Resolution 1978-079 1-4 ,J:\i:." ,,~. I;,', ., I t.~, hil) .', r-r)t.' J1'~t.' 0.....0.t 'u MAr30 9 29 ~H '78 RESOLUTION R-78-79 ~H ""5J l~' i lb48 \mEfU;^S, the BOill'c! of County Conunissiol1crs of Colli.er COllnty, Florida, pursuant to J>(~t.itioncrs' George C. Calder and f"rilnCl'!S 13. Cc1ldcr request ~n(l the authority granted in Chapters 336.09 and 33G.IO, florida Statutes, and upon their own motion, have considered the VilCZ1L.ion of a pOl'tion of a road OL' ulley hereinafter described, and WHERE^S, the notice of public hearing to consider such vacations was published according to the Statute in such cuses made and provided, and such public hearing was held on this date by this Board, and WIlEREl\S, it appears to be in the public interest that such portion of street or alley be vacated, closed or abandoned, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following described portion of street or al10Y be and the same is hereby vacated and abandoned: The description of this area to be vilcated is: (Reference is made to O.R. 417, at Page IDS-A) COMM~NCING at a railroad spike set in the center of State Road 29 marking the Southwest of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 31, Townshi!J 53 South, Runge 30 East, 'l'allal16ssee Meridian, in Chokoloskee Island, CoJ.lier County, Florida, run South-OOO-12'-l4"- West 124.38 feet on the Range Line, thence South-75Q-26'-18"- East 248.82 feet, thence South-140-33'-42"-West 14.00 feet to an iron pipe thence South-7so-26'-18"-East 100.00 feet to an iron pipe, thence continued South-7so-26'-18"-East 90.48 feet to an iron pipe, thence North-660-s0'-12"-East 12:3.78 feet to an iron pipe, marking the southwest corner of the property of George C. Calder and Frances B. Calder, his wife, thence continuing along the said property North- 660-s01-12"-East' 44.53 feet to an iron pipe set on the westerly right of way of the County Road: Chokoloskee Drive, THE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North-180-44'-14"-East 23.05 on the said westerly right of ~ay to an iron pip~, thence South-710-lS'-46"-East 25.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the center of the said Cou~ti Road, thence South-660-03'-l7"-West 34.00 feet to an iron pipe, THE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 288.13 square feet more or less. BE IT FURTHBR RESOLVED that the Clerk to th~ Board is hereby directed to have notiCe of the adoption of this Resolution advertised one time within 30 days of this date, and this Resolution and proo~ of publication of notice of adoption of resolution hereof be recorded in the Official Records of Collier County, with notation to be entered upon the plat if same be within a recorded plat. COMMISSIONER Archer offered th~ foregoing Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by COMMISsiONER Wenzel ,.. and uponrolt call the vote was: . .