Ordinance 76-41 TI~ ZONI'NG DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF ~HE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN FROM "A" AGRICULTURE AND "GC" GOLF COURSE TO A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND PROVI'DING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 663 28I WHEREAS, Lely Estates, Inc., a Corporation, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to change the zoning classification of the real property hereinafter described. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM24I$SIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: 1. The Zoning Classification of the hereinbel_~4~ described real property in Collier County, Florida, is~an~ from "A" Agriculture and "GC" Golf Course to Planned U~ Development (PUD) and is subject to all conditions as described, and the Official Zoning Atlas as described Ordinance 76-30 is hereby amended accordingly: V nos & Associates Inc urban plannlng.land p arming 1170 third street south naples florida 33940 813.642.4164 William R Vines, I:,'esldent member, American Institule of Planners Soptember 3, 1976 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT FOR LELY COUNTRY CLUB located In COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA OWNER/DEVELOPER: LELY ESTATES, INC. LAND PLANNER/PROJECT COORDINATORJ WILLIAM R. VINES, A.I.P. ENGINEER: TRI-COUNTY ENGINEERING, INC. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, lNG ARCHITECT: W. R. FRIZZELL ARCHITECTS, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS: TROPICAL BIO INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Thls document incorporates all changes made by the applicant during the CAPC hearings and by the' CAPC after the hearlngs were closed. 663 283 STATEMENT OF INTENT Board oF County Commissioners Collier County Courthouse East Naples~ Florida 33940 Gentlemen: The purpose of th~s letter is to express the intent ot' Lely Estatest Inc.t 105 St. Andrews Blvd., l',laples~ FlorTda 33940~ to develop the Lely Country Club project In accord with the approved plans 'and standards which are Incorporated in and attached to this Planned Unlt Development. document, and in accord with all other applicable governmental regulaHcms. Sincerely, C. W. Duvelcot Executive Vice President Lely Estates,. Inc. 663 SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION !.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section ls lo delineate the location and ownership of the sublect property and to describe the existing cond~tions of the property proposed to be developed as LELY COUNTRY CLUB. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject property, belng a total of 445.681 acres, constitutes a pottlen el~ SecHons 19, 20 and 21, TSOS, R26E. The deflnlHve legal description for the project land area is appended at the rear of this document. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Tho subject property ls owned In part, controlled entirely, and is belng acquired entirely by Lely Estates, Inc. Deeds to fha property are recorded in Cailler County OR Book 497, Page 704; OR Book 438, Page 288; and OR Book 256, Page 581. 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LELY COUNTRY CLUB DEVELOPMENT The planned single and multi-family residential portion of Lely Country Club con- stitutes the second phase of a two-phase development program. Phase 1 was the 18-hole golf course which was authorized for development by Collier County when the Board of County Commissioners approved Rezone Petltlon R-74-10--C on July 16, 1974. This action rezoned the planned golf course land'area from A to GC. The golf course has now been constructed and is In play. The golf course will function as rocreaHonal open space adjacent the Lely Country Club homes and apartments and, in addition, it incorporates Iai<es, channeJways, and control structures which constltu~e the meier elements of fl~e Lely Country Club water management facilitles. The -2- relationship o'~ the Lely Country Club project to adjace, nt development Is. Indi- cated by the Master plan t Exh~blt At which Is composlted wlth ~x~stlng development In th.e vicinity. Existing zoning of Ihe Lely Country Club proiect ls'A-Agrlcultural In the'resldentlal area, GC-Golf Course {n lhe golf course area. Physical boundaries al' the Lely Country Club proiect are exlst{ng Lely development to the west; exlstlng utillty facilit~es and Naples /V~anor fo the south; Rattlesnake Hammock Road (SR-864) to the north; and an ST zoned cypress slough to the east. The subject property lies wholly wlth~n Water ~anagement D~strlct 16, and the development crlter~a set forth In lhe WMD~f6 plan have been Incorporated in the Lely Country Club p/an. The protect will be provided with potable water by lhe ColIler County Water/Sewer District or other approved public water system; Central sewage treatment and dhposal will be provided by the existing Lely system. The Lely Country Club project represents an Increment of the on-going urbanization oF the East Naples area. The project is contiguous with and a IogTcai expansion oF existing urban development. The project con- forms to official Collier County planning obleetlves; the official Collier County Comprehensive Plan; and ls qualified for a communl'ty facllitles and services rallng in excess oF the required 31 points. 1.5 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The project area ranges In elevation from 8 ft. MS1. In the nortl~west to 6 ft. hASL to the southwest. I~atural drainage is southwesterly toward t~de waters In the Rookery Bay area. Natural ve~etatlon on the sile consists primarily of pine, saw palmetto, sabal palmetto, upland grasses and shrubs, and fringe pine/ cypress vegetation along the easterly edge of the prelect where it joins the ST zoned cypress slough. Sell types In the project area include Arzell (Aa); Broward (Bdl; Ochopee (OHS1. Charlotte and Cypress Swamp Soils occur just east of the development area, bbt are not' to be dlsturbed. -3- SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT '663 rAcE 286 2.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section ls to estoblhh the reguiatory framework whereby zonlng approval and building permits may be procurred for the various porHcms of the project, as they are developed from tlme to time. 2.2 GENEI~AL The Lely Country Club project shall be developed in accordance wllh the approved Master Plan, Exhibit A; the contents of this d.ocument;' the PUD Section of the Collier County Zoning Regulationst other applicable Sections of the Collier. County Zoning Ordlnancel and applicable sectlons of the Collier. County Subdivision Regu~ations ex~:ept where variations from the Subd~vislon Regulations have been specifically authorized. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth In the Collier County Zoning Ordinance. 2.3 PROJECT PLAN AND LAND USE TRACTS A. The Lely Country Club plan ls Iljustrated graphically by'Exhlblt A, which is the Master Plan, together wlth surrounding existing development. The plan is comprised of eleven tracts which are shown on the Master Plan and individually described In the appended legal description. The eleven tracts, their planned useage, and their areas are as follows: 1) Tract A: Golf Course 84.529 acres 2) Tract B: Golf Course 117.188 acres TOTAL: Golf Course tracts' 201.717 acres -4- 8) 9) 10) ll) 3) Tract C: Single.-family resldentlal 4) Tract D: Single-Family residential 5) Trm:t F: S~ngle--famtly resldentla~ 6) Tract G: .S~ngle-family residential 7) Tract H: Single-family residential TOTAL: Single-family residential tracts Tract E: Low-rise multi-family resldential Tract L: Low-rise multi-family resldentlal TOTAL: Low-rise multi-family residential area Tract M: Mld-rlse multi-family resldentlal Tract J: Residential access street rlght of way TOTAL: NOTE: Project Area ' 20.804 acres 44.859 acres 17.196 acres 19.686 o~:res 71.514 acres 174.059 acres 55.86 acres 3.63 acres 59.49 acres' 7.359 acres 3.056 acres 445.681 acres The above listed single' family residential and Iow-rise multl-family resldentlal tracts lnclude both building sites .and the abutting residential street right of way. The street rlght of way indlcated above In Tract J is the only right, of way wlthln the project whlch Is not Included within a slngle or multiple fanlily residential tract. In addltlon to the rlghts of way shown on the master plan utility and dralnageway easements will be dedicated within the Lely Country Club project at the time of County approval of the subdivision plat. 2.4 MAXIMUM PROJECT DENSITY No more than a maximum of 1,115 resldentla! dwelling units, slngle and multiple-family, shall be constructed in the total project area. The gross proioct area is 445.681 acres. The gross proiect density, theref'ore, will be a max;mum of 2.5 units per acre. -5- ~F 663 288 2.5 DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULE The anticipated land development and platting sequence for the Lely Country Club prelect ls as follows: Golf course Tracts A & B (essentially complete at pres'ent); Tract H; Tracts E & M; Tract C; Tract D; Tract F; Tract G. Home and apartment construction will be sponsored by others and will likely' occur over an estimated 12-year period. The annual dwelling unlt construction start estlmate Is: Year 1 - 33; Year 2 - 67; Years 3 thru 11 - 100 per year; Year 12 - 115. Acceleratlon or deceleration of thls c~nstructlon schedule estimate w~ll likely occur In response to areawlde economlc fluctuations. Estlrnu.~es of annual development expe.ndltures; number and type of development employees; place of origin o~' future development residents; potable and irrigation water useage; sewage and solid waste generation; electric energy useage; average dwelling unit prices; ad valorem tax generation; total population and school age population generation; County and school service costs; and traffic generation are all set forth In detail in the separately furnished Development of Reglonal Impact appIicatlon. 2.6 PROJECT PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS Prior to the recording of the record plat of Lely Country Club, final plans of the requlred improvements shall recelve approval from all appropriate County governmental agencies so as to ensure compliance with the JV~aster Plan, the County Subdi91slon Regulations, the Plat Law of the State elr Florida, and all other applicable laws and regulations. -6- 2.7 STREET FUNCTIONS St./~ndrews Boulevard and the multi-family access road oxtendlng from Forest Hills Boulevard to SR-864 are designed to function as collector streets. All olher streets wllhin the project are designed to function 'os local streets. 2,8 EXTERIOR.ANTENNAS PROHIBITED Broadcast and receiving antennas, Including.but not limited 1o television, CB, FM, and ham antennas, shall be confined within permltte~l principal at accessory structures, and shall not be vlslble from outside said structures. 