Ordinance 81-98 u'- · ~ ~ ,I. g.r'.ACAN "', ' '- i ,v"';',', FLORIDA ordINANCE 81L98 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30 AND ORDINANCE 81-25 BY AMENDING THE POINT MARCO PUD TO ALL~{ FOR EITHER HOTEL OR RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN BUILDING. AREA THREE {3) AND TO PROVIDE FOR A TWENTY (20) FOOT BEACH ACCESS ON TIIE NORTIIERN PORTION OF THE PROPERTY; SAID IUD BE~t~G LOCATED ON THE EXTREME SOUTH- %~STE;AN PORTION OF I&ARCO ISLAND AND LOCA2'ED IN SECTIONS 19 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 52 fiOUTH~ RANGE 26 EAST; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~EREAS, Mr. James Vensel has petitioned the Board of County Commissioners 'to change the Planned Unit Develupme6t Document for the Point Marco Property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of'Collier County, Florida: SEC~!ON ONE: The Point Marco PUD Document approved 2or property located in Sections 19 & 20, Township 52 South, Range 26 E~&t is hereby amended to'read in accordance with the PUD Document at%e. ched hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated hereiu and by reference made a part hereof. SECT/ON TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE: December 22, 19~1 Th~$ '~r_d.~ance ft't, e6 ~tt.h the Secretary of St. at.e s~0¢~t~; ~he 29~h day o~ Decenbe~-, 1981 and ackno~iedgeaentoof t.l~t. ftitng received t. hts 4t.h day BY: ~ .c~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Microfilmer.', Memo': ~,.The ,,legi~[iityJ of,,~,~}/:i., . , .,, printing on this page wal unsatisfaCtory:y ~ ,~,~.for microfilm reproduction when received.~ ~ POINT MARCO RESORT ~IOTEL COHPLEX PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUHENT IU~VISKD DISTitZCT ZONE: P~XD Oct. 12, 1981 PE~ITTED USES: Hotel and apartment complex inctudln$ on-site recr~atlon facilities, docks, restaurants, nlte clubs, convention [aciIitles, and necessary administrative and support funcllons to provide for the e[fuctive operaLlo,t o[ thc Cnml, lU~. Structures necessary to control and administer the operation o[ the recreation facil[tics, docks, end elevated park[ns structures - signs a~ per,,ittud by the County Zon[n8 Ordinance. F. AXIHU~ PROJECT DENSITY: I Gross development s[t'a density [76 Resldentla[ Apt. + 725 Hots! &'Ap}. Hotel Units 29.984 Acres - 30.05 U/Ac. Resldunt[at apart~ehts are permitted as an optional use o~ Buitd[ng Area 3. When residential apartment units are constructed on Buildins Area 3 the remain[ns allowable number of hotel units wit[ be reduced by [-l/2 units for each residential apartment unit constructed. Apartmun.. [tutu[ u.[ts cu,i~Lcucte,I on Buitd[n~ Areas 2 and ~ may be made available for daily rentals and may he constructed without !imitation on cook[ns tacit[ties. Total' un[ts not to excuud 90l - ~:~x[mum L[ Suildins Area 3 is used for hole[ units. Density Distribution: Suildins Area l ................ 88 Resi4~nt[at Apartment Units 8uitd[nS Area 2 ................ !32 Apartment Uetet Un[ts ~ui[d[ns Area 3 ................ &~8 qote! Un[ts* Buildins Area & ................ t65 Apartment lie[el Un[ts Bu[ld[ns Area 5 ...... ~ ......... 88 Residential Apartment Units ~!' Units ~axim,m DEVELOPKENT *Optional use for residential apartments atlo~ed - See Above. STANDARDS: See Planned Un[t ~evelopment Hasler Plan for setback ln~ormatlon. Primary Rulld[nRs are those structures c,,nta[ni,~8 4~ellins units. Secondary B,~ildtn::~ are those str,~cture.