~(t. 7.53 PALE1649 AYES: Commissioners Archer, Wenzel, Pistor, Brown, Wimer NAYES: NONE Absent and Not Voting: NONE Done and ordered this li..t!Lday of ;. j ~, / ~ ;' . , :. ' . '. " '" 1\' ,I I' . ", ~~jZ~_ May I 1978. nOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COL~TY' tLORI.~A Dy, .t.~~ c .. use W mer Chairman i n ttw ~.-.. ,.'~,---. NOTlceOF AooptioN OF: " RESOLUTION VACATING, . CLOSING OR ABANDONING" ROAD OR ALLey Notice Is hereby given lhot Ihe Boord a, Counly Comml5i1ont/s did, In reoulor ,esslon on Ihe 16th. day 01 MaY, 1978, adopt 0 Rliso.lu. lion vacating; clo,lng, and oban." donlng 0 sire.' or alllY dncrlbtd os tollows: (R~rfr~nc. Is.mC)d. 10 cut .,7. C)t Pc)Ol 10$A) COMMENCING 01 c)' ro/l/ood solke u' Inlh.'c.nltr 0'.' SIC)le Rood 2. morklng 'h. Sourh.; WU' a, Ih. NOrlhwtl' V. 01 tht Norlhwtsl. v.. olS.cHon 31. Township ~3 South. Ronoe 30 l;C)sl, Tallahann; Meridian.. In' ChOkoloskn." 1,land,. Cotller ; CC)unlv, Florida,. run~oulh. 00'.12'. U".W.d 12.,38'.., on Ih, Rang. ,l..ln.. thtne. Soulh., 7~'26'''.''.east. 241,.2 'H'. 'hlne., .. South. W.33'..2".Wtsl 1.,00 '.."C) . on Iron pip... 1h'nc. SoUlh.~ . 7S'.26'.1I".Easl lOO,~~ Iltllo an , Iron plp';'h.nCf conhr,~. South. ;,' 7~'.26'.1I".Eost '0," lul 10 an i Iron pip., "'; Ih.nc. Norlh' ! 66'.SO'.12".EosI 123.71 ItI' '0 on',' Iron alp., marklno 1h.soulhwe,t) corn.r 0' Ih. proa.rty' 01 GtOrU !~ C. Calder and Froncu B. Catdtr;t hl"wrre ..,h.neec.onllnuln..o .010110 .Ihl" sold I arop.rly . Norlh. . 66'.50'.12".;&0,1...53 '''''0 Oh Iron 11111' ,If on Ih. w.sl.rlv rlghl " 01 WlIY' 01 ',th,tCountv. Rood :;,. ,ChOkOloskH OrIY,. THII PCJIHT . 'OF SECI14NING"1hlnet-North.' 1.......'.".EOsI .23.0$ on lh. sold J 'wtsltrlv rlllhl 01 way '0 an Iron' 'olpt,:lhlnct Sovth.71 11$'..6".&011'" 2S.00 'ftlloon Iron 1I)J)t Itl In 'h"t c .nler 01 Ihl sold Counlv Road, (' thence Sovth.60'.03'.lr',wt:113UO ' ,,., to an Iron 1I11l_F'tMI POI.NT.' 0,. UGINNH~O. contalnlno ~."13 ': IQuar~ 'ttlmort or ,.,,;..... " :~~I I OOARO 01' CO~NT't'C()MMIS~'~ SIONUSU'~ 1~1\""'}:~;'. ..1l~L 'I 'COI..LIIR'COUNtY"I'(;vIUOA I~~ I (,It "~VlI'r V<1~er';C.h,~lrmoni r: Atl....,l,;,I.\..".I(.' .... '."..ft~. ill\.' ~ WIlliam .J,'lttOoon,Cltrtl' 'IU", ,'BV:.l'I/Hor.old t.,'M.'.Q "..;J..' 'h~'1I. It~\I. /chi., OtllutV Cltr~ v,~lmo:r.:'f :\1:: MoV) '.,.\I~ C'H'..,.., "'. Ho,J..,NO~. '" I;. OfF 75'3 .1' .....0 RE~. l'AI,l \');)'. NAPLES DAILY NEWS Published Daily Except Saturday ~J.lpl,'s. Ie loridd :33(,)110 i\ffidavil of l\lbJication Statr; lyf Frol idel COllnt',' of Colli,.:r Before Ihe! lIfldersi~IIH)d iluthority, personally appear. ed .....:..:kht'rt,.;7..-~;-'""J...7mJ'.(!Wt)O on oath says that he is the ~....::.....:.~: pi thn N,lples Di1ily News, il daily news. pflpnr publi5~)f)d by Collier County PublishinU Co" Inc.. ill Naples, Collim Cuunty. F Imidi!. that the tlt tached copy of advertisement, being iJ _..__.____..__._________ ~Ll~.r.,jili2.;,),t.~ D.::..-C.':':"_.~:.c:..:;u.l.4.t--i4-A----~-- in the matter of ~..,...