663 SECTION I11 TRACTS C, D, F~ G ond H SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of Ibis Section Js to set forth Ihe County development regulations for the single family residential portlons of the Lely Country Clu~ project. 3.2 MAXIMUM DENSITY A maximum of 468 slngle family detached residential units may be constructed In the Lely Country Club proiect. The single family homesltes shall be dlstdbuted among the several single family residenHal development tracts as foIIows: Tract C, a maximum of 62.homesites. Tract Ds a maximum of 130 home.sites. Tract F, a maximum of 49 homesites. Tract G, a maximum of 59 homesltes. Tract H, a maximum of 168 ho~es~tes. 3.3 USES PERMITTED No buildlng or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used, or land used, In whole or in part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: Single family residences. B. /~CCESSORY USES: Customary accessory u~es and structures, including private garages. C. Signs as permitted by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance at the' time of permit application.' D. Model homes which are developed and used in conjunction with the promotion of the resldentJal development: Such model homes shall not be used for this purpose for a period of time greater than two years, and upon termJnatlon of theJr use as models shall be utjlJzed for single family dwelling purposes. -8- 3.4 REGULATIONS 3.4.1. MINIMUM LOT AREA: 10t000 sq.lrt. 3,4,'). MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 30%. 3.4.3. MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: A. 3.4.4. A. B. C. 3.4.5. A. 3.4.6. 3.4.7. Corner Lots: 100 ft. average belween front and rear lot lines. In the case of wedge--shaped corner.lotst the front Jot width shall be measured along a line Interconnecting the two polnts where side lot lines Intersect street rights of way. B. Interior Lots: 85 fl'. average between front and real lot lines. MINIMUM YARDS: Front yard- 25 fi. Side yard - one-st, ory, 10 ff.; h~o-story~ 15 ft. Rear yard - 25 ft. In the case of residential pools which are screen enclosed or unenclosed, rear yard setbacl<s may be re- duced to 15 ft. For special regulations applicable to Lots 27 thru 47 of BJocJ¢ 32, see 3.4.8. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: One-story -. 1~200 sq .ft. of living area exclusive of patio and garage. B, Two-story - 1~500 sq.ft, of living area exclusive of patio and garage. OFFSTREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Two spaces per dwelling untt~ at. least one of whi.ch shall be located wJthln the permitted building area. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Rosldcnccs, 30 ft. above lhe finished grade of the lot. Accessory structures, 20 ft. above the finished grade of the lot. 5 3.4.8. SPECIAI~ REAR YARD REGULATIONS FOR LOTS 27 thru 47~ BLOCK 32: Lots 27 thru 47, Block 32, are 250 lt. In depth and the tear of tho ~oh extend into the westerly edge of the preserved cypress slough. The amount or extension Into the s!ough varies from lot lo lot, but In no case does such extenslon exceed i00 fi. For purposes oF complying with the rear yard requirement set forth In 3.4.4. above~ Lots 27 thru 47 of Block 32 shall be considered to be 150 ft. In depth. Native trees lylng east of a I~ne 1~.rallel to arid 150 ft. egsterly of the easterly right of way line oF St. Andrews Boulevard shall be left In place. Underbrush and dead wood ~ay be removed and lawn grasses may be established in the easternmost 100 ft. of Lots 27 thru 47, Block 32, but no change of natural grades shall be permltted nor shall any structure be erected, pro'vialed that walk'ways, hard surfaced sitting areas, and minor recreational structures may be permitted by the Director. Prlor to grantlng approval~ the Director shall revlew plans for 'the propc~ed paved areas or structures and shall determine that what is proposed lsa reasonable and appropriate use of the edge oF cypress slough preserve and that the character and quality of the cypress slough preserve will not be substanffolly depreclated. Meloleuca, Brazlllan pepper, and Au~trallan plne are not native plant materials in the cypress slough' preserve, and should any oF these plant specles become established in that port,on of the cypress slough preserve whlch l~es wlthln a platted lot, removal is permitted and encouraged. SECTION IV TRACTS E AND L LOW-RISE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 4,1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section Is to set forth the County development regulations for the I~-rlse multlpl~famiJy residential portions of the Lely ~untry Club project. 4.2 MAXIMUM DENSITY A maximum of 500 Iow-rlse multipJe-.l~amlly residential units may be constructed ~,Jthln Tracts E and L of the Lely Country Club project, provlded that this maxi- mum of' 500 dwelling units [nay be adjusted upward or downward if there is a corresponding upward or dcwnward adjustment of the single family residential unTts and/or mid-rise multl-famlly residential area, so long as the aggregate number of dwelllng units within lhe Lely Country Club project does not exceed a maximum of lt115 dwelling units. 4.3 USES PERMITTED No bulldlng or structuret o1' part tl~ereof, shall be erected, altered~ or used, or land used, In whole or In part, for other than the following: A. PRINCIPAL USES: Multi-family residences. B. ACCESSORY USES: 1) Accessory uses and structures, Including private garages. 2) Recreatlonal uses and facilJtJes. 3) Slgns as permitted by the Collier County Zoning ReguJatlons at the time of permlt application. C. PROVISIONAL USES: 1) Churches, including child care centers. -11- 4.4 REGULATIONS 4.4.1, GENERAL: 4.4.2. 0;; ,:fo 663 294 Tracts 'E and L are not subdivided into .conventlonal multi-family lots, although actual development will occur in a series of stages. The schematic Indication of bullding masse% parking, and drives and unpaved open space shown on the Master Plan for Tracts E and L are not Intended to represent precise slte plan detail, but are Iljustrative of the Intended Basic relationship of access street, drive and parking system, building Iocatlon~ unpaved open space~ and golf course .overl~o~. Residential structures are to be slted so as to maxlmize the golf course view from each apartment with~n the st~'uctures. DISTRIBUTION OF DWELLING UNITS: DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCEDURE: A, In the event an entlre residential tract Is sold by the applicant ' to a second party for subsequent development by that second party, a master (or' site) plan for the affected tract shall be submitted by the second party and be approved by the Director prior to the issuance of building p~rmlts. .Such master (or site) plan shall show the proposed location of all access roads, off-street parking areas, lands~'.aplng, other.accessory uses, residential structures and the dlstrlbutlon of dwelling units among the project structures and shall comply with all provisions of all sections of this PUD document. B. In the event a residential tract ls sold by the applicant In fractional Parts to other Partles for subsequent development, the following procedure shall be adhered to: 1. The developer who proposes to fracHonallze any tract shall submit a master (or site) plan 'of property and -12- ~rF 663 2:95 4.4.3. e dwelling unit distribution covertng the entire affected residential t~ct for review and. approval by the director. Such approval shall be prior to the sale o£ any fractional' part of the affected tract. The master plan of 'property and dwelling unit distribution shall Include access road sizet IocatJont ownershlpt and the dJstrlbutJon of land and dwelling units. Such dlstrJbutlon of land versus dwelling units' shall be as nearly proportionate as possible. Throughout tracts E and L, h6wever, minor vartatlons In the dJstrlbutlo'n of' land versus dwelllng units may be approved by the Planning Director since some structures may contain larger dwelling units than otherst and some structures may have a different story helght Ihan others. The developer of a fractional part of a development tract shall subrnltt at the llme of appHcaHon for a buildlng permlt, a detalled slte ~lan for bls fractional part. Such site plan shall show the proposed IocaHon of c~ll access roads~ off-street par~dng areas, structures and dlstrlbution of dwelling units among the proposed struct'ures. MINIMUM YARDS': A. All structures~ drlves~ and offstreet parking spaces shall be constructed within Tracts E and L. B. Principal structures shall not be closer to a street right of way or to a tract boundary than 30 ft.t except that they 12.1.- 4.4.4. 4.4.5. shall not be closer than 20 ft, to the golf course. ' Prlnclpal structures sl~all be separated by a mlnlmum of 20 ft. or one-half the sum of thelr helght, whichever l.s greater. Detached one-story parklng structures shall not be closer to a street r~ght of way or fo a tract boundary line than 15 ff. Adiolnlng one-story parldng structures shall be separated by a minimum of 15 fl', Setbacks for all other accessory structures shall conform to the requirements of the RM-I zoning district of the Coastal Area Plannlng District Zoning Ordinance, except that mlntmum setback from the golf course shall be 20 ft. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: ~ Each resJdentlal unit shall have a minimum floor area of 800 sq.ft. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Three floors of llvlng areat with the optton of one additional floor of parking beneath the llvlng area. - 12.2. 4.4.6. OFFSTREET PARKING: Every'dwelltng s~all be served by at least 1 1/2 of~treet parklng spaces. An additional 1/2 parkJng space per dwelling unit shall be planned for future developmentt if neededt and until needed shall be used as landscaped open space, O[~treet parking spaces may be covered or uncovered. In Tract E they shall be positioned on the street slde of the apartment, st~ucture~. In Tract L they shall be posltloned on the north and east sides of the apartment structures. The system of drives which provide access to the of~- Street parking spaces shall be so designed as to avoid the necessity of any vehicle backing Into a public right of way. Portions of the access streets serving Tracts E and L are planned as a 4-lane, dlvlded section. Median crossover~ shall not be const/'ucted at closer Interval than 200 t't. Entry and exlt drives shall only intersect a 4.-lane dlvlded street section at a median crossover. 