Agenda 03/23/1999 R COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ AGENDA Tuesday, March 23, 1999 9:00 a.m. NOTICE: ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY AGENDA ITEM MUST REGISTER PRIOR TO SPEAKING. SPEAKERS MUST REGISTER WITH THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PRIOR TO THE PRESENTATION OF THE AGENDA ITEM TO BE ADDRESSED. REQUESTS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD ON SUBJECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON THIS AGENDA MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING WITH EXPLANATION TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AT LEAST 13 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE MEETING AND WILL BE HEARD UNDER "PUBLIC PETITIONS". ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION OF THIS BOARD WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS PERTAINING THERETO, AND THEREFORE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. - ALL REGISTERED PUBLIC SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO FIVE (5) MINUTES UNLESS PERMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL TIME IS GRANTED BY THE CHAIRWOMAN. ASSISTED L1STEI\ING DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED ARE AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. LUNCH RECESS SCHEDULED FOR 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. 1. INVOCATION - Reverend George Locldwrt, First Baptist Church of Golden Gate 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDAS A. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA. B. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY AGENDA. c. APPROVAL OF REGULAR AGENDA. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Febmary 23,1999 - Regular meeting. 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND SERVICE AWARDS A. PROCLAMA TIONS I March 23. J 999 - 1) Proclamation p.-oclaiming weel,; of March 28 - AIU'il 3, 1999 be designated as Diversity Week. To be accepted by Ms. Hope BrOI)h~', Chair of Naples Branch of the Amel'ican Association of Universit~' Women's Dh'ersity Committee 2) Pl'oclamation proclaiming weel. of March 21-27, 1999 be designated as Master Gardener Appreciation Wee I. in Collier Count~'. To be accepted b~' Ms. Naida Eisenbud, Mr. Earl Garrett, Mr. Elmer Hahn and Mr. Tom Porter, Master GardenCJ's, Colliel' Count~/Uniycrsit~ of Florida Extension 3) Proclamation proclaiming the month of April as Focus on Education Month. To be accepted b~' Ms. Carol Conwa~, Co-Chair of EDC Economic Foundations Committee. Also, present are representatiYCs from the collier Count~' Public Schools, Naples Area Chamber of Commerce, Collier County Education Foundation and Junior Achieycment B. SERVICE AWARDS 1) Diane Day-Deoss, DOR - 10 ~ears 2) Scott Conley, Water - S ~ears 3) Isaac Dennis, Road and Bridge - S years 4) John Drur~', Aiqwli Authorit~ - S years 5) John Jones, Libnu'y - S years 6) B:lIi Sanders, Water - S ~ears 7) Saint Saintil, Road and Bridge - S ~ears c. PRESENTATIONS 6. APPROVAL OF CLERK'S REPORT A. ANALYSIS OF CHANGES TO RESERVES FOR CONTINGENCIES. 1) To present the Celiificate of Achieycment for Excellence in Financial Repoliing to the BO:lrd of Count~' Commissioners for the Fiscal Year ended Septemher 30,1997. 2) To presl.'nt to the Board of County Commissioners the Comprehensh'e Annual Financi:ll RepOl't for the Fiscal Year ended September 30,1998. 7. PUBLIC PETITIONS A. Jo~' Lelonel., Executiyc Director of the United A\is Council of Collier County requesting financial suppOli. B. Request to :ldopt a Resolution declaring a need for an educational facilities authorit,y to function in Collie\' County, Flol'id:l; :lUthorizing the authorit~, to transact business and exercise powers under the act; designating and approving the members thereof; providing an effectiyc date. ,- 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 2 March 23. 1999 A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1) Connie D. Stegall-Fullmer, representing Goodland Civic Association, requesting a waiver of Tempor:lr~' Use Permit fee for an event held on March 6 and 7,1999, on Goodland, Collier County, Florida. B. PUBLIC WORKS C. PUBLIC SERVICES D. SUPPORT SERVICES E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1) Presentation of Impl'O\'ed and Expanded "Collier Serves" Program Initiati"e. 2) QU:lIierl~' capital project status l'epOli. F. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY'S REPORT A. Recommendation for the Boal'd of Count~' Commissioners to settle the case of Eve~lm Field v. Collier COUI1(l', C;lse No. 98-3183-CA-01, now pending in the Circuit Court for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida for S39,750.00 Illus payment of Mediator's fees in an approximate amount of S300.00. 10. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A. Discussion regarding Sheriff's Office operations/administration facilities (Commissioner Constantine). B. Appointment of memhers to the Hispanic Affairs Ad\'isory Board. C. Appointment of memhe\'S to the Immokalee Enteqlrise Zone Development Agenc~'. D. Appointment of memhers to the Tourist Development Council. E. Apllointment of member to the Radio RO:ld Beautification Advisor~' Committee. F. Recommendation to declare a vacancy on the Golden Gate Beautification Adyisory Committee. G. AJlpointment of members to the Count~ Go\'Crnment Productiyit~ Committee. H. AJlJlointment of membel's to the Cont ractors Licensing Board. 11. OTHER ITEMS A. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 1) Request tr:lIlsfer of S2,982,100 from General Fund Resen'es to the Resen'es of the She\'iff's Office. ~- B. PUBLIC COMMENT ON GENERAL TOPICS , ,) March 23, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING STAFF ITEMS 12. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS - BCC A. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS B. ZONING AMENDMENTS 1) CONTINUED FROM THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1999. Petition PUD-82-16(l) Karen Bishop of PMS, Inc. of Naples, rcprescnting Henry Krehling, to I'ezone lands no,," zoned PU D to a new PUD to comply with the sunsctting 11I'o\isions of thc Land Dewlopment Code, lmd to add commercial and light industrial uses to the list of authorized uses and to update the PUD Document and Master Plan to CUITent land de\clopmcnt code rcquirements, for propel1y generally located southeast of the interscction of U.S. 41 and Old U.S. 41, 'h milc east of U.S. 41 at the eastern terminus of Wiggins Pass Road, in Section IS, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. 2) CONTINUED (NO DATE) - ORIGINALLY CONTINUED FROM THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 23, 1999. Pctition PUD-98-13, R. Bmcc Andcrson of Young, \':1Il Assendcrp & Varnadoe, P.A., representing Collier Development Corporation, requesting a rezone for lands zoned "A" Rural Agriculture and "PU D" Planned lJ nit Dnclopment "PU D" to "PUD" for a ncw "PUD" Planned Unit Dewlopment to be known as Collier Tract 21, formel'l~' Beachway PUD, for a golf course and acccssor~ and incidental facilities including a clubhouse, SO,OOO square feet of C-3 commcrcial uses and/or a hotel on prope\iy locatcd between U.S. 41 on the east and Vanderhilt Drive on the west, I~'ing north of Ill") A \enue and south of thc Cocohatchee River, in Scction 21, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier COllnt~, Florida consisting of 267.44 + C. OTHER 1) Din'ct staff to amend an Ordinance as it relates to the Parl.s and Recrcation Ad\isol'y Board. 13. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS A. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS B. OTHER 14. STAFF'S COMMUNICATIONS 15. BOARD OF COllNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS 16, CONSENT AGENDA - All matters listed under this item are considered to be routine and action will be tal.cn by one motion without separate discussion of each item. If discussion is desired by a member of the Board, that item(s) will be removcd from the Conscnt Agenda and considercd separately. A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -+ March 23. 1999 1) Resolution opposing House Bill 11925 and Scmlte Bill 13S2, relating to ratemaking 11I'o\'isions of ill\'estOl'-owned watcl' and wastcwatcr utilit~, s~'stems, heforc the 1999 I'egular session of the Flol'ida Lcgislature. 2) Request to grant final acceptance of the I'oadwa~', drainage, watcr and sewer impro\'ements for the final plat of "Quail West Phasc III, Block K. Lot 97" 3) Request to appro\'(' 1'01' recording the final plat of "Creekside Commcrce Park West - Unit Two" and appro\'al of the performance securit~,. 4) This item has been deleted. 5) Authorization to award Bid #99-2912 "White Lakc COfJlOrate ParI. Infrastl"Ucture ImprO\ements" ano authorize staff to initiate an agreement with Harper Bros., Inc., of Ft. M~ers, Florida. 6) Re<}uest to approve for rccording the final plat of Pebblebl'ool.c Lakes Phase 3 and approval of the peri'ormance security. 7) Lien Rcsolutions - Code Enforcement Case Nos. 80720-120 - Tropicana Homes at Marco Inc.; 80722-057 - Luis Alfredo & Patricia Ann Can'ajal; 80813-047- Flora Acosta; 809(1)-01)8 - Daniel Liy B. PUBLIC WORKS 1) Re<luest appl'o\'al to use funds from Waste Tire Grant to pl'O\'ide safety pla~' sUlface at Everglades City Puhlic Pla~gl'Ound. 2) This item has hcen deleted. 3) Approve Budget Amcndment recognizing carry fonnlrd amounts from FY 98 for road projects in funds 313,331,333,334,336,338,339 & 340. 4) Appro\'(' an Agreemcnt with Immokalee Disposal, Inc, to continue providing I'ecycling sel'vice for multi-famil~' residential units and authorize the Chain\'oman to sign the Agreement. 5) Award Bid #98-2880 for B"c1d'low Sen'ices. 6) Ohtain Board apprO\al to amend the Collier County' Rcclaimed Water S)'stcm Ordin:mce. 7) Approve the dclction of the Backdoor Service Olltion from the Automated Solid Waste Curhside Collcction Program with the cxception of cases of mcdical necessit~. 8) Award a Contract to Lightlll'r Contracting, Inc. for Bid No. 99-2915, Bcach Maintenance Acth,ities. 9) Adopt a Resolution re\'ising thc eligihility for memhershil) on the Naples Beach Renou rishment/M aintenance Comm ittee. 10) Authorize usc of the Charlotte Count~ Trenchlcss Pipc Rchabilitation Bid No. 97-254. _. 5 March 23, 1999 11) Rescind the Award of a Contract to Allied Trucldng of Flodda, Inc./C.B.E. Trucking Company, Inc. for Bid No. 98-2900 and Amll'd a Contract to Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. for the Transp0l1 and Placement of Bench Fill Matcrial. 12) Appro\'al to administratin.'ly adjust the non-ad \':lIorem assessment for Parccl Number 11 in the Naples Production Park M.S.T.U. 13) Appro\'e Amendment 7 to Professional Sel\'ices Agrcemcnt with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. for engineering ser\'ices relatcd to Impro\'emcnts at the South Count~ Watel' Reclamation Facility, RFP 93-2121, Projcct 73916. H) Approw pa\'ing thc limerock pOliion of POJ1Cr Street in rcsponse to citizens' request. C. PUBLIC SERVICES 1) This item has been deleted. 2) Appro\'al to fund thc .t1h of July Festh'al and Firewol".s Show. 3) Appro\'e the purchase of pla~ground equipment for Eagle Lakes Communit)' Park. 4) ApprO\al of two (2) Interlocal Fund Sharing Agreements with the Cit), of Naples and thc City of Ewrglades. 5) Apprmal of budget amendmcnt recogni/,ing an additional S.t8,C.37 in State Aid to Lihraries in FY 91). D. SUPPORT SERVICES 1) Add Asset #9.t0024, a Ford Aerostar Van, to the March 27, 1999 Auction List. 2) Award Bid 9S-2903 for Laboratory' Chemicals nnd Supplies. 3) Appro\'al of a Contract hetwecn Collier County and Communit~, Health Panners. .t) Appro\'al of a Budget Amcndmcnt to Propeliy & Cnsualty Insur:lnce Prognlm Fund. 5) Recommend to Award Bid #99-2913 for Contract Pdnting. E. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1) Budget Amendment Repol.t - #99-171 & #99-182 F. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G. MISCELLANOUES CORRESPONDENCE 1) Miscellaneous items to file for rccord with action as dirccted. H. OTHER CONSTITUTIONAL OFFlCERS () March 2], 1999 1) Request fOl' appro\'al for the purchase of replacement desktop computer s~'stems for the Collier County Sheriff's Office from Dell Comlluters under the terms and conditions of State of Florida Contract #250-040-99-1. L COUNTY ATTORNEY J. AIRPORT AUTHORITY 17. SUMMARY AGENDA - THIS SECTION IS FOR ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS AND MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1) A RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL FROM STAFF; 2) UNANIMOUS RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL BY THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OR OTHER AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OF ALL MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING; 3) NO WRITTEN OR ORAL OBJECTIONS TO THE ITEM RECEIVED BY STAFF, THE COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION, OTHER AUTHORIZING AGENCIES OR THE BOARD, PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE BCC MEETING ON WHICH THE ITEMS ARE SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD; AND 4) NO INDIVIDUALS ARE REGISTERED TO SPEAK IN OPPOSITION TO THE ITEM. A. Petition OSP-98-1, Da\'e Sneed of Kuhlman Engineering, repl'esenting Azar GalleD', requesting appro\'al for 20 off-site parking spaces on Lot 26, and the west half of Lot 25, Blocl. B, Naples Villas to se!'\'e an existing commel'cial facilit~' on Lot 1, Block B, Naples Villas and which is located on th(.' northeast comer of AirJlOli-Pulling Road (CR-3l) and Poinsettia Avenue, in Section 1, Township SO South, Range 25 East. B. Petition V-99-1, Richard D. YO\anO\ich representing Coastal Beverages LTD. requesting a 17.8 foot \'al'iance from thc required SO foot front ~ard to 32.2 feet for the proposed expansion of a warehouse complcx apprO\'ed in 1992. The subject property is located at 4747 Progress Aycnue in Scction 30, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. C. Petition VAC 99-004 to \'acate the 25' wide drainage easement on Lot 4, the 25' wide drainage easement on Lot 5 and the remaining 12' wide drainage easement on Tract A, according to the Plat of "Quail Creek Plaza Phase 1" as recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 73, Public Records of Collier COllnty, located in Section 20, Township 48 South, Range 26 East. D. Amend the Pari. Impact Fee OnJinance to eliminate the collection of Communit~' Park Impact Fees in the Marco Island District. 18. ADJOURN INQUIRIES CONCERNING CHANGES TO THE BOARD'S AGENDA SHOULD BE MADE TO THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE AT 774-8383. 7 March 23, 199') ~ ".-- ,----. ... PROCLAMA rrON WHEREAS. amidst the. beauty and bountiful notural resources of Collier County, the community's MOST important resource is its people; and, WHEREAS, the population of Collier County is made up of a rich, diverse mixture of people from many different racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County is committed to the development and execution of public policies that ensure the health, safety, and welfare and enhance the quality of life of AU residents and visitors; and, WHEREAS, the Board supports and applauds efforts in the community to break down barriers and build bridges of understanding among people of different facia!; <Ilthnic, and cultural backgrounds; and, >::;.;:" ,. WHEREAS, , ." -. '. -. ',....' ."., ""-'." ., , .........-....................... ,- ......-....--... ...................... .. ... ".. _. ..0. .....". , '".'.,',-,. ...-....,. .,' , ','.'",- ',"',".' ',',"," ....... -....',......-. -'-.--' -'... . ..-.... . ........... ... .. ... .."_....... on Tuesd4.....a..y.. '.... M.......o. 11. 'C. It......l.. 0)1999.. '..............t.."'... e...~......'o. ""'. "d4.o........Hi. umanities Counct'l and the Naples . Branch of the ..Ame"ita~1$so~/ation of l/niversity W~Ten~ill co-sponso~o.. "()lalo!fUe..()n.~i.;f.c~ity" program at the CdUnty'sMain Librpr>:at850Central;AVf!.nHl!{nNaples from 7:00 t~~:$()p. m. ;.::::>:::::.-..>:;-',,:::.'::,;: 0"':'::' -.:: ,:r :::,_.:," .::,: ':"',:::.. ':::.:'::\." ,,::.:~:'}' -::':-,::".:'... ,...-)p \::;;:":,}I:::::::':.?::;::::.::.;,,: NOW THERE0~RE,ibe it procloim~(l bythe~oard#f cJif{{fjrqmmiSsioners of ;~~II/~,.County.Florida,th(JtMQr~~Z8 thr~iJ5Ih :l!pril 3, 1999 be 'i:I~$IgHated as .'. " .....,. :~. . {:. ........................."....................................................."'...... .................. . ...... ...................'....................................................................... ...... ....... n_ .,.. ...... .. ... . .. in Cdllie;r.Co~~ty;+t1nd. r~s,ktept$,o~~~ryef!t~lupport and attend the ..()(QJogu~ol7/)l~ersity!~pr;~firE~ri/ , . -.,......-..- ....... .... ,..." . -'.- .,........--,... ,,""'"'' ..;,;.:-.-.....-....-...... -'.-"',-" ..,..---- '-','. ',....... .-,...,..,.",....-...-.,..,..-.- "".-..,-".,.-- ::::';':;,,"':<, :::,.::::: -;::,,''<<\; ':';';;::,' .:;:;:;':;:;:.. -"'.;:;>", :",:.:<';::.:;'./::;; '-:,:;:;~:;::::-;:;-;<:;: --- .,-,,'. .'".'.. '. .". ,...".... ...-----.,...... .'" ....-....."..,. .'- - ::,.---'. ."','-".'.;- -"'--.."., ':.;;...:......,".-,....,.....,..., '.;,.,....-'---.'.;-...;.-.:-. .-:.': .:",'.';":.:. ,..,..-.-....,. .,-.-........,."-....-,;..,...,:.-.., .-.,:,..::'.';.'....-....... '.' /)ONE AN/) OR/)ERE/) THIS Z3rd Day"~ Mq,-c!7 J 999. BOAR/) OF COl/NTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COl/NTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MACKIE. CHAIRWOMAN ATTEST: /)WIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK AGENDA ITEM No. 5;q / MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / . _.~.~___..._--_._---_____'""__...~-_w____w~. PROCLAMA rrON WHEREAS, Master Gardener volunteers are an integral part of Collier County Government; and, WHEREAS, the Collier County Master Gardener Program offers opportunities for citizens who wish to volunteer in a diversity of different ways; including plant clinics, garden workshops, recycling garden demon- strations, authoring articles for the newspaper's garden pages; and, WHEREAS, Master Gardener volunteerism results in the resolution of over 6,000 problems for citizens of the community; and, WHEREAS, last year Master Gardener volunteers contributed in excess of 2,170 hours of service in the plant clinic alone, or the equivalent of more than one full- time employee; and, WHEREAS, last year Master Gardener volunteers contributed over $26,000 in services to Collier County GoVernment; and, -', -..;..............,. ",-,-:-,,',.,: ..,..:_ .:. ",:.".:"" ..::.'--.',;,.," ::;..::(": {:'T;.'-'.:..\:.' ./:? ....... . WHEREAS, our communl'ty has as one of its major a, . :ltes the lushness of its horticulture; and, .. . ;' , WHEREAS, wi~~6Ut ~6Iuhteerservice~9fh1aster1!ar;ai!lfe,:s;fhe quality of our coh7munity would be greatly.reduced. ... .--- .. '. ..- "'. ...... . .....-. ". . . . '. ..... . .. , -... ",' - '",. ',', ,.... ,_.... ,...'-....,.'_..::':...::',:::.:'. .;.... -'.. ",' "'- ,'.- ,",",".'.. ... ....., :,.:-: ,,-",.:;.,-:.:,,:.:", . . ,. . NOW THEREFORE-be it prof'a,,"edbythiBoafdorCJunty~()mit;'fsioners of Collier ~ounty,Florida,thatMarch2t-27,:1999 be d,!signpted as "" _._ ..___ . , . ,__',. _C' ,'_ '. .... . .> .... "'.' .......'... .. ..- -' -' . -." . '. .. . ". .. ' ... ':' :_,':,' ...... ..' ,'.,'. :" .' - ":'C"':. ,..'....'.. MASTER GARDENER APPRECIATION. WEEK IN CottIER COUNTY withi~xfrel11egrat<fi}deand appreciation.~~ef}d~d to all the Master Gardener volunteers who fir~ olth~i~tif17e and energies to Collier County G9vernment. We't~~.B~ard of~ollierCounty Commissioners, do affirm our commitment to the Master Gardener Program and value our partnership with the. University of Florida in bringing these special opportunities to our residentsi:1nd visitors. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 23rd Day of March, 1999. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MACKIE, CHAIRWOMAN ATTEST: AGENDAA-ITEM No. S 2) DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ".....- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I PROCLAMA rrON ---........... WHEREAS, the Economic Development Council of Collier County, through the Public/Private Partnership with the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, strives to provide economic opportunities for our youth through specific efforts to retain and recruit businesses which create high-wage job opportunities: and, WHEREAS, a quality labor force and a diversified economy are needed to ensure the economic stability of our local community: and, 'WHEREAS, a good education and inspiration is essential for our youth to value free enterprise, business and economics to improve the quality of their lives: and, WHEREAS, the current and future success of our students is dependent on the cooperative relationship of the entire community: and, WHEREAS, the EDC recognizes the importance of providing linkages between the business community and AU levels of an integrated educational delivery system: and, ... "', ;.:.:...., .., .'>:: :,."., ,::.-'-,:' ,'",.. ,-, WHEREAS, the tteerJ~of thiJ busiflesstommuf1/tylsforaw.ell-educated workforce and citizenry: and, ,', ....... WHEREAS, "':':'- ..:.,..,.:<:':....:... . .'. "-:"": ...' . -,:,:' " ."" ,/ -':,:: \,){,o::"":::,:,),::::,,, th~follter County~o(1r;d of County Commissiprl~rsand the Economic Development CouncilofCollier Cou1tyreciJgniz~th~.efforts and partnerships with the Collier CkuntyPublic Sc~~ols,.c.o//ier County Education Foundation, Naples Area Chamber of;.Coinmerce, and Junior Achievement. iT ";/ r' .. ~ .... " ..'. :: , " ,-- ,. ,-, . . -', -. ~: ,,',' "-" NOW THEREFO/{E,beit p~ocla(medb0'fhe.~()ard of CounrKCommissioners of Collter Coun.. ty,Florida, that.. th.e..' month of April be...Ot. .....e$.. ...~.;gna fed as " .. .. . ..'...... .. . . ,- .. . ~ ;. FOCUS'ON EDl/CATIONMONTH ........................ ........................ ................ ....'...................'............................................................... ......................... '-',. ......- ,-_.. -, .....--.... ....... .......-,. ........ ... ,.. .. .. '.. ........ '....... '-....... and urge everypnet.o r~cogni.z7t~e/I11Portance of preparing our youth with the ability to obtain meaflingful.employment upon graduation of high school, vocationolschool,cofTlITlUnity college or a four-year institution. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 23rd Day of March, 1999. BOARD OF COl/NTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA PAMELA S. MACKIE, CHAIRWOMAN ATTEST: AGENDA A~ No. ...5 DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ".,.-- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TO PRESENT THE CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 OBJECTIVE: To inform and present to the Board of County Commissioners the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1997. CONSIDERATIONS: The Clerk of the Circuit Court serving in the capacity as Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners is responsible for coordination of the annual independent audit along with the production of the comprehensive annual financial report. In this role, the Clerk participates in the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program. This award program was established by the GFOA in 1945 to encourage government units to prepare and publish an easily readable and understandable comprehensive annual financial report covering all transactions of the government during the fiscal year. ,- The GFOA, along with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, believes that governments have a special responsibility to provide the public with a fair presentation of their financial affairs, The comprehensive annual financial reports prepared by and for Collier County go beyond the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles by providing the many users of our financial statements a wide variety of information with which to evaluate the financial condition of this County. Collier County has received this prestigious award for eleven consecutive years, and it is with great pride that we inform and present to the Board the award for the twelfth consecutive year for the comprehensive annual financial report that was prepared for the year ended September 30, 1997, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: NOlle. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accept the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the comprehensive annual financial report for the period ended September 30, 1997. Prepared By: / James L. Mitchell, CIA, CFE, CBA Dire,et-ornfFinance and Accounting Date: 3/z./, j' I , ....--. Reviewed By: Date: MAR 2 j 1999 Pg...J r EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRESENT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THE CO"~fPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1998. OBJECTIVE: To present to the Board of County Commissioners the comprehensive annual financial report for the year ended September 30, 1998, CONSIDERATIONS: The Clerk of the Circuit Court serving in the capacity as Ex-Officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners is responsible for the coordination of the annual independent audit along with the production of the comprehensive annual financial report. In this role, the Clerk is pleased to present to the Board the comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998, The comprehensive annual financial report represents a significant investment of effort by the Finance and Accounting Department along with those involved County employees, We would like to express our appreciation to KPMG LLP, this Board, the other Constitutional Officers, the County Administrator, the Division Administrators and the Department Directors, not only for their assistance with the CAFR, but for their assistance throughout the year in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of Collier County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, FISCAL IMPACT: None. _. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Collier County Board of County Commissioners accepts the comprehensive annual financial report for the period ended September 30, 1998. Prepared By: Y James L. Mitchell, CIA, CFE, CBA Director of Finance and Accounting Date: 3/~/'7' Reviewed By: Date' 2 ~ ~rc: . ~ ./.'J /. / N~~E~~~T~~ ".-- MAR 2 3 1999 pg.---L- .., ~_. COLLIER COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE March 15, 1999 3301 E, TAMIA,MI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 Ms, Joy Lelonek Executive Director United Arts Council of Collier County 1051 5lh Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 A CERTIFIED BLUE CHIP COMMUNITY Re: Request for Public Petition - Request for Financial Support Dear Ms. Lelonek: Please be advised that you arc scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of March 23, 1999 reg:uding the abo\e referenced su bject. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners "ill be limited to ten minutes, Please be advised that the Board will takc no action on your petition at this meeting, Howcver, your petition may be pbced on a future agcnda for consideration at the Board's discretion, Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and thc necd for action by the Board at a future meeting, ,- The meeting will begin at 9:00 a,m, in the Board's Chambers on the Tlmd Floor of the Administration Building (Building .oF") of the government compkx, Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members, If you require any further infonnation or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office, Very truly yours, ,.' ~ - ;../,,~ .. ~. a~/ "0...4 rt? Robert F. Fernandez .. County Administrator RFFlbp cc: County Attorney Office of Management and Budget AGENO~ JTlM No. I(,,~l , / ".-.. MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. { ~~n~ UNITED ARTS COUNCIL .,.~"-~- of Collier County "All the Arts for All the People" COlmTY ADMINISTRATOR ROUTING DATE" ACTION: \-.".'. ..;. ;- ;';"'.-1 ~ March 8, 1999 ;" /~ f./'I 1-: ~~ ~ ,:.J INFO: Mr, Robert Fernandez County Administrator 3301 E, Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 FILE: STAFF FILE: IH: fL.;' " ~ ..{,,, , ..----~ Dear Mr. Fernandez: We are requesting to be placed on the agenda under the Public Petition section of the March 23, 1998 meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Collier County, We will be petitioning the Board of Commissioners to provide financial support to the United Arts Council. " The United Arts Council has been named the official representative of Collier County for purposes of performing the functions of the county fine arts council as described in Chapter 265, Florida Statutes, and by resolution #84-81, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on April 24, 1984. It is our responsibility to survey and assess the needs of the arts, stimulate greater governmental and public appreciation of the importance of the arts to people and the economy in Florida, and encourage opportunities in the arts. In addition, we promote the development of Collier County artists, art institutions, and community organizations as well as sponsor arts activities. With county support, we will be better able to fulfill our role as the county local arts agency and not compete for art dollars meant to support our member organizations. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, -'i~ ~~ Joy Lelonek Executive Director JL:jp N~~EN_~~,~)EM MAR 2 3 1999 ,~ The State Designared Local Arts Agency for Collier COllnty 1051 5th Avcnuc Smith. Naples. Florida 34102 941/263-R242. Fax 941/263-3R30. e-mail # analive@naplcs.nct Pg. .1.. -~, , .:..-:. ;C~:JI""""'..\ ' ;~ '-'::~.~'), ,'.'>:~ ~~"J COLLIER COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S OFFICE .J ~ 3301 E. TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FL 34112 (941) 774-8383 FAX (941) 774-4010 March 17, 1999 A CERTIFIED BLCE CHIP C01L'\lCNITY Donald Pickworth, Esquire 5811 Pelican Bay Blvd" Suite 210 Naples, Florida 34108 Re: Request for Public Petition - International College - Educational Facilities Authority Dear Mr. Pickworth: Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of Commissioners at the meeting of March 23, 1999 regarding the above referenced subject. .".--.. Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes, Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting, However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the Board's discretion, Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting, The meeting will begin at 9:00 a,m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the Administration Building (Building "F") of the government complex, Please arrange to be present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members, If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ~~ County Administrator RFFlbp cc: County Attorney Office of Management and Budget /~A~-E)OA ITEM MAR 2 3 1999 .,.-..... P9.---1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to adopt a resolution authorizing the Collier County Educational Facilities Authority to function. OBJECTIVE: To adopt a resolution authorizing the Collier County Educational Facilities Authority to function and exercise powers under the Florida Higher Educational Facilities Authorities Law. CONSIDERATIONS: International College has requested the Collier County Industrial Development Authority, ("IDA") to assist it with tax";exempt financing of its now administrative/classroom facilities planned for the site that International College is acquiring in Northbrook Village PUD. While the IDA can finance classroom and administration facilities for private non-profit secondary schools, it is not authorized to finance such facilities for post secondary private institutions. The power to finance post secondary administration buildings and classroom facilities is given to an Educational Facilities Authority, which the Florida Legislature has created in each county. An Educational Facilities Authority ("EF A") functions almost identically to an Industrial Development Authority, except that an EF A is limited only to financing projects on behalf of private, nonprofit, post secondary educational facilities. Therefore, in order to provide tax-exempt financing for International College, it will be necessary to authorize the EF A to function in Collier County, The most administratively simple way of accomplishing this is to activate the Educational Facilities Authority by resolution, and name the members of the Industrial Development Authority as the members of the EF A. This would take advantage of the existing administrative support structure that the IDA has, and would, in effect, simply authorize the IDA to act as an EF A. The Florida Statutes provide that before the EF A may function in any county, the County Commission must adopt a resolution declaring the need for the Authority to function, and naming the initial members. A resolution which accomplishes this is attached. It names the existing members of the IDA as the members of the EFA. FISCAL IMP ACT: Tax-exempt bonds of the EF A, like all private-activity tax-exempt bonds issued by the various County financing authorities, do not pledge or obligate any revenues of the County, the State, or any other governmental entity. The bonds are payable solely from the funds ofthe borrower. The bonds are not liabilities or obligations ofthe County and will state on their face ~~~JfAd5M. ~ M/~~ 2 3 1999 '')... Pg. - that neither the County nor any officer, employee or agent thereof is liable on the bonds. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: The activation ofthe Educational Facilities Authority will assist the County in providing for the post-secondary educational needs of Collier County students. The Board is aware of the need ofInternational College to expand its facilities, having considered' a petition for a relocation of the college into a residential area several months ago. The proposed site does not create an issue of incompatibility. Like all projects financed in this manner, the resolution approving the bonds will expressly provide that the facilities are subject to all growth management and land development regulations. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached resolution. Prepared by: -2- ~g~~~j M;'~ Z ~1999 Pg. Resolution 99- A RESOLUTION DECLARING A NEED FOR AN EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY TO FUNCTION IN COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS AND EXERCISE POWERS UNDER THE ACT; DESIGNATING AND APPOINTING THE MEMBERS THEREOF; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 243.18 through 243.40, inclusive, Florida Statutes, (designated as the "Higher Educational Facilities Authorities Law" and referred to herein as the "Act") there has been created by the Florida Legislature a body corporate and politic to be known as the "Collier County Educational Facilities Authority" (hereinafter, the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority, under the terms of the Act, may not transact any business or exercise any power under the Act unless the Board of County CU:l1missioners of Collier County (the "Board") shall declare that there is a need for the Authority to function within Collier County; and WHEREAS, the Board by this resolution hereby determines there is a need for the Authority to function, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY that: 1. The Board hereby finds that there is a shortage of educational facilities at institutions for higher education (as defined in the Act) in Collier County, and there exists a need for an Educational Facilities Authority to function in Collier County, Florida. Accordingly, the Collier County Educational Facilities is hereby authorized and empowered to transact any and all business and to exercise any and all powers authorized by the Act for an educational facilities authority as set forth in the Act. 2. The following persons, each of whom are residents and electors of Collier County, and at least one of whom is a trustee director, officer, or employee of an institution for higher education as defined in the Act, are hereby appointed to serve as members of the Authority for the terms set forth beside their names, and this resolution shall constitute a certificate of appointment for such members: For a term of five years: For a term of four years: For a term of three years: For a term of two years For a term of one year J.R. Humphrey Barbara Rosenberg Alice Carlson Ross Obley John Agnelli AGEN~ r~~ NO. ~ M:i~ 2 3 1999 Pg. !I- 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED and Adopted this _ day of March, 1999. ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk By: Deputy Clerk [SEAL] Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: .~ COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Pamela S. Mac'Kie Chairwoman ~~9tn,~ - MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~ 03/10/99 WED 16:-18 FAX i4J 002 , ' TREISER, KOBZA & VOLPE, CItTD. ATTORNEYS AT L.AW Lisa H. Barnett _ nomas A. Collins. 11 a FilzseruJd A. Fnurr .0 CaLl,erine E, Kilian Kim P:lml:k KobL'! 0 Stanley J, Lieberfarb C. Ril:hacd Mancini Andrew H. Reiss Richard M. Treiser Christopher T. VemoD Michael J. Volpe + The Northern Trust Building 4001 Tamiami Trail North .- Suite 330 Naples. Florida 34103 Telephcine (941)649-4900 Fax (941) 649-0823 Internet Address: www.tkvnaples.com Richard Shapllc~ ot or Coun~.1 o Also ~dmill.d in Michigan . Alia ;,dmiu<:d in New York a Also admi[Jl!d in ~oruclcy ~ Also odmi~ in New Jmey 1 Board CDtified TlIJ: AtlOl1ley M. J. Volpe direcr Internet address: mjvolpc@tkvnapJes.com March 10, 1999 VIA TELEFAX '8-1161 Donald Pickworth, Esquire- 5811 Pelican Bay Boulevard, Suite 210 Naples, FL 34108 RE: International College - Educational Facilities Authority Dear Don: As you know, I am the attorney for the rIl.temational College who will be representing its interest in olUlection with the acquisition and development of its new campus which is to be located here in Collier County. To assist Intemational CoJlege in lheacquisition financing and construction of its first campus building which will contain approximately 40,000 square feet, we have requested your assistance in obtaining [Tom the Board of Commissioners of Collier County, the proper Ordinance or Resolution declaring there is a need for an Educational Facilities Authority to function. here in Collier County. In that regard, I understand the enabling statUte requires at least one of the members of the Educational Authority be a Trustee, Director, Officer or employee of an institution for higher education located in Collier County. In this instance, l.R.(Jack) Humphrey, who as you know, currently serves as a member of the Collier County Industrial DevelopmentAuthority, is and has been, since its inception a member of the Board of Trustees of the International College which is a non-profit educational institution here in Collier County providing a program of educalion~eyond the high school level. I trust this information will be of assistance to YOll in making your presentation to the Collier Comity Board of Commissioners. if there is anything additionalyou require from me at this time, just let me know. Thank you for your assistance. , ,- , ..... Very truly y:~urs, " ," Qtilf.+ZA & VOLPE, Chtd. MiC~ae(JjolPe AGENDA m:-u . NO. ~ ('8'1 ~~-) M~l~ 2 3 1999 Pg. h -WV:mjw cc: Terry P. McMahan.. President (via relefax:774-4593) International College EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONNIE D. STEGALL-FULLMER, REPRESENTING GOODLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION, REQUESTING A WAIVER OF TEMPORARY USE PERMIT FEE FOR AN EVENT HELD ON MARCH 6 AND 7, 1999, ON GOODLAND, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. OBJECTIVE: The Petitioner requests a waiver of the required application fee for a Temporary Use Permit. The permit is for Goodland's 50th Birthday Celebration, a fund raiser sponsored by the Goodland Civic Association, held on March 6 and 7, 1999, at designated business locations throughout Goodland. CONSIDERATIONS: ~ The Goodland Civic Association, a non-profit organization, will use the proceeds from this fund raiser event to go into their building fund to cover costs of insurance, repairs, maintenance and improvements related to their community building. The required application fee for a temporary use permit is $75. The Petitioner requests to waive the fee for this event. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenues for Fund 113 (Community Development Fund) are generated from fees established in the Schedule of Development Review and Building Permit Fees. It is a Board policy that requests for waiver of such fees be granted only by the Board. The term waiver is a bit of a misnomer in that, should a waiver be granted, it is necessary to transfer the funds from the General Fund Reserves (001) to the Community Development Fund (113). Based on staff research, the average annual fiscal impact resulting from these types of fee waivers is $2,200.00. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: A policy decision made by the Board with respect to Temporary Use Permit fee waivers will have no impact on the Collier County Growth Management Plan. ~ AGENDA 'TEML No. 't { A'L MAR 2 3 1999 L Pi. RECOMMENDATION: Fee waiver applications may only be approved by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners, Since fee waivers are requested by a wide variety of individuals and organizations, for various reasons, it is necessary for the Board to evaluate the conditions and reasons which underlie the fee waiver application on a case by case basis. Therefore staff can only recommend denial for fee waiver requests. PREPARED BY: ~Yl~ CHERYL L, ' TER PLANNER I 3-1- 99 DATE , REVIEWED BY: \ , , \ ' \ '~~ --''-'' ~/. ..: \ '" ~~ C . C, c~ L.-~.J ' DATE RONALD F. NINO, AICP CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER "'t...r; r~_ ~ " .5'- ) -, 1 DATE ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP PLANNING SERVICES DIRECTOR APPROVED BY: Jf;Ji7 ~ ' VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR L-. 3--1 ~ ftr DATE EXECUTIVE SUMMARYI FEE WAIVER - AGENDA ITEM No.~(A) L MAR 2 3 1999 PI. ~ 2 / . \. qC.A GOODLAND CIVIC ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 571 GOODLAND. FLORIDA 33t1S8- 34 I ,,~{ January] 9. ] 999 fo"'t. ,,-' ,-, t - - ..~. :~,~ ~::~.~:, ~"' .~~ r -:.~_~ : - ... ~~ Ron Nino. A1CP. Director Planning Services Department Community Dewlopment & Environmental Services Div. 2800 North Horseshoe Dr. Naples. Fl. 34] 04 If,.., 'j (l i:-, ':-'C; ~,.. _ L 1...;...,;,-," \:OJ,_,: ,14",- SC.~"'I'Ct':: Sir: Enclosed please find a letter from the Collier County Sheriffs Office. Application for T cmporary Use Permit with maps. and a check in the amount of $75.00 for the pemlit. The Goodland Civic Association has organized and wishes to hold a Goodland 50th Birthday Celebration on March 6 & 7. 1999, The event is a fund raiser for the civic association. a non profit organization, The monies raised will go into our building fund and used for insurance. repairs and maintenance and improvements to the building. The building is our only community gathering place and is used for community meetings and community social events. Since the event is a fund raiser. we are requesting a waiver of the permit fee 01'$75.00. We are anxious to receive our pemlit and the waiver. 1 look forward to hearing from you. Thank vou, Sincere]v, /', '~I- <"'0,..-\ ~(C :).,,-q . I ....---'t....~,.-, .. \ J'-.l..,_,.,,- - ~.0,,_'\"'I.L, ,~-~ ~ . "- Connie 0, Stegall-Fullmer '- Member. Birthday Celebration Committee AGENOA ITEM No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 3 , r ~ ; cc: John Carter. GCA President (' \", ~ \ '.. \\~ "- \\\ ~ \, ) Pi. . , _;n:->t / , II'! ..-, 'L Y /-H: L . '. ()Ll.... ~ " . ~./ ~ 389 - 6:/~ ~ c _ Official Receipt - Collier County Board of County Commissioners ':;DPR1103 - Official Receipt Trans Number Date Post Date i Payment Slip Nbr -f130i4~-------- - --0112271999 -1 :32_:J~P_~___~ /22/!.99~________~~_~ 7859_________==~--~= GOODLAND CIVIC ASSOC" INC. GOOD LAND Payor: GOODLAND CIVIC ASSOC Fee Information F_~~~-goai --~icri~)tlO~-==~~-=_-=--=--=-~~===GCAccount _-===-==-=--=- Amounf-walved--- 11 "'l.J~E ___~E~I~_L E'{~_N_T~I~~OR!-.B]'_l.J_SJ~._1_~ 13890034394000000_________ -$7s:-00---------- Total $75.00 Payments _F'?y!!'l~~!~od~ CHECK Account/Check Number ----.- -----_...._-~-_._~~---'----- 636 Amount $75,00 ----. --.~~--~_._~-~----_.. Total Cash Total Non-Cash $0.00 $75.00 Total Paid $75.00 Memo: TEMP, USE#99-39 Cashier/location: FROLOFF _E / 1 User: FRONT_DESK AGENDA ITEM No. cgCAI MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 'f Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows 95/NT Printed:01/22/1999 1 :32:45 PM " COlliER COUNTY TEMPORARY USE PERMIT TU- 990038 SPECIAL EVENT o Temporary Sales m-emporary Sports, Religious. or Community Event o Sign Only o Temporary Seasonal Sales: DChristmas Trees; 0 Fireworks; 0 Pumpkins Shopping Center: Business Name: ~cC)dLf-11l,cj r-.UI ~ Ilc:;.r::;oc. Event Address: GC9or/LIO.NrJ - vA/2.(oU~ (,oC,AT70;->$ /,..) Goo"!:>LAA- see; Event Dates: This permit is effective from 3 1~/.Jj to 3 1::1) q Cf. MA f' Property Owner: Name: Address: Phone: Applicant: _ Name: tf((t{jl,j~ J. ~///'ne~ Address: ~~~1~1t, ~Y/~O Phone: 9~/- 3COQ- D2SS- AGENDA I~EM No. ~{A.J I MAR 2 3 1999 p,. S .-1 Attach a site plan which depicts: . property boundaries I . external roads / . access points -../ . parking (improved & unimprovec;l to be used by vehicles during event) v . buildings '.j/ . proposed sign locations SITE INFORMATION Zoning: ftfuc..nCt..e 2o__/,..;c ">1'5r;e.rC.,-5 Present Use: ~ndeveloped ifdeveloped; type of business Parking: o undeveloped; site plan indicates designated parking areas 0developed; site plan indicates a maximum of 10% of the parking area occupied by the special event Banner or Sign: Collier County Land Development Code Section allows one temporary sign or banner in conjunction with a temporary use permit (2 signs are allowed for properties with more than 1 street frontage). MAXIMUM SIZE = 32 square feet. WIND SIGNS (includina balloons. streamers. rota tin a devices and unofficial "aas) ARE PROHIBITED. Traffic Safety: Authorization from the Collier County Sheriffs office may be required for certain events. o undeveloped: proposed access points are shown on the site plan r::rdeveloped; access points existing Exterior Lightin~ 8' existing o additional lighting indicated on site plan Noise: o no music or noise proposed G2f music/noise is anticipated from 51- tl ~i s Alcoholic Beverpges: rz alcoholic beverages will not be sold or consumed A~~I~ I o a copy of the Florida Beverage Commission permit is at ~chEtQ.~ 2 MAR 2 3 1999 p,. In JAN-25-99 MON 05:06 PM GOODTIMES PROP~RTIES INC 1 941 389 0925 P.01 Q1/2&/99 18:00 FAX 941~436968 --...----. .' ._ffi,lliILCO COmflTNITY DE'- ~002 I\- \-L ~ (' k-QA lj l ~ ,," Restrooms: ,. e( ~isting facilities will be available ~ portable facilities are shown on the site plan Security Guard: o ~urity will be provided ua'security will not be provided Other Requirem:ants: By acceptance I)f this pennit, the applicant agreeS to defend, hold harmless and il"1demnify Collier County and its agents from any and all liability which may arise as a result of the issuance of this permit and agrees to conform with applicable provisIons of the Collier Coun~' Land Development Code. /': I, ~~ :5"/.~~II-f:;I/ttJ~ property owner or prope~~r of the sUbject property permlt' to use the property 9S described herein during the time period Indicated. I understand that Collier County Land Development Co:1e S&ction permits a total of 28 c;lays per calendar year (up to 14 consecutiw! days) for special event~ on this property. ~ '"-, Date .....'\ S. Property Ownel'/llI1anager ApEroval: ~ J. p~M: w:19~ This permit doe.:. not constitute approvals which may also be necassary under other local, state and federal regulatIons, including, but not limited to right-of-way permit, buHdlng permit. =AA, FCC, fire district, & DEP. This TU permit is issued pursuant to information provided by the applicant TU permIt fee: $75 Checks payable to: Board of County Commissioners COLLI~R COU;-.TY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 2800 North Horseshoe Drive NaptQS,I='L 34104 941-403~2400 ~g(S.)! 3 MAR 2 3 1999 Pt. 7 ~Iycriff ~01t ~u1ttcr Collier County Govt. Complex Bldg. - J 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Naples, FL 33962 Telephone (AC 941) 774-4434 Jatll:k1ry 18, 1999 Ron Nino" J\ICP, Director Pla.ll!ling Services Department Community Development & Envir('IIlnlental Services Div. 2800 North Horseshoe Dr. Naples, H~ 34104 Sir, I have reviewed the documentation concerning the 50th Birthday Celebration planned by the Goodland Civic Association for the \o\'eekend of March 6th and 7th, 1999. There are no anti~ipated problems with the events, and it does not appear there will be a serious adverse affect on the traffic flow through Goodland. Please feel free to contact me at the :Marco Island Substation ( 394-5129) should you have any prob I ems or concerns in this matter. Sincerely, #1tL-~)~ Sgt William E. McDonald Collier County Sheriff s Office Marco Island Substation AGENOA ~ No. 'it I MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pi. - ( ( I .j, (-- ~' . ....~ rr (. .r ~ ~ " ~,-~ <}o~1J J' t..;.,e,'; ~~tt'~. _..,( . -:-'-::t_ .._,~ :~;~.~.y~: : ," . -~ ,; :.. :-..:~i:'-f::/-' .:. :-..~~' \.D. ~ ~ ---to '\:l) ....~ ... ,j,' ' ,-I( " u ,P 1-- ~ ( -( ~ . r c. ) -l t ry'i) ~ "J tJ 3 ~ -i ~Jt -~ -' '0 V ~ rr- <s ~\ ~ \.I T iiI <. '-'\ ..r () J -. .: I q: -6 ~ "'.J) <r~~ ?:~ -:: ~::f g ~ ~ g l)o) ~-j j -f - ."'-r:;t~ c!1- ~ -i \J ( , .;.~O -- ~ I). ~ i i'-~ "" .., 2 ~ <;I -t ~ \ 'U J' .' . ~; '~'. .' /!!i~:: /D i ( , .... I J, ' ' ,..-;' "'" (~ ~ ~ U 1 . ....r ( , -r J. C1. r= ).11. _ ~ ~. LT. .. .. ,. .... IEJ ~ to .. r ~. I ~ ;....~. ~ i~iiL~ · : ~ ~"~'~~"~',,, ~ ' ..: -:':' ~ ~, ;::,:~ El:: - ~, f\:~' Hi ~':t' f-:- 1-- ,iT _ r-f)f I:i: ? ~ I..q. ) )'h,. :1,:.1--'- - ~ ~ ,Ill" lL r.: ~ . I',:.r - >-, :s.. .,.... ~ ., 0 7)~ ,:: "I:?--:::: :: "ot 'f ~ ~ ~~ 'I -lJ1f!2{Blc. f ~ .:J; Ii - ~ - ~:,J~ .~: 1::: iF" jr:i ~ '7 L-l/~ ff"i~~"-=-~~"l'_ lJE<~' r~ J~~ . 1- ~~ .u J" I ~ -~:i I~ cr ~ ~ · I Ii", ~ ' &; L" ; .. > L:t ~I-..., ~- -' · I : I . f- I....:.. _ I ~..;:.. .. ~. ( ~--"~~""....:1 :: :: r!.~ tk. '}g ~=~ 1 ~ -"- · 'or ..... ~I i I r:-.... .,1 :i: : ~ ~: it ~ ~j: i~" __ \ ~-1?--. '. ~>;- .!......!.. ., ~ ,-,' '. . ,tn.., <? ~7' ~~ Ii..., .;!. i~ ~-..l"1r ;;-...... . ~:" . J"' !1~iJ~~'M~~.~"8111;:; ~+~~ ~~ ,'. .. t' \ ~.. - - .. ...!- ~ -;- i\;~ CJ. ' !(/..'~.,.__ - ,_ . - - ". .. .. ,-1- ~ ,,' ,,' ;;;;". If "'--^:, ~.' ..... ". 9. ~ CI) · ~I ..'""~:' :.-', l:- :......., :OJ ~ I :.. · ~..! ~ ~ a ~ ,!ieC":, . ~.. .."'l", ."c~ .i-.~ I:" i~ '. ~. ~' ." f,< '. ~i.':;?~~~"~_,-, II"':... ~h:;..! ~'a''i;, -.~~ ',__ f, 1 ~~ I 'E ~ .. h~~ ~IJr':. ~~t ~,':} ~~~ ~ ( -'f,,~ ~ f.;:: ~MU1SHnSl:: all ',' II ""Il ,. ~ ,_'\ '7 , ;~ .T. .T..r. .r'.',i~c~~;,) "- ~~!. \ · .:~' U.l199!l ~~.. '.'~-~~~Sll .... - . ...... .....;: 11'1 :_j.~, ' ~- I . '-_ .s :2 tt ......,. 9-1' , "" " -;; ~<5,' , . ~J^ B:.:,; . ( J ,t ( j ~ i'-~__ , '" lf2 - <lB; EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FOR 951 MINI STORAGE OBJECTIVE: The Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to accept the conveyance of the water facilities. CONSIDERATIONS: 1) The Developer of 951 Mini Storage, has constructed the water facilities within dedicated easements to serve this development. See attached location map. 2) Preliminary acceptance was approved by the Community Development and Environmental Services staff on March 23, 1998, in accordance with Ordinance 97-17. 3) Staff has recorded all appropriate legal documentation which had been reviewed by the County Attorney's office for legal sufficiency. 4) The water facilities have been operated and maintained by the Collier County Water-Sewer District during the one (1) year warranty period. 5) A final inspection to examine for any defects in materials and workmanship was conducted by the Community Development and Environmental Services Division staff and found to be satisfactory. 6) The Utilities Performance Security (UPS), in the form a Cash Bond in the amount of $2,197.00, will be released to the Project Engineer or the Developer's designated agent upon the Boards approval. FISCAL IMPACT: The water facilities were constructed without cost to the Collier County Water-Sewer District. The cost of operating and maintaining the water facilities will be paid by monthly user revenues. AGENDA ITEM No. <?(jj) t2 MAR 2 3 1999 PI. / Executive Summary 951 Mini storage Page Two GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project has been connected to the County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Capacity presently exists to serve this project. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development and Environmental Services Division Administrator recommends that the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, accept the water facilities for 951 Mini Storage, and release the UPS to the Project Engineer or the Developer's designated agent. PREPARED BY: s~~ E~~ng Technician II Engineer' g Review Services __~~//9P Date REVIEWED BY: ~~~ p iU Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Services Manager 3,,/7- 99 Date Robert Mulhere, AICP Planning Services Department Director Date AP~Oy6 B.Y:U. ~ ~ Cautero, AICP Administrator COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ]-/)-CZ, Date AGENDA ITEM No. qC#)~ MAR 2 3 1999 ~~ ~--f':'-." ... ,_....:':-;"'";.-' ~ - .. ..-' .....-...,. -; '- -. . ~_. . --c...:'~. ~. ,. .._ __.. - '-""-'~~"~' -;..._~~-.., .. .' ~'..' ~"""~~~?~'~"?""2~.~~~:~~~_ ~_"?_~.~~~~..._....,_. l""'Ia ._~.~.,~-.::-~:~_ __4:_"'~."'''-'~"'':7~~~~~a;~~~~'''''''~'~.~'''''~~'''~'l . . .... ,';_~;.'_-.,...<:__r".;,-:~":'~~~"::::'_":~'"_.".;_,::,,,>;,:_;,_.:'",::~"".,.~..:,: ;' .'<___'__.' . ~i_,.__. . :-'.'~"',:, ;', _.,.____. .'_~_"" _. 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Payments Payment Code CHECK AccounUCheck Number 081611463 Amount $2197.00 Total Cash Total Non-Cash $0.00 i $2197.00 i $2197.00 I Total Paid Memo: Cashier/location: TERILLA_J / 1 User: NIX_S Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows 95/NT Printed: lIAR :[.J ,1QQQ /98 2:57:36\JPfi'~ -6 "- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF LONGSHORE LAKE UNIT FOUR AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITY OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit Four. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners on October 28, 1997 approved the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit Four with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. The project cost is $103,551.25, to be borne by the developer. The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $9,500.62. The developer has provided a Letter of Credit as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $2331.12 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $103,551.25 and were paid in August, 1997 and are reflected in the Executive Summary of October 28, 1997. A~ITEM No. 8tfJJJ MAR 2 3 1999 PI- / '* Executive Summary Longshore Lake Unit Four Page 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Longshore Lake Unit Four II , with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Longshore Lake Uni t Four II . 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: )~ \~ ~\~...w ~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review ~.\t...qq Date REVIEWED BY: ThO~,8.E~ Engineering Review Manager 5-/1- 99 Date a6~ICP Planning Services Department Director APPROVED BY/1~ ~ , Lf;wf /I. ~~~ Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services '] -/?rll Date 3//?~? Date Community Dev. and Environmental Sves. DIVISION AGENDA ITEM No. 9(jt3 MAR 2 3 1999 PIL r1.. ~:. ~~ ~ "~~ . . c.a. .... --;:. ~ - ,. f . '-.':" ."""" " 1 -- ~.-~_.. - _ ,': -:'.,..~0.;. I .~'.- .. r --_.." : ,.~ .--'.' ._.p, I . ~ J lft ~ - . - 1 :i I '-I " - , ., .1 :1 . ) 4 .1 - ., . -, " I . ., "- .\1 -' , I "" - ~ c ' .L ~.t. &.IT r . c ...~~ -~-~... - -...-- .. I. " I ..... . I - :> . z :, - - .. .. c :, . . - . . U. 2 . ~l .. .. ..1 -. c . E , ... :, c ~ ., - c::t J " . ...e IttM c .... - l . . ' -L. I I I .. 1 I. I I - J ' , .' I ,I ~V~".C ....., J . ,..... C _.h:::.::' · ~~~:;~---~::"i '~:1 '0S~K~ .. . ,c_'\ . . _ ." '\ c -., . .& ,; vI \- I - . ' I ," -J~ E). -, 1. [ C 'OUWTT . . COL.LltR CWWTT' . ....-.J ~ ... --_.-. . < ___ .." r, . .. . , :<:;:\t:Zi~i.t:.;;,rs, PRO J E C T '~ ~~::~::~,~l-. '.,S.L'L'O. '''c': A~-'-T':-=lc~O">:;':N-- ~'~~ '. .~_-: ;.:-:_ .:. :~":"_.:' ~,._ "0 -.-:.~ 4.~.~:~-;:7_~-:"~::~' ". " .. .- -. -: ~_:.- .' .- .,...>;: -::--:';' .. . ;:. -:,.,,<- i ,.:.. n: .. '~. . '<II .~ " ~~',tI!~C' · "'M.I4C1 IIW'T.', ..... . ]'~"'{:-, ;.3~'.-:..:;._i;.';...[~ . :~ _ .. - . 'r .- ~: - .. - .. . ~_.....-.._..-_... -~. . .. -'. -.- . . . . .. - .. .. .. " La. ... .........._---~~.. .. . - - - - . . It e Z 0 D. P. tit i 011 It - a ,.- % C ~ LONGSHORE LAKE P.Uc o. - . T. ac.&u - , : "4'~-;. . LOCATION MAP NlBGAmM ' ~-' ., -. ., "~E'--::: "...-.' .... .~ . :. .. . ..: c~~~;~:, :;;~~ ~:':""~~T:;;";;;~;~".;;:~"'~ ,,-:. . - '".."_.' ,_.~,~,. ",.~~~~.,_~J:. " -"~t:;::~,~7i:t~~~~.-; '~~:.~'" .~;:?~:.-:-~~:. '.:-:- .. ...........;.-'"':'-..- '=' CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMEl\1' FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this day of , 1999 between Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". RECITALS A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: "Longshore Lake, Unit 4 " B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: water, sewer, roadway, drainage, and street lighting within 36 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $9,500.62 which amount represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved: by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. AGENDA ITEM No. <;?{#)3 MAR 2 3 1999 ,." 1../ \\Hma_naples\ WP\1986\1986029\WTC\cmasiUnit4.doc --- ----.~ ...-. ..-----.-.-----.---".---... . of 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Deveiopment Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision. performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. AGENDA ITEM No. l? {fJV MAR 2 3 1999 PlL6 W:\l 986\1 986029\WTOcmasiUnit4.doe ~ TN WlTN'"FSS VlHRRF.OF. the 'Rowand 'Oeveloper have c~n~ thi~.Agreement to be exe...."UteO by their duly authorized representative this _ day of . 1999. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ~~Lu. ~ ~l("~ C""'lLVb~~ ~.!~T~)l>ed,N~_~u. . / , <<- ( -- ' , ~ 0.1~ LiW: ,1n/(-L . ed or T)-pe Nam.e) A.ttest: Dwight E. Brock. Cle:tk Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal s-ufficiency: 'd c.. Weigel. Collier County Attomey \\Hna_mpb\WP\1916\1~~. ~I i1B0517.doG Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. a DeIa.ware LiIMecl Partnership doing bl1Siness in the State of Florida as Long.omnre Lake Homes, Limited I-artncrsbip By: LLH General Partna, Inc. a Delaware C.otp<'l1'aticm. its General Partner By: A;.'. en, as taIy* AA ...LFt.-- with n power and authority to bind VVr7'-'- the partneJ:sbip and Vice President Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida By: Pamela S. Mac'Kie Chairwoman AGENDA ITEM No. Pi /l).:1 MAR 2 3 1999 PI. b ,.- -- . E!~~T NATIONAL BANK PO, Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Phone: (941) 262-7600 Fax: (941) 262-6267 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 12-98-0173 ISSUER: First National Bank of Naples (hereinafter "Issuer"). 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 December 22, 1998 PLACE OF EXPIRY: At Issuer's counters. DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until December 22, 1999 and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on the anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issuer notifies the Beneficiary in writing by registered mail that the Issu~r elects not to so renew this Credit. APPLICANT: Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership. BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, (hereinafter llBeneficiary") Collier County Courthouse Complex, Florida 34112. Florida Naples, AMOUNT : $9,500.62 (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof. CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH: Issuer. BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Beneficiary's drafts at sight drawn on the Issuer. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: AVAILABLE BY BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT DRAWN ON THE ISSUER AND ACCOMPANIED BY BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER, CERTIFYING THAT: "Longshore Lake Homes, L. P., a Delaware Limited Partnership has failed to construct and/or maintain the required improvements as shown on the plans for the subdivision known as Longshore Lake Unit 4, or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County, has not been performed prior to the date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally accepted by the Beneficiary." DRAFT (S) DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MOST BE MARKED: First National Bank of Naples' Credit No. 12-98-0173, dated 1998.11 The original letter of credit and all amendments, if presented for proper endorsement. "Where little things make a BIG difference." "Drawn under December 2 2 , an must be AGENDA ITEM No. f? (1)..1 MAR 2 3 1999 .... 1 .,., . E~~T NATIONAL BANK PO, Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Phr~e: (941) 26~-7600 Fax: (941) 262-6267 Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. Letter of Credit #12-98-0173 Page 2 This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the Issuer's undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referenced to herein or in which this letter of credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. Issuer hereby engages with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this credit. This credit is Documentary Credits publication No. 500. subject to the (1993 Revision) Uniform CUstoms and International Chamber Practice for of Commerce FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAPLES By: Cn: Vice President AGENDA ITEM No. &' GA).3 MAR 2 3 1999 ~.. PI- "Where little things make a BIG difference." . -------.. .........- ","- .... ---.. '"- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF LONGSHORE LAKE UNIT 5-D AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITY OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit 5- D. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners on October 21, 1997 approved the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit 5-D with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. The project cost is $126,284., to be borne by the developer. The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $13,342.25. The developer has provided a Letter of Credit as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $2750.00 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $126,284.20 and were paid in August 1997, and are reflected in the Executive Summary of October 21, 1997. AGENDA ITEM ......./'Cf'I \ ~ ...... MAR 2 3 1999 ~ / Executive Summary Longshore Lake Unit 5-D Page 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of IILongshore Lake Unit 5-DII, with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of IILongshore Lake Unit 5-DII. 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: Jo~~ ~\cl.~,"~~~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review !,. lib' qq Date REVIEWED BY: ~0~ Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager s.. /1-- 9~ Date ~ ~obert Mulhere, AICP Planning Services Department Director ? '/;:Z <;- f Date APPROVED B~ VJ'~ -a- Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services ~ 3'7/f7 Date Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION AGEJtI)A fTEM No. ~(Ij) Lf MAR 2 3 1999 .... ~ ~:, L::'.~l ~ '~ I . c..a. .... - t t ... f .... .~ .:::..-.;-. I '.' --.. - .' -" 1 --~-... . . ~ I .. - I :S I .- r . - , .1 .1 :1 . J .. ..I ., . -, - . &1 .c. , . ''-. ~ oJ I J - ~ c . .,L ~u. "Tt: . C ~-- -~_-... - ...--- ... , ',' J '.. ' I - ::> - lit 2 ~I . - .. .. c :, .. . - . . u.. 2 .. :, . ~. ..J -. c ~ ; , .. :, .. - =' ., J ..' .. C) J , ....c .,.., .... .... l .. L. t I r 1 I S t , I ~:-~...~:-..~~~:, ~ .-., ,~'. I , I ...;'!>,~-~'=-~ .. _I: ., .l v. I I .-..-., , pvtuaC ...... ~-..w..~..~ ;= -:~:~:_;'-7: ~r.~-j:. __" ,~:::~~.:~'~~:3'" :...._~ . " ~. .. . ". .c~U -. ". -- ,LEe CouffTT I" - I , I I ...J :,;,,1 --:'1 ':1 " \ . \ \ " '\ \ . ' . . . . eO\.Lltlt aNMTY :"-'. .:. .' - ~.. " .. .... ---:.~:.:-: " . - _o~~~,=~.-:,>:",' -PROJECT:. -:r~f:0I~2LOCAti6N' - ~'=--".-::- ~~'.-:::;-' "~.-: ~ ~ -..: :-:-~~~;':'/'_., '.',. :~.;f:.:';' ~-~ ~:.]- ::"~.' - -.".< ., '.,-"::,., ~:c <, '~~'!T a '. c ... ... z - 1m. '-. :'.:~~:;i;',P-:=:--~.~'~':"'~' " r -.." _ .,- ."."- -:;-. - . . ,; " - ...-.~.-. ....... - -... ~ :. .. . .. . . c.a. ... - '. . . y -~~.-_-_...._.. ..... . -:;:. I r 1 I .. I I '.. J "1 ~. . ~ . : - .' > - J - - " -. .:";' '" ' .' Resoc. Petitioc R-'7.-2C .;. LONGSHORE LAKE P. U. D. . LOCATION M A.GDGA IlEM NA.?~) LJ . MARc 1.3, ,1999 -.... .'" ;;~-;. .- ~.-..;~" "- "f~'<._tf % :e~X,:r:' 1 ::- - .. ..... - -' -. ~ ::......-., -.. . ': '~iti~';o1'ijiti~:~,!~_~~i~;E: . - ,~~",-'-- c'J. ,..,-.;..." ."-,--~--,""-""""_. :: CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this day of , 1999 between Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". RECITALS A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: "Longshore Lake, Unit 5D" B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: water, sewer, roadway, drainage, and street lighting within 36 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $13,342.25 which amount represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. AGENDA ITEM No. ?(t/) "I MAR 2 3 1999 W:\ 1986\1986029\WTC\cmasiUnitSD.doc PI. i..f ... 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by fmal approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. AGEN)A ITEM No. r<V/) 1./ MAR 2 3 1~g9 S' PI, \ \Hna_ napIes\ WP\1986\1986029\ WTC\cmuiUnitSD.doc IN '\V1TNESS WHEREOF~ the Board and ~.eloper have C3ll.~ th~~ Agr.eeme.nt to be executed by their duly authorized representative rhis _ day of , 1999. Signed, Sealed and Delivered ill th~ p~ce of: JifJ ~ II VJ.&~,- ~~\)~ (Printed or Typed Name) Atrest:: Dwight E. Brock, elm Deputy Clerk Approved as to form 3lld legal sufficiency: ~)ML &Vlii . Weigel COllier County Attorney \iHua_ . DS061l.dcc - Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. a Delaware Limited Partnership doing business in the State of Florida as Longshore Lake Homes) Limited Parmership By: LLH General Partner. Inc. a Delaware Corporation. its Galc:ral Partner Hy: I * AAL::J:/- . A. , en, as SeCf w "'V~LL./' \vith full pO\Vel' and. aulhotity to bind the partnership and Vice President Board. of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida By: Pamela S. Mac'Kie Chairwoman AGENDA ITEM No. R(8)4 MAR 2 3 1999 b pc. . f!~~T NATIONAL BANK EO, Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Phone: (941) 262-7600 Fax: (941) 262-6267 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 12-98-0175 ISSUER: First National Bank of Naples (hereinafter "Issuer"). 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 December 22, 1998 PLACE OF EXPIRY: At Issuer's counters. DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until December 22, 1999 and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on the anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issuer notifies the Beneficiary in writing by registered mail that the Issuer elects not to so renew this Credit. APPLICANT: Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership. BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, (hereinafter "Beneficiary") Collier County Courthouse Complex, Florida 34112. Florida Naples, AMOUNT : $13,342.25 (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof. CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH: Issuer. BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Beneficiary's drafts at sight drawn on the Issuer. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: AVAILABLE BY BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT DRAWN ON THE ISSUER AND ACCOMPANIED BY BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER, CERTIFYING THAT: "Longshore Lake Homes, L. P., a Delaware Limited Partnership has failed to construct and/or maintain the required improvements as shown on the plans for the subdivision known as Longshore Lake Unit 5D or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County, has not been performed prior to the date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally accepted by the Beneficiary." DRAFT(S) DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE MARKED: First National Bank of Naples' Credit No. 12-98-0175, dated 1998." The original letter of credit and all amendments, i presented for proper endorsement. "Drawn under December 22, "Where little things make a BIG difference." PI. 1 -=.- . E!~~T NATIONAL BANK P.O. Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Phone: (941) 262-7600 Fax: (941) 262-6267 Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. Letter of Credit #12-98-0175 Page 2 This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the Issuer's undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referenced to herein or in which this letter of credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. Issuer hereby engages with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this credit. This credit is Documentary Credits Publication No. 500. subject to the (1993 Revision) Uniform CUstoms and International Chamber Practice for of Commerce FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAPLES Vice President ~fu MAR 2 3 1929 "Where little things make a BIG difference," pt. ~ : EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF LONGSHORE LAKE UNIT 5-C AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITY OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit 5- C. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners on October 21, 1997 approved the final plat of Longshore Lake Unit 5-C with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provided to ensure completion of the required subdivision improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. The project cost is $330,321.87, to be borne by the developer. The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $37,397.12. The developer has provided a Letter of Credit as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $5490.00 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $330,321.87 and were paid in August, 1997 and are reflected in the Executive Summary of October 21, 1997. 4GENDA ITEM No. ffjJ6 MAR 2 3 1999 PI. I :- Executive Summary Longshore Lake Unit 5-C Page 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Longshore Lake Unit 5-C", with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Letter of Credit as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recording of the final plat of "Longshore Lake Unit 5-C". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. PREPARED BY: J 0 l~...\ ~~ ~ \.tJ\p \.l... John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review '3.. I Ca ' q~ Date REVIEWED BY: ~~iJ- Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager ~~/l- r;9 Date ~ R~ert Mulhere, AICP Planning Services Department Director AP'/t7 BY: --/'_ v~~~~ero~, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services ? ....y ,? ?9 Date ~:~ Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION AGENDA ITEM No. ~)6 MAR 2 3 1999 PI.~ .~> p~ ',/-..:..... ~ l . L. t I I i I J I . J . ,) - -, ..' . I p,. . ,,,,,,ec ..6.8 . ~. '- -' -.-".--- .-. . " _I'- -I .1 vi I I . " - 1 .- J .. ~ J :i I .r :1 :1 . ;) .. ., . - . .c. .J I ',,- ~ - I ~ c .L ...... c:. .... c ....... -.~-...- t- I. " I '.. . I ~ :I :, .. c ... . - -, . p.. :I :, .. ..J -. c . .. :, - c =' ., 0 J : ,"-' . . ....c .' '. E)" - .. , . T. aC4\U i. I ,I I I · _ J -. ,.~-_:~~~'-=":-":'''~~: ~ ~.I :......-i.-;,.. ".. ,::' :~~~::..--' ,."~-"I ,t \ \ " " , \ . . .. .., C:." . ,'c,", ~ , ,'C . ",... .- c -- ... z - c..a. .... UTI' ------ ....c . I , I a .... I I '.. J '., '. ., 1 q I , . J .. I . ' .1 ..I .. -, I .. . .. - . -. - :. - - . LtC COUNTT ,. ,.. . . COLLIER C'OUMTT' .- ... _.;'~.~~.,,; ':"'~'-'PROJECT'o ~-;~:1-.1't;i.oc At ION .-::..:-~~~.~--'.-. ': "-::,,,".i :. .. : - . " ", .~ ': ,I!~C' - ...M.t4n :'~~~-;:5_~-..:::. "..~,~'._/- 1rrT. .l"..... . -~ , - - - . . v ~~_...-.._~---- . <<I . . ee.... C." ... - '. .. . y -~....~_..-.----. .. . '. .. .. - - -. ......~. . . . It e z 0 D . P. lit i 0 D It - a 7.- 2. C LAKE P. u. o. ,; LONGSHORE . LOCATION MAP AGEJ<<JA ITEM No. .8" rd)~ .:';~1.17~~ll9_' ~~1~~:";~"" EXHX:eXT. :1. ,"::"~,.~::;;::j~.;~~.:;;tli:r~\.~~~~ki~~~~T.b,:t~~~;~J~~' ..' .-_. . ...--.''':'.... - .^"= -- CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDMSION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this day of , 1999 between Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. hereinafter referred to as the "Board". RECITALS A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: "Longshore Lake, Unit 5C" B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: water, sewer, roadway, drainage, and street lighting within 36 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of $37,397.12 which amount represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimated cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. AGENDA rrEM No. R (A),s" MAR 2 3 1999 W:\l 986\1 986029\WTC\cmasiUnitSC.doc ~ II 5. The Development Services Director shall, wi thin sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Sv'rvices Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements completed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. AGEN>A ITEM No. f? Cfl ) 6/ MAR 2 3 1999 ~-S W:\l 986\1 986029\WTC\cmasiUnitSC,doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Boord and neve~'(" have ~used ~ A.greement to be ~ecuf:ed by thei.r duly authorized representative this _ day of . 199 9. Sigced, Sealed 8Dd Delivered. in the presence of: Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. a Delaware LiDUted Partnership doing business in the State of Florida as Longshore Lake Homes, Limited. PartncrWp By: LLH Genecal Partner, Inc. a Delaware C':nfl\nr.:rtiou it; General Partner ~ .. --Ws ~ QLL By: A. . ~asS e ~ C?fd'~ with full power and authority to bind tiP c....c..... the partnership and Vice President ~ ~~ ~~~b'-""""" (Printed. or Typed Name) Attest: Dwight 1=:. l3rock, Clerk Board of County Commissioners oreoDier County, Florida By: Deputy Clak Pamela S. Mac'Kie Chairwoman Appro'lt:U. ~ to tunn antlleg-oll sufficiency: @ David C. Weigel Collier CountY Attomey AGENDA ITEM No. ~ fA) S MAR 2 3 1999 W'!t.l9S6\: 986O:!9\W'l'C'ltmIpi5C8105UJ.toe PI. h ~-~-------- -... '.:0. : . a~?sT NATIONAL BANK ro, Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101-3043 Phone: (941) 262-7600 Fax: (941) 262-6267 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 12-98-0176 ISSUER: First National Bank of Naples (hereinafter llIssuerll). 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: 900 Goodlette Road North Naples, Florida 34102 December 22, 1998 PLACE OF EXPIRY: At Issuer's counters. DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until December 22, 1999 and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on che anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issuer notifies the Beneficiary in writing by registered mail that the Issuer elects not to so renew this Credit. APPLICANT: Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership. BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida (hereinafter "Beneficiary") Collier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida 34112. .:;MOUNT : $37,397.12 (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof. CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH: Issuer. BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Beneficiary's drafts at sight drawn on the Issuer. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: AVAILABLE BY BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT DRAWN ON THE ISSUER AND ACCOMPANIED BY BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER, CERTIFYING THAT: "Longshore Lake Homes, L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, has failed to construct and/or maintain the required improvements as shown on the plans for the subdivision known as Longshore Lake Unit SC or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County, has not been performed prior to the 'date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally accepted by the Beneficiary." DRAFT (S) DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE MARKED: "Drawn under First National Bank of Naples' Credit No. 12-98-0176, dated December 22, 1998." The original letter of credit and all amendments, if any, must be presented for proper endorsement. AGENDA ITEM No. <is' (J1~ s: MAR 2 3 1999 "Where little things make a BIG difference." -. -- ~- '-;-..:~ -~__""'I"o:.: -........L!:"'~......,;....~~~ ..~__ .. -Jtf. 1/ . " . f!