Agenda 06/16/2011 B NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County will conduct Budget Workshops on Thursday, June 16,2011 and Friday, June 17,2011 if necessary, at 9:00 a.m. Workshops will be held in the Boardroom, 3rd Floor, W. Harmon Turner Building, Collier County Government Center, 3299 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida to hear the following: COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FY 2012 BUDGET WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Thursday, June 16, 2011 9:00 a.m. : General Overview Courts and Related Agencies (State Attorney and Public Defender) Growth Management Public Services Administrative Services Public Utilities Debt Service Management Offices (pelican Bay) County Attorney BCC (Community Redevelopment Agencies, Airport) 1:00 p.m.: Constitutional Officers: Elections Clerk of Courts Sheriff Other Constitutional Officers requesting to address the BCC Public Comment Page 1 June 16, 2011 Proposed Budget Book FY 11/12 Collier County, Florida Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr. . 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 202 . Naples Florida 34112-5746 . (239) 252-8383. FAX: (239) 252-4010 To: Board of County Commissioners From: Leo E. Ochs Jr., County Manager Date: June 7, 2011 Subject: FY 2012 Budget Workshop Documents I am pleased to submit the proposed FY 2012 budget for your review and endorsement. As presented, . this preliminary budget substantially meets budget guidance that was adopted by the Board in February of this year. It reflects the best efforts of your staff and the Constitutional Officers to maintain basic services and programs in the face of very challenging local economic conditions. In general terms, a millage neutral budget was achieved by cutting most ad valorem supported operations by 3%, reducing , certain General Fund capital transfers in FY 2011 and FY 2012 all while continuing to maintaining front line services and avoiding closure of facilities. Applying millage neutral tax rates in FY 2012 within this declining taxable value market resulted in a loss of $12,574,300 in General Fund ad valorem dollars and $1,679,800 in property tax receipts within the Unincorporated Area MSTD General Fund. General Fund ad valorem collections for FY 2011 are anticipated at 96 percent which is consistent with prior collection history. Sales tax and state shared revenue collections are stable - at least for the moment - and receipts are anticipated above budget as we enter FY 2012. Budget policy was adopted anticipating a 3% decrease in taxable value. Preliminary taxable value numbers provided by the Property Appraiser at the end of May revealed a county wide taxable value decrease of 5.1 %. Market conditions continue to drive down taxable values as evidenced by foreclosures, short sales and high commercial property vacancy rates. The wide disparity of taxable value by district across the County as depicted in the preliminary taxable value table within the budget overview section is noteworthy. Since FY 2008, Collier County's taxable value has decreased $24.2 billion resulting in an equivalent ad valorem revenue loss of $86.3 million when applying the current General Fund millage rate. The following table depicts taxable values over the past five (5) years for the General Fund and the Unincorporated Area MSTD General Fund. MSTD Unincorporated General Fund Percent General Fund Percent Tax Year Taxable Values Change Taxable Values Change 2007 (FY 08) $ 82,542,090,227 $53,397,231,747 2008 (FY 09) $ 78,662,966,910 (4.7%) $50,860,023,424 (4.8%) 2009 (FY 10) $ 69,976,749,096 (11.0%) $44,314,951,279 (12.8%) 2010 (FY11) $ 61,436,197,437 (12.2%) $38,146,886,403 (13.9%) 2011 (FY 12) $ 58,314,443,709 (5.1 %) $36,096,631,052 (5.4%) The FY 2012 General Fund budget was reduced by $8,159,500 representing a 2.6% decrease over the prior year. Likewise, the Unincorporated Area MSTD General Fund budget has been reduced by $1,791,500 in total reflecting a 4.2% decrease from the prior year. To achieve a millage neutral budget in FY 2012, it is imperative that the General Fund (001) budgeted beginning fund balance on October 1, 2011 be sized to ensure a positive cash flow during the months of October and November while preserving reasonable budgeted reserve levels. For FY 2012, the budgeted beginning fund balance is $45.9 million and contingency reserves are established at 2.50% of operating expense which is consistent with the benchmark set within the adopted FY 12 budget policy. Total General Fund budgeted reserves are once again programmed to grow with a recommended increase of $4,062,400 to $18,272,600. Reserves for all Constitutional Officers are budgeted in the General Fund in accordance with budget policy. Regular and measured growth in General Fund reserves sends a strong message of fiscal health and stability to the bond rating agencies and financial community, especially when revenue streams are constrained. In addition to protecting beginning cash balance, reserves also provide a level of protection against unknown public safety emergencies and costs Cjssociated with unfunded state and federal mandates. In order to achieve this important beginning fund balance number, reductions in the General Fund transfer to roads capital is programmed during FY 2011. This reduction totals $8,222,000. A list of appropriation reductions are contained within exhibit A. Budgeted General Fund transfers while appropriated at the beginning of any fiscal year, are regularly evaluated and subject to change depending upon perceived need, project execution patterns, and the General Funds ability to pay. It is much more conservative and fiscally prudent to have dollars residing in General Fund reserves than sitting idle in a project fund. Board members will recall that some $23.6 million in transfer reductions to roads, storm- water, and county wide capital occurred during FY 10 leading into FY 11. This action was required to prop up the beginning budgeted fund balance going into FY 2011 under millage neutral guidance. As the Board is aware, state pension retirement rates will drop in FY 2012 and County funded health insurance premiums will increase. Lower retirement rates have resulted in a County Manager Agency budget savings of approximately $5,429,500. These savings are offset by an actuarial recommended increase in employer health insurance premiums - resulting in a budget increase of approximately $2,171,400. Attempting to maintain our budget guidance and reasonably achieve an 80/20 premium sharing ratio, employee costs are also expected to increase by approximately $1,207,200. Attempting to minimize the out of pocket costs to the County's workforce, a few options have been developed and will be offered to the Board for consideration. Funding for these options has not been appropriated in the budget at this point, rather those dollars are available from fund reserves. 2 Assuming a budgeted beginning General Fund balance totaling $45.9 million at October 1, 2011, the following table identifies the expense reductions and added appropriations by significant service category programmed for FY 2012; BCC Operations County Manager Operations Courts Transfers to Debt Service Funds Transfer to County Wide Capital Project Fund 301 Transfer to TransportationlStormwater Capital Constitutional Officers Clerk to the Courts Property Appraiser Sheriff Supervisor of Elections Tax Collector (estimate) Paid by Board Reserves Total Reductions ($ 719,100) ( 2,113,200) ( 32,400) ( 58,900) ( 5,796,500) 893,500 228,100 ( 96,000) ( 4,081,600) 458,200 390,000) ( 514,000) 4.062.400 ($8,159,500) Areas of concern do exist for 2013 and beyond - especially if further taxable value declines occur and a millage neutral policy continues. Deferral of fixed asset preventative maintenance and equipment replacement began four (4) years ago. High priority maintenance and replacement projects like bridges, HVAC rehabilitation, lane mile maintenance and fleet replacement continue to receive funding albeit on a limited priority basis. While still manageable, further declines in taxable value in FY 2013 and beyond under a millage neutral strategy will challenge the County's ability to dedicate proper resources to asset maintenance and replacement without deeper cuts in operating services or the introduction of new resources. Managing the County's debt portfolio continues in the most prudent and fiscally conservative manner pursuant to the debt management policy. To achieve certainty with respect to the County's debt structure and to allow for more accurate budgeting practices by eliminating variable Interest rate exposure and the lump sum commercial paper loan payment due in December 2012, the County took advantage of historically low fixed rate interest rates and on July 23, 2010 refinanced $59.9 million in outstanding commercial paper loans through the issuance of traditional tax exempt fixed rate bonds. Subsequently on November 30,2010, the County refunded $24.6 million in outstanding capital improvement revenue bonds, series 2002, achieving approximately $1.4 million in interest savings over the remaining 11 year life on the amortization schedule. The refunding also eliminated certain bond covenants requiring a cash surety in light of the bond insurance market collapse. This surety was subsequently reduced by $3.8 million. Achieving a millage neutral budget within the Unincorporated Area General Fund (111) under a 5.4% drop in taxable value required the 3% operating cuts presented within budget guidance and a drop in fund reserves totaling $656,900. Unlike the General Fund, this fund does not support large capital dollar transfers which might have insulated a drop in reserves. 3 Reductions in most operations directly budgeted within the General Fund and Unincorporated Area MSTD General Fund or supported by ad valorem transfer dollars were reduced by 3%. The beginning section of each Division's budget describes the reductions that were made, the operational impacts associated with those reductions, the dollar value of those cuts and a millage rate that would be required to restore specific programs or services. A number of departmentslfunds in this budget are revenue centric, meaning expenditures are funded entirely by user charges or other non ad valorem revenue sources. The MSTU's which comprise a portion of the Growth Management Division budget have met policy guidance with respect to the establishment of millage rates between millage neutral and tax neutral (roll back rate). General Fund transfer dollars to the Sheriff are down 3% in accordance with budget guidance. While the Clerk of Court's transfer is up 4.6%, the additional dollars are attributable to internal audit operations which were approved by the Board and began in FY 2011. Transfer to the Supervisor of Elections is up in FY 2012 and is directly connected with the local primary and presidential election cycle. Budget submission by the Tax Collector is due on August 1, 2011. County staff looks forward to presenting this budget document during our scheduled discussions on Thursday June 16th and, if necessary, Friday June 17'h. This budget document essentially meets your budget guidance; preserves front line operating services without the need for facility closures; and allocates dollars to high priority asset maintenance and replacement. Further reductions in taxable value for FY 2013 will pose an extraordinary challenge to maintain these investments as well as front line services without a millage adjustment or enactment of additional revenue sources. If you have questions regarding the material presented in this budget document feel free to contact me or Mark Isackson. 4 Exhibit A I Projects Budgets ReducedlCompleted in FY 2011 Amount Roads: 60168 Vanderbilt Beach Road - Right-of-way acquisition $1,000,000 60091 Santa Barbara Extension $550,000 60169 Rattlesnake Hammock Road $650,000 60163 Traffic Studies $250,000 60018 Immokalee Road (Collier Blvd to 43ra) $400,000 60109 Enhance Planning $200,000 69083 Boxed Pathways $500,000 69124 PUD Monitoring $450,000 31313 Fund 313 Operating 346,700 60116 US41/SR 951 Consortium 725,000 99313 Reserves 3,150,300 Sub-total for Roads (fund 313) $8,222,000 5 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Collier County FY 2012 Budget Summary Operatinq Budqet FY11 FY12 FY12 FY12 Divlslon/Aqencv Adopted Current Expanded Total % Change Board of County Commissioners Operations $1,101,000 $1,068,000 $0 $1,068,000 -3.00% Other General Administration (001) $7,197,000 $6,797,800 $0 $6,797,800 -5.55% Other General Administration (111) $2,819,800 $2,954,600 $0 $2,954,600 4.78% County Attorney $3,001,900 $2,768,000 $0 $2,768,000 -7.79% Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA $5,045,700 $3,011,800 $0 $3,011,800 -40.31% Immokalee CRA $1,745,100 $1,084,300 $0 $1,084,300 -37.87% Airport Authority Operations $3,265,000 $4,166,000 $0 $4.166,000 27.60% Total Board of County Commissioners $24,175,500 $21,850,500 $0 $21,850,500 -9.62% County Manager's Agency: Operations (Gen Fd & MSTD Gen Fd): Management Offices Operations $30,459,500 $29,164,600 $0 $29,164,600 -4.25% Administrative Services General Fund Operations $17,410,200 $16,661,600 $0 $16,661,600 -4.30% Growth Management $40,011,400 $38,497,600 $0 $38,497,600 -3.78% Public Services Operations $39,773,400 $38,556,700 $0 $38,556,700 -3.06% Operations sub-total $127,654,500 $122,880,500 ~O $122,880,500 -3.74% Revenue Centric Operations: Management Offices (TDC, Fire Districts, Pelican Bay) $14,418,000 $14,228,200 $0 $14,228,200 -1.32% Administrative Services (Internal Services - IT, Fleet, Risk Mg $82,756,500 $84,508,400 $0 $84,508,400 2.12% Administrative Services (Conserv. Collier, Trust Funds) $39,730,000 $38,833,700 $0 $38,833,700 -2,26% Growth Management (Com Dev, Plan Serv, Util Reg, Grants) $20,289,900 $23,733,900 $0 $23,733,900 16.97% Growth Mgt Improvement Districts (MSTUlMSBU) $22,309,000 $18,426,500 $0 $18,426,500 -17.40% Public Services (Museum (TDC), Trust Fds) $3,526,400 $3,783,000 $0 $3,783,000 7.28% Public Utilities $178,106,100 $178,802,600 $0 $178.802,600 0.39% Revenue Centric Operations sub-total $361,135,900 $362,316,300 $0 $362.316,300 0.33% Total County Manager Operations $488,790,400 $485,196,800 $0 $485,196,800 -0.74% Courts & Related Agencies $4,039,700 $4,254,000 $4,254,000 5.30% Constitutional Officers: Property Appraiser $6,552,300 $6,367,400 $0 $6,367,400 -2.82% Supervisor of Elections $3,085,100 $3,541,500 $0 $3,541,500 14.79% Clerk of Courts - Fee Support Operations $2,317,100 $2,192,400 $0 $2,192,400 -5.38% Clerk of Courts - General Fund Support $5,009,900 $5,238,000 $0 $5,238,000 4.55% Sheriff $142,756,200 $142,697,600 $0 $142,697,600 -0.04% Tax Collector $19,296,600 $0 $0 $0 -100.00% Paid by Board - Constitutional Officers $4,806,300 $4,292,300 $0 $4,292,300 -10.69% Grand Total Operating $700,829,100 $675,630,500 $675,630,500 -3.60% Debt Service & Transfers FY11 FY12 FY12 FY12 Total Current Expanded Total % Change General Governmental Debt Service $80,180,800 $70,037,800 $0 $70,037,800 -12.65% Public Utilities Debt Service $42,115,800 $39,424,400 $0 $39,424,400 -6.39% Grand Total Debt Service $122,296,600 $109,462,200 $0 $109,462,200 -10.49% Capital Budqet FY11 FY12 FY12 FY12 Total Current Expanded Total % Change Board of County Commissioners Capital Projects $0 $0 $0 $0 N/A Airport Authority Capital Projects $947,100 $946,400 $0 $946,400 -0.07% Total Board of County Commissioners $947,100 $946,400 $0 $946,400 -0.07% County Manager's Agency: Management Offices $2,395,500 $2,452,200 $0 $2,452,200 2.37% Administrative Services Capital Projects $12,014,300 $11,918,700 $0 $11,918,700 -0.80% Public Services Capital Projects $34,928,900 $42,447,100 $0 $42,447,100 21.52% Growth Management Capital $59,027,800 $71,636,900 $0 $71,636,900 21.36% Public Utilities Capital Projects $101,153,500 $108,751,500 $0 $108,751,500 7.51% Total County Manager Capital Projects $209,520,000 $237,206,400 $0 $237,206,400 13,21% Courts & Related Agencies Capital Projects $1,212,800 $2,361,300 $0 $2,361,300 94.70% Constitutional Officers: Supervisor of Elections Capital Projects $0 $57,800 $0 $57,800 N/A Sheriff Capital Projects $10,118,400 $10,558,600 $0 $10,558,600 4.35% Total Constitutional Officers Capital Projects $10,118,400 $10,616,400 $0 $10,616,400 4.92% Grand Total Capital Budgets $221,798,300 $251,130,500 $0 $251,130,500 13,22% General Funds (001 & 111) Transfers & Reserves $254,158,600 $248,215,600 $0 $248,215,600 -2.34% Total Gross County Budget $1,299,082,600 $1,284,438,800 $0 $1,284,438,800 -1.13% Less: lnterfund Transfers $434,239,100 $420,580,700 $0 $420,580,700 -3.15% [Total Net ,Co~nty Budget .........................................................................................-.... $864.843.500 ..............................................,...... SO" ., $863;868;100 ...._~:~!.~~ $863,858,100 Total Net County Budget (w/o Tax Collector) $845,546,900 $863,858,100 $0 $863,858,100 2.17% 6 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Collier County FY 2012 Budget Summary FY 11 FY12 FY12 FY12 Revenues Adopted Current Expanded Total % Change Property Taxes $273,194,200 $257,577,200 $0 $257,577,200 -5.72% Gas & Sales Tax $43,400,000 $45,300,000 $0 $45,300,000 4.38% Pennits, Fines & Assessments $38,148,400 $39,108,400 $0 $39,108,400 2.52% Intergovernmental $20,991,600 $15,125,000 $0 $15,125,000 -27.95% Service Charges $178,685,500 $164,396,400 $0 $164,396,400 -8.00% Interest/Mise $9,407,300 $7,160,200 $0 $7,160,200 -23.89% Impact Fees $19,337,000 $20,764,500 $0 $20,764,500 7.38% Loan Proceeds $368,000 $368,000 $0 $368,000 0.00% Carry Forward $309,176,900 $341,785,600 $0 $341,785,600 10.55% Intemals $65,735,700 $71,133,800 $0 $71,133,800 8.21% Transfers $368,503,400 $349,446,900 $0 $349,446,900 -5.17% Revenue Reserve ($27,865,400) ($27,727,200) $0 ($27,727,200) -0.50% Total Gross County Budget - Revenues $1,299,082,600 $1,284,438,800 $0 $1,284,438,800 -1.13% Less Interfund Transfers $434,239,100 $420,580,700 $0 $420,580,700 -3.15% Total Net County Budget $864,843,500 $863,858,100 $0 $863,858,100 -0.11% FY 2012 Position Count Summary .FY 11 FY 11 FY12 FY12 FY12 (Funded) (Funded) (Funded) (Funded) (Funded) DIvision Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Total % Change BCC 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.00% County Attorney 23.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 -4.35% Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00% Immokalee CRA 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 33.33% Airport Authority Operations 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.80 0.00% Total BCC 57.80 58.80 57.80 57.80 0.00% Management Offices 254.00 254.00 254.00 254.00 0.00% Administrative Services 167.50 167.50 168.75 168.75 0.75% Public Services 343.95 343.95 341.95 341.95 -0.58% Public Services-Capital 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00% Public Utilities 392.50 392.50 392.50 392.50 0,00% Growth Management 345.00 345.00 338.00 338.00 -2.03% Growth Management - Capital 35.00 35.00 34.00 34.00 -2.86% Total County Manager Agency 1,542.95 1,542.95 1,534.20 1,534.20 -0.57% Courts & Related Agencies 30.60 30.60 30.75 30.75 0.49% Constitutional Officers: Property Appraiser 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00% Supervisor of Elections 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.00% Clerk (Non-State Funded) 74.43 78.96 78.96 78.96 6.09% Sheriff 1,367.00 1,368.00 1,371.00 1,371.00 0.29% Tax Collector 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 0.00% Total Constitutional Officers 1,681.43 1,686.96 1,689.96 1,689.96 0.51% Grand Total 3,312.78 3,319.31 3,312.71 3,312.71 0.00% BCBB Funded Positions - Pub Utilities 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0,00% Grant Funded Posilions-CDBG 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.85 0.00% Grant Funded Positions-SHIP N/A Grant Funded Positions-Serv for Seniors 9.80 9.80 8.80 8.80 -10.20% Grant Funded Positions-Sheriff 19.00 19.00 16.00 16.00 -15.79% 7 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget General Fund (001) Fund Summary-Appropriations FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 % Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Total Budget Appropriation Unit EXD/Rev Budqet EXD/Rev Service ~ Budqet Chanqe County Commissioners 979,259 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 0 1,068,000 -3.0% Other General Administrative 6,834,575 7,197,000 6,897,800 6,797,800 0 6,797,800 -5.5% County Attorney 2,602,244 2,930,700 3,016,900 2,659,600 0 2,659,600 -9.3% Airport Operations (495) 447,600 527,000 527,000 511,200 0 511,200 -3.0% Sub-Total 10,863,679 11,755,700 11,498,900 11,036,600 0 11,036,600 -6.1% Management Offices 1,907,456 1,950,200 1,872,800 1,890,500 0 1,890,500 -3.1% Emergency Services 3,566,446 3,973,900 3,912,000 3,795,400 0 3,795,400 -4.5% Administrative Support Services 17,227,259 17,410,200 16,939,700 16,661,600 0 16,661,600 -4.3% Public Services 25,709,172 28,079,000 27,357,200 27,311,900 0 27,311,900 -2.7% Growth Management 2,622,064 1,662,500 3,003,800 1,567,000 0 1,567,000 -5.7% Sub-Total County Manager 51,032,397 53,075,800 53,085,500 51,226,400 0 51,226,400 -3.5% Courts & Rei Agencies 475,518 518,000 506,800 513,900 0 513,900 -0.8% Various Transfers 29,900 0 34,700 39,000 0 39,000 N/A Trans to 681 1,242,900 1,199,200 1,199,200 1,131,900 0 1,131,900 -5.6% Sub-Total Courts 1,748,318 1,717,200 1,740,700 1,684,800 0 1,684,800 -1.9% Impact Fee Deferral - PUD (002) 29,580 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Road & Bridge (101) 7,695,296 12,889,500 12,971,400 12,366,900 0 12,366,900 -4.1% MSTD General (111) 148,300 155,700 155,700 144,000 0 144,000 -7.5% Comm Development (113) 11,600 0 0 0 0 0 N/A RSVP (116) 15,400 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Services for Seniors (1231708) 146,400 52,700 52,700 85,300 0 85,300 61.9% Ochopee Fire District (146) 0 0 0 434,600 0 434,600 N/A Adoption Aware (170) 0 0 0 1,800 0 1,800 N/A Immokalee Redevelopment (186) 465,700 383,400 383,400 282,800 0 282,800 -26.2% Gateway Triangle (187) 1,576,300 1,089,000 1,089,000 827,900 0 827,900 -24.0% 800 MHz (188) 473,400 542,400 542,400 558,900 0 558,900 3.0% CAT (426) 583,500 554,300 0 0 0 0 -100.0% Transportation Disadvantage (427/429) 1,721,700 1,800,900 1,800,900 2,501,900 0 2,501,900 38.9% EMS (490) 10,716,600 11,316,100 11,316,100 11,316,100 0 11,316,100 0.0% Emergency Mgt Grants (714) 0 15,900 31,800 15,900 0 15,900 0.0% Sub-Total 23,583,776 28,799,900 28,343,400 28,536,100 0 28,536,100 -0.9% Reserve for Cash Flow 0 9,000,000 0 12,600,000 0 12,600,000 40.0% Reserve for Contingencies (2.5%) 0 5,210,200 0 6,483,700 6,483,700 24.4% Reserve for Attrition (811,100) (811,100) N/A Sub-Total Reserves 0 14,210,200 0 18,272,600 0 18,272,600 28.6% Transfers DebVCapital Sales Tax Bonds (210) 2,509,100 2,512,600 2,374,500 0 0 0 -100.0% Sales Tax Bonds (215) 1,042,500 1,044,100 1,044,100 1,043,400 0 1,043,400 -0.1% 2005 Sales Tax Bonds (216) 3,437,400 3,187,800 3,187,800 3,181,400 0 3,181,400 -0.2% 2010 & 2010B Bond (299)(298) 891,213 823,600 1,018,300 3,284,400 0 3,284,400 298.8% Co Wide Capital (301) 10,092,100 9,527,100 9,527,100 3,730,600 0 3,730,600 -60.8% Growth Mgt Capital (310) 0 0 400,300 0 0 0 N/A Roads CIP (313) 2,908,099 13,657,000 5,435,000 13,735,000 0 13,735,000 0.6% Stormwater Mgmt (324/325) 7,410,700 6,150,300 6,150,300 6,965,800 0 6,965,800 13.3% Airport Capital (496) 109,900 0 0 0 0 0 N/A Sub-Total DebVCapital 28,401,012 36,902,500 29,137,400 31,940,600 0 31,940,600 -13.4% Transfers/Constitutional Officers Clerk of Courts 5,273,500 5,009,900 5,273,200 5,238,000 0 5,238,000 4.6% Clerk of Courts - BCC Paid 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 0 467,100 -3.2% Properly Appraiser 5,208,438 5,337,000 5,337,000 5,241,000 0 5,241,000 -1.8% Properly Appraiser -BCC Paid 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 0 111,400 15.2% Sheriff 143,215,700 136,054,900 136,054,900 131,973,300 0 131,973,300 -3.0% Sheriff - Debt Service (385) 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0 1,700,000 0.0% Sheriff - BCC Paid 2,802,668 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 0 3,497,200 -12.5% Supervisor of Elections 3,244,700 3,082,300 3,082,300 3,540,500 0 3,540,500 14.9% Supervisor of Elections - BCC Paid 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 0 32,800 -10.9% Tax Collector 11,904,548 13,000,000 13,000,000 12,610,000 0 12,610,000 -3.0% Tax Collector- BCC Paid 182,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 0 183,800 -4.4% Sub-Totalffrans Const. 174,070,681 168,990,400 168,747,000 164,595,100 0 164,595,100 -2.6% Total Fund Appropriations 289,699,863 315,451,700 292,552,900 307,292,200 0 307,292,200 -2.6% 8 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget General Fund (001) Fund Summary-Revenues FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 % Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Total Budget EXD/Rev Budaet EXD/Rev Service Service Budaet Chanae Current Ad Valorem Taxes 240,094,963 220,436,100 210,733,000 207,861,800 0 207,861,800 -5.7% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 976,424 800,000 803,400 800,000 0 800,000 0.0% Fish And Wildlife Refuge Rev Sharing 346,772 350,000 340,000 340,000 0 340,000 -2.9% Federal Payment In Lieu Of Taxes 1,229,064 700,000 700,000 700,000 0 700,000 0.0% State Revenue Sharing 7,507,543 7,048,500 7,400,000 7,400,000 0 7,400,000 5.0% Insurance Agents County Licenses 61,254 80,000 75,000 75,000 0 75,000 -6.3% Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 163,529 155,000 155,000 155,000 0 155,000 0.0% Local Government Half Cent Sales Tax 26,926,904 25,400,000 27,400,000 27,000,000 0 27,000,000 6.3% OiUGas Severance Tax 266,856 145,000 145,000 145,000 0 145,000 0.0% Enterprise Fund PILOT 3,542,900 3,877 ,200 3,877 ,200 3,890,600 0 3,890,600 0.3% Interest Tax Collector 23,443 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0.0% Rent Golden Gate Pub Safety Complex 16,794 16,800 16,800 16,800 0 16,800 0.0% Indirect Cost Reimbursement 5,929,600 6,472,700 6,132,400 6,466,400 0 6,466,400 -0.1% Miscellaneous Revenue 5,240 15,000 26,800 23,000 0 23,000 53.3% Sub-Total 287,091,287 265,521,300 257,829,600 254,898,600 0 254,898,600 -4.0% Department Revenues 10,945,254 10,178,700 10,176,200 9,865,500 0 9,865,500 -3.1% Sub-Total General Revenues 298,036,542 275,700,000 268,005,800 264,764,100 0 264,764,100 -4.0% Impact Fee Deferral Program (002) 0 0 0 3300 0 3,300 N1A UnincArea MSTD General Fd (111) 498,100 302,800 302,800 272,000 0 272,000 -10.2% Commun Develop (113) 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 0 92,900 8.1% Pollution Control (114) 7,500 8,300 8,300 7,500 0 7,500 -9.6% Tourist Development- Beach (195) 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 0 168,100 2.1% Museum TDC (198) 59,800 0 0 0 0 0 N1A Debt Service Fund (220) 0 266,700 254,300 0 0 0 -100.0% Road Construction (313) 230,600 232,300 232,300 238,100 0 238,100 2.5% Road Impact Fee (339) 0 0 1,054,400 0 0 0 N1A Water Sewer Operating (408) 232,900 283,200 283,200 294,600 0 294,600 4.0% Goodland Water (441) 0 0 0 1,100 0 1,100 N1A Solid Waste Disposal (470) 31,500 43,200 43,200 34,600 0 34,600 -19.9% Mandatory Collection (473) 40,200 51,200 51,200 35,900 0 35,900 -29.9% Airport Capital (496) 0 0 0 250,000 0 250,000 N1A Property & Casualty (516) 850,000 0 0 76,100 0 76,100 N1A Workers Comp (518) 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 0 850,000 0.0% Board Interest 634,683 600,000 550,000 600,000 0 600,000 0.0% Clerk of Circuit Court 1,393,543 0 500,000 500,000 0 500,000 N1A Tax Collector 7,122,337 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 0 6,000,000 0.0% Sheriff 1,700,045 0 0 0 0 0 N1A Property Appraiser 725,469 150,000 300,000 300,000 0 300,000 100.0% Supervisor of Elections 188,660 0 75,000 0 0 0 N1A Carryforward 39,741,200 44,318,500 59,686,200 45,894,300 0 45,894,300 3.6% Neg 5% Revenue Reserve (13,605,000) (13,090,400) (13,090,400) -3.8% Total Other Sources 54,562,437 39,751,700 70,441,400 42,528,100 0 42,528,100 7.0% Total Fund Revenues 352,598,979 315,451,700 338,447,200 307,292,200 0 307,292,200 -2.6% 9 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget MSTD General Fund (111) Expense Summary FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 % Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Total Budget Appropriations Exp/Rev Budget Exp/Rev Service Service Budget Change Landscape Operations 4,329,568 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 o . 4,824,400 . -2.5% Road Maintenance 5,450,633 6,~1 0,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 o ~ 6,01 0,000 ~ -3.2% Fire Control/Forestry 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 o ~ 27,500 ~ 0.0% Parks & Recreation - Naples 10,307,857 ~ 11,240,000 ~ 10,918,500 ~ 10,980,100 ~ o ~ 10,980,100 ~ -2.3% Franchise Administration ~ 346,179 ~ 378,400 ~ 368,500 ~ 363,700 ,. 0" 363,700 ,. -3.9% Comm. Dev. Admin. 66,132 297,800 379,400 284,000 o ~ 284,000 ~ -4.6% Public Information 993,483 ~ 1,321,800 ~ 1,254,800 ~ 1,251,500 ,. o ~ 1,251,500 ~ -5.3% Coastal Zone Management ,. 378,598 ~ 212,900 ~ 212,900 ~ 156,500 ,. 0" 156,500 ,. -26.5% Comprehensive Planning ,. 1,387,096 ,. 1,616,800 ,. 1,531,600 ~ 1,527,100 ,. 0" 1,527,100 ,. -5.5% Code Enforcement 4,154,651 ,. 4,318,700 ~ 4,198,500 ~ 4,117,400 ,. 0" 4,117,400 ,. -4.7% General Administration Expenses ~ 2,425,762 ,. 2,319,800 ~ 2,309,400 ~ 2,454,600 ~ o ~ 2,454,600 ,. 5.8% City of Naples - Park System ,. ~ ,. ~ Contribution 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 500,000 0.0% Natural Resources 247,625 ~ 247,500 ~ 234,700 ~ 234,600 ~ o ~ 234,600 ~ -5.2% Public Services - Affordable Housing 145,855 ~ 118,500 ,. 118,500 ,. 108,200 ,. o ~ 108,200 ,. -8.7% Zoning/Land Development Review ~ 315,006 ,. 353,200 ~ 315,300 ~ 333,800 ~ 0" 333,800 ,. -5.5% Sub-Total 31,075,923 34,110,200 33,256,700 33,173,400 0 33,173,400 : -2.7% NJA Reserves: N1A Contingencies 0 925,100 o ,. 828,500 0" 828,500 ,. -10.4% Cash Flow 0 2,000,000 0 2,000,000 0" 2,000,000 ,. 0.0% Attrition 0 0 o ~ (560,300) 0" (560,300) ,. N1A Sub- Total Reserves ~ o ,. 2,925,100 ,. 0" 2,268,200 ,. o ~ 2,268,200 ,. -22.5% General Fund (001) 498,100 302,800 302,800 272,000 0" 272,000 ,. -10.2% Transfer Transportation (101) 8,786,900 2,912,800 2,912,800 2,825,400 o ~ 2,825,400 ,. -3.0% Transfer knpact Fee Trust Fund (107) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0" 1 00,000 ~ 0.0% Comm. Development (113) 316,800 285,100 285,100 356,400 0" 356,400 ,. 25.0% rvPO 10,222 0 0 0 0" o ~ NJA Transfer to 712 (MPO) 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 o ~ 5,000 ~ 0.0% GGCC (130) 392,700 373,100 ~ 373,100 362,000 o ~ 362,000 ~ -3.0% Planning Fund (131) 157,000 157,000 157,000 157,000 0 157,000 0.0% Immokalee Redev. (186) 94,900 77,000 77,000 56,800 0 56,800 -26.2% Gateway Triangle (187) 316,700 218,800 218,800 166,300 0 166,300 -24.0% Parks (306) 453,000 0 0 0 0 0 NJA Clam Bay Restoration (320) 35,000 35,000 35,000 34,000 0 34,000 -2.9% Growth Management Capital (310) 0 39,000 39,000 0 0 0 -100.0% IT Intemal Service Fund (505) 553,200 0 0 0 0 0 NJA Property Appraiser 268,888 255,000 255,000 247,400 0 247,400 -3.0% Tax Collector 716,052 650,000 650,000 630,500 0 630,500 -3.0% Sub- Total Transfers 12,699,462 5,410,600 5,410,600 5,212,800 0 5,212,800 -3.7% Total Appropriations 43,775,385 42,445,900 38,667,300 40,654,400 0 40,654,400 -4.2% 10 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget MSTD General Fund (111) Revenue Summary FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 FY 11/12 % Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Total Budget Revenues Exp/Rev Budget Exp/Rev Service Service BUdget Change Ad Valorem Taxes 30,513,754 27,528,600 26,152,200 r 25,848,800 0 25,848,800 ,. -6.1% Occupational Licenses 705,931 400,000 400,000 400,000 0 400,000 ,. 0.0% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes ,. 204,684 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 150,000 ,. 0.0% Communications Services Tax ,. 5,545,415 5,800,000 ,. 5,500,000 ,. 5,500,000 ,. 0" 5,500,000 ,. -5.2% InteresllMscellaneous ,. 138,615 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 ,. 0.0% Sub-Total 37,108,399 33,928,600 32,252,200 31,948,800 0 31,948,800 ,. -5.8% Departmental Revenue r 3,967,949 3,019,000 r 2,882,300 r 2,864,490 r 0" 2,864,400 r -5.1% Revenue Reserve o ,. (1,847,400) 0" (1,740,700)" 0 (1,740,700) ,. -5.8% Sub-Total 41,076,347 35,100,200 35,134,500 33,072,500 0 33,072,500 ,. -5.8% Reimbursements 24,079 0 0 0 0 0" N1A Carryforward 12,880,300 6,650,600 ,. 9,633,300 ,. 6,795,600 0 6,795,600 ,. 2.2% Transfer-General Fund (001) 148,300 155,700 155,700 ,. 144,000 ,. 0 144,000 ,. -7.5% Transfer (112) 0 55,100 55,100 150,000 0 150,000 ,. 172.2% Transfer (131) 116,100 75,000 75,000 75,000 0 75,000 ,. 0.0% Transfer-Beautification MSTU's ,. 135,300 209,300 ,. 209,300 ,. . 217,300 ,. 0 217,300 ,. 3.8% Transfer- P Aff.C. 360,113 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 ,. 0.0% Sub- Total Other Sources 13,664,192 ,. 7,345,700 r 10,328,400 ,. 7,581,900 ,. 0" 7,581,900 ,. 3.2% Total Fund Revenues ,. 54,740,539 ,. 42,445,900 ,. 45,462,900 ,. 40,654,400 ,. 0 40,654,400 ,. -4.2% 11 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Collier County, Florida FY 2012 Property Tax Rates June 1 Taxable Value Estimates Prior Year Rolled Back Proposed Millage Millage Millage % Change Frm. Fund Title Fund No. Rate Rate Rate Rolled Back General Fund 001 3.5645 3.7802 3.5645 -5.71% Water Pollution Control 114 0.0293 0.0311 0,0293 -5.79% 3.5938 3.8113 3.5938 -5,71% Unincorporated Area General Fund 111 0.7161 0.7631 0.7161 -6.16% Golden Gate COlTlT1unity Center 130 0.1990 0.2239 0,1990 -11,12% Victoria Park Drainage 134 0.0500 0.0494 0.0494 0.00% Naples Park Drainage 139 0.0090 0.0097 0.0090 -7.22% Vanderbilt Beach MSTU 143 0.5000 0.5296 0.5000 -5.59% Isle of Capri Fire 144 2.0000 2.1644 2.0000 -7.60% Ochopee Fire Control 146 4.0000 4,2571 4.0000 -6,04% Collier County Fire 148 2.0000 2.2616 2.0000 -11.57% Goodland Fire MSTU 149 1.2760 1.3109 1.2760 -2.66% Sabal Palm Road MSTU 151 0.1000 0.1321 0.1000 -24.30% Golden Gate Parkway Beautification 153 0.5000 0.5716 0.5000 -12.53% Lely Golf Estates Beautification 152 2.0000 2.1866 2.0000 -8.53% Hawksridge Stormwater Pumping MSTU 154 0.0500 0.0517 0.0500 -3.29% Radio Road Beautification 158 0.2949 0.3120 0,3120 0.00% Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 159 0.2606 0.2869 1.1333 295.02% Immokalee Beautification MSTU 162 0.9166 1.0040 0.9449 -5.89% Bayshore Avalon Beautification 163 2.1577 2.3785 2.3785 0.00% Haldeman Creek Dredging 164 0.6564 0.7070 0,7070 0.00% Rock Road 165 3.0000 3.7019 3.0000 -18.96% Radio Road East MSTU 166 0.4400 0.4687 0.4687 0.00% Conservation Collier 172 0.1008 0.1071 0.1687 57.52% Forest Lakes Debt Service 259 3.7394 4.1168 2.8667 -30,37% Conservation Collier Debt Service (2005) 272 0.0853 0,0906 0.0813 -10.26% Conservation Collier Debt Service (2008) 273 0.0639 0.0679 0.0000 -100.00% Collier County Lighting 760 0.1356 0.1480 0.1480 0.00% Pelican Bay MSTBU 778 0.0531 0.0539 0.0857 59.00% Aggregate Millage Rate 4.2596 4.5159 4,3292 -4.13% 12 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget rODose Prior Year Current Year Proposed Fund Adjusted Tax Rolled Back Tax % Change Fund Title No. Dollars Tax Dollars Dollars Frm. Rolled Back General Fund 001 215,836,639 220,440,260 207,861,835 -5.71% Water Pollution Control 114 1,800,081 1,813,579 1,708,613 -5.79% 217,636,720 222,253,839 209,570,448 -5.71% Unincorporated Area General Fund 111 27,021,185 27,545,339 25,848,797 -6.16% Golden Gate Community Center 130 306,076 311,445 276,800 -11.12% Victoria Park Drainage 134 1,240 1,242 1,242 0.00% Naples Park Drainage 139 8,233 8,289 7,691 -7,21% Vanderbilt Beach MSTU 143 1,002,949 1,005,161 948,982 -5.59% Isle of Capri Fire 144 1,111,522 1,114,739 1,030,068 -7.60% Ochopee Fire Control 146 1,320,882 1,328,825 1,248,573 -6.04% Collier County Fire 148 313,917 314,866 278,446 -11.57% GoodlanclJHorr's Island Fire MSTU 149 95,880 96,271 93,708 -2,66% Sabal Palm Road MSTU 151 1,362 1,362 1,031 -24.30% lely Golf Estates Beautification 152 208,650 209,293 191,432 -8.53% Golden Gate Parkway Beautification 153 274,496 275,205 240,732 -12.53% Hawksridge Stormwater Pumping MSTU 154 2,883 2,905 2,809 -3.30% Radio Road Beautification 158 306,486 307,511 307,511 0.00% Forest lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTU 159 38,018 38,030 150,226 295.02% Invnokalee Beautification MSTU 162 319,189 324,846 305,724 -5.89% Bayshore Avalon Beautification 163 871,545 871,731 871,731 0.00% Haldeman Creek Dredging 164 51,453 51,471 51,471 0.00% Rock Road 165 31,528 32,545 26,375 -18,96% Radio Road East MSTU 166 153,199 158,198 158,198 0.00% Conservation Collier 172 6,192,769 6,245,477 9,837,647 57.52% Forest lakes Debt Service 259 545,535 545,709 380,000 -30.37% Conservation Collier Debt Service (2005) 272 5,240,508 5,283,289 4,740,964 -10.26% Conservation Collier Debt Service (2008) 273 3,925,773 3,959,551 0 -100.00% Collier County Lighting 760 566,910 570,285 570,285 0.00% Pelican Bay MSTBU 778 273,332 274,452 436,373 59.00% Total Taxes levied 267,822,240 273,131,876 257,577,264 Aggregate Taxes 258,110,424 263,343,327 252,456,300 Collier County, Florida Property Tax Dollars Based upon June 1,2011 Taxable Values FY2012P d 13 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Collier County, Florida Taxable Property Values (June 1, 2011) For FY 2012 Prior Year Current Year Current Year Fund Gross Adjusted Gross % Fund Title No. Taxable Value Taxable Value Taxable Value Chanl!:e County Wide Taxable Values General Fund 001 61,436,197,437 57,812,359,407 58,314,443,709 -5,08% Water Pollution Control 114 61,436,197,437 57,812,359,407 58,314,443,709 -5,08% DenendentDistricts andMSTU's Unincorporated Area General Fund 111 38,146,886,403 35,720,533,620 36,096,631,052 -5,37% Golden Gate Community Center 130 1,538,072,610 1,366,969,469 1,391,002,555 -9,56% Victoria Park Drainage 134 24,804,084 25,114,367 25,145,537 1.38% Naples Park Drainage 139 914,744,849 849,281,605 854,522,235 -6,58% Vanderbilt Beach MSTIJ 143 2,005,897,752 1,893,772,286 1,897,963,144 -5.38% Isle of Capri Flre 144 555,761,167 513,559,124 515,033,905 -7,33% Ochopee Flre Control 146 330,220,388 310,278,853 312,143,276 -5,47% Collier County Flre 148 156,958,425 138,801,968 139,222,853 -11.30% GoodIand'Horr's Island Flre MSTIJ 149 75,141,332 73,143,130 73,439,233 -2,27% Saba! Palm Road MSTIJ 151 13,624,253 10,313,813 10,313,813 -24.30% Lely GolfFstates Beautification 152 104,325,032 95,421,836 95,716,205 -8.25% Golden Gate Parkway Beautification 153 548,992,684 480,204,858 481,464,836 -12.30% Hawksridge Stormw.lter Pumping MSTIJ 154 57,658,797 55,714,002 56,180,807 -2.56% Radio Road Beautification 158 1,039,288,028 982,435,627 985,613,697 -5.16% Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage MSTIJ 159 145,888,273 132,513,833 132,556,497 -9.14% Immokalee Beautification MSTIJ 162 348,231,922 317,910,107 323,551,526 -7.Q9% Bayshore Av.Ilon Beautification 163 403,922,955 366,432,241 366,504,664 -9,26% Haldeman Creek Dredging 164 78,386,112 72,778,113 72,802,451 -7,12% Rock Road 165 10,509,342 8,516,606 8,791,548 -16.35% Radio Road East MSTIJ 166 348,180,488 326,852,288 337,525,666 -3.06% Conservation Collier 172 61,436,197,437 57,812.,359,407 58,314,443,709 -5.08% Forest Lakes Debt Service 259 145,888,273 132,513,833 132,556,497 -9.14% Conservation Collier Debt Senice (2005) 272 61,436,197,437 57,812,359,407 58,314,443,709 -5.08% Conservation Collier Debt Senice (2008) 273 61,436,197,437 57,812,359,407 58,314,443,709 -5.08% Collier County Lighting 760 4,180,749,585 3,830,728,923 3,853,278,377 -7.83% Pelican Bay MSTBU 778 5,147,494,551 5,072,196,211 5,091,870,714 -1.08% 14 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Related Agencies Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 30.75 Court Administration Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 30.75 Circuit & County Court Judges Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Public Defender Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 State Attorney Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Guardian Ad Litem Program Total Full-Time Equivalents (FIE) = 0.00 Court Related Technology Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Cost to General Fund 001 Courts & Related Agencies Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to General Fund FY 2012 Net Costto General Fund Circuit & County Court Judges Public Defender State Attorney Guardian Ad Litem Program Net Cost to General Fund 001 57,500 179,300 280,400 800 518,000 57,500 182,500 271,900 2,000 513,900 Variance % -67,300 -5.6% 0 0.0% 3,200 1.8% -8,500 -3.0% 1,200 150.0% -4,100 -0.8% (71,400) -4.3% (51,600) 19,800 Court Administration (transfer) 1,199,200 1,131,900 Totals for Courts & Related Agencies $ 1,717,200 $ 1,645,800 $ Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ Compliance Exceeded $ Fiscal Year 2012 2 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies The Court Related Agencies include departments that provide judicial operations for both Circuit and County Courts and Programs. The departments include Court Administration, Probation, facility and operation costs for the State Attorney's Office, Public Defender, Guardian Ad Litem, Electronic Court Reporter, Circuit and County Judges. Also included are the Public Guardianship Program, the Drug Abuse Trust Fund, and the Teen Court Program. The total appropriation for FY 2012, including transfers and reserves, is $4,254,000. Court costs are funded with ad valorem taxes, court fees, surcharges on traffic violations, and probation fees. The County is mandated by Section 14, Article V of the State Constitution to fund the following costs of the circuit and county courts, public defender's offices, state attorney's offices, guardian ad litem offices, and the offices of the clerk of the circuit and county courts performing court-related functions: 1. Facilities - construction, lease, maintenance, and security of: buildings and office space, appurtenant equipment and furnishings, structures, real estate, easements, and parking facilities. 2. Utilities - electricity, gas, water and wastewater services and systems, storm water services and systems, sewer services and systems, all associated costs and fees, and mitigation of environmental impacts. 3. Communication services - telephone system infrastructure, maintenance, facsimile equipment, wireless communications, cellular telephones, pagers, video teleconferencing equipment and line charges, local carrier service, and local and long distance toll charges. 4. Computer network systems and equipment - computer hardware and software, modems, printers, wiring, network connections, maintenance, support staff or services, training, supplies, and line charges. 5. Courier messenger and subpoena services. 6. Auxiliary aids and services which are necessary to ensure access to the courts for qualified individuals with a disability. Ordinance 04-43 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 22, 2004 as authorized by s. 318.18(13)(a) F.S., was replaced by Ordinance 09-41 and adopted on July 28, 2009, provides for a $30 surcharge for those non-criminal traffic infractions set forth in Chapter 318, Florida Statutes, and certain criminal violations enumerated in Section 318.17, Florida Statutes, will provide the County with an estimated $1,090,000 in revenue for FY 2012. This revenue is designated for capital improvements to Courthouse buildings and facilities. Ordinance 04-42, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 22,2004 as authorized by s. 939.185 F.S., provides for a $65 court cost fee when a person pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or found guilty of, any felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offense under the laws of the State of Florida, will provide the County with an estimated $292,000 in revenue for FY 2012. This revenue will be divided equally among four (4) court related programs: Innovative Court Programs, Teen Court, Law Library, and Legal Aid. The Court Related Technology Fund (178) receives a $2 per page service charge collected for recording documents or instruments as listed in s.28.222 F.S. These funds are used to support court-related technology throughout the various entities of the Court. The FY 2012 budget is anticipated to provide $600,000 in revenues. Fiscal Year 2012 3 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,136,036 2,037,900 2,079,600 2,031,000 2,031,000 (0.3%) Operating Expense 1,470,221 1,753,600 1,627,900 1,705,400 1,705,400 (2.6%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 5,000 5,000 5,000 9,700 9,700 94.0% Capital OuUay 63,499 119,100 65,100 66,400 66,400 (42.6%) Total Net Budget 3,696,758 3,915,800 3,7n,600 3,814,500 3,814,500 (2.6)% Trans to 171 Teen Court 35,991 12,700 12,700 11,100 11,100 (12.6%) Trans to 192 Court Innov 45,561 56,700 62,600 99,400 99,400 75.3% Reserves For Contingencies 54,500 197,600 197,600 262.9% Reserves For Capital 206,500 206,500 na Reserve for Attrition (75,300) (75,300) na Total Budget 3,778,310 4,039,700 3,853,100 4,254,000 4,254,000 5.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Court Administration 2,696,411 2,660,500 2,652,100 2,575,400 2,575,400 (3.2%) Circuit & County Court Judges 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% Public Defender 201,100 179,300 162,000 162,500 162,500 1.6% State Attorney 251,379 260,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Juvenile Assessment Center 300 na Guardian Ad Litem Program 800 600 2,000 2,000 150.0% Court Related Technology 522,529 737,300 616,700 725,200 725,200 (1.6%) Total Net Budget 3,696,756 3,915,800 3,777,600 3,814,500 3,814,500 (2.6%) Cour:t Administration 70,061 65,000 75,500 196,700 196,700 131.4% Juvenile Assessment Center 11,491 na Court Related Technology 36,900 242,600 242,600 524.2% Total Transfers and Reserves 81,552 123,900 75,500 439,500 439,500 254.7% Total Budget 3,n8,310 4,039,700 3,853,100 4,254,000 4,254,000 5.3% Fiscal Year 2012 4 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 862,355 840,000 861,000 838,000 838,000 (0.2%) Fines & Forfeitures 1,224,456 1,187,900 1,183,500 1,183,500 1,183,500 (0.4%) Miscellaneous Revenues 8,069 300 na Interest/Mise 4,870 1,000 4,800 4,300 4,300 330.0% Net Cost General Fund 475,518 518,000 506,500 513,900 513,900 (0.8%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,242,900 1,199,200 1,199,200 1,131,900 1,131,900 (5.6%) Trans fm 171 Teen Court Fd 4,900 na Trans fm 175 Juv Assess Ctr 11,491 na Trans fm 640 Law Lib 7,561 1,200 na Trans fm 681 Court Admin 62,500 69,400 69,400 110,500 110,500 59.2% Carty Forward 516,500 325,700 595,400 573,100 573,100 76.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (101,500) (101,200) (101,200) (0.3%) Total Funding 4,416,219 4,039,700 4,426,200 4,254,000 4,254,000 5.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded 'Prelimlnary Change Court Administration 34.60 30.60 30.60 30.75 30.75 0.5% Total FTE 34.60 30.60 30.60 30.75 30.75 0.5% Increase of .15 FTE is a correction. Prior years had the employee at.6 FTE when in fact the FTE should have been .75, representing 30 hours per week and not 24 hours per week. Fiscal Year 2012 5 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,138,038 2,037,900 2,079,600 2,031,000 2,031,000 (0.3%) Operating Expense 538,873 612,500 564,200 539,400 539,400 (11.9%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 3,300 3,600 3,600 (100.0%) Capital OuUay 18,200 6,500 4,700 5,000 5,000 (23.1%) Net Operating Budget 2,698,411 2,660,500 2,652,100 2,575,400 2,575,400 (3.2%) Trans to 171 Teen Court 24,500 12,700 12,700 11,100 11,100 (12.6%) Trans to 192 Court Innov 45,561 56,700 62,800 99,400 99,400 75.3% Reserves For Contingencies 15,600 161,500 161,500 935.3% Reserve for Attrition (75,300) (75,300) na Total Budget 2,768,472 2,745,500 2,727,600 2,n2,100 2,772,100 1.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 ApproprIations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Court Innovations (192) 191,600 193,000 193,000 193,000 193,000 0.0% Court Operations (681) 803,553 853,900 822,000 773,500 773,500 (9.4%) Court Related Costs (681) 867 7,200 4,500 6,700 6,700 (6.9%) Law Library Fund (640) 69,227 71,800 71,800 69,500 69,500 (3.2%) Parole & Probation (681) 1,555,639 1,452,600 1,480,000 1,457,400 1,457,400 0.3% Teen Court Fund (171) 77,526 82,000 80,800 75,300 75,300 (8.2%) Total Net Budget 2,698,411 2,660,500 2,652,100 2,575,400 2,575,400 (3.2%) Total Transfers and Reserves 70,061 85,000 75,500 196,700 196,700 131.4% Total Budget 2,768,472 2,745,500 2,727,600 2,772,100 2,772,100 1.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change Charges For Services 232,083 240,000 238,000 238,000 238,000 (0.8%) Fines & Forfeitures 1,186,112 1,187,900 1,183,500 1,183,500 1,183,500 (0.4%) Miscellaneous Revenues 8,069 na InteresUMisc 1,543 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 0.0% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,242,900 1,199,200 1,199,200 1,131,900 1,131,900 (5.6%) Trans fm 171 Teen Court Fd 4,900 na Trans fm 175 Juv Assess Clr 11,491 na Trans fm 640 Law Lib 7,561 1,200 na Trans fm 681 Court Admin 62,500 69,400 69,400 110,500 110,500 59.2% Carry Forward 241,400 119,500 208,300 178,400 178,400 49.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (71,500) (71,200) (71,200) (0.4%) Total Funding 2,993,658 2,745,500 2,906,000 2,772,100 2,772,100 1.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Court Operations (681) 9.60 8.60 8.60 8.75 8.75 1.7% Parole & Probation (681) 24.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 0.0% Teen Court Fund (171) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Total FTE 34.60 30.60 30.60 30.75 30.75 0.5% Fiscal Year 2012 6 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Court Operations (681) Mission Statement To provide effective and efficient services to the Judiciary and all those involved in the Court System in Collier County. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead . Court Administration staff is required to properly administer all courtroom operations. To maintain current levels of service to the citizens of Collier County, the Administrative Judge needs to maintain clerical staff to assist in courtroom operations and work with county and circuit departments on court related issues. This includes, but is not limited to: courtroom operations, building maintenance, BCC and budget issues, purchasing and finance issues, and some court costs. Court costs include Court Reporter costs, Court Appointed Attomey costs, and expert and regular witness costs. Court Related Programs These programs include the Citizen's Foster Care Review Panel, which provides a valuable service to the Juvenile/Family Law area. Reserves and Transfers FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 772,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 8.75 1,000 771,200 1,300 1,300 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Capital Outlay Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Actual Adopted Forecast 597,376 592,000 592,000 206,176 255,400 225,300 6,500 4,700 803,553 853,900 822,000 24,500 12,700 12,700 38,000 56,700 56,700 866,053 923,300 891,400 9.60 8.60 8.60 182,900 1,217,000 -1,034,100 8.75 956,400 1,218,000 -261,600 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 574,800 574,800 (2.9%) 193,700 193,700 (24.2%) 5,000 5,000 (23.1%) 773,500 773,500 (9.4%) 11,100 11,100 (12.6%) 99,400 99,400 75.3% 147,700 147,700 na (75,300) (75,300) na 956,400 956,400 3.6% 8.75 8.75 1.7% Net Operating Budget Trans to 171 Teen Court Trans to 192 Court Innov Reserves For Contingencies Reserve for Attrition Total Budget Total FTE FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 7,940 na Interest/Mise 741 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,242,900 1,199,200 1,199,200 1,131,900 1,131,900 (5.6%) Carry Forward 145,000 40,500 118,400 145,200 145,200 258.5% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (60,100) (60,100) (60,100) 0.0% Total Funding 1,396,582 1,180,600 1,318,600 1,218,000 1,218,000 3.2% Fiscal Year 2012 7 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Court Operations (681) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are below the adopted budget due primarily to the decrease in utility expense. Court Administration moved into their new location last fiscal year, thus reducing their required electricity, water and sewer. Current FY 2012 - Personal services are consistent with the prior year. The slight increase is due to a rise in health premiums. It appears that the FTE has increased by .15, however, the FTE was stated incorrectly for several years. The employee working in this position works 30 hours per week, thus .75 FTE, not 24 hours, which would represent the .6 FTE. Operating expenses were reduced by 24.2% due to the decrease in utility expenses and movement of most information technology needs to the Information Technology Fee Fund (178). Capital outlay of $5,000 is set aside for minor building improvements, office furniture andlor office equipment. Court Administration will provide financial support to Teen Court in the amount of $11,100 and a transfer to the Public Guardianship Program in the amount of $99,400. The Article V revenues supporting the Teen Court Program and the Public Guardianship Program have declined for the past four consecutive years. Fiscal Year 2012 is anticipating a stabilization of this revenue. Reserves for Contingencies are budgeted for Fund 681 at two and one-half percent per budget policy and include an offset to the decrease in retirement rates. Additionally, the reserve for attrition has been moved from the cost center level to the fund level, again, per current budget policy. Fiscal Year 2012 B Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Court Related Costs (681) Mission Statement Provide funding for court related costs mandated by the State of Florida. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Mandated Court Costs 6,700 6,700 Provide funding for mandated court costs Current Level of Service Budget 6,700 6,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 867 7,200 4,500 6,700 6,700 (6.9%) Net Operating Budget 867 7,200 4,500 6,700 6,700 (6.9%) Total Budget 867 7,200 4,500 6,700 6,700 (6.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change lllll% Total Funding 11<0% Current FY 2012 - In FY 2011, the Facilities Management Department began distributing the charges for records storage to the various entities. These charges are for storage of Court Reporter Records. Fiscal Year 2012 9 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Court Related Agencies Court Administration Parole & Probation (681) Mission Statement To provide quality rehabilitative supervision and direction to all defendants placed on probation verifying that they comply with court imposed sanctions and conform to social norms, to effectively maintain a large caseload and serve the judiciary, and abide by established case law and Florida Statutes in the performance of duties. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead Provide supervision to sentenced misdemeanor defendants placed on probation, including court ordered intensive supervision in the community, maintenance of a Community Service Program, and monitoring offender compliance with public service placements. Arrest and/or issue warrants on probation violators. Monitor collection and distribution of restitution payments by court ordered probationers to victims. Support Services Provide minimal phone coverage, customer service and technical support to Naples and Immokalee offices, necessary to handle rising and more complex caseloads. FY 2012 Total FTE 18.00 FY 2012 Budget 1,241.538 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,202,500 39,038 3.00 215,862 215,862 Current Level of Service Budget 21.00 1,457,400 1,202,500 254,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Average Cases Supervised Monthly 1,591 1,900 1,654 1,700 Cases on Supervised Probation 2,761 3,500 2,800 3,000 Warrants Issued (Annual) 1,806 1,800 1,700 1,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,468,303 1,372,000 1,413,700 1,384,300 1,384,300 0.9% Operating Expense 69,136 80,600 66,300 73,100 73,100 (9.3%) Capital Outiay 18,200 na Net Operating Budget 1,555,639 1,452,600 1,480,000 1,457,400 1,457,400 0.3% Total Budget 1,555,639 1,452,600 1,480,000 1,457,400 1,457,400 0.3% Total FTE 24.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 155,395 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 0.0% Fines & Forfeitures 1,071,027 1,037,500 1,037,500 1,037,500 1,037,500 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 128 na Total Funding 1,226,551 1,202,500 1,202,500 1,202,500 1,202,500 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 10 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Parole & Probation (681) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services are over budget due to the department not obtaining the budgeted 4% attrition. The Probation Department reduced their employee count by three in FY 2010, however, they have not experienced any turnover during the current year. Operating costs have been reduced to off-set the lack of attrition and Courtroom Operations and Maintenance has reduced their operating budgets to cover this shortfall. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services increased because in the past years, per budget policy, a reserve for attrition has been recorded at the cost center level. which in effect reduces the budget. This reserve has been moved to the fund level per current budget policy. Health insurance rates have increased by 12%. The decrease in retirement rates offset these various increases. Operating costs were reduced by 9.3% in an attempt to bring the entire Court operations into compliance with the stated budget policy. Revenues have stabilized and are anticipated to remain consistent. Fleet had recommended the replacement of a 2004 Ford Taurus at a cost of $22,000 in FY 2011. The Department will continue the deferral of this replacement to the future. Fiscal Year 2012 11 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Court Innovations (192) Mission Statement Provide guardianship services to indigent, incapacitated adults. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 193,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Guardianship Services Through a contract, guardianship services are provided to incapacitated, indigent adults. ReservesfTransfers 73,000 120,000 4,900 124,900 -120,000 Current Level of Service Budget 197,900 197,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 191,600 193,000 193,000 193,000 193,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 191,600 193,000 193,000 193,000 193,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 9,700 4,900. 4,900 (49.5%) Total Budget 191,600 202,700 193,000 197,900 197,900 (2.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 76,687 75,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 (2.7%) Interest/Misc 645 500 na Trans fm 171 Teen Court Fd 4,900 na Trans fm 640 Law Lib 7,561 1,200 na Trans fm 681 Court Admin 38,000 56,700 56,700 99,400 99,400 75.3% Carty Forward 54,400 74,800 85,900 29,200 29,200 (61.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,800) (3,700) (3,700) (2.6%) Total Funding 177,293 202,700 222,200 197,900 197,900 (2.4%) Note (1): This revenue source was created effective July 1, 2004 when the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 04-42 pursuant to s. 939.185 F.S., which was part of the revision to Article V of the State Constitution. The source of this revenue is an additional court cost of $65 when a person pleads guilty or no contest or is found guilty of any felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offense in Florida. Twenty-five percent (25%) of this amount is allocated to fund innovative court programs. Note (2): Collier County pays for the management of 80 wards per month with this program, directly to the local Guardianship Office. This is not a mandated program, however, the Chief Judge has determined this program to be a necessity to our Community as there is no other help available for the citizens this program serves. Forecast FY 2011 - Revenue is based upon actual collections received through March 2011. As discussed throughout the Courts and Related Agencies budget, fines and forfeitures revenues have declined substantially for the past four consecutive years. The current year shows a stabilization with only a minor variance. Per County Ordinance 04-42, any funds remaining in Teen Court (171), Law Library (640), and/or the Legal Aid Society (652) are to be returned to the Court Innovations Fund (192). There are forecast transfers from Teen Court in the amount of $4,900 and from the Law Library in the amount of $1 ,200. . Current FY 2012 - Funding for the Public Guardianship program has been held consistent with the prior years even though the revenues to support this program have decreased by 160% from the high in FY 2006. To off-set this decrease, a transfer to cover the shortage is budgeted in the amount of $99,400 from Court Administration Fund (681), which is an 84% increase over the prior year. Court Administration's funding is from Probation fees and the balance is from a General Fund (001) transfer. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Teen Court Fund (171) Mission Statement To provide a diversionary program for first-time juvenile misdemeanor offenders and court education programs for student volunteers. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead The program operates with a coordinator and volunteers to provide a diversionary program for first-time juvenile misdemeanor offenders and uses peer jurors. Court education programs for student volunteers are also provided. ReserveslTransfers FY 2012 Total FTE 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 75,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 73,000 2,300 5,100 7,400 -2,300 Current Level of Service Budget 1.00 80,400 80,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Number of Adult Volunteer Hours 223 205 230 230 Number of Adult Volunteers 22 30 25 30 Number of Cases Conducted by Teen Court 103 115 112 112 Number of Cases Declined by Teen Court 12 10 10 10 Number of Student Volunteer Hours 3,876 3,800 3,600 3,800 Number of Student Volunteers 159 160 140 150 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 72,358 73,900 73,900 71,900 71,900 (2.7%) Operating Expense 1,868 4,500 3,300 3,400 3,400 (24.4%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 3,300 3,600 3,600 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 77,526 82,000 80,800 75,300 75,300 (8.2%) Trans to 192 Court Innov 4,900 na Reserves For Contingencies 2,100 5,100 5,100 142.9% Total Budget 77,526 84,100 85,700 80,400 80,400 (4.4%) Total FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 38,344 75,200 73,000 73,000 73,000 (2.9%) Interest/Mise 14 na Trans fm 175 Juv Assess Clr 11,491 na Trans fm 681 Court Admin 24,500 12,700 12,700 11,100 11,100 (12.6%) Carry Forward 10,700 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,800) (3,700) (3,700) (2.6%) Total Funding 85,049 84,100 85,700 80,400 80,400 (4.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 13 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Teen Court Fund (171) Note: This revenue source was created effective July 1, 2004 when the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 04-42 pursuant to s. 939.185 F.S., which was part of the latest revision to Article V of the State Constitution. This revenue is an additional court cost of $65 when a person pleads guilty or no contest or is found guilty of any felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offense in Florida. Twenty-five percent (25%) of this amount is allocated to fund juvenile programs. In the past, Teen Court and Juvenile Assessment Centers were allocated twelve and a half percent (12.5%) each. On June 22, 2010 via Board Agenda Item 16J5, Teen Court will receive the full twenty-five percent (25%) until further action is taken. Forecast FY 2011 - Revenue is based upon actual collections received through March 2011 and is approximately 3% below the adopted budget, which is an improvement over the past four years. Operating transfer to Court Innovation Fund (192) in'the amount of $4,900 is the anticipated residual in the fund for the current year. Per County Ordinance 04-42, any funds remaining at the end of the year are to be transferred to the Court Innovation Fund. Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses include funding for the Teen Court coordinator and very minimal operating costs for maintenance of the program. In the past, three $1,000 Scholarships were awarded. This practice has been suspended until such time the program funding becomes sufficient. Current revenue budget is a full 25% of the $65 Fee instead of 12.5% as in the past. The Sheriff has implemented a program change within his Department that is providing guidance for these at-risk teens without the need for the 12.5% of court costs previously allocated to the Juvenile Justice Center. The revenue appears to have leveled out and will hopefully remain stable moving forward. Even with the consolidation of the revenues into this fund, a supplemental transfer from Court Administration, Fund (681) is still needed for the current fiscal year and is planned at $11.100. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Drug Abuse Trust Fund (616) Mission Statement Imposition by the courts of additional assessment against drug offenders, pursuant to F.S. 938.23 and F.S. 893.165, in an amount up to the amount of the fine imposed. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget 3,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost ReservesfTransfers 3,500 Current Level of Service Budget 3,500 3,500 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 3,500 3,500 (7.9%) 3,500 3,500 (7.9%) Program Budgetary Cost Summary FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted 3,800 3,800 FY 2011 Forecast Reserves For Contingencies Total Budget Program Funding Sources Fines & Forfeitures Interest/Mise Carry Forward FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted 200 FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 FY 2012 Preliminary Change (100.0%) na 3,500 (2.8%) 3,500 (7.9%) Total Funding 53 31 3,400 3,484 3,600 3,800 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Forecast FY 2011 - No remittances are forecast as no request for funding has been received by the County. Similarly, no revenues are anticipated. Current FY 2012 - Residual cash contained in this fund is budgeted in reserves. Fiscal Year 2012 15 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Administration Law Library Fund (640) Mission Statement To provide legal materials to the legal community and the public. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 69,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Law Library 73,000 -3,500 Reservesrrransfers 300 -3,200 3,500 69,800 69,800 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 69,500 69,500 (3.2%) 69,500 69,500 (3.2%) na 300 300 na 69,800 69,800 (2.8%) Current Level of Service Budget Program Budgetary Cost Summary Operating Expense FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Actual Adopted Forecast 69,227 71,800 71,800 69,227 71,800 71,800 7,561 1,200 Net Operating Budget Trans to 192 Court Innov Reserves For Contingencies Total Budget 76,787 71,800 73,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 76,688 75,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 (2.7%) Interest/Mise 111 na Carry Forward 27,900 600 500 500 500 (16.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,800) (3,700) (3,700) (2.6%) Total Funding 104,699 71,800 73,500 69,800 69,800 (2.8%) Note: This revenue source was created effective July 1, 2004 when the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 04-42 pursuant to s. 939.185 F.S., which was part of the latest revision to Article V of the State Constitution. Forecast FY 2011 - Operating transfer to Court Innovations Fund (192) in the amount of $1 ,200 is the anticipated residual in the fund for the current year. Per County Ordinance 04-42, any funds remaining at year-end are to be transferred to the Court Innovations Fund. Revenues from the $65 court cost fee are based upon actual collections received through March 2011 and are approximately 3% below adopted budget. Current FY 2012 - The request from the Law Library for operating costs of $69,500 will be fully funded as the revenue source that supports this function is anticipated to be consistent with FY 2011 forecast. These costs include funding for staff, books, utilities and electronic Westlaw access. Revenues FY 2012 - Article V revenues have experienced substantial declines for the past four years in a row. Revenues appear to have stabilized and are being budgeted in FY 2012 consistent with the FY 2011 forecast. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Circuit & County Court Judges FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% Net Operating Budget 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% Total Budget 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Circuit Court Judges (001) 17,736 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 0.0% County Court Judges (001) 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% Total Net Budget 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 300 na Net Cost General Fund 23,039 57,500 57,200 57,500 57,500 0.0% Total Funding 23,039 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 17 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Circuit & County Court Judges Circuit Court Judges (001) Mission Statement Judge Pivacek and Judge Hayes will handle 50% each of General Civil cases. Judge Shenko will handle 50% of Probate & Guardianship and 50% of Domestic Relations/Family. Judge Krier will handle 100% of Dependency, 50% of Domestic Violence, 50% of Probate & Guardianship, and 100% of Truancy Court. Judge Martin will handle 100% of Mental Health Court. Judge Brodie will handle 100% of Delinquency and 100% of Juvenile Drug Court. Judge Baker and Judge Hardt will handle 50% each of Criminal. Judge Greider will handle 100% of Adult Drug Court Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 34,700 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Operating Costs Counties are required to provide and maintain office space, utilities, basic communication services, and security for Circuit Court Judges. This budget provides for incidental expenses incurred by the Circuit Court Judges. 34,700 Current Level of Service Budget 34,700 34,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 17,736 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 0.0% Net Operating Budget 17,736 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 0.0% Total Budget 17,736 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 300 na Net Cost General Fund 17,736 34,700 34,400 34,700 34,700 0.0% Total Funding 17,736 34,700 34,700 34,700 34,700 0.0% Current FY 2012 - Operating costs for the Circuit Court Judges include minor operating expenses split among the various Circuit Court Judges. All other costs such as office space, utilities, communication services and security are paid for by Collier County Facilities Department. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Circuit & County Court Judges County Court Judges (001) Mission Statement All County Judges will handle one sixth of Criminal and County Civil/Small Claims cases for Naples and Immokalee. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 22,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Operating Costs Counties are required to provide and maintain office space, utilities, basic communication services, and security for County Court Judges. This budget provides for incidental expenses incurred by the County Court Judges. 22,800 Current Level of Service Budget 22,800 22,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% Net Operating Budget 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% Total Budget 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% Total Funding 5,303 22,800 22,800 22,800 22,800 0.0% Current FY 2012 - Operating costs for the County Court Judges include minor operating expenses split among the various County Court Judges. All other costs such as office space, utilities, communication services and security are paid for by Collier County Facilities Department. Fiscal Year 2012 19 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Public Defender FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Net Operating Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Defender (001) 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Net Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Funding 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Fiscal Year 2012 20 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Public Defender Public Defender (001) Mission Statement To provide legal services to indigent defendants charged with criminal offenses in Collier County. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 182,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Public Defender 182,500 State law requires counties within their judicial circuits to provide the Public Defender with office space, utilities, telephone services, custodial services, and communication services as may be necessary for the proper and efficient functioning of the office. Current Level of Service Budget 182,500 182,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Net Operating Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Budget 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Total Funding 201,100 179,300 182,000 182,500 182,500 1.8% Note: Pursuant to the revisions to Article V, as of July 1 , 2004, the County is responsible for funding the following operating expenses for the Public Defender: facility constructionllease, facility maintenance and security, utilities, communication services, data proce'ssing equipment and software, and other local operating requirements. Forecast FY 2011 - The Public Defender's Office has been in the Court House Annex facility for a full year. The utility expenses were increased substantially for the increased square footage during budget preparation, however, it was still not sufficient. Current FY 2012 - A large portion of the budget is fixed costs which the Public Defender has no control over - water, electricity, building repairs and maintenance, etc. The remaining budget is for the two attorneys and one support staff position. The Public Defender is fully utilizing these positions to provide early representation of clients in order to move their cases efficiently and effectively through the judicial system in Collier County. Any cuts to the budget will jeopardize the Public Defenders' ability to continue providing this quality of service in an expeditious manner. These cuts would result in backlogs to the court system, causing unnecessary delay in resolving cases. Keeping clients in jail is only shifting costs from the Public Defender to the Sheriff. Overall, the Courts and Related Agencies have met budget compliance by reducing the transfer from the General Fund and utilizing the Infonnation Technology Fee Fund to pay for all technology needs. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government I Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies State Attorney FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Co~t Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Net Operating Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change State Attorney (001) 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Net Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Funding 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Fiscal Year 2012 22 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies State Attorney State Attorney (001) Mission Statement To prosecute law offenders in this jurisdictional area of the State and to faithfully execute and enforce the laws of the State of Florida. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 271,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost State Attorney State law requires counties within their judicial circuits to provide the State Attorney with office space, utilities, telephone services, custodial services, and communication services as may be necessary for the proper and efficient functioning of the office. 271,900 Current Level of Service Budget 271,900 271,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Net Operating Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Budget 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Total Funding 251,379 280,400 266,500 271,900 271,900 (3.0%) Note: Pursuant to the revisions to Article V, as of July 1, 2004, the County is responsible for funding the following operating expenses for the State Attorney: facility constructionllease, facility maintenance and security, utilities, communication services, data processing equipment, software and technical support, and other local operating requirements. Forecast FY 2011 - Expenditures will be less than budget due to electricity in the new Courthouse Annex being less for the State Attorney than anticipated based upon square footage of the new facility. Actual costs for the first year of operations were even lower than anticipated Current FY 2012 - The State Attorney's Office was able to meet the established budget policy due to the actual utility expenses being less than anticipated and less than the old facility. There were no further reductions to service this year and operating expenses still include funding for three jail reduction personnel in the State Attorney's Office dedicated to serve Collier County. Fiscal Year 2012 23 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Juvenile Assessment Center FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 300 na Net Operating Budget 300 na Trans to 171 Teen Court 11,491 na Total Budget 11,791 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Juvenile Assessment Center (175) 300 na Total Net Budget 300 na Total Transfers and Reserves 11,491 na Total Budget 11,791 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 38,344 na Interest/Mise 90 na Carry Forward 4,300 na Total Funding 42,734 na Fiscal Year 2012 24 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Juvenile Assessment Center Juvenile Assessment Center (175) Mission Statement To provide funding for the operation of the Juvenile Assessment Center. FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Indirect Cost Reimburs 300 Net Operating Budget 300 Trans to 171 Teen Court 11,491 Total Budget 11,791 FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Fines & Forfeitures 38,344 Interest/Mise 90 Carry Forward 4,300 Total Funding 42,734 FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na FY 2011 Forecast Note: This revenue source was created effective July 1, 2004 when the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 04-42 pursuant to s. 939.185 F.S., which was part of the latest revision to Article V of the State Constitution. This revenue is an additional court cost of $65 when a person pleads guilty or no contest or is found guilty of any felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offense in Florida. Twenty-five percent (25%) of this amount is allocated to fund juvenile programs. In the past, Teen Court and Juvenile Assessment Centers were allocated twelve and a half percent (12.5%) each. On June 22, 2010 via Board Agenda Item 16J5, Teen Court will receive the full twenty-five percent (25%) until further action is taken. Current FY 2012 - The entire 25% designated for juvenile alternative programs will go to support Teen Court in Fund (171) until further action is taken to allocate the funding differently. Fiscal Year 2012 25 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Guardian Ad Litem Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Net Operating Budget 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Budget 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Guardian Ad litem Program (001) 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Net Budget 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Funding 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Fiscal Year 2012 26 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Guardian Ad Litem Program Guardian Ad Litem Program (001) Mission Statement To advocate for the best interest of children who are alleged to be abused, neglected, or abandoned and who are involved in court procedures. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Guardian Ad Litem 2,000 2,000 Current Level of Service Budget 2,000 2,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Net Operating Budget 800 SOD 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Budget SOD 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 800 800 2,000 2,000 150.0% Total Funding SOD soo 2,000 2,000 150.0% Note: Pursuant to the revisions to Article V, as of July 1, 2004, the County is responsible for funding the following operating expenses for the Guardian Ad Litem: facility construction/lease, facility maintenance and security, utilities, communication services, data processing equipment and software, and other local operating requirements. Current FY 2012 - Rent, utilities, security and facility maintenance are paid for Guardian Ad Litem by Facilities Management. Most technology needs are paid for by the Court IT Fee Fund (178). This budget contains funding for the Information Technology allocation, storage fees and a very small allocation for office supplies. Fiscal Year 2012 27 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Related Technology FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 455,830 623,300 556,900 652,1 00 652,100 4.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,400 1,400 1,400 9,700 9,700 592.9% Capital Outlay 65,299 112,600 60,400 63,400 63,400 (43.7%) Net Operating Budget 522,529 737,300 618,700 725,200 725,200 (1.6%) Reserves For Contingencies 38,900 36,300 36,300 (6.7%) Reserves For Capital 206,500 206,500 na Total Budget 522,529 776,200 618,700 968,000 968,000 24.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Court IT Fee (178) 522,529 737,300 618,700 725,200 725,200 (1.6%) Total Net Budget 522,529 737,300 618,700 725,200 725,200 (1.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 38,900 242,800 242,800 524.2% Total Budget 522,529 776,200 618,700 968,000 968,000 24.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 630,272 600,000 623,000 600,000 600,000 0.0% InteresVMisc 3,237 3,300 3,300 3,300 na Carry Forward 270,800 206,200 387,100 394,700 394,700 91.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) 0.0% Total Funding 904,309 776,200 1,013,400 968,000 968,000 24.7% Fiscal Year 2012 28 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Related Technology Court IT Fee (178) Mission Statement To provide funding for court-related technology, and court technology needs for the state trial courts, state attorney and public defender in accordance with s. 28.24 (12) (e), s. 29.008 (1) (f) 2 and s. 29.008 (1) (h) F.S. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost CJIS Cost Sharing 275,100 603,300 -328,200 Criminal Justice Information System cost sharing for the 20th Judicial Circuit Court IT related costs. Court Administration IT Costs 150,300 150,300 IT related costs for Collier County Court Administration Probation Department IT Costs 12,200 12,200 IT related costs for the Parole Department in Collier County. Circuit and County Court Judges IT Costs 4,000 4,000 IT related costs for the Circuit Court and Collier County Court Judges. State Attorney IT Costs 190,700 190,700 IT related costs for the State Attorney's offices. Public Defender IT Costs 86,900 86,900 IT related costs for the Public Defender's office. Guardian Ad Litem IT Costs 6,000 6,000 IT related costs for the Guardian Ad Utem office. Reserves and Transfers 242,800 364,700 -121,900 Current Level of Service Budget 968,000 968,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 455,830 623,300 556,900 652,100 652,100 4.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,400 1,400 1,400 9,700 9,700 592.9% Capital Outlay 65,299 112,600 60,400 63,400 63,400 (43.7%) Net Operating Budget 522,529 737,300 618,700 725,200 725,200 (1.6%) Reserves For Contingencies 38,900 36,300 36,300 (6.7%) Reserves For Capital 206,500 206,500 na Total Budget 522,529 776,200 618,700 968,000 968,000 24.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 630,272 600,000 623,000 600,000 600,000 0.0% Interest/Mise 3,237 3,300 3,300 3,300 na Carry Forward 270,800 206,200 387,100 394,700 394,700 91.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) 0.0% Total Funding 904,309 776,200 1,013,400 968,000 968,000 24.7% Fiscal Year 2012 29 Court Related Agencies Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Court Related Agencies Court Related Technology Court IT Fee (178) Note: Revenues reflect collections of $2 per page of a $4 per page service charge collected for recording documents or instruments as listed in s. 28.24 F.S. These revenues are dedicated to the technology needs of the Courts and Court Related Agencies. Forecast FY 2011 - Operating costs were less than budget due to savings in other contractual services and deferment of some capital expenditures. Revenues are based upon actual collections through March 2011 and are slightly above target. Current FY 2012 - Expenditures include payment to CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) for shared technology upgrade costs for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit in the amount of $275,100 as well as requested expenditures by the various agencies for their information technology related needs. Most requests for equipment and technology needs by the various entities sharing in this fund were met during the current year. A Reserve for Capital in the amount of $206,500 has been established for the future needs of the agencies. This is the first year since FY 2008 that funds have been available to establish a reserve. Revenues appear to have stabilized and as a conservative measure, current year will remain at the same level as the prior year budget. Unfunded Request (UFR) FY 2012 - Guardian Ad Litem continues their request for data processing personnel. Salary and benefits total $21,045. Fiscal Year 2012 30 Court Related Agencies Courts Related Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Courts Capital Improvement Program Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Courts Related Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-1 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Courts Related Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 111,289 na Capital Outlay 20,041 1,914,100 na Net Operating Budget 131,329 1,914,100 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,212,800 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 2,361,300 2,361,300 na Total Budget 131,329 1,212,800 1,914,100 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Court Maintenance Fee Fund (181) 131,329 1,914,100 na Total Net Budget 131,329 1,914,100 na Total Transfers and Reserves 1,212,800 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% Total Budget 131,329 1,212,800 1,914,100 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 1,132,754 1,088,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 0.2% InteresUMisc 9,961 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Carry Forward 1,120,900 170,200 2,132,300 1,317,200 1,317,200 673.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (54,400) (54,900) (54,900) 0.9% Total Funding 2,263,615 1,212,800 3,231,300 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Court Related Capital Courthouse Fire Alarm 9,329 9,200 Courthouse HVAC 170,475 170,500 Fac Small Projects 66,000 66,000 Redesign 5th and 6th Floor Courthouse 1,638,728 1,638,700 Replace carpet 1st, 2nd, 3rd floor hearing 1,334 and courtrooms Replace knee wall 30,457 29,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 181 1,212,800 1,212,800 2,361,300 Court Related Capital 1,212,800 3,129,122 1,914,100 2,361,300 Department Total Project Budget 1,212,800 3,129,122 1,914,100 2,361,300 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 2 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Courts Related Capital Court Maintenance Fee Fund (181) Mission Statement On July 28, 2009, the Board amended Ordinance 04-43 (with Ordinance 09-41) by increasing the surcharge imposed for non-criminal traffic infractions set forth in Chapter 318, Florida Statutes, and those offenses enumerated in the Section 318.17, Florida Statutes, from $15 to $30 per Section 318.18(13), Florida Statutes. This revenue was specifically created to fund State Court Facilities. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 111,289 na Capital Outlay 20,041 1,914,100 na Net Operating Budget 131,329 1,914,100 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,212,800 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 2,361,300 2,361,300 na Total Budget 131,32,9 1,212,800 1,914,100 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 1,132,754 1,088,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 1,090,000 0.2% InteresUMisc 9,961 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Carry Forward 1,120,900 170,200 2,132,300 1,317,200 1,317,200 673.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (54,400) (54,900) (54,900) 0.9% Total Funding 2,263,615 1,212,800 3,231,300 2,361,300 2,361,300 94.7% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project TItle Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Court Related Capital Courthouse Fire Alarm 9,329 9,200 Courthouse HVAC 170,475 170,500 Fac Small Projects 66,000 66,000 Redesign 5th and 6th Floor Courthouse 1,638,728 1,636,700 Replace carpet 1 st, 2nd, 3rd floor hearing 1,334 0 and courtrooms Replace knee wall 30,457 29,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 161 1,212,800 1,212,800 0 2,361,300 Court Related Capital 1,212,600 3,129,122 1,914,100 2,361,300 Program Total Project Budget 1,212,800 3,129,122 1,914,100 2,361,300 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 3 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category project# Proj!!ct Title I Description FY 2012 Preliminary Court Related Capital 99181 X-fers/Reserves . Fund 181 Reserves for Contingencies and Future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. On July 28, 2009, the Board amended Ordinance 04-43 (with Ordinance 09-41) by increasing the surcharge imposed for non-criminal traffic infractions set forth in Chapter 318, Florida Statutes, and those offenses enumerated in the Section 318.17, Florida Statutes, from $15to $30per Section 318.18(13), Florida Statutes. This revenue was specifically created to fund State Court Facilities. Several projects have been identified and once the Chief Judge approves these projects, they will be budgeted into the appropriate project number{s). 2,361,300 Total Court Related Capital 2,361,300 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 4 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Division Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 168.75 Administrative Services Administration Office I--- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 2.00 Grants Acquisition - Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 4.00 Fleet Management Department - Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 26.00 Facilities Management Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 55.60 Human Resources Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 14.00 Information Technology Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 37.80 Purchasing Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 17.60 Risk Management Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 11.75 Fiscal Year 2012 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Cost to General Fund 001 and MSTD General Fund 111 Administrative Services Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to General Fund Core Services General Fund General Fund Variance % Administrative Services Administration 310,300 273,500 -36,800 -11.9% Grants Acquisition 316,700 300,700 -16,000 -5.1% Facilities Management 12,760,600 12,269,400 -491,200 -3.8% Real Property 300,000 277,700 -22,300 -7.4% Human Resources 1,363,300 1,177,600 -185,700 -13.6% Purchasing 664,700 715,100 50,400 7.6% Total Net Costs to General Fund 001 15,715,600 15,014,000 (701,600) -4.5% IT (800 MHz) (transfer) 542,400 558,900 16,500 3.0% Total Transfer from General Fund 001 $ 16,258,000 $ 15,572,900 $ (685,100) -4.2% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (487,800) Compliance Exceeded $ 197,300 FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund Core Services MSTD General Fund MSTD General Fund Variance % Human Resources (transfer) 85,900 92,900 7,000 8.1% Total Trans from MSTD Gen'l Fund 111 $ 85,900 $ 92,900 $ 7,000 8.1% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (2,600) Out of Compliance $ (9,600) Fiscal Year 2012 Administrative Services Division 2 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Program/Services/Personnel Reductions Facilities Management Department Decrease Operating Human Resources Department Decrease Personal Service Vacancies Human Resources Department Decrease Operating List of Services Not Funded in the Budget for FY 2012 Administrative Services Operational Impact FTE Reinstatement Cost Funds for maintenance and repair services have been reduced for a third consecutive fiscal year and for FY12 the decrease is $409,400. 409,400 The current HR staff to employee ratio (1 :123) is 23% higher than the industry standard of 1:100. Elimination of one FTE may restrict our ability to deliver all but basic services, and jeopardizes successful completion of centralized recruitment goals in support of the Agency's 5 Year plan. The time it takes to fill positions will likely remain higher than the benchmark of 48 days and the goal to retain recently hired staff at a higher percent could all remain flat or fall. Further, staffing levels are such that unanticipated projects and requests may need to be deferred until a future date as time penn its unless absolutely essential to County operations. In those cases, time to complete routine tasks will be extended due to the necessity of finishing priority projects. 1.0 63,800 Funds for the Thanks ThC employee recognition program will be eliminated in FY12. Fingerprinting will only be completed for newly hired employees, with screening of incumbent staff put on hold. Staff development will also be deferred, which may result in a delayed response time, as HR employees could need longer periods to complete unfamiliar tasks. The County-wide professional development and training dollars are also being reduced, resulting in 25% fewer classes to be offered in FY12. 87,100 Total costto reinstate services in GF (001) 1.0 $ 560,300 Required General Fund (001) Millage Rate Increase 0.00991 Fiscal Year 2012 3 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Len Golden Price, Administrator The Administrative Services Division (ASD) consists of the Information Technology Department, Purchasing Department, Facilities Management Department, Fleet Management Department, Human Resources Department, Risk Management Department, Grants Management and Records Management The Division provides administrative, technical, logistical, and resource management services that support the delivery of services to the public and the pursuit of the County's stated mission and strategic goals. ASD is driven by its guiding principles to provide quality customer service, to strive for continual improvement and operational efficiency, and to focus on the future. The Administrative Services Division provides and manages the agency's data and communications systems, builds and maintains public facilities, provides safety and security on County premises, manages vehicles and equipment, procures goods and services, provides contract administration and value engineering services, provides human resource services, coordinates and delivers employee training and development, manages insurance and employee benefits programs, seeks and manages grant funding, and develops records management protocols. As the provider of internal support services, the Division has taken a leading role in implementing cost reduction plans, initiating process improvement efforts, and developing programs designed to meet current economic challenges. Strategic use of outsourcing coupled with a successful Voluntary Separation Incentive Program helped shield Collier County from the widespread reduction in workforce experienced through the State of Florida. Strong energy conservation, consolidating and re-negotiating contracts yielded significant agency-wide cost reductions. Early adoption of a Lean-Kaizan approach to process improvement resulted in streamlining processes. Through agility and adaptability, ASD contributes to the County's ability to exceed expectations every day. The Administrative Services Division's total operating budget for FY 2012 is $140,003,700 inclusive of 168.75 funded permanent Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. The Administrative Services Division's net impact to the General Fund (001) has met budget guidance of a 3% reduction ($487,800). The reduction of $487,800 does not factor additional cost savings realized from Florida Retirement System rate changes in the amount of $197,300. The final result is a 4.5% savings to the General Fund (001) of $685,100. The Facilities Department deferment of preventive maintenance will ultimately be more costly in the future as capital equipment maintenance is decreased. Many services are reduced to a break fix scenario including HVAC. Consequences of reduced HVAC preventive maintenance such as a less frequent schedule of changing air conditioning filters from monthly to quarterly and the elimination of cleaning HVAC coils will create less efficient HVAC units and increase unanticipated mechanical break downs. Over time this may reduce the HVAC useful life from 20-25 years to 17-20 years or as much as 15 to 20 percent. Total FTEs increased by .75 over the previous year. The following chart captures the movement of FTEs producing the .75 increase. 167.50 FY 2011 FTE Count + 1.00 + 1.00 - 1.00 + 0.25 Transfer from Office of Management & Budget Transfer from Growth Management Division - Construction & Maintenance Eliminate (un-fund) one vacancy within the Human Resources Department Increase one part-time position to a full FTE within the Purchasing Department 168.75 FY 2012 FTE Count Transfers of two vacant positions from other areas of the agency were moved to the Grants Management Office to create a new area of focus on grants accounting and compliance. Fiscal Year 2012 4 Administrative Services Division4 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division For more information on programs within the Administrative Services Division, please contact the following: 252-3646 Division Administration 252-4768 Grant Acquisition 252-8991 Property Acquisition 252-8380 Facilities Management 252-5655 Fleet Management 252-8460 Human Resources 252-8794 Information Technology & 800 MHz Radio 252-8407 Purchasing 252-8461 Risk Management 252-6832 Records Management Fiscal Year 2012 5 Administrative Services Division5 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 14,069,434 14,218,300 14,022,200 13,940,900 13,940,900 (2.0%) Operating Expense 55,967,404 60,197,700 58,665,500 60,580,800 60,580,800 0.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 84,500 81,600 81,600 70,400 70,400 (13.7%) Property & Casualty Claims 958,137 1,200,000 900,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 (8.3%) Short Term Disability Ins 467,560 410,000 373,800 413,800 413,800 0.9% Long Term Disability Ins 622,048 350,000 338,400 340,000 340,000 (2.9%) Workers Comp Ins 300,550 900,000 400,000 800,000 800,000 (11.1%) Capital Outlay 823,188 3,639,400 831,200 3,980,300 3,980,300 9.4% Remittances 288,153 196,200 521,200 184,000 184,000 (6.2%) Total Net Budget 73,580,975 81,193,200 76,133,900 81,410,200 81,410,200 0.3% Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 99,806 68,800 68,800 60,000 60,000 (12.8%) Trans to Tax Collector 173,567 196,500 134,400 134,400 134,400 (31.6%) Trans to 001 General Fund 1,700,000 850,000 850,000 926,100 926,100 9.0% Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 2,510,400 6,103,100 4,193,900 5,977,500 5,977,500 (2.1%) Trans to 704 Ad Serv Grant Match 137,600 na Trans to 272 Debt Serv Fd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Trans to 273 Conserv Collier '08 470,500 700,000 7,586,800 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,774,400 1,723,100 1,723,100 (2.9%) Reserves For Debt Service 717,600 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 24,192,600 26,886,200 26,886,200 11.1% Reserves for Insurance 22,570,500 21,422,100 21,422,100 (5.1%) Reserves For Cash Flow 81,200 81,200 na Reserve for Attrition (147,100) (147,100) na Total Budget 79,634,847 139,896,700 90,415,400 140,003,700 140,003,700 0.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Administration 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Office Grants Acquisition 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Dori Slosberg Driver Education 202,500 197,000 197,000 184,500 184,500 (6.3%) Fleet Management Department 7,345,042 8,559,600 8,743,400 10,638,500 10,638,500 24.3% Facilities Management Department 15,037,701 18,994,900 15,098,800 16,781,200 16,781,200 (11.7%) Human Resources Department 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Information Technology Department 5,933,501 7,245,600 7,157,500 7,518,900 7,518,900 3.8% Purchasing Department 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) Risk Management Department 41,804,763 42,420,400 41,391,600 42,749,100 42,749,100 0.8% Administrative Services Grants 212,600 na Total Net Budget 73,580,975 81,193,200 76,133,900 81,410,200 81,410,200 0.3% Dori Slosberg Driver Education 117,000 114,200 114,200 (2.4%) Fleet Management Department 163,100 158,400 158,400 (2.9%) Facilities Management Department 4,353,873 34,055,600 13,431,500 34,877 ,400 34,877,400 2.4% Information Technology Department 132,900 285,500 285,500 114.8% Risk Management Department 1,700,000 24,234,900 850,000 23,158,000 23,158,000 (4.4%) Total Transfers and Reserves 6,053,873 58,703,500 14,281,500 58,593,500 58,593,500 (0.2%) Total Budget 79,634,847 139,896,700 90,415,400 140,003,700 140,003,700 0.1% Fiscal Year 2012 6 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Administrative Services Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 8,130,451 6,233,700 5,883,500 9,837,600 9,837,600 57.8% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 48,094 6,800 na Intergovemmental Revenues 27,700 102,700 27,700 27,700 0.0% Charges For Services 895,658 1,011,100 989,600 1,203,100 1,203,100 19.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 1,725;241 917,700 505,400 402,900 402,900 (56.1%) Interest/Mise 405,543 553,000 492,400 458,000 458,000 (17.2%) Reimb From Other Depts 3,877,815 6,806,300 6,778,800 6,546,900 6,546,900 (3.8%) Property & Casualty Billings 5,688,643 6,916,700 7,246,600 6,843,200 6,843,200 (1.1%) Group Health Billings 26,561,435 26,580,800 26,310,000 30,509,500 30,509,500 14.8% Dental Billings 1,097,410 1,822,200 1,730,500 1,817,100 1,817,100 (0.3%) life Insurance Billings 429,252 600,000 615,000 614,200 614,200 2.4% Short Term Disability Billings 245,436 402,100 402,100 402,100 402,100 0.0% Long Term Disability Billings 225,241 345,000 345,000 345,000 345,000 0.0% Workers Comp Billings 2,289,991 1,980,400 1,911,900 1,681,900 1,681,900 (15.1%) Fleet Revenue Billings 3,930,780 3,880,700 4,055,400 4,623,000 4,623,000 19.1% Fuel Sale Rev Billings 2,983,992 3,713,900 3,713,900 5,342,900 5,342,900 43.9% Trans frm Property Appraiser 13,902 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 76,959 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 0.0% Net Cost General Fund 15,412,925 15,715,600 15,444,700 15,014,000 15,014,000 (4.5%) Net Cost Community Development (277) na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,134,542 542,400 542,400 558,900 558,900 3.0% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 646,100 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctr1 Fd 7,500 8,300 8,300 7,500 7,500 (9.6%) Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 2,510,400 6,103,100 4,193,900 5,977 ,500 5,977 ,500 (2.1%) Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 137,600 na Trans fm 272 Conserv Co GO Bd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Trans fm 273 Conservation Collier 470,500 700,000 510,000 143,200 143,200 (79.5%) Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 361,200 361,200 na Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 230,600 232,300 232,300 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 232,900 283,200 283,200 294,300 294,300 3.9% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 1,100 1,100 na Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 31,500 43,200 43,200 34,600 34,600 (19.9%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 40,200 51,200 51,200 35,900 35,900 (29.9%) Trans fm 516 Prop & Cas Ins 76,100 76,100 na Carry Forward 51,482,900 53,632,900 52,958,900 46,022,000 46,022,000 (14.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (369,600) (592,600) (592,600) 60.3% Total Funding 132,388,134 139,896,700 136,438,100 140,003,700 140,003,700 0.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Administration Office 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Grants Acquisition 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 100.0% Fleet Management Department 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 0.0% Facilities Management Department 56.60 55.60 55.60 55.60 55.60 0.0% Human Resources Department 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 (6.7%) Information Technology Department 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 0.0% Purchasing Department 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.60 17.60 1.4% Risk Management Department 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 0.0% Total FTE 168.50 167.50 167.50 168.75 168.75 0.7% Changes from FY 2011 FTE levels (167.50) consist of the following: two (2) positions were transferred in, one (1) vacant position was unfunded and eliminated, and one part-time position was increased by .25 to a full FTE for a total of 168.75 positions for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Administration Office FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 258,723 292,400 257,000 257,100 257,100 (12.1%) Operating Expense 6,914 17,900 15,800 16,400 16,400 (8.4%) Net Operating Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Admin (001) 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Net Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Funding 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Admin (001) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 8 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Administration Office Administrative Services Admin (001) Mission Statement To provide executive level management and administrative support to all departments within the Administrative Services Division. We strive to help all our departments in any way that allows them to honor our motto, "Serving Those Who Serve." FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration I Overhead 1.00 182,500 182,500 Provide strategic and operational planning, budgeting and financial management, staff and policy development and administrative and technical support to the BCC, County Manager, Constitutional Agencies and Advisory Boards. Records Management 1.00 91,000 91,000 Establish a centralized records management and retrieval system. Current Level of Service Budget 2.00 273,500 273,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 258,723 292,400 257,000 257,100 257,100 (12.1%) Operating Expense 6,914 17,900 15,800 16,400 16,400 (8.4%) Net Operating Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Budget 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Total Funding 265,636 310,300 272,800 273,500 273,500 (11.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - Savings in personal services is a result of lessened use of a part-time job bank employee. Current FY 2012 - The Department is currently funded at 2.0 FTE positions. The Department will operate with a 11.9% ($36,800) decreased impact to the General Fund (001) by the reduction of job bank employee hours and reduced IT support charges of $26,000. The balance is attributable to employer retirement savings. There are no anticipated Capital Outlay expenditures for FY 2011 or FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 9 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Grants Acquisition FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 132,516 324,800 137,300 312,200 312,200 (3.9%) Operating Expense 5,418 19,600 14,200 16,200 16,200 (17.3%) Net Operating Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Total Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Grants Acquisition (001) 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Total Net Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 27,700 27,700 27,700 27,700 0.0% Net Cost General Fund 137,933 316,700 123,800 300,700 300,700 (5.1%) Total Funding 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Grants Acquisition (001) 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 100.0% Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 100.0% Fiscal Year 2012 10 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Grants Acquisition Grants Acquisition (001) Mission Statement To reduce the cost of providing the public with services, facilities and infrastructure by maximizing the use of federal, state and local grants. To track, monitor, assist with reporting, and coordinate all grants applied for, received and managed by Collier County. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Grant Acquisition and Coordination 4.00 328,400 27,700 300,700 To manage, direct, plan and coordinate a centralized grant acquisition program for Collier County. Includes assessing the County's project and program needs and building a database; developing professional relationships with grantors; coordinating with County departments to develop strategic grant funding plans for projects or programs; writing and packaging grant proposals/applications; monitoring the status of outstanding grant applications and following up with grant agencies, including negotiating the terms and conditions of grant awards and coordinating the acceptance and approval process; assisting County departments with the implementation of grants once awarded; assuring projects are in compliance with grant regulations; evaluating the effectiveness of grant funded programs and project goals; facilitating training programs that provide County staff with information about the grant acquisition process, grant writing, grant management and grant compliance; and assuring compliance with single audit requirements. Current Level of Service Budget 4.00 328,400 27,700 300,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Employee Training Hours Completed 400 644 400 Grant Award Success Rate (as a % of total applications) 90 90 85 90 Number of Active Grants Managed 140 140 120 120 Total Grant Dollars Applied for (in millions) 215 50 50 45 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 132,516 324,800 137,300 312,200 312,200 (3.9%) Operating Expense 5,418 19,600 14,200 16,200 16,200 (17.3%) Net Operating Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Total Budget 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 100.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 27,700 27,700 27,700 27,700 0.0% Net Cost General Fund 137,933 316,700 123,800 300,700 300,700 (5.1%) Total Funding 137,933 344,400 151,500 328,400 328,400 (4.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Two Grant Accountants were hired to create a new area of focus on grants accounting and compliance. Funded positions that were vacant from other areas of the agency (Office of Management & Budget and Transportation Services) were utilized. These two positions will not be transferred until the beginning of the next fiscal year thus creating a favorable savings in forecast. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services reflect the shift of two existing positions from other areas of the agency increasing the Department's FTE count to four. Operating expenses include adjustments for appropriate levels of IT support for the increased staff levels. Despite the narrow margin of available expenditures to cut, a $3,400 (17.3%) decrease was made by reducing staff training and professional memberships. Fiscal Year 2012 11 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government ' Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Grants Acquisition Grants Acquisition (001) Intergovernmental Revenue of $27,700 represents 50% grant funding for the Assistant Grants Coordinator Position. The Department provides several critical functions to the County, including: . Coordinating, tracking and reviewing an average of75-100 grant submittals each year. Collier County has averag'ed an 80%-90% success rate in recent years, receiving approximately $40 million in FY 2010, all of which is tracked by the Grants Office. By the end of FY 2011, it is anticipated that approximately $50 million will be requested in the form of grant applications to various federal, state and other agencies. This includes any grants that result from the federal and state legislative appropriations process. The ability to apply for and receive grants is also dependent upon the availability offunding sources. In recent years, many funding programs have been eliminated at the state and federal level or have had significant decreases in total available funding. . Facilitating training sessions to ensure staff have the skills and understanding to maintain compliance with the requirements of grants received. . Oversight and implementation of the Grants Management System. . Managing aspects of the FEMA reimbursement process for disaster declarations. During FY 2011, the County Manager supported the transition of the Grants Office to the Grant Management Office and authorized the conversion of two existing vacant positions to become Grant Accountants. Initially the Grant Accountants will be deployed in the areas with the highest level of grant funding (Growth Management Division and Housing, Human and Veteran Services), however, they will be fully trained and oriented as agency resources to provide expertise to any department requiring these services. FY 2012 is expected to be a busy grants year with development of compliance and process improvement activities related to the involvement of the Grant Accountants, additional staff facilitated and professional training, continued tracking and reporting related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding received by Collier County in 2009, new reporting requirements designed to provide greater transparency, accountability and reporting of federal funds and ongoing development and submittal of grant proposals to federal, state, foundation, corporation and local entities. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Dori Slosberg Driver Education FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 700 800 800 500 500 (37.5%) Remittances 201,800 196,200 196,200 184,000 184,000 (6.2%) Net Operating Budget 202,500 197,000 197,000 184,500 184,500 (6.3%) Reserves For Contingencies 117,000 114,200 114,200 (2.4%) Total Budget 202,500 314,000 197,000 298,700 298,700 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Driver Education Grant Fund (173) 202,500 197,000 197,000 184,500 184,500 (6.3%) Total Net Budget 202,500 197,000 197,000 184,500 184,500 (6.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves 117,000 114,200 114,200 (2.4%) Total Budget 202,500 314,000 197,000 298,700 298,700 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 191,222 189,600 187,900 184,800 184,800 (2.5%) Interest/Mise 1,307 1,300 1,300 1,200 1,200 (7.7%) Carry Forward 139,800 132,600 129,800 122,000 122,000 (8.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (9,500) (9,300) (9,300) (2.1%) Total Funding 332,329 314,000 319,000 298,700 298,700 (4.9%) Fiscal Year 2012 13 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government , Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Dori Slosberg Driver Education Driver Education Grant Fund (173) Mission Statement This fund is used to account for a surcharge on all moving and non-moving civil traffic infractions, excluding parking violations, adjudicated in County Court to fund the direct education expenses of driver education programs in both public and non-public high schools. Program Summary Drivers Education Grant Program FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 298,700 298,700 All funds collected, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance 2007-39, will be used exclusively to fund the direct expenses of driver education programs in the schools in Collier County. Eligible direct education expenses include the purchase of goods and services, including, but not limited to, driver education course materials, vehicles exclusively used for driver education programs, driver simulators, and salaries of driver education instructors. Current Level of Service Budget 298,700 298,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 700 800 800 500 500 (37.5%) Remittances 201,800 196,200 196,200 184,000 184,000 (6.2%) Net Operating Budget 202,500 197,000 197,000 184,500 184,500 (6.3%) Reserves For Contingencies 117,000 114,200 114,200 (2.4%) Total Budget 202,500 314,000 197,000 298,700 298,700 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 191,222 189,600 187,900 184,800 184,800 (2.5%) Interest/Mise 1,307 1,300 1,300 1,200 1,200 (7.7%) Carry FOlWard 139,800 132,600 129,800 122,000 122,000 (8.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (9,500) (9,300) (9,300) (2.1%) Total Funding 332,329 314,000 319,000 298,700 298,700 (4.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - The forecast disbursement of $196,200 is to the Collier County School District for Driver Education programs. Forecast revenue is based on the previous 12 month average collection. The current surcharge assessed is $5 per violation pursuant to Ordinance 2007-39. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted revenue is based on a 12-month average monthly collection of $15,400. Violation revenues continue to trend downward slightly and budgeted revenue reflects a 2.5% decrease. All funds collected will be used to fund the direct expenses of driver education programs in the schools in Collier County. In addition, there is an indirect service charge payment of $500 to the General Fund (001). Historically, the disbursement of funds takes place in at the beginning of the School District fiscal year (July 1st); given the difference from the County fiscal year, a Reserve for Contingencies is held in order to carry funds from the prior fiscal year until such time as the disbursement takes place. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Fleet Management Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,953,507 2,059,000 2,106,500 2,053,100 2,053,100 (0.3%) Operating Expense 5,350,479 6,415,800 6,539,200 8,565,400 8,565,400 33.5% Capital Outiay 41,055 84,800 97,700 20,000 20,000 (76.4%) Net Operating Budget 7,345,042 8,559,600 8,743,400 10,638,500 10,638,500 24.3% Reserves For Contingencies 163,100 229,200 229,200 40.5% Reserve for Attrition (70,800) (70,800) na Total Budget 7,345,042 8,722,700 8,743,400 10,796,900 10,796,900 23.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fleet Management Fund (521) 7,345,042 8,559,600 8,743,400 10,638,500 10,638,500 24.3% Total Net Budget 7,345,042 8,559,600 8,743,400 10,638,500 10,638,500 24.3% Total Transfers and Reserves 163,100 158,400 158,400 (2.9%) Total Budget 7,345,042 8,722,700 8,743,400 10,796,900 10,796,900 23.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 352,786 463,400 463,400 680,300 680,300 46.8% Miscellaneous Revenues 27,112 6,000 6,000 6,000 na Interest/Mise 6,748 na Fleet Revenue Billings 3,930,780 3,880,700 4,055,400 4,623,000 4,623,000 19.1% Fuel Sale Rev Billings 2,983,992 3,713,900 3,713,900 5,342,900 5,342,900 43.9% Carry Forward 755,600 664,700 649,400 144,700 144,700 (78.2%) Total Funding 8,057,019 8,722,700 8,888,100 10,796,900 10,796,900 23.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fleet Management Fund (521) 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 0.0% Total FTE 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 15 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Fleet Management Department Fleet Management Fund (521) Mission Statement Provide efficient, effective, and customer oriented centralized fleet services for Collier County Government vehicles and equipment including acquisition, disposal, maintenance, and fueling services. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Funding for departmental administration and fixed departmental overhead. Maintenance, Repair, and Acquisition FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 0.50 211,700 211,700 23.50 4,324,300 4,324,300 Maintain County vehicles and equipment in excellent operating condition with a minimum 95% availability rate. Fuel Services 2.00 6,102,500 6,102,500 Ensure cost effective, dependable, and timely fuel services are provided for County vehicles, equipment, and emergency generators. Refueling stations maintained to exceed 99% availability. Reserves 158,400 158,400 Maintain sufficient reserve funds to cover contingency requirements. Current Level of Service Budget 26.00 10,796,900 10,796,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Availability of Fleet Equipment (as a %) 95 94 94 94 Number of Work Orders Completed 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 Work Orders completed in less than 24 hours (as a %) 75 72 70 70 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,953,507 2,059,000 2,106,500 2,053,100 2,053,100 (0.3%) Operating Expense 5,350,479 6,415,800 6,539,200 8,565,400 8,565,400 33.5% Capital Outlay 41,055 84,800 97,700 20,000 20,000 (76.4%) Net Operating Budget 7,345,042 8,559,600 8,743,400 10,638,500 10,638,500 24.3% Reserves For Contingencies 163,100 229,200 229,200 40.5% Reserve for Attrition (70,800) (70,800) na Total Budget 7,345,042 8,722,700 8,743,400 10,796,900 10,796,900 23.8% Total FTE 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 352,786 463,400 463,400 680,300 680,300 46.8% Miscellaneous Revenues 27,112 6,000 6,000 6,000 na Interest/Mise 6,748 na Fleet Revenue Billings 3,930.780 3,880,700 4,055,400 4,623,000 4,623,000 19.1% Fuel Sale Rev Billings 2,983,992 3,713,900 3,713,900 5,342,900 5,342,900 43.9% Carry Forward 755,600 664,700 649,400 144,700 144,700 (78.2%) Total Funding 8,057,019 8,722,700 8,888,100 10,796,900 10,796,900 23.8% Fiscal Year 2012 16 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Fleet Management Department Fleet Management Fund (521) , Forecast FY 2011 - Motor fuel was budgeted at $3.00 per gallon in FY 2011 which was a prudent figure at the time of the budgeting process. Since January 2011, fuel prices have risen dramatically due to a number of reasons but generally associated with severe winter weather and unrest in the Middle East. During FY 2012 budget preparation, FY 2011 fuel cost was forecast to stay within budget; however this may not hold true if the price of fuel continues to rise through the summer of 2011. The cost of parts and associated revenues are forecast to exceed budget by approximately $175,000 mainly due to underestimating major component failures as the fleet ages. Personal services is also forecast over budget due to less than planned attrition by $47,500. Budget amendments will be processed to ensure the proper amount of appropriation within the Department. Overall, forecast shows more than the adopted budget due to the roll of purchase orders from FY 2011. Current FY 2012 - Personal services reflect cost savings of $5,900 from retirement rate changes. Fleet Management overall operating expenditures are projected to increase by 23.78% as a result of higher parts, sublets and fuel costs. This projection accounts for continuing inflation of parts prices, as well as increasing parts requirements for an aging fleet after extending vehicle and equipment replacement cycles due to the economy. Escalating parts costs are especially significant in heavy trucks and equipment, to include transit buses and ambulances. Parts costs are projected to increase by $86,400 over FY 2011 forecasts. Sublet costs are forecast to increase by $63,200 above FY 2011 costs mainly due to engine and transmission replacement requirements for three transit buses. Fuel is budgeted at $4.50 per gallon as compared to $3.00 in FY 2011. This results in an increase of $1,871 ,800 as compared to FY 2011. Fuel prices are forecast to continue increasing into next year. Capital Outlay of $20,000 is budgeted to replace an automotive lift. Replacement of two service trucks and a forklift was deferred as a means to reduce customer service costs. The total of all reserves is $158,400, a slight decrease of $4,700. Revenues FY 2012 - Labor revenue is generally based on 24,400 billable hours for vehicles and heavy equipment maintenance at $71.50 per hour, and 3,600 hours for small equipment at $58 per hour. Parts revenue assumes $1,789,400 at a 28% markup and sublets of $243,000 at a 20% markup plus County car wash revenues. Motor Pool mileage revenue is estimated at $72,000. Fuel sale revenue is based on 1,175,500 gallons at $4.65 per gallon and 123,800 gallons at $4.50 per gallon. Charges for Services represent the sale of fuel to non-County government agencies. Service Level - Beginning In FY 2009, the County began deferring fleet replacements which results in a longer service life for fleet inventory. It is expected that an upward trend of unscheduled, higher maintenance costs could be incurred over time and'that repairs will become more frequent and complex increasing the repair time required as well as extending a vehicle's out-of-service time. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 4,645,254 4,364,600 4,467,300 4,349,800 4,349,800 (0.3%) Operating Expense 9,500,255 11,372,000 9,914,800 8,918,700 8,918,700 (21.6%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 83,800 65,100 65,100 46,700 46,700 (28.3%) Capital OuUay 722,039 3,193,200 326,600 3,466,000 3,466,000 8.5% Remittances 86,353 325,000 na Net Operating Budget 15,037,701 18,994,900 15,098,800 16,781,200 16,781,200 (11.7%) Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 99,806 68,800 68,800 60,000 60,000 (12.8%) Trans to Tax Collector 173,567 196,500 134,400 134,400 134,400 (31.6%) Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 2,510,400 6,103,100 4,193,900 5,977 ,500 5,977,500 (2.1%) Trans to 704 Ad Serv Grant Match 137,600 na Trans to 272 Debt Serv Fd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Trans to 273 Conserv Collier '08 470,500 700,000 7,586,800 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 547,000 289,300 289,300 (47.1%) Reserves For Debt Service 717 ,600 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 24,192,600 26,886,200 26,886,200 11.1% Total Budget 19,391,573 53,050,500 28,530,300 51,658,600 51,658,600 (2,6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Americans with Disabilities Act (190) 578 48,900 30,000 91,500 91,500 87.1% Conservation Collier Fund (172) 1,121,002 3,625,500 972,400 420,400 420,400 (88.4%) Conservation Collier Maintenance (174) 410,978 2,314,200 794,000 3,775,000 3,775,000 63.1% Facilities Management (001) 12,572,450 12,130,600 12,096,400 11,639,400 11,639,400 (4.0%) GAC Land Trust Fund (605) 86,387 1,800 325,700 700 700 (61.1%) Real Property Management (001) 846,306 873,900 880,300 854,200 854,200 (2.3%) Total Net Budget 15,037,701 18,994,900 15,098,800 16,781,200 16,781,200 (11.7%) Total Transfers and Reserves 4,353,873 34,055,600 13,431,500 34,877,400 34,877,400 2.4% Total Budget 19,391,573 53,050,500 28,530,300 51,658,600 51,658,600 (2.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 8,130,451 6,233,700 5,883,500 9,837,600 9,837,600 57.8% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 48,094 6,800 na Charges For Services 24,622 23,800 23,800 24,000 24,000 0.8% Miscellaneous Revenues 170,360 165,500 32,700 35,000 35,000 (78.9%) Interest/Mise 166,602 298,700 220,600 217,300 217,300 (27.3%) Reimb From Other Depts 784,474 573,600 569,500 563,300 563,300 (1.8%) Trans fnn Property Appraiser 13,902 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Trans fnn Tax Collector 76,959 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 0.0% Net Cost General Fund 13,126,099 13,060,600 13,026,300 12,547,100 12,547,100 (3.9%) Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 2,510,400 6,103,100 4,193,900 5,977 ,500 5,977,500 (2.1%) Trans fm 272 Conserv Co GO Bd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% . Trans fm 273 Conservation Collier 470,500 700,000 510,000 143,200 143,200 (79.5%) Carry Forward 18,236,400 25,231,000 25,119,900 21,827,000 21,827,000 (13.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (330,500) (504,400) (504,400) 52.6% Total Funding 44,228,462 53,050,500 50,358,000 51,658,600 51,658,600 (2.6%) Fiscal Year 2012 18 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Facilities Management (001) 42.80 41.80 41.80 41.80 Real Property Management (001) 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 Conservation Collier Fund (172) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Total FTE 56.60 55.60 55.60 55.60 FY 2012 Preliminary 41.80 9.80 4.00 55.60 FY 2012 Change 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 19 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Facilities Management (001) Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Facilities Management is to provide safe, clean, secure and comfortable facilities for our citizens and employees by ensuring all buildings, grounds and property acquisitions are managed, maintained and operated efficiently. The Facilities Management Department is comprised of Administration, Capital Construction/Renovations, Building Maintenance, County Security, Janitorial Service, Grounds Maintenance, Real Estate Services and Conservation Collier. Responsibilities include the maintenance and repair of all County owned and operated buildings (4,000,000 square feet), project management functions for all County buildings under construction and renovation, security operations, real estate acquisition and land conservation. 2.00 FY 2012 Budget 1,205,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Directs the functions/activities of the Facilities Management Department, including Real Property Management, Construction Management, Security Services, Facilities Maintenance, and Conservation Collier. This also includes payments for County-occupied leased space. Building Maintenance FY 2012 Total FTE 1,205,800 34.80 6,882,700 6,882,700 Maintain and repair the County's 689 buildings, including: electrical, plumbing, air conditioning and structural repairs, preventative maintenance, physical plant maintenance, pest control, and fire and sprinkler alarm maintenance and compliance. Capital Construction/Renovation Personnel Develop architectural designs and engineering specifications for construction of new facilities; provide in-house construction administration services and project management for BCC-owned and leased facilities; roof replacement, NC replacement, and warranty work. Campus Utilities Provide funds for payments to utility companies for portions of electrical, trash, water and sewer costs for County facilities. Custodial Services 4.00 373,400 373,400 307,000 307,000 0.50 1,461,100 1,461,100 Provide competitive, sub-contracted janitorial cleaning services and the removal of garbage and recyclables for 134 buildings. Indoor Air Quality Services Investigate and remediate indoor air quality (IAQ) complaints by investigating and cleaning ductwork and air-conditioning equipment ensuring public facilities are clean and free of dangerous airborne particles and molds; provides for scheduled systematic cleaning of air conveyance systems. Grounds Maintenance 100,000 100,000 0.50 565,500 565,500 Provide competitive sub-contracted landscaping services to the County's main campus and 57 satellite facilities as well as to provide for pest control, fertilization, and mulching. Security Operations 1,373,900 1,373,900 Provides the necessary resources for detection of contraband and the protection of judiciary, employees, and visitors with optimum customer service. This includes, but is not limited to, security checkpoint staffing as well as interior and exterior foot patrols at county facilities, specifically the Main Courthouse and Government Center, Building F, Building H, Immokalee Government Building and the Emergency Service Center. Current Level of Service Budget 12,269,400 12,269,400 41.80 Fiscal Year 2012 20 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Facilities Management (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Average Days to Complete Work Orders 5.50 5.50 7.70 8.00 Cost per square foot 3.54 3.10 2.94 Internal investigations conducted 12 12 20 20 Number of Security Incident Reports 468 470 470 500 Persons scanned 830,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 Security surveys conducted 17 17 17 20 Total square feet maintained 3,708,500 3,908,091 4,000,000 Total Work Orders Completed 20,000 20,100 20,100 20,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,516,343 3,234,100 3,324,900 3,236,000 3,236,000 0.1% Operating Expense 8,908,833 8,785,500 8,660,500 8,292,400 8,292,400 (5.6%) Capital Outiay 147,274 111,000 111,000 111,000 111,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 12,572,450 12,130,600 12,096,400 11,639,400 11,639,400 (4.0%) Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Total Budget 13,202,450 12,760,600 12,726,400 12,269,400 12,269,400 (3.8%) Total HE 42.80 41.80 41.80 41.80 41.80 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 72 na Miscellaneous Revenues 134,411 na Reimb From Other Depts 209,136 14,800 na Net Cost General Fund 12,858,831 12,760,600 12,711,600 12,269,400 12,269,400 (3.8%) Total Funding 13,202,450 12,760,600 12,726,400 12,269,400 12,269,400 (3.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel services are expected to exceed budget due to lack of attrition achieved during the year. Budget amendments will be processed in order to ensure proper appropriation within the Department. Current FY 2012 - Though cost savings were realized in electricity ($49,100) as the County continues to institute power savings measures, total operating expense will be reduced by 5.6% or $489,400 to meet budget guidance and further reduces preventive maintenance measures. While striving to provide the best services possible, the Department has made the following reductions. -Energy and Water Savings -Other Maintenance Services Contracts I Outside Vendors - rebid to take advantage of competitive market. Reducing contractual labor cost which could negatively affect work order service level. -Preventive Maintenance - reduce the frequency of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, preventive maintenance contracts. Reduction in filter change outs and routine air conditioning maintenance. -Supplies - operating and painting supplies have been reduced which may negatively impact maintenance services and repairs. The consequences of reducing HVAC preventive maintenance and reductions in changing air conditioning filters will result in less efficient HVAC units, increased HVAC drip pan leaks, and increased unanticipated mechanical break downs. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Facilities Management (001) As budgets are being reduced the requirement to maintain additional facilities are putting a strain on personnel and service levels. Six new facilities will be added to the Department's inventory in FY 2012 which includes Sugden Sailing Center, Sugden Water Ski Center, Good/and Boat Marina, South Immokalee Park Daycare, Immokalee Airport restroom, and the Naples Recycling Center. Work Orders average closeout from FY 2008 to FY 2011 has averaged 3.7 days, and 7.7 days respectively. Capital outlay of $111 ,000 is for emergency repairs for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 22 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Real Property Management (001) Mission Statement To provide professional property acquisition and management services which exceed customer expectations through courteous, expeditious, and knowledgeable handling of real estate transactions. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 2.00 220,500 82,000 138,500 This program provides for the general administration of the department and fixed overhead. Property Acquisition 6.05 481,200 481,200 This program provides for the acquisition and appraisal of land and land rights for all County divisions. Some examples are rights-of-way for all utility projects, sites for parks, libraries, water treatment facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, EMS facilities, sites under the Conservation Collier program, and sites for administrative offices. Property Leasing and Management 1.00 97,200 97,200 This program includes the leasing of both improved and unimproved property for County uses, as well as the leasing of County owned property to others for compatible uses and the issuance of licenses to non-for-profit organizations to hold special events on County owned property. Resolving ordinance violations on vacant County owned property also falls within this program. Lake Trafford Cemetery 0.25 21,400 13,200 8,200 This program provides for the daily administration of the cemetery, selling burial plots, assigning plots for indigent burials, arranging for the flagging of plots for all burials, ordering vaults and arranging for the opening and closing of graves for indigent burials, and for payment of utilities and other associated costs. GAC land Trust Property This program includes administering the GAC Land Trust Fund, negotiating and processing sales of trust property, and processing requests from departments for use of trust funds for capital projects that will benefit the residents of Golden Gate Estates. Revenue is from processing fees for sales requests. Sales revenue and expenses are shown in GAC Land Trust Fund (605). 0.50 33,900 100 33,800 Current Level of Service Budget 9.80 854,200 576,500 277,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 90 85 82 78 45 45 45 45 197 130 275 135 6,500 4,500 6,000 6,500 100 110 115 100 149,625 149,625 150,388 149,158 Program Performance Measures Average number of days to close real estate transactions Average number of days to complete lease requests Number of appraisals prepared & reviewed Number of informational requests responded to Parcels ofIand acquired Square feet of leased space managed Fiscal Year 2012 23 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Real Property Management (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services B25,753 B16,900 B29,600 BOB,BOO BOB,BOO (1.0%) Operating Expense 20,553 57,000 50,700 45,400 45,400 (2Q.4'1'0) Net Operating Budget 846,306 873,900 880,300 854,200 854,200 (2.3%) Total Budget 846,306 873,900 880,300 854,200 854,200 (2.3%) Total FTE 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 12,200 6,300 10,900 13,200 13,200 109.5% Reimb From Other Depts 566,B3B 567,600 554,700 563,300 563,300 (0.8%) Net Cost General Fund 267,26B 300,000 314,700. 277,700 277,700 (7.4%) Total Funding 846,306 873,900 880,300 854,200 854,200 (2.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are expected to exceed budget and will not realize budgeted savings from attrition. These costs will be offset by the reduction of hours of one (1.0) FTE and reduced operating expenses. Budget amendments will be processed in order to ensure proper appropriation within the Facilities Department. Revenue FY 2011 - Reimbursements from other departments represent work done for the Public Utilities Division and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program through Housing, Human and Veteran Services (HHVS). Current FY 2012 - The Real Property Management Section is funded at 9.8 FTE positions and reflects a savings due to the net cost of health and retirement benefit changes. Decreased operating expenses are largely the result of savings in IT support ($2,800) and training and professional development ($3,200). The Section's impact on the General Fund (001) reflects a reduction of 7.4% or $22,300. Revenue FY 2012 - Reimbursements from other departments is attributed to the continuation of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Project through HHVS and capital project work for the Public Utilities Division. Revenues include $13,200 for the anticipated sale of 35 burial plots in FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 24 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department GAC Land Trust Fund (60S) Mission Statement To efficiently and effectively market Golden Gate Estates lots currently owned by Collier County, and identify needs for services within the Golden Gate Estates area and to set priorities for the funding of necessary improvements and/or support equipment to provide these services. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 1,132,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost GAC land Sales 1,132,600 Expenses associated with selling Golden Gate Estates lots. This program is pursuant to an agreement dated November 15, 1983, between Avatar Properties, Inc. and Collier County. As of April 11, 2011, there remain 8.94 acres available for sale and 105.75 acres in reserve. The expenses shown below do not include payroll and associated expenses allocated in General Fund (001). Current Level of Service Budget 1,132,600 1,132,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 33 1,800 700 700 700 (61.1%) Remittances 86,353 325,000 na Net Operating Budget 86,387 1,800 325,700 700 700 (61.1%) Reserves For Capital 1,542,400 1,131,900 1,131,900 (26.6%) Total Budget 86,387 1,544,200 325,700 1,132,600 1,132,600 (26.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 151,700 16,500 16,500 16,500 (89.1%) Interest/Mise 10,876 22,300 10,500 8,100 8,100 (63.7%) Carry Forward 1,483,400 1,378,900 1,407,900 1,109,200 1,109,200 (19.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (8,700), (1,200) (1,200) (86.2%) Total Funding 1,494,276 1,544,200 1,434,900 1,132,600 1,132,600 (26.7%) 170recast FY 2011 - Forecast expenditures include the following remittances: $300,000 to Max Hasse Park to expand the existing community center $25,000 to Big Corkscrew Fire Control & Rescue for personal protection equipment Current FY 2012 - Due to the continued fluctuating nature of the real estate market, land sales have proved very difficult to predict. However, the FY 2012 budget proposes revenues and expenditures associated with one (1) land sale sized conservatively at current sale trends. Fiscal Year 2012 , 25 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Americans with Disabilities Act (190) Mission Statement Revenues generated by concession fees from the County's Government Complex Snack Bar are used to improve handicapped and general accessibility to government facilities and to ensure County employees with special needs have the proper equipment to function in the workplace. Program Summary Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrade County facilities to improve handicapped access to government facilities and purchase equipment for County employees with special needs. FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 91,500 91,500 Current Level of Service Budget 91,500 91,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 578 48,900 30,000 91,500 91,500 87.1% Net Operating Budget 578 48,900 30,000 91,500 91,500 87.1'10 Total Budget 578 48,900 30,000 91,500 91,500 87.1'10 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 24,549 23,800 23,800 24,000 24,000 0.8% Interest/Mise 416 700 1,400 700 700 0.0% Carry Forward 49,200 25,600 73,500 68,000 68,000 165.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) 0.0% Total Funding 74,165 48,900 98,700 91,500 91,500 87.1'10 Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast revenue is based on the previous 12 months of data, and reflects average monthly collections from the County's Government Complex Snack Bar concession fees. Carry forward is currently being accumulated over multiple years to fund larger projects as outlined in the County's Master ADA Plan. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted expenditures are based upon total anticipated revenue. Proposed projects are reviewed and prioritized by necessity for compliance with standards set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Fiscal Year 2012 26 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Conservation Collier Fund (172) Mission Statement The purpose of the Conservation Collier program is to acquire and manage environmentally sensitive lands. Funds for program administration, staffing, and acquisition of land are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Fund (172). The funds for managing Caracara Prairie Preserve in perpetuity after 2018 are budgeted in the Caracara Prairie Preserve Endowment Fund (674). The funds for managing Caracara Prairie Preserve until 2018 and managing remaining acquired properties in perpetuity are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Maintenance Fund (174). Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead Funding for department administration and fixed overhead. Land Evaluations Direct costs to evaluate and rank the proposed properties for the Active Acquisition List prior to acquisition. Coordinate the Activities of the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee and work with Real Estate Services to purchase the approved properties. Land Management & Fund Transfers The referendum authorizing the Conservation Collier program requires 15% of the ad valorem taxes to be directed for land management of acquired lands. This value is a transfer to Fund (174) where the activities are budgeted. Reserves Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Indirect Cost Reimburs Capital Outlay Net Operating Budget Trans to Property Appraiser Trans to Tax Collector Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd Trans to 273 Conserv Collier '08 Reserves For Contingencies Reserves For Debt Service Reserves For Capital Total Budget Total FTE FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2011 Adopted 313,600 309,600 35,100 2,967,200 3,625,500 66,600 196,500 6,103,100 4.00 431,300 717,600 1,600,000 12,942,600 4.00 FY 2012 Budget 381,400 381,400 4.00 39,000 39,000 6,171,900 6,171,900 FY 2011 Forecast 3,537,000 3,537,000 4.00 10,129,300 10,129,300 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 305,000 305,000 (2.7%) 93,600 93,600 (69.6%) 21,600 21,600 (37.9%) (100.0%) 420,400 420,400 (88.4%) 60,000 60,000 (12.6%) 134,400 134,400 (31.6%) 5,9n,500 5,9n,500 (2.1%) na 271,000 271,000 (37.2%) (100.0%) 3,266,000 3,266,000 61.4% 10,129,300 10,129,300 (21.7%) 4.00 4.00 0.0% Current Level of Service Budget 312,600 411,500 35,100 213,000 972,400 68,800 134,400 4,193,900 7,076.600 12,446,300 4.00 FY 2010 Actual 303,157 179,570 66,500 571,775 1,121,002 99,606 173,567 2,510,400 3,904,n5 Fiscal Year 2012 27 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Conservation Collier Fund (172) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 8,130,451 6,233,700 5,883,500 9,837,600 9,837,600 57.8% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 48,094 6,800 na InteresVMisc 48,313 105,800 64,400 7,400 7,400 (93.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 13,902 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 76,959 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 0.0% Trans fm 273 Conservation Collier 143,200 143,200 na Carry Forward 2,540,600 6,824,000 6,942,600 542,000 542,000 (92.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (311,700) (491,900) (491,900) 57.8% Total Funding 10,858,318 12,942,800 12,988,300 10,129,300 10,129,300 (21.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Parcels purchased and/or expected to be purchased during FY 2011 are valued at $213,000. These parcels are: .Winchester Head - $109,200 -Berman/BennettlCelsnak Trust - $43,200 -Boose Trust - $15,900 'Jordana/Molina - $11,400 -Kinlaw/Presutti - $15,900 -Ocean Investment Management Corporation - $11,400 -Vincent - $11,400 Red Maple Swamp - $103,800 -Aspen Oa'Nee LLC - $8,600 -Cannon - $17,000 -Jackson - $17,000 -Kuntzevich - $16,400 -Navarro - $11,900 -Oliva - $8,500 -Palacios/Jauregui - $24,400 On April 12, 2011 the Board approved the prepaymentof the Collier County Umited General Obligation Bond, Series 2008, associated with the Pepper Ranch acquisition. Sufficient unused monies that accumulated in the acquisition fund (172) were transferred to the debt service fund (273) in the amount of $7.1 million. As a consequence, the anticipated transfer of $6,103,100 to Fund 174 for Conservation Collier land management activities in perpetuity has been reduced to $4,193,900. The forecasted transfer exceeds the minimum of 15% ($2,203,100) of ad valorem taxes to be directed to land management. FY 2012 Current - The FY 2012 transfer to Fund 174 will maintain the additional transfer of $3,900,000 to the required $2,077,500 which represent 15% of ad valorem taxes generated by a levy of .25 mils. Reserves include: $21,000 Reserves for Contingencies (5% of Fund 172 Operating Expenses), $250,000 Reserve for Escrow for the potential loss of Panther Habitat Units on the Pepper Ranch property, and a $3,266,000 Reserve for Capital. Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted ad valorem tax revenue of $9,837,600 is based upon a taxable value of $58,314,443,709 and a tax rate of 0.1687 mills. The ad valorem revenue reflects separate tax levies for the land acquisition/maintenance program and for the outstanding 2003 Series bond debt service. The prepayment of the 2008 Series Bond accounts for the FY 2012 ad valorem revenue increase. Fiscal Year 2012 28 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Conservation Collier Maintenance (174) Mission Statement The purpose of the Conservation Collier program is to acquire and manage environmentally sensitive lands. Funds for program administration, staffing, and acquisition of land are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Fund (172). The funds for managing Caracara Prairie Preserve until 2017 and managing remaining acquired properties In perpetuity are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Maintenance Fund (174). FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 33,000 33,000 Fixed overhead costs of program administration such as insurance and indirect cost reimbursement. Land Management 3,688,700 3,688,700 Land management activities such as fencing, exotic plant treatment and control and other restoration activities that are specified by land management plans developed for each of the properties acquired. Land management is funded through a transfer of 15% of the funds raised by the Conservation Collier tax levy. Caracara Prairie Preserve Land Management 53,300 53,300 Funds for the management of Caracara Prairie Preserve as required for USFWS panther mitigation. Land Management Reserves 23,155,800 23,155,800 Reserves set aside for future land management activities. Once initial one-time land management activities are complete, regular annual land management will be funded via interest generated by funds within Land Management Reserves. Caracara Prairie Preserve Land Management Reserves 250,800 250,800 Funds for the management of Caracara Prairie Preserve FY13 - FY18 as required for USFWS panther mitigation. Current Level of Service Budget 27,181,600 27,181,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Acres to be managed 4,016 4,040 4,046 4,046 Acres treated for exotic vegetation 760 1,060 1,712 2,739 Linear miles of maintained fencing 13.60 13.60 14.40 14.40 Linear miles of maintained trails and firebreaks 13.60 15.30 24.30 25.40 Preserves open to public 8 9 8 11 Public Hunt events held 7 7 Youth Hunt events held 2 2 Fiscal Year 2012 29 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Conservation Collier Maintenance (174) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 390,689 2,169,200 761,400 395,100 395,100 (81.8%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 17,300 30,000 30,000 24,900 24,900 (17.0%) Capital Outlay 2,989 115,000 2,600 3,355,000 3,355,000 2,817.4% Net Operating Budget 410,978 2,314,200 794,000 3,775,000 3,775,000 63.1% Trans to 704 Ad Serv Grant Match 137,600 na Trans to 272 Debt Serv Fd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Trans to 273 Conserv Collier '08 470,500 700,000 510,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 115,700 18,300 18,300 (84.2%) Reserves For Capital 20,205,400 22,488,300 22,488,300 11.3% Total Budget 1,351,078 24,235,300 2,121,600 27,181,600 27,181,600 12.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 23,749 7,500 5,300 5,300 5,300 (29.3%) Interest/Misc 106,997 163,600 144,300 201,100 201,100 22.9% Reimb From Other Depts 8,500 6,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 2,510,400 6,103,100 4,193,900 5,977 ,500 5,977,500 (2.1%) Trans fm 272 Conserv Co GO Bd 469,600 900,000 680,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Trans fm 273 Conservation Collier 470,500 700,000 510,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 14,163,200 16,364,000 16,695,900 20,107,800 20,107,800 22.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (8,900) (10,100) (10,100) 13.5% Total Funding 17,752,946 24,235,300 22,229,400 27,181,600 27,181,600 12.2% Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenditures are expected to be less than budget because public amenity permitting and construction was not completed at Wet Woods Preserve and public amenity construction was delayed until FY 2012 at Pepper Ranch Preserve. Budgeted Transfers to Debt Service Funds (272) and (273) in FY 2010 and FY 2011 are made to insure proper cash balance at the time of Principal and Interest Payments (January 1 of each year), and are paid back in full within the Fiscal Year. Forecasted for FY 2011 is a transfer to Grant Match Fund (704) in the amount of $137,600 for a grant awarded from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for exotic plant removal at Pepper Ranch. - The forecasted transfer from Fund 172 was reduced to $4,193,900 to accommodate early payoff of the 2008 Series Bond, associated with the Pepper Ranch acquisition. On April 12, 2011 the Board approved the prepayment of the Collier County Limited General Obligation Bond, Series 2008. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted operating and capital expenses of $3,775,000 reflect estimated amounts required for public access amenities and maintenance within the following lands acquired through the Conservation Collier Program: Alligator Flag Preserve Caracara Prairie Preserve Cocohatchee Creek Preserve Freedom Park Limpkin Marsh Preserve Logan Woods Preserve Nancy Payton Preserve Otter Mound Preserve Panther Walk Preserve Pepper Ranch Preserve Railhead Scrub Preserve Shell Island Preserve Wet Woods Preserve Fiscal Year 2012 30 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Conservation Collier Maintenance (174) Land maintenance costs are projected to increase by 63.1 % in FY 2012 as the Program increases the funds allocated for public access amenities within managed preserves. FY 2012 costs are due in large part to the required management of Pepper Ranch Preserve and construction of public access amenities at Pepper Ranch Preserve and Gordon River Greenway Preserve. Revenue FY 2012 - A transfer of $2,077,500 from Fund 172 for perpetual maintenance of purchased conservation lands (representing 15% of the net tax levy) is budgeted in accordance with the enabling ordinance. An additional transfer of $3,900,000 from Fund 172 is budgeted to ensure sufficient funds for managementof all preserves in perpetuity by FY 2013. Additionally, $5,300 in revenue is anticipated in FY 2012 from fees generated from the Pepper Ranch Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program and the Pepper Ranch Cattle Lease. Fiscal Year 2012 31 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Facilities Management Department Caracara Prairie Management Fund (674) Mission Statement The purpose of the Conservation Collier program is to acquire and manage environmentally sensitive lands. Funds for program administration, staffing, and acquisition of land are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Fund (172). The funds for managing Caracara Prairie Preserve in perpetuity after 2018 are budgeted in the Caracara Prairie Preserve Endowment Fund (674). The funds for managing Caracara Prairie Preserve until 2018 and managing remaining acquired properties in perpetuity are budgeted in the Conservation Collier Maintenance Fund (174). FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Reserves For Capital 644,800 Total Budget 644,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Interest/Misc 6.300 Carry Forward 638,500 Total Funding 644,800 FY 2012 Current FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Expanded Preliminary Change (100.0%) (100.0%) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Expanded Preliminary Change (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) FY 2012 Current The Caracara Prairie Preserve will be utilized by Collier County for panther habitat mitigation for County capital projects that occur in panther habitat. As required by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the funds to manage Caracara Prairie Preserve in perpetuity must be kept in a separate Endowment Trust Fund. The FY2010 anticipated payment of $638,500 from Transportation Capital Funds for use of 1,723.5 panther habitat units for the construction of Oil Well Road did not occur. The balance of the fund will remain zero until the Conservation Bank is approved by the USFWS and credits are available for use by other County Departments. Fiscal Year 2012 32 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Human Resources Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,314,721 1,275,500 1,245,300 1,197,900 1,197,900 (6.1%) Operating Expense 151,688 345,500 196,800 258,400 258,400 (25.2%) Net Operating Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Total Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Human Resources - General Fund (001) 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Total Net Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 824 1,300 na Net Cost General Fund 1,187,161 1,363,300 1,183,100 1,177,600 1,177,600 (13.6%) Net Cost Community Development (277) na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 114 Pollutn CtrI Fd 5,900 5,300 5,300 5,800 5,800 9.4% Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 77 ,400 71,900 71,900 77,600 77,600 7.9% Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 6,400 5,800 5,800 6,300 6,300 8.6% Trans fm 473 Mand Collct Fd 3,200 2,900 2,900 3,200 3,200 10.3% Total Funding 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Human Resources - General Fund (001) 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 (6.7%) Total FTE 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 (6.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 33 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Human Resources Department Human Resources - General Fund (001) Mission Statement To provide quality strategic Human Resources leadership and technical expertise to both the internal and external customers of the Collier County Board of County Commissioners that "Exceeds the Expectations" of our customers, supports the wellness of our employees, and demonstrates unquestionable ethical values. Program Summary Administration Plan, organize and direct the activities, staff and resources of the Human Resources services. Oversee all operations within the Department, as well as ensure adherence to best practice Human Resources Management standards. Employee Relations Provide Human Resource services to our employees that balance employee advocacy, meet all legal obligations and support County objectives. Operations Execute our daily operations in a consistent, fair, and logical manner that exceeds our internal and external customers' expectations. Career Development and Employee Retention Provide the right training programs, at the right time, in the right place to meet all of our employees' needs and to continue the professional growth and development of staff. Employee Compensation and Classification Design, communicate, implement and administer an integrated, comprehensive approach to compensation that is a tool for management to attract and retain employees, and to drive performance that exceeds our customers' expectations. Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures % of supervisors who have completed mandated training Cost per hour for County-sponsored training Number of classifications in approved pay plan Number of days to fill positions Percent of extemal new hires here at one year of employment Percent of positions filled internally vs. externally FY 2012 Total HE 2.00 FY 2012 Budget 350,700 FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2012 Revenues 350,700 3.00 319,500 40,800 278,700 5.00 370,600 370,600 2.00 234,500 234,500 2.00 181,000 181,000 14.00 1,456,300 278,700 1,177,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 60 15.50 374 383 330 60 56 48 86.20 88.00 90.00 43.30 40.00 38.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,314,721 1,275,500 1,245,300 1,197,900 1,197,900 (6.1%) Operating Expense 151,688 345,500 196,800 258,400 258,400 (25.2%) Net Operating Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Total Budget 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) Total FTE 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 (6.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 34 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Human Resources Department Human Resources - General Fund (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 824 1,300 na Net Cost General Fund 1,187,161 1,363,300 1,183,100 1,177,600 1,177,600 (13.6%) Net Cost Community Development (277) na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 92,900 85,900 85,900 92,900 92,900 8.1% Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctrl Fd 5,900 5,300 5,300 5,800 5,800 9.4% Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 77,400 71,900 71,900 77,600 77 ,600 7.9% Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 6,400 5,800 5,800 6,300 6,300 8.6% Trans fm 473 Mand Collct Fd 3,200 2,900 2,900 3,200 3,200 10.3% Total Funding 1,466,409 1,621,000 1,442,100 1,456,300 1,456,300 (10.2%) The Department of Human Resources (HR) is comprised of a number of organizational components which include Administration, Compensation, Labor and Employee Relations, Operations, and Training & Development. Each specialized area provides a variety of services to the County's constituency as well as to the County's employee population. This is accomplished by supporting the organization with team building efforts in the areas of employee recognition, retention, motivation, training and development. The HR Department continues to provide funds for the County's Succession Planning Program. The first group of four program participants graduated in October 2010 at the same time five newly selected participants began a second offering of the program. The new group has been given special assignments with the Step Up team and each member is working to create an individual development plan consistent with their long-term objectives. The Department continues to partner with the Florida Institute of Govemment to offer training and programming for employees, helping them develop skills necessary to prepare them for future opportunities within Collier County. Further, in continued difficult economic times, we are using mechanisms in place through the Employee Recognition program to recognize and reward staff for their contributions to the agency. Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services are forecasted under budget as the result of two (2) vacant, funded positions that will not be filled during this fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - The Department will be funded with 14 FTEs, one (1) position less than the prior year in order to meet budget guidance as a Division. The Department's overall net cost to the General Fund (001) in FY 2012 will be 13.6% or $185,700 less than the prio(year. Revenue FY 2012 - Transfer revenue of $278,700 is for dedicated HR support provided to the Growth Management, Public Utilities, and Public Services Divisions. Fiscal Year 2012 35 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,365,848 3,389,000 3,334,500 3,282,100 3,282,100 (3.2%) Operating Expense 2,517,190 3,515,100 3,481,500 3,719,300 3,719,300 5.8% Indirect Cost Reimburs 15,700 15,700 23,200 23,200 47.8% Capital Outlay 50,463 325,800 325,800 494,300 494,300 51.7% Net Operating Budget 5,933,501 7,245,600 7,157,500 7,518,900 7,518,900 3.8% Reserves For Contingencies 132,900 280,600 280,600 111.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 81,200 81,200 na Reserve for Attrition (76,300) (76,300) na Total Budget 5,933,501 7,378,500 7,157,500 7,804,400 7,804,400 5.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 800 MHz Radio System Fund (188) 1.075,895 1,204,900 1,143,500 1,199,700 1,199,700 (0.4%) Information Technology Capital (506) 325,800 325,800 707,400 707,400 117.1% Information Technology Department 4,857,606 5,714,900 5,688,200 5,611,800 5,611,800 (1.8%) (001/505) Total Net Budget 5,933,501 7,245,600 7,157,500 7,518,900 7,518,900 3.8% Total Transfers and Reserves 132,900 285,500 285,500 114.8% Total Budget 5,933,501 7,378,500 7,157,500 7,804,400 7,804,400 5.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 326,109 334,300 312,900 314,000 314,000 (6.1%) Miscellaneous Revenues 118,852 199,200 181,400 191,900 191,900 (3.7%) Interest/Misc 13,802 2,200 3,700 4,900 4,900 122.7% Reimb From Other Depts 3,093,341 6,232,700 6,209,300 5,983,600 5,983,600 (4.0%) Net Cost General Fund (79,524) na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,134,542 542,400 542,400 558,900 558,900 3.0% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 553,200 na Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 361,200 361,200 na Carry Forward 146,600 97,300 376.600 468,800 468,800 381.8% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (29,600) (78,900) (78,900) 166.6% Total Funding 6,306,921 7,378,500 7,626,300 7,804,400 7,804,400 5.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Information Technology Department 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 0.0% (001/505) Total FTE 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 36 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department Information Technology Department (001/505) Mission Statement To provide efficient, reliable, secure customer oriented IT services for Collier County Government which includes the agency's data network, telephone system, multi.agency public safety radio system and the management of all related assets, software applications and data. To ensure ensure data integrity, system security, and compliance with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Coordinates agency strategy for IT, telecommunications, and 800 MHz Radio with customer groups. Performs administrative work in support of department and agency business processes including payroll, invoicing, and payables. Defines policies necessary to protect the County's information assets and to comply with applicable statutes and standards. With customer groups, recommend and implement business continuity measures based on risk assessments. Applications Provides services involved in the acquisition, implementation, and support of agency and customer specific applications. Development Provides SQL Server database administration, administration of the core Geographic Information System (GIS) infrastructure, and programming services primarily for the agency's SAP implementation. Operations FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4.00 478,900 478,900 10.00 929,500 929,500 6.00 629,700 629,700 17.80 3,573,700 3,573,700 Provides customer support for computer users and telephone system users and their equipment. Operates, secures, maintains, and improves the agency's infrastructure for email, data communications, voice communications, application servers, data storage and backup. Manages the inventory of the agency's technology assets. Reserves 285,500 285,500 Current Level of Service Budget 37.80 5,897,300 5,897,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Percent of Work Orders Re-opened 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Spot Resolution % 65 70 68 70 Total Enterprise Incidents 201 150 144 122 Total Work Orders Processed 11,446 10,000 9,474 9,284 Fiscal Year 2012 37 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department Information Technology Department (001/505) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,365,848 3,389,000 3,334,500 3,282,100 3,282,100 (3.2%) Operating Expense 1,441,295 2,325,900 2,353,700 2,329,700 2,329,700 0.2% Capital Outlay 50,463 na Net Operating Budget 4,857,606 5,714,900 5,688,200 5,611,800 5,611,800 (1.8%) Reserves For Contingencies 132,900 280,600 280.600 111.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 81,200 81,200 na Reserve for Attrition (76,300) (76,300) na Total Budget 4,857,606 5,847,800 5,688,200 5,897,300 5,897,300 0.8% Total FTE 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 37.80 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 2,151 80,900 66,200 74,900 74,900 (7.4%) Interest/Mise 12,462 2,700 3,800 3,800 na Reimb From Other Depts 2.975,187 5,766,900 5,728,500 5,492,400 5.492,400 (4.8%) Net Cost General Fund (79,524) na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,661,142 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 553,200 na Carry Forward 267,000 376,200 376,200 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (50,000) (50,000) na Total Funding 5,124,618 5,847,800 6,064,400 5,897,300 5,897,300 0.8% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services expenditures are expected to be less than the adopted budget ($54,500) due to employee tumover which resulted in attrition savings as positions were filled. Projections for Operating Expenses are forecast slightly up ($27,800) reflecting the cost increase to licensing software for higher computer counts. Overall revenue is projected up due to the Fund's first year of available audited FY 2010 carry forward. Current FY 2012 - All IT expenses are attributed to services provided by the IT Department. The IT Department is organized as an intemal service fund. BCC Departments and outside agencies budget IT service costs based on their service demand. Shared IT services are funded through consumption based unit costs. Specialty professional services for each Department are funded directly. This methodology was developed in direct partnership with the business users of IT services by direction of the Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC) which governs agency IT policies. IT funding policies balance the service demands of our various businesses (type of services offered and service levels) with agency financial constraints. In FY 2012, the IT Department net operating budget request is down 1.8%. This is a result of savings in personal services due to Florida Retirement System (FRS) rate changes and employee turnover which created the opportunity to rehire positions at lower cost. Operating expenses will be virtually flat (up 0.2%) due to continuing cost reduction efforts even though additional services are being provided. The IT Fund's (505) target reserve level - 5% of the annual operating budget has been fully funded by moving the funds saved from FRS changes to reserves. Revenues FY 2012 - Reimbursements from other funds ($5,492,400) dropped by 4.8% through applied carry forward. Miscellaneous revenue is down in FY 2012 reflecting that the IT department no longer provides service to the Fire Code officials as they have moved out of county facilities. Also - the IT department no longer provides administrative rights to user accounts, a service which previously carried charges. Annual revenue from the Sherriffs Office for their share of the 252 telephone exchange is expected to continue. FY 2012 also reflects a small revenue reserve for grant funded cost centers that may not be able to provide payment due to the grantor contractual terms. Fiscal Year 2012 38 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department Information Technology Department (001/505) Highlights of the FY 2012 Information Technology work plan include: IT Operations: . Speed and fault tolerance improvements to the County's fiber data network backbone. . Core network improvements to accommodate increases in the scope of use. . Network security improvements to accommodate new usage and threats. . Migration to Windows 7 . Development of Five Year Asset Management Financial Plans Applications: . Improvements to the BCC I Clerk of Courts I SOE SAP system in FY 2012 will concentrate on business process improvements necessary for asset life cycle management. . Extensions to our agenda I document management for additional public meeting agendas and a public facing electronic plan submission system. . Migration to a new Intranet platform, retirement of obsolete, labor intensive intra net technology IT Development, GIS, and Database Support . Improvements to GIS Base Map - road name aliases, compatibility with ESRllocal government templates . Change the security model of the GIS database . Pilot of GIS Cloud Service . Intemal Development of GIS Portal "Services Near You. . Retirement of all SQL 2000 databases - Migration to SQL 2008 The growth in the scope of IT services and the increased dependence on IT to sustain business processes, while simultaneously reducing IT staff 22% over the last several years has resulted in increased operational risk. Staff supporting several critical infrastructure services are "one deep.. The IT Department will be conducting a risk assessment of all IT services to formally recognize services that are being run with a higher operational risk than intended for future remediation. The goal of the risk assessment will be to ensure that the service levels being provided are aligned with the expectations and the criticality assigned to those services by the agency's business leaders. While cost control is crucial during this economic downturn, the businesses that IT serves are experiencing a loss of flexibility as a result. Unplanned and un budgeted work that emerges cannot be accommodated. Even if funding accompanies an unplanned project, staff capacity commitments still have to be met. IT managers are putting more effort into helping users plan more thoroughly. Fiscal Year 2012 39 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department 800 MHz Radio System Fund (188) Mission Statement To provide funding for operational costs of the 800 MHz Inter-government Radio System, which provides interoperable radio service to forty-one (41) public safety and general government agencies operating 4,200 radios. Assure radio system availability 100% of the time. Program Summary 800 MHz Radio System Maintenance To provide operational costs of the 800 MHz system including monthly utility costs and lease payments for tower sites, as well as periodic maintenance of on-site components. FY 2012 _ Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,199,700 1,199,700 Current Level of Service Budget 1,199,700 1,199,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,075,895 1,189,200 1,127,800 1,176,500 1,176,500 (1.1%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 15,700 15,700 23,200 23,200 47.8% Net Operating Budget 1,075,895 1,204,900 1,143,500 1,199,700 1,199,700 (0.4%) Total Budget 1,075,895 1,204,900 1,143,500 1,199,700 1,199,700 (0.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 326,109 334,300 312,900 314,000 314,000 (6.1%) Miscellaneous Revenues 116,701 118,300 115,200 117,000 117,000 (1.1%) Interest/Misc 1,340 2,200 1,000 1,100 1,100 (50.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 118,154 140,000 155,000 145,000 145,000 3.6% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 473,400 542,400 542,400 558,900 558,900 3.0% Carry Forward 146.600 97,300 109,600 92,600 92,600 (4.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (29,600) (28,900) (28,900) (2.4%) Total Funding 1,182,304 1,204,900 1,236,100 1,199,700 1,199,700 (0.4%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating Expense is projected at $61,400 less than appropriated due to decreases in contracted services. Revenues collected from moving traffic violation fines pursuant to Ordinance 93-65 continues to decline and is offset by a transfer from the General Fund (001). Current FY 2012 - Though operating cost savings of contracted services are anticipated to continue into FY 2012, other expenses have increased; including indirect cost reimbursement ($7,500), IT support ($3,600) and fleet maintenance services ($7,400). Though vehicle replacement was recommended during FY 2012 per the fleet replacement schedule, the purchase ($30,000) has been deferred. FY 2012 Revenue - Charges for Service includes charges for radio maintenance provided to non-BCC customers ($39,000) and proceeds from a $12.50 surcharge on moving traffic violation fines ($275,000). The Revenue budget is based on average monthly collections (approximately $22,900 per month) through March 2011, a decline of 9.7% from the previous year. Miscellaneous Revenue of $117,000 is received from radio tower lease agreements and battery replacement sales. Reimbursements from Other Departments of $145,000 includes maintenance expenses for mobile and portable radio equipment and for minor operating equipment (replacement antennas, radio clips, etc.) that is purchased in bulk and provided to customers on an as-needed basis. Fiscal Year 2012 40 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department Information Technology Capital (506) Mission Statement To fund the replacement / refresh of existing IT capital infrastructure and computers and to fund the infrastructure to accommodate new requirements / services. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost IT Capital Program 707,400 707,400 Current Level of Service Budget 707,400 707,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 213,100 213,100 na Capital Outlay 325,800 325,800 494,300 494,300 51.7% Net Operating Budget 325,800 325,800 707,400 707,400 117.1% Total Budget 325,800 325,800 707,400 707,400 117.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Reimb From Other Depts 325,800 325,800 346,200 346,200 6.3% Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 361,200 361,200 na Total Funding 325,800 325,800 707,400 707,400 117.1% Forecast FY 2011 - As planned, the following capital infrastructure will be replaced in FY 2011: disk storage ($120,000), network equipment at end of life ($76,000), and break/fIX replacements for desktop and laptop computers ($129,800). Current FY 2012 - The projected cost for replacing technology equipment for FY 2012 is $897,400 and does not include previous year deferrals of $352,800. The Information Technology Executive Committee (ITEC) made a decision to fund only crucial replacements due to current economic conditions. At the planned funding level, there will be no proactive computer replacements in FY 2012; only broken equipment will be replaced. The net result is a deferral of $899,200 which will be brought forward into future fiscal years. A five year capital replacement financial plan is under development to address the deferral and impacts. Remaining funds of $361 ,200 from Countywide Capital Fund (301) for active IT capital projects appropriated in prior years will be transferred to the IT Capital Fund (506). Funding from Departments and Transfers is programmed as follows: Transfer from 301 .$22.200 - Computer Replacements .$101,300 - Telephone System .$155,700 - Fiber Network .$82,000 - Business Continuity Department Contriubtions .$211,800 - IT Infrastructure (Data Communications) .$134,400 - IT Infrastructure (Hosting/Storage) Revenue FY 2012 - A fee of $200 per BCC computer will provide $346,200 of revenue for the IT Capital Fund (506) based on current computer inventory counts reported by Departments in March of 2011. The $200 fee was approved by ITEC. The 6.3% increase is a result of improvement to the inventory reporting procedures. The transfers of $361 ,200 represents the movement of remaining IT capital project funds from the Countywide Capital Fund (301) to the IT Capital Fund (506). Fiscal Year 2012 41 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Information Technology Department Information Technology Capital (506) Replacement of IT infrastructure is based on the following service life: -Storage- Disk storage assets replacement costs are base on a 5 to 7 year service life. -Computer workstations replacement costs are based on a on a 5 year service life. -Laptop I Portable computers costs are based on a 4 year service life. -Network distribution equipment costs are based on a 7 year service life. -Server replacements are based on a 5 year service life. Fiscal Year 2012 42 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Purchasing Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,295,633 1,386,300 1,357,500 1,395,900 1,395,900 0.7% Operating Expense 87,631 106,200 101,600 83,900 83,900 (21.0%) Capital Outlay 4,227 7,500 7,500 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) Total Budget 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Purchasing Department- Surplus Sales 87 2,000 500 500 500 (75.0%) (001) Purchasing Department (001) 1,387,404 1,498,000 1,466,100 1,479,300 1,479,300 (1.2%) Total Net Budget 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 95 300 na Miscellaneous Revenues 161,975 303,000 95,300 170,000 170,000 (43.9%) Net Cost General Fund 775,620 664,700 838,700 715,100 715,100 7.6% Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctrl Fd 1,600 3,000 3,000 1,700 1,700 (43.3%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 230,600 232,300 232,300 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 155,500 211,300 211,300 216,700 216,700 2.6% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 1,100 1,100 na Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 25,100 37,400 37,400 28,300 28,300 (24.3%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collct Fd 37,000 48,300 48,300 32,700 32,700 (32.3%) Trans fm 516 Prop & Cas Ins 76,100 76,100 na Total Funding 1,387,491 1,500,000 1,466,600 1,479,800 1,479,800 (1.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Purchasing Department (001) 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.60 17.60 1.4% Total FTE 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.60 17.60 1.4% Fiscal Year 2012 43 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Administrative Services Division Purchasing Department Purchasing Department (001) Mission Statement . To plan for and promote the open, proper and competitive procurement of commodities and services in a cost efficient and cost-effective manner. . To provide various additional support services that efficiently and effectively facilitate the missions of the various using departments. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 1.00 215,500 215,500 Acquisition Planning and Production 6.10 429,600 222,000 207,600 Develop and maintain multi-year acquisition plans; prepare, issue and administer formal sealed bid and proposal solicitations processes; facilitate staff selection and evaluation processes; review and approve executive summaries; publish newsletters and notify vendors of prospective bid/proposal opportunities. Issue non-negotiated agreements. General Operations Support 5.00 381,400 100,000 281,400 SAP production, training and support, mail pickup and delivery, and surplus property transfers and sales. Contracts Administration 5.50 452,800 372,700 80,100 Negotiate, process and issue consulting and other services agreements; review/prepare/negotiate and issue contract modifications, oversee vendor/contractor performance in coordination with user agencies. Institute and manage dispute resolution actions. Current Level of Service Budget 17.60 1,479,300 694,700 784,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Number of employees trained in SAP system, purchasing, and contracting 277 125 265 250 practices Percent of bid invitations issued within 10 days of receipt 86.80 80.00 90.00 80.00 Percent of RFP's issued within 12 days of receipt 81.10 80.00 60.00 70.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,295,633 1,386,300 1,357,500 1,395,900 1,395,900 0.7% Operating Expense 87,544 104,200 101,100 83,400 83,400 (20.0%) Capital Outlay 4,227 7,500 7.500 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,387,404 1,498,000 1,466,100 1,479,300 1,479,300 (1.2%) Total Budget 1,387,404 1,498,000 1,466,100 1,479,300 1,479,300 (1.2%) Total FTE 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.60 17.60 1.4% Fiscal Year 2012 44 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Purchasing Department Purchasing Department (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 95 300 na Miscellaneous Revenues 22,678 28,000 28,500 100,000 100,000 257.1% Net Cost General Fund 914,831 937,700 905,000 784,600 784,600 (16.3%) Trans fm 114 Pollutn Clrt Fd 1,600 3,000 3,000 1,700 1,700 (43.3%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 230,600 232,300 232,300 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 155,500 211,300 211,300 216,700 216,700 2.6% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 1,100 1,100 na Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 25,100 37,400 37,400 28,300 28,300 (24.3%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collct Fd 37,000 48,300 48,300 32,700 32,700 (32.3%) Trans fm 516 Prop & Cas Ins 76,100 76,100 na Total Funding 1,387,404 1,498,000 1,466,100 1,479,300 1,479,300 (1.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Cost savings of $28,800 in personal services was achieved through vacancies occurring throughout the fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - The Purchasing Department personal services request reflects 17.60 HEs - .25 FTEs more than the previous fiscal year to bring a part-time (.75 FTE) position to full-time status. Operating and capital reductions of $25,200 were mainly in the areas of contracted services ($7,000) and professional development and travel ($8,000). No capital outlay request has been made for FY 2012. Revenue FY 2012 - Miscellaneous Revenue of $100,000 represents a combination of rebates received through the purchasing card program ($30,000) and the anticipated establishment of the E-Payable program ($70,000). This new revenue stream will help offset declining surplus sale revenues used to lower the Net Impact to the General Fund for this Department. Transfer revenue in the amount of $594,700 is for dedicated contracts and acquisition support to the Risk Department, Public Utilities Division and Growth Management Division. The increase in this revenue is primarily attributable to the allocation of staff to facilitate the management contractual insurance requirements of vendor and renewal monitoring. Overall, this budget represents a 16.3% ($153,100) decrease in cost to the General Fund (001). Fiscal Year 2012 45 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Purchasing Department Purchasing Department - Surplus Sales (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost General Operations Support 500 70,000 -69,500 SAP production, training and support, mail pickup and delivery, and surplus property transfers and sales. Current Level of Service Budget 500 70,000 -69,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 87 2,000 500 500 500 (75.0%) Net Operating Budget 87 2,000 500 500 500 (75.0%) Total Budget 87 2,000 500 500 500 (75.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 139,297 275,000 66,800 70,000 70,000 (74.5%) Net Cost General Fund (139,210) (273,000) (66,300) (69,500) (69,500) (74.5%) Total Funding 87 2,000 500 500 500 (75.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - Net revenues of $65,600 are anticipated from the County's annual surplus auction held annually in April, a significant drop of $208,200 or 68.4%. Net proceeds of auctioneer commissions totaled $157,500 of which $91,900 was provided back to enterprise Departments which originally funded asset purchases. Additional proceeds of $1 ,200 are from online auctions proceeds. Revenues FY 2012 - Revenues from the County's Annual Surplus Auction have declined dramatically due to department deferrals to replace vehicles, equipment, and other large capital items. Surplus revenues in past years have helped to lower the Net General Fund impact to the Purchasing Department. For FY 2012, other general fund departments within the Administrative Services Division have made operating cutbacks to meet budget guidance overall. Fiscal Year 2012 46 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,103,234 1,126,700 1,116,800 1,092,800 1,092.800 (3.0%) Operating Expense 38,347,829 38,405,600 38,189,000 39,002,500 39,002.500 1.6% Property & Casualty Claims 958,137 1,200,000 900,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 (8.3%) Short Term Disability Ins 467,560 410,000 373,800 413,800 413,800 0.9% Long Term Disability Ins 622,048 350,000 338,400 340,000 340,000 (2.9%) Workers Comp Ins 300,550 900,000 400,000 800,000 800,000 (11.1%) Capital Outlay 5,404 28,100 73,600 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 41,804,763 42,420,400 41,391,600 42,749,100 42,749,100 0.8% Trans to 001 General Fund 1,700,000 850,000 850,000 926,100 926,100 9.0% Reserves For Contingencies 814,400 809,800 809,800 (0.6%) Reserves for Insurance 22,570,500 21,422,100 21,422,100 (5.1%) Total Budget 43,504,763 66,655,300 42,241,600 65,907,100 65,907,100 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Group Health & Life Insurance Fund 33,747,321 32,980,700 33,304,100 33,819,600 33,819,600 2.5% (517) Property & Casualty Insurance Fund 6,912,568 7,537,900 6,875,600 7,265,800 7,265,800 (3.6%) (516) Worker's Compensation Fund (518) 1,144,874 1,901,800 1,211,900 1,663,700 1,663,700 (12.5%) Total Net Budget 41,804,763 42,420,400 41,391,600 42,749,100 42,749,100 0.8% Total Transfers and Reserves 1,700,000 24,234,900 850,000 23,158,000 23,158,000 (4.4%) Total Budget 43,504,763 66,655,300 42,241,600 65,907,100 65,907,100 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 1,246,942 250,000 190,000 (100.0%) 'nterest/Misc 217,084 250,800 266,800 234,600 234,600 (6.5%) Property & Casualty Billings 5,688,643 6,916,700 7,246,600 6,843,200 6,843,200 (1.1%) Group Health Billings 26,561,435 26,580,800 26,310,000 30,509,500 30.509,500 14.8% Dental Billings 1,097,410 1,822,200 1,730,500 1,817.100 1,817,100 (0.3%) Life Insurance Billings 429,252 600,000 615,000 614,200 614.200 2.4% Short Term Disability Billings 245,436 402,100 402,100 402,100 402,100 0.0% Long Term Disability Billings 225,241 345,000 345,000 345,000 345,000 0.0% Workers Comp Billings 2,289,991 1,980,400 1,911,900 1,681,900 1,681,900 (15.1'110) Carry Forward 32,204,500 27,507,300 26,683,200 23,459,500 23,459,500 (14.7%) Total Funding 70,205,934 66,655,300 65,701,100 65,907,100 65,907,100 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Property & Casualty Insurance Fund 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% (516) Group Health & Life Insurance Fund 5.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 0.0% (517) Worker's Compensation Fund (518) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Total FTE 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 47 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Property & Casualty Insurance Fund (516) Mission Statement The mission of the Risk Management Department is to continuously develop, manage, and improve the County's risk finance, group insurance, safety, and occupational health programs in order to provide quality, cost-effective support to our customers; to protect the County's financial interests against frequent and/or catastrophic loss; and to do our utmost to assure that the County's employees go home safely each day. Program Summary Property and Casualty Insurance Program To provide Property and Casualty Insurance, Risk Financing Services, Claims Management, and Loss Control services to County Departments and Constitutional Agencies pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 768.28. Safety and Loss Control Program To develop Occupational Safety and Health Programs to prevent injury and illness to employees arising out of the work environment and to third parties. Standards utilized are in conformance with OSHA standards CFR 1910 and 1928; Florida Department ofTransportation Maintenance of Traffic requirements Reserve for Claims Payment/Contingency FY 2012 Total HE 3.00 FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 7,162,000 7,162,000 1.00 103,800 103,800 4,586,000 4,586,000 4.00 11,851,800 11,851,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 97 150 150 150 25 20 20 18 274,273 330,000 292,000 300,000 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 347,500 347,500 (2.7%) 5,818,300 5,818,300 (2.7%) 1,100,000 1,100,000 (8.3%) na 7,265,800 7,265,800 (3.6%) 76,100 76,100 na 308,300 308,300 (2.7%) 4,201,600 4,201,600 (7.5%) 11,851,800 11,851,800 (4.4%) 4.00 4.00 0.0% Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures Average Days to Close Claim Average Number of Days From Incurred Date to Report Date Subrogation Dollars Collected FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Personal Services 274,507 357,300 Operating Expense 5,679,924 5,980,600 Property & Casualty Claims 958,137 1,200,000 Capital Outlay Net Operating Budget 6,912,568 7,537,900 Trans to 001 General Fund 850,000 Reserves For Contingencies 316,900 Reserves for Insurance 4,542,100 Total Budget 7,762,568 12,396,900 Total FTE 3.00 4.00 FY 2011 Forecast 351,200 5,582,800 900,000 41,600 6,875,600 6,875,600 4.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 113,115 na Interest/Misc 35,718 40,800 45,400 49,600 49,600 21.6% Property & Casualty Billings 5,688,643 6,916,700 7,246,600 6,843,200 6,843,200 (1.1%) Carry Forward 6,478,700 5,439,400 4,542,600 4,959,000 4,959,000 (8.8%) Total Funding 12,316,177 12,396,900 11,834,600 11,851,800 11,851,800 (4.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 48 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Property & Casualty Insurance Fund (516) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services expenditures are expected to be 1.7% below the adopted budget. Forecast operating expenses are expected to be 6.6% below the adopted budget due to favorable renewals of the Casualty and Property insurance programs. Paid insurance claims are expected to be 9.7% below the adopted budget due to proactive safety and claims management practices resulting in favorable loss experience. Current FY 2012 - Personal services complies with budget guidance. Operating expense is down 2.7% primarily as a reflection of lower reinsurance pricing. Paid insurance claims are down 8.3% due to proactive safety and claims management practices resulting in favorable loss experience. There are no monies budgeted for Capital Outlay. The transfer of $76,100 represents payment for management services of vendor insurance performed by the staff in Purchasing, a General Fund Department. Reserves for Contingencies and Reserves for Insurance are down 2.7% and 7.5% respectively. Revenue FY 2012 - Property and Casualty billings are 1.1% below the FY 2011 budget. General insurance rates are down 4.6% in FY 2012. Automobile Insurance billings are unchanged. Property Insurance billings are expected to be flat in FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 49 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Group Health & Life Insurance Fund (517) Mission Statement The mission of the Risk Management Department is to continuously develop, manage, and improve the County's risk finance, group insurance, safety and occupational health programs in order to provide quality, cost-effective support to our customers; to protect the County's financial interests against frequent and/or catastrophic loss; and to do our utmost to assure that the County's employees go home safely each day. 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 340,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE 340,300 Group Health Insurance Program To provide group health insurance benefits to eligible employees and their dependents. Group Disability Insurance Program To provide an income replacement safety net in the form of Short and Long Term Disability Insurance. Group Life Insurance Program 2.00 30,048,400 30,048,400 753,800 753,800 615,000 615,000 To provide death protection to employees and their beneficiaries in the form of one times salary life and accidental death protection benefits. Group Dental Insurance Program 1,820,000 1,820,000 To provide dental insurance benefits to eligible employees and their dependents. Wellness Program 1.75 242,100 242,100 To identify and educate employees who are at risk for premature illness or chronic health conditions and to promote participation in programs to prevent illness, enhance quality of life, and improve productivity. Reserve for Claims Payment/Contingency 13,745,200 13,745,200 Current Level of Service Budget 4.75 47,564,800 47,564,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Members Exceeding $100,000 in Claims per 100 Employees 0.88 0.75 0.70 0.70 Percent of Members Testing Positive for Nicotine 12.90 16.00 16.00 14.00 Percent of Members who met Select Plan Qualifiers 93 92 92 94 Processing Time from Receipt to Payment in Days 7.75 7.00 6.50 6.20 Fiscal Year 2012 50 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Group Health & Life Insurance Fund (517) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 561,196 496,400 496,400 480,700 480,700 (3.2%) Operating Expense 32,091,118 31,724,300 32,095,500 32,585,100 32,585,100 2.7% Short Term Disability Ins 467,560 410,000 373,800 413,800 413,800 0.9% Long Term Disability Ins 622,048 350,000 338,400 340,000 340,000 (2.9%) Capital Outlay 5,400 na Net Operating Budget 33,747,321 32,980,700 33,304,100 33,819,600 33,819,600 2.5% Reserves For Contingencies 447,400 418,300 418,300 (6.5%) Reserves for Insurance 14,527,600 13,326,900 13,326,900 (8.3%) Total Budget 33,747,321 47,955,700 33,304,100 47,564,800 47,564,800 (0.8%) Total FTE 5.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 1,116,400 250,000 190,000 (100.0%) Interest/Misc 151,396 177 ,800 172,800 137,400 137,400 (22.7%) Group Health Billings 26,561,435 26,580,800 26,310,000 30,509,500 30,509,500 14.8% Dental Billings 1,097,410 1,822,200 1,730,500 1,817,100 1,817,100 (0.3%) Life Insurance Billings 429,252 600,000 615,000 614,200 614,200 2.4% Short Term Disability Billings 245,436 402,100 402,100 402,100 402,100 0.0% Long Term Disability Billings 225,241 345,000 345,000 345,000 345,000 0.0% Carry Forward 21,194,300 17,777,800 17,278,200 13,739,500 13,739,500 (22.7%) Total Funding 51,020,869 47,955,700 47,043,600 47,564,800 47,564,800 (0.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services is expected to be within the adopted budget. Operating Expenses are expected to exceed the adopted budget by 1.1 % primarily due to higher than anticipated health claims costs. Short Term Disability costs are expected to be 3.3% below the adopted budget due to improved loss experience. Dental insurance costs are expected to be 5.2% below budget due an agreement with the carrier to forego a rate increase in FY 2011. Long Term Disability Costs are expected to be 3.3% below budget. Revenue FY 2011 - Health Insurance billings are anticipated to be 1.2% below the adopted budget primarily due to a correction in estimated enrollment. Current FY 2012 - Personal services complies with budget guidance. Operating Expenses are up 2.7% primarily as a result of an increase in the Health claims budget. The budget reflects anticipated health plan changes that will take effect on January 1, 2011. The budget also reflects a 19.6% reduction in the health reinsurance budget due to fewer catastrophic losses and an increase in the self insured retention limit. The dental insurance budget remains flat compared to FY 2011. Long Term Disability program cost is anticipated to reduce by 2.9% due to a change in ratable salary but the rate per 100 remains unchanged. Budgeted reserves have decreased 8.1 %. Revenue FY 2012 - Overall Health Insurance billings are expected to increase 14.8% in FY 2011 to bring the revenue structure of the fund in line with expected expenses. Group Health rates remained relatively flat from FY 2006 through FY 2010 with a planned use of carry forward being used to offset program costs in FY 2010 and FY 2011. As a result, Carry Forward levels have been reduced to the level where it is approximately equal to Department of Insurance and OPEB funding requirements. Therefore, Carry Forward cannot be relied upon as a continuing funding source. The restructuring of the rates will also comport with the Board's 80/20% cost sharing within the Budget Policy. Budgeted rates for Dental, Short and Long Term Disability and Life Insurance did not increase. Fiscal Year 2012 51 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Worker's Compensation Fund (518) Mission Statement The mission of the Risk Management Department is to continuously develop, manage, and improve the County's risk finance, group insurance, safety, and occupational health programs in order to provide quality, cost-effective support to our customers; to protect the County's financial interests against frequent and/or catastrophic loss; and to do our utmost to assure that the County's employees go home safely each day. Program Summary Workers' Compensation Insurance & Subrogation Program FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1.00 1,315,800 1,315,800 To provide Workers' Compensation Insurance as required pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 440. To provide financial recovery services to departments through the collection of funds expended by the County for damage to property. Safety and Loss Control Program To develop Occupational Safety and Health Program to prevent injury and illness to employees arising out of the work environment. Standards utilized are in conformance with OSHA standards CFR 1910 and 1928. Occupational Health Program 1.00 193,000 193,000 1.00 167,200 167,200 To provide pre-employment physicals and drug testing services; to provide recurrent testing; to triage injured employees; to provide medical care to injured employees within protocols; to assist in case management. Reserve for Claims Payment/Contingency 4,814,500 4,814,500 Current Level of Service Budget 3.00 6,490,500 6,490,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Accidents per 100 Employees 6.90 9.00 6.25 6.00 Average Number of Days to Close a Medical Only Claim 133 120 100 110 Lost Time Claims Exceeding 7 Days 3 5 6 4 Total Workers' Compensation Cost as a Percentage of Reportable Payroll 2.19 1.90 1.90 1.68 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 267,531 273,000 269,200 264,600 264,600 (3.1%) Operating Expense 576,788 700,700 510,700 599,100 599,100 (14.5%) Workers Comp Ins 300,550 900,000 400,000 800,000 800,000 (11.1%) Capital Outlay 4 28,100 32,000 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,144,874 1,901,800 1,211,900 1,663,700 1,663,700 (12.5%) Trans to 001 General Fund 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 850,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 50,100 83,200 83,200 66.1% Reserves for Insurance 3,500,800 3,893,600 3,893,600 11.2% Total Budget 1,994,874 6,302,700 2,061,900 6,490,500 6,490,500 3.0% Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 52 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Risk Management Department Worker's Compensation Fund (518) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 17,427 na Interest/Misc 29,969 32,200 48,600 47,600 47,600 47.8% Workers Comp Billings 2,289,991 1,980,400 1,911,900 1,681,900 1,681,900 (15.1%) Carry Forward 4,531,500 4,290,100 4,862,400 4,761,000 4,761,000 11.0% Total Funding 6,868,888 6,302,700 6,822,900 6,490,500 6,490,500 3.0% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are expected to be 1.3% below the adopted budget. Forecast operating expenditures are anticipated to be 27.1 % below the adopted budget primarily due to a reduction in reinsurance costs and State Disability Trust Fund assessments resulting from favorable loss experience. Paid claims are expected to be 55% below the adopted FY 2011 budget due to proactive safety and claims management practices resulting in favorable loss experience. Current FY 2012 - Personal services complies with budget guidance. Operating expenses have been reduced 2.3% primarily due to improved loss experience. The insurance claims budget has been reduce 18.2% due to favorable loss experience. Due to a reduction in outstanding incurred liabilities resulting from favorable loss development, the budget includes a transfer to the General Fund of $850,000 to reduce unencumbered reserves. There are no monies budgeted for Capital Outlay. Revenues FY 2012 - Allocated Workers' Compensation premiums have been reduced 15.0% due to favorable loss experience, lower reinsurance costs and lower State Disability Trust Fund assessments. Fiscal Year 2012 53 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Grants FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 212,600 na Net Operating Budget 212,600 na Total Budget 212,600 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Grants (7031704) 212,600 na Total Net Budget 212,600 na Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 212,600 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 75,000 na Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 137,600 na Total Funding 212,600 na Fiscal Year 2012 54 Administrative Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Division Administrative Services Grants Administrative Services Grants (703/704) Mission Statement To process grants within the Administrative Services Division. Grants will include funding for grant programs from US Fish and Wildlife Service to aid Conservation Collier as well as any other grants identified, applied for and awarded. Program Funding Sources Intergovemmental Revenues Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint Total Funding FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 212,600 na 212,600 na 212,600 na FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 75,000 na 137,600 na 212,600 na Program Budgetary Cost Summary Operating Expense FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted Net Operating Budget Total Budget Forecast FY 2011 - Conservation Collier received $75,000 for exotic plant removal at Pepper Ranch from the US Fish and Wildlife Service through their Coastal Program and Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. Conservation Collier matched the grant funds with $137,600 from Fund 174. Fiscal Year 2012 55 Administrative Services Division. Ad m in istrative Services Capital 56 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Administrative Services Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 I Fiscal Year 2012 Capita&71 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 77,318 na Operating Expense 3,895,292 125,000 144,800 200,000 200,000 60.0% Capital Outlay 6,174,941 647,500 6,114,200 947,000 947,000 46.3% Total Net Budget 10,147,552 772,500 6,259,000 1,147,000 1,147,000 48.5% Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 221,400 221,500 195,100 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,810,300 3,885,700 3,885,700 3,886,300 3,886,300 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 70,600 96,000 327,500 327,500 363.9% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 1,408.959 na Trans to 506 IT Capital 361,200 361,200 na Reserves For Contingencies 837,500 885,500 885,500 5.7% Reserves For Debt Service 3,206,700 2,774,600 2,774,600 (13.5%) Total Budget 23,112,811 12,014,300 13,455,600 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administrative Services Capital 10,147,552 772,500 6,259,000 1,147,000 1,147,000 48.5% Total Net Budget 10,147,552 772,500 6,259,000 1,147,000 1,147,000 48.5% Administrative Services Capital 12,965,259 11,241,800 7,196,600 10,771,700 10,771,700 (4.2%) Total Transfers and Reserves 12,965,259 11,241,800 7,196,600 10,771,700 10,771,700 (4.2%) Total Budget 23,112,811 12,014,300 13,455,600 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capita582 Administrative Services Capjtal Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues (23,046) 24,100 na Interest/Mise 192,958 25,000 65,600 65,600 65,600 162.4% Impact Fees 900,568 453,000 700,000 660,000 660,000 45.7% Deferred Impact Fees 8,833 65,700 65,700 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap Proj 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,796,800 6,837,300 6,837,300 367,800 367,800 (94.6%) Carry Forward 14,982,600 1,703,100 11,071,400 8,262,600 8,262,600 385.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (23,900) (39,600) (39,600) 65.7% Total Funding 27,383,312 12,014,300 21,718,200 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change O~% Total FTE 6;1)% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Facilities Management 12,014,300 18,006,397 11,697,500 11,918,700 Information Technology Capital 1,748,945 1,749,000 Sheriff Office 9,130 9,100 Total Project Budget 12,014,300 19,764,472 13,455,600 11,918,700 Fiscal Year 2012 Capita593 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 77,318 na Operating Expense 3,895,292 125,000 144,800 200,000 200,000 60.0% Capital Outlay 6,174,941 647,500 6,114,200 947,000 947,000 46.3% Net Operating Budget 10,147,552 772,500 6,259,000 1,147,000 1,147,000 48.5% Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 630.000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 221,400 221,500 195,100 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,810,300 3,885,700 3,885,700 3,886,300 3,886,300 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 70,600 96,000 327,500 327,500 363.9% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 1,408,959 na Trans to 506 IT Capital 361,200 361,200 na Reserves For Contingencies 837,500 885,500 885,500 5.7% Reserves For Debt Service 3,206,700 2,774,600 2,774,600 (13.5%) Total Budget 23,112,811 12,014,300 13,455,600 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Wide Capital Project Fund (301) 7,209,460 647,500 4,374,300 947,000 947,000 46.3% General Govemmental Buildings Impact 2,938,092 125,000 1,884,700 200,000 200,000 60.0% Fee (390) Total Net Budget 10,147,552 772,500 6,259,000 1,147,000 1,147,000 48.5% Total Transfers and Reserves 12,965,259 11,241,800 7,196,600 10,771,700 10,771,700 (4.2%) Total Budget 23,112,811 12,014,300 13,455,600 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues (23,046) 24,100 na Interest/Misc 192,958 25,000 65,600 65,600 65,600 162.4% Impact Fees 900,568 453,000 700,000 660,000 660,000 45.7% Deferred Impact Fees 8,833 65,700 65,700 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap proj 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3.796,800 6,837,300 6,837,300 367,800 367.800 (94.6%) Carry Forward 14,982,600 1,703,100 11,071,400 8,262,600 8,262,600 385.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (23,900) (39,600) (39,600) 65.7% Total Funding 27,383,312 12,014,300 21,718,200 11,918,700 11,918,700 (0.8%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capita604 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project TItle Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Facilities Management NC Repairs 300,500 540,014 540,000 679,000 Admin Bldg (F) Renovations 172,017 172,000 Courthouse Annex floors 1-7 1,453,118 1,453,200 Courthouse Repairs/Renovations 307,323 307,300 Emergency Services HQ & Ops Ctr 420,621 420,600 General Building Repairs 157,000 772,456 1,022,500 268,000 Operating Project 390 125,000 144,773 144,800 200,000 Paint Plan 21,751 21,800 Parking Deck & Traffic Improve 1,310 1,300 Property Appraiser's Bldg on Radio Rd 74,618 74,600 Reroofing Projects 190,000 336,085 336,100 September 11th Memorial 1,452 1.500 Sewer Upgrades & Complex Upgrades 5,228 5,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Admin Serv 2,889,800 4,709,337 2,389,800 3,067,800 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 390 8,352,000 9,046,295 4,806,800 7,703,900 Facilities Management 12,014,300 18,006,397 11,697,500 11,918,700 Information Technology Capital Enterprise Content Mgt (ECM) 58,170 58,200 Fiber Network Construction 153,535 153,500 Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 388,250 388,200 Geographic Info System (GIS) 52,674 52,700 Hurricane & Pandemic Mitigation 28,187 28,200 Network Test Equipment 23,065 23,100 Technology Improve Program 298,047 298,100 Telephone System Upgrade 517,744 517,700 Vehicle/Personnellocating system 229,274 229,300 Information Technology Capital 1,748,945 1,749,000 Sheriff Office Fleet Facility 9,130 9.100 Department Total Project Budget 12,014,300 19,764,472 13,455,600 11,918,700 Fiscal Year 2012 Capita&1 5 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital General Governmental Buildings Impact Fee (390) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 824,733 125,000 144,800 200,000 200,000 60.0% Capital Outlay 2,113,359 1,739,900 na Net Operating Budget 2,938,092 125,000 1,884,700 200,000 200,000 60.0% Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 221,400 221,500 195,100 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,810,300 3,885,700 3,885,700 3,886,300 3,886,300 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 70,600 96,000 327,500 327,500 363.9% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 1,408,959 na Reserves For Contingencies 337,500 85,500 85,500 (74.7%) Reserves For Debt Service 3,206,700 2,774,600 2,774,600 (13.5%) Total Budget 9,008,751 8,477,000 6,691,500 7,903,900 7,903,900 (6.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 21,100 na Interest/Mise 71,317 25,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 20.0% Impact Fees 900,568 453,000 700,000 660,000 660,000 45.7% Deferred Impact Fees 8,833 65,700 65,700 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap proj 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Carry Forward 8,073,900 5,003,100 7,570,000 4,649,400 4,649,400 (7.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (23,900) (37,800) (37,800) 58.2% Total Funding 16,579,217 8,477,000 11,340,900 7,903,900 7,903,900 (6.8%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Facilities Management Courthouse Annex floors 1-7 1,235,564 1,235,600 Emergency Services HQ & Ops Ctr 420,621 420,600 Operating Project 390 125,000 144,773 144,800 200,000 Property Appraiser's Bldg on Radio Rd 74,618 74,600 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 390 8,352,000 9,046,295 4,806,800 7,703,900 Facilities Management 8,477,000 10,921,871 6,682,400 7,903,900 Sheriff Office Fleet Facility 9,130 9,100 Program Total Project Budget 8,477,000 10,931,001 6,691,500 7,903,900 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however, staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. For the same six months in FY 2010, commercial impact fee collections dropped to a new low, consisting of only 5.2% of the total impact fee revenues collected within this fund. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $453,195. Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections, change in the impact fee rates in December, and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $700,000. On December 14, 2010, the Board approved a decrease in the General Govemmental Facilities impactfee. The average decrease was 17% Fiscal Year 2012 Capita6-26 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital General Governmental Buildings Impact Fee (390) for residential land uses and a 25% decrease for commercial/non residential land uses. Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential and commercial activity and the change in the impact fee rates adopted in December, the projected revenue for FY 2012 is $669,000. Two large impact fee deferrals are due in FY 2012 in the amount of $65,640. Fiscal Year 2012 Capita637 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Administrative Services Capital Administrative Services Capital County Wide Capital Project Fund (301) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 77,318 na Operating Expense 3,070,559 na Capital Outlay 4,061,583 647,500 4,374,300 947,000 947,000 46.3% Net Operating Budget 7,209,460 647,500 4,374,300 947,000 947,000 46.3% Advance/Repay to 390 Gov't Fac 6,894,600 2,389,800 2,389,800 1,906,600 1,906,600 (20.2%) Trans to 506 IT Capital 361,200 361,200 na Reserves For Contingencies 500,000 800,000 800,000 60.0% Total Budget 14,104,060 3,537,300 6,764,100 4,014,800 4,014,800 13.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues (23,046) 3.000 na Interest/Misc 121,641 35,600 35,600 35,600 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,796,800 6,837,300 6,837,300 367,800 367,800 (94.6%) Carry Forward 6,908,700 (3,300,000) 3,501,400 3,613,200 3,613,200 (209.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,800) (1,800) na Total Funding 10,804,095 3,537,300 10,377,300 4,014,800 4,014,800 13.5% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY' 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Facilities Management NC Repairs 300,500 540,014 540,000 679,000 Admin Bldg (F) Renovations 172,017 172,000 Courthouse Annex floors 1-7 217,554 217,600 Courthouse Repairs/Renovations 307,323 307,300 General Building Repairs 157,000 772,456 1,022,500 268,000 Paint Plan 21,751 21,800 Parking Deck & Traffic Improve 1,310 1,300 Reroofing Projects 190,000 336,085 336,100 September 11th Memorial 1,452 1,500 Sewer Upgrades & Complex Upgrades 5,228 5,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Admin Serv 2,889,800 4,709,337 2,389,800 3,067,800 Facilities Management 3,537,300 7,084,526 5,015,100 4,014,800 Information Technology Capital Enterprise Content Mgt (ECM) 58,170 58,200 Fiber Network Construction 153,535 153,500 Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 388,250 388,200 Geographic Info System (GIS) 52,674 52,700 Hurricane & Pandemic Mitigation 28,187 28,200 Network Test Equipment 23,065 23,100 Technology Improve Program 298,047 298,100 Telephone System Upgrade 517,744 517,700 VehiclelPersonnellocating system 229,274 229,300 Information Technology Capital 1,748,945 1,749,000 Program Total Project Budget 3,537,300 8,833,471 6,764,100 4,014,800 Fiscal Year 2012 Capita648 Administrative Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title 1 Description Facilities ManaQement FY 2012 Preliminary 52162 A1C Repairs Major maintenance, repair, or replacement of air conditioning equipment to all Governmental buildings. Enterprise Facilities (Water/Sewer District, Solid Waste, Community Development, etc) shall separately budget for all enterprise equipment replacement projects. 52525 General Building Repairs General maintenance, repair, refurbishment, or renovations to all Governmental buildings (work involved is not water/sewer, reroofing, A1C repairs, fire alarms, life safety, or painting). Enterprise Facilities (Water/Sewer District, Solid Waste, Community Development, etc) shall separately budget for all enterprise replacement, repair and renovation projects. 31390 Operating Project 390 Operating category funding for the General Government Facilities Impact Fee Fund (390) is required for expenses not specificallY part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds,. administrative costs and impact fee studies. 99301as X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Admin Serv General Governmental Facilities Impact Fee Fund (390) requires a $1,806,600 loan from the 1/3 of a mil (equivalent) General Fund capital allocation money. Impact fee revenues are down and are insufficient to pay next year's debt service payments. Also, $800,000 has been set aside in Reserves for Contingencies for any unexpected or emergency repairs. 99390 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 390 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the General Governmental Facilities Impact Fee Fund 390 are for the following items: $ 630,000 Property Appraiser's Building on Radio Road (Loan from fd 471) $3,886,300 Series 2005 Bond debt service payment for Fleet, Annex, Parking Garage, and ESC- Transfer to 216. $ 203,300 Series 2010B Bond debt service payment for the North Naples Government Satellite Offices-Transfer to 298. $ 124,200 Series 2010 Bond debt service payment for the additional funding needed on the Emergency Services Center (ESC), Courthouse Annex and Fleet Facility (growth portion)-Transfer to 298. $ 85,500 Reserve for Contingencies $ 176,800 Reserve for Debt Service on the Series 2010B Bond $2,597,800 Reserve for Debt Service on the Series 2005 Bond The North Naples Government Center debt service payment (transfer to fund 298) and the Fleet Facilities Replacement (growth portion), Courthouse Annex, Parking Garage by Courthouse and the Emergency Services Center debt service payment (transfer to fund 298) have principal and interest payments due on October 1. This Reserve for Debt Service insures that the General Governmental Facilities Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. Total Facilities Management 679,000 268,000 200,000 3,067,800 7,703,900 11,918,700 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital 611 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Services Division Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 365.60 Public Services Division Administration Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 3.00 County Extension, Education & Training Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 7.50 Domestic Animal Services - Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 32.00 Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 33.60 Library Total FilII-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 84.50 Museum Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 13.00 Parks & Recreation Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 190.50 Public Health Department Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Coastal Zone Management Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 1.00 Public Services Grants Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.50 Fiscal Year 2012 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Costto General Fund 001 and MSTD General Fund 111 Public Services Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to General Fund FY 2012 Net Cost to General Fund Public Services Division Admin County Extension, Education & Training Domestic Animal Services Housing, Veterans & Human Services Library Parks & Recreation Public Health Department Total Net Costs to General Fund 001 $ 349,800 526,100 2,397,700 5,426,100 6,697,900 3,668,300 1,666,400 20,732,300 $ 328,400 505,200 2,292,000 5,334,400 6,381,500 3,471,500 1,651,700 19,964,700 $ FY 2011 Transfer from General Fund FY 2012 Transfer from General Fund Housing, Veterans & Human Services (Transfer) Total Transfer from General Fund 001 $ 52,700 52,700 $ 87,100 87,100 $ Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ Compliance Exceeded $ Variance % -21,400 -6.1% -20,900 -4.0% -105,700 -4.4% -91 ,700 -1.7% -316,400 -4.7% -196,800 -5.4% -14,700 -0.9% (767,600) -3.7% Variance % 34,400 65.3% 34,400 65.3% (623,600) 109,600 FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund MSTD General Fund Variance % Housing, Veterans & Human Services 109,500 103,300 -6,200 -5.7% Parks & Recreation 9,068,100 8,684,200 -383,900 -4.2% Coastal Zone Management 162,900 156,500 -6,400 -3.9% Total Net Costs to MSTD General Fund 111 $ 9,340,500 $ 8,944,000 $ (396,500) -4.2% FY 2011 Transfer from FY 2012 Transfer from MSTD General Fund MSTD General Fund Variance % Parks & Recreation (Transfer) 373,100 362,000 -11.100 -3.0% Total Transfer from MSTD General Fund 111 $ 373,100 $ 362,000 $ (11,100) -3.0% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (291,500) Compliance Exceeded $ 116,100 Fiscal Year 2012 2 Public Services Divison Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget List of Services Not Funded in the Budget for FY 2012 Public Services Program/Services/Personne Operational Impact Public Services Division Overall, Public Services Division has reduced their employees through the hiring freeze implemented in 2008 and through the VSIP programs. During the current year, savings were generated throughout the Division by long-term employees leaving. As the Division has already reduced workforce by 22%, the positions that were vacated during FY 2011 were critical to operations. The Division requested hiring exceptions for many of these vacancies but they were filled at much lower rates. Additionally, when possible, these positions were down-graded prior to filling them. A final note is the Public Service Division has continued to defer capital replacements. Fleet recommended total capital replacements were $1,424,000 and only $53,000 is included in the FY 2012 budget, deferring $606,000 in General Fund 001 and $765,000 in MSTD General Fund 111. County Extension Services Through program changes and staff reductions, Extension Services met target Compliance. DAS Animal intakes have reduced and in turn have reduced the costs for DAS. No service reductions were needed. Department has deferred fleet recommended replacement of three animal transport vans at a cost of $1 05,000. The inmate labor program provided by the Sheriff's Office at no cost to the County remains crucial to the department operations in response to loss of personnel. The value of this service to DAS is approximately $120,000 annually. Housing, Human and Veteran Services No reductions to programs were made in Social Services or David Lawrence Center. Operating costs were reduced, including retirement rates. Libraries Current book replacement program is recommended 4% of the current book inventory, which would be approximately $800,000 annually. Current budget includes $70,000 from the General Fund and $70,000 from the Trust Funds with a planned expenditure of $200,000 from Grant funds in FY 2012. This generates a deficit of approximately $460,000. Parks and Recreation Savings continue within Parks and Recreation Department due to the hiring freeze. Parks has been able to maintain operations by utilizing job bank personnel on an as- needed basis in lieu of permanent employees. Public Health Program funding was kept consistent with the prior year, however, there were several reductions to operating costs. Total cost to reinstate services in GF (001) Required General Fund (001) Millage Rate Increase Public Services Division Division-wide deferred capital for MSTD General Fund 111 Housing, Human and Veteran Services Continues payment of 75% of the Housing Manager's salary and benefits from grant funds. Parks and Recreation A full-time position was down-graded to part-time and savings continue within Parks and Recreation Department due to the hiring freeze. Parks has been able to maintain operations by utilizing job bank personnel on an as-needed basis in lieu of permanent employees. Increases in the Voluntary Pre-K program has increased revenues, thus decreasing reliance upon ad valorem revenues. Parks and Recreation- The Community Center is continuing the deferment of the full cost of the playground Golden Gate Community renovations. The Community Center Board is considering a millage increase at this Center time. Coastal Zone Management Decrease in funding for the County-wide water quality testing program. Total cost to reinstate services in MSTD GF (111) Required MSTD General Fund (111) Millage Rate Increase FTE Reinstatement Cost 606,000 120,000 460,000 14,700 $ 1,200,700 0.02123 765,000 57,500 0.5 40,000 4,900 0.5 $ 867,400 0.02477 Fiscal Year 2012 3 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Marla Ramsey, Administrator The Public Services Division provides the citizens of Collier County with a wide variety of traditional governmental services that preserve and enhance the quality of life throughout the community. There are seven Departments within the Division including Domestic Animal Services, Housing, Human and Veteran Services, Library, Museum, Parks and Recreation, University Extension Services and Coastal Zone Management. Through contractual arrangements, this Division has oversight responsibilities for the David Lawrence Center and the Public Health Department. The goal of each Department is to exceed our customers' expectations in providing quality services as cost effectively as possible. The total budget appropriation in FY 2012, including transfers and reserves, is $42,339,700. Public Services' Departments are funded primarily by ad valorem taxes augmented by various user fees in Domestic Animal Services, Library, Parks and Recreation, and University Extension Services. The Division's fees are reviewed annually to reduce the need for additional ad valorem tax support. Tourist Development Taxes provide funding for the Museums and Coastal Zone Management. The total number of authorized permanent Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions in the Division for FY 2012 is 365.6. County Extension, Education & Training Department: The University Extension Services Department offers educational and demonstration services in the areas of Agriculture, Marine Sciences, Urban and Commercial Horticulture, Family Consumer Sciences and 4-H Youth Development. In FY 2010 the Department experienced an increase in requestfrom homeowners with assistance in gardening and expects this will continue in FY 2012. The 4-H program continues to grow and provides very valuable educational experiences for the Community youth. Domestic Animal Services Department: Domestic Animal Services provides protection to the citizens of Collier County from animal-related injury and zoonotic disease, gives temporary shelter to the community's unwanted and/or stray pet population, and promotes responsible pet ownership and humane treatment of animals. In FY 2012 the Department will continue focus on increasing compliance with Collier County's licensing, leash laws, and continued expansion of humane pet population control programs. Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department: The Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department was revised in FY 2011. The Director for Veteran Services retired and this Department was consolidated with the Housing and Human Services Department. All services provided to Community Veterans will continue without interruption. Veterans Services assist veterans and their dependents in preparing and pursuing claims and other entitlements. The department has a goal for FY 2012 to maintain 95% success rate in fulfilling transportation requests and continue its community outreach through public presentations. By leveraging local, state and federal funds, the Department provides a one-stop shop to lower income residents in need, including frail seniors, those seeking assistance with prescriptions and medical care, families striving for home ownership or to maintain their home and non-profits who meet affordable housing and community needs. In FY 2012, the Department will coordinate efforts with community partners to improve access to health care for those who are uninsured and under-insured via a health information technology project. The Department will also be coordinating several Stimulus Grants and a continuation of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. These programs are aimed at rehabilitation of foreclosed homes and homeless prevention. Library Department: The Library Department's FY 2012 initiatives include maintenance of circulation per capita at or above national average and enhancement of on-line services and materials. The Library Department will continue to maintain the current established hours at the branches and regional facilities for FY 2012. Museum Department: The Museum opened the Naples Depot In FY 2011 and completed the interior restoration of this historic Naples landmark. The exhibit plan will be enlarged and finalized for the Depot's remaining galleries and construction Initiated on a number of new displays to expand the Museum's presentation on the importance of transportation to the growth and development of Naples and Collier County. The Marco Island Museum opened in FY 2011 and is a joint project with the Marco Island Historical Society. Fiscal Year 2012 4 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks and Recreation Department: The Parks and Recreation Department has consolidated operations and continues their emphasis on providing the same level of service to the Community through increased efficiencies with technology and reorganizing resources. The Department increased Marina operations again in 2010 by opening the Goodland Boating Park Marina. Sun N Fun Lagoon continues to be a popular recreational attraction and recovers 100% of operational expenses with user fees. Goals for FY 2012 will continue to focus on increased cost recovery of recreational programming with user fee revenue targets of 35%. Public Health Department: The Public Health Department continues to coordinate its efforts with the Board of County Commissioners to provide health care and environmental programs for Collier County residents. Additionally, the Department continues to monitor the success of the endeavor to refer all housing that does not meet minimum migrant housing standards to Code Enforcement. Coastal Zone Management Department: The Coastal Zone Management Department is responsible for beach and inlet maintenance and management, planning and delivery of state of the art and cost effective beach park facilities, estuary management and the reefs, channel markers and derelict vessel programs The following is a list of telephone numbers for additional Information on programs and services provided by the Public Services Division: 252-8468 Administration 252-5326 Public Information Officer 455-1031 David Lawrence Center 252-7387 Domestic Animal Services 353-4244 Extension, Education & Training Center 252-8154 Housing, Human and Veteran Services 252-8448 (Veteran Services Direct Number) 593-0334 Library 252-8476 Museum 252-4000 Parks and Recreation 252-8200 Public Health Department 252-5342 Coastal Zone Management Fiscal Year 2012 5 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 DIvision Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 23,046.878 22,192,800 24,165,600 21,423,300 21,423,300 (3.5%) Operating Expense 16,799,759 16,983,800 21,669,100 16,609,400 16,609,400 (2.2%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 77,700 151,000 150,600 185,300 185,300 22.7% Capital Outlay 261,495 279,400 1,776,300 287,500 287,500 2.9% Grants and Aid 7,457,969 2,223,700 3,009,800 2,223,700 2,223,700 0.0% Remittances 3,926,101 500,000 20,230,700 500,000 500,000 0.0% Total Net Budget 51,569,901 42,330,700 71,002,100 41,229,200 41,229,200 (2.6)% Trans to Property Appraiser 2,915 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 35,331 43,900 36,700 34,200 34,200 (22.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 59,800 na Trans to 708 Hum Serv Match 37,255 123,000 123,000 (100.0%) Trans to 314 Museum Cap 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 504,400 447,000 447,000 (11.4%) Reserves For Capital 194,800 556,200 556,200 185.5% Reserve for Attrition (29,900) (29,900) na Total Budget 51,905,202 43,299,800 71,264,800 42,339,700 42,339,700 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Division Administration 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) County Extension, Education & Training 627,744 572,600 562,100 551,700 551,700 (3.7%) Domestic Animal Services 2,412,055 2,795,800 2,788,000 2,751,400 2,751,400 (1.6%) Housing, Human and Veteran Services 16,755,949 5,586,000 32,901,000 5,477,600 5,477,600 (1.9%) Department Library 6,643,783 7,160,900 8,313,300 6,832,500 6,832,500 (4.6%) Museum 1,200,739 1,427,900 1,357,500 1,415,900 1,415,900 (0.8%) Parks & Recreation Department 20,603,271 22,558,400 21,732,000 22,063,500 22,063,500 (2.2%) Public Health Department 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Coastal Zone Management 419,353 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Public Services Grants 845,923 1,014,700 na Total Net Budget 51,569,901 42,330,700 71,002,100 41,229,200 41,229,200 (2.6%) County Extension, Education & Training 27,700 33,300 33,300 20.2% Domestic Animal Services 198,400 189,500 189,500 (4.5%) Housing, Human and Veteran Services 37,255 299,800 123,000 88,500 88,500 (70.5%) Department Library 115,600 470,200 470,200 306.7% Museum 288,084 184,700 128,700 198,400 198,400 7.4% Parks & Recreation Department 9,962 142,900 11,000 130,600 130,600 (8.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 335,301 969,100 262,700 1,110,500 1,110,500 14.6% Total Budget 51,905,202 43,299,800 71,264,800 42,339,700 42,339,700 (2.2%) Fiscal Year 2012 6 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 348,053 321,300 305,200 276,900 276,900 (13.8%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 591 na Tourist Devel Tax 1,414,214 1,435,500 1,502,400 1,435,500 1,435,500 0.0% Licenses & Permits 322,031 245,500 236,000 258,000 258,000 5.1% Intergovernmental Revenues 12,170,870 20,000 27,267,900 20,000 20,000 0.0% . SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 49 na Charges For Services 7,539,807 8,855,200 8,437,000 9,001,100 9,001,100 1.6% Fines & Forfeitures 320,505 297,200 261,100 277,100 277,100 (6.8%) Miscellaneous Revenues 1,410,254 247,800 477,000 250,300 250,300 1.0% Interest/Misc 33,199 4,000 8,000 6,800 6,800 70.0% Reimb From Other Depts 74,181 57,400 64,500 64,500 64,500 12.4% Trans frm Property Appraiser 406 na Trans frm Tax Collector 15,668 na Net Cost General Fund 19,266,861 20,732,300 20,378,800 19,964,700 19,964,700 (3.7%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 8,783,448 9,340,500 9,083,300 8,944,000 8,944,000 (4.2%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 161,800 52,700 52,700 87,100 87,100 65.3% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 392,700 373,100 373,100 362.000 362,000 (3.0%) Trans fm 123 Svs for Sr Grants 37,255 123,000 123,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 168,100 2.1% Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 31,200 na Carry Forward 5,309,100 1,133,800 3,828,300 1,329,300 1,329,300 17.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (104,100) (105,700) (105,700) 1.5% Total Funding 57,763,992 43,299,800 72,594,100 42,339,700 42,339,700 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Division Administration 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% County Extension, Education & Training 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 (6.3%) Domestic Animal Services 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 0.0% Housing, Human and Veteran Services DepartmE 36.10 36.10 36.10 33.60 33.60 (6.9%) Library 86.00 84.50 84.50 84.50 84.50 0.0% Museum 14.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.0% Parks & Recreation Department 204.50 191.00 191.00 190.50 190.50 (0.3%) Coastal Zone Management 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Public Services Grants 0.50 0.50 na Total FTE 385.60 368.60 368.60 365.60 365.60 (0.8%) Changes from FY 2011 FTE levels (368.6) consists of the following: 2.5 vacant, grant funded positions were removed in Housing, Human and Veteran Services; one full-time position was reclassified to part-time in the Parks and Recreation Department. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Services Division Administration FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 302,956 329,700 292,400 302,800 302,800 (8.2%) Operating Expense 8,842 20,100 17 ,400 25,600 25,600 27.4% Net Operating Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Administration (001) 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total Net Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1'10) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total Funding 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Administration (001) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 8 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Services Division Administration Public Services Administration (001) Mission Statement To provide professional management and administration to the seven (7) departments and two (2) contracted agencies within the Division, providing a communication and organizational link between the County Commission, the County Manager, the staff and the public. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead To provide strategic and operational planning, budgeting and financial management, operating results and accountability, staff and policy development, and administrative and technical support to the BCC, County Manager, Constitutional Agencies and Advisory Boards. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 3.00 328,400 328,400 328,400 328,400 3.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 302,956 329,700 292,400 302,800 302,800 (8.2%) Operating Expense 8,842 20,100 17,400 25,600 25,600 27.4% Net Operating Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total Budget 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Total Funding 311,798 349,800 309,800 328,400 328,400 (6.1%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services are lower than adopted budget due to the Public Information Coordinator position remaining vacant. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services are lower than the prior fiscal year due to the long-term Administrative Secretary retiring and the position being filled at a lower rate. Additional savings were generated by the reduction in the retirement rates. Operating costs are minimal and Administration was finally able to put a small amount back in the budget for training due to the savings in personal services. Fiscal Year 2012 9 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division County Extension, Education & Training FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 494,966 423,600 404,000 404,400 404,400 (4.5%) Operating Expense 132,778 149,000 158,100 147,300 147,300 (1.1%) Net Operating Budget 627,744 572,600 562,100 551,700 551,700 (3.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 27,700 33,300 33,300 20.2% Total Budget 627,744 600,300 562,100 585,000 585,000 (2.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Extension, Ed & Training Ct (001) 544,488 552,000 516,800 531,100 531,100 (3.8%) Miscellaneous Grants (116) 67,821 26,000 na University Extension Trust Fund (604) 15,434 20,600 19,300 20,600 20,600 0.0% Total Net Budget 627,744 572,600 562,100 551,700 551,700 (3.7%) Total Transfers and Reserves 27,700 33,300 33,300 20.2% Total Budget 627,744 600,300 562,100 585,000 585,000 (2.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change Charge.s For Services 15,728 11,400 14,100 11,000 11,000 (3.5%) Miscellaneous Revenues 118,264 24,500 56,200 27,200 27,200 11.0% Interest/Misc 425 na Net Cost General Fund 510.932 526,100 488,700 505,200 505,200 (4.0%) Carry Forward 40,700 39,300 45.700 42,600 42,600 8.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) 0.0% Total Funding 686,048 600,300 604,700 585,000 585,000 (2.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change County Extension, Ed & Training Ct 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 0.0% (001) Miscellaneous Grants (116) 0.50 0.50 0.50 (100.0%) Total FTE 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 7.50 (6.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 10 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division County Extension, Education & Training County Extension, Ed & Training Ct (001) Mission Statement * To assist Collier County Government in reaching its growth management goals through research based practical education for its employees and the adult and youth population of Collier County. * To assist the citizenry to attain knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources and the life sciences and to make the knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of life throughout Collier County. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead 2.00 196,776 17,700 179,076 Fund for departmental administration/fixed overhead. 4-H Youth Development 1.50 . 106,211 106,211 Providing outreach programming to youth in areas of healthy lifestyles, leadership development and life skills training. Horticulture 2.00 104,095 104,095 Provides educational programming that addresses care, maintenance and proper landscape and water conservation practices as well as adaptation and use of Best Management Practices (BMP) in landscapes and gardens. Agriculture I Marine Science 2.00 124,018 8,200 115,818 Promoting sustainability in the agriculture industry and enhancing marine fishery and habitats. Current Level of Service Budget 7.50 531,100 25,900 505,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 . Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget # of Master Gardener Participant Volunteer Hours 5,609 6,000 4,300 4,000 -# of Youth Participating in 4-H 9,227 7,500 9,000 9,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 451,194 423,600 390,100 404,400 404,400 (4.5%) Operating Expense 93,294 128,400 126,700 126,700 126,700 (1.3%) Net Operating Budget 544,488 552,000 516,800 531,100 531,100 (3.8%) Total Budget 544,488 552,000 516,800 531,100 531,100 (3.8%) Total FTE 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 13,640 11,400 11,400 8,700 8,700 (23.7%) Miscellaneous Revenues 19,916 14,500 16,700 17,200 17,200 18.6% Net Cost General Fund 510,932 526,100 488,700 505,200 505,200 (4.0%) Total Funding 544,488 552,000 516,800 531,100 531,100 (3.8%) Fiscal Year 2012 11 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division County Extension, Education & Training County Extension, Ed & Training Ct (001) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are below budget due to a long-term extension agent leaving the agency. This is a critical position for the Extension Services and they plan to seek a replacement. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services are reduced as it is anticipated that the new extension agent will start below the current pay of the long term employee and the retirement rates were reduced. Operating expenses are being held consistent with the FY 2011 forecast. The University Extension Department has gone through several changes in programs over the past few years in efforts to maintain key services to the community yet reduce costs. The Palm Lethal Yellowing program was eliminated in 2009 for a savings of $20,000. Additionally, that year, a Multi-county agent position salary was removed, saving an additional $30,000. In 2010, the County began participating in the Multi-county Agriculture Extension Agents interlocal agreement approved by the Board of County Commissioners on October 13, 2009, via Agenda Item 16D7 with Hendry County and several other local counties to provide professional support to the agricultural community. Current year contribution is $27,400. The University Extension Services continues to restrict out-of-county travel, training and education for employees. Additionally, Extension Services continues to promote web based programs, which requires participants to download and print their own project worksheets and training information. Fleet had recommended the replacement of a 2003 Ford Explorer at a cost of $28,000 in the prior fiscal year. The University has elected to continue the deferral of this purchase. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division County Extension, Education & Training Miscellaneous Grants (116) Mission Statement Provide development opportunities for youth in leadership, citizenship, and practical skills as well as other miscellaneous activities needed by the community. Total FTE 0.50 0.50 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change 13,900 na 12,100 na 26,000 na 26,000 na 0.50 (100.0%) FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 26,000 na 26,000 na Net Operating Budget Total Budget FY 2010 Actual 43,772 24,050 67,821 67,821 FY 2011 Adopted Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Total Funding FY 2010 Actual 80,332 80,332 FY 2011 Adopted Program Funding Sources Miscellaneous Revenues Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services and operating expenses are the balance of the FY 2010 grant from the 4-H Foundation as their year end does not coincide with the County's. - Current FY 2012 - Budgets will be entered into the new Grants Management System upon acceptance of the grant award by the Board of County Commissioners and will no longer be presented in this fund. Public Services Grant Fund (709/710) will be used for all future grants. Additionally, the part-time employee was moved to the Public Services Grant Fund. Fiscal Year 2012 13 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division County Extension, Education & Training University Extension Trust Fund (604) Mission Statement Our University Extension Trust was created to designate funds to specific programs within the Extension education plan and these funds will be used in furthering the education mission of the Collier County UFIIFAS Extension. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration 1 Overhead 20,600 12,300 8,300 Reserves 33,300 41,600 -8,300 Current Level of Service Budget 53,900 53,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 15,434 20,600 19.300 20,600 20,600 0.0% Net Operating Budget 15,434 20,600 19,300 20,600 20,600 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 27,700 33,300 33,300 20.2% Total Budget 15,434 48,300 19,300 53,900 53,900 11.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 201:i FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 2,088 2,700 2,300 2,300 na Miscellaneous Revenues 18,016 10,000 13,500 10,000 10,000 0.0% Interest/Mise 425 na Carry Forward 40,700 39,300 45,700 42,600 42,600 8.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) 0.0% Total Funding 61,228 48,300 61,900 53,900 53,900 11.6% Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses are for the promotion and activities for the Master Gardeners Garden Workshop Series and the annual Yard & Garden Show. Revenues are estimated contributions from private sources based upon historical contribution levels as well as planned receipts from the above two programs, which are donations. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Domestic Animal Services FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,886,123 2,011,300 2,003,600 1,950,800 1,950,800 (3.0%) Operating Expense 525,932 779,100 779,100 759,100 759,100 (2.6%) Capital Outlay 5,400 5,300 41,500 41,500 668.5% Net Operating Budget 2,412,055 2,795,800 2,788,000 2,751,400 2,751,400 (1.6%) Reserves for Contingencies 198,400 189,500 189,500 (4.5%) Total Budget 2,412,055 2,994,200 2,788,000 2,940,900 2,940,900 (1.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Domestic Animal Control (001) 2,381,402 2,731,500 2,723,700 2,678,900 2,678,900 (1.9%) Domestic Animal Services Donations 8,811 16,800 16,800 23,200 23,200 38.1% (180) Neutered/Spay Trust Fund (610) 21,842 47,500 47,500 49,300 49,300 3.8% Total Net Budget 2,412,055 2,795,800 2,788,000 2,751,400 2,751,400 (1.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 198,400 189,500 189,500 (4.5'10) Total Budget 2,412,055 2,994,200 2,788,000 2,940,900 2,940,900 (1.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 . FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012. Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 272,031 195,500 236,000 258,000 258,000 32.0% Charges For Services 148,949 167,200 132.700 160,800 160,800 (3.8%) Fines & Forfeitures 7,218 12,200 5,100 5,100 5,100 (58.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 19.811 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% I nterest/Misc 1,729 na Net Cost General Fund 1,980,928 2,397,700 2,372,900 2,292,000 2,292,000 (4.4%) Carry Forward 210,600 204,700 229,200 207,900 207,900 1.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,100) (2,900) (2,900) (6.5%) Total Funding 2,641,266 2,994,200 2,995,900 2,940,900 2,940,900 (1.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Domestic Animal Control (001) 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 0.0% Total fTE 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 0.0% fiscal Year 2012 15 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Services Division Domestic Animal Services Domestic Animal Control (001) Mission Statement To ensure compliance with local and State animal-related laws; to return strays to their owners and promote adoption of homeless animals to new families; and to work toward ending the community problem of pet overpopulation. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 3.00 556,349 556,349 Fund Department administration and fixed overhead. Enforcement 12.00 927,754 281,100 646,654 Investigate citizen- or agency-initiated inquiries to enforce state and local animal laws, including but not limited to requirement to license; prohibitions against running at large, creating sanitary nuisance, and excessive barking; animal cruelty investigations; animal bite investigations for rabies prevention; and dangerous dog investigations. Assess appropriate penalties for infractions and impound stray animals. Inspect and permit animal-related businesses. Animal Care 8.00 632,614 51,300 581,314 Provide basic sanitary, sustenance, and enrichment services to animals in Department custody. Work toward positive outcomes for impounded animals as appropriate. Euthanize impounded animals as appropriate. Community Outreach 7.00 395,234 54,500 340,734 Facilitate animal adoption program, volunteer program, special events, and educational outreach efforts. Veterinary Clinic 2.00 166,949 166,949 Spay/neuter all cats and dogs prior to placement in home after adoption and prior to release to owner upon reclaim unless exempted as contemplated in the animal control ordinance; provide basic medical care to all animals in custody; provide and/or coordinate with outside veterinary clinics advanced medical care for special cases; and Donation Trust Fund cases. Current Level of Service Budget 32.00 2,678,900 386,900 2,292,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % of Human Rabies Exposure Cases Abated Within 14 Days 0.90 0.90 0.90 % Positive Animal Outcomes (adoptions, reclaims, transfers) 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 Animal Intake per 1,000 Population 20 18 19 19 Calls for Service per Officer 980 950 1,000 1,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,886,123 2,011,300 2,003,600 1,950,800 1,950,800 (3.0%) Operating Expense 495,279 714,800 714,800 686,600 686,600 (3.9%) Capital Outlay 5,400 5,300 41,500 41,500 668.5% Net Operating Budget 2,381,402 2,731,500 2,723,700 2,678,900 2,678,900 (1.9%) Total Budget 2,381,402 2,731,500 2,723,700 2,678,900 2,678,900 (1.9%) Total FTE 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 32.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 16 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Domestic Animal Services Domestic Animal Control (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 263,231 183,500 231,000 253,000 253,000 37.9% Charges For Services 129,547 138,100 114,700 128,800 128,800 (6.7%) Fines & Forfeitures 7,218 12,200 5,100 5,100 5,100 (58.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 479 na Net Cost General Fund 1,980.928 2,397,700 2,372,900 2,292,000 2,292,000 (4.4%) Total Funding 2,381,402 2,731,500 2,723,700 2,678,900 2,678,900 (1.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services savings were generated due to personnel movement within the department and subsequent partial-year vacancy in the fiscal technician position. Current FY 2012 - Personal services are below the prior year due to several employees leaving and their positions being filled at entry level. Additionally, savings resulted from the decrease in retirement rates and workers compensation expense. Operating expenses are decreased as a result of the continued lower animal intake, which offsets the potential deterioration of service delivery. Further operating expense reductions were achieved by elimination of contingency budgets for repair and maintenance, continuous curtailing of discretionary spending for training, travel, and marketing and by identifying more efficiencies in shelter operations. Revenues improved as a result of the success of the licensing compliance initiative, which has offset some additional operating expenses. Additionally, the contribution of inmate labor by the Sheriffs Department saves DAS approximately $120,000 annually and the program is essential to shelter operations. Capital outlay includes funding in the amount of $6,500 to remodel the customer service counter. Additionally, funding is provided for the purchase of one Ford Conversion Van at a cost of $35,000. Fleet had recommended this replacement in the prior fiscal year, however, there was insufficient funding. DAS is deferring the recommended purchase of three more Conversion Vans at a total cost of $105,000. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Domestic Animal Services Neutered/Spay Trust Fund (610) Mission Statement To sterilize all dogs and cats adopted from Domestic Animal Services as required by F.S. 823.15. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget 49,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Neutered or Spayed Program Ensure all animals adopted from Domestic Animal Services are neutered or spayed. Collect a required fee to be applied to the total cost of the neuter or spay. Resolution 96-63 established the procedure. Reserves 37,000 12,300 130,500 142,800 -12,300 Current Level of Service Budget 179,800 179,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 21,842 47,500 47,500 49,300 49,300 3.8% Net Operating Budget 21,842 47,500 47,500 49,300 49,300 3.8% Reserves For Contingencies 137,300 130,500 130,500 (5.0%) Total Budget 21,842 184,800 47,500 179,800 179,800 (2.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 8,720 12,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 (58.3%) Charges For Services 19,402 29,100 18,000 32,000 32,000 10.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 1,430 na I nterest/Misc 1,321 na Carry Forward 160,200 145,800 169,200 144,700 144,700 (0.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,100) (1,900) (1,900) (9.5%) Total Funding 191,073 184,800 192,200 179,800 179,800 (2.7%) Current FY 2012 - This fund collects a specified allocation for each license purchased for non-neutered/spayed animals and from the neuter/spay fees charged for each animal adopted. The operating budget pays outside veterinarians to spay and/or neuter animals prior to their adoption when the DAS clinic cannot accommodate the day's total surgery load or is not in operation due to absences. Reserves for Contingencies are for covering veterinary expenses with private veterinarians in the event the staff veterinarian is unable to perform the neutering/spaying. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Domestic Animal Services Domestic Animal Services Donations (180) Mission Statement To solicit, receive, and expend private or community donations for the purpose of improving the lives of domestic animals in Collier County. Program Summary Departmental Administration 1 Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 23,200 20,000 3,200 Reserves 59,000 62,200 -3,200 Current Level of Service Budget 82,200 82,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 8,811 16,800 16,800 23,200 23,200 38.1% Net Operating Budget 8,811 16,800 16,800 23,200 23,200 38.1% Reserves For Contingencies 61,100 59,000 59,000 (3.4%) Total Budget 8,811 77,900 16,800 82,200 82,200 5.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Licenses & Permits 80 Miscellaneous Revenues 17,902 20,000 20,000 20,000 Interest/Misc 408 Carry Forward 50,400 58,900 60,000 63,200 Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,000) Total Funding 68,791 77,900 80,000 82,200 FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change 63,200 (1,000) 82,200 na 0.0% na 7.3% 0.0% 5.5% 20,000 Forecast FY 2011 - Reflects operating expenses associated with the DAS signature fund raising event, Howl-A-Day Jubilee. Likewise, the forecast revenues represent funds raised from that event. Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses reflect Howl-A-Day Jubilee expenses, funding for special medical care for animals in DAS custody, funding for the volunteer-initiated and funded martingale collar training program. Revenues reflect funds anticipated from Howl-A-Day Jubilee and general donations. Fiscal Year 2012 19 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,215,660 794,200 3,146,800 729,200 729,200 (8.2%) Operating Expense 4,938,982 3,892,100 8,315,300 3,849,100 3,849,100 (1.1%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 300 400 (100.0%) Capital Outlay 124,834 22,800 na Grants and Aid 6,050,073 899,300 1,685,400 899,300 899,300 0.0% Remittances 3,426,101 19,730,700 na Net Operating Budget 16,755,949 5,586,000 32,901,000 5,477,600 5,477,600 (1.9%) Trans to 708 Hum Serv Match 37,255 123,000 123,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 176,800 88,500 88,500 (49.9%) Total Budget 16,793,204 5,885,800 33,024,000 5,566,100 5,566,100 (5.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Chango Adoption Awareness Vehicle Tags (170) 300 18,400 86,700 18,000 18,000 (2.2%) Community Develop Block Grant & Home 9.185,838 5,250,700 na Invest(121) David Lawrence Center, Inc. (001) 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% Housing Grants (7051706) 190,832 17,757,500 na Human Services Grants (7071708) 622,215 3,306,000 na Operational Support & Housing (111) 145,855 118,500 118,500 108,200 108,200 (8.7%) Retired & Senior Volunlr Prog RSVP 110,088 42,600 na (116) Services for Seniors Program (123) 1,255,335 42,000 na Social Services Program (001) 3,575,115 4,234,100 4,220,400 4,181,400 4,181,400 (1.2%) State Housing Incentives Part SHIP (191) 463,362 878,000 na Veterans Services (001) 307,709 315,700 299,300 270,700 270,700 (14.3%) Total Net Budget 16,755,949 5,586,000 32,901,000 5,477,600 5,477,600 (1.9%) Total Transfers and Reserves 37,255 299,800 123,000 88,500 88,500 (70.5%) Total Budget 16,793,204 5,885,800 33,024,000 5,566,100 5,566,100 (5.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 11,086,205 20,000 26,225,100 20,000 20,000 0.0% Charges For Services 98,599 5,000 4,800 4,200 4,200 (16.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 743,969 27,000 17,700 17,700 17,700 (34.4%) Interest/Misc 22,695 na Net Cost General Funcl 4,767,467 5,426,100 5,402,000 5,334,400 5,334,400 (1.7%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 98,643 109,500 113.000 103,300 103,300 (5.7%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 161,800 52,700 52.700 87,100 87,100 65.3% Trans fm 123 Svs for Sr Grants 37,255 123,000 123,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 3,291,800 123,500 1,086,100 400 400 (99.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,000) (';,000) 0.0% Total Funding 20,308,433 5,885,800 33,024,400 5,566,100 5,566,100 (5.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 20 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Social Services Program (001) 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 0.0% Retired & Senior Voluntr Prog RSVP 1.50 1.50 1.50 (100.0%) (116) Services for Seniors Program (123) 10.95 9.80 9.80 (100.0%) Community Develop Block Grant & 12.95 14.85 14.85 (100.0%) Home Invest(121) Operational Support & Housing (111) 2.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.0% Housing Grants (705n06) 14.85 14.85 na Human Services Grants (707n08) 8.80 8.80 na Veterans Services (001) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Total FTE 36.10 36.10 36.10 33.60 33.60 (6.9%) Fiscal Year 2012 21 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Social Services Program (001) Mission Statement Our professional staff provides a range of high quality, medical case management services to eligible citizens of Collier County as required by Florida Statutes 125.01,409.915,154.301,406.50, and 39.304(5). These services are either state mandated, emergency/short-term medical, or general assistance that support community members in restoring self-sufficiency, providing rehabilitation, and returning them to their previously achieved levels of productivity. These services seek to meet the minimum needs required for health and decency, according to available funding and Board of County Commissioners' policy and philosophy. 1.70 FY 2012 Budget 239,759 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 239,759 Program Summary Department Adm inistration/Overhead FY 2012 Total HE Funding for departmental administration and fixed departmental overhead. Medicaid County Billing Medicaid County expenses for Inpatient Hospital and Nursing Home care determined by Florida Statute 409.915. Indigent Burials and Abused Children Exams Provide burial/cremation services to Collier County residents, as required by Florida Statute 406.50, and medical exams to residents as required by Florida Statute 39.304(5). Medical Assistance 0.50 2,128,734 2,128,734 134,155 134,155 2.00 1,193,403 17,000 1,176,403 As identified in Florida Statute 125.01, provide one-time emergency financial assistance to persons in order to retum them to self-sufficiency, self-supporting, productive members of Collier County. Out-of-County Hospital Care as determined by Florida Statute 154.301 and Health Care Responsibility Act (HCRA). Medication Assistance 1.00 350,877 350,877 As identified in Florida Statute 125.01, provide short-term assistance to elderly, poverty level, uninsured county residents to alleviate illness and prolonged disabilities. Information and Referral 0.50 29,472 29,472 As identified in Florida Statute 125.01, provide information to services that meet the needs of the citizens in order to provide assistance. Shelter and Welfare 105,000 105,000 As identified in Florida Statute 125.01, provide assistance to individuals who are temporarily disabled or without income to prevent homelessness or eviction from their home. Current Level of Service Budget 5.70 4,181,400 17,000 4,164,400 Program Performance Measures # of clients using medical and prescription services FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Actual Budget Forecast 3,550 3,600 1,600 FY 2012 Budget 1,200 Fiscal Year 2012 22 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Social Services Program (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 432,667 451,300 437,600 438,100 438,100 (2.9%) Operating Expense 3,142,449 3,782,800 3,782,800 3,743,300 3,743,300 (1.0%) Net Operating Budget 3,575,115 4,234,100 4,220,400 4,181,400 4,181,400 (1.2%) Total Budget 3,575,115 4,234,100 4,220,400 4,181,400 4,181,400 (1.2%) Total FTE 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.70 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 14,056 23,000 17,000 17,000 17 ,000 (26.1%) Net Cost General Fund 3,561,059 4,211,100 4,203,400 4,164,400 4,164,400 (1.1%) Total Funding 3,575,115 4,234,100 4,220,400 4,181,400 4,181,400 (1.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services are less than anticipated as the Accounting Supervisor position was open for part of the year and then filled at a lower rate. Operating expenses are in line with budget, and the Medicaid H,ospitalline item was increased due to a 31 % increase in expenditures FY 2010. The Medicaid Hospital expenses have been extremely volatile and continue to increase as more people become eligible for Medicaid services. Since this is a State mandated service, staff felt it was prudent to plan for the increased costs associated with Medicaid Hospital and increased this line item. In an effort to increase revenue to the State, the Department is now receiving rebills from AHCA as far back as FY 2007. Revenues are $6,000 less than budget because of the decrease in new clients served. These revenues are from co-pays collected from clients receiving medical and/or prescription services. Because of the decrease in clients served, it has proportionately decreased the revenues. Current FY 2012 - Personal services are below prior year due to the change in personnel and reduced retirement rates. These savings are off-set by an increase in health insurance premiums. Operating costs were reduced to meet budget compliance. In the prior year, State mandated Medicaid Hospital costs were increased, causing a shift in funding away from individual medical and medication assistance, which is continuing this year. A decrease to Sheller and Welfare for the second consecutive year is included in this budget. County funds that were previously utilized to assist clients requiring shelter assistance have been reduced substantially. This activity is provided for under the stimulus grants designed for shelter assistance. " Note: The Low Income Program (LIP), formerly known as the Upper Payment Limit Program (UPL) will supplement County general funds by providing a 8.0% match to local government dollars. This match decreased substantially from the prior years where it was 15%. Only selected programs within the Medical Assistance Category are eligible for this program. Total County General Fund net cost for these programs is $169,400 with a LIP funding of $13,552 for a total contribution of $182,952. Fiscal Year 2012 23 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department David Lawrence Center, Inc. (001) Mission Statement To provide for the local match requirement as described in Florida Administrative Code 65E-14.005 and Florida Statute 394.76 for the State portion funding of community mental health centers. Program Summary Crisis Stabilization Unit - Adults FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 449,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 449,600 Provide brief voluntary and involuntary evaluation and treatment for individuals experiencing a psychiatric crisis in a non-hospital, inpatient mental health unit. Medical Services 174,700 174,700 Help clients achieve and maintain mental and emotional stability through client evaluation and assessment, medication management, and ongoing consultation. Detoxification 23,600 23,600 Provide a short-term medical detoxification program to individuals who voluntarily seek treatment. Individual and group counseling, discharge planning, referrals for sober supports, and aftercare are key elements in the treatment process. The unit currently has 12 beds. Comprehensive Community Service Teams Provide funding for a comprehensive Community Service Team which serves the severe and persistently ill. 251,400 251,400 Current Level of Service Budget 899,300 899,300 0.83 FY 2011 FY 2011 Budget Forecast 0.85 0.85 FY 2012 Budget 0.85 Program Performance Measures Percent of children who improve their level of functioning. (Applies to Bridges & Case Management) Avg. # of Clients Served for Adult Community Service Avg. Monthly Clients Served for Medical Services Crisis Stabilization Unit avg. mo. # of individuals served Detox average monthly # of individuals served FY 2010 Actual 74 40 60 60 30 30 82 33 80 42 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Grants and Aid 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% Net Operating Budget 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% Total Budget 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% Total Funding 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 899,300 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 24 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department David Lawrence Center, Inc. (001) Current FY 2012 - The David Lawrence Center funding from the General Fund (001) was held consistent with the prior year level, as it has been for the past four years. The Low Income Program (UP) (formerly referred to as the UPL Program) will supplement County general funds by providing a 8.0% match to local govemment dollars, which is substantially less than the prior year match of 15%. The County's contribution of $899,300 will be supplemented by the UP contribution of $71 ,944 for total program funding of $971 ,244. Total program funding for FY 2011 was $1,034,195 signifying a decrease of $62,951. Fiscal Year 2012 25 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department . Retired & Senior Voluntr Prog RSVP (116) Mission Statement The RSVP program is the only link in Collier County to match volunteers with agencies requesting senior volunteers to help serve the needs of the community. As sponsor of the program, Collier County Government is able to implement a more comprehensive volunteer program within County Government thereby reducing salary costs to the County. FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Personal Services 33,022 Operating Expense 77,067 Net Operating Budget 110,088 Total Budget 110,088 Total FTE 1.50 1.50 FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Intergovemmental Revenues 85,178 Charges For Services 58,198 Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 15,400 Carry FOlWard 237,400 Total Funding 396,175 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na (100.0%) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na na FY 2011 FY 2012 Forecast Current 42,600 42,600 42,600 1.50 FY 2011 FY 2012 Forecast Current 42,600 42,600 Forecast FY 2011 - Represents the balance of the RSVP grants in this fund.and are targeted to pay partial salaries. FY 2012 - Grants will no longer be budgeted or processed in this fund. The match required from the General Fund will be budgeted in Human Services Grants Fund (708). The personnel associated with the RSVP program were moved to Human Services Grants Fund (707). Fiscal Year 2012 26 Public Services Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Services for Seniors Program (123) Mission Statement To assist those frail, elderly Collier County residents in greatest medical, economic and social need to remain in their homes as long as possible and to improve or maintain their quality of life by preventing premature institutionalization. Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Capital Outlay FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change Total FTE 270,200 886,077 99,058 1,255,335 37,255 1,292,590 10.95 42,000 na na na Net Operating Budget Trans to 708 Hum Serv Match Total Budget 123,000 123,000 42,000 123,000 165,000 9.80 na (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) 9.80 Total Funding FY 2010 Actual 1,153,225 30,191 146,400 143,000 1,472,816 FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change Program Funding Sources Intergovemmental Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues Trans fm 001 Gen Fund Carry Forward 123,000 123,000 165,000 165,000 na na na (100.0%) (100.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - The total forecast of personal services and operating expenses are the combination of two years of grant funding. The Federal grants operate on the calendar-year and State grants are on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year cycle as opposed to the County's fiscal year. These amounts represent partial dollars that will be spent for Senior grant programs during the 10/11 Fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - This grant will be processed through the Grants Management System and will no longer be presented in the budget. Personnel and all new grants are in the Human Services Grant Fund (707). Fiscal Year 2012 27 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Adoption Awareness Vehicle Tags (170) Mission Statement Accounts for the County's portion of Choose Life L.icense Plate sales revenue which is distributed to nongovernmental, not-for-profit agencies that provide free counseling and services to pregnant women who are committed to placing their children for adoption. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Transfers 1,800 -1,800 Adoption Awareness Counseling 18,000 20,000 -2,000 Through a contract with a private non-profit agency, provide free counseling and services to pregnant women who will place their children for adoption. Miscellaneous/Reserves/ 3,200 -600 3,800 Current Level of Service Budget 21,200 21,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 18,000 86,700 18,000 18,000 0.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 300 400 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 300 18,400 86,700 18,000 18,000 (2.2%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,100 3,200 3,200 190.9% Total Budget 300 19,500 86,700 21,200 21,200 8.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 20,000 86,600 20,000 20,000 0.0% Interest/Misc 9 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,800 1,800 na Carry Forward 800 500 500 400 400 (20.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) 0.0% Total Funding 809 19,500 87,100 21,200 21,200 8.7% Forecast FY 2011 - Revenues are the total of the past four year's accumulation of Choose Life license plates. Reconciliation of the program was conducted during the past fiscal year and all accumulated funds received were released to Collier County. The funds were then distributed to the contracted agency to provide counseling and services for pregnant women. Current FY 2012 - Revenues and expenses are based on projected sales of Choose Life license plates. Funds received are distributed to the contracted agency to provide counseling and services for pregnant women. The transfer from the General Fund is a one-time reimbursement of indirect cost charges applied to this fund from 2006 to 2010. Per the contract, this is not an allowable charge and will not be charged again. Fiscal Year 2012 28 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Community Develop Block Grant & Home Invest(121) Mission Statement The mission of the Collier County Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department's grants and affordable housing programs is to meet the community needs by facilitating the creation of affordable housing opportunities, the improvement of communities, and the sustainability of neighborhoods. These goals and objectives will be met by working collaboratively with non-profit groups, governmental agencies, and public/private coalitions to coordinate activities and effectively leverage the resources available to the entire county. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 736,081 420,800 na Operating Expense 298,817 1,937,500 na Capital Outlay 25,776 22,800 na Grants and Aid 4,713,326 na Remittances 3.411,838 2,869,600 na Net Operating Budget 9,185,838 5,250,700 na Total Budget 9,185,838 5,250,700 na Total FTE 12.95 14.85 14.85 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 9,239,137 5,250,700 na Miscellaneous Revenues 527,270 na Carry Forward (49,800) na Total Funding 9,716,607 5,250,700 na Forecast FY 2011 - The forecast expenses reflect the continuation of some older grants, many of which cover a three-year period. New grants associated with CDBG will be processed in the new Grants Management System and shown in Housing Grants Funds (7051706). Community Development Block Grant Fund (121) will eventually be closed out as the older grants are closed. All employees were moved to the Housing Grants Fund (705). Fiscal Year 2012 29 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department State Housing Incentives Part SHIP (191) Mission Statement Increase the supply of affordable housing county-wide by managing the Affordable Housing Trust Fund providing for affordable housing strategies such as owner occupied housing rehabilitation and emergency repair, down payment/closing cost assistance, land acquisition with new construction and demolition with new construction. Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Grants and Aid Remittances FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change Net Operating Budget Total Budget 9,173 2,480 437,446 14,263 463,362 463,362 91,900 786,100 na na na na 878,000 878,000 na na Total Funding FY 2010 Actual 151,619 165,040 22,637 2,960,400 3,299,696 FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change Program Funding Sources Intergovemmental Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues Interest/Misc Carry Forward 878,000 878,000 na na na na na The SHIP Program was not funded in FY 2010, FY 2011 nor is it planned to be funded in FY 2012. During the FY 2010 State legislative session, $190 million was raided from the State's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This budget act required the funds be paid to the general revenue account no later than June 1, 2009. As a result, Florida Housing Finance Corporation was not able to fund the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) program for FY 2010, FY 2011 or FY 2012. This action removes an estimated $3 million from the County's affordable housing grant programs. Staff will continue to administer the existing grants and there are program revenues received in this fund to assist with operating costs. It is possible this program may be funded again in the future. State Statutes require this fund be maintained separately from all others until all program and or prior grant dollars are spent. SHIP funded staff were relocated to the Housing Grant Fund (705) in the prior year as the grant activity in that area has expanded. Fiscal Year 2012 30 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Operational Support & Housing (111) Mission Statement The mission of the Collier County Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department's grants and affordable housing programs is to meet the community needs by facilitating the creation of affordable housing opportunities, the improvement of communities, and the sustainability of neighborhoods. These goals and objectives will be met by working collaboratively with non-profit groups, governmental agencies, and public/private coalitions to coordinate activities and effectively leverage the resources available to the entire county FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration I Overhead 1.25 108,200 4,900 103,300 Current L~vel of Service Budget 1.25 108,200 4,900 103,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 95,042 95,700 95,700 86,300 86,300 (9.8%) Operating Expense 50,813 22,800 22,800 21,900 21,900 (3.9%) Net Operating Budget 145,855 118,500 118,500 108,200 108,200 (8.7%) Total Budget 145,855 118,500 118,500 108,200 108,200 (8.7%) Total FTE 2.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 40,402 5,000 4,800 4,200 4,200 (16.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 6,810 4,000 700 700 700 (82.5%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 98,643 109,500 113.000 103,300 103,300 (5.7%) Total Funding 145,855 118,500 118,500 108,200 108,200 (8.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Revenues continue to be off target due to a decline in impact fee deferral applications and the decreased participation of local banks in the Loan Consortium Program. Local banks have all but ceased participation in the program; rather, banks are approving loans that can be sold to the secondary market. Current FY 2012 - Funding for this function is provided in part by fees collected from providing credit reports to potential home buyers and Loan Consortium origination fees. Both functions are anticipated to generate total revenue of $4,900. The balance of funding is bome as a net cost to MSTD Fund (111). There will be no revenues associated with impact fee applications for FY 2012 as the impact fee deferral program remains suspended. Personal Services include budget for one and one-quarter (1.25) HE's; one-quarter (1/4) of the Housing Manager position and one Loan Processor. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the Housing Manager's position is being paid from various grants in the Housing Grants Fund (705) and Community Development Block Grant & Home Investment Fund (121). Fiscal Year 2012 31 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Housing Grants (7051706) Mission Statement The mission of the Collier County Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department's grants and affordable housing programs is to meet the community needs by facilitating the creation of affordable housing opportunities, the improvement of communities and the sustainability of neighborhoods. These goals and objectives will be met by working collaboratively with non-profit groups, governmental agencies and public/private coalitions to coordinate activities and effectively leverage the resources available to the entire county. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead/Projects FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 14.85 Current Level of Service Budget 14.85 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Foreclosed properties purchased and rehabilitated for sale to low to 50 15 13 15 moderate income families Number of rental assistance to very low and low income households 60 60 1G4 50 # of Single Family & Multi-Family Properties Renovated 80 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 154,507 1,038,700 na Operating Expense 36,325 862,800 na Remittances 15,856,000 na Net Operating Budget 190,832 17,757,500 na Total Budget 190,832 17,757,500 na Total FTE 14.85 14.85 na Program Funding Sources Intergovemmental Revenues FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change 17,757,500 17,757,500 na Total Funding na NOTE: All new grants for CDBG, HUD, NSP, and other Housing related grant programs will be in this fund in the new Grants Management System. Grants will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and budget amendments will' allocate the grant funds and expenditures at that time. Only required match for established grants will be budgeted in this fund in the future, along with their associated program expenses. Forecast FY 2011 - These amounts represent new grants received during the fiscal year and carryforward of continuing grant programs as described below. HUD Entitlement Programs Collier County is a recipient of entitlement funding based on the demographics of its population and as such, must provide services that meet a national objective for low and moderate income families. The Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department facilitates a competitive grant application process for the dollars received as an entitlement community. During this process, non-profit organizations submit applications requesting assistance in meeting their goals to solve community problems in the areas of affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, economic diversification and public facility improvement in low-income neighborhoods. At this time, HHVS is administering 78 separate projects approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Fiscal Year 2012 32 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Housing Grants (705/706) The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program works to ensure there is an adequate supply of decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable persons in our communities, and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses. The HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds a broad range of eligible activities, housing construction or rehabilitation, tenant-based rental assistance and other housing activities. The Emergency Shelter Grants Program (ESG) provides homeless persons with basic shelter and essential supportive services. Programs authorized by The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act are administered by HUD. In turn, HUD awards funds competitively to communities seeking to develop of a "Continuum of Care" (CoC) system. Collier County serves as the lead agency for the local CoC and administers four CoC grants with St. Matthew's House, Shelter for Abused Women and Children, Collier County Housing Authority and HMIS. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) The Neighborhood Stabilization Program was authorized by Title III of Division B of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, 2008. The program's total appropriation was $3.92 billion, of which Collier County was awarded $7.3 million dollars. The funds are currently being used for the acquisition and rehabilitation of abandoned and foreclosed homes and residential properties. Activities are focused within the areas at greatest risk for further economic deterioration. Factors considered include the percentage of home foreclosures, percentage of homes financed by a subprime mortgage related loan, and those geographical areas likely to face a significant rise in the rate of foreclosures. Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP-3) The Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 (NSP-3) was authorized by Title III of Division B of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, 2008. An additional allocation through the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 201 0 (Dodd-Frank Act) established the NSP-3. The program's total appropriation was $1 billion, of which Collier County was awarded approximately $3.9 million dollars. The funds will be used for the acquisition and rehabilitation of abandoned and foreclosed homes and residential properties. Activities are focused within the areas at greatest risk for further economic deterioration. Factors considered include the percentage of home foreclosures, percentage of homes financed by a subprime mortgage related loan, and those geographical areas likely to face a significant rise in the rate of foreclosures. Stimulus Funding for FY 2010: The County received additional stimulus funds toward two affordable housing initiatives. The Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP) is geared to provide financial assistance and services to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless or help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. Of the national HPRP appropriation of $1.5 billion; Collier County's allocation is $888,850. The HPRP program provides financial assistance for rent payments, utility assistance, security deposits, credit counseling, and moving assistance to the homeless or those persons who are at risk of becoming homeless. The Community Development Block Grant - Recovery program (CDBG-R) is part of President Obama's "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" (Public Law 111-5) which is designed to stimulate the American economy though measures that modemize our infrastructure, jump start American energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preservelimprove health care, provide middle-class tax relief, and help those in need. These two programs were awarded to the County in the latter part of 2009 and are currently being administered by the Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department. Disaster Recovery Initiative 2010 On February 13, 2009 and August 14, 2009, disaster relief funding was made available to Florida by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, under Title IV of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et. seq.) for federally declared natural disasters that occurred during 2008. Specifically, in Florida, Congress allocated $81 million and directed that the funds go to the areas facing the greatest need in recovering from Tropical Storm Fay, Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike. The County has been awarded $9.9 million in disaster recovery funding associated with Tropical Storm Fay in 2008. The funds will be administered by the Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department. Projects associated with this funding include hurricane hardening for multi-family residential structures, stormwater drainage improvements, and emergency shelter improvements. Disaster Recovery Enhancement Funding (DREF) The Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009, (Public Law 110-329, approved September 30, 2008) appropriated $6.5 billion dollars for recovery from 2008 disasters. Funds must be used only for disaster relief, long-term recovery, and restoration of infrastructure, housing and economic revitalization in areas affected by hurricanes, flooding and other natural disasters, for which the President declared a major disaster. Florida received a total of $81 million dollars, of which Collier County was awarded approximately $3.3 million dollars; 14 percent of Collier County's total allocation must be used to address affordable rental housing. The grant is expected before 10/1/11. Fiscal Year 2012 33 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Human Services Grants (707/708) Mission Statement To provide community services through grant awards designed to: support seniors by providing in-home support and nutrition assistance to those in greatest medical, economic and social need thereby improving quality of life and preventing premature institutionalization; creating volunteer opportunities for seniors; and the administration of various community initiatives in which grant funds are received. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Federal Grant ~.OO 15,400 12,700 2,700 Grant program sponsored by Collier County Govemment whereby retirees contribute time and expertise to the community. Community Care for the Elderly Grant 5.25 Older Americans' Act 2.55 69,900 72,600 -2,700 Older Americans' Act - Title III-B, III-C1, III-C2, and III-E Grants Current Level of Service Budget 8.80 85,300 85,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget # of Clients Served 1,074 1,025 1,023 1,000 # of Nutritious Meals Served 50,000 50,000 # of Senior Assessments Completed 100 100 # of Service Units Provided 153,517 143,000 135,000 135,000 Total Hours of Service to Collier County 6,566 6,166 6,166 6,200 Total Hours Serviced by Volunteers 81,520 68,851 58,690 60,000 Total number of Registered Volunteers 914 765 668 525 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 207,232 875,700 na Operating Expense 414,983 1,425,200 na Remittances 1,005,100 na Net Operating Budget 622,215 3,306,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 175,700 85,300 85.300 (51.5%) Total Budget 622,215 17.5,700 3,306,000 85,300 85,300 (51.5%) Total FTE 8.80 8.80 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 457,045 3,130,300 na Interest/Misc 49 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 52,700 52,700 85,300 85,300 61.9% Trans fm 123 Svs for Sr Grants 37,255 123,000 123,000 (100.0%) Total Funding 494,350 175,700 3,306,000 85,300 85,300 (51.5%) NOTE: All new grants for Services for Seniors, Human Services, and Retired & Senior Volunteer Programs will be in this fund in the new Grants Management System. Grants will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and budget amendments will allocate the grant funds and expenditures at that time. Only required match for established grants will be budgeted in this fund in the future, along with their associated program expenses. Fiscal Year 2012 34 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Human Services Grants (7071708) Forecast FY 2011 - These amounts represent new grants received during the fiscal year as well as the continuation of existing grants from prior year. The transfer in the forecast of $123,000 from Fund 123, Services for Seniors was to partially close out this fund in the prior year. The money represented several years of accumulated excess grant funds that were not required to be turned back as well as excess General Fund (001) contributions. ~ Current FY 2012 - The transfer from the General Fund is the required match for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in the amount of $12,700 and a transfer to Community Care for the Elderly in the amount of $72,600. The Board of County Commissioners will be presented with the current Seniors programs for their approval prior to the July 1, 2011 start date. Services for Seniors The Services for Seniors program provides professional case management services for individuals 60 years of age and older, who are at risk for nursing home placement. The Department serves as the lead agency for elder services for Collier County. The services provided include support services, such as personal care, homemaking, supplies, daycare and subsidies to caregivers to enable our frail elderly to age in place. The grant is provided by the Department of Elder Affairs and the Area Agency on Aging. Nutrition Program The Department operates a Senior Nutrition Program which provides home delivered meals and operates four congregate meal dining sites throughout Collier County. The dining sites are located in East Naples, Naples, Immokalee and Golden Gate. The nutrition program is supported by funding from the Older Americans Act and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Retired Senior and Volunteer Program The Retired Senior and Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides volunteer opportunities for individuals 55 years of age and older in Collier County. The program works with over 100 non profit and government agencies to provide this support. Almost 675 RSVP volunteers contribute thousands of hours per year providing needed services throughout the County. The grant of $40,891 is provided by the Corporation for National and Community Service. Health Care Access to the Uninsured Grant The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant awarded to Collier County on behalf of the Physician Led Access Network (PLAN) was funded by a Special Congressional Earmark from the United States Department of Health and Human Services for $594,000. The purpose of the Outreach Focused Special Congressional Initiative program is to improve health care access to the uninsured in rural areas by increasing marketing, education and outreach. Funds will be used to increase access by implementing a new Primary Care Services Program that will include financial assistance for laboratory services, pharmacy access and the implementation and licensing of a new electronic database tracking system that will allow PLAN and other participating community health providers to identify, serve and track those who qualify for indigent health care and other social services. Safe Havens Visitations Program The Safe Havens grant in the amount of $350,000 was awarded from the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women in 2009 as a three-year grant. The Collier County Child Advocacy Council (CCCAC) utilizes these funds to improve supervised visitation services, enhance security and expand center services. The CCCAC anticipates serving over 200 children and adult victims of domestic violence each year. The goals are to keep children and adult victims safe, to provide a positive environment for visitation and exchanges and to assist families through their crisis with case management services. Funding for this project will end in September 2012. Adult Drug Court Discretionary Enhancement Program The Adult Drug Court Enhancement Program (Drug Court) is funded through the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance. Collier County was allocated $197,614 to fund the program for two (2) years. Funding will enhance a post-adjudication, court supervised, 'substance abuse treatment program. The Drug Court team consists of Judge Grieder, David Lawrence Center, Court Administration, State Attomey's office, Public Defender's Office, and the Sheriff Office's Department of Corrections. Fiscal Year 2012 35 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Human Services Grants (707/708) Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant (CJMHSA) The Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant (CJMHSA> is funded through the State of Florida Department of Children and Families. Collier County was allocated $548,490 over three (3) years with $182,830 of the total grant amount being awarded beginning with state fiscal year 201 0-2011. The program will seek to plan, implement, or expand initiatives that increase public safety, avert increased spending on criminal justice, and improve the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment services. The program serves persons who have a mental illness, substance abuse disorder, or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders and who are in, or at risk of entering, the criminal justice system. The agencies contracted with for this grant include the Collier County Sheriffs Office, David Lawrence Center and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Fiscal Year 2012 36 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Housing, Human and Veteran Services Department Veterans Services (001) Mission Statement To assist veterans and their dependents in preparing and pursuing claims and other entitlements. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Veteran Advocacy 3.00 228,000 228,000 To assist veterans and their dependents with service and non-service connected claims against the Veteran's Administration (yA). To provide information and assistance in obtaining other federal, state and local benefits. Transportation System 4,000 4,000 Transport veterans to VA medical facilities throughout Southern Florida. Veterans' Special Events 38,700 38,700 Provide support to various activities recognizing our Veterans, including the annual 4th of July celebration. Current Level of Service Budget 3.00 270,700 270,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 277,738 247,200 235,700 204,800 204,800 (17.2%) Operating Expense 29,971 68,500 63,600 65,900 65,900 (3.8%) Net Operating Budget 307,709 315,700 299,300 270,700 270,700 (14.3%) Total Budget 307,709 315,700 299,300 270,700 270,700 (14.3%) Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 601 na Net Cost General Fund 307,108 315,700 299,300 270,700 270,700 (14.3%) Total Funding 307,709 315,700 299,300 270,700 270,700 (14.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are below budget due to the retirement of the Administrative Assistant during the year and subsequent reclassification of that position to a Customer Service Specialist at a substantially lower rate. Forecast includes provisions for payouts for the retiring employee as well. Current FY 2012 - The Department includes personnel and minor operating expenses to continue all existing services to Veterans. There were no Fleet recommended vehicle replacements for the program this year. Expenditures for the Veteran's Fourth of July Celebration were reduced by 3% in accordance with budget guidance. The net cost to the General Fund decreased substantially due to the retirements of long-term employees and the subsequent reclassification of their existing positions. Fiscal Year 2012 37 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,040,453 5,230,800 5,101,100 4,963,100 4,963,100 (5.1%) Operating Expense 1,567,199 1,860,100 1,790,500 1,729,400 1,729,400 (7.0%) Capital Outlay 36,131 70,000 1,421,700 140,000 140,000 100.0% Net Operating Budget 6,643,783 7,160,900 8,313,300 6,832,500 6,832,500 (4.6%) Reserves For Capital 115,600 470,200 470,200 306.7% Total Budget 6,643,783 7,276,500 8,313,300 7,302,700 7,302,700 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Library (001) 6,600,866 7,070,900 6,871,600 6,762,500 6,762,500 (4.4%) Library Grants (129) 36,567 1,351,700 na Library Trust Fund (612) 6,350 90,000 90,000 70,000 70,000 (22.2%) Total Net Budget 6,643,783 7,160,900 8,313,300 6,832,500 6,832,500 (4.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 115,600 470,200 470,200. 306.7% Total Budget 6,643,783 7,276,500 8,313,300 7,302,700 7,302,700 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 206,021 204,600 na Charges For Services 114,569 138,000 142,000 146,000 146,000 5.8% Fines & Forfeitures 279,186 235,000 235,000 235,000 235,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 232,126 17,000 137,700 37,000 37,000 117.6% InterestlMisc 3,264 3,200 3,200 3,200 na Net Cost General Fund 6,171,593 6,697,900 6,494,100 6,381,500 6,381,500 (4.7%) Carry Forward 912.700 189,600 1,598,600 501,900 501,900 164.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,900) (1,900) 90.0% Total Funding 7,919,458 7,276,500 8,815,200 7,302,700 7,302,700 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Library (001) 86.00 84.50 84.50 84.50 84.50 0.0% Total FTE 86.00 84.50 84.50 84.50 84.50 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 38 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library Library (001) Mission Statement To systematically collect, organize and disseminate to the residents of Collier County a select collection of print and non print materials that in a timely fashion satisfy their informational, recreational, cultural and educational needs. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE 15.50 FY 2012 Budget 1,738,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Library Administration 381,000 1,357,600 The Administration Program for the Collier County Public Library system is located in the Headquarters facility. This program currently consists of six components: General Supervision and Finance, Acquisitions, Technical Services, Data Management, Public Relations and Training/Courier Services among the libraries. Headquarters Library The Headquarters Library program provides a full-service public library to approximately 100,000 citizens living in the northem areas of the County, provides 64 hours of service weekly, and is open seven days a week year round. Services include: reference, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's books and story programs, OverDrive download station, and other special programs and activities. 31% of the library usage is from this location. Naples Regional Library 18.50 1,397,400 1,397,400 17.00 1,322,300 1,322,300 The Naples Regional Library program provides a full service public library within the City of Naples, for a total of 56 hours on six days per week. This library, representing 19% of the library usage, houses the largest book collection in the system, includes extensive reference and genealogy collections. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's books and story programs, and other special programs and activities. The Library's Mail-A-Book service to those who cannot visit a library operates from this location. Immokalee Branch 4.00 244,700 244,700 The Immokalee Branch Library program provides a full service public library to Immokalee and the community of Ave Maria. This library offers specialized information and referral program to the Immokalee residents and all of Collier County. This library is the sole source of public library services in the area, providing 40 hours of service weekly. It is located 25 miles from the Estates Branch and 50 miles from the Headquarters Library. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents about 3% of the library usage. Golden Gate Branch 5.50 456,628 456,628 The Golden Gate Branch Library program provides a full service public library, with 52 hours of service weekly. Golden Gate Branch is located 12 miles from the Headquarters Library, 8 miles from the Naples Regional Library and 8 miles from the Estates Branch. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents about 9.5% of library usage. Fiscal Year 2012 39 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library Library (001) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Marco Island Branch 4.50 293,600 293,600 The Marco Island Branch Library program provides a full service public library to the citizens living on Marco Island, the Isles of Capri and Goodland, with 44 hours of service weekly. This library is located on Marco Island and is 15 miles from the East Naples Branch, 13 miles from the new South Regional Library and 23 miles from the Headquarters Library. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents about 7.6% of library usage, with definite seasonal patterns of usage. East Naples Branch 3.50 160,500 160,500 The East Naples Branch Library program provides a full service public library to the area residents, with 36 hours of service weekly. This library is located about 10 miles from the Naples Regional Library, 22 miles from the Headquarters Library and 7 miles from the new South Regional. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents about 5.6% of library usage. Estates Branch 4.50 271,572 271,572 The Estates Branch Library program provides a full service public library, with 36 hours of service weekly. Estates Branch is located 22 miles from the Headquarters Library, 8 miles from the Golden Gate Branch, and 25 miles from the Immokalee Branch Library. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents about 6.1 % of library usage. The Estates Branch has a formal computer lab for use by the public. Vanderbilt Beach Branch 2.00 160,800 160,800 The Vanderbilt Beach Branch Library program provides a full service public library, with 36 hours of service weekly. Vanderbilt Beach Branch is located 6 miles from the Headquarters Library and 14 miles from the Naples Regional Library. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents 7.3% of library usage. South Regional Library 9.50 716,400 716,400 The South Regional Library program opened May 2009, and offers a full range of services during 56 hours, six days per week. The library provides Saturday hours to the residents of East Naples and Marco Island. Services include: reference materials, books for home use, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, audio books, public computers, children's book and story programs, and other special programs and activities. This library represents 9.1 % of library usage. The South Regional Library has a meeting room that will hold nearly 400 people. Current Level of Service Budget 84.50 6,762,500 381,000 6,381,500 Fiscal Year 2012 40 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library Library (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Annual Circulation 2,969,238 3,000,000 2,700,000 2,700,000 Children's Programs per 1,000 Population 6 6 6 Network Improvements-replace wireless routers @ 9 libraries 9 9 9 Need approximately $800,000 annually to replace 4% of Library collections, 8,000 8,000 8,000 per plan. However, funds are only available for 1 % ($200,000), or approximately 8,000 books. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,040,453 5,230,800 5,101,100 4,963,100 4,963,100 (5.1%) Operating Expense 1,553,871 1,840,100 1,770,500 1,729,400 1,729,400 (6.0%) Capital Outlay 6,542 70,000 70,000 na Net Operating Budget 6,600,866 7,070,900 6,871,600 6,762,500 6,762,500 (4.4%) Total Budget 6,600,866 7,070,900 6,871,600 6,762,500 6,762,500 (4.4%) Total FTE 86.00 84.50 84.50 84.50 84.50 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 114,569 138,000 142,000 146,000 146,000 5.8% Fines & Forfeitures 279,186 235,000 235,000 235,000 235,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 35,519 500 na Net Cost General Fund 6,171,593 6,697,900 6,494,100 6,381,500 6,381,500 (4.7%) Total Funding 6,600,866 7,070,900 6,871,600 6,762,500 6,762,500 (4.4%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are slightly below budget. Several employees participated in the VSIP program in the prior year. These employees left critical vacancies for the libraries. The library was able to fill some of these positions in order to maintain the current level of service to the Community. The replacement employees were hired at starting salaries, and hire dates were delayed up to two months, creating the savings. Savings in operating expenses were mainly related to electricity. All branches combined totaled $53,000 in savings for electrical service. Current FY 2012 - Personal service levels remained the same as in the prior fiscal year, however, due to the fact that several long-term employees were replaced with new employees at starting salaries, savings of nearly 3% were generated. An additional 2.1 % in savings was generated from the reduction in retirement rates. Funding for job bank employees has been included to provide additional coverage needed during the winter months and for seasonal help for the summer reading program. Operating costs continued their decrease primarily due to the total electrical savings of all the branches combined. This level of operating expense will enable the Library to maintain the current hours at all Library locations. Capital outlay is included at $70,000 for the purchase of books. In order to meet current budget guidance, the remaining book purchases for the fiscal year will be made from the State Aid to Libraries grant proceeds and the Library's Trust fund. Fleet recommended the replacement of a 2002 Ford Explorer for the libraries at a total cost of $26,000. This purchase will be deferred at this time. Fiscal Year 2012 41 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library Library Grants (129) Mission Statement To account for funds received from the State of Florida, as State Aid to Libraries and other state and federal grants, for the Collier County Public Library. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 10,828 na Capital Outlay 25,739 1,351,700 na Net Operating Budget 36,567 1,351,700 na Total Budget 36,567 1,351,700 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 206,021 204,600 na Miscellaneous Revenues 170,069 na Carry Forward 484,100 1,147,100 na Total Funding 860,190 1,351,700 na Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are forecast to equal revenues as this is a grant fund. Grant funds roll forward at the close of each year and therefore, carryforward cannot be budgeted in these funds. This grant allows for carryforward of the balances from year-to-year and the library department is working to supplement County funding for book purchases with these grant funds. There is no budget presented for FY 2012 as this grant will be processed in the new Grants Management Program at a divisional level. Grant awards will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners and budget amendments will be process at that lime. This grant will be maintained in the Public Services Grants Fund (709/710). Note: State Aid to Libraries is, by legislative intent, provided to improve library services within the State and is intended to supplement rather than replace local efforts. Fiscal Year 2012 42 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Library Library Trust Fund (612) Mission Statement To accept and be accountable for donations and bequests received from the public for the Collier County Public Library System. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Library Enhancements 70,000 40,200 29,800 Used to fund Library improvements ReserveslTransfers 470,200 500,000 -29,800 Current Level of Service Budget 540,200 540,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,500 20,000 20,000 (100.0%) Capital Outlay 3,850 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 6,350 90,000 90,000 70,000 70,000 (22.2%) Reserves For Capital 115,600 470,200 470,200 306.7% Total Budget 6,350 205,~00 90,000 540,200 540,200 162.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 26,538 17,000 137,200 37,000 37,000 117.6% 'nterest/Misc 3,264 3,200 3,200 3,200 na Carry Forward 428,600 189,600 451,500 501,900 501,900 164.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,000) (1,900) (1,900) 90.0% Total Funding 458,402 205,600 591,900 540,200 540,200 162.7% Forecast FY 2012 - Revenues are from private party donations some of which have specific identification for their use and others that are generally for the betterment of the Public Libraries. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted funds will be used to purchase library publications and data processing equipment. The reserve for capital is for capital items as designated by the donor or at the discretion of the Library Department. Fiscal Year 2012 43 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Museum FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 871,784 928,300 895,500 899,300 899,300 (3.1%) Operating Expense 314,645 439,600 393,600 456,600 456,600 3.9% Indirect Cost Reimburs 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 14,309 8,400 na Net Operating Budget 1,200,739 1,427,900 1,357,500 1,415,900 1,415,900 (0.8%) Trans to Tax Collector 28,284 35,900 28,700 28,700 28,700 (20.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 59,800 na Trans to 314 Museum Cap 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 48,800 99,600 99,600 104.1% Reserve for Attrition (29,900) (29,900) na Total Budget 1,488,823 1,612,600 1,486,200 1,614,300 1,614,300 0.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Museum Fund (198) 1,200,739 1,427,900 1,357,500 1,415,900 1,415,900 (0.8%) Total Net Budget 1,200,739 1,427,900 1,357,500 1,415,900 1,415,900 (0.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves 288,084 184,700 128,700 198,400 198,400 7.4% Total Budget 1,488,823 1,612,600 1,486,200 1,614,300 1,614,300 0.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 1,414,214 1,435,500 1,502,400 1,435,500 1,435,500 0.0% Charges For Services 150 500 na Miscellaneous Revenues 3,935 400 na Interest/Misc 1,156 800 na Trans frm Tax Collector 12,544 na Carry Forward 320,900 248,900 232,700 250,600 250,600 0.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (71,800) (71,800) (71,800) 0.0% Total Funding 1,752,898 1,612,600 1,736,800 1,614,300 1,614,300 0.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Museum Fund (198) 14.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.0% Total FTE 14.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 44 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Museum Museum Fund (198) Mission Statement To preserve Collier County's non-renewable historical and archaeological resources and promote a fuller public knowledge and appreciation of our community's unique heritage and cultural development through the use of permanent and traveling exhibits, artifact, document and photographic collections, historic sites, visitor tours, historical research, school and educational programs, preservation and historic marker programs, community outreach, lectures, publications, and family-shared cultural events and activities. Program Summary Museums & Historic Sites Administration/Overhead Funding to administer and maintain the Museum's main facility, its historic sites, structures, markers and botanical gardens. To minimize loss and deterioration of the artifact and photographic collections, County documents, maps, records and other non-renewable historical, archeological and cultural resources. Collections, Exhibition & Information Services Provide regular operating schedule for public visitation, resources for exhibit research, exhibit development, professional management and conservation of the collections, and maintain permanent exhibits to interpret the history and development of Collier County for both residents and visitors. Education & Community Services Provides curriculum-based student programs, volunteer training, outreach activities and lectures to civic groups and organizations, special exhibitions, and family-centered leaming experiences such as the Old Florida Festival, Archaeology Fair, Native Plant Exhibition, Tamiami Trail Commemoration, and Roberts Ranch Historical Re-enactment. Museum of the Everglades Provide funding to maintain and operate a County Museum branch facility in Everglades City. The restored structure is a nationally recognized and registered historic landmark. Roberts Ranch/lmmokalee Pioneer Museum Provide funding to develop, maintain and operate a County Museum branch facility at the Roberts Ranch in Immokalee. The restored property is a nationally recognized and registered historic landmark. Naples Depot Provide funding to develop, maintain and operate a County Museum branch facility at the Naples Depot. Marco Island Museum Provide funding to develop, maintain and operate a County Museum branch facility on Marco Island. ReserveslTransfers Current Level of Service ~udget FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2012 Budget 383,604 FY 2012 Revenues 1,435,500 -1,051,896 2.00 3.00 341,466 341,466 1.00 74,130 74,130 2.00 169,800 169,800 2.00 168,300 168,300 2.00 183,900 183,900 1.00 94,700 94,700 198,400 178,800 19,600 13.00 1,614,300 1,614,300 Fiscal Year 2012 45 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Museum Museum Fund (198) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget # of Visitors 86,291 100,000 90,000 95,000 # of Visitors per FTE 7,191 8,333 6,923 7,307 % Conversion to LED Lighting 0.05 0.05 0.30 % Marco Exhibits Completed 0.10 0.15 0.30 % Non-County Visitors 0.65 0.67 0.67 0.70 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 871,784 928,300 895,500 899,300 - 899,300 (3.1%) Operating Expense 314,645 439,600 393,600 456,600 456,600 3.9% Indirect Cost Reimburs 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 14,309 8,400 na Net Operating Budget 1,200,739 1,427,900 1,357,500 1,415,900 1,415,900 (0.8%) Trans to Tax Collector 28,284 35,900 28,700 28,700 28,700 (20.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 59,800 na Trans to 314 Museum Cap 200,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 48,800 99,600 99,600 104.1% Reserve for Attrition (29,900) (29,900) na Total Budget 1,488,823 1,612,600 1,486,200 1,614,300 1,614,300 0.1% Total FTE 14.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 1,414,214 1,435,500 1,502,400 1,435,500 1,435,500 0.0% Charges For Services 150 500 na Miscellaneous Revenues 3,935 400 na Interest/Misc 1,156 800 na Trans frm Tax Collector 12,544 na Carry Forward 320,900 248,900 232,700 250,600 250,600 0.