Ordinance 80-081ORDINANCE 80 - ~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE zON~ ATLAS MAP NUMBERS MI-2, MI-3, AND MI-~ BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FR0'~ ~PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND "R~3."~ RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY TO #PUD" ~ PART OF TRACT B, MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISI.~ AND PART OF SECTIONS 5, 6, & 7, T52S, R26E~ AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA~ ~IEREAS, Hideaway Beach, Ino. pet£t~one~ the Boar~ of County Commissioners to change the Zonfng Classification of the herein described real property~ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flor~da~ SECTION ONE~ The Zoning Classification of the hereinafter descrSbe~ real property in Collier County, Florida is ohanged fr~ "PU~ Planned Unit Development and "RS-3" SSngle Family to "~D" and ~s subject to all conditions hereinafter described the Official Zoning Atlas Map Numbers MI-2,.MI-3, an~ M~4 as descr£bed in Or~inance 76-30 are' hereby amended acco~ngl SECTION TWO~ This Ordinance shall become e££ectivo upon receipt of notice that ii has beer filed with the Secretary of State. DATEr August 19. 1980 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMXSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BYI ~ COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIA}{ J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoinE is a true original of: . ORDINANCE NO. 80 81 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners'during ReEdlar Session ~ugust 19, 1980. WITNESS my ha~d and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 19th day of August, 1980. WILLIAM J. REAC, AN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of .................. County Commissioners ~.\ ,. '[ ! ~.,,,, This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the'25~h day of August, 1980 and acknowledgement of that filing received this. 2nd day of September,By:1980'~'. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE FOR HIDEAWAY BEACH MARCO ZSLAND, FLORXDA JUNE, 1980 LIST OF EXHIBITS STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & OESCRIPTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT UTILITY SERVICES RESIDENTIAL GROUP ! RESIDENTIAL,GROUP 2 GOLF COURSE BEACH CLUB CONSERVATION AREA DEVELOPMENT COMMI?TMENTS PROTECTIVE COVENANTS SECTION I SECTION II SECTION III SECTION IV SECTION V SECTION VI SECTION VII SECTION VIII SECTION IX ADDENDUM I PAGE iii 1 3 13 15 20 23 29 31 EXHIBIT A A1 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 £1 E2 Fl,F2 G Vtctntty Map. Overall Master Key Plan Master Plan -Htdaaway Beach Master Plan - ~tdeaway Beach 1st. Addition Topography Map -Htdeaway Beach Topography Map -Htdeaway Beach 1st. Addttton Vegetation Hap - Hideaway Beach Vegetation Map -Htdeaway Beach 1st. Addttton Internal Roadway Requirements -Htdeaway Beach Internal Roadway Requirements -Htdaaway Beach 1st. Addttton Typtcal Roadway Cross-Sections Estimated Absorption of Dwelltng Untts Evtdance of Control of Property tl STATEHEHT OF COHPLIAHCE The development of approximately 305 acres of property tn section S, Sectton 6 and Sectton?, Townshtp 52 South, Range'' 26 £ast, ¢olller County Flortda, as a Planned Untt Development to be known as HIDEAWAY BEACH, wtll comply wtth the planntng and development objectives of Co111er County, These objectives are set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, whtch tncludas the Growth Policy and Offtctal Land Use Gutde, all of whtch were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on October 14, 1974. HIDEAWAY BEACH will meet planning and development objectives for the following reasons: This property is directly adjacent to developed property on two landward sides. The property ts adequately served by an artertal street, Kendall Drive, along it's eastern boundary. The property is anttrely wtthtn the Oeltona Uttltty Company's water and sewer sarvtca district, who are capable of provid- ing potable water and waste water treatment for the proposed development. This proposed land usa mix is comparable with surrounding uses. The project shall comply with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations, except where specifically approved within this PUD, and all other County and State laws deal- ing with platting and subdividing of property at the ttma improvements and plat approvals are sought. ttt ~n¥ requt~ed School [mpec~ Feel Ih&ll be pa~d by ~he devalopa~ &t the ~tme lo~1 or condominium untie are developed, ~V 1.01 SECTION l PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE It is the intent of Htdeaway Beach, Inc., (hereinafter called "applicant" or "developer") to establish and .' develop a planned unit development on approximately . 305 acres of property located in Collter County, Flortda, on the northwest tip of Marco Island. The Gulf of MeXico is on the west~ Marco Pass on the norths Collter Bay and Old Marco and Oeltona's single-family lots on the east and south. The site is served by Kendall Ortve, a collector street. 1.02 NAME The'development will be known as HIDEAWAY BEACH. 1.03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The legal description of. the site is as ¢ollows: Existing Hideaway Beach PUD (211 acres) Government Lot $ in Section 6, Township $2 South, Range 26 East~ also, Government lots 3, 4*and 5 in Section 7, Township 52 South, Range 25 East. All lots are in Collier County, Florida and contain 211+ acres. Hideaway Beach let. Addition 'Tract B and Lots ! and 2 Tract B and lots'l and g of Blk. 375, Marco Beach Unit 12, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 6, Pg.88 Public Records, Collier County, Florida, containing 1.74 acres + and porttons of R.O.W of Kendall Drive adjacent-to Lots 1 & 2 and Tract B. Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 6 end Government Lot 4 6f Section 5, all lytng in Townshtp $2 South, Range 26 East' Co111er County, Flortda, containing 92 acres, more or less. 1.04 1.05 1.06 ~ITLE TO PROPERT~ The 305 acres are owned as follows= 2ii acres {existing Hideaway Beach, PUD) owned by Hideaway Beach, Inc. 94 acres (Hideaway Beach 1st Addition) owned by Royal Marco Corporation. For purposes of this document, however, the ownership is referred throughout as Hideaway Beach, Inc. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTiY..AREA The general location of Hideaway Beach, the current zoning classifications of the surrounding properties, and nearby land developments ara iljustrated by Exhibit "A", Location Map. The site has no existing development. As indicated in "Introduction and Purpose" the Gulf of Mexico is on the wast) Marco Pass on the northi Collier Bay, Old Marco and Daltona's single-family lots on the east and south, zoned R$-3 and RS-4 respectively. 