4.4.7. BUFFER ZONE ALONG SR-864: Vehicular access to SR-864 other than vla platted'~treets Is pro- hlblted. A strip of land 17 1/~ ft. wide, along the entire length of Tracts E and L. and adjacent to the southerly boundary of SR-864 right of way, shall be reserved for future right of way wldening and shall be dedicated to the appropriate governmental agency at the time of expansion of SR-864 and shall be Incorporated as such on the subdJvlslon master plan. A vegetatlon buffer screen shall be ~nstalled along the north sld& of the local access street rlght of way Immediately south of lhe 17 1,/2 ff. reserve str~p~ as part of the overall proiect Improvements. - 14- SECTION ¥ TRACT M: MID-RISE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 5.1 PURPOSE The purpese of this Section Is to set forth lhe .County development regulations for the m~d-rlse mulH-famlly residential portion of the Lely Country Club project. 5.2 MAXIMUM DENSITY A maxlmum of'147'mid-rlse multiple--family residential units may be constructed on Truct M, provlded that thJs number of dwelling unlts may be adjusted upward or downward If there ls a correspondJng upward or downward adjustment et' the single family res]dentlaJ units and/or Ihe Iow-rise multi-family residential units. '[he aggregate number of dwelling units within the Lely Country Club project shall not exceed a maximum of 1,115 dwelling units. 5.3 USES PERMITTED ' No bu;Idlng or structure, or part therooF, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, In whole or in part, for other than the folIowlng: A. Prlnclpal ~es: 1) Multi-family residences. B. Accessory Uses: 1) Accessory uses and structures, Including prlvate garages. 2) Recreational uses and facilities. 3) Slgns as permitted bi the Collier County Zonlng Ordinance at the time of permit appllcatlon. 5.4.3. 5.4.4. 5.4.5. 663 e Golf' course setback~ 1/2' the building height. Minimum dlstance be:wean any two prlncipal structures: 1/2 the sum of their heights. Setb'ac~s for all other accessory structures shall conform to the requirements of the RM-2 zoning district of the Coastal Area Plannlng Distrlct zoning regulatlons, except that the minimum setbaclc from the golf course shall be 20 ff. MINIMUM FLOOR AREA: Each resldential unit shall have a mlnlmum'floor area of 800 sq.ft. MAXIMUM HEIGHT: .7 floors of llv~ng areo~ with the option of one addltlonol floor of' Parking beneath the living area~ with the buildlng height not to exceed 100 ff. OFFSTREET PARKING: Every dwelling shall be sewed by at least I 1/2 offs:reef parklng spaces. Offs:reef Parldng spaces may be covered or uncovered. Offstreet parking spaces and their access drives shall be located so as to avoid unnecessary Intr~lon into golf course views from apartments. The system of' drives providing access to off'street parking spaces shall be designed to avold the necessity o1: any vehicle backlng into a public right of way. There shall be no more than two points of' access into Tract M from the adjoining street; those points of access shah be no closer together than 200 ft.; and each point of access shall occur at a median crossover. 17- 5.4.2. tract for revlew and approval by the D~rector. Such approval shall be obtained prior to the sale of' any fractional part of the al'£ected tract. The master plan oF property and dwelling unit dlstrlbut~on shall include access road slze~ Iocatlon~ ownership and the distribution oF land and dwelling units. Such distribution of land versus dwelling un'~ts shall be as nearly proportionate as posslble (wlthln 5% ~). The developer of a fractional part of a development tract /h~ll submlt, at the tlme oF application for a building permltf a detalled slte plan for his fractional part. Such site plan shall show the proposed location of ali access roadsv off'street parking areasv landscaping, other accessory usest residential structures and the distribution of dwelling units among the proposed structures. MINIMUM YARDS: A. All structures~ drlves~ and off'street par~4n~ spaces shall be constructed withln the bounds of' Tract M. B. Detached one-story parklng structures shall not be closer to a street right of way or to a tract boundary llne than 15 ft. Adjoining one-st?y parking structures shall be separated by a minimum of 15 ft. C. Setbacks fc~r principal structures shall be computed as fallows: 1. From street right of way or tract boundary I~ne other than golf course: 40 ft. or 1/2 the building helghtt whichever Is grcater. - 16.1. - · 5.4 663 300. PEG UL 'TIONS DISTRIBUTION OF DWELLING UNITS'. DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCEDURE: Tract M may be developed In a slngle phase or In two or more phases. The schematic indlcatJon of build~ng masses and access dr~ves shown on the master s~te plan are not lntended to represent precise s~te plan detail but are iljustrat~ve of the intended basic relatlonsh?p of access streett building location, unpaved open spacer and golf course overlook. Apartment structures ore to be sited as to ma>slm~ze the golf' course view f'rorh apartments within the structure. A. In the event the entire resldenHal tract Is sold.by fha applicant to a second party for subsequent development by that second partyt a master (or s]te) plan for the affected trac~ shall be submitted by the second party and be approved by lhe Director prior to the ~ssuanc~ of bu~[dJng permits. Such master (or s~te) plan shall show the proposed location of all access roads, off.- street parking areast landscap?ng, other accessory uses, resident|al structures and the dJstrlbution of dwell!ng units among the project structures and shall comply whh all provlslc~ns of all sec't~ons of the PUD document. B. In the event the residential tract ~s sold by the applicant in fractional parts t'o other parties for subsequent development, the folJow~ng procedure shall bo adhered to: 1. The developer who proposes to fracHon;31Jze any tract shall submit a master (or s~te) plan of property and dwelling unit dlstr~butlon covering the entire affected'residential SECTION VI GOLF COURSE · 6.1 PURPOSE .. The purpose of thls Section ls to set forth the County development regulations for the golf course, lncJud;ng accessory structures and uses wlthln the golf course land area. 6,2 USES PERMITTED ' No portion of Tracts A and B shall be utilized for other than the following: A.Principal Use: 1) Golf Course B'. Accessory Uses: 1) Club houset pro shopt practice driving range and olher customary accessory structures and uses of gaff course lands. 2)Non-golf recreational facilities. 3) Small commercial establlshmentst irMuding gift shopst golf equipment saJas~ restaurants~ cool<tall Jounges~ and slmJlar uses, Intended to exclusively serve patrons of fha golf coune or other permitted recreational facilities, Uses involving Intoxicating beverages shall be subject to the location and use restriction provisions of County zoning regulations at the tlme of permJ~ application. 4) Signs as permitted by the Collier County Zoning Ordinance at the. time of permit application. 6.3 GENERAL Davalopmant of lbo gold course on Tracts A and B is essentially complete at the time of' preparaHon of this document. DeveJol.~'nent Of clubhouset 'non-golf recreational faciliHesf and related golf course accessory uses may occur Jn a ,Il; 663 304 series of. stages. Prior to Issuance of' a building permit for an), of' the permitted uses In Tracts A and B, a detalled site plan for the proposed work sholl be sub- rnltted to and approved by the Planning Director. ~.4 MINIMUM YARDS Club house, pro shop, and other habitable buildings shall be set back a minimum of 50 ft. from the nearest resldenHal bulld~ng slte and 50 ft. from the nearest streetrlght of. way, 6.5 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35 feet. 6.6 OFFSTREET PARKING As recjulred by the Cailler County Zo'nlng Ordinance at the' time of. permit application. 663 305 SECTION Vll PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS 7.1 PURPOSE The purpose oF this Section is to set forth the County development regulations coverlng physical development recjuJrements for lhe Lely Country Club project. 7.2 STREET RIGHTS OF WAY WIDTH 'St. Andrews Bou!:.';::d: 80 ff. Multi-fatally resJdentlal access street between Forest Hills Boulevard and 5R.-864:80 ff. Ail other streets: 60 ft. 7.3 OFFSITE TRAFFICWAYS IMPROVEMENTS At the lime the Intersection oF SR-864 and SI.Andrews Blvd. Is constructed, right turn deceleration and Jeff turn storage lanes will be constructed within the SR-864 right of way, u~ing standard DOT plans. At the tlme the Intersection of SR-864 and the multiple-family access street Is constructed, right turn decel- eration and left turn storage lanes will be constructed within lhe SR-864 right of way, utilizlng standard DOT plans. The applicant shall pay bls share of the costs of any future traffic signal system at the Intersection of SI.Andrews Blvd. and SR-864 and/or at lhe intersection of the muJtl-family road and SR-864 at the time such systems are constructed, and os detem~Ined by the appropriate governmental agency having jurisdiction over the instaJlotlon of such traffic systems. The applicant shall also pay hls sho~e of the costs of any future traffic signal syste, m at the Intersectlon of St. Andrews Blvd. and U.S.41 at the time such system ls constructed and as determlned by the approprlate governmental agency having jurJsdJct$on over installation. - 20- 7.4 SIDEWALKS Concrete sidewalks shall be Installed on both sides of St. Andrews Blvd. t and on both sides of the m. ultl-fam~ly access street between Forest Hills Blvd, and SR-864. Sldewalk w~drhs shall be 4 ft. on the northerly ~|det and 5 ft. on the southerly side of lhe aforementioned streets. A 4 ft. wide c~ncrete sidewalk shall Installed on the buHd;ng slde of the multi-family access streets which have apartments 'an one side of the street only. Sidewal~ shall be Installed at the time of' construction of the adjacent homes or apartments~ except lhat the developer shall be responsible for ensuring against any. gap In sidewalk construction which ls less than 40~ ft. in length. In exercis~ng this responslbi~ity, the developer shall construct~ within 90 days f'rom the t;me of gap establishment~ the intervening sidewalk llnk in any sidewalk gap which Is less than 40C~ ft. in length. 7~5 uJ~DERGROUND UTILITIES Uhderground telephon% elebtrlc power~ and cablevlslon utilities shall be Installed throughout the Lely Country Club proiect so as to serve each building slto. 7.6 POTAE~LE WATER A potable water d~strlbut~on system shall be Installed Ihraughout the Lely Country Club project so as to serve each buildlng site. The system shall be connected to the Collier County Water/S~wer Distrlct potable water supply system~ or other approved central potable water supply~ and shall comply wlth all applicable ordinances and regulations. Prior to any site development for water using land uses, the water d~stributlon system shall be approved by the authorized water supplier. Prior to the issuance o.f building permits for structures which w~ll be connected to the potable water system~ a commIttment to supply potable water shall be p~,ocurred from the authorized parable water supplier. 