official records of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: 1. That the Official Zoning Atlas of land use distr~cts within the C6astal Area Planning District be and is hereby adoptcd. Dated April 30~1974 and designated as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereOf. 2. Changes to the official Zoning Atlas. a. Changes to the Official Zoning Atlas of Land Use Dtztricts within the Coastal Planning Area shall be made by Ordinance from time to time by designating the land use classification, or classifications and describing the area or areas of the Zoning District or Districts so classified, by legal description or official Zoning Atlas Map or Maps.. b. Such Ordina~ce shall be ~nact~d in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statute Section 125.66. 3. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by this Ordinance or any decision~of any administrative officer or agency in the application. of this Ordinance, other than the Board of County Commissioners, shall file a written request to the Board of County Commissioners not later than thirty (30) days after the date the disputed decision shall have become final, which shall, at a public hearing, hear the ~omplaint of such aggrieved person. Said public hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days of the date of filing of the hearing request. After the hearing the Board of County Commissioners shall, within fifteen (15) days render its decision in wI~iting affirming, overruling, or modifying the decision of the administrative official, or.body, or grant a variance from the provisions hereof based upon hardship unnecessary in the p~blic interest. SECTION TWO: 1. Penalty. Any person violating the Provisions of this. Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished as provided by general law. 2. Severance. If any portion of this Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or held invalid in application, the validi.t~y~o~ the remaining portions and applicability to other persons a~ ~ circumstances shall ,not be affected. ~-~ ~ . , . . , · , ' ~'.4:~ i ~ ,',' 3. Conflict. Should any substantive provision of this'Ordinance conflict ~ith other ordinances, codes,or law, the more restrictive shall apply. Should any procedural provision of this Ordinance con- flict with other ordinances or special law the former 'W~all control. 4. Construction. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effoctiyoly carry out its purposes in the interests of public health, safety, welfare and convenience of the public. 5. Effective Date. The provisions of this Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed with the Department of State. Dated: April 30, 1974 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS · OF COL~I4IER COUNTY.~ FLO~DA By.' CI~F~6 rd Wenzel, ~ai~man Approved as to form and legality: Davxd EmersoK Brunet Collier County Attorney ,L EMERGENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI-FAMILY FOLLOWS -. SECTION 11.7 BOOK RESOLUTION ARTICLE I - ARTICLE II - Section ~.1 Section 2.2 ARTICLE II!-- Section 3.1 Section 3.2 Section 3.3 Section 3.4 Section 3.5 ARTICLE IV- Section 4.1 Section 4.2 · ' Section 4.3 Section 4.4 Section 4.5 Section 4.6 ARTICLE V - Section 5.1 Section 5.2 Section 5.3 Section 5.4 Section 5.5 Section 5.6 Section 5.7 Section 5.8 ARTICLE VI- Secllon 6.1 Section 6.2 OF' . ,' SHORT TITLE ' " ' 2' ' ' DEFINITIONS ",".. '2'.,, ': Interpretation of Certain Terms and Words ., .2 · List of Definitions .... : 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS '.'.' " 14' Use Districts "" " · i4 District Boundaries , ,. ,' 15'. Map Amendment ...... ..'.' . . 1.5 ' Replacement of Official ZonMg Map "' 16 Rules for Interpretation of District Bounder'les., 16 ' APPLICATION OF' REGULATIONS. ,. 12. Uses 17 Buildings 17 Lots 17 Yard Space , 17 Submerged Land 17 Minimum Requirements 18 GENERAL PROVISIONS 18 Number of Buildings Per Lot Street Access Establishment of Setback Lines for Street W~denMg Uncompleted Buildings Time Limit for Special Permit or Vorlance Obstruction to Vision at Street Intersectlon Location of' Accessory Structur6s Essential SeFvices EXCEPTIONS AND'/~bDIFICATIONS Front Yard Requirements Exception Io Height Limltatlons 18 18 '- ~ectlon 6.3 Section 6.4 Sectlon 6.5 Exc~pHon to Helght Limitations for' Public or Semi- Publlc Use Exception to Yard Requirements In Cerlaln Instances ' Temporary Permits Page 20' 20 20 ARTICLE VII Section 7.1 Section 7.2 Section 7.3 Section 7.4 Section 7.5 Section 7.6 Section 7.7 Section 7.8 Section 7.9 ARTICLE VIII - ARTICLE VIII - Section 8.1 Section 8.2 Section 8.3 S'ecHon 8.4 Section 8.5 Section 8.6 ARTICLE IX .- Section 9.1 Section 9.2 Section 9.3 NON'CONFORMING LOTS, NON' CONFORMING USES OF LANDf NON' CONFORMING STRUCTURES, AND NON'CONFORMING USES OF STRUCTURE~ AND PREMISES Intent Extension and Enlargement Non -Conforming' Lots of Record Non-Conforming Uses of. Land Non - Conirorming Structures Non-Conforming Uses of. Slructures or of Structures and Premises in Comloinatlon Repairs and Maintenance Uses Under Exception Provisions Not Non-Conforming Uses Termination Requirements for Certain Non - Confer m~tles OFF-STREET PARKING, LOADING OFF-STREET PARKING, LOADING AND UNLOADING REGULATIONS Definition General Requirement and Specifications Requirements for Off-Street Parking Requirements For OFf'-Street Loading and Unlooding Permanent Reservation Exception to Off'-Street Parking and Loading Requirements . PROVISIONAL USES Pro.cedure for Obtaining Permit General Criteria for Provisional Uses Specific Provls~ons for Provls~onal Uses .21 22 22 23 23. 24 24 .25 25 25- 25 26 29 30 3O 30 32 33 ARTICLE X' Section 10.1 Section 10.2 ARTICLE XI Section 11.1 Section 11.2 Section 11.3 Section 11.4 Section 11.5 Section 11.6 Section 11.7 · Section 11.8 Section 11.9 Section 11.10 Section 11.11 Section 11.12 Section ~1.13 Section 11.14 Section 11.15 Section 11.16 Section 11.17 Section 11.18 Section 11.19 Section 11.20 Section 11.21 Section 11.22 Section 11.23 Section 11.24 Section 11.25 Section 11.26 Section 11.27 Section 11.28 Section 11.29 Section 11.30 Section 11.31 Section 11.32 Section 11.33 Section 11.34 Section 11.35 Section 11.36 HOME OCCUPATIONS 33 General Provisions for Home Occ~pation 33 Procedure for Obtai. ning Home-Occupation Permit 34 SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS District SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 SF-4 SF-5 SF-6 Regulations Single-Family Single-Family Single-Familt SiDgle-Family Single-Family Single-Family Adopted Residential District Residential District Residential District ResidentiAl District Residential District Residential District MF-1 One and Two-Family Residential District MF-2 One,Two, and Multiple-Family Residential District 46 MF-3 Two and Multiple-Family . Residential District 48 MF-4 Multiple-Family Residential District 50 MF-5 Multiple-Family Residential District 53 MHSD Mobile Home Subdivision District MHTT Mobile Home Park District 57 CP. Commercial Parkway District 60 C-1 Commercial District 62 C-2 Commercial DiDtrict 64 C-3 Commercial District 67 C-4 Commercial-Light Industrial District I-Industrial District E-Suburban Estates District GC-Golf Course District A-1 Agricultural District A-2 Agricultural District FL Farm Labor Camp Supplementary District W-Waterfront Sqpplementary District GH-Group Housing Supplementary District MF-1A ND Non-Conforming Development Supplemental District 87 Naples Air~ort Supplemental District 90 FVR-Fish~hg Village Residential District PUD-Planned Unit Development District CT-4-Commercial Tourist District CT-5-Commercial Tourist District Sign Regulation FenceRe~ulation Fallout Shelters 35 36 38 40 41 43 70 '72 76 77 . 79 8O 83 84 85 95 97 101 103 106 [= '!.UTIOI(-) . ( .... "i ' [', ........ A resolution of Collier County, Flor.ldo, establishing, zoning district.,,.wlth~n the' unincorporated portion of Collier County, Florida and regulating within such zoning districts: the height, number of stories, size, location, relocation, erection, construction, reconstructlon~ alteration, removal, and use of buildings, structures and signs; the use of land and wat6r for commerce, industry, residence~ agriculture, recreation, forestry, resource, conservatlon~ flood control and other lawful purposes, the size of yards, courts bndother open spaces; percentage of lot that may be occupied; the denslty and distribution of population; expansion, change, or elimination of non-conformity; damage or nulsance-producl.ng characteristics such as, but not Iimlted to, noise, vibration, glare, and the handling' of gaseous, llqu~d and solid wastes,' including junk and wrecked autom,.~biles, appliances, or parts, thereof, ard trash; creating districts for said put.poses and establlsh~ngboundarles thereof; defining certain terms used herein; .repeollng conflicting resolutions and for other purposes. WHEREAS Collier County, Florida' Is authorized by Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, to provide by resolution, regulations governing the use of land. and water for commerce, industry, res'idence, agriculture, recreation, forestry, resource, conservation,, flood control, and other purposes; regulating the height, number of stories, size, location, relocation, erection, construction, alteration, removal and use of buildings, structures and signs; regulating the size of yards~ courts and other .open spaces, percentage of lot that may be occupied;.regulatlng the densil~, and distribution of population, regulating the expansion, change of elimination of non- conformity, regulating damage end nuisance-producing characteristics; and creating districts for said purposes; and WHEREAS the Collier County PlanMng Commission has prepared a Compre- hensive General Plan for the physical development of the area, based on ex~stlng and anticipated needs, showing existing and proposed improvements in the area, stating the principles according to which future development should proceed and the manner in which such development should be controlled and that said plan was prepared with the general purpose of guiding and accompllshlnga coordlnated, adjusted, and harmonious development of the area Jnaccordancewlth existing and future needs and does best promote public health, safety, order, comfort and convenience, appearance and the general welfare, as w~ll as efficiency and economy in the process of development; and " WHEREAS the Board of County Commi'ssloners of Collier County, after due consideration and duly authorized and conducted public hearing, dldonthe25th day of April of 1967 adopt, fully in a legal manner, said Comprehensive Plan of Collier County; and . , ""dERFJ~r-"{.he Cailler Cot ..... lann~ng (~"~,mlsslon has ~, '~., zon;ng L I.. . ~, · . ........ ~. - ~ regulation for"thJe unlncorporalect portions of' C~lller County and'tha'rsn;dzon~ng regulation corresponds to the purposes and scope of the said Comprehensive Plan of Collier County and is intend..--,d to implement and promot.e saldComprehensi.:e Plan of Collier County; and . WHEREAS, the Board of County Comm~ssloners of" Collier County deem.s it nocess'ory in order to accomplish the purposes and scope °fthe Comprehensive Plan of' Collier County, and in o~'dor to preserve and enhance land values and use and to prevent or mlnimlzo problems of development and enioyment of' land and water resources and tl~e provisions of' this regulation are deslgnedtopromote, protect, end improve the public hoolthi safety, order, comfort, convenience, appeai-- ance end general welfare' of' Collier County; and WHEREAS due public notice and duly authorized public hearing was held; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA~ AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 SHORT TITLE These rules and regulations shall be known and may be clted as the Colller County Zoning .Regulations, done this 8th day of October 1968. ARTICLE 11 DEFINITIONS Section 2.1 - !nlerpretat~on of Certain Terms and Words. For the purpose of this Regulation, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Words used in the present tense shall include the future; the singular number shall include the plural and and the plural, the singular; the word 'building' shall include the word 'structure', the word "lot"" ' iF~cludes the 'word 'plot' or 'parcel"; the word *shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory; the word "used' or 'occupied' as applied to any land or buildings shsII be construed to include the words "intended, arranged, or deslgned to be used or occupied." Section 2.2 - List of Definitlons~. ACCESSORY USE, BUILDING OR STRUCTURE: A secondary resJdence, garage, or other buildJng or structure on a. lot or parcel, su~ord[nate to and not forming an Jntergal part of the main or prJnc:JpaJ building, but pertaJnJng to the use of the main buJlding. An'accossory.buJJdh~g may include servants' quarters. See also: e~ and Boat House. ACRE; An area containing 43,560 square feet. A. Acle Gross: A gross acre is an area of land used for a particular use · including rights-of-way. B, Acre Net: A net ocre is an area of land for a specific use exclusive ~ o~right~'-0f-way. 3. ADVERTISING SIGN: A surfa6e whereon advertising matter is set In public view, including refercnce to any use of premises whereon it is dlsplay6d o~ posted. (See also Chbpter XXIII - SIGNS AND OUTDOOR DISPLAYS ' Collier Building Code.) See Sect'lon 'I'!.34. 4. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE: All beverages containing more than one (!) per cent alcoholic by weight. e A. INTOXICATING BEVERAGE: (OR INTOXICATING LIQUOR): Beverages includJng only lhose liquors, wines and beer contaJnJ than 3'.2% of alcoholic by weight· ng more ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTOR: Any person who sells and dlstribut~s or offers to sell and distribute 'alcoholic beverages in the county to other licensed distributors, licensed vendors, licensed operators or lounges, bors or club· C. ALCOHOLIC .BEVERAGE VENDOR: Any person who.sells or offers for sale alcoholic beverages at retail in the county in any quantity. D e ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE QUOTA LICENSE: A license or licenses issued by the State Beverage Department of Florida pursuant to the provisions atr paragraph (1) of Sec'tJon 561.20, restricted or.limited by popul6tlon. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SPECIAL LICENSE: The license or licenses issued by the State Beverage Department of Florida to any bona fide hotel, motel, motor court or other facility of not less than one hundred guest rooms, pursuant to SecHon 561.20 (2), Florida Statutes. .' ALLEY: A roadway dedicated to public use which aff'ords only seconblary means of access to abutting proper, ty and which is not intended for general traffic cirulatlon. · ALLOWABLE USE: A use specifically permitted. ALLOWED USE: See Definition 78. ALTERATION OF. BUILDING: Any change tn the arrangement of a build- .lng including any work aft'ec;ing the structural ports ot' a building or any change Jn wiring, Plumbing, alr conditioning or heating systems. ?. ANTIQOE SHOP & STORE: A store or shop conducted entirely w;fhiri a fully enclosed structure dCalJng ~n the' saJo of old articles which, due to. their demand as collector's ilemss historical background~, or' scarlcJtys have an antrinslc value. :.. 10. APARTMENT BUILDING: A principal building which Is used or intended: to be used as a home or residence for more than two families living in separate quarters. I1. APARTMENT HOTEL: An apartment buildlng~ under resident supervisions which maintains an inner lobby through which tenants customarily pass to gain a.ccess to the apartment and whJch may furnish d~nlng room service'. 12. AUTOMOBILE OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE: A clearly defined and appropriately marked area containing a space measuring at least ten feet by twenty feet having sufficient ways ~of ingress and egress thereto when a I adjacent spaces are occupied. Such space shall be provided with a suitable surface for parking and shall be~ except as otherwJse allowed ( See Section 8.2)~ located entirely upon the principal ,lot and shall not encompass any area of street, alley or pe, destrlan right-of-way. Statute.~, ' .... 14. BLOCK: A piece or parcel of land customarily surrounde3 by public streets~ (other than alleys), or any olhor maior physical barriers. 15, I~LOCK FACE: That portion of a block with continuous frontage along a single srreet. 16, BOAT HOUSE: A. Private: An accessory building for the express purpose of prov~dlng space for housing boats and boating accessories, B. Commercial: A building adjacent to a canal, waterway, river or bay for the express purpose of housing, hauling, launching, repairing, servicing, 'n malntainir~g or stor~ g boats, for a f'ee. 17. BOAT YARD & WAY: A commercial establishment which provides. Facilities for Ihe construction or reconstruction, repair, maintenance or sale of boats, marine engines, marine equipment and marine services of all kinds; including but not limited to rental of covered or uncovered boat slips, dock space, enclosed dry storage space, marine railways, or lifting or launching services. 18. BUILDING: Any structure either tempOrary or permanent, having a roof, and used or built for the shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind. This deflnili0n shall include tents, awnings or vehicles which Function as a building. 19. BUILDING HEIGHT: The vertical distance measured from the average crown of the abutting road to the hlghest palntoF the roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof, and to the mean height between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof. 20. 'BUILDING LINE: The extreme overall dimensions of a build'~ng as staked on the ground, including all area covered by any vertical projection to the ground or overhang of walls, roof or any other part of' a structure, whichever is nearest to the property llne, will· be considered as the building llne. Eaves or overhangs may 'project a maximum of 18" into any required yard. (See also definition Number 94 SETBACK)' ~: 21. BUILDING SITE: The grobnd area of a building or buildings together with all open spaces surrounded by 'said building or buildings. 22. CABARET: See Cocktail Lounge. Defin'itlon Number 24. 25. 26. 26.1 27. 28. 28.1 29. 30. 31. CAFETERIA:, A place where food ls obtained by self-service and eaten on i:x'emises ' CENTERLINE: A llne running parallel wlth the two edges of a rlght-of~. way~ Iocated~ in general~ a distance.halfway between the extreme edges of official and platted rights-of, way. ,! CERTIFIED SURVEY: A Survey~ sketchl plan map or other exhibit is said' to be certified when a wrltten statement regardlng its accuracy or con- formity to specified standards is signed by.the registered surveyor who .,~:~: '~''~ prepared said certified survey'. ?" CHILD CARE CENTER: An enterprise involving the care of three or mare children at one and the same time elther by, day or nlght~ whlch children. are not foster children or related by blood or marriage to the operator. CHURCH: A.ny building or structure used exclusively for religious services and religious educaHon regularly and the title to which sald bu]ldlng ~s owned or' held by said church· CLINIC: Any structure or premise used as an establ~shment for medical ~ physical or surgical examination of persons classified as outpatients. COCKTAIL LOUNGE: An establishment which is I~censed to sell intox]cat- ~ng liquors by ihe drink,: where mus[c~ dancing or other entertainment may be permitted. ;~ COLLEGE: An [nsHtution of h~gher learning not established and operated ~' for-profit or as a commercial enterprise and is recognized by the State'of Florida as an institution offering post h~gh school curriculum. Unless specifically prefaced with the proper descriptive terms~ a college shall not encompass dormitories or unusual facilities not normally associated with collebe operaH~ns. - COMMERCIAL FISHERY: An establlshm,ent for the recelving~ process~ng~ packaging~ storage and wholesale or retail dlstrlbuHon and sale of .:, products of the sea for human consump!~on. Such an establishment may include facii~Hes for the dock~ng,, Ioadlng~ unloa.d~ng~ fuel~ng~ ~clng~ :;' and prov;slonlng of vessels ancl.£br the drying~ maintenance and storage ,~ of equipment. ~ CONDITIONAL PERMIT: A pqrmlt issued subject to revisions or cancellation by the issuing department. CONDOMINIUM: Condomlnlum iS that form of ownership of condominlu~':~ ~~' ~nd-'e'~ ~"'~,ch un,ts of ,m~o~men~ are Sublec~ to ~nershJp ~ one ~ more ~ners, and Ihere is appurtenant to each unit ~ ~rt thereof undivlded share in the common element. ~.,~.r Revised March 7, 1972 and' April 11, 1972 32. CONVENTION HALL: An assembly or meeting place t'o~'delegates for action on partiCular ma,erst such as buslness~ political, fraternalt v~teran's arralrs, and the llke. ' 33. COURT: An open unoccupied space, other than a yardt unobstructed except For trees, shrubs~ foundaHons, or statuary: on the same lot as a building. A. Inner Court: A court surrounded by a structure and not extned;ng to a street or alley or to a t'ront~ slde or rear yard. 33.1. DENSITY, NET RESIDENTIAL: The net resldenHaldenslty for a given project shall be determined by dividing the total number al' project dwelling units by the net res]denHal acreage, excluding publlc or private street r~ghts ot' way. ArHfic]al water bodies w~thln the project. area may be calculated as part of the net residenHal area, up to a maximum o~' 50% o[ said area. BOOK -, B. Outer Court: or rear yard. 34. DEPTH OF LOT: 35. 36. A court extending to a street or alley or to a front, Tho depth of o lot is the depth between'its mean front street line and its mean rear DIRECTOR: The director of' the Building and Zoning Department, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.' DRIVE-IN BUSINESS: Any place of bus~ness or premise which serves, sells or otherwise makes available its service to patrons situated i'n vehicles. 37. DRIP/E-IN RESTAURANT: A prepared food and bevera0e sales enterprise which is operated in such a manner that all or a portion of i~'s patrons consume their food and beverage while s~tuated in vehicles parked on the premises. 38. DRIVE- IN THEATER: A place of business designed fordramat[c presentations~ either Dive or on a screen, and viewed by patrons from vehicles. ¸39. 41. 42. ' DUE PUBLIC NOTICE: At least fifteen (15)days public notice, published one time in newspaper of' general clrculot~on in Collier County, which states the dot~, ploce~ time and nature of the'buslneswlthwhlchthenotlcels con- cerned. DWELLING UNIT: Living accommodations for a's[ngle Family, whethera single-family residence, or residence in a multi-family residential building, or a single-family living unit in a transient lodging facility. FALLOUT SHELTER: A structure or part,oriole structure intended to provide protection to human life during periods of danger to human llfe f'rom nuclear fallout, air raids, storms or other emergencies. FAMILY: Any number of indivlduals related by blood, marrlogeor legal adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit. Foster ch;Idrenand domestic servants are cons;dared Parr of a family. 43. FLOOR AREA: Floor area shall .be that area w~th[n a structure, accessible from the interior, which shail.l~e enclosed from direct and open access from the out-of-doors or from an interior unroofed court, and provided such areas are under roof. For purposes of this regulation, basements, attics, garages and carports are not cbnsldered as 'floor area'. 44. FRONTAGE: Distance measured along a highway, street or waterfront right- of- way. · PAGE. :: 6e 47. GARAGE', PRIVATE: A structure normally not laroor than five hundred (500) square feet or 20% of the total floor area of the prbclpal .building, solely for private use by the owner ar occupant's of a residential structure, or of'his family or domestic employees, for the storage of motor vehicles, and which has no public shop or mechanical service in connection therewith. GARAGE,. PUBLIC: A structure for the storing, care, repair or re-finishing of motor vehicles, or a structure containing a public shop where automobile mechanical service is provJded. GASOLINE SERVICE STATION: A structure designed or used for the retall sale or supply of fuels, lubricants, air, water and other operating commodities for' motor vehicles and ~ncludlng the customary space and ~'ac[l[tles for the installation or applicaHon of such commodlt~es on or in such vehicles, but not including space or facilities for the storage, pointing, repair, refinishing, body work or other servicing of motor vehicles or other accessory uses or structures, 48, 49. 0, GRADE: In such expressions as "at grade" or "to grade" ;t denotes the elevation of a point either on a grade line or at some established elevation as ;n con- struction ,work. GUEST 'HousE: An accessory ¢lwell;ng unit which may 'ormay not include cooking facilities, which is incorporated in, attached 'to, or detached from a prlncipc:! dwelling end which is used exclusively For the non-commercial accommodation of' friends or relatives of the occupant or owner of' the principal dwelling. HIGHWAY: Any public thoroughfare (Federal, State, or County), the pr;nc;pal purpose of which is to afford primary access to the general area in which it is located. 51. HOME OCCUPATION: An accessory use In a residential area cons;stlngoF .. an occupation carried on entirely withln a dwelling and only by membersof the family permanently living therein, where no evidenceof the home occupation is noticeable from off' the premises, where no pedestrian or vehicular traffic in excess of' that customary in res'identlal areas is generated, and where no commercial vehicles are kept bn the premises or perked overnight on the premises unless otherwise permitted by these regulations. See se¢~:ion 52. HOTEL: A building occup[e.d as the more or less temporary res;dance of. Individuals who are lodged, with or without meals, end in which there are. ten or more sleeping rooms and' custom, arJly~ no provistons are made 53. 54. 55. 56, 57. cooking .in any individual room or apartrnent~ .and entrance is through a common lobby or office. . HUNTING LODGE: A temporary structure or shelter used prlmarilydurlng lhe hunting seasons, and which shall not be designed .or intended to be used as a permanent residence or structura. 'INTOXICAT!.NG LIQUOR: For the purpose of. these regulatJons~ liquor" shall be as defined in Section 561.71 (8), Florida Statutes. "intoxicotlng JUNK: Inoperative, dilapidated, abandoned or wrecked materials, including but not limited to automobiles~ trucks, tractors~ wagons, boats and other kJnds alr vohJcles and parts thereof~ scrap materials, scrap building material, scrap contractors~ equ[pment, tanks, casks~ cans, barrels~ boxes, drums, plpJn~, bottles~ glass, old iron, machinery, rags~ paper, excels]or, ha]r, household appliances or: [urnlture, or any other kind atr scrap or waste material which is stored, kept, processed or displayed wJlhin the county limits. JUNK YARD: An area where junk is stored~ processed or sold. KENNELING: The keeping alr any dog. or dogs, regardless of.number~t'or sale, breedlng~ boarding or treatment purposes, except in adoghospltal, dog beauty parlor or pet shop, as permitted by law, or the keep]ng of three or more dogs~ six months old or older~ on premises used f.or residential purposes, or the keeping of' more than one dog, on vacant property used for business or commercial purposes, shall constitute kenneling. 58. LOADING AND UNLOADING SPACE: Space reserved for pJckupanddel~very of goods and merchandise scaled to the size of' the veh~cle expected to be used, and designed so as to be. accessible to such vehicle when adjoining spaces, buil~llng sJtes and other open o~' reserved space is used. Such space shall be clearly marked and defined and be provided with a sultable hard surf.ace covering 't'or ~ts intended use..Such space shall be so designed that no portion of' Ihe vehicles extend over any public street, alleyor pedestrian rJght-olr-way and do not make direct us.e al~ such right-of-way maneuvering into or out of. such loading and unloa, cling space. , ~ 59. LOT: As used in this ordinance~ a lot is a lawful building site. A. Corner Lot: Any lot situated at the junction of and abutting on two or more intersections or inte~'ceptJng streets or public highways. If the angle'oF intersection of. the direction lin~s of two highways is mare than 135 degre'c,s'~ the lot front, lng on said intersection is not a corner lot. Interior Lot: Any lot which ls not a corner lot. 60. LOT COVERAGE: The amount elr square f.eet of' ~',:,~ living area elr the prlnciPa. I buildlng on the ground floor° . '. ~:. ': 61. LOT LINE: A d~menslon and location Clescrlb[ng the edge~otr a parcel whether' platted, described by metes and bounds or agreed upon by ad[olnlng partleso'. ? , A. Front Lot Line: ~ t'ront lot line is the llne se~ra'ti'~ ~. :' I'0t J'r~m-"~.' street.! 62. 63. B. Rear Lot 'Line: The rear lot I~ne is that boundary wh~ch.ls opposite and most distant from the front lot llne. In the case of a lot pointed at the rear of' any odd-shaped lot, the rear lot llne shall be determined by the dlrector of the Building and Zoning Department. C. Side Lot Line: A side lot llne is any boundary lot llne not a Front lot I~ne or a rear lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots is an interior side lot llne. LOT OF RECORD: A lot which is a part of a platted subdivision oraparcel of land recorded in a Collier County Deed Book or official record boo. ' MARINA: A recreational boating establishment located on a navlgoble water- way, which may provide covered or uncovered boat slips or dock space, dry boat stor0ge, marine fuel and lubricant's, marine supplies, restaurants or refreshment facilities, boot and boat motor sales or rentals. Minor pleasure boat and boat motor repair which is Incidental to the prlnc~pal marina use is permitted as an accessory use; however, nn dredge, barge or other work. dockage or service is permitted, and no boat construction or reconstruction is permitted. MILK PROCESSOR: A persori ~vho does not produce milk or milk product~, 'i but purchases the same from a producer for the purpose of preparing For resale to the public i.n packaged form by the different acts of processing, such as pasteurization, cooling, packaging, etc. ' · ~i MILK PRODUCER:.~A person who owns or operates a dairy farm and offer~ milk products produced by him to any firm or plant for processing for r~ sale to the public in package form. ) MILKPRUDUCER-DIS-TRIBUTOR: farm and offers his milk or milk public in package f'orm. 67. MOBILE HOME: A detached 68. A 'person who owns or operates a dairy products produced by him for sale to the resldenHal Iiv~ng_unlt Ten (10) feet or more in w~dth designed to be transported after fabr~catlon on streets and highways on its own wheels, but which may be transported on 'a flatbed or other trailers~ and arriving at the site where it is to be occupied as'a dwelling, 'complete and ready for occupancy, except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, Possibl~ location on jacks or permanent foundations, connections to utilities, or the like. A trailer as defined herein ~s not considered a mobile home For purposes of Ih[s ordinance. MOBILE HOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK: An area often(10) ocres or more designed, constructed,, equipped, operated or maintained For the purpose of. providing spaces for mobile homes, and trailers ('except camping trailers) intended to be used as temporary or permanent living Facilltles~, and where on -. site management is provided. 69. MODEL HOME: A residential structure used for demonstration purposes or sales promotion, not occupied as a dwelling unlt, and open to the public for ins~cHon. 70. 71. 72. 3, 5, MOTEL OR MOTOR HOTEL: A building or group of' two or morebuildtngs designed to provide sleeping accommodations f'or. transient or overnight guests, cuslomarily having no common entrance or lobby, and which generally have direct private openings to a street, drive, court, patio, otc. MULTIPLE- FAMILY: Three or more families. NEW AND UNUSUAL USE: A use which is unique, and unusual to the uses permitted for the area, but which does nbt tend to downgrade or does not substantially change the intent of the 'district purpose oF thearea, butwill tend to improve the economy, welfare, health and overall benefit of the public, provlded such use is not def.ined as' an allowable or allowed use within a zoning district classlf'ica'tion established by this regulation. NIGHT CLUB: See Cocktail Loun.g~. NON-CONFORMITY: A lot, structure, or use alr land, or any combination thereof., which was lawf.ui when established, the new establishment of whlch would be prohibited by current zoning regulations. ~NURSERY sCHOOL: Any structure, lot or premise where a commercial or institutional establishment is maintained or operated Jemi:x~rarily or per- 76. 78. 79. 81. 82. manen ~; for the fro 6lng or core-other~ than m~dlcal care-of' pre-school children. NURSING OR CONVALESCENT HOME: A home, i~'stitutlon, building, or residence, public or private, whether oper:ated for profit or not which provides malntenance, personal care or nurslng for o period exceeding twenty-four (24) hours to three or more ill, physically infirm or aged persons., who are not related by b1~d or marriage to.the operator. OLD SUBDIVISIOH: A subdivision on which the plat has beenofflclallyac- cepted and recorded prior to June 21, 1966, and which has not reverted to acreage, tracts or blocks. PLACE OF' BUSINESS: Any vehicle, building', structure, yard, area, lot, premise or part thereof', or any other place in or on which one or more persons engage in a.profit-seeking business. PREMISES: Any lot, plot, parcel or tract of lond, wlthor without o'buildlng or buildings or structure or structures thereon. PRINCIPAL BUILDING: A building which houses the main use oractlvlty occurlng on a lot or parcel of ground. PRIVATE CLUB: A property owned or leased and operated bye grouper an association of persons .and maintained and operated solely by and for the members of such a group or association and their guests and which is not available for unrestricted public access or u.