~~T NATIONAL BANK PO. Box 413043 Naples, Florida 34101.3043 Phone: (941) 26'7600 Fax: (941) 262.6267 Longshore Lake Homes, L.P. Letter of Credit #12-98-0176 Page 2 This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the Issuer's undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referenced to herein or in which this letter of credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. Issuer hereby engages with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this credit. This credit is Documentary Credits publication No. 500. subject to the (1993 Revision) Uniform Customs and International Chamber Practice for of Commerce FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAPLES . Sammons, Vice President AGENDA ITEM No. f? (IJ) ({ MAR 2 3 \999 f' ~ "Where little things make a BIG difference," EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF "CANDLEWOOD THREE" OBJECTIVE: To approve the final plat of lands located in Section 24, Collier County, Florida. "Candlewood Three", Township 48 South, a subdivision of Range 25 East, CONSIDERATION: Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Candlewood Three" . These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to construct the improvements for this project prior to recording of the plat or to furnish the required amount of approved security for recording purposes at a later date. This procedure would be in conformance with Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Candlewood Three" be approved with the stipulation that the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until the approved security is received to guarantee completion of the required improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $66,728.15, to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) Water & Sewer - $35,863.00 b) Drainage, Paving & Grading - $30,865.15 The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $1,686.96 Fees are based on a co~st:uction estimatE ofA~~)~ $66,728.15 and were pa~d ~n December, 19c8, ~n ~n~~ March, 1999. MAR 2 3 1999 I PI. Executive Summary Candlewood Three Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a) Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $ 4./ac) - $445.00 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const. est.) - $179.31 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const. est.)- $131.17 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const. est.) - $537.95 Drainage, Paving & Grading (1.275% const. est- $393.53 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Candlewood Three" with the following stipulations: 1) That the final plat not be recorded until the required improvements have been constructed and accepted or until approved security is received for the uncompleted improvements and that construction shall be completed within 36 months of the date of this approval. 2) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 3) That no building permits be issued until the final plat is recorded. 4) That any outstanding issues with the construction plans and plat are resolved prior to the pre-construction meeting. AGEN>? ~)Z No.i MAR 2 3 1999 ~ pc. Executive Summary Candlewood Three Page 3 PREPARED BY: ~~-\. ~d~\N~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: ~ 21U Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager R6~ AICP Planning Services Department Director APP~Y' ~d- Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services ~ Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION jrh ~'/8"9q Date 3//~/9f Da t e . {1~;: S-y9-9? Date A~~ No.-1..l6.)!e... MAR 2 3 1999 PI. 3 ,.. ~..... · !/1 - _.~A-~ 1_ -.: ~ - ~\ OJ!'! -= -.-.\/....-.- . --- fI -'- ." CJl_ .., " _ I .,~ i =?~l-= _~ i ~D -:.~ _ .:..... ~ - +=ITl ~~ _II = -- . - \ r u,-.J, L ~ ,.,. _ fc.A. ~ , /'......lll._ l "\ ~. _..- ~ \,~ ~ ~-~c~ ~~ ...:.. ~r-~~~ U- ~r -..;0; ~ . ~ , t ~:fii:. .. U PROJECT LOCATIOf\ ~ l . I " H . i = I ! ' TT II: ] J I I 0.:-- -- .:-. I ~ --:I~ "-,All "'II.I:llOf .. ~ .... \.~ 1 l!i'- ...- I' '::1~ r~ .:. 1_- _ ~I __we ~ \ _~ ~P\I) \ \ ~ ~ i \ ' -: !:'" 1 . \ .:. _I.M<< - I - 'IUAI 5 ~ , ~_ 5 ... - ::IIF~' -..ao - C)lJ. ~ I' I ~ '\ ; ~- --- --- ~ -- ....,.., .:: ~:---- .r ~ · J , II ~mL II I I, ~~-' ... YU, -- [::i' l5U&o n,;; , I -.-u, r-MQIlIl I'" : -= --~ I -- 1MB -- . ~ . l~~~ I "\ \.. ~ ~. I~ g , .- . ~ :_~ ~~. ~ '"rJi\ r!:.'!D<< [f' ,.J I .. ~- - jllillr[[~ ~ P-'C/l' =- I: ~ l...J' 1-'. a ~ I. i:D N = a-. . ,__ r-+- ~... .., D I-~ ::: ~ ~ u ~- I l:5 LOCATION MAP AGEN>A Il9' NO. 'X'/~)" MAR 2 3 1999 PI, 1- , Ill" It TIll f\ I ~-, ~::..,~ CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF f>LA T THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS PRIOR TO RECORDING OF PLAT AGREEMENT entered into this _ day of . 19 between Peek-BenderJnc. . (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"), and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"). RECITALS: 1. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as: Candlewood Three 2. Division 3,2 of the Collier County Land Development Code allows the Developer to construct the improvements required by said subdivision regulations prior to recording the final plat. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: within ~ months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hereinafter referred to as the required improvements. 2. Developer herewith agrees to construct said improvements prior to recording said subdivision plat and the Board of County Commissioners shall not approve the plat for recording until said improvements have been completed. 3. Upon completion of said improvements, the Developer shall tender its subdivision performance security in the amount of $ 6.632.05 which represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction. Upon receipt of said subdivision performance security by the Development Services Director, the Developer may request the Board of County Commissioners to approve the subdivision plat for recording and grant preliminary approval of said plat. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve the improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements, However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. ~A~ No. B (fl)Cp MAR 2 3 1999 Pf..~ 2117~9I53 Ver 02!-AMCINTOS n.Li....LC~I,. 03117..QOO..OOI-ECOR-21932 . . 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director, After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has tenninated, the Developer sildll petition lhe Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the 10% subdivisionperfonnance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for the County. 7. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision perfonnance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed and maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision perfonnance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board, upon completion of such construction, the final total cost to the Board thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages, either director or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 8. All of the tenns, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative this _ day of . 19_. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Witnesses to (Developer Name): .s~ Step~A.Meansfl h _ ~ C~.....t!.- r h ~ <- ~ / Anne P. McIntosh PE Devel e By: .> Robert P. Bender, Vice President ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Pamela S. Mac'kie, Chairwoman Approved as to fonn and IJ:L~C1J J~ David C. Weigel, County Attorney ~ A~!'.tIDj No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 ~ pt. 2117199-4915] Vor: 021.AMCINTOS ........LC~ 03117.QOO.OOI-ECOIl-%I91% EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "ASHLEY GROVE" OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of Ashley Grove, a subdivision of lands located in Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSIDERATION: Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the final plat of "Ashley Grove". This document is in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. There are no subdivision related improvements associated with this plat. Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Ashley Grove" be approved for recording. FISCAL IMPACT: The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $450.00 Plat Review Fees GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the project. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Ashley Grove" with the following stipulations: 1. Authorize the recording of the Final plat of "Ashley " AGENDA ~ No. ~(JJ)1 MAR 2 3 1999 pt. / Executive Summary Ashley Grove Page 2 PREPARED BY: -bt\~ V\.\~~~\i John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: ~~~ Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager R6b~, AICP Planning Services Department Director APPRO~ ~t4- Vincent A. Cautero, AICP Administrator Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. 4 Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION ~. I 2> .. ere; Date ';?-/$-?j Date "1:/7- ?5- Date Date AGENDA ITEM No. ~(A)1 MAR 2 3 1999 d PI. ~. t I Ii! 4TH A W E ~ 7 i ::J ~ S ~ ~ ~ ... ~ l~ ]f~M"D~~ · J 11 2HO A'o'E. Sow. 18 1If i (! ~ 1 nT~ 1 TWOn1 Ir.W ~ nC" 01 n('v un" "C" VC'~'<:"""f"T""" 0 A nv ...."......~ t ~ r 23 24 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE DESCRIPTION OF' LANDS PLATTEO 14TH A, SW, ll1TH AI/ s.w, 0- Il> -< ... >- -< . 20TH AI/ s.w, ~ UNO AI/ SW 24TH AIi SW ~tl~ No. fA MAR 2 3 1999 PI. 3 -- RECOMMENDATION FOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO SETTLE THE CASE OF EVELYN FIELD Jt: COLLIER COUNTY, CASE NO. 98-3183-CA-Ol, NOW PENDING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR $39,750 PLUS PAYMENT OF MEDIATOR'S FEES IN AN APPROXIMATE AMOUNT OF $300. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of a settlement reached in mediation in the case of Evelyn Field v. Collier County, Case No. 983183-CA-01, now pending in the Circuit Court for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit for Collier County, Florida in the amount of$39,750 plus payment of mediator's fees in an approximate amount of$300. CONSIDERATIONS: The Field case arises out of a collision between a vehicle driven by Mrs. Evelyn Field, the plaintiff, and a parked County truck that occurred on December 23, 1996. ~ Mrs. Field alleges the truck was parked at the side of the roadway in a negligent manner and in violation of Section 316.194, Fla. Stat. Mrs. Field also claims that she suffered soft tissue injuries to her cervical spine area as well as carpal tunnel syndrome due to the accident. In addition, Mrs. Field claims. that she injured her knee in the accident and that this will require arthroscopic surgery in the future. To date, Mrs. Field has incurred approximately $11,229 in medical bills and anticipates incurring an additional $10,000 in medical bills and rehabilitation services as a result of the proposed arthroscopic surgery. This case was sent to Court ordered mediation, which was held on March 4, 1999. As a result of the mediation, the Office of the County Attorney and the Risk Management Department agree and recommend to the Board a settlement with the following principal terms: 1. The County would pay Mrs. Field $39,750 in settlement of all of her claims as well as any claims of loss of consortium by her husband. 2. The County would pay Mrs. Field's portion of the mediator's fee, which is estimated to be approximately $300. 3. The County would receive an appropriate release and Mrs. Field would dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice. AGENDA ~M No. q_ .} -i 'ICQ9 .",.J..i', (.... .,.I'fJ ~ 4. Neither party would admit any fault or liability. 1 Pg. / The case is set for trial beginning on the April 1, 1999 trial docket. FISCAL IMPACT: If the settlement is approved, the cost to the County will be $39,750 plus the cost of Mrs. Field's mediation fees. In addition, the County will bear its own costs in this action, which to date are estimated to be in the range of $3,000. Payment of the settlement sum will be from the County's Property and Casualty Fund No. 516-121650. Should the County decide to rej ect the proposed settlement, it is estimated that it will cost the County at least an additional $8,000 to prepare and try the case. In addition, should the County be found liable to Mrs. Field, it would have exposure to damages up to its sovereign immunity cap of $100,000 although the more likely estimated damages Mrs. Field could recover should she be fully successful at trial would be in the neighborhood of$65,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: To approve the settlement reached at mediation in Field v. Collier County, and authorize the Chairwoman to execute the appropriate settlement documents. ~ ,,-.-. PREPARED BY: ~!l# Michael W. Pettit Assistant County Attorney Date: J'JIS/99 , , REVIEWED BY:~~ e Walker, Director Risk Management Department Date: ..i')~~ APPROVED BY: ~(! H. David C. Weigel County Attorney Date: ..J /Is / f1 h:Lit\Field-ExSum-Settlement AGENDA ITEM No. 1" It- h;'l~ 2 3 1999 Pg. ,~ r- 2 ,', MEMORANDUM DATE: March 12,1999 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Timothy 1. Constantine, Vice Chairman Commissioner, District 3 RE: Sheriffs Department - Building A Recently the Board of County Commissioners spent a great deal of time searching for the most appropriate \'lay to handle the Sheriffs Department's Building A and space dilemma, The stated desire from the Sheriff s agency and from the Board of County Commissioners had several parts. The most important of those parts included moving the Building A employees as soon as possible from what is perceived to be an unhealthy situation. A further point \...ould be to minimize the expense and maximize efficiency of such a move, and finally, to minimize the number of times the individuals would have to move. I believe I have a solution that meets each of the above and takes advantage of the one year leasing decision already made. The Sheriff s employees are scheduled to move out in the next couple of weeks to temporarily leased quarters. Unfortunately, our current plan also calls for those same employees to move at least two and possibly three more times. It seems a more logical solution would be to move ahead and build the administrative space the Sheriffs Department needs llillY. It is scheduled to begin construction in 18 - 24 months anyway. We already have a design/build team in place and if we act reasonably quickly they can have permanent space available in one year when the new temporary leases expire. The result would be only one more move for the employees, a permanent solution 18 - 24 months ahead of schedule, saved ta'{payer money and dramatically improved efficiency. POTENTIAL CONCERNS AND RESPONSES 1. DR! must be completed prior to building on the campus. Response: The net result of closing Building "A" and adding space in "]" is zero impact. 2. The campus needs additional parking. Response: Provide temporary and overflow parking on vacant land until a parking structure is developed. 3. Stormwater impacts need to be addressed. Response: The impacts from the new building will be addressed during design. Campus-wide deficiencies will be addressed during the DRl over the next two years. 4. The central plant capacity may not be adequate to handle the additional loads. Response: By vacating "A" for newer, more efficient space at Building "1", the impacts would be minimized and could be met with additional ice storage. 5. Project costs are unbudgeted, Response: The Commission can borrow short term and address the issue more completely in the upcoming ,budget cycle. SPACE ALTERNATIVES Recent events have focused considerable attention on the County's immediate and long term space needs to,address its expanding operational requirements, In anticipation of the County's growing needs, the Departm~nt of Facilities Management commissioned a Master Space Plan Study which projected agency growth through the year 2017. This comprehensive work was phased in order to balance needs with budgets, addressing the most pressing needs in Phase 1. Several elements of Phase I (to be completed by 2002) of the approved County Master Plan included the demolition of Building "A" and multiple additions to Building "J". The Building "J" additions, labeled J-l, J-2 and J-3, would add 34,509 square feet for Sheriff administration as J-l and 59,810 square feet for Sheriff operations as J-2. Additionally J-3 was for Jail housing and support and total 93,640 square feet. To alleviate the immediate problem with Building "A" and ccntinue to pursue the goals of the Master Plan, the County has two reasonable options. See attached excerpts from the Master Plan, Either option would require moving the current occupants of Building "A" to lease space on a temporary basis. Option 1 Build the 34,509 square foot J-l addition and upon completion move staff from rental space into the new building. The net impact to the campus infrastructure is minimal since Building "A" would be abandoned. Option 2 Build the 59,810 square foot J-2 addition and upon completion, move staff from rental space into one floor of the new building. Following completion of the DR! process, move the Sheriff into the remaining space to fulfill his space needs in accordance with the Master Plan. Campus infrastructure impacts from Option 2 would need to be closely coordinated to ensure adequate central plant capacity and parking. Schedule Design Construction 3 - 4 months 8 -10 months Total 11 - 14 months Budget Option 1 34,509 square feet J--l Building Cost, Site Cost, AlE Fees, Contingencies Option 2 59,810 square feet J-2 with Half Shell Space Building Cost, Site Cost, AlE Fees, Contingencies .d' )) ~S -' $4,774,000 f} '')(7 $6,305,000 .' ,-' - '~'-" C::'t:l(')ctl't:l"O . . . 0 - ll.l 03 ~, 5' ffi oOJ(')=.:~ ~nVl . rn ." g ctl S ~ -:;:, ~ 't:l _. is' ctl . OJ x, o"o:-"iS..5__ . 0 0 '0 ~. ~ 0 = '" '" _ _ 0 W -N_ -mnn_ . . ci OJ ~& ! ~ I ~ ~IR~I~Ogg; ., OJ ~ ~ o:~ -. 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[ ~ ~~ ~o~ Q.l 2. c g; ~ ~ -QQ a ~ ~4~riff ~(ln ~untcr RECE1VED Collier County Sheriff's Office 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building "J" Naples, FL 34112 Telephone (AC 941) .774-44'34 March 5, 1999 v!A;~ fi ;1 !('{'~(' . ,,\.~ :...;.')' j ~ ( ~ ,i ;... , : ;;:Iln',: ,~:,:/"'ri~ ':.~ ~ ;:'n-2:' Commissioner Timothy Constantine Collier County Board of Commissioners Administration Building 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 RE: Space Alternatives Dear Commissioner Constantine: Reference our meeting on March 4, 1999, I have reviewed the space alternatives you presented. I believe that Option 2 best addresses our needs. specifically a single building with one completed floor and one shelled-out floor, This would reduce, to a minimum, the disruption caused by the site development phase of construction, and should allow some economies since it \vill require less foundation (total area) be built. This building could fit on the south side of Building "J," generally facing U.S, 41, I, and the Agency, appreciate the extra and innovative efforts you have contributed to the solving of this problem. If[ can be of any assistance. please don't hesitate to call on me, Sincerely. r::: 1--""............ D1I:GY:mc CC:Filc: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO THE HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD --- OBJECTIVE: To appoint two members to fulfill the remainder ofyacant terms expiring on June 25,2001 and June 25, 2002, on the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board. CONSIDERATIONS: This 9 member board identifies and evaluates problems unique to the Hispanic Community, reviews and recommends ways to ensure open communication between the minorities and Collier County Government and provides periodic reports to the Board of County Commissioners. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 2 interested citizens: APPLICANT CA TEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. Faye D. Reddick n/a 4 yes none Maria Grimaldo n/a 5 yes none COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Faye D, Reddick,. expiring on June 25, 2001 rvIaria Grimaldo, expiring on June 25, 2002 nSCALIMPACT: NONE ,.,.,..-- GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint two members to the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: MARCH 23,1999 .\~G.E.NDA J.TEM ,~u. Lo...P- ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ MAr< 2 3 1999 , ~_.~,----~ ." Pg ,_ I Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Name Work Pholle Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 21ldExpDate 21ld Term declared vacant 1/26/99 08/26/97 06/25/01 4 Years Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Kate L. Warner 12/16/97 06/25/01 4 Years 1717 Camelia Lane 435-4577 Naples, FL 34105 District: 1 Category: Dora S. Vidaurri 658-2082 08/05/97 06/25/01 4 Years 611 Nassau Street Apt. #3 Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Pete Cade, Jr. 657-1763 08/05/97 06/25/01 4 Years 1903 Leed A venue Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Eva 11/14/95 06/25/98 3 Years , ! ~ I f/) ;;;-- 4521 353-0070 i./'~ v David Correa 11257 Longshore Way West Naples, FL 34119 District: 5 Category: 06106/95 10/20/98 06/25/98 06/25/02 3 Years 4 Years Frank G. Loney 131 Tahiti Street Naples, FL 34113 District: 1 Category: 08/01/95 06/25/99 4 Years ^- Wednesday, January 27, 1999 Page 1 012 N~~~~X MAF? 2 3 1999 Pg. :z- ~.""""'.......:m Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 211dExpDate Term 2nd Term reS 16""e&' Sandra Buxton I' ;;N-4't 7816 Gardner Drive, #203 Naples, FL 34109 District: 3 Category: 04/28/98 06/:5/99 1 Year 514-2371 Frank Florencio Rodriguez P.O. Box 990244 Naples, FL 34101 District: 3 Category: 08/01/95 06/25:'99 4 Years 434-1975 This 9 member committee was created by Ord, No, 91-37, amended by Ord, No, 91-78) to identify and evaluate problems unique to the Hispanic community, review and recommend ways to ensure open communication between minorities and Collier County govemment and provide periodic reports to the Board of County Commissioners, Terms are 4 years, FL STA T: Staff: Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorney: 774-8400 Wedllesday, Jalluary 27, /999 Page 2 of 2 r ~I~G_IO ?JM , n r: . ~ MAFl 2 3 1999 Pg. 3 RECEIVED M E M 0 RAN DUM \J..\R [) 2 1999 i\:~:'~ ,y;' l:c~unt~;, Ccrr:?;1-: -::.'":. -: ':,:~. TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of ty Commissioners afialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney FROM: DATE: March 2, 1999 RE: Applicants Seeking Appointment to the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board At its regular meeting held February 25, 1999, the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board (HAAB) considered the following applicants for appointmc. Fay D. Reddick Maria Grimaldo HAAB voted unanimously that the above applicants be recommended for appointment by the Board of County Commissioners. The next HAAB meeting is scheduled to be held on March 25, 1999. Please have the Board of County Commissioners consider the above applicants for appointment to HAAB. Thank you for your assistance in this regard. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. RMlkn attachments cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney HAAB Members - N~~_7j;_Z- MAR 2 3 1999 ,- 9, ----L j MEMORANDUM [:! -=f<'.~.-"~'j Il~n...-. " . '..... '~r '\...:. j I'J .::: t, ..... ,- : :-, :.~ j', '~""--, , .,'. DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office /+ Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant-<T;, I Board of County Commissioners ' FROM: RE: V oter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commi~sion district in which each applicant resides. HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD COMMISSION DISTRICT Faye D. Reddick 4031 Gulf Shore Boulevard North Naples, FL 34103 ~ 1 Thank you for your help. N~~~bl!M MAP 2 3 1999 Pg. ~ MEMORANDUM tJ~,r'FfVFr~ l j,...... .",,)'.~.. ~ --....., .... . '01',0 , .' ~.; . ..... ~ "-"" ... DATE: January 29, 1999 'i.'_,-,', ' TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioner RE: Voter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVSIORY BOARD COMMISSION DISTRICT Maria Grimaldo 203 N. 8th Street Immokalee, FL 34142 r t Thank you for your help. N~~_ENDJO-rn MAR 2 3 1999 Ctl Pg - :~-_..-- MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant COmA,rto~ey Sue Filson, Administrative Assistan~ ' :;r Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Faye D. Reddick 4031 Gulf Shore Boulevard North Naples, FL 34103 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097, Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments N~~_7t>~ MAR 2 3 1999 1 Pg. j """"--'""",,,"''"!I'''~ Feb-10-99 01:32P Group Seven. Inc. FAX NUMBER TRANSMITTED TO: 77._1- 3(PO~ Stie; r/V5IJN , ,thye t<:eP/J/C/<- . 2-, /0,11, To: Of: From: ChentJM:attcr: Date: , . , , t COMMENTS: 941 430 2719 Group Seven, Inc. 456 10Lh Ave. South Naples, Florida 34102 941-430-2708 Fax: 941-430-2719 FAX COVER SHEET ~ "'~'... ,..-. ~ .-",' '. '.. . ..: ~ - -"..... ! . ~:h'fl'.' , ." '".',:~,'.! IJ", .' ....~..,....,.,._ri;r;, P.01 ~ we /JtJa/G.'eo eN~.5"l9,t; IS ~y tel7EJf'-- /tNI? f<J!%"t./Mt::? ~f!<c:%~/1{b. MY /N1?5~r IN 5e;z.vIN~ eN ~ aJU1~ c~t./-IIty ,lffS"f'A-NfC- APFAlf?S A/)YISOIlY(t:)MM1r lee' MAR 2 J ' 1999 ~ Feb-10-99 01:32P Group Seven, Inc. 941 430 2719 P.02 FAYE D. REDDICK 4031 GULF SHORE BOULEVARD NORTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 94] -434-9475 February 10. 1998 Ms, Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board or County Commissioners 3301 Tumiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Ms, I:ilson: As a full rime resident of Collier County I am inl~rested in s~rving as a member of the Hispanic Af1~irs Advisory Committee, Prior to coming to Florida my family lived in Arizona for over' 00 years, Growing up in onc of the oldest llispanic populations in America has given me a unique sensitivity and concern Il)r the important and ever growing role of the Latino community. Although I have nOl served in this capacity 1x:fore, I would welcome the opportunity, enclosed, please tind my resume, Sincerdv, '- /o~.~c_Q--~,..Jj"'0 FaYVCddlCk , N~~=1blr- t~AR 2 3 1999 <1 Pg. Feb-10-99 01:32P Group Seven, Inc. 941 430 2719 P.03 FAYE D. REDDICK 4031 GULF SHORE BOULEVARD NORTH NAPLES, FLORIDA 34103 94) -434-9475 Resume Personal: Married. Two children. Education: University uf Arizona, Tucson Loma Linda University, Southern California lJ n ivenity of Colorado, Colorado ~ 0 rin~s ,",'ork Experience: ~rctary, Dean of the Graduate School of Business lJniversity of California, Berkeley Secretaryrrreasurcr, Pbillips Brandt Redllick, Inc. Architecture, Planning and [)~velopment Denver, Colorado Owner, Reddick Develol)mcnt Group, Community Developer - Naples Owner, Group Seven. Inc. Construction and Development - Naples Volunteer Work: Denver Street Beat. Denver, Colorado organization to fced and clotbe the homeless. Dougla!! County Colorado Eleetion Judge Franktown SDA School, Grades 1-8. Franktown. Colorado Scbool Board Member Literacy Volunteer - Naples,I'lorida .- Guardian Ad Litem - Naples, ."Iorids N.pl.. CommuDity Hospit.1 - Co-Chuirrn.. of VOlontT'" N~~E ~~ r MAR 2 3 1999 , ~ Pg. ':...r~__ /0 I _t MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1999 TO: Ramiro Mafialich, Chief ASSistant:;}fount ttomey Sue Filson, Administrative Assist .:> Board of County Commissioners ~ FROM: RE: Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Maria Grimaldo 203 N. 8th Street Immokalee, FL 34142 Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments AGENO~I"W" No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / / -----. . Maria Grimaldo Volunteer Parent 203 N, 8th Street t\ Immokalee, FL ,34142 (941) 657.7754 .t,~ ........ .._o".,"~'f-' f~E~;,t>~ \ c.~~) .'J,L\i\~ .} ,.~ .: ,,",,;"1 \.~ '~'.rl~'(i :):" ".'" :t.(.;"-.....; ~_; ;<:!t'~ . January 24,1999 Government Complex Administrator Assistant ATT: Sue Filson 3301 East Tamiami Trial Naples, FL 34112-4902 (941) 774-0225 Dear Mrs. Filson: Please, accept my application for an appointment as a member for the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board. First, I am going to give you brief background information. I am a Hispanic that has lived in Immokalee since 1972. I am a proud mother of three children. Two of my children are in college. and the youngest is in the eleventh grade. I have been working as a tutor for about nine years for Collier County Public Schools. In addition, I am a volunteer Parent for my community. Also, I am a member of the Immokalee High School Advisory Committee, and a member of the Immokalee Advisory Council on Domestic Violence. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at home (941) 657-7754 after 3 p.m. or at work (941) 657-4469 between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. I would be honored if you gave me the opportunity to serve my community as an Advisory Board Member. Thank you for taking the time to review my letter. ri n aldo N~~.Eio~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. j:L EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO THE IMMOKALEE ENTERPRISE ZONE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OBJECTIVE: To appoint seven members to serve 4 year terms. expiring on April 4, 2003, on the lmmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency, CONSIDERA TIONS: The Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency has 7 terms expiring on April 4, 1999. This 13 member committee was created on March 28, 1995, by Ordinance 95-22 to induce private investment into distressed areas to create economic opportunities and sustainable economic development for designated areas, To permit Collier County to participate in this program, the Board of County Commissioners nominated the lmmokalee Community to be considered by the Florida Department of Commerce for Enterprise Zone designation in Resolution No. 95-248, approved March 28, 1995. As part of the formal application for an Enterprise Zone, the State required that a committee consisting of a broad base of citizens be established. The committee has representation from the Chamber of Commerce, financial or insurance entities, businesses operating within the nominated area, residents living within the nominated area, nonprofit community-based organizations operating \vithin the nominated area, local private industry council, local code enforcement agency, and local law enforcement agency. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 7 interested citizens: APPLICANT CA TEGORY Maria De La Luz V, Ortiz (re-appt) John Kirchner (re-appt) Ira Malamut (new appt) Floyd Crews (re-appt) Jim Penczykowski (re-appt) Jerry Hubbart (new appt) Al Neuman (re-appt) Non-profit Organization Chamber Representative Non-profit Organization Business Operating in the Zone Non-profit Organization Business Operating in the Zone Private Industry Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: All applicants be appointed to 4 year terms. FISCAL IMP ACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint 7 members to the lmmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments, Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners N~~~ I~ Agenda Date: MARCH 23,1999 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 21ldExpDate Term 21ld Term Garv Dantini 643-8445 09/93/96 2800 1'-,:orth Horseshoe Drive Naples, FL 34112 District: Category: Local Code Enforcement John Kirchner 352-8575 07/28/98 3311 Golden Gate Boulevard, E. Naples, FL 34120 District: 5 Category: Immokalee Chamber of Commerce Robert Asbel. Jr. 112 South 1 st Street Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Local La\v Enforcement 657-6168 02/03/98 James L. Penczykowski 1108 Monroe Street Immokalee. FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Non Profit Organization 04/01197 657 -2999 Joseph Lozano 403 North 15th Street Immokalee. FL 34142 District: 5 Category: ~on Profit Organization 657-2742 04/04/95 Alan W , Neuman 1653 South Fountainhead Road Ft. Myers. FL 33919 District: 5 Category: Private Industry Council 481-8020 08/05/97 Floyd Crews 5214 Lake lane Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: ResidenUbusiness 657 -2429 11124/98 - 04/04/99 04/04/99 04/04/02 04/04/99 04/04/99 04/04/99 04/04/01 3 Years V Months ~ 4 Years 2 Years ,// 4 Years ,/ 2 Years ./' 2 Years Wednesday, i....Ol'ember 25. /998 Page J 0[3 N~~:2i> IltM MAR 2 3 1999 SL... Pg. --:..,~., I Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term W. Herman Spooner 657-2569 08/05/97 04/04/98 1 Year 806 K 15th Street 3/14/98 04/04/02 4 Years lmmokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Business Ovmer & Resident Raymond T. Holland 657-3171 04/01/97 04'28.'01 4 Years 7380 Trafford Oaks, #12 657 -4568 Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Finanical Entity Edgardo T enreiro 262-3636 04/04/95 04/04/99 4 Years /' v/ 1065 5th Avenue North 657 -5542 Naples, FL 34102 District: 5 Category: Business in Zone Jerry Primus 657-3671 04/04/95 04'04/99 4 Years / 701 lmmoblee Drive Immokalee. FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Business in Zone Lucy Ortiz 262-4404 04/04/95 04/0499 4 Years /' 606 Robens .-\ venue 657-5617 Immokalee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: :.ion Profit Organization Denise BlQI1ton 657 -3306 12/09/97 00/00100 limited 14700 Immoblee Road Immokalee, FL 34120 District: 5 Category: non-voting ex-officio member Fred N, Thomas, Jr. 657-3649 04/04/95 04/04/96 1 Year 1800 Farm Worker Way 9/3/96 04/04/00 4 Years Immoka1ee, FL 34142 District: 5 Category: Non Profit Organization AGE/!> It!: I MAR 2 3 1999 LC9._l.__- 1 . ._~_..-",:,.-"....,----.. Wednesday, ,\'ovember 25,1998 Page 2 of 3 Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp. Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This 13 member committee was created on April 4, 1995, by Ord, No 95-22 to induce private investment into distressed areas to create economic opportunities and sustainable economic development for designated areas, Initial members were appointed by Resolution No. 95-249, To permit Collier County to participate in this program, the Board of County Commissioners nominated the Immokalee Community to be considered by the FL Dept. of Commerce for Enterprise Zone designation in Reso. No 95-248, approved March 28, 1995, As part of the formal app for an EZ, the State required that a committee consisting of a broad base of citizens be established, The committee has representation from the Chamber of Commerce, financial or insurance entities, businesses operating within the nominated area, residents, nonprofit community-based organizations, local private industry council, local code enforcement agency, FL STAT: 190,00] - 290,01 6 Staff" Greg Mihalic, HUI Director: 403-2330 Wednesday, ^'ovemher 25, /998 Page 3 of 3 A~.~~_ MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg .__~:-.::.~ MEMORAi""DUM RECEIVED FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Helene Caseltine ~ :" ^ ..;' Economic Development Manager, Housing & Urban Improvement V:\;:' :'1') 'coQ .,1:1 . .... }-..Jo..J.....' TO: _ _~ d :'1:: :~m'~~'0'\~ ' DATE: March 1. 1999 RE: Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency (EZDA) The Board of County Commissioners nominated the Immokalee community to be considered by the Florida Department of Commerce for Enterprise Zone designation in Resolution No, 95-248, which was approved March 28, 1995. As part of the formal application for an Enterprise Zone, the State required that a committee consisting of a broad base of citizens be established, This Board has representation from the Chamber of Commerce, financial or insurance entities, businesses operating \vithin the nominated area, residents living within the nominated area, nonprofit community-based organizations operating within the nominated area, local private industry council, local code enforcement agency, and local law enforcement agency, The Committee was created through Ordinance 95-22 as the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency (EZDA), In addition, the County Commission appointed members to the EZDA under Resolution 95-249, Due to term expirations. we are recommending the following people for Board approval: 1. Maria De La Luz V, Ortiz, from the Shelter for Abused Women. representing a non-profit orgamzation established in the Zone. (re-appointment) 2, John Kirchner, Airport Manager for the Immokalee Regional Airport and Vice President of the Immokalee Chamber of Commerce, This position must be filled with a Chamber representatlve. and Mr. Kirchner meets this requirement. (re-appointment) 3, Ira Malamut of the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA), representing a non-profit organization in the Zone, (new appointment) 4, Floyd Crews, of SW Florida Service & Supply, representing a business operating in the Zone, (re- appointment) 5, Jim Penczykowski, ofImmokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc., representing a non-profit organization in the Zone, (re-appointment) 6, Jerry Hubbart, of the Immokalee State Farmers' Market, representing a business operating in the Zone, (new appointment) 7, Al Neuman, of the Workforce Council ofSW Florida. Inc, This position must be filled with a representative of the Private Industry Council, and Mr. Neuman meets this requirement. (re- appointment) Please prepare an Executive Summary for the Board's consideration of the recommendations and let me know if any further information or assistance is needed to initiate the process. Thank you for your help, c: Fred Thomas, EZDA Chairman AGENDA ~~ Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator, Community Development & EnVironmt. tal Senric_e;ZU~ Greg Mihalic, Director, Housing and Urban Improvement i MAR .2 3 1999 i 0 I ~:,:,-- --- - ~.-~,-...-..-...... _.._,..,..--,.~.-:- MEMORANDUM R-CEIV '-, . E ~__. EL F:r::~l ? 5 13S9 DATE: February 22, 1999 . ~ ;:.-' ,~ .'~:\!;rr:~ L TO: Vinell Hills. Elections Office J Sue Filson, Administrative Assistanr;r-f ' Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: V oter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. IMMOKA.LEE EZDA Maria De La Luz V. Ortiz 606 Roberts A venue Immokalee, FL 34142 ~~ COMMISSION DISTRlCT ~ !J John W, Kirchner 3311 Golden Gate Blvd., E. Naples, FL 34120 5;...j'::-'; CJ;l++S S+, f\1~? (LS" /:= v I Ira J. Malamut 11990 \Vedge Drive IV 0 Ft. Myers, FL 33913 Floyd Crews 5214 Lake Lane NV Immokalee, FL 34141 James Penczykowski 1108 Monore Street Immokalee, FL 34142 vr NU j-- Jerry Hubbart P.O, Box 267 Felda, FL 33930 AG.ENDA 1Tlt No. /tJ ... r [ :~R:;;:99 _. Al Neuman 3830 Evans Avenue, Suite 3-A ~V Fort Myers. FL 33901 Thank you for your help. AGE7dTrr~ No,_ MAR 2 3 1999 7 Pg. MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Greg Mihalic, HUI Director _ ry/ Sue Filson, Administrative Assista0'i" · Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: lmmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration, I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Maria De La Luz V. Ortiz 606 Roberts A venue Immokalee, FL 34142 John W. Kirchner 3311 Golden Gate Blvd., E. Naples, FL 34120 Ira J. Malamut 11990 Wedge Drive Ft. Myers, FL 33913 Floyd Crews 5214 Lake Lane Immokalee, FL 34141 James Penczykowski 1108 Monore Street Immokalee, FL 34142 Jerry Hubbart P.O. Box 267 Felda, FL 33930 Al Neuman 3830 Evans Avenue, Suite 3-A Fort Myers. FL 33901 AGEN9~ I~EM No. -L.t'"L c.. MAR 2 3 1999 t _. ,;y f r'g,___~_ i ~_.--,.a;_......-__.....~..'"", Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Anachments AGENQ~ I~ No . _Ltit__...- MAR 2 3 1999 r-g, __~_._ _ ~ --1- ~ """__I:'.r"""-,.,."..,......___~..-~"~.~ ~~.L 02/19/1999 08:16 9415575776 1MMOKALEE SAW OFFICE PAGE 01 Shelter Ibmen. PO. Box JOJ02.NapIcs,FL ~lOJ ~ECEIV~(> February 17, 1999 Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FI 34112-4977 i=EB i 9 1999 , f" "tl' "'~;~~ione"'~ boal'Q (l ",OUII, \..""". ., Re: Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Dear Ms. Filson: I received your letter date February 1, 1999 regarding my term on the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency. Enclosed please find an updated resume. I hereby request consideration for reappointment to the Irnmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency. I would like to be considered under the "non-profit" category, as I am working for The Shelter for Abused Women (SAW), a 501 0 (3) organization. 1 provide services at the SAW ImmokaIee Outreach Office at 123 North 4111 Street, ImmokaJee. They are in support of my continuing on the EZDA board It has been an interesting and exciting term and I look forward to additional happenings in Immokalee for the future. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at the ImmokaJee Outreach Office1 941-657.5700. S i.ncerely. ~ j(~J-f!$J Maria (Lucy) CSW Immokalee Outreach Advocate cc: Robin Postill, MSW AGENDA IT.EM No. --L!J ~ MAR 2 3 1999 L_.:.~~O_:..~, 11lc:.hdter lor AbuJedWoolcll~ snttt:ful for ~ from lJntta1Wl1y at (..oilier (.outlEy. Dcpmmrnt uf ~ and famlI)' SC!'\'\cefj (Dn~ VIolence: 'lru,t Fund) otncl pm'att contnbut(Jl"S, 02/19/1999 08:16 9415575776 1MMOKALEE SAW OFFICE PAGE 02 CURRICULUM VITAE MARIA DE LA LUZ V. ORTIZ, ACSW, LCSW 606 Roberts Avenue lmmokalee, Florida 34142 941-657-5617 Personal Data: DOB: August 7, 1946 POB: San Antonio, Texas Marital Status: Married to NefWi Ortiz. since August 14, 1964 2 Children, 2 Grandchildren, 2 Great-grandchildren Other. Fluent in English and Spanish, also some Creole and German PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 08/18/97 to Present: The Shelter for Abuse Women of Collier County, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Immoka1ee Outreach Advocate) P.O. Box 10102 !P. O. Box 397 Naples, FL, 34101 IImmokalee, FL 34143 07/20/97 to Present Let's Talk IHablamos, Private Practice (sole propriator) P.Q, Box 3134 Immoklalee, F1 34143 02124/97 to 08/15/97 Medical Social Worker, Community Home Services, Inc., Immokalee Off 851 5th Avenue North, Suite 201 Naples, F1 34102 09/13/93 to 02121197 Medical Social Worker, Hospice of Naples, Inc. 1095 Whippoorwill Lane Naples, Fl 33999 10/94 to 04/30/97 Adult Outpatient Counselor, Clinician n David Lawrence Center, lmmokalee Office 425 First Street North Immokalee, Fl 34142 01192-05/93 Lead Organizer, Collier United for Rights and Equality,Inc. 2900 CR. 951, Unit 10 Naples, F1 33999 04/87 to 02192 Director, Immokalee Immigration Project Catholic Charities, lnc.( Diocese of Venice) 209 South 9th Street Immokalee, F1 34142 02/19/1999 08:16 9415575776 1MMOKALEE SAW OFFICE PAGE 03 PSBe2 08/64 to 2/66 Assistant Cashier, First Bank ofImmokalee 1400 North 15th Street lmmolcalee, Fl34142 Migrant Farm Worker 02/66 to 12/86 EDUCATION 09/93 MSW (Masters in Social Work) Barry University, Miami)1orida 04/90 BA in Psychology, University of South Florida, Ft.Myers Campus 04/88 Edison Community CoDege, Ft Myers, AA 04/87 Edison Community CoUege, Ft Myers, AS in Banking &. Finance 08/83 Graduate, F10rida School of Banking, UP, Gainesville, Fl. LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATIONS 07110/97 Certified Assessor, Florida Dept. of Corrections. BIP 03/04/97 Continuing Education Unit Provider: CM-693-Exp.1I2001 11/26/96 Florida DPR, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, No. SW0004496 11/04/96 Academy of Certified Social Workers 02192 Certified Paralegal-Immigration, Miami,Florida 1980~to Present -Notary Public, State of Florida PROFESSIONAL ORGANlZA.TlONS National Network of Battered Immigrant Women, April., 1998 National Association of Social Workers, since Sept. 1992 Academv of Certified Social Workers, since Nov. 1996 Association for the Advancement of Social Worker Wrth Groups, Ine since April, 1991 Association of Death Education and Counseling,Inc. SW F1 ,1992 CURRENT ACTlV1TES Commissioned Board Member, lnunobJee Water and Sewer District, 01199 Village Oaks Elementry School Advisory Member, 01/98 Immokalee Advisory Council on Domestic Violence (developer), 09/97 Vice-Chairwoman, Enterprise Zone Development Agency, 4/97 National Coordinator, Las Hermanas-USA, 10/95-10/98 Board of Trustees, Treasurer, The Guadalupe Center, since Oct. 1994 Personal references available upon request. N~.G?~~~_ . MAR 2 3 1999 L~ r ,...: r ~ "L' ':j,- --- t ~...~ .......,..":>..;-~.---------...~"....".~ 02/19/1999 08:15 9415575775 lMMDKALEE SAW OFFICE PAGE 03 page 2 08/64 to 2/66 Assistant Cashier, First Bank of Immokalee 1400 North 15th Street Immok:alee, Fl34142 Migrant Farm Worker 02166 to 12/86 EDUCATION 09/93 MSW (Masters in Social Work) Barry University, Miami,Florida 04/90 BA in Psychology, University of South Florida, Ft.Myers Campus 04/88 Edison Community College, Ft Myers, AA 04/87 Edison Community College, Ft Myers, AS in Banking & Finance 08/83 Graduate, Florida School of Banking, UF, Gainesville, F1. LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATIONS 07/10/97 Certified Assessor , Florida Dept. of Corrections, BIP 03/04/97 Continuing Education Unit Provider: CM-693-Exp 1/2001 11/26/96 Florida DPR, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, No. SWOOO4496 11/04/96 Academy of Certified Social Workers 02192 Certified Paralegal-Immigration, Miam4FJorida 1980.to Present -Notary Public, State of Florida PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS National Network of Battered Immigrant Women, April, 1998 National Association of Social Workers, since Sept, 1992 Academy of Certified Social Workers, since Nov. 1996 Association for the Advancement of Social Worker Wrth Groups, Ine since April, 1991 Association of Death Education and Counseling,Inc. SW Fl.1992 CURRENT ACT1VlTES Commissioned Board Member, Immokalee Water and Sewer District, 01199 Village Oaks Elementry School Advisory Member, 01/98 Immokalee Advisory Council on Domestic Violence (developer), 09/97 Vice-Chairwom8l\ Enterprise Zone Development Agency, 4/97 National Coordinator, Las Hermanas-USA, 10/95-10/98 Board of Trustees, Treasurer, The Guadalupe Center, since 0et.1994 Personal references available upon request. ~~~~E:M i I t , ~ ~ MAR 2 3 1999 ~CJ.n-.-- -"~"-.~'.~"""'. FEB-19-99 10:07 AM IMMOKALEE AIRPORT 941 6579191 P.01 RECEIVED FEB 1 9 1999 I\,~I'.Q \\1 County C_ i 50S 1 oners r>t ' Mel110 To: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant From: John W. Kirchner, Airport Supervisor CC: Mr. John H, Drury, A.A E Executive Director Date: February 19. 1999 Re: Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Heno Sue: I am very interested in continuing my participation with the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Advisory Committee, It IS very important for me as the airport manager and vice-president of the chamber to stay involved with community issues, Please place my name on the list for consideration, Many thanks c:-~~'L)L"--.~ . '--c___ John W, Kirchner Airport Supervisor ~GENDVIT~ t\J,' I " ..- ,.-:....- --, . Page 1 i I ; ; l ~ ~ ~.g..l~--. ; ~~,..,~r....-r::.::..~~_._~""""'-"--'--l"""""'" MAR 2 3 1999 FEB-19-99 10:08 AM IMMOKALEE AIRPORT 941 6579191 P.02 JOHN W. KIRCHNER 3311 Golden Gate Blvd., E. Naples, FL 34120 (941)352-8575 PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE My immediate goal is to provide leadership and direction to the community and to take each opportunity to gain the confidence of the general public_ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Z/98 - Pr~ent Airport Managt>r CoUier County Airport Authority, Immokalee Regional Airport 4/97 - 2/98 Purchasing Technidan Collier County Purchasing Department. Naples. FL 3/93 - 4/97 Assistant ManagerfRemodel Team Managtr Eckerd Drug Company, Naples, FL 6.'94 - 9/98 Accountant KirchnerlLash Accounting Service, Naples, FL 1992-1993 General Manager Del's Wholesale, Naples, FL 1991-1992 General Manager Uttle Caesar's Tnc" Garden Grove. CA 1989-1991 Relief Managerl Automation Clerk U.S.PS, Salt Lake City, UT 1981-1984 Security Guard Tooele Army Depot. Tooele, UT 1978-1981 Deputy Sheriff Collier/Lee County Sheriffs Office, NaplesIFt. Myers, FL 1971-1978 Staff Sergeant U.S. Marine Corps Honorable Discharge Vietnam Veteran ,AGEN9hIT~ No /(7 ~. MAR 2 3 1999 ~ F'g. IS- '--- FEB-19-99 10:08 AM IMMOKALEE AIRPORT 941 6579191 EDUCA TION/SPECIAL TRAINING Embry-Riddle Aeronautiul Univenity Professional Aeronautics Utah Technical College Business Management! A. A. S. Degree Accounting/Certificate of Graduation Data Processing/Certificate of Graduation Las ABides Community CoUege Criminal Investigations Private Pilot Training OTHER POSITIONS 1998-1999 Vice-President. ImmokaJee Chamber of Commerce 1998.1999 Board Member. Enterprise Zone Committee P.03 ...~.~-- \ ,~r;F" Nl?~ IJ.EM /6!-,-_~ ~~AR 2:~ 1999 ":~ / -k-.-- -. ........-...,.-,.~.c:>>-...."__..."'._,_."...,......~__ elle,"I\', ~h i',':- ,-\'- RECEIVED "rl~<~: ~ (J Co .... 0 ,~:. . ~'" , " - C ':M'it~ ~ S s i (} r! ~ :"'" ~ \._~',-'~: 4:~ \\"!:_.;~ '\1':',1', S"T~::.E-, h<,\<\.Y~-\!..E!:.. F;. ". 'ql~:.:;\n) ',IJ~: ,\,'::---. ~~~:. 5',"(' '\' J~..;, ~56:. F~.\ l u1116~:---_~) ~ I February 12, 1999 Board of County Commissioners clo Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant 3301 E Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 Gentlemen. The Intent of this letter is to express my interest in serving on the Board of Directors of the Enterprise ZO:le Development Agency, representing the Redlands Christian Migrant Association, I understand there is a vacancy on the Board left by Joseph Lozano, Rediands Christian Migrant Association is a non-profit, non-sectarian voluntary organization committed to the provision of quality child care services for young children and to the advocacy of Issues relevant to the lives of migrant and seasonal farm workers and the rural poor in general, RCMA, with its state headquarters at the Rollason Center in Immokalee, serves in excess of 5,000 children In approximately 75 childcare centers and programs in 21 counties in Florida, We employ over 150 people in Collier County, I have enclosed a copy of my resume, Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Sincerely, ~.~.~ i \ Ira J);),alamut Senior Fiscal Officer 119";0 we..f:Jc Dr. f f. ([11 e(?, .3 '3 '1 J3 enclosure cc. Barbara Malnster, Executive Director .-\\, E~\_ \~ ~l;F\\;;'~\:-;; E\'.;~:"~lF. tL:<'tr' 1\ r_~,F-T r:~ \ i ~ i. !4 ' t' g. --_ .~- .' III ." '..---- , X ~ H1LL:-f'..,)\(\11.~,H "::,'l 'T'l M~R /. 3 1999 N~.~n/S~- , diP ~~ tail" @r , ~: o,tilL'pim.. I ECI\1HSP I &. FAMILIES ' e EXPERIENCE 1994 to Present Mr, Ira J. Malamut Addendum to Resume SENIOR FISCAL OFFICER REDLANDS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT ASSOCIATION IMMOKALEE, FLORIDA 34142 Responsible for accounting and financial operations of the agency. Advise Executive Director on fiscal matters. Present financial state- ments to the Board of Directors. Duties include preparation of financial reports, analysis of monthly financial statements for all funding sources, budget preparation, monitoring of compliance with appropriate govern- ment fiscal regulations as well as with internal accounting policies and procedures, preparation of reports required by regulatory and funding sources, assurance of adequate cost rate agreements. Other responsi- bilitiesinclude management of computer operations and supervision of a twenty person Fiscal Department, including direct supervision of the Director of Accounting. Contracts Manager, Fleet Manager, Network Administrator and Computer Technicians. r AGEN~~ lJiM i No. ./1;)~ MAR 23 1999 It ~ ~'J ~ -~ EXPERIE~CE 1985 to 1993 1984 to 1985 1983 to 1984 1971 to 1983 EDUCArIO~ Hr. Ira J. ~alamut ASSISTA~T AD~I~[STRATOR FOR FISCAL AFFAIRS WOODBI~E Nu]SI~G & CO~~ALESCE~T CE~TER ALEXANDRIA, VIRGI~IA 22302 Chief financial officer/ controller for 307 bed skilled proprietary nursing facility. Responsible for accounting and financial operations of the nursing home. ~ember of management committee having overall responsibility for the operatinns of the facility. Duties included cash management; financial analyses; preparation of hudgets, financial statements and reports; management of computer operations; supervision of the accounting department. Selected, implemented and upgraded computerized accounting system. Member of Virginia Health Care Association state Payment for Services Committee dealing ~ith state.ide reimburs~ent issues, SE~10R ACCOUNTA~T ~E~DELSOS & ~E~DELSOS CERTIFIED P~BLIC ACCOU\TA\TS ~ASH[SGTO~, D.C, 20036 Performed audits, co:pilations and reviews for clients in a variety of businesses and industries, Prepared indi.idual and corporate tax returns, Analyzed and designed accounting syste~s. Prepared personal financial statements, ASSISTA~T AD~INIST~ATOR FOR FISCAL AFFAIRS SOUTH SHORE HOSPITAL ASD ~EDICAL CESTER ~IA~I BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 Finance cirector for 178 bed private non-profit hospital. Responsible for the financial operations of the hospital. Duties included supervision of tbe accounting, billing and data processing departments; design and implementation of accounting controls and proce- dures for physicians' private offices in new ten story medical building; assessment of the effects of nev Medicare reimbursement regulations (DRG's) on the hospital; budgeting; preparation of financial projections. SE~IOR ACCOU~TA~T REGARDIE, BROOKS & LE~IS, CHARTERED CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOU~TA~TS BETHESDA, ~~YLA~D 20814 Responsible for all aspects of financial audit engagements. Duties included scheduling required personnel for audits; supervising and revie~ing the ~ork or other staff account- ants; performing analytical revie.s of operations; drafting financial statements; pre- paring state and federal tax returns. Other responsibilies included corporate and indi- vidual tax planning, and manage~ent advisory services. A,B.A" 1971, Benjamin Franklin University, Washington, D.C. Various seminars for continuing prOfessional education, N~~_~1tl Il!~ MAR 2 3 1999 :~g . 11-- , . .......-~''-L.-c:.....".__~.....--...--..._'-~ ~ECF;\fE[,: ,-"C', ' ... 1n(Jf' ~ t:r.j , tl .~j;:):' Southwest Florida Service & Supply Post Office Box 610 . Immokalee. Florida 34143 . (941 )657 -2429 . Fax: (941) 657 -3511 hhruary 12. 1999 1\ls Sue rilsoll Collier County t\dministratioI1 Office 3301 East TamiamJ Tr<lil 1':3r1es, FL 34112 DC;lI/'lls Filson J Zl111 respo11l11l1g to a letter fro\11 YOll reganhng my re-appointment to the lmrnok alee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Board. I ''''au ld like to serve ,mother 4-ycar tt:rrn on this Boan!. 1 am a Business Panner ill Southwest FloriJa Service and Supply, a company loc;lted within the Immokalec Enterprise Zone, \Ve helve heen in business in Immoblce since 1972 If you have any questions, or need more infon113tion, please call me at 657-2429. Thank yo~f< r your time and consi eration. C Si"t5/f,1 ~.q~ L~ // t ~ ~ FI(lyd ('rn.,s. . . P.S, Pkase he sure to mall Llny and all correspondence to the post office hnx ~iddrcss at my place ofhusincss ~. ,.-rEM ^(, r :,1, t I-' l! 1"1 '" ,~,h.. ,... v.;r' IJ)-~- ~A.P. ,...., ~, { :> 1999 \ ;2-Q. ,~ - ~'_:';_ ~_;.~';;:.-';'____,-~ ...w~.-....,." FEB-16-1999 09:36 AM IMMOK. NON-PRFT. HSNG. INC. 941 657 8335 Sander. Pines P. 01 Immokafee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. Rt:~C:1 t' ~i.:' (j1 2449 Bandera Pine. Circle '-~B ; 6 1999 Timber Ridge ImmokaiIM, Florida 341~clrc; 0'-' ;- , r , (941)857-8333' ...oun',1 ...00JrI1SSlone~'~ FAX (~1) 657-8335 February 16, 1999 Sue Filson Collier County Board of County Commissioners 330] E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 via facsimile: 774-3602 Dear Ms Filson: 1 currently serve on the Board oftbe EnteIln;se Zone Development Agency for Immokalee, My tenn expires soon and I would like to be con!\idered for another term on this board. My qualifications as an elector in Collier County, as an employer within the "zoneH, and as a representative of a not.for-protit organization are the same as during my first term. My resume follows. Respectfully. 2:::c~ Executive Director, Thi'PH,Ine, cc Helene Caseltine N;GEle.:~_ MAR 2 3 1999 rY'h~i__ , i,_........~...""~..,....- _ ~~..- FEB-16-1999 09: 36 AM I MMOK, NON- PRFT. HSNG. I NC, 841 657 8335 James Penczykowski 1108 Monroe Street Immokalee, FL 34J42 EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: COMMUNITY ACTMTY: P. 02 RESUME (94]) 657-2999 = home (941) 657-8333 = work (941) 657.8335'" fax B.A, St. Francis de Sales College, Milwaukee, ~ 1971, n.M., St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, WI, 1975, 1996 to present. Executive Director, Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Jne" Jmmokalee, Florida. 1992-1996, Self-employed Consultant. Immokalee. Florida, 1986-1992. Manager of the Menter Hospital. NewStart Residential Center, Madison, Wisconsin. 1981-1986, Therapist and Clinical Supervisor of Ingalls Memorial Hospital, Addiction TreaIment Center, Board of Directors, Immokalee Developmental Services. Board Member, Rural Health Network. Participant, Empowerment Zone Application Process. \ ~ \: f N~~E~.~d_~~ MAR 2 3 1999 1-' 9 . _ ;2.:2-::: ,...-.,..,..-,_..-,-' "'.............~...~...,.-~-- FEB-16-1999 09:36 AM IMMOK, NON-PRFT. HSNG. INC, 941 657 8335 James Penczykowski 1108 Monroe Street Immokalee, FL 34142 EDUCATiON: EXPERIENCE: COMMUNITY ACTIVITY : P. 02 RESUME (941) 657-2999 == home (941) 657.8333 = work (941)657-8335= fax B.A, St. Francis de Sales College, Milwaukee, WI, 1971 , Th.M., St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, WI, 1975, 1996 to present, Executive Director, Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc" Immokalee, Florida. 1992-1996, Self-employed Consultant, Immokalee. Florida. 1986-1992, Manager of the Meriter Hospital, NewStart Residential Center. Madison, Wisconsin, 1981-1986, Therapist and Clinical Supervisor of lngalls Memorial Hospital, Addiction Treatment Center. Board of Directors, Immokalee Developmental Services. Board Member, Rural Health Network. Participant, Empowerment Zone Application Process, AGENp~ ITEM No. .~S!....-_ MAR 2 3 1999 P9._;<.3 IMMOKALEE ST, FRM, MKT TEL:9416583508 Feb 15,99 12:10 No.002 P.Ol ,<,"'- RECEIVED FEB 1, 6 1999 Fio!'idJ Dl.:pal'lmClil of A&d,cultul'c & Consumer Sel'vices DOB CitA WFOltD I Gpmmis:iiQJ1cl' Boarci 'of Count.~ com j ss loner l'lclll'lll\c"L!~llCcl 'j'". lm'tlOKalee State F~ l "MCU:ko.t 424 New MZ1rket Road Imrokalee, Florida 34142 941/658-3505 FAX 'I'aANSMITI:AL COVER SHI:E'I' t>>a'E : 02/15 19~ 'rIME : AMRi '1'0: 11;, Sue Pi1scn FAX ii ('1m) 774-?ffJ2 FFa1 : Jerry Hublm't . FAX ~ (941) GS6-3508 ' NiJMaI::R OF SHEErS: 03 (Incl~ 'l'rMSlt\ittal, Sheet) --- sun-n:-/"'fTl,. 1" d ~ """.. .Ptt pr or :i ntpIest an 1"'F'cQ!lIP. , ~.' '"-~ '- """"''''~.,n...;/ I nRnK you, ',' .' .:- -----.-.------- 1 JlGENDA ITEM : ,,~. }~ n . :- \(-~,..~- MAR 2 3 1999 THB CAllrrOI. . "AU^lr"C:~lm '" ......- . '~9, ;;t!f.~_1 ~.'J:~_'._'_"""""-~ , IMMOKRLEE ST. FRM. MKT TEL:9416583508 Feb 15,99 12:10 No.002 P.02 Jerry Hubbart P.O. Box 267 Felda, Florida 33930 02-15-99 Subject: lmmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency Advisory Board Dear Ms. Filson. It bas come to my attention that there will be an opening on the Advisory Board of the lmmokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency, I am submitting this letter of interest along with a short resume. Please consider my interest in serving on the Board at the next applicable meeting and infonn me of the outcome. I can be reached at 941/658-3505 (B) or 941/675.3747 (H). Thank you. , Sincerely, ~~ Jerry Hubbart AGEN}~ ITEM No. .?U-J:..-. JHJ1k , MAR 2 3 1999 ~ i ~...Jlo.__ pg.~L ~ _.-.c-~ ,c.>!..." '-., ~.~ r ......~,,'...w::.....~H!', '-."'" "'~I '+-1 -.-,T.' I '... IMMOKHLEE ST. FRM. MKT TEL:9416583508 Feb 15,99 12:11 No,002 P,03 R E s u M E Name: Jerry Hubbart Date of Birth: 02.2()..SO Educational Background: B,8, in Agronomy received from Kansas State University in 1912, Current Employer: State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Marketing and Developmen~ ImmokaJee State Farmers' Market. Job Title: Senior Market Manager Date of Employment: 04/88 through current. Previous Experience: Cane Contractors, Lake Harbor, PI. as sugar cane harvesting foreman from 1986 through 1988. Clewiston Drainage District, Clewiston, FI. as Assistant Manager from 1984 through 1986. A, Duda and Sons, CJewisto~ Fl. as Crop Supervisor from 1973 through 1984. Personal Data: Divorced with 8 Daughter, Lori, who is 28 years of age. Lori is a Physicians Assistant in West Pahn Beach. " r N~GE~~T~ ! ; MAR 2 3 1999 f fJg._~(Q --"~"-~"""",".'I:'~--' --...::._- ......., ."'''''''-,----....-..,'..~~'........~~' I", ',. -~t ~ -r.akt'!'~t .':1.~; --""l..~._....."~ ,-, Workforce Council of Southwest Florida~q\nc, ,.\1 Neuman. EXCCU11\'e Dlrc'ctor Lee County/ Administrative Office FEB j 0 1999 3R30 hans Avenue. Fort Myers. Florida 3.NOl 9~1.939-~9~9. FAX9~1-~t%'44~?'-: :CJiJr..:.' :,):7rr o:,~IiC:~; February 9, 1999 Sue Filson. Administrative Assistant Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples. Florida 3~331-4977 Dear 1\1s. Filson: Attached is an updated Resume as requested in your letter dated February 1. 1999. I feel the Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency is an extremely important committee and has positive impact on activities within the community. I am still interested in continuing to serve on this committee and hope that I can make a worthwhile contribution. If you need additioml information. please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely/' /J/// / ><~~ Al Neuman A1'\ : bcp AG?pe ITEM No '. ~_ MAR 2 3 1999 ~g.~L ~ -~~...'."..-=-::)a.....-. Charlotte County 3 12 '>:esbit Street Punt:.! Gord:.!. FL 33950 TeI941.637.1311 Fax: 041.639.2149 Hendry !Glades Counties 923 W Sugarland Highway PO, Box 596. Cle\\iston. FL 33440 Tel: 941.983.6138 Fa,x: 941.983.71 18 Collier County 46 Tenth Street South '>:apks, FL 34102 Tel: 941.::;61-055?- Fax: 9-\].261.5969 ~ ALAN W. NEUMAN 3830 Evans Avenue, Suite 3-A, Fort Myers, FL 33901 941-939-4949 FAX 941-939.0465 SUMMARY: Provides administrative leadership and carries out the directives of the Workforce Council of Southwest Florida, Inc. for employment and training activities in the administration of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) and other approved employment and training activities. HIGHLIGHTS OF QUALIFICATIONS: -Extensive knowledge of employment and training planning principals, practices, statistical and other research techniques, program management and fiscal reporting. - Working knowledge of employment and training program planning, evaluation and operations. -Thorough knowledge of existing employment and training legislation at the federal, state and localleve/. -Ability to analyze facts and figures and to exercise sound judgment in arriving at conclusions. -Ability to express oneself clearly and concisely, bvoth orally and in writing and to public groups. -Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, program directors, board members, elected officials and other agencies. -Ability to exercise mature judgment, initiative and tact. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Aprif 1997 to Present: Executive Director: Workforce Council of SW FL, Inc. Fort Myers, FL April 1985-1996 Executive Director Lee County Private Industry Council, Inc. Fort Myers, FL Lee Co. Dept. of Employment & Training January 1970.March 1985 Director and Ass't Director of Employment and Training Lee County Board of Commissioners, Fort Myers, FL Apri/1987.present Community Involvement -Appointed to the initial Jobs and Education Partnership (JEP) workgroup (Oct. 1995) -Currently serving on the JEPlvVorkforce Council One-Stop Proposal Committee -Instrumental in the formation of the five (5) county workforce Council of SW FL, Inc. .Currently Board Member of the Mayor's Alliance for person with disabilities. -Past Vice President of the Association of Provider Organization .Past Chairman of the Dunbar Enterprise Zone Commission .Past Member of the Edison Community College (ECC) Business Advisory Board. -Past Member of the Economic Development Committee, SW Regional Planning Council. EDUCA TlON: BS, Budiness Administration, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH N~G7~ I~ - ! MAR 2 3 1999 n i ~ I~g,.~- .----::- ;;"EXECUTIVEStTMIVIARY ,... - ~ ..". iL:, ..<~., ':, n , , ~ r~ " ;1 ,'.., '. ' " ' ' APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) fO r;r~ TOURlST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL -- OBJECTIVE: To appoint 2 members (1 representing the owner/operator category and 1 representing the non-owner/operator category) to serve 4 year terms, expiring on April 21, 2003, on the Tourist Development Council. CONSIDERATIONS: The Tourist Development Council has 2 terms expiring on April 21, 1999. this 9 member council was established by Ordinance No. 92-18 as an advisory committee to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding a proposed plan of uses for tourist development tax revenues, for the effective operation of the special projects or uses of the tourist development tax revenues, and to review all expenditures of revenues from the tourist development trust fund. This council consists of the Chairman or designated representative of the Board of County Commissioners, 2 elected municipal officials, 3 owners or operators of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks, or other tourist accommodations in the county and subject to the tourist tax, 3 individuals involved in the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development, but who are not owners or operators of motels, hotels or other tourist accommodations. The council shall meet;1: least once each quarter. Terms are 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 6 interested citizens: APPLICANT CATEGORY Joy Lelonek Louise J. Thaell Eric J. Vasquez Gene Vaccaro (re-appt) Jeny Thirion (re-appt) Gene O. Luciano non-owner/operator non-owner/operator non-owner/operator non-owner/operator owner/operator non-owner/operator DlST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. 2 yes none 4 yes none 2 yes none 5 yes TOC 2 yes TOC 4 yes none ,.,.-... COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: q uarterl y. No Recommendation because meetings are FISCAL IMP ACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the requests for appointment, appoint 2 members to serve 4 year terms, commencing on April 21, 1999 and expiring on April 21, 2003, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners N~~E"~ j5M MAR 2 3 1999 / Pg. Agenda Date: March 23,1999 RECE~VED Phone (94'IV403~:dsdi9S9 FAX (941) 403-233 I HOUSING AND URBAN IMPROVEME~9fd of County COIM1issioners MEMORANDUM DATE: March 4,1999 TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM: Greg Mihalic, Director Housing and Urban Improvemen SUBJECT: Tourist Development Council Vacancies Currently there are two vacancies on the Tourist Development Council - one to be filled by an owner/operator and one as a non-owner/operator. Considering that the TDC will not meet again until April 19, 1999, well past the 41 day time-frame requirement, I am forwarding the attached grid sheet describing the candidates who applied for the vacancies. Please prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration in appointing members to fill these vacancies. Thank you for your attention to this matter and if you have any questions, please call me at 403- 2330. GMlhc Attachment j ~H~ (~:~ _1b rw I ~ ~ Mt:,.~ L 3 1999 t Pg,.- ~ _:!.+~",.."...,..,~.~ C) C) C) .,- I ...J - U Z ::J o U .... Z W ~ D- O ...J W > W C .... (/) 0=: ::J o .... W :I: .... 0=: o u. (/) w .... <( c c z <( u 0::: . 00:::0 I-~co <0'- o:::-Q) W 0::: g. o-w~ Q~~ 0::: 0 ::: w 0 z I I :: 5 5 ozC: I- Z W 9 U) w 0::: 0:::1- wZ aJW :E:E wI- :E~ 1-0 ZO- wO- 0:::< 0::::: :::lw Uz ::: Q) c: ::: Q) c: C/) Q) "g'E - ('0 ~::: Q)-o JJ .~ UiS: L..'4- :l 0 o '- I- 0 >-- Q) ~ C/) =Q)'- o n. ('0 .:: ..e ~ '- Ul Q) -.;:- Q) c: ..- 0..:::L.. ('000 z r:.: -.- -.- 0) 'co o en ::: o .,..... co ti ~ J: Q) .~ oS .= VJ o Ul ~ c::n c: :l c: 0 0 ~ .~ I- .::t:.:l'O Co ~ ~ 2W~ '- o co L.. Q) n. ..e L.. Q) c: ::: o , c: o c: C/) L.. ('0 Q) >- l.() ...... ::: Q) c:: '4- C/) o Q) C:o.. o ('0 'Vi z .;; -.- .c o 0 U - ('0 C/) c:: 0 L.. Q) U ~~ ::: C/) ro (1J~.o ....Jo.<ll en..1.. rJ') c::UlJg :l 8: Q) o :l >- c:: c::n - o g ~ ~.!'2 a; (1JU_ <i3~~ '- C/) a5<{.o U),-.2 .. (1J U :::CD= (1J >. (1J -l-.o , c:_ C? 6 8 >. U w... Q) L.. >. E .~ .0 0= c::n _ 0 :l <{uo:: '- o co '- Q) n. o ~ Q) c: 3: o I c: o c: Ul '- (1J Q) >- C!:I - co 0) - ct2 Q)"- L.. ..- '- :l:O Ua.. n. ~ . _ co I'- '- 0) 0 0)'4- ..- .::t:. '- Q) (1J go. 'Vi ~ C/) 0 c: n. Q)U) 'E (1J (1J'O (j .~ c: 0 .2 u:: ~~ .0 '- Q) 0 Q3ti U ~ 00 - '- Q) o .~ u-S ~ U o ~ C/)W c: >. .QCii <5 6 C/) E .;; L.. o Q) ro '- L.. Q) CL n. >. '- o co L.. Q) n. o -- '- Q) c: ::: o C: o c: C/) '- (1J Q) >- o ...... - l.() 0) Ci3 C..- 0>-- L.. -.;:- L.. :l:O Ua.. n. ~ '- Q) c: c::n (1J (1J c::nC: 0> (1J -.- .020 t ro ~ OC/) a; E Q) c: L.. o::O>~ ~ (j U _ Ul Ul (1J .c 'en en as 0> co Q) en o::~co~ ~ .~ $ g;; I- Q) en -.- n. a. ..- o 0 ....: c: oUC/).Q C3 <i3 .f; co ~ <5 t:: '(3 oJ:g55 c::n~o>~ .~ Vi ex:: 0l(1J 'en Co Q3 c: Q) C/) <5 ro 0:: Q) ~ 2Q)UQ) --a. .c c: - I- 0 0 >.cOJ: .....: .~ ~ -1 C/) ::: 0 w... '- o co '- Q) a. ..e L.. Q) c: 3: o Ul '- (1J Q) >. C!:I is c: c: .2 -.. ro Q) .- .~ g .c Ul ~~ :l C/) C/) c: Q) .2 Zin :l (1J o L.. 0:::: --<{ :::: (1J ~ '0 CD .~ >...2 'Ow... Sv; -.- Q) o 3: ,-.c Q) '5 c: 0 3:C/) 0_ :;::, 0 c: '- 0> (I) ~.o Ul E (I) (I) ct E '- o co L.. Q) a. o -- L.. (I) c: ::: o C: o c: Ul L.. (1J (I) >. 0) ..- 3: Q) c: ... c (1J '- :l (1J en ~- .. co -.;:-1'- 1'-' O)~ ......en (1)"- u- ,~ ~ Ul (1J ~(I) - >. ~l.() -0 0 .~ - (I)-g ~-ffi .~ (1J 0 E ~ .c (1J .- 2 3: c: as 0 > a; '0 c: > ::: c: 0 0'> 0) -- (f) C/) 0> 10 '0 '6 c: (1J U U o I- 0 Q3 N c: <ll 0 (1J (1J :::l "- c: '(3 .::t:. .c 0' (1J AGE~~ .ITEM Q) l- (/) u 0 :::l c: (1J U '~ -l N 0 -; > (1J E o. roo W Q3 <ll > I- 0 :E ....J .!!l -; <ll ~ Q) >. ::J u c: c: MAR 23 1999 < .~ <ll '- Q) 0 0 <ll Z -, ....J UJ (j -, (9 Pg. .3 W () Z W ~ W 0- X W I- Z ~ W ..J W 0::: >. C :l Ul ot:: U (1J '-C!:I .Q:? (f) '0'0 U c: '0.2 (5 '(3 E a; c: 0 c::n :l L.. (1J o..e-c: U c: (1J .!!1 ,2 E ~coro '0 .~ U ..., ~ r~o. ~o- :58~ _ (/) S; 00>.... '- (I) UO o Ul _ L.. "- as ~ .Q:? .= 0 0 Or:.:U .~ 85 .~ :5 ~ en uQ)n. <ll u :l X c: 2 W 'Vi c::n Ul '- (1J (I) >. en Tourist Development Council Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Liana M. Buysse 261-6522 04/21/92 04/21/94 2 Years 989 Aqua Circle 2/24/98 04/21/02 4 Years Naples, FL 34102 District: 4 Category: Non-Owner/Operator William A. Hall 598-3300 02/24/98 04/21/02 4 Years 348 Flamingo Drive Naples, FL 34108 District: 2 Category: O\V1ler/Operator Rhona E. Saunders 11/24/98 04/21/00 2 Years 3770 Parkview Way 434-9230 Naples, FL 34103 District: 4 Category: Non-O\\ner/Operator Gene Vaccaro 11103/98 04/21/99 6 months ~ 4939 Rattlesnake Hammock Rd, Suite 774-0000 Naples, FL 34113 District: 5 Category: non-O\vner/Operator Jerry Thirion 597-3232 04/18/95 04121/99 4 Years / 475 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 District: 2 Category: O\\11er/Operator John 1. Dougherty 394-5000 03/12/96 04/21/00 4 Years 560 South Collier Blvd. 642-7091 Marco Island, FL 34145 District: 1 Category: O\V1ler/Operator Karen Louwsma 695-3781 02/24/98 04/21100 3 Years P.O. Box 110 Everglades City, FL 34139 District: 5 Category: Municipal Official i\GENO~IT.~ No. __./.Jd. I:J~ ..- Thursday, February 25,1999 Page 1 of 2 i I MAi~ 2 3 1999 Pg., Y ~.or._.."..r.-~,,.:,.,,,,,,,,, Tourist Development Council Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Bill Barnett 434-4601 02/21/96 04/21/00 4 Years 735 Eighth Street South Naples, FL 34102 District: 4 Category: Municipal Officer Pamela S. Mac'Kie 77 4-8392 01/12/99 01/04/00 1 Year 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112 District: 4 Category: BCC Chairwoman H. Kent Stanner 02/23/99 04/21/03 4 Years 515 Wildwood Lane 649-5098 Naples, FL 34104 District: 4 Category: Ad Hoc Advisor This 9 member council was created on March 23,1992 by Ord. No. 92-18 to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding a proposed plan of uses for tourist development tax revenues, for the effective operation of the special projects or uses of the tourist development tax revenues. and to review all expenditures of revenues from the tourist development trust fund. Membership consist of the Chairman of the BCC, 3 owner/operators, 3 non-owner/operators and 2 elected municipal officials, Terms are 4 years, FL STAT: 125.0104 Staff: Greg Mihalic. HUI Director: 403-2330 AGENCLA Iff' . to MAR 2 3 1999 Lpg. S- I Thursday, February 25, 1999 Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM i~} ~~ .,_~~.~.1":./ [:, ~"~', ~ Co I.: c. DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office at Sue Filson, Administrative Assistan0 1'\ J Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: V oter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applican~:'..~sides. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL COMMISSION DISTRICT Joy Lelonek 7024 Pelican Bay Boulevard #501 Naples, FL 34108 ?f ~ ;]v Louise 1. Thaell 730 9th Avenue South Naples, FL 34102 L{- Eric J. Vasquez 341 Burning Tree Drive Naples, FL 34105 ~ ~ Gene Vaccaro 700 7th Street, S.W. Naples, FL 34117 .0 3;2.3) :::::l-erOv-e, 1'. .5'C(1~ 1'6 t~ Jerry Thirion J :::Jr. t &;5 k: ~ 475 Seagate Drive f'-1 j) r:r.....o Naples, FL 34103 rr~ jtb ,..,..,..- ~ 75;;'1.( 5aY' ;r1l8vel \.J~ ~ Gene D. Luciano 10 5th Street North Naples, FL u ~ N~~E'b~M Thank you for your help. I MAR 2 3 1999 f ~ Pg. lo L~.........;r.,.",..~.- MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Greg Mihalic, HUI Director ~ JJ Sue Filson, Administrative Assist~:J I .. Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: Tourist Development Council As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Joy Lelonek 7024 Pelican Bay Boulevard #501 Naples, FL 34108 Louise J. Thaell 730 9th Avenue South Naples, FL 34102 Eric J. Vasquez 341 Burning Tree Drive Naples, FL 34105 Gene Vaccaro 700 7th Street, S.W. Naples, FL 34117 Jerry Thirion 475 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 Gene D. Luciano 10 5th Street North Naples, FL Please let me know, in writing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. N~~ry6 ~~ MAR 23 1999 I SF Attachments Pg. ~~II~ UNITED ARTS COUNCIL ....)" ~ ~ ~ " .:.L. FEB 1 9 1999 olCollier COIIJl~)' "All the Arts for All the People" board of ~ountJ Corm:lssioner February 18, 1999 Collier County Board of Commissioners 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Commissioners; By directive of the Board of Directors of the United Ar ;mncil of Collier County. I have been instructed to apply for one of the vacant seats on the Tourist Development Council representing all the arts in Collier County. The United Arts Council. the state and county designated local art agency. serves as the umbrella organization for 36 cultural groups \vithin the county. These groups provide almost one thousand performances throughout the year, creating a significant economic impact upon this county. Studies are showing cultural tourism is on the rise nationally. In Collier County the arts are enjoyed by a large percentage of the tourist trade resulting in healthy economic grov,th for supporting services. I am poised to provide a significant service to the Council by coordinating and filtering the many requests from arts organizations into a more efficient and orderly system and to encourage more collaborative efforts to minimize requests. I also anxious to partner with the tourism industry to maximize their ability to promote this beautiful environment. As you can see from my resume I not only have experience in the arts but have a vast background in business and marketing management. I have been trained to make critical decisions in a professional, businesslike manner. I appreciate your consideration of my request and am available to answer any questions you may have concerning this matter. Sincerely, ()" (\ ~~ N~~7-b IBM MAR 2 3 1999 t Pg. - Joy Lelonek Executive Director The State Designated Local Arts Agencyfor Collier COllnty I OS I 5th .-\\enue South. Naples. Florida 34102 9-+1/263-82..+2. Fax 9-+]/263-3830. e-mail # analive@'naples,net JOY LELONEK 7024 PELICAN BAY BLVD #501 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34108 1-941-598-3586 SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Proven ability to plan, develop and manage internal and external operations, achieving broad-scale image enhancement and community awareness. Strong organizational ability; excellent communication and speaking skills; experienced with coordinating and directing efforts of staff and volunteer groups in a variety of environments focusing on organizational goals. 