'PHYSICAK DESCRIPTION Elevations within the project site range from sea level to approximtaely seven (7) feet above sea level as shown on Exhibits "C1" and "C2", Topography Maps. The vegetation on the site is shown on Exhibits "D1" and "D2'', Vegetation .Maps and is discussed in detail in the Environmental Impact Statement submitted with the Application for Hideaway Beach and approved by the Collier County Commission, 2.01 SECTION PROJECT DEVELOPHENT PURPOSE ' The purpose of thts Section is to generally describe the project plan of the development and delineate the general conditions that will apply to the entire project. 2.02 GENERAL PLAN OF DE~ELOPMEN[ The general plan of development of HIDEAWAY BEACH is for a planned residential community Including a mixture of single and multi-family dwelling untts with golf course, tennis, golf and health club, including a beach club, small convenience store and protected beaches and wetlands. 2.03 CONSERVATION AREAS The applicant recognizes the tmportancd of setting aside large areas which are environmentally sensitive. When the applicant receives all local, state, federal and other regulatory agency developemnt permits, including fill permits, and complete development is permitted in accord- ance with this ordinance as adopted, the applicant shell file covenants on approximately 108 acres of uplands, wetlands and open water areas, which are environmentally sensitive, including approximately two miles of beach front. The use of this land will be restricted by covenants for preservation, conservation and limited recreational use and this area ts identified on the project developfnant map as the area labeled "Conservation". No marfnas or yacht basins shal! be developed within the conservation or mangrove areas. The limits of these areas shall, tn fact, be included on the record plat. 2.04 SPECIAL TREATMENT (ST)' REGULATIONS The adoption of this document shall constitute satisfaction of the "SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR (ST) AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY" and transfer of the applicant's develop- ment rights from "ST" lands to "non-ST" lands, tn compliance with the applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County to permit development as herein described. No future transfer of development rights (TDR's) shall be requested for transfer from this site. 2.05 SIT£ PLAN APPROVA~ When site plan approv&l t$ required by thts document the following procedure shall be followed: a. A written request for stte plan approval shall be. submitted to the 01rector for approval. The request shall tnclude materials necessary to demonstrate that the approval of the site plan will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this document, will not be injurious to the neighborhood or to adjoining properties, oe otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Such material may include, but is not 11mtted to the following, where applicable: 1. Stte plans at an appropriate scale showing proposed placement of structures on the property~ provisions for ingress and egress, offstreet parking and offstreet loading areas, refuse and service araas~ and raqutred yards and other open spaces. Plans showtng proposed locations for utilities hook-up~ Plans for screening and buffering with references as to type, dimensions, and character~ 4. Proposed landscaping and provisions for trees protected by County ragulattons~ and Proposed signs and lighting, including type, dimensions and character. 2.0G 2.07 LAND USE Table ! is a schedule of the intended land usa types, with approximate acreages and total dwelling units indicated. The arrangement of these land use types is shown on Exhibits "B1" and "B2", Master Plan. Variations in acreages shall be permitted at final design to accommodate topography, vegetation and other site conditions. Yhe specific location and size of the individual tracts and the assignment of dwelling units thereto shall be submitted to and approved by the Director at the time of Master Plan approval of each development pha'se as required by the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. FRACTIONALIZATION OF TRACTS a. When Hideaway Beach, Inc., sells an entire tract or a building parcel (fraction of a tract) to a subsequent owner, Hideaway Beach, Inc., shall provide to the Director for approval or denial prior to the sale, a boundary drawing showing the tract and the building parcel therein when applicable and in the case of a residential group assigned to the property being sold. If approval or denial is not issued by the Otrector within 10 working days, the submission shall automatically be approved. b. In the event any residential tract or butldtng parcel is sold by any subsequent owner, as Identified In Section 2.07 (&), in fractional parts to other parties for development;~'the subse, quent owner shall provide to the Ot~actOr for approval or denial, prior to the sale of a fractional part, a boundary drawing showing his originally purchased tract or building parCel and the fractional pa~ts therein and the number of dwelling units assigned to each of the fractional parts, ?he drawings shall also show the location and size of access to those fractional parts that do not abut a public street. If approval or denial is not issued by the Director within 10 working days, the submtssston shall automatically be approved. 2.08 RESIDENTIAL The information hereinafter provided identifies each residential groupl the total acreage per group and the total dwelling units per group. a. Group I parcels have a total 116 acres.. A maximum of 267 dwelling units will be placed on Group I parcels in accordance with Section 4. b. Group 2 parcels have a total of 20 acres. A maximum of 394 dwelling units will be placed on Group 2 parcels in accordance with Section 4. 2.09 PROJECT DENSIT~ The total acreage of the H%DEAWAY BEACH property is approximately 305 acres. The maximum number of dwelling units to be built on the total acreage number of dwelling units per gross acre TABLE 1 HIOEANAY BEACH LAND USE SCHEDULE LAND USE TYPE APPROXIHATE ACREAGE MAXZMUH NO. OF O.U.'s RESIDENTIAL Group 1 (Includes road R.O.