Resolution 1984-021 aD OK 080 PAr.t 131 .nd l~;;,,\(:"f.'~l:~,,:t_.. .,.".. 1" f-, .', :.~,.t'" ,.. ' February 7, RESOLUTION 84-~1 j~U.',~ RELATING TOPtTITION NO. PU-83-23C FOR PROVISIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA. WHEREAS. the Legisl.ture o~~~e St.te of Florida 67-1246 and 125. Florid. Statutes. bAS conferred on all counUI.in~, Florida the power to establis~. coordinate and Inforce zoninl Ind .uc~' bu.in..s regulations as are necessary for the protection of WHEREAS. Tbe County pur.uant therlto ha. adoptld a Comprlhln.iv. Zonina Ordinance ..tabU.hinl r~aulation. for the lonina of parUculIl'JVj'~\: ;eoaraphic dhilion. of the cou!;. amona which 11 the guntin. of "';,,':,:,;'!, provilional UI.I; and WHEREAS, the Coaltal Area Plonnina Commio.10n. beina the duly appointld and constitutod plsnnina board for the area h.r.by afflct.d, ho. held a public hi' ring ofter noticl 8. in ..id rogulltion. mad. Ind pr~.td.d. and hu condd.red the IdvilabUit)' of Pro\'idonal U.. "j" in 8n A-2 Ion. for the prop.rty b.reinafter de.crib.d. and hat found II . matt.r of fact that lotisfactory provl.ion and 4rran~.m.nt bl. b.ln ..d. cone.minl ~ll applicabl. m.tter. required by Raid r.gulation. and in accordanc. with S.ction 13 - Id of the Zon1na R.gulation. for tbe COI.t.l Ar.a Pl.nnin; CORmlllio~a and WHEREAS. all int.r..t.d partil. hlVI been liv.n opportunity to b. hlard by thi. Board in public ...tinl a....bl.d and thl 10lrd b.viDl con.id.r.d all ~tt.ra pr...ntld. NOW. THEREFORE DE IT RESOLVED. by the Doard of ZONINC APPEALS Colli.r County. Florida that thl p.tition of The Coaauaity School Napl... Iac..with rl.p.ct to tb. proplrty h.rI1D1fter dl.crfb.d .. (SIB ATTACHED) ;'ifIl",'" '" .....f,\ . ATTEST~' / WILL~ ~O^N' C '\ " " '. ;; . ,j.' " '" ." ,'" ,,: ,.... I . ~--t.. ~C. '" - ,,' , .... '. -.,;.' . I ~ / ' ,,' ;'::'1 >~"'" '.;" 'p VED AS TO FORM AND LECAL SUFFICIENCY' :: f I>".~';.:" . ::',~ 1:-j, a ~ ...., " .: ~ '. u' ": ~--, :,~ ( L/ 4~ ~ . _ _ A :' '. ,I' ....:\ \')" /:: ~(. I~ .'. ", '. J ,'... . COI1NT't ATTORNEY 'f", "I ,'.., . ",.' ., \ ~,'J" ; 1\'\ ,\ \ ;~. ...'~ \(1. ~," ~f, 1.'\' 0' f ~': J'.f' ~. (! ~f . ' if -' the A-2 zoning district condition.: DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tbat of thll Board. COlDlliuiontr Pistor. offered and moved it. adoption. .ocond.d by Commi..10ner and upon roll call, the vott wa'l AYES: Commissioners Pistor, Voss, Kruse and Brown NAYS: None ABSENT AND NOT VOTINC: CC1mmissioner Holland ABSTENTIO~: None Done thh 7 th day ot February BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA , , ,,:,~)~i ,;,\,~ ~\}';:';"~'" h.';'.