1997- 1990-1997 1986-1989 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE UNIT.EP ARTS COUNCIL OF COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL Executive Director Responsible for the day to day operations of a state and county local arts agency. Oversees the coordination and promotion of thirty six Arts groups involving over one thousand members, Determines public relations and marketing strategies to enhance exposure of the arts in Collier County. Responsible for fiscal management including endowment management, regranting and membership development. Supervise staff, contract staff and volunteers. INVENTORY DATA SPECIALISTS, INC., Naples, FI- Columbus, 0 CoOwner/Marketing Coordinator Design and implement marketing strategies to enhance position in Florida market. Organize systematic approaches to growth and expansion. Develop public relations program to create visibility and broaden customer base. Identify areas targeted for future growth. Plan and develop personnel training incentive program and communication network to assure quality control in field reporting. DIRECTIONS FOR YOUTH, Columbus, Director of Marketing, Development Responsible for planning and implementing a planned giving and corporate fund-raising plan including direct mail, corporate giving, foundation funding and special e\'ent fund-raising. Develop and promote public relations campaign to improve agency's image and support fund-raising strategy. Plan and develop marking strategies to support program expansion and broaden volunteer and donor base. N~~EN'b YJM , MAR 2 3 1999 Pg '_ 1985-1989 CENTRTAL OHIO DIABETES ASSOCIATION, Columbus, 0 Chapter Development Coordinator Managed chapter programs for education, detection and fund-raising. Developed public relations package; build communication network with area medical personnel; organized and conducted meetings. 1978-1986 ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLE, Columbus, 0 Resource Development Coordinator Managed resource development functions including public relations, fund-raising, volunteer coordination and recruitment. Supervised 60 volunteers and 40 student interns yearly. EDUCATION The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Bachelor of Arts, Psychology - 1977 AFFILIATIONS Board of Directors, Calais at Pelican Bay (former) Board of Directors, Friends of TECH (former) Member Friends of TECH (current) Board of Directors TECH Foundation (current) Member Naples 'Vomen's Club (current) PRSA N~~~O IBM MAR 23 1999 Pg. /0 r ~1I~ UNITED ARTS COUNCIL ~ -..,; .. ". January 25,1999 of Collier County "All the Arts for All the People" Pam MacKie Chairman, Collier County Commission 3301 E. Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Pam, Great to hear that you have been elected Chair of the Collier County Commission to succeed Barbara Berry. Surely, you desenre that honor. Speaking of Barbara Berry - at a meeting last week of the Forum Group of the United Arts Council where she was an invited speaker, Barbara discussed the changes taking place in the structure of the T.D.C. We suggested to her that it seemed clear that time had come for a representative of the United Arts Council, the state's designated local arts agency, to be represented as a permanent member of the Council. It has become a known fact that the "Arts" are an important economic attraction in Southwest Florida. With ever increasing request for TDC funding from many arts and cultural groups, it becomes obvious that choosing the desenring ones with positive track records in operations and community service becomes paramount. The organization best suited to senre this role should be the United Arts Council, since their primary mission is to senre all the arts agencies .for community betterment. We can benefit the TDC by serving as a filter for tbe many requests while we also senre the 36 agencies that are represented within our umbrella framework. Needless to say, Barbara Berry agreed that this seemed to be an obvious solution to the TDC revision dilemma. A place should be secured for the UAC - the organization that has been commissioned by our county commission to represent all the arts in the area. Let's get together soon to discuss this. The time is right. Sincerely, ~QJ\~~n \'Y\. Bf\eu:YY\ N~GE~ I ::R~/99 I -a;''''~~'' ~~~.."'_.. Marilyn Brown President, UAC Board of Directors f ~ l , 1 The State Designated Local Arts Agency for Collier County 1051 5th Avenue South' Naples, Florida 34102 94[/263-8242' Fax 941/263-3830' e-mail # artalive@naples.net ~eD-~~-~Y ~2:35 Naples Trol ley Tours 941-262 6967 P.Ol RECEIVED TRM & ASSOCIATES, INC. C" 730 9TH A VENUE SOUTH / Ho~ i 9 1999 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34102Soar-d of Count.r COtmtiss;oner~ 941-434-0032 February 19, 1999 Ms. Sue Filson Fax #774-3602 Hello Sue, Please accept this fax as application to apply for one of the V8.CalL seats on the Tourism Development Council. I have been a resident of Collier County since January of 1969 - with the exception of 1 S years spent living and working in Kona, Hawaii in the tour business, -- Presently I am owner operator of"TRM" & Associates, Inc. (Tourism Related Marketing. established January of 1997.) I am currently the Marketing director of Naples Trolley Tours, Everglades Excursions, I am very committed to the tourism industry in Southwest Florida and would welcome the opportunity to serve on the TDC Committee. References and resume available upon request, Thank you, Sincerely, ~< <-~.;.~-, 9 :7kt-L. Louise 1. Thaell - ~AGENQA .IT.t;.M No .j(2:IL-- MAR 2 3 1999 \ pg.~ ~-- f))tl'J~ J,3r.f. Oe.).'] ~ '~oll~y 10(-<1":5 a6~- 7.>>0 '--&/1 flbl1e - ??~O ~ 011 S- Feb-19-99 13:33 Naples Trolley Tours 941-262 6967 P.01 , NAPLES TROLLEY TOURS TO: 6~ -:;~,0 nOM DATE:d/-11-tfc; Louise TbaeU Number or pagel Oirc:ctor of Sales cl Advertising b1ctadiDg cover. ,Phone: 941-262-7300 FAXN 171-.3&01 Fax: 941~262-6967 JJ- C/o/- r du.('a.r~A<-/- ~'l.!.~4!-f; N~~~-ur - ~ /QL4U~ . IJ~ OI~JIc'SI o!t1kAe.ciJ',yU.<A:)'YU-~: ~csJi~ 1)(>/1;',') II< 'L6~ 'fa..u<U.D€V /~(P9 S~ ;/ ff. (ji-LfJ ~ 17 l:A [!put). ~ /'YU.a~ a.ta-ttcUot. - /'7'}:< - 17'1(', ~~yY)r;c ~cM-U>94-. I Odtb-cll'~ 0w~ if ' ') I I I. ) ~ ~ d.u.J:u. cZ....J!.da./ " /1?-% -- /99 L ('Y ~u.-~ &f/;.(~A./ ~../'-'., ~~" 1!~a.... - (CP><-') f~L /911-19fJ. tPL~'--' y~~ ~" 19?J.,- ;(2f..1fX'a-u"-:IiA,eiY.<k 7Mf-t~' (~~....;:r~ ~d ~ lEI-{ f- ~)&~~rue.- p~AL~d ffC~, _ JL!~-(.I:u.~~CJ ~c-~: ~t4/ jA.~/~ t. t!:? o.t. /1 ~ ./ I))-V') (, '71ruJle . _ ~J ~~~~'lJ:LV"Z/f-~ . "-/-' No. loP /~r fJ~'I.M<C.f.~: tJd,e./J,:u.n.dt: MAR 2 3 1999 )?a1t $ltJiD{ Pg. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU DO NOT RECEIVE TIllS TRANSMISSION IN ITS ENTIRETY PLEASE CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON · SEDANS · LUXlJRV LIMOUSINES · EXECUTIVE VANS" MIN-BUSES .. COACHES" TROLLEYS 1100 6TH Avenue South. Suite 221A" Naples, Florida 34102. 941.262-7300. 800/592-0848. fax 941/262-6967 www.naples-transportation.com · www. n~l~s-trolley. com · www.everglades-excursionscom 02/19/99 11:45 FAX 9416420137 1:...1. \'h;:'IaIL'J:..f.. en. RECEIVED 'Law Offices of FEB 1 g 1999 ERIC J. V ASQUoE~~C_i"ioners ,~ ~~~;. "h.d'b:t\",~ ~.t-:;~~~~ '';';'';~.,.", ;If... ......Je..:..~:.~ .!1. ,......~l'rw~~ ...._~'I,..,I'~. ~:" ~':"~frB:.. . -.~ \~ >' ''';:..:~ ~ ~:;~~. :-;~:: ..~~~~;~, 993 North Collier BlvcL Marco Island, Florida 34145 Reply to Marco Island 649 Fifth Avenue South Naples, Florida 34102 Tel: 941-642-8111 941-430-0999 Fax: '41-642-0137 FAX Transmittal ". ..-. Is ~ fat 1M laM ~ tbI ~ or enuty to wNdt It " ICIcIrested ..cI "'" cantlltlI IllIfuI"~ ..... Ia "".~ .......1Woc.ltW IrllOl Uiempt from dl~ uncler llPOIICIII* IIW. . Cl'lt I'NOef Of UlIl mtNaIIt II I'OC "" MC.nMd ncIpWIl. or ttle ~ qf tIgeI'It ~ for cMOwfmg lht IMCSI9' to "" ~ ~ )IOU .. MnIt7y naaned fMt .try ~ dtstr1budon or copy Qf UIt ~1lI(;IQQn \$ IU1CUy pt'OMlItd. If Y9" """ ~ WI ~ In emw. ,.... notify &It lnNne.~ '" ~ Md r-.m tile ortgtnaI message to us . !he MeW!!~. via the U.s. P'OstII8erYIca. 'Il\antt)lOU, From: Eric Date: 2119199 Fax No.: 941-714-3602 v r Notes: 3VI ;:3ur-r1/~v~ Tye-r-L)r ~ L(/D~- Original to follow by U.S. Mall. AGENPA IbM No. _L-I.l MAR 2 3 1999 L pg...-{i 02/19/99 11:45 FAX 94164201J7 .t.~. "l\.,;;,r.:cL'.L..LI, .&...~ Law Offices of Eric J . Vasquez Attorney at Law Also Adm1tted I.a Massatbuseas The Royal Palm Mall 993 N. ~ Boulevard Marro Island, FlorirlA 3.4145 649 ylith Avenue S. Suite 220 N8ples, Florida 34102 Phone (941) 642-8111 Fo: (941) 642-0137 PhoD~ (941) 43O..Q999 Please Reply to Marco Island February 19, 1999 Ms. Sue Filson AdTTlinistrative Assistant, Board of County Conimissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail, East Naples, FL 34112 Re: Tourist Development Council Dear Ms. Filson: I am enthusiastic and confident to submit this correspondence and my resume as application for one of the two positions becoming available with the Collier County Tourist Development Council. I am enthusiastic because it is through the Tourist Development Council that I can concentrate my efforts to better our community. I am confident because my education,. skills and experience will benefit the Tourist Development Council in the next two years. I have been a resident of Collier County for nearly six (6) years. I have been travcling to Collier County for nearly ten (10) years. CWTently, I reside with my wife and two young daughters in the north end of Naples. I have two offices from which I operate my law practice. The principal office is in Marco Island and the satellite office, where I generally meet clients. is in downtown Naples. Therefore, I have the opportunity to be in several different areas of the County on a day-to-day basis. In addition to being a business owner in Collier County, I am active with the Collier County Bar Association. and I am currently the Secretaly of the Y oung La~ers Division. I have spoken to high school classes on the law, judged the annual high school F'\EIlIC'CalRES~cm AGENDA ITEM No. /0 0 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg._ IS 02/19/99 11:45 FAX 941642013i E.J. VASQtmZ. fA ~V" Ms. Sue Filson Febnwy 19. 1999 PaSt 2 mock trial competition. and have coached little league baseball. In addition to the numerous professional associations of which I am an active member, I am also past president of the Naples Rugby Football Club. The Naples Rugby Football Club is a social and athletic organization with over SO members, Each year the Rugby Club sponsors a tournament in August which attracts rugby teams from around the state. In the last three years attendance bas tripled. Last year over 350 people from outside the COWlty were in attendance. Over two thirds of the attendants made accommodations to spend the evening somewhere in Collier County. A portion of the proceeds from the tournament go to charity. The Rugby Club also holds a food drive for the homeless every holiday season. As one can see. I am deeply TOoted in the Collier County Community. This is my home, and it will be for many. many years to come. My civic activity also demonstrates that I am an active member of this community and not just a passive observer. All this explains my desire to become more active in shaping our community. Tourism is a large part of the social and economic structure of Collier County. Tourism needs to be embraced and prompted to better the lives of all who live and visit Collier County, It is through the Tourist Development Council that I can further concentrate my efforts to promote the betterment of our community. If you. any County Commissioners, members of the Tourist Development Council, or otherwise, have questions concerning my qualifications or desire, please feel free to call. Otherwise. I look forward to working with you, all the County Commissioners and the Tourist Development Council in the near future. FJV/ AGEjo I~M No. -/,L- F:~_ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg .LiP U~/l~/~~ ll:~~ t.~ ~~~O~~V~vl EDUCATION: CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: EMPWYMENT HISTORY: PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: ~."'. "/'\.....;...'-.l.....~, 01... ERIC JOHN VASQUEZ Law Offices of Eric 1. Vasquez 993 North Collier Boulevard Marco Island. Florida 34145 (941) 642 - 8111 New England School of Law, Boston, Massachutetts Juris Doctor, May 1991 Academic Standing: Top 25% of Class Dean's List: Academic Years 1989, 1990 and 1991 UpsaJa CoUege. East Orange, New Jersey Baehelor of Arts, History, May 1988 Bachelor of Am, Political Science, May 1988 Dean's List: Academic Years 1986, 1987 and 1988 Phi Alpha 1beta. National Honor Sotiety for History Law OfficeJ of Eric J. Vuque'Z, Marco Island and Naples, Florida President, April, 1998 to Present Practicing in state and federal coutts in the areas of civil and crimina1law including misdemeanors and felonies, personal injury. produas liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death, premises liability, consuuction law, contract litigation, civil rights, emplOyIDeIlt law and real estate transactions. McDonnell Trial Lawyers, Naples, Florida Associate, May J 993 to Marcb 1998 N'U1Cty percent of practice in litigation, including commercial, constrUCtion, personal injwy, wrongful death, federal civil rights violations, criminal, medical malpractice, professional malpractice, appellate practice and family law. Responsible for all aspects of case management including discovery, settlement negotiations, appcarnnce for motions. trial and appeals. I have appeared as lead counsel and secondary counsel for jury and bench trials. I have prncticed in the trial COuJU of F1orida. the appellare courts ofAorida, the Middle District Court of Florida, and the Eleventh Cfrcuit Court of Appeals. Very well versed in federal trial practice and procedure. Managed and supervised secretarial and paralegal staff. Well versed with computers including word processing, case management, calendar management, accounting. CD Rom, West1aw, LEXlS and Windows 98. Curtin-Sullivan and Sullivan, Brockton, Massachusetts A!sociate December 1991 to April 1993; Law Oerk 1990 to 1991 Eighty percent of practice wa.!; in litigation with a primary emphasis on personal injury and c:riminallaw. Responsible for all aspects of case management including ctient contaet. discovery, settlement negotiations, appearance on motions and trial. Second seat in aver ten trials in two years. Managed all estate matte~ including estate planning and administnUioa Coordinated and developed a workmen's compensation practice for the firm. Managed and supervised ~ and paralegal sra1f. Developed a computer system 10 better access information and service clients. Massachusetts Bar Assodation, Florida Bar Association, Ameriow Bar .Association, Collier County Bar Association. Florida Academy of Trial Attorneys, Middle District of Florida, Eleventh Circuit Coun of Appc:als, and American Inns of Court. REFERENCES A V AILABLE UPON REQUEST N~~E1o If5M ~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / 1 ~ECE'VED ;:~Q \ '1 '~~9 1 I_(.~ I '.' I......... ~Odrd of County Commissioners 2/8/99 Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 Dear Commissioners: Please consider this letter indicating my desire to continue to serve the citizens of Collier County as a member of the Tourist Development Council. I am currently serving in the non-ovvner/operator category My term exrpires April 21, .1999, As part of my occupational responsibility, tourism development and promotion in Collier County has been a focus for me for the past 10 years. Thank you for your consideration, Sincer~ ~ Gene~~ 700 7th Street S,W Naples, Florida 34117 (941) 354-0100 (Resume Enclosed) AGEN'O IJ;;M No. J * MAR 2 3 1999 L_ pg.--4- j ~L:LlL: I l 1 700 7th Street S.W, Naples. Rorida 34117. Home ( 941) 354-0100. Office ( 941) 774-0000. Cell (941) 777-0833 Llull(l~ Advertising, Event Planning, Promotions, Conceptualizing. Building exceptional loyalty and enthusiasm among fellow employees, A proven ability to create public awareness, excitement and support for a new product, service, or special event. ~lULlr Creative copy writing and graphic design, understanding of all print and electronic media, publicity and public relations, proficiency in Corel Draw PC Graphics program. ljl~Ll\1Ll((t Nov. 1997 - Current Promotions Director, Celebration Gardens, Naples, FL (70 acre entertainment and special event venue) 1989 - 1997 txecutive Director, Florida Sports Park, Naples ( 130 acre sports and special event venue) 1985 - 1989 Owner, Vaccaro & Associates Advertising, Knoxville, TN 1976 - 1985 Art Director, Keith press & Associates, Knoxville, TN 1971 - 1976 Creative Director, GSA, Knoxville, TN l~t!l1~L ll!ll 1966 - 1969 Florida State University AGENPA lTEM No. 10 0 MAR 2 3 1999 pg .-j.:b-J ~~~~~~ L "\- \.-.... - \mw,eo\a\e. Jerry Thirion, CHA SenIOr \',ce PreSIdent I Managing Director /.'>t:::. , L,,- t' . ,,- " '-,......./ \/10.., ..... , /- "', ...... February 4, 1999 r ' . Ms. Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112-4977 >'. . .'},t,.r,. Dear Sue: Please be advised that I wish to be considered for another term on the Tourist Development Council. I understand that my present term does expire on April 21, 1999 and by means of this communication, I am definitely expressing my interest to participate in another term. I have certainly enjoyed this first term and I am looking forward to having the opportunity to participate in the future with the other members of the Tourist Development Council. As requested, please find enclosed a recent resume, Should you have any further questions or if there is anything else that I should do, please advise. 7i~~ U Thirion, CHA Senior Vice President/Managing Director JT:lp N~~7b IJ5M MAR 2 3 1999 pg>~ Q-- .r:, SC:lpatt: Dn\ l' ,\':ir/c,. Fhlrida .'./W3 (9./ I ) 5'r-323': .." .. " ' ." '. . .',. .'." .,' . . , ',. . . " 0":",.' . ... . . '" . JERRY THIRION BIOGRAPHY Jerry Thirion began his hospitality career in 1970 at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, Florida. In 1982, he resigned from the Colony as President to join the Stouffer Hotel Company and oversee management of Stouffer properties on Lake Lanier Islands, Georgia and in Atlanta, Georgia. Later. Thirion joined the Melrose Club Resort on Daufuski Island off Hilton Head Island as its general manager. In 1989, Thirion joined The Registry Hotel Corporation as General Manager of the world famous Don CeSar, a Registry Resort on St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. Then in 1993, Thirion was named the Vice President/Managing Director of The Registry Resort in Naples, Florida. Presently, he is the Seniol'- V ice President/Managing Director. Jerry Thirion is a Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) and is actively involved with the following local, state and national organizations: Board of Directors of: . Florida Hotel & Motel Association - Chairman 1998 - 1999 The Conservancy Naples Visitors Bureau Southern Innkeepers Association Vice President - Florida -1996 -1997 Past President -1986 -1988 Chaine des Rotisseurs United Way . . . . . Thirion also serves on: . The Tourist Development Council (T.D.C.) The Resort Committee of the American Hotel & Motel Association . N~~_~~Lb!K MAR 2 3 1999 i L Pg,~-1__ . ~~'''''''~~~""",,,,'~.--. J " ! Fishing Vessels Sightseeing/Sunset Vessels RECEIVED FEB 0 8 1999 Sue Filson-Admin. Asst. Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL. 34112 BOird of County ComRiss1oner$ February 4,1999 SirlMadam: Enclosed is my resume in support of my application for the Tourist Development Council Advisory Committee position opening as advertised in the February, 1999 edition of the Naples Daily News. Thank you for your consideration. Yours, ~ {1j J1 ~ ~tJU. Gene D. Luciano President/Owner Lady BrettIDouble Sunshine, Inc. AGE~o.e. ~M No.J.U__~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg._~~-- L _~~_1(,"',.,___.....~,-,~,....._.~_~.__,.., Docked at TIM CITY Lady Brett, Inc, · 1200 5th Ave, S. · Naples, Florida 34102 · (941) 263-4949 . Fax (941) 263-3853 Gene D. Luciano 10 5th Street North, Naples, Florida 941-263-4949 Objective ExPerience Summary: During My Professional Carreer, I have held responsible supervisory & management positions in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry. In addition, I have been the President and business owner of both Charter Fishing/Diving and a major Sightseeing attraction in the greater Collier County area. I am a major supporter and active participant in the various tourism related issues surrounding my industry. 1971-1973 Marco Beach Hotel Clubs Manager . Staff Management and Recruiting . Increased Sales Volume . Implemented Plans to Increase Efficiency of Operations 1973-1978 Restaurant Owner Marco Island, FL Restaurateur . Established and Managed 185-Seat Restaurant. . Designed & SupeNised Renovations Of Facility . Implemented training course for new employees. . Established Advertising Program to Increase Revenues. - . Full P&L Responsibility. 1974-Present Maritime Business Marco & Naples Charter Fishing, Diving, Sightseeing Operator . Currently Own & Operate three (3) Commercial Vessels On Naples Bay . SupeNised Design & Manufacture of six Commercial Vessels. . Financial Management & Operations. . Expanded Sales Objectives Through Tourism Related Markets. . Established Maintenance Programs to insure compliance with U.S. Coast Guard Regulations. . Recruit, Hire and Train All Professional Staff. . Established Network Referral Program With Various S.W. Florida Attractions. N~~Ef6 If? MAR 2 3 1999 p 9 . --23--- -_e..~:r~-..:::<-"'--~ .....,... "''':'$-~".. Personnel: Collier County Resident Since 1970, Member of South West Florida Attractions. Collier County Marine Trades Association. Naples Fishing Club, Former Rotarian and Kawanis Member. Annual Sponsor of local Police Athletic League Events. Member Collier County Education Foundation. Sponsor of Hispanic Heritage Celebration. Sponsor Naples Youth Basketball. Lorenzo Walker Vocational Steering Committee. Sponsor Collier Parks & Recreation Youth Program. AGENDA,IJJM No,-l.O-4J- MAf? 2 3 1999 p 9 . ~~:'~~:w~__j EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -~ APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO RADIO ROAD BEAUTIFICA nON ADVISORY COlvfMITTEE OBJECTIVE: To appoint one member to serve the remainder of a vacant term, expiring on March 3. 2001. on the Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee aids and assists the Board of County Commissioners in carrying out the purposes of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median areas as set forth in Ordinance No. 96-84. This 5 member committee shall recommend work programs and priorities to the County Administrator or his designee. Members shall be permanent residents within the MSTU. After initial staggered terms, terms will be 4 years. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes \vere received from the following interested citizens: APPLICANT CATEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. Susan Saum n/a 3 yes none COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Susan Saum ~ FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GRO\\TH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMME:\DATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint one member to fulfill the remainder of the vacant term. and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: MARCH 23, 1999 ,-... AGEND;riT~ No. _.~V..-&- MAR 2 3 1999 / Pg. MEMORANDUM DATE: March 9, 1999 TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel DeCesare, Engineer II -p)-N - Transportation Services Department SUBJECT: Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee Susan Saum Application On March 9. 1999, the Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee met with a three-member quorum necessary to take formal action. The three members requested that the Board give consideration to Susan Saum's application, which 1 received by FAX from you on February 22, 1999. Susan is a registered voter and lives within the Radio Road MSTU. Susan's area of expertise seems to be business management. If you need any more infon11ation, please do not hesitate to contact me. 1\'ly telephone number is 77 4-8494. cc: Edward 1. Kant, P.E., Transportation Services Director File: Radio Road MSTU N~G~7~ ;!~_ MAR 2 3 1999 ., -, t /",'9 . ---~-- _..i .---~...-..-.- Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Pholle DateRe-appt 21ldExpDate 21ld Term Wolfgang B.P. Schulz 09/01/98 03/03/02 - '-<I .,.,:J~. ,r'~ 260 Lambton Lane 455-7909 ' . .1..1 '" Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Foxfire Wilfred Jaeger 09/01/98 03/03/01 - , I~ ".:: - 139 Artic \A/ay 643-5029 Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: F oxfire Crystal K. Kinzel 03/03/98 03/03/00 2 Years 498 Henle\' Drive 353-5477 Naples, FL 34105 District: 3 Category: Berkshire Lakes Kathryn Godfrey-Irwin 03/03/98 03/03/00 2 Ye:J.rs 5021 Brixton Court 435-9074 0iJples. FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Bri~lfwood , . .' "v /"\ . ~ Leona P. Hyland '" ~ I1r~C\ 03 0398 03/03/01 ~ "'" 2..+2 St. James Way //1 455-3061 '\:aples. FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Countryside ThiS 5 member committee was created on October 21, 1997, by Ordinance No 97-52 to cC c"d assist the Board of County Commissioners in carrying out the purposes of providing curbing watenng facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median areas as set forth In Ordinance No, 96-84 The committee shall recommend work programs and priorities to the County Administrator or his designee Members shall be permanent residents within the MSTU Terms are 4 years, FL ST.4T: ]25.01 Staff: Russ Muller, Engineer II: 774-8494 - ,,~~~.~.b~~ MAR ~'3 1999 Pg,_J_ ~_ ~o;;ober I rlT;;;.~'--- - Page I of I .~:I'''r1t;......-,-- ..------ r "t. =------~----- MEMORANDUM ?~ ro... ~~\,..<..:~ - ----- L.. ....~ DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Vinell Hills, Elections Office FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant M, Board of County Commissioners d:' '7 RE: V oter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also. please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. RADIO ROAD BEAU ADVISORY COMM COMMISSION DISTRlCT Susan Sauro 5060 Coldstream Lane Naples, FL 34104 r 3 Thank you for your help. AGEN9~ IJ.iM N0, J V&-- MAR t 3 1999 Pg i ------ J. ---- "'JO:It"",.., --.--- MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22, 1999 TO: Dan DeCesare. En2.ineer Il r /1 Sue Filson, Admin:strative ASSiSUmrir ' Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Susan Saum 5060 Coldstream Lane Naples, FL 34104 Please let me know, in \-\'Titing, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments N~~EN7DI~ . MAR ? 3 1999 Pg. ,,$._-- -....-.~----'---..,.... . ,--..,~_._.._,.__.,---,-,-_.- qc r.:.:: f \1 t:'.l 5060 Coldstream Lane Naples, Florida 34104-4736 February 17, 1999 ", '\'"' /,'t '.'i,," Ms. Sue Filson Board of County Commissioners Collier County Government Complex 3301 East T amiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Ms. Filson: Please consider my application for a position on the Radio Road Beautification Committee. I relocated to Collier County from Illinois in 1970 and have resided in Briarwoodl off Radio Road, for the past five years. My husband and I are business O'WTlers in Collier County. Additionally, I am employed as an accountant and have several years experience the in accounting and customer service fields. My educational background includes an associate's degree from Edison Community College. I have recently completed the course work and will receive a Bachelors Degree in Business and Management from Barry University next month. Should you require additional information, you may call me \Neekdays at 793-9358 or evenings at 263-4030. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you. N~~El!; I~ MAR ',1 3 1999 ~g,._~ -- ;;>onL":P"UI~_..--,.....:;" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~ RECOMMENDATION TO DECLARE A VACANCY ON THE GOLDEN GATE BEAUTIFICATION MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: To declare a vacancy on the Golden Gate Beautification MSTU Advisory Comminee and to direct staff to issue a press release soliciting resumes in an effort to fill the vacant position. CONSIDERATIONS: Ordinance No. 92-42, Section 4, reads as follows: "It is the intent and strong desire of the Commission that there be full attendance of advisory Board members at all meetings of the Boards, recognizing, however, that it may be necessary for Board members to be absent from a meeting due to unusual or emergency circumstances. Nevertheless, full attendance at Board meetings is encouraged and necessary for the proper operation of the Boards and in furtherance thereof the following requirements are established: A. Any Board member who is absent for more than one-half of the Board's meetings in a given fiscal year shall be deemed to have tendered his or her resignation for such Board. The Commission shall, as soon as practicable after such resignation, declare the position to be vacant and shall promptly fill same pursuant to the provisions of Section Six herein. The Board member shall not serve at any meetings after his or her position is declared vacant by the Commission. B. In the event that any Board member is absent from two consecutive Board meetings without a satisfactory excuse acceptable to the Board chairman, the Board chairman shall state such fact at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting and shall thereafter notify, in wTiting, the Administrative Assistant to the Commission of the Board member's failure to anend without ~ satisfactory excuse, The Commission shall review the Board Chairman's notification at a Commission meeting and shall declare the Board member's position to be vacant if the Commission concurs that the Board member was absent from two consecutive Board meetings without a satisfactory excuse and shall promptly fill same pursuant to the provisions of Section Six herein. The Board member shall not serve at any meetings after his or her position is declared vacant. C. A member of a Board shall be deemed absent from a meeting when he or she is not present during at least 75% of the meetings. Mr. Mark Houghton has missed more than six (6) consecutive meetings, unexcused. Attached is a letter from the Chairman of the committee requesting that the Board of County Commissioners declare a vacancy on the committee and direct staff to advertise to fill the vacancy. FISCAL IMP ACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: NONE RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation to declare a vacancy on the Golden Gate Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee and direct staffto issue a press release soliciting new members. It is also recommended that the Board of County Commissioners direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution declaring the position vacant. N~~Er'b I? -- Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners MAR 2 3 1999 / . Pg. Date: MARCH 23,1999 __ _w_____.-._.____.___..__..".. .._ ..."'__;......''''''__,,_,_~..,,____,_ Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Cheryle L. Newman 11107/95 10/06/97 2 Years 5101 31st Avenue, S.W. 353-7969 12/16/97 1 0/06/0 1 4 Years Naples, FL 34116 District: 3 Category: Precinct 626 Mark \V. Houghton 434-5090 07/22/97 10/06/97 2 Mas 1748 46th Street, S.W. 353-4021 7/22/97 10/06/0 1 4 Years Naples, FL 34116 District: 3 Category: Precinct 624 Sabina Musci 10/04/94 10/06/98 4 Years 4470 32nd Avenue, S.W. 2/9/99 lO/06/02 4 Years Naples, FL 34116 District: 3 .L , Category: Precinct 627 Bonner G. Bacon 11107/95 10/06/98 3 Years 2570 47th Terrace, S.W. 455-4373 2/9/99 10/06/02 4 Years Naples,FL 34116 District: 3 Category: Precinct 623/626 Charles McMahon 999-3498 OS/27/97 10/06/99 2 + Years 4433 20th Avenue, S.W. 353-2055 Naples, FL 34116 District: 3 Category: Precinct 625 This 5 member committee was created by Ord. No. 87-78 to advise and recommend as to the beautification and maintenance of landscape improvements within the road right of way as described by ordinance boundaries. The committee shall prepare an itemized budget of the amount of money required to carry out the business of the committee for the next fiscal year. Amended on September 3.1996, by Ord. No. 96-50 and 96-51. Precincts are 623.624,625,626, 627, and part of 622 FL STAT: 125.01 Staff: Dan DeCesare, Engineer II: 774-8494 Friday, February Il, 1999 Page 1 of 1 No, 78E,=- MAR 2 3 1999 M f Pr~~ --............. "'-, - ,'~ --- . --~';., . ' '.-, Golden Gate Beautification M.S.T.U. Advisory Committee March 10, 1999 Ms. Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of Collier County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 RE: ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER NON-PARTICIPATION Dear Ms. Filson, The above advisory board meet on March 9, 1999 and appointed me as representative, to address the following concern. Mr. Mark Houghton, a member of this appointed advisory board, has missed more than six (6) consecutive meetings, unexcused. Monday, March 8, 1999 his files were delivered to me, without explanation or resignation letter affixed. May we assume he is a volunteer quit')') Has he provided you with his letter of resignation?? This advisory board would ask your assistance in providing a replacement for his position. Would you please advertise this opening at your earliest convenience, as we have been operating without his attendance for six (6) months. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, If you have any questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact me at 353-7969. Sincerely, ~d/)h~d~- ~(~~~n Co-Chairman c.c: AIl members Dan DeCesare- Engineer II Russ Muller. Engineer II N~~E/O ~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. .3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMMlTTEE -- OBJECTIVE: To appoint/reappoint five members to serve 2 year terms expiring on February 4, 2001, to the County Govemment Productivity Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: The County Government Productivity Committee has 5 vacancies; the terms expired on February 4, 1999. This committee is composed of 13 members, one of whom is the vice chair of the Board of County Commissioners. The remaining twelve members are appointed by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners for a two year term and must be permanent residents and electors of Collier County. Committee members are required to possess special expertise and experience related to managing large organizations, and must be balanced in representing the views of the community. The committee reviews the efficiency of departments of County Government under the jurisdiction of the Board of County Commissioners. The committee may analyze and review existing structure, organization, staffing, management, functions, business practices. and procedures of any or all parts of county government and make recommendations for increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The committee may also assist in the implementation of those recommendations. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. ~ Two press releases were issued and resumes were received from the follO\ving 5 interested citizens: APPLlCA]\T CA TEGORY DIST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. Edward T, Ferguson (reappt) Bs Mgmt & Ed 3 yes CGPC William E, Ebben (reappt) Corporate Executive :2 yes CGPC Charles E. Getler (reappt) Bs Mgmt :2 yes GCPC Sharon Hanlon Attorney 5 yes none Donald Campbell Corporate Mgmt :2 yes none COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Edward 1. Ferguson - re-appointment William E. Ebben - re-appointment Charles E. Getler - re-appointment Sharon Hanlon - new appointment Donald Campbell - new appointment NOTE: Section Seven (b.) (1) of Ordinance 86-41 states "Terms of office for Board members shall be limited to two consecutive terms of service on anyone Board. . ." Under (3) of the same section, it is noted that "By a unanimous vote of the Commission, the limitations set forth in subsection (b) (1) above may be waived". According to available records, Edward T. Ferguson has served two full terms. Should the Board wish to re-appoint Mr. Ferguson, the limitations on __ two consecutive terms will need to be waived. N~~~/P~ FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint five members to serve two year terms, and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: MARCH 23, 1999 N~.~:~b~~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ::L RECEIVED MAR ( 10:g )(-1('" l' '~lJi:- ,:>m's~..:;[1e Memorandum To: Sue Filson. Administrative Assistant Board ofCountv Commissioners )' J Gary Vincent Senior Budget & Management Analyst Il Staff Liaison to the Productivity Comminee ./ March 12, 1999 From: Date: Re: Recommendation for Filling Two Vacant Posinons on the Comminee The Collier County Govemment Productivity Comminee has re\'iewed five applications for the five vacant positions on the comminee, The applicants were evaluated based on their potential contribution to the committee. The Producti\'ity Comminee has recommended the follo\ving three applicants for reappointment to the comminee. Edward Ferguson's reappointment requires a waiver because he has already served t\vo consecutive tem1S on the commmee, I\ame Area of Expertise Edward 1. Ferguson 215 Silverado Drive I\aples. FL 34119 Employee benefits and college level teaching William E. Ebben 12254 Collier's Reser;e Drive :'\aples. FL 34110 Real estate management cost reduction. purchasing, training and operations Charles E. Geller 6855 San :-13000 Dri\'e 1\0. 209 :'\apks. FL 34 I OS Cost reduction. efficiency. purchasing. fmanciaI analysis The following two applIcants are reconm1ended by the Producti\'ity Comminee to fill the remammg t\vo vacanCies. :\'ame Area of Expertise Sharon Hanlon 4555 SheaT\vater Lane Naples. FL 34119 Trial Anomey, Plaintiffs Personal Injury Litigation Managing Partner Donald Campbell 6849 Grenadier Boulevard, # 11 0 1 :\' aples, FL 34108 Corporate management, operations All applications are on file in the Office of Management and Budget. Please call 774-8810 ifyou~Wre~ additional information r ~ ';E~.~EM , C":::> h ,._.::'-:~'--_.-J "'!t ') "."'po ''''i-~i-' t.. j 1999 County Government Productivity Committee Name Work Pho1le Appt'd Exp, Date Term Home Pho1le DateRe-appt 21ldExpDate 21ld Term Charlie Moss 07/28/98 02/04/99 6 Mos. 990 Cape Marco Drive, Unit 607 389-0131 Marco Island, FL 34145 District: 1 Category: Mgmt & Marketing Wolfgang B.P. Schulz 07/28/98 02/04/00 1.5 Years 260 Lambton Lane 455-7909 Naples, FL 34104 District: 3 Category: Exec Mgmt & Financial Bill L. Neal 11/07/95 02/04/96 3Mo. 3839 Clipper Lane 774-6325 2/1 7/98 02/04/00 2 Years Naples. FL 34112 District: 4 Category: Retired Businessman John E. Stockton 11/07/95 02/04/96 2 Mo. 2230 Royal Lane 774-0902 2/17/98 02/04/00 2 Years Naples. FL 34112 District: 1 Category: Retired Businessman Judith E. McCaffrey 514-2800 01/12/99 02/04/99 1 mo. 225 5th Street. S. 1/12/99 02/04/01 2 Yrs. l\'aples. FL 3410': District: 4 Category: Attorney Robert 1\1. Calmers 07/28/98 02/04/00 1 .5 Y rs 4535 Liuhthouse Lane 793-4574 Naples. FL 34112 District: 4 Category: Property Mgmt & Bs Publishing Janev Vasev 01/12/99 02/04/00 1 Year . . 4398 Lon2:shore Way North 598-4378 Naples, FL 34119 - District: 5 Category: Financial ~ .^""::;TU~''';;::C';'~-:'~''>;';'~7;_,.~~ :"-"~__~'<.j"'^~.:'.C";;.~,c;.:--:!",~",._..#;..r.o>4';W-~~~~.;~~~~-:,;~~_;:;;" Frtda}" March 12, 1999 Page I of3 ,,,tm:NpA UEM !'Ie lElbd~" \ t-\AR 2 '3 \999 \ Po. '-1--- ,.) ~ ' -' --::1:----- ~...-......--.'- County Government Productivity Committee Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp, Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Edward T. F enmson 02/28/95 02/04/97 2 Years 215 Silverado Drive 1/7/97 02/04/99 2 Years Naples, FL 34119 District: 3 Category: Business MgmuEducation Karl 1. Otto 11107/95 02/04/96 3 Mo. 901 Collier Court, No. 5-201 642-3798 2/17/98 02/04/00 2 Years Marco Island, FL 34145 District: 2 Category: Retired Engineer Robert D. Laird 07/16/96 02/04/97 1 Year 1765 Courtyard Way. #205.C 793-0933 1/7 /97 02/04/99 2 Years Naples, FL 34112 District: 1 Category: Real Estate/Insurance \VilIiam E. Ebben 12/09/97 02/04/99 1 Year 12254 Colliers Reserve Drive 592-1158 Naples. FL 34110 District: 2 Category: Corporate Executive James D. Carter 77 4-8097 01/12/99 01/11/00 1 Year 3301 E. Tamiami Trail 1\aples, FL 34112 District: -+ Category: BCC Vice Chairman Designee Charles E. Getler 07/16/96 02/04/97 1 Year 6855 San Marino Drive 598-1860 1/7/97 02/04/99 2 Years Naples. FL 34108 District: 2 Category: Business Management Fridaj\)t;;;;hii.;'l999=='''''''''''''''~-''--''-'''-'''''''''~- ,~., j>age];fr'=c.--~' .b...-t~;"r;ELb ~ M:R ~~ 1999 I -,...:=........,..~.....~~ County Government Productivity Committee Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp, Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term This 13 member committee was created on 01/20/91 by Ord, No, 91-10 (amended by Ord. No. 93-13 & 96-10), The committee is composed of 13 members, one of whom is the vice chair of the BCC. Committee members are required to possess special expertise and experience related to managing large organizations. and must be balanced in representing the views of the community The committee reviews the efficiency of departments of County Government under the jurisdiction of the BCC, The committee may analyze and review existing structure, organization, staffing, management, functions, business practices, and procedures of any or all parts of county government and make recommendations for increased efficiency and cost- effectiveness. They may also assist in the implementation of those recommendations, Terms are 2 years, FL STAT: Staff" Gary Vincent, Budget Analyst II: 774-8810 '...~'kh:"""""'-:..'""~- -. . .y__ .._. ~,"!!,,",_-'_{J;.~~;' ''''':;'-~~~':''::'.''''-.'''~'.>:.:;..' Friday, March 12, 1999 "''''''''''"*'''''""p;g;30/]=''''"--''=-=='' ..m'N~~jf) ,$: M MAR 2. 3 1999 F9.-iR-- ...-r :I. MEMORANDUM ~C'c,-,~ .-- ,"" ~ C, Ii t: L. _; >~. N i~ ~~-:: DATE: January 11, 1999 -. -"\ ~ ... ":' " . ~ FROM: Vinell Hills. Elections Office Sue Filson, Administrative Assistan#' Board of County Commissioners TO: RE: V oter Registration. Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory comminees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. COUNTY GOVERNMENT PRODUCTIVITY COMM COMMISSION DISTRICT Donald Campbell 6849 Grenadier Boulevard, #1101 Naples. FL 34108 lr ~ ~ Sharon 1\1. Hanlon 4555 Shcarwater Lane Naples. FL 34119 ........... j Edv,'ard T. Ferguson 215 Silverado Drive Naples. FL 34119 t~ I 3 v William E. Ebben 12254 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples, FL 34110 ~ J- Charles E. Getler 6855 San Marino Drive No. 209 Naples, FL 34108 ip f)-- Thank you for your help. ~GENJtr~- " ~AR 'L 3 1S99 \ pg. J~:::---. ~=---...- MEMORANDUM DATE: January 11, 1999 TO: Garv Vincent. Budl!et Analvst II ~ sue- Filson, Admin:strative ~ssistan~ ' Board of County Commissioners FROM: RE: County Government Productivity Committee As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Donald Campbell 6849 Grenadier Boulevard, # 11 0 1 Naples, FL 34108 Sharon M. Hanlon 4555 Shearwater Lane Naples, FL 34119 Edward T. Ferguson 215 Silverado Drive Naples. FL 34119 William E. Ebben 12254 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples, FL 34110 Charles E. Getler 6855 San Marino Drive No. 209 Naples, FL 34108 Please let me know, in \VTiting, the recommendation for appointment of the advisory committee within the 41 day time-frame, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. AGE N D/,. I ']:E.M No ._./J2~ SF Attachments MAR 2 3 1999 Pg.,g 01/08/1999 15:24 9415921335 ST LAURENT PAGE 01 RECEIVED :AN' 0'" '19QC ~ ,0 I ........ 6849 Grena:3.ier Blvd., #1101 Naples, FL 34108 ';~~r~ i).... ::0un'~/ C~mi S:) i1n{~:") January 7, 1999 Mrs. Sue Filson, Mninistrative Assistant Collier County Board of County Cal1missioners \; , A (.--A)( ~'f - 3L.o ~ Dear Mrs. Filson: I am writing again to P!'Op:)se myself as a can::lidate for the County Goverrrrnent Prcrluctivity Carmittee. Naturally, I can provide whatever personal background you may need. Hc:J'V.BVer, this thunb nail sketch should help to get startErl. 1. My wife, Ruth, and I are rrost-of-the-year residents arrl registered voters in Collier County. 2 . I em a retired Corp:>rate V. P. of Procter arrl Gamble. I joined P & G after tiE u. s. Army and after college, ani I served 38 years 1:efore retiring in 1996. Sixteen years were outside the U.S. I rrost recently and inrnediately before retiring, as I<egional vice President in Latin Jllrerica arrl ChailInan of prcct:er & Gamble M2Xico . 3. I have served as a director or trustee of several oollege arrl rusiness organizations. Jioong these, Wi1Jnington College, Th::! Ohio Fourrlation of looepen:ient Colleges, The Greater Cincinnati YM:A, The krerican Chambers of Q::mrerce in Mexiro an:i in France. 4. In the mid-80 I s I was a member of the Ohio (State Coverrrnent) Operations Improvement Task Force. r appreciate your oonsidering my carrlidacy carefully. s~rell'l1 ( J{# lL..1.---k ~ ~ f Donald Campl:ell 941-598-3426 AGEN9~ IXM NO,._~~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 1 .. .. :'" LAW OFFICES YEGA, STANLEY, ZELMAN & HANLON, P. A. Ge::O~GE: VE~":'. ..lP. .JOHN F, STANL.E:Y . THECDCR( ZL../'.A.AN S~.A.~ON M. HANLCN . .. AlSC L;CENSC::::: ~'" "-'I ~ , t 50th " \ Jlnniversary I ~~~ ~ ~ 1948 1998 266::; AIR"ORT RCAD SOUTH NAPLES. FL::R;CA 3~1 ~2 4899 THOMAS _ WCCD -- ..JCHN G. VEG~ C:::JNS7ANCE M eUPKE TE~E~~C~E (9L.. i 774.3333 TE~E::CPIE~ IS-":'~i 77"::::'.642C <t AlSC ,-,CENSC:: .... ~Y -+-+ A:-SC- ...ICENSC:; IN C.C.. KY, NC &. VA CF C::'-..'....SL.... THOMAS ~. BROWN E:JWARD E. WOLL~":"N 5. ~S3:::CIA7"ES, F. A, October 20, 1998 !v1rs. Sue Fi!son Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples FL 34111 RE: County Government Productivity Comminee Dear Mrs. Filson: I am interested in applying fo, one of the two vacan:;ies fi)r the above commince. I have enclosed my reSU:11e. I believe my past experience as manJging partner for this law firm. founding President of the Collier County Women's Bar Association and current President and long time member of the Women's Politic:l] C<lUCUS enables me to meet the requirements for the above position. Please contact me at the above numher if you need additional information. Thank v1u. /~~~--- Sharon M. Hanlon LjSSS Shear-waT-e:r "3\.{I\C{ Lo-IL- e c~ SMH:jma I N~G~~~ I MAR 2 3 1999 i~g._/() f SHARON M. HANLON Vega, Stanley, Zelman & Hanlon 2660 Airport Road South Naples FL 34112 (941) 774-3333 PERSONAL DATA: Marital: Children: Place of Birth: David B. Rawlings, Ph.D. three- 2 daughters and a son Minnesota EDUCATION: College of St. Catherine - St. Paul, Minnesota, B.A. Central Michigan University- Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, M.A. Thomas M. Cooley Law School - Lansing, Michigan, J.D. LEGAL EMPLOYMENT: Vega, Stanley, Zelman & Hanlon, P.A. 2660 Airport Road South Naples, FL 34116 1992 to present Practice: Plaintiffs personal injury litigation, trial attorney William G. Reamon Law Office Grand Rapids, MI 49503 1982-1992 Practice: Plaintiffs personal injury litigations LEGAL ORGANIZATIONS: Florida Bar Association Michigan Bar Association American Bar Association The Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers Collier County Women's Bar Association, Founding President 1993-1995 Collier County Trial Lawyer's Section, member and Treasurer 1997-1998 Quality of Life/Stress Management - Florida Bar Association 1995-1997 Inns of Court, Collier County, Florida 1997-1999 OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: Women's Political Caucus Collier County, Board Member 1995-1 7 ,AGENpA ITEM , President 1998 . ~o. --/-0- (; MAR 2:3 1999 k ~ pg.-'-I-- ~~-~""."""" Executive Board, Fort Myers/Naples Town Hall Series 1997-1999 Gulf Coast High School Advisory Committee 1997-1998 Citizen's Advisory Committee for N. Naples Fire Control and Rescue District 1997 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee, Collier County Board Member 1995-1997 Economic Development Corporation-Economic Foundation Committee 1997-1998 Collier County Guardian ad Litem Advisory Committee, 1995.1996 Women and Children's Steering Committee, Naples Community Hospital 1996 The Florida Head Injury Association 1995-1998 The Naples Press Club 1998 N~~=/1J-2C- MAR 2 3 1999 pg,D-- 215 Silverado Dr. Naples, FL 34119 January 7, 1999 Ms. Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of Collier Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail E. Naples, FL 34112-4977 '~E. ,...-:.\ i'.~'~, '"' . '_'!::\ J ','-! """ r" ,'~ j"i ': -- ~~Jr~ Dear Ms, Filson: 3oa~'(! ,',,' ';0iJn~., ,.;/;':'E1;~. '. ': .:,. . ~ This letter is to state that I wish to be considered for another term on the County Government Productivity Committee. I am attaching a copy of my resume and a short biographical sketch. I wish to thank the commissioners for again being able to serve the county on this most important committee, Sincerely yours, ~~//}cl~?~ Edward T. Ferguson, Ph.D. N~~~~ ! MAR 2 3 1999 J ~~j3 I RESU11E EDWARD T, FERGUSON SUM11ARY Areas of Professional Specialty: Business Administration, Professional Development, Human Resource Management, Educatio~ Curriculum Design and Development Background and Expenise in: Administration, Teaching, Research, Evaluation, Project Management Highest Degree: PhD Foreign Language: Spanish PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENC=~ Director of Personnel. Management and Career Development Counselor: Collier County Sheriff's Office. Naples FL 1989-present Adjunct Professor, Manage::nent Development Program: Barry University, Naples Center, Naples FL 198i-present Adjunct Professor, Business Management and Adolescent Psychology: Edison Community College, Collier ~nter, Naples FL 1988-1990 Contract Consultant: University ofMarvland. International Business and Management . .. - Institute, Tokyo Japan 1985-1986 Visiting Pr~fessor, Ime.rr:ational ~anagement Program: Institute for Infern~~~......U:~~ StudIes and Trammg, Boeki Kenshu Center Japan 1986 I.J_~ , MAR 2 3 1999 ~ L~~~~~ V FERG US ON -- p, 2 Senior Lecturer, Departments of Management, Education, and Graduate Counseling and Guidance Program: University of Maryland, European and Asian Divisions Visiting Professor, Department of Business and Economics: University of North Carolina at Greensboro Senior Lecturer, Department of Business: Columbus International College, Sevilla Spain Research Fellow, Fulbright Fellowship, Council for International Exchange of Sr.hnl::l.r~: Ministries of Culture and Labor, Germany Senior Research Specialist and Director of Professional Development and Industrial Training: Center on Education and Training for Employment, OJlumbus OH Professor, College of Education Graduate School Faculty: The Ohio State University, Columbus OH Sabbatical, Research and Professionai Writing: Spain Teacher Educator, College of Erlucation, Instructor, College of Business: Michigan State University, East Lansing Ml Assistant Professor, Department of Education and College of Business: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA EDUCATION BS Business Administration, State University of New Yor~ Albany Major: Business Administration Minor: Social Science MS Business Administration, State University of New York, Albany Major: Marketing N~G_:_LO I~M PhD Education, rvfichigan State University Major: Business and Marketing Education ~or: Business Administration MAR 2 3 1999 Pg ,j..s- -FERGUSON .- p,3 BIOGRAPHICAL LISTINGS Leaders in Education, Fourth ed" Jacques Cattell Press, Tempe AZ Men of Achievement Melrose Press Ltd., Cambridge England Dictionarv ofInternationa] Bio~raphy. International Biographical Centre, Cambridge England \\Tho's Who in the South and Southwest. 22nd ed., Marquis, MacMillan Directory Division, Wilmette IL 1995 ME~1BERSHIPS Pi Delta Kappa Delta Pi Epsilon Society for Human Resources Management Personnel Testing CDuncil of SOuth Flerida Personnel Association or Collier County PUBLICATIONS A listing of over fifty books, professional articles, and research papers is available upon request. ~GE!jo.e-.G!EM N"..&.. MAR 2 3 1999 pg.lh - 3IGGRAPHICAL SKETCH \.:..:lwa rd i F2rgu3on l5 Senior Training Coordina~or and Crisis Intervention Team ~emcer at t~e Collier County (F~orica; <::'--_:"::";:'- ...,1 lei ..:. I J .:::. 0" l'':5. j~e _ _ i ...J,-. : l'-'............i.:=. a ;;:i . ~ . and i"1._ a-=~ree In business .. , a em l. ill S t T a [. .:.. c. il 7' ,-: in ~ca~3 UniV9r3i~y OT New YorK at .~i.ban~.' aTiC a :=h.O .....;1 ::'U'=::IJc3S 31i.':: SCLi.::ar..:.orl TTcm Miclligan Stat.? ''; ;; 1 '-.i -= r 3':" :. .... ~-I ,-=1 :;L30rl '.".as 5 u;:.::.....Ier2.:...:..,~. ~r-..:.,ess0r r..-?2C.il.j";g T-:>1'" ';'v'2, 2lJ ',.Iea,:=: :n :':le 72..::.....~L.125 '':'f ::. '-I -= U i1 i 'v' a r sit 'j ':>, ,'1ary ':'21:-::. 0:-; ~ c; . - -. - - ~'--=~....-= .,....~~ l"i~;- S.i -: ';" .'--'--"'" ..;., '_. I _ '",::"c .1 .~ r...3 L. a 'J ill 'v'er.2:' t. ....- . ai1G 'j:,. r-;i 1'1i3 ?0.;. ',r-:. ~c:in:..: :::1C ----- _l-"='_= ..,. 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CT 7 - , ::U '=::'11 ~ -...::.,,-:='- _ : I ";,-,C' :3 '.I\II-;C __~D_._ ~ ;-IE" '.;~_i....L~ ."} a :1(: -..- - --- _ '-'-: _. . :""J -:::'..::. "- ------ --' - - -~--"-'.~ _--= '_ ':'.3 ;: ... .:i..'; .~ ~ ~ ~,": ~ ::. = :-;:... .::'1:'_ -,7'"""'=' ",- . - .- - '-" ,.-, , . - - ...- ._ - - '-J . . _ _ .:::....: ii~;7:c- 'r ..:;..,.2 -------- :::..:;.C-=.l ___,I - . ". -- ------..... ..:: ,1\....; :='r :.~ =s.:: _ ':' -;-~6..;.. ; ..:. w j- :-..5 ... ,57iC :112':;':=:" ~e =:l: ',- - - ,- __ -. -----........ :,", ,l ~ 3 - . - '-' - - .. ------ ..-... -. ..--..- --' _ -H..1 ;o.=; :; .~ ~sc;~ ;'=-3::: ~S2C'C.:.=t__G,n -......- ,.-- L~2~ .~2S0LT:S ~~3~aqam2~~. 1_______ - -' -.,.. ,- . -' -.....'.,.-- - - - - -.:o;:::'~=........____.i~ ____'L.,.:;'___ -, . . - ,.,- ....-. ---- ~.l-=: :i::.sr7i2L.'::"C'i1.5..;.. .~'~r3C'7::ie_ . 1ft .= ~.:: '; -2: iil e :-. :. ,,---- -- -- -'-=''''':'''_'-- ...".:: '-_ __'1.. :. ;-. = -.= .....:.:, - - ' ....- -- -" '_ ... '.....I: . 1'- _ ~fi:-= ';~ ....-...::.. -_. _._- I .:;...... .;..:.. .:' -"- ------ _' -= '. -= .-. '.- ,;-. III 0::' I : L- .. --.-_. --- ..:;,-.~ _; ,we..::.__ _.:;.~r .:.. ''::2: .- '- -- - - - .- '_. IQj.....' l-C I -' :-1":"lL.. .3 Ti.": -_. ---- ~;I'__'-o~II:'- ~~~2SS ~a~a0affi~~~ ~~__~a~- C~~~~-~. ~~6~ ~c. 1-,...- ;--?j;U.s"'::i~.5 3_~0 =il ""'1~)LTiC~ ~1='Te:::30; ':'1 ':'LiS,j,,:l-&SZ an.:: i~UDi.':'C a..em i 7i ~ 2: 'C r .3 L ~ ,.:] ~: '" '- ':::c:-"' :Jjj ~ .....2 r.=::.. ~ .~- anG a ~r,~re53:': .ili ~;.e ~~"~_2:0~ ~T ~~~~_~a..:.. ~~S~_C2 a~ _c~~ca Gu~7' ,-cas~ ~n~veTSl~/ AGEN[}A ~ No..-tE2 . MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. J? ,f ~r":''''-'''-~V:=f'' ~~~"J'C~.', -1 :_.~.. ... ...... \ " ,,:~ - ' January 5, ] 999 3(~ ,-,':' Ms, Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners RE: County Government Productivity Committee Dear Ms. Filson: In response to your December] 8, ] 998 letter, I am interested in being reappointed to another term on the Productivity Committee, Accordingly, attached is an updated resume. Thank you. k_ ~S /~/~U ~~ "------t ~ ' / --..... w iU1am E. Eb,ben ' 12254 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples, FL 34110 941-513-0936 N~~,7-e,.~~ MAP 2 3 1999 " F'g. ,1t- --..-,,-.. ._- -.. William E. Ebben 12254 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples, FL 34110 Phone: 941-513-0936 Fax: 941-513-7935 l\lember, Collier County Goyernment Productivity Committee 1/98 - Present Corporate Executive Vice President AT&T Basking Ridge, New Jersey 11/82 - 12/96 Three large team operating leadership positions for world-wide field seIYice of Business communicatinu de'vices, for all Real '- ' Estate matters, and for all Procurement matters, Executive Vice President - Operations Pacific l\'orthwest Bell Telephone Company Seattle. \Yashington 9/78 -11/82 Chief Operating Officer of the this then-AT&T subsidiary, re- sponsible for all service and financial results of this company, Vice President and General Manager IVlichigan Bell Telephone Company Detroit, lVlichigan 3/77 - 10/82 Chief Operating Officer for the two million customers in the Detroit area, Assumed this position after a series of manag- erial assignments as: Vice President - Engineering and Network Services Vice President - Operations Staff and Engineering Chief Engineer 5/76-3/77 3/73-4/76 12/70 - 3/73 AGENDA I~ Nc "--/!2--~ MAR 2 3 1999 l___!g. /1 I Page 2 Various Supervisory/Managerial Positions l\-lichigan Bell Telephone Company Detroit, l\lichigan 9/58 -3/73 Held various supervisory and managerial positions in the engineering, accoW1ting, and plant departments. Education: University of Detroit, Detroit, MI: BSME, 1958; 1v1BA, 1966. Northwestern University, Evanston, IL: Mgmt. Development Program, 1960. Carleton College, North field, MN: Mgmt. Development Advanced Program, 1969. l\lilitary: Captain, U, S. Anny Infantry. Active service 1959-60; Reserve duty 1960-66. Personal: Married 40 years to Diane; Father ofLynn (Alexy), William, Brad, and Greg and Grandfather of three (Claire, Caroline and William), References available upon request. N~~E1D ~M _ MAR 2 3 1999 pg.~O -- CHARLES EDWARD GETLER 6855 San Marino Drive No, 209 Naples, FL 34108 ~ ~ - ',-1 V...., . n~~.Jtt.' t:.,~. January 3. 1 999 " .,... ;"'f" !.~,N :' - Ms Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners ~,.,,,..,: ~)] '.3 ..."",..... I' ,.,(2 :", , .... ~:'~, i 'I'::: Dear Ms Filson: This is in reference to your letter of December 18 offering me the opportunity to reapply for another term on the County Government Committee starting February 4, 1999. I \-vould like to be considered for another term and have attached an updated resume which includes some of the projects in which I participated as a member of the Committee, I hope that the Board of Commissioners will consider my request favorably and I look fOf\.vard to your response, Thank you for your consideration, .., ,. / Si~erelXv ///1 .-/JJ /-' L^lt~~/l- t.l/~ Charles E. Getler AG~ ~M 1 No. -'- MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg, c:J/ _.I Resume Charles E. Getler 6855 San !\'!larino Dr. Naples, FL 34108 Telephone: (941) 598-1860 Birth Date June 29, 1926 Present Occupation: Retired Permanent Resident of Naples since 1993 EDUCATION 1948 A B. Princeton University 1951 tvIBA Cniversity of Michigan WORK EXPERIENCE 1951-1991 Ford Motor Company Analytical, Supervisory and Managerial Positions in the follO\ving areas: Purchasing Personnel Financial Analysis Organization Advance Product Planning Product Engineering (Administration) Developed and implemented cost reduction! efficiency improvement programs POST -RETIREME;\JT EXPERIENCE August, 1996-Present Board Member, San Marino Condominium Association President, Board of Directors, San Marino Condominium Association Member, Collier County Productivity Committee Principal Projects in which I participated directly include: -Procurement Study: 20 recommendations adopted by the Commission. -Review of County Airport authority's business plan -Human Resources Data Systems Project -Economic Development Review (prese underway) AGENfj~ r~M No. Lli----._...._ February, 1995 - February, 1997 February, 1995 - February, 1996 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg.,<;2- _:a.-'. T . (~ r:.:':/'t',.:'vt)" j; ',:'\"-:?~~TC?~1,~ X." .',:"':", "~:y_:;}~'~~~t:'"-:>^:'::'-',,,t .,' ,. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER(S) TO TI!EC()NTRAC.tO~t~~EN~IH~:{BQABl?_ "C" " '0: , '~r; ~, '-C' ".<'.:"':','"' ;v ___.;..' " '~ OBJECTIVE: To appoint two (2) consumer members to the Contractors Licensing Board. CONSIDERA TIONS: This 9 member board determines the qualifications of applicants for the various categories of the Contractors' Certificates of Competency. They also hold hearings to determine if the holder of a certificate of competency of any contractor, master or journeyman should be disciplined. A minimum 3 members shall be in the category of "Consumer", The consumer representatives may be any resident of the local jurisdiction that is not, and has never been, a member or practitioner of a profession regulated by the board or a member of any closely related profession. Members are required to file a Form 1 Statement of Financial Interests each year with the Supervisor of Elections. Terms are 3 years. ,~ On October 6, 1998, the Board discussed the statutory requirement relating to the Contractors Licensing Board Ordinance. At that time the Board directed staff to make a request of current sitting board members for those who wish to volunteer to end their terms at the time of appointment of the mandated positions. Letters were sent to the members on October 26, 1998 advising of the amended FL Statute. One of the three required Consumer positions was appointed on February 9, 1999 to fill a seat that was declared vacant. The Board indicated that if individuals did not volunteer to step dOVvTI that a recommendation based on attendance be made to eliminate the positions at the time of appointment to consumer positions, as mandated by the State Statute. One member (Mr. William T. Lewis) voluntarily resigned his position on November 12, 1998, leaving a need for one additional vacancy. Staff has indicated that we do not currently have an absenteeism problem. An alternative would be to appoint the consumer member to the term that is due to expire on June 30, 1999 that is currently filled by Mr. Humbert Gressani. Mr. Gressani has served 2 full terms and in order to be eligible for another term, the Board would be required to waive Section 7(B)(1) of Ordinance No. 86-41. A list of the current membership is included in the backup. A press release was issued and resumes were received from the following 2 interested citizens: APPLICANT CATEGORY DlST ELECTOR ADV. COMM. Robert D. Laird Consumer yes EMSAC Garrett C. Bock Consumer 2 yes none COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Quasi-Judicial. no recommendations permitted. One member to serve as a Consumer Member with the term expiring on June 30, 2001, and ...--' One member to serve as a Consumer Member with the term expiring on June 30, 1999, plus an additional 3 year term expiring on June 30,2002. N~~E'b 11M MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg.____ _~_-'""'--""_""'~_""'^"~-..--.,--..,.~ ....,LIIII... ...._~ __~.,,~. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GRO\VTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners consider the recommendation for appointment and appoint two consumer members to the Contractors Licensing Board and direct the County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointments. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: March 23, 1999 AGEN2 I~M No.. () MAR 2 3 1999 ,;t Pg. Contractors Licensing Board Name Work Phone Appt'd Exp. Date Term Home Phone DateRe-appt 2ndExpDate 2nd Term Les Dickson 643-1616 06/11/96 06/30/99 3 Years 202 Monterey Drive Naples, FL 34119 District: 3 Category: Roofing Contractor Carol Pahl 02/09/99 06/30/00 1 Year 2501 Sailors Way 597 -3759 Naples, FL 34109 District: 3 Category: Consumer Representative Humbert Gressani 01/04/94 06/30/96 3 Years 3225 Duchess Drive 775-5881 6/11/96 06/30/99 3 Years Naples, FL 34112 District: 1 Category: General Contractor Richard E. Joslin, Jr. 455-5000 06/11/96 06/30/97 1 Year 595 13th Street, N. W. 7/22/97 06/30/00 4 Years Naples, FL 34117 District: 5 Category: Licensed Commercial Pool/Spa Contr Raben P. Meister 04/18/95 06/30/97 2 Years 22 4th A venue South 262-8565 7/22/97 06/30/00 4 Years Naples. FL 34102 District: 4 Category: General Contractor Daniel Gonzalez 434-8696 11107/95 06/30/98 3 Years 809 Walkerbilt Rd., Ste 3 6/16/98 06/30/0 I 3 Years Naples, FL 34110 District: 4 Category: Residential Contractor Arthur F. Schoenfuss 597-7544 06/13/95 06/30/98 3 Years 6506 Ilex Circle 596-3388 6/16/98 06/30/01 3 Years Naples, FL 34109 District: 4 Category: Engineer N~GE~{/Y-J Wednesday, February 10, 1999 Page I of2 MAR 2 3 1999 pr 3 '=J'____, Contractors Licensing Board Name Work Phone Home Phone Appt'd DateRe-appt Exp, Date 2ndExpDate Term 2nd Term Gary F. Hayes 643-2431 1475 Curlew Avenue Naples, FL 34102 District: 2 Category: Specialty ContractorlPlurnbing. \' , 'If'-,r:l'c-c/ b~ \ -/ - ~ William T. Lewis \/{; ( , ?/ '1 ~ 732-8700 3416 Caloosa Street J)' I 732-8700 Naples, FL 34112 District: 4 Category: General Contractor 09/26/95 6/11/96 06/30/96 06/30/99 -1 Year 3 Years 06/16/98 06/30/01 3 Years This 9 member board was created by Ord. No, 78-2, 85-42, 90-105, 92-61 to determine the qualifications of applicants for the various categories of the Contractors' Certificates of Competency, They also hold hearings to determine if a certificate of competency of any contractor, master or journeyman should be revoked, A minimum of 2 members shall reside within the corporate city limits of Naples or shall be recommended to the BCC by the Naples City Council. Members are required to file a Form 1 Statement of Financial Interest each year with the Supervisor of Elections. Terms are 3 years, This is a Quasi Judicial Board, Amended by Ordinance No, 97-68 FL STAT: 489 Staff: Ed Perico, Building Review & Permitting Director:: 403-2400 . -; ,., .."" J-' ~ l' .; c.. - >'11 C' ~ I' . : r'" of' y' t.C (1 ~.... -t-,r: 1-' \)..-:,...:, "",' '*. ~ _" .. \ I ~ f ..... /" y-r ~ ( .- ~... I 0 ~ -/ -/ ''5 Wednesday, February 10, /999 Page 2 of 2 No. fl 70 MAR 2 3 1999 - tf r' 9 " _.____--~ """'....--.....-_~. ..-..:.r.....:T..:"....,,...oF .~..' RFCEIVEG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES b'rVISION.., .) BUILDING REVIEW AND PERMITTING DEP~t~N,T,._ MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24,1999 FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners Ed Perico, Director ~ Building Review & Permitting Department TO: RE: Contractors Licensing Board I have re\iev"ed the applicants for the Contractors Licensing Board vacancies and they both meet the criteria for the Consumer Member. I f I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me at 403-2442. N~~E/b IJ;M MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ..,s-- 'r....~-=-...,....~.,...:."_...~..... ,,_' MEMORANDUM '-,'- ....., 1;-.;"-_; DATE: February 22, 1999 Vinell Hills, Elections Office /'/ Sue Filson, Administrative AssistanJ / / Board of County Commissioners TO: FROM: RE: V oter Registration - Advisory Board Appointments The Board of County Commissioners will soon consider the following individuals for appointment to one of the county's advisory committees. Please let me know if those listed below are registered voters in Collier County. Also, please list the commission district in which each applicant resides. CONTRACTORS LICEI\'SING BOARD COMMISSION DISTRICT Robert D. Laird 1765 Courtyard Way Naples. FL 34112 r I Garrett C. Bock 2434 Indian Pipe Way Naples. FL 34105 ~ ~1V; Thank you for your help. ,-'~ AGENJA If! No. () r .. MAR 2 3 1999 \ - ,ft,. r-g, ____ ___ -".........,....-.-...'.""'":;" MEMORANDUM DATE: February 22,1999 TO: Ed Perico, Building Review & Permitting Director FROM: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners RE: Contractors Licensing Board As you know, we currently have vacancies on the above-referenced advisory committee. A press release was issued requesting citizens interested in serving on this committee to submit a resume for consideration. I have attached the resumes received for your review as follows: Robert D. Laird 1765 Courtyard Way Naples, FL 34112 Garrett C. Bock 2434 Indian Pipe Way Naples, FL 34105 Please let me know, in \\'Titing within the 41 day time-frame, if the applicants are qualified to serve as members on the board, and I will prepare an executive summary for the Board's consideration. Please categorize the applicants in areas of expertise. If you have any questions, please call me at 774-8097. Thank you for your attention to this matter. SF Attachments AGEN~ I;Y No. 0 p I MAR ~ 3 1999 ~~:r:==-~.- ..... RECEfV~r-. ",',. . ROBERT D. LAIRD r-r-- r- c:H :; ,..j~; ~i 1765 COURTYARD WAY ;j>~,\,~ 'J:" :.'...../:"~ , NAPLES, FLORIDA'34112. 'T 941/793-0933 February 18, 1999 Mrs. Sue Filson. Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, FL 34112-4977 RE: Collier County Contractors Licensing Board Dear Mrs. Filson: As we discussed in your office on Tuesday, I am interested in being appointed to the Contractors Licensing Board as the "Consumer" member. At the present time. I am serving as the "Consumer" member of the State of Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) and I feel the two memberships would compliment each other. I am enclosing a brief resume and I would also like to point out that I have owned property in Collier County for the past twenty years and have been a full time resident for fifteen years. Sincerely, (;~ 0rb. G~~L Robert D. Laird RDL/dk Ene. AGENDA-..I~ No._-,l'V MAR ? 3 1999 8* f"'9. ____ _ ROBERT D. LAIRD 1765 Courtyard Way, # 205-C Naples, Florida 34112 941/793-0933 OCCUPA TION/EMPLOYMENT · I am retired from the Underwriters Adjusting Co.lContinental Insurance Company as Regional Director of Personnel and Training. Our home offices was located at 1111 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. · I am self employed as a part time Insurance Consultant, handling malpractice claims. · I have held Florida Real Estate License # SL-0443153 for the past sixteen years. · I am also self employed as a part time massage therapist and instructor, holding Florida License No. MA 0016291. EOUCA TlON . Graduated from Jackson High School, Jackson, Ohio. . Graduated from Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Received a BS degree. . Attended Ohio State University Graduate School, Columbus, Ohio; received MBA degree. MILITARY SERVICE . Lt. Commander, United States Naval Reserve, three years active duty. Served as CO of Naval Training Center. BUSINESSICIVIC ORGANIZATIONS . Member and Chairman (EMSAC) Emergency Medical Service Advisory Council Member and Board of Directors, Naples Sunset Rotary Club President of Courtyard Condominium Association Vice President, Kings Lake Homeowners Association Member of Board Tiger Bay Association Member Collier County Sheriff's Citizens Commission Member Collier County 100 Club Member Collier County Forum Club Member Naples Area Board of Realtors Past member Collier County Productivity Committee N~~~/I~ . . . . . . . MAR 2 3 1999 ?9. l' . ~ ~ - . References and past business and government organizations available upon request. ...=-... '.-,. ".. :,...; .- , ::-; -;': ,/ --= '-'~ .~. " :--'~ Garrett C. Bock 2434 Jndian Pipe Way Naples, Florida 34105 Telephone: (941) 430-1785 Fax: (941) 430-1783 February 9, 1999 Ms. Sue Filson Administrative Assistant Board of County Commissioners 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Contractors Licensing Board Dear Ms. Filson: I would like to apply for a position on the Contractors Licensing Board based on my experience as reflected in the enclosed resume. Please call me if you have any questions. Your~y, ~ V7~J*,(/ Garrett C. Bock I Enclosure r N~~E/t>~M . MAR 2 3 1999 Pg, /P ~'._.'__-r=",,,._r J I I i GARRETT C. BOCK 2434 INDIAN PIPE WAY NAPLES, FLORIDA 34105 EDUCA TION University of Buffalo. B.S degree. 1961, Business Administration, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1970, Artillery Officer Career Course, 1969. Air Defense Electronic Warfare Course, 1968. USARADCOM CBR Officer Course, 1967 Nike Hercules Officer Electronic Warfare c'ourse, 1964, U,S, Army Airborne Course, 1964, Nike Universal Officer Course, 1963, U,S. Army Officer Candidate School, 1963, EXPERIENCE United States Army 1961-1971 with rank of Major; Operations Officer in a Nike Hercules air defense missile battalion, President, Bock Enterprises, Inc 1972-1998, a Buffalo, New York builder, land developer, and real estate corporation, Developed 9 single family subdivisions and two condominium projects, Built and sold over 600 custom single-family homes and 89 condominium units MEMBERSHIP National Association of Home Builders (Director 1982). National Association of Realtors. New York State Builders Association (Director 1978-1981) New York State Realtors Association Niagara Frontier Builders Association (President 1979), Greater Buffalo Association of Realtors LICENSES Real Estate Broker, 1972.Present. Notary Public, 1973-Present. AWARDS American Wood Coune!1 Des!gn Fer Better Living Award, 1977, PERSONAL Born in Poughkeepsie, New York May 29. 1940, Married in 1968 to Norma L. Bock, a vocational rehabilitation counselor for New York State; no children. Interests: classical music, art. travel. scuba diving, computers. Retired in 1998 and moved to Naples, Florida as a full- time resident living in the Grey Oaks Country Club. N~~_EN~r}H MAR ? 3 1999 P9,_ //_ . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST TRANSFER OF $2,982,100 FROM GENERAL FUND RESERVES TO THE RESERVES OF THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. OBJECTIVE: To transfer the amount of $2,982,100 from General Fund Reserves to the reserves of the Sheriff's Office, CONSIDERATIONS: In the FY 1999 budget, the Board of County Commissioners appropriated 5% of the Sheriff's operating budget as reserves for contingency for Constitutional Officers in the General Fund. During the course of 1999, the Sheriff's Office may have needs that exceed the current appropriation, Reserve funds are required to meet these needs. Needs may include emergency equipment, salary adjustments as required per pay surveys or other emergency items deemed necessary by the Sheriff, Any funds not required during the fiscal year will be returned to the Board of County Commissioners as excess fees, FISCAL IMPACT: None, This is a transfer from reserves to reserves, Monies are available from: ..