~e, PROVISIONAL USE: As used in connectlon wlth the provisions of these regulations dealing with zoning, a provisional use ls a use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout the particulor zoning district or classification, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to the neighborhood, would promote the public health, safety, good order, appearance, convenience, prosperity, morals and the general welfare. Such uses may be permitted in such zoning distr~ctor classification as pro- visional uses, ii' specific provision for such provisional use is made in the zoning ordinance and does not substantially change the intent of the district purpose. . PUBLIC UTILITY: Any facility for rendering electrical, gas, commuMcatTons, 'transportation, water .supply, sewage disposal, drainage, garbage or refuse disposal or fire protection service or the like~ to the general public. RECREATIONAL AREA OR FACILITY: A place designed sports, hobbies, health end similar leis6re hour activities. for use for art~ :, REGULATION: A component porft requJtemenJ or total requirements of' a duly aulhorized, resolved,, or ordained requirement o[ a government or government agency or organizatlon. 86. RESIDENCE: A single-family dwelling or a dwelling unlt in a mulllple- ~'arni'iy 'dwElling, which conlalns sleeping, bathroom, food refrigeration, cooking, and dinJng facilities. 87. RESTAURANT: A building, room or roarer: where food is prepared and served as o commercial enterprise to the public and for consumption oh the premises; and where at least 51% of the operator's gross receipts come from the sale of food. 88. RETA'IL BAKERY: Baked goods safes shop at whlch more than 50% of lhe baked goods produced are sold at rela]l from the premJses. 89. RETAIL SHOP & STORE: A business activity which sells commodities at retail. 90. 'RETAIL SERVICE OR DISPLAY LOTS: A business conducted in part or .. wholly within open display lots or areas. 91. RIGHT' ~- OF- WAY: A path or route whlch may lawfully be used for the purpose of roads, streets, or alleys, utility and transmission lines or carlo1$ . 92. RIGHT - OF -WAY LINE: The outside boundary c;f a right -of -way, Whether such right-of-way be established by usage, dedication, or by officlal right- of -way map. 92.1 SCHOOL: An educat;onal institution, not established end operated for prol'Jl or ss a commercial enterprise, offerJng a curriculum acceptable by local and state educational ot't:jCjals to fulfill legal requJrements of education for elemer~lary through high school levels, or any part thereof. Unless specJfjcnlly'prefaced with the proper descriptive terms, a school shall not include boarding schools or special olher purpose schools. 93. SCREENING (CONCEALING): A structure of metal, masonry, wood or l'andscape planting or ~ther Su--Jlable opaque material, for the purpose of concealing from view those areas' so screened. 94. SETBAC4: The min;mum horizontal distance from a rlght-of-way llne, ~roperty line, bulkhead! ilne, established shore line or ~ther defined location and the nearest partlon of o structure or use of lar~d. -12... Revised Au0ust 31, 1971, jUne 12, '1973 95. .SHORELINE: A straight or ~smoothly curWng llne wh;ch, on t;dol waters, 'foll'ows ~he general configuration of lbo mean hioh water llne; and wh;ch, on non-tldnl waters, is determined by Ihe annual average water level. Boat ~.lips and other man-made or minor 'inder{tallons shall be construed az lying landward of the shoreline and are considered upland when computing the lot area of waterfront property. 96. SIGNS: SEE SECTIO'N 11.34. 97. SITE: A. rea of premise to be covered by a structure. revlse~d April,'11~ 1972 ' 98. STORY: That portion of a bbildlng included between a floor wl~ich is calculated as a part of a buildlng's "floor area" and the floor or roof' next above it.. 99. STREET: A public and dedicated thoroughfare which affords the p~inclpel means of' access to abutting property. 100. STRUCTURE: Anything constructed or 'erected, the use of which requires a permanent I~cation on the ground or attachment to something having a permanent Iocalion on the ground. 100.1 .USABLE OPEN SPACE: That space upon the' lot or parcel to which it is appurtenant, which can be used by inhabitants of the property for outdoor 1191ng,' activity and/or recreation and may include landscaping. Such space shall have _ a minimum dimension of 9.0 feet. Balconies may be credited as usable open space. All such areas shall be readily accesslble to the inhabitants of the property. Usable open space does not include driveways, open or covered parking areas; utility space such as trash or garbage areas. The required yards may be counte~l if they are directly accessible to the apartment units. Roof area which is fully developed, as recreation area may be credited as usable open space. Artificial water area, created from privately owned land within lots or proiect areas in which this regulation applies, may be calculated as usable open space, provided that water area shall, not be credited bs more than 50% of the total required open space. When development projects include several dwelling structures and common land and/or water open space, the total usable open space shall equal or exceed the area required by the total number of dwellMg units. 102. SUBDIVISION, OLD: See Old Subdivision. 103. TRAILER: A portable I[vlng unit other than a Mobile Home and less than 10 feet in width, and may include lhe follow~ng. A. Dependent Trailer: A trailer having sleeping and usually kitchen facilities only and which is dependent upon a service building for toilet and lavatory facii i ties. .. ' Self-Contalned Trailer: A trailer whlch con operate for short periods at~ time independent of connections to sewer,' water,, and electric systems. It contains a water-flushed toilet,' lavatory,' shower and kitchen sink, oll of which are connected to water storage and sewage holdlng'tanks located within the trait,r. revised Aisill 11, 1972- C~ 'D. Trav~l Trailer: A travel trailer is a vehlcular~ 'portable structure built on a chasslst designed as a temporary .dwelling for travel~ recreation and vacation, having body width not exceeding eight feet and being alr any length provided its gross weight does not exceed 4,500 pounds or being of any Weight provided its bad); length, does not exceed 29 feet· Pick-Up Coach: A pick-up coacl~ is a structure designed to be mounted on a truck chassis for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation and vacatlon. .... Motor Home: A motor- home is a porta'blet temporary dwelling to be used for travel, recreation and vacatlont constructed as an integral part of.a self-propelled vehicle. Comp'lng Trailer: A camping trailer is a canvast folding structure, mounted on Wheels and designed for travel, recreation and vacation use o , TRAVEL TRAILER PARKING AREA: A parcel of land under single owner- ship, or control, in which two or more spaces ore occupied or intended l~or occupancy by trailers for transient dwelling purposes, in wh.~ch on site manage- ment is provided. 105. TRANSIEHT LODGING FACILITY: A single, two fom;ly or multiple-family dwelling in which each dwelling un]t contains sleeping facilities, and which re. ay or may not incldde cooking facilities, intended for more or less temporary occupancy. Hotels and motels are typical transient lodging facilities. 106. _VEHICLE: A con~,eyance for pers0n~'or materials. A. Co~merclal Vehlclo: Any bus, truck or other.vehicle designed, intended or used for transportation of people, goods or things, andonyvehlcle requiring commercial licenses, other than private passenger vehicles and private trailers used for non-profit transportation of goods or boats. Specifically excluded from this definHJon are panel or pickup trucks upon which no advertising is displayed and which are used as personal trans- portation. B. Private Vehicie: A vehicle no larger than three-quarter (3,/4) ton cal:~city, the principal use of which is to furnish transportation to the owner thereof or his immediate family, and .upon which no a.dverHslng is displayed. 107. WATERFRONT: Any site shall be considered as waterfront premises provided any or oil of its lot lines abut on or are contiguous to any body of water, in- cluding creek, canal, bay, gulf, river or any body o~r water, natur:al or artificial, not including a swimming pool, whether said lot llne is front, side or rear. An:open space of prescribed width or depth' on the same land with a building or group of buildings, which open space lies between the building or group of buildings, and the nearest lot line and is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward,.except as otherwise provided in thi~"Sectton. ~ard~ Front= The required space extending the full width of the lot, the dep~h of which is the minimum horizontal' distance between the front lot line and the neare.t line of the main 'building. In the case of a corner lot, the required setback for the longest vard mav' be reduced when so s~ecified within the District Regulations. b. Yard, Rear: A yard extending, across the fu~l width of the lot between a building and the rear lot line; the depth of a rear yard is the m/nimum horizontal distance between the nearest part of the buil'~ing and'the rear lot line. c. Yardr Side: A yard which is the'shortest distance · between the side lot lind and the nearest usu or building on the lot. d. Y~a~r~d, _Midth (how measured): Yar~ widths shall be measured from the nearest lot lines and, in case. such lot line is a street lot line, from the right ~ of way line of the existing streets Provided, however, that if a proposed right of'way kine 'of such street has been officially established, then the. required yard width shall be measured from such proposed right of way line. e. .Yar. d_r Gu!f: Any yard which abuts the Gulf of Mexico shoreline, within the County of Collier. yard_,_ Required~ Shall mean the minimum yard required by the Zoning Ordinance for a specific d/strict. ARTICLE III ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS Section 3.1 - Use Districts. For the purpose of this regulation, the. unincorporated portion of Collier County, Florida, are here~,y divide~ into districts designed as follows: .~', ,I, OOK PAOE ': SF-2 SFi3 SF-4 SF-5 SF-6 MF-1 · MF-IA MF-2 MF-3 MF-4 MF-5 ..... MHSD MHTT .CP C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 I E GC A-1 A-2 FL W GH FVR PUD . CT-4 CT-5 . · ~'Single Famil~ ReSidenti strict .S. iDg.~9 Family.Residential. District Single Family Residential District Single Family Residential District Single Family Residential District Single Family Residential District One and Two Family ~esidential District · .Non-Conforming Development Supplemental District One, Two, and Multiple Family Residential District Two and Multiple Family Residential District Multiple Family Residential District Multiple Family Residential District ..Mobile Home Subdivision District Mobile Home Travel Trailer Park District Commercial Parkway District Commercial District Commercial District Commercial District Commercial-Light Industrial District Industrial District Suburban Estates District Gdlf Course District · Agricultural District Agricultural District Farm Labor Camp Supplementary District Waterfront Supplementary District , Group Housing Supplementary District Fishing Village Residential District Planned Unit Development District Commercial Tourist District Commercial Tourist District Naples Airport Supplementary District Section 3.2-District Boundaries. The boundaries of eac~ district are hereby established as shown on maps in the map atlas entitled "Officia Zoning Map, Collier County, Florida." Said maps shall be identified by the signature of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida and so attested by the Clerk of the Circuit Court under the following words~ "This is to certify that this is Map · Sheet No. of sheets of the Official Zoning ~ap and Atlas of Collier County,Florida referred to in Section 3.2 of the Zoning Regulation of Collier County, Florida dated October 8; 1968." Said maps and all explanatory matter thereon accompanies and are hereby made a part'of this Regulation and will be hereafter referred to as the "Zoning Map". Original copies shall be the Official Zoning MaD and shall be retained in the office of the Building and.~'oning official. .ii .Section 3.3-Map Amendment. If, in accordance with.the provis~onsi~of this regulation, changes are made in district bounda~ies or other 'subject matter portrayed on the Zoning Map, such changes shall be made on the Zoning Map promptly after the amendment has been adobted, to- gether with an entry upon the margin of. the Zoning Map or by instrumen attached thereto, indicating the date o} amendment, a brief descrip- ~tion of the amendment and a signature bY the Chairman of the Collier County Commission which shall be attested to by the Clerk of the~, Circuit Court. No changes of any nature shall be made in the Zoning Map or matter shown thereon except in conformity with the procedures set forth in this ordinance. ' Regardless of' the existence of purported copies of the Zoning Map which may from time to tlmo be made or published, the OfflclalZon~r{gMapwhlch shall be located in a designated place easily accessible to the public, shall be the final authority as to the current zoning.status ot:landand water areas, buildings, and other structures in the county. Section 3.4- Replacement of' Official Zoning Map. In the event that the Official Zoning Map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret because of' the nature or number of changes and additions, the County Commission may bY resolution adopt a new Official Zoning Map which shall supersede the prior Official Zoning Map. The new Official Zoning Map may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior Official Zoning Mop, but no such correction shall have the effect of : ' ' amending the original zon,ng oi-dtnar..oe or any subsequent amendment thereof. Unless the prior Official Zoning Map has been last, or has been totally destroyeS, tt~e prior map or any significant parts thereof remaining, shall be pre- served together with oll available records pertaining to its adoption or' amendment. Section 3.5- Rules for Interpretation of District Boundaries. Where uncertainty exists os to the boundaries of .districts as shownonthe Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply: I. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the center lines of streets, hlghwoys, or~ alleys shall be construed to follow such center lines; 2. Boundaries indicoled as approximately fallowing platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lot lines; 3. Boundaries indicated as approximately' following Political boundaries shall be construed as following such political boundaries; 4. Boundaries indicated as following, railroad lines shall be construed to be midway between the ma~n tracks; . 5. Boundaries indicated as follow~ng shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines, and in the event of change in the shoreline shall be construed as' moving w[th the actual shoreline; bour~darles indicated as approximately following the center lines of streams, rivors~ canals, lakes~ or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such center lines; 6. Boundaries indicated as Porallol to or extensions of features indlcated ~OOK ..... ,*, I i' sections ! Ihrough 5 above shell be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the Official Zoning Mop shall be determined by lhe scale of the map; Where physical or cultural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the Official Zoning Map, or in other circumstances not covered by sub-sectlons 1 through 6 above, the E~oardoFZonlngAppeols ,'hall interpret the c'.istrlcl boundaries; Where a district I~oundory divides a lot which was in single ownership at the time of passage of this ordlnancef the Board of ZonlngAppeols may permlt the extension of the regulations t:or either portion of the lot not to exceed fifty (50) feet beyond the district line into the remaining portion of the lot. ARTICLE IV APPLICATION OF REGULATIOHS Except os hereinalrter provided: Section 4.1 - Uses. No building, structure, lend, or water shall hereafter be used or occup'ied and no building or structure or part thereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered unless in conformity with all ~he regulations herein specified for the district in which it [s located. Section 4.2 .- ~. No b~uilding .or structure shall hereafter be erected, con- structed, or altered so as to exceed the height llmitatlons, to accommodate or house a greater ,',umber of families, to occupy o greater percentage of' lot area, to enclose a floor oreo below the minimum specified, to hove narrower or smaller yard space or other open spaces than herein required for the district in which it is located, except as hereinafter provided. Section 4.3- Lots. No lot, even though it may consist of oneormoreadjacent lots of recordf'shall be reduced in size so that lot width or depth or required yard and open space, lot orca per family or c~ther requirements of this regulation, are not maintained. This section shall not apply when a portion of a lot is acquired for public use. Section 4.4 - Yard Space. No part of a 'yard or o.ther open space including off- street parking and loading spaces..r,qulred about any building shall be included as i o part of a yard or other open space similarly required for another build ng. Section 4.5 - Submerc.:jed Lend. Land lyl.ng below the main h[gh water line or I°nd which ~s normally under water during the dry season shal.I not be calculated as a part of a lot in determining the minimum lot or yard area required herein, except as otherwise provided. In the event a dyke, sea wall or other obstruction deslgned to prevent intrusion of water is provided to completely protect the lot or yard area; Section 4.6- Minimum Requirements. Within each dlstrict~ the regulations set forlh shall be minimum rcqulrements, and shall apply unlformly to each closs or kind of' structure or lend. ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 5'.1 - Number of Buildings Per Lot. Within any district, more than one structure and its attendant accessory structures may be constructed upon any parcel of land provided that yard use and c~ther requirements of this ordinance are complied with for each structure as though it were on an individual lot. Section 5.2 ~ Street Access. Buildings shall hereafter be constructed only one lot or tract to which there is legal access, (including dedicated, public or private easements). Section 5.3- Establishment of' Setback lines are 'established on streets, roads yards of corner lots shall be measured the date such setback lines are officially Lines for Street Widenin]. Where setback or highways, the front yards of lots and side f,rom the edge of' said setback lines, eff,ectlve established. Existing and proposed rlghts-of'~-way for street, road and highway coR'struction may be defined on a major street plan map and such other, documents and materials as are necessary, adopted by the County Commission for the purpose of establishing such setback lines. Section 5.4 - Uncompleted Buildings,. Any building or structure f'or wh;ch o lawful building permit has been issued, and the construction of'which has been started prior to Ihe effective date of' this regulation, or its subsequent amendment, may be completed and used in accordanc'e with the plans and specifications upon which said permit was granted, provided such cons'truction is compieted within six months after the effective date of this regulation or amendment, except for a demonstrated cause approved by the County Commission. Section 5.5 - Time Limit For Special' Permlt or Variance. Where there has been given or granted a permit for e Provisional Use pursbant to the provisions of' this regulation or where the Board of' ;~oMng Appeals has granted a variance pursuant lo the provisions of this regulation, such approval~ grant or permit s~all become null and void unless the work thereon is substantiailyunderwaywlthln sSx months of. the date of such action or unless underway in a shorter period as required by said Boar'd or Commission. · Section 5.6- Obstrucfbn to Vision at Street Intersectlons. In order to m~nlmize -18- Accldcnts caused by obstruction lo vlslon at street intcrsccffon~ the tallowing rcgulaffons shall apply: " ' -..I. Within thc arco formed by the rlghts-of-.woy lines of intersecting streets~ a straight llne connecting points on such right-of--way lines at a distance of forty (40) feet from their point of intersectionl such co. nnectlng ilne ex- tcndlng beyond the points to the curb llnes~ there shall be a clear space wilh no obslruct~on 1o v]sTon between the hclght of lhree (3) feet and a height of eight (8) feet above the overage grade of each street as measured at the centerline therec~f. 2. The requirements of this Section sKall not be deemed to proh[bit any necessary retaining wall. 3. Trees shall be permltled in the cieor space provided that foliage is cut away within the. prescribed heights. . Lamp posts and street name slgn posts shall also be permittedi provided that illuminating fixtures or nome plates are not within the prescribed clear Sp~Ce ', Section 5.7-Locat]onof Accessory Structures. In resldentlal dlstr[cts and on any lot used' for reside:nllaJ purposes, no accessory structure, includJng for the purposes of this sectJon:automotlve vehicles, boats, travel trailers, andspo~'tJngequlpment used for camping or similar recreation; shall be 'located in required front or side yards. Accessory structuresshaJJ not exceed two and one-half (2'½) stories in height, shall not cover more than 30% of any requJred rear yard and shall be at least five (5) feet from side lot lines and common rear lot llne or alleys, or shall have the same setbacks as principal structures, whichever is greatest. Accessory structures shall be located at least ten (10) feet from any other structure on the same lot, Accessory structures must be constructed simultaneously with ar following the construction of the main structure, and shall not be used until after the principal structure has been fully erecled. Section 5.8 - [......?_se~tiol Services. Ess.'ntlal service uses shall be permltled as a0th0rized and regulaled by law ~ it being the intention hereof to exempt such uses ,from the application of the. Zoning Regulation. Essential services are those regulated by the State and Public Service Commission and include, for ex. ample transportation routes and utility transmission lines, ..' Sectlon5.9- gpecial Setbacks. in CertalnResldenlial andAgdc, ulturalDistrlcls: In all Agricultural Districts, the following special setbacks shall prevail, notw[thstand]ng other provision of this Resolution: I. No permanent or tam,tory building or structure shall be closer than one hundred (100) feet to any Federal or State primary d~htoof..-way. 2. No permanent building shall be closer Ihan seventy-five (75) fa'et to a section line or one hundred (100) lreet lo a township or range 3. No permanent or temporary building or structure' shall be closer than thirty (30) feet to any property llne. SPECIAL GULF OF MEXICO FRONTAGE SETBACK. No dwelling house, hotel, motel, apartment building., seawall ,revetment, industrial or commercial structure or other structure accessory to any such structures, including patios, swimming pools, garages and Ihe llke, shall be excavated or constructed within flirty (50) ' feet el' the llne of mean high water at any rlpar~an location fronting the Gulf' of Mexico, exclusive of bays, inlets`, rivers, bayous, creeks,, passes and lhe llke; except, however, as such requirements and other requirements of this Regulation may be waived or varied in accordance with Part I Chapter 161 (Section ]61.052) Florida Statues or .by methods establlshedhere~n. Violatlons shall be punishable as provided by law. Section 5.10 LOCATIONAL RESTRICTIONS FOR USE INVOLVING INTOXI- CATING BEVERAGES. It shall be .unlawful for persons to sell or offer for sale at retell any alcoholic Beverages, wine or beer within the county except in a store,, establishment or place ot' business licensed by the State of Florida and the County for the sale of alcoholic beverages. The following Iocational restrictions shall apply to uses which '~volve the sale or distribution of intoxicating beverages in the County in any quantity as follows: 1. No such use shall be located with[n four hundred (400) feet of any established school or church. The distance of four (400) feet shall be measured from the front door of the established schools or churches to the front door of the proposed license`, 'along the.route of ordinary pedestrian traffic° 2. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued to any applicant for consumption or sale of liquor under the Laws of Florida, either on the, prem'ises or off the premises, if the place of business of such app].icant is situated less than five hundred (500) feet from au established lic- ensee; such five hundred (500) feet distance to be measured and compt%ted from the front door of the proposed ,licensee, alo'nr the route of ordinary. pedestrian traffic; and provided f6'rther that the ~'estrictions herein set forth shall not be applicable to restaurants, or hotels with one hundred (100) or more guest rooms, and such restaurants or hotels may contain places of business for the sale of liquor to be consumed on the premises where such sale of liquor in such restaurants or hotels is strictly inci- dental to the principal use and where there are no signs of any type ex- hibited or the room for' the sale of liquor as conducted, does not open upon any street or sidewalk. Not more than one certificate of occupancy for consumption on the p£emises shall be issued for hotels. 3. Any restaurant or hotel herei~ce~n~~l or offer f.or sale any alcoholic beverages, wine or beer__.._ _,._.. ,.~.__..11 . d of-the zonlng enforce- ment official make or cause to be made under oath a statement itemizinq what: percentage of his gross receipts are from the sale of food and non- intoxicating beverages. Revised March 7, 1972 , April 11~ i972 & Juno 13~ 1972 Section 5.11 - MINIMUM USABLE OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS: Minimum usable open space shall be provided in certain developments as part of tl~e developmenl's standards, 1. In any district which permits multiple family residences, the followlng mlnlmum usable open space is required: a. Each efficiency apartment - 600 square feet. b. Each one-Bedroom apartment - 675 square feet, c. Each Iv, o-bedroom apartment - 750 square feet. d. Each additional bedrocm- 125.square feet. 2. The following area shall be computed as usable open space: (1) Prlvate 'patios. (2) Balconies. (3) Normal recreation facilities such as swimming pools~ tennis courts and the llke. (4) Recreation structures accessory to outdoor recreallon uses provided suc~n structures do not exceed five (5) per cent of the requlred total usable open 'space. (5) Landscaped area. 3. PLAN APPROVAL: A plot plan showlng the requlrcd open space shall be submitted as part of the application for a building permit. ARTICLE VI EXCEPTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Section 6.1 'Front Yard Requirements.' Front setback requlrements of this regulation for dW~ll, lngs shall not apply in the following cases: To any lot where the average setback on developed lots wilhln one hundred (100) -19.2- Revised March 6, 1974 ;~ feet on each side is less than the mi~{mum ~required sera'ack, providing, ho'~.~evcr', that the adjacent developed lots are located witl~in the same zoning district and 'within the same' block face as the lot where such exception is given. A front setback which is not ].ess than the average of the existing setbacks on developed lots may be used. This exception or modification shall not apply when the required setback is established for the purpose of defining rights-of-way under Section 5.3 hereof. Section 6.2 - Exception to Height Limitations: The hd. ight limitations of this regulation shall not apply to elevator equipme~Yt rooms, stairwell housing, church spires, belfries, cupolas, domes, monuments, utility towers, forest fire observation towers when operated by a branch of government, transmission towers, chimneTs, aerials, or other appurtenances, either temporary or permanent, usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for ht~man occupancy. Section' 6.3 - _Exception to Hei~ht Limitations for Public or Semi- P~d~].ic Use: The heigl~t limitations of this Regulation shall not apply, to churches, scho01s, hospitals, sanitariums, and other public or semi-public buildings provided that the minimum depths for yards required in the district are increased by two (2) feet for each foot by which the height limit in feet prescribed for other structures in the district is exceeded. Section 6.4 - Exception to Yag-d Requirements in Certain Instances: In case of irregularly shaped lots or unusual circumstances where ~ minor variations in yards appear necessary, the zoning administrator may allow smaller yards than are otherwise required elsewhere in the district providing that : 1. T..he Zoning administrator onl'y allows yards that are as similiar as possible to yards required elsewhere in the same.district, and in no eve'nt allows yards over twenty- five (25) percent smaller than are required elsewhere in the same district. 2. The zoning administrat'or o~ly allows yards that achieve the same purpose as required elsewhere in the same district. Section 6.5 - ?_mporary Recreation Permits: The Board of County . Commissioners may, after public hearing and subject to appropriate conditions and safegoards, recommended l~y the Planning Departmen~t,~ grant a temporary temporary recrea'tion permit for the following ~ uses: exhibitions, circuses, fairs, recreation events such as a horse show, regatta, race or other similiar activity provided that: · -20 Revised March 6, 1974 1. There be no existing building available within the areJ which would lend itself to such activity and bh available for such use; 2. That all requircmets as to providing sufficient parking and loading and unloading space be assured; That sufficient setbacks t6 :all lot lines be prescribed by the Board so as to protect the use and enjoyment of the adjoining property; :".4. 'i]~Ot adequate sanitary facilities meeting the approval of the' Collier County Health Department te provided; 5. '~at a bond be posted in addition to an agreement with a responsible person sufficient to guarantee that the ground area during the conduct of the activity be re- turned toa condition acceptable to the Board and agreed upon as a condition to the temporary permit. Section 6.6 - Temporar¥~onstruction and Development Permits: In the case of real estate 4avelopment projects in any zoning district, the developer may request a Temporary Use Permit for a period not to exceed 12 months to allow promotional, storage and fabrication activities which are needed during construction and sale of the project. The following uses may be permitted under the terms of such a temporary permit: 1o Temporary on premises - Real Estate Sales Offices. 2. Equipment and Construction Materials, storage, processing and Fabrication Facilities. 3. Ten~orary office space for persons engaged in the develop- ment. . 4. Temporary signs, in:conformity with all current'~sign regulations. 5. Mobile Radio' or Television Equipment and Antennae. 6. Temporary Mobile Home as office or storage but not for residency other than for a watchman or caretaker. 7. Temporary structures and equipment for road building, public utility construction, Rnd public governmental projects. ~ - - .( Revised March ['Applicants 'f~r the temporary use permi~ shall submit plans to the Zoning Department indicating tile area in ~,hlch the temporary use permit is to apply, the nature of the use and Jctivities requested and the time period requested. - ~e Zoning Department may grant or deny a temporary construction and development use permit and in addition, may also stipulate: 1. Traffig'Safety Measures 2. Additional Parking Requirements 3. Li. mited Activity Hours 4. Additional Landscaping for temporary permit 6reas 5. Additional on premise safeguards, which may include but not limited to: A. W~tchman B. Fencing C. Lighting D. Sanitary Measures 6. A faithful performance bound to guarantee compliance with the conditions of the permit. 7. Upon the termination of the first one year permit period, application must be filed for an extension of the permit stating the reason for extension and the time required. 