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (71,800) (71,800) (71,800) 0.0% Total Funding 1,752,898 1,612,600 1,736,800 1,614,300 1,614,300 0.1% Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast personal services expenditures are less than the adopted budget due to a vacant position at the Marco Island Museum for a portion of the year. Forecast operating expenses are less than the adopted budget because the Naples Depot remained closed for the first quarter of the year for renovation work and Installation of the museum's exhibits. Additionally, the Marco Island Museum did not open until the second quarter of FY 2011. The revenue forecast exceeds the adopted budgeted due to proceeds of a class action law suit in which the Museum received $62,441. Current FY 2012 - Personal services decreased due to the change in retirement rates. No salary adjustments are budgeted. Budgeted operating expenses include $100,000 for marketing, promotion and advertisement, and $15,000 for temporary traveling exhibits. Also, operating expenses have increased due to adding the Marco Island Museum ($17,800) and the Naples Depot ($4,900) to the County's property insurance policy. Additionally, the Museum has reduced operating expenses in several areas in order to provide funding for much needed maintenance and repairs to the historic structures at Robert's Ranch and the Museum of the Everglades. Each of the museums will be allocated $20,000, which will allow for only the most critical repairs and will prevent more costly repairs in the future. Fiscal Year 2012 46 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Museum Museum Fund (198) Transfers include $28,700 to the Tax Collector for revenue collection services; and $100,000 to the Museum Capital Fund to complete exhibit construction at the Naples Depot, continue exhibit design and development at the Marco Island Museum and to install LED lighting at the Collier County Museum. Revenue is budgeted based on projections from the first six months of Tourist Tax collections received in FY 2011 and is expected to remain the same in FY 2012. Based upon anticipated cashflow, the Museums need approximately $250,000 in carryforward to have sufficient cash to support operations until the Tourist Tax collections reach sufficient levels to replenish cash. Collections trend up beginning in January of each year. Fiscal Year 2012 47 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 11,846,090 12,404,900 11.982,200 12,100,300 12,100,300 (2.5%) Operating Expense 8,093,560 9,358,900 8,990,800 9,231,900 9,231,900 (1.4%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 77,400 90,600 90,600 125,300 125,300 38.3% Capital Outlay 86,221 204,000 168,400 106,000 106,000 (48.0%) Remittances 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 20,603,271 22,558,400 21,732,000 22,063,500 22,063,500 (2.2%) Trans to Property Appraiser 2,915 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 7,046 8,000 8,000 5,500 5,500 (31.3%) Reserves For Contingencies 52,700 36,100 36,100 (31.5%) Reserves For Capital 79,200 86,000 86,000 8.6% Total Budget 20,613,232 22,701,300 21,743,000 22,194,100 22,194,100 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Park Facilities & Programs (001) 9,339,207 10,259,300 9,866,200 10,007,900 10,007,900 (2.5%) Golden Gate Community Center (130) 930,289 1,054,100 942,300 1,070,500 1,070,500 1.6% Parks & Recreation (111) 10,333.775 11,240,000 10,918,500 10,980,100 10,980,100 (2.3%) Parks & Recreation Donations (607) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Total Net Budget 20,603,271 22,558,400 21,732,000 22,063,500 22,063,500 (2.2%) Total Transfers and Reserves 9,962 142,900 11,000 130,600 130,600 (8.6%) Total Budget 20,613,232 22,701,300 21,743,000 22,194,100 22,194,100 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 348,053 321,300 305,200 276,900 276,900 (13.8%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 591 na Charges For Services 7,161,812 8,533,600 8,142,900 8,679,100 8,679,100 1.7% Fines & Forfeitures 34,101 50,000 21,000 37,000 37,000 (26.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 201,121 159,300 162,200 148,400 148,400 (6.8%) InterestlMisc 3,787 4,000 4,000 3,600 3,600 (10.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 74,181 57,400 64,500 64,500 64,500 12.4% Trans frm Property Appraiser 406 na Trans frm Tax Collector 3,125 na Net Cost General Fund 3,865,887 3,668,300 3,661,200 3,471,500 3,471,500 (5.4%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 8,356,207 9,068,100 8,757,400 8,684,200 8,684,200 (4.2%) Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 392.700 373,100 373,100 362,000 362,000 (3.0%) Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 168,100 2.1% Carry Forward 434,800 327,800 412,800 325,900 325,900 (0.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (26,200) (27,100) (27,100) 3.4% Total Funding 21,039,771 22,701,300 22,068,900 22,194,100 22,194,100 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Park Facilities & Programs (001) 76.00 73.75 73.75 74.25 74.25 0.7% Parks & Recreation (111) 119.50 108.75 108.75 107.75 107.75 (0.9%) Golden Gate Community Center (130) 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 0.0% Total FTE 204.50 191.00 191.00 190.50 190.50 (0.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 48 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department County Park Facilities & Programs (001) Mission Statement To benefit the well-being of the people, community and environment of Collier County. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 2.00 414,455 414,455 Oversee County Park facilities and programs including employee, contractual, fiscal and resource management. Maintenance 20.00 2,449,327 2,449,327 Provide a pleasant, clean, safe and enjoyable environment for park visitors at all assigned parks in order to provide exceptional passive and active recreational experiences. Apply sound management practices and visitor services. Recreation Programs 19.80 1,943,460 1,124,600 818,860 Recreation programs include sailing and skiing, adult and youth athletic programs, county-wide special events, ranger/athletic camps, rec plex fitness center, and interpretative programs. Aquatics 6.45 1,918,357 1,944,600 -26,243 Promote residents and visitors utilization of the Sun N Fun Lagoon by providing a safe and supervised opportunity for the public to access instructional swimming and general aquatic recreation. Parks & Recreation Marina Operations 5.50 1,554,558 1,731,600 -177,042 Provide staff, fuel sales, bait, launching and docking services at County owned marinas. Park Rangers 18.50 1,059,643 1,567,500 -507,857 Protect resources, collect revenue and provide assistance to park visitors through high visibility, personal contact and educational programming with park visitors, provide park site visits annually as recorded on daily patrol logs, conduct environmental and biological assessments and provide technical expertise, date and report to local, state, and federal govemment. Sea Turtle Monitoring 2.00 168,100 168,100 Monitor, report and conduct informational activities required to support beach permit conditions. Remittances to Municipalities 500,000 500,000 Payment to City of Naples for County use of beach parking spaces in City per Interlocal Agreement. Current Level of Service Budget 74.25 10,007,900 6,536,400 3,471,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Achieve 100% of on-time reporting for sea turtle monitoring 100 100 Achieve 95% of sea turtle nest marked within 12 hours 0.95 0.95 Increase Boat Launches by 1% 12,525 14,850 14,850 15,000 Increase Fitness Memberships by 1 % 5,121 4,000 5,000 5,050 Increase safety in Parks by 1 % inc. in Ranger Contacts 54,670 55,000 Increase Sun-N-Fun Attendance by 1 % 136,473 152,500 152,500 154,025 Fiscal Year 2012 49 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department County Park Facilities & Programs (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 4,802,388 4,952,500 4,831,300 4,839,500 4,839,500 (2.3'110) Operating Expense 4,023,706 4,750,800 4,478,900 4,668,400 4,668,400 (1.7%) Capital Outlay 13,113 56,000 56,000 (100.0%) Remittances 500.000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 9,339,207 10,259,300 9,866,200 10,007,900 10,007,900 (2.5%) Total Budget 9,339,207 10,259,300 9,866,200 10,007,900 10,007,900 (2.5'10) Total FTE 76.00 73.75 73.75 74.25 74.25 0.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 5,146,293 6,307,000 5,937,600 6,263,300 6,263,300 (0.7%) Fines & Forfeitures 34,101 50,000 21,000 37,000 37,000 (26.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 56,504 12,000 17 ,300 3,500 3,500 (70.8%) Reimb From Other Depts 73,422 57,400 64,500 64,500 64,500 12.4% Net Cost General Fund 3,865,887 3,668,300 3,661,200 3,471,500 3,471,500 (5.4%) Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 168,100 2.1% Total Funding 9,339,207 10,259,300 9,866,200 10,007,900 10,007,900 (2.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are forecast slightly below the adopted budget as three and one-half positions were vacated and not filled during the year. Operating expenses are forecast below the adopted budget to correspond with an anticipated shortfall in revenues. Reductions were made primarily in utilities, travel and maintenance items. Revenues are forecast to be $393,100 less than budget. The wet slips at Goodland boating park were not completed as anticipated; wet slips at Cocohatchee River Park Marina had a high vacancy rate; and Port of the Islands Marina dry slips had a high vacancy rate. Food and merchandise sales will not meet revenue expectations. The remaining shortfalls are spread throughout the various parks and represent shortfalls in admissions, facility rentals and recreation camps. Expenses were reduced to compensate for projected revenue shortfalls. Current FY 2012 - Personal services demonstrate a minor reduction from the FY 2011 adopted budget. One full time position was vacated and then reduced to a half-time position. Another FTE was moved from MSTD Fund 111, thus the increase of .5 FTE for the County Park Facilities & Programs (001). Operating expenses decreased by $82,400 from the prior year in conjunction with a corresponding decrease in revenues. There is no allocation for Capital expenditures. Total Fleet recommended equipment replacements totaling $341,000 were deferred. This is the fourth consecutive year for capital equipment deferrals. Remittances in the amount of $500,000 reflect one-half of the annual contribution to the City of Naples for reciprocal recreational services identified in the Interlocal Agreement approved by the Board on October 18, 2008. Revenues for FY 2012 are projected to be below prior fiscal year. The majority of the decreased projections come from reductions at the Marina operations, including bait and food sales. Park rangers are funded through the General Fund 001. Each year, the Department identifies the specific rangers that work exclusively in Community Parks and a transfer for their salary and benefits is made from the MSTD General Fund 111 to the General Fund 001. The transfer for FY 2012 is $179,100. Fiscal Year 2012 50 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department Parks & Recreation (111) Mission Statement To benefit the well-being of the people, community and environment of Collier County. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 14.00 1,470,221 1,470,221 Oversee operations including employees, contracts, fiscal, resource management, customer service and marketing. Park Maintenance 41.00 5,058,105 5,058,105 Protect resources, provide a pleasant, clean, safe, and enjoyable environment for park visitors at all parks to allow quality passive and organized recreational experiences by the public. Community Centers/Parks 33.00 2,328,874 738,269 1,590,605 Provide customer service and meeting places for community and special interest groups; provide structured programming for all ages via classes, activities and special events; and offer informal gathering opportunities through open game room and drop-in recreation programs. Aquatics/Fitness 10.75 965,034 396,000 569,034 Promote residents and visitors utilization of the Golden Gate Aquatic and Fitness Complex, and the Immokalee Pool and Fitness Center by providing a safe and supervised opportunity for the public to access instructional swimming, general aquatic recreation and fitness training. Childcare/Preschool, After School, No School Days, Vacation 7.00 965,253 1,161,631 -196,378 Strive to meet family needs by providing a safe and supervised environment for all children to attend throughout the year and during the summer months. Provide recreational and enrichment experiences for self-esteem and self-reliance, learning, pleasure, health and well being. Project Management 2.00 192,613 192,613 Effectively manage Parks and Recreation construction projects, oversee contractors and manage quality and cost controls. Current Level of Service Budget 107.75 10,980,100 2,295,900 8,684,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100% Reporting to CAPRA to maintain accreditation 100 100 Increase Aquatic Facility Attendance by 1 % 46,660 35,000 45,000 45,450 Increase Fee Based Facility Rentals by 2% 8,946 9,200 9,200 9,384 Increase Fee Based Program Registrations by 2% 15,974 15,900 16,000 16,320 Increase Fitness Memberships by 1 % 2,793 4,700 3,000 3,030 Maintain 75% or greater of Athletic Field utilization 0.75 0.75 Fiscal Year 2012 51 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department Parks & Recreation (111) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 6,581,623 6,933,700 6,706,400 6,743,900 6,743,900 (2.7%) Operating Expense 3,724,683 4,218,300 4,129,700 4,181,700 4,181,700 (0.9%) Capital Outlay 27,468 88,000 82,400 54,500 54,500 (38.1%) Net Operating Budget 10,333,775 11,240,000 10,918,500 10,980,100 10,980,100 (2.3%) Total Budget 10,333,775 11,240,000 10,918,500 10,980,100 10,980,100 (2.3'10) Total FTE 119.50 108.75 108.75 107.75 107.75 (0.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 1,856,786 2,037,100 2,026,200 2,161,000 2,161,000 6.1% Miscellaneous Revenues 120,023 134,800 134,900 134,900 134,900 0.1% Reimb From Other Depts 759 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 8,356,207 9,068,100 8,757,400 8,684,200 8,684,200 (4.2%) Total Funding 10,333,775 11,240,000 10,918,500 10,980,100 10,980,100 (2.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are forecast at $227,300 below FY 2011 adopted budget due to not filling funded vacancies and incurring some additional vacancies during the year. Operating expenses are forecast at $88,600 below FY 2011 adopted budget to meet the slightly reduced revenue forecast. Revenues are down by $10,800 due to a decreased enrollment with recreation camps and athletic programs. Expenses have been reduced accordingly. Current FY 2012 - Personal services decreased $77,900. This was due to a lower Workers Compensation charge and savings from hiring replacements for employees participating in Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP). Additionally, one FTE was moved to County Park Facilities & Programs (001). Operating expenses were decreased by $36,600. There were minimal decreases throughout a variety of the Fund 111 cost centers. Capital outlay of $54,500 consists of $12,000 in fitness equipment and $4,000 for a sound system at the Golden Gate Aquatic Facilities; a tractor for $8,000 and a riding mower at $10,000 at Veterans Community Park; skate park repairs of $5,000 at East Naples Community Park; replacement of a Sand Pro Dragging Machine at Max Hasse Community Park for $12,000; and a tiller for $3,500 for Eagle Lakes Community Park. In order to meet budget guidance, staff deferred the purchase of Fleet recommended replacement equipment in the amount of $743,000. This is the fourth consecutive year replacement equipment has been deferred. Revenues are expected to increase by $124,000 due primarily to instructional classes and new programs being offered at recreation camps. Fiscal Year 2012 52 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department Golden Gate Community Center (130) Mission Statement To benefit the well-being of the people, community, and environment of Collier County. Program Summary Golden Gate Community Center The Golden Gate Community Center serves as a meeting place for community groups and provides structured programming for all ages via classes, activities, and special events and offers informal gathering opportunities through open game room and drop-in recreation programs. Childcare/Preschool, Afterschool, No School, Vacation Camp Strive to meet family needs by providing a safe and supervised environment for all children to attend throughout the year. Provide recreational and enrichment experiences for self-esteem, self-reliance, learning, pleasure, health and well being. Community Center Maintenance Protect resources, provide a pleasant, clean, safe and enjoyable environment for community center visitors to allow quality passive and organized recreational experiences by the public. ReserveslTransfers FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 817,612 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 7.00 429,500 388,112 . 0.50 60,266 110,800 -50,534 1.00 195,622 195,622 115,100 648,300 -533,200 Current Level of Service Budget 8.50 1,188,600 1,188,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Increase Fee Based Facility Rentals by 2% 610 650 650 663 Increase Fee Based Program Registrations by 2% 2,326 2,400 2,400 2,448 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change Personal Services 462,079 516,700 444,500 516,900 516,900 (0.3%) Operating Expense 345,171 364,600 377,200 376,600 376,600 (2.1%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 77,400 90,600 90,600 125,300 125,300 36.3% Capital Outlay 45,639 60,000 30,000 51,500 51,500 (14.2%) Net Operating Budget 930,289 1,054,100 942,300 1,070,500 1,070,500 1.6% Trans to Property Appraiser 2,915 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 7,046 6,000 6,000 5,500 5,500 (31.3%) Reserves For Contingencies 37,000 23,600 23,600 (36.2%) Reserves For Capital 79,200 66,000 66,000 6.6% Total Budget 940,250 1,161,300 953,300 1,166,600 1,166,600 0.6% Total FTE 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 53 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department Golden Gate Community Center (130) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 346,053 321,300 305,200 276,900 276,900 (13.6%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 591 na Charges For Services 156,733 169,500 179,100 254,600 254,600 34.5% Miscellaneous Revenues 11,921 7,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 (33.3%) InterestlMisc 3,706 4,000 4,000 3,600 3,600 (10.0%) Trans fnn Property Appraiser 406 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 3,125 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 392,700 373,100 373,100 362.000 362,000 (3.0%) Carry Forward 434,600 311,600 400,000 313,100 313,100 0.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (25,900) (26,600) (26,600) 3.5% Total Funding 1,354,037 1,181,300 1,266,400 1,188,600 1,188,600 0.6% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are forecast $74,200 below the FY 2011 adopted budget due to the delay in filling two (2) funded vacancies and incurring some additional vacancies during the year. Ad Valorem revenues are down approximately 5% due to a diminished level of collections. Capital Outlay was decreased by $30,000. Part of the playground renovations will be postponed until the next fiscal year. Carryforward has increased because the Community Center had a substantial turn-over in personnel in the prior year, resulting in savings over budget. Additionally, the carryforward offsets the reserve for capital replacement of the roof and air conditioning at $79,200. FY 2012 - Personal services decreased due to the increase in insurance premiums, which was off-set by the savings generated from the change in retirement rates. Operating Expenses decreased slightly from the prior year predominantly due to decreases in facility and equipment maintenance. The indirect cost reimbursement process was changed to reflect just the Golden Gate Community Center direct portion of this fee and the portion that is funded by the MSTD General Fund (111) is paid at a top-level and the transfer from the MSTD General Fund (111) is reduced accordingly. The same methodology was utilized during the current fiscal year. The indirect cost reimbursement allocated to the Golden Gate Community Center Fund (130) increased by $34,700. Capital Expenditure of $51 ,500 is for the continuation of the playground replacement at the Community Center. Reserves for capital include funding set aside for the purchase of a roof and a new air conditioning system. Current FY 2012 totals $86,000 which represents $45,100 for the air conditioning system and $40,900 for the roof. No additional funding was added for the air conditioner as this accumulation has reached the projected replacement cost. The budgeted ad valorem tax revenue of $276,900 represents a tax levy of 0.1990 mills based on current year estimated taxable value of $1,391,002,555 (10.57% decrease from prior year final). The tax levy represents a millage neutral rate and equates to $19.90 per $100,000 of taxable value. Charges for services increased due to doubling of Cheerleading sessions; Fitness Dance classes and the Voluntary Pre-K programs. Fiscal Year 2012 54 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Parks & Recreation Department Parks & Recreation Donations (607) Mission Statement To provide community based programming for eligible children in Collier County through receipt of charitable donations. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 5,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Donations Account 5,000 Fund is to collect donations from individuals through direct donations and/or fund raising activities to pay for summer camp programs for children who would otherwise be unable to attend. Reserves/lnterestlTransfers 12,500 12,500 Current Level of Service Budget 17,500 17,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 15,700 12,500 12,500 (20.4%) Total Budget 20,700 5,000 17,500 17,500 (15.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 12,673 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% InterestlMisc 60 na Cany Forward 16,000 12,800 12,800 12,800 (20.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (300) (300) (300) 0.0% Total Funding 12,752 20,700 17,800 17,500 17,500 (15.5%) This fund was established at the end of FY 2009 to collect donations from private parties and to collect revenues from fund raising activities. Expenses for FY 2012 represent approximately six (6) scholarships for twelve (12) weeks of summer camp for eligible children. Revenues are estimated contributions received based upon the past year and one-half of actual collections. Fiscal Year 2012 55 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Health Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 341,389 342,000 325,700 327,300 327,300 (4.3%) Grants and Aid 1,407,896 1,324,400 1,324,400 1,324,400 1,324,400 0.0% Net Operating Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Health Department (001) 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Net Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 91,029 na Net Cost General Fund 1,656,256 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Funding 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Fiscal Year 2012 56 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Health Department Public Health Department (001) Mission Statement Protect and promote good health for all In Collier County within a partnership between State of Florida Department of Health and Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Program Summary General Operating & Administrative Costs FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 327,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 327,300 Communicable Disease Control 481,800 481,800 Programs funded by the County include Immunizations; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; AIDS; Tuberculosis; Other Communicable Diseases; and Public Health Preparedness and Response. Personal Health (Primary Care) Programs funded by the County under this category of services include Child Health; Healthy Start Prenatal; Tobacco & Cardiovascular Health Education; School Health; Adult Health; Physicians Led Access Network; and Dental. Environmental Health & Engineering This program was established to provide Health Department Inspectors for the Migrant Housing program in Collier County. Current Level of Service Budget 785,700 785,700 56,900 56,900 1,651,700 1,651,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget # of Investigations of Potentially Illegal Migrant Housing 51 50 80 50 # of Special Needs Registrants With No Alternate Housing Plans 250 200 200 160 # ofTB Tests 1,380 1,100 1,100 1,320 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 341,369 342,000 325,700 327,300 327,300 (4.3%) Grants and Aid 1,407,896 1,324,400 1,324,400 1,324,400 1,324,400 0.0% Net Operating Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Budget 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 91,029 na Net Cost General Fund 1,656,256 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) Total Funding 1,749,285 1,666,400 1,650,100 1,651,700 1,651,700 (0.9%) FY 2011 forecast operating expenses are slightly below budget due to savings in electricity, water and sewer as the County continues to minimize these operating expenses by implementing power and water saving devises throughout the County. FY 2012 operating costs are virtually fixed as they are for facility rental and utilities. There are three broad categories of health services provided by the Heath Department, Communicable Disease Control, Personal Health, and Environmental Health. Fiscal impact was minimized by spreading reductions to programs that did not qualify for an additional Low Income Pool (LIP) match. With the exception of a minor reduction to the Sexually Transmitted Disease program, budget reductions were applied to non-clinical programs. Fiscal Year 2012 57 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Health Department Public Health Department (001) Fleet had recommended the replacement of a 2001 Ford 8-passenger Van and a 2003 Ford F-150 Truck for the Public Health Department at a total of $49,000. These capital replacements will be deferred. As indicated by the schedules, Public Health program funding has continued to decline for the past three years. LIP funding decreased from a 15% match to an 8% match and State funding has experienced a reduction. In an attempt to minimize the overall impact as much as possible, program funding provided by Collier County is provided at the same level as the previous fiscal year. Two schedules are included to support Public Health Department activities. A Summary of Current Service Funding Sources and a Schedule of Service Funding and Current Programs. Fiscal Year 2012 58 Public Services Division Collier County Government fiscal Year 2012 Proposed Budget Public Services Division Collier County Public Health Department Summary of Current Service funding Sources County State Fees and Program General Revenue General Revenue Other Revenue Total General Operations $ 327,300 $ $ $ 327,300 Communicable Disease Control 481,800 2,926,531 2,334,636 $ 5,742,967 Personal Health (Primary Care) 785,700 4,043,989 2,804,398 $ 7,634,087 Environmental Health and Engineering 56,900 156,847 670,291 $ 884,038 Total $ 1,651,700 $ 7,127,367 $ 5,809,325 $ 14,588,392 Percent of Total Funding 11.3% 48.9% 39.8% Note: The County's General Fund contribution of $1,651,700 is 11.3% of the total funding in FY 12 as compared to $1,666,400 or 11.4% in FY 2011 and $1,720,100 or 11.7% in FY 2010. Fiscal Year 2012 59 Public Services Divison Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Proposed Budget Public Services Division Collier County Public Health Department Schedule of Service Funding and Current Programs FY 2012 Total Less Programs: Priority FY 2012 Costs Revenues Net Cost General Operatimr & Administrative Costs: $ 327,300 $ $ 327,300 Base level: Communicable Disease Control: Programs funded by County: Immunization 1 211,248 15,648 195,600 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 6 52,900 52,900 AIDS 14 14,580 1,080 13,500 Tuberculosis 3 79,056 5,856 73,200 Communicable Disease 2 125,388 9,288 116,100 Public Health Preparedness and Response 10 30,500 30,500 Subtotal 513,672 31,872 481,800 Personal Health (Primarv Carel: Programs funded by County: Child Health 9 102,168 7,568 94,600 Healthy Start Prenatal (Found. for Women's Health) 4 318,276 23,576 294,700 Tobacco & Cardiovascular Health Educator 13 52,800 52,800 School Health 11 77,220 5,720 71,500 Adult Health 5 121,068 8,968 112,100 Physicians Led Access Network 8 54,648 4,048 50,600 Dental 7 118,152 8,752 109,400 Subtotal 844,332 58,632 785,700 Environmental Health & Enlrineerinlr: W3ter Qtlality TestiRg PregFam M Health Department Inspectors - Migrant Housing 12 56,900 56,900 Subtotal 56,900 56,900 Total General Revenue Funding $ 1,742,204 $ 90,504 $ 1,651,700 FIScal Year 2012 60 Public Services Divison Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 126,637 70,000 70,000 73,400 73,400 4.9% Operating Expense 292,717 142,900 303,600 83,100 83,100 (41.6%) Net Operating Budget 419,353 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Total Budget 419,353 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Coastal Zone Management (111) 378,598 212,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Natural Resources Grants (117) 40,755 160,700 na Total Net Budget 419,353 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 419,353 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Penn its 50,000 50,000 (100.0%) Intergovemmental Revenues 79,793 na InterestlMisc 142 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 328,598 162,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (3.9%) Carry Forward (1,900) 160,700 na Total Funding 456,633 212,900 373,600 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Coastal Zone Management (111) 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Total FTE 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 61 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management Coastal Zone Management (111) Mission Statement To protect, preserve, and enhance Collier County's pristine coastal ecosystem while providing strategic access to this valuable County amenity for enjoyment by residents and visitors. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Adm. and Overhead 1.00 156,500 156,500 Coastal Zone Management Administration and Overhead. Current Level of Service Budget 1.00 156,500 156,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 126,637 70,000 70,000 73,400 73,400 4.9% Operating Expense 251,962 142,900 142,900 63,100 63,100 (41.6%) Net Operating Budget 378,598 212,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Total Budget 378,598 212,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Total FTE 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Penn its 50,000 50,000 (100.0%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 328,596 162,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (3.9%) Total Funding 378,598 212,900 212,900 156,500 156,500 (26.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - revenues of $50,000 will not be collected as the Boater Improvement funding has been moved to the Capital Fund for Parks and Recreation (306). Current FY 2011 - Personal services include an increase in Workers Compensation of $5,100. Operating expenses include funding for the County-wide water quality testing program. Fiscal Year 2012 62 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Coastal Zone Management Natural Resources Grants (117) Mission Statement To procure and administer natural resource grants. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 40,755 160,700 na Net Operating Budget 40,755 . 160,700 na Total Budget 40,755 160,700 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 79,793 na 'nterestlMisc 142 na Carry Forward (1,900) 160,700 na Total Funding 78,035 160,700 na Natural Resource Fund (117) budget allocations are approved by budget amendment recognizing that the predominant funding sources are grants and do not coincide with the County's fiscal year. Forecast FY 2011 - Priority remains upon executing provisions of the October 2006 Derelict Vessel Cooperative Agreement entered into between Collier County and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Over a five year period, the USFWS will provide grant funding up to $250K with Collier County responsible for administering and applying grant funding toward removal of derelict vessels. The current year includes $93,100 for this program. Grants from the Fish and Wildlife Service as well as the Florida Boating Improvement Program currently total $67,600. These are reimbursement grants and upon expenditure of funds, grant draws are requested. New grants will be budgeted in the Public Services Grant Fund 709 upon presentation to and acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners. Fiscal Year 2012 63 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Services Grants FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 262,209 270,000 na Operating Expense 583,714 595,000 na Capital Outlay 149,700 na Net Operating Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na Total Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Grants (7091710) 845,923 1,014,700 na Total Net Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 798,852 836,200 na SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 49 na Miscellaneous Revenues 82,800 na Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 31,200 na Carry Forward 99,500 62,500 na Total Funding 898,401 1,014,700 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Services Grants (7091710) 0.50 0.50 na Total FTE 0.50 0.50 na Fiscal Year 2012 64 Public Services Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Division Public Services Grants Public Services Grants (709/710) Mission Statement To process grants within the Public Services Division. Grants will include 4-H funding; State Aid to Libraries; Parks Grants, the Summer Food Program; grants relating to Natural Resources and Coastal Zone Management; as well as others as they are identified, applied for and received. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4-H Youth Development Providing outreach programming to youth in areas of healthy lifestyles, leadership development and life skills training. 0.50 Current Level of Service Budget 0.50 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 262,209 270,000 na Operating Expense 563,714 595,000 na Capital Outlay 149,700 na Net Operating Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na Total Budget 845,923 1,014,700 na Total FTE 0.50 0.50 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 798,652 836,200 na SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 49 na Miscellaneous Revenues 82,600 na Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 31,200 na Carry Forward 99,500 62,500 na Total Funding 898,401 1,014,700 na Forecast FY 2011 - The 4-H Foundation via United Way contributes each year to the County Extension, Education & Training Department for the operation of the 4-H Program. The contribution in this forecast is in the amount of $70,800 and is to pay for a part-time 4-H Outreach Coordinator, half the salary of the full-time Outreach Coordinator and some minor operating expenses incurred by the program. Coastal Zone Management's FY 2010 derelict vessel program from the Florida Fish & Wildlife is represented here at $13,000. The Summer Food Grant Program continues to grow due to more children being eligible to participate in the program. During the FY 2010, the grant provided 128,947 breakfasts and 172,004 lunches. It is estimated that the 2011 Summer Program will at least meet if not exceed these numbers. This grant is budgeted at $769,200 with expenditures for personal services and operating equal to this amount. FEMA Public Safety grant is included at $149,700 for hurricane shutters with matching funds from Parks and Recreation Capital Fund (306). Each year, the new grant program will b~ brought before the Board of County Commissioners for approval and acceptance. At that time, budgets will be put into the new grant management system. Fiscal Year 2012 65 Public Services Division " / . ~()~ " \' ~~~~ ~~ Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Public Services Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 5.00 Parks and Recreation Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 TDC Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 5.00 Library Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Museum Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Public Services Division Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-1 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 464,529 460,800 492,600 460,700 460,700 0.0% Operating Expense 6,246,886 123,900 468,900 531,900 531,900 329.3% Indirect Cost Reimburs 117,700 125,000 116,800 116,600 (0.8%) Capital Outlay 3,658,918 7,424,100 37,049,100 4,364,200 4,364,200 (41.2%) Remittances 25,000 25,000 na Total Net Budget 10,370,334 8,126,500 38,135,600 5,498,600 5,498,600 (32.3)% Advance/Repay to 314 Museum 150,000 na Advance/Repay to 355 Lib IF 1,171,300 na Trans to Tax Collector 139,275 175,100 173,000 175,100 175,100 0.0% Trans to 001 General Fund 163,000 164,600 164,600 166,100 166,100 2.1% Trans to 164 TDC Promo 1,000,000 200,000 1,200,000 200,000 200,000 0.0% Trans to 710 Pub Serv Match 31,200 na Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 811,000 811,300 714,200 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,128,500 3,116,000 3,116,000 3,111,500 3,111,500 (0.1%) Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 725,800 618,900 1,459,900 1,459,900 101.1% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 964,727 na Trans to 314 Museum Cap 50,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 2,382,600 752,300 752,300 (66.4%) Reserve for Reimb to State 3,400,000 3,400,000 na Reserve for Eagle Lake Grant Match 425,000 na Reserves For Debt Service 2,939,900 2,755,700 2,755,700 (6.3%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 4,232,700 4,232,700 na Reserves For Capital 16,287,100 20,693,200 20,693,200 27.1% Total Budget 17,948,135 34,928,900 44,778,500 42,447,100 42,447,100 21.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Parks and Recreation Capital 5,371,696 300,000 16,054,900 552,000 552,000 64.0% TDC Capital 2,192,390 7,639,900 18,807,300 4,604,600 4,604,600 (39.7%) Library Capital 1,475,894 66,600 2,033,000 25,600 25,600 (70.2%) Museum Capital 696,425 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Public Services Division Capital 631,928 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Total Net Budget 10,370,334 8,126,500 38,135,600 5,498,600 5,498,600 (32.3%) Parks and Recreation Capital 3,528,210 7,516,600 3,921,900 10,607,600 10,607,600 41.1% TDC Capital 1,291,565 16,699,400 1,525,600 24,227,400 24,227,400 45.1% Library Capital 1,436,727 2,575,.100 1,195,400 2,083,600 2,083,600 (19.1%) Museum Capital 9,300 29,900 29,900 221.5% Public Services Division Capital 1,321,300 na Total Transfers and Reserves 7,577,802 26,802,400 6,642,900 36,948,500 36,948,500 37.9% Total Budget 17,948,135 34,928,900 44,778,500 42,447,100 42,447,100 21.5% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-2 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 6,426,245 6,525,100 6,220,400 6,525,100 6,525,100 0.0% Licenses & Pennits 497,174 422,200 418,000 412,000 412,000 (2.4%) Intergovemmental Revenues 337,236 2,892,000 200,000 (100.0%) FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 9,731,561 na Charges For Services 29,131 na Miscellaneous Revenues 590,601 132,800 50,000 50,000 na InterestlMisc 420,432 377 ,900 321,500 321,400 321,400 (15.0%) Impact Fees 4,143,991 2,045,000 2,120,000 2,015,000 2,015,000 (1.5%) Deferred Impact Fees 407,574 190,400 638,600 636,800 na COA Impact Fees (196,601) na Advance/Repay fnn 131 Planning 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 0.0% Advance/Repay fnn 301 Cap Proj 1,171,300 na Reimb From Other Depts 96,146 301,900 1,500 1,500 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 93,391 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,171,300 154,200 154,200 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 453,000 na Trans fm 198 Museum Fd 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 150,000 na Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 50,000 na Carry Forward 59,629,400 22,766,900 67,266,100 32,464,700 32,464,700 42.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (450,200) (485,600) (485,600) 7.9% Total Funding 85,401,681 34,928,900 77,523,100 42,447,100 42,447,100 21.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change TDC Capital 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget County Extension, Education, & Training 20,762 20,800 Libraries 2,661,700 5,103,722 3,569,600 2,263,600 Museum 109,300 867,557 678,200 191,900 Parks & Recreation 7,816,600 27,395,196 19,976,600 11,159,600 Tourist Development Council- Beaches 19,092,900 24,299,193 8,103,100 26,687,600 (195) Tourist Development Council - Park 5,246,400 12,254,053 12,229,600 2,144,400 Beaches (163) Total Project Budget 34,928,900 69,960,483 44,778,500 42,447,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-3 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 4,080,249 310,900 252,000 252,000 na Capital Outlay 1,291,447 300,000 15,744,000 300,000 300,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 5,371,696 300,000 16,054,900 552,000 552,000 84.0% Trans to Tax Collector 10,710 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% Trans to 710 Pub Serv Match 31,200 na Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 339,000 339,100 298,700 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,128,500 3,116,000 3,116,000 3,111,500 3,111,500 (0.1%) Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 39,000 311,600 311,600 na Trans to 314 Museum Cap 50,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,452,800 431,400 431,400 (70.3%) Reserve for Eagle Lake Grant Match 425,000 na Reserves For Debt Service 2,337,300 2,379,200 2,379,200 1.6% Reserve for Future Debt Service 3,790,700 3,790,700 na Reserves For Capital 261,400 571,200 571,200 118.5% Total Budget 8,899,907 7,818,600 19,976,800 11,159,600 11,159,600 42.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Community & Regional Pk Impact Fee 3,360,279 4,482,900 252,000 252,000 na (346) Naples & Urban Collier Community Park 17,367 173,700 na Impact Fee (366) Parks & Recreation Capital Projects(306) 1,992,391 300,000 11,349,900 300,000 300,000 0.0% Regional Pk Impact Fee-Incorp Area 1,659 46,400 na (345) Total Net Budget 5,371,696 300,000 16,054,900 552,000 552,000 84.0% Total Transfers and Reserves 3,528,210 7,518,600 3,921,900 10,607,600 10,607,600 41.1% Total Budget 8,899,907 7,818,600 19,976,800 11,159,600 11,159,600 42.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Penn its 497,174 422,200 418,000 412,000 412,000 (2.4%) Intergovemmental Revenues 165,011 na Charges For Services 29,131 na Miscellaneous Revenues 62,454 53,200 na 'nterestlMisc 196,479 166,400 95,000 95,000 95,000 (43.6%) Impact Fees 3,546,176 1,725,000 1,750,000 1,685,000 1,665,000 (2.3%) Deferred Impact Fees 336,822 151,000 553,000 553,000 na COA Impact Fees (198,801) na Advance/Repay fnn 131 Planning 250,000 250,000 250,000 . 250,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 90,565 300,000 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 36,374 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 453,000 na Carry Forward 26,952,300 5,360,500 25,261,500 8,301,900 8,301,900 54.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (107,500) . (137,300) (137,300) 27.7% Total Funding 34,168,705 7,818,600 26,278,700 11,159,600 11,159,600 42.7% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-4 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Parks & Recreation 951 Boat ramp Expansion (FLBI) 20,736 20,700 Barefoot Beach Outparcel 13,106 13,100 Bayview Pk Parking 911,941 912,000 Bayview Pk replace playground equip 14,246 14,200 Bayview Pk Replacement Dock (FLBI) 3,995 4,000 Big Corkscrew Island Pk 424,375 424,400 125,000 Big Corkscrew Island-Rd Access 12,953 13,000 Boater Characterization Study 10,000 10,000 Caxambas Conversion 219 200 Caxambas Dock & Seawall Repair (FLBI) 15,447 15,400 Caxambas Gas Tank In 2,529 2,500 Caxambas Initial Rem 4,007 4,000 Cocohatchee Pk repair dock 12,615 12,600 Cocohatchee Pk repairs 14,000 14,000 E Naples Com Pk new Soccer field 276 300 E Naples Com Pk Pavilions 49,160 49,200 E Naples Com Pk resurface parking lot 46,946 49,000 Eagle Lake Comm Ctr 425,000 125,000 Eagle Lake signage & regrade ball field 6,504 6,500 Everglades City Park Improvements 25 Exotics Removal 61,530 61,500 Fencing Repairs 31,455 31,500 Freedom Park 11,000 11,000 Golden Gate Com Ctr Replace Bleachers 4,312 4,300 Golden Gate Com Park 60 100 Golden Gate Com Pk BikelWalk Path 173,503 173,500 Golden Gate Com Pk new dugouts 588 600 Golden Gate Com Pk regrade field 3,779 3,800 Golden Gate Com Pk replace field light 30,000 30,000 control ctr Golden Gate Estates Com Pk 4,282 4,300 Goodland Boat Ramp 675,673 675,700 18,600 Gordon River Greenway Pk 8,228,061 8,228,000 Immok S Pk construct com ctr 1,053,168 1,053,200 9,300 Immok Sports Complex 83,687 83,700 Immok Sports Complex imporve field 70,233 70,200 drainage Immok Sports Complex Pool Heaters 64,362 64,400 Immok Sports Complex replace floor 7,532 7,500 Immokalee Airport Park 41,921 41,900 Manatee Park Comm Park 25,669 25,700 Mar Good Resort Renovations 1,222,346 1,222,400 7,400 Max Hasse Comm Ctr expansion 250,000 550,000 550,000 NCRP pump replace, resurface Lazy 71,556 71,600 River North Collier Regional Park 58,519 58,500 Operating Project 345 48,419 46,400 Operating Project 346 262,473 262,500 200,000 Parks Master Plan 55,647 55,700 Pelican Bay Irrigation by tennis courts 195,696 195,700 Pelican Bay replace & resurface 26,524 26,500 Port of the Isles 53,170 53,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-5 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Parks & Recreation Port of the Isles Boat Ramp 39,642 39,800 Port of the Isles Dry Storage Area 140,017 140,000 Port of the Isles Fuel Tank Removal 11,023 11,000 Pulling Boat Park 700,000 700,000 Security Cameras at various locations 22,925 22,900 Skate Park 40,000 40,000 Starcher Park drainage & tennis courts 15,566 15,600 Starcher Park replace fence 7,966 6,000 Submerged land lease Cocohatchee 2,043 2,000 Sugden Pk repave parking area 20,000 20,000 Sugden Pk-2 water ski structures & 67,602 67,700 16,700 interpreter ctr Veterans Pk improvements 20,000 20,000 Veterans Pk irrigation & drainage 4,527 4,500 Vineyards Pk improvements 209,220 209,200 Waterway Marker Maintenance 50,000 73,742 73,700 50,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 306 502,400 533,627 380,900 699,600 X-ferslReserves - Fund 345 122,200 122,200 43,200 165,100 X-ferslReserves - Fund 346 6,711,600 10,502,248 3,072,800 9,560,400 X-ferslReserves - Fund 368 182,400 162,400 182,300 Parks & Recreation 7,618,600 27,395,196 19,976,800 11,159,600 Department Total Project Budget 7,818,600 27,395,196 19,976,800 11,159,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-6 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Parks & Recreation Capital Projects(306) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,148,500 na Capital Outlay 843,891 300,000 11,349,900 300,000 300,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 1,992,391 300,000 11,349,900 300,000 300,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 10,710 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% Trans to 710 Pub Serv Match 31,200 na Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 339,000 339,100 298,700 (100.0%) Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 39,000 311,600 311,600 na Trans to 314 Museum Cap 50,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 151,300 62,400 62,400 (58.8%) Reserves For Capital 313,800 313,600 na Total Budget 2,392,101 802,400 11,730,800 999,800 999,800 24.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 497,174 422,200 418,000 412,000 412,000 (2:4%) Intergovernmental Revenues 135,611 na Charges For Services 29,131 na Miscellaneous Revenues 62,454 51,400 na InterestlMisc 87,070 80,000 43,000 43,000 43,000 (46.3%) Advance/Repay frm 131 Planning 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 90,585 300,000 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 36,374 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 453,000 na Carry Forward 11,966,700 71,300 10,966,000 317,600 317,600 345.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (21,100) (22,800) (22,600) 6.1% Total Funding 13,378,098 802,400 12,048,400 999,800 999,800 24.6% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-7 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget CIP Category I Project Title Parks & Recreation 951 Boat ramp Expansion (FLBI) Barefoot Beach Outparcel Bayview Pk Parking Bayview Pk replace playground equip Bayview Pk Replacement Dock (FLBI) Big Corkscrew Island Pk Big Corkscrew Island-Rd Access Boater Characterization Study Caxambas Conversion Caxambas Dock & Seawall Repair (FLBI) Caxambas Gas Tank In Caxambas Initial Rem Cocohatchee Pk repair dock Cocohatchee Pk repairs E Naples Com Pk Pavilions E Naples Com Pk resurface parking lot Eagle Lake Comm Ctr Eagle Lake signage & regrade ball field Everglades City Park Improvements Exotics Removal Fencing Repairs Freedom Park Golden Gate Com Ctr Replace Bleachers Golden Gate Com Park Golden Gate Com Pk new dugouts Golden Gate Com Pk regrade field Golden Gate Com Pk replace field light control ctr Goodland Boat Ramp Gordon River Greenway Pk Immok Sports Complex Immok Sports Complex imporve field drainage Immok Sports Complex Pool Heaters Immok Sports Complex replace floor Immokalee Airport Park Max Hasse Comm Ctr expansion NCRP pump replace, resurface Lazy River Parks Master Plan Pelican Bay irrigation by tennis courts Pelican Bay replace & resurface Port of the Isles Port of the Isles Boat Ramp Port of the Isles Dry Storage Area Port of the Isles Fuel Tank Removal Pulling Boat Park Security Cameras at various locations Skate Park Starcher Park drainage & tennis courts Starcher Park replace fence Submerged Land lease Cocohatchee Sugden Pk repave parking area Sugden Pk-2 water ski structures & interpreter ctr Veterans Pk improvements Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Parks & Recreation Capital Projects(306) FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Amended FY 2011 Forecasted 20,736 20,700 13,106 13,100 30,259 30,300 14,248 14,200 3,995 4,000 0 12,953 13,000 10,000 10,000 219 200 15,447 15,400 2,529 2,500 4,007 4,000 12,615 12,600 14,000 14,000 49,160 49,200 48,946 49,000 0 6,504 6,500 25 0 61,530 61,500 31,455 31,500 11,000 11,000 4,312 4,300 60 100 588 600 3,779 3,800 30,000 30,000 185,719 185,700 6,228,061 8,228,000 83,687 83,700 70,233 70,200 64,362 64,400 7,532 7,500 41,921 41,900 250,000 550,000 550,000 71,556 71,600 55,647 55,700 195,696 195,700 26,524 26,500 53,170 53,200 39,842 39,800 140,017 140,000 11,023 11,000 700,000 700,000 22,925 22,900 40,000 40,000 15,566 15,600 7,966 8,000 2,043 2,000 20,000 20,000 7,565 7,600 20,000 20,000 Capital-6 Fiscal Year 2012 FY 2012 Budget FY 2014 Budget FY 2016 Budget FY 2015 Budget FY 2013 Budget 125,000 125,000 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital CIP Category I Project Title Parks & Recreation Veterans Pk irrigation & drainage Vineyards Pk improvements Waterway Marker Maintenance X-fers/Reserves - Fund 306 Parks & Recreation Parks and Recreation Capital Parks & Recreation Capital Projects(306) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Budget FY 2016 Budget 4,527 4,500 209,220 209,200 50,000 73,742 73,700 50,000 502,400 533,627 380,900 699,800 602,400 11,863,644 11,730,600 999,800 802,400 11,883,644 11,730,800 999,800 Program Total Project Budget Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-9 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Regional Pk Impact Fee-Incorp Area (345) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,659 48,400 na Net Operating Budget 1,659 48,400 na Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 116,100 43,200 43,200 90,000 90,000 106.3% Reserves For Capital 79,000 75,100 75,100 (4.9%) Total Budget 117,759 122,200 91,600 165,100 165,100 35.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 556 400 500 500 500 25.0% Impact Fees 103,565 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Carry Forward 158,500 74,300 156,200 117,100 117,100 57.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) 0.0% Total Funding 262,623 122,200 208,700 165,100 165,100 35.1% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Parks & Recreation Operating Project 345 48,419 46,400 X-ferslReserves - Fund 345 122,200 122,200 43,200 165,100 Parks & Recreation 122,200 170,619 91,600 165,100 Program Total Project Budget 122,200 170,619 91,600 165,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-10 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Community & Regional Pk Impact Fee (346) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,921,370 262,500 252,000 252,000 na Capital Outlay 436,909 4,220,400 na Net Operating Budget 3,360,279 4,482,900 252,000 252,000 na Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 3,012,400 3,072,800 3,072,800 3,021,500 3,021,500 (1.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,301,500 369,000 369,000 (71.6%) Reserve for Eagle Lake Grant Match 425,000 na Reserves For Debt Service 2,337,300 2,379,200 2,379,200 1.8% Reserve for Future Debt Service 3,790,700 3,790,700 na Total Budget 6,372,679 6,711,600 7,960,700 9,812,400 9,812,400 46.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 29,400 na Miscellaneous Revenues 1,600 na InleresVMisc 107,933 65,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 (41.5%) Impact Fees 3,442,612 1,675,000 1,700,000 1,635,000 1,635,000 (2.4%) Deferred Impact Fees 336,822 151,000 553,000 553,000 na COA Impact Fees (196,801) na Carry Forward 16,438,600 5,034,800 13,764,200 7,686,300 7,666,300 52.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (83,700) (111,900) (111,900) 33.7% Total Funding 20,156,766 6,711,600 15,667,000 9,812,400 9,812,400 46.2% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project TiUe Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Parl<s & Recreation Bayview Pk Parking 861,662 881,700 Big Corkscrew Island Pk 424,375 424,400 E Naples Com Pk new Soccer field 99 100 Eagle Lake Comm Ctr 425,000 Golden Gate Estates Com Pk 4,282 4,300 Goodland Boat Ramp 48g.,954 490,000 18,600 Immok S Pk construct com ctr 1,053,166 1,053,200 9,300 Manatee Park Comm Pari< 25,669 25,700 Mar Good Resort Renovations 1,222,346 1,222,400 7,400 North Collier Regional Pari< 56,519 58,500 Operating Project 346 262,473 262,500 200,000 Sugden Pk-2 water ski structures & 60,037 60,100 16,700 interpreter ctr X-fers/Reserves - Fund 346 6,711,600 10,502,248 3,072,600 9,560,400 Parl<s & Recreation 6,711,600 14,964,652 7,980,700 9,812,400 Program Total Project Budget 6,711,600 14,984,852 7,980,700 9,812,400 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however, staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $1,671,654. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 11 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Community & Regional Pk Impact Fee (346) Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections, change in the impact fee rates in September, and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $1,700,000. On September 28,2010, the Board approved a decrease in the Community and Regional Park impact fee. The average decrease was 4.7% for Community Parks and 11.9% for Regional Parks for residential land uses. Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential activity and the change in the impact fee rates adopted in September, the projected revenue for FY 2012 is $1,635,000. Two large impact fee deferrals are due in FY 2012 in the amount of $553,029. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 12 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Parks and Recreation Capital Naples & Urban Collier Community Park Impact Fee (368) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 8,720 na Capital Outlay 8,646 173,700 na Net Operating Budget 17,367 173,700 na Reserves For Capital 162,400 182,300 182,300 (0.1%) Total Budget 17,367 182,400 173,700 182,300 182,300 (0.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change interestlMisc 2,916 2,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 (40.0%) Cany Forward 368,300 180,100 353,100 180,900 180,900 0.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (200) (100) (100) (50.0%) Total Funding 371,218 182,400 354,600 182,300 182,300 (0.1%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Parks & Recreation E Naples Com Pk new Soccer field 178 200 Golden Gate Com Pk BikelWalk Path 173,503 173,500 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 368 182,400 182,400 0 182,300 Parks & Recreation 162,400 356,081 173,700 182,300 Program Total Project Budget 182,400 356,081 173,700 182,300 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-13 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Parks & Recreation FY 2012 Preliminary 80039 80184 80611 80085 80024 31346 80007 80130 99306 99345 Big Corkscrew Island Pk Parking lot for access to Orange Tree Lake Eagle Lake Comm Ctr Design, permit, and construct new community center. Goodland Boat Ramp To provide the technical engineering from the IT Department so the facilities can have interconnectivity capabilities to the Internet. This will allow the facility to interface with the Parks and Recreation's CLASS software system. Immok S Pk construct com ctr The $9,300 is to provide the technical engineering from the IT Department so the facilities can have interconnectivity capabilities to the Internet. This will allow the facility to interface with the Parks and Recreation's CLASS software system. Mar Good Resort Renovations Design, permit, construct, recondition of exiting historical buildings, adding new playground equipment. Reconditioning of site (grass, irrigation, grade). Demolition of unsafe building structures and adding new canoe haunch. The $7,400 is to provide the technical engineering from the IT Department so the facilities can have interconnectivity capabilities to the Internet. This will allow the facility to interface with the Parks and Recreation's CLASS software system. Operating Project 346 . Operating category funding for the Unincorporated Community and Regional Park Impact Fee Fund (346) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Sugden Pk-2 water ski structures & interpreter ctr To provide the technical engineering from the IT Department so the facilities can have interconnectivity capabilities to the Internet. This will allow the facility to interface with the Parks and Recreation's CLASS software system. Waterway Marker Maintenance Collier County Coastal Zone Management owns and maintains approximately 400 water-way markers from the north end of the county to the south end. These signs consist of the red and green day-board signs, informational signs, and manatee signs. Per FWC and Coast Guard permit requirements Collier county is required to maintain waterway signs for safe and navigable channels. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 306 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Park and Recreation Capital fund 306 are for the following items: $311,600 Series 2010B Bond debt service for the Goodland Boating Park Land (source of funding is the boater vessel registration I boater improvement money) - Transfer to 298. $ 12,000 Transfer to Tax Collector (for the collection of boater vessel registration revenue) $ 62,400 Reserve for Contingencies $313,800 Reserve for Capital (various completed capital projects were closed out and the money placed into reserves; this money will be used for unexpected or emergency repairs.) X-fers/Reserves - Fund 345 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Regional Park Impact Fee Fund 345 are for the following items: $ 90,000 Series 2005 Bond debt service payment for the North Collier Regional Park - Transfer to 216. $ 75,100 Reserve for Future Capital Projects. 125,000 125,000 18,600 9,300 7,400 200,000 16,700 50,000 699,800 165,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 14 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary Parks & Recreation 99346 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 346 The 'nterfund Transfers and Reserves for the Unincorporated Community and Regional Parks Impact Fee Fund 346 are for the following items: $3,021,500 Series 2005 Bond debt service payment for the North Collier Regional Park - Transfer to 216. $ 369,000 Reserve for Contingencies $2,379,200 Reserve for Debt Service $3,790,700 Reserve for Future Debt Service Obligations (Since annual debt service payments exceed impact fee revenues, this money has been set by the Board on April 26, 2011, agenda item 10.F. to ensure funding is available for debt service payments over the next 5 years). 9,560,400 99368 The debt service payment (transfer to fund 216) for the North Collier Regional Park has a principle and interest payment due on October 1. This Reserve for Cashflow insures that the Park Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 368 Reserve for Future Capital Projects for the Naples and Urban Community Park Impact Fee Fund 368 is recorded in this project. 182,300 Total Parks & Recreation 11,159,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-15 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 464,529 460,600 492,600 460,700 460,700 0.0% Operating Expense 1,530,655 43,900 63,600 259,900 259,900 492.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 117,700 125,000 116,600 116,800 (0.8%) Capital Outlay 197,206 7,017,500 18,126,100 3,742,200 3,742,200 (46.7%) Remittances 25,000 25,000 na Net Operating Budget 2,192,390 7,639,900 18,807,300 4,604,600 4,604,600 (39.7%) Trans to Tax Collector 128,565 163,100 161,000 163,100 163,100 0.0% Trans to 001 General Fund 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 168,100 2.1% Trans to 184 TDC Promo 1,000,000 200,000 1,200,000 200,000. 200,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 146,000 202,500 202,500 36.7% Reserve for Reimb to State 3,400,000 3,400,000 na Reserves For Capital 16,025,700 20,093,700 20,093,700 25.4% Total Budget 3,483,955 24,339,300 20,332,900 28,832,000 28,832,000 18.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change TDC Beach Capital (195) 1,615,466 2,497,300 7,679,200 2,620,500 2,620,500 4.9% TDC Park Beaches Fund (163) 576,924 5,142,600 11,128,100 1,984,100 1,984,100 (61.4%) Total Net Budget 2,192,390 7,639,900 18,807,300 4,604,600 4,604,600 (39.7%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,291,565 16,699,400 1,525,600 24,227,400 24,227,400 45.1% Total Budget 3,483,955 24,339,300 20,332,900 28,832,000 28,832,000 18.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 6,426,245 6,525,100 6,220,400 6,525,100 6,525,100 0.0% Intergovemmental Revenues 122,225 2,892,000 (100.0%) FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 9,731,561 na Miscellaneous Revenues 28,146 17,600 50,000 50,000 na InterestlMisc 178,161 200,000 200,100 200,000 200,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 5,563 1,900 1,500 1,500 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 57,017 na Carry Forward 23,664,300 15,048,500 36,554,500 22,381,700 22,381,700 48.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (326,300) (326,300) (326,300) 0.0% Total Funding 40,215,218 24,339,300 42,994,500 28,832,000 28,832,000 16.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change TDC Beach Capital (195) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-16 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Tourist Development Council - Beaches (195) Beach Cleaning Operations 135,000 211,507 211,500 135,100 Beach Tilling 17 ,500 17,500 16,900 17 ,500 Breakwaters & Jetties of South Beach 750,000 750,000 City Beach Cleaning Operations 75,900 150,940 150,900 City/County Beach Monitoring 260,000 260,000 260,000 267,600 Clam Pass Beach Renourishment 50,016 50,000 Clam Pass Ebb Tide S 92,886 92,900 Clam Pass Water Quality Modeling 50,000 50,000 Co Beach Analysis & Design 300,000 300,000 300,000 Collier Beach Design/ Pennitting 140,000 140,000 600,000 County/Naples Beach Renourishment 196,195 196,200 76,900 Doctor's Pass Jetty Re-build 250,000 250,000 Doctor's Pass Maintenance Dredging 26,910 26,900 FEMA Hurricane 22,244 22,200 Hideaway Beach Erosion Control 1,200,000 1,200,000 Structures Laser Grading North Marco Beach 20,000 Marco Beach Breakwater AnalysislDesign 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 Marco Breakwater Design/Permitting 195,197 195,200 Naples Conceptual Drainage Design 41,322 41,300 Naples Pier Annualized Repair and 55,000 110,000 110,000 55,000 Maintenance Near Shore Hard bottom Monitoring 60,767 60,800 30,000 North Truck Haul Renourishment 1,365,968 1,366,000 350,000 TDC Administration 628,900 654,732 660,400 618,200 Tigartail Beach & Sand Placement Study 44,799 44,800 25,000 Tigertail Walkway Design 26,357 26,400 Vand. Beach Parking Garage 247,943 234,900 Vegetation Repairs - Exotic Removal 75,000 80,640 80,600 75,000 Wiggins Pass Dredging 750,000 750,639 762,300 50,000 Wiggins Pass Master Plan Eng & 131,797 131,800 Pennitting Wiggins Pass Modeling 125,181 125,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 195 16,595,600 16,595,632 423,900 24,067,100 Tourist Development Council - 19,092,900 24,299,193 8,103,100 26,687,600 Beaches (195) Tourist Development Council - Park Beaches (183) Barefoot ADA Ramp Re-Work 20,000 Barefoot Beach - Third Parking Lot 686 Reshell Barefoot Beach Parking Improvement 150,000 Barefoot Engineering and Permit 25,000 Barefoot Entrance Sign 20,000 Barefoot Tiki Rook Repair 20,000 Barefoot Toll Booth Chemical Toilet 40,000 Barefoot Toll Booth Replacement 150,000 Clam Pass Southern Boardwalk 1,623,536 1,623,500 Conner Park Expansion 7,703 4,000 Conner Park Shelter and Bathroom 50,000 Delnor Wiggins State Park Entrance 750,000 750,000 Gulf Shore Property Acquisition 3,304,300 2,304,300 2,304,300 950,000 Gulf Shore Property Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-17 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital rDC Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Tourist Development Council - Park Beaches (183) Gulf Shore Trolley 125,000 125,000 125,000 Marco Beach Bathroom & Access Imp 100,000 100,000 100,000 Master Meters for Beach Parks 2,585 New Clam Bay Facility Turnaround and 500,000 Park Operating Project 183 7,300 7,300 7,300 9,100 Remaining Vanderbilt Beach Access 650,000 650,000 Seagate Access Bathroom 50,000 Tigertail Beach Playground Equipment 2 TIgertail Restroom and Pedestrian 2,235,495 2,235,500 Boardwalk Vanderbilt Beach Access Number 8 230,000 1,066,186 1,086,200 Vanderbilt Pedestrian Access Number 3 17,333 2,200 Vanderbilt Restroom Expansion Re-Work 376,000 1,236,126 1,238,100 X-ferslReserves - Fund 183 103,600 1,103,800 1,101,700 160,300 Tourist Development Council - Park 5,246,400 12,254,053 12,229,800 2,144,400 Beaches (183) Department Total Project Budget 24,339,300 36,553,246 20,332,900 28,832,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-18 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital rDC Capital TDC Park Beaches Fund (183) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 463,552 na Indirect Cost Reimburs 7,300 9,100 9,100 na Capital Outlay 113,372 5,142,600 11,120,800 1,975,000 1,975,000 (61.6%) Net Operating Budget 576,924 5,142,600 11,128,100 1,984,100 1,984,100 (61.4%) Trans to Tax Collector 42,426 53,600 51,700 53,600 53,600 0.0% Trans to 164 TDC Promo 50,000 1,050,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 56,500 56,500 na Total Budget 619,350 5,246,400 12,229,800 2,144,400 2,144,400 (59.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 2,121,321 2,153,300 2,067,200 2,153,300 2,153,300 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 12,900 na InterestlMisc 66,504 50,000 50,100 50,000 50,000 0.0% Trans fnn Tax Collector 16,815 na Carry Forward 6,561,000 3,150,800 10,148,300 46,800 48,800 (98.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (107,700) (107,700) (107,700) 0.0% Total Funding 10,767,640 5,246,400 12,278,500 2,144,400 2,144,400 (59.1%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-19 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital TOC Park Beaches Fund (183) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Tourist Development Council- Park Beaches (163) Barefoot ADA Ramp Re-Work 0 20,000 Barefoot Beach - Third Parking Lot 668 0 Reshell Barefoot Beach Parking Improvement 0 150,000 Barefoot Engineering and Pennit 0 25,000 Barefoot Entrance Sign 0 20,000 Barefoot Tiki Rook Repair 0 20,000 Barefoot Toll Booth Chemical Toilet 0 40,000 Barefoot Toll Booth Replacement 0 150,000 Clam Pass Southern Boardwalk 1,623,536 1,623,500 Conner Park Expansion 7,703 4,000 Conner Park Shelter and Bathroom 0 50,000 Delnor Wiggins State Park Entrance 750,000 750,000 Gulf Shore Property Acquisition 3,304,300 2,304,300 2,304,300 950,000 Gulf Shore Property Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Gulf Shore Trolley 125,000 125,000 125,000 Marco Beach Bathroom & Access Imp 100,000 100,000 100,000 Master Meters for Beach Parks 2,585 0 New Clam Bay Facility Turnaround and 0 500,000 Park Operating Project 183 7,300 7,300 7,300 9,100 Remaining Vanderbilt Beach Access 650,000 650,000 Seagate Access Bathroom 0 50,000 Tigertail Beach Playground Equipment 2 0 Tigertail Restroom and Pedestrian 2,235,495 2,235,500 Boardwalk Vanderbilt Beach Access Number 6 230,000 1,086,186 1,088,200 Vanderbilt Pedestrian Access Number 3 17 ,333 2,200 Vanderbilt Restroom Expansion Re-Work 376,000 1,238,126 1,236,100 X-ferslReserves - Fund 183 103,800 1,103,800 1,101,700 160,300 Tourist Development Council - Park 5,246,400 12,254,053 12,229,600 2,144,400 Beaches (183) Program Total Project Budget 5,246,400 12,254,053 12,229,800 2,144,400 Beach Park Facility Fund (183) was authorized by the Board of County Commissioners in December, 2005 providing a mechanism to budget and account for revenues and corresponding expenses associated with beach access and beach park facility initiatives. This action was pursuant to BCC funding guidelines and the necessity to budget and financially account for this important public purpose. Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast revenue includes a substantial growing carry forward from fiscal year ending 2010 equal to $10,148,300 plus annual tourist tax revenue in the amount of $2,067,200 which is deposited directly in to Fund (183). Fund balance from year ending 2009 to 2010 grew by $1,587,300 and reflects the timing and payouts of active projects versus budget. Actual operating expenses are modest and a FY 2011 project correction budget amendment is planned re-directing funds.to reserves. The forecast revenue transfer from Tourism Fund (194) totals $0 consistent with ordinance 2011-02. Tourism Fund (196) emergency advertising dollars are replenished from Fund (194) until a fund balance of $1 ,000,000 is achieved. Thereafter, dollars are directed to tourism advertising and promotion. Current FY 2012 - While beach facility improvements will continue, substantial appropriations will be set aside to purchase beach access property and improve access to Barefoot Beach. Fund revenues include one-third of Category A Tourist Tax collections pursuant to policy guidelines, modest interest income which is transferred to tourism advertising fund (184) pursuant to Board action and carry forward revenue. Tourist tax revenue is projected at FY 2011 levels. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-20 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category FY 2012 Preliminary Project# Project litle / Description 80195 80194 80186 80193 80192 80191 80190 80189 88027 80187 31183 80188 99183 Tourist Development Council - Park Beaches (183) Barefoot ADA Ramp Re-Work Barefoot Beach Parking Improvement Barefoot Engineering and Permit Barefoot Entrance Sign Barefoot Tiki Rook Repair Barefoot Toll Booth Chemical Toilet 20,000 150,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 150,000 50,000 950,000 Barefoot TollBooth Replacement Conner Park Shelter and Bathroom Gulf Shore Property Acquisition Gulf Shore Property Acquisition. New Clam Bay Facility Turnaround and Park Operating Project 183 Non-project specific expenses are recorded here for example administrative cost. Seagate Access Bathroom X-fers/Reserves - Fund 183 Reserves for Future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. 500,000 9,100 50,000 160,300 Total Tourist Development Council- Park Beaches (183) 2,144,400 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-21 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital rDC Beach Capital (195) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 464,529 460,600 492,600 460,700 460,700 0.0% Operating Expense 1,067,103 43,900 63,600 259,900 259,900 492.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 117,700 117,700 107,700 107,700 (8.5%) Capital Outlay 63,634 1,674,900 7,005,300 1,767,200 1,767,200 (5.7%) Remittances 25,000 25,000 na Net Operating Budget 1,615,466 2,497,300 7,679,200 2,620,500 2,620,500 4.9% Trans to Tax Collector 66,136 109,300 109,300 109,300 109,300 0.0% Trans to 001 General Fund 163,000 164,600 164,600 168,100 166,100 2.1% Trans to 184 TDC Promo 1,000,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 146,000 146,000 146,000 0.0% Reserve for Reimb to State 3,400,000 3,400,000 na Reserves For Capital 16,025,700 20,093,700 20,093,700 25.4% Total Budget 2,864,605 19,092,900 8,103,100 26,687,600 26,687,600 39.8% Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 4,306,924 4,371,800 4,153,200 4,371,800 4,371,800 0.0% Intergovemmental Revenues 122,225 2,892,000 (100.0%) FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 9,731,561 na Miscellaneous Revenues 28,148 4,700 50,000 50,000 na InterestlMisc 111,657 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 5,563 1,900 1,500 1,500 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 38,201 na Carry Forward 15,103,300 11,697,700 26,406,200 22,332,900 22,332,900 67.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (218,600) (218,600) (218,600) 0.0% Total Funding 29,447,578 19,092,900 30,716,000 26,687,600 26,687,600 39.8% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-22 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital TDC Beach Capital (195) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Tourist Development Council - Beaches (195) Beach Cleaning Operations 135,000 211,507 211,500 135,100 Beach Tilling 17 ,500 17,500 16,900 17,500 Breakwaters & Jetties of South Beach 750,000 750,000 City Beach Cleaning Operations 75,900 150,940 150,900 City/County Beach Monitoring 260,000 260,000 260,000 267,600 Clam Pass Beach Renourishment 50,016 50,000 Clam Pass Ebb Tide S 92,888 92,900 Clam Pass Water Quality Modeling 50,000 50,000 0 Co Beach Analysis & Design 300,000 300,000 300,000 Collier Beach Design/ Permitting 140,000 140,000 600,000 County/Naples Beach Renourishment 196,195 196,200 76,900 Doctor's Pass Jetty Re-build 250,000 250,000 Doctor's Pass Maintenance Dredging 26,910 26,900 FEMA Hurricane 22,244 22,200 Hideaway Beach Erosion Control 1,200,000 1,200,000 Structures Laser Grading North Marco Beach 0 20,000 Marco Beach Breakwater 150,000 150,000 150,000 300,000 Analysis/Design Marco Breakwater Design/Pennitting 195,197 195,200 Naples Conceptual Drainage Design 41,322 41,300 Naples Pier Annualized Repair and 55,000 110,000 110,000 55,000 Maintenance Near Shore Hard bottom Monitoring 60,787 60,800 30,000 North Truck Haul Renourishment 1,365,968 1,366,000 350,000 TDC Administration 628,900 654,732 680,400 618,200 Tigartail Beach & Sand Placement Study 44,799 44,600 25,000 Tigertail Walkway Design 26,357 26,400 Vand. Beach Parking Garage 247,943 234,900 Vegetation Repairs - Exotic Removal 75,000 80,640 80,600 75,000 Wiggins Pass Dredging 750,000 750,639 762,300 50,000 Wiggins Pass Master Plan Eng & 131,797 131,600 Pennitting Wiggins Pass Modeling 125,181 125,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 195 16,595,600 16,595,632 423,900 24,067,100 Tourist Development Council- Beaches 19,092,900 24,299,193 8,103,100 26,687,600 (195) Program Total Project Budget 19,092,900 24,299,193 6,103,100 26,687,600 During FY 2006, the Board of County Commissioners authorized the segregation of funds collected for beach access/beach park facilities from funds collected for beach re nourishment/pass maintenance activities. The fact that dollars dedicated to beach park facilities were co-mingled with beach re nourishment funds proved problematic in identifying compliance with beach re nourishment reserve guidelines and in identifying funds available for beach access initiatives. Beach Park Facilities Fund (183) allows staff to budget and financially account for revenues and expenditures devoted to beach re nourishment/pass maintenance and beach park facilities projects. Beach re nourishment/pass maintenance was consolidated under a new coastal zone management function during FY 07 with management responsibility under the Public Services Division. Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services are projected over budget reflecting the use of job bank personnel to assist with beach cleaning and FEMA grant record keeping. Other salary expense should be offset partially by the seperation of one (1) FTE mid year. This is one of the few capital funds that contain personal service and operating expense which is subject to project roll. The roll from FY 2010 into FY 2011 totaled $12,300. Project Expenses and Transfers FY 2011 - Noteworthy project appropriations in FY 2011 included Wiggins Pass Dredging. Funding was also concentrated in the areas of beach maintenance activities and permit compliance monitoring. Transfers include: $150,000 interest income re-direct to support tourism advertising and promotion; the Sea Turtle Monitoring program at $164,600, and $109,300 to offset tax collector expense. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-23 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital TDC Capital TDe Beach Capital (195) Forecast Revenue FY 2011 - Total tourist tax collections across all categories are forecast within the 5% revenue reserve. While this funds current cash position is strong and unrestricted cash reserves exist, policy set aside dollars alone are not sufficient to fully fund the next scheduled major renourishment in FY 2014 without the benefit of State and Federal storm reimbursement dollars. During FY 2010, $9.7 million in FEMA reimbursement dollars was received which provided an infusion of cash to offset the next scheduled renourishment. While reserves in FY 2012 will be increased as a result of this FEMA reimbursement check, $3,400,000 in FY 2012 reserves will be designated for potential reimbursement to the State. The forecast FY 2011 transfer from Tourism Fund (194) pursuant to Ordinance 2005-43 totals $0. Category "A" funds will no longer be the beneficiary of residual dollars sweplfrom Tourism Fund (194) pursuant to ordinance 2011-02. Current FY 2012 - Personal services are based upon a complement of five (5) funded FTEs. Projects budgeted for the FY 2012 reflect required permit and compliance monitoring, pass maintenance and major beach re nourishment preparation initiatives. Budgeted projects are summarized on the following page. Non-project related expenditures include a General Fund (001) transfer for Sea Turtle Monitoring ($168,100) plus a $109,300 tax collector transfer. This expenditure program includes $5,000,000 in catastrophe reserves, $12,000,000 in major beach re nourishment reserves, $79,000 for Category D pier reserves, $3,400,000 to pay any anticipated state reimbursement and $3,160,700 in unrestricted reserves. Revenue FY 2012 - Anticipated revenues include tourist development taxes (2/3rd's of Category A) budgeted at $4,371,800, $22,332,900 in projected year ending 2011 fund balance, $150,000 in interest income which will be transferred to tourism advertising fund (184) pursuant to Board action based upon actual interest income postings. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 24 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary Tourist Development Council - Beaches (195) 90533 Beach Cleaning Operations This is an ongoing project for Collier County and Marco Island beach cleaning. This project maintains the beaches and equipment that is necessary for these operations. 80171 Beach Tilling 90536 City/County Beach Monitoring 80096 Collier Beach Design/ Permitting With Tropical Storm Fay FEMA approval, Collier County has the opportunity to re-evaluate its beach design and re-permit a more robust beach fill section for hot spots and/or other beach sections. This funds that activity. 90527 County/Naples Beach Renourishment 72 Laser Grading North Marco Beach 80166 Marco Beach Breakwater Analysis/Design 90096 Naples Pier Annualized Repair and Maintenance The activity description for this project includes labor and material for the upkeep and safety of the pier. The pier is a public access beach facility as a tourist attractor and destination. The pier structure has a shoreline erosion control and beach preservation effect. Additionally, the public safety through the continued maintenance of the pier is of paramount importance. Repair and maintenance areas include responsibility and public safety of pier structure, wooden deck, restrooms and storage facilities as well as water and electrical systems related to the pier's use as a fishing, tourist and beach preservation structure. 90033 Near Shore Hard bottom Monitoring This Biological Monitoring includes the Artificial Reef but not sonar verification of the hard bottom and/or ground truthing. 88030 North Truck Haul Renourishment 90020 TDC Administration This item includes a total of 5 employees for personal services totaling $460,700, office operating expenses totaling $49,800, and Indirect Cost allocation totaling $107,700 for a total of $618,200. 70003 Tigartail Beach & Sand Placement Study 90044 Vegetation Repairs - Exotic Removal Dune planting and exotic removal greatly contributes to a healthy beach environment. Each year the county sets aside $75,000 to repair dune vegetation and remove exotics on all our county beaches. 90522 Wiggins Pass Dredging 99195 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 195 The 'nterfund Transfers and Reserves for TDC - Beaches Fund 195 are for the following items: $ 168,100 Transfer to General Fund (001) for Sea Turtle Monitoring $ 109,300 Transfer to Tax Collector (for the collection ofTDC money) $ 150,000 Transfer to TDC Promotion Fund (184) $ 5,000,000 Reserve for a catastrophic event. $12,000,000 Reserve for major beach renourishment $ 79,000 Reserve for Category D pier $ 3,400,000 Res'erve for State Reimbursement $ 3,160,700 Reserve for Contingencies Total Tourist Development Council. Beaches (195) 135,100 17,500 267,800 600,000 76,900 20,000 300,000 55,000 30,000 350,000 618,200 25,000 75,000 50,000 24,067,100 26,687,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 25 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Library Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 107,617 60,000 94,400 20,000 20,000 (75.0%) Capital Outlay 1,368,076 6,600 1,936,600 5,600 5,800 (12.1%) Net Operating Budget 1,475,894 86,600 2,033,000 25,800 25,800 (70.2%) Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 472,000 472,200 415,500 (100.0%) Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 725,800 779,900 1,148,300 1,148,300 56.2% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 964,727 na Reserves For Contingencies 774,500 116,800 116,800 (64.9%) Reserves For Debt Service 602,600 376,500 376,500 (37.5%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 442,000 442,000 na Total Budget 2,912,620 2,661,700 3,228,400 2,109,400 2,109,400 (20.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Library Capital Projects Fund (307) 771,555 6,600 463,200 5,800 5,800 (12.1%) Library Impact Fee Fund (355) 704,339 60,000 1,569,800 20,000 20,000 (75.0%) Total Net Budget 1,475,894 86,600 2,033,000 25,600 25,800 (70.2%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,436,727 2,575,100 1,195,400 2,063,600 2,063,600 (19.1%) Total Budget 2,912,620 2,661,700 3,228,400 2,109,400 2,109,400 (20.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 50,000 200,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 500,000 na InterestlMisc 36,327 9,000 15,900 15,900 15,900 76.7% Impact Fees 597,614 320,000 370,000 330,000 330,000 3.1% Deferred Impact Fees 70,752 39,400 85,600 85,800 na Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap Proj 1,171,300 na Carry Forward 4,790,100 2,349,100 4,302,300 1,699,200 1,699,200 (27.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (16,400) (21,500) (21,500) 31.1% Total Funding 7,216,293 2,661,700 4,927,600 2,109,400 2,109,400 (20.7%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project TItle Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Libraries Books, Pubs & Library Mat 355 1,000,370 1,000,400 Golden Gate Library Expansion 670 900 Operating Project 355 80,000 94,446 94,400 20,000 Rose Hall Auditorium 6,600 463,186 463,200 5,800 South County Regional Library 474,136 474,100 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 355 2,575,100 2,729,262 1,195,400 2,063,600 Libraries 2,661,700 4,762,274 3,228,400 2,109,400 Department Total Project Budget 2,661,700 4,762,274 3,228,400 2,109,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-26 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Library Capital Library Capital Projects Fund (307) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 27,463 na Capital Outlay 744,091 6,600 463,200 5,800 5,600 (12.1%) Net Operating Budget n1,555 6,600 463,200 5,800 5,600 (12.1%) Total Budget n1,555 6,600 463,200 5,800 5,800 (12.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 500,000 na InteresllMisc 5,219 2,900 2,900 2,900 na Carry Forward 729,700 6,600 463,300 3,000 3,000 (54.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) na Total Funding 1,234,919 6,600 466,200 5,800 5,800 (12.1%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Libraries Rose Hall Auditorium 6,600 463,186 463,200 5,800 Program Total Project Budget 6,600 463,186 463,200 5,800 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-27 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Library Capital Library Impact Fee Fund (355) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 80,354 80,000 94,400 20,000 20,000 (75.0%) Capital Outlay 623,985 1,475,400 na Net Operating Budget 704,339 80,000 1,569,800 20,000 20,000 (75.0%) Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 472,000 472,200 415,500 (100.0%) Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 725,800 779,900 1,148,300 1,148,300 58.2% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 964,727 na Reserves For Contingencies 774,500 116,800 116,800 (84.9%) Reserves For Debt Service 602,600 376,500 376,500 (37.5%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 442,000 442,000 na Total Budget 2,141,065 2,655,100 2,765,200 2,103,600 2,103,600 (20.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 50,000 200,000 na Interest/Mise 31,108 9,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 44.4% Impact Fees 597,814 320,000 370,000 330,000 330,000 3.1% Deferred Impact Fees 70,752 39,400 85,800 85,800 na Advance/Repay fnn 301 Cap proj 1,171,300 na Carry Forward 4,060,400 2,342,500 3,839,000 1,696,200 1,696,200 (27.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (16,400) (21,400) (21,400) 30.5% Total Funding 5,981,374. 2,655,100 4,461,400 2,103,600 2,103,600 (20.8%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Libraries Books, Pubs & Library Mat 355 1,000,370 1,000,400 Golden Gate Library Expansion 870 900 Operating Project 355 80,000 94,448 94,400 20,000 South County Regional Library 474,138 474,100 X-ferslReserves - Fund 355 2,575,100 2,729,262 1,195,400 2,083,600 Libraries 2,655,100 4,299,088 2,765,200 2,103,600 Program Total Project Budget 2,655,100 4,299,088 2,765,200 2,103,600 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however, staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $315,816. Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections, change in the impact fee rates in December, and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $370,000. On December 14, 2010, the Board approved a decrease in the Library impact fee. The average decrease was between 44% and 62% depending on the residential land use. State of Florida approved a $500,000 construction grant for the South Regional Library. The South Regional Library received $300,000 in FY 2009, $150,000 on March 4, 2011 and with the balance of $50,000 is Forecast to be received in FY 2011. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 28 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Library Capital Library Impact Fee Fund (355) Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential and commercial activity and the change in the impact fee rates adopted in December, the projected reyenue for FY 2012 is $330,000. Two large impact fee deferrals are due in FY 2012 in the amount of $85,803. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 29 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Libraries FY 2012 Preliminary 54001 31355 54004 99355 Library Books, Pubs. & Library Materials The 2010 AUIR (Annual Update Inventory Report) reported a peak population county wide of 419,155 for FY 2012. Based on a level of service of 1.87 items in the Library collection per capita, the Library should have 783,820 items. New items are purchased out of impact fees however replacement items are to be funded by another source. It is estimated that 4 % of the items are replaced annually at an approximate cost of $25 per item, total cost of $783,800. Available General Fund funding for this project is $154,200. Operating Project 355 Operating category funding for the Library Impact Fee Fund (355) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Rose Hall Auditorium The Marco Island Library added an auditorium. Funding was from donations and contributions. Any remaining funds will be split between the Friends of the Library and the Library Trust Fund 612. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 355 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Library Impact Fee Fund 355 are for the following items: $ 433,000 Series 20108 Bond debt service payment for the North Naples Regional Library-Transfer to 298. $ 715,300 Series 2010 Bond debt service payment for the South Regional Library and the Golden Gate Library Expansion-Transfer to 298. $ 116,800 Reserve for Contingencies $ 376,500 Reserve for Debt Service $ 442,000 Reserve for future debt service payments. (various projects were closed out and the residual money was placed into reserves to be used for debt service payments). The debt service payment (transfer to fund 298) for the North Naples Regional Library has a principal and interest payment due on October 1. This Reserve for Debt Service insures that the Library Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. Total Libraries 154,200 20,000 5,800 2,083,600 2,263,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 30 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Museum Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 514,321 na Capital Outlay 164,104 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Net Operating Budget 698,425 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Reserves For Contingencies 9,300 1,600 1,600 (82.6%) Reserves For Capital 28,300 28,300 na Total Budget 698,425 109,300 878,200 191,900 191,900 75.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Museum Capital Projects Fund (314) 698,425 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Total Net Budget 698,425 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Total Transfers and Reserves 9,300 29,900 29,900 221.5% Total Budget 696,425 109,300 878,200 191,900 191,900 75.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 62,000 na Interest/Misc 7,465 500 10,500 10,500 10,500 2,000.0% Trans fm 196 Museum Fd 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 150,000 na Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 50,000 na Carry Forward 1,078,500 8,800 787,600 81,900 81,900 . 630.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (500) (500) na Total Funding 1,485,965 109,300 960,100 191,900 191,900 75.6% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Museum Exhibit Development 446,817 446,600 12,000 Marco Museum 100,000 300,000 300,000 110,000 Museum Lighting 40,000 Naples Depot Restoration 131,441 131,400 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 314 9,300 9,300 29,900 Museum 109,300 887,557 878,200 191,900 Department Total Project Budget 109,300 887,557 878,200 191,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-31 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Museum Capital Museum Capital Projects Fund (314) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 514,321 na Capital Outlay 184,104 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Net Operating Budget 698,425 100,000 878,200 162,000 162,000 62.0% Reserves For Contingencies 9,300 1,600 1,600 (82.8%) Reserves For Capital 26,300 26,300 na Total Budget 698,425 109,300 878,200 191,900 191,900 75.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 62,000 na InteresUMisc 7,465 500 10,500 10,500 10,500 2,000.0% Trans fm 198 Museum Fd 200,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans fm 301 Co Wide Cap 150,000 na Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 50,000 na Cany Forward 1,076,500 6,800 787,600 81,900 81,900 830.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (500) (500) na Total Funding 1,485,965 109,300 960,100 191,900 191,900 75.6% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Museum Exhibit Development 446,817 446,800 12,000 Marco Museum 100,000 300,000 300,000 110,000 Museum Lighting 0 40,000 Naples Depot Restoration 131,441 131,400 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 314 9,300 9,300 0 29,900 Museum 109,300 887,557 876,200 191,900 Program Total Project Budget 109,300 887,557 878,200 191,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-32 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title I Description FY 2012 Preflm'nary Museum 50402 80155 Exhibit Development Complete final phase of exhibit development at the Naples Depot Museum. Includes design, fabrication and installation of all remaining exhibit cases, graphic panels, and audio-visual elements. Marco Museum Design, construct and install permanent exhibits that reflect the history, archeology and development of Marco Island. This is the first phase of a multi-year project with a total estimated budget of $1.5 million. Museum Lighting Systematically replace and upgrade exhibit case and gallery lighting at all Museum facilities with solid state LED technology for enhanced presentation, improved artifact conservation, and greater efficiency and economy (6 to 8 year bulb life). This is a multi-year project. The main Museum will be upgraded first with LED lighting. 12,000 110,000 80196 40,000 99314 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 314 Reserve for future capital projects for the Museum Capital Fund 314 is recorded in this project. 29,900 Total Museum 191,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-33 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Public Services Division Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 13,843 na Capital Outlay 618,065 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Net Operating Budget 631,926 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Advance/Repay to 314 Museum 150,000 na Advance/Repay to 355 Lib IF 1,171,300 na Total Budget 1,953,228 362,200 154,200 154,200 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Wide Capital Projects Fund (301) 631,928 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Total Net Budget 631,928 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Total Transfers and Reserves 1,321,300 na Total Budget 1,953,228 362,200 154,200 154,200 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,171,300 154,200 154,200 na Carry Forward 1,144,200 362,200 na Total Funding 2,315,500 362,200 154,200 154,200 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget County Extension, Education, & Training Horticulture Learning Center 20,762 20,800 Libraries librarY Books, Pubs. & librarY Materials 341 ,448 341,400 154,200 Department Total Project Budget 362,210 362,200 154,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-34 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Services Capital Public Services Division Capital County Wide Capital Projects Fund (301) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 13,843 na Capital Outlay 618,085 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Net Operating Budget 631,928 362,200 154,200 154,200 na Advance/Repay to 314 Museum 150,000 na Advance/Repay to 355 Lib IF 1,171,300 na Total Budget 1,953,228 362,200 154,200 154,200 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,171,300 154,200 154,200 na Carry Forward 1,144,200 362,200 na Total Funding 2,315,500 362,200 154,200 154,200 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget County Extension, Education, & Training Horticulture Learning Center 20,762 20,800 Libraries Library Books, Pubs. & Library Materials 341,448 341,400 154,200 Program Total Project Budget 362,210 362,200 154,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-35 Public Services Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Growth Management Division Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 336.00 Administration Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 30.00 Planning Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 20.00 Regulation Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 135.00 Maintenance Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 115.00 Improvement Districts and MSTU f-- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Operations '--- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 38.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Cost to General Fund 001 and MSTD General Fund 111 Growth Management Division Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to General Fund FY 2012 Net Cost to General Fund Variance % (78,500) -44.9% 3,000 0.4% -100.0% (75,500) -4.2% (604,500) -4.7% (554,300) -100.0% 701,000 38.9% (457,800) -3.0% SW FL Regional Planning Council (and redistricting) 175,000 96,500 Economic Development 787,500 790,500 Intersection Safety Program (36,800) Total Net Costs to General Fund 001 $ 925,700 $ 887,000 $ Transfer - Transportation MainUOps (101) 12,971,400 12,366,900 Transfer - Collier Area Transit (426) 554,300 Transfer - Transportation Disadvantaged (427) 1,800,900 2,501,900 Total Transfer from General Fund 001 $ 15,326,600 $ 14,868,800 $ Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ Compliance Exceeded $ (487,600) 45,700 FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund MSTD General Fund Variance % Planning & Regulartory Admin/FEMA 297,800 284,000 (13,800) -4.6% General Planning Services 1,606,800 1,510,100 (96,700) -6.0% Zoning and Land Development Review 353,200 333,800 (19,400) -5.5% Business Franchise Admin Element (5,602,100) (5,326,400) 275,700 -4.9% Code Enforcement 3,726,600 3,766,400 39,800 1.1% Environmental Services 247,500 234,600 (12,900) -5.2% Landscape & MSTU Operations 4,947,300 4,824,400 (122,900) -2.5% Road Maintenance 6,210,000 6,010,000 (200,000) -3.2% Total Net Costs to MSTD General Fund 111 $ 11,787,100 $ 11,636,900 $ (150,200) -1.3% Transfer - Transportation MainUOps (101) 2,912,800 2,825,400 (87,400) -3.0% Transfer - Community Development (113) 285,100 356,400 71,300 25.0% Transfer - Developer Services (131) 157,000 157,000 0.0% Transfer - Impact Fee Admin (107) 100,000 100,000 0.0% Transfer - MPO (128) 5,000 5,000 0.0% Total Transfer from MSTD General Fund 111 $ 3,459,900 $ 3,443,800 $ (16,100) -0.5% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (457,500) Out of Compliance $ (291,200) Out of Compliance $ (245,500) Fiscal Year 2012 2 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Fund 101 Ad Valorem Transfer Analysis Growth Management Division Compliance View FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted Budget Proposed Variance % General Fund Transfer (001) 12,971,400 12,366,900 (604,500) -4.7% MSTD Fund Transfer (111) 2,912,800 2,825,400 (87,400) -3.0% Totals $ 15,884,200 $ 15,192,300 $ (691,900) -4.4% Target Compliance Reduction $ Compliance Exceeded $ (476,500) 215,400 Fiscal Year 2012 3 Growth Management Division ,- Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget List of Services Not Funded in the Budget for FY 2012 Growth Management Division Program/Services/Personnel Reductions Operational Impact Road Maintenance Decreased Operating Funding Maintenance level of service has moved to a break-fix versus proactive approach for sidewalk repairs, overlay road repairs, roadway pavement marker ("RPM") and stripping replacement and refurbishment The roadway infrastructure system, during recent years of construction, has expanded by 250 lane miles. The expansion has increased maintenance needs that will continue to trend upward as the system ages. Aquatic Plant Control (Road Maintenance) Elimination of six (6) positions Net reduction of six (6) FTE's perfonning drainage structure maintenance wnJ be replaced with contracting services through use of a contract let by Southwest Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Cost of reinstatement includes the fleet expense savings from the reduction of vehicle and equipment inventory. Traffic Operations Decreased Operating A decrease in operating funds will further delay implementation of a multi- year capital replacement program and upgrades to the Traffic Management Center (TMC) for enhanced efficiencies. Data processing and communications equipment replacements include such items as battery backup for traffic signals to prevent loss of power during summer stonns, fiber optic cables to connect traffic signals to the TMC, emergency vehicle pre-emption to give priority to emergency vehicles approaching traffic lights, and traffic signal upgrades to convert from span wires to mast anns. Total cost to reinstate services in GF (001) Required General Fund (001) Millage Rate Increase Landscape Operations Decreased Operating The landscape maintenance level of service has been reduced to handle the contracted services consistent with available funding. Total cost to reinstate services In MSTD GF (111) Required MSTD General Fund (111) Millage Rate Increase FTE Reinstatement Cost 193,500 6.0 483,900 107,300 6.0 $ 784,700 0.01387 102,200 $ 102,200 0.00267 Fiscal Year 2012 4 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Norman Feder, Administrator GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION- CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Reduced budget and staffing over the past few years has resulted in the re-alignment of the organization, a refocus of available funds from capacity improvements to the deferred maintenance and operations needs, the expanded privatization of the Road and Bridge maintenance programs, and the in-sourcing of construction support and oversight functions for construction projects. From FY2003 to FY2011, the overall Operating Budget for the Growth Management Division (GMD) has been reduced 37% while staffing has been reduced 29.8%. Over the past two years, over $33 million in Roads and approximately $9 million in Stormwater Capital funds have been reduced from the GMD budget to address countywide Ad Valorem shortfalls resulting from reduced property assessments. These reductions are in addition to the significant decline in Impact Fee collections and the reduced revenues from Gas Tax. As a result of the refocus on maintenance and operations, Engineering and Right-of-Way staff has been reduced, assigned to Traffic Operations, or part of the in-sourcing of the Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) function. The staffing for Road and Bridge has been reduced 21% over the past few years, at a time when maintenance requirements have increased due to the aging of the system and the addition of approximately 250 new lane miles of roadway since 2000. Overall the Construction and Maintenance Section of the Growth Management Division has been reduced by eight (8) positions from FY2011 to FY2012 resulting in 198 funded positions. TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING The Five Year Road Construction Program supported by the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget includes only two (2) major capacity projects, both heavily supported with over $25 million in discretionary grants, joint participation agreements and developer contributions secured by the County. The preconstruction activities of design and right-of-way acquisition for future needed capacity improvements have generally been pushed out of the Five-Year Program. Engineering staff that remains is concentrating on intersection improvements, signal system optimization and other operational projects to maximize system safety and efficiency. A significant new focus area is the over 100 county maintained bridge structures, half of which were built over40 years ago. These bridges are handling weight loads beyond their design capacity. The age and use of these structures has resulted in increased failures cited in recent State inspection reports that identify substantial repair or replacement requirements. Staff and funding has been redirected to establish a Five-Year Bridge Program to address these identified improvement or replacement needs. An aggressive Five-Year Program of intersection improvements and signal system timing and coordination has also become a greater priority for availa,ble resources. While outsourcing has been the direction for a depleted Road and Bridge staff, in-sourcing of activities formally conducted by consultants has resulted in significant savings for Construction Management Design for intersection improvements, bus shelters, and sidewalk projects are being performed in-house by engineers who formally managed outside consultants. By assembling staff from various functions, Construction Engineering and Inspection, to the extent staffing allows, has been brought in-house, which has resulted in considerable savings. The more manageable workload has allowed such an approach to be undertaken with significantly reduced consultant support. ROAD MAINTENANCE The massive road construction program instituted in 2000 not only added new lane miles to maintain, but masked the lack of resources required to maintain and operate the system that already existed. As roads were widened, the existing lanes were resurfaced/reconstructed and new signal systems, signs and pavement mar.kings were installed. This reduced the need for maintenance on these existing roadways. To address the 383 roadway segments currently below a 70 pavement condition rating would require an additional $25 million over the current $3.952 million in the resurfacing program budget With limited new construction to cover some of the resurfacing, the current resurfacing budget will result in greater deferred maintenance and the prospects of more costly repairs, reconstruction vs. resurfacing of the roads. Approximately 58% of the overall Road and Bridge budget is contracted out to the private sector. In addition to resurfacing, mowing, pavement markings, concrete curb and sidewalk repairs, and other scheduled repairs have been privatized. The Fiscal Year 2012 Budget includes the reduction of staff assigned to aquatic herbicide sprayings as it was determined that this activity could be more economically contracted out. The normal frequency for the cleaning and reshaping roadside ditches is once every five years. At present we are funded and staffed to perform this work once every 20 years. STORMWATER The Stormwater Program reductions from .15 mils to.1 mils has required that available funds be almost exclusively programmed to complete the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP) by the 2015 permit expiration. Right of Way Acquisition staff has moved from acquiring roadway parcels to acquiring the considerable rights of way and easements required. We are on track to meet the LASIP permit deadline. The focus on LASIP, however, has left other stormwater project needs to be addressed beyond the Five-Year Program. Collapsing corrugated stormwater pipes in Golden Gate City are not being addressed and could result in Fiscal Year 2012 5 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Growth Management Division road and stormwater system failures. The County presently maintains approximately 50 weirs on the secondary drainage system. Currently, we have two weirs that need replacement, but no budget available. TRANSIT AND PARATRANSIT Collier Area Transit (CAT) ridership is again increasing, continuing to exceed one million passenger trips annually. The fare box return continues to exceed industry standards at 25% and Federal and State grants have been maximized to cover capital and operating costs, where allowed. Efficiency measures, Including modification of routes to reduce deadhead time and expand coverage area to address rider desires, implementation of the Federal grant for Intelligent Transportation automation for transit, and rebidding of the management contract have allowed continuation of services even with Increased costs, especially fuel. The paratransit (Transportation Disadvantage or TD) services have experienced a significant increase in ridership. Lower priority (personal business and recreation) trips will be reduced to provide the higher priority (medical and employment) trips, within the available budget Further completing this projected reduction in lower priority trips, the Florida legislature passed a bill this session to remove Medicaid funded trips from the coordinated Transportation System. The result could be an increased demand on the TD services with greater high priority medical trips, further reducing the ability to service the lower priority trips, to stay within the FY 2012 budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT DIVISION- PLANNING AND REGULATION Internal cost containment efforts continue to be an ongoing process at GMD, P&R as a majority of the functions and services rendered are based on revenue centric operations. As the organization furthers its progress in improving efficiencies, GMD, P&R has developed strategies that cross train staff and focus on business processes improvements for providing enhanced quality and expeditious delivery. The majority of the fee-based work continues to be generated from the Building Permit, Inspection, and Contractors Licensing from Fund 113, which continues to provide increased stability as a result of improving market conditions. Administrative support functions have been consolidated into the Office of Operations and Regulatory Management for all the departments. This provides central oversight for Purchasing and Administration. GMD, P&R has recently executed the final phase of the CityView software suite and plans to aggressively work towards implementing an electronic submittal and plan review software application. The total operating budget for GMD, P&R in FY 2005 was $58.2 million and the total number of authorized full time equivalent (FTE) positions in the division was 255.5 FTEs. As permitting demand and land use services grew in the county, our budget dropped slightly in FY 2006 to $53 million with the reassignment of some functions to other departments in the county, but our authorized FTEs jumped to 287. In FY 2007 the budget and FTE count rose to $61 million and 311 FTEs. GMD, P&R began to react to the downturn in the industry in mid 2007 and in doing so prepared and presented a $40.6 million budget for FY 2008 with an authorized staff of 297 funding only 261 positions by freezing funding on 36 positions in reaction to the 28% reduction in building permit activities and the 38% reduction in land use activities. Similarly, for FY 2009 the total budget decreased an additional 21% to $31.9 million (46% reduction from the FY 2005 budget) and the staff was further reduced to 211 funded FTEs with 88 frozen positions in response to a further 25% reduction of revenue in the Building Review and Permitting Fund, Fund 113, and a 27% reduction of revenue in our zoning and land use and development fund, Fund 131. A first quarter reduction in force (RIF) has further reduced the FTE countto below 180 in FY 2010. Proposed FY12 FTEs are consistent with FY11 and are being held at 174 FTEs. Should business activity continue to increase in FY12 staff will investigate several options before adding FTEs. Possible options include overtime, contract labor and job bankers. Land use related applications and reviews have stabilized at a lower level than previous years, however, the types of land use applications have shifted from a majority of large entitlement projects to the more mature business of variances, boat dock applications and small entitlement projects. Review complexity continues to increase as many of the new projects are in areas where zoning requirements have changed or where there are multiple impacts to sensitive lands and habitat Functions within the GMD, P&R are specifically constrained by the source of funding and regulations that are defined by the Florida Statutes and Federal grant requirements. For example, impact fees can only be expended for growth related expansion activities not maintenance. Grant revenues are for specific projects or functions. Building permit, inspection, and contractor licensing related fees can only be expended on functions and costs that are directly related to the fees charged. Regulatory constraints do require fiscal specialization and a detailed cost and time accounting practice when employees perform work from multiple funding sources. These constraints continue to be managed by instituting clear fiscal controls and educating staff affected by the limitations. Fiscal Year 2012 6 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division CENTRALIZED FINANCE AND OPERATIONS FUNCTION The financial and operational administrative support functions which were once provided by each department independently are now facilitated through assigned budget and finance personnel within the GMD, P&R Office of Operations and Regulatory Management. The centralization of these types of services allows for a principally controlled procurement and system of accounts that removes duplication and the need for numerous individual specialists, as those assigned to this function are cross trained to support divisional needs versus individual business units. Staff also recognizes organizational and individual business capital and contingency requirements in order to continue to provide services in a safe and efficient manner. Such capital items include inspector vehicles, information technology equipment, and required building repair and maintenance. BUSINESS PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS GMD, P&R continues to collaborate with the community and industry in an attempt to best identify or measure the resulting business process improvements and removal of superfluous or redundant review and inspection services. Through open ended communication and standardizing process improvement methods, subject matter experts have collectively focused on eliminating the waste of time and resources, resulting in a team focused approach to expedited plan review and inspection services. Through this approach, the GMD, P&R team as an aggregate becomes greater than the sum of its parts. ELECTRONIC PLAN SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW As the GMD, P&R staff continues to work to provide value added services and promote organizational efficiency, GMD Operations and Regulatory Management staff has continued to recognize and investigate the advantages of those available technologies in electronic plan submittal and review. As business requirements and demal1ds continue to increase, electronic plan submittal and review will allow for increased productivity, accuracy, sharing of review activity across the agency on a digital platform versus paper copy, reduced turnaround times and reduced storage costs. More importantly, electronic plan submittal, distribution, and review eliminates the customers' cost incurred for production and time to travel to submit a paper copy. BUSINESS TRENDS Through analytical measurements and reoccurring communication with industry professionals and other regulatory entities, GMD, P&R Operations and Regulatory Management staff continues to monitor business trends and execute decisions based on individual trade based review and inspection activities in order to best identify potential shortfalls and opportunities that best serve the industry as a whole. Through these recurring measures and the acknowledgment that demand for individual targeted services does not stay constant, operations and regulatory management staff reviews monthly trend level statistics to aid with predicting future demand based on industry communication and historical activity. Consequently, staff has recognized a modest increase in single family home and commercial construction permitting, site development plan improvement insubstantial change permits, temporary use permits, and zoning certification requests, and is exploring all available opportunities to augment the necessary staff levels with private sector firms that specialize in construction and land use permitting. CODE ENFORCEMENT The department continues to focus on a three-pronged action plan to address the more than 22,000 foreclosure flings that have occurred in Collier County since January 2008. The formation of five community task force teams, comprised of multiple agencies and community members, has resulted in more than 60 meet and greet events and neighborhood clean-ups and 9,410 new code cases in 2010. A voluntary lien search and property inspection program, developed in coordination with Naples Area Board of Realtors (NABOR), identifies for potential buyers if there are Code violations on the prospective property before purchase. Code violations become the responsibility of the new property owner. This program has resulted in informing more than 200 potential purchasers, of Code violations on the property, which they were not previously aware of. Through coordination with more than 100 banks and servicers, since November 2008, banks have expended more than $2,119,200.00 and abated 1,715 code violations. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 26,524,357 25,212,000 24,941,300 24,274,900 24,274,900 (3.7%) Operating Expense 31,949,043 32,265,000 33,039,200 31,525,300 31,525,300 (2.3%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,174,400 1,363,500 1,364,100 1,183,300 1,183,300 (13.2%) Capital Outlay 5,603,180 16,502,700 16,425,800 12,665,600 12,665,600 (23.3%) Grants and Aid 141,400 na Remittances 597,452 692,300 600,000 710,400 710,400 2.6% Total Net Budget 66,189,831 76,035,500 76,370,400 70,359,700 70,359,700 (7.5)% Advance/Repay to 306 Pk & Rec 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 0.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 31,553 36,800 36,600 40,300 40,300 9.5% Trans to Tax Collector 82,395 98,100 94,600 93,200 93,200 (5.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 92,900 85,900 65,900 96,200 96,200 12.0% Trans to 101 Transp Op Fd 66,745 75,000 75,000 150,000 150,000 100.0% Trans to 102 ROW Pennit 140,900 na Trans to 107 Impact Fee Admin 115,000 75,000 75,000 155,000 155,000 106.7% Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 251,400 339,400 339,400 442,300 442,300 30.3% Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 17,400 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.0% Trans to 187 Bayshore Redev Fd 66,620 133,600 133,800 136,800 136,800 2.2% Trans to 712 Transp Match 12,300 na Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 253,300 253,400 222,900 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 363,200 361,900 361,900 361,900 361,900 0.0% Trans to 259 Forest Lakes 500,000 500,000 na Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 29,100 232,400 232,400 na Trans to 310 Growth Mgmt Cap 200,000 200,000 (100.0%) Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd (61,160) 127,200 na Trans to 427 Transp Disadv Fd 16,331 66,300 na Trans to 669 Utility Trust 30,000 30,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 607,200 1,933,200 1,933,200 218.4% Reserve for Reimb to State 17 ,900 17,900 na Reserves For Debt Service 317,600 966,100 966,100 204.2% Reserves For Capital 3,120,100 4,066,300 4,066,300 31.0% Reserves for Insurance 400,000 215,100 215,100 (46.2%) Reserves For Cash Flow 145,600 1,054,900 1,054,900 624.5% Reserve for Attrition (536,300) (536,300) na Total Budget 67,487,516 82,610,300 78,696,300 80,658,000 80,658,000 (2.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 8 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administration 5,476,744 6,098,400 5,664,900 5,971,200 5,971,200 (2.1%) Planning 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,166,000 3,232,200 3,232,200 (6.6%) Regulation 13,455,874 13,063,200 13,627,200 12,705,000 12,705,000 (2.9%) Maintenance 24,374,664 23,427,300 23,350,500 21,932,000 21,932,000 (6.4%) Improvement Districts and MSTU 3,756,441 18,766,800 15,341,400 15,496,000 15,496,000 (17.5%) Operations 15,522,433 11,170,500 14,796,400 11,023,300 11,023,300 (1.3%) Total Net Budget 66,189,831 76,035,500 76,370,400 70,359,700 70,359,700 (7.5%) Administration 36,145 207,500 626,600 626,600 202.0% Planning 327,800 327,800 na Regulation 601,900 631,800 831,600 36.2% Maintenance 55,100 67,400 405,100 405,100 635.2% Improvement Districts and MSTU 300,597 3,520,200 456,100 2,930,500 2,930,500 (16.8%) Operations (29,556) 24,600 211,700 228,500 228,500 821.4% Reserves and Transfers 990,500 2,165,300 1,590,700 4,948,000 4,946,000 128.5% Total Transfers and Reserves 1,297,684 6,574,800 2,325,900 10,298,300 10,298,300 56.6% Total Budget 67,487,516 . 82,610,300 78,696,300 80,658,000 80,658,000 (2.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 9 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 3,667,455 3,911,200 3,681,800 3,635,300 3,635,300 (1.9%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 28,319 4,800 na Communications Services Tax 5,545,415 5,800,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (5.2%) Franchise Fees 257,674 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0.0% Licenses & Pennits 2,763,493 2,647,500 2,566,800 2,616,100 2,616,100 (1.2%) Building Pennits 6,041,060 5,094,000 6,132,000 6,135,000 6,135,000 20.4% Reinspection Fees 616,835 624,000 576,000 576,000 576,000 (7.7%) Special Assessments 6,509 8,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 (62.5%) Intergovernmental Revenues 7,154,520 2,172,600 5,597,400 2,145,600 2,145,600 (1.2%) Charges For Services 3,146,205 2,910,600 2,855,800 2,822,000 2,822,000 (3.0%) Fines & Forfeitures 2,319,114 1,009,300 847,300 845,900 845,900 (16.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 360,158 165,000 656,800 160,300 160,300 (2.8%) Interest/Misc 275,672 115,500 142,200 89,400 69,400 (22.6%) Deferred Impact Fees 111,668 500 na Reimb From Other Depts 1,067,360 958,500 684,100 690,000 690,000 (28.0%) Trans fnn Property Appraiser 4,396 na Trans fnn Tax Collector 36,527 na Net Cost General Fund 573,653 925,700 2,323,800 687,000 887,000 (4.2%) Net Cost Road and Bridge (2,307,565) (1,124,000) na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 9,627,509 11,787,100 11,704,900 11,636,900 11,636,900 (1.3%) Net Cost Community Development (2,849,958) (2,621,400) (400) (400) na Net Cost Planning Services (1,206,750) (1,343,100) na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 10,041,676 15,326,600 14,772,300 14,868,800 14,666,800 (3.0%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 140,900 na Trans fm 107 Imp Fee Admin 36,145 75,000 75,000 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 9,370,922 3,459,900 3,459,900 3,443,600 3,443,800 (0.5%) Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 40,000 110,000 110,000 na Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctr1 Fd 82,100 62,100 82,900 82,900 1.0% Trans fm 131 Dev Serv Fd 125,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 225,000 0.0% Trans fm 232 PR Ind & N Prod Pk 792,700 1,361,300 1,361,300 (100.0%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 1,656,125 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522,700 (19.9%) Trans fm 426 CAT Transit 127,200 na Trans fm 427 Transp Disadv (44,629) 66,300 na Carry Forward 37,629,600 22,592,900 34,361,200 22,974,800 22,974,800 1.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (707,400) (827,100) (827,100) 16.9% Total Funding 97,531,047 82,610,300 96,582,600 80,658,000 80,658,000 (2.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administration 29.00 31.00 31.00 30.00 30.00 (3.2%) Planning 21.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.0% Regulation 132.00 134.00 134.00 135.00 135.00 0.7% Maintenance 129.00 125.00 125.00 115.00 115.00 (8.0%) Operations 34.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 8.6% Total FTE 345.00 345.00 345.00 338.00 338.00 (2.0%) Changes from FY 2011 FTE levels (345.00) consist of the following: one (1) positions was transferred out, and six (6) positions were unfunded and eliminated for a total of 338.00 positions for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 10 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,525,898 2,562,200 2,684,400 2,465,100 2,465,100 (3.0%) Operating Expense 1,7n,152 2,304,700 1,969,000 2,398,600 2,398,600 4.1% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,014,600 1,205,000 1,205,000 1,066,000 1,066,000 (9.9%) Capital Outlay 17,694 26,500 26,500 1,500 1,500 (94.3%) Grants and Aid 141,400 na Net Operating Budget 5,476,744 6,098,400 5,664,900 5,971,200 5,971,200 (2.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 3,300 3,300 na Trans to 101 Transp Op Fd 18,745 75,000 75,000 na Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 17,400 na Reserves For Contingencies 30,100 26,300 26,300 (12.6%) Reserves For Capital 87,200 443,100 443,100 408.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 90,200 78,900 76,900 (12.5%) Total Budget 5,512,889 6,305,900 5,884,900 6,597,800 6,597,800 4.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Addressing and GIS (113) 414,031 469,200 461,600 447,600 447,600 (4.6%) Construction & Maintenance 1,672,250 1,693,600 1,626,700 1,601,000 1,601,000 (5.5%) Administration Office (101) Impact Fee Administration (107) 418,535 601,600 456,000 526,200 526,200 (12.5%) Impact Fee Deferral Program (002) 141,400 na Planning & Regulatory Admin/FEMA 66,132 297,600 379,400 284,000 284,000 (4.6%) Expenses (111) Planning & Regulatory Administration 2,159,606 2,212,500 2,168,600 2,350,000 2,350,000 6.2% (113) Planning & Regulatory Administration 198,341 361,400 365,600 322,900 322,900 (15.3%) (131) Records Management (113) 406,449 442,300 427,000 439,500 439,500 (0.6%) Total Net Budget 5,476,744 6,098,400 5,864,900 5,971,200 5,971,200 (2.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves 36,145 207,500 626,600 626,600 202.0% Total Budget 5,512,869 6,305,900 5,664,900 6,597,800 6,597,800 4.6% Fiscal Year 2012 11 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 1,260,769 1,238,000 1,299,700 1,329,000 1,329,000 7.4% Building Pennits 6,041,080 5,094,000 6,132,000 6,135,000 6,135,000 20.4% Reinspection Fees 366,650 434,000 360,000 380,000 360,000 (12.4%) Intergovernmental Revenues 233,581 180,000 204,500 204,500 204,500 13.6% Charges For Services 188,512 374,000 136,900 113,100 113,100 (69.6%) Fines & Forfeitures 1,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 77 ,353 82,000 73,500 58,100 58,100 (29.1%) Interest/Misc 1,158 21,000 1,000 (100.0%) Deferred Impact Fees 111,668 500 na Reimb From Other Depts 695,040 664,000 565,700 450,000 450,000 (32.2%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 1,394,550 1,513,600 1,422,200 1,396,500 1,396,500 (7.7%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 66,132 297,800 379,400 264,000 264,000 (4.6%) Net Cost Community Development (4,961,020) (4,172,000) (4,896,400) (4,688,100) (4,688,100) 12.4% Net Cost Planning Services 12,402 214,400 255,600 212,900 212,900 (0.7%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 29,560 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 40,000 80,000 60,000 na Trans fm 131 Dev Serv Fd 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.0% Carry Forward 1,615,000 190,100 223,100 467,800 467,600 146.1% Total Funding 7,348,473 6,305,900 6,352,700 6,597,800 6,597,800 4.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Construction & Maintenance 8.00 8.00 6.00 7.00 7.00 (12.5%) Administration Office (101) Planning & Regulatory Administration 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 0.0% (113) Planning & Regulatory Admin'FEMA 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Expenses (111) Impact Fee Administration (107) 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% Records Management (113) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Addressing and GIS (113) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 29.00 31.00 31.00 30.00 30.00 (3.2%) Fiscal Year 2012 12 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Construction & Maintenance Administration Office (101) Mission Statement To deliver and effectively manage a planned, stable and sustainable transportation and stormwater system through partnerships, innovation, adaptation to change, community involvement and exceptional customer service. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Funding for the Department Administrator as well as administrative support staff. All divisional overhead costs for Fund 101 to include Indirect Service Charges, Motor Pool Capital Recovery Charges, General Insurance, IT Direct Hours and PC replacements. Public Information FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Budget 1,188,900 FY 2012 Net Cost 204,500 984,400 1.00 1.00 85,200 Serve as the liaison between Collier County Growth Management Services and the public, media and governmental representatives. To research and respond to questions/complaints and handle marketing and public relations matters for the Growth Management Division. Operations Management Align Growth Management and Strategic Goals and Objectives with those of the County; make recommendation on new technology products to help make Transportation processes more efficient and effective. Establish quantifiable baselines for process improvement and use models to quantify the process levels of effort and work to establish and accomplish the baselines. Map Transportation business processes to come up with Standard Operating Procedures and establish a set of Performance Measurements to track the progress towards the accomplishment of our Strategic Goals. 5.00 326,900 Current Level of Service Budget 85,200 326,900 1,601,000 204,500 1,396,500 7.00 Program Performance Measures .100% of AIMS constituents contacted within 5 business days . 100% of executive summaries in Agenda Central by target deadline approval . 100% of grant & non-grant related invoices audited and monitored for reimbursement within 90 days . 100% of invoices processed within the Prompt Payment Act . 100% of media or citizens requests addressed within 8 hours .95% ofXCEL business risk assessments completed on time . 90% of AIMS issues closed out or action plan developed within 20 days to include periodic update FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Actual Budget Forecast 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 90 FY 2012 Budget 100 100 100 100 100 95 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 652,368 611,800 681,600 591,100 591,100 (3.4%) Operating Expense 451,722 605,600 466,900 501,500 501,500 (17.2%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 558,200 476,200 476,200 506,400 506,400 6.8% Capital Outlay 9,961 na Net Operating Budget 1,672,250 1,693,600 1,626,700 1,601,000 1,601,000 (5.5%) Total Budget 1,672,250 1,693,600 1,626,700 1,601,000 1,601,000 (5.5%) Total FTE 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 (12.5%) Fiscal Year 2012 13 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Construction & Maintenance Administration Office (101) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 233,581 160,000 204,500 204,500 204,500 13.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 1,903 na Interest/Misc 2 na Reimb From Other Depts 42,214 na Net Cost Road and Bridge 1,394,550 1,513,600 1,422,200 1,396,500 1,396,500 (7.7%) Total Funding 1,672,250 1,693,600 1,626,700 1,601,000 1,601,000 (5.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Total personal services are above budget due to the future movement of one (1) FTE for a Grants Accountant position to the Grants Management Office currently funded in this cost center. Overall, department expenses are projected below budget by 4.0% or $66,900. Current FY 2012 - This cost center reflects one (1) less FTE due to a transfer of a Grants Accountant position to the Grants Management Office. The personal service increase is due to staff reassignments and resulting pay adjustments after the lead Operations Analyst moved out of the Division. Operating expenses have decreased mainly due to reduced general insurance costs. The Indirect Cost Reimbursement to the General Fund has increased $32,200 or 6.8%. Overall, this cost center has decreased by 5.5%. Current FY 2012 - Revenues received from Motor Tax Fuel Rebates and Mobile Home Licenses have trended upward slightly. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Planning & Regulatory Administration (113) Mission Statement The primary function of this section is to provide executive level management, financial support, and policy development to all the departments within the planning and regulatory element of the Growth Management Division (GMD). This section also provides planning and regulatory administrative support to the BCC, County Manager's Office, advisory boards, and other constitutional agencies. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Divisional Administration 1.00 1,775,600 7,923,200 -6,147,600 This section includes the Deputy Administrator who provides administrative oversight to the departments within the GMD Planning and Regulatory element. This position reports directly to the GMD Administrator, and indirectly to the County Manager. Divisional Financial and Systems Management 4.00 344,500 344,500 This section provides financial and systems administration support and oversight. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, expenditure processing and tracking, reporting services, application management, and acting as liaison to GMD Planning & Regulatory advisory boards. Cash Management 3.00 229,900 229,900 Conduct cash receipting and daily financial reconciliation for all Development Services Cente'r activities with a 99.95% accuracy rate. Includes the receipt of Building Permit fees, Land Development fees, and Impact Fees. Section also provides assorted cashiering services to the EMS and Code Enforcement. Current Level of Service Budget 8.00 2,350,000 7,923,200 -5,573,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 99% of accuracy rate met by GMD Cashiers 99 99 99 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 855,894 721,300 719,700 701,200 701,200 (2.6%) Operating Expense 839,579 1,067,800 1,045,500 1,379,100 1,379,100 26.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 456,400 376,900 376,900 266,200 266,200 (26.6%) Capital Outlay 7,733 26,500 26,500 1,500 1,500 (94.3%) Net Operating Budget 2,159,606 2,212,500 2,168,600 2,350,000 2,350,000 6.2% Total Budget 2,159,606 2,212,500 2,166,600 2,350,000 2,350,000 6.2% Total FTE 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 15 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Planning & Regulatory Administration (113) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 1,012,390 984,000 1,059,600 1,107,000 1,107,000 12.5% Building Pennits 6,041,060 5,094,000 6,132,000 6,135,000 6,135,000 20.4% Reinspection Fees 366,650 434,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 (12.4%) Charges For Services 75,867 261,000 63,000 58,100 56,100 (79.3%) Miscellaneous Revenues 75,450 82,000 73,500 56,100 58,100 (29.1%) Interest/Misc 21,000 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 372,010 400,000 243,500 165,000 185,000 (53.8%) Net Cost Community Development (5,803,840) (5,063,500) (5,783,000) (5,573,200) (5,573,200) 9.6% Total Funding 2,159,606 2,212,500 2,168,600 2,350,000 2,350,000 6.2% Forecast FY 2011 - Overall, total fund center expenses are anticipated to be lower than the adopted FY 2011 budget ($43,900) as a result of the strategic consolidation of operating expenses and improved customer-centric business practices. Current FY 2012 - This budget is inclusive of all direct, indirect, and other major capital expenses, to include the funding for a digital plan submission application, and contracted professional services in anticipation of increased demand in permitting and inspection related activities. As a result of anticipated land development software change orders, contracted professional services, and the purchase of a digital plan submittal and review software application, operating expenses are anticipated to increase by 26.8%. Expenses related to software systems that would be utilized by county wide users would be charged to those users' funds throughout the agency and reimbursed to Fund 113. This year's budget plan shows a budgeted beginning FY 2012 fund balance (carry forward) of $2.59 million. Total operating revenue is up 8.6% from the FY 11 budget - primarily on the strength of increased building permit sales. Staff recognizes the continued volatility of the development industry, and will continue to improve efficient consumer-centric business practices and maintain a conservative approach to business operations and revenue forecasting. -Number of transactions processed for FY2010 - 56,162 -Total dollar amount processed for FY2010 - $47,097,093 Fiscal Year 2012 16 Growth Management Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Planning & Regulatory Administration (131) Mission Statement The principal function is to provide executive level management to all the departments within the planning and regulatory element of the Growth Management Division (GMD). Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Divisional Administration 38,000 38,000 This section provides administrative and technical support to the BCC, County Manager, Constitutional Agencies and Advisory Boards and executive level management to all departments within Planning and Regulatory Services. Fund Level Control This department provides for the operation of the Development Services Building including the Departments within the Division and the Associated direct and indirect costs. 284,900 110,000 174,900 Current Level of Service Budget 322,900 110,000 212,900 Program Performance Measures . 100% of all Annual Monitoring Report Notifications will be sent to applicants within 45 days of the due date FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast 100 FY 2012 Budget 100 100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services (6,322) na Operating Expense 204,664 41,100 25,300 50,000 50,000 21.7% Indirect Cost Reimburs 340,300 340,300 272,900 272,900 (19.8%) Net Operating Budget 198,341 381,400 365,600 322,900 322,900 (15.3%) Total Budget 198,341 381,400 365,600 322,900 322,900 (15.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 140,876 154,000 102,000 102,000 102,000 (33.8%) Charges For Services 39,667 13,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 (36.5%) Net Cost Planning Services 17,796 214,400 255,600 212,900 212,900 (0.7%) Total Funding 198,341 381,400 365,600 322,900 322,900 (15.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - There are no personal services budgeted in this appropriation unit. Operating expenses (!re forecasted to be below the adopted FY 2011 budget ($15,800) due to an anticipated reduction in contracted services. Current FY 2012 -Indirect cost reimbursements and operating expenses are anticipated to be reduced by 19.8%, or $67,400. Operating expenses are budgeted to increase by 21.7% due to the consolidation of expenses from three other cost centers within Fund 131. This consolidation will support administrative efficiencies pertaining to expenditures and tracking. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Planning & Regulatory Admin/FEMA Expenses (111) Mission Statement To work with representatives of FEMA to discuss County objections to the revised FEMA flood insurance rate maps and more importantly to obtain the needed engineering, scientific and topographic data to improve the accuracy of the flood maps for the residents and property owners of Collier County and to implement the County's floodplain management plan and oversee the Community Rating system. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Provide FEMA representatives with engineering, scientific and topographic data to improve the accuracy of the FEMA flood insurance maps; coordinate the implementation and updating of the County's floodplain management plan: and to oversee the Community Rating System (CRS). Divisional Administration FY 2012 Total FTE 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 249,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 249,200 34,800 34,800 Divisional Fund 111 related Admin. expenses such as verbatim minutes, contractual services and interdepartmental reimbursements for Fund 111 program assistance on cross-department projects. Current Level of Service Budget 1.00 284,000 284,000 Program Performance Measures .70% of the County's Drainage Basins will be submitted to FEMA by the end of FY2012 for Revisions to the Flood Zone Rate Maps (unconstrained target = 100% annually) FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast 30 FY 2012 Budget 70 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 137,400 191,800 132,000 132,000 (3.9%) Operating Expense 66,132 160,400 187,600 152,000 152,000 (5.2%) Net Operating Budget 66,132 297,600 379,400 284,000 284,000 (4.6%) Total Budget 66,132 297,800 379,400 284,000 284,000 (4.6%) Total FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost MSTD General Fund 66,132 297,800 379,400 264,000 284,000 (4.6%) Total Funding 66,132 297,800 379,400 284,000 284,000 (4.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - This budget was amended by the BCC in October 2011 due to additional contractual services regarding the reanalysis of the County's flood zone maps as approved by the BCC in October 2010, resulting in a budget increase of 27.4%. Personnel and operating expenses are anticipated to match the amended FY 2011 budget. There are no capital expenses identified within this section's budget. Current FY 2012 - Personnel and operating expenses, not inclusive ofthe County's contract consultant, have been reduced 4.6% from the 2011 adopted budget, adhering to budget guidance. On May 10, 2011, the BCC provided final guidance to prepare a re-analysis of the County's flood zones for submittal to FEMA. The direction included funding in the amount of $400,250 for FY 2011 and FY 2012 and a modification to the County's contract consultant. Staff anticipates submitting the remaining 10 basins to FEMA for its review by September 2013. Staff estimates that the re-analysis and complete review by FEMA will take 30 to 36 months, thus an estimated overall project completion date of June 2014. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Impact Fee Deferral Program (002) Mission Statement Increase the supply of affordable housing county-wide by managing the Impact Fee Deferral Fund providing for impact fee deferrals of County-imposed water and sewer Impact Fees. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 3,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Transfers 3,300 Current Level of Service Budget 3,300 3,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Grants and Aid 141,400 na Net Operating Budget 141,400 na Trans to 001 General Fund 3,300 3,300 na Total Budget 141,400 3,300 3,300 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InteresVMisc 363 na Deferred Impact Fees 111,668 500 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 29,580 na Carry Forward 1,615,000 2,800 3,300 3,300 na Total Funding 1,756,630 3,300 3,300 3,300 na The Board of County Commissioners on July 26, 2005 approved Ordinance 2005-40, providing for an Impact Fee Deferral Program for owner-occupied affordable housing. This fund, with transfer revenue from the General Fund (001), is created to pay water/sewer impact fee deferrals pursuant to program parameters. This program expired at the end of FY 2010. Current FY 2012 - Dollars to support water/sewer impact fee deferrals under the program were generated from a General Fund (001) transfer. As such residual dollars remaining in the fund in the amount of $3,300 will be transferred back to the General Fund. Fiscal Year 2012 19 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Impact Fee Administration (107) Mission Statement Ensure the fair and equitable administration of the Collier County Impact Fee Program, in accordance with Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, which is the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Impact Fee Administration Review building permits and assess County Impact Fees within the time guidelines of the Growth Management Division Performance Standards. Perform impact fee calculations with less than 1 % of assessments requiring subsequent refunds due to calculation .errors. Calculate . estimates, maintain account ledgers and generally oversee the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy process. Administer all regulations set forth by the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, 2001-13, as amended which is Chapter 74 of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, including update studies, indexing of fees, and all other Impact Fee related issues. 4.00 601,200 601,200 Operational expenses will be partially funded by the Impact Fee Trust Funds as set forth by the Collier County Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, 2001-13, as amended, Section 74-203. Transfers/Reserves Program Performance Measures . 100% of impact fee reviews for assessment of the Collier County Impact Fees within established deadline . Perform impact fee calculations within 1 % or less of assessments requiring subsequent refunds due to calculation errors 548,300 548,300 4.00 1,149,500 1,149,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 100 99 99 99 Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 343,775 371,200 370,400 359,400 359,400 (3.2%) Operating Expense 74,761 218,800 74,000 130,300 130,300 (40.4%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 11,600 11,600 36,500 36,500 214.7% Net Operating Budget 418,535 601,600 456,000 526,200 526,200 (12.5%) Trans to 101 Transp Op Fd 16,745 75,000 75,000 na Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 17 ,400 na Reserves For Contingencies 30,100 26,300 26,300 (12.6%) Reserves For Capital 87,200 443,100 443,100 406.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 90,200 78,900 78,900 (12.5%) Total Budget 454,680 809,100 456,000 1,149,500 1,149,500 42.1% Total FTE 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 20 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Impact Fee Administration (107) . FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Pennits 107,522 100,000 136,100 120,000 120,000 20.0% Charges For Services 70,706 80,000 63,900 45,000 45,000 (43.8%) Fines & Forfeitures 1,000 na InterestlMisc 773 1,000 na Reimb From Other Depts 280,031 264,000 322,200 265,000 265,000 0.4% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 40,000 80,000 60,000 na Trans fm 131 Dev Serv Fd 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 0.0% Carry Forward 190,100 220,300 464,500 464,500 144.3% Total Funding 675,034 809,100 920,500 1,149,500 1,149,500 42.1% Forecast FY 2011 - In order to efficiently account for and manage those sources and uses of funds associated with impact fee operations, a separate fund was created in FY 2010. Personal service costs, operating expenses and consultant fees as well as support function transfers form the expense appropriation budget. Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 24.2% from the adopted FY 2011 budget as a result of lower than anticipated costs for professional services, legal fees, and interdepartmental payments. Revenue includes reimbursements from each respective Impact Fee Trust Fund, Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy Fees (COA fees), a corporate support transfer from MSTD General Fund (111), and a transfer from Planning Fund (131) representing legacy COA fees. Revenue for this section is budgeted to increase by 18.1 % from the adopted FY 2011 level, due in part to increases in COA application activity and collection of re-calculation fees, for work performed, in accordance with Board direction related to permits in process during the implementation of fee decreases. Current FY 2012 - Personnel and operating expenses are budgeted to decrease by 12.5% due to lower anticipated interdepartmental payments for services. This budget includes a 50% increase to the interdepartmental payment from Fund 113 for process improvement services, and a repayment from Fund 113 for school impact fee administrative fees that were paid, prior to this fund being established, to offset future impact fee studies and administrative costs. The carry forward is budgeted to increase by 144.3% as a result of higher than anticipated legacy COA payments and the implementation of controlled process improvement and expenditure practices, and will be required to fund future monitoring requirements of projects, ongoing school impact fee administration, and upcoming impact fee indexing cycles and the next required study. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Records Management (113) Mission Statement This section primarily supports the Growth Management Division (GMD) with adhering to the storage and retrieval requirements of the Florida Department of State and Chapter 119 of the Florida Statute, and provides for secure digital conversion of hard copied blueprints, development plans, documents, and photographs into indexed digital images for systematic storage and recovery to citizens, developers, property owners, and other agencies. Program Summary Records Management/Information Desk/Digital Conv Management/maintenance of permitting records and timely response to public records requests as required by the Department of State Records Management and Florida Statutes. Information Desk support of Division in the Development Services Center by reception, directing calls, and taking and receiving messages, and customer service duties as required. Digital conversion, document imaging of hardcopy to electronic, of all vertical construction permit documents. FY 2012 Total FTE 5.00 FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 439,500 439,500 Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures . 95% of files are properly stored and available for customer/staff viewing . 95% of scanned images meet quality control checklist standards . 95% of Archived Records Request will have file available to customer within 5 business days . 95% of the Public Records Request will be responded to requestor and notify all departments within 1 business day 5.00 439,500 439,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 286,446 300,800 299,600 294,400 294,400 (2.1%) Operating Expense 120,001 141,500 127,400 145,100 145,100 2.5% Net Operating Budget 406,449 442,300 427,000 439,500 439,500 (0.6"10) Total Budget 406,449 442,300 427,000 439,500 439,500 (0.6%) Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 43 na Net Cost Community Development 406,406 442,300 427,000 439,500 439,500 (0.6%) Total Funding 406,449 442,300 427,000 439,500 439,500 (0.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are anticipated to decline slightly as a result of the strategic consolidation of operating expenses and improved customer-centric business practices. Current FY 2012 - This section shall continue to expand their support responsibilities to include digital and on-line permitting and records retrieval. Operating costs reflect a slight increase due to higher Information Technology allocations and health benefits. In response to consumer requests, and as a result of improved process measures, the hours of operations for the GMD Records Room have been expanded to better accommodate the industry and public. .8,753 customers served by Records staff for FY2010 .6,250 job-sitelblueprint copies made by Records staff for FY2010 Fiscal Year 2012 22 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Addressing and GIS (113) Mission Statement To provide addressing, GIS, .and CAD mapping support services to the general public as well as local, state, and federal agencies. Provide project management and technical support to the Growth Management Division; and on a contract basis, provide GIS and/or CAD mapping services to other County divisions, and/or other government agencies. Program Summ.ary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost GIS/Mapping Maintain, edit and update the County's Official Zoning Atlas computer files. Provide technical support to Engineering, Zoning and Comprehensive Planning Departments, including rezone exhibits/property owner lists and support for the County's Growth Management Plan. Provide Technical and GIS/CAD support for the County's Growth Management Plan. Provide Technical and GIS/CAD support to other departments within the Division and on a contract or as needed basis, to departments outside the Division and the public. Maintain, edit and update the GIS/911 Addressing database for utilization by all County agencies. Petition Support and Addressing Compliance Enforcement 3.00 306,700 2,000 304,700 2.00 140,900 140,900 Clerical, technical and site review support of petition processing and legal address assignment for all proposed projects during Site Development Plan and subdivision review processes. Coordinates with E911, EMS, Sheriff, Property Appraiser, Fire Districts. .and other service providers to eliminate duplicate names and ensure compliance through enforcement of the E911 Addressing Ordinance. Current Level of Service Budget 5.00 447,600 2,000 445,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 100% of all new Subdivision Plats mapped within 60 days of recording 100 100 100 . 100% of all Rezone Petitions/Ordinances mapped within 60 days of 100 100 100 recording . 100% of the reviews completed within their established timelines 100 100 100 . 100% of all changes to the GIS/911 Addressing database will be updating 100 100 100 the data files within 3 business days . 100% street names verified daily through customer inquiries 100 100 . 99% accuracy of address numbers/street names by auditing daily 99 99 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 393,737 419,700 421,300 407,000 407,000 (3.0%) Operating Expense 20,294 49,500 40,300 40,600 40,600 (18.0%) Net Operating Budget 414,031 469,200 461,600 447,600 447,600 (4.6%) Total Budget 414,031 469,200 461,600 447,600 447,600 (4.6%) Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 23 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Administration Addressing and GIS (113) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 2,226 2,000 2,000 2,000 na Reimb From Other Depts 765 na Net Cost Community Development 416,414 469,200 459,600 445,600 445,600 (5.0%) Net Cost Planning Services (5,396) na Total Funding 414,031 469,200 461,600 447,600 447,600 (4.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses reflect an 18.5% decrease as a result of the reduction of anticipated data processing related services. Current FY 2012 - As a result of continued operating cost containment measures, total expenses are budgeted to decrease by 4.6%. 11,921 customers served by Addressing for FY 2010 789 On-site Field Checks for Addressing for FY 2010 1,886 Plans/Petitions Final projects reviewed and mailed for FY 2010 528 Zoning atlas maps updated for FY 2010 Fiscal Year 2012 24 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,599,166 1,995,900 1,957,100 1,925,700 1,925,700 (3.5%) Operating Expense 512,583 779,100 610,900 596,100 596,100 (23.5%) Capital Outlay 44,925 na Remittances 445,000 692,300 600,000 710,400 710,400 2.6% Net Operating Budget 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,168,000 3,232,200 3,232,200 (6.8%) Reserves For Contingencies 327,800 327,600 na Total Budget 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,168,000 3,560,000 3,560,000 2.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Economic Development (001) 515,675 767,500 664,100 790,500 790,500 0.4% General Planning Services (111) 1,367,096 1,616,800 1,531,600 1,527,100 1,527,100 (5.5%) SW FL Regional Planning Council (001) 99,856 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) Transportation Planning (101) 334,265 189,400 184,500 182,100 182,100 (3.9%) Zoning & Land Development Review 315,006 353,200 315,300 333,800 333,800 (5.5%) (111) Zoning & Land Development Review 949,775 345,400 277 ,500 302,200 302,200 (12.5%) (131) Total Net Budget 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,168,000 3,232,200 3,232,200 (6.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves 327,800 327,800 na Total Budget 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,168,000 3,560,000 3,560,000 2.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Penn its 393,427 306,000 374,000 374,000 374,000 22.2% Intergovemmental Revenues 330,000 330,000 na Charges For Services 1,157,599 1,063,000 1,144,000 1,134,000 1,134,000 6.7% Miscellaneous Revenues 4,586 na Interest/Misc 15,000 15,000 na Net Cost General Fund 615,434 962,500 859,100 887,000 687,000 (7.8%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 334,262. 189,400 184,500 182,100 182,100 (3.9%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 1,683,322 1,960,000 1,629,900 1,643,900 1,843,900 (5.9%) Net Cost Planning Services (566,958) (1,013,600) (1,223,500) (1,186,800) (1,168,800) 17.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (17,200) (17,200) na Total Funding 3,601,674 3,467,300 3,168,000 3,560,000 3,560,000 2.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change General Planning Services (111) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% Zoning & Land Development Review 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% (111) Zoning & Land Development Review 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% (131) Transportation Planning (101) 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Total FTE 21.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 25 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning SW FL Regional Planning Council (001) Mission Statement To provide membership in the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Co'uncil as mandated by the State and Regional Planning Act of 1984, which declares that all counties within a comprehensive planning district must be members of their regional planning council. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Membership in SWFRPC 96,500 96,500 Current Level of Service Budget 96,500 96,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 99,856 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) Net Operating Budget 99,856 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) Total Budget 99,856 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 99,656 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) Total Funding 99,856 175,000 175,000 96,500 96,500 (44.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - Membership payment to the Regional Planning Council in the amount of $99,900 is anticipated. The operating budget also includes $75,100 of operating expenses for the redistricting effort which is to take place six months after the release of the Census data (or about May 2011) as required per the State of Florida Constitution and Florida Statute Chapter 124. It will also cover the public meeting requirements which include translation of all materials in Spanish and Creole as well as hiring translators for the individual meetings required to be held throughout Collier County. Current FY 2012 - Membership payment to the Regional Planning Council based upon a population count of 321,520 @ .30 cents per capital is programmed ($96,500). Fiscal Year 2012 26 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning General Planning Services (111) Mission Statement It is this section's responsibility to perform comprehensive community-specific long range planning functions and activities. for Collier County consistent with State and Board of County Commissioners planning initiatives, as outlined in the County's Growth Management Plan (GMP), and as mandated by pertinent Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.); provide planning technical assistance to, and Interpret the GMP for various agencies, departments and organizations within County government and the community; as well as basic planning support for general public questions, limited plan review, and assistance to the Building Department and Zoning Section. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead Department administration for the Land Development Services Department (LDS) including the Department Director, Comprehensive Planning Manager and Zoning Manager; provides staff liaison to the _ Plan)1ing Commission, Development Services Advisory Committee, the Historic and Archaeological Board and the Board of County Commissioners. Provides for general clerical, secretarial and technical support; office management for the sections within the LDS; includes fixed operating expenses for the LDS. Growth Management Plan (GMP) Preparation and Updates Monitoring, update, implementation, interpretation and amendment of the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the GMP. Mandated by Chapter 163, F.S. Provide oversight and interpretation of the concurrency management system regulations and prepare the Annual Update and Inventory Report on the Public Facilities (AUIR). Mandated by Rule 9J-5, FAC. Ensure consistency between the regulatory policies of the various Elements of the GMP are internally. consistent and consistent with State Statues. Prepare the EAR Compliance Agreement. Required by Chapter 163.3191 F.S. Prepare Land Development Code (LDC) to implement amendments to the GMP and provide interpretation of the LDC relative to the GMP goals, objective, policies and programs required, implementing regulations for the GMP Ord. 89-05, as amended. Required by Chapters 163.3194 and 163.3201, F.S. Maintain liaison with Dept of Community Affairs on ongoing Growth Management issues, litigation, settlement agreement negotiations; respond to legislative and regulatory changes to Florida Statues and the Florida Administrative Code, respond to BCC and County Attorney directed studies and analysis. Provide staffing and support for implementation of the Inter-Local agreement with the Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) for coordinated planning for schools and public facilities impacts ad required by Chapters 163.31777 and 235.193 F.S. Provide architectural reviews and support to other LDS sections and Business Center. Special Planning Projects and Studies FY 2012 Total FTE 4.00 FY 2012 Budget 761,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 17,000 744,200 3.00 319,700 319,700 4.00 371,400 371,400 Fiscal Year 2012 27 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning General Planning Services (111) Program Summary Prepare consistency with the GMP goals objectives and policies reviews for all petitions for conditional use (CU), straight rezones and Planned Unit Developments (PUD). Mandated by the GMP Ord. No. 89-05, as amended, and Chapter 163, F.S. Provide limited plan reviews. Support Horizon Study inter agency working group to develop a long-range infrastructure and services plan for eastern Collier County. Provide project management and support for the interactive growth model. Conduct community specific planning studies, surveys and improvement plans in response to community based initiatives and periodic Board direction. Process, review and prepare recommendations to the BCC on applications to establish Community Development District (CDD) per Chapter 190, Florida Statutes and other Special Districts such as Chapter 189, F.S., dependent and independent districts. Prepare and maintain current demographic and annual population projections based on the adopted GMP Methodology; repined to requests for demographic data; annually update and publish the Economic and Demographic Profile; annually update and publish the Industrial Land Use and Commercial Land Use Studies; update the Collier County Build Out Study. Install and apply the "Collier calibrated" Fiscal Impact Model (FlAM) developed by Fishkind and Associates and DCA for the assessment of development approvals impacts on the tax base, public services, and public facilities required by the GMP and the RLSA Overlay. District and for Rural Villages in the RFMUD of the LDC. Implementation of the Rural Fringe Mixed Use District, management and administration of the Sending and Receiving designated lands; and the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program including the issuance ofTDR Credit Certificates. Maintain the Collier County TDR Registry. Client Service Support Provide professional planner and technical assistance for petitioners at pre-application conferences, commissioner constituent inquiries and the Public on a "walk-in" contingent daily demand basis. Provide routing distribution of plan reviews and support to the Business Center. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1.00 74,800 74,800 12.00 1,527,100 17,000 1,510,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 90% of Comprehensive Planning reviews will be completed within 68 80 90 established target dates FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,136,261 1,295,100 1,271,600 1,221,300 1,221,300 (5.7%) Operating Expense 205,910 321,700 260,000 305,800 305,8PO (4.9%) Capital Outlay 44,925 na Net Operating Budget 1,387,096 1,616,600 1,531,600 1,527,100 1,527,100 (5.5%) Total Budget 1,387,096 1,616,600 1,531,600 1,527,100 1,527,100 (5.5%) Total FTE 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 28 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning General Planning Services (111) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 18,652 10,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 70.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 129 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 1,368,315 1,606,800 1,514,600 1,510,100 1,510,100 (6.0%) Total Funding 1,387,096 1,616,800 1,531,600 1,527,100 1,527,100 (5.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 5.3% as a result of lower than anticipated personnel and advertising costs. Current FY 2012 - This budget reflects a 5.7% decrease in personnel costs due to one higher waged FTE resigning and reduced retirement rates. Total operating costs are budgeted to decrease by 4.9% in accordance with budget guidance. Overall, this section will operate with a 6.0% decreased net cost of $96,700 to the MSTD General Fund (111). Fiscal Year 2012 29 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Zoning & land Development Review (111) Mission Statement The purpose of this section is to provide accurate, expeditious, and courteous service to the general public regarding land planning issues and general questions, issuance of various plan approvals and permits, and assistance to the Growth ManagementDivision (GMD) Business Center. This section also provides the necessary oversight to amendments to the Land Development Code (LDC) to ensure compliance with State Statute and the Florida Comprehensive Planning Regulations and to protect the welfare of the general public and resources of Collier County. Program Summary Zoning Support to the Business Center Assist general public at the Customer Service Counter in the Growth Management Division Business Center, providing information related to land use requirements, Land Development Code requirements, and general descriptions of land use related requests to the approval processes. Assistance in reviewing and issuing zoning certificates and temporary use permits. Plan Review and Petition Processing Coordinate and process site plan reviews and selected land use petitions; processing of administrative variances, zoning certificates and temporary use permits not processed in the Business Center. Review site plans; review plats; support in processing land development petitions; provide additional support and backup for Customer Service Counter at the Business Center; assist Building Department in review of Commercial Building Permits; Implementation of the Land Development Code and processing amendments as directed by the BCC. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 80,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 80,500 3.00 253,300 253,300 4.00 333,800 333,800 Program Performance Measures . 90% of Planning reviews will be completed within established target dates FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Budget 81 85 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 292,534 326,200 297,000 322,500 322,500 (1.1%) Operating Expense 22,472 27,000 18,300 11,300 11,300 (56.1%) Net Operating Budget 315,006 353,200 315,300 333,800 333,600 (5.5%) Total Budget 315,006 353,200 315,300 333,800 333,800 (5.5%) Total FTE 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost MSTD General Fund 315,006 353,200 315,300 333,800 333.800 (5.5%) Total Funding 315,006 353,200 315,300 333,800 333,800 (5.5%) Fiscal Year 2012 30 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Zoning & Land Development Review (111) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating services are projected to be under budget by 10.7% as a result of one higher waged FTE resigning and the implementation of controlled expenditure practices. Current FY 2012 - This section is budgeted to maintain the current staffing levels offour (4) FTE's. Personnel expenses are budgeted to decrease by 1.1 %. The net result of hiring of one senior level employee into this section and decreased costs in retirement benefits. Operating expenses are budgeted to decrease by 58.1 % with an overall budget decrease of 5.5%. Staff within this section processes minor land use petitions, reviews project plans, and provides technical land use support and determinations to the GMD Business Center and Code Enforcement staff. Fiscal Year 2012 31 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Growth Management Division Planning Zoning & Land Development Review (131) Mission Statement The mission of this section is to review and provide recommendations for all land use petitions such as rezones, PUDs and conditional uses consistent with the Land Development Code (LDC) and Growth Management Plan (GMP) and as required by Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, and to ensure proper public input through the BCC, the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) and other BCC-appointed advisory committees. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Oversee all departmental functions, including personnel matters, customer service standards and operational functions for the Department of Zoning and Land Development Review. Zoning Petitions Review and Processing Review and recommendations for rezone petitions such as Conditional Uses, PUDs, Rezones and other petitions that require a public hearing process through the CCPC and other Board adopted advisory committees to include as applicable the Environmental Advisory Council and Historic and Archaeological Advisory Board. Provide final recommendations to the BCC after the public hearing process; ensure public meetings are properly conducted and legal advertising is completed. Coordinate comments of various review sections for incorporation into the final recommendations. FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 14,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,491,000 -1,477,000 2.00 288,200 288,200 Current Level of Service Budget 2.00 302,200 1,491,000 -1,188,800 Program Performance Measures . 90% of Planning reviews will be completed within established target dates FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Budget 81 85 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 664,965 220,700 219,800 217,400 217,400 (1.5%) Operating Expense 64,610 124,700 57,700 64,600 64,600 (32.0%) Net Operating Budget 949,775 345,400 277,500 302,200 302,200 (12.5%) Total Budget 949,775 345,400 277,500 302,200 302,200 (12.5%) Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Pennits 393,427 306,000 374,000 374,000 374,000 22.2% Charges For Services 1,138,947 1,053,000 1,127,000 1,117,000 1,117,000 6.1% Miscellaneous Revenues 4,356 na Net Cost Planning Services (586,958) (1,013,600) (1,223,500) (1,186,800) (1,188,800) 17.3% Total Funding 949,775 345,400 277,500 302,200 302,200 (12.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 19.7% as a result of no increase in payroll costs and the implementation of controlled expenditure practices. Income for this section is anticipated to increase 10.4% from the approved FY 2011 revenues as a result of an increased demand in sub-division reviews and site development plan amendment applications. Fiscal Year 2012 32 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Zoning & Land Development Review (131) Current FY 2012 - Cost center expenses were reduced 9.9% from the adopted FY 2011 budget due to further planned cuts in operating costs and contractual services. An additional 2.6% reduction has been attained from the Florida Retirement System rate reduction. There are no capital expenses identified within this section's budget for the upcoming fiscal year and revenues are budgeted to increase 9.7% from the approved FY 2011 budgeted revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 33 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Transportation Planning (101) Mission Statement To provide supervision, planning and engineering, and coordination with Growth Management Division, as well as other divisions/departments to ensure that the department's transportation planning activities (Le. corridor and alignment studies, 5 and 10 yr Capital Improvement Element, and alternative funding source acquisitions) and transportation concurrency management system are carried out in a timely, efficient, and economical manner. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 1.00 91,200 91,200 Funding for departmental administration and fixed departmental overhead. Short and Long Range Planning 1.00 90,900 90,900 Funding for the evaluation and management of short and long-range transportation planning activities such as corridor studies, level of service, maintenance of the annual road inventory report identifying existing/projected deficiencies, and coordination of the County's future capital program with network needs. Current Level of Service Budget 2.00 182,100 182,100 FY 2010 . FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 305,405 153,900 168,700 164,500 164,500 6.9% Operating Expense 28,860 35,500 15,600 17,600 17,600 (50.4%) Net Operating Budget 334,265 189,400 184,500 182,100 182,100 (3.9%) Total Budget 334,265 189,400 184,500 182,100 182,100 (3.9%) Total FTE 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 3 na Net Cost Road and Bridge 334,262 169,400 184,500 162,100 182,100 (3.9%) Total Funding 334,265 189,400 184,500 182,100 182,100 (3.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services is expected to exceed budget due to mid-year staffing changes. A Project Manager was hired at a higher salary than budgeted. A budget amendment will be processed to ensure proper appropriation within the cost center by a reduction in operating expenses ($14,800). This was achieved largely due the reduction and future elimination of fleet expenses by giving up a county fleet vehicle as a cost saving measure. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services reflects a complement of two (2) FTE's. Operating expenditures has been reduced by 50.4% or $17,900. Fiscal Year 2012 34 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Economic Development (001) Mission Statement To be an effective force in improving the quality of life for all people in Collier County by promoting economic development initiatives which will diversify the economy, create high value added jobs, increase the average wage, facilitate capital formation, preserve and enhance the natural environment and enable all county residents to have a meaningful opportunity for upward mobility. Program Summary Economic Development Coordination FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 480,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 480,100 Attend meetings with prospective economic development clients. Function as the major County interface with the EDC, ensuring all Programs and incentives are appropriately managed. Economic Incentive Programs 310,400 310,400 Establish and administer incentive programs geared towards high-wage targeted industries locating or expanding in Collier County; programs include: Fee Payment Assistance Program, Broadband Infrastructure, Job Creation Investment, Job Retention Investment and the Property Tax Stimulus Ordinance Current Level of Service Budget 790,500 790,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 70,675 95,200 64,100 80,100 80,100 (15.9%) Remittances 445,000 692,300 600,000 710,400 710,400 2.6% Net Operating Budget 515,675 787,500 684,100 790,500 790,500 0.4% Total Budget 515,675 787,500 684,100 790,500 790,500 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 96 na Net Cost General Fund 515,576 787,500 664,100 790,500 790,500 0.4% Total Funding 515,675 787,500 684,100 790,500 790,500 0.4% Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast Private Remittances and Remittances to Other Governments total $600,000. This figure includes; the FY 2011 Economic Development Council contribution in the amount of $400,000; anticipated incentive payments totaling $112,700 for eligible companies under the Fee Payment Assistance Program, Job Creation Incentive Program and Broadband Infrastructure Incentive; plus an additional allocation of $87,300 covering unanticipated incentive payouts such as the Early Learning Coalition. The Board on January 26, 2010 approved a new Corporate Economic Development position with a direct report to the County Manager. This position will be funded partially in this General Fund (001) cost center under an interdepartmental payment for service ($75,000) plus operating costs ($9,100). Current FY 2012 - This budget appropriates $400,000 for distribution to the Economic Development Council of Collier County plus $86,200 in economic development incentive payments pursuant to current contractual obligations approved by the Board. Contractual payments are appropriated for Advocate Aircraft ($1,400); Anchor Health ($8,700); Envont ($22,700); Florida Specialties ($28,400) and; Guadalupe Center ($25,000). The remaining $213,800 is set aside to fund unanticipated incentive packages that the Board may consider and extend during the fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2012 35 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Economic Development (001) Over and above the budgeted appropriation, the BCC may consider incentive applications from companies on a case by case basis with the recognition that any additional incentive commitment would require a budget amendment - most likely from General Fund (001) reserves. This expenditure plan also commits $80,100 to support program management under the County Manager's Corporate Economic Development Initiative as well as a $10,400 appropriation toward the State QTI program. Fiscal Year 2012 36 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Planning Economic Development (007) Mission Statement To be an effective force in improving the quality of life for all people in Collier County by promoting economic development initiatives which will diversify the economy, create high value added jobs, increase the average wage, facilitate capital formation, preserve and enhance the natural environment and enable all county residents to have a meaningful opportunity for upward mobility. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 327,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Reserves 327,800 Current Level of Service Budget 327,800 327,800 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Reserves For Contingencies FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 327,800 327,600 na 327,800 327,800 na FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 330,000 330,000 na 15,000 15,000 na (17,200) (17 ,200) na 327,800 327,800 na Total Budget Program Funding Sources Intergovernmental Revenues InterestlMisc Negative 5% Revenue Reserve FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast Total Funding Current FY 2012 - This budget appropriates $327,800 into Reserves to fund future incentive packages that the Board may consider and extend during the next fiscal year. Proceeds from the local government share of gaming revenue pursuant to the Compact between the State and Seminole Tribe is the funding source. Fiscal Year 2012 37 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 10,182,619 10,371,600 9,961,200 10,061,200 10,061,200 (3.0%) Operating Expense 3,213,928 2,701,200 3,655,600 2,566,100 2,566,100 (5.0%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 22,600 10,400 10,400 11,700 11,700 12.5% Capital Outlay 36,528 66,000 66,000 na Net Operating Budget 13,455,874 13,083,200 13,827,200 12,705,000 12,705,000 (2.9%) Reserves For Contingencies 18,500 18,400 18,400 (0.5%) Reserve for Reimb to State 17,900 17,900 na Reserves For Capital 528,000 679,600 . 679,800 28.8% Reserves For Cash Flow 55,400 115,700 115,700 108.8% Total Budget 13,455,874 13,685,100 13,827,200 13,536,800 13,536,800 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Building Review & Pennitting (113) 4,360,391 5,012,600 4,781,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.6%) Business Franchise Administration 346,179 376,400 368,500 363,700 363,700 (3.9%) Element (111) Code Enforcement (111) 4,154,651 4,318,700 4,198,500 4,117,400 4,117,400 (4.7%) Engineering Services (131) 1,049,574 942,200 777,400 863,600 663,600 (8.3%) Environmental Services (111) 247,625 247,500 234,700 234,600 234,600 (5.2%) Environmental Services (131) 231,455 428,100 283,700 397,100 397,100 (7.2%) Intersection Safety Program (001) 975,787 700,000 660,000 680,000 660,000 (2.9%) Planned Unit Development (PUD) 94,470 na Monitoring (131) Right-of-way Pennit & Inspections 256,427 292,600 292,600 366,900 368,900 26.1% (101/102) Transportation Development Review and 382,406 393,700 400,000 391,400 391,400 (0.6%) Concurrency Mgt (101) Utility Regulations Fund (669) 326,162 369,400 346,000 358,100 356,100 (3.1%) Watershed Management Plan Study 1,030,746 1,464,700 na (001) Total Net Budget 13,455,674 13,083,200 13,627,200 12,705,000 12,705,000 (2.9%) Total Transfers and Reserves 601,900 831,800 831,800 38.2% Total Budget 13,455,874 13,685,100 13,827,200 13,536,800 13,536,800 (1.1%) Fiscal Year 2012 38 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Communications Services Tax 5,545,415 5,800,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (5.2%) Franchise Fees 257,874 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0.0% Licenses & Pennits 1,109,277 1,103,500 913,100 913,100 913,100 (17.3%) Reinspection Fees 232,1 65 190,000 196,000 196,000 196,000 3.2% Special Assessments 8,509 8,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 (62.5%) Charges For Services 623,566 384,600 270,100 270,100 270,100 (29.8%) Fines & Forfeitures 2,318,114 1,009,300 847,300 845,900 645,900 (16.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 107,216 34,000 170,700 20,000 20,000 (41.2%) Interest/Misc 4,634 1,000 2,900 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 248,424 180,000 210,400 130,000 130,000 (27.8%) Net Cost General Fund (41,781) (36,800) 1,464,700 (100.0%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 241,459 263,700 368,000 391,400 391,400 48.4% Net Cost MSTD General Fund (1,677,239) (1,628,000) (1,391,500) (1,325,400) (1,325,400) (18.6%) Net Cost Community Development 4,333,192 5,002,600 4,761,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.4%) Net Cost Planning Services 365,595 548,300 303,700 541,700 541,700 (1.2%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 140,900 na Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 30,000 30,000 na Carry Forward 623,600 600,300 653,000 666,200 666,200 44.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (15,400) (15,400) (15,400) 0.0% Total Funding 14,120,240 13,685,100 14,693,400 13,536,800 13,536,800 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Building Review & Pennitting (113) 55.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 0.0% Code Enforcement (111) 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.0% Right-of-way Pennit & Inspections 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 33.3% (101/102) Business Franchise Administration 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Element (111) Utility Regulations Fund (669) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% Transportation Development Review and 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% Concurrency Mgt (101) Engineering Services (131) 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Watershed Management Plan Study 2.00 na (001) Planned Unit Development (PUD) 1.00 na Monitoring (131) Environmental Services (111) 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% Environmental Services (131) 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 132.00 134.00 134.00 135.00 135.00 0.7% Fiscal Year 2012 39 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Building Review & Permitting (113) Mission Statement The purpose of this section is to provide fast, efficient, courteous customer service to residents, property owners, visitors, and licensed development professionals with the review and issuance of permits and to provide quality, timely inspections for all construction projects, while adhering to the Florida Building Code, and to prevent unlicensed and unscrupulous contractors from harming the public. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 2.00 495,400 495,400 Provides administrative oversight to the Growth Management Division Business Center, and Building Plan Review and Inspection Section. Interact with consumer groups, recommend and implement business continuity measures based on consumer requirements and risk assessments. Building Permit Processing 11.00 718,900 718,900 Provide review and assistance to customers with the processing of building permits and related building code inquires. Inspections and Plans Review 38.00 3,161,300 3,161,300 Provide quality inspections within one business day and provide review services within est. timeframes. (One and two family dwellings = 5 business days (BD); Commercial single trade = 5 BD; Commercial 2-3 trades = 10 BD; Commercial Others = 15 BD.) Contractor Licensing 8.00 554,600 554,600 Regulate local and State licensing requirements. Investigate complaints within 24 hours and cite unlicensed contractors. Current Level of Service Budget 59.00 4,930,200 4,930,200 Fiscal Year 2012 40 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Building Review & Permitting (113) Program Performance Measures . 100% of audits will result in compliance with the Florida Building Code . 100% of the time, a meeting with staff will contact the applicant, as well as the property owner, to arrange for a meeting with all plan reviewers associated with those areas of concerns, to aid with the resolution of all outstanding issues identified . 80% of the recommended number of inspections per inspector per day will be within the measure outlined by the ISO and the Florida Benchmark Consortium . 85% licensing officers conduct 12 site inspections per day . 85% of Land Use Inquiries a.nd applications shall be completed within the established timelines . 90% licensed activity/complaint requests are addressed within two business days . 90% of all phone calls coming through the telephone system will be answered in less than one minute . 90% of citizens coming to the Business Center will wait on average less than 20 minutes . 90% of Land Use applications shall be processed within the established timelines . 90% of Zoning Certificates and Temporary Use applications shall be processed within the established timelines . 100% of Contractor Licensing shall have renewal notices to all Licensed contractor one month prior to expiration date . 90% of Contractors Licenses shall be completed within 5 business days . 90% of Contractor Licenses that require advisory board review and approval shall be completed within 45 business days . 95% of building inspections will be inspected within the next business day . 95% of building permit applications and reviews shall be completed by required target date FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Budget 95 100 95 100 80 80 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 85 90 90 90 90 90 98 98 98 100 98 98 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 4,052,678 4,510,700 4,342,600 4,326,300 4,326,300 (4.1%) Operating Expense 307,714 501,900 436,500 537,900 537,900 7.2% Capital Outlay 66,000 66,000 na Net Operating Budget 4,360,391 5,012,600 4,781,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.6%) Total Budget 4,360,391 5,012,600 4,781,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.6%) Total FTE 55.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 59.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 25,400 10,000 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 1,799 na Net Cost Community Development 4,333,192 5,002,600 4,761,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.4%) Total Funding 4,360,391 5,012,600 4,781,100 4,930,200 4,930,200 (1.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be 4.6% lower than the adopted FY 2011 budget as a result of the elimination of the one Director level position, resignation and replacement of higher waged staff, and the forestalling of one vacant/approved administrative position. Operating expenses are anticipated to reflect a decrease of $63,400 below the adopted FY 2010 budget as a result of the implementation of consumer-centric controlled process improvement and expenditure practices. Fiscal Year 2012 41 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Building Review & Permitting (113) Current FY 2012 - Personnel expenses are budgeted 4.1 % below the adopted FY 2011 budget ($184,400) largely due cost savings related to Florida Retirement System rate changes. Operating expenses are budgeted to increase 7.2% as a direct result of increased fuel and fleet charges related to construction inspection activity. There is a $66,000 budget in capital expenses for the replacement of three building inspector vehicles. This is the first time in five years that any replacement vehicle has been purchased for this section. Overall, this budget represents a 1.6% increase above the adopted FY 2011 budget. 'Number of Building Inspections conducted for FY2010 - 31,595 'Number of Permits Issued for FY2010 - 20,468 Fiscal Year 2012 42 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Code Enforcement (111) Mission Statement To protect the health, safety and welfare of Collier County residents and visitors through education, cooperation, and compliance. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Administer departmental investigative, operations and enforcement staff. Provide direction, implement policies and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members. Golden Gate City Area Investigators Six Investigators and one Supervisor seek voluntary compliance with Collier County Codes and Ordinances to prevent blight and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members East Naples Area Investigators Six investigators and one supervisor seek voluntary compliance with Collier County codes and ordinances to prevent blight and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members. Golden Gate Estates Area Investigators Seven investigators and one supervisor seek voluntary compliance with Collier county codes and ordinances to prevent blight and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members. North Naples Area Investigators Six investigators and one supervisor seek voluntary compliance with Collier County codes and ordinances to prevent blight and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members. Immokalee/Copeland Area Investigators Five investigators and one supervisor seek voluntary compliance with Collier County codes and ordinances to prevent blight and ensure health, safety and welfare of community members. Operations Section Intake code violation complaints (website and by phone), issue garage sale permits, recreational vehicle permits and temporary use permits. Archives code case records, issues service processes for code cases to respondents, completes approximately 4500 lien searches per year, manages nuisance abatement and demolition of properties with code violations defined by the Weed/Litter Ordinance and Property Maintenance Ordinance. Coordinates training for the department members. Code Enforcement Bd & Special Magistrate Enforcement Section Manages Code Enforcement Board and Special Magistrate Hearings. Compiles all legal documentation and code cases, schedules code hearings and agency citations (Sheriffs Office, Domestic Animal Services, Public Utilities, False alarms and Park Rangers) for hearings, manages fines, operational costs and civil penalties, coordinates cases for foreclosure and fine abatement with the County Attorney's Office and records liens and Orders with the Clerk of Courts. Citations Office/Lien Search FY 2012 Total FTE 2.00 FY 2012 Budget 987,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 194,000 793,600 7.00 563,000 563,000 7.00 475,400 475,400 8.00 521,100 521,100 7.00 454,900 454,900 6.00 406,500 406,500 5.00 288,100 263,100 25,000 3.00 180,000 168,000 12,000 4.00 120,000 120,800 240,800 Fiscal Year 2012 43 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Code Enforcement (111) Program Summary Completes lien searches and payoffs. Processes and maintains department requisitions, bids, and contracts. Posts transactions, invoices for service and coordinates with contractors. Processes payments, prepares reports, monitors revenue, processes violations and citations issued by the Sheriffs Office, Public Utilities, Domestic Animal Services, False alarms, Park Rangers and Code Enforcement Investigators. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4,117,400 351,000 3,766,400 49.00 Program Performance Measures . 40 Code cases per investigator . 90% of open Code cases, on initial report, by commul}ity members and conduct site visit within 5 days. . 100% of lien search and payoff requests processed within 2 business days .40% (= or >) of Code cases closed with voluntary compliance . Conduct 50 Community Task Force meetings, 20 meet and greet events, 20 clean-up events, and/or neighborhood vacant home sweeps FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 51 55 50 40 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 52 46 46 100 100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,379,557 3,462,800 3,343,000 3,328,900 3,328,900 (3.9%) Operating Expense 740,085 855,900 655,500 786,500 788,500 (7.9%) Capital Outlay 35,006 na Net Operating Budget 4,154,651 4,318,700 4,198,500 4,117,400 4,117,400 (4.7%) Total Budget 4,154,651 4,318,700 4,198,500 4,117,400 4,117,400 (4.7'10) Total FTE 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Penn its 166,070 5,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 (60.0%) Special Assessments 8,509 8,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 (62.5%) Charges For Services 554,022 302,600 160,100 180,100 160,100 (40.5%) Fines & Forfeitures 319,798 272,500 167,300 165,900 165,900 (39.1%) Miscellaneous Revenues 11,781 4,000 150,700 (100.0%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 3,094,470 3,726,600 3,695,400 3,766,400 3,766,400 1.1% Total Funding 4,154,651 4,318,700 4,198,500 4,117,400 4,117,400 (4.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to decrease from the adopted FY 2011 budget. Current FY 2012 - Personnel and operating expenses were reduced 3.0%, in accordance with budget guidance. Further cost savings of 1.9% or $71,100 are the result of the Florida Retirement System rate changes. The department net MSTD Fund (111) cost will increase 1.1%. Code Enforcement revenues from fines and other sources serve to offset the ad valorem impact of the department's operating and personnel costs. Charges For Services is primarily from fees collected for lien searches. Appropriations are a health, safety, and welfare "level of service" consideration made by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board has previously fully funded Code Enforcement Operations recognizing that this operation is not intended to perform as a revenue centric function. Revenue collection in the form of charges and fines has been sacrificed in the interest of compliance as depicted in the numerous executive summaries presented to the Board. Fiscal Year 2012 44 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Right-of-way Permit & Inspections (101/102) Mission Statement To provide a fast, efficient process for the review and issuing of right-of-way permits in compliance with Florida Administrative Code Rule 14. To inspect all structures under construction to ensure compliance with the codes and regulations adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and as set forth in the governing ordinance. Program Summary Section Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1.00 100,400 100,400 Funding for administration, processing of right-of-way permits and fixed' departmental overhead. Inspections Inspect all issued permits under construction to ensure strict compliance with all codes and regulations within 48 hours of the request. Inspect Maintenance of Traffic for all permits as needed. ReserveslTransfers/1 nterest 3.00 268,500 268,500 80,400 80,400 Current Level of Service Budget 4.00 449,300 449,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 10% of staff time dedicated to search for resolution for non permitted 100 100 projects . 100% of permitted projects inspected within 48 hours of request 100 100 . Continue divertion of permitted activityllane closures out of peak season. 100 100 => prior . Percentage of operating cost covered by permit application fees 100 100 100 100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 217,210 227,000 227,000 320,400 320,400 41.1% Operating Expense 37,697 65,600 65,600 48,500 46,500 (26.1%) Capital Outlay 1,520 na Net Operating Budget 256,427 292,600 292,600 368,900 368,900 26.1% Reserves For Contingencies 18,400 18,400 na Reserves For Cash Flow 62,000 62,000 na Total Budget 256,427 292,600 292,600 449,300 449,300 53.6% Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 33.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Pennits 397,325 438,000 308,000 308,000 308,000 (29.7%) Charges For Services 49 na 'nteresVMisc 400 na Net Cost Road and Bridge (140,947) (130,000) (100.0%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 140,900 na Carry Forward 156,700 156,700 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (15,400) (15,400) (15,400) 0.0% Total Funding 256,427 292,600 449,300 449,300 449,300 53.6% Fiscal Year 2012 45 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Right-of-way Permit & Inspections (101/102) Forecast FY 2011 - No major variances are expected during FY 2011. Revenues FY 2011 - Previously, Right-of-way Permitting & Inspections (ROW) was a cost center within Transportation Services Fund (101). A separate Fund (102) was created for this function to track and account for operations on a revenue centric basis. Permitting revenue within Fund (102) is forecast flat at $308,000. Residual revenues were left budgeted in the previous Fund (101) pending a determination of that funds cash position at fiscal year end. Transfer of residual right - of - way permitting revenue from Fund (101) totaling $140,000 was deemed appropriate after close of the fiscal year and this action was approved by the BCC on November 9,2010 under item 16A3. Current FY 2012 - This budget accounts for a compliment of four (4) FTE's, and increase of one (1) FTE. This FTE was transferred from road and bridge operations reflecting that employees actual job assignment. The decrease in operating expense of $17,100 is attributable to lessened IT support costs associated with the City View software program used to account for ROW permits. Fiscal Year 2012 46 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Business Franchise Administration Element (111) Mission Statement To administer telecommunications licenses to cable franchises, monitor and procure associated fees, enforce customer service standards as they relate to franchise terms, and administer licenses and standards associated with the vehicle for hire industry for Collier County. 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 241,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead/Customer Service To administer telecommunications licenses and cable franchises operating in unincorporated Collier County while monitoring quality of service and customer service issues. Vehicle for Hire Program Provides quality customer service to the Vehicle for Hire Industry, processes and reviews all applications for certificates to operate and issues permits. Performs all duties for the administration of the Vehicle for Hire Program. FY 2012 Total FTE 5,500,000 -5,258,500 1.00 122,200 190,100 -67,900 Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures . 100% of Cable Franchise customer inquires will be responded to within 1 business day . 90% of driver id's and Certificate to Operate Vehicles for Hire shall be completed within 10 business days . 90% of driver id's and Certificate to Operate Vehicles for Hire that require advisory board review and approval shall be completed within 45 business days 2.00 363,700 5,690,100 -5,326,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 100 80 90 90 80 90 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 127,390 143,400 142,900 139,700 139,700 (2.6%) Operating Expense 216,789 235,000 225,600 224,000 224,000 (4.7%) Net Operating Budget 346,179 378,400 368,500 363,700 363,700 (3.9%) Total Budget 346,179 378,400 368,500 363,700 363,700 (3.9%) Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Communications Services Tax 5,545,415 5,800,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (5.2%) Licenses & Pennils 160,500 170,100 170,100 170,100 6.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 19,728 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% Net Cost MSTD General Fund (5,218,964) (5,602,100) (5,321,600) (5,326,400) (5,326,400) (4.9%) Total Funding 346,179 378,400 368,500 363,700 363,700 (3.9%) Fiscal Year 2012 47 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Business Franchise Administration Element (111) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 2.6% from the adopted FY 2011 budget due to the implementation of controlled expenditure practices. Current FY 2012 - Personnel expenses are budgeted to decrease by 2.6% attributable to retirement benefit rate changes. Revenues for this budget are comprised of two funding sources, (1) Vehicle for Hire and (2) Communication Services. Vehicle for Hire revenues are budgeted to increase 6.0% above the FY 2011 budget, whereas, revenues for Communication Services is budgeted to receive $5,500,000, which reflects a 5.2% decrease from the FY 2011 budgeted revenue. Revenues collected from the Communications Services are considered to be the largest, single non ad valorem contributions to the County's Unincorporated MSTD General Fund. This budget includes an interdepartmental service payment adjustment for program administration and oversight by the Utilities Regulations Fund (669) staff. Fiscal Year 2012 48 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Growth Management Division Regulation Utility Regulations Fund (669) Mission Statement To provide effective and efficient regulation of privately owned water, bulk water, and wastewater utilities, providing service within the unincorporated areas of Collier County and the City of Marco Island, and the timely resolution of customer inquiries pertaining to quality utility service. Program Summary Departmental Administration and Enforcement Departmental administration and enforcement of enabling ordinance and supplemental rules of the Board regarding water, bulk water, and wastewater utility regulation of investor-owned utilities; to provide administrative support to the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority; to review, audit, and make recommendations as appropriate regarding territorial boundaries, rate tariffs, rate investigations, and standard operating procedures of utilities subject to local regulation. Customer Service FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2.50 307,900 307,900 0.50 50,200 50,200 To provide timely research and resolution of customer inquiries regarding utility service, billing, customer relations, as related to private utilities under regulatory jurisdiction of the Board of County Commissioners. Reserves 751,400 751,400 Contingencies may include health, safety and welfare issues connected with operation and maintenance of privately owned utilities should the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority or the BCC be appointed by the Court as receiver of utilities that are in financial distress or abandoned. Current Level of Service Budget 3.00 1,109,500 1,109,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 100 100 100 100 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 297,600 297,800 (3.5%) 46,600 46.600 (3.6%) 11,700 11,700 12.5% 358,100 358,100 (3.1%) (100.0%) 17,900 17,900 na 679,800 679,800 28.8% 53,700 53,700 (3.1%) 1,109,500 1,109,500 14.2% 3.00 3.00 0.0% Program Performance Measures . 100% of private utilities customer inquiries will be responded to within 1 business day . 100% of reported violations shall be processed within 1 business day 293,547 9,615 22,800 326,162 FY 2011 Adopted 308,600 50,400 10,400 369,400 16,500 FY 2011 Forecast Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Indirect Cost Reimburs FY 2010 Actual Net Operating Budget Reserves For Contingencies Reserve for Reimb to State Reserves For Capital Reserves For Cash Flow 306,800 28,800 10,400 346,000 Total FTE 326,162 3.00 526,000 55,400 971,300 3.00 346,000 3.00 Total Budget Fiscal Year 2012 49 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Utility Regulations Fund (669) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 257,874 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 220 na Interest/Misc 4,634 1,000 2,500 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 104,000 130,000 160,000 130,000 130,000 0.0% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 30,000 30,000 na Carry Forward 623,800 600,300 653,000 709,500 709,500 18.2% Total Funding 990,529 971,300 1,055,500 1,109,500 1,109,500 14.2% Forecast FY 2011 Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be 6.3% lower than the adopted FY 2011 budget as a result of maintaining controlled expenditure practices. This fund is a revenue centric operation that receives an administrative offset from the Business Franchise Element (111) and Building Review and Permitting (113) for costs associated with administrative oversight (vehicle for hire, contractors licensing, GMD business center, Building Review and Permitting). Current FY 2012 Personnel and operating expenses are budgeted at decrease of3.1% ($14,700) due to indirect cost reimbursements. This budget includes interdepartmental service payments received for program administration and oversight of Fund 113 activities (contractors licensing, GMD business center, building review and permitting) that are not related to the utility regulatory job function. Budgeted reserve levels are approximated to show the FY 2011 year end fund balance or carry forward of $653,000. There are no impacts to the MSTD General Fund. Fiscal Year 2012 50 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Transportation Development Review and Concurrency Mgt (101) Mission Statement To provide supervision, planning and engineering, and coordination with Growth Management Division, as well as other divisions/departments to ensure that the department's transportation planning activities are carried out in a timely, efficient, and economical manner, and in compliance with applicable State Statutes (chapters 163 and 339) and Local ordinances through the review of development applications for level of service, access management, site impact, and alternative transportation opportunities (i.e. walking, biking, car-pooling, etc.). FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 2.00 199,200 199,200 Provide for the supervision and overall program planning of the Transportation Planning and Review Section consistent with County LDC requirement and applicable State Statutes (chapters 163 and 339). Development Review 2.00 192,200 192,200 Review of rezones, conditional uses, site development plans, and other development issues for compliance with Board policies and directives, including the monitoring of compliance of development projects with various commitment requirements (PUDs, DCA, etc.). Current Level of Service Budget 4.00 391,400 391,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 90% ofTransportation reviews will be completed within established target 96 95 90 date FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 367,029 374,300 384,300 372,900 372,900 (0.4%) Operating Expense 15,377 19,400 15,700 18,500 18,500 (4.6%) Net Operating Budget 382,406 393,700 400,000 391,400 391,400 (0.6%) Total Budget 382,406 393,700 4D0,000 391,400 391,400 (0.6%) Total FTE 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Reimb From Other Depls 12,000 na Net Cost Road and Bridge 382,406 393,700 388,000 391,400 391,400 (0.6%) Total Funding 382,406 393,700 4DO,OOO 391,400 391,400 (0.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services is expected to exceed budget by $10,000 or 2.7% due to a Project Manager hired at a higher rate than budgeted. A budget amendment will be processed to assure the correct appropriation within this cost center. Revenue FY 2011 - Reimbursement from Other Departments represents payment of services for staff to prepare and process Certificate of Adequate Public Facility (COA) requests received by the Impact Fee Administration Department. Current FY 2012 - This cost center has a compliment of 4 (four) FTE's. Overall, the FY 2012 budget request will decrease by $2,300 or 0.6% due to the net result of staffing changes in the prior year. Fiscal Year 2012 51 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Engineering Services (131) Mission Statement It is this section's mission to oversee the implementation of the Land Development Code (LDC) and Subdivision Regulations in the review and approval of subdivisions and other site improvement plans, to review and approve various engineering permits, and to provide inspection services of infrastructure construction to assure compliance with County Standards. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 174,300 624,000 -449,700 Fund for department administration and fixed departmental overhead Engineering Review 4.00 418,200 418,200 Program staff include that of the County Engineer, Section Manager of the Engineering Review and Inspection Section, and the County Surveyor. Provides for the technical review and approval of plans for subdivisions, SOP's, SIP's and insubstantial changes; processes and issues excavation permits, blasting permits, lot-line adjustments, easement vacations and other minor approvals. Processes requests for utility conveyances. Manages preliminary and final acceptances of subdivisions, including the processing of performance securities. Engineering Inspections 3.00 271,100 271,100 Provides for the inspections of infrastructure construction for subdivisions and site improvement plans, including inspections for preliminary acceptances and utility conveyances. Inspects of all single family and commercial units for drainage and landscaping, features not required by the Florida Building Code. Conducts well inspections. Current Level of Service Budget 239,600 7.00 863,600 624,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 90% of Engineering Building Inspections will be inspected within the next 95 85 90 90 business day . 90% of Engineering reviews will be completed within established target 79 80 90 date FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,006,022 757,700 722,400 695,600 695.600 (8.2%) Operating Expense 43,552 184,500 55,000 168,000 168,000 (8.9%) Net Operating Budget 1,049,574 942,200 777,400 863,600 863,600 (8.3%) Total Budget 1,049,574 942,200 777,400 863,600 863,600 (8.3%) Total FTE 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 533,107 436,000 422,000 422,000 422,000 (3.2%) Reinspection Fees 232,185 190,000 196,000 196,000 196,000 3.2% Charges For Services 12,795 3,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 100.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 89 na Reimb From Other Depts 26,085 na Net Cost Planning Services 245,314 313,200 153,400 239,600 239,600 (23.5%) Total Funding 1,049,574 942,200 777,400 863,600 863,600 (8.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 52 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Engineering Services (131) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 17.5% from the adopted FY 2011 budget as a result of lower than anticipated payroll costs and continued control over non-essential expenditures. Unclaimed budgeted dollars for the FY 2011 anticipated reimbursements of pre paid inspection fees for projects that may cancel or significantly reduce in size shall be carried forward to the FY 2012 budget. Revenue for this section is budgeted to reflect a less than 1 % decrease (0.8) from the adopted FY 2011 level. Current FY 2012 - Personnel and operating expenses are budgeted to decrease 8.3% mainly due to a decrease in personnel costs due to the resignation and replacement of higher waged staff. There are no capital expenses budgeted for this cost center. Fiscal Year 2012 53 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Watershed Management Plan Study (001) Mission Statement The purpose of Watershed Management Plans is to provide for a comprehensive assessment and implementation activities to ensure that surface and ground water including estuarine systems, wetlands systems and wildlife are properly protected from land use activities. The Watershed Management Plans are required by Objective 2.1 of the Growth Management Plan's Conservation and Coastal Management Element. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 228,710 na Operating Expense 802,036 1,464,700 na Net Operating Budget 1,030,746 1,464,700 na Total Budget 1,030,746 1,464,700 na Total FTE 2.00 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change . Miscellaneous Revenues 49,998 na Net Cost General Fund 980,748 1,464,700 . na Total Funding 1,030,746 1,464,700 na Expenditure history summary: FY 2007: $4,000,000 Initial Ad- Valorem Allocation (Revenue) Spent in FY 2007: ($1 03,063)--Personal Services of $100,230 + Operating Expenses of $2,834 Spent in FY 2008: {$315,668)-Personal Services of $218,630 + Operating Expenses of $97,038 Spent in FY 2009: {$1,064,798)-Personal Services of $228,71 0 + Operating Expenses of $802,036 Spent in FY 2010: ($1 ,030,746)-Personal Services of $229,200 + Operating Expenses of $2,287,271 Total available budget in FY 2011: ($1 ,464,686)-Spent $625,002 + Encumbered $839,684 There is no new money appropriated in FY 2012. It is anticipated that no dollars from the current FY 2011 PO total identified above will roll. Fiscal Year 2012 54 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Planned Unit Development (PUD) Monitoring (131) Mission Statement The goal of this section is to ensure that developer commitments have been made, and to verify that all approved densities and/or intensities of the lands of Collier County are not exceeded. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 201 Z Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 91,667 na Operating Expense 2,803 na Net Operating Budget 94,470 na Total Budget 94,470 na Total FTE 1.00 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost Planning Services 94,470 na Total Funding 94,470 na This section is no longer active. Expenses have been moved to Planning & Regulatory Administration (131). Fiscal Year 2012 55 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Environmental Services (111) Mission Statement The purpose of this section is to provide for the development of various environmental planning efforts and regulations associated with the Growth Management Plan (GMP) and other BCC-directed activities. Program Summary Environmental Planning and Permitting Support Implementation, coordination and revision to the GMP Conservation and Coastal Management Element, GMP consistency reviews, LOC amendment, support, review of Stewardship Sending Area (SSA) applications and TOR Restoration Plans. Oevelopment and maintenance of GIS environmental data and support to the Environmental Review Section as necessary. Implementation of the Watershed Management Plans as directed by the BCC, support and data analysis for the Growth Management Plan revisions and other efforts. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 234,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2.00 234,600 234,600 234,600 2.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 168,620 189,000 188,100 182,500 182,500 (3.4%) Operating Expense 79,005 58,500 46,600 52,100 52,100 (10.9%) Net Operating Budget 247,625 247,500 234,700 234,600 234,600 (5.2%) Total Budget 247,625 247,500 234,700 234,600 234,600 (5.2%) Total FTE 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Reimb From Other Depts 370 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 247,255 247,500 234,700 234,600 234,600 (5.2%) Total Funding 247,625 247,500 234,700 234,600 234,600 (5.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are projected to be under budget as a result of reduced contractual service expenses ($11,000). Current FY 2012 - This budget reflects a 5.2% overall operating decrease and net cost to the MSTO General Fund (111). Fiscal Year 2012 56 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Environmental Services (131) Mission Statement The purpose of the Environmental Review Section is to ensure that all land use petitions and development activities conform to the environmental requirements of the Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Code (LDC) and to maintain the environmental sections of the LDC. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Environmental Review and Permitting 3.00 250,900 95,000 155,900 Issuance of various environmental permits such as vegetation removal and coastal construction setback line permits. Review of land use petitions site development plans for environmental compliance with the LOC and GMP, informal wetland determinations. Provides technical support and coordination for the EAC. Environmental Planning and Support Services 2.00 146,200 146,200 Support to the Business Center for environmental reviews, development and maintenance of GIS environmental data, support to the Environmental Review Section as necessary. Current Level of Service Budget 5.00 397,100 95,000 302,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . 90% of Environmental reviews will be completed within established target 82 85 75 90 date FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 227,479 398,100 274,100 367,000 367,000 (7.8%) Operating Expense 3,976 30,000 9,600 30,100 30,10.0 0.3% Net Operating Budget 231,455 428,100 283,700 397,100 397,100 (7.2%) Total Budget 231,455 428,100 283,700 397,100 397,100 (7.2%) Total FTE 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits 12,775 64,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 (82.8%) Charges For Services 56,700 79,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 6.3% Reimb From Other Depts 116,170 50,000 38,400 (100.0%) Net Cost Planning Services 45,810 235,100 150,300 302,100 302,100 28.5% Total Funding 231,455 428,100 283,700 397,100 397,100 (7.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personnel and operating expenses are projected to be under budget by 33.7% as a result of one higher waged FTE resigning and the implementation of controlled expenditure practices. Revenue for this section is projected to decline 30.8% from the adopted FY 2011 budget due to the anticipated activity decline of Stewardship Sending Applications ($47,000). Current FY 2012 - Personnel services will decrease 7.8% below the FY 2011 budget mainly due to one higher waged FTE resigning. It should also be noted that one (1) FTE will be performing duties in the Pollution Control Oepartment and their personal service expenses will be reimbursed to the Growth Management Oivision (GMO). Operating expenses are budgeted to stay relatively unchanged and there are no capital expenses within this cost center for the upcoming fiscal year. In an effort to prevent a budget shortfall in this cost center, GMO P&R fiscal staff will continue to monitor revenues and adjust expenditure practices accordingly. Fiscal Year 2012 57 Growth Management Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Regulation Intersection Safety Program (001) Mission Statement The purpose of the Intersection Safety Program is to encourage vehicle owners to obey traffic control devices at Collier County intersections through the use of traffic infraction detectors (unmanned cameras) to improve safety by lowering the number of traffic accidents caused by red light running. Program Summary Intersection Safety Administration Adminstration and operations of the Intersection Safety Program including remittances to the State of Florida. FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 680,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 680,000 Current Level of Service Budget 680,000 680,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 22,708 30,000 30,100 30,100 na Operating Expense 953,078 700,000 650,000 649,900 649,900 (7.2%) Net Operating Budget 975,787 700,000 680,000 680,000 680,000 (2.9%) Total Budget 975,787 700,000 680,000 680,000 680,000 (2.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 1,998,316 736,800 680,000 680,000 680,000 (7.7%) Net Cost General Fund (1,022,529) (36,800) (100.0%) Total Funding 975,787 700,000 680,000 680,000 680,000 (2.9%) Current FY 2012 - On July 1, 2010 the Intersection Safety Program became a State of Florida (State) govemed program. Operating expenses are budgeted in the amount of $680,000 and are offset by fine revenue. This program is run at no expense to the County pursuant to Board direction. All required revenues are remitted to the State as mandated by the Florida Oepartment of Highway Safety and MotorVechicles. Fiscal Year 2012 58 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 8,519,755 7,917,000 7,927,100 7,263,000 7,263,000 (8.3%) Operating Expense 13,929,756 15,412,400 15,316,800 14,551,200 14,551,200 (5.6%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 65,200 57,900 57,900 4,800 4,800 (91.7%) Capital OuUay 1,859,953 40,000 48,700 113,000 113,000 182.5% Net Operating Budget 24,374,664 23,427,300 23,350,500 21,932,000 21,932,000 (6.4%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 55,100 55,100 150,000 150,000 172.2% Trans to 712 Transp Match 12,300 na Reserves For Contingencies 255,100 255,100 na Total Budget 24,374,664 23,482,400 23,417,900 22,337,100 22,337,100 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Landscape & MSTU's Operations (111) 4,329,568 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 4,824,400 (2.5%) Landscape Projects (112) 2,012,469 57,900 423,500 35,600 35,600 (38.5%) Trans Maint - Aquatic Plant Control (101) 1,418,563 1,476,900 1,439,000 1,184,600 1,184,600 (19.8%) Trans Maintenance FL Dept Of Trans 1,510,995 1,752,600 1,692,300 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) (101) Trans Maintenance Road & Bridge (101) 9,652,436 8,982,600 8,908,600 8,536,700 8,536,700 (5.0%) Transportation Road Maintenance (111) 5,450,633 6,210,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) Total Net Budget 24,374,664 23,427,300 23,350,500 21,932,000 21,932,000 (6.4%) Total Transfers and Reserves 55,100 67,400 405,100 405,100 635.2% Total Budget 24,374,664 23,482,400 23,417,900 22,337,100 22,337,100 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 1,747,865 1,752,600 2,065,500 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) Charges For Services 11,378 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 139,709 33,000 196,600 37,500 37,500 13.6% InteresllMisc 11,824 4,200 na Reimb From Other Depts 143,916 114,500 108,000 (100.0%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 10,845,515 10,303,000 10,001,700 9,674,800 9,674,800 (6.1%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 9,755,295 11,157,300 10,887,100 10,834,400 10,834,400 (2.9%) Carry Forward 2,304,000 113,000 586,500 440,700 440,700 290.0% Total Funding 24,959,501 23,482,400 23,858,600 22,337,100 22,337,100 (4.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Landscape & MSTU's Operations (111) 13.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Trans Maintenance Road & Bridge (101) 96.00 94.00 94.00 91.00 91.00 (3.2%) Trans Maintenance FL Dept Of Trans 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.0% (101) Trans Maint - Aquatic Plant Control (101) 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 (70.0%) Total FTE 129.00 125.00 125.00 115.00 115.00 (8.0%) Fiscal Year 2012 59 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Landscape & MSTU's Operations (111) Mission Statement To provide maintenance of landscaped, non-landscaped, and roadsides on selected County roadways to meet the standards adopted by the Board of County Commissioners and to support Florida Statutes Chapters 74-191. To provide supervision, coordination, manpower and support equipment to maintain the highest possible level of landscape service. To provide coordinated staff support and project management to multiple MSTU's in roadway, stormwater and landscape beautification. 8.00 FY 2012 Budget 4,554,700 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Program Summary Landscape Beautification Program The provision of contract management of the landscape maintenance contractors hired for the weekly maintenance of the landscaped and non-landscaped medians and roadways under the County's Landscaping Master Plan; the provision of field supervision/inspections and irrigation maintenance on the roadways under the County's Landscaping Master Plan; and the collectionlinventory of the landscape assets utilizing a GPS based asset management program. MSTU Project Management The provision of administrative support services for several established Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU) constructing and maintaining private roads, stormwater, utility and/or landscaping beautification projects; the provision of project management and coordination of the multiple projects desired by established MSTUs. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE 4,554,700 3.00 269,700 269,700 11.00 4,824,400 4,824,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . Average cost per landscaped lane mile at or below $36,000 32,164 57,779 33,427 35,853 . 100% of irrigation alarms responded to within 24 hours 100 100 . 80% of lane miles maintained to adopted LOS (unconstrained 100 100 target=100% of adopted LOS) . Maintain 80% of planned service frequency for mowing, mulching cycles, 100 100 and reduce trimming for 108 landscape miles (unconstrained target=100% of planned service frequency) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,100,843 833,900 858,300 833,300 833,300 (0.1%) Operating Expense 3,228,726 4,113,400 3,635,600 3,911,100 3,911,100 (4.9%) Capital Outlay 4,000 80,000 80,000 na Net Operating Budget 4,329,568 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 4,824,400 (2.5%) Total Budget 4,329,568 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 4,824,400 (2.5"1o) Total FTE 13.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 1,567 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 4,328,001 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 4,824,400 (2.5%) Total Funding 4,329,568 4,947,300 4,497,900 4,824,400 4,824,400 (2.5'10) Fiscal Year 2012 60 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Landscape & MSTU's Operations (111) Forecast FY 2011 - Budgeted personnel attrition totaling ($28,400) was not achieved resulting in a mid year budget amendment to cover salaries in excess of budget. Operating expense is forecasted well below budget due to certain landscape segments not coming online. Overall, this budget is projected at $449,400 or 9.1 % below budget. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services account for a complement of eleven (11) FTE's, consistent with FY 2011 levels. Of total operating expenses, the following amounts are attributable to Median Landscape Maintenance: FY 2009 Actual: $3,602,242 FY 2010 Actual: $3,184,093 FY 2011 Forecast: $3,525,700 FY 2012 Current: $3,850,300 A total of 134.56 of centerline miles will be maintained for FY 2012. Overall, the net operating cost to the MSTO General Fund is down 2.5%. Revenue FY 2012 - Shown at the fund level is transfer revenue to Unincorporated Area MSTO General Fund (111) from the various MSTU's to support staff administration. Transfer revenue totals $217,300. Fiscal Year 2012 61 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Landscape Projects (112) Mission Statement To provide maintenance of landscaped, non-landscaped, and roadsides on selected County roadways to meet the standards adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. To provide supervision, coordination, manpower and support equipment to maintain the highest possible level of landscape service. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Median Construction Project 285,900 285,900 Operating Overhead 154,800 154,800 Current Level of Service Budget 440,700 440,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 203,383 365,600 30,800 30,800 na Indirect Cost Reimburs 65,200 57,900 57,900 4,800 4,800 (91.7%) Capital Outlay 1,743,886 na Net Operating Budget 2,012,469 57,900 423,500 35,600 35,600 (38.5%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 55,100 55,100 150,000 150,000 172.2% Trans to 712 Transp Match 12,300 na Reserves For Contingencies 255,100 255,100 na Total Budget 2,012,469 113,000 490,900 440,700 440,700 290.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 233,191 312,900 na Charges For Services 2,297 na Miscellaneous Revenues 45,995 28,000 na InterestlMisc 11,824 4,200 na Carry Forward 2,304,000 113,000 586,500 440,700 440,700 290.0% Total Funding 2,597,307 113,000 931,600 440,700 440,700 290.0% Forecast FY 2011 - This capital projects fund appropriates dollars to landscape related initiatives including repair and replacement of segements destroyed through vehicular accidents. Current projects include the Immokalee Roadll-75 interchange and Landscape Asset Management System. Fund balance at the beginning of FY 2011, totaled $586,500. Routine project closure during FY 2011 totaled $69,700 and these dollars were retumed to reserves and will form part of budgeted fund balance at the beginning of FY 2012. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted fund balance at the October 1, 2011 totals $440,700. New money totaling $30,800 has been appropriated for the landscape asset management project. Since this fund historically received regular annual transfers from the Unincorporated Area General Fund (111), a transfer back to MSTO (111) is programmed. ATM pursues funds through insurance claims from vehicular accidents that damage the improved medians. $255,100 of collected claims has been set aside in Fund 112 to cover accident refurbishment projects. All landscape maintenance costs are segregated within the MSTO General Fund (111) via individual cost centers. Note: Fund (112) is a project fund and therefore for budget purposes, the amended budget is always forecast which allows for project roll into the succeeding fiscal year. The project roll represents the difference between amended budget and actual expenses at year end. Fiscal Year 2012 62 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Trans Maintenance Road & Bridge (101) Mission Statement The Road Maintenance Department will maintain a safe County road system for the citizens and visitors of Collier County in support of Florida Statute Chapter 334.046; provide emergency response to all roadway/roadside hazards 24 hours per day; provide continued road service and customer service that exceeds expectations. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 485,600 Administration Oepartmental management, planning, supervision, and recording. Includes all overhead fixed costs for the department such as, insurance, fleet maintenance, etc. Operational Support Supervision, inspection, and training in all safety related issues with personnel, equipment and projects. Operational activities measurements, developmental measurements, contracts/bid preparation, vendorl project inspections, support with administrative reports preparation for departmental activities and measurements, assists with personnel issues as pertains to reports, complaints, employee services issues, data entry, filing, phones, mobile radio contact. Field Supervision Supervision of field personnel/multiple crews, plans daily and forecasted activities for crews, participates in fiscal measurements as pertains to project preparation, maintenance scheduling, on-sight supervision as necessary for specific jobs and emergency situations. Field Maintenance of all county rights-of-way, roads/road-sides as pertain to the following: Mow (in cycle) all rural and urban areas, heavy vegetation control, patching and overlay of roads, etc. Projects such as turn lane or driveway installation, digging/cleaning drainage swales/culverts, repair and upgrade of drainage systems, specially build items for outdated drainage systems, inspect and repair all County-maintained bridges, build/repair sidewalks, bike paths, litter abatement of roads, roadsides, County properties, sod replacement, accident clean-up/traffic control. Survey Crew Perform surveys for roadway profiles and drainage on urban and rural highways/roads throughout the County. Give technical support to Road Maintenance and Storm-water by collection survey data, identifying easements and right-of-ways. Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures . Complete 25% of the annual scheduled required maintenance ofthe entire county maintained tertiary drainage system or 20% of system annually (unconstrained target=1 00% of annual schedule required maintenance) . Increase safety by inspection of county maintained sidewalks annually and repair 70% of all noted deficiencies (unconstrained target=1 00%) . Increase safety by refurbishing half of all pavement markings and raised pavement markers under maintenance condition rating of 70% on county maintained roads (unconstrained target=1 00% under 70% condition rating) 3.00 485,600 3.00 367,300 367,300 4.00 796,700 796,700 78.00 37,500 6,615,400 6,652,900 3.00 234,200 225,200 9,000 91.00 8,536,700 46,500 8,490,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 Fiscal Year 2012 63 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Trans Maintenance Road & Bridge (101) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 6,063,982 5,773,400 5,754,300 5,580,600 5,580,600 (3.3%) Operating Expense 3,561,150 3,209,200 3,149,600 2,956,100 2,956,100 (7.9%) Capital Outlay 27,304 4,700 na Net Operating Budget 9,652,436 8,982,600 8,908,600 8,536,700 8,536,700 (5.0%) Total Budget 9,652,436 8,982,600 8,908,600 8,536,700 8,S36,700 (5.0%) Total FTE 96.00 94.00 94.00. 91.00 91.00 (3.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 9,081 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 89,217 33,000 167,300 37,500 37,500 13.6% Reimb From Other Depts 110,675 110,000 108,000 (100.0%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 9,443,463 8,830,600 8,624,300 8,490,200 8,490,200 (3.9%) Total Funding 9,652,436 8,982,600 8,908,600 8,536,700 8,536,700 (5.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast personal service savings ($19,1 00) are attributable to meeting attrition from vacancies throughout the year. Overall department forecast expenses are below budget by $74,000. Noteworthy operating expense reductions include contractual services ($30,OOO), uniform rentals ($5,OOO), and fence maintenance ($5,OOO). Capital outlay is forecasted at a modest $4,700 associated with costs to replace a document scanner and jack hammer. Revenue FY 2011 - Miscellaneous revenues are forecasted above adopted levels at $167,300 due to the receipt of grant funds for payment of force account labor to install bus shelters for Collier Area Transit. Current FY 2012 - The Road Maintenance Oepartment is funded at 91 FTE's or three positions less due to the movement of three (3) FTE's to the Traffic Operations Oepartment. This action is to properly align staff performing locate functions to the Oepartment responsible to mark infrastructure for signals, streetlights, and fiber optics. The personal service budget has been reduced by $192,800 and is reflective of the net savings associated with the movement of three positions and changes in benefit costs. Operating expense has been reduced by 7.9% or $253,100 in an effort to meet budget guidance for the Oivision. The reduction was mainly achieved through the further reduction of contracted services by $400,000 to offset increasing Fleet maintenance and fuel costs of $183,300. The decreased level of staffing available to perform in-house maintenance of roadways has required dependence on contracting services. Maintenance level of service has moved to a break-fix versus proactive approach for sidewalk repairs, overlay road repairs, roadway pavement marker (URPM") and stripping replacement and refurbishment. Over recent years, 250 lane miles have been constructed and added to the roadway infrastructure system increasing maintenance needs that will continue to trend upward as the system ages. Overall this cost center reflects a decreased budget request of 5.0% or $445,900. Revenues FY 2012 - Miscellaneous Revenues represent Insurance refunds ($30,000) and revenues from scrap sales ($7,500). Note that in FY 2012, the Reimbursement from Other Oepartments - associated with locate revenues fees - has moved to the Traffic Operations Oepartment where staff performing this function are funded. Fiscal Year 2012 64 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Trans Maintenance FL Dept Of Trans (1 01) Mission Statement The Road and Bridge Department will maintain a safe State primary highway road system for the citizens and visitors of Collier County; provide emergency response to all roadway/roadside hazards 24 hours per day; provide continued road service and customer service that exceeds expectations. Program Summary Administrative/Operational Support Support with administrative reports preparation for departmental activities and measurements. Field/Operational Supervision Supervision offield personnel/multiple crews, plans daily and forecasted, activities for crews, participates in fiscal measurements as pertains to project preparation, maintenance scheduling, on-site supervision as necessary for specific jobs and emergency situations. Field FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 314,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2.00 314,900 2.00 247,300 247,300 6.00 778,500 778,500 Maintenance of all State primary highway right-of-ways, roads/roadsides as pertains to the following: Mow (in cycle) all rural and urban areas; heavy vegetation control; patching and overlay of roads, etc.; projects such as turn lane, or driveway installation; digging/cleaning drainage swales/culverts; repair and upgrade of drainage systems, specially build items for outdated drainage systems; repair sidewalks, bike paths, litter abatement of roads, roadsides, State primary highway road properties; sod replacement, and accident clean-up/traffic control. Current Level of Service Budget 1,340,700 1,340,700 10.00 90 FY 2012 Budget 100 Program Performance Measures . Complete 25% of the annual scheduled required maintenance of the entire county maintained tertiary drainage system or 20% of system annually (unconstrained target=1 00% of annual schedule required maintenance) . Complete nine (9) mowing cycles annually and achieve a maintenance rating of 80 FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 FY 2011 Budget Forecast 100 100 100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 679,556 665,300 694,000 621,900 621,900 (6.5%) Operating Expense 742,675 1,047,300 958,300 685,800 685,800 (34.5%) Capital Outiay 88,763 40,000 40,000 33,000 33,000 (17.5%) Net Operating Budget 1,510,995 1,752,600 1,692,300 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) Total Budget 1,510,995 1,752,600 1,692,300 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) Total FTE 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 1,514,674 1,752,600 1,752,600 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) Miscellaneous Revenues 7 na Net Cost Road and Bridge (3,686) (60,300) na Total Funding 1,510,995 1,752,600 1,692,300 1,340,700 1,340,700 (23.5%) Fiscal Year 2012 65 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Trans Maintenance FL Dept Of Trans (101) Forecast FY 2011 - This operation is fully supported through a Florida Oepartment of Transportation Asset Management Contract. The County anticipates receiving $146,050 per month from FOOT. Proceeds from this FOOT Asset Management Contractwill be used to fully fund all ten (10) FTE's. Personal services are projected over budget by $28,700 due to attrition not being achieved. A budget amendment will be completed by year end for the proper amount of appropriations. Oepartment operating expenses are down slightly by $80,900. Capital outlay is expected to be spent as anticipated for the replacement of small equipment and includes two (2) equipment trailers ($20,000), two (2) plate compactors ($10,OOO), and two (2) mud pumps ($10,OOO). Current FY 2012 - Personal service costs reflect a complement of ten (10) FTE's and a capital outlay request for replacement of a 3/4 ton truck. The FY 2012 budget request is sized to the current executed Asset Management Contract which will expire on June 30, 2012. At the time of budget preparation, the terms of an extension or new contract were not made available to staff, though requests have been to FOOT. Once a proposed contract or extension has been offered by FOOT, the proper actions will be taken to bring forward the agreement to Board of County Commissioners for review and approval. At that time, any adjustments to the proposed FY 2012 appropriations will be adjusted based on the terms of the contract. Fiscal Year 2012 66 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Trans Maint . Aquatic Plant Control (1 01) Mission Statement To provide quality customer service in the appropriate operation and maintenance of the publicly maintained transportation network, stormwater management facilities, and median landscaping throughout Collier County. Maintenance is performed in compliance with Florida Statute 334.046. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Aquatic Plant Control 3.00 1,184,600 1,184,600 Spray Crew along with exotic plant removal program, other enhanced maintenance activities and timely customer service. High priority ditches sprayed 2 or 3 times per year. Funding is essential maintenance and operation of the publicly maintained secondary stormwater management facilities throughout Collier County. Current Level of Service Budget 3.00 1,184,600 1,184,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget . Repair 100% of deficiencies found on secondary drainage system that has 100 100 100 on MRP score of 50 or less (Unconstrained target-70% MRP) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 675,374 644,400 620,500 227,200 227,200 (64.7%) Operating Expense 743,189 832,500 818,500 957,400 957,400 15.0% Net Operating Budget 1,418,563 1,476,900 1,439,000 1,184,600 1,184,600 (19.8%) Total Budget 1,418,563 1,476,900 1,439,000 1,184,600 1,184,600 (19.8%) Total FTE 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 (70.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 2,533 1,300 na Reimb From Other Depts 10,291 4,500 (100.0%) Net Cost Road and Bridge 1,405,738 1,472,400 1,437,700 1,184,600 1,184,600 (19.5%) Total Funding 1,418,563 1,476,900 1,439,000 1,184,600 1,184,600 (19.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are projected under budget by $23,900 due to attrition. Oepartment operating expenses are down slightly by $14,000. Current FY 2012 - The Oepartment's personal services reflects the elimination of seven (7) FTE's, a 63.6% reduction or $417 ,200 cost savings. Staff conducted a cost analysis of contracting maintenance services for Herbicide Treatment versus the use of in house forces. The Oepartment will utilize the South Florida Management Oistrict Contract Number 4600000981 Herbicide Treatment contract to procure services for a favorable net savings of $292,300 or 19.8% reduction to the Oepartments operations. Three (3) FTE's will still be required for contract management and oversight of the County's secondary drainage system. The operating expense increase of 15% or $124,900 is attributable to the increase in contractual services ($190,000) offset by reductions in expense saving due to contracting out maintenance which includes related fleet costs ($46,300) and supplies and other operating of ($18,800). Fiscal Year 2012 67 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Transportation Road Maintenance (111) Mission Statement To deliver to the citizens of Collier County quality maintained roadways, roadsides and drainage systems, providing safe roadway systems and excellent customer service. Maintenance operations are performed in support of Florida Statute Chapter 344.046. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 70,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Roadway Asphalt Repair Maintain existing roadways efficiently by removing and/or repairing roadway hazards, thus promoting safe conditions. Schedule repairs of reported deficiencies within 24 hours of receipt. Bridge Maintenance 70,000 570,000 570,000 Inspect and repair bridge structures. Schedule repairs of reported handrail damages within 24 hours of notification. Clean existing deck joints and replace deteriorated materials as directed by F.O.O.T. Bridge Work Orders. (Schedule repairs by work order priority.) Complete bridge inspection work orders within 24 hours of receipt. Drainage Systems Maintenance and Construction Installation and maintenance of roadway drainage ditches and structures. Improve roadway water runoff, and complete routine monthly inspections to assure safe and proper operation. Sidewalk/Bike path Construction and Maintenance Installation of sidewalks/bikepaths, and removal and repair of sidewalklbikepath defects using County established measures to promote a safe and functional system. Limerock Road Construction and Maintenance 95,000 95,000 545,000 545,000 250,000 250,000 To grade Iimerock roads located in the Golden Gate Estates quarterly. There is no appropriation for conversion - only maintenance. General Maintenance 730,000 730,000 Contract mowing, maintenance and installation on County Rights-of-Way, including, but not limited to, dead animal removal, shoulder maintenance, litter abatement, Adopt-a-Road litter removal, emergency roadway hazard response, roadway sweeping, and traffic control operations. (Scheduling to be determined by the work needs survey.) Road Resurfacing and Bridge Improvements 3,750,000 3,750,000 6,010,000 6,010,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 100 90 100 100 Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures . Complete nine (9) mowing cycles annually and achieve a maintenance rating of 80 . Resurface all roadway segments with a pavement condition rating of 50% or less (unconstrained target=70% or less) Fiscal Year 2012 68 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Maintenance Transportation Road Maintenance (111) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 5,450,633 6,210,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) Net Operating Budget 5,450,633 6,210,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) Total Budget 5,450,633 6,210,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 390 na Reimb From Other Depts 22,950 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 5,427,293 6,210,000 6,389,200 .6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) Total Funding 5,450,633 6,210,000 6,389,200 6,010,000 6,010,000 (3.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are expected to exceed budget due to a resurfacing contract PO roll. Current FY 2012 - Funding levels have been reduced by $200,000 or 3.2% in other contractual services and road resurfacing to meet budget guidance. General resurfacing and maintenance of the expanding roadway network includes the maintenance of non-landscaped medians and right-of-way areas, sidewalks, drainage infrastructure, installation of sod, and bridge repairs. Contracted services are valued at $1,500,000. Note that the Limerock Road Conversion Program has been deferred until funding is reestablished. The Growth Management Oivision is charged with converting 94.7 miles of Iimerock surface located in the Golden Gate Estates to asphalt. To date, 46.9 miles of Iimerock roads have been resurfaced leaving 47.8 miles unconverted. Fiscal Year 2012 69 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 595 100 100 na Operating Expense 1,361,189 2,265,200 1,723,500 2,932,600 2,932,600 29.5% Indirect Cost Reimburs 70,100 87,400 88,000 78,000 78,000 (10.8%) Capital OuUay 2,326,557 16,436,200 13,529,900 12,485,300 12,485,300 (24.0%) Net Operating Budget 3,758,441 18,788,800 15,341,400 15,496,000 15,496,000 (17.5%) Trans to Property Appraiser 27,238 32,200 32,000 35,400 35,400 9.9% Trans to Tax Collector 71,438 . 83,800 81,000 81,800 81,800 (2.4%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 135,300 209,300 209,300 217,300 217,300 3.8% Trans to 187 Bayshore Redev Fd 66,620 133,800 133,800 136,800 136,800 2.2% Trans to 259 Forest Lakes 500,000 500,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 156,200 268,100 268,100 71.6% Reserves For Capital 2,504,900 1,476,000 1,476,000 (41.1%) Reserves for Insurance 400,000 215,100 215,100 (46.2%) Total Budget 4,059,038 22,309,000 15,797,500 18,426,500 18,426,500 (17.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Bayshore Beautification MSTU (163) 254,949 3,912,700 695,300 4,520,800 4,520,800 15.5% Forest Lakes Roadway & Drainage (159) 1,246,698 1,852,700 1,454,400 1,916,900 1,916,900 3.5% Golden Gate Beautification MSTU (153) 254,013 1,770,500 1,273,400 868,100 868,100 (51.0%) Haldeman Creek MSTU (164) 26,800 4,900 26,600 26,600 (0.7%) Hawksridge Pumping System (154) 1,121 43,200 11,300 53,200 53,200 23.1% Immokalee Beautification MSTU (162) 232,507 826,700 463,800 790,000 790,000 (4.4%) Lely Golf Estates Beautification MSTU 176,258 216,900 294,400 261,700 261,700 20.7% (152) Naples Park Drainage (139) 700 47,800 10,800 50,200 50,200 5.0% Naples Production Park (Capital) MSTU 131,654 613,200 3,559,400 2,700 2,700 (99.6%) (138) Naples Production Park Maintenance 700 24,800 600 53,600 53,600 116.1% (141) Pine Ridge Industrial Park (Capital) 130,918 748,100 4,422,300 4,200 4,200 (99.4%) MSTU (132) Pine Ridge Industrial Park Maint (140) 9,124 1,100 700 600 600 (45.5%) Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU (142) 1,600 1,783,000 2,300 1,798,100 1,798,100 0.8% Radio Rd East Beautification MSTU (166) 56,000 51,400 47,600 47,600 (15.0%) Radio Road Beautification MSTU (158) 723,430 627,900 329,800 670,100 670,100 6.7% Rock Road MSTU (165) 30,506 35,400 31,500 24,000 24,000 (32.2%) Sabal Palm Road Extension MSTU (151) 49,040 199,300 52,300 197,600 197,600 (0.9%) Vanderbilt Beach MSTU (143) 512,480 5,957,500 2,650,700 4,185,900 4,185,900 (29.7%) Victoria Park Drainage (134) 2,745 45,200 32,100 24,100 24,100 (46.7%) Total Net Budget 3,758,441 18,788,800 15,341,400 15,496,000 15,496,000 (17.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves 300,597 3,520,200 456,100 2,930,500 2,930,500 (16.8%) Total Budget 4,059,038 22,309,000 15,797,500 18,426,500 18,426,500 (17.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 70 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 3,340,426 3,334,700 3,137,600 3,265,000 3,265,000 (2.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 26,344 4,500 na Intergovernmental Revenues 69,409 na Miscellaneous Revenues 436 2,100 na InterestlMisc 205,161 67,500 82,200 39,200 39,200 (41.9%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 3,796 na Trans frm Tax Collector 31,669 na Trans fm 232 PR Ind & N Prod Pk 792,700 1,361,300 1,361,300 (100.0%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 78,125 na Carry Forward 26,011,700 17,715,800 26,497,600 15,287,800 15,287,800 (13.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (170,300) (165,500) (165,500) (2.8%) Total Funding 30,559,767 22,309,000 31,085,300 18,426,500 18,426,500 (17.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 71 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Pine Ridge Industrial Park (Capital) MSTU (132) Mission Statement The Pine Ridge Industrial Park Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit was created and established for the purpose of providing design, easement acquisition and construction for roadway, water, sewer and drainage improvements within the Unit. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Adm inistration/Overhead 4,200 4,200 Current Level of Service Budget 4,200 4,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 78 na Operating Expense 69,320 1,700 1,700 na Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 2,500 2,500 na Capital Outlay 61,521 748,100 4,421,700 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 130,918 748,100 4,422,300 4,200 4,200 (99.4%) Total Budget 130,918 748,100 4,422,300 4,200 4,200 (99.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 232 PR Ind & N Prod Pk 436,000 748,100 748,100 (100.0%) Carry Forward 3,374,000 3,678,400 4,200 4,200 na Total Funding 3,810,000 748,100 4,426,500 4,200 4,200 (99.4%) Funds were collected as special assessment bond proceeds within Oebt Service Fund (232) and these funds are available for the benefit of this Oistrict and the Naples Production Parle Principal and interest on the bonds have been paid, however, property owners within the districts will continue to pay assessments over the next three years (through 2013) and the value of these anticipated assessments total $2,378,300. Since the 2008 tax year (FY 2009) property taxes have not been levied. Transportation staff conducted neighborhood informational meetings and determined which roadway and drainage improvement projects could be done. Improvements to this Industrial Park as well as the Naples Production Park commenced during FY 2009 and are scheduled to be completed in FY 2011. Separate capital funding via transfer from debt service fund (232) has been set up in funds (132) and (138). Forecast FY 2011 - On April 28th 2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved a prioritized list of capital improvements for the Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU. Construction for the J & C Boulevard/Airport-Pulling Road Intersection was completed in Oecember 201 O. Beginning in May 2010, capital improvement projects for Taylor Road from Pine Ridge Road to J&C Boulevard began and construction is expected to commence in August with completion in Oecember 2011. Yahl Street, north of Pine Ridge Road will enter the design stage in August 2011 for roadway and drainage improvements. Revenue FY 2011 - Funds are being transferred from the paid off Pine RidgelNaples Production Park Oebt Fund (232) that was initiated for capital projects such as those being done in this fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - The continuation of the projects started in FY 2009 are scheduled to be completed in this fiscal year. The Taylor Road project will start construction in August 2011 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of Oecember 2011. The Yahl Street drainage project, north of Pine Ridge Road, is scheduled to be completed in the summer of FY 2012. Miscellaneous drainage projects are expected to be completed by Oecember 2012. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue generated from past due assessments, carryforward & interest will continue to be transferred from Pine Ridge/Naples Production Park Oebt Fund (232). Fiscal Year 2012 72 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Victoria Park Drainage (134) Mission Statement Operation and maintenance of pumping station for storm water removal from Victoria Park Unit #1. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 1,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,200 ReserveslTransfersllnterest 4,900 4,900 Operation and maintenance 2,500 2,500 Operation and maintenance of 12" electric and 20" gas pumps for stormwater removal. Capital purchase of new pump 20,700 20,700 Current Level of Service Budget 29,300 29,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,645 3,600 2,900 2,500 2,500 (30.6%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,100 1,200 1,200 900 900 (25.0%) Capital OuUay 40,400 28,000 20,700 20,700 (48.8%) Net Operating Budget 2,745 45,200 32,100 24,100 24,100 (46.7%) Trans to Property Appraiser 102 200 200 200 200 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 53 100 100 100 100 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 4,900 4,900 4,900 0.0% Total Budget 2,899 60,400 32,400 29,300 29,300 (41.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,760 1,200 1,100 1,200 1,200 0.0% InteresVMisc 447 200 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 15 na Trans frm Tax Collector 18 na Carry Forward 60,000 49,300 59,300 28,200 28,200 (42.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 62,240 50,400 60,600 29,300 29,300 (41.9%) Forecast FY 2011 - Capital expenditures anticipate $28,000 for replacement of ~ storm water pumps. Forecast operating expenses total $4,400 and cover routine maintenance, indirect costs and transfers to the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector. Current FY 2012 - Capital outlay includes $20,700 for storm water pump replacement, if necessary, plus any related pumping station and or electrical panel maintenance. Budget was appropriated in capital rather than reserves to provide flexibility in accessing dollars. Typical overhead charges are budgeted at $3,700 and include indirect cost charges, constitutional transfers and maintenance expense. A $4,900 reserve is budgeted. Revenue FY 2012 - Taxable value for this Oistrict increased 1.4% to $25,145,537 based upon preliminary June numbers from the Property Appraiser. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. Fiscal Year 2012 73 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Victoria Park Drainage {134} This district is not represented by an advisory board. In FY 2010 the millage rate was dropped from .3576 per $1 ,000 of taxable value to .0653. For FY 2011, the rate was set at .0500 per $1,000 of taxable value. The rate for FY 12 is down slightly to .0494 and reflects the rolled back rate. This low millage rate is possible due to sufficient cash balances for pump replacement during any fiscal year. Should these cash balances decrease to a point where a pump could not be replaced, the rate will be increased accordingly. The rolled back rate for this district totals .0494 per $1,000 of taxable value. The majority vote maximum millage rate that can be levied by the Board of County Commissioners as defined within FS 200.185 (5) is the TRIM rolled back rate adjusted by the per capita Florida Personal Income Growth Factor. Fiscal Year 2012 74 Growth Management Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Naples Production Park (Capital) MSTU (138) Mission Statement The Naples Production Park Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit was created and established for the purpose of providing design, easement acquisition and construction for roadway, water, sewer and drainage improvements within the Unit. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 100 100 General Improvements 2,600 2,600 Current Level of Service Budget 2,700 2,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 517 100 100 na Operating Expense 96,683 na Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 600 2,600 2,600 333.3% Capital Outlay 34,453 612,600 3,558,800 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 131,654 613,200 3,559,400 2,700 2,700 (99.6%) Total Budget 131,654 613,200 3,559,400 2,700 2,700 (99.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 232 PR Ind & N Prod Pk 356,700 613,200 613,200 (100.0%) Carry Forward 2,726,100 2,948,900 2,700 2,700 na Total Funding 3,082,800 613,200 3,562,100 2,700 2,700 (99.6%) Funds were collected as special assessment bond proceeds within Oebf Service Fund (232) and these funds are available for the benefit of this Oistrict and the Naples Production Park. Principal and interest on the bonds have been paid, however, property owners within the districts will continue to pay assessments over the next three years (through 2013) and the value of these anticipated assessments total $2,378,300. Since the 2008 tax year (FY 2009) property taxes have not been levied. Transportation staff conducted neighborhood informational meetings and determined which roadway and drainage improvement projects could be done. Improvements to this Industrial Park as well as the Naples Production Park commenced during FY 2009 and are scheduled to be completed in FY 2012. Separate capital funding via transfer from debt service fund (232) has been set up in funds (132) and (138). Forecast FY 2011 - On April 28th 2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved a prioritized list of capital improvements for the Naples Production Park MSTU. Beginning in January 2011, capital improvements for Progress Avenue intersection at Livingston Road began and will be completed by July 2011. The Progress Avenue roadway improvements from Airport-Pulling Road to Commercial Boulevard will complete design work by Oecember 2011 and finish construction by the end of July 2011. The Enterprise Avenue intersection improvements at Industrial Boulevard and at Commercial Boulevard were completed in Oecember 2010. The Progress Avenue from Airport Road to Commercial Boulevard roadway improvement project is in the bid phase currently and is expected to have construction completed by July 2011. The Prospect Avenue from Airport Road to Industrial Boulevard and the Industrial Boulevard from Radio Road to Mercantile Avenue projects are in the design and permitting phases and are expected to begin construction in FY 2012. Revenue FY 2011 - Funds are being transferred from the paid off Pine Ridge/Naples Production Park Oebt Fund (232) that was initiated for capital projects such as those being started in this fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - The Prospect Avenue from Airport Road to Industrial Boulevard and the Industrial Boulevard from Radio Road to Mercantile Fiscal Year 2012 75 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Naples Production Park (Capital) MSTU (138) Avenue projects are expected to commence the construction phase in January 2012. Miscellaneous drainage projects are expected to be completed by Oecember 2012. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue generated from past due assessments, carryforward & interest will continue to be transferred from Pine Ridge/Naples Production Park Oebt Fund (232). Fiscal Year 2012 76 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Naples Park Drainage (139) Mission Statement Provide annual maintenance services to Naples Park Drainage MSTU. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 500 500 ReserveslTransfersll nterest 1,400 1,400 Maintenance 49,700 49,700 Maintain and if needed, make necessary improvements to secondary drainage systems within the district. Current Level of Service Budget 51,600 51,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 47,000 10,000 49,700 49,700 5.7% Indirect Cost Reimburs 700 800 800 500 500 (37.5%) Net Operating Budget 700 47,800 10,800 50,200 50,200 5.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 78 100 100 (100.0%) Trans to Tax Collector 201 300 300 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,700 1,400 1,400 (17.6%) Total Budget 979 49,900 11,200 51,600 51,600 3.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 9,851 8,300 7,700 7,700 7,700 (7.2%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 82 na InterestlMisc 322 200 500 (100.0'10) Trans frm Property Appraiser 11 na Trans frm Tax Collector 90 na Carry Forward 37,900 41,800 47,300 44,300 44,300 6.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (400) (400) (400) 0.0% Total Funding 48,256 49,900 55,500 51,600 51,600 3.4% Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses including contractual maintenance services and constitutional transfers total.$50,200. A modest $1,400 reserve is budgeted. Taxable value for this Oistrict totals $854,522,235 based upon preliminary June data from the Property Appraiser. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals .0097 per $1,000 of taxable value and the proposed rate is 0.0090 per $1,000 of taxable value which represents millage neutral. Application of this millage rate would raise $7,700 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 77 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Pine Ridge Industrial Park Maint (140) Mission Statement Provide for proper maintenance of extensive drainage system improvements constructed under MSTU capital improvement project. A private contractor is currently performing this work. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 700 700 Current Level of Service Budget 700 700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 8,424 400 300 300 (25.0%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 700 700 700 300 300 (57.1%) Net Operating Budget 9,124 1,100 700 600 600 (45.5%) Trans to Property Appraiser 100 100 100 0.0% Total Budget 9,124 1,200 700 700 700 (41.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 7 na Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 1 na InterestlMisc 38 na Carry Forward 10,500 1,200 1,400 700 700 (41.7%) Total Funding 10,546 1,200 1,400 700 700 (41.7%) Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses total $700 and are offset by anticipated beginning fiscal year fund balance. Beginning with the 2008 tax year (FY 2009) the property tax levy was discontinued. Reconstruction of the streets and drainage systems within this district and the Naples Production Park began in the summer of 2009 and is expected to continue through FY 2011. Available special assessment bond proceeds will be used to fund the improvements. The capital budget for these improvements are shown separately within funds (132) and (138). Upon completion of the improvements, this fund will likely budget for ongoing maintenance activities within this industrial park. Fiscal Year 2012 78 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Naples Production Park Maintenance (141) Mission Statement Provide for proper maintenance of roadway within the Naples Production Park MSTU boundaries. Program Summary Department Adm inistration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 54,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 54,100 Current Level of Service Budget 54,100 54,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 24,200 53,300 53,300 120.2% Indirect Cost Reimburs 700 600 600 300 300 (50.0%) Net Operating Budget 700 24,800 600 53,600 53,600 116.1% Trans to Property Appraiser (15) 100 500 500 400.0% Reserves For Contingencies 1,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 685 25,900 600 54,100 54,100 108.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 34 na Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 16 na InterestlMisc 21,070 8,600 na Carry Forward 25,700 25,900 46,100 54,100 54,100 108.9% Total Funding 46,819 25,900 54,700 54,100 54,100 108.9"!. Current FY 2012 - Contractual maintenance services total $53,300. A small Property Appraiser transfer totaling $500 is budgeted. Beginning with the 2008 tax year (FY 2009), the tax levy for this district was discontinued. Reconstruction of the streets and drainage systems within this district and the Pine Ridge Industrial Park began in the summer of 2009 and will continue through FY 2011. Available special assessment bond proceeds will be used to fund the improvements. The capital budget for these improvements is shown separately within funds (132) and (138). Upon completion of the improvements, this fund will likely budget for ongoing maintenance activities within this district. Fiscal Year 2012 79 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Pine Ridge Industrial Park MSTU (142) Mission Statement The Pine Ridge Industrial Park Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit was created and established for the purpose of providing design, easement acquisition and construction for roadway, water, sewer and drainage improvements within the Unit. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 1,798,100 1,798,100 Current Level of Service Budget 1,798,100 1,798,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,600 2,300 2,300 1,100 1,100 (52.2%) Capital Outlay 1,780,700 1,797,000 1,797,000 0.9% Net Operating Budget 1,600 1,783,000 2,300 1,798,100 1,798,100 0.8% Total Budget 1,600 1,783,000 2,300 1,798,100 1,798,100 0.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 39,104 10,000 6,600 5,000 5,000 (50.0%) Carry Forward 1,751,600 1,773,500 1,789,100 1,793,400 1,793,400 1.1% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (500) (300) (300) (40.0%) Total Funding 1,790,704 1,783,000 1,795,700 1,798,100 1,798,100 0.8% Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast expenses include indirect cost reimbursement to the General Fund in the amount of $2,300. Current FY 2012 - Capital outlay includes $1,797,000 to purchase right-of-way necessary for construction of a roadway between J & C Boulevard and Trade Center Way. The indirect overhead charge is $1,100. Fiscal Year 2012 80 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Vanderbilt Beach MSTU (143) Mission Statement The Vanderbilt Beach MSTU is created for the purpose of: (1) Providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median strips and right-of-way edges of roadways within the MSTU; (2) Providing traffic calming improvements, street lighting, and sidewalks within the MSTU; and (3) Beautification and maintenance of other public areas with the MSTU as determined by the Advisory Committee. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 85,500 85,500 ReserveslTransfersll nterest 9,000 9,000 Improvements General/Landscaping 4,172,700 4,172,700 Current Level of Service Budget 4,267,200 4,267,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 186,866 276,800 342,700 512,200 512,200 85.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 10,000 8,000 8,000 11,200 11,200 40.0% Capital Outlay 315,615 5,672,700 2,300,000 3,662,500 3,662,500 (35.4%) Net Operating Budget 512,480 5,957,500 2,650,700 4,185,900 4,185,900 (29.7%) Trans to Property Appraiser 7,451 7,900 7,900 8,600 8,600 8.9% Trans to Tax Collector 19,077 25,100 25,100 23,700 23,700 (5.6%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 23,000 32,000 32,000 40,000 40,000 25.0% Reserves For Contingencies 9,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 9,000 9,000 na Total Budget 562,008 6,031,500 2,715,700 4,267,200 4,267,200 (29.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 942,491 1,003,900 963,700 949,000 949,000 (5.5%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 4,916 na InterestlMisc 38,135 15,000 20,000 15,100 15,100 0.7% Trans frm Property Appraiser 1,038 na Trans frm Tax Collector 8,458 na Carry Forward 4,650,200 5,063,500 5,083,300 3,351,300 3,351,300 (33.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (50,900) (48,200) (48,200) (5.3%) Total Funding 5,645,238 6,031,500 6,067,000 4,267,200 4,267,200 (29.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Expenditures can be characterized as routine median maintenance with focus on implementing a long-term improvement plan for the Vanderbilt Beach MSTU boundaries. The focal point of this plan is the burying of power lines. Toward this effort, $2,300,000 in expenses is anticipated prior to year ending September 30, 2011. Current FY 2012 - This expenditure plan contemplates burying power lines with a budgeted capital expense totaling $3,662,500. FPL has provided a non-binding estimate for their project work scope which totals $6,151,000. A reserve for capital is budgeted at $9,000. FPL has received approval from the Public Service Commission (PSC) to provide 25% match grants for underground power line burial projects. This match is only available if 100% of property owners participate. FPL funding for these projects will be assessed through monthly electric bills to all FPL customers throughout the State of Florida. Fiscal Year 2012 .81 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Vanderbilt Beach MSTU (143) Revenues FY 2012 - Taxable value for this Oistrict totals $1,897,963,144 based upon June preliminary data and represents a 5.38% decrease from the 2010 tax year. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. This MSTU has advisory board oversight and the advisory board has requested that the rate remain at their ordained cap of .5000 per $1,000 of taxable value pursuant to Ordinance 2001-43. The rolled back rate for this district totals 0.5296 per $1,000 of taxable value. The FY 2011 millage rate totaled 0.5000 per $1,000 of taxable value. Fiscal Year 2012 82 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Sabal Palm Road Extension MSTU (151) Mission Statement The Sabal Palm Road Extension Municipal Service Taxing Unit was created and established for the purpose of providing a preliminary engineering study for the design, construction and financing of roadway improvements within the Unit Due to the State purchase of over 70% of the land within this district, efforts to obtain permits for roadway construction were suspended. Available funds are used for roadway maintenance, as necessary. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 9,800 9,800 Capital Improvements 192,800 192,800 Current Level of Service Budget 202,600 202,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,500 1,500 1,500 na Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 800 800 3,300 3,300 312.5% Capital OuUay 48,440 198,500 50,000 192,800 192,800 (2.9%) Net Operating Budget 49,040 199,300 52,300 197,600 197,600 (0.9%) Trans to Property Appraiser 349 400 400 400 400 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 1,266 100 100 100 100 0.0% Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 2,400 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 0.0% Total Budget 53,054 204,300 57,300 202,600 202,600 (0.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 42,188 1,400 1,100 1,000 1,000 (28.6%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 4,856 na InteresVMisc 2,052 1,000 800 (100.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 48 na Trans frm Tax Collector 557 na Carry Forward 260,500 202,100 257,100 201,700 201,700 (0.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (200) (100) (100) (50.0%) Total Funding 310,201 204,300 259,000 202,600 202,600 (0.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast operating/capital expenses reflect actual level of roadway maintenance required in FY 11. Current FY 2012 - There is $192,800 budgeted for anticipated roadway maintenance which represents the majority of dollars appropriated in this MSTU. Remaining dollars are allocated toward MSTU project management and related overhead. Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $10,313,813 - representing a 24.3% decrease from tax year 2010 (FY 2011). Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals .1321 per $1,000 of taxable value. The proposed levy of $1,000 would require a millage neutral rate of .1 000 per $1,000 of taxable value. Fiscal Year 2012 83 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Lely Golf Estates Beautification MSTU (152) Mission Statement The MSTU was created for the purpose of beautifying and maintaining the median areas of boulevards and certain other public areas within the Lely Golf Estates Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit. An annual tax levy not to exceed 2.0 mills has been authorized for this purpose by Ordinance No. 91-104. The major objective is to refurbish and maintain the completed landscape and irrigation improvements. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 54,900 54,900 ReserveslTransfers/lnterest 215,100 215,100 Landscape maintenance and improvements 238,400 238,400 Current Level of Service Budget 508,400 508,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 132,846 140,800 138,300 136,200 136,200 (3.3%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 8,100 6,100 6,100 10,600 10,600 73.8% Capital Outlay 35,312 70,000 150,000 114,900 114,900 64.1% Net Operating Budget 176,258 216,900 294,400 261,700 261,700 20.7% Trans to Property Appraiser 1,867 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 5,638 5,200 5,100 4,800 4,800 (7.7%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 23,700 24,800 24,800 24,800 24,800 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 3,300 (100.0%) Reserves for Insurance 400,000 215,100 215,100 (46.2%) Total Budget 207,463 652,200 326,300 508,400 508,400 (22.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 231,918 209,400 201,000 191,400 191,400 (8.6%) Miscellaneous Revenues 436 na InterestlMisc 3,706 1,000 1,900 1,000 1,000 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 260 na Trans frm Tax Collector 2,496 na Carry Forward 417,600 452,300 449,000 325,600 325,600 (28.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (10,500) (9,600) (9,600) (8.6%) Total Funding 656,417 652,200 651,900 508,400 508,400 (22.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are projected below budget while the additional budget required under capital outlay was covered by a budget amendment. Current FY 2012 - The landscape services contract for FY 12 totals $65,000. An additional landscape maintenance allocation has been budgeted totaling $10,000. The remaining operating budget is appropriated to maintain the landscape system. Capital expenses include $114,900 for general landscape improvements. The Lely MSTU Advisory Board continues to recommended a large hurricane reserve set-aside which totals $215,100. Fiscal Year 2012 84 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Lely Golf Estates Beautification MSTU (152) Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June Taxable value for this district totals $95,716,205 representing a 8.25% decrease from FY 2011 (the 2010 tax year). Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals 2.1866 per $1,000 of taxable value. However, Ordinance 1996-51 places a cap on the millage rate at 2.0000 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. This budget is sized around the 2.0000 ordained millage cap which would raise $191,400 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 85 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Golden Gate Beautification MSTU (153) Mission Statement The Golden Gate MSTU is created for the purpose of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median strips and right-of-way edges of roadways within the MSTU; providing traffic calming improvements, street lighting, and sidewalks within the MSTU; and beautification and maintenance of other public areas within the MSTU as determined by the Advisory Committee. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Budget 47,000 47,000 Median maintenance services 289,400 289,400 Median improvements 568,000 568,000 Current Level of Service Budget 904,400 904,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Operating Expense 173,476 283,300 269,300 340,900 Indirect Cost Reimburs 5,400 19,100 19,100 4,200 Capital Outlay 75,137 1,468,100 985,000 523,000 Net Operating Budget 254,013 1,770,500 1,273,400. 868,100 Trans to Property Appraiser 3,566 3,500 3,500 3,500 Trans to Tax Collector 7,913 7,000 6,700 6,000 Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 12,700 26,800 26,800 26,800 Reserves For Contingencies 12,000 Total Budget 278,192 1,819,800 1,310,400 904,400 FY 2012 Preliminary 340,900 4,200 523,000 868,100 3,500 6,000 26,800 904,400 FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2012 Change 20.3% (78.0%) (64.4%) (51.0%) 0.0% (14.3%) 0.0% (100.0%) (50.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 383,826 278,000 266,800 240,700 240,700 (13.4%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 302 500 na InteresUMisc 12,826 5,500 6,600 1,000 1,000 (81.8%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 496 na Trans frm Tax Collector 3,511 na Carry Forward 1,588,600 1,550,500 1,711,300 674,800 674,800 (56.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (14,200) (12,100) (12,100) (14.8%) Total Funding 1,989,563 1,819,800 1,985,200 904,400 904,400 (50.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast capital outlay includes $985,000 for median landscape improvements. Regular median landscape maintenance totals $205,000 and includes contractual services, electricity, lighting, utilities, supplies,etc... Year ending September 30,2010 actual carryforward revenue (used in the FY 11 forecast) totals $1,711,300 - a $160,800 increase over the FY 11 budgeted carryforward figure. Normally within MSTU's, actual year ending carryforward revenue is greater than budget because actual FY capital project expenses lag behind budget based upon the timing and progress of planned district improvements. Current FY 2012 - Programmed expenses include engineering design services and professional landscape fees in the amount of $198,000 plus $118,000 for median maintenance. Capital outlay includes $523,000 for median improvements and other capital initiatives. No reserve is budgeted. Fiscal Year 2012 86 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Golden Gate Beautification MSTU {153} Revenues FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this district totals $481,464,836 representing a 12.3% decrease from FY 2011 (the 2010 tax year). Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals 0.5716 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. However, Ordinance 1996-51 places a cap on the millage rate at $.5000 per $1,000 of taxable value. This budget is sized around the 0.5000 ordained millage cap which would raise $240,700 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 87 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Hawksridge Pumping System (154) Mission Statement Efficient and reliable operation of pumping station. Program Summary Department Adm inistration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Revenues Net Cost 1,000 1,000 4,700 4,700 52,500 52,500 58,200 58,200 ReserveslTransfers/1 nterest Capital purchases Capital purchase of machinery and equipment. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 321 2,400 500 (100.0%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 800 800 800 700 700 (12.5%) Capital OuUay 40,000 10,000 52,500 52,500 31.3% Net Operating Budget 1,121 43,200 11,300 53,200 53,200 23.1% Trans to Property Appraiser 57 100 100 100 100 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 203 200 200 200 200 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 22,500 4,700 4,700 (79.1%) Total Budget 1,380 66,000 11,600 58,200 58,200 (11.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 7,123 2,900 2,700 2,800 2,800 (3.4%) InterestlMisc 460 300 (100.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 8 na Trans frm Tax Collector 90 na Carry Forward 58,100 62,900 64,400 55,500 55,500 (11.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 65,781 66,000 67,100 58,200 58,200 (11.8%) Current FY 2012 - Capital outlay includes funds for electrical pump replacement - if necessary. Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $56,180,807 representing a 2.56% decrease from the 2010 tax year (FY 2011). Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals 0.0517 per $1,000 of taxable value. The proposed tax rate is set at millage neutral or.0500 per $1,000 of taxable value which raises a tax levy totaling $2,800. Fiscal Year 2012 88 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Radio Road Beautification MSTU (158) Mission Statement The MSTU was created for the purpose of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings, and maintenance of the median areas for that portion of Radio Road lying between Airport-Pulling Road (CR 31) and Santa Barbara Boulevard. Landscaping and irrigation improvements were completed in FY 01. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 45,600 45,600 ReserveslTransfers/lnterest 3,100 3,100 Improvements GeneraULandscaping 661,500 661,500 Current Level of Service Budget 710,200 710,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 117,042 177,100 125,500 143,900 143,900 (18.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 15,200 4,300 4,300 7,200 7,200 67.4% Capital OuUay 591,188 446,500 200,000 519,000 519,000 16.2% Net Operating Budget 723,430 627,900 329,800 670,100 670,100 6.7% Trans to Property Appraiser 2,328 2,500 2,500 2,700 2,700 8.0% Trans to Tax Collector 6,028 7,700 7,500 7,700 7,700 0.0% Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 23,700 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 2,400 3,100 3,100 29.2% Total Budget 755,485 667,100 366,400 710,200 710,200 6.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 295,206 307,700 295,000 307,500 307,500 (0.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 641 100 na InterestlMisc 7,543 3,500 3,100 1,000 1,000 (71.4%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 324 na Trans frm Tax Collector 2,676 na Carry Forward 934,500 371,500 485,400 417,200 417,200 12.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (15,600) (15,500) (15,500) (0.6%) Total Funding 1,240,890 667,100 783,600 710,200 710,200 6.5% Forecast FY 2011 - Capital expense associated with the ongoing Radio Road beautification landscape improvement project is forecast at $200,000. Regular maintenance of landscaped improvements (less overhead and indirect costs) is estimated at $124,500. Current FY 2012 - Professional service contracts total $44,000. The vast majority of appropriated operating expenses ($96,500) provides for routine landscape maintenance. Capital outlay includes $519,000 for Radio Road curb construction, irrigation improvements and other median beautification improvements. Revenue FY 2012 - The advisory committee during the FY 2008 budget process recommended setting the millage rate at .5000. However, application of state statutory imposed property tax limiting legislation produced a FY 2008 millage rate calculated at 91 % ofthe roll back rate or .2080 per $1,000 of taxable value. Fiscal Year 2012 89 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Radio Road Beautification MSTU (158) In planning for the FY 2012 budget, the advisory committee requested that their millage rate remain at a constant .2500 mils or at least the rolled back rate to assure that sufficient funding exists for ongoing and planned projects. The FY 2011 rate totaled $.2949 per $1,000 of taxable value. Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $985,613,697 which represents a 5.16% decrease from the 2010 tax year. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district -which is recommended by the advisory committee - totals 0.3120 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. This rate will generate a levy of $307,500. Ordinance 1996-84 places a cap on the millage rate at 0.5000 per $1,000 of taxable value. Fiscal Year 2012 90 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Forest lakes Roadway & Drainage (159) Mission Statement Provide for roadway and drainage improvements along with annual maintenance within the Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage MSTU. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 . Budget Revenues Net Cost 56,500 56,500 1,967,000 1,967,000 207,800 207,800 1,688,800 1,688,800 3,920,100 3,920,100 ReserveslTransfersllnterest Roadway and Drainage Maintenance Capital Improvements for Roadway and Drainage Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 139,810 325,500 95,800 213,100 213,100 (34.5%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 9,200 27,200 27,200 15,000 15,000 (44.9%) Capital Outlay 1,097,687 1,500,000 1,331,400 1,688,800 1,688,800 12.6% Net Operating Budget 1,246,698 1,852,700 1,454,400 1,916,900 1,916,900 3.5% Trans to Property Appraiser 1,732 1,700 1,700 3,200 3,200 88.2% Trans to Tax Collector 4,524 1,000 1,000 3,800 3,800 280.0% Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 23,700 29,200 29,200 29,200 29,200 0.0% Trans to 259 Forest Lakes 500,000 500,000 na Reserves For Capital 2,448,600 1,467,000 1,467,000 (40.1%) Total Budget 1,276,654 4,333,200 1,486,300 3,920,100 3,920,100 (9.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 197,983 38,100 36,600 150,200 150,200 294.2% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 256 na Interesl/Misc 46,160 20,000 16,700 5,000 5,000 (75.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 241 na Trans frm Tax Collector 2,002 na Carry Forward 6,235,700 4,278,000 5,205,700 3,772,700 3,772,700 (11.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,900) (7,800) (7,800) 169.0% Total Funding 6,482,342 4,333,200 5,259,000 3,920,100 3,920,100 (9.5%) Umited General Obligation Bonds approved by district referendum in November 2006, totaling up to $6,250,000, were sold in October 2007. Net proceeds booked to the project fund (159) totaled $6,100,000. To date approximately $3.8M has been spent or is committed toward roadway related improvements including drainage. Construction costs for the various projects were let substantially under the original engineers cost estimate due to the competitive bidding environment. As a result it is likely that approximately $500,000 in bond proceeds will not be spent. This amount will be transferred to Oebt Service Fund (259) for FY 12 thus reducing the debt service millage rate. Ouring FY 12, a discussion and decision concerning partial defeasance of the General Obligation Oebt will be made using unspent bond proceeds. Current FY 2012 - This expense program includes $1,688,800 in capital outlay for planned and financed roadway and drainage improvements. Operating expense includes funds for contractual engineering and project oversight, MSTU overhead costs and preparation for district lighting improvements. Fiscal Year 2012 91 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Forest lakes Roadway & Drainage (159) Revenue FY 2012 - Beginning in FY 2008, two tax levies - one for operating (Fund 159) and one for debt service (Fund 259) - was established. Together, the levies total $4.000 per $1,000 of taxable value - the amount authorized within the enabling ordinance. Oebt service was exempt from State statutory property tax limiting calculations, thus the overall millage rate payable by property owners with the district will remain at $4.000 mills unless the advisory committee recommends an adjustment to the operating rate. Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $132,556,497 reflecting a 9.14% decrease from FY 2011 (the 2010 tax year). With a debt service millage equal to 2.8667 per $1,000 of taxable value, the operating millage would total 1.1333 per $1,000 of taxable value. This operating rate would generate $150,200 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 92 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Immokalee Beautification MSTU (162) Mission Statement The MSTU was created for the purpose of beautifying and maintaining the median areas of SR 29 and CR846, and certain other public areas within the Immokalee Beautifj~ation Municipal Service Taxing Unit. The major objective is to refurbish and maintain the completed improvements, and complete future improvements on SR 29 in accordance with the Master Plan established for this Beautification District and FDOT approvals. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 60,100 60,100 Improvements General/Landscape Maintenance 773,900 773,900 Current Level of Service Budget 834,000 834,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 156,902 201,500 265,000 217,600 217,600 8.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 8,400 3,800 3,800 4,100 4,100 7.9% Capital Outiay 67,205 621,400 195,000 568,300 568,300 (8.5%) Net Operating Budget 232,507 826,700 463,800 790,000 790,000 (4.4%) Trans to Property Appraiser 2,386 2,600 2,600 2,800 2,800 7.7% Trans to Tax Collector 6,382 9,100 8,000 7,600 7,600 (16.5%) Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 23,700 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 10,200 (100.0%) Total Budget 264,975 882,200 508,000 834,000 834,000 (5.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 295,358 364,000 300,000 305,700 305,700 (16.0%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 8,730 1,800 na InterestlMisc 6,234 1,000 3,100 1,000 1,000 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 332 na Trans frm Tax Collector 2,828 na Carry Forward 697,300 535,500 745,800 542,700 542,700 1.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (18,300) (15,400) (15,400) (15.8%) Total Funding 1,010,783 882,200 1,050,700 834,000 834,000 (5.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Capital expense is forecast at $195,000. Year ending fiscal year 201 0 fund balance totaled $745,800. Fund balance increased $48,500 from the previous year. This increase is due to a slowing of capital investment during FY 2010. Current FY 2012 - The FY 2012 program anticipates continued improvements within the district ($568,300) with accompanying engineering costs at ($15,000). No reserves are budgeted. Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this district totals $323,551,526 representing a 7.09% decrease from FY 2011 (the 2010 tax year). Oistrict boundaries were expanded during FY 11. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals 1.0040 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. However, Ordinance 1992-40 places a cap on the millage rate at $1.0000 per $1,000 of taxable value. This budget is sized around a rate of .9449 per $1,000 of taxable value which would raise $305,700 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 93 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Bayshore Beautification MSTU (163) Mission Statement The MSTU was created for the purpose of providing curbing, watering facilities, plantings and maintenance of the median strips of roadways within the MSTU; providing traffic calming improvements, street lighting, and sidewalks within the MSTU; and providing beautification and maintenance of other public areas within the MSTU as determined by the Advisory Committee. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Revenues Net Cost 213,700 213,700 6,000 6,000 4,461,800 4,461,800 4,681,500 4,681,500 ReserveslTransfersllnterest Improvements General/Maintenance Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 247,349 665,800 385,600 1,162,600 1,162,600 74.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 7,600 9,700 9,700 12,400 12,400 27.8% Capital OuUay 3,237,200 300,000 3,345,800 3,345,800 3.4% Net Operating Budget 254,949 3,912,700 695,300 4,520,800 4,520,800 15.5% Trans to Property Appraiser 6,571 7,100 7,100 7,400 7,400 4.2% Trans to Tax Collector 17,821 22,100 21,000 21,800 21,800 (1.4%) Trans to 187 Bayshore Redev Fd 55,320 122,500 122,500 125,500 125,500 2.4% Reserves For Contingencies 6,100 6,000 6,000 (1.6%) Total Budget 334,661 4,070,500 845,900 4,681,500 4,681,500 15.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 846,043 883,900 836,700 871,700 871,700 (1.4%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 4,926 400 na Intergovemmental Revenues 69,409 na Miscellaneous Revenues 2,100 na InterestlMisc 26,571 10,000 13,100 10,000 10,000 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 915 na Trans frm Tax Collector 7,902 na Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 78,125 na Carry Forward 3,138,300 3,221,300 3,837,500 3,843,900 3,843,900 19.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (44,700) (44,100) (44,100) (1.3%) Total Funding 4,172,192 4,070,500 4,689,800 4,681,500 4,681,500 15.0% Forecast FY 2011 - Capital outlay reflects continued implementation of the Bayshore Phase II project ($300,000). Landscape, lighting and other improvement maintenance expense is forecast at $326,100. Current FY 2012 - Contractual services are budgeted at $1,000,000 and include various engineering design expenses connected with planned roadway, lighting and other district projects. The majority of remaining operating expense are allocated for landscape maintenance expense. This budget appropriates ($3,345,800) for capital outlay with a small contingency reserve ($6,000) established. Continued implementation of Bayshore Orive improvements is anticipated. A transfer to Bayshore CRA Fund (187) totaling $125,500 is programmed to fund administration and project management services provided by the CRA. Fiscal Year 2012 94 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Bayshore Beautification MSTU (163) Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this district totals $366,504,664 - a 9.26% decrease from the 2010 tax year total of $403,922,955. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district totals $2.3785 per $1,000 of taxable value. The advisory committee recommends the rolled-back rate which will generate $871,700 in property tax revenue. The millage cap for this district is $3.0000 per $1,000 of taxable value. Fiscal Year 2012 95 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Haldeman Creek MSTU {164} Mission Statement Provide for maintenance Dredging and maintenance of navigational channel markers within the defined boundary. Program Summary Department Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Revenues Net Cost 19,700 19,700 116,100 116,100 20,000 20,000 155,800 155,800 ReserveslTransfers/1 nterest Improvements General Current Level of Service Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 26,000 4,100 26,100 26,100 0.4% Indirect Cost Reimburs 800 800 500 500 (37.5%) Net Operating Budget 26,800 4,900 26,600 26,600 (0.7%) Trans to Property Appraiser 494 500 500 500 500 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 1,247 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0.0% Trans to 187 Bayshore Redev Fd 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 83,100 116,100 116,100 39.7% Total Budget 13,041 123,000 18,000 155,800 155,800 26.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 49,871 51,500 49,000 51,500 51,500 0.0% 'nterestlMisc 389 700 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 68 na Trans frm Tax Collector 557 na Carry Forward 37,400 74,100 75,200 106,900 106,900 44.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,600) (2,600) (2,600) 0.0% Total Funding 88,285 123,000 124,900 155,800 155,800 26.7% Forecast FY 2011 - The Haldeman Creek Maintenance Oredging MSTU was created pursuant to Ordinance 2006-60. The committee is attempting to grow reserves in anticipation of a future dredging project. Administration and project management services is now provided by the Bayshore Gateway CRA staff. Services were previously provided by the Growth Management - Construction and Maintenance staff. Current FY 2012 - The Haldeman Creek Advisory Committee has recommended that the millage rate be set at the rolled back rate or $.7070 per $1,000 of taxable value. Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $72,802,451 and represents a 7.12% decrease from the 2010 tax year total of $78,386,112. Setting the millage rate at rolled back will raise $51,500 in property tax revenue. The millage cap pursuant to the districts enabling ordinance is 3.0000 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. Fund budgeted reserves total $116,100. Fiscal Year 2012 96 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Rock Road MSTU (165) Mission Statement Provide for and maintain roadway improvements to include drainage, sidewalks and street lighting. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration/Overhead 1,600 1,600 ReserveslTransfersllnterest 6,400 6,400 Improvements General 22,400 22,400 Current Level of Service Budget 30,400 30,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 30,506 34,800 30,900 23,400 23,400 (32.8%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 600 600 600 0.0% Net Operating Budget 30,506 35,400 31,500 24,000 24,000 (32.2%) Trans to Property Appraiser 274 400 400 400 400 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 1,085 800 800 700 700 (12.5%) . Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 2,400 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 0.0% Total Budget 34,265 41,90D 38,000 30,400 30,40D (27.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 36,767 31,100 29,000 26,400 26,400 (15.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 1,617 1,700 na InterestlMisc 103 100 100 100 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 38 na Trans frm Tax Collector 485 na Carry Forward 7,700 12,400 12,400 5,200 5,200 (58.1 %) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,600) (1,300) (1,300) (18.8%) Total Funding 46,710 41,900 43,200 30,400 30,400 (27.4%) Forecast FY 2011 - The Rock Road Improvement MSTU was created pursuant to Ordinance 2006-56. Limerock road conversion expense coupled with roadway drainage improvements total $30,000. Current FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this Oistrict totals $8,791,548 which represents a 16.35% decrease from the 2010 tax year total of $10,509,342. Budget guidance specified that MSTU's without advisory board oversight would be limited to a millage neutral position unless staff presents a compelling reason for additional funds. MSTU's with advisory board oversight will be allowed to consider tax rates ranging from millage neutral to tax neutral depending upon program requirements upon advisory board recommendation. The rolled back rate for this district based totals 3.7019 per $1,000 of taxable value. Ordinance 2006-56 caps the millage rate at $3.0000 per $1 ,000 of taxable value. This rate will raise $26,400 in property tax revenue. Fiscal Year 2012 97 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Improvement Districts and MSTU Radio Rd East Beautification MSTU (166) Mission Statement The Radio Road East Beautification Municipal Service Taxing and Benefit Unit was created and established for the purpose of providing landscape improvement within the Unit. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost ReserveslTransfers/1 nterest 131,900 131,900 Administration/Overhead 33,800 33,800 1m provements/Maintenance 47,300 47,300 Current Level of Service Budget 213,000 213,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Pre/lmfnary Change Operating Expense 56,000 51,400 47,600 47,600 (15.0%) Net Operating Budget 56,000 51,400 47,600 47,600 (15.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 3,800 3,800 4,000 4,000 5.3% Trans to 111 Unincorp Gen Fd 26,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 131,900 131,900 na Reserves For Capital 56,300 (100.0%) Total Budget 145,600 84,700 213,000 213,000 46.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 153,300 147,200 158,200 158,200 3.2% InterestlMisc 200 na Carry Forward 62,700 62,700 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (7,700) (7,900) (7,900) 2.6% Total Funding 145,600 147,400 213,000 213,000 46.3% Current FY 2012 - This new MSTU was created pursuant to Board action under Ordinance 2009-44 on July 28, 2009. This ordinance provides that the maximum millage rate to be levied shall not exceed .5000 per $1,000 of taxable value. The advisory board recommended that the initial millage rate be set at .4400 per $1 ,000 of taxable value with subsequent rates at rolled back assuming the cap is not exceeded. This budget appropriates dollars toward engineering services to begin design of planned landscape improvements. The transfer to MSTO Fund (111) reflects reimbursement for County project management efforts. Reserves for future landscape construction are also budgeted. At the current millage rate and assuming reasonable taxable value levels, it will likely take four years to accumulate sufficient dollars to pay for planned improvements. FY 12 reserves are programmed at $131,900. As a result, the district - pending Board authorization - will likely submit a ballot initiative to district property owners asking that a portion of the existing millage rate be applied to payoff a small bank loan. The districts preliminary June taxable value assuming totals $337,525,666 a 3.06% decrease from the 2010 tax year (FY 2011). Applying the rolled back rate of $.4687 per $1,000 of taxable value, property tax receipts will total $158,200. Fiscal Year 2012 98 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,696,324 2,365,300 2,411,500 2,539,800 2,539,800 7.4% Operating Expense 11,154,434 8,802,400 9,563,400 8,480,700 8,480,700 (3.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,700 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 0.0% Capital Outlay 1,517,523 2,820,700 na Remittances 152,452 na Net Operating Budget 15,522,433 11,170,500 14,798,400 11,023,300 11,023,300 (1.3%) Trans to Property Appraiser 4,314 4,600 4,600 4,900 4,900 6.5% Trans to Tax Collector 10,957 14,300 13,600 11,400 11,400 (20.3%) Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd (61,160) 127,200 na Trans to 427 Transp Disadv Fd 16,331 66,300 na Reserves For Contingencies 5,900 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 212,200 212,200 na Total Budget 15,492,875 11,195,300 15,010,100 11,251,800 11,251,800 0.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change A1temative Transportation Modes (101) 339,515 392,700 388,800 247,400 247,400 (37.0%) Collier Area Transit CAT Fund 6,583,454 3,630,400 6,923,900 3,281,100 3,281,100 (9.6%) (424/425/426) Metropolitan Planning Org MPO (128) 824,277 5,000 5,000 5,000 na Street Lighting Districts Fund (760) 602,286 647,400 605,400 591,100 591,100 (8.7%) Traffic Operations Department (1 01) 4,170,147 4,289,900 4,201,500 4,372,300 4,372,300 1.9% Trans Disadvantaged Enterprise 3,002,754 2,210,100 2,673,800 2,526,400 2,526,400 14.3% (427/428/429) Total Net Budget 15,522,433 11,170,500 14,798,400 11,023,300 11,023,300 (1.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves (29,558) 24,800 211,700 228,500 228,500 821.4% Total Budget 15,492,875 11,195,300 15,010,100 11,251,800 11,251,800 0.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 547,029 576,500 544,200 570,300 570,300 (1.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 1,975 300 na Intergovemmental Revenues 5,103,665 240,000 3,327,400 270,400 270,400 12.7% Charges For Services 1,165,150 1,080,000 1,295,800 1,295,800 1,295,800 20.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 30,855 16,000 213,900 44,700 44,700 179.4% InterestlMisc 8,708 1,000 1,200 300 300 (70.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 110,000 110,000 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 601 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,858 na Net Cost Road and Bridge 4,271,358 4,426,600 4,215,000 4,194,600 4,194,600 (5.2%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,305,200 2,355,200 1,800,900 2,501,900 2,501,900 6.2% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 10,222 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 1,778,000 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522,700 (19.9%) Trans fm 426 CAT Transit 127,200 na Trans fm 427 Transp Disadv (44,829) 66,300 na Carry Forward 768,100 622,900 899,000 823,800 823,800 32.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (28,800) (87,700) (87,700) 204.5% Total Funding 15,950,891 11,195,300 15,833,900 11,251,800 11,251,800 0.5% Fiscal Year 2012 99 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change A1temative Transportation Modes (101) 3.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 (50.0%) Trans Disadvantaged Enterprise 1.00 1.00 na (427/428/429) Collier Area Transit CAT Fund 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 100.0% (424/425/426) Traffic Operations Department (101) 26.00 26.00 26.00 29.00 29.00 11.5% Metropolitan Planning Org MPO (128) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% Total FTE 34.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 38.00 8.6% Fiscal Year 2012 100 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Alternative Transportation Modes (101) Mission Statement Collier County's Alternative Transportation Modes Department administers the public transit system, Collier Area Transit (CAT) and the Transportation Disadvantaged System (TD); installs and maintains landscape on Collier County's rights-of-way; and oversees the road beautification and drainge Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTU's). FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration 1.00 170,200 170,200 Oepartmental administration overhead for Transit, Landscaping Operations and Municipal Service Improvement Oistricts. Fiscal Support 1.00 77,200 77,200 Fiscal administrative overhead for the transit section of the Oepartment supporting compliance with grantor requirements. Current Level of Service Budget 2.00 247,400 247,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 310,766 356,900 356,900 214,800 214,800 (39.8%) Operating Expense 28,749 35,800 31,900 32,600 32,600 (8.9%) Net Operating Budget 339,515 392,700 388,800 247,400 247,400 (37.0%) Total Budget 339,515 392,700 388,800 247,400 247,400 (37.0%) Total FTE 3.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 (50.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost Road and Bridge 339,515 392,700 388,800 247,400 247,400 (37.0%) Total Funding 339,515 392,700 388,800 247,400 247,400 (37.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - No major variances are expected for FY 2011. Current FY 2012 - Personal services reflects a decrease of $142,100 or 39.8% due to movement of two (2) FTE's to align transit program management staff supporting the public transit systems into the appropriate Collier Area Transit Fund (426) and Transportation Oisadvantaged System Fund (427) where staff operating and development costs are funded. Operating expenses reflect a small reduction of $3,200. Fiscal Year 2012 101 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Trans Disadvantaged Enterprise (427/428/429) Mission Statement To provide safe and unconstrained delivery of ParaTransit trips to persons who cannot use the fixed-route bus system due to the nature and/or extent of their disability. The commitment to the provision of public transportation services include compliance with United States Code 49, CFR Part 37 requiring service compliance with the American with Disability Act of 1990. Program Summary Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Services The management of operations for the door to door public transportation system providing transportation service to the elderly, handicapped and economically disadvantaged population. Federal Transit Administration Sec. 5307 Grant FY 2012 Total FTE 1.00 FY 2012 Budget 3,873,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2,526,400 1,347,400 -250,500 -250,500 This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. The Urbanized Area Formula Program allows for 10% of the annual apportionment to be used to offset costs to provide Americans with Oisabilities Act complementary paratransit services. No match is required. Commission of Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) Grant This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. The Trip & Equipment Program grant offsets costs to provide eligible TO trips and requires a 10% match. Medicaid Grant -625,200 -625,200 -471,700 -471,700 This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. The Medicaid program is federal funding passed through the CTO to provide eligible individuals with Medicaid transportation from destinations the CAT bus system is not availalbe. Current Level of Service Budget 1.00 2,526,400 2,526,400 26.65 FY 2012 Budget 27.45 Program Performance Measures . Operating cost for trips on the Paratransit system (without fuel) equal to or less than prior year FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 55,300 55,300 na Operating Expense 2,994,843 2,210,100 2,646,600 2,471,100 2,471,100 11.8% Capital Outlay 7,911 27,200 na Net Operating Budget 3,002,754 2,210,100 2,673,800 2,526,400 2,526,400 14.3% Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd (61,160) na Trans to 427 Transp Disadv Fd 16,331 66,300 na Total Budget 2,957,925 2,210,100 2,740,100 2,526,400 2,526,400 14.3% Total FTE 1.00 1.00 na Fiscal Year2012 102 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Trans Disadvantaged Enterprise (427/428/429) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 1,079,047 440,500 na Charges For Services 107,279 113,200 113,000 113,000 113,000 (0.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 2,190 36,200 na 'nterestlMisc 557 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,721,700 1,800,900 1,800,900 2,501,900 2,501,900 38.9% Trans fin 427 Transp Disadv 16,331 66,300 na Carry Forward 280,200 296,000 194,700 (88,500) (88,500) (129.9%) Total Funding 3,207,305 2,210,100 2,651,600 2,526,400 2,526,400 14.3% The Transportation Oisadvantage (TO) program is funded annually through local General Fund dollars, fares charged to clients plus federal and state grants. Local dollars fund approximately 59% of the TO program. Grant dollars are received during the fiscal year, approved separately by the Board, and uploaded into the accounting system via budget amendment. These dollars are not included as part of the adopted budget. Grant dollars annually offset approximately 41 % of program expenses. Numbers contained under the Forecast column, include a combination of local and grant dollars and reflect appropriations in the accounting system. The county's budgeting and accounting system requires that the amended budget be forecast which allows for project roll which by definition is the difference between the amended budget and actual expenses incurred at year end. Forecast Expenses FY 2011 - The TO Operating Fund (427) local share is forecast at $2,224,300 and is comprised of operating ($2,142,700), capital ($1,100) and a transfer to the grant match fund ($66,300). Requested paratransit trips in March and April have significantly increased by 13.3% (1,329 trips per month) over the average of the first 5 month period of the fiscal year (9,991 trips per month). It is projected that trips of approximately 4,500 may have to be reduced midyear - if trip requests continue to trend high - in order to stay within the budget for FY 2011. Also attributable to a trip reduction is increased fuel costs. Ouring FY 2011 budget cycle planning, the transit operator contract was also rebid. The FY 2011 transit operator contract rates were not negotiated until after budget workshops. Consequently the FY 2011 budget planned for a cost increase based on past year history and was sized to support 117,200 passenger trips. The final result of the transit operator contact remained relatively flat and favorably allowed for 120,000 passenger trips. As of May, ridership trends could peak 124,500 to passenger trips by year end and exceed appropriated budget making the reduction of trips necessary. Forecast Revenue FY 2011 - Farebox Revenue of $113,000 remains flat. Miscellaneous revenue represents auction proceeds of $23,200 to fund the 10% match requirement of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Program to purchase three (3) TO vehicles and an insurance refund ($13,000). Use of the auction proceeds is consistent with federal grant regulations which require proceeds from the sale of federal assets to be reinvested into the vehicle procurement program. The Intergovernmental Revenue ($440,500) and Transfer ($63,400) represent state grant funding within TO Grant Funds (428/429). For FY 2012, total TO system appropriations amount to $3,873,800. The amount of local dollars For FY 2012, total TO system appropriations amount to $3,873,800. The amount of local dollars budgeted to offset program expenses total $2,526,400 and local dollars represent the only component part of the program for adopted budget purposes. Local dollars appropriated within the adopted budget also include any required local match. Grant revenues - which are not represented in the budget total amount to $1,347,400 and represent 35% of total operations. Grant revenues which have generally increased year to year have remained flat. The result is a decline in grant support compared to the overall costs to provide TO service. Current FY2012 - Personal service of $55,300 reflects an increase if one (1) FTE due to the movement of a position from the Transportation Services Fund (101) Altemative Transportation Modes cost center to realign position functions within the appropriate fund. Total operating expense is sized at $3,818,500 and represents the following split between local and grant funding. . Transit Operator 'Fleet Maintenance 'Fuel 'IT Charges 'Olher Operating Local Share $1,571,000 $340,100 $435,600 $67,000 $57,400 Grant Share $1,347,400 Fiscal Year 2012 103 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Trans Disadvantaged Enterprise (427/428/429) The transit operator management contract cost is sized at a rate of $24.32 per passenger trip, a $.47 cent per passenger trip increase from FY 2011. The local funded portion factors grant revenues of $1 ,347,400 to offset this cost. The appropriations funded by grants are approved via budget amendment as the grant cycle does not coincide with the County's fiscal year. The grant programs which support TO include FTA Section 5307 which allows up to 10% of the appropriation to be used for required AOA services of $250,500 and the CTO Trip & Equipment and Medicaid Programs of $1,096,900. Revenue FY 2012 - Though the General Fund (001) subsidy of $2,501,900 represents a 38.9% increase; it is due to movement of General Fund support from the Collier Area Transit Fund (426) to the Transportation Oisadvantaged Program Fund (427). Overall, the Growth Management Oivision meets budget policy compliance. The movement and increase of funding is necessary to maintain a level of service that continues to provide for 120,000 passenger trips annually. Passenger trips would otherwise be cut to support increased FY 2012 operating costs for fuel ($162,100), fleet preventive maintenance ($29,400), contractual services ($33,200) and IT costs related to managing the route scheduling software ($9,900). Fiscal Year 2012 104 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Collier Area Transit CAT Fund (424/425/426) Mission Statement To provide safe, accessible and courteous public transportation services including maintenance, operations and program management to all customers within Collier County. The commitment to the provision of public transportation services include compliance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 341 and United States Code 49, Subtitle III, Chapter 53. Program Summary Fixed Route Public Transportation (Gas Tax Subsidized) The operations and management of the Fixed Route public transportation system which provides service to the public seven days a week with AOA accessible buses. State Transportation Block Grant This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. These funds will be used to offset the operating cost of fixed route public transit services from the Florida Oepartment of Transportation. Federal Transportation Administration Sec. 5307 Grant This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. The Urbanized Area Formula Funding program is primarily awarded for transit capital. Preventive maintenance is considered an eligible capital cost by the grantor to support the upkeep of federal assets (buses). Operating assistance is a capped amount which requires a 50% cash match. Federal Transit Administration Sec. 5311 Grant This number represents the value of grant funding expected in FY 12 but is not included for adopted budget purposes because grant dollars are uploaded into the accounting system through separate Board action via budget amendment. The Rural Area Formula Grant offsets opearating costs of rural routes. Funding is passed through the Florida Oepartment of Transportation and requires a 50% match. Reserves Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures . % of county funds to cover fixed route operating cost (without fuel) equal to or less than prior year . 