Ordinance 81-91 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, TI~ COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT B~ AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-1 BY CHANGING T~E ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEFd~IN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM 'A' AGRI- t~JLT~RK TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FCi~60~'.}~L~IFAMILY D~LLING UNITS~ PART OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 5D SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST! $~D RY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W~EREAS, Barnett Rank, Trustee, petitioned the Board o£ County Commissioners to chang~ the Zoning Classification of bhe herein describ~d real property; NOW, T~[EREFOR~ RE IT ORDAINED by the Board'of County Commissioners of Collier Count~, Florida~ SECTION ONE: The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property located in Section 1, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Col.~.ler County, Florida is changed from "A" Agriculture to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in accordance with the PUD Document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made a part hereof. The Official Zoning Atlas Map ~umber 50-25-1, as described ~n Ordinance 76-30, is hereby amended accoz~ingly. · WILLI~I,I J. I1EAOAN SECTION T~O~ Thil Ordinance Ihall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATEs December 22, 198~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER .). BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ' I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clcz'k of Courts in.and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do her~,by certify that the foregoing ia a true original of~ .. ORDINANCE NO. 81-91 '"~ which was adopted by tho Board of Counby Commissioners durin= Regular Session December 22, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official sea] ~f"th~ Board of CoUnty Commissioners of Collier County,' Flo~id.~, this ~hd day of · D~gember, 1981.:' ' WILLIAM J. REAGAN Cler~ of Courts and Clerk Thts ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Offt~'~.'"~":. ' the 29th day of December, 1982 and acknowledgement of that' '"" '::' filing received this 4th day of ~anuary, 1982, ..,. SUMERWOOD A' PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 1'4.97+ ACRES PREPARED WILSON~ MILLER, BARTON, SOLL & PEEK, INC. 1383 AIRPORT ROAD NORTX NAPLES, FLORIDA 33942 · PROJECT NO. 19195 DECEMBER, 1981 STATE OF. COMPLIANCE SECTION Z PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ~ECTION III ' DEVEhOPMENT COMMITTMENTS 2-3 4-5 .6-8 'b STAT£MENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of 14.97(+) areas of property Ln S~ction 1, Township 50 South, Range TS East, Collier County, Planned Unit Development will comply with the planning and development goals and objectives of Collier County. These objectives ars set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, which .~. includes growth policies and an official land use guide for directing land development activities as adopted by the Board County Commissioners on May 8, 1979. The .Sumerwood Planned Unit Development will comply with the planning and objectives for the following reasonsl 1) The propose land use is consistent with'the ~omprehensive Plan Land Use Guide and compatible with the s~rroundlng uses. ,2) A complete range bf urban services and facilities shall be provided to all units of the project. The project rates the necessary points to determine availability of adequate community facilities and s~£vicee and therefore not leap frog growth.or development. $) The project ~hall comply with. the applicable zoning and all oth~= County and State laws regulating t~e development of the property. 4) The cjustering of residential unite and mote common open space provides flexibility in design and shall improve the living environment of the development, , 5) The project will be served by a complete range of County approved.utilities. The development of the property shall result in a natural and efficient extension of community support services and facilities, SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & DESCRIPTION 1.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownerskip, of the property and to desqribe the existing conditions of the property propose to be develop. 1.2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION The s~bJect property being 14.97 acres, is described as followst The northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 1, Townzhip 50 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; Except therefrom the North 50.00 feet for S-858 Road Rlght-of-W,y, and the northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of 'the northeast 1/4 of said ~ection 1, and all that part lying west of the east line of Coconut Creek Unit No. 3 according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 3, page 48, Collier County Public Records, Collier County, Florida~ being a part of Section 1, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; sgb~ect to easements and restrictions of record. 1.3. PROPERTY OWNERSHIPt Title to the property is currently held by ~arnett Bank, Tru~tQe ~50-1011, 796 5th Avenue South, Naples, Florida 33940. 1.4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ARE%~ A. The project site contains 14.97(+) acres and is located in part of the northeast-I/4 of the northeast I/4 of Section 1, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, which is approximately 3/4 mile east of Airport Road and situated on the south side of Radio Road. The western boundary is bordered by Block "G" of Coconut Creek Unit 3 Subdivision. To the east is the Foxfire Planned Unit Development and to the south is Buckeye Estates Subdivision. The major portion of the north property line is bordered by the Cablevision station. P~ge 2 B, Prior to the adoption of this document, the property was :oned *A# Agriculture. The property is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density Residential Land Use (0-6.22 units per gross acre), and is located within the Collier County Water-Sewer District and Collier County Water Management District NO. 6. The property lies within the natural drainage basin of Rock Creek. The natural drainage of the site is in a general south-western direction to the southern border where an existing drainage ditch carries over land flow into the head waters of Rock Creek. Rock Creek dischsrges into the Gordon River and Naples Bay at s point just north of U.S, Highway 41 and southwest of the Naplss Airport. Water Management for the proposed project is planned to be of the lake retention type. The existing drainage ditch, bisecting the propert~ into east and west sectors, shall be re-located along the north end east property line with ultimate intersection with the existing south drainage ditch. Elevations. within the project site range from ?.