7.7 SANITARY SEWERS A san;tary sewer collect;on system shall be installed throughout the Lely Country Club prelect so as to serve each buIl,d;ng s;te. The system d~all bo connecied to -21- 663 30 , Ihe Lely central sewage treatment and disposal system, or other approved public system, and shall comply w~th all appllcable ordinances and regulaHons. '7.8 CENTRAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM A cent~'al lrr~gaHon suppry and distr.lbutlon system, completely independent from the potable water supply and d~stdbutlon system~ shall be installed throughout the Lely Country Club proiect so as to serve all Improved I~roperHes within the protect. Prlor to the Installation of the central Irrigation system, fha applicant shall secure all necessary approvals and permits from those governmental agenCieS whlch have ]urlsd~ctlon over the lrrlgatlon system. 7.9 SPARE UTILITY CASINGS At the intersection of local and collector streets~ or collector and arterial streets, three 6" space utility casings shall be placed beneath the pavement across the lower class roadways and parallel to the hlgher class road. 7.10 STREET PAVEMENT WIDTHS Street pavement widths shall be as shown on the three attached cross-sections. 7. 11 PROTECTION OF THE CYPRESS SLOUGH/PRESERVE AREA WHICH ADJOINS THE PROJECT AREA ON TItE EAST ' ' The slough/preservation area will be staked out and Flagged during construction, so as to provide all construction equipment operators wlth a clear visual indication of the area Into which thelr equipment ls not lo be moved. '7. 12 LAKE SLOPES AND WATER MANAGEMENT A. The developer agrees that when perimeter residential ~evelopment Improve-. ments necessitate modification of an adjacent lake edge,, such lake edge force of the tlme, and/or with the perm~'t requirements of fha governmental agency which has iurlsdlctlon over lake duvelopment. - 22- 6§3 308 Ce The developer also agrees to provide Improvements to the storm water outfall system in the event that and to the extent that the exhHng outfall ls adversely Impacted by thls project. The developer shall obtain a surface water manc~gement permit ' from the governmental agency w~th jurlsd~ctlon over the p/'oject drainage system~ and shall obtain a water use permit from the appropriate governmental agency, for the proposed water wlth- drawals from the golf course lake system, - 22.1. - SECT~©N VIII VARIATION FROM STANDARD P~OV~ ~F ~HE COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS AND SUBDIVISION ~EGULATIONS 8,1 PURPOSE ~o purpose of this Sec~lon Is to describe the design and Improvement ~ootures of the Lely ~untry Club project w~3ch vary from ~he standard prov~s~ons oF the ~un~y Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision ~eguJa~ons, VarlaHon Fr~ stan~rd . zoning ordinance prov~s~ons was dete~lned by comparing ~e Lely Co~ry Club master plan and PUD doc~ent .prov~sJons with the most com~rabJe convenHonaJ zoning d~stHcts; c~pdsJng ~C-GoIF ~Une for the golf cou~e porHon of the project; RS-3 for the .s~ngle family resldenHaJ po~on of the project; ~-1 for the Iow-rko muJtl-fam~ly res~denHal ~rHon of the project; and RM-2 for the mld-r~se multi-family resldenHal ~rt]on of lhe' prelect, 8.2 PREVAILING STANDARDS Upon approval or Ihe Lely Country Club final PUD plan and final PUD document, the approved PUD plan and document shall take precedence over any conflicting requirements which may exist in the County zoning reguratlons or subdlvTslon regulations. 8.3 AUTHORIZED VARIATIONS FROM THE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS PAVEMENT STRIPING: Since concrete valley gutters will border the edge of all street pavement~ the edge oF pavement striping required by Artlcle X, Section 19, of the County Subdlv3slon Regulations shall be waived. All other provls;ons oF ArHcle X, SecHon 19 shall be compiled, with. 23- 5 B. SPARE UTILITY CASINGS: Spare utility casings shall be provided In accord with. Section 7.9 of th~s al. cement; rather than Article X; Section 24 and Article XI, Section' 21 of the Subd;v~slon RegulaHons. C. DRIYEWAY LOCATIONS AND INTERSECTION SPACING: Drlveway~ shall be located a rain;mum of 30 ft..fram lnte~ectlng rlght of way lines on all streets, regardless of thelr classification. The spacing of' all intersections of streets within the Lely Country Club project shall be as shown on the approved master plan. Prov]slons for regulating points of access to all lots and for spacing of street Intersections as set forth ~n Article Xl, Section 1, of the Subdivision Regulatlons shall not be applicable. In the case of corner lots at the intersection of local and collector streets, driveways shall be located on the local streets. Location of driveway entries to 'residential lots at the corner of St. Andrews Blvd. and the fire station access street shall be approved by the Director, who shall ensure that.sald drJveway~ are as far removed from the street ~ntersecHon as is practicable. Any fire station relocation or tntersectlor:~ design change Intended to lessen conflict between fire protection vehicles and normal street traffic shall also be approved by the D~rector. BLOCKS AND CROSSWALKS:' Black.lengths shall be as lndlcated on the approved master plan. Cross- walks shall not be required. The block length and crosswalk provisions of Subdivision RegulaHons, Article XI~ Section 3, shall not be applicable. MONUAAENTS: Permanent reference monuments and permanent control points shall be Installed in the manner and at the IocaHons prescribed In Chaper 177 of the Florida Statutes. Where such monuments occur wlth[n street pave- ment areas, Ihey shall be installed as prescribed In Chapter 177; and shall not be requlred to be installed In a typical water valve cover as required by Article ×1; Section 10, of the Subdlvlslon Regulations. - 24- F. CURB ,RADII: Edge o1' pavemenl radii at the s;x intersections ot' two local streets within the Lely Country Club project shall be a mlnlmu'n o1' 30 rt. All Other intersections in the proiect shall have a mln[mum of' 40 ft. edge oF pavement rad;;. G, RAINFALL AND RUNOFF CRITERIA: Proiect drainage facHiHes~ exclusive of the retention I~kes and I~ke discharge system, shall be deslgn,~d for the storm wate~ runoff result;ng from a' 10-year frequency ra;n storm~ as required by Article ×1~ .Section 22~ B-2, of the Subd[vls~on' RegulaHons. A varlan'ce to the lO-year frequency raln storm design Factor may be authorized 'by the CAPC alter detailed dr. alnage calculat;ons have be'en made~ submitted to and commented on by 'th& County Eng[neerl'ng Department. The basis for any variance authorized by the CAPC shall be a showing that sub-basin drainage design based on a shorter Interval d~slgn storm will necessitate less land filllng and permTt retention of a greater amount oF native trees and other vegetatlon~ and a concurrent showing that use ot' the lesser fr. equency design storm consHtutes acceptable engineering practice. H. STREET PAYEMENT WIDTHS: Street pavement w~dths shall comply with the cross-sections approved . as a part of' this document rather than wlth Article 'XI~ Section 17 F and G~ and Appendix D oJ~ the Subdivision Regulations. - 25 - 'o Z 0 TRACT A: LEGAL DESCRIPTIOt! LELY COUI';TRY CLUB GOLF COURSE PARCELS A portion of Section 19 and 20, Township 50 South, Range 26 'East, Collier County, F)orlda, and of Tract N, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT HAP, as recorded ~n Plat Book 8, Page 20, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, more particularly dcscrlbcd as follows: From the Northwest corner of said Tract N, run S OO°27.'28"VI, along the West line of said Tract N, For 300.00 feet to the Point of Beqlnn~ng; thence S 89°32'32,,E, for 1142.89 Feet; thenc~ S 89~26'35"E, for 2612.62 feet, to a point on curve; thence 479.4~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 4000 feet and sub- " tended by a,chord having a length of 479,17 feet and bearing N 86°17'40"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 439.88 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest~ having a radius of 550.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428.25 feet and bearlng S 74°13'39"E, to a point of compound curvature; thence 1134.44 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of ]O00.00 feet and subtended by e. chord having a length of IO74.58 feet and bearing S 18°48'59"E to e point of compound curvature; thence 478.07 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 380.00 feet and subtended by a chord'havi length of 447.16 feet and bearing S 49°43'26"W to a point ~ a compound curvature; thence 717,29 feet along the arc of a curve, concave.to the North, having a radius of 4000.00 feet end subtended by a chord having a 1. ength of 716.33 feet and bearing N 89~O5'52"W to a polnt of reverse curvature; thence 136.87 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 500.00 feet and sub- tended by a chord having a |eng~h of 136.44 feet and bearln S 88°11'50.5"~.1 to a point of c~pound curvature; thence 348?04 feet along the arc of.a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 200.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 305.76 feet and bearing S 30°30'O6.5't.I to a point of reverse curvature; thence 55.94 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to ~he Southwest, having a radius of 300.00 Feet end subtended by a chord having a length of'55,86 feet end bearing S 13°58'O3.5,,E to a point on curve; thence 435.78 feet along the arc of a ~' curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 696.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428.70 feet and bearing S 78°43~38.5"~./; thence N 42~30'O0,,W, for 92.85 feet; thence N 13°28'lO-w, for 376.46 feet to a point of curvature; thence 484.48 feet alon~ the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 250.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 412,15 Feet and hearing N 42°O2'53',E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 927.34 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the North, having a radius of 2400.00 .feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 921.59 feet and bearing N 86°29'46"E to a point on curve; thence 569.19 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 200.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 395.64 feet and bearing N 71~31'41"E to a point of compound Page I of 6 ::::< 5 r=345 curvature; thence 1~32,09 t~eet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, havin~ e radius o~ )200.00 ~ee~ end sub~ended by a chord hav~ng a length o~ h29,76 feeC end bearing N to a poln~ o~ compound curvature~ thence 3h8.6~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to ~he Sou~hwes~ hav~ng a radius of 260,00 fee~ and.sub~ended by a chord having a length o~ fee~ end beer;ng N 69~02'~"~4 to e poln~ o~ reverse curvature; thence 862.04 fee~ along the arc gE a curve, concave ~o the Northwest, having a radius of 1760.00 feel end subtended bve chord having a length of 853.