- TRANSFER FROM: Fund: 001 Cost Center: 919010 Reserves: 991000 Project: 0 TRANSFER TO: Fund: 040 Cost Center: 611010 Reserves: 991000 Project: 0 GROWTH IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners transfer $2,982,100 from General Fund reserves to the reserves of the Sheriff. REQUESTED BY: /" D APPROVED BY: DATE: March 5, 1999 5.1a-exsum\exresrvl\dv N~~A)t) MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. J - ,"- ,- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. PUD-82-16(1) KAREN BISHOP OF PMS, INC. OF NAPLES, REPRESENTING HENRY KREHLING, TO REZONE LANDS NOW ZONED PUD TO A NEW PUD TO COMPLY WITH THE SUNSETTING PROVISIONS OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, AND TO ADD COMMERCIAL AND LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USES TO THE LIST OF AUTHORIZED USES AND TO UPDATE THE PUD DOCUMENT AND MASTER PLAN TO CURRENT LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE REQUIREMENTS, FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF U.S. 41 AND OLD U.S. 41, Y2 MILE EAST OF U.S. 41 AT THE EASTERN TERMINUS OF WIGGINS PASS ROAD, IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. OBJECTIVE: This petition purports to rezone the site from PUD to PUD, in effect bringing the presently approved document up to current Land Development Code (LDC) requirements and reducing the number of development tracts from three (3) to two (2). The size of the subject property is not planned to change. The Collier County Land Development Code, in Section requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the fifth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. For PUDs which were approved prior to the adoption date ofthe LDC, the Board directed that the five year approval period commence on October 30, 1991, the date of adoption of the LDC. The purpose of this report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in earnest in accordance with the criteria set forth in Section of the LDC. CONSIDERATIONS: The original Krehling PUD was adopted in 1982 prior to the adoption date of the LDC. At original submittal of the required PUD monitoring report, the subject PUD was given a one (1) year extension to either comply substantially with the provisions of the sun setting requirements in the LDC or to submit an amended PUD. Submittal of this PUD amendment gives staff the opportunity to review the proposed PUD for its consistency with the Growth Management Plan and Land Development Code. Subsequent approval of this petition will establish the project's consistency with the existing Growth Management Plan and bring the presently approved PUD up to the current requirements of the Land Development Code. The site is located on the south side of Wiggins Pass Road at its eastern terminus. Access to the site is provided by two (2) driveways located off of Wiggins Pass Road. Wiggins Pass Road from U.S. 41 also provides access to the existing concrete plant to the west of the subject site, as well as residential development on properties zoned for Mobile Home (MH) and Travel Trailer Recreational Vehicle Campground (TTRVC), on the north and south sides of Wiggins Pass Road, east of U.S. 41. The subject site and the abutting industrial site are presently under common ownership. The western portion of the site is currently used for outdoor storage of finished concrete products in association with the adjacent concrete plant on industrial zoned property to the west. The PUD Master Plan indicates a total of two (2) land use tracts. Similar to the previously approved PUD, the +/.11.96 acre Tract A is planned for future commercial and light industrial type of development. The +/- 3.3 acre Tract B is shown on the PUD Master Plan as a Cypress Preserve Area and stormwater retention area. The land uses permitted by this PUD can generally be described as light industrial uses permitted in the Industrial zoning district like light manufacturing and assembling, and industrial warehousing, wholesale, storage or distri as part of the current business operations ofKrehling Industries, Inc., some of the indus ial ~~l Itles I a (8)/ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. I as part of the current business operations of Krehling Industries, Inc., some of the industrial facilities proposed for the subject site will also be used to develop concrete specialty products, stockpile and store finished concrete products. The PUD also allows commercial uses which will generally consist of warehousing, office (retail or professional), building supplies and enclosed storage. The proposed uses are similar in type and intensity to the uses approved in the original PUD. In general, this +/- 15 acre development proposal essentially retains the same type of land uses originally approved, to be developed in two (2) rather then three (3) development tracts. Traffic Circulation Element - The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed amendment will generate approximately 250 to 300 additional trips more than the amount of trips that could be generated by the currently approved PUD, The additional trips probably result from a clarification of uses through the addition of Standard Industrial Code (SIC) references to the PUD document, as well as changes in the ITE Trip Generation Manual since the PUD was originally adopted. Nevertheless, the site generated traffic will not exceed this significant test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume) on U.S. 41 or on any County road. The total site generated trips is estimated to be 1,248 weekday trips at build out in 2002. The Traffic Circulation Elements lists U.S. 41 as a 4-lane arterial road. The current traffic count for the segment from the Lee County~ine to Wiggins Pass Road is 24,364 AADT and is operating at LOS "A". It should be noted that this segment is not projected to be deficient at the buildout of this project in 2002. However, the segment of U.S. 41 from Wiggins Pass Road to Immokalee Road is currently deficient. Therefore, this road segment is required to be improved to 6-lanes for concurrency purposes. The 5-year work program indicates that this segment is scheduled to be improved by the year 2000. FISCAL IMPACT: At buildout, a commercial project will generate the following amount of impact fees: Current PUD Zoning District Proposed PUD Zoning District 15.26 acres-1.64 preserve = 13.62 15.26 acres - 3.33 acres preserve = 11.93 developable acres assuming 10,000 sf developable acres assuming 10,000 sf floor area per acre = 132,600 sf floor area per acre = 119,300 sf F.A.ll,OOO x $5,000 (road) = $663,000.00 F,A.ll,OOO x $5,000 (road) = $596,500.00 F.A. x 0.30 (fire) = $39,780,00 F.A. x 0.30 (fire) = $35,790.00 F.A. x 0.005 (radon gas) = $663.00 F.A. x 0.005 (radon gas) = $596.50 F.A. x 0.005 (bldg code) = $663.00 F.A. x 0.005 (bldg code) = $596.50 F.A./l,OOO x $250.00 (EMS) = F.A./l,OOO x $250.00 (EMS) = $29,825,00 $33,150.00 Total 132,600 sq ft comm = $737,256.00 Total 162,500 sq ft comm = $663,308.00 "G~( ~L No, MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pi, Development ofthe site for a commercial use, should the site be rezoned to commercial and developed with 119,300 square feet of commercial floor area, will generate approximately $73,948.00 less in impact fees than if the site was developed for commercial uses as presently zoned. This is due largely to the increase of 1.69 acres in preserve area, taking that land additional area out of eligibility for development and converting it to preservation. Because impact fees vary by housing type and type of commercial development, and because this appraisal does not provide this level of specificity as to the actual type of use, the total impact fees quoted are at best raw estimates. Additionally, it should be recognized that there is no guarantee that the project and buildout will have maximized their authorized level of development. In addition to the impact fees described there are building permit review fees and utility fees associated with connecting to the. County's sewer and water system. Building permit fees have traditionally offset the cost of administering the Community Development review costs, whereas utility fees are based on their proportionate share of impact to the County system. Impact fees are currently under review to determine if adjustments are required to more accurately reflect the impact of a particular development on County provided services, Also, additional revenue is generated by application of the ad valorem tax rate. The revenue that will be generated by the ad valorem tax depends on the value of the improvements. Presently, staff has not developed a method to arrive at a reasonable estimate of tax revenues based on the ad valorem tax rate. A fiscal impact analysis is incomplete without an estimate of costs that will be generated by a particular land use development project. Presently, staffhas not developed a model by which to estimate the costs of a particular land use development project. Such a model, in staffs opinion, would be misleading because there is no certain way, particularly with respect to housing projects, to determine their value and likelihood that not all ofthe authorized development will occur. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The subject site is designated Urban Residential on the Future Land Use Map ofthe Growth Management Plan. The proposed uses of land (industrial/commercial) are not consistent with the locational criteria for these uses provided for in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE). However, because an exemption was granted for this PUD through the Zoning Reevaluation Program (ZRO) the existing PUD zoning can be considered consistent with the FLUE via policy, specifically Policy 5.10 of the FLUE. Policy 5.10 provides that exemptions based on vested rights or compatibility determinations that are granted as provided for in the Collier County Zoning Re-evaluation ordinance shall be considered consistent with the Future Land Use Element. In this regard, the subject petition is consistent with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. However, the exemption granted for the subject PUD although it precluded Collier County from rezoning the property via the authorization provided by the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance and FLUE Policy 3.1(k), does not protect the property from a zoning change initiated by Collier County as may be authorized by other ordinance or statutory provisions, Section 2,1.16. of the LDC notwithstanding. Section 2.1.16 allows any use or structure that has been granted a compatibility exception, an exemption, or vested rights pursuant to the Collier County Zoning Reevaluation ordinance, to be a permitted use in the zoning district in which it is located to the extent of its approved maximum density or intensity of use and to the extent that is remains effective. In effect, the exemption granted under the ZRO does not protect the property's zoning under the LDC sunsetting provision. The subject petition is for a commercial and industrial mixed use land development for uses similar in intensity to what was originally approved at the initial rezoning to PUD in 19 does,nothing to impact the Growth Management Plan. A ~~ 1lR", No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pi, HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staffs analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical! Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: This petition was not eligible to be placed on the summary agenda due to the receipt ofletters of opposition. The Collier County Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval ofPUD-82-16(1) with the following stipulations to which the petitioner agreed to on the record: 1, Prior to the issuance of any other development order, the developer shall complete an intersection analysis of the U.S. 41 and Wiggins Pass Road intersection. This intersection analysis shall be submitted to the State Department of Transportation for review, comment and approval. Any required improvements shall be the responsibility of the developer. The timing for any required improvement(s) shall be such that it is in place prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a structure in association with a use which triggers the required improvements. 2. The landscape buffering along the northern property boundary shall consist of a twenty (20) foot wide buffer area planted with trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center, and a hedge of at least 24 inches in height and attaining a minimum of three feet in height within one year shall be required. Should the property north of the site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioner's for any use other than for residential, this additional landscape buffer requirement shall no longer apply and landscaping shall be installed consistent with the requirements of the Land Development Code at the time of Site Development Plan approval. 3. Development within fifty (50) feet from the required setback of the northern property boundary ofthe site shall be limited to commercial type of land uses. Any type of outdoor storage shall not be permitted within fifty (50) feet from the required setback of the northern property boundary or in association with a structure or use within fifty (50) feet from the required setback of the northern property boundary. Should the property north ofthe site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioner's for any use other than for residential, this setback and outdoor storage limitation as it applies to structures adjacent to the northern property boundary shall no longer apply, 4. The maximum height of structures located adjacent to the northern property boundary shall be limited to thirty-five (35) feet, a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the required setback from the northern property boundary, Should the property boundary north of the site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioner's for any use other than for residential, this height limitation as it applies to structures adjacent to the northern property boundary shall no longer apply, 5. The petitioner shall submit the required FLUCCS map for the Planning Services Environmental staffs review and approval. Should staff determine that the preserve area indicated on the UD ~ PIiM. to be insufficient, the PUD Master Plan shall be revised, three (3) weeks prior to tht healift~ I~ & I MAR 2 3 999 Pe. L/ Board of County Commissioners, to accurately reflect the required preserve area as recommended and approved by Collier County Environmental staff. After the Planning Commission hearing, the petitioner provided the required FLUCCS map as noted above. The FLUCCS map was reviewed by the Planning Services Environmental staff. Upon review, the Environmental staff recommends approval of the PUD amendment with the following stipulations: 1. The PUD document shall be revised as folJows: (a) Section V, 5.6. B, the following language shalJ be added: "An approved structural boundary shall be constructed along the entire western edge of the preserve, to provide the required buffer. The construction of this buffer shalJ be completed no later than 180 days from the approval of PUD amendment number PUD-82-16(1)." (b) Section V, 5.6.D. shall be revised to read as follows: Replace ". . . approval prior to Final Site Plan/Construction Plan approval" with the following language: "within 90 days of approval of this PUD amendment." Also, add the following language to the end of the paragraph, "Initial exotic removal shall be completed no later than 180 days from the approval of PUD amendment number PUD-82-16(1)." (c) Replace Section V, 5,6,F" with the folJowing language, "A conservation easement shall be placed over the jurisdictional wetland em site, providing protective covenants per Florida Statues 704.06, within 180 days of approval of this PUD amendment number PUD-82-16( I). (d) Revise Section 2.4 D. TRACT "B" - Cypress Preserve shall read +/- 3.33 acres. (e) Revise the PUD Master Plan to show the Tract B - Cypress Preserve to read +/-3.33 acres. Between the Planning Commission hearing and the scheduled hearing before the Board, staff met with neighboring homeowner's associations concerning the proposed PUD amendment(s). Discussion at these meetings has centered around the existing Krehling Plant located on the Industrial zoned property west of the subject site, which is not under the consideration of this petition. The citizen's concerns are related to what they perceive as excessive noise associated with the operation of the plant. Since the PUD as originalJy approved in 1982, and as presented for amendment, wilJ alJow uses similar to the existing Krehling Plant. staff has since taken under consideration the need to provide a limitation on the operating hours ofthat type of business. The Land Development Code does not contain limitations on hours of operation associated with uses in the Industrial zoning district and restricts noise levels to specific decibel readings. However, the PUD amendment process and PUD zoning process provides an opportunity to impose conditions such as a limitation on the hours of operation. It is staffs opinion that the Board of County Commissioners should consider imposing a limitation on the hours of operation associated with some of the heavier types of industrial uses permitted by the PUD document and/or eliminating those uses from the PUD. Should the Board wish to consider either ofthose options, staff has the following recommendations: 1. The hours of operation associated with the following uses shalJ be limited to 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p,m. Monday through Saturday; no work is permitted on Sundays and the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day: A) Bulk storage, not including bulk storage of flammable liquids, and stockpiling, hard stockpiling activities (Groups 1411, 1422, 1429, 1442, 1446,3273). B) Concrete specialty products (Groups 1411, 1422-1446, 1771,3273). ~~ MAR 2 3 1999 S- pe. C) Any other heavier industrial type of use that the Planning Services Director determines to be comparable in nature to the foregoing uses. Andlor Eliminate the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes from the PUD document: Groups 1411, 1422, 1429, 1442-1446,1711,3273. This petition has been continued from the February 23, 1999 BCC meeting. The above referenced groups have been removed from the PUD document's list of permitted uses. All other staff conditions have been met. PREPARED BY: ~-J ~7 ~USANMURRAy,AICP CHIEF PLANNER I , ~ ' ~~::~~\~, RONALD F. NINO, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION , l-z----------- ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP, DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES / APPROVEDBy/J/ J 4 /~ V;;~#. ~' J--/,J -1/ VINCENT A, CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. Petition Number: PUD-82-16(1) Krehling Industries PUD This petition has been tentatively scheduled for the March 23, 1999 Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing. 3- 3 -99 DATE j "~Z, _f _ DATE \- d I - -~ } -; ~;, '1 DATE .- AGENOA ITEM No, J~l~1 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. (p .:c,GENDA ITEM j-F MEiHOR-\.NDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: "\JOVEMBER 18. 1998 RE: , . ?FTlTION NO: PlTD-8/-1hCL) KRFHf TNG i''.ilJl T~TR!F" O'VNERJ AGENT: Agent: Karen Bishop PMS, Inc. of Naples 2335 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 408 Naples, FL 34103 Owner: Henry W. Krehling 1425 E. Wiggins Pass Road Naples, FL 34110 REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner seeks to have land described herein rezoned from its current zoning designation of PUD to PUD pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, sunsetting provisions. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The +/- 15.26 acre subject site is located in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East at the eastern terminus of Wiggins Pass Road. The square shaped parcel abuts Industrial zoned property to the west which is currently developed with the Krehling Concrete Plant. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The original Krehling PUD was adopted in 1982. This petition purports to rezone the site from PUD to PUD, in effect bringing the presently approved document up to current Land Development Code requirements and reducing the number of development tracts from three (3) to two (2). The size of the subject property is not planned to change. The Collier County Land Development Code, in Section requires that the project developer submit an annual report on the progress of development, commencing on the [fth anniversary of the PUD approval by the Board of County Commissioners. For PUDs which were approved prior to the adoption date of the Land Development Code, the Board directed that the five year approval period commence on October 30, 1991, the date of adoption of the LDC. The purpose of this report will be to evaluate whether or not the project has commenced in e est~RENOA iA;J No. I~ MAR 2 3 1999 7 Pi. l-a ,m l~ i~ ~~ It c I CZI N I IS ..- - , o (") J>: ~"-'i 1- o Z II ,:.:. (~.. "S"n} p'~ -r 'i 1\ ~ :\ :; ~ "'~2 ~~ ;~~ .... - :: -< \. -.J.... ~ -.::, ~~-:::y:-;~ - gi~('~: ; ~ '::i3:l: Q~ n -<;~ ~; () 0 , " , . ,- I.--' - ~ I "," ~ I .c . -(~ i ~-- f ,,'~ ~ !!!I :;1..., I ~~ ~ ,,~ 0cQ cz~ a3~2 I' ~ '\ >- \1'" ~(;. i\! " I ~ ~, s: ~I~ 3: l> ""0 c ~~ ';~ t::,l r" ~ ~~ >: Vl~ _~ 2 I~! J:I Q'f'Ol:i ~...mr.d - !.dOdl:H'f ,,~ill (I< .."'l ~S! 1iI~ :;:~ .. ~i <,1 s '" -~ ~ ~ g ,.... av~ NCllSOH~n \ PDJCAH w~ _ ;3~~ ~"" fir,. '" ~ ~ c;il .. ~c 'j>~ ~ - ___ / NOT 10 oc.ou == - - - - - - - - - - - =~= -1'- \ )~ll = li W / ~~>I!.;z-~::\..I;"" @~ = ~r= ffiE~~ g ~ ~~~ - ~ o = 1'== --1 f- -I~~?j E: .===jr -::!:r~= ~~B'~~ ~C I I' ~ ~ '<"T'v- L- ~ '--' 'F' /- {J. b = I r- = , p i J=. '\ ,-<;y r<Jl\ t:1 >- ~ ' I I EI~a 'lAC! :=t,- I _i I ~ "0 - tlffiffilffiEff ~! %f- I T If V' ~ ~~ I " 11 TT III1 IT II' I Ii en - --t IT1 ~~J~~ r n g.~~,\J~ i~~ {ifi t= ""11l i ~ ~\; I ~ =Q~ =1 J E t= -= =:=J ~~ ~5 ,~~ ( ~ ~ ~(r\ 'I "'-, ~ ~ ~,\I\j 'PLOW, ~ ~ ~ }1-rUT r- _'-.\II r \Y ~ ~ Bi'r 1\1 "(\~ o \@ II: I AGENO ( No. /- i ',,-- 7 MAR 2 I, I I i 3: l> 1""0 , .' ........ ClClAS1lN: """""""" , V' ) II I ; ~\\ ~ ~. Dd ii .. :l I ~J 999 Y accordance with the criteria set forth in Section lhe above reterenced PUD is a project which was ~pproved prior to the adoption date of the LDC. At oligillal :suumitlal UI lht: ft:yuireu repon, the subject PUD was given a one (1) year extension to either comply substantially with the provisions of the sunsetting requirements in the LDC or to submit <In amended Pl m. S::nmin;:;l of this PUD ame)lcli11f:l'~ ......:,,-.:.,:. 'I;,;:"'f':lr~'''''fl''lt,rl';jv-l') lr-"\l:r-""i t~I"'-I"II'll"""f-"'~ -;...--;~, '-'llr- ;''-' ,., \"'10.'11..'1 '-Ar"",, \"~In r......o..-r"'.,.,....... .,/.......-..................-"="-t ~ .".;/' . .".11" "'.--'-.) .'-'."- -.a.--r--r---- --_.._.............-_.............~...-......-.J .....Io......."'......._vv,.~LJ.l.l........uJ.J.u6""'.l..1J.""J..1 Plan and Land Development Code. Subseqllent ~rpnwr!i ()f this pf'tlTioTl. will est?)]!ish the prcJest'~ consistency with the existing Growth Management Plan and bring the presently approved PUD up to the current requirements of the Land Development Code. ApproximareiY seventy-five (75) percent oftne subject site is cieared. lhe western portIOn of the site is curremiy uc;eri for (mtnonr "tnr~sf' r.ffini~hf'rl r;C)T\.':'!"~!~ pro':!'.JCts iT\. ::~:':'si2.!~C'~:' 'Nith the adjace:lt c:J:lcrete plant on industrial zoned property to the west. The proposed development scheme as illustrated by the PUD Master Plan indicates a total of two (2) land use tracts. Similar to the previously approved PUD, the +/-13.62 acre Tract A is planned for future commercial and light industrial type of development. The +/- 1.64 acre Tract B is shown on the PUD Master Plan as a Cypress Preserve Area and stormwater retention area. The site is located on the south side of Wiggins Pass Road at its eastern terminus. Access to the site is provided by two (2) driveways located off of Wiggins Pass Road. Wiggins Pass Road from U.S. 41 also provides access to the existing concrete plant to the west of the subj ect site, as well as residential development on properties zoned for Mobile Home (MH) and Travel Trailer Recreational Vehicle Campground (TTRVC), on the north and south sides of Wiggins Pass Road, just east of U.S. 41. The subject site and the abutting industrial site are presently under common ownership. There is an existing railroad spur which runs along the western property boundary between the two properties. The land uses permitted by this PUD can generally be described as light industrial uses permitted in the Industrial zoning district like light manufacturing and assembling, and industrial warehousing, wholesale, storage or distributing. As part of the current business operations of Krehling Industries, Inc., the light industrial facilities proposed for the subject site will also be used to support concrete specialty products, stockpile and storage of finished concrete products. Also, in association with the industrial uses, the permitted commercial uses will generally consist of warehousing, office (retail or professional), building supplies and enclosed storage. The proposed uses are similar in type and intensity to the uses approved in the original PUD. In general, this +/- 35 acre development proposal essentially retains the same type ofland uses originally approved, to be developea in two (2) rather then three (3) development tracts. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing: The subject property is vacant and presently has a PUD zoning designation approved for commercial and light industrial type of land uses. Zoning Land Use Surrounding: North - Agriculture (A) Vacant South - Golf Course (GC) Golf Course East - Golf Course (GC) Golf Course AGENDA ITEM No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 9 West- Industrial (1) Concrete Plan 2 GRO\'/TH ~'L\NAGE:ME~T I'LAN CONS1STENCY: fhe land \vhich is the subject of this petition is designated Urban Residential an the Future Land Use Map \-';~~~I,", :-::I"l<"~~' ~":..11.H\S(~Ht~rl~ r:f1IL T~..., 1.i"f.II''''l~li q~r~ t.f!~I,,,": '~;'_":'_~"'I.!~:-e_~"I~-I~'~~~I_!~,::"~"_.~~!: ~!.':" ~~'~'~ I~'...\~~~i~~~!~~ with the loeationa1 criteria for these uses provided fOT in the FIJI lire Lan,ri \ !se Fiemenll,F LlTF) l-1nwever, because an exemption was granted for this PUD through the Zoning Reevaluation Program (ZRO) the existing pun zoning can be considered consistent with the FT UE via policy, specifically Policy 5.10 of the FLUE. Policy 5.10 providf'stht cypmnf;nTI" nr>Sf'0 Of1 ....."::t?r~ ,,:r.t<: or rr)Ti1p.1tibility determi!l:;.~i0ns thai al~ granieu a~ provided for in (he Collier County Zoning ke-evaiuation ordinance shall be considered consislem with {he Future Lanrt Use Flem.ent. In this rl"~~rd. thr' <::llhjprt f'ptitio!' i~ consistent \,'.r~!!: !~e Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. However, the exemption granted for the subject PUD although it precluded Collier County from rezoning the property via the authorization provided by the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance and FLUE Policy 3.1 (k), does not protect the property from a zoning change initiated by Collier County as may be authorized by other ordinance or statutory provisions, Section 2.1.16. of the LDC notwithstanding. Section 2.1.16 allows any use or structure that has been granted a compatibility exception, an exemption, or vested rights pursuant to the Collier County Zoning Reevaluation ordinance, to be a permitted use in the zoning district in which it is located to the extent of its approved maximum density or intensity of use and to the extent that is remains effective. In effect, the exemption granted under the ZRO does not protect the property's zoning under the LDC sunsetting provision. The subject petition is for a commercial and industrial mixed use land development for uses similar in intensity to what was originally approved at the initial rezoning to PUD in 1982. There are no significant changes in permitted land uses from what was initially approved. Consistency with other applicable elements of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) is as follows: Traffic Circulation Element - The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed amendment will generate approximately 250 to 300 additional trips more than the amount of trips that could be generated by the currently approved PUD. Therefore, the site generated traffic will not exceed this significant test standard (5 percent of the LOS "C" design volume) on U.S. 41 or on any County road. The total site generated trips is estimated to be 1,248 weekday trips at build out in 2002. The Traffic Circulation Elements lists U.S. 41 as a 4-1ane arterial road. The current traffic count for the segment from the Lee County line to Wiggins Pass Road is 24,364 AADT and is operating at LOS "A". It should be noted that this segment is not projected to be deficient at the bui1dout of this project in 2002. However, the segment of U.S. 41 from Wiggins Pass Road to Immokalee Road is currently deficient. Therefore, this road segment is required to be improved to 6-lanes for concurrency purposes. The 5-year work program indicates that this segment is scheduled to be improved by the year 2000. Other Applicable Element (s) - Other applicable elements are those typically evaluated at the time of subsequent devel approvals, and generally deal with infrastructure. To the extent that improvements to AGENDA ITEM No,~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi, }O 3 inrraslruclUlt andJor tne extension or avaiiabie public utilities IS required. these will be mandated at the time of approval of the required site deielopment plan <uh.lJor subdividing if necessary. RISTO RI C! AR~_HA~.QLQGICAI,. .,!J~1.~ ,~&J:I~ Staff's analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is lor:ated olllside;'ln ;:[rt"'a ofl1i,torir::l.l ::l!ld archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, no HistoricaV Archaeological Survey and Assessment is r~ql)i!'ed. KVALUATION FOR E~ViRONlVr~:lirAL~IRA[i~.rORIAJJ(J.N A~D INfRASTkUCrlfRE: The subject petition has been reviewed by the appropriate staff responsible for the above referenced areas of critical concern. This primarily includes a review by the Community Development environmental and engineering staff, and the Transportation Services Division staff. Jurisdictional reviews have resulted in the formulation of development commitments necessary to ensure compliance with the development regulations of Collier County. These development commitments have all been included in the PUD document and/or have been reflected on the P1JD Master Plan. ANALYSIS: Staff completed a comprehensive evaluation of this land use petition and the criteria on which a favorable determination must be based. This evaluation is intended to provide an objective, comprehensive overview of the impact of the proposed land use change, be they positive or negative, culminating in a staff recommendation based on that comprehensive overview. The listed criteria are specifically noted in Section and Section of the Land Development Code thus requiring staff evaluation and comment, and shall be used as the basis for a recommendation of approval or denial by the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners. Each of the potential impacts or considerations identified during the staff review are listed under each of the criterion noted and are categorized as either pro or con, whichever the case may be, in the opinion of staff. Staff review of each of the criterion is followed by a summary conclusion culminating in a determination of compliance, non-compliance, or compliance with mitigation. These evaluations are completed as separate documents and are attached to the staff report. Appropriate evaluation of petitions for rezoning should establish a factual bases for supportive action by appointed and elected decision makers. The evaluation by professional staff should typically include an analysis of the petition's relationship to the community's future land use plan, and whether or not a rezoning action would be consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan in all of its related elements. Other evaluation considerations should include an assessment of adequacy of transportation infrastructure, other infrastructure, and compatibility with adjacent land uses, a consideration usually dealt with as a facet of analyzing the relationship of the rezoning action to the long range plan for future land uses. Notwithstanding the above, staff in reviewing the determinants for adequate findings to support a rezoning action advise as follows: AGENDA ITEM No. /;>.. ( !;) I MAR 2 3 1999 4 Pi. II Relationship to Future and Existing Land L::;cs: A discussion of this relationship, as it applies specifically to Collier CO'Jntv's legal basis for land use ~.JtJlI_":Hl~._ j..,;"L~3 tv l1JL j".,L-lli'-'I,S".:11 1)_; j:H-- C'III~"_I""r-:-(; _~I_I~~~~~~ ~~,_.~~,_,~~ 1-'_' ~~~':" Fl!~~~l~ Lan.d L\~e =:le:~lellt oflhe ......:;> ,J. ... _ Coiiier County Growth Management Plan. The subject property is located within the Urban Designated Mixed Use future land use classification as depicted on the Future Land Use Man of the Collier CCIlmtv Gn'.vth l\1~n~~?f"ment P!:m. Th~ ~itt:' is 1.:~~:lted at tIll;; t:aSlem terminus uf Wiggins Pass Road. less than 12 mile east of the U.S. 41 - Wiggins Pass Road imersection. Tile Pl IT) c1or.urr.~nt inf;ir:1t~<:: thp. proP0<::('(t rlPv{'!f"\~rr'~,=!n ~l,m to!" the site is? mixed use commerciaVlight industrial type of development on +/- 13.62 acres. Approximately 1.64 acres along the eastern property boundary is comprised of a Cypress Preserve tract. The western boundary of the site abuts a parcel ofland zoned and developed for Industrial uses (concrete batch plant). The southern and eastern boundaries abut property zoned and developed with an existing golf course. The northern property boundary abuts the sixty (60) foot wide Wiggins Pass Road right-of-way, then, further north, properties zoned Agriculture (A). The proposed building setbacks required in the PUD, and the Wiggins Pass Road right-of-way minimizes the location of light industrial and commercial land uses adj acent to agriculturally zoned land uses to the north. The PUD Master Plan shows the proposed location of future commercial and industrial development encompassing the entire site with the exception of the 1.64 acres along the eastern boundary dedicated to the Cypress Preserve, as well as required landscape buffers, water management areas and internal right-of-way. -- The site abuts an existing golf course to the south and east as part of an existing residential development (Imperial Lakes PUD). Additionally, the eastern and southern boundaries are also heavily buffered with vegetative buffer. The property to the north is also heavily vegetated and is currently undeveloped. Although currently zoned Agricultural, it is not unlikely that future development of this property will include residential land uses. The existing developed Industrial property to the west creates truck traffic, noise and dust in association with its use. Future development of the subject site for a light industriaVcommercial type of land use may have the affect of exacerbating truck traffic through the area however, more than likely not to the extent at to which it is associated with the existing concrete plant. Given the nature of the development on the adjacent property to the west, and the golf course zoned properties to the east and south, light industrial and commercial land uses could be viewed as having little impact on the existing developme'lt on these properties. It is likely that properties to the north, however, may be developed for future residential uses and should be sufficiently buffered. The project's proposed open space, ingress/egress, landscape buffers, and other applicable development standards comply with the requirements of the Collier County Land Development Code. With respect to compatibility issues, staff is of the opinion that the subject petition is consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan by policy. Traffic: The ITE Trip Generation Manual indicates that the proposed amendment -w-ill generate approximately 250 to 300 additional trips more than the amount of trips that could be generated by the currently approved "-, PUD. Therefore. the site generated traffic will not exceed this significant test standard (5 pe ~~ .).~ No,~ 5 MAR 2 3 1999 pc, /~ LOS. C" design volume) on U.S. 41 or on any County road. lhe total SIte generated trips is estimated to oe 1248 -,,,-c;ekday trips at uuild out in 2002. The Traffic Circulation Elements lists U.S. 41 as a 4-1ar.e arterial road. The current traffic (l')unt for the .....r-t.il("-...I~ l-....."rn (';11-" T pe '-'(lllIIIV j;r11'-" ~n '\"J~l'(.r'-'J.'tl<'~ ~'a~'c .......t\.l,l 'S 1'1 04""/i 1'1\.1' I n"-"j"1 1c;' i"\_Clo....,.."T......~......T If -..... ..",(,'" It .~_.;;;;_......;.__~.. ....__.... .....~'~.",.. ----...~.l ..l..........<..J I ~o....,J.... ......J..IL........lo-."J.. _.~-"....,.....L.A-....-..A. -......._...o.J-.t-'......a.~.......l...6""'~'--'....J 4-1.. should he noted that this segment is not pr0jerted to hf' df'f!rl.~l'!t ~.t th,=, bmldm!t of this project in 2002. However, the segment of U.S. 41 from Wiggins Pass Road to Immokalee Road is currently deficient. Therefore, this road segment is required to be improved to 6-lanes for concurrency purposes. The 5-year work pro~;:l'11 indic?tes th;:;t this sP~'ent is: 5ch~dt!!e.J ~,_) be ;rf':"'0"erl b\! the vear :WOO. A ~tb~lwn th-~---, - submitted TIS indicates potential traffic impacts resulting from develo!"ment of the suhject site\ it cioes not ~n::l !Y7P, th~ potential il11r~~ts on t~Ifl1't1g I!'J)V~!!'.'?TI!S ?.!:.'2 !r?.i!!-: !e'.'e!~ ~! t~e inter$ect~ O~ c f ~.S. 41 and Wiggins Pass Road. Prior to the issuance of additional development orders, a detailed intersection analysis should be provided in order to examine the potential impacts to this intersection. From a planning and traffic safety standpoint, due to the clear sight distance of the existing ingress and egress easement, the proposed access should operate adequately subject to any required engineering modifications and the Collier County Access Management Plan. The final geometry and design of the access will be reviewed at the time of Preliminary , Development Plan (SDP) and/or Preliminary Subdivision Plat (PSP) review. The GMP consistency review indicates that approval of this petition is consistent with policies of the TCE. Utility Infrastructure: Both a public sanitary sewer and municipal water supply is available to the property. All development must comply with surface water management requirements invoked at the time of site development plan approval. SummarY: Based on the above analysis, the following conclusions can be reached from the staff report: 1. The proposed rezoning of the subject property from the Cl!rrent zoning designation of PUD to PUD and the PUD development strategy for mixed use commercial and light industrial development is consistent with the FLUE of the GMP by policy. 2. The proposed light industrial and commercial uses are similar to those uses approved at the original adoption of the PUD and are not proposed to increase in intensity from what was originally approved. The proposed uses can be considered compatible with the Industrial zoning district to the west, and when properly buffered, the agricultural property to the north. Existing buffers in the form of a golf course and heavy vegetation sufficiently buffer the subject site from the land uses on the south and east sides. 3. Although the submitted TIS indicates potential traffic impacts resulting from develo subject site, it does not analyze the potential impacts on turning movements and traf c le~~ MAR 2 3 1999 6 Pi. /3 illlt.:IsectioI1 oIu.5. -+ i ami '..Viggins ?ass Road. Prior to the issuance of additional development orders. a detailed intersection uilul)::;is should be pro\'ided in order to examine the poteniial impacts LV ihis - intersection. ~T ~ ~~ :;~,~:-:~.,:~_~.';:"7';~4.~.::~;c Staff recommends that Collier County Planning Commission forward a recommendation for approval of Petition PUD-82-16( I), Krehling PUD to the Board of County COITlJTIissioners, pursuant to the Ordinance of Adontion and Exhibits attacne0 thereto with the fC\l1nwif1g stipphtiop'S: 1. Prior to the issuance of :my other development orc1p.r, the developf>f sh?!l c0!1'.~lete ?P- in!er~ection analysis of the U.S. 41 and Wiggins Pass Road intersection. This intersection analysis shall be submitted to the State Department of Transportation for review, comment and approval. Any required improvements shall be the responsibility of the developer. The timing for any required improvement(s) shall be such that it is in place prior to the issuance to any certificate of occupancy for a structure in association with a use which triggers the required improvement(s). ") The Landscape buffering along the northern property boundary shall be provided which is at least twenty (20) feet in width,.trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center, and a hedge of at least 24 inches in height and attaining a minimum of three feet in height within one year shall be required. 3. Development adjacent to the northern boundary of the site shall be limited to the permitted commercial type of land uses. Any type of outdoor storage shall not be permitted adjacent to the northern property boundary or in association with a structure or use adjacent to the northern property boundary . 4. The maximum height of structures located adjacent the northern property shall be limited to thirty-five (35) feet. .--, AG~~~ No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. / L/ 7 PREPARED BY: -- .'~ '.. ;"... '.-0. SUSAN MURRAY. AICP . CHIEF PI.ANNER DATE JU:VIE\VED BY: \ (/ \ RoNArD F~-NiNO:-~ICP "". CURRENT PLANNING MANAGER \ \ ~ ~ ~. \ . \ '- \ . ~ \ .' DATE / ...-; /"t-/~ /ROHE:RT J. MULHERE, AICP PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1'/ - Co -/6 DATE t:1" ~~ )/- ~3 -7? VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. Petition Number: PUD-82-16(1), Krehling Pun Staff Report for December 3, 1998 CCPC Meeting NOTE: This Petition has been tentatively advertised for the January 12, 1999 BCC meeting. COLLIER ~UNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: ~~~ MIC~ J. BRUET, CHAIRPERSON A~Ar~L No. ~ 8 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. /~ REZONE FINDINGS FOR PETITION PL'D # 98-16 Section of the Collier County Land Development Code requires that the report and recommendations oftne Plannin~ Commission to the Board of County Commissioners shall show that the Planning commission has stuil\ ",rI, :md com:iderp,-'j th~ iil-nf\I);;;pd chrmge in relation to tl~S' foIl0'''!!'.?', where applicable: 1. Whether the proposed change will be consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies and Future Land Use map and the elements of the Growth Management Plan. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findim:!:s: The proposed development is in compliance with the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan by policy for Collier County, and all other elements. their objectives and policies. 2. The existing land use pattern; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findin2s: Existing: The majority of the subject property is vacant and a portion of it is cleared. The western portion of the site is currently being used for outdoor storage of concrete products made in association with the concrete plant to the west. Zoning Land Use Surrounding: North - Agriculture (A) Vacant South - Golf Course (GC) Golf Course East - Golf Course (GC) Golf Course West- Industrial (I) Concrete Plant .- AGENOA I~ No. J ;) (B) I MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. / 10 9 3. The pus~ioiiilY 4.:realijlg of an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts: Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. ~~;;.;-u~;--.P =--:~.al~~.;;..... ~~j~ .~,:~~ :s (j,dj.q-:~:i-,i t() ;~n l,~.-i"'~J\g: gC,Jf C"llf~e ~uL1l;! (1Plj ': ~~l. 1 . 1., . -:1!~1__ \. :-'I_-~!-.!.~ ~gl-!..'2.l_!!.~..':.~l~! land to the north. Property adjacent to the site on the west. across Wiggins Pass Road. is undeveloped _ property zoned for Agricultural use. The availability of adequate infrastructure and the proximity to adjacent developments justify a rezoning action to PUD. 4. \Vhetlter eXI5illllg distrid boundaries are iilogicaHy drawn in reiation to existing conditions on the property pru!,>used rO.r change. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findines: The district boundaries are logically drawn. The site is similar in area and shape to the Industrial zoned property to the west. 5. \Vhether changed or changing conditions make the passa~e of the proposed amendment necessary. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findin~s: The proposed change is appropriately based on the existing conditions of the property and because it is consistent with the Future Land Use Element by policy of the Growth Management Plan. 6. Whether the proposed change will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; Pro: (i) The zoning designation of the adjacent property to the west is Industrial and it is currently developed with a concrete plant. (ii) The subject site has been zoned for a mixed commercial and light industrial PUD since 1982. This rezoning does not propose to increase the intensity of those uses originally approved in 1982, nor does it propose to change the project's boundaries. (iii) Adjacent properties to the south and east have been developed with significant open space and buffer areas thus mitigating the impacts of any future development. Con: The conversion ofraw land to urban development may be viewed by the neighboring property owner's to the west as an infringement on their existing quality of environment. However, by law, the County cannot deny a property owner reasonable use of hislher land, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, without fair compensation. Summary Findim!s: The proposed zoning amendment will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood because the recommended development standards and other conditions for ap' roval have been developed and designed to ensure the least amount of adverse impact on adjacent dev lopm~Hrr~1 No. ~ 10 MAR 2 3 1999 /1 pc. project has been zonet.! fur I..0wmerciai and light industrial lanu uses since 1982. It appears that in response to the site's existing zoning, properties to the south and east have provided suffi(ient buffers between the site and nearby residential land uses. Those buffers have taken the form of significant open spaccin the form of a golf course. and heavy ve~etative buffering adjacent to the subject site's south and ,--;~.~t ~)i\j~I(;i"iJ' ;-'~:'J;llll.:"'11 ;".... 7. \Vhether the proposed change will create or excessively increase traffic congestion or create types of traffic deemed incompatible with surrounding land uses, became (If peak volumes or projected types of vehicular traffic. includinp activitv during constnlctil'\n ph~t;;es Ilf the ut:velupmeut. or otherwise affect public safety. Pro: (i) The proposed development of the subject property is consistent with the provisions of the Traffic Element of the Growth Management Plan, therefore the additional traffic generated by the proposed development should not adversely affect the comfort and safety of existing users on adjacent public roads. Con: As urban intensification increases. there is some loss of comfort and ease of travel to motorists using the adjacent roadways. However, by law, this degree of discomfort is regulated by concurrency requirements. Development of the site may increase truck traffic to the area however, not unlike similar types of commercial and light industrial development but not to the extent that the neighboring concrete plant generates. Summary Findines: Evaluation ofthis project took into account the requirement for consistency with Policy 5.1 of the Traffic Element of the GMP and was found consistent. Staff s recommendations include the requirement for an intersection analysis to be performed prior to the approval of further development orders. Improvements required by that intersection analysis shall be the responsibility of the developer. 8. \Vhether the proposed change will create a drainage problem; Pro: Water management improvements to accommodate site development are designed to accommodate the normal drainage requirement. Con: Urban intensification always poses a threat for area-wide flooding under the most severe rainfall event, unless countYNide drainage improvements are made commensurate with urban intensification. Summary Findin~s: Every project approved in Collier County involving the utilization of land for some land use activity is scrutinized and required to mitigate all sub-surface drainage generated by developmental activities as a condition of approval. This project was reviewed for drainage relationships and design and construction plans are required to meet County standards as a condition of approval. In the event area-wide deficiencies develop, which deficiencies would be further exacerbated by developing vacant land, the County is required to react through its Concurrency Management system. -- AGj;~): No. 11 MAR 2 3 1999 Jeg . Pt. Y. W-hether the proposed change wilJ seriously reduce light and air to ad,jacent areas: Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. :;!.Hnrnarv Fil!~.HI1~S; "~il proj~cts in CoE!~~ (e~!!IY ~~:: ~~L~~~I ~~, ~!lt;: ~~'.'::!~~:;.:::::t s::':'rldards Ihat are unique to the zoning district in which iT is Inc;(lt~n These d~velopment "t~nrl~rd<;; <'Inri 0ther apply generally and equally to all zoning districts (i.e. open space requirement, corridor management provisions, etc.) were designed to ensure that light pen,=,tration and circulation of air does not adversely affect adjacent ~re8S. 10. \Vhether the I'rl}r(\~ed chang"." wi!! atj"er~"-"!y ~!'fert property val!!e~ !!! t!le2djacent area; Pro: Urban intensification typically increases the value of adjacent vacant or underutilized land. Con: None. Summarv Findin2s: This is a subjective determination based upon anticipated results which may be internal or external to the subject property that can affect proper'llues. Property valuation is affected by many factors including zoning, however zoning by itself ma) may not affect values, since value determination by law is driven by market value. The mere fact that a property is given a new zoning designation mayor may not affect value. 11. Whether the proposed change will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findin2s: Application of the development standards found in the Land Development Code combined with the administrative site development plan approval process, should give reasonable assurance that the proposed change in zoning will not deter the future improvement or development of adjacent property. Additional development standards as recommended by staff should help to alleviate to buffer agricultural areas to the north. 12. Whether the proposed change will cons~itute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasting with the public welfare; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findines: Since consistency with the Future Land Use Element of the County's Growth Management Plan is deemed to be in the public's interest, and because the proposed rezoning action and subsequent development complies with the Growth Management Plan, then the proposal can be deemed not to constitute a special privilege and in the public interest. AGENDA ITH' No. f;)"{ A)I MAR 2 3 1989 Pi. J 9 12 1-'. \Vhetner there are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accordance with existing zoning; Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findinps: The subject property's current pun zoning rlesignation ,,1l0W llses of the same ~ype and intensity as it presently permitted under the current zoning designation. Surrounding properties to the south and east of the site are already developed wi~h lJses deemed compatible to the requested zoning designation. Pronertlps to the west areZOl1f>r1 to allow for more inteme IndEstrial type of land uses. 14. \Vhethl'f the dU1Pge suggested is out of sc~le with the ne~ds Qfthe !H~ighbQ!'hood or the CountY" . , Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findin2s: The proposed development complies with the Growth Management Plan, a policy statement which has evaluated the scale, density and intensity of land uses deemed to be acceptable for this site. 15. Whether it is impossible to find other adequate sites in the County for the proposed use in districts already permitting such use. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summary Findin~s: This petition will allow similar types ofland uses which were originally approved in 1982. The result of this rezoning will not establish a zoning district different from what presently exists in terms of permitted uses. 16. The physical characteristics of the property and the degree of site alteration which would be required to make the property usable for any of the range of potential uses under the proposed zoning classification. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Summarv Findin2s: The extent of site alteration will be determined as a function of obtaining Site Development Plan approval which will be necessary to execute the PUD's development strategy. The existing environmentally sensitive areas on site will be preserved. 17. The impact of development on the availability of adequate public facilities and services consistent with the levels of service adopted in the Collier County Growth management Plan as defined and implemented through the Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, as amended. Pro/Con: Application not applicable. AGENDA ITEM No.--J;t L ~ L MAR 2 3 1999 ~O P&.O< 13 Summarv FiIldin1!s; Sanitary sewers and municipal water utilities are avaIlable to serve the development. Revievv' by jurisdictional staff for consistency evaluation with G\lP required levels of service advise that there is no deficiency. A~LIr); No. 8 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. e:? I 14 FIND11~GS FOR PC 0 PCD-97-1 Sccti0i\ 2.' ,_,f [lie Collier Cc'~'nty L1!Hi l)':\'':'~'J~!"!!ent C/~\~-= ,~:;.~!~:-~~ lne .::'larming Commis:;ion to make a finding as to the PUD Master Phm's compli:mre with the followifl3 cri~ena: 1. The suitability of the area f(lr the type and pattern of development proposed in relation to pt!'vsical characteristics ofthe lanrl3 sllrrnunding areas, traffk ~l1d ac~e~", dr~!n~weo ~ewer, water, and other utilities. Pro: (i) The subject site is located adjacent to an existing golf course on the south and east sides and heavy industrial uses on the west side. (ii) Intensifying land development patterns produces economies of scale relative to public utilities, facilities and services, which are currently available in this area. Con: (i) Nearby residential communities may perceive development of light industrial and commercial type of land uses in their area as contributing factors to inconveniencing movements to and from their place of residence although the current PUD zoning designation has been in place since 1982. Findine: Jurisdictional reviews by County staff support the manner and pattern of development proposed for the subject property. Development conditions contained in the Pun document give assurance that all infrastructure will be developed and be consistent with County regulations. Any inadequacies which require supplementing the PUD document will be recommended to the Board of County Commissioners as conditions of approval by staff and the CCPC. 2. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contract, or other instruments, or for amendments in those proposed, particularly as they may relate to arrangements or provisions to be made for the continuing operation and maintenance of such areas and facilities that are not to be provided or maintained at public expense. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applIcable. Findine:: Documents submitted with the application provide evidence of unified control. The PUD document makes appropriate provisions for continuing operation and maintenance of Common areas. 3. Conformity of the proposed Planned Unit Development with the goals, objectives and policies of the Growth Management Plan. Pro/Con: Findine: Evaluation not applicable. The subject petition has been found consistent with the goals, ob ~ctiv~~t~ 15 MAR 2 3 1999 d~ P&. and policies of the Growth Management Plan. The subject property is designated Crban Nlixed-Use - Urban Residential on the FLUE to lhe G:YIP. As such it does not authorizes zoning actions aimed at allo\ving the land to be used for industrial and commercial purposes. however. the has b~p-n found consic::teT1t with the FLUE oy policy. 4. The internal and external compatibility of proposed uses, which conditions may include restrictions on location of improvements, restrictions on design, and buffering and screening rem!!rements, Pro/Con: Findinl.?: Evaluation not applicable. The Pun Master Plan has been designed to optimize internal land use relationships through the use of various forms of open space separation (i.e., preserves, landscape buffers etc.). External relationships are regulated by the Land Development Code to help assure harmonious relationships between projects. 5. The adequacy of usable open.space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. Pro/Con: Findinl.?: Evaluation not applicable. The amount of open space set aside by this project is consistent with the provisions of the Land Development Code. 6. The timing or sequence of development for the purpose of assuring the adequacy of available improvements and facilities, both public and private. Pro/Con: Findine: Evaluation not applicable. Timing or sequence of development in light of concurrency requirements automatically triggers the mechanism for ensuring that future LOS degradation is not allowed or the LOS deficiency is corrected. See Finding No.1, also applicable for this finding. 16 AGENDA '~ No. 1;1. { (j) I MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. ~3 .. I. The abllity of the subject property and of surrounding areas to accommodate expansion. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. .,..... 1. r 'n.J!~II_~: A~';;;tY, as '"'.fJ~.iieJ in this contt;:xt, imp~ies supporting infrastructure such as wastewater ciisposal systems, potable water supplies. characteristics of the property relative to hazards, and capacity of roads. is supportive of conditions emanating from urban development. This assessment is described at ]pngth in the staff report. Development of the snbjert pr0p~rty is timely, because supporting infrastructure is available and deemed to be adequate. 8. Conformity with PUD regulations, or as to desirable modifications of such regulations in the particular case, based on determination that such modifications are justified as meeting public purposes to a degree at least equivalent to literal application of such regulations. Pro/Con: Evaluation not applicable. Finding: This finding essentially requires an evaluation of the extent to which development standards proposed for this PUD depart from development standards that would be required for the most similar conventional zoning district. The development standards in this PUD are similar to those standards used for particular housing structures and associated area requirements. - A~(I~ No. a 13 17 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. cxt.f -~--~,-,~.,.....~ ,.....--- - .... - -.. ~ ~. - -~,,--~.--- --~::....., -~.-.-.._-..... . . ; , ..;. '- . . - - . '- - .... ~. - ....... -.. -.~.A1'""',,....,-.._~...... -"- .'--~-~ - - -............ .-..-..-.-...... - =-=~~=~:~ :;,:::::;:":-::".=-,-=-=:::.3 :::; -=-;-.:::: ~:':I:'~C~<?',~>:::,.=-.:-:== -~ ,...,.--..----~ - - - - - ",",,"""---. .... ...... ~,,:..... ',' ~ '"' .... ;.~ . - , _T ,.....T""'.-......-. ::: -'..../;\~ ;""..--.." - . ~-... -. - ..,...... .-.~.~:".. -- -~, '...;' =::;=~:~ ;:'~::';'.S >~.:..:; ::.~:'~~::=;:::= : ::::~ ~',:' =:-:.::'.:~G=~:~ ::-:~ =::'.1:::::~ =:''':'4SS::::=.=;.:;~==~: ::- :;-.:::: :":::?~~:J ~~c::.--:?:~:::= ~_:...r..:..... ~'?~;?==P:": ??c:.~ II ?_~=If -=-: fI?fJ;:;" ?LAiJNEC ~_'~,~:~ =::..4:::"',:.r.:':'"r~;l"I' ~~::'~ /,'t~ .:".S :'-;.St1_,:::G =::~,r...~S:?,:::~::3 ~'~~, ::CR ?RC?:?7Y ::C~:=J SOCTHEAST :? -'~"":""'C'=-c::;:,rrT"-""""i -:- .. :: _..__."..,.J..............____.. __ _...... -: -0. ~:.~:-.JI:::' CLS' :J.::3. -: -, ~ :-:::..::: =:.:'.ST2:: '_'. ~. .-::...r-: r:-~E EASTEEN ~~?:.1::::~:CS ::: :.;: ~~:::::S ?::..3S ?,O.~D, ::1 SE:::::-::,J :8WNSH:? ~3 5:JT~, ~ANGE :6 EAS:, ~::..:..:::::=? C2:'::';:'.:.', -- .--..~ -.-,... : _v:'.1._....;." =2:JSET::iG:: =- :S.2E+ ACRES; ??CV==I~:G :-:R ~~E ?SPE~:" - =:;.: :::~J;".~':C~ :::~~:.~=:::::, : '- :JFt.~E:~ ~:?~~::~G ::::~:~~:?,:::~S ::: . ~..., . - ....~., .:'.~~D 3Y ??C\...===:~~ .:..:~ ::?:::::C':':~.~::: =.:....:-::. ~HE?E~S, :.are~ 3ishop 2~ ?~S, ~f Naples, ~epresentl~g Eenry ~rehlir:.g, ~e'=2-::is:Jed tl':e Bsarj ::= 2::unt:y Commissl:::;;:ers :::; ::::--.ange :::-:e :on~ng c~ass~~~~a~icn of :~e ~e~ein described ~eal ~rcper~y; NOW ~~ERE::;~ 3E CRC;'.::~EJ BY ':':-iE 30APD 0~ "r C~ 0~J~'f 28MMISSIONERS C- COL~:ER C8U~T~, :~=RI~A; SECTION ONE: ~he ZO~~~~ C:assi:i~a:~:~ :~e herein Gescr~bea ~ea~ proper~y _~ca:e8 :~ ~ec~:~~ , c - ~, ~~wns~:~ ~3 Scut~, ?ange :6 ::a.5:', _:;.:-.Ller C:::;unty, :lc-:-ic.a, ::"3 '=:--.a:-:':'ea f::cm "?'_~:11 :: "?r.....S" ?.2..anned '__~,.~,- =e~]e':",J-pment ::..~,......'""' -,..-,.-.;:;~~::-::. . ------..-- ....._..'-~ .~....... ........::::..--- - ---"-" -...,-.. -, =.::::.a::::-:eci ;:e:re::::: ::~{:--.:::.:. -: II'" " .~. , ',.;:--.ich ~s l~c~rpora~ea herein and ~~. ~eference made part te:-eo:. The Official Zonlng ~t: ,5 Ma? ~umbered 8S:SS, as described in Ordl~ance ~umber 9:-102, :he '=o~lier :~U~LY Land 8eve:2;~en~ Code, lS jereDY amended accordi~gly. SECTION T'.vO: Crdlnance iiuI:\Cer 82-:'::::::, :.;:nown as the Krenling :ndustries POD, adopted en December 28, 1982 ~v ::~e Eoard of County Corrmissioners of Collier County, is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION T:-iREE: This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. AGENDA ITEM No. /J (~ MAR 2 3 1999 0lS- Pi. " ~ ~ ~~ - .~;:;:- ~ -: ._-=:: :':,r~ ::::-.:: =-2<;0_ _ ~:::..-=:..'=~.=': ~'1 I: (1 /..... ,,~..ol L- -, )~1 ~ Ld...L.d . ;::< ..- - ._".- ~ - ..--....._,vJ--'= H' ..::::"..:aer-l"":. .=-.5 S :.. 52 ~ 3.:--. ::. _ 'J '--.. _ .=-. ':. :: :: .:::-. e ..,.-.~ - ~ "'" ,- ~. ~ -.----..- - -.<"/-::::--"--~ :::..; [\ = ;-. ;,.-. = ::"':-.:-.':' , _:-.a.:2:::-.al~ AG~A)~ No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. ~Io PET::::TION N1J:13ER 0;'. TE . '. ;'.PPLIG..TION FOR PU6LIC ED_'UNG FOR PUD 1-.J1ENDMENT / DO l>-,'1E~mMENT COMMU~ITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PL\NNING SERVICES .;l\;~- 1. Na~e of Applicant(s) Henry W. Krehling, Krehling Industries, Inc. Applicant's Mailing Address 1425 ~. Wiggins Pass Rd. city r:aple s State ?L Applicant's Telephone NUGber: Res.: N/A Zip ]h110 Bus.: 941-597-3162 Is the applicant the owner of the subject property? x Yes 110 (a) If applicant is a land tr~st, so indicate and name beneficiaries below. x (b) If applicant is corporation other than a public corporation, so indicate and nane officers and najor stockholders below. (c) If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, so indicate and name principals below. (d) If applicant is an owner, indicate exactly as recorded, and list all other owners, if any. (e) If applicant is a lessee, attach copy of lease, and indicate actual owners if not indicated on the lease. (f) If applicant is a contract purchaser, attach copy of cO'ltract, and indicate actual o'....-ner (s) nane and address be 10'.....' . Henry W. Krehling, President (only stockholder) (If space lS inadequate, attach on separate page.) 2 . Na::'.e of 1-.gent Karen Bishop Firw P~s, Inc. of Naples Agents Mailing Address 2335 Tamiarri Trail North, Ste 408 City Naples Telephone Number-:~ Re~. : State PT, Zip Bus.: 041_4 34103 1\r/A ,/ / __ ~ n'EM No.lfl(~1 MAR 2 3 1999 ~1 Pi. peD ORDINA.l;CE E.~~'~E ;'.110 NUMBER: ~:rehling =ndust~ies, =~c. DETAILED LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TEE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE LICATION (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page. If _ ~uest involves change to more than one zoning district, include separate legal description for property involved in each district. If property is odd-shaped, submit five (5) copies cf survey (1'1 to 400 I scale). . - TEE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING THE CO~~ECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF QUESTIOnS ARISE CONCERNING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, ~~ ENGINEERIS CERTIFICATION SHALL BE REQUIRED. SECTION 15 TO'riNSHIP 48 South RANGE 2 S ~asL; See attacted legal desc~iption 5. Address or location of subject property 1425 Wiggins Pass Rd. E. Naples. FL eA. Does property m..;ne:::- o......n contiguous property to the subj ect property? If so, give complete legal description of entire contiguous property. (If space is inadequate, attach on separate page) . See attached legal description. 7 . TYPE OF A!-~ENDMENT: x A. PUD Docutent Language fu~endnent x B. PUD ~1aster Plan l-J!'.er.d:ne:1t C. Develop:nent O:::-der Language fu~endment 8. DOES ?_~END:.rENT CO~rPLY WITH THE CO:.fPREHENSIVE PLA."l\l': No If no, explain: x Yes 9. P-~S A PUBLIC HE.~..RING BEEN HELD ON THIS PROPERTY WITHIN THE LAST YEAR? IF SO, IN wnOSE Nl-_"'fl:..? No PETITION #: :JjA DF.TE: N/A AGENDA ITEM No. /~{~)I MAR 2 3 1999 Pt. ~ 8' Fe-? SOLD ;'.~;D / O? TEE ;.. R E.:'.. SOLD :"0. ::.:-"'S .:'..~r:t.' PORTIO~: OF TEE PC=:J 3EE~; DEVELOPED? ARE ~~Y CHANGES P?O?OSEJ DE~.'ELO?ED? Yes. .~.DDITIG~L.;L SHEE:TS I? ~~ECES5;'.::Y). ;'.liD / O?. z: ~;o . YES, DESC?I3E: (.:'..-=-TACH .,. .........----D'....-:""!'"I l-.::':" .......-'-1 ~e, Krehling Industries, Inc. being fi~s~ duly s~orn, depose and say that ~e are the o~ners of the property described herein and ~hich is the subject ~atter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in ~his application, and all sketches, data, and other supple~ent~ry L~tter attached to and ~ade a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. ~e understand this application Dust be conpleted and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. We further perr.it the undersigned to act as our representative in any ~atters regarding this Pe~i~ion. !'~.SD.:'.:=-OR-.:.' . State of Flo~ida 20unty of Collier S '-- The fo~egoing _. 27M day of ///'47" is cersonally kno~n ~o ~e ii"v~~/J/: i?~ ta}:e an oath. this , '..;ho (did not) !;OT ;..~y :P:J3LI C co:-:-.:-:-.ission ;:: !.;y CO::1:-:-.ission Expires: OFFiCIAr.. 1':c:T::n SF..!,Ci !NOT AF;'{ :~~~tt. F'~_>;"~ ::'~'~;_';' ':r,:,-".l lj ::':":.. . . -. ; :.. c'.::. ,.:,'~ : ; !\fY C:.J!\r.. U~~~....~_:~-~..:.:..L\~~-~' ~ '2:~~J PUD\DO APPLICATION/sd/4128 AGENDA ITEM No. la [fiJ! MAR 2 3 1999 atj Pi. .5 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION The subject property is described as: All that part of Section 15, Township 48 South, Ran;:;e 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being described as follows: All that part of the north ;'2 of the northwest v.. of t:le southeast v.. of said Section 15 and all that parr of the north 280.0 feet of the south Y'2 of the northwest:;" of the southeast /.. of said Section 15 lying east of the west right-of-way line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way; said parcel being also described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 15; thence along the east and west v.. line of said Section 15, South 890-54'-18" East, 561.94 feet to the west line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence continuing along said east and west v.. line, South 890-54'-18" East 706.49 feet to the northeast corner of the northwest v.. of the southeast v.. of said Section 15; thence along the east line of the northwest Y. of the southeast :,~ of said Section 15, South 00-40'-39" East 951.13 feet to the southeast corner of the North 280.00 feet of the south Y'2 of the northwest Y. of the southeast Y. of said Section 15; thence along the south line of the North 280.00 feet of the south ;/2 of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 15, North 890-55'-31" West 684.19 feet to the west right-of-way line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way; thence along said west right-of-way line, northerly 952.02 feet along the arc of a nontangential circular curve o ,'1 cave to the east, having a radius of 22,983.3 feet, subtended by a chord which bears North 20-01 '-11" West 951.93 feet; being a part of the northwest 1 /4 of Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; subject to easements and restrictions of record; containing 15.26 acres more or less; bearings are assumed north based on the north and south 1/4 line of Section 15, being North 0'-44'-02" West. '-. AGiA{~1 No. a MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 3D [!:{[~iE[1JfsjC0@ [fP~~~~[~u~;J u ~ ;~({J~7J[FJ [f8~fJJ~ fP~({JJ[fP~~uW ~~~~ffBO[fPuO(Q)fM ALL OF THE WEST HALF (W 1/2) OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NE 1/4) OF SECTION 15. TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH. RANGE 25 EAST. COLLIER COUNTY, LYING EAST OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, EXCEPTING THE NORTH 2.337 FEET THEREOF AND SUBJECT TO A 30 FOOT ROAD EASEMENT ON THE SOUTH AND EAST THEREOF. AGENDA ITEM No.J;;! L e')t MAR 2 3 1999 Pt..~ ,,"- ~(!'fiI r~ il!7;7 f1 ;70ll~ .(3 /G;,n /rg /;: /0) 0\"1 11:1' 'frli itNli'l1JL/f; 1r;1d1 fifW/ ;;;.@err _' '...:..:...' :..J' ~u UL!:::=UL./ \~j ~ Lr- UU ~u L:=JLII] i.../!...." w ~ U \:.} ~ I ~ 0 LJL' tj:; LSC9) U ~~~~~~~~~~TrW@~~~~~~~~ THE WEST 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, LYING WEST OF ATLANTIC COAST LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY, LESS THE NORTH 2,030 FEET, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ AGENDA ITEM No. jJ. (13) I MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 3~ ;/7!@,'Sr 7(1 J7,GVl/8 '9!if%Y'FisFS@;r\f '-;/?T; !JM!/l(S@CJ? _('\~ u u,l '- u L; Lb u U \..J \.Sj '.-' L J '2/ u --'= ULJ U L udJ b i!J is ~ U /R? r:~ /;?\i /7 U u is 0cJ L'::=J ~~~~~~uW~~~~~~~@~ THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE NORTHERLY 280.00 FEET OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. AGENDA ITEM No. );). L ty 1 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 33 .., '=':?CINP.~N~=:::: 4 5 .;N O?DINANCE JI.['lENDING CFDINp.:KE :::":;HBEF 9~-l02, THE C8LL=ER C8UKTY L~ND =EVELO?MS~JT CODE, WHICH INCL0DES THS CCH~FEHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR iHE: UENCCRPORATED AREA OF COLLISR COUKT:, F:ORISA, ~y AMENDING TnE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBERED 8515S BY CHANGING ~HE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THS HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROt--l "PUD" TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS KREnLING INDUSTRIES PUD, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF U.S. 41 AND OLD U.S. ~1, ~ MILE EAST OF U.S. 41 AT THE EASTERN TERMINUS OF WIGGINS PASS ROAD, IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONSISTING OF 15.26+ ACRES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEA~ OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 82-120, THE FORMER KREHLING INDUSTRIES PUD; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, Karen Bishop 0: PMS, Inc., of Naples, representing Henry 28 Krehling, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the 29 zoning classification of ~he herein described real property; 30 NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 31 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA; 32 SECTION ONE: 33 The Zoning Classification of the hereln described real property 34 located in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, 35 Florlda, is Changed from "PUD" to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in 36 accoraance wlth the PUD Document, attached hereto a~ Exhibit "A", which 37 is incorporated herein and by reference made par~ hereof. The Official 38 Zoning Atlas Map numbered 85155, as (=scribed in Ordinance Number 91-102, 39 the Collier County Land Development Code, lS hereby amended accordingly. 40 SECTION TWO: 41 Ordinance Number 82-120, known as the Krehling Industries PUD, 42. adopted on December 28, 1982 by the Board of County Commissioners of 43 Collier County, is hereby repealed in its entirety. I 44 SECTION THREE: 45 This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the ~, 46 Department of State. A~A}~ I No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 p&.34 -1- =~8IT,~ssic~e~s 8f "' :=c:ll:..er ::::::cunty, :-=..cr:.ci2., th:..s ;~S22D ~~= __~_ ~=~F~E: =".- -~Q =~~~~ ::2Y -""'-= :":.998. 3 4 }'..TTEST: 5 DWIGHT ~. BROe?, =le~k 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 .A.pproved as ~o ro:-m and 13 Legal Sufficiency 14 15 16){\~~" J/1 ~lu~ 17 Mar] c e 1-1. Stuaem: 18 Assistant County Attorney ]9 20 21 ~,FeD-8:-lE 22 23 SCARe OF CJUNTY COMMISSIONERS =~~~=~~ C8~NTY, :LORIDA :::; \' . 3ARBARA ~. S~RRY, Chairman AGENDA I~ ....., No. 1J.[8 MAR 2 3 1999 -2 - Pi. 3S- DATE REVIEWED BY CCPC 12-03-98 DATE APPROVED BY BCC ORDINANCE NUMBER AMENDMENTS AND REPEAL KREHLING INDUSTRIES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING THE KREHLlNG INDUSTRIES A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE - PREPARED FOR: HENRY W. KREHLlNG PREPARED BY: VANASSE & DAYLOR 8270 COLLEGE PARKWAY, SUITE 205 FT. MYERS FLORIDA 33919 ~\EC~~V\ED ~~1 ' 'i ~9~~ --------------- IY -. '-t P ~ D 8 2 - : "'~ / Exhibit A AGENDA ITEM No. la /fi,) L MAR 2 3 1999 pc. 3 (p TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF EXHIBITS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 1 SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND LEGA' '"'ESCRIPTION 3 SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 5 SECTION III INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 8 SECTION IV PRESERVE DISTRICT 13 SECTION V GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 15 AGENDA I~ No. la if) I MAR 2 3 1999 P,. "7 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C .", ; "--. .'-" LIST OF EXHIBITS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE LOCATION MAP PUD MASTER PLAN AGENOA.I~ No. I;;"{ 1 MAR 2 3 1999 pc. 3g EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The subject property is approximately 15.26 acres, and is located in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. The development of this property as a Planned Unit Development, known as Krehling Industries Inc., will be in compliance with the planning goals and objectives of Collier County as set forth in the Growth Management Plan. The commercial and light industrial development will be consistent with the growth policies, land development regulations, and applicable comprehensive planning objective or each of the elements of the Growth Management Plan for the following reasons: 1. The subject property is within the Urban Residential Land Use designation as identified on the Future Land Use Map as required in Objective 1, Policy 5.1 and Policy 5.3 of the Future Land Use Element. 2. All improvements will be in compliance with all applicable regulations. 3. The project development will result in an efficient and economical extension of community facilities and services, as required in Policies 3.1.H and L of the Future Land Use Element. 4. The commercial and industrial facilities shall be designed to be compatible and compliment to existing and future surrounding land uses as required in Policy 5.4 of the Future Land Use Element.. 5. A complete range of services and utilities as approved by the County will serve the project. 6. Because an exemption was granted to Kreh1ing PUD through the Zoning Reevaluation Program, the PUD is deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element Policy 5.10. 7. Policies 5.1, 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element address non- conforming zonings (non-conforming existing zonings are defined as those not being consistent with the locational or density criteria identified by the FLUE). Krehling PUD Final Draft Policy 5.1 allows certain PUDs to be modified without being consistent with the locational or density criteria of the Future Land Use Element. Under this policy, a PUD is not allowed to increase the approved density or intensity of use. The Krehling PUD is consistent based on the fact that it was granted an ex ~~A)~~ No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 pc. 3t - 1 - through the Zoning Reevaluation Program under this policy and is not increasing intensity previously approved in the zoning. Policy 5.9 allows non-conforming uses to further develop or redevelop in accordance with the zoning on the property at the time of the development or redevelopment. The Board of County Commissioners has clearly acknowledged this situation in previous zoning cases such as the Krehling PUD. Policies 5.10 and 5.11 acknowledge properties that are granted an Exemption or a Compatibility Exemption through the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance and are thereby deemed consistent with the Future Land Use Element due to these exemptions. Both of these policies relate back to Policy 5.1. These policies do not require that non-conforming zonings be eliminated, but allow them to develop under their existing approvals. 8. An Exemption has been granted for the Krehling PUD which precluded the County from rezoning the property via the authorization provided by the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance and the Future Land Use Element Policy 3.1 k. -- AGEN>A ITEM No. 1<<'(6)' MAR 2 3 199~ Pi. L/ () Krehling PUD Final Draft - 2 - SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed for development under the name of Krehling Industries, Inc. 1.2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land located in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East Collier County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: All that part of the north "Yz of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 15 and all that part of the north 280.0 feet of the south "Yz of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 'i 5 lying east of the west right- of-way line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way; said parcel being also described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 15; thence along the east and west % line of said Section 15, South 890_54'_18" East, 561.94 feet to the west line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence continuing along said east and west % line, South 890-54'-18" East 706.49 feet to the northeast corner of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 15; thence along the east line of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 15, South 00-40'-39" East 951.13 teet to the southeast corner of the North 280.00 feet of the south "Yz of the northwest % of the southeast % of said Section 15; thence along the south line of the North 280.00 feet of the south "Yz of the northwest % of the ~Joutheast % of said Section 15, North 890-55'-31" West 684.19 feet to the west right-of-way line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way; thence along said west right-of-way line, northerly 952.02 feet along the arc of a nontangential circular curve oncave to the east, having a radius of 22,983.3 feet, subtended by a chord which bears North 20_01'_11" West 951.93 feet; being a part of the northwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; subject to easements and restrictions of record; containing 15.26 acres more or less; bearings are assumed north based on the north and south 1/4 line of Section 15, being North 00-44'-02" West AGENDA I~ No. IA (t3) I MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. J../ I Krehling PUD Final Draft - 3 - .- 1.3. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is currently under the ownership of Henry W. Krehling of Krehling Industries, 1425 East Wiggins Pass Road, Naples, Florida. 1.4. GENERAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA A. The property is located in the north % of the northwest ~ of the southeast ~ of Section 15 and all of the 280 feet of the south % of the northwest ~ of the southeast ~ of Section 15 lying east of the west right-of-way line of the former Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of- way. The property is generally located south and east of the intersection of new US 41 and old US 41, approximately % mile east of new US 41 at the eastern terminus of Wiggins Pass Road. B. The subject property is currently vacant but it is sometimes used for temporary storeage of some minor amounts of finished concrete products. The existing zoning classification of the property is PUD. 1.5. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The site is located at the east terminus of Wiggins Pass Road and is surrounded by existing development: Imperial Golf Club to the east and south; the Krehling Concrete Batch Plant to the west; and disturbed agricultural/and to the north. The site itself is disturbed. Elevations within the site range from 7.5 t015.3 feet above mean sea level. Most of the site, however, falls within the 10.0 to 12.0 feet elevation category. The entire site is located within Flood Zone AE according to FIRM Map 120067 0191 D. 1.6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Krehling PUD will be a specialized light-industrial development in association with commercial! retail. As a part of the current business operations of Krehling Industries, Inc., the light-industrial facilities will be used to support concrete specialty products, stockpiling, and storage of finished products. In association with the industrial uses, ttle principal commercial facilities will generally consist of warehousing, office (retail or professional), building supplies and enclosed storage. 