Ordinance 75-22ORDINANCE NO. 75- 92 AN ORDINA~CE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 74-42 BY A~4ENDING 'I'HE ZONING REGULATIONS APPLICABLE TO THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, A~ENDING SECTION 37 ADDING SUBSECTION 9 ESTABLISHI~*G PARCEL. OWNERSHIP STANDARDS FOR HQt4ESITES IN "A" AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING AN ~FF£CTIVE DATE: %qlEREA$, the Coastal Area Planning Commissioh has determined that the following standards shall be established in order to set forth provisions for non-conforming lots of record. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~.~IS$IONERS .OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA : SECTIOn! ONE: 1. To amend the Zoning Regulations applicable to the Coastal Area Planning District of Collier Count~, Florida, amending Section 37 of the Zoning 'Regul~tions by adding subsection 9 and the Official Zoning Regulations d~'cribed as Exhibit "A" of Ordinance No. 74-42 is hereby amended accordingly: SUD.qECTION 9 - NON,CONFORMING LOTS OF RECORD: Any lot or parcel which was recorded or for which was recorded or for which ~n agreement for deed was executed prior to 'the adoption of this Ordi~ance and ~,/hj. ch lot or parcel does not meet tho minimum wi'dth and lot ~,rca requirements as at result of the pas6age of this ordinance shall be considered as a legal non-conforming lot and shall be eligible for [q~c issuance of a building permit provided all the other requirements of this ordinance and the Florida Statutes ar~ met. SECTION TWO: Conflict, Severance,Construction and Penalty. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with other applicable~aw, the more restrictive shall apply. If any p. art of this Ordi] ce n ets with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall ~ f~ ~rce and e£f¢:ct and be liberally construed. ~ ~ ~ J If ~ny scot, ion, subsection, sentence, clause, phrnse or ~ti~ this Ordinancu is, for any reason held invalid or unconstihut Lonal by nny court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separ~,te, di:;t.inct ~,nd independent provision and such holding shall effect t]~e vali~]ity of the remaining portion thereof. The l)rov.l:;ions of thi:, Ordinance shall of tho police po',mrn of Collier County for the protection of tho public health, safety and %.mlfare and therefore sl~all be liberally cor,,.~trued to accotaplish that purpose and implement the 16gi-"-lative and c]cclaration. If such violation is continuing, each day's violation or seperate ach :;~iall b(.· a seperate offense. SECTIO~ THREE: Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effechive upon receip.t of notice that it is filed %~ith the Secrehary of State. Dated: ':,Iay 6; 1975 : ATTEST: MARGAP~ET T. 'SCOTT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ P Ar~ er, Chairman zLC-~LERg//~OF 'CIRCUIT. COURT~ /2~---~~pr°ved as to form and legality Collier Cottnty Attorney -2-