Ordinance 80-049 OKDINANCE NO. ~0 AN ORDINANCE AHENDINO ORDINANC~ 76-30 ~ CO~- ~E~SI~ ZONINO RE~TIONS F~ ~ COA$TAL A~A P~INO DIS~I~ BY ~INO ~ION SUPPLE~NTA~ DIS~I~ ~O~TIONS~ 8E~ION 21, RS-~SIDE~IAL 8INGLE F~ILY$ SE~ION ~2.1, ~-1 DI$~ICT~ ~ECTION 22.11~ ~T-F~ILY DIS~ICT$ SE~ION 22. IV, ~-IB DIS~I~ SE~ION 23~ ~-2 F~ILY DIS~I~ SE~ION 25~ ~ ~SlD~IAL TOURIST DISTR~CT~ SECTION 27~ ~ FISHINO VIL- ~ ~SIDE~IAL DIS~I~ SE~ION 28, ~SD ~OBI~ HO~ SUBDIVISION DI$~I~$ 29 ~O~ RKNTAL PA~ SK~ION 32, ~O~SSIONAL CO~- ~RCIAL DIS~ICT~ 37~ A - ~ SE~ION 38~ E - ESTA~S VIDINO ~ E~CTI~ DA~. the ~oard of Coun~7 Co~issioners of Collier Coun~ Fl~o the Zon[n~ Regulations; ~0~ ~FORK, BE IT O~AI~D by the Board of County~ sstoners of Collier Cowry, Florida~ S~CTJON O~: The Zoala~ Ordinance 7~-30 hereby ~end A~end Section 8 of Ordinance 76-30 by adding a new Paragraph 30 which reads as 30. Private boat houses end docks. Individual or multiple private boat houses and docks includinE mooring pllinEs to serve the residents of a development, with or without boat hoists, on canal or waterway lots, not protrudinl more than five (~ feet~- into the canal or waterway, unless such canal or waterway hesl~ s width of one hundred (100) feet or more, in which c~e,the~ boat house or dock m~y protruds twenty (20) feet tnt~ such c~n~l or wate~ey. Additional lea~h beyond s~id 20' ~y'be~ requested and ,hall require public hearln~ by the ~C. ~tter~ public herrens of due public notice, the CAPC ely rec~end for either ~pprovsl or denial o~ any additional len~th~ ~c CAPC's reco~endstion shall be b~sed upon consideration ~the follovin8 fsc~ors~ The number of boat houses or docks to be located on the subject property in relation to the length of waterfront property'available for the location of the boat houses or docks. The water depth where the boat house or dock facility ia to be located and the distance to the location of the navisable channel. The nature and speed of water currents in the navipble channel. The land contour of the property on which the boat house or dock facility is to be located. The effect the boat house or dock facility will have on the safety of the user~ of the navigable channels and adjacent waters. 011 Prior to the approval o£ such boat hauls or dock £aellityl the ~oard shall publish a not/es of such matter of business in · new·paper of local circulation st least fifteen days prior to the date on which the petitioa will bo considered by the Board. There shall be a filing fee of 0100,00 for a petition to extend ·host house(s) or dock(a) beyond twenty (20) feet into a body of water. Ail docks, or mooring pilings, whichever protrudes the greater into the water, regardless of length, shall have reflectors four (&) inches minimum size installed st the outmost end, on Both side·. 2. Amend 8action 22,2,A (3) of Ordinance 76-30, (RS-Residential, Single Family) to read ss (3) Private Boat Nausea and Docks os per Section 8, Par·graph 30. 3. Amend Section 21,2,B (1) of Ordinance 76-30~ (RS-Reside·tis1 Single Family) by deleting (1) in its entirety and re·umbering the follow- ing subparagraph· accordingly. &. Amend Section 21,2,C, (1) or Ordinance 76-30, (Residential Single Family) by deletin~ (1) ss follows sad re·umbering following lube P·r·srsph· ·ccordzngly. (1) Non-comerci·l boat launching facilities. 5. Amend Section 22.1, 2, A, (2) of Ordinance 76-30 (RFI-1 District) to read a· follows, end renumber £ollowing subparagraph· accordingly. (2) Private boat houses and docks as per Section S, par·graph 30. 6. Amend Section 22.1t 2, B, (3) of OrdinlnCO 76-20, (RI~-I District) to read ·s follows: 10. II. 12. 