~ conta[nin~ pnrk[n~ and other accessory EXHIBIT ~A" -I- CONTAINING ~ PAGES HINIKUH BUILDING SETBACK FROM STREET:. Primary BuLldinge 175' Secondary Buildings 50' Entrance Securit~ BulldLng 15' MINIMUM SETBACK FROM SITE BOUNDARIES: Adjacent RT zoned proper~y Primary Building Secondary Building 75' 50' Adjacent to Existing Seawall Primary Building Secondary Building 75' 50' Adjacent to Beach No construct[o,~ .~eawnrr[ o~ the Coastal Construct[on qethnck Line. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGIIT: Primary Building ~r~a: t, 3 and 5 15 Stories* 2 and 4 tO Stories* Secondary' Building Areas: Four ~tory* Recreation - Open Space: One Story *Above r~quired Flood Plane Elevation MINIMUM DWELLING UNIT FLOOR AREA: Apartment s Hotel Units 750 Sq. Ft. 400 Sq. Ft. MINIMUM BUILDINC SEPAraTION: .Primary Buildings 50 Ft. Primary Buildings to SeCondary Buildings and between Secondat) Buildings - None. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PA~ING AREAS: Each Resldent[al Apartmunt Un[t Hotel and Apartmen[ Hotel Units 1-1/2 Spaces for each o~ the first 100 units, I space lot each unit in excess thereof. 2 Spaces Other perm[tied uses such aa restaurmlta~ lounges, nj§hr clubs~ theatersj marinas and recruatlona[ facliities are intended for the usa of registered guests and shall require o~ the parking spaces requires by tho Roning Ordinance, Convention meeting rooms ~hatt require IOZ of the park~n~ spaces required by the Zontn~ Ordinance. ~[nimum size of of[street pnrktn8 spncu~ nhat~ be 9 feet x 18 feet. RECREATION OPEN SPACE -'BEACH - DOCKS: Naximum Eu[Idtng Height ................. One Story Ntnlmum separation of b,.itdtns from Primary or Secondary 13eliding ......... 35 Ft. Beach - No 'structures alloued seavard of the Coastal Setback except shade structures (ch[kees) only after approval of tile nppr,~- priate regulatory agencies including Collier County. Public Brach Access - A 20 foot wide strip along the north property Line is all cared fac r~btic b,~ch access. This strip must he ed to the public for beach accu.~ uso prior to building permits being issued for construct[on on Buitding Area Site Docks - The length of the docks from the property line shall be l[m[t- ed to 30 feet. Cuest docks not to be used for overnight acco~oda- lions. No gas or other fuel sales to the public [s permitted. P'_ASTER PLAN: The approved Point Narco R,~,trt Co,nptex PUD HasLer Plan shall be the troll, ins docu=unt for tile development of the pro~ect, The pro]u~L wilt b,~ developed in increments and each incr,~,ncnt shall be developed in anco vith the PUD Hasler Plafl. The proj,~ct will have a security entra~cu and a single traffic connection to Collier ~oulevard. The general public ~i[[ continue'to have traditional uso nE the beach and development of th[~ pro,ecl shall not reduce or'impede that right. Public beach access provided along that north property llne of the project. The docks proposed are intended for Lhu temporary use plax guests. Periodic use by charter fishLng boats to serve guests of the hotel [s permitted. Docking facilit[es for shuttle boats to transport hotel guest-, to the primitive b~ach to the south for brief daytime outing~ is permitted. STREETS: INTERNAL INI~ROVEHENTS: Internal streets vithin th,~ project wi!l be designed to specifically pro- vide access to the various primary buildings and the parking No general public use of thoro streets ~[ll be alto~ed due to the l[mit,:,l aouLewrd. ~o maLnLen~nce vLlL bu r~q~tnd~ud 4)r ruquLred o~ Lhu Courtly ~,)r ~l~e sCreut~ or any of Lhe EAc{ILttes on the ,Lea nor vLtL ~he s~reu~, be dedtc~tud to the pubt{c. Direct road access shal! be provided for fire and other emerge:ney vuh[cte~ to all buildlngs [nchld[ng the Reach Club Restaurant anti gtle~L ,Iock~. EXTERNAL IHPROV£HE, NTS: Ce A southbound right-turn lane and northbo~md l,~ft-turn lane shall provided ~t the resort entrance. The dus/~n of the~e I~nus~ includlng length~ shall be ~ubmltted to and approved by the CounCy Engineer. A traffic signal shall be installed at the resort entrance '.