~.'s scattered common open spaces) Group 2 (includes developmene parcels for each bldg. and road R.O.W. serving the parcels) OPEN SPACE & RECREATION Conservation Area Golf Course, Tennis & Golf Club, Health Club, Convenience Commercial Beach Club TOTAL 116 267 20 394 132 (also tncludad in resJdenttal areas) 35 2 305 661 2.10 2.11 2.1. The denstty on ~ndtvtdual parcels of land throughout the project will vary Iccord~ng to the type of housing placed on each parcel of land. PERMITTED VARIATIONS Or @NELLING..iUNITS Each tract shall be permit.ted to be developed with the maximum number of dwelling units as assigned by Section 2.06 and 2.08 provided that the applicant may increase the maximums by not more than XO%~ and provided further that the total dwelling units for the entire project shall not exceed 661. The Director shall be notified in accordance with Section 2.07 of such an increase and resulting reduction in another tract so that the dwell- ing units will be balanced at 661. DEVELOPMENT SEQUENCE AND SCHEDULING The applicant has not set "stages" for the development of the property. The estimate may of course, change depending upon future economic factors, It is estimated that the site will be developed over a $ year period. However, the construction of single-family homes by individual lot owners and final construction of all condominium units may not be completed for several years hence. Exhibit "G" indicates, by year, the estimated absorption of units (by unit type) and the approximate population of the project (assuming full occupancy) for the estimated 7 year development period, 2.12 RECREATIONAL FACILtTIE$.,,SCH~DU~ The applicant she31 cause the following recreational facilities to be conStrue'ted sub~ect to obt&tntng ali permits. The schedule'for development of these fact.l'ltth ' relates to the tssuance of butldtng permits &ccordtng to the following table. Non-compliance with this schedule will result tn',wtthholdtng Of &ddtttonal building permits until compliance is achieved, FACILITY OR SITE Beach Club w/pool1 Tennis & Racquetball Courts BUILDING PERMITS FOR NOT MORE THAN 200 II I 400 661 Golf Course 9 hole Golf & Tennis P~o Shop and Clubhouse X Health Club3 X Pedestrian Paths X X Entrance Gate House X 1 Beach Club - minimum 4500 sq. ft. 2The Golf and Tennis Clubhouse and Pro Shop - minimum 1500 sq. ft. 3HEALTH Club minimum 1000 'sq. ft. 2.13 2.'1.4 2.15 AMENDMENT OF OROINANC~ Both the Counts and the developer, with knowledge that the long range development plan permitted by the ordinance wtl! not be complete for a period of 7 years, recognize that exceptions, variances, or amandment~ to this ordinance may be necessary in the future. Obviously, there may be changes in planning techniques, transportation methods, and other factors that would warrant this ordinance being amended to meet standards of the time. All petitions or requests for exceptions, variances and amendments shall conform with the procedures existing at the time of the application for the exception or amendments. TREE REMOVAL All clearing, grading, earthwork, and site drainage work shall be performed in accordance with the approved PUD site plan and applicable codas.' Prior to,any such removal, a site clearing plan must be submitted to the Director for review an~ approval to insure that said removal shall be carried out under proper forestry manage- ment principles. Protected trees shall be flagged, clearly marked and/or fenced during periods of construction so as to eliminate or minimize their damage. DEFINITIONS Definitions shal.l be as contained in the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County and in the.deed restrictions contained in this ordinance. (Addendum !). 3.01 SECTION ZI! UTILITY SERVICES TO HIOEAWAY BEACH GENERAL a. Water Supply and Treatment Facilities The Deltona Utilities Co,potation is ch&rged with the responsibility of providing a water system for the HIDEAWAY BEACH project. b. Sewerage Treatment Pa¢tltttes The Oeltona Utilities Corporation ts charged with the responsibility of providing a sewerage system for the HIDEAWAY BEACH project. 3.02 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Solid waste collection for the HIDEAWAY BEACH project wtll be handled by the company holding the franchise for solid waste collection for the county. 3.03 ELECTRIC POWER SERVIC~ 3.04 Lee County Electric Cooperative will provide electric servtce to the entire project. TELEPHONE SERVICE Telephone service will be supplied to the HIDEAWAY BEACH project by United Telephone Company of Florida. 3.05 TELEVISION. CABLE SERVIC~ Television cable service shall be provided by G~lf-Coast Cable-Vision. Inc. of Naples. 3.06 EASEMENTS FOE UNDERGROUND UT, IL!TI£$, O~-Slte u~lltttes such as telephone, electric power, TV cable service, wastewatar collect(on, water distribution, etc., shall be installed underground. Except that water pumping stations, lift stations, transformer banks, etc. shall be permitted above ground. Easements shall be provided for all utility purposes. In areas that must be cleared for utility construction, a special e¢¢ort shall be made to protect the maximum number of trees. Said 'easements and improvements shall be done in accordance with the subdivision regulations. 4.01 4.02 S£CTION GROUP 1 - SINGL'E FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PURPOSE The purpose of this $~ction is to set forth the regulations for the areas designated on Exhibit .B1. Master Plan, and Table 1 as Group 1 parcels. MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS A maximum number of 267 dwelltng units may be constructed in all of the Group 1 parcels except as permitted by Section 2.10. 4.03 PERMITTED USES AND STR~CTURE,~ No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Permitted Prin.ctp..)l..~sAs and Structures 1. Single Family detached dwellings, B. Permitted Accessory Uses. an.dl..Structures Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages. 15 4.04 REGULATIONS 4.04.01 4.04.02 4.04.03 4.04.04 GENERAL: All y4rds, set-backs, etc. shall be in relation to the.individual parcel boundaries. MINIMUM LOT ARE~: 10,000 square feet. MINIMUM LOT WID?~: A. Corner Lots - £tghty-ftve (85) feet as measured at the front yard setback line. B. Interior lots - Eighty {BO) feet as measured at the front yard setback line. MINIMUM SETBACKS. A. PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES 1, Front Setbacks For one level structure For two level structure 2. Interior Side Setback For one level structure For two level structure 3. Side Street Setback ' For one level structure For two level structure 4. Rear Setback (non-beachfront lots) For one level structure For two level structure 25' 30' for second level 15' 20' for second level 20' 25' for second level 25' 30' for second level ROOF OVERHANGS AND BALCONIES Roof overhangs may extend 8' beyond the principal structure setback line. Balconies may extend 4' beyond the principal structure setback line, ACC£SSORY STRUCTURES Front Sitback Accessory structures 24" or more In helg.~t- measured above street grade) excep~ for trelltses~ arbors and other landscape featuresg whtch have a mtntmum of 10' setback. 2. Interior Stde Setback 10' 3. Stde Street Setback 15' 4. Rear Setback 10' D. SP£CZAL LOTS 1. Lots Abutting Mangrove Areas: All structures Including overhangs and balcontes~ f~11 areas and landscape features shall be'a minimum of 10' away from the edge of the trunks of the mangrove mass. as flagged by a survey at ttme of pi'airing. 2. Lots Abutting Beach: A beach setback line and/or Coastal Construction setback line has been establish- ed for the protection of the home owner as located on the record plat. This line marks the principal butldt, ng setback 11ne, 17, ....,~l~'~.~~-'' ,_ , . ,~,~. 