~5 Feet and bearing S to e point of reverse curvature; thence 999.31 feet elonq' ~he arc of a c.urve, concave ~o the Southeast, havlng a radius o~ 1800.00 Fee~ end sub~ended by a chord having e length of 986.52 . feet end bearing S 8q~41 'hh"W ~oa point on curve; thence 730.19 feet along ~e arc of a curve, concave to ~he Southeast, hav~ng a rad~us of 190.00 Feec and subtended by e chord having a length of 356.86 Feet and bearing S ~1~21 '5~'"~1 ~o a point on curve; :hence hhb.hl ~ee: along :he arc of a curve, concave ~o the Northeast, hav~ng a radius of 2~00.OO ~ee~ end sub:ended by a chord hav~ng a length of 646.77 Feec and bearing S hO:hl'OO"E to a point of ~ang~ncyJ thence S qG~OO~OO"E, for hlO.OO Feet; thence S 13~28'10"E, For 470.00 ~eet~ thence S for 177.50 feet to a poJ. n~ on curve; :hence 19~.76 fee~ along the arc 'of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a rad~us of 696.OO Fee: and sub:ended by a chord having e length of 19q.13 feet end bearing S 2G°1l~35.5"~.1 to e point of reverse curvature; thence 3]0.83 Feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, ha~ng a radius of h~5.00' fee~ and sub~ended by a chord havi~ e leng:h of ~Ob.2G fee~ and bearing S thence N ~8~10'58"['1, For 754.7~ feet to a po~n: of curvature; thence ]h8.71 fee~ along ~he arc of a curve, concave to Southwest, having e radius oB ~20.O0 Feet end sub:ended by a chord having a length of I~7.~7 fee~ and bearing N ~I~29~hb"VI to a point of tangency; thence N ~8~32"1.1, ~or ~566.81 fee: ~o a po~h: of curvature; thence 65.49 Feet along the arc o~ a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of ]OO.O0 fee~ and sub~ended by a chord havln~ a length of feet and bearing N 26"O2'h9.5"~¢ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 721.3b feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the South- east, having a radius of ]90.00 feet and subtended b~ a chord hav~ng'a length of 359.81 fee: and bearing S 63~57~!0"V1: ~oe point on the Hes~erly boundary of sa~d. Trac: N; thence N ~b ~8 ~2 ~.1,. along sa~d Yles:erly boundary~ for' 280.~0 ~eet; thence N 62~27~2h"t.l~'' continuing along said boundary, for 856.18 feet ~o the Point of Beginning; con~alnJng 84.529 acres more or less, TRAC'T B: A portion of Sections 20 and 21, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, a portion of Tract N, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT HAP, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 20, Public Records of Col]let Cdunty, Florida, and all of Lots I], 12 and. ~i Block 29, Lots I and 2, Block 30 and Lot I Block 31, Lely f Estates St, Andrews East, as recorded in ~lat Book lO, Page 98, Public Records of Collier Couhty, Florida, more particularly described as follows: From the Point of Beginning at the South- west corner of said Lot 11, Block 29, St. Andrews East, run Page 2 of 6 , 663 3: 7 ~36.17 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the ' having a radius of 520.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 234.15 feet and bearlne N 43°32~16,,W ~n ~ oF tangency, thence N 56 32 56 W, .~or ~60.~6 ~ee~; (the las~ two courses lying along the Northeasterly R;gh~-oF-~lay line ' Forest Hills Boulevard, as shown on said pla~ oF Lely Golf Estates S~. Andrews East) thence N 33~27'O~,,E, For ~eet to a point o~ curvature; ~hence 2~.~6 ~ee~ along the arc oF ~ c~rve~ concav~ ~o the Southeast. having a radius oF 6~0.O0 ~ee~ and subtended by a chord having a length oF 29~.87 Fee~ and bear;rig N ~8'37~"E to a po;n~ oF reverse curvature; thence 37~.2~ ~eet along the arc oF a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius oF 5~5.00 Feet and subtended by a. chord having a length of 366.06. feet and bear~nq N 38~59'40,,~ ~n ~ .~;.~ reverse curvature; ~ ence ~54:46 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Soutneas~, haO~ng a radius oF 616.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a ]e-"~h of 787.59,fee~ and bearing N 57~54'52"E to a point on curve hence 154.~2 fee: along the arc of a curve, concave to ~he Northwest, having a radius of 300.00 fee~ and sub~ended by a chord having a length oF 152.43 fee~ and bearing S 21°34,O9,,~ to a point o~ reverse curvature; thence 218.89 feet alon~ the arc of a curve, concave ~o the ' Southeast, having a radius of 3OO.OO fee~ and sub, tended by a chord having a length of 214.O7 fee: and'bearing S 15°23'O4,,W to a point of compound curvatuke; thence 392.55 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 200.00 feet and subtended bva chord having a . and bearing S 61~44'~9"E to a poln~ o~ ~ength of 332.51 fee~ angency; thence N for 495.00 fee~ to a poin: of curvature; thence 403.37 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to ~he Southeast, having a radius of 12OO.O0 fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of 401147 feet and bearing Il 71e39'13,,E to a point of tangency; thence t.l 8I~I7'OO,,E, For 245.00 Feet to a point oF curvature; ~hence 777.95 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 750.00 feet and sub~ended by .a chord having a length of 743.54 fee: and bearing ~.~ 51~34,04,,E to a point oF compound curvature; ~hence 886.67 feet along the arc oF a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 12OO.OO fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of 866.64 feet and bearing N OO l'O4"E to a point of reverse curvature; ~hence 518.87 feeC along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Southeast, having a radius of 350.O0 fee~ and sub~en~ed by a '. p n curvature; thence 391.66 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius oF ]OOO.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 389.]6 feet and bearing N 75~40'37,'E to a polnk oF reverse curvature; thence 376.O7 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the North- west, having a radius of 750.00 fee~ an~ st~btenH~d by a chord having a length of 372.14 feet and bearlng*N 72~31,57,,E to a point on curve; thence 229.30 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 291.20 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 223.42 fee~ and bearing Page 3' of 6 · 663.'iAcE 3:[8 ~' 44°45'47.~"£ to a point of: reverse curvature; thence 330.17 · feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1560.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 329.55 feet and bearing S 61~15.28.5"E~ thence S 3~"48'20"W, for 130.00 fee~ to a poln~ on curve; thence 145.O1 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1430.00 feet and sub~ended by a chord having a length of 144.95 fee: and bearing S 52~17'22"E ~o a poln~ of ~angency; ~hence S 49"23'O4"E, for Il.12 Feet to a potn~ of curva~ure~ thence 43.~5 Fee~ along the arc of a curve, con- cave to ~he Southwest, having a radius of 930.00 feet and sub- tended by a chord having a length of 43,I5 fge~ and bearing S 48~O3'i9"E to a ~oint on curve; thence 558.O2'feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 190.OO fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of 378.OI Feet and bearing S 35POO'OO"E to a point on curve; thence 235~75 ' fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 930.OO fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of 235.12 feet and bearing S 16~00'42.5"E to a poin~ on curve: thence 643.O8 fee~ along the arc oF'a curve, concave the Southeast, having a radius o~ 190.OO Feet and sub~ended b% a chord having a length of 377.20 feet and bearing S O8~21'O~'~ to a point on curve: thence 99.76 Feet alon~ ~he arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest. having 'a radlus.or 350.00 Feet and sub:ended by a chord having a length of 99.42 fee~ and bearing S 43"37'O8.5"W to a point o~ tangency; ~hence S 51~47~O4"W, for 1189.78 feet to a poin~ on curve; ~hence 261.63 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 490.00 fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of 2'58.54 feet and bearing N '15517'47"W; .thence West, for 130,OO fee~ ~o a poin~ on curve; ~hence 212.77 feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave ~o ~he Southeast, having a radius of 620,00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 2~1.73 fee~ and bearing N O9"49'53"E to a point of reverse curvature; the0ce 25.03 Feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave to ~he Northwest, having a radius of 1990.OO Feet and subtended by a chord having a'Ieng~h of 25.03 Feet and bearing N 19~28'O9"E; thence S 68~O1 for 0.66 fee~; :hence N 83~58'46"E, for 207.25 fee: of curvature; thence 503.85 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 375.00 fee~ and sub~ended by a chord .hav~n~ a length of 466.80 feet and bearing N 45~29'iS''E.~ '' to a point of compound curvature; 'thence 429.29 fee~ along :he . arc of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 2440.00 · Feet and subtended by m chord having a length of 428.74 feet and bearing N O1~57'25"E ~o a po~nt of ~angency; thence N O3~O5'OO"W, for 415.98 feet to ~ po~n~ of curvature; thence 442.82 feet along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Southwest, ha~i.~glength a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended b~ a chord hav~ng of 391.21 Fee~ and bearing N 51~52'30"W to a point of ~angency; thence S 79~20'00"W, for 121.O6 Feet ~o a po~n~ of curvature; thence 374.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast~ having a radius of 260.00 feet and sub:ended by chord having a length of 342.58 Fee,.and bearing S 38~O7'30"~.~ to a po~nt o~ tangen'cy; thence S.O3~O5~00"E, F~r 400.00 fee: a point of curvature; ~hence 681.89 Feet along ~he arc of a curve, Page 4 of' G · concave to the Northwest, having a radius oF 1800.00 feet and ~subtended by a chord having a length df.677.82 feet and bearing $ 07°46'09"t,/; thence S 68°01'34"E, for 130,21 Feet to a point on . curve; thence 27.45 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radlus oF 1930,00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 27.45 feet and bearing S 19°15'19~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 50.57 feet along the arc of a · curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 680.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 50.58 feet and bearing ..~ S 17°31'56"W; thence N 7~°~K 5 far 130.~0 feet to a point on curve~ thence 692.93 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, havlng a radius of 810.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 671.99 feet and bearing S 09°06'20"E: thence S 51°47'0h'~/, Fo~'282.G1 feet to a point of curvature: thence 4D.73 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, hav~ng a radius of D20.00 Feet and subtended by.a chord having a length of 49.72 Feet and bearing S 50eI~'IO"W to a point on curve; thence lD1.8~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 430.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 190.2~ feet and bearing N to a point on curve; thence 33.~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 420.