1.7. SHORT TITLE Krehling PUD Final Draft This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Krehling Industri I~ . ITEM Unit Development Ordinance." No. IDi{~)1 MAR 2 3 1999 p,. J../ ~ - 4 - ,,--. SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and describe the project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as other project relationships. This planned unit of development shall be limited to specific industrial uses which are compatible and inter-related to the business operations of Krehling's concrete division for concrete specialty products as well as office/retail services. Therefore, it is the inte'")f the developer to use the industrial areas of the site to stockpile and S',; finished concrete materials on-site along with the storage of the finished products of the adjacent concrete plant. 2.2. GENERAL A Regulations for development of the Krehling PUD shall be in accordance with the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts of the Collier County Land Development Code and Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of building permit application. Where these regulations fail to provide development standards then the provisions of the most similar district in the County Land Development Code shall apply. B. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions of all terms shall be the same as the definitions set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code in effect at the time of building permit application. C. Development permitted by the approval of this petition will be subject to a concurrency review under the provisions of Division 3.15 Adequate Public Facilities at the earliest or next to occur of either final SOP, final plat approval, or building permit issuance applicable to this development. 2.3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PLAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES A The project Master Plan is illustrated graphically on Exhibit "2", PUD Master Development Plan. B. Minor modifications to Exhibit "2" may be permitted at the time of ~ ~GENOAIIDI Development Plan approval, subject to the provisions of Section .7.~ of I~lf>), - 5 - MAR 2 3 1999 ~ PI. Krehling PUD Final Draft .- 2.4. --.. the Collier County Land Development Code or as otherwise permitted by this PUD document. LAND USE A. Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan, constitutes the required PUD Development Plan. Except as otherwise provided within this PUD document, any division of the property and the development of the land shall be in compliance with the Land Development Code and the platting laws of the State of Florida. 8. The provisions of Division 3.3, Site Development Plans of the Land Development Code, when applicable, shall apply to the development of all platted tracts, or parcels of land as provided in said Division 3.3 prior to the issuance of a building permit or other development order. C. Appropriate instruments will be provided at the time of infrastructure improvements regarding any dedications and the methodology for providiri"g'perpetual maintenance of common facilities. D. The following land uses and acreage amounts are proposed for the project and are illustrated on Exhibit "A" the Master Development Plan: LAND USE TYPE ACREAGE TRACT "A" - Industrial/Commercial... .., ... ... ... ... ... ... +/- 12.26 Acres TRACT "8"- Cypress Preserve............... ............... +/- 3.00 Acres TOTAL +/- 15.26 Acres (Exact acreages to be determined during permitting) 2.5. AMENDMENTS TO PUD DOCUMENTS OR MASTER PLAN Arr.andments may be made to the PUD as provided in Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 2.6. LIMITATIONS OF PUD APPROVAL This PUD is subject to the sunsetting provisions as provided for within Section of the Collier County Land Development Code. 2.7. PUD MONITORING An annual Monitoring report shall be submitted pursuant to Section the Collier County Land Development Code. A ITEM No. I~ l ii::) I MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. t..J 4 Kreh/ing PUD Final Draft - 6 - 2.8 OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS A minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the project's gross area shall be devoted to open space, pursuant to Section 2.6.32 of the Collier County Land Development Code. The total project is 15.26 +/- acres requiring a minimum of 4.58 acres to be retained as open space throughout the Krehling Industries PUD. ~G~2~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 4S- Krehling PUD Final Draft - 7 - SECTION III INDUSTRIAL I COMMERCIAL DISTRICT .u. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to identify permitted uses and development standards for areas within the Krehling PUD designated on Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan as Tract "A" - Industrial/Commercial. 3.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION A. Areas designated as "Industrial/Commercial" on the PUD Master Plan are designed to accommodate light manufacturing, assembling, processing, packaging, storage, warehousing, retailing and distribution of concrete specialty products, office / retail, aluminum fabricators, cabinet shops. dry good stores, freight movers, hardware stores, lawn maintenance shops, paint and wallpaper stores, radio / television stations, warehousing, tile sales and other similar uses. 8. Actual acreage of all development tracts will be provided at the time of Site Development Plan approval in accordance with Division 3.3 of the Land Development Code. 3.3. TRACT "A": COMMERCIAL I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL A. Permitted Uses and Structures: No building or structures, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or part, for other then the following: 1. Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: a) Wholesale Trade (Groups 5039 and 5051). b) Concrete Work (Groups 1771). - c) Hardware stores (Groups 5072, 5251). AGENDA I~ No. I~LB MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. '-I to Krehling PUD Final DraftA.doc - 8 - d) Light manufacturing or processing (Groups 3411 - 3479,3491 - 3499); packing or fabricating in completely enclosed building (Groups 4783, 3491 - 3499). e) Industrial warehousing; wholesale, storage, or distributing establishments and similar uses (Group 4225). f) Material and equipment storage yards, storage for finished concrete products, outdoor storage yards and lots, provided such outdoor yard shall not be closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any public street (Group 4226 except oil. gasoline and petroleum products ). g) Miscellaneous uses such as truck or other transportation terminal and related uses (Groups 4214 -4215). h) Office/retail, professional, general (Groups 7311 - 7389). i) Radio and television stations and transmitters (Groups 4832 - 4833). j) Repairs for heavy machinery and equipment (Groups 3569, 3568, 3537.3531), and similar uses. k) Tile sales - ceramic tile (Groups 1743, 5211). I) Any other Industrial/Commercial use or professional service which is comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Current Planning Manager determines to be compatible in the district. 2. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: a) Any accessory uses and/or structures, which are incidental to and customarily associated with uses permitted in this section. b) Caretaker's residence. AGENDA I~ No. Ii. [8)/ MAR 2 3 1999 P&. J-f.1 Krehling PUD Final DraftA.doc - 9 - 3. Permitted Conditional Uses: a) Detached residence in conjunction with business - one (1) per business. B. Minimum Lot Area: Seven thousand-five hundred (7,500) square feet. C. Minimum Lot Width: Seventy-five (75) feet. D. Minimum Property Perimeter Setbacks: 1. North: Thirty (30) feet 2. South: Fifty (50) feet. 3. East: Twenty (20) feet 4. West: Zero (0) feet E. Minimum Internal Property Setbacks (if subdivided): 1. Front Yard Twenty-five (25) feet 2. Side Yard Ten (10) feet 3. Rear Yard Fifteen (15) feet 4. Waterfront Twent-five (25) feet 5. Railroad ROW No setback required 6. Yard Abutting Residential Parcel Fifty (50) feet F. Limitations and Setbacks for Development Adjacent to the Northern Property Boundary Development within fifty (50) feet of the required setback of the northern property boundary of the site shall be limited to commercial type of land uses. Any type of outdoor storage shall not be permitted with fifty (50) feet from the required setback of the northern property boundary or in association with a structure or use within fifty (50) feet from the required setback of the northern property boundary. Should the property north of the site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for any use other than for residential, this setback and outdoor storage limitation as it applies to structures adjacent to the northern property boundary shall no longer apply. G. Maximum Height of Structures: Fifty (50) feet. The maximum height of structures located adjacent to the northern property boundary shall be limited to thirty-five (35) feet, a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the required setback from the northern property boundary. Should the property north of the site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for any use other than for residential, this height ,. I . A ITEM ~~ - 10- MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 4g Krehling PUD Final Draft as it applies to structures adjacent to the northern property boundary shall no longer apply. H. Minimum Floor Area of Principal Structure: Eight hundred (800) square feet. I. Internal Setbacks: 1. Building separation: 2. Service drive: Ten (10) feet or ~ sum of the heights, whichever is greater Five (5) feet J. Minimum Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading: As required by Division 2.3 of the Land Development Code in effect at time of application for building permit. K. Minimum Residential Setbacks: There sr' be a minimum of 50-foot building setback from any residentially usee.. zoned land. AGENDA I~ No. fa (enl MAR 2 3 1999 IJ9 Pi. Krehling PUD Final Draft - 11 - SECTION IV PRESERVE DISTRICT 4.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to identify permitted uses and development standards for areas within the Krehling PUD designated on Exhibit "A", PUD Master Plan as TRACT UB" - Cypress Preserve. 4.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Areas designated Preserve on the PUD Master Plan are designed to accommodate a full range of conservation and preservation functions. The primary purpose of this District is to retain viable naturally functioning wetland systems, to allow for the restoration and enhancement of impacted or degraded wetland systems,'& and cleansing and to provide open space for the development. The exact acreage of the perserve shall be determined during the pemitting of the site. 4.3. TRACT liB" PRESERVE A. Permitted Uses and Structures: No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or part, for other than the following: 1. Permitted Uses and Structures: Boardwalks, viewing platforms, stormwater management structures necessary for the establishment of an appropriate hydroperiod for the conservation area and the like. B. Treatment I General Use: The treatment of this area shall be for the preservation and conservation of the native flora and fauna found within the subject area. Retention of the vegetation shall meet the requirements shown in Section of the LDC and shall be preserved in its entirety with all trees, understory and ground cover left intact and undisturbed, except for prohibited exotic species removal. AGMtfl No. - 12 - MAR 2 3 1999 So pc. Krehling PUD Final Draft C. Maintenance and Monitoring An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring and maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the conservation I preservation area, shall be submitted to the Current Planning Environmental Staff for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan I Construction Plan approvals. 4.4. PRESERVE DISTRICT CONSERVATION EASEMENT A non-exclusive conservation easement or tract is required by the Collier County Land Development Code, Section for preservation lands included in the Preserve District. In addition to Collier County, a conservation easement may also be required by other regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over Preserve District lands. Furthermore, in addition to complying with provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code, easements shall be provided in accordance with the terms set forth in the applicable permit granted by the permitting agencies. Krehling Industries, Inc. shall be responsible for control and maintenance of the lands within the Preserve District. A~ll~ No. 8 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. S/ Krehling PUD Final Draft - 13 - SECTION V GENERAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 5.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development commitments for the development of the project. 5.2. GENERAL All facilities shall be constructed in strict accordance with Final Site Development Plans, Final Subdivision Plats and all applicable State and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable to this PUD. Except where specifically noted or stated otherwise, the standards and specifications of the Land Development Code of Division 3.2 shall apply to this project even if the land within the PUD is not to be platted. The developer, his successors and assigns, shall be responsible for the commitments outlined in this document. 5.3. PUD MASTER PLAN A Exhibit "A", the PUD Master Plan, illustrates the proposed development and is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract, lot or land use boundaries or special land use boundaries shall not be construed to be final and may be varied at any subsequent approval phase such as final platting or site development plan application. Subject to the provisions of Section of the Land Development Code, amendments may be made from time to time. 8. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities and all common areas. C. Minor design changes shall be permitted subject to staff approval. D. Overall site design shall be harmonious in terms of landscaping, enclosure of structures, locations of all improved facilities, and location and treatment of buffer areas. E. To protect the integrity of the Planned Unit Development, the only access road shall be the private roads as shown on the Master Plan. -... AG~A !l!{' . No.~ . 14. MAR 2 3 1999 ~~ Pl. Krehling PUD Final Draft 5.4. UTILITIES Water distribution, sewage collection and transmission facilities to serve the project are to be designed, constructed, conveyed, owned and maintained in accordance with Collier County Ordinance 97-17, as amended, and other applicable County rules and regulations. 5.5. ENGINEERING A. Except as otherwise provided within this PUD document, this project shall be required to meet all County Ordinances in effect at the time final construction documents are submitted for development approval. B. If the property is subdivided into three (3) or more parcels, a plat shall be required. 5.6. ENVIRONMENTAL A. Environmental permitting shall be in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resource Permit Rules and be subject to review and approval by Current Planning Environmental Staff. B. Buffers shall be provided around wetlands, extending at least fifteen (15) feet landward from the edge of wetland preserves in all places and averaging twenty-five (25) feet from the landward edge of wetlands. Where natural buffers are not possible, structural buffers shall be provided in accordance with the State of Florida Environmental Resources Permit Rules and be subject to review and approved by Current Planning Environmental Staff. An approved structural buffer shall be constructed along the entire western edge of the preserve, to provide a required buffer from the impacts of the site. This may be modified as appropriate during the environmental permitting process (ERP). That construction shall be completed no later than 180 days from the approval of PUD-82-16 (1). C. No protected wildlife species are anticipated on-site. However, if protected species are observed on site, a Habitat Management Plan for those protected species shall be submitted to Current Planning Environmental Staff for review and approval prior to Final Site Plan/Construction Plan approval. D. An exotic vegetation removal, monitoring, and maintenance (exotic-free) plan for the site, with emphasis on the conservation/preservation areas, shall be submitted to Current Planning Environmental Staff for review within 90 days of approval of this PUD amendment. The plan shall contain appropriate scheduling commitments for the initial exotic removal activities a A~AJ~ No.~ - 15 - MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 63 Krehling PUD Final Draft removal shall be completed no later than 180 days from approval of PUD-82- 16(1). E. The project shall comply with the environmental sections of the LDC and the Growth Management Plan in effect at the time of final development order approval. F. A conservation easement shall be placed over the jurisdictional wetland on the site, providing protective covenants per or similar to Florida Statutes 704.06, within 180 days of approval of PUD-82-16 (1). This may be modified as appropriate during the environmental permitting process (ERP). 5.7. WATER MANAGEMENT A. Excavation permits will be required for any proposed lakes in accordance with Division 3.5 of the Collier County Land Development Code, as amended. B. Excavated material from the property is intended to be used within the project site. C. Detailed paving, grading and site drainage plans shall be submitted to Engineering Review Services for review. D. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is granted by Engineering Review Services and the South Florida Water Management District. E. In accordance with the Rules of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Chapters 40E-4 and 40E-40, this project shall be designed for a storm event of 3-day duration and 25-year frequency. F. The storm'.v'ater management system shall also include a positive drainage outfall. G. Design and construction of all improvements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions of Divisions 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code 5.8. TRANSPORTATION A. The developer shall pay appropriate impact fees in accordance with the schedule in effect at the time the building permits are acquired. .- AGENDA I~ . No. I~ ~ MAR 2 3 1999 pt. 51 Krehling PUD Final Draft - 16 - B. FOOT Driveway Permits will be submitted. as appropriate. with Site Plan submittals. C. Prior to the issuance of any other development order, the developer shall complete an intersection analysis of the U.S. 41 and Wiggins Pass Road intersection. This intersection analysis shall be submitted to the State Department of Transportation for review, comment and approval. Any required improvements shall be the responsibility of the developer. The timing for any required improvement(s) shall be such that it is in place prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for a structure in association with a use which triggers the required improvement. 5.9. INTERNAL ROADWAY/SERVICE DRIVE CONSTRUCTION All internal roadways within the limits of the PUfl shall be private roadways and shall be maintained by the owner. However, ~ roadways shall be constructed to meet County standards. 5.10. LANDSCAPE / BUFFER AREAS Prior to the issuance of any project certificates of occupancy, the developer shall: A. Comply with all applicable Land Development Code regulations for required landscaping; B. Construct a concrete wall up to 10 feet in height or construct a berm and plant appropriate native vegetation on the berm. In either event the wall or berm (or combination of the the two) shall be located on the southern property line and is intended to serve as a visual buffer from adjacent residential uses. C. The landscape buffering along the northern property boundary shall consist of a twenty (20) foot wirle buffer area planted with trees spaced no more than 25 feet on center, c-nd a hedge of at least 24 inches in height and attaining a minimum height of three feet in height within one year shall be required. Should the property north of the site's northern property boundary be approved by the Board of County Commissioners for any use other than for residential, this additional landscape buffer requirement shall no longer apply and landscaping shall be consistent with the requirements of the Land Development Code in effect at the time of Site Development Plan approval. 5.11. HISTORIC PRESERVATION REVIEW AGENDA ITEM No. J~ (EJ!- MAR 2 3 1999 Krehling PUD Final Draft - 17 - -- Pi. 5:';) Pursuant to Section of the LDC. if, during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity, an histroric or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. ..". ; _. AGENDA ~ No. fiX (fJ)/ MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 6 tp Krehling PUD Final Draft - 18 - I \ I , I I ":--, '-'''''''' ""<','''' " ,,' " , ""', '" ',~ "", ',''-::", " '" " ""', <... ",,',. ,,'. ,"'.; '. .~. ',,, ',. '" <~ -", ~ , ""'". < '.' "', < .',.... , "" ~', "" '" ,'. '.., ....,.... " '" ", ~'(I)" "., , ' ,', " ", . .... ".'" '" ,"-'''-_,',-,' - ~- 't ',' ' ~ '" '''.'",' ".' , 'cD ,....., '.." , ' L.", '.. ,,'..'.0'0)' ; OJ ~ ~ ,"0).. c' ~,s C'" "~ ..~,', ~':: ""~, ;(6 '::..2 "'~'.. ~-a. .~\ , ""W' "..:> '..~ ,,~,,~~ ' ''''0' ~~' "-' ~~'.. 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Consideration: On November 24, 1998, staff presented a draft of an amended Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Ordinance that removed the specific representation of a Marco Island resident in favor of an additional "at- large" representative which is attached and shown as option 1. The Commission reviewed the ordinance and requested that the staff consider and have the Parks Board look at inclusion of representation from each incorporated City instead. This option is also included and is attached as option #2. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was presented with the structure which would include specific representation from each City and voted to continue to recommend that the County Commission adopt an ordinance that removes the specific City representation. The original staff recommendation and the recommendation of the Parks Board was precipitated by several factors. From a historical perspective, the original PARAB positions were created in conjunction with the three community park impact fee district boundaries: Marco Island, Immokalee, and Naples Urban boundary. With the Marco Island incorporation, there is no longer a Marco Island Impact Fee District nor is there a need for a specific representative as the community parks on the island have been deeded to the City and the associated community park impact fees are no longer assessed to their residents. Secondly, P ARAB is designed to provide the BCC with recommendations on the major policy issues and new projects that are facing the County's Parks Department. Specific representation is unnecessary from the City of Naples or Marco where the only County Parks are built out with no plans for expansion and no plans for new --.,rojects. The County has no parks in Everglades City, nor are there any plans to construct parks within that City's }oundaries which again makes representation on the County's board incongruous. Since the Advisory Board does not deal with daily administrative issues there is no benefit operationally from having specific City representation either. Coordination of these administrative issues is done at a staff level, which has historically worked extremely well. In fact attempts were made on several occasions to have the City of Naples Parks Board meet with the County's Parks Board on some regular schedule; but there were so few common issues that these meetings were not continued. Lastly, getting representatives for the Parks Board and most other boards is difficult even for County wide seats. Limiting representation to smaller populations will make filling seats even more difficult. The ordinance as proposed still affords the Board the ability to choose a candidate from an incorporated area but simply does not require it. "At-large" representation encompasses both residents from within incorporated and unincorporated areas; thus, the Commission has a greater list of candidates to choose from and an increased opportunity to generate qualified applicants. The process has generally provided a cross section of community representation and in fact a resident of the City of Naples currently fills one of the board's "at-large" positions. Although the Board expressed an interest in including specific representation from all of the County's incorporated City's it is still the staff and the current Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's recommendation that the ordinance be amended to eliminate the language specific to a Marco Island representative in favor of adding an "at large" position. There is nothing in the amended ordinance that would preclude the current Marco representative from fulfilling his term which by ordinance would be his last in any case. On the other hand, should the Board want to adopt an ordinance that does provide for specific City representation, such an ordinance has been prepared, is attached and can be adopted. ----;rowth Management: There is no impact on the comprehensive plan associated with this item. Agt~~l~~i, No. . MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg. - Fiscal Impact: There is no additional fiscal impact regardless of the ordinance amendment selected. The cost of the staff time to support the Parks Board is built into the Parks Department's general fund budget and costs approximately $100 per monthly meeting for the staff time, material preparation and copying, postage, meeting advertisement, and the generation of minutes. t continues to be the recommendation of the staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board that: an amendment to Ordinance 93-81 based on option # 1 be adopted. :'\_0 , ~ Q PREPARED BY:~ L/~~JvL0..._ J- 6 John Dunnuck, OperatIOns Coordmator Department of Parks and Recreation .A"l ~ // REVIEWED BY '111iWfIt tCa4'(~ . Marla Ramsey, Director Department of Parks and Recreation DATE: 2./r2./cr) DATE: 2~/2 ;9}1 Thomas W. Olliff, Adm ator Division of Public ServI es DA TE: 3.ct. ~ APPROVED BY: <- AgendJ ~J' No. ;~_ ~ ) MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. d.... - - I ORDINANCE NO. 99- 2 3 A1\ ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 4 93-81, THE COUNTY'S PARKS AND 5 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ORDINANCE, 6 BY DESIGNATING THAT ONE SEAT BE FROM 7 WITHIN THE CITY OF MARCO ISLAND, ONE (1) 8 SEA T BE FROM WITHIN THE CITY OF NAPLES, 9 AND THAT ONE SEAT BE FROM WITHIN THE 10 CITY OF EVERGLADES; PROVIDING FOR 11 COl\;FLJCT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING 12 AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 13 14 WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 93-81 provides for a 15 seven (7) member Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; and 16 WH EREAS, County's Parks and Recreation Advisory Board has 17 requested that the total number of seats on the Advisory Board remain at 18 seven (7) members, but that the seat now designated from within the Marco 19 Island Community Park District be re-designated to be "from within the City 20 of Marco Island": also that one (1) existing seat be designated from "within 21 the City of1\apks" and that one (1) existing seat be designated from "within 22 the City of Everglades"; and 23 WH EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners accepts the 24 recommendations of the Advisory Board. 25 1\OW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF 26 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, 27 that: 28 SECTIO!\' ONE. Amendment to Paragraph A of Section TWO of 29 Ordinance 1\0. 93-81. Paragraph A of Section TWO of Collier County 30 Ordinance f\o. 93-81, is hereby amended to read as follows: 31 "A. The Board shall be composed of seven (7) members consisting of 32 one (l) member from the Immokalee Community Park District, one (1) 33 member from \\ithin the City of Marco Island Community Park District, one Ao_no&. J ~~ No,$~ MAR (, J i~~~ pg. ~ - (1) member from within the City ofNapJes. one (I) member from within the 2 City of Even2.Jades. and three ill five (5) members from within the Naples 3 and Urban Area Community Park District." 4 5 SECTION TWO. Conflict and Severability. 6 In the event that this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of 7 Collier County or other applicable Jaw, the more restrictive shall apply. If 8 any phrase or portion or this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by 9 any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, 10 distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the 11 validity of the remaining portions. 12 13 SECTION THREE. Effective Date. 14 This Ordinance shall be effective upon filing with the Department of 15 State. 16 17 A TrEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 By: PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: /o~ V~[~ Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney b:/lCp/amendlllg Ord. 93-8 J Words underlined are added; Words struck through are deleted. 2 AoeJj C ~,. No . ~) r MAR 2 3 l~sg p~. if .J ,I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ORDINANCE NO. 99- A:\ ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 93-81 TO CHANGE THE COMPOSITION OF THE COL1\:TY'S PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD BY DELETING THE SEAT FRO\1 WITHIN THE MARCO ISLAND PARK DISTRICT AND INCREASING FROM FIVE (5) TO SIX (6) THE 1\:UMBER OF SEATS WITHIN THE NAPLES AND URBAN AREA PARK DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVER-\BILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 93-81 requires that one (1) member of the seven (7) member Parks and Recreation Advisory Board 17 be appointed from within the geographic area of the Marco Island 18 Community Park District: and 19 WHEREAS, because of the incorporation of the City of Marco 20 Island, public pZlrks in the geographic area of the Marco Island Community 21 Park District are no longer under the advisory review jurisdiction of the 22 County's Parks Zlnd Recreation Advisory Board and it is unnecessary that 23 said Board ha\ e a mem bel' Zlppointed from within the City of Marco Island. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF 25 COUNTY COl\1!\lISSJONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, 26 that: 27 SECTION 01'\E. Amendment to Paragraph A of Section TWO of 28 Ordinance No. 93-81. Paragraph A of Section TWO of Collier County 29 Ordinance 1\0. 93-81, is hereby amended to read as follows: 30 "A. The Board shall be composed of seven (7) members consisting of 31 one (1) member from the Immokalee Community Park District, one (l) 32 member from the \larco Island Community Park District and ~ six (6) 33 members from the l\;aples and Urban Area Community Park District." Ag.n,d~ f ~, HO.~ I MAR 2 3 ~99 P9. ~ - .' 13 14 -15 2 3 SECTlO!\' TWO. Conflict and Severability. 4 In the event that this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of 5 Collier County or other applicable Jaw, the more restrictive shall apply. If 6 any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by 7 any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, 8 distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the 9 validity of the remaining portions. 10 SEeTIO\' THREE. Effective Date. II This Ordinance shall be effective upon filing with the Department of 12 State. A TrEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORlDA 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 By: PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Ie (0 Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney h:/t.cp/amcndwg Ord. ~3-X I Words underlined are added; Words struck through are deleted. 2 Ag.nd.. J ~'" No .~.;j; 1 MAR 2 3 i~:19 Pg. b -- - - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BOARD ADOPT RESOLUTION OPPOSING HOUSE BILL 0925 AND SENATE BILL 1352, RELATING TO RATEMAKING PROVISIONS OF INVESTOR- OWNED WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY SYSTEMS, BEFORE THE 1999 REGULAR SESSION OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. OBJECTIVE: To garner support of other counties and the local Legislative Delegation in opposing proposed legislation initiated by investor-owned water and wastewater utility interests, which will materially affect the future rates of customers of regulated water and/or wastewater utilities in Collier County and other Florida Counties. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board adopted similar resolutions during the 1997 and 1998 Legislative Sessions, joining with other counties in opposing similar bills which contained statutory revisions related to "margin reserve" and "environmental compliance cost recovery" for regulated private water and/or wastewater utilities. During the 1997 and 1998 Legislative Sessions, identical legislation passed the House, but was narrowly defeated in the Senate on both occasions due in large part to Collier County's lobbying efforts. ,"- During the Florida Association of Counties (F AC) 1999 Legislative Conference in November 1998, staff addressed the FAC Growth Management & Environmental Planning Committee regarding opposition to such legislation. There was overwhelming support from other counties which led the F AC to adopt a Policy Statement in opposition to this legislation during the 1999 Legislative Session. At the time the F AC Policy Statement was adopted, no specific bills had been filed. House Bill No. 0925 and Senate Bill No. 1352 were filed in February 1999. The proposed legislation will revise current Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) utility ratemaking policy and defeat aspects of case law victories obtained by local regulators and consumers, compelling regulators to increase rates. The bills have three major, controversial provisions, each of which are unnecessary and potentially devastating to utility consumers. Both bills are on file with the Utility and Franchise Regulation Department. 1. Changes are applicable to utilities regulated by both the FPSC and counties that regulate rates of investor-owned water and/or wastewater utilities. The changes will not only be applicable to FPSC-regulated water and/or wastewater utilities, but those regulated by counties that left FPSC jurisdiction after January 1, 1980, ._ such as Collier, Hernando, and Flagler Counties. AGENDA '~ No. 1~6 I MAR 2 3 1999 Pc. I 2. Unjustified increases in "future use" rate base paid for by current customers. Staffs position is that current customers should be required to pay only those costs associated with providing them with water and/or wastewater service, while any extra or "excess" utility plant or facilities built in cost-effective increments should accrue reasonable interest and be collected from the future customers when, and if, they take servIce. The FPSC present policy is to allow current customers to pay for expected customer growth for only the next 12 months (of test year) for the collection and distribution systems, and out into the future 18 months of investment for water and sewer treatment plant necessary to serve future customers. Staff contends that this level of "margin reserve" is adequate; but the proposed legislation to increase rate base from 12 and 18 months out to 5 years or more, is arbitrary and capricious. 3. Expanded recovery of "environmental compliance" costs, The bills state "the commission shall approve rates for service that allow a utility to recover from customers the full amount of environmental costs." This provision mandates full recovery of all environmental costs without regard for whether the environmental equipment is used and useful to serve current customers. Staff contends that this concept is flawed from a ratemaking perspective. The unacceptable definition of "environmental compliance costs" is subject to abuse by utilities. Before long, every cost imaginable may be cited as an "environmental compliance cost." Should the proposed legislation become law, ratemaking authorities would lose vast discretionary prerogatives now afforded in the rate application review process. Upon adoption, the resolution will be forwarded to the FAC and the local Legislative Delegation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Board adopt the accompanying resolution opposing House Bill 0925 and sena~~ PREPARED BY: DATE: 3-1z,.9'1 D. E. :13leu" Wallace, Di..rector, Utility & Franchise Regulation -/ 1 ~-...L // v ~ .::? /r-- Oq APPROVED BY: j .If" _ - < ~/-::'..6/L- DATE: ..../........- J - c / Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services AI~ I No. If, {!tJ.l MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 RESOLUTION NO. 99- A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, OPPOSING ENACTMENT INTO LAW OF PROPOSED FlORIDA HOUSE BILL NUMBER 0925 AND PROPOSED FLORIDA SENATE BILL NUMBER 1352, WHICH BILLS INTEND TO ARBITRARIL Y REQUIRE THAT CUSTOMERS OF MANY INVESTOR OWNED WATER AND W ASTEW A TER UTILITIES WILL HAVE TO PAY COSTS OF CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENTS THAT SHOULD BE PAID FOR BY THE UTILITY'S FUTURE CUSTOMERS, AND WHICH BILLS WILL OVER TIME REQUIRE THAT UTILITY CUSTOMERS MUST PAY FOR MANY GOVERNMENT AL AND PERMITTING COMPLIANCE COSTS THAT SHOULD BE CHARGED TO THE UTILITY'S STOCKHOLDERS OR FUTURE CUSTOMERS. '''HEREAS, House Bill Number 0925 (HB 0925) and Senate Bill Number 1352 (SB 1352) have been proposed recently for enactment into law by action of the Florida Legislature; and WHEREAS, proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352 apply to the Florida Public Service Commission and to all Florida counties that now regulate, or hereafter will regulate, the rates of investor owned water and wastewater utilities; and WHEREAS, a primary purpose of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352 is to have "considered" for inclusion into a utility's rate base as "used and useful in the public service" utility property, including land acquired or facilities constructed or to be constructed if such property is needed to serve customers five (5) years after the expected date of the final order issued in the respective rate increase application proceeding; and WHEREAS, another primary purpose of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352 is to charge the utility's customers the full amount of "environmental compliance costs" which costs include, but are not limited to, all reasonable expenses and fair return on any prudent investment incurred by the utility in complying with the requirements or conditions contained in any permitting, enforcement, or similar decisions of any federal, state, or local governmental agency with environmental compliance jurisdiction; and A/C ~T)1 No. , MAR 2 3 1999 ...3 PI. .,- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352 unnecessarily and arbitrarily restricts each county's now existing discretion to consider the merits of approving or disapproving the utility's appropriate "margin reserve" and in determining what "compliance costs" should be paid by the utility's current customers and which should be charged to the utility's stockholders or future customers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida opposes passage of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352. 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County County, Florida, requests that its local Legislative Delegation actively oppose enactment into law of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352. 3. The Florida Association of Counties may utilize this Resolution as it deems appropriate to oppose enactment into law of proposed HB 0925, SB 1352, and any substantially similar House and Senate bills. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second and majority vote in favor of adoption this day of , 1999. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~/-- ---:> [ \ t, v\\. \ W~.------' Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney AGENDA ITEM No. /ltJ(A) ( MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 1- 1 RESOLUTION NO. 99- 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF COLLIER COUNTY, 4 FLORIDA, OPPOSING ENACTMENT INTO LAW 5 OF PROPOSED FLORIDA HOUSE BILL NUMBER 6 0925 AND PROPOSED FLORIDA SENATE BILL 7 NUMBER 1352, TO INCLUDE SENATE 8 COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE BILL WITH 9 AMENDMENT, ADOPTED MARCH 17, 1999, 10 WHICH BILLS INTEND TO ARBITRARILY 11 REQUIRE THAT CUSTOMERS OF MANY 12 INVESTOR OWNED WATER AND WASTEWATER 13 UTILITIES WILL HAVE TO PAY COSTS OF 14 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS THAT SHOULD BE 15 PAID FOR BY THE UTILITY'S FUTURE 16 CUSTOMERS, AND WHICH BILLS WILL OVER 17 TIME REQUIRE THAT UTILITY CUSTOMERS 18 MUST PAY FOR MANY GOVERNMENTAL AND 19 PERMITTING COMPLIANCE COSTS THAT 20 SHOULD BE CHARGED TO THE UTILITY'S 21 STOCKHOLDERS OR FUTURE CUSTOMERS. 22 23 WHEREAS, House Bill Number 0925 (BB 0925) and Senate Bill Number 1352 24 (SB 1352), with Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment adopted on March 17, 25 1999, have been proposed recently for enactment into law by action of the Florida 26 Legislature; and 27 28 WHEREAS, proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with Senate Committee Substitute 29 Bill and amendment, apply to the Florida Public Service Commission and to all Florida 30 counties that now regulate, or hereafter will regulate, the rates of investor owned water 31 and wastewater utilities; and 32 33 WHEREAS, a primary purpose of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with Senate 34 Committee Substitute Bill and amendment, is to have "considered" for inclusion into a 35 utility's rate base as "used and useful in the public service" utility property, including 36 land acquired or facilities constructed or to be constructed if such property is needed to 37 serve customers five (5) years after the expected date ofthe final order issued in the 38 respective rate increase application proceeding; and 39 40 WHEREAS, another primary purpose of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with 41 Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment, is to charge the utility's customers the 42 full amount of "environmental compliance costs" which costs include, but are not limited 43 to, all reasonable expenses and fair return on any prudent investment incurred by the 44 utility in complying with the requirements or conditions contained in any permitting, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 enforcement, or similar decisions of any federal, state, or local governmental agency with environmental compliance jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment, unnecessarily and arbitrarily restricts each county's now existing discretion to consider the merits of approving or disapproving the utility's appropriate "margin reserve" and in determining what "compliance costs" should be paid by the utility's current customers and which should be charged to the utility's stockholders or future customers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida opposes passage of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment adopted March 17, 1999. 2. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, requests that its local Legislative Delegation actively oppose enactment into law of proposed HB 0925 and SB 1352, with Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment adopted March 17, 1999. 3. The Florida Association of Counties may utilize this Resolution as it deems appropriate to oppose enactment into law of proposed HB 0925, SB 1352 with Senate Committee Substitute Bill and amendment adopted March 17, 1999, and any substantially similar House and Senate bills. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second and majority vote in favor of adoption this day of , 1999. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: \6~ \{~ Thomas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EQUEST TO GRANT FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "QUAIL WEST PHASE III, BLOCK K, LOT 97" OBJECTIVE: To grant final acceptance of "Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97" CONSIDERATION: 1. On February 1, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners granted preliminary acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97". 2. The roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements not required by the plat to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County. 3. The required improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Land Development Code. The County Development Services has inspected the improvements and is recommending final acceptance of the improvements. ."..".,-..... 4. A resolution for final acceptance has been prepared and approved by the County Attorney's Office. A copy of the document is attached. FISCAL IMPACT: The roadway, drainage water and sewer improvements not required to be maintained by the project's homeowners association will be maintained by the County Transportation Department and the County Utility Divisions. Funds for the routine maintenance and upkeep will come from the Operations and Maintenance budgets of the Transportation Services and Utility Divisions. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None ,- AGENDA ITEM No..J t. {Al" MA~ 2 J 'i~S9 Pg. I Executive Summary Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners grant final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in "Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97" and release the maintenance security. 1. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached resolution authorizing final acceptance. 2. Authorize the release of the maintenance security. PREPARED BY: J()~J. \1..-\ . ~ '- \>..!\-, ~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review ~.~.q~ Date REVIEWED BY: ~Q.1U Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager 3- 11)- J9 Date ,/Z//) L / Robert Mulhere, AICP Planning Services Department Director /' APPRO'0u /~ !"/Hpr k'. Vincent A. Cau ero, AICP, Administrator Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. >-J;~l Date ~ ~- ~/J -'7 t- Date jrh - AGENDA rtEM No. I~ (A)~ MAR 2 3 'tSSg Pg. 01 \~~ ! <) \2-0 ~ N~S l . I. . Ity ot Nap\es \ \ \ \ I . ~' \~\ , " \ , , LEE dTl' r ~I . \ \ \ \ SITE \ \ \ \ \ I i \ \ T4C6 1495 \ \ \ \ UJ' .J (J)' Plt'-E lOCAJ"ION 'c. MAP ,,,.;./, . .M.A~ Z 31S89 _ ." . ",.,..~...-:_.- :.:~.,~-~~':-; ,". .'-' ',~. :<;.....:r:: . '. :';:L . 3: .-,.......~..._~_...,-~,_-.._-~.,..........~. . -.~-~ ~~',' . . q.-'-"- ,.---' ..A-'~~C,~~_"""-~k""_-~-~"'';' ."'.......~.._~ ...,.--..:-----..-.----"....- ~ ----.- .,....... L'f ~..".,_............. ._.:::.:'\~~._-~~' -~.-:. ..~_--"""..'...~---~....'.,--'-..!'--~-,:!r...,..- .~ ,.....,. - --.'. ~~........~~~~,-: ,:::__,,_'..~"'..~-~.'>o7;~..........~--;i2I.~..~~.~~,~.~''::>>'ld> . 11-, ~ ... .;. ~. ~-..~. ..:,--;..,-~~........"jj;~ .~-- .,--............______-_~._.~__-...~_'!__:_.;r '."'" .~,~....:...~......--"'-,--_-_:_....-,-..,-.'1'> -:,-:":;"";:7::':".-.>.:. ,..._~-. --.-,..-...-;:.F' ...-._-.....-....-.~ ~~- - ....,...._~-""'!"'~~..........-"~ _~~~.r.._i._':;......;.;..-~'_. -,""" ~,~;;~.-:.;:.-=---~-..-:2.~..;:::.:~..:-;::-~..~ ----~--,.~.~..- '. 7 -.~~-~~~_.....__... -;- . :- "":""' ..- .... -, ~~'- ~ r ~ _,-,--.<.-._~' ..,~~.,.... 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WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, on January 2,1996 approved the plat of Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97 for recording; and \VHEREAS, the developer has constructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 91-102, as amended); and the Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance No. 97-17), and WHEREAS, the developer has now requested final acceptance of the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and release of his maintenance security; and WHEREAS, the Compliance Services Section of the Development Services Department has inspected the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM.,\1ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that final acceptance be granted for those roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in Quail West Phase III, Block K, Lot 97, and authorize the Clerk to release the maintenance security. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the County accept the future maintenance and other attendant costs for the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements that are not required to be maintained by the homeowners association. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. DATE: ATTEST: D\\<1GHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOJ'..'ERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAMELA S. MACKIE, CHAIRWOMAN Approved as to form and legal ';tnJ1 d:Ai 11/"- Heidi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney AGEKJA ,I~ ... No. 1~{Ir~ MAP. 2 3 '1~~'9 o___....._,..__..".......--~-.......-- __ -....._h.__,,,.._..-;.._____~_,7.____~ . -i:/. ~""F'c....; - -. -P(I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,...",--. REQUEST TO APPROVE COMMERCE PARK WEST SECURITY FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF "CREEKSIDE - UNIT TWO", AND APPROVAL OF THE PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of "Creekside Commerce Park West Unit Two", a subdivision of lands located in Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. CONSIDERATION: Engineering Review Section has completed the review of the construction drawings, specifications, and final plat of "Creekside Commerce Park West - Unit Two". These documents are in compliance with the County Land Development Code and Florida State Statute No. 177. All fees have been paid. It is the intent of the developer to record the plat prior to construction of the improvements. The securi ty in the amount of 110% of the total cost of the required improvements is being covered by construction and maintenance agreement and a Performance Bond. This would be in conformance with the County Land Development Code - Division 3.2.9. .'-"" Engineering Review Section recommends that the final plat of "Creekside Commerce Park West - Unit Two" be approved for recording. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is as follows. The project cost is $1,054,475.41, to be borne by the developer. The cost breakdown is as follows: a) b) Water & Sewer Drainage, Paving, Grading - $260,226.00 - $794,299.41 The Security amount is $1,375,399.00 The County will realize revenues as follows: '.~""'....., Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $19,510.99 Fees are based on a construction estirn te A~A{~~ $1,054,475.41 and were paid in October, 19(8. ~ MAR 2 3 19:9 Pg. I . Executive Summary Creekside Commerce Park West - Unit Two Page 2 The breakdown is as follows: a} Plat Review Fee ($425.00 + $4./ac)-$ 804.26 b) Construction Drawing Review Fee Water & Sewer (.50% const. est.) -$ 1301.13 Drainage, Paving, Grading (.425% const. est.)$ 3375.56 c) Construction Inspection Fee Water & Sewer (1.5% const. est.) - $ 3903.37 Drainage, Paving, Grading (1.275% const. est.) - $10126.67 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Concurrency Waiver and Release relating to conditional approval has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office for the proj~ct. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the Final Plat of "Creekside Commerce Park West Unit Two II with the following stipulations: 1. Accept the Performance Bond as security to guarantee completion of the subdivision improvements. 2. Authorize the recording of the Final Plat of "Creekside Commerce Park West - Unit Twoll. 3. Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached construction and maintenance agreement. 4. That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. .- ~l~ No. .3 MAR 2 3 1SSg ~ Pi. Executive Summary Creekside Commerce Park West - Unit Two Page 3 PREPARED BY: -1i..l.\.l LL\.~\sv..","~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review REVIEWED BY: Thoma~, ?E~ Engineering Review Manager }("o~e, AICP --- Planning Services Department Director APP~' k . ~ C;::;. Vinc nt A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION JRH/ew ~.R.~~:1 Date i3 ~/() - 99 Date :;;-1'1) J.7~ Date (" :s -/-Y --/ ( Date ',~'"" AGENDA ITLM No. I~ ~ MAR 2 3 'I~U:J !>g. a ~ i \ t NAPLES; FLORIDA =-== L Vanderbilt Beach Ro( AGENDA ITEM No. /l.tfA 3 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 4 NOTES: . 1 THF" RAe CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEl\1ENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS I i THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS entered into this day of , 1999, between CREEKSIDE WEST, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Developer", and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board". RECITALS: A. Developer has, simultaneously with the delivery of this Agreement, applied for the approval by the Board of certain plat ofa subdivision to be known as: Creekside Commerce Park West, unit Two. B. Division 3.2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer to post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations, said ~uarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set "orth, Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Developer will cause to be constructed: The paving, landscaping, drainage, potable water, irrigation water, sanitary sewer, and street lighting improvements for Creekside Commerce Park 'Vest, unit Two, within twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval of said subdivision plat, said improvements hereafter referred to as the "required improvements". 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof) in the amount of$1.375,399.00 which amount represents 10% of the total contract cost to complete construction plus 100% of the estimate cost to complete the required improvements at the date of this Agreement. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required be the Land Development Code, Collier County, may call upon the subdivision performance security to insure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been fhrnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. AGENDA ITEM No. J~ '- ~ 3 MAR 2 3 '1~99 5" Pi. - 1 - 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in writing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specifying those conditions which the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approval of the improvements. However, in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one-year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated, the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, iffound to be still in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as reflected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining 10% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. 7. Six (6) months after the execution of this Agreement and once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Development Services Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engineer together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for reduction in the amount of the subdivision performance security for the improvements competed as of the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, upon certification of such failure the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion, repair and maintenance of the required improvements. The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain, or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board thereof, including but not limited to engineering, legal and other contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. All of the terms, covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. AGENDA ITEM No. )t. (JJc')3 MAR 2 3 1~89 - 2 - PS. te ~_t~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representative this 'i't-r.- day of V).1 (1/' cl\.. , , 1999. I , I b :TEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman ~puty Clerk ..David C. Weigel County Attorney AGENDA ITEM No. If. LA13 MAR 2 3 lS~3 j ~ 7 ~..~-,-" '"' - -' - BOND #12800141 COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE PERFORl'\fANCE BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that Creekside West, Inc., a Florida corporation, located at 2640 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 115, Nap]es, F]orida 34105, (hereinafter referred to as "Owner") and Amwest Suretv Insurance Companv (hereinafter referred to as "Surety") are held and finnly bound unto Collier County, Florida, (hereinafter referred to as "County") in the tot a] aggregate sum ofSOne million, three hundred sevent.... five thousand, three hundred ninetv nine Dollars ($1,375,399.00) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, finnly by these presents. Owner and Surety are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. -- THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLlGA nON is such that whereas, the Owner has submitted for approval by the board a certain subdivision plat named Creekside Commerce Park West, unit Two, and that certain subdivision shall include specific improvements which are required by Collier County Ordinances and Resolutions (hereinafter "Land Development Regulations'). This obligation of the SurelY shall commence on the date this Bond is executed and shall continue until the date of final acceptance bv the Board of Count\' Commissioners of the specific improvements described in the Land Development Regulations (hereinafter the "Guarantv Period"). NOW, THEREFORE, if the Owner shall well, truly and faithfully perform its obligations and duties in accordance with the Land Development Regulations during the Guaranty Period established by the County, and the Owner shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred and shall fully indemnify and save hann]ess the County from and against all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of Owner's failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the County all outlay and expense which the County may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDE, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received hereby, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, addition or deletion to the proposed specific improvements shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, addition or deletion to the proposed specific improvements. PROVIDED FURTHER, that it is expressly agreed that the Bond shall be deemed amended automatically and immediately, without formal and separate amendments hereto, so as to bind the Owner and the Surety to the full and faithful performance in accordance with the Land Deve]opment Regulations. The tenn "Amendment", wherever used in this Bond, and whether referring to this Bond, or other documents, shall include any alteration, addition or modification of any character whatsoever. Page I of2 r- AGENDA ITEM No. I~{A\~ MAR 2 3 1S~'9 ~ ~ KKI"'".:da..m<diImao<.../da........ICmplal..........~doc LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY Amwest Surety Insurance Company Ex iration Date: 11/11/00 POWER NUYlBER 0000947931 This document is printed on white paper containing the artificial watermarked logo (A ) of Amwest Surety Insurance Company on the front and brown security pape on the back. Only unaltered originals of the Limited Power of Attorney ("PO A") are valid. This POA may not be used in conjunction ....ith any other POA. representations or warranties regarding this POA may be made by any person. This POA is governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska and is only valid until, expiration date. Amwest Surety Insurance Company (the "Company") shall not be liable on any limited POA which is fraudulently produced, forged or otherwise distributed without the permission of the Company. Any party concerned about the validity of this POA or an accompanying Company bond should call your local Amwest branch office at (liB) 787-1"\76 KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENT, that Amwest Surety Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation, does hereby make, constitute and appoint: Karen A. Keller Ron Kasarda Mark Benson Piper Kelly Hunt Paula A. Murdock As Employees of Sedgwick of Florida, Inc. its true and lawful Attorney-in-fact, with limited power and authority for and on behalf of the Company as surety to execute, deliver and affix the seal of the company thereto jf a seal is required on bonds, undeltlkings, recognizances, reinsurance agreement for a MIller Act or other perforrr.:mce bond or other \\Tinen obligations in the nature thereof as follows: Bid Bonds up to S500,000.00 Contract Bonds up to $1,000,000.00 License and Permit Bonds up to SIOO,OOO.OO Miscellaneous Bonds Op To SIOO,OOO.OO and to bind the company thereby. This appointment is made under and by authority of the By-Laws of the Company, which are now in full force and effect. I. the undersigned secretary of Amwest Surety Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that this Power of Attorney remains in full force and eflect and has not been revoked and furthermore, that the resolutions of the Board of Directors of Amwest Surety In,urance Company set forth on this Power of Attorney, and that the relevant provisions of the By-laws of each company, are now in full force and effect. .''''No. J~gOOfli-1 Si,,'dholod,hi, /1 d'yor F'ebr,'ary 19CJCL ~p ~ ~ren G. Cohen, Secrel4'" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RESOLt:TIO:\S OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * · · * * * * * This POA is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the follo\\ing resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of Amwest Surety Insurance Cor. at a meeting duly held on December 15, 1975: RESOL VED, that the President or any Vice President, in conjunction \\ith the Secretary or any Assist;Jnt Secretary, may appoint attorneys-in-fact or agents with authority as defined or limited in the instrument evidencing the appointment in each case, for and on behal f of the Company, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company to bonds, undertakings, recognizances, and suretyship obligations of all kinds; and said ofllcers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and revoke any POA previously granted to such person. RESOL VED FURTHER, that any bond, undeltlking, recognizance, or suretyship obligation shall be valid and bind upon the Company: (i) when signed by the President or an)i Vice President and attested and sealed (if a seal be required) by any Secretary or Assistant Secretary; or (ii) when signed by the President or any Vice President or Secretary or Assistant Secret;Jry, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal be required) by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact or agent; or (iii) when duly executed and sealed (if a seal be required) by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority evidenced by the power of attorney issued by the Company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the signature of any authorized ofticer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any POA or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shan have the same force and effect as though manually aftixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Amwest Surety Insurance Company has caused these present to be signed by its proper otticers, and its corporate seals to be hereunto affixed this 25'" day of September, 1998. 9~ E: ~~ '-L P ~ /' John E. Savage, presid7 ~ Karen G. Cohen, Secretary State of California County of Los Angeles On September 25,1998 before me, Peggy B. Lofton Notary Public, personally appeared John E. Savage and Karen G. Cohen. personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the \\ithin instrument and acknowledged to me an that he/shelthey executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted executed the instrument. WITNESS mY~d and official seal '@_.................:_:v....a..:.-ON........l ,....."':\:',,\,,.N'U'S""~.;"""',.. fl.. '-f' , ,.,:~ ~1"""'- . ""'~~"?-p'6X1'11:'" S'gnature ~I-\, I,,). ~~ (sea,)i -". ~P\bIc:'~. l'J;4P -1 ~.:t\ ~ P...,B 1 . ~y u " . Lot Mg".~, 1~ ~ CI) ~ DEC.14. j () ~ . , ;\-\ 1995 iOf ":.d)\ '1-. ~! E \f;>~,! R {>.s.~<'f/ .,.'1 i<t ............ ~\~ -,' ''''''''1", tr' * ,,~;"\\.... """1"111\11'\ No. 5230 Las Virgencs Road Calabasas, CA 91302 TEL 818 871-20 0 ".' oj Pa---.!l.-_ ~ I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID # 99-2912 "WHITE LAKE CORPORATE PARK .-'" INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS" AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO INITIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH HARPER BROS., INC. OF FT. MYERS, FLORIDA. OBJECTIVE: Board of County Commissioner's authorization of the award of Bid # 99-2912 (White Lake Corporate Park Infrastructure Improvements) to Harper Bros., Inc. a licensed and bonded construction company of Ft. Myers, Florida, and authorizing staff to contract with the same for the purpose of constructing an asphalt concrete street with appurtenances, in a Planned Urban Development known as White Lake Corporate Park. CONSIDERA TIONS: On November 23, 1998, Collier County was awarded an Economic Development Block Grant by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), for the construction of a street with appurtenances for a development known as White Lake Corporate Park, located in Activity Center-9 (Interstate 75/CR 951). Engineering plans, specifications, and bid documents were completed and an advertisement for bids was made on February 10, 1999. Bids were opened on March 11, 1999. Harper Bros., Inc. was the apparent low bidder with a total construction price of $690,000. After review of the five (5) separate bid documents by our Purchasing Department, RW A, Inc. (the project engineering firm) completed a review of Harper Bros., Inc. references and bid tabulation. No discrepancies in the bid tabulation were found, and the reference review did not turn up any inadequacies of the company. County Staff and the Project Engineer RW A, Inc. (Civil Engineers) are recommending that the Board of County CommiSSioners award Bid # 99-2912 to Harper Bros., Inc. ofFt. Myers, Florida. ./"'--., GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. FISCAL IMPACT: This contract has been budgeted for in the applicable CDBG Block Grants fund. The total amount funded by the CDBG Grant is $750,000. Less Administration costs ($60,000), the total amount available for construction is $690,000. RECOMMENDA nONS: That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid # 99-2912 "White Lake Corporate Park Infrastructure Improvements" to Harper Bros., Inc. of Ft. Myers, Florida and to authorize staff to initiate a contract for the construction of the 1998 CDBG Econ ic Development Project. 8. PREP ARED BY: Date: .3 /.:J. -Ff' APPROVED BY: Donalr;l .. Blalock, Jr., Ma r Housing and Urban Improvement // ~. .-/? /~L. _.,~ ./~ ~.-../ - -----... Greg MihaN,c, Director Housing and1Jrban Improvement /", C L' ('. /' ~ ';.:;L {'~ - ---': Steve Carnell, Director Purch ng Departmen~ ._ t. ~ V ncent A. Cautero AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services -( I'"') Date:"""> - / t.... '- "f'c; REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: Date: J "./ ~ )' .....( .. - f! 1 ":' -\ vi Date: ]-/ S- -9 9 AGEJ'<<)A ITEM No.~ MAR 2 3 1999 p,. I .- Ul - C G) E G) > e Q. .5 G) .. :::s - u :::s .. - ...lA-. oX .. l'll Q. G) - l'll .. o Q. .. o o G) .oX III ...J G) ::: .l: == ~ i "C iXi IX! ~ - lrl ~ ::: Q) rzl tIl Q) 'c '5 0- ::: - to) Q) ex:: tIl Q) 0[) (0;:1 ..::.::: to) (0;:1 0.. i..: 0[) :.:E ~ ~ o -; == = o Q ~ to) Q) '0' I- 0.. ~ .. = - ~ = .. ... III ~ ~ c - ~ .. C':l =-. Q.l - C':l .. o Q. .. o U Q.l ~ ~ ..J Q.l .-:: III ... c ~ e ~ ~ M ~ e ;; ~ Q. M ~ S s c:J.., ~ ~-=,,- ~ ~ j;:: ~ CO I- U c.8 "E c: 0 .~ gf ::l ::: ..c Q) (0;:1 0.. f-O ~ to) Q) '0' I- 0.. ~ ~. 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Gl - C'll ~ 0 Co ~ 0 0 Gl Z .:.: C'll 0 .J - Gl ~ - Q. :c ; ~ U r./') Io;:l Q en en =It 'tS as :; \;I;J ~ - AGENDA r~ No. jlt>(A. 5 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi.~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~._.. REQUEST TO APPROVE FOR RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT OF PEBBLEBROOKE LAKES PHASE 3 AND APPROVAL THE PERFORMANCE SECURITY OBJECTIVE: To approve for recording the final plat of Pebblebrooke Lakes Phase 3. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners on January 12, 1999 approved the final plat of pebblebrooke Lakes Phase 3 with the stipulation that the plat not be recorded until security was provlded to ensure completion ~f the required subdivision improvements. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the County is listed below. The project cost is $453,510.00, to be borne by the developer. .H........." The security amount, equal to 100% of the cost to complete the remaining improvements and 10% of the total cost of the project, is $498,861.00. The developer has provided a Performance Bond as the required security. The County will realize revenues as follows: Fund: Community Development Fund 113 Agency: County Manager Cost Center: 138900 - Development Services Revenue generated by this project: Total: $9070.80 Fees are based on a construction estimate of $453,510.00 and were paid in August, 1998 and are reflected in the Executive Summary of January 12, 1999. AGitoA ti:)' No. MAR 2 3 1999 / Pg. r"'.....'.._, Executive Summary Pebblebrooke Lakes Phase ~ Page 2 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the final plat of "Pebblebrooke Lakes Phase 3", with the following stipulations: 1) Accept the Performance Bond as security to guarantee completion of the Subdivision improvements. 2) Authorize the recorcl.lng of the final plat of II Pebblebrooke Lakes Phase 3". 3) Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Construction and Maintenance Agreement. 4) That no Certificates of Occupancy be granted until the required improvements have received preliminary acceptance. ~ PREPARED BY: Jc~..l l~ d,~~'t ~ John R. Houldsworth, Senior Engineer Engineering Review (. - l~ .po.q Date REVIEWED BY: jo l~J rN"lV Tomas E. Kuck, P. E. [- n neering Review Manager o "1 ~ /'S :- qq Date :; 1~' Sl Date Director APPR~?D BY: 1fTh1 t7 ~ ~- ~/~-~ Date Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Development & Environmental Services Community Dev. and Environmental Svcs. DIVISION -- jrh AGi('~ No.~,4\a MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. O? \1 r/ I'C"' J ~ .~ t' (~ 01 ~ PLAT SHEET BOOK 1 PAGE OF 4 LAUREL OAK ~ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 23 ~ 22 27 OAK RIDGE -' MIDDLE SCHOOL ~ ~ <t o ~ r 35 g LOCATION MAP 8 N. T.5. 33 34 MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT 5 tl.IAT1f"\"IAI Ql1t1.IV 6. "'t,Tl('\"'~' D "''''11/'''''1''' . ,.....-"',-... -''-'' ROAD <C.R, 846) PEBBLEBROOKE LAKES 26 ~ AGENDA n'EM No. / It> ( IJ.) tc MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. 3 Mar-03-99 04:16P P.02 COLLIER COU~TY LA.l\D DEVELOPMENT CODE COl\STRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEME~T FOR St:BDIVfSIO~ IMPROVEMENTS THIS CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTE'ANCE AGREEME1\T FOR SUBDIVISIOr.; IMPROVEMENTS entered into this ________ day of ___~_ 19 between Kenco De\'elopment [nc., hereinafter referred to as "Developer," and the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. hereinafter referred to as the "Board". RECIT ALS: A. Developer has. simultaneously with the delivel}' of this Agreement. applied for the approval by the Board of a certain plat of a subdivision to be known as Pebblebrooke Lakes Phase 3: 8. Division 3,2 of the Collier County Land Development Code requires the Developer (0 post appropriate guarantees for the construction of the improvements required by said subdivision regulations. said guarantees to be incorporated in a bonded agreement for the construction of the required improvements. 'OW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual covenants hereinafter set forth. Developer and the Board do hereby covenant and agree as follows: ). Developer will cause to be constructed the Required Improvements within ] 2 months from the date of approval said subdivision plat, said infrastructure (water, sewer. drainage and roadway) improvements hereinafter referred to as the Required Improvements. 2. Developer herewith tenders its subdivision performance security (attached hereto as Exhibit .. A" and by reference made a part of hereoO in the amount of S 94,192.14 which represents 10% of the tocal contract cost of completed construction plus $ 578,146.75 which represents 100% of the estimated costs to complete the Required Improvements at the date of this Agreement for a total of $ 672,338.89. 3. In the event of default by the Developer or failure of the Developer to complete such improvements within the time required by the Land Development Code, Collier County. may call upon the subdivision performance security to lOsure satisfactory completion of the required improvements. 4. The required improvements shall not be considered complete until a statement of substantial completion by Developer's engineer along with the final project records have been furnished to be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code. 5. The Development Services Director shall, within sixty (60) days of receipt of the statement of substantial completion, either: a) notify the Developer in writing of his preliminary approval of -- AGENDA ITEM No. Ib fA) fp MAR 2 3 1999 '-I Pi. Mar-03-99 04:17P P.03 the improvements; or b) notify the Developer in "'Titing of his refusal to approve improvements, therewith specitying those conditions WhlCh the Developer must fulfill in order to obtain the Director's approv'al of the improvements. However in no event shall the Development Services Director refuse preliminary approval of the improvements if they are in fact constructed and submitted for approval in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement. 6. The Developer shall maintain all required improvements for a minimum period of one year after preliminary approval by the Development Services Director. After the one year maintenance period by the Developer has terminated. the Developer shall petition the Development Services Director to inspect the required improvements. The Development Services Director or his designee shall inspect the improvements and, if found to still be in compliance with the Collier County Land Development Code as retlected by final approval by the Board, the Board shall release the remaining ]0% of the subdivision performance security. The Developer's responsibility for maintenance of the required improvements shall continue unless or until the Board accepts maintenance responsibility for and by the County. I. Six (6) months afterthe execution of this Agreeme:" j once within every six (6) months thereafter the Developer may request the Devdopm; ...ervices Director to reduce the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security on the basis of work complete. Each request for a reduction in the dollar amount of the subdivision performance security shall be accompanied by a statement of substantial completion by the Developer's engine~r together with the project records necessary for review by the Development Services Director. The Development Services Director may grant the request for a reduction in the amount of the subdivision perfonnance security for the improvements completed as ot the date of the request. 8. In the event the Developer shall fail or neglect to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. upon certification of such failure, the County Administrator may call upon the subdivision performance security to secure satisfactory completion. repair and maintenance of the required improvements, The Board shall have the right to construct and maintain. or cause to be constructed or maintained, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt and acceptance of bids, the improvements required herein. The Developer, as principal under the subdivision performance security, shall be liable to pay and to indemnify the Board. upon completion of such construction. the final total cost to the Board thereo[ including. but not limited to. engineering, legal and contingent costs, together with any damages. either direct or consequential. which the Board may sustain on account of the failure of the Developer to fulfill all of the provisions of this Agreement. 