~hun d~emed ~arranted ~y the County Engineer. The signal shall then bu o~nud! operated and ma[nta[ned by Collier Co~mty. $[~eualks shall be provided along the entLre Length of the properly fronting on Colller 8oulevard. The developer shall landscape and ,na[ntain the ,ned[an strip oE CoIli,!r boulevard along the length oE his property. A 20 foot ~ide strip is provided sion8 the north property tine for public beach acc,:~.~. This strip shall be deed,:d to the public prior Lo build[rig perm[ts bu[n8 issocd for BuLtdln8 Area FIIL~ PROTECTION: A minimum oF .~,:ven (7) fire hydrants shat[ bu instntte,I in the complex. SUBDZVZSZON REGULATZONS: This trnct will b,: d,:vel,)ped ~ith privatu [ntt;rna[ .truer., recreation faci[[t[..,.~! nnd vehicular parking atr~ct~lre~. E.~ch [ncre,nent o~ the project ~[t[ be developed in accordance with Duildlng Rugulatlnn~ and th.u fitorm ~ntur Hanngumunt Plan recited [n th[~ document. ~e =itu viii not be subd[vidud undur Rubd{v[~[on Regulations. No obstruction t,) the traditional ~b[[c uae of the beach by any activity on this -4- DEV~LOPHENT COI~TI~NTS: It is [ntond,:d ti[at the entire project be operated primarily as · taler[ hotel complex with hotel units and apartmvnt huts[ un,ts ava{labia tradi~{onal hotel use. ~ apartment hotel units (Att,~ 2 and ~) may be n~nud by [ndividual~ [hal contract vith the hotel ~nr Ilt~ u~,t nE th~[t fa~[t[[[ea in con~unct[nn v[th lite hotel operation. Opt[one[ re,leon[let apartment use o[ Area 3 is allowed. Rug/dental apartment owners (Situs I and 5) v[l[ have usu of the recreat[on and open space areas in co,moon ~[th the hotel ~uem~. ~e managur~ of the complex u[t[ be respons[btu for the operat[on~ ma{ntunance and manage~,~nt oE att of the co~on open space fncit[t[,~ and recreational act[v[t[e~. ~n ,~Cry scour[fy gate ~[[[ be ut[t[~ed 2~ hour~ a day to control entrance to Llt~ deve[o~ent. STO~q ~ATER HANAGEI'{ENT PLAN: ~estgn Criteria [. The vater.,nanagement system will store the [/rat inch oE runoff. 2. The post development runo~E discharge will not exceed the · pr~development rate during a ] d~y duration 25 year return 3. All o[£-~ite discharges will be routed late the ~arco Un{t swale drainage ~ystem nt ,~ I~sser rate than the origlt~;tl ~e~[gn flo~. Design D~;scr {pt Point Narco will meet ali State and County ~ater quat[ty and quantity Criteri~ by'the use of rock percolation dra[n~ and open area storage. O~[-s[te discharges wit! be routed to the exlstin8 ~arco s~ate drainage system on South Collier Boulevard at · rate less than the 'predeveIopment conditinn. POTABLE VATER SUPPLY AND ~ASTK ~ATER COLLECT[ON: This project is [n the ~ranchise area of Harco l~tan,I Utit[t[e~. This utility company has guaranteed sufEicient s~rvicu lot potable ,Ir[n~ing water and waste water collect[on for this site at [ta tole[ ,tevelop~d density. -5= 1 ! ir I m STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) ~YII. LIA},I .I. Cl.~f:K n.? .,.,I t,l:.,q CO{IIFFY. FLORIDA I, WILLIAM j. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a truu original of~ $ ORDINANCE NO. 81-98 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during · ~ogular Session D~ccmber 22, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida.,. this 22nd day of December, 1981. WILLIAM $. REAGAN ~.lerk of Courts and Clerk EX-officio to Board of · County Commissioners ./ · ,~,,, ~ ~. ~. ~%,,..__ By.. ,~--~--~.-,...--~-.~z~z>'. ,.... c · Virgzni~Hagri, Dep.u~t~..lerk . , ~ ..