-,.ry+l"r:jtTm--,_.. Court. was publiShed in said neWSOiJper in the iSSU('~l of --!..J.1.:LJL_,__~_.,____ -----------...---.r----~.. ,. I . ~ . Affiant furthllr says thill Iho silid Naplus Daily NOW5 is it . r1(JWSPi1pcr plIblished by. Collier County Pllhli!;hinO CCl.. 1M;, III Nilp1C5, In silid Collior County, floridil ilne! lI'at HIP wid I1l!wspilpr,r Ill):; Iwrn!oforo IJlwn wntinllously publi!;lwd in $ilicl Collinr Cr)lInty, Florida, Il<Iell cfi.lY, ,]/lcl hus UUO!1 onll!rod <IS slJr.o/1<lclil:,;. lI1;)illll;Jlll1r "I Itw post offil;e., in Napl"s, in $Ilid Collinr County. Florida, for ;J perioel 01 OIHJ YO(1l (llJxl procodill(l Itw fir~1 Pllblicllti(1n o[ tho il\\i;r,tlfld copy of ilclvnrtisomonl, an(1 nlfi,11'1 furtlwr S~y!i 111011 111'1 ..' hilS I(II/tlwr pilid l10r pro.nisnd ,Iny J.IlJrsnn, lil/l1 or COlpwiltion \ . \~,.iy ..disClIlllil, rtlb;)!!!. Clllll1nissiOI1 I In r1l051' of !~!I.JI' i,i(I.lIlis Iidvl!r1il," 1r flW~J1.lp'~r. l",l' '. '.' ,.,1 S' .' . '.1'"1.1 wor II 10 I h 1~..~..d,.;Jl~.tddy . ",' -, . ,.., ""f- ..., 2f> . ,..",q,I., :~..~.Y....._....... ........,...,;C.......A/ ...........~.....,.~...._~.., AD) ltJ .... .~f.,... .".\ /1," C [",,{ ~./ '.--..t "'. , : ' :., ,- _...~ .,~.~~~.;~~~)~;~~.~J~~ biiJ;;t~~:t~o.:-'~ " .'. Mv (Ollllll'.l;i:,;1 r.i":l'\ \q.l. 29. j')(il My COrT1ml~~ilon Expires _...-~.......i.....~,..__....~,~""-"'1Jll...._ UUI1,UAI", bUD "^MCO I'OHM lJ .iU.'753 l'A(,i1051' : 1\, /), II)? G . I))' STATE OF FLORIDA This Qult.Cllllm Ji)wl, I:"'<'IIII',{ 11,11 16th rill)' 1>/ Hny COLLIER COUNTY, A POLITICAL StJ13DIVISION OF THE fi,.,'fl pnrf)', to GEORGE C. CALnrm ond FRANCES n. CAJ..mm, husbllncl und ",if a wl",..o "I>""ffil'" ,"l.In',<~ 1.< P ,0. DRA1VER H, CHOKOLOSKEE, FLORIDA 33925 b';C"Orlcf 1HII'I)': ,"'ltfl'Uf lI\tll htl,in Iht 1t.IIH "'i,,, l'Any" IInll H.",,,n,lllArlyll IhAl1 Intlllll,. .illlflllM ,,"I1I.lur.l, hrifl, Itul "lll"";fi,l.l.h.,,, .1111 .\Oi...n' IIf lInli,itlu'\l\, and Ihe 'IlCrrUIIII .Ill) u,iAnl II( ClllIICI'.,Ujjll1\l ",.hfrf\fl thc tunlCl' w ..lImll' III fffl"IICI,) tOitncsscfh, '/'1,,,, II", '<lIi,/ /ir../ /lIII/)', (o, ""el I" 'I>",lrll:rtIl111" 0/ ,110 11111I n{ $. 1.00 . ' I" /"",,/,"'i,{ /')' '/'0 ."i,{ .<"<,o"ri "",I)', 1/,,, ,0",1", 1I'/II',rr,f I.. /IN.,I))' ,,,'/,,,,,,,,I"./wel, el",... IIN"")' /rllll,". '0. frn..o ""ri '1IIil...I",,,, 1I/l11I 1/,,' .<llIrI "'(,llIltlfWd)' fnrr.I"', ,,/I '/In ,i(l/" , li''''- j"IN".1. dnllll Illll/ ",'nlO'''/II'/,ld. 1/'. ini" (ir.., pnrl.,' /",.. I" 11/,'/ 'n II", fo/low/"o ,lell'Ii/".c! /01, pi,'cc..o, 1""e,"';' 'nlld, .;1,,"10, l~'i'l(/ ollcll,alllO i/1 11,0 COllII')' of ColliCl" Slolo nf .Florida .Ip.wll: The description of an'areacto~be vacat~dis: (Reference is made to O,}t, 4.17, at Page 105~A) COl'll'ffiNCtNG at a rail~ road spike set in the conteI' of StAte Road 29. marking the Southwest corner of tho Northh'cst 1/4 of the Nortlmcst 11lf of Section 