9. All of the terms. covenants and conditions herein contained are and shall be binding upon the Developer and the respective successors and assigns of the Developer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board and the Developer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives this __ day of ___, 19_. 2 AGEND" ITEM- No. /f;(A)~ MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pg. SIGNED. SEALED AND DELIVERED Mar-03-99 04:17P IN THE PRESENCE OF: A ?~Wl If- . Ie. () r1c: \: Itness ~ b,s~-p ( Print name) ATTEST: Dwight E. Brock, Clerk P.04 By: KE]\'"CO Development. Inc.. BOARD OF COlfl'J"TY CO\1MISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Assistant Cour.lY Attorney .~ (!) 3 AGENDA ITEM J No. 1(P (Ir) ~ MAR 2 3 1999 b Pi. :...,,, - .;~ .\1 }~ "1 ~'f+-,.:..:yt '~'d"'" . .c. -~ - -. 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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LIEN RESOLUTIONS - CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO'S. 80720-120rrropicana Homes At Marco Inc. & Jose A Perez, 80722-0S7/Luis Alfredo & Patricia Ann Carvajal, 80813-047/FJora Acosta & 80909-098/Daniel Liy OBJECTIVE Board to accept report and adopt separate Resolutions assessing a lien against the parcels identified in the Resolutions in order to recover public funds expended to affect the abatement of public nuisances at these locations, all as provided for in Ordinance 91-47, the Collier County Weed, Litter and Plant Control Ordinance. CONSIDERATION As required by Ordinance 91~47, a Legal Notice of Assessment and copy of the Resolution will be mailed to the respective property owners, and the Clerk to the Board will record the resolution thirty days after mailing of the resolution. Case No. Owner of Record Case Summary Lien Amount 80720-120 Tropicana Homes At a. Violation determination 08/03/98 $ 245.00 Marco Inc b. Notice of Violation served 08/08/98 . c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/28/98 --. d. Nuisance abated with public funds 09/03/98 e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/11198 80722-057 Luis Alfredo & a. Violation determination 07/20/98 245.00 Patricia Ann Carvajal b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 08/12/98 , d. Nuisance abated with public funds 08/21/98 e. Owner invoiced for costs 09/04/98 80813-047 Flora Acosta a. Violation determination 08/12/98 245.00 b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 09/16/98 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 10/05/98 e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/09/98 80909-098 Daniel Liy a. Violation determination 09/03/98 245.00 b. Notice of Violation served Undeliverable c. Verification of unabated nuisance 09/29/98 d. Nuisance abated with public funds 10/14/98 e. Owner invoiced for costs 10/23/98 FISCAL IMP ACT A total reimbursement of $ 980.00 may be anticipated by voluntary action or foreclosure. The only cost to be incurred by the County is the cost of recording the Lien, which is estimated to be approximately $ 28.00, and can be paid from Code Enforce"' F'ont . 4GENDAI~ #111-138911. No. 1f,IA) 1 MAR 2 3 1999 pt. I GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached Resolutions. PREP ARED BY: JJ\' )~, . { ~ t l { (Ii. I [) 'u [~!f' III 01 \.. DATE: Melo y Bridgem\m, Customer Service Representative Code Enforcement "1.#'\ ~ ~c::; C>J.. t:.( '0....> .' I 1 REVIEWED BY: DATE: 0}3/'1'1 Belanger, Senior Custome Enforcement REVIEWED BY: i/i~vwi L- Michelle Edwards Arnold, Director Code Enforcement h L "'\ DATE: J~S-1( A~BY~ ~ Vincent A. Cautero, AICP, Administrator Community Dev. & Environmental Svcs. DATE: 3- /S'- 7( CSce 8 - 6/91 AGENDA ITEM No. )t, fA) 7 MAR 2 3 1999 Pt. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN DATE: Tropicana Homes At Marco Inc % Jose A Perez 6317 SW _11th St Miami, FL 33144 REFERENCE 80720-120 #56855720000 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 17, Block 79 of MARCO BEACH UNIT THREE, a Subdivision according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 17-24 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 8/5/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited accumulation of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdivision other than Golden Gate Estates. Weeds over 18". You falled to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a dlrect cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS thirty (30) AGENDA ITEM No. Iw(ft) 1 MAR 2 3 1999 ..3 p,. days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CSce 9- 1/93 3( 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 APPROVED AS TO FORM ~8~~DILEG~L SfFFIf~~N~Y: 6l t J (t. < >i;l \.,./ ~. 6] j\~VIDWEIGEL 62 ~ COUNTY ATTORNEY 63 64 CSce 11 - 1/1/99 j 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29- 1- RESOLUTION NO. 99- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the Cou;-ty as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (3D) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ tropicana Homes At Marco Inc % Jose A Perez 6317 SW _11th St Miami, FL 33144 Lot 17, Block 79 of MARCO BEACH UNIT THREE, a Subdivision accord~ng to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, Pages 17-24 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. $245.00 REFERENCE: 80720-120 #56855720000 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within th~rty (3D) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. the to This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Pamela S Mac'Kie, Chairwoman AGENO~ ITEM No. It, (A) 7 MAR 2 3 1999 pt. 4/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN DATE: Luis Alfredo & Patricia Ann Carvajal 5205 McCarty St Naples, FL 34113 Norman & Cleda Hedrich 10911 Bonita Beach Rd Bonita Springs, FL 34134 REFERENCE 80722-057 #62046200006 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRI?TION: Lot 24, Block 10, Unit 1, Naples Manor, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 57, Public Records, Collier County, Florida. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 7/22/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohlbi~ed by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: Prohibited accumulation of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdiv~sion other than Golden Gate Estates. Weeds over 18". You failec ~c abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a dlrect cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolutlon 0: the Board of County Co~~issioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges lncurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excesslve or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. AGENDA ITEM No. j(p(A-)1 MAR 2 3 1999 S- PI. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSee 9- 1/93 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31- 3' 3::- 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 6?- ( f>. 65 66 1_ RESOLUTION NO. 99- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN. FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances. lncluding prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost th0reof '0 the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commission~rs, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpald portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ uis Alfredo & Patricia Ann Carvajal 5205 McCarty St Naples, FL 34113 Lot 24, Block 10, Unit 1, Naples Manor, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3,page 57, Public Records, Collier County, Florida. $ 245.00 Norman & Cleda Hedrich 10911 Bonita Beach Rd Bonita Spr~ngs, FL 34134 REFERENCE: 80727-057 #62046200006 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property. and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolutic: shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against suc!, rroperty according to law, unless such direction is stayed by thlS Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Pamela S Mac'Kie, Chairwoman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~EGAL SUFFICIENCY: ti~J:i&j Afl ,1 /'--- COUNTY ATTORNEY AGENDA ITEM Mo. J 4 (A) 1 MAR 2 3 1999 CSce 11 - 1/1/99 pt. to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN DATE: Flora Acosta 35 Colonial Dr Naples, FL 34112 REFERENCE 80807-008 #22623480001 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 5, Unit No: 1, Avalon Estates, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof as recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, at Plat Book 3, Page 62 and recorded in O.R. 686 at Page 457. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 8/14/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: OVERGROWTH (URBAN) : Prohibited accumulation of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdivision other than Golden Gate Estates. Weeds over 18". You failed to abate such nJisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a dlrect cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on and shall become a llen o~ the property ~nirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. AGENDA ITEM No. lID (A-) 7 MAR 2 3 1999 CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CSce 9- 1/93 PI. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 99- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 3~ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 APPROVED AS TO FORM 60 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 61 . (~ 6~~OA~-~ (lJ..J.rJ.Q/l/ ~~ { ~A VIp WEJ,GSL ... U 6. COUNTy ATTORNEY 65 66 THE A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, property; and of abatement of certain nuisances, shall be assessed against such WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel, and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid, and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notlce thereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to wit: LEGAL D!:'}:,.J(IPTION: ~ NAME: - "'"lora Acosta 5 Colonial Dr Aaples, FL 34112 Lot 4, Block 5, Unit No: 1, Avalon Estates, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof as recorded in the Public Record~ ~~ Collier County, Florid; 'Plat Book 3, Page 62 and rL20rded in O.R. 686 at Page 457. $245.00 REFERENCE: 80807-008 #22623480001 The Clerk of the Board shall rr.ail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and ~f such owner fails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy c: this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a } .en against such property according to law, unless such directlon is stayed by this Board up~~ appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman AGENDA ITEM No. lip (A) 1 MAR 2 3 1999 CSce 11 - 1/1/99 Pc. Z BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN DATE: Daniel Liy 5102 NW_7th St #614W Miami, FL 33126 REFERENCE 80909-098 #36315560005 LIEN NUMBER: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 20, BLOCK 198, GOLDEN GATE, UNIT NO.6, ACCORDING TO PLAT IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGES 124 THROUGH 134, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. You, as the owner of the property above described, as recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 9/9/98, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordlnance 91-47, serving thereof upon you, such nuisance being: OVERGROWTH (URBAN) : Prohibited accumulation of non-protected mowable vegetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdivision other than Golden Gate Estates. Weeds over 18". You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $ 45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $ 245.00. Such costs, by Reso~ution of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, have been assessed agains~ the above property on and shall become a lien on the p~operty thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and cha~ges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request for hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 34112 in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of this assessment to be valid. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM No./~t A-)[ MAR 2 3 1S99 CSce 9- 1/93 Pi. CJ ~f'I"Il""'~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3' 3. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 APPROVED AS TO FORM 59 AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: 60 \ A~ . "-/l,.,.{nA: ~1_ :i:I;J~~CJE:'CUu-v\-( ~.~ l COUNTY ATTORNEY 64 65 )- RESOLUTION NO. 99- THE A RESOLUTION OF THE BOAR: PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMEN: ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. ~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ 'N, FOR THE COST OF .::CORDANCE WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after the mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice chereof to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement, to w~t: NAME: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: gQll 'aniel Liy ,102 NW_7th St #614W Miami, FL 33126 LOT 20, BLOCK 198, GOLDEN GATE, UNIT NO.6, ACCORDING TO PLAT IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGES 124 THROUGH 134, INCLUSIVE OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. $245.00 REFERENCE: 80909-098 #36315560005 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such 0~~8! : ..s to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a cert~fied copy of this Reso:~' ~nall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against su~;, property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED: ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Yamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman CSce 11 - 1/1/99 AGENDA ITEM No. J~{A-)1 MAR 2 3 1999 10 pc. ~,.....- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST APPROVAL TO USE FUNDS FROM WASTE TIRE GRANT TO PROVIDE SAFETY PLAY SURFACE AT EVERGLADES CITY PUBLIC PLAYGROUND OBJECTIVE: To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners to use State Waste Tire Grant funds to replace current surface for a recycled tire overlay safety surface for the public access Everglades City playground, CONSIDERATION: This project will provide a safety surface for an existing play structure by using waste tires collected and recycled in Florida. The Waste Tire Grant allows counties to buy materials made from recycled tires in order to promote the benefits of recycling and to "close the loop" by buying recycled products. .~- The project will include a sign noting the sponsor of the project, and the grant that made it possible as well as the unique safety material used. This daily visible reminder of sponsors and the identification of recycled materials used for this project reinforces the mission of the Solid Waste Department to educate the public on the resulting benefits of community participation in recycling. The need for a safe surface for children to play on was a major consideration in selecting this project using Waste Tire Grant money. The project is expected to be completed by May 1999. This project is consistent with the use of Waste Tire Grant funds as outlined in the Board's acceptance of the Recycling & Education, Waste Tire and Litter Control Grants on 10/06/98, agenda item 16B( 1). FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the 1998-99 Solid Waste Tire Grant. The cost of the project will not exceed $23,000.00. Work includes a 4" concrete slab with a recycled tire and synthetic rubber overlay. Preliminary preparation and excavation work as well as project management of site will be performed by Everglades City personnel. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None ,..~-''''''' NO. Ajt"( a;f:E I ) MAR 2 3 1999 PG. I RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve using State Waste Tire Grant funds for a recycled tire safety surface at Everglades City public playground. SUBMITTED BY D vid W. Russell, Director, Solid Waste Department Date: ~./ S - 7 '9 REVIEWEDBY ~~, Gd't'1" Date J~'-f-q1 Stephen Y. Ca . ell, Director, Purchasing Department APPROVEDB~ Date: :3 ~5 -'1 '7 Ed Ilschrier, Public Works Administrator --.. AGENOA )T~H) NO. n. (8 II - - MAR 2 3 1999 PG. ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE BUDGET AMENDMENTS RECOGNIZING CARRY FORWARD AMOUNTS FROM FY 98 FOR ROAD PROJECTS IN FUNDS 313, 331, 333, 334, 336, 338,339 & 340 OBJECTIVE: To obtain BCC approval of budget amendments that will allow unexpended funds budgeted for Road projects to be carried forward and re-appropriated in the FY 99 budget. CONSIDERATIONS: Funds were appropriated in FY 98 for multiple road projects. Staff was unable to encumber all the appropriated funds before the end of the fiscal year. These funds are still required to complete the approved projects. This is typically the case with transportation capital funding since roadway projects generally span several fiscal years. Also, some projects are shifting funding sources between gas taxes and impact fees, as outlined below. FISCAL IMPACT: Increases in appropriated carry forward revenue are as follows: Fund: Road Construction Gas Tax (313) Road Impact Fee District 1 (331) Road Impact Fee District 3 (333) Road Impact Fee District 4 (334) Road Impact Fee District 6 (336) Road Impact Fee District 8 (338) Road Impact Fee District 9 (339) Road Impact Fee District 10 (340) Total: Amount $ 3,902,739 $ 2,236,517 $ 404,580 $ 503 $ 791,530 $ 575,770 $ 20,221 $ 1,932 $ 7,933,792 Increases in expense appropriations funded by increased carry forward revenue, and changes to project funding sources (gas taxes and impact fees) are indicated below: In crease/ In crease/ In crease/ Decrease New Decrease Decrease Increase/ 1m Project Funding Gas Tax Impact Fee Decrease Fund Carry Fwd Requests Funding Funding Reserves Total 313 1,493,301 500,000 (500,000) 0 2,409,438 3,902,739 331 1,679,935 -0 0 500,000 56,582 2,236,517 333 1,021,263 0 0 0 (616,683) 404,580 334 17,320 0 0 0 (16,817) 503 336 0 0 0 0 791,530 791,530 338 258,914 0 0 0 316,856 575,770 339 0 0 0 0 20,221 20,221 340 0 0 0 0 1,932 1,932 Total 4,470,733 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 2,963,059 7,933,792 -- Fund 313 - New Funding: (61009) - $500,000 US41 Sidewalks approved by BCC on 2/23/99. Fund 333 - Carry Forward - (60101) County Barn Road and (65031) Radio Road - funding is needed forR-G-\~6:';:;- M Fund 334 - Carry Forward - (60134) Goodlette Road - Design, (69031) Golden Gate Parkway - N(-,._L~{e/x:..3) Monitoring of Wetlands by Natural Resources. : t'iAF~ 2 3 1999 ( I .;; ""..- . f.,;. h_,...~"\t, FY99 Fuodin~ Chaof!es Increase! Increase! In crease/ In crease/ Increase! Net Project Project Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Increase! Number Name Fund 313 Fund 331 Fund 333 Fund 336 Reserves Decrease 65041 NN MSTU (500,000) 500,000 0 0 0 0 GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: Impact fee funded projects are included in the Growth Management Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the BCC approve/authorize the necessary budget amendments to (1) carry forward FY 98 unexpended funds into FY 99, (2) authorize new and revised funding for the above listed projects in Roads Capital Funds 313, 331, 333, 334, 336, 338, 339 & 340. PREPARED BY: \ \ \ 'I , i. I J' "".:J "_ , ,I '- --'1.._\. '.. ,~' \ ..\, '-, 'J - \,' ',' . DATE: ; \ } I,'."! ~- ,J _' I..... .,., 0 -= /.9 c DATE: 0<-/0....5,/ 'I '1 I ("l /: 3- -/(7 DATE: .3 -- 9'- 91 DATE: cc: Rich Hellriegel, Senior Project Manager, PWED "GlkU{ I) 9'\.. ) NO. J" b I...-=' ~ ." MAR 2 3 1999 I ~ J PG..;s. i "'~"~~w..f.t""'~J PRJ # DESCRIPTION 60013 Naples Streetscape 60031 I11th Avenue 60061 Livingston Rd Radio/GG 60071 Livingston Rd 60101 County Barn Road 60141 Cnty Wide Mangrove 60172 Multi PIj Transportation 60173 Multi Prj Transportation 60174 Traffic Signal 61005 Master Mitigation 61008 Tamiami Trail North 62031 Airport Rd 62041 Bald Eagle Dr 62061 Livingston Rd 63041 GG Blvd 65021 Rattlesnake Hammock 65032 Radio Rd 65041 NN MSTU Rd 66043 Immokalee Road 66061 CR951 66065 Turnlane 66066 Bridge Structure 66067 Airport Road Bridge 66076 Neighborhood Traffic 67021 Vanderbilt Bch 67033 Sabal Palm Rd 69021 Westclox 69031 Golden Gate Pkwy 69071 Multi PIj Environment 69072 Multi PIj Environment 69081 Bike Pathways 69115 CR9 51 Monitoring Miller Blvd Hunters Road Naples Airport Auth Non Project Transfer Debt service Reserves REVENUE Gas Tax Impact Fees Interest Transfers/Loans Grants/Contributions Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance CF Project 66067 Remaining Balance to FY98 Amended F PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 313 Preliminary Amount YTD Available for b E F E ore cast ncum xpenses arry orward 1,039,000 117,041 414,532 507,426 134,000 - 2,442 131,558 537,000 28,672 714,743 (206,416) 22,400 . 144 22,256 500 . - 500 5,000 . - 5,000 656,100 139,503 460,951 55,646 752,800 94,515 497,911 160,374 275,000 . - 275,000 53,000 . 12,325 40,675 300,000 . 300,000 9,500 4,873 14,266 (9,638) 57,500 57,517 (17) 10,000 - 10,000 12,100 163,812 51,631 (203,343) 846,900 - 519,463 327,437 1,400 1,351 49 1,213,400 36,592 53,041 1,123,767 1,000 991 7 2 9,500 - 3,951 5,549 211,400 37,234 79,980 94,186 250,000 219,967 25,615 4,419 977,100 14,890 162.681 799,529 100,000 - 8,931 91,069 272,500 29,952 241,953 595 1,300 500 800 3,000 - 3,000 233,500 46,174 187,326 5,000 4,446 554 4,700 4,666 34 427,400 19,733 356,132 51,534 12,000 2,907 9,093 5,000 - - 5,000 7,000 - . 7,000 20,000 - . 20,000 334,000 - 354,123 (20,123) 1,239,200 - 1,239,200 - - 10,039,200 912,441 5,326,916 3,799,843 12,908,600 13,398,259 489,659 - 400,000 753,465 353,465 181,600 181,600 - 150,000 209,301 59,301 10,274,700 10,274,700 - 23,914,900 24,817,325 - 902,425 I I I 4,702,267 (799,528) Carry Forward 3,902,739 If NO. it,N~~ , MAR 2 3 1999 LpG. -3 - 60013 60021 60061 60071 60111 60134 62031 62041 62061 62071 65041 65042 65061 65071 66043 66041 66067 66076 67021 69061 69101 .-c.Q 111 DESCRIPTION Naples Streets cape BBch Rd 31 Livingston Rd Radio/GG Livingston Rd Pine Ridge Road Goodlette Rd Airport Rd Bald Eagle Dr Livingston Rd Livingston Rd NN MSTU Rd NN MSTU Rd CR951 Vanderbilt Bch Immokalee Road Immokalee Road AilJlort Road Bridge Neighborhood Traffic Vanderbilt Bch Vanderbilt Bch ImmokaIee Road Airport Rd Extension Non Project REVENUE Other Impact Fees Interest Transfers/Loans Grants/Contributions Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance CF Project 66067 Remaining Balance to PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 331 Fund 331 YTD Preliminary Amount Available for F d E b E ncum xpenses arry orwar - 293,400 13,875 19,547 259,978 500 577 (77) 55,000 18,435 36,566 475,200 334,163 53,342 87,695 - 440,400 6,885 666,037 (232,522) - 7,000 9,401 (2,401) 37,400 6,792 30,608 834,200 437,782 19,369 377,049 4,800 4,773 27 - 67,000 12.000 1,579 53,422 100 100 - 1,201 (1,201) 150.000 9,480 140,520 - 466,700 19,920 445,980 800 52,000 3,036 48,964 1,425,400 207,105 264,762 953,533 1,000 - 639 361 117,000 97,985 19,015 4,427, I 00 1,036,502 1,618,161 1,772,437 15,886 15,886 3,900,000 4,167,168 267,168 325,000 556,567 231,567 . 201,600 201,600 - 8,023,900 8,023,900 - 12,450,500 12.965,121 514,621 I I I 2,287,058 (50.541) Carry Forward 2,236,517 NO. Ail:18X3J MAR 2 3 1999 pc. .1. ~ , !t........._~.......-. PRJ # 60061 60071 60091 60101 62081 65021 65031 65032 65033 66061 DESCRIPTION Livingston Rd Radio/GG Livingston Rd Santa Barbara Blvd County Barn Road Santa Barbara Rattlesnake Hammock Radio Rd Radio Rd Radio Rd CR951 Non Project REVENUE Impact Fees Interest Carry FOlWard Total Revenue Variance Fund 333 PRELIMINARY CARRY FORW ARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 333 Preliminary Amount Available for F d E b YTD E ncum xpenses arry olWar 219,000 15,765 1,122,293 (919,057) 9,000 4,500 4,500 - 431,800 301,099 69,253 61,448 453,400 4,220 89,647 359,533 79,000 3,725 45,708 29,567 254,000 3,803 118,084 132,112 597,500 - 28,413 569,087 700 723 (23) 16,900 7,261 8,012 1,628 36,600 1,254 35,346 75,000 2 74,998 2,172,900 340,373 1,487,889 344,638 2,000,000 2,007,956 7,956 237,100 289,086 51,986 5,498,000 5,498,000 - 7,735,100 7,795,042 59,942 5,562,200 I 404,580 I r~w~ Mt\K 2 3 lS~j9 ~i: ...~ It 60134 69031 DESCRIPTION Goodlette Rd Golden Gate Pkwy Non Project REVENUE Impact Fees Interest Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance Fund 334 PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 334 Preliminary Amount Available for F d E b YTD E ncum xpenses arry orwar 698,200 497,250 197,417 3,533 21,000 7,213 13,787 1,000 1,000 720,200 497,250 204.630 18,320 100,000 63,698 (36,302) 81,000 99,585 18,585 1,802,100 1,802,000 (100) 1,983,100 1,965,283 (17,817) 1,262,900 I 503 I --- NO. AGfl:t~J(J) MAH 2 3 1599 PG.~~ 4 414. .I;! PRJ # 60101 62041 65021 66061 DESCRIPTION County Barn Road Bald Eagle Dr Rattlesnake Hanunock CR951 Non Project REVENUE Impact Fees Interest Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance Fund 336 PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 336 Preliminary Amount YTD Available for E b E F d ncum xpenses arry orwar 20,500 948 19,534 18 600 296 305 50,000 . - 50,000 436,400 . 126,529 309,871 1,000 468 532 508,500 948 146,826 360,726 1,000,000 1,340,217 340,217 105,000 195,587 90,587 2,959,200 2,959,200 . 4,064,200 4,495,004 430,804 3,555,700 I 791,530 I NO. 7~G-.J ..~ t. "l 2 3 4,ce;Q nHr\ oJ.... pc. 7 DESCRIPTION 63031 CR95J GGPKWYDav 63041 GO Blvd 65021 Rattlesnake Hanunock 65061 CR951 66061 CR951 Non Project REVENUE Impact Fees Interest Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance Fund PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 338 Preliminary Amount YTD Available for 338 Encumb Expenses arrv Forward 6,000 520 5,480 574,000 32,135 302,889 238,976 328.000 156,996 171,004 15,700 1,242 14,458 15,800 8 15,792 1,000 165 835 940,500 32,135 461,821 446,545 1,000,000 1,094,908 94,908 60,000 94,318 34,318 1,364,000 1,364,000 . 2,424,000 2,553,226 129,226 575.770 I 1,483,500 I ~AGfl~tA~ I ~lAF~ 2 3 1999 8" PG. PRJ # DESCRIPTION Non Project REVENUE Impact Fees Interest Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance PRELIMINARY CARRY FORW ARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 339 Preliminary Amount Available for ar Forward Encumb 65,000 72,635 7,635 25,000 32,587 7,587 538,700 538,700 - 628.700 643,921 15,221 623,700 I 20,221 I i 1 NO.~~ MAR 2 3 lS99 pc. Cj I _ i~~ . PRELIMINARY CARRY FORWARD ESTIMATES ROADS FUND 340 63041 DESCRIPTION GO Blvd REVENUE Interest Transfers/Loans Carry Forward Total Revenue Variance Encumb Preliminary Amount Available for arry Forward 3,100 5,032 1,932 - 89,700 89,700 - 92,800 94,732 1,932 42,800 I 1,932 I r-- A~i'f_A /lItr:l ) N,r, -LJ.fJ-J.LJ~ . ;j'AR 2 3 1S99 ~:~ - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH IMMOKALEE DISPOSAL, INe. TO CONTINUE PROVIDING RECYCLING SERVICE FOR MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND AUTHORIZE THE CHAIRWOMAN TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT. OBJECTIVE: To provide an agreement for the continuation of the multi-family recycling service for the remainder of the franchise solid waste collection agreement period for Service Area Number Two, ending September 30,2001. CONSIDERATION: The initial multi-family recycling collection service agreement between the County and Immokalee Disposal, Inc. was initiated April 9, 1996. The agreement approved recycling collection service for mulit-family units at a rate of $.95 cents per unit per month. The multi-family units are billed for the recycling service directly by the franchisee. - It is necessary to provide an agreement for the continuation of the recycling service to coincide with the September 30,2001 ending date of the franchise collection agreement. Immokalee Disposal, Inc. has agreed to maintain the original price to the end of the agreement period. The agreement document is available for review at the offices of the County Administrator, Board of County Commissioners, County Attorney and Minutes and Records. This service provided by the lmmokalee area franchisee is consistent with the same service provided by Waste Management in Service Area Number One. FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately 2700 units at $.95 cents per unit per month for a total annual amount of $30,780 billed directly to customers by the franchisee. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ----- RECOMMENDA TION: Approve an agreement with Immokalee Disposal, Inc. to provide recycling service for multi-family residential units and authorize the Chairwoman to sign the agreement. SUBMITTEDBY ,~#~ Date 5/ //-9/ David W. Russell, Director, Solid Waste Management Department APPROVEDB~~ ~ Ed IIscliner, Public Works Administrator Date: 3 -t 1. -.&;~ "'G(ND~ Il;.Ef". n NO. 114 r.81~:;... MAR 2 3 1999 PG. , AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this day of ,19---. by and between Immokalee Disposal, Inc., hereinafter called the "Contractor" and Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Collier County, Naples, hereinafter called the "County": WIT N E SSE T H: 1. COMMENCEMENT. . The Contractor shall commence the work the first day of the month following the execution of this agreement. The contract shall terminate on September 30, 2001. The County Administrator may, at his discretion, extend this Agreement under all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement for up to two (2) additional one (1) year periods. The County Administrator shall give the Contractor written notice of the County's intention to extend the Agreement term not less than ninety (90) days prior to the end of the Agreement term then in effect. 2. STATEMENT OF WORK. The Contractor shall provide multi-family recycling service on a mandatory basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of the specifications of the Contractor's proposal dated March 11, 1994, hereto attached and made an integral part of this Agreement and any applicable provisions of the 1990 Solid Waste Collection Service Agreement between County and Contractor incorporated herein by reference, as amended. 3. THE CONTRACT SUM. Through the Contractor's commercial billing system, the Contractor shall collect the per unit price as indicated in the Contractor's proposal for the performance of this Agreement ($.95 per month, or $11.40 annually for approximately 2,686 units in Immokalee, Florida). 4. NOTICES All notices from the County to the Contractor shall be deemed duly served if mailed by registered or certified mail to the Contractor at the following address: lmmokalee Disposal, Inc. 120 W. Jefferson Avenue Immokalee, Florida 34142 All notices from the Contractor to the County shall be deemed duly served if mailed 1 ~p~/Jj ~?B7/ by registered or certified mail to the County to: Collier County Solid Waste Department Collier County Government Center Health/Community Services Bldg. 3301 Tarniami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 The Contractor and the County may change the above mailing address at any time upon giving the other party written notification. All notices under this Service Agreement must be in writing. 5. NO PARTNERSHIP. Nothing herein contained shall create or be construed as creating a partnership between the County and the Contractor or to constitute the Contractor as an agent of the County. 6. PERMITS: LICENSES: TAXES. The Contractor agrees to obtain and pay for all permits and licenses necessary for the conduct of business and agrees to comply with all laws governing the responsibility of an employer with respect to persons employed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also be solely responsible for payment of any and all taxes levied on the Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall comply with all rules, regulations and laws of Collier County, the State of Florida, or the U.S. Government now in force or hereafter adopted. 7. EMPLOYEES The Contractor shall employ people to work at County facilities who are neat, clean, well- groomed and courteous. 8. NO IMPROPER USE. The Contractor will not use, nor suffer or permit any person to use in any manner whatsoever, County facilities for any improper, immoral or offensive purpose, or for any purpose in violation of any federal, state, county or municipal ordinance, rule, order or regulation, or of any governmental rule or regulation now in effect or hereafter enacted or adopted. In the event of such violation by the Contractor of if the County or its authorized representative shall deem any conduct on the part of the Contractor to be objectionable or improper, the County shall have the right to suspend the contract of the Contractor. Should the Contractor fail to correct any such violation, conduct, or practice to the satisfaction of the County within twenty-four (24) hours after receiving notice of such violation, conduct, or practice, such suspension to continue until the violation is 2 cured. The Contractor further agrees not to commence operation during the suspension period until the violation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the County. 9. TERMINATION. Should the Contractor be found to have failed to perform his services in a manner satisfactory to the County as per Specifications, the County may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause. The County shall be sole judge of non-performance. The County may also terminate this Agreement for convenience with a thirty (30) day written notice. 10. NO DISCRlMINA nON. The Contractor agrees that there shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed or national origin. 11. INSURANCE. The Contractor shall provide insurance as follows; A. Comprehensive General Liabilitv: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000;000 Per OGcurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. This shall include Premises and Operations; Independent Contractors; Products and Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. B. Business Auto Liabilitv: Coverage shall have minimum limits of$I,OOO,OOO Per Occurrence, Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. This shall include; Owned Vehicles, Hired and Non-Owned Vehicles and Employee Non-Ownership. c. Worker's Compensation: Insurance covering all employees meeting Statutory Limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws. Special Reauirements: Collier County shall be included as an Additional Insured on both the Comprehensive General Liability and Business Auto Liability Policies. Current, valid insurance policies meeting the requirement herein identified shall be maintained by Contractor during the duration of this Agreement. Renewal certificates shall be sent to the County thirty (30) days prior to any expiration date. There shall be a thirty (30) day notification to the County in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. 3 Contractor shall insure that all subcontractors comply with the same insurance requirements that he is required to meet. The same Contractor shall provide County with certificates of insurance meeting the required insurance provisions. 12. INDEMNIFICATION. The ContractorNendor, in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is accepted through the signing of this document, shall hold harmless and defend Collier County and its agents and employees from all suits and actions, including attorneys' fees and all costs of litigation and judgments of any name and description arising out of or incidental to the performance of this contract or work performed thereunder. This provision shall also pertain to any claims brought against the County by any employee of the named ContractorNendor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directory or indirectly employed by any of them. The ContractorN endor' s obligation under this provision shall not be limited in any way by the agreed upon contract price as shown in this Contract or the Contractor/Vendor's limit of, or lack of, sufficient insurance protection. The first Ten Dollars ($10.00) of money received on the contract price is considered as payment of this obligation by the County. This section does not pertain to any incident arising from the sole negligence of Collier County . 13. THIS AGREEMENT shall be administered on behalf of the County by the Solid Waste Department. 14. COMPONENT PARTS OF THIS CONTRACT. This Contract consists of this Agreement and the attached and/or referenced component parts, all of which are as fully a part of the contract as if herein set out verbatim. Contractor's Proposal dated March 11, 1994, Insurance Certificate, Performance Bond, and any applicable provisions of the 1990 Solid Waste Collection Service Agreement between County and Contractor incorporated herein by reference, as amended. 15. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, by and between the parties herein that the within contract is subject to annual appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor and the County have each, respectively, by an authorized person or agent, hereunder set their hands and seals on the date and year first above written. DATED: ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY CO:MMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, Chairwoman (SEAL) ~dA/;(/ /7l~ ~~irst Witness 177&1(' r:;:.. f91e e T J- t (Y) {Jaw'j Type/print witne~ name 1..:2 0 UJ. J ,,<--f=(~r ~ C IV J'1\J e , 0; '-{I - ~~7-~ 1c.:J 9 Address and Telephone Immokalee Disposal, Inc. Contractor By:~7- CdtG Signature Larry L. Collins: Vice President G.LL-,,-?(., ~4a./ Second WItness E/LetpA/ ,Jfe'Dr;~S .JYJ'7~P~j, ~'!pess name cb~.:;:/,h ~3'9.?c' /~/ ~~ Address d Telephone 3&;9- C:, 7-~? CORPORATE SEAL (corporations only) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: . ....~. 5 ::'~::. <.:!t>~?:~_:i~'~:~; ~~~> . t: !" . ~~.. '. DATE: .March 11, 1994 TO: . Dave :;Russell .Solid _;Waste Management .BuildingH 3301 ..:Tamiami ":~ail . Naples, ':Florida.33962 Director '-:FROM: >- ~La.:cry .-Collins, ..President ::J:mmokalee .:::Disposal....Inc . '. .~IDDERS -:PROPOSAL ".!!rOIlfi:=:F..AMILY::RECYCLING :EROGRAM. --- PERFORMANCE BOND AND .INSURANCE To my understanding, all bond and insurance requirements should be covered under our current franchise. POTENTIAL -RECYCLABLES Newspaper Plastic containers ~lear and colored glass Aluminum and tin cans RECYCLING CONTAINERS All recycle bins and containers will pe provided by Immokalee Disposal. i ~~~ ~:--~..~:..~...., ,..,.... . . ii !":~, ' _ _ _ . $.~.\I ,_.__..... _'.._.., ~~l ::~~':~: ~ i-~- \-- ~-- l SOl~D V';,~TE DEPT. . '---. . .. . :~:74,!~.:::.~~~:'~'~-=~::';~~~.i:~~:~' .~ ~- ~~.. ...~~.::.., . - .. ,- MULTI.;FAMILY:RECYCLING':'COST (1 - 5 YEARS) CONTRACT LENGTE 5 years recommended STARTING DATE August 1, 1994 BILLING Immokalee Disposal will be responsible for all billing and collection of payments. .~ .' . ,:~.. '.";' . ,. . ,.', .. :, i TITLE OF -RECYCLABLES ..All,:.recyclables 'and .:revenues ::col.lected 'are :the :property' of .Immokalee ~.Disposal..' COMMENTS '.. '* :. ])ue','.:to .::the ...high _tw:n:.over.::.:in:.isome.;:z:en.taL::units, ::rmmoka.'lee :.J)i.sposal.::expects ~::to::repl.ace..25 :percent of-:.:the:.:recycle .:bins ::each:year~ "J. -". ~'. . --.-...... . '"* .:~..:Because,amm.oka.leeds ::a -:::sma 11 '+own,;::::mandatory '" :participation ::with.::no.:::exi:epti.on~.:..esseTl+;"" l-=Eor, , '-:the -:success .rof :::multii=:family :-=recycling ~:',',;Word=spJ:eads very -;:fast ',.:if _:anyone '-;::is .~exempt';.:;which :~wi.1..J..:.....undeDI1ine ,the "whole -pro.gram. :' . - Sincerely, ~ Larry Collins, President tJAJ~ EXECllTIVE Slll\-1MARY AWARD BID #98-2880 FOR BACKFLO\V SERVICES OB.n:'<"'''TIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Oftkio, the Governing Board of the Conier County \Vater-Sewer District, award Bid #98-2880 for backtlow services to Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc, CONSIDERA TIONS: 1. The Water Department per Ordinance No. 97-33 and Florida Administrative Code 62- 555.360, has been assigned to oversee the retrofitting of all service connections within the Collier County Water District, posing a known hazard to the Water District's potable water supply, with a cross-connection control device. 2. This Bid provides for the retrotltting services for the 3;4" to 2" service connections with cross connection control devices and the repair of large meter backtlow devices. 3, Bid 98-2880 for backtlow services was posted on November 18,1998, Eighty-four inquiries were sent to vendors with five bidders responding. 4, Staff has reviewed the bids received. The Bid is divided into three tasks, with Task One divided into nine sections, Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc, was the low bidder for all Tasks of this bid. - FISCAL IMPACT: Task One for services for retrofitting eXlstmg service connections will result in expenditures of$371,312.50. Task Two for retrofitting services for newly found hazard connections will result in no tiscal impact to the Collier County Water District, as customers receiving devices under this scenario will be invoiced for cost incurred. The tlscal impact of Task Three for repair of large meter assembly backflow devices is estimated at $5,000 per year. Funds are budgeted for Task One - Two in the Collier County Water-Sewer District, Water Distribution Cost Center. Funds are budgeted for Task Three in the Water Sewer District Capital Fund. GRWOTH l\IANAGEl\IENT Il\IPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Ofticio, the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, award Bid #98-2880, for backflow services, Task One, Two and Three to Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc. n '1 /}//" Submitted By: '- /C"C..J!f\ -1'~ Pamela Libby, F~ pervisor (/l J. " Reviewed By: / 1..;.\i11;;7t~ t'C-- I 1 I Paul Mattausch, Water Director i.l C I~ , t.' { / 'I / , .." / /. Reviewed By: -,.-:~':~rrtJ,'\ Lrl. ~?I,Lj;' Stephen Carnell, Purchasing Director .- ~ /--/ /: Approved B , .- __ / ~~_.~..>,c:___. d IIschner, Public Works Administrator .3//f-~ f r:;:7.J?:(bjW ~ k iv' ~ '.:1 ') '3 1" Q Cl ~ I!I-\I\ t.. :;J.;;.... L-=.~:..~...~ --- 00 ... c. g - I~ c ~ c ,II C' ;;1'" .... ~ C' ~ . <r; ;r, I~ or. 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E- ~ I PG. 8___ ~-..... .........~~-, --- -~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OBTAIN BOARD APPROVAL TO AMEND THE COLLIER COUNTY RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM ORDINANCE OBJECTIVE: Obtain Board approval to amend the Collier County Reclaimed Water System Ordinance No, 97-37 to add submetering language and allow for allocating cost to internal users. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County provides bulk reclaimed irrigation service to several communities. Many of these customers submeter irrigation service to internal customers. The reclaimed water system ordinance is silent on the matter of submetering and charging the internal customers for service. Accordingly, no protections are provided to internal users regarding cost allocations or ability to request an explanation of the basis of charges. /""""' In recent months this issue has been brought to the attention of staff. In an effort to deal with the concerns of internal users staff has developed the following language and proposes to add said language to Ordinance No. 97-37: "Customer may apportion the monthly charge for Collier County Water/Sewer District (CCWSD) reclaimed irrigation service among its internal users either by equal apportionment, installation of submeters, or otherwise based on reasonable allocation methods provided that such allocation of cost is restricted to recovery of the customers actual cost for District reclaimed irrigation service and directly related to administrative or capital expenses incurred in recovering that cost. Upon the internal users written request, Customer shall provide to the internal users documentation for the customers actual cost for District reclaimed irrigation service as well as documentation and a written explanation of the basis for any costs charged to the member for reclaimed irrigation service. Such documentation and written explanation shall be provided within five (5) business days from receipt of written request. The provision of irrigation service as described in this subsection is deemed not to constitute the sale or disposition of reclaimed irrigation service." FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. ,~' NO. Ajl:te)(t,) MAR 2 3 1999 PG. I ~ ,"-- r-- RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District of Collier County, Florida, authorize staff to advertise and bring back Ordinance No. 97-37 with the amendment as discussed herein. /7 j; ~ i' r , , """? c;; Coo PREPARED BY::"" X---h /7,;''-1..-<_L/ /~""-~ //-t!i/ Date: ~ - /' --- 7 ( Ann Marie Saylor, Adm1 strative Assistant II -7 Date: erations & Interim Wastewater REVIEWED BY./t!f::~-7~ Ed Ilschner, Public Works Administrator Date:3//p/9 '9 / Consent Agenda --7- ..., NO. ':It'( SfW- ~AR 13 1S9~_1 .(...",. r-- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVE THE DELETION OF THE BACKDOOR SERVICE OPTION FROM THE AUTOMATED SOLID WASTE CURBSIDE COLLECTION PROGRAM WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CASES OF MEDICAL NECESSITY. OBJECTIVE: To offer solid waste curbside collection service consistent with the new automated cart system provided in Service Area Number One, CONSIDERA TION: The automated cart system was implemented during 1998 with the conversion to a system using a single operator on specialized trucks The speed and efficiency of the system depends on the single operator remaining in the truck as much as possible, The current fee schedule offers backdoor service at an additional fee paid directly by the customer to the franchisee, This backdoor option is not consistent with the automated system Currently there are 129 backdoor accounts out of the total of60,000 units in the service area. The franchisee proposes to give these 129 customers 30 days notice and revert to curbside service for these units effective May 1, 1999, The franchise agreement provides for backdoor service for handicapped residents when no able-bodied person resides in the household, This special service will be maintained, ,"'-'" FISCAL IMPACT: None, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None, RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the deletion of backdoor residential service with the exception of cases of medical need and authorize the Chairwoman to sign the necessary franchisee agreement modification to follow _ . " f, /;' / / /, ,// /I SUBMITTED BY: <#'/;~__;~~~'/I'~"/l/./~./' " David W, Russell, Director, Solid Waste Management Department Date: .~ -/ ('/, :c /" - / / APPROVED BY:~~~~ Date 3 - 1/- Cj 7 -~ Ed I1schner, Public Works Administrator r. No.~G1'~(8~O) MA' f'. ... 3 '''''n 1\ L b~~:1 PG:d.-:- . r-- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD A CONTRACT TO LIGHTNER CONTRACTING, INC. FOR BID NO. 99-2915, BEACH MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES. OBJECTIVE: To award an annual contract to perform beach maintenance activities on the Naples, Marco Island and Collier County beaches. ,~ CONSIDERA TIONS: Certain maintenance activities have been found to be necessary to adequately maintain the restored beaches in Collier County, the City of Naples and the City of Marco. The maintenance activities associated with this contract will include but not be limited to escarpment removal, beach tilling, debris removal and beach grading, It was considered necessary to establish an annual contract to enable these activities to be performed in an efficient and timely manner. Therefore, an advertisement for bids was sent to twenty-six (26) vendors and bids were opened on March 3, 1999. This was a unit cost bid to provide labor and equipment for performing the described maintenance activities. These unit costs will be used in determining the basis for issuance of a purchase order when the scope of work for each maintenance project has been established. A proposal from Lightner Contracting, Inc. was the only one received for this bid, Based upon a review by the staff of the unit costs contained in the proposal and the qualifications of the vendor, it is recommended that Bid No, 99-2915 be awarded to Lightner Contracting, Inc, This contract is a one year agreement with the option to renew for an additional year. :1\,\' ' FISCAL IMPACT: The cost for performing the activities associated with this contract were included in the TDC Funding Application for Beach Maintenance Activities which was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on February 9, 1999 [Agenda Item (16)(B)(6)]. Funds in the amount of $243,700,00 have been appropriated as a result of said approval. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDA TIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Award a contract for Bid No. 99-2915 to Lightner Contracting, Inc. 2, Authorize purchase orders to be issued for beach maintenance projects based upon the unit costs in the bid proposal. r- Executive Summary r~;';~:~){ji)(ii' '-1 . ," 'J . ,-- ...,.., I ' Ij ....., ,".,' ~ ; . ( .r ~!\ /~ -J r:..:...;.; P' I J ~;..m..~.~~-=~:~~~~~ ~ Executive Summary Contract To Lightner Contracting, Inc. Page Two PREPARED BY: // A' -~- ,- .../ ~~ 9- L- ~ e::.-C''-<-. /~~ -<-- ~ Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Public Works Engineering Department REVIEWED BY: . ~', I r '\ .. .mr~\ '11 . 19v-iJ:L Steve Carnell ,I Purchasing Director DA TE: ') '" ("', r ;> I I I -1 \ Cj DATE: -~- \- ILl REVIEWED BY: Y./i'Jr/~ r-- ff Bibby, P ,E" Director Public Works Engineering Department APPROVEDBY:~ Ed 11 schner Public Works Administrator attachment cc: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee Lightner Contracting, Inc. r-- 7)/h11:-' DA TE: DA TE: ~//2,,/9q { ' f NO. ~'~Jtli3tv_ '1 I MAi.i 'i 3 i"J-., l ~~:~~~._:~_1 .,.--.. ~ Ct> ::l - S' --3 t](:; ~ 0 ~ ~ Pol .... CO Ct> .... ::l ::: Ct> '< CIl Ct> ~ :: IJCi ~ Ct> Q. ~ 0' ~ (..,l N Q. ~ C" ~ .... :::0 to ""0 C. n r-' 0 CO 0 0 w ;N "'I'j ~ tc ~ Z n < ~ (..,l 0 ::r '""I 0 ~. Ct> 0 7t ::: tl: 0 '""I .c Ct> Pol - $::.l I 0 CIl 0 Pol $::.l 0 ~ ::l 0 3 .... "0 ::l X 3 (") $::.l ::l = ~ d "0 3 ::l 0' ::l 0 n' 0 (p co :::0 7;'" Q.. ,- -6' ~ (D Q.. ~ "'0 Q.. '"0 -, -, '""I 0 '"0 ::r 0 =- 0 CIl Ct> = ~ '""I Pol .... CIl e:... - .... 0 tTJ a "'0 '""I .... I (p -3 t'I1 tl: Pol --3 - Pol [ N "'t1 0 '""I Ct> '""I ::l CIl \C (") \/) ::r -, .0 r Q.. Q.. ::: Pol Q.. Ct> = p.) CIl ~ \C ::: ::l ~ '""I ,... tl: Ct> (") '"0 Q.. = CIl .... .... "0 r 0 - -- .... !:?. (p ~. cr 7;'" ::1. Ct> l" .... .... ::l "'t1 co 0 3 (p (S. ~ '"0 ::: '""I 0 = Q.. = ::1. 3 -- (") ~ IJCi Pol Ct> (p -- 0 ..... ..... Ct> Pol = '""I --. ::l w ::l ..... Ct> (") 00 "0 Q.. 7;'" Pol =' g '""I '"0 '"0 ::1. Q. "CI 0 .... '-" CIl Ct> Ct> ::r Ct> 0 Ct> -3 (") Ct> (") '""I ~ \/) -3 ;N CIl .... '"0 '"0 '< '""I Ct> t"" .... ::r a ~ 0 Ct> >- ::1. Ct> '""I '-" ~ ~ ~ 0 ::l (t> >- (") '""I ::: ::r '"0 -- 0' Ct> '""I 0 \/) -< (") '"0 0 (1) ;N 0' ("') :::: '""I .... =. Ct> ::r 7;'" ::: '""I 0 "CI (1) .... .... 0 '""I 0 ~ CIl g r:; '"0 '""I ~ Ct> - (") - ,... -- (") ::r 0 ~ ;r ..... $::.l (1) ;:; w - (") ::r Ct> 0 .... ~ -= cr '""I 0 ::: ~ Ct> Ct> - '"0 :::0 .... --3 CIl Q.. 0 :::r (") -; ~ o' 0 Ct> $::.l ~ >- ." '< -; - 0' 7;'" Ct> = 0 ::: '-" - Ct> .... -; ..... ;;;- -; 0 -- Z '"0 Ct> Q.. C -. ::: "0 ~ CIl (S' -; -; ~ (? (1) (1) (S. =- Q.. >- "0 Ct> r=; ....;; "0 .... (1) .... -; 0 0 tl: ::r ..., .... (") ::r '-" :::r 0 0 ::: 0 0.. ..., ::: ....;; ..., z -< -< -< . s 0 Ct> Ct> 'l) t"" CIl CIl CIl .... .. o ..... (1) =1JCi . '.' f;/'J f;/'J '€A f;/'J f;/'J ....=- .~ .~ .~ ~ ~ t:A t:A N .- - .- - ~ .... N 00 >D +>- -..J VI 0- - -..J -..J -..J -..J ~ ::l ? v, .- VI 0 VI 5=' 9 '.' VI IJ\ Y' IJ\ ~ Ct> ..... :- (:> :"'" ~ 0 c 0 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0> ..:' . ... .'. . < : '. '.' :'. '. < .:... . - '. .' .. .i . ..' ....: ...:.. .' .' '.' > .: . '.' < .! . ..... .> I : . . > _: . . > - '. . .:. .: . >. . ..~. .' .... .' :.. < .'. . . . : '. > .> . :. .'.:.' . . .... >.. . .' .: ..: _. '. . > :... .. N '. .' . ... '. \J Q) .r-- ~ r- -3"'t1 Pol -; cr..2 ::: Ct>' [Q. s' ~. ..... .... ~rr 0' ..., co 0.. \Ctc \CCt> I = N l":I ~:r U1~ ~ s' .... Ct> = = = ~ Ct> > ~ .... ...' < .... .... .... Ct> II> ::c"'O = -; ~ .2, ~ (1) '-< s:.. ::c~ C t](:; 0' '""I Ct> ., ~ ~s o .0 7;'" ::: $::.l ::j' ~ (D' CIl CIl ;Nr:./) Ct> (1) o a N -Q-. tD 0: co co ~ co .... CJl tD Cl) AI ('l ':1' s: AI S' .... Cl) ~ AI ~ ('l Cl) )> ('l .... <' ;::;: (D' (II ~f~i~r8) MAR ':' 3'. 1Q;iq p: L !..........- i PG. 3 ~"~~~~.,.;;.;--".-- .---- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADOPT A RESOLUTION REVISING THE ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE NAPLES BEACH RENOURISHMENT/MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE. OBJECTIVE: To adopt a resolution whereby applicants residing within the unincorporated area of Collier County or within any municipality in Collier County will be eligible for appointment by the Board of County Commissioners to the Naples Beach RenourishmentlMaintenance Committee, CONSIDERATIONS: On December 9, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 92-656 recognizing the City of Naples Beach RenourishmentlMaintenance Committee as a technical advisory committee to formally advise the Board of County Commissioners as well as the Naples City Council. This resolution provided for the selection of five (5) members to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners from the unincorporated area of Collier County. Prior to its incorporation, residents from Marco Island were eligible for appointment by the Board of County Commissioners to the Naples Beach ....--. Renouri shment/Mai n tenance Committee. Recent appl ication s from residen ts of the City of Marco were declared invalid based upon the provision in Resolution No. 92-656. Therefore, the attached resolution has been prepared for consideration whereby the Board of County Commissioners will be able to appoint members to the committee from any municipality in Collier County as well as from the unincorporated area. I',", FISCAL IMPACT: None " GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDA TIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Adopt the attached Resolution revising the eligibility for membership on the Naples Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee. 2. Authorize the Chairwoman to execute the Resolution. ".---. r~w,,~-~.~~---, I NO. ~t~rdjCV. -. I MA':t 'i 3 1C;CfQ ~ "t. ' .. .' " t l PG. J ___.__. I . ~ ~~-.', k-~~~~.;;._~;.T___..,,""~..'"'"'.._.. ~. Executive Summary Adopt A Resolution/Naples Beach Renourishment Page Two PREPARED BY: /~/~ DATE: ,s./(.C)Cj Harold E. Huber, Project Manager III Public \Vorks Engineering Department REVIEWED BY: :7 /i.~J~ DATE: J~//17 f Bibby, P.E., Director Public Works Engineering Department ,"--" APPROVEDBY:~ Ed Ilschner Public Works Administrator DATE: 8/12j9'? I attachment cc: Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee r- r-----:.="~:~"~--~ l N0. ~'7i: (8}liJ- I LMA.... 3 1"-'1" 1 I ~ 'j ~ ~.~ '_~ ~ 1\ t.. ! -' ,. -~ t , I PG.,;;J t ... .,-- ~ · ~_.............."..=~n'~'"'- '_'-_~"'_ .---- .---- ,/"'""'"' RESOLUTION NO. 99- 2 3 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY 4 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 5 REVISING THE ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE 6 NAPLES BEACH RENOURISHMENT/MAINTENANCE 7 COMMITTEE. 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the Naples Beach Renourishment/Maintenancc Committee consists 11 of eleven (II) voting members, and 12 WHEREAS, five (5) members of the Naples Beach Renourishment/Maintenance 13 Committee are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners; and ]4 WHEREAS, the current County resolution requires the five (5) members 15 appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to be from the unincorporated area 16 of Collier County; and 17 WHEREAS, prior to its incorporation, residents from Marco Island were 18 eligible for appointment to the Beach Renourishment/Maintenance Committee; and 19 WHEREAS, the County desires to have representation from the City of Marco 20 on the Committee_ 21 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 22 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that 23 I. It is hereby declared that applicants residing within the unincorporated 24 area of Collier County or within any municipality in Collier County shall be eligible 25 for appointment by the Board of County Commissioners to the Naples Beach 26 Renourishment/Maintenance Committee. 27 2, This Resolution shall supersede Collier Coullty Resolution No, 92-656, 28 3, ThIS Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. 29 This Resolution adopted thIS day of , 1999, after 30 motion, second and majority vote favoring same. 31 32 33 34 35 36 ATTEST 37 Dwight E. Brock, Clerk 38 39 By. 40 Deputy Clerk 41 42 Approved as to form and :~ ~~e1YA~ 46 Heidi F. Ashton 47 Assistant County Attorney 48 49 H EH .Ih 3,1. 99 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By. Pamela S. Mac 'Kie, Chairwoman t~-_$._:-r..~~,",:,. -~'--/. ,t "'. .~~lfdi,J.C.~J i MAR'" 3 ,...--, " ~ L !::~;:j f i PG .~______. · c~......_.>#.....~-.._~....~.,.,. ....n;.__J ,.-. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AUTHORIZE USE OF THE CHARLOTTE COUNTY TRENCHLESS PIPE REHABILITATION BID NO. 97-254. Objective: That the Board of County Commissioners, as the ex-officio Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (CCWSD), authorize staff to utilize the Charlotte County Trenchless Pipe Rehabilitation Bid No. 97-254 for CCWSD pipe line rehabilitation. Consideration: As part of the 1998-1999 Adopted Budget, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to complete certain CCWSD pipe line rehabilitation projects, The Board's Purchasing Policy provides for cooperative buying under the Southwest Florida Purchasing Consortium Program. Charlotte County Bid No. 97-254 provides for cured in place and U-liner trenchless pipe lining, unit pricing, warrantee TV surveys and warrantees. The current bid is valid through September 1999. Growth ~lanagement: None r- Fiscal Impact: Funds in the amount of $1,385,000 have been budgeted for sanitary sewer system pipe line rehabilitation. Funds are available in the sewer capital fund (414) under project number 73050 Sewer Line Rehab. Funds in the amount of $991,500 have been budgeted for water distribution system pipe line rehabilitation. Funds are available in the water capital fund (412) not presently under a project number. Please note that these budgets are for overall rehabilitation efforts not solely trenchless rehabilitation. Recommendation: That the Board of County Commissioners authOllze the use of the Charlotte County Trenchless Pipe RehabilitationB, No. 9)-254 for " ,/ PREPARED BY: /' / /' ...... Edward N. FimI;O~ons/lnte . WSD pipe line r7bili ,/"-:> (' REVIEWED BY: l,/ / '----- ~J;{.. (,;A~U", j/ , Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director ~ III II -:1 )(.0 OJ ",",' I ~ \ -/ , . Date REVIEWEDBY:-~~ Ed Ilschner, Public Works Administrator ;3.&2/99 , 4[ Date ~ ~~(or.~~l Mt,..! ! J, ~''';''-;'J' . .,..~ t \ .::.. .,J ! "'" '..' ,.1 PG. f . r-- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RESCIND THE A WARn OF A CONTRACT TO ALLIED TRUCKING OF FLORIDA, INC./C.B.E. TRUCKING COMPANY, INC. FOR BID NO. 98- 2900 AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO DOUGLAS N. HIGGINS, INC. FOR THE TRANSPORT AND PLACEMENT OF BEACH FILL MA TERIAL. OBJECTIVE: To rescind the award of a contract to Allied Trucking of Florida, Inc.lC.B.E. Trucking Company, Inc. for Bid No. 98-2900 as granted on February 9, 1999 and award a contract for same to the next low bidder, D. N. Higgins, Inc. CONSIDERA TION: On February 9, 1999, the Board of County Commissioners awarded a contract for Bid No. 98-2900 to the partnership of Allied Trucking of Florida, Inc.lC.B .E. Trucking Company, Inc. [Agenda Item 16(B)( 4)]. The awardee, however, has failed to execute a Contract in accordance with the Proposal and upon the terms and conditions setforth therein. Therefore, it is recommended that such award be rescinded and that a contract for Bid No. 98- 2900 be re-awarded to the next low bidder, Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. in the amount of$417,857.14, ~\... FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of a budget amendment is necessary to account for , the additional funds in the amount of $55,357.14 required for this award. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Rescind the award of a contract for Bid No. 98-2900 to Allied Trucking of Florida, Inc.lC.B,E. Trucking Company, Inc, as granted on February 9, 1999 [Agenda Item 16(B)(4)]. 2. Re-award a contract for Bid No. 98-2900 to the next low bidder, Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. in the amount of $417,857.14. 3. Authorize the staff to file a claim against the bid bond provided by Allied Trucking of Florida, inc, for failure to comply with the bidding requirements. 4. Approve the necessary budget amendment. 5. Authorize the Chairwoman to execute the contract. r :..~"":'-.~--, i,...5J;.,(~J.ti11 I ~ ~ ; " ',(i ,-. ! . I I... ~ :....,.... . L, _ ._.. -:::-.-:':: ",:=-:--::-=,-":::,-:-.! Page Two /.--, SUBMITTED BY: _~~ -- Harry Huber, Project Manager III Public Works Engineering Department /' ~ I . - \. '7 . . J / REVIEWED BY: -<:~(//., "\ - -...-({~). / ( Steve Carnell, Director Purchasing Department ~/f Jr/- REVIEWED BY: eff Bibby, P .E., Director Public Works Engineering Department ,~ APPROVED BY:-~.....w~ Ed Ilschner, Administrator Public Works Division attachments cc: Allied Trucking of Florida, Inc. Douglas N. Higgins, Inc. ,r-. DATE: DATE: cS.(~.'7~ "l I ! ~~~ \ 11 Cl {oj I 1 DATE: 3/'509 DATE: d-/J-t:j? ("-"""--"::";:~,'-;~ '-~,--:'~""-"~ ; ~,:..,j1(8)~L)-_ ~ I M t.;{ ", j" " ,',' ~ ;: r1n L t~.~-' ,,1 ~ L~~~~~,:,_..;..j EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL TO ADMINISTRA TIVEL Y ADJUST THE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT FOR PARCEL NUMBER 11 IN THE NAPLES PRODUCTION r-- PARK M.S.T.U. OBJECTIVE: To obtain authorization to administratively adjust a non-ad valorem assessment for the Naples Production Park M.S.T.U. CONSIDERA TIONS: Subsequent to adoption of the final assessment roll for the Naples Production Park M,S.T.U., the need for adjustment to a certain assessment (Parcel No, II) has been discovered. This adjustment is necessary due to the determination that the property owner, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (State of Florida) is not subject to taxes or special assessments. This adjustment will result in a $24,683.17 deficit in the total amount to be recovered via assessments. Since the public hearing has now been concluded, the cost of this deficit cannot be redistributed among the other properties in the project unless the public hearing is reopened for this purpose. Therefore, it is recommended that this deficit be funded from project reserves in Fund 341. FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds are not available for this purpose in the budget for the Naples Production Park M.S.T.U. (Fund 138) during FY 98/99. Approval of a budget amendment is requested whereby funds for this obligation would be borrowed from the reserves in the budget for Road Assessments Receivable (Fund 341) with the condition that reimbursement from the Naples Production Park M.S.T.U. be provided during FY 99/00. /- GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDA TIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Authorize administrative adjustment of the non-ad valorem assessment for Parcel No. 11 in the Naples Production Park M.S.T.U. in the amount of $24,683.17. 2. Authorize payment in this regard as follows: (a) Collier County Department of Revenue - $10,537.00 (b) Collier County Tax Collector - $14,146.17 3. Approve the necessary budget amendment. PREPARED BY: ~~ Harold E, Huber, Project Manager III Public Works Engineering Department DATE: 3"'1.9~ REVIEWED BY: ~/?',J/ " ~ / j ....A,.L eff Bibby, P.E., Director Public Works Engineering Department DATE: s/;-;/11 r- ~ APPROVED BY: !qll..::-l~JU-L,/ ~ ..;;;' Ed Ilschner / Public Works Administrator DA TE:,!/I~f i,. ~. .~ '." I \"~'-~".---' "~ f.. /(, " 11 )( ;',) ; t' I ' ..--'-.10<:4 -/- ! i APE; 3 ::j I l r.,.,;; .__.--,,__....__ ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,~ APPROVE AMENDMENT 7 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC., FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO IMPROVEMENTS AT THE SOUTH COUNTY WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY, RFP 93-2121, PROJECT 73916 OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve an amendment to a professional services agreement to provide services related to rerating the permitted treatment capacity of the facility. CONSIDERATIONS: Consistent with the 1999 Annual Update Inventory Report, it is proposed to re-rate the permitted capacity of our 8-mgd South County Water Reclamation Facility (SCWRF). An Amendment to a Professional Services Agreement has been prepared for services to re- evaluate the treatment capacity of the existing facility as needed to re-rate the facility. Services to be provided are consistent with our existing March 15, 1994 agreement with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc. for professional services pursuant to RFP 93-2121. ~ The consultant proposes to make adjustments to the hourly rate schedule contained in the 1994 agreement. Total consultant fees associated with Amendment 7 are $116,000. A summary of total fees approved and proposed are as follows: Fees Scope of Services Original Agreement Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Amendment 5 Amendment 6 Amendment 7 (proposed) 247,000 Preliminary Report, Conditional Use 322,700 Design Report, Disinfection Design 582,000 Deep Injection Well 218,000 Reuse Master Plan, Lakewood Design 2,016,000 WWTF design, permits, bid and construct 60,000 SRF Coordination and Administration 41,388 Post-construction SRF Administration 116,000 Re-Rate Permitted Capacity Total $3,605,396 r- Staff has negotiated the proposed scope and compensation as provided in Amendment 7 to Professional Services Agreement, copies of which are available for viewing at the Clerk's Office of Minutes and Records, the Board of County Commissioners' Office, and the County Administrator's Office. AGENDA ITEM .C'. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the amount of $116,000 are available in c ~o~S&"'~" r~pital Projects. The source of funds is user fees. I (j 6 13 - MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I Executive Summary Approve Amendment 7, RFP 93-2121 Page 2 r- GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: In accordance with the Ninth Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities approved by the BCC on January 12, 1999, additional capacity is to be achieved by "re-rating" the plant in 1999 as opposed to construction of added capacity RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners, as the Ex-Officio governing board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, approve and authorize Chairwoman to execute Amendment 7 to Professional Services Agreement with Hole, Montes & Associates, Inc., related to planning and preliminary design services to re-rate the treatment capacity of our SCWRF. J1 SUBMITTED BY: I(;.'-f:.>-,-,-",/~ ,9-- Date: :r/z/r1 Karl W. Boyer, P.E., PWED Senior Project Manager ,"'--' REVIEWED BY: ,....--, 'J 7/(' ,,; '""Y 0 _J;-- (, ' ---J fBibby, P.E., PWED DIrector Date: -..1..... ~ ,~ )//-;,/9 ~/ REVIEWED BY: ( Ed '7'..... -. ....;' REVIEWED BY:,.--, ,,~. 'J, "'-'~/~ Stephen Y. Carnell, Purchasing Director "- Date: .. APPROVEDBY~ Ed Ilschner, ublic Works Administrator Date: a/it7 it? q / / ~ ',..c..-.. "'tl2)' "'.' ~0.~Ji.Ji) "3 , MA~' ,., 3 .""Q K L I:~;_. PG. _~~__~.:J EXECUTIVE SUM.MARY /--- APPROVE PAVING THE LIMEROCK PORTION OF PORTER STREET IN RESPONSE TO CITIZENS' REQUEST. OBJECTIVE: To obtain Board approval of a plan for paving a portion of Porter Street subject to funding from benefiting property owners. CONSIDERA TIONS: The County maintains the road base on a number of limerock roads. The Transportation Services Department has received inquiries over the years as to the possibility of improving the limerock roads with an asphalt paved surface. There have been three typical scenarios to accomplish these improvements: 1. Creation of an MSTU; 2. Prepayment of funds to the County; or 3. Completion of improvements by the adjacentlbenefiting property owners. The cost of road maintenance is reduced because maintenance costs for paved roadways is typically one-fourth that for limerock road maintenance. Accordingly, the cost to maintain the limerock portion of Porter Street as shown on Attachment 1 is about $1,500 annually. ~ A cost estimate of $20,638.27 (Attachment 2) has been prepared based on grading the existing limerock base, applying an asphalt prime coat with lean mix, followed by application of a one- inch thick asphalt wearing surface. The improvements will be restricted to a width of approximately 20 feet and designed for a relatively low volume of local traffic with a hammerhead or "T" turn-around at the dead end. The property owners continue to remain responsible for reconstruction/paving of private driveways. One of the property owners on Porter Street, Mr. Frank Roberto, acting on behalf of the residents, volunteered to pursue the donation method (Option 2 above). Mr. Roberto devised the methodology of a front footage cost per property and sent letters to all benefiting property owners stating their proportionate share. Mr. Roberto has collected $13,309.39. He has received commitments from other property owners for $4,412.03 upon completion of the paving project. Mr. Roberto is requesting that the Board accept the $13,309.39, the promise of $4,412.03, and participate with the property owners to the extent of the remaining $2,916.85 to accommodate the paving. Staff and Mr. Roberto will continue to pursue the outstanding funds. Based on the above information, staff, in concert with Mr. Roberto, has developed the following options: 1. Accept the $13,309.39 already collected with County participation for the estimated remaining $7,328.88. r,.,.,.~+:~1LL0 < .-.a.,., ~ W I . l ~ i~?\f>; 2 3 1999 ,. ~ FG, I il.~-.u~'-,('~~,,'.~.~ , ~ 2. Accept the $13,309.39 already collected and have the property owners accept the liability "...--- for collecting the $4,412.03 promised for a total of $17,721.42. The County's participation is estimated at $2,916.85. 3. Require the benefiting property owners to subsidize the entire estimated cost of $20,638.27. 4. Require the benefiting property owners to petition the Board for a Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU). Based upon the public benefit derived from reduced maintenance costs, staff recommends the Board approve Option #2. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost for improvements is estimated at $20,638.27. The benefiting property owners will provide $17,721.42 pursuant to Option #2. The remaining $2,916.85 is available in MSTD Road District 3. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve Option #2 as outlined above, and direct staff to implement the project subject to receiving $17,721.42 from the benefiting property owners. DATE: Z-~ LA ~7 5" REVIEWED BY: Ed~~~.dJ.........~K......"....,~t....~..0.......~. '., /T. r.anspo.rtation Services Director G./ (/ , ) -~_~ APPROVED ~~:<__'~~~~~~~_ Ed Ilschller, Public Works Administrator DATE: 'L'W')) DATE:J 3-02 - f't/f Attachments ".~__",.~~...1 k13.(!~'f)""; 'I' . AGCIf-iI' _OOJ v::.. "\ ! .' ~.. :.' .. \ I ~~rd::: '! 3- 1[~'~ ~ I'll-'ll' l.. ...~.. ~ PC. ;;l" . ~ ~~n~."".""""'.....l ATTACHMENT 1 ======>-2-< ( '. ~ . I"L) "E) t -.:-\ \ ,,~"_ 1../'" I" ~ ' _~m,,~, ,fP.J:J..!.-j ~ if,;". ,>",-c.,,": v~r:::-:? t . .-/ I ~J. ,', ;" ; nf\i\ 2 3 1999- L.!.o;; . ..3 ................- ".....~ I . ~ ~ "" "- ~ - ''';...,,,.!' A'ITACHMENT 2 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED IMPROVEMENT COSTS FOR PORTER STREET September 30, 1998 GENERAL Mobilization Traffic Maintenance Lump Sum Lump Sum $5,000.00 $ 500.00 PAVING Fill Limerock Base Prime and Lean 1 ~" Type II Asphaltic Concrete Paving Tons 75 S.Y. 56 S.Y. 2,824 S.Y. 375 Tons $ 480.96 $ 476.56 $1,412.00 $9,768.75 DRAINAGE CMP CMP 60' X 24" 40' X 18" $2,000.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL $20,638.27 r..-'c~'a,.,~. -- /(, 1/1'1_'0'" : .' ......~, , ~. f4 ...1 ~.. - / - ~ :; r: " :', ,,-- -- ~ ~, ',i .' ,'" >f': 3 -\1-_'"' ., i It..', ;~ .~ / : ;; ..~ '< / :~ -, ....,. li W p: t.L ~ " "" .........._-J.::..;.,,--~,-_.._.---... t ~:wro.;".--"~_........:;.,,,,~:...........ll<,;J . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- APPROVAL TO FUND THE 4th OF JUL Y FESTIVAL AND FIREWORKS SHOW. Objective: That the Board of County Commissioners approve a budget amendment in the amount of $25,000 to fund the 2nd annual 4th of July festival and fireworks show at Sugden Regional Park. Consideration: Parks and Recreation staff is once again partnering with the Naples Junior Chamber (NJC) to host a 4th of July Festival at Sugden Regional Park. The one-day festival will include a$25,000 fireworks show, live entertainment, patriotic music, games for children and adults alike, and affordable food and beverages. Last year (the event's first year), staff estimated that 5,000 people turned out for the event. This year staff anticipates a much larger crowd, as Sugden Park has established itself in the community, publicity will begin much earlier this year, and the entertainment will address everyone in the family. This event affords residents a viable alternative to other fireworks shows. Growth Management: None Fiscal Impact: The fireworks will cost the County $25,000 and will be transferred -----, by budget amendment from general fund reserves into the Recreation Programs budget. Recommendation: That the Board approve a budget amendment to fund the 4th of July festival. Prepared by: ~ '" l~ilA1 ~ ohn Dunnuck, OperatlOns Coordmator Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed an~ ~ /J Approved by. /.~.) G "L~y."-L.. Marla Ramsey, Director Department of Parks and Recreation Date: 3IrZ/'f1 Date: 3 -/2-fy Reviewed and I ~ Approved by: \ y~~ Thomas W. Olliff, Adm ator Division of Public Services Date: 3. \5 .q~ ~ ~g~n1m'~~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I . .u_..."__m..''''_~,_""",,,'_''''''"''_''<' ....__.__.."'....__""'..,..,...._"..dol..''''~',.....-._'''".,,;._. ,_..'~ ~ .. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ~.~""-- APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR EAGLE LAKES COMMUNITY PARK. Objective: To award the purchase and installation of playground equipment for Eagle Lakes Community Park to Dominica Recreation Products, Inc. / Gametime utilizing an annual state contract. Consideration: The parks and recreation department has specifically budgeted funds in Fiscal 98/99 to purchase and install playground equipment at Eagle Lakes Community Park. Dominica Recreation Products Inc., a supplier of many other Collier County park playground structures, is currently on state contract (#650875, 650876) and would be able to install said playground for $75,000. Collier County Purchasing policy stipulates that departments must gain Board approval for annual state contract purchases over $25,000. Growth Management: None Fiscal Impact: The cost of the project is $75,000. Funds are budgeted in the Community Park Fund, Eagle Lakes Community Park Project. /..-... Recommendation: That the Board award the purchase of playground equipment to Dominica Recreation,Produc Inc. for Eagle Lakes Community Park. Date: .3 - //-f7 Prepared by: Mur 0 Smith, Recreation Manager Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed amL,fi Approved by: j/J'~ Y11~ arIa Ramsey, Director Department of Parks and Recreation Date: 5-/! - 7'7 Reviewed and ~ /:... II Approved by: A ~ ~ ~'\1 Steve ell, Dl tor Department of Purchasing '/ 1 ~-i- Date: :J- t 1 Reviewed an~ ~ Approved by: Q^ ~ Thomas W. Olliff, inistrator Division of Public Services Date: 3. ~ 0::; oCf?t ,--- Agenda It~'" No. IfJ(~ ~ . MAR 2 3/1999 pg. - ,- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF TWO (2) INTERLOCAL FUND SHARING AGREEMENTS WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES AND THE CITY OF EVERGLADES Objective: That the Board of County Commissioners enter into a fund sharing agreement with the City of Naples for various park improvements projects~ and that the Board of County Commissioners enter into a separate fund sharing agreement with the City of Everglades to renovate their recreational community center. Consideration: The Board previously approved and budgeted in FY99 funds to support both interlocal agreements. The agreement with the City of Naples provides funding for three projects: Phase II of Beach Access Improvements, Phase III of the Naples Landing renovation, and the Edge Skate Park Improvements Project. The first two are tied to the interlocal beach access agreement as well. Below is a brief description of each project. Beach Access Improvements: Phase II entails the renovation of fourteen (14) beach access points to include landscaping upgrades, brick pavers, and customer service amenities such as drinking fountains and bicycle racks. The County will remit 50% of project cost not to exceed $25,000, ...