3% increase in 1,156,873 fixed route passenger boardings annually in FY2011 . Conduct quarterly detailed contract compliance review to ensure adherence to federal, state, and grant requirements. . Operating cost for fixed route equal or less than 100% of peer group based on recent NTO reporting . Operating cost per passenger boardings for fixed route (without fuel) is equal to or less than prior year . Total Farebox Recovery Ratios is equal to or better than prior year FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 5,794,500 2,301,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2.00 3,493,300 -720,200 -720,200 -1,361,200 -1,361,200 -432,000 -432,000 212,200 212,200 2.00 3,493,300 3,493,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 35 38 1.156,873 1,192,000 100 100 100 100 3.69 3.80 22 23 Growth Management Division Fiscal Year 2012 105 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Collier Area Transit CAT Fund (424/425/426) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 107,408 112,700 112,700 184,300 184,300 63.5% Operating Expense 5,141,113 3,517,700 4,098,700 3,096,800 3,096,800 (12.0%) Capital Outlay 1,334,933 2,712,500 na Net Operating Budget 6,583,454 3,630,400 6,923,900 3,281,100 3,281,100 (9.6%) Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd 127,200 na Reserves For Capital 212,200 212,200 na Total Budget 6,583,454 3,630,400 7,051,100 3,493,300 3,493,300 (3.8%) Total FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 100.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 3,236,248 2,646,900 na Charges For Services 1,057,841 966,800 1,182,800 1,182,800 1,182,800 22.3% Miscellaneous Revenues 2,972 42,400 na InterestlMisc 3,178 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 583,500 554,300 (100.0%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 1,778,000 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522,700 (19.9%) Trans fm 426 CAT Transit 127,200 na Trans fm 427 Transp Disadv (61,160) na Carry Forward 238,900 208,400 561,100 847,000 847,000 306.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (59,200) (59,200) na Total Funding 6,839,479 3,630,400 7,898,100 3,493,300 3,493,300 (3.8%) The Collier Area Transit (CAT) bus system is funded annually through local gas taxes, General Fund dollars, passenger fares plus federal and state grants. Local dollars fund approximately 64% of bus system operations based on a three year average. Grant dollars are received during the fiscal year, approved separately by the Board, and uploaded into the accounting system via budget amendment. These dollars are not included as part of the adopted budget. Grant dollars annually offset approximately 36% of system expenses. Numbers contained under the Forecast column, include a combination of local and grant dollars and reflect appropriations in the accounting system. The county's budgeting and accounting system requires that the amended budget be forecast which allows for project roll which by definition is the difference between the amended budget and actual expenses incurred at year end. Forecast FY 2011 - The CAT local share (Fund 426) is forecast at $2,447,500 and is comprised of personal services ($112,700), operating ($2,200,500), capital outlay ($7,100) and a transfer to the grant match fund ($127,200). Overall expenses are down significantly by $832,600 or 25.4% due to a favorable transit operator contract rate, unanticipated utilization of grant revenues and increased farebox revenues during the fiscal year. Cost savings are summarized as follows: 'The transit operating contract was rebid and negotiated at an all inclusive revenue hour rate saving the County $1.54 per revenue hour in comparison to the FY 2010 prior contractor rates. 'Route modifications were made in January 2011 that expanded the eligibility of the Red Route and rural routes funded by the Federal Transit Administration Section (FTA) 5311 Rural and 5307 Urbanized Area grant programs. 'The State Block Grant Program level of funding increase from the Florida Oepartment of Transportation (FOOT) was sustained. 'One-time operating assistance (requiring a 50% cash match) from the Urbanized Area Formula Program granted by FTA under Section 5307 is anticipated to be sufficient to cover the cost of increasing fuel prices. Capital outlay represents the forecast of amended budget for grant supported capital such as bus replacements funded by the FTA Section 5307 program which is annually apportioned on ridership and population. The FY 2011 forecast also includes a $1.4 million required match for a Transportation Regional Incentive Grant (TRIP) to fund the construction of the Intermodal CAT Transfer Station at the Govemment Center Complex. This 50% match is covered by a transfer of gas taxes to the CAT Grant Match Fund (425). Fiscal Year 2012 106 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Collier Area Transit CAT Fund (424/425/426) Forecast Revenue FY 2011 - Farebox Revenue of $1,182,800 is forecast at a 22.3% increase due to the upward trend of ridership and a developer contribution ($37,400) for bus passes. The developer contribution is expected to recur through FY 2015. Intergovernmental and Miscellaneous revenues represent grant and auction proceeds in CAT Grant Funds (424/425). The Gas Tax Subsidy Transfer is up $37,700 to support the match requirement to the Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program (Fund 425) for purchase and installation of hurricane shutters on the CAT Operations facility. The most noteworthy item is the savings to the General Fund (001). The scheduled transfer of $554,300 in unneeded due to the aforementioned cost savings. For FY 2012, total CAT bus system appropriations amount to $5,794,500 plus a reserve of $212,200. The amount of local dollars budgeted to offset program expenses total $3,493,300 and local dollars represent the only component part of the program for adopted budget purposes. Local dollars appropriated within the adopted budget also include any required local match. Grant revenues - which are not represented in the budget total amount to $2,513,400 and represent 42% of total operations. Current FY 2012 - Personal services of $184,300 reflects an increase of one (1) FTE due to the movement of a Transit Project Manager previously funded within the Transportation Service Fund (101) Altemative Transportation Modes cost center to realign position functions within the appropriate fund. Total operating expense is sized at $5,610,200 and represents the following split between local and grant funding. 'Transit Operator 'Fleet Maintenance 'Fuel .IT Charges 'Other Operating Total Local Share $2,205,900 $6,200 $597,400 $129,600 $157,700 $3,096,800 Grant Share $1 ,254,900 $781,000 $477,500 $2,513,400 The transit operator management contract cost for FY 2012 is sized at 68,844 revenue hours at $50.27 per revenue hour. By estimation through notification of funding announcements and the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) - $1,254,900 of grant revenues will be used to offset this cost through the FOOT State Block Grant, and FTA Rural and Urbanized Area Programs. All fleet operating and overhead costs (excluding loaner vehicle charges) are eligible to be covered by FTA funding. Fuel will be offset by a discretionary operating assistance allowance of $477,500. A reserve of $212,200 has been budgeted for variances in grant awards and additional match requirements. Revenue FY 2012 - Farebox Revenue is budgeted at FY 2011 forecast levels. The Gas Tax subsidy is sized at $1,522,700. Oue to maximum utilization of grant revenues, the FT A Section 5307 continued operating allowance and the reduced contracted services rate - the General Fund (001) transfer has been eliminated from CAT and moved to the Transportation Oisadvantaged Services Program (TO) to subsidize the Transportation Oisadvantaged program increased operating costs and near flat grant revenues. Fiscal Year 2012 107 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Traffic Operations Department (101) Mission Statement To repair and maintain traffic signals, traffic signs, pavement markings, and highway lighting systems; to provide 24-hour emergency response to traffic signal systems as well as crucial signing repairs and pavement marking installations; to provide customer service to the public; to manage projected increases in traffic control devices resulting from growth, roadway construction and roadway acceptance; to operate and maintain the county-wide computerized traffic signal system and traffic management center; to coordinate traffic operations functions with the incorporated municipalities within Collier County; to protect Collier County's investment in fiber optics and signal and roadway lighting infrastructure in response to utility locate requests; to provide review of signal and roadway lighting plans; to perform speed and traffic signal studies. To perform maintenance in support of Florida Statutes Chapters 334.044(1)(a) and 336.045. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Sectional Adm inistration/Overhead 3.00 785,000 41,700 743,300 Funding for section administration and fixed section overhead. Traffic Sign Maintenance 4.00 392,400 3,000 389,400 Inventory, replace as needed, and maintain all traffic signs and pavement markings throughout the County. Traffic Signal Maintenance 9.00 1,354,100 270,400 1,083,700 Maintain and repair all traffic signals and flashing beacons within the County. Computerized Signal System Operation Operate and maintain the computerized Traffic Signal System. Coordinate construction projects with system requirements. Retime traffic signals. Streetlight Maintenance Maintain, repair and replace, as needed, all arterial roadway lighting within the County. Traffic Engineering/Studies Perform safety, operational, and signal studies. Prepare signing and pavement marking work orders. Review development permits and County roadway project construction plans. Collect data and compile Annual Traffic Crash Report and the Quarterly Traffic County Report. Locates 4.00 357,100 357,100 3.00 965,600 965,600 3.00 286,400 286,400 3.00 231,700 110,000 121,700 FS Chapter 556 requires Collier County to mark the infrastructure for signal, streetlight and fiber optic cables on both County and State roadways within 48 hours of requests. Current Level of Service Budget 29.00 4,372,300 425,100 3,947,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Growth Management Division Program Performance Measures . % of emergency signal repair responded within 1 hour of receiving call . Replace 1,000 warning and regulatory signs to address new MUTCO mandate by 2018. 35% compliance with new MUTCO reflected mandate (unconstrained target=2860 signs replaced annually) . Review/retime 25% of traffic signals annually to address fluctuating traffic volumes (unconstrained target=50% annually) . Staff traffic control center 11 hours per day on business days (unconstrained 6am to 7pm including Saturday 10am-6pm) . Upgrade 375 signs to meet new MUTCO sign lettering mandates (unconstrained=750 to meet mandate by 2012) Fiscal Year 2012 108 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Traffic Operations Department (101) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,000,908 1,895,700 1,941,900 2,085,400 2,085,400 10.0% Operating Expense 1,994,560 2,394,200 2,178,600 2,286,900 2,286,900 (4.5%) Capital Outlay 174,680 81,000 na Net Operating Budget 4,170,147 4,289,900 4,201,500 4,372,300 4,372,300 1.9% Total Budget 4,170,147 4,289,900 4,201,500 4,372,300 4,372,300 1.9% Total FTE 26.00 26.00 26.00 29.00 29.00 11.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 214,342 240,000 240,000 270,400 270,400 12.7% Charges For Services 30 na Miscellaneous Revenues 23,933 16,000 135,300 44,700 44,700 179.4% Reimb From Other Depts 110,000 110,000 na Net Cost Road and Bridge 3,931,843 4,033,900 3,826,200 3,947,200 3,947,200 (2.1%) Total Funding 4,170,147 4,289,900 4,201,500 4,372,300 4,372,300 1.9% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal service expense is projected over budget by $46,200 due to unachieved attrition. A budget amendment will be processed prior to year end to appropriate the correct amount of funds by decreasing operating. Operating expense is down $215,600 mainly due to reduced expenses in the areas of electricity and contracted signal maintenance. Capital outlay is forecasted at $81,000. This amount is comprised of $68,800 for hurricane shutters to protect the Traffic Management Center (TMC) and $12,200 for an upgrade to design software to comply with new Federal Highway Administration regulations imposed on highway road signage per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Oevices (MUTCO). Current FY 2012 - This department has a total of twenty-nine (29) funded positions with a personal services increase of 10% or $189,700. Three (3) FTE's were moved to this cost center from Road Maintenance to properly align staff performing locate functions to the Traffic Operations Oepartment responsible for carrying out these functions. Operating expenses reflect a decrease of 4.5% ($107,300). No capital outlay requests have been made for FY 2012. Current FY 2012 Revenue - Intergovernmental Revenues represent maintenance reimbursements of $270,400 from the Florida Oepartment of Transportation based upon eligible work performed along State Right of Way. Miscellaneous revenues account for items such as insurance company refunds and lease agreement revenues. And Reimbursement from Other Oepartments represents revenues collected for locate services. Fiscal Year 2012 109 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Street Lighting Districts Fund (760) Mission Statement To provide streetlights to residential and commercial areas paid for through a taxing district established for that purpose. Program Summary Collier County Lighting District Consolidation of all street lighting districts except Marco Island and Pelican Bay. FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 607,400 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 607,400 Current Level of Service Budget 607,400 607,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 600,586 644,600 602,600 588,300 588,300 (8.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,700 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 0.0% Net Operating Budget 602,286 647,400 605,400 591,100 591,100 (8.7%) Trans to Property Appraiser 4,314 4,600 4,600 4,900 4,900 6.5% Trans to Tax Collector 10,957 14,300 13,600 11,400 11,400 (20.3%) Reserves For Contingencies 900 (100.0%) Total Budget 617,557 667,200 623,600 607,400 607,400 (9.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 547,029 576,500 544,200 570,300 570,300 (1.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 1,975 300 na Miscellaneous Revenues 1,760 na InterestlMisc 2.4n 1,000 1,200 300 300 (70.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 601 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,858 na Carry Forward 202,000 118,500 143,200 65,300 65,300 (44.9%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (28,800) (28,500) (28,500) (1.0%) Total Funding 760,699 667,200 688,900 607,400 607,400 (9.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - Electricity accounts for 95% of forecast expense or $590,000. Current FY 2012 - FY 2011 program accounts for the cost of electricity ($579,600) plus modest appropriations for street lighting maintenance and installation ($5,000), general insurance ($3,700) and indirect costs ($2,800). Customary transfers to the Property Appraiser and Tax Collector are also programmed. Revenue FY 2012 - Preliminary June taxable value for this district totals $3,853,278,377 which represents a 7.83% decrease from the 2010 tax year total of $4,180,749,585. The millage rate at rolled back will total 0.1480 per $1,000 of taxable value and raise $570,300 in property tax revenue. The funds cash position at the beginning of FY 2011 (9/30/10) totaled $143,200 - a decrease of $58,800 from 9/30/09. Levying the rolled back rate does not generate sufficient revenue to cover the increasing cost of power nor increased lighting demands. Fiscal Year 2012 110 Growth Management Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Division Operations Metropolitan Planning Org MPO (128) Mission Statement Provide for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and other associated transportation management functions in Collier County as mandated by Federal, State and local laws (Federal Law: Title 23 USC; Federal Regulations: Title 23 CFR Part 450, Subpart C and 23 CFR Part 500, Subpart E; Florida Statute, Chapter 339.175 and Chapter 427,015,49 CFR 27, 37, 38 and 29; Florida Statutes 316, 318, 322 and 427,015). Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4.00 5,000 5,000 Current Level of Service Budget 4.00 5,000 5,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 277,241 na Operating Expense 394,584 5,000 5,000 5,000 na Remittances 152,452 na Net Operating Budget 824,277 5,000 5,000 5,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 5,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 824,277 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Total FTE 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 574,028 na 'nteresUMisc 2,496 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 10,222 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Carry Forward 47,000 na Total Funding 633,746 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% This budget does not coincide with Collier County's fiscal year and is provided for illustration purposes only. The budget is presented to and is approved by the Board of County Commissioners through the budget amendment process. Current FY 2011 -Anticipated funds include the MPO grant for $643,421 from the Federal Highway Administration. Funding in the amount of $23,796 and $83,549 is expected from the Florida Commission of Transportation Oisadvantaged Planning and Federal Transit Administration (Section 5303) for transit planning respectively. MPO local funds are programmed at $9,000 for lobbying or any other activities that cannot be funded with annual Federal and State revenues such as the preparation of resolutions in support of or opposition to Federal and State legislation. Oue to a strict interpretation of what constitutes "lobbying: each member agency of the MPO has been asked to contribute $1,000 per voting member for such activities. The BCC is requested to contribute $5,000, while the City of Naples, City of Marco Island and Everglades City are requested to contribute $2,000, $1,000 and $1,000, respectively, as approved by the MPO Board on May 14, 2010. The transfer of $5,000 is subject to review by OMB prior to execution to confirm contributions from other local entities are paid current. Fiscal Year 2012 111 Growth Management Division Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Growth Management Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 34.00 Transportation Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 22.50 Stormwater Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 11.50 Freedom Memorial Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Growth Management Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-1 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,774,983 3,346,100 3,367,100 3,267,200 3,267,200 (2.4%) Operating Expense 10,703,995 1,253,000 3,393,400 2,687,200 2,687,200 114.5% Indirect Cost Reimburs 137,300 483,000 483,000 176,100 176,100 (63.5%) Capital OuUay 36,286,484 22,310,700 146,685,500 33,847,600 33,847,600 51.7% Remittances 1,216,030 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Total Net Budget 52,118,792 28,392,800 154,929,000 40,978,100 40,978,100 44.3% Advance/Repay to 226 Nap Pk D 30,000 (100.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 230,600 232,300 1,286,700 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans to 163 Baysh/Av Beaut Fd 78,125 na Trans to 186 Immok Redev Fd 317,341 na Trans to 712 Transp Match 39,329 716,400 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Trans to 212 Debt Serv Fd 14,633,100 14,664,600 14,664,600 13,479,900 13,479,900 (8.1%) Trans to 213 SIB Loan 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Trans to 312 Gas Tax Op Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Trans to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 500 500 na Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd 1,778,000 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522.700 (19.9%) Reserves For Contingencies 7,187,600 1,640,100 1,640,100 (77.2%) Reserves For Capital 372,400 5,046,700 5,046,700 1,255.2% Reserve for Attrition (111,700) (111,700) na Total Budget 75,480,487 59,027,800 181,181,600 71,636,900 71,636,900 21.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Transportation Capital 43,508,801 20,682,200 140,472,200 33,422,500 33,422,500 61.6% Stormwater Capital 8,295,020 7,423,800 13,209,600 7,520,100 7,520,100 1.3% Freedom Memorial Capital 135,019 128,900 159,600 35,500 35,500 (72.5%) Growth Management Capital 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) Total Net Budget 52,118,792 28,392,800 154,929,000 40,978,100 40,978,100 44.3% Transportation Capital 22,061,125 29,671,400 24,596,700 29,709,800 29,709,800 0.1% Stormwater Capital 1,300,570 956,200 1,655,900 949,000 949,000 (0.8%) Freedom Memorial Capital 7,400 (100.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves 23,361,695 30,635,000 26,252,600 30,658,800 30,658,800 0.1% Total Budget 75,480,487 59,027,800 181,181,600 71,636,900 71,636,900 21.4% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-2 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital , ... ...., FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Local Gas Taxes 12,895,300 12,543,600 12,817,900 12,817,900 12,817,900 2.2% Licenses & Permits (304,965) na Special Assessments 1,550 na Intergovernmental Revenues 1,921,168 5,532,100 B,548,600 2,000,000 2,000,000 (63.8%) Gas Taxes 5,519,824 5,456,400 . 5,482,100 5,482,100 5,482; 100 0.5% SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 2,439,329 1,000,000 1,775,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Charges For Services 150,214 na Miscellaneous Revenues 712,235 35,500 87,400 37,400 37,400 5.4% InterestlMisc 1,303,734 1,302,500 807,700 804,100 804,100 (38.3%) Impact Fees 11,582,211 7,430,000 3,900,000 3,584,000 3,584,000 (51.B%) Deferred Impact Fees 678,296 2,155,100 2,155,100 na COA Impact Fees 519,705 3,400,000 4,330,000 4,736,000 4,736,000 39.3% Other Financing Sources 500 500 na Reimb From Other Depts 39,000 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 10,318,799 19,885,300 11,985,600 20,700,BOO 20,700,800 4.1% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 39,000 39,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 112 Landscape Cap 12,300 na Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 200,000. 200,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 186 Immok Redev Fd 200,000 na Trans fm 226 Naples Pk Debt Serv 100,000 100,000 na Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 39,329 716,400 na Trans fm 336 Road 1m Fee 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Carry Forward 163,125,300 458,800 141,168,900 13,991,400 13,991,400 2,949.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,518,500) (1,630,700) (1,630,700) 7.4% Total Funding 214,403,327 59,027,800 195,173,000 71,636,900 71,636,900 21.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Transportation Capital 27.00 27.00 27.00 22.50 22.50 (16.7%) Stormwater Capital 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.50 11.50 43.8% Total FTE 35.00 35.00 35.00 34.00 34.00 (2.9%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Growth Management 157,900 1,110,392 1,087,600 Information Technology Capital 28,373 28,400 Stormwater 7,150,100 14,961,339 14,955,000 7,273,500 Transportation 47,185,400 178,904,605 160,747,900 60,432,400 Total Project Budget 54,493,400 195,004,710 176,818,900 67,705,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-3 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,019,306 2,525,100 2,544,900 2,183,100 2,183,100 (13.5%) Operating Expense 7,584,029 1,152,100 2,780,700 2,599,000 2,599,000 125.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 137,300 483,000 483,000 157,300 157,300 (67.4%) Capital OuUay 31,602,136 15,522,000 133,663,600 27,483,100 27,483,100 77.1% Remittances 1,166,030 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 43,508,801 20,682,200 140,472,200 33,422,500 33,422,500 61.6% Advance/Repay to 226 Nap Pk D 30,000 (100.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 230,600 232,300 1,286,700 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans to 163 Baysh/Av Beaut Fd 78,125 na Trans to 712 Transp Match 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Trans to 212 Debt Serv Fd 14,633,100 14,664,600 14,664,600 13,479,900 13,479,900 (8.1%) Trans to 213 SIB Loan 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Trans to 312 Gas Tax Op Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Trans to 313 Ga!l Tax Cap Fd 500 500 na Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd 1,778,000 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522,700 (19.9%) Reserves For Contingencies 7,170,900 1,593,600 1,593,600 (77.8%) Reserves For Capital 365,000 5,046,700 5,046,700 1,282.7% Reserve for Attrition (74,500) (74,500) na Total Budget 65,569,926 50,353,600 165,068,900 63,132,300 63,132,300 25.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriatiol)s by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Countryside Privacy Wall (630) 166,030 na Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313) 18,357,968 9,100,000 72,342,000 17,202,000 17,202,000 89.0% Road Impact Fee District 1 - North 4,629,118 1,526,000 16,713,700 3,280,000 3,280,tlOO 114.9% Naples (331) Road Impact Fee District 2 - East Naples 5,552,422 1,845,500 5,330,300 300,000 300,000 (83.7%) & GG City (333) Road Impact Fee District 3 - City of 29,112 480,800 200,000 200,000 na Naples (334) Road Impact Fee District 4 - Marco Island 2,289,753 572,000 14,991,400 4,381,100 4,381,100 665.9% & S County (336) Road Impact Fee District 5 - Immokalee 3,949,974 100,000 8,020,300 100,000 100,000 0.0% (339) Road Impact Fee District 6 - Golden Gate 5,133,787 4,228,500 14,nO,800 5,300,000 5,300,000 25.3% Estates (338) Transportation Engineering Dept (312) 3,236,129 3,310,200 3,302,600 2,659,400 2,659,400 (19.7%) Transportation Grants (711/712) 164,508 4,520,300 na Total Net Budget 43,508,801 20,682,200 140,472,200 33,422,500 33,422,500 61.6% Total Transfers and Reserves 22,061,125 29,671,400 24,596,700 29,709,800 29,709,800 0.1% Total Budget 65,569,926 50,353,600 165,068,900 63,132,300 63,132,300 25.4% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-4 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Local Gas Taxes 12,895,300 12,543,600 12,817,900 12,817,900 12,817,900 2.2% Licenses & Permits (304,965) na Special Assessments 1,550 na Intergovernmental Revenues 1,656,512 5,532,100 8,548,600 2,000,000 2,000,000 (63.8%) Gas Taxes 5,519,824 5,456,400 5,482,100 5,482,100 5,482,100 0.5% SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 39,329 775,000 na Charges For Services 150,201 na Miscellaneous Revenues 683,055 na InteresllMisc 1,236,920 1,250,400 771,000 770,400 770,400 (38.4%) Impact Fees 11,582,211 7,430,000 3,900,000 3,584,000 3,584,000 (51.8%) Deferred Impact Fees 678,296 2,155,100 2,155,100 na COA Impact Fees 519,705 3,400,000 4,330,000 4,736,000 4,736,000 39.3% Other Financing Sources 500 500 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,908,099 13,735,000 5,435,000 13,735,000 13,735,000 0.0% Trans fm 112 Landscape Cap 12,300 na Trans fm 226 Naples Pk Debt Serv 100,000 100,000 na Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 39,329 716,400 na Trans fm 336 Road 1m Fee 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Carry Forward 154,872,100 (793,300) 132,487,700 13,470,200 13,470,200 (1,798.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,463,700) (1,577,200) (1,577,200) 7.8% Total Funding 195,778,764 50,353,600 178,539,100 63,132,300 63,132,300 25.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Prelfminary Change Transportation Engineering Dept (312) 27.00 27.00 27.00 22.50 22.50 (16.7%) Total FTE 27.00 27.00 27.00 22.50 22.50 (16.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-5 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget CIP Category / Project Title Storrnwater Lely Area Stormwater Improvements Transportation Advanced ROW Asset Management Bike Pathways Boston Ave Sidewalks Boxed Pathway Funds Bridge Structure Repairs and Construction Collection / Minor Arterial Roads Collier Blvd, Davis to GG Main Canal Congestion Mgt County Barn Rd, Rattlesnake to Davis CR 846, Immokalee Rd CR951, Davis Blvd to N of 1-75 by GG Canal CR951 , GG Blvd to Green Blvd CR951, GG Blvd to Immok Rd Davis Blvd, Radio Rd to CR951 Dynamic Message Signs Enhanced Planning Consultant Services Everglades Lighting Golden Gate Blvd, Wilson to Desoto Golden Gate Pky, Airport to Santa Barb 1-75 & Everglades Interchange Study Immokalee Rd Greenway Immokalee Rd, CR951 to 43rd Ave NE Immokalee Rd, US41 to 1-75 Intersection Safety Landscape Asset Mgt Collections Lely Mitigation trailhead facility for pathway Livingston Greenways (path between RSH/Radio) Logan Blvd, Pine Ridge to Immok Marco Island Projects MPO Transit Disadvantage Planning MPO Unified Planning Work Prog N Golden Gate Estates Flow way Northbrooke Widening Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades Operating Project 313 Operating Project 331 Operating Project 333 Operating Project 334 Operating Project 336 Operating Project 338 Operating Project 339 Pedestrian or Bicycle, 1-75 & Immok Rd PUD Monitoring PUD Monitoring / Traffic counts Randall Blvd, Immok to Everglades Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 1,465,600 1,465,600 50,000 4,032,428 4,032,500 50,000 30,045 30,100 250,000 250,000 2,493,941 2,494,000 465,000 358,800 358,800 500,000 2,300,000 7,646,798 7,646,800 5,100,000 237,669 237,700 19,749,945 19,750,100 356,368 356,400 927,153 927,300 950,000 950,000 1,848,648 1,848,600 3,000,000 5,931,216 5,931,200 6,450,000 143,000 143,100 14,478,722 15,678,800 526,598 526,600 200,000 507,228 307,300 200,000 18,798 18,800 1,400,000 5,385,558 5,385,700 200,000 232,296 232,300 200,000 544,696 544,700 81,223 81,300 458,682 58,700 1,353,036 1,353,100 2,500,000 4,026,289 4,026,300 2,400,000 24,500 24,600 178,658 178,700 442,155 442,200 232,992 233,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 17,226 17,200 564,141 564,100 75,000 75,000 118,754 118,800 31,064,528 31,064,500 437,000 50,000 346,675 300,000 706,116 706,100 630,000 100,000 370,138 370,100 300,000 459,116 459,100 200,000 156,747 156,700 400,000 300,000 428,647 428,600 650,000 100,000 385,378 385,400 100,000 315,000 315,000 467,129 17,200 232,007 232,000 684,362 684,400 Capital-6 Growth Management Capital Fiscal Year 2012 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Rattlesnake Polly to CR951 3,960,823 3,310,900 Reconstruction/Resurfacing 270,130 270,200 500,000 Road Refurbishing 3,100,000 3,246,651 3,247,000 3,600,000 Santa Barbara Blvd Ext, Davis Blvd to 1,380,995 831,100 Rattlesnake Hamm Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 1,934,830 1,935,000 SCOOT Airport Road N 57,572 57,600 SCOOT Split Cycle 130,777 130,800 Shoulder Safety Prog 145,200 145,200 Sign Retroreflectivity Requirements 150,000 SR29 @ l.,ake Trafford Rd Int 750,000 750,000 Improvement Traffic Calming/Studies 250,000 836,409 586,400 Traffic Info System Review 228,575 228,600 Traffic Mgt Boxes 320 300 Traffic Signal Timing Analysis 66,030 66,100 Traffic Signals 1,000,000 1,396,494 1,396,500 1,350,000 Transit Enhancement/Planning Fund 459,114 459,200 Tree Farm-Woodcrest 2,550,000 Tumlane & Intersection Improvements 1,902,860 1,902,900 US 41/SR 951 Consortium 572,000 4,072,587 4,072,600 7,209,700 Vanderbilt Bch Ex!, CR951 to Wilson 4,252,729 4,252,900 Vanderbilt Bch, Airport to CR951 500,000 956,538 956,600 Vanderbilt Drive Imp 711,187 711,200 X-ferslReserves - Fund 313 26,394,800 30,464,274 23,542,300 20,262,100 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 331 321,300 374,170 124,200 X-ferslReserves - Fund 333 636,100 859,136 1,076,800 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 334 161,700 161,700 164,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 336 4,355,500 677,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 338 1,305,100 2,889,513 269,500 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 339 299,400 1,104,500 1,054,400 229,100 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 341 395,000 395,000 408,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 630 5,435 500 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 712 3,228,600 Transportation 46,885,400 178,457,451 160,300,700 60,432,400 Department Total Project Budget 46,885,400 179,923,051 161,766,300 60,432,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-7 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Transportation Engineering Dept (312) Mission Statement Assist in planning, roadway design, roadway permitting, roadway construction, and miscellaneous special projects to meet service levels established by the County Growth Management Plan and established by budget approval actions of the Board of County Commissioners. To provide supervision, engineering, and coordination to ensure that the Department roadway projects are designed and constructed in a timely, efficient, and economical manner. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Includes management, administration and fiscal support for the Transportation Engineering and Construction Management (TECM) section which is necessary to support Capital Improvement Element (CIE) and Master Plan projects. Traffic Engineeringlln-House Design FY 2012 Total FTE 5.00 FY 2012 Budget 485,501 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 485,501 4.00 461,948 461,948 The Traffic Engineering /In-House Oesign section is responsible for safety engineering analysis and enhancement of roadway and traffic safety through low cost in-house design projects. Staff also provides design of sidewalks and bus shelters. Roadway/Bridge Design Project Management The primary function of the Roadway I Bridge Project Management section is to manage the consultant's design of highway and bridge projects, provide oversight during construction and certification. Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) 3.00 393,168 393,168 7.00 708,826 708,826 The CEI section is responsible for construction inspection and management of roadway projects. Among the functions of this unit are project administration, scheduling, utilities, drainage, asphalt and earthwork inspections. Staff of this unit ensures that the work is done in accordance with plans and specifications. With reduced workload, CEI is being done with in-house staff at a considerable savings. Right-of-Way Acquisition The Right-of-Way Acquisition section is responsible for acquiring parcels needed for roadway, sidewalk, and intersection improvement projects. The Right-of-Way Acquisition section also acquires the parcels needed for temporary construction easements or rights-of-entry and handles PUO developer commitments. General Overhead Costs 3.50 300,557 300,557 309,400 309,400 Includes the indirect service charge, insurance and IT interdepartmental billing paid to the General Fund. Reserves / Transfers 40,500 2,699,900 -2,659,400 Current Level of Service Budget 22.50 2,699,900 2,699,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-8 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Transportation Engineering Dept (312) Program Performance Measures '50% of required parcels acquired by negotiation vs. condemnation. 'Acquire 130 parcels required to deliver adopted budget roadway projects. 'Complete 100% of annual planned phase in 5-year Bridge Program to repair, reconstruct or replace 5 of 13 bridges below 60 Sufficiency Rating (unconstrained target = 13 bridges with Sufficiency Rating below 60 repaired, reconstructed or replaced in 5-year Bridge Program). 'Complete 100% of programmed design phases for 5-year work plan projects to meet construction schedules. 'Construct 1 of the 10 new bridges in the East County Road 951 Study to remove impediments to use the grid of streets in the Estates and to reduce emergency response times in the 5-year Bridge Program (Unconstrained target = 5 of 10 new bridges constructed to add planned bridges in the Estates within 10 years). 'Oeliver construction project within 10% of the project budget. 'Oeliver construction project within 20% of time schedule. 'Within 59 of 106 bridges built on or before 1971 (over their 40 year useful life), annually evaluate all bridges with a Sufficiency Rating below 60. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 100 100 130 130 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,863,647 2,525,100 2,544,900 2,183,100 2,183,100 (13.5%) Operating Expense 219,115 302,100 274,700 319,000 319,000 5.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 137,300 483,000 483,000 157,300 157,300 (67.4%) Capital Outlay 16,067 na Net Operating Budget 3,236,129 3,310,200 3,302,600 2,659,400 2,659,400 (19.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 158,000 115,000 115,000 (27.2%) Reserve for Attrition (74,500) (74,500) na Total Budget 3,236,129 3,468,200 3,302,600 2,699,900 2,699,900 (22.2%) Total FTE 27.00 27.00 27.00 22.50 22.50 (16.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 433 na I nteresVMisc 3,956 3,600 1,500 1,000 1,000 (72.2%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Carry Forward 159,500 201,700 107,200 69,200 69,200 (65.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (200) (100.0%) Total Funding 3,465,189 3,468,200 3,371,800 2,699,900 2,699,900 (22.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - No major variances are anticipated for the fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services FTE count was reduced by 4.5 FTE's. One FTE, a Project Manager position was moved to the Office of Management and Budget. In the Right-of-Way section, one FTE was transferred and five (5) positions were split 50/50 between Stormwater (fund 324) and Road and Bridge (fund 312) to assist in the purchase of right-of-way for the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP). Operating cost increased due to the net effect of fuel costs increasing by $16,100, IT charges increasing by $25,200, and general operating cost decreased from transferring 4.5 FTE's to other departments. Indirect cost went down by $325,700, the largest component of this is the use and support from the County Attorney's office in settling construction lawsuits. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-9 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313) FY 2010 _ FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 88,782 na Operating Expense 4,522,003 50,000 (100.0%) Capital OuUay 12,747,184 8,050,000 71,342,000 16,202,000 16,202,000 101.3% Remittances 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 18,357,968 9,100,000 72,342,000 17,202,000 17,202,000 89.0% Trans to 001 General Fund 230,600 232,300 232,300 238,100 238,100 2.5% Trans to 163 BayshlAv Beaut Fd 78,125 na Trans to 212 Debt Serv Fd 14,633,100 14,664,600 14,664,600 13,479,900 13,479,900 (8.1%) Trans to 213 SIB Loan 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Trans to 312 Gas Tax Op Fd 3,301,300 3,263,100 3,263,100 2,629,700 2,629,700 (19.4%) Trans to 426 CAT Mass Transit Fd 1,778,000 1,900,900 3,337,700 1,522,700 1,522,700 (19.9%) Reserves For Contingencies 4,289,300 347,200 347,200 (91.9%) Total Budget 40,419,093 35,494,800 95,884,300 37,464,100 37,464,100 5.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Local Gas Taxes 12,895,300 12,543,600 12,817,900 12,817,900 12,817,900 2.2% Intergovemmental Revenues 1,656,512 5,532,100 5,532,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 (63.8%) Gas Taxes 5,519,824 5,456,400 5,482,100 5,482,100 5,482,100 0.5% Charges For Services 150,201 na Miscellaneous Revenues 678,094 na InteresllMisc 644,721 612,300 350,000 350,000 350,000 (42.8%) Other Financing Sources 500 500 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,908,099 13,735,000 5,435,000 13,735,000 13,735,000 0.0% Trans fm 226 Naples Pk Debt Serv 100,000 100,000 na Carry Forward 83,911,000 (1,454,000) 70,278,400 4,011,100 4,011,100 (375.9%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (930,600) (1,032,500) (1,032,500) 10.9% Total Funding 108,363,750 35,494,800 99,895,400 37,464,100 37,464,100 5.5% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-10 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 ClP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Advanced ROW 50,000 4,032,428 4,032,500 50,000 Asset Management 30,045 30,100 250,000 Bike Pathways 250,000 2,493,941 2,494,000 465,000 Boxed Pathway Funds 500,000 0 Bridge Structure Repairs and 5,148,713 5,148,700 5,100,000 Construction Collection / Minor Arterial Roads 237,669 237,700 Collier Blvd, Davis to GG Main Canal 17,674,370 17,674,400 Congestion Mgt 356,368 356,400 County Bam Rd, Rattiesnake to Davis 156,833 156,900 CR951, Davis Blvd to N of 1-75 by GG 381,395 381,400 Canal CR951, GG Blvd to Green Blvd 1,277,190 1,277,200 2,000,000 CR951, GG Blvd to Immok Rd 75,177 75,200 Davis Blvd, Radio Rd to CR951 6,225,147 7,425,200 Dynamic Message Signs 526,598 526,600 Enhanced Planning Consultant Services 200,000 507,228 307,300 200,000 Everglades Lighting 18,798 18,800 Golden Gate Blvd, Wilson to Desoto 818,849 818,900 1-75 & Everglades Interchange Study 200,000 544,696 544,700 Immokalee Rd Greenway 81,223 81,300 Immokalee Rd, CR951 to 43rd Ave NE 430,909 30,900 Immokalee Rd, US41 to 1-75 1,344,343 1,344,400 Intersection Safety 2,500,000 4,026,289 4,026,300 2,400,000 - Lely Mitigation trailhead facility for 178,658 178,700 pathway Livingston Greenways (path between 442,155 442,200 RSH/Radio) Logan Blvd, Pine Ridge to Immok 232,992 233,000 Marco Island Projects 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Northbrooke Widening 39,546 39,600 Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades 8,938,732 8,938,700 137,000 Operating Project 313 50,000 346,675 0 PUD Monitoring 467,129 17,200 PUD Monitoring / Traffic counts 232,007 232,000 Randall Blvd, Immok to Everglades 547,155 547,200 Rattiesnake Polly to CR951 3,462,913 2,812,900 Reconstruction/Resurfacing 270,130 270,200 500,000 Road Refurbishing 3,100,000 3,246,651 3,247,000 3,600,000 Santa Barbara Blvd Ext, Davis Blvd to 1,331,609 781,600 Rattiesnake Hamm Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 50 100 SCOOT Airport Road N 57,572 57,600 SCOOT Split Cycle 130,777 130,800 Shoulder Safety Prog 145,200 145,200 Sign Retroreflectivity Requirements 0 150,000 Traffic Calming/Studies 250,000 836,409 586,400 Traffic Info System Review 228,575 228,600 Traffic Mgt Boxes 320 300 Traffic Signal Timing Analysis 66,030 66,100 Traffic Signals 1,000,000 1,396,494 1,396,500 1,350,000 Transit Enhancement/Planning Fund 459,114 459,200 Tumlane & Intersection Improvements 1,902,860 1,902,900 Vanderbilt Bch Ex!, CR951 to Wilson 3,955 4,000 Vanderbilt Bch, Airport to CR951 500,000 923,923 923,900 Vanderbilt Drive Imp 711,187 711,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-11 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital CIP Category / Project Title Transportation X-fers/Reserves - Fund 313 Transportation Capital Road Construction - Gas Tax Fund (313) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Budget FY 2016 Budget Transportation Program Total Project Budget 26,394,800 35,494,800 35,494,800 30,464,274 104,951,299 104,951,299 23,542,300 95,884,300 95,884,300 20,262,100 37,464,100 37,464,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-12 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 1 - North Naples (331) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 644,274 300,000 706,100 630,000 630,000 110.0% Capital Outlay 3,984,844 1,226,000 16,007,600 2,650,000 2,650,000 116.2% Net Operating Budget 4,629,118 1,526,000 16,713,700 3,280,000 3,280,000 114.9% Reserves For Contingencies 321,300 124,200 124,200 (61.3%) Total Budget 4,629,118 1,847,300 16,713,700 3,404,200 3,404,200 84.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits (97,738) na Miscellaneous Revenues 27 na InterestlMisc 140,763 160,000 103,000 103,000 103,000 (35.6%) Impact Fees 1,348,742 800,000 1,000,000 1,044,000 1,044,000 30.5% Deferred Impact Fees 1,232,100 1,232,100 na COA Impact Fees (138,424) 400,000 700,000 304,000 304,000 (24.0%) Carry Forward 19,143,100 555,300 15,765,900 855,200 855,200 54.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (68,000) (134,100) (134,100) 97.2% Total Funding 20,396,470 1,847,300 17,568,900 3,404,200 3,404,200 84.3% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation CR951, GG Blvd to Green Blvd 826,000 1,565,814 1,565,800 2,650,000 CR951, GG Blvd to Immok Rd 67,823 67,900 Golden Gate Blvd, Wilson to Desoto 400,000 2,214,655 2,214,700 Immokalee Rd, CR951 to 43rd Ave NE 27,774 27,800 Immokalee Rd, US41 to 1-75 8,693 8,700 Northbrooke Widening 79,208 79,200 Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades 7,669,977 7,670,000 Operating Project 331 300,000 706,116 706,100 630,000 Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 1,576,996 1,577,000 Vanderbilt Bch Ex!, CR951 to Wilson 2,763,732 2,763,800 Vanderbilt Bch, Airport to CR951 32,615 32,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 331 321,300 374,170 0 124,200 Transportation 1,847,300 17,087,572 16,713,700 3,404,200 Program Total Project Budget 1,847,300 17,087,572 16,713,700 3,404,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-13 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 2 - East Naples & GG City (333) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 168,340 100,000 370,100 300,000 300,000 200.0% Capital Outlay 5,384,082 1,745,500 4,960,200 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 5,552,422 1,845,500 5,330,300 300,000 300,000 (83.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 636,100 30,000 30,000 (95.3%) Reserves For Capital 1,046,800 1,046,800 na Total Budget 5,552,422 2,481,600 5,330,300 1,376,800 1,376,800 (44.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change licenses & Permits (177,243) na InterestlMisc 64,544 70,000 36,400 36,400 36,400 (48.0%) Impact Fees 2,676,266 1,500,000 900,000 840,000 840,000 (44.0%) Deferred Impact Fees 533,867 na COA Impact Fees (634,062) 500,000 375,000 237,000 237,000 (52.6%) Carry Forward 7,431,000 515,100 4,338,000 319,100 319,100 (38.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (103,500) (55,700) (55,700) (46.2%) Total Funding 9,894,371 2,481,600 5,649,400 1,376,800 1,376,800 (44.5%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Collier Blvd, Davis to GG Main Canal 701,548 701,600 County Barn Rd, Rattlesnake to Davis 665,688 665,700 CR951, Davis Blvd to N of 1-75 by GG 51,528 51,500 Canal CR951, GG Blvd to Green Blvd 1,545,500 1,545,500 1,545,500 Davis Blvd, Radio Rd to CR951 1,000,000 1,000,000 Golden Gate Pky, Airport to Santa Barb 200,000 232,296 232,300 Operating Project 333 100,000 370,138 370,100 300,000 Santa Barbara Blvd Ext, Davis Blvd to 36,672 36,700 Rattlesnake Hamm Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 232,953 233,000 Vanderbilt Bch Ext, CR951 to Wilson 493,835 493,900 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 333 636,100 859,136 0 1,076,800 Transportation 2,481,600 6,189,292 5,330,300 1,376,800 Program Total Project Budget 2,481,600 6,189,292 5,330,300 1,376,800 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-14 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 3 - City of Naples (334) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 28,626 459,100 200,000 200,000 na Capital OuUay 486 21,700 na Net Operating Budget 29,112 480,800 200,000 200,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 161,700 20,000 20,000 (87.6%) Reserves For Capital 144,200 144,200 na Total Budget 29,112 161,700 480,800 364,200 364,200 125.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 'nteresllMisc 8,920 6,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 (7.7%) Impact Fees 100,000 100,000 100,000 na Carry Forward 658,500 155,500 638,300 263,500 263,500 69.5% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (300) (5,300) (5,300) 1,666.7% Total Funding 667,420 161,700 744,300 364,200 364,200 125,2% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Operating Project 334 459,116 459,100 200,000 Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 21,655 21,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 334 161,700 161,700 0 164,200 Transportation 161,700 642,470 480,800 364,200 Program Total Project Budget 161,700 642,470 480,800 364,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-15 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 4 - Marco Island & S County (336) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted .Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,134,025 156,700 400,000 400,000 na Capital Outlay 1,155,729 572,000 14,834,700 3,981,100 3,981,100 596.0% Net Operating Budget 2,289,753 572,000 14,991,400 4,381,100 4,381,100 665.9% Trans to 712 Transp Match 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Reserves For Contingencies 677,700 677,700 na Total Budget 2,289,753 572,000 14,991,400 8,287,400 8,287,400 1,348.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Licenses & Permits (9,587) na Miscellaneous Revenues 30,539 na InterestlMisc 132,064 152,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 (30.9%) Impact Fees 3,621,238 2,330,000 1,000,000 900,000 900,000 (61.4%) Deferred Impact Fees 6,211 na COA Impact Fees (326,502) 1,000,000 1,730,000 3,620,000 3,620,000 262.0% Carry Forward 14,886,300 (2,776,300) 16,050,000 3,893,600 3,893,600 (240.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (133,700) (231,200) (231,200) 72.9% Total Funding 18,340,265 572,000 18,885,000 8,287,400 8,287,400 1,348.8% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 ClP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Collier Blvd, Davis to GG Main Canal 1,374,027 1,374,100 County Barn Rd, Rattlesnake to Davis 104,633 104,700 CR951, Davis Blvd to N of 1-75 by GG 1,415,725 1,415,700 Canal Davis Blvd, Radio Rd to CR951 7,253,575 7,253,600 Operating Project 336 156,747 156,700 400,000 Rattlesnake Polly to CR951 497,910 498,000 Santa Barbara Blvd Ext, Davis Blvd to 12,714 12,800 Rattlesnake Hamm Santa Barbara, Davis to Pine Ridge 103,176 103,200 US 41/SR 951 Consortium 572,000 4,072,587 4,072,600 7,209,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 336 4,355,500 0 677,700 Transportation 572,000 19,346,594 14,991.400 8,287,400 Program Total Project Budget 572,000 19,346,594 14,991,400 8,287,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-16 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 6 - Golden Gate Estates (338) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 160,457 300,000 428,600 650,000 650,000 116.7% Capital Outlay 4,973,330 3,928,500 14,342,200 4,650,000 4,650,000 18.4% Net Operating Budget 5,133,787 4,228,500 14,770,800 5,300,000 5,300,000 25.3% Reserves For Contingencies 1,305,100 269,500 269,500 (79.4%) Total Budget 5,133,787 5,533,600 14,770,800 5,569,500 5,569,500 0.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues (26,038) na InterestlMisc 150,963 160,000 113,000 113,000 113,000 (29.4%) Impact Fees 2,967,461 2,000,000 500,000 400,000 400,000 (80.0%) Deferred Impact Fees 123,689 na COA Impact Fees 1,749,903 700,000 1,400,000 475,000 475,000 (32.1%) Carry Forward 17,566,500 2,816,600 17,388,700 4,630,900 4,630,900 64.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (143,000) (49,400) (49,400) (65.5%) Total Funding 22,532,477 5,533,600 19,401,700 5,569,500 5,569,500 0.6'10 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project TItle Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Bridge Structure Repairs and 2,300,000 2,498,085 2,498,100 Construction CR951, GG Blvd to Green Blvd 628,500 1,542,712 1,542,700 1,800,000 Golden Gate Blvd, Wilson to Desoto 1,000,000 2,226,258 2,226,300 Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades 6,946,733 6,946,700 300,000 Operating Project 338 300,000 428,647 428,600 650,000 Randall Blvd, Immok to Everglades 137,206 137,200 Tree Farm-Woodcrest 0 2,550,000 Vanderbilt Bch Ext, CR951 to Wilson 991,207 991,200 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 338 1,305,100 2,889,513 0 269,500 Transportation 5,533,600 17,660,362 14,770,800 5,569,500 Program Total Project Budget 5,533,600 17,660,362 14,770,800 5,569,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-17 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Impact Fee District 5 - Immokalee (339) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 688,219 100,000 385,400 100,000 100,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 3,261,756 7,634,900 na Net Operating Budget 3,949,974 100,000 8,020,300 100,000 100,000 0.0% Trans to 001 General Fund 1,054,400 na Reserves For Contingencies 299,400 10,000 10,000 (96.7%) Reserves For Capital 219,100 219,100 na Total Budget 3,949,974 399,400 9,074,700 329,100 329,100 (17.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change licenses & Permits (20,398) na InterestlMisc 87,775 85,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 (36.5%) Impact Fees 968,505 800,000 400,000 300,000 300,000 (62.5%) Deferred Impact Fees 14,529 923,000 923,000 na COA Impact Fees (131,210) 800,000 125,000 100,000 100,000 (87.5%) Carry Forward 10,559,100 (1,201,300) 7,516,700 (979,000) (979,000) (18.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (84,300) (68,900) (68,900) (18.3%) Total Funding 11,478,301 399,400 8,095,700 329,100 329,100 (17.6%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project TItle Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation Golden Gate Blvd, Wilson to Desoto 125,796 125,800 Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades 7,509,086 7,509,100 Operating Project 339 100,000 385,378 385,400 100,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 339 299,400 1,104,500 1,054,400 229,100 Transportation 399,400 9,124,760 9,074,700 329,100 Program Total Project Budget 399,400 9,124,760 9,074,700 329,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-18 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Road Assessment Receivable Fund (341) Mission Statement This fund serves as a revolving loan pool to fund small-scale assessment projects. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Advance/Repay to 226 Nap Pk D 30,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 365,000 408,000 408,000 11.8% Total Budget 395,000 408,000 408,000 3.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 1,550 na 'nterestlMisc 2,973 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 100.0% Carry Forward 391,100 394,100 404,100 406,100 406,100 3.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 395,623 395,000 406,100 408,000 408,000 3.3% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation X-fers/Reserves - Fund 341 395,000 395,000 0 408,000 Program Total Project Budget 395,000 395,000 0 408,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-19 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Countryside Privacy Wall (630) Mission Statement This fund will be used to segregate Countryside Master Association, Inc. prepayment for their cost of a (privacy) wall. The County is constructing two sound attenuation walls and Countryside is paying for the construction cost of a privacy wall, so that one continuous wall can be erected along the entire Santa Barbara Boulevard frontage. On July 25, 2006, item 16(B)13, the Board approved accepting the payment of $914,000 from Countryside, it was agreed that this payment will earn interest, that the accrued interest as well as any remaining construction money will be returned to Countryside once the work is completed and final payment to the contractor has been made. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Remittances 166,030 na Net Operating Budget 166,030 na Trans to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 500 500 na Total Budget 166,030 500 500 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 233 100 na Carry Forward 166,000 400 500 500 na Total Funding 166,233 500 500 500 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Transportation X-fers/Reserves - Fund 630 5,435 0 500 Program Total Project Budget 5,435 0 500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-20 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Transportation Capital Transportation Grants (711/712) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 66,878 na Operating Expense 18,972 na Capital OuUay 78,658 4,520,300 na Net Operating Budget 164,508 4,520,300 na Reserves For Capital 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Total Budget 164,508 4,520,300 3,228,600 3,228,600 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 3,016,600 na SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 39,329 775,000 na InterestlMisc 8 na Trans fm 112 Landscape Cap 12,300 na Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 39,329 716,400 na Trans fm 336 Road 1m Fee 3,228,600 3,228,600 na Total Funding 78,666 4,520,300 3,228,600 3,228,600 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Stormwater Lely Area Stormwater Improvements 1,465,600 1,465,600 Transportation Boston Ave Sidewalks 358,800 358,800 CR 846, Immokalee Rd 950,000 950,000 Landscape Asset Mgt Collections 24,500 24,600 MPO Transit Disadvantage Planning 17 ,226 17,200 MPO Unified Planning Work Prog 564,141 564,100 N Golden Gate Estates Flow way 75,000 75,000 Pedestrian or Bicycle, 1-75 & Immok Rd 315,000 315,000 SR29 @ Lake Trafford Rd Int 750,000 750,000 Improvement X-fers/Reserves - Fund 712 0 3,228,600 Transportation 3,054,667 3,054,700 3,228,600 Program Total Project Budget 4,520,267 4,520,300 3,228,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-21 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Transportation FY 2012 Preliminary 60171 60037 69081 66066 68056 60109 60016 60114 60044 31331 31333 31334 31336 31338 31339 Advanced ROW County-wide right of way acquisition for projects outside the 5 year plan and for smaller operational projects. Asset Management Bike Pathways Funds for County-wide bicycle and pedestrian system improvements using payment in-lieu funds in addition to county funds. Bridge Structure Repairs and Construction Countywide Bridge Repair & Maintenance CR951, GG Blvd to Green Blvd Collier Boulevard, Green Boulevard to Golden Gate Boulevard: Convert existing 4-lane divided roadway to 6-lanes (2.0 miles), including intersection improvements at both Green Boulevard and Pine Ridge RoadlWhite Boulevard Intersections. Oesign, Permitting, and ROW. Enhanced Planning Consultant Services Provide Transportation Planning consulting services for a wide variety of transportation projects throughout the County. Intersection Safety Projects to improve safety & increase capacity at various locations on the County highway system through minor turn lane construction and drainage improvements. Marco Island Projects An interlocal agreement between the City of Marco Island and Collier County to allow $1,000,000 to be transferred to the City of Marco Island for 15 years with an annual transfer of $500,000 on March 31 and June 30 of each year. Contract period FY03-FY17. Oil Well Rd, Immok Rd to Everglades Construct two sections of Oil Well road from 2-lane to 4-lane road from Immokalee Road to Everglades Blvd and Camp Keais to SR29. Operating Project 331 Operating category funding for the Road Oistrict 1 Impact Fee Fund (331) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Operating Project 333 Operating category funding for the Road specifically part of a capital project. administrative costs and impact fee studies. Oistrict 2 Impact Fee Fund (333) is required for expenses not Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, Operating Project 334 Operating category funding for the Road Oistrict 3 Impact Fee Fund (334) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Operating Project 336 Operating category funding for the Road Oistrict 4 Impact Fee Fund (336) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Operating Project 338 Operating category funding for the Road Oistrict 6 Impact Fee Fund (338) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. Operating Project 339 Operating category funding for the Road Oistrict 6 Impact Fee Fund (338) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 50,000 250,000 465,000 5,100,000 6,450,000 200,000 2,400,000 1,000,000 437,000 630,000 300,000 200,000 400,000 650,000 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-22 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Oescriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title I Description FY 2012 Preliminary 60173 60077 60183 60172 61001 60116 99313 Transportation Reconstruction/Resurfacing Misc roadway projects and to include additional resurfacing as needed. Spot pavement repairs outside of planned resurfacing program. Road Refurbishing Refurbishing of highway stripping, pavement, marking & raised pavement markers for county wide safety of the motoring public. Sign Retroreflectivity Requirements To upgrade existing highway signs to comply with current federal mandates set under section 23 CFR Part 655, Subpart F and 23 U.S.C. 109(d) 402 (a) which are established by both the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Oevices (MUTCO) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The following mandates have been established to insure that all signs meet the minimum retroreflectivity requirements for proper nighttime visibility and to better accommodate the aging drivers. Traffic Signals Transportation traffic signal and roadway lighting improvements, includes upgrades to Traffic Management Center and traffic count equipment. Overseen by the Traffic Operations. Tree Farm-Woodcrest This is an altemative local roadway network that provides controlled access and establishes a grid system east of Collier Blvd and south of Immokalee Road. Funding for this project was obtained from the collection of surety from a defaulted developer contribution agreement (OCA). These funds are prepaid impact fees and specifically earmarked for this project unless an updated OCA is approved by the Board. US 41/SR 951 Consortium Oesign and construction at-grade improvements in the footprint of a future overpass of CR951 (Collier Boulevard) over US41 (Tamiami Trail East), including PO&E Study, right-of-way acquisition, at-grade design and construction, permitting and mitigation; and future overpass design. The project is being funded by four (4) different funding sources. A developer contribution agreement (OCA) in the amount of $8.2 million plus money from Florida Oept of Transportation (grant money) in the amount of $7.8 million plus a CIGP PLUS grant in the amount of $3,228,593 which will require a local match (impact fees) of a like amount of $3,228,593. The OCA and the Transfer to the Transportation Grant Match Fund 712 is budgeted in FY 2012. Both grants will be budgeted in the Transportation Grant Funds 711n12 when all the preliminary work is completed. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 313 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Gas Tax Capital Fund 313 are for the following items: $ 238,100 to reimburse the General Fund (001) for additional Purchasing Support $ 2,044,500 State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan for the Immokalee 1 1-75 Interchange Improvements - Transfer to fund 213. $13,479,900 Series 2003 & 2005 Gas Tax Revenue Bond - Transfer to fund 212 $ 2,629,700 Transfer to fund 312 to fund the Transportation Engineering Oepartment. $ 1,522,700 Transfer to funds 425/426 to support the CAT Mass Transit System and Transportation Oisadvantage $ 347,200 Reserve for Contingencies & Future Capital Projects 500,000 3,600,000 150,000 1,350,000 2,550,000 7,209,700 20,262,100 99331 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 331 124,200 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded In this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 331. 99333 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 333 1,076,800 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded in this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 333. 99334 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 334 164,200 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded in this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 334. 99336 X-fers/Reserves . Fund 336 677,700 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded in this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 336. Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-23 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Projecl# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary Transportation 99338 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 338 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded in this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 338. 269,500 99339 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 339 Reserve for contingencies and future capital projects are recorded in this project for the Road Impact Fee Fund 339. 229,100 99630 X-fers/Reserves. Fund 341 Reserve for Future Capital Projects is recorded in this project. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 630 Transferring residual cash to Road and Bridge Capital Fund 313. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 712 Match money from the Road Impact Fee fund 336 for the CIGP PLUS grant for Project 60116, US41/SR951 Consortium. 408,000 99341 500 99712 3,228,600 Total Transportation 60,432,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-24 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 755,677 821,000 822,200 1,084,100 1,084,100 32.0% Operating Expense 2,937,383 96,100 78,300 83,400 83,400 (13.2%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 18,800 18,800 na Capital Outlay 4,551,960 6,506,700 12,309,100 6,333,800 6,333,800 (2.7%) Remittances 50,000 na Net Operating Budget 8,295,020 7,423,800 13,209,600 7,520,100 7,520,100 1.3% Trans to 186 Immok Redev Fd 317,341 na Trans to 712 Transp Match 39,329 716,400 na Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 16,700 46,500 46,500 178.4% Reserve for Attrition (37,200) (37,200) na Total Budget 9,595,590 8,380,000 14,865,500 8,469,100 8,469,100 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County-Wide Capital Project Fund (301) 16,120 32,200 na Stormwater Management Capital (325) 7,459,376 6,504,200 12,276,900 6,333,800 6,333,800 (2.6%) Stormwater Management Operating 819,524 919,600 900,500 1,186,300 1,186,300 29.0% Department (324) Total Net Budget 8,295,020 7,423,800 13,209,600 7,520,100 7,520,100 1.3% Total Transfers and Reserves 1,300,570 956,200 1,655,900 949,000 949,000 (0.8%) Total Budget 9,595,590 8,380,000 14,865,500 8,469,100 8,469,100 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 264,656 na SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 2,400,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Charges For Services 13 na InterestlMisc 61,307 51,000 33,700 33,700 33,700 (33.9%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 7,410,700 6,150,300 6,150,300 6,965,800 6,965,800 13.3% Trans fm 186 Immok Redev Fd 200,000 na Carry Forward 7,494,500 1,231,200 8,202,700 521,200 521,200 (57.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (52,500) (51,600) (51,600) (1.7%) Total Funding 17,831,176 8,380,000 15,386,700 8,469,100 8,469,100 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Stormwater Management Operating 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.50 11.50 43.8% Department (324) Total FTE 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.50 11.50 43.8% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-25 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Geographic Info System (GIS) 28,373 28,400 Stormwater County Wide Stormwater Improve 1,000,000 Freedom Park (Water Quality) 100,000 253,670 253,700 50,000 Gateway Triangle Improvements 2,234,134 2,234,100 200,000 Global Positioning System Equip 4,883 4,900 Golden Gate City Outfall Replacements 435,286 435,300 Lely Area Stormwater Improvements 5,404,200 7,641,304 7,641,300 4,503,800 NPDES MS4 Program 100,000 Secondary System Repair 200,000 250,951 251,000 240,000 Stormwater Master Plan Update 300,000 365,055 365,100 40,000 Swale Maintenance & Repair 200,000 307,193 307,200 200,000 Twin Lakes Interconnect 2,415 2,400 West Eustis Ave SW Improve 338,548 338,500 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 325 945,900 1,662,300 1,655,900 939,700 Stormwater 7,150,100 13.495,739 13,489,400 7,273,500 Transportation Collection / Minor Arterial Roads 300,000 447,154 447,200 Department Total Project Budget 7,450,100 13,971,267 13,965,000 7,273,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-26 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital Stormwater Management Operating Department (324) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Fiscal Support/Overhead 1.00 173,461 173,461 Funding for departmental fiscal support, indirect service charge, insurance and IT interdepartment billing paid to the General Fund. This program provides the base of operations for all other programs within the Stormwater Management Oepartment. This program also coordinates and distributes information to all other staff within the Stormwater Management Oepartment to provide a quick response to public calls and complaints related to localized flooding, encroachments, and other drainage matters. NPDES/GIS 2.00 199,386 199,386 Funding is for the continued development of the federally mandated National Pollutant Oischarge Elimination System (NPOES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Phase II Stormwater program. This program will also utilize the in-house graphical capabilities of both staff and equipment to develop maintain stormwater facility Geographical Information System (GIS) database information. Watershed Master Planning 1.00 126,109 126,109 Funding of the long range planning effort provides the blueprint for future stormwater infrastructure upgrades and environmental restoration projects. Planning includes programming conceptual projects designed to reduce flooding and stormwater pollutant loading to sensitive receiving waters. Comprehensive watershed management-based planning includes prioritizing potential projects placed in a GIS database considering factors such as joint funding opportunities, aggressive interagency coordination, integration with review of public and private sector development projects, land use planning, local mitigation banking, Growth Management Plan requirements and AUIR/CIE processes. Planning provides a comprehensive needs analysis to better understand necessary future funding needs and program strategies. Stormwater Capital Project/Consultant Management 2.00 213,949 213,949 Funding is for the management of Stormwater planning and design projects utilizing the services of professional consultants. This program includes managing the construction of larger capital improvement projects for the County's secondary Stormwater management systems to maintain or improve level of service for flood protection, water quality and groundwater recharge. Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) Management 1.00 98,465 98,465 Funding for the CEI of Stormwater management capital improvement projects by staff engineering personnel. Provides oversight, inspection services during construction and certification. Right-of-Way Acquisition 4.50 374,930 374,930 The Right-of-Way Acquisition section is responsible for acquiring parcels needed for Stormwater projects through negotiation and/or condemnation. Reserves / Transfers 9,300 1,195,600 -1,186,300 Current Level of Service Budget 11.50 1,195,600 1,195,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-27 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital Stormwater Management Operating Department (324) 96 100 FY 2012 Budget 96 100 Program Performance Measures oAcquire 96 parcels required to deliver adopted budget stormwater projects. olmplement100% of the approved work program schedule to complete LASIP project by 2015. FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 755,677 821,000 822,200 1,084,100 1,084,100 32.0% Operating Expense 60,918 96,100 78,300 83,400 83,400 (13.2%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 18,800 18,800 na Capital Outlay 2,929 2,500 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 819,524 919,600 900,500 1,186,300 1,186,300 29.0% Reserves For Contingencies 10,300 46,500 46,500 351.5% Reserve for Attrition (37,200) (37,200) na Total Budget 819,524 929,900 900,500 1,195,600 1,195,600 28.6% Total FTE 8.00 8.00 8.00 11.50 11.50 43.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 1,060 1,000 700 700 700 (30.0%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 605,900 876,400 876,400 1,177,600 1,177,600 34.4% Carry Forward 286,100 52,500 40,700 17,300 17,300 (67.0%) Total Funding 893,060 929,900 917,800 1,195,600 1,195,600 28.6% Forecast FY 2011 - No major variances are anticipated for the fiscal year. Current FY 2012 - Personal service increased due to the shifting of personnel. One FTE was transferred and five (5) positions were split 50/50 between Stormwater and Transportation Engineering Department (fund 312) to assist in the purchase of right-of-way for the Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP). The Environmental Resource Permit to construct LASIP, which was issued jointly by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District, will expire on July 25, 2015. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-28 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital Stormwater Management Capital (325) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,860,345 na Capital Outlay 4,549,031 6,504,200 12,276,900 6,333,800 6,333,800 (2.6%) Remittances 50,000 na Net Operating Budget 7,459,376 6,504,200 12,276,900 6,333,800 6,333,800 (2.6%) Trans to 186 Immok Redev Fd 317,341 na Trans to 712 Transp Match 39,329 716,400 na Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 6,400 (100.0%) Total Budget 8,759,946 7,450,100 13,932,800 7,273,500 7,273,500 (2.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 264,656 na SFWMDlBig Cypress Revenue 2,400,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0.0% Charges For Services 13 na Interest/Mise 60,247 50,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 (34.0%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 6,804,800 5,273,900 5,273,900 5,788,200 5,788,200 9.8% Trans fm 186 Immok Redev Fd 200,000 na Carry Forward 7,160,000 1,178,700 8,129,800 503,900 503,900 (57.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (52,500) . (51,600) (51,600) (1.7%) Total Funding 16,889,716 7,450,100 14,436,700 7,273,500 7,273,500 (2.4%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Stormwater County Wide Stormwater Improve 0 1,000,000 Freedom Park (Water Quality) 100,000 253,670 253,700 50,000 Gateway Triangle Improvements 2,234,134 2,234,100 200,000 Global Positioning System Equip 4,883 4,900 Golden Gate City Outfall Replacements 435,286 435,300 Lely Area Stormwater Improvements 5,404,200 7,637,474 7,637,500 4,503,800 NPDES MS4 Program 0 100,000 Secondary System Repair 200,000 250,951 251,000 240,000 Stormwater Master Plan Update 300,000 365,055 365,100 40,000 Swale Maintenance & Repair 200,000 307,193 307,200 200,000 Twin Lakes Interconnect 2,415 2,400 West Eustis Ave SW Improve 338,548 338,500 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 325 945,900 1,662,300 1,655,900 939,700 Stormwater 7,150,100 13,491,909 13,485,600 7,273,500 Transportation Collection / Minor Arterial Roads 300,000 447,154 447,200 Program Total Project Budget 7,450,100 13,939,063 13,932,800 7,273,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-29 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Stormwater Capital County-Wide Capital Project Fund (301) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Operating Expense 16,120 Capital Outlay 32,200 Net Operating Budget 16,120 32,200 Total Budget 16,120 32,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Carry Forward 48,400 32,200 Total Funding 48,400 32,200 FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change na na na na FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 PrelimInary FY 2012 Change na na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Geographic Info System (GIS) 28,373 28,400 Stormwater Lely Area Stormwater Improvements 3,830 3,800 Program Total Project Budget 32,204 32,200 FY 2016 Budget Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-30 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Stormwater FY 2012 Preliminary 78 51018 51803 51101 60121 60094 51144 60093 99325 County Wide Stormwater Improve Freedom Park (Water Quality) Annual operation, maintenance, and monitoring for a 50 acre water quality park located East of Goodlelte-Frank Rd and North of Golden Gate Parkway within the City of Naples. This stormwater facility will provide flood protection, water quality treatment and passive recreation. Gateway Triangle Improvements Improvements to existing inadequate drainage system in the Gateway Triangle area "including implementation. Lely Area Stormwater Improvements Proposed major improvements to the Lely Canal, Lely Branch Canal, and Lely-Manor Canal Systems in the East Naples area. The Environmental Resource Permit to construct Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP), which was issued jointly by the US Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District, will expire on July 25,2015. NPDES MS4 Program Funding is for the continued development of the federally mandated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Phase II Stormwater Program. This will replace project 60003 in the future. Secondary System Repair System Repair-Various small-scope secondary system repair projects involving culvert replacement necessary due to timeworn deterioration. Stormwater Master Plan Update Development of a Long Range Stormwater Management Plan in coordination with completion of the Watershed Management plans providing a 5 and 25 year Storrnwater needs plan. Swale Maintenance & Repair Various small-scope stormwater swale repair/reconstruction projects intended to improve conveyance and retention. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 325 An Interfund transfer to fund 216 is budgeted for the payment of debt service for purchase of the Freedom Park land at the comer of Golden Gate Parkway and Goodlelte Frank Roads. Also, Reserve for Future Capital Projects is recorded in this project. Total Stormwater 1,000,000 50,000 200,000 4,503,800 100,000 240,000 40,000 200,000 939,700 7,273,500 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capilal-31 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Freedom Memorial Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual .Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,631 4,800 5,000 4,800' 4,800 0.0% Capital Outlay 132,388 124,100 154,600 30,700 30,700 (75.3%) Net Operating Budget 135,019 128,900 159,600 35,500 35,500 (72.5%) Reserves For Capital 7,400 (100.0%) Total Budget 135,019 136,300 159,600 35,500 35,500 (74.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Freedom Memorial (620) 135,019 128,900 159,600 35,500 35,500 (72.5%) Total Net Budget 135,019 128,900 159,600 35,500 35,500 (72.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves 7,400 (100.0%) Total Budget 135,019 136,300 159,600 35,500 35,500 (74.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 29,180 35,500 87,400 37,400 37,400 5.4% Interest/Mise 729 1,100 400 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 39,000 na Carry Forward 137,900 102,000 32,800 (100.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,300) (1,900) (1,900) (17.4%) Total Funding 167,809 136,300 159,600 35,500 35,500 (74.0%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-32 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Freedom Memorial Capital Freedom Memorial (620) Program Summary Memorial Design & Construction FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 35,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 37,400 -1,900 Reserves -1,900 1,900 Current Level of Service Budget 35,500 35,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,631 4,800 5,000 4,800 4,800 0.0% Capital Outlay 132,388 124,100 154,600 30,700 30,700 (75.3%) Net Operating Budget 135,019 128,900 159,600 35,500 35,500 (72.5%) Reserves For Capital 7,400 (100.0%) Total Budget 135,019 136,300 159,600 35,500 35,500 (74.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 29,180 35,500 87,400 37,400 37,400 5.4% Interest/Misc 729 1,100 400 (100.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 39,000 na Carry Forward 137,900 102,000 32,800 (100.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,300) (1,900) (1,900) (17.4%) Total Funding 167,809 136,300 159,600 35,500 35,500 (74.0%) Forecast FY 2011: Carry forward represents grants and donations received in prior fiscal years. Forecast miscellaneous revenues are based on average monthly collections plus a one-time-only donation of $50,000 and are attributable to sales of memorial bricks and donations. The $39,000 reimbursement from other departments was from the Tourist Development Council. Capital Outlay is for the second stage of construction of the Memorial, including flag portions, the walkway, fountain & a lighted flagpole. Current FY 2012: Capital Outlay of $30,700 represents continuation of the second stage of construction for the Memorial. Revenue is based on average monthly collections for the past twelve months less a one-time donation of $50,000. Revenue FY 2012 - Projected revenue is lower due to a decrease in the amount of carry forward, no TDC funding being available, and a one-time donation of $50,000 in FY 2011. If donations come in at a greater pace than in the past, budget amendments will be submitted to the BCC for approval and funds will be appropriated for completion of this memorial to honor our nation's fallen heroes. Note: The Freedom Memorial is located at the Freedom Park, also known as the Gordon River Water Quality Park, located on the northeast side of Golden Gate Parkway and Goodlette Road. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-33 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Growth Management Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 179,952 529,400 na Capital OuUay 157,900 558,200 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) Total Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Growth Management Capital Fund (310) 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) Total Net Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 4,779 2,600 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 400,300 na Trans fm 111 MsTD Gen Fd 39,000 39,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 200,000 200,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 620,800 (81,100) 445,700 (100.0%) Total Funding 625,579 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Growth Management Flood Plain Mapping 400,300 400,300 Operating Project 310 157,900 710,092 687,300 Growth Management 157,900 1,110,392 1,087,600 Department Total Project Budget 157,900 1,110,392 1,087,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-34 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Growth Management Capital Growth Management Capital Growth Management Capital Fund (310) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Operating Expense 179,952 529,400 Capital Outlay 157,900 558,200 Net Operating Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 Total Budget 179,952 157,900 1,087,600 FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 Preliminary FY 2012 Change na (100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 4,779 2,600 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 400,300 na Trans fm 111 MsTD Gen Fd 39,000 39,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 200,000 200,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 620,800 (81,100) 445,700 (100.0%) Total Funding 625,579 157,900 1,087,600 (100.0%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Growth Management Flood Plain Mapping 400,300 400,300 Operating Project 310 157,900 710,092 687,300 Growth Management 157,900 1,110,392 1,087,600 Program Total Project Budget 157,900 1,110,392 1,087,600 Fund (310) provides capital budget for the Growth Management Municipal Software Project- currently know as City View - as well as general building improvements. The Fund was initially set up in FY 2004 with revenues via transfer from Fund (113) and $2,500,000 in commercial paper loan proceeds for the software project. Fund (113) has transferred a total of $3,437,700 to this capital fund. This capital budget was amended during fiscal year 2007 pursuant to BCC action removing $1,000,000 from programmed CDES building improvements and retuming these funds to Fund (310) reserves. Expenses connected with building improvements since fund inception total $1,152,602. Fund transfers out during FY 2008 and FY 2009 total $1,390,000 with $1,130,000 returned to Fund (113). The remaining dollars covered salaries connected with work on the software project. Forecast FY 2011 - Appropriations are dedicated to completion of the City View software project. In addition, the Board approved the transfer of $400,250 from General Fund reserves to establish a project appropriation in this fund in order to re-evaluate the FEMA designated floodplain using the 2010 UDAR maps. Current FY 2012 -It is anticipated that the all components of the City View system will go live in FY 2011. Any residual project appropriation will be closed out and returned to Fund (113). It is anticipated that this fund will be used to expend developer proceeds (cash bonds or credit letters) deposited to guarantee completion of subdivision improvements. Funds on deposit in Fund (670) will be transferred and budgeted within separate funded programs within this capital fund. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-35 Growth Management Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Public Utilities Division Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 394.50 County Water-Sewer District Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 343.40 Solid Waste Management Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 26.60 Water Pollution Control Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 24.50 Fiscal Year 2012 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division George Yilmaz, Acting Administrator The mission of the Public Utilities Division (Division) is to deliver best value, high quality, and sustainable services that meet customers' expectations in an operationally excellent environment. Areas of responsibility include Administration, Operations Support, Planning & Project Management, Wastewater, Water, Solid Waste, and Pollution Control and Prevention. With the exception of the Pollution Control Department, an independent, ad valorem funded program established by County Ordinance 89 20, the Division (specifically, the Collier County Water Sewer District and the Solid Waste Fund) are enterprise funds. The Division receives no tax revenues or other support from the county's general fund. Customer fees (user rates) for services received - water, wastewater, and solid waste - provide the financial resources required to pay for operational and maintenance expenses, renewal and replacement of existing infrastructure and facilities, and to sustain compliance with stringent environmental protection and public health standards. The rates must also be sufficient to provide compliance with bond covenants associated with outstanding debt. Service levels for essential, life-sustaining services of potable water, wastewater treatment, and solid waste management, are set through a combination of consumer demand and regulatory compliance. Our customers pay a monthly fee and/or annual assessment that they expect will provide them services that include a supply of high quality potable water at a regular and reliable pressure whenever they turn on a tap; transparent sewage treatment services - toilets that flush every time; trash (including bulky items), recyclables, and yard waste that disappears from their curbside on a regular and reliable schedule; a responsibly managed, "invisible" landfill, with no odors; timely, accurate utility bills, and customer service representatives who can quickly and fairly resolve issues; and environmental stewardship that conserves and protects the potable water supply for future generations; prevents sewage and other pollutants from fouling the environment; and that protects the public health, safety, and welfare. The Division provides these basic, indispensable services on demand twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, including holidays, when other government provided services are generally not available. In addition to meeting consumer demand, the Division must be in compliance at all times with the collective mandates of various federal, state, and local regulations (e.g., Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Water Management District water use restrictions, etc.), and with statutory requirements for fully funding targeted reserves for cash, operating expenses, revenue, and debt service. To meet the requirements of providing both demand and compliance driven essential services, the Division must maintain an appropriate level of both physical and fiscal resources. The Division prioritizes resource requirements through a unified focus on cost containment and revenue centric decision making that includes monthly monitoring of revenue, cash, and operating expenses. Resource requirements are then vetted and justified through multiple public review processes, including the county's Annual Update and Inventory Report; Water and Wastewater Master Plans; biennial rate studies; and, through the county's Productivity Committee, the Development Services Advisory Committee, and the Board of County Commissioners' 10 year Strategic Plan and budget workshops. Revenue and cash centric monitoring, and management of operating and capital expenditures, support appropriately funded reserves in accord with bond covenants and statutory requirements. This management of reserves enables the Division to maintain optimal bond ratings with the rating agencies. It also enables the Division to avoid the negative impact of rate shock on the customer by avoiding large rate increases in any given year. In the preparation of the FY12 budget, the Division once again targeted reserves and debt service to remain in compliance with the rating agencies ever more stringent requirements. The topic of reserves and debt service is discussed further in this document. The Water Sewer District and Solid Waste Fund are assessed a Payment in Lieu of Property Taxes (PIL T) transfer to the General Fund of approximately $3.9 million. Indirect and Direct charges for services provided by external supported organizations (e.g., County Attorney's Office, Purchasing, Information Technology), and other general local government services approximate $4.0 million. Division transfers to the General Fund total $7.9 million. Fiscal Year 2012 2 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Ongoing increases in the cost of supplies and materials continue to apply upward pressure on the cost of doing business. Electricity, chemicals, and fuel combined make up approximately 40 percent of the Water-Sewer District's Operating Expenses. The average annual increase in these costs, since 2003, amounts to 6.8 percent per year. Likewise, insurance, PIL T, and direct and indirect charges combine to represent approximately 27 percent of the District's Operating Expenses. The average annual increase in these costs, since 2003, amounts to 7.4 percent per year. Due to the cyclical nature of these costs, user fees are set to respond to these cost increases. Appropriate resourcing of the Division's mission will ensure compliant services delivered at a level that is expected and demanded by the ratepayers. Avoidance of sub standard services will ensure compliance with regulatory standards and permit requirements. This budget reflects the Board's approval in February 2011 of the assessment of water-sewer rates. As part of the 2011 Rate Study, the Board accepted staff's recommendation to adopt no water and sewer rate adjustments in FY12 and FY13. Periodic rate assessments preclude the negative impact of rate shock on the customer by avoiding large rate increases in any given year. Administration The Administration Department provides management, policy oversight, administrative, and public information support to the operations and capital improvement programs of the Division. The Administration Department works in concert with the County Manager's Office and other Divisions in support of the county's strategic goals as they relate to revising the Growth Management Plan and Land Development Code to improve the County's ability to manage and control the rate, and quality of future development The Department has 3.0 budgeted Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) for FY12. The net operating budget is $0.4 million. The Department is funded by reimbursements from other Division departments that are funded by water, wastewater and solid waste user fees, and Pollution Control ad valorem funds. Operations Support The Operations Support Department provides sound fiscal assessment and guidance to the Division's operations and capital expenditure programs, pursuant to the development of impact and user fee rate studies, administration of vendor payments, and the payment of various general costs associated with the efficient, reliable, and compliant operations of the Water/Sewer District. Responsibilities include cash planning and management, and the administration of external financing for the Division. Working with the County Finance Committee, the Department operates in support of the county's strategic goal of improving financial planning, management, and reporting processes. As such, the Department is responsible to ensure that external financing is available to support Division wide funding needs. Additionally, the Department provides billing, collection, cashiering, accounting, customer service, and Division-related ordinance education and compliance for approximately 56,000 water wastewater accounts, and approximately 111,000 solid waste accounts. The Department has a staff of 50.0 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $11.4 million. The Department is funded by reimbursements from other Division departments that are funded by water, wastewater, and solid waste user fees. Planning & Project Management The Planning & Project Management Department is responsible for the proactive and efficient planning and project management of the Division's capital improvement program, and for supporting the county's strategic goal of developing reliable public infrastructure and asset management processes. The Department has a staff of 20.4 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $2.1 million. The Department is funded by reimbursements from other Division departments that are funded by water, wastewater, and solid waste user fees. Wastewater Department The Wastewater Department provides effective management, operation, and maintenance of the Collier County Wastewater system to ensure all facilities operate in regulatory compliance, efficiently meet service level demands, provide a safe work environment, and provide a level of service that meets the expectations of over 56,000 accounts. The Department currently operates two water reclamation facilities with a combined ability to treat approximately 40.1 million gallons of wastewater per day. The Department produces over 5 billion gallons of Irrigation Quality Water per year that is returned to the community for beneficial reuse. The Department has a staff of 144.0 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $21.8 million. The Department does not receive tax revenue or other support from the General Fund; it is funded through user fees, impact fees, reclaimed water user fees, and miscellaneous fees for service. Fiscal Year 2012 3 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Department The Water Department provides potable (drinking) water services to over 56,000 accounts within the Collier County Water/Sewer District and the Goodland Water Sub district The Department currently operates two regulatory compliant water treatment facilities with a combined constructed capacity to treat and deliver 52 million gallons of potable water per day (reliable capacity of 46.8 million gallons per day) to efficiently meet service level demands. The Department has a staff of 126.0 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $22.6 million. The Department is also responsible for the $0.1 million operating budget of the Division's Operations Center, and the $0.5 million operating budget of the Goodland Water Sub-district. The Department does not receive tax revenue or other support from the General Fund; it is funded through user rates, impact fees, meter and backflow device installation charges, and miscellaneous fees for service. Solid Waste Management The Solid Waste Management Department is responsible for managing the efficient and economical balance of public and private services to meet state requirements for solid waste management and disposal. The Department assures permanent responsibility for public health, safety, and preservation of natural resources by utilizing a customer-oriented, environmentally sound, and cost-effective operational approach that provides best-value services. This includes the proper collection and disposal of municipal solid and household hazardous wastes, waste reduction, residential and non-residential recycling programs, and landfill operations. The Department currently operates three hazardous waste collection centers, two scale houses, three recycling centers, and administers solid and household hazardous waste collections and disposal contracts. The Department is also responsible for managing and maintaining funds necessary for the county's landfill closures. The Department has a staff of 26.6 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $28.9 million. The Department is funded through landfill tipping fees, residential collection fees, recycling center fees, and state grants. Pollution Control The Pollution Control Department is responsible for proactively planning, developing, and efficiently implementing programs designed to protect the safety, health, and welfare of the community and its environment This includes the protection of Collier County's groundwater, freshwater, surface water, and other non tidal water resources from all sources of pollution. Department programs are implemented in compliance with Collier County's Water Pollution Control Ordinance 89 20, the Growth Management Plan, related contracts, agreements and state mandates. The Department has a staff of 24.5 budgeted FTEs for FY12. The net operating budget is $2.8 million. The Department is funded by ad valorem taxes, and through reimbursement contracts for services with several state and county agencies. Reserves Reserves for the enterprise funds, especially for the Water/Sewer District, must be reviewed in their entirety as a family of funds between the operating fund (408), debt service fund (410) and repair and replacement capital funds (412, 414, and 415) and other capital funds (411, and 413) if inter fund advances are Involved. This is due to the linkage between these funds that enables the Division to seek and obtain the best-value funding for projects, as well as facilitating the Board guidance of a revenue centric approach to optimize between operations and capital needs. This approach enables the Division to defer projects when needed based on measured risk and reduce that risk by executing projects when appropriate. The state statutes allow up to 10% of a contingency reserve and up to 20% for cash flow purposes. Furthermore, rating agencies also prefer an adequate contingency reserve, especially in times of economic uncertainty and downward pressure on revenue. The recent lack of trust in the underlying securities and failures of financial institutions, including insurance companies, has prompted the credit rating agencies to tighten up their requirements to earn and maintain a good rating. The Collier County Water Sewer District maintains reserves to comply with state statutes and maintain its underlying long-term bond rating of AA+ with Fitch, and Aa2 with Moody's. The Water/Sewer District reserves of $74.1 million represent$17.3 million in debt service, $11.0 million in impactfee funds, and $18.5 million in operating reserves as recommended by state statute. As such, the total of $46.9 million represents restricted reserves. Of the remaining $27.2 million, $16.7 million is reserved for replacement of assets based on depreciable value, and $1 million is set as a hedge against commodity inflation. As a result of the severe shortfalls in Impact Fee revenue, the Water-Sewer District has set aside approximately $9.5 million of User Fee reserves to loan to the Impact Fee funds; this should be sufficient to pay the annual Impact Fee debt service for the next two years. Fiscal Year 2012 4 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division The Water/Sewer District loaned approximately $18.6 million to the General Fund in order to provide adequate funding for the General Government Debt Service Surety requirements. In the year 2011, the General Governmental Fund returned approximately $2.8 million of the $18.6 million, due to a refunding, leaving an outstanding advance of $15.8 million. In addition, the Solid Waste Fund loaned $4.6 million to the General Fund for the purchase of a building to house government offices in lieu of leased space. In FY10 and FY11, the General Government fund returned a combined $1.2 million. In FY12, an additional $0.6 million is programmed to be returned, leaving an outstanding balance of approximately $3.0 million due to the Solid Waste Fund. Debt Service All debt service incurred for water and wastewater repair and replacement capital projects comprise approximately $10 million. In addition, there is approximately $11 million in debt service incurred in the impact fees for debt related to growth projects. Optimization of funding sources is achieved by appropriating the right mix of funding and matching the timing of borrowing to the decision cycles of capital projects. The CCWSD is positioned to meet the demands of growth based on prudent reserve levels and the ability to borrow if necessary. This is monitored by continuous cash flow analysis on a short, intermediate, and long term basis. In addition, capital projects, as outlined in the Board approved Master Plans and the Annual Update Inventory Report are prioritized on a quarterly basis. This combination of analytical business practices is designed to mitigate spikes in the user rate-setting process. For more information on programs within the Public Utilities Division, please contact: 252 2540 252 2589 252 5390 2524319 252 6245 252 2508 252 2502 Administration Operations Support Planning & Project Management Wastewater Department Water Department Solid Waste Management Pollution Control Fiscal Year 2012 5 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 26,301,539 28,324,700 27,413,900 28,152,400 28,152,400 (0.6%) Operating Expense 47,433,707 54,943,100 52,445,900 55,868,800 55,868,800 1.7% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,814,500 1,791,100 1,791,100 2,025,200 2,025,200 13.1% Payment In Lieu of Taxes 3,542,900 3,877,200 3,877,200 3,890,600 3,890,600 0.3% Capital Outlay 729,681 1,134,200 1,301,500 760,400 760,400 (33.0%) Total Net Budget 79,822,328 90,070,300 86,829,600 90,697,400 90,697,400 0.7% Trans to Property Appraiser 293,523 294,400 294,400 302,200 302,200 2.6% Trans to Tax Collector 151,672 178,300 153,800 158,700 158,700 (11.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 312,100 385,900 385,900 373,700 373,700 (3.2%) Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 82,100 82,100 (100.0%) Trans to 131 Plan Serv Fd 82,900 82,900 na Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 1,534,400 1,608,700 1,608,700 1,454,800 1,454,800 (9.6%) Trans to 410 W/S Debt serv Fd 11,950,500 9,640,000 9,640,000 1,146,400 7,146,400 (25.9%) Trans to 412 W User Fee Cap Fd 19,192,300 13,052,600 13,052,600 24,984,900 24,984,900 91.4% Trans to 414 5 User Fee Cap Fd 23,567,700 30,456,100 30,456,100 19,268,900 19,268,900 (36.7%) Trans to 470 Solid Waste Fd 753,600 173,700 173,700 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) Trans to 474 Solid Waste Cap Fd 1,350,000 5,039,000 5,039,000 3,898,700 3,898,700 (22.6%) Reserves For Contingencies 7,305,700 4,300 9,501,200 9,501,200 30.1% Reserves For Capital 1,481,400 3,146,500 3,146,500 112.4% Reserves For Cash Flow 18,337,900 18,574,900 18,574,900 1.3% Reserve for Attrition (948,200) (948,200) na Total Budget 138,928,123 178,106,100 147,720,200 178,802,600 178,802,600 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Water-Sewer District 50,354,493 57,856,100 55,5n,800 58,497,600 58,497,600 1.1% Goodland Water District 384,838 551,500 523,600 489,400 489,400 (11.3%) Solid Waste Management 26,522,431 28,702,700 28,010,900 28,927,100 28,927,100 0.8% Water Pollution Control 2,560,565 2,960,000 2,717,300 2,783,300 2,783,300 (6.0%) Total Net Budget 79,822,328 90,070,300 86,829,600 90,697,400 90,697,400 0.7% County Water-Sewer District 54,943,400 70,518,500 53,431,900 69,409,000 69,409,000 (1.6%) Goodland Water District 76,200 82,200 82,200 171,200 171,200 108.3% Solid Waste Management 3,957,872 16,491,600 7,171,000 17,674,600 17,674,600 7.2% Water Pollution Control 128,323 943,500 205,500 850,400 850,400 (9.9%) Total Transfers and Reserves 59,105,795 88,035,800 60,890,600 88,105,200 88,105,200 0.1% Total Budget 138,928,123 178,106,100 147,720,200 178,802,600 178,802,600 0.4% Fiscal Year 2012 6 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,975,087 1,811,900 1,807,900 1,708,600 1,708,600 (5.7%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 8,823 na Franchise Fees 1,256,283 1,006,700 1,027,800 1,027,800 1,027,800 2.1% Licenses & Permits 585 200 200 200 200 0.0% Special Assessments 3,420 na Intergovernmental Revenues 223,097 158,500 174,800 154,300 154,300 (2.6%) FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 1,634 18,100 na Charges For Services 11,997,557 11,749,100 11,658,400 12,117,000 12,117,000 3.1% Water Revenue 45,110,377 43,425,000 44,425,000 44,821,600 44,821,600 3.2% Sewer Revenue 50,402,550 50,000,000 51,000,000 51,412,500 51,412,500 2.8% Effluent Revenue 2,600,743 2,710,000 2,687,600 2,808,500 2,808,500 3.6% Mandatory Collection Fees 17,968,350 18,319,000 18,392,200 18,527,700 18,527,700 1.1% Fines & Forfeitures 5,900 15,000 6,200 6,200 6,200 (58.7%) Miscellaneous Revenues 834,498 573,500 1,075,300 571,000 571,000 (0.4%) Interest/Misc 323,926 283,400 158,100 124,400 124,400 (56.1%) Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt serv 1,020,700 na Reimb From Other Depts 5,058,441 5,149,000 4,982,700 5,185,600 5,185,600 0.7% Trans frm Property Appraiser 2,455 na Trans frm Tax Collector 67,262 na Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op (37,644,000) (30,107,100) na Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 13,400 13,400 na Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctrl Fd 52,700 55,100 55,100 54,500 54,500 (1.1%) Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans fm 409 W/S Assessmt Fd 35,000 17 ,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 76,200 82,200 82,200 18,600 18,600 (77.4%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 253,900 260,400 260,400 217,600 217,600 (16.4%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 1,905,200 1,384,700 1,384,700 1,323,700 1,323,700 (4.4%) Trans fm 474 Solid Waste Cap 1,700 na Carry Forward 51,434,600 47,245,900 51,857,800 44,979,800 44,979,800 (4.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (6,771,100) (6,922,000) (6,922,000) 2.2% Total Funding 154,584,588 178,106,100 162,617,400 178,802,600 178,802,600 0.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Water-Sewer District 343.40 343.40 343.40 343.40 343.40 0.0% Solid Waste Management 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 0.0% Water Pollution Control 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 0.0% Total FTE 394.50 394.50 394.50 394.50 394.50 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 7 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 22,897,929 24,488,600 23,972,100 24,449,600 24,449,600 (0.2%) Operating Expense 22,090,402 27,162,200 25,211,300 27,964,100 27,964,100 3.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,469,500 1,489,400 1,489,400 1,728,700 1,728,700 16.1% Payment In Lieu of Taxes 3,459,500 3,n8,100 3,778,100 3,786,500 3,786,500 0.2% Capital Outlay 437,162 937,800 1,126,900 568,700 568,700 (39.4%) Net Operating Budget 50,354,493 57,856,100 55,577,800 58,497,600 58,497,600 1.1% Trans to 001 General Fund 232,900 283,200 283,200 294,600 294,600 4.0% Trans to 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 11,950,500 9,640,000 9,640,000 7,146,400 7,146,400 (25.9%) Trans to 412 W User Fee Cap Fd 19,192,300 13,052,600 13,052,600 24,984,900 24,984,900 91.4% Trans to 414 5 User Fee Cap Fd 23,567,700 30,456,100 30,456,100 19,268,900 19,268,900 (36.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 5,522,000 6,575,400 6,575,400 19.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 11,564,600 11,961,600 11,961,600 3.4% Reserve for Attrition (822,800) (822,800) na Total Budget 105,297,893 128,374,600 109,009,700 127,906,600 127,906,600 (0.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Public Utilities Administration (408) 364,892 459,600 403,100 411,100 411,100 (10.6%) Public Utilities Financial Operations (408) 10,341,271 11,157,800 11,143,400 11,423,300 11,423,300 2.4% Public Utilities Operations Center (408) 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) Public Utilities Planning & Project 1,849,033 2,176,800 1,987,200 2,118,700 2,118,700 (2.7%) Management (408) Wastewater Department (408) 19,153,995 21,775,800 21,722,100 21,776,200 21,776,200 0.0% Water Department (408) 18,532,575 22,146,700 20,185,000 22,641,000 22,641,000 2.2% Total Net Budget 50,354,493 57,856,100 55,577,800 58,497,600 58,497,600 1.1% Total Transfers and Reserves 54,943,400 70,518,500 53,431,900 69,409,000 69,409,000 (1.6%) Total Budget 105,297,893 128,374,600 109,009,700 127,906,600 127,906,600 (0.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 5,674 20,500 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 1,634 18,100 na Charges For Services 2,445,829 2,008,800 2,182,700 2,195,800 2,195,800 9.3% Water Revenue 44,708,762 43,000,000 44,000,000 44,355,600 44,355,600 3.2% Sewer Revenue 50,402,550 50,000,000 51,000,000 51,412,500 51,412,500 2.8% Effluent Revenue 2,600,743 2,710,000 2,687,600 2,808,500 2,808,500 3.6% Fines & Forfeitures 5,900 15,000 6,200 6,200 6,200 (58.7%) Miscellaneous Revenues 648,471 453,500 954,800 516,000 516,000 13.8% Interest/Misc 193,085 240,000 125,800 84,000 84,000 (65.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 24,145 14,600 14,600 (100.0%) Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op (37,644,000) (30,107,100) na Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 13,400 13,400 na Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctrt Fd 52,700 55,100 55,100 54,500 54,500 (1.1%) Trans fm 409 W/s Assessmt Fd 35,000 17,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 76,200 82,200 82,200 18,600 18,600 (77.4%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 253,900 260,400 260,400 217,600 217,600 (16.4%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 1,151,600 1,211,000 1,211,000 1,164,100 1,164,100 (3.9%) Carry Forward 40,335,700 33,227,700 36,480,200 30,107,100 30,107,100 (9.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,921,300) (5,068,900) (5,068,900) 3.0% Total Funding 105,297,893 128,374,600 109,009,700 127,906,600 127,906,600 (0.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 8 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Public Utilities Administration (408) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Public Utilities Financial Operations 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 (408) Public Utilities Planning & Project 20.40 20.40 20.40 20.40 Management (408) Wastewater Department (408) 142.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 Water Department (408) 128.00 126.00 126.00 126.00 Total FTE 343.40 343.40 343.40 343.40 FY 2012 FY 2012 Preliminary Change 3.00 0.0% 50.00 0.0% 20.40 0.0% 144.00 0.0% 126.00 0.0% 343.40 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 9 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Administration (408) Mission Statement The mission of the Public Utilities Division (Division) is to deliver best value, high quality, and sustainable services that meet customer's expectations in an operationally excellent environment. Public Utilities Administration provides policy oversight and operational support to the operations and capital improvement programs of the Public Utilities Division, including Planning & Project Management, Wastewater Department, Water Department, Solid Waste Department, Pollution Control Department, and Financial Operations including Utility Billing and Customer Service. Public Utilities Administration facilitates efforts to operate in regulatory compliance, efficiently meet demand levels, build and empower the workforce, and provide services that meet customer's expectations. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Divisional Administration 3.00 411,100 411,100 Provide executive level management, administrative and policy oversight to the six departments and employees within the Public Utilities Division, including division reception, customer support, and public information. Also responsible for the expansion and continued maintenance of all strategic! business planning for the Public Utilities Division, inter-local and developer agreements and Growth Management Plan compliance. Current Level of Service Budget 3.00 411,100 411,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 325,644 391,800 329,700 333,400 333,400 (14.9%) Operating Expense 39,248 67,800 72,400 76,700 76,700 13.1% Capital Outlay 1,000 1,000 1,000 na Net Operating Budget 364,892 459,600 403,100 411,100 411,100 (10.6%) Total Budget 364,892 459,600 403,100 411,100 411,100 (10.6%) Total FTE 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelimInary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 51,937 419,300 na Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op 312,955 459,600 (16,200) 411,100 411,100 (10.6%) Total Funding 364,892 459,600 403,100 411,100 411,100 (10.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services decreased $62,100. $45,000 was due to a shift in the strategy to provide as-needed emergency assistance / crisis management from internal job bank (Personal Services) to extemal contractual (Operating Expenses). $11,700 was due to voluntarily reduced work hours for the Executive Secretarial position. Operating Expenses increased $4,600 due to inclusion of reduced funding in Contractual Services for as-needed emergency assistance / crisis management $14,000, offset by reductions in Electricity $3,000, Interdepartmental Payment for Services $2,000, and Water/Sewer $1,200. Revenue FY 2011 - $414,000 due to sale of property from CCWSD to Solid Waste Management. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services are decreasing by $58,400 primarily due to a shift in strategy for providing as-needed emergency assistance / crisis management from internal job bank (Personal Servie,es) to external contractual (Operating Expenses) $45,000. There was also a decrease of $17,500 in retirement due to the new retirement rates. The decreases are offset by increased costs for Health Insurance of $4,1 00. Operating Expenses are increasing $8,900 due to inclusion of reduced funding in Contractual Services for as-needed emergency assistance / crisis management $14,000, offset by reductions in Electricity $3,000, Interdepartmental Payment for Services $2,000, and Water/Sewer $1,200. Fiscal Year 2012 10 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Financial Operations (408) Mission Statement The Financial Operations Department provides sound financial analysis, assessment, and guidance to the Public Utilities Division's Operations and capital expenditure programs pursuant to the development of impact and user fee studies, administration of vendor payments, and the payment of various general costs associated with the efficient, reliable and compliant operations of the Collier County Water Sewer District. Responsibilities also include cash planning and management, the administration of external financing for the Division, and calculation and application of water and wastewater Impact fees in accordance with the Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance. This Department works with the County Finance Committee in support of the County's strategic goal of improving financial planning, management, and reporting processes. As such, it is responsible to ensure that optimal internal/external financing is available, at best value, and in a timely manner, to support division wide funding needs. Additionally, the Department provides for billing, collection, cashiering, accounting, customer service, and utility ordinance education and compliance for approximately 56,000 water wastewater accounts, and approximately 111,000 solid waste accounts. The Department has a staff of 50.0 budgeted FTEs for FY 2012. The net operating budget is $11.4 million. The Department is funded by reimbursements from other Public Utilities departments, which are generated primarily by water, wastewater, and solid waste user fees. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE 3.00 FY 2012 Budget 398,110 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 398,110 Departmental Administration This program provides for management and oversight of Public Utilities financial operations, including utility billing, payable functions, capital and debt expenditures, utility user and impact fees revenue, and associated rates. Responsibilities include cash planning and management, identifying and securing optimal funding sources, and the administration of extemal financing for the Division including compliance with bond covenants, and DEP agreements; and development of the financial feasibility portion of the AUIR. Other functions include general business management, State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan management, coordination of audits with extemal auditors, grant providers, and the DEP, administrative support of the department and Human Resource functions for the division, financial and technical and administrative support of special projects, development of interagency agreements, ordinance developmenllinterpretation, contract administration, analysis of indirect service charges and property tax assessments, and financial reporting and budget development. Fiscal Support This program provides for Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, Administration, Operations Support, and capital projects payables functions, including requisition review, purchase order tracking, invoice audit, payment approval, purchase card transactions, travel packages, and coordination between departments, Purchasing, Clerk's Finance, and vendors for resolution of payment issues, as well as performing reporting functions to ensure payables are processed accurately, efficiently, and in compliance with the Prompt Payment Act. It also enforces consistency of practice and process control across the departments, provides fiscal guidance,data, and analysis, and supports all division departments with financial reporting and budget development. 4.50 283,403 700 282,703 Fiscal Year 2012 11 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Financial Operations (408) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 208,587 Contractual, Legal and Impact Fee Review This program provides for the calculation and application of standard and alternative water and wastewater impact fees, sizing small water meters and coordination with Planning and Project Management on large water meters, response to requests for information or clarification on impact fee assessment, interpretation of ordinance provisions, coordination of ordinance changes, including those to relevant sections of the Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance, acceptance of new utility infrastructure and associated documentation, maintenance of utility system plans and records for internal and external users including conversion to the County-wide Electronic Content Management Sire system, update and maintenance of the CCWSD GIS boundary, exempt, and exception layers, preparation of water and wastewater concurrency analysis, contribution of data to impact fee studies, preparation of inter-local agreements, coordination of Municipal Service Benefit Unit requests, and coordination with intemal departments, other divisions, legal counsel, and customers to resolve internal and external issues. Indirect Cost Reimbursement IT Charges Payment in Lieu of Taxes Utility Billing & Customer Service - Dept Administration Management, control, and performance oversight of client billing, revenue collection, and customer service functions for Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Utilities. Core functions include cash collection activities, customer service for the Water-Sewer District and solid waste utilities, customer accounts receivable management, monthly billing, PUD ordinance education and compliance, roll administration for "Municipal Service Benefit Unit" special assessments levied by the County, administration of the solid wst mandatory trash collection contracts, and the County's estoppels program Utility Billing & Customer Service - Client Billing Responsible for the billing of all water, wastewater, and irrigation quality services to utility customers. Core functions include monthly service billings, which may include impact fee financing, special assessment financing, pay plan management, backflow device installation charges, FOG (fats, oil and grease); customer account maintenance, accounts receivable management, debit and/or credit adjustments, penalties, and miscellaneous charges; establish new accounts; and provide final bills that are the result of property sales or transfer of ownership; and provide daily lock lists for delinquent accounts. 2.50 208,587 1,728,700 1,728,700 860,100 860,100 3,786,500 3,786,500 4.00 758,100 86,400 671,700 7.00 975,000 445,300 529,700 Fiscal Year 2012 12 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Financial Operations (408) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Utility Billing & Customer Service - Customer Service 11.00 649,600 649,600 Provide customer service that meets expectations to all Public Utility enterprise customers so that 'one call gets it all'. Core customers served include residential and commercial trash collection, water, wastewater, and irrigation quality water customers. Core functions include research and response to customer inquiries; initiation of action on new service requests; initiation of action for final reads on pending property sales and transfers. Call center technology is used to provide responses to approximately 17,000 monthly calls. Utility Billing & Customer Service - Ord Education & Compliance 8.00 636,900 6,200 630,700 Provide education and compliance activities for all public utility enterprise ordinances through the recognition and containment of situations when direct threats to public health and safety are involved. Core functions include public education about water-sewer and solid waste ordinances; . irrigation regulations with emphasis on South Florida Water Management District's water shortage restrictions; on-site response to residential and commercial customer inquiries and complaints of solid waste collection issues; investigation and resolution of ordinance and utilities standards violations; issuance of Notice of Violations and/or citations for repeat offenders; testifying before the county's Special MastE:!r; monitoring the contractor's execution of the solid waste collection services in accordance with the Franchise Agreements; inspection of solid waste franchise hauler vehicles; issuance of exemption certificates and inspection of vehicles transporting trash on county roadways; review of site development plans to ensure adequate solid waste collections facilities are included in the design; and unit count sweeps to determine the correct number of units per parcel for the solid waste special assessment rolls. These activities encompass the unincorporated area of Collier County, Marco Island and Everglades City. Billing & Customer Service - Departmental Accounting 10.00 1,138,300 1,138,300 Receipting, recording and safeguarding of all customer cash collections for the public utilities enterprise services. Core functions include roll administration for "Municipal Service Benefit Unit" special assessments levied by the County; cashiering and daily balancing; lock box processing; bank draft processing; credit card processing; bank deposits; landfill scale house billing and landfill receivable management; and, miscellaneous billing and receivable management for utility property. damaged by private companies and individuals. Billing & Customer Service - Estoppel Letters 26,800 -26,800 Receive, process and retum of all estoppel letter requests. Core function is to provide attomeys, title companies, real estate agents, and title closing agents information on County held liens on real property in the County. This information is used for real estate transactions. Current Level of Service Budget 50.00 11,423,300 565,400 10,857,900 Fiscal Year 2012 13 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Financial Operations (408) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Billing # Annual Water/Sewer Utility Bills 625,372 649,000 630,800 636,300 Billing # Utility Sills per FTE 104,229 108,167 105,133 106,043 Customer Service # Annual Calls Received 194,110 198,500 200,000 201,700 Customer Service % Abandon Call Rate 1.63 2.10 1.58 1.54 Fiscal Group # of Invoices / Pay Apps Processed 12,900 13,000 13,500 13,700 Fiscal Group % Rejection by Clerk's Finance 0.13 0.25 0.14 0.25 No.of Residential Solid Waste Curbside Accounts 109,985 110,657 110,948 111,908 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,346,030 3,460,200 3,519,000 3,428,100 3,428,100 (0.9%) Operating Expense 2,059,769 2,376,600 2,307,400 2,448,400 2,448,400 3.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,469,500 1,489,400 1,489,400 1,728,700 1,728,700 16.1% Payment In Lieu of Taxes 3,459,500 3,778,100 3,778,100 3,786,500 3,786,500 0.2% Capital Outlay 6,472 53,500 49,500 31,600 31,600 (40.9%) Net Operating Budget 10,341,271 11,157,800 11,143,400 11,423,300 11,423,300 2.4% Total Budget 10,341,271 11,157,800 11,143,400 11,423,300 11,423,300 2.4% Total FTE 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 200 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 800 na Charges For Services 571,907 21,000 113,200 113,200 113,200 439.0% Fines & Forfeitures 5,900 15,000 6,200 6,200 6,200 (58.7%) Miscellaneous Revenues 422,418 403,000 450,000 446,000 446,000 10.7% Reimb From Other Depts 6,466 na Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op 9,334,580 10,718,800 10,573,000 10,857,900 10,857,900 1.3% Total Funding 10,341,271 11,157,800 11,143,400 11,423,300 11,423,300 2.4% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services increased $58,800 primarily due to unrealized required budgeted Reserve for Attrition $48,200. Operating expenses decreased $69,200. A significant increase of $105,400 for Bank Fees credit card processing was offset by savings of $36,100 for reduced IT Billing Hours and $104,000 in Contractual Services for delayed web payment hosting fees, a shorter than anticipated Ernst & Young audit, and reduced need for funds to scan as-built plans for Electronic Document Management System. Current FY2012 - Personal Services are decreasing $32,100 primarily due to increased Health Insurance $68,800,a required change in budgeting Attrition Reserve $48,200, and a decrease of $153,500 for retirement. Operating Expenses are increasing $319,500 due to Indirect Cost Reimbursement $239,300, Bank Fees for credit card processing $125,400, and Postage $46,700, offset by a decrease of $86,300 in IT Automation Allocation. Capital Outlay $19,000 - 8 Laptop Computers Replacements (replacing laptops and desktops) $ 9,600 - 4 Radios, Replacements $ 3,000 - 2 large monitors for GIS viewing Fiscal Year 2012 14 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Planning & Project Management (408) Mission Statement To deliver projects that meet requirements on-time, on-schedule, at best-value to the satisfaction of our Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste customers. Program Summary Department Management and Performance Oversight This program is responsible for the management, control, and oversight of planning and project management functions for the department's clients, namely, the three public utility enterprise operations within the division: (1) the Water Utility; (2) the Wastewater Utility; and, (3) the Solid Waste Management Utility. Core functions are defined by the Project Mangement Institute and implemented through Project Management Professional training and internal standard operating procedures. Water, Solid Waste, and Field Inspection This program provides project and program management services for studying, designing, and implementing projects that meet the demand of the all-encompassing utility capital improvements as related to the water and solid waste departments. This includes: wellfields, two regional plants,and the distribution system. Also provides field inspection services for projects within all operational departments. Wastewater FY 2012 Total FTE 2.00 FY 2012 Budget 400,179 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 400,179 6.40 631,772 631,772 7.00 669,444 669,444 This program provides project and program management services for planning, designing, and implementing projects that meet the demand of the all-encompassing utility capital improvements as related to the wastewater department. This includes: the collections system, two regional plants, and the IQ system. Planning Coordination 5.00 417,305 417,305 This program is responsible for: the updating and maintenance of the Master Plans, the AUIR and other long-term planning initiatives; tracking capacity; analyzing trends; maintaining present utility facilities such as pipeline and pump stations; and reviewing new development plans to ensure concurrency and master plan compliance. Also coordinates the Utility Standards Manual interfacing with DSAC. Provides project and program management for SCADA and GIS projects. Presently developing programs for asset management, alignment, and verification. Current Level of Service Budget 20.40 2,118,700 2,118,700 Program Performance Measures % of Active Initiatives on Budget/Schedule Through All Phases % of Active Items on Budget/Schedule Through All Phases FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Budget 80 80 90 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,710,337 1,984,200 1,806,100 1,926,900 1,926,900 (2.9%) Operating Expense 134,949 192,600 181,100 191,800 191,800 (0.4%) Capital Outlay 3,747 na Net Operating Budget 1,849,033 2,176,800 1,987,200 2,118,700 2,118,700 (2.7%) Total Budget 1,849,033 2,176,800 1,987,200 2,118,700 2,118,700 (2.7%) Total FTE 2D.4O 20.40 20.40 20.40 20.40 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 15 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Planning & Project Management (408) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 58 na Miscellaneous Revenues 61,183 na Reimb From Other Depts 1,079 na Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op 1,786,713 2,176,800 1,987,200 2,118,700 2,118,700 (2.7%) Total FundIng 1,849,033 2,176,800 1,987,200 2,118,700 2,118,700 (2.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services decreased due to the decision to hold vacant the Project Manager for SCADA and fill the Director position and one Principal Project Manager longer than needed to meet budgeted attrition. Operating expenses decreased by $11,500 due to a Division-wide cost containment plan. The most noteworthy decrease was $9,000 in travel and training, where the vast majority of job specific certifications and training were available locally and did not require out of State travel (airfare and hotel), $2,400 for electricity and water, $3,200 for fleet maintenance charges, $1,000 in office supplies. Savings were off-set by a $1,800 increase in fuel charges and $2,000 increase in other ads for the advertisement of open positions. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services will decrease by $57,300 due to higher costs of $28,1 00 for health insurance, and lower costs of $97,600 for retirement. Operating Expenses will decrease by $800 driven primarily by reductions for travel and training costs of $4,800, electricity and water and sewer costs of $2,200, promotional costs of $2,000, and postage of $500. These savings were somewhat offset by increased costs of $8,500 for fleet maintenance and fuel charges. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Wastewater Department (408) Mission Statement To deliver best value, high quality, and sustainable wastewater and Irrigation quality reclaimed water services that meet customer expectations in an operationally excellent environment Program Summary Wastewater Department Administration Provide overall management and direction for the Wastewater Department including administer policies and procedures set by the Board of County Commissioners, County Manager, Public Utilities Administrator, United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Wastewater Safety Perform safety inspections, conduct training programs, and evaluate all accidents and file reports with the proper agencies. Wastewater Reuse - Adm inistratlon FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4.00 1,471,928 1,471,928 1.00 76,572 76,572 1.00 112,600 112,600 Provide operational oversight of all Wastewater reuse programs including IQ Reuse water, biosolids, reuse contracts administration, contractual and regulatory compliance, and ongoing and future capital improvement projects (CIPs) for the reuse program. Provide input to reuse Master Planning and Rate Studies. Wastewater Reuse - Operations and Maintenance Perform the preventive maintenance to preserve the reuse assets and to provide sustained delivery of reuse water in compliance with FDEP to our customers. 6.00 1,089,200 500 1,088,700 Wastewater North Plant - Administration 1.00 277,466 51,755,500 -51,478,034 Provide day to day management of the Plant operations and all associated preventive maintenance, regulatory compliance, and coordinate with contractors and Project Managers for successful completion of ongoing CIPs. Provide input to wastewater CIPs, Master Planning, and Rate Studies. Wastewater North Plant - Treatment 14.00 2,742,592 2,742,592 Provide effective wastewater treatment for reliable reuse production in accordance with all FAC and USEPA rules. Operate the Plant pursuant to the FDEP operating permit conditions with proactive sustained compliance. Wastewater North Plant - Maintenance 5.00 626,903 626,903 Perform the preventive maintenance of the facility systems and the assets in full accordance with specific operations protocols and the manufacturers recommendations to ensure best possible operating conditions for the plant, and to preserve the Plant assets. Wastewater North Plant - Residuals Production/Disposal Provide residual management for activated sludge operations including treatment and compliant disposal in accordance with USEPA Rule 503, FAC rules 17-7 and 17-640. Wastewater Plants - Odor Control 3.00 1,020,776 2,808,500 -1,787,724 1.00 238,263 238,263 Perform operations, preventive maintenance, and pro-active management of odor control and containment for both the North and South Plant Odor Control Units. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Wastewater Department (408) Program Summary Wastewater South Plant - Administration FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1.00 260,485 260,485 Provide day to day management of the Plant operations and all associated preventive maintenance, regulatory compliance, and coordinate with contractors and Project Managers for successful completion of ongoing CIPs. Provide input to wastewater CIPs, Master Planning, and Rate Studies. Wastewater South Plant - Treatment 13.00 2,238,422 2,238,422 Provide effective wastewater treatment for reliable reuse production in accordance with all FAC and USEPA rules. Operate the Plant pursuant to the FDEP operating permit conditions with proactive sustained compliance. Wastewater South Plant - Maintenance 3.00 511,755 511,755 Perform the preventive maintenance of the facility systems and the assets in full accordance with specific operations protocols and the manufacturers recommendations to ensure best possible operating conditions for the plant, and to preserve the Plant assets. Wastewater South Plant - Residuals Production/Disposal 1.00 731,938 731,93B Provide residual management for activated sludge operations including treatment and compliant disposal in accordance with USEPA Rule 503, FAC rules 17-7 and 17-640. Wastewater Collections - Administration 2.00 540,585 25,000 515,585 Provide day to day management of the wastewater collections system operations and all associated preventive maintenance, regulatory compliance, and coordinate with contractors and Project Managers for successful completion of ongoing CIPs. Provide input to wastewater CIPs, Master Planning, and Rate Studies. Wastewater Collections - Pump Stations Operation and Maintenance Perform the preventive maintenance and operate pump stations including the master pump stations in accordance with specific wastewater collections operations protocols and the manufacturers recommendations to ensure sustained compliance, and to preserve the wastewater collection system assets. Wastewater Collections-Transmission Systems Operation and Maint Perform the preventive maintenance and operate transmission systems including the force-mains, gravity-mains, laterals and clean-outs, in accordance with specific wastewater collections operations protocols to ensure sustained compliance, and to preserve the wastewater collection system assets for reliable and sustainable wastewater service to our customers. Wastewater Collections - Odor Control 28.00 3,748,721 3,900 3,744,821 21.00 1,601,926 1,601,926 1.00 1,040,268 1,040,26B Perform operations, preventive maintenance, and pro-active management of odor control and containment for both the wastewater lift stations and wastewater transmission systems including force-mains and the gravity-mains. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Wastewater Department (408) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Wastewater Technical Support - Administration 2.00 210,886 210,886 Provide management of Geographic Information System (GIS) and in ground utility assets identification and verification program. Perform day to day supervision for the stake and locate function to protect all Utility assets including Water, Wastewater, and Reuse Assets pursuant F.S. 556 Wastewater Technical Support - Locate Operations 9.00 711,161 711,161 Perform Locates function as requested by customers and contractors for all water, sewer, reuse force-mains, gravity-mains, and pipe lines to locate accurately and in a timely manner in accordance with Sunshine State One call system to protect all Utility assets pursuant F.S. 556 Wastewater Technical Support - GISNalves 5.00 364,808 364,808 Perform preventive maintains of wastewater valves and provide GIS field verification for accurate mapping of wastewater system and assets to ensure reliability and timely locates of the utility system. Wastewater Technical Support - Asset and Inventory Management 2.00 134,545 134,545 Perform inventory management, provide requisition of equipment and materials, and conduct internal controls of the inventory for the wastewater department. Wastewater Environmental Compliance - Administration Provide management to the laboratory certified through the Florida Department of Health and National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) and compliance administration for the wastewater department and the industrial pretreatment Program Wastewater Environmental Compliance - Permit AnalysislLab Provide for regulatory compliance by performing facility compliance analysis, sample groundwater monitor wells, injection wells and supplemental wells, certification and QAlQC pursuant to the FDEP Operating Permits. Wastewater Environmental Compliance - Pretreatment 3.00 258,495 61,800 196,695 5.00 437,934 437,934 2.00 170,071 265,000 -94,929 Perform the industrial pretreatment and Fats Oil Grease programs to protect and preserve wastewater assets including transmission systems, lifts stations, and treatment plants, and to provide for regulatory compliance by performing facility audits pursuant to the FDEP Operating Permit Pre-treatment requirements. Wastewater Power Systems and Instrumentation - Administration 1.00 109,443 109,443 Provide day to day management of the wastewater power systems including electrical and instrumentation operations and all associated preventive maintenance, regulatory compliance, and coordinate with contractors and Project Managers for successful completion of ongoing CIPs. Provide input to wastewater CIPs, Master Planning, and Rate Studies. Fiscal Year 2012 19 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Wastewater Department (408) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Wastewater Power Systems and Instrumentation - Operations Maint 9.00 1,048,457 1,048,457 Perform the preventive maintenance and operate wastewater power systems including the electrical, instrumentation, telemetry and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for wastewater collections and the plants to ensure sustained compliance and to preserve the power system assets. Current Level of Service Budget 144.00 21,776,200 54,920,200 -33,144,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % Compliance Forcemain Sewer Field Verification of 21 Aerials 100 100 100 100 % Compliance Gravity Sewer Field Verification of 60 Miles 100 100 100 100 % Compliance of Effluent-Reuse 100 100 100 100 % Compliance of Field Locates 100 100 100 100 % Compliance of Lab Process Control Analyses 100 100 100 100 % Compliance of Pump Stations Planned Maint & Emerg 100 100 100 100 Cost per 1,000 Gallons of Wastewater Treated 3.32 3.96 4.01 4.04 Total Wastewater Treated (Billions of Gal) to Sustain Compliance 5.60 5.50 5.40 5.50 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 9,303,789 9,900,700 10,001,200 10,068,100 10,068,100 1.7% Operating Expense 9,559,985 11,343,300 10,988,300 11,650,100 11,650,100 2.7% Capital Outlay 290,220 531,800 732,600 58,000 58,000 (89.1%) Net Operating Budget 19,153,995 21,n5,800 21,722,100 21,776,200 21,776,200 0.0% Total Budget 19,153,995 21,n5,800 21,722,100 21,776,200 21,n6,200 0.0% Total FTE 142.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 144.00 0.0% FY 2010 . FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 100 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 600 na Charges For Services 822,790 596,300 666,200 679,300 679,300 13.9% Sewer Revenue 50,402,550 50,000,000 51,000,000 51,412,500 51,412,500 2.8% Effluent Revenue 2,600,743 2,710,000 2,687,600 2,808,500 2,808,500 3.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 42,012 34,400 26,100 19,900 19,900 (42.2%) Reimb From Other Depts 16,600 14,600 14,600 (100.0%) Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op (34,730,701) (31,579,500) (32,673,100) (33,144,000) (33,144,000) 5.0% Total Funding 19,153,995 21,775,800 21,722,100 21,776,200 21,776,200 0.0% Wastewater Department performance is also associated with business growth while sustaining compliance and meeting customer demand. In FY12, Wastewater Department will: (1) Complete 20% offield verification of 409 miles offorce main, which have increased from 403 miles in FYi 0 to 409 miles in FY12 projections, in a 5 year cycle for asset conditions for valves, critical force main laterals, and ARVs. (2) Complete 10% offield verification of685 miles of gravity main, which have increased from 678 miles in FY10 to 685 miles in FY12 projections, in a 10 year cycle including manholes, critical gravity laterals, and clean out (CO) and laterals. (3) Perform Locates pursuant to Florida Statute 556 which have increased from 22,273 in FY10 to 24,000 in FY12 projections. (4) Operate a fully NELAC certified laboratory and process compliant QAlQC samples including reports submitted on time for daily, monthly, quarterly, and annually to meet FDEP permit requirements which have increased from 32,099 in FY10 to 36,540 in FY12 projections. (5) Perform planned maintenance and emergency Fiscal Year 2012 20 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Wastewater Department (408) response to all County owned pump stations which have increased from 750 in FY10 to 763 in FY12 projections. Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services show an increase over the FY 2011 budget due to not meeting the budgeted attrition. Operating expenses reflect a decrease of $355,000. The reasons for these decreases are due mainly to (1) better efficiencies and performance, (2) cost containment measures that include deferrals and performing work in-house instead of contracting it out, and (3) decreased non-controllable expenses. The most notable decreases are $187,000 for electricity, $165,500 for contractual services related to performing work in-house that would have previously been contracted out, $67,800 for chemicals, $59,400 for property insurance, $21,500 for engineering fees, $28,000 for interdepartmental payments for services, $22,000 for water and sewer charges, and $20,000 for sewer line repair and maintenance. Compensating slightly for these reductions are increases of $104,900 for utilities parts and repairs due to in house pump rebuilding, $40,000 for building repairs and maintenance, and $18,700 for landscaping maintenance. Capital Outlay is increasing because Fleet Management has recommended that replacement vehicles should not be delayed any longer as it has been for an increase of $111,000 along with an increase of $22,800 for other machinery and equipment. Data processing equipment is also increasing by $63,000 for computer replacements. Current FY 2012 - The Department continues with a staff of 144.0 budgeted FTEs for FY2012. The $167,400 or 1.7% increase in the personal services is largely attributable to a health insurance increase of 12.1 % along with the decision to budget attrition at the fund level instead of in each cost center, increases in salaries based on career progression certification and licensing, offset by a decrease of $442,500 for retirement. Operating Expenses are increasing by a total of $306,800. The most notable portions of this projected increase are $151,600 for fuel for fleet vehicles, $82,500 for consultation and modeling for cost efficiencies related to a five year permit renewal at the plants, $31,800 for general insurance, $69,500 for chemical costs related to the anticipated increase in the price of chemicals, $70,000 for utilities parts and repairs, $36,700 for operating supplies, $20,000 for water and sewer charges, $10,000 for computer software, and numerous smaller increases in various expense categories. Offsetting the increases is a large decrease of $137,600 for property insurance. Capital Outlay $52,000 - 1997 Ford F-350 Utility Truck with 2 Ton Crane - Replacement $6,000 - Sign Maker for Pump Stations $58,000 - Total Capital Outlay Revenue FY 2012 - Sewer Revenue will increase by 2.8% or $1 ,412,500 from the adopted FY 2011 budget in line with the FY 2011 Forecast as customer billing will be slightly higher. There is no projected rate increase for FY 2012. Effluent Revenue will increase due to rate increase of 4.5% approved by the BCC on February 8, 2011, Item 8A. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Water Department (408) Mission Statement To deliver best value, high quality, and sustainable water services that meet customer's expectations in an operationally excellent environment FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Water Department Administration 8.00 1,486,900 36,300 1,450,600 Provides overall management and direction for Water Department personnel. Water Distribution - System Maintenance 12.00 1,478,596 1,478,596 Provides system-wide maintenance on the County's transmission and distribution systems. Water Distribution - Valve Maintenance - G.I.S. 10.00 883,512 883,512 Provides for the maintenance and mapping of system assets to ensure reliability during emergency situations. Water Distribution - Administration 3.00 277,079 45,072,000 -44,794,921 Provides on-site supervision and coordination of the Water Distribution System. Provides for customer service, secretarial, and data entry support for section. Water Distribution - Large Meter Services 4.00 376,703 161,500 215,203 Provides for the calibration and repair of the County's large meter assemblies to ensure accuracy. Also completes State mandated testing of all cross-connection control devices over 2 inches. Water Distribution. Cross Connection Control Provides for inspection, testing, and repair of assemblies maintained by the County (3/4" to 2"). Water Distribution - Warehouse/Facility Management Provides material procurement and inventory control functions. Also provides for maintenance of warehouse facilities. Water Distribution - Construction Services 5.00 769,181 769,181 3.00 198,177 198,177 1.00 59,813 59,813 Provides for inspection services for new construction of water mains and services by outside contractors. Water Distribution - Meter Maintenance 11.00 1,666,815 1,666,815 The meter maintenance program includes the required resources to collect usage data from all potable, irrigation, irrigation quality, and fire meters. The team is also responsible for the repair and maintenance of all system components of the automatic meter reading system. Water Distribution - Hydrant Maintenance Provides for the inspection and maintenance of the Collier County Water-Sewer District's fire hydrants. Water Distribution - Customer Response 2.00 210,121 66,600 143,521 4.00 355,103 472,300 -117,197 Provides for first response to all customer requests for service. Water Operations - Administration Provides on-site supervision and production management of the County's treatment facilities. 7.00 823,147 300 822,847 Fiscal Year 2012 22 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Water Department (408) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Water Operations - Lime Softening Treatment 11.00 3,002,420 3,002,420 Provides for the treatment of potable water utilizing the lime softening process at the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Capacity of 12 mgd. Water Operations - Reverse Osmosis Treatment 14.00 3,389,757 3,389,757 Provides for the treatment of potable water utilizing the reverse osmosis treatment processes at the North and South County Regional Water Treatment Plants. Capacity of 28 mgd. Water Operations. Membrane Treatment 8.00 3,195,776 3,195,776 Provides for the treatment of potable water utilizing the membrane treatment process at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Capacity of 12 mgd. Wellfield - General and Remote Station Maintenance 12.00 3,110,093 3,110,093 Perform and/or monitor all required repairs and preventative maintenance at six stations, one ASR system, and three well fields Wellfield - Electrical and Instrumentation 5.00 639,207 639,207 Maintenance and operation of electrical and instrumentation systems for six remote stations, one aquifer storage and recovery well, and three wellfields. Water Laboratory. Certification and Administration 2.00 350,650 350,650 Provides State drinking water certification and on-site supervision and quality control for department's laboratory services Water Laboratory - Microbiological Quality Control 2.00 173,282 173,282 Provides regulatory compliance through quality control monitoring and protects the public from disease causing micro-organisms by monitoring source and finished water. Water Laboratory - Chemical Water Quality Control 2.00 194,668 194,668 Provides for regulatory compliance through quality control and monitoring and protects the public from chemical contaminants. Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures # of Backflows Tested per Tester # of Connections per Employee % of Lab Tests Passing All State & Fed Regulations % of new meters installed in 10 days % of Water Loss % of Wells Available for Plant Production Use Cost per 1,000 Gallons of water produced ($) Customer Service Calls per 1,000 Customers Meter Reads per FTE (3 FTEs) Total Water Produced - billions of gallons 126.00 22,641,000 45,809,000 -23,168,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 7,085.80 7,327.40 7,574.40 8,174.40 436.00 439.00 441.30 44Q.80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4 5 5 5 95 2.40 2.64 2.45 2.74 40.62 18,312 18,448 18,532 18,766 7.94 8.40 8.24 8.40 Fiscal Year 2012 23 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Water Department (408) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 8,212,128 8,751,700 8,316,100 8,693,100 8,693,100 (0.7%) Operating Expense 10,183,724 13,042,500 11,525,100 13,469,800 13,469,800 3.3% Capital Outlay 136,723 352,500 343,800 478,100 478,100 35.6% Net Operating Budget 18,532,575 22,146,700 20,185,000 22,641,000 22,641,000 2.2% Total Budget 18,532,575 22,146,700 20,185,000 22,641,000 22,641,000 2.2% Total FTE 128.00 126.00 126.00 126.00 126.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 3,181 20,200 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 1,634 16,700 na Charges For Services 1,051,074 1,391,500 1,403,300 1,403,300 1,403,300 0.8% Water Revenue 44,708,762 43,000,000 44,000,000 44,355,600 44,355,600 3.2% Miscellaneous Revenues 70,920 16,100 59,400 50,100 50,100 211.2% Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op (27,302,997) (22,260,900) (25,314,600) (23,168,000) (23,168,000) 4.1% Total Funding 18,532,575 22,146,700 20,185,000 22,641,000 22,641,000 2.2% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal expenses forecast a reduction of $435,600. The Department has had three management positions vacant, one for a period of nine months. All management vacancies will be filled by June 1 st. Operating expenses reflect a net decrease of $1,517,400. The most notable portions of this projected decrease are attributable to the decreases of $802,900 in electricity and $598,500 in water treatment chemicals. These reductions are associated with the completion of the degasification and odor control project at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant and minimal usage of the South Reverse Osmosis Wellfield due to a catastrophic main break. There is also an anticipated $50,000 decrease in emergency maintenance and repairs due to a reduced number of emergencies than historical data indicated, a decrease of $33,200 in property Insurance, and $26,100 for interdepartmental payments. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services has decreased due to a decrease of $402,000 in retirement and an increase of $173,400 for health insurance and the decision to budget reserve for attriton at the fund level instead of at the cost center level. Operating Expenses increased by $427,300. At $208,400 over FY 2011, fuel costs are the most notable increase for FY 2012. Other increases are $250,000 for the pilot program of hiring an outside firm to test cross connection control devices, $90,000 for meter replacements, and $75,400 for fleet maintenance and labor charges. The increases are offset by a decrease of $92,500 in chemicals and $82,700 in electricity. The completion of the degasification and odor control project at the North Collier Regional Water Treatment Plant is the main attributor to the decreases. Capital Outlay is being increased to alleviate operating costs for ageing equipment Capital Outlay $64,000 - 3 Rangers (2) for Cross Connection Control Testing (1) replacement $88,000 - 2 F450s replacement $22,000 - 1 Cargo Van replacement $68,000 - 3 F150s replacement $50,000 - 1 Track-hoe replacement $20,000 - 1 U Dump Trailer replacement $10,000 - 2 Trench pumps $10,000 - Electrical Testing Tools replacement $10,000 - Laptop and Tablet Program $9,500 - 2 Plant Process Computer Replacement $20,000 - 2 Chemical Feed Pumps Replacement $5,000 - 1 Air Compressor Replacement $8,000 - 3 Mud Hogs, 1 Chipping Hammer and 1 Air Compressor Replacement $24,600 - 1 Air Compressor, 1 Chipping Hammer and 1 Valve Operator Replacement $54,000 - Parts Over $1,000 for Various Programs $15,000 - Telemetry Boards Over $1,000 $478,100 - Total Capital Outlay Fiscal Year 2012 24 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Water Department (408) Revenue FY 2012 - Water revenue will increase by 3.2% or $1,355,600 from the FY 2011 adopted budget in line with the FY 2011 forecast as customer billings will be slightly higher. There is no projected rate increase for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 25 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Public Utilities Operations Center (408) Mission Statement To provide a consolidated location for the operations of the Water Administration, Wastewater Administration, and Utility Billing and Customer Service Departments of the Public Utilities Division. Program Summary Facility Operation and Maintenance FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 127,300 127,300 Provides for the operation and maintenance of the Public Utilities Operations Center, including the cost of utilities and services. Current Level of Service Budget 127,300 127,300 0.47 FY 2011 FY 2011 Budget Forecast 0.46 0.45 FY 2012 Budget 0.42 Program Performance Measures Cost to maintain Operations Center per square foot (86,400 sq. ft. under air - 5 acres of land - Total 304,200 sq. ft.) ($) FY 2010 Actual FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) Net Operating Budget 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) Total Budget 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) Total Funding 112,728 139,400 137,000 127,300 127,300 (8.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenditures are $2,400 lower than budgeted, with the majority of that decrease attributable to lower than anticipated costs of $4,700 for electricity, and $2,900 for property insurance. This was offset by increases of $1,000 for building repairs and maintenance and $4,000 for operating supplies. Current FY 2012 -It is anticipated that there will be a decrease of $12,100 in expenditures compared to the FY 2011 adopted budget. This decrease will be caused primarily by reduced expenditures of $3,000 for electricity, $8,800 for property insurance, and $2,100 for water and sewer. These charges will be offset somewhat by an increase of $2,000 for telephone charges. . Fiscal Year 2012 26 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division County Water-Sewer District Reserves, Interest and Transfers (408) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Transfers 13,400 -13,400 Reserves, Interest, and Transfers 69,409,000 26,598,600 42,810,400 Current Level of Service Budget 69,409,000 26,612,000 42,797,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans to 001 General Fund 232,900 283,200 283,200 294,600 294,600 4.0% Trans to 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 11,950,500 9,640,000 9,640,000 7,146,400 7,146,400 (25.9%) Trans to 412 W User Fee Cap Fd 19,192,300 13,052,600 13,052,600 24,984,900 24,984,900 91.4% Trans to 414 S User Fee Cap Fd 23,567,700 30,456,100 30,456,100 19,268,900 19,268,900 (36.7%) Reserves For Contingencies 5,522,000 6,575,400 6,575,400 19.1% Reserves For Cash Flow 11,564,600 11,961,600 11,961,600 3.4% Reserve for Attrition (822,800) (822,800) na Total Budget 54,943,400 70,518,500 53,431,900 69,409,000 69,409,000 (1.