Ordinance 78-65ORDI~'~CE 78 - 6S kN ORDINANCE A~NDING ORDINANCE 76-30 C(IdPREHENSIVE ZONING ~TIONS P~ING DI~I~ BY ~N~ING ~ ZONIN~ AT~ !'~ ~ER 49'25'1 BY ~Z~ING ~L~ING D~IBED P~PER~ ~l 'A" A~I~ ~ "~'3" SING~ F~ILY ~I~ IS ~D ~ ~ ~T SIDE OF AI~ COLLIER HI~! S~L: A P~L OF ~D IS SE~I~ 12~ T~'~S~P 49 ~N~ 25 ~ A~ BY P~IDING ~ EF~ ll~, ~to S. ~clea ad l~rshall I~att~ T~tees, petitioned ~e Board of ~mty Comissioners of Collier ~t?~ Plori~, to ~age the Zoning Clasilication o[ ~e herein described ~al properS; ~, ~~ BE IT O~I~ b~ ~e ~ard o~ Comty ~ssioners of Collier ~mty~ Plori~: SE~I~ O~: ~e Zoning Clasifiatia of the herein described real p~r~ is ~anged from 'A" Agriculture to "~-5" Si~le F~ly ~d ~e Zoning Atlas ~hp N~ber 49-25-1 ~ described ~ Ordi~ce 76-80 is hereby ~nded acco~gly: ~e ~ of fie ~'~ ad ~e ~ls~ of ~e ~ o~ ~ction 12~ T~ship 49 ~u~ R~ge 25 East less ri~ts S~ION ~: ~is ~di~ce shall becom ellecti~ ~n r~eipt o[ notice ~t it has been filed ~ ~e Sec~ta~ oi Stat~. DATE: November 21, 1978 X, WILLXA~ J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 78-65 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session November 21, 1978. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 21st day ~,~vember, 1978.' Cl~rk of.!~Otu~s a~a..C~erk ~o 0