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of ~3.32 feet and bearing N 16°28'11"E to a point of tangency; 'thence N 14°i!'48"E, for iO~.18 Feet to a point of curvature; thence 486.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius · of 1DO.O0 feet and subtended by a chord'hav~ng a length of feet and bearing N 5D°0~'~1"~'~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 151.~8 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the '. Northwest, having a ra'dlus'oF 150.00 feet and subtended by a chor~ having a length of 145.21 feet and bearing $ 76°35.'25"~.1 to a point of reverse curvature~ thence 148.52 ~eet along the arc of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 250.00 feet and subtended by a chord haglng a length of ll~G.~5 Feet bear~n9 S 88°~!'10"~'1 to a point of tang°ney; thence S 71°30'00"~.;, for 516.00 Feet to a point of curvature; thence ~DD.~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 280.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of ~6~.hl " Feet and bearing S ~0°~7'59"W to a point of compound curvature;. thence 157.87 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a Fad[us of 750.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 157.58 Feet and bearing S 1G°lS'51"E to a'polnt of compound curvature: thence ~I.ID feet along the arc oF.a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 260.O0.feet and subtended by a chord having a length of ~55.~2 feet and bearing S ~5°23"50"E to a point o¢ tangency; thence N. 71a~O'OO"E, for 550.00 feet to a point of curvature: thence ~I.GI feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 620.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of ~27.67 feet and bearing N 5G°IO'qO"E to a poln~ of compound curvature; thence' 102.02 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius o~ 420.00 feet and · subtended by a chord having a length of 101.77 feet and bearing N ~3°53'50"E to a point on curve; thence 1GG.72 feet along the .. ' arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest hav|n~ a radius of 370.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 165.31 feet and bearing S SGeOS'23"E to a point on curve; thence Page 5 oF 6 663 320. · .~75,34 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, havinga radius of 920.00 Feet and subteqded by e chord having ,.a lengthof 372.74 Feet end bearing S 33"15~45.5"W to a point of tangency; thence S 21°34'30"W~ for 267.27 Feet to a on curve; thence 776.67 feet along the arc of a curve, concave · to the Southeast, having a radius.of 190.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 338.27 feet and bearing S 22°15~43"W to a poFnt on curve; thence 190.01 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 230.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 184.66 Feet and bearing S 56°O1'O1,5"W to a point of tangency: thence S 79"41~O4"W, for 165.73 feet; thence N 10°18'56"W, for 28.52 feet to a point on curve; thence 813.36 Fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 320.00 feet and bearing S thence S 10°18'56"~, for 28.52 feet; ~hence S 79~41'O4'W, for 200.11 Feet: thence N 10°18'56"W, For 24.59 feet to a point on curve; thence 601.13 feet along the arc of a.curve, concave to Lhe Southwest, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of ~79.98 feet and bearing N thence S 68°57'16"E, fac 130.O0 feet; thence 20.00 feet elon~ the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius oB60.OO' feet and subtended by a chord havinga length of 19.91 feet and bearing S 11°29'44"W; thence N 88°O3'16'~'I, for 130.OO Feet; thence 148.8~ Fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 190.O0 feet and subtended by a chord having length of 145.11 feet'and bearing S 20°30'13"E; thence $ 10°18'56"E, for 24.59 feeL; thence. $ 79°41'04"¥1, For 84.64 feet to a point of curvature; chance 81.73 feet along the arc of a curve, concave tO the Southeast, having a radius of 14866.16 feet and subtended by a chor'd having a'length of 81.73 feet and bea~.ing S 79°31'37"W; thence N 11°14'50'W, for 75.83 feet to a point on curve; thence 813.36 feet along the arc of e curve, concave to ~he Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord hay'lng a length of 320.00 feet and bearing $ 78°45'10"W; thence $ 11°14'50"E, for 75.83 feet to a point on curve; thence 205.12 Feet along the arc o~ a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 14866.16 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 205.12 feet and. bearing S 77°44'27'W to a point on the Easterly boundary of said Block 29, Lely Golf Estates St. Andrews East; thence N 12°39'16'W, along said Easterly boundary, for 610.00 feet to a point curvature; thence 202.75 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 650.O0 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 201.93 feet and bearing N 21°35'26"W; thence S 59°28'24"N,. for 130.OO feet to the Point of B.eginnlng; containing I17.188 acres, more or less. TCE Project No. 1-1367-B May 21, 1976 TRI-COUNTY ENGINEERING, INC. · BY :'Geel~ Loss lng Florida P.L.S. . Page ~ of ~ .' L EG.t,L DESCRIPT IOtlS LELY COUNTRY CLUB RESIDENTIAL PARCELS TRACT C: A portion of Tract ti, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT 14AP, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 20, Public Records e,~ Collier County, Florida, described as follows: From the l.!orthwest corner of s~'id Tract ti, run S 00°27'28'";I, along the t/est I ine of s~;d Tract N, For 300.OO Feet; chance S 62~27~2~"E, conc;nu~ng along sa~d ~es~ l~ne, for 856.18 {e~t; thence S h~S'~2"E continuing · along said V:est l~n~, For 280.00 fe~t to th~ Point or thence 721.3~ feet alon9 the arc of a.curve, concave co Southeast, hav~r~g a radius of 190.O0 r.ee~ end subtended by chord hay;ag a length of ~59.81 feec and bear;ag N to a point of reverse curvature; th~nc~ 65.h9 feet along arc of a curve, concave to the Northeest~. having a radius lO0.OO feet and subtende~ by a chord having a length feet and bearing S 26~02'hg.5"E to a point of Cangency; thence S ~h8'~Z"E, for 156~.81 ~eet to a po[n~ o~ curvature; thenc~ ihS.~1 Fe~t along the arc of a curv~ concsve to t~e hay;ag a radius of 320.00 Fee~ and subtended by a chord hav~n~ ' a ~ength of 1~7.37 feeC and bearing S ~1~29'~5"E to a point of tang~nc~'~ thenc~ S 18~10'58"E, for 75~.7~ feeC Co a point on curve, sa~d point hereinafter referred to as po~n~ thence 5.27 Feet alon~ the arc of a curve, concave to th~ Northwest, having a rod[us of ~35.00 f~t and subtended by'a chocd h~v~ng a length of 5.27 fe~t and bearlno S to a poin~ of reverse curvature; thence 3~1.2~ fee~.along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, hay;ag e r~d~us 720.O0 feet and subte'nd~d by.a chord having a length of feet and h~arlng S h~7'Sb"~'/ to a point of Cang~ncv: S 33'27'Ot~"VI, For 100.00 feec to a point o5 the l'les~ line said Tract H: thence along said West i~ne, ~h~.19 feec a~ong the arc oF.a .curve, concave to th~ North~.le~, .hav~ng o of 160.00 f~eC and subtended by a chord hav~ng a length of fee~ and bear[ns'N O7~38'O3"E to a poln~ ~F tangency; thenc~ N 18~10'58"t'1, contlnulng along sa:d ~'lest ,~n~, for 832.22 thence N hbohS'~2'Rs', 'continuing along sa;d ~q~st l~ne, For lT~.hh fee~ to the Point of Beglnn~ng; containing 20.80~ acres more or less. Page 1 of 9 · T~^CT 0: "A portlon of Tract N, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT I.IAP, as recorded In Plat Book 8, Page 20 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and of Section 20, To~vnsh~p 50 South, Range 26 Collier Countyl Florida, described as Fol.lotvs: From the above mentioned pein: "A", run 310.83 feet. ~long Ehe arc of a curve, concave ~o the Northwest, having a radius of l;35.00 FeeE and subtended by a chord having a length of ~O4.26 feet and.bearing N 38~8'50"E to a polnE of reverse curvature; thence 194.7'S along ~he arc of 'a curve, cOncaVe ~o the Southeast, having a r~d~us of 696.00 feet ~nd subEended by.a chord h~vlng a length of 194.~3 Fee~ ~nd bearing N 26']] '3S.S"E to ~he ~[n~ of Beq~nnl.i. oq~ ~ence 322.89 ~eeC along the arc of a curve, concave ~o ~he Southeast, having a radius of-69~.OO feet and subtended b¥'a chord having a length of 320.00 fee[ and bearing N f17*30'OO"E~ ~hence N ~2'30'O0'5'1~ For 92.85 Feet~ ~l;ence'~ 13'28~]O"&'1, ~or fee~ to a point of curvature~ thence h~Ii.l~8 ~eet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Soutl~ea~t, having e red,us of 250.00 fee~ and subtended by a chord hev~g a length of t112.15 Feet end bearing N h2*O2'5~"E to e poln~.of reverse curvature= ~hence 927.3h Fee~ alon0 [he arc of a curve, centare to the North, having a redlus o~ 2hoe.go Feet end subtended b,,* a chord hev~n~ e length of 921.59 ~e~t and bearing N 66'2~'~"E to a point on curve; thence 569.1~ feet along th~ arc o~ a curvu, concave to the Northv/est, ha,/~ng a red,us of 200.00 ~eet end subtended by a chord having a length of 3~5.6~ ~eet end bearing N 7]*3]'t~I"E to a poln~ of compound curvature; thenc~ z~32.O5 feec along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Sout'h,,./est, hav~ng a radius of 12OO.OO Fe~t end subtended by a chord having e ~ength of ~29.76 Feet end bearing U 20~1~'O5"¥1 to a point o~ compound curvature; thence 3~18.6h Feet along the arc of · curve, concave to the Sou~h?/es~, hav~ng a red;us of 260.00 ~eet end subtended by chord having a length of 323.]O Fee~ and bearing N to a point o~ reverse curvaturel thence 862.O~ feet a]ong the arc of e curve, concave to ~ha North~./est, hav~ng e radius 1760.OO feet and subtended b~ a chord having a length of 853.h5 fee~ and bearing S B6 34'O6"~'1 to a point of reverse curvature; thence 9~.3~ ~ee~ along t'he arc of a curve, concave' to the Southeast~ having a radius oF,IEO0.OO Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 986.52 feet .and bearing S ~o e po]nC on curve: thence 730.]9 ~eet along the arc o~ a curve, concave to the Southeast, hav~ng a radius of 1~0.00 and subtended b,/ a chord having a length of 356.88 Feet end bearing S 3]*~]'56"~'1 to a polnc on curve; .thence hh5.~! feec along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a red~us of 2hoe.go ~ee~ end sub~ended by a chord hav~ng a I~ngth of h~.77 Feet and bearing S hO*hl'O0"~ to a point of tangency; ~hence S ~O*OO'OO"E, for ~10.00 ~eet= thence S ]3'28'IO"E, For ~70.O0 Feet; thence S h2~30'OO"E, For 177.50 feet to the Point of 5eglnning; containing ~h.~9 acres, more or less. Page 2 of ~ "A portion of Tract r~, LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT HAP, as recorded in Plat'Book 8, Page 20 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and of Sections 20 and 21, Tovmshlp 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, .Florida, described as follows: Frcx-n the Point of BeoJnnlna of Tract H al: the South',.zesterly corner of'-[~'~-i, bloc;< 2Y, Lely Golf Estates St. Andre~.