~ -" ",I , .' ,~,l CAPe P.U. Re.olution February 7, 1984 080 rA',t 133 t' .... HOLE. MONTES AND ASSOC.. INC. CONSULTING WGISEERS - LAND SURVEYOR:; . \ File No. 183.08 11/17/33 PlI.RCEL # 1 & # 2 Legal de~criptio~ of ~ parcel of land locat~d in Section 12, Township ~9 South, Ra~9c 25 Eu~t, Collier County, Florida, being more partic~l~rly dcscrib~d a~ follows: Co~encc at thc southeant corner of Section 12, Township 49 South, Rangc 2~) East, Collier County, Florida. Run thence t:orth 89032'07" h'c::;t ulong the south line of said Section 12, 1385.92 feet to the intersection witr. the we~t line of the Southc~~t 1/~ o[ the Southeast 1/~ of said Section 12; thence North 00005'5)" Wc~t along said we::;t line 75.00 feet to a peint on the north ri(.;ht-of-;..r,v/ line of St.1te noad 5- 896. '$.1id pOlnt abo b()inc; the PO:::T or DEGI:,::WG. Thence ccntinuc ;Jorth 00005' 53" ;';est .110.19 the .....C:~t line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southea~t l/~, l245.~C feet to the I I I j I I I I j , I intersection with the ~orth line 1)[ the Southe~st 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Scction 12: thence South 8~oJJ'10" E.13t along said no~th line 690.65 feet to th~ intersection with the enst line of the Northwe3t 1/4 of the S0utheast 1/4 of the Southcn~t 1/4 o! $~c~icn 12: thence Scu:h 00011'54" East along said enst line 660.24 feet to the irtersection with the south line of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 12: thence North 89032'39" \ \ . EXHIBIT "A" cons is ~ i.~.r.:...~ ~~?ur !,sRes rc"",~~ t:::} ,..,..J February 7, 1984 ,r .., Page 2 Parcels 1 & 2 HOLE. MONTE:::; AND AS~OC.. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - LAND :;VAVCYORS . '. West, along said south line 591.30 feet; thunce South 00005'53" East parallel and 100.00 feat ~~ster1y of the west line of the Southa.'lst 1/4 of the Sot:thr:!ust 1/ 4 o~ Saction 12, TO~'lTu:hip 49 South, Ra~gc 25 E~st, Collier County, Florida, 585.14 f~et to a poi~t on the north right-of-way line of State Road 5-2';6. Tl'>::no:p. :Jo::-th 8l)o32'07" \'lc"t ul<:r.'j SClid north right- of-~ay lin~ 100.00 feet r~turning to the POINT Of BEGINNING. Co~ta:n:ng 11.H2 ~crc5, ~orc or less. \ . _. . . .. ..... .. . ._~..._.- If] .. ~ .~ I!~ i!fl .. 1.,' (~:';. '.' ~J February 7, ,\0 . -:. 't ~" ....~.l 1984 .;;;'t;;~, ~;l.';' '.0'''' &ODK 080 PA';~ 135 ~~ . . L. ................... ",. -..--- - )' F:U~ ~lu. 183.08 .... H 0 L E. M 0 N T E 5 AND A S ~~ 0 C; ., I ;'.1 C . CONSULTING ENGINEERS - L,'.ND r.U;:;'/l;YOFiS ll/lilS3 PARC:L ~3 L~gt.l de3;;r:?t~on 0: ;; :-'3rc.~1 of land loc':ltcd ,L:1 .:;c:::~icn 12, TO'..'1I:ir.lp ~C) s('.~':~., P';3:IS,: 2~; :',:;t, Ccllii:;r Cc:mty, Flo=id<!., being more p~~:i~u!~=:~ ctc~cri~~i ~D fGllow~: C,m."oncc at the :;o\;~ht~.:,:,':. cor....eT cf ::,r;:c:.:.iG:1 12, Tc.....;~zhip 49 South, Et:~.(;(' 25 EllZt, Cclbcr Cc.'J;.tj', FlcricJ3. R'.ln ttl~nc(! :\r;r~~ OQ\"17'S:"" 'I:..::~.t ;:.lc.:."~~j t,r....! t,;:.l!:t. lir,(! of !;aJ..~ Sec:.iC'n 12, 1!61.08 ::ee~ to ':.~le i:;t.\::.~;~..~ti.o:, .~.~t;-. t:-.c :il'):".~:l line of the 5ou~h 1/;! of UH~ :;c,:-thC,l~t 1/~ of the: ~;r')uthr:''''s~ 1/4 of said Sc~~ic;-" l:!: tf',,_':--::"C :~c:":!', ?