4.04.05 coastal setback line ts already established) can extend & maximum of 50' toward the water, except where such extension shall bring such structures, except for boardwalks, leading to the beach, closer than 50' from the rear lot line. b. RoOf overhangs and balconies can extend 8" beyond the butldtng setback line. FENCES AND WALL~ Shall include chain-link and wood fences, masonry and stone walls. A. Maximum Height: Six (6) feat above crown of nearest adjacent roadway. B. Front Street & Side Street Setbacks: No fences or walls shall be permitted beyond the setback 1the for accessory structures~ except where noted tn 4.04.0S O. C. Interior Stde and Rear Yard: Fences shall be permitted on the property 1tries. O. On lots located within Parcel C, a 60" tall (measured above the street grade) wood fence masonry wall shall be allowed on the front property line. , 4.04.06 4.04.07 4.04.08 4.04,09 MAXIMUM HEIGHT: Thirty-six (36) feet above crown of road of adjacent front street, Accessory bu$1dtngs limited to twenty-five (25) feet above crown of adjacent front Strltt crown,of road. MAXIMUM NUMBER 0~, Two (2) stories, not 4nclu'dtng ground level for parking and accessory uses. MINIMUM FLOOR,,,A~EA: I800 sq, ft, OFF-STREET PARKING REqUIREME)TS: One parking space shall be required for each dwelling unit and such space shall be located within the building setback line. 5.02 The purpose of this section is to set forth the regulations for the areas designated on Exhibits "B1" and "B2" Master Plan, and Table ! as Group MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS The maximum number of 394 dwelling units may be constructed in the Group 2 parcels as permitted by Section 2.10 with a maximum of 360 multi-family units being constructed in Hideaway Beach 1st. Addition, 5.03 5.04 USES PERMITTED No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land uses, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. B e Principal' Uses: 1. Multi-family units Permitted Accessory_Uses and S~ructures 1. Recreational facilities for the exclusive usa of residents of the building. Signs as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County. REGULATIONS 5.04.01 LOT AREA: A. A building parcel shall be provided for each multiple-family building and it's accessory uses and parking facilities. B. Said parcel shall conform generally to the Shape of the building and It'l required park- ing facil(tlel and Iccelsory ule~ II leceted generally ?n th'l'mree mhown on the H&s~ee Plln 5.04.0Z Exhibits "Bt" Ind "B2". These parcels shall be kept to a mlntmum practical distance beyond the area of building, accessory uses and parking to limit the amount of clearing o¢ vegetation to that necessary to cons{r~c~ ~ and maintain these uses. These shall be recorded in the same manner as a subdivision plat. MINIMUM S£TBACK~= A. A minimum setback of 40' from the principal structure to the pavement edge of private roads, shall be provided. B. A minimum setback of 30' from accessory structures to the pavement edge of private roads shall be provided. C. Distance between principal structures shall be a minimum of $0') and between accessory structures and principal structures other than the one served by the accessory structure, a minimum of 30'. There shall be no minimum setback from any structure to the lot lines of a building parcel as described in 5.04.0X. Buildings Abutting Beach - A beach setback line has been established for the protection of property owners, as located on the record plat. This line, sat 150' back from the edge of the beach, marks the principal building and accessory structure setback line. Only pedestrian walkways shall be permitted seaward of this line, 5.04.03 5.04.04 5.04.05 5.04.06 5.04.07 MAX[MUM HEZGHTS, OF STRUCTURES~ A, Principal structures sh&11 be a maximum of 80 feet above flood elevation level as es[ab~tshad by Collter County. 8. Accessory structures shall be limited to a maximum of 20' above flood elevation level as established by Collier County, except for roof top recreation structures. HAX[MUM NUMBER..OF. STORIES= The maximum stories permitted for the principal structures sha~l'be six, plus one parking level. H[N[HUM LrV[NG AREA OF PRINCrPAL STRUCTURE[: Fifteen hundred (1S00) gross sq. feet of living area per dwelling unit. ~F?S~.REET pAR~rNG.: There sha~ be a minimum of [.$ parking spaces per dwelling unit, with e minimum of ~0[ of the spaces under the principal structure. The Director may permit a ~esser number of parking spaces to.be paved when c~rcumstances indicate infrequent uses. However, those unpaved space$.sh~11 be grassed and reserved for future paving, O[F.~.S.!REET pARKZ.NG..LA.NOSCAP~NG: Landscaping shall be provided as required by Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, or as required .by the Homeowner's Association, 6.01 6.02 SECTION V! GOLF COURSE PURPOSE The p~pose of this section ts to set forth the regulations for the area designated on Exhibit "B1" Master Plan as PARCEL A. PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES . No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, o~ land used, Jn whole or tn part, for other than the folTowlng: A. Permitted Uses 2. 3. 4. Golf Course Golf and Tennis Pro Shop and Club House Tennis and Racquetball Courts Health Club 5. Convenience Commercial Facilities a) Barber & Beauty Shops b) Delicatessens c) Dry Cleaning Shops d) Food Markets e) Gourmet Shops f) Sundry Stores g) Professional Offtces h) Any other commercial use or professional servtce which ts comparable tn nature wtth the foregoing uses and which the Otrector determines to be compatible in the district. 6.03 B. Permitted Accessory User . 1. Hatntenance shops and equipment storage, 2. Living quarters for maintenance personnel, 3. Signs as permitted in the Zoning Ordinance. PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS. Plans for a1'1 principal and all accessory uses shall be submitted to the Otrector who will review these plans and approve their construction. All construction shall be tn accordance with the approved' plans and specifications. A. General Requirements: 1. Overall design shall be harmonious in terms of landscaping, location of parking areas, recreation facilities, and building masses. 2. Buildings shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from abutting private street pavement edges and residential structures (except for maintenance personnel living quarters). 3. Tennis and racquetball courts shall be set back a minimum of 45 feet from abutting private street pavement edges and restdenttai structures (except maintenance personnel living.quarters). 4. A minimum of 6 tennis courts and 2 racquetball courts shall be provided. S. Lighting facilities shall be arranged in a manner to protect roadways and natgh%ortng properties from direct glare. 6. The required setbacks for buildings and courts shall be heavily landseapId to act &$ buffers. 6.0¢ 6.05 6.06 7. All outdoor storage arias and maintenance yards shall be screened from view. MAXIMUM HEIGHT Thirty-six (36) feet above the finished grade of the crown of the nearest abutting private road. MAXIMUM AREA OF CONVENI£NCE COMMERCIAL A maximum of 2500 gross square feet of commercial space, including storage, shall be permitted. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LIVING,UNZ~S, FOR,MAIN?ENANCE,PERSg~NEL A maximum of two living units $hall be provided in the vicinity of the golf and tennis complex for use by maintenance personnel, 6.07 6.08 MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING Golf course (incl. Golf and Tenn$s Pro, Shop and Health Club- house and Golf Clubhouse) ?ennts and Racquetball Courts - 2 spaces per golf hole and ! space per court. Convenience Commertcal - 1 space per 250 sq. fi. of grbss floor area. The director may permit a lesser number of parking spaces to be paved when circumstances indicate infrequent use. However, these unpaved spaces shall be grassed and reserved for future paving, OFF-STREET PARK. ING LA~DSCAPIN~ Landscaping shall be provided as required by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, 7.01 7.02 SECTION VII ' ,' BEACH CLUB PURPOSE The purpose of this section iS to set forth the regulations for the area designated on Exhibit Master Plan as Parcel [ERMITTED PRINCIPAL USER AN0 STRUC~pR£S. A. Principal Uses: No building or structure, or part thereof shall be erected, altered, or used, or land used, in whole or in part for other than the ¢ollowtng: 1. Clubhouse 2. Restaurant and bar for use by residents and guests only. ~1, Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: 1. Swimming Pools and spas 7.03 Outdoor service bars Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with recreation buildings. Signs as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. PLAN APPROVAL REQUIREMENT~ Plans for al.1 principal and ell accessory uses shall be submitted to the Director who will review these plans and approve their construction. All construction shall be in accordance with the approved p~&ns and specifications. General Requtrements~ X. Overall design shali' be harmonious tn terms of landscaping, locatlon of parktng areas, recreation faciliLles, and building masses. 2. Bbtldings shall be sat back a minimum of 30 feet from abutting private street pavement edges a~ residential structures. 3. Pool, patios, other such structures shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from abutting residential lots and private street pavement edges. 4. The required perimeter setbacks shall be heavily landscaped to provide buffers. 5. The principal bull. ding shall be setback a minimum of 100' from the vegetation line of the beach as defined at the time of platting. 6. Accessory structures shall be set back a minimum of 50' from the vegetation line of the beach as defined.., at time of platting. 7.04 7.05 MAXIMUM HEIGHT A. Principal Buildings - 50 feet above ftntshed grade of crown of the nearest private road. Accessory Structures - 25 feet above finished grade of crown of the nearest private road. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING A. Clubhouse One (1) parking space per 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area excluding restaurant and bar. Restaurant~Bar One (1) space for each 4 seats in public rooms whether seating is fixed or movable. 7.06 The director may permit a lesser number of p&rkin~ spaces to be paved when circumstances indicate infrequent use. However, these unp&ved spaces shall be grassed and reserved for future paving, OFF-STREET PARKING. LANDSCAPIN~ Landscaping shall be provided as required by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County, 7.07 7.08 MAXIMUM SIZE OF RESTAURAN~ The restaurant-bar shall have maximum seating capacity of 250 seats. APPROVAL OF CONSUMPTI.ON-ON~PR£MI$£$ Lt~£NSE Shall be subject to any requirements'of the Zoning Ordinance in effect at time of application, 8.01 SECTION VIII CONSERVATION AREA' PURPOSE ' The purpose of this Section is to sat ~orth the regulations for the area designated on Exhibit "B1" and "a2" Haste? Plans, as conservation areas. 8.02 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses RequtKin9 Site Plan Approval: 1. Nature trails including boardwalks. 2. Paths and bridges to provide access from the · uplands to the beach for pedestrians and minor maintenance equipment. 3. Beach sun shelters 4. Other activities for recreation, conservation, and preservation when approved by the Director. 5. Water Management Facilities B. Permitted Accessory USes and Str~ctures: 1. Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the uses permitted tn this district. 2. Signs' as permitted in the Zoning ordinance. 29. 8.03 8,04 SETBACKS All principal and accessory uses or structures shall comply with the Coastal Construction Setback kine and/ or Beach Setback line where applicable. CONSERVATION AREA OWNERSHIP AND MAIN~£NANCE The HIOEAWAY BEACH Homeowner's Association shall be responsible for enforcing applicable covenants, control, supervision and maintaining of the conservation area in it's natural state. 9.1 SECTION IX DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES A. Natural Resources 1, Preserve the existing red mangrove Cringe around all significant water bodies. 2, Stake the approximate interface of the red mangrove forest. 3. Limit, by deed restriction, the filling activities within single famtly lots to a maximum of 60% of the lot area. 4. Covenant the Conservation area for preser- vation, conservation and limited recreational uses; and, 5. The provisions of Section 2.03, CONSERVATXON AREAS, are a part of this section. 31 Ce t.I~ter Resour¢~ 1. Potable Water Supply - Prior to the issuance of any construction permits by Collier County, HIDEAWAY BEACH shall demonstrate that Deltona Utilities Corporation is able to provide the water supply requirements of that phase of the project for which permits are sought. Drainage Considerations 1. Upland Areas a. Prior to the preparation of the final plans, the Drainage Plan prepared by HIDEAWAY BEACH Improvement District shall be submitted to and approved by the Water Management Advisory Board. HIOEAt~AY BEACH shall provide necessary detailed drainage plans, studies and specifi- cations to the Environmental Advtsory Council, Water Management Advisory Board. 32, Coastal Area Planning~ Commission and Board of County Commissioners of Collier County and the South Flo~tda Water Management District for approval prtor to the ~ssuance of construction permits by Co111er County, b. The minimum butld~ng floor elevation shall be 13 feet above mean sea lave1. SEWAG£ TREATHENT FACIL]T]E~ Prtor to the issuance of any construction permtts by CoUlter County, HIDEAWAY BEACH shall demonstrate that Deltona U~tltt~es Corporation ts able to, provide ~he sewage treatment Cac111tlas requirements of ~hat phase of the project for ~htch permtts are sought. 