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 193,085 240,000 125,800 84,000 84,000 (65.0%) Net Cost Co Water/Sewer Op 12,845,215 40,345,800 15,199,600 42,797,000 42,797,000 6.1% Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 13,400 13,400 na Trans fm 114 Pollutn Ctrl Fd 52,700 55,100 55,100 54,500 54,500 (1.1%) Trans fm 409 W/S Assessmt Fd 35,000 17,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Trans fm 441 Goodland Water 76,200 82,200 82,200 18,600 18,600 (n.4%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 253,900 260,400 260,400 217,600 217,600 (16.4%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 1,151,600 1,211,000 1,211,000 1,164,100 1,164,100 (3.9%) Carry Forward 40,335,700 33,227,700 36,480,200 30,107,100 30,107,100 (9.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,921,300) (5,068,900) (5,068,900) 3.0% Total Funding 54,943,400 70,518,500 53,431,900 69,409,000 69,409,000 (1.6%) Current FY 2012 - The County Water-Sewer District has proactively managed its debt, reserves and transfers to optimize its cash position. Reserves for the enterprise funds, especially for the Water-Sewer Fund has to be reviewed in its entirety as a family of funds between the operating fund (408), debt service fund (410) and Repair and Replacement (R&R) capital funds (412,414,415).and growth related Impact Fee Capital funds (411,413) if inter-fund advances are involved. This is due to the linkage between these funds which enable the utility to seek and obtain the best value funding for the projects as well as facilitate the board guidance of a revenue-centric approach to optimize between operations and capital needs. This approach enables the Division to defer projects when needed based on measured risk and reduce that risk by executing projects when appropriate. The financial policies of the state, and state statutes allow for up to 10% in operating reserves and up to 20% in cash contingency reserves. The Reserve for Contingencies is budgeted at 5% of Operating Expenses. Furthermore, rating agencies also prefer an adequate contingency reserve, especially in times of economic uncertainty and downward pressure on revenue for the utility. The recent freezing of the credit market, lack of trust in the underlying securities, and failures of financial institutions including insurance companies have prompted the credit rating agencies to tighten up their requirements to earn and maintain a good rating. The Public Utilities Division maintains reserves to comply with the state recommendations and maintain its bond rating of AA+ and continues to adhere to the BCC guidance to pay as you go. Fiscal Year 2012 27 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Goodland Water District FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 379,238 544,400 516,500 482,600 482,600 (11.4%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 5,600 7,100 7,100 6,800 6,800 (4.2%) Net Operating Budget 384,838 551,500 523,600 489,400 489,400 (11.3%) Trans to 001 General Fund 1,100 1,100 na Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 76,200 82,200 82,200 18,600 18,600 (77.4%) R~serves For Contingencies 25,500 25,500 na Reserves For Capital 24,200 24,200 na Reserves For Cash Flow 101,800 101,800 na Total Budget 461,038 633,700 605,800 660,600 660,600 4.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Goodland Water District Fund (441) 384,838 551,500 523,600 489,400 489,400 (11.3%) Total Net Budget 384,838 551,500 523,600 489,400 489,400 (11.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves 76,200 82,200 82,200 171,200 171,200 108.3% Total Budget 461,038 633,700 605,800 660,600 660,600 4.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Water Revenue 401,615 425,000 425,000 466,000 466,000 9.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 1,304 na Interest/Misc 2,921 3,000 2,800 2,100 2,100 (30.0%) Carry Forward 419,300 227,100 393,800 215,800 215,800 (5.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (21,400) (23,300) (23,300) 8.9% Total Funding 825,141 633,700 821,600 660,600 660,600 4.2% Fiscal Year 2012 28 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Goodland Water District Goodland Water District Fund (441) Mission Statement To deliver best value, high quality, and sustainable water services that meet customer's expectations in an operationally excellent environment Program Summary Goodland Operation and Maintenance Operation and Maintenance of Goodland Repump Station and Distribution System Reserves FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 489,400 468,100 21,300 151,500 192,500 -41,000 19,700 19,700 660,600 660,600 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 482,600 482,600 (11.4%) 6,800 6,800 (4.2%) 489,400' 489,400 (11.3%) 1,100 1,100 na 18,600 18,600 (77.4%) 25,500 25,500 na 24,200 24,200 na 101,800 101,800 na 660,600 660,600 4.2% Transfers Current Level of Service Budget Net Operating Budget Trans to 001 General Fund Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd Reserves For Contingencies Reserves For Capital Reserves For Cash Flow FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Actual Adopted Forecast 379,238 544,400 516,500 5,600 7,100 7,100 384,838 551,500 523,600 76,200 82,200 82,200 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Operating Expense Indirect Cost Reimburs Total Budget 461,038 633,700 605,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Water Revenue 401,615 425,000 425,000 466,000 466,000 9.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 1,304 na Interest/Misc 2,921 3,000 2,800 2,100 2,100 (30.0%) Carry Forward 419,300 227,100 393,800 215,800 215,800 (5.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (21,400) (23,300) (23,300) 8.9% Total Funding 825,141 633,700 821,600 660,600 660,600 4.2% Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses reflect a decrease of $27,900 resulting primarily from the decreased cost of $47,600 for the purchase of bulk water. This was offset by an increase of $14,500 for a rate study and $7,500 for operating supplies. Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses are projected to decrease by $62,100, resulting from a $47,600 decrease in the cost for the purchase of bulk water from Marco Island Utilities because of a decrease in the volume of water purchased, $7,100 for IT billing hours allocation and $6,500 in contractual services for repairs and monitoring of security equipment and the rate study that was completed in FY 2011. Revenue FY 2012 - The projected increase of $41,000 in water revenue reflects a rate increase of 10%. Fiscal Year 2012 29 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,652,837 1,889,200 1,593,000 1,817,300 1,817,300 (3.8%) Operating Expense 24,546,748 26,412,600 26,038,800 26,687,100 26,687,100 1.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 207,200 173,700 173,700 191,500 191,500 10.2% Payment In Lieu of Taxes 83,400 99,100 99,100 104,100 104,100 5.0% Capital Outlay 32,245 128,100 106,300 127,100 127,100 (0.8%) Net Operating Budget 26,522,431 28,702,700 28,010,900 28,927,100 28,927,100 0.8% Trans to Property Appraiser 275,896 277 ,900 2n,900 286,200 286,200 3.0% Trans to Tax Collector 101,176 110,300 110,300 111,500 111,500 1.1% Trans to 001 General Fund 71,700 94,400 94,400 70,500 70,500 (25.3%) Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 1,405,500 1,471,400 1,471,400 1,381,700 1,381,700 (6.1%) Trans to 470 Solid Waste Fd 753,600 173,700 173,700 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) Trans to 474 Solid Waste Cap Fd 1,350,000 5,039,000 5,039,000 3,898,700 3,898,700 (22.6%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,624,400 4,300 2,750,700 2,750,700 69.3% Reserves For Capital 1,327,200 2,994,900 2,994,900 125.7% Reserves For Cash Flow 6,373,300 6,081,500 6,081,500 (4.6%) Reserve for Attrition (60,700) (60,700) na Total Budget 30,480,303 45,194,300 35,181,900 46,601,700 46,601,700 3.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Mandatory Trash Collection Fund (473) 15,791,777 16,544,900 16,345,600 16,833,600 16,833,600 1.7% Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) 10,684,260 12,157,800 11,663,600 12,093,500 12,093,500 (0.5%) Solid Waste Disposal Grants Fund 46,394 1,700 na (472/475/476) Total Net Budget 26,522,431 28,702,700 28,010,900 28,927,100 28,927,100 0.8% Total Transfers and Reserves 3,957,872 16,491,600 7,171,000 17,674,600 17,674,600 7.2% Total Budget 30,480,303 45,194,300 35,181,900 46,601,700 46,601,700 3.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 1,256,283 1,006,700 1,027,800 1,027,800 1,027,800 2.1% Special Assessments 3,420 na Intergovemmental Revenues 56,120 na Charges For Services 9,177,599 9,393,200 9,081,300 9,555,200 9,555,200 1.7% Mandatory Collection Fees 17,968,350 18,319,000 18,392,200 18,527,700 18,527,700 1.1% Miscellaneous Revenues 182,211 120,000 120,000 55,000 55,000 (54.2%) Interest/Mise 111,096 15,600 14,200 23,400 23,400 50.0% Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt Serv 1,020,700 na Reimb From Other Depts 4,911,780 5,008,000 4,841,700 5,041,800 5,041,800 0.7% Trans frm Tax Collector 44,868 na Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 753,600 173,700 173,700 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) Trans fm 474 Solid Waste Cap 1,700 na Carry Forward 8,794,500 12,230,700 13,170,200 13,291,600 13,291,600 8.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,702,600) (1,710,400) (1,710,400) 0.5% Total Funding 43,889,827 45,194,300 48,473,500 46,601,700 46,601,700 3.1% Fiscal Year 2012 30 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 0.0% Total FTE 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 0.0% Fiscal Year2012 31 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) Mission Statement To provide Collier County with an efficient and economical balance of public and private services to meet federal, state and local regulations for solid waste disposal in a manner that assures public health and safety; reduces the solid waste stream; increases public awareness of recycling; and, adheres to the guiding principles of environmental and growth management compliance, airspace preservation, operational excellence, and best value service. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2012 Revenues 964,300 Departmental Administration Administration of solid waste and hazardous waste collection and disposal including landfill operations, scalehouse operations, recycling and transfer station operations, and contract administration. Management and implementation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy (ISWMS). Solid and hazardous waste strategic planning including growth management, concurrency compliance, and annual update and inventory reporting (AUIR). Short, intermediate, and long term financial planning. Hurricane and disaster debris management planning. Environmental compliance/reliability improvements of landfills, transfer stations, hazardous waste center and recycling centers. Administrative costs include Payment in Lieu of Taxes, indirect costs, transfers, general insurance, and legal fees. Landfill Operations CenterlScalehouse and Recycling Centers Scalehouse operations of Collier County Landfill, Immokalee Transfer Station and operations of Naples, Marco and Immokalee Recycling Centers provide an efficient balance of public and private services to meet State requirements for solid waste disposal. Provide the public with cost effective disposal and recycling alternatives to include reduce and reuse. Provide year round drop off locations for household hazardous waste. Provide the business district drop off locations for disposal of recyclable materials to comply with the Non-Residential Recycling Ordinance 2004-50. Waste Reduction and Recycling Responsible for preserving valuable landfill airspace by developing and implementing innovative waste reduction, reuse and recycling programs, while protecting natural resources at best value. Development of continuous marketing, promotion and educational outreach programs maintaining and raising awareness relating to the importance of waste reduction, reuse and recycling for businesses, schools, single family residents, and multi-family residents. Enhancing and reinforcing the Recycling Program through business audits and promoting compliance with the Recycling Ordinance 2009-56. Responsible to comply with FDEP's 75% recycling goal by 2020. 4.60 964,300 13.00 -1,781,100 8,050,400 9,831,500 5.00 621,300 621,300 Fiscal Year 2012 32 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) Program Summary Environmental Compliance Ensure environmental compliance with Federal, State and Local regulations for the Collier County Landfill, Immokalee Transfer Station and the closed Collier County Eustis Landfill and Recycling Centers including the Hazardous Waste Collection Centers. Ensure compliance with Landfill and Transfer Station Permit requirements. Ensure environmental compliance in the Collier County Landfill Operations Agreement. Monitor plan for reducing the amount of recyclable materials disposed of in the landfill. Develop and monitor odor control plan for the Collier County Naples Landfill and the Immokalee Transfer Station. Review and implement the debris removal management plan. Manage Collier County hazardous waste collection centers for residents and small businesses. Continue public outreach program for hazardous and universal waste reuse, recycling and proper disposal. Solid Waste Disposal Reserves Transfers Current Level of Service Budget Program Enhancements Expanded Services Budget Total Preliminary Budget Program Performance Measures Average Unit Cost per Ton Customer Served at the Recycling Centers Diversion Rate (%) FDEP Recycling Rate (%) Household Hazardous Waste (Pounds) Tons Recycled - Collected (FDEP - Includes C&D Recycled) Total Program Tons FY 2012 Total FTE 4.00 26.60 FY 2012 Total FTE 26.60 FY 2010 Actual 41.22 33,228 75 39 140,000 157,476 822,720 FY 2012 Budget 1,040,300 1,313,100 3,123,600 3,052,500 18,165,500 FY 2012 Budget 18,165,500 FY 2011 Budget 44.40 35,000 71 40 171,288 902,800 FY 2012 Revenues 4,592,900 3,581,500 159,600 18,165,500 FY 2012 Revenues 18,165,500 FY 2011 Forecast 45.38 35,500 73 41 190,000 160,642 902,800 FY 2012 Net Cost 1,040,300 -3,279,800 -457,900 2,892,900 FY 2012 Net Cost FY 2012 Budget 44.91 38,800 75 42 235,600 162,300 916,300 Fiscal Year 2012 33 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,652,837 1,889,200 1,593,000 1,817,300 1,817,300 (3.8%) Operating Expense 8,759,826 9,892,700 9,693,200 9,910,400 9,910,400 0.2% Indirect Cost Reimburs 185,700 173,700 173,700 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) Payment In Lieu of Taxes 83,400 99,100 99,100 104,100 104,100 5.0% Capital Outlay 2,497 103,100 104,600 102,100 102,100 (1.0%) Net Operating Budget 10,684,260 12,157,800 11,663,600 12,093,500 12,093,500 (0.5%) Trans to 001 General Fund 31,500 43,200 43,200 34,600 34,600 (19.9%) Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 253,900 260,400 260,400 217,600 217,600 (16.4%) Trans to 474 Solid Waste Cap Fd 3,899,000 3,899,000 2,696,200 2,696,200 (30.8%) Reserves For Contingencies 622,000 699,500 699,500 12.5% Reserves For Cash Flow 2,485,600 2,484,800 2,484,800 0.0% Reserve for Attrition (60,700) (60,700) na Total Budget 10,969,660 19,468,000 15,866,200 18,165,500 18,165,500 (6.7%) Total FTE 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 9,031,002 9,249,200 8,908,700 9,382,600 9,382,600 1.4% Miscellaneous Revenues 127,211 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Interest/Mise 21,795 na Reimb From Other Depts 4,911,780 5,008,000 4,841,700 5,041,800 5,041,800 0.7% Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 753,600 173,700 173,700 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) Carry Forward 2,384,800 5,696,900 6,179,800 4,302,700 4,302,700 (24.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (724,800) (721,200) (721,200) (0.5%) Total Funding 17,230,188 19,468,000 20,168,900 18,165,500 18,165,500 (6.7%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses decreased by $199,500. The decrease is due to enhanced odor control through the use of Posi-Shell and soil mix for daily cover. Revenue FY 2011 - Revenues from the Landfill received from FY2010 through FY2011 are slightly lower, due in part to the reduction of tonnages buried in the Landfill through recycling and waste diversion. Revenues from the Recycling Centers are experiencing a slight increase over the budgeted amount, due in part to the increase in scrap metals and cardboard collected. The Landfill Gas to Energy project is generating $120,000 in revenue for FY 2011. Current FY 2012 - Personal services decreased by $71,900 largely because of the decrease in retirement of $88,500 while there was an increase of $36,600 for health insurance. Net Operating expenses increased by $17,700 due in part to the increase in cost for the disposal of electronics of $293,300, an increase in bank charges of $22,200 due to a higher use of credit cards, and other smaller increases in various operating expenses. These increases in operating costs are offset by savings recognized through a decrease in payments to the landfill contract of $378,000 for the use of Posi-Shell as an enhanced odor control cover material. The Neighborhood Clean-Up Program disposal cost for FY 2012 has been budgeted in the amount of $9,000. Additionally, $16,000 has been budgeted for disposal costs for the Adopt a Road Program. Capital Outlay- $ 2,700 - Scale Reader and weight display $ 4,000 - (4) Hardware for weather station SCADA system for odor monitoring $ 1,200 - Hardware replacement for scale and computer interface (Digi-port) $ 3,900 - Forklift attachment for existing Skid Steer for transporting recyclables Fiscal Year 2012 34 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal Fund (470) $ 7,500 - Sweeper attachment with hydraulic steering system for scale and parking lot safety $45,000 - Skid Steer for the North Collier Recycling Drop-off Center $37,800 - (11) 15 yard collection containers at $3,436 each for recyclable materials Total Capital Outlay: $102,100 The FY 2012 Solid Waste Management Department (Fund 470) budget appropriately funds and maintains a cash reserve equal to 20% of the operating expenses to ensure for sound financial stability in the event of a catastrophic event or unanticipated environmental or contractual liability. In addition, the reserves for contingencies are being budgeted at 5% of operating costs. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue. from the Landfill and Recycling Center tipping fees and other operating revenue is forecasted to be $14,584,000. Included in this amount is $480,000 for the Landfill Gas to Energy Project. This is an increase of $88,1 00 from the FY11 Adopted Budget. A mix of higher value material is projected to cross the landfill scales including higher cost for disposal of electronics and other hazardous waste. There is also a decrease in carryforward of $1,394,200, which is being used to fund the increases in reserves and the transfer to the Solid Waste Capital fund. Fiscal Year 2012 35 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Landfill Closure Costs Fund (471) Mission Statement To comply with Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Landfill closure requirements, funds are held in reserve for post closure liabilities, and compliance requirements, to include long-term monitoring. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration 2,994,900 2,994,900 Closure assessment and long term monitoring. Current Level of Service Budget 2,994,900 2,994,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Reserves For Capital 1,327,200 2,994,900 2,994,900 125.7% Total Budget 1,327,200 2,994,900 2,994,900 125.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 10,675 15,600 14,100 23,400 23,400. 50.0% Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt Serv 1,020,700 na Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 630,000 0.0% Carry Forward 36,000 681,600 676,700 2,341,500 2,341,500 243.5% Total Funding 676,675 1,327,200 2,341,500 2,994,900 2,994,900 125.7% In FY2010 the Solid Waste Management Department reclaimed cells one and two. The reclamation of these cells allowed for an additional 27 acres of land available for future disposal capacity and reduced the liability for closure costs. Forecast FY2011 - The Solid Waste Landfill Closure Fund is a reserve for closure for the current and future closed landfill cells that the County is responsible for, which includes Eustis, Immokalee, and Collier County Landfill (cells three and four). Managing and maintaining a closed landfill is an expensive and potentially risky business, especially in an environmentally sensitive area. Therefore, maintaining this current funding level is prudent to cover any costs associated with investigations and/or remediation. The current engineer's estimates on financial assurance to cover the Collier County Landfill and Immokalee Transfer Station total $28.5 million dollars. On March 24,2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved agenda item 16(F)7, to allocate fund balances of the Collier County Solid Waste Landfill Closure accounts to assist the General Governmental Debt Service Funds for the County's Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds (Series 2002/2003/2005) (Fund 210, Fund 215, and Fund 216, respectively). As a result of the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deterioration of the bonds insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain dollars to fund the prudent Reserve Account by March 31, 2009. In FY 2011, $1,020,700 was transferred back to the Landfill Closure from the Debt Service Reserve Fund (217). The Board of County Commissioners approved a transfer in the amount of $4,618,900 to the General Governmental Facilities Impact Fee Fund to purchase the Elks Club and reduce the number of County leases currently in effect. The second of eight repayments was received in January of FY2011 in the amount of $630,000. Current FY2012 - The third of eight repayments from the Elks Club will be made from the General Governmental Facilities Impact Fee Fund (390) during FY2012 to Fund (471). $2,994,900 in reserves will be held within Fund 471 for environmental risks and potential liabilities associated with the unlined landfill cells. A study has been conducted indicating that potential liabilities could exceed the current balance in the fund. Therefore, maintaining this fund is prudent considering the potential liabilities. Fiscal Year 2012 36 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Disposal Grants Fund (472/475/476) Mission Statement To obtain available recycling funds from the State of Florida to increase recycling pursuant to Florida State Statutes (F.S. 403.7). FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 16,646 na Capital Outlay 29,748 1,700 na Net Operating Budget 46,394 1,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 4,300 na Total Budget 46,394 6,000 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 56,120 na Interest/Mise 100 na Trans fm 474 Solid Waste Cap 1,700 na Carry Forward 18,700 4,200 na Total Funding 74,820 6,000 na Current FY 2012 - As a component of cost containment and to continue best value services to the residents of Collier County, the Solid Waste Management staff continue to pursue both Federal and State grants that provide an opportunistic means to fund programs and capital projects. New grant initiatives and subsequent budget amendments will be submitted to and approved by the Board of County Commissioners as they become available. Fiscal Year 2012 37 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Mandatory Trash Collection Fund (473) Mission Statement Protect the health and safety of citizens of Collier County by providing for collection, disposal, and code compliance activities related to the solid waste stream generated in the county. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Departmental Administration Administration of the Solid Waste Collections System that includes contract administration, short and long term financial planning and growth management planning. Provide sound accounting standards to the financial operations within the trash collection program Solid Waste Collections - Franchisees 486,300 486,300 16,347,300 19,783,100 -3,435,800 Provide payment to Mandatory Trash Collection franchisees for the number of units served curbside and in accordance with the Mandatory Trash Collection Ordinance and the Solid Waste Franchisee agreements. Transfers Curbside Tons Collected District 1 - Mandatory Trash Collection Rate District 1 - Percentage of Rate Change Over Previous Year District 2 - Mandatory Trash Collection Rate District 2 - Percentage of Rate Change Over Previous Year No. of Residential Curbside Accounts at Year End 2,959,800 2,959,800 5,647,900 5,658,200 -10,300 25,441,300 25,441,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 102,463 102,276 98,541 102,621 171.26 173.49 173.49 173.49 -0.28 1.30 1.30 163.18 165.28 165.28 165.28 0.99 1.29 1.29 109,985 110,657 110,948 111,908 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 16,n6,700 16,776,700 1.6% 31,900 31,900 na 25,000 25,000 0.0% 16,833,600 16,833,600 1.7% 286,200 286,200 3.0% 111,500 111,500 1.1% 35,900 35,900 (29.9%) 1,164,100 1,164,100 (3.9%) 159,600 159,600 (8.1%) 1,202,500 1,202,500 5.5% 2,051,200 2,051,200 104.6% 3,596,700 3,596,700 (7.5%) 25,441,300 25,441,300 4.3% Reserves Current Level of Service Budget Program Performance Measures FY 2010 FY 2011 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Operating Expense 15,770,2n 16,519,900 Indirect Cost Reimburs 21,500 Capital Outlay 25,000 Net Operating Budget 15,791,777 16,544,900 Trans to Property Appraiser 275,896 277,900 Trans to Tax Collector 101,176 110,300 Trans to 001 General Fund 40,200 51,200 Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 1,151,600 1,211,000 Trans to 470 Solid Waste Fd 753,600 173,700 Trans to 474 Solid Waste Cap Fd 1,350,000 1,140,000 Reserves For Contingencies 1,002,400 Reserves For Cash Flow 3,887,700 Total Budget 19,464,249 24,399,100 FY 2011 Forecast 16,345,600 16,345,600 277,900 110,300 51,200 1,211,000 173,700 1,140,000 19,309,700 Fiscal Year 2012 38 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Solid Waste Management Mandatory Trash Collection Fund (473) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 1,256,283 1,006,700 1,027,800 1,027,800 1,027,800 2.1% Special Assessments 3,420 na Charges For Services 146,597 144,000 172,600 172,600 172,600 19.9% Mandatory Collection Fees 17,968,350 18,319,000 18,392,200 18,527,700 18,527,700 1.1% Miscellaneous Revenues 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 0.0% Interest/Misc 78,626 na Trans frm Tax Collector 44,868 na Carry Forward 6,355,000 5,852,200 6,309,500 6,647,400 6,647,400 13.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (977,800) (989,200) (989,200) 1.2% Total Funding 25,908,144 24,399,100 25,957,100 25,441,300 25,441,300 4.3% Forecast FY 2011 - Net Operating Expense is forecasted to be $199,300 below budget primarily due to lower disposal costs resulting from a 3.7% decrease in residential curbside municipal solid waste tonnage and a 5.2% decrease in residential curbside yard waste tonnage. Revenue FY 2011 - Forecast revenue is anticipated to be $1,558,000 higher than budget. The budget is prepared assuming all tax payments are made in November to take full advantage of the 4% discount allowed for tax payments in that month. The bulk of actual tax payments were received in December 201 0 and later when a lesser discount is applied to payments. The negative revenue reserve of $977,800 has not been utilized and contributes to the majority of the favorable variance. Current FY 2012 - Net Operating Expense is increasing $288,700, or 1.7% over the FY2011 adopted budget, primarily due to contractual collection payments to the franchise residential curbside contractors for 960 anticipated new residential curbside customers in FY2012. Disposal costs are budgeted to increase $37,700 as foreclosed homes become occupied and increase the tonnage of residential municipal solid waste, offset by a $35,600 reduction of IT allocated costs at a lower rate than in FY2011. The reserve for contingencies of $2,051,200 is primarily for emergency response for disaster recovery. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue is budgeted to increase 4.3% or $1,042,200. An additional 960 new customers are expected to be added to the solid waste assessment roll in FY 2012, contributing $208,700 to this increase. Carry forward increases $795,200. Capital Outlay $25,000 - dedicated server for service roll business application Fiscal Year 2012 39 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Pollution Control FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,750,773 1,946,900 1,848,800 1,885,500 1,885,500 (3.2%) Operating Expense 417..318 823,900 679,300 735,000 735,000 (10.8%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 132,200 120,900 120,900 98,200 98,200 (18.8%) Capital Outlay 260,274 68,300 68,300 64,600 64,600 (5.4%) Net Operating Budget 2,560,565 2,960,000 2,717,300 2,783,300 2,783,300 (6.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 17,627 16,500 16,500 16,000 16,000 (3.0%) Trans to Tax Collector 50,496 68,000 43,500 47,200 47,200 (30.6%) Trans to 001 General Fund 7,500 8,300 8,300 7,500 7,500 (9.6%) Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 82,100 82,100 (100.0%) Trans to 131 Plan serv Fd 82,900 82,900 na Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 52,700 55,100 55,100 54,500 54,500 (1.1%) Reserves For Contingencies 159,300 149,600 149,600 (6.1%) Reserves For Capital 154,200 127,400 127,400 (17.4%) Reserves For Cash Flow 400,000 430,000 430,000 7.5% Reserve for Attrition (64,700) (64,700) na Total Budget 2,688,888 3,903,500 2,922,800 3,633,700 3,633,700 (6.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Water Pollution Control Fund (114) 2,560,565 2,960,000 2,717,300 2,783,300 2,783,300 (6.0%) Total Net Budget 2,560,565 2,960,000 2,717,300 2,783,300 2,783,300 (6.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves 128,323 943,500 205,500 850,400 850,400 (9.9%) Total Budget 2,688,888 3,903,500 2,922,800 3,633,700 3,633,700 (6.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,975,087 1,811,900 1,807,900 1,708,600 1,708,600 (5.7%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 8,823 na Licenses & Permits 585 200 200 200 200 0.0% Intergovemmental Revenues 161,303 158,500 154,300 154,300 154,300 (2.6%) Charges For Services 374,129 347,100 394,400 366,000 366,000 5.4% Miscellaneous Revenues 2,513 500 na Interest/Mise 16,824 24,800 15,300 14,900 14,900 (39.9%) Reimb From Other Depts 122,516 126,400 126,400 143,800 143,800 13.8% Trans frm Property Appraiser 2,455 na Trans frm Tax Collector 22,394 na Carry Forward 1,885,100 1,560,400 1,813,600 1,365,300 1,365,300 (12.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (125,800) (119,400) (119,400) (5.1%) Total Funding 4,571,728 3,903,500 4,312,.600 3,633,700 3,633,700 (6.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Water Pollution Control Fund (114) 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 0.0% Total FTE 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 40 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Fund (114) Mission Statement To proactively plan, develop, and efficiently implement programs and projects that protect the safety, health and welfare of the community and its environment with a focus on the protection of Collier County's drinking water supply from all sources of pollution. Protection of Collier County's groundwater, freshwater, surface water and other non-tidal water resources is mandated by the Water Pollution Control Ordinance' 89-20 (WPCO 89-20), the Growth Management Plan, related Board-approved contracts, agreements, and federal and state regulatory directives. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Departmental Administration Leads and manages program activities, provides administrative and technical support, ensures resources (e.g. financial, staffing, contracts, equipment, instrumentation, and supplies) are available to ensure program success, ensures compliance, security, and safety criteria are met, manages assets, approves and authorizes purchasing activities. Storage Tank Management Primarily funded by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Governmental Contract GC-690 that requires inspections of pollutant storage tank facilities to ensure compliance. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20, and the county's Growth Management Plan (GMP) Conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) Objective 9.4. Hazardous Waste Compliance Assistance & Mgmt 6.50 799,721 1,734,600 -934,879 2.00 173,600 154,300 19,300 1.75 216,800 216,800 Through onsile hazardous waste and materials compliance assistance verification inspections and program outreach, this program complies with the mandates of the state's Small Quantity Generator Notification and Verification Program (Florida Statute 403.7234); GMP-CCM Element 9.2, 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element 4.1 ; and the Land Development Code (LDC) Section 3.06 Ground Water Protection. Water Resources Monitoring 3.00 513,897 137,400 376,497 Monitors Collier County's ground and surface water quality. Includes Eustis Landfill monitoring; South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) contracts OT061 098, 4600001904, and 4600001937; Lake Trafford; Lely Area Stormwater Improvement Project (LASIP) permit monitoring; United States Fish and Wildlife Service Contract; and, red tide sampling and community notification. Ensures the integrity of field samples by remaining in compliance with the Field Sampling Quality Manual; the FDEP's Standard Operating Procedures #DEP-SOP-001/01; GMP-CCM Goal 2 and Goal 3; and, the GMP's Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Objective 3. Analytical Services 7.00 878,554 185,300 693,254 Provides analytical, chemical, and biological water quality data that is accurate, precise and reliable. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20; the GMP Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element Objective 3 (Groundwater Quality Monitoring) and associated policies; the GMP-CCME Objectives 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3; Policies 2.1.2, 2.1.7, 2.2.4, 2.3.4,2.3.5,2.3.6; FAC 62-522,62-550,62-551,62-601,62-625,62-650, and 64E-9; and the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference. Fiscal Year 2012 41 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Fund (114) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Wastewater and Sludge Management 0.50 32,511 200 32,311 Performs compliance inspections of package sewage treatment plants, and regulates the safe and proper transportation and disposal of biosolids within Comer County. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20; the Collier County/FDEP Sewage Treatment Compliance Inspection Agreement; and, the Collier County Sludge Transportation and Disposal Ordinance 87-79. Pollution Complaint Investigation 0.75 50,694 50,694 Responds, investigates and, if necessary, ensures the proper cleanup associated with pollution complaints. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20. Intergovernmental Assistance Program 1,100 60,000 -58,900 Provides intergovernmental compliance assistance to Departments in the County Manager's Agency to help ensure environmental regulatory compliance and prevent pollutant releases. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20, and the GMP-CCME Objective 9.4. SFWMD Contract OT 061098 2.00 105,400 116,000 -10,600 Monitors Collier County's ground water and prepares annual assessment reports in accordance with the SFWMD contract OT061 098. Meets the mandates of the WPCO 89-20, GMP-CCME Objective 3.4, and the Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element Objective 3. Air Quality Monitoring 1.00 64,623 64,623 Assists the state in monitoring air quality in Collier County as required by the GMP-CCME Policy 8.1.4, and the Collier County/FDEP Agreement #MOA100. Reserves 642,300 1,245,900 -603,600 Transfers/Rem ittances 154,500 154,500 Current Level of Service Budget 24.50 3,633,700 3,633,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % of Laboratory Analyses Conducted Within Holding Time 99.99 99.98 99.98 Number of Laboratory Analyses Performed Per FTE 11,900 10,700 11,400 Number of Petroleum Storage Tank Inspections 646 646 796 796 Number of Small Quantity Generator Compliance Inspections 1,042 1,131 1,131 1,000 Number of Water Quality Analyses 63,204 67,673 70,000 74,250 Number of Water Samples Collected 1,478 1,478 1,692 1,640 Responses to Pollution Complaintsllnvestigations 225 225 180 180 Fiscal Year 2012 42 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Fund (114) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,750,773 1,946,900 1,848,800 1,885,500 1,885,500 (3.2%) Operating Expense 417,318 823,900 679,300 735,000 735,000 (10.8%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 132,200 120,900 120,900 98,200 98,200 (18.8%) Capital Outlay 260,274 68,300 68,300 64,600 64,600 (5.4%) Net Operating Budget 2,560,565 2,960,000 2,717,300 2,783,300 2,783,300 (6.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 17,627 16,500 16,500 16,000 16,000 (3.0%) Trans to Tax Collector 50,496 68,000 43,500 47,200 47,200 (30.6%) Trans to 001 General Fund 7,500 8,300 8,300 7,500 7,500 (9.6%) Trans to 113 Com Dev Fd 82,100 82,100 (100.0%) Trans to 131 Plan serv Fd 82,900 82,900 na Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 52,700 55,100 55,100 54,500 54,500 (1.1%) Reserves For Contingencies 159,300 149,600 149,600 (6.1%) Reserves For Capital 154,200 127,400 127,400 (17.4%) Reserves For Cash Flow 400,000 430,000 430,000 7.5% Reserve for Attrition (64,700) (64,700) na Total Budget 2,688,888 3,903,500 2,922,800 3,633,700 3,633,700 (6.9%) Total FTE 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,975,087 1,811,900 1,807,900 1,708,600 1,708,600 (5.7%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 8,823 na Licenses & Permits 585 200 200 200 200 0.0% Intergovernmental Revenues 161,303 158,500 154,300 154,300 154,300 (2.6%) Charges For Services 374,129 347,100 394,400 366,000 366,000 5.4% Miscellaneous Revenues 2,513 500 na Interest/Mise 16,824 24,800 15,300 14,900 14,900 (39.9%) Reimb From Other Depts 122,516 126,400 126,400 143,800 143,800 13.8% Trans frm Property Appraiser 2,455 na Trans frm Tax Collector 22,394 na Carry Forward 1,885,100 1,560,400 1,813,600 1,365,300 1,365,300 (12.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (125,800) (119,400) (119,400) (5.1%) Total Funding 4,571,728 3,903,500 4,312,600 3,633,700 3,633,700 (6.9%) Ordinance 89-20 allows up to one tenth of a mill of Ad-Valorem revenue to be levied towards a Water Pollution Control Fund. The proposed FY 2012 budget, in compliance with FY 2012 Budget Policy, remains millage neutral (0.0293 mil) and well below the 0.1 mil allowed by referendum, and the net operating budget was reduced by 6.0%. Based on a taxable value of $58,314,443,709, a 5.7% decrease from the final previous year's taxable value, results in a decrease of $1 03,300 in ad valorem taxes. Cost containment savings, contract revenue and carry forward revenue offsets this decrease in funds from county taxpayers. FY 2012 Ad Valorem taxes represent 47% of the proposed FY 2012 budget, while carry forward and contract revenue reflects the majority of the remaining proposed budget (53%). Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services were $98,100 lower than budgeted due to vacancies during the year. Operating expenses decreased $144,600. The most notable decreases were $177,000 for outside lab sourcing that was not required and $8,600 out of county travel. These were offset by an increase of $47,400 for minor operating equipment for the lab and field. Revenue FY 2011 - Carryforward increased by $253,200 over the adopted FY 2011 budget. Current FY 2012 - The decrease in Personal Services is primarily due to the decrease in the retirement rate which caused a decrease of $83,400 and a decrease of $55,000 in other salaries and wages, and an increase of $33,000 for health insurance. Operating expenses decreased by $88,900 with the most notable decreases being $58,300 for contractual outside lab services, $36,100 equipment service contracts, $7,600 for IT allocations, and $7,200 for motor pool rental charges. These were slightly offset by increases of $9,200 for regular Fiscal Year 2012 43 Public Utilities Division Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Division Water Pollution Control Water Pollution Control Fund (114) out of county travel and $11,700 for general insurance. Indirect costs also decreased by $22,700. Budgeted reserves include $149,600 for reserve for contingencies, $127,400 for reserves for capital outlay for replacement of large unbudgeted items such as laboratory equipment or vehicles, and $430,000 for reserve for cash flow in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. Capital Outlay Laboratory Equipment $62,000 - Rapid Flow Auto-Analyzer $ 2,600 - YSI Sonde Meter/Computer Revenue FY 2012 - Carryforward decreased by $71,500 when comparing the FY 2010 Actual with the FY 2011 Forecast. Carryforward continued to decrease by $448,300, when comparing the FY 2011 Forecast with the proposed FY 2012 budget. Ad valorem funding is also decreasing by $103,300 or 5.7% from FY 2011 to FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 44 Public Utilities Division Public Utilities Debt Service Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Enterprise Debt Service Program Enterprise Debt Service Organizational Chali Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Public Utilities Debt Service Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Debt-1 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Enterprise Debt Service Program Public Utilities Debt Service FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 10,450 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.0% Arbitrage Services 9,496 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% Debt Service 110,789 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 12,193,202 11,825,800 11,825,800 12,311,400 12,311,400 4.1% Debt Service - Interest Expense 9,978,575 9,765,500 9,765,500 9,283,100 9,283,100 (4.9%) Net Operating Budget 22,302,512 21,713,300 21,713,300 21,716,500 21,716,500 0.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 9,125 12,800 12,800 12,800 12,800 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 1 0,829 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 0.0% Trans to 411 W Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,839,056 na Trans to 412 W User Fee Cap Fd 452,618 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Reserves For Debt Service 19,704,700 17,010,100 17,010,100 (13.7%) Reserves For Capital 300,000 300,000 300,000 0.0% Total Budget 28,614,140 42,115,800 21,743,100 39,424,400 39,424,400 (6.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Water/Sewer Debt Service (410) 22,302,512 21,713,300 21,713,300 21,716,500 21,716,500 0.0% Total Net Budget 22,302,512 21,713,300 21,713,300 21,716,500 21,716,500 0.0% Total Transfers and Reserves 6,311,628 20,402,500 29,800 17,707,900 17,707,900 (13.2%) Total Budget 28,614,140 42,115,800 21,743,100 39,424,400 39,424,400 (6.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments (35,683) na InterestlMisc 148,310 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (33.3%). sRF Loan Proceeds 6,291,674 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Bond Proceeds 41,047 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,804 na Trans fm 408 Water / Sewer Fd 11,950,500 9,640,000 9,640,000 7,146,400 7,146,400 (25.9%) Trans fin 411 W Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,548,324 5,517,800 5,517,800 5,675,900 5,675,900 2.9% Trans fm 413 5 Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,524,100 5,618,000 5,618,000 5,484,200 5,484,200 (2.4%) Carry Forward 20,070,200 20,829,500 21,522,200 20,654,900 20,654,900 (0.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (7,500) (5,000) (5,000) (33.3%) Total Funding 49,543,275 42,115,800 42,398,000 39,424,400 39,424,400 (6.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 Debt-2 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Enterprise Debt Service Program Public Utilities Debt Service County Water/Sewer Debt Service (410) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE Loan Proceeds 2003B Refunding Revenue Bonds Due in annual installments through July 1, 2021. Principal and interest are payable from the net operating revenues & special assessment collections. 2006 County Water & Sewer Revenue Bond Due in annual installments through July 1, 2036. Principal and interest are payable from the net operating revenues & System Development fees. 2009 Refunding Revenue Bond Due in annual installments through July 1, 2016. Principal and interest are payable from the net operating revenues & special assessment collections. State Revolving Fund Loan - East / South Sewer System Repayable in 20 annual installments commencing October 1, 1992. Principal and interest are payable from special assessment collections. State Revolving Fund Loan - SCWRF Odor Control Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing January 15, 1999. Principal and interest are payable from net operating revenues. State Revolving Fund Loan - NCWRF 5 mgd Expansion Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing November 15, 2001. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - NCWRF Expand to 30.6 mgd Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing October 15, 2004. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - NCWRF Flow Equalization Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing January 15, 2005. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - NCWRF Expansion Liquid Stream Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing June 15, 2006. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - NCWRF Expansion Solid Stream Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing September 15, 2006. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - Goodlette FM & MPS 1.03 Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing December 15, 2005. Principal and interest are payable from sewer system development fees. FY 2012 Budget 368,000 4,835,050 4,974,052 1,874,030 1,060,599 886,480 1,463,311 346,589 440,334 1,944,449 668,242 363,094 FY 2012 Revenues 368,000 4,036,200 1,463,311 346,589 440,334 1,944,449 668,242 363,094 FY 2012 Net Cost 4,835,050 937,852 1,874,030 1,060,599 886,480 Fiscal Year 2012 Debt-3 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Enterprise Debt Service Program Public Utilities Debt Service County Water/Sewer Debt Service (410) Program Summary State Revolving Fund Loan - Reuse ASR Wells Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing November 15,2007. Principal and interest are payable from net sewer operating revenues. FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 266,494 266,494 State Revolving Fund Loan-Lower Hawthorn Wells, Pumps & etc Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing April 15, 2008. Principal and interest are payable from net sewer operating revenues. State Revolving Fund Loan - 12 MGD RO Plant Expansion Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing August 15, 2008. Principal and interest are payable from water system development fees. State Revolving Fund Loan - South County Wellfield Expansion Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing October 15,2009. Principal and interest are payable from water system development fees. 357,597 357,597 1,142,291 1,142,291 755,635 755,635 State Revolving Fund Loan - Wells 34 and 37 216,079 216,079 Repayable in 40 semi-annual installments commencing December 15, 2009. Principal and interest are payable from net water operating revenues. Overhead/Admin Fees, Reserves, Interest, and Transfers 17,462,074 27,896,255 -10,434,181 Current Level of Service Budget 39,424,400 39,424,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1 0,450 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0.0% Arbitrage Services 9,496 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0.0% Debt Service 110,789 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 12,193,202 11,825,800 11,825,800 12,311,400 12,311,400 4.1% Debt Service - Interest Expense 9,978,575 9,765,500 9,765,500 9,283,100 9,283,100 (4.9%) Net Operating Budget 22,302,512 21,713,300 21,713,300 21,716,500 21,716,500 0.0% Trans to Property Appraiser 9,125 12,800 12,800 12,800 12,800 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 10,829 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 0.0% Trans to 411 W Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,839,056 na Trans to 412 W User Fee Cap Fd 452,618 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Reserves For Debt Service 19,704,700 17,010,100 17,010,100 (13.7%) Reserves For Capital 300,000 300,000 300,000 0.0% Total Budget 28,614,140 42,115,800 21,743,100 39,424,400 39,424,400 (6.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 Debt-4 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Enterprise Debt Service Program Public Utilities Debt Service County Water/Sewer Debt Service (410) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments (35,683) na InteresUMisc 148,310 150,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 (33.3%) SRF Loan Proceeds 6,291,674 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Bond Proceeds 41,047 na Trans fnm Tax Collector 4,804 na Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 11,950,500 9,640,000 9,640,000 7,146,400 7,146,400 (25.9%) Trans fm 411 W Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,548,324 5,517,800 5,517,800 5,675,900 5,675,900 2.9% Trans fm 413 5 Impact Fee Cap Fd 5,524,100 5,618,000 5,618,000 5,484,200 5,484,200 (2.4%) Carry Forward 20,070,200 20,829,500 21,522,200 20,654,900 20,654,900 (0.8%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (7,500) (5,000) (5,000) (33.3%) Total Funding 49,543,275 42,115,800 42,398,000 39,424,400 39,424,400 (6.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 Debt-5 Capital Improvement Program Public Util ities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital Public Utilities Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 County Water I Sewer Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Solid Waste Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-1 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 16,587 na Operating Expense 14,790,100 386,100 380,700 380,700 na Capital Outlay 4,755,697 28,474,000 93,184,100 58,843,600 58,843,600 106.7% Total Net Budget 19,562,384 28,474,000 93,570,200 59,224,300 59,224,300 108.0 % Advance/Repay to 413 Sew IF 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (100.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 274 600 350 350 350 (41.7%) Trans to Tax Collector 357 800 450 450 450 (43.8%) Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 35,000 17 ,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Trans to 410 W/S Debt serv Fd 11,072,424 11,135,800 11,135,800 11,160,100 11,160,100 0.2% Trans to 417 PU Grant Fd 2,112,000 na Trans to 476 Solid Waste Grants 1,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 2,034,800 6,752,900 6,752,900 231.9% Reserves For Capital 53,989,900 31,591,800 31,591,800 (41.5%) Total Budget 36,170,438 101,153,500 112,338,100 108,751,500 108,751,500 7.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Water I Sewer Capital 18,003,369 23,415,000 82,550,600 54,921,800 54,921,800 134.6% Solid Waste Capital 1,559,015 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Total Net Budget 19,562,384 28,474,000 93,570,200 59,224,300 59,224,300 108.0% County Water / Sewer Capital 16,608,054 72,489,100 18,766,200 49,450,600 49,450,600 (31.8%) Solid Waste Capital 190,400 1,700 76,600 76,600 (59.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves 16,608,054 72,679,500 18,767,900 49,527,200 49,527,200 (31.9%) Total Budget 36,170,438 101,153,500 112,338,100 108,751,500 108,751,500 7.5% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-2 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 3,478 18,000 na sFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 288,000 988,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 987,179 na Interest/Misc 800,215 916,100 612,200 599,400 599,400 (34.6%) Impact Fees 7,256,456 5,600,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 7.1% Deferred Impact Fees 2,850 na Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt serv 2,832,600 na Trans frm Tax Collector 162 na Trans fm 408 Water / Sewer Fd 42,760,000 43,508,700 43,508,700 44,253,800 44,253,800 1.7% Trans fm 410 W/s Debt serv Fd 6,291,674 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Trans fm 414 Sewer Cap 5,500,000 5,500,000 7,612,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 3,899,000 3,899,000 2,696,200 2,696,200 (30.8%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collct Fd 1,350,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 1,202,500 1,202,500 5.5% Carry Forward 70,110,700 40,547,500 99,688,900 53,961,300 53,961,300 33.1% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (325,800) (329,700) (329,700) 1.2% Total Funding 135,350,714 101,153,500 166,299,400 108,751,500 108,751,500 7.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 0!1l% Total FTE Il;l)% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital 685 700 Solid Waste Capital 5,249,400 11,503,594 11,021,300 4,379,100 Water I Sewer District Capital 95,904,100 152,024,774 101,316,100 104,372,400 Total Project Budget 101,153,500 163,529,053 112,338,100 108,751,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-3 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,869 na Operating Expense 13,890,847 386,100 380,700 380,700 na Capital Outlay 4,110,652 23,415,000 82,164,500 54,541,100 54,541,100 132.9% Net Operating Budget 18,003,369 23,415,000 82,550,600 54,921,800 54,921,800 134.6% Advance/Repay to 413 Sew IF 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (100.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 274 600 350 350 350 (41.7%) Trans to Tax Collector 357 800 450 450 450 (43.8%) Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 35,000 17,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Trans to 410 W/S Debt serv Fd 11,072,424 11,135,800 11,135,800 11,160,100 11,160,100 0.2% Trans to 417 PU Grant Fd 2,112,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,844,400 6,676,300 6,676,300 262.0% Reserves For Capital 53,989,900 31,591,800 31,591,800 (41.5%) Total Budget 34,611,423 95,904,100 101,316,800 104,372,400 104,372,400 8.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Sewer Capital Projects (414) 7,893,150 15,910,000 41,986,700 26,368,600 26,368,600 65.7% County Sewer System Development 142,107 395,000 1,863,100 267,500 267,500 (32.3%) Capital Fund (413) County Water Capital Projects (412) 6,051,310 6,887,500 31,315,800 27,998,200 27,998,200 306.5% County Water Sewer Grants (416/417) 3,100,000 na County Water System Development 1,426,131 222,500 3,239,500 287,500 287,500 29.2% Capital Fund (411) County Water/Sewer Capital Funded by 2,490,671 1,045,500 na 2006 Bond (415) Total Net Budget 18,003,369 23,415,000 82,550,600 54,921,800 54,921,800 134.6% Total Transfers and Reserves 16,608,054 72,489,100 18,766,200 49,450,600 49,450,600 (31.8%) Total Budget 34,611,423 95,904,100 101,316,800 104,372,400 104,372,400 8.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 3,478 18,000 na SFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 288,000 988,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 987,077 na Interest/Misc 749,931 856,100 580,200 569,400 569,400 (33.5%) Impact Fees 7,256,456 5,600,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 7.1% Deferred Impact Fees 2,850 na Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt serv 2,832,600 na Trans frm Tax Collector 162 na Trans fm 408 Water / Sewer Fd 42,760,000 43,508,700 43,508,700 44,253,800 44,253,800 1.7% Trans fm 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 6,291,674 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Trans fm 414 Sewer Cap 5,500,000 5,500,000 7,612,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 63,545,900 40,394,100 93,286,700 53,509,400 53,509,400 32.5% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (322,800) (328,200) (328,200) 1.7% Total Funding 127,385,529 95,904,100 154,826,200 104,372,400 104,372,400 8.8% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 4 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 669 700 Water / Sewer District Capital 10 Year Water Supply Plan 100,000 124,748 124,700 Annual Update and Inventory Report 10,000 11,264 11,300 Asset Alignment 50,000 51,359 51,300 50,000 Asset Management-Wastewater 300,000 352,625 352,600 300,000 Asset Management-Water 300,000 350,070 350,100 300,000 Automated Meter Reading System 200,000 200,000 200,000 Collection sysl Odor/Corrosion Control 208 200 Collections Lightning Protection 650,000 650,000 650,000 475,000 Collections Power Systems TsP 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Collections System TSP 36,001 36,000 Collections Telemetry/sCADA 350,000 1,022,092 1,022,100 100,000 Collier County I & I Implementation 709,323 709,300 Collier County Utility Standards 5,000 14,073 14,100 7,500 CR951 - FM upsize RSH Road 40,149 40,100 Cross Connection Control Program 1,500,000 1,992,517 1,992,500 Decommission of Pelican Bay WRF 13,012 13,000 Distribution Renewal and Replacement 1,500,000 4,613,880 4,613,900 1,500,000 Distribution Storage TSP 230,000 424,805 424,800 250,000 Distribution Warehouse 5,605 5,600 Eagle Lakes Nature Interpretive Ctr 809 800 Energy Efficiency Enhancements 52,369 52,400 Energy Efficiency Study/Implementation 150,000 300,000 300,000 150,000 Evaluation of Orangetree Utility System 50,000 632,822 632,900 Facility Reliability Improvements 5,024 5,000 FDOT Utility Relocations-Wastewater 150,000 1,371,285 1,371,300 1,500,000 FDOT Utility Relocations-Water 150,000 5,000,467 5,000,500 4,500,000 Financial Services 90,000 280,374 280,500 90,000 Fire Hydrant Replacement 300,000 509,053 509,100 300,000 Fire Line Metering 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Force Main Transmission Systems TSP 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,620,000 General Legal Svs 29,205 29,200 Generator Upgrades 1,334,489 1,334,500 1,000,000 GIS Layers WSD-WTR 15,449 15,500 GMD Utility Relocations-Wastewater 19,517 19,500 55,000 GMD Utility Relocations-Water 19,451 19,500 935,000 Grant Applications 2,500 7,500 7,500 2,500 Gravity Transmission Systems TsP 1,460,000 1,460,000 1,460,000 1,460,000 Growth Management Plan Update 60,000 60,000 60,000 IQ Booster Pump Station 1,319,719 1,319,700 IQ Power Systems TsP 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 IQ System SCADA TSP 350,000 350,000 350,000 1,850,000 IQ Water Lightning Protection 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 IQ Water Source Integration 419,012 419,000 700,000 IQ Water System TsP 250,000 255,694 255,700 950,000 Irrigation Quality sCADA Improvements 80,271 80,300 Irrigation Quality Water AsR 200,000 568,393 568,400 Isles of Capri Re-pump Station Rehab 50,000 LDC Review and Amendment 5,000 5,000 10,000 Legal Services 100,000 928,171 928,200 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 5 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water / Sewer District Capital Lift Station Emergency Power 35,985 36,000 Lift Station Facility Rehab 766,871 766,900 Lift Station Mechanical Improvements 5,443,869 5,443,900 Lift Station Odor/Corrosion Control 280,584 280,600 Lift Station Secondary Force Mains 60,286 60,300 Lift Stations TsP 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 Master Plans 600,000 641,060 641,100 Master Pump Station TsP 3,400,000 3,270,000 3,270,000 3,400,000 Meter Renewal and Replacement 300,000 389,940 389,900 1,000,000 NCRWTP High TDS Reverse Osmosis 3,222,483 3,222,500 NCRWTP Modifications 38,293 38,300 NCRWTP Piping Modifications 150,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 NCRWTP RO Membrane/lnterstage 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,000,000 Booster NCRWTP RO Wellfield Reliability 51,076 51,100 NCRWTP Technical Support Program 200,000 807,532 807,500 220,000 NCRWTP-Variable Frequency Drives 250,000 1,191,171 1,191,200 1,000,000 NCWRF Expa. to 30.6 MGD-Phase 1 13,424,494 13,424,500 NCWRF Hydraulic Eval Chlorine Contact 49,700 49,700 Basins NCWRF Orbal Bleach System 329,349 329,300 NCWRF Power Systems TSP 270,000 270,000 270,000 550,000 NCWRF Rehab 6,202 6,200 NCWRF SCADA TsP 50,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 NCWRF Treatment Systems TsP 1,500,000 2,417,834 2,417,800 1,000,000 NCWRF-Sludge Holding Tank 3,500,000 Replacement Neighborhood Enhancement Program 1,263,555 1,263,500 NERWTP Design and Construction 7,500 201,858 201,900 7,500 NERWTP Land (Orange Tree) 3,763 3,800 NERWTP Phase 1 B Wellfield Expansion 3,000 3,000 NERWTP Wellfield Study 7,500 17,500 17,500 7,500 NEWRF Design and Construction 7,500 270,138 270,100 7,500 NEWRF-Land Acquisition (Orange Tree) 5,246 5,200 North County 1&1 Implementation 36,597 36,600 Northeast Project Mgmt/Oversight 50,000 85,318 85,300 40,000 Operating Project 411 225,759 225,800 200,000 Operating Project 413 160,326 160,300 150,000 Pelican Bay Irrigation 10,329 10,300 Permit Data Base 150,000 150,000 7,400 PhysicallCyber Security-Wastewater 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 PhysicallCyber Security-Water 250,000 417,249 417,200 250,000 Primary Transmission System Rehab 906,620 906,600 PU Operations Center 48,862 48,900 PUD Operations Center TSP 200,000 Pump Station Improvements 5,945 6,000 sBR Sewer Interconnect, Radio to VBR 19,447 19,400 sCRWTP 20 MGD Wellfield Expansion 2,653,821 2,653,800 SCRWTP Deep Injection Well 1,500,000 sCRWTP Odor Control Waste Disposal 116,409 116,400 500,000 sCRWTP Reactor Rehabilitation 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 SCRWTP Technical Support Program 200,000 292,156 292,200 215,000 SCWRF Capacity Analysis & Process 87,584 87,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 6 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water / Sewer District Capital SCWRF Compliance Assurance Project 4,000,000 sCWRF Deep Injec. Well Pressure Sys 64,666 64,700 sCWRF Power Systems TsP 225,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 sCWRF Process Control 104,920 104,900 sCWRF Rehab 47,460 47,500 sCWRF SCADA TsP 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 sCWRF Treatment Systems TSP 1,200,000 1,688,612 1,688,600 600,000 SCWRF WIN Lab Area Renovation 10,433 10,400 sCWRF-Lightning Protection 400,000 400,000 400,000 200,000 Security Renovations - PUD Ops Ctr 21,234 21,200 sERWRF Land Acquisition 8,324 8,300 sERWfP Wellfield Study 3,000 3,000 Sewer Line Rehabilitation 955,695 955,700 South (Eagle Lake) Reel Storage Ponds 16,612 16,600 South RO Wellfield Restoration 5,995,563 5,995,600 5,000,000 State Revolving Fund 60,000 144,932 144,900 60,000 System Enhancements-Billing/Cust Svc 90,000 413,107 413,100 164,000 System Hydraulic Analysis 70,000 214,920 215,000 70,000 Tamiami Wellfield Reliability Replace 1,242 1,200 Utility Management System 40,000 40,000 40,000 312,600 Vanderbilt Drive Water Main 5,000,000 VBR FM, Logan to Goodlette 320,487 320,500 Wastewater SCADA 52,175 52,200 Water Distri Telemetry - remote location 18,222 18,200 Water Facility Lightning Protection 105,000 105,000 105,000 75,000 Water Power Systems TSP 15,000 15,000 15,000 70,000 Water sCADA and Instrumentation 300,000 328,896 328,900 300,000 Water SCADA Software 21,477 21,500 Wellfield Management Program 587,990 588,000 150,000 Wellfield sCADA TSP 125,000 Wellfield/Raw Water Booster PS TsP 500,000 WIN SCADA Software and Licensing 20,642 20,600 45,300 Wyndemere Rehab 12 X-Transfers/Reserves/lnterest - Fd 409 19,000 19,581 18,400 22,400 X-Transfers/Reservesl/nterest - Fd 411 11,703,600 11,357,898 5,517,800 10,948,600 X-Transfers/Reservesllnterest - Fd 412 24,587,300 18,534,022 13,595,700 X- Transfers/Reserves/Interest - Fd 413 11,223,800 11,830,290 5,618,000 11,219,100 X- Transfers/Reserves/Interest - Fd 414 24,955,400 27,647,749 7,612,000 13,595,800 X-TransferslReserves/lnterest- Fd 415 85,597 69,000 Water / Sewer District Capital 95,904,100 152,024,774 101,316,100 104,372,400 Department Total Project Budget 95,904,100 152,025,443 101,316,800 104,372,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 7 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water/Sewer Special Assessment(409) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans to Property Appraiser 274 600 350 350 350 (41.7%) Trans to Tax Collector 357 800 450 450 450 (43.8%) Trans to 408 Water/Sewer Fd 35,000 17,600 17,600 21,600 21,600 22.7% Total Budget 35,630 19,000 18,400 22,400 22,400 17.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 3,478 18,000 na Interest/Misc 156 100 3,200 100 100 0.0%' Trans frm Tax Collector 162 na Carry Forward 37,000 18,900 19,500 22,300 22,300 18.0% Total Funding 40,796 19,000 40,700 22,400 22,400 17.9% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water / Sewer District Capital X- Transfers/Reservesllnterest - Fd 409 19,000 19,581 18,400 22,400 Program Total Project Budget 19,000 19,581 18,400 22,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 8 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water System Development Capital Fund (411) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 596,020 225,800 200,000 200,000 na Capital Outlay 830,111 222,500 3,013,700 87,500 87,500 (60.7%) Net Operating Budget 1,426,131 222,500 3,239,500 287,500 287,500 29.2% Trans to 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 5,548,324 5,517,800 5,517,800 5,675,900 5,675,900 2.9% Reserves For Contingencies 200,000 596,300 596,300 198.1% Reserves For Capital 5,985,800 4,676,400 4,676,400 (21.9%) Total Budget 6,974,455 11,926,100 8,757,300 11,236,100 11,236,100 (5.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 777,077 na InteresVMisc 91,537 100,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 (30.0%) Impact Fees 3,740,688 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7.1% Deferred Impact Fees 1,275 na Trans fm 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 5,839,056 na Carry Forward 10,077,500 9,171,100 14,006,900 8,319,600 8,319,600 (9.3%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (145,000) (153,500) (153,500) 5.9% Total Funding 20,527,133 11,926,100 17,076,900 11,236,100 11,236,100 (5.8%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water / Sewer District Capital Annual Update and Inventory Report 2,500 2,500 2,500 Collier County Utility Standards 2,754 2,800 2,500 Evaluation of Orangetree Utility System 435,655 435,700 Financial Services 15,000 60,273 60,300 15,000 Grant Applications 2,500 2,500 Growth Management Plan Update 30,000 30,000 30,000 LDC Review and Amendment 0 5,000 Master Plans 100,000 100,000 100,000 NCRWfP High TDS Reverse Osmosis 118,054 118,100 NERWfP Design and Construction 7,500 17,500 17,500 7,500 NERWfP Land (Orange Tree) 3,763 3,800 NERWfP Phase 18 Wellfield Expansion 3,000 3,000 NERWfP Wellfield Study 7,500 17,500 17,500 7,500 Northeast Project Mgmt/Oversight 25,000 38,184 38,200 15,000 Operating Project 411 225,759 225,800 200,000 SCRWfP 20 MGD Wellfield Expansion 2,051,339 2,051,300 sERWfP Wellfield Study 3,000 3,000 System Hydraulic Analysis 35,000 127,460 127,500 35,000 X- Transfers/Reserves/Interest - Fd 411 11,703,600 11,357,898 5,517,800 10,948,600 Water / Sewer District Capital 11,926,100 14,597,140 8,757,300 11,236,100 Program Total Project Budget 11,926,100 14,597,140 8,757,300 11,236,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 9 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water Capital Projects (412) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,869 na Operating Expense 5,971,893 7,400 7,400 na Capital Outlay 77,548 6,887,500 31,315,800 27,990,800 27,990,800 306.4% Net Operating Budget 6,051,310 6,887,500 31,315,800 27,998,200 27,998,200 . 306.5% Reserves For Contingencies 344,400 2,799,000 2,799,000 712.7% Reserves For Capital 24,242,900 10,796,700 10,796,700 (55.5%) Total Budget 6,051,310 31,474,800 31,315,800 41,593,900 41,593,900 32.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012, FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 268,917 300,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 (33.3%) Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt serv 1,416,300 na Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 19,192,300 13,052,600 13,052,600 24,984,900 24,984,900 91.4% Trans fm 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 452,618 368,000 368,000 368,000 0.0% Carry Forward 18,835,400 17,769,200 32,697,900 16,051,000 16,051,000 (9.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (15,000) (10,000) (10,000) (33.3%) Total Funding 38,749,235 31,474,800 47,366,800 41,593,900 41,593,900 32.1% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 10 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water Capital Projects (412) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water I Sewer District Capital 10 Year Water Supply Plan 100,000 124,748 124,700 Annual Update and Inventory Report 2,500 2,500 2,500 Asset Alignment 25,000 26,029 26,000 25,000 Asset Management-Water 300,000 350,070 350,100 300,000 Automated Meter Reading System 200,000 200,000 200,000 Collier County Utility Standards 2,500 3,146 3,100 2,500 Cross Connection Control Program 1,500,000 1,992,517 1,992,500 Distribution Renewal and Replacement 1,500,000 4,613,880 4,613,900 1,500,000 Distribution Storage TSP 230,000 424,805 424,800 250,000 Distribution Warehouse 5,605 5,600 Energy Efficiency Enhancements 26,172 26,200 Energy Efficiency Studyllmplementation 75,000 150,000 150,000 75,000 Facility Reliability Improvements 5,024 5,000 FDOT Utility Relocations-Water 150,000 5,000,467 5,000,500 4,500,000 Financial Services 30,000 87,869 87,900 30,000 Fire Hydrant Replacement 300,000 509,053 509,100 300,000 Fire Line Metering 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 General Legal svs 29,205 29,200 Generator Upgrades 1,334,489 1,334,500 1,000,000 GIS Layers WSD-WTR 8,366 8,400 GMD Utility Relocations-Water 19,451 19,500 935,000 Grant Applications 2,500 2,500 2,500 Isles of Capri Re-pump Station Rehab 50,000 0 Legal Services 828,171 828,200 Master Plans 100,000 100,000 100,000 Meter Renewal and Replacement 300,000 389,940 389,900 1,000,000 NCRWTP High TDS Reverse Osmosis 3,104,429 3,104,400 NCRWTP Modifications 38,293 38,300 NCRWTP Piping Modifications 150,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 NCRWTP RO Membranellnterstage 250,000 250,000 250,000 2,000,000 Booster NCRWTP RO Wellfield Reliability 51,076 51,100 NCRWTP Technical Support Program 200,000 807,532 807,500 220,000 NCRWTP-Variable Frequency Drives 250,000 1,191,171 1,191,200 1,000,000 Permit Data Base 150,000 150,000 7,400 Physical/Cyber Security-Water 250,000 417,249 417,200 250,000 Primary Transmission System Rehab 906,620 906,600 PUD Operations Center TsP 0 200,000 SCRWTP Deep Injection Well 0 1,500,000 sCRWTP Odor Control Waste Disposal 116,409 116,400 500,000 sCRWTP Reactor Rehabilitation 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 SCRWTP Technical Support Program 200,000 292,156 292,200 215,000 Security Renovations - PU D Ops Ctr 15,243 15,200 South RO Wellfield Restoration 5,995,563 5,995,600 5,000,000 State Revolving Fund 30,000 54,932 54,900 30,000 System Enhancements-Billing/Cust Svc 50,000 243,266 243,300 82,000 Tamiami Wellfield Reliability Replace 1,242 1,200 Utility Management System 20,000 20,000 20,000 156,300 Vanderbilt Drive Water Main 0 5,000,000 Water Distri Telemetry - remote location 1 8,222 18,200 Water Facility Lightning Protection 105,000 105,000 105,000 75,000 Water Power Systems TSP 15,000 15,000 15,000 70,000 Water sCADA and Instrumentation 300,000 328,896 328,900 300,000 Water sCADA Software 21,477 21,500 Wellfield Management Program 587,990 588,000 150,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 11 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget CIP Category / Project Title Water I Sewer District Capital Wellfield sCADA TSP Wellfield/Raw Water Booster PS TsP X- Transfers/Reserves/Interest - Fd 412 Water I Sewer District Capital Program Total Project Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water Capital Projects (412) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget 0 125,000 0 500,000 24,587,300 18,534,022 0 13,595,700 31.474,800 49,849,795 31,315,800 41,593,900 31,474,800 49,849,795 31,315,800 41,593,900 FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Budget FY 2016 Budget On March 24, 2009, item 16(F)7 and again on September 29,2009, item 16(F)5, the Board of County Commissioners approved to allocate undesignated fund balances of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Capital accounts to assist the General Governmental Debt Service Funds for the County's Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds (Series 200212003/2005) (fund 210, fund 215, fund 216 respectively). As a result of the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deterioration of the bond insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain dollars to fund the parity Reserve Account by November 30,2009. As of September 30,2011, the outstanding balance of this loan in the Water Capital Project Fund 412 is $7,858,651. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 12 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Sewer System Development Capital Fund (413) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY ~012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 108,034 160,300 150,000 150,000 na Capital Outlay 34,073 395,000 1,702,800 117,500 117,500 (70.3%) Net Operating Budget 142,107 395,000 1,863,100 267,500 267,500 (32.3%) Trans to 410 W/S Debt Serv Fd 5,524,100 5,618,000 5,618,000 5,484,200 5,484,200 (2.4%) Reserves For Contingencies 300,000 575,000 575,000 91.7% Reserves For Capital 5,305,800 5,159,900 5,159,900 (2.7%) Total Budget 5,666,207 11,618,800 7,481,100 11,486,600 11,486,600 (1.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 43,245 50,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 (10.0%) Impact Fees 3,515,768 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7.1% Deferred Impact Fees 1,575 na Trans fm 414 Sewer Cap 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 3,755,400 3,411,300 7,529,900 8,593,800 8,593,800 151.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (142,500) (152,200) (152,200) 6.8% Total Funding 12,815,988 11,618,800 16,074,900 11,486,600 11,486,600 (1.1%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water I Sewer District Capital Annual Update and Inventory Report 2,500 3,764 3,800 Collier County Utility Standards 4,960 5,000 CR951 - FM upsize RsH Road 40,149 40,100 Evaluation of Orangetree Utility System 50,000 197,167 197,200 Financial Services 15,000 58,870 58,900 15,000 Grant Applications 2,500 2,500 Growth Management Plan Update 30,000 30,000 30,000 LDC Review and Amendment 5,000 5,000 5,000 Master Plans 200,000 206,060 206,100 NCWRF Expa. to 30.6 MGD-Phase 1 558,685 558,700 NEWRF Design and Construction 7,500 17,500 17,500 7,500 NEWRF-Land Acquisition (Orange Tree) 5,246 5,200 Northeast Project Mgmt/Oversight 25,000 47,133 47,100 25,000 Operating Project 413 160,326 160,300 150,000 sBR Sewer Interconnect, Radio to VBR 19,447 19,400 sERWRF Land Acquisition 8,324 8,300 State Revolving Fund 30,000 90,000 90,000 30,000 System Hydraulic Analysis 35,000 87,460 87,500 35,000 VBR FM, Logan to Goodlette 320,487 320,500 X- Transfers/Reserves/Interest - Fd 413 11,223,800 11,830,290 5,618,000 11,219,100 Water I Sewer District Capital 11,618,800 13,693,369 7,481,100 11,486,600 Program Total Project Budget 11,618,800 13,693,369 7,481,100 11,486,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-13 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Sewer Capital Projects (414) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 6,874,486 23,300 23,300 na Capital Outlay 1,018,664 15,910,000 41,986,700 26,345,300 26,345,300 65.6% Net Operating Budget 7,893,150 15,910,000 41,986,700 26,368,600 26,368,600 65.7'10 Advance/Repay to 413 Sew IF 5,500,000 5,500,000 5,500,000 (100.0%) Trans to 417 PU Grant Fd 2,112,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,000,000 2,637,000 2,637,000 163.7% Reserves For Capital 18,455,400 10,958,800 10,958,800 (40.6%) Total Budget 13,393,150 40,865,400 49,598,700 39,964,400 39,964,400 (2.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 210,000 na Interest/Misc 321,037 400,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 (37.5%) Advance/Repay frm 217 Debt Serv 1,416,300 na Trans fm 408 Water I Sewer Fd 23,567,700 30,456,100 30,456,100 19,268,900 19,268,900 (36.7%) Carry Forward 27,276,700 10,029,300 37,934,300 20,458,000 20,458,000 104.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (20,000) (12,500) (12,500) (37.5%) Total Funding 51,375,437 40,865,400 70,056,700 39,964,400 39,964,400 (2.2%) Fiscal Year 2012 CapitaJ- 14 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Sewer Capital Projects (414) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 669 700 Water I Sewer District Capital Annual Update and Inventory Report 2,500 2,500 2,500 Asset Alignment 25,000 25,330 25,300 25,000 Asset Management-Wastewater 300,000 352,625 352,600 300,000 Collection syst. Odor/Corrosion Control 208 200 Collections Lightning Protection 650,000 650,000 650,000 475,000 Collections Power Systems TSP 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Collections System TsP 36,001 36,000 Collections Telemetry/sCADA 350,000 1,022,092 1,022,100 100,000 Collier County I & I Implementation 709,323 709,300 Collier County Utility Standards 2,500 3,213 3,200 2,500 Decommission of Pelican Bay WRF 13,012 13,000 Eagle Lakes Nature Interpretive Ctr 809 800 Energy Efficiency Enhancements 26,197 26,200 Energy Efficiency Study/Implementation 75,000 150,000 150,000 75,000 FDOT Utility Relocations-Wastewater 150,000 1,371,285 1,371,300 1,500,000 Financial Services 30,000 73,362 73,400 30,000 Force Main Transmission Systems TSP 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,620,000 1,620,000 GIS Layers WsD-wrR 7,083 7,100 GMD Utility Relocations-Wastewater 19,517 19,500 55,000 Grant Applications 0 2,500 Gravity Transmission Systems TsP 1,460,000 1,460,000 1,460,000 1,460,000 IQ Booster Pump Station 19,719 19,700 IQ Power Systems TsP 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 IQ System SCADA TsP 350,000 350,000 350,000 1,850,000 IQ Water Lightning Protection 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 IQ Water Source Integration 419,012 419,000 700,000 IQ Water System TsP 250,000 255,694 255,700 950,000 Irrigation Quality sCADA Improvements 80,271 80,300 Irrigation Quality Water ASR 200,000 568,393 568,400 Legal Services 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Lift Station Emergency Power 35,985 36,000 Lift Station Facility Rehab 766,871 766,900 Lift Station Mechanical Improvements 5,443,869 5,443,900 Lift Station Odor/Corrosion Control 280,584 280,600 Lift Station Secondary Force Mains 60,286 60,300 Lift Stations TSP 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 Master Plans 200,000 235,000 235,000 Master Pump Station TsP 3,400,000 3,270,000 3,270,000 3,400,000 NCWRF Expa. to 30.6 MGD-Phase 1 11,065,809 11,065,800 NCWRF Hydraulic Eval Chlorine Contact 49,700 49,700 Basins NCWRF Orbal Bleach System 329,349 329,300 NCWRF Power Systems TsP 270,000 270,000 270,000 550,000 NCWRF Rehab 6,202 6,200 NCWRF SCADA TsP 50,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 NCWRF Treatment Systems TsP 1,500,000 2,417,834 2,417,800 1,000,000 NCWRF-Sludge Holding Tank 0 3,500,000 Replacement Neighborhood Enhancement Program 1,263,555 1,263,500 North County 1&1 Implementation 36,597 36,600 Pelican Bay Irri9ation 10,329 10,300 Physical/Cyber Security-Wastewater 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 PU Operations Center 48,862 48,900 SCWRF Capacity Analysis & Process 87,584 87,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-15 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget CIP Category / Project Title Water / Sewer District Capital SCWRF Compliance Assurance Project sCWRF Deep Injec. Well Pressure sys SCWRF Power Systems TSP SCWRF Process Control sCWRF Rehab SCWRF SCADA TSP SCWRF Treatment Systems TSP sCWRF WW Lab Area Renovation sCWRF-Lightning Protection Security Renovations - PUD Ops Ctr Sewer Line Rehabilitation South (Eagle Lake) Reel Storage Ponds System Enhancements-Billing/Cust Svc Utility Management System Wastewater SCADA WW SCADA Software and Licensing Wyndemere Rehab X-Transfers/Reserves/lnterest- Fd 414 Water / Sewer District Capital 225,000 50,000 1,200,000 400,000 40,000 20,000 Program Total Project Budget 40,865,400 24,955,400 40,865,400 Public Utilities Capital 64,666 225,000 104,920 47,460 50,000 1,688,612 10,433 400,000 5,991 955,695 16,612 169,841 20,000 52,175 20,642 12 27,647,749 69,633,870 69,634,539 o 64,700 225,000 104,900 47,500 50,000 1,688,600 10,400 400,000 6,000 955,700 16,600 169,800 20,000 52,200 20,600 o 7,612,000 49,598,000 FY 2013 Budget FY 2014 Budget FY 2015 Budget FY 2016 Budget 4,000,000 200,000 200,000 600,000 200,000 82,000 156,300 45,300 49,598,700 39,964,400 13,595,800 39,964,400 County Water I Sewer Capital County Sewer Capital Projects (414) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Capital-16 On March 24, 2009, item 16(F)7 and again on September 29,2009, item 16(F)5, the Board of County Commissioners approved to allocate undesignated fund balances of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Capital accounts to assist the General Governmental Debt Service Funds for the County's Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds (Series 200212003/2005) (fund 210, fund 215, fund 216 respectively). As a . result of the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deterioration of the bond insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain dollars to fund the parity Reserve Account by November 30, 2009. As of September 30, 2011, the outstanding balance of this loan in the Wastewater Capital Project Fund 414 is $7,858,651. Fiscal Year 2012 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water I Sewer Capital County Water/Sewer Capital Funded by 2006 Bond (415) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 340,415 na Capital Outlay 2,150,256 1,045,500 na Net Operating Budget 2,490,671 1,045,500 na Reserves For Contingencies 69,000 69,000 na Total Budget 2,490,671 1,045,500 69,000 69,000 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 25,034 6,000 12,000 4,300 4,300 (28.3%) Carry Forward 3,563,900 (5,700) 1,098,200 64,700 64,700 (1,235.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (300) (100.0%) Total Funding 3,588,934 1,110,200 69,000 69,000 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water I Sewer District Capital NERWTP Design and Construction 184,358 184,400 NEWRF Design and Construction 252,638 252,600 Pump Station Improvements 1,894 1,900 Pump Station Improvements 4,051 4,100 sCRWTP 20 MGD Wellfield Expansion 602,482 602,500 X-Transfers/Reservesllnterest- Fd 415 85,597 0 69,000 Water I Sewer District Capital 1,131,020 1,045,500 69,000 Program Total Project Budget 1,131,020 1,045,500 69,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-17 Public Utilnies Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital County Water / Sewer Capital County Water Sewer Grants (416/417) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Capital Outlay 3,100,000 na Net Operating Budget 3,100,000 na Total Budget 3,100,000 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change sFWMD/Big Cypress Revenue 288,000 988,000 na Interest/Mise 7 na Trans fm 414 Sewer Cap 2,112,000 na Total Funding 288,007 3,100,000 na FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CfP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Water / Sewer District Capital IQ Booster Pump Station 1,300,000 1,300,000 NCWRF Expa. to 30.6 MGD-Phase 1 1,800,000 1,800,000 Water I Sewer District Capital 3,100,000 3,100,000 Program Total Project Budget 3,100,000 3,100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-18 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary 70014 Asset Alignment Purpose: Ensure all Collier County Water-Sewer District assets are within County Utility Easements. Where this is not the case, the County does not have the legal right to construct projects or perform maintenance required to remain in compliance and to serve the District's customers. Method: Coordinate with appropriate departments to verify asset locations in existing geographical information system (GIS) layers. Coordinate with Real Property Management to locate easement interest documents, upload into the document management system (DMS), and plot locations in GIS. Compare easement interests with asset locations on GIS to determine if additional easements are required. End State: Confirm all assets reside within appropriate easements. 73165 Asset Management-Wastewater Purpose: Implement an Enterprise Asset Management Program through a pilot implementation within the Public Utilities Division (PUD) that will more cost-effectively manage fixed assets. The FY11 Work Plan for the County Manager includes the delivery of an Enterprise Asset Management program. PUD has been tasked with providing a pilot study for the County to support this initiative which will then be applied to the remaining divisions. The project will capture, record, report and manage assets (pipes, valves, pumps, motors, meters, electronic controllers, electrical components, and pump stations) that have a finite useful life. By better understanding the actual time to failure of assets, more effective predictive preventative maintenance programs can be implemented. This is a multi-year program that begins with a pilot phase leading to full deployment. Method: Through competitive Request for Proposal process. End State: Predictive and preventative maintenance that occurs in a systematic manner, at less cost, and with less operational impact versus catastrophic failure. 71012 Asset Management-Water Purpose: Implement an Enterprise Asset Management Program through a pilot implementation within the Public Utilities Division (PUD) that will more cost-effectively manage fixed assets. The FY11 Work Plan for the County Manager includes the delivery of an Enterprise Asset Management program. PUD has been tasked with providing a pilot study for the County to support this initiative which will then be applied to the remaining divisions. The project will capture, record, report and manage assets (pipes, valves, pumps, motors, raw water wells, wetwells, meters, electronic controllers, electrical components, and pump stations) that have a finite useful life. By better understanding the actual time to failure of assets, more effective predictive preventative maintenance programs can be implemented. This is a multi-year program that begins with a pilot phase leading to full deployment. Method: Through competitive Request for Proposal process. End State: Predictive and preventative maintenance that occurs in a systematic manner, at less cost, and with less operational impact versus catastrophic failure. 70064 Collections Lightning Protection Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate systems for lightning protection, surge suppression, and grounding to decrease susceptibility to lightning strikes and electrical power surges within the installed-base of 750+ lightning dissipation/grounding systems, and surge protection systems. Lightning protection systems, where they exist, are installed outside and in the ground where corrosion eventually degrades their performance, necessitating a restoration program. This is a multi-year program that addresses 200 sites in the south service area, and 100 sites in the north service area this fiscal year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70051 Collections Power Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate electrical power systems through a Technical Support Program for 750+ lift stations to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Strategically placed generators at approximately 30 locations are required to maintain compliance and provide service during storm events and power failures to critical facilities and near environmentally sensitive regions. These facilities include hospitals, nursing homes, and shelters. This is a multi-year program that is planned to address two stations per year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 73922 Collections Telemetry/SCADA Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for the Collections System through a Technical Support Program to ensure compliance and provide operational control. The program includes repair and replacement of SCADA equipment including transmitter control units (TCUs) and antennas at 750+ lift stations, and storm-hardening of the central SCADA systems at the Shirley Street facility. This is a multi-year program that includes replacing 25 of the 750 TCUs in FY12. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 50,000 300,000 300,000 475,000 200,000 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-19 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description 70202 71010 71067 70021 73045 70045 75018 70023 Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary Collier County Utility Standards Purpose: Maintain updated Utilities Standards. Method: Meet with the Utilities Discussion Group and Public Utilities Operating Departments to update the Utility Standards Manual. Funds are for consultant assistance for detail drawings and engineering review, as needed. The Board of County Commissioners annually approves the Utilities Standards Manual update. End State: That the Utilities Standards Manual, as the Public Utilities principal technical guidance document, ensures that all construction meets county standards, that consistency is maintained, and that we continue to stay compliant with all state and federal regulations. Distribution Renewal and Replacement Purpose: A multi-year program that provides replacement of water mains and meters in several areas of the water distribution system that have reached the end of their useful life, that are inadequately sized to support fire-fighting requirements, or have elevated maintenance costs. There are 880-miles of water piping, with plans to rehabilitate or replace an average of 3-miles per year, on a prioritized basis, including the replacement of asbestos-concrete pipe, valves that are no longer operational, and meters that require replacement. Method: Utilize existing fixed-term underground and engineering services contracts for the design and installation of new system components; also competitive bids. End State: Sustain compliance and meet demand with reliability through continued proactive maintenance and replacement of the water distribution system. Distribution Storage TSP Purpose: Provide annual Technical Support Program (TSP) funding for repairs and modifications to the secondary water distribution stations to meet demand and to remain in compliance. These stations include the Carica storage tanks, the Manatee storage tank, and the Isles of Capri storage tank. Projects include ground storage tank mixers, Florida Department of Environmental Protection-required process modifications, tank and facility painting and roofing, and process and pump appurtenance rehabilitation, among others. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. This is a multi-year project that addresses ongoing prioritized needs. End State: Meet demand, remain in compliance and maintain reliability and safety. Energy Efficiency Study/lmplementation Purpose: Develop and implement a program of energy efficiency enhancements to reduce energy usage in water and wastewater facilities. The FY12 operating budget for electricity for the Public Utilities Division is $7.1 M. Method: Through fixed-term contracts and competitive bids, select a consultant to assist in identifying energy savings and a contractor to implement the projects. End State: Avoid greater current and future costs, while remaining in regulatory compliance and meeting demand with sustainability. FOOT Utility Relocations-Wastewater Purpose: Plan, design, and relocate Collier County Water-Sewer District infrastructure driven by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) road construction projects. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids or Joint Project Agreements with the FDOT. End State: Coordinated utility relocations to maintain compliance and provide reliable services. FOOT Utility Relocations-Water Purpose: Plan, design, and relocate Collier County Water-Sewer District infrastructure driven by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) road construction projects. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids or Joint Project Agreements with the FDOT. End State: Coordinated utility relocations to maintain compliance and provide reliable services. Financial Services Purpose: Utilize a consultant to prepare feasibility reports, perform rate studies, asset valuations, acquisitions, and bulk rate studies. Method: Utilize a financial consultant to perform these required studies. The external consultants are utilized in situations where an independent perspective is required; or specialized financial analysis is needed. End State: Provide independent financial assessments to aid in business decision-making. Fire Hydrant Replacement Purpose: This multi-year project to replace all fire hydrants that have reached the end of their useful life. There are 5,340 fire hydrants in the distribution system; 30 to 50 hydrants are planned to be replaced each year. Method: Utilize existing underground services contracts. End State: New hydrants to ensure compliance with fire protection codes and ordinances, and provide a point to flush the water distribution system when necessary to comply with state and federal water quality standards. 7,500 1,500,000 250,000 150,000 1,500,000 4,500,000 90,000 300,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-20 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description 70036 70044 70069 73065 70071 75009 70043 Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary Fire Line Metering Purpose: Provide all fire lines with meters and/or cross connection control devices to ensure that all revenues are being collected from those customers who utilize fire lines, as required by Florida Administrative Code 62.555 and the Collier County Water Sewer District Special Act. Method: Utilize fixed-term contracts for design and then bid competitively through fixed-term contracts or advertised public bidding. End State: A fully functioning metering system that accurately accounts for all water that has reached the customer's location, and cross connection control devices that protect the public health. Force Main Transmission Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate aging sewage force-mains within the Collier County Water-Sewer District network of 409-miles of pipe and 663 air-release valves through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. This is a multi-year program that includes the renewal of 3-miles of piping and 140 air-release vales per year on a prioritized basis. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Generator Upgrades Purpose: Rehabilitate and replace two of the four generators and related switchgear at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Generators and their switchgear are required to maintain compliance and meet demand during storm events when power is frequently disrupted. The existing switchgear is beyond its useful life and has shown significant degradation in reliability over the past several years. The first phase is being implemented in FY11 and FY12 to replace the switchgear increasing the reliability of the standby power and power transfer systems at the plant. The four sets of switchgear, transfer and cross connect systems will provide the ability for all electrical loads within the plant to be served by one of four independent electrical sources, two generator sources, and two utility sources. This flexibility does not exist today. The second phase in FY12 will provide an extensive rebuild of the two oldest (1992) of the four generators. Method: Design of the switchgear is complete, and will be started in FY11. Subsequent replacement of generator components will follow in FY12 and FY13 utilizing fixed-term contracts. End State: Ensure reliable operations and compliance during power outages. GMD Utility Relocations-Wastewater Purpose: Plan, design, and relocate Collier County Water-Sewer District infrastructure driven by transportation and stormwater projects of the Growth Management Division (GMD). Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids or Joint Project Agreements with the GMD. End State: Coordinated utility relocations to maintain compliance and provide reliable services. GMD Utility Relocations-Water Purpose: Plan, design, and relocate Collier County Water-Sewer District infrastructure driven by transportation and stormwater projects of the Growth Management Division (GMD). Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids or Joint Project Agreements with the GMD. End State: Coordinated utility relocations to maintain compliance and provide reliable services. Grant Applications Purpose: Obtain professional assistance to prepare grant applications and assist with grant reporting requirements. The cost of applying for grants will vary depending on the number of available grants and qualifying projects. Method: Retain consultant services. End State: Receive grant funding and maintain compliance with existing grant requirements. Gravity Transmission Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate aging sewage gravity-mains within the Collier County Water-Sewer District network of 685-miles of pipe and 16,408 manholes through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and to meet operational needs. Minimize infiltration and inflow of storm and ground water into the wastewater treatment system by restoring or replacing manholes, and lining or replacing underground pipes and laterals. This is a multi-year program that includes the renewal of 5-miles of piping and 100 manholes per year on a prioritized basis. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 100,000 1,620,000 1,000,000 55,000 935,000 2,500 1,460,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-21 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title I Description Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary 70056 IQ Power Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the electrical power systems, including switchgear, breakers, and motor control centers that have reached the end of their useful life, within the Irrigation Ouality (10) water distribution system through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. There are six pump stations in the 10 system, each containing two to six pumps. Each pump requires electrical power systems to operate. This is a multi-year program that will rehabilitate 10 to 20-year-old electrical control panels and switch boards in two pump stations. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70062 IQ System SCADA TSP Purpose: Provide telemetry communications and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems at eight remote Irrigation Ouality (10) water sites in order to more accurately and efficiently manage and comply with contractual terms and conditions, including allotments of 10 water delivered per FDEP permits. Also, restore and rehabilitate the SCADA systems in other portions of the 10 system through a Technical Support Program to eliminate obsolescence of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and various pieces of instrumentation used to monitor and control the process. This is a multi-year project that will increase reliability, sustainability, and operational efficiency. There are 51 PLCs in the 10 system with an average of five being replaced per year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70080 IQ Water Lightning Protection Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate systems for lightning protection, surge suppression, and grounding to decrease susceptibility to lightning strikes and electrical power surges within the Irrigation Ouality (10) Water distribution system. Lightning protection systems, where they exist, are installed outside and in the ground where corrosion eventually degrades their performance. There are 51 10 delivery sites integrated with flow management and control systems which utilize motor operated valves, pressure sustaining valves, and flow meters, all of which are susceptible to lightning and power surge events. Design and Installation standards that address lightning protection and surge suppression exist in the current Utilities Standards Manual. This is a multi-year program that will restore and sustain compliance to a minimum of four sites per year.. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 74405 IQ Water Source Integration Purpose: Provide a reliable supply of Irrigation Ouality (10) water in the north and south service areas of the county. Piping is needed to connect the Livingston Road Wellfield to the North County Wastewater Reclamation Facility, increasing supplemental water supply and distribution to all 10 water customers. This project uses the Livingston Road Wellfield more effectively so it can be used to provide supplemental water to all 10 customers in the North service area. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End state: A permanent interconnect between the Livingston Road Wellfield and the 10 system. 74401 10 Water System TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate infrastructure of the Irrigation Ouality (10) water system needed to meet customer demand, and contractual and regulatory compliance through a multi-year Technical Support Program, inclUding the rehabilitation of five pump stations, seven isolation valves, and 10 air release valves, as well as meters, pumps, and motors. This allows operations to accurately measure water sold, ensuring correct revenue generation; delivers water to the customer per contractual agreements; and, allows for system isolation for regulatory compliance. The reclaimed water system is over twenty years old; these projects are necessary to maintain the distribution system in working condition. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Remain in contractual and regulatory compliance, meet customer demand, and improve system efficiency. 75020 LOG Review and Amendment Purpose: Develop the necessary regulations to support the Collier County Water Sewer District over a 20-year planning horizon. Method: Retain a qualified consultant through a fixed-term contract. End State: Treatment facilities and infrastructure required to meet the demand for utility services. 71058 Legal Services Purpose: Obtain expert legal counsel for water and wastewater issues. Method: Issue work orders under a competitive agreement for legal services for complex, or specialized legal tasks. End State: Provide appropriate legal representation for various complex water and wastewater related matters to stay in compliance. 100,000 1,850,000 40,000 700,000 950,000 10,000 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-22 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description 70046 70050 70010 70032 71057 71066 71063 Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary Lift Stations TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate high~priority lift stations and sub-master pump stations within the installed-base of 750+ locations This is a multi-year program that includes the renewal of 10 stations per year, including mechanical, electrical, and civil areas such as pumps, motors, pipes, wet wells, odor control, containment, structures, lighting, and fencing. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Master Pump Station TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate high-priority master pump stations within the installed-base of 20 locations through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Because of operational and seasonal constraints, only one or two stations may be rehabilitated within a fiscal year, including mechanical, electrical, and civil areas such as pumps, motors, pipes, wet wells, odor control, containment, structures, lighting, and fencing. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Meter Renewal and Replacement Purpose: This multi-year project consists of replacing water meters that have failed or have reached the end of their useful life and have decreased accuracy. There are approximately 55,800 meters in the system that record water usage, and are thus the source of revenue for the utility. Accurate, reliable results are required by statute and ordinance, and demanded by our customers. Approximately 600 to 825 meters are replaced annually to meet statutory requirements. Additionally, every five years, major overhauls are completed. The meters are recalibrated and have parts replaced to restore their accuracy rating per the American Water Works Association standard. Method: Procure and install meters. End State: Remain in compliance with Florida Administrative Code 62-555, Ordinance 201-73, and sustain an accurate measurement of customer water usage. NCRWTP Piping Modifications Purpose: Install piping at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant (NCRWTP) to allow potable water that is sent from the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant (SCRWTP) to be fed into the two ground storage tanks onsite. This project will allow for greater operational reliability and flexibility, so that in the event of a failure of the NCRWTP, the northern portion of the Water District would still be provided with sufficient water pressure. Method: Utilize existing contract for parts and contractual labor. End State: A fully operating and reliable system that allows water treated at the SCRWTP to be piped into the NCRWTP and then, utilizing the NCRWTP high service pumps, to send the water to the customers within the water district. NCRWTP RO Membrane/lnterstage Booster . Purpose: Increase the efficiency and the recovery rate of the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant Reverse Osmosis (RO) treatment units, replace membranes that are beyond their useful life, and reduce pumping costs. The project includes a coordinated design of interstage booster pumps and new membrane filters that are optimized with piping and pump redesign to improve efficiency of energy usage and improve the recovery rate of the treatment process. Method: Utilize existing fixed-term contracts for design, plant staff for membrane replacement, and contract out construction through competitive procurements. End State: Optimized RO treatment processes that achieve energy efficiencies and stay within water quality compliance parameters. NCRWTP Technical Support Program Purpose: Provide annual Technical Support Program funding for repairs and modifications needed to meet demand and to remain in compliance at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Projects include the replacement of various piping, valves and pumps; chemical process repair and upgrade; paintings and coatings; and safety-driven projects. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. This is a multi-year project that addresses ongoing prioritized needs. End State: Meet demand, maintain reliability, ensure safety of plant staff, and remain in compliance. NCRWTP-Variable Frequency Drives Purpose: Systematically replace 25 obsolete variable frequency drives (VFDs) at the North County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Three VFDs were replaced in FY10. Six VFDs are being replaced in FY11. The replacement of 10 VFDs is planned for FY12, with the remaining six in FY13. Method: Through fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Meet demand and remain in compliance, achieve energy efficiencies, and maintain reliability. 2,600,000 3,400,000 1,000,000 100,000 2,000,000 220,000 1,000,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-23 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Water I Sewer District Capital 70053 NCWRF Power Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate electrical power systems that have reached the end of their useful life at the North County Water Reclamation Facility through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Within the MLE portion of the facility, there are 10 motor control centers (MCCs), 250 circuit breakers, 15 transformers, 20 motors, 20 variable frequency drives (VFDs) and soft-starters, 10 distribution panels, and four generator sets with automatic transfer switches. Within the Orbal portion of the facility, there are five MCCs, 100 circuit breakers, six transformers, 10 motors, 10 VFDs and soft-starters, seven distribution panels, and two generator sets with automatic transfer switches. This is a multi-year program that includes replacing six VFDs, rebuilding two generator sets, and installing cam-Iock connectivity in FY12. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70060 NCWRF SCADA TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the supervisory control and data acquisition systems for the North County Water Reclamation Facility through a Technical Support Program to eliminate obsolescence of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and various instrumentation used to monitor the treatment process. This project will increase reliability, sustainability, and operational efficiency. This is a multi-year program. There are 25 PLCs at this facility with three planned to be replaced per year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 73968 NCWRF Treatment Systems TSP Purpose: Provide planned repairs and modifications needed to meet demand and remain in compliance at the North County Water Reclamation Facility through a multi-year Technical Support Program. This facility is densely packed onto 76-acres and treats approximately 3 billion gallons of wastewater per year. Two separate treatment processes (MLE and Orbal) each produce Irrigation Quality (IQ) water. The major pieces of equipment that need to be kept operational include pretreatment building with five channels, 12 MLE aeration basins, three orbal oxidation ditches, nine clarifiers, 28 filters, and 10 disinfection chambers. There are also four mechanical screens and grit chambers, four odor control units, seven blowers, 200 pumps, 150 valves, 40 flow meters, 32 analyzers, eight chemical storage/distribution systems, four IQ water storage ponds, five belt presses, and four holding tanks. Projects this fiscal year include the restoration and rehabilitation of Filter #2, chemical piping, and three valves. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance, meet demand, achieve energy efficiencies, and maintain reliability. 70091 NCWRF-8ludge Holding Tank Replacement Purpose: Construct a Sludge Holding Tank to ensure adequate ability to effectively treat steady-state and peak flows. The new tank replaces an aged steel sludge storage tank that has reached the end of its useful life. The new Sludge Holding Tank will meet the capacity requirements for the current 24.1 MGD rating as required by FDEP. Without sustaining the current capacity of 24.1 MGD, the Utility will be in conflict with FDEP permit requirements, as well as the AUIR concurrency model. Method: Competitive bids. End State: Compliantly, effectively, and efficiently treat all incoming sewage with reliability and sustainability. 70902 NERWTP Design and Construction Purpose: Study, design, and construct the Northeast Regional Water Treatment Plant expansion. Method: Design under a professional services agreement, construction under a construction management at risk contract. End State: A water treatment plant with associated facilities to meet the demand of the northeast service area. 70899 NERWTP Wellfield Study Purpose: Study, permit, design and construct the wellfield infrastructure for the Northeast Regional Water Treatment Plant expansion. Method: Work Order under professional services agreement. End State: Meet . future demand in the northeast service area. 73156 NEWRF Design and Construction Purpose: Study, design, and construction of the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility (NEWRF) expansion. Method: Design under a professional services agreement, construction under a construction management at risk contract. End State: A wastewater treatment plant with associated infrastructure and facilities to meet the demand of the northeast service area. FY 2012 Preliminary 550,000 200,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-24 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary 75012 Northeast Project MgmtlOversight Purpose: To provide program management services for multiple interrelated elements that impact the coordination and delivery of the entire Northeast Facilities Program. Method: Retain a qualified consultant through a fixed term contract. This complex, interrelated program requires the skill and expertise of a recognized technical expert consulting firm to manage the projects. End State: Completion of the water and wastewater treatment, storage and pumping facilities, wells, pipelines, to meet the demand of the northeast service area. 31411 Operating Project 411 Operating category funding for the Water Capital Impact Fee Fund 411 is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 31413 Operating Project 413 Operating category funding for the Wastewater Capital Impact Fee Fund 413 is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 70018 Permit Data Base Purpose: A Permitting and Compliance Management Database Project to build a dynamic system to track regulatory permits, licenses, staff licenses and certificates for compliance and quality of execution. Method: Combined resources from Collier County IT Department internal staff and outside consultants. End State: Utilize the dynamic system to summarize all permitting costs to benchmark with other utilities, develop a permitting master plan (predicting costs in 5 years increments), and perform a pilot permit renewal program to optimize the negotiation of permit requirements. In addition, the database will have a Human Resource module to track employee certificates and licenses, education requirements, experience and testing costs. 72505 PhysicallCyber Security-Wastewater Purpose: Multi-year program to provide both physical and virtual assessments of assets that are imbedded in critical compliance-driven operations, including physical access points such as gates, fences, card access and recording devices, as well as cyber threats such as network intrusion and cyber hacking that could directly impact operations and billing systems. Evaluate and prioritize mitigation to resolve risk and exposure to maintain compliance with Department of Homeland Security requirements and sustainability of existing levels of service. Method: Internal resources and through fixed-term contracts. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 71009 PhysicallCyber Security-Water Purpose: Multi-year program to provide both physical and virtual assessments of assets that are imbedded in critical compliance-driven operations, including physical access points such as gates, fences, card access and recording devices, as well as cyber threats such as network intrusion and cyber hacking that could directly impact operations and billing systems. Evaluate and prioritize mitigation to resolve risk and exposure to maintain compliance with Department of Homeland Security requirements for public water supply systems and sustainability of existing levels of service. Method: Internal resources and through fixed-term contracts. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70086 PUD Operations Center TSP Purpose: Provide annual Technical Support Program (TSP) funding for repairs and modifications needed to maintain functional usage of the operations center warehousing and vehicle storage facility. Perform repairs to existing concrete structures to maintain safety of employees and efficient use of space. Method: Fixed-term contracts for design and construction. This is a multi-year project that will address safety and ongoing maintenance at the operations center site this fiscal year. End State: Remain in compliance with health and safety requirements for employees. ' 70088 SCRWTP Deep Injection Well Purpose: Restore the failing casing pipe for the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant Deep Injection Well #1. This well allows the disposal of components removed from the treatment of raw water, and is one of two wells at the plant for this purpose. The wells are constantly used in tandem to ensure a reliable system as required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection-approved contingency planning. Deep Injection Well #2 is being restored to full functionality in FY11. Method: Permitting and design through existing fixed-term contracts and construction through a competitive bidding process. End State: Remain within permitted compliance and achieve reliability of disposal options. 40,000 200,000 150,000 7,400 50,000 250,000 200,000 1,500,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 25 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary 70020 70034 71065 70089 70055 Water I Sewer District CaDital SCRWTP Odor Control Waste Disposal Purpose: Develop an alternate method or pretreatment process for disposing of the odor control discharge from the water treatment process at the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant. The current method of disposal causes the deposition of compounds in the wastewater collection system downstream of the disposal point, significantly increasing the cost of maintaining the capacity of the sewer system. Method: Bench test and analyze alternative methods that will not adversely affect operations and determine the most cost-effective solution(s) through the use of existing fixed-term consulting contracts and use fixed-term or competitively bid construction contracts. End State: A safe, reliable, fully compliant method of disposing of the odor control discharge that does not degrade the wastewater collections system. SCRWTP Reactor Rehabilitation Purpose: Rehabilitate the two north reactors at the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant. The reactors were installed in the 1980's and have never had a major rehabilitation. During their last several yearly inspections, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has written notes on the degrading reactors and the need for additional maintenance on these critical assets. Method: Utilize existing fixed-term contracts for design and contract for construction through fixed-term contracts. One reactor at a time will be removed from service to ensure maximum operational reliability at the plant. End State: Maintain compliance and meet demand throughout the water system. SCRWTP Technical Support Program Purpose: Provide annual Technical Support Program funding for repairs and modifications needed to meet demand and to remain in compliance at the South County Regional Water Treatment Plant. Projects include the replacement of chemical feed lines, check valves, valves, pumps, conduits and wiring; waterproofing and painting of various chemical storage tanks and impoundment areas; repair and replacement of miscellaneous appurtenances; and safety-driven projects. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. This is a multi-year project that addresses ongoing prioritized needs. End State: Meet demand, maintain reliability, ensure safety of plant staff, and remain in compliance. SCWRF Compliance Assurance Project Purpose: This is a combination of nine major projects targeted at sustaining regulatory compliance with the FDEP at the South County Water Reclamation Facility. 1) Replace Grit Classifiers: Due to uneven flows inherent to the system, grit accumulates and needs to be removed to maintain FDEP-rated capacity. By replacing the grit classifiers and their wash system with more efficient technologies, grit accumulation will be greatly diminished, and grit maintenance costs of approximately $100,000 per year will be largely alleviated. 2) Flow Meters: Add flow meters and instrumentation on the return mixed liquor process to prevent downstream biological process issues and process upsets. 3) Plant Service Water: Increase the size of water lines used to continually clean and flush the various treatment processes so each retains their rated capacities. 4) Flow Gates: Add motorized operation to gates for operator safety. 5) GrinderlWasher/Compactor: Replace equipment that exhibits continual and costly high failure rates. 6) Jet Mixing: Increase mixing to maintain design hydraUlic capacity. 7) Plant Pump Station: Size station capacity to match all contributing flows. 8) Overflow Pipe: Add an overflow pipe to the reject pond to prevent bank erosion during storm conditions. 9) Odor Control: Improve the reliability of the odor control systems to prevent odors from reaching neighboring residents. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain regulatory compliance, meet customer demand, and achieve operational cost savings. SCWRF Power Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the electrical power systems that have reached the end of their useful life at the South County Water Reclamation Facility through a Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational needs. There are 14 MCCs, 100 breakers, 10 transformers, 20 motors, 20 VFDs and soft-starters, six distribution panels, and four generator sets with automatic transfer switches. This is a multi-year program that rehabilitates two generators and replaces the associated 12-year-old switch gear in FY12. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 500,000 500,000 215,000 4,000,000 200,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-26 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description Water I Sewer District Capital 70061 SCWRF SCADA TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the supervisory control and data acquisition systems for the South County Water Reclamation Facility through a Technical Support Program to eliminate obsolescence of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and various instrumentation used to constantly monitor the treatment process. This project will increase reliability, sustain ability, and operational efficiency. This is a multi-year program. There are 17 PLCs at this facility with four planned to be replaced per year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 73969 SCWRF Treatment Systems TSP Purpose: Provide planned repairs and modifications needed to meet demand and to remain in compliance at the South County Water Reclamation Facility through a multi-year Technical Support Program. This facility is located on 48-acres in a residential area, and treats approximately 2.6 billion gallons of wastewater per year. The major pieces of equipment that need to be kept operational include pretreatment building with five channels, 14 MLE aeration basins, four clarifiers, eight filters, and four disinfection chambers. There are also three mechanical screens, four grit chambers, four odor control units, eight blowers, 60 pumps, 120 valves, 25 flow meters, 25 analyzers, five chemical storage/distribution systems, one IQ water storage pond, five belt presses, and two holding tanks. Projects this fiscal year include the restoration and rehabilitation of two disinfection chambers, clarifier drives, chemical piping, and valves. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet demand. 70079 SCWRF-Ughtning Protection Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate systems for lightning protection, surge suppression, and grounding to decrease susceptibility to lightning strikes and electrical power surges at the South County Water Reclamation Facility. These events can disable critical equipment needed to maintain compliance: Lightning protection systems, where they exist, are installed outside and in the ground where corrosion eventually degrades their performance. All lightning protection and surge suppression needs have been indentified and divided into five levels of priority. This is a multiyear program that will address the highest priority items in each year. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 70030 South RO Wellfield Restoration Purpose: Rehabilitate the existing south reverse osmosis (RO) wellfield transmission system to utilize well production capacity as originally constructed. Method: Competitively bid construction activities and utilize original designers at no cost to the Collier County Water Sewer District. Obtain professional services through the County Attorney's Office to obtain full cost recovery. End State: A fully functioning wellfield system with capability to supply raw brackish water to the RO treatment process. 74310 State Revolving Fund Purpose: Administer the contracts for the lowest cost source of external funding - State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans. Method: Work with external loan administrator to assess the availability, administration, and closeout of SRF loans. End State: A financially viable utility through prudent administration of external funding. 73944 System Enhancements-Billing/Cust Svc Purpose: Provide a mobile work order system for utility technicians to electronically receive, create, and update work orders in the field. This will eliminate multiple manual data entries and enable real-time status of work performed. The project provides enhancement to the existing inHance billing application to enable entry of code on customer calls used in conjunction with the utility GIS, ensuring all meters are accounted for and billed appropriately. Method: Use existing vendor to acquire the necessary equipment and software. End State: On-line, real time work order visibility and control. 75017 System Hydraulic Analysis Purpose: Provide hydraulic evaluation and analysis of all water, wastewater and irrigation quality water infrastructure. Hydraulic models are used to verify availability for Planned Unit Developments, concurrency, and master planning. Models are also used by operations to predict pressures, flow-rates, and water quality under varying conditions; they are essential for determining the appropriate emergency response in the event of pipe breakage. Flows can be modeled and redirected with minimum disruption to the community. Hydraulic analysis will identify opportunities for cost-savings resulting from pump station operations, diurnal curve management, pressure management, and pipe sizing. Method: Fixed-term contracts. End State: Maintained compliance and operations through this current year execution of a multi-year program. FY 2012 Preliminary 200,000 600,000 200,000 5,000,000 60,000 164,000 70,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-27 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description 70042 70087 70041 70038 71055 75005 70084 Water I Sewer District Capital FY 2012 Preliminary Utility Management System Purpose: Implement an integrated software application to support the estoppels and utility ordinance education and compliance programs of the Collier County Water-Sewer District. Replace the existing special assessment software application modules written in cold fusion programming language that is not compatible with other business systems, and no longer supported by I.T. Reporting capability would be included to meet performance and management requirements. The application will integrate with the GIS database for property information, graphical tracking, and reporting. Method: Use the RFP process to purchase an integrated software application. End State: An integrated application that supports the estoppels and utility ordinance education and compliance programs. Vanderbilt Drive Water Main Purpose: This project will replace 1.2 miles of existing 6-inch asbestos cement pipe that was installed in 1966, 3.4 miles of existing 12-inch cast iron water main installed in 1972, and appurtenances that have reached the end of their design life. Coordinate this work with other county divisions performing work within the same project area. Method: Procure design services and construction through competitive negotiation and bidding per county purchasing policies. End State: Continue proactive maintenance and replacement of the water distribution system to sustain compliance and meet the demand with reliability. Water Facility Lightning Protection Purpose: Annual funding for a multi-year program to decrease susceptibility to lightning strikes and electrical power surges within the wellfield, water plants, and distribution system. These events can disable critical equipment needed to maintain compliance and reliably meet customer demand for water. The project includes the upgrade and repair of systems for lightning protection, surge suppression, and grounding. Lightning protection systems are installed outside and in the ground where corrosion eventually degrades their performance. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Water Power Systems TSP Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the electrical power systems of the potable water system through a multi-year Technical Support Program to maintain compliance and meet operational reliability. Project includes switchgear, breakers, generators, and motor control centers. Method: Through fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. Water SCADA and Instrumentation Purpose: Restore and rehabilitate the supervisory control and data acquisition systems for two regional water plants through a multi-year Technical Support Program. This program is needed to eliminate obsolescence of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and various instrumentation used to constantly monitor the process and communicate throughout the water system. There are 37 PLCs at these facilities with three planned to be replaced per year. Method: Through fixed-term contracts 'and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and reliable operations. Wellfield Management Program Purpose: Provide consultant engineering support to assist in the underground monitoring of the water district's three existing wellfields (the Tamiami, the North Reverse Osmosis, and the South Reverse Osmosis, with a total of 101 wells in the system), and planning for future wellfields. This program provides assistance with review of regulatory changes to water withdrawal permits, regulatory reporting, permit modification and renewal, and hydrogeological expertise and support. The Wellfield Management Program also provides engineering design for necessary repairs and rehabilitation projects to maintain a reliable and sustainable raw water supply. This is a multi-year project that will be needed throughout the life of the wells. Method: Existing contracts. End State: Ensure quality of wellfields, and plan for future system demand. Wellfield SCADA TSP Purpose: Rehabilitate the supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA) for the wellfields that supply raw water to the north and south treatment plants through a multi-year Technical Support Program to increase reliability, sustain ability, and increase operational efficiency. This program is needed to eliminate obsolescence of existing programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and various instrumentation used to constantly monitor the process and communicate with the water plants. There are 110 well sites with 72 PLCs and communications throughout. This program will address approximately 10 sites per year. Method: Through fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 312,600 5,000,000 75,000 70,000 300,000 150,000 125,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-28 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category project# Project Title / Description Water I Sewer District Capital 70085 Wellfield/Raw Water Booster PS TSP Purpose: Provide annual Technical Support Program funding for repairs and modifications needed to meet demand and to remain in compliance. Projects include ongoing restoration and rehabilitation to maintain water production capabilities at 101 individual production wells (well pump replacement, electrical and mechanical rehabilitation); within the 41.87 miles of raw water piping system (valve rehabilitation, air release valve installation); and, at the raw water booster pump station (pump and control rehabilitation, building maintenance). Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. This is a multi-year project that addresses ongoing prioritized needs. End State: Meet demand and remain in compliance, maintain production capabilities and reliability. 72541 WW SCADA Software and Licensing Purpose: Multi-year program to acquire, manage and maintain software applications, licenses and support agreements for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems used throughout the Wastewater Department to maintain compliance and meet demand. Software that requires annual agreements are used for SCADA, Programmable Logic Controllers, pump management, variable frequency drives, and communications management. Method: Fixed term contracts and existing annual contract renewals. End State: Maintain compliance and meet operational needs. 99409 X- Transfers/Reservesllnterest - Fd 409 Reserve for Future Capital Projects is recorded in this project. 99411 X-Transfers/Reserves/lnterest - Fd 411 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves are recorded in this project. Transfer to the Water-Sewer Debt Service Fund in the amount of $5,675,900, is for the payment of various growth related water capital improvements paid from State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans and Bonds. The balance of funds are in Reserves. 99412 X-TransferslReserves/lnterest - Fd 412 Reserve for Contingencies and Reserves for Future Capital Projects/Potential Debt Service contingency during shortfall in Water Impact Fee collections are recorded in this project. 99413 X-Transfers/Reserves/lnterest - Fd 413 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves are recorded in this project. Transfer to the Water-Sewer Debt Service Fund in the amount of $5,484,200, is for the payment of various growth related wastewater capital improvements paid from State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans and Bonds. The balance of funds are in Reserves. 99414 X-TransferslReservesllnterest - Fd 414 Reserve for Contingencies and Reserve for Future Capital Projects/Potential Debt Service contingency during shortfall in Wastewater Impact Fee collections are recorded in this project. 99415 X-Transfers/Reserves/lnterest - Fd 415 Reserves for Contingencies and future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. FY 2012 Preliminary 500,000 45,300 22,400 10,948,600 13,595,700 11,219,100 13,595,800 69,000 Total Water I Sewer District Capital 104,372,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-29 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital Solid Waste Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 14,718 na Operating Expense 899,252 na Capital Outlay 645,045 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,559,015 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Trans to 476 Solid Waste Grants 1,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 190,400 76,600 76,600 (59.8%) Total Budget 1,559,015 5,249,400 11,021,300 4,379,100 4,379,100 (16.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Solid Waste Capital Improvements (474) 1,559,015 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Total Net Budget 1,559,015 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves 190,400 1,700 76,600 76,600 (59.8%) Total Budget 1,559,015 5,249,400 11,021,300 4,379,100 4,379,100 (16.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 102 na Interest/Misc 50,283 60,000 32,000 30,000 30,000 (50.0%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 3,899,000 3,899,000 2,696,200 2,696,200 (30.8%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 1,350,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 1,202,500 1,202,500 5.5% Carry Forward 6,564,800 153,400 6,402,200 451,900 451,900 194.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,000) (1,500) (1,500) (50.0%) Total Funding 7,965,185 5,249,400 11,473,200 4,379,100 4,379,100 (16.6%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-30 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital Solid Waste Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 16 Solid Waste Capital Collier County Landfill Technical Support 1,000,000 1,323,641 1,323,600 250,000 Expansion of Landfill 150,000 192,875 192,900 500,000 Growth Management Plan Update 50,000 69,415 69,400 Hammerhead Program 500,000 1,634,508 1,634,500 500,000 Landfill Airspace Recovery 250,000 1,125,568 1,125,600 750,000 Landfill Cells 1 & 2 Restoration 526,060 526,100 Landfill Gas to Energy 100,000 217,076 217,100 100,000 Leachate Management System 100,000 509,910 509,900 300,000 North Naples Recycling Center 1,000,000 2,920,431 2,920,400 Northeast Recycling Center 500,000 Recycling Center Technical Support 500,000 651,201 651,200 500,000 Resource Recovery Park 269,000 506,775 506,800 500,000 Solid Waste Driveway Program 230,000 392,399 392,400 200,000 System Upgrades-Solid Waste Cust Svc 39,702 39,700 15,000 Unmanned Recycling Facility 750,000 750,000 750,000 Utility Management System 160,000 160,000 160,000 187,500 X-Transfer/Reserve/lnterest-Fd 474 190,400 484,035 1,700 76,600 Solid Waste Capital 5,249,400 11,503,594 11,021,300 4,379,100 Department Total Project Budget 5,249,400 11,503,610 11,021,300 4,379,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-31 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Public Utilities Capital Solid Waste Capital Solid Waste Capital Improvements (474) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 14,718 na Operating Expense 899,252 na Capital Outlay 645,045 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,559,015 5,059,000 11,019,600 4,302,500 4,302,500 (15.0%) Trans to 476 Solid Waste Grants 1,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 190,400 76,600 76,600 (59.8%) Total Budget 1,559,015 5,249,400 11,021,300 4,379,100 4,379,100 (16.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 102 na Interest/Mise 50,283 60,000 32,000 30,000 30,000 (50.0%) Trans fm 470 Solid Waste Fd 3,899,000 3,899,000 2,696,200 2,696,200 (30.8%) Trans fm 473 Mand Collet Fd 1,350,000 1,140,000 1,140,000 1,202,500 1,202,500 5.5% Carry Forward 6,564,800 153,400 6,402,200 451,900 451,900 194.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,000) (1,500) (1,500) (50.0%) Total Funding 7,965,185 5,249,400 11,473,200 4,379,100 4,379,100 (16.6%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Information Technology Capital Financial Mgmt System (SAP) 16 0 Solid Waste Capital Collier County Landfill Technical Support 1,000,000 1,323,641 1,323,600 250,000 Expansion of Landfill 150,000 192,875 192,900 500,000 Growth Management Plan Update 50,000 69,415 69,400 Hammerhead Program 500,000 1,634,508 1,634,500 500,000 Landfill Airspace Recovery 250,000 1,125,568 1,125,600 750,000 Landfill Cells 1 & 2 Restoration 526,060 526,100 Landfill Gas to Energy 100,000 217,076 217,100 100,000 Leachate Management System 100,000 509,910 509,900 300,000 North Naples Recycling Center 1,000,000 2,920,431 2,920,400 Northeast Recycling Center 0 500,000 Recycling Center Technical Support 500,000 651,201 651,200 500,000 Resource Recovery Park 269,000 506,775 506,800 500,000 Solid Waste Driveway Program 230,000 392,399 392,400 200,000 System Upgrades-Solid Waste Cust svc 39,702 39,700 15,000 Unmanned Recycling Facility 750,000 750,000 750,000 Utility Management System 160,000 160,000 160,000 187,500 X- Transfer/Reserve/lnterest-Fd 474 190,400 484,035 1,700 76,600 Solid Waste Capital 5,249,400 11,503,594 11,021,300 4,379,100 Program Total Project Budget 5,249,400 11,503,610 11,021,300 4,379,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-32 Public Utilities Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category project# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary 59005 59012 59024 59015 59004 Solid Waste Capital Collier County Landfill Technical Support Purpose: Upgrade the facilities at the Collier County Landfill that are the responsibility of the county to better serve and create a safer environment for the landfill customers. The project includes improving access roadways to better handle the heavy traffic entering the landfill and provide better customer access. Also, construction of a household hazardous waste collection center to provide a safe, convenient, and environmentally responsible option for area residents desiring to properly dispose of household hazardous wastes, as required by FAC 69A-69 Florida Fire Prevention Code. In addition, the project may include obtaining new roll off bins for the collection of recyclable materials; and installation of storage tanks for diesel and gasoline storage. Upgrading and extending the fire line servicing the landfill to improve fire protection as regulated by FAC 62-701.519(e) Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Capabilities. Method: Competitive construction bids. End State: Improved county facilities that will better serve the residential and commercial customers that utilize the landfill while diverting recyclables and hazardous waste material from the landfill. . Expansion of Landfill Purpose: Maximize existing facilities and assets through an expansion of the Collier County Landfill on existing property in compliance with the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy. The project includes engaging the services of qualified engineering consultants to develop an options assessment and feasibility study for increasing landfill disposal capacity through a vertical expansion and an expansion southward on existing Collier County Landfill property. Provide funding to purchase mitigation credits and mitigation property to utilize onsite property for expansion. Method: Fixed-term contracts will be used for studies and design as well as mitigation purchases. End State: Extend the life of the Collier County Landfill by maximizing the use of the existing landfill site providing disposal capacity for the citizens of Collier County and comply with the Solid Waste Annual Update Inventory Report. Hammerhead Program Purpose: Protect public safety by providing turn-around capability (hammerhead-shaped) on dead-end streets in the Golden Gate Estates area for solid waste collection vehicles. Constructing permanent hammerheads at the end of streets will allow solid waste franchisee trucks to safely turn around, thereby reducing property damage and the hazards caused by trucks backing down dead-end streets. The hammerheads are also used by Emergency Medical Services, fire trucks, and school buses. This is a multi-year project to build hammerheads on approximately 200 streets. FY12 funding will provide construction of 25 to 30 hammerheads. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive bids. End State: Improved public safety by providing turn-around capabilities for solid waste collection vehicles so the vehicles do not have to unsafely back out of dead-end streets. Landfill Airspace Recovery Purpose: Fund the replacement of valuable landfill airspace as it is consumed by disposal activities, as outlined and approved by the Board of County Commissioners in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategic Plan and its replacement as defined in the Solid Waste Sub-Element (Policy 3.1). The project may include purchasing property to develop a new landfill for future municipal solid waste disposal, funding the implementation of innovative means for accelerating the decomposition of in-place waste at the existing landfill, or funding innovative programs, to increase waste diversion in the future. Method: Fixed term and competitive bids consistent with County Purchasing policies. End State: Replace the landfill disposal capacity as approved in the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy. Landfill Gas to Energy Purpose: Convert the methane gas generated by the Collier County Landfill into useful energy, thus creating a source of revenue for the Solid Waste Management Department. These funds will be utilized for activities such as post construction audits, mitigation, easements, and oversight. Method: Collier County negotiated a contract with Waste Management Inc., of Florida, to design, permit, construct, operate, and maintain a Landfill Gas-to-Energy Facility that will convert landfill gas to electricity that can be sold to Florida Power & Light. End State: Convert landfill gas to energy that will generate revenue for Collier County and provide good environmental stewardship. 250,000 500,000 500,000 750,000 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-33 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description 59020 59009 59003 59007 59001 Solid Waste Capital FY 2012 Preliminary Leachate Management System Purpose: Upgrade the leachate management system at the Collier County Landfill as specified in the Solid Waste Sub-Element (Policy 2.2) and as regulated by FAC 62-701.500 Landfill Construction Requirements and FAC 62-701.510 Leachate Monitoring Requirements to handle the large volume of leachate generated by the landfill. It is projected that the current 4" leachate line will not have adequate capacity to accommodate the amount of leachate needing to be disposed of. This project includes the design, permitting, and construction of a 6" leachate line; upgrading the leachate master pump station with new pumps and alarms to prevent spills; and the construction of a leachate storage tank that will provide a minimum of two days of storage. Method: Fixed-term contracts and competitive construction bids. End State: A fully compliant leachate management system able to meet current and future demand. Northeast Recycling Center Purpose: Provide a safe, convenient, neighborhood recycling center in Northeast Collier County to serve the recycling needs of the residents in that area as defined in the Solid Waste Sub-Element (Policy 1.3). This recycling center was approved as a part of Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy. As such, 11-acres were designated for a recycling center off of Immokalee Road. Method: Fixed-term contracts will be used to design and permit the facility; construction will be through competitive construction bid process. End State: Extend the life of the Collier County Landfill by diverting hazardous and recyclable materials from the landfill, and reduce illegal dumping in the Everglades and the Golden gate Estates area keeping our canals and preserves clean and safe. Recycling Center Technical Support Purpose: Optimize the operating efficiency and increase the safety of facility operations by upgrading, modemizing and optimizing the existing recycling centers at Marco Island, Immokalee, Naples Airport and Camestown. The Solid Waste Management Department analyzed facility operations and the specific upgrades needed to maximize the efficiencies of each recycling center. These upgrades include roadway modifications to improve site ingress and egress; obtaining household hazardous waste storage sheds that provide fire protection and spill containment for the safe, temporary storage of flammable liquids, aerosols, pool chemicals, cleaning chemicals, paints, used oils, pesticides, fungicides, mercury-containing devices, propane tanks, medical sharps, pharmaceuticals, fluorescent bulbs, electronics and batteries; and safety cabinets for storage of pesticides and other flammable materials to comply with 29 CFR.191 0 Hazardous Materials and FAC 69A-69 Florida Fire Prevention" Code. Also, cardboard processing equipment (balers) to increase material recycling opportunities; safe compliant loading and unloading areas for the public; and safe, environmentally protective work space for employees. Method: Fixed-term services contracts. End State: Upgraded recycling centers that will assure safety for employees and customers, provide environmental protection for residents, and further extend the life of the landfill by diverting recyclable and hazardous materials from the landfill. Resource Recovery Park Purpose: Provide a location for critical recycling functions such as staging for storm debris recovery operations, construction and demolition materials recycling, yard waste recycling, biD-solids processing, and a materials recovery facility. This is a multi-year project; FY12 activities include obtaining environmental resource permits, and beginning site development permitting and mitigation Method: Competitive construction bid for initial site construction services. End State: A comprehensive resource recovery park that will service the solid waste management operations, and extend the life of the landfill by reducing the solid waste stream to landfill. Solid Waste Driveway Program Purpose: To reinforce and widen residential driveways where Right-of-Entry Agreements have been executed with the property owner and where hammerheads construction is not feasible. These reinforced driveways will allow solid waste franchise trucks to turn around in a safe manner. The reinforced driveways are also used by Emergency Medical Services, fire trucks, and school buses. Method: Competitive construction bid process. End State: Improved public safety by providing turn-around capabilities for solid waste collection vehicles so the vehicles do not have to unsafely back out of dead-end streets. 300,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-34 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category proJecl# Project Title I Description FY 2012 Preliminary 59019 70081 99474 Solid Waste Capital System Upgrades-Solid Waste Cust Svc Purpose: The customer service system provides tracking, monitoring, and service compliance to over 110,000 residential solid waste customers. Enhancements to the systems dedicated to solid waste collection activities will provide for real-time monitoring of customer calls for training purposes, record and store inbound calls, and create an informational message library. These system upgrades will provide improved customer support by enhancing both quality and response times. Method: Use existing contracts and vendors. End State: An improved, efficient, informational customer-friendly system that ensures compliance and meets customer expectations. Utility Management System Purpose: Implement an integrated software application to support the estoppels program, utility ordinance education and compliance program, Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments rolls, and solid waste collection work order programs. Replace the existing special assessment software application modules written in cold fusion programming language that is not compatible with other business systems, and no longer supported by IT. Reporting capability would be included to meet performance and management requirements. The application will integrate with the GIS database for property information, graphical tracking, and reporting. Method: Use the RFP process to purchase an integrated software application. End State: An integrated application that supports the estoppels and utility ordinance education and compliance programs, the preparation of the annual Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Services Special Assessments rolls, and enables staff to enter and monitor solid waste collection work orders. X-Transfer/Reserve/lnterest-Fd 474 Reserves for Contingencies and future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. Total Solid Waste Capital 15,000 187,500 76,600 4,379,100 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-35 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Debt Service Debt Service Organizational Chart Total Full.Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 General Governmental Debt Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service Blank Page Fiscal Year2012 2 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 6,275 9,600 7,000 7,000 7,000 (27.1%) Arbitrage Services 34,426 61,900 52,400 49,500 49,500 (39.6%) Debt Service 60,731,916 33,200 27,029,600 40,500 40,500 22.0% Debt Service - Principal 33,000,427 29,403,600 36,530,500 27,063,500 27,063,500 (7.9%) Debt Service -Interest Expense 20,305,631 21,376,700 20,544,700 19,752,000 19,752,000 (7.6%) Total Net Budget 114,078,678 50,907,000 84,164,400 46,932,500 46,932,500 (7.8)% Advance/Repay to 412 Water Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 414 Sewer Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 1,020,700 na Trans to Property Appraiser 151,226 134,600 96,400 100,400 100,400 (25.5%) Trans to Tax Collector 205,296 267,100 242,300 149,000 149,000 (46.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 266,700 254,300 (100.0%) Trans to 132 Pine Ridge 436,000 746,100 746,100 (100.0%) Trans to 136 Naples Prod Pk 356,700 613,200 613,200 (100.0%) Trans to 172 Conserv Collier 143,200 143,200 na Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 940,100 1,600,000 1,190,000 900,000 900,000 (43.6%) Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 161,600 164,900 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Trans to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 100,000 100,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 13,100 13,100 na Reserves For Debt Service 25,332,700 20,456,400 20,456,400 (19.2%) Reserves For Capital 109,400 1,164,500 1,164,500 962.7% Reserves For Cash Flow 55,700 55,700 na Total Budget 116,166,001 80,160,600 91,346,900 70,037,800 70,037,600 (12.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change General Govemmental Debt 114,076,676 50,907,000 64,164,400 46,932,500 46,932,500 (7.8%) Total Net Budget 114,078,678 50,907,000 84,164,400 46,932,500 46,932,500 (7.8%) General Govemmental Debt 2,089,324 29,273,600 7,162,500 23,105,300 23,105,300 (21.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves 2,089,324 29,273,800 7,182,500 23,105,300 23,105,300 (21.1%) Total Budget 116,168,001 80,180,800 91,346,900 70,037,800 70,037,800 (12.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 3 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Debt Service FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 DivisIon Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 9,209,276 9,773,000 9,496,600 5,121,000 5,121,000 (47.6%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 60,920 40,000 17,900 (100.0%) Special Assessments 999,395 791,000 990,600 913,300 913,300 15.5% InterestlMisc 46,141 36,400 32,000 22,500 22,500 (41.4%) Bond Proceeds 60,739,241 26,670,400 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 16,644 na Trans frm Tax Collector 91,047 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 7,660,213 7,566,100 7,624,700 7,509,200 7,509,200 (0.6%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 363,200 361,900 361,900 361,900 361,900 0.0% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 253,300 253,400 252,000 232,400 232,400 (6.3%) Trans fm 159 Forest Lake Fd 500,000 500,000 na Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 7,076,600 na Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 940,100 1,600,000 1,190,000 900,000 900,000 (43.6%) Trans fm 167 Bayshore Redev Fd 1,432,944 1,725,400 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (13.1%) Trans fm 210 Debt Serv 3,100 na Trans fm 299 Debt Service 161,600 161,600 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 339,000 339,100 337,700 311,600 311,600 (6.1%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 16,673,100 16,709,200 16,709,200 15,524,400 15,524,400 (7.1%) Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Trans fm 341 Rd Assess 30,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 345 Pk & Rec Cap 116,100 43,200 43,200 90,000. 90,000 106.3% Trans fm 346 Pks Unincorp Cap Fd 3,012,400 3,072,600 3,072,600 3,021,500 3,021,500 (1.7%) Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 1,270,777 693,600 694,600 706,000 706,000 2.0% Trans fm 355 Library Cap Fd 1,436,727 1,196,000 1,195,400 1,148,300 1,146,300 (4.1%) Trans fm 361 Correctional Cap Fd 1,952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,946,600 1,946,600 (0.1%) Trans fm 365 Law Enforc Cap Fd 3,020,434 2,615,000 2,615,000 2,655,500 2,655,500 1.5% Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 5,440,659 4,177,600 4,176,600 4,213,600 4,213,600 0.9% Carry Forward 26,945,300 26,610,000 27,029,100 22,715,200 22,715,200 (14.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (531,200) (302,300) (302,300) (43.1%) Total Funding 143,187,916 80,180,800 114,062,100 70,037,800 70,037,800 (12.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change O~% Total FTE 1I:il% Fiscal Year 2012 4 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 6,275 9,600 7,000 7,000 7,000 (27.1%) Arbitrage Services 34,426 61,900 52,400 49,500 49,500 (39.6%) Debt Service 60,731,916 33,200 27,029,600 40,500 40,500 22.0% Debt Service - Principal 33,000,427 29,403,600 36,530,500 27,063,500 27,063,500 (7.9%) Debt Service - Interest Expense 20,305,631 21,376,700 20,544,700 19,752,000 19,752,000 (7.6%) Net Operating Budget 114,078,678 50,907,000 84,164,400 46,932,500 46,932,500 (7.8%) Advance/Repay to 412 Water Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 414 Sewer Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 1,020,700 na Trans to Property Appraiser 151,226 134,600 96,400 100,400 100,400 (25.5%) Trans to Tax Collector 205,296 267,100 242,300 149,000 149,000 (46.1%) Trans to 001 General Fund 266,700 254,300 (100.0%) Trans to 132 Pine Ridge 436,000 746,100 746,100 (100.0%) Trans to 136 Naples Prod Pk 356,700 613,200 613,200 (100.0%) Trans to 172 Conserv Collier 143,200 143,200 na Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 940,100 1,600,000 1,190,000 900,000 900,000 (43.6%) Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 161,600 164,900 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Trans to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 100,000 100,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 13,100 13,100 na Reserves For Debt Service 25,332,700 20,456,400 20,456,400 (19.2%) Reserves For Capital 109,400 1,164,500 1,164,500 962.7% Reserves For Cash Flow 55,700 55,700 na Total Budget 116,168,001 80,180,800 91,346,900 70,037,800 70,037,800 (12.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 1994 and 2003 Capital Improvement 3,003,630 2,997,600 2,997,600 2,996,400 2,996,400 0.0% Revenue Refunding Bd (215) 2002 Capilallmprovement Revenue 3,607,312 3,612,500 3,523,400 (100.0%) Bond (210) 2005 Capital Improvement Revenue 12,606,764 12,554,600 12,554,600 12,550,600 12,550.600 0.0% Refunding Bonds (216) Caribbean Gardens General Obligation 1,600 3,000 (100.0%) Debt Service (220) Commercial Paper Debt (299) 6,620,045 na CRA Taxable Note (Fifth Third Bank), 1,433,554 1,732,300 1,452,000 1,604,400 1,604,400 (7.4%) Series 2009 (267) Forest Lakes Roadway Limited General 561,456 560,300 559,600 561,900 561,900 0.3% Obligation Bonds (259) Naples Park Drainage Debt Service (226) 192,930 194,300 166,600 7,000 7,000 (96.4%) Series 2003 and Series 2005 Gas Tax 14,567,791 14,597,600 14,597,600 14,595,900 14,595,900 0.0% Revenue Bonds (212) Series 2005a Limited General Obligation 4,943,149 4,936,400 4,700,700 4,933,200 4,933,200 (0.1%) Bond (272) Series 2006 Limited General Obligation 3,554,630 3,615,300 10,690,500 (100.0%) Bond (273) Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 60,725,596 3,656,300 30,656,600 7,636,400 7,636,400 96.0% and 2010B (296) State Infrastructure Bank (SI B) Loan 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% (213) Total Net Budget 114,078,678 50,907,000 84,164,400 46,932,500 46,932,500 (7.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves 2,069,324 29,273,600 7,182,500 23,105,300 23,105,300 (21.1%) Total Budget 116,168,001 80,180,800 91,346,900 70,037,800 70,037,800 (12.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 5 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 9,209,276 9,773,000 9,496,600 5,121,000 5,121,000 (47.6%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 60,920 40,000 17,900 (100.0%) Special Assessments 999,395 791,000 990,600 913,300 913,300 15.5% InterestlMisc 46,141 36,400 32,000 22,500 22,500 (41.4%) Bond Proceeds 60,739,241 26,670,400 na Trans frm Property Appraiser 16,644 na Trans frm Tax Collector 91,047 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 7,660,213 7,568,100 7,624,700 7,509,200 7,509,200 (0.6%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 363,200 361,900 361,900 361,900 361,900 0.0% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 253,300 253,400 252,000 232,400 232,400 (8.3%) Trans fm 159 Forest Lake Fd 500,000 500,000 na Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 7,076,600 na Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 940,100 1,600,000 1,190,000 900,000 900,000 (43.8%) Trans fm 167 Bayshore Redev Fd 1,432,944 1,725,400 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (13.1%) Trans fm 210 Debt Serv 3,100 na Trans fm 299 Debt Service 161,600 161,600 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 339,000 339,100 337,700 311,600 311,600 (6.1%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 16,673,100 16,709,200 16,709,200 15,524,400 15,524,400 (7.1%) Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Trans fm 341 Rd Assess 30,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 345 Pk & Rec Cap 116,100 43,200 43,200 90,000 90,000 106.3% Trans fm 346 Pks Unincorp Cap Fd 3,012,400 3,072,600 3,072,600 3,021,500 3,021,500 (1.7%) Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 1,270,777 693,600 694,600 706,000 706,000 2.0% Trans fm 355 Library Cap Fd 1,436,727 1,196,000 1,195,400 1,146,300 1,146,300 (4.1%) Trans fm 361 Correctional Cap Fd 1,952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,946,600 1,946,600 (0.1%) Trans fm 365 Law Enforc Cap Fd 3,020,434 2,615,000 2,615,000 2,655,500 2,655,500 1.5% Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 5,440,659 4,177,800 4,176,800 4,213,800 4,213,600 0.9% Carry Forward 26,945,300 26,610,000 27,029,100 22,715,200 22,715,200 (14.