13. (3) Non-commercial boat launching facilities. Amend Section 22.1, 2, B, (&) of Ordinance 76030, (RH-1 District) by deletin8 (I) in it· entirety. Amend Section 22.11, 2, A, (3) of Ordinance 76-30 (l~-lA District) to read (3) Private boat houses sfld docks ss per Section 8, paragraph 30. Amend Section 22.111, 3, B, (3) of Ordinance 76-30 (TDR-1 Transfer of Development Rights, Nulti-f·mlly District) to read a· follow~= (3) Non-commercial boat launc~ing facilities. Amend Section 22.111, 3, B, (&) of Ordinance 76-30 (TDR-1, Transfer of Development Right·, Multi-family District) by deleting (&) in it· entirety and substituting · new paragraph (3) which rends aa as follows: (3) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8, paragraph 30. Amend Section 22.IV, 2, A, (2) of Ordinance 76-30, (R~-IB District) to read =0 follow·: (2) Private boat house· end dock· as per Sect/on 8, paragraph 30. Amend Section 22.IV, 2, B, (3) of Ordinance 76-30 (m~-la District) to read as follows: (3) ~on-commercl·l boat launching facilities. Amend Section ii. IV, 2, S (&) of Ordinance 76-30, (RI'l-lB District) by deleting (4) in its entirety. 011 :aY7 Amend Section 23, 2, B, (4) o! 0rdinsnce 76-30, (RN-2 Residential ~ulti-fam~ly District) to read es followlf (4) Non-commercial boat launchins facilities. 15. Amend Section 23, 2, B, ($) of Ordinance 76-30, (P~-2 Residential Hulti-family District) by deletins ($) in its entirety end sub- stituting the £olloving wordlflS: Private boat hmzses and dncks sl p~r Seetfon Rs Parssraph 30. 36. Amend Section 25, 2, B (2) of Ordinance 76-20, (RT-Residentiel Tourist District) to read ss follovs~ (2) Non-con~ercial boat launching facilities. 17. Amend Section 25, 2. B ($) of Ordinance 76-30, (RT-Re.identtal Tourist District) by deletLns ($) in its entirety and substitutins the following wording: (5) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8, Paragraph 30. 18. Amend Section 27, 2, B, (2) of Ordinance 76-30, (FVR-Fishing Vii- lags Residential District) to read sa Private boat launching facilities and multiple dock/nd ar.aa, including those uses for charter business or party boats, when operated by the res/dents o£ the principal use subject to the requirements of Section S, paragraph 30. 19. Amend Section 28, 2, B, of Ordinance 76-30, (NHSD-Nobile Home Sub- division District) to read ss follows: Be Accessor~ Uses: Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with mobile home development, such as recreation facilities, administration buildings, service buildings, util- ities, and additions which compliment the mobile homes. (1) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8, paragraph 30. 20. Amend Section 29, 2, B o£ Ordinance 76-30, (NHRP-Hobile Home Rental Park) to read aa follows: Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with mobile home parks, including patios, recreation facilitiesj administration build- Legs, service buildings and utilities. (l) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8, paragraph 30. 21. Amend Section 32, 2, C o£ Ordinance 76-30, (PC Professional Comm- ercial District) by adding · subparagraph (4) which readl el fol- lows and renumbering the following subparagraphs accordingly: Private boat houses and docks for the exclusive use of the occupants and their guests in conjunction with Section 32, 2, C, (3), above; subject to the requirements o£ Section S, para- graph 30. 22. Amend Section 37, B, (4) of Ordinance 76-30, (A-Agricultural Dis- trict) by deleting (4) in its entirety and substitutin8 the lowing yarding: (4) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8, Parasraph 30. 23. Amend Section 38, 2, C of Ordinance 76-30, (E-Estates District) by adding · new (9) which reads as follower (9) Private boat houses and docks as per Section 8) Psrairaph 30. s~C?~O~ I~..~ Thi. Ordinance .hail become e££ec~ve upon receip~ of no~ce ~he~ has bean filed by the aecretary of 8~ate, , lg80. BOARD OF COtY6rI~ COHHIS$IOIfliR8 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REACAN, Clerk of CourCs in and for the TWentie%h. Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ~s a true original of~ ORDINANCE NO. 80-49 which was adopted by the Board of County Commiss~oners durin~ Regular Session June 3, 1980. WIT~SS my hand and ~he official seal of the Board of Coun~ Co~issioners of Collier County, Florida, th~s 3rd day of June, 1980. ~LL~ J. ~CAN Clerk of Cour=s and Clerk Ex-offic~o ~o Board of County Co~ss~oners This o~tnance filed wtth the Secretary of State's Off~ce the 6th day of ~une, [980 and acknow~edg~nt of that ft~tng recetved this 9th day of ~une, 1980. NJS/ke/46-O Plannin~ Department 6/~/80