Ordinance 75-23ORDI~IANCE NO. 75-23 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY NO. 74.-42 BY AMENDING TIlE ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO TIlE COASTAL A1,EA PI,ANNING DISTR OF COI.LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AZ.lENDING SECTION 3. ADDING SUBSECTION 10 ESTABLISIIING PARCEL OWNERS} STANDARDS FOR HOMESITES IN "E" ESTATES DISTRICT Al,rD " PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: I'?}IEI[EAS, the Coastal Area Planning Commission has determined that the f611owing standards shall be established in order to set forth provisions for non-conforming lotG of record. NOW TIIE[~FOI~ BE IT ORDAINED BY TtlE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~IISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION' ONE: · 1. To amend the Zoning Regulations applicable to the Coastal Area Pi'arming District of Collier County, Florida, amending Section · '38 of the..?oning Regula~J. onm by adding, subsection 10 and the official zoning~rqgulations described as Rxhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 74J42 is hereby amended accordingly: SUIISECTION 10- NONCON[.'OR~4ING LOTS OF ~'CORD: Any lot or parcel Qf which was recorded or for %fbich was recorded or for which an agreement for deed was executed prior [o tho adoption of this Ordinance and which lot or parcel does not meet ~e minimum width and lo~ area requirements as a result of the passage of this ordinance shall be considered as a legal non-conforming lot ~nd shall be eligible for the issuance of a building permit provided all other requirements of this 'ordinance and the Florida SECTION TWO: Conflict, Severance, Cdnstruction and Penalty: this Ordinance conflicts with other ap'~ca~ ~,, In the event the more restrictive shall ~pply. If any part of this O~na~ conflicts with any part, it shnll be ~evorcd t~nd the remainder shall have full force and effect and be liberally con~trued. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed ~ ~;cp~.rate, did;tic%ct ~.nd independent prov~sion and such holding shall not effect t:]~o w~].id.Lt:y of the remaining l)or~j, on t'.hereo.f. " ' .... 18{ of ['.~,~: police' powers of Collier County for t;he protection of the public healt:h, safety ~nd %,~elfare and therefore shall, b~: liberally don.,..; trued to ~c¢:omplish that purpose nnd ~.mp].ement the ldgislative intent and declaration. If such violation J.s continuing, each day's violation or seperate ~ct :.;lJall be: a seperate offense. f;ECTIOP; T}HtEE: Effective l)ate: This ordinance shall become effective upon receip.t of notice that it is filed %¢ith the Secretary of State, Dated: ':..lay 6, 1975 ATTEST: , ,,, ~IARGARET T. SCOTT C~ERI( C~F ~2IRCUIT COURT /, ', , '"...'~'."?'.~ · , ,.,. ,. ~..~:., '?~',~',~1 ~ ~., '. BOARD OF COUNTY C05~4ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved ~s to form and legality ba"via' "R'mbrs6h Dr'une-r Collier County Attorney