31, . Tmvnship 53 ,South., Range 30 East, Tallnhas$ee Heridian, in Choko10ske Island, Collier County, Florida, run South~OOo-12' ~14~'''\''est 124.38 feet on the Ran~c Line. thence South-750~26'~18"-East 248.82 feet, thenceSouth-14 -33' -Lf2"-Hest Ill. 00 feet to an iron pipe, thence South-75o-26'-18"-East 100.00 feet to on iron pipe, thence continue South-7jO-26'-I8"-l\ast 90,LI8 feet to an iron pipe, thelice North~660- 50'-12"-Ellst 123.78 feet to an iron pipe,mnrking the southwest corner. of the property of George C. Calder llnd Frances B. Calder, his wife, thence continuing aIonr, the said propcl:ty tlorth-660-50 '-12"-~ast If/f.53 feet to an it'on pipe $(lton the wQsterly right of way of tl\e County Rone!; Chokoloskce Drive, THE POINT OF' DEGINNING: thence North':' 180-M,'-14"-Eaat 23.05'on the said ~'1a!1ter1y r:I.p,ht of\vay to an. iron pipe, thence South-71o-15'-/16"-East 25.00 fact to an iron pipe set.itl the center of the said County Road, thence South-660-03'-17"-Hest 34, feet to nn iron pipe, THE POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 288..13 squarc,feet more or less. . 10 !1ill1C ilnd to t10ld ill I' .<1"'"' lor/l'II,er 1101,1, ,,1/ l/"'/ "'11(/111", 1/.. lIrlI'II"f""'/1CI'~ 1'.v,o'1II10 1"'/0111/1111/ Ii,. I.. OIl)"I'IIe "1'/,,'rllli/JiIlI/. lI..rI ,,1/ 1111, 1<11I11'. ,lfI/,/, 1111", 11111".". Ii".., 0/11111)' n",/ dolm "'/,af. .ne,'", "f I/,v 'oirl fl,,' l'"rI)', I'illll" ill I,,,,, "' or/llil)', /ll tI,o 0';/)' 1""1"" ""', III",ofil nIllIIH./,oo/ of II.. .oiel $('COflrl port)' lur('(I('r. . , In H:lHncss .lEhcl'cof, 'ne ~lIid fl,,1 JI"")' /10$ .,II/,",d nlll/ 1"01,,/ II",.,., prv.<I'I,/.tl,Q rillY 0/1(/ )'Oll' fitsl n()ot'(.' wriltc.ti, , . . Sic/Ilod, ,re".'" 1II,,1 doll.w.dlll /"".'C/ICI' O/:BOAR~ GOul"'Y40l'~I~IJ.~:rd~f~sJ' ~:~~~~;,;................ ..'~...i4f~.ii':';~ .'X:~~~~.\k"~.I.'6.'~'~'~'~:~:1.rO~'1,.l1~~".",,, ~t.:J,!.;7a1.~..I/a/k~f;.;,,{!.,.,.c.~,;,::.~: s);H~~~~~'!'o'\'I),\. } William J. Reaga):);~~~~~~2~~".<';."'<"j.~' COU:>:TY Of ." '.. . . '1--' 'I' . lIEl\F.IlY <:EI\:rfn' ,h,>j <>11 Ihi. dR)'. ~otd,~ lilt, An orri('C"r dul>' nllllH1ri/.C,tI in dlt, ~t:\'c "torrs"id r.r1d In tht:. C(.lunty A(orCOI^ld 10 tilkc ntk~o\\'h'(I~IIlt'ntl, PC'!,~n"U)'''APJ?C:l\r~'d ..,\\\\~",\ .',~.,,~, ~I~':'" : Russ WimC!r and Hilliam J. . Rc.agan .....',. ,...:i..".",'...; I" 111< known 10 br Ih,. I'mon dm,ib,'d ill and ,,:ho eXl'rUled 11"'(~'r~olng illll(UlllrRI . Ill! . ~11,e,i>'.'< ~tkIlO"i!sclt<:II,.: b,'(ell' lilt Ih.lI they,,"ru,rd 110. '.11I.. :' I ': g -; " .. ,... . ..., WITNF,SS "'l' h.ne! "IlII ~rrlri.1 .r.1 h\ Ih. COUll'>' . lid ;;Z !ArU"""id ,hi. 18tl1 0 e "J.)' 0/ ' H:M PUUlIC ,T..II ::, ~'o:~o:~; LMQ ......~~~.:~.:.~.:;::~~'C;.,~~..~. M'I COMM'S~IOH IXI..I) ..,"~IIST 17. 197' , . "ltU~D T1u'1I CIllIllJ,1 ",~. 0NlXkWklllk~ BoClro of County Comrnlssloncrs Rocorrt.d aM V,rlf..c:J t d t" d h . ~?i%J~\[~i~r~~~f.. OCC.Cp C rllS Ocu'ncnfon 1 is