~s East, 'as recorded in, Plat Book I,~ Page 98, Public Records of Collier County, Florida run $ 12 tlG"E~ for 80,00 feet; thence ' S 77°20'44"W, along the Southerly Right-oF-;.lay line of St. Andre~ls Bo,llevard, as shown on said plat, for 190.O0 feet; thence S 12°39'16"E, for 130.00 feet; thence N 77°20'44"E, for 320.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence 592;98 feet along the arc of a curva~ concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 14526 16 feel: and subtended by a chord having a length of 592.94 f~et and bearing N 78'30'5[;"E to a point of tangency; thence N 79'41'04"E, for 1090.48 feet to a point of curvature; thence 578.10 feet along l:he arc of a curve, concave to the. Norl:hwest, having a radius of 570.00 feet and subtended by .chord having a lengl:h of 553.64 feet and bearing N 50'37'47"E to a point of tangency: thence N 21~34'30"£, for 87.16 feet; thence S 68'25'30"E, for 120.00 feet; thence N 21~34'30"E, for 475.35 feet to a point of curvature; thence 242.54 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius. of 460.00 feet and subtended°by a chord having a length of 239.74 Feet aud bearing r~ 36 40'47"E to a point of tangency; thence N 51'47'O4"E, for 1774.11 feet to a point: of curvature~ . thence 695.56 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to l:he Northwest, having a radius of 810.00 feet and subtended by chord having a length of 674.39 feet and bearing N 27'11'O2"E to a. point of tangency; thence N O2°35'00"E, for 2.58 feet to a point of curvature; thence 136.O3 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1390.OO feet and subtended by a chord havJ ~a length of 135.98 feet and bearing N 0°13'13'W; thence S ~*~B'34~'W, t:or I00.00 Feet; thence 1043.78 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1290.O0 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 1015.55 feet and bearing ~1 26°12'i5"W to a point of tangency; thence N h9*23'04"W, for 11.12 feet to a point of curvature; thence 181.51 Feet along the arc of a curve,, concave to the Southwest, having a.radius of 1790.00 feel: and subtended b,~y a chord having a length of 181.44 Feet · and bearing N 52°17~2";'1; thence S 34~48'20"¥1, for 150 feet -~'" to a point on curve; thence 347.10 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the South.~est. having a radius of 1640.OO.l~eet and subtended by a chord a length of 346.45 feet end bearing It 61°i5'28.5'",.I to a point of reverse curvature; thence 250.18 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the tlortheest, having a radius of 211.20 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 235.81 Feet end bearing H 33°23'IO"W to a point of tangency; thence II OO°32t55"E, For 80 feet, more or less, to ,~ point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line of S.R. S-864; thence'~'lesterly, along said Right-of-['lay line, for 80.00 Feet; thence S OO°32'55"¥I, for 80.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence 344.94 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Hortheast, having o radius of 291.20 feet and subtended by a. chord having a length of 325.13 feet umad. l'act~t7 ha th~s document 663 "r^ci ,~nd bearing S 33°23'~0"£ to a point of reverse curvature; thence ' ~30.17 Feet along th_ arc'of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1560.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having ~ length of 329.55 feet and bearing S 61'~5'28.5"£; thence S 34°48'20"~'/, for 130.00 feet to a point on curve; thence' 145.0! Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1430.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 144.95 Feet and.bearing S 52'!7'22"£ to a point of tangency; thence S 49°23'O4"E, for 11;~2 feet to a point of curvature; thence 43.]5 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 930.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 43.15 feet and bearing .S 48'O3'19"E to a point on curve; thence 558.O2.feet along the . arc of a curve, concave to the Hortheast, having a radius of 190,OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 378.01 feet and bearing S 35°00'O0"E to a point on curve; thence 235.75 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 930.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 235.12 feet and bearing S 16'O0'42.5"E to a point on curve; thence 643.08 feet along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Southeast, having a radius of 190.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 377.20 feet and bearing S O8'21'O1"W to a point on curve; thence 99.76 feet along'the acc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 350.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a ]ength of 99.42 feet and bearing S 43'37'08.5"~'1 to a poJ. nt of tangency;'thence S 51°47'O4"t,/, for 1189.78 feet to a point on curve~ thence 2AI.63 feet along the arc of a curve,~concave to the Northeast, hav~;ng a radius of 490.00 feet and ..ubtended by a chord having a length of 258.54 feet an~ be~rlng N' 15°17'47"~,1; thence %'/est, for I~0.00 feet to a point on curve; thence 212.77 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 620.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 211.73 feet and bearing N O9°49'53"E to a point of reverse curvature; thence 25.03 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 1990.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 25.03 fee~ and bearing N 19°28'09"E to the Poin~ of Be~innino o~ Tract G; thence S 68°O1'34"£, for 0.66 feet~ thence N 83~58'46"E, for 207.25 fee~ to a point of curvature; thence 503.85 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 375.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 466.80 feet and bearing N 45°29'18"E to a point of co~pound curvature~ thence 429.29 feet along the 'arc of a curve, concave to the West, having a radius of 2440.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 428.74 feet and bearing N O1~57'25"E to a point of tangency; thence N O3°05'00"W, for 415.98 Fee~ to a point of curvature; thence 4~2.82 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 391.21 Feet and bearing N 51~52'30'!W to a point of tangency; thence S 79°20'00"t.I, For 121.O6 feet to a point of curvature; thence 374.00 feet along ~h5 arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having o radius of 200.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 342.58 feet and bearing S 38°O7'30'°71 to a point of tangency; thence ~ O3°05~OO'°E, For 400.00 feet ~o a point of curvature; ~hence 681.89 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Horthwest, having ~ radius of 18OO.00 Page ~t of 9 .' feel: and subcendr, cl by a chord havlnq ,3 length of 677.G2 _Feet . 'end bearing S OT~4G'Og"~'l; thence S (,8°Ol']h"l:, rot 190.]0 '. leer to the Point o~ Beginning of Trnc~ G; thence, con~nulng along tho boundary of Tract H, N 68"O1~34"~'1, For 60.O9 ~hence 27.~5 Fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to ~he Northwest, · having a radius of 1930.O0 fce~ end subtended by a chord having a length of 27.45 Fee~ and bearing S 19015~19'W ~o a poln~ of reverse curvature; thence 50.57 Fee~ along ~he ar~ of o curve, concave ~o ~ the Southeast, having a radius o~ 680.00 fee~ and sub~ended by a chord havlnq a length of 50.56 Fee~ end bearing S 17~31m56"~.1; ~hence N 7h'35~54"W, For 130.00 Fee~ ~o a poin~ on curve; ~hence 632.93 ~eec along the arc of a curve~ concave ~o the Northeas~ having e radius of 810.O0 Fee% ~nd subtogdgd by a chord having e length of 671.99 ~ee~ and bearing S 09'05m20"E; thence S 51~7~Oh'kl, for 262.61 feec ~o e poPn~ of curvature; thence h9.73 Fee~ along the arc of a curve~ concave ~o ~he hav~ng a radius of 920.00 FeeC and subtended by a chord having e length of ~9.72 Fee~ and bearing S 50~!4~10'%.1 ~o a poLn~ on curve; ~hence 191.83 Feet along the arc of a curve~ concave ~o the Southwest,, having e radius of ~30.00 feet and subtended by e chbrd having a ]eng~h of 190.2~ fee~ end bearlng N t'o a poJn~ on curve, sa;d point being ~he .Point_of Beqlnni..n~ of Tract r~ thence 33.33 Fee~ along ~he arc of e curve, concave to ~he /lor~hwes~ having e radius of 420.O0 fee~ end subtended by a chord having a length of 33;32 Feet end bearing N 16°28'!l'E ~o a point of ~angency; [hence N lhoII~i~8'E~ for 10~.I'8 feet to e poJn~ of curvature; ~hence hB6.OO Feet along thA nrc of e curve, concave to the Southwest, having ~ radius of fee~ and sub~ended by a chord having a length of 36~.93 feet end bearing N 59~O4~51"W ~o a po~n~ of reverse curvature; '' ' thence 151.58 feec along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest having a radius of 150.00 fee~ end sub~ended h~ a . chord having a length of Ih5.21 Fear and bearing S 7G~35~ to a poln~ of reverse curvature; %hence 1~8.52 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 250.00 fee~ and subtended by a chord having a length of Ih6,35 and bearing S 88°31~10"[.I Co a poin~ of ~angency; .~hence S 71~30'OO"~.I, For 516~O0 Fee~ to a poin~ of curvature; thence 399.h3 Feec along ~he arc of a curve~ concave Co;the Southeast, having a radius of 2BO.OO Feel and sub~ended by a chord hav~ng e length of ~66.41 feeC and bearing S 30~37'59"~.1 to a poln~ of c~pound curvature; thence 157.87 fee~ along [he arc of a curve, .. concave ~o the Northeast, having a radius of 750.00 fee~ and · sub~ended by a chord hav~ng a length of 157.58. Feet and bearing S 16~15~51"E ~o a poin~ of compound curvature; thence 391.19 feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave to ~he Northeast, having a radius of 250.00 feel and sub~ended by a chord having a length of ~55.32 feoC and bearing S 65~23~50"E to a poln~ of tangency; ~hence N 71~30~00"E, for 550.00 fee~ to a point of curvature; thence 331.61 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave ~o Lh~ lIor~hwest, having a radius of 620.00 Fee~ and subtended by a chord he,zing a length of 327.67 Fee~ end hobring N to a po;n~ of compound curvature; thence lO2.02 fee~ along the arc of e curve, concave ~o tho Northwest, having a radius of 420.00 Fce~ and su:~ended by a chord havJn~ a length of IO1 " feet end bearing N 33°53'50"E; ~hence ~I 22 50'27"~, for 60.6 feet ~o the Poin~ of Seglnn~ng oF Tr~c~ F; thence, continuing alonq the boundary of Tract H, S 22"50'27'~'I, F'or 80,0;1 feet: to " a' point on curve; thence 1~6.72 feet along the a~c of a curve, concave to th. Southwest having a radius of ;370.00 feet: and subtended by a chord having a length of 165.31 Feet and bearing S 56°05~23"E to a point on curve~ thence 375.3h feet along the ,arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of ~)20.00 Fee~ and subtended by a chord having a leng~:h of 372.74 feet end bed',ring S 33°15'45.5"¥1 to a poin~ oF tangency; 'thence S 21'34'30"~/, for 267.27 Feet to a poin: on curve;' thence 776.67 Fee~ along the arc oF e curve, concave to the 5outhees~, having e radius oF 190.00 fee~ ~nd subtended by a chord having a length of 33R.27 Feet mhd hemring S 22'15'l~3"W ~o e point on curve; thence 190.01 feet along the arc oF a curve, concave to the tlorthwes~, having a r;~dlus of 230.00 feet end subtended by e chord having a length of 184.66 fee~ end beerlnq S to e point oF tengency; :hence S 79'41'04"[.I~ ~or [65.73 feet thence N 10'18'56r'~'/, for 28.52 Fee: to e point on curve; thence 813.36 feet along the arc of ~ curve, concave to the Southeast~ having o radius of 190.00 fee~ and subtended by n chord having a Ienqth oF 320.00 fce~ and beerln~ S 79'41'O4"~./; thence S 10*18'56"E, for 28.52 feet; thence S 79041'04"W, for 200.11 feet; thence' N 10*18'56"V/, ~or 24.59 fee: ~o e poin: on curve; thence 601.13 feet along the arc o~ e curve, concave to the Southwest, hav~ng ~ radius of 190.O0 fee~ and sub~ended by a chord having a length of 379.98 feec and bearing N 69'19'00"t~; thence S 68°57'16"E, For 130.OO feet; thence 20.