9.2 TRANSPORTATION A. Internal The internal roadway system of the proposed pro&ect, including intersection improvements shall be constructed by the applicant as indicated on Exhibit Phasing and/or bonding for the ultimate Smprovement$ shall be done in accordance with the $:bd~¥~$~on Regulations. All internal road~ shall be owned and matntanted by the Homeowner's Association, 33 9.3 B. Access to Surrounding Roads. Access to the surrounding publlc roads shall be limited to those access points shown on Exhtbtt "Bt" except as otherwise approved by :he Coastal Area Planning Commission, C. Landscape Buffer Strfp, A landscaped buffer strip, a mtntmum of 30 feet in depth shall be designated along the residential areas adjacent to .existing residential Iot$ on K~nda11 Ortve, Colonial Avenue, and Spinnaker Ortve, A 6' tall, chain link fence, covered by landscaping, shall be provided on :his buffer strip and on the north and south perimeter 'property lines to provide security for the residents. This buffe.r shall be Installed by the developer and completed prior to the completlon of the 25% of the residential units. D. External Road Improvements, The Homeowner's Association shall pay its fair share for the cost of four lan~ng Kendall Ortve to it's intersection with Collier Boulevard when the four laning is deemed necessary by the County Engineer. FIRE PROTECTION To assure'adequate fire flow: The applicant shall provide for the strategic placement of fire hydrants as required by the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. Automatic sprinkler systems, water pumps, storage and pressure tanks shall be provided as required by county and state laws, g.4 9.5 9.6 RECREATION H~dea~ay Beach is, as itemized in 2.],~ providing adequate active and pa, sstve recreation facilities to meet the needs of its residents, DEED RESTRICTIONS (Addendum 1) Deed restrictions not already set forth in the body of this ordinance, governing design and development of HIDEAWAY BEACH shall b., Filed ~s covenants when the first parcels are platted. HOMEOI(NERS ASSOCIATION A Homeowner's Association shall be established to collect dues and manage and maintain all common areas and facilities. All undeveloped lots are to be left with natural vegetation and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. Any request for clearing must be approved by the Homeowner's Association. 3S PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, FOR HIDEAWAY BEACH HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC., owner of the following described real estate, to wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Hideaway Beach PUD (~1! acres) Government Lot 5 in Section 6, Township $2 South, Range 26 East; also, Government lots 3, 4 and $ in Section 7, Township 52 South, Range 25 East. All lots are in Collier County, Florida and contain 211+ acres, to apparent high water line on August 15,-1968, and; Hideaway Beach 1st. Addition Tract B and Lots 1 and 2 Tract B and lots 1"&''2 of Blk. 27S, Marco Beach Untt 12, according to the plat thereof as recorded tn Plat Book Pg. 88 Public Records, Collier County, Florida, containing 1.74 acres + and portions of R.O.W. of Kendall Drtve adjacent to-Lots 1 & 2 and Tract B. Government Lots 3 and 4 of Section 6 and Government Lot 4 of Section 5,.all lying in Township $2 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, containing 92 acres, more or less. hereby places the following covenants and easements against the above described land, which covenants and easements shall be binding upon and run with the above described land enforce- able against all subsequent owners thereof: USE All of the above described properties may be utilized only for those purposes authorized under the planned untt development zoning ordinance adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flortda, or HIDEAWAY BEACH, which zontng ordinance is tncorpor&ted herein by reference, and made a part of this Protective Covenants. Add.'1 - 1 I)001 COMPLETZON OF CONSTRUCTZON - REMEDY When the construction of any building ts once begun, work Lhereon must be pro~¢cutcd dtllgently and completed within a reasonable time. If for any reason work is discontinued and there is no substantial progress toward completion for a continuous six (6) month period, then HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. its successors or asstgns, shall have the right to notify the owner of record of the premises of its intentions herein, invade the premises and take suc~ steps as might be required to correct an undesirable appearance; the reason for such correction shall be soley in the discretion of HIOEAWAY BEACH, IUC. and may include but not be limited to aesthetic grounds. The owner of the property shall be liable for all costs incurred in such action and the total costs thereof wt]l be a lien on his property, WhiCh lien may be foreclosed in the manner provided for' foreclosure of mortgages in the State of Florida. e ANTENNAS No television or other antenna is permitted unless specific approval for such is granted in writing by HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. its successors or ass'tgns, UNDERGROUND WIRES All telephone, electric and other wires of all ktnds must ~. be underground from the poles or the underground trans- mission cables located within the platted utility ease- Dogs and cats, (maximum of two (2) each) provtded they.. 'i!~. ara not. kept, bred or maintained for any commerctmll Parpo~e.,%?~l~m~~, may be kept upon the above described property. Ho other antmals, livestock, poultt*y of a~ry ktnd~ shall be.. kept, raised or bred on any part of the above described property. GENERAL APPEARANC~ Clotheslines or drying yards shall be so located as not to be visible from the streets, waterways or adjoining properties. Outside garbage and rubbish disposal facilities shall be either underground or in garbage bins, fully enclosed, covered and scre'ened. e No weeds, underbrush, (oth(,r than indigenous growth) or other unsightly growths shall be permitted to grow or remain upon any part of the premtses and no refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or remain anywhere thereon, provided that after proper 10. notice of such condition is not corrected, HZOEAWAY BEACH INC. shall have the right to enter upon the premises and make such correction at the expense of the owner. No indigenous tree or shrub shall be removed without first obtaining approval of HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. The owner shall preserve the existing natural habitat by limiting the clearing of vegetation and selecting indigenous plant species. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon the above described property, or upon any part, portion or tract thereof, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become a nuisance or an annoyance to the borhood. neigh- 11. 12. 13. No commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles, trucks, trailers, boats or boat trailers, shall be parked over- night on any part o? the above described property. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on each single-family lot DRAINAGE No changes tn the elevations o? the lands shall be made which will interfere with the drainage, adversely affect exiting vegetation, or otherwise cause undue hardship to adjoining property. 14. REMEDIES - SEPARAB~LIT[ tn the event o? a violation or breach of any of these restrictions. HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. Or its successors or assigns, shall have the right to proceed at law or in equity to compel compliance with the terms hereof or to prevent the violation or breach of any of them. The failure to enforce any right, reservation, restriction or condition contained herein, however long'continued, shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so there- after as to the same breach or as to a breach occurring prior to or subsequent thereto and shall not bar or affect its enforcement. The invalidation by any court of any restrictions herein contained shall not tn any way affect any of the other restrictions which shall remain in full force and effect. Add. I -4 15. 16. DURATION OF' RESTRICTZONS,~ These covenants and restrictions are to run with the land and shall be binding on the maker hereof and upon all persons claiming under the maker hereof until November 1, 2000. On November 1, 2000, and upon expiration of each ten year period thereafter, these covenants shall automatically be extended for a successive'period of ten years unless by vote of a majority of the then owners of the lots or tracts subject to these restrictions tt is agreed to repeal these restrictions or to repeal certain specified paragraphs hereof and extend the remaining paragraphs hereof. APPROVAL OF PLANS No buildings or st)'uctures of any kind shall be constructed or placed on the above described land, nor shall any existing buildings or structures be altered in exterior appearance in any way until the plan therefor has been approved in writing by HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. Such approval shall not be unreasonably or capriciously withheld. The intent of this paragraph is to assist in Insuring design qualities to include adequate space between buildings, and architectural style compatible with the natural environment and the established architectural design, and appropriate landscaped areas providing light, air and plantings reflecting the high caliber of the development. is expressly understood that the destgn criteria Intent of 17. HIOEAWAY BEACH, [NC. ts to provide guidelines of design acceptabtl'ity, not limit the numbee of ltvtng units to constructed. In exercising the power to approve plan~HIOEAWA¥ BEACH, shall have the right to disapprove plans based upon the following factors to wit: A. The design and/or location of fences or walls which would unduly interfere with the view from adjoining residential properties. 8. The location of facilities such as carports, garages, parking lots, sv/immtng pools, recreational areas, areas for collection of garbage, rubbish, other refuse, at such locations on the properties subject to these restrictions without adequate screening so that the uses of such facilities could reasonably be expected to create an annoyance.or nuisance to the occupants of adjoining residential properties, whether through the creation of an unsightly appear- ance or an undesirable noise level by reason of the use thereof, and to ltmtt excessive removal of existing vegetation. C. Design of exterior lighting tn such a Fashton that its utilizaiton could reasonably be expected to interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjoining residential properties. D. Design of. traffic patterns including entrances and exits to properties subject to these restrictions without adequate screening devices so as, insofar Add. X - $ 18. as practically possible, to prevent noise from vehicular traffic and to prevent lights from vehicular traffic s~tntng on adjoining restdantlal properties, which would interfere with the use and enjoyment ' ~ thereof, and to limit excessive removal of vegetation. The rights to approve building plans reserved under this section of these Protective Covenants may at the option of HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. be assigned by it to the Homeowners Association, which Homeowners Association is heretnafta~ provided for and thereafter such Homeowners Association shall have and exercise all their rights.and privileges reserved to HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. heretnunder. 19. TRANSFER OF LOTS, No lot owner or any other person or entity who acquires a property interest in and to lands in the Subdivision shall dispose of his residential unit or property interest by sale without approval of the Association, except to another unit owner or owner of a property interest in and to lands in the Subdivision. A. Gift: If a unit owner or owner of a property interest B e in and to lands within the subdivision shall acquire his title by gift, the continuance of his ownership in such unit or property interest shall be subject to the approval of the Association. · Other Transfers: If any unit owner or owner of a within the subdivision shall acq property interest utre his title by any manner not considered in the' fore' going sections, the continuance of his ownership shall Add. X - 7 . 20. be stzbJect to the approv~l of the Association. APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATION: The approval of the Association that ts required for the transfer of ownership of a lot or property Interest within the subdivision shall be obtained in the following manner: A. Notice to Association: An owner Intending to make. a bona fide sale of his unit or property Interest shall give to the Association notice of such intention, together wtth the name and address of the intended purchaser and such other information concerning the intended purchaser as the Association may reasonably require· Such notice may include a demand by the owner that the Association furnish a purchaser tf the proposed purchaser is not approved~ and, if such demand is made, the notice shall be accompanied by an executed copy of the proposed contract to sell. B. Gift, Devise or Other Transfer: The owner who has obtained his title by gift, devise or by any other means not previously considered, shall give to the Associa- tion notice of the acquisition of his title, together with such information concerning himself as the Association may reasonably require, and a certified copy of the instrument evidencing his title. C. Failure to Give Notice: If the above required notice to the Association is not given, then at any time after receiving knowledge of a transaction or event transferring ownership oe possession of & residential unit or other property Interest in and to lands ~lthin the subdivision, the AIIo~t&tton~ at " Add, ~ - 8 its election and without notice, may approve or disapprove the transaction o i~ ownership. ,,. the . Assocfotfon disapproves the t~ansact~on o~ o~neesh~p, the