(1"~JI.;2I' h"(;St 010:1:; ~ai\.~ r,orth li:\~ 5~O. J,; fL"~'~ tr; t~(' ;IO::~':' c~~ rl:I:::::::;:,;c. 1i.c:',::.:! co;;,tinu~ NCrt.h 890.\3'.:.:" ~'t.~t ,-.It:1'j ~:','! r,:J:"t~) 1::lc of t~j~ So-.;th 1/2 oft ~ t' N (~ :- t. ~; (I ,"1 ~y t 1 .. . .. (;f ~hc: ~_~.;)~t~('u!3~ 2:, 8 . 9 5 f (' {! t; 1,' 4 I to the inte:-:.(,,:tion ....'ilh t:~,) ....cr.t, l:r.I~ of :.hc t;:J:'~:l~~st 1/4 o~ the South.'.1~;t 11,; of !j.:li ~ ;'~Cll:"'''' ~::: ~')I:!i\C(' S::;uth 00"05'53" E~s~ ~lonq ~31d ....cst ]in~ ~GG. 12 !0et !0 tho l:ltcrs~ction wi th the !lo~tl~ 1~n~ of t:1C S.:-rthc,1::;t ) " / .. of the Southo~st 1/4 of s~id Sectl~r. 12; thcnc0 Suuth 89'33'10" Eagt along S .1 ids cut. ~1 1 in e 13 5 1. J 0 fee t; t r. (';-: : c :: c:- thO I) 0 1 7 . 5 5" We s t p.)ra:lel to <1r.ci 3C.:)0 fC'0t wc;;t,'::ly cf t~:c (L~::;l line o! Section 12; lCO.Ol fe~t; thcn~e North E)033'lO" Kast paral1al to nnd 100.00 feet northerly ~f the south line of the Northeast 1/4 of the Sou~heast l/~ o! S~c~ion l~, 4~0.01 !e~t; thence " L____ . _.__. _. _______ - .'."'" ..1 ~''''_..~ ~...,~ February 7, 1984 H 0 L E. MeN T I: 5 ^ N 0 ASS 0 C '. I :.: C , CONSULTING ENGlt,i;Ef\~ - L:,,:m SURV!:YORS Page 2 , \ P.1rcel 3 North 00017'55" Wast parallel to a~~ 510.00 feet westerly of the east li~3 of 3~C~1~~ 12, 560.33 !cot to a pcint on the north line of tr.<<.: Sou-~h J./~ of the No=t:lI~tJst 1/-\ of the Southeast 1/4 of ~>~~ti,;);~ 1~, :'ch,uhip 49 5o'.:~h, F:..lnge ~5 Edst, c.:011i~:: Cc..Urlt::. Fl:Jrid.:. Suid pc:.nt. also l::.~i;-jg the rS:~:7 tF n!::G~:':4I~h-;. The ::.::-.:~ cc:;c;.ci:J('(~ ~::-or:t~rty LIJ~:-j: S~j~~CC~ to a Florida Pcwt.'r (_1:~~, L. 'r.l_ ~:....:"';.~:l:,' t=:~:1~~Ji;.~.l--J:1 riC;r.~-c~-""'ai' described as fellows: 1h~ ~c~t 235.00 feet of the [aGe 510.00 foet cf th~ Southca~t I!: c~ S~c~i:n 12, ~owrlship 49 South, Range 25 E.lst, CGlller CG\;,.t.J., i"l()r~.l,". Con t.11:-, 1:-,:; :~.~9 ~crc~, ~orc or 10~!i. l . . ---...-- . . February 7, 1984 080 w.~ 137 AGREEMENT I, George Varnadoe, as owner or authorized agent for Petition PU-83-23C. agree to the following stipulations requested by the Coas~pl Area Planning Commission in their public hearing on: ~.v 1'1 ,'I g'1... . A. Petition shall submit detailed efte drainage plans to the County Engineer (or review. No construction permits shall be issued unl.s. and until approval of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is gront.d by the County Engineer. \ 1\. €ompl"tlulI ur iUlI'U';V"III"lIl.. l'''lllllLLt:d ulId"L R 81 20C tv tM B~f1H:-tioll l'( die {,;ouncy I'.ngll1,,~H. C. 111 L1,,,lL Ul~mo datul ;1l1y ~ (;; I~. ~ ('(lJJ...4 . \ ,\ \.,....... I"~"~ . " I' " " '...;> ,'. t) I." "; , . \~ I _'i '\.i. , : " " .., " () . .\. -.oJ l "1 ""t I '< ...' ,~' ',J 'l't""I..I~ ,{, :jl:-'\" . " SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE HE TIllS OF ~71(L~'lL:J-. ,1984. -cr (/ ~f:)-6I- DAY (k4',U n;U~ NOTARY , SEAL ~'I).'