'i~e Zoning Director may extend the permit, on a year to year basis or less, for the development life of the project. Such extension may be made subject to the stipulations of the previous permit or may be amended as determined necessary by the Zoning Director. If the temporary use is not discontinued upon expiration of the. permit, it shall be deemed a violation of the"Zoning Ordinance and shall be subject to the penalities therein. Section 6.7 - T.emporary Sale§ and Sports Events: In the case of temporary sales such as Christmas tree sales, grand openings, going out of business sales (exclusive of garage sales, la~n sales and similiar private home sales), special promotional sales, and sports evedts, the director may grant a non-renewable t~o-~eek permit for such events and may include the placement of temporary signs, merchandise, f~mporary structures and equipment, .and temporary mobile home as office, but not for residency. Revised March 6, 1974 In making such approval, the Zoning Director ma] stipulate the following requirements as he deems appropriate to the case: 1. Traffic Safety Measures 2. Additional Parking Requirements 3. Limited Activity Hours 4. Wa. tchman, Fencing, Lighting 5. Sanitary Facilities 6. A faithful performance bond to guarantee compliance with the conditions of the permit. If the temporary use im:0not discontinued upon expiration of the permit, it shall be deemed a violation of the Zoning Ordinance and shall be subject to the penalties therein. Conf].ict With Other Ordinances: The adoption of this 'amendment shall automatically repeal the Emergency Ordinance 73-17· -20.3- ARTICLE VII NON-CONFORMING LOTS, NON-CONFORMING USES OF LAND, NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURES, AND NON-CONFORMING USES OF STRUCTURES AND PREMISES Section 7.1 - Intent: Within the districts established by this. ordinance or amendments tha~ may later be adopted, there exist lots,.structures, uses of land and structures and characteristics of use which were lawful before this ordinance was passed or amended, but which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted under the terms of this ordinance or future amendments. I~ is the intent of this ordinance to permit these n~n-conformities to continue ont{1 they are removed, but not to encourage their survival. Such uses are declared by this ordinance to be' incompatible with permitted uses in the districts involved. It is further the intent of this ordinance that non-conformities shall not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, nor be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same district. ' Section 7.2- Extension and Enlar~em~.nt: A non-conforming use of a structure, a non-conforming use of land, or a non-conforming use of a structure and land shall not be ext~.nded or enlarged after passage .of this ordinance by attachment ena building .or premises of additional signs intended to be seen from off the premises, or by the addition of other uses of a nature which would be prohibited generally in the district involved. To avoid undue hardship, nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to r.equire a change in the plans, construction, or designated use of any building on which actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance and upon whic~ actual building construction has been diligentl~ carried on. Actual constructiOn is hereby defined to include the placing of cons tructi'on matefia!s in permanent position and fastened in a permanent manner. Except that where demolition or removal of an existing building has been substantially begun preparatory to 'lb' rebuilding, such demolitlon or removal shall be deemed to be actual construct[on~ provided that work shall be diligently carried on until completlonofthebuildlng involved. In no event shall the time of such construction excee.d a period of one; year except for a demonstrated cause approved by'the County Commission. Soc;~on 7.3- Non-Conforming Lots of Record· In any district in which sing/e- famlJy dwellings are permitled, not withstanding limi~tatlons imposed by other pro- vislons oi~ this ordinance, a single-fami.ly dwelling and customary accessory build- ings may be erected on any slngle lot of record at the effectlve date of adoptlon or amendment of this ordinance. of continuous fronlage with other apply even though such lot fails to that are generally al~pllcable in other requirements not involving to the regulations for Ih, district and width shall be obtained only Such Iot must be in separate ownership and not lois in the same ownership. This provision she]Il meet the requirements, for area or width, or both, the district, provided that yard dimensions and area or width, or both, of the lot shall conform in Which such lot is located. Variance of area through action of the Board of Zoning Appeals. If two or more lots or combinations o'f lots and portions of' lots with continuous fronloge in single ownership are of record at the time of passage or amendment of this ordinance, and ~f all or part of the lots do not meet the requirements for lot width and area as established by this ordinance, the lands involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel for the purposes of th]s ordinance, and no portion of sald parcel shall be used which does not meet lot width and area requirements established by this ordinance, nor shall any division ortho parcel be made which leaves remaining any lot with wldlh or area below the requirements stated in this ordinance. Section 7.4 - .N. qn-Conf.orm;ng Uses of Land. Where, at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance, lawful use of land exists that is made no longer permissible under the terms of thls ordinance as enacted or amended, and where such use involves no indivldual structure with a replacement cost exceeding five percent of the assessed value of the structure, such use may be continued, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions: 1. No such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or ;ncr,as,d, nor extended to occupy o greater oreo of land ~han was occup;ed at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance; unless such use ;s changedtoa use perm;tied in the district in which such use is,located; . 2. No such non-conformlng use shall be moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the lot or parcel occupied by such use at the effective dote of adoption or amendment of this ordlnance~ If any such non-conforming use' ot' land ceases for any reason for a period of more than' ninety (90) consecutive days, any subsequent use of such land shall conform to the regulations spec!fled by thls ordinonce for the dlslrlc't. - 22 - in which such land is located; ® No a~ditlonal str. ucture which does not conform to the requirements of th~s · ordinance shall be erected in connection with such non-con~'orm~ng use of land. "' Section 7.5 - Non-Conforming Structures. Where a lawful structure exists at the effectlve date of adoptlon or amendment of this ordinance that could not be built under the terms of this ordinance by reason of' restrictions on area, lot coverage, height, yards, or other characteristlcs of the structure or its location onthe lot, such structure may be c'ontinued so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subiectto the following provls;ons: No such structure .may be e~larged or altered in a way which, in the opinion of the zoning administrator, increases its non-Conformity, but any structure or portion therof may be altered to decrease its non-conformity; Should such structure be destroyed by any means to on extent of m~re than 50% of its assessed value at time of destruCtlon, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordlnanc~; Should such o structure be destroyed by any means to on extent less than 50% and more than 35%, it may be restored only Ul:~n application lror variance to the Board of Zoning Appeals; Should such structure be moved for any reason For any distance whatever, it shall thereafter conform to lhe regulations for lhedlstrict in which it is located after it is moved. Section 7.6 - Non-Conformln~c] Uses of Structures or of' Structures and P~'em;ses in Coml~ination. If a lawful use involving individual structure~wltha replacement cosl of at least 5% of the assessed value of the str. uctureor mor.e, or of structure and premises in .combination, exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this ordinance, that would not be allowed' in the district under the terms of this ordinance, the lawful use may be continued so long as itremolnsotherwlselawful, subject to the following provisions: No existing structure devoted to a 0se not permitted bylhisordlnanceln ,the district in which it is located shall be enlor'ged, extended, constructed, ,reconstructed, moved or str~J~:turolly altered except in changing the use -of the structure 1o a use permitted in the district in which it is' located; · Any non- conforming use may be extended throughout any parts of a building ':which were manifestly arranged or designed for such use at the time o~' .adoption or amendment of this ordinance, but no such use shall be extended ii: to occupy any land.outslde such building; If 'st uctural alterations are made, any non-conlrorm~ng use of o structure, or structure and premises, may be changed to another non-conforming use provided that the Board of Zonln~l Appeals, eith~r by general rule or by making findings in lhe specific case, 'shall find that the proposed use is equally appropriate or more oppropr'iote to the district than the exlstlng non- conforming use. in permitting such change, .the Board of Zoning Appeals mc~y require opproprlote conditions and safeguards in accord with the pro- visions of' Ibis ordinance; Any structure, or structure end lend in comblnc~tlon, in or on whlchonon- conforming use is superseded by o permitted use, shall thereafter conform to the regulations for the district in which such structure ls located, and the non-conforming uso may not thereafter be resumed; .5. When a'non-conformlng use of a structure, or structure andpremi.~es in combination, is dlscontlnuod or abandoned for six consecutive months or for eightebn (18) months during any three-year period-except when govern- ment actlon.lmpedes access to the premises-lbo structure, or structure a~d premises in combination, shall not thereafter be used except in con- formance with the regulations of tho district in which it is located; Where non-conforming use status applies to a structure ondpremlses in combination, removal or destruction of' lhe structure shall eliminate the non-conforming status of' the land. Destruction for the purpose of this subsection is defined as damage to an extent of' mare than 50"4 of tho assessed value at time of'destruction. Section 7.7 - Repairs and Malntenonce. On any building devoted in whole or in part to any non- conforming use, work may be done in any period of' twelve (12) consecutive months on ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of non-bearing walls, fixtures, wiring,, or plumbing, to an extent not exceeding 10% of the current replace- ment value o[ the building, provided that the cubic content of* the building as it existed at the time of passbge o'r amendment of'this ordinance shall not be increased. Nothing in this ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoring · to a safe condition of any building or part thereof.declared to be unsafe by any . official charged with protecting the public safety. I Section 7.8 - Uses Under Exception Provlslons Not Non-Conforming Uses. Any use -which is a provisional use p~rmittod as provided in thlsordlnanco-other thana change Ihrough Board of' Zoning Appeals action From a non-conforming use to another -use' not generally permitted in t.h.o distriCt-shall not bo d.eemeda, non-conforr, ning! use, but shall without Further action be deemed a conforming use ~n such distr~ct. /. Section 7.9- Termlnallon Requirements {'or Cerloln lqon-ConFor~n[t[es. The use at' all buildings and .structures~ except those For resldentiaLuse, shall be made to confOrm'to lhe provislon.~ of this ordinance on the basis oir 100% of the 1971 assessed valualion as fixed by the County Tax Assessor at Ihotlmethisordinanc::becomes effeclive. Time o!lowed before re. qulred termination of s0ch non-cont'orrr,lng buiId- ings and slructures shall be counted From lhe dale such non- conformlty commenced, os determined by the Building Official, b0t in no case shall any such non-conformity be considered to exlst prior to the effective doteoflheordlnance. The following shall be followed !o determine time allowed before required termination: 1971 Assessed Value Years to ConForm 0 - $ 2,000 2 '$ 2,001 - $ 5,000 3 $ $,001 - $10,000 4 $10,001 - .525,000 8 $25,001 - $50,000 12 $$0,001 - and above 15 'Non-conformities, not involvln9 the use oF o principal structure, e.g., open slorage, building supplies, vehlcles, mobile homes, trollers, implement and machinery storage, signs, billboards, junk yards, commercial animal yards and the llke, shall be discontinued within one (1)year of the effectlve data of thls ordinance or amendment. ARTICLE VIII "OFF-STREET PARKING, LOADING .AND UNLOADING REGULATIONS Sectlon 8.1 - Definltlon. For the purposes oF this ordinance, the term"o/f-street parking space" shall consist of a minimum net area of two hundred (200) square Feet of appropriate dimensions for parking an i3utomobile, excluslve alr the arco required for access drives or alsles thereto. Section 8.2 - General Requirements and S. peclFicotions. ENTRANGES & EXITS: Each porklng space shall be dlrectlyoccesslble from o street, alley or olher public r]ght-t~f-way or from an adequate :access elsie or driveway le6dlng to or from a street, alley or olher public right-of-way. Except for one or two family dwellings, ali oft'-slreet parking t'oc]lilies shall be so arranged that no oulomoblle shall have to bock Into any street. Ail entrance and exit 'driveways shall not be Perrniltcd .closer than ten (10) fa'et from a street lntersectlon. SURFACE MATERIAL & DRAINAGE:~xcept For one and two fomily dwell' ' and uses permltled in incjustrlal Use dlstrlcts~oll off'Street porkln9 Focililles ln. cluding access aisles, driveways, (:nd maneuverlnO areas .shall be surfclced Amended. _August 8, 1972 with a hard, dustle'ss material as approved by the ~'ni'orcement.officialt and such surfacing shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Ail off-street parking faciliHes shall be. suitably sloped anTd drained so as not to cause any nuisance to adjacent or public property. When storm sewers ore available to the propertyr such drainage shall be connected Ia the storm sewers through catch basins end underground ~cr$ . . 3..LOCATION: A. P_gr_ki.ng Space:. Required off-street parking shall be provided either on the same site it serves, or on cont]gbous land.~, or on land located withM a radius of six hundred (60b) feet from the site. 'B. Load[ng and UnloadMg Space: A loading and unloading space shall be provided either in the buiJcting or on the same lot as the principal S fruc h..;re, 4. APPLICATION AND EXHIBITS REQUIRED: Prior to the Issuance o~' a build- ing p~rmlt rot' lhe erection of a new building or struchJre~ or for an c~ddltlon thereto or remodelling thereof, or prior to the issuance of a-certificate of use and occupancy for a different use cf an existing building or structure~ 'the applicant shall complete and execute a fo~:m and submit a plot plan as -may be prescribedt which shali~ among other thlngst shcr.v the ownership of. subject property and provide the necessary information upon which the re- quired off-sWeet parklngt loading and unloading spaces may be determined~ and the applicant shall therein acknowledge that such information is sub- mitted for such determination and in the event a change in the use or additional use is contemplated, such additional off-street parking, if any, as mc~y be requlre~l by these regulationsf must be furnished prior to such use change or additional use. '5. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR "MF" DISTRICTS: All off. street ~rklng areas in' "MF-2" MF-3"~ "MF-4" and "MF-5" Districts shall b.~ set back ten feet from , · 'the front property ilne and 7½ from side and rear property lines, providing land- scaping i~ not provided off-street parking areas shall be set back twenty feet from the front property llne and ten feet from side and rear property lines. Landsca. ping shall consist of at least one i'aw of decorative or ornamental trees~, shrubs and other landscaping devices suited to lhe climate and soils of Collier County designed and placed in a manner rendering such visual screen at least eighty percent opaque from the ground to not less than four feet in height w;th- in a period of five years after planting. Such landscaped area may be calculated as part of Useable Open Space requirements. ,~ Amended_Augus t 8, 19712 .Section 8.3 -_Requiremcnf~ for Off-Street Parking: Therer shall be provided t~m.. ot: the erection of any main building or structur.; or at the tim& any main building or structure is enlarged or increased in capacity by add... lng dwelling units~ guest rooms; floor area or seats~, m;nlmum off-street parking space with adequate provisions for ingress in accordance with Ihe following requirements: .I, OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL BUILDINGS: Provide at least parking spaces for each three hundred (300) square Feet oF usable' floor space up to three thousand (3~000) square feett and no less than one For every three hundred (300) square Feet of usable floor space thereaFtert excludve oF hallway~ sta~rway~ or elevator space and similar common areas. In no event shall there be fewer than five spaces provided per building. 2. MULTIPLE FAMILY'DWE.LLINGS AND TRANSIENT LODGING FACILITIES: A. Multiple family dwellings and transient lodging facilities which provided cooking facilities in the aweJling units-one and one-hall, (1- I/2.) spaces per dwelling unit. B. Transient lodging FaciJltles which do no! provide cooking l.acil;t[es.ln the dwelling units-one and one-t'ourth (I- 1/4)parking spaces per dwell- - lng unit for tho first one. hundred (100) dwelling units; one space per'. dwelling unit For the next' one hundred l,iFty (150)'dwelllngunlts; and one-half space per dwelling unit thereafter. C. Multiple Family dwellings and transient lodging facilities which provide meeting rooms or auditoriums which will accommodate one hundred (100) or mare persons~ restaurants or cocktail lounges-6~/o of the park- ing spaces which would be required if these uses were notassodlated with o multiple Family dwelling or transient lodging l,acility, i HOSPITALS, NURSING HOMES~ CONVALESCENT HOMES, SANITARIUMS, ETC.: t A. Hospltalsl Provide one parking space per bed. B. Nbrsing Homest Convalescent Homesr San]tariumsf Etc.: Provide one parking space For each two beds. In no event shall there be Fewer than five spaces provided per building. ~4. COMMERCIAL USES: A. Automobilet Heavy Construction Mach]n,ryt Trailer and Mobile Homes Sales and Re,ir .A. gencies: Provide 10 parking spaces~ plus one space. For each 200 square Feet of office and principal showroom space, plus one space For each 1000 square Feet al. repalrandmalntenancespace,' 'none of which may be used for merchandise inventory parking. In no event shall there be less than one space for each 10,000 square t'eet of gross land area. .. B. Other Commercial uses: Provide one parking space For each 300 square feet or any part thereof of gro..~s Floor. area For the First 9000 square feet, and one parking spbce per 400 square feet or any part thereoF oF- · ..gross Floor area in excess of 9000 square feet For the Following commercial: -uses: Food or grocery stores, drug and sundry stores, 'department stores, banks, post offices, cllnlcs~ wa~tMg rooms and stations For common .carriers, and shopping centers. For all other commercial uses except as othorwlse provided in these regulations~ there shall bo provided three.: parking .,;paces For th~ first 2500 square feet of floor area and one parkln~ spa. ce for each addit;onal 500 square foot or any part thereoF oF'floor~ area. In no event sha~! there[oefewer than five spaces provlded per buildlng,':'. ..J RESTAURANTS (0TI~ER THAN DRIVE-I~i), BARS~ COCKTAIL LOUNGES, NIGHT CLUBS, CHURCHES, THEATRES, AUDITORIUMS, MEETING ROOMS, FRZ~TERNAL LODGES, STADIUMS, FUNERAL HOMES', OR ANY BUILDING USED AS A PUBLIC GATHERING PLACE: Provide one parking space/'or e~ch /'our seats. In addition, one parking space must be provided For every tour peF'sons employed or intended to be employed. DRIVE-IN RESTAURANTS AND SIMILAR PLACES SERVING FOOD, DRINK OR REFRESHME'NTS TO VEHICULAR PATRONS OUTSIDE OF BUILDING: Parking Ioyoul' shall bo subject to tho approve] o/' the approprJote Planning Comm~sslon or the Zoning Director. In no event shall thore be Fewer than Five spaces provided per building. 7. GOLF COURSES & OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES: A. Golf Courses: Provide Four parking si>aces For each golf hole. Where restaurants, bors, cocktail lounges and transient accommodotibns are mode an integral part o/. a golf course enterprise, then 50% of the spaces required For the gol£ co.urse shall be credited to the parking requirements of such supplemental Facilities. B. Outdoor 'Recreational Facilities: Other outdoor recreational FacilJtles not otherwise covered herein, such os skeet, archery range, tennis courts, miniature go!F course, drivMg range, otc., shall require oneparkMg -space for each two anticipated participants, os may be determined by the approprlote Planning Commission .or the ZonMg D]rector. In no event shall there be Fewer than Five spaces provided per Facility. 8. SCHOOLS: High Schools: One parking space /.or each eight seats in ouditorium, plus two spaces for ~,ach classroom. B. Junior Hi,ah Schools and Elementary Schools: One parking each ten se~ts in auditorium, plus one space for each classroom. 9. INDUSTRIAL USES, INCLUD.I. NG THOSE LIGH'i' INDUSTRIAL · MITTED OR ALLOWABLE IN THE "C-4" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL space For USES PER- DISTRICT:' A. Off-Street Parking: Provide one parking space (exclusive alr service roads, entrances and exits) For each 1,000 square feet of the gross Floo~. area in Ihs building up to 10,000 square Feet, and then one parking space for each 2,000 square feet of gro.~s floor area thereafter, or one parking space for ,-~ch two anticipated employees~ whlchevor requires the greater/ number of ~rl¢ino spaces. It' retail sales ar~ conducted in connection.. with such industrial uso, additional off-street parking shall be prover]ed as required by the provisions hereof relating to .s. uch commercial uses. The port[on of tho structure allocated.for retail sales shall be used as o basis for determining the additional off-street Parking to be provided. In no event shall there be fewer than five (5) parklng spaces provided par building. 10. PRIVATE OR PUBLIC RECREATIONAL & ENTERTAINMENT USEINVOLVING THE ASSEMBLING OF PERSOI~S & N01 GOVERNED BY AIqYOF THE PRECEDING PROVISIONS: Provide one parking space for every 200 square feet of' Floor area of the assembly rooms .or one space for each four seats, .whi'chever is greater. 11. PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES: Commercial vehicles end mobile machinery or equipment shall not habitually, customarily, or regularly be parked in any reslden.tial district between tho hours of' 8:00 p.m. an'd 8:00 a.m. unless efi'ectively screened From streets and abutting property. Th;s pro- hibition shall not apply during const'ructbn as authorized by the. Zoning Director. Section 8.4 -.Requirements f'or Off-Street Loading and Unloading. Uses with 10,000 Square Feet or More Gross Floor Area: Every single- occupancy permitted uso having a floor area of ten thousand (10,000)square Feet or more gross Floor area requiring the receipt or distribution by vehicles of' materials or merchandise shall have at least one permanently maintained off-street Ioodin~/unioodlng space f'or the first 10,000 square Feet, end one odditlonal space For each 20,000 square foot or fraction thereof of gross floor area over and above tile f'irst 10,000 square feet. Uses With Less Than 10,000 Square Feet Gross Floor Area: Single occupancy retail operations, wholesale and industrial operations wlth a gross floor areal o[ less than 10,000 square feet shall provide sufficient receiving space on the property so as not to hinder the mavernont of vehicles and pedestrians over a sidewalk, street or alley. Multiple-Family Dwellings and Transient Lodging Facilities: Shall beprovidc~l .wiih one off-street loading space for tho First 20 units, two s,paces For 21 to 40 units, three spaces For more than 40 un,ts. Location and Dimension: Each space shall hav~ direct access to on alleyor street and shc~il have the fallowing dimensions: length, 25 Feet; w;dth~ 12 he;ght, 14 Feet. Loading and unloading.areas are to bs marked as such so that service vohlcJos may uso this s~ce without inlorFcringwith the use of str~ts~ sldewol~s, alloys or ~rklng ar~s'. . . Sectlon 8.5 - Permonen't [Reservation. Areas reserved for off.. street parklng, or unloading, in accnrdance with the requlrome, nts of theseregulatbns, shall not 'be reduced in area or changed to any other'use unless /he allowed or allowobleuse which it serves is discontinued or modified, except where equ'~valent parl~ingor loading space is provided to the satlsFact~on of the Planning Commission or Zoning Director. /, Section 8.6 - E eptlons, to Off-Street Parklng~n~oadlng. Requ_!rements. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT: Unless otherwise provided, areas designed as the Central Business Siistrict of' a commun[ty shall not be required to meet the requirements £or off-street parking and loading here~n. Such Control Business Districts may be designed on a map or such other documents and materials as are necessary~ adopted by the County Commlss~on upon recomo~endalion of the Planning Commiss[on for thepurpose of exempting such area From off-street parking and loading regulations, USES NOT LISTED: The requirement For off-street parking for any uses that are not specifically .mentioned in this section shall be the same as provided in thi~ section for the use most similar to the one sought, itbe~ngthe intent to require off-street Parking Fac]litles with all uses except those uses in deslgnoted Central BusMess Districts. Such determlnatlons are to be mode by the enforcement official. When units or measurements determining the number of required elf'-street parking spaces result in requlrementofa t'ractionol space, any such fraction equal to or greater than one-half shall require o full space and any fraction less than one-half shall be dr0pped. MIXED USES: In case of m;~ed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking shall be the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separatel); and off-street parking space For one use shall not be considered as providing the required off-street parking For any other use~ except that when in the opinion of the enforcement official, one or more uses of a mixed use occupancy .ore subordinate to and basically dependent upan~apr~mory use~ the enforcement official .may r:.educe the requirements of such sub- ordinate use or uses to a parc.enrage deemed appropriate. Wherea greater number is not elsewhere requ']red in this ordlnance~ each and every separate and individual store, office or one off-street parking space. ARTICLE IX' Sect;on 9.1 a building permit/'corriflcate of as a provisional use only other bus[ness shall be provided with at least PROVISIONAL USES : - Procec~ure For Obtain;np_ P.~rrnjt_. Tho enforcement of'ftc;al shall issue occupancy for any u~.es permitted in any district the County Commiss]on~ upon recommondatlon o~ .- ~00~ .. ',ho Planning Commission, has Found as a fact that such uso complies with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and v?ith particular i?ovlsbns spec;£;edFor such use. Any party ','.'~shlng to obtain o .building perrnlt/certificato of occupancy ·tror a provisional use shall comply with the following procedure: Submit an application in form specified by the enforcementoffic;al listing, among other thing.,,, the type of use requested to be permitted, the zen;rig district in which the use is permitted asa provisional use, the exact 'of the use, and such other information as may.be requlred. At'[l[ngFeeshali ~e submitted to defray the cost of advertising andhold;ngapubllc hearing upon such application`, as may be set From time to tlmo by the County Com-. mission. · 2.Concurrent with the application, a plot plan shall be submitted showing among other things`, the following particulars`, where applicable: The actual shape, proportion and dimensions of the lot to be built upon or used, e e The shape, size, height and location alr all bui.ldings to be erected, altered`, or. moved as well as the disposition and use of structures and buildings already upon the lot. C. T. he use and intended use of all buildings and structures and land area. De The setback lines of buildings upon ad[oining lots and such other infor- mation concerning the lot or parcel or adjoining lots and parcels and rights-of-way as may be essential for determining that the provisions of this ordinance ara being observed. E. Information on any proposed oxcavatlon or other alteration of the ground level or water dourso, ~ F, Major points of access onto ancO' off the s~te; internal ctrculot;on ways for vehicular movement; and location and treatment of off- street parking and loading spaces. , The enforcement official s}~ll submit the application and plo. t plan to the: Planning Commission for review. The Planning CommlssJon shall hold a 'public hearing,, after due public notice has be,n glvonas r,qulred. The'.. Planning Commission shall then forward, its finding and recommendctbn: to the County Commission for' final action. .:;~..:: Upon receipt o~ lho Plannlng Commission's Finding and recommenJct,en,i~!.. . .: and pr~or lc, final approval~ 'tho ,Count};'Commi$~ion must find as fact thatl.i.. ' the proposed use cempli~s with thf spirit and intent of th~, ZOning Ordinaricu! . ' f .::'/ , ~,. and wlth particular provisions ~p0¢lflod For ~uch uso. 5. Subsequent to such finding by the County Comm~sslon, tho customary pro- ceduro for obtaining a building, permit or certificate oF occu~ncyshall take oi'[ect. Section 9.2- G.G_.eneral Criteria f'oc. Pr_0vl~tonol Us~s. In makbg a finding effect that a provisional use complies with tho splrlt and intento~thoZonlng Ordlnance~ the revlowlng boards ~hall consldor~ among other things, tho following particulars: Tho use, as permitted in a spocif'ic location, is not detrimental to the safety, heallh, morals and general welfare of i'ho public, ;ncluding the [act that tho usd does not create or contribute to a tiro hazard~ sanitation inadequacies or other community Facilities inadequacies. Tho lot rind building regulations or standards For such use meet elthertho mo~t restrictive requiremon!s for such u~e specified ~n any other zoning district where such use is'~lhorwlse pormilted~ or~ iF nosuch standards ~xl.sh the standards proposed by tho oppIlcant are adequate and do not tend to: ' A. Lmver the property values elsewhere In thodistrictor in adjacent districts; Alter tho es~entlal character of the dIstrlct; C. Interfere with the ~:onino plan For the area; D. Inter[ere with the rlghts aF olhor property owners in the distr[ct or in adlacent districts~ or E, Crause or contribut~ 1o overcrowding of' property or parsons; Be ~ituated on a plot or parcel of land which cannot yield a reasonable return (in money or arbor thing of value) when used only For purposes ¢~uthorizod as of course Jn the above dlstrict. In hO Went shall yard ~etbacks be less lhan r~quired elsewhere in the dlstrict. 'rho use is compatible wllh u:ios In surrounding 'areas in Its funcHon,, its hout,'~ ;of operation, th,~ type and amount DF traffic expected to be generated, Its I~Ito and .building mlzo and height and other f~ctors that may be used to i-noasuro ~:ompc. tlbility.' Yho use does nor create ~r ~:antrl'bute to unusual trafl'lc hazards nor goncr,~a ~xce~ive traffic on resldonttal ~fr~atn~ ~r ~es Ih. us~ croate or contribute to Unusual ~rkl~g pr~l~ms, ' BOOX ~ ~ ~E ' J 15. T uso does not c ...... · cant to to ony nu~s ne.., .. llc or private, or hazard incidental Io its o. peratlon thdt may detract from the value or amonity o1: surroundlng proper!les. . Section 9.3 - ~pecific Provisions For Provisional Uses. Any provlstonal use may be required to comply with one or more of the Follov,,ing provisions if' such requTre- ment is specified For said provisional use under the Schedule of District Regulotio'~s.' In mo'king a Finding of Fact tifot a pr?visional use complies with particular provisions required tar such use, the reviewing boards shall consider one or more of the Follow- lng requirements spe.clfled: !. Tho use shall provide access into and off the site only From a non- residential street. 2. The use shall comply with performance stahdards to be measured ot the boundaries o£ the site as specif'[ed For uses permitted in the"l" Industrial District. 3. The use shall provide a visual screen around the boundary of thee s;te, which shall be cpproved by the Planning Comm]ssion~ or i[on[ng Director. ® Another provisional use of the same type shall not be located wlth]n tho same block £ace and shall not be closer than 600 lineal treat, os measured From the closest point of one site to the closest point of another site. 5, The uso complies with any additional roqulremonts specified for such uca under tho Schedule of District Regulations. 6. The applicant has satisfactorily demonstrated the need For the prov]s]onc~I U$~. ARTICLE X HOME OCCUPATIONS Sectlon 10.1 - General Provlslons For Home Occupotlon~. In any d[str[ct where home occupation is allowed, it shall be conducl'od by on occupant thereof, whlch usa is clearly incidental and secondary .to th~ use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof; andprovJded that all the Follow}ng condltbns are met: 1. There shall be no display of G~ods or advertising visible from any stroe.~. 2. A non- illuminated name'plate~ not exceeding bye square t'eet in aroa~ may be displayed pr~'viding the same is affixed flat against the oxtorior surf'acOat a position not more than two ~eot dlstanco f'rcm the main entrance residence. ' BOOK No home occupation shall occupy more than 25% elr tho first floor area ~ residence, exclusive of the area o~' any open per_ch or attached garagc~ similar space not .~ulted ar intended for occupancy as living quarters,~N rooms which have been constructed as an addition to tho residence, nor any attached garage or porc.h which has been converted into living quarters, s~all · be considered as fl6or area until t'we (2) years after the date el~ completio thereat'. 4. No home occupation shall be conducted in an acce~sorybuilding~but.must be conducted in the re.~dence of' the proprietor. 5. bra persons except the members of the immediate Family who reside on the premises shall .bo e. mp[oyed in any home occupation. No motor or engine having grea~er than one-third (1/3.)horsepower rating shall be used in the conduct .of' any home occupation, and the total combined ratings al~ such per'mitred motors or engines shall not exceed one ho~'sepower. No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which creates hal.se, vibration, glare, furnace ocbrs, or~ electrical interference detectable to the normal senses of tho lot, if the occupation is conducted ina single.- family residence, or outside the dwelling unit if conductedlnotherlhana slnglo.-l:amily residence. In the case of' electrical in~erl:erence, no equipment~ or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference in any~ radio or television recelvors off the premisos, or causes fluctuations in line voltage of'f. the premises. : . 8. Fabrication of articles such as ore commonly classified under the term 'arts and crafts" is permitted. . 9. Occupations whlch, generate greater volumes of traffic than would normallyI' be expected in a residential area~ such as barber shops, beauty shops, retail sales and service, public dining or tea room Focillt~es, anHque or gift shops~ f'ortune telling or clairvoyonce~ repair shops (except watch repalr) arei~i prohibited. Section 10.2 - Procedure for Obtainir~.q Homo 0ccu.oaHon Permi~t: Anyperson deslrihg to conduct a home occupation in a district where such use is permitted shall apply to the enforcement official for a pormit therefor. Such application shall include,'( but not by way of limitation, the following information: I. Name of applicant. 