Association shall proceed as if it had received the required notice on the date of such disapproval. t. Sale: If the proposed transaction is a sale, then within 30 days after receiving such notice and information the Association must either approve or disapprove the proposed transaction. If approved, the approval shall be stated in a certificate executed by the president and secretary o¢ the Association, and shall be recorded in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, at the expense of the purchaser. ii. Gift, Devise or Other Transfer= If the lot owner or owner of any other property interest within the subdivision gives notice that ha has acquired title by gift, devise or in any other manner, then with- in 30 days after receipt of such notice and tnforma- tton the Association must either approve or dis- approve the continuance of the lot owner or property owner's interest. If approved, the approval shall be stated in a certificate executed by the president and secretary of the Association and shall be recorded in the public records 'of ¢ollta~ County, Florida, at the expense of the lot owner or owner of other property interest in the subdivision. Add. 21. MEMBERSHIP IN HIDEAWAY BEACH ASSOCIATION, INC~ Each owner of a residential unit in the subdivision is hereby made a member of the HIDEAWAY BEACH ASSOCIATXON, INC. Membership in HIDEAWAY BEACH A$$O¢IATXON, XNC. ts appurten- ant to ownership of a unit and cannot be transferred or otherwise conveyed or assigned separately from such unit. All subsequent transferees shall be bound by the Bx-Laws of the Association. 22. 23. MEMBERSHIP IN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION FUNCTIONS: The purposes of the Association are principally to carry out the duties and responsibili- ties imposed on the Association by this Oeclaration, to hold title to, improve, repair and maintain such roads, beachfront area, pedestrian/bicycle/cart paths, gatehouse areas, recreational and other facilities as may be deeded to the Association for the benefit of Its members, and to own and operate the common facilities, and to maintain, repair, replace, improve, operate and manage any water management system. The Association shHll have the power to make and collect assessments against members to defray the cost, expenses, and losses of the property owner or maintained by the Association within HIDEAWAY BEACH, Each owner of residential unit or other property Interest within the subdivision, by ~cceptance of a deed thereof~ Whether or not it shall be so expressed in a~% ance, hereby covenants and agrees to PaX to the Association any annual assessment or charges and spe¢t&l Add. t - 10 for capital improvements as may ba fixed, tstab1'fshed and collected from time to time 'by the Board of the-.Assoctatton. together with interest thereon and costs of collection as heretnafber provided shall also be the personal obligation of the person who is the owner of each individual unit or undivided interest therein'at the time when the assess- ment fell due. The assessments levied by the corporation shall be used exclusively for thi purposes set forth in The. annual and special' assessments, this Declaration and in the Articles of'Incorporation of the Association, and specifically for the purposes of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of any of the property owned or maintained by the Association. The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the authority to consider currant maintenance cost and needs of the.association and to affix annual assessments for such costs to be paid by the members of .the Association. In addition to the annual assessments, the Association may levy a sgectal assessment applicable to that year only for the purposes of defraying in whole or in part the costs of any unexpected repair or replace- ment of any improvement in property owned or maintained by the Association, provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of two-thirds of the votes of the members who are voting in person qr by proxy at a meeting called for this purpose. The quorum required for any action authorized by the preceding section shall be two-thirds of the members. Add, I -11 If the assessments are not paid on the date when due, then such assessments shall become delinqueo~.aq~ shall, together with interest thereon at eight percent and all costs of collectt'on, including a reasonable attorney's fee, thereupon become a continuing lien on the property which shall bind such property in the hands of the then owners, their heirs, devisees, personal representatives and assigns. Should legal proceedings be required to enforce collection of payment of an assessment the same may be foreclosed in a lien against the lot against which such assessment was made tn the manner provided for enforcement of 1tens pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida. The lien of the assessments provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any mortgage or mortgages placed upon the property subject to the assessments provided, however, that such subordination shall apply only to the assessments which have become due and payable prior to the'sale or transfer of such property pursuant to a decree of foreclosure. Such sale shall not relieve such property from liability for any assessments there- after becoming due or from the lien of any sub~eqbent.' assessment, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the owner has caused these presents to .be executed this the . day of , A.O, .. In the Presence of: HIDEAWAY BEACH, INC. By:. . AtteStS m Add. HIDEAWAY BEACH 1st ADDITION COILLIER BAY ~ TRACT-I OLD MARC(:) MARCO BAt SR. 92 1'0 US41 VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT 'A' HIDEAWAY IEA(::H 1.~ Addldon HIDI~WnY OVERALL KEY PLAN' GULF ..'XlCO BIG MARCO PASS ~ - ¢Onllrvallofl trloI GROUP I- Ilnglt femllyl Q I~OUP 2 - Cond~lakm wl~$~ HIDEAWAY MASTER HIDIAWAY hi Addllle~t ~OLLIER BAY ~otlfldtf BIACH PLAN EXHIBIT eL GROUP ? I$0'WID[ IUILOING TO &EACH ~'[I~ACK lINE INO O~' $[tl~Ct, LINI C,OLLIER O~OU~ ~ - Ce.demi.lyre HIDEAWAy BEACH Ist ADDITIOn MARCO ISLAND. FLORIDA MASTER PLAN ee, afet T', · ~ 3' .4'  4' .$' ~ , S'.S' GULF OF MEXICO BIG MARCO PASS BEACH COLLIER BAY .,..~ N . HIDEAWAY B~ACH i Addition }!~i COLLIER lAY .,~*~'~. luttonveod Ivllal · frosh.to.brlckJth, ~on-Lld& Cocoplum, prtckl~ pair. clbbigl palm~ IIV large l~ve oak, JIIItCl dogvOOdq Cabbage pil~. BIO MARCO PASS TWIN. LAKES GULF OF MEXICO Drive . HIDEGUJIW 13JlaCH MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA VEGETATATION PLAN SCALEI 0 EXHIBIT 0 ~reACt S 1 \ GU~.K ta,£XlC o G~OUP I ~oo, 0~,~,.,~ 1'8 iN*rL'II~NAI= ~OADWAY R~.QUIRrM~KI~ IXHlIrr BIG MARCO PASS CO',.Ulll GROUP 2 OIIOUP ~ ' CeMlemlnlvm ufll/i HIDGRUJRY BGRCH Ist laDDITIOI'I INYERNAL RGll, C)WAY REQUIRable)TS EY, HI~,IT ~ F.ii. HIOI.,,'WAY IIA04 I" - SSOI o 550 I ,1 i 0 LINE / '\ EASEMENT < ~~ w ~ = =~ ~ ~ V x F; ,.. ~ , - EXHIBIT EASEMENT LINE