Ordinance 79-075 ORDINANCE NO. 79-75 AN ORDINANCE CREATIN~ THE RIVIERA COLONY GOLF ESTATES UNIT TWO STREET LIGHTING )~NICIPAL SERVICE TAXIIIG DISTRICT; PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT; DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE DISTRICT: NITHORIZING A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAW; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIE~J~COUNTY, FLORIDA: r' ~ SECTION ONE: Pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Florida Statutes~. the Ri-~ie~a Colony Golf Estates Unit Two Street Lighting Municipal Service Tax~,Dtstr~-~ i~,hereby created for the purpose of providing street lighting to th~ re~dents~of the area hereinafter described: ~ A portion of Tracts A and G, Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, described as follows: From the POINT OF BEGINNING at the most Northerly corner of Lot 136, Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Unit One, as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 109 through ll3, said Public Records, run the following courses along the boundary line of Tract G, Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map: 30.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 440.00 feet and subtended ' by aochord having a length of 29.99 feet and bearin9 N 46 58'34" W; S 44 58'38" W, for 90.00 feet; thence through Tract A, said Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map: continuing S 44 58'3.8" W, for lO.O0 feet; thence parallel with and lO.O0 feet from the boundary line of Tracts A and G: 533.70 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 540.00 feet and sub~ended by a chord having a length of §12.24 feet and bearing N 16 42'32~" W a point of tangency; Nll 36'17" E, for 262.42 feet to a po~t of curvature; 843.40 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to,he Southwest, having a radius of 710.00 feet and s~btended by ~chord~ having a length o 794.68 feet and bearing N 22 2~'33" W toa poin~ of tangency; N 56~27'23'' W, for 139.96 feet; N 26~04'51'' E,~or 10.08 feet to a point on the boundary of Tract G; thence th~follo~g courses along the boundary line of Tract G: continuing N 2~4'51'~, for 90.77 feet; N 56~27'23'' W for 40.00 feet; S 33~32'37'' W,~or 25.00 feet to a point of curvature: 37.14 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 137.85 feet And subtended by a chord having a length of 37.02 feet and bearing S 25~49'33'' W to the Northeasterly cor~er of Lot 75, said Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Unit One; thence N 71 53'31~ W, along the North line of said Lot 75, for 90.00 feet; thence N 53 38'57" W for 62.48 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 56, said Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Unit One; thence N 67 59'46" W, along the North line of said Lot 56, for 113.43 feet; thence through Tract G: N 45~ 01'45" E for 293.35 feet to a point on the boundary of Tract G; thence along said boundary: 22.05 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of llO.O0 feet.and subtended by a chord having a length of 22.01 feet and bearing S 50~42'49" E to a point of tangencyA S 56 27'23" E for 151.95 feetA ~ ' " 6 e t S 56~27'23" E for 20 0 feet N 33~ S 27 12 12 W, for lO0. 2 f e ; , .~ ; 32'37" E, for 75.~0 feet; thence through Tract GA S 56 27'23" E for 160.00 fee~; S 33~32'37'' W, for lO.O0 feet: S 56~27'23'' E, for lOl.18 feet; N 38 06'16" E, for 31.97 feet to a point on the boundary of Tract G; thence along said boundary: 554.76 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 990.00 feet and subtended by a ghord having a length of 547.53ofeet and bearing S 35 50' 32" E; N 77~45'24'' E, for 11.57 feet;oS 12 14'36" E, for lO0.O0 N,77°45'24''. E, for 20.00 feet;oN )2 ~4'36" W, for 182.13 feet~ feet;o N 32 45 24 E, for 124.26 feet; ~ 77 45 24 E, for 124.26 feet; S 57 14'36" E, for 124.26 feet; S 12° 14'36" E, for 82.13 feet; N 77o45'24" E, for 96.76 feet to a point of curvature; 2.53 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 145.00 feet an~ subtended by a chord having a length o~ 2.