2. .Locot!on of res~d.~nce conducted. wherein the h~me occupation, if approved, 3. Total floor area of tho first floor at' the resldonco. I ', j · 4. Area of room or rooms to bo utilized in Ihe conduct~o£ the home occupotlon. 5. A sketch showing the floor plan and the area lhereof to be utillzed for the conduct of the home occupation. 6. The nature of the home occupation sought to be e?proved. Upon compliance wilh Sections 10.1 and 10.2, a permit'shall be issued For such hame occupation. Any home occupation permit m~qy bo revoked [~y the enforcement official at any tim. e when it has been determined that tho homo occupation has become a public nuisance. Such home occupation p0rmlt is rcqulred in addition to any other permit or occupational license required by law. ARTICLE Xl SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS Section 11.1- Distrlc~l~ .Re...a.u!.ot~ons' Ado~ted. District rcgulaHons shall be as set forth in the Schedule of District Regulations, hereby adopted hy reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance, and .~uch other sections oFth~s ordinance as may pertaM to these District Regulations. Section 11.2 - SF- 1 S!n~le..T Wa.rally Resld~ntk~l District. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of this district are to an area of estate density, s~ngle-family residences dwelling unit per net residential acre, or less, as specified. intended to apply not exceed{ng one 11 USES PERMITTED: No building or structure or port thereof shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whale or in part, For other than the £ollowlng: A, 'PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Single Family Residences B. ACCESSORY USES: (I) Private boat houses or waterway lots, not protruding more than waterway; except if such canal or waterway rnoro~ tho dock may protrude ~ot more than canal or Waterway; provldlna, h.owevar~ Ihat used as a residence. and docks, with or without boat hoists, on canal Five feet into the canal or has a width of 100 Feet or twenty (20) feet into ~uch no boat or boat house ~ (2) Customary acces:ory use~ cnd structures, Including p:'ivo:e t~roges. ' (3) Guest houses and household '~crvants quarters, the floor area of'whlch is not less than 2,5 per cent or more lhan 40 per cent of"'the m~nlmurn required floor area oi' tire prlncipol struclure. .(4) Signs as permitted in Section ll.'34-Siqn REgulations. PROVISIONAL USES: The following u,,es may be permilled subject lo Ihe provisions of Article 1X and Ihe specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, os fol~o,.vs: (I) Non-commercial boat I.aunching facilities, and multiple docking areas. (2) Recreational clubs, intended Io serve the surrounding ~esldentlal area. (3) Churches and olher places of worship'. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 25 % 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 45,000 square, feet. 5. MINIM~IM LOT WIDTH:. 150 feet average between i'ront and rear lot lines, 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 50 feet. B.. Side Yard - 15 feet. Rear Yard - 35 feet. A resldentlol pool or patio, which is screen enclosed or open on one or more sides for use in residential units, and which is incidental to that al~ the main building, rear yard setback may be reduced to 15 feet. This requirement shall not apply to boot 7. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: ¸8. Seclion A. One Story - 2,000 square feet. B. Two Story - 2,500 square feet-: ' MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above grqde. accesso~ buildings I;mlted to 20 feet MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING: the perm;Ired buildlng area. Guest houses, boat houses and other Two spaces per residence, located within 11.3 - SF - 2. Single - Family Residerrtlol D'.'slrict, ~'; -36- Revised June 12, 1973 0 DISTRICT PURPOSE: Th, provl-.ions of fh;s district ore intended to apply to an area of Iow density single-family ro~.idencos, noLoxceedlng 2.9 dwelling units per net rosidentio[ acre, or le~s, as specified. o USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, For other Ihan the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (I) Single Family Resldonco B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Private boat houses and dock,.., with or without b::.at hoists, on canal or waterway lots, not protrudin; moro Ihan riva feet into the canal or waterway; except if such canal or waterway h~s a width of' 100 feet or more, the dock may protrude not more than twenty (20)feet into such canal or waterway; providing, however, that no boat or boat house is used as o residence. (2) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages. (3) Guest houses and household servants quarters, the floor area of which is not less that 25 per cant or more than 40 per cent of the mlnlm~0m re- quired floor orca of the princiFol structure. (4) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulationb. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be ~rmttted subject to the provisions of Article IX and tho specific rcquJrements of Soctbn 9.3, If applicable, as Follows: Non-commercial boat launching Facilitla:, and multiple docking areas. (2) Recreational clubs, ar'ea. intended to serve, tho surrounding resldent]al (3) Churches and other places of worship. 3. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 25%. 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA: I5,000 square f~t. · 5. MINIMUM LOY WIDTH: 103 fast average bo,"waon froot anti rear lot 37- 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 40 feet. B. Side Yard - One story, 10 feet, bye story 15 feet. Rear Yard - 25 feet. A residential pool or pollo, which is screen enclosed, or open on one or more sides far use in residential un,ts, and which is inc;denlal Io that of Ihe main' building, rear yard setback r.~ay.be reduced to 15 feet. This requirement shall not apply to ~at hou:es. D. On lots which front on more Ihan on~ street, lite front yard which has the longest street frontage may be reduced to 35 feet; the yard opposJ~e Ihe front yard with · the least street fronlag~ shall bt considered a rear yard for setback purposes. 7. MINIMUM ~LOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: A. One Story - i,500 square feet. B. Tv,'o Story - l',800 square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet, above grade. accessory buildings limited to 20 feet. Guest houses, boat-houses and other MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING: Two spaces per rc'si~ence~ at least one of which shall be located within the permitted building area, and in no evenl shall a space be located in a side yard setback. Section 11.4 - SF - 3 Single- Family R~s~dential District. DISTRICT PURPOSI]: The provisions ot' this dlstr]ct are intended to apply to an area of low density s~ngle.-f, amily residences not exceeding 4.4 dwelling unils per net res;dentlal acre, or less, as USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part th~reolr, shall I:~ erected altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in p..~rt, for other than the following: PRINCIPAL USES: (I) Single Family P, osldences ACCESSO2.Y USES: (I) Private boat houses and docks, with orwilhout boat hoists, on canal or · walen..,ay lots~ not protruding moro than Five feet into the canal or watenvoy; ~' ,* dc' except if ~uch canal or walcr.voy has a width of IG0 £,-.et or more, .n. , may prota.:'Je not more than lv.'en.*'y (20) feet into such (2) Customary accessory uses and sh'uctures, : ,.t · .n~.,ud~ng p..r. lvate garage. (3) Guest houses, and household servants quarlcrs |n. tegral part of the principal slructura. when consl,ucled as cn (4) Signs as permitted in ,Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The followlngusesmoy be perm;lied subject toprov~s~ons of Artlcle ix and the specific requlremenls of Secllon 9.3, if applicable, as t'otlows: (I)' Non - commercial bant launching facilities, and multiple docklng areas. (2) Recreational Clubs, intended to serve Ihe surrounding res;denlial area· (3) Churches and other places of worsh~p. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: MINIMUM LOT AREA: 10,000. square feet. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: A. Corner Lois - I00 feat avera,'le between front an,] rear lot lines. B. Interlor Lots - 85 feet average ~lween front and rear lot lines. 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 30 feet· g. Side Yard - One'story, 10 feet; h,,,o s}ory, 15 feet. C. ' Rear Yard - 25 feet. A residcnt;al pool or [mt;o, which is screen enclosed, or open on one or more sides for use in res;denHal units, and which 'is incidental to that .of the main building, rear yard ~.elback may be reduced to 15 feet. 'l'h;s ~equirement shall not apply to boat houses. D o On lots which f~ont on more lhan one street, the front yard wMch has Ihe longest street frontage may be reduced to 25 feel; the yard appos~te the front ye. rd with lhe least I'ronlage sh?ll be considered a rear yard for selbock pure,es. 7. MINIMLIM FLOOR A;~EA OF PF, INCIPAL STRUCTURE: A. One Story - 1,200 square fc~t. Revised.June 12, 1973 B. Two Story-1,500 ~quaro feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 fe~t e,l~ove grade. buildings limited to 20 feet. Boot houses and other accessory MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKIHG: Two spaces, et least one of'which shall be located within the p..-rmitled ~uildlng area, and in no event shall a space be located in a side yard setback. Section 11.5 - SF-4 Single-Family Resldent~al District. DIS'J'RICT PURPOSE: Tho provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of Iow to me-Jiurn donslty single-family resider, cos, nat exceeding 5.1 dwelling units per net residential acre, or less, os s~cifled~ USES PERMITTED: No buildln0 or structure, or F, artth~reof, shell be erected, altered or used, or lend or waler usc, d, in whole or part~ for other than the followlng: A. PRI.NCIPAL USES: (1) Single Family Residencos B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) P'rivale boat or waterway lots, not protruding more lhan waterway; except it' such canal or waterway more, Ihe dock may protrude not more than canal or waterway,: providing, however, that used os a residence. houses and docks, with or without boat hoists, on canal five f'eet in~o the canal or has a width o~ 100 feet or hvonty (20) feet into such no boat or boat house is (2) Customary accessory uses end structures, ;ncludlng private garages. (3) Guest houses, and household servants quarters., when constructed as an integral port ot' the principal .structure. - (4) Home occupations, cs provid;d for in Article X. (5) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIO;.¢AL USES: Tho fallowlr,~, usas m~ bo Ix~rmi~'l',','d subject to Iht ~o~i:Zon~ ~ ~rticlo IX cr,~ th.~ ~p~cl~lc rcquiromtnr~ efS~:tlon ~.3, 2 .. · , ,Ac~rch 3~( ,/0 (2) · (4) Non - commercial boat launching facililies, and multiple docking areas. Recreational clubs, intended to serve the surrounding res;dentlal area. Churches and other.places of worship. Schools and Colleges. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 30 % MINIMUM LOT AREA: 8,500 square feat. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: A. Corner Lots - R~feet average between front and rear lot B. Interlor Lots - 75 feet average behveen front and rear lot lines. 6. MINIMUM YARDS: Section 'A. Frcsnt Yard - 25 feet. B. Side Yard - One story, 7 - ½ feet; bye story, 10 feet. Rear Yard - 20 feet. A reddent~al Fool or pot~o, which is screen enclosed, or open on one or more s~des l~or use in residential units, and which is incidental to that of the ma~n building, rear yard setback may be reduced to 15 feet. Th~s requirement shall not ~pply to boat hause~. De On lots which front on more than one s'h'eet, the front yard which has the longest street frontage may b~ reduced to 20 feet; the yard opposile the front yard wlth Ih, least street frontage shall be considered a rear yard ~or setback purposes. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: 'A. One story - 1,000 square feet. B. Two story - 1,200 square featL' MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above gra.~e. Boat houses and other accessory buildings limited to 20 feet. MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING: eno space per reslden~:a, located wilhJn the permilted building area. ' II .6 - SP -'5 Single Family .n,e~]dent¢:il D~st:'ict. .2. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisbns of thls district are 'intended to apply to an area of medlurn density single-fan'~ily ros;denc'~sz~not exceedingS.8 dwelling units per net residentlol acre, or less, as specified. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or parllhereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in' whole or part, for other than tho followlng: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Single Family Resldonces. B. ACCESSORY USES: (I) Private boot houses and docks, with or without boat hoists, on canal or water'way lots, not protruding more than five feet into the canal or .waterway; except if such canal or waterway has a width of 100 feet or more, the dock may protrude 'not more than twenty (20)feet into such canal or waterway; providing however, thor no boat or boat house is used as a re.~[dence. (2) Customary accessory usee and structures, including private garages. (3) Guest houses., and household servants quarters, when constructed os an integral part of the principal structure. (4) Home occupation, as prey;dad for in Article X. (5) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIONAL USES: Tho the provisions of Article IX if oppllcoble, as follows: (1) Non-commercial boot (2) Recreational clubs, oreo, followlno uses may be permitted subject to and the. specific requirements of Section 9.3, launching facilit~es, and multiple docking area. ;nJended to serve tho surrounding residential (3) Churches and other places of worship. (4) Schools and Collooo~. 3. M~),'iMUM LOT COVERAGE: 30%. 42 '4'~1% .... 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 7~500 square feet. A. Corner lots - 75 feet average between front and rear lot lines. B. Interior lois - 60 feet average front and rear lot lines· 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 25 feet. . -' B. Side Yard - One Story~ 7 - I/2 feet; two story I0 feet. Rear Yard - 20 feet. A residential pool or patio, which is screen enclosed~ or open on one or more sides for use in residentail un[lst and which is lncJdenla to that of the main buildingt rear yard setback may be reduced to 15 feet. This requirement shall hal apply 1o boat houses. On lots which front on more than one street, the front yard which'has Ihe Ionge: street frontage may. be reduced to 20 t'eet; the yard opposite the front yard with the least frontage shall be considered a rear yard for setback purposes. 7. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL. STRUCTURE: A. One Story - 80:3 square feet. B. Two Story - 1,000 square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: limited lo 20 feet. 30 feet above grade. Boat houses and other accessory buJldin~ MINIMUM OFF - STREET PARKING: One space per residence~ located wtthln permJlted building area. Sec:llon II .7- SF - 6 Single - Family Residential District. Io DISTRICT PUPOSE: The provisions c;F th~s dlstrJct are intended to apply to an area alr medium density sJngle - family residences, not exceeding 7.25 ckvelling units per net residential acre, or less, as specified. 2. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected~ oltere or used~ or land or water used, in whole or part~ [or olher than the following: PRINCIPAL LIS-ES: Rev. March 3, 1970 1973 (i) Single Family Residences ACCESSORY USES: (I) Customary accessory uses and structures including pr;vat, garages. (2) Hame occulrx~tlons, as provided for in Arllcle X. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations 4. 5. 6. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permltt~,.d subject to provisions of Article IX and Ih, specific requirements of Section 9.3, applicable, os follows: (I) Non - commercial boat launch;nD fac;lit;es and multiple docking areas (2) (3) (4) Recreational clubs, intended to serve, the surround;nD res;dent;al area. Churches and other places ot' worship. Private Boat Houses.and Docks. (5) Schools and Colleges. (6) Civic and Cultural fac;lilies. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 30 %. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 6,000 square I~eet. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 60 fcet average bsh,,'een front and rear lot I~nes. MINIMUM YARDS: · A. Front Yard - 25 feet'. B. 'Side Yard - 7- I/2 feet· ..' Rear Yard - 20 feet. A resldent;al Fool or pat;o, which Is screen enclosed, o open on one or more sides for use in residential units, and which is incldentol that cE tho. malri building, rear yard seiback may be reduced to 15 feet. DJ On lots whi~:h front on more Ihan one. street, the front yard which has Ih, long. street frontage may bo reduced to 20 feet; the yard ," o~ro,~.,. tho least street frontage sl,:ll bo. co:~sldurcfl a rear yard for set~ce purpc'.cs. Revised June 12, 1973 ~ NIMUM("r LOOR AREA OF 'PRINCIPAL ST TURE': A. 0no Story-600 square feet. B. Two Story-800 square feet, of which at least 600 square Ireet shall be c the ground floor. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above grade. Accessory buildings limited t, '20 feet. 9. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: One space per residence, located wlthlr tho permitted building area. Section 11.B - MF - 1 One and Two- Family Reslde'ntlal District. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of medium density single and two-family residences not exceeding 13.2 dwelling units per net residential acre, or less, as specified. USES 'PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the ,following.' A. PRINCIPAL USES: (I) Single Family Residences. (2) Two Family Residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Acces. sory uses and structures, including private garages. (2) Home occupations, as provided for ;n Art;cie X. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. PROVISIONAL USES: The f.6tiowlng uses ma~, be permitted subject to the provisions of Article IX and tho sp~clfic roc~ulrements of' Sect;an 9.3, If applicable, as follows: (I) Non-comm~rclal boot iounching facilitios, a.~. multip?: docking area~. (2) Rocr~tional clubs, intended to serve tho surroun.."/ing resldenHa} area. (3) Churches and c, th=r p!uc~s 4 ? :11 ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING D~%'ELLING UNIT 5I.%XI:,IL'31 DENSITY LI:VELS: ;JINI:,:U.:I FRONT, SIDE AND RKAR YARD SETBACK; AND..,,AX~.,,U,,I LOT COVERAGE AND,,"]Nl:dU~,l FI.COR AREA FO[i APPI, IC,%TION IN':JULTI-FA~.iILY RESIDENT/AL AREAS %%'l'I'HIN TIlE COI,LIER-COt'N'~' CO.%STAI, PI.ANNING AREA; PI[OVIDING FOR APPEAL, ESTAEI,]S;IING.A PKNALIY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WtlEREAS, ~lortda Imw g~ants to Collier Count)' ~egulato~y authority over land use and Spcci£tcally grants authority to regulate and restrict the size, location and use of buildings, structures and fixtures, and · I~qlEREAS, Collier County [us the responsibility and commensurate authority to deter disease and discomfort by providing and re~ulnting x:'aste nnd sewage collection and disposal, water supply; prey/din;: and regulatin7, fire and police protect/on, recrealion facilities, street li~htinZ: establish and administer (h'ninaze, water na~,a~;c, uent, pollution conli'ol pro,rams, nncl ~IIERZ.IS, Col]lcl' Count)' has the obligation to the general public to prevent the overcro'~.,.ltn~ of land and ~'ate~ beyonc the c~pacity of present resources, and I~IER~%S. it ts the :'espons~bility of Collier County to 23 provide fo]' tl~e health, snfc, ty, :.:enernl :re l f,-. re . quality of and convenience of tile pub]lc and to insure lite mal~tenance of fa.ir and equitable 'property values of all sections for · ..~0 ,, oeonorale wolf are of the en~re ~ounty, 27 ;~ ~IIERF~S, the rc ~tonshi.pe ex'Jsting betweeh the above ~ ,' enumera;ed and otl~er f:~' o.s ts ~f such complexity ns tO :'e- ~9 ~i quire cm~prehcn~ 'e ma~ter planning l~r the future development' ~ ,, of tho Wos~orn portion of Collier County, end '~1 '~[' ~IER}:t~S, 1[ iS kllOWll that · hastily conceived and thouKht- $2 ', less i~proporly planned develo~ncnt of land and eXl)lotinltou $ ? 8 9 10 oJ resources adds needlessly to the u'ltimate continuing burden of ~11 p~e~ent ~nd ~uture population, ~nd permanent ~estdents tn o~do~ to p~ovtde essential sor~lcos and ~c~t~es, and ~esults Jn a degradation et the ~e~s so developed, and ~I~R~AS, Col]Jet County has been ~nd ts now en~n~ed tho completion et a maste~ comprehensive devo]o~mont plan study to resolve the above enumeTatod ~nd other factors of vital concern to the pTesent and f~tul'e citizens and rcsidonts of Collte~ County, and passed laws that allow tho alternatives ~or local governments to e~thor enact ]oca~ laws con=tstont with those ~actors and objectives o~ tn effcct, abdicate to State and Fodora~ and control. ~IE~EFORE: Soc.i ion One: BE IT OIIDAINED Rl' TIlE IIO. IED OF COUNTY CO~.;;IlSS 10 -. OF COLLIER COUX~'. rLO~tlP..l: 1. Legislative Intent: It is the purpose el ii, is ordi.nnr, ce to promote, protect nnd improve the public health, ~o~'t, good order, 'appearance. convenience, ~ornls nnd gonornl welfare of tl~e citizens or Collier County. Florida: to co:~serve tho value of Inn(i, buildin~s nnd resources; to proicct the ch~rncter ~nd ~aintail~ the stability of residential, a~rlcul- rural, business and industrial.areas; to provide an opportuni~:.' £or the Uonrd o£ CountT Commissto~te~'s of Collier County, Florida to enact ~nd adopt n comprehensive land uso plan, zoning code, Subdivision re~latlons, subdi, i'Iston'plnttin~ law, m~ifor~ codes. county-wldo fire code, ~vnto~' raanagemenl ]aw Rnd si~n ordinance, $1' all of which nrc in vnriot,s st.~,-.os or prel)nrntion, amendment, review and drafting; to resolve nnd clarify problems relating I I 1 2 3 9 3O ll 33 to tho furnishtnl~ of water and sewcr, 'ro:~ds and schools; for thc preservation, protection, development nnd conserv=tJon of natural resources of land, water and air; for convenience of t~fftc and circulation of people and good~; for healthful and 'convenient dl~ributJon of population; for a'doqunte public utilities ~nd /actlltles; for promotion of civic' amenities of beauty sad visual interest, 2. .p?rmlt lteqt~ired: It slm]l' be unlawful to construct or alter nny multi-family build,n= or.structure ~ithin the unincof porated coastal.planning ~rcn of Co]l~cr County, Tloridn ~'hen the cost of such construction exceeds one hu~dred del]nfs CSiO0) 34 l! or where the effect of sttch construction or 3Iteration is to i 1" ]5 ' enlarge tho ,capacity or affect tho bearing: '~'alls of any butldJn~ 38 or tho 3'eof thereof, without hnvin= firs[ sect:red a perm. it therefor'. . 3. App]icntion: · Application l~r such ~er~its to tho bu[ldi~ of[icin], n~d ~nl] be 3cccr. pn~leu ~' p]n::~ ~d specifications ~ duplicate showin~ the ~'.ork to plans shnl! be verified by tho sJgn'ature of ct:her the o;:'ner of the premises o~ by the arch;feet or 23 oporat ~ o.s. ~4 .~OTF.: It ts reco~.:::ended that ~ submitted to insure compliance with the provJsio~:s of this 26 Ordinnnce and tho Zoning Rogu]ntJon~. Errors ~n plot plans nrc 2~ considered self-induced and not to'coz~stitute hardship. .. ~ "' 4 Approval of Plans: The Dui]dial, Zen]nj nnd Plnnn~:~ .. Or~tcinls shall esn~t~o such nj?~ltcnt~ons ~'itl~ p~nns to deto~'- mine whether'tho proposed co~structton or alteration will comply 31 '; with tho orcli~ance, code a~td regulation *pt'ovisions 32 thereto tncludtt~g the provisions horcor. Upon approval one sot 8 of plans shall be l'oturnod to the applicant with a permt[ ," and tho other shall bo ~otatncd b~ thc bu/]d/n~ inspector. ~o per- mit shall bo ls~;uetl until nft(.,r nppvova} of tho plans, Z 6, Vflvtaitons: It shall be u,l.:,v..rui to vary materially of ~ubstnntlnlly rro:a the ~u~,mJtt.d plan,; and ~;l~C'cJfica/ion~ Ik~ildJ,;[ OffJ~;ial and npprov,,d by him. ertl/hancock, codo~ ~nd rogulatJon:~, and to ~.~:~l:t. :~ny tc.~t~ dy cxa~ll~ntJoll~ of InntoFJal~ or method~; to bc u~;od lor thn l)tsrpo~e of ~ooin~ that they comply wtth the provisions of thts and othe~- ordinances, codes and Co]l'ier County shall bo valid For a period not to exceed six (G) raonths l~-o:a ~ho issue dale. Zoning anti Plnnnin~ Ofl'lcJnls sl~all review and deter;::ine that tho application and the related plans and specifications confor~ · a, Tho 513stor Plan ,.;octet rinds, o£ the Con,tn] Pln~,n.....' Area pI'educed by Can¢leub~ F]eJ~sJg nnd AssocJ3tc, s, a copy 26 :. g7 ';. ~ " Of which is available from the Clerk to the Board o~ County ! Commis~,ionor~. ° b. Tho mnxiraum lot coverage; minimum front, side and real-setback from property line requiremeht$; minimum £loor al, od; maximum hotgl~t; and open space requirements detailed for tho multi-family residential areas below! 2, a142 4 10 11 15 18 80 81 Maximum I,ot Coverage: 25% or 8 d~'e]ltng units per acre whichever ts~]ess. b) ~otbacks: Front Yard - 35 feet. Side Yard - 12 feetfor ! or 2 story, Roar Yard - 30 foot. ¢) Minimum Floor Area: - $tng]o Family - 1000 Sq. Feet - Duplex (2 lami]¥) - 750 Sq. Feet per unit. l!u!tt-Fa~i3y 2 Areas (~tF-2): ' ' ~ ~10~-- Maximum l.ot Coverage.,25.~ or,,~_welling units per acre ~'hiche~er is b) Setbacks: - Front Yard - 35 feet. - Side Yard - 15 feet. - Rear Yard - 30 feet. ¢) 'Minimum Floor Area: 750 Sq. Feet per unit for two family units; ]000 Sq. Feet per unit for s~[nglo · - family units. '3) M_u]ti-Fnmt]y.- 3 CJF-3) Areas: .a) Maximum Lot Coverage: 35.q or ~ dwelling units per acre ~'hichever is )ess. 'b) Setbacks: Front Yard '-' 35 fdet. Side Yard - 15 feet. Roar Yard - 35 feet. 'c) Minimum Floor Area: 750 Sq, Feet per unit. for two- ~amtly units. 4) a) Multi-Family - 4 (MF-4) Arean: Maximum Lot Coverage: 35% or~ cR:'el]ing units per *~cre whichcver is less. b) Setbacks: C) ':Minimum Floor Area: - Front Yard - 40 fe~t plus one'foSt for each two fe¢.t of building height over 45" feet with a maximum of 75 feet in height. ,.-- Side Yard -~ feet regardless of h~igh t.~ ,~' ~ear Yard - 40 feet regardless, of he't gh t. 750 Sq. ~eet.per ~n~t. f! BOOX 4 6 8 9 12 14 36 29 80 3I $2 ~) a) Uaximura I~t Covera:e: 20% or 3.5 dwelling un, ts per acre whichever is b) Setbacks: - Front Y:,r2 - .10 feo~ plus one foot for each 2 fcc~ c, ver ,I5 loot. - 5~rm Yard - 20 feet plus one foot fo~ each 2 feet over 45 feet. - Rear You'd - ,i0 feet plus' one foot for each 2-1'eot over 45 feet. c) Minimum Floor Area: 720 Sq. Yce[ per unit d) Uaxtmum Height - Limited' as to setbncks~ open sp~cei p~rking, etc. 6) Open space requirements ~n all multi-family districts shall be 750 square £ee! for (1) bedz'oom and 150 square : feet for each additionn~ bedroon. 9, R~hl of Appeal. If any zppltcnnt for a permit to constr~ct n multi-family bull. ding ts aggrieved by or desires to appeal ~pplication of the provis~ons o~ this ordinance !n his case, said appeal shall be ~tled with the Board or County ~or processing ~n accordance with Chapter 28 of the Code of 18 ~} CollJe~ County, Florida. 19 ][ 10. Penalty. A violation o~ any provision el this 20 ,, ~1 is ~ m~sdemeanor and ~hall be prosecuted in the name el the State', I Iii ,n the County Court by the Prosecut,,,~ ~ttol-ney, and upon con- [[ viction sh~ll be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by ~,, ~mprisonmont in tho County Jail not to exceed 50 days, or by ~ both such fine and imprisonment. E~ch violation and each day violation continues shall constitute a separnte offense. The Board of Count)' CommiRsionors Shn3~ have the power to co~lator- 27 a~ly enforce tho provisions of this Ordinance by appropriate Jud~ciai'[~'rit or proceedinE notwiths/nndin~ any prosecution as a misdemonnor. ' Collier County Ordinance No. 73-8 and 73-9 are repealed effective upon the provisions hereof becomt,g law. ! 4 $ ~3 Sect ion Three: The provt, stons of this Oz'dJnanco shall bo cumulative and tn addition to redern! nnd State Laws. and Statutes not ~n con- ~lict or inconsistent, therewith, Z£ pn:'t of this or any other County Ordinance~ Ilosolutlon or Regulation, or parts thereof are tn conflict or Inconsistent with any other part of this Ordlnance tile more restrictive shall apply. Sec!ton Four: ]n order to carry out tho 3o~ts]a[ivo intent of protec- ting tho public, health, safety, welfare, well-being and pre- serving present al3d full:re pul)lie and private interests, th. is 14 '{I Ordinance shall be liberally' construed. If any portion, word, 1,~ ,. or phrase of thta Ordinance or Its apple, cation to ~ny natural, ,! ]0. or arttft, ctal per.qon, or ¢trcu::~:~tnnce ts held lnralld, the ]~ mai:ling portions, and their appltcntio:a to ot!:or persons ancl 18 2O cir'e{tmstnnces shall not bo ;:llcctcd. PASSr-D AND I)UI.Y AIJOPT.r.I) t)y the r:oaz'd of Ccunty C'or:r~s.~toners :o£ Collier County, Florida, this day of June, 197.3. 24 ~5 ATTEST: " 31argaret T. Scott Clol'k of CJrctlit Court BOARD OF OF COLLIER CO'J;'7,','FI.OiIII:A CliJ:'ord ?'. ;;eazc. l. C'hnil'::.an APPP, OVEI) AS TO FOR:.i AND CONTENT , David E:~:urgo~i 4~l-uner · County Attorney '82 · . ffgCT I 0.'/ bE IT ORDAINED BY ~I£ F~ARD OF COL~TY COM!,fISSIO~'RS OF COLLIER CO~;TY. FLORIDA ~AT Paragraph $.b.1) and 2) of Ordinance No~ 73-13 pertatnin~ to ~-1 and ~-2 areas bo revised tO read as follow~: "1) ~glti-Fn~¥ ~esidentin] - 1 IMF-I) Areas: '~) ~axi~um Lot Coverage: 2S% or S dwellinc. units per ~cre whichever is less .... · b) Setbacks in foot: $incle Family 'Residence uSeS on lots of ?$ foot fron~ace or less _Hul ti-Fa=ily Uses Front Yard - 35feet ~$ feet ~lde Yard - ]-Story 12 feet 7-1/2 feet Side Yard - '2-story 12 feet 10 feet r~ar Yard - 30 feet -20 feet e) Minimun Floor Area: - Single Family - 1000 Sq. Feet - Duplex (2 family) - 750 ~q. Feet p~r unit. 2) Uu!.t.i.-F~m!ly.,.2 irons (.~W-2): -a) Maximum Lot Coverage: 25~ or 10 dwelling ~ntts per acre whichever is less. b) Setbacks in feet: ~ultt-Fam$1y U~es Front Yard - Bide Yard - 1-story Side Yard - 2-story Eear Yard - Single Family Residences Uses on Lots of 75 foot frontn=e or less 35 feet 25 feet 15 feet 7-1/2 feet 15 feet 10 feet ~0 feet *20 feet c) Minimum Floor Area: 750 Sq. Feet per unit for two ~.~tly units; lDO0 Sq. Feet per unit for single .. family uhtts. " $~ote: A screened pool or pntl~ incidental to a single family residence 4.e~====c=~-,~:_.__-m--i-t-~ -'' may be constructed with a rear yard setback oi' /tltoen.(15) feet." ~ECTION T~CO: BE IT DEC~IRED that an Emergency exists and the immediatq .enactment of this Ordinance is necessary, therefore, notice OOK , PACE' .. lm~ed/.ztely upon its placement tn tho United Stnten ~zi! to the Secretary of* 8tate. , - · · .~ASS~:D AND DULY ADOPTED by tho ~ard of County County, ~lorida this 14th day of Aug'est, 1973. do ATTEST: ]3nARD OF COL~JTY CO~fMISSIONERS COLLIER COb.~T¥, FLORIDA ~argaret T. ~cott Clerk of Circuit Court By:._ Clli"Xo~d ~enzei, ¢~a~r=an Approved as to form and legality: "' DaVt'd'£~"e'r~on B~uner Colliur County Attorney { ) .(. (4) Child c~re centers, nWrsing or rest homes, [5) ,Schools and Colleges. (6) ~ivic and cultural facilities. 3. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE= 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA= 35%. Corner Lots. - 7,000 square feet. Interior Lots - 6,600 square feet. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 6. MINIMUM YAR~S: Corner Lots-70 feet average between front and rear lot lines· Interior Lots-60 feet average between front and rear lot' lines. A. Front Yard - 25 feet· B. Side Yard - One story, 7-1/2 feet; two ~tory, 10 feet. C. Rear Yard - ~0 feet. On lots which front on more than one street, the front yard which has the longest street frontage may be reduced to 20 feet; the yard opposite the front yard with least frontage shall be considered a rear yard for setback purposes. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: Single-family dwelling - 800 square feet, one story; 1,000 square feet two stories, of which at least 600 square feet shall be on the ground floor. Two-family dwelling - 500'square feet per unit. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above grade· ® MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: One space per residence or unit, located within the permitted building area. 10. See also Article VIII-Off-Street Parking, Loading and Un?.oadin~ Regulations. ' ?. Revlsed April !1~ 1972 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of th;s d~strict are intended to apply to an area of medium to high density residences with a variety of' housing types. Revlsed April 11, 1972 - October 10, 19~2, Revi~ed June 12, 1973 2. USES PERMITTED: No bu[!ding or struclure, or part thereo~, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, . for olher than the following: A. I:'glNCIPAL USES: (1) S~ngle-t'omil)~ residences. (2) Two-family residences. (3) Multiple-family residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures, including private garages. (2)' t'lorne occupations, as provlded for in 'Article X. (3) S, igns as permitted in Section ll.~'~-Sign Eegulations. PROVISONAL USES: (I) Nan-commercial boat launching t'acilltles, and multiple'docking areas. (2) Recreational clubs, 'intended' to serve the surrounding residential area. (3) Churches and other places of worship. (4) Child core centers, nursing or resJ homes. (5) Hospitals for the core al~ humans. (6) Schools and Colleges. (7) Civic and Cultural Facilities. 3. MAXIMUM DENSITY PERMITTED: 14 dwelling units per nel' residential acre. -47- MINIMUM LOT AREAt A. Single and two-family residenc'e: corner lots 7,000 square feet; inter, ior lots 6,600 square feet. B. Multiple-family residence~ 8,400 square feet. MINIMUM LOT WIDT}I~ A. Corner Lot-70 feet average between front and rear lot lines. B. Interior Lot-60'feet average between front and rear lot lines. MINIMUM YARDS~ A. Front Yard - 25 feet. B. Side Yard - l0 feet. C. Rear Yard- 20 feet. D. On lots which front on more than one street, the front'yard which has the longest street frontage may be reduced to 20 feet; the yard opposite the front yard with the least front- age shal'l be considered a rear yard for setback purposes. 7. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA~ A. Single-family dwelling-800 square feet, one story; 1,000 feet, two story, of which at least 600 square feet shall be on the ground floor. B. Two-family dwelling-500 square feet per dwelling unit· C. Three or more family dwelling-360 sqqare feet per dwelling unit. 8. MAXIMUM BEIGHT= 30 feet above grade. MINkMUM OFF-STKEET PARKING: Single family residence one (1) space per dwelling unit, located'within the lot boundaries, but An no event shall be permitted in the side yard setback. A. Multiple-family dwellings..~nd transient lodging facilities which provide cooking facilities in the dw~lllng uni.tsI one and one half .(1-1/2) spaces per dwel'ling unit· See also Article VIII-Off-Street Parking, Loading and Un- loading Regulations. Section 11.10 MF-3 Two and Multiple-FamilY Residential Distr.iq~ DISTRICT PURPO~E~ The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of medium to high density residences with a · variety of housing types. . i. , , t Revlsed APril .11, 1972 -- October 10, 1972, Re~'zsed, June 12, '1973 2. USES' PERMITTED: No b..dldln0 or structure, or part thereof, shall be erectod~ altered or used, or land or water used, in.whole or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (!) Two-family resldences. (2) MulHple-fam~ly residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Customary accessory uses and structure, including private garages. (2) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses maY be permitted subject to the provlslons of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if appllcab, le, as follows: (1) Non-co~'~merc;al bo~t and launching facilities, and multlple docking areas. (2) Recreatlonal clubs, intended to serve the surroundlng'resldenHal area. (3) Churches and other places'of worship. (4) Child care centers; nursing or rest homes. (5) Hospitals for the care of humans. (6) Schools and Coll~ges. (7) Civic and cultural facil~tles. 3. MAXIMUM DENSITY PERMITTED: 21 dwelling units per net residential acre. -49.. 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA: A. Two-family residences: Corner' lots 12,000'square feet/ Interior lots 12,000 square feet. B. Multiple-family residences: 12,000 square feet. 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: A. Corner Lot- 100 feet average between front and rear lot lines. B. Interior Lot - 80 feet average between front and rear lot lines, 6. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 30 feet. B. Side Yard - 10 feet. C. Rear Yard - 25 feet. '7. MINIMU/~ FLeeR'AREA: A. Two-family dwelling - 500 square feet per dweliing unit. B. Three or mo're family dwelling-400 square feet per dwelling unit. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above grade. 9.' MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: · A. h~Ittple-f'am;ly dwell;ngs and transient Iodg;ng fac;I;t;es whlcl' prov;de' cooking fac;lit;es ;n the dweil;ng un;ts: one and one-half (1-:~) spaces per dwell;rig un;t. B. See also Art;cie VIII - Off -Street Parking, Loading and Un- loading Regulations. .Seetlon 11.11 - MI:- 4 Multipl;-Family. Residential DJstrlct 1. DIST.RICT PURPOSE: The provisions of th;s d;strlct are ;ntended to apply to an area of hlgh dcns~ty residences serving'both transients and residents. 2. 'USES PERMITTED: No building or structure,or part thereof~shaJl bo Revised AMli II, 1972- October 10, 1972- December ~2, 1972 Revised June 12, 1973 erecked, altered or us,ed, or land or water used, in whole or in port, t'or olher than A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) MultJple-fam;ly residences.. *B. ACCESSORY USES: (I) Customary accessory uses and structure, including covered parking areas. (2) Shops, pe'rsonal service establishments, eating or drinking establish- ments, .dancing, and staged entertainment facJlit;es, meeting rooms 'and aud;toriums, when such uses are an integral part of a hotel, apartment hotel or motel. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. ! C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted subject to the provlslons of Article IX .croci the 'spoclfic .rc~,uirements of SecHon 9.3, If applicable, · . (I) Non-commercial b,.~at launch;n; fac;llties, and multiple docking areas. (2) Recreational clubs, intended to serve the surrounding residential' area, (3) Churches and other places of worship'. (4) Fraternal cind sac;al clubs. .3~' MAXIMUM DENSITY PERMITTED: 28 dwelling units per net residential acm. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 15,000:s~luare feet. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 100 feet average belween.front and rear lot lines, "6. MINIMUM YARDS: -.51- Front Yard - 30 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height over 45'fa'et. Bo Side Yard- 15 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height over ,45 feet on each side, Prlnc~pal structures less than 75 feet in height may be placed 15 feet from one slde properly llne prov~dlng the remainder of th'~ total of both required slde set-backs Is provided on the oppos~te slde and that at least 40 feet between pr(ncipal structures on the shortest side is maintained. Principal structures more than 75 In height may be placed 15 feet from one $~de .property I~nc providing the remainder of tho tolal of both s~de set-backs is provided on the opposite s~de and lhat at least 60 feet ~lween principal structures on the shortest slde is maintained, C. Rear Yard - 25 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height ,over 45 feet. D. Gulf Frontage - 50 feet from mcan hlgh water liner regardless of. building height. 7, MINIMU/~ FLOOR AREA: A. Multiple-family dwelling - 450 square feet per dwelling unit, B. Hotel or Motel: (I) Residence dwelling units and transient dwelling units with cooking facilities- 400 square feet~ including, bathroom and closet; (2) Resldence dwelling units and transient dwelling units without cooking facilities - 300 square feeb including bathroom and MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 75 feet above grade. . MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING:. A. Multiple-family dwellings and transient .lodging facilities which provide cooking facilities In the dwelling units: one and one-half (1½) spaces per dwelling unlt. B, Transient lodging facilities which do not provlde cool<lng facilitles the dwelling unl~: one and one-t~ourth (1:~) spaces per dwelling unit for the firit 100 c:,,/oillng units; one space per dv~elllng unit fox" next 150 cflvelllng unlit; one-half (:~-) space per dwellln.3 units Ihereaft~o Ce /~eetlng rooms or aud~lor;ums whlch will accommodate 100 or more persons~ restaurants and 'cocktail lounges: 60% of the spaces whlch ~.,,ould be reclulr.ed it' these uses wore not associated with a mulllple-~'amilY dwolllng 'or translent Iodglng facillty, e D. Se~ Also A. rticle VIii - Off-Sh'eet Parking, Loading and Un- loading Regulations. -52.1 r vise /~prll ,)1972 .- Oct:o ez"'Zl~; '1972 - ecazr~be,,,,r ~.2p .1. g72 Revised June 12, 1973 Sectl.on 11.12 - MF- 5 Mulllple-Family Resldenl'iol District. .. I. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of' thls dlstrlct are intended to apply to an area of high density residences serving both tr,ansients and resldences. There are no height limitations, the intent being lo apply these provisions to high rise area. 2. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for . other than the following: . A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Multiple-family residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) C. ustomary accessory uses and structures', including covered parking areas. (2) Shops, personal service establishments, earing or drJnl<ing establish- ments, dancing and staged entertainment I'acilltles'~ meeting rooms and auditoriums, when such uses are an integral part of a multiple-family residence, apartment hotel or motel subject to the provisions of Section 5.10oF these Regulations. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVIS'IONAL USES: The following' uses may be perm;Ired subject to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, qs follows: (1.) Non-commercial boat launching .facilities, and multiple, docking areas. (2) Recreational clubs, intended to serve the surrounding residential area; (3) Churches and other places of worship. (4) Marinas. (5) Fraternal and social clubs, subject to the provisions o£ Section 5.10, of these Regulalions. 3. AGAXIMUM, DENSITY PERMITTED: 35 dwelJlng unJ.ts per net rcsldantlal acre. 4. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 25,000 square feet. 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 150 foot average between front and rear lot Ii MINIMUM YARbS: A. Front Yard-30 Feat plus one Foot For each two Foal oF buildlng he over 45 feet. B. Sldo Yard-15 feet plus one foot for ea~:h two feet of building height 45 foot. C. Rear Yard-25 feet plus aha foot for each two Feet of building height 45 feet. D. Gulf' Frontage-50 feet From lbo mean high waler llne, regardless buil'ding height, ' 7. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA FOR EACH DWEI. LING UNIT: A. Residence dwolllng units and transient dwelling units with cool<lng fociliti -400 square feet. B, Transient dwelling units without cooking facilities-300 square feet. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: None. 9., MINIMUM OFF- STREET PARKING: A. Multlple-family dwolllngs and transient Iodglng faciiltles which provlc cooJ¢ing facilities in the dwelling units: one and one-half (I-I/2)space per dwelling unit. . ,. B. Transient lodging facilities which do not provide cool<lng ~acllltlesi the dwelling unJts: one and one-fourth (1 - 1/4) spaces p~r dwelllngunJ for lbo first 100 dwelling units, one space per dwelling unit for the hex 150 dwelling unlts;'one-half (I/2) space per dwelling unit thereairter C, Meeting rooms or audltorlums which will accommodate 100 or mar', persor~s, restaurants and cocktail loun0es: 60% of the spaces whlch W°uh be required tf these uses wore not ~,:~ociate<l with a multlplo-fcrnjl~ BOOX, dwelling, or translcnt lodging facility, Roqu;red of'f-street porklng shall bo provided ~ilher' on the sar'no slto ii' ~erves, or wlth~n 600 feet oF sald slte, on lend zoned giber than for single-family reSld~'~ces, ~ended ,.Tune 12, lB?3, Revised August 14, lg73 Section 11.13 - MHSD Mobile Dome Subdivision District DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of this district are tn%ended to apply to an area of medium density residen- tial developmont not exceeding 5 dwelling units per residential acre, or less, as specified, and where mobile homes are permitted on.individual lots, and wherein lots may be sold. e USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part there- of, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than. the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Mobile Homes (2) Accessory uses and structures customarily assoc- iated with mobile home development, such as rec- 'reation facilities, administration buildings, utilities, and additions which complement the mobile homes· B. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses m~y he per- mitted by the Board of County Commissioners after the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised Public Hearing and submitted a recommendation %0 the Board. USE (1) Marinas; country, yacht club~ (2) Civic and cultural facilities (3) Churches and other places of worship PLAN APPROVAL REQUIRED: Plans for mobile home subdiv- ision districts shall be processed in tl~ same manner as subdivision plans. Mobile homes subdivision plats shall be recorded in the Collier County Plat Book. . REQUIRED UTILITIES: All utiliti~s shall be installed as required by the State of Florida, Collier County Health Department, Collier County Building Code, and such order regulations and requirements as may apply. MINIMUM SITE OR LOT AREA: A. Mobile HOmes - 6,000 square feet 10. 11. 12. 13. A~ Mobile Homes,-60 feet average between front and rear lot lines. ~AXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 40% MINIMUM SETBACKS FROM SITE OR LOT BOUNDARY: A. Mobile Home sites or lots served by central water and sewer systems.. (1) Front - 25 feet (2) Side - 5 feet (3) Rear - 10'feet B. Mobile Home sites or lots not served by central water and sewer systems: (1) Front - 25 feet (2),. Side - 7% feet (3) Rear - 25 feet 9. MINIMUM 'FLOOR AREA: A. Mobile Home - 600 square feet MINIMUM MOBILE HO~ SUBDIVISION SIZE: 40 acres. Every mobile home subdivision shall have a minimum of forty (40) acres of land, unless the proposed development is within the bounds of city sewer and city water then the minimum size shall be determined by the Coastal Area Planning And Zoning Commission. MAXIMUM ~EIGHT:L_Thirty (30) feet' above urade'.' .Accessory. buildings iimited to twenty (20). feet. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: ~o spaces per dwelling unit. COMPLIANCE: All MHSD and MHTT erected after the effective date of this ordinance shall'comply with all requirements of this ordinance. No MHSD,and ~TT that exists on the effective date of this ordinance shall be altered so as to provide a lesser degree of conformity with the provisions of this section than existed on the effective date of this 6~dinance. Land already zoned ~ISD and ~TT which does not meet the acreage requirement may be developed; however, the development shall conform with all other regulations of this ordinance. -56- Section 11.14 - Nd]TT Mobile Home Travel Trailer Park DISTRICT PURPOSE: This is a managed travel trailer and mobile home park ordinance, wherein lots may not be sold' to individual~ and on-site management is provided. These regulations are designated to promote high quality mobile home living; thereof in any district in which mobile home and travel trailer parks are permitted, or permitted as Provisional Uses, by the Board of County Commissioners, the following regulations, and minimum standards shall apply. ' USES PERMITTED:. No buildkng or structure, or part there- of, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole, or in par%, for other than the following: 'A. Mobile Homes, travel trailers, pick-up coaches and motor homes (one per lot or site). B. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with mobile home and travel trailer parks, inc~uding patios, recreation facilities, administration build- ings, service buildings, and utilities. PROVISIONAL USES: The following may be permitted by the Board of County Commissioners after the Planfling Commission has hel~ a duly advertised Public Hearing ~and submitted a recommendation to the Board. A. Marinas; country, yacht clubs. .B. Civic or cultural facilities. C. Churches. D. Convenience establishments of a commercial nature, in- cluding stores, laundry and dry cleaning agencies, beauty shops and barber shops, may be permitted in mobile home parks subject to the following restrictions: Such establishments and the parking area primarily related to their operations shall not occupy more than 10% of the area of the park; shall be subordinate to the ~esidential use and character of the pard; shall be located, designed, and intended to serve f~equent trade of service needs of persons.residing in the park; and shall present no visibl~ evidence of their commercial character from any portion of 9ny residential diatrict outside the park. E. Mobile Home Sales, providing the restrictions are met: (1) Such uses shall not occupy more than ten (10) per cent of the area of the park or two (2) acres, whichever is smaller. -5 .... ~e outside d ,~.. area 0 1 be treat a hard surface of either concrete or plant mixed bitumenous material except desirable landscaped areas which shall be separated from all paved areas. (3) A visual buffer shall be provided around the area of outside display adjacent to residential or mobile home park development or vacant land. PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS: Layout plans for a mobile home and travel trailer park shall be submitted to the Plannin~ .Commission and construction shall be in accordance with approved plans and specifications. REQUIRED UTILITIES: Ail utilities shall'be installed as required by the State of Florida, Collier County Health Department, Collier County Building Code, and such other regulations and requirements'as may apply. MINIMUM LOT OR SPACE REQUIREMENTS: A. Mobile Home Spaces: (1) 'Minimum size of lot or space: 3,600 square feet. (2) Minimum average width of lot or space: 45 feet. .B. Travel Trailer Spaces: (!) Minimum size of lot or space: 1,200 square feet. (2) Minimum average width of lot or space: 20 feet. MINIMUM SETBACKS FROM LOT OR SPACE BOUNDARIES: A. Mobile H'ome and Travel Trailer Spaces: (1) Front- 10 feet· (2) Side - 5 feet· (3) (4) (5) (6) Rear - 8 feet. From exterior boundary of park or from any re- quired buffer area .- 10 feet. From Public Streets - 25 feet. From Buildings or Structures - 10 feet· MINIMUM PARK SIZE: Every mobile home and travel trailer park shall haVe a minimum of twenty (20) acres of land. REQUIRED RECREATION AREA= The following amount of land or water shall be set aside and developed for recreation- al purposes within the mobile home park site.' A. 300 Square feet for each lot or space for the first one hundred (100) spaces. B. 200 square feet for each lot or space in excess of one hundred (100) spaces. 10. C.'One-half(%) 6f the water surface within the park may be credited toward the required recreation area, except that at least 50 per cent of the required recreation area shall be land area. REQUIRED BUFFERS: Visual screens are required in the following areas: A. Parking area adjacent to the entrance and exit-way areas, as may .be required under Paragraph 4 hereof. B. Mobile Home and travel trailer parks fronting on a high- way shall provide and maintain a clear area not less than twenty (20) feet in.width alongside and parallel to ~he highway to facilitate safe and rapid entrance and exit from the highway by arriving and departing vehicles. C. Mobile home and travel trailer parks abutting highways or lands zoned other than for such parks shall be effect- ively screened from such highways or land by a buffer strip at least five (5) feet ~ide, in which ornamental screening composed of structural or'plant material shall be placed. Such screen shall be attractively maintained at all times. 11.' REQUIRED INTERNAL PARK STREET SYSTEM: Ail lots or spaces within a mobile home and travel trailer park shall have direct access from an internal street. All internal streets within the mobile home park shall pr6vide safe and conven- ient access to a public street. General Requirements: The right-of-way widths, paving widths, and other construction standards, including gradient and alignment.of all inter~al streets, shall be reviewed by the County Engineer and apporved by the Planning Commission, considering the recommendations of of the County Engineer; or shall conform to such other regulations and requirements as may apply. 12. MAXIMUM HEIGHTs Twenty (20) feet above grade except for utility structures such as stan.dpipes, relay towers, an- tennae, and the like. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: A. One space per dwelling unit Shall be pr6=ided, located within the boundaries of the mobile home park. B. All commercial uses and other uses accessory to the park shall comply with the provisions of Article VIII. COMPLIANCE~ All MHSD and M}~TT erected after the effective date of this ordinance shall comply with all requirements of this ordinaHce. 'No MHSD and 5~TT that exists on the effective date of this ordinance shall be altered so as to provide a lesser degree' of conformity with the provisions of this section than existed on the effective date of this ordinance. Land.already zoned MHSD and MHTT which does not meet the acreage requirement may be developed; however, the development shall conform with all other regulations of this ordinance. Sectlon 11.15 - C P Camm. m'clal Parkway Distrlct.. DISTRICT PURFOSE: The provisions of thls dlstrlct are intended to apply to areas located adjacent to highway approaches. Large lot slzes and arbor restrlctlons ore intended to minimize frequent ingress and egress to the highway from abutting uses. USES PERMITTED: No bu1Idlng or structure, or part thereof shall be erected, altered or' used, br I~nd or water used, in whole or' in part, for other than the followlng~ A. PRINCIPAL USES: (I) Retail shops and stores.. . ,% (2) Professional, buslness, finan¢Sal, utilities, offices and services, Including clinics and medical Ioboratorles. (3) Transient ledgfng units. Iracili'tles with a mlnlmum of twenty (20)dwelling (4) Restaurant. Rev. ised March 7, lY72, Revised June 12, 1973 (5) Cocktail lounges and retail package sales of liquor and other beverages, "subiect Io Ihe provisions of Sec. tlon 5.10, o these Regulations." (6). C0mmercl.al recreation such as motion plctur.e theah'es, live-theatres, driving ranges and bowling alleys. (7) Reasearch, design and development activities and laboratories, provided that: (u) a. Operation of heavy machinery or equipment is not conducted. b. All work Is done within enclosed structures. c. No product ls manufactured or sold, except incidental to development activities. Private clubs onc~ lodges, "subject to the provisions c~f Section 5.10, of these Ragu la tlons." Museums ahd similar uses provldlng that such use is conducted enHrely within 'an encl6sed structure. . ACCESSORY .USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures Customarily associated wlth uses permilted in this district. (2)' Si~s as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. PROVISIONAL USES: The follawlng uses may be permitl~-d subject to provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follawsz (1) Gasoline service slat,lens, not engaged In mechanical repair 'wo~'k. . MINIMUM LOT AREA: 40,000 square feet. ..... ..'.-: MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 200 feet average be~veen front and rear lot llne. ,. MINIMUM YARDS: · A. Front yard - 50 feet B. Side 'yard - 15 feet. C. Rear yard- 25 feet. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: 1,000 feet per bulld;ng on the grou. nd floor. restricted to 30 fee. t or less in ~elght. ~j feet elsewhere wlthln/t~ dhtrict. MINIMUM OFF - STREET PA~I~ING: S~e Off'. 'Slreel Parking Regbla'tlons~ MINIMUM OFF -STREET LOADING SPACES~ All uses excep! frans;ent ' Iod~ing faCilltlos shall be provided with one off - slreet loading space for each 5,000 ,( e : squart eat, or fractlo~ of. pti. ~ I bu'fldi~o fl ~. Transient .. I~glng facilities ~hall .be provld~ with one off-street I~dlng s~ce ~or the . first 20 unlts~ twb s~ces for 21 to'40 units, lhr~e s~ces if there are more than ~/ 40 units. L~dlng and unlading ar~s are tobo marked as such so that service . . vehlcles may use the s~ce without iht.rE.ring with the use of ~treets~ slde~lks~ alleys or ~rklng or~s. · Section 11.16 - C-1 Commerclnl District. DISTRICT PURPOSE: This district is composed of land and structures used primarily to provide For the retailing of commodities and the furnishing' of selected services, and Is the Countyts mast restrlcHve commercial district, and particularly adaptable to planned shopping centers and prestige shopping areas. In this dlstrtct, no morchend~se shell bo stored or displayed between the front building llne and the front property line. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or partthereolr, shall be erected, altered or,used, or land or water us.dy In whole or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAl. USES: t (l)'Translent lodging facilities wilh a minimum of twenty (20)dwelling units. (2) Schools and colleges. (3) Restaurants - no drive-Ms. . (4) Cocktail lounges and retail package sales ~ liquors and other beverages, no drive-Ins, subject to the provisions of Section 5.10, of these Regulations, (5) Retail shops and stores. Retail shops and stores may Include Incidental processing and repair activities, provided they are accessory and subordinate to the retail sales use, and pro,,ided that all storage, processing and repair of merchandise occurs within the principal building. (6) (9) Financial Institutions. .. .. Professional, business, financial, utillHes ertl'cos end servlc,s. Medical offlcea ancJ clinics - for hurrm, ns. Art and pi,otc>graphic studios and galleries. Private clubs, subject to the provlslons of Section 5.10,ol~ t~e~e .( .t' · (12) shoe r~h' (13) Laundry and dry' cleonlng' plck.up establishments and self-servlce laundries, · (15) Motion plcture theatres and llve theatres - no drlvo- ins. (16) Tailoring, millinery,-garment alteration and repair. (17) Commerclal 'and private parking lots and parking garages. (18) Museums. B. ACCESSORY USES: '(i) Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the uses perm;tied in this district. (2) Multiple-family dwellings wilh a minimum of five (5)units, ln ac- --c~clance.wlth .Paragraph 7 of'the MI= -3 regulations. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The follov4ng uses may be permitted subject to the provisions alr ArHcle IX and the specific requirements oJ'SecHon 9.3, if api:,llco.%le, as follows:' (I) Mcirlna~. (2) Gasoline service .stations, not, en~/ag,.-.d in 'mechanical repair work..' (3)' Private amusement and rocrcatlon uses. 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: None. 5. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 15 feet in which no parking shall be allowed nor any merchand{'se stored or displayed. B. Side Yard - None or a minimum of five (5) feet with 'unobstructed passage, from front yard to rear yard. .. C. Rear Yard - 25 feet. No rear yard required for marinas. 6. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: 1,000 square feet per b~ilding on the ground floor. 7. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: None, except 35 feet above grade within 150 feet of any district r~stricted to 30 feet in height, and except 45 feet within 150.1 to 400 feet or any such district. 8. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: See Off-Street Parking Regulations (Ar ttele VIII). : 9. OFF-STREET LEADING AND UNLOADING SPACES: All uses other than' · multiple-family dwelling units or transient lodging facilities 'shall be provided with one off-street loading space for each 5~000 square feet, or fraction thereof, of principal building floor area. 10. Landscaping - See Article VIII-7 SECTION 11.17 -'C-2 Commercial District: 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE:'This district is composed of land .~nd structures used primarily to provide for the retailing of commodities and furnishing of selected services of less restrictive nature than permitted under "C-I". One intended purpose of this district is to provide for attractive .development of main highway frontage in approachem to urban area~. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, · shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole'or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: . (1) Transient lodging facilities with a minimum of ~0 dwelling units. (2) Schools and Colleges. (3) Restaurants - including drive-ins. (4'~. Cocktail lounges and retail package sales of liquor and other beverages, subject te the provisions of Section 5,1~, of thes~ Regulations. (5) Retail §hops and stores. Retail shops and scores n~y include incidental processing and repair activities, provided they are accessory and subordinate.to the · retail sales use, and provided'that all storage, processing and repair of merchandise occurs within the principal bui. lding. (6) Financ~l ~Ins6itu~ions. (7) Professional~ business, financial~ utilities offices and services. (8) Medical Offices and clinics - for humans. (9) Art and photographic studios and galleries. (10)Private clubs, "subject to the provisions of Section 5.10,. ~f'these regulations." (11) Barber and beauty shops. (12) Shoe repair shops. (13) Laundry and dry cleaning pickup establishments and self-service laundries. (14) Retail bakeries. (15) Motion picture theatres and live theatres, including. drive-ins. (16) Tailoring, millinery, garment alteration and repair. (17) Commorcial and private parking lots and parking garages. (18) Museums. (19) Marinas. Maintenance and repair activities shall occur either under roof, in .rear. yards of at dockside. (20) Amusement or recreatlgnal uses, including bowling alleys and pool and billard parlors. (21) Gasoline service stations which are not engaged in mechanical repair work. (22) Automobile agencies franchised to sell new automobiles. (23) Printing and publishing. (24) Transportation, communication and utilities businesses. Revised March 18. 1974 . ,ACCESSORY USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures cust6marily associated with the uses permitted in this district.'- Multiple-family dwellings with a minimum of 5 units, in accordance with Paragraph 7 of the MF-3 regulations. (3) Signs as permitted in Section 11.34 - Sign Regulations. PROVISIONAL USES: The following.uses may be permitted subject to the Provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows: (1) Churches and other places of worship and cemeteries. (2) Hospitals, nursing homes, child care centers,'convalescent homes, massage parlors, sanitariums, funeral homes and crematoriums. (3) Commercial boat yards and ways and commercial fisheries. (4) Research and development operations compatible with other permitted uses. ('5) Clothing fabrication and ~epair. (6) Vehicle and equipment rentals, not including trucks, trailers and heavy equipment unless stored and displayed within screened areas. (7) Apartmen'ts and dwellings as permitted in "MF-2",multiple- family residential district. (8) Commercial retail garden center. "'-3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: None 4. MINIMUM LO~ WIDTH: None 5. MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 15 feet in which ~o parking shall be allowed nor any merchandise stored or displayed. B. Side Yard - None o= a minimum of fi~e (5) feet with unobstructed passage from front yard to rear yard. -66- C, Rear Yard - 25 marinas. 6. MINI~,;UM FLOOR AREA: Business establishmen, ts- .,- 1,000 squa.re feet per building 'on the ground floor. 7. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: None, except'35 feet above grade within 150 fect of any district restricted'to 30 feet in h6ight, and except 45 f~et within 150.1 to 400 feet of any such district. 8. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKI]~G: See Off-Street Parking Regulations. 9.' OFF-ST]bEET LOADING SPACES: See Article' VIII. 10. Landscaping - See Article VIII - 7 : Section 11.18 C-3 Co,~nerzial District: 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: This district is composed of land and structures used primarily to provide for the retailing of commodities and furnishing of selected services of less restrictive nature than permitted under "C-2". 2. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereo.f, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Transient lodging facilities with a minimum of 10 dwelling units. ('2)Schools and colleges. (3) Restaurants - including drive-ins (4)' Cocktail lounges and retail package sales of liquors and other beverages, subject to the provisions of Se6tion 5.10, of these Regulations. (5) Financial Institutions (6) Professional, business, offices and services.. financial and utilities (7) Medical offices and clinics - for humans (8) Art and photographic studios and gal. leries. (9) Private hlubs, subject to tlie provisions 6f SeCtion 5.10, o'f' these Regulations. (10) Barber and beauty shops. (11) Shoe repair shops. (12) Laundry and dry cleaning pickup establishments and self-servJ:ce laufidries. (13) Retail bakeries. . (14) Motion picture theatres and live theatres - including drive-ins. (15) Tailoring, millinery, garment alte~mtion and repair. (16) Commercial and private parking lots and parking garages. ('17) Museums. (18) Commercial boat houses. (19~ Marinas. Maintenance and repair activities shall occur etcher under roof, tn rear yard, or a: dockside. (20) Amusement or recreational uses, including bowling alleys and pool and btllard parlors. (21) Gasoline service stations, including those engaged in mechanical repair work. (22) Retail sales of new and' used goods. (23) New and used vehicle sa'l'es and rentals. (25) Tr. ansportation~ communication and utilities businesses. (26) Repair shops, including furniture, applianme~ locksmiths, et:c, (27) Small animal grooming, animal clinics and veterinary: hospitals with no outside kenneling for boarding or exercising. llospttals, nuts ng homes, cl c~re conteSSa' convalescen~ homes, massage parlors, sanitariums, funeral homes and crematoriums. (29~ Retail and wholesale nur~eries. (30) Automobile Laundry, providing such use shall be screened from view of adJacen~ properties. B. ACCESSORY bSES: (1) Accessory .uses and skructures customarily associated · with the uses permitted in this district. (2) Single, two-family and multiple-family dw~-llings, as permitted in MF-2 multi-family res:idential district. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted subject to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows: USE (1) Churches hnd other places of worship; Cemeteries.. (2) Commercial boat building, boat ways and commercial fisheries. (3) Research and development operations compatible wi~h other permitted uses. Clothing fabrication and repair. (5) Body repair, mechanical repair, light machine work and fabricating. 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: None 4. MINIMUM L0T WIDTH: Nohe 5. MIS'IMUM YARDS: A' Front Yard - 15 feet, in whidh'no paWktng shall' .,, be allowdd nor any merc{3andise stored or displayed. Bi Side Yard - None o~..a miniMUm of five (5)..fees with unobstructed passage from front yard to rear ' yard .( R Yard - 25 f.... No rear'..]rd '~quire .~.~.. marinas, 6. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: Business' establish.m.e.n, ts - 600 6quare 'feet per building on tile ground floor. 7. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: None, except 35 feet above grade within 150 feet of any district restricted to 30 feet in height, and except 45 feet Within 150.1 to 400 feet of any such district. 8. MIN'IMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: See Off-Street Parking Regulations' (Articl'e VII!). 91 OFF, STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING: All uses other than ~lttple-famtly dwelling, units or transient lodging facilities shall be provided with one off-street Toading and unloading space for each 5,000 square re'et, or fraction thereof, of principal building floor .area. Multipl'e-family dwelling and transient lodging factlttie.