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (531,200) (302,300) (302,300) (43.1%) Total Funding 143,187,916 80,180,800 114,062,100 70,037,800 70,037,800 (12.7%) Fiscal Year 2012 6 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt 2002 Capital Improvement Revenue Bond (210) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,600 (100.0%) Arbitrage Services 2,374 5,000 2,300 (100.0%) Debt Service 321,700 na Debt Service - Principal 2,435,000 2,540,000 2,540,000 (100.0%) Debt Service - Interest Expense 1,369,936 1,264,900 659,400 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 3,807,312 3,812,500 3,523,400 (100.0%) Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 3,100 na Total Budget 3,807,312 3,812,500 3,526,500 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 30 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,509,100 2,512,600 2,374,500 (100.0%) Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 253,300 253,400 222,900 (100.0%) Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 339,000 339,100 296,700 (100.0%) Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 13,700 13,700 14,500 (100.0%) Trans fm 355 Library Cap Fd 472,000 472,200 415,500 (100.0%) Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 221,400 221,500 195,100 (100.0%) Carry Forward 4,100 5,300 na Total Funding 3,812,630 3,812,500 3,526,500 (100.0%) Purpose: Refunding Commercial Paper, major capital projects include Sheriffs Administration Building, Domestic Animal Services Center Building, Sheriffs Building on Horseshoe Drive, Immokalee Jail renovation, Goodland Boat Launch Land, Lely Barefoot Beach Land, North Naples Satellite Government Offices Building, North Naples Regional Ubrary, Voting Machines (amortized over 10 years), and EMS Helicopter (amortized over 10 years). Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: October 1, 2021 Interest Rate: 1.60% - 5.00% Revenue Pledged: Half-Cent Sales Tax On October 26,2010, the Board approved the refunding of the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2002. The refunding was estimated to generate a net present value savings of 2%, or approximately $891,500 over the remaining bond life. The refunding also released approximately $3.8 million of cash from existing debt service reserves currently restricted pursuant to the bond covenants. The new refunding Bonds were issued without any reserve or reserve insurance policy and are budgeted in fund 298. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Series 2003 and Series 2005 Gas Tax Revenue Bonds (212) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 17,439,400 17,439,400 Current Level of Service Budget 17,439,400 17,439,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 4,746 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Debt Service 2,800 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 6,935,000 7,165,000 7,165,000 7,505,000 7,505,000 4.5% Debt Service - Interest Expense 7,645,243 7,396,600 7,396,600 7,076,900 7,076,900 (4.3%) Net Operating Budget 14,587,791 14,597,600 14,597,600 14,595,900 14,595,900 0.0% Reserves For Debt Service 3,965,400 2,643,500 2,643,500 (28.3%) Total Budget 14,587,791 18,563,000 14,597,600 17,439,400 17,439,400 (6.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 12,371 16,000 6,000 4,500 4,500 (75.0%) Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 14,633,100 14,664,600 14,664,600 13,479,900 13,479,900 (6.1%) Carry Forward 3,624,500 3,661,300 3,662,200 3,955,200 3,955,200 1.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (900) (200) (200) (77.6%) Total Funding 18,469,971 18,563,000 18,552,800 17,439,400 17,439,400 (6.1%) Purpose: 2003 and 2005 Gas Tax Revenue Bonds Principal Outstanding as of September 30,2011: $145,745,000 Final Maturity: June 1, 2025 Interest Rate: 2.00% - 5.25% Revenue Pledged: 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th Cent, and Constitutional Gas Tax Fiscal Year 2012 6 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan (213) Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget 2,044,500 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost NfA 2,044,500 Current Level of Service Budget 2,044,500 2,044,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.0% Debt Service 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 1,839,146 1,676,000 1,676,000 1,913,500 1,913,500 2.0% Debt Service - Interest Expense 200,652 164,100 164,100 126,500 126,500 (22.9%) Net Operating Budget 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Total Budget 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Total Funding 2,040,000 2,044,600 2,044,600 2,044,500 2,044,500 0.0% Purpose: 1-75 Ramp, East bound Immokalee Road to 1-75, north bound loop and the widening of Immokalee Road from a four-lane to six-lane within the limited access right of way under the 1-75 overpass. Principal Outstanding as of September 30,2011: $6,327,545 Final Maturity: October 1, 2012 Interest Rate: 2.00% Revenue Pledged: Gas Tax Revenues and Impact Fees Fiscal Year 2012 9 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt 1994 and 2003 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bd (215) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost N/A 2,996,400 2,996,400 Current Level of Service Budget 2,996,400 2,996,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 2,374 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.0% Debt Service 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 1,375,000 1,405,000 1,405,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 3.2% Debt Service - Interest Expense 1,626,256 1,566,300 1,566,300 1,539,900 1,539,900 (2.9%) Net Operating Budget 3,003,630 2,997,800 2,997,800 2,996,400 2,996,400 0.0% Total Budget 3,003,630 2,997,800 2,997,800 2,996,400 2,996,400 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 7 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,042,500 1,044,100 1,044,100 1,043,400 1,043,400 (0.1%) Trans fm 361 Correctional Cap Fd 1,952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,948,800 1,948,600 (0.1%) Carry Forward 15,500 3,100 7,300 4,200 4,200 35.5% Total Funding 3,010,907 2,997,800 3,002,000 2,996,400 2,996,400 0.0'10 Purpose: Construct the Jail Expansion/Parking Garage and the Development Services Building Expansion/Parking Garage and refund prior debt. (The Development Services Building Expansion/Parking Garage portion of the debt has been defeased - paid off) Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $35,505,000 Final Maturity: October 1, 2033 Interest Rate: 2.00% - 4.75% Revenue Pledged: Local Govemment Half Cent Sales Tax Based on the Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deteriorating of the bond insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain moneys to fund the parity Reserve Account by March 31, 2009. On March 24, 2009, agenda item 16(F)7 and again on September 29, 2009, agenda item 16(F)5, the Board of County Commissioners approved to allocate undesignated fund balances of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Capital and Solid Waste Landfill Closure accounts. These moneys were placed into Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund 217 to satisfy the funding up of the parity Reserve Account. Fiscal Year 2012 10 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt 2005 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds (216) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost N/A 12,550,800 12,550,800 Current Level of Service Budget 12,550,800 12,550,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 2,374 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0.0% Debt Service 2,541 4,200 4,200 3,500 3,500 (16.7%) Debt Service - Principal 5,640,000 5,615,000 5,615,000 6,110,000 6,110,000 5.1% Debt Service - Interest Expense 6,961,669 6,731,900 6,731,900 6,433,600 6,433,600 (4.4%) Net Operating Budget 12,606,784 12,554,600 12,554,600 12,550,800 12,550,800 0.0% Total Budget 12,606,784 12,554,600 12,554,600 12,550,800 12,550,800 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 37 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,437,400 3,187,600 3,167,600 3,161,400 3,181,400 (0.2%) Trans fm 101 Transp Op Fd 363,200 361,900 361,900 361,900 361,900 0.0% Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 943,900 939,500 939,500 939,700 939,700 0.0% Trans fm 345 Pk & Rec Cap 116,100 43,200 43,200 90,000 90,000 106.3% Trans fm 346 Pks Unincorp Cap Fd 3,012,400 3,072,600 3,072,600 3,021,500 3,021,500 (1.7%) Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 717,200 311,600 311,600 311,900 311,900 0.0% Trans fm 365 Law Enforc Cap Fd 204,600 755,000 755,000 755,100 755,100 0.0% Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 3,610,300 3,665,700 3,665,700 3,666,300 3,886,300 0.0% Carry Forward 4,600 (3,100) (100) 3,000 3,000 (196.6%) Total Funding 12,609,937 12,554,600 12,557,600 12,550,600 12,550,800 0.0% Purpose: Construct North Regional Park, Fleet Facility, Courthouse Annex, Parking Garage, Emergency Service Center, and refinance Commercial Paper debt. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $137,820,000 Final Maturity: October 1, 2035 Interest Rate: 2.25% - 5.00% Revenue Pledged: Local Govemment Half Cent Sales Tax Based on the Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deteriorating of the bond insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain moneys to fund the parity Reserve Account by March 31, 2009. On March 24, 2009, agenda item 16(F)7 and again on September 29, 2009, agenda item 16(F)5, the Board of County Commissioners approved to allocate undesignated fund balances of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Capital and Solid Waste Landfill Closure accounts. These moneys were placed into Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund 217 to satisfy the funding up of the parity Reserve Account. Fiscal Year 2012 11 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt 2003 and 2005 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Reserve (217) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 15,717,400 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 15,717,400 Current Level of Service Budget 15,717,400 15,717,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Advance/Repay to 412 Water Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 414 Sewer Cap 1,416,300 na Advance/Repay to 471 S Waste 1,020,700 na Reserves For Debt Service 19,570,600 15,717,400 15,717,400 (19.7%) Total Budget 19,570,800 3,853,300 15,717,400 15,717,400 (19.7'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Carry Forward 19,570,700 19,570,600 19,570,700 Total Funding 19,570,700 19,570,800 19,570,700 FY 2012 Current FY 2012 Expanded FY 2012 FY 2012 Preliminary Change 15,717,400 (19.7%) 15,717,400 (19.7%) 15,717,400 15,717,400 Balance of contributed funds as of September 30, 2011: $7,858,662 Fund 412 - Water User Fee Capital Fund $7,858,662 Fund 414 - Sewer User Fee Capital Fund Based on the Debt Service Reserve Requirement within the Bond documents and the dramatic deteriorating of the bond insurer's credit ratings, the County was obligated to allocate certain moneys to fund the parity Reserve Account by March 31, 2009. On March 24, 2009, agenda item 16(F)7 and again on September 29, 2009, agenda item 16(F)5, the Board of County Commissioners approved to allocate undesignated fund balances of the Collier County Water/Sewer District Capital and Solid Waste Landfill Closure accounts in the total amount of $19,570,800. These moneys were placed into Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund 217 to satisfy the funding up of the parity Reserve Account. On October 26, 2010, the Board approved the refunding of the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2002. The refunding released approximately $3.8 million of cash reserved pursuant to the existing bond covenants. The new refunding Bonds were issued without any reserve or reserve insurance policy and are budgeted in fund 298. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Caribbean Gardens General Obligation Debt Service (220) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 2,966 3,000 (100.0%) Debt Service - Interest Expense (1,366) na Net Operating Budget 1,600 3,000 (100.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 90,241 na Trans to Tax Collector 1,200 (100.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 266,700 254,300 (100.0%) Total Budget 91,841 270,900 254,300 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 2,174 1,900 na Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 38,402 40,000 5,600 (100.0%) I nterestlMisc 1,650 2,000 2,600 (100.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 12,569 na Carry Forward 261,200 231,000 244,200 (100.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (2,100) (100.0%) Total Funding 335,994 270,900 254,300 (100.0%) Purpose: Purchase Caribbean Gardens Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: October 1, 2015 Interest Rate: Variable Revenue Pledged: Ad Valorem Taxes On November 2, 2004, Collier County voters approved a referendum authorizing the acquisition of certain land, including the land currently used as Caribbean Gardens, for the purpose of ensuring the continued operation of the Caribbean Gardens Zoo, by issuing bonds payable from ad valorem taxes not to exceed 0.15 mills for a period of 10 years. On July 26,2005, the Board approved a Resolution authorizing a loan from the Commercial Paper Program in an ampunt not to exceed $40 million. With our aggressive management of prepaying down principal over 4 years, the loan was paid off in July 2009 and the taxpayers in Collier County were no longer levied 0.15 mills. Fiscal Year 2012 13 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Naples Park Drainage Debt Service (226) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 124,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 124,600 Current Level of Service Budget 124,600 124,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 6,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0.0% Debt Service 1,000 (100.0%) Debt Service - Principal 165,000 175,000 175,000 (100.0%) Debt Service - Interest Expense 21,930 11,300 4,600 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 192,930 194,300 186,800 7,000 7,000 (96.4%) Trans to Property Appraiser 1,792 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 (20.0%) Trans to Tax Collector 2,260 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 (16.7%) Trans to 313 Gas Tax Cap Fd 100,000 100,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 13,100 13,100 na Reserves For Debt Service 9,100 (100.0%) Total Budget 196,962 208,900 191,600 124,600 124,600 (40.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 114,316 90,000 110,600 102,000 102,000 13.3% InterestlMisc 1,763 700 700 700 na Trans frm Tax Collector 1,006 na Trans fm 341 Rd Assess 30,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 165,600 93,400 107,500 27,000 27,000 (71.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,500) (5,100) (5,100) 13.3% Total Funding 302,906 206,900 216,800 124,600 124,600 (40.4%) Purpose: Naples Park Drainage Improvements. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: September 1, 2012 Interest Rate: 6.45% Revenue Pledged: Naples Park Assessment On January 25, 2011, the Board approved the prepayment of the Naples Park Area Stormwater Improvement Assessment Bond, Series 1997. Sufficient assessment proceeds had accumulated in the debt service fund to allow an extraordinary redemption of principal which paid off the bonds. The savings realized from paying off the bonds 7 months early was $6,556. On June 22, 2010 the Board approved a work order for construction of sidewalk and stormwater drainage improvements along 111 th Avenue North and 8th Street North in Naples Park. The work order funding, under project 69081, was provided by the Gas Tax Capital Project Fund 313. The cost of the stormwater drainage component of this project was $120,090.30. The remaining Naples Park Area Stormwater Improvement Assessment proceeds may be utilized to reimburse the Gas Tax Capital Project Fund 313 for the stormwater drainage component of project 69081. Accordingly, in FY 2012 $100,000 will be transferred to Fund 313 with the balance of $20,090.30 transferred in FY 2013. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Pine Ridge/Naples Production Park Debt (232) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 1,218,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 1,218,000 Current Level of Service Budget 1,218,000 1,218,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans to Property Appraiser 14,146 17,000 15,000 14,500 14,500 (14.7%) Trans to Tax Collector 17,462 20,000 19,500 19,000 19,000 (5.0%) Trans to 132 Pine Ridge 436,000 746,100 746,100 (100.0%) Trans to 136 Naples Prod Pk 356,700 613,200 613,200 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 109,400 1,184,500 1,164,500 962.7% Total Budget 824,328 1,507,700 1,395,800 1,218,000 1,218,000 (19.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 665,077 701,000 660,000 611,300 811,300 15.7% InterestlMisc 7,903 6,000 5,500 6,000 6,000 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 7,756 na Carry Forward 664,700 635,700 951,900 441,600 441,600 (47.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (35,000) (40,900) (40,900) 16.9% Total Funding 1,765,438 1,507,700 1,837,400 1,218,000 1,216,000 (19.2%) Purpose: Pine Ridge Industrial Park and Naples Production Park Improvements. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: October 1, 2013 Interest Rate: N.A. Revenue Pledged: N.A. The two industrial park MSTU's were created in the early 1980's to fund capital improvements that benefited the park owners. These improvements were funded by debt and were paid back by a special assessment. On April 14, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners approved agenda item 16 (B) 12 to move the residual money remaining into the Pine Ridge Industrial Park Capital Fund 132 ($3,393,940) and Naples Production Park Capital Improvement Fund 138 ($2,776,860). The capital improvements proposed were to construct and repair intersections, roads, and drainage. Fiscal Year 2012 15 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Forest Lakes Roadway Limited General Obligation Bonds (259) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 934,300 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 934,300 Current Level of Service Budget 934,300 934,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 2,374 3,500 3,000 3,500 3,500 0.0% Debt Service 371 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 340,000 350,000 350,000 365,000 365,000 4.3% Debt Service - Interest Expense 216,713 205,600 205,600 192,400 192,400 (6.5%) Net Operating Budget 561,456 560,300 559,800 561,900 561,900 0.3% Trans to Property Appraiser 4,740 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 11,127 13,700 13,700 9,500 9,500 (30.7%) Reserves For Debt Service 55,600 301,200 301,200 441.7% Reserves For Cash Flow 55,700 55,700 na Total Budget 577,324 635,600 579,500 934,300 934,300 47.00/. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 465,676 546,200 524,400 360,000 360,000 (30.4%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 564 na Interesl/Misc 1,659 2,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 (50.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 660 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,936 na Trans fm 159 Forest Lake Fd 500,000 500,000 na Carry Forward 209,700 114,700 126,300 72,300 72,300 (37.0%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (27,300) (19,000) (19,000) (30.4%) Total Funding 703,600 635,600 651,800 934,300 934,300 47.0% Purpose: Forest Lakes Roadway Capital Improvements. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $4,900,000 Final Maturity: January 1, 2022 Interest Rate: 3.75% - 4.25% Revenue Pledged: Ad Valorem Taxes Forest Lakes MSTU Bond Issue - Spend Down Status Limited General Obligation Bonds approved by district referendum in November 2006, totaling up to $6,250,000, were sold in October 2007. Net proceeds booked to the project fund (159) totaled $6,100,000. To date approximately $3.8 million has been spent or is committed toward roadway related improvements including drainage. Construction costs for the various projects are substantially under the original engineers cost estimate due to the current economic environment. The soft construction market has allowed the original project scope to be completed below the engineers cost estimate and it is likely that bond proceeds of approximately $500,000 will not be spent. This value will be transferred from fund 159 to fund 259 for FY 12 thus reducing the debt service millage rate. During FY 12, a discussion conceming partial defeasance of the General Obligation Debt will be made using unspent bond proceeds. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Debt Service General Governmental Debt Series 2005a Limited General Obligation Bond (272) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 6,029,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 6,029,100 Current Level of Service Budget 6,029,100 6,029,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program BUdgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 275 na Arbitrage Services 2,374 3,500 2,300 3,500 3,500 0.0% Debt Service - Principal 4,150,000 4,355,000 4,355,000 4,575,000 4,575,000 5.1% Debt Service - Interest Expense 790,500 577 ,900 343,400 354,700 354,700 (36.6%) Net Operating Budget 4,943,149 4,936,400 4,700,700 4,933,200 4,933,200 (0.1%) Trans to Property Appraiser 40,066 66,400 72,900 77,900 77,900 13.9% Trans to Tax Collector 100,611 132,500 116,000 116,000 116,000 (10.9%) Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 469,600 900,000 660,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Total Budget 5,553,426 6,037,300 5,569,600 6,029,100 6,029,100 (0.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 5,030,266 5,275,100 5,240,600 4,741,000 4,741,000 (10.1%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 13,779 10,000 na InterestlMisc 7,644 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 5,615 na Trans frm Tax Collector 44,219 na Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 469,600 900,000 660,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Carry Forward 237,500 121,700 255,400 620,900 620,900 410.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (263,600) (237,100) (237,100) (10.1%) Total Funding 5,808,826 6,037,300 6,190,500 6,029,100 6,029,100 (0.1%) Purpose: Fund acquisition of environmentally sensitive land. Debt service for Conservation Collier. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $9,380,000 Final Maturity: July 1, 2013 Interest Rate: 3.00% - 5.00% Revenue Pledged: Voter approved Ad Valorem Taxes Fiscal Year 2012 17 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Series 2008 Limited General Obligation Bond (273) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 143,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 143,200 Current Level of Service Budget 143,200 143,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 2,966 3,900 2,300 (100.0%) Debt Service - Principal 3,067,279 3,257,600 10,364,500 (100.0%) Debt Service - Interest Expense 464,583 353,600 303,700 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 3,554,830 3,615,300 10,690,500 (100.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 242 40,900 (100.0%) Trans to Tax Collector 73,616 116,700 90,600 (100.0%) Trans to 172 Conserv Collier 143,200 143,200 na Trans to 174 Conserv Collier Fd 470,500 700,000 510,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 4,099,391 4,472,900 11,291,100 143,200 143,200 (96.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 3,690,956 3,951,700 3,729,700 (100.0%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 6,174 2,300 na InterestlMisc 4,440 100 3,300 (100.0%) Trans frm Tax Collector 33,126 na Trans fm 172 Conserv Collier Fd 7,076,600 na Trans fm 174 Conserv Collier Maint 470,500 700,000 510,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 4,400 16,700 112,200 143,200 143,200 665.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (197,600) (100.0%) Total Funding 4,211,595 4,472,900 11,434,300 143,200 143,200 (96.8%) Purpose: Fund acquisition of approximately 2,511 acres of environmentally sensitive real property located in the Lake Trafford Area, commonly known as Pepper Ranch, for Conservation Collier. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: July 1, 2013 Interest Rate: 4.138% Revenue Pledged: Voter approved Ad Valorem Taxes On April 12, 2011, the Board approved the prepayment of the Collier County Limited General Obligation Bond, Series 2008. The bonds were payable from a levy of up to 0.25 mills. Sufficient unused monies have accumulated in the Conservation Collier acquisition fund 172 to allow for the prepayment of bonds in the amount of $7.1 million, which includes a 3% premium for early prepayment, plus accrued interest. The gross savings realized was $131,725. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt eRA Taxable Note (Fifth Third Bank), Series 2009 (287) Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 3,030,200 3,030,200 Current Level of Service Budget 3,030,200 3,030,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost SummarY Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Debt Service 610 6,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 (16.7%) Debt Service - Principal 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 900,000 0.0% Debt Service - Interest Expense 532,944 626,300 550,000 699,400 699,400 (15.4%) Net Operating Budget 1,433,554 1,732,300 1,452,000 1,604,400 1,604,400 (7.4'/.) Reserves For Debt Service 1,560,000 1,425,600 1,425,600 (8.6%) Total Budget 1,433,554 3,292,300 1,452,000 3,030,200 3,030,200 (8.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Mise 9,929 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0.0% Trans fm 167 Bayshore Redev Fd 1,432,944 1,725,400 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (13.1%) Carry Forward 1,560,900 1,560,900 1,570,200 1,524,200 1,524,200 (2.4%) Total Funding 3,003,773 3,292,300 2,976,200 3,030,200 3,030,200 (8.0'/.) Purpose: Bayshore I Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and acquisition and capital improvements. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $10,586,000 Final Maturity: September 1, 2014 Interest Rate: Variable based on UBOR Revenue Pledged: Tax increment finance revenues Fiscal Year 2012 19 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2010 and 2010B (298) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 7,806,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 7,806,900 Current Level of Service Budget 7,806,900 7,806,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 45,500 25,000 25,000 25,000 (45.1%) Debt Service 60,725,596 10,000 26,669,900 20,000 20,000 100.0% Debt Service - Principal 1,545,000 1,545,000 4,265,000 4,265,000 176.1% Debt Service - Interest Expense 2,257,600 2,596,700 3,326,400 3,326,400 47.4% Net Operating Budget 60,725,596 3,858,300 30,856,600 7,638,400 7,638,400 98.0% Reserves For Debt Service 171,600 166,500 166,500 (1.9%) Total Budget 60,725,596 4,030,100 30,856,600 7,806,900 7,806,900 93.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 59 na Bond Proceeds 60,739,241 26,670,400 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 623,600 1,016,300 3,264,400 3,264,400 296.6% Trans fm 113 Comm Dev Fd 29,100 232,400 232,400 na Trans fm 210 Debt Serv 3,100 na Trans fm 299 Debt Service 161,600 161,600 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Trans fm 306 Pk & Rec Cap 39,000 311,600 311,600 na Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 366,300 366,500 396,100 396,100 7.5% Trans fm 355 Library Cap Fd 725,600 779,900 1,146,300 1,146,300 56.2% Trans fm 365 Law Enforc Cap Fd 1,660,000 1,660,000 1,900,400 1,900,400 2.2% Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 70,600 96,000 327,500 327,500 363.9% Carry Forward 13,700 203,200 203,200 na Total FundIng 60,739,299 4,030,100 31,059,800 7,806,900 7,806,900 93.7% Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2010: Purpose: Refunding Commercial Paper. Major capital projects funded with the commercial paper loans were Golden Gate Ubrary Expansion, South Regional Ubrary, Fleet Expansion (BCC), Sheriff Fleet Building, Courthouse Annex, Emergency Service Center, Sheriff Special Operations Center, EMS station land purchase (Old US41 location), EMS ambulances, and 800 MHz Upgrade and Radio Locater System. Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $58,350,000 Final Maturity: July 1, 2034 Interest Rate: 3.00% to 5.00% Revenue Pledged: Covenant to budget and appropriate non ad valorem revenues Special Obligation Bonds, Series 2010B: Purpose: Refunding 2002 Capital Improvement Bond. Major capital projects funded with the 2002 Capital Improvement Bond include Sheriffs Administration Building, Domestic Animal Services Center Building, Sheriffs Building on Horseshoe Drive, Immokalee Jail renovation, Goodland Boat Launch Land, Lely Barefoot Beach Land, North Naples Satellite Govemment Offices Building, North Naples Regional Ubrary, Voting Machines (amortized over 10 years), and EMS Helicopter (amortized over 10 years). Principal Outstanding as of September 30, 2011: $24,620,000 Final Maturity: October 1, 2021 Interest Rate: 3.00% - 5.00% Revenue Pledged: Covenant to budget and appropriate non ad valorem revenues Fiscal Year 2012 20 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Debt Service General Governmental Debt Commercial Paper Debt (299) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 3,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 3,000 Current Level of Service Budget 3,000 3,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Arbitrage Services 11,673 na Debt Service - Principal 6,154,000 na Debt Service - Interest Expense 454,172 na Net Operating Budget 6,620,045 na Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 161,600 161,600 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Total Budget 6,620,045 181,800 181,800 3,000 3,000 (98.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 230 2,500 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 691,213 na Trans fm 350 EMS Cap Fd 539,677 na Trans fm 355 Library Cap Fd 964,727 na Trans fm 365 Law Enforc Cap Fd 2,615,634 na Trans fm 390 Gen Gov Fac Cap Fd 1,406,959 na Carry Forward 161,700 161,600 162,300 3,000 3,000 (96.3%) Total Funding 6,802,339 181,800 184,800 3,000 3,000 (98.3%) Purpose: Major capital projects funded with the commercial paper loans were Golden Gate Library Expansion, South Regional Library, Fleet Expansion (BCC), Sheriff Fleet Building, Courthouse Annex, Emergency Service Center, Sheriff Special Operations Center, EMS station land purchase (Old US41 location), EMS ambulances, and 800 MHz Upgrade and Radio Locater System. Principal Outstanding (General Govemment) as of September 30, 2011: $0 Final Maturity: Varies with each loan Interest Rate: Variable Revenue Pledged: Available non ad valorem revenues On June 22, 2010, the Board approved the issuance of the Collier County Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 2010 in order to refinance all twelve (12) ofthe County's outstanding Commercial Paper Loans. The refinancing allowed the County to take advantage of historically low fixed interest rates, eliminated variable interest rate exposure and the $47 million lump sum loan payment due in December 2012. The Commercial Paper program served the County well over the years with the previous letter of credit provider. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Debt Service Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Office of the County Manager Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 254.00 County Manager Operations I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 5.00 Office of Management & Budget I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 7.00 Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 7.00 Communication & Customer Relations Dept I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 12.00 Emergency Management Department t-- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 9.00 Medical Examiner I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Emergency Medical Services EMS I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 172.00 Pelican Bay Services I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 16.00 Collier County Fire Control I- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv i--- Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 11.00 Ochopee Fire Control District Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 15.00 Goodland Fire District Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Cost to General Fund 001 and MSTD General Fund 111 Management Offices Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to General Fund General Fund Variance % County Manager Operations (net cost) 1,950,200 1,890,500 -59,700 -3.1% Emergency Management 1,403,300 1,328,200 -75,100 -5.4% Medical Examiner 1,062,200 1,062,400 200 0.0% EMS Helicopter (net cost) 1 ,427,700 1,373,100 -54,600 -3.8% Totals 5,843,400 5,654,200 -189,200 -3.2% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (175,400) Compliance Exceeded $ 13,800 FY 2011 Transfer FY 2012 Transfer From General Fund From General Fund Variance % County Manager Operations (transfer) 155,700 144,000 -11,700 -7.5% Emergency Management 15,900 15,900 0 0.0% EMS (transfer from General Fund) 11,316,100 11,316,100 0 0.0% Ochopee Fire Control District 434,600 434,600 nfa Totals 11,487,700 11,910,600 422,900 3.7% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (5,200) Out of Compliance $ (428,100) Note: EMS budget guidance was for a flat transfer FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund MSTD General Fund Variance % Communications & Cust. Relations (111) 1,160,600 1,102,000 -58,600 -5.0% Division of Forestry 27,500 27,500 0 0.0% Pelican Bay Capital 0 nfa Totals $ 1,188,100 $ 1,129,500 $ (58,600) -5.2% Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ (35,700) Compliance Exceeded $ 22,900 Fiscal Year 2012 2 Management Offices Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget List of Services Not Funded in the Budget for FY 2012 Management Offices Division Program/Services Operational Impact FTE Cost County Manager Operations Planned expenditures for a temporary employee to provide coverage at the County Manager's Office has been reduced and existing employees are being deployed as needed. 24,400 Emergency Management The Emergency Management Office experienced tumover of three long-term employees during the prior FY. This produced savings for the department Additionally, the department continues to seek grant funding for training and necessary capital equipment EMS-Helicopter Helicopter Operations met their 3% target reduction by reducing estimated reserve for unplanned repair and maintenance costs for the helicopter. Should a major repair be needed, the Board will be asked for funding at that time. Routine maintenance costs are included in the budget. Mutual aid is relied upon during scheduled and non-scheduled down- time for helicopter operations. EMS-Ambulance EMS met compliance of a consistent transfer with the prior year. Fleet has recommended the replacement (purchase) of three front-line ambulances at a total of $555,000. 555,000 Total of services not funded (GF 001) $ 579,400 Required General Fund (001) Millage Rate Increase 0.0102 Office of the County Manager (Communications) To meet guidance, Communications and Public Relations reduced advertising and contractual services as well as deferred some capital expenditures. 56,600 Total ofservices notfunded (MSTD GF 111) $ 56,600 Required MSTD General Fund (111) Millage Rate Increase 0.0017 Fiscal Year 2012 3 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Leo E. Ochs, Jr., County Manager Management Offices The Executive Management Offices consist of the Administrative Office of the County Manager, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Communication and Customer Relations Department In addition, the Bureau of Emergency Services, Pelican Bay Services, and Tourism also report directly to the County Manager's Office. The total operating budget for Fiscal Year 2012 for the Executive Management Offices is $3,142,000. The primary source of funding is General Fund revenue. There are 24 authorized positions as follows: County Manager's Office - 5.0, Office of Management and Budget - 7.0, and the Communication and Customer Relations Department - 12.0. The phone numbers for these offices are: 252-8383 - County Manager's Office 252-8973 - Office of Management and Budget 252-8848 - Communication and Customer Relations Emergency Services Functions As noted above, emergency services functions report directly to the County Manager's Office. Emergency Services utilizes a number of funding sources. Emergency Management and the Medical Examiner are funded by county wide ad valorem taxes, while the Division of Forestry is funded by unincorporated area ad valorem taxes. Isle of Capri Municipal Fire and Rescue Services, Ochopee Fire Control, Collier County Fire Control and Goodland Fire are funded primarily through special taxing districts. EMS is funded through ambulance fee revenue and an operating subsidy from the General Fund. The Emergency Services functions total operating budget for FY 2012 is $29,532,300 and 207.0 positions. For more information on Emergency Services programs, the phone numbers are listed below: 252-8444 - Emergency Management 394-8770 - Isle of Capri Fire & Rescue 695-4114 - Ochopee Fire & Rescue 252-8459 - Emergency Medical Service 434-5020 - Medical Examiner Tourism Funding for the Naples, Marco Island, Everglades Paradise Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau is generated from the 4% tourist tax levied on hotel rooms and short-term rentals in Collier County. The total operating budget for Fiscal Year 2012 is $6,509,700 and there are 7.0 authorized positions. Pelican Bay Services Services are provided to residents of Pelican Bay through the Pelican Bay Municipal Services Taxing and Benefit Unit (MSTBU). Services include Water Management, Community Beautification, Street Lighting, Security Operations, Clam Bay Restoration, and a capital improvement program. The Pelican Bay Services operating budget for FY 2012 is $4,160,200 with 16.0 permanent, full-time positions. An office is located in Pelican Bay to ensure quality services to residents. Funding is generated by special assessments levied on residents of Pelican Bay. For more information on Pelican Bay Services, please call 597-1749. Fiscal Year 2012 4 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 26,751,654 27,257,400 26,160,600 25,926,600 25,926,600 (4.9%) Operating Expense 13,631,459 13,156,000 14,501,400 12,997,900 12,997,900 (1.2%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 225,000 290,500 290,500 322,500 322,500 11.0% Capital OuUay 1,365,615 214,000 1,127,700 171,500 171,500 (19.9%) Remittances 1,004,524 604,600 596,100 536,600 536,600 (10.9%) Total Net Budget 42,978,452 41,522,500 42,698,300 39,957,300 39,957,300 (3.8)% Trans to Property Appraiser 71,664 110,400 75,800 109,100 109,100 (1.2%) Trans to Tax Collector 232,177 292,600 247,600 267,200 267,200 (1.6%) Trans to 116 Em Mgt Grant Fd 2,721 na Trans to 144 Isles of Capri Fire Fd 100,500 62,900 62,900 53,600 53,600 (14.6%) Trans to 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 143,100 87,600 67,600 74,100 74,100 (15.4%) Trans to 164 TDC Promo 227,400 227,400 na Trans to 196 TDC Eco Disaster 265,600 344,600 513,000 43,000 43,000 (67.5%) Trans to 714 Co Mgr Match 4,615 6,600 na Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 1,066,400 342,600 342,600 436,500 436,500 27.3% Trans to 406 Water/Sewer Fd 13,400 13,400 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,662,400 2,029,000 2,029,000 8.9% Reserves For Capital 1,004,500 896,200 896,200 (10.6%) Reserve for Attrition (753,000) (736,000) (736,000) (2.3%) Total Budget 44,907,428 44,877,500 44,035,000 43,392,800 43,392,600 (3.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Manager Operations 1,121,333 1,097,600 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) Office of Management & Budget 766,123 652,400 623,100 626,200 626,200 (3.1%) Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept 7,041,236 4,956,000 6,730,700 5,111,500 5,111,500 3.1% Communication & Customer Relations 993,463 1,321,800 1,254,600 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Dept Emergency Management Department 1,075,618 1,533,000 1,399,700 1,409,100 1,409,100 (6.1%) Miscellaneous Grants Fund 526,519 934,900 na Division of Forestry Services 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Medical Examiner 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Emergency Medical Services EMS 24,561,466 24,666,900 23,590,700 23,374,200 23,374,200 (5.3%) Pelican Bay Services 2,362,176 2,632,100 2,459,300 2,596,400 2,596,400 (1.4%) Collier County Fire Control 279,573 176,900 176,900 149,400 149,400 (15.5%) Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv 1,254,326 1,326,300 1,319,900 1,270,600 1,270,600 (4.3%) Ochopee Fire Control District 1,742,614 1,744,700 1,768,000 1,726,600 1,726,600 (1.0%) Goodland Fire District 103,015 99,900 99,900 66,600 66,600 (13.1%) Total Net Budget 42,978,452 41,522,500 42,698,300 39,957,300 39,957,300 (3.8%) Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept 366,061 1,503,400 636,600 1,396,200 1,396,200 (7.0%) Emergency Management Department 450,000 461,500 461,500 2.6% Miscellaneous Grants Fund 15,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Emergency Medical Services EMS 3,000 (569,000) 3,000 (326,600) (326,600) (44.2%) Pelican Bay Services 1,167,553 1,260,700 446,200 1,563,600 1,563,800 22.1% Collier County Fire Control 255,932 159,300 159,300 135,400 135,400 (15.0%) Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv 39,517 406,500 36,300 135,100 135,100 (66.9%) Ochopee Fire Control District 53,260 122,400 47,500 51,000 51,000 (56.3%) Goodland Fire District 3,634 3,600 3,600 3,400 3,400 (10.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,928,976 3,355,000 1,336,700 3,435,500 3,435,500 2.4% Total Budget 44,907,428 44,877,500 44,035,000 43,392,800 43,392,800 (3.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 5 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 DIvision Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 3,794,441 3,176,400 3,036,100 3,067,200 3,067,200 (2.9%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 29,701 3,000 3,400 3,000 3,000 0.0% Tourist Devel Tax 5,014,031 5,069,500 5,016,000 5,069,500 5,069,500 0.0% Special Assessments 2,569,736 2,667,000 2,575,000 2,574,100 2,574,100 (3.5%) Intergovemmenlal Revenues 636,755 696,300 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 145,629 661,900 na Charges For Services 52,095 34,500 27,100 27,300 27,300 (20.9%) Ambulance Fees 15,766,059 9,616,000 9,616,000 9,695,000 9,895,000 0.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 165,667 51,600 60,500 53,400 53,400 3.5% InterestlMisc 67,353 70,600 52,500 53,600 53,600 (24.1%) Reimb From Other Depts 1,215 50,000 (100.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 4,417 900 2,300 2,100 2,100 133.3% Trans frm tax Collector 103,966 16,500 16,500 16,200 16,200 (1.6%) Net Cost General Fund 5,227,020 5,643,400 5,071,500 5,654,200 5,654,200 (3.2%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 666,555 1,166,100 1,121,100 1,129,500 1.129,500 (4.9%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 10,664,900 11.467,700 11,503,600 11,910,600 11,910,600 3.7% Trans fm 144 Isle Of Capri Fire Fd 2,721 4,700 na Trans fm 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 4,615 2,100 na Trans fm 146 Collier Fire Fd 240,600 147,500 147,500 124,700 124,700 (15.5%) Trans fm 163 TDC Beach Pk 50,000 1,050,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Trans fm 194 TDC Prom Fd 265,600 344,600 513,000 270,400 270,400 (21.6%) Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 1,000,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Trans fm 490 EMS Fd 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Carry Forward 10,674,200 5,733,600 6,629,500 4,335,700 4,335,700 (24.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,050,600) (1,036,700) (1,036,700) (1.3%) Total Funding 57,784,719 44,877,500 48,381,600 43,392,800 43,392,800 (3.3"10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Manager Operations 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Office of Management & Budget 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Communication & Customer Relations Dept 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% Emergency Management Department 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.0% Emergency Medical Services EMS 163.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 0.0% Pelican Bay Services 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 0.0% Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Ochopee Fire Control District 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0% Total FTE 268.00 254.00 254.00 254.00 254.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 6 Office of the County Manager ~ Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager County Manager Operations FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 846,872 759,200 736,100 737,100 737,100 (2.9%) Operating Expense 274,461 336,600 313,600 327,200 327,200 (3.4%) Net Operating Budget 1,121,333 1,097,800 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) Total Budget 1,121,333 1,097,800 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Manager (001) 663,012 613,700 766,200 766,700 786,700 (3.1%) County Manager-Board Related Costs 256,321 264,100 263,500 275,600 275,600 (3.0%) (001) Total Net Budget 1,121,333 1,097,600 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 1,121,333 1,097,800 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 200 na Net Cost General Fund 1,121,333 1,097,800 1,049,500 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) Total Funding 1,121,333 1,097,600 1,049,700 1,064,300 1,064,300 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Manager (001) 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 7 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager County Manager Operations County Manager (001) Mission Statement To achieve the efficient and effective management of County programs and projects with the guidelines established by the Board of County Commissioners and within the recognized ethics and standards of good practice established by the International City and County Management profession. . FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Executive Management/Administration 3.00 561,746 561,746 Carry out directives and policies of the BCC, prepare annual budget, direct and oversee all aspects of County programs and projects. Efficiency/Management Reviews 2.00 226,954 226,954 Provides funding for efficiency/management reviews within the County Manager's Agency, as initially recommended by the Citizen's Productivity Committee. Current Level of Service Budget 5.00 788,700 788,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program BUdgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 846,672 759,200 736,100 737,100 737,100 (2.9%) Operating Expense 16,140 54,500 50,100 51,600 51,600 (5.3%) Net Operating Budget 863,012 813,700 786,200 788,700 788,700 (3.1%) Total Budget 863,012 813,700 786,200 788,700 788,700 (3.1%) Total FTE 8.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 200 na Net Cost General Fund 663,012 613,700 766,000 766,700 766,700 (3.1%) Total Funding 863,012 813,700 786,200 788,700 788,700 (3.1%) Forecast FY 2011 - A temporary employee was not utilized for the County Manager's front desk, instead the Office of Management and Budget Executive Secretary moved to the County Manager's office and is preforming both jobs (FTE is in Office of Management and Budget). Current FY 2012 - Personal Services reduction is due to the limited use of a temporary employee for the County Manager's front desk. Fiscal Year 2012 6 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager County Manager Operations County Manager-Board Related Costs (001) Mission Statement This budget provides miscellaneous Board directed activities such as the annual citizen survey, lobbyist activities, and the citizen survey. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 267,700 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Board Directed Activities 267,700 Items include lobbyist contract, committee minutes, citizen survey, ICMA Performance Measures, and goal setting. Other Board-Related Activities 7,900 7,900 Items include travel, legal advertising, and operating supplies. Current Level of Service Budget 275,600 275,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 256,321 264,100 263,500 275,600 275,600 (3.0%) Net Operating Budget 258,321 284,100 263,500 275,600 275,600 (3.0%) Total Budget 258,321 284,100 263,500 275,600 275,600 (3.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Net Cost General Fund 256,321 264,100 263,500 275,600 Total Funding 256,321 284,100 263,500 275,600 FY 2012 Preliminary 275,600 275,600 FY 2012 Change (3.0%) (3.0%) Budget FY11 Forecast FY11 Current FY12 Justification $107,000 $107,000 $107,000 Federal Lobbyist $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 State Lobbyist $ 38,000 $ 39,200 $ 39,200 Grant Locating On-line Subscription $ 3,600 $ 3,600 $ 3,600 Lobbyist Tools Software Subscription $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Consortium Day $ 22,800 $ 0 $ 11,800 Survey $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 ICMA $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,300 Benchmarking Consortium $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Minutes (Committees) $ 4,300 $ 4,300 $ 4,300 National Association of Counties Membership $ 6,900 $ 7,900 $ 7,900 Travel, expert witness, ads, supplies $284,100 $263,500 $275,600 Total Fiscal Year 2012 9 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Office of Management & Budget FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 767,905 740,300 725,100 737,700 737,700 (0.4%) Operating Expense 16,216 112,100 96,000 66,500 68,500 (21.1%) Net Operating Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) Total Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Office of Management & Budget (001) 766,123 652,400 623,100 626,200 626,200 (3.1%) Total Net Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Deparbnent Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 765 na Net Cost General Fund 765,356 652,400 623,100 626,200 626,200 (3.1%) Total Funding 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Office of Management & Budget (001) 6.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Total FTE 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 10 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Office of Management & Budget Office of Management & Budget (001) Mission Statement The purpose of the Office of Management and Budget is to assist in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the operating and capital budgets; to offer technical support to departments and agencies within the Collier County Government structure; to assist the general public, the Board of County Commissioners, and citizen groups with information requests; and to provide staff support to assigned Advisory Boards. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 2.00 253,938 253,938 Budget Preparation/Control 5.00 560,262 560,262 Includes preparation of the Collier County budget in compliance with the Florida Truth in Millage Act. Also includes preparation and presentation of program and line-item budgets, review of fiscal impact statements in executive summaries, coordination of the indirect cost allocation plan preparation, and special projects such as on-going efforts to improve functionality of the new financial system. Financial Consulting 12,000 12,000 Provides funding for the County's Financial Advisor contract and for the preparation of the indirect cost allocation plan. Current Level of Service Budget 7.00 826,200 826,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 767,905 740,300 725,100 737,700 737,700 (0.4%) Operating Expense 16,216 112,100 96,000 66,500 66,500 (21.1%) Net Operating Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) Total Budget 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) Total FTE 8.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 765 na Net Cost General Fund 765,356 652,400 623,100 826,200 626,200 (3.1%) Total Funding 786,123 852,400 823,100 826,200 826,200 (3.1%) Forecast FY 2011 - Savings in personal services was realized when a vacant position was filled in mid-December. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services was reduced slightly due to one FTE, a Grants Accountant transferring out to the Grants Management Department and one FTE, a Project Manager (reclassified to a Senior Budget Analyst) transferring in from Road and Bridge Engineering Department (fund 312). Operating Expenses have been reduced, extra funding is no longer needed since GovMax version 5 has been implemented successfully. Fiscal Year 2012 11 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 602,260 606,300 592,100 560,600 560,600 (4.5%) Operating Expense 5,831,290 3,956,700 5,752,400 4,106,100 4,106,100 3.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 76,700 76,700 135,300 135,300 71.9% Remittances 607,666 314,300 307,500 267,300 267,300 (6.6%) Net Operating Budget 7,041,238 4,958,000 6,730,700 5,111,500 5,111,500 3.1% Trans to Tax Collector 100,261 127,600 125,600 127,600 127,600 0.0% Trans to 164 TDC Promo 227,400 227,400 na Trans to 196 TDC Eco Disaster 265,600 344,600 513,000 43,000 43,000 (67.5%) Reserves For Contingencies 1,030,600 1,000,000 1,000,000 (3.0%) Total Budget 7,427,319 6,461,400 7,369,300 6,509,700 6,509,700 0.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change . TDC Cat C - Non County Museum - Fd 607,666 314,300 307,500 266,500 266,500 (6.2%) (193) TDC Category B - Admin & Disaster 620,171 1,057,600 936,300 1,132,000 1,132,000 7.0% Recovery Transfer (194) TDC Disaster Recovery - Fund (196) 715,666 666,500 na TDC Tourism Promotion - Fund (164) 4,697,513 3,566,100 4,796,400 3,691,000 3,691,000 2.9% Total Net Budget 7,041,238 4,958,000 6,730,700 5,111,500 5,111,500 3.1% Total Transfers and Reserves 386,081 1,503,400 638,600 1,398,200 1,398,200 (7.0%) Total Budget 7,427,319 6,461,400 7,369,300 6,509,700 6,509,700 0.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 5,014,031 5,069,500 5,016,000 5,069,500 5,069,500 0.0% Intergovemmental Revenues 5,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 35,179 20,000 26,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% InterestlMisc 23,577 5,000 5,700 5,000 5,000 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 44,473 na Trans fm 163 TDC Beach Pk 50,000 1,050,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Trans fm 194 TDC Prom Fd 265,600 344,600 513,000 270,400 270,400 (21.6%) Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 1,000,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Carry Forward 2,761,600 1,057,500 1,766,600 1,160,200 1,160,200 11.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (255,400) (255,400) (255,400) 0.0% Total Funding 9,169,660 6,461,400 8,549,500 6,509,700 6,509,700 0.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change TDC Category B - Admin & Disaster 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Recovery Transfer (194) Total FTE 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 12 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TOC Cat C - Non County Museum - Fd (193) Mission Statement To provide funding for Non-County Museums. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Non-County Museums 296,300 296,300 To allocate tourist tax revenues to Non-County Museums consistent with the Tourist Development Plan based on applications received. Current Level of Service Budget 296,300 296,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,200 1,200 na Remittances 607,666 314,300 307,500 267,300 267,300 (6.6%) Net Operating Budget 607,668 314,300 307,500 288,500 288,500 (8.2%) Trans to Tax Collector 6,125 7,600 7,600 7,600 7,600 0.0% Total Budget 613,793 322,100 315,300 296,300 296,300 (8.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 306,242 310,900 307,000 310,900 310,900 0.0% InterestlMisc 2,432 600 na Trans frm Tax Collector 2,716 na Carry Forward 311,000 26,700 6,600 900 900 (96.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (15,500) (15,500) (15,500) 0.0% Total Funding 622,390 322,100 316,200 296,300 296,300 (8.0%) During FY 2005, this fund was amended via budget amendment to provide for direct deposit of TDC County Owned Museum proceeds into Fund (198), in lieu of the previous method that transferred proceeds from Fund (193). This change allows County owned Museums to receive TDC dollars as they are collected (monthly) and provided staff with a much simpler and direct budgeting methodology with elimination of the transfer. Forecast FY 2011 - Private remittance expense represents contributions based upon grant requests from one or more of the following non-county owned or operated museum organizations; Naples Botanical Gardens, Children's Museum, Holocaust Museum, Naples Art Association, and Rookery Bay. Eligible grant recipient's promote the cultural heritage and historical significance of the County. It is anticipated that sufficient cash will be available to satisfy payouts totaling $307,500. Current FY 2012 - With direct transfer of TDC collections to County Owned Museum Fund (198), Fund (193) becomes a depository for Non-County owned Museum grant funding. Non County TDC revenues represent 4.764% of the initial 2-cent tourist tax collected. This percentage changed from 7.764% to 4.764% pursuant to BCC action on April 12, 2005. Non County Owned Museum TDC proceeds are budgeted at $310,900. Carry forward revenue is projected at $900. New grant funding totaling $287,300 is appropriated for FY 2012 and this is based upon collecting 95% of budgeted TDC revenue. Current funding applications totaling $287,300 have been received from the Children's Museum, Holocaust Museum, Naples Art Association, Rookery Bay, and the Naples Botanical Garden. Fiscal Year 2012 13 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TDC Category B - Admin & Disaster Recovery Transfer (194) Mission Statement Administration and overhead to facilitate tourism promotion in Collier County in the shoulder season and off-season through advertising, direct marketing and special events. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Administration and Overhead 7.00 1,169,900 1,169,900 Transfer to Disaster Recovery Fund (196) 43,000 43,000 Tranferto Marketing & Promotion Fund (184) 227,400 227,400 Current Level of Service Budget 7.00 1,440,300 1,440,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 602,260 606,300 592,100 560,600 560,600 (4.5%) Operating Expense 217,691 370,600 267,500 450,100 450,100 21.5% Indirect Cost Reimburs 76,700 76,700 101,100 101,100 26.5% Net Operating Budget 820,171 1,057,600 938,300 1,132,000 1,132,000 7.0'10 Trans to Tax Collector 29,673 37,900 37,400 37,900 37,900 0.0% Trans to 164 TDC Promo 227,400 227,400 na Trans to 196 TDC Eco Disaster 265,800 344,600 513,000 43,000 43,000 (67.5%) Total Budget 1,135,644 1,440,300 1,488,700 1,440,300 1,440,300 0.0'10 Total FTE 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 1,493,667 1,516,100 1,495,000 1,516,100 1,516,100 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 44 na InterestlMisc 3,666 na Trans frm Tax Collector 13,246 na Carry Forward 19,500 (6,300) na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (75,600) (75,600) (75,600) 0.0% Total Funding 1,530,125 1,440,300 1,488,700 1,440,300 1,440,300 0.0% The Board of County Commissioners authorized collection of an additional one (1) percent tourist tax - fourth penny - on July 26, 2005. Proceeds from this fourth penny are devoted exclusively to tourism marketing and promotion. Pursuant to terms contained within ordinance 2005-43, collections began on October 1, 2005. This ordinance provided that the existing 23.236% of the first two (2) percent collected will be allocated to Fund (194) Administrative and Overhead expenses; Replenish the Disaster Recovery Fund (196); and provide supplemental dollars to Beach Re-nourishmentlPass Maintenance (Fund 195) and Beach Park Facility (Fund 183) initiatives. With passage of Ordinance 2011-02 on January 25, 2011, the distribution requirements changed. Now, all year ending proceeds within Fund 194 will be swept to Disaster Recovery Fund (196) in an amo'unt sufficient to achieve a $1,000,000 cash balance. Thereafter, Marketing and Promotion Fund (184) will receive all remaining swept dollars. Forecast FY 2011 - Staffing is authorized at 7.0 FTE's and personal service expenses are projected slightly below budget. This current staffing accounts for action by the Board of County Commissioners on July 22, 2008 which provided for an additional one half (1/2) FTE as part of a tourism advertising and marketing emergency stimulus package. Operating expenses are limited to fund overhead expenses such as contractual services, rent, electricity, indirect and direct county support charges, printing and publications, copying, etc. Operating expenses are forecast below budget. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TDC Category B - Admin & Disaster Recovery Transfer (194) In accordance with ordinance provisions (2011-02), a $513,000 transfer to Disaster Recovery Fund (196) is programmed at year end- representing the total estimated year-ending 9/30/11 fund balance in Fund (194). As part of continued efforts to augment marketing and promotion of the destination, the Board once again approved use of emergency reserves totaling $500,000 from Disaster Recovery Fund (196). Consequently, it will be necessary to replenish these emergency reserves and zero dollars will be available for transfer to Marketing and Promotion Fund (184). Revenue FY 2011 - Total TDC revenue and that component distributed to Fund (194) is forecast at $1,495,000 or about 98 percent of budget. This forecast is within the 95% budgeted revenue reserve. Tourism revenue from the class action suit brought against Priceline.com was received in February 2011 and totaled $567,646 across all funds. These proceeds were deposited to each respective tourism fund based upon the category percentage distribution found within Ordinance 2005-43. The modest negative carryforward at year ending 9/30/10 represents expenses posted after the fiscal year close which were received late but required to be posted in FY 2010. Given the practical application of Ordinance 2011-02, forecast carryforward may fluctuate from a modest positive or negative number from one fiscal year to the next. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services include salaries and benefits supporting seven (7) FTE's. No cost of living adjustments are budgeted. Personal service expenses are down reflecting reduced retirement rates. Operating expenses have increased from the FY 2011 adopted budget due primarily to expenses in other contractual services, dues and memberships, and facility rent. Noteworthy appropriations include; Other contractual services ($195,400) which includes support for the Chamber's Visitor Specialist as well as sports marketing, Rent ($66,400) for space at GMD and the film office, Indirect Cost Allocation to the General Fund ($101,100), IT charges ($27,700) and standard insurance and fleet charges ($13,000). An interdepartmental payment for service totaling $45,000 is budgeted and represents tourism's portion of the Sports Coordinator position. . Total tourism promotion administrative costs including the Tax Collector transfer is budgeted at $1,169,900. Pursuant to Ordinance 2005-43 as amended within 2011-02, tourism promotion administrative costs shall not exceed 32% of the total amount collected each fiscal year from Category "8" uses (all category "8" uses) and shall be financed solely out of Fund (194). Total FY 12 budgeted overhead within Fund (194) represents 24.8% of forecast FY 11 Category "B" collections ($4,709,000). Category "8" represents revenue from Fund 194 and Fund 184. The FY 2012 budgeted transfer to Disaster Recovery Fund (196) totals $43,000. With this year end transfer, emergency reserves will total $1,000,000 and meet the requirements established within ordinance 2011-02. As a result, budgeted dollars programmed to be swept at year end into Marketing and Promotion Fund (184) total $227,400. Revenues represent 23.2% of the initial 2-cent tourist tax levied. Total TDC revenue is projected at $13.05M with the (194) component equal to $1,516,100. Fiscal Year 2012 15 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TDC Disaster Recovery - Fund (196) Mission Statement To assist economic recovery in the event of a natural disaster. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Advertising after a Disaster To establish a reserve for advertising to be used in the event of a natural disaster. 1,000,000 1,000,000 Current Level of Service Budget 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 715,666 666,500 na Net Operating Budget 715,886 686,500 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,030,600 1,000,000 1,000,000 (3.0%) Total Budget 715,886 1,030,800 686,500 1,000,000 1,000,000 (3.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 350 na tnterestlMisc 4,454 na Trans fm 194 TDC Prom Fd 265,600 344,600 513,000 43,000 43,000 (67.5%) Carry Forward 1,107,500 666,000 1,130,500 957,000 957,000 39.5% Total Funding 1,398,104 1,030,800 1,643,500 1,000,000 1,000,000 (3.0%) Expenses within this fund represent costs to develop the emergency advertising campaign, in order to promptly respond to any disaster- natural or economic - which adversely impact tourism in Collier County. In March 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved - based on an emergency designation - the expenditure of up to an additional $500,000 for use in promoting Collier County as a tourist destination in the wake of four (4) hurricanes during the 2004. Similarly, the BCC during FY 09, approved an emergency advertising stimulus package responding to the economic recession and its negative effects upon tourism travel and leisure spending. The use of emergency advertising dollars totaling $1,066,000 continued in FY 10 under Board authorization recognizing the global economic slowdown. In FY 11, $500,000 of emergency reserves was once again dedicated to marketing the destination in anticipation of building tourism visitation in the wake of a stagnate economy. Current FY 2012 - Pursuant to Ordinance 2005-43, Tourism Disaster Recovery Fund (196) received $500,000 per year as a transfer from Tourism Administration and Overhead Fund (194) beginning in FY 06 and this transfer amount (or some lesser amount) continued for three (3) years until reserves in Fund (196) reached $1,500,000. Reserves reached $1,500,000 at fiscal year ending 2008. With passage of Ordinance 2011-02, the required fund balance ceiling within the disaster recovery fund was dropped to $1,000,000. It is anticipated that all available fund balance at year ending 9/30/11 within Fund (194) projected at $513,000 will be swept to Fund (196). Beginning FY 12 cash on hand is estimated at $957,000 and the required year ending FY 12 transfer will therefore total $43,000. This plan assumes that no further draw on disaster reserves will be required in FY 12. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TDC Tourism Promotion - Fund (184) Mission Statement To promote year-round, distinctive, world-class vacation and group meeting experiences, which result in positive economic growth and stability for Collier County. Program Summary Advertising/Marketing/Promotion To allocate tourist tax revenues from the Dedicated 4th penny consistent with the Tourist Development and Marketing Plan. Transfer to Tax Collector FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 3,263,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 3,263,600 82,100 82,100 Net Transfers From Tourist Tax Funds 427,400 427,400 Current Level of Service Budget 3,773,100 3,773,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Economic Impact - % Increase 3.40 2.00 3.50 4.00 Hotel Room Nights 2,100,000 2,150,000 - 2,150,000 2,200,000 Number of Visitors 1,383,500 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,450,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 4,697,513 3,566,100 4,796,400 3,656,000 3,656,000 2.0% Indirect Cost Reimburs 33,000 33,000 na Net Operating Budget 4,897,513 3,586,100 4,798,400 3,691,000 3,691,000 2.9% Trans to Tax Collector 64,262 62,100 60,400 62,100 62,100 0.0% Total Budget 4,961,795 3,668,200 4,878,800 3,n3,100 3,773,100 2.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tourist Devel Tax 3,214,122 3,262,500 3,214,000 3,262,500 3,262,500 0.0% 'ntergovemmental Revenues 5,000 na Miscellaneous Revenues 34,764 20,000 26,000 20,000 20,000 0.0% InterestlMisc 13,026 5,000 5,100 5,000 5,000 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 26,506 na Trans fm 183 TDC Beach Pk 50,000 1,050,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Trans fm 194 TDC Prom Fd 227,400 227,400 na Trans fm 195 TDC Cap Fd 1,000,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Carry Forward 1,323,600 344,600 654,000 222,300 222,300 (35.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (164,100) (164,100) (164,100) 0.0% Total Funding 5,619,041 3,668,200 5,101,100 3,773,100 3,n3,100 2.9% The Board of County Commissioners authorized collection of an additional one (1) percent tourist tax - fourth penny - on July 26,2005. Proceeds from this fourth penny by ordinance is devoted exclusively to marketing and promotion. Pursuant to terms contained within Ordinance 2005-43, collections began on October 1, 2005. Further regulation on the distribution of swept proceeds from Administrative and Overhead Fund (194) is contained within Ordinance 2011-02 Forecast FY 2011 - TDC collections from the 4th penny are forecast at 98% of budget - well within the 5% revenue reserve. Tourist visitation has been steady during the current season and it is anticipated that enhanced marketing efforts will allow the trend to continue into the Fiscal Year 2012 17 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Tourist Development Council (TDC) Dept TOC Tourism Promotion - Fund (184) summer season. In an effort to spur destination visitation, the Board authorized the one time transfer of $1 ,000,000 from Category "A" Beach Park Facility Fund (183) with these dollars devoted to targeted group marketing and advertising. Additionally, interest income generated within Category "A" funds (183) and (195) will be re-directed to Advertising Fund (184) for this FY and continue for FY 12 and FY 13. These dollars infusions are not permanent and any future dollar expansion of the advertising program above revenue centric levels contained in Marketing Fund (184) require Board action. Noteworthy operating expense includes paid advertising ($3,081,600), professional advertising, promotion fees and other contract support services ($1,516,200), and professional travel ($80,000) Transfer to the Tax Collector is forecast at $80,400. Current FY 2012 - TDC collections within this fund are budgeted at $3,262,500, which represents no change from the FY 2011 budget. Without any infusion of dollars from other tourist tax funds, the FY 2012 marketing and advertising program will be sized more traditionally based upon revenues generated from the 4th percent. Upon Board direction, interest earned from all tourist tax funds will be deposited via transfer to Fund (184) in support of marketing and advertising efforts. Interest re-direction will cease after FY 2013 unless extended by Board action. The marketing and promotion program ($1,919,800) includes the contract with Paradise Advertising at $1,782,600 and other promotional expenses totaling $137,200. Professional Marketing and Advertising Contract Support Services ($1,478,200) include contracts with Miles Media, Research Data Services, Phase V, Paradise Advertising and other professional media firms in promotion of the Collier County destination. In addition $90,000 in support is budgeted for Category "B" marketing grants. Professional travel totals $108,000 while registration fees are $160,100. This fund's general insurance contribution totals $13,200. There are no fund reserves budgeted. The Tax Collector transfer is budgeted at $82,100. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Communication & Customer Relations Dept FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 619,564 945,400 944,300 944,700 944,700 (0.1%) Operating Expense 165,419 366,400 300,500 296,600 296,600 (19.0%) Capital OuUay 6,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Total Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Comm & Customer Relations Dept (111) 993,463 1,321,600 1,254,600 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Total Net Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 6,010 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 96 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 639,077 1,160,600 1,093,600 1,102,000 1,102,000 (5.0%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 146,300 155,700 155,700 144,000 144,000 (7.5%) Total Funding 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Comm & Customer Relations Dept (111) 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% Total FTE 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 19 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Communication & Customer Relations Dept Comm & Customer Relations Dept (111) Mission Statement To serve the public by providing accurate and timely information about Collier County Government services and activities utilizing a multi-media approach as well as providing support to internal departments. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 1.00 282,054 282,054 Department administration, media relations, website management, emergency information, and special projects. Legislative Affairs 1.00 113,268 113,268 Monitor, track, and report on state and federal legislative priorities of the Board of County Commissioners Government Center Switchboard Operations 1.50 72,862 72,862 The Collier County Govemment Center switchboard operation responds to telephone and e-mail inquiries, walk-ins, and requests for beach parking permits. BCC Board Room Meetings and Other Public Meetings 1.00 81,634 81,634 Televising and recording of all official BCC meetings, Planning Commission and other advisory board meetings. Publishing - Public Information 1.00 164,208 164,208 Produce and distribure news releases. Provide photographic services and printing services for county depts. Produce external newsletter, promote County events and programs, and maintain and manage website and social media sites. Board of County Commissioners agenda distribution. Emergency information distribution. Channel 97 - TV Production & Programming 2.00 232,934 232,934 Produce, film and edit Collier Television programming, PSA's and special events. Audio/visual service for other county depts. Publishing - Public Relations 2,500 2,500 Design and layout of annual report. Develop, design, produce and print publications, brochures, fliers, etc. for county depts. Provide graphic design services for intemal departments. Citizen Inquiry Tracking and Public Record Requests 1.00 64,953 64,953 Respond to citizen inquiries, track and provide reports through AIMS. Process requests filed under the Florida Public Records Law. North Collier Government Services Center 3.00 204,500 204,500 North Collier Government Services Center personnel accept payment of water and sewer bills, trash container requests, special event tickets at county park facilities, pet licenses, beach parking permits, and community meeting room reservations. In addition, provide information to telephone and e-mail inquiries, and walk-ins. Tape Reproduction 0.50 32,587 5,500 27,087 Reproduce meeting and programming DVD's for the public and intemal staff. Transfers 144,000 -144,000 Current Level of Service Budget 12.00 1,251,500 149,500 1,102,000 Fiscal Year 2012 20 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Communication & Customer Relations Dept Comm & Customer Relations Dept (111) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % AIMS constituent contact within five business days 100 100 100 100 % of AIMS issues closed within five business days 88 85 85 85 North Collier Gov't Center % of customers served within 5 minutes (FY 93 90 90 90 average). Website Visitors 1,343,588 1,400,000 1,300,000 1,400,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 619,564 945,400 944,300 944,700 944,700 (0.1%) Operating Expense 165,419 366,400 300,500 296,600 296,600 (19.0%) Capital Outlay 6,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Total Budget 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Total FTE 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 6,010 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 96 na Net Cost MSTD General Fund 639,077 1,160,600 1,093,600 1,102,000 1,102,000 (5.0%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 146,300 155,700 155,700 144,000 144,000 (7.5%) Total Funding 993,483 1,321,800 1,254,800 1,251,500 1,251,500 (5.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Ongoing budget reduction efforts will result in savings in operating expenses. Current FY 2012 - Operating budget reductions primarily include reductions in electricity costs at the Emergency Services Center, printing, advertising, supplies, outside video production and Information Technology (IT) charges. Capital Outlay of $1 0,000 is for the replacement of one printer and one graphics display generator. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue of $5,500 is generated from the sale of copies. Transfer from the General Fund (001) represents the General Fund (001) contribution for Communication and Customer Relations Services provided to the residents of the incorporated areas of the County. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Management Department FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 645,764 676,100 641,800 777,600 777,600 (11.4%) Operating Expense 213,666 636,900 541,600 614,300 614,300 (3.9%) Remittances 15,966 16,000 16,300 17,000 17,000 6.3% Net Operating Budget 1,075,618 1,533,000 1,399,700 1,409,100 1,409,100 (8.1%) Reserves For Contingencies 450,000 461,500 461,500 2.6% Total Budget 1,075,618 1,963,000 1,399,700 1,870,600 1,870,600 (5.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Emergency Disaster Fund (003) 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Emergency Management Operating (001) 1,075,616 1,463,000 1,399,700 1,359,100 1,359,100 (6.4%) Total Net Budget 1,075,618 1,533,000 1,399,700 1,409,100 1,409,100 (8.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves 450,000 461,500 461,500 2.6% Total Budget 1,075,618 1,983,000 1,399,700 1,870,600 1,870,600 (5.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 68,474 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 145,629 661,900 na Miscellaneous Revenues 30,414 29,700 30,400 30,900 30,900 4.0% 'nterestlMisc 3,760 3,500 3,500 3,500 na Reimb From Other Depts 50,000 (100.0%) Net Cost General Fund 630,901 1,403,300 667,400 1,328,200 1,326,200 (5.4%) Carry Forward 500,600 500,000 504,500 506,000 506,000 1.6% Total Funding 1,580,178 1,983,000 1,907,700 1,870,600 1,870,600 (5.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Emergency Management Operating 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.0% (001) Total FTE 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 22 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Operating (001) Mission Statement The Collier County Department of Emergency Management works to protect the citizens, guests, local agencies and organizations of Collier County from the effects of natural, technological, and terrorism disasters under the guidance of the County Manager. The department receives program guidance from the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency and the State's Division of Emergency Management under the Department of Community Affairs. The department maintains a vision of a vibrant and progressive disaster resistant community. Programming and work by the department includes planning for and responding to major emergency events 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Staff and volunteers work to develop strategies and programs to minimize the effects of disasters on our citizens, guests, and local businesses. The department provides on-scene technical support to public safety organizations, hurricane protection project management, community education, comprehensive disaster preparedness planning, evacuation coordination, emergency public information and warning, meteorological services, hazardous materials contingency planning, and registration of persons with special needs. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead Costs Manage all facets of emergency preparedness programming, function as administrative office for Emergency Medical Services, Med Flight, Medical Director, EMSAC and the Ochopee Fire Control/Rescue District, Isles of Capri Fire Control/Rescue District, and as liaison to the District 20 Medical Examiner. Special Needs Administration As mandated by the State of Florida, provide and maintain a listing of special needs citizens that may require additional assistance during times of emergency. Facilities such as nursing homes, rest homes, and congregate facilities require their disaster plans to be reviewed annually for compliance. Emergency Operations and Planning FY 2012 Total.FTE 3.00 FY 2012 Budget 841,285 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 30,900 810,385 2.00 177,168 177,168 4.00 340,647 340,647 Emergency Management must maintain a 24 hours, seven days a week, multi-hazard Homeland Security response capability. This includes the emergency operations center and the mobile command vehicle being ready at all times to respond and protect the community prior to, during, and after a natural, technological, terrorist, or pandemic type event. The Department also provides technical assistance in the areas of preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery to critical infrastructure facilities to ensure disaster resistant and recovery efficiencies. The Emergency Management Department maintains a comprehensive grant seeking and management process which includes supplies and equipment that can deploy quickly to provide basic evacuation and public health and safety resources. Current Level of Service Budget 9.00 1,359,100 30,900 1,328,200 Program Performance Measures % Emergency Management Accreditation Program Standards Met % Increase of GIS maps for mapping catalog annually % Meet Fed. mandated NIMS and EMPA training requirements % Nursing/Assisted Living Facilities reviewed within 30 days FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Budget FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 Budget 50 2 90 95 Fiscal Year 2012 23 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Management Department Emergency Management Operating (001) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 645,764 676,100 641,600 777 ,600 777,600 (11.4%) Operating Expense 213,666 566,900 541,600 564,300 564,300 (4.2%) Remittances 15,966 16,000 16,300 17,000 17,000 6.3% Net Operating Budget 1,075,618 1,483,000 1,399,700 1,359,100 1,359,100 (8.4%) Total Budget 1,075,618 1,483,000 1,399,700 1,359,100 1,359,100 (8.4%) Total FTE 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 66,474 na FEMA - Fed Emerg Mgt Agency 145,629 661,900 na Miscellaneous Revenues 30,414 29,700 30,400 30,900 30,900 4.0% Reimb From Other Depts 50,000 (100.0%) Net Cost General Fund 630,901 1,403,300 667,400 1,326,200 1,326,200 (5.4%) Total Funding 1,075,618 1,483,000 1,399,700 1,359,100 1,359,100 (8.4%) The Department of Emergency Management relies upon the efforts of each staff member for their respective program expertise to protect and serve the citizens of Collier County from affects of local emergencies and regional and national threats. The program is established in the following functions similar to the National Response Plan and State statue guidance: Human Services, Planning and Mitigation, Hazardous Materials, Homeland Security and Training, Logistics, and Administration. Further, Emergency Management staff has also been tasked with grant research, project formulation and grant management- further strengthening disaster resistance. Since 2002 over $15.2 million dollars in disaster mitigation recovery and emergency planning and training grants have been acquired for all sectors of the locally eligible organizations. Note: The performance measures are new for FY 2012 and the data is not available for FY 2010 and 2011. Forecast FY 2011 - Savings in personal services is the result of two long-term employees leaving the Bureau during the year and being replaced with new employees at the starting pay for their classifications. Operating expenses are forecast at a savings of $47,300. Emergency Management was able to secure a grant to assist with electricity during the year. A1tematively, there was a line item included in the budget that was a planned reimbursement from other departments. This transfer will not take place as the Department was able to pay the electricity directly from the grant funds. FEMA payments were received in the amount of $681,900 from close-out of several Hurricane Wilma projects. Current FY 2012 - Collier County continues to maintain one of the smallest, albeit nationally recognized, emergency management organizations by population and threat hazard in the State of Florida. The decrease in personal services is the result of the starting salaries for replacement employees being substantially lower than the long-term employees and one position was downgraded from an Emergency Management Coordinator to an Emergency Management Technician. Additionally, savings from the retirement rate reduction amounted to $45,500. Operating costs decreased slightly due to a lower allocation from IT than was assessed during the prior fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2012 24 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Management Department Emergency Disaster Fund (003) Mission Statement To establish a reserve for disasters that may not meet the threshold for FEMA reimbursement FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Reservesllnterest 511,500 511,500 Current Level of Service Budget 511,500 511,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 50,000 50,000 50,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 450,000 461,500 461,500 2.6% Total Budget 500,000 511,500 511,500 2.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 3,760 3,500 3,500 3,500 na Carry Forward 500,800 500,000 504,500 506,000 508,000 1.6% Total Funding 504,560 500,000 508,000 511,500 511,500 2.3% Current FY 2012 - $50,000 is appropriated in order to enable a quick response lime for the procurement of generators in an emergency. These funds will only be used in the event of an impending emergency, and all unspent funds will remain in the Emergency Disaster Fund (003). Fiscal Year 2012 25 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Office of the County Manager Miscellaneous Grants Fund FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 565 na Operating Expense 305,605 67,000 na Capital Outlay 222,330 847,900 na Net Operating Budget 528,519 934,900 na Reserves For Contingencies 15,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Total Budget 528,519 15,900 934,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Bureau of Emergency Svs Grants 934,900 na (713/714) Miscellaneous Grants Fund (116) 526,519 na Total Net Budget 528,519 934,900 na Total Transfers and Reserves 15,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Total Budget 528,519 15,900 934,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 439,297 696,300 na InterestlMisc 1 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 15,900 31,600 15,900 15,900 0.0% Trans fm 144 Isle Of Capri Fire Fd 2,721 4,700 na Trans fm 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 4,615 2,100 na Carry Forward 11,400 na Total Funding 458,034 15,900 934,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 26 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Miscellaneous Grants Fund Miscellaneous Grants Fund (118) Mission Statement To provide enhancements to the minimum standards required of counties by the State of Florida and the Department of Homeland Security in support of local emergency management programming. Functions include service delivery, equipment, supplies, training development and delivery, Special Needs program and special planning projects. Grants from this fund come from the Emergency Management Preparedness and Enhancement Trust Fund as mandated by the State of Florida and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Capital Outlay FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast FY 2012 FY 2012 . FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na na FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change na na na na Net Operating Budget Total Budget 565 305,605 222,330 528,519 528,519 Total Funding FY 2010 Actual 439,297 2,721 11 ,400 453,418 FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 Forecast Program Funding Sources Intergovemmental Revenues Trans fm 144 Isle Of Capri Fire Fd Carry Forward Note: Budgets will no longer be prepared in advance of actual acceptance of grants. Any grants received will be brought to the Board for approval and acceptance along with budget amendments to recognize and appropriate funds at the time they are received. Fiscal Year 2012 27 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Miscellaneous Grants Fund Bureau of Emergency SV5 Grants (713/714) Mission Statement To provide enhancements to the minimum standards required of counties by the State of Florida and the Department of Homeland Security in support of local emergency management programming. Functions include service delivery, equipment, supplies, training development and delivery, Special Needs program and special planning projects. Grants from this fund come from the Emergency Management Preparedness Enhancement Trust Fund as mandated by the State of Florida and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 15,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Transfers and Reserves 15,900 Current Level of Service Budget 15,900 15,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 67,000 na Capital Outlay 647,900 na Net Operating Budget 934,900 na Reserves For Contingencies 15,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Total Budget 15,900 934,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 696,300 na InterestlMisc na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 15,900 31,600 15,900 15,900 0.0% Trans fm 144 Isle Of Capri Fire Fd 4,700 na Trans fm 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 4,615 2,100 na Total Funding 4,616 15,900 934,900 15,900 15,900 0.0% Forecast FY 2011 - includes grant awards from the Department of Justice in the amount of $807,300 for the technology and equipment needs for the Emergency Management Department and $89,000 from Emergency Management Preparedness Assistance for disaster preparation and training. Transfer from Isles of Capri Fire District, Ochopee Fire District, and the General Fund were for matching funds required by the grants. Current FY 2012 - Transfer from the General Fund is the match supporting the grants that are anticipated to be received by the Emergency Management Department. Budgets for grants are no longer prepared in advance of the actual acceptance of the grants. Any grant received will be brought to the Board of County Commissioners for approval and acceptance along with budget amendments to recognize and appropriate funds at the time they are received. Fiscal Year 2012 26 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Division of Forestry Services FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Net Operating Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Division of Forestry Services (111) 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Net Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost MSTD General Fund 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Funding 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 29 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Division of Forestry Services Division of Forestry Services (111) Mission Statement Pursuant to Florida Statute 125.27, the Division of Forestry contracts with each County Board of Commissioners to provide countywide forest fire protection. In fulfilling the provisions of this law, each district/center manager will perform the following two functions: 1) Provide a Protected Acreage Review. 2) File an annual report with the Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Forestry Services 27,500 27,500 To make provision for fire protection, based on $.07 x 392,538 acres assessment of property that requires fire equipment and personnel to suppress and contain brush fires. Current Level of Service Budget 27,500 27,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Net Operating Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Budget 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost MSTD General Fund 27,476 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Total Funding 27,478 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500 0.0% Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses represent a State of Florida charge of $ .07 per acre assessment on 392,538 acres of property that require fire equipment and personnel to suppress and contain brush fires thereon. This is an unfunded mandate and cannot be reduced to meet current budget guidance. Fiscal Year 2012 30 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Medical Examiner FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,051,272 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Capital Outlay 49,995 na Net Operating Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Total Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Medical Examiner (001) 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Total Net Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 1,400 1,000 BOO 600 600 (20.0%) Net Cost General Fund 1,099,667 1,062,200 1,062,400 1,062,400 1,062,400 0.0% Total Funding 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Rscal Year 2012 31 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Medical Examiner Medical Examiner (001) Mission Statement To provide for medico-legal death investigation 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Results of the investigations are reported to the appropriate agencies and/or individuals. The Florida District Twenty Medical Examiner is appointed by the Governor of the State of Florida. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Funding for Administrative and Operating Costs: The Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to Section 406 of Florida Statutes, provides the funds for the provision of Medical Examiner Services through a contractual service agreement with the Florida District 20 Medical Examiner. FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,063,200 800 1,062,400 Current Level of Service Budget 1,063,200 800 1,062,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program BUdgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 1,051,272 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Capital Outlay 49,995 na Net Operating Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% Total Budget 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 1,400 1,000 600 600 600 (20.0%) Net Cost General Fund 1,099,667 1,062,200 1,062,400 1,062,400 1,062,400 0.0% Total Funding 1,101,267 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 1,063,200 0.0% The Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to Section 406 of Florida Statutes, provides the funds for the provision of Medical Examiner Services through a contractual service agreement with the Florida District 20 Medical Examiner. In many circumstances involving the death of a human being, per Florida Statutes 406.11, "the medical examiner of the district in which the death occurred or the body was found shall determine the cause of death and shall, for that purpose, make or have performed such examinations, investigations, and autopsies as he or she shall deem necessary or as shall be requested by the state attomey." Further, the Medical Examiner must comply with a variety of reporting and record-keeping requirements as mandated by state law. Forecast FY 2011 - The Medical Examiner's Office investigated 3,023 cases in the 2010 calendar year, representing a 12% increase over the prior year. Even with this 12% increase, the Office is holding their operating expenditures to the adopted budget level. Current FY 2012 - the Medical Examiner's budget was not reduced in order to provide them the means by which to keep up with the ever-increasing work load and electrical demands. Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted revenue of $800 is for fees paid by Naples Community Hospital and the Physicians Regional Pathology group for use of the Medical Examiner's facility to perform autopsies. Fiscal Year 2012 32 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 19,464,479 19,752,200 16,797,600 16,710,400 18,710,400 (5.3%) Operating Expense 4,126,444 4,639,700 4,566,400 4,618,300 4,618;300 (4.6%) Capital OuUay 968,566 95,000 206,700 45,500 45,500 (52.1%) Net Operating Budget 24,561,488 24,686,900 23,590,700 23,374,200 23,374,200 (5.3%) Trans to 144 Isles of Capri Fire Fd 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 75,000 305,400 305,400 307.2% Reserves For Capital 2,400 2,400 2,400 0.0% Reserve for Attrition (669,400) (639,600) (639,600) (4.5%) Total Budget 24,564,488 24,097,900 23,593,700 23,045,400 23,045,400 (4.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Emergency Medical Services (EMS)(490) 22,996,363 23,259,200 21,947,200 22,001,100 22,001,100 (5.4%) EMS Grant Trust Fund (491/493/494) 175,544 194,400 na Helicopter Operations (001) 1,389,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.6%) Total Net Budget 24,561,488 24,666,900 23,590,700 23,374,200 23,374,200 (5.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves 3,000 (589,000) 3,000 (328,800) (328,800) (44.2%) Total Budget 24,564,488 24,097,900 23,593,700 23,045,400 23,045,400 (4.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 125,964 na Charges For Services 36,566 16,000 16,000 16,000 18,000 0.0% Ambulance Fees 15,766,059 9,616,000 9,616,000 9,895,000 9,695,000 0.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 93,967 200 200 na InteresllMisc 32,269 36,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 (47.4%) Reimb From Other Depls 1,215 na Net Cost General Fund 1,369,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.6%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 10,716,600 11,316,100 11,316,100 11,316,100 11,316,100 0.0% Carry Forward 4,495,900 1,973,600 1,692,300 919,600 919,600 (53.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (493,700) (496,600) (496,600) 0.6% Total Funding 32,682,144 24,097,900 24,513,500 23,045,400 23,045,400 (4.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change fOmergency Medical Services (EMS) 176.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 0.0% (490) Helicopter Operations (001) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Total FTE 183.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 172.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 33 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS Emergency Medical Services (EMS)(490) Mission Statement The department of Emergency Medical Services is a single consolidated department that provides paramedic emergency medical care for Naples/Collier County under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners and in compliance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 401. The EMS Department's mission is to provide "World Class" patient care and service to the community in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Advanced Life Support Paramedic Units respond to the communities' 911 medical emergencies to provide care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. EMS also provides for the treatment and inter-facility transportation of patients requiring advanced care. EMS Billing and Collection Services Includes two billing staff & ADPlllntermedix billing and collections contract. ReserveslTransfers FY 2012 Total FTE 165.00 FY 2012 Budget 21,161,130 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 9,913,200 11,247,930 2.00 839,970 839,970 -328,800 11,759,100 -12,087,900 Current Level of Service Budget 167.00 21,672,300 21,672,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Percent of patients found to be in full cardiac arrest that have a pulse upon 42 40 42 40 delivery to a hospital Percent of response times within 12 min. (Rural- EMS) 0.87 0.90 0.87 0.90 Percent of response limes within 8 min. (Urban - EMS) 0.82 0.90 0.83 0.90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 16,721,617 19,131,900 16,129,600 16,063,900 16,063,900 (5.5%) Operating Expense 3,475,030 4,032,300 3,694,200 3,671,700 3,671,700 (4.0%) Capital Outlay 799,736 95,000 123,400 45,500 45,500 (52.1%) Net Operating Budget 22,996,383 23,259,200 21,947,200 22,001,100 22,001,100 (5.4%) Trans to 144 Isles of Capri Fire Fd 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 75,000 305,400 305,400 307.2% Reserves For Capital 2,400 2,400 2,400 0.0% Reserve for Attrition (669,400) (639,600) (639,600) (4.5%) Total Budget 22,999,383 22,670,200 21,950,200 21,672,300 21,672,300 (4.4%) Total FTE 178.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 167.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 34 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS Emergency Medical Services (EMS)(490) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 36,566 16,000 16,000 18,000 16,000 0.0% Ambulance Fees 15,766,059 9,616,000 9,818,000 9,695,000 9,695,000 0.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 93,967 200 200 na InterestlMisc 30,355 36,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 (47.4%) Reimb From Other Depts 1,215 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 10,716,600 11,316,100 11,316,100 11,316,100 11,316,100 0.0% Carry Forward 4,366,100 1,973,600 1,697,900 919,600 919.800 (53.40/0) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (493,700) (496,600) (496,600) 0.6% Total Funding 31,054,885 22,670,200 22,870,000 21,672,300 21,672,300 (4.4%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services savings were generated predominantly by a lower retirement rate than anticipated during the budget process, resulting in a savings of $831,300. Attrition during the year accounted for the balance in savings. Actual attrition budgeted was $669,400, which will not be met. As with most governments and businesses, the economy has severely limited employees' ability to move about the workplace, resulting in most maintaining their current positions. Operating costs are under budget due to the agency limiting expenditures in all controllable areas. Medical supplies, drugs and minor operating equipment are being purchased in smaller quantities; training and travel are being kept to the required minimums. Capital costs include minor building repairs to the existing stations, minimal amounts of medical equipment and the replacement of 17 Toughbooks for the ambulances. The upgrade to the medical software systems were incompatible with the older units and funds were moved from operating to capital to pay for these items. Revenues are projected to be on target with budget with the exception of interest income. Returns are very low and EMS's cash balance is declining as revenues have remained relatively constant while operating expenses continue to grow. CUrrent FY 2012 - Personal services decreased due to a lower retirement rate included in the Current budget. Operating costs constitute only 17% of the total EMS budget. Of that 17%, 56% is somewhat controllable by staff while the other 44% is allocated for items such as IT, insurances, Fleet Management, and fuel. In order to meet budget compliance, staff decreased their controllable operating expenses as well as continuing the restriction on training and travel to the minimum required by the Medical Director and as allowed by Collier County Human Resources Practices. Fuel has been decreased from the recommended level of $518,800 by $228,000 and placed in reserves. Should fuel costs continue to rise, EMS will request approval from the Board of County Commissioners to utilize this fuel reserve. Capital expenditures include minimal on-going repair and maintenance to EMS station buildings and bay doors. Fleet has recommended the replacement of ten ambulances and four other vehicles. There are insufficient funds to replace any of these vehicles as the total estimated cost at this time is $2,025,000. It must be noted that these ambulances all have in excess of 150,000 miles and four of them are in excess of 250,000 miles. The Department has gathered estimated costs to lease the ambulances and the cost is approximately $41,500 annually per ambulance for five years with a $1 buyout. The CUrrent budget does not include any provisions for leases and/or ambulance purchases. Ambulance Fee Revenues are projected at a minimal increase. Call volume has increased somewhat, however, actual transports have decreased. Current FY 2012 Carryforward - continues to decrease and is projected at a 53.4% reduction. Ambulance fee revenues have held fairly constant since FY 06 with only a 7% increase while expenses have increased annually. Fiscal Year 2012 35 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS Helicopter Operations (001) Mission Statement To provide helicopter air support to both emergency and non emergency governmental agencies In Collier County. Program Summary Emergency Helicopter Air Ambulance Provide emergency helicopter ALS air ambulance support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week within Collier County. Provide emergency support to neighboring counties in accordance with established mutual aid agreements. Provide emergency inter-facility transfers. Attend maintenance and flight training courses and evaluation to meet FAA maintenance and pilot guidelines and standards. Current Level of Service Budget FY 2012 Total FTE 5.00 FY 2012 Budget 1,373,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,373,100 5.00 1,373,100 1,373,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 99 100 100 100 0.82 0.85 0.90 0.88 240 320 250 300 414 452 419 461 3 5 3 3 14 30 18 20 360 377 360 400 37 40 38 38 Program Performance Measures % Completed flight without a safety issue (mech. or oper.) % On scene time 15 minutes or less Total Flight Hours Total Helicopter Flights Total Helicopter Flights - Administrative Total Helicopter Flights - Maintenance Total Helicopter Flights - Medical Total Helicopter Flights - Training FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 741,562 620,300 666,000 626,500 626,500 1.0% Operating Expense 647,999 607,400 761,100 746,600 746,600 (7.5%) Net Operating Budget 1,389,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.8%) Total Budget 1,389,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.8%) Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 1,369,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.8%) Total Funding 1,389,561 1,427,700 1,449,100 1,373,100 1,373,100 (3.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are over budget due to an emphasis to bring the aircraft out of a major inspection as soon as possible. The single full-time mechanic/maintenance supervisor worked a greater number of overtime hours than were included in the budget. Additionally, the Training Manager elected early retirement. The Chief Pilot assumed a full flying schedule when a line pilot resigned in the summer of FY 201 O. In order to cover sick, vacation, and comp leave (normally performed by the Chief Pilot) the job bank pilot, when available, has been utilized. When not available, off duty pilots are utilized, further depleting the overtime budget. A new Training Manager was hired in November 2010 (FY 2011) and was cross-trained by the retiring Training Manager. The two month overlap was anticipated, however, unscheduled maintenance events resulting in additional overtime were not. Fiscal Year 2012 36 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS Helicopter Operations (001) FY 2012 - Personnel costs were increased to cover the additional overtime needed in order to facilitate more rapid aircraft tumaround during the planned annual maintenance. Additionally, funding has been included for the job bank pilot. These increases were off-set by savings in the retirement contribution of $23,000. Operating costs were reduced in order to meet current budget guidance, specifically the reserve for unplanned repairs and maintenance decreased by $38,600. It must be noted that helicopter maintenance is a constant expenditure that continues to grow with the age of the aircraft. This budget includes funding for scheduled, routine maintenance, however, should a major unfunded repair be needed, the Board will be asked to utilize General Fund (001) reserves for funding. Fiscal Year 2012 37 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Emergency Medical Services EMS EMS Grant Trust Fund (491/493/494) Mission Statement This fund accounts for the collection and disbursement of various EMS State Funds generated primarily from traffic fine revenue. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,300 na Operating Expense 5,415 111,100 na Capital Outlay 166,629 63,300 na Net Operating Budget 175,544 194,400 na Total Budget 175,544 194,400 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 125,964 na Interesl/Misc 1,914 na Carry Forward 109,600 194,400 na Total Funding 237,696 194,400 na Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast expenditures of $194,400 are for training and medical equipment entirely funded by EMS State grant funds. Current FY 2012 - This grant will no longer be budgeted. This is an annual grant and at such time notification is received from the State indicating the grant award amount, the grant will be brought to the Board for approval and acceptance along with a budget amendment to recognize and appropriate the funds. Fiscal Year 2012 36 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,092,259 1,149,700 1,067,500 1,103,100 1,103,100 (4.1%) Operating Expense 1,079,721 1,260,900 1,230,200 1,296,500 1,296,500 1.4% Indirect Cost Reimburs 124,300 114,500 114,500 69,600 69,600 (21.6%) Capital OuUay 65,696 67,000 47,100 105,000 105,000 20.7% Net Operating Budget 2,362,178 2,632,100 2,459,300 2,596,400 2,596,400 (1.4%) Trans to Property Appraiser 42,230 60,600 46,200 62,200 62,200 1.7% Trans to Tax Collector 56,923 90,900 59,200 93,100 93,100 2.4% Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 1,066,400 342,600 342,600 436,500 436,500 27.3% Trans to 406 Water/Sewer Fd 13,400 13,400 na Reserves For Contingencies 131,500 133,300 133,300 1.4% Reserves For Capital 634,700 637,600 637,600 32.0% Reserve for Attrition (32,500) (32,500) na Total Budget 3,549,731 3,912,800 2,907,500 4,160,200 4,160,200 6.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Pelican Bay Community Beautification 1,578,764 1,735,900 1,634,100 .1,770,600 1,770,600 2.0% (109) Pelican Bay Street Lighting (778) 192,417 246,000 216,400 238,900 236,900 (2.9%) Pelican Bay Water Management (109) 590,996 650,200 606,600 566,900 566,900 (9.7%) Total Net Budget 2,362,178 2,632,100 2,459,300 2,596,400 2,596,400 (1.4%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,167,553 1,260,700 448,200 1,563,800 1,563,800 22.1% Total Budget 3,549,731 3,912,800 2,907,500 4,160,200 4,160,200 6.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 275,666 273,200 262,400 436,400 436.400 59.7% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 36 na Special Assessments 2,569,736 2,667,000 2,575,000 2,574,100 2,574,100 (3.5%) Charges For Services 1,500 500 1,500 1,500 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 15,156 na InterestlMisc 13,635 12,900 12,900 19,600 19,600 53.5% Trans frm Property Appraiser 316 na Trans frm Tax Collector 26,262 na Carry Forward 2,030,500 1,112,900 1,336,600 1,279,900 1,279,900 15.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (154,700) (151,500) (151,500) (2.1%) Total Funding 4,931,555 3,912,800 4,187,400 4,160,200 4,160,200 6.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Pelican Bay Water Management (109) 1.66 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 0.0% Pelican Bay Community Beautification 13.06 12.42 12.42 12.42 12.42 0.0% (109) Pelican Bay Street Lighting (776) 1.06 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 0.0% Total FTE 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 39 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Water Management (109) Mission Statement To provide for the efficient and timely delivery of Water Management services to the Pelican Bay Community by providing for the necessary maintenance for the community's storm water system to assure its efficient operation in the transporting and treatment of the storm water. In addition, the Division tries to maintain the highest aesthetic appearance while maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget 586,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Water Management Program 2.19 667,800 -80,900 Includes the routine maintenance of the Pelican Bay Water Management System of approximately 3.5 miles of berm separating the developed property from the Clam Pass System. The system functions as a storm water treatment facility by removing nutrients and pollutants, thus improving the quality of storm water before it is discharged into Clam Bay. Current Level of Service Budget 2.19 586,900 667,800 -80,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Aquatic plants planted 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Forty-three lakes maintained/treated - times per year 52 52 52 52 Water quality testing - number of parameters 3,576 3,576 3,576 3,576 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 195,163 175,500 173,200 170,200 170,200 (3.0%) Operating Expense 271,351 352,300 324,400 331,200 331,200 (6.0%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 117 ,600 106,200 108,200 64,500 64,500 (21.9%) Capital Outlay 6,662 14,200 3,000 1,000 1,000 (93.0%) Net Operating Budget 590,996 650,200 606,800 586,900 586,900 (9.7%) Total Budget 590,996 650,200 608,800 586,900 586,900 (9.7%) Total FTE 1.86 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 715,933 726,400 703,000 666,300 666,300 (6.5%) Charges For Services 1,500 500 1,500 1,500 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 13,093 na InterestlMisc 63 na Total Funding 729,090 729,900 703,500 667,800 667,800 (8.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses decreased by $27,900 mainly due to lower than anticipated costs of $8,800 for emergency repairs, $1,200 in office supplies, $1,000 in clerk recording fees, $2,300 in contractual public relations services, $5,000 in lake maintenance supplies, $1,000 in postage, $1,000 in trash removal, $900 in telephones, $1,500 in plan review, and $2,600 in interdepartmental payments for maintenance site assessments and insurance fees. Fiscal Year 2012 40 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Water Management (109) Current FY 2012 - Personal services decreased by $3,000 due to the new State mandated retirement rates. Operating expenses decreased by $21,100 due to decreases of $1 ,600 for office rent, $3,500 in IT charges due to a reallocation to the correct cost centers, $2,000 for clerk recording fees, and $2,600 for trash and horticulture removal. This is offset by increases in fleet charges for fuel and maintenance of $6,600, and $1,700 for building repairs and maintenance that were previously budgeted in capital outlay. The interdepartmental payment that was previously budgeted for payment to Collier County Utilities of $13,400 has been moved out of operating expenses to transfers. This transfer covers the District's portion of the operating cost connected with the Pelican Say Maintenance Site. Indirect cost reimbursement decreased by $23,700. Capital Outlay consists of $1 ,000 for office equipment. Revenue FY 2012 - The assessment revenue is based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) of $87.46 for Water Management, which is $8.15 less than FY 2011 ERU rate. Fiscal Year 2012 41 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Community Beautification (109) Mission Statement To provide for the high quality maintenance of the right-of-way, berms and parks within the Pelican Bay community to ensure an efficient and consistent system in accordance with the standards set by the community. Program Summary FY 2012 Total HE 12.42 FY 2012 Budget 1,770,600 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Beautification Program 1,907,800 -137,200 Includes the routine maintenance of 2,873,750 square feet of right-of-way and community parks - including pruning, cutting, pesticide and fertilizer programs. Also annuals are changed three times per year and mulch is applied to 661,750 square feet of plant beds two times per year. The Beautification Department is also responsible for street sweeping, street trash pick-up, and a sign maintenance program which includes traffic and entrance signs. Current Level of Service Budget 12.42 1,770,600 1,907,800 -137,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget Boulevards swept - times per year 52 52 52 52 Chemical weed control - times per year 24 24 24 24 Fertilizer applied - times per year 4 4 4 4 Flower plantings - times per year 2 2 2 2 Irrigation systems checked - times per year 12 12 12 12 Mulch application - times per year 3 3 3 3 Streets swept - single family areas 12 12 12 12 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 609,652 670,100 791,600 631,600 631,600 (4.4%) Operating Expense 716,951 607,200 796,200 836,000 636,000 3.6% Capital Outlay 52,160 56,600 44,100 103,000 103,000 75.6% Net Operating Budget 1,578,764 1,735,900 1,634,100 1,770,600 1,770,600 2.0% Total Budget 1,578,764 1,735,900 1,634,100 1,770,600 1,770,600 2.0% Total FTE 13.08 12.42 12.42 12.42 12.42 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 1,653,605 1,936,600 1,672,000 1,907,600 1,907,600 (1.6%) Miscellaneous Revenues 2,063 na InterestlMisc 164 na Total Funding 1,656,031 1,938,600 1,872,000 1,907,800 1,907,600 (1.6%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services decreased by $78,300 due to position vacancies and decreased overtime. Operating expenses decreased most notably by $2,900 for rental equipment, $10,800 for landscaping materials, $10,200 for trash and horticultural removal, and other smaller decreases in various operating expenses. Offsetting these decreases were increases of $24,100 in tree trimming, $4,100 for temporary labor, $4,200 for contractual management services, and $3,900 for equipment repairs and maintenance. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services had a decrease of $4,300 due to hiring new employees at levels lower than previously budgeted and $34,200 due to the new State mandated retirement rates. Fiscal Year 2012 42 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Community Beautification (109) Operating expenses increased by $7,500 in IT charges due to reallocation, $27,000 for fleet expenditures, $27,700 for tree trimming, $7,400 for emergency maintenance and repairs, $6,000 for road and bike path repairs, as well as various smaller decreases of other expenditures. Offsetting these increases are decreases of $47,000 for landscaping materials and smaller amounts in other miscellaneous items. Capital Outlay consists of $1,000 for office equipment, $70,000 for two 1 ton flat bed trucks, and $32,000 for one % ton utility truck. Revenue FY 2012 - The assessment revenue is based on an equivalent resdential unit (ERU) of $250.42 for Community Beautification which is $4.04 less than the FY 2011 ERU rate. Fiscal Year 2012 43 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Reserves & Transfers (109) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 1.212,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Reserve & Transfers 1,008,100 204,700 Transfers Current Level of Service Budget 13,400 13,400 1,226,200 1,008,100 218,100 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary Change 73,300 73,300 (2.7%) 79,600 79,600 (3.5%) 436,500 436,500 66.4% 13,400 13,400 na 121,100 121,100 1.5% 534,600 534,600 (4.6%) (32,500) (32,500) na 1,226,200 1,226,200 11.8% Program Budgetary Cost Summary Trans to Property Appraiser Trans to Tax Collector Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land Trans to 406 Water/Sewer Fd Reserves For Contingencies Reserves For Capital Reserve for Attrition FY 2010 Actual 41,090 51,394 902,000 FY 2011 Adopted 75,300 62,500 259,200 FY 2011 Forecast 45,000 54,000 259,200 119,300 560,600 Total Budget 994,484 1,096,900 358,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 'nterestlMisc 11,959 11,700 11,700 15,300 15,300 30.6% Trans frm Property Appraiser 316 na Trans frm Tax Collector 23,631 na Carry Forward 1,720,100 943,100 1,136,200 1,122,300 1,122,300 19.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (140,300) (129,500) (129,500) (7.7%) Total Funding 1,756,207 814,500 1,147,900 1,008,100 1,008,100 23.8% Fiscal Year 2012 44 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Street Lighting (778) Mission Statement To maintain the Pelican Bay Street Lighting system as a well-balanced functional system that provides a consistently lighted roadway appearance within the community. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total HE Budget Revenues Net Cost Street Lighting Program 1.39 238,900 436,400 -197,500 Includes the routine maintenance of the Pelican Bay roadway street lighting system including all up-lighting at the Pelican Bay entrances and bike path lighting. Street Lights consist of concrete poles and metal Haliade lamps. ReserveslTransfers 337,600 140,100 197,500 Current Level of Service Budget 1.39 576,500 576,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % of Lights repaired within 24 hours 100 100 100 100 Light posts inspected 26 26 26 26 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 67,423 104,100 102,500 101,300 101,300 (2.7%) Operating Expense 91,416 121,400 107,600 131,300 131,300 6.2% Indirect Cost Reimburs 6,700 6,300 6,300 5,300 5,300 (15.9%) Capital Outlay 6,675 14,200 1,000 1,000 (93.0%) Net Operating Budget 192,417 246,000 216,400 238,900 238,900 (2.9%) Trans to Property Appraiser 1,140 5,500 1,200 6,900 6,900 61.6% Trans to Tax Collector 5,529 6,400 5,200 13,500 13,500 60.7% Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 166,400 63,600 63,600 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 12,200 12,200 12,200 0.0% Reserves For Capital 74,100 303,000 303,000 306.9% Total Budget 385,486 429,800 306,400 576,500 576,500 34.1% Total FTE 1.06 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 275,666 273,200 262,400 436,400 436,400 59.7% Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 38 na InterestlMisc 1,646 1,200 1,200 4,500 4,500 275.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 2,451 na Carry Forward 310,400 169,800 200,400 157,600 157,600 (7.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (14,400) (22,000) (22,000) 52.6% Total Funding 590,226 429,800 464,000 576,500 576,500 34.1% Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses decreased $13,800 most notably by $1,600 in savings for telephone and $9,600 in street light repair and maintenance. Current FY 2012 - Personal services had a decrease of $2,800 due to the new retirement rates. Fiscal Year 2012 45 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Pelican Bay Services Pelican Bay Street Lighting (778) Operating Expenses had a net increase of $9,900. This increase is due to increases of $4,200 in fleet maintenance, labor and fuel charges, $1,700 for building repairs and maintenance that were previously budgeted in capital outlay, and $6,100 for additional contractual management services. Capital Outlay consists of $1,000 for office equipment. Revenue FY 2012 - The Pelican Bay Advisory Board requested that this fund be supported by the extension of Ad Valorem taxes totaling $436,400. This extension would require a millage rate of .0857 based upon taxable value totaling $5,091,870,514. This is a millage rate increase of .0336, which is for funding of reserves for future construction and improvement of the street light system that have been identified in the Pelican Bay Community Improvement Plan. Fiscal Year 2012 46 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Collier County Fire Control FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,100 1,700 1,700 1,200 1,200 (29.4%) Remittances 276,473 175,200 175,200 148,200 146,200 (15.4%) Net Operating Budget 279,573 176,900 176,900 149,400 149,400 (15.5%) Trans to Property Appraiser 4,064 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 11,246 7,500 7,500 6,400 6,400 (14.7%) Trans to 144 Isles of Capri Fire Fd 97,500 59,900 59,900 50,600 50,600 (15.5%) Trans to 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 143,100 67,600 67,600 74,100 74,100 (15.4%) Total Budget 535,506 336,200 336,200 284,800 284,800 (15.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Collier County Fire Control (146) 279,573 176,900 176,900 149,400 149,400 (15.5%) Total Net Budget 279,573 176,900 176,900 149,400 149,400 (15.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves 255,932 159,300 159,300 135,400 135,400 (15.0%) Total Budget 535,506 336,200 336,200 284,800 284,800 (15.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 512,467 339,400 322,400 276,400 278,400 (18.0%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 16,560 400 na Interest/Mise 825 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 569 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,974 na Carry Forward 31,700 12,700 31,600 19,300 19,300 52.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (17,000) (14,000) (14,000) (17.6%) Total Funding 567,096 336,200 355,500 284,800 284,800 (15.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 47 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Collier County Fire Control Collier County Fire Control (148) Mission Statement To provide basic fire protection to the residents of the unincorporated areas of the County located outside the boundaries of existing fire control taxing districts. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead Costs FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 11,900 1,100 10,800 Contracted Fire Protection Service 272,900 283,700 -10,800 This district was created pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Florida Statutes by adopting Ordinance No. 84-84, as amended. Fire protection service is delivered by four (4) fire control districts within the County through a contractual service agreement between the respective fire control districts and the BCC. This service is funded by an MSTU at a millage not to exceed 2.0 mills on the properties that are located within the District boundaries. Current Level of Service Budget 284,800 284,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 1,100 1,700 1,700 1,200 1,200 (29.4%) Remittances 276,473 175,200 175,200 146,200 146,200 (15.4%) Net Operating Budget 279,573 176,900 176,900 149,400 149,400 (15.5%) Trans to Property Appraiser 4,064 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 11,246 7,500 7,500 6,400 6,400 (14.7%) Trans to 144 Isles of Capri Fire Fd 97,500 59,900 59,900 50,600 50,600 (15.5%) Trans to 146 Ochopee Fire Fd 143,100 67,600 67,600 74,100 74,100 (15.4%) Total Budget 535,506 336,200 336,200 284,800 284,800 (15.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 512,467 339,400 322,400 276,400 276,400 (16.0%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 16,560 400 na InteresllMisc 625 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 0.0% Trans frm Property Appraiser 569 na Trans frm Tax Collector 4,974 na Carry Forward 31,700 12,700 31,600 19,300 19,300 52.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (17,000) (14,000) (14,000) (17.6%) Total Funding 567,096 336,200 355,500 284,800 284,800 (15.3%) Current FY 2012 - Fire protection service is provided to the residents of the unincorporated areas of the County that are located outside the boundaries of existing fire control taxing districts through a contractual service agreement between the respective fire control districts and the BCC. Fiscal Year 2012 46 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Collier County Fire Control Collier County Fire Control (148) The remittances for fire service are calculated by taking total ad valorem revenue for the Collier County Fire Control District less collection fees and administrative costs. Half of this amount is divided evenly between the four districts. The other half is divided based on the secondary percentage amounts outlined below. Fire District 25% shares Secondary Shares Percentage Total Revenue Isles of Capri $34,100 $16,500 12.01% $ 50,600 Ochopee $34,100 $40,000 29.33% $74,100 Golden Gate $34,100 $40,000 29.33% $74,100 East Naples $34,100 $40,000 29.33% $74,100 Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted ad valorem tax revenue is based on the estimated Collier County Fire Control District taxable value of $139,222,853 (18.0% net decrease) at a rate of 2.0000 mills. A 2.0000 mill tax levy is the maximum allowed by ordinance, and represents a 0.4378 mill reduction from the Rolled Back Millage Rate. Fiscal Year 2012 49 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 994,265 1,062,100 1,087,000 1,030,200 1,030,200 (4.6%) Operating Expense 184,073 202,600 189,500 195,600 195,600 (3.5%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 41,000 43,400 43,400 44,600 44,600 2.6% Capital OuUay 34,966 na Net Operating Budget 1,254,326 1,328,300 1,319,900 1,270,600 1,270,600 (4.3%) Trans to Property Appraiser 10,340 10,600 10,600 10,500 10,500 (2.6%) Trans to Tax Collector 26,456 31,700 20,600 30,700 30,700 (3.2%) Trans to 116 Em Mgt Grant Fd 2,721 na Trans to 714 Co Mgr Match 4,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 66,500 64,300 64,300 (6.1%) Reserves For Capital 335,200 56,000 56,000 (62.7%) Reserve for Attrition (37,700) (28,400) (26,400) (24.7%) Total Budget 1,293,843 1,736,800 1,356,200 1,405,700 1,405,700 (19.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue (144) 1,254,326 1,326,300 1,319,900 1,270,600 1,270,600 (4.3%) Total Net Budget 1,254,326 1,328,300 1,319,900 1,270,600 1,270,600 (4.3%) Total Transfers and Reserves 39,517 406,500 36,300 135,100 135,100 (66.9%) Total Budget 1,293,843 1,736,800 1,356,200 1,405,700 1,405,700 (19.1'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,275,313 1,122,600 1,066,600 1,030,100 1,030,100 (6.2%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 851 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Charges For Services 2,433 500 300 300 300 (40.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 2,510 1,900 1,900 2,300 2,300 21.1% InteresllMisc 6,500 3,200 3,900 3,400 3,400 6.3% Trans frm Property Appraiser 1,440 1,400 1,200 1,200 na Trans frm Tax Collector 11,736 7,500 7,500 7,200 7,200 (4.0%) Trans fm 146 Collier Fire Fd 97,500 59,900 59,900 50,600 50,600 (15.5%) Trans fm 490 EMS Fd 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Carry Forward 521,500 593,700 579,700 356,300 356,300 (39.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (56,500) (51,700) (51,700) (6.5%) Total Funding 1,922,783 1,736,800 1,725,400 1,405,700 1,405,700 (19.1'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue (144) 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Total FTE 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0'10 Fiscal Year 2012 50 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue (144) Mission Statement To provide for the public safety needs of the Isles of Capri community through the provision of emergency response to fire and rescue calls. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Adm inistration 2.00 329,261 5,300 323,961 Paid Fire Fighting Services 9.00 982,539 1,093,800 -111,261 Additional fire and rescue is provided by nine (9) full-time firefighters, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, to supplement and oversee the volunteer force. Reserves 93,900 306,600 -212,700 Current Level of Service Budget 11.00 1,405,700 1,405,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Program Performance Measures Actual Budget Forecast Budget % of Fire Response limes within 4 Minutes, per NFPA 29 29 90 % of Marine Responses (both fire & rescue) within 10 Minut 69 69 90 % of Rescue Response Times Within 8 Minutes, per NFPA 75 75 90 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 994,285 1,062,100 1,067,000 1,030,200 1,030,200 (4.6%) Operating Expense 164,073 202,600 169,500 195,600 195,600 (3.5%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 41,000 43,400 43,400 44,600 44,600 2.8% Capital Outlay 34,966 na Net Operating Budget 1,254,326 1,328,300 1,319,900 1,270,600 1,270,600 (4.3%) Trans to Property Appraiser 10,340 10,600 10,600 10,500 10,500 (2.6%) Trans to Tax Collector 26,456 31,700 20,600 30,700 30,700 (3.2%) Trans to 116 Em Mgt Grant Fd 2,721 na Trans to 714 Co Mgr Match 4,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 66,500 64,300 64,300 (6.1%) Reserves For Capital 335,200 56,000 56,000 (62.7%) Reserve for Attrition (37,700) (26,400) (26,400) (24.7%) Total Budget 1,293,843 1,736,800 1,356,200 1,405,700 1,405,700 (19.1%) Total FTE 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 51 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Isles of Capri Munic'l Fire & Rescue Serv Isles of Capri Fire & Rescue (144) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,275,313 1,122,600 1,066,600 1,030,100 1,030,100 (6.2%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 651 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Charges For Services 2,433 500 300 300 300 (40.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 2,510 1,900 1,900 2,300 2,300 21.1% InterestlMisc 6,500 3,200 3,900 3,400 3,400 6.3% Trans frm Property Appraiser 1,440 1,400 1,200 1,200 na Trans frm Tax Collector 11,736 7,500 7,500 7,200 7,200 (4.0%) Trans fm 146 Collier Fire Fd 97,500 59,900 59,900 50,600 50,600 (15.5%) Trans fm 490 EMS Fd 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0.0% Carry Forward 521,500 593,700 579,700 356,300 356,300 (39.6%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (56,500) (51,700) (51,700) (6.5%) Total Funding 1,922,783 1,736,800 1,725,400 1,405,700 1,405,700 (19.1%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses are decreasing by $13,300 with a decrease of $1,700 for telephone service, $3,000 for equipment repair and maintenance, $2,400 for uniform purchases, $2,100 for fleet maintenance parts, $2,000 for minor operating equipment, $2,000 for operating supplies, and $1,600 for training and educational expenses. A Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant, that is re-applied for every year, of $4,700 was used to purchase personal safety equipment, thus the transfer to the Bureau of Emergency Services Grant Funds (713/714). Current FY 2012 - Personal services includes $62,500 in overtime expense which is composed of $33,400 for weekly mandatory firefighter overtime, $18,900 for holiday pay, and $10,200 for discretionary overtime. Job bank employee expense continues to be incurred in order to meet minimum manning requirements and minimize overtime expenses by utilizing job bank firefighters to cover vacations, sick-time, and training. Additionally there is a $15,100 increase in health insurance. Offsetting this is a decrease of $62,900 in retirement. Operating expenses and indirect costs are decreasing by $5,800. Some of the major components of this decrease are as follows: $1,700 for telephone service, $3,000 for equipment repair and maintenance, $2,400 for uniform purchases, $2,000 for minor operating equipment, $2,000 for operating supplies, $1,600 for training and educational expenses, and various smaller decreases in several expenses. These decreases are offset by increases of $4,100 for fleet ve!1icle maintenance, $3,700 for fuel and $1,200 for Indirect Costs. Budgeted reserves include $64,300 for contingencies, ($28,400) for attrition, and $58,000 for capital outlay. Revenue FY 2012 - $1,030,100 in ad valorem tax revenue is based on taxable value of $515,033,905 (8.2% net decrease) within the district and a tax rate of 2.0000 mills. The Isle of Capri Advisory Board has approved that a rate of 2.0000 mills be assessed in FY 2012. The District's Rolled Back Millage rate is 2.1582 mills, which exceeds the 2.0000 mill maximum tax levy. Transfer revenue includes Emergency Medical Services in the amount of $3,000 and Collier County Fire Control District in the amount of $50,600, which decreased significantly due to a lower taxable value in the District. Fiscal Year 2012 52 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Ochopee Fire Control District FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,317,662 1,342,100 1,369,100 1,304,800 1,304,800 (2.6%) Operating Expense 351,594 329,200 311,500 359,700 359,700 9.3% Indirect Cost Reimburs 56,000 51,400 51,400 51,100 51,100 (0.6%) Capital OuUay 15,556 22,000 16,000 11,000 11,000 (50.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,742,814 1,744,700 1,768,000 1,726,600 1,726,600 (1.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 14,172 13,600 13,600 11,200 11,200 (17.6%) Trans to Tax Collector 34,473 31,600 31,600 26,700 26,700 (16.0%) Trans to 714 Co Mgr Match 4,615 2,100 na Reserves For Contingencies 90,700 48,600 46,600 (46.4%) Reserves For Capital 32,200 (10D.O%) Reserve for Attrition (45,900) (35,500) (35,500) (22.7%) Total Budget 1,796,073 1,867,100 1,815,500 1,777,600 1,777,600 (4.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ochopee Fire Control District (146) 1,742,614 1,744,700 1,766,000 1,726,600 1,726,600 (1.0%) Total Net Budget 1,742,814 1,744,700 1,768,000 1,726,600 1,726,600 (1.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves 53,260 122,400 47,500 51,000 51;000 (58.3%) Total Budget 1,796,073 1,867,100 1,815,500 1,777,600 1,ro,600 (4.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,623,192 1,346,300 1,292,400 1,246,600 1,246,600 (7.3%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 11,937 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% Charges For Services 3,665 6,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 (65.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 7,600 na InterestlMisc 6,441 10,200 5,200 700 700 (93.1%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 1,974 900 900 900 900 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 15,282 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0.0% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 434,600 434,600 na Trans fm 146 Collier Fire Fd 143,100 67,600 87,600 74,100 74,100 (15.4%) Carry Forward 511,300 471,400 465,500 69,100 69,100 (65.3%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (66,300) (62,600) (62,600) (6.3%) Total Funding 2,324,491 1,867,100 1,684,600 1,777,600 1,777,600 (4.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ochopee Fire Control District (146) 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0% Total FTE 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 53 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Ochopee Fire Control District Ochopee Fire Control District (146) Mission Statement It is the goal of the District to provide comprehensive Public Safety to the citizens, travelers, and guests of Collier County within the Ochopee Fire Control District. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 3.00 480,206 1,251,300 -771,094 Paid Fire Fighting Services Includes fire rescue service to Chokoloskee Island, Plantation Island, Everglades City, Ochopee, Copeland, Lee Cypress, Port of the Islands, Alligator Alley, U.S. 41 and the contract area of the South Blocks (Collier County Fire Control District) to be delivered by a combination paid/volunteer department. Transfers 12.00 1,246,394 1,200 1.245,194 37,900 518,600 -480,700 Reserves 13,100 6,500 6,600 Current Level of Service Budget 15.00 1,777,600 1,777,600 Program Performance Measures % of fire response times within 4 minutes - Station 60 % of fire response times within 4 minutes - Station 61 % of fire response times within 4 minutes - Zone 63 (1-75) % of rescue response times within 8 minutes - Station 60 % of rescue response times within 8 minutes - Station 61 % of rescue response times within 8 minutes - Zone 63 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 Actual Budget Forecast Budget 82 91 95 92 94 99 100 100 100 91 96 99 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,317,662 1,342,100 1,369,100 1,304,600 1,304,600 (2.6%) Operating Expense 351,594 329,200 311,500 359,700 359,700 9.3% Indirect Cost Reimburs 56,000 51,400 51,400 51,100 51,100 (0.6%) Capital Outlay 15,556 22,000 16,000 11,000 11,000 (50.0%) Net Operating Budget 1,742,814 1,744,700 1,768,000 1,726,600 1,726,600 (1.0%) Trans to Property Appraiser 14,172 13,600 13,600 11,200 11,200 (17.6%) Trans to Tax Collector 34,473 31,600 31,600 26,700 26,700 (16.0%) Trans to 714 Co Mgr Match 4,615 2,100 na Reserves For Contingencies 90,700 48,600 46,600 (46.4%) Reserves For Capital 32,200 (10D.O%) Reserve for Attrition (45,900) (35,500) (35,500) (22.7%) Total Budget 1,796,073 1,867,100 1,615,500 1,7n,600 1,777,600 (4.8%) Total FTE 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 54 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Ochopee Fire Control District Ochopee Fire Control District (146) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 1,623,192 1,346,300 1,292,400 1,246,600 1,246,600 (7.3%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 11,937 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% Charges For Services 3,665 6,000 2,000 1,200 1,200 (65.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 7,600 na InterestlMisc 6,441 10,200 5,200 700 700 (93.1%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 1,974 900 900 900 900 0.0% Trans frm Tax Collector 15,262 9,000 9,000 9,000 9.000 0.0% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 434,600 434,600 na Trans fm 146 Collier Fire Fd 143,100 67,600 67,600 74,100 74,100 (15.4%) Carry Forward 511,300 471,400 465,500 69,100 69,100 (65.3%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (66,300) (62,600) (62,600) (6.3%) Total Funding 2,324,491 1,867,100 1,884,600 1,7n,600 1,777,600 (4.8%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services is increasing by $47,000 due to higher costs of $12,000 for overtime. The overtime costs would have been even higher but the Fire District took advantage of lower costs for using job bank employees to keep the overtime down that caused an increase of $17,700 in other salaries and wages. These Increased salary costs also increased retirement by $14,900. Operating expenses will decrease by $17,700. Leading the way are decreases of $15,900 for engineering inspections for station No.61, $11,600 for lower costs for the water system at station No. 61, $3,000 for boat repairs and maintenance, and smaller decreases in numerous other expenses. These are offset by an increase of $21 ,800 for fleet repairs and maintenance and $4,000 for fuel. A Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant, that is re-applied for every year, of $2,1 00 was used to purchase personal safety equipment, thus the transfer to the Bureau of Emergency Services Grant Fund (713n14). Revenue FY 2011 - There was an increase of $14,1 00 In carryforward and a decrease of $5,000 in interest. Current FY 2012 - In personal services, higher health insurance rates are causing an increase of $20,600, other salaries and wages is rising by $17,700 to take advantage of lower costs for using job bank employees and there are also higher costs of $12,200 for overtime which is in line with the forecasted expenditures for FY 2011. Offsetting these increases is a decrease of $81,700 for retirement due to lower rates. Operating expenses will Increase by $30,500. Leading the way are increases of $57,400 for fleet maintenance charges and $19,700 for fuel charges, both of which the Fire District has very little control over. These are offset by decreases of $25,000 for other contractual services because engineering inspections for station No. 61 are completed and $16,000 for personal safety equipment that was budgeted and paid for in FY 2011. Budgeted reserves include only $48,600 in reserve for contingencies and a reserve for attrition of ($35,500). The reduction in reserves was necessary due to the reduction in taxable value in the District and will leave the district with only a small reserve for contingencies in the event of an unplanned expense. Revenue FY 2012 - The $1,248,600 in ad valorem tax revenue is based on a 7.3% reduction in taxable value and a 4.0000 mill tax levy. The rolled back millage is 4.3130 mills which exceeds the 4.000 millage maximum tax levy allowed by the current ordinance. In order to meet the decreased ad valorem funding and the continuing erosion of carryforward, it is necessary to transfer $434,600 from the general fund. If this action is not taken, crucial fire and rescue services will have to be cut drastically. Fiscal Year 2012 55 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Goodland Fire District FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 600 600 500 500 (37.5%) Remittances 102,415 99,100 99,100 86,300 86,300 (12.9%) Net Operating Budget 103,015 99,900 99,900 86,800 86,800 (13.1%) Trans to Property Appraiser 636 900 900 900 900 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 2,796 2,900 2,900 2,500 2,500 (13.8%) Total Budget 106,649 103,700 103,700 90,200 90,200 (13.0'10) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Goodland Fire District (149) 103,015 99,900 99,900 66,600 66,600 (13.1%) Total Net Budget 103,015 99,900 99,900 86,800 86,800 (13.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves 3,634 3,800 3,800 3,400 3,400 (10.5%) Total Budget 106,649 103,700 103,700 90,200 90,200 (13.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 107,760 96,900 92,1 00 93,700 93,700 (3.3%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 315 na InterestlMisc 144 200 200 100 100 (50.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 117 na Trans frm Tax Collector 1,239 na Carry Forward 9,500 11,600 12,500 1,100 1,100 (90.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (5,000) (4,700) (4,700) (6.0%) Total Funding 119,096 103,700 104,800 90,200 90,200 (13.0%) Fiscal Year 2012 56 Office of the County Manager Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Goodland Fire District Goodland Fire District (149) Mission Statement To provide basic fire protection to the residents of Goodland. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead Costs This district was created, pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Florida Statutes, by adopting Ordinance No. 98-114 as amended. Fire protection service is delivered by the Marco Island Fire Control District through a contractual service agreement with the BCC. This service is funded by an MSTU at a millage not to exceed 2.0 mills on the properties that are located within the District boundaries. FY 2012 Total HE FY 2012 Budget 90,200 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 90,200 Current Level of Service Budget 90,200 90,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Indirect Cost Reimburs 600 600 600 500 500 (37.5%) Remittances 102,415 99,100 99,100 86,300 86,300 (12.9%) Net Operating Budget 103,015 99,900 99,900 86,800 86,800 (13.1%) Trans to Property Appraiser 636 900 900 900 900 0.0% Trans to Tax Collector 2,796 2,900 2,900 2,500 2,500 (13.6%) Total Budget 106,649 103,700 103,700 90,200 90,200 (13.0%) 'FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ad Valorem Taxes 107,760 96,900 92,100 93,700 93,700 (3.3%) Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 315 na InteresllMisc 144 200 200 100 100 (50.0%) Trans frm Property Appraiser 117 na Trans frm Tax Collector 1,239 na Carry Forward 9,500 11,600 12,500 1,100 1,100 (90.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (5,000) (4,700) (4,700) (6.0%) Total Funding 119,096 103,700 104,800 90,200 90,200 (13.0%) Current FY 2012 - This MSTU addresses fire protection services for the residents of Goodland. Collier County contracts with the City of Marco Island to provide this service; in FY 2012 the contract amount is estimated to be $86,300, a reduction of $12,800 from FY 2011. There is no reserve for contingencies. Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted ad valorem is based on Goodland taxable value of $73,439,233 (net decrease of (3.4%) at 1.2760 mills (the same millage rate as the FY 2011 rate). This rate is 0.7240 mills below the Maximum Millage Rate established by ordinance and 0.0734 below the rolled-back rate. If the millage rate of 1.3865 were used, it would allow the payment to the Marco Island Fire District to remain the same at $99,1 00. This rate would still be 0.6135 below the Maximum Millage Rate. Fiscal Year 2012 57 Office of the County Manager Management Offi ces Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Office of the County Manager Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Emergency Medical Services Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Ochopee Fire Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Isle of Capri Fire Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Pelican Bay Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 County Manager's Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-1 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 450,660 70,000 237,000 959,600 959,600 1,270.9% Capital Outlay 117,251 1,066,000 3,466,600 100,000 100,000 (90.6%) Total Net Budget 567,931 1,136,000 3,705,800 1,059,600 1,059,600 (6.7)% Advance/Repay to 350 EMS IF 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Trans to Property Appraiser 2,373 3,200 2,900 9,400 9,400 193.8% Trans to Tax Collector 3,049 4,900 4,900 14,200 14,200 169.6% Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 13,700 13,700 14,500 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 717,200 311,600 311,600 311,900 311,900 0.0% Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 366,300 366,500 396,100 396,100 7.5% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 539,677 na Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 181,000 15,900 15,900 (91.2%) Reserves For Debt Service 273,600 208,500 208,500 (23.6%) Reserves For Capital 36,000 9,700 9,700 (74.5%) Total Budget 3,016,730 2,395,500 4,473,400 2,452,200 2,452,200 2.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Deparbnent Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Emergency Medical Services Capital 64,643 70,000 131,100 50,000 50,000 (26.6%) Ochopee Fire Capital 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Isle of Capri Fire Capital 96,338 104,000 1,000 1,000 na Pelican Bay Capital 333,450 550,000 2,669,200 906,300 906,300 65.1% County Manager's Capital 49,267 516,000 599,600 100,000 100,000 (60.6%) Total Net Budget 567,931 1,136,000 3,705,800 1,059,600 1,059,600 (6.7%) Emergency Medical Services Capital 1,270,777 993,300 694,600 916,500 916,500 (7.7%) Ochopee Fire Capital 4,100 6,200 6,200 51.2% Isle of Capri Fire Capital 33,900 3,500 3,500 (69.7%) Pelican Bay Capital 5,422 228,200 72,600 39,500 39,500 (82.7%) County Manager's Capital 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Total Transfers and Reserves 2,450,799 1,259,500 767,600 1,392,600 1,392,600 10.6% Total Budget 3,018,730 2,395,500 4,473,400 2,452,200 2,452,200 2.4% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-2 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Office of the County Manager Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 152,442 156,600 146,900 459,000 459,000 193.1% InteresUMisc 31,019 17,100 16,000 25,400 25,400 46.5% Impact Fees 162,765 62,000 111,700 107,000 107,000 30.5% Deferred Impact Fees 29,799 17,100 49,300 49,300 na Advance/Repay frrn 301 Cap Proj 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Trans frm Tax Collector 314 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,174,600 . 516,000 516,000 526,900 526,900 2.1% Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 902,000 259,200 259,200 436,500 436,500 66.4% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 35,000 35,000 35,000 34,000 34,000 (2.9%) Trans fm 776 Pel Bay Lighting 166,400 63,600 63,600 (100.0%) Trans fm 320 Clam Bay Cap Fd 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 2,610,500 1,193,600 3,640,500 419,600 419,600 (64.90/0) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (12,600) (32,400) (32,400) 153.1% Total Funding 6,659,458 2,395,500 4,893,000 2,452,200 2,452,200 2.4% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change O~% Total FTE 1I:il't. FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Emergency Medical Services 1,336,300 1,399,386 1,100,900 1,393,400 Isle of Capri Fire 33,900 104,035 104,000 4,500 Ochopee Fire Control 4,100 6,279 1,700 6,500 Office of Management & Budget 241,000 324,777 324,800 100,000 Pelican Bay Capital 776,200 2,979,406 2,942,000 947,600 Total Project Budget 2,395,500 4,813,885 4,473,400 2,452,200 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 3 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Emergency Medical Services Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 50,033 70,000 116,100 50,000 50,000 (26.6%) Capital Outlay 34,610 15,000 na Net Operating Budget 84,843 70,000 131,100 50,000 50,000 (28.6%) Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 13,700 13,700 14,500 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 717,200 311,600 311,600 311,900 311,900 0.0% Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 366,300 366,500 396,100 396,100 7.5% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 539,677 na Reserves For Contingencies 25,900 (100.0%) Reserves For Debt Service 273,600 206,500 206,500 (23.6%) Total Budget 1,355,620 1,063,300 825,900 966,500 966,500 (9.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change EMS Impact Fee Fund (350) 84,643 70,000 131,100 50,000 50,000 (26.6%) Total Net Budget 84,843 70,000 131,100 50,000 50,000 (28.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,270,m 993,300 694,800 916,500 916,500 (7.7'10) Total Budget 1,355,620 1,063,300 825,900 966,500 966,500 (9.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded PrelIminary Change InterestlMisc 10,204 6,100 5.000 5,000 5,000 (36.3%) Impact Fees 160,725 60,000 110,000 105,000 105,000 31.3% Deferred Impact Fees 29,799 17,100 49,300 49,300 na Advance/Repay frrn 301 Cap Proj 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Carry Forward 1,062,700 979,600 1,062,100 366,300 366,300 (60.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,400) (6,000) (6,000) 61.6% Total Funding 2,438,028 1,063,300 1,214,200 966,500 966,500 (9.W.) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Emergency Medical Services ALS units, County-Wide 15,007 15,000 Operating Project 350 70,000 116,061 116,100 50,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 350 993,300 993,300 694,600 916,500 Emergency Medical Services 1,063,300 1,124,386 825,900 966,500 Department Total Project Budget 1,063,300 1,124,388 825,900 966,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-4 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Emergency Medical Services Capital EMS Impact Fee Fund (350) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 50,033 70,000 116,100 50,000 50,000 (26.6%) Capital Outlay 34,610 15,000 na Net Operating Budget 84,843 70,000 131,100 50,000 50,000 (28.6%) Trans to 210 Debt Serv Fd 13,700 13,700 14,500 (100.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 717,200 311,600 311,600 311,900 311,900 0.0% Trans to 296 Sp Ob Bd '10 366,300 366,500 396,100 396,100 7.5% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 539,677 na Reserves For Contingencies 25,900 (100.0%) Reserves For Debt Service 273,600 206,500 206,500 (23.6%) Total Budget 1,355,620 1,063,300 825,900 966,500 966,500 (9.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 'nterestlMisc 10,204 6,100 5,000 5,000 5,000 (36.3%) Impact Fees 160,725 60,000 110,000 105,000 105,000 31.3% Deferred Impact Fees 29,799 17,100 49,300 49,300 na Advance/Repay frrn 301 Cap proj 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Carry Forward 1,062,700 979,600 1,062,100 366,300 366,300 (60.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,400) (6,000) (6,000) 61.6% Total Funding 2,438,028 1,063,300 1,214,200 966,500 966,500 (9.1%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Emergency Medical Services ALS units, County-Wide 15,007 15,000 Operating Project 350 70,000 116,061 116,100 50,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 350 993,300 993,300 694,600 916,500 Emergency Medical Services 1,063,300 1,124,366 625,900 966,500 Program Total Project Budget 1,063,300 1,124,388 825,900 966,500 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however; staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. For the same six months in FY 2010, commercial impact fee collections dropped to a new low, consisting of only 4% of the total impact fee revenues collected within this fund. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $78,373. Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections, change in the impact fee rates in October, and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $110,000. On October 26,2010, the Board approved a decrease in the Emergency Medical Services impact fee. The average decrease was 25% for residential land uses and a 32% decrease for commercial/non residential land uses. Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential and commercial activity and the change in the impact fee rates adopted in October, the projected revenue for FY 2012 is $105,000. Two large impact fee deferrals are due in FY 2012 in the amount of $49,290. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-5 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary Emeraencv Medical Services 31350 Operating Project 350 Operating category funding for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Impact Fee Fund (350) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 99301cm X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - County Manager The County Wide Capital Fund (301) source of revenue is the 1/3 of a mil (equivalent) General Fund capital allocation money. Impact fee revenues are down and are insufficient to pay next year's debt service payments. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Impact Fee Fund requires a loan from the County Wide Capital Fund. 50,000 426,900 99350 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 350 The 'nterfund Transfers and Reserves for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Impact Fee Fund 350 are for the following items: $311,900 Series 2005 Bond debt service payment for the Emergency Service Center (ESC)- Transfer to fund 216. $382,700 Series 2010 Bond debt service payment for land purchase along Old US-41, four ambulances, and additional funding for the ESC building-Transfer to Fund 298. $ 13,400 Series 201 OB Bond debt service payment for the Helicopter - Transfer to Fund 298. $208,500 Reserve for Debt Service 916,500 Reserve for Debt Service insures that the EMS Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. The Emergency Services Center debt service payment (transfer to fund 216) has principal and interest payments due on October 1. Total Emergency Medical Services 1,393,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-6 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Ochopee Fire Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Net Operating Budget 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Reserves For Capital 4,100 6,200 6,200 51.2% Total Budget 2,014 4,100 1,700 6,500 6,500 58.5'10 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ochopee Fire Control Impact Fee (372) 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Total Net Budget 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Total Transfers and Reserves 4,100 6,200 6,200 51.2'10 Total Budget 2,014 4,100 1,700 6,500 6,500 58.