-- Naples Landing Improvements: Phase III includes the addition of picnic facilities and shade structures, renovation of the parking area, improved landscaping, additional lighting, and a new area to view the bay. The County will remit up to $25,000 for said project. Edge Skate Facility: The County will remit up to $15,000 for expansion of the City facility to accommodate City and County residents alike. In exchange, the City will not charge an additional fee to unincorporated residents within the lifetime of the project without the consent of the Board, described as "authorized County Representative" in section 4 of the Agreement. Everglades Community Center: The County Summer Camp program has utilized this facility in the past. Renovation includes repair and replacement or building infrastructure and parking lot improvements. The County will fund $50,000 of renovation cost, Growth Management: These facilities are operated by their respective City municipalities and therefore are not included in the County Comprehensive plan. Fiscal Impact: listed below: Funds are budgeted and available in the Park Improvement Fund (306) as ~ Naples Landing (306-156314-881400-80074) Beach Ends Project (306- 1/1/3t..c ,7('51t.'..' .kt., Edge Skate Park Project (306-156314-881400) Everglades City Skate Rink (306-llb3bo-S""~''to,,) $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 $50,000 Agend. J ,em No. /(C(S4 Cf MAR 2 3 1999 PQ. , - Recommendation: That the Board authorize the Chairwoman to sIgn the interlocal agreements with the City of Everglades and the Cny of Naples. ~.~ n Prepared By: ~ ohn Dunnuck, OperatIons Coordmator Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed and AI ~ /" / Approved By: . It//.A'p~ Marla Ramsey, Direct Department of Parks and Recreatlon Date: '3 ire... / ~9 Date: :5- (2..7:9 Reviewed and Approved By: Thomas W. Olliff, Pub i e ices Administrator Division of Public Services Date: 3'\5'~ AQendh ~~e~ No. ! -lC.) r MAR 2 3 \9S9 p~. ~ - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR FUND SHARING: NAPLES BEACH ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NAPLES LANDING PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, AND EDGE SKATE PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN Collier County, ("County"); and the City of Naples, ("City"); WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Collier County has approved funding assistance to the City of Naples for the Naples Beach Access Improvements Project; and \VHEREAS, this funding was approved in the 1999 fiscal budget for Collier County; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants contained herein, the County and the City hereby agree as follows: Section 1. The County shall pay fifty percent (50%) funding of the costs of the Naples Beach Access Improvements Phase II Project, payable as reimbursement to the City not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). The City shall submit invoices for this Project to the County not later than September 30, 1999. Section 2. In the event that the current Beach Parking Interlocal Agreement between the City and the County, dated November 5, 1997, should not for any reason have an effective duration of a full ten (lID years following the completion of the Naples Beach Access Improvements Phase II Project), the City shall refund to the County the County's proportionate share of the useful life remainder value of the Naples Beach Access Improvements Phase II Project. Improvements to the Naples Beach Access Improvements Phase II Project are deemed to have a useful life often (10) years. The subject refund shall be based on the County's funding contribution reduced by ten (10) year straight line deprociation of the beach access improvements with no residual value. Section 3. The County will pay up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) for phase III refurbishment of [he Naples Landing Park, payable as reimbursements to the City. The City shall submit the invoices to the County for said project not later then September 30, 1999. Section 4. The City shall not assess an additional admission fee, user fee, etc., to residents of Collier County during the life of the project without prior written approval by an authorized County representative. In Agen/~. ~ tem No. /I {c. I{ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~ the event that this stipulation is violated, the City shall refund to the County the County's proportionate share of the useful life remainder value of the Naples Landing Park improvements. Improvements to the Naples Landing Park are deemed to have a useful life of twenty (20) years. This refund shall be based on twenty (20) year straight line depreciation of the Naples Landing improvements with no residual value. Section 5. The County shall pay up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) for improvements to the Edge Skate facility at Fleischmann Park, payable as reimbursements to the City. The City shall submit the invoices to the County for said project not later than September 30, 1999. The City shall not assess any additional admission fee, user fee, etc.;'fu residents of unincorporated Collier County during the life of the project, without prior written approval by an authorized County representative. In the event that this stipulation is violated, the City shall refund to the County the County's proportionate share of the useful life remainder value of the skate park's improvements. Improvements to the Edge Skate facility are deemed to have a useful life of ten (10) years. This refund shall be based on ten (10) year straight line depreciation of the skate facility improvements with no residual value. Section 6. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts by the parties hereto. This Agreement shall take effect on the last day of execution by the last party to execute same. Section 7. This Agreement shall be recorded by the County in the Official Records of Collier County within thirty (30) days after this Agreement is fully executed. DATE: ATTEST D\VIGHT E. BROCK, By: BOARD OF COUNTY COM1vIISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAMELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency: 11~ ?~ ~ Thomas C. Palmer Agenda dJtem NO. ((1( ~ MAR 2 3 1999 pg. 1- - - - Assistant County Attorney ATTEST: TARA NORIvlA.N, CITY CLERK ~ r::11~ BY: DATE:~~~ ~.~~ Approved as to form and Le;;;::;;~-ftL Kenneth B. Cuyler City Attorney / gen/ agree/in ter localagreepar k Agendl !~'r No.-.lb(CJ..:;;. MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. eS - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR FUND SHARING EVERGLADES CITY COMMIJNITY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS THIS Il\TERLOCAL AGREEMENT, BY AND BETWEEN Collier County, ("County"): and the City of Everglades, a Florida Municipal Corporation ("City"); \VHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Collier County has approved funding assistance to the City of Everglades for the Everglades Community Center Improvements Project; and \VHERE.i\.S, this funding was approved in the 1999 fiscal budget for Collier County. :\O\\', THEREFORE, in consideratiOn of the covenants contained herein, the County and the City hereby agrees as follr Section 1. The County shall pay up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for refurbishment of the Everglades City Community Center, payable as reimbursement to the City. The City shall submit invoices to the County for the project not later than September 30, 1999. Section 2. The City shall not assess an additional admission fee, user fee, etc., to residents of Collier County during the life of the project. The City shall make said Community Center available for the County's summer youth camp program. These improvements are deemed to have a useful life of fifteen (15) years and if this stipulation is violated, the City shall refund to the County the useful life remainder value of the skate park's improvements calculated on fifteen (15) year straight line depreciation with no residual value. Section 3: This Agreement may be signed in counterparts by the parties hereto, This Agreement shall take effect on the last day of execution by the party that last executed this agreement. Section 4: This Agreement shar ,';': recorded by the County in the Official Records of Coli jer County within thirty (30) days after this Agreement is fully executed. DATE: ATTEST DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: BY: PA1v1ELA S. MAC'KIE, CHAIRWOMAN ~~;nO/kc~~tv MAR 2 3 1999 f'g. ~_ Approved as to [01111 and Legal sufficiency: 0uv1 r~ Thodas C. Palmer Assistant County Attorney ATTEST \JAR THA DA?\IELS, CITY CLERK CITY OF EVERGLADES, A FLORIDA MUNIIPAL CORPORATION \ ~ ~ -fun UlLJ 'BY~a~/t5~'.--- ~~ SAMMY HAM LTON JR., MAYOR Appro\'cd as to [01111 and Legal suffic' DATE: P. Pires, Jr. ~~~n~& ({'jei MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 7 , ... --t EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ( PPROV AL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT RECOGNIZING AN ADDITIONAL $48,637 IN 6T A TE AID TO LIBRARIES IN FY99. OBJECTIVE: To recognize and budget additional funds that the Collier County Public Library System is authorized to receive in State Aid for FY 1998. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board approved submission of the Application for State Aid on September 22,1998. Florida Statutes stipulate the maImer in which these funds may be expended. State Aid to Libraries is, by legislative intent, provided to improve library services within the State and is to supplement, rather than replace, local efforts towards that end. The Collier County Public Library has qualified for State Aid to Libraries since the program inception in 1964. State Aid was included as anticipated revenue ($300,000) in the FY 1999 Collier County General Fund Budget. The actual amount of State Aid received depends on the number of Florida Counties qualifying and the amount of funds appropriated by the Florida Legislature. This program was funded by the Legislature at a level which will provide $348,637 to Collier County. This figure is $15,225 higher than State Aid received in FY 1998, and $48,637 higher than anticipated in the FY98 Budget. As local governmental support for the Library increases, ~o does the amount returned to Collier County in State Aid. These funds can be used for any Library expense except fixed capital purchases such as construction or equipment purchased as part of a construction project, and cannot replace local funds. Library staff is recommending that funds be used to upgrade Library computer which runs the public catalog, circulation, cataloging and acquisitions functions. FISCAL IMPACT: The Library General Fund Budget for FY 1999 will increase from $3,325,100 to $3,373,737. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of accompanying budget amend- ment which recognizes additional State Aid and places the funds in appropriate expenditure accounts. Preparedby: ~ fit~ ari yn M es, ASSIstant Dlfector DATE: 3/1 2-/ lJ 9 . Reviewed and Approved by: J DATE: 3/ J5'I'fi ~ ~viewed and Approved by: Thomas W. Olliff, DATE: blic Services Administrator ~g~n1~t~ MAR 2 3 )999 Pg. . ",., r-- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADD ASSET #940024, A 1994 FORD AEROSTAR V AN, TO THE MARCH 27, 1999, AUCTION LIST. OBJECTIVE: Obtain Board of County Commissioners approval to add Asset #940024, a 1994 Ford Aerostar van, to the March 27, 1999, auction list. CONSIDERATION: The Board approved the March 27, 1999, auction list on March 9, 1999. Since the original auction list was published, the scheduled replacement for Asset #940024 was received. The replacement was not expected until the end of March. If the replaced vehicle is not sold at this auction, it will receive very limited use, due to mileage and condition, for the next six months to a year until the next auction. Waiting for the next auction will result in the vehicle losing value; thus the County is best served to auction the vehicle now. FISCAL IMPACT: Revenue from sale of this vehicle is estimated at $3500-$4000 if sold at the March 27, 1999 auction. If sold at the following auction, revenue would decrease an estimated $500 - $1000. ~ GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Add Asset #940024 to the March 27, 1999, auction list. SUBMITTED BY: Date: 3/t199 / / REVIEWED BY: ~ '<11 0~ Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director ? /0 )e1' G(' Date: ::I REVIEWED BY: , ~~ Date: *-/79 Skip Camp, Facilities Management Director REVIEWED BY: Date: rt Services Administrator '_~/7!9/ I ~. :O~EHOAJ le,T67 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AWARD OF BID NO. 98-2903 FOR LABORATORY CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES. CONSIDERATIONS: On January 4, 1999 the Purchasing Department published and distributed bid packages to eighteen (18) vendors for laboratory chemicals and supplies for the Pollution Control, Collier County Water Reclamation, and Collier County Water Department Laboratories. A bid opening was held on January 27, 1999, with three (3) bidders submitting. See attached bid tabulation sheet. Vendors were asked to give a "percentage off' price for Classes I through V (various chemicals and supplies). These percentages were applied to a list of items to determine the lowest, responsive bidder. This bid will be available for use by all County Departments. Staff recommends award to VWR Scientific as the lowest, qualified and responsive bidder. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that approximately $200,000 will be spent for laboratory chemicals and supplies this fiscal year. Funds are available within the various County Departments. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: None. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid No. 98-2903, Laboratory ~Shemicals & Supplies to VWR Scientific. SUBMITTED BY:~\-Y'\'Y~,-' ,:fr,), ((.(' Rhonda L. Snell, Buyer I ' DATE: .J) C~ ,C{'\ ,,~. - ~") " REVIEWED BY: ..Y'-'?c-~'C/'!.--, ,;' l~"' Stephen Y. Carnell, Director Purchasing/General Services REVIEWED ByQ J/tn!/W,., ,./ Paul MiAkl1sCh, Water Director .---, DATE: ) , ,- ,. .,. J --_- .......4 \ i /0/:'<) DATE: .5. j /J REVIEWED BY: c:::::::::::::;.......- 2~ DATE: ~ - ,., G. George Yilmaz, Pollution Control Director REVIEWED BY' ~--~" ~;':(~i (.l~~ DATE' . _"', L ( (l, ./J I ...... J { . Leo E. Ochs, Support 'Services Administrator ~!/" .". /' 7.,)/"") IF,;' , ,/ ~ ...C,iE:HO.... IDEM No. /(,,.' V MAR 2 3 1999 I Pg. co ~ ... ...... u s:: <l) ~p:: U'J ~ Il) en :E coo ::J ~ V U s:: c:l ...-c.. C ,., .... III - .~ ~ c.. :- c. 50--= :::::l ~: (fJ .... lo. III U e': iU u ... '0' ",. u c E '- - c.. - Q) .L: U ~ 0 - r:l ... 0 ..0 r:l '" ..J <:.I C. C. - rJJ ~ '" e': .~ ~ Q;; - - U ~ lo. ~ 0 ...... ~ ~ e': I lo. <:: C 0 ~ e': ,., ~ .., - I I ~ QO ~ , - ~ ~ "'0 c:o "- Qj ~ t2 ...... M co: ...... s:: Cl 0 E= .2 en en N ...... ...... s:: . U <:': co ll) - c en .~ ..0 Il) ~ "- <:': c.. as o..E- 0 <>: .. .-.- . ..... .: : . ....... :: :.. :::: - -. ....: ..::. '.' .'. ::- : : " '. .. ..' .- . : .:... - .- .. :-.' .-. ,- - - . .' ..' > ':.: I. . .... ....... ... .... . .. ".:" ..': .:... .: .:... ......: .... .... '.' . . ~ ....... > ..\ ...... .- ~ '.- .... ~ : > c '(J V"1. ) > V"I. .... . . ..... 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Q) u ~ - "0 Co l= < 0 u u ~ .- ;;:, c; = =- ~ ..c r- U ~ '" (\:l ::: (;l [/) - 0.. :-:; u c ~ U l- E 0 - ..., "0 c.. Oi: c.. r- Il) r- r- ..: U <5 r- :: E Il) <5 .- ClJ ..., l- r- ..- "'0 - E r- C2 e:::: [/) "'0 I:': <: ~ -< E 0.. ~ iIi VJ Q) VJ "0 ;::.., Q) CO = ;:: - C!:i 0 >- Z .- . ..- u ~ l- - ::: o U V Q) .... .... .... .~ ~..~ ..i. '.' Q) '0 Q) z ::: VJ Q) VJ Q) 0 u Q) >- Z >- r.tJ .. ..... C") '. .. - .... '. 0 '::; C") ill ::: (/1 en 0 ':) 0 ro Z >- Z 0.. - ~ M ~ 0 ~ Cl - ~ IX) I Cl I "C iil .Gum.. h'~ No . I ~ ;)- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. .r- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH PARTNERS. OBJECTIVE: To seek approval of a contract between Collier County and Community Health Partners, Inc., for group health managed care network fees and services. CONSIDERATION: In 1994, the Board entered into a contract with SunHealth for group health managed care fees and services. Sun Health was a statewide provider network, which had under contract many of the local physicians and other healthcare providers in the Collier County area. At that time, no locally based network existed, Subsequent to this time, Naples Community Hospital along with local physicians in Collier County created what is now known as Community Health Partners, Inc., which is commonly referred to as a Physician Hospital Organization or "PHO". Community Health Partners entered into an agreement with SunHealth to provide specialized healthcare services not available in Collier County. r-' After establishing Community Health Partners, the PHO approached Collier County to discuss a contractual arrangement directly with Community Health Partners. In 1996, staff received approval from the Board to proceed with the exploration of this direct contract arrangement, however, this was delayed due to problems with the County's third party administrator at that time, First Health. First Health did not posess the ability to administer certain portions of the program and in general did not perform to the expectations of the County. The contract with First Health was subsequently terminated and Florida 1 st was hired to perform third party administration services on January 1, 1998. Negotiation of a contract with Community Health Partners began in 1998 and the final agreement is presented at this time. Community Health Partners, in good faith, agreed to allow Florida 1 st to utilize this reduced fee schedule prior to finalizing this contract The advantage to Collier County of this arrangement is that the county will receive a 10% reduction in hospital related fees that would not have been available under the SunHealth contract Generally, hospital fees comprise approximately 50% of total healthcare costs_ In FY 98, the County incurred approximately $4,700,000 in claims expenses, Utilizing this formula, a 10% fee' reduction would result in approximate savings of $235,000. Physician's fees remain the same under the Community Health Partners agreement as they were under the SunHealth agreement There is a PHO access fee under the contract of $2.25 per employee per month, which totals approximately $37,800 per year. r---. AGENO~ ITEM No. /(>D:3 ~~~ ? 1999 ~ The term of the contract is from January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999. It automatically renews annually thereafter unless notification of the intent to non-renew is given by either party 90 days prior to renewal. The contract also contains a 60-day termination for convenience provision, FISCAL IMPACT: The PHO access fee to enter into this contract is approximately $37,800 per year dependent on actual enrollment. Funds would be payable from the Group Health and Life Fund, GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended that the Board approve a contract between Collier County and Community Health Partners, Inc, for group health managed care services and fees, authorizing staff to prepare those budget amendments necessary to fund the contract. The contract and details of the health plan are on file in the Board of Commissioners office, SUBMITTED BY~~ Date :;4/0/1 Walker, CPCU, ARM Director, Risk Management r- REVIEWED BY: ,. ~ (.,'. '- ~I . 'l '~, ~ I... / Date: f Leo E Ochs, k.. Support Services Administrator 7Ii-:;j~; '7 ,', I < ~ N~~:Jt g~M MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ;.;z EXECUTIVE SUMMARY APPROVAL OF A BUDGET AMENDMENT TO PROPERTY & CASUALTY (",-. INSURANCE PROGRAM FUND OBJECTIVE: To seek approval from the Board of County Commissioners ofa budget amendment to fund the Property & Casualty insurance claims and settlements for the remainder of fiscal year 1999. CONSIDERATIONS: The Board of County Commissioners operates a self-insured property and casualty insurance program to fund property and casualty claims. A budget amendment is sought to provide sufficient funding for the payment of claims through the remainder of Fiscal Year 1999. The primary reason for requesting this budget amendment is due to the payment of auto losses, property losses, settlements, judgments, and their related litigation expenses which have occurred in FY 99. To date, there have been eleven major cases where settlement payment became due in FY 99. These cases totaled $308,325 in settlement and judgment costs. In addition, it has been necessary to retain outside counsel in several cases due to conflict of interest and administrative reasons which has increased defense costs. The total paid for expenses including attorney fees to outside counsel as of December 1998, was $217,171. Currently pending are outside attorney fees in the amount of approximately $190,000 through end of FY99. On-going processing of third party loss payments, BCC property and auto physical damage claims have totaled r-- $62,583. Total paid losses for FY 99 have been $279,754. Currently, $350,000 is budgeted in the Property & Casualty Insurance Program Fund for the payment of claims expenses. It is recommended that a budget amendment of $450,000 be approved through the transfer of funds from Reinsurance Premiums and Reserves to the Property & Casualty Insurance Program Fund. This amount will cover the settlements approved by the Board and cover claims expenses for the remainder of the year. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: None. FISCAL IMP ACT: The Board of County Commissioners appropriates reserves expressly for the payment of claims and settlement costs. Funds are available from Reinsurance Premiums and Reserves. r-- RECOMMENDA TION: It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners approve a budget amendment to the Property & Casualty Insurance Program Fund. PREPARED BY: .~/~tl(- ,j};c ~ ,c,.J.- Date: .J /,1 /9f \....... , - Lynn Uvans, S"enior Risk Analyst REVIEWED BY~ Date: $/rl/j'j ef alker, CPCU, ARM, Risk Management Director REVIEWED BY: -. ( - ~- l -t/.~.'.( l. ' /./) Date:"> I).);" Leo E. Ochs, Jr., Support' Services Administrator N~~E rIDir/ bElJ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ..-- I ~. .~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD BID #99-2913 FOR CONTRACT PRINTING OBJECTIVE: To award a two-year term agreement for contract printing for use by all County Departments. CONSIDERATIONS: Throughout the year, the Purchasing Department has the need to contact firms for the printing of a wide variety of documents for various County departments. Many of the document print jobs are routine in nature, and therefore lend themselves to standard specifications. On February 12, 1999, formal bid invitations were distributed to 36 firms providing printing services. Bid specifications requested pricing for 47 different proposals for various types of 'flat forms, single/multi-part forms, business cards, continuous feed forms, and envelopes used by various County Departments. On March 3, 1999, bids were received and opened from 7 printing firms. After careful analysis of all proposals, staff recommends award of this bid on a proposal by proposal basis as listed on Attachment "A" and in accordance with the tabulation sheets. The bid tabulation sheets are available for review in the Purchasing Department. In order to provide the best possible service to the County, the proposals will be awarded to the apparent low bidders on a primary, secondary and tertiary basis in order to facilitate timely delivery and turn- around requirements and to ensure a quality product. Due to a pattern of long lead times and late deliveries throughout the previous printing contract period, a 10% penalty for late deliveries has been instituted, with possible termination for excessive late deliveries. For this reason, staff is requesting entire bid offerings of the bidders listed herein be accepted as additional suppliers to be utilized in the event of inability or termination of the lowest bidder to furnish product as needed. In such a situation, the next lowest bidder would be contacted until the needed product could be obtained. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that approximately $35,000 will be expended annually from funds appropriated in the operating budgets of the respective using agencies. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACE: None RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid #99-2913 for contract printing as shown in the enclosed Attachment "A". "GEHO~ n.E~'/ I Mo. Ie. f).=2 , t-\AR 2 3 1999 po- , - PREP ARED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVIEWED BY: //: '-~/ ;. \ ,..~ , " ~- ../ -..... , Kelsey Ward, Buyer II Purchasing' Department ~/~'- '^ / .' / I. . . - . ./ - --";R"~" Vl. Ve "" (. St~ph~ Carnell, 'CSM, Director Purchasing/General Services Department . ~_.I~C(' /': //~,( ( c_~'1 ,/ Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Administrator Support Services Division DATE: 03/11/99 DATE: ':) (j"L/cr f DATE: '-~.r' ./;-_.';;, i . ....' 0-" - .- !. ;;_ /"C . I N~~ENQ'(.rIJ:r MAR 2 3 1999 d- P9. Proposal # Flat Forms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16a 16b Carbonless Forms 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Primary Awardee PRIDE Advanced Nationwide PRIDE Advanced Nationwide Advanced Nationwide Pederson Printing PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE Pederson Printing Pederson Printing Pederson Printing PRIDE PRIDE New York Press PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE New York Press PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE Tractor Feed Forms 32 33 A-I Printing A-I Printing ATTACHMENT' A' AWARDEE LIST Secondary Awardee Tertiary Awardee Pederson Printing PRIDE Pederson Printing PRIDE PRIDE Advanced Nationwide Pederson Printing Pederson Printing Pederson Printing PRIDE PRIDE PRIDE New York Press New York Press PRIDE New York Press Pederson Printing Pederson Printing Pederson Printing Pederson Printing Advanced Nationwide Advanced Nationwide Pederson Printing New York Press PRIDE Pederson Printing New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press Pederson Printing New York Press New York Press Pederson Printing New York Press Pederson Printing Pederson Printing New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press Pederson Printing Advanced Nationwide A-I Printing Pederson Printing New York Press New York Press New York Press New York Press Pederson Printing New York Press A- 1 Printing Pederson Printing Advanced Nationwide A-I Printing A-I Printing Advanced Nationwide Pederson Printing Pederson Printing New York Press Pederson Printing Daniel Printing Advanced Nationwide Advanced Nationwide * no other bidders N~~EN' (,ITtr~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. -3 , \ Executive Summary Attachment "A" Title: Recommendation to Award Bid #99- 2913 for Contract Printing Page 2 Proposal # Primary Awardee Secondary Awardee Tertiary Awardee Envelopes 34 Pederson Printing Advanced Nationwide PRIDE 35 Pederson Printing A-I Printing PRIDE 36 PRIDE Pederson Printing New York Press 37 Advanced Nationwide New York Press Pederson Printing 38 PRIDE Advanced Nationwide Pederson Printing 39 PRIDE Pederson Printing New York Press 40a,b Advanced Nationwide New York Press A-I Printing 40c Advanced Nationwide A-I Printing New York Press 40d Advanced Nationwide A-I Printing Sir Speedy Business Cards 41,42 Pederson Printing PRIDE Advanced Nationwide 43 Pederson Pringing PRIDE Sir Speedy 44 PRIDE Pederson Printing Sir Speedy 45 Pederson Printing PRIDE Advanced Nationwide 46 Pederson Printing PRIDE Sir Speedy Airport Authority Package 47 PRIDE Advanced Nationwide Sir Speedy ':'~ENO}GT~ r 99 Pg. /r'- r'- r-" APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENTS BCC Agenda of March 23, 1999 General (Fund 001) Budget Amendment #99-171 Public Defender Telephone System Reserves Reserves for Contingencies Total: Explanation: To fund the purchase of phones compatible with voice mail. $3,700 (3,700) -0- General (Fund 001) Budget Amendment #99-181 Maintenance Service Reserves Reserves for Contingencies Total: $8,500 (8,500) -0- Explanation: Funds to be transferred into the Department to fund an Indoor Air Quality Preventive Management Plan, which includes policy, operating procedures, forms and training program. Capital Projects (Fund 301) Budget Amendment #99-183 Building Improvements Building F Renovations Total: $4,800 (4,800) -0- Explanation: Funds to be transferred to complete carpeting of C-I, Tax Collector's Building. Park Improvements (Fund 306) Budget Amendment #99-185 Capital Improvements Reserves Reserves for Capital Outlay Total: Explanation: Funds to repair gazebo. $1,600 (1,600) AGENDA ITEM NO.1" ell) -0- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I r'- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE MARCH 23,1999 FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO FILE FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS DIRECTED: 2. Clerk of Courts: Submitted for public record, pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 136.06(1), the disbursements for the Board of County Commissioners for the period: A. February 22 - 26, 1999 B. March 1 - 5, 1999 3. Districts: A. Collier County Housing Authority - Annual Financial Report FYE 9/30/98, Approved Budget FY 1998-1999, Registered Office and Agent, Schedule of Regular Meetings 1998-1999, Description of Outstanding Bonds FYE 9/30/98, Public Facilities Report, and Audit and Management Letter FYE 9/30/98 r---. B. Collier Mosquito Control District - Public Facilities Report and District Map C. Port of the Islands Community Improvement District - Notice of meeting of February 18, 1999 and minutes of meetings held August 6, October 15 and November 19,1998 and January 21,1999 D. South Florida Water Management District - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FYE 9/30/98, Management Letter FYE 9/30/98, Schedule of Governing Board Meetings for 1998-1999, District Map 4. Minutes: A. Affordable Housing Commission - Minutes of meetings of October 22, 1998 and December 17,1998 and January 21,1999 B. Airport Authority - Minutes of Mee-ting of January 11, 1999 and agenda of February 8, 1999 C. Code Enforcement Board (South) - Minutes of meeting of January 8, 1999 D. Collier County Planning Commission - Agenda of February 18, 1999 and AGEND't, rtM No . I I ,"'--" MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. r'. ,r' ~ minutes of meeting of January 21, 1999 E. Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee - Agenda of March 9, 1999 and minutes of meeting of February 9, 1999 F. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Agenda of February 24, 1999 and minutes of meeting of January 27, 1999 G. Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee - Agenda of March 8, 1999 and minutes of meeting of February 8, 1999 AGE NOt ITEM No. / ,(:..., I , t ., '-- MAR 2 3 1999 Z- Pg. ., EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REQUEST APPROV AL FOR THE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT DESKTOP COMPUTER SYSTEMS FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE FROM DELL COMPUTERS UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT #250-040-99-1. r-- OBJECTIVE: To purchase replacement desktop computer systems from Dell Computers under the terms and conditions of State of Florida Contract #250-040-99- I. CONSIDERATIONS: Currently, the Collier County Sheriff's Office has numerous 286- and 386- processor level computers that are obsolete for running the necessary applications on the current operating system. Funding for replacement computers was approved for the FY 1999 budget year under 301 Fund guidelines. While several different desktop computer systems have been reviewed, the P6400 Pentium II mid- tower desktop computer from Dell Computers represents the least expensive total cost of ownership, current technology system available under the State of Florida Contract #250-040-99-1. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to purchase the replacement computers will be $100,600.00 and are available in: r-- Fund: Cost Center: Object: Project: 301 611010 764990 OlGll Facilities Mgmt., Countywide CIP Law Enforcement - Pd. by Sheriff Other Machinery & Equipment PC Modernization GROWTH IMPACT: There are no recurring costs for subsequent years. RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners authoriz.e the purchase of replacement computers described above from Dell Computers under State of Florida Contract #250-040-99-1. REVIEWED BY: DATE: wpd51\expcx2\dv AGENDA ITEM No. f r f H \ r'. I':,~. ~ 2 3 1999 Pg. i~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. OSP-98-1 , DAVE SNEED OF KUHLMAN ENGINEERING, REPRESENTING AZAR GALLERY, REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR 20 OFF-SITE PARKING SPACES ON LOT 26, AND THE WEST HALF OF LOT 25, BLOCK B, NAPLES VILLAS TO SERVE AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL FACILITY ON LOT 1, BLOCK B, NAPLES VILLAS AND WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD (CR-31) AND POINSETTIA AVENUE, IN SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST. OBJECTIVE: The applicant is requesting approval of 20 off-site parking spaces on Lot 26 and the west half of Lot 25, Block B, Naples Villas which is zoned "RMF-6". The objective is to rectify a preexisting parking deficiency on Lot 1, Block B, Naples Villas which contains an existing 3,650 square foot commercial building and is zoned C-4. r' CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant is requesting approval of 20 off-site parking spaces on the above referenced residential lot which is presently undeveloped. The additional parking is in support of an existing commercial building that has been in existence since 1973. Consequently, the site improvements made at that time were either inconsistent with development standards or built to older development standards that do not meet current requirements. Based on these circumstances, the site's eight (8) existing parking spaces are less than the 15 parking spaces required for retail land uses for the existing building. It should be noted that the parking calculation for the petitioner's carpet store is only 1 space per 600 square feet of floor area which results in a requirement of 6 parking spaces. However. the 8 existinji parkinli spaces on-site are confiiured in such a manner as to require direct access to each space from a public street which is no lonier permitted. In addition. the petitioner claims that the eight parkin~ spaces are insufficient durini their busiest work hours. Since this commercial site cannot provide the needed off-street parking on-site during the peak hours, the additional parking spaces must be provided off-site. In order to provide parking to meet the demand and to improve safety and aesthetics, the petitioner is proposing to locate 20 additional parking spaces on an adjacent lot to the east. The additional parking will also meet the retail parking requirements for the subject structure. Lastly, this lot will be landscaped and buffered from the adjacent residential properties consistent with the Land Development Code. r--, AGENDA ITEM No. / 'I If MAR 2 3 1999 J Pg. 1 The Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) reviewed this petition during their public hearing of March 4, 1999, The cepc unanimously recommended by a 9 to 0 vote to forward petition OSP-98-1 to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval. In addition, staff has not received any letters in opposition to this petition and no one spoke against this petition during the public hearing. As a result, this petition has been placed on the Summary Agenda. FISCAL IMPACT: The CommerciallIndustrial impact fees for retail land uses include the following categories: (I) Roads; (2) Fire; (3) EMS; and (4) Surcharges that include: a) Radon Gas; b) Building Code Administration; and c) Micro Film. These impact fees are based on the total square footage of any new commercial structure or addition thereof. However, since this petition only provides off-street parking for the existing land use and is not expanding or increasing the square footage of the retail or storage areas within this commercial building, the above referenced impact fees can't be applied to the proposed parking lot. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The off-site parking spaces can only be requested on residentially zoned parcels which meet the locational requirements for commercial uses as noted in Section of the Land Development Code. This section states that where off-site parking is proposed for commercial uses, all of the lots proposed for off-site parking must meet the Locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Growth Management Plan (GMP) or be designed to serve water-dependent and/or water-related uses described in the GMP. Since the subject parcel is not located within an Activity Center, nor will the proposed off-site parking be in support of a water- dependent and/or water-related use, the subject lot must meet the criteria for Transitional C-l/T Zoning. Since the residential lot abuts a commercial C-4 lot and a parking lot is also a permitted use in the C-lIT zoning district, staff is of the opinion that this petition for off-site parking is consistent with the Locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the FLUE of the GMP. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) approve petition OSP-98-1 subject to the conditions of approval as described in the Resolution of Adoption and Exhibits made a part of this executive summary. --, AGENDA-ITEM No. /1,4- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~ 2 PREPARED BY: / / / / ? , / I <', " / , _ RA YBELLOWS, PRINCIPAL PLANNER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION RE:VIEWEJ;:> By:": 1\ .' ,\ , .. i \ \ l ,-.~ t.. : \ / RONALD F. NINO, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION < ~. .~_._------_._------- ROBERT 1. MULHERE, AICP, DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~. APPROVEIFBY: /'),/ I - f7!il ~l < VINCENT A. CAUTERO, AICP, ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEY. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. OSP-98-11 EX SUMMARY/RYB/rb 3 -:> r :0 --.) '- \ / / DATE -3.; 1 c1 DATE "'1 I ,', ~.' ) 6 . '/ DATE ~/ /J-cz7 DATE AGENOA ITEM No. 17 A MAR 2 3 1999 3 Pg. \lE:\;IORANDUM AGENDA ITEM 7-G TO: COLLIER COUNTY PL-\~~ING COMMISSION FRO\1: CO:v1ML'NITY DEVELOP:vlENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DATE: FEBRCARY 8. 1999 RE: PETITION NO: OSP.98-1. AlAR RUG GALLERY. INC. O\VNERJAGENT: Agent: Mr. David Sneed Kuhlman Engineering. Inc. 2647 Davis Boulevard Naples. Florida 34104 Owner: Mr, Ahmad Mirziai Azar Gallery. Inc. 989 Airport Road South Naples. Florida 34104 REOCESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting approval of 20 off'-site parking spaces on Lot 26 and the west half of Lot 25. Block B. Naples Villas. to rectify a preexisting parking deficiency on Lot 1. Block B. Naples Villas which contains an existing 3.650 square foot commercial building, GEOGR.\PHIC LOCATION: The subject property proposed for off-site parking is located on the north side of Poinsettia Avenue and approximately 149 feet east of Airport Road. (See illustration on following page). PURPOSEIDESCRIPTION OF AMMENDM.ENT: The petitioner owns a commercial building that was constructed in 1973 prior to the site development plan (SDP) process. As a result. there was no comprehensive site review prior to construction. Consequently, the site improvements were either inconsistent with development standards or built to older development standards that do not meet current requirements. Based on these circumstances. the site's eight (8) parking spaces are less than the number of parking spaces for retail land uses on the subject site. A retail store would require a total of 15 parking spaces on-site as listed in Section 2.3.14 of the LDC. It should be noted that the parking calculation for the petitioner' s existing carpet store is only 1 space per 600 square feet of floor area which results in a requirement of 6 parking spaces. However, the 8 existing parking spaces on-site are configured in such a manner as to require direct access to each space from a ublic street which is no longer permitted. In addition. the petitioner claims that the ight ~fEM spaces are insufficient during their busiest work hours. Since this commercial site c ~r(wicip /1 A- I MA~ 2 3 1999 i< ~ ~ pa. 4 \ .~. --. - = >---- -'-'~ - ::r--. '2 Oi z o I---- ;""dC --v.t....N3:: w- ~t\~. c - - '" ~ ~)-. ; ~-. '-" z -- i,f) _ ,....., r----o -=: S?-~'---'3 v ~ - V) I '""""--::; CD ~'~~::.~ =- ~~~)--;/) ~ -~, l I I I " z 'c I~ I? I=- :>. 12 3 ;;~ - ::""L~"i."" 8 " '" ~ ~~~ if~ ~ " '> ~..;...l.-i- .r =:"J C'tOo 8\1r~,"ic-lbCdd.lV' ,~---:.:\-- ,~~r- o . ~v " Q,i i i "'-./, : I ,,~ "", ..:''\--- :/\.'1 S3t\331S z 0;; " '=! Z, 5, <: _" -'='13 .,. ...-- ~'~, ~,6'~' '~~ \ ~ ..... /' ~w : - "'. i < \ / ~- ~- i ~ V; ,,~ "' ~~ ::k::' ~- - \'-15 ~ --;~ /~, ~ ~- \.) \ 3""r:l5 OJ)OH / - -.- > S 7' i - I // ~ ' / t~ "'/' l/I~B "b~ ~~d ~ -~"' ~5~ ~ ~"'~ I.......--a~ CYO~ ~8 AJ "'f'lOO I 'h >~'" ~~o ,-,:Ii u,~ ~"' ~'I! / .r=-:~~V: / :;~ --e:::;:::::::3;!..,~ ~~^ il ::~ >gS:; <'....! . ~ :;;~g : # ~! ~ --;1 d '~, w --I' z :I! i~ iir' s:: 0' ~~ ~,\ /~- tr :1 S3H1e rGm'f'1 OOCJG" 04V'1t ~ll 8~1! ~ - ---J , Q\(~ IC1JS:>NJ/ln I~ ~ i ~ ~::t: o~ II ~~ ~ ~~ II t'~ >-:g m '" ty ~~ I "'~ (I~ lt~) """" ONmr.r,,,,,,,,,.... /i1 ~ Ii il ~ '...;.-- ~I; i,l: l ~ ~ I, 0 0<< ii ~ r I ~ ~ ~ s~ ~~ .1' ."1 0'1 :61 '" ~ ::l ~ - ''';;/1( ~~ :i~ ~~~ 1'1 ~ ~,~ ,I ;.1(J , i!~ jll~ "'~ ~ ~ LL!~ H~ ,- S"l'Oil "fl!s::>"'~n ~ ~ '" . 0;, ,c g I' ~'" ,18\3 I ,,5 '" ' i "'~~ ;Xl " . I~~~ . : : go $ ~ 0;, i!! ,0 z ~ '" ii ~o ~ ~~ if, ~'" ~ 3I:OI-6.l."'S SS3"lOO11M I ,to 'S'~) ~""l:lJ 1"""'1"",..1 \;; (I, rr=::./ ~~ 0 r--\ v <Xl '" ~ a.. <( ~ o '" <: > '" 5 '" Vl 5 .. o UJ I- - en I CD. 0., I' Q.., ~I ,.' %' ~! 1-' 1-' w, Q.. ~ '" w ~ a.. <( ~ z o - I- <( U o -J s ~ 7!!- ... ~ !:? ='. '.. '. .-.oE WAAEHOuSE ~ ~. t.,'+ ~ t i .....9 ....1--.-_ _~..;...-::: ,~. 'J" 1T'J" -- '..r --- W~ ---- 17'0" ~ ~ ,--~= ;; !"X'I~n...c. '="'T~l.:~E _--1._ ~ 9 --------.- - 9101 I NC,. STI1UC'lIJJ::E ': ;. ? l'l " ~.-.-.~ ".... ',.. t_.r . : =-. -{"- --.1._____ b ... l.AH08CAP'E -.-- RE~ ~1lJ~~.. 'f& 1"9T"t l . 4,""'~^..-e: ""'f" CJort...l5rETT1.A... """'E_ SITE PL,A,N 1"=20' Os Po 8....< EXHIBIT "A" l' ~ ~'m-site during the peak hours. the additional parking spaces must be provided otf-site. In order to provide parking to meet the demand and to improve safety and aesthetics. the petitioner is proposing to locate 20 additional parking spaces on an adjacent lot to the east. The additional parking \\-ill also meet the retail parking requirements for the subject structure. Lastly. this lot will be landscaped and buffered from the adjacent residential properties. srRROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing Conditions: The property proposed for off-site parking is currently vacant (See Photograph No. I) and is zoned RMF -6. Surrounding: ?\iorth - Single-family residential and zoned R.t\1F-6. To the northwest is an existing commercial building that is zoned "C-4" East - Single-family residential (See Photo No.2) and zoned RMF-6. South - Poinsettia Avenue and single-family residential: zoned RMF -6, To the southwest is a commercial building that is zoned C-4. West - Azar Gallery and Airport Road; Zoned C-4. 1. View of adjacent property looking northeast. 2. View of adjacent property looking east. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENCY: Section Locational Restrictions, states that where off-site parking is proposed for commercial uses. all of the lots proposed for off-site parking must meet the Locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the Gro\vth Management Plan (GMP) or be designed to serve water-dependent andlor water-related uses described in the GMP. Approval of this petition does not constitute a rezone, but rather will only permit the off-site parking as depicted on the attached site plan labeled Exhibit "A", or any use which is permitted in the RMF-6 zoning district, should the off-site parking agreement be rescinded at any time in the future. '- It should be noted that the subject parcel is not located within an Activity Center. ITEM proposed off-site parking be in support of a water-dependent andlor water-related u e. h~'ever. 11 A :; L,:.R 2 3 ;99 the subject lot does meet the criteria for Transitional C-l T Zoning. Since a parking lot is also a permitted use in the C -1 T zoning district. staff is of the opinion that this petition for off-site parking is consistent with the Locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the FLUE of the GMP. EV ALUA TION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE: ENVIRONMENT AL. TRANSPORTATION AND This petition has been re\'iewed by all of the appropriate County agencies assigned jurisdictional oversight. none of which have offered any objection to this approval. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staff's analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map, Therefore. no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. However, pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code, if. during the course of site clearing, excavation or other construction activity an historic or archaeological artifact is found, all development within the minimum area necessary to protect the discovery shall be immediately stopped and the Collier County Code Enforcement Department contacted. ANAL YSIS: There are six requirements which must be satisfied in order to be granted approval of off-site parking. These requirements are as follow: a . All of the lots are under the same ownership: All lots are under the ownership of Ahmad Mirziai. c. :-:0 off-site parking space is located further than three hundred feet (300') from the building or use they are intended to serve. measured by the shortest feasible walking distance, unless special circumstances exist under Section; The furthermost off-site parking space is within approximat dy 110 feet of the existing commercial building. The lots are not separated by an arterial roadway as designated in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Grow1h Management Plan; The lots are not separated by an arterial roadway. d. At least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the required parking for the development is located on the lot with the principal structure unless special circumstances exist under Section 2, The site plan indicates that there are presently eight (8) parking spaces th t seAr~ Iff A existing 3,650 square foot carpet store. Based on the parking calculation s p~idt;d MAR 2 3 1999 '8 3 Pi. for in Section 2.3.16 of the LDC, one (1) space per 600 square feet of floor area is required for the subject carpet store. This results in a total of 6 required parking spaces. Therefore, the existing parking exceeds the requirement to provide over sixty- seven (67) percent of the required parking on the commercial lot with the principal structure. Howeyer, the 8 existing on-site parking spaces are configured in such a manner as to require direct access to each space from a public street which is no longer permitted. In addition, the petitioner claims that the eight parking spaces are insufficient during their busiest work hours. Since this commercial site cannot provide the needed off-street parking during the peak work periods, the additional parking spaces must be provided off-site. Furthermore, if the existing carpet store were converted to a retail store, the parking calculations would require a total of 15 parking spaces based on the calculation of 1 space per 250 square feet of floor area. In this case, the retail use of the site would provide only 54 percent of the required parking on-site. It should be noted that this requirement has previously been waived by the Board of County Commissioners for similar off-site parking petitions. e. The off-site parking will serve an existing structure or land use; and. The off-site parking will serve an existing commercial building. f. All of the lots proposed for off-site parking meet the locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan as described in the Crban Residential Subdistrict of the Future Land Use Element of the Grow1h Management Plan. As noted above, this petition is consistent with the locational requirements as designated in the FLUE of the Growth Management Plan. g. The off-site parking facility shall be designed to mitigate any negative effects of this parking facility on neighboring residentially zoned property. Mitigation shall include. unless specifically detennined by the Board of Zoning Appeals not to be necessary: 1. :";0 vehicular egress shall occur on local streets opposite of residential homes or within the building lines of unimproved single-family residentially zoned property. ~o access wi)) occur on a purely residential street and no access will be within the building lines of the adjacent properties. 2. Lighting shall be shielded. pointing downward. and not over 20 feet in height so as to prevent glare upon all neighboring properties, This requirement has been incorporated into the resolution. 3. A 15 foot wide landscape buffer strip shall be provided around the entire perimeter \vhere it directly abuts residentially zoned property. A six foot high fence, wall (architecturally finished), hedge or benn combination and 10 foot tall shade no more than 20 feet apart on center shall be required. AGENDA ITEM No. /7 A MAR 2 3 1999 4 Pg. 9 The conceptual site plan indicates that the petitioner has designed the parking lot in accordance with those requirements. REVIEW CRITERIA: Staff s recommendation to the Planning Board. as well as the Planning Board' s recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be based on the following review criteria set forth in Section of land Development Code: The proposed off-site parking facility, including the mgress and egress IS safe and convenient for motorists and pedestrians; The currently approved parking along the south side of the structure is arranged so that vehicles are forced to back into the right-of-way of Poinsettia Avenue (see photograph). The proposed parking lot will provide a driveway connection onto Poinsettia Avenue which safely directs ingressing and egressing traffic onto the adjacent public street. ~ ~. . The proposed off-site parking facility does not adversely impact the character and quality of the neighborhood nor will hinder the future development of surrounding properties: Where off-site parking is proposed adjacent to residentially zoned property, enhanced buffering and landscaping are required pursuant to Section of the Land Development Code. In t"~ opinion of staff, this enhanced landscape buffer will provide an adequate buffer between the proposed off-site parking facility and the residentially zoned properties adjacent to the said parking facility. Approval of the petition will not create parking problems for any neighboring propeny; Approval of this request will do nothing to create parking problems and should even reduce the parking problems for the neighboring properties due to the provision of additional off-street parking. The additional off-street parking as proposed will reduce the amount of vehicles currently parking along the right-of-way of Poinsettia A,'enue. AGENDA ITEM No. 17 tL MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. /0 ..., Other more viable parking solutions are not available to the petitioner. 5 There are no other more viable parking solutions available within the neighborhood to provide adequate parking for this building. There is also an existing commercial building to the north. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Collier County Plarming Commission (CCPC) fOf\vard Petition OSP-98-1 to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval subject to the stipulations listed on the Resolution of adoption and Restrictive Covenant. PREPARED BY: 2.'~'9~ DATE RA Y LLOWS. PRINCIPAL PLA~NER CURRE?\iT PLANNJ1\'G SECTIOi\ , REVIE\VED, : ;' ,'. \\ I c;- '; , :n, RPNALDT.---1 .' ICP. \1ANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTIO}\; ).. \L),r\L'! DATE 2-1/~f DATE APPROV~d. ~. \T'-JCENT A. CAUTERO. AICP. ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL SVCS. a. -(~ -9,,/ DATE Staff Report for the March 4. 1999 CCPC meeting. OMMISSION: OSP-98-liSTAFF REPORTIRVB/rb AGENOA ITEM No. 11~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 1/ 6 OFF-SITE PARKING APPLICATION (OSP) BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DETERMINATICU, PETITION NO. (ASSIGNED BY STAFF) DAT.E SDP NO. (ASSIGNED BY STAFF) TO BE SERVED BY OFF-SITE PARKING NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS A ZA~ c;A '-I- ~ rL.1 crRC, A I.frorZ, tv A r '-2<:> J I ~Ad? Ft..- ~.,)~ c1A-/O_4- I BLOCK If ~ 'I UNIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS LOT ~ A P L ~ ') V \ \-LA 5 SEC TWP RANGE ..... " U ~ wEST 112. 01- z. ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OFF-SITE LOT BLOck 118~. UNIT PARKING LOT SEe TWP - - RANGE -"- PETITIONER'S NAME A 2A{L ({A /..-f- ~a...-'I I ~ C. PETITIONER'S ADDRESS 7r7 4IL"~~ ~A-P "'S;-.;~ _~ A to L-~? F L. 34-1 ~ TELEPHONE I AGENT'S NAME VAPID 5j)~ / ~~'-W1AU F"c)~ rLJee4I"-""t AGENT'S ADDRESS 2(,4-7 'PAYI" ~'-o/O t..J A-~ (... ~ , F L- TELEPHONE 774- . S-s <7 4- I ZONING ON PROPOSED OFF-SITE PARKING LOT 12..1Y\f=4:> ZONING/LAND USE ON PROPERTY ADJACENT TO PROPOSED OFF ,SITE PARKING LOT. ZONING N. ---F-d1 ~(, S ~4- E ~f'l1 F lo w C+ LAND USES -1- _.A ~ AGENOA ITEM No. I1A MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I~ ZONING OF ,LOT THE OFF-SITE PARKING IS PROPOSED TO SERVE TYPE OF LAND USE THAT OFF-SITE PARKING IS PROPOSED TO SERVE (EXAMPLE: MEDICAL OF~ICE, RES!.(iURANT, ETC.) Oe,~~ I't.>C< 6<'Al-L-CIZ--7 PARKING FORMULA REQUIRED FOR ABOVE REFERENCED USE (I.E. 1 SPACE PER 250 SQ. FT.) PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.3.14 OF COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. ~:.c ')D /2 .::;b f TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR ABOVE USE '" r -, /) TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES LOCATED ON SITE % OF 'TOTAL REQUIRED 53 s TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROPOSED OFF-SITE (( DISTANCE OF PROPOSED OFF-SITE PARKING LOT TO SUBJECT BUSINESS lcrol (MEASURED BY SHORTEST FEASIBLE WALKING DISTANCT) BRIEF NARRATIVE SUMMARY OF WHAT YOU ARE PROPOSING: "P~vIO,.)L.t \'i -oAJet::/Ut. c::5f"~ 0,.) l- ~I~ -4 O...J-A;r A_~ \0 CZ V I ~ .,../ ~'" ~-.;cs.//\/~~ ~~~ -2- AGENDA ITEM No. /1A MAR 2 3 1999 /3 Pg. -- BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DETEP~INATION OF OFF-SITE PARKING PETITION YOU MUST MEET ALL 6 OF THE REQUIREMENTS BELOW: (a) All of the lots are under the same ownership; (b) No off-site parking space is located further than three hundred (300) feet from the building or use they are intended to serve, measured by the shortest feasible walking distance, unless special circumstances exist under section;* (c) The lots are not separated by an arterial roadway as designated in the Traffic Element of the Growth Management Plan; (d) At least sixty-seven (67) percent of the required parking for the development is located on the lot with the principal structure unless special circumstances exist under Section;* (e) The off-site parking will serve an existing structure or land use; and (f) All of the lots proposed for off-site parking meet the locational requirements for commercial uses as identified in the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan or are designed to serve water-dependent an~/or water-related uses as described in the Urban Residential Subdistrict of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan. *Where the following special circumstances exist the Board of Zoning Appeals may reduce the requirements of "b" and/or "d" above. If so, check the item(s) below that still allow you to submit the petition and turn in this page with your application. These special circumstances shall include, but shall not be limited to: ( a) (b) (c) (d) _(e) Where the proposed off-site parking will serv~ water- dependent and/or wa~er-related uses; Where the proposed off-site parking will serve Temporary Parking for Sports Events, Religious Events, or Community Events as described in Section 8.23; Where the proposed off-site parking will serve uses within the Immokalee Central Business District as described in Section; Where the proposed off-site parking spaces will only be for valet parking; or Where the proposed off-site parkin~ spaces will onl be for employees (limited to a max~mum of fiftee (ll~ENOAITEM percent of the project's total parking requireme t)~ 17 A -3- MAR 2 3 1999 /J./ Pg. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR BOARD OF ZONING AP?EALS DETERMINATION The Board of Zoning Appeals shall base their determination of requests for off-site parking on the following review criteria: The petitioner is encouraged to provide comments relating to each of the below listed criteria. (a) The proposed off-site parking facility, including its ingress and egress, is safe and convenient for motorists and pedestrians; Petitioner's Comments: -,-- r c i-f..-c::; ..p ~I J"- ~ IH~ ~~. Cv~/V) !s ~>V~ ~ (JCC-HIC~ ~t,)i~ ~ ~~ /~ID ;2 (~ 14'1 - (),c ,. ~It-J' CJ i= -PO I OS F-' I --rF-l~ P~Q5 ~ ?A-1e~/ML.. ~T P ~~ i.t:J .c 'SA-~ ~It /1::::" P-/C IIA ~/'-'- C!4A;,,~/;;V, - (b) The proposed off-site parking facility does not adversely impact the character and quality of the neighborhood nor will hinder the proper future development of surrounding properties; OJ,) U )Jr; ,J&",-~/~ /fr7,4Ac~ IJGIC rJ'cf)a~ , ~""'IC <?A-Pt;77 /h?/~I SUNL...o Petitioner's Comments: AGENDA ITEM No. 17A- MAR 2 3 1999 IS- -4- ,LPg. (c) Approval of the petition will not create parking problems for any neighboring property; Petitioner's Comments: ro~ /It <k...I u 4 I,.ea,~f (d) other ,more viable parking solutions are not available to the petitioner. /~ <- Ow~a:ro /Jc;; O~UffI. _fJL Av~/t-I1d4 ' AA./ ~ Z K 1-5'71/1/4 ~S~..u (!?-S . rdPP?tZtZi ;' Petitioner's Comments: -r-. /C; 7#G" OSP BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DETERMINATION/rod AGENDA ITEM No. 17A MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. J to -5- ':.olo""~AC~Q~ or """OIllTC'..'C( ',..ll.~t').....,ltw;'.'" .....;m \0 ..-c'~' ....mcI,......, .1..... .,.,......) '- ~** 20523:7 ~R: :179 PG: 0405 ~xx ~jCOI~~li :J ,U:W,l. :!COnDS of COL;:U :QUlI'l'T, I~ :5rO&lH H :: :m CW:GH! ! mer, ::m mm ,;~ ,l,xr.... ^",EIl RiCORDING 1\!~WI'\N ~o -AW OFO'CE QF ::UUW....li ~, H"'NI\.IN "'OaRINae ~ROFESS'ONA~ ev'LO."G 23351.1.1011.1.".[ TRAIL NORTH SUITE:ice I'IAPLES, FL 339'0 .il Ii ! i l I Retn: ~COGLAS L ?.AJfm :m !AKUX: ~F. R me mm f1 J3!IO ~: Tr I ,"''''rum.". P,..ect "y. This Instrum.nt "'Ia crepared by: .""'... Douglll L. Rlnotn Attornev II llw Moonng, Prof.sslonl' Building 2335 Tam'amJ Tr'lI North Sull. 30t Nap..., FL 33UO 0,0".".. ~I"'_ "_1__ (FOIDl_WI.): ~3;00350009 ~ ~3~01160004 SPACE A80Vf Tl<I5 ""Ii FOOl PROCE5$I"G CATA "'ACE AIIOV! T>tS lIfo1l FO" RECOAaNG DJlTA ~ttfi5farlion of ~ngt ~ttr J\ll 4Ln ~q 'mqrl!le JTruerch5: Thai r (1.w.) ;3vid J. Henry, a married ~an, , the owner and holder of a cerra", frlOrrgage deed e:recuted by A h marl "11 r z i ai, 3 "1 a r r i e d man, i to Savin C. Yenry, a "1arr;erl ~an, I I I I ~anngdatuhe 3Dth day of Seotember ,A.D,J994recordedinOfflcja/R<<:ordsBooIc :990 'I FUl5e S J G 1 . III tile ujJir.:e uf the Clert ur tire Cirr:uit CUUlt oj C 0 I 1 i e r CoIUll)'. I Slale of r lor; Ii a ,JeCSmll' t ~ 3 b:1'IQrllllO~ Iflthe PrillClr IWIrt of ')ne Yundre~ T~ i rty-t:; gh~ ?"jusal1d ~iMe Yun~r!>r: 'ii"ety-T~ree and 611100 rS138,993.61 ..' i Dullcm, aM CCl'illill P'ONlifiUj a1ii1 GtJli~liil(jM oCi fonll ill ouill mongage gtrMi, _jXHl hI ;".".r1)' lUl/,ur In 11l1;1 ~rarr .:rId (;'ft'l'Y I i I descnbed as follows. to-wit: i ~ARCEL 1: lot 1, Block 3, ~APlES VILLAS, accordlng to the plat ln Plat Book- ~, Cage 7, Public Records of Colller County, Flor;1a; and P~RCEL 11: lot 25 3nd the ~est one-half (:/2) Of lot 25, Bloc~ S, NAPLES VILLAS, according to t~c ~lJt i" D1Jt oDO~ 1, ~Jgc 7, ~ublie qceJrd~ of Collier County, ~lori~~. :1 I, I .! Mretiy ack1law/e/1gr ~ [wit fJ/TftMnlll1ld saii,sfacrion of satd 1IlJt4 n man gag, i"i, Qntt l'JrrrIWm rh' 11lm' Ql 'Q/l""'4, rInd hereby direct 5 lhe Clerk of the :sard Circuit Colin to cQ7ICe/ lhe )Qme afn:cord. ;3lIImw.. my lIond and s~al ,Ih/s SignuJ. uQ/.d QIU/ d.liv.lYd in I~ pru.n:;. of: -~~ --==~ W..!I.pIIIIIftC"1o ~, ~ouolas L. Qankin -Ja.~ ~7T'A ::; ., '-"" \ ~enn1fe Na1fe~ " "- 2nd day of May , A TJ /9 95 %lt~--c ....... N_ 254 Dine valley Circle II I Ii "'-"-~."(""""",,_.""') 1\__ IlijW_Il_lOOwc.-..-,lt.,1 _N_ il STATE OF FLORIDA ) Ibenbyc..utyl!l.lcatbiaday,befon-._om-dlA/y.udlonzad COUNTY OF COLLIER.. ) lC~oadIIllldlak..ctDow\clc1p- ~yappeand II r)avirl J. Henry, a married 'Tl1an, 10>0... 10 .... to be 1lIe ~ delcribed ift """ wtlo .......-.IlIlo r-.-, __.... wbo .C~ befon _IlIaC ~ e aocawd tile II .--.,...,....... - -..... I Cbect ..... _ tIsa.d penaa(1) ill... penonaIly blowIIlo ..... II ( .) 0 Said porIOII(l) provided the rollowiaa type of~..:atiaa: \' II I I I, .... ""'- .....-.- ~aples, Fl. 319~2 "~~1_4"'- It., _N_ _ 0lII00_ TEM IIId s~ aforlS&l4 J '11 1996 1999 . /11 NOTARY AlJUE/llT_ ..... "'__illY band IIId omclal Mal ill dIt CoWl lbiI 2nli 1.4 a i A DOUGLAS L RANKIN No"" ~ SlIlt CIl FIDIllII I "., ConwlI. ... -, 20. ,. /010. CC IClO1S7 I - !lMllI<! ~ IIIlIoIoI ........ '" .. -,~ ~ouQlas l. qankin -- ?.ESOL',-:-IO'\ 99- RELATf\'G TO PETITlO'\ '\1..~1BER OSp.98-i FOR OFF.SITE P_\R.Kf.\:G O~ PROPERTY HEREf.':A.FTER DESCRIBED I'\ COLLIER COL~T\"_ FLORIDA_ \\ "HERE AS. the LegIslature oi the Stale oi Florida In Chapter I ~5. Florida Statutes. has ~onjerred on ail counl1es In Flonda the power to establish. coorainate ana enforce zoning and such bUSIness regulations as are necessary ior the prOleC110n of the public. and \\"HEREAS. the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code I Ordinance '\0. 91-1 O~) which establishes regulations for the zomng oi particular geographic JiVlslons oithe County. among which is the allowance oioff-sHe parking. and -.\"HEREA.S. the Board oi loning Appeals. being the duiy elected constituted board tor Collier County which includes the area hereby atTected. has held a public heanng after nollce and has considered the advisability of off-site parking as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit ",\". m an R.T\1F -6 zone for the propeny heremafter descnbed. and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with SubsectIOn 2_3_5.3. Section 2.7.5 and DiVIsion 3_3 at the Collier County Land Development Code. for the unincorporated area of Collier County. and \\"HEREAS. all interested partIes have been gIven opponumty to be heard by this Board in a public meellng and the Board having conSIdered all matters presented. '\OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF lO'\lNG APPEALS at CollIer County. Flonda. that the petition filed by David Sneed of Kuhlman Engineering. Inc. representing Ahmad Mirziai with respect to the property hereinafter described as: Lot 26 and the west ':, of Lot 25. Block B. ~aples Villas. as recorded in Plat Book 4. Page i. of the Public Records of Collier County. Florida. be and the same hereby is approved for off-site parking as ShOV,11 on the attached plot plan. Exhibit "Au. of the RMF -6 zoning district wherein said property is located. subject to the following conditions: a) Prior to fmal site development Plan (SDP) approval. an Off-site Parking Agreement shall be approved by the Board of County Commissioners and the applicant shall bear the cost of recording the restrictive covenant and off-site parking agreement in the Public Records of Collier County, and shall provide the document when submitting the final SDP for approval. AGENDA ITEM No. /7 A_ MAR 2 3 1999 Pr.;. /1 J I LightIng shall be designed to shield streets and aH adjacent oroperties from dlrect ;iare. excessIve light. :md hazardous Interterence W1lh aUlOmOllve and pedestnan :raffi c. C I The petitIOner shall submIt a final site development plan in accordance with Division :.3 olthe Land Development Code (LDC), '"') The proposed parkmg lot shall be surtaced \\1lh asphalt or concrete and striped accordingly. e I :\ 15 foot landscape buffer smp shaH be provlded along the resIdentIally zoned property, This IS to include a fence or berm as required in Section A,I g) of the Land Development Code. : I ,",0 access shall be provlded from the off-site parking Lot 26 and the west " of Lot 25 :0 any adJacent resIdentIal street. The access shall be as shown on the attached plot plan. ExhibIt ",\", BE IT RESOL \"ED that this Resolution relating to Petition ,",umber OSP-98-] be recorded in the mmutes at this Board, This ResolutIon adopted after motion. second and maJonty vote. day of .1999, Done thIS 0\ TTEST: D\\lGHT E BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF ZONING _.I.JlPEALS COLLIER COLl"TY. FLORIDA BY: P,-\..\1EL.-\ S. \lACKlE. CHAlRWOMA~ ,\pproved as to Form and Legal Sufficienc": '\ " J)~ 1 ~ I J) . p;Q.1.d..P d- Marjo' M. Student Assistant County Attorney OSP-9i,1 RESOLLT10S AGENDA ITEM No. I1A MAR 2 3 1999 /9 P~. -2- -: :\ r -= ::J 1 -:' "~" N ~' ~ !l b ~ g) _.-- a - - - i IHOE WAAEHOUSE 11 t --, 17' 0- - \49 .....1..-._~.;..--=:::-__. 18'1" - wtr -- 1,.0- 1~' rr o ;;. ~ T _...l.- ' E;xtS"I'INb ~T"uCTtJli.'E' !'l(t~nNG STIltLJC1'URE .. 9 --.-- I ~ It 'X ,. -'---- ~~ = b ~ L.AH08CAPE -- IrE~ IJl.,,$~M""'> f& I'-!ST....l ~ '"''''lqt>cA'''E ....E' AGENDA ITEM No. /1 A_ MAR 2 3 1999 "OIN~." "'-\/'E, SITE o~,A,N 1"=20' Pg. 01 0 RESTRlCTI\'E COVDiA.."iT -\;-"1) OFT.SITE P-\RKDG .-\GREE:-'lE~l ThIS ,-\gree:nenr ]5 made and entered Into thIS -::ay or" '999, by and between -'\.hmaci :-'llrZlal., ~;:c the CoilIer County Board or County lommlSSlOners !the "Board"]. RECITALS \\ liEREAS, Pelllloner IS the O,^l1er or 989 AIrport Road South, \'aples. Flonda I heremarter the ",ublect propem'''i, :TIore panlcularlv descnbed as: Lot I Block B. \'aoles Villas. as recorded m PIat Book... Page ;, or the PublIc Records of CollIer County. flonda: and \VHEREAS. the PetllJOner WIshes to operate ori-slle parkmg racIlllles on land more particularly Jescnoeo as: Lot 26 and the west ,or Lot 25, \'aoies Villas. recorded m Plat book ... Page -; or the Pubilc Records ore oIlier County. flonda compnsed or RMF-6 zOning: and which pelllloner also 0....."5: and WHEREAS, the proposed otT-sire parkmg does not adversely Impact the character and qualav or the neighborhood nor hmder the proper future developmenr of surroundmg propemes: and WHEREAS the proposed of i-site parkmg IS In conformance W1lh all of the cntena set forth m Secllon 2.3....] 1.6 of the Land DevelopmenrCode: and \'vliEREAS. the proposed off-slle parkmg \\1111 prOVIde twenty (20) new parkmg spaces which 'xiii serve to proVIde the necessary parkmg ror the subject property: and \\liEREAS. the Board of Zomng Appeals has passed ResoiutlOn No. 99- attached hereto :is Exhlba ".-\ ", relaung to Peullon OSP-98-1, approving the proposed off-sae parkmg, :-iOW. THEREFORE. m conslderatlOn thereof. the PetItIoner agrees In hIS capacIty as the O\VTleT or the subject property as well as the owner of the property whIch wIll prOVIde the off-sae parlang: ), That the above recnals are true and correct and mcorporated herem by reierence. 2, That the proposed off-Site parking areas shall never be encroached upon. used. sold. leased. or conveyed for any purpose except for the use m conJunclJon .....'th the subject property and used so long as the off-site parkmg faCIlitates are reqUIred and that thIS Agreement consl1lutes a restrictIve covenant. That the pelllJoner shall bear the expense of recordmg the Agreement in the OffiCIal Records of Collier County whIch shall bind the property owner. his heIrs. successors and assigns. AGENO~ ITEM No. 17A MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~J . '.3I ;";:t:u..:)r;I?~ ~;~~O~ :~" --.....:: COnOnlOnS "':':--.0. :-::::n":lJ.tJOnS ucS~nOeG ::- :;:C' .1,~soiulJon :"0. -,'1- ..:1a b\' the :-i1!e 1':3:1 nOlea 3S ExhlDn ..\.. Jllachec :.ereta ana mcornor31ec D\ .::e:-er.ce :--,e~e1l1 :-":..1! :::..~ 0; :;:e :--caUlrements tor J. Bo:.ua or' ZunIng .-\ppeal5 (ktermlnatlOn for or(-:-Ite "3r~ml! re:erer;cea l~. Pe:ltJon uSP.Q'-l :'.l\e heer, rr:el and aDprO\ea :,\ plannmg :-itaff :"at ::-::'\~'Teement ,uDerseaes ana ,,",oOllles an\' pnor Parkmg .-\greement whIch :na\' ~ave heen executed [-etween the Board ana Ihe then or :urrent O\\ller of tr,e sub1ect oroperr\' 3no the "~ODert': "'nlch \\'111 ,ei\e 35 me otf-me parKmg area. Tnat thls-\~'Teement ,nail remam ITI :''Jil force and effect '.miess and unlll termmatec h\' :ne Boaro, 1:1at t:11S ,-\",'Teement snail be vOlded b\' the Board :f other olt'-sne parkmg faClill1es are --'o\'lded :n accordance \\1!h Ihe reaUIrements of 01\'\SI0n 2.:, vf t:-,e L:md Oeveiopmem Code, 1:1at upon faIlure to conform ta an\' at the provtSlons of :hlS ,-\greement or the anached \greement Sheet. thIS Resmcllve Covenant and Off-Sne Parkmg Agreement shall become \'old and of ::0 effect ;;nd the Pet1tloner ;;hali be requIred to conform ta ail zOnIng reguiatlOns as comamed m the CollIer CounN Land Development Code. ['i \\Tr~'ESS \\"HEREOF :he pames hereto have set theIr hands and seals the day and year first .Joove \\T1nen. .-\ TTEST O\\'IGHT E. BROCK, C;erK BOARD OF COL~"ll- COMMISSI01'<'ERS COLLIER COL")'"ll', FLORIDA PAMELA S, MACKlE. ChaIrwoman \\" 1 messes: PETITIONER A.l\ffi O\\~R OF LA.."ID CPO~ \VHlCH OFF-SITE P:\RKING FACILITIES ARE TO BE LOCATED: Ahmad MlfZlal ,-\pproved as to Form and Legal SufficIency: mr~^- In. ~ \la!)one. . Student ASSIstant County Attorney AGENDA ItEM No. /7 ~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. da -L.- -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PETITION NO. V-99-1, RICHARD D. YOVANOVICH REPRESENTING COASTAL BEVERAGES LTD. REQUESTING A 17.8 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE REQUIRED 50 FOOT FRONT YARD TO 32.2 FEET FOR THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF A WAREHOUSE COMPLEX APPROVED IN 1992. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 4747 PROGRESS AVENUE IN SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. OBJECTIVE: The petitioner is requesting the above described variance for an existing warehousing facility. CONSIDERATIONS: --- The County is in the process of acquiring Right of Way for the future Livingston Road. This property which was developed in 1993 is one of the properties affected by this acquisition. This development was for a warehouse type use and the approved plans showed a future expansion. By the virtue of this taking the existing yard will be reduced by 20 feet, and furthermore, the existing side yard will become a front yard. The combined side yard setbacks in the industrial district is 20 percent of the lot width with a maximum of 50 feet, whereas, the front setback is 50 feet. This variance will not confer any privilege on the applicant. It only will allow the construction of the structures as previously were approved by the Site Development Plan (SDP-92-27 -C). The Collier County Planning Commission reviewed this petition on March 4, 1999 and by a vote of 9-0 recommended approval of the variance. Staff has not received any letters in opposition to the granting of this request. This petition does qualify to be placed on the Summary Agenda. FISCAL IMPACT: None. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None. HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: --... Staff's analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Col ~I ITEM No.---11....CL MAR 2 3 1999 / 1 pc. Probability Map. Therefore, no Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Zoning Appeals approve V-99-1. PREPARED BY: chJ,~~ ~~--- CHAHRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP PRINCIPAL PLANNER 't/4-/"l" DATE R~VIEWEiD BY: \ i ,': ~ " ;,,', ?;~- RONALD F.'NfNO, AICP. MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION , 1 ~. /) lL., C, .7 . .) I. DATE ? ,/ (;/~,;?--------~ --~-- - ".- ROBERT J. MULHERE, AICP, DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES ? - { 'Y9' '" DATE APPR/D BY: 'l/Wt it. J -(J- 7 r VINCENT A. CAUTERO. AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGeI>A ITEM No. 11 B MAR 2 3 1999 ~ pc. 2 c..GEND.; ITEM 7-H MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: Fl3bruary 1 rJ. 1999 RE: ::'ETITION V 99-', AGENT/APPLICANT: Owner: Coastal Beverages L TO. 4747 Progress Avenue Naples. FL. 34104 Agent: Richard D. Yovanovich. Esq. Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A. 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 Naples, FL. 34103 REQUESTED ACTION: The petitioner is requesting a 17.8 foot variance from the required 50 foot front yard to 32.2 feet for the proposed expansion of a warehouse complex approved in 1992. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property is located at 4747 Progress Avenue in Section 36, Township 49 South, Range 25 East Collier County, Florida (See attached for cOn1olete legal descriotion). PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The County is in the process of acquiring Right of Way for the future Livingston Road. This property which was developed in 1993 is one of the r:operties affected by this acquisition. This development was for a warehouse type use and the approved plans showed a future expansion. By the virtue of this taking the existing yard will be reduced by 20 feet, and furthermore, the existing side yard will become a front yard. The combined side yard setbacks in the industrial district is 20 percent of the iot width with a maximum of 50 feet, whereas, the front setback is 50 feet. This variance will not confer any privilege on the applicant. It only will allow the construction of the structures as previously were approved by the Site Development Plan (SDP-92-27 -C). SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: Existing: - Warehouse, zoned Industrial AGENe'" ITEM No. /7 13 MAR 2 3 1999 3 Pi. -1- o ~ ------- ~~ -----~ ~ ~; " . //, ""I, '" ~ ~'-" ''',,/ '~r ~- . I /,' " -~, ~~~/\. ";, c-- ~D · ~,i(:~ ',. .0, ','~~ i w 21~\ V~-'<=0'#'~(~ r--"-- ~"~ ":'~r <;~~ / ~N, ~at=, ~1\~2 V~,:/// '___.~.!~~.~,~I " """ / "~'.' , ' ~ ':'" I" 'ii', , ~ ,------, =~..~ - -€~ -2>...... '-- '-' " - - I Q..: 41 2:. lJJl !::I (/)1 Q ~e\ ~i - ~ ~; :"-----i '. , , ,~i ~ ~" :1 I I 'i I 1 I . ' ~I -~. :~~ Iii I i ~, I~I -J~I I~ I I '! , \ Ti 0>: ~I ~I I """"OIlClN / ~ - %, 01 i=i -, 1-1 Wi Q..I ~ ~ ~~ ~ j ~ ~ g ~ N 1 61.1 !' ;; ~ ;; Surrounding: North - Vacant, zoned Industrial East - Livingston Road R.O.W. South - United parcel Services, zoned industrial West - Automobile repair storage yard, zoned industrial HISTORIC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: Staff's analysis indicates that the petitioner's property is located outside an area of historical and archaeological probability as referenced on the official Collier County Probability Map. Therefore, :10 Historical/Archaeological Survey and Assessment is required. EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL. TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Approval of this variance request will have no effect on infrastructure, transportation or required environment relationships. ANAL YSIS: Section 2.7.5 of the Land Development Code grants the authority to the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant variances. The Planning Commission is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Subsection(6)(a) through (h) which are general guidelines to be used to assist the Commission in making a determination. Responses to items (a) through (h) of Subsection (6) are as follows: a. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved? Yes, this development was approved meeting the requirements of the LDC. The County's eminent domain action will have the effect of reducing the amount of land available to satisfy a setback requirement that will now effect the planned expansion unless the variance is granted. b. Are there special condi'jons and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request? Yes, when the applicant planned and obtained permits for their development, the County did not request this 20 foot strip be sold to the County for ROW purposes. This development cannot be expanded to the extent planned without a variance. c. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this Land Development Code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant? Yes, the applicant will not be able to go forward with the planne eX~I1lTEM without an approved variance, nevertheless, it should be apprecia ed ~t the /1./!> -2- MAR 2 3 1999 0- Pi. owner of the land was compensated for the value or the taking wnich presumably should have accounted for the effect this would have on the expansion opportunities. d. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will mak(~ possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? Yes, the requested 17.8 foot variance is the minimum variance necessary to enable the applicant to expand the building, as previously approved. e. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? No, granting of this variance will not confer on the applicant any privilege. It only enable them to construct the expansion as previously approved. Had it not been for this prior approval it would be our opinion that the granting of the variance would confer a special privilege. f. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? No, this variance, if approved, will reduce the front yard requirements on Livingston Road. However, a multitude of other buildings along this stretch of the Livingston road will have non-conforming front setbacks, however, it should not be injurious to the neighborhood, or detrimental to the public welfare in terms of the function that setbacks serve. g. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? No. h. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan. The granting of this variance will not change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: -3- r ^ AGOI)'" ITEM B.r. rto~tn a 17 e, MAR 2 3 1999 to Pg. Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition V 99-1 to the recommendation for approval. PREPARED BY: ,. /~.} ~4 J. ~V~h-WM . Ir~....., CHAHRAM BADAMTCHIAN, Ph.D., AICP PPIN:IP.A,L P~ANNER 2//{.,..-"'I/ DATE '\ REVIEWED BY~ ~ . \ i , \ ,\ ' \~.. "\ .-...A. x ~, \/\~ I _ RONALD F. NINO, AICP, MANAGER CURRENT PLANNING SECTION -r ~'Ie '\ -1, DATE ~MULHERE, A~P, DIRECTOR PLANNING SERVICES '2-11--~7 DATE APPROVED BY: ~ /'~ . ./ ,/ /' ~..~ //(. (h1A ~ .,--.. q / / v?'Q c-' ~ 0.---- ~ D< -.. / - q 0 V'NCENT A. CAUTERO. AICP, ADMINISTRATOR DATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Petition Number: V-99-1 Staff report for March 4, 1999 CCPC meeting. This Petition has tentatively been scheduled for March 23,1999 BZA Public Hearing. Collier County Planning Commission: \ /---;? \ AGENOA ITEM No. /1 ~ MAR 2 3 1999 7 P&. I -4- .~ ., " ~:'!'~ - ,", -...s,io - ~"_ :~_ -'r-~-':.;' RESOLL1IO:-: :-:0,99- RELUD:G TO PETITIO:\' l\l.TMBER \'-99-1. FOR A \"A.RL~'\;CE ON PROPERTY HEREr\AFTER DESCRIBED f.\i COLLIER COUNTY. FLORID.-\.. \\rIEREAS. the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public: and WHEREAS. the County pursuant thereto has :.:dopred a Land Development Code (Ordinance :\0, 91-102) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions of the County, among which is the granting of variances: and \\ 11EREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals, being the duly elected constituted Board of the area hereby affected. has held a public hearing after norice as in said regulatIOns made and provided. and has considered the advisability of a 17.8-foot variance from the required front yard setback of 50 feet lO 32.2 feet as shown on the attached plot plan. Exhibit "A". in an Industrial Zone for the property hereinafter described, and has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by said regulations and in accordance with Section 2.7,5 of the Zoning Regulations of said Land Development Code for the un;ncorporateLi area of Collier County; and \VHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled, and the Board having considered all matters presented; :\O\V THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEAl.S of Collier County, Florida. that: T~e Petition V-99-1 filed by Mr. Richard D. Yovanovich of Goodlette Coleman & Johnson, P.A.. re;Jresenting Coastal Beverage. Ltd,. with respect to the property heremafter described as: Exhibit "B" be ar.d the same hereby is approved for a 17,8-foot variance from the required front yard setback of 50 feetlO 32,2 feet as shov."TI on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of the Industrial Zoning District wherein said property is located, subject to the following conditions: This variance shall only apply to the structures identified on the attached plat plan (Exhibit "A"). -1- AGENO'" ITEM No. 17 t:> MAR 2 3 1999 . ._~-'.: -..,. -~- ".~. ~ ,-..~- ~'!...;;~~)'::~...,;-;...~~:.~~~= ~~;>"" -:.: -.:.. ~~.:: '::-.~ :..-~: -~. -;;;;;. bE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to PetltlOn ~umDer \' -99-1 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. Done this day of ,1999, .-\ TTEST: D\\lGHT E, BROCK. Clerk BOARD OF ZOC\'DiG APPE.-\LS COLLIER COl..-:HY. FLORIDA P.~'v1ELA S. i\LA.C'KlE. CHAIRWo\1A'" Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ,/.' !(~'-i\~ (I.. ~I/I ........-c.<:cc{LT \L;:iorie \! Sl'..:dent Assistant County Attorney :--";3)().1 RESOLLTIOS -2- AGENO'" ITEM No. /7/3 MAR 2 3 1999 ~. e;o-. . 9 :':':~~':,!~~-:;.",..., ~H_''OI ..", ~,_ ... -.-. ,,_ 00. ..., ,'.... ..,. _'1_" ..... ........11. ~..1't ,.M ~. ". _..~.... ~.._. .1 ""., ~I(', ,..,U.' I. ~~::'l~--=;'--::':' ill,'. ~ ~,ll'. -.- d'~ _ 'IM. c:.UI., ,_.U -,-. "_ ... _,. li...1 .... ~ ~ "..Jl.....J. ..'" .~:~.::7' .1 ,.... 1Ol:)1" I:)t ..,..... tl ._ ....., "'e," :'"';: ;::~:-._ .1_ ..,.. _" 11_ ...... 1".11 .. ""0' a...... ..... _It I, \; ~..., -.-. _.. ....Il'...'....n J~_" I.." -.._ .n. '\',:"-I\'''n lt~,.) '.... -_. _'13 "-.II"ll' ~., J....I. (... .-..., _....'......1'. ....., 1Il.l! .... ...... ........r -,-._ e. p.. ..,...I...........n....... ....'.e. " ...._... u.. "" ..<..... t:_ .",. _...<"._ , ,.... ~.." !. l' I,.. 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""".3' \. J50' 24 J .uS 5 ,/ I q. 0,'-'.. 0,' J ~: O.R. 1464, PGS, 328-334 J 30~A~ EASEMENT '1>.... Cb' ~...: , , z < ~, , '-jV.- ~ ~.... '1>' '1>. ...... '1>' ."'''0 ,.... c,' I"l~ -., ~',t.,.. P.O.E,------ 'I' PROGRESS AVE. 60' R /W sv' ,04 ".21' 02'''' '\~. 'I> 0,' ~ ~ "I". ASPHALT' \' PAVEMENT "I'..."'. ". "I.... '1>' ,". ~. LANDS RECORDED IN O.R. PAGES i207-1208 BOOK 1278 EXHIBIT "A" -' J[::- : / /". ' " r " ::: ~I ',. ':J.~. c.. - 0:: '~ _o,~(f) c,. c:: I ! ~ - _c;!44~~- t i- ~ "'" ~ ,..... ~ ~ -:. <:;;<:;; <:j' ". ..... I.::: -8,- - '" !; (.'. , 'I :=:1 LW <.:) -< ;Z - ~ ~:' .,. ...":l+ ------6.-. ,..., - I k~ I c.r l()' 0 ' ';. I'? I :/ ou ~ _~_:... 'u ~' 1 i J' '/1" , :::::; ::<: ~ = :<-: ,,' ,\<:l. '\. ,.":J1 ;a" 'I>~ '1>' / /' : AGENDA IlEM .., ... No. /181 o,.c, la I 4 CORNtR ~ C NC. tlt~'r 1~ ~ cb ':! Pg. :-eecrip-:'ion vf t:.:!.rce!. locate:l i:. part 0: ~he nor-:.r-.eas:. of Section 36, Tcwnehip 49 SouLh, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida (Naples Production Park, not recorded) - (For ~d McNamara) (Parcel 1) (Revised 3-20-91) , " ~ ":",' , .:1 ~hat part Q! ~he ~ortheast 1/4 of Section 36, Township 49 Sc~th, {ange 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being more particularly iescribed as follows; :ommencing at "the northeast corner of said Section 36; :hence along the east :ine of said Section 36 Soutn 00"-00'-36" East 730.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein ::.escr ibed; thence cor.tinuing along the east line of said Section 36 South 00"-00'-36" East 570.29 feet to the northeast corner of that parcel described in deed recorded in O.R. Book 1278, page 1207 and 1208, Collier County Public Records; thence along the north line of said deed South S9"-21'-02" "est 591.04 feet; t~ence North 00"-~l'-50. West 1.92 feet; thence South 89"-21'-02" West 30.00 feet; t~ence Ncrth 05"-21'-05" West 231.63 feet; ~~ence Horth 89"-21'-02" East 231.59 feet; ~ence Horth 00"-00'-21" West 136.20 feet; ~ence Horth 89"-e6'-30' East 425.00 feet to the Foint of -~ginning of the parcel herein described; sue ":. to easements for road purposes along the westerly and sou ,rly 30.00 feet thereof, and subject to an easement for utility pur: 3es along the northerly 10.00 feet of the northerly 425.00 feet and ,ubject to an easement for drainage, utilitie~ and buffer st=ip alo~~ the easterly 30.00 feet thereof; =ontaining 7.43 acres af land more or less; bear~ngs are based on the east line cf said Section 36 being South 00.-00'-36" East. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. Reg. engineers and Land Surveyors EX~I3J:T 'In II 1_ AGENDA ITEM No. J1 8 MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 1/ VARIANCE PETITION (VARIANCE FROM SETBACK{S) REQUIRED FOR A PARTICULAR ZONING DISTRICT) i , ~~/~'~ )1."'"' . '-.. ' ,'- ; J ~,c~ ~'~::- ..~- ., -':';' , ,,-< PETITION NO. ~ 'V 99- 0 1 DATE PETITION R CErvBD , .;" PROJECT PLANNER G' Yv, Yv1 V"L (ABOVE TO BE FILLED IN BY STAFF) ------- -------- PETITIONER'S NAME Coastal Beverage, Ltd. PETITIONER'S ADDRESS 4747 Progress Avenue, Naples, Florid 34104 TELEPHONE 941-643-4343 AGENT'S ADDRESS Richard D. Yovanovich, Goodlette, Coleman & Johnson, P.A., 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300, Naples, Florida 34103 TELEPHONE 941-435-3535 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: LOT{S) BLOCK{S) SUBDIVISION SECTION 36 TWP. 495 RANGE 25E (If legal description is lengthy, i.e. metes & bounds description, attach additional page) See Exhibit "An attached hereto and incorporated herein. CURRENT ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Industrial EXISTING LAND USE ON SUBJECT PROPERTY Distributorship and Warehouse ADJACENT ZONING & LAND USE N S E W ZONING FPL Easement/Industrial Progress Ave/Industrial Livingston Road Commercial Blvd/Industrial LAND USE Undeveloped United Parcel Service Right-of-way Tamiami Ford MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBJECT PROPERTY FRONT: 50 I CORNER LOT: Yes SIDE: Total for all sides is 20% of lot, max 50' REAR IS' WATERFRONT LOT: No AGENOA ITEM No. 17 8 MAR 2 3 1999 pg.--'.L- NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the request including what structures are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using number, i.e. reduce front setback from 251 to 181; when property owner purchased property; when existing principal structure was built (include building per.mit number if possible); why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. The subject site is located on the Northwest corner of the intersection of Progress Avenue and the future Livingston Road. The existing facilities include a distributorship and warehouse building and a parking lot. Coastal Beverage, Ltd. has owned the property since August 2, 1991. The existing structure was constructed on the property in February I, 1993. A 17.8' variance is necessary to address a governmental taking along the Eastern boundary of the site for additional right-of- way and easements for the purpose of constructing Livingston Road. The variance is necessary to accommodate future construction on the site which was approved in SDP-92-27-C A variance is requested from the currently required front yard requirement along Future Livingston Road of 50 feet to be reduced to 32.2 feet. The encroachment of the future construction came about due to Collier County taking a portion of the subject site for the construction of Livingston Road. The encroachment is not due to any action of the applicant. Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals, and that the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be guided in its deter.mination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address this criteria using additional pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. At the time SDP-92-27-C was approved, it met all Collier County set back requirements. However, due to the County's eminent domain actions, the proposed development will not conform with County setback requirements for that portion of the site adjacent to Livingston Road. Accordingly, a variance is needed. AGENOA ITEM No. /1 b MAR 2 3 1999 Pt;;. J.3 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. In the event the variance is not granted, the subject site will not accommodate the proposed future expansion on this property and a new location for the distributorship and warehouse must be obtained. The applicant will suffer significant business damages and relocation expenses if the variance is not granted. 3. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship or create practical difficulties on the applicant. Absent the proposed taking initiated by Collier County, there would be no need for the property owner to obtain the variance and if the variance is not granted, relocate the existing distributorship and warehouse to alternative location. 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety or welfare. The request for a variance is the minimum variance necessary to enable the future expansions to be conforming structures. The proposed variance does not expand upon the existing approved improvements identified on SDP-92-27-C 5. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. Granting of this variance will not confer on the applicant any special privileges, and will match other buildings and structures in this same zoning district. Granting of this variance will enable the applicant to continue to construct approved improvements identified in SDP-92-27-C AGENDA ITEM No. 17 f:> MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. /4 6. Will granting the variance be in har.mony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Granting of variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the LDC and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or detrimental to the public welfare. Approval of this request will enable the distributorship and warehouse to continue in operation in a manner contemplated in SDP-92-27-C. 7. Are there natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, etc. The variance request became necessary due to the County's actions in regard to the construction of Livingston Road. Accordingly, the setback requirements cannot be met. 8. Will granting the variance be consistent with the growth management plan. The subject property is designated industrial on the future land use map of Collier County's growth management plan. Distributorships and warehouses are permitted uses in this land use designation; therefore, granting this request will be consistent with the Growth management plan. MaENDA ITEM No. /1 f3 MAR 2 3 1999 Pi. IS AFFIDAVIT I, Ed McNamara, being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the owner of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, and all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application are honest and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand this application must be completed and accurate before a hearing can be advertised. I further permit Richard D. Yovanovich, Esq. to act as my representative in any matters regarding this Petition.. ,~ fi/; /), ". ' ~-:c~-,,;-;r /~-- ~~~Z;,-:C-<c'( SIGNATURE OF OWNER State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing Agreement ~eet was J.ls+ day of Nov{~I!I~If'1 'g by Ed known to me or who has produced and who did (did not) take an oath. t~.9 ~ (Sig ature of Notary acknowledged before me this McNamara, who is personally as identification Public) #''j.:..:.... Betty Jo Brown ... ~... My ComrTll$$iOn CC700701 \'" ,:,,1 EXpires January 22, 2002 JeH<! J; ~l61LJAJ NOTARY PUBLIC Commission # efl.. 7M76) My Commission Expires: 1-~~-~2.. -1~L -" \'0 () ~ SIGNATURE OF AGENT State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing A~reemen~_Sheet was acknowledged before ~Nf) ,,",C~r;j;'"l L'-\"\ ~ day of NOvem ~r; 1998 by Richard D. Yovanovich, is personally known to me or who has produced identification and who did (did ot) take an 0 me this Esq., who as Public) \\\,,11 II 1/IIIIIl ~\\\\\ 'i;\.. C, FRI. IIII~ ~~r:.Y' ........ s...y....~ ~.. -. <:~ ~ ~ .- ",!,\SSION Cl,... ~ ~ . ~~. 8 -'t..z .. ~ ::: : c..; ~'-~ ,79,9, ~ \ ~ i ;~"S ~ cP~*E =*: ... :<: ~~~ ICC473102 :~~ ~~... J; 8cna""'~'~ ",."~i :i'- '...n . ro ~ ~~. /'V .... ~; TrA'..'Y f.m.\r.li'V .'~'X"-"'~ ,..~ 'I, ........ ~ '" ~.... '/II,<JBOC s,p."\... \\\,'\: "'IIII"!t!t\\\"~ RACHEL C. FRISHE NOTARY PUBLIC Commission # My Commission AGENDA ITEM E:x bire~: J1~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,-.- PETITION V AC 99-004 TO VACATE THE 25' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON LOT 4, THE 25' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON LOT 5 AND THE REMAINING 12' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON TRACT A, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF "QUAIL CREEK PLAZA PHASE 1" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK IS, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWNSIDP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST. OBJECTIVE: To adopt a Resolution to vacate the above described Drainage Easements. CONSIDERA TIONS: Petition V AC 99.004 has been received by Planning Services from Robert S. Hardy, as agent for the petitioners, Joseph D']amoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., requesting the vacation of the above-described Drainage Easements to accommodate future construction improvements. AIl of the platted Drainage Easement on Tract A (except for the abovementioned 12' wide portion) has been previously vacated by Resolution 91-782 Letters of no objection have been received from all pertinent users and agencies. Zoning is P.U,D. FISCAL IMPACT: Planning Services has collected a $1,000 "Petition to Vacate" fee from the petitioners, which will be deposited in Fund 113-13890.03291. This fee covers advertising, recording and other processing costs, - ,,- GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: None RECOMMENDA TION: That the Board of County Commissioners: 1. Adopt the Resolution for Petition V AC 99-004 for the vacation of the above-described Drainage Easements, and 2. Authorize the execution of the Resolution by its Chainnan and direct the Clerk to the Board to record a certified copy of the Resolution in the Official Records; and 3, Request the Clerk to the Board to make appropriate marginal notes on the recorded plat. .- PREPARED BY: J-;:-:"', ~~. ,/ c~~'~/('--"';"'L::-7'" Rick Grigg, P.S,M. Planning Services REVIEWED BY: ~A. ~ ~ Thomas E. Kuck, P.E. Engineering Review Manager REVIEWED BY: ...//::-:- ______ f Robert Mulhere, AICP Planninfl,services Department Director ~~ APPROVED BY:' - 0 - ncent A. Cautero, AICP, Clministrator Community Development & Environmental Services DATE: ~~-..J -9--7 DATE: ,3-2- 9Cf DATE: J - -; --7" f" DATE: AGENDA ITEM /1C- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. I .- 1 RESOLUTION NO. 99-_ ') ... 3 PETITION VAC 99-004 TO VACATE THE 25' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON LOT 4, 4 THE 25' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMEJ\1T ON LOT 5 AND THE REMAINING 12' WIDE 5 DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON TRACT A. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF "QUAIL 6 CREEK PLAZA PHASE 1" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15, PAGE 73. PUBLIC 7 RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 48 8 SOlITH, RANGE 26 EAST. 9 10 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 177,10 I, Florida Statutes, Robert S, Hardy, as agent for the petitioners, Joseph D'Jamoos 12 and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., does hereby request the vacation of the 25' wide Drainage Easement on Lot 4, the 25' wide 13 drainage easement on Lot 5 and the remaining 12' wide Drainage Easement on Tract A, according to the plat of "Quail Creek Plaza 14 Phase 1" as recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 73. Public Records of Collier Countv, located in Section 20. Township 48 South, Range 15 26 East and 16 1 7 WHEREAS, the Board has this day held a public hearing to consider vacating said Drainage Easements as more fully 18 described below, and notice of said public hearing to vacate was given as required by law; and WHEREAS, the granting of the vacation will not adversely atfect the o\\-nership or right of convenient access of other _ J property OMlers. 21 NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER 22 COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the follo'Wing be and is hereby vacated: 23 See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. 24 BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Board is hereby directed to record a certified copy of this 2S Resolution in the Official Records of Collier County, Florida, and to make proper notation of this vacation on the recorded plat as 26 referenced above. 27 This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 .-18 DATED: AITEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: PAMELA S, MAC'KIE, Chairwoman Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: "'"\ o 0\. . AGENDA ITEM No. I 7 c.. MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pg. Heidi F, Ashton Assistant County Attorney , ,wll i Ir8!81' - "'I'" VONN 6, I wi,. ~ ~ Co <01 OJ ~ ~- .... <(u(J')'cn ...... l.U po. W ~ <Xl'" 0,1' ~o <Xl ~ Zvo , ! I~ ~I~! 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'IO.":'~',~; 16Al (i) Attachment "B" PETITION FORM FOR VACATION OF PLATS OR PORTIONS OF PLATS OF SUBDIVIDED LAND Date Received: FE?'). /8 ,qqq , Petition #: \/ AC :-lq - 00+ Petitioner: ,Ioint" Pp.t";t"innp.T'!': -- SAA At.t.Rchment "1" Address: City/State: Telephone: Zip Code: Agent: Address: City/State: Robert S. Hardy 10641 Airport Road North, Suite 32 Naples, FL Telephone: 593-3883 Zip Code: 34109 Address of Subject Propqty:Quail Creek Plaza Phase I (N. Side of 1mmokalee Rd I E of 1-75) Location: Section 20 Township 48S Range 26# SubdivisionQuail Creek Plaza Phase I Legal Description: Lot 4,5 Block N/ A Unit N/ A Plat Book 15 Page(s) 73 e easement no Ion ralnage easemen a u lng Does this affect density? due to vacation of a Current Zoning: I hereby authorize Agent above to represent me for this petition: 0 Yes 0 No Joint Petitioners -- See Attachment Signature of Petitioner c ~ .- Date (Title) I' H- e w. >-t C; Print Name Please see "Policy and Procedure for the Vacation and Annulment of Plats or Portions of Plats of Subdivided Land" for the list of supportive materials which must accompany this petition, and deliver or mail to: t'-. C c: ..c:: Community Development & Environmental Services Division Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Dr. Naples, Florida 34104 (1) (2) Attachment "B" Page 4 of 4 If applicant is a land trust, indicate the name of beneficiaries. If applicant is a corporation other than a public corporation, indicate the name of officers and major stockholders. If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, indicate the name of principals. AGENDA ITEM List all other owners. No. / 1 c.. MAR 2 3 1999 ~ Pg. ..-- (3) (4) ATTACHMENT "1" TO ATTACHMENT "B" VRC '1'9-004 PETITION FORM FOR VACATION OF PLATS OR PORTIONS OF PLATS OF SUBDIVIDED LAND Petitioner: Address: City/State: Joseph D'Jamoos 13356 Rosewood Lane Naples, FL Telephone: 290-7900 Zip Code: 34119 Petitioner: Address: City/State: First Anesthesia Associates, P.A. 860 l11th Avenue North Naples, FL Telephone: Zip Code: 34108 Signatures of Petitioners: ~ 4(Obert S. Hardy as Agen and Attorney-In-Fact for Joseph D'Jamoos, Owner U Date I 7/ t~ I / ~SSOCIATES' PA , ~ Robert S. Hardy as Agent an Attorney-in-Fact for J.M. Campoamor, President U 7/'1' Date "'GENOA ITEM No. /1 C MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 1 QBNAP\173247,l Ii' \!{J 16AI Attachment "C" PETITION FORM FOR THE EXTINGUISHMENT OF PUBLIC DEDICA TED EASEMENTS RECORDED BY SEP ARA TE INSTRUMENT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS (OTHER THAN ON A SUBDIVISION PLAT) ON PLATTED OR UNPLA TIED LAND, EXCEPT FOR PUBLIC ROADS Date Received: 1= E F.""). ! f3 , J9q.'? Petition #: V He ,., .'-J ~ .... /. - /') 1")4- Petitioner (Owner): Address: City/State: ,lnint: PRt:it:ioners -- See Attachment "1" Telephone: Zip Code: Agent: Address: City/State: RobRrt: S. H<'lrdy 10641 Airport Road North, Suite 32 NnplR!,;, FL Telephone: 593-3883 Zip Code: 34109 Location of Subject Property: Quail Creek Plaza Phase I, Tract A Township 48S Range 26E Location: Section 20 Official Record Book 1633 Page (s) 2402 Current Zoning: PUD Does this affect density? No Legal Description: North 12 feet of the South 22 feet of Tract A of Quail Creek Plaza Phase I, Plat Book 15, Page 32, Collier County, Florida Reason for Request:Dr&lim'lge e&l5e~ent no lonCJE'r n€rp<:;C::::lry nr IIc::pflll hp.r::lIIC::p. ::lhllt:t:i no r1 ::ltte( t=1::1c:t=lm,:::3nr \I~r:::1t:prl I hereby authorize Agent above to represent me for this petition: 0 Yes 0 No Joint Petitioners -- See Attachment Signature of Petitioner Date Print Name (Title) Please see "Policy and Procedure for the Extinguishment of Public Easements by Separate Instrument" for the list of supportive materials which must accompany this petition, and deliver or mail to: Community Development & Environmental Services Division Planning Services Department 2800 North Horseshoe Dr. Naples, Florida 34104 (1) If applicant is a land trust, indicate the name of beneficiaries. (2) If applicant is a corporation other than a public corporation, indicate the name of officers and major stockholders. .--. (3) If applicant is a partnership, limited partnership or other business entity, ind ate ~EiM principals. No. /7 C. (4) List all other owners. MAR 2 3 1999 Attachment "e" Page 4 of 4 Pg. ~ ATTACHMENT "1" TO ATTACHMENT "C" V4C ,q';/-OQ~1- PETITION FORM FOR THE EXTINGUISHMENT OF PUBLIC DEDICATED EASEMENTS RECORDED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS (OTHER THAN ON A SUBDIVISION PLAT) ON PLATTED OR UNPLATTED LAND, EXCEPT FOR PUBLIC ROADS Petitioner: Address: City/State: Joseph O'Jamoos 13356 Rosewood Lane Naples, FL Telephone: 290-7900 Zip Code: 34119 Petitioner: Address: City/State: First Anesthesia Associates, P.A. 860 111th Avenue North Naples, FL Telephone: Zip Code: 34108 Robert S. Hardy as Ag t and Attorney-In-Fact for Joseph O'Jamoos, Owner k ~'/f' Date ( FIRST ANESTHESIA ASSOCIATES, P.A. ~/I/?f Date / ' Robert S. Hardy as Agen and Attorney-in-Fact for J.M. Campoamor, President .,..-~ QBNAP\173247.2 AGENDA ITEM No. I 7 ~ MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. q Official Receipt - Collier County Board of County Commissioners CDPR1103 - Official Receipt Trans Number 117341 Date Post Date 02/19/199912:01:15 PM 02/19/1999 Nbr NAPLES ROAD BUILDING CORPORATION New or Exist: N Payor: NAPALES RD BUILDING CORP Fee Information GL Account 11313890032910000000 Total Amount Waived $1000.00 $1000.00 Payments Pa ment Code CHECK Account/Check Number 0006156 Total Paid Amount $1000.00 $0.00 I $1000.00 $1000.00 I Total Cash Total Non-Cash Memo: V AC 99-004 CK #6156 Cashierllocation: TERILLA_J 1 1 User: KIRK_D Collier County Board of County Commissioners CD-Plus for Windows 95/NT AGENDA ITEM No. /1 C MAR 2 3 1999 /0 Pg. Printed:02l19/1999 12:01 :52 PM '.;!": BLE 'j'.' .,<: {; '\0 'f~:. ..J3:.'." Ii. .!.iA E,!4~SW. ?~, },';t"&\~;~' OPERTY ID '" ""UDESCYi: UAIL CREEK PLAZA .wu. . .,.., T SE CNR LOT 4, S fT, N 71FT TO POB, CONTINUED (PER TAX ". ';!.. '~: i t ',~._f, "...../ .1"I1?~ .' V H:::' ere; - ~O..~ ~- ~ ----.--.,..- -~--_..--- ---'-.' n-.---""-'-.---~._---___nU...Ll.tAlt. 199~ C6LLIER COUNTY NOTICE Of AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS COUNT EA~NED 4% IN NOV 3% IN DEe 2% 1~ JAN-- ~% IN FEB 0% IN MAR OUNT>:DUE 1,180.10 1,192.39 //1,204.68 ~ 1,216.96 1,,229~ i',i. ,-" VAlUE MILL RATE AMOUNT AUTHORITY # _~- PAY IN U.S. fUNDS TO:' SSED 3 . 5923 '30 0 A.D.lI~OREM TAXES 5 U ~ COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR " 5 . 9 0 4 0 4 9 3 . 1 4 COUNTY 1 2 . 6060 21 -? 6 ( SCHOOL - STATE 1 COURTHOUSE COMPLEX. BUILDING C-1 . , SCHOOL . LOCAL NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112.4997 " CITY " . 8082 6 7 . 5 n DEPENDENT 23 MILL CODE 96 ESCROW CODE .5620 46.94 WATERMGT, 1 . 1953 9 c1 . 8 \.1 INDfP, SPECIAL 3 .0495 Y.13 0 Y 14 . 7173 1 .. 229 . 27 V TER APPR. DfBT. 19 '." .' ..,,'., ~.:,.:~ QUAIL PL.AZA INC 4500 EXECUTIVE DR NAPLES FL 34119-8939 RATE PER NON,AO VALOREM ASSESSMENTS ROADS WATER/SEWER COMM, IMPROVE. GARBAGE :r.,229;.2? ...... 8t.1DEG W 18 S &9DEG W ROLL-PAGE COMBINED TO' -,;: , ,;.,:. L\,.j't I. 1.:.' ~ !..,t :~g,>~i ~;(((i j ~.i~ ~. !.)' '~:,:i:Jj "l,g (~t-'~ i'l b I i-O.l, f):A/ N.t! l 9500) Gt).. L.. Ctlf..; '1(1;1 !.:.:::~.....J i';. ~';)I,q.'!J) p,.{~~ (..I) · '~-~':)," .\ " r /"" (;,~u.I::l)'l'l)li " _l'{ -, ... sseD 000006&815031154 0000122927 0000000000 00000 )." ,'.....~ _.1 SEt RIYIBSE -2!!lEfDR~~~nON - - - -- -- --~- -- -... -- ,,- - __11lISAREA ~ll!rE~~'~T ;]-, ,,.-' ---~-------- .---.----- -.-, ,,- ------......-L.----IJ'Ui..t:::rtp,I'~ ~... 199 a'; CO L LIE Reo U N T Y NOT ICE 0 FAD V t\ LOR E "I T A ',: E SAN 1) ~i 0 r! - A D V A LOR E MAS S E SSM E N T S COUNT EARNED 4% IN NOV 3% IN tEe 2% IN JAN 1% IN fES 0% IN MAR , ../ aUNT DUE 1,928.57 1,948.66 1,Q68.75) 1,988.642,008~ , VALUE MILL RATE AMOUNT AUTHORITY . # ../ 3. 5923 1190AD~~OREMTAXES '----s--/ 5 9 U 4 0 e; n c : ~ ~ COUNTY 1 2 : 606 OJ S 5 . -i l~: ~~~~~~ : ~~~~~ 1. ~ CITY .8082 110.jr' OEPENOENT .5620 7b. 72 WATERMGT. 1.195:= 16 '3. 1b INOEP. SPECIAL . 0495 b . 7 b VOTER APPR. DEBT, 14.7173 2,008.93 BLE 136,500 COLLIER COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR COURTHOUSE COMPLEX . BUILDING C.1 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34112-4997 ::1 MILL CODE 98 ESCROW CODE . 2 3 HARDY, ROBERT S 4 6289 BURNHAM RD 19 NAPLES FL 34119-8407 RATE PER NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS ROAOS WATER/SEWER COMM. IMPROVE, 2 , 0 D t\ . 9 '1 GARBAGE COMBINED TOTAL ._,),::'~i,': :,., i'l l,~.rl ~\ ....\ !I' ~.. !~;' /,!,:, l'..n:{ ';. -HHJ ~i,~"G /5 CK r p~n-X-~0 '~, > UAIL CREEK PLAZA OT 5 OR 1651 PG 2103 : I I l~. ' . ...., Ii.; _ :' "" i\~ ",:.t,. :.: ~,','kn; .Ii'.' (:','LI.~(n(lR 0000068815031400 UD002GlJ f:, 'I:, UO LJ lJ lJ 0 O(] (] u .SEE ~~ERg SIDE. FOR!..URT~ER INF~TIO~____ __ __ _ [j-' , ' ,.' '" [J AGENDA ITEM .J..lt~ 11 C THIS AREA FOR TAX COLLECTOR'S OF ICE usrttm' ., .'. - ,- .' ---!'..J...!..!J..' ""'''...A.!'I!.c::.-.- - -- --. n_ - --;~ - -. - MAR-2? 1999 pg. ~/ 02/09/1999 11:24 9414340953 STERLING TITLE PAGE 04 ,?~c, ''1C>~'" . . , ~ ....~' D I ~.' ~ ..._ , , This instrument prepared by and after recording retum to: 2421793 OR: 2502 PG: 3230 IJCORDKD in OFFICIAL RlcalDS of COLLIJR COUN1Y, 'L 01/15/99 at 04:58PR DWIGH' I. BROCI, CLiRK eOls 2391'0.00 RJC FIB 10.50 DOC-,10 1614.40 leo'. Salvatori, Esquire Quarles & Brady LLP 4501 Tamiami Trat! Norrh Suite 300 Naples. Florida 34 1 03 RetD: STIRLING TI7L1 5121 CASTILLO DR 13 KAPLIS lL HI03 '-I ;:.;c. qj - CCJ4- WARRANTY DEED This Indenture, made this t -r,1 day of January, 1999, between, ROBERT S. HARDY, GRANTOR, and JOSEPH D'JAMOOS, whose social security number is , and whose post office address is 13356 Rosewood Lane, Naples, FL~3-4l19 , GRANTEE. Witnesseth that said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida. The easterly 58 feet of Tract A, and aU of Lot 5, Quail Creek Plaza, Phase I, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15, page 73, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. Subject to easements and restrictions common to the subdivision; oil, gas and mineral rights of record; and real estate taxes for the year 1999, and all subsequent years, being a portion of the property bearing Property Identification Numbers 68815031400 (Lot 5) and 68815000509 (Tract A). Grantor warrants by execution hereof that the subject properties are vacant land and do not constitute his homestead property, nor are they contiguous thereto. and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. AGENDA ITEM No. 17C. QBNAP\USlUSl .1 MAR 2 3 1999 /~ Pg. FEE 139 1999 113:25 94143413953 PAGE. 134 02/09/1999 11:24 9414340953 STERLING TITLE PAGE 05 t** OR: 2502 PG: 3231 *** In Witness Whereof, the Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Pri nted Name (tZ~ t?~ ~ness ~ TR V A. $Mtnt Printed name ~~ 10641 Airport Pulling Road N., #32 Naples, Fl 34109 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged b re me this ~ o--~ay of'-ro..w..o."'~ ' 1996, by Robert S. Hardy, who is personally kno n t e. ' Name of Notary, Printed, Typed or Stamped My Commission Expires: G), LEO J. 8Al..VATOAI . "" wv CXltMISSlON I cc 5lIOll64 - DCPIN8; ~ 28. 2000 . . ., ~ '""" MolIry I'IMll LRIINrIIllI AGENDA ITEM No. 11 C. MAR 2 3 1~~9 Pg. /3 QBNAP\lUU9.1 FEE 09 1999 10:25 9414340953 PRGE.05 02/09/1999 11:24 9414340953 STERLING TITLE PAGE 02 2421794 OR: 2502 PG: 3232 RJCORDJD in OPP1C1AL R!CORDS of COLL1!R COUITY, 'L 01/15/99 at 04:58PK DWIGHT B. BRoCt, CtlRl COMS 506250.00 KIC !II 10.50 DOC-.10 3544.10 I' S-c (,..{ ~.'(' ..' . . " ~:'",I'; /," -' ~"'D /c- This instrument prepared by and after recording return to: Leo). Salvatori. Esquire Quarles & Brady llP 4501 Tamiami Trail North Suile 300 Naples, Florida 34103 Retn: S'lIRLIIIG 'ITLI 5121 CAS!ILLO DR t3 RAPLIS PL Hi03 WARRANTY DEED This Indenture, made this 5th day of January, 1999, between ROBERT S. Hardy, GRANTOR, and FIRST ANESTHESIA ASSOCIATES, P.A., a Florida Professional Association, whose tax identjfication number is , and whose post office address is 860 111th Avenue North, #3, Naples, FL 34108, GRANTEE. Witnesseth that said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida. Lot 4, QUAIL CREEK PlAZA, PHASE I, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15, page 73, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, less and excepting the Westerly 42 feet thereof; and Tract A, QUAtl CREEK PLAZA, PHASE I, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Bonk 15, page 73, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, less and excepting the Easterly 58 feet thereof. Subject to easements and restrictions common to the subdivision; oil, gas and mineral rights of record; and real estate taxes for the year 1999, and all subsequent years, being a portion of the property bearing Property Identification Number 68815031154 (Lot 4) and 68815000509 (Tract A). Grantor warrants by execution hereof that the subject properties are vacant land and do not constitute his homestead property, nor are they contiguous thereto. and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. AGENO'" rtEM No. /7 C MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. /1 QB.NAP\155176.1 FEE 09 1999 10:25 9414340953 PAGE. 02 02/09/1999 11:24 9C.14340953 STERLING TITLE PAGE 03 .' *** OR: 2502 PG: 3233 ttt In Witness Whereof, the Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Printed Name ~h?~~ Itness # TRUDY A. SMITH Printed name ~~ - ROBERT S. HARDY . 10641 Airport Pulling Road N., Ste. 32 Naples, Florida 34109 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER 5" :i The foregoing instrument was acknowledged b ore me this ~ day O"f1CL~Ct "y I 19W, by ROBERT S. HARDY, who is personally 0 n Name of Notary, Printed, Typed or Stamped My Commission Expires: ,~:r.t~'>. LEO J. 6Al..VA.TORl I~W" ..~~ t.lY~'CC~ ~; : ; EXPlPDl: NlMlmlIIt~. 2lXXl \~ ~1l'I\l.........NJI)~ , " AGEND~ ITEM No. J 1C- . QBNA.P\155)"'.4 MAR 2 3 1999 /~ Pg. FEE 09 1959 10:26 9414340953 PAGE. 03 LIST OF ABUTTING AND OTHER PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 250 FEET OF PROPOSED VACATION V~C (jCf- Q;:)-I- Name: Address: Zip Code: Parcel Number: Name: Address: Zip Code: Parcel Number: QBNAP\173256.1 Quail Plaza, Inc. 4500 Executive Drive, Suite 110 Naples, FL 34119 Lots 1, 2, 3 and the West 42 feet of Lot 4, Quai I Plaza, Phase I Robert S. Hardy & Quail II Limited Partnership do David Budd, Esq. 3033 Riviera Drive Naples, FL 34103 All Remaining Property Quail Plaza, Phase I AGENO'" ITEM No. /7c. MAR 2 3 1999 I~ Pg. .-' ~~\\\'{ ~\..\~~ ~~~"s \.~ \j '0 \_ \ c; c.\ ~ \\ \ \:,\ \1, ~' ~\\ 7:' '-\ \ Quotfe{Bt1lty III 4501 T ami ami Trail North Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103.3060 941/262.5959 FAX 941/434.4999 http://www.quarles.com Attorneys at law in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Florida Phoenix, Arizona january 21, 1999 John H. Boldt, P.S.M., P.E. Director Collier County Stormwater Management 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Dear Mr. Boldt: Naples Attornevs James T, Demarest Robert E. Doyle, Jr. Timotl1y G, Hains Samara S, Holland John 0, Humphreville Kimberly l. Johnson Edmond E, Koester Susan 8, Kubar Lisa C,Lottes Thomas E. Maloney F, Joseph McMackin, 111 Mart H. Muller David L Petersen Leo J. Salvatori C,lane Wood Please be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., property owners Of , lands described in the attached Exhibit "A". We have been engaged by Mr. D'jamoos anL. r irst Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. As part of the formal procedure to vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. The t1lldt::1 ~;g~cd docf b~reb'l agree to hsvQ RS abiection to the propo~ed iflcatioll. ~ . Ab- BY:~~ Ah.~-(J, ~'~JL~ -of Print ame -..::7t ff.,.J B--o '-P r ;' i- . J:"-:- r_ - - '" r;;' ~~ Title~~ JAr ~D\ ~~' ~ SF~J:) , 10-;.- IF -~~ ~ t/u- ~p~. Respectfully, QUARLES & BRADY LLP e. C. Lane Wood CLW:jch -- QBNAP\171485.1 AGENOA ITEM No. 17G MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. /1 ... _ ll... 4501 TamiamiTrail North Suite 300 Naples, Aorida 34103-3060 9411262-5959 FAX 941/434-4999 http://www.quarles.com Attorneys at law in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Aarida Phoenix, Arizona Qjun{efl Bnuly UP January 21, 1999 Mr. John R. Houldswoth Senior Engineer Collier County Engineering Review Services 2800 Horseshoe Drive North Naples, Florida 34104 RECEIVED JAN 2 2 1999 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements PlANNING SE~ICES Dear Mr. Houldsworth: Naples Attorneys James T, Demarest Robert E. Doyle, Jr. Timothy G. Hains Samara S, Holland John 0, Humphreville Kimberly L Johnson Edmond E, Koester Susan B, Kubar usa C, Lottes Thomas E, Maloney f. Joseph McMackin, III Mark H Muller David L Petersen Leo J Salvatori C. Lane Wood Please be advised that our fj rm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., property owners of the lands described in the attached Exhibit "A". We have been engaged by Mr. D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. As part of the formal procedureto vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Respectfully, QUARLES & BRADY LLP (! ~tJ~ c C. Lane Wood CL W:jch ,,..,-. The undersigned does hereby agree to have no obiection to the proposed vacation. By:~l Print Name .j~ I"~ ~\':!.u\q~~o\r~ Title ~~U.\C5V' ~.....~\...eoQlf" \ ~tl fA.c.\L\ T\E:-b ~ '\t~ IlJ 'G,A~E:.lM.~/\!"T 1\ V-b A - QBNAP\171479.1 :~ AGENOA ITEM No. /1 C MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. Jg COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION January 26,1998 3301 E, TAMIAMlTRAIL NAPLES. FL 34112 (941) 732-2575 FAX: (941) 732-2526 Mr. C. Lane Wood Quarles & Brady LLP 4501 Tamiami Trial North Suite 300 Naples, FL 34103-5959 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements - Quail Creek Plaza, Lot 4 & Lot 5 Dear Mr. Wood: This office has reviewed your request to vacate the above-referenced drainage easements. The Collier County Water-Sewer District has no facilities in the area and we, therefore, have no objection to the vacation of the Utility Easement. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, C-1jY'~O----;Y; t.~ Cindy M. Erb Public Works Senior Engineering Technician cc: Edward N. Finn, Public Works Opcrations/lnlerim Wastewater Director Paul Mattausch, Water Director Rick Grigg, Land Surveyor, Community Development ~ AGENO'" ,Tal No. /1 C MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. 19 4501 Tamiami Trail North Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103.3060 941/262-5959 fAX 9411434-4999 http://www.Quarles.com Attorneys at law in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Florida Phoenix, Arizona Naples Attorneys James T. Demarest Robert E, Doyle, Jr, Timothy G, Hains Samara S, Holland John D, Humphreville Kimberly L Johnson Edmond E, Koester Susan B. Kubar Usa C, lottes Thomas E. Maloney F. Joseph McMackin, III Mark H. Muller David L Petersen leo J. Salvatori C. lane Wood Qumfesl Bmdy LU January 21, 1999 Mr. Rick Grigg Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services Division 2800 Horseshoe Drive North Naples, Florida 34104 'REC'EIVED JAN 2 2 1999 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements PlANNING saNlCES Dear Mr. Grigg: '.<:... J' .... .,...,...,of~ ~~........ -f" 'P'I."_~-_" . . .-.-~.... Please be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., property owners of the lands described in the attached Exhibit "A". We have been engaged by Mr. D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit UB" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. As part of the formal procedure to vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Respectfu Ily, QUARLES & BRADY LLP e.~~ C. Lane Wood CLW:jch ..,,-_. The undersigned does hereby agree to have no obiection to the proposed vacation. AGENDA ITEM No. /1 C MAR 2 3 1999 By: ~_J/ 6 Z2!'/ .&#ut:;- Print Name ~....-~ ~I?"/~ QBNAP\171472.1 F"~. 3/ /99r Pg. ~o lJ UHTY Oi4 SVC 4501 Tamiami Trail North Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103-3060 941/262-5959 FAX 941/434.4999 http://www.cuarles.com Attorneys at Law in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Rorida Phoenix, Arizona Naples Attorneys . - '""\ James T. Demarest Robert E. Doyle, Jr. Timothy G, Hains Samara S. Holland John D. Humphreville Kimberly L. Johnson Edmond E. Koester Susan B. Kubar Lisa C. Lottes Thomas E. Maloney F. Joseph McMackin, III Mark H. Muller David L. Petersen Leo J Salvatori C. Lane Wood Quorles!/3Wdy;;;' PI1 2: I ^, January 21, 1999 Ed Kant, P.E., Director Transportation Department 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Ms. Kant: L~___. , .._----- i ---.-..--. - I ._---....J Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Please be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., property owners of the lands described in the attached Exhibit "A". We have been engaged by Mr. D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1, As part of the formal procedure to vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us, We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Respectfully, QUARLES & BRADY UP (I. LW~ C. Lane Wood CLW:jch agree to have no obiection to the proposed vacation. - AGENDA ITEM No. 11 c.. MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~ I QBNAP\171495.1 45011amiami Trail North Suite 300 Naples, Florida 34103-3060 941/262.5959 FAX 941/434-4999 httpJ/www.quarles.com Attorneys at Law in Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Flonda Phoenix, Arizona Quorles/Bmdy UP January 21, 1999 Ms. Janet Kelly President Quail Creek Plaza Property Owners Association, Inc. do Naples Road Building Corporation 4500 Executive Drive Naples, Florida 34119 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Dear Ms. Kelly: NaD;es Attorneys James T Demarest RObe:: E Doyle, Jr T'~c:" i G. HainS Sa'-", S Holland Jor" ~ rlumDnreville K,rTice- i ~. Johnson Edm,": E Koester Sus:' B Kubar Lisa C Lottes Tho'"" = Maloney F Jcse;' McMackln,ll; Mar,~. ~11uller Da'!!: L Petersen Leo J S,lvaton C. La~:Nood Please be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph O'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A, property owners of the lands described in the attached Exhibit "A", We have been engaged by Mr. O'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. As part of the formal procedure to vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Respectfully, QUARLES & BRADY LLP (~~ C. Lane Wood CL W:jch The undersigned does hereby agree to have no obiection to the proposed vacation. By: /!?~/?(~ Print NU;e 'Jcf (1('1 . ,.~ .'1' , Title , \ -'" :"\'; I.,j-r Pc~-: +- V~ I~ ~~ ' ^~ ('" .,, ,;/.)", v~Y'u{1 j... ~ .t-~ 'l..L-- r>/ " ~ .1, f i':'(..j', r_ 'i . ~I .' ,1' .li'('~ '.)~..,.." fJ I'd'\, QBNAP\171474.1 AGENOA ITEM No. J1C_ "jJMAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ;} ~ 02/10 '99 11 :58 -. ',- \. L- - .~ . - . ID:BIG CYPRESS BASIN FAX:941-597-4987 PAGE 3 4SOlllmilmi TI~~ Nonh Su~e 300 Naples, Florid. 311033060 941/262-5959 FAX 941/43H9~S hl\pJIwwv< quailescom Anorney, .,Law in Mllwau~e! ~lId Madison, Wisconsin Wesl Palm Rf.ach Hod Naplls, Florid. PhocOll. Arllcna Naples Anornavs QUI/TitSI R,ru!y Uf' February 2, 1999 James!. Demarest Roben E. Doyle, Jr. Timothy G. Hains Samara S Holland John U. Humphreville Kimberly l John5on ~dmond t Koester Suun B. KubJl LIsa Clone' lhumBs E M~lullav t. Jmph McMilckin.1I1 Mark II. Muliel Omd L Pelersan leo J Salva lor, C, tHlle Wood Mr, C1tlrence Tears Big Cypress Basin 6089 Jane~ lane Naples, Florida 34109 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Dear Mr. 'ears: PIp.tlsC! be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associntcs, P.A., property owners of th. 'nds described in the attached Exhibit "AN. We have been engaged by Mr. D/Jamnos and i Anesthesia Associates for the purpo5e of petitioning Collier County in connection with the> vilcation of druinilge casements currently existing on their lands. lhese p.ct~p.rrH!f)ts are described in ttu~ attClched Fxhibit "B" rllld graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". Alllanns and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek PlaLi..I, Phase 1. As part of the formal procedure to va(:C\h~ the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the eClSem(:nts acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the v<lciltion of the ellsements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We hflv(~ enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your COl1v(!nienc(!, Plof1se do !lol h(!sitate to contact our ()ffjn~ it you should have any questions. We! thank you in adv,mC(~ (or your prompt \lttentiun to this rnatter. R(~spectflllly / QUARLES & BRADY LLP /J' c. ~tJ/~_... C lane Wood CLW:jch By: Plln Clarence Tlllc._.. .... _~~r~ctor, Big ~ypress ~~in y agre. 0 haw' no obiection to the proposed vacation. AGENDA ITEM No. J1C- MA:i 2 '3 1999 RECE\VEO FE 8 0 2 1999 ale .: ': , '.;H BABIN Sr'IJ'VMU. NAPl.ES QBNAI'\ 172'i2A.l Pg. d~ . I=PL 4105 15th Avenue S.W. Naples, FL. 34116 FAX 353-6082 January 25, 1999 Quarles & Brady LLP Mr. C. Lane Wood 4501 Tamiami Trail North Naples. Florida 34103-3060 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Dear Mr. Wood; In reply to your recent request, FPL Company has no objection to the vacation of the existing drainage easements as described: 1. The north 12 feet of the south 22 feet of Tract A of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15, page 73. of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 2. The east 25 feet of Lot 4, (Not Including the North Ten Feet that abuts Tract C), Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 73, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. 3. The West 25 feet of Lot 5, (Not Including the North Ten Feet that abuts Tract C), Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15, Page 73. of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. FPL will retain our rights to utilize the North Ten Feet that abuts Tract C, for the installation of new or upgraded electric facilities, both overhead and underground. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 941-353-6025. Sincerely, Jim Merriam Construction Services AGENDA ITEM No. /1C- MAR 2 3 1999 !>g. ;l4 cc:file an FPL Group Company 4501 Tamiami Trail North Suite 300 Naples, Aorida 34103.3060 941/262.5959 FAX 941/434.4999 http://www.quarles.com Attorneys at law in Milwaukee end Madison, Wisconsin West Palm Beach and Naples, Rorida Phoenix, Arizona Quur!es/Bmdy LU Janua Joyce F. Goddard Network Engineer 1 - E&C Sprint Box 2477 Naples, Florida 34116 Re: Vacation of Drainage Easements Dear Ms. Goddard: Naples Attorneys James T. Demarest Robert E. Doyle, Jr, / Timothy G. Hains Samara S, Holland John D. Humphreville Kimberly L Johnson Edmond E. Koester Susan B. Kubar Lisa C. Lottes Thomas E. Maloney F, Joseph McMackin, 11\ Mark H, Muller David L Petersen leo J, Salvatori C. Lane Wood Please be advised that our firm represents the authorized agent for Joseph D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates, P.A., property owners of the lands described in the attached Exhibit "A". We have been engaged by Mr. D'Jamoos and First Anesthesia Associates for the purpose of petitioning Collier County in connection with the vacation of drainage easements currently existing on their lands. These easements are described in the attached Exhibit "B" and graphically depicted in the attached Exhibit "B-1". All lands and easements referred to herein are located within the plat of Quail Creek Plaza, Phase 1. ._ As part of the formal procedure to vacate the drainage easements, Collier County requires that certain utilities and users of the easements acknowledge this "Letter of No Objection." Please indicate your consent to the vacation of the easements by means of signature below and return the same to us. We have enclosed a postage-paid envelope for your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you should have any questions. We thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. e to have no obiection to the proposed vacation. AGENDA ITEM No. /1 C. MAR 2 3 '999 Pg. ,15 Respectfully, QUARLES & BRADY LLP ~~ C, C. Lane Wood CLW:jch QBNAP\171448.1 II} " Il'in 185 lJ I~; CJ If) ()Q ,,1.(1(1 I ~ ,'i( I 63 I I 62 I 61 I I ~ 60 I~ I 3 Ii 59 I 58 I I ~ 57 ,2 I 56 I I I I I 10 ~ G2 L~~ ~IRAD. ON [HE GREENS ONE COHOO PH j \ r'Aril:El_ G ~ ,_1..; .'?'in ~ CD ~ '" .~ lot ] ... ... @ 1\ @ :5 @ .. @ tl @ ~ ~: ~ ;;,; ., "" .. 1 ~ 13 12 11 Ill.. '" 13 ,1IIi .'J JO 'I l1Dto 1I~ to EXECUTIV DRIVE 1\ 00 1525.' ~ :(j) ,,, ~ I "to ~. ~ 30 4 " to lto to 2 (9) ~ CD (5) CD \!: (2) G} 4 TRACT ^ 5 6 7 "ooB ?fJ116 100 00 7'l1J'J 1Vttv1liuth 1/~ Une 130 00 Ll 1100 J9 S,R, 846 IVISION P,B. PG. NO. SUBDIVISION _AlA PHASE 2 18 71 ~2. LONGSHORE LAKE UNIT 5B2 ~SE TWO 21 42-43 ~,3 , QUAIL WALK PHASE TH E AGENDA ITEM E UNIT 5A 21 49-50 ',4, HUNTINGTON LAKES UN TWIe. 17C- 24 75-76 MA~ 2 3 iS~9 KES ~,dT ONE 24 93-96 E UNIT 581 25 48-49 Pg. ;}Io VAC qq- 004 4~?E~MlENf MRP i = - . ~ ~a ;!! lOf'GSHORE I..Al<LS !.NT OOE ! ". ~ -. \- ~~ , . ers.rsr I! .cuxr 'tca1fl'IUIl~~"""CI'<< PLAT BOOK 15 SlUET lor PAGe: 7 I PLAZA QUAIL CREEK PHASE 1 A SUBDIVISION OF DESCRIPTION OF LAND PLATTED i CCft'OI:\.., lHE """" 1/4 ~ a1 RetIa. 10. TO\MSW1' .. PI'''. .......'4 u..sl. I"IAlllC Ilfcar::x. CoQ.llUl Q).", I\CltIO... 1~ It.cat II<< aclIlT" ~o saur. lit U": tlf' S..U Sl::lItJ11 2'0. _'M 01-....-01. weST 101).00 fUl 10 IlI€ lIOIlI" \'11l( 0If flUl IDC 'lX:r c..uJ.N. U"",'-(J6-...u AS DUU11(.1 ,. 0... U. "".;( ,.,. P"IAllC tt~ aI CQ..~\(I w..-n. nQllHa MQ ltolE P'Ol" r:I IUII..I.. Of tIC. ItAjlllC(I,. ....1. Cl($OIll(Dt 'O~ ....~ u.n aollIh. L1. ....'M ...........,... ""1 Ie".. liLI lC rill(. WI Ll-t rJif UlOOXl ...,,( AlIIICMI 011 ,.. l'I.d " "'4H Cl'llU \11.11 -.. p... lJ. ".foGIU ,....:N. 1OCIl.1IU co...n. ftOllHI... nua ...__ no( ....,. lASt L'II( .",. 'AI...DID:>> _It'[ .. ,.. '"LOIil''' Illl.Il (.. IIIl.SCaIUD c:o.II5(..S. . u -'1. 00..10......'.. ..., ......~ faT. ;II ~,~,...o ~II'LUIUtl' e4J-t:! ,al ...... fill[ ~ 01 A .....,...$0".... Cl1tCU..M CUl"r( 1;:CItC.A'r( 10 '.. SDl.ilto€A$1 ....".. .. IADI'" OF ..10.00 n(f r..Cl.lI>I , c,un.... u~1l: Of &J'-."-~. ....0 II(lac; _toO(.!) " .. QC)ItO .1CM KNl, _,. 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ACK~OWLEDGEMENT AS TO MOBTGAGEE .r"'IlflIf"lIllTU 00MT1 (4 ::o:a.ltOl , KnC1' Q;llln r_r CII twlS 0<101 wYocr: PI[ ... lW"~ M. 1 ~i,~;<<~~~~"'~~~.~I~ ~f:~h:JA~~:'~r\t.r ":;'~,.t~[f~.l~:=~''''' D.LCl,JIII:; ,..1: '....\,orIU"1LT~.)(JI .....'~I" t'lA.f H::;l(:;! UI fll" " "'10 '..:JO-o,ll.lrlo. 01,10 ,,...r tl1l: :;:(J.l ...;'-ll'.:l 'I'IU1:ra U IIC llnL CDI:1':JIU,11. 5l.Al OE SI:D COAI'ClRA!I~.u.i..f ~;, ~:=:~:'11~ NIIJ.s;,;; ~ :y~ ~..:'::~.. .. """,co,.. 01'10'" ~ik4iljl~$ft ~ICT "'...~ - -, EAST LINE Of WEST 60' Of SCUTHEAST 1/4 Of SECTIGK 20 0' ,C.U.[ ~POI~T OF BEG1HKING OF LAND PLATTED iL ' ~ "''''' " ro""<<~, SOOTH 1/~ CM'~:ER SEcn ell 20. 10lP.!SHIP 48 SCUW. R'JlGli': ;2i; UST. COlUER COO:CTT. fl3RIOA PART OF SECTION 20. COLLIER COUNTY. TOWNSHIP FLORIDA 48 SOUTH. 26 EAST. DEDI CAlI ON t1..." .1\.,.1" __n"CIlUlU uov,u.:. "'h I' fl.. l'tI(SlJ"1 '_I ...., I. ~.. H1[ ~ . (ME l..,..ol; IlUUtlt.O I<<Jl'(I>> ..... c.ALISL-D "'" "'AI bllTlU IlJAll CIlUI ~.av.. P'IU$( I III lit MDt MoD ~, QUlIU.IU ,... 'CIlL""l'" 1. 10 ~.ll I'\Alt. "a""Ul1 ~U" .IoSSOClAlIc. t.c.. T.... ..... MID 1111;10I1':# ,...,.... ~.... 01111<<. ......,.u ..1....'r c' oUIO It<< .$I"OIII~'IIL1" 'JI 1'!;J1,f'{llJA.l I\Al.T{IOJIQ: f1I1 1.ylI(. I. TO Ou.:l il'\U... H:O"t1l11 O'\tIoU'S ass.or.UT''', tac.. ....l c-..I"-: 1t/CJ""""0aA.<l u.~oot...~....>.., U:'lC:.fo'U 011 lill r\"" Ml) .lr'C*Ilell.lff f1Il'"t....,.!:l\l.tLl'I..llIfUl"~:tClf~. ,. III au IV C~1J W-IIVl-I("IU "'sr..'" ITS '......;;roIILl. Ad 1,0( .""'flI1 Il.ll'\.U O-r I1Slll1tt ,. -.c.:..::n t..uU€-Jr '0 ....L ,..IJleus ~ 011 ,." n.1ll 'OIl IfIE: S':U ~ f1I1 H.ll:f'ltrl" ~ ....0 IunCl[ HJt,a.U lD"'I.~UICI~AI\'U.t. 4. 'II nOllI=.'O'olIEJ.u:) ll~' ~".,. ....11al rn~ ~M1' ,ur, .... e~1\.( In(lIS1111l ".".041';( c.:ar.AII" . .1>>r-(la.lAIY[ UTlllf1 (.o...:;.(""Ll1 W.(.I ,I.S I.OICA11L.) 0.. IIC l'\.AI fe.. ,.... ~S rJI t.Ol'u....cnc.. '''UllAIJOII ""'..'U....CI. Uti 0l'1J1:~11Q1l . U(Ulltc. In~ Jo.II& CA8l.t T(\[1II.IQa 'o!oGllIl1U MO 1.(UICl.. .a COU111\.1:IH'-. IUIAl\,AIIOJI. ~llIlr(.U.JIC( -..0 "t.Ullo.r 01 ..., c.oa.t HlO1Slo. f",.eIUIlU IUlD ILUTe( WtL IlltJllv.. 111",1"1( n(el111C!lIt t(1~[ tAC'LlflU IUIO UJlflct.. I. TIIII( OUT A111 Col.IU: rnOlS100ll t.lr"Nl"1 a.......lIo(. 10< ,AoCllUIU f1I ....c:r<.a "-Ie \In\.I'', If '""'-1. . iCllt.Lr 1t(1"'QU11L( ,0. -",t11 IM,-.....1(f_ S. loll V.fUl .lJI~ ~ VTILIIIU COl.Uln.CllD "'t.,. "'11 "-Uf(llI MOo Sou.l.~ __ MOlc..un 10' he. fOQ.L1U1 c........" ltlAtLl-iol...... Ilnttlcr. IIol.l 1IIIt#....:L IASlft.IlTS AS &IC)lIIll 011 hU' n.t to "'LIlA ~lf '011 loft: ~~ rJI ~11Al::t VlTIf.a ltu.onl.1LlIT ,0. ,,",UTUAaC(. ,. M.L~"'OIft UIlL1TIU (\j..TO 4 &lWLtJ IKAlL . ICUlUf1~ ,. c.w.I. ~n ..,nlll ~U J. 'IJ1111CS .vt(7. .owe., &. ltNIICI1. ~ tAUSlO IIlI[a: P'IlUUTI :.-..,:;~; ~,:r~~r::J:d~I~M(.~~ .~.)1O.01l0A;- . ...W~ u..~. ..1.. ........... Jf.~JL~ Ii . /1 4}j"l// " W'~5.:..j~{~ ....1 ..~. "';;-7' PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RANGE COUNTY APPROVALS .... -..", IN" "l.t ~u .,. r..: CGLL1U ICIDIaTr OrIUUJI '1111 2~ ~ GAr OT c~u~..- ...,. 4.0. ~ _ d....2JJ.jJ .CJIII'Q( ,. ....t1I1~T. P.~. 1301_ ca.l.tU CIlI.IIl n. ILC.I<<U ~" .... hi .:7""""" h.~S.J'-~ll~Ul~~ OCUI~:-~~O~:: ~~ ;:" ~Ul ...'u U:J .~. ~ r lMl'ltT 1_'. c:.--... .~""'....e:- .. OII:l(CIOII OF 01'1~'" U11111UJ1"_ c:altn ., f-.cT ~ BOI pur ~u,,'~ c:eU1U..." ..U...." .." $- 0.., 0( A"M.r-L 1..... ....a. ~d.'-..L . 1.1:"1: I.. .. GUTl;;;r---- Cl1lLlUl~".lI~' _n .,un _",n_ 1t.1I I'\.t ~UI fOIl "~1_ n ,.. CCIl.L1Ul __n "lIun aUl'l~ '"'' ."'" ....__ &.. ...... A.'. 4."tI-....l......,~.J ~:,~~ IIl_ct.. ..J WllLllt III".... ..." -.0.,. ~.. '''" 1'\.111 ""~U1 Hili IIlCtlltOI.. ,_ .. II"tA fII(IU.' ,. re ~ '3f OIodIn C:ON'IlCSIOMJt. OF CD..LIU w..rl. nan'A ,... )1... on. ..._..va.,. I",". ....0. "",,1C'Ut 1.....1 lto( ,.,..,1 11 f"ltCi. 'I ,,~ 1If'f"lt( IIf' 'M: C:lAClIIf CI:UII _ ~11U1 COtaIl....f\.OIlI~.. ii/_____.....-r-.,.::.-C.. I?-H.-{~t' ..IolJ"1:$ C. tllU _r It.UIlOVII. cau.,-.. Q.[ltaOlCIJlCUlfClll.aI ~WCCUll"CP'fo;Q-.(~ ClLLld: ....1'. nfa1Dol ~ SURVEYOR"S CERTIFICATE- If " ..., co.nnu ,...., till" ..." "... ".U....(D #~ M ..-;:. IU"(' fIT It<< ~11 " ,. :. 1...0(.1 '" Sl"II'f.'UIc. ,.. ~1:ll " N..I 21__. fL~a'A ~1111""'f"lt c;.arx #olD ~fUl U2 " r IU.llU1 ,"'fUIU.. 11 l' ""'I~ c:unnc ,...., ALL ~" ..,..., Io€flV1I Iol:r'.:Au1 0111 III "1ll unl ,..,. ,. It(e(lItDl.' ., IK "",."1t1'1~. MID 11<1(1. 1111. UXATtDll. '1"( ..., N.IUlllol ~ .;.>'Ucn, ~ '" P'1l;CI,.OUl II tiC Cl"IRa(,tI LOin.. . Clt.AIIU 11" rII II<< I'lCIIl.I.... ,UIU:U. (Vll.t.l1f"r':.l.1tA. ..t.fIl1CM. ..... .. f'UJ[. IIC. .~f'e:!:~".. ,.(:,/M "----- FILING RECORD 1 lCJtUl c::t.ar:" ,...., hilI 1'\41 .....s _LI U""'1IL!l '" lit[ .... 1_1 IT ~IU I. ,000ft lJ1'W 1"Of "ttlIJlt:tlt".r. (lP" C"""I. '''. lA'" cr 1M( 1.1~'( f6 ,\,CWlIOA. 1.1..-1.... ct.atlft ,...., ItC:S n....1 .... 'I~ ,,. lIU:QIIIO ,,' ,.OJ "". 11'11 12 'II on 01 "'''''IL I.... ....0. .0 1ILIl.1 ..~ I' ""AI..... II ."-"'W; n CII h€ na.IC ~ " caLltfl ~". nGlIllN.. tdl~l~~:So G.J".::....J J"')'~'. Q,ur. tJI f'4l ClaQIU ~r I' ... ,. CIIlI.1.1U ~1'. n..aatOA pE~~Bt,...l, _~.qJ.~S..,,_" ,...-. J. ""-1. DII'I.UIc:.1 . c:.r.'7U ~ Me UNI" WlL.lSI era fll~.. ~~ :....~~~'";"-i~~~ ~?... -0- . oc.- LUll'" -~.. . DI1.U ....t lUll ~.. . rx.:--:'I KAJl:I.. .u.ln~ ~ &AStD ~ 1M( ....,. ... ...,. .,. UM . IItctUIII 2'0. J~~" ... lWI"-. ..... iii (.MI. JiLMt.. _'" t1.~'-e=l'" "'91[..1 ~". n::aI~A. .. 1.01c..TU '.0_........, .,(~ ~1. t. 1.:>lC...,U ~1 CIl:.'-' N,a. &P.C..".I 1_" III.~.- ""It ,unu c.,t#. .. &.1.'0( lilli L1...,j;.......,.. -.na .'U .,...,.. ,. a.l. l&.)tCoAIU c.lA:a,loQ( U~,. I. U-t.. IWOIU:U IIll1lfl U..UC.llI. t. ... srall' Ol' L""-' 1.' m:.. II IJC ,.., ... .... " &l UII II _1ll.E.' ~5l[JI'1'Ul .. .. /,11:U" IIoIIMJIr 10'.'. to L.. ..1.1. .Y.:I c..alr.L 'UUI$ICII ,*,-1. 'HE CLllUll.'~ t1I '''''L''C..11 _-.:t1 '. nt'''''''' ..... A 1._ . 14.SC I~ ".I~ af '..U I'UI ClCSI_ "-IUIS. 1M( ",0..... C.OIUIC. 1& ~1"",1(l.f I)., ~IDI II ....,UII-.fol t.:<'l.U.CI. TlC. l'" 11 _11"1. nClCCl' lClIIt 1:... f'UI nc::c:e .~u: u;( """ c:arn..," ~...o. aIoftIU 1:-:raw..." SD ..Uut ...,..... IiLL G.CUtl_ ". ac:u .. lUna.... ......a;II(I1C WbIt1C1l1. OAf'UIl. n. RUI.IC11on.. ..C'IUU.,...' .... "'.ICla(~' ..-: .CIIIl:Dt:D I. .....I~I.. It(~ ~ 141. . P'..wtl to. f1iCIIDI.ol;lM I~l' . ,.....IC ~ CII CQ.1.IO C:::::I.Mft. A_Ie.&.. 12. al ~ ..,.. ..... ... '~1 C a.nc:urnll: _1.0 II<< ~1 P[!lIC:.'ub .. IK "'~'::"Ie .0 ... "'''A'(. .,_ "I&tcf acc:.~ "'_1.ll'n I t~_ . 1.c:I.~.g... Irn:JI:.U ~ ~l It( 1'IIP'f,"lld. ... ~. ........,----:-";Y~_..."_'O,.,.....",..~ d. ~~....:.: ~.,::;;-: POll nIE.....-eM ('# ~.... II..AoQ "....nul ~ ~ .........u,not. THI S lOSTRUl'LH JOIfl< Eo 8Wrlo'!:l WllSOM. "!llER. ftEGtSTEPED ENt;l .J8J AIRPORT RO 'AnES. c:ll.lItR tulIO'. l~ E:~rD LAND SUR__ETC, c....:. n~'n. I 11A.IIOlF\0II10'" , .., CP-art tJI 2I.L101 1 ~ COIn" I~r 011 "'III 0.'. t(!1IlIt(~. ..,. tlr'flCU 0IA.1 ....'....I;Ul l~ r-.( '~"ow.te;.L"':.'l H.JllQII"'-l' .....!.M'{O ft::k,,, I. ""'-;:f. ('Y'lI~1l ...s O(Ole...r,* 0. 1"-1[ 'Cl'IlC.:Jh8 ,,-"I ,lIlQ M( "CUJ~(!'GU OIClJII.. lME ~ ':a....UlIllI 1.JIlQU: .w.IfllClll" ""'-I ".IUl U .,.,,,. W11.n '" IIUo.c ..0 Clf"flcUl ..... ,. flC CCUlTr IUlO S"'It :=~::I;~O"'I 01 In:;! rn ~,. ....0. ..:TIAA' "'" lC W,"'1 MORTGAGEE"S CONSENT ataPo AICl JiCllTr<<" UTOUl. .... " ~ hIE ~1-.D CIlUr ~1lf"'U Jl( II tIC to.M. ",. t-<<: _,..... lit. 011 0'""' ucu..r....O( OA'I!) ...owl..... t\,I_'" ,., Oll.' ,,~o I. OHIC14 "-~~ pe"')lr. I),.. ,....:U .'1. .ao. "'*.IG Kt.:{A';$ Of e=UI(t: c.ou.l'. flCllI';A".O:ol1 ..O[lr co.~1 TO ,101( tl"tlC.lItl:' Dr TN( \,......'S DU'JlIIUI i. '14: DUltU.TlOll -":'0 I( 111: e....{1 1~1l:(1:If lUJl:l """-t( t"~f ,..: ....C:"lf1...'C 'Ull'~. 1.1U '" 01~.""r;;( ~ .. ~lulU) 10 I~ 1'\1.1 M.fI 'ME "'1""'1101 L..:o/r. ..--~' ~.~.L- .AJI:lIC.TT......,. -.:t P'fIUOD(f - ~ ~ Q'TIlPOA.oc>~~..,..~t\.CICIA t4OO,.,. I'TII[r't /UIf ............. ~ TITLE CERTIFICATION .un. "-.1;.... _n .. IZU.IU I. ..ftIOI ,. ""'1'. .. ....., U~ ...lIi:W'1(' I. tIC 'tAn: cr P\~1;;.A. oc .......t"--I' ClJ'''' 1_1 , ",",-Il U.....I-..1I IHE l'ltt :0 M ......lIIllllll(J.Ca;~,rlI PT:If'l.Alt ..., ''''''' t,. lI'a ia h'l: K"'~' QltSC;a,tD> ~rt IS lUlU! I_ ~"'-OI .. 1IlMCl1. r."1 !:'!,: ..;:..;:toi.T I~ "',,:..~ ,,"". .. n.u :.c. ft:ClrU1I t. nu. f;I ~.""'I u.::u>t A:I fcuan. I. """'-t C'!rT...~"'. f'1IWCIl or"'~ 111-"', .... ~::n.:"", IS .... -..x ':t... ,...... '.1 - tH. .......lC ~ . 1lIlU.1!..JI CD.IIU. n.0II'.... ... ,. 11-.0 An"..., .I' \..loll' ll~ 18~" MAR 2 3 1999 -.:... -- f"lM-'__'- ------..... - -;;- ~WA47-- 1 ~~ 35 tt., ~7"i.~IAL COII[a f"\.lir. JHT I - 1iWZL~ ~ tal ~~ _~ 6:i VAC qq - 004- }ll ~t · so ;!! ~ LAXE5 !.NT ONE f -. . is .~1!4O.OO" p.lT)(~~l.McDI,.WTCN: COLl.Ell WlHTl' !ITE LOCAT'1CIN ! ~fU). :. i f:::j I o 50 100 P""b......_ SCALE IN 200 , fEET NOT PLATTED '" zo - ..J . .... TRACT 8 %0 -'" ~ cz "'0 ..~ '" %W ...'" a:: c"" zoo '" > a:: c c c ~ '" ..J < > ,.7.. . ........ '."" .. . ".001'"'' J ; ~ v~.., to' cI ~;}~....,.. i . ...... ---:t -.-}.:. ~.~.! . ""'1.""".0 546." ell TRACT C -- -C!.~ '.1'.. ~ I .., . .r." 11'- _ ~.,.._.~.. 'I oooll DRIVE ~ut. ~O' R/W(~~.aDoo_~" ~I" "'.l. , . ~~:;,,'w_'41'= 100.00 -1$.. _. :::::.~.:..~~]?~..- ~ I 1l7" - 1..q $ ~ ., ~ ,. ) lO'\a I ~...:;; ;: r ", .:;; 7 ;: Lor . I ~o" ~ I I I -".00 ~ -nucT A _ ~NC)~.a ~ :. ..... .... <> 2 ;, LOr J ; LOt 4, I I I . ~ 8 ~ ~ ~~ s ;; I I I -,....., IGlJ.. o A SUBDIVISION DESCRIPT ION OF LAND Pi s ~ CGI'f'O.:l. .10' fl'l[ ""',. 1/. CClIIbIOl OF ReU. 20. ,~, IIMfIl '" OST. 1'Uk.1C II(~ 01 CGlLlU C;OI.n. nOlI l tI.... r~ ..(at IN[ ~TI' ..,.0 10.1111 ". u.-t: Of SAHl Kcn... :I ............1.11($1 1000.GO fUI 10 1M(. ~,.. lll( or h..., 100 c.MAl IIIIIH-(lJ-"., AS Dtsc..tl.ul 'I 0.'. 4.3. ,"'" H1. P\oell ", CCI.",U co..-u. nc:.U'lA MD ,~ f'Ollr Of 1U1..1" ., '" _II D(1Ca I I(.b. , OC( N.OIIG ....1" &C*fll 1111( ICUUI .........U. ~If .e '1.,(1 '0 fl< lAlI L tIC( tIIf Ulao:to .1ft; .... ~ OIl r~ 1u41L 0IItU \all 11II(. f'... .,. 'NfIU l~ H. CQ.llUl c:a nQll:I~. ruAoC( ..... '10( IATD 011 UK fJI "~L1ICXI IInl ,. , 'U,Il 141 Of5CAll.Ol ta..-Sl..S. II _1101 OO'~JO'-U. .." .....;re '"til. Z _r~'.-.D &aIlf........rulu M).U I"Uf...... It<< __1M<<.Il1AL CIIlCU.NI CUII1I[ co-eATt: ro 1101( sout... aUTN .. L\D1Ul OF "G.OCl rut '~III .. CUU:Al It. ""."l'~"'. "'0 1(1., _'OlllED " .. CICIRO ""I"" . -,... ",..."..,,- OS1 ...,.... nu '" It. "'1.1. I II _,~ 1.'","'-1.- u.sl .".';0 'Uf. &! _f~tOll' ~ ~lto<<.Jll' .u.1tO fUI ..o.s tIC IAMlUu.:. CUtCl..._ ClAn!! co-cnl Ig he .oltlllftl(lU IlAlltvt etr ~~.GC "UI U<<lJLOCOlll .. CUUl.... MC\[ Of :;i~]"~~i.t€ill,sam~~i\:r~ tD~gl:;l~ t 'MOle( Lf..nIU ....I~ tlt.$I 1.1. Me '.UO (:UII'[ $.OI,l'" 01' tAU II,J." "f..(l "lION tM( W;SI lalll. 01 l(;lo;~ lU'( ".1 ...:. f"L.U ~ U. f'lIoQ(S IU-~. PUkIC ctClllltDti or CClL1U c::a..n. nallD.... ~..-=~;.!:.~; ~~~(~IO l~ LMU U: 1M[ USI UN Of r"'ll: ~, 60 f'Ul . fie 1t'\l:'fC.A$1 . """, Jl[CIIOI le' r~..;( .....1*. UID ~r Lt.. Nut.. DI'-o".02- LU,r 11. n:' to I.... .0000Tlllll( 01 UIO c..uAL .1""'.."....,. rw'.Ia. Alr..c ":D ~l" L 1-.1: """,.. ...~O...I.. ItII:.st 10 10 fl'lf 1"'C1IT . .{ioU_lac OF rl<< "....cn t<<:~{i' Dn,(;1l11"! IIUWIII'" -. .1.5Ul G'; 'l<< .,.1", ....0 SWIll I...ot COIlIUl Lllll 01 "...cnOll 1'0. klU lrJJ1r.. DI'--o.'~02" IliLU' ....." 10 ilASlJo€.JIlJ MD 1U'11C110IS (JIT ~. ACK~OWLEDGEMENT AS TO 'Uft: 01 'l_T.... ClMff (r ;aL 110 1 fOVlII(' ct.al1n 'MAr I>> "',. Dot., WYOItt K M DrrTeat CIA. , ~~~~~:~~"J~~ J'OII.f("'-"''u''tJt&~'~:''''h I"LA1 1.1I:; I......r".-: ~cu;C".\~~:: m:CUIII; u.."l. 'a.\.III.utllf lM:JUl ALllfIOlItlU t'lA., HUG! U fll If ~IC '~~T1C11 uo ,....., tME ~ .,n.....~ rJ<<,Jtuo 11 ft<< c;ctI:I"Ol.tl.5(.AI.. II' ""':0 ~!I~.Uoi.f ~ ::~I:'f I~ MO..w~ ~ ::'f~ ~":frt. "'CI:IJ't'YIU1.orlRU. ~~.~ ,,-.aT ".." t EAST LTNE Of WEST 60' Of SCUTHEAST 1/4 Of SECTION 20 AGENDA ITEM No. /1C- MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. dg .- I 1 100' /_- /HI'10KAlEE ROAD 1100' CDUIHT ROAD 846 ....l~.~~ ~POI~' OF BEGl~NlNG OF LAND PI ;1(00 '. --~"'''' ~ ro~m.." SllUm 1/( C<l;-,t:ER s.ECilCN 20. lO~SllIP 48 ~UTlI. R'-'I(;E 25 u.sr. COU.IER COU:ln. fL3RlD... CANAl R/W. DEED BOOK 43. / R/W'/ SOUlH LII<E s.ECTlOll 20 V Fie 9'7-cx:J4- 1?35 v ~ c q:;-cx:J 4- ~56 ~"".,..:..'.~~....:...:.-.;:,,;:-.~-:::';:';.;~~'.... ,~:,' >.~. -,.-~--_. ~'~-:'-~.....'.,__---'--- -,;,:.. "..:.... .'... ';T~, -~'. '_' "~, . _,' _,,' _, _ . '':'- ~""'i~~8i2' ., ~ ".~~"f"'", "'<< t~ ~,;.;;~,{'i,.- ~~;;...~~~*~~~~~, ~~:..<...._.~"-- f~ . ~ ,..,,_.~r? m~~~~$~~~~ ~~ ~1 ~!~ .~~-4 O! 500306 In n.. 23 ~ 1;:29 no 1'633- 002%02 ~i RECtHJED OR BOOK r,.l...~,:, COWER COUHTY PA.GE - ," ~~.liA.G.L..Eh$~~~ "~}l:,~?~ ;~ P.OEERT s. ::~~~ ~^::"'~::~t~:~n::d t:i:o:.2 OF d::Ul::~' J~~~I~::~l~Z:~ li~:,.",...}"e_~ OF CCJ!..L!ER CC,n;TY, "LaPID", as the Govcrni:1<:; c'C'dy of Collier COU:1ty .-:;:/ a~d o.S C:.: o:'ficio the Go'..rerning Board of the Collier county "';.,-."oj --"'::-' ,.2:..~'~ t~~ ~:'1,; '~f~~~ ~~ .f0~ r~~~, i~ .:~~f;~~ ~,,~"'.i../:"'~ ~'~.>::?) "~ ~'":.-.~' r~ ~tfz~ ~~~~ ~.,. \ jtl ~ '~~:;~j ~ E-< '" ~ Wat2~/Sewcr Dis~rict, i~5 sUcc~ssors a~d a~signs, ~~ Grantee. ~'ITNE55ErH : That the G~~ntcr, for and in consideration of the sum or Te~ and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and 0thcr v~luable consideration p;J.id by the Grantee, receipt of which is hereby i\ckno\oiledged, he~cby conv"'?ys and g'!:"arts unto the Grantc ts ::;u.ccessors. ~r.d assigns, a perpetual, €>:clusive drainage eas - on the fcllOl..-ing- describ~d l~nds being lccated in Collier. Co~n~~', Florida, to-wit: See Ex:' 3... ,i t '1A" attachcG hc!:'ct.o and ;-nadc a pa.::-t he=-ccf. to hand and to hold the :;ame unto the GrClntce together .....ith a right to enter upon said :;: :-,d, excavate and ~a}:~ li',at.eri~ls for the purposes of ccnstructi~g, operating and maintainins drain~ge facilities thereon. IN W!'l'NESS ;:rrEr:r:OF, Gra!1tor h2S saus8d this Drainag(~ Easement to be executed the day and year first above written. ~ffi~ ROBERT S, HARDY / John .t. ~ Re~~cca Jane M~Kav STATE OF FLORInA . COUNTY OF COLLIER, 55. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the state aforesaid and in the county aLoresaid to take ackncwledge~ent5, personally appeared ROBERT S. HARDr, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the. foregoing instrument aTld acknowledged before me that he executed" the same for the purpcEe therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official sea aforesaid this ~ c.ay of July, 1991. '.. :i ;jJ ,., Notary fo:G,~,"f N~i 1: ~~.'~< (' ,; My COllU 'ssion Expires: 1:"1 C1ll!MISSIO:l [::'. ~w~. ;;,' , John" S t 1 &millJ) THI', "OE::::r:I,l, If;:'. ".-". ' . . an ey No. MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. cJ9 ;~-~~~~~~" ] 5 .<; .~ .., ;~ .. .., ~ WILSON, I\HLLER, BARTON & PEEK, INC. En;;i= p~ Surveyon. '..arodoca::o:: Arch.il<:CU, Envi,onnxnu.! CDruulwlu &:. Constr.xti<>n MI.lUi'=" "'.loon ~lc...:..,. s,.;,.:;no. :2!:lllloil<y u... '" Air.'<-' Rood. N<;>I<s. F1on<!.a )3942. 1!131 ~ Fu 111J)f>''\.I''~ ~ '...~ .~ Deacript10n of part of Quail Creek Pl~~a Phase I PInt Book 15, rags 73, Collier CQunty, Florid~ r1rainaqe Eal!arnent -(; ~ ... ~ "L.~ .~ ..... .~ ^ll t~~~ p~rt of Tr~c~ A of Qu~il Cre~k Plaza Ph~8e I ~ccording the plet ther~of ae r9co~ded in Plat Boo~ 15, p~geB 73, Public Recore:! of Collier Cotmt:/. Florida, being morc particularly d06cribed dB fo1Io~~; the north 12 feet of the south 22 feet of 3a:.d Tract A. :~ '~,4 .~; WILSON, MILLP.~,' BARTON " PEEK, INC. Roq. Engineer~ and ~nd Surveyors BY ~~ DATE \~ E. Eo~t"''ell, P.L.S. t!3934 ~(~7/""1 ~l.,t valid unlel!6 e::lOOBSOO with the Professional's se51. W.O. Ref: Datel 10185.2 r.B. 15, pace 73 June 27, i991 (JEB:kjd phase 1 qu~i1 creek plaza deec) lecei.,ed $ "leceived ~ .\n() \..II A- i1r,cun"l'l"ol;t,\' ::rafll;' 1 cD, ClilSC: "C" 111:"I",o':IL If! Per",0rtdl ~r0~'~'f:\' T.lX -::'"-c 0_,' 'i~ a :::> l ;:0 = ::n CT. ; a II:. a c.....:> " ;y; ':..r.) t to t ., r \ , ~ C") ro, = = N) .",.. = '-'-' :OlLlER COUNTY CLERK or CCUR,S AY 1 Q...,.,..., ~'1c.Jrr..."-.I\~. ::>c. 0~ft- :..:.:-:.----- RH(lt'O('(J'''od'i'''lftfld '"~IC'...ft~cts....1 ClllllEA COUNT'r, rLORIO'>' JAMtS C CILi!'S. CLlR. ~ 'ri. _. P.E.. "'_ L _ P.E.._ L..... P.L. P.LS.. w_ ".~J,_P,L.S..CIiIIoN H._,PL. """ D.a.,-. A.LCP. ..... D. ....... A.LCP.. o.r, L 0-. CPA. .... A. Di.u. P.E.. )oM E. ___ F.LS. . Tloo;o5Il. NG;lo. P.L . _ J. -. C"C ..... H. 0.0... P.LS. . _ L _ P.L. PlLD.. !..... A. _ P.E. . .._ C Lo...... P.LS, . T..,. r. -. r.l. . __ L...... P.E. : ::::;~. ..,~ ,.; (~.:",.> ,,: ":...~,: '.; '.:<~.~ "'~"':::";' .:?:~':~.: ;,~.:fi :~~~~~.:r~. ~ : :'''~ ";"'~..\f i.(\,.(.'i;.lt....i"). "'. ..n~i ?:( ..~~':r..;o;.?;:.,::~,:...:. ~'","-:~'" ~r.;" ~;,:;:i ..,':, ~... ~ ...... 857 AGENDA ITEM No. 11 C MAR 2 3 1999 3D Pg. ;~f;~2:;0;;f~1~i~~~It~~.{. RESOL~TION ~O. 91---132- (.:,:~- [': je.d: t;r;;..:_ .. , ;~:O.( 5Q..Y RESOLUTI0N FOR PETITION AV 91-014 TO VhCATE A PORTION Of A DHAIrIAGE AIm l"u\H.TENANCE E,'-SE!1c:..T !"oCATED ON THE PLAT OF Ql'AIL CREEK PLAZA PIlAS;O: J: AS :<ECORCED IN I'Ll,T ROClK 15, PAG~: 73 OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER C0UNTY, FLORIDA. = 0-, '->.0 WHEREAS, pUrS1.l37\t to sectior. i77.101, r::"crida S~(jt.ute~, Fermin L~ ~. Di~z as ~gent 10r Q~nec, Rob2rt S. H~~dy, Qv~S he~cbi rcq~cst '" ,~).: the v~cation of a portion of T~act IIAII, a drain~ge and rnaintcn~ncc ::, easement 1 oC<:'.tr>c. on plat of Quail ::> C1 Creek Pl~z~ portion o~ the a '.-' Ph;,::e 1 ,,:; rcc-crd"d in Plat Doo~, 15, page 7 J, of the Pub), ic Records ", ~ ~ l) fl. of Collic~ c~u~ty, Florida; a~d , ." 3 j ~ .., ;, ~HEREAS, the Board has this day }lcld a public h~aring to consider vacating a portion of s~id plat as ~ore fully d~scribed 1 ;1 :.:; ... .~ ~ -~ ~ '.oj ~~ :;;. ~ ~ '~ "'-..,' ,~i;--- ~i' !} ,,;1 ,~ i ,~ Ie '" .. belc.;..'r said public hearing to vacate '..as given as and r.otice or = >- ('-...; ;:- ~ .- (--..; (.-~ C") '- v-; .. = - required by law; and vacatio:l .....ill granting net adversely of vniEp.EAS r the the right acc~ss of other o~'r,ership con-;en:c-nt affect t::e cf or property owners. 80A".D OF COUIlTY !~O;...~ I TP.EREFORE, BE IT R~SC!..V:::D B':O TP.E COY:~ISSI0!rERS FLORIDA, that th(' following OF COLLIER COUNTY. portio~ of said plat be and is herehy v~catcd; See Exhibit "An, incorporated herein atta-:hed hereto and BE IT FeRnIER RES0L'l'20, that tl::e Clerk is hereby directed to this ResC'luti.cn in the Public R~ccrds of C~llier County, record Florida and to make proper r.0tation~ of this vacation on said plat. after motion, sf.::cond arid majority vote This Resclucicn adopted favoring S3:ne. .. '0 Cl ~ ,. IS;;, DATED: /.;/.2--/1.< \ ATTEST: ~ J_AI-lES C. GILES,:Cl€:rk ~ 1f:~~-r-~ ,~__1~C~ ~ APp;oved as to form and legal ~ st:fficienc~-: U-..<) ~,~_,-_.~ Richard D. y~ anovich Assistant County Attorney BO~D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUN Y, FLORIDA BY " 'l.A~ P~TRICIA GOOD IGHT, hairman -v f\ " 2344 ,~c, ..' '," __i. ", ~~~~~ ...~w>...~~'-.~;,;:.:;~:J, ~J~:t:~';:/~'.iSs'/:~c~;t. :j.L~Z~:~" !',!.,',:t...) :~','. ". t., 1 -"!.-....~.~.~~~:nr.,l't..~.~,..,..,....~ ---~."'~,~~~ .... ".". ~ ,-"" ....: "" . .. ... \. '... "'< ,... '... ..... ,~ .';.. ;.-.";.a" r f r: ! I ~ t ~ ~S3 \)1=1 c q9-00~J.. AGEND'" ITEM No. 17 C MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. ~I ., JAN 12 1999 12:28 FR QUARLES - BRADY LLP 941 4344998 TO 96436968 ,..~:!.'l!~:J:012~:;'}\~f!~f~!~gL..' -0- I EXl'IIBI't -A- WILSON~ MILLER. BARTON & PEEK. INC. ----- -----."'.- -- 1!!\~i"C"!'f"'lI:. rl"nncf"!l:, SurW'~r.u. t "mf~:'Ir-: ~'ml~1~C'1C'. f.",';rfll'll"rnl.,t C""-'IIIi1nt( /.1 l.'nn'trtJC1iOf1 M,10_r.t,... W;"'~II't"f.,.........~1 (4""kt. :~'IC'~, :\~;).~.'lII:"t' i...... M ...."ro.n n..,'\oi. '''ar''''. IIIH"l:a '~l~.. 1'lI1'1/"'lI..vw't' "'. ""1 M'."i7r.. Delll;:rlption ot p<lrt ot 0\1(111 C(f,!~1c: Pta:!il Phase 1, P_B. 15, page 73, Colli~r County. Yloridd Tract "A" (to b~ vDcnLPd) .1\11 Qf 'tract -A" of Quail Creek plaza phQI3~ 1 acc':'lrdin'] 1;0 I:hQ plat thereof as recorded in P.B. 15, page 73, Public Reco=ds of COlll~~ County. Florida; RETnINING the~ein tho existillg plattp.d 10 foot utility OlllJementll ~n th::: nQ~th and. 8Q~th of said Tr4ct "A" AND I<.ES~nV:lN~ 'I'1I!:l\f:'1'O th~ no~th 12 f.QRt of th~ 8o~th ~2 fCQt. o! T(~c~ "A" for drainage Q~sement purpQ'e~. WILSON. M!LLRR, S~TON , PE~K, INC. Reg. EnqlnGOrS and Land surveyors ~' 1 BY I ,-, '~.dLl OAT& ~~f:t7 /99/ oh' 8.: ,B,IOl\at",!,~i.~1p.t.-:rr:t:l934 " ~!~ ". -:,"'1'. . Not val!:a ~.nl~ss', embolllled with the Proflilu j,on~l' I SQ,'l. . .. "'.. 904'0' "':1 4L-B41 (JEBlkjd ~uqL..t :27, 1991 W.O. RQf! Datel quail cre~~ p!~~~ t~.et a vacated) .......,_.."'-l_.11i'1 ......... --......~ tl'Y:uHIt 1)..~..'~\'1. htJllfl\l. Ji.~~c,c. (ou.I.\ t;\Polijl 1II.1\~1 \\' "IUf', I' f.' W~......I.IbR"'1 r,T.. , "'"..., Jt rtr\, r,r., r.1 :" . Wllm. ", \"I"I\II~...lr, l" 1 :" .. (l~lh..1f It "c!'l-r.'ttIln, ''.1',. .'\1." n .r,m.",l'I 1.(",1" ",.....!l .........1.. ,(' 1" . l"oJI'> I p,..n, ('".r.A .. '.n.... All...," r , lotll. r "n.n....'". r 1 !Ii . ,,.,<<Lol., !lt~.., r, ,~lru..1 r.lI.....~ f" A t'" rrul fl. '''''''''.I',r.~ .. J~~ t to.4..""",.II.I'. to.. h . :ro."I"......... 'h_.. ".f I ...j,....rl ~ ,...........1-1 " . 1..,"11.. t" h..."..... ,..... .. n........1 r ._........ F 5~ O-C"l ;;;r. w - "1J '- >- C; m = .' -~~ I ---..-.... ....;, .'. ..... ~, ..:'...,; ".. .:.~.;t'..,..'~.:.:',:~,: ,',::,-...... . '.,;.:. "..";' ~. '.:.. '. . , .' . , . ,'.., ':~.~.'.' .'~{ \' ' ';';':~,/'~:'::",>": ,." . ., '~' .".. .. ",. :.' _~.'. :~.'~~)):~'j'.' .r. " .~,. ..'...~..',~..~..::,:I,:..":;.'C.,~,,.,;:','.,:...::~.,.",.:"":..~,,. :..~. ~ . ..i:~. ..' I.". - . <\,!:i::/~~)\)~~::,;:'~": '~':'; .; :':;' , ... \.. .. \ .. ;"':~' '. . \~. .:'.:; .i.". ." ,'..... ,- ~ I,. . .....::.;; .: . , '. ' . . ~. -' ;'.. ~, '.: .:..,..... ", \. ....'.' ... ,~ .....,. ,~,:. ;-~;,1~~':~! :. , ';-;, ~..... ~.:..." . ~ ., ~'. , ' P.02/02 ~S4 ~ AGENDA ITEM No. /1 c.... MAR 2 3 t999 Pg. 3~ ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** EXECUTIVE SUMMARY /.....-' . AMEND THE PARK IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE TO ELIMINATE THE COLLECTION OF COMMUNITY PARK IMPACT FEES IN THE MARCO ISLAND DISTRICT. Objective: That the Board of County Commissioners amend the Park Impact Fee Ordinance, 88-96 as amended, to remove the community park impact fee in Marco Island. Consideration: The City of Marco Island began issuing their own building pennits and collecting community park impact fees effective October 1, 1998, the same day that the County deeded all community and neighborhood parks located in Marco Island to the City. The enclosed amendment cleans up the County Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance, 88-96 as amended, to reflect that the County no longer collects community park impact fees within the City of Marco Island. Growth Management: None ..-- Fiscal Impact: Both revenues and estimated expenses will be reduced by an estimated $172,000 annually. The County will no longer collect the estimated $172,000 annual revenue for community park impact fees generated in Marco Island~ subsequently, the County will no longer expense said dollar amount on any community park projects within the City, Recommendation: That the Board amend the current park impact fee ordinance to reflect that community park impact fees will no longer be collected. Prepared by: Date: Z/2.2-/9C? John Dunnuck, Operations Coordinator Department of Parks and Recreation Reviewed and Approved by: ' ~ ,,41.1- Milrla Ramsey, Director Department of Parks and Recreation Date: -z.. ZZ .91 Reviewed and Approved by: Thomas W, Olliff, Ad ator Division of Public Servi es Date: :3 ,q4ar ,-. Agenda ~m No ..J.7 . I MAR 2 3 1999 Pg. / - - - 1 ORDII\'ANCE NO. 99-_ 2 _~ AN ORDIl'ANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE I\'O. 811-96. AS AMEI\'DED, RELATING TO THE COLLIER COVl'ITY PARKS AI'\D RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT 6 FEE ORDINANCE; A.l\1ENDlNG APPENDIX A, IMPACT FEE 7 RATES, TO REMOVE A COMMUNITY PARK IMPACT FEE IN 8 MARCO ISLAND; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND 9 SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE 10 OF LAWS AI'\D ORDINANCES; AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN 11 EFFECTIVE DATE. 12 13 14 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that there is no longer a need in 15 Marco Island for additional Community Parks; and 16 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desires to remove the community park 17 impact fee in the Marco Island :lrea, 18 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 19 COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA thai: 20 SECTION ONE: /u\1ENDMENT TO APPENDIX. 21 Appendix A of Collier County Ordinance No. 88-96, as amended, shall be amended as follows: APPENDIX A 24 IMPACT FEE RATES 25 A. All Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact ConstIuctioI1 within the 26 unincorporated area and within the boundaries of all municipalities shall pay the following 27 Regional Park Impact Fee: 28 Upon Effective Date of this Ordinance $179/Dwelling Unit 29 B, All Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Construction occurring within the 30 Immokalee Community Park District gllii the Naples and Urban Collier County Community Park 31 District and the Marco Communit)' Parl~ Distriot shall pay the following Community Park Impact 32 Fee: 33 Upon Effective Date of this Ordinance $399/Dwelling Unit 34 c. All Parks and Recreational Facilities Impact Constnlction occurrin~ within the 35 Marco Community Park District shall pay no Community Park Impact Fee subiect to the ~lo.:cd.s , ". , ~nce-= _'::-'.~:J. --.- 6::e ,.dci::.:::;ns, ""-Jords .:Jtruol( throu~ are deletions. Agendl 13'. No . 1"'7 '? MAR 2 3 1999 PQ. ex. - - - subsequent reviews orthe Ordjn~rl Impact Fee Study pursuant to Section 4 09 1 SECTION TWO: CONFLICT Al'\'D SEVERABILITY. 2 In the event this OnJinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Col1i~r County or other applicable law, the more restnctivc shall apply. If any phrase or portion of the ordinance is held 4 invalid or unconstitutional by any co un of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a 5 separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the 6 remaining ponion. 7 8 SECTION THREE INCLt.:SION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDI;-..;ANCES, 9 The provision of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws 10 and Ordinances of Collier County. Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be renumbered or II relettered to accomplish such, and the work "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", 12 or any other appropriate word. 13 SECTION FOt.:R: EFFECTIVE DATE. 14 This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. 15 PASSED Al'\TI DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier 16 County, Florida, this _ day of __, 1999. 17 18 ATTEST: 19 DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: PAMELA S, MAC' KIE, .Chait"Woman Approved as to fonn and legal sufficiency: fb ;; 1'< dL Jilt (/'- Hei 1 F, Ashton Assistant County Attorney h:hglhfa/ordlI999iAmenc Ord So. 88-96 Marco I,). Parks & Rec Fac. Words C~8er"O~e8 6re e880~08~S, words ~thre~~fl are deletions, 2 Agenda ~m No. I? - . I MAR 2 3 1999 PQ. ;}~