Resolution 1984-237 MWW. .084~~"\''754 DecEmber 11. 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 84- 237 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BOARD EXECUTION OF THE STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT IN ACMINISTRATIVE CASE NO. 84-2867, RELATING TO MARCO SHORES, A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs and The Deltona Corporation have entered into a stipulation of settlement in administrative case No. 84-2867 relating to MarcO ShoreS, a development of regional impact, and WHEREAS, Collier County is a respondent in said administra~ tive case and has been requested to review and sign the . Stipulation of Settlemont, and WHEREAS, Collier County has reviewed said Stipulation of Settlement and finds it to be appropriate and in the best interest of the citizens of Collier County, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Chairman o.f the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Board the Stipulation of Settlement document in administrative case No. 84-2867 related to Marco Shores, a development of regional impact. This Resolution adopted after mOtion, sec:ond and roll call vote as followSI Commissionel" Pis tor Notioned and aye Commissioner Holland Seconded and aye Commissioner Hasse Aye Commissioner Goodnight Aye Commissioner Voss Aye BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BYI. ... l4J 1/#1. FREDEf1CK J... VOSS, . Chairman r. : ~: .... .# " , . ; '." .! ' . . Approved', a8 to form and legat'8ufficiencYI R~ (~y~ - Collier County Attorney Oecenber 11, 1984 STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADlotIN%STAATIVE HE1\tUNGS IN REI COLLIER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ORDER 84-3, A RESOLUTION 1\PPROVING MARCO SHORES, A.DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. C1\SE NO. 84-2867 STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT COMES NOW the Petitioner, State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs, and the Respondents, the Deltona Corpora- tion and Collier County, and stipUlate to a settlement of the above-captioned administrative appeal as follows: 1. Collier County Development Order 84-3 shall be amended to include tho following conditions as part of Section 4/ 0, !l: K. 1. Prior to issuanco of any building ~Qrmits by Collier County for the Marco Shores project, tho County shall certify to Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) that tho rlghtlil-of-way within tho developer's property necessary for the widoningof U. S. 41 and S. R.9Sl hDve been obtained. 2. If Collier County does not adopt a "fair share" impact fee ordinanco that will ensure that road- way improvements necessary to mitigate the project's traffic impacts are operational when needed, then the developer will req1Jest and the local government (Collier County) will make substantial deviation determinations regarding the transportation impacts of the project under the following circumstances: a) Before the issual,ce of tho 2S01st Certificate Of . . Occupancy (CO), if tho S. R. 951/0.$. 41 inter- section is not operating at LOS "C" or better during peak hOUrs on an avorage annual basis as determined by the County En9ineer and FOOT I ~on(084e!',r755 ~. 084 w: 756 Deceroer 11. 1984 b) Before the issuance of the SOOlst CO, if U. S. 41 does not consist of at least four lanes from S. R. 951 to the Marco Shores access road: c) Before the issuance of the 7501st CO, if U. S. 41 does not consist of at least six lanes from S. R. 951 to the Marco Shores access road, S. R. 951 does not contain at least six lanes from the najor l'larco Shores accoss road (Which links s. R. 951 to U. S. 41, and the U. S. 41/S. R. 951 intersection is not operating at LOS "c" or better during the peak hour on an average annual basis as detern\ined by the COunty Engineer and FOOT. 3. If before each of the number of CO's are issued for the project as indicated in Condition 2, the County finds that the project is not or will not be sub- stantially impacting the specified roadway system, or the roadway improvements as specified in Condition 2, hb'/e been constructed, then further DRI review will not be required. However, if the County finds that the project is or will be substantially im- pacting the roadway system as indicated in Condition 2; and the specified roadway improvements have not been constructed, then DRI review will be required to addross the transportation impacts of the Marco Shores development. 4. Conditions 2 and 3 will be null and void if: a) The county adopts an impact fee ordinance: and b) The impact fee ordinance requires a developer of Marco Shores to make his "fair share" con- tribution to traffic improvements as determined by the County Engineer. 2. The parties hereby request the hearing officer to recommend that the Land and Water 1\djudicatory commission adopt. the above-suggested amendment to collier County DevelOp- ment Order 84-3. r'-y"''''''.'''., -2- "^'".,,'_..'\ ..--, " ~..~n~~l r~~~ ,...-., ~,..,,,,,, Oecettber 11. 1984 3. The parties further request the hearing officer to canel the hearing presently set for December 5, 1984, in Naples, Florida. 4. Each party shall bear its own attorney fees and costs. Datel~J..<7 IffY ,. DQte:~. J',/11'1 BYI ~. "^ J.l1..~ Edgar M. MOore, Esq. Moore, Williams & Bryant, P.A. 306 East college Avenne Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ." , ~"''l.' \ ~\J" ,) ,) l ' " ~M( (]B4rl',r757 -3-