Ordinance 74-03 [22~ ~_~ ~ O~NAI.~CE ESf^BtI~HIN.,' ~' ~' TU~'COLDEN  ~ FIRE COIqfLOL DISTRICT UNDER,CII~R 125 -- ' FLOR~ DA STATUTES; PROVIDING' FOR Tile , ~ GOVERNING BODY; PROVIDING ,VOR'I~ ADVISORY ~ ~ COHH1TTEE; CALl, lNG ~ ELECT~ON TO DETERMINE _ TIlE CREATION OF SAID DISTRICT ~D AU~ORIZI[4G AN AD VALORI~ TAX LEVY, ~ ~IEREAS, the Board of County Co~[~ioners of Coll[e~ County, Florida has the authority to e~tablish a fire~control district pursuant to Chapter 125 ~lorida Statu~ea,,~,aud ' I.~tE~AS, the Board of County Co~isatoners of. Collier County, Florida has datelined that there ~ a need for a Golden Cate Control District to protect the public safety. I'~IEREAS, the creation of sa~d district ~s feasible and desirable and cf benefit to all of the lands included ~n such proposed district and the creation of said district is necessa~ in the public ~nterest. NOW, TIIE~FORE, BE IT O~AINED BY ~IE BO~D OF CO~ CO}~ISSIONE~ OF COLL1ER COUNTY, FLORIDA: " ...... :'~: Section 1. ?~e corporate name Of the'district is ~g GOLDEN Flla': CONTROL DISTKICT and ,hall be a spacia~ purpose district a~ defined by Chapter 125.01 (q) Florida Statutes; '- · ~'~ Section 2. ~e description boundaries are aa follows: ( ATTACIIED EXIIlB~T A ) :~.. Section 3. ~%e goven~tng board shall ba the Board of County Co,,m[ssiohers of Collier County. Section 4. '~e business affairs of the district shall be administered 'and conducted by the board. It shall have the authority as prescribed in 125.01 (q) including the authority to establish, equip, operate and maintain a fire department and ambulance s~rvt, ce within the district and shall buy,.:leaae,'sell, exchange, or oul'm~ise acquire and dispose of fire-fighting equipment and otha~ property , real, personal or mfxed,:that it may from time to time deem necessary to prevent and extinguish fire within the district. This shall include, but ts no~ limited to, the authority to provide.water, water rmpply, water ~Iiations and other necessa~butldings; accept gift.-, or donaCions of equipment or money for~ the use of the dls~rict; and to do all things necessary~to provide for an adequate water supply, for prevention and proper fire protection for the district. 'l~a board shall have the power to hire~ and~ftra personnel, to inspect all property and tnve~tlgat~for:~fira hazards and to promulgate rules and regulagi0ns-for the prevention~of'fir~ and f ' ' ' ....... ' or fire control in the dia~ric~. ~ . ;~.~,~'., ?,,';,: .' ~, Section ~. l~ere shall be an :adviao~:~comi~ea '.con~iatiug o~ .et more than five (5) or Ie~ than '~hree'~ (3):'memberO~ oPPointed by the Board of County Co~i~sioner~ to serve o~agg~ed te~s, go adviso ~nd counsel regardfng the affair~of~the district'1, ~e'advidory'co~itgee~ .,hall be a member in good standing of the:Golden:~G~te Fire. Association~...~: du~tng the te~s of their appointmenti':~'; ~'~ :~ ' : ,. , .'~,, . ,.h'~.~. ::,'.,otL¢.n 6. For the purpo:w~ of ,:car~.ytn~;.~.~o effect: thi~ law tl~c 1,u:,,-d .hall ~n.u:,'l.].y make an ~,temized estimal;e of the amount of c.a .... ) ouL Lha prav~tiJ, c;n~ of thi. ordlnm~ce ~o~ tho n~,x~ fi~,cnl Bmr wl~J.ch t;hall be a. prnuc~ibed by Cbap~o~ nrc requ:i.rnd and t'he ftlllOljll~ tl~O(~ff~Yy ~0 1'~ F,~Orl by I:l~c Cbair~,~n nnd Vice Chairman to t]l~ Doard of County Co~m~i~Joner~ of Collier Co,tory, l'rior to th~ presentat~o~ of the estimate to I. ho Board of County Co~is~ionors, cop~es of. the ~tumize,] slgnnd by the Chai~an.a~d.Vice Chatrma,l of the Doard, ,hall advertised and prepared at tho same time as the County Annual Budhct: as prcscrJ.bed in Chapter 129 Florida Section 7; Upon adoption of ~aid District Budget th~ Board County Commissioners shall cause the same to bo recorded in the minutes of the County Conmissioners' meeting, and aC th~ time of making and fixing tho rate of a~nual taxation fo~ county purposes, shall fix had cause I:o be levied on all property of the.district' real and personal, a millaEe sufficient to meet the requirements of thc) csti,,aCe; provided, however{, the total millage ~l!all not exceed one ~nill in 9ny one year .... " .. Section 8. Taxes herein provided for shall ba a=~e~ed and collected in l:he nam~ manner and fo~ as provided for She uno ~ollection o~ county taxes. ~.~ . .. ' Section 9. Ail warrants for the pa~ent of labor, equipment, materials and other allowable expenses incurred by the board in carrying out the prov~sions of this ordinande shall be payable by the treasurer of the board on accounts and,youchers apprqved by the board. 'fha Treasurer shal. l~} o~ om before,. &ach year make a annual report of ,receipts and ~xpendi~rOs 6f the fund~ of the district to the Board as required by Chapter 73-349, Laws of Florida. He shall furnish a. copy of the repor~ to the. Board of Oopn~y Co~issioners. Section 10. '~is' ordinance shall b~ construed a~ a remedial net and 'shall be liber'klly construed to promote the purpos~ for which it in intended. ' Section ll. 'J~in ordinance ~hal% take e~fect upon b~ing approved. . by a majority vote of thoso voting, of all freeholders and qualified electors residing within the district upon the question of creation ~of'tbe district and le~,ing of th~, taxes, up to and not excaediDg one mil at an election ~o be held according to the applicable laws of the State of Florida .... - -- 'Done anti ordered thi.~ BOARD OF COUrtlY COmmISSIONERS 'OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID.~ Approved as to form and legality; David Emerson Brunet Collier County Attorney TI.it 26 27 28' 32 34 . Plat 'Book 4 7 7 7 73-74 15-16 17-18 19-P. 0 21-22 23 and (;ate Unit 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 ~lat'Book 9 5 9 7 ll 100-101 11-12 116-1.20 66-6'7. 69-70 65-77 9-10 3 ~ 5 4 1 · 9 4 ' 5 5 " 5 97-105 121-1~4' 1071!16 117-123 Page 1 of 2 - Exhibit. "A" Collier County Ordinance No. 73-29 6 1 9 '].-7 6 - 5 ' 124-134 '1 - '5 %35-].46 8 1 5 147-151 8 2 9 107A-112 and ' gal.:or ~ata Unit 2, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 54: (Note: Ali. above plat books and pages recorded in the ~,blic ]hmords tn Collier County, Florida) Sections 33, 34 and West 1/2 of Section 35, Township 49 South, R:mgc~ 20 EasU; Section /4 and that part of Section 3~ lying North and ~.Jest of State Road 8/~ in To%,nlship 50 South, Range 26 East." Page 2 of 2' Exht.bi~ "A" Colliez County. ora~,n.ne"" No. /?