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having e radius oF 60.00 feet and subtended by e chord having a length of 19.91 Feet end bearing S 11~29'44'W; thence N 88°O3'16"W, for 130.00 fee~; thence 148.89 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius 190.00 fee~ and subtended by a chord havin~~ length oF 145.11 fee~ and bearing S 20~30'131'E; thence S IO 1~'56"E, for 24.59 feet; thence S 79°41'O4"['I, for 84.64 feet to a point oF curvature; thence 81.73 feet along ~he arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 14866.16 feet end sub~ended by a chord having a length of 81.73 fee~ end bearlng S 79~31'37"~'1; thence N 11°14'50"W, for 75.83 feet to a point on curve; ~hence 813.36 fee~ along the arc of e curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius oF 190.00 feet and subtended 'by e chord having a lengt~ o~ 320.00 fee~ and bearing S 78'45'10"W; thence S II 14'50"E,. for 75.83 feet to e point on curve; thence 205.12 feet along the arc oF a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius oF 14866.16 feet end' sub:ended by a chord having a length of 205.12 feet end beerlng.w.~' S 77'44'27"W to a pol'nt on the Easterly boundary of said 29~ Lely Golf Estates St. Andrews East; thence S 12'39~!6"E, along se~d Easterly boundary, for 130.00 feet to the Southeas~ corner of said Lot '1, Block 29, St.' Andrews Emst; thence 5 77'20'44'~'1, For 130.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of Tract H; tract F contaln~ng 17.196 acres more or less, Tract O containing 19.686 acres m~re or less end Tract H containing 71.514 acres more or less. Page 6 of 9 ~R~CT ,I (Access Road) ~A portion of Tract l,I, sald LELY GOLF ESTATES TRACT HAP, described as foll~,/~: From the Point of Beg~nning at the..aForement~oned point "A", run 3]0,83 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having e radius of 435,00, Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 304.26 feet and bearing N 38°38'50"£ to a pal.hr of reverse curvature; thence 95~.43 feet along Lhe arc.o~ a curve, concave to the.Southeast, having a radius of 695.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 880.61 Feet and hearing r~ 57"25'14"E to a pOi. hr on curve; thence 81.O~ feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the t4est, having a radius of 300.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 80.79 Feet and bearing S O0~53'13"E t6 a point on curve; thence 85~.~6 Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 616.OO feet.and subtended by a chord having a length o~ 787.58 feet and bearln- S 57°5~'51.5'%~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 37~.2~ Feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, hav;.ng a radius of 515.OO feet and subteQded by a chord having a length of 366.O~ chord having a length of 291.87 feet end bearing S ~6 ~7'54"~'1 .to a po~nt, of tnng~ncy; thence S ~3°27'0~"~¢, for IOO.O0 Feet to a point on the ~'!est line of Tract N; thence N 56'32'56"~, along sa~d [~est line, for 80.00 feet; thence N 33°27'O4"E, for 1OO.OO feet to a point of curvature;, thence 331.26 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 720.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 32~.35 .. feet and bear;ng H 46°37'5~;"~ to a point of reverse curvature; thence 5.27 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 435.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 5.27 Feet and bearing ti 59'27'54"E~ to the Point of Beginning; containing 3.056 acres. ~RACT L .. .A portion of Section 21, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florlda, described as Follows: From the intersection of ='' the ~les~ line of said ~ection 21 and the Southerly Right-of-Way line of S.R. S-864, run Easterly, along sald Right-ofl~.lay line, for 54.06 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue EasterJy, along said Right-of-~'/ay llne, for 530.00 Feet; thence S 00~32'55"W, for 196 feet more or less; thence S 34°48'20"V~, for 254.43 feet to a po~nt on the East line of Tract H; thence 287.09 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1640.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 286.72 feet and bearing N 62°]8'22"VI to m point of reverse curvature~ thence 250.18 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 211.20 feet and subtended a chord having a length of 235.81 Feet and bearin~ I1 33~23'10"W to a point of tangency; thence I¢ 00'32~55"E, For 80 feet more or less to the Point of Bzginn[ng. Containing 3.63 acres mar9 or less. Page 7 of ~ 328 T~ACT £ .. ~"~ portion of Sections 20 and 21, Township 50 Sou~h, Range East, Coil Jar County, Florida, described as roi.lows: From the North quarter corner of sa~d Section 20~ es sho..In on ~he o~ Lely Golf Estates Tract Hap, es recorded In Pla~ lBook 8, Page 20, Public Records of Call,er'County, Florida, run S O2'11~20"~'1~ along the North-Sou~h qtJar~er section line, for 50.O~ fee~ to the Paine o~ BeglnnJngj thence continue S O2*hh~20"~'l, for '300.22 feet~ thence hTr.h6 Feet along ~he arc of a curve~ concave to the Horth?lesR~ having a radius of JlOOO f~t ~nd subtended by a chord having a length off 1~79.17 Feet and bearing N 86'17'[IO"E to e po~nt of reverse curvature; ' thence h~.88 ~eeR ai'ong the arc of a curve, con'cave to the Southwest, having ~ radius of 550.00 Fee~ end subtended by a chord having a length.of h28.25 Feet and be~ri S 7~.'13~]9"~, .' to e point of compound curvature~ thence 11]~.~ ~ee~ along the arc of e curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1000.OO ~ee~ and subtended by a chord havlng a length of 107h.58 Feet end bearing S 18'~8'59"E to a po~nt o~ compound curva~urej thence ~78.O7 feet along the arc o~ e curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 380.OO feet and subtended by a chord having a length of hhT.16 feet and beer~nq S t a point o compouna curvature~ thence 717.29 Feet along the arc of a .curve, concave to the North, having e r~dius of hO00.OO feet end subtended by e chord having a length of 716.3~ ~eeC end bearing N 89'O5'52"~ ~o a poln~ of reverse curvature; thence , 136.87 Feet along ihe arc of a curve, concave to ~he South,' having ~ redlus of 500.00 Feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 136.h~ ~eet and bearing S 88'11 '50.5"~ to a point compound curva~ure~ thence 3h8.O~ Feet elon~ the arc of a curve, concave to the Sou~heas~ hay.lng e radius or 200.00 fee~ end subtended by a chord having a length of 305.76 fee~ and bearing S 30'30~O6.5"VI ~o a point of reverse curvature; thence 136.98 Feet along the arc of a curve, concavo to the Northwest, having a radius of ~OO.OO ~eet and subtended by a chord hevinq a length of 135.80 feet and bc~rlng $ O6~13~hSnE ~o a point herel'naFcer re~erred ~o es'po~nt uBn; thence N 83*~O~lOnE, Ear 620.81 thence Sou~h, For 3hO.OO feetj thence hO3.37 ~ee[ along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 12OO.OO feet and subtended by a chord having ~ length of hOl,h7 Feet end bearing N 71'3~13"E ~o a paine of ~angency; thence N 81~17~OO"E, for 2~5.OO Feet to a point of curvature; thence 777.95 fee~ the nrc of e curve, concave to the Nor~lwles~, having e rad~us of 750.00 feet end subtended by e chord having o length of 71t3.51~ and bearing JJ 5J ']~'OJ~"[ to ~ point oE compound curvature; thence 8B6.67 re=~ along the ere of e curve, concave to th~ ~/est, hov~ng o r~d~us oF 1200.00 fe~t end sub~ended by a chord h~ving a length of 866.6~ fee~ ~nd bear/rig Il O0~J ~0~"~ to a po~n~ of reverse curvature; ~hence 518.~7 ~ee~ oJong the Page 8 of ~) .~;'~_ nfa curve, concave to the Southeast, having a re'flus of '~.~0 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of feet and beor,ng ti 21 .59 12 E to a point of compound cur;ature, thence ~ .66 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having e radius of 1000.00 feet end subtende~ b,/ a chord having a length of ~89.16 feet and bearing N 75 ~o a po~nt of reverse curvature~ thence 378.O7 fee~ along the arc of a curve, concave ~o the Horthwes~, having a radius of . 750.pO fee~ and subtended by e chord hav~ng e length of feet end bearing U 72~31~57'tE to a po~n: on curve~ thence 115.65 Fete along ~he arc of e curve, concave ~o ~he ilor~heas~, having a radius of 291.20 feet and sub~ended by a chord having e length of 11~.89 feeE end bearing N 10~h~'~2.5"~'I ~o e poln~ of tangency; thence I~ OO~32~55"E~ ~or 80.00 fee: to a~poln~ on · the Southerl,/ Rlghc-of-~,lay 6f S.R. S-86h; thence N 8~ 27'O5"W, for 2607.97 fee~; thence N 89~26'35"['I, for 1.91 Fee~ to the 'Poln: of'Beginning. Containing 55,860 acres, more or less. ~CT ~ A port,on of Section 20, To{cnsh~p 50 Sou~h,' Range 26 E'ast, CounEy, Florida, described es follows: Fr~ the aforementioned pgln~ "B", run N 83~50'10"E, ~or 620.81 fee:; thence Sou~h, for 3ho.aa feaR; thence S 62~O1 ~26"~'I, for h~5.OO FeeE to e po~n~ o~ curvature= thence ~2.55 fee~ along the arc of a curve, conca~ to ~he Northeast, having a radius of 200.00 Feet and subtended by e chord h6vlng a length of 332.51 fee~ and beefing N to a paine of compound curvature; thence 218.89 feet along ' arc o~ a curve, concave Eo ~he Southeast~ hav~ng a radius ~OO.OO fee~ and subtended by e chord havtn~ e length of 21h. O7 feet' end bearing N ~5 2J~O~"E to a point or reverse curvature; thence 15~.12 feet a~onq the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest,. having e radius of 300.OO Fee: and sub~ended by chord herin a length of 152.h3 feet end bearing N 21 to the Poln~of Begtnnlng. Containing 7.359 acres more or less. TCE Project No. 1-1367-B May 20,.1976 Prepared by: .... 'TRI-COUNTY £~GINEERING, INC.' ~e~e Lossing Florida P.L.S. No. 2~25. Page ~ of 9 '.c 663 This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State. 33Q A'~E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA DAVI'D C. BROWN,' CHAI~ ' '~ ATTEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT, CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY ~%.-~'P~r~rc~w~oo;th, County Attorney ,, ",, "h. % This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's office the 20th day of September, 1976 and acknowledgment of tha~ filing received this 22nd day of September, 1976. DepUty Clerk