~ shall be provided with one off-street loading space for khe first 20 units, two spaces for 21 to 40 units, 'three spaces if there are more than 40 units; loading and unloading area to be masked as such so that service vehicles may use this space without interfering with the use of streets., sidewalks, alleys or parking areas. 10.Landscaping - See Article VIII - 7 Section 11.19 C-4 COMMERCIAL -LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: 1. DISTRIOT PURPOSE: This district is composed of land and "'~ structures used primarily to provide for light manufacturing and furnishing of selected services which are not obnoxious by reason of emission of o.dor, fumes, dust, smoke, noise '..~ or vibration. 2. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, ' sh~ll be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, · in whole or in part, for other than.the following: ' A. PRINCIPAL USES:',' (1) Restaurants - including drive-ins. (2) Cocktail lounges and retail package sales of :'. liquors and other beverages, subject to the ' :. .provisions of Section 5.10, of these Regulations.. ('3) Professional, business, financial and uttlltles offices and services.'" .~ - " ~-"'( ) Commercial and private Parking ts (5) Commercial boat houses.' (6) Laundry and dry cleaning establishments. · (7) Warehousing, wholesaling, distribbtion, not including inflammable liquids or gases. (8) Contractor~' .storage and supply establishments. (9) Building Supplies. Ratail, wholesale, rental, distribution, auction.arid. storage of new or used goods, not including Junk yards. : (11) Funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries. (12) Maintenance, repair, renovation, reconditioning, cleaning, '- 'transportation, utilities, printing, cooking, baking, processing and packaging.. (13) Testing, manufacturing, assembling operations and totally encloscd packing plants. (14) Kenneling, stabling, animal clinics, hospitals. and veterinary (15) Oasoline service stations, including those engaged in mechanical repair. (16) Marinas, commercial boat houses, boat building, boat ways and commercial fisheries. (17) Amusement or recreational uses, including bowling alleys and pool and billard parlors. (18) Automobile Laundry. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the uses permitted in this district. (2) Signs as permitted - 71- BO0~ :tn Section 11.34 - Sign Regulations. - C\ to the provisions of Article IX and the spec. ific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as. follows: (1) Airports and landing fields. (2) Warehousing, wholesaling and dtstricu'tion of/inflammable liquids and gases· 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: NoDe 4. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: None 5. MINIMUM YARDS: Except as otherwise allowed herein, the followi6g minimum yard shall apply: A. Front Yard - 15 feet in which no parking shall b~ allowed nor any merchandise stored or display, ed. B. Side Yard - None or a minimum of five (5) feet with unobstructed passage'from front yard to rear yard. C. Rear Yar~ - 25 feet. No rear yard required for marinas ~. · D. No"setback is required from a railroad siding easement or railroad right-of-way. 6. MINimUM FLOOR AREA: None. 7. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: None, except 35 feet above grade within 150 feet of any distric~ restricted to 30 feet in height, and. except 45 feet within 150.1 to 400 feet'of any such district. 8. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: See Off-Street Parking Regulations. (Article VIII) 9. OFF-STREET LOADING SPACES: Ail uses shall be provided with one off-street loading space for each 5,000 square feet, or principal building floor area.(%rticle VIII): 10. Landscaping - See Article VIII - 7 -71.1- SECTION 11120 - I INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT: 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The purpose of this district is to permit the normal operation of the majority of industrial uses under such conditions of operation as will protect residential and commercial used.and adjacent industrial uses. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in.whole or in part,, for o~her than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) }~nufacturing, warehousing, storing, processing, canning, packing~ ~ining, extracting or similiar uses that are not obnoxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odors, fu~es, dust, smoke, noise, vibration, radioactive waves or substances, and that do not possess abnormal explosion hazards. (2) Marinas, co~merical boat houses, boat building, boat ways, boar yards and commercial fisheries. (3) Junk Yards, contractors' equipment storage yards, coal and wood yards of similiar uses not otherwise contained in an enclosed building shall be fenced in accordance with the provisions contained herein. (4) Wholesale storage of gasoline, liquifted petroleum, gas, oil, or. other inflammable liquids or gases, but not located within five hundred (~00) feet of the nearest residential district ("SF'","MF", and "MH" Districts). e -7:2- · ,'S~. Cock:oil !?v.::S~.s a::d re-~ail paqko, g~ ~alas ¢: liquor and othem be';~/'af.~s~ su~",'cc-: ?o ~he'Drovisicns cf Sec?ich S 10 (7) 'Ccmmerci'~ a''~ private larking '~Ts and parking garages. (8) servize s~:ions, including Those engaged in meoh,-..nical wc?k. and ' ~.':-,~ .~' ' Kenneli.n~ stabling, ani~.a! clinics, and va%emlnamy hospitals. Be ACCESSCRY USES: (!) Accessory uses and s~ruc'~u~o~ c~sto~a~ily asscala~ed with the pe ....... ed in ':his - ~ ....... ~:, i:, £ecticn !3. C.. PKOVISiC~'~AL USES: ?rase 'a~::s ~:.~.y ~% par;~itTa~ the pnov!sicn- cf Az=i~o "v include but not li?~itad to ~ny c=hzr ~laa~ oplnlcn of '~ha Pith'ninE CoT,fission is cf a sir. ilam char. ac- NANL'TACTURi>/S: ~nv'olvin~- ---: .... ~ ....u .......... uke roiiow- C~ ~, ..~. · . ac~r.{nr, ., -=~.,- ar:u ='al ~"~: ..: ..... aniline dyes: ammonia, cambif, a~ caustic soda, callu- lcsa~ chi~?in~ cad'.ben black an~ bche black, c~a&~cTa~ hi'::ro~'an and o;?gar., aiackoi~ r.:-.~.':~s cf explosive r.a':upe, potash, y!in: rayon ,-='-~ - phospho?ie, picT-' ' ;c, cna sulphu:~ia acids, coal eokz and ~ar prcdua~s~ axricsi,~a~, fa~Tiiizc~s, Eeii'~in, chiT. al -.' .... ' s-u= &nc slza: gzs :7.anufac~uP- lng: ur. lass :-~ -~ '' ....... e..,a= To a P~naipal use, ~u'~"an~ina, "'~"~ r. ubbam scads far rend- eming. ' ' - ' PROCESSING: involving The fcilowlng: .._~.=~ ...... cf coTTon, o? othe~ maTemials; :zagneslum foundry, reduc- Tion, mefin~nj~ smaiuin~ cf meT.%! om metal o?a~: .c .... %n~ cJ paTPoi~um pmoducTs, such as gasoline, ka .... =,,ce, naDTha, eu~':n5 or tanning . or ra~ :.,~c.~ sniTed kld~ c~ skln,~; melt- e PF. RF0,"I~/~NCE STAt4DAP~DS~ All u~o~ In lh~ ,!a In5.,~tetcsl DistriCt shall conform' to the ~tand~rd~ of ~rform~nc~ regulct~ by all C~nty~ St~;'~ or Regional 'reDulotlon~ a~ wall as ~l~n~ard~ of porFcrr.~ance ~sscrlb~ below and ~hall b~ so constructed, mal.ntoln~ a~d ep~rot~ co a~ r. ot to bo Injurloua or o~.~n~lve to tho occu~nts cf a~cccn~ pre~so~ by~eccon of tho emlsslcn or creation of nolso~ vibration, smoke, dust or o~'h~r ~rt~culote A, Iqol.~e.,Evc~'y u:o shall bo '.o o2s,"ot~d as to con:ply wit,'~ the maximum performance ~tanda~ds ~overni~g no)~o d.~scrlb~d be)ow. 0b~ec~ionc~)e nolse~ ~ue to lntormlftanco, boot frequency or shr!lJn~.~s ahail be mu~ed or ellr.~lnofe~ so os lo ~ot become 'a ~ulsa~ce fo aS~ccer, t us~s. Sound levels shall be ~easu~ed with a sound level moIe~ ~nd as:oclat~d octave bond ~iltc, r manufactured according to standards ~-o~cribed by t;~,s Am- -73.1- ~Ctc, vo Bar,,.-Is tn Cyclo~ Second a R~t,l~enti~l D~strlct B¢,lwcr:n 8:C0 a,m, and 6:00 p,m. * Max;mum fcrmltlod sound lo,el in dac,..ols O- 75 72 79 75 .' 150 67 74 150- 300 59. 66 300 - 600 52 59 600-'I,2CB ./,6 53 1,200- 2,403 40 47 2,4B0- 4,(~'3 34 41 Over '4,8~ 3:2 39 * Permlssiblo sound level be:woc, n 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. shall be d<~c:s:sedby 3 doclbols in each of tho octavo bur:Is. ' Vibratlon- Every use shall be so'operatcd tF, at ground vibration m.,,erenfly bnd recurrently g:n3rated is not' perco.,:';'ibi,~, v4~hcut instru,'nent~, ~t any ~int on the property line of Iho property on which tho bee ~ :¢~cotcd. Srn~lce and Partlculata Matter-Every u~e shell be so operated so as to control Ihe emisnion of ~moko or cth:,r ~rtlculote m~tor men~uro~l~ In ambient air does not oxcc~ 2C0 mltti~rams p~r cublc ;n:l~r du:-in~ any 24-hour porlod of conHnuaus mtosurcrn~'nt. Th~ crn:unt of particulate matter In ambient air sh=ll be m~sured by c hi,h-volume samplor~ ca.bio of pullln~ approximately ~0 to 5~ cubic f~c.t oF air p~r minute thr~h a pre-weighed filter, and approv~ ~cr use by the Florida State Board of H~ith. D. Industrial Sowog:~ and Wa.~to - Evary use shall bo so opera:'ed a.'; to prevent the discharge into any strum, lake or tho ground of bny wast~ which will be dangerous or discomforting to p~rsons~ animcls or ~nr~rln~ Ilfo~ or which will cbma~' crops or plo~ts beyond the lot lin,:, oF Ihe pro~rty on which tho uso is located. E. Odors and Gases - Every use shall be oo operated os to~rcvent the oml~slon of objectionable'or offensive o~o;s or ~sos fn such concentrntton as to b~ readily p~rcoptlble at or beyond the Jot line oF the properly on ~lch the uno is located. F$ Glare - Every uae sh~,ll ba ~o operated as to orovont emission of alar,~ ~ :,...~i;. such intensity as te b~ OblOCl,onooly Revised June' 12, 1973 '! ..... l O' . [ ."c,~ the proloorty on which tho uso is [ocal~'J. or to b~ de~oct.~h, frcm publlc r;ght - ~f - way. G. F~re and SaFety Hazard - Each u~e shall, be so operated as to the d:n~er frbm fire and,explo$~o0, '." (1) All use~ whlch store, process, or p~ed~c~ M~hly-c:mEu:~'Z~ ~Hall be located entirely wlthln buii~ings or structures ha~mgexter incombustible wali~. "" (2) All m~t~rlals or products wMch '~roduce f/arnma~i~ v~rs ar ~a~es under ordinary wuathor ~on&t~on~ shall ~t bo p~.r- mltted within 100 ~oet of any lot line. (3) Ail buildings and structures contolnln,3 explosives shall set bock from oll pro~rty lines at least 100 feet, H. E:lectrlcal Disturbance and Rcdloact~vHy - Each use s4all be so ol~eroted as t.o prevnnt the emi-.,slon o.~ quan:,hr:s o~ ro~,o:ct,ve ..... e, ,.!~ in c. xce~s oF Iimlts estobl;~hod a~ safe by the.Un~tod Stc~s ~ur~au oF Stan~crds o~ tho cmlsslon of ol~ctrlcal disturbance suHiclont to ~dvorsely o~Fect the 'operallon at any ~int of any equ~p, ment other t~cn .~.. ~f tho creator of'~ 'the disturbance. FENCE REQUIREMENT: A F~nce shall be of mc~onry or wccd, or other materials approved by tho Building Director~ at tocst seven (7)~oet in helnht ~bove ~ound level. In tho case of ~un~ yards sald fence o~ wall shall bo .~ of such construcHon so o~ to completely conceal end bloc~ t~e fan, ed from ~he vlew of nelghborlng land owners and pos~orsby~ and shall m~et oil rules and regulations concernln~ zoning and conslructlon in Collier SETBACK REGU~ATIONS: In th~ '1~ Industrial D1s/rlc~, theFollowlngminlmum yards shall be obsc. rv~: bull&ng. A. Front not loss than 50 feet measured from any street llne to tho ' B. Side not Ios~ than 20 foet'm~ured from any other Iot'lln~. C. Rea~ not less than 25 feet m~sured ~rom ,ny alley Iin~ to the bull& ,~. No roar yard is requlred for marius. :.~:.,~ , ~ ';.~ the nearest property linc of the land on which located or from the nearcst'p~er transmission l~ne or ' res~dential dwelling. . 6.MAXIMUM HEIG~IT: None, except 35 feet above grade within -, 150 fcet of any district restricted to 30 feet in height, and except 65 feet within 150.1 to 400 feet of any such d is tric t. ::. 7.MINIMUM OFF-STkEET PARKING: See Off-Street Parking Regulations (Article VIII). ',~ 8.MINIMUM LOT & BUILDING REGULATIONS: None Section 11.21 - ~'E" Subu~.ban Estates District: 1.DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of low density residences in a semi-rural to rural environment, permitting all n~cessary residential activities and limited agricultural activities. 2.USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used) in whole or in .par~, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Single residences. (Not including Mobile Homes) (2) Non-commerdtal field crops, horticulturm, fruit and nut production, and forestry. (3) Non-commercial poultry, horses and cattle, used soley by the resident. · B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures.which are tncidential to and customar.ily associated with the uses permitted by the District. C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted subject, to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows: USE (1') Recreational clubs intended to serve the surrounding residential area. . (2) Churches and other places of worship, cemeteries, schools and colleges. 3. MINIMUM LOT AREA: TWo and One-half acres (2%) 4. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE.OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: 10% 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTII: 165 feet average between front and rear lot lines. 6. MINIMUM YARDS:0 A.-Front - 75 feet B. Side - 50 feet C. Rear - 75 feet 7. MINIMUM FLO~R AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: A. Single dwelliug unit residence - 1,200 ~quare feet, one story - 1,600 square feet, two story. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: 30 feet above grade SECTION.ii.22 - GC GOLF COURSE DISTRICT: DISTRICT PURPOSE: ~e provisions of this district are intended to apply to areas developed c6 golf courses and normal accessory and satellite uses of golf courses, including some uses of a commercial nature. 2. USES PERMITTED: No buttdtng or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than .the'following: . A. PRINCIPAL USES: -77- ,[ (2) Sl~ulrflebonrd 'courts, tcnnls .courts, swimming. Fools, and other types ACCESSORY USES: (1).Clubhouse.% pro-:hop, practice dr;ving range and other cu.~tom,'~ry occo.,.,.,'.cry ut. os o1: .~olf cour.~oh o~' giber recre.~tlonal lrc.,cilltles. (2) Small con'~m.:.rclal c'.'~tc:bli.z.~',n~.~nts~ including .gift sl:c.p.~ ~olf cqu~.':-:'.,~nt salc.~,, restaun'~nts~ cocl:i'a;I laur. gos, and slm~lar u.'.c.s, intended to .~er'vo patro, n.:. of th.o..r, olF. cour:a or o, th~r.recreot~or..al Facilities ~.' prov,s,on3 at :~c~ct,on 5,10/ o~ I.too,3 R¢~ulution;, ~ su,,leCt to the (3) Signs ns pez'rnit:t:ec:l in Sect:ion 1.1..34-Sig. n Regu.l.a~ions. PLAN APPROVAL REQUIR-'~.rr-' . "-.;.'CTS. Plc'n~ for the ~.'a!f ccur~ or o:hor outdo, or r'ocrootion facilily and oil acc¢,s.,ory uses sF. cll b~ suL:.;;~l:~J to th~ Planning Comrnir, slon~ an.J con.',ruct%n ,'h:ll b~ in occcrd.~.'~c~ ,,it~ c:~;'ovc, d p'lans cnJ sp~cific~:kns. Such plcns .~hati bo p~'ocescoc~ in th~ same manner as a subdivision plat. A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: (1) Overall enclosura cf strut, tufa.-., and Ioco$'ion and trcatm,,.nt cf bu/F,.,;' arc.~s, of t~nd.,..caplng, p=rtd n.:, areas (2) Buildings and activities .~MII be sot back a'mlnln.,un'~ of 50 feet fram =butti~.3 residential districts~ end the set-b=& oreo shall be attractlv.~ly malntoined to act as a buffer z~n,~, (3) Lig:~ting facilities shail b:~ i~rrar, gc, d in a manner ~'.'h~ch will prelect roadv/ays and neighboring properties from direct Dicrocr other inl'¢.rferenc~. (4) The plan shall inclu,.J"o sranJ=rds showing p'~rcel ...izos, floor ar~.o end other perllnent construction c;-...~, · ' MAXIMUM I'IEI~HT: 35 fe~t cbovo iiracle within 150 lc. of oF anyd.;..clrlct restrlc~e.d to 30 feet or less in holcht, and except 45 feet elsewhere v;;~hln the district. 5. Mit. lit,rUM OFF-STREET PARKlt4G: Sca 0trf-.Strcot Pcrklr.!t ," "' ,' R..,~u,c.. l~.,.s~ ioctlc, n Viii, - 70- .( 4 /'4arc '.. 1772 ' r~ov:l. "~ly 10, ~ Section 11.23 - A- 1 ,cuhura Dis ,'lc 1, DISTRICT PURPOSE: Thl,., agricultural dlsirlc! is ;nt~ncted to apply to those areas, the present or pro.~p~ctive use of ~vhlch is prlmorily agricultural, or the future develn;,ment of which ;s uncertain, end for which o m~re restricted zoning would ba premature.· The regulations in 'this district are intended to permff o reo.~onok, le u~.e of the property, while at the same tlm,'~ prevent the creation of condiHons which would blight or prevent the proper future use elr this end conHguous property. , 2. USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall bo erected, altered or used, or land or water, used, in whale or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: (I) Agriculturol activities, such as field crops, horticulture, fruit and nut production, fore.-try, ranching, bee-keoplng, poultry and egg pro- duction, milk productlen, on[mai breeding, raising, training, stabl[n.q or kenneling (except hogs and goats in excess of ten each of such anlm.:~ls). (2) Single Family Resldcmces, provisions of th.* SF-6 District, as modified herein. in accordance wHh and subject to the Section 11.7 of these regulations, except (3) Any use clearly intended as a measure for conservaHon. (4) Yacht. Fraternal onc~ other recreational club% provisionsof Section 5.10, of the~'e R~:gulaHons. (5) Churches and other places of' worship. subject to the (6) Muck, sanc~ fill m.:tc, rlal, lim.,rock end gravel oxtroctlon. Be actlvltla.~, (7) Outdoor recreation such hiking, and nature studios. . (8) Signs as permitted in Section ACCESSORY USES: . (I) Home occupations, os provided {'or in Art~cl~ X, and other custo~ary home occupotlons associated with agricultural actlvitL~s. as hunting, fishing, camping, (2) Structures o:hor thnn ,-nsbifo h.-',mo~ end troiK, rs, ~,,l,lch ore e.'~cessary or custom,.'~r~[y ;,~clden~cl lo th~ prlnc;~:l u.~es; providing that such slrucfures confbrm t~ Ina' Coilk, r Cou,~ty 8u~.~..g" "' ...... Cede ~nd c F-', r,.~t' Is o~io;n~ /rom the Co;;::~r C:ot~r,~y Duildin~ Drf.:,rim~nt. , ":sod .lu~. 9,9, $971 & Au~,J .j 1971, 12, ~.973 [ (3) A mobile homo or lrailer, used in connectlan w;Ih the pr;nc;pal uses is permitted on a tempb,'ary bas~s only, not I.o exceed three yea'ts, IWOV;d;ng Ihot o permit for such temporary use is oblalned from the Collier County Buildh~o Deparhnent, and furlher providing 'lhat Ih, oppllcant is utilJz~ng~ for such principal use a tract of forly (~0) acius or more, except that port lying in public rood Hghts-of-way. Such mobile homes, or trailers shall not b~ located closer than 100 feet from any counly hi~hv~ay line~ 200 feet fram any stol highway Hght-of-woy,or 500feet from any federal highway right-of-way llne· C. PROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted subiect to lbo ' prov~sbns of Article IX and tho specific requ~remenls of Section 9.3~ if applJcoble~ os follows: Uso (1) Airports and landln~ fields. (2) Cemeteries. Race frocks. (~) Sawmills, provided lhat no sawmill shall be located nearer than 660 feet from any county, slate or federal highway riDht-ofi.w,ay. (~ 0~1 and gas exlract;on. ((?) Commercial comping crees, wilh on-site management provid=d, including convenience e.Hobllshm~nts et' a commercial nature including stores, laundry and dry cleaning agencies, and personal '.ervices may be permitted in commercial camping =teas subject to the I'oliowing reslriclions: (a) such e'stablish- m~nfs and the 'parking 'area primarily related to their operallans shall not occupy more than 'lO% oF the area el~ the camp or one acre whichever is the l=ust; (b) such estcbllshments shall b= subordinate Io .the recreational character ot' i:~rk end shall be located, d,~sTgn=d and intended to serve the t~r=quent trade end service needs of persons residing in It~e comp oround; and (c)ouch cs:abll;,h- ments shall provide eli'-sir, et 'parking/ spaces in Ih. numar required by Ihls ordinance. · · ('7'~ Schools and Colleges. 3. MINIMUM 5ETI~ACKS~ A. No permanent bu;ldln~/ shall cour,~y primary or second=fy B. I'Ve pormon~nl L..u~l~ing sk~lt ~:.: :b:,..:r i:'~'.:.h 75 fc,r:t to c',, :.',ctbr, lh:~: or 9'7 f .( C. No pern~:n~nt or temporary bulld~ng or sh'uclure shall be closer than 30 fe,~t to c~;',7 property lin-,, o~har than a federal~ state er county primary or SPF. C~At. REQL;'.,~,C. MENTS FOR CO~MEP, CIAL CA~?ING AREAS. All Com, merclal cc,'..~ir..~ c~e~s s~:ll meet the follow~ng role;mum requirements: Be flLLX!MUM DENSITY: 9 Ccm~ites p--r acre, gross density. Gross density (.~o: campgrounds only) ~s defined as tho number of c~mpslt~s p~r ~cro considering all land inside th~ cam~ound~ including cam~ites~ utiii~ areas~ nctu:cl c,~e~s ~ water areas an~ other supporting uses. C. ?¢~QU:~F.D FACILITIES: (1) Sc.-.itcry facilities, including flush toilets, end shot, ears within ,z',~3' wo~!sinD c{istance of every campsite approved by the Col!;or Ccun~ H.~alth De;,c. rtment. Lighting shall ~ provided in sanitary fa:.;liti=s at all times. (2) Potable water supply,approved by the Collier County Health Dap~rtmnr, t with a spigot for every 2 Caml~Jtes. (3) At least I garkcge'or trash receptacle for every 2 c=mp sites. (4.) A~mlnlstratlon building and safety building open at all times wherein a port:bio fire extinguisher in operable condition end first cid equip- meet is available, and a telephone is availa~!e for pubJ,"c use. (5) One p,.:k~ng space per comp site. ($) C~,e p]cnlc table per comp silo. (7) One fJreplc~:~ or cooking area per camp site. DES IGN STANDA.~DS: . · (1) Camp s~tes shall be set back. a mln~mum of 5~0 feet from any county, s,'-ate or tea;oral highway rJg'ht-of-wcy. ' (2) Each camp site shall be directly acceslble by an interior roo~. (3) Tracts of land to Ix~ used far commercial camping crees which contah~ loss tl':.an ill'fy (50) acr,~s shall have a minimum av~rc~e width equal to not le~s than forty (40) per cent of tho ay,re,is depth of th.3 tract. oF land to be used ~or commercial comping c, recs ~nore lhan flfty ccn.c,n a mm~mum average wldth of 95~ ' ' (4) A~ le.=~t 'g$% of t;~e to,al arco oS' the camp croun:J .tRoll I;.= co~r~ L~, v~cn~iic'.~ et l:.cst 2 .¢=at hi~.h or width w~il La 2 ~:~t hi~h within c~.~' (' ,-~:evise~ ~u~ 10, 1971 & Ju e · -year after planting. A/t'least one-half the total amount of vegetation will bR. distributed at or between camp sites, Such vegetation she, ll bo ma~ntalned in good ~:ondltlon. e A vegetation screen or ornamental J'ence which will subslantlall~; screen the comp sltes from view of public rSghts-of-.way and nei0h~oHng properties -shall be. provided around or near the perimeter of that part of the camp · ground'containing camg sites, such screen shall bo maintained in good condition at all times. Each camp s~te shall contain a 'level- area containing at lea~t 600 square .feat' for erecting camping equipment. No carnplng vehlcle, or camplng equipment shall be used .for human habltat~ont for a period exceeding 60 consecutive days. The intent of lhls provlslon is to prohlblt the use of camping areas for permanent or seml- permanent u~e as a dwelling. (Seasonal) 8.. "Each separate campsite shall contoln a mlntmum of 3,600 square feet. 0 Each campground shall reserve at least twent-y five (25) percent of its total area as na.~ral open space excluding perimeter screening. Such o.~n space re.ay include non-public drives and accessv/ays, recreational own space and water ar, asr but may not include utility areas, admln|strat~on bu~ldln~s, ¢ommercSal crea.~ and s~milar activities. Sect[on 11.24 - ~A.- 2. A~r;.cultu. r.e .District_ DISTRICT PURPOSe:.' This dlstrict is designed to accomodatb trad~tlonal agriculture us6s and outdoor recreational actTv~tles~ while protecting the .rural areas of the County against premature~ ~napproprTate~ and substandard. urban developm'.nt. Principal and Provisional use~ allowed in th~s dlstr;ct are less re~,trlctlve than in A-1 Agr. lculture District. ' " , USES PEPMIT'i:ED:' No building or 'structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whol~ or part, for other than the following: ' .. . A. PRINCIPAL USES.. (I) Agr;cuhura'l activities, such as field crops, hart;culture, fruit and nut prodt,ction, forestry, ranc.hlng, beekeeping, poultry and eggprodvctlon; anlm,~l raising, breeding {except hogs and goats in excess often each of such animals), training, stabllng, or kenneling, and home occupations. (2) IT. armlng, milk productlon,.milk processlhg and distribution. (~) Outdoor recreation act,wiles, such as hunting, fishlng, cam~lng, hlklng, and nature studies. .. (4) Marinas. (5) Slng!e, two-family or multlple-family resldences in accordance with and .sUblect to the.provisions of "SI= -6" and "M?- 2' of these regulations. Subject also to m:nlmum Floor area and maximum I e~ght. (6) .Mobile homes, provided that there be no more than one mobile on any 5-acre tract, and no.mobile hams shall be located nearer than I00 feet from any county highway rlght-of-way~ 200 feet from any state hlghw~y r ight - of- way or 500. feet from any' federal highway right - of- way llne. · (9) (10) Churches and other places of worship. Country: yacht, frate, rnal and other recreational clubs ~ mbject fo the provmons of Sechon 5.]0~ of these Regulat]om. Schools and colleges. .. Advertising signs ~nd ';tructures~ aa pez'm:Lt:t:ecl :Lzt 3.3..34- $:Lgn ~ecju3.at::Lons.. mater~al~ llmerock and gravel extraction. Oil~ gas~ muck; sand, fill' ' ' B. ACCESSORY USESz (I) Accessory uses and structures whlch are Incidental t~am:l custamarlly. - associated with the uses permitted in this district. . ' (2) Relail cull,is, in coniun¢tlon wllh a principal use. PI~OVISIONAL USES: Tho following ose~ may bo perrn'itled' ' ' SUhleCl Io Ibc provlslo.~s of Afl,cie IX and lbo spc:clflc .requ~rcmenls of Secllon 9.3, IIr appllcable, as follc~vs: Use (1) Airports and landing fields. ' (2) Race tracks, o (3) Commercial recreation uses, commercial tourist attractlons In~:ludlng accessory accommodations. (4) Commercial and non-profit rifle, skeet, trap~ pistol and archery rang~. (5) Hog and goat breeding and .raising in excess of 10 each of such animals; · stock yatds~ slaughter houses, meet packing plants, canning and pro- cessing plants for ogrlculturai products.' (6) Oil and gas processing, and other mlnerol extraction and processing not otherwise provided for. (7) Commercial flsherles. (8) Cemeteries. (9) Child core centers; nursing and rest homes; mecllcol instltutlons. (10) Packing houses, not including onlmal slaughter or meat packing. · (Il) Sawmills, pro~'~ded that no sawrriill shall be located nearer Ihan 660 feet from any countyt state or federal highway right-of-way. (12) New an~.unusual uses. " (13) Commercial camping areas, wilh on-site management provided, inclucllrig convenience establlshmer~ts cf a commercial nature ir~cludlng stores, laundry and dry cleaning agencies, and personal services may be permilted in commercial camping areas 'subject to Ih. following restrlctlom: (o) such e~lablishmenls and the parking area primarily related to thelr operations shall not occupy more than 10% of Ih. ama of the camp or one acre whichever Is the least; (b) such eslabllshmenls shall be subordlnata Io the recreational character of the park and shall be located, designed and Inlended I~, serve the frequent h'ode and service needs of persons residing In the camp ground; (c) such establishments sh~ll provide off-.slme! parlcing spaces in the number r~iuirecl by Ibis.ordinance. ,( Revisedl Au st 10, 1971 & Junel. i3,11972 . . 3. MINI~M LOT AREA: 5 ocr,, or one-ha of the ~a~fourth (J) of the one-f~rfh (~) sect;on of la~ Iol-ls located, lest de~;caled righ~ay and easemen~ of rec~. 4. MIMI~M LOT WIDTH: 1~ feet average ~een ~t a~ ~r Io~ lin,. 5. MINI~M Y~DS~ , . · A. Front yard'- $0 feet. B. S~de yard - 30 feet. C. Rear yard - ~0 feet. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: None, exceat as orov;ded for soecifi'¢ uses. MINIMUM SETBACKS: Al No aermanent building shall be closer than 25 feet to any' federal, state, or county primary or secondary rlght-of-way. B. No ¢)ermanent buildlng shall be closer than 75 feet to a section llne or 100.feet to atc, wnshlo or range llne. C. No oermanent or temoorary building or structure'shall be closer than 30 feet to any orooerty llne other than a federal, state or county prlmar~ .. or secondary highway right-of-way llne. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL CAMPING AREAS. Ali Commercial camolng areas shall meet the following minimum requirements: A. MINIMUM SITE SIZE: I0 ACRES. B.. MAXIMUM DENSITY: 9 Cammltes ocr acre, gross density. 'Gross denslly (for car~ogrounds only) is defined as the number of cam~ites ocr acre considering all land inside the campground, including camosltes, non-~.~bllc str.eets and access ways, recreation areas, utility areas, natural areas, water areas and other suooortlng uses. C. REQUIRED FACILITIES: · ' ' · (I) Sanitary facilities, including flush toilets, and showers within 4CX) walking distance of every camo site aomoved by the Collier County Health Deoartment. Lighting shall be movlded In sanitary facilities at all times. (2) Potable water suoply aaoroved'by the Collier County Health' Deoarlment wlfh a solgot for every 2 camo sltes. .(3) At 'least I garl:~ge or ITaSI~ receptacle for every'2 caml~ sites. (4) Ad~In;stration bulld]ng and safety bulld~ng open at' .11 - tlmes wherein a portable fire extingu]sher in operable condition and first aid equipment ;s available~ and a' telephone is ava;labia for public use. (5) One parlclng space per camp site. . (6) One picnic table per camp site. (7) One flreplaca or coolclng area per camp site. DESIGN STANDARDS= .(I) Camp sltes shall be set back' a mlnlmum of 500 feet from any county, state or federal highway right-°f-way. (2) Each camp site shall be directly accessible by an interior road. (3) 'Tracts of land to be used for commerclal cqmplng areas wh|ch contain less Ihan fifty (50) acres shall have a mlnL'num overage width equal to not less Than forty (40) per. cent of the overage depth of the tract. Tracts of lend fo be used for commercial camplng areas more than fifty (50) acres shall confoln a minimum average wldth of 930 feet. (,4) At least 20% of the total area of the camp ground shall be covered by vegetation at least 2 feet high or which will be 2 feet h~gh wlfhln one ),ear after planting. At least one-half fha total amount of vegetation will be distributed at or belween camp sites. Such vegetatlor~ · shall be ma~ntalned in good condlt~on. (5) A vogetatlon screen or ornamental fence which will sub- stanflall), screen the camp sites from v~ew oir public rights-of-way and neighboring properties shall be pro- v~ded around or near the peri.meTer of that part of the camp ground contaSning camp sites. Such screen shall · , be maintained in good condition at all times. (6) Each camp site shall contain a level area containing at least 600 square feet for erecting camping equipment. ,,....: ;,.(7) No camping vehi~le~ or camping equipment ~all be used ', ' for human habltation~ for a period exceeding 60 consecutive ' . days. 'The intent of thls ~ovislon is to peohlblt the use of ., . camping areas for permanent ar s.eml-.permonent use ca a · dwelfing. (Seasonal) ~. ' 9.L" Revised August 10, 19.71 & June 13, 1972 ~) Ebch s~parate cam~slte shall contaTn a mln~mum of 3~'600 square feet. (9) Each Campground shall reserve at least twenty-five (25) oercent of Ir'z, ' t~lal area as i~ total area as natural, o~en s~ce~ ex¢lud;ng ~:~rlmeter screening. Such o~n soace may include non-oubllc drives and access- wa~ recreaHon?l o~en s~ce and water areas~ l:~t may not include January"~8, 1974 : SECTION 11.25 RURAL FARMLAND DISTRICT: 1. District Purp0.se: This district is created exclusively for housing farm labor. It is intended that this supplementary district, because of its liberal minimum requirements, be only applicable when and where large areas are used for farming activities and labor needs are primary. This supplementar~ district is applicable to "A-l"and "A-2" Agricultural District only and shall be designated A-1P.F and A-2RF. 2.' D~finition of Rural Farmland District: A planned area of shelters erected on leased or owned land capable of housing people for a period nott'exceed the abandonment of the farming operations. 3. Definition of Farming_.._Operatip.n.' The use of land for' agricultural purposes: including farming, dairying, pasturage, apiculture~ horticulture, agriculture, floraculture, viticulture, and animal and poultry husbandry and the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating or storing the produce raised on the premises. 4. ~arm Labor Committee: An advisory committee consisting of five (5) members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners is hereby created for the following purposes: A. To review plans for any farm labor housing reqUests. B. To determine that such plans adhere to cri'teria set forth in this section. C. To advise the ~oard of County Commissioners of their recommendations. D. To act as the advisory enforcement agency in relation to these regdlattons. 5. Setbac~ From tliRhway: All developments shall be setback a minimum of 1,000 feet measured from the nearest point of construction to any State, Federal~ or County highway right-of-way line. 6'. _To. tel. Area Det~.rmination: No. on-site farm labor housing shall exceed 3~; of the total farming operation. Off-site farm l~bor housing shall .have a minimum of 1 acre and shall not exceed 10 acres. ' "' '" Z'89 ' , ..... . ... 7. Rpqutred ~Cilittes:'All utilities shall be installed as required ~y the State of Florida, Collier County Health Depa~tmenC. and the Collier County.~uilding Code and any other regulations that n~y apply, 8. Plnn ApDroval Requirements: ~e Farm Labor ComMittee will certify to the'appropriate planning commission that the' plans meet the requirements set forth. herein. After review by the appropriate Planning 'Commission, kt will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. 9~ Revision of Land: All facilities erected under the pro- visions stated herein, shall be removed and the Zoning Classification of RF pladed back into A-1 or A-2 Thirty (30) days after discontinuance of Farming Operation. 10. Plans Fqr.Frame,....CBS Constructiqn.~ Or Mobile Homes: Ail plans shall be submitted to the appropriate Planning C6~mission for review through the Farm Labor Committee. The Plans shall be of an aPpropriate scale to work with and shall include but not be limited to the following: (A) Land area in acres. (B) Street Patterns: (1) All streets must be of a hard dustless material. (C) Open space and Recreation Area: (1) 300 square feet for each lot or space. (D) Building Sites. (E) Actual or minimum yard dimensions. (F) Size of Units. (G) Utilities to be p~o~ided. (H) Services to be provided.' 