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 76 100 100 100 na Impact Fees 1,053 1,000 1,700 1,000 1,000 0.0% Carry Forward 6,300 3,200 5,400 5,500 5,500 71.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 7,431 4,100 7,200 6,500 6,500 58.5% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Ochopee Fire Control Operating Project 372 1,693 1,700 300 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 372 4,100 4,566 6,200 Ochopee Fire Control 4,100 6,279 1,700 6,500 Department Total Project Budget 4,100 6,279 1,700 6,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-7 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Office of the County Manager Capital Ochopee Fire Capital Ochopee Fire Control Impact Fee (372) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Net Operating Budget 2,014 1,700 300 300 na Reserves For Capital 4,100 6,200 6,200 51.2% Total Budget 2,014 4,100 1,700 6,500 6,500 58.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 76 100 100 100 na Impact Fees 1,053 1,000 1,700 1,000 1,000 0.0% Carry Forward 6,300 3,200 5,400 5,500 5,500 71.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 7,431 4,100 7,200 6,500 6,500 58.5% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Ochopee Fire Control Operating Project 372 1,693 1,700 300 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 372 4,100 4,566 0 6,200 Ochopee Fire Control 4,100 6,279 1,700 6,500 Program Total Project Budget 4,100 6,279 1,700 6,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-8 Office of the CC;lUnty Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Projecl# Project Title / Descrlption FY 2012 Preliminary Ochopee Fire Control 31372 Operating Project 372 Operating category funding for the Ochopee Fire Impact Fee Fund (372) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 372 Reserves for future capital projects for the Ochopee Fire Impact Fee fund 372. 300 99372 6,200 Total Ochopee Fire Control 6,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-9 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Isle of Capri Fire Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 15,697 1,200 1,000 1,000 na Capital Outlay 62,441 102,600 na Net Operating Budget 98,338 104,000 1,000 1,000 na Reserves For Capital 33,900 3,500 3,500 (89.7%) Total Budget 98,338 33,900 104,000 4,500 4,500 (86.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Isle of Capri Fire Impact Fee (373) 96,336 104,000 1,000 1,000 na Total Net Budget 98,338 104,000 1,000 1,000 na Total Transfers and Reserves 33,900 3,500 3,500 (89.7%) Total Budget 98,338 33,900 104,000 4,500 4,500 (86.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 1,476 500 100 100 na Impact Fees 1,007 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Carry Forward 202,600 33,000 107,000 3,500 3,500 (69.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 205,283 33,900 107,500 4,500 4,500 (86.7%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Isle of Capri Fire Boat Dock 102,765 102,600 Operating Project 373 1,250 .1,200 1,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 373 33,900 3,500 Isle of Capri Fire 33,900 104,035 104,000 4,500 Department Total Project Budget 33,900 104,035 104,000 4,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-10 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Isle of Capri Fire Capital Isle of Capri Fire Impact Fee (373) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 15,697 1,200 1,000 1,000 na Capital Outlay 62,441 102,800 na Net Operating Budget 98,338 104,000 1,000 1,000 na Reserves For Capital 33,900 3,500 3,500 (69.7%) Total Budget 98,338 33,900 104,000 4,500 4,500 (86.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 1,476 500 100 100 na Impact Fees 1,007 1,000 1,000 1,000 0.0% Carry Forward 202,600 33,000 107.000 3,500 3,500 (69.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (100) (100) (100) 0.0% Total Funding 205,283 33,900 107,500 4,500 4,500 (86.7%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Isle of Capri Fire Boat Dock 102,765 102,600 Operating Project 373 1,250 1,200 1,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 373 33,900 0 3,500 Isle of Capri Fire 33,900 104,035 104,000 4,500 Program Total Project Budget 33,900 104,035 104,000 4,500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-11 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Projecl# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary Isle of Capri Fire 31373 Operating Project 373 Operating category funding for the Isle of Capri Fire Impact Fee Fund (373) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 373 Reserve for Future Capital Projects is recorded in this project for the Isle of Capri Fire Impact Fee Fund 373. 1,000 99373 3,500 Total Isle of Capri Fire 4.500 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-12 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Pelican Bay Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 333,450 116,000 906,300 906,300 na Capital OuUay 550,000 2,751,200 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 333,450 550,000 2,869,200 908,300 908,300 65.1% Trans to Property Appraiser 2,373 3,200 2,900 9,400 9,400 193.6% Trans to Tax Collector 3,049 4,900 4,900 14,200 14,200 169.8% Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 155,100 15,900 15,900 (69.7%) Total Budget 338,872 778,200 2,942,000 947,800 947,800 21.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Clam Bay Restoration (320) 103,566 149,000 400,900 146,600 146,600 (0.3%) Pelican Bay Hardscape & Landscape 229,664 401,000 2,466,300 759,700 759,700 89.5% Improvements (322) Total Net Budget 333,450 550,000 2,869,200 908,300 908,300 65.1% Total Transfers and Reserves 5,422 228,200 72,800 39,500 39,500 (82.7%) Total Budget 338,872 778,200 2,942,000 947,800 947,800 21.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 152,442 156,600 146,900 459,000 459.000 193.1% InterestlMisc 19,261 9,000 10,400 20,200 20,200 124.4% Trans frm Tax Collector 314 na Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 902,000 259,200 259,200 436,500 436,500 66.4% Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 35,000 35,000 35,000 34,000 34,000 (2.9%) Trans fm 776 Pel Bay Lighting 166,400 63,600 63,600 (100.0%) Trans fm 320 Clam Bay Cap Fd 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 1,405,600 176,000 2,362,200 22,300 22,300 (67.5%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (6,200) (24,200) (24,200) 195.1% Total Funding 2,701,016 776,200 2,964,300 947,800 947,800 21.8% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Pelican Bay Capital Clam Bay Ecosystem Enhancements 36,300 154,300 Clam Bay Restoration 149,000 246,619 246,600 146,600 Pelican Bay Hardscape Upgrades 401,000 2,445,512 2,445,500 624,700 Pelican Bay Lake Bank Enhance 22,776 22,600 65,000 Pelican Bay Traffic Sign Renovation 50,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 320 221,600 221,600 66,600 22,400 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 322 6,400 6,400 6,000 17,100 Pelican Bay Capital 778,200 2,979,406 2,942,000 947,800 Department Total Project Budget 778,200 2,979,406 2,942,000 947,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-13 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Pelican Bay Capital Clam Bay Restoration (320) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 103,566 116,000 146,600 146,600 na Capital Outlay 149,000 262,900 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 103,566 149,000 400,900 148,600 148,600 (0.3%) Trans to Property Appraiser 1,535 700 700 2,600 2,600 271.4% Trans to Tax Collector 1,971 1,100 1,100 3,900 3,900 254.5% Trans to 322 Pel Bay Irr and Land 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 155,000 15,900 15,900 (69.7%) Total Budget 107,072 370,800 467,700 171,000 171,000 (53.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 96,543 35,000 33,200 127,100 127,100 263.1% InterestlMisc 3,303 1,300 2,700 700 700 (46.2%) Trans frm Tax Collector 314 na Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 35,000 35,000 35,000 34,000 34,000 (2.9%) Carry Forward 362,600 301,300 412,700 15,900 15,900 (94.7%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (1,600) (6,700) (6,700) 272.2% Total Funding 519,760 370,800 463,600 171,000 171,000 (53.9%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Pelican Bay Capital Clam Bay Ecosystem Enhancements 36,300 154,300 Clam Bay Restoration 149,000 246,619 246,600 146,600 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 320 221,600 221,600 66,600 22,400 Pelican Bay Capital 370,600 504,719 467,700 171,000 Program Total Project Budget 370,800 504,719 467,700 171,000 Forecast FY 2011 - Expenditures are increasing due to work on the south berm for $118,000 Current FY 2012 - One project will be funded this year for the continued mangrove maintenance program at a cost of $148,600.00 Revenue FY 2012 - The total assessment revenue is based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) charge of $398.13, which is a $27.50 increase over the FY 2011 ERU rate. The portion of the special assessment in Clam Bay Restoration is $16.68 versus FY 2011's assessment of $4.59, which is an increase of 363%, in addition to a transfer of $34,000 from the County Unincorporated Fund 111. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-14 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital Pelican Bay Capital Pelican Bay Hardscape & Landscape Improvements (322) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 229,684 759,700 759,700 na Capital Outiay 401,000 2,468,300 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 229,864 401,000 2,468,300 759,700 759,700 89.5'. Trans to Property Appraiser 636 2,500 2,200 6,600 6,600 172.0% Trans to Tax Collector 1,076 3,600 3,800 10,300 10,300 171.1% Reserves For Contingencies 100 (100.0%) Total Budget 231,800 407,400 2,474,300 n6,800 776,800 90.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Special Assessments 53,699 121,600 115,700 331,900 331,900 172.9% InterestlMisc 15,956 7,700 7,700 19,500 19,500 153.2% Trans fm 109 Pel Bay MSTBU 902,000 259,200 259,200 436,500 436,500 66.4% Trans fm 776 Pel Bay Lighting 166,400 63,600 63,600 (100.0%) Trans fm 320 Clam Bay Cap Fd 65,000 65,000 (100.0%) Carry Forward 1,023,000 (123,300) 1,949,500 6,400 6,400 (105.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (6,400) (17,500) (17,500) 173.4% Total Funding 2,181,257 407,400 2,480,700 776,800 776,800 90.7% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Pelican Bay Capital Pelican Bay Hardscape Upgrades 401,000 2,445,512 2.445,500 624,700 Pelican Bay Lake Bank Enhance 22,776 22,600 65,000 Pelican Bay Traffic Sign Renovation 0 50,000 X-ferslReserves - Fund 322 6,400 6,400 6,000 17,100 Pelican Bay Capital 407,400 2,474,667 2,474,300 776,600 Program Total Project Budget 407,400 2,474,687 2,474,300 776,800 Forecast FY 2011 - Expenditures are incresing due to increases of $2,044,500 for the Community Improvement Project which will add crosswalks while also enhancing existing crosswalks and pathways and renovate medians and turn lanes for safety improvements. Lake bank enhancements are also being done for $22,800. Current FY 2012 - includes $50,000 for Traffic Sign Renovation program; $85,000 for Lake Bank Enhancements in addition to $624,700 for Pelican Bay Hardscape Upgrades being utilized for the Community Improvement Plan (CIP). Revenue FY 2012 - The total assessment revenue is based on an equivalent residential unit (ERU) charge of $398.13, which is a $27.50 increase over FY 2011 ERU rate. The portion of the special assessment in Pelican Bay Hardscape and Landscape Improvement is $43.56 versus FT 2011's assessment of $15.96, which is an increase of 273% due to the funding requirements necessary to meet the PBSD board's schedule for projects included in the Community Improvement Plan (CIP). Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-15 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program. Project Descriptions by CIP Category Projecl# Project Title / Description FY 2012 Preliminary 51100 50066 51026 49 99320 99322 Pelican Bav Capital Clam Bay Restoration Monitoring and maintenance activities to address the health of the mangroves that are in additional to the activities that Coastal Zone Management has assumed such as Clam Pass maintenance and water quality monitoring. -Management Report. Report to be prepared annually that indicates outlines monitoring results and mangrove health. -Biological Monitoring of the Clam Bay System. This evaluates the biological health of the mangroves. This will include tracking growth, re-vegetation, seedling recruitment and other biological parameters through the annual monitoring of the established transects and plots throughout the system tracking long term trends, improvements and identifying declining areas: Ground monitoring will be performed in conjunction with an aerial photograph of the area. In addition, the monitoring of exotic plant species will be monitored and managed so that the percentage is kept below 1 %. -Hydrographic Monitoring. Continued monitoring of the 4 recording tide gauges and tide staff gauges positioned throughout the Clam Bay System and water level gauges located in the Mangrove Forest and surveying of estuary creeks. -Exotic/Invasive Plant Control Program. A maintenance program to be implemented to control exotic plant material and nuisance plant material with the Clam Bay System. -Interior Channel Maintenance. Implement a maintenance program for the cleaning of the Clam Bay Interior Channels. There are approximately 40,000 L.F. of channels of which it is estimated 50% will require maintenance as field identified. -Beach TIlling. To comply with the permit requirements for dune restoration. Pelican Bay Hardscape Upgrades Design parameters are being established for the enhancement of the Pelican Bay streets cape that includes renovations to the landscape, sidewalks, street lighting and hardscape elements. These funds would begin the implementation of this project upon coordination with the Pelican Bay Services Division Board. Pelican Bay Lake Bank Enhance Installation of Erosion Barrier Tube for the enhancement of the water management system lake banks. Pelican Bay Traffic Sign Renovation X-fers/Reserves . Fund 320 Interfund Transfers, Transfers to Constitutional Officers and Reserve for Future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 322 Interfund Transfers, Transfers to Constitutional Officers and Reserve for Future Capital Projects are recorded in this project. Total Pelican Bay Capital 148,600 624,700 85,000 50,000 22,400 17,100 947,800 Fiscal Year 2012 CIP Summary Reports Capital-16 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital County Manager's Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 49,267 na Capital Outlay 516,000 599,600 100,000 100,000 (6Q.6%) Net Operating Budget 49,287 516,000 599,800 100,000 100,000 (80.6~.) Advance/Repay to 350 EMS IF 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Total Budget 1,223,887 516,000 599,800 526,900 526,900 2.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County-Wide Capital Projects Fund (301) 49,267 516,000 599,600 100,000 100,000 (60.6%) Total Net Budget 49,287 516,000 599,800 100,000 100,000 (80.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Total Budget 1,223,887 516,000 599,800 526,900 526,900 2.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,174,600 516,000 516,000 526,900 526,900 2.1% Carry Forward 133,100 63,600 na Total Funding 1,307,700 516,000 599,800 526,900 526,900 2.1% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Emergency Medical Services Helicopter Transmission Overhaul 275,000 275,000 275,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - County 426,900 Manager Emergency Medical Services 275,000 275,000 275,000 426,900 Office of Management & Budget GovMax Software 241,000 324,777 324,600 100,000 Department Total Project Budget 516,000 599,777 599,800 526,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-17 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Office of the County Manager Capital County Manager's Capital County-Wide Capital Projects Fund (301) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 49,267 na Capital OuUay 516,000 599,600 100,000 100,000 (60.6%) Net Operating Budget 49,267 516,000 599,800 100,000 100,000 (60.6%) Advance/Repay to 350 EMS IF 1,174,600 426,900 426,900 na Total Budget 1,223,887 516,000 599,800 526,900 526,900 2.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,174,600 516,000 516,000 526,900 526,900 2.1% Carry Forward 133,100 63,600 na Total Funding 1,307,700 516,000 599,800 526,900 526,900 2.1% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Emergency Medical Services Helicopter Transmission Overhaul 275,000 275,000 275,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - County 0 426,900 Manager Emergency Medical Services 275,000 275,000 275,000 426,900 Office of Management & Budget GovMax Software 241,000 324,777 324,600 100,000 Program Total Project Budget 516,000 599,777 599,800 526,900 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-18 Office of the County Manager Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category projecl# Project Title / Description. FY 2012 Preliminary Office of Manaaement & Budaet 50001 GovMax Software The Budget Office uses a budget software program developed by Sarasota County and maintained by Method Factory called GovMax (version 5.0). Our annual contract with Sarasota County is about $50,000 per year for hosting fees and for hardware maintenance. Method Factory's extended annual support/warranty is $16,000 plus discretionary support which is billed on an hourly rate. Examples of discretionary support items are preparing the database for the new year, importing the initial spreadsheets, new custom reports, time required to research issues, etc. As stated in our contract with Method Factory, any issues that requires more than 6 hours of development, testing, documentation, deployment and/or project management will require the generation of a Statement of Work (change order). At this time, OMB is aware of two changes that will require a Statement of Work and a few new custom reports for Performance Management and Security. 100,000 Total Office of Management & Budget 100,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital-19 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 57.80 Board of County Commissioners Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 11.00 County Attorney Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 22.00 CRA Redevelopment Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 9.00 Airport Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 15.80 Fiscal Year 2012 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Net Costto General Fund 001 and MSTD General Fund 111 Elected officials - BCC Compliance View FY 2011 Net Cost to FY 2012 Net Cost to General Fund General Fund Variance % Board of County Commissioners 8,298,000 7,865,800 -432,200 -5.2% County Attorney 2,637,700 2,366,600 -271,100 -10.3% Total Net Cost to General Fund 001 $ 10,935,700 $ 10,232,400 $ (703,300) -6.4% FY 2011 Transfer from General Fund FY 2012 Transfer from General Fund Variance % Legal Aid Society CRA Redevelopment Total Transfer from General Fund 001 $ 39,000 1,110,700 1,149,700 $ 1,472,400 1,472,400 $ Airport Authority Loan Repayment to General Fund $ 527,000 $ 511,200 $ Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ Compliance Exceeded $ FY 2011 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund FY 2012 Net Cost to MSTD General Fund Variance % Board of County Commissioners Total Net Costto MSTD General Fund 111 $ 2,669,800 2,669,800 $ 2,954,600 2,954,600 $ FY 2011 Transfer from MSTD General Fund FY 2012 Transfer from MSTD General Fund Variance % CRA Redevelopment Total Transfer from MSTD General Fund 111 $ 295,800 295,800 $ 223,100 223,100 $ Target Compliance Reduction 3% $ Out of Compliance $ 39,000 -361,700 (322,700) NA -24.6% -21.9% (15,800) -3.0% (388,100) 653,700 284,800 284,800 10.7% 10.7% -72,700 (72,700) -24.6% -24.6% (89,000) 301,100 Fiscal Year 2012 2 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners The following five (5) Commissioners are elected by district and are responsible for establishing policies to protect the health, safety, welfare and quality of life for Collier County citizens. District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 Donna Fiala Georgia Hiller Thomas Henning Fred Coyle James Coletta In addition to the elected officials, there are six (6) administrative employees In the Board Office. The County Attorney, Jeffrey Klatzkow, and his staff provide legal services to the Board of County Commissioners and the County Manager's Agency. There are twenty-two (22.0) permanent positions in the County Attorney's Office. The County Attorney has reduced expenditures from $3,001,900 in the FY 2011 adopted budget to the request of $2,768,000 in FY 2012, a reduction of $276,800, and has also eliminated one position. The primary funding source for the Board of County Commissioners and the County Attorney is ad valorem taxes. David Jackson is the Executive Director of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and promotes redevelopment within the CRA boundaries. Penny Phillippi is the Executive Director of the Immokalee CRA and is responsible for planning, promoting and implementing planned re-development projects within the District The primary funding source for CRA activities is tax increment ad-valorem revenue. Chris Curry is the Executive Director of the Airport Authority and is responsible for oversight of operations, construction, development, improvement, and enforcement of regulations at all three (3) Collier County Airports. The primary funding source for Airport Authority activities is derived from the purchase and resale of aviation fuel. The Airport Authority also receives a loan from the general fund that is to be paid back in future years. The phone numbers for these offices are: 252-8097 - Board of County Commissioners 252-8400 - County Attorney 643-1115 - Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA 252-2310 -Immokalee CRA 642-7878 - Airport Authority Administration 394-3355 - Marco Island Executive Airport 695-2778 - Everglades Airpark 657-9003 -Immokalee Regional Airport Fiscal Year 2012 3 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,368,196 5,814,400 5,649,000 5,505,000 5,505,000 (5.3%) Operating Expense 4,528,309 5,318,900 5,340,600 5,067,500 5,067,500 (4.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 2,411,200 2,182,000 2,182,000 2,422,800 2,422,800 11.0% Aviation Fuel 1,223,799 1,335,600 1,903,900 2,271,400 2,271,400 70.1% Capital Outlay 390,984 1,706,500 100,000 13,000 13,000 (99.2%) Grants and Aid 305,756 600,000 298,400 569,600 569,600 (5.1%) Debt Service - Principal 1,114,000 na Remittances 4,991,886 4,622,900 4,433,300 4,336,300 4,336,300 (6.2%) Total Net Budget 20,334,130 21,580,300 19,907,200 20,185,600 20,185,600 (6.5)% Trans to 287 CRA Loan 1,432,944 1,725,400 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (13.1%) Trans to 325 Stormw Cap Fd 200,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 175,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 694,800 164,900 164,900 (76.3%) Total Budget 21,967,073 24,175,500 21,307,200 21,850,500 21,850,500 (9.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Board of County Commissioners 10.739,596 11,117,800 10,764.400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) County Attorney 2,710,554 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) CRA Redevelopment 3,866,256 4,195,600 2,218,600 2,431,200 2,431,200 (42.1%) Airport 3,017,723 3,265,000 3,798,900 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% Total Net Budget 20,334,130 21,580,300 19,907,200 20,185,600 20,185,600 (6.5%) CRA Redevelopment 1,632,944 2,595,200 1,400,000 1,664,900 1,664,900 (35.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,632,944 2,595,200 1,400,000 1,664,900 1,664,900 (35.8%) Total Budget 21,967,073 24,175,500 21,307,200 21,850,500 21,850,500 (9.6%) Fiscal Year 2012 4 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 150,000 (100.0%) Charges For Services 859,516 868,600 882,300 964,100 964,100 11.0% Aviation Fuel Sales 2,014,820 2,269,400 2,725,900 3,151,200 3,151,200 38.9% Miscellaneous Revenues 426,980 352,600 319,700 304,700 304,700 (13.6%) 'nteresVMisc 49,533 18,000 19,000 16,000 16,000 (11.1%) Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 447,600 527,000 527,000 511,200 511,200 (3.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 4,178 na Net Cost General Fund 10,091,964 10,935,700 10,668,600 10,232,400 10,232,400 (6.4%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 2.925,762 2,669,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2,954,600 10.7% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,071,900 1,472,400 1,507,100 1,149,700 1,149,700 (21.9%) Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 411,600 295,800 295,800 223,100 223,100 (24.6%) Trans fm 163 BayshlAv Beaut Fd 55,320 122,500 122,500 125,500 125,500 2.4% Transfm 164 Haldeman Creek 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 0.0% Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 317,341 na Carry Forward 6,208,400 4,625,100 3,816,900 2,398,300 2,398,300 (48.1%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (142,700) (191,600) (191,600) 34.3% Total Funding 25,896,214 24,175,500 23,705,500 21,850,500 21,850,500 (9.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Board of County Commissioners 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% County Attorney 24.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 (4.3%) CRA Redevelopment 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.5% Airport 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.80 0.0% Total FTE 58.80 57.80 58.80 57.80 57.80 0.0% Changes from the FY 2011 FTE levels (57.80) consists of the following: One grant position was added at the Immokalee CRA during the FY 2011, and one vacant Assistant County Attorney position is planned to be removed during the FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 5 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 . FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,266,710 1,335,800 1,253,400 1,274,900 1,274,900 (4.6%) Operating Expense 2,524,000 3,191.200 3,109,800 3,086,400 3.086.400 (3.3%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 2,157,000 1,967,900 1,967,900 2,122,800 2,122,800 7.9% Remittances 4,791,886 4,622,900 4,433,300 4,336,300 4,336,300 (6.2%) Net Operating Budget 10,739,596 11,117,800 10,764,400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) Total Budget 10,739,596 11,117,800 10,764,400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Prelirninary Change Board Of County Commissioners (001) 979,259 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 1.068,000 (3.0%) Other General Administration (001) 6,834,575 7,197,000 6,897,800 6,797,800 6,797,800 (5.5%) Other General Administration (111) 2,925,762 2,819,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2.954,600 4.8% Total Net Budget 10,739,596 11,117,800 10,764,400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 10,739,596 11,117,800 10,764,400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Prelirnlnary Change Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 150,000 (100.0%) Charges For Services 276 na Miscellaneous Revenues 29,169 10,300 na Net Cost General Fund 7,784,389 8,298,000 7,944,700 7,865,800 7,865,800 (5.2%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 2,925,762 2,669,800 2,809,400 2,954.600 2,954,600 10.7% Total Funding 10,739,596 11,117,800 10,764,400 10,820,400 10,820,400 (2.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Board Of County Commissioners (001) 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Total FTE 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 6 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Board Of County Commissioners (001) Mission Statement The Board of County Commissioners consists of 5 elected officials who, as the chief legislative body of the County, are responsible for providing services to protect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of the citizens of Collier County. Program Summary Departmental Adm inistration/Overhead FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 598,143 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 5.00 598,143 Funding for providing services to protect the health, safety, welfare, and quality of life of Collier County Citizens and the creation and coordination of advisory committees. Community Relations Includes responding to community needs, proclamations and service awards, citizen requests and complaints. Professional Development Includes cell phones, attending conferences and seminars, county car, mileage reimbursement, and organizational development. Current Level of Service Budget 6.00 435,357 435,357 34,500 34,500 11.00 1,068,000 1,068,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Surnmary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Prelirninary Change Personal Services 934,855 1,004,500 967,300 974,900 974,900 (2.9%) Operating Expense 44,404 96,500 89,900 93,100 93,100 (3.5%) Net Operating Budget 979,259 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 1,068,000 (3.0%) Total Budget 979,259 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 1,068,000 (3.0%) Total FTE 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 276 na Net Cost General Fund 978,983 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 1,068,000 (3.0%) Total Funding 979,259 1,101,000 1,057,200 1,068,000 1,068,000 (3.0%) Forecast FY 2011 - There is a $37,200 decrease in personal services due to vacancies in support positions throughout the year. The most significant decreases in Operating Expenses were $2,000 for out of county travel for professional development, $2,500 for District 3 Commissioner travel, and $3,500 for District 4 Commissioner travel while there was slight increase of $1,500 in motor pool rental charges. Current FY 2012 - The most noteworthy increases and decreases in personal services are a decrease of $53,700 due to state mandated retirement rates, a decrease in salaries due to filling a position at a lower rate than the previous long-term incumbent, and an increase of $15,100 for increased health insurance rates. Operating expenses decreased by $3,400 due to cost containment measures that will produce decreases of $1,100 for IT allocations, $900 for telephones, $1,000 for postage and freight, $1,000 for building repair and maintenance, $1,000 for printing, $500 for minor office equipment, and $500 for FAX charges. Offsetting these decreases somewhat are increases of $1,000 for out of county professional development travel, $1,600 for motor pool rental charges, and $1,500 for copying charges. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Other General Administration (001) Mission Statement To account for expenses not attributable to a department but the County as a whole. Program Summary FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost 2,320,500 2,320,500 1,515,800 1,515,800 300,000 300,000 1,564,400 1,564,400 502,400 502,400 Juvenile Detention Centers Remittance for housing juvenile offenders in state-run detention centers. Naples eRA Remittance to the Naples Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). Unemployrnent Account for costs for unemployment. Insurance Premiums Account for centralized insurance premiums. Countywide Costs Account for Countywide costs not attributable to a department such as postage for tax bills, dues and membership for the Florida Association of Counties, utilities for common areas, and tax deed sales. Countywide Auditing Costs Account for countywide auditing costs. 594,700 594,700 Current Level of Service Budget 6,797,800 6,797,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Prograrn Budgetary Cost Sumrnary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 331,855 331,300 286,100 300,000 300.000 (9.4%) Operating Expense 2,210,834 2,742,800 2,678,400 2,661,500 2,661,500 (3.0%) Remittances 4,291,886 4,122,900 3,933,300 3,836,300 3,836,300 (7.0%) Net Operating Budget 6,834.575 7,197,000 6,897,800 6,797,800 6,797,800 (5.5%) Total Budget 6,834,575 7,197,000 6,897,800 6,797,800 6,797,800 (5.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 29,169 10,300 na Net Cost General Fund 6,805,406 7,197,000 6,887,500 6,797,800 6,797,800 (5.5%) Total Funding 6,834,575 7,197,000 6,897,800 6,797,800 6,797,800 (5.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services decreased because of an unexpected decrease of $45,200 in unemployment insurance. Operating expenses reflect noteworthy increases for legal services of $25,000 and printing of notices of proposed property taxes of $1 0,000. These were offset somewhat by decreases of $17,600 for the countywide auditing contract and $81,300 for property insurance. Forecast remittances include $2,253,000 for housing of juvenile offenders in state-run Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) detention centers and $1,680,300 to the Naples CRA. The remittance to the DJJ includes a credit of $189,600 for reconciliation adjustments from previous years. Current FY 2012 - Unemployment insurance costs are expected to be $20,000 below the adopted FY 2011 budget. Operating expenses are decreasing by $111,300. The most significant decreases in expenditures are $14,800 for general insurance, $105,000 for property insurance, and $33,200 for information technology allocations. The two most significant increases that offset the decreases are $35,000 for legal fees and advertising and $15,000 for printing of proposed notices of property taxes. Budgeted remittances include $1,515,800 to the Naples CRA and $2,320,500 for Collier County's share of the cost of housing and feeding juveniles being held in state-run DJJ Detention Centers. Fiscal Year 2012 8 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Board of County Commissioners Other General Administration (111) Mission Statement To account for expenses not attributable to a department but to the unincorporated area of the County. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 330,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Insurance Premiums 330,900 Account for centralized insurance premiums. Indirect Service Charge Payment Indirect service charge payment for General Fund provided central services. (Revenue source to the General Fund). Misc Reimbursernents 2,122,800 2,122,800 500,900 500,900 Miscellaneous reimbursements, primarily park system contributions to the City of Naples. Current Level of Service Budget 2,954,600 2,954,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 268,762 351,900 341,500 331,800 331,800 (5.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 2,157,000 1,967,900 1,967,900 2,122,800 2,122,800 7.9% Remittances 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 2,925,762 2,819,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2,954,600 4.8% Total Budget 2,925,762 ' 2,819,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2,954,600 4.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Prograrn Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes 150,000 (100.0%) Net Cost MSTD General Fund 2,925,762 2,669,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2,954,600 10.7% Total Funding 2,925,762 2,819,800 2,809,400 2,954,600 2,954,600 4.8% Forecast FY 2011 - The only decrease is $10,400 for general insurance. Current FY 2012 - The only decreases in operating expenses are decreases in both general and property insurance of $20,100. The only significant increase is an increase of $154,900 for indirect costs. This budget also reflects an annual Board approved park system contribution to the City of Naples in the amount of $500,000. Fiscal Year 2012 9 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners County Attorney FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,421,882 2,507,500 2,447.800 2,278.700 2,278.700 (9.1%) Operating Expense 288,672 494,400 677,500 489,300 489,300 (1.0%) Net Operating Budget 2,710,554 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) Total Budget 2,710,554 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Prograrn Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Attorney (001) 2,602,244 2,930,700 3,016,900 2,659,600 2,659,600 (9.3%) Legal Aid Society (652) 108,310 71,200 108.400 108,400 108,400 52.2% Total Net Budget 2,710,554 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 2,710,554 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 370,979 368,000 366,100 366,000 366,000 (0.5%) Miscellaneous Revenues 378 na Interest/Misc 242 na Net Cost General Fund 2,307,575 2,637,700 2,723,900 2,366,600 2,366,600 (10.3%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 29,900 34.700 39,000 39,000 na Carry Forward 44,000 600 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,800) (3,600) (3,600) (5.3%) Total Funding 2,753,074 3,001,900 3,125,300 2,768,000 2,768,000 (7.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Attorney (001) 24.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 (4.3%) Total FTE 24.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 (4.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 10 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners County Attorney County Attorney (001) Mission Statement To provide quality legal services in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner to the Board of County Commissioners and the County Manager and all County divisions, departments and appointive committees under the Board of County Commissioners. Also to represent the County in litigation brought by or against the County, and to work with Constitutional Officers and Judiciary on Board-related and statutorily-required matters. Program Summary Departmental Administration/Overhead To provide minimum level of legally required services to the BCC; represent staff and quasi-judicial boards; represent the Board in litigation cases filed against or by the County; advise staff and prosecute as requested before the Code Enforcement Board and Contractor's Licensing Board. Ordinances, Resos, Other legal Documents, & legal Opinions FY 2012 Total FTE 12.80 FY 2012 Budget 1,675,324 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 290,000 1,385,324 5.15 495,419 495,419 Research, draft, and provide legal review of legally binding documents (including massive numbers of contracts). Provide requested legal opinions and interpretations. Attendance at Board Meetings Provide legal advice at BCC meetings, workshops, and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meetings. Resolve legal Issues Meet, coordinate with, and resolve legal issues raised by the public, constitutional officers, the judiciary, and county staff. Advisory Boards Provide legal assistance to the various advisory boards and committees upon request. 1.45 186,606 186,606 1.70 183,384 3,000 180,384 0.90 118,867 118,867 Current level of Service Budget 22.00 2,659,600 293,000 2,366,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,421,882 2,507,500 2,447.800 2,278,700 2,278,700 (9.1%) Operating Expense 180,363 423,200 569,100 380,900 380,900 (10.0%) Net Operating Budget 2,602,244 2,930,700 3,016,900 2,659,600 2,659,600 (9.3%) Total Budget 2,602,244 2,930,700 3,016,900 2,659,600 2,659,600 (9.3%) Total FTE 24.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 (4.3%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 294,292 293,000 293,000 293,000 293,000 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenues 378 na Net Cost General Fund 2,307,575 2,637,700 2,723,900 2,366,600 2,366,600 (10.3%) Total Funding 2,602,244 2,930,700 3,016,900 2,659,600 2,659,600 (9.3%) Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services expenditures decreased due to a reorganization of the duties of staff resulting in positions remaining vacant. Current FY 2012 - Personnel cost decreases are due to the elimination of one assistant county attorney position, changes in the retirement rates and a reduction of $12,400 due to the reduction ofVSIP costs. These were offset slightly by an increase in the health insurance. Fiscal Year 2012 11 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners County Attorney County Attorney (001) Operating expenses will decrease by $42,300 which is mosUy attributable to reduced IT costs in the amount of $27,000 and elimination of $15,300 for LexisNexis (electronic legal research). Revenue FY 2012 - Revenues include copies of legal documents - $3,000 and reimbursements for legal services from Risk Management- $290,000. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners County Attorney Legal Aid Society (652) Mission Statement To provide financial support of the legal Aid Society operations. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost legal Aid Society To use available revenues to offset the cost of the Legal Aid Society operations. 108,400 108,400 Current Level of Service Budget 108,400 108,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 108,310 71,200 108,400 108,400 108,400 52.2% Net Operating Budget 108,310 71,200 108,400 108,400 108,400 52.2% Total Budget 108,310 71,200 108,400 108,400 108,400 52,2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 76,688 75,000 73,100 73,000 73,000 (2.7%) Interest/Misc 242 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 29,900 34,700 39,000 39,000 na Carry Forward 44,000 600 na Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,800) (3,600) (3,600) (5.3%) Total Funding 150,829 71,200 108,400 108,400 108,400 52.2% The County entered into an Agreement dated December 14, 2004, with Collier County Legal Aid. This Agreement, which was extended on June 22, 2010, was entered into pursuant to Ordinance 2004-42, which Ordinance was written in response to the legislative mandate of Section 29.008, Florida Statutes, which mandate was funded pursuant to Section 939.185, Florida Statutes. The Agreement provides that the minimum funding for Collier County Legal Aid in any given fiscal year is the greater of (1) twenty-five percent of the amount actually collected to assist Collier County in providing legal aid programs required under Section 29.008(3)(a), Florida Statutes, or (2) the amount provided from filing fees and surcharges to legal aid programs from October 1, 2002, to September 30, 2003, which was $108,309.66. Accordingly, there is no discretion but to fund the Legal Aid Society at the FY 2003 level, or no less than $108,400, with a transfer from the General Fund to make up the shortfall in fees collected. Forecast FY 2011 - A general fund budget amendment was approved by the BCC on April 12th, 2011 to make up for the shortfall in fees collected below the $108,400 level. This was required due to Florida State Statute 29.800 that requires the County to provide the level of funding that is equal to or greater than the amount provided from filing fees and surcharges to legal aid programs in FY 2003. Current FY 2012 - Article V legislation provided for the imposition of $65 in additional court costs for persons found guilty or pleading no contest to felony, misdemeanor, or criminal traffic offenses. Twenty-five percent of this fee is available to fund legal aid programs. Revenue is based on average monthly collections of $6,083. A transfer from the General Fund is necessary to bring the Legal Aid Society up to the level that it was funded in FY 2003. The transfer will only be made in the amount that will bring it up to the $108,400 level after accounting for the fees generated. Fiscal Year 2012 13 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners eRA Redevelopment FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 664,840 831,900 815,700 862,000 862,000 3.6% Operating Expense 1,123,084 986,300 927,100 880,800 880,800 (10.7%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 82,400 77,400 77,400 113,800 113,800 47.0% Capital Outlay 376,176 1,700,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 (99.7%) Grants and Aid 305,756 600,000 298,400 569,600 569,600 (5.1%) Debt Service - Principal 1,114,000 na Remittances 200,000 na Net Operating Budget 3,866,256 4,195,600 2,218,600 2,431,200 2,431,200 (42.1%) Trans to 287 CRA Loan 1,432,944 1,725,400 1,400,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 (13.1%) Trans to 325 Stormw Cap Fd 200,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 175,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 694,800 164,900 164,900 (76.3%) Total Budget 5,499,200 6,790,800 3,618,600 4,096,100 4,096,100 (39.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevel 2.328,310 3,173,500 1,184,000 1,511,800 1.511,800 (52.4%) (187) Immokalee Redevelopment (CRA) Fund 1,537,947 1,022,100 1,034.600 919,400 919,400 (10.0%) (186) Total Net Budget 3,866,256 4,195,600 2,218,600 2,431,200 2,431,200 (42.1%) Total Transfers and Reserves 1,632,944 2,595,200 1,400,000 1,664,900 1,664,900 (35.8%) Total Budget 5,499,200 6,790,800 3,618,600 4,096,100 4,096,100 (39.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 1,975 na Miscellaneous Revenues 385,217 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 (14.3%) Interest/Misc 47,145 15,000 16,000 15,000 15,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 2,230 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 2,042,000 1,472,400 1,472,400 1,110,700 1,110,700 (24.6%) Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 411,600 295,800 295,800 223,100 223,100 (24.6%) Trans fm 163 BayshlAv Beaut Fd 55,320 122,500 122,500 125,500 125,500 2.4% Trans fm 164 Haldeman Creek 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 0.0% Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 317,341 na Carry Forward 5,965,600 4,524,100 3,711,400 2,310,800 2,310,800 (48.9%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (300) (300) (300) 0.0% Total Funding 9,239,728 6,790,800 5,929,400 4,096,100 4,096,100 (39.7%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevel 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% (187) Immokalee Redevelopment (CRA) Fund 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 33.3% (186) Total FTE 8.00 8.00 .9.00 9.00 9.00 12.5% Fiscal Year 2012 14 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners eRA Redevelopment Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevel (187) Mission Statement To support the efforts of the Board of County Commissioners which established itself as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and made a finding of necessity and of blight conditions in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Component Redevelopment Area by adopting Resolution 2000-82 on March 14, 2000, and to implement the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Component Section of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Plan adopted by the CRA. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Administration/Overhead Costs 5.00 715,200 715,200 Funding for CRA staff administering this program. Bayshore/Gateway Redevelopment Master Plan 370,000 370,000 The Redevelopment Plan will undergo a review and update to accurately reflect ground-truth conditions and create zoning maps. Recommended catalyst projects, targeted blighted properties and redevelopment programs will be updated. Remittances Grants in aid connected with five (5) established grant programs; site improvement, sweat equity, shoreline stabilization, landscape improvements and commercial building improvement. Transfers Program Budgetary Cost Summary Personal Services Operating Expense Indirect Cost Reimburs Capital Outlay Grants and Aid Debt Service - Principal Net Operating Budget Trans to 287 CRA Loan Reserves For Contingencies Reserves For Capital Total Budget Total FTE 426,600 426,600 FY 2011 Adopted 481,900 748,800 42,800 1,500,000 400,000 5.00 3,173,500 1,725,400 100,000 46,800 5,045,700 5.00 FY 2011 Forecast 1,500,000 1,500,000 5.00 3,011,800 3,011,800 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Current Expanded Preliminary 481,300 481,300 537,300 537,300 66,600 66,600 426,600 426,600 1,511,800 1,511,800 1,500.000 1,500,000 FY 2012 Change (0.1%) (28.2%) 55.6% (100.0%) 6.7% na Current Level of Service Budget 494,300 426,900 42,800 220,000 1,184,000 1,400,000 (52.4%) (13.1%) (100.0%) (100.0%) 3,011,800 (40.3%) 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 Actual 404,692 729,948 58,900 20,770 1,114,000 2,328,310 1,432,944 3,761,253 2,584,000 3,011,800 5.00 5.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 382,417 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 (14.3%) Interest/Misc 31,789 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0.0% Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 1,576,300 1,089,000 1,089,000 827,900 827,900 (24.0%) Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 316,700 218,800 218,800 166,300 166,300 (24.0%) Trans fm 163 Baysh/Av Beaut Fd 55,320 122,500 122,500 125,500 125,500 2.4% Trans fm 164 Haldeman Creek 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 11,300 0.0% Carry Forward 3,807,800 3,244,100 2,403,200 1,570,800 1,570,800 (51.6%) Total Funding 6,181,626 5,045,700 4,154,800 3,011,800 3,011,800 (40.3%) Fiscal Year 2012 15 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners CRA Redevelopment Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevel (187) Staffing for this CRA was increased from four (4) to five (5) positions pursuant to action by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on April 27,2010. The additional position was a grade 22 Project Manager. This position manages the Bayshore MSTU for which the CRA is fully compensated via transfer. Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services are projected over budget due to filling a vacant position internally within the agency based upon that employee's current salary. Operating expenses are projected below the amended budget due primarily to reduced contractual service expenses. The balance of this contract as well as the budgeted expense will roll into FY 2012 along with new dollars dedicated to the CRA Master plan and development related planning. Remittances for the Site Improvement Grant Program, Sweat Equity Grant Program, Shoreline Stabilization Grant Program, Landscape Improvement Grant Program and Commercial Building Improvement Grant Program totaling $220,000 are anticipated. On July 26, 2006, the CRA entered into a loan agreement with Wachovia Bank under which a line of credit was secured for $7,000,000. Of this amount, $5,901,000 was drawn to purchase and assemble commercial property within the Gateway Triangle catalyst project area as an incentive to attract private development interest. On July 28, 2009, a $13,500,000 term loan was secured through FifthlThird Bank which paid off the earlier Wachovia line of credit draw and provided additional dollars for strategic property acquisition. The .term of this note is five (5) years with a final maturity date of September 1, 2014. Currently $11,961,000 remains outstanding. Recent attempts to secure more favorable fixed rate terms through competitive bidding failed. One lone bid was received and that lending institution required a backstop from the County and would not write the loan as a standalone CRA credit. Pending Board direction, an attempt to negotiate with the current lender - FifthlThird Bank will be initiated. Efforts continue to market the 14 acre catalyst site to commercial development interests. CRA staff continues to work with Pizzuti Solutions to develop a 17 acre site for educational activities, performance venues and exhibition space. Conceptual site plans have been developed for this public space development, and a development team has been assembled. This site was designated a Brownfield Area to assist with environmental clean-up. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted funds include personal services and operating expenses connected with CRA program management. A cost of living adjustment is not budgeted. Lower personal service costs are a product of reduced retirement rates. Operating appropriations reflect the level of development planning underway including $370,000 in contractual services to support parcel development mentioned above. A transfer to debt service fund (287) is programmed in the amount of $1,500,000 for payment on the FifthlThird bank term loan. This year's pool of grant dollars to fund the five (5) rehabilitationlimprovement programs equals $426,600. There are no capital improvement appropriations nor fund reserves. Revenue FY 2012 - Taxable value within the CRA dropped 11.65% for the 2011 tax year (FY 2012) and this means that a millage neutral tax rate for the General Fund (001) and Unincorporated Area General Fund (111) will reduce tax increment revenues by $313,600. Beginning year fund balance within the trust fund dropped by $1,404,600 between Beginning FY 10 (October 1, 2009) to beginning FY 11 (October 1, 2010). Taxable value within this CRA has dropped 41.8 percent since FY 2008. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners CRA Redevelopment Immokalee Redevelopment (CRA) Fund (186) Mission Statement To support the efforts of the Board of County Commissioners, which established itself as the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and made a finding of necessity and of blight conditions in the Immokalee Component Redevelopment Area by adopting Resolution 2000-82 on March 14, 2000, and to implement the Immokalee Component Section of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Plan adopted by the CRA. Program Summary CRA Implementation/Reserves Monitor, update and implement the Immokalee Component Section of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Plan. Includes funding for CRA staff and all re-development activities. FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 4.00 1,084,300 1,084,300 Current Level of Service Budget 4.00 1,084,300 1,084,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 260,148 350,000 321,400 380,700 380,700 8.8% Operating Expense 393,136 237,500 500,200 343,500 343,500 44.6% Indirect Cost Reimburs 23,500 34,600 34,600 47,200 47,200 36.4% Capital OuUay 376,176 200,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 (97.5%) Grants and Aid 284,987 200,000 78,400 143,000 143,000 (28.5%) Remittances 200,000 na Net Operating Budget 1,537,947 1,022,100 1,034,600 919,400 919,400 (10.0%) Trans to 325 Stormw Cap Fd 200,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 75,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 648,000 164,900 164,900 (74.6%) Total Budget 1,737,947 1,745,100 1,034,600 1,084,300 1,084,300 (37.9%) Total FTE 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 33.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 1,975 na Miscellaneous Revenues 2,800 na Interest/Misc 15,356 5,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 0.0% Reimb From Other Depts 2,230 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 465,700 383,400 383,400 282,800 282,800 (26.2%) Trans fm 111 MSTD Gen Fd 94,900 77,000 77 ,000 56,800 56,800 (26.2%) Trans fm 325 Stormwater Cap Fd 317,341 na Carry Forward 2,157,800 1,280,000 1,308,200 740,000 740,000 (42.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (300) (300) (300) 0.0% Total Funding 3,058,102 1,745,100 1,774,600 1,084,300 1,084,300 (37.9%) The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on April 24, 2007 approved the establishment of a new Immokalee CRA office complete with an Executive Director and two support staff beginning October 1, 2007. Forecast FY 2011 - Personal services reflect a complement of four (4) professional staff. The Board on March 9, 2010 approved the establishment of the Immokalee Business Development Center. Supported by a combination of CRA TIF revenues and grant dollars, the center is staffed by a Manager who is included in the staffing number identified above. Operating expenses include continuation of the RWA contract connected with the Immokalee Master Plan and other professional services. A contractual PO for the design of phase 1 of the Immokalee Storrnwater Master Plan totaling $275,296 rolled from the previous fiscal year and will be expensed. The CRA continues to encourage commercial building rehabilitation through sponsored grants. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners eRA Redevelopment Immokalee Redevelopment (CRA) Fund (186) The CRA is also orchestrating a large scale stormwater planning and improvement initiative primarily funded through community development block grants. Current FY 2012 - Personal services are based upon four (4) FTE's staffing office operations including the business development center. There are no cost of living adjustments budgeted. Lower personal service costs reflect reduced retirement rates. Operating expenses are intended to support office operations. This year's IT allocation totals $9,600. Consulting services are budgeted at $200,000 to fulfill the continuing RWA professional planning contract. Funds are budgeted ($10,000) to reimburse the County Attorney for routine and customary planning and legal services if necessary. The CRA will continue its commercial rehabilitation grant program and an additional $100,000 is budgeted for building and facade improvements. A capital reserve totaling $164,900 is budgeted Revenue FY 2012 - The two largest revenue sources are derived from the CRA's property tax increment and carryforward. Beginning cash on hand at 9/30/10 dropped by $849,600 to $1,308,200. This is due primarily to capital purchases during FY 2010 coupled with a continued drop in tax increment revenue. CRA tax increment revenue booked during FY 08 at the height of taxable value totaled $889,000. Preliminary estimates for FY 2012 show tax increment revenue at $339,600. Under a millage neutral property tax rate, tax increment revenues are down $120,800 from FY 2011 due to a 9.1 % decrease in the CRA's taxable value. Since FY 2008 and including preliminary numbers for June applicable to FY 12, CRA taxable value has dropped 40.4%. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,014,764 1,139,200 1,132,100 1,089,400 1,089,400 (4.4%) Operating Expense 592,553 647,000 626,200 611,000 611,000 (5.6%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 171,800 136,700 136,700 186,200 186,200 36.2% Aviation Fuel 1,223,799 1,335,600 1,903,900 2,271.400 2,271,400 70.1% Capital OuUay 14,808 6,500 8,000 8,000 23.1% Net Operating Budget 3,017,723 3,265,000 3,798,900 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% Total Budget 3,017,723 3,265,000 3,798,900 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Airport Administration (495) 573,201 585,100 626,600 591,100 591,100 1.0% Everglades Airport (495) 144,310 175,500 197,500 206,800 206,800 17.8% Immokalee Regional Airport (495) 729,209 786,000 872,500 1,022,600 1,022,600 30.1% Marco Island Executive Airport (495) 1,571,003 1,718,400 2,102,300 2,345,500 2,345,500 36.5% Total Net Budget 3,017,723 3,265,000 3,798,900 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% :Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 3,017,723 3,265,000 3,798,900 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Cu rrent Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 486,286 500,600 516,200 598,100 598,100 19.5% Aviation Fuel Sales 2,014,820 2,269,400 2,725,900 3,151,200 3,151.200 38.9% Miscellaneous Revenues 12,216 2,600 9,400 4,700 4,700 80.8% Interest/Misc 2,146 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 (66.7%) Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 447,600 527,000 527.000 511,200 511,200 (3.0%) Reimb From Other Depts 1,948 na Carry Forward 198,800 101,000 104,900 87,500 87,500 (13.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (138.600) (187,700) (187.700) 35.4% Total Funding 3,163,816 3,265,000 3,886,400 4,166,000 4,166,000 27.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Airport Administration (495) 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 0.0% Immokalee Regional Airport (495) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% Everglades Airport (495) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% Marco Island Executive Airport (495) 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.0% Total FTE 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.80 15.80 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 19 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Airport Administration (495) Mission Statement To acquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, and regulate Everglades Airpark, Immokalee Regional Airport, and Marco Executive Airport per County Ordinance 2004-03 as amended by County Ordinance 2010-10. To assist with and facilitate Collier County's economic development and diversification programs. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Departmental Administration/Overhead 3.80 591,100 591,100 To secure'and manage new grants; direct and operate the three County airports to include the management of facilities, runways, tenant leases, and daily operations. Plan and develop the infrastructure through Airport Layout Plan update, PUD permitting, revised business plan, increased marketing and economic development. Insure the safety and security of all airports. Current Level of Service Budget 3.80 591,100 591,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 294,378 349,500 393,600 358,700 358,700 2.6% Operating Expense 107,023 98,900 96,300 46,200 46,200 (53.3%) Indirect Cost Reimburs 171,800 136,700 136,700 186,200 186,200 36.2% Net Operating Budget 573,201 585,100 626,600 591,100 591,100 1.0% Total Budget 573,201 585,100 626,600 591,100 591,100 1.0% Total FTE 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Cu rrent Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 691 na Reimb From Other Depts 1,948 na Total Funding 2,639 na Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services increased by $44,100 due to the new Executive Director's contract being higher than originally budgeted. A budget amendment was submitted and approved by the BCC to correct this shortfall. Operating expenses changed very little although there was an increase of $6.1 00 for marketing and promotional fees that was offset by a decrease in engineering and consulting contractual fees. Current FY 2012 - Personal Services are higher due to the Executive Director's contract being higher than the FY 2011 appropriation along with an increase in health insurance and a decrease in retirement. These costs are slightly lower than the previous year's annualized expenditures because there are no moving expenses and other salaries and wages and overtime have been reduced to meet the anticipated revenues. Operating expenses reflect a decreased cost of $35,200. The most significant decrease was a decrease of $47,000 for contractual engineering consulting fees. Part of this decrease, $11,000, was prorated to the three airports while the remaining portion, along with various operating expenses, was a reduction of services, due to budgetary constraints, in the amount of $41,700. Offsetting these decreases was an increase of $49,500 for indirect costs. Fiscal Year 2012 20 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Immokalee Regional Airport (495) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Immokalee Regional Airport 5.00 1,022,600 917,300 105,300 Provide aviation fuel and services. Manage the airport operations, maintenance, safety, security, customer service and enforcement of Federal, State and local airport rules, regulations and laws, and continue to improve and maintain a high level of service to our tenants. Current Level of Service Budget 5.00 1,022,600 917,300 105,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 282,287 317,800 308,900 294,600 294,600 (7.3%) Operating Expense 203,560 227,600 208,100 262,800 262,800 15.5% Aviation Fuel 235,634 234,100 355,500 457,200 457,200 95.3% Capital Outlay 7,729 6,500 8,000 8,000 23.1% Net Operating Budget 729,209 786,000 872,500 1,022,600 1,022,600 30.1% Total Budget 729,209 786,000 872,500 1,022,600 1,022,600 30.1% Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 256.428 283,200 298,100 380,700 380,700 34.4% Aviation Fuel Sales 298,212 323,400 418,700 532,200 532,200 64.6% Miscellaneous Revenues 8,205 2,600 9,300 4,400 4,400 69.2% Total Funding 562,845 609,200 726,100 917,300 917,300 50.6% Forecast FY 2011 - Personal Services decreased due to the Airport Manager position being filled at a lower salary than budgeted. Aviation fuel costs increased by $121,400 due to the increased cost of fuel being purchased for resale. An additional $10,000 was spent to refurbish the residential trailer that is located on the Immokalee Airport grounds. A budget amendment will be submitted to the BCC this fiscal year to appropriate the needed funds for aviation fuel expenses and revenue. Revenue FY 2011 - Overall forecast revenue increased by $116,900. The most noteworthy increases were $95,300 for aviation fuel sales and $13,100 for land Lease Fees due to two renegotiated contracts and one new contract. Current FY 2012 -In Personal Services, there was a decrease of $23,200 which includes a decrease in the retirement rates for a savings of $12,400, and a decrease of $14,500 in worker's compensation and a slight increase of $6,900 for health insurance. The budget for fuel purchased for resale has increased by $223,100 reflecting increased fuel costs and fuel sale growth of 17%. Increases in operating expenses include $27,700 for fleet charges to cover additional equipment that was purchased in previous years and $18,600 for the grant agreement with the Department of Community Affairs that requires the Airport Authority to share 50% of the rent revenue for the Incubator 2 building with the DCA. Revenue FY 2012 - Revenue will increase by $308,100. This is largely due to notable increases of $208,800 for aviation fuel sales, $15,000 for the sod farm land lease fees, $25,900 for a renegotiated facility lease and $17,000 for one new facility lease, $15,000 for the renegotiated raceway land lease fee, $11,400 for the a new lease with Turbo Services, and various annualized lease increases. Fiscal Year 2012 21 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Everglades Airport (495) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Everglades Airpark 1.00 206,800 117,300 89,500 Provide aviation fuel and services. Manage the airport operations, maintenance, safety, security, customer service and enforcement of Federal, State and local airport rules, regulations and laws, and continue to improve and maintain a high level of service to our tenants. Current Level of Service Budget 1.00 206,800 117,300 89,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 69,704 72,200 72,200 71,100 71,100 (1.5%) Operating Expense 43,653 53,500 53,800 58,600 58,600 9.5% Aviation Fuel 30,953 49,800 71,500 77,100 77,100 54.8% Net Operating Budget 144,310 175,500 197,500 206,800 206,800 17.8% Total Budget 144,310 175,500 197,500 206,800 206,800 17.8% Total FTE 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 14,277 24,800 28,200 28,100 28,100 13.3% Aviation Fuel Sales 57,834 58,900 85,700 89,200 89,200 51.4% Miscellaneous Revenues 2,934 na Total Funding 75,045 83,700 113,900 117,300 117,300 40.1% Forecast FY 2011 - Aviation Fuel increased by $21,700 due to the increased cost of aviation fuel being purchased for resale. Revenue FY 2011 - Almost 90% of the revenue increase was due to the increase of $26,800 for aviation fuel sales. The largest remaining increases were $1,100 for T hangar fees and $2,300 for Airport lease facilities. Current FY 2012 - The largest increase in operating expenses is for the cost of purchasing aviation fuel with an increase of $27,300. The only other significant increases were $2,800 for fleet labor and parts expenses and gasoline for airport vehicles, and $2,000 for engineering consulting contracts that were previously budgeted in Administration. Revenue FY 2012 - The budgeted revenue's increase is fueled by the large increase of $30,300 for the resale of aviation fuel, primarily driven by fuel cost increases, and increased fees of $2,200 for T-hangars. Fiscal Year 2012 22 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Marco Island Executive Airport (495) FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Marco Island Executive Airport 6.00 2,345,500 2,719,400 -373,900 Provide aviation fuel and services. Manage the airport operations, maintenance, safety, security, customer service and enforcement of Federal, State and local airport rules, regulations and laws, and continue to improve and maintain a high level of service to our tenants. Current Level of Service Budget 6.00 2,345,500 2,719,400 -373,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast qurrent Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 368,396 399,700 357,400 365,000 365,000 (8.7%) Operating Expense 238,317 267,000 268,000 243,400 243,400 (8.8%) Aviation Fuel 957,212 1.051,700 1,476,900 1,737,100 1,737,100 65.2% Capital Outlay 7,079 na Net Operating Budget 1,571,003 1,718,400 2,102,300 2,345,500 2,345,500 36.5% Total Budget 1,571,003 1,718,400 2,102,300 2,345,500 2,345,500 36.5% Total FTE 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 215,581 192,600 189,900 189,300 189,300 (1.7%) Aviation Fuel Sales 1,658,774 1,887,100 2,221,500 2,529,800 2,529,800 34.1% Miscellaneous Revenues 386 100 300 300 na Total Funding 1,874,741 2,079,700 2,411,500 2,719,400 2,719,400 30.8% Forecast FY 2011 - In order to fund the Airport Authority Director's contract, a maintenance specialist position was held vacant to generate a savings of $42,300. Aviation fuel costs increase by $425,200 due to the increase of the cost of fuel purchased for resale. A budget amendment will be submitted to the BCC this fiscal year to appropriate additional aviation fuel revenue and expenses. Revenue FY 2011 - The increase in forecasted revenue was largely produced from the increased demand for aviation fuel sales of $334,400. Current FY 2012 - There will be a decrease of $34,700 in Personal Services. The the reason for this decrease is a maintenance specialist was reclassified to a maintenance worker to help meet the approved budget policy, retirement decreases by $18,800 because of the new rates, and health insurance increased by $8,300. The budget for fuel purchased for resale has increased by $685,400 refklecting increased fuel costs. The most significant offset of this increase are decreases of $7,300 for mangrove trimming that will help the Airport Authority meet budget policy and $19,600 for lease purchase payments that ended in FY 2011. Revenue FY 2012 - Fuel sale revenue has been increased by $639,700 due to fuel price increases. Fiscal Year 2012 23 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Airport Fund (495) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Reserves/Carry Forward -99,200 99,200 General Fund Advance/loan 511,200 -511,200 Current Level of Service Budget 412,000 -412,000 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change ll~% lI;l1% Total Budget lI;l1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InterestlMisc 2.146 3,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 (66.7%) Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 447,600 527,000 527,000 511,200 511,200 (3.0%) Carry Forward 198,800 101,000 104,900 87,500 87,500 (13.4%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (138,600) (187,700) (187,700) 35.4% Total Funding 648,546 492,400 634,900 412,000 412,000 (16.3%) Revenue FY 2012 - The advance from the General Fund has decreased 3.0% from $527,000 to $511,200 in accordance with the budget policy approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Carryforward is also decreasing from $101,000 to $87,500. Offsetting these decreases are increases in user fees and aviation fuel charges for a total increase in revenue for the Airport Authority of $901,000. The largest portion of this increase, $881,800, is directly related to the selling price of aviation fuel although this is largely offset by the higher purchase cost. Most of the rest of the revenue increase is related to correcting leases to reflect the market value in accordance with FAA regulations. Fiscal Year 2012 24 Elected Officials-Board of Commissioners Airport Capital I Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Program Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Airport Authority Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 1 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 420,543 167,000 167,000 na Capital Outlay 1,118,530 8,675,300 na Net Operating Budget 1,539,073 8,675,300 167,000 167,000 na Advance/Repay to 496 Airp Cap 133,850 na Advance/Repay to 497 Airp 1m Cap 86,800 na Trans to 001 Gen Fd 250,000 250,000 na Trans to 499 Airp Grant Match 191,000 246,000 (100.0%) Reserves For Contingencies 506,100 45,300 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 529,400 529,400 na Reserves For Cash Flow 250,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 1,672,923 947,100 9,053,400 946,400 946,400 (0.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Airport Authority Capital Fund (496) 1,237,649 387,800 167,000 167,000 na Airport Authority Capital Loan Fund(497) 301,425 1,587,800 na Airport Authority Grants (498/499) 6,699,700 na Total Net Budget 1,539,073 8,675,300 167,000 167,000 na Total Transfers and Reserves 133,850 947,100 378,100 779,400 779,400 (17.7%) Total Budget 1,672,923 947,100 9,053,400 946,400 946,400 (0.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 391,399 7,221,500 na Charges For Services 93,700 113,700 113,700 21.3% Miscellaneous Revenues 3,208 3,500 na Interest/Misc 20,477 8,000 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 109,900 na Advance/Repay frm 496 Airport Cap 86,800 na Trans fm 496 Airport Grants 191,000 211,000 (100.0%) Trans fm 497 Airport Cap Fd 133,850 35,000 na Carry Forward 3,622,000 667,100 2,326,000 838,400 838,400 25.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,700) (5,700) (5,700) 21.3% Total Funding 4,280,834 947,100 9,891,800 946,400 946,400 (0.1%) Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 2 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Airport Authority Ev Hurricane Wilma damage Dwelling 103,954 83,900 Ev Hurricane Wilma damage Hanger 2,867 2,900 FAC Intemship Grant 3,500 3,500 1m Airport PUD 8,761 8,800 1m Development USDA Incubator Grant 1,341,387 1,341,400 1m ERP Phase II 114,433 114,400 1m ERP Phase IIA 55,029 55,000 1m land Acquisition for Runway Extension 68,160 68,200 1m Rehab 18/36 Lights 175,000 175,000 MI FAA Taxiway Construction 6,461,234 6,461,200 MI land Acquisition 27,000 27,000 MI Mitigation Maint and Monitoring 167,000 MI Ph #1 Surcharge/Construction of Taxiway 41,808 41,800 MI Ph #2 Surcharge/Construction of Taxiway 61,583 61,600 MI Ph #3 Construction of Taxiway 300,775 300,800 MI Security Upgrades 60,000 60,000 MI South Taxiway 1,882 1,900 X-ferslReserves - Fund 496 441,000 486,310 211,000 380,900 X-ferslReserves - Fund 497 315,100 350,100 35,000 398,500 X-ferslReserves - Fund 499 191,000 Airport Authority 947,100 9,663,783 9,053,400 946,400 Department Total Project Budget 947,100 9,663,783 9,053,400 946,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 3 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Program Budgetary Cost Summary Operating Expense Capital Outlay Net Operating Budget Advance/Repay to 497 Airp 1m Cap Trans to 001 Gen Fd Trans to 499 Airp Grant Match Reserves For Contingencies Reserves For Capital Reserves For Cash Flow Total Budget Program Funding Sources Intergovernmental Revenues Charges For Services Interest/Misc Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd Trans fin 497 Airport Cap Fd Carry Forward Negative 5% Revenue Reserve Total Funding CIP Category / Project Title Airport Authority Ev Hurricane Wilma damage Dwelling Ev Hurricane Wilma damage Hanger MI Land Acquisition MI Mitigation Maint and Monitoring MI Ph #1 Surcharge/Construction of Taxiway MI Ph #2 Surchar9e/Construction of Taxiway MI Ph #3 Construction of Taxiway MI South Taxiway X-ferslReserves - Fund 496 Airport Authority Program Total Project Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital Airport Authority Capital Fund (496) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 173,661 167,000 167,000 na 1,063,988 387,800 na 1,237,649 387,800 167,000 167,000 na 86,800 na 250,000 250,000 na 191,000 211,000 (100.0%) 45.300 na 130,900 130,900 na 250,000 (100.0%) 1,237,649 441,000 730,900 547,900 547,900 24.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 320,303 301,800 na 20,000 20,000 na 8,479 2,800 na 109,900 na 133,850 na 1,724,700 441,000 955,200 528,900 528,900 19.9% (1,000) (1,000) na 2,297,233 441,000 1,259,800 547,900 547,900 24.2% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 103,954 83,900 2,867 2,900 27,000 27,000 0 41,808 41,800 61,583 61,600 300,775 300,800 1,882 1,900 441,000 486,310 211,000 441,000 1,026,179 730,900 441,000 1,026,179 730,900 167,000 380,900 547,900 547,900 The Reserve for Cash Flow of $250,000 is no longer needed and will be returned to the General Fund. All future grants will be managed through the Grants Management System in funds 498 and 499. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital Improvement Program Capital - 4 Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital Airport Authority Capital Loan Fund(497) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 246,882 na Capital Outlay 54,543 1,587,800 na Net Operating Budget 301,425 1,587,800 na Advance/Repay to 496 Airp Cap 133,850 na Trans to 499 Airp Grant Match 35,000 na Reserves For Contingencies 315,100 (100.0%) Reserves For Capital 398,500 398,500 na Total Budget 435,275 315,100 1,622,800 398,500 398,500 26.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovemmental Revenues 71,096 469,500 na Charges For Services 93,700 93,700 93,700 0.0% Interest/Mise 11,901 5,200 na Advance/Repay frm 496 Airport Cap 86,800 na Carry Forward 1,897,300 226,100 1,370,800 309,500 309,500 36.9% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (4,700) (4,700) (4,700) 0.0% Total Funding 1,980,296 315,100 1,932,300 398,500 398,500 26.5% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Airport Authority 1m Airport PUD 8,761 8,800 1m Development USDA Incubator Grant 1,341,387 1,341,400 1m ERP Phase II 114,433 114,400 1m ERP Phase IIA 55,029 55,000 1m Land Acquisition for Runway Extension 68,160 68,200 X-ferslReserves - Fund 497 315,100 350,100 35,000 398,500 Airport Authority 315,100 1,937,870 1,622,800 398,500 Program Total Project Budget 315,100 1,937,870 1,622,800 398,500 Per the 3/29/2006 BCC Workshop with the Airport Authority and Economic Development Council, the General Fund (001) is to allocate $750,000 per year for a total allocation of $3,000,000 to be used as match money for grants to expand the Immokalee airport (expand runway, instrumentation, resurfacing old runways and lighting). Below is a schedule of where the General Fund allocation has been distributed over the past 5 years. $ 105,905 Taxiway C project (expended). $ 115,965 Land acquisition for runway extension (expended and budgeted) $1,015,000 match for the USDA grant to construct a 20,000 sq ft manufacturing facility at the Airport (grant is for $495,000) $ 4,332 match for the Apron Expansion (grant is for $71 ,095.75) $ 174,345 Airport PUD (expended and budgeted) $ 220,670 ERP Phase II (expended and budgeted) $ 70,230 ERP Phase IIA (expended and budgeted) $ 187,751 Transfer to fund 496 - to cash-flow Hurricane Wilma damages to the Everglades Hangers $ 0 Transfer to fund 496 - to cash-flow Hurricane Wilma damages to the Everglades Sheriff Dwelling. $ 35,000 Transfer to fund 499 - Grant for (mmok 18/36 lights $1,929,198 Total amount allocated to projects. $2,250,000 total General Fund support for (mmokalee Airport from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2009. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 5 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital Airport Authority Capital Loan Fund(497) Due to the budget constraints of the County, the fourth and final payment of $750,000 will be deferred to future years. On or about January 2012, the 20,000 square foot manufacturing building which will be constructed with the use of the USDA grant and local money will be completed. The rent collected will be used to replenish the local money ($1,015,000) used to construct the building so that Airport improvements can be made as intended by the above agreement. _ Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 6 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Capital Improvement Program Airport Authority Capital Airport Authority Grants (498/499) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Capital OuUay 6,699,700 na Net Operating Budget 6,699,700 na Reserves For Contingencies 191,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 191,000 6,699,700 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Intergovemmental Revenues 6,450,200 Miscellaneous Revenues 3,208 3,500 InterestlMisc 97 Trans fm 496 Airport Grants 191,000 211,000 Trans fm 497 Airport Cap Fd 35,000 Total Funding 3,305 191,000 6,699,700 FY 2012 FY 2012 Preliminary Change na na na (100.0%) na (100.0%) FY 2015 FY 2016 Budget Budget FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Airport Authority FAC Intemship Grant 3,500 3,500 1m Rehab 18/36 Ughts 175,000 175,000 MI FAA Taxiway Construction 6,461,234 6,461,200 MI Security Upgrades 60,000 60,000 X-ferslReserves - Fund 499 191,000 0 Airport Authority 191,000 6,699,734 6,699,700 Program Total Project Budget 191,000 6,699,734 6,699,700 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 7 Capital Improvement Program Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category project# Project Title 1 Description FY 2012 Preliminary Airport Authoritv 99496 MI Mitigation Maint and Monitoring Perform maintenance and monitoring at off-site mitigation site (Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve) for five-years as required by Army Corps of Engineers Permit No. SAJ-1997-2362 and FDEP Environmental Resource Permit # 11-0129042-002. This work is required in order to comply with permit requirements associated with the construction of a parallel taxiway currently funded with FAA grant 3-12-0142-008-2010 that will greatly enhance safety at the Marco Island Executive Airport. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 496 $ 250,000 Return an advance to the General Fund (001). $ 130,900 Reserve for capital (future grant matches) X-fers/Reserves - Fund 497 On 3/29/2006, at a BCC Workshop with the Airport Authority and Economic Development Council, the BCC agreed to allocate a total of $3,000,000 from the General Fund (001) to the Airport Authority for the County's required match when expanding the Immokalee airport runway, instrumentation, resurfacing old runway, and lighting. Three installments of $750,000 have been made between FY 2007 and FY 2009. Due to budget constraints, the fourth and final payment of $750,000 will be deferred to future years. 167,000 50088 380,900 99497 398,500 The amount remaining in Reserves is to be used as future grant matches for Immokalee Airport improvements. Total Airport Authority 946,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 8 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Organizational Chart Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 1,705.96 Property Appraiser Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 60.00 Supervisor Of Elections Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 22.00 Clerk Of Courts Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 78.96 Sheriff Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 1,387.00 Tax Collector Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 158.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Kevin Rambosk is the elected Collier County Sheriff. The Sheriffs Office administrates special operations, criminal investigations, community services, corrections, headquarters, data processing, judicial process, finance and personal services. The Sheriff's general operating budget is funded entirely from the County's General Fund with the principal revenue source being ad valorem taxes. For more information about programs administered by the Sheriffs Office, call 252-4434. Property Appraiser Abe Skinner is the elected Property Appraiser. He is responsible for assessing all real and personal property in Collier County and preparing the annual tax rolls. The phone numberforthe Property Appraiser's Office is 252-8141. Tax Collector larry Ray is the elected Tax Collector. He is responsible for the collection of ad valorem taxes levied by the County, the School Board, speCial taxing districts, and all municipalities within the County. The Tax Collector's Office also issues boat titles and registrations, hunting and fishing licenses and stamps, occupational licenses, and motor vehicle licenses and registrations. The phone numbers for the Tax Collector's Office are: 252-8172 (Taxes); 252-8177 (Motor Vehicles). Supervisor of Elections Jennifer Edwards is the Supervisor of Elections. She is an independently elected official mandated by the Florida Constitution (Constitutional Officer) who administers the voter registration system for Collier County residents, qualifies candidates for office, monitors financial reporting requirements of candidates for office, and plans and coordinates and conducts elections within Collier County. She is responsible for implementing the National Voter Registration Act provisions as they pertain to the registration process and statistical requirements. The Supervisor's agency is primarily funded by countywide ad valorem (property) taxes. The Elections Building is located at the County Government Center in Naples. For information regarding voter registration or elections, telephone 252-8450. Clerk of the Circuit Court Dwight E. Brock is the elected Collier County Clerk. He performs the constitutional and statutory duties of the Circuit and County Courts in maintaining custody of court records and all pleadings filed, recording of all legal instruments, and acts as ex-officio Clerk of the Board, auditor, recorder and custodian of all County funds. The Clerk's agency is funded by a combination of fees for service and ad valorem (property) taxes. Fiscal Year 2012 2 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 DivIsion Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 862,105 137,545,700 126,479,700 121,140,800 121,140,800 (11.9%) Operating Expense 4,477,193 33,873,800 31,770,500 33,260,200 33,260,200 (1.8%) Capital Ouijay 1,240 232,400 666,200 1,522,800 1,522,800 555.2% Remittances 518,749 1,934,300 1,422,800 2,767,000 2,767.000 43.0% Total Net Budget 5,859,287 173,586,200 160,339,200 158,690,800 158,690,800 (8.6)% Grants and Aid 7,559,200 (100.0%) Trans to 001 General Fund 615.600 na Trans to 115 Sheriff Grant Fd 25,921 178,000 17,000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Reserves For Contingencies 2,500,100 5,370,400 5,370,400 114.8% Total Budget 5,885,208 183,823,500 160,971,800 164,329,200 164,329,200 (10.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Property Appraiser 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6%) Supervisor Of Elections 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% Clerk Of Courts 419,528 7,809,400 7,789,500 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% Sheriff 5,138,160 144,076,200 142,431,300 140,556,400 140,556,400 (2.4%) Tax Collector 182,904 11,929,700 181,600 183,800 183,800 (98.5%) Total Net Budget 5,859,287 173,586,200 160,339,200 158,690,800 158,690,800 (8.6%) Clerk Of Courts 299,100 na Sheriff 25,921 2,678,100 333,500 5,638,400 5,638,400 110.5% Tax Collector 7,559,200 (100.0%) Total Transfers and Reserves 25,921 10,237,300 632,600 5,638,400 5,638,400 (44.9%) Total Budget 5,885,208 183,823,500 160,971,800 164,329,200 164,329,200 (10.6%) Fiscal Year 2012 3 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 1,746,375 1,920,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 2.6% Intergovemmental Revenues 429,847 710,200 2,038,600 962,400 962,400 35.5% Charges For Services 769,859 21,904,100 2,917 ,200 2,803,000 2,803,000 (87.2%) Fines & Forfeitures 369,107 215,000 282,700 265,000 265,000 23.3% Miscellaneous Revenues 39.286 200 (500) 200 200 0.0% Interest/Misc 213,214 727,300 303,200 248,000 248,000 (65.9%) Trans frm Board 149,966,600 150,229,900 146,675,200 146,675,200 (2.2%) Trans frm Independ Special District 732,800 732,800 444,000 444,000 (39.4%) Net Cost General Fund 2,390,786 3,824,800 3,394,100 3,384,800 3,384,800 (11.5%) Trans fm 602 Confisctd Prop 25,921 178,000 17,000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Carry Forward 6,477,600 3,864,300 6,590,000 7,503,200 7,503,200 94.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (219,800) (194,600) (194,600) (11.5%) Total Funding 12,461,996 183,823,500 168,475,000 164,329,200 164,329,200 (1D.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Property Appraiser 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.0% Supervisor Of Elections 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.0% Clerk Of Courts 75.59 74.43 78.96 78.96 78.96 6.1% Sheriff 1,379.25 1,386.00 1,387.00 1,387.00 1,387.00 0.1% Tax Collector 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 0.0% Total FTE 1,694.84 1,700.43 1,705.96 1,705.96 1,705.96 0.3% Clerk of Courts increased a total of 4.53 FTE. 4 were added for the Inemal Audit function and .53 FTE was added for the Satellite Office at Orange Blossom. Sheriff had a net increase of 1 FTE which was previously funded by Marco Island but moved to the BCC for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 4 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Property Appraiser FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,162,900 5,162,900 4,984,100 4,984,100 (3.5%) Operating Expense 89,954 1,436,100 1,450,200 1,469,700 1.469,700 2.3% Capital Outlay 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 (50.0%) Net Operating Budget 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6%) Total Budget 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Property Appraiser Fund (060) 6,552,300 6,552,300 6,367,400 6,367,400 (2.8%) Property Appr-Charges Paid By Bee 89,954 96,700 110.800 111,400 111,400 15.2% (001) Total Net Budget 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6%) Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans frm Board 5,819,500 5,819,500 5,923,400 5,923,400 1.8% Trans frm Independ Special District 732,800 732,800 444.000 444,000 (39.4%) Net Cost General Fund 89,954 96,700 110.800 111,400 111,400 15.2% Total Funding 89,954 6,649,000 6,663,100 6,478,800 6,478,800 (2.6~.) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Property Appraiser Fund (060) 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.0% Total FTE 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 5 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Property Appraiser Property Appraiser Fund (060) Mission Statement To assess all real and personal property in Collier County. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Property Appraiser 60.00 6,367,400 6,367,400 Compile and prepare the annual real and personal property tax rolls; mail homestead renewals, take applications for exemptions; process wholly exempt properties such as governments and churches; and identify agricultural classifications Current Level of Service Budget 60.00 6,367,400 6,367,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,162,900 5,162,900 4,984,100 4,984,100 (3.5%) Operating Expense 1,339,400 1,339,400 1,358,300 1,358,300 1.4% Capital Outlay 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 (50.0%) Net Operating Budget 6,552,300 6,552,300 6,367,400 6,367,400 (2.8%) Total Budget 6,552,300 6,552,300 6,367,400 6,367,400 (2.8%) Total FTE 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans frm Board 5,819,500 5,819,500 5,923,400 5,923,400 1.8% Trans frm Independ Special District 732,800 732,800 444,000 444,000 (39.4%) Total Funding 6,552,300 6,552,300 6,367,400 6,367,400 (2.8%) Fiscal Year 2012 6 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Property Appraiser Property Appr-Charges Paid By BCC (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 111,400 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 111,400 Current Level of Service Budget 111,400 111,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 111,400 15.2% Net Operating Budget 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 111,400 15.2% Total Budget 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 111,400 15.2% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Net Cost General Fund 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 111,400 15.2% Total Funding 89,954 96,700 110,800 111,400 111,400 15.2% Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses increased by $14,100 and were driven by an increase of $7,800 in electricity and $7,000 for water & sewer. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted operating expenses reflect an increase of $14,700. This was made up of increases of $9,500 for electricity, $7,400 for water & sewer charges and a decrease of $1,500 in trash & garbage disposal. Fiscal Year 2012 7 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Supervisor Of Elections FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,959,800 1,959,800 2,043,900 2,043,900 4.3% Operating Expense 28,741 1,149,700 1,301,500 1,516,400 1,516,400 31.9% Capital OuUay 12,400 12.400 14,000 14,000 12.9% Net Operating Budget 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% Total Budget 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change SOE-Expenses Paid By BCC (001) 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Supervisor Of Elections - Admin (080) 2.197,500 2,196,000 2,095,400 2,095,400 (4.6%) Supervisor of Elections Grants (081) 154,900 na Supervisor of Elections-Elections (080) 887,600 887,600 1,446,100 1,446,100 62.9% Total Net Budget 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% Total Transfers and Reserves na Total Budget 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 53,842 na Miscellaneous Revenues 33,409 na Interest/Misc 2,800 1,300 1,000 1,000 (64.3%) Trans frm Board 3,082,300 3,082,300 3,540,500 3,540,500 14.9% Net Cost General Fund (58,510) 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Carry Forward 154,900 na Total Funding 28,741 3,121,900 3,273,700 3,574,300 3,574,300 14.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Supervisor Of Elections - Admin (080) 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.0% Total FTE 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.0% Fiscal Year 2012 8 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Supervisor Of Elections Supervisor Of Elections - Admin (080) Mission Statement ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS The Supervisor of Elections is responsible for administration of the single permanent registration system for Collier County residents in the most efficient and economical method possible. This includes being responsible for registering voters, maintaining voter rolls, conducting elections, reporting of financial disclosure forms, reporting campaign financing and all candidate filings. In addition, current lists of registered voters, demographic statistics and voter turnout is provided to candidates in accordance with Florida Election law. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Department Administration 22.00 2,095,400 2,095,400 Administer the laws goveming the registration process equitably and uniformly. Provide clear and concise training for the staff as well as the public. Conduct voter education in all assisted living centers, universities, colleges and high schools. Administer the Financial Disclosure Program, processing more than 350 Financial Disclosure Form 1's, in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Ethics Commission. Assist candidates with the qualifying process. Current Level of Service Budget 22.00 2,095,400 2,095,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,749,800 1,749,800 1,706,200 1,706,200 (2.5%) Operating Expense 435,300 433,800 375,200 375,200 (13.8%) Capital Outlay 12,400 12.400 14,000 14,000 12.9% Net Operating Budget 2,197,500 2,196,000 2,095,400 2,095,400 (4.6%) Total Budget 2,197,500 2,196,000 2,095,400 2,095,400 (4.6%) Total FTE 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Misc 2,800 1,300 1,000 1,000 (64.3%) Trans frm Board 3,082,300 2,194,700 2,094,400 2,094,400 (32.1%) Total Funding 3,085,100 2,196,000 2,095,400 2,095,400 (32.1%) Current FY 2012 - Retirement decreased by $18,900 due to the new state rates. Operating expenses decreased by $60,100 with the most notable variances being decreases of $6,000 for out of county travel for professional development, $15,000 for electricity, $4,700 for water & sewer, $4,100 for data processing equipment repairs and maintenance, $6,500 for computer software, and $10,000 for operating supplies. There were also numerous smaller decreases in various operating expenses. Capital outlay consists of $14,000 for replacement of data processing equipment. Fiscal Year 2012 9 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Supervisor Of Elections SOE-Expenses Paid By BCC (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 32,800 32,800 Current Level of Service Budget 32,800 32,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Net Operating Budget 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Total Budget 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 53,842 na Miscellaneous Revenues 33,409 na Net Cost General Fund (58,510) 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Total Funding 28,741 36,800 35,200 32,800 32,800 (10.9%) Current FY 2012 - Rates decreased for property insurance by $2,600 and general insurance by $1 ,400. Fiscal Year 2012 10 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Supervisor Of Elections Supervisor of Elections-Elections (080) Mission Statement ENSURE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ELECTORAL PROCESS Plan, coordinate, and conduct all elections by the laws of the State of Florida. Solicit, audit, and select all polling sites. Appoint and train all poll workers. Notify citizens of upcoming elections and maintain precinct boundaries. Prepare ballot layout and maintain all voting equipment for each voting cycle. Perform the tabulation of election results and certification of the results to appropriate jurisdictions. Prepare submission to the U S Department of Justice for pre-clearance in accordance with Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 1,446,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Elections 1,446,100 Select and train the required number of poll workers to adequately staff all precincts as well as early voting sites. Provide notices of election and sample ballots to all county voters. Process all eligible requests for absentee ballots. Provide current lists of registered voters to candidates. Compile and provide demographic statistics on voter registration and voter tumout to the public, press and all other interested agencies and organizations. Current Level of Service Budget 1,446,100 1,446,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 210,000 210,000 337,700 337,700 60.8% Operating Expense 677 ,600 . 677 ,600 1,108,400 1,108,400 63.6% Net Operating Budget 887,600 887,600 1,446,100 1,446,100 62.9% Total Budget 887,600 887,600 1,446,100 1,446,100 62.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans frm Board 887,600 1,446,100 1,446,100 na Total Funding 887,600 1,446,100 1,446,100 na Current FY 2012 - Personal services is increasing by $127,700 to pay election workers for the Presidential Preference Primary as well as the fall Primary Election. Operating expenses include increases such as $7,500 for legal fees, $232,000 for contractual services such as nightly transportation of the early voting ballots, polling site rentals, and transportation of election equipment, $61,100 for postage and freight, $98,900 for printing ballots, and $21,700 for operating supplies. . Fiscal Year 2012 11 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Supervisor Of Elections Supervisor of Elections Grants (081) Program Budgetary Cost Summary Operating Expense FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 154.900 na 154,900 na 154,900 na FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 154,900 na 154,900 na Net Operating Budget Total Budget Program Funding Sources Carry Forward FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 Adopted Total Funding This budget is shown for illustrative purposes only. Grants and subsequent budget amendments will be submitted to and approved by the Board of County Commissioners as they become available. Fiscal Year 2012 12 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 5,604,900 5,707,300 5,700,700 5,700,700 1.7% Operating Expense 419,528 2,087,900 1,962,600 1,804,500 1,804,500 (13.6%) Capital Outlay 116,600 119,600 392,300 392,300 236.4% Net Operating Budget 419,528 7,809,400 7,789,500 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% Trans to 001 General Fund 299,100 na Total Budget 419,528 7,809,400 8,088,600 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Administration (011) 633,500 878,200 1,053,500 1,053,500 66.3% Clerk Of County Courts (011) 213,300 211,600 247,800 247,800 16.2% Clerk To The Board (011) 3,353,900 3,190,700 3,017,100 3,017,100 (10.0%) Clerk To The Circuit Court (011) 84,400 78,200 93,400 93,400 10.7% COC - Expenses Paid By The BCC (001) 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Management Information Systems MIS 1,819,900 1,774,300 1,810,600 1,810,600 (0.5%) (011) Recording (011) 1,222,000 1,207,200 1,208,000 1,208,000 (1.1%) Total Net Budget 419,528 7,809,400 7,789,500 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% Total Transfers and Reserves 299,100 na Total Budget 419,528 7,809,400 8,088,600 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 2,407,500 2,273,600 2,282,500 2,282,500 (5.2%) Miscellaneous Revenues 645 200 (500) 200 200 0.0% Interest/Misc 30,000 93,000 25,000 25,000 (16.7%) Trans frm Board 5,009,900 5,273,200 5,238,000 5,238.000 4.6% Net Cost General Fund 418,883 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (120,600) (115,300) (115,300) (4.4%) Total Funding 419,528 7,809,400 8,088,600 7,897,500 7,897,500 1.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Clerk To The Board (011) 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 0.0% Clerk Of County Courts (011) 2.24 2.08 2.61 2.61 2.61 25.5% Recording (011) 19.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.0% Administration (011) 4.80 4.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 83.3% Management Information Systems MIS 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 0.0% (011) Total FTE 75.59 74.43 78.96 78.96 78.96 6.1% Fiscal Year 2012 13 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Clerk To The Board (011) Mission Statement To attend Board of County Commissioner meetings and to advise the Board on finance and accounting matters. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Finance and Accounting 34.00 2,456,500 2,456,500 Minutes and Records 4.00 560,600 54,000 506,600 Current Level of Service Budget 38.00 3,017,100 54,000 2,963,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 2,840,300 2,700,900 2.526,300 2,526,300 (11.1%) Operating Expense 431,100 407,300 409,300 409,300 (5.1%) Capital Outlay 82,500 82,500 81,500 81,500 (1.2%) Net Operating Budget 3,353,900 3,190,700 3,017,100 3,017,100 (10.0%) Total Budget 3,353,900 3,190,700 3,017,100 3,017,100 (10.0%) Total FTE 38.00 38.00 38,00 38.00 38.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 120,000 54,500 54,000 54,000 (55.0%) Total Funding 120,000 54,500 54,000 54,000 (55.0%) Current FY 2012 - Funding from the General Fund is required to provide financial and accounting services to the Board of County Commissioners. Fiscal Year 2012 14 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Clerk To The Circuit Court (011) Mission Statement To perform the constitutional and statutory duties of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in maintaining Court Records and in providing responsible service to the judiciary, the legal community, and the public. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Circuit Civil 39,500 39,500 Circuit Felony 26,700 26,700 Jury 8,400 8,400 Circuit Probate 9,000 9,000 Circuit Juvenile 9,800 9,800 Current Level of Service Budget 93,400 93,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 84,400 78,200 93,400 93,400 10.7% Net Operating Budget 84,400 78,200 93,400 93,400 10.7% Total Budget 84,400 78,200 93,400 93,400 10.7'Y. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 0.0% Total Funding 00% This budget reflects the Board of County Commissioners statutorily required funding of the Clerk's Circuit Court functions. Current FY 2012 - The County's Court IT Fund does not have sufficient revenue to fund its share of the required transfer; the General Fund transfer will fund the difference. Fiscal Year 2012 15 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Clerk Of County Courts (011) Mission Statement To perform the constitutional and statutory duties of the Clerk of the County Court in maintaining Court records and in providing responsible service to the judiciary, the legal community, and the public. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost County Satellite Offices 2.61 181,800 50,000 131,860 County Misdemeanor 32,300 32,300 County Civil/Small Claims 18,600 18,600 County Traffic 15,100 15,100 Current Level of Service Budget 2.61 247,800 50,000 197,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 130,400 130,500 159,400 159,400 22.2% Operating Expense 82,900 81,100 88,400 88,400 6.6% Net Operating Budget 213,300 211,600 247,800 247,800 16.2% Trans to 001 General Fund 299.100 na Total Budget 213,300 510,700 247,800 247,800 16.2% Total FTE 2.24 2.08 2.61 2.61 2.61 25.5% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 25,000 51,100 50,000 50.000 100.0% Total Funding 25,000 51,100 50,000 50,000 100.0% This budget reflects the Board of County Commissioners statutorily required funding of the Clerk's Circuit Court functions. A comparison of the activity's funding sources for FY 2011 and FY 2012 are as follows: Source General Fund Charges for Services FY 2011 $188,300 $25,000 FY 2012 $197,800 $50,000 Forecast FY 2011 - One FTE was added at the Orange Blossom Satellite office during FY 2011. The BCC funds this position at a rate of 52.35%. Current FY 2012 - The County's Court IT Fund does not have sufficient revenue to fund its share of the required transfer; the General Fund transfer will fund the difference. Charges for Service revenues are based on a formula of the probation receipts divided by the total receipts. This number is divided into the total budget. As the budget decreases and the receipt numbers fluctuate the revenue projection was reduced to estimate conservatively the revenues for FY 2012. Fiscal Year 2012 16 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget . Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Recording (011) Mission Statement To provide a systematic approach to controlling all phases of records life, to reduce paperwork proliferation, to provide efficient access to needed information, to dispose of obsolete records, to provide documentation of compliance with laws, ordinances, and other regulations, and to maintain historical records. FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Recording 18.00 FY 2012 Budget 1,208,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 2,095,700 -887,700 Current Level of Service Budget 18.00 1,208,000 2,095,700 -887,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,069,300 1,065,100 1,072,000 1,072,000 0.3% Operating Expense 152,700 142,100 136,000 136,000 (10.9%) Net Operating Budget 1,222,000 1,207,200 1,208,000 1,208,000 (1.1%) Total Budget 1,222,000 1,207,200 1,208,000 1,208,000 (1.1%) Total FTE 19.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 2,164,100 2,084,900 2,095,700 2,095,700 (3.2%) Total Funding 2,164,100 2,084,900 2,095,700 2,095,700 (3.2%) Current FY 2012 - Funding from Clerk's fees provides an offset to the General Funds that are required by the rest of the Clerk of the Courts agency. Fiscal Year 2012 17 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Administration (011) Mission Statement To efficiently and effectively manage and direct the performance of the Clerk to the Board and the Clerk to the Courts legal and constitutional duties. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Clerk's Administration 1.92 351,800 107,000 244,800 . Clerk's Accounting 1.60 147,100 147,100 Internal Audit 4.00 393,300 393,300 Records Management 1.28 161,300 161,300 Current Level of Service Budget 8.80 1,053,500 107,000 946,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 426,000 674,100 804.700 804.700 88.9% Operating Expense 207,500 201,100 217,500 217,500 4.8% Capital OuUay 3,000 31,300 31,300 na Net Operating Budget 633,500 878,200 1,053,500 1,053,500 66.3% Total Budget 633,500 878,200 1,053,500 1,053,500 66.3% Total FTE 4.80 4.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 83.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 94,400 82,000 81,800 81,800 (13.3%) Miscellaneous Revenues 200 (500) 200 200 0.0% Interest/Misc 30,000 93,000 25,000 25,000 (16.7%) Total Funding 124,600 174,500 107,000 107,000 (14.1%) Forecast FY 2011 - The Clerk was authorized 4 new auditor positions and their associated operating expenses to resume the internal auditing of Board functions. Current FY 2012 - Funding is required from the General Fund for services such as purchasing, human resources, internal auditing, and bookkeeping that is provided by the Clerk's Administrative Offices to the Board of County Commissioners. In FY 2011, the Clerk was authorized to add four new auditor positions and associated expenses. Fiscal Year 2012 18 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Management Information Systems MIS (011) Mission Statement To provide data processing software, hardware and administrative support to the Board of County Commissioners and its staff, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Supervisor of Elections and the Judiciary. FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Management Information Systems 11.55 FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost 1,810,600 1,000 1,809,600 Current Level of Service Budget 11.55 1,810,600 1,000 1,809,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 1,138,900 1,136,700 1,138,300 1,138,300 (0.1%) Operating Expense 646,900 603,500 392,800 392,800 (39.3%) Capital Outlay 34.100 34,100 279,500 279,500 719.6% Net Operating Budget 1,819,900 1,774,300 1,810,600 1,810,600 (0.5%) Total Budget 1,819,900 1,774,300 1,810,600 1,810,600 (0.5%) Total FTE 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 11.55 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 4,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 (75.0%) Total Funding 4,000 1,100 1,000 1,000 (75.0%) Current FY 2012 - Funding is required from the General Fund to provide management information services to the Board of County Commissioners. Funding is based on 100% funding of SAP, 75% for interface services, and 58% for security, hardware/software, and MIS administration. Fiscal Year 2012 19 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts COC - Expenses Paid By The BCC (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 467,100 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 467,100 Current Level of Service Budget 467,100 467,100 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Net Operating Budget 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Total Budget 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 645 na Net Cost General Fund 418,883 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Total Funding 419,528 482,400 449,300 467,100 467,100 (3.2%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating Expenses decreased by $33,100. The three decreases were $10,800 for electricity, $9,900 for water & sewer, and $12,400 for property insurance. Current FY 2012 - Operating Expenses decreased by $15,300. The decreases were $4,800 for electricity, $8,700 for water & sewer, and $5,700 for property insurance while general insurance offset it somewhat with an increase of $3,900. The Board is statutorily required to provide facilities for the Clerk of Courts. Fiscal Year 2012 20 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Clerk Of Courts Clerk Of Courts (011) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 5,122,700 -5,122,700 Current Level of Service Budget 5,122,700 -5,122,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Illfl% Illfl% Total Budget Illfl% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans frm Board 5,009,900 5,273,200 5,236,000 5,238,000 4.6% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (120,600) (115,300) (115.300) (4.4%) Total Funding 4,889,300 5,273,200 5,122,700 5,122,700 4,8% Fiscal Year 2012 21 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 862,105 115,225,500 113,649,700 108,412,100 108,412,100 (5.9%) Operating Expense 3,756,066 26,901,400 26,874,600 28,285,800 28,285,800 5.1% Capital Outlay 1,240 15,000 484,200 1,091,500 1,091.500 7.176.7% Remittances 518,749 1,934,300 1,422,800 2,767,000 2,767,000 43.0% Net Operating Budget 5,138,160 144,076,200 142,431,300 140,556,400 140,556,400 (2.4%) Trans to 001 General Fund 316,500 na Trans to 115 Sheriff Grant Fd 25,921 178,000 17,000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Reserves For Contingencies 2,500,100 5,370,400 5,370,400 114.8% Total Budget 5,164,081 146,754,300 142,764,800 146,194,800 146,194,800 (0.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Bailiffs (040) 3,262,700 3,320,700 3,050,700 3,050,700 (6.5%) Confiscated Property Trust Fund (602) 69,000 31,000 37,000 31,000 31,000 0.0% Crime Prevention (603) 49,902 370,000 200,000 400,000 400,000 8.1% Detention & Correction (040) 35,533,200 35,340,600 33,749,800 33,749,800 (5.0%) E-911 Emergency Phone System (199) 7,305 940,100 265,600 931,400 931,400 (0.9%) E-911 Wireless Emergency Phone Sys 82,000 527,800 802,600 802,600 878.8% (189) Emergency 911 Phone System (611) 1,717,065 1,568,900 1,516,400 1,768,900 1,768,900 12.7% Law Enforcement (040) 97,259,000 97,077,100 95,172,800 95,172,800 (2.1%) Law Enforcement-Expenses Pd By BCC 2,802,668 3,998,100 3.522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) (001) Second Dollar Training (608) 49,776 150,000 31,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Sheriff's Grants Fund (115) 442,444 881,200 592,400 1,002,000 1.002,000 13.7% Total Net Budget 5,138,160 144,076,200 142,431,300 140,556,400 140,556,400 (2.4%) Total Transfers and Reserves 25,921 2,678,100 333,500 5,638,400 5,638,400 110.5% Total Budget 5,164,081 146,754,300 142,764,800 146,194,800 146,194,800 (0.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 1,746,375 1,920,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 2.6% Intergovemmental Revenues 429,847 710,200 2,038,600 962,400 962,400 35.5% Charges For Services 716,018 624,500 643,600 520,500 520,500 (16.7%) Fines & Forfeitures 369,107 215,000 282,700 265,000 265,000 23.3% Miscellaneous Revenues 4,686 na Interest/Misc 213,214 270,000 208,900 222,000 222.000 (17.8%) Trans frm Board 136,054,900 136,054,900 131,973,300 131,973,300 (3.0%) Net Cost General Fund 1,758,102 3,016,600 2,617,200 2,589,700 2,589,700 (14.2%) Trans fm 602 Confisctd Prop 25,921 178,000 17.000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Carty Forward 6,477,600 3,864,300 6,435,100 7,503,200 7,503,200 94.2% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (99,200) (79,300) (79,300) (20.1%) Total Funding 11,740,869 146,754,300 150,268,000 146,194,800 146,194,800 (0.4%) Fiscal Year 2012 22 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Law Enforcement (040) 976.00 979.50 979.50 982.50 Detention & Correction (040) 346.25 344.00 345.00 342.00 Bailiffs (040) 42.00 38.50 38.50 41.50 Sheriff's Grants Fund (115) 10.00 19.00 19.00 16.00 Emergency 911 Phone System (611) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Total FTE 1,379.25 1,386.00 1,387.00 1,387.00 FY 2012 Preliminary 982.50 342.00 41.50 16.00 5.00 1,387.00 FY 2012 Change 0.3% (0.6%) 7.8% (15.8%) 0.0% 0.1% Fiscal Year 2012 23 Elected Officials"Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Law Enforcement (040) Mission Statement To provide efficient and effective law enforcement services to all of Collier County. To keep the crime rate low, preserving the quality of life we currently enjoy. To continue innovative management methods, including flexible staffing and focused tactics through intelligence gathering and analysis. To provide professional law enforcement services while keeping costs low. Provide ethical, professional and proactive services to Collier County in an effective and efficient manner. Promote the efficient acquisition and application of appropriate financial and human resources. Utilize technology to its fullest advantage to insure the CCSO is an intelligent, rapid, proactive and results oriented agency. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost law Enforcement 982.50 95,172,800 757,500 94,415,300 Maintain Collier County's status as one of the safest counties in the state utilizing Neighborhood Watch Community Policing and other crime prevention programs. Continue innovative management methods including flexible staffing, volunteer and dual certification to provide additional manpower during peak times. Current Level of Service Budget 982.50 95,172,800 757,500 94,415,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 84,078,400 82,724,800 79,512,800 79,512,800 (5.4%) Operating Expense 13,180,600 14,085,800 14,733,500 14,733,500 11.8% Capital Outlay 266,500 926,500 926,500 na Net Operating Budget 97,259,000 97,077,100 95,172,800 95,172,800 (2.1%) Total Budget 97,259,000 97,077,100 95,172,800 95,172,800 (2.1%) Total FTE 976.00 979.50 979.50 982.50 982.50 0.3% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 13,324 7,000 20,000 12,000 12,000 71.4% Charges For Services 417,656 474,500 385,500 370,500 370,500 (21.9%) Fines & Forfeitures 250,012 150,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 33.3% Interest/Misc 166,933 200,000 150,000 175,000 175,000 (12.5%) Net Cost General Fund (847,925) (831,500) (755,500) (757,500) (757,500) (8.9%) Total Funding na Forecast FY 2011 - Forecast Personal Services is $1,353,600 below the adopted budget due to decreased costs of $385,900 for worker's compensation and the rest being due to vacancies. Operating expenses increased largely due to increases of $637,000 in the cost offuel and $294,700 for data processing equipment repairs & maintenance. Capital outlay has charges of $84,100 for vehicles, $50,000 for marine equipment, $6,200 for data processing equipment, $46,700 for software, and $79,500 for other machinery and equipment. Revenue FY 2011 - The most notable decrease in revenue is $89,000 in charges for services. Current FY 2012 - The Law Enforcement budget for FY 2012 is $2,086,200 below the FY 2011 budget. The personal services budget, including budgeted attrition, is down $4,565,600. The operating budget is increasing by $1,552,900 primarily due to the rising cost of fuel, and the capital budget is increasing by $926,500 to pay for vehicles and other machinery and equipment that has been deferred due to cost containment. Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted revenue includes interest - $175,000, investigation cost reimbursement - $200,000; civil filing fees - $370,500, and child support enforcement grant - $12,000. Fiscal Year 2012 24 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Law Enforcement-Expenses Pd By BCC (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 3,497,200 3,497,200 Current Level of Service Budget 3,497,200 3,497,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 2,801,428 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) Capital Outlay 1,240 na Net Operating Budget 2,802,668 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) Total Budget 2,802,668 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 4,686 na Net Cost General Fund 2,797,983 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) Total Funding 2,802,668 3,998,100 3,522,700 3,497,200 3,497,200 (12.5%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating Expenses decreased by $475,400. The most notable decreases were $355,200 for electricity, $84,300 for gas service, and $33,100 for property insurance. Current FY 2012 - Operating Expenses decreased by $500,900. There were decreases of $84,300 for gas service, $92,200 for property insurance, $25,700 for general insurance, and $297,800 for electricity. Fiscal Year 2012 25 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Detention & Correction (040) Mission Statement Provide detention and corrections facility for the incarceration of inmates. Provide and maintain security for sentenced and non-sentenced county, state, and federal inmates. Maintain a staffing level to monitor, classify, and provide mandated care to inmates. Transport inmates to and from state and federal institutions as required. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Detention & Corrections 342.00 33,749,800 150,000 33,599,800 Expand the jail facilities to meet the ever-increasing demand for space with minimum manpower requirements. Continue to increase the use of non-certified, clerical positions when possible; use flexible manpower through dual certification where available. Reduce population of nonviolent misdemeanants through the pretrial release and weekend work programs. Current Level of Service Budget 342.00 33,749,800 150,000 33,599,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 27,292,600 27,053,500 25,272,700 25,272,700 (7.4%) Operating Expense 8,240,600 8,069,400 8,477,100 8,477,100 2.9% Capital OuUay 217,700 na Net Operating Budget 35,533,200 35,340,60D 33,749,800 33,749,800 (5.0%) Total Budget 35,533,200 35,340,600 33,749,800 33,749,800 (5.0%) Total FTE 346.25 344.00 345.00 342.00 342.00 (0.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 191,956 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Net Cost General Fund (191,956) (150,000) (150,000) (150,000) (150,000) 0.0% Total Funding na Forecast FY 2011 - The forecast for personal services is below budget by $239,100. The most notable decreases in forecast operating expenses (below the FY 2011 adopted budget) are decreases of $1 00,000 for prison food and $63,800 for liability insurance. Current FY 2012 - The budget for FY 2012 decreased by $1,783,400. The decrease is driven by a decrease of $2,019,900 in personal services (including attrition). There was an increase of $236,500 in operating expenses, with the most notable being $150,000 for medical contracts and $50,000 for fuel. Revenue FY 2012 - Budgeted revenues are from jail related fees - $150,000. Fiscal Year 2012 26 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Bailiffs (040) Mission Statement To maintain courtroom decorum and security. To make arrests for ordinance or statute violations. To monitor prisoner courtroom appearances. To provide support to Road Patrol, Fugitive Warrants, Civil Process and other agency units during non-court hours, i.e., weekends and holidays. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Bailiffs 41.50 3,050,700 3,050,700 To provide bailiff services to each courtroom and Teen Court. To provide support to road patrol, fugitive warrants, civil process and other agency units during non-court hours, i.e. holidays and weekends. Current Level of Service Budget 41.50 3,050,700 3,050,700 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 3,135,000 3,209,400 2,870,700 2,870,700 (8.4%) Operating Expense 127,700 111,300 180,000 180,000 41.0% Net Operating Budget 3,262,700 3,320,700 3,050,700 3,050,700 (6.5%) Total Budget 3,262,700 3,320,700 3,050,700 3,050,700 (6.5%) Total FTE 42.00 38.50 38.50 41.50 41.50 7.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change 1l1lJ% Total Funding lIl1J% Forecast FY 2011 - The budget forecast is $58,000 over the adopted budget. Personal services is primarily responsible with an increase of $74,400 in salaries due to lower than budgeted attrition. Current FY 2012 - Budgeted Personal Services expenses including attrition decreased by $264,300. Fiscal Year 2012 27 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Sheriffs Grants Fund (115) Mission Statement To seek grant funds for Collier County Sheriff's Office operations and special programs. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost Grants 16.00 2,671,200 2,671,200 Funding for various grant programs administered by the Sheriffs Office. Current Level of Service Budget 16.00 2,671,200 2,671,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Remittances 442,444 881,200 592,400 1,002,000 1,002,000 13.7% Net Operating Budget 442,444 881,200 592,400 1,002,000 1,002,000 13.7% Reserves For Contingencies 1,669,200 1,669,200 na Total Budget 442,444 881,200 592,400 2,671,200 2,671,200 203.1% Total FTE 10.00 19.00 19.00 16.00 16.00 (15.8%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Intergovernmental Revenues 416,523 703,200 2,018,600 950,400 950,400 35.2% I nterest/Misc (2,193) na Trans fm 602 Confisctd Prop 25.921 178,000 17,000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Carry Forward 16,500 9,600 1,452,800 1,452,800 na Total Funding 456,751 881,200 2,045,200 2,671,200 2,671,200 203.1% Current FY 2012 - Budgeted funds are for the following Grants: Grant Funding Match (Fd 602) Total $170,000 $149,500 $131,700 $145,500 $ 38,300 $ 99,000 $ 58,000 $ 65,000 $ 35,000 $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 50,000 $228,000 Human Trafficking $214,500 STOP Violence Against Women Grant $166,700 VOCA (Victim of Crime Act) Grant $195,500 Child Abuse/Sexual Predator $ 48,300 FIRST Reentry $149,800 JARCAP $734,000 $268,000 $1,002,000 Totals In FY 2012, there will be 16 grant funded positions. Fiscal Year 2012 28 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff E-911 Wireless Emergency Phone Sys (189) Mission Statement Continued participation in a cohesive statewide emergency telephone "911" plan providing citizens with direct access to public safety agencies by dialing "911" from wireless phones. To increase the number of emergency calls received versus non-emergency calls received on "911" lines. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Wireless E-911 802,600 802,600 Facilitate the ease by which the public can access all emergency agencies (Emergency Medical Service, Fire Department and Sheriffs Office/Police Department). Through public education, increase the use of "911" for actual emergencies and decrease the number of non-emergency requests made on "911" lines. To maintain and continually update this fee-supported database. Current Level of Service Budget 802,600 802,600 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Remittances 82,000 527,800 802,600 802,600 878.8% Net Operating Budget 82,000 527,800 802,600 802,600 878.8% Total Budget 82,000 527,800 802,600 802,600 878.8% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Misc 9,804 29,000 9,900 15,000 15,000 (48.3%) Carry Forward 1,295,700 53,000 1,305,500 787,600 787,600 1,386.0% Total Funding 1,305,504 82,000 1,315,400 802,600 802,600 878.8% Current FY 2012 - The budget is for remittances to other govemment entities for the Communications Center in the Emergency Service Complex. Fiscal Year 2012 29 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff E-911 Emergency Phone System (199) Mission Statement Continued participation in a cohesive statewide emergency telephone "911" plan providing citizens with direct access to public safety agencies by dialing "911". To increase the number of emergency calls received versus non-emergency calls received on "911" lines. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 931,400 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost E-911 8,000 923,400 Facilitate the ease by which the public can access all emergency agencies (Emergency Medical Service, Fire Department and Sheriffs Office/Police Department). Through public education, increase the use of "911" for actual emergencies and decrease the number of non-emergency requests made on "911" lines. To maintain and continually update this fee-supported database. Reserves 923,400 -923,400 Current Level of Service Budget 931,400 931,400 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Remittances 7,305 940,100 265,600 931,400 931,400 (0.9%) Net Operating Budget 7,305 940,100 265,600 931,400 931,400 (0.9%) Total Budget 7,305 940,100 265,600 931,400 931,400 (0.9%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Interest/Misc 8,853 14,000 9,300 8,000 8,000 (42.9%) Carry Forward 1,178,200 926,100 1,179,700 923,400 923,400 (0.3%) Total Funding 1,187,053 940,100 1,189,000 931,400 931,400 (0.9%) Current FY 2012 - The budget is for remittances to other govemment entities for the Communications Center in the Emergency Service Complex. Fiscal Year 2012 30 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government . Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Confiscated Property Trust Fund (602) Mission Statement To defray the costs of school resource officers, crime prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, orfor other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of complex investigations, providing additional equipment or expertise and providing matching funds to obtain federal funds. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 31,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Confiscated Property Florida Statutes 932,705 (4)(a) allows for confiscated property funds to be used for school resource officers, crime prevention, safe neighborhoods, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or for other law enforcement purposes. Reserves / Transfers 31,000 668,900 699,900 -31,000 Current Level of Service Budget 699,900 699,900 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Remittances 69.000 31,000 37,000 31,000 31,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 69,000 31,000 37,000 31,000 31,000 0.0% Trans to 115 Sheriff Grant Fd 25,921 178,000 17,000 268,000 268,000 50.6% Reserves For Contingencies 14,800 400,900 400,900 2,608.8% Total Budget 94,921 223,800 54,000 699,900 699,900 212.7% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 45,173 11,600 na Interest/Misc 5,711 8,700 na Carry Forward 777,600 223,800 733,600 699,900 699,900 212.7% Total Funding 828,484 223,800 753,900 699,900 699,900 212.7% Current FY 2012 - The budgeted transfer to Sheriffs Grant Fund (115) is to provide matching funds to the following grants: Grant Funding Match (Fd 602) Total $170,000 $149,500 $131,700 $145,500 $ 38,300 $ 99,000 $ 58,000 $ 65,000 $ 35,000 $ 50,000 $ 10,000 $ 50,000 $228,000 Human Trafficking $214,500 STOP Violence Against Women Grant $166,700 VOCA (Victim of Crime Act) Grant $195,500 Child Abuse/Sexual Predator $ 48,300 FIRST Reentry $149,800 JARCAP $734,000 $268,000 $1,002,000 Totals Fiscal Year 2012 31 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Second Dollar Training (608) Mission Statement To provide maximum training to all members of the Collier County Sheriff's Office. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 150,000 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Second Dollar Training Pursuant to Florida Statute 943-25, Criminal Justice Trust Funds, funds are set aside for the purpose of providing criminal justice advanced and specialized training and criminal justice training school enhancements. To maintain high professional standards. To provide the best, cost effective level of training possible. Reserves 77,000 73,000 671,500 744,500 -73,000 Current Level of Service Budget 821,500 821,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 49,776 150,000 31,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 49,776 150,000 31,000 150,000 150,000 0.0% Reserves For Contingencies 621,500 671,500 671,500 8.0% Total Budget 49,776 771,500 31,000 821,500 821,500 6.50/. FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Fines & Forfeitures 73,923 65,000 71,100 65,000 65,000 0.0% Interest/Misc 5,027 12,000 10,200 12,000 12,000 0.0% Carry Forward 665,000 697,700 694,200 744,500 744,500 6.7% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (3,200) (100.0%) Total Funding 743,949 771,500 775,500 821,500 821,500 6.5% Current FY 2012 - Budgeted operating expenses are for specialized training programs. Budgeted revenue assumes $5,417 in monthly collections. Fiscal Year 2012 32 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Crime Prevention (603) Mission Statement To defray the costs for crime prevention programs in the county, including safe neighborhood programs. FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Summary Total FTE Budget Revenues Net Cost N/A 1,038,200 1,038,200 Current Level of Service Budget 1,038,200 1,038,200 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 43,814 70,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 42.9% Operating Expense 6,089 300,000 150,000 300,000 300,000 0.0% Net Operating Budget 49,902 370,000 200,000 400,000 400,000 8.1% Reserves For Contingencies 450,300 638,200 638,200 41.7% Total Budget 49,902 820,300 200,000 1,038,200 1,038,200 26.6% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 106,406 108,100 na Interest/Misc 8.003 8,400 na Carry Forward 1,057,200 820,300 1,121,700 1,038,200 1,038,200 26.6% Total Funding 1,171,609 820,300 1,238,200 1,038,200 1,038,200 26.6% Revenue FY 2012 - Pursuant to Florida Statute 775.083, a fine can be imposed by the courts to defray the costs of crime prevention programs. Fiscal Year 2012 33 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Emergency 911 Phone System (611) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE 5.00 FY 2012 Budget 1,768,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost E-911 Phone System Facilitate the ease by which the public can access all emergency agencies (Emergency Medical Service, Fire Department and Sheriffs Office/Police Department). Through public education, increase the use of "911" for actual emergencies and decrease the number of non-emergency requests made on "911" lines. To maintain and continually update this fee-supported database. Reserves 1,982,000 -213,100 1,990,600 1,777,500 213,100 Current Level of Service Budget 5.00 3,759,500 3,759,500 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 818,292 649,500 612,000 655,900 655,900 1.0% Operating Expense 898,774 904,400 904,400 948,000 948,000 4.8% Capital Outlay 15,000 165,000 165,000 1,000.0% Net Operating Budget 1,717,065 1,568,900 1,516,400 1,768,900 1,768,900 12.7'Y, Reserves For Contingencies 1,413,500 1,990,600 1,990,600 40.8% Total Budget 1,717,065 2,982,400 1,516,400 3,759,500 3,759,500 26.1% Total FTE 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Franchise Fees 1.746,375 1,920,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 1,970,000 2.6% Interest/Misc 11,076 15,000 12,400 12,000 12,000 (20.0%) Carry Forward 1,487,400 1,143,400 1,390,800 1,856,800 1,856,800 62.4% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (96,000) (79,300) (79,300) (17.4%) Total Funding 3,244,850 2,982,400 3,373,200 3,759,500 3,759,500 26.1'/0 Current FY 2012 - Due to statutory changes, the funds collected from conventional telephone systems and wireless systems for operation of the Emergency 911 phone system are now in a consolidated fund. Capital outlay is for communications equipment. Fiscal Year 2012 34 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Sheriff Sheriff (040) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 131,973,300 -131,973,300 Current Level of Service Budget 131,973,300 -131,973,300 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans to 001 General Fund 316,500 na Total Budget 316,500 na FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Trans frm Board 136,054,900 136,054,900 131,973,300 131,973,300 (3.0%) Total Funding 136,054,900 136,054,900 131,973,300 131,973,300 (3.0%) Fiscal Year 2012 35 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Tax Collector FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 9,592,600 (100.0%) Operating Expense 182,904 2,298,700 181,600 183,800 183,800 (92.0%) Capital Outlay 38,400 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 182,904 11,929,700 181,600 183,800 183,800 (98.5%) Grants and Aid 7,559,200 (100.0%) Total Budget 182,904 19,488,900 181,600 183,800 183,800 (99.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tax Collector Fund (070) 11,737.400 (100.0%) Tax Collector-Charges Paid By BCC 1 82,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) (001) Total Net Budget 182,904 11,929,700 181,600 183,800 183,800 (98.5%) Total Transfers and Reserves 7,559,200 (100.0%) Total Budget 182,904 19,488,900 181,600 183,800 183,800 (99.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 18,872,100 (100.0%) Miscellaneous Revenues 547 na Interest/Misc 424,500 (100.0'10) Net Cost General Fund 182,357 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) Total Funding 182,904 19,488,900 181,600 183,800 183,800 (99.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Tax Collector Fund (070) 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 0.0% Total FTE 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 0.0% Fiscal Year2012 36 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Tax Collector Tax Collector Fund (070) Mission Statement The Collier County Tax Collector is charged with the collection of ad valorem taxes levied by the County, the School Board, special districts, and all municipalities within the County. Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE 158.00 FY 2012 Budget 17,900 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost Tax Collector 17,900 The Tax Collector collects all ad valorem taxes within the County, is the agent of motor vehicle licenses and registrations, issues boat titles and registrations, hunting and fishing licenses and stamps, and occup'ational licenses. Charges Paid by BCC -17,900 -17,900 The BCC is statutorily required to provide facilities, utilities, insurance and maintenance for the constitutional officers. Current Level of Service Budget 158.00 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Personal Services 9,592,600 (100.0%) Operating Expense 2,106,400 (100.0%) Capital Outlay 38,400 (100.0%) Net Operating Budget 11,737,400 (100.0%) Total Budget 11,737,400 (100.0%) Total FTE 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 158.00 0.0% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Charges For Services 18,872,100 (100.0%) Interest/Misc 424,500 (100.0%) Total Funding 19,296,600 (100.0%) The Tax Collector's annual budget request is submitted on August 1 of each year in accordance with Florida Statutes. Fiscal Year 2012 37 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Tax Collector Tax Collector-Charges Paid By BCC (001) Program Summary FY 2012 Total FTE FY 2012 Budget 183,800 FY 2012 Revenues FY 2012 Net Cost N/A 183,800 Current Level of Service Budget 183,800 183,800 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 182,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) Net Operating Budget 182,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) Total Budget 182,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 547 na Net Cost General Fund 182,357 192,300 181.600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) Total Funding 182,904 192,300 181,600 183,800 183,800 (4.4%) Forecast FY 2011 - Operating expenses decreased by $10,700. There was a decrease of $7,600 for electricity, $5,000 for water & sewer, and $2,000 for property insurance while there was an increase of $3,900 for telephones. Current FY 2012 - Operating expenses decreased by $8,500. The variances were decreases of $5,800 for electricity, $4,300 for water & sewer, $1,700 for general insurance, $3,300 for property insurance. Increases that offset these decreases were $3,900 for telephones and $2,700 for auto insurance. Fiscal Year 2012 38 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Tax Collector Tax Collector-Excess Fee Distri (070) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Grants and Aid 7,559,200 (100.0%) Total Budget 7,559,200 (100.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Ml% Total Funding 11:0% Grants and Aid represents excess fees that were collected and will be distributed to the appropriate taxing authorities. Fiscal Year 2012 39 Elected Officials-Constitutional Officer Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Elected Officials Capital Organizational Chart Total Full-TIme Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Sheriff Capital Total Full-TIme Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Constitutional Officers Capital Total Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) = 0.00 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 1 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 723,650 225,000 298,000 225,000 225,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 1,980,535 63,700 4,516,100 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Total Net Budget 2,704,185 288,700 4,814,100 1,994,700 1,994,700 590.9 % Advance/Repay to 381 Correctional 2,355,600 1,810,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (36.7%) Advance/Repay to 385 Law Enf 1,593,800 na Trans to 215 Debt Serv Fd 1,952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,948,800 1,948,800 (0.1%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 204,800 755,000 755,000 755,100 755,100 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 1,860,000 1,860,000 1,900,400 1,900,400 2.2% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 2,815,634 na Reserves For Contingencies 1,188,700 293,900 293,900 (75.3%) Reserves For Debt Service 2,265,300 1,861,400 1,861,400 (17.8%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 716,400 716,400 na Total Budget 11,626,919 10,118,400 11,189,800 10,616,400 10,616,400 4.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Department Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Sheriff Capital 888,670 225,000 510,300 225,000 225,000 0.0% Constitutional Officers Capital 1,815,515 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Total Net Budget 2,704,185 288,700 4,814,100 1,994,700 1,994,700 590.9% Sheriff Capital 4,973,334 7,719,600 4,565,600 7,476,000 7,476,000 (3.2%) Constitutional Officers Capital 3,949,400 2,110,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (45.7%) Total Transfers and Reserves 8,922,734 9,829,700 6,375,700 8,621,700 8,621,700 (12.3%) Total Budget 11,626,919 10,118,400 11,189,800 10,616,400 10,616,400 4.9% Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 2 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 77,900 101,300 na Interest/Misc 42,602 18,000 19,900 19,900 19,900 10.6% Impact Fees 739,410 327,000 643,300 691,100 691,100 111.3% Deferred Impact Fees 40,348 21,700 62,500 62,500 na Advance/Repay fm 001 ~en Fd 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap Proj 3,949,400 1,810.100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1.145,700 (36.7%) Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,949,400 2,173,800 2,173,800 2,681,700 2,681,700 23.4% Carry Forward 12,224,052 4,106,700 9,073,900 4,354,200 4,354,200 6.0% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (17,200) (38,700) (38,700) 125.0% Total Funding 22,723,113 10,118,400 15,544,000 10,616,400 10,616,400 4.9% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Division Position Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Oill% Total FTE O;ll% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Summary by Project Category Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office 10,118,400 16,713,982 10,850,000 10,558,600 Supervisor of Elections 339,758 339,800 57,800 Total Project Budget 10,118,400 17,053,740 11,189,800 10,616,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 3 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Sheriff Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 203,072 225,000 298,000 225,000 225,000 0.0% Capital Outlay 685,599 212.300 na Net Operating Budget 888,670 225,000 510,300 225,000 225,000 0.0% Trans to 215 Debt Serv Fd 1,952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,948,800 1,948,800 (0.1%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 204,800 755,000 755,000 755,100 755,100 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 1,860,000 1,860,000 1,900,400 1,900,400 2.2% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 2,815,634 na Reserves For Contingencies 888,700 293,900 293,900 (66.9%) Reserves For Debt Service 2,265,300 1,861,400 1,861.400 (17.8%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 716,400 716,400 na Total Budget 5,862,004 7,944,600 5,075,900 7,701,000 7,701,000 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Correctional Facilities Impact Fee (381) 262,066 100,000 248,200 115,000 115,000 15.0% Law Enforcement Impact Fee (385) 626,604 125,000 262,1 00 110,000 110,000 (12.0%) Total Net Budget 888,670 225,000 510,300 225,000 225,000 0.0% Total Transfers and Reserves 4,973,334 7,719,600 4,565,600 7,476,000 7,476,000 (3.2%) Total Budget 5,862,004 7,944,600 5,075,900 7,701,000 7,701,000 (3.1%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 101,300 na Interest/Misc 42,602 18,000 19,900 19,900 19,900 10.6% Impact Fees 739,410 327,000 643,300 691,100 691,100. 111.3% Deferred Impact Fees 40,348 21,700 62,500 62,500 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap Proj 3,949,400 1,810,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (36.7%) Carry Forward 4,290,900 4,106,700 4,900,100 4,120,500 4,120,500 0.3% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (17,200) (38,700) (38,700) 125.0% Total Funding 10,762,661 7,944,600 9,196,400 7,701,000 7,701,000 (3.1%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project Title Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office Fleet Facility 99,473 99,500 Naples Jail Expansion 95,139 95,100 Operating Project 381 100,000 153,128 153,100 115,000 Operating Project 385 125,000 144,852 144,900 110,000 Sheriff's Special Operations Facility 17,641 17,700 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 381 3,359,200 3,507,770 1,950,600 3,322,800 X-ferslReserves - Fund 385 4,360,400 4,666,400 2,615,000 4,153,200 Sheriff Office 7,944,600 8,684,402 5,075,900 7,701,000 Department Total Project Budget 7,944,600 8,684,402 5,075,900 7,701,000 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital- 4 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Sheriff Capital Correctional Facilities Impact Fee (381) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 41,312 100,000 153,100 115,000 115,000 15.0% Capital OuUay 220,755 95,100 na Net Operating Budget 262,066 100,000 248,200 115,000 115,000 15.0% Trans to 215 Debt Serv Fd 1.952,900 1,950,600 1,950,600 1,948,800 1,948,800 (0.1%) Reserves For Contingencies 64,800 17,400 17,400 (73.1%) Reserves For Debt Service 1,343,800 1,356,600 1,356,600 1.0% Total Budget 2,214,966 3,459,200 2,198,800 3,437,800 3,437,800 (0.6%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change InteresllMisc 13,318 9,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 (22.2%) Impact Fees 409,558 152,000 398,300 398,300 398,300 162.0% Deferred Impact Fees 36,859 21,700 62,500 62,500 na Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap Proj 2,355,600 1,810,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (36.7%) Carry Forward 1,209,400 1,496,100 1,809,400 1,847,700 1,847,700 23.5% Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (8,000) (23,400) (23,400) 192.5% Total Funding 4,024,735 3,459,200 4,046,500 3,437,800 3,437,800 (0.6%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project TItie Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office Naples Jail Expansion 95,139 95,100 Operating Project 381 100,000 153,128 153,100 115,000 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 381 3,359,200 3,507.770 1,950,600 3,322,800 Sheriff Office 3,459,200 3.756,037 2,198,800 3,437,800 Program Total Project Budget 3,459,200 3,756,037 2,198,800 3,437,800 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however, staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. For the same six months in FY 2010, commercial impact fee collections dropped to a new low, consisting of only 5.6% of the total impact fee revenues collected within this fund. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $151,222. Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $398,300. On February 22, 2011, the Board approved maintaining the Correctional Facilities impact fee at the current rate rather than to increase them. Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential and commercial activity, the projected revenue for FY 2012 is $398,300. Two large impactfee deferrals are due in FY 2012 in the amount of $62,529. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 5 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Sheriff Capital Law Enforcement Impact Fee (385) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 161,760 125,000 144,900 110,000 110,000 (12.0%) Capital OuUay 464,844 117,200 na Net Operating Budget 626,604 125,000 262,100 110,000 110,000 (12.0%) Trans to 216 Debt Serv Fd 204,800 755,000 755,000 755,100 755,100 0.0% Trans to 298 Sp Ob Bd '10 1,860,000 1,860,000 1,900,400 1.900,400 2.2% Trans to 299 Debt Serv Fd 2,815.634 na Reserves For Contingencies 823,900 276,500 276,500 (66.4%) Reserves For Debt Service 921,500 504,800 504.800 (45.2%) Reserve for Future Debt Service 716,400 716,400 na Total Budget 3,647,038 4,485,400 2,877,100 4,263,200 4,263,200 (5.0%) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 101,300 na InterestlMisc 29,285 9,000 12.900 12,900 12.900 43.3% Impact Fees 329,852 175,000 245,000 292,800 292,800 67.3% Deferred Impact Fees 3,489 na Advance/Repay fm 001 Gen Fd 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 0.0% Advance/Repay frm 301 Cap proj 1,593,800 na Carry Forward 3,081,500 2,610,600 3,090.700 2,272,800 2,272,800 (12.9%) Negative 5% Revenue Reserve (9,200) (15,300) (15,300) 66.3% Total Funding 6,737,926 4,485,400 5,149,900 4,263,200 4,263,200 (5.0%) FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Titie Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office Fleet Facility 99,473 99,500 Operating Project 385 125,000 144,852 144,900 110,000 Sheriff's Special Operations Facility 17,641 17,700 X-ferslReserves - Fund 385 4,360,400 4,666,400 2,615,000 4,153,200 Sheriff Office 4,485,400 4,928,366 2,877,100 4,263,200 Program Total Project Budget 4,485,400 4,928,366 2,877,100 4,263,200 Impact Fee Revenue Budget FY 2011: Generally impact fee revenue for the upcoming year is budgeted on historical activity and certain assumptions. In the first six months of FY 2010, residential impact fee collections trended slightly higher than in FY 2009, however, staff felt that this increase was not sustainable, therefore, the FY 2011 budget was framed around the FY 2009 actual impact fee collections. For the same six months in FY 2010, commercial impact fee collections dropped to a new low, consisting of only 4.5% of the total impact fee revenues collected within this fund. As a result, and not knowing the final collection totals for FY 2010, the FY 2011 budget was sized on actual residential collections in FY 2009 which amounted to $174,296. Forecast FY 2011. The impact fee collections for the first 6 months of FY 2011 exceeded projections. Based upon six months of actual impact fee collections, change in the impact fee rates in December, and current permitting activity and forecasts, the projected collections for FY 2011 are estimated at $245,000. On December 14, 2010 the Board approved a three year phase in of a revised Law Enforcement Impact Fee. In year one, commencing in December 2010, the impact fee was set at 60% of the approved fee thereby resulting in an immediate reduction of the fee. In December 2011 the fee will be set at 80% the approved fee and in December 2013 the fee will be set at 100% of the approved fee. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 6 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Sheriff Capital Law Enforcement Impact Fee (385) Current FY 2012: Based upon the current trend (first six months of FY 2010) of residential and commercial activity and the change in the impact fee rates adopted in December, the projected revenue for FY 2012 is $292,800. Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 7 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Constitutional Officers Capital FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 520,578 na Capital Outlay 1,294.936 63,700 4.303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Net Operating Budget 1,815,515 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Advance/Repay to 381 Correctional 2,355,600 1,810,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (36.7%) Advance/Repay to 385 Law Enf 1,593,800 na Reserves For Contingencies 300,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 5,764,915 2,173,800 6,113,900 2,915,400 2,915,400 34.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Appropriations by Program Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change County Wide Capital Project Fund (301) 1,815,515 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Total Net Budget 1,815,515 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Total Transfers and Reserves 3,949,400 2,110,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1,145,700 (45.7%) Total Budget 5,764,915 2,173,800 6,113,900 2,915,400 2,915,400 34.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Department Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 77,900 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,949,400 2,173,800 2,173,800 2,681,700 2,681,700 23.4% Carry Forward 7,933,152 4,173,800 233,700 233,700 na Total Funding 11,960,452 2,173,800 6,347,600 2,915,400 2,915,400 34.1% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category / Project TItie Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office Building J Renovation/Repair 63,700 65.995 66,000 1,060,000 Naples Jail Expansion 48,411 48,400 Records Mgt System 3,849,573 3,849,600 651,900 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Sheriff 2,110,100 4,065,600 1,810,100 1,145,700 Sheriff Office 2,173,800 8,029,580 5,774,100 2,857,600 Supervisor of Elections New Voting Machines 148,006 148,000 57,800 SOE Mail Machine 191,752 191,800 Supervisor of Elections 339,758 339,800 57,800 Department Total Project Budget 2,173,800 8,369,337 6,113,900 2,915,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 8 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 Preliminary Budget Elected Officials Capital Constitutional Officers Capital County Wide Capital Project Fund (301) FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Budgetary Cost Summary Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Operating Expense 520,578 na Capital Outlay 1,294,936 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Net Operating Budget 1,815,515 63,700 4,303,800 1,769,700 1,769,700 2,678.2% Advance/Repay to 381 Correctional 2,355,600 1,810,100 1,810,100 1,145,700 1.145,700 (36.7%) Advance/Repay to 385 Law Enf 1,593,800 na Reserves For Contingencies 300,000 (100.0%) Total Budget 5,764,915 2,173,800 6,113,900 2,915,400 2,915,400 34.1% FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Program Funding Sources Actual Adopted Forecast Current Expanded Preliminary Change Miscellaneous Revenues 77,900 na Trans fm 001 Gen Fund 3,949,400 2,173,800 2.173,800 2,681,700 2,681,700 23.4% Carry Forward 7,933,152 4,173,800 233,700 233,700 na Total Funding 11,960,452 2,173,800 6,347,600 2,915,400 2,915,400 34.1% FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 CIP Category I Project Titie Adopted Amended Forecasted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Sheriff Office Building J Renovation/Repair 63,700 65,995 66,000 1,060,000 Naples Jail Expansion 48,411 48,400 Records Mgt System 3,849,573 3,849,600 651,900 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Sheriff 2,110,100 4,065,600 1,810,100 1,145,700 Sheriff Office 2,173,800 8,029,580 5,774,100 2,857,600 Supervisor of Elections New Voting Machines 148,006 148,000 57,800 SOE Mail Machine 191,752 191,800 Supervisor of Elections 339,758 339,800 57,800 Program Total Project Budget 2,173,800 8,369,337 6,113,900 2,915,400 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 9 Elected Officials Capital Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Tltie I Description Sheriff Office FY 2012 Preliminary 53172 Building J Renovation/Repair Major repairs and/or replacement of the HeatingNentilation/Air Conditioning system. This project is for the old jail and the costs of $4,242,000, are based on preliminary cost projections. An engineering study is underway to detail the corrections and replacements required. The project will be budgeted and the work will be broken out into four phases. 31381 Operating Project 381 Operating category funding for the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Fund (381) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 31385 Operating Project 385 Operating category funding for the Law Enforcement Impact Fee Fund (385) is required for expenses not specifically part of a capital project. Typical expenditures of this type are impact fee refunds, administrative costs and impact fee studies. 53011 Records Mgt System A multi-year records management system replacement project. The system includes law enforcement records, corrections management, field based reporting as well as the computer aided dispatched (CAD) and mobile data systems. Since FY 2008, the Board has provided $5,469,500 in funding plus this year's allocation of $651,900 leaving a balance of $1 ,303,600 to be spread over the next 2 years, FY 2013 and FY 2014. 99301so X-fers/Reserves - Fund 301 - Sheriff The County Wide Capital Projects Fund 301 source of revenue is the 1/3 of a mil (equivalent) General Fund (001) capital allocation money. Impact fee revenues are down and are not sufficient to pay next year's debt service payments. Correctional Facilities Impact Fee fund (381) requires a loan from the County Wide Capital Projects Fund. 99381 X-fers/Reserves - Fund 381 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee Fund 381 are for the following items: $1,948,800 Series 2003 Bond debt service payment for the Naples Jail Expansion - Transfer to 215. $1,356,600 Reserve for Debt Service $ 17,400 Reserve for Contingencies 99385 The debt service payment (transfer to fund 215) for the Naples Jail Expansion has a principal and interest payment due on October 1. This Reserve for Debt Service insures that the Correctional Facilities Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. X-fers/Reserves - Fund 385 The Interfund Transfers and Reserves for the Law Enforcement Impact Fee Fund 385 are for the following items: $ 755,100 Series 2005 Bond debt service payment for the Emergency Service Center (ESC)- Transfer to 216. $1,900,400 Series 2010 Bond debt service payment for the additional funding for the ESC, Special Operations Building and Sheriffs Fleet building - Transfer to 298. $ 276,500 Reserve for Contingencies $ 504,800 Reserve for Debt Service $ 716,400 Reserve for future debt service payments (various completed projects were closed out and the residual money was placed into reserves to be used for debt service.) The debt service payment (transfer to fund 216) for a portion of the Emergency Service Center (ESC) building has a principal and interest payment due on October 1. This Reserve for Debt Service insures that the Law Enforcement Facilities Impact Fee fund has sufficient cash on October 1 to make the required debt service payment. Total Sheriff Office 1,060,000 115,000 110,000 651,900 1,145,700 3,322,800 4,153,200 10,558,600 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 10 CIP Summary Reports Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2012 thru 2016 Capital Improvement Program - Project Descriptions by CIP Category Project# Project Title 1 Description FY 2012 Preliminary SUDervisor of Elections 50019 New Voting Machines Replacement of electronic voting system to an optical scan system (Mark Sense) and electronic poll books. This voting system change has been mandated by a change in the law during the 2007 Legislative Session. CS/HB 537, effective 7/1/2008, FS 101.56075 requires the change to optical scan system (Mark Sense). Existing vendors will be utilized for this mandated change (ES&S Voting Systems and VR systems) 57,800 Total Supervisor of Elections 57,800 Fiscal Year 2012 Capital - 11 CIP Summary Reports