~ to 9.4 feet above mean sea level. Most of the area falls within the range of 8.0 to 9.0 feet of elevation. The soil types of the property include Charlotte fine sand, Arzell fine sand, and Browsrd fine sand. Soil characteristics ars derived from the Soil Survey of Collier County, Florida issued by th~ U.S. Department of Agriculture in Nsreh, ]954. l~age 3 'b .SECTION ! I PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and generally. describe the project.plan of development, the respective land uses included in the project, as well as the project criteria. 2.2. GENERAL Regulations for development shall be in accordance with the contents of this document, PUD-Planned Unit Development District and.other applicable sections and parts of the "Collier County Zoning Ordinance". The general plan of development is for a multi-family residential community. 2.3. PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES NO building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following~ A) Permitted Principal Uses and Structures. (]] Multi-family dwmllings. (2) Water Man%gement facilities and lakes. (3) On-site Sewage Treatment facilities. B) Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures. . (1) Customary accessory uses and structures. (2)' Signs (3) Recreational Facilities (4) Model units shall be permitted in conjunction with the promotion of the development. The model units shall be converted to residences at the end of a two year period unless otherwise specifically approved by the County. 2.4. MAXIMUM DENSITY Sixty (60) Multi-family dwelling units Page 4 2.5. MINIMUM YARD REgUIREMENT TO be measured from outside boundary lines of property, a minimum of thirty (30) feet plus one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of building height over thirty (30) feet. A minimum of thirty (30) feet plus one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of building height over thirty (30) feet shall be maintained between the edge of all private road pavements an~ any building. 2.6. DISTANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURES The distance between any t'wo (2) principal structures on the same parcel shall be fifteen (15) feet or a distance equal to one-half (1/2) the sum of their heights, whichever is the greater.. 2.7. MINIMUM FLOOR ARE~ OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES 900 square feet for each dwelling unit .. 2.8. MAXIMUM }{EIGHT OF STRUCTURES Two (2) stories above the finish grade of the lot. In order to comply 9ith the minimum flood elevation requirements, the maximum height of a structure shall be measured from the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Elevation Ordinance. 2.9. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING Two (2) parking spaces per residential unit with a minimum '~f 1.5 parking spaces per unit paved and .5 parking spaces/unit reserved for paving at a time deemed to be appropriate by the County. 2.10. LIMITATION ON SIGNS As permitted by the zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permit. Page SECTION Ill DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 3.1. UTILITIES A. A central w~tcr supply system shall be made available to all areas of the project by the extension of the existing Collier County Water System, located along S.R. 858, Radio Road. The design and construction bf the potable water distribution system shall comply with all applicable regulations, including the construction and dedication of any required water maihs. All appropriate fees and charges shall be paid. The project shall be serve by an on-site central westewater collection system. Until such time tha~ the site is 6errs by Collier County's Water-Sewer District, the temporarily on-site system shall serve to provide wastewater treatment and disposal for the project. Project sponsor shall dedicate the collection lines to the County at the time when the regional system is made available. All applicable County ordinances relative to the dedications, lease back of the utility facilities shall be complied with. All applicable County ordinances relative tc water and sewer system development charges shall be complied with. E. All utilities shall be provided in accordance with all state and County regulations. Telephone, power and T.V. cable service shall be made available to all residential units. All such utility lines shall be installed underground. 3.2. WATER MANAGEMENT The Water Management system shall comply with the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County. The final water management system design shall be reviewed and approved by the County Engineer prior to commencement of development. Page 6 A® A sixty (60) foot wide drainage easement shall be dedicated to Collier County for the relocated drainage, canal. B. Drainage canal between Sumerwood and Rock Creek shall be up-graded to provide, for all design flows, 3.3. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Arrangements and sgreemente shell be with the approved solid waste disposal service to provide for solid waste collection service to all areas of the project. 3.4. FIRE PREVENTION/PROTECTION The project sponsor shall comply with all applicable fire codes and regulations. 3.5. TRAFFIC Access to the propose property shall be from Radio Road. All inte.'nal roads shall remain as private roadway. A. Left and right turn lanes shall be provided on Radio Road. B. Entrance drive shall be in alignment with the industrial park on the north side of Radio Road. Ce Developer shall pay his fair share of the capital costs of a traffic signal when deemed warranted by the 'County Engineer. The signal will be owned, operated and maintained by Collier County. P. A sidewalk shall be provided on one (1) side of the intersection with the loop road. 3.6. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Minor design changes in the approved preliminary master developmer;t plan issued by Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll& Peek, Inc., File No. RZ-60, shall be permitted, subject to the County Staff Administrative approval, in order to accommodate easements, final design features, and other construction and/or utility functions. Page 7 3.7. ~ECREATION~ OPEN SPACE & BUFFER AREAS A. The project sponBor agrees to provide a minimum of ' 0.33 acres within the boundary of Sumerwood for a neighborhood park. Additional acreage for recreational facility development may be needed by the future residents of this project. The land occugied by the sanitary treatment plant shall be used for private recreational facility development at the time. of and upon connection of the central collection system to ~ County or Municipal own regional system. B. A natural vegetation buffer area along the west property line shall be provlded as shown on the master development plan. A minimum width of approximately· eighty (80) feet shall be maintained at the northe~ part and a minimum width of approximately fifty (50) feet shall be maintained at the southern part of said buffer area. Page w i