~3 feet and bearing N 77' 15'24" E~ thence through Tract ~: S 13~14'36'' E, for lO0.O0 feet, 20.11 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 245.00 feet and subtRnded by a chord having a length of 20.10 feet and bearing N 74'24'20" E; thence S 17vS6'43"E, for 160.00 feet to a potn~ on the boundary of Tract G; thence along said boundary: S 12 14'36" E, for 335.20 feet to a point of curvature; 145.47 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 170.00 feet and subtended by ~ chord having a length of l~l.07 feet and bearing S 36 45'~5" E ~o a point of tangen~y; S 61v16'14" E, for 91.06 fee~; N 73v43'46" E, rot 28.28 feet; So61 16'14" E, for 124.26 feet; S^16 16'14" E, for 124.26 feet; S 28_43'46" W, for 124.26 feet; S 73~43'46" W, for 124.26 feet; N 6~016'14'' W, for 124.26 feet; N 16 16'14" W, for 28.28 feet; ~ 61v16'14'' W, for 91.06 feet to a point of curvature; 367.95 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 430.00 feet and sub~ended by a chord having a length of 356.~2 feet and bearing N 36v45'25'' ~ to a point of tangency; N 12~14~36'' W, for 333.20 feet; S 77 45~24" W, for 164.38 feet; N l~ 14'36" W, for lO0.O0 feet; S 7[ 45'24" W, for 30.00 feet; S 12 14'36" E, for lO0.O0 feet; S 77 45'24" W, for 14.20 feet to a point on curve; 281.69 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 990.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a length of 28~.74 feet and bearing S 03 27'12" W to a point of tangency; S 11~36'17'' W, for 262.42 feet to a point of curvature; 2~1.39 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 260.00 feet and subtended by a chor~ having a length of 241.71 feet and bearing S 16~05'39'' E, S 46~12'25'' W, for lO0.O0 feet to a point on curve; 40.00 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 360.00 feet and subtended by a chRrd having a length of 39.98 feet and bearing $ 46~$8'34'' E; S 46~34'53'' W, for 80.45 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 22.035 acres more or less. SECTION T~O: The governing body of the District shall be ex-officio the Board of County C~mntsstoners of Collier County, Florida. SECTION THREE: The District is formed for the purpose of providing street lighting in the above described subdivision and to that end shall possess all the powers to do all things reasonably necessary to provide such services, including ownership or rental of property, poles, wires, conduits, lights, meters, and the power to maintain the same and to enter into contracts for providing the same and the electric current to operate any lighting system therein installed. SECTION FOUR: For the purpose of carrying into effect this Ordinance, the Board of County Comnissioners shall annually, at the time required by general budgetary law, make an itemized estimate of the amount of money required to carry out the business of the District for the next fiscal year, which shall be from October 1 to and including September 30 following. The estimate shall have for wh~t purpose the monies are required and the amount necessary to be raised by taxation within the District. At the time and place for fixing the annual rate of taxation for County purposes, the Board shall fix and cause to be levied on all property within the District subject to taxation a millage sufficient to meet the require- ments of the estimate; provided, however, the total millage shall not exceed the millage authorized by law for municipal service taxing or benefit units. SECTION FIVE: Taxes herein provided for shall be assessed and collected in the same manner and form as provided for the assessment and collection of general county taxes and subject to the same fees for assessing and collecting as general county taxes.. SECTION SIX: This ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectuate its public purpose. If any portion, phrase or word of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconsttLuLlonal, the remaining parts shall not be affected. SECTION SEVEN: Effective date of this Ordinance shall become effective as provided by Law. ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COFHISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 25th day of September ., 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COI~tISSIONERS COLLI~NTY, FLORIDA David C. Bro~, Chai~an I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original ORDINA~ICE NO. 79-75 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session September 25, 1979. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2Sth day of September, 1979. This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 1 day of October, 1979 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 3 day of October, 1979. D~put~!~xC1 erk WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of · ~ ,, County Commissioners ~.~,:~,,~"J,~c/.,. , ,:,~)... - ', By '; ~rgi~ Magri ~ i.~L~. '. ,..; DeputJr C1 erk """ ' m 010 3 of 3