~y PI'.lIe STAT[ or rLO~IDA Mi II ''''I~,O'l DP"H "'r~" 1911 Ll.r,~I", tlloJ (,!t.IV.llrl~U'-ANC! UMl'J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: PU-83-23C Community Sehool J>. I ~(..h~ Jill ui-t1,'I-'~J A-d.-d: Tl.e J-h-~ C~~c-~. cJ.J~'l:' ~,- tVo../ I~.d CA.-J O-f>1'rc)v-<J. ~ ~(..~~ U-hL-~ ~ V'IS"etv-,,~: (. ~. ~.c.h ~ >< ~ 1t~-h cY'S +.. ~4., S'&..Ja!,v k-. ~~...~ ~~,..-l .4. Q.."-Cc.__~ -II> ,...~(. " -5f,.t..J. y,qU.~-"""--r".~ (l."uL C~o'S 5 S~c....{, ~ ~ a..,::l~ 4--a- -II..... Cf3VY\.~;~.'.;" ~~~I ~ -h...-.J ~6 c.trY\.'S.ho-vc-n.~ "~t .- r...".t.-1 ~ ~1Jtr.iii;l February 7, 1984 .....---.--...-..-...... .... .......-..-...---...-..-.......... - --..... . " ~) WATER MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA The following arc preliminary criteria which will be followed In the design and construction of the development. They are, at this time. general In nature, and detailed criteria and calculations will be furnished during the design phase of the project. 1. Predevelopment Runoff. The fol/owing criteria were used to estimate natural runoff from the site. Depth to GWT: Runoff length: Ground slope: 1 foot 0.3 mile 1 foot per mile Using the sheet flow runoff method and SFWMD Permit Information Manual, Volume IV, (Figure 17 and 18), the 25-year discharge Is. q = 290 CFS/Sq. MI, and Q = 290 x 26.1/640 = 12 CFS. 2. Pervious and Impervlou~ Areas. Impervious Arca5: Buildings Parking. P(w<:mcnl Tennis Courls Utility 6.B/26.1 = 26% of 135,000 S. F. 118,000 43,000 2,000 298.000 S.F. = site 6.8 Acres Lake ArcuS (inell/dlng cypress): 177.00n S.F. a 4.1 Acres 1j.1126.1 = 16\ofslte Pervious Arei'ls: 26.1 - 6.8" 4.1 I: 15.2 Acres 15.2/26.1.' S8%ofslte 3. Soli Slorage . Average open space elevation: +11. 5' NGVD High GWT elevation: +9.5' NGVD Depth to GWT: 11.5 - 9.5 . 2.0' From SFWMD - PIM. Vol. IV, FIg. 32. soli storage I., S = 2.0". Scorr I: 2.0 x 58\ I: 1.2". and eN I: 1000/11.2 '" 89 a~ February 7, 1984 --' "'---,...-.-... -.....--....-.....- ... ...---------...---... oao.PA~t 139 , '" q. Retention Lakes: 4.1 Acres ~ Elev. +12' Swales: Invert ~ +10'.5',1.4 Acres Open Space: 0 Acres @ '+11', 15.2 Stage-Storage: @ Elev. +12' Acres @ +13' Elev., ft. NCVD +9.5 control 10 11 12 13 Storage, A-ft. Lakes Swales o 0 1. 6 0 5.1 0.1 9.0 1.0 n.2 1. 0 5. Water control structure (3) V-notch weIrs Invert StilgC Discharge: Elcv., ft. NCVD ~9. ~ control 10 11 12 13 Dlr.chllrgc, CFS o 0.2 3.4 12.2 28.2 +9.5', 200 openIng 6. Design storm 25-~/r.: lOa-yr. : 8.GII x 1.359 = 11.69" (3-dllY) 10.811 x 1.359 = 14.6811 (3-dllY) 7. Results of Milss Routing Maximum Storm Frc~ Dlschnr~CFS 2S-yr. 10 100-yr. 13 Open Space o o o 3.8 15.2 MnxJmurn Stane. ft. NGVD +11.8 +12.1 8. Elevation Criteria Control: Open 'pace: Pavement: Flnlsht'd Floor: +9.5' NGVD +10.5' to +12.0' +11.51 to +12.0' +12.5' <<. t . Total o 1.6 5.2 13.8 29.5 . .