Ordinance 80-045 OROIN/~CE HO. R0~65 AN ORDINANCE CREAT]NG THE RETREAT UNXT ~1£ STREET ~UN]CIPAL SERVICE TAX[N& DISTRICT[ PROVID]N& THE BOUNDARIES OF Tile DISTR~CTt DESISNATIN& THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE O[STR[CT~ AUTHORIZIN$ A TAX LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAWt PROVXD[H&~OR CONSTRLI~[ON AND AN EFFECT]VE DATE ~ BE ET ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CC~I[SS[ONERS OF ~)~R COUrt, _~aLORIDA; SECTION ONE: Pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Florida Statut~e Reti~_at[~ntt One Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Oistrtct ts her~eated~or the purpose of providing ltghttng to the residents of the dtstrt . This district shall be deemed a municipal service taxing or benefit unit as the same ere delineated by SecL~on 125.01 (q), Florida Statutes. S£CTION T~/O: The d~strtct ts described as follows: The Retreat Unit One Subdivision as recorded ~n Plat Book 12, Page 100 thru 102 Inclusive, of the Public Records of Collter County, Florida SECTION THREE: The governing body of the District shall be ex-officio the Board of County Co,missioners of Collier County! Florida. SECTION FOUR: The District ts formed for the purpose of providing street lighting in the above described subdivision and to that end shall possess all the powers to do all things reasonably necessary to provide such services, Including ownership or rental of property, poles, ~tres, conduits, lights, eaters, and the power to maintain the same and to enter into contracts for providing the same and the electric current to operate any ltghttng system therein Installed. SECTION FIVE: For the purpose of carrying Into effect this ordinance, the Ooard of County Cemmtssioners shall annually, at the time required by general budgetary law, make an itemized estimate of the amount of money required to carry out the business of the District for the next fiscal ~ear.~htch shall be fr~Octc~rt 1 to and Including September 30 following. The estimate shall have the monies are required and the amount necessary to be raised by ta~tlo~th~'the district. At the ttme and place for fixing the annual rate of tax,ton purposes, the Board shall fix and cause to be levted on all proper~wtti~the district subject to taxation a etllage sufficient tome et the requirements of the estimate; provided, however, the total millage shall not exceed the millage authorized b~ la~ for municipal service taxtng or benefit units. SECTI~ SlX: Taxes herein provided for shall be assessed and collected tn the Rame manne~ and f~rm aR p~v~ded for the assessment and collection of general county taxes and sub~ect to the same fees for assessing and collecting as general county taxes. SECTION S£YEN: Thts ordinance shall be liberally constFued to effectuate publtc purpose. If any portion, phrase or word of this Ordinance is held invalid or uncon- stitutlorm~, the remaining parts shall not be affected. SECTION EIGHT: This ordinance sha~l become effective as provided by law, ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 13th day of May ,~,, ..... : : ,',,'~'.~ <~'" ."ATTEST: .~ :' WILLIAM 'O.t~EA(~, ':t ',' ' ' . , ~. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ,19BO. BOARD OF COUNTY CO/.~ISSIOflERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA CLI~F~/ORD WE/tZEL, CHAIRMAN COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth J'~dictal Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 80-45 which was adopted by the Board of County Commimmionera during Regular Session May 13, 1980. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. thi. 14th day of May, 1980. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to County C~i m~'i~erM.".,'j' · .."~/~ '~:". ~..~ ,... Thie ordinance filed wi~h ~he Secretary of S~a~e'$ O~fice acknowledgemen~ of ~hat filing re~..'., . ..... 20~h da2 of May, 1980 and .,~. , ,, ceived thie 23rd dam of May, 1980. 0 ~,l " Dep~