11. Minimum Standards For CBS OR FRA~ DI,~LLINGSY (A) Y. ards: (1),i.Fron~ - 30 feet (2) 'Side - 10 feet (3) 'Rear - 90 feet BOOK { ...... ?ards ~d"': measured frf--'jreet, b,f~dtn~ .or pr~ tidcs, wever, all dwelit'ngs will"have.the minidum sepdration oetwe.en them. ' (B) Floor Area: For .purposes of this section there will be a minimum of 120 square feet for 2 people and an additional 50 square feet for"each .person thereafter for sleeping purposes only. Any other utilization of the dwelling will adhere to minimum square footage as outlined by 'State StandArds. (C) There shall be a Resident Manager on. duty and he (she) shall reside on the premises. 12. Mobile Home Utilization: Mgbile homes may be u:~ed for housing of farm labor if the followiDg conditions are met: (~) There shall be a Resident Manager on duty and he (she) shall.reside on the premises. (B) There shall be no integration of frame or CBS dwellings intermingled with mobile homes. There shall be a 60 feet separation between CBS complexes and mobile home complexes. . ' (C) There may be one building allowed and it shall be sub- ordinate to the residential use solely, for the purpose of serving the residents in the complex. It may be utilized for laundry facilities, centralized-mail room, or an administration complex. This buildi~g..shall not occupy more than 2% of the project in its entirety; (D) Minimum Square Footage: The interior square footage of the mobile home shall be 120 squar~ feet for 2 people and 50 square feet for each person thereafterm for the purpose of sleeping accomodations~ all other utilization of the mobile home shall adhere to the State minimums on square footage. 13. Minimum Lot Or Space Requirements For Regular Home: (A) Minimum size of lot or space - 6,000 square feet. (B) Minimum average width of lot or space - 60 feet. (C) MiniMum Yards: (1) Front - 30 (2) Side - 20 (3) Rear - 20 z -B3', St-. .... I Dj Travol Trailers are permitted this distri6'~ provided all. the restrictions of th~s district are adhered, to. o 14. MINI' LABOR CAHP%, (A) MOble homes may be utilized for hous.ing migrant labor in groups providing: (1) the area in question is of 1 acre minimum (2) three basic units'are u~iltzed (minimum) (a) one for sleeping facilities. (b) one for dining and recreation facilities (c) one ~or a utility unit, coffststing of showers and restrooms. (B) Ail units shall be of the following in size and area: (1) 12' x 65' that sle.ep~ a maximum of 12 workers '(non mixed) (2) 12' x 65' containing the kikchen,, dining facilities, this facility may accomodate 24 workers maximum. (3) 12' x 45' unit for bathing purposes which accomodates 24 workers. (C) All areas shall be landscaped surrounding the mini complex and the surface must be.of a hard dustless material. (D) Ail other applicable regulations above must'..be met. SECTION 11.26. - ._W.,.,W. aterfront SuDDlementar¥ District: 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: Other'zoning districts in this ordinance require w~ter-front setbacks ,for principal buildings. There · are~ however, waterfront lands in Collier County on which the erection of principal buildings, which do not' set back from the water's edge, c.an enhance the character of waterfro6t. development without beia~g detrimental to adjacent properties.. This supplementary zoning district, when used in conjunction with other zoning districts, ~akes , .ii .. f I~ss~le t~e placement of principal buildings at the bulkhead llne, shoreline, aa' building limit line as provided in Paragrap~ 3 hereof. Where p¢ovlslons of this supplementary dlstr~ct are in conflict wlth any other' district to which it 'is supplem,mtal, this district shall govern. All other requlrem,~nts of district to which this Ordinance is mode supplementary shall remain in effect. it Is Intended that this supplemeritary district, because'of Its liberal water-' .frOnt. regulations is most applicable when plaemlng the us, afl;id,water islc~ds or areas.of the County of such slze and location as not to substantially affect areas not so zaned. . ' 2'. MANNER OF DESIGNATION & METHOD OF APPLICATION: Waterfront lar~ds In thls supplementary "W" district shall be designated by their regular zone' dlstrlct symbol, followed by a dash and the letter 'W". For example, land which is zoned "MI:" Multiple-Family District, and which is in the "W" Waterfront Supplementary District, would carry the zone designation oF "MI:'-W".. Lands may be placed In or removed from the "W" zone in the same manner as any other zone. 3. WATERFRONT SETBACK' REGULATIONS: Lands in the "W' district shall be exempt from. all waterfront setbacks of their regular zone district. The following waterfront setback~ shall apply= A. For waterfront lands along which a bulkhead line has been established, structures may be erected out to but r~t beyond the bulkhead llne. B. For waterfront lands along which an offshore building limit line has been established by the County Commission, buildings may be erected out to but not beyond the building limit line. C. For' waterf'ront lands along whlch neffh~r a bulkhead llne nor a building llmlt llne has been established, principal buildings may be erected out to but not beyond the shoreline, as the shoreline exists prior to construction; 4. USES PERMITTED~. A. Uses permitted In any. dlstrlct.to which this ~dlnance Is supplementary. B. The principal dwelling may be attached to or may be an Integral part of a boat house or dock. ' Section 11.27- .GH,.Group Housing Suppleme_ntary District.. . ~. DISTRICT PURPOSEz The provlslo~s ~f thls district are Intended to app!y · "' I~ re'oas zc)ned foe resldentail use where a more flexible placing of struct~es' en the .land, the group;ng of open. space and accessory facil;tles and,thee design innovc~tlons are desired and constructed in accordance with a care-, fully drawn plan for development, 2, MANNER OF DESIGNATION & METHOD OF APPLICATION: Group hous;ng developments In the GH District shall be designated by the app,-opt'late residential district symbol, followed by a dash and the letters 'GH", Lands ~ be placed .in 'or removed.from the GH District in the same manner as . any other zoning district, , 0 USES. PERMITT ED: The Group Houslng Supplemental District may be requested in any residential district, Uses permitted shall'be the same as those uses permitted in the residential district to which the land Is zoned.. PLAN APPI~0VAL. REQUII~EMENTS: Plans for a group housing development .shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and construction shall, be in accordance 'with approved plans and specifications. Such plans shall be processed in the same manner as a subdivision plat. Such plans shall show that the following conditions are met: A. Such group housing shall consist of two or more structures of the type perm,ltted in the residential district, B, Residentlal structures will be constructed upon d plot of ground not less 'than three (3) acres tn area~ with a minimum parcel size required for the use, whichever Is greater, The parcel of land is not subdivided into the customary streets and lots, and will not be so subdivided, or where the existing or contemplated street and lot layout make It Impractical to apply the requirements of thls regula.tion to the individual dwellings and structures In such group · development, .. Co D, The requirements for setbacks for accessory structures is fully observed. E. Yards, distances between str.uctures and other~ dimensional standards ore satisfactory to carry o~t th'e Intent of and spirit of the Zoning Ordlnance~ such standards to be specified by the applicator ~nd approved by the County Commission, upon recoenmendatlon, of the Planning Commlsslon, If such standards ore less than ar~ required elsewhere in the ~.ame resldentlal zo~Jflg district, F. All othm- portions of the district rbgulatJo~s applicable elsewhere lfl the some zoning districts are fully .observed. Section le G, Any comm~.r'clal operations 'or commercial activities required to provide bes$c service to the.residents of such projects are c..ompletely enclosed and are constructed and rn~intained in such a manner' as to recF~ire no change in ~he outside appearance of such structure and there is no structural evSdence to mark that structure from or as unique when compared with other' structures in the group proiect. Such structure shall, however', be identified by a wall plaque or' other acceptable marlcer as a structure · housing tin essential service, to avoid posslble safety hazards. I1 .,2~,i' MF-1A ND Non-Conforming Development Supplemental District ' DISTRICT PURP0~E: The pr'ovlslons of thls dlstrict are lntended to apply only to existing developed or platted areas zoned for' residential use where legal non-conformltles were created by appllcatlon of new zoning standards, The supplementary district is intended to permit certain development standards to be revised to achieve a higher standard of development for existing non-. conforming re'sidentlal developments, MANNER OF DESIGNATION & METHOD OF APPLICATION: Elig;b~e; non- conforming residential developments shall be designated by the appropriate residential symbol, followed by a dash and the letters 'ND". Ellg~ble lands may be placed in or' removed from fha ND Supplemental District in fha same manner as in'any other' zoning distr'tct, . USES PERMITTED: The ND Supplemental Disfrtcf may be requested in any existing residential development, ~ncludlng areas which ar'e platted but where constr'uctlon has not occurred, which has become non-conforming as a result of the odoptlo~ of new zoning district standards. Uses permitted shall be the same as those per'mitred in the r'esidenfial district to which the land is zoned. PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENT: Plans and standards for an el;glble non- conforming 'r'esldentlol development shall be submitted to the Planning Com- mission and the County Commission and construction shall be in accordance with approved plans and specifications, Such plans shall be processed in the sc~me manner as a request for a zoning change. Such plans shall meet the following requirements: . A. Such non-conforming residential .developments 'shall or more structures or platted consist of ten (10) B. Yards, distances between s~ructures and minimum floor ar'aa re~ulrements may be reasonably Incr'eased and shall be sat~,eactory to carry out intent and spirit of the Zofllng 0r"dlnonce, Such standar'ds shall not be decreased except through the granting of a variance as specified C, All other portions of the a'Islz'lcf regulations appllcd)le els,e,~mre In the ' same zoning districts ore fully c)bserved. ' . , 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provlslons of thls district are intended fo apply non-confor..ming Subdivisions existing on the date of the adoptlo~ of'these regulallons, of an area of medium density single and two-farnTly residences exceedlng 13.2 dwelling units per net residential acre, or' less, as specified. 2. USES PERMITTED: No building' or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, . altered, or used, or land. or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the follow~ng: .. . A. PRINCIPAL USES: (1) Single Family Residences. (2) Two Fom:ly Residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: (1) Accessory uses and structures, Including prlvate garages. (2) Home occupations, as provided for in Article X. PROVISIONAL USES: The follow~ng uses may be permitted subject to the provlslo~s of Article .IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows: Use (1) Non-commerclal boat launching facilltles, and multiple docking areas. (2) Recreational club~, Intended to serve the surrounding residential area. (3) Churches and other places of worship. (4) Child care centers; nursing or rest homes. (5) Schools and colleges. (6) Civic and culiural fa~llItle~. 3. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGEs 35% 4. MINIMUM LOT AREAl A, Corner lots - 7,000 square feet. B. Interior' Lots - 6,600 square fee~. e 5. MINIMUM LOT WIDTHz " A. Duplex (two-family dwelling)- 100 'feet lot lines, average between ~ont and rea B. Single Family Dwelling - 50 feel; average between front and rear lot lines. 6. MINIMUM YARDS~ A. Front Yard - 30 feet. B. Side Yard - One story~ 71/2 feet~ two story, 10 feet. C. Rear Yard - 20 feet. O. On lots which front on mare than one street, the front yard which has the longest street frontage may be reduced to 20 feet; the yard oppos~te the front yard with the least street frontage shall be considered o rear yard for setback purposes. 7, MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE: A. Slngle family dwelling - 900 square feet, excludlngcar port, utlllty roam and scr~,ened porches, one story; Single family dwell lng - 1000 square feet~ excluding car port, uttllty room and screened porches, two stories, of which at least 600 square feet shall be on the ground fleer. Two-family dwelllng - 750 square feet per unit, or 1500 square feet per buildlng~ excluding car ports, utility rooms a'nd screened porches. 8. MAXIMUM HEIGHT= 30 feet above grade. 9. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: One space per residence or unlt~ located · within the permitted building area. I0. See also ARTICLE'VIII - 0fJr-Str~ie~ Parking, Loading'and Unloading Regulations. Revised April 11~ J972 Secllon 11.29. N, aples' .A~rp0ri Supplem. e.n. talDis!r;ct' DISTRICT PURPOSE: Tho provlslons of !I',;~ dlstrlcl ore intencled to apply iO areas'w~.ro i!'~found that an a.~rport hazard endangers the I;ves and .properly in ~ts. v~clnily~ end also, it' of the obstrucllon ty e, in effect reduces t? s~ze ~ Ihe area avail~.t)le for the landing, t~;n9 off and manuevenng of a~rcrafl, thus tending to d~stroy or impair the utZlily . · o~ Naples A~rport and the publ~c ~nvestment th~reln. - ' DEFINITIONS: The words and phrases 1;sled below shall hove the rollow- ~ng meoni'ng~unless the context hereot' olherwlse rec~ulres: A. - Navies A r ort. B. Airport Elevation - The established'elevation oF lhe highest s in't 0'n' ihe ~s~Je landing area~, hereby determined to be 8~ L. C. Airport Hazard -Any st~ucture~ tree or use o~ land which ~t~uct~ the aid?ace ro , o, Js.o he ;s haz , ous Ihe fl~ght oE a~rcroft ~n landing or to~ng off at the a~rport. He D. 'Height - For the pu. rpos? of d.e. termlnlng the height llmlts in ' bJj-z0nes set forth In this Ordinance 'and shown on the zoning rnap~ the datum shall be mean sea level elevation unless olher- wlse specified. E. Instrument Runway ~A runway ea, utpped or to. be equyped nowgahon Fac~l~hes suitable to permit the landihg of aircraft by an Instrument approach under restricted visibility conditions. F. L~ndlng Area - The area of the. Airport used for the land~ng~ to~tng b~"t or to,ii% of a~rcro~t. G. NonconForm~n~ Use -Any pre-existing structure~ tree~ natural ~ro~th~o?'uSe ~ land whi~fils inconsls-tent with the provls~ons. o~ Ih~s Ordinance or an amendment Ihereto. . ~R..Runway..- Means ~ ru~ay other than.on Instrument runway. I. ~?~ ~.An lnd~v~dual,'firm, ~rtnersh~p~ cor~rat~on, asso~mhon~ joint stoc~ assoclotlon~ or body polillc 9nd ~n~ludes a lrustee~ recelver~ asslgnee~ admlnlstrator~ executor~ guardlan~ or olher representative. ' J. Runway - The ~ved surface o~ an otrporl land~ng K. Struclure - An obicct conslruct,:d or i.n. slollerJ ~y rnon~ l,n- 'c~l~ng'"~'~, bt without 'limilotlon, 6uild, n0s, IowOrs~ smoke-' sloc1~s and ov~rhec, d Iran~isslon lin.s. L, Tree - Any obiec! ¢~ natural growlh, MANNER OF DESIGNATION AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: All of ihe ion.i.' lying wT~TTiF~"iE~ inS~run'~nl oppruac"fi' zones. V"Fl~ opp'F6"'6ch zone. s~ Iransillon zones, horizontal zone and conlccd zone may be d~'.signoled and reguta!ed as herein aulhorlzed./Lands wilhln Ilia various airport zones shall be des,gnoted on o map or maj~s, adopted by the County Commission os an ' amendment lo Ih~s resolution..The various zones ore hereby established and defined as follows: A. INSTRUMENT APPROACH ZONES - An instrument approach zone Is established al the Northeast end of the i.nstrument runway 22-4 for instrument landings and lal<eoflrs. The instrument approach zone shall have a w~dth of It000 feet al a distance o~ 200 fee[ Northeast o~-the end of lbo runway, widening Ihereafler uniformly to a wldlh of 16~000 feet at a distance of 50~200 feet Northeast of the end of IRe runway~ its centerllne being the conllnuatlon of Ihe centerllne of the runway. An instrument approach zone is estobllshed at the Southwest end o[the instrument runway for inslrument Iondlngs and lakeoffs. The Instrument approach zone shall have a width o~ 1~000 feet at a distance of 200 feet SouthWest of the end of lbo runway~ wldenlng thereafter ~filformly to o wldlh of 4~000 feet at a distance of 10~200 Feet beyond Ihe end of Ihe runwoy~ its cenierllne be~ g the .contlnuallon o[ the cenlerllne o[ the runway. . B~ VFR APPROACH ZONES - Visual flight rules approach zones ore hereby established and shall have a width of 500 feet.at a distance of 200 Feet beyond each end of runwa~ 31-13~ wlder4ng thereaher uniformly lo o wl~lh of 1~0 feet at a d~tance o~ 5~200 feet.beyond each end of thls runway. C. TRANSITION ZONES - Transit;on zones ore hereby estob?s~d Io each instrument and VFR runway and approach zone os ~nd~cated on the zo~tng map. Tmnsltlon zones symmetrically located on either side of runways have var;able widths os shown on the zoning mop. Safe~y zones extend outward fo a llne 150 feet on either side of the centerllno of lhe VFR runway~ For the length of such run~oy plus 20~ feet on each en~; and 250 feet on ei~her's;de GE the centerl~ne o~ the ~nstrument rumvay~ end level w~lh such runway'centerl~nes. The transition zones along such runways slo~ upward and. outward from the e~ges of t~ so~ety ~ones one (11 foot verl,cally for each seven ~ reel horizontally to the po~ whe:e Ih~v Intersect Ihe surface o[ the horizontal zone. Furlher, transition ore~eslabllshed adjacent to ~th instrument and VFR approach zo~es and these Iranslt;on zones have variable widths, as shown on the zoning map. Such trans;tlon zones flare s~melrically wilh eil~cr side or, he [un~oy., approach zones hom lbo ~ o~ such'zones and slope u~ar~ et tho tale of one (1) foot vertically for each ~ven..~ 7g .Revtsed April II, 1972 to II~o polnls where tl~ey ;nlersocl t.he surt'ac~ o1' 7.onlol zone. Add;I;onblly, trans;l~on zones ore adjacent Io I~e in~trument approach zone where ~t projects Ihrough and beyond lbo limit's of Ihe horizontal zono~ lencllng a dlslance o[ 5,000 feel measured hodzonlallv from !~e ed~. of Ihe instrument approach zone at r~ght angles Io lhe conllnual~on o~ lbo ccnl~rllne of the runway. D4 HORIZONTAL ZON. E -A horizontal zone ;s hereby eslab- Ilshecl os Ihe oreu '.',mthln an oval with its centers at the ends of Iha instrument runway and havlng o radius of 5,000 feet. The horizontal zone does not include lhe instrument and VFR approach zones and the Iransitlon zones. ' .C, ONICA.I:. ZONE - A conlcal zo.ne. Is hereby established as l. ne orca that commences at the porm~herv. .. Of zone end uxlencl$ outward theret~rom a dmstance alr 4,000 feet. Tho, c. on;cal z.one shall slope upward and. outward from th~s periphery at.lhe rate of one (1) !oat vertically for e. ach twenty j~20) lreel horizontally. The comcal.?ne does not ~nc]ude Instrument approach zones and trans~hon zones. HEIGHT LIMITATIONS: Except os otb,.rw[se prov;clecl in th;s resolution h~o-~lrU~lUre or zree Sl~oll be erecled~ altered~ allowed Io grow~ or ma;n- talnecl in any zone created by thls ordinance to a helg~t ~n ~x~ess. o[ the height Iim~t here~n established for such z~ne. S~ch he~gh~ I~m~toho~s ore hereby estebllshed for each of tho zones ~n Ruestion as follows: INSTRUM.ENT APPROACH ZONES' - One (.1) foot Jn he;ght for each fifty (50) feet ;n horizontal distance beglnn;ng point 200 feet from and at the centerllne elevation of Ihe Nodh- oas! end of 22--4~ the instrument runway, and extendlng Northerly a d~slonce of 10,200 feet from the end of the runway; thence Nor. lheaslcr!.y one (1) foot in he;ght for each forty (40) feet ~n horizontal d~stonce tu a l:x~;nl .~)~200 feet from tho Norlheost end of Ihe runway. One (1) foot in height .for each thirty-Four (34) reel in horizontal distance beginning at-a point 200 feet from and al lhe centerline olay.arian of the Southwe'st end of the instrument tub',ray and ex- tending Soulhwesterly to a pO;hi 10,200 feel from the end ot' tho I'Urlway. , r, B. VF?, AIRPORT APPROACH ZONES - One (1) foot ;n height ror each forly (40) feet in horizontal dlst.a, nce beginning at a po~nt 200 I'eet from and at the centerline elevahon o[ each end of runway ;31-13 and extendlng to I~. ;nfs 2,200 feet from the ends of lhe run- wa.y; Ihence.one (1) foot ~n helght for each Iwenty (20) feet In '~' horizontal d,slonee and exle'nding lo'o po;nt 5,2.00 feet from lhe ends o~ Ihe runway, , ,Revlsod, Aprll 11~ 1972 Ce 'I'RANSITION ZaNIeS - 'One (1) I'oo! ;n he'bt for each seven (7) feet ;n hor;zonlal al;stance beg;r,n;ng at tilt edge or each safety zone and at Ihe elevation or Ihe centerl;ne or each run- way, and extendjng to a he,gilt or 1~0 r~el abcvc Ihe a,rport cie'v-arian whlch he-~ght is 158 feet above mcan sea level. In additiqn to Ihe foregoing, there arc estubllshed hq~ght Ihn~ts alr ~ne (1) fool vertical helght [or each seven (7) reef horlzon~al dislance measured From the edges or ell approach zones for the . lenglh of the approach zones as :ho:.~'n and extending upward and ouhv. ard 1o Ihe points ¥,;here they inler.~ect lhe hor~zonlal surl'ace. Fur!he% Io the Norlhea~,t, where Ihe. instrument opp. roac,h, zone prelects Ihrough and beyond the con,col zone,, a height I~mlt al~ one (1) foot rot each seven (7) rect or horlzontol distance shall be rna]ntolned, beglnn,.~ng at the e~ge or the instrument approach zone and extend~n~ a al, stance of 5,000 feet from Ihe ed.g.e of' the instru- ment approach zone measured normal to the centerhne ot' the runway extended. D. 'HORIZONTAL ZONE - One hundred flrty (150) ~'ect above the airport elevotlon or o height al' 158 feet above mean sea 'level. Eo CONICAL. ZONE - One (1).~root ;n height for each fy/only (20) · feet or horizontal all.stance beg~.nn~ng at the periphery or th.e ' zonta} zone~ extending to a he,ght of 350 feet above the o~rport elevaff0n. USE RESTRICTIONS: Notwithstanding any other provls;ons of the z~ntng regul~at~ons~ no use may be made or l.a. nd w~th.~n the Northeast instrument approach zone established by this ordinance ~n such a manner as to create e|c~¢lr;cal ;nterlrerence with rad;o commun;cat;on between the o;rport and aircraft., make it difficult, t~or. ri yers to dist;ngu;sh .... between airport I;ghts onc:? others; result ~n glare ~n the eyes oF flyers us,ng the a~rport; ~mpa~r vls;b;lity ;n the vicinity of the airport or othe.~'ise endanger the land;ng~ tak;ng of'f'~ or maneuvering or a;rcralrt. NONCONFORMITIES: REGULATIONS NOT RE'i'ROACTIVE ..- The regul'ot]on.s pre- scribed by. this resolution shall not be construe, d to requ,re the removal, Io,../erln~ or other changes or alterat,on of' any struc- ture or t'ree not c~nt'crrn;ng to the regulatlons es or the errectlve ~ale ot' Ihls resolution, at otherwise interfere w~lh the conl[n- uance or any nonconforming use. Nothing herein contained shall reau~rc~ any channe in-the construction, altcrotion# or in- tended dso or an'y struc'ture, the construct]on or alteratlon o£ which ¥?..s begun ~rior to the ef£ectiC'e dote of lhls reso?utlc% ond Ss d, I,~/enll¥ ,~roseculed. 2 77 Revised April 11, 1972 M^RKING AND LIGHTING - Nol~41hsion~ing the preceding provls~on of?tis secl~on, I]~e owner of any nonconformbg strut- lure or Irc, ~s hereby requIred Io p~rmlt Ih, installation, opera- tlon and maintenance thereon o~ such mar~ets and lights es shell b~ deemed necessary by lbo A~rpor~ Authority oF the C~ ty of Naples Io indicule io Ih~'op~rotOrs o~ alrcra~t in Ih. vi~inltv lbo a,~ort the pre~.nce oF such c~rport hazards. Such markers and lights shell be installed~ operated end maintained at pen~ o~ Ih. Aulhorlty. PERMITS: FUTURE USES - Except os spedficolly provided herein no moterlol change shall be made ~n the use of land end no structure or tree shall be erected, altered, planted or olhe,w;se cstebl;shed ;n any. zone hereby created unless a pcrm;t therefor shell have been oppl;ed for and granled. Each appllcaffon for a permit shall ind[ca:e the purpose for which Ih, permit is des~red~ with sufficient particularity lo permlt [t to be determined whelher the resulting use, ,tructure or tree would cant'arm to the regulations herein prescribed. If such cleterm~nation is ~n the offirmalive~ the p~rmit shall be granted. In the oreo lylng.v/ithln the Iimlts of the horlzontal ~:one and the ceracol zone, no perm;t shall be requlrcd for. any tree or structure less than 125 feet of vertical height above the ground. (2) In the areas lying w~thln the I~m[ts of' the instrument and VFR approach'zones but at a horizontal distance of' not less Ih. an 3,000 feet.from each end of' Ihe'runways, no permit shall b.a. reciu~r.ed for any tree or structure less than 50 fa.et oF vert,cal height above the ground. In the areas yng w~thln the limits of the transition zones beyond the p.erlmeter of' the horizontal zone, no permit shall b.e requ~'ed f'or any tree or structure less than 150 feet ot' verl~calhe~ght above the ground. Nothing conto~ned ih any of the f'ore~olng exceptions shall be con- slrued as perm~ttlng or ;ntend[ng to pbrm]t any construction, altera- tlon or arowth of' any structure or tree in excess o£ any el~ the height llmits e~'lobli.:hcd by lh~s Ordinance except os s?t I'orth in Section IV. EXISTING USES - No perm]l shall be granted that w. ould allo~v.the . establ~shment or creation of' an airport hazard or perm,t a no.ncontorm- lng usa, struclure, or tree'to be made. or become higher, .or become, a ~;, greater hazard to air navlgat[on lhan ~t Was on the eft'eot,va dote el i Ihls amendment or any c:mendments l'herelo or than it Is v,,hc:~ I? ap?ii- cal[on £or o.perm~t is made. Except as ~nd~cata¢l, all appllcat,ons lot ~ ~uch a perm,! shall be granted. - ' '/8 11.30 e FVR Fishing Village Residential .DISTRICT PURPOSE: The provisions oJ this are intended to-apply to certain area of Collier County County where a mixture of low to medium density rial use exist in combination ~.~ith fishin~ equipment and structures used for maintenance or repair of fishing equipment and storage or facilities for processing fishing catches on a temporary basis. Because of unusual nature of the develop~nent and the potential for tourist. fishing industry, certain cormnercial uses may be permitt- ed in clos'e proximity to.the residential uses. Standards for development are nominal, recognizing the unusual land ownership configurations which normally exist in such fishing villages. (2) .USES PERMITTED: No building or structure, or. part there- of, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following:. A. Principal Uses: , (1) Single-family residences Two-family residences (3) Multiple family residences, providing that all such uses containing more than ten (10) dselltng units shall .conform .to the provisions of the MF-2 District. (4) Mobile Homes (5) Churches and other places of worship (6) Schools and colleges (7) Civic and cultural facilities Transient lodging facilit{es (9) Fraternal, social and recreational.clubs ^CCESSO] Y__ uss.s.: (2) Accessory uses and'structures, including privaFe garages. Home.Occupations, as provfded.~or in Article X. .(3)' Private boaC launching fa¢tliC{e$ nnd ;ulc{ple .docking areas, including chose uses ~dr chHr~er business or party boats,, when opera,ed by ~h; residents of chh principal use. . Co (4) Storage, repair and maintenance areas and structures for ftshtnR equip=chi, when used by.the residents of the principal use. (5) Boat'yard & way when used by the residents of the principhl, use. (6) Signs as permitted in Section 11.34-Sign Regulations. ~ROVISIONAL USES: The following uses may be permitted subject to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows: ,(1) All coramercial uses permitted in the C-3 Com- mercial Dis trict. .( (2) Fish loading and unloading, storage and processing activities, provided ~he performance standards ' of the Industrial District are observed. (3) Marinas; and Boat Yard and Ways (3) ~INIMUM SITE OF LOT AREA Single-family and two family'residences: 6,000 square' feet. B. Mobile Hou~s - 6,000 square feet C. Multiple-family - 1,500 square feet per dwelling unit D. All Others: None (4) _MINIMUM SITE OR LOT A. Si6gle-family, two'family and multiple-family residences: 60 feet average between froBt and rear lot lines. ('5) B~ Mobile Homes-60 feet average between front and rear lot lines. MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE= 50%. (6) MINIMUM YARDS: A. Front Yard - 20 feet .! SECTION l. 1 B. Side Yard - 5 feet C. Rear Yard -'20 feet (7) MINIMb~ FI.O~R...AREA: OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE A. Single-family residences - 600 square feet Two family residence~ - 500 square feet per dwelling un i t Multiple family residences - 600 feet per dwelling unit. (8) MAXIMUM HEIGHT - None (9) MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING: As per Article VIII - Off- Street Parking, Loading and Unloading Regulations. 11.31 __PUD_,- pT..~,~ UNIT,,,DEVELOPME}rr,pXSTR%CX DISTRICT PURPOSE: Thi~ district is in'tended for the development ~of land areas, in accordance with approved development plans. "The district is intended to offer flexibility of. design and to encourage imaginative, functional, high quality land planning and development which is compatible with adjacent and nearby lands and activities. If approved by the Board of County Commissidners, plann.ed unit development may either be platted subdivisions or may be unplatted condominium projects wherein the land remains in a single parcel. USES PERMITTED: A Statement of Intent shall be submitted with -the application stating the primary uses and supporting uses of .. the development. Every Planned-Unit Development shall be designated to be used primarily for residential, ~ommercial or industrial purposes, and other uses, if included, shall be subordinate to the primary uses. 'Land proposed for aevelopment under the "PUD" District may contain a mixture of residential, commercial, recreational and/or other uses. THe amount of land and percentage of development devoted to each use. shall be Clearly. identified and submitted with the application, APPLICATION PROCEDURE~ Applicants seeking to rezone, lands to the "PUD" District shall submit, as part of the rezoning petition, a proposed dewtlopment plan for the land involv~d. The applicant shall submit a'tentative land use sketch to the Planning Commission for rewiew as a prelSminary step prior to submitting the rezoning request. After completion of t~e preliminary review, the applicant sba1! prepare a Proposed Development Plan and submit the rezoning Petition. STANDARDS= =n their analysis of the rezoning petition and the proposed development plan, and prior to official action recomm- ending in favor of or approving the petition and plan, the approving authorities shall determine that the following stan- dardg and conditi'ons are met~ .9 A. Land uses within the development shall be appropriate in their proposed location; in their relationships to each other; and in their relatto.nships with uses and activities on ad- Jacent and ,nearby properties. B. The duvelopment shall comply with applicable ~ounty plans and planning policies, and shall have a beneficial effect both upon the area of the county in which it is proposed to be established and upon the County as a whole. C. The total land area within the development, and the area de- voted to each functional portion of the development, shall be adequate to serve its intended purpose. D. Streets, utilities, drainage facilities, recreation areas, building heights, sizes and yards, and vehicular parking and loading facilities shall be appropriate for the particular uses involved, and shall equal or exceed the level of design and construction quality required of similar land d0velopment elsewhere in the..County. E. 'Visual character and communit~'amenities sh~11 be equal or better in quality than required by standard'zoni~g districts for similar development. F. Land development and building standards shall be eqdal to those ..pi regular zoning districts or, if varied, sufficient to carry -out the intent of tho Zoning Regulations. Any and all ~ariances of land development and building standards from those of reg- ular zoning districts shall be clearly identified and quanti- fied, and shall be included as p~rt of the Proposed Develop- ment Plan. Amended December 12~ 1972 G. Areas proposed for common'ownership shall bs subject to a reliable and continuing maintenance guarantee. In the case of developments which are to be constructed In several units, the propossd units shall be shown on the overall developmen~ plan. The proposed construction units shall individually comply with the standards set forth in order that, if for any reason construction ceases prior to completion of the entire planned development, the resulting partially complete project will adequately serve its pur- chasers and occupants, and will' not cause a general public problem. I. Maximum dens%fy for any residential use or group of uses shall not exceed the maximum density permitted for the same type of use in zoning districts. Any tract of land for which a PUD application is made shall be owned or controlled by a single person, or corporation, or group of individuals or corporations, and the application shall be filed Jointly by all persons or corporations which own or control the tract of land. If such a tract of land is owned or controlled by more than a single person or corporation, assurances shall be given that the project can be successfully carried out as speci- fied on the plan of development. EFFECT OF REZONING LAND TO "PUD" DISTRICT~ Upon the rezoning of land to "PUD' Dis=rict, the approved development plan, along with such requirements', safeguards, modifications, or stipulations as may have been included by the Board of County Commissioners in their rezoning action, shall be the basis for ~ssuance of all building permits, zoning clearance's, and certi~icates of occu- pancy by the County. Deviation from the approved development plan or fallur~ to comply with any requirement, safeguard, mod- ification or stipulation imposed by the County at the time of rezoning land to the "PUD" District shall constitute a v£olation of the Zoning Regulations. CHANGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN~ ' Any propose~ change of an approved development.plan shall be submitted a~d processed in the same munner as an original application for establishment of a "PUD" District. If the proposed change involved only a portion of the spproved development plan, the requirement that' the area included within the petition be at least ten acres shall not ~pply. GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPHENT~ The following criteria shall be used fpr formally submitting an official request for a Planned Unit Development Project, applicants shall prepare and submit in addition to adhering to the above~ ~. A. The name and address of the owner,and , if applicable, evidence of the assignment of an agent who represents thy owner· B. Plats and/or metes and bounds description of the area within the PUD. Evidence of unified control of the entire area within the PUD with all owners within the area of same identified. Contour lines at no greater than one foot interval, date and source of topographic survey. North point,scale, and date of plan· Natural features within the site, including drainage ways, bodies of water, and wooded areas, mean high water lines, salt barrier lines and bulkhead lines shall be shown where approp- riate. F. Land.area in acres including water area if applicable. G. Land uses proposed. Street pattern and a notation as to whether streets are pro- posed to be public or private. Street and idewalk right-of-way widths and pavement widths, and the interconnection, if any, with existing as proposed streets and sidewalks outside the development'. J. Open spaces and recreation areas. K. Commonly owned and used areas and the method by which they will be managed and maintained. Areas, if any, proposed to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for public or semi-public purposes. M. Building sites. N. Actual or maximum buildings heights. O. Actual or minimum yard di~ensions. P. Actual or minimum building f~oor areas· ' · Q. Actual or minimum useable open space per dwelling units. R. Actual or minimum off-street vehicular parking and off-street loading spaces· S. Utilities to be provided, and easements therefore. T. Means for hahdling surface wate~ run off and avoiding flooding problems. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONt The Planning Commission may request any additional information they may deem necessary for a logiaa! determination on the entir e pro~ect. SECTION 11.32 CT-4 Cbmmercial Tourist DistriCt 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE= The provisions of this district are intended to apply to an area of high density residences serving both transients and residents. Absence of height limitations are intended to encourage high rise development3 with appropriate safeguards to regulate density and other development characteris~ics. USES PERMITTED~ No building or structure, or part thereof, shal! be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following~ A. PRINCIPAL USES 1) Hotels, apartment hotels, motels, and multiple family dwellings. ACCESSORY USES~ 1) Customary accessory uses and structures, including covered parking areas. 2) Shops, personal service establishments, eating or drinking establishments, dancing and staged entertainment facilities, meeting rooms and auditoriums, when such uses are an inte- gral part of a multiple-family residence~ apartment hotel or motel subject to the provisions of Section 5.10 of these regulations. (3) Signs as permitted in Section ll.34-Sign Regulations. PROVISIONAL USES= The folXowing usoa may be permitted subject to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if ap~licable, as follows= 1) Non-commercial boat launching facil%ties, and multiple docking areas. ' . 2) Recreational clubs,'in~ended to serve the surrounding res- idential area. 3) Churches and other places of worship. 4} Marinas, 5) Fraternal and social clubs, subject to the p~ovisions of Section 5.10.of these regulations. 6} Restaurants. ' e Amended December J. 2~ 1972 MAXIMUM D]:NSITY PErmiTTED= , A. ~ho maxim~ density for transient hotel and ~nits ind apartment hotels which do not have cookin~ facilttte~ in tho dwelling units shall be 35 dwelling '~its per nut acre, . B. The maxtm~ density for transient hotel and motel units, apartment hotels and ~ltfplo family dwellings which contain cooking facilities in tho dwelling shall be 20 dwelling units per net M~N~M~M LOT AREA~ ~5~000 ~quaxa f~ot. ......... 6.' M~NIMUM YARDS A. Front Yardt 30 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height over 45 feet. B. Side Yard~ 15 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height over 4S feet. C. Rear Yard= 25 feet plus one foot for each two feet of building height over 45 feet. De ~ulf Front,?e..= 7S feet from the ~ean high water line, regard- less of building height. MINIMUM FLOOR' AREA FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT~ A. Residence dwelling units an'd transient dwelling units with cooking facilities - 400 square feet. B. Transient dwelling units without cooking facllitiaeo300 square feet. 8e MAXIMUM }IEIG;ITs 75 feet above grade· MINIMUM OFF-STREET Multiple-family dwellings and transient lodging facilities which provide c~oking facilities.In the dwelling u~lta~ one and one half 61 1/2) spaces per d~olling unit. 'Transient lodging facilities w~lch do not provide cooking facilities in the dwelling units~ one and one fourth (1 1/41 spaces per dwelling unit for the first 100 dwelling units, one space per dwelling unit for. the next 1S0 dwelling uni~e, one half(l/i) apace per dwelling unit thereafter. ~e~tin~ room3 or auditoriums which will accomodate 100 or more persons, re=t~urent~ and cocktail loungeat 60% of the spaces which ~ould be required if th·si Ueel eore not associated with a multiple-family dwelling or transient lodging facility. qulred ~ff-~treet parking shall bo provided either on the s/to it serves, or ~lth/n G00 test of said elto, on land zoned other th~n fo.r olOglo-fanily reoidenceo. iA.men iDecemba= 12, '''I, RaVia '.June 12, MINIMUM OFF~STREET.P~RXZNG~ .(Continued) D. For every four (4) spaces provide within the proposed con- fines of the structure on the ground £1oor, whether above o: below grade, the maximum density permitted may be increased by one (1) dwelling unit per net residential acta. 10. OPE~ SPACE RE.UIREMENTSi. Q ,.._ The minimum open space requirements fo: apartments, hotels and multiple dwellings must still be met re- gardless of the amount of decked parking. SECTION 11.33 CT-5 Co~mer. c.ial Tg.urist District DISTRICT PURPOSE, The provisions of t~ls district are intended to apply to an area of high density residneces serving both transients and residents· Absence of height limitations are in- tended to enc6urage high rise developments with appropriate safe- guards to regulate density and other development characteristics. USES PERMITTED. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall. be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or part, for other than the following~ Ae PRINCIPAL USES~ 1) Hotels, apartment hotels, motels, and multiple-family dwellings. ACCESSORY USES~ 1) Customary accessory uses and structures, including covered parking'areas. 2) Shops, personal service establishments, eating or drinking establishments, dancing and stage entertainment facilities, meeting rooms, and auditoriums, when such uses are an inte- gral part of a multiple-family residence, apartment hotel or motel subject to the provisions of Section $.10 of these regulations. 3) Signs as permitted' in Section ll.34-~ign Regulations. PROVISIONAL USES~ The following uses may be permitted subject to the provisions of Article IX and the specific requirements of Section 9.3, if applicable, as follows~ · 1) Non-commercial boat launching facilities, an~ multiple docking areas· 2) Recreational clubs, intended to serve the surrounding residential area· -103- ' - ~men'ded Da~sm~er 13~ ~g~2 PROVIS IOHA)o. U.q ]~B ~ (Continue~) Churches end other places of worship. 4).MatinGs. $) Fratorr~a! and social clubs, sub,oct to ~he provisions Section $.10 of these requlatione. /~XI~IUI.I DENSITY P~RMITTED~ A. The maximum density for transient hotel and motel un,ts and apartment hotels which do not have cooking facilities in the dwellin~ units s.hall be ~,0 dwellin~ '.units per not acre. B. The maximum density for transient hotel an.~ ~ot~l units, apartment betels and multiple family dwolling~ which contain cooking facilities in the dwelling units shall bo 25 dwelling units pernet acre. MI~I~{UM LOT A~tEA~ 25~000 ~quare feet. ~INIMUI~ LOT ~;If)T}lr 150 feet average between front and rear lot lines. A. Front Yard~ 30 feet plus one foot for each two feet of bu£ld~n~aiqht over 45 feet. _~_ld~.. Yard~ 1~ feet plus one foot for each tMo feeC of building height over 45 feet· Eear Yard, 25 fe~t plus one foot for each two feet o£ building height over 45 feet. D. ~ul.~ Froptaoer 75 foot from tho mean high ~ater line, regard- loss Of buiid~ng height. Hl,l~Ur.I FLOOR AR~A FOR EACH D%IEI, LZNG Residence dwelling units and transient dwelling units with cooking facilities - 400 equ~re feet. Transient dwelling units without cooking facilities - 300 square feet. Multiple family dwellings and transient lodging ~acilitios which provide cooking facilities in the dwelling un/tel one and one hall (1 1/21 spaces per dwelling'unit. -104- ./ MINIMUH OFF-STREET PARKING~ (Continued) B. Transient lodging facilities which do not provide cooking facilities in the dwelling untta~ one and one fourth (1 1/t spaces per dwelling unit for the first 100 dwelling units, one space per dwelling unit for the next 150 dwelling units, one half (1/Ti space per dwelling unit thereafter. Meeting Rooms o'~ auditoriums which will accommodate 100 or more persons, restaurants and cocktail loungess 60% of the spaces which would be required if these uses were not associated with a multiple-family dwelling or tramsient lodgfng facility. Required off-street parking shall be pro- vided either on the same site it serves, or within 600 feet of said site, on land zoned other than for single-family residences. For every four (4) spaces provided within the proposed confines of the structure on the ground floor, whether above or below grade, ~he maximum density permitted may be increas~ by one (1) dwe11£ng unit per net residential acre. 10. OPEN~SPACE. RE~UIREMEIqTS~ The minimum open space requirements for apartments, hotels and multiple dwellings must still be met re- gardless of 'the amount of decked parking. -105- Amended Sune 1.2~ 1973 and .SECTION 11.S4 SIGN RE~ATIOI? R~vised April 4, 1974, ZI. A. by regula~ionS ~he legltima~e pu~e of s~s~ that ~s, ~e ~IA= purposes of safety, health, and ~lfare. The p~lic ~n Colller County are traffic safe~y and tho economo aesthetic ~lfare of the County as rela~ed to ~e quality of develo~nt. These economic bases de.nd upon the Couflty's ability to main- ~ln lts reputation as an attractive area in ~lch to visit ~ PRO~ISIONS~ ~0UI~S AND SPECIFI~TIONS~ All signs must ~nfo~ to ~e State and ~e Co, by statutes, ~des and re~latlons, and also to ~e Sou~e~ S=andard Bullatng Code where applicable. 2. 5t~s erected by the County, ~ate, o= Federal gove~en~s are not regulated by this regulation. any vacant proper~y, tn any zoning dts=rtc~, except as provlded for in this ordinance. 4. All signs shall adhere to the required se~acks and shall. be l~ated within the pe~itted building area, except entr~ce and gate signs which may be located at ~roperty l~nes. 5. Entrance and exit signs may be placed at appropriate places, but not in the right-of-way. MEASUREMENT O'F SIGN AREAt , 1. The area of a sign shall be measured from the outside edges of the sign or the sign frame, whichever is greater, excluding the area of the supporting structures, provided that the supporting structures are not used for advertising purposes and are of an equal to or less than the permitted sign Class area. 2. Double faced signs shall be measured by only one side ,{f both sides are advertslng the same business, commodity or service. Cm PERMITS AND FEES~ A permit for a sign shall be issued by the Zoning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. (See also Chapter XXIII of the Collier County Building Code}. A sign permit fee shall be collected by the Building Department,: pursuant to any additional fees associated with the issuance of a building permit. · FEE SCHEDULE A C D E H ! BOOK $25 $15 $10 $5 ~-quivalent to corresponding class 2 64 ' :'" PACE' -106- ' m Rainspection Feet The enforcement officer shall 'Inspect at least once annually evex-f sign, for 'which a permit is requir~d~ 'for its complaince with these regulations. &o The annual fee for such Inspection shall be $5.00 per sign or advertising structure. b. The rainspactton fee, to be collected by the Building Department, shall be' due within fifteen (15) days after notification by the enforcement officer. D. REMOVAL OR ALTERATION OF SIGNS~ . 1. J~ny advertising sign or structure whic~ advertises a business which is no longer in existence or any sign which is unsafe or tnsecure,.or ia a menace to the public or has been con- structed or erected on or over public prOperty to a greater extent than is permitted shall be taken down and removed by . the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the ' ' ' building, structure, or land upon which such a sign may be found, within thirty (30) days after written notification from the PlannSng and Zoning Department. ~f said party fails to remove such sign or structure within thirty (30) days after notice, such sign shall be classified as abandoned sign and may be removed by the coUnty at the · o expense of said party· k 2. A non-conforming sign shall not be relocated elsewhere, u~lesa it meets the requirements set forth in this regulation. 3. All sign alterations shall be subject to Section 7.5 of the Collier county zoning Regulations. TERMINATION REQUIREMI~NTS FOR NON-CONFORMING SIGNSt All non-conforming temporary signs, banners, pennants, string lights, A-frame signs, signs displaying flashing or inter- mitt·hr lights, and moving or rotating signs shall bo discon- tinued within three (3) months from the date of their non- conformity. Signs in violation of II A.3 shall be removed within one (1} year from the date of their non-conforh.tty. All other non-conforming signs and advertising structures shall be discontinued or.made to conform within five (5) years from the date of their non-conformity. F. CONFLICT WITH STATE OR FEDERAL REGULATIONSI Whenever the issuance of a permit in conjunction with the 'requirements of these regulations would result in the construction or maintenance of an outdoor advertising sign or structure in violation of any existing County, State, or Federal law or regulation, then such permit shall not be issued. APPEAL ,PROCED ,URE.S., ' P~fer to Chapter 28'.14 of the Collier County C~de. III. A. DEFINITIONS~ For the'purpose of this section, the following ~ords h'a~e 'the following ~eaningst Abandoned Sign - A sign is considered abandoned if a business advertised on that sign is no longer licensed, no longer has a certificate of occupancy, or ia no longer doing business at that location. Advertising Sign - A sign directing attention to a business, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold or offered, either on premises or off premises. Advertising Structure - Any structure erected for adv~rtising purposes with or without any advertisement display thereon, situated upon or attabhed to real property, upon which any poster, bill, printing, painting, d~vlce or other advertise- · merit may be placed, posted, painted, tacked, nailed, or other- wise fastened, affixed, or dtsplayed~ provided, however, that said term shall not include buildings.' Animated Signs - A sign with action or movement, whether by flashing lights, or color changes, ~tnd, rotation, movement of any parts of .the sign or letter or parts of the sign structure or any. other motion. 5. .Billboards - An off-premise sign (of more than 100 square feet). Any framework'for signs advertising merchandise, eervices,.or entertainment sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than the location of such structure. 6. hulk Permit - A permit issued for any number of political signs. Bulletin Board - An on-premises sign of ~ermanent character, but with removable letters, words, or numerals indicating the names of persons associated with, or events conducted upon, or products or services offered upon the premises upon which such sign is maintained· This may be a free-standing sign, a marquee, or a wall sign. 0. Canopy - A permanent roof structure that does not project over public property, which may be free-standing, attached to a building, or supported in whole or in part by a building. 9. Combination Sign - A sign which is made up of two (2) or more signs, exclusive of billboards. 10. Combination Farm Sign - A temporary sign used for the pur- pose of identifying the owner or operator of a farm and the product produced on the farm which sign may also incidentally identify the contract buyer of th9 product. 11~ Construction Sign - A temporary sign placed in advance of occupancy of a building or structure indicating the name of the building or structure, the architects, the contractors and other information regarding the building or structure. 12. Directional Sign - A sign designed to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicles. 13. Double Faced Sign - A sign having two (2) display surfaces, not necessarily displaying the same copy, which are usually parallel and back to back and not more than 24" apa=t. 14. Double Decko~'Sign - Two (2) or more billboards erected so that one is on top Df the other. 15. Farm Organization Sign - A sign used for the purpose of indicating memberah.ip in a farm organization, such as Cattle- manes Association, Four-H Cloth, Farm Bureau, and the like. 16. Free Standing' Sign - A sign supported by one or more poles, columns, uprights, or by other structural supports or the ground separated from a building. (a/so referred to as a Ground Sign-Section 2301. 2B, Southern Standard Building Code). 17. Gate or Entrance Sign - A sign attached to an entrance gate or entrance structure which identifies a permitted use. 18. Height - The vertical distance from the average crown of the road or tho finished elevation at the base of the supporting structure whichever iS lower, to the top of the sign, or 'frame or supporting structures whichever is higher. ' ~, I<aJor ~n~ersac~lon - Count~ highway, 20. Marques - ~ roofing ~tructure projecting ov~r an entrance of a building. 2L. Mazxlvee Sign - A s~gn 22. Multi-Face Sign - A sign which is made up o£ three (3) or more ~aces. 2'3 · Non-Conforming Sign - A sign or advertising structure existing on the effective date of this ordinance, which by its height, square foot area, location, use or structural support does ~ot conform with the requirements of this section. 24. Off-Premiss Sign - A sign not located on the same premises as the principle business, product, service, or activity being identified or advertised. · 25. 26. 2~. On-Premise Sign - A sign containing copy relating only to the princi~.le business, product, service or activity conducted or sold on the same premises as that on which the sign is located. Outdoor Advertising Sign - An off-premise sign. Permanent Sign - A sign not specifiJally designated as being temporary. 28. Political Sign - A sign promoting, advertising, or identifying a political party, candidate, or issue. 29. Portable ~ign - A sign not affixed to the ground or to a structure or only affixed by means of tie-down straps. 30. Projecting Sign - A sign mounted on the vertical surface of a building or structure in such a manner that all of the display surfaces are not parallel to the supporting structure. 31. Roof Sign - Any sign erected or constructed upon e roof and projecting whooly or partially above the crown of the roof. 32. Safety Sign - A sign used only for the purpose of identifying and warning of dangers. 33. Sandwich Sign - See Portable Sign. 34. Shopping Centtr, Plaza or Mall - A group of two or more retail and'service establishements located on commonly owned property, sharing the same parking facilities and connected together by common walks, interior aisles or malls. ~35. Sign - Any writing {including letter, word or numeral)~ pictorial representation (including iljustration or decora- tion): emblem (including device, symbol, or trademark)~ flag (including banner or pennant)~ or any other figure of similar character, which: is designed to advertise or give direction to any business, p~oduct, service or other related function. 3~. Street Frontage - That portion of the lot which borders on .the street; Corner lots have two (2) frontages. 37. 38. Strip Lighting - A continuous series of linear exterior lights designed to elluminate a s~gn or a structure. Surface Area of a Sign - The actual area which may be covered by letters or symbols applied to a background. 39. Temporary Sign - A sign intended to advertise community or civic projects, construction projects, or other special events on a temporary basis for a designated period of time. 2 8i Wall Sign - A sign a££1xed in any ~nne~ ~ &fly ex,r/or wall of a building or structure and which ts parallel to and pro,acts no~ more ~an.eighteen (18) Inches ~ ~e bu/ldln9 or s~ruc~ure wall and which does no~ extend more ~an fix (6) inches above ~e parapet'~a11 or ~f of ~e building on which i~ is ]~ated. SI~s which are on Irchltectural pro~ec~lons vht~ do noi extend ~re ~han slx (6) Inches above ~e roo~ or parapet wall of ~e building area, for ~e pu~ose o~ ~is a~icle, are wall ti~f. CLASSES O1p SIG'~.qt Class "A" (Billboards) a. One hundred (100) square feet minimum b. Five hundred (SOO) square feet maximum 2. 'Class a. One hundred (100) square feet maximum 3. Class a. Forty (40) square feet maximum 4. Class nD" a. ~elv~ (12) square feet maximum $. Class a. Six (6) · quara feet maximum 6. Class "F" a. Four (4) square feet maximum a. Two (2) square feet maximum Class One sign with an area not more than twenty (20) percent of the total square footage of the froHt wall to which it shall be affixed, with a maximum of 250 square feet. Class "l" ~ One hundred' (~00) square feet for the first hundred feet of frontage plus fifty (50) square feet for each ad- ditional hundred (100) feet of frontage w~th a maximum area of two hundred'fifty (250) square feet. DISTRICT REGULATIONSt A. SIGNS IN E-SUBURBAN' ESTATES, SINGLE FAMILY~ MULTI-FAMILY, /~HSD. AND~fllTT. DISTRICTS~ (Maximum Height-Twelve (12) feet) ~00~ ' e ~e C?..XSS "B~ on each ~&~Jor ~r~t.r~mc~ ~o (~~ o~ c~ (2)) ~. ~ee ~and~ng b. ~nt~ance o~ .Gate Bl~ ~e ~S "D" per non-~n~o~ng use .3. ~e C~SS 'E' on premise a~qn ~r ho~ octagon or non- residential pemitted uae. 4. ~e C~SS "C" wall li~ ad~ising only ~e Mult~i'Family 'residential building. SI~S IN CP, C-1, C-2, and C-'3 DIST~CTS= (Max~ ~eigh2 t~nty-five (25) feet) 1. ~e C~SS "B" on-pre~se I[gn (For lo2s ~ one hundred fifty (150) fee~ or moro of fron~ge) a. Free Standing OR ~e C~SS "H" on-pr~sa s~gn (no ~xim~ height) a. Wall b. ~rqu~e (~xim~ projection six (6) inches} 2. Shopping Centers ~ a. ~e C~SS "I" free standing sign (applicable to parcels wi~-: one h~d'red (100} foot fron~ge or mo~l b. One C~SS "H" per rental 2. Ma~uee (maxim~ proJec~ 6') C. SI~S IN C-4 ~D I-IND. DIS~CTS~ (~~ t~nty-five (25) feet ) ~. One C~SS "A" (Billboard) only on vacant prope~y one hundred (100) feet or more of frontage and s~Ject ~ provisions of Section V of this Article. 2. ~e C~SS "H" on-premise sign a. Wall b. Marquee (M~im~ P~Jec~on six (6) inches) ~e C~SS "B" on-pre,se sign (For lots ~ one h~d~d f~ft~ (I50) feet or more of f~ontage) a. Free Sta~lng (Maximum Height t~elve D: 'SIGNS IN GC-GOLF COURSE DISTRICT: (12) feet) 1. One CLASS "B" on-premise sign at the entrance a. Wall bo Gate c. Free Standing -111- .I i' SX~S IN CT-4 A~D 02-5 DISTP~CTS~ £1ve (25) feet) One CLASS "B' on-Premise iign a. Free Standing Co.n~3ination Si~n b. Free Standing l (~aximum SeA~ht twenty- e o__~ One C~ASS "H" on-premise sign a. Wall b. Marquee (MaximumproJection six (6) inches) One CLASS "E" per accessory use a. Wall b. Projecting F. SIGNS IN A-1 AND A-2 DISTRXCTSt five (25) feet)' (Maximum Height twenty- One or more CLASS "A" (Billboard on vacant A-1 and A-2 property and subject to the provisions of Section V of this article. · ~ One CLASS "B" per frontage and only for Permitted AgricUltural uses. . a. Free Standing' One CLASS "C" per frontage and only for Permitted Non- Agricultural Uses. a. Wall b. Free Standing o. Bulletin Board ' d. Marquee (Maximum projection six (6) inches) O~e or two CLASS "E" signs for home oCcupation a. Non-illuminated Wall Sign V. BILLBOARDS~ No billboard shall be lo~ated or placed on a plot closer than two hundred (200) feet to a parcel containing a church, public or private school, public park or playground, beach, greenbelt area, cemetery, or .residenCe. B. Maximum Height - thirty (30) feet. C. Maximum Length- fifty (50) feet. D. Locationt Billboards may be located on vacant C-4 and Z-Ind. property with one hundred (100) feet or. more of frontage. Billboards may be located on vacant A-1 and A-2 property also and shall be se~ back six hundred sixty (660) feet from a common right-of-way, (See Chapter 479 of Florida State Statutes) and there shall be a minimum distance of 2,640 feet between any two (2) billboards along the same side of a common right-of-way except at a major intersection. -112-, .. CONSTRUCTION SIGNSj (Bee also the Temporazy Permit Section of ~he Zoning Regulations) .. VII. 2. Gate or entrance B. One gLASS 'E' per principal building or lot on-premise sign 1. Free Standing ' 2. ~all POLITICAL SIGNSz VIII. A® Political sLgne, advertisements, handbills, or billboards may be used for such puz~ose and shall be placed in the County in accordance with the Zoning Regulations. Such political signs shall be removed within a two (2) week period following the particular election that is involve~.. B. A bulk permit for political signs of Class, D,E,F, er G may be approved by the Zoning A~ministrator. C. Failure to remove and clean-up the permit~ed signs within the two (2) week period will result in violation of this regulation. REAL ESTATE SIGNSz For the sale or rental of acreage, homes, property, and items of a similar nature, may be erected without a permit but must conform with this regulation in all other .aspects· A. One CLASS 'E' on-premise 1. Free Standing 2. Wall IX. SERVICE STATION SIGNS~ Maximum Height 30 feet. A. One CLASS 'B' on-premise sign 1. Free Standing X. PROHIBITED SIGNS IN ALL DISTRICTSs A. Animated signs. B. Neon type signs in all but Commercial and Industrial Districts. C. Portable signs except in accordance with the'provisions of the Temporary Permit Section of the Zoning Regulations. D. Strip lighting and projecting signs over the right-of-way. E. Roof signs. . · F. Banners or flying'~araphernalia. Any sign that is contemptible, vile, obscene, degrading or detracting from the surrounding neighborhood as determined by CO~Tflunity standards. H. Any sign ~hich creates a traffic hazard or affects public safety adversely as determined by the Zoning A~ministrator. '112.1- . WAIVER Or REOUIREKEHTSt Tha Board o~ ~ C~LemLoner~ ma~ waive an~ requ~re~en~ o~.~ls ordinance ~h~ch ~n ~t~ opinion Le o~ a mLnor nature ~d not contra~ to ~e ~n~nt ~d pu~se o~ the obJectLvel o~ ~ ordLnance. S~h va{vet ihall be md4 only a{ter p~lic hearing ~ffo~ ~e C~ltal Area P~ann{nq C~selon ~d upon receLpt o{ BaLd ~dy'{ reco~ndakLon. SPECI~ USES~ ~e Zoning A~inistra~r may ~t the foll~inq A. Directional, safety, ~d o~er signs of a non-c~rcial 'nature subject ~ the fo11~ing criter~as 1. The s~gn .~s necessa~ ~n ~e P~l~c ~nterest. 2. The s~gn ~s of four (4) square feat ~ area or less. 3. ~he maxim~ height is not to ex.ed f~ve (5) feet. 4. The sign ~s a m~n~m~ d[st~ce o~ fifteen (15) feet to any r~ght-of-way. B. T~pora~ signs for Sales ~d S~rt~ E~nts~ 1. In ~e case of ~mpora~ sales such as Chris.as tree sales, grand openings, going out of bus,ness sales (exclus~ of .garage sales, la~ sales and similar private h~e sales), s~c~al p~mot~onal'sales, ~d sports e~nts, ~e d~rector may grant a non-re~ewa~le t~-week pe~t for ~e placement of tempor~ 'signs. 2. Such te~ora~ s~gns shall Be s'~Ject '~ ~e re~i~ments setfor~ as to height, s~ze, and location of s~s w~thin ~e s~ec~fic d~str~c~ ~d also s~Jeot to ~e applicable restrictions of ~is regulati~n. 3. If ~e ~pora~ use is not dis~t~nued upon e~rat~on of ~e pe~it, ~t shall be deemod a violation of ~e Zoning Ord~n~ce and shall be s~Ject to ~e penalit~es ~er~in. I Class of Sign Check One Co~t of S~dl, Fee Clams A C]asm B Cla=s C Cla~s D Cl.mn~ E Cla¢~ F C3 :{~ G . . Clas~ ti C3~s= I ..... all the rvqui~c:::.ents cf Secr/t.a 31.37 cf the C~]3~et County Zonina Rezulat~cr. 3 ~n~ C~da. ................................... ~'j ~.~,: ~ Zonin~ }'...~2. u~:c:it, F.:, a:.'. in ccn:;Jccra:Jcn cf th~ t.t~*e~.~2nt3 ~.ade a~d ~a'.'r. ent of the required " .... .... '",. ...... the aT,?l~clnt, %his ?e:*mi~ in ~'. .... ~y :,.-=.'a for the Jng st:,ucturu [':.-ntifi,:d on the applJca:~n a:l~ by ';:,is ,:~ft',r,~ permi~ numbc~'. Also :;ub~eat t~ CY.,tprc. r 3;, ~cuthcrn Sta:.~a:'d r ::' :.. . u, ~ .t...~, Code. County App:'Dval: Date Recc~','ed BY: ' DATE: Distribution: C~;',v l. Zor, lr.~ ~C;,t. W,%kNi:;C: ThJ~ permit J'J valid for one Copy 2: Api,l~cant sign fac,., at thc locat'i~n A Ce])arate l,e:'m~ ~ required fop each Fr-E~: ?% cf cost of the ,'-i,tn ~,,'J:); '* ,:,'.'nin'~'.. foe of 'vS.00. ,oo 2 55 -114- A~.end~d. J~uly 10, REGULATI , ., DISTRICT PUR?OSE: The provisions of this article ate intended to regulate and li~t the height, area and location of fences in Residential and Non-residential areas, and to provide for the ad- ministration and enforcement of this regulation. me FENCES RESIDENTIAL: ! A. In any residential district no'.closed wall or fence shall be erected or maintained within twenty (20) feet fmom the comner intersection of street right-of-way. B. Fences or walls outside of front building line shall be limited to a maximum height of four(4) feet. A fence or wall shall be limited, to a maximum height of six(6) feet in the ream and side yards. C. No barbed wire, spire tips, sharp objects, om electmlcally charged fences shall be elected in any residential amea om dis- trier. De Fences shall be'treated as a structure for building permit purposes, and a permit shall be obtained prior to erection. Setbacks shall remain measured from the principal structure. FENCES IN NON'-'RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: Fences involving agricultural purposes are exempt from heigh% and type of construction. Fences in Commercial and Industrial Districts are limited to eight(8) feet in 1xeight with the restriction to be lifted if an extreme emergency exists. The County Commission is auth- orized to allow a variance in height. C. Ail fences shall be of sound, sturdy construction and not de- tract from the neighborhood. D. Barb wire is authorized in all non-mesidential dlstmicts but shall be limited to three (3) strands. No fence shall block the 'view of passing motorists or pedes- trians so as to constitute a hazard. -115- Section 11.36. ~ALLOUT S~ELTER__~S 1. DISTRICT PURPOSE: The p~.pose of this "dis trict is to r~gulate fallout shelters in relation to location, height, area, and utilization. 2. LOCATION: One (t) family shelters sh~ll be permitted in any single-family zoning classification district. Community shelters shall be permitted in all multi- family, mobile home subdivision, and Wobile home travel trailer park zoning classifica, tion districts only after Public Hearing by the Planning Commiss- ion and approval by the Board of County Commissioners. C. Display shelters for commercial purposes shall not be occupied and shall be permitted in Commercial and Industrial zoning classification districts only. 3. 'DEFINITIONS: Tl~e following terms used in this regu].a- tion are defined as'follows: A. Above Kround - entirely above the natural grade of the property, excepting the foundation. pnder Kroun~ - entirely below the natural grade of the property, excepting vents(not to exceed t~irty six'(36) inches in height) and entrance ways(not to exceed thirty six (36) inches in height when in open position). 4. SPECIFICATIONS: A: All structures constructed as fallout shelters shall be those types approved by or in accordance with plans issued by the Office of Civil Defense; provided, however, any pl~ns of structures erected prior to this'.regulation shall bear the signature and seal of a Florida architect or professional engineer. Such plans shall be subject to review by the Building Official of Collier County. 5. SETBACKS: A., Above ground fallout shelters shall be considered as accessory structures and as such must meet the' setback requirements for an accessory structure. B. No accessory fallout shelter may b6 erected on any lot on which there is no principal structure. A fallout shelter may be attached to a principal structure, provided it meets with the same setback requirements as the principal structure. Dm Underground fallout shelters may be located any where on the property in question; provided the entrance to the.shelter and the vent pipes are the only portions thereof which are above ground or above the normal grade level. 6. UTILIZATION PERMITTED: All structures constructed under these regulations ior use as a fallout shelter shall be for emergency use only and shall not be used as a habitable dwelling facility except by the occupants of the principal building under the terms of this regulation. 7. LANDSCAPING: A. Ail fallout shelters shall be lahdscaped so as not to appear obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood. 8. PERMIT REQUIRED: Am A building permit shall be issued for all fallout shelters whether above or underground prior to the construction being s~arted. 9. EXCEPTIONS: A temporary fallout shelter may be constructed outside of but attached to a single-family unit during a period of increased international tension. The design must be in accordance with plans issued by the office of Civil Defense and will be subject to inspection. A special permit shall be obtained'to construct a temp- orary fallout shelter. Temporary fallout shelters must be removed from